Need a Custom Sign: How To Craft The Perfect Sign From Start to Finish



Don't place an order for signage without first giving thought to the who, what, where, when and why of it. If you spend time in the planning phase, your custom sign will do exactly what you need it to do! To craft the perfect sign, start here.

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How To Craft The Perfect Sign

From Start To Finish

WAIT! Before you order your new sign, PLAN…A custom sign works for you around the clock! It

speaks to your prospects and customers for you…

As an integral part of your marketing mix, put considerable thought into its design and


1. Decide on the purpose for your sign.

What would you like the sign to do for you?

Drive traffic? Inform customers? Give direction? Increase brand awareness? ID your target

market? Get clear first!

Mounting can determine material, laminate and size, so decide this upfront.

Is it an indoor or outdoor sign? Will you mount on posts or a wall? Brick or sheetrock?

2. Determine how and where you will mount your sign.

3. Identify possible substrates.

What materials are best for your mounting option?

For example, aluminum and wood are perfect outdoors. But, acrylic and PVC are more suited for indoors.

Weigh the options!

4. Decide on publication specifications.

Will you need holes drilled? Would you like square or rounded corners? Will your sign be custom cut to a particular shape? What about special mounting hardware, like gold standoffs?

These specifications may affect your pricing and shipping, so communicate them early in the process!

5. Choose the most impactful message.

Design begins with messaging, not graphics! How will your sign read?

Craft the message for your target market and make sure it’s clear, concise and consistent.

Choose graphics that will drive your message home!

Look for big, bold colors and images – they increase the likelihood of your sign being read.

6. Select the perfect graphics.

7. Prepare your art files.

The quality of your artwork determines the quality of your completed sign!

Make sure the files for your logo and images are “print-ready”– use only vector files & high

quality raster images.

8. Get a second opinion before you press “GO”!

Get a second pair of eyes to double-check your design proof for accuracy.

Before you give the green light, verify punctuation, spelling, spacing, company info, etc.!

That’s how to craft the perfect sign…start to finish!

When designed and produced well, a custom sign is a wise, affordable &

super effective marketing tool! | 1.800.899.6272 | @TheSignChef

Call us now to price your custom sign!
