As media lesson 1 intro -2014 [no clips]



Framwellgate School Durham - AS media lesson 1 - intro -2014

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Mr Earl


Learning Intentions

To understand how AS Media is structured

To understand requirements of practical coursework element of Media Studies

To apply understanding to analysis of media texts

Success Criteria

I will be clear about course content

I will offer some contribution to tasks set

I will probably contribute in reasonable detail offer considered responses

I may respond in detail and lead discussion/ analysis activities


What are “the media”?

Why study them?

The Course

Foundation Portfolio (50%)

Preliminary exercise (30s-1 min)

Titles/ Opening of new fiction film (2 mins max)

Research, planning and evaluation

Key Media Concepts (50%)

Textual Analysis and Representation (TV Drama)

Institutions and Audiences (Film Industry)

Ms King

The Expectations

100% attendance and punctuality

2/3 60 min weekly tasks, practical and written Complete all work to highest standards

Meet all deadlines

Prepare for lessons

Maintain your blog

Meet targets Fulfil/ transcend expectations

Contribute to lessons – work hard, share ideas

Behave professionally

Go the extra mile...

Analysis Task

How does this opening grab audience attention?

Music and sound effects


Mood and tone



Film intro (Trainspotting)

Music/ effects | Dialogue | Mood/ tone | Editing | Camera

Analysis Task

How did this opening grab audience attention?

Music and sound effects


Mood and tone



Assessment Objectives

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression [exam only]

Weight 30%

Assessment Objectives

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analysing media products and evaluating your own practical work.

Weight 30% [10% of Unit 2]

Assessment Objectives

AO3 Demonstrate the ability to plan and construct media products using appropriate technical and creativeskills.

Weight 30% [30% of Unit 2]

Assessment Objectives

AO4 Demonstrate the ability to undertakeand apply appropriate research

Weight 10% [10% of Unit 2]

AO Weightings

% of AS GCE Total


G321 Foundation Portfolioin Media

0 10 30 10 50

G322 Key Media Concepts(TV Drama)

30 20 0 0 50

• Consider Performance Descriptors• Explain how these might be

demonstrated in G321

Task – Opening a film

What is the best film opening you have ever seen?



What does AS Media involve?

How will we succeed?

What will you need to do?

What will you need to know?