Lead Generation for SME's


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We need to understand the forces driving change





Is Now….

Buying decisions are taking………………………longer

These self- empowered buyers are often near …...

Before we find out…

Many Implications ...


Another problem.Modern buyers are overwhelmed with...

Poor Quality Content

Looking to make a connection is hard ...

Lead Generation needs will vary. Do you need alot?

Or a few..

We need listening tools...

Why...Because our message must be….

Key answers we need to know ...


What problem do you solve ?

Do you know your customers buying journey ?

What do our existing customers think of us…?

What information are the looking for?


This is critical Summary ...



Do you have a competitive advantage thats relevant ?


What’s your value proposition?

Why do we need an Online value proposition?

● Being good is a given,with time short new visitors outstanding is the aim.A strong Online value proposition converts visitors!

● Its distinguishes a website from that of its competitors (core web design objective) Zero Moment of Truth.

● Helps provide a focus to marketing efforts------ to be clear about the purpose of the site.Why are you driving people to the website.

● It can provide a uniform message for all marketing collateral online and offline.

● It can echo the wider propositions of the company or its products.

Your Content should serve the buyer journey..

Right Message

Right Person

Right Time Success

Context is everything..



Builds authority,relationship and trust.

It must first find and then engage with your personas...

Content powers everything!

Remember this slide..

There are no quick fixes or...

Starting point:You need a blog...

Why blogging?

Primary Route is organic search..

Great SEO tools..

Three Flavours of Content

● Content that focuses on gain,pleasure and aspirations.

● Content that lays out a logical argument. ● Content that highlights fear or pain (What your audience is or

could be experiencing)

We should always be alert for opportunities..

Timing is everything..

Proactive Prospecting...

4 components of Proactive prospecting

1. Listen and Learn 2. Research and Relate3. Engage and Impress4. Collaborate and Close

LinkedIn user base

Leads are a product of..

L = (A&P)

A= Target audience

P = Problems that your products/services resolve for them.

On average only 3%of web visitors will convert.

Initial Lead conversion is critical.Its about winning the opportunity to

compete …. Zero Moment of Truth

This is first priority ...

How do you get them to convert when they land…?

Lead Magnet formula..

O x ( I x E x C ) 2R

● O= Offer● I = Does it Interest them?● E = Is it Easy to access ● C = Are you Credible? (Do they trust you)● Then weighed against. How much Risk they perceive in accepting your

offer? ie Are you going to spam them

Have you a lead magnet and CTA!

Creating your primary Offer/Lead Magnet

Conversion rate optimisation...

Nurture the lead...

How is the decision made?

Human Machine

Lead Nurturing sequence

Simple ..

When do you make the call..

Final Recap...



You still need Content

Define your KPI’s...

