Personalities At Work Guerrilla Marketing for Selling Real Estate.com

DISC Personalities at Work

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Page 1: DISC Personalities at Work

Personalities At Work

Guerrilla Marketingfor Selling Real Estate.com

Page 2: DISC Personalities at Work

• Dr. Morris Massey stated that…– You are who you are now because of where you were when…

• 3 Stages of Development– 0-6 years Personality– 7-13 years Values and Beliefs– 14-22 years Decisions and Commitment



Page 3: DISC Personalities at Work

Based On The DISC Temperaments

• Originating in the 1920's by an American psychologist named William Moulton Marston.

• It measures four preferences, in which you are scored in each preference (thus resulting in a profile score across each type).

Guerrilla Marketingfor Selling Real Estate.com

Page 4: DISC Personalities at Work

What are the Quadrants?

DISC type Description

Dominant (Direct, Driver, Demanding, Determined, Decisive, Doer)

Independent, persistent, direct. Energetic, busy, fearless.

Focus on own goals rather than people.

Tell rather than ask.

Ask 'What?'

Influential (Inducement, Inspiring, Impressive, Interacting, Interesting)

Social, persuasive, friendly. Energetic, busy, optimistic, distractible.

Imaginative, focus on the new and future.

Poor time managers. Focused on people than tasks.

Tell rather than ask.

Ask 'Who?'

Steady (Submissive, Stable, Supportive, Shy, Status quo, Specialist)

Consistent, like stability. Accommodating, peace-seeking.

Like helping and supporting others. Good listeners and counselors.

Close relationships with few friends.

Ask, rather than tell.

Ask 'How?' and 'When?'

Conscientious (Cautious, Compliant, Correct, Calculating, Concerned, Careful, Contemplative)

Slow and critical thinker, perfectionist. Logical, fact-based, organized, follows rules.

Don't show feelings. Private. Few, but good friends.

Big-picture, outlines.

Ask 'Why?' and 'How?'

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The Monopoly Explanation

Category Their Role in Monopoly

Dominant Win at all costs! Buy all the properties and buy all the hotels and buy all the houses and if anyone lands on your property, CRUSH THEM!!!!!

Influential Have fun no matter what. This person will have to be reminded when it is their turn to go. They are there for the socialization, not for the game.

Steady Don’t cause waves. This person will pay attention and play according to the rules. If they have hotels and someone lands on their property, they will cut them a break to help them stay in the game.

Conscientious Preserve the Rules! This person’s main objective is to make sure that the Dominant folks don’t cheat. They almost always the banker and have actually read the rules.

When You Play Monopoly

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The Gun Range Explanation

Category Their Role at The Gun Range

Dominant Show up with gun cocked and loaded. Go straight to the range and unload all bullets.Go home! You accomplished your mission soldier!

Influential Show up and dig through your car for a gun. Find a clip, borrow a gun, have fun and talk to people, and the leave having never shot the gun.

Steady Show up with gun in case. Check in with the desk, go to the appropriate area, unpack and load gun. Take your time setting things up and then shoot. Not the fastest, but very reliable and predictable.

Conscientious Show up with your gun and a spare in separate cases. Check in at the desk and correct the spelling on the sign-in sheet. Go to the right area and ask a “D” to move to their right range. Unload and reload clip to ensure accuracy. Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, FIRE! Bulls-eye – go home. Very accurate!

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The Elevator ExplanationCategory Their Role in The Elevator

Dominant If you put for D’s on an elevator, you will end up with a fist fight.

Influential If you put four I’s on an elevator, you will end up with a party.

Steady If you put four S’s on an elevator, they will hold the door for each other, push each other’s floor button, and help each other with their bags.

Conscientious If you put four C’s on an elevator, you will end up with a CPA firm.

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The Checkbook Explanation

Category Balancing Your CheckbookDominant When you receive your statement in the mail, you open it up

and look at the balance. As long as you have plenty of money, you put the statement aside.

Influential When you receive your statement in the mail, you look at the envelope and say, “Oh, that is where I bank…” and then put it aside

Steady When you receive you statement in the mail, you open it and balance it. If there is an error, you make the adjustment in your check register.

Conscientious When you receive your statement in the mail, you open it up and balance it. If there is an error, you call the bank to inform them of their mistake. If everything is correct, you call the bank and let them know a better way to conduct their business.

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Leading a MeetingCategory Their Role in The MeetingDominant D’s want to be the leader in the meeting. They will

tend to take charge, whether that is appropriate or not. They want to walk away with results and a delegated list for others.

Influential I’s want attention. They will volunteer to be in charge but will tend to be disorganized and focused primarily on the social aspects of the meeting.

Steady S’s do not want to go to meetings. They will tend to sit in the back and hope to not have to talk.

Conscientious C’s will bring an agenda to the meeting, even if that is not their role. They want to stay on task and walk away with a plan.

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In A RelationshipCategory Their Role in The RelationshipDominant D’s need to be in charge. They “wear the pants” in the

relationship. They will often tell the other person what to do and expect the other person to bend to their style.

Influential I’s bring humor into the relationship. They use jokes / humor to diffuse tension. They tend to dream a lot about possibilities but rely on the other person to make things happen.

Steady S’s just want to get along. They tend to “go with the flow.” They are compliant, relational, generally very helpful. They want people to be happy.

Conscientious C’s tend to direct in the relationship. They bring seriousness, logic, and organization to the relationship. They need to be right and want credit for thinking of ideas.

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Personality Clash PointsArea Dominant Influential Steady Conscientious

Dominant Power Struggle D wants results while I wants relations – struggle over whether to communicate or shut up and work

D will tend to push the S around and over-use them because of the S’s dislike for conflict and confrontation

Power Struggle as well as a fight over whether to think big picture (D) or detail and correctness (C)

Influential I’s will look for rapport and relationship before work while D’s just want to get the job done.

Attention Struggle – Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!

Relations are generally good, but I’s will want to meet while S’s want to keep their head down and do their job.

Major struggles feeling that C’s are too wrapped up in details and forget about having fun with people.

Steady S’s want to D’s to lighten up the intensity and stop running over people’s emotions.

S’s want I’s to remember when the meeting is and what is due.

Leave Me Alone Struggle – both want to work without communicating.

Both S and C like details, but S’s want to work while C’s want to plan, organize, and color code.

Conscientious Struggle for moving up the ladder – C’s are just as ambitious as D’s but generally not as good at expressing desire for leadership.

C’s want I’s to learn to plan. C’s are the ultimate detail drivers while I’s are the ultimate relational drivers.

C’s tend to be very direct and this crumbles most S’s. C’s say what pops in their mind because they need to while S’s want to avoid the conflict.

My Way Struggle – desperate need to be the one who thought of the right answer.

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So Who Are You?Look at your top two areas…

Preference Dominant Influential Steady Cautious

Focus on other people, Extroverted, Flexible X X

Independent, internal X X

Energetic and busy / Tell rather than ask X X

Ask rather than tell X X

Imaginative, big-picture, future-focused X X

Like stability and predictability X X

Like change and variety X X

Task-oriented, Focus on Results X X

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Your Focus




Active, Outgoing 



Passive, Internal 



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Your Marketing OutputCategory Your Natural Marketing BehaviorDominant High D’s are very direct and to the point, frequently leaving

off details of their product or service that other personality types require for making buying decisions. D’s tend to focus on selling FEATURES rather than BENEFITS. They need to be aware that everyone does not process information in 5 second bites the way they do.

Influential The High “I” marketers want to jump from new marketing idea to new marketing idea, always searching for the next big thing. This person MUST be part of a cohesive plan which has a robust evaluation and correction process to gauge effectiveness.

Steady The High S marketer, when he/she gets around to a plan, will have all the details and will never want to make changes. This marketer will need to know that things are rarely right the first time.

Conscientious High “C” marketers live for laying out all the details, getting the facts and research together. They’ll have a LOT of weapons. Their struggle will be in the implementation.

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Your Marketing InputCategory Your Natural Marketing BehaviorDominant High D’s want facts, facts, facts. “Be brief, be bright, be

gone.” When they see something compelling enough to pay attention, they want to dig into the meat…you’ll lose them quick and they’ll move on. They want immediate implementation.

Influential The High “I” buyers will read through your message if presented in a compelling way. The D is looking for new things, the latest gadget and they make decisions quickly and tend to want to help with implementation. To reach these buyers: testimonies, feedback from previous clients.

Steady The High “S” buyer isn’t looking for anything new. They are happy with status quo and set in their ways. They need to see messages over and over again and when they do buy, there’s a long implementation cycle. But, once they’re sold on you or your product, they’re DONE!

Conscientious High “C” buyer have to have a LOT of documentation, specifications. This buyer does a lot of research and require multiple sales calls.

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Danny L. Smith, NMLS #138873, Sales Manager, Sr. Loan [email protected]
