Doctor Kayode Sotonwa Reveals How To Spot Strokes Early


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Doctor Kayode Sotonwa Reveals How to Spot

Strokes Early

Internal medicine physician Doctor Kayode Sotonwa reveals essential information about how doctors can spot

the signs of blocked arteries to help prevent strokes.

Strokes, when not identified, prevented, or treated quickly,

can cause long term damage to a patient.

To educate anyone who may fall victim to a stroke, Dr. Kayode Sotonwa shares information on what doctors can do to help identify the signs of a stroke before the stroke ever happens.

Cholesterol in the arteries causing blockages is what causes the

majority of strokes.

Basically, this build up can constrict the artery which leads to stroke. When this happens in a major artery, it can be easier to identify, as in these major arteries the blockage may cause a whistling sound that can be identified with the use of a stethoscope.

What if the sound, known as a bruit, is found through the use of

the stethoscope?

A doctor may then call for the use of an ultrasound to further examine the artery for the existence of a blockage. This is a procedure that is non-invasive and can help identify how bad the blockage is.

What happens after the ultrasound?

A doctor can determine the next steps that need to be taken to deal

with the buildup and prevent the stroke from occurring and causing long term


Finally, remember that the best chances of avoiding a stroke come with regular doctor

visits and leading a healthy lifestyle.