Pinterest Tips: One Hour A Week To Rock Your Pinterest Account



In this presentation John Rampton goes over tips and tricks to optimize your Pinterest account and gain lots of traffic to your business. Pinterest is all about community, being part of a community is one of the most import thing and keys to making Pinterest work. Included is a one hour plan to get explosive traffic while not taking all your time!

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Connect all your accounts and share.

• This will help more people see your pins.

• It will also show up in more streams the more you share.

• It will also cause your pins to rank higher because of social signals.

Tag other pinners in your posts.

• This will show up in their notifications (most of the time will email them as well.)

• Use @username to tag their name.

• You have to be friends to be able to tag them.

"Like" and comment on other peoples pins.

• It's the 99/1 rule.  

• You should be liking, sharing, pinning and commenting on 99% of the posts and then 1% of the time you are allowed to post something self promotional.

• Pinterest is about community. Be part of a community.

Write Informative Description.

• The better the description, the more engagement.  

• Remember – Use #hashtags

• You can even put your business or product in there

Top iPhone apps to create beautiful pins.

• PicArt• Over• BeautifulMess

Auto add a Pin to every photo.

• Pinterest Image Pinner  (Install this on your site to put a pin button on every photo.)

Replace your site with your website URL.

• This will show you everyone pinning your images.

Add the price of you products.

• Simply add $ symbol followed by the price in your image description.

• Will feature them in the gifts section.

Pin images of trending news in your niche.

• This is a great way to gain TONS of followers and lots of re-pins.

• I got 650k Unique Visitors to one article through Pinterest.


Use this to see trends in your particular niche and gain inspiration for what people are searching and actually repinning. This is meant for Instagram but works like a

charm for Pinterest.


Schedule out pins in advance. I like to plan things out a week or month in advance! Cost = $29/month

Use NinjaPinner.

This will automate following, unfollowing and liking pins.

P.S. don’t auto unfollow people. Don’t be that guy.

Here is a 1 hour a week


• Use ViralTag to schedule pins for the next 7 days.

• Go to Pinterest, visit 30-50 pins that are popular to your niche and comment.

• Next go to NinjaPinner and have it follow people that add you.

• Go into Google Analytics and check your stats.

John Rampton• @johnrampton•
