Internet marketing mistakes: 5 Blunders to avoid


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5 Most Common Internet Marketing Mistakes That Should Be Avoided

The internet has changed the world and there is rarely anything which has not been influenced with

its presence. Marketing is all about creativity and figuring out new and exciting ways to get your

message across the people that's why nowadays small businesses taking their business online

because that is where their customers are. Internet Marketing is constantly evolving but the basic

principles of marketing stay the same. The only difference is that the internet has provided such a

different channel in which your company can express itself that sometimes requires a whole new

learning curve.These days the marketers are rarely following the traditional methods of marketing

for reaching out to customers. Internet marketing has given the marketers an effective way to

convince the audience to go for their products.

Following important mistakes should be avoided if you want to gain maximum result from the

internet marketing.

Missing Blog: Blog is an most important factor to increase website traffic on your website.Besides

engaging the visitors, blog also creates more indexed page which can show up in the search results.

No matter what kind of business you are running whether a very narrow niche or a huge mass

appeal you can always get benefit from blogging.

Missing Social Media Marketing: Most people who are not in marketing will think that social

media is just a waste of time.That’s unfortunate, because building up a profile on the popular social

media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ can lead to a good source of traffic, new

opportunities and ultimately customers.So make sure you can promote your business on social


5 Most Common Internet Marketing Mistakes That Should Be Avoided


Relying Solely on Paid Advertising: What’s good about paid advertising is that it is reliable and

will usually produce results but as appealing as paid advertising sounds, it also has some major

drawbacks. First, it is expensive, and you may find that there often cheaper alternatives that produce

better ROI in the long run. Second, paid advertising has no long-term residual benefits that’s why

you should never rely on paid advertising as your only source of traffic.Make sure you should

invest in a mix of strategies, such as inbound marketing which can include SEO, social media and

e-mail marketing too.

Not Optimizing Proper Data: Since now you know that you can keep a track of the traffic that is

generated on your website, the worst you can do is to not use it for your benefits. You can improve

the result based on the data available to you. The target audience which is giving you maximum

revenues should be properly handled. Do not be afraid of making changes according to the data if it

is for the betterment of the business. Manage and control your data for the best use of internet


Overlooking Exceptional Customer Service: Lots of companies focus on creating the killer

product. What they fail to do is support that product adequately on the back end, after the sale. That

leads to poor customer service, which leads to unsatisfied customers and bad word of mouth.That’s

too bad, because you can improve the lifetime value of your customers by giving them

extraordinary customer service.So invest in giving your customers the best possible experience ever.
