Simple steps for sms success



Learn important tips and tricks to achieve success with SMS marketing.

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Simple Steps for SMS Success

Not all SMS communications are created equal. While the short-form outreach benefits of mass

text messaging technology can be advantageous for any business, it’s important to avoid

several common mistakes when reaching out to your subscribers. The language you employ to

get your point across is crucial, and while abbreviating with “text speak” and colloquialisms may

seem harmless, texting without thinking can be damaging to your company’s brand image.

Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation where possible. The brevity of an SMS

communication may seem claustrophobic to copy writers who are used to having more space to

work, but it’s more than enough space to get a point across and pique the interest of

subscribers. Eliminating adspeak phrases such as “act now!” and “limited time only!” will save

you a lot of time and space; modern day consumers are so inundated with marketing urgency

that these types of sentences may as well be invisible for all the benefit they yield. Instead, take

the time to add personal touches, wit, and humor where possible in order to create a sense of

intimacy with your subscribers. Nobody likes to feel as though they’re one of a thousand on a

list, so developing a personable MASS TEXTING campaign will go a long way toward building

loyalty to your brand.

If traditional media marketing is a hand grenade, then SMS is a sniper’s bullet; the more

specific, the better and more functional your SMS marketing campaign will be. Because SMS is

designed to start conversations, you can tap the potential of your existing subscriber base to

drive business and expand your company’s reach. Offer ‘bring a friend’ discounts or at-the-

counter savings for loyal subscribers who get others involved in your campaign to incentivize

social interactions. In fact, incentivize everything you can; people will continue to opt in and

communicate with your company if they feel they are rewarded in some way for each

interaction, whether it’s a free key chain at their next visit or a ten percent loyalty discount after

so many visits.

A personable voice and incentive are great tools to get people involved, but it’s also important to

give people an easy way to opt out. This sounds counterintuitive, especially if you’re new to the

world of text marketing, but it actually makes sense. You aren’t trying to trap or trick anyone, so

be transparent about that fact; opting out of your SMS campaign should be as easy as opting in,

and no communication with subscribers should ever feel like spam.

Lastly, it’s important to imbue every mast texting communication with some level of urgency.

Nobody likes to be interrupted for no reason, so make sure each message you send is

information that can’t wait until later and provides a direct benefit to the person on the other end.

Promotions should be time sensitive rather than open-ended, and message tone should be

insistent without being pushy.

EZ Texting provides text messaging solutions and innovations to companies of all shapes and

sizes. Our goal is to help your business harness the incredible untapped potential of SMS

marketing in order to build communication with subscribers and drive business through personal

mobile interactions. Our easy to use interface allows you to contact thousands of people at

once, and keeps track of real time responses to give you a more accurate marketing picture of

your clientele than ever before. In addition, our social media widgets add new levels of

interaction potential to your web pages, allowing anyone to become involved in your campaign.