Streaming a live hangout



Setting up and streaming a live hangout for TeachMeetNZ.

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Setting up a TeachMeetNZ Hangout

Sonya Van Schaijik

@vanschaijik 1

On the left side of google+

Click Hangouts

@vanschaijik 2


Click start a hangout on air

@vanschaijik 3


Fill in the bits and choose how you want to share it,depending, if its a practise or if it is a live session.

@vanschaijik 4

When ready - Press the blue start

@vanschaijik 5


I loose the hangout but can always find it by going to my home page on Google+ and click, the upcoming events,

@vanschaijik 6

After clicking the blue start button,

I am in and can call my guests.So I go ahead and invite them.

@vanschaijik 7

Once in

I look down my screen and I can see the Start broadcast, I also see the link for the embed code.

@vanschaijik 8

Grab the code

Click the links and grab the video embed code.

@vanschaijik 9

Locate the home page on the wiki

Click edit and position the cursor where you want the video to go.

Then click the blue widget & scroll to embed code.

@vanschaijik 10

Paste in the code

And press save.

And watch the cog spin

@vanschaijik 11

The widget

Looks like this until you press save.

Then it looks like this

@vanschaijik 12

Flick back to the hangout

Start the broadcast and you are away.

@vanschaijik 14

Thats it, if you are keen to have a go

Contact me and I will help you with organising.Sonya @vanschaijik