How to Lose Weight Using Aerobic Exercises


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How to Lose Weight Using Aerobic Exercises

What is Aerobic Exercise?

Aerobic exercise are also called as cardio, which is generally referred as a physical exercise of low to high intensity that generally depends primarily on aerobic energy generating process. It stimulates the heart rate and breathing rate to increase in a way that can be sustained for the exercise session.

For weight loss nothing can be more effective than the physical exercise. The exercise will not only lower the weight but also keep the body far away from disease, healthy, strong, slim and fit. Today’s exercise is the dose for future or old age problems. In this presentation we will tell you about the various aerobic exercises to loose weight.

Health Benefits of Doing Aerobic Exercises

The various health benefits of aerobic exercises are illustrated below:

Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs. it is good in improving the circulation efficiency and reduce blood pressure.Increase in the total number of red blood cells in the body, which facilitatestransportation of oxygen.Improved mental health such as reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, as well as increased cognitive capacity.Lowers the risk of diabetes.Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and lowers the resting heart rate, known as aerobic condition.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

There are various types of exercises and sports are there lo lose the weight are illustrated below with tips to do aerobic exercise for losing weight instantly. The aerobic exercises are illustrated below:

1. Running:It is the one of the most primal way to exercise the whole body. The core is stimulated throughout the duration of exercise due to the balancing act during the strike of each leg.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

2. Skipping:This is one of the simple and easy aerobic exercise that is good in weight loss. It can be done at home and it is very good for burning fats which is deposited in the body.

3. Circuit training:It is usually an aerobic exercise when combined with resistance training and it results in a high intensity workout. These aerobic exercises require to be performed in a circuit i.e. one after the other and there should be minimal rest in between. Circuit training involves both aerobic and non-aerobic exercises.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

4. Swimming:Water provides a natural resistance to the whole body while moving ahead or treading. Hence swimming is an perfect complete body workout. It is especially effective for overweight or old people, as there is no impact of joints with the ground like when running and walking. This exercise will lead to increase the metabolism to loose weight and the body frequently to burn calories even at rest.

5. Stair exercises:Stair training will boost your cardiovascular stamina. It will tone down your lower body. Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 15-20 minutes. You can later increase for 30 minutes. This is a good warm up exercise. Just make sure that you maintain a steady pace.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

6. Dancing:

certain dance forms can be done at home. This simple aerobics can aid weight loss, increase body flexibility and also reduce stress and fatigue.

7. Kickboxing:

It is a simple aerobic exercise that burns 863 calories in 1 hour. It has been a good cardio workout. Kickboxing helps in burning fats from your waist and thighs.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

8.Jumping jacks:It is more like the jumping game that we all played as kids. You have to jump up and spread your feet wide apart on the floor. Meanwhile your arms should be making circular motions in the air.

9. Weight training:Lifting weights and moving them in a controlled fashion not only helps in sculpting the body but also help in increasing the metabolism. Weight training is only the type of aerobic exercise which promotes the highest rate of calorie burning even at rest.

10. Hula hoop:This childhood game can be one of your favourite aerobic exercises to lower belly fat, working on your waist and bumps.

Types of Aerobic Exercises for Weight Loss

12. Squat jumps:You can also burn belly Fat by enhancing your heart rate with squat jumps. This is high intensity work out. Don’t do if you experience a pain.

13. Core power yoga:It is good in strengthen your abdomen and back besides helping in weight loss. It can also tone your muscles and can strengthen the hips and pelvis. While doing this you can improve strength, stamina, concentration and also lower stress.

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