How to Build your Personal Brand on Social Media



Social Media provides the perfect platform on which to demonstrate skills even if you haven’t used them in a commercial environment. This presentation aims to give hints and tips on how to use Social Media to your advantage when it comes to seeking employment. It includes practical tips on how to review your current footprint on Social Media, how to think like a recruiter does and ultimately how to use Social Media to your advantage to build brand YOU.

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Sinéad D’ArcyJameson Graduate Programme Manager

SOCIAL MEDIA is a relatively

new communication medium & becoming a more popular recruitment tool.Perfect platform to display a SKILL that

could be of VALUE to an EMPLOYER .

• What companies are you targeting?

• What social media channels are they using?

• What types of people are working at those companies?

• Do they have advertised job postings?

• What skills are they searching for?

• Is there someone in-charge of graduate recruiting?

• Decide on the KEYWORDS you

will associate with your online


5 – 6 is sufficient.

• INTEGRATE them throughout

your Employment Social Media


• Often overlooked, blogs,

using platforms such as

Blogger or Wordpress

are incredibly effective for

creating a strong online


• Can showcase a variety of

media, images, video, writing

ability, not to mention


SOCIAL MEDIAcan become incredibly time consuming, it’s best to

research, select and learn several tools at an early

stage to minimise the impact on your time later on.

Recommended tools such as Tweetdeck or

Hootsuite, Raportive &


• Groups & Associations are great

networking opportunities, both online

and offline.

• Find groups on LinkedIn and follow

associations on Twitter

• Identify Thought Leaders and Events

• Work your contacts, let people know

what you are looking for so they can

be eyes and ears on the ground

• A thick skin & perseverance are key to job searching

• Stay positive• Don’t talk negatively

about companies or interviews on social channels

• Refine your CV, research your market, keep applying

Trawl your accounts & delete contentious posts/tags.

Lock-down privacy settings.

Identify the companies you work for and their social channels.

Tailor your content to your chosen profession.

Be searchable.

Join groups, follow individuals, engage in conversation, build relationships.