Microteaching classroom managment fix


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Agatha Elma Febiyaska (121214149)Evan Sanjaya (131214004)Inge Bertha Anwiyant (131214007)Kefas Angandrowa Dwi Putra Zebua(131214016)

What is Classroom Management?Classroom management is some of the things that good classroom teachers do to

maintain an atmosphere that enhances learning.

If we analyze the word “Management”, it refers to issues of supervision,

refereeing, facilitating, and even academic discipline.

Conclusion: Classroom management refers to the issues of supervision,

refereeing, facilitating, and even academic discipline that done by the teacher

inside the classroom to make the learning environment more conducive.

An Effective Classroom Management Context

These 4 things are fundamental for you as the teachers to be planted as your


1. Know what you want and what you don't want.

2. Show and tell your students what you want.

3. When you get what you want, acknowledge (not praise) it.

4. When you get something else, act quickly and appropriately.

Things That the Teacher Should Consider to Manage The Classroom There are things that the teachers should remember and consider when they want to manage

the classroom. Those things are:

1. Motivation

2. Class’ Behavior Management

3. Academic Work Management

4. Time Management

5. Classroom Arrangement

6. Communication

1. Motivation

According to Dornyei (1998;117), motivation has been widely accepted by

both teachers and researchers as one of the key factors that influence the rate

and success of second/ foreign language learning.

Being motivated to learn is the first impetus or stimulus needed to start the


Unmotivated students will give a hard time to the teachers.

Motivation plays a big role (with classroom atmosphere) to promote students’

confidence and self-esteem to learn more effectively and enjoyably.

2. Class’ Behavior Management

Classroom control and discipline

There are five main areas that help to create an effective learning environment :

1. Establishing routines

2. Finding a balance

3. Getting the pupils’ attention

4. Finding an acceptable noise level

5. Giving praise or acknowledgement

2. Class’ Behavior Management

Besides those five areas, teachers also have to :

Communicate their expectations for student behavior to the students


Use rules and procedures to communicate expectations explicitly.

The compliance of the rules and procedures monitored constantly.

Develop rules and procedures that agreed by the class; you willingly

to enforce.

2. Class’ Behavior Management

Managing inappropriate behavior

Monitor students carefully and frequently so that misbehavior is

detected early before it involves many students or becomes a

serious disruption.

Most inappropriate behavior in classrooms that is not seriously

disruptive and can be managed by relatively simple procedures

that prevent escalation.

2. Class’ Behavior Management

Managing inappropriate behavior

Act to stop inappropriate behavior like:

a. Moving close to the offending student or students, making eye contact

and giving a nonverbal signal to stop the offensive behavior.

b. Calling a student's name or giving a short verbal instruction to stop


c. Redirecting the student to appropriate behavior by stating what the

student should be doing; citing the applicable procedure or rule.

3. Academic Work Management

Learning instruction

The effective teacher-led instruction is freed of:

a. Ambiguous and vague terms

b. Unclear sequencing

c. Interruptions

3. Academic Work Management

Academic Works Consideration

Teacher consideration in giving academic activities or works:

a. The number of the activities/works

b. The level of the activities/works

c. The accountability for the activities/works

d. The focus of the activities/works

3. Academic Work Management

Managing pair, group, and/or individual work

The pupils can work ‘back to back’, especially where they are

working with an information gap activity using different sets of

information, or working from information the teacher have set.

4. Time Management Time Management

Time management is very useful to train the teacher to plot realistic timings for the

completion of certain activities, especially learning.

Teachers should be aware for the time they have spent in class.

There are two condition of teachers that sometimes come because of the time

management problem. Those are:

1. Some teachers might be over-optimistic about how much can be done in a lesson or

in despair to rush the unexplained material that might exceeding the time limit.

2. Some other might be too simple to explain the material and left a lot of spare time in

the end of the lesson.

Time management for teachers is complicated. Teachers face

unique challenges: Much of the day is already scheduled. There is very limited leeway in altering a

class schedule, so teachers must work very efficiently with the very limited time that is flexible.

An important component of a teacher’s role is to be available for students and parents beyond the actual classroom teaching time.

There are many other competing demands on teacher’s time including demands from administrators, requests from the wider community, contributing to the school’s on-going development and the need to continually professionally develop and update.

Good teaching requires students to be engaged and suitably challenged. This requires high levels of both energy and skill.


Two keys of time management are effectively and efficiently. These two points are always the key to achieving as much as we can with the time we have available. Time management is about control. Time management is about using the time that you have available as productively as possible. It IS about working smarter – not harder.

Time Management Concept

There are four time management concept :

1. Available Time : The amount of time available for all school activities in a school year.

2. Allocated Time : The amount of time allocated for instruction in a content area.

3. Engaged Time : The amount of time the student is actively engaged in learning tasks.

4. Academic Learning : Time (ALT) The amount of time successfully engaged in academic tasks.

Teachers should be aware of the time they use in the class. How long they take to explain a material, how long they give time to the students to work on something, and many more.

5. Classroom Arrangement

Classroom organization and layout

Careful planning of your classroom is very important as it helps to

create an organized and secure atmosphere. In an ideal situation, you

would be able to organize the classroom in the way you think is

most effective for pupils’ learning.

A good planning in classroom arrangement should:

a. Help the teacher to observe all the students all times including work and

behavior (especially from teacher’s desk)

b. Give some accessible-and-unobstructed spaces and traffic lanes to be

used by the class

c. Pleasured the students, especially to see the teacher and the presentation


d. Be fresh, tidy, clean and comfortable for the class users. Decoration

might be an additional option to make the class become more attractive.

6. Communication Teacher should make a good communication between teacher and students by: Making an agreement on how the students should call the teacher to make the

communication appropriate. Telling the students the proper time to talk with the teacher outside the class. Besides,

teacher also should tell the students when is the good time to contact the teacher through phones or emails.

Giving students a list of things and behaviors they can expect from you. Avoid contradicting yourself or appearing indecisive.

Allowing students to form a list of expectations they have for you, the instructor.  Giving large opportunity for students to express their opinion. Making group discussions to let students have good interaction with one another.