Dr. Kayode Sotonwa shares some ways to keep diabetes far from you


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Dr. Kayode Sotonwa

Dr. Kayode Sotonwa shares some ways to keep diabetes far from you

Dr. Kayode Sotonwa says that prevention is key. That’s why he is sharing the best ways to keep diabetes far away from you.

Physical Activity – Regular physical exercise is good for your body and your health in many ways. Aerobic exercise and weight

training are both beneficial when reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Be sure to include both in your fitness plan, light

weights will still make a difference and the results will be toned, fit muscles. Of course the other benefits to physical activity include weight loss, lower blood sugar, and a boost to your

body’s insulin sensitivity.Plenty of Fiber – Dr. Kayode Sotonwa says fiber is an essential part of any healthy diet, and for those looking to reduce their

risk of diabetes, it is vital. Soluble fiber helps to slow the body’s breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar. Fiber has some additional benefits to the body, including improving skin health, reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease, and

reducing frequency of gall and kidney stones. Foods high in fiber include lentils, black beans, figs, berries, and avocado. Try adding

a few to your daily diet today.

Whole Grains – The scientific reasons behind why you should eat whole grains aren’t solid, but the consumption of whole grains is proved to reduce the risk of diabetes. So while researchers figure

it out, eat them anyway! Start by substituting one or two servings a day and aim for eating half of your grains as whole grains. The options are endless, pasta, bread, and oatmeal all come in a whole grain variety. Shopping is easier with a list, so

here are some favorite whole grain items to put in your cart steel cut oats, popcorn, barley and wheat bran.

Healthy Weight – Making heather choices with exercise and food intake is vital to warding off Type 2 Diabetes. Losing weight can help as well. Even losing a modest amount, about 7% of body

weight, coupled with exercise, can reduce the risk of diabetes by almost 60%. Fad diets are always prevalent, but rarely work over

the long run. In addition, excluding or severely limiting a food group you may be depriving your body of necessary vitamins and

minerals. Variety, proportions, and self-control are the most important parts of a healthy diet.
