Year 7 - Beowulf - Storyboarding and analysis


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LO: Understanding how to plot and analyse a story.


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Definition: D R _ W _ _ _ S / T _ A T / T _ _ L / A / S _ _ R Y

Retell the opening 9 pages of ‘Beowulf’

•Draw: You can either storyboard what happens •in 6 images (individually)

•Act: Create 6 freeze frames with a narrator retelling the story (in groups of 4)

Share in pairs

Peer mark using the success criteria below: WWW: You have a clear beginningEBI: You needed to explain what happened to Beowulf at the end

You have a clear plot-line You have a beginning, middle and end You explain what happens in chronological order You use dialogue to help build a sense of the character in the storyYou explain where the story takes place

Which story tellers were the best?Why?


As a whole class, let’s read from pages 10-21

Understanding Analysis:Who knows what analysis is?

Beowulf crouched on the edge of the bench, intent, almost angry.

Model the annotation on p.4

Meaning: to stoop or bend low.

Implies that Beowulf is so angry that men have been killed by a monster, he wants to act and help them straight away.

P.4 Beowulf has been listening to the storyteller tell them about Grendel killing the Danes

Meaning: sharply focused determined and intense

This indicates that Beowulf is so determined on seeking revenge, he seems angry

He is raring to go

In guided groups, analyse the quotations below. You can use the teacher help sheet with the questions or you can challenge yourselves and go it alone.

I will then! Beowulf leaped up in front of the Geats and heard himself shouting.

‘I’m here to pit myself against this monster. I mean to put an end to Grendel.’

Then the warriors were eager to begin their journey. They turned their backs on mothers and fathers, on wives and children; they springheeled over the shingle and embarked.

Would you follow Beowulf into battle?

Beowulf is clearly a good leader and I would follow him into battle as...

Beowulf is foolish to want to fight a monster. I wouldn’t want to follow him into battle as...

Who knows what analysis is?

Write yourself a target for what you need to do when you analyse texts in future

How did you develop your analytical skills today?