Music video analysis: Fun –We are young https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=Sv6dMFF_yts

Music video analysis

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Music video analysis: Fun –We are young


• One of Goodwin’s theories is that music videos are used as promotional devices to nit only sell the song but to also sell the artist by identifying their ‘brand’ image. In this video there are many wide shots of the band (Fun) performing thus portraying their ‘brand image’ that they are real musicians (as they are playing their own instruments), typical of the indie-pop genre. However, at the same time, they present a lively and vibrant performance a typical convention of the pop genre.

• The establishing shots of the band member’s identify the narrative of the video which is that the band (Fun) is performing on stage at the bar where a riot breaks out.

• The shot of a man walking across to the bar also helps the audience to identify the narrative as this shot establishes the mise en scene that reinforces the narrative that the band are performing in a bar. Majority of Fun’s music video is shot in slow motion; whilst parts of it are shot in real time.

Lyrics and Visuals

• In this genre of indie pop, the relationship between the lyrics and visuals tends to be commonly illustrative although some music videos may incorporate elements of amplifying meaning.

• “My lover she’s waiting for me just across the bar” – There is a shot of a guy walking over to the bar where a female is waiting making this scene highly redundant.

• “And you feel like falling down”• The lyrics ‘falling down’ are edited together with a

scene where by a mobile phone is being thrown in mid-air so it results in falling to give the lyrics physical representation for the audience.

• There is a point of view shot of the mobile phone displaying a text message reading “NOW” giving the implication that the message was possibly a signal to begin a flash mob.

Music and visuals

Goodwin uses the concept of ‘Synaesthesia’ when analysing the relationship between the music and the visuals. He states Synaesthesia is the process by which sensory impressions are carried over from one scene to another. The images we see when listening to the music.

Close ups demanded by the record label• There are close ups and mid close ups of the lead

singer. This is so the audience can identify him and the fact the singer is looking directly into the camera. This example allows the audience to feel a part of the song and experience. The artist’s emotions thus attracting them to purchase the song. This links to Goodwin’s theory where music videos are promotional devices.

Notion of looking – Mulvey’s theory: Voyeuristic treatment of females

• Indie-pop music videos don’t tend to focus on the notion of looking. Due to mulveys theory being outdated the video has a tendency to focus on her theory of the male gaze. Both the males and females are dressed appropriately and are not represented as being sexual subjects.