Media 5 how do you address the audience redone


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5. How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience?

By Jamie Tilsley

In our film opening, there are specific things that address our audience directly as the themes and characters in our film will be relate-able to our audience and effect the people watching. The people it will effect when watching will be the people we aimed the film at, similar to the person in task 4. The target audience of the film is teenage males and that is who the film will effect as we specifically targeted that audience in order to make the film more scary.

Take this clip for example. This scene is set in a location where it could be anywhere. You see places with common characteristics such as a path and similar trees. This addresses the audience by saying our film could be happening anywhere, making scarier as it can be a place near them. This will appeal to the audience too as if a scary film is seen as more relatable then it will be more scary, enticing the thrill seekers to watch the film.

The attire worn by the two characters is also addressing the audience as it is a very relatable set of costumes. These clothes could be worn by anyone and address the audience by making it clear that people in the film are realistic and the film could actually happen, attracting them to watch it as they find it relatable and more compelled to watch it.

The use of a phone makes the audience addressed as everybody in the audience will own a phone and know the situation the character is in as they will have obviously answered a phone before so it may make them scared.

Having a Male teenager as the protagonist in the opening of our film will attract our audience as our target market is the male teenage demographic. Seeing there is a male teenage protagonist will mean they are attracted as they find it relatable and will want to watch someone similar to them in a scary situation.