Tips and Tools for Engaging Volunteers with Social Media



Got Volunteers? Learn how to use popular social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube to recruit, manage and recognize volunteers for your organization. See fun examples and best-practice tools that make it easy to engage volunteers via social media.

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#FreeTech4PTA @VolunteerSpot

   Boosting Volunteer Engagement

with Social Media



Meet the Presenter                 #SM4NPO

Karen BantuverisFounder & CEO




Simple Steps. BIG Boost in Participation




Fast, Easy Sign-ups and Scheduling




SAVE TIMEBOOST Volunteer Turnout

REDUCE Leader Burnout

BUILD Loyalty & Donors

Why Leaders Luv VolunteerSpot

99% of Organizers

95% of Volunteers would refer VolunteerSpot to a

friend or colleague.



Thanks to Chris Jarvis, @RealizedWorth for sharing this model

Journey of a Volunteer



Thanks to Chris Jarvis, @RealizedWorth for sharing this model


Journey of a Volunteer



Personal Org /Foundation

Social Media Pulse



SM Platform Overview Tips for Engaging

Volunteers Helpful Tools


#FreeTech4PTA @VolunteerSpot

   Social MediaPlatform Overview



Facebook & Twitter

News and Educational Community-Interest Pieces


Advocacy, Donation and Volunteer Links

Legislative Updates

Appreciation & Recognition (of Supporters & Sponsors)

#UseHashtags Share/ RT/ Like






Vine & Instagram


Tell Stories Invite Testimonials Inspire Action Teach Thank SupportersBronx Zoo: #BZSelfie




Boards speak to your Cause & your Supporters

Highlight your Projects & Events

Include Advocacy & Fundraising Links

Recognize Volunteers, Sponsors & Partners

Share, Follow, Repin

Pinterest Board Tips



Highlight “hot” items Show off games and

booths Show where the money

will go Showcase your theme Photos of invitation Include website link

below pinThanks to Sherry Truhlar of RedAppleAuctons for

the great ideas!

Pinterest for Fundraisers

#FreeTech4PTA @VolunteerSpot

   Tips for Engaging Volunteers



1. Cultivate community

2. Onboard Quickly & Be Specific

3. Setup to Succeed

4. Measure & Share

5. Recognize Volunteers

Tips for Engaging Volunteers



It’s like having a conversation!





When we have calls-to-action, our community will be engaged.

1. Cultivate Community






Inspire Action

Building Trust and Action ‘Credit’



Website Newsletters Emails Blogs Bring a Friend Corporate and community

partners Service Groups

1. Cultivate Community: Multiple Channels



Who Connects for your Organization?




+ Reach out on multiple channels

+ Includes actionable signup links

Δ Twitter: Add location and theme hashtag (e.g. #SFO, #Running, #GirlPower) to find location and interest-aligned volunteers

Δ Add event details (date, and # needed to tweets & facebook)

Girls on The Run - Bay Area

Newsletter Blast

2. Onboard Quickly and be Specific



+ Immediate needs & local tagging+ Check-in as brand-building+ Once they check in – you can text ‘em later

!  Not likely to recruit immediate additional volunteers – but possible – especially if need is well-articulated and time-bound. “E.g. Need help filling sandbags NOW! 20 needed until 6pm.”

2. Onboard Quickly and be Specific



Thank ‘em! Background on your organization Map and directions to the service location Where to park and which entrance to use Who will greet them What to wear/bring (water, snack, work gloves, etc.) Safety concerns and physical requirements Confidentially requirements and sensitivity issues Background checks? SOCIAL MEDIA PACKAGE!

3. Set Up to Succeed: BEFORE



3. Set up to Succeed:  SM PACKAGE

Create a Citywide Hopscotch Game! Flickr

•People involved in project•Flickr group leaders

Blog•Local mom/dad bloggers•Play bloggers•Newspaper blogs

Create a hashtag

Tweet location each day

TwitPics of completed work

Submit photos to relevant Flickr groups

Tagging system

Create a photo pool

Guest blog

Share notable stories

Include continually updated map

Twitter•Neighborhood groups•Child-serving orgs•Local government



Facebook and Location Check-ins Ready

Clear Signage of SM Addresses & Request to Follow

Share your Big Picture Review – summarize why it matters that they are serving today in one or two sentences.

Make it Personal – ASK: Why are you serving? Invite to SHARE THEIR story!

Clear Guidelines on What Can & Can’t be Photographed & Shared

3. Set Up to Succeed: DAY OF



Results Measures: e.g. # families fed, # books distributed, # trees planted, # patients treated

Process Measures: e.g. # volunteer hours, #administrator hours, # race stations staffed, gallons water provided

Community Measures: Facebook views,mentions/likes/commentsFlicker and YouTube posts/viewsTwitter followers, RTs and MTsNewsletter list, RSS subscribersBlog visits, bounce rate, time on site, page views

Amplify, acknowledge volunteer mentions

4. Measure & Share



5. Recognize Volunteers



1. Cultivate community

2. Onboard Quickly & Be Specific

3. Setup to Succeed

4. Measure & Share

5. Recognize Volunteers

Steps for Engaging Volunteers

#FreeTech4PTA @VolunteerSpot

Power Tools



Social Planning Power Tools

Social Dashboard/Scheduling/Analytics

Analysis of Content, Sources & Influencers

Themed Profile Pics



Like the ideas, but don’t have time?

MAKE TIME! It’s Strategic

Add a volunteer leader: Social Communications Coordinator

& a TEAM of Online Ambassadors

Get Help!












Lessons Learned

Mistakes will happen

Think before you post & check the sending account

Own up to your social media mistakes

Turn what could be a glaring negative into a glaring positive



Put ‘em to work!

#FreeTech4PTA @VolunteerSpot

THX 4 Making a #BIG Difference!

Take a Tour Today @

@VolunteerSpot @VSpotMom