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Previous volumes (2010-2020): 250 € / year (4 issues)Acarologia, CBGP, CS 30016, 34988 MONTFERRIER-sur-LEZ Cedex, France

ISSN 0044-586X (print), ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic)


A quarterly journal of acarology, since 1959Publishing on all aspects of the Acari

All information: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/

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Acarologia is under free license and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY

The digitalization of Acarologia papers prior to 2000 was supported by Agropolis Fondation under the reference ID 1500-024 through the « Investissements d’avenir » programme

(Labex Agro: ANR-10-LABX-0001-01)

Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)DOI: 10.24349/acarologia/20174197

The marine-associated lifestyle of ameronothroid mites (Acari, Oribatida)and its evolutionary origin: a review


(Received 14 December 2016; accepted 21 March 2017; published online 05 May 2017; edited by Ekaterina SIDORCHUK)

Institute of Zoology, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 2, 8010 Graz, Austria. [email protected]

ABSTRACT — Existing literature on marine associated Ameronothroidea is reviewed and recapitulated. Although theselittoral oribatid mites strongly resemble typical terrestrial mites, they have evolved different adaptions of various kindsto the marine littoral environment. In order to cope with intertidal wave action, most species show reduced and compactsensilla as well as sickle-shaped and elongated claws. Complex cerotegument based plastron mechanisms have evolvedto allow breathing under flooded conditions and enabling these organisms to survive an average of more than a monthcompletely submerged in saltwater. Behavioural adaptations include aggregations, diurnal and circatidal activity pat-terns, daily and seasonal migrations and thigmotaxis. Most taxa show no reproductive adaptions to the littoral habitatbut some have developed ovoviviparity to protect the offspring and a few also have evolved distinct sexual dimorphismsupposed to allow direct mating and secure sperm transfer in this constantly changing environment. Ameronothroidtaxa are basically generalized feeders grazing on intertidal algae, lichens and fungi which also serve as microhabitat.Coastal areas all over the globe have been colonized and these mites can be found in a wide range of habitats: e.g. polarshores, rocky coasts, sandy beaches, tropical mangrove forests, brackish river estuaries and salt marshes. The familiesshow a distinct climate related distribution pattern, with the Ameronothridae (Podacaridae included) in polar and coldtemperate regions and the Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae in subtropical and tropical areas. Long distance transportto remote islands is supposed to be mainly achieved by bird phoresy in Ameronothridae and by dispersal via strongocean currents in Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae. In literature there are basically two contrasting theories explainingthe evolutionary invasion of marine associated habitats by ameronothroid mites, one favoring a monophyletic origin anda single land-to-sea transition event and another preferring an independent terrestrial ancestry and accordingly multipleinvasions of the marine littoral environment. Recent molecular genetic studies support the latter theory and render thepresent superfamily of Ameronothroidea a polyphyletic taxon.

KEYWORDS — adaptations; plastron; biogeography; behaviour; reproduction; convergence; Ameronothridae; Fortuyni-idae; Selenoribatidae


The marine intertidal zone constitutes one of themost interesting ecosystems on earth. It representsthe border of two completely different worlds, themarine and the terrestrial realms, where environ-mental parameters are changing constantly, hence

challenging the ability of organisms to cope withthese extreme conditions.

Very few mite groups have been able to accom-plish the land to sea transition, and they are scat-tered over various taxa. The prostigmatid Halacari-dae represent a group that has even managed to

http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/ISSN 0044-586-X (print). ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic)


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cross this line between land and sea completelyhaving radiated in marine waters. They are cos-mopolitan, occurring from shallow waters to thebathyal and even the abyssal (e.g. Bartsch 2004) andhence represent true marine organisms. Other mitegroups have not crossed this barrier, though theyhave successfully invaded the littoral zone.

Among Mesostigmata, some genera of the fam-ily Ologamasidae, for example Hydrogamasus andPsammonsella, have adapted to intertidal marinehabitats. Members of Halolaelapidae, e.g. Halo-laelaps and Halodarcia, are also known to inhabitlittoral algae and beach wrack in coastal zones.Representatives of Parasitidae and Laelapidae arelikewise common predators in these habitats (e.g.Lindquist et al. 2009). The same applies to rep-resentatives of the prostigmatid families Bdellidae,Rhagidiidae and Erythraeidae (Walter et al. 2009).Littoral species that forage on marine algae can alsobe found in the endeostigmatic genus Nanorchestes,and the whole astigmatine family Hyadesiidae iscomposed of marine intertidal mites, occurring onvirtually all coastlines (e.g. Schuster 1979). Last,several isolated oribatid mite species, for exampleHermannia subglabra Berlese, 1910, Acrotritia clavata(Märkel 1964), Passalozetes bidactylus (Coggi, 1900),Punctoribates quadrivertex (Halbert, 1920), Halorib-atula tenareae Schuster, 1957 etc. are associatedwith marine shores; they are thalassophilous or tha-lassobiont, meaning respectively that they occurin coastal areas or they have completely adaptedto marine-associated environments (e.g. Schus-ter 1957, 1966, 1979, 1989; Luxton 1967, Syamjithand Ramani 2013). Other than Halacaridae, allthe above mentioned groups are examples of infre-quent marine associations within larger evolution-ary clades suggesting that the invasion of coastalhabitats happened repeatedly and relatively re-cently in geological time.

Only one group of oribatid mites stands outas supposedly representing an ancient, mono-phyletic taxon that evolved and radiated inthe marine littoral environment, the superfamilyAmeronothroidea. More than 90% of oribatid mitespecies living in intertidal habitats belong to this su-perfamily (Proches and Marshall 2001) and they are

characteristic elements of the marine littoral fauna.The first member of this assemblage was discov-ered more than 140 years ago (Thorell 1871), andsince then three families, 17 genera and approxi-mately 84 species have been described (Subías 2004,update 2016). Despite a large literature concern-ing diverse aspects of this substantial group, thepresent state of knowledge still shows many gaps,relationships are largely unclear, and the evolution-ary processes that led to the occupation of inter-tidal habitats are scarcely understood. Most of theliterature is highly limited in scope, and only afew comprehensive studies include all members ofAmeronothroidea (Wallwork 1964, Weigmann andSchulte 1977, Behan-Pelletier 1997).

The aim of the present paper is to summarizeand synthesize existing literature on ameronothroidmites and to provide a concise and coherentoverview of the biological, ecological, zoogeo-graphical and evolutionary aspects of the marine-associated lifestyle of this taxon. Additionally, theo-ries about the evolutionary invasion of littoral habi-tats by ameronothroid mites are reviewed and eval-uated based on recent findings.


Data acquisition and illustrations

Data presented in this paper are based on publishedliterature, but some unpublished photographs, elec-tron microscopic images and distribution mapsare added to illustrate various topics. Light pho-tographs were made with an Olympus E5 digitalSLR camera attached to either an Olympus BH-2microscope (for micrographs) or to an OlympusSZX 12 stereo microscope (for normal photographs).Electron micrographs were taken at the Research In-stitute for Electron Microscopy and Fine StructureResearch, Graz, University of Technology (FELMI)using a Leitz AMR microscope and a Zeiss Gem-ini Ultra 55. For this purpose specimens stored in70% ethanol were dehydrated in ascending ethanolconcentrations, mounted on aluminium stubs withdouble-sided sticky tape, and then sputter coatedwith gold–palladium.


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)


Brachypyline classification used in this text fol-lows the broad outlines of Norton and Behan-Pelletier (2009). The term “Ameronothridae sensustricto (s. str.)” refers to the northern hemisphericameronothrid taxa (in the sense of Vitzthum 1942);the more inclusive term “Ameronothridae sensulato (s. l.)” refers to this northern hemispheric com-ponent plus all southern hemispheric Podacaridae(in the sense of Wallwork 1964). These terms areonly used in the Taxonomy and Systematics Sec-tion, in all other sections these groups are givenas Ameronothridae and Podacaridae. A generaloverview of oribatid morphology is given by Nor-ton and Behan-Pelletier (2009).

Species authors of all marine-associatedameronothroid mites are given in Table 2 and there-fore they are not cited when they are mentioned forthe first time in text. However, species authors fornon-ameronothroid taxa are given in the text.



At present, different classifications of the superfam-ily Ameronothroidea can be found in the literature(Table 1), and several taxonomic issues are still un-resolved. However, all of these classifications (e.g.Schulte and Weigmann 1977, Subías 2004, Nortonand Behan-Pelletier 2009 etc.) acknowledge theAmeronothridae, Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidaeas ameronothroid families. The marine-associated

lifestyle of most members of this group was surelyone of the main reasons for their unification, butthis motivation resulted in some ambiguous or con-flicting taxonomic arrangements that are best under-stood in a historical context.

The first marine-associated oribatid mites werediscovered in the late nineteenth century, but weremostly classified in genera that have very differ-ent concepts today. Thorell (1871) described thefirst ameronothroid mite, Ameronothrus lineatus (inEremaeus), from the polar Island Spitsbergen. Insubsequent years, further littoral species of mainlypolar and cold temperate coasts were found anddescribed by the most renowned acarologists ofthat time (e.g. L. Koch 1879, Michael 1882, Oude-mans 1903). Berlese proposed the first modernameronothroid genera, Ameronothrus (Berlese 1896)and Halozetes (Berlese 1916) but included the formerin Carabodidae. Years later Willmann (1931) recog-nized that Ameronothrus represents an independenttaxon; accordingly Vizthum (1942) cited Willmann,1931 as the family author. However, Willmann didnot mention the family name in his work and, fol-lowing the rules of the code of nomenclature, onlythe author giving the name for the first time is to beseen as the taxon author. Consequently, Vitzthum(1942) is the author of Ameronothridae. In his essayon the classification of oribatid mites, Grandjean(1954) included Halozetes in Ameronothridae andconfirmed the distinct status of this family. Onlyone year later, Grandjean (1955) described Podacarusauberti, another littoral species from an Antarcticisland. He noted its systematic relationship to

TABLE 1: Four different classifications of the superfamily Ameronothroidea present in important publications on oribatid mite system-atics (indicated by different numbers). + family accepted as member, - rejected or neglected.


Ameronothridae s. str. Podacaridae Fortuyniidae Selenoribatidae Tegeocranellidae

Wallwork 1964 1 + + + + -

Weigmann and Schulte 1977 2 + + -

Balogh and Balogh 1992 2 + + -

Behan-Pelletier 1997 3 + + +

Woas 2002 4 + + + + +

Subías 2004 2 + + -

Norton and Behan-Pelletier 2009 3 + + ++


Ameronothridae s. l.






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Ameronothridae, but proposed the family Podacari-dae based on divergent morphological features ofthe immatures of this species. Van der Hammen(1960) was the first to find an intertidal species intropical regions and included this new taxon, For-tuynia marina, in Podacaridae. When van der Ham-men (1963) proposed Fortuynia yunkeri, the secondspecies of this genus, he also described its juvenilestages; their morphology diverged conspicuouslyfrom juveniles of Podacaridae, and accordingly heexcluded Fortuynia from this family and proposedthe family Fortuyniidae within Ameronothroidea.Shortly afterwards, Wallwork (1964) considered theproposal of Fortuyniidae justified, and includedonly Podacarus, Alaskozetes and Halozetes in his re-vision of Podacaridae. Nevertheless, Balogh (1965)ignored these changes and assigned the genus For-tuynia again to Podacaridae, regarding the obviousdifferences as only of generic significance. Lux-ton (1967) disagreed with Balogh’s opinion and con-firmed again the validity of Fortuyniidae bringingthis debate for now to an end; since then, Fortuyni-idae are commonly accepted as a distinct taxon ofAmeronothroidea.

However, the discovery of further ameronothroidspecies in subsequent years led to a controversyabout the systematic status of Podacaridae andAmeronothridae. Based on detailed morphologi-cal investigations, Schubart (1975) stated that thesetwo families are likely to be two subfamilies of asingle family. Weigmann and Schulte (1977) sup-ported Schubart’s hypothesis and included all for-mer podacarid genera in Ameronothridae arguingthat there is no decided gap among the taxa and thattheir groupings into separate monophyletic familiesare no longer justified. Some authors (Subías 2004,Norton and Behan-Pelletier 2009) accepted this tax-onomic reorganization, others (Luxton 1990b, Woas2002) still recognized Podacaridae and so both sys-tematic groupings still are found in the literature.

The ameronothroid family Selenoribatidae, onthe other hand, has never been seriously chal-lenged. Strenzke (1961) described the first selenori-batid species, Selenoribates foveiventris, from coastsof the Red Sea, then Schuster (1963) proposedtwo years later Selenoribatidae, when he discov-

ered Thalassozetes riparius, another intertidal speciesfrom Mediterranean shores. Grandjean (1966) wasthe first to give a detailed diagnosis for this fam-ily and later (Grandjean 1968) provided furtherimportant taxonomic and systematic informationstrengthening the concept of Selenoribatidae. Sincethen the number of selenoribatid taxa quintupledand though there have been some problems at thegeneric or species level (e.g. synonymies, unjusti-fied transfers; for details see Pfingstl and Schuster2012a), the family remained a well delimited andestablished monophyletic group.

The last and probably the most overlookedameronothroid family are the Tegeocranellidaewhich differ in their ecology from nearly all othermembers in being exclusively associated with fresh-water habitats. The distinctness of this monogenerictaxon was never questioned but the position withinthe system of higher oribatids and especially its in-clusion within the Ameronothroidea is still contro-versial. Balogh and Balogh (1992) included thistaxon initially in the Polypterozetoidea, a super-family characterized as eupheredermous Oribatida,which means the nymphs retain the exuvial scalp ofthe preceding stage after the moult. But nymphs ofTegeocranellidae do not retain scalps and are thusclassified as apheredermous. Behan-Pelletier (1997)noticed this fundamental mistake and moreoverdemonstrated plausibly that the family Tegeocranel-lidae is indeed a member of the Ameronothroidea,closely related to Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae.Although Behan-Pelletier’s reasoning was based onclear synapomorphic characters and thus conclu-sive, several authors seem to have simply neglectedher excellent work. For example, in his annually up-dated checklist of oribatid mites, Subías (2004) in-cludes the Tegeocranellidae in the superfamily Tec-tocepheoidea without any explanation and there-fore causes persisting confusion about the system-atic relationship of this family.

In summary, a universally accepted system-atic concept of Ameronothroidea is lacking andcertain groupings, e.g. Podacaridae included inAmeronothridae (Weigmann and Schulte 1977) orTegeocranellidae included in Tectocepheoidea (Sub-ías 2004), remain questionable.


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

FIGURE 1: Global distribution of marine-associated ameronothroid mite families. Ameronothridae – blue circles; relictual terrestrialAmeronothridae – black circles; Selenoribatidae – orange circles; Fortuyniidae – red squares; Podacaridae – violet squares. Arrow-heads pointing to occurrences of taxa specifically discussed in the text. 1 – Alaskozetes coriaceus; 2 – Ameronothrus bilineatus; 3 –Aquanothrus; 4 – Chudalupia meridionalis.


Marine-associated Ameronothroidea can be foundin all oceans, and their distribution extends fromcoasts of the Arctic to shores of the Antarctic(Figure 1). The occurrence of the families isstrongly correlated with different climate zones, i.e.the Ameronothridae and Podacaridae are predom-inantly contained within cold-temperate regionsaround both poles (e.g. Proches and Marshall 2001),and only a small fraction of northern hemisphericAmeronothridae can be found beyond the limitsof these areas. Ameronothrus bilineatus, A. mari-nus, A. schneideri and A. schusteri may occur to-wards the transition-zone to the tropics (Schulte1975) though only A. maculatus clearly stands outfrom the other cold-adapted taxa with records fromcoasts of Tunisia (Schulte 1975) and the tropicalCaribbean Island Curaçao (Willmann 1936).

In contrast to the northern hemisphericAmeronothridae, the southern hemispheric Po-dacaridae include exclusively cold-adapted taxa

and are largely confined to Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic regions (Proches and Marshall 2001). Theonly occurrence outside these polar areas is that ofHalozetes capensis, a possible endemic species livingon temperate shores of South Africa (Coetzee andMarshall 2003).

The families of Fortuyniidae and Selenoribati-dae, on the other hand, are limited to shorelinesof the subtropics and tropics (e.g. Schuster 1989)and hence they appear to be warm-adapted mites.Most members can be found in the tropical East-ern Pacific, the tropical Western Atlantic and theIndo-Pacific (Proches and Marshall 2001, Pfingstland Schuster 2014) while the least inhabited area isthe Mediterranean-Atlantic region.

Besides the aerial climate, a few authors (Schus-ter 1966, Pfingstl and Schuster 2014, Pfingstl 2016)suggested that the temperature of large ocean cur-rents may also shape distributional patterns. Forexample, warm-adapted selenoribatid mites occurabundantly on the South American Atlantic coast


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where the warm Brazil Current flows southwards,whereas these mites are absent from the Pacificshore at the same latitudes where the cold Hum-boldt Current prevails (Pfingstl and Schuster 2014).A similar situation is found at the southern tip ofAfrica: cold-adapted ameronothrid species occur onthe west coast where the cold Benguela current ispresent, and warm-adapted fortuyniid and selenori-batid taxa inhabit the east coast where the warm Ag-ulhas Current flows (Pfingstl 2016).

However, aerial and oceanic climate are closelylinked, and we do not know the relative importanceof air or water temperature in the distribution ofthese taxa. But given the fact that stenotopic inter-tidal species are spending half of their lives in theseawater, it is likely that water temperature influ-ences their biogeography.

Although the worldwide distribution ofAmeronothroidea shows a relatively well-definedpattern, two exceptional records have seemed enig-matic. The first is the discovery of Alaskozetes cori-aceus (Hammer 1955) from an arctic hill in Alaska.Marie Hammer described this species and proposedthe genus Alaskozetes based on a single specimenthat was given to her from that location. Surpris-ingly, this was the only Alaskozetes specimen everfound in the northern hemisphere, all others havebeen collected later in the southern hemisphere

from Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic areas, where thisgenus is abundant. Such a disjunctive distributionon opposite Polar Regions, with more than 10 000km in between, is more than extraordinary. It wassuggested that the finding in Alaska may have beencaused by migratory birds flying from Pole to Polewith the mites attached to their feathers (Schus-ter 1966). The second biogeographic puzzle wasthe finding of Ameronothrus bilineatus specimensfrom the littoral zone of South Africa (Weigmann1975b). Before that, this species was known to occuronly in the northern hemisphere, namely on Eu-ropean coasts with a latitudinal distribution rangefrom Scandinavia to Portugal. Although Weigmann(1975b) mentioned the possibility of birds havingtransported specimens from Europe to South Africa,he favored the idea of a continuous distributionfrom Southern Europe along the African west coast.Proches and Marshall (2001), on the other hand,clearly classified the South African A. bilineatuspopulation as introduced, but offered no potentialexplanation, so this biogeographic mystery also re-mains unsolved.

Vast coastlines of each continent are still largelyuncharted in terms of intertidal oribatid mite occur-rences and thus known biogeographic patterns maychange considerably in the future.

FIGURE 2: SEM-micrographs – juxtaposition of typical intertidal and typical terrestrial oribatid mites, showing no obvious differences(excepting tarsal claws much more prominent in intertidal species): A – Alismobates inexpectatus, inhabitant of rocky intertidal shores(Western Atlantic); B – Scutovertex ianus, found in moss (Central Europe).


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)



Luxton (1990b) was correct in noting that marine-associated oribatid mites appear at first sight toshow no modifications for life on the sea shore. Be-ing air-breathing animals that have not completelytransgressed the ecological barrier between marineand terrestrial environments, they strongly resem-ble typical terrestrial oribatid mites (Figure 2). Nev-ertheless, evolutionary adaptations to the intertidallifestyle can be found in all biological aspects ofthese mites.

(1) Morphology

Daily tidal submergence is surely one of the mainselective factors shaping the morphology of inter-tidal mites. Schubart (1971, 1975) noticed a causalcorrelation between frequent inundation and reduc-tion of sensilli in the Ameronothridae. Species liv-ing predominantly in supralittoral zones (the upper-

most area of the littoral zone), like Ameronothrus lin-eatus or A. maculatus, in general have small sensilliwhile species dwelling in the intertidal zone, like A.bilineatus and A. marinus, have lost their sensilli andbothridia completely. A reduction of these sensoryorgans may prevent overstimulation when the miteis submerged and subject to strong tidal wave ac-tion and constantly moving water. Indeed, the ma-jority of ameronothroid mites show relatively sim-ple and short sensilli. Members of the genus Fortuy-nia, which live in the lower eulittoral area (e.g. Pf-ingstl 2013b), exhibit especially short and compactsensilli.

Another morphological trait affected by tidalwave action is the tarsal claws of the legs. Karasawaand Hijii (2004b) demonstrated that monodactylousspecies dominate in littoral environments and con-sequently they stated that a reduction in the numberof claws may be an evolutionary adaptation to regu-lar tidal flooding. All members of Fortuyniidae andSelenoribatidae, which are stenotopic inhabitants

FIGURE 3: Types of tarsal claws present in intertidal oribatid mites. Upper row – different kinds of elongated sickle-shaped claws, lowerrow – claws with additional teeth: A – Ameronothrus sp.; B – Fortuynia smiti; C – Selenoribatidae gen. nov.; D – Carinozetes bermudensis(one proximoventral tooth); E – Selenoribates arotroventer (two proximoventral teeth); F – Selenoribates satanicus (one proximoventraland one proximodorsal tooth).


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FIGURE 4: Photographs of flooded fortuyniid specimens from Bonaire Isl. Retained air can be seen as silvery shimmer on body surfaces.

of the intertidal zone, show only a single claw ontheir legs, whereas Ameronothridae and Podacari-dae, which have both intertidal and non-intertidalrepresentatives, possess either one or three claws.Concerning the latter, Schubart (1975) noted thatAmeronothrus species living on hard substrates (e.g.rocks, shore fortifications) are tridactylous, while

species dwelling on soft substrates (e.g. salt mead-ows, silted rocks) are monodactylous, accordinglyhe postulated a correlation between type of substra-tum and claw number. Apart from the claw number,Pugh et al. (1987b) demonstrated that claws of inter-tidal Ameronothrus species are proportionally longerthan those of congeneric supralittoral species. In-


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

deed, the majority of intertidal oribatid species pos-sesses elongated claws (Figure 3) allowing them togrip the substrate more tightly during tidal flood-ing (Karasawa and Hijii 2004b); these claws may beequipped with spine-like structures (Figures 3D–F),as in most selenoribatid species (e.g. Strenzke 1961,Grandjean 1968, Pfingstl 2013c, 2015b).

(2) Plastron respiration

Intertidal ameronothroid mites are air-breathing an-imals respiring with a tracheal system, thereforethey had to evolve special adaptations in order tosurvive daily tidal flooding. Ameronothroid mitesare known to use plastron respiration when flooded.A plastron is an alternative respiration system ab-sorbing oxygen from the surrounding water via athin layer of air trapped by hydrophobic hairs orother cuticular projections (definition after Fieldenet al. 2011) and is known to occur in many aquaticand semi-aquatic arthropod taxa, like insects andspiders. Plastrons of intertidal ameronothroid mites(Figure 4) are associated with cuticular and/orcerotegumental structures (e.g. Pugh et al. 1987a,1990; Messner et al. 1992, Pfingstl and Krisper 2014).It was demonstrated by Pugh et al. (1987a) that thecerotegument of Ameronothrus marinus contains ap-proximately 21 % airspace and that of A. maculatuseven 60%. Although the air-retaining surface struc-tures are more or less similar in all investigated taxa,the specific mode of plastron respiration differs con-siderably among them. For example, in flooded for-tuyniid and selenoribatid adults the retained layerof air always communicates with the tracheal sys-tem (Pfingstl and Krisper 2014), whereas in sub-merged Ameronothrus individuals no such connec-tion was found, and diffusion of oxygen from theplastron is assumed to occur across the weakly scle-rotized cuticle instead via the tracheae (Pugh etal. 1987b, 1990). Similarly, in juvenile Fortuyni-idae and Selenoribatidae air is retained in certainlarge lateral and ventral folds of the soft integument,and these folds are equipped with series of poresleading into tracheal structures supplying the inter-nal organs with oxygen (Pfingstl and Krisper 2014).In Ameronothrus nymphs, on the other hand, thefolding pattern is conspicuously different, tracheal

structures are absent and gas transfer is assumed totake place across the whole soft integument (Mess-ner et al. 1992).

Adults of Fortuyniidae have furthermoreevolved a unique complex system of lateral cutic-ular taenidia, also called van der Hammen’s organ(e.g. Hammen 1963, Travé 1986, Pugh et al. 1990)(Figure 5). This system of taenidia connects the dor-sal and ventral plastron area and is thought to facili-tate rapid equilibrium of pressure changes betweenthe respiratory system and the surrounding envi-ronment caused by rough wave movements (Pughet al. 1990). Although present in all fortuyniid mem-bers, the specific configuration of taenidia slightlyvaries among the genera (e.g. Pfingstl and Schuster2012b, Pfingstl and Krisper 2014).

Several authors investigated the efficiency ofplastron respiration in certain ameronothroid taxaand demonstrated that these mites are able tosurvive astonishingly long periods of time underflooded conditions (Table 3). Alismobates inexpecta-tus, Fortuynia atlantica and Carinozetes bermudensisspecimens survived an average of one month un-der water (Pfingstl 2013a), A. lineatus and A. marinusspecimens more than two months (Schuster 1979,Pugh et al. 1987a) and A. maculatus tolerated in-undation for more than one month (Schuster 1966).Maximum survival times ranged from nearly two toeight months in these species (Schuster 1966, 1979;Pfingstl 2013b).

(3) Behaviour

Intertidal mites are confined to a relatively few mi-crohabitats, such as rocky shore lichens, kelp hold-fasts, etc., which provide protection from directand indirect stresses of severe wave action (Pughand Mercer 2001), but behavioural adaptationsfurther minimize these stresses. Several marine-associated oribatid mites are relatively quick andactive climbers (Pfingstl 2013a); this allows them toescape rising tide and retreat into crevices or otherprotected spots. There may be a relation amongthe speed of this locomotion, the substrate and themite’s vertical occurrence in the littoral area (Pfin-gstl 2013a). Species dwelling on rocky exposed sub-strate in the lower eulittoral, such as F. atlantica, are


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FIGURE 5: SEM-micrograph of Fortuynia maledivensis, lateral view, demonstrating the configuration of Van der Hammen’s organ. Arrowspoint to each lateral cuticular channel of this organ; Ss – sensillus, la – lateral anterior notogastral seta, I–III – legs.

very fast climbers (Pfingstl 2013a), while species liv-ing in the upper and more vegetated eulittoral area,e.g. Halozetes otagoensis, Ameronothrus schneideri andAlaskozetes antarcticus, are moderate or even slug-gish runners (Luxton 1966, 1990a, Strong 1967, God-dard 1979). The more exposed and closer the ani-mals are to the water’s edge, the more quickly theymust react and move to avoid being washed away.

Another behavioural strategy to prevent dis-lodgement by waves is aggregation. This has beenobserved often and in many intertidal taxa, e.g.Fortuyniidae (Krisper and Schuster 2008, Pfingstl2013a), Ameronothridae (Schulte et al. 1975, Schulte1976b, Bücking et al. 1998, Søvik 2004) and Po-dacaridae, (Peckham 1967, Goddard 1979, Convey1994b) where hundreds of individuals of differentage are crouched next to and on top of each other(Figure 6A). Protection against wave action is a pri-

mary function of this behaviour, but in some in-stances aggregations may aid mate location (Blockand Convey 1995) and synchronization of moults(Søvik 2004).

Certain fortuyniid and selenoribatid speciesshow thigmotactic behaviour (Pfingstl 2013a) by en-tering narrow crevices and small depressions whenthese are present. This behaviour is advantageousin a periodically flooded environment because itlimits the time the animals spend in open areas, ex-posed to the tidal surge. Intertidal oribatid mitesusually are either inactive (e.g. Schulte 1973, Behan-Pelletier and Eamer 2007) or show low activitywhen flooded (Pfingstl 2013a). Pugh and King(1986) demonstrated that intertidal mites have activ-ity cycles synchronized with diurnal and circatidalpatterns, so that they are most active during peri-ods of low tide and bright daylight. Individuals of


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

FIGURE 6: Photographs illustrating characteristic behaviors intertidal Fortuynia atlantica: A – Adult specimens aggregating in a smalldepression of substrate; B – Three adults and larva rafting on water surface – “floating behavior” (white rings on mites are reflectionsof ring-light illuminator).

A. marinus even perform rhythmic daily vertical mi-grations to avoid tidal flooding. In this way, they re-duce the time of submergence and extend the timeof possible food intake (Schulte 1973).

The temperate species A. lineatus shows anotherinteresting strategy to reduce or avoid the mechan-ical stress of wave movement. In summer, whenreproduction reaches its peak, adults migrate intothe uppermost eulittoral where they lay eggs; off-spring develop there for the next two months, thendeutonymphs move back to the littoral zone wheredevelopment is completed (Bücking et al. 1998). Bythese seasonal vertical migrations the dangers of thetidal cycle are avoided for at least the most vulnera-ble stages: eggs, larvae and protonymphs.

Despite these strategies, intertidal mites surelyare surprised often by waves and washed away, andfor such an event the tropical F. atlantica has evolvedan interesting behaviour. When exposed to a sud-den flood, specimens immediately splay the legs, sothat they float like a raft on the surface of the wateruntil they again reach firm substrate (Pfingstl 2013a)(Figure 6B). By this so-called “floating behaviour”the mites increase their chances of survival in theopen water and successful dispersal by ocean cur-rents (Pfingstl 2013a).

(4) Reproduction

As noted, aggregation may facilitate finding mates(Block and Convey 1995) or deposition of eggs inareas far above tidal range (Bücking et al. 1998),but there are several other reproductive traits thathave evolved as adaptations to the marine environ-ment. For example, most Ameronothridae are ovo-viviparous (for a detailed discussion of this phe-nomenon see Norton 1994), with the larva havingdeveloped within the mother’s body and hatchingfrom the egg immediately (larviparity) or within afew hours after deposition (Luxton 1966, Weigmann1975a, Bücking et al. 1998, Søvik 2003, Søvik etal. 2003). This way, the vulnerable egg stageis extremely shortened and the mobile larva canpromptly escape tidal waves. The tropical For-tuyniidae and Selenoribatidae, on the other hand,are oviparous; their egg stage takes approximately15–35 days, similar to those of typical terrestrial ori-batid mites (Pfingstl 2013a). However, they protecttheir eggs from tidal movement by either gluingthem into tiny crevices of the substrate, as for ex-ample in F. atlantica, or they push them deep intothe intertidal algae so that the algal mass completelyencloses and protects the eggs, e.g. as in A. inexpec-tatus (Pfingstl 2013a).

Spermatophores of males appear even more


Pfingstl T.

FIGURE 7: Examples of distinct sexual dimorphism littoral ameronothroid mites (see text for explanation): A – Alaskozetes antarcticus(modified after Wallwork 1962); B – Fortuynia atlantica (modified after Krisper and Schuster 2008); C – Fortuynia dimorpha (modifiedafter Pfingstl 2015a).

fragile structures that are easily destroyed bythe mechanical effects of the tides, but no spe-cial littoral adaptations are known, which Al-berti (1974) already demonstrated for Trombid-iformes. Typical stalked spermatophores werefound in Ameronothridae (Luxton 1966, Schuster1979, Søvik 2004), Fortuyniidae and Selenoribati-dae (Pfingstl 2013a). Pfingstl (2013a) suggestedthat spermatophore deposition, detection and uti-lization by females may happen quickly during theshort time frame of low tide. In this way sper-matophores would not come in contact with waterand hence would be safe.

Distinct sexual dimorphism is present in a smallpercentage of ameronothroid species, where it isexpressed to different degrees and in various re-gions of the body (Pfingstl 2015a, Behan-Pelletierand Eamer 2010, Behan-Pelletier 2015) (Figure 7). InA. lineatus and A. nigrofemoratus, males exhibit con-spicuously longer legs than females (e.g. Schubart1975) whereas in the podacarid species Podacarusauberti, Halozetes belgicae and Alaskozetes antarcticusmales show a remarkable aggenital neotrichy whichis absent in females (e.g. Wallwork 1964). Not asingle case of sexual dimorphism is known in se-lenoribatid mites, whereas a handful of fortuyniidspecies have elaborate sexually dimorphic charac-ters. Fortuynia yunkeri males show only slight modi-

fications of the fourth leg (Hammen 1963) but malesof F. atlantica possess certain lanceolate notogastralsetae, enlarged notogastral porose areas and a pairof obvious lateral protuberances on the notogaster(Krisper and Schuster 2008); in males of F. dimorphathe posterior part of the gastronotic region is com-pletely covered with a porose area and several noto-gastral setae are conspicuously elongated (Pfingstl2015a). The function of these modified charactersis unknown but if they are linked to dermal glandslike the octotaxic system of brachypyline mites (Al-berti et al. 1997, Norton and Alberti 1997, Nortonet al. 1997) and porose areas of mixonomatid Col-lohmanniidae (Norton and Sidorchuk 2014), theyprobably play a role in semiochemical communica-tion linked with associative mating (Pfingstl 2015a,Behan-Pelletier 2015). Although never observed,direct sperm transfer in the littoral environmentwould be clearly advantageous because it reducesthe stress for the sperm package in this intermit-tently dry and wet habitat.

However, at least two fortuyniid species havemanaged to completely avoid the stress of tidalinundation on spermatophores by simply not pro-ducing them. In Fortuynia hawaiiensis and For-tuynia maledivensis males are completely absentand females reproduce via thelytoky (Pfingstl andJagersbacher-Baumann 2016). This reproductive


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

mode entails a few advantages because it reducescosts of producing males, mate finding and spermtransfer in the extreme conditions of intertidal envi-ronments and furthermore it facilitates the coloniza-tion of new coastlines.

(5) Feeding

As far as known, marine-associated oribatid mitesare generalized feeders with various degrees of spe-cialization (e.g. Schulte 1979, Pfingstl 2013a), andusually the substrate serves them both a habitat(or protection against desiccation and dislodgment)and a food source (Bücking et al. 1998, Pfingstl2013a) (Figure 8). Most Ameronothridae, Podacari-dae and several Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidaehave been observed feeding on diverse types ofgreen algae, as for example the microphytes Pleu-rococcus sp. or Chlorococcus sp., the filamentous al-gae Lyngbia sp. or Rhizoclonium riparium, macro-phytes Enteromorpha sp. or Prasiola crispa and sea-weed Porphyra sp. (Peckham 1967, Schulte 1976b,Pugh 1995, Pfingstl 2013a). Lichens are also an im-portant food source for intertidal mites (e.g. Blockand Convey 1995), but the mites feed predomi-nantly on the phycobionts, i.e. the algal cells, ofthe lichens (e.g. Schulte 1976b, Bücking et al. 1998).In some cases Ameronothrus species were reportedto feed on fungi (Luxton 1966, Schulte 1976b). Cer-tain fortuyniid and selenoribatid species as well asthe ameronothrid A. maculatus are known to pri-marily graze on cyanobacteria (Schuster 1979, Søvik2004, Krisper and Schuster 2008). Carnivory hasnot yet been confirmed in any intertidal oribatidspecies. Schuster (1977) once inferred that Selenori-batidae may be carnivorous as he found pieces oftardigrades in their guts, but soon after he withdrewhis idea (Schuster 1979).

Food preferences may differ among the de-velopmental stages (Luxton 1966). Adults andtritonymphs of most Ameronothrus species feed onmicro- and macroalgae, while the larvae, proto- anddeutonymphs feed exclusively on microalgae. Thissometimes leads to a spatial separation of the stages,with the younger ones staying in higher littoral ar-eas (Schulte 1976b, Bücking et al. 1998). In mostAmeronothrus species a correlation between habitat

and type of food can also be observed, accordingly:(1) inhabitants of rocky intertidal shores predomi-nantly feed on epilithic algae (algivorous), (2) mitesdwelling on hard substrates in supralittoral areasprefer lichens (lichenivorous) and (3) species occur-ring in salt marshes mostly graze on fungi (fungiv-orous) (Schulte 1976b).

Feeding activity and defecation of Ameronothrusspecies follow a tidal rhythm, with maxima be-tween the high tides (Schulte 1976b, Pugh and King1986). This suggests that they feed as much as pos-sible during low tide and then rest during high tidewhen they are submerged. Schulte (1976a) demon-strated that inhabitants of the lower eulittoral, ex-posed to longer periods of submergence, start feed-ing earlier and feed more quickly during low tidethan do populations of the upper eulittoral, whichare subject to shorter periods of inundation andhence have more time to feed.

(6) Physiology

There is a large amount of literature – enough to filla book – dealing with physiological adaptations ofameronothroid mites but more than 90 % of it fo-cuses on the ability of Antarctic Podacaridae to sur-vive the extreme low temperatures and conditionsof polar areas. These studies (e.g. Sømme and Block1984, Convey 1994a, Block and Convey 1995, Wor-land and Lukešová 2000, Worland and Convey 2001,Deere and Chown 2006, Hawes et al. 2007, Benoitet al. 2008) are important to understand the mech-anisms of survival in such cold environments, butstudies investigating physiological adaptations tothe marine environment are few, so our knowledgeis sketchy.

Intertidal oribatid mites are resistant to salt andfresh water and as mentioned above, they can sur-vive inundation for weeks and sometimes months(e.g. Schuster 1979, Pfingstl 2013b) (Table 3). Howosmoregulation works in these animals is unclearbut probably they possess the ability of hypertonicregulation to water of lower osmotic values thantheir hemolymph, such as fresh water, and to waterof higher values, i.e. salt water, they are probablypoikilosmotic (Schuster 1979). It has been suggestedthat littoral mites use their coxal glands for os-


Pfingstl T.

FIGURE 8: Algal habitat as substrate and food resource: A – Intertidal alga Bostrychia sp. growing on mangrove root (El Limón, Domini-can Republic). B – Enlarged view of Bostrychia sp. showing Alismobates inexpectatus individuals foraging on alga and depositing fecalpellets.

moregulation (Alberti and Storch 1977) or that theyreduce ion resorption from excretory waste filtrate iftheir coxal glands are degenerated (Woodring 1973).


Ameronothroid mites have colonized various mi-crohabitats of the marine littoral, even thoughthis represents only a spatially restricted habitat.Ameronothridae and Podacaridae show various de-grees of association with the intertidal ecosystem,including (1) typical intertidal species, e.g. A. mari-nus; (2) so-called transition species, able to dwell inboth environments, e.g. A. lineatus; and (3) typicalterrestrial species, as for example P. auberti (Schulteand Weigmann 1977) (see Table 2). There is a dis-tinct latitudinal component to this habitat speci-ficity: species at lower latitudes in each hemisphereare restricted to littoral environments while speciesfound at higher latitudes show a greater affinity forterrestrial habitats (Schulte et al. 1975, Marshall andConvey 2004). Furthermore, several northern hemi-sphere Ameronothridae are also able to colonizebrackish and freshwater habitats, such as marineponds and estuaries (e.g. Schulte et al. 1975). Espe-cially A. maculatus shows high freshwater toleranceand can frequently be found on the shores of coastalrivers (e.g. Schulte et al. 1975, Schuster 1986); inone case individuals were found in a small river 50

km upstream from the Mediterranean coast (Travé1963). Some members of Ameronothridae can alsobe found far inland in typical terrestrial habitats, asfor example the high arctic Ameronothrus lapponicus(Dalenius 1963) or the Scandinavian Ameronothrusdubinini, which was discovered a few kilometers in-land (Laine et al. 1988). Within the littoral envi-ronment, Ameronothridae may occur on sediment-free rocky coasts (e.g. Bücking et al. 1998), onsediment-rich hard substrates (e.g. Schulte et al.1975), in salt-marshes (e.g. Luxton 1966) and inwashed-ashore flotsam or tidal debris (e.g. Schulteet al. 1975, Pugh and MacAlister 1994). There arealso reports of quite unusual habitats. For example,the Antarctic Alaskozetes antarcticus was found nearseal wallows or around penguin rookeries (Peck-ham 1967, Block and Convey 1995) but also on deadbirds and well-rotted seal carcasses (Goddard 1979);Ameronothrus lineatus was collected from the nestsof three different seabirds on Spitsbergen (Coulsonet al. 2009) and Antarcticola georgiae and Halozetesbelgicae were sampled from whale bones on sub-Antarctic coasts (e.g. Goddard 1979, Pugh andMacAlister 1994). Independent of microhabitat andtaxon, investigations have shown that intertidal andterrestrial species show generally high niche speci-ficity whereas transition species are eurytopic andmay occur in a wide range of niches (Schulte et al.


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

1975, Marshall et al. 1999).

In contrast to Ameronothridae and Podacaridae,the subtropical and tropical Fortuyniidae and Se-lenoribatidae are stenotopic inhabitants of the lit-toral area, i.e. transition species or terrestrial species

are lacking in these taxa. Collectively, Selenoribati-dae species may inhabit a wide variety of intertidalhabitats, e.g. sandy beaches, boulder beaches, rockycliffs and mangrove roots (e.g. Karasawa and Aoki2005, Pfingstl 2013a). Mangrove forests are one of

TABLE 2: List of predominantly marine-associated ameronothroid species and their ecological classification. *associated with aquaticand/or terrestrial habitats; transition = occurring from the littoral to terrestrial areas, intertidal = restricted to the eulittoral zone; ?no information available.

Taxon ecological classAmeronothridae

Ameronothrus bilineatus (Michael, 1888) intertidalA. dubinini Sitnikova, 1975 terrestrialA. lapponicus Dalenius, 1963 terrestrialA. lineatus (Thorell, 1871) transitionA. maculatus (Michael, 1882) transitionA. marinus (Banks, 1896) intertidalA. nidicola Sitnikova, 1975 transitionA. nigrofemoratus (Koch, 1879) transitionA. oblongus Sitnikova, 1975 transitionA. schneideri (Oudemans, 1903) intertidalA. schubarti Weigmann & Schulte, 1975 intertidalA. schusteri Schubart, 1970 intertidalAquanothrus montanus Engelbrecht, 1975 terrestrial*Chudalupia meridionalis Wallwork, 1981 terrestrial*

PodacaridaeAntarcticola meyeri (Wallwork, 1967) terrestrialAlaskozetes antarcticus (Michael, 1903) transitionA. bouvetoyaensis Pletzen & Kok, 1971 transitionA. coriaceus Hammer, 1955 terrestrialHalozetes bathamae Luxton, 1984 intertidalH. belgicae (Micheal, 1903) transitionH. capensis Coetzee & Marshall, 2003 intertidalH. crozetensis (Richters, 1908) transitionH. edwardensis Pletzen & Kok, 1971 intertidalH. fulvus Engelbrecht, 1975 terrestrialH. impeditus Niedbała, 1986 transitionH. intermedius Wallwork, 1963 intertidalH. littoralis Wallwork, 1970 intertidalH. maquariensis (Dalenius, 1958) terrestrialH. marinus (Lohmann, 1907) intertidalH. marionensis Engelbrecht, 1974 intertidalH. necrophagus Wallwork, 1967 transitionH. otagoensis Hammer, 1966 transitionH. plumosus Wallwork, 1966 transitionH. scotiae (Trouessart, 1912) ?Podacarus auberti Grandjean, 1955 terrestrialPseudantarcticola georgiae (Wallwork, 1970) terrestrial


Pfingstl T.

TABLE 2: Continued.

Taxon ecological classFortuyniidae

Alismobates inexpectatus Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012 (2012b) intertidalA. keniaensis Pfingstl, 2016 intertidalA. pseudoreticulatus Pfingstl, 2015 (2015c) intertidalA. reticulatus Luxton, 1992 intertidalA. rotundus Luxton, 1992 intertidalCircellobates venustus Luxton, 1992 intertidalFortuynia arabica Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee, Chan & Ingole, 2009 intertidalF. atlantica Krisper & Schuster, 2008 intertidalF. dimorpha Pfingstl, 2015 (2015a) intertidalF. elamellata Luxton, 1967 intertidalF. hawaiiensis Pfingstl & Jagersbacher-Baumann 2016 intertidalF. inhambanensis Marshall & Pugh, 2002 intertidalF. longiseta Pfingstl, 2015 (2015c) intertidalF. maculata Luxton, 1986 intertidalF. maledivensis Pfingstl, 2015 (2015c) intertidalF. marina Hammen, 1960 intertidalF. rotunda Marshall & Pugh, 2002 intertidalF. sinensis Luxton, 1962 intertidalF. smiti Ermilov, Tolstikov, Mary & Schatz, 2013 intertidalF. taiwanica Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee, Chan & Ingole, 2009 intertidalF. yunkeri Hammen, 1963 intertidal

SelenoribatidaeArotrobates granulatus Luxton, 1992 intertidalA. lanceolatus Luxton, 1992 intertidalCarinozetes bermudensis Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012 intertidalC. mangrovi Pfingstl, Lienhard & Jagersbacher-Baumann, 2014 intertidalC. trifoveatus Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012 intertidalPsednobates uncunguis Luxton, 1992 intertidalRhizophobates shimojanai Karasawa & Aoki, 2005 intertidalSchusteria littorea Grandjean, 1968 intertidalS. melanomerus Marshall & Pugh, 2000 intertidalS. nagisa Karasawa & Aoki, 2005 intertidalS. saxea Karasawa & Aoki, 2005 intertidalS. ugraseni Marshall & Pugh, 2000 intertidalSelenoribates arotroventer Pfingstl, 2015 (2015b) intertidalS. asmodaeus Pfingstl, 2015 (2015b) intertidalS. divergens Pfingstl, 2015 (2015b) intertidalS. elegans Pfingstl, 2013 (2013c) intertidalS. foveiventris Strenzke, 1961 intertidalS. ghardaqensis Abd-el-Hamid, 1973 intertidalS. mediterraneus Grandjean, 1966 intertidalS. niccus Pfingstl, 2015 (2015b) intertidalS. quasimodo Pfingstl, 2013 (2013c) intertidalS. satanicus Pfingstl, 2013 (2013c) intertidalThalassozetes barbara Pfingstl, 2013 (2013d) intertidalT. riparius Schuster, 1963 intertidalT. tenuisetosus Bayartogtokh & Chatterjee, 2010 intertidal


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

the most important environments for tropical inter-tidal oribatid mites (Karasawa and Hijii 2004a) andsome species, e.g. Carinozetes mangrovi, seem to beexclusively associated with these habitats (Pfingstlet al. 2014). Fortuyniidae species, on the other hand,display a very narrow range of habitats. Nearlyall of them inhabit rocky shores; only three out of20 species have been reported to occur occasionallyin mangrove forests (e.g. Pfingstl 2015c). Pfingstl(2015c) suggested that the homogeneous morphol-ogy of the genus Fortuynia may be associated withthis limited habitat preference. Several Fortuyniaspecies may also dwell in empty barnacles or oys-ter shells, and are the only intertidal mites knownto do so (Hammen 1963; Aoki 1974; Luxton 1990a,1992; Marshall and Pugh 2002; Krisper and Schus-ter 2008). There is one record of F. smiti found ina riverine environment which represents the mostunusual occurrence of this taxon (Pfingstl 2015c).


Given the strong ecological connection ofameronothroid mites to the littoral zone habitat,dispersal by active migration would be possibleonly along the coastline, but the fact that these

mites have also reached geologically young andremote oceanic islands clearly shows that there areother ways of dispersal. There are several disper-sal mechanisms that may be responsible for long-distance transport of these flightless arthropods,but the scarcity of evidence has allowed no con-sensus on their reality or relative importance. Anoverview of these possible dispersal mechanismsfollows.

(1) Anthropogenic dispersal seems unlikely asintertidal mites do not occur on commerciallyused plants or soils. Although the transport ofthese mites in bilge tanks of large vessels can-not be excluded, shipping activities are recent ingeological times and may not have seriously in-fluenced present distribution and population pat-terns. Nevertheless, with growing globalizationactivities this mode of dispersal may well have animpact on patterns in the near future.

(2) Aerial dispersal (anemochory) is anotherpossible mechanism but experimental data on thistopic are rare and controversial. In an early study(Glick 1939), in which insect traps were installedon airplanes, mites were trapped on various occa-sions at different altitudes, but nearly all trapped

TABLE 3: Observed survival times of ameronothroid mites experimentally submerged in salt water. LT 50 = median lethal time, max =maximum survival time.

LT 50 max referenceAmeronothridae s. str.

Ameronothrus lineatus 74 days / > 2 months 249 days / > 8 months Schuster 1979A. maculatus - 104-108 days / > 3 months Schuster 1966

43 days / > 1 month 160 days / > 5 months Schuster 1979A. marinus - 138 days / > 4 months Schuster 1966

68 days / > 2 months 143 days / > 4 months Schuster 1979Podacaridae

Halozetes marinus >20 / < 1 month - Pugh 1995Fortuyniidae

Alismobates inexpectatus 21 days / < 1 month 55 days / > 1 month Pfingstl 2013aFortuynia atlantica 40 days / > 1 month 143 days / > 4 months Pfingstl 2013a

SelenoribatidaeCarinozetes bermudensis 19 days / < 1 month 51 days / > 1 month Pfingstl 2013a


Pfingstl T.

specimens belonged to phoretic mite taxa that useinsects as transport hosts. In a later study (Gres-sitt and Yoshimoto 1974), using fine meshe aerialnets in Alaska, a few oribatid mites were caughtdrifting in the wind, and a more recent study(Lehmitz et al. 2011) demonstrated that oribatidmites can be dispersed by wind up to at least160 m above ground level, though the majority ofthese wind-transported mites consisted of speciesusually found in tree habitats. In contrast, a sim-ilar survey found no evidence of wind dispersalof mites (Coulson et al. 2003). Moreover, power-ful storms would be necessary to propel flightlessarthropods long distances of a few thousand kilo-meters and even if this would happen, these an-imals would not survive the extreme conditions,such as low pressure and freezing temperaturesat high altitudes (Pugh 2003). Intertidal oribatidmites are neither phoretic on insects, nor do theyinhabit trees and therefore aerial dispersal is aquite unlikely mode of long-distance transport forthem.

(3) Bird-mediated transport has been discussedas another possible way of reaching and coloniz-ing remote islands (e.g. Schatz 1991, 1998; re-view by Lebedeva and Lebedev 2008) but again,evidence is scarce and authors are of differentminds as to the importance of this mode of dis-tribution. In a long-term study of birds in po-lar areas, several terrestrial mites were found ona few occasions, either in bird nests or plumage(Lebedeva and Lebedev 2008, Lebedeva 2012) andhence birds are believed by these authors to be themain suppliers of soil mites to isolated archipela-gos.

Considering the terrestrial nature of high Arc-tic and Antarctic Ameronothridae, it is indeed pos-sible that dispersal occasionally occurs in this way.For example, it would explain the already men-tioned mysterious findings of Alaskozetes coriaceusand Ameronothrus bilineatus in hemispheres oppo-site from their main distributions (Schuster 1966,Weigmann 1975b). In the above-mentioned studyof seabird nesting colonies on Spitsbergen, A. lin-eatus individuals were found in a few nests (Coul-son et al. 2009), hence the basic prerequisite for

dispersal by birds was met. Nevertheless, thesame study could find no evidence of the mitesbeing actually transported the by birds. Pugh(1997) dismissed a priori bird-mediated trans-port of oribatid mites to oceanic islands, argu-ing that mites dispersed by birds usually showspecific morphological adaptations to attach tothe bird’s body. Marine-associated ameronothroidmites show no morphological modification forphoresy, though their long hook-like claws mayfacilitate such transport. While transport in birdplumage remains a possible, if improbable, disper-sal mechanism for Ameronothridae, it almost cer-tainly has no role for Fortuyniidae or Selenoribati-dae: species of these exclusively intertidal fami-lies do not dwell in the vicinity of seabird nestsor colonies.

(4) Another potential method to reach remoteislands is through transport by ocean currents (hy-drochory). First evidence was provided by a studyin which pleuston nets on boat trips between theislands of the Galápagos archipelago were used af-ter a heavy storm, and a remarkable number of liv-ing oribatid mite individuals was found floatingin debris or directly in the sea (Peck 1994). To sur-vive such a transport, tolerance of long periods ofsubmersion is necessary, which littoral mites pos-sess, as discussed above (e.g. Schuster 1979, Pughet al. 1987a). Coulson et al. (2002) further demon-strated that even terrestrial arthropods with dif-ferent biologies are able to survive in salt waterfor over 14 days and therefore transoceanic dis-persal by mites and collembolans may be a com-mon phenomenon. Based on mean survival timesof Bermudian intertidal oribatid mite species, indi-viduals are able theoretically to survive transportin seawater along the Gulf Stream over a distanceof 3,000 km (Pfingstl 2013b). Moreover, the float-ing behaviour of certain Fortuynia species (Pfin-gstl 2013a) as well as the possession of buoyancy-giving plastrons in supposedly all ameronothroidtaxa, would contribute to their hydrochorous dis-persal. Therefore, most authors (e.g. Schatz 1991,1998; Coulson et al. 2002; Pfingstl 2013b) agreethat long-distance dispersal of oribatid mites tooceanic islands is mainly hydrochorous.


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)



An extensive fossil record since the Middle Devo-nian (388 ± 3,8 mya) indicates that oribatid mitesare an ancient taxon (Norton et al. 1988). A molecu-lar genetic study (Schaefer et al. 2010) even suggeststhat oribatid mites were among the first terrestrialcolonizers and had already originated in the Pre-cambrian (571 ± 37 mya). The colonization of landstarted in the interstitial zone of coastal habitats andfinally resulted in the occupation of all terrestrialhabitats on earth. Marine-associated mites as wellas the exclusively marine halacarid mites demon-strate that some of them not just evolved from waterto land but later also from land to water.

Current hypotheses

Schuster (1966) was the first to theorize about theorigin of the intertidal lifestyle in oribatid mites. Hesuggested two possible ways: (a) terrestrial ances-tors successively colonized the fringe of freshwaterbodies, then brackish water habitats and finally themarine littoral; (b) fully terrestrial ancestors began tofeed on washed-ashore flotsam, rich in organic mat-ter, and subsequently specialized on other food re-sources present in the intertidal zone. Schuster ad-mitted that both scenarios could have been concur-rent, but considered it more likely that at least theAmeronothridae took the former evolutionary path-way. Indeed, certain members of Ameronothrus canbe found regularly in estuaries (e.g. Schulte et al.1975) and can withstand long periods of inundationnot only with salt water but also with fresh water(Schuster 1979). Pfingstl (2013b) also discovered anunexpectedly high fresh water tolerance in the exclu-sively intertidal selenoribatid Carinozetes bermudensisand suggested it may be a relictual trait. A high gen-eral water tolerance was without a doubt a preadap-tation necessary for mites to invade aquatic habitats,but it provides no evidence of evolutionary pathway,since some typical terrestrial species, e.g. Euzetes glob-ulus, also can tolerate long periods of inundation(Schuster 1966).

Schulte and Weigmann (1977) provided anotherevolutionary scenario (Figure 9A) hypothesizing that

a terrestrial ancestor of ameronothrid mites, inhab-iting cold and wet soils, occupied larger portionsof the world’s land masses and a warming of theworld’s atmosphere scattered these animals to coolerlocations. Subsequent glaciation events pushedthese mites closer to the shore and finally forcedthem to invade polar coastlines. The chances ofsurvival were higher near the warmer sea and sothese coastal species radiated in the littoral envi-ronment and spread along the coast to warmer cli-mates and this spreading happened independentlyin the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Marshalland Convey (2004) agreed that all ameronothroid lin-eages must ultimately have had an earlier terrestrialancestry but they argued that at least recent colo-nization patterns of podacarid mites of the south-ern hemisphere cannot be explained with the afore-mentioned hypothesis. They stated that species liv-ing exclusively in intertidal habitats of the Antarcticand Sub-Antarctic are more primitive than those insupralittoral/terrestrial environments of coastal ar-eas and proposed that colonization by ameronothrid(podacarid) mites in the southern hemisphere hasproceeded from marine habitats to terrestrial areasfollowing glacial retreat. However, a molecular ge-netic investigation of several Antarctic species of Po-dacaridae (Halozetes, Alaskozetes, Podacarus) found noevidence of speciation from an intertidal to a terres-trial group or vice versa (Mortimer et al. 2011). Al-though the above-mentioned theories (Schuster 1966,Schulte and Weigmann 1977, Marshall and Convey2004) offer different opinions on recent evolutionarypatterns, all agree on a monophyletic origin of theAmeronothroidea and their littoral lifestyle.

Proches (2001), on the other hand, suggestedthat land-to-sea transition in secondary marine or-ganisms, including ameronothroid mites, took placeindependently in three distinct latitudinal bands(northern cold-temperate, tropical, southern cold-temperate) (Figure 9B). He suggested that speciesinteractions, i.e. competition, drove the originof marine association in subtropical and tropicalselenoribatid and fortuyniid mites, while glacia-tion is thought to be responsible for that of polarameronothrid/podacarid mites (e.g. Schulte andWeigmann 1977, Proches and Marshall 2001).


Pfingstl T.

FIGURE 9: Simplified schemes illustrating two different evolutionary theories explaining origin of marine-associated Ameronothroidea:A – Monophyletic origin of Ameronothroidea implying single land-to-sea transition event (e.g. supported by Schulte and Weigmann1977); B – Polyphyletic Ameronothroidea and three independent invasions marine littoral (e.g. supported by Proches 2001). T =last terrestrial ancestor, invading littoral environment. (Schemes are not to be seen as phylogenetic trees, length of lines does notcorrespond with time or number of evolutionary changes).


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

Flaws in current hypotheses, and evidence frompreliminary molecular studies

Schulte and Weigmann (1977) provided a thought-ful hypothesis concerning the monophyletic originof the intertidal lifestyle which lead to the taxo-nomic unification of Ameronothridae and Podacari-dae. The authors plausibly demonstrated that thereare not enough morphological features separatingthese two taxa and indeed, presently there are onlytwo characters which do not overlap: the presencein all Ameronothrus species (but absence in all Po-dacaridae) of brachytracheae in legs and the ab-sence of setae it on leg IV of all Podacaridae (versusthe presence in Ameronothridae). From a morpho-logical point of view, the monophyly of this groupseemed to be validated.

However, the molecular genetic study of Schäf-fer et al. (2010), encompassing selected oribatidmite species from diverse families, including A. mac-ulatus and P. auberti, demonstrated a paraphyleticposition of the two taxa, which clearly contradictsthe conclusion of Weigmann and Schulte (1977).Wallwork (1964) had already argued that certainsimilar traits of the Podacaridae and Ameronothri-dae may have evolved independently. Both taxainhabit predominantly cold and temperate regionsand similar environmental properties may have ledto similar convergent morphologies. The biogeo-graphic distribution of Ameronothridae and Po-dacaridae – in opposite hemispheres without a note-worthy overlap – may point to an independentorigin rather than to a common ancestry. Thetwo often neglected and exceptional monotypicgenera Aquanothrus and Chudalupia, occurring inephemeral rock pools at modest elevations in semi-arid or arid regions of North America, South Africaand Western Australia, have been considered relict-ual ameronothrid species (Norton et al. 1997) thatmight have been linked biogeographically in thedistant past. But there is evidence from anothermolecular genetic study (Mortimer et al. 2011) thatAquanothrus is not closely related to Podacaridae asthe ceratozetoid genus Magellozetes intervenes be-tween Aquanothrus and the Podacaridae. Conse-quently, these data also indicate that Ameronothri-dae and Podacaridae are supported as different

groupings and that the current disjunct distribu-tion, in opposite areas of the world, may not beassociated with the relictual occurrences of Aquan-othrus and Chudalupia. The biogeographic pat-tern of Ameronothroidea rather supports the the-ory of Proches (2001), in which land-to-sea tran-sitions took place independently in three distinctlatitudinal bands, with the Ameronothridae in thenorthern cold-temperate, the Fortuyniidae and Se-lenoribatidae in the tropical, and the Podacari-dae in the southern cold-temperate region. Thistheory is further supported by results of Krauseet al. (2016) who investigated the evolution ofaquatic life by oribatid mites using molecular genet-ics. They concluded that Fortuyniidae and Selenori-batidae colonized salt water habitats only oncewhereas the Ameronothridae invaded these habi-tats independently and hence they suggested thatAmeronothroidea are a polyphyletic taxon.

Behan-Pelletier and Eamer (2007) argued thatthe evolution of respiratory organs in Oribatida wasa critical step in the invasion of aquatic habitats,and indeed the development of plastron respira-tion was surely one of the most important adap-tations allowing the colonization of the intertidalzone. Comparing plastron respiration systems inAmeronothroidea further supports the theory of in-dependent land-to-sea transition events. Fortuyni-idae and Selenoribatidae use similar plastrons andbreathe with tracheal organs while submerged (Pf-ingstl and Krisper 2014), whereas Ameronothridaeuse different plastron organs and breathe across thethin weakly sclerotized cuticle during submergence(Pugh et al. 1987a, 1990; Messner et al. 1992).

In summary, biogeographic, molecular geneticand plastron respiration data contradict the theoryof a monophyletic Ameronothroidea in its currentsense, and suggest multiple independent origins oftheir marine-associated lifestyle.

Nevertheless, biogeographic patterns are largelyincomplete and many new taxa and occurrencesremain to be found (Pfingstl and Schuster 2014).Furthermore, the recent molecular genetic studies(Schäffer et al. 2010, Mortimer et al. 2011, Krauseet al. 2016), while informative, are certainly pre-liminary, as they include very few ameronothroid


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taxa and concentrated on different research ques-tions. Finally, plastron structures were investigatedin very few species, none of which was a member ofPodacaridae.

The semiaquatic Tegeocranellidae and theirrelationship to marine-associated mites

Several authors (e.g. Subías 2004, Marshalland Pugh 2002) do not accept the monogenericTegeocranellidae as a member of Ameronothroideabecause they do not consider the juvenile mor-phology to be important for systematic considera-tions. Given the above-mentioned doubts about themonophyly of Ameronothroidea, it may seem rea-sonable to agree with these authors. Nonetheless,Behan-Pelletier (1997) provided seven synapomor-phies supporting a relationship among Tegeocranel-lidae, Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae. The mostobvious synapomorphy is certainly the shared typeof juvenile plication, namely a centrodorsal gas-tronotic plate framed by deep lateral and ventralfolds and wrinkles, only present in immatures ofthese three taxa. Pfingstl and Krisper (2014) demon-strated that this specific type of plication plays animportant role in plastron respiration of juvenile for-tuyniid and selenoribatid mites. Though not inves-tigated yet in tegeocranellid immature stages, theymay use the same plastron mechanism and thiscould be a further indication of a common origin.Another morphological character associated withplastron respiration may also support a close re-lationship between Tegeocranellidae and Fortuyni-idae. The already-mentioned van der Hammen’sorgan of fortuyniid mites is part of the plastronsystem, and Behan-Pelletier (1997) noticed similarstructures in Tegeocranellidae but refrained fromconsidering these traits homologous. Consider-ing a close relation between Tegeocranellidae andFortuyniidae/Selenoribatidae, occupation of semi-aquatic freshwater habitats may represent the moreancestral ecology. Based on these indications, thefollowing scenario might be considered: a terres-trial ancestor colonized semiaquatic and aquaticfreshwater habitats, e.g. ponds and streams, thensome descendants diversified within these environ-ments, evolving the Tegeocranellidae, and others

colonized the marine littoral either by migratingdownstream into brackish waters or by inhabitingcoastal freshwater bodies that eventually becameconnected to the open ocean and evolved there tothe Fortuyniidae and Selenoribatidae.


Ameronothroid intertidal oribatid mites have suc-cessfully colonized all shorelines, from biologicallydepauperate ice-cold polar coasts to lush humidtropical shores. Although air-breathing and simi-lar in overall morphology to typical terrestrial taxa,they have evolved specific adaptations to the ma-rine littoral, as for example modified tarsal claws,plastron respiration and ovoviviparity. Daily tidalcycles and associated wave action are the mostimportant stress factors shaping these adaptations.Hydrochorous dispersal is considered the mainlong-distance transport mechanism in fortuyniidand selenoribatid mites, whereas bird-mediatedtransport may be responsible for dispersal events innorthern ameronothrid mites.

Based on recent findings it is suggested that thefamilies currently included in Ameronothroidea donot share a proximate common ancestry. They prob-ably have colonized coastal environments at leastthree times, once in northern hemispheric polar andtemperate areas by the Ameronothridae, once in theTropics by ancestors of Fortuyniidae and Selenorib-atidae and once in Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic re-gions by the Podacaridae. Accordingly, the familyAmeronothridae sensu lato – i.e. sensu Weigmannand Schulte (1977) – is a polyphyletic grouping, andthe unification of Ameronothridae with Podacari-dae no longer seems justified. The two familiesprobably evolved parallel in opposite Polar regions.The Fortuyniidae, Selenoribatidae and Tegeocranel-lidae, on the other hand, may still represent a mono-phyletic lineage which has evolved from a tropicalancestor that already showed an association withfreshwater habitats.

As Marshall and Convey (2004) already pointedout, a more complete understanding of the evolu-tion of marine-associated mites will require thor-ough morphological and molecular phylogenetic in-


Acarologia 57(3): 693–721 (2017)

vestigations. Moreover, a comprehensive and holis-tic approach is needed to reveal natural relation-ships among alleged members of Ameronothroideaand to reconstruct their evolutionary pathway froma terrestrial ancestor to the sea.


This work was funded by the Theodor-KörnerFund, therefore my sincerest thanks go to thisFund and its sponsors; in difficult times whenI considered abandoning my scientific career, Iwas awarded with the prestigious Theodor-Körnerprize, which firstly gave me enough confidence tocontinue my research and secondly supported mefinancially to perform the present studies. My workwould not have been possible without this support.Thanks also to G. Krisper for contributing interest-ing ideas, thoughts and pictures. Special thanks toRoy A. Norton for providing numerous construc-tive comments and for helping to improve the qual-ity of this work. I also want to thank the Centre forElectron Microscopy Graz (FELMI) and its team forrealizing the electron micrographs.


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