September 2012 01442 876 038 E [email protected] “SELLING BY YELLING IS DEAD” Angus Grady September 19 th

Selling by yelling is Dead

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September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]


Angus Grady September 19th

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

In the Beginning…

“Selling by Yelling” is Dead” … sea change in how companies market themselves.. This no longer an appropriate way to conduct business, the days where budget determined market

presence has gone –

Advertisers with big budgets could out buy the smaller brands.. SOAPS Limited media platforms, TV, Cinema, Radio, Press were the territories of big budgets …less

likely for SME’s to have the resources to compete

2 Killer changes – Internet and advent of Social Media – combination has levelled the playing field like

never before Social Media is having a massive impact on the marketing process…it has given companies of all sizes the

chance and “Permission” to pick on bigger previously un thought of targets…


September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]




September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Your customers and your competitors customers are using the new platforms….so should you..

The old 4 P’s of Marketing …Price, Product, Promotion, Place now has a new addition..


It’s still about Market, Message and Media – Social Media is just another PILLAR in your marketing and

other channels still need to be taken care of…

People are getting better at blocking Interruption Based Marketing messages….how many of you have

unsubscribed to email Newsletters?

Customers are more in control of the info they receive and HOW they receive it…

There is a new way to engage with customers and it’s Inbound Marketing…..Customers coming to YOU…

It’s about making yourself more Attractive – getting people to come to you because you are seen as the

Expert, The Provider, Giver of Tips, Font of Advice, a REAL PERSON…its’ about being found..

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]





September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]


Make it easy for people to do business with you – do not make it difficult for people to spend money with

you, take away the barriers… Marketing in the wrong hands is a dangerous weapon…

Too many Channels all competing for attention and budget

Too many egos to keep happy

Too difficult at times to unravel which approach has been the most effective

Old Marketing is a monologue..New Marketing is a dialogue and is driven by Listening, Awareness, Adaptability

New mantra is Listen, Create and Engage…. STOP SHOUTING…….

Its about driving traffic to your web site and converting visitors to customers..

Listen – to the demand – go DIRECT TO THE NEED..

Create – Killer content that gets you noticed…Links to web site…Blogs…Back Links..SEO

Engage – communities, people and new markets – what new customers do you need to start engaging with so that your company can evolve…

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Corporate Evolution is vital – your market and customer base is in a state of change and …you must in

order to survive..

You are not the same company that you were last year or will be next year…it’s as certain as day following night, as water being wet…

“You cannot intercept the Future by making the mistakes of the past”

A key element in Evolution is TRUST ..you are the BRAND in the new marketing

world FACT…..You cannot not communicate…

We passively leak messages like radioactivity – about ourselves and about our company.. We give off signals that we don’t mean to all the time and these can and do impact upon how we are perceived Often that perception is NEGATIVE.. monitoring is all…we need to make sure we are aware of what is being picked up


September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]



Business cards Telephone

Reception, Car Park..



September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]


Communication is the essence of marketing …Listening is the essence of communication..

Listening coupled with Awareness = most important element in new marketing

We strive to be seen to make others AWARE of what we do..

Business Cards, Websites, Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn…list is endless

Ironic that we are desperate to increase AWARENESS whilst at the same time being almost completely UNAWARE of what is going on around us..

Awareness translates directly into New Business, Customer Retention, Competitor Intelligence and increased profitability..

Lack of competitor awareness can actually render your business extinct…Clintons, Kodak, Yellow

Pages…the very company that set out to promote business has been killed by business… New marketing can be cruel…how does JR Hartley find old books now?…internet, Twitter…Is he on LinkedIn?

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

E- [email protected]


What do you see?

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]


Two people can look at the same thing and come away with a completely different view point….

Interpretation is everything…

Lack of awareness prevents adaptability which can be fatal… Clintons, MySpace, Friends Reunited…

We pay a price to keep ourselves in the customers eyes for them to be aware of our products and

services But there is a far higher cost to carry for lack of market Awareness….getting it wrong has consequences

for your brands reputation and credibility and very existence..

To be competitive you have to be aware and adaptable…

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Spot The Difference….

Old Style Cold….. you bought a list and sent anything and everything out by post List was out of date as it was published and never verified….still the same Leading edge marketers would use email lists and carpet bomb whole towns… “Hit and hope…” some of this will work Nigel, trust me.. Limited success Budget led

New Style Warm ….you create your own lists with Linkedin and Twitter.. these have real names on.. Up to date .. You know that these people are real as they are sending tweets and are on LinkedIn Targeted, tactical …no hit and hope.. Measurable success via link tracking and engagement Small budgets work best..ability to tweak and juggle.. LinkedIn and Twitter are free….only cost is time You get to know them before you engage…very important

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Communication and Online Marketing

So how does all this relate to Twitter and LinkedIn you might ask?

Simple…both platforms are amazing for all the things that have been covered…

Attractiveness ,Experts, Go To Person Tip Giver, Reputation Builder, Crowd Sourcing New Business, Customer Research, Competitor Research AWARENESS…. ADAPABILITY

Both platforms allow you to FIND and be FOUND… Both platforms are LinkedIn… they compliment each other and can be used together as an effective Inbound vehicle…

Online Marketing has taken the old order and given it a shake…no need to spend money on lists, engage market research agencies or commission Focus Groups…can all be done online

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Communication and Online Marketing

Twitter – Allows you to Listen first Engage second…

Go Direct to the Need with targeted searches

Find out what your customers are saying about you and your market Get the low down on competitors by looking at what they are saying and who they talk to..

Organise huge amounts of information into Lists – filing cabinets of all your important contacts

Use the tools provided and reap the benefits

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Communication and Online Marketing


[tweet https://twitter.com/Lord_Sugar/status/247000134544654337]

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Communication and Online Marketing

LinkedIn ….probably the most powerful of all the business social media tools…bar none..

Most underused and misunderstood that’s for sure…

“Of course I’m on LinkedIn…” standard answer..but it should be “Yes I have a profile but have no idea why or what I’m doing with it…” That sums up 90% of people…

F words again, one with a U in….Found and Find…

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Closing Thoughts…

LinkedIn and Twitter help with a sense of belonging….building relationships


Sharing information, links etc can help create a bond between you and your customers

This sharing can only help the business process..when did someone last stop using you because you went out of your way to help them? You can be that “Challenger Brand”…there is no need to lag behind a competitor

New Marketing means that you can create “Niche” markets and dominate

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

Closing Thoughts…

Twitter and LinkedIn help you stay close to customers, chart competitors and even get OPC’s – Other People’ Customers … R.O.I – old Marketing is Return on Investment new Marketing is Return on Input..Relationships of Importance

Twitter and LinkedIn are “Future Tools”… they are the means to your corporate Evolution…Thrive don’t


The Third Revolution. Communication Technology will enable those who are already using Business Social Media to gain significant advantage over Late Adopters Helps with Awareness, Adaptability and SURVIVAL… don’t become a Clinton’s or a Kodak…

September 2012 01442 876 038

E [email protected]

And Finally…..

Always remember………..

This is the most powerful of all Social Media Tools…

A weapon of mass discussion