Presentation on digital mkt

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Building & maintaining customer relationship through online activities to felicitate the exchange of ideas, product & services that satisfy the goals of both parties.


Digital marketing is about generating sales or capturing leads from customers that are searching on the internet for answer


• Reaching the right audience• To engage with your audience • To motivate your audience to take action• Efficient spending on your compaign• Return on investment

THE FUTURE OF THE WEB IS SOCIAL MEDIA:-• Video campaigns• Social bookmarks• Social networking• Forums• Photo sharing• Blogging


• Website design• Search engine optimization• Pay per click• Social media marketing• Email marketing• Display advertising• Content marketing• online reputation marketing


• Provide convenience• Increase satisfaction• Drive brand loyalty• Reduce the selling cycle• Reduce the cost of sales• Build your brand• Provide target results• It is measurable• Cost effective


• It's more affordable to deploy than traditional marketing and advertising• Digital marketing goes from planning to execution more quickly.• Digital marketing gives fans/viewers/readers a chance to share your content.• Digital marketing campaigns are easier to attach to other campaigns.• Digital marketing campaigns have longer shelf lives.• It's easier to change or stop a digital marketing campaign after it starts.• Digital marketing gives the brand more time and space to tell its story.

DISADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL MARKETING :-• Easier to have outdated information on internet, update timing is a critical

issue here.• Many web visitors expect something for free. Do you have something to offer

free?• There is a lot of competition in the market and by the time visitor reaches the

product they have already gone through many links and got the required product. Unless they find what they are looking for quickly.

• There are many pros and cons of internet marketing. Its important to consider each when creating internet marketing strategy.



Being one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, it includes delivering personalized or targeted messages at the correct time. For example, brands like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. deliver emails that are tailored to meet the user’s requirement.


Well, it is the most general type of Digital marketing which is used to increase the website’s visibility across the search engines. There are various techniques involved in this process ranging from on-site technical analysis and improvement, to blogging, link-building and content creation.


It is better known as Paid Search. In this process paid adverts are typically placed to the right or above of the ‘organic’ search results. The cost will depend on the competitiveness of the keyword you’re bidding on.


It is all about managing a brand’s image across multiple social channels including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and many others. This type has become greatly popular, mature and complex over the last few years.


Don’t confuse it with PPC! This involves the process of advertising on others website. For example, you can buy a banner space on popular website, paying the website owner for the same.


It is a perfect blend of various elements of the marketing. Generally, it always involves publicizing an element of content across multiple channels. It may include videos on You tube, blogs, email marketing, as well as some traditional elements, all with goal to assure that the content grabs the attention of the market and spreads naturally through online communities.


Besides, the aforementioned online marketing components, it is the widely used Digital marketing type. Especially, with the exponential rise in usage of smartphones around the world has enhanced the dependency on them for quick and timely information.

IMPORTANT PARTS IN DIGITAL MARKETING:-• social media accounts such as Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter•  online platforms for shopping, banking, trading, betting•  photo sharing platforms, such as Picasa, Flickr, Instagram• domain names, websites, blogs, iTunes, Kindle or Google Play accounts

DIGITAL MARKETING PLATFORMS QUICK GUIDE• Current and predicted future levels of customer adoption.• Competitor use and plans for new platform.• Revenue forecast for each channel based on sales predictions or

revenue.• How use of new platforms can change brand-perception.• Cost implementation of new platforms and repurposing content for

new platforms• Overall cost benefit.

DIGITAL EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM:- Brings collaboration, ideation, communication, sharing and communities together in a digital environment.


• Quick customized path to go-live.• Practically zero user training.• Designed focus-empowering the employee, enabling multi-directional communication.• Accessibility all devices, everywhere, all the time.• Cloud based and predictable pricing.• 24*7 support.• Auto upgrade and patches.• Amezon web service commitments of backup, restore, security.• Ability to customize.


• Identify and follow the rules of Bing, Yahoo!, and Google search ads before running your campaign as all have slightly different formats.

• Optimize the URL displayed in your search ad so that it’s relevant to the product or service you are promoting.

•  Include target keywords in your headlines and copy that either match or closely match the keywords you bid on in order to boost the chance that your ad appears for those terms.

• Write strong calls to action for your search ads that directly state what you want consumers to do. For example “Contact for a Free Estimate” or “Get a 50% Coupon.”

•  When using a click-to-call extension, consider using a tracking number so that you can identify and measure which ads perform the best.


• Don’t spend precious text ad character count on your business name. It should already be in your optimized URL.

• Do capitalize the first letter of major words in your ad. Don’t (read “NEVER”) go crazy with all caps.

• Should you use correct punctuation in text ads? Yes! It just makes good sense.•  Using trademarks in text ad copy is a no-no unless, of course, you own them.

You can, however, bid on terms relevant to your business.•  DUUA (don’t use unknown abbreviations). While it could pique the interest of a

few searchers, why take that chance?


• If you haven’t updated your website since 2010, do it now. A clean, modern design is key in digital marketing, plus it ensures that you meet today’s best practices and Web standard.

•  Make your website mobile-friendly! The 2014 Local Search study results indicate that nearly 80% of local mobile searches end in a purchase. This is a big audience you shouldn’t ignore

•  Accurately complete your site’s metadata (title tags, descriptions, alt text, etc.). Not doing so can negatively impact your visibility on SERPs.

• A business blog is a winning addition to your website. It can help boost your site’s SEO, set you apart from the competition, and demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. It’s a win-win situation.

•  In order to get found by local consumers, you need to optimize your site with local information like your address and geo-targeted keywords.


• Having a business blog is useless if you don’t regularly create and promote original and sharable content to help prove relevance and therefore rank in search engines.

• Enable share buttons on your blog so that readers can easily post your content to their social media pages and drive visitors back to your website.

•  Optimize your Google+ Local page to help your business name, phone number, location, and even opening hours show up in Google Maps and Google’s local search results.

• Much like Google+ Local, Yelp is platform to complete and post information about your business. More importantly, it helps feed Apple Maps with local business results.

• Include geo-specific keywords, such as your city, neighbourhood, and zip codes, in your website, blog, and even social media copy to appear in search results for these terms.


•  Don’t only promote blog posts once. Repurpose them as engaging images, quotes, or questions in order to generate additional views, shares, and subject relativity.

•  Getting backlinks from influencers and other industry-related websites that have already established credibility are great for building your own authority and driving more visits back to your site.

•  Enable Google Authorship to help build your personal brand. By establishing yourself as a subject matter expert, you can share your own content, generate more shares, and drive more website visits.

• Since positive reviews rank in search engine results, generate positive reviews with high rankings to help persuade consumers to choose your business.

• Once you receive positive reviews, promote them on your website and social media sites so that consumers who search for you business on social sites or local directories see the great things others say about your business.


•  Images can help sell your business, and they also rank in search engines. Don’t name your images “photo.jpg,” and instead name them more descriptively, add alt text, or captions on your website to help

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