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->An initiative to help college students for finding suitable internship and scholarship

Executive Summary • Shiksha Sarthi will be a start-up for providing various available

scholarships and internship opportunities with complete details, leveraging data science. It has got various tools available to help students to help them find better opportunities like comparator and predictor tools.

• This education accessory market has been largely ignored. Although there are some websites that provide the information about internships and scholarships, but these information are very vast and scattered.

• Shiksha Sarthi will be preparing database combining all the internships and scholarships available with complete details with helping tools that will assist candidate to choosing it.

• Shiksha Sarthi will form bridge between the scholarships & internships provider and the student, thus making the process simpler and faster. We will also assist students with writhing of the resume, purpose of statement.

Situation Analysis


Shiksha Sarthi will be entering its first year of operation. Its

products are unique; marketing will be the key to brand

development of brand and product awareness as well as

customer base. Shiksha Sarthi offers tools are

one of its kinds, which will serve a large education industry


• Shiksha Sarthi possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most prized customer. This information will be leveraged to better understand who is served, what is their specific needs are, and how Shiksha Sarthi can better communicate with them.

Target overview: With a projected India higher education market of 28.3 million that is growing steadily

• 100 thousand downloads in the 1st year of launch

• Connecting with students of almost top 100 colleges of India in 1st two quarters- through seminars and webinars

• Increasing reach- using different mobile based platforms, social media, print media


Target Market: Customers:->Higher Education sector Market Demographics Geographic: Shiksha Sarthi has no set geographic target area. By leveraging the expansive reach of the internet and various app stores on the various mobile platforms. Shiksha Sarthi can serve both domestic and international demands But our first priority will be to serve in domestic market, which has 28.3 million

Demographics: The number of students comprises of 15.87 million boys and 12.69 million girls.

Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher education in India is 20.4, which is calculated for 18‐23 years of age group. GER for male population is 21.6 and for females it is 18.9

About 79% students are enrolled in Undergraduate level programme. 84505 students are enrolled in Ph.D. that is less than 0.5% of the total student enrolment

Collaborators: Education consultants, NGOs, institutions

Competitors: Intershala, LinkedIn, Letsintern


1.Implementation of code reusability to save capital

2.Database development is a costly, but maintenance is

economical and it will pay off

3. Development of app and website is quite economical

TECHNOLOGICAL: 1. Will use multiple mobile platforms to reach the masses 2. Website will be developed with high loading speed 3. Innovative tools will be developed like comparator- to

compare internship or scholarship; intern predictor- that help you find most eligible internships


- Volunteering opportunity/ requirements by NGOs will also be

covered by us

• Product: Internships and Scholarships that are presently available with complete details with feedbacks

• Services: Internship/scholarship comparator, interns predictor, resume and SOP writing

• Brand: Shiksha Sarthi will be new comer in the market, but we have a lot of unique things to offer, which will help us to build the brand

PRICE: -1 month free subscription will be given, after that $0.6 will be charged for 1 year -The account holders will get concession on the fee charged by education consultant

Incentives -6 Months free subscription -Free help in resume writing and how to improve it

COLLABORATION: -Collaboration with NGOs, Institutions and education consultant will be done

COMMUNICATION: - Social media- Facebook &whatsapp groups of colleges

-Sessions and webinars at colleges

-print media- Education times, Newswire etc.

DISTRIBUTION: -Through various mobile platforms- android, ios, windows -Own Websites


Infrastructure: We will be online based company that doesn’t require much workspace PROCESSES:

Database creation


Launch Customer


Innovative tools and update


• First of all database will be created in the early phase before the launch of the company

• Then collaboration will be done

• App will be launched

• More innovative tools will be launched to improve customer engagement and for business development


1. Marketing Management by Phillips Kotler





1. Executive Summary

2. Situation analysis

3. Goal

4. Strategy

5. Tactics

6. Implementation

7. References

DISCLAIMER Created by Vaibhav, NSIT New Delhi, during marketing internship under the guidance of

Prof. Sameer Mathur