Audience research analysis

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Page 2: Audience research analysis

I have done audience research on my indie magazine in order to find out what appeals to audiences. I have conducted primary research to get an in-depth perspective, specifically for my indie magazine. To do this, I have made a questionnaire and made 10 students fill them out. In this questionnaire, I have included a series of closed questions in order to summarise my finding easier with pie charts and tallies. This also ensures that I have a popularity vote on what will work best so my magazine will be popular. It allows me to have an idea on what my magazine will look like and what it should include. I have used some qualitative and quantitative data so I can get a range of simple and detailed answers.


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16 years50%17 years


18 years10%

AGE I have included a question about age and from this, I can draw a target audience profile and I can get the demographic age for my magazine. 50% of the students participating in the questionnaire were aged 16 and this was the majority. 40% were aged 17 and only 10% were aged 18. This may be due to the fact that the questionnaire was conducted during college times which makes it less valid. This was what was predicted, however, I was hoping to aim my magazine at an older target audience. This means the representation of indie will be more edgy, in terms of adjusting preferences and styles to the teenage audience. This is based on the indie bands/artists teenagers tend to listen to. I am now going to make the target audience of a wider reach, starting at aged 16 to 25, which will mean language will be informal to cater to the slang, stereotypically associated with young people

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Male 50%


The results from this questions were 50% for both females and males. By having an equal gender to fill out my questionnaire, this ensures I have perspectives from both genders. From viewing the data, I have decided to make the target audience for my magazine female. This would mean I would have to include fonts and colours that look clean as stereotypically, indie magazines would have pleasant, easy to read writing. The colours would also be softer or if not, at least more simplistic.

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Indie Pop70%

Indie Rock30%

What type of indie do you prefer?Indie pop came out to be the predominant sub-genre people preferred with a majority of 70% selecting it. This was quite helpful towards my initial outlook on my magazine as in the music charts, indie pop tends to be the most popular and are able to gain popularity outside its local fans. I asked this question so I could choose between a pretty/flowery type of indie or a cool/edgy type.

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Part time30%

Full time10%


What kind of job do you haveI have asked this question to see my target audiences lifestyle. Predominantly, 60% of people were unemployed with 40% earning some type of money. This would mean the price of magazine would be lower than expected at about £1-2. This is because buying magazines would probably be a luxury for them. The results were not surprising as the students asked were college students who wouldn’t have that much time to have a job.

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Lifestyle of artists40%

Gig/festival reviews


Free posters


Album charts20%

What would you like to see in an indie


I have asked this question in order to see what I should base my main cover line and image on and also what cover lines I should have. By popularity vote, 40% chose lifestyle, 30% chose gig/festival reviews, 20% chose album charts whilst the minority 10% chose free posters. By looking at the statistics, I will make my double page spread about the lifestyle of an artist in some form of interview. With this information, I can also link it to my main image and cover line.

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ETHNICITY By asking this question, I have an overall outlook on which ethnicity enjoys indie the most. White people were the most dominant group with 70% followed by 20% being mixed and 10% being Asian. This shows that most of my target audience will be predominantly white. This adheres to the stereotype of indie being a genre targeted at white people so I will choose to aim my magazine at them as this is what will make my magazine more popular. However, I did expect a larger number of mixed ethnicities as the college where the questionnaire is conducted does have more ethnicities and I would have liked to hear from their views as well.

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Overall, judging from the results I have received, I have decided to do a female target audience, a mixed ethnicity, a cheap magazine and a mix of indie pop and indie rock. The content will also be centered mostly around the lifestyle of artists with other bits about gig/festival information etc.