A Metaphor For Understanding The Role of Subconscious Social Interaction



http://mindpersuasion.com/products/ Most people would love all the good stuff without doing any work. Unfortunately, this can get you waiting a long, long time before anything happens. How about interacting with others in a more positive way? Learn more: http://mindpersuasion.com

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How To Leverage Collective


A common misunderstanding of the Law of Attraction is how other people

are involved.

Many things in life are comfortably put into the "vague" category.

We aren't sure how they will take place, but we've just got some

"feeling" that somehow, someway, they'll come to pass.

Because of our powerful subconscious, most of the time, they DO happen.

We've got some problem that we don't have ANY idea how to solve, and

then at the last minute, something happens we NEVER could have

predicted, and everything's groovy.

Here's a metaphor.

Just realize it's a metaphor and not the whole story.

Imagine we are on this ship which is adrift in the ocean.

Our conscious minds are on the deck, and looking out over the vast sea with

our naked eyes.

All we see is water.

We're worried, hoping that we reach land soon.

Our subconscious is the guy way up in the crow's nest, with a powerful


He can see land that's maybe 50 miles away, and judging by the current, he

knows we'll be there in 3.24 days.

To our conscious minds, it seems like it just "happened."

But our subconscious knew what was happening all along.

Now, like I said, this is a metaphor, it's not the whole story.

In this metaphor, the guy on the ship just stood there and waited, and a

solution was pretty much dropped in his lap.

But in real life, the missing piece of the puzzle is other people.

Regardless of what you want, it's going to involve other people.

And how you interact with them, and who you choose to interact with will have a DRAMATIC effect on how well

you can manifest your intentions.

However, most people don't treat the Law of Attraction this way.

Most people treat it like the guy on the ship, thinking all they've got to do is wait around for something to "show


But unless you're willing to get out and interact with the world, you may be

waiting a while.

But here's the cool part.

Just as your desires are dependent on "other people," everybody else has

desires that are dependent on "other people" as well.

And YOU are in that group of "other people" that other people need to interact with to get THEIR desires.

When you think of getting out there and interacting with others, it's not like

you're asking anybody to "give you" something.

It's a HUGE collection of cooperation that together is worth MUCH more than each individual put together.

All you've got to do is participate, and you may be surprised how easily, and

how quickly your desire suddenly shows up.

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