Why White Hat SEO Matters – Important Factors



Before understanding why White Hat SEO matters, it is important to understand what it constitutes. All the SEO practices that are undertaken by abiding to principles of Google make a company’s content White Hat. It helps in improving the ranks on the search engine as these pages are indicated by the search engine as most safe.

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Why White Hat SEO Matters – Important Factors

Every business having a website must be familiar with the algorithms Google publishes that should

be met with. Two most common terminologies that one hears in this respect is the White Hat SEO

and the Black Hat SEO. These refer to the practices undertaken or not undertaken by the web

developers, which constitute the laws of the internet. Yes, you heard it right. The internet, of which

Google is the most popular search engine has a definite set of practices that should be followed

while businesses publish their websites online. This is imperative if you want a good rank on the

search results. With updates in Google’s policy right along the corner, it is important to consider that

ethical and adequate SEO practices are followed by any digital marketing company to be recognized

for a good website.

Before understanding why White Hat SEO matters, it is important to understand what it constitutes.

All the SEO practices that are undertaken by abiding to principles of Google make a company’s

content White Hat. It helps in improving the ranks on the search engine as these pages are indicated

by the search engine as most safe. Businesses who don’t comply with these guidelines have to face

the penalties from google after a short period. In order to avoid such circumstances, all businesses

should ensure that their digital marketing services are within the parameters of these laws.

White Hat SEO helps in maintaining the quality of your websites and he lps in keeping the web

developers up to date with what tools might be required to facilitate frequent changes in these

guidelines. The knowledge of these guidelines and how to use them provides an insight on how to

achieve better rankings on the search engine results page. Here are some of the practices which help

in making the content White Hat –

1. Engaging Content – It is often believed that the content on a website determines the quality

of your brand’s digital marketing services and thus, should be error free and engaging.

Unoriginal content is the trademark of lower score on page experience which can bring

down the rankings of any website drastically.

Content developers should avoid plagiarism as it misleads the customers into believing that

there exists no originality in the products and services that you offer. Unique content helps

the users gain a new perspective and stick to your website for longer.

2. Keyword Usage – SEO practices are basic prerequisites in the field of digital marketing

company, and therefore requires experts that have adequate knowledge of how to set

relevant keywords for higher ranking in a search results page. These keywords are what

customers search in the search bar on google.

For example, if your company manufactures bikes in Atlanta, then ‘bikes in Atlanta’ or ‘bike

sellers near me’ should show your website in the results. However, keywords like ‘bicycles

near me’ will witness click backs from a website, which shows a poor bounce rate. If a

website is not valuable to users, it is ranked low by Google.

3. Backlinking – There is greater chance of a webpage being recognized as relevant and good if

there are other websites linking back to yours, who are also practicing white hat SEO. The


increased number of backlinks of a website from good sources gives a boost to the digital

marketing services they are practicing as their ranking gradually increase.

Good sources are those websites which have high page experience and are considered

trustworthy by google. Therefore, websites should avoid being linked to any such website

which has a low customer experience and low credibility.

4. Competitive Strength – Keywords that are searched often are generally having a high

competition. For example, if a person searches for ‘best cakes’, the number of results will

not be concentrated on any particular business. In such a case, if including universal

keywords is your aim, then it is important to be creative and follow google suggestions to

gain a competitive strength over the business that show up along with yours.

The paid advertisements as well as organic results are influenced by these techniques to

generate only results that are most relevant for the users.

The main aim is to be cautious and creative, avoiding poor bouncing rate.

These practices are what combine into becoming the White Hat SEO, which lies within the guidelines

of our search engine. Using these not only improve the ranking of the web page, but will also give a

boost to data and IT services, especially for a digital marketing company, as it ensures intriguing

content for users. A well styled website is the key to conversions and sales uprise. This practice is

very useful for users of the internet.


After understanding what all practices should be followed for having White Hat content, it is

important to understand why these guidelines are important for every digital marketing company.

Any person who opens the internet in order to search for something is of the mindset to find the

best possible results on the first page in the first few links itself. If one notices, Google delivers a

billion results within milliseconds after a keyword is searched. Therefore, it needs to sort out the

most relevant and useful information that websites contain to match the search of the user.

The websites following White Hat SEO practices are bound to receive more recognition on the

search results page so that customers are not flooded by irrelevant results on their search page.

If you want your website to be ranked in the top searches, it is important to be in an ethical

structure for google to not eliminate your webpage every time there is an algorithm update.


Algorithms are the prototype or interface that help google run as a search engine. Google introduces

many updates over a period of time, and it is important for web developers to stay alert for such

updates as change in policies also mean that Google’s standards of what is considered White Hat will

also be altered. Therefore, websites that follow White Hat digital marketing services don’t have to

make drastic changes to their websites every time an update is launched.



Sites that don’t follow White Hat SEO are said to practice Black Hat SEO. This is the opposite in terms

that it constitutes aspects which do not get approved by Google or are falling short of meeting the

appropriate guidelines which make content White Hat. These include –

● Irrelevant content

● Plagiarized content

● Unwanted keyword placement

● Spamming links

All these practices can show quick results that takes other web developers’ years to achieve.

However, their success is often short lived. Even though they manage to complete short term goals,

their non-compliance with guidelines results in penalties and being plummeted. Google takes serious

actions against such practices and so they should not be followed.


Amidst these discussions, it can be seen that using White Hat SEO is beneficial majorly to the users

as well as the businesses whose websites are published online. Google becomes a more sought-after

search engine as using these practices only ensure the best content generation in the search results.

Some of these advantages are –

● Improved Rankings: White Hat SEO followed by any digital marketing company ensures that

their content is original and engaging and complies with the standards of Google’s updates.

When users find your website interesting, it gets you a high score on page experience and

better rankings simultaneously.

● Easy Updating: Google launches updates so many times in one year that it becomes difficult

to keep a track of the same as sometimes these are very minimalistic. However, updates also

change what is considered good in the guidelines and sets new standards for websites.

However, websites following White Hat SEO are free from any hassle as these updates don’t

create much change in their working and marketing.

● Long Term investment: Black Hat SEO users see quick results of their investment as they do

not follow the guidelines on the search engine and exploit their parameters. However, these

are only short term advances they make as google penalizes them. Thus, White Hat SEO

ensures consistent, long term security of your investment over the internet.

These practices ensure that your website does well in the search results page and yields

conversions throughout its existence, following better techniques to digitally market their

products and services.
