Mobile Platforms Redux



Overview of the mobile platform and development environment landscape in light of the recent announcements during and around MWC 2011.Presented at the March 2011 Mobile Monday Edinburgh.

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  • 1. Mobile Platforms Redux orplatform choice for all right thinking people Geoff Ballinger VP Engineering Mobile Acuity Ltd.

2. While working hard in Barcelona I tried to track down the latest info and opinions on the various platforms out there. 3. Where are your users? (lies, damned lies, and statistics!) 4. 5. UK Usage 6. How accessible is it for you? ( and others?) 7. iOS

  • Most commercially developed and established apps ecosystem safe choice!

8. Every client wants an iPhone app 9. BUT lots of established competition. 10. Technically different (except for Mac devs) 11. Objective-C based not like the other children! 12. Relatively easy to bring in existing C/C++ 13. Very restrictive deployment process. 14. Android

  • Now biggest selling smartphone OS in USA

15. Google!Usable 80 PAYG devices! 16. Low barrier to entry for java developers 17. Can include native portions but latest Dalvik VMs very fast anyway 18. Relatively free and easy deployment 19. BUT starting to see significant malware 20. AND fragmentation ... 21. AND Oracle lawyers ... 22. RIM

  • OS 5+6 J2ME derived smartphone platform

23. QNX based Playbook OS has 4 SDKs:

  • Adobe AIR, and Webworks widget engine now

24. Native and Java to come + hybrids! Development tools often not great even now see Jamie Murai's weblog and RIM's responses 25. Existing java devices have huge market share 26. BBM a key part of the mix 27. Now for the rest ... 28. Nokia&co

  • Windows Phone 7
  • Primary platform for Nokia smartphones!

29. Silverlight + XNA Visual Studio inc. C# and VB Symbian

  • Huge number of devices in circulation

30. Huge presence/relevance in developing world? 31. Rather individual C++ dialect but recently QT MeeGo(ne)

  • C++ and QT based. Devices? AppUp ecosystem.

32. Still being pushed by Intel so can't discount it 33. WebOS

  • New devices from HP look v. interesting

34. HP will use for phones, tablets, and PCs and Printers! 35. Webkit + v8 engine w/ Node.js for services service bus 36. Mojo for javascript - also native dev kit 37. Ares fully hosted browser based IDE 38. Core of Ares is growing into Enyo - 2 ndgen platform with better structure and much less boilerplate HTML required. 39. Ecosystem a little behind the big 3 40. but if HP push those new devices! 41. WAC

  • Ever heard of them?

42. Wholesale Applications Community 43. Mobile widget platform based on W3C specs 44. Backed by many of the world's operators 45. App store up and runningnow 46. Mix of OMTP BONDI + JIL + GSMA OneAPI 47. Probably the quickest/easiest way to publish into the South Korean market! 48. etc.

  • Operator widget platforms

49. Samsung Bada (aka Symbian take two?) 50. Access Linux Platform 51. Maemo 52. J2ME 53. BREW 54. and of course don't forget mobile web! 55. or SMS etc! 56.

  • Incredible rate of change accepted facts can change very very fast.

57. Still all comes back to the usual things givingyourusers products theywant toandcanuse. 58. Lots of web tech based platforms appearing 59. app vs widget vs webapp do you care? 60. Tablets now part of the picture too 61. What effect will the operators have? 62. Thanks for Listening!