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• tW w O i r l iH t io n ^ W ! P r e t t y

U r u d eotdei;

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of cou rse)

1/ NUMBER 8,521

A r c h it e c t p u t-UNDER HOT FIREFftberts, Who Desi^oel Hodsoo

^ th o i i s e . Says He Triel to Do His Best



r of Blowm GUmo fo r Cot OloM IkomSf AltliQiiBk Tkero W«i Ho RodliMtIOK im the Prioo Fold Iko Coo- tn o f o r —Tliot “l^orely AloboolorGloko** Cooflco WttoeiiB to Aoower Im P o c r lik K a u o t ^ l l o r o Bkoortii t t o iiiiod .


Workers Cot OH io Shaft Near ScraotoB aoi ^11 May Have





i l l ,

ilpMfal from a Staff Corroipomltitt.J lB R B W Y CITY. April 7.^-Confront*<l |M h th» tn ftinn iir of n p a r t* . H ush Rob-

.'•rU , aroflltsot of th* new county oourt- \lMMiie, the cost of which li under tire.

put on the reck th is m om lnc by [ former Attorney-Qeneral McCerter. Ur.

Ratierte, whose ebeenoe from court yee- 1 terdAy AtterDoon when he WM called as ' a witness was oommentsd upon by the oewrC was put through. A ewrere grueUng b p Ur. HeCartcr.' After a day of eeneatlonal testimony

tlM probers rseted their oaee a t t o'clock th is afternoon. The hearing went over until Tueeday next, when the old Court- M use Commission wlU present Its side.

I / Hade curious by the leneatlonal testi­m ony given by e ip e rts a t yesterday's iMArIng. mAny Attended to-dA/’e session, rM r. Koberts repeatedly eaid In dram atic u n e s in answer to Ur. M cCarter's ouss- tlons:

" I trlsd to do myl best. str. I tried to e e m Hudson C ounv to the beet of my abtlUy.” /

Ue. UaCarter flrsi called the attention of Mr. Roberte to th e KC.not contract for Ilfhtlnit flyturse, awarded to Caaaldy A M a Counesl asked If It was not a lug-

I gedtlon of the witness th a t It w as decided I to /aw ard this contract by a ccwnpetUlon • ' In the character of design to be eubmltled.

M t Roberta admitted th a t thU w as true. Aaked where he got hta (M.OOO from aa a b t^ la on which to flgure. Mr. Roberta said t l t t t he flgured about m par cent, of tnOnhMO, the estlmnted cost of the build- liK . should be expended for fix tu res Ho

Jdded, hesitatingly, it wae because he liked ha design submitted by Cassidy t Bona bat hs recommended they should receive

Aha contract.I Mr. UoCarter demanded to know why I the dueatton was not answered distinctly } "flTa minutes ago." and Mr. Roberts ns- t piled:I 'T m eorry I didn’t.”

Conoemlng the fixtures on Judge ' gWayse'a desk. Mr. McCarter asked the

fitneu If they were according to the de- i iubmttted by the Cassidy concern, !n-

rm lng lilm that an axpert testified to the ontrary yesterday. Mr. R oberts admitted

a t they were not according to the orlg- al design, but he explained th a t the

hange Was made a t the auggeatlon of Mr. tnox, conaultlng engineer, because the

al design did not conform with the eneral architectural effect of the itruc- pre.

klthough an expert teatllled yesterday a t the aubetltute flxturee w ai of A

beeper grade than the original. H r. Roberts said th a t the C asildy oonoem

'elioutd really be allowed to charge extra for the aiibatltutlon.

Mr. McCarter aaked the wttnesa to ex­plain how the contractor w ai permitted to use blown glees Instead of cut g lasa The architect etated this was done be­cause he and Mr. Knox realized th a t htWwn glass would perm it a better light. Hfi. McCarter aaked If the wltnees did no i know th a t the blown gla w wae flfty p<w cent, cheaper fltSil * feuf^glSes. Rob-

y|a replied th a t he did not believe It paS any cheaper In spite of th e expert

ttatlm pny. A t thle point the court In- imilred If ,H was not provided In the Cas- pIAy contract th a t reductions should he f n ^ e for the substitution of cheaper ma- I t ^ a l , whwe such a lterations were made \ l n the epeolflcatloni. Roberta said there ) waa such a prorvtslon.

"You got a eommlsslon on the payment [ of CassldW bill for the eubstltutloo of ' blown glees for out glees, d idn 't you?"

Ingulrsd Mr. McCarter. Mr. Roberts re­plied th a t be had.

"Ton msde tio effort to have any reduc­tion made In the cost to the coimiy. be-

ot thl* substitution?” asked the oouneel, and the witness replied that he bad net

"TlMn. it tbere w as a reduction due of gfty par ean t to the county of this tSO.M

1 Ifh , fon wrerieoked It, didn’t you?"" I dta.” he answered.

'I n brief, Mr. Roberta testified th a t there WPS m ere adfltlaiM than subtractions In Oaggldr't work, th a t th e job was a rood

and th a t ”the people got th e ir money’s worth."

11m oontiaotor w as entitled to more IhsD be reeetred, Rotmrta said, whloh •absad Mr. HoCsuter to Inquire If It was the belief of th e w itness th a t the lees brenee he put In the more he was entitled to.

■ame C em partsm s,Becoming spscUlc. Mr. Roberte started

to tell about the "lovely alabaster globe” In Judge Blalrte oourtroom.

”I don 't w ant to know about any ala» : baster glohe,” said Mr. McCarter.I "Well, 1 am through with these,” said


SCRANTON, P^.. April 7 -F if ty to leventy-flya m«n employed In the PancoBt mine of the Scranton Coal Company a t Throop, m n antombert In the Inner work' Ingt with all Chance of esoape, it b«- Ueved, cut off Fire la rajdnf along an entire vein owing to an engine-houae hav- Ing been set ablate. Tlie mine la equipped w ith two openingn, but the location of the burning engine-room fe euch aa to have cu t off eac&pe by these routee.

The Are la in worklnga 750 feet below the ■urface. Ofllclali. aeorea of workmen, vol­unteer firemen and the Tbroop Fir* De­partm ent are working to get to the men auppoaed to be In one part o f the mine.

The flra la reported to have started In an engine-room a t the head of the ilnpe from an unknown came.

Three hundred men were In the mlnea when the alarm waa given, and on ac­count of the great excitement It la Im- poaflhle to learn Juat how many managed to get out. Unleea the men thought to be trapped are toon reached. It la feared they will all die, If they have not already been etnothered by emoke.

At 1:IQ o'clock thle afternoon, H waa learned th a t It wae ImpoBsIble to reach the men for lome time, owing to the emoke and the gretit dtntance they are below the aurface. At th a t hour it waa adm itted by one of the offlclala th a t there waa a Are In the minea. but the official waa unwilling to even venture an opinion aa to haw many men were trapped.

The newi of the Are spread rapidly and hundreds flocked to the mouth of the ahafi. Women were frantic and tore their hair and clothing In their deepalr, and many of them had to be taken from the scene.

Under the mining lawa of Fennaylvania a second opening in minea la required and It wan believed th a t the mine workera would all be able to get out of one of the two exits. An investigation showed, how­ever, th a t th e Are la ao located aa to cut off an eacape from both openinga.

W hen the sertousneaa of the altnatlon dawned upon t!hs mining officials the rea- cue station a t W llkea-Barre waa Imme­diately notified, and the Delaware. Lack­aw anna and, Weatern Railroad emergency oar waa sent to Throop with the rr«w. They oarrled with them oxygen helmets and other equipment to light the fire.

Throop 1p about four mllea north of thle clty» end the Panecet mine la In the town.

I t la said th a t a majority of the men In the mine are foreign laborers.

Two men who eecaped said there were flfty men shu t In by the flre and would likely be suffocated.

At 1:80 P . M. the colliery offidaia made the alatem ent th a t the flre was under control and th a t the men would probably be reacued.

At 2 o'clock this afternoon It waa fully resllaed by employes and admitted by some of the officials a t th^ colliery th a t the sltuat'lon Is very grave, and that an almost hopeless task confronts the res­cuers In attem pting to reach the en­tombed men.

At 3r|0 p- M. th e flre In the mins waa ■till burning.

The mine offlclali cling to the hope that the entombed men will be rescued alive, but others near the.,openinc took a gloomy view.


Expectel Majority to Cosoty Board WiU Seket CatdveB

Mao To-nifliL


, X>Jt^AnrCW« fm

, r ^ o ^ r f r M A y .

' M /ro JK a f n u j


New Jersey Maoifactsrers Association to Test New

Statute's Saoodnesi



Conoty ComDittee to Briod Aboot Reforms m Varioos

Fk ld i


j - - - - - - - - - - - - -Conferees, Named by Lefisla*

tnre, Meet with Lehifh's Representatirei




IN LffEBOATSSitter Vessel Goes to Assbt-

u c e of the 1,700 Trareleri Aboard the Irena



W A aH lN (#tt)N , April 7 .-A t 1:15 P. M, to-<?xy s. second oonterence of Demncrallo progresilv* SM iaton «M sdojiirned, and It was announced th a t the elscrioh this afternoon of Senator Martin, of Virginia, as minority leadcu', wae conceded.

Senator Nsrwlanfle, It Is said, will be nominated In the eaoeua agalnat Mr. M ar­tin. Neither Senator Culheraon nor Stone would conaent to the preoentatlon of his name as a candidate.

A caucue of Democrats Senators will be held th is afternoon for the purpose of eelectins a oauous chairman, which posi­tion carries with It the minority floor leadership.

The opposition to the Virginia Senator, whose election had been conceded prior to a recent v lilt to Washington of Will­iam Jennings Bryan, comes from w hat Is known as the ProgTSSslv# faction, and Is led by Senator Btona of Mlewuri.

A t noon to-day about a dozen of the Democrata who are warm adm irers of Mr. Bryan mot In the offloe of Senator Owen. They oanvaased the situation and It Is understood that It was agresd to place some ons In nomlnatloii against Senator Martin. «

Sperio! from a Staff CorrMpondenl.TBEKTON.. April 7.-CoincWcnt with the

statem ent th a t Senator Edge will Intro­duce In the Senate Monday night a bill providing th a t the Employers' Llabnily Commission, which framed the Edge bill, recently been signed by the Governor,, ehall be continued In existence throughout the present year, comes the announcement th a t the soundness of th t act Is to be a t­tacked.

It Is the object of the prospective bill to give the men who have made so thor­ough a study of the subject of workings m an's compensation an opportunity to watch th e workings of the nieaeure throughout the year in order that they may be able to recommend such additional legislation next year as the facta may w arrant. I t le President J, W. Foiter. of the New Jersey Manufacturers' Aseocla- floB. who has announced th a t when the now employers' liability law goes Into ef­fect on Ju ly 4. his orgnntzatlon will take Immediate stepe to test Its conetltutlon- ality.


ALBANY. N. X-, Affrll T.-The divorce granted Grace B. Guggenheim from Will­iam Ougitenhelm In fTilcsgo (n Harcn, 1901, waa upheld to-day by the Court of Ajgieals, The GuggenHelma were m ar­ried In Hoboken, N. J., Novemhor I, 19d0.

(OwtlBnad M Id pac*. M column.)


IN M ANHAHAN^ " r i ie l” H tchiiia Seized ih rO ty Officials at Fslton

Maiket Fish Staodi

Mont ha of work for the oo-ordinatlon of county forcea busied with Juvenile re­form s and public research culminated last night In the formation of the Public W elfare Conunlttea of Keeex County, the title of which waa made to convey the full Import of th e federation. The meet­ing was held In the Free Public Library.

All the clvto organisations In the coun­ty are represented. Heretofore these as- Boolatlona hava bean working Independ­ently. In many reapecta their andeavore overlapped. In the W elfare ConmUlfee thle duplication of eSort and expense will be averted, and by centralisation It la believed th a t Increased force will be given to the reform s reflommended. The efforts of the committee will he entirely non­partisan.

Two commlttoM wtu tkks th s InltlatlvOi their duties m arking the division of re­sponsibility In the organisation. They a re the Juvenile committee and the re- aearoh committee.

The former will stand haok of th# Juve­nile Court with whatever aselotatice la needed, look to ttM enforceiaN»* e t lawa regulating sale of liquor to ^ n o r t , ?>e a lert for th e prosecution and fcunishment of those who abet or cootrlbaie to Juve­nile delinquency and foeter playgrounds, recreation and social oentrea and bathing and gym nasium faculties.

The research eominlttee wlU Inveetlgate gnd ppoleat, aiming epeclflcally to uphold and advance th e faetUtlea of building and faotory Inspection. Ita work Is not oon- flned to any lim ita tions saving th a t It Is not to trespass on the domain of the Juve­nile committee.

One of the flrot undertakings "f the research committee, when It meats next

gpcriol Dtipolck ts Iks E ySN ISa VBffg.TRENTON, April ?.—Preceding a con

ftrence called by the Governor for this afternoon to consider the Morris Canal quaitlon, Attorney-General Edmund WU son and former Supreme Court Justice Bennet Van Syckel met In the attorney general'i ofllce to consider Informally the problems to be discussed later.

The la ter conference was called In pnr- auaneeof the Senate concurrent resolution appointing the Governor,the attorney-gen­eral and Mr. Van Syckel a committee to consider with representatives of the I.a- high Valley Railroad a general scheme looking toward an amlcabla settlement of the Morris ('anal controversy.

The railroad had as Its rrpressntatlvea Richard V, U ndabury and William H. Corbin, both of whom arrived here a t , noon In anticipation of the conference. I t waa understood th a t the railroad's a t­torneys had prepared a general plan look­ing toward a settlement of the dispute over the big baein used as a terminal by th* Lehigh Valley in Jersey City. It was recently decided by the Chancery Court, th a t the Stale and not the Lehigh Valley or the Morris Canal Company le owner of the reversionary rights In lids basin.

I t has been the desire of the Lehigh Valley to consider eeparately the ques­tion of th e abandonment of the canal and the dispute over the Jersey City he sin. .

Mr. Van Byokel. who represented the S tale In the recent chancery litigation, re- fuaed to become a party to such a co,n- farence upon the ground that to take Up only on* question a t a lime might In Jurtously affect the Interests of th* Stat* In the canal and the basin. Following the advies of Mr. Van Syckel. the original Senate resolution was emended hy broad, oning the power of th* eommlsslon to In- qlude a oonsl4*gg.tlon of ths canal and the basin problem In It* anllroty.

I t waa In th e expeotatlon of bringing about Buch a aotntlon th a t conferees meet In the Governor'# olfle* this afternoon.

A caucus of th# Republican m ajority of the Board of Freeholders will be held a t the oourthoues to-night a t which a lUO- ccaaor to Judge W illiam ' P. M artin a# county counsel will be selected. Only a biilt. whloh le Improbabl* from present In­dications, will prevent the appointm ent of Mayor J. Henry Harrison, of Caldwrall, who waa a randldato when the oiOc* was filled before.

The fact th a t he was more o r lees aa- soclated with former County Council Munn. against who** reappointm ent to the Job there was unanimous oppoettlon. made Mr, Harrison a less larlnua ooi»- tender a t th a t time than Judge Benjamin F. Jones, a "machine" candidate, who Is In the present race.

Both men had supporters a t a eanou* In which the "regular" fnntlon we* pouted and Judge Martin was named. Tha earn* aupportsra of Judge Jones are now lined up against the men who held out for th* other two candidate* a t th* prevtou* oau- ciia, HaiTlson lias, according to report, alm ost th* undivided aupport of th e Pro- greaalvs wing in th* board and of at least on* "regular.”

T h a t there will be a apirlted dl*«u*rton when the freeholders get together goes w ithout saying. A* evidenos of thle cams to light the fact that a t least one Pro- graaslv* member of tho m ajority ha* given hi* promlss to vote for Judge Jone* as second choice when there wo* a tiellef that former Sheriff FTank H. Bommar would acoept tha Job.

Then ther* I* an argum ent being pu* forward by the ’Tagular*" th a t they ahnuld receive some recognition from th* fact that their man w as turned dowji when Judge Martin w as appointed. To this, however, the H arrison aupporter* replied th a t as the m atter waa decided In caucus th*r* was no basis to r such a contention.

Thq mo«t Arflent tupp<»rteTii of Mr. H&r- riion xr* Director Oagheltree nnrt Free-r holder! A It hen •nd Driver, ■•ch of whom Ifl deolered to hnve wild he would vote for no one else. Othem who ere heltijt r e l l^ uixm hy Mr. H arrison '! friend! In* elude Freeholder! Winslow, M attla. Howe, Cadmu! and Perk. The la«l named Ii from Caldwell and he alwaya fsivured Harrison,

A! waa the cflae when th e prrvlotie fight was on, Jnd^re Jonea'a main suppoirteni are Freehnlders Holr<>nil> and Odel! and they are eald to have been counting on Freeholder* Kvan*. nallagher end Hum ­mel to help them control the caiicus.


Tags M l «• BaAg* StfSaM Vsaw* W Mek Aggawns to B* W tofclaB B h b MI Usto i a a i I If* • a e u n n a«aB > M A *B B«*y lia P a a tt la a 'to Omw mt

*nd the following January Guggenheim Isalleged to have deserted hls wife, who m i 'r b i cmeidriratton of a plan

'• I to empiny an expert .ng1"e«. p o ^ W ,from New York, to make a preUmlnanr

went to Chicago In February and Instl tu ted an action for divorce. The divorce was granted on March 39. lOT, based upon the s ta tu to ry offense alleged to have been oommitled in Chicago, and Mrs. Guggen­heim waa paid tI69,((iO In satisfaction tor her claims for alimony.

tour of th* faetortea and tenements of the Hty,

The Idea hi th is la to gain a typical conception on which to base fu tu tt In-

th* need# In futureST ciwme ror aiim onj. veeHoatlon as to tha need# in rutun*She returned Io New York, a ^ jn Do- derirahlllty of change*U ,e># aBuMa krtoAb* .Tliljl* PAlUlllsAR ____■


alsFish is landed

’ prices lU won’t re.

25c[ 7

•toelst JHspaM to 'As SVESnia JfBWB.NBfW TORX, April 7.—In a speotaculav

raid on th* Fulton M arket flsh itan d s to ­day Oommlsaloner YVaUh and hla deputlas a*la*d HP icalea w hich did not weigh tru*.

They had been fixed so th a t they weighed from threa-quarters o f a pound to two pounds sh o rt In ten-pound lots.

All of th* scales will he broken up.T b t gtaild proprietor* were arreeted and

held in.tSOO ball each fo r trieJ.


FBIBDRICHBHAVEN, Oennany, April 1 ,-dn hi* dirigible balloon, the new Peutsohland, Count Zeppelin, with a num- b if publlo ofllcwn* f ! t out ftt o'olook this morning to r S ta n g a rt to

igreet King W illiam II. of W urtem horg I'and Queen Charlotte on the occasion to­

morrow of th e ir sliver wedding anal- Vvenery. From S tu ttgart tha airship will (proceed to Baden-Badgn and Dueeseldbrl

King William is an enthusiast In aerial navigation and In Ju ly , IMG, both ho and th* Queen took a flight w ith Sieppelln o to r Lake Constance. I t wax the l in t tlin* in history th a t a rflgnlng King Quaen targd anoh an adventure,

ART, W uartem berg. April T.-- 9 DenU ejaand arrived here a t bl* afternoon and circled over

(«k royal palaoe. while Count Zeppelin id Jow ed a parachu 'e bouquet with U*

n toU ngs to the K ing and Queen. A I Wading was m ads in th* tubu. u*. where pUtcnfiOTf w w * txkqn. oft* •

■ w u m W n i v m a lOti f w


apecM ZHspelcA la (As SrBtllVO BBWB.WASHINGTON, April T.-To Secure In-

formatton as the baels of a damaad tor a Congreeelonal InTSetlgation of th* a l­leged Intimidation by Postoffln* offlelals to prevent railway mall Marks Jkom union­ising, It beoame known bare to-day th a t Senator La Follstte <n*p., Wto.) h ta been ■ending clroular letter* to olerk* w ith a Hat of qu«atlone eovaring tvery pbaa* of th s controvarey.

The Senator aaya In part: "TYi* railway mall clerk* have a right to organise. I t the olBoers of th* departm ent are en­deavoring to ptevent them from doing so by th rea ts of discharge, such notion la w ithout legal authority o r moral r ig h t

" If 1 And oondltlons In th* railway pos­ta l service to be generally such a* baa been rapresentad, I shall Intyoduce and do e v e ^ h ln g In my power to pass a bill ito prdtont the continuation of aueb tm- jLmericaa praoUsaa, and to presarr* to all govarnmant employ** th* right of petition, wtUch belong* to every dttoan, and the right to Join o^anlaaHona fo r th* Im- pnnremant of their labor oendltloiu.’’


don, - wanted In Montreal for flnanolal operation* j^otering a large aum, w as to­day releaaed from ouatody and turned over to Chief MoCaaklll, of the provincial polios. An effort waa mad* to have Shel­don punished In Allegheny County for the allegM defalcation of M09 tn tru tte d to him by the owner of the bou** whar* he b o a r d ^ and wbll* he m anlteited s v ir r dseire to return to Montreal th* retonreca of th s law were sxbaustsd In endeavoring to keep him hare. Th* decision w as rsn- dered by a full bench In Common Fleea Court.

McCaekin and hls prisoner M t the oonrtbouse immediately for th* ta llw ar station.

oember M of th a earn* year married Jules Roger W ahl. Three years later Guggen­heim m arried Alme Stelnberger In Chi­cago.

A t th* thn* of th* RHnole dlvore* Mr*. Guggenheim teitifled th a t she was a resl- d«nt of Chicago. In 1»0S she brought ac­tion against Guggenheim tor a divoroe under the law* of New York State, claim­ing th a t a* neither party was a resident of Chicago, the Illinois divorce wae Ille­gal and th a t the defendant should main­ta in her.

The lower courte held the Chicago de­cree to be valid, and their declelone are upheld by the Court of Appeals.


W BW YORK. April 7.—Madison Square Gsirden, the largest assembly building In New York City, waa sold ydSlerday to a company which already haa laid plana tor tearing down ths famous structu rt and erecting on th* all* flv* modem sky- forapara.

Some tim e ago It ,waa announced that J, Plerpont Morgan, who controls th* property, had plac*d it on the m arket for tt,0D0,eW. I t la aasassad tor tR,lM,009. The vain* s ( the building la reckoned a t MM,CM.

The GardMt wew opened In IIW, and la said to have bean run a t a loas during m ost of the tw enty, year* of it* eilstenoa Big rent* vrar* a*fced lor th* clrcuaea,, ball A automobIM ahowi, athletlo m*«to and rane*. bu t th* price* did not oompen- *at* for th e meny night* th a t the plao* waa net In us*. Ev«n the theatre and coaoert hell bev* not been money-makera

Tb* Garden covera thirty-four city Iota wlUt a fleor epac* of 13,009 squar* feet in th e main p a rt o f tb* building. By ereto- Ing galleriei In th* to it automobile show th* floor ipac* waa Increased to M.0M square feet. There I* outstanding on tli* property M.WMIM bondi and 11.0(10,1)00 atoefc. The first mortgage bonds, of tl,3W,000, are five per cent., and the aeoand m ort­gage, of (TGOiOOIt are six p ar oent


for th* m ailronm of aafety and comfort to factory worker# and to tenemant d w ellm .

Teneasento and B alS rinateer.Twe Teaeluttona w « * " f to ra d to ^

exMUtlv! com inltt!! laat night, cm* Uiw#d th« pfovliloh gTV^tW suDOort t« th* Tenw ntiit-hoiit! aton of the State, on th* repreaentation th a t It! r«!oure®i do not now |>imiU th e wtdeat daelraWe acop* of labor.

T h ! o th tf r!c<»tim!nd«d offorU to I*- due* an appropriation tor a w o m y ’a r ^ form atory. The construction of *a i* •« In itltu tlon WM WJthortiM h r th ! ! « ' lelature, but no ap p ro p rta tl^ been mad* to materUlla* the b i i l ld lu O ther m atter* of leglalatlon al»o m iy be eonatdered »t th* commltu* m uring*

^ h form ation of th* walfto* a ^ iia l t- f la t!! ! movoment ftftrtM ••v*

* n l month* *** by .if:tm v la whlOh wna aeoelaratod ^ th* HIdtt atreot faotory fir* of loot Wovem- b * r^ Judge Davl* desired to* oijtanlto- tlon of a n aaeoclatlon patterned ^ e r the Jnvm ll* protM tlve AaaoelaBon «f Chl- oBM. Th* movamaat was making prog­ress when the factory fire distracted a t­tention from It- J , , -

Tha flr* eet * number of other mvie organisation* to work with a view to re­forming th* faotory building laws W ork- ars In to)th the#* organlaatlons oama to-' (Continued on M toga, la t eolumn.)

eendltlen,tht*. It M


D co o cra tic Hoo k Caocos Mon* 4xf or T n e iiiy to De­

c i le Precedence;

WBW YORK. April 7,—Fir# Juat bofore noon to-day eomplately destroyed tho Hre-etory building occupied by Chord A Howe, -oil and greese dealer*, a t B> F ro n t otreet, e a n tln t e lost of


There are tons eaekting hens and three i newly laid eggs In the Fourth Precinct a tatlon , and somewhere there are two badly frightened men, w?io dropped th* chickens early this morning when ch*»*d by Patrolm an Heltpenroeder. In th* of­fice of Captain Vogel »lti Patrolm an C o rt,, of th# Sixth Precinct, who claim* th* ahiokeo*. In th* yard In th* rear of Pa- S S h S S ^ C o rf* bom*, a t 8» South fUx- tlm ito etreet, thara i* a coop, and In th a t BMC there lA or wM last n ig h t th lrty- ?hSL *nrito buff cochin chicken*. Thl* « ^ l n k fourteen vrer* miming. Heltoen- S S S l V a* going bom* a t C o’olook thl* S ^ M ^ b e n . a t Bo«i *tr**d and ^ h - E iS h a v e n u * . be *aw two men with

they saw BtottoW M der they a S ^ M d th* bag* and rssi. The partto- S S 'S i i n e a toto t o d to* shdt to th e

l lg th* mto entdBtotoi^^ito . fp-go t t t o l

them to tb* station-house. When Desk Sergeant Meyerowlt* opened th* bag* nine highly Indignant hens tumbled to the Boor and cackled their disapproval of th e entire proceedinga. They were placed in th* cellar In a ooal hta, and hy to o'cliMdc ther* were two new eggs Ultra also. Cort visited the Fourth Pveqlnot e tatton on bualnea* about that time, and we* deploring the lorn of hi* prise ehlclf- enA when Captzdn Vogel took him to th* otolar u d Cort Mentlfled the fowl* aa hi*. Now Captain Vogel la somewhat of a diplomat, and ha told Cort to go up­sta irs and finiafa w hat be had to do. L ater, when the c u ta ln was about to toll (tort to tak e bla ohlcheni, O o o rm u "D ory" Amb* entered th* 000* u d whis­pered: "Captain, there Is another egg, and ! tb a re w tu he raoTA" Vogel te ld (to rt IM bod h*tMr wkit twtil tegdgkt

' • .


gpeelal fHsteteh to «« BTaUlfltf BBWB.WASHINGTON. April 7.—Th* Demo­

cratic W ar* end Mean* Ceminlttee de­cided th l* afternoon to submit th* problem of w bat la to be done with tb* O anadlas reolprooltr agreement by th* m ajority In th e Houe* to a oauoua of Democrat*, to be bold Monday or Tuasdag.

Tb* oaucu# will b* caned opon to deter- iBlBa w hether the Conadlui agreement 1* to be taken up ImmedtoMy or poetpoued an til a f te r oonolderation of th# wool K beduto iwrttoco ef tha Payne tertff WlL


geeetoJ XHspetofe I* tb* BVBBIBO BBWB-STnUU NG. April 7.—Th* aUBoeHrut

Q h u a a o t a check swlndlsr stirred th* wbolo ooutttryslde yesterday. Tb* sw lndltr w he go t (to in money sod a check f n 0 from Bdword Ortman a* change lo r h fU ebeek, a f te r he bad bought i*om#' gro- oerlw from Ortman. waa captured a t Berkeley Melghta He gave the name of G torge Reed, and »otd ha earn* from Ho- boktn. _ ,,. , e ......

Latest gyrtag laatela gaits.^ priaa Blok. H i Bulbstiy, a t lla itn l.,.


RKD RANK, April T— Tylng on* end of a clothe# fin* to a beam of hi* varan da. and p tadng the other around Ms neck, George C. Wolf, aged eeveatyr committed suicide by hanging last night or thia morning. He oemmltted lb# deed on th* veranda of th# Wolf Leighton avenue. John Decker, e netgh- boertoand him early •In f f» rd ! b!!Jn» notlflwl th*

' ' ^ o l l was a p a r e y to I”aged to drag hfiteeH from hla w m and out «g the poTOh wHhoot alarming hi# family 1* a m Y * to r r-^

Wolf, in hi* f e m eoften a ta o e u * * ^ ^ uoved, lod to the to lddA '


W A gam roTO N . April r —Wllllisn Jen- nbtga E ry ea eiplelned a t th* Whit* Uouee to-day that he waa not opposed to the eeteotioB «t Senator H w**** » Martin, of Virginia, a* minority leader of the BonatA hot th a t he pareonaily would no t vot* for Senator Martin tC h* waa a member of the Benato.

" I t I were a Banator,” aald Mr. Bryan. "Mr. M artin would not b# my l in t ataoloe for mlnortty leader.” ...

j j r B ryan spent alrnoet an hour with Praeldant T aft and before be left met praetteeUy every member of tb* Preel- deot'e CaW nat H e refused to say what aubject h* had dlieusaed with th* Preal-defil.j i r . Bryan would rrot diacuss th# avail­ability of prominent Demoeiwt* for th* Presidential nomination In IMl

WOUNDED REACH JUAREIBL PASO, Tex., April 1,—Blghty-thrw*

-wounded and a number of prlsonera takan by th* Federals a t Casas Grand**, wer* brought Into J u a m to-day. The wounded lay pron* In box cars, but were welt oared for by the eaoort, which numbered about 909. W ith th* la tte r were two Held pleoe* end two ropld-Bro guns.

General B ugla LIa reoently ordered to proeeed with hi* force from Ooaaa Grande* to Ohlhuabu*, I* reported to have l i f t for tb* la tte r place.

Tw inty-ftv! "SoldwAu*” or womon oMnp followori* who bad b!oom! •opftrated from th e ir huabend* In tb* F teeral rank*, arrived a t Jua ras t*-day. They walked from Chihuahua, M9 mllea, pushing handcar th a t bore thalr meager bdlong- Ings W here bridge# wer* out they ford­ed the atreanw, carrying th* handcar.


Objection! to th# Krantlnjt of a Itrcnn« !n d A RAloon transfer were mado to the Exriae Board tn-day. In both caaea action v a e deferred until the next meetinit.

F rank J. Llnok Jr. made applloatlon for tramrfer of hls llofttiae from 294 M arket

■treat to 8W Plane fltreet. !t waa opponed by Rev. K utene P- Carroll, p a n o r of St. B!idK!L'a R. C. Church; form er County Clerk WflltaiD O, Knebler, and fJeorae ParnbrldHe. a wroceryman of the nel^rhbor- hood.

F ather Carroll said he had no ohjertton a t thep renent time to ealoonn nm In a proper m anner; there waa one now within the 200-foot limit of hie church, and he had not protected. He declarnd, however, th a t the Bite of the proposed tranafe r wae of iuch a nature that It would a t t r a r t ppr- ■on! of a dleordrrly or undm lrahle nature.

FMhas’ Carroll wax miirtalned In thle ita tem en t by Mr. Kiiebler and Mr, Heni- brldjre, who declared th a t there were too m eny enJonne In the nelitrhhorhood now.

Clarenoe F. Royd'H eppllrallon for a lleenne to conduct a aaloon a t B77 Weah- ttigtoh ptreet, wea o b jrrlrd to by Police Captain Ryan .who eaid th a t It w«! iin- neoenary to have any more naloone In the nelgfhborhood, and thn t the site was dlas- onally acroKfl t!« street from the Ftret Precinct fltaUon.

A petition from the Touna W om an'! C hrlitian Aaeoclatlon aaalnpf the frmnt in* of the ItoenB#, on the rro im di that there were enough Belooni In the nelffh- borhood now* waa aiBO received.


A ehlldheed friaudehtp, oommenced In D«nnaTk yeaza age, reiu lted In the m ar­riage of Mli* Emily Jenson to Axel H. Mekkelaen. of 193 Plane at reel. In the par­sonage of the Halsey Otreet M. E. Church last night. -----

Mr. and Mrs. Mekkelaen had been play­m ates In Copenhagen, and when he left the Danish capital name yeaxs ago to com* to this country, a rier eompleting a course in eleotrlcal engineering, they were betrothed. He was to send fo r hi* flancea aa soon as he had aehlaved lueoeaa a t hla oalllng.

Ths jroutig man prospered and sent home for MIse Jenson. The reremony, which WU perfermcil hy Rev. Dr, Jam es Q, Howard, followsd.

L o m R iu b U F i i l A V t m ■ D A a m H ,. li. L, April tI Trana ehtpnruigt of pa*n*w- gera tram ttg jtF ilm s— IlWM WWB beggg a t 1 o’ciodk tbla antraeoB , wban m a—t boat bearing Bfieto sremeo left Ik* BmsiA I ' le* sMa end beaded away fo r tb* n I M ship, Prtn* FriadiWk WUbelm, wMab cam* dewn tram Mew Teek.

Tb* sea Is rangh. b e t w Is ts tl tor th* aaM y *f t o they are troiwtonwd f ra n tbe Ira s* te t o relief Ship,

I t wOl taka nqo h effort t e tr a n a li t even h s ll of tb* pa—sngsre betow* night- falL An aooammodatleB ladA— h u b**g let down tb* le* side of tb* Iren* te tao lllu t* t o tianalsr of t o paaoengarA

Thto* are only about flv* o r six hours of working rim* In wfedok to tranaahip A tll p e n o n * - » oabln posaangerA l,4lf Bteerag* and n of tb* crew.

The magnitude of tb* task can b* ap­preciated whan It la remembered th a t It took sight houn to tranafar th* Mb pas- sangars of tb* sinking stesm er Republlo.

No pusengers of tb s Piinoeaa Iren* will bs risked tn sntall boat* a t n ig h t u both prudenot nnd Admiralty law s for­bid.

The Prins Friedrich will take aboard all the puatngen i she oan and leave tb* others on her stranded sister ship. 3h* should reodh hsr pier In Hoboken about midnight.

In great msaaure, th* auocaaa of th* transfer will depend on how nenr sho can stay to tha Irene.

Knot* of speotatora along sh o rt ob­served many of tb* paaaengere of th* steamship Prinaeie Irena calmly pacing the dark* this Afternoon.

The lufSi which had pulled a t the Iren* a t high rid* tMs morning had hauled th* tte rn of the vessel twanty-flve deg rs— from her original position, bu t their e f­forts hod unfortunately only pushed the stem deeper Into tha sendbar.

At low tide th* vesaal's waterline ahew* fourteen feet above the as*. Bh* la rest­ing In sixteen feat of water, and, u sh* has a d raft of tbirty-alx feel. It Is eyl- dent that she la stuck a t least six feat deep In the sand. Sand 1s heaped high about her forefoot and stem and half of her keel Is burled In It. So heavily did ahe plunge Into the bar th a t her sta r­board propeller shows, only half sub­merged a t low water.

There wo* no evidence lo-dfty thn t the vessel had sprung even the ellgheat lank, hut the life-savers thought th a t a couple of days’ pounding would buckle some of her plates. She roll* slightly In the swell­ing see end K Is plainly evident eh* U deeper In the send than when she on early yeeterdey during a fog.

A breeches buoy connect* th* steam ­ship with th* shors, while th rse llfe-ssv- Ing crows eland hy the life-saving boat* on shore. Near the Irene, swashing about In llio soawayT Sr*^th* revenue outter* Seneca nnd'Mohawk, with a little fleet of tugs awaiting to aid In the transhipping of the paseengtrs,

Ther* Is absolutely no f«*r for the safety of the paseengeri, who. In f a ^ show no apprehension over their enforoed slay on lh» Hhoal*. Some of th* ocean voyagers played bridge w hlit In th* eahlm while others attended the band concert Neither do tha etcerag* paasengars ahow any fear.

(’aptaln George E. Goddard, of th t la>no Hill T.lfe-saving Station, spent all 1a»t night aboard the Irene, nnd cam* ashore this morning In th# station aurf boat.

" t had a long talk with Captain Pateri- sen of the Irene,” said Captain Goddard soon after he i-ama ashore, "and he was nt a loss to explain how he ever gut ashore. Captain Peterasen told me that he hod been sounding regularly end that the last sounding showed eighteen fatb- oma. The next he knew th* iren r'w a* on the sand pit.

"There we* iind U not now the ■llKhCBt ■Un pATilo or exHtemeTTt Among the pABnengere They heve eeten their meel! regulAtly nnd heve been enlertatned by bAnd conoertt. Riven In the lAdt«! oAbln there were no Bigne of f e « And I ob- ■erved perAcm! nlttlng about reAdlng And playing wtilit. The MeerAge piUBengere were reetle!! but not pAnIrky.

PrepATAttoni to tmke off the Irene ■ pa»-iengerewenlforwArd expedltmuAly All dur-Inir the morning. <'.'ipteln F renk Rorke, of the Bhje Point Llfe-idvJng PtAtlOR* went out to the Irene In a iu rf hoet. cArrying a hreeohe! buoy line. whlojL wa! AttAohed to the bow of the Irene. This w as done

ATI emergency meMure In caab a itortn develop!. . .

The Tr«n« looked HK* mn immense spider(Continued tm M page, la t colunm.1


W ith a baseball gam s a t the Acadeeay fleld on June 3, athletic relations be­tween the Newark High School and th* Newark Aoademy will be resum ed after a 'lap** of A number of year*. Coach Ma- roiuy, of the Academy, and Coach Brood- boad, of tho High School, mot laet night a t th* Newark T. M. C, A, and tbe date In June was agreed upon. The track team s of th s two Institution* will also meet a t th* Princeton Club's tame*, whloh will k* held a t th* Academy fleld on Baturday, May U.

Th* friendly relation* between lb* aohoole was brought about hy tb* sfforts of a number of graduates of both Institu­tions. The break occurred about six year* ago, whan th* Aoademy withdraw from th e New Jersey Intarecholaetle League.

CARDEN BAS $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 BLAZECAMDRN, April T.-Dom age egtlraoted

a t 160,900 waa don* lost night a t a flra which destroyed tha south plpo bouse of the Camden Iron Works. Its origin le unknown.


Father oi Fire Small Childrei Lost Eb All in Business




B oard OKwlng about tb* oeUor and„ n r* tiad .tb r to • ' '• r f “ d®*! com er * m eter robber euocesafuUr hid hlmaslf. later emptied tb* meter of quarter* and

a t Nutley taat n ight Sherlock uT rnaa never ran aero— a more ba01ng

t telved It, Barking dog. and .M Setou# noISM showed th a t soma peraon

w Sllom Murran, In Franklin avanua Mr. u L iren want downatatr* a t ono*. As IT* te S S id e d be h - r d coal rattling in the SuTa* It sum* on* wo* *t*w>lng upon I t *™ ln* him—K Murren went direct to the

i ^ e X r the door he looked about. Mn one waa to be found within. Then he

among boxto under the atalr* ^S devery spot where o i^ mtoht hide, .but wUhoni ancceaa Nothing had betn dls- Miebad and the meter waa Intact. H li dog harked th* while, dtreollng hli. whelpa to w a rd tb* Wn. To rse—ur* hlm—lt Mur­ran lookod oyer th* bin and t o eool one*

nor* , but with the aaaie re su lt Myetifled, M urren returned u p sta irs A half hour latar th* gas began to burn dimly. An­other quarter was neaded In tha slot and Murren went down to Insert It.

H e waa dumfoundad to And n cellar win­dow open, but stood transflxed when he aaw ths m etsr cash box smashed, th* con- tente goes. He realized tha tblef had commiued the robbery and eocaped through th* window afte r h* gave up hls —arch. Th* crook had hid hi the cellar whil* h* aaerehed for him. B ut w h a n did b* hide? Why, Jn th* coal. The mater robber had devised a blankat of papar mocb* ooal, palntsd blaok. Lying In tha 00* 1. he eovers blmsetf w ith th* black diamond dltgulM and beoomea p art of tha heap. Couaequently whan Murran looked In tb* ooal bln and about tha coal Jt would be Impoulble to sea th* hiding oreok. "Black Diamond Jlmm-y" did It. Sharlook soya, to r be olwaya worhs itisit

Pennllet* through iTie fallur# of a bual- ne— In which h# had invested hls alL Carl WoHtnan, thirty-tw o years old, th* father of five young children, ended hie- Ut* by Inhaling ge* In hla home a t ISl Spruo* atreet sariy thl* morning. H e wo* found by hi* wlto. who * 4*Hoatecondition. , . . , .

Aa ah* saw th* Ufale— form of her hus­band elretched on tb* bed, on* end of » rubber gas tub* In hi* mouth, th* stricken woman screamed and n e lg h b ^ her eld* as she fell In a feint, bod been deed several hours, and t o Fourth Preolnoi polio* notifled Co“ “ 2 Fbysliilen McKenil*. who granted a burial e«rllflcAte.

I t WU »b<mt u v e n fflOoEu • • • W oltmoo in v - te d hi* ‘reatfturu it t t Sprue* and itreeukpatronage waa poor.th* dooro of th* place ware oloeed. W lto Mven mouth* to toed, W oltman found t o J a s k o t asm lng a livelihood hy m a k !^ b ru s h - too much for J**™- chUd u ten. tho young«t

About 4 o'clock this morning t ^ despon­dent man arose, telling aaked him where h*would return In a minute. I t waa snout two hour* la u rfound him dead In teo th cr bedroom.

ONE RORE V ien H OF th e n ew YORK HORRMt

gperiol fllspafrh *> BTSVtBO BBWB. " n b W YORK, April 7.—A# th e r w l t r t Inlurl— rocelve* from Jumping from t o S llMr of the A*«h building over 2 fw tn ifh t ago, Annie Miliar, aliteen. died In 0t. Vincent’s Novpltal to-dny. flht was tha 14Hh victim of t o flra In the Trlongl* W olrt OotnPU?'*

. J


IN LIFEBOATS(Continue) from Klr»t

»i ft w«b of tow llnw, which Irom h tr item ftnfl lU rn to th« bobbing [f« t of r*v»nu» cu tteri aniJ tug*. N»ar boon, th» U4a b*g»n to flood Urongly. !b« Iran t’g b it propellart b^gan ehurnlni Ihft MO, whlla lh« tuga • trained Uborioua- ty to ft-af the aleamablp from the ahoaU. fha iftDdB, however, held the big ehip teat.

An ftoeommodatloit ladder hee been let town the lee aide of the Irene, down whloh the pftaaentera will be taken to the eoftte for iranefer to the Prlna Friedrich.

CftpUin Cbarlea Vf. Balter, o f the Point tf Wooda Llfe-eavlnt Btatlon, laid at noon that tlM northweet wind "aounda good to me, fta It will knock tha eea down and

‘ gfttlati ra t the ground awell.”'T h e poelllon of the Irene," eetd n ip ta ln

Baker, “la about the (am e aa laet night, though the h i t worked tnahore a llttla m tra th e la embaddad in the.auid , and, I think, frono etenn to stern, and for Ihla reaeon I don't think ihe' will iprlng a

' th an tk * r ew t, moludlng a profit te r th e contrmotor, Rotenberg stated. On fbvr

We guarantee to please you abso­lutely with a pair o f perfect fitting Gold Filled Eyeglasses or Spectacles and furnish correct glasses no matter how expensive or complicated a glass you require for above price. Our aucceis it. due to our reputation for careful service and good work.

Our thorough minute scientific exam ination of each eye to determine the correct glass each eye requires is included in the above offer. Our reputation is at stake if we don't please you. You therefore take no chances when dealing with ut, A trial toconvince you of our ability to please you it all we ask.

C H E S L E R102 Market St. Q p p . W a » l d n g l o n S t I


T 0 B K ,_ A ^ 1 7.—Tbe .Reamer j

tlfboken ihortlv betnf* S o'elcck to lake t W I L L 6 0 O V E R B O O K S

othar electrloal flituree the dleciwpaacy between the ir eoet and worth w ai n t ap teca In th e front ball of Ihe building there a re eeven ornamental lam pa coat­ing o n apiece, which could be duplIoeUd for SH each. Boienberg ererred.

Mr. M cCarter oereaatlcally referred te the three "beautiful alabaeter ehande- llere" In Judge Blair*! room, which coat i s n apiece. Mr. K oiinberg aatd th a t they could be pu t up a t a good profit for rrto apiece.

I Caeeldy A Son hed the contract for fla- turea In the building a t a eon of tM,00S. The work done by the company could b t duplicated fo r l»,S«e.4l, Rosenberg aeld.

I t appears th a t the manner ih which Ihe oontraot for tlitu rea w ai given out by the Caurtbouee Commlaelon was eome- w bat Irregular, tnatead of getting a flgure on qraolfloatloas, l»,«M was of- fored aa the am ount to be paid and than proposals w e n received for the work

I th a t oould be done for the prioe. Cie- i l ^ ' i offer was accepted, and. according to Rotenberg, the flxturet that he took eieeptton to were not up to the etandard of th e Arm'! proposal.

fre d e rle k Rouicta was the laat witneeo eallad. He t i a maraber of the Arm that tuppUed the stone engraving for a bond- book for the Courthouae Commleslen.

I The book coot thdlS, but Rouaob said It ' w as w orth | 1» .

H ugh Roborta, arstalteot for tho build­ing, wan ptoalled ae a witneae lata In the afternoon, but ha was not in tho oourtroom. After a receat of flve min­ute* he hed not returned, and Juetloe Sw ayie notifled hie osunael. H e n itt Lane, to have him on hand to-day.

M ne Friedrich WUhslm left her dock et ttobokea iho rtlj before » o’clock to take ( off the paaeenger* bf the.etanded itentti-(hip Prinsee* Irene. Work on makltif r ^ y the kvledtioh Wllhelgi w ei pushed u in tfM .

CenddersSt. drley wae erpected In f « - dng the Prtne Wilhelm away, beotuee she paa out of ballaat. I t wa* aaid the ttane- ler of the paaeengers probably will not be Ittsiapted until late thia afternoon.

I lia Prlnl Friedrich Wilhelm pawed out If'Q uarantine tho itly before fO o'clock, f deputy health offleer and aaelitanla were put ea board by a quarantine tug. I'MF will take sbarg* of the paeeengera phea they are trawsferred, to see that bie regular health examination Is m ada

CaMaln Psternen , of tbe Irene, sent a plimee* to the derelict deitroyer Beneoa kit* morning, asking how many parnen- rsPS the leneea and the Mohawk oould •arry, The tenaea wired baok that ihe wuld take about *ix hundred p a iean ten kbeard, and tbe eutter Mohawk 100 pae- langera

A sm art northwoot wind picked up dur- Sig tbe morning, kicking up a lumpy sea, which awaahed angrily about tho itrandod Irene. The Lone HUl Ilfe-aaTere, whoire et the ahora and of tha bretobea hnoy, wM shortly after 0 ffalock th a l In their■iflolon It would be dangerou* t . try to remove the paaiengwra, aa the weather wa* not ea favorable aa it waa a t *un-

FIRR IS ia N D , I* I., Aprtl T.-The wind was etrong from tbe aorthw eet and It wae cloudy off shore this jnom liig, but tha eea went down some before noon. Ko danger Is apprehended for tho ship.

The crew of the P rln iew Irene put over­board wrecking anebora lo aw tat In the attem pt te Heat her.

'The attem pt to Aoat tbe Prinieaa Irene pae resumed a t 11;» e'eloek thia aw m - tag, when th e wrecking tug* begaa puUiag tway on the itranded ataamer.

8ATVIU.E. Ii. L, April T.-Plana for Kmovlng the paBsenfera of tha Prlnieaf tren* from tha ttranded ateamar ware

' laing ahaped aa th e P rln s Friedrleh Wll-

tilm approached from the harborillhtwlon of reaoua. Tbis was Indicated by

k wlieleei meeaage from the Prina Ftled- Mch WUbelm to tbe Irene len t a* tbe tarptor waa atpamlng s u t and which waa

' licked up hcraTke P rin t Friedrich Wilhelm oncers In

Oie instaags Inquired It th e Irene would lead her paasengera off in her own boato. It also asked tha Irene 's oIBcere to havt

..laeh paatangsr bring hi* supper fooq with tim and to glvn all tb* paaeengers their loon meal on boagl.


The atrihdtpg of the Itoer P rin a n s Irina off Fire laland reoalla the last pre- vioue tlmp (bat a big tranaatlentto paa- lenger atatm ar want aground. Thll bap- Pdpad In WA nrhao lli* American Line itdtm ship flt. P au l w ent on the Mew Jer- u y oeaat k t tho and of an ooean race with the.'C unarder Campania. The 8 t Paul lost Iwr way In a doot* fog aariy In the morning e t . .Saturday, January X, IXA and It wa* twalve days before Ihe •hip got b lr bow out of tb e sand, where It was embeddad. Tbere were 141 Aral and leoond oabln and l i t ateerage pamaengera aboard, but all war* taken off unhurt the day after the accident.

The exact location of th e Ht P aul’s Im­promptu barth was lu s t aorth of lbs Hotat Brighton, a t tb e lower end of Long Branch. Captain John Jamison waa on the bridge when she slid aground.

On Friday, January U, when nearing this port, the St. Paul had nm Into a »v*r» gal*. L a u r she sighted the big imekeatnoka of the rival C am pania From the* on It waa a rae* to dock drat. In a ihort time both ahlpa war* groping trolmd in a dens* Tog, Tb* Cunard liner bad several narrow esaapea, but managed 10 creep in without anything worio than i Might esraplag;

Mot *0 witty tb* I t . Paul. She veered loo far Bonth. "B reakeri under tb* to w e r waa the sudden call of watchers, tnd although Um anglnae were In itaatly reversed, ehe plowed heavily on to tha Hoping beaoh. A a th e ship flret grounded ih* waa a t right anglea with tha ehors loe, but the Itnpaot w aa. so slight tha t Ihe sleeping paaaeoger* were not awak- tned. The boat aimply alowed to a teed Itop.

Tb* St. Paul had loaroaly gone on the le r before eb* w as dlacovered by the

tiaoh patrol. Word w ai Aashed to the fs-taving stations north and south.

Crews were on the job In short order, but to attem pt to tak e off paaaengers or to yun the liner looe* were atartod until day- dght Bourke Cockran was among the ^ a e n g e re who slept the ileep of the |usl. He learned nothing of hla prsdJo- tment unAl breakfast time.

The day after the St. P aul want M bers


requeat by County Collector Stapben M. Egan, the Board of Freeholdote ytelerday etlernoon adopted a raeolutlon th a t the FlnaBC* Committee be directed to employ an expert accountant to (O ovar the coun­ty eolUetor'e took*.

Mr. Egan haa been In the Hmellfhl late­ly Oh acoaunte of loans which he mad* to the 1st* Hobart Daria, city collaowr. In hi* letter I* the froeholdere h* eald:

"In view of the recent dlioloeurea con- eernlng the conduct of my ofllc* and the •ritlotam thereof, I reapeotfully request your honorable body to cause my *o- counta and the condition of I he county funds antruated to my eara to he thor­oughly examined and Inquired Into by aucb competent cirUAed public acoount- anta as you may select therefor.

■'1 feel th a t It Is due to you and the peo­ple Of. th is county that auoh examination be m a ^ a t the oarllaat poaalbla moment, to tha tn d th a t your honoraW* body, my bondamen and th* people of th is county will be e n u re d that my accounte are in alt reapecte oorreot, aa I know the asms to be.'

" I t will b* two wtek* before w« take up tb* m atter of investigating the Anan- olai affaire of the count y ," 'la id Proiecu- Wr O arven Ihl* morning. "Ono of our reasona fo r thia la to enable th* Board of Freeholder* to oonclud* Ita examina­tion into tb* affair*, which examlnallon ■bould h t of aailatano* to the grandjurf.**

I t i w tb li mernins tbAt 0tat*Comptroller Edward F. Edwarda ha* loft Christ H oipital end la now a t hla home on a fair road to recovery from appen- dloltle, and th a t another raaeon for delay­ing th* bearing li to oall him aa one of the Aret wltneiaoa, he haring an Intimate knowledge of th* accounte of Collector Stephen M. Egan and tha 1st* Robert Davie.



fperiel JHapalcA to » a SVBSDIQ TiSWS.MADISON, April I.—The meinberi of

tha epetlng team which repreeented th* local high ecbool In the epelllng be* i t E a it Orange last Friday, given under tho auspice* of th e Alumni Aaeaclatlan of the Oraagee, were honored last night, when th* aaaoolatlun committee presented the banner to the winning auhuol team and gave leathar-bound' dictlonarlee to Ban­croft Bitterly and Reginald Esglea. They won Aret and aocond Individual priiae. Slttariy w as also presented with a ita r map for winning tbe written teat. Th* auphomore claee, of which he Is a mem­ber, gave him a bouquet.

Jam es E B athgate Jr., chairmen of the apelling corotnltlee. and J. D. Kilpatrick, also a member of the committee, preaent- ed the prlae*. Bpeecbee were also made by Profeaaor Maroetlu* Oakey a»,d Fred B, Bardon, form er president of the Board of Education.

The local team was compoaed of Bitter­ly, Eagle*, Baymour Willi ts. Harvey WIl- ■on, W illiam Woodruff and Frederick Olelacncampa.


Bperiat DIepetch lo Ms gVMHIHa SB W t.WABHINOTON. April 7.-Tb# tip lan­

guage waa to-day uaed as a wedge to pry apart the ita tu tee of Immigration debar­ring from th* United Btate* aliens afflict-' ed w ith total dtafnet*.

Secretary of Commerce and Labor N a­gel agreed to exercise clemenoy and per­mit the admission a t Elll* leland of the wife and three deaf children of Joseph Noaanow, o f Camden, N. J. E ntry was allowed beesuae the Noeanow children were adepts a t lip reading.



(Continued fro m .F Irit Pago.!

• i -

WABHINOTON, April 7 -B enetor Root yesterday Introduced a neolutlon dealgn- ed to prevent a reourrenc* In the Senate of iu c h legislative situation as In th* cloaing days of the last Congreis th rea t­ened to tie up and defeat important gener­al appropriation btUe and other legisla­tion. A t th a t lime Senator Owen, of Ok­lahom a, bent upon securing the adoption of a resolution approving the Arliona Statehood Constitution, with Its Initiative, referendum end recall, held up by a All­buste r the eonilderatlon of all buslneas while he enforced hla vlewe.

Donator Root’s resolution direct! th* Senate Committee on Rule* to report a ru le th a t will give preference to confer­ence reports and bills th a t hava passed the House.


Ihe ehlp w ei eoanected vrith th« ahore by ielephone- Tli&t Incident aroused consld-Ireble comment In 1RD6, for U wae the ^ret time th a t tbe telephone had been put to such a use. thoush t k « gre^t pke to call "Long Branch 12S" and taJk lo ft liner.

The work of getting her free wax etart^ presently* end on SundRy.' tbe dey

Lfter she struck, tha ship was moved IK feet But she was sUll way in the send, ind ftlthough tugs puffed nightly and puDed Contlouftlly, tt was not until the tnomfng of February i th a t the chip was Reared, undamaged by her twelve days' tojourn on the Ijong Branch bsftch.

gperiat IHapekH t t «* fFSVfJfff » f » f .NEWTON. April 7,—Asking for more

w ater and cheaper ret**, Thoma* W, Bentley, of th* local silk company, ap- paartd before th* W ater Commission lest evening fo r th* quarter juat ended. The dyehOuB* of th* concern weed nearly 11,(00,000 gallon* of water a t a ooet of 140. Sven this Urge amount. Bentley clalma, would a t limes be ineufflclent.

For tbe poet six month* th* mill haa bean on metere. For about ten years previous Mr. Bentley received water at a Aat r a te of tXO per year. H* now will have to pay leven time* a* much water rent, figured a t tha present ra te of cun- sumption. A ret* of lour centi per l.OOO gallon* w as allowed him when th* meter* were put in hla eatabllahment. Mr. Bent­ley asked tb* cammliaion to aeslet him In tolvlng th* ihortag* problem, Com- mleelonei H arvey Snook, an engineer, said th a t a ahorlags reservoir capable of holding 1,000,000 could be constructed on the Bentley farm for about H.100.

F rom thq proposed sit* there would be a fall of over twenty f**L

A nother plan oontldtred waa th* tap ­ping of th a main on Sparta avenue. In addition to the Merrlam avenue tap. The company has spent (1.100 sinking walla, which have not been aucoeaaful. Th* mill employs aeverat hundred hands.


Mr, Robarta, pointing to th* alleged de­fective Axtures.

"Well. 1 am not," rejoined Mr. McCarter, who continued to inquire about th* failure of th# con tractor to live up to hi* con­tract.

Again referring to th* alabaeter globe, Mr. Roberto declared It wae worth (1,000 or (LMO, although the eounty waa charged only (MO.

"Th* p lant and deeigne were carried out In this contract wherever they could' be,” ■eld U r. Roberta, "and I should not be charged w ith any f e u r e ip th* luper- vlelon of th ia work.®^

'"My charge, alnce you used tho word," laid Mr. M cCarter, "la th a t you did not ebtatn th* reduction th a t you should from this contractor.

"D idn 't you certify that the Ceaaldy contract waa performed 0 . K.7" asked th* oounael.

Roberta replied th a t he did.Roberts adm itted that he received a

commleslon by th* payment of the Cfta- eldy claim, but declared that he felt he was doing righ t In epproving the work,

"I was trying to do the beet I could far the people of Hudaon County," the wltnee* anawered. i

T h in g s Not l > to dteedard, |Mr, M cCarter obtained admiaatons from i

Mr. Roberta In the oourae of hla croaa- I examination th a t there were many things

)n th* building which were not up to the ! atandard provided for by the L-uniraot to • i John Olll A Bona and the aub-contractora. |

To the direct queatlnna of Mr. McCar­ter, Roberts was evaelve, but Anally he

i admitted th a t there were things called i for in the contract of in* A n Metal Con­

struction Company which were not fu r­nished at all, and th a t In othar Instances ■ubetltutea were In .tailed. The explana­tion of th* wltneea ns to Imw this hap­pened wae th a t th e work had been passed upon by employes In hla olAce and th a t he accepted their word as tha truth.

WABHINOTON, April 7 .-W hat eecret aerrlce men believe waa an extended plan to Aood th* middle Weat with ooun-

I te rfe lt gold coin, has been discovered In I Kanaaa City. M. R. L ittle and Charle*

d* V ault, h a re been arrested there changed with palling eounterfelt eagle*

I and double ea^ee.Reports to Acting Chief Moran, of th*

eecret service bureau, eay Afty-ntne ■ eagles and thirty-two double eagles, I probably baa* metal, plated w ith gold,

were found on the two men.

C harge* H aehaad w ith C n a lty .CAMDEN, April 7.—Mrx. Eknma O.

Jackson h ss Sled *n answer to th* su it to r divorce brought by her huaband, Pro- feasor Chartee T. Jackson, who was for­m erly teacher of drawing In the Camden

i Manual Training and High School, Mrs. Jackson dentes th a t she la guilty of deser­tion and charges th a t aha wa* subject to his cruel treatm ent. In the hill Aled by

Ja c k so n It Is set forth th a t he nnd his wife were married by Jaellc* Tatem, of Camden, ori Auguit 21, HOT. They lived

. logother until December M, IM, whan ha I alleges lhatto la wife deserted him without . ju a t reason *r cause, jn the answer It la ' denied th a t Mre. Jackson deserted her huaband. On the ether hand, tt la aaaerted th a t she waa compelled to leave beoauie of her huabsnd'a treatment.

Speotol ZUipaM Ic Ida S r t j i n ia VBWB.NEW BRUNSWICK, April 7 .-B lce* l

fare. It Is altiged, la charged by th* publlo Service Corporation In car* run­ning over th* Jersey Central Traction Company lines ecroa* th* R aritan River

Form er S tate Senator William B. Ed- | w ire and waa thrown ward*, brother-in-law of Mr, Roberta, waa brought her* and

•a e e T ire Company to r la jo ry .Special Dtapalrh to (da S T B flim SEWS.

( N EW BRUNSWICK, April 7,—Tho ault of Aliks Brooks, a Rusalan, oD South River, agatnat th* Mlchalln T in Com­pany of Mllltown la on trial her* bafor*

' Judge Lloyd and a jury to-day. Brooke , sues for td.OOl dam agaa He bad been

employed a t the plant for two and a half yoari. On Auguat II last bo waa on a ladder cleaning Iron pipes, when he re ­ceived a shock by touching an electric

to tb* floor. Ho waa under treat-

mlaalon an account of how Mr. Edwards , urged th a t the work of John QUI A Son

bridge between Perth Amboy and South ! be paaecd upon. Mr. M e r r ie r u k ed Mr.Amboy. Freeholder Alfred T. K err called tb* atleuUon of th* Board of Freeholdera yesterday afternoon to th* tact th a t pas­senger* from Sayrevlll* to Pertii Ambuy were charged ten Cent*, when tli* fran- chisa granted to the Jersey Central com­pany provide* th a t the fa re shall be live

Edwarda If ho appeared for tha Qllta, but the form er aalit th a t while he woe (heir counsel he did not represent them a t (hla hearing.

County Collector Egan gave an ac­count of dleburecmente muds of th* (71,- 177.10, which he received ae premium on tbe pond Issue of (MO.tlM for the erectionJ. area. F -__ ________ ____ _ „ _,*41 ' IWO (JWHU IBBUO U4 #«W,UUU lUf AJIB eiCClIUU

I “f courthoue*. When Mr. Egon t« t l -bft R!ik«4 to htv« th* rmtM ftdjuitvd Fre*hold«r W lllltin B. P*y M ked thftt

th« Public 8*rv1o« Corporfttlon dfr*cud to churva but fiv* orata for pfttft*nf«ra from W o ir i *wlteh to P«rth Amber. H* iftld should rocRtvo ft trftntfora t South Amboy to oroii th* bridie wh«n tho car did not run through, but trftn«f*ri w«ro not g lrtn and two fftroa had to be paid.



HALIFAX, N. S., April 7.—News of Ihe probable lo** of the aieamer Harlaw off the coast of Newfoundland waa re­ceived to-day by the H allfa i Bureau of the Canadian D c ^ r tm e n t of Marine and FIsherlea. The dispatch received here ■tated that the crew of the Harlaw had arrived a t Island, N. F„ having aban­doned the steam er In a sinking condition off that place. No details of th* loa* of (h* eteamer were given, but it is pte- ■umed she was damaged by Ice floes.

The Harlaw left Halifax last Monday bound on a seeling trip in the Walera ad- laiient to Newfoundland. Tho Harlaw was an iron aieamer, registering 44* toni net. Bht waa built a t Hull in lasg, was 00 feet long, twenty-nine feet beam and tblrtean faet deep. She waa owned by tbs Halifax and Newfoundland Steamship Coptpanyr Limited, of this city, and in Ih*. eummer months she piled between Halifax, Newfoundland and Cape Breton ports.

PATERSON, April 7.-Mr*. Loulia Beck, a mldirife, of 41 Robert street, who 1* charged with performing aa operation on Miss Annt* Marie Relllay, which resulted In her dsath, and Eugen* W allhery, of D aram ui, who admits taking the girl to Mrs. Beck's home, were lacked up In th* eeiinty jail last night In default of (B,M0 ball. They were erralgned before Recorder Carroll yesterday afternoon. Th* original charge against them wa* murder, but th is w as changed tb a crime of leeser degree, the penalty on convtetlon of which le a flne of not more than X,0(ta or twenty years a t hard labor In the State prison, or both.

Mita Rellley, th* deed girl, was *m- ployed In a home for Incurables In Ridge­wood, and while there met W althery.

few day* ago he was not able to definite account of th* dlsbur*#-

fled givement.

W itness teettflsd that X.Ml.n was ex­pended for advertising and other *x- peoeas. Thirty-seven thoutand nine hun­dred and fourteen doilars and eighteen cente was placed In the sinking fund for the payment of the bonds, and 01.190 wa* spent for October Interest <1M6), leaving a balanoe of (g,l(7.M.

D ravei H In man, a bront* expert, who turnlahed d a ta to William L. Caee, th* consulting engineer, who tsitlfled as an expert yesterday, was th* next wltnexa

» t a t the hearing. Mr. McCarter object- m ent In a hospital for several weeks, ed to "Mr. Edward* Interfering with the sine* then he had been unable to work wltiieas" and demanded lo know for aa heretofore, and clalme the oompany, whom Mr. Edward* appoarsd. Th* latter no t having warned him of this dangir, Is refused to sta te . L ater Mr. McCarter read ] liable, from tb* m inutes of the Courthouao Com-

D o ao cra ts to Olv* O laaor,ATLANTIC CITT, April T.-Ken preml-

nent tn th* affair* of the S tate and om- Uon are to be tn attendance a t dinner of th* Demooratlo central committee a t the Hotel Continental on Ihe evening of April M. Among thoi* who have slgnl- fled their Intention of being present a re United State* Senator Jam es E. Martin*. Congressmen Eugene KInkead, William Hughe* and William R. Tuttle, State Sen­a to r! George S. SUier, H arry V. Oe- bom s. Judge H ark A, Sullivan, F rank 8. Katxenbach. Joseph P. Tumulty and m an y other*.

Jo tied OB Oltlto Charge.Spectol JHiisatck to Ms HTBSISQ SSWB.

NEWTON, April 7.—Strenuously deny­ing hta guilt, H arry Williams, charged w ith assault end an attem pt a t a more ■erlou* crime by Mias Anns M. Hill, of ( t r Spring street, was lockod up In the county Jail yeaterday fcT the grand jury 's action. In default of (IdO. WlUlama

He corroborated th* testimony of Mr. I worked a t a local



CAMDEN, April T.—It was announced yesterday before Referee In Bankruptcy 8. Conrad Ott, In Camden, th a t the exami­nation of eX-Aseemblyman Henry R. Ta­tem, formerly president of th* Colilngs- wood National Bank, had been completed. Several months have been ipent by Law­yer K erry Kramer, counsel tor H. L. Blaly, th* truitee. In an effort to as­certain What became e t over (IW.OCO which Tatem had. but little light has been throw n on tbe matter. The alleged bank­rup t declare* he has never beep able to recall anything Of moment. I t te believed tbe i r u a t^ will be able to recover a bon- slderabl*. amount for oreditora. Tatem haa a petition before th* United BtaUt D tatrlot Court baking tale dlsdtaarg*. A hearing Is to be given on It next Monday a t Trenton.

JERSB T CITT, Aprtl 7.-Hev. B. A. Kaljy, pastor o f St. Luoy's Church, this city, is making arrangem ents tor th* m a n and th* funeral of Rev. James V. Rutledge, a t Morristown, to-morrow. F ather Kelly, a fte r hearing of the death of bla M oved ourate, ajeembled l.OM ehtldren hi St. LuoF* Churoh, end after eulogising the dead priest, hed th* chli- d m kneel and offer prayers for th* happy repos* of hts eotil.

R N . Thomas F, M artin, an assistant prWst a t 8L M a r^ s Church, Second and fgrte (


ELIZABETH, April 7,—Charged by former proieoutor William R. Wtleon, of Elisabeth, with Intimidation and via- lance, llfiaen strikers, who were formerly employed In th* Colwell Lend Works on Bayway, EUaabethport. w e n arraigned to-day In th* offlee of FoUcs Justice Ju n e * F. Kelly, here Tbe xrarrania tortheir a rre st were Isaued by tbe Jiiatlo*

ito ie ta tw i VlyTHhai' been ‘ late yeelerday afternoon and war* u rv ed- __ . wa__ I oaea dkm. Kop ' WAkviMn f .aaJk * oelebrant of the requiem maa*. He I on th* striker* by Constable Tltonia* LsaB be BWlstod by Rev. John McHanue,

Saint*' Churoh, and Rev. John hb, of S t Mary** Churoh, B«y-

„JB«v- Hugh SberMan wlU he maa-

C a rty laat night. .Xh* prieoners' d t mandsd a hearing, which wee set down for next week. M suw hll* they were held In (IM M l each for their appear- aac*.

Case, and was then put under a eevere oroee-eiam inatlon by Merrlt I,an*, ooun- sel (or A rchitect Hugh Roberts, Tb* oyesa-exatnlaatlaD was of a Mohnioal na­ture. Ur. I.an* Inquired Into the methods employed by HInman In making his esti­mate on^lhe coat of the bronre work of the building, for which exorbitant prices are alleged to have been paid.

Mr. HInman attempted to show in on* Inelince how he arrived a t his oonelu- alon lliat a certain piece of ornamental bronse should cost only (iGd. After fig­uring for about flve minutes Mr. HInman adm itted th a t tha result he obtained was (2U. He declared, however, that he be- ileved hla first flgure was oorrect, ex­plaining th a t no man could eitlraat* ae- curalrly under auoh condltlona

Mr, HInm an volunteered to go Into detail In explaining some ether Itame which were told of yesterday, but Mr. Lane eal j !

"No; w* haven 't time to go Into all th a t detail."

There w as a loud "sbem" heard from the direction of Mr. Mc(Mrter.

Mr. McCarter, however, malntelned a serious dem eanor while Justice Sway** rapped to still th e anicksr beard around the courtroom.

E x p e r t 's Teetlm oey Cerrebernted, Alexander Miller, who worked with Mr.

Cose te an expert on ounstrucUoa, teell- fled a t yesterday atternoon'* eeeelon, Mr. Miller, w h o . Is a oontractor and builder, corroborated Mr. (3a*e's teetlmony-

Uorris Roaenberg, of New York City, testified as an expert esttmitor on light­ing fixtures. W ith six or Mven ateeptioas, he eaid, the fixture* of the buUdltg srer* instetted aeeordlng to eontrari. As the wUneas oontlnusd his testimony, however, be explained th a t h* ooimtsd a whole room as a single exception. Oae of the flret ipeolflo facts, he stated, was th a t the two fixtures directly before Justice Swayie, on tbe eou rt'i desk, were not up to Ih* etsusderd. Ttaeae Bxiures t n much smaller th an provided (or in th* centraot and can be p u t up (or (44.M apiece lea* th an they oott, w itneu said, Twelva other flzturea to th* room oould i>* put up for (U apiece lees th ia was ehargid the oounty. Rosenberg averred, in th* county eoortroom there a re flftoea fixture* which coat from l>(,n to lU agteo* more than they ere worth, wUneu osnttoned, and in th e law library there a r t four fixture* areeted 'M a eoM of (K apiece more th an th ilx worth.

In aitoUter f a n t t th* building there are two fixtures, finished tn gold, which oould bo dupllealed for (M IM a p lM



B O H D E N 'S M a l t e d M i l k


HOW TO 61HN HEALTHY FUSHChss. W. Msnk Attvlses Um »l

SsmoM.’White thlnneea may not be a ‘*1rna**,

yet It U to reality a eondltlon th a t need^attention. Under th* nooriib tog power' of Damosa healthy, na tu ra l flesh will soon he attached.

This rem arkable flesh-terailng feed Btrengtheni th* eyetem generally and bullde up the fleAy tleeuea so th a t good, natural ^urapness results.

An ounce of flesh Is be tter than a pound of theory. Cbas. W. Menk bellevis th a t tbe best poeelble detncnstia tlon of the flesh-forming powers of Somose 'Is to have It tried by hli ouatom era and |to Indue* them tb us* it he offers to piy lor the Samos* In cose It does nqt give satisfaction. No stronger proof than th can be given of bis faith in It. He hsl seen hundred* who were weak, th in an scrawny, become plump, robust and] strong, solely through th* use o f Bamoee, J. C, Hakes, of Orange, N. J ., also hoe the agency fer Somuse.


F.N.SOMMERCor tfto If*w«

all N ewark Haft IG. Y. a rw ap ip o rit ro e r lv r i a t olBca ra tea , a lao fo r a lt a rm p a p rro a a d n aftiia iaoa m U- Uihrde AftTertlrOBiraVv fo r N, Yi aevrapaprr* rrrriv o d ftoforo 6 P« Df» ap p ro r a rz l m oralape TM Brduitf St.e (SlarWrtEe)e T rI. MftO MUU




E a k S te r M i l l i n e r yCbfldKn’s EndNUsMt* Simply T f f im tn f f d H m t s• t i r t tit........*1.4# ^

Children's Untrfmmed Hstsitart tit............... Ilo

* 4 .9 4c r tew ad n em v

ia.4>V U ^ E a r e i p l e n d id ly y r e p t i r e d t o t t i k e \

’ ’ c a r e o f y o u r w a n ts , o n ly w e w o u ld l ik s t o h a v ti y o u h e r e c u r ly in t h e

*o thtit we can give you the best of attention.

The BiK and Little Girls’T rim m e d a n d U n tr im m e d H ats

Were Never Prdrttter or More BecomingMisses’ and Children’s Trimmed Dress H ats; the newest Spring design; very special................... $3.98

gather so o w as advanca f a elUseni

t t was th algbl, and 1 apd b y l a n the organist lapgv num throoghout wtU iuppori gtontog last amoimtod ti

OsM of th< lymous

wo re

Oontsr ty Bqu

Sclanc* cilub (2S, Ri talal Club o m . Jams* ' ' Offl.

Frank H. Dav

hlen. I nmg. Ireai

fallowing K •mmlttee; Franklin

Mn •tarn ,

ant 1 ivid Qro' llllam S.

Mb*. Abran Thomas J, u d A. W. ik ^ h D.hoi. wmii H a rry V, fobn F. C /Aborn, Jan

/ John Cll ’lAborn, Bit H arry B.

Tha Resi Bu'erraonn, I#*rb*rt P W, R««v*, Mtos, Ur*. Corllei, 8*

n*nt, Mr,tied*, Mr. OUver


S m & rt T & ilor S u it H & ts fo r W o m e nWe picture a faw examples, but you muM know we have scores of Hats just as smart, and probably salted to you than those illustrated. Our Tailored Suit Hats are much talked 4 C X C I A about. Price* of Tailored Suit Hata., ............................................................> . , . . ^ J a 3 r O n l l U | |

N afn ldoan t T rim m ed DreM Hat*. S S . 5 0. I Very Clever Sm all Flower Hat*, C A *7 Extrem ely dainty coplM of th* French eW vs. # -A [ Largo and small. W ith Inlmitabl* ftyl*


1 city, •»*I ntolpalltl tbousant

Th* e I ■(ration, I apinloni ' brush ui I and a t < j t* tb*1 brush ai

Tbe Proper Remedy (or Cooftlpatloa.

Improved Cae- oara Tablets

Do ftOl frtpK ftct raUdlj bstBift CvrolBdtipMtlod•flaetlTmT,

ftid eh ro B le bowtl Grooblaft TarF ftoGt ehocolata coofc- •d. TW tftblato t i aftcb boUla... 16c

S A T U R D A YW s p E C I A I ^ S w

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Whitem the skin. Removes red tpots.

Speciaiin two sizes,l l o

l e o•de, JAIt, iPEOIAL AT LAROE *0& JAR8, Booolal

Hare la an ALPHABETICAL List. Look thorn ovar and make your salaotiona. Kindly Coma EARLY to avoid tha rush.


th* hom* of Frank M. Fields, srttere Mis* HIU was employad.

H nnaerny* CWnght M Frelgfet T in is . tp*c4*I D U ftM ta M* grBUrSB SBWB.

RAFTWAT, April 7'.—Two runaway boys, aged about flfte*D y ean , caught riding waatw ard on a freight train early thl* morning, are waiting a t th* police «t*tton here for corroboration of their etory, Tqiay gave thslr names ■* I,*onard Bohlvenar, S9U Atlantic tv sn u a Brook­lyn, and John J. McComb«r, (71 Schenck ■erset, Brooklyn.

A m sS ed (o r Speeding.rrederlch Drcher, twenty-eight years

old, of *»4 New Jersey Railroad avenue, a chauffeur for Frederick Lebku*tch*r, wx* arrested by Policeman Cleveland on tlie oonter of flhlpmon and WUtlam* street for exceeding ihe speed limit.

$500H W A KThe New York Tde*

phone Co. will pay the above reward for the ar> rest and conviction of the person or peraona who ent its wires in the early morning of April 1,1911, on the B eilf^U e Turn*

ik e, in the township o f ea m y ,N .J ,


96o. Atwood's Bktars........12^«Ik. Afitl'CoIlo NlM>t«dv...........S«V lb. Absorbent Cotton......... 36eOOc. Antlphlogistina...............OlotBc. Antiphtofjstina.............dtki^ B aafi^lns end Inm,. . -SGTn| l Beef. Wins and Iron....... 44«Me. Bmhem'f Pllli............ Kiotie, Ceatorle, Yletcbar'e......tS cbOc. CeUfcrrile Flf Syrup.,.dlo50c. Cenlhroe........................ ttlo5o. Cettlla doeft (S eekas)... .$US«i lOe. Caetlls EOoep (4 oekes). .lUlo 50e. Chsrlei Feoa lewder, ..lO c

’50o. faeries Flash Food......SKobOe, Plepapiift, Peso’s.........RAo5Dc, Doen's Pflls..................35a Denderina Heir Tonic. .10c 60a Dendarfna Refr Tonlo. .Rio 91 Deedarlna Heir Tonio....03o

0Oo. De WlU'a Kidney P iiU .aie3Dc. R fs Shempoo................ l i eBOc. Fether Jobn'a M ad......Slut l Father John's Ued...........fl.UO Fallowi Byrup..............tl.OO Fountain Syiinfa........ dtfoUa-HAT'a Heir Heelth........31 o

LKey’s Hair Hselth............'Hyonaet.

rl Hyomal.. t Himrod's Asttmie Cura.

.ftOo___ . ..O2o

50c Klimar's Bwnmp Root. .Bin | l Kilmer's Bwnmp Root,.., iDc. Kondon's CaUrrh Jelly.1B«y&c. Llatsrlns, lem batt's__I'dr50e. Listerins, Lem bait's... .3N«91 LiRtarine, Lembert's........Mto16c. Uunyem's Boep............. BUn50c. M-l-o*n-e Tablets......... 9 lodOo. Mansdsld'e Ceplllerls.

S6c. MaTftheirs Oeuitk Snuff. Id e00. Nortint BoUtae..............BMcBe. Nippies, special..............BOc. Olive Oil. p in ts,..........60c. Pines, epeclel................BioCOc. Feriiten Se««............ 8l«00c. Posifin ......................x,80«0Oe. Pape’s Diepepein....... .v.Sle50a, PoDipeles M. Cream— tSc. Pompeiin U. Cream. .*.430

s.BTo .. .Bo .lift.ttdo

. . ^ ___ ____ . .. .Bo10c. Requa'a Charcoal Tab.20c. ReQun's Charooal 91 RoMeirs Ermjlsleti

IOC. rompain-o jk, tijraam.| l Pnmpslah M. Crsam........l4 lb. ParMliiP Hydrofon.....Q lb. Ptroxlda Rydrofan—

i lb. Peroxide Hyilroirsn-.-•} Pinkbam's Vae. Comp.

60 Quinine PlDs, 3-pr........." iT a b .-B ^

t a b . i ^I....... BBe

1 ib. Rook Candy...... .. l i f tS6«. Rhinitis Tablets. ....see..Bq50o. Soott's Eraulslan.......... 3 iot l Sootl’s Etmilslon......... r.sUitoH lb. Banna Lae-vaa............. ..BoiM Bacchtfine Tablets......... t i eSDe. StuaK's Dyspep. Tabs--Biottk. Sloan's UntasenL........ IM50c. Sloan's Lfnlment..........oSft91 Sloan's Liniment..............1 lb. sukar Kiik. Merck's. . .IM96c, Bal Hepattca................. IBs50c. Sal Hapetica................ 87ft

!L Sal Rapatloa.....................TBoSc. Tit. for the feat.......... .16o

Yampola's Cod Liver Oll.Q StoII VBOai’i

White pin# and Tar^... M itoo. Win*. Cod lAver CHI. (1 Wise, Cod Liver Oil. ■49*

ftchwar«*a ImprovedANTI-COLD niLETS


most ***ellT* Tablet* to cur* CoMi,Broeeliltlf, LaO rlM *. Will * t» S h * * iu es- tagond diaegtvsable dletharga Irom nostrils w nbie M hours. These tablets will breakgp a tro th gold a id allay th* coagb aad (ever.39c. bottles (SO Ttiblets).. ..1 6 oSUc> bottle of 100 Ttiblot*i 2 5 e

•Foefol o t th l* oolo o t —

_________ la r ra a eggsar nits th a t cHh to the hair.

IT KILL* the rnite th a t cHh t

Kot o llj o r sticky: ek aa ftkd b* ru leu : deetroys tke !!#■ ▼ermln b / ofte ftpftUefttloii. Wonderfaf enact-

I 6 c e n d 2 6 c _

imEHM Cuief in OIE «EETry 0 Bottlo of Tbeso SInipIo BSeetIvo

anrcoil, Pepsin ulSoiliTililitsA evre for Beftrtbnm* Indlroetlbft* Craaipsa.

DyiftePfttft* Boiir Btosbaoh* BetolslAff, etn* oo»l ftbiorbi the RMee. Pepikn betpt tke dlfe#. Uon. loda eomwrftcte the Onr pries In bottlM of V

iftV SQc M b T

Highly PorfHmoS ■ORA'niD

Ti Io i h h w ila rF**I4It* g*n lor Friekly

Heal, Chafed Bkl* and Kattl* Ba*h>, ,

yia*st powdtr lor BaM** after the hath.

Why gay fay (to hasM f 1 lb. in B*at g u

to a M ltr • • • o l ' ' “taiTIMlMHCaonpMiBl for 8*t‘x

m b . to a ea t >aa*r box, to 4 tto


BROKE U P?„ „ . . . . F o to tiA eb e t T*arMn*ei*a V**l toSoT

— - - — - - B haam altoiu. Eh TW* Bav* a Taplot (h a t Can C|ay* Any Form of

Kkemnitisa, SciaUci, Gut, Lsa1ig», NraralgiaFoto to 4h* J*4ati, B w llto r , Bveees « f Ufto Aeld to

th* E l o ^ *1*,, O u « d kg Takingfsiovtii* «i«*( au m n ww

Sohwirz’t MiiiRriit TiUoltFUT UF IN TBMBB OIEKa

50c. Size (75 Tablets) SpecisI at. 7Sc. Size (100 Tablets) Special at. 1.25 Si» (200 Tablets) Special at.

2 9 c • 3 9 c 6 9 c


tk* B l(CTStlFki

natok toldAny lady eaa ear* tk* B**tvlolentdniakard *eCT«aFkfAny lady eaa **i

dr. 0 *

oerm nnaat anr* ror dTUnk-hem*. A

can k* g t m with- " k aa tri.


3 9 ci! ..^ !r : .4 9 c

|I.W •!*$, I<A

edfte.toe. ri**, H do***,

■p*dai a t ..

•pteixi a t . . .


A DOCTOB'd PBEBCBIPTIOX COBtall* WUd OhwTT. H o reh o u d , B«n***t,

A -soritiT* eur* lor any torm ol BnHMhltit, Oongfae, Cold*, F toortor. *10. Th*Oongb*,C-----. -------Fto**i w o g h * x n p for Chill f t will ortog up th* p h le rm an<•tap th* cough.SOo. Size

W I n t o r i r e e n T o o t h P o w d e r

Thl* P ow dtr 1* mad* Iron)p u n Pw eipH atod Chalk, Otrl* Boot and Fowdarad ~ - itedw ithS fl 'ii^ te fg re tn . Biirtnv** th* T a r­ta r, W hltk iu th* T**tk. r ^ U l b . BegtUar p rtre ltc ., •pedal

H ovo YOBf C U IdroB Q o t t h o

W H O O P I N Q C O U G H ?D* they (lark 7 It* th * r w hoqo f Do

Ih V M a rk T u* a a t torgat IfiktItiniari’s WlMtsiai CiN|b lamlfcured *ver l,M*ta*e* T**t year, I t l* th*

75cpreacription *1 an •mU*kt • p ^ a lb t .

Froth t t l i t io i CHrattA mild, pleasant and *f-

feotlv* to iative aod Ut m

'T iS * i? l* batll* A Ilk* **da w alar. S | ^

?ffS!\*‘is6. & } i nglar pries Me., sp*- V Vglar pries Me., sp*-'e la lak

•psdallOw**t l a i S * . ___

taka . CklldNa Uh« I t f*f I t Is swMt. Bottto-————

FniMf Ihd* S t i d i t a N i r i M

Fall Wright U.S,P.*treogtk.Ouf»s ib ltoeoU ee, Dpsgkg •toaniTacto Mh mad yar*

Fiek*g*a a d lW h Iti Powd***

Tin b e ll* ol II todU W bl{srqvr

• - V d is l l i5 ^ 1 7 9


tb* kv11*4.vail*


ta q k ( r Rachar dllghtl) ttk«n •ovarii Mtum

Th* 1 OB(* ■ wh*41 Ikb had

. 1 -

B ill

1I t t



tk « t BMd^ ling ppwu*^r >h will laon \ e

Mlaf (MdJ erallT |I (ha t to«4,

:er than a ink txlleviii w tiatlon of,

SamoM 't i le ra and Ito Icrs to pAy. u no t glr«'f than thta It. H« hah

k. th ia and -obUBt and\ o f SatnoM. 1

r., also haa t

Iowa and m p a a a r*» (o r a ll l u pab- 'a r V.a a P. H,M Broad M kt.



' belief

,u p» . 5 0

)OtS.3 sizes.


........ laa

............ ho.........310........UZO............ 1(0I .n oraha-.S lo.......... l« o......... 330....... (WeKk‘a...tH a......... lUo......... 3To....... Too.......... lOo«r 011.330« r . . . . ,n oII .430


abiatsCrompa. lo. Chaw hodltaw

INII Habittha (Boat e ro tira t dak and t drunk. oBwitki' kaow^ raorlUf,

3 9 c4 9 c6 9 c

94$r i t nitn a e tk .


I dOaotlnuod from Flr»t Fa«a.)


BEE HIVE707 to 711 Brood St.

BEE HIVE707 to 721 Brood St.

BEE HIVE707 to 721 Broad St,

n\ AK

■nthor 00 often th a t the Idea of uniting waa advanced and took form In tha ahapo a f a mtlaona' oommlttaa.

I t waa tbla eom m iuee which m et bu t a l ^ t , and by the adoption of a new title i fp a briawv, oottlng forth the objecti of tha erginlBatlon, federated the alma of a la#g. number of civic organliatloni th iw c h o u t the county. There Boclettei wW pupport th a W elfare Committee, be* . gm olag b u t n lfb t w ith contribution! that aawiiBited to (W .

Ona of thaae waa a gift of KOO from an ' lymouc aource, thIa to be devoted to

work. A nother namelcaa gift of r wee received fur playground work, le Oontamporary Club gave tTS, Eaiex

Bty Equal Suffrage League K, Domea- u e Science Club tlO. College Women'!^ u b IK, Ray Palm er Club t» . U en 'i 8d- k lal Club of the Rorevllte U. E. Church W , Jam ia W. Howard IlC.. OIBcero an d Comnilltcea.I Frank H. Sominer waa muda president: h d g a Davla, vlce-prealdent: Emily S. ulninblen, aecretary, and Waldo C. Oe- gisng, (reaaurei. These offlcera with (ha fdltowlng membera comprlae the executive

/F rK nklin Murphy Jr., Rftbbl Solomon jFaiter, Mra. F, C. Jacobaon, Ura. Beatrice ' I t i te m , Rev. L. S. Osborne, Rev. Dr. jHaaaant H unter, Rev. K. H. Hadley, fe iv ld Qrotta, lira . A. B. Poland. Mrs. ir illla ra S. Dlibrow, S. Inrtn M anneii,Ifun, Abram V an Winkle, John L.^O'Toule, ^ m m g s McHugh, Rev. John McDowell U d A. yr. MacDougall, of Newark: J f- S p h D. Holme). Oeorge Merck and

'WIlHam Thayer Brown, of Orange; ^ r r y V. Oabome, South Orange; Dr.

lohn P. Condon. Belleville; William H. iborn, Jam es Owen, of Montclair,John Clark, of N utley; William H.

,Abom, Sidney Ml. Colgate, of Orange: M arry B, Fow ler and M artin Conboy. t

Tha Keiearoh Committee—Dr. William ‘ Bifermann, chairm an; Cheater R. Hoag, M erbart P. Qleaion, Mr. Orotia, Georgs W. Reeve, Mr. Oenung, (Jeorge W. Tom- k liu , Mra. E dw ard Gray, Mrs. Jam ei C. Corlles, Senator Oabome, Mra. William 8. Ijlihfow . Dr, H unter, Rev. John J. Mo­m ent, Mr. MoDowell, Mlsa Emma L. Rlch- •iida. Mr. MaoDougall. John L. Rankin, S iv e r B. H arden. Mr. McHugh, Charles liiu o n . W illiam E. Taylor. Mra. A. D, Chandlar, Mra. J . A- BumA Schuyler Van Mean J. W, Howard.

Blohard B. C urrier, Mlsa K. F. H. Jonea, Mrd. A. D. CSiandler and Mra. J. A.

*Xbe* Juvenile Committee—Dr. Laban Denhla, former Judge Algernon T. Bwehney. George C. W lntrlnger, Mlaa A nM Bcdler, Mra. Solomon Poater, Mrs.I t lO Alexander, Mlai Katherlqe Rum- neU Dr. Welle P. Eaglelon, Mlaa Mary O ^ e l d Mrs. P ra n k H. Sommer, Mlaa Athy Pelmly. Mr*. William H, Brown,

Cbarlea B. Condlt, C. P. Randolph. W illiam J. M oKleman, Dr. Samuel B.

■ obertion, John J . Oaacoyne, M l* Maxy lark Jam ea P , Keeley, Superintandent

irg'e Morrla. of the Bloomfield achooia:I. L. Q. PeHrabet. Mra. J , B. Cheeaman

W Ura. W illiam Powna.I Dr, Ploy MoEwee, Mlsa Salma M a r ^ a llia A. V. Luther, Mlaa I. P. Btonelake,C. P Hlnrlohaen, Mr*. B. D, Cwrter, Mta. W illiam Clark. A rthur V. ' ^ l o r . Mlaa Paula Laddy, Ju n e s P . Keeley.

I t waa agreed th a t th li Juvenile com­m ittee ihould be *n the nature of a nSolana Prom tlm a to time the namee ojTothera who tak e an Intereet In thia t ^ n c b of tha w ork will be added to the

The reaearch committee w ai made up (irlth aapeelal care from among thoac < akma peraonal tntereata would not In any £ a y eonlllct with th e finding th a t may 1 »e reported In the future.’ TnM aoxt m eeting o f the executive oom-

wIU be held Monday. The re- oH committee wtll meet Tueeday and

, jaTanlta commlltea .Thunday, prob- ly la tha .Tooma of tha Charltlei buHd-

] t Oentml aTanna. ^


M arty thrM houra this morning ~ ' I of th a B oard of Works, In auto-

cgrrtagaa and afoot, followed . . . ,,1 automobile street Clenner about gontfaam aaotlon of the city. The ap- gM la a oomhlBatlon vamium claaner flMhlog maoldna. It waa betng de-

by a oom paar th a t wiabaa to ^ a ooBtraot w ith the city- , . n t mMtilMA ar* not to r itklib out tuo

Contrmottnc Company, of Jortoy city, e a te n Into agreem enta with the mu- nlolpalttles to do the work a t ao much a thousand yards. ... j, „

The oommlaatonen, afte r . the deraon- atratlon, were non-committal a s to their eptnioBi of th e m aohlna At timea It would brush up th e param ent with a dry h iw m and a t o tb a n would allow w ater to drop te tha stree t in front of the revolving braah and In th a t way kill all dust.

aOTOT AWP C giPE K WEATHERCloudy and colder to-night and fair to-

I morrow, w ith m oderate northweat and north wlnda, U th e predlcUon by the High School bureau and Waahlngtbn obiervan.

At a o'clock th is morning the tempera­tu re waa B8 degnee . a t 7 ofolock C and a t noon « The humidity a t 7 o'clock waa « and a t U o'clock » . Thewind a t noon waa northw cit, with a velocity of fifteen mllea per hour. There waa a trace of rain.

The highest tem perature yesterday 71 degrees, the lowest 8! and the aimrage ro The maximum humidity waa M pw c « t . . the minimum 88 end the a v e ra g e ^ The prevailing wind wae aoulhweet, with a valoolty of tw elve mllea per hour.

A year ago to-day the highest tempera- ture^w ae 6J degrees, th e lowest 88 and the average a.8. O oudy waather pra- valled.

j XHH OYER, BBT LITTLE HURT) Murled from hla wagon when hi) horse ; took frig h t a t a piece of paper, Benjamin

Bsichenberg, of » Badger avenue, was Bllchtly Injured a t noon to-day. Ha waa taken to 6L Mlohael’a Hospital, but, re-

from the ehoek. waa allowed to re tu rn to hla home.

T he aootdent ooourred a t P lan t and Or- u c a etreata. K w as found tha t, while a ivhetl Wad pMeed over the man e body. M bad m tlhred only minor brulie i.

IARTIH ON THE BEHCH.am— F . M hrtla hnd U s f ln t

M th e ben oh this morning, he oeunyted a sea t beside JudgeIn th e Cwurt of Bpeolad Sessions.

jB lg a U artB i has not a t yet reoelTed u l „w t|^ia*«K- b u t expeets It a t any M mAaSw, s a d is Mssnlng up m sttera S t h L giBss of osunty counsel prepara- Igry' t s tywteg tha oath on Monday or au*aar. ^ _______

JUHOLED BOOT BESIDE TRACITbs 'K Saslad body of a poorly dreeaed

w as found on tha t r a ^ s of tha C v M fy and Faseolo branch e f tha Penn- g rtran la Railroad, a t the foot of Pointer glrHd, rtkortly a f te r noon *0;dW ,

Railroad men aop the vtotlm wae not ■k eeoploye of tho rood.

geyeaBM Oosdlrtoa Orttlsal.R w as reported a t the City Hospital to

Aav th a t th o oomdltlon of Morris Haymon, ^ M e w T ork, who-attomptad etilelde « hs- A y , ' la TOT eerious. H e has bam wnooMcloua a ll week.

OTT NEWS NOIE&M a aaoond annual d w e t of tha Co-

Iw dbta Pleaaura Club wfU be held a t im tA a)!'! haU, In F arry etreat, Friday igvotdns, April ■ . H annan W urster Is 4tbainnan of th e ooranitte* In o b irg a I A oomody, “On the Beautiful Blue

, jBMUhev" WM presented before a. large EiidlanGe In K rueger Audltoritm iw t M y ^ u n d e r the antpioea of the Rumor

The la s t ite tu rp of the leasea la (he :Soand of Kduoatloo o o u m wii) be th a t I u th e F ree Fubllo U b ra ry to-morrow I itSM. f i t t ' td fib will be “T h t Gasolhia Autotnoblle." The leeturer wtU be Pro-.

(M m t W . IP a llao t Kcr./ "The Reform ation" win be the lub jeet 1 o f a iM ture by Rev. Dr, John B, Koehne,

tM i eo w O K Ih the BelloyUIs Apanue H O hurA ; On aaeopat of Die MMsl* has been lee tpoaeB

( V

Have You Selected Your

Easter HatTo-tnorrozv (Saturday) ivould

be as good a time as any. fVe are

Correct Easter Apparel, MillineryAnd Accessories Invitingly Priced

The discriminating seeker after the correct in Easter apparel and accessorie.s, and the economist—those with whom the money-saving side is an important consideration—will find the most eminent satisfaction if selec­tion 5 are made from the stocks of L- S. Plant & Co. ■

A Bic Show ing of W om en’s E aster Suits, D resses,

at your ^ervke_ivith hundred-tupon htiHdreds of fim ’, fresh, grtis-

tic cregtioii,'!, ranging in price from ^v.oo to higher. But ive 7vaut to particularly direct your attention to the beauties at

5.00, 7.50 and 10.00Small hats, medium m e hats, large, graceful creations;

reall^a bewildering display imbued with the truest essenceof charm, grace, beauty and ind{z>iduality.__By far Newark schoic^ , best and most comprehensive assemblage of Easter Millinery. A liat for every face and fancy. A price for e7>ery purse. _________________

Wraps, Skirts; Also Misses' and Girls’ WearStuoning Tailored Suits of Highest Character

The stutinine styles «nd Excellent finish, together with the high quality of the fabrics, have built up our garment business to such an extent ha t an L. S. Plaut & Co. garment means to the public the top notch of perfection. At $35 we are showing a wonderful assortment of new Spring models in fine French serges and desirable mixtures; blue, blacky’ tan, gray, etc., 'n end­less array; you will find am ong th is lot the sailor, shawl and notch collar effects, with and without trimmings of silk and braid .

Quite Without an Equal in This City

Stylish Hats for GirlsIn our collection of girls’ ready-to-put-

on hatsj ranging in price according to qual­ity from 50c. to $8.50( will be found, many

■y becoming and gracefiil hats made of Java, Japanese, peanut, tuscan and milan braids, in mushrooiti, semi-mushroom, coronet and sailor styles; trimmed very prettily with soft silks, plain and fancy soft satin rib­bons, Bcarfs and some simply banded sm art color effects. T A J / F A Priew ranging ac- cortling to q u ality ..



Smart Tailored SuitsFOR WOMEN AND MISSES—It is seldom that you

will find a suit that has so many good points and that has met with so much favor at this price. Good wear­ing serge or mixtures in every conoeivrtle style and color, including trimmed and untfinuned effectSy with sailor and notch collars, in plain blue, black, gray and Copenhagen; also mixtures and stripes in tans, blues and grays........ ........... ..

Dainty Lingerie DressesA wonderful display at this price. The models are

too numerous to mention but include many allover em­broidery, cluny, Val. and Irish crochet trimmed. Some with tunic effects, others plain with pin tucking and heavy lace flounce, high neck, Dutch neck, short and long sleeves, in fact nearly every conceivable style; not a single dress but is, worth a great deal more than we is k . .-

Coats of Great ValueHere is value for yOur money, nobby and up-to-da«,

vve do not hesitate to quote these coats as worth WC.OO; made of excellent quality mixtures in tan and ^ — gray stripes and plain wide shawl collar and plain notched effects; some have trimmings of contrasting color, silk on collar and cuffs, a t . .

Girls’ Stylish CoatsYou are sure to be delighted with these new models

which we have just received. There is class In every sol tirv detail and nobby to the eirtrenie; made In brown and gray, and black and white mixturea, tan coverti and navy blue sergea. aemi-fitted, and box modela, plain and ailk colon , mostly full lined; excellent assortment; 6 to 16 years

Rich Black Satin CoatsRight Up to the minute. Satin appeals strongly to

the clever dresser. At S23.50 we have a charming gar­ment that combines the two requisites, quality and style.This coat is made of a fine quality s a t in ,---- --------yoke lined, wide revets with trimmings of fine black silk braid, cuffs trimmed to match, fastens large ailk frogs: a beauty..

Pretty Cotton Voile DressesSomething decidedly new in a fine quality colored

cotton voile; iri rose, tan and navy, with small white polka dots; delightful in every sense of the word. Low neck with sailor collar of imitation baby Irish lace, kimono sleeves, with trimmings of solid color and crushed girdles of messaline: skirts also trimmed with messaline and slight tunic effect, pleats at bottom, at

High*Grade Dress SkirtsREALLY A GOOD $10.00 VALUE- High grade in

every respect, combining the very newest style with the moat desirable spring fabrics: fine French serge and

I choice mixtures; in tan, gray, blue, black. Themodel it plain gored with double box- pleated front and habit back, with cluster pleats around the bottom; at ............... .

Children's Challie DressesAI.80 REPP DRESSES—Exquiatie and durable;

pink, white and blue; round and Dutch necks; prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery; also a fine — — - figured and polka dot challie in white and navy, lace and self color trimmings; this is one of the most desirable dresses this season


Striped MessalineSilk WaistsC i l l r W a i c f - c —In elegant assortment of good models; one model of. good quality of

r r e t t y O H K W a i s i s fine in white and navy stripe, white with brown and white with A black stripe; neat kimono sleeve with wide fold to match neck; another model of heavy quality # I H | black India silk, front has six broad tucks from shoulder to bust, large box plait in centre, cov ered buttons, accordion plaiting, side; at......................................... ........................................................

Voile and Lingerie W aists-* ,a% S l’S . '.liT r.!;m orm sleeve , en tire waist, front, back and sleeve tucked, strip of hexagon accordion plaiting down front, collar t(rm atch. .......... ............ .........................................•'.................

G irls’ Special 98c Canopy Parasols. . . • .« . .a- - __________ A1...4. -.:i1 Um, la^akT- rtTS O t fllll rYFim L ltC S t 1911

69cFine collection, precisely the same parasol that will be sold la ter on at full price,

stvlea. canopy top, fine soisette silk, solid colors in white and hunter green combina­tions; Tirtiite with pink, blue, hunter, rose and red borders; hem stitched, P<nk and light blu-* wfifc white borders; hunter with tan border, tan with hunter, navy and red borders; hetiistiWhed. fitted with neat r - i] handies; regula’-ty 98c.. at -------

Celebrated “Sadler” Gold=Filled RingsAn Easter Time Demonstration this lot; from the foremostmanufacturer in his line; every ring guaranteed. If not satisfactory money refund­ed. Every ring is heavily gold plated, no solder being used which al- » ^fows the gold to be equally distributed, showing no composition edges

Look to Be Worth LOO Look to Be Worth 2.00Large variety of pretty fancy semi­

precious one-stone rings, set with coral, jade, opal, emeralds, amethyst, turquoise, rubies, pearls and rhinestones; also twin set rings of turquoise, pearls a n d rhinestones, also signet rings in this lot which will stand en­graving; your choice a t . . . .

Beautiful new fancy rings set with semi-precious stones; one, two and three stone styles, of coral, jade, turquoise, rubies, opal, emerald, amethyst, pearls a n d rhinestones. I n fancy settings, entwined with small half pearls; many pretty styles to choose from ...................

nenisDiTOnea. m ic u w n u in -a i ■■ • •>

An Eastef Stock of Young Men’s Clothing of Remarkable ScopOffering Not Only the Finest Assortment of Styles and Fabrics, But Beyond a Doubt the Best Values Jn Newark.


E aste r SuitsThe young men anticipating a new

Easter su it will find models to their lik­ing in our exclusive young men’s suit stocks. Seldom has it been our pleasure to display so great a variety of exclusive designs and models. Many are distinc­tive fo rd g n a p p ^ n s .

Cut on the New English Patterns.two and th ree button models, rich color­ings of gray, tan and brown, also plain blue serges and fancy blue worsteds; fabrics include cassiraercs, Scotch chev­iots and 'worsteds. Why pay your tailor 25 to 50 per cent, more than we ask. We can save th is sum for you on exclu­sive young men’s clothing. Best values ever offered

EJ5,12.15,15.11,18.f0 to UM

Power of Endurance Suits6.00 to 8.00 Values- -The greatest suit far all-around

wear, dress wear'or school v;etr; of all-wool citsimeres, cheviots and worsteds; favored ehidet of griys, browns snd ttns; mixtures snd plsld effects, ex­tremely well tailored, cut and modeled on tho eime ■ '*■ ■" linee as our $10 suits; assuring a perfect fit, plain double-breasted and Norfolk models; sisos 7 to <■ years; our epecisliiitig featuro; $0 to S8 suits

Boys’ Confirmation Suits.u ta r d o f grades of all-wool blue sorgs- l a a r a or m e r i t - worsteds, with neat

self and diagonal weaves, are represented in this great variety. Plain blue, considered the most popular and dressiest for alt occasions. The tailoring, fit and finish are par excellent; every suit csrefully tailored by craftsmen in the art of exclu­sive fine tailoring, alt coats lined with finest mohair linings, plain double-breasted and plaited Norfolk models; sizes 7 to 18 years, „

5.00,5.50, 6.98, 7.98, 9.98,11.98

Boys’ Dress Wear SuitsNew spring Itbrics of sll-wooi cheviots, cassimeres and

worsteds; rich designs in grays, ttns and browns, mixtures snd overplaids, double-breasted and plaited Norfolk models, ex­ceedingly well tailored; coats are all lined with best mohair linings; knickers cut full on new peg top fashion; — full lined; aizea 7 to 18 years; materials that you will find tailored in suits selling elsewhere at S9.98, we aw offering at.......................................................

Boys’ Stout Knicker SuitsMothers will have no trouble in fitting stout boys here.

Specially designed and tailored for boys over the average build: ages 13 to 18 years. No matter how stout he may be, we can fit him with one of our special stout suits; neat spring shades of gray and brown mixtures, also navy blue fancy worsted, double-breasted mojlel coat; extremely full cut knick­erbockers, full lined; stout boys' sizes 13 to 18 years.

6.98, 7.98, 8.50, 9.98------- - - —7 - , ,

3.00 Extra K nickers For S to u t Boys j g jyc White Madras BlOOSeS^JS;',;

13 2.25 * •pockets; reg. value $3 pair, special, pair................. « s « v

tssori-____ ____ attached col-lara''or neckbands; plain or plaited CAr- 1 (1(1 A | front; sizes 7 to 16 years,............... iJv v y leVU l» tjV

Special Offer Boys’ $1 Golf CapsBrand new English shape golf cans, made from $1.00 materials

and linings; la rge ,vizors, newest shades of grays and tans, in stripes or plaids; ftneslquality of cassimeres; we cannot promise another lot $8 choice as these at the price; sizes 65^ to 71^; regular value $1.00; special 55c.

Stylish E aste r Neckw earA Chance to Save Handsomely

50c Hand Embro’d CollarsHave in»t received from an importer one

more and the last lot he h u of hand-embroid­ered collare, German make, freah, new, crtxp gooda, hematitched and French edges, showy eyelet and heavy blind ettecta, IV6 to Inchea high; alzet 12 Inches to 15 inchea; /m p only once before have we been able to t f m n offer a lot like thie; all regnlar 50c.

^collsrt, all stamped hand embroidered

75c &1.00 Princess CollarsHand mads, narrow aifti deep round shapes;

others polntad, set together with mer oerised cotton, showy and fine, cem- fortahla aqd cool, sized to be worn on coats and/waists; a t............................

O strich P lu m eSALE CONTINUES

Affording Savings from gl to $5.OS

French Ostrich PlumesBlack and W hits

WertbS.OOte IS.OO'special 2.00 to 11.95

Willow Ostrich PlumesBlack, White and Colors

Worth 6.50 te 3S.00Special 5.00 to 19.95

Hi......... .. •_______ ___________

Spec’l One Day Sale Reg. 1.00 P.N. C orsetsht Saturday ( h i r f r r - r , , r L S i ! % « 69cpresent day dresser, sizes 18 to 26, well worth $1.00, a t .................................

Our Annufll Hosiery Sulc progressWomen’s $1.60 Silk Hose—Pure thresd bisck silk

hose, with lisle garter tops and double lisle *®'®*I,^A_ a very fine quality; all sizes; BYi to 10; value $1; apec^, ■ ptir — -

Keg. SSC. misses Bna x-nuniBiiB bIset lisle and cotton hose, with triple knees and double soles; one of the rellsble makes; sizes 5}4 / I r to BY, ; reg. 3Sc. piir; 4 for $1.00; s p tir ,. . . . “ • *

Men’s Regular SSe. Soeks—Imported; black with split soles and fine plain lisle thresd hose, in bisck, gray snd tins; all have double soles; tU 1 1 ^ sizes, 9<A to 115 ; reg. 2Sc.; specisl, s pair.

Reg- 25c. and 29f. Misses’ and Children’s Cotton Hose—Ribbed, of best Egyptian yarn, with double knees and reinforced heels and toes, in black, white e / and tan; sizes 6 to 9; regular 25c. and 29e.; spe-cial at, a pair ........................................................

Reg. 35c. and 50c. Women's Lisle Hose—Women’s imported lisle thread hose, in black and the new tans, black mercerized lisle, all with double garter »m tops and double soles; also fancy embroidered / I r lisle hose; 4 pairs for $1.00; specisl, pair...........

Women's Reg, $1.50 and $2.00 Silk Hose—Ctureand medium weight; many have double garter tops and all have double silk soles; blacks and colors; | gome sre termed seconds; all sizes, BYi to 10; I I w regularly $1.50 and S2.0O; special, a pa ir...

Women’s GlovesW h itA On l v — imported n m ic v i i iy mmisque-taire kid gloves, with self silk points of very fine quality and full large arm size; the equal of thany N O E " onered and soldI f3.00 pair; sizes'5J/j toU W reg. $230; .^alr, 135.'

C ontinuing Safe B lack

Velvet RibbonsAll litk face with saGn back,

warrinted fast black; one of the season’s moat popular trimmings for hats snd other uses, the de­sirable widths as follows:B w .-H e.—No. 8, % In. « ld « ............10s

Piece of about 10 yards, OOe.Rog. ISa—No. 7, ID. ^ d o . . . . . . 1 S o

Pleeo of about 10 yards *1.20.Rog. UO.-NO, ). IH la. w id o .^ ..1 T o

Pleee of about I t yards, ll.SO,Rea. I3c.—No. 12, H i In. w ide---- 320

Piece of about lO yarde, B.10.Rog. 16c,—No. 16. In- wlj*-.--

Piece of about 15»arda. $2.40,Reg. 430.—No. 32. 3 T in . w id e . . . .810

Piece of about 10 yards, $2,»8.Rtw. BOo.—No, 16, 8*4 Ui. w ide---- 87*

•Piece of about 10 y ^ a 88,80, Reg. *lc.—No. SO. 3 ^ In. w ide--- 43e

Piece of about 10 yards, $4.18.

T hink liD & 2. i Spring ShirtsOf the Finest Fabrics in the Choicest Patterns at

' We've never offered our men patrons *--finer line ofJ V shirts to select from at a special price. Think of it, right at

■ ■ the beginning of thb shirt season, to sta rt it with such aphenomenal bargain, made possible only through the can- cellations this m anufacturer received. The assortm ent of patterns is immense, in all the new stripes, single and cluster,

also figures, dark and light, plaited and plain, attached cuff, all coat J * ® call special attention to the materials, which arc the choicest im ported woyen madras and percale. Among this lot you wilt find some white m adras with im­ported French pique bosoms; not a shirt in this lot sold for l« s than 51.50 ana the majority sold regularly for $2.00; sizes 1314 special, Stac. i

- r ■ri.. ‘

M^iVVAuK AlijVVbt i ’A xA >A l, A it'iU A V, iy i i*


Victim's Son Asserts Fatker Told £im He Was ttack^

ed by Thufs.



tnjurtea • tu tiln sd bi u untxphined m»nn«r n c v l r two weeki ago cauMd tha dHUb of William Law, n ftj-tlgb t yaari

'o ld , of IS S uate i avenua at th« C ltf Hoa- pltal aarly Ihia morning.

Law; waa found In a aaml-eonacloua eon- diclon a t the foot of a flight of baaemaiil atrpa Sunday evening, March U, and taken to the Cliy Hoapital hy patrol- men Provowt and Waleh, of the Heeond Preolnot The policemen declared, that the man had fallen down the cellar etepi, the door having been left open.

Thle morning, ebortly after the m en'l death, William C. Law, hie eon, reildlng a t n Spruce itree t, Slooiulleld, a lien ed a t the Second Preolnot Slalloo that hli fa ther bad told him he bad been attack­ed by Ihuge and that he remembered nothing more about the affair when he oame to a t the hoepital. The younger U « dcdtarH h it tau iar had made the ■tatement the Wedneeday after hie ad- talealon to the hoapital.

County Phyalclan William H. UoKan- ■la waa nottfled of the death and aftar inveatigatlon aald thera wae a doubt In hie mind a i to how the man bad bean lujurad. Ha ordered the Second PreolBot poUoa to Invertlgate further,

A iro lm cn Hanuon and Uoodwln aaw tha younger Law a t the late home of bta father th li morning. He told them th a t hie father had been to lee him In Bloomfield, the day be wae hurt and had left about t o'clock In the afternoon. T hat waa the laat, he aald. he eaw of him until Monday morning, when ha went to tha City Uoipltal. 8 e elated that hie fathar had no enemlai to hla knowledge, and th a t ha never earrled any large amount of money.

The ta th e r 'i appearanoe In the hoepital, aooording to the ton. w ai th a t of a perion who had been brutally beaten. Both eyea were black, h it note oruahad In, ha )iA a deep laceration over the forehead end a frac tu re a t the bate of the ekull. Thaas facta and the etatement of hla father, l a w aeeertcd, led him to bellavt th a t the Injurlea were not due to an accident.

Law*! reaaona for waiting tmtlt to-day before he reported to the police were, he declared, becauee he w ai waiting In the hope hie father would get better lo be could obtain more detetle from him. The

■ peculiarity of the wounda wa» aleo what ' oaueed County Phyalclan McKenile to order an tnveatlgatlan.

The addreaa on Seventh aveaue wtMre Law waa found la a tenement hODte be- lanjhng to AJdarman Angelo Blanohl. The flret floor la rooted by M om i Q«l4*teln> who conduote a hardware etore. Oold- eteln thle morning declared be waa away the Sunday In queetlon.

Law wae a c o p p e r s Ith apd worked In the Brooklyn Navy Tard. H e waa born In Scotland, and la aurvlTed by hla wife

' and aeven children...... .........»--♦ ------------ —

H ELD WnHODT BlUL ASsw ncHHAirs a s s a il a n tAiTeated yeaterday aftem oon for oaoa-

Ing aeiioua Injurfea to Louie Saieahy, a ■wltohmaa, th iity-one yeare old, af M F erry atreat, K arry I<awla twenty-alght yeare old, of 14 South Seventaeoth afreet, waa heM without bail In the F ifth P re­cinct Court te-day, pending the reault of the fo rm er'i tnjurlee.

Beleiky l i In the CHy Hoepital with hta ekull tractured . The vtotim told the police th e t he had been atruok by an unldentlfled man.

— P atro h aea H an g er and HoCabe, ef-tke- -IF ifth Pradnot, aubeequeiiar aireet ~ Lewfa

Selteky aeJd he wae flagging a ear tu rn ­ing Into South Fourteenth etreet, from Orango etreet, and Lewti waa atandjng oa the track. H i warned the latter, who then etniok him on the bead. Beleiky tell hei lly to the ground.

Lewie declared th a t the man attempted to etrlke him w ith a "tw itch Iron" be- .eauee he refueed to move, and be hit hemk In lolt-defenee.


■nit In ttitn te f In the F lrat IHitrlot Court by Louie De Copept Bargh. an architect of B tVeat Kinney etreet, kgalnet MIh EU tfbeth T. Harrla, o t Up- )W llonto lair, to recover on contract the lum of |M.Mb w ai aettled before coming to tria l th ll morning.

Counecl for both aldee agreed to a eet- tlem ent th a t would Involve the payment of all ooefe by Mice Harrla and the Amount o t theo lalm, leaa theae ooeta.

A story told by Hre. Bergh ehowa an lateraetlng situation, of which the trial wne the outcome. Among the buildtnge Mr. Bergh has designed are the Metropol­itan Opera House, American Museum of N atural H ldo ry . New York; Preehytertan Hoepital, th a t city; eeveral other hoi- pltali^ and a dosen or more buildings ot Tale Univeralty.

Mrs, Bergh declared th a t ehe and her hUBband m rt Hlee H urrli In 19(8 and It waa proposed a t that time that tha Berg he go to Montclair ahd a t Montclair Heights f ta r t an artlete ' colony to be known a i Artwold.

In the agreement, according to Mcfc llergh. It wae etlpulated th a t Mlis Harrla waa to build a fS.WO bungalow for her own use and another for tB.OOO for the use of the B ergha Instead, Mrs. Bergh ahid, Mine H arris built a garage valued a t gl90 and otb lag m ora It was for the work In connection w ith laying out the settlement and w ith designing the houses that the claim w as made by Mr. Bergh,

FIVE CULPRITS PLEAD 6UIL1YP h aa of gulHy were entered In the

Court o t Ipeolal Seielone before Judge Thomna A. Davla to-day by the follow- Ingi

Benlo Wlalaalde and Jeeeim BeHsIctt. charged by Oharlat H. Weber, of theFenniylvanla Railroad's polios toroe with ean-ylng concealed weaponi on April L

"Buck" Brown, charged with the aame ottenee on the same day by Detective Mefaan, of police h tsdauarteri.

Peter Bhepansky, charged by Mary She- pansky, of 99 Avon placa with aeaault and battery on March a ,

Michael Backus, charged by Frank W askow, of BS Brnonie street, with atro- c loua\assau lt and battery tay stabbing him In the head, face and hand with a knife-

NO N E V ACCOHANDO TRIAL.A new trial was denied Sabine Aceoman-

do by Judge Davis to-day. Application was made by Frank M. MoD^rmlt on Tuesday laat for e new trial on the ground th a t Aocomsndo had no connec­tion with the theft pf 1710 from the person of Rafeal Collgnola In December, lt09. of which he wae found guilty In company w ith Olovenelll Borrenttno, Marco Mln- chin'o and Augustino Sarno, on the evi­dence ot wttnesaee who swore that he re ­ceived UO aa a share ot the robbery.

The robbery was one of a series the de­tails of which Mary Dt John disclosed to the police of the Second Precinct.

ley B s s la e u !■ Osurt-On oomplalnt o t Theodore Volta of M

Peahlne avenue, Bernard Oennon, ot MI tV arren street, Harrison, was arrested by Detectives Templeton and Ebert this morning. Volta alleged that Gannon had stolen fcom him an ice ecsl* and a pair of toe tonga. The accuaed decl'ared he took th e arllctes inentionod in the com­plaint hw ause Volta refused to pay him fur work he did, Oannon wee paroled for th a grand jury.

Shaala flelf UaniillBg Piatol.In attem pting lo break open a loaded

thtrty-two-cum ier revolver. Michael F er­raro, twenty-one years old, shot himself 111 the left liand th is morning a t hie home, J l Ffictory street. The w^uhd waa treaieJ by- Dr. Angelo Blanchj, of 104 Seventh a vea ga, an d from there be was taken to th e e t ty H osp lu l in the Second Precinct jn tro l auto, and Uiance to hie home.

Easter Liliesthough proverbially chMte, tre really no more ■0 than this cleanly tea, michine mtde, not touched by bond tn d packed where grown.

Easter Special

^Wfute^oie.CEYLON TEA

X O - I M I O R X C O W Fern Dithee, regular 00.00 and

00.90, special.................. 0O.W-04.HVases, regular 00.00 end 07.79,epeeial .........................OS.90-OB.9I1Flower PoU, regular Os.79 end

1175, special................. -H«O-0B.4gAll Vases. Fern Dishes and

Flower Pole reduced 10 per cent. Remember th le fac t: We save

Sou money becauea we sell you Irect a t factory prices: the

saving TOO got here Is not e t the expense of quality.We Matoh, Repair and Cut Articles to Your Own Ideas.

Newark Cut Glass C .17 W E S T P A R K S T R E E T

Faetory, SO*Sl Arllnston SL FIva Dtwra from Broad.■sTASkisHiD laaa

Straw BraidFor Those W ho M ake

Their Own H atsIm m e n s e a s s o r t m e n t ,

e q u a l to th e d is p la y o f a n y N e w Y o rk s to re . A lt c o lo rs . 10 y a rd p ie c e s . P r ic e s

25c to 1.00V ■■ II I II V

O u te r g a r m e n t S h o p693.695 BROAD ST.. NEWARK. N. J.

T n n to n . 10-12 N. Broad St.

Select Your Easter Apparel HereM i l l i n e r y , S u i t s , C o a t s , W a i s t s ,

G l o v e s a n d P l u m e s

The Best Merchandise at Moderate Prices

G r e a t D i s p l a y a n d S a l e o f S t y l i s h S u i t s

Two Extra Big Values: Regular 15.00 Suits, 12.50 Regular 17.50 Suits, 14.50

At $12.50There are 50 Suits in this assortment (our regular stock)

marked to sell for $ 15. The materials arc French Serges, HerringboneWorsteds, Mannish Mixtures, Wide Wale Serges, etc. Every desirable Spring shade; suits are carefully tail­ored and lined beautifully; could not be duplicated elsewhere for less thajn $15. Special Saturday................. 1 2 * 0 0


At $14.50

] ash Presses at $2,00W o r t h $ 4 . 0 0

50 Wash Dresses, in linen, chambrays, lawns and ginghams; they have novelty piping and bordered effects; just the dress for warm weather; special while ^ they last .......................................

W i l l o w P l u m e sThese plumee ere of gn exceptionally high grade; mgde from the

hirdened male stock, and havo a beautifully luster; they’r* triple hind knotted; with long, full drooping flues. The most popular of all millin­ery trimminga; remarkably good value at these prices; special Saturday.

IS Inch Willow PlnniM, Black, White, Main colors and f* ■■ •> shaded; reg. $6.68; spec. k f . t / V

20 inch Willow Plumea, Black only; regular $10.00; y Q Qipecial

U Inch Willow PlumHi black

i S i T l ” ..".*” : 1 0 .0 021 Inch Willow PtamcB, black

only; regular $17.00; 1 2 .0 0apecial

M Dozen Fine French Imported FlowersAT GREAT RB0UCTI0N5

3 Styles of Daisies (Rosebuds? I L i'S S i" Field FlowersApple Blossoms L , . .Chrysanthemums I THB BUNCH \CoIored Violets

Combination Sde ofInfants’ Hats, Coats & Dresses

This Apparel may bo bought singly at the prices quoted or tha three, at the combination price.T h it TlrMBM ere trimmed with dainty em-

™ broidery or German Val. In-eeris, aome ruffle bottom, others have deep hem with line cluster of tucks, high or low neck, long or the new peasant sleeves; ages 2 to 6; | A n apecial ....................................................... I .U UT h e Coats n*tural color pongee, navy blue

eergee with or without chock collar tnd cttffa, shepherd plaid with velvet collar or novwity itHpe, tome have pockets; others without; ell ere msde double-bressted style end f fA nicely lined; tges 2 to 6 yesrf; special. , .The Children’s Hats ttraws, trl mined withpink, blue or white ribbons, others with dainty ^ rose-buds; some have shirred silk facing; ^ A Q apecial ....... ............................................... J i . y o

H .t for S a a \ ‘h* three

Coat for ; :2‘so SaSrSayDreii for .............. ....l.OOr ’

' .48) S.OOAt $1,98 Offer

Hhe Best Ready-to- ]^ear HatsIn the World

We show more hats than any two stores combined. To­morrow we offer i,ocx> new, crisp, up-to-the-minute styles in ready-to-wear hats that should sell for $2.50 and $3.00, but our special Saturday price is only $1.98. Sailors, turbans, Helmets and at least a dozen other good' shapes, trimmed with wings, beads, velvets, rosettes, etc, ‘Tlic trimmings are placed in such clever positions as to give these hats a jaunty, dashing spirit; found exclusively in Lissner millinery. The fact that our mil­linery output is equal to the biggest stores in New York, proves that we offer the best values. You’ll be immensely pleased with these hats a t ............ ........... ................................................ .

Suits marked to sell at $17.50, comprise this lot—not alone are these suits high grade, but in appearance they re­semble high-priced garments. All the very best materials, fine serges, fancy worsteds, mixtures and other materials, in every color, size and style. You’ll find your wishes idealized in this assortment of charming suits, a t............. 1 4 * 0 0

U O R N ^ ’2632 n V I w I w w M a rk e tThe Biggest Bargains in the City, Every Saturday


H E R E ’S th e p la c e to c o m e if y ou w o u ld s a v e m o n e y . Y o u ’ll n o t ta lk of “ H ig h P r ic e s ’’ if y o u a r e a H o rn s

c u s to m e r . A ll o u r c u s to m e rs a r e tic k le d to d e a th .

J e r s e y M i l k - F e d V e a l . W h i t e a s 5 n o w ,

B r e a s t V e a l ................ A -S h o u l d e r V e a l ......... w wL e g V e a l .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |Q gV e a l C h o p s .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2 cTop Sirtoia . . . Sirloia Roast . Porterhouse Steak Porterhouse Roast] Sirloin Steak. . .Sausajfe...........Loin P ork ____Pork U wps_ _ _Fresh Hams. . . .

CtiDck Roast . CtiDCk Steak . Cross Rib Roast Bottom Roood.


Bolognas.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1 2 6Leg Spriog L a m b . . Lamb C hops............ lOeForequarter Lamb . . . .......... I cSpring Cbickeo...........Fine Roasting Chickea. Fowl....................... 12cFresh Sboilder........Boneless Pork Batts. . Small Fresh Callies. . 10cFancy Boneless Bacon ... . . . . .U cSmoked Skinned Back H am s.. | S eR eplar SmiAed Hams • 14®Boiled Hams, a rerafc Hlib s . < 2 0 6S m o k e d

C a l l i e s .......... lieBoneless Rib Roast, lb 1 2 6

Thai lilK 'jiu tiM a '' 1 Ff f<um 0 Iptron*." jC'htirlea S'

/ th a Thin I morning, j jraATv old, : known aa

■ward Ffti th e bO)'t hypnotlali

Aocordii flfiMn y( younger old, and old, were lay H atlr ■wire fact dividing ' property. Ohaae, c) /'tha Chrla I Connelly’i /o th e r aid I The "F

Bald 8r„ th a t he

' oinoa. al j have oc(

Plate Corned Beef Fresh Plate —

$ 1.00A WEEK

The Most Stonning Easter Garments Are Ready

who It ■I 'a ration!

ealinnta commenc Patrick.

The tw JSB Bro! her abo[ 114 Van( fora tha

) "Theae [Into tha \tnaaaage (and P a t

lys un< Qlovan

honaa vi BchofleW rival Beh It a t Mm hla ion I him. W Bohofleld t^lovannl I " I hav n lttad . ' waa anil

When ■■ morning ‘ atralghti

erdered tlgatlnn eiothae

Dr. W Ing the iufferlni the re It boy wai


(. Thvoul 'looal po (tw o ara< I yaaterdi J Madden < the Call , The li

( dan w a Ouarteri local p W han 1 New T liu rp h i 'M addi

h a l t in ifS t ya< o ra l bu H a la A

Full of Style, Testefuliy Made, and Unmatchalily Low Priced


Easter S a its !$22210 and $25 Valuet for $16.50—This 1

id on» of the wgyg we tiave picked out to get women acquainted with our mag­nificent aelections. We guarantee tha: there has never been such a wonderful array of styles seen in Newark, and for that reason we are over anxious to have you see thenw Come to-morrow and judge for yourself, and rest as­sured you’ll see the greatest $22.50 & $25 models you’ve ever seen, and they’ll be marked.. . .

Our Finest $40 Suits, |2S—Perfection abso­lutely. That’s the only way wo can express just what we mean. A collection of Spring suits that are beauties from every point of view. Most charming materials, the most fascinating colors and workmanship that is positively the best we have ever seen.

You won’t have to look long to » A ■■ realige they’re the greatest ever, andyou'll be more than pleased when you see the price li marked down to . . . .

•t tbaIn "pv •I the

I t k M eon to an


Uiuquiled SUeclIons otSprini Stylts for

MENm miRSisiuin

For tho young men we h tve the moat pletoing styles und patterns, in itl the finest materials. The coat models are two and three

returw b*r,W*U4

button tack, with the long sweep-fuing collar; pants have full peg

style with cuffs. The colors include all the new tans, grays, self and pin stripes. They are particuiariy designed to m eet the taste of young men between the ages o f 10 and 20 years, who require snappy garm ents.

For the grown men of all ages— whether alim or stout, tall o r short—we have an endless number of styles from the

extreme to the most conservative, in guaranteed all-wool fabrics, in grays, tans, self-stripe and plain blue serge; garments that you could hardly duplicate elsewhere under $25. On sale here a t ........... Ch

Bee Our Furniture “Ad” on Peg#27

i 0> •• --.-At V







Tha* hliB »on CharlM htd betn **hfp- aiii^r having been asuautted by

^ of boya known as Iho "Foriyptrong/* waa the statem ent made by jCharlea SL'hoReld Sr., of 16 AvenuB A, In

/ th e Third Preelnol Police Court thla I morning. Haiph Olovanni, nineteen i' yeara oW, wliom Schofleld deolareO wae ! known a i "Ouinny, ttie Ohoat,' and Ed­

w ard Fltapatrlck, bULhpp year§ old, were th e boy* charged with having done the tiypuottilng.

According to Schofield, bin ion Charlea. year* old. In company wllh a

younger brother, Wllliaiti. twelve year* old. and H arry Chrletio, eighteen yeare old, were walking along the Ijehlgh Val­ley R ailroad tracka near Igoe Brothere’ •wire factory, whon they saw aome boyi dividing w hat they deilared to be atolon property. The gang. It IB declared gave Ohaae, catching Charles. William and /th e Chrlntle boy eecaped by jumping Into iConnelly's Creek and swimming to the /o th e r aide.[ The "F orty Strong," according to 8«ho- ; fleld Sr., then beat his son so badly

th a t ho has bsen In a hystarical sta te ' alnoa, although tho aasault la said to I have occurred February W* The ^ y ,

who Is still In bed, was unable to give ■ a rational etatem eni as to whom hie ae- . rallnnts were until yesterday, Fbon he

commenced crying for QlovannI and Flta- patiick .

The two boys were found, Olovanni at JSB Broad street, where he keepe a b ir- ber shop, and Fltspalriok a t his home. H i Vanderpooi street, and brought be-

1 fore the sick boy, who became hysterical..,I “These are tho fellows who put me U nto th e spell." he shouted repeatedly A ’ m eisage waa sent to the Third land .patrolm an McGrath placed the two

lys under arrM t. « us 1aiovanpl Bald he went to Hchofleld • 1

house voluntarily, upon tho request ot | Bchofleia. H e averred that upon his ar- | rival Bchbflold seised a revolver and aimed It a t Mm, declaring th a t unless he brought Ms ton out of tho -spell'' ‘' • ’" " " O s ; ; " ' him W hen questioned by Judge Hsnn, , Bohofleld denied pointing the revolver a tliQlovannl. „ . -/ **i bavB a revolver In thB houBB, he ad- mltted. "b u t It waa lying on a shelf, and was unloaded.” ,u , . '

When questioned by Judge Hahn this ■ ■, morning, the boys gave I straightforw ard statem ent and the court i

ordered them paroled, pending an Inves. ' tigatlon by patro lm an Brei, ot the plain- , j Clothes squad.

Dr. W illiam H. McKensle, Fho Is trea - ] Ing th e Bchoreld hoy, declared that he is , ■ufterlng from nervous attack, and th a t , thBf* fb fto tru th In th« BiatemBiit that in# boy wa* h y p n o tl i^ ____

Doable Stamps Kefore NooaCollect S. A H. Green

Trading Stamps. They’re valuable. Ju it to see what beautiful necils can be seoured for them visit tho fourth floor premium parlor,Single Stgmpg After­

noon and Night,



hove the potterns, lit . The nd three g sweep- full peg

de alt the es. They the taste I- IS and fients.1 agea— hort—we from the

Broad and Cedar Streets—Complete Line of New Spring Merode Underwear

W omen’s Easter SuitsS a v e M o n ey o n G o o d C lo th in gWe’re building up the largest clothing business on the policy of offering

the best-made garm ents at the lowest possible cost, and we ask you to com pare the quality of clothing at the prices sold here with that elsewhere. J* ’®*'® be no fairer test; we know we lead the town in m ens and boys clothing. Let us prove it to you.

The Best $15 Spring Suits for Men and Young Men Ever Offered in This or Any Other City at the Price.

Every suit strictly hand tailored and every suit absolutely guaranteed, made of plain, fancy and pencil stripe blue serge, black unfin- ' 'ished worsteds, and the latest fancy mixed tans, grays and browns; trousers cut regular or peg top, with or without cuffs; sizes from 32 to 48 chest measure, in­cluding stouts, Tho kind of suits that sell in many stores at $20, and they are worth it; our special leader s '

And We Claim Thi« Spring Suit for Men niid Young Men U the Beit Ever Offered for $10.

To s ta rt with, these suits arc strictly all wool; that’s an im portant fact ^ begin with. The majority are hand tailored, all cut on 'J®'*'®®* | A A A spring models, made of fancy blue serge and brown I I I I I I Im ix e d patterns; sizes from 32 chest uo to 48, including stouts, lots | of stores sell the same suits at $13,50, Saturday h e re a t ...................

Men’i and Young Mcn’i TrousersThat sold regularly from $2.50 to $3.50, all | 0 A

placed on one table, while they last S a tu rd ay .. 1 • “

Boys’ Confirmation& SundaySuits$5 Values Here at %3M^Some Have 2 Pairs of ^Double-breasted, sailor and Russian styles, made of plain -7 Q O

all-wool blue serge and neat mixed gray, brown and tan effects,sizes from 3 to 18 years; $5.00 values. Saturday here a t ...............SuiU worth $6 and $7.50 at $5 Suits worth $9 to $10.50 at 7.50

BURGLARY SUSPECT IS |/' id e n t if ie d AS MADDEN!

I T h io o th » phojograph sent out bV t*** | 'long! polio* » mah arrested In New io r* (tw o w m lu ago to r emaring r. I'ljus* was I Toatotdnv gftirnoon Identlflcd ua James

H adden, tb» fugitive, who escaped from ‘ the Caldwall Penitentiary, January 1* loot. | I

j , Tho Identlfloatlon was mode when Mad- '■ den waa taken to New Torii pMloo hejd-

quarters to invoatlgate his record and the local police were Immediately notlfled. ■ W hen Madden was tsken Into euetody In Hew T ork he gave hli name ae Jame* : Murphy. . I■I Madden woe eentonoid to a year OM a

S t In th e panltedtlory the latter port of ; y*ar for obtaining money from eev-

n ra l buolneoa men under false preienaei.H e !■ alleged to have gone to throe or four M nrekecpore and buelneei men m this | w t r and oeked th a t goodi be delivered to |

w rU In fcddreea. . u . , 'I l a each Inataaoe Hodden requeeted th a t t the ea rlie r be given nbange for a bill. |

( 'When the olerk wouU appear a t the ad- i d ie ie w ith the good* Hadden, It le sold, weald oak Mm (or tho ehange, explaining th a t ha would obtain the larger bill from I We em ployer end take the foode when he | eeine ou t again. I

On th e day th a t Madden made bla e ^ ieaM from the penitentiary a Montclair ■UrekeoDar wee fleecad out of a oum of

th e eorae way. The poUce believe th a t the th ief woe Hodden. |

HARRIGAN A^OOATION |- INDORSES 6ERAN B llL jh Reaetiilliibe iadottlog the Oeran eleo-

/H tD . kUl «"d oolllng upon the S aeei Coun- ) W BMBhere ta eupport the m euure ware !

j aSnvWd a t a meeting of the William H ar- I ilg an A aoola tlon laet n igh t In tho pre- I

1 imW e It waa eat forth that the member* a t t he* Democratic organlnatlon believe |

/ In “pure election*, (re* from the oontrol j o f th* basn or political mochlna"

I t le fu rther Oeaerted th* aeioolatlon | la ooDvinoed th a t th* Oeran bill will tend | to on untrem m eled eierolo* of th* fran- ghlaa,

Th* reeolntlon calls foe th* eniotm ent i eg the m eaiure In aubitkntlally the eame term a i It reeontly pasted th* Houee, typographical e m re eaoepted. i

aheriS H arrlgan spoke a t length In | favor of th* reaolutloni, which were adopted w ithout a dlmentlng vote.

Tho m eeting wee well attended and a num ber of committee report* received.

■ Th* oommKtt* In charge of th* recent ball reported i t a i having been a eoclal and financial eucceet. The house commit- , tee announced th a t orrangeitients had { | been completed for the celebration of ; J e tre m n 'e B irthday Thurtday evening, j April U. F irs t Vice-President Daniel F ,

’ ZMIaM F pfNEldBd.I X- ■" - ----------- I


FoOnre by Freeholder I(*tdsea OdelL of | th* Sixteenth Ward, to appear before | guprem* C ourt CommleMoner Jacob D Hewmon. lout F riday for examination In I aapplem entary proceodlnga, woa brought to th e notice of Judge LIntott In the Seoond D ittrlc t Court yesterday. An erdar w a i mad* directing Odell to phow oause, April 11, why he ehould not be adjudgod In contempt. '

1a A uguit, ltdS, Roeber A Kuebler, Wheleaate druggleti on Plan* rtreet, ob­tained a judgm ent tor ttZH ogolnit OdeU, who la a daater In barber rupplle*. - SMOutlon loiued on that Judgmant was I t f tu m e d iineatlifled on March U lost, w bareupen th e oompialnant drug Arm .ireugbt rupplementary proceeding* 'through I « o Stein.p A bearing wo* eot down before Ifew- rfHui for March H, when OdeU appeared jaad oxked to r a week'* adjourmneAt, /w hich w u groAled. On Horoh 0 . OdeU I felted to appear.

Double-breasted, sailor and Russian styles, some with extra knicker pants. Made of strictly all-wool blue serge and the newest colors, in mixed tweeds, and cassimere; sizes from 3 to 18 years; value $6.00 and j " A A $7.50, a t ,'................... ..

Boys' $5 Jack Tar Spring Reef­ers Satur- c f ) day for .


These are exceptionally fine suits strictly hand tailored; of pure Oswego blue serge, fancy blue and black pencil stripe effects, as well as the smartest weaves in gray, tan and brown; sizes from 7 to 18 years; regu- y c A lar $10.50 values, a t ........... / * t7 V

In blue, brown, nutria and gray, with flat, curled or turned down brims; the kind sold elsewhere at $1,50

Boys’ New Spring Felt Telescope Hats and $2,00, Saturday special 1.25

'1 ' HE upbuilding of a big business means lots od 'Forb, ^ energy and nerve force; back of all you requirq. a

powerful imagination and a bulldog determination tottfold on until success comes.

Probably the most valuable asset a man can b>6 born, with or can cultivate la the power or ability To ^ lect other people who will intelligently carry rfu t the

owner's plans. 5 Ve are very grateful to rn ir able lieutenants, th ro u g h whose earnest work we 'nave be­come leading Ne wark re­tail merchants.


The values in this collection are so out o f tho ordinary tha t this sale is without question the most im portant event of its kind this season. In the assortm ent are sample suits, none of which is worth less than one-third more than the price we ask, and to make a still wider assortm ent to choose from we have taken a num ber of our neguar SlO.TVi and $22.50 su its and hawe placed them ‘n this sale at the same low price.

These suits consist of all-wool materials, in serges, m ixlures, hoir.espuns, shep­herd plaids, alt style striped materials, and other seasonable fabrics. They are all lined with silk peau de cygne or guaranteed satins. The sk irts a r e matched to the jackets, representing all the la test touches as to style. All man-tailored, some ex­trem ely plain, others braid trimmed, with plain collars or the new style sailor collar; values $19.75 and $22.50

W9mei’s,N)stes'& Jmlm' Lm ( S friif CmIsNew Long All Wool Serge, Mohair

an d New Mixture Coats, including a lot of samples, some are the new style semi-fitted; others all loose fitting, plain tailored or trimmed collars and cuffs; values $12.50 and $15.00, special a t ..................................... - ■ ■

A Special in MImim’ Spring SuittThese suits will pass the inspection of

the most critical. They embody every new effect shown this season. Made of the finest grades of all-wajol serges, plain tail­ored or shawl collai, trimmed with silk pongee and lined X’ith silk peau de cygne; sikirts In the very newest effects;$15 and $17.90 values, a t___

Ready mth the LargestGirls’s Spring Coats anil Dresses and Best Assortment.

Girls’ Sample CoatsFrom a high-class maker,

who caters to the most exclus­ive trade in the country, and we consider ourselves real for­tunate to be able to offer such stylish and well-made coats at such a low price. If you desire a bargain by all means come to-morrow.G i r l s ’ $ 1 0 .5 0 C o a t s a t .............6 .9 8

^ r i T S l L S B C o a t s a t . . - . 7 . 5 0

G i r l s ’ $ 1 5 .0 0 C o a t s a t . . . . , 8 .9 8

Girls’ New DressesA bla atsofiment In (be belt

•elected materials and most handsome stylea, shown In the newest effects; beflore buying, come and at least tee this charm­ing assortment; you cannot do better anywhere at the prieea,

98c to 17.98Giria’ Confirmation Dresaea, a

large asaortment, all moderately priced, at

2.98 to 15.50 GirU’ Rain Capes

They’re made of th eflnesl rubberized aateea, with silk lined hoods, full length; sizes i e c from 6 to 14 years old; value $3.00, a t . .. * »*/*/

F astei* M illin e ry Infants’ & Children s W car“ * * ® ^ ^ * * T * m * * f t a , * w » J FcrfirinllM fnr Rabv C o m f o r f & Appearance

Our Famout Trimmed Hatsat $4,9$—H undreds of n e w styles have tho first showing to-morrow, em bracing the largest collection ever shown here, and with Easter but a short time away it would be well to visit here while the collection is at its best. They are copied from all the new imported m o d e l s ; beautifully trimmed with flow­ers, feathers and other high-class ma­te r i a l s ; no two alike; a t ...................

Ready-to-Wear H a ta -H a n d made, of fine quality Tus­can braid, in combination colors of royal blue and Tuscan, coral and Tuscan and black and Tuscan, trimmed with eagle quill and rosette of Tuscan braid; value q Q $1,50 (only one to a customer), special...............y O C(only

R*ady-to-Wear Tailored HaU .-r-Rougb nacre braid, tailored hats in all the wanted colors, trimmed with black and wWie effects of silk and combination shadea of v e lv e t ;^ n Q value $3.98; choice .................

Rough Straw Braid, In ail colors as well as biack and white; 12 yards In piece; special price,

• » * 4 « »

Designed Especially for Baby Comfort & Appearance We have never in any previous season been so fully

equipped with everything for the baby and little miss as this yeaf. The stocks are in a wide variety of models,

qualities and prices—sufficiently so to meet the requirem ents of all.

Infanta’ Capa, Of fine lawn, Val. lace, messaline, aliover embroidery and China silk, the daintiest little crealitms, trim-

50c to 4.98and embroidery........Children's Hata and BonneU, nobby

little models, in straw, fancy braids, mes-

5Sf;',K s;iis 08c to 6.00ribbons and flowers

Infants’ and Children’s Dresses, of fin­est quality lawn and batiste, made in ail the new and becoming styles, such as the yoke, empire. Russian, princess, tsstefuUy trimmed with the daintiest of laces and embroideries, finished with pretty wish- able ribbon; sizes 8 months to 8 years;from ........................ . „ „

Children's New Spring CoaU, nobby little styles.

:3 5 c

Feather oatrich bands in the newest colors, 36 inches long; value $2.46; special at..

1.69Hat Braid, rough straw, con­

sists of the newest changeablecolors; 12 y»(^* >4 H xwin a piece; s p e c - ^ isl at.

I Infants’ Long Coals, made of bengaSine, cashmere, china silk and bedford cord, many very handsome styles, some effectively hand embroidered, others tastefully trimmed with

“/ p 1.50 to 14.98—prices. 'wInfants’ Wrappers, of good

quality flannelette, in pretty pink and blue stripes, kimono style, with b o r d e r 's ' l l trimming, speciaL . . .

shepherd plaid, serge, cheviot, black satin pongee, sit effect lively trimmed and pretty col-

Infants’ Long Slips, of finest quality nainsook, Hubbard styles, dainty yoke of fine Val. lace and cluster tucking, neck and sleeves trimmed — regular 98c................ " / k.'

T h e B e s t $ 1 .0 0 S h ir ts fo r M enWhen we tell you that you will find the best dollar shirts

in the city at the W. V. SNYDER store, we mean every word we say. You can look at the materials and patterns, examine the workmanship and fullness in the body, and you can’t help sflytng that you never saw their equal at the price. We feature these shirts, select our own materials, and supervise the making, giving attention to the smallest detail, with the result that we have shirts tha t lead at a dollar each. Shown in the widesf range ever shown in the city, from the neat effects to the latest novelties; the laundry work and general finish are as nearly perfect as human in- j gennity can make it. Cuffs V attached a n d detached, I plain and plaited; sizes I 131/2 to 17; see them ; ■you can’t beat them a t . . . ^ ^

“Phoenix” Guaranteed Silk fioseThe most wonderful value in silk hose ever offered, four pair* of silk

hose; guaranteed to wear four months, at 50c. s pair; they are made of the genuine thread silk; the tops, heel* and toes are specialiy reinforced, giving strength where imrst needed; shown in black, light and dark gray, g / A _ emerald, light and dark tsn, purple, royal and navy, pul up in four L 'pairs to box; guaranteed to give 4 months wear, per box. 100, pair

Men’s Silk NeckwearOur line of 55c. neckwear is positively tlA best value in the city, the

assortment of colorings, ind pitterns is not approached by any other »tore, the shipeis ire the very newest, stylea to be had from the wide flowing end style to the narrow reversible four-in-hands; the silks used in *be g making represent the best this country produces, and the finish is Csecond to none; choice, each............. ............................................... .................


Mail Orders Filled

4 6 ; sp e c ial a t . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 d h o n D I

& ile o f E a s te r W a is ts 1 Sale of Solid Gold Jew elry Rehan $3 Pumps & Low ShoesO c U C U I I w ia o lC I T f 0.1^ 10----^ Wamen-Thir Best in ike Goimirv at ike Price.Right in Time to Malie Accepiabtf Easter Gifts

Solid Grold Cuff Links Solid Gold Clorabs, hand

great collection to select from, you are certain to find your Easter waist here. Our newly rearranged sec-

ond fioor departm ent has never shown a larger or more vanea atsortm ent.


Solid Gold Tie Claspsat ..................... 89c

Solid Gold Cuff links,with brilliant rose d ia m o n d s ............ 1J50

Solid Gold Signet Scarf P ins, a t ............... 1.W

engraved, at . •. .1.50 Solid Gold Bracelet, fine

hand engraved . .B.(W Solid Gold Brooches

with real pearl,. 1.95 SoKd Gold Cuff l in k s ,

with monogram en- itraved free ol charge. I t ........................2.25

o f the

Lingerie WaistsSeveral pretty styles, with round

yoke of Val. lace front and back, and embroidered medallion in centre, cluster of fine lucks over tboulder, three-quarter and full length sleeve, with three row* of Val. Inaertlng,, back tucked and lace trim­med, lace collar; regu­lar $2.00, at................Irish Linen Tailored Waists

Hand embroidered, la many dainty designs, with broad shoulder plait and

'duster of fine tucks, embroidered panel* and fancy pearl buttons. Oth­er* in sl^e effect, plaited back, laundered collar and e y Q cuffs; regular $3.50 and $4.00, at-. ....................... .......................


White Marquisette W autsNeatly embroidered In coral, blue,

black and white, kimono atyie, lace Inserting, high and low neck; also Aliover Embroidered Batiste Waists, neatly tucked with ciuny lace Inserting and plaited frill, side effect; regular $2.50, a t .................................

IlSte w ais ts,

1,87Messaline SiUc Waists

In lavender, catawba, gray, navy, brown and black, with yoke of all- over lace, and front panel braided In the newest designs, sleeve and shoulder of fine tucks, -y A Q kimono atyie, lace col- ^ , X O tar; regular $5,00, at ______

All the Big Music Hits .w«k•My Little Girlie Girl”—The Leader

Way Dowe in Oeorgl*.That Minor Btroln. — — ------- -On Mobile Hay. /-t. ■ .It Isn 't Hard to Lov* a Girl U k* LMICt I I

Ton. Sweetn***. W inter. > --Mother Is th* Best Sw eetheart of 1 i I ^

All. Way Down Ea.it. I VT WThe Rosary. Porio Rico. , -------Carmen*. C'trlblrlbln Dove’* W hispering t to llw All Alone. Talk Aliout E y*e M .ndi Itp. Some or Thee* Day*.Th* Gin of My praw™*- _ .ir Hs Come* In. I m Going Out- r i l Return to Yon. My Sw eetheart.Retes. Dear Old Moonlight.

For W o m en — The Best in ike Gomiry at ike Price.We have always thought well of our Rehan Shoes; no chance to think

otherwise; public sentiment backed up by thousands of aatlafied cuatomert prove their worth; but we ere doubly proud of the new Rehan pumps we

~ offer you to-morrow. There’s good reason to be; you will say so when you see them. They're exact counter­parts of S5.00 shoes; same stylish ef­fect, low cut; short vamps; tailor- made trimmings, high arch, and best of 111, the best of material and work­manship; all have Goodyear welt,

I i ’’ / ) W x V atitched shies of cetected oak. ' Wllh or' l W ’l l i e without straps. Materials: Black Satin,

Blawk and Grey Suede,Black V e l v e t , Dull Calf Skin, Patent CalL Tan Russia Calf; sizes 2 to 8; widths A to E; all St one price—

My Lov* for Tou 1* IJk* th* Star* th a t Shine.

Little BoMler March.Com*. Josephine. In My Plying

Machine._ When 1 Need Tou Moet.

KUB Me. My Honey. Kl»» Me. n i W alt After Bchoo! for Tou, Mlgnon^ 1* Gaxelle.When Tou Bee the BnowfliiWee FalUn*. That's Why They Call Me Shins- Where the River BhODDon Flow*.Dream W alt*.Put Tour Arma Areund M*. H«n*y.

On Sale Main Shoe Dept., Second Floor

Roman Strap Sandals For Little Folks

4c—Clasaic*—4cSpecial for Saturday Only;Kohler's Voiumos i , 3 and 3, a t ............... 10c

Complete Century Edition—10cAsk lor S. a H. Oreen Trading Stamps^-We Qivo Them.

Here for Easier wear; buy them to-morrow white size assortments are compleie; Black Velvet, Dull Calf and Potent Colt; made with a substantial sole that permits of repairing when sole Is worn off. The shoe that combines the acme of style with thoroughly good service.Sizes B to S..............1.49 Sizes 11W to 2..........1.98

Sizes 2'/i to S (grownSizes 8H to 11..........1.69 girls) ....................... 2.39

Extra High Cut with Collars Attached5 to 8 8 ^ to 11 11^ to 2 2)4 to 51 .6 9 1 .9 8 2 .4 9 2 .6 9


ll*«K*r Seat to MU.A senteno* of th irty days In loti w *t |

lm poi*a by Acting Judg* Osbring In th* | B*cood Preclnot Court tble moralng on > Charles Fauntelroy, ot 101 High alT**t, on j tb* oharg* of begging. Fauntetroy woa | grru rted by patrolm an Ow*n* and Norton, ! Ot tho Saoond Preotnet, wbo atatod th a t ttaoy sow tb s man appeooeh a t toast ttvo . pOreons oad oak for moaot. j

■ •aaeo fa th le G«IU ■*«**. |Th* rtgular meaUng' of th* Henroek

Auxllletry Guild ot th* Homeapat hlo HospUal woa bald In th* Oom^Mll iwooi o t th* T. M. C. A. building, y*at«rt*y attamoOB. Th* ecmmltte* In oharg* o t | tho rto lto l given Marob a reportod nnoA- | otol snoCMS from th* undertaking. Th* ohalrmdB of th* toiIou* stoadliw eosunlt- too* 'W*e* appointed by lb* pnaldent.

H eld m W ife'* Oee*fl*hit . Charged w ith iM auIt and battery on a

( gMApfsInt mod* by hi* wlte, John Cromer,( a oatoon-keper, of 16 Orange street, was ‘ held in d a taa lt o t an* boU for th* action ; of th* grand Jury In th* 8*oond Preclnot I

( W t .to-day. H* was orrestod tost night | / ky B oondsnun Ftitor and Ollray.

I a te—i H go* . l*l*«d.Oottitob HsnlA faup*Dtor *f aomplotnu |

t t tlia Boards at Works, to-day moda a rsH oil th* araawoy ilgsi In Fiona, Wsahtngtnn and Weet Pork street*. B.* yeUKrtW sonM bOK dosen and todnoad th* qwnara at a Msr* mor* to tok* downth a ir *dv*rtl**nv*lit*j___________________


Basement SpecialsW h i t e E n a m e l L in e d

R e f i i g B r s t o r sOur "Pullm an" C e r n

Broomw—B z u a g ^ qnaJttyj ore mod* to sell for ISc., w* will offer them y C f , to you tlHfnOTTO'W a t ........... ...................

Steel Spad*e—Back iteel blade* with trood D han«lo$<It ...............................


Roll Edflft Ewer end S ii ln — At e; white A m e r t ^ poroelwni |op|ac« le t fo r*.*..* 59c

Majolica UmbrMt* «tonde


1t11 Medel — M«de ^ t hr o $1 A d com ers, charcoal ehaathtDK. which ae iu rei a _— parfeot circulation ot Mid. iio” i dry *lr In th* nrovliriont, and it**s.v»>- toT»*. ebam ban; aasy to keep elaon; best workroanehtp; loe capacity to 40 Ihs.; loild hreh ie lock M d Z C A hlhiee; nloa family $Ua. i t ........... ........... •

JardlnierH for Easter V tnch sIm ; Majollo*; rich

blended cnlore; lev- | P - e ^ speotot I D Q


Extra Special for Saturday

W omen’s StockingsFine sheer Cobweb gauze lisle and

silk lisle stockings; black and the new tan shades; extra double soles, spliced heels & toes; double garterwelt; “Herms- dorf” fast dye; at three for $1.00, or, per pair........

H ig h -G ra d e H a ir Q o o d s S h o e s

QIac* Sh*lv«*,wtlh nickel brackets, 16- in. sli*. epeolal a t . .

Garden Hoe*—Good quoUty a t

Inch ai»*. a tV uddlna siet—C onslrt of S

Inch nes t; blus iio- aerglose decoration;sa t a t ........... ..

Hand Paintod Lsmer* V sios—Brown body; under-;Ia*« flower depom- 19c

Roll Tel 1st S*ounca sl«»; white tlBuiie; ip o ™ ate7 ............................

*'Un!v«ri$r A l u mi n u mC 0 tt a a pareolator—i-cufia^e; ebony handla: b ^ Landers, F ro r t i Cltok; choice of Kmplr* J AA and Colpnlal shape, 4.UUa t ...............................' gnam elct—For floort. fur- nltura. woodwork, oUcloiiii b ith tubs. StOVM, %<y„ etc.: *11 colors; can i b Ca t ...............................

imported Lae* Sds* Shelf R s S* r — Bomethtn* new, plain Whit* blua and




Our New Deans ing and Dyeing Dept

EasterSpecialsfi U veySystm | 3,Any G ow nfleaned or dyed............................ ............ f lu l Switche*......... .............Waists clefliied or dyed.................................................L™ ! n . s . c*.«;„i.tSeparate Skirts cleaned or dyed........................ .. 1.50 Long H air S tra igh t SwitchwMen’s Vests dry cleaned..................... ; . • .................. 40c; 18 and IS mch All Long O g rMen’s Suits cleaned or dyed l.................................... 1,50 Hajr Sw jt^ea.........................Gloves cleaned, all lengths, pa ir...........Sweaters, cleaned, a t ........................... ......................... 40cBabies’ Coats, cleaned, a t . ............................. ........... . 1.25! 24-lnch All

Saturday Specials in Our Bright Daylight Parlors, Main Floor, Rear.

Our hair goods departm ent is the beat department of its kind in the state. We carry the largest assortment and our prices by ac­tual comparison are the lowest. Oiir expert hairdressers will adjust tho hair to your head when pur- chasing same, and will be pleased | to show you the different modes of i the day. A few Easter specials are I mentioned below o f our many up- to-date coiffures becoming to all features and appropriate for the new Easter hats.

F irst Quality C luster PuffsCluster, containing 15 to 'll c n

20 best curly French h a ir.. aJ*aX v Cluaters, containing 15 to 20 sev­

eral pendent curls, best 3.95Plnless O v a ig Q Q

The cfisconfinuetf lines of­fered for sale in Oar Under- priced Basement Shoe Store means a saving of fully one- half on every pair.

N atural Wavy Switches20-inch All Long Hair 1.95

All Long Hair 2.95

5c ; 20 and 22 inch All Long'') A S« - I H . i . S w i t c h e s . . m . “ o7

Long Hair 2.95. .Switchei . -------

Only Cleanser in New J«»ey Giving S . A H. G r^ n I 26 and 28 All Long Hair 4.Trading Stmniw. I Switches ..................* r , y o


French hair The New

Duster . . . .The Plnless Fuff of finest d A C

French hair..........................‘r . y i JThe New Payche Puffs, "1 4 C

beat quality.................Very special Cluster Puffs, of 15

and 18 puff*, good qualityItair, while they last..............

A»k to see the New Psyche Knot and B«*kelte Bra.l -


Women’s Oxfords, Pumps, Christy Ties and High ShoesDitcootinued lines from our own stock; splendid values in a big variety of shapes and leathers; choose from entire lot at

High Cut Shoes for the Children Sizes 8 to 11;. worth $1.75, a( LS* Sizes 11V4 to 2; worth $2.25; at 1.49

WoBien'i Shoeo, vaiu« up to$2.50, at..................... ............

Women’s Shoes, vslue up to $3.50. St ......................... ..l.WMen’s $250 Shoes tt . ,...,.$ 1 .7 5

Women’s JulieLs and House Shoes, St .....................L$9


rsMlttHfl tallT, m «i« »bb4»f> ^

m m mus rimisHDiQ coipant3 IS -3 I7 MARKET STR EET,

irEU'AltK, H. A.tA tt* NmA[. H, J.,

(MUd-elM lu tu r .TtirrihoM IM “M »rt«t"-PrtT»t» B n iw h

ExcJiuii;* .ccinnecllnc aU dopaftnunCii


I uif

k a i l iUBBQRIPTIONB- Th« Nawaiic Evcniiw N««r«. »m monfll,

lU tr eanta: monthi, two dAlIu« aadO nr ccn tc en^ )re»r. tlTe dotlus.

PoatMte to fdtcign countriM addod.Naw Tork Bninawlck Bulld-

0& Piftb aM ina. m UH Uadlaoo. Chicago o n c a . IM Tribnna Bulldlna- WaablodtOD Buraau, HM Colorado Bolld-

bS-O rancs Branoh Btllca, National Bank

Bulldlnc. Tal. m and t i l Oranfa.Horrtatown Brapob Offloa, 77 Park plaoa.

Telaphona IS.Uontolair B randt OSoa S I a tan rld ta

avanua Tal. 7S,in ilborti • SprlncIMd Brnnob Offlee,

Ounpball’a Dm # Btota, Bank Bulldlnc, IfSIbam avanua Tal. II Mlllbora.

■uBunlt Branoh Oflioa M Uapla atraat. la L I t iw .

D oaar Branob Offloa, Room I, National trnlon Bank, Waat Bladkwall a traa t Tal. a n , Dorar.n tS K T O N BURBAU-

n w aa t Stela a t . Tradtan, N, J. TaL n T t^ to n .K S W J EH SET REAflHOBa O m C B -

W Main atraat, northaad eom ar Banga aaanua (Oaorco W. Plttaqtar'a Baal Ba­ta ta asiee), oppoaHt railroad ttatlon, Talaphana 771 Aaburr Park.ATLANTIC C m -

Tlia DorUnd Advarttateg Aganor. Wal* l i r B. Bdga.

Tha DIraotF H au irr.

LOCAL BRANCH O t n i mlla artaao. 10*. IBuibura glaoa, lA ------ “ ------ 1B.1 W.--------------- .K rn it m nnok__

ftPHt, IHH. 8<nth IIAtli itiaM. ML ,aath araniM, A IW.IIac. plaoa, n .


m W A R JC 'S OOOD LDOK.I t baa takan within a law d a n of a

r a a r to atralgbtan o^l tha tangia la N aw ark’a aooounta dlaooTarad Im m adhta- I r A fttf tha dlaappaaranoa o t farm ar C llr Anditor Oaorgt Forman, Tha flndlnga of ttia axp trta who parformad tha teak fo r tha munlolpallty can ha aammad up briaflr an folioirt;

Form an, who had poatd aa an aaparl- anead aooountant, waa groialjr Inoompa* ta n t

Not a dollar at city touada waa alolaa aa a raiu lt of thia Inoompatanca in tha kaopinc of tbs aooounta,

Tha long oontlnusd mla-ap without dia- c o n ry waa mada poaalbla by tha lack of TOrlSoatlon of tb s accounta dna to tha fa llu ra to tnslat on oaretul aupscTtalon.

Tliaro had navar bssn a oomplata aa- etrta lnm ant of tha eltyte oapltal aaaate and UablUtias.

A naw aoootmtlng ayatem la naaaaaarr to pnotaot tha Intaraatt a f tha otty, with daSnlta prorlilona ta r a varlfloallaa of tha Sguraa af tha Ananolal aSloam. Ttila l ywtwn h a t haaa outUnad by lha n iw ta who haya inalndad tlialr plan In th a d ra ft a f tha propoaad Daw stty ehartsr.

Newark la fortonaM In th a t th v a waa a a tnrfteBalanawt aa a ramilt a f tha Foi> n a n groahadnaai. Tha appartunity. for fta itiiig ailatad. Tha d ty oaold aaally hava haaa nbbad, had tbara kasn aalla- doB, w lthoat dangar a t tnunadlate dla- a a ra rr- Aa ana a t Uia txparta pu t It aa ity Id th a ta u r ta af tha Inraatltallan, a dl»- haaaa t m an aauld hava affafdad ta pap lh a otty a aanddsaabla aratkiy attpaod f a r th a prlyllaga a t batng am doyad in tha com ptrollar'a offloa aod aauld b a u t r ti ad a largo profit Tha naw ayatam af aa- counting la Intsndad ,ta lafagiiarA agalnat tb ia dangar th a t h a t aa loag salatad a t tha city baU.

Ona of tha Interatllna taaturaa of th a rap art of tha atparte It th a t datatlteg (ha

■ dty*B. flnanatel aaodttlon. Tha la tel w Ital aaaate a f Nawark a r t plaaad a t MA-

' gntlTAIL Tha total aapttal Itebllltlaa a r t raportad aa UI,I>*,7U.W. ThIa laauaa to tal aap ital aaaate eyor Itebllltlaa af ItlA lI,- KIAA Thia turn la aomawbat laryar than h ad haan antlolpatad, btaauaa tha llaUna of 8 ia walua of d ty proparty had b a n n o ra parfunotory than aoourata Tha wondar la that, undar tha otraumatanoat, th a telalaadinf raparta an thia tub jaa t w ara n a t m art nnrallahla than thay warn, T ha laaoa natboda that prauallad n t th a d tp TteU than might hnua ratuRad In a ia d i ambarrmainan* fa r Haw>ark . I t waa m art goad luok than anp- th in g also that aavad tha d ty tram thia aompUoatloa.

Tbua Ihs atectlon of a Qoysmor cama to ba tergaly a formal proesdura to ba un- dsrteksn avsry t h r « ysara wlth no hops of any .Stats-wlds reforms undsr bis Isad- arahtp. Undsr thsss conditions moniber- shtp In th s Lsgislaiurs lacked any In- apteatlon ta andsayor.

Then esm t tha sursksn- Ing of th s psople to tha possibility of th s selection of their own represente-

tlvaa due to the courageous and occasion­ally successful fight of oandldales who wers th is to win out In spite of tho oppo­sition of ths boas. Results wars so qulok- ly manifest through th s power of s few such Indspendant and fearlsaa reprsaanta- tlvsi to wring rsfomtia from an unwilling machina th a t ths dsslra for a more nsr- feot Instrument for their iSlsctlcm. forced ths adoptlop of th s direct primary.

Cleaning away the d irt heaps la ona of tha objaeM of the Oeran bill. I t alma to maka the whole machinery of eleotlon, from tha Initial suggestion of namea to tha final elsotton of offlclala, pa rt of an uniform understandabla proeeaa, oarrlsd on by responslTO and responsible party efflolala belonging to partis# and faotlona which really have common purposes.

How well It may su c o ss i depends on many things. largely, th s Interest of tha eittesn for whose rsHef thsas dsytoss are proytded.

B o t whetbar It may wortt or not. tha only question to b* decided now. In taking «t«nd for or agalnat ths massure. Is wlistber or not you are satisfied with the standard of efflclency and honesty In poll- tlea as they are. If you ArA or If you are too dltcouragsd to w ant to. make an

f i ,

long run. It would kaap prlcsa within raa- ■onabla bounda by m aintaining auppUsA as would be perfectly feasible It a begin­ning were promptly made. In conetent proportion lu demand.

Of oourae, tbo prime assanUal for ths success of such a plan would bs a nation­al administration in which tb s public had Implicit cnnfldencs,

Tbs second sssontlal would be bons't co-opsratlon on th a pari of tha Syndicate mambera.

The third would bs a publlo opinion en­lightened enough to be willing to maka tha nsesiary curran t Investm ent In con­servation.

As to w hat thia inveaim ant would amount to, wa bav« tha assuranca of a leading foreater th a t on large holdings forestry can be practised a t a final added coat to the consum er of from fifty oente to t l a thousand feet. A dividend to tha public from this Investm ent would, how­ever, be n iaurrd In the form of lower prloea tor lumber In the fu tu re than would be poaalbie If unregulated toreat ex- ploltaUan were allowed to go on.

alTortJ'that's ona thing. If you w ant to try to make things bettor, Ithars’i th s Oeran bill, an honaat well-consldorad ef­fort with a good deal of preoadsnt be­hind It.

n « AlesaMtlvw.

B y AM

OLBANXNa DF TBB OIRT BH A Ff.**11 th e path ta Oongrtaa and th a Ateta

lA gU Ialura aite higher munlolpal sfBosa w ars o ltan td of the atoraUlng blocka and d irt haapa w U tli now au u m b ar it, aun- ningty plaaad tka ia by tha p n f tta lo n a l palltlataaL A W A t nbanga would toon paaa npaa fha aampoaftlan af lagiatettwa bedita and a now spirit ba fait In th a iiiaiiagaiiiiiil o t Btata and municipal aa wadi a s « t national affatra** Thia atata* m ant a t Hon. Jam as Biyaa, after hla visit to AASrioa In tha early alghttaa olaarly petatad an t th s way to r puridoatlon a t tmr psUdnal and laglilaltvt ayatama.

Whan B rynt wrote, tha praaonoa e t Inde- pandsnt man In our leg* lilaturaa was more tha

r agbit a t aad d tn t than anything a ita This aimdltlnn aontlnuad until vary raoently. F a ltu n a l tntsrvlew with tbs party boas w aa tha fliat naesatary ttap ta a nemlna- tlan . Oanarally pladgot to suppoK th is a r th a t oandldats tor Benatorlal honors, ta 'Toepeaa Isglatetloa dtataatatui ta our gaoA ftttiid s ae ‘and an,'* wara th a prioa a t gMnlnatkm. Tha oondmoa was wall rtoagntesd, and lew m at af atlt,4aapaet apart wtuing to snhmlt to R. Thia was the Initial dirt heap. I t aomt aandldate had th a tam arlty to refuaa to ba 'Intervliw ed.' a a d paralBtsd In running, b it am bltlont w are althsr nipped tp the bud a t tha aomt- Dating oonventlon or running was npon a plaAterm formntetad In advanct by tha prateatad tntereata. This waa d irt heap Dumbtr two.

Heating on to thaLegtetetnn It w as found ta ba made np ot a hard# af undarwlrap-

para a f tha boaasa, man with wTunb po- Ittloal otmntng was exatted and statsa- manahlp aoorned. A Inw ardsr of personal m orality waa ooramoa. Compankmablp w ith Buoh man for ths aslf-napeotlng waa Impoaslblt. LsgRlatlon was laigaly oou- flnad to trie telltlta br worts. Saotlonal quarrela and grafting aohtmea o t tha boaaea ware bank of many af tb s h llla S trike bills wars tha order o t tha day. T hsra waa no broad lagteterivs program, BO real purposa to atrva tb s peopte

hb lhars waa »a real laadarabip In tha adnria- latratloii of party affaire looally, BO thara waa no

real laadtrshlp In legUIatlon. T bs Oov- sm o r bad bssn nominated by tha boassa. I t ba poaaeaaed aoma quallUet o t Itida- pteidanoa ha was usually disposed to e rs r- saflm sts tha Itralta upon hla au thority to fagpreaa hla vlewa upon tha LaglaUitun. If ptrohanoa ha aaw In hla akctlon th a man- Aata o t tha psopla to ba their real repra- aaotetlva, ba found In tha t body all tha avaauaa by wbloh they m ight reach him a r h a them, clogged and obstruotad. Tite. boaasa bald tha middle greund and the {Lsvgnior and th s psopla looked down

, trass opposite,rides of |h s am n a npon a itoMMARA naadltytiig lag triaafa aontaaL

W B T NOT A ’nM H B B ITHDIOATBt Tba commlaalonar of eorporatkmi found

th a t a taw holdera own more than half of an tha privata Umber lands In the oouatry, practically all ot th s Isrgsr Ireota. This means th a t our choiceat foraata will bs destroyed unless thsss h o ld m And H worth their while to prao- tisa forsatry.

At preaant ths holdera deolara tbai for- aatry would not pay thtm , principally ba- causa the ourrent prloea tUr lumber do not yield them enough profit to cover the oost of full protection tn d proper m anagem ent for perpetual crops of tim ­ber, or w bat ths foresters call a "sus- telnad yltld ." Additional reason! are th s obstacles set In ths path of forestry by tha genarmi failure of th s States to ts - sum s a t least part of the burden of pro- taotlng private forests and by tax laws wliloh. In moat Statca, tax tba forest crops over and over again year after year, and BO eompal largo outlays by tha own- a r t while the tlmbar orep ta growing, aomatlmaa, Indaad, threatening to devour the proBte th a t aught to be earned whan tha tlm bar a t teat m aturas and Is e u t Again, tha mar* fact th a t tha Btata laws are ne* uniform rsauita In unluat dia- ertmlnatloti batwsen ownera In dlltsrent B tatta and thus tends to upset any plana wtiMt they might bs dltpcssd to adopt In th a light of bualneaa oondltlona alona.

In a word, tha great Umbarland In- tereaCa offer ths

s s o n u r the altsraa tlv s of eontinulng to p y , approxlmataly aurraut prloea for iQBnber aad so haatanlng tha oxhanatloa of auppUea by waotetul lumbaring, or paying nomewhat more now, nndar h i r laws, and aa In tba long run pravamlng a abortaga and famine prloea. Among Ibaaa wha hava recently put forward thie reanonlng a n auoh prominent man In tha Ittnbar bualnsaa aa Thomaa B. Walker, of C R l l f e r ^ J. B. White, a f B t Louis, anA Ctesraa OtI* Draper, of Boston.

IRseocmtbig all ulterior m otlvaa thalr a iguuion t la a sound ona Thara can ba no doubt th a t tro t Oauadlan lumbar will not anooorago tha oonsarvatlon, but rather will hasten tba daplatlon o t our awn tor- aste. B tnoo It Is only the great general banaflta th a t a r t aijjaotad to flow from tha reotproolty agrssm ant aa a whole whlob hav* kapt tha moat Influential for-

of th s country frkm joining ths tbnbor n ugnatsa in attacking tha lumber aobodttlA

f t would be kutldhig upon tand to bop* for perm anent fu tu re Umber auppnat from C anada Immanaa aa tha Canadian foraat rMOurcea a r a they have been over- eatlmated, gnd they will a t no distant data ba fully taxed to .meat home rtqulre- m anta

W bat, then, oan ba dona to meat tha graat tlmbertend holdera halt

way and work out w ith tlie n the Im- m lntn t problem of a auatelned lumber aupplyt

I t la ballaved th a t a national timber ayndloata patterned roughly after the PruBSten Potash flyndloata would go far In tba right dlraetlon. Buoh a syndicate would Involve hardly any Itgal or aoo- nomlo remedy th a t has not already heea triad with good rsanits seraewhora Nor would It bs dlBOordant with national tra, dttlon. untHs it shonM ba In ths adoption of th s Oennan prinelpla of eontrolHng oorporats Induatry by government par- tlolpatloB. c*

Bsveral conaldsratlons are Involved, eaoh of which would oentrifauts an alainaBt ta tha proposed plan. As nearly as: possible In order of Importtncs, thsss ara sa fol

A NBW R iri.R AT TRBNTON.Old-style polltlcoi bosses are stumped by

ths naw spirit In legislation a t Trenton. When tha lawmakere began their aesalon, these boasee predicted there would be ne Important measures paasad, because tha Repubileana controlled th e Senate and the Democrats tn s Assembly. They said that Governor Wilson could ta lk all ho wentod to, bu t he would And th a t th e R epubllesn l w ouldn 't vote for a Demooratlo measure and DemocraU would refuaa to support a Republican bill. T ha bofaaa said they know what they were ta lk ing about from eiperionoe. and th a t th a Oovernor would be taught a tew Isaaona In practical poll- tlof before ha had bean four months In offloa

Theaa boaaea a r t now being shocksd. One oould hardly bellava hla aentaa whan ha waa told th a t tha Aatambly. without a dlaaentlng vote, had pataad tha *m- phiyera' liability bill, drafted by a com- mlaalon appointed by a Republican O ov epior and approved by the vote of the Republloan Senate.

It n itialne to be aeon,'* w as hla oom- mant. "wliothsr tha Rapublloan Sonata m ajority or tha Democratlo majority In the House will m ake the moat political capital out of the praaant aoaalon."

This la an enllgbtanlng oxprenaton of the views of lha boas, T ha Leglalature, In his estimation, Is simply a p a rt ot a maohlns that manufaoturas political oapltal. Ths msmbsrs are politicians who a re blmply trying to get out of tha leglatetlvs hoppar all tho gris t they can fo r their party oi^ganliatlon.

This vtow, however, Is not th s predom­inant ons a t Trenton now. Thera seoma to be a m ajority In both tha Sonata and the Aaaembly w ith th s fseilng th a t they are there to make laws fo r tha hsneflt of tha people, regardlsat of party.


I n A i r *I'WBtLIi I>1.ACB TO BAT.

"You have brought mo my P la ta but where la my fo o d f ' demanded the cua- tomer In the Fearfultw ell restaurant.

The w aller pointed to the p la ta"That?" cried tha customer, "Why. I

thought th a t was a g reast spoU I have never before. In a long career of- dhilng In public, beheld auoh small portions ot food as you servo hers."

"Trus," the w aiter snewersd, "but to oompensata for th s minuteness o t ths portions our prlcsa are th s highest In tbs Stats."

"I can't satie ty my hunger with that morsel." said the diner. "B ring me half a spring chicken."

"W s never sarvs less than a wholechicken,"

"I oan't eat a whole ehlcksn, bu t bring ms ons anyway."

“Have you looked a t the prioeT' asked tha waiter, IhruaUng the blU of fare into the patron’e hand.

"The prloet W hat do you m ean r '"Do you know w hat w s charge tor a

spring oblcksnT""Tou seem to doubt my ability to pay

for w hat I order."'T h a t 's It exactly. H srs 'a th s prtcA

right hers. B eer'Qentle reader, you don't bellsvs this con­

versation really ocouirod. do you7 Well, It did ooc^ , right hers In enlightened Newark In th s year of graca. 19U.

ItXDgTRATRED W A LLFA PBR .To th s Well piper Editor ot the News. <

Dear Sir—Plsaas aug isst a wallpaper border that 'will bs suitable for a nursery. My little boy Is five years old. Thanking you In advance, yours truly,

A MOTHER.Ths wallpaper border in Ihs nursery

should ba o t a oharaeter to alevata tha moral* of th a child. I t should not Inflame tbs gluttonous passions by showing pic­tures ot babies sating mush and milk, as BO many wallpaper patlem e nowadays do.

TH E W B LL-B B H A TB D CHILD.A t T a b le .

Never rest your elbows ea your bread and butter.

Do not aland up In year chair or sit on ths back.

Ths place fnr your feet la undar tha, tebla. not on top of It.

Well-behaved children will not holler all together when their parents are talking. They will break Into tho grown-up con­versation one a t a time.

Children with the snuffles should ba assn, not beard.

Do not put more than three spoontiUa of food Into your mouth while ooughlng.

I t your hands bacome atloky do not wipe them on th s tablecloth unless It gosa to lha wash before th s next meal. Use your frock or your B i t te r Brown s u i t If you throw your napkin under your chair a t the beginning o t the meal, your moth­er will know where to find U when ana cleans up.

A good way to save wearing out the teeth le to place the food In the mouth and ewallow Immedlataiy without chew­ing.

Alloying Aluihinum w itk O^Kst Metals

Aluminum, n ilh a density of l.U, 1* the only light metol that Is cliesp, strong and fairly unniternble. so th a t it hua become the base of materiala for many modeni uaea. Uagnealum la lighter, with a density of I.TI, but it Is more costly and alter* readily, and sodium and potaulum , whtcli are lighter even than water, cum ot be exposed to the air a t all ou account of their greedlnees for oxygen,

Efforts have been made to Improve aluminum by alloying with other metala. Noting the results, H. Rousset, a French scientist, points out th a t the first alloyi of aluminum and magnesium, prepared by Woehler about ISM, were fragile and easily oxidized, but the "m agnallum " of Or. Hnch, usually containing about twenty- flvs to th irty por cent, of magnealum, baa a hardness between hronsa and steal,

m elts very easily, is quits ductfle and re- alsta a ir and water better than either th e aluminum or the magnealum.

An alloy with a little mors magnaalumla vary hard a U brittle, but tekea a hril-

fo rllan t polish. ZIne la sometimaa used fo r hardening, and ' ‘slskon," conslatlng of twenty-five per cent, of alno to aeventjr- flve o t aluminum. It employed for Instrtl- ' menta of Breclsloa. lia n y a iuu lnum aleloya Jteva heavier metala In sUgni —avoiding much Increase of wetgBLforglDga a valuable solid alloy 1,1 per cent, of oapper, l,g ofand I .l of nickel, irith traces of anthnony and Iron; for eaatlngt tha nU xtun ban also a Uttia lead and tin; and a matal to b* banunarsd or drawn Includaa with tha aluminum S.U per canL Of tin, l .( ot tnag- neslum. 0.1 o t lead and Ot a t aoppar.


hSfi? ‘“12. ‘‘I* the Main■irtei y^fMrdaV with h1« rytistKAri rivui-*• >'e«efday with wt clcthsi and a v lir . rewiusil Charlu Peterowikl,B ywre. SU Toasmaot street, (pom drownina.

n.W lla# W lmfelewevd, 10 years, Ogg

T e a c n in t atva«4, w aa e rre s ted an d lacked Dp ycM crday by F e l l e e n n O H a ir tg a a an d Beknita, of tke T w » t r - flfth P ra c lae l, a n th a charge o f a tea l- lag a loaf o t b read from the delivery wagOB of J, Btllaoiu grocer. T he polleo hove hcea w a le h la g th e hoy lo r aomo Uaaa,

" I s ™ * * a g a i n s t the (1™ 0,7 Rev,them Baailpapsr Corpora-f. In restraint ot trade. It

Amerlisui p«p ls nay It.ooO.COO “ 2 7 , i - ’'! IH .7 v _ « “iP»I«r than Key paid l»-


A gaargaarian.

lows!D) National legal rtoognltlon of timber

monopoltes.CD R«mtaatan e f u x e a by the Statea In

Uan o t a paraentega paid pre ra ta not ot tha grots reoslpta from timber salae.

(D National regulation of fo rr it man- agament on the ayndlcate holdlnga U|. eluding protection, allotm ent o t out, amj^ price agreement I based upon tha coat ot prodnctloa plus a reasonable profit to msmbsrs ot the syodicats, covered by th s arndloate eontraote.

(0 The eyndloate members to ebserva all regulations, Including proteetlvs ms urss. allotm ent of out and prioa Hate, tub- jecl to appropriate psaalttea tor violation

F o r" tha reoagnltlon af timber menopollee

__________ hav* a t precedanta, forInatanot, th a O ennan rtoognltlon ot mon- opotlaa In potash, coal smd iron, ta well aa


L aadeiaU p.

the tac it reeognltton by o i^ own govern men* e t monopoly among oommon oar- tlirSs

In tha national tnraate wa already poa- aeas auoceaatul praoadanta for national tagulatlon ot out, for tha payment to Btataa o t a pereaotaga o t groat reoslpta In llau of texai, and even In a oarteln maaaura for tha fixation ot prloea, alnoa national toreat tlm bar la sold enly after appralaal and th* determination ef an ap- aat prioa bas*d upon other coosldarattena betides local m arket vnluts.

I The pceslble advan. Advaatogeo. tagea ot such a Tlmbar_____________ I Byndloate a r t mantfeat.I t would a t ono* remova tba arttfiolalobaUclas which now Impede the Introduo. Don o t forealrr-oB private lands, while tb s ehlet sconomlo obstacle, nsmsty, prises too low to cover produotlon cost plus a fair profit, could bs gradually over, oosns under a government supervision wtfieh would guarantss the public against extortion and yat laava un^laturbsd avary l^ tth n a ta tnoantlv* fo privata •ntsrprta* aanahg the Byadlcato n tm b a n . In- the

NOT IN CHILDREN’S IN TEH EfTg. There It need to r th e petsaga ot a bill

by tha Leglilatura th a t will pravlde for tha co-operation of tho echool and the la­bor offlclala In tho enforeem ant ef th s pro­visions of the child labor laws, toil thara Is danger th a t In bringing about auoh oo- opcrallon tha sxlatlng a ta tn ta will ba wsakensd. T hat would ba tha affeot, far tnatenea, If the hill Introduced by AMsm- blymsn Christie and now before the House Committee en Education should ba passed.

Mr. Christie's m saaors w as dratted pre­sumably to mast oondltlona davelopsd by a eonlUct o t tho child labor and ths school tews. For Instanoi, oonslderabls frietlen has arisen during th s past two y ean hs- causs truant offleers took out ot taotorlss children who, although they had working papers, being over fo u rtssn years ef age, had not oempleted the required time or required oeurss In th s aohoolB. Bo ths ChrlsUs bill provides th a t no working papers shall be latusd to a child under ilx tssn years of ag* nnlsas he or she has complatod tho first six yaara o t ths ele­mentary school course, or unleee It ehall be shown th a t It It naoeaaary to r ths child to he employed, and th a child shall attend regularly the evening scbotds.

There le no fault to ba found with these prorialotiB ef the C hristie b4U, bat that m tasure fu rthsr prevtdea th a t tba latulng of working p apart th a n ba vaatad In boards of education In tha sohool dlatriots in which th s ohlldran realds. That powar Is now possessed by th s S ta ts labor ds- partm snt. I t has beeu exercised wisely and thoirongtily In th s paet. As a raault, vlotetlona ot tha ohlld labor a ta tu ts i have bean pnwrtleally wiped out In New Jersey. The B isateit care h a t bean taken to as- eurs facts regarding tha birth of all atall- dren applying to r working p apata and the methods ot aacertaluliig these laoti have been afteaUvn, evan to tha point of secur­ing tranaodpte o t vital staUatloa from European eountrtas.

The Chrlatia bill would lesasn ths re­quirements for these precaution s. Fur- thsrmors, m tak ing aw ay tha osrtiflcala laaulng powar from tha labor department and,vesting It la taundreda «f local seho*l boards, th a n would b* a dangeroua teat- taring of reapenalhlUty. Oppartuntty would ba affordtd for fraud and ta r a T*tura to oondltlona th a t prevafted bafora tha ohlld labor tewa ware m ads stringanL Bssidea whils ths Issuing o t working papers 'would be th* function of the m any aohool boards, tha enforcement of the provltlona of the tew against violators would still bs Im­posed upon Ihs eomralsalonsr of labor. This In Itsslf would b« a division of rs- ■ponalblllty th a t m ight m aka tha admin­istration of the tew tooffectlva.

Dp to tha praaent ttm a lha Christla Mil baa made' little prog raaa, bwt tliara la danger th a t tt m ay b* rapes'tad dw ing the oloring day* of tba legtalatlva aeealon and rushed to paasag* w llbeut aarafni oen- aldsratlon being given to these pointi. Opponents ot New Jersay 'a ohlld labor polloy would ba only too glad to aas a m sature paaaad th a t would ba apt to

lUB* discord or to m attrte lly weaken ths affeotlvsness e f tha present laws.

It should a u n s s t to hla Infant mind rs- pramlon, reatralnt, obadlanos and gratl- tuda. Madloal autherlDas used to aay th a t tha aratalo In nbaap wallpapara got Into the h u m u ayalenuand oauaod 111 htallh . Now thay a ra saying th a t tha wrong iug- gsatlons which tha ohlldran gat from Im- p n p ar wailpapor a r t affect their souls and their charaetera. Tha aooompanylng llloatratton ibnwa a wallpaper th a t Is aura to product baneflctel raiu lta In noy nur­sery.

(ors tht Trust wss oraanlisd.II,

John P e u a f n k , a e ls iR I . t t a e ftoes e t th e N o r th tra Baadpaper C orporariaa,

‘ A* " ih lrd degree" a t the deteetlva b a re a a ywsterday a a d eeafeased t a s ta a lta g g f ty d a l la n from th* eaeh d n w a r e t th a eaneara F rid a y Bight. H e sa id hla w tl* waa d y lag ired he heeded eae tiv meiHelaM.

Some Liftle Known F a d s A bout TelescopesPeople sometime* w eodtr why a tela-

scupe haa two glaaasa, ona a t the big end and onn nt th* little end. u id thay want to know the difference. Tha g lu s a t the big end Is to gather light. I t Is simply a big eye, explains a w riter In th* Louis- vlll* Courier-Journal. I f It It a hundred times bigger than the eye in your head It will gather a hundred times more light. I t gathers the rays ot light coming from a s ta r and bends them all Into a common meeting point, called a focus, which I* a picture of the sta r. Tou can look a t this picture of tha s ta r with your naked eye If you like. Bbt you can sea It better and examine more closely If you look a t It with a sihall magnifying glass.

And this Is the glass a t th* small snd ot

the telesoep*. I t magnlfia* th s pIntuM made by th* big glass a t th s other end a t th e Instrument. AH tolescop** sre hulte on this principle, s ir 'Rflllam Rerschell waa th* first to arrang* m atter* a littlia diffsrenUy. ^

H e.took away the glass from lh* biff end snd admitted tbs rays eomlngi s traigh t Into the tubs In parallel I l n £ Then a t the bottom of th* big tub* M placed a bright conctevs mirror, mad* e f burniahed metal. When th* entering rayg' fell upon this mirror they w en again bant] to a point called a focus, which waa a plo-( tu re of the star. ;

To look a t this picture h* had to ,__th s little magnifying glass a t th* aid* i the tubs, because th* mirror had atu up it* lower snd.

How CiHss of Germany A rs Gov«rtt<flThe head of the Oerman city 1* an ex­

pert. Both the Oherburgermelxtsr and the assistant Burgsrm elsters make a pro- teaeton ot their callings. Nobody know* to w hat party they belong. And nobody really carts, writes F, C. Howe, In Bcrlb- ner’s. They are like the managers of a great business concern and are employed by the City Council for that purpose, much as they might be employed to man­age a railroad.

The present Mayor of Berlin was a law­yer In Breslau. He was elected to tbs council of the la tter city, became Inter­ested In oily adm inistration, and deter­mined to make city administration a pro­fession. He was chosen for a subordin­ate post and made such a success that h* waa called to the Mayoralty of Ber­lin, where he haa been for many years.

Dr. Adlokes, the Oberburgarmslstar F rankfort, baa occupied th a t post for a \ quarter o t a century. Few men In 0 * r - | m any can point to a Ufa of mor* eoa-1 splcuoui aohlevemsnt than his. H* f( cently dsellned a post In the Interior Dl partm ent of Frussla.

Oberburgermeieter Wilhelm Marx, i Dusaeldorf, cam* t* th a t city from im atler town twenty yaara ago. H* te man of Independent wealth, hla p re ten t poaItJon and tor i ... haa been Mayor of the city, these years he has bullded ta did Farlv c le t In Athena and th* Medici In F lo rt ence. And he haa made Dusseldorf on* of th* most finlahsd oitlsa In tba world.

Tenure of offle* te parm anaat I f a Mayor la rs-elscted afte r his first term of twelve years, be hold* olBe* for ’)lf*.

John A. yesterdai light th r brougM

' by J. Goj I forecloia

p a r t of '■ of Grafti

i flecrso ItBellavli

a great fur two I of lurnli w orth ol vrhloh H

Aocord t a r t e r i I la ln e i, I>vcome propositi

lof hi* o J fo r stoci ( Uror. I i til* mor I on anotl i tU,iOO, t f lyn, wlo i foreclosi i The ol

th e ham r close a* ; Ilalnaa I cataful

closure MoCarti ta k a ov tUtutiOT

i U ra. Ihearing

I neither■ en t. A

bl. M et (1st of acoepte "In full

Mr. I and the to a d

Th * ] olosur* u re aa1 captad tlon Cc w as a

L as t Qualsy In the fraud . I'biit gc

bout '1

TODTHTtlL IN m A T IT E .Th* a ia n t KlUen' Club *f th* Bscond

City Playground l i eompsssd of UtD* boys af ten years and undar. Here la thalr sat of rults, mad* up among them- aelvsa without any adult auggestlona ar help ot any kind:

1. Balut* th* banner.I. No gambling allawed,I. No awaaring allew ql' t. No eurslng alkHkad.I No spitting on th s floor, t. Ne l u t i n g allasred.7. Anybody Who do** o i f tbs ruiss

will b* put au t of th * 'a ia n t X llltre’ Club. I. Obey tba chief and offlclala.I. Balut* to tho oflicare.

AGAINST WOHBN’g OLURg.Four men In a Clinton oar were dlseuaa-

Ing womeo'a olubi."If I had my way. the women would

■lay home and tend to their housework," deetared the m an with the dead cigar.

^*ve, tael T h a t's their proper plaoa," •greed the m an with the passes.

"No wotnen'o olube to r any woman of mlna," said tho man with the umbrella,

"O toaom an," apoka the fourth man, "m y wife keeps boas* and looke after live chll- drre faithfully aod patiently. She give* her whole Ilf* to It. F » m daybreak till lata a t nlgdit aba d ig i away, up there a t home, for tha kM . Mto me, and tha only moment ahs has th a t she calls her own Is when, by working everttm a ehe goto a eenple of houiw free one afternoon te saoh nnadb aad roso to her reading olfaie. I t te all th a fua she has In llfa aad Mm worha Ilk* a atev* to earn It. Tou wm aaonss tea far saying •*, but whan you threw r e ^ a t th s woman's olubt yau

w U rtd.”

FIN E, HANLT OHAF,T h a n ta a grown man In Newark

who te ju st a* atuok up aa any littit girl that evsr went to dancing c’e t i

T. E. A .~The tam e to yau.

TesHng the Effects ef Electrified Atmosphere eit She^

nstwofk of alactrioall^Living In an elsotrlfted atmosphere may affect anim ats a t wrall oa plants. On his California ranch, Profesaor Bliss W entworth began tale experiments about a year ago, dividing his 2,004 ewea Into two equal flocks, and since then one flock has been kept In an area over which

Is stretched a charged wires.

Feeding and attention to eash flocR have been Identical. Hla report Ik flnefi fleeces nearly twice as thick for th a eleotrlflsd'ewes, and LCTt lam bt agalnat t n to r th* other flock.

Th* w ill hi Sqiturd M orris inj ch»l *>I to < ^ohm e Hauer. ■'Wstisi [' G u t F. t olBosn

ten ; vl elal SI cordln

•H L T FOMFOVBRb b b ,Man and taadtu tions th a t are so blamed

toBBhy about tlialr dignity never have any.

E T G L 0 n O M H .OK off ysoT aMifa elgaratte* and tb a

ohanss* a ra th a t yen wtU n*v«r natd ba sol off ywui B*B.

"tupardreodiK nighla" naw, and nag* week a supamnan win qom* along and tevant a aupargun th a t will blow tha anpartattlaabig Into tuparamlUiareena.

L. H. R.

How Plant's o f tKc Dcscit S^ore W at'er

A paculter plant fanerien wbieh Dr. MtcDougal and hi* sieoclatea a n lirveatl- gatlog Is ths storage of m elstu n by plsnls such as the oactl. I felt, write* Ellsworth Huntington, In H arper's Maga­zine, zs If we had beoeoM almost as skil­ful sa Indiana when w* took our first drink from a chunky barrsl oaotus. Dr. MacDougal cut off tha top vrith a big ■heath-knife. Then we poundsd the pulpy Interior with the butt end ot a atlok of the green-barksd palo-verd* Ire*. I t vras hard work, for our oaotus waa nnuaually large and tough. L ittle by Uttia, bowavar, th* fiber broke up, soel drops of sap flaw Into our faces a t svary blow, and soon a mass of soft broken pulp Oiled the hollow which our pounding had produced in tb s top of th* truncated eactue.

With our hand! we squeeaed th s fluid out of the pulp Into the hollow, and than drank lt~ a whitish, but not unpalau b la liquid with ne spsolal ta s te except th a t of plants In general. All th e eaoU and many other desert speelss of the xerophytlo type possess this sam e property o t stoi^ Ing w attr. Th* length a t tim e th a t they

saa ra a a ln m otet Is amaatag. Dv. ____Dongal haa removed vaelm ena from the ground and placed them In dry a ir to r aeveral years. No new w ater h a i been aoeeaatble to th e ptenta, and yat year after thay heap on thriving.

Tha gourd-ilk* storage organ or bulbous stam of an IbervtUte wbloh ha plaaad In th* New York Botanioal Cterdens In ItM haa ten t eu t green shoota taoh yaar a t tba prapar season. A fter producing them. It has, as It ware, draw n baok p a rt of th* m olatun from th a atam and laavaa and goat ono* m ore Into dormanay. Exoapt a t th* tlm a whab tt tanda out laavao tho plant loae* w a i t r a t an sxtrem siy alow rat*, u 1* ahown by frequent weighing.

Dr. HaoDougal sstlmat** th a t th* plant can llv* a t laont tw enty yeara, and pba- albly mors If the ra te o t loss should diminish aa It grows older. Com part th is with any p lant of molster regions. Ther* te searosly on* th a t could llv* tw enty days, le t alone tw enty years. If pulled up by th* roots nnd hung In a dry roonv Daaort ptenta a r t very alow In growing: thay are oorreapondln^y alow In drying.

tt S185 to $250, taodrdtnt to Btylo, jrOR vit} be bound to isroe tbiu ttali InttraiiMot it bbetter pliiw than many that are eeld at ISM and more.

The tone le teeBderfully rteh tnd Ml} Hie ectloit la eaay and reeponatva; tht work- nttuiahlp ta thoronthly honeat throughout; the dealn of the oaae work la aloag alaqile artistic iTnet,-. You pay but TEN DOLLARS vhea taken, tad agree to pay SIX DOLLARS tnomhly. We do not obarge Intereat nor re­quire security.

By all rneane eee thia wenderfntly good LLEWELLYN Piano.

W itK t'lie Coming of the SpHhg

There are lots of roWn* and bluebird*, an oriole !■ about. L ittle girls b 'teg la to teacher bunches of pink flower* they pluck In the woods, Bnoope MItobsil fetches boms, through town, a big string of perch and bullbsadn—inuoh mere slg- nlflcant. He saught them whll* you and Hen h ^ to wark, wrttae Edwin L, Bal- b<n In Llpplnoott's. B ut you have a can of worms oollaotad, ready.

Yellow-jacket horaeta a r t bnOdlng a n ta t In th e woodshed, JuK over tba door. They muat be oueted, F a th er does It,

■ut, under the cireumsteneea, how In tha world oan Billy L e rlm tr be expeciid to pay undlvldad a tten tion to r e d m o lty and th* otbar g rea t re--------- In whichbe to aa vttally In terestadr

Engtend la awapplng w arship plans with n»i iTtenT whioh seem* muob more in ao- oord with Ideals over there than awapplng ooIItB* profaaaor*.

Tba realgitettoB rum ar te vary hardy and persltteat. bot you wtll notlo* that It hat never avmi daiad to glanoa In th* dlree- ttom a t Dial.

Japan may ba.va bougltt th a t land In N*g’’qt*'** Bay, hut don 't worry. Hobaea srtll savm perm it bar to uao It for a oeial- Ing Btatlon.,

I t te to b* te tarrad from tbo newapapart th a t th* Toloe of Congraatm an Ralnay 1* ■till In axcallsnt working order.

I t’* dotlarp tb doughnuts, and n t taktra, th a t T tddy racelvaa no Inrttatloa to th* Poultosy BIgaloF wedding.

parlor and dining-room look ompty. Th* hard coat atevs waa takan down and eut whan th* hous* was elaanad, but th* wood itov* was left up a llttla, for safeiy-overybody lltilng Kurdlly whan tbs carpet was rsplaesd undar It* atao.

Your feet burst out, a t last. They moat do It: th* tew of nature, in th* eall et spriny. te too strong. Mother gives re­luctant "yes." Ah, now w bat llghtnass.

wha* buoyanoy, w bat raoy axultatloni You may fly, you ooarosly touch th* slds- walk. And ah, how dsUclous to wrigglo toss In th* soft, cool mud and squirt It up bstwssn.

Th* eleggtng, auffooattng, swaddling winter woolana a re patltd , and yon know th* bite* o t modlum-walghta, tm alllng fratbly of camphor. 'With fast and body thus Iraad, you osmuet oontaln yoursalfi and, ruffling about, you gat a bloody noao Rom another kid, a t school. Tou almoK lick him, only h* la blggar than yon.

I t thnndar-atonna. Grandpa Davl*Tho stovas ere taken down, and hobble* downtown and prediets no more

FHE* U'/hdHtem 4m weImvaAE.a. tea— M____ te_>_tro a t M othtr la planting her flower-bada Tha windows a t aohool remain npen all the day. Tha nad-bsadad woodpeokera drum tantallslngly upon tha steepla of the Baptist ehuroh. Bnoeple Mitchell reports that h* has gone in aw lam lng; say* th* water la w arm and bully.

Tea, aprlog, aa anchantlng a* posts ever pictured, has a ll arrlvad, aad th* world la to b* oongratutetsd.

WAFTED FROM FOREIGN SHORESPhilippine hsrdwooda ar* to be used

In aoostructlng the tomb of tho tet* Em­peror of China.

Boottand It being Invaded by Rueslana and a t the pressnt tim e E.II0I) aubjeota ot the Caar are hard a t work north ot the Twstd. They a r t mostly Polaa, Lslta and Lithuanians who woric In th* eosi and Iron stra ta of th a waat of Boottend, and they have been there slno* ISH.

• » sTb* T barya dwelling to tba Htmatayaa.

ar* a ouriou* aact, srho beltsv* to self- dsstructlon, to pleas* tb* gods, but com­promise by sacrlflolng on* of their fln- gsrs, 'When th* eldest son. or daughter te msTTled, ths mother Is axpseted te cut off two joints ot two flngsrs, hut prlncesa- *s and wealthy people a re permitted to after gold aubstltutca.

In l l t t lh* num ber o t vlaltera rsglatarad In the hotalB and boarding-housea o tH e r- Un wa* 1,171,(00, ona-fourth of whom war* torqlgnera. Tbo Amorloqna numbsred K,- BO. The Amm-loans reach Borlln to the greatest num bers to July.

Trite su ir ra its ti of Berlin ar* oondueting a aampaign of teas fo r tha oonveraton of tb* "antla" of th* m ala tax. M am bsn of th* Rstobatag and o ther poUtlotens now gat InvUatlona to auffragt tea*, srbar* a rgunen ta are tnforoad by tb* dlaooure- teg o t awaot music.

Tha good Mahop who worked a aem ou on 'Wall atraet ov«r tb* tlokar a t least demonstrated th a t th* thing can b* doeta

Tbs regular anatial robbery of tbo Chi­sago Poetofflee waa auaoaaafully ballad *B teat ntgtaL

A atata coach owned by the Emperor e t Auatrla te consl tiered the most perfect vebtole of Its kind In oxlstenea I t waa built In KM. I t haa perfect proportions and sxsmpllfle* the atyle of Louis XIV. fu rn itu ra which waa oharaoterizsd by curve* rather than straigh t llnea. Nympha to ths manner of R ubsn t dsoorats the panala, and th* custodian of ths coach, who Is very proud of It, Informe visitor* th s t Ruhsns wa* tb* artla t who palntad

Bormon* ef m ore then tan minutes not approvod by K ing Edward, but King George favora longer •ermont. When the King la to pass Sunday a t Buckingham palace he selects one of th s royal ohapr plains, uBually on Friday, and th* aub- dean Intorma th* chaplain ot hla appoint­ment.

A man who d ied . recently in England was employed In one ofllce, a ■oUcItor’a tor alghty-flvo yeara. H* died a t the age of ninety-eight. He was also a boroughtreasurer, and, paedleaa to add, the old­est Incumbent. In the United Kingdom. He perform ed the duties of borough treasurer until wUbln a lew m ontbl of hte

L A U T E R CO.Wai«rd«fflfl; 6S7>M9 Brgad St., Nrwgrk

Good Reasons for Selecting The Prudential For Life Insurance.


Durins: 1910 The Prudential made fl reat advances In every feature of its business. It strengfitiened its sources, extended its already gfreat field of usefulness, reduced Its ex­pense rate and paid policyholders the greatest amount In Its hlstoiy.


tn* and rt> lhaa (Ithir um.m acn u lu m ake* a tiM- t» usad for uUtinc of to UTcntir- for ln«tnt> '

uulnum •If' f B I w a o ^ 'o t tk l f i t ay n H l i n nugH W ta*

at antlnooir atztun baa a matal ta

M wllh tha Lt of mat*


y t s \

tho pistuM other end oif M a re h u llf n H erech a l| Ur* a mtl«|

'ora lh« btc y* oomlnS rallel line*! bit tub* ha or, mad* * f Bterln* rajni' • acaln bent}h w ai a pio.1

lad to plao*/ the lid*

had atop

im e i t te r : poet fer a) men in 0«r-I 1 more eon-| ili. H* Interior ]I U arx,;lty from fo. He

He roa*twelve■y, D urii^■I did PerlT llel In Flor4

Cueseldorf litlea In th *

to « it J t a ■ Brat term Be* for '?lte.


I eaoh Boelk iport Ik flneB Ick for t h f mb* agala**


John A. Qualey, or Stone Ac* famA wa* yeeterday a*alB brou*ht Into th* *pot-

:j l lf lit through th* medium of a *u!t j broucM before Vlee-Chanoeltor Steveni ‘j by J. Gardiner Halnei, of Now H aven, to ( foreclok* a martgage for 18,000 covering a \ p a r t of the Bton* Age plant a t th* foot I ' of G rafton avenue. Th* outoom* waa a i

I deoree In Mr. Halnee'e favor.Believing th a t (Jualey had really mad*

a g rea t dliooveryi- Mr. Haine* paJd caeh (u r two mortgagee and obtained an option of lurnlng In th* mortgage* for yvorili of etook In Qualey'a company, of w hich Halne* wa* to be mad* treakurer.

According to Arthur W. Egner. of Mc­C a rte r A Engtleh, who repreeented Mr. lla ln ea . It did not Uke the la tte r long to fieconie aware of the hollownoe* of the propolUlon h# n*ver lilrnscit

lo t b i t option t t «<chang« hU m ort^agei j fo r fltttck. ftor old hft ever becomo trema- 1 tiror. Ho avantuiUy parted wlU^ one of I tile wlilob w m • tecond lienJ on another part of the pl^nl. and waa for

|12,fi00. to Clarence Browning* of Brook­lyn, who sued on It and got a decree of foreclosure.

The other ffiortgage Mr. Halnea put m the hands of a Jersey City law yer to fore­close aa long ago as May, 1901. - W hen Mr. H alnea aubsequenily learned of the suc- ceaiful outcome of the Browning Closure lu lt, which wea prosecuted by M oCarter 6 English* he had th a t firm tak e over his own case, an order of euD- aUtutlon being made. - ,• Mra. Elizabeth F. Quftiey figured In tne hearing yesterday as defendant» aUnougn neither she n^r her husband e n t An answ er had been Bled by F rank M. MoDormlt In Mrs. (Jualey * behalf, the glct of which wan that Mr. Halnea had aoaepted WOW stock from Mr*. Qualey, •Tn full sallefactton of the mortgage.

Mr. Haines, on the stand, and the court decided that he was entitled to a decree. .

The Browning suit resulted In a fore- closure decree, but just when a forscloi- ur* aale was Imminent, Mr. Browning ac- eaptad an offsr from fhe Assets Hw"*®" tlon Company for his decree and the lal*

^ L a * t aummer Mrs. William T. Bull lued Qualey to recover a large sum Invested In the « o n e Age enterprise, tra u d . Qualey was arreated a t th e tint* ibiit got hall. Mrs. Bull died suddenly • bout three months ago.

Oflly Siller Men WinteilCompetition Is loo keen and Ilf* Is

■treauoue for ah employer to keep on his pay roll men who are not In inenmi or physical condition to perform the r duties Every line of business Is closing Its doors to "Drinking" men. U you are a drm king man, It may be your time neat. Bettor atop drinking at once. Orr'n*- “t®": , d a r t remedy fo ' the liquor habit, will | help you. By the aid of Orrlne thousands of men have been restored to lives of BObriety and Industry, hence they have become worth more lo their employers, end best of all, they ve made their loved**Orrlna''ls a simple home treatnient. No lose of tlm s from work while you are taking It. S tart to-dny. You will be sur- orlsed a t the resuliB. M'e are bo sure th a t Orrlne wilt benefit you th a t w* i t y to you th a t If after a trial you fall to get any benefit from Its uee, we will give your money back, . . . ,

OBRINE is prepared In two forma. No.1 secret treatm ent, a powder, abeolutely taelelesB and odorless, given secretly In food or drink. ORRINE NO. 2. In pill form 1* for those who desire to take vol­un tary treatm ent. ORBINE coets only MOO a bo i W rite for Free Orrlne Book­let (mailed In plain sealed envelope) to OBIIINE CO'IRANT, Orrlne building. W ashington. D. C. ORRINE Is recom­mended end Is for sale tn this city by (jhoB Holihauer, Broad and M arket i t s , and a t Orange. N. J . by Abraham Mouher, 2SI Main st.

To H old A n n aal B all.T he Second Ward Bavlngi Aeeoclatlon

wtU hold ItB annual Tecoptlon and ball S aturday evening In Doelger'* hall In M orris avenue. Andrew F, Brown will be tri chtfRp, fcnfl thoz* whom h* ha* b#1®cI ' ^ to aid him tre i Jphn Cooppr, Edw ard liolim€rt)«r, A. D. Fhont and GaoigP ia u « r . The floor manager will b» E rnest 'W a iisert and a u li ta n ti W illiam Dunn,

I G u i F. Brown ttid Carl Van Vorhloi, Tito ofBoari ar*J Praalde^ot, John Van Hou- tan j vio^-prtsidonl, WHDam K*mp; flnati-

d a l locrotarfe Louts E. flehtnarberj ra- I cording seordary, R. J- Laary.




A hny* **•»■ Always Tesdr. Always hoar,r . L YOUNG, .len’l Hanaaer

C l i © t w o o d ©Packflo and llUnnto Capacity 250. Com*

tortabla ateam haattid bou*«: apaoloua sun par lor, with dErtet rays of lha aun all day: aoeitA. ant axpoaure; all outsid* rooms; manu and aar- Ttoa most aattifsetqry. Ainartcan plan, IS par day up; 110 weekly upward. Duropean pjJ), II par day. Tanth laaaoii. 15. M. P B & t^E T

H O T IL r a w m C I L L OAtiastlo city, N. J.. 2£5 rooma. 00 with baUu Evary ootnforl. Exc«n«nt tabla. 5plaTidid loca- ilM Writs tw booklat and data Ha about im o - lal Baattr affar. IIO. four dava. Amarican plan, 110. INw fcqr full daya ovar Eaatar boUdaya.

H O T E L IR O Q U O ISSo. Carolina av, and btach. Cap, 100; pri-

vata batha, nm nini wattf In rooma. a la i^ io r mualtt, aun parlor. Mo. SpaciaJ raiM. llS-50 up watkly; booklat. ^ . F. BH Att.

HOTEL STORCKOn tba Ooaan Front a t Maryland a v t . ; cantral to avarytblnt; capacity 800; private bathj; •taani boat: alavator: aun parlor; tabia a fea- tura; Rpaclal, 110 up w h ly ; b«kleL



a m u s e m e n t s .

F r o c t o r ^ ^ ^DAILY M ATIKEB IB e , aSe., flOo.

T ele*ba»e BMP J tlA rk e t.______LILL IA N IH A W l■IM PaOH) THHl 3 LHSKJHTON^ W airt ek O anaA i A rthae 1‘lckca* * C*.t J a c k A V is le t K e lly ) L ean Beg{«e) J» b a iea’e gam be G lrU .


OBulIWIOII^'fiUlllKiVAllaailo City. » . J. Joa. Wblta * Bom ^

U r v ^ l T f A N. T. and Pacido avm .; n A Cp. pltn ; cna aq.uara tobaach and Paim. depot. Sand for po»t carda. 100 MODERN ROOMS, D A lLt\

mDOIIA *'*

Waabtnrton dad Market »ti. Tat. 989 Market. Matlnao Dal)y-We«k April Ird.

CHERRY BLOSSOMS• ' N lch t r r l g a y .



----- Ftrat hcital from......... Boardwalk, Cap. 350. Rvaryh«mi comforL Special oarly aaaaon rate*. Unaxcallad tabia. Boofclat. O. W. OARMANY.

Con-irawy iuuAiNu, **kmvgtT«s boma-

nka bottl. Wrtta far booklot. A B. Voorhaaa.Bi^n«Tvxihj Ooaan and TanotMea ava. d O R T O N trally locatid; aUrmeUyo;


kUiHiKeM W steeadag-

« a i t a t .



■■■ H I . BplTH BFBAjRE aa POJjLT* WMk r t April IT-Almw W ber. P . Tm LIv.1



S a ilin g from New Y o rk e v e ry S a ttird n y SALOON. MTeHO AND fTSJIS.


Tar nrvf llluitratad book of toura and Intorma tlon apply to HEKDERSON BROTHERS, Agcnta, 17 and 19 Broadtray, Neiv York, or ALFRED L. DHNTH8, 7U Broad a t.; JOS. tf. BYRNE CO., n d Broad ■!.; J. E. MAYER. !4 CUnTM) ft., Newark.


W A L D M A N N Slokiflson’i Cfsiie fiirls

V a t w n k -T te «t*v m * a e r ie r a h n a M - ^

J B Y li m v

T 3 "

-BOAT-RWLWorcesiw, Li.to.


Ftovldancv iMmct,Jp ta ir walk day, 5:30 P “ ■ lH»ar, New Tork.

-------- fSB SKRVICN;-' CityBroagnay. Naw York.

. M., from ptw 19. NSW MANAOIl-

HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINESFar taltil Ctatort—‘'Tin Pipiilir tureliilelri ImiI*"

CITiZERS LIREIE* n n . u u n u i n nt^ew ataal ateamera TROJAN or RBNS- SELa BB at d P. V. daily (Batardaya aa- eapta^e StaaoMr* atop at Albany la batb

eeplel). itrwtlpiw.STBAMBRS at Botti Unaa L » v a Pier 32, N. R.. Ft. Canal S t . N. Y.

BOUND TRIP, B.89, vl* buth IlnM; W-flay IlnilL InttnlK I ueem m odatlon*; u c iw lw t eulsta* and eervlbe; compare the menu* with t b u a o f vour favoiita hotel; •cropuloua olaanlitieM in bvery departm ent. Direct rail coimebtlob. a t Albany and Troy te r point* North. Eaet and W est ; horse* and •Utamoblla* carried a t rea«inmbl* rat**; *xpreee freight servloe; quick delivery,

PEOPLES LIREira^W Y O R K & A L B A N YMagmUMSt etetmw* ADUtONDAint or C.

at t F. M. deny (anday ei-

Ro a dEASTER OFFERINGjS t n n o t e g S U I T S * 9 . 7 5 ,Regular $14 and $16 Valuea.........

Oarnients of exceptional merit The very new­est modish sailor and large roll collar effect beau-1 tlfuUy trimmed with wide Hercules braid, satin j faced; also the plainer tailored styles with the notch collars that look so rich in those chicmaterials.

hairline striped The assortment comprises

French Sergee, Plaid and F ancy W orsted s, n ix tu r e s & N ovelties

all warranted materials, in the following popular^ colors r Navy, Tan, Dove Gray, King Blue and j Black. Coats are all lined with guaranteed satin. Skirts are of the Very latest panel models with side|

1 plaits: also girdle effects. Some arc trimmed to , I match the costs.

A Bargain of BargainsSAMPLE SUITS, Extra Special Saturday a t

Regular |24 and |3fl values—TheM ite _ ^ n C rBO s^e garment!, but bona-fide tampleaof 4 M i a \ our own workmanship. Variety of latest

L novelties- plain tailored and trimmed mod- * els, finest ol materials.......... ...................

Easter MillineryAll that is beautiful in trimmed creations

you can find in our department These Hats I we offer you special lor Saturday are the finest [ we ever offered yet for the money. All the latest F shapes and styles, best of workmanship, high [ grade materials. Regular $6-8 values, special at

I 4 3 . S O

Stylish Dresses, Extra SpecialSurely the like in Dresses have never been shown before. i

hTie daintiest chic demi-tailored models in striped and figured Foulards, Messalines and Marquisettes; some with dainty lace |

f yokes and high collars, others low neck; elaborately |W 8 0 , trimmed with silk floral embroWery designs; <

f amt rtylM; f«hionjd>le Spring ihades. Regular t i value!. Special Saturday a t . .....................

the very$14 and $15

SON TON—asff Broad Bt,—BON TOK|

Enameled Watches

In all colon, with pin and box to match, keeps ac­curate timo>and i%, guaranteed o n e year; value $4.00, special

2 . 7 5

Women’s Silver Open Face Watch

Good Swiss movement guaranteed for one year; keeps accurate time; 'Y C A value $3.50, special................... A .a J V

683-687 Broad Street 21 W. Park Street

C orsetsSome of the moat

popular models, C. B., P, N., W. B. and R. G„ extra long and medium, lace trimmed, with two pairs of boae aupportera attached; sixes 18 to 30; value $1.00,

6 9 . C

Silk PetticoatsExtra quality taffeta. In

black and all the newest col­ors, ruffles, lucked & shirred, value $3. 1.98

Feather Boas72 inches long, four-strand,

fine qualiay Marabou Feather Boas, In black and ^ C natural; value $3.98 A i.v liJ

T h e B i g g e s t S h o e S a le W e H a v e E v e r H e l d

Sample Lines From Four Important ManufacturersJ. & T. Cousins, Brooklyn Ju lian Kokeng;e. C incinnatiE. P. Reid Co., R ochester K eystonetow n Mfg. Co., K u tts to w n , Pa.

W omen’s Low Shoes Made for This Spring’s Trade

Not one pair o f these shoes was made to sell for less than $3.00; most of them are $3.50 and $4.00 shoes, and some $5.00 ones.

ALL SIZE5 FROM I TO 8. W IDTH S FROM A TO E.P a te n t C olt, Qun M etal, T an Russia C alf, C ravene ttes ,

Vici Kid Velvets, Satins, Etc.B lucher O xfords, Eclipse T ie s , Pum ps With & Witboat Strips, Etc.

Some months ago we arranged with the above manufac­turers to purchase their sample lines; also the ir ‘‘throw -outs,’Footwear which the factory experts refused to pass as perfect, though you will have difficulty in finding the defects of any.

Anticipate your wants— buy the Low Shoes you will need this year, now; you can get high-class Footwear at O O the cost of the ordinary; $3.00_to $5,00 shoes a t . . . , ^ e V r vF

Yoor Easter flat

Is Surely HereWhatever year ttata,

whatever character of hat yon with, whatever color, whatever atyla and whafi- ever price you wish to pay, you may expect to find lomothing bon that will moot with your avory desire. Our collection of trimmed hats waa never more exteniivo nor more truly heantiful, nor wore pretty hata svor told more cheaply. Otir Hati at $3.08. $AM and np to $12.60 are wtnnora. For those who want some­thing more exolnthre or s hst to suit an Individual taste, our designers are prepared to submit sug­gestions and make a hat

S to suit the moat faitidioua E taste.

Easter Cloves for Men, Women S Children, Women's Two-clasp Kid Gloves,

made of good selected skins, one- row embroidered backs, in all the

I wanted spring shades;value 79c., at, a pair..........v J*7v

Our well-known celebrated Newport Gloves, in round seam and P. K. sewn, with one row Paris point and three-row embroidered backs, In all the newest spring shades, maladry, white and black, also white on black and black on white embroidered back; | A Aat, a pair......................... * • ' ' y

Full line of colors In all cele­brated Ascot Gloves, also whiteand black; at, .per 1.25 Women's Two-clasp Suede

Gloves, in black, white a A A and gray, at, a pair---- 1

Long Kid Glovaa—12, 16, » Button Length Kid Glovtw, meat of the very best quality kid aklni, tn black and white.

12-button length, value | /^ C$2.25, at.......................... *

le-buiton length, value | Q C$3.00, at.......................... l . y i F

20-buiton length, value'X A S$4.00, at.............. A .y a 7

Men'i One-clasp P. K. Sewn Walking Gloves, in the new spring tan shadea; value $1.25, 1 . 0 0

Silk GIovm—16-burion Length Pure Silk Milaneae and Tricot ll^ousquetaire . Gloves, in black, white, tan, navy, ebampagn^rink, sky and pongee; value T9c„ at, a pair.. ., 59c

Spring’s Choicest Tailored Suits

In Newark’s Best Cloak and Suit Dept

Hundreds of Suits lor Women and Misses in Groups at the Following Prices:

Group No. 1 Group No. 2

10. 0012.1)8 45.98Vais, up to 15.00 Vais, op to 16.98 Vais, up to 1938

Group No. 3

Group No. 4

Vais, up to 25.00

Group No. 5

Vais, op to 30.00


FREEThis maam m ad­

ditional aavlai of from S2.00 ta S&OO.

Shirt WaistsLingerie WaistsFine batiste, elaborately

trimmed with medallions of embroidery, Val. and cluny laces, kimono or Iqng sleeves; a number of pretty styles; all sizes; value $2.00,

1.49Dressy Waists

Made of marquisette; also batiste; all white or colored, trimmed in dainty embroidery and lace, high or square neck; long and three-quarter sleeves; all sizes; value $3.00,

1.98Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Underwear

Men’s Genuine Pwosknit, abort sleeves and knee drawers;alight seconds of the 50c. grade; 8 for $1.60. or ..........3 5 c

Menfe Batbriggan Underwear; shirts are fn long or short sleoYOi tiid hivo ribbed cuffs ftnd ttiliy drivers In rogulsr tfid knee length, double seats and atrap btekf; second! of the 60c. * 3 0 ^

Men’s Nainsook Athletic Coat Shirts and Knee Length Draw­ers; made of a fine quality nainaook; a 3flc. value; ape-cial .................................... ....................................................

Women’s White Ribbed Vesta; low neck with and 1 fv without sleeves; regular and extra sizes; value lOc., at 1 Af W

Women’s White Cotton Ribbed Vesta, in regular and extra sizes; Allen’s Patent Wing Shield, also Cumfy cut and Richelieuribbed; all neatly trimmed at sleeves and yokes; a 25c. 1value, a t . . . . ( . . ..................................................................

■ Women’s Union Sirits, 'of white bleached cotton, low neck, sleeveless and wide knee lace trimmed ^aw ers; regular 2 Q ^

' and extra sizes; 50c. value, a t ............................................O VBOYS’ GENUINE POROSKNIT.

Shirti have short sleovea and knee length drawers; these have alight imperfections that will not affect the wear, | A 25c. values, a t ............... ............... • • ............................... 1 ” V

A P a i r o f K n i c k e r s F r e eW ith Each One of th e F ollow in g Items:

Lot 1—Double-breasted Suita, made of a good wearing wool ma­terial, in shades of gray and brown; these garments are cut full, strongly lined; eizes 8 to 16 years; value $3.00, special, with two pairs of kntek- “ “ era . . . . . . 1 . 9 8

Lot 2—Norfolk! and Double- breasted coats, made of wool cashmeres, in fancy grays, brown and tan mixtures; these garments are smartly tailored and lined; cut

Lot 3—All wool cheviots, in N orfolk and double-breasted styles, cut on the new spring models, having open centre vents, faced bottom coats. Pretty shade of tan and gray mixtures; sizes 6 to 17 years; value $5.00, special, with two pairs -;i A f t knickers ..................... 0 * > ^ 0

L o t 4— Made of high-grade ail- woo! materials, lined with serge, suits tha t will stand the hardest wear, tailored on the latest Norfolk and dou-

■ rcem .iuv ________________ ____ ble-brcastcd models, in all the wantedfull; sizes 6 to 16 years; value $4, |i spring shades; sizes 6 to 17 years; value special w ith two ^ A f t i $7.50, special, with two ■“ ^ ^ pairs kn ickers.............O il pairs kn ickers.................................. 4 . 9 8

F or L ittle OnesChild’ s fieadwear

H su and bonnets of ftnoy straw, prettily trimmed with sstin rib­bon and flowers In dainty colora; val. $1.50,

Babies’ Caps. Dainty muslin caps,

fine tucks, close fitting, with turnover of em-

li broidery; others with bows of ribbon: sizesthree months to four yesrs; value ' I C r ' 39c,, St ..............98c

Children’s DressesFine white lawn or nainsook, French Princeaa

and Mother Hubbard styles, eltborately trimmed with embroidery, also Vtl. itce; sixes 6

I months to 5 years; vslus $1.50.....................

Easter Offeriags in Men’s Enmishings1.50 & 1.75 Shirts for 1.00

We tsks prM* In these Uth- srade shirts, and fer partknlir drasssn tt would pay you to look ot them before making your spriui pnrebiM* The negUcee ehlitt trt made of 100 count squars Frssleh porcalo, lo nsat black and whtto and emored effeets, coat stylo sad attached cuffs; the plaited shlrtt aro also made of bigb-gnido ma­terial, all hind-itnndered and fln- ishad Ilka made-tortrdar ahbta. Y e defy competition on these ahlrtt.Men’s 50e. Sflk Socks st

25c. a Pair‘ Man’s pure silk socks, with llyte heel sad toe, made of the ffaert pure thread ellk, In black, nary, tin. gmy, wine and hello; 9 6 ^. raltie 60t, a t....................

$1.00 Men’s Negligee Shirts fw 69c.

Made of ffne quality percale, hi neat black and* whits and colored •ITecis; coat style, with sttsched cuffs, or custom style with sepa­rata cuffs; also tha latest novelty in solid color light ehsmbray, with •ofl Franch turnover cuffs with separate soft collar to match.

$1.00 side Knitted Neck- wesr s t Half Price

these we guarantee Pun Thnad Miir made in fancy weavea, tn solid colors,,also tn pratty croat strips effaoti. Thaaa aro ] » t the

, thing for apring aw* sum- e A ^! mar wear; a p e d a l. , . . . . . . t / W

W h i t e Enameled Canisten, 7 lb., gold atencil coffee, tea, ingiar, flour; value 17c.; special

ExceptiooalYalne in Coats

For flirls, i tn U Team af Ago

Good style to these garments, as well as fine quality material. Price, too, combines to make this an excep­tions! opportunity to buy s girl’s cost—plain msterlals as well as mixtures; most of them hsve brosd Inlaid collar of silk moire; surely worth $5.98; here Saturday at

Women’s Mnslii DaderwearWomen’s Muslin Underwear, Princess Slips

PeltlcosU, Night Robes, Combinations, Corset Covers and Drawers, fine lawn, nainsook or cam­bric; slaborately trimmed with HambuH Q f i / r Mtd lace; value $ 1 .5 0 . . . . . . . . . . ..............

Toilet ArticlesTalcum—Mb. can Parisian Violet lOc

Talcum, regular 15c., special, c a n ..,., Free—With every purchase at our

article department, a generous sample of Hair Healths

Castile Soap—With olive oil; regular5c. cake; 3 cakes............. .........................

Orange Wood Stielw—Hoof shaped: Q - regular 15c. dozen; special, d o z e n .... .—

Perfontea—Choice odors; specist, ounce..SJe



4 ^

Priest CoUa|)se$ After Tellinj Story of Prosecntioa by

Itaiiao Aothorities.


• s

VITERBO. Itily , April T .-O ro Vlioill, {Iw (ccuted p rin t, w u recalled to-day Vhen the trial o( the alleged Canimorrlsla »aa tesamed, but the defendant collaiuted under Interrogation by the court iiiid the hearing wan nuepended. It wan reasnert- ed by Vlitiizl that he la the tlcllm nf a plot on the imrt of the cernhlneere to Invotee him in the murder of the Cuc- colof, the crime which haa been blamed oh the cammorrm. VUoxil alto declared that he had botn abueed by the Jatlern, who even went to the eaient of taking from 'him a lock of his mother's hair, which he had kept In his posnesnlon from the time of her death.

Another accusation by the priest was to the efteet that an effort was made while tie woe In prison to bribe him. He told the court ha was offered If he would denounce ctrlaln persons as guilty of the Cuccolo assasHlnatlons, he also to receive passage money to America If he so de­sired In case he cared to leave Italy

The prlsnt also entered proteat against , DelJudge betilla, who preeidsd a t one of ibe

preliminary exaiulnatlone of Vltosai. He aald that Datllla abueed him by the use of vile names.

"Thli," said VUogsl, "wan howerdly, isvags and Inhuman. A Judge ebould represent honeety.''

During the heigtog V ltnul frequently wept and Invoked the Divine Power to •uataln him in ¥ • aflUetlons. He col­lapsed HI the result of a faet of two days' absUnenct from feed or drink.

Lawyers snd carabineers rushed to his gaslstancs, and in the oonfuslott Prsel- dent Blancbl dsoJarad the alttlng sus­pended. At the same time the court ordered TUpsil to break his tss t with tbs yolks of halt a dosan egge-


NEW YORK. AprU T .-Tbe old sloop-of- srar Fortsmouth, taat of her Una, will soon

Sint her noee for Cape Horn on her last >• voyage, according to rsports a t tho

Brooklyn Navy Yard.The famous old friga te hse neon used

reoently as a training ship for the New Jersey Naval Ultltla, but la now at the navy yard aw aiting orders, her captain having received Instructions to man her with a orew of 100. Her departurt from New York H arbor will .probably mark the last time New Torkera win eea an old- time ehlp of the line oall down the harbor with her canvas all ipread. The reported destination of the vsSMl la Ban rranolsoo, although no fortnal order for her sailing yet has been issued.

During the Mexican W ar the Ports­mouth saw active sarvlce on the Call- fomla coast, and It w as through her offorti that California w ai annexed to the Ilnltsd States, Bepcntly the State of Call- tnm la aaked the federal authorltlaa for poaataslon of the Portsm outh. During I he Civil W ar ths Portsm outh saw larvloe on the Mississippi under Parregut.

When you read advertise­ments offering $5.00 glasses for $3.00, or $3.00 glasses for $2.00—stop and think. No man conducts his business at a loss—intentionally.

Glasses are either beneficial or they are injurious— why take chances?

Our glasses are absolutely correct in every detail because they represent the result of f if te ^ years of successful eye­glass experience.

The services of our Oculistn, who are Physicians of ex­perience, and that of our skilled practical opticians, is included in the cost of our glasses. We offer you no eye­glass bargains.—You pay us exactly what your glasses are worth — no more — no less. Our $ 1.00 glasses are worth $ 1.00—our $2.00 glasses are worth $2.0()^and our $3.00 $3.00 glasses are worth fully $3.00.

Open Saturdey Evenings Until 10 O’clock.

’K t.H .lW iistkia\ji)dl% (uvAS97 BROAD STR EET

six Doors Above Hahne & Co.

NEW YORK! 7( Naasau Sti l West Sdth St. 6t East 23d St 442 Columbni Ava. S4 W. lEfith 8 t

B’KLTN; 4S» Fulton S t A 1009 Wway


Jpw lel DUpatfh to »A< B V S y iS a HMUt.. FORT WORTH, Tex,, April 7.—A Texia

Jury yielded to a woman'a plea to the up. written law In a verdict returned to-day eequlttlng Hr*. E lliabeth Brooke of a eharae of tnurdering Mre. Mary Blnford. M ra StMihe had teatlfled th a t ihe chot end killed Ure. Blnford Mx weeka ago, erhen deiperate over the loee of her hue- bandi affeutloni, which, ih e clalme, were

. alienated by the other woman.Mre. Brooke le the wife of T. M. Brooke,

a wealthy attorney and eodety feeder and active ohurah worker. She teetlded

'aha could not remember the killing of Mre, Blnford.

The Brooke trial, whlob began la it Hon- 4ay, wae the firat aver bald In Texai In which a woman ueed the unw ritten law

' ,aa a defenee. The tria l w at given a d ra­m atic flDlsh lata yaiterday, vvhen Mra. Brooka'i oouneel, W altar Scott, conclud­ing hla argum ent, eang "Home, Sweet JAtne."

Jurora and apeotatora vrept.The huaband of tha delaeidant wae not

pi-eaent a t tha trial.


Oolveralty Poltttca Club wae host a t tha aanual banquet of tha Intarcolleglate Clvto League held laot n ight a t tha Unl- v t r i l t r Club. The epcakeri of the even­ing Included H erbert Pareoni, Etihu Root Jr„ Thomae Ployd Oebom and former Senator Spooner. A apeclat Pullman took the entire body of delegatet, numbering ISI, to 'Waetaington, a f te r the banquet.

The firat of three performance* of "Koepnlokeratraiee MO." a German four- ac t comedy by Johann Moeer, will be given by tho German loclatlee of Colum­bia and Barnard In Brinckerboft Theatre of Barnard CoUega to-night. The two remaining performanoea will fake place to-morrow, m e a m atlnea and the other In the evening. A prominent part In tha coat wilt ba playad by Norman B. H erti, of Newark, N. J., a member of the c la n of IS ll Tha dreaa rohearaal waa held laat n igh t

Barnard ahidenta a r t much lotereeted In a auagaatlDa th a t haa come from Colum­bia, looking toward the formation of a unlverelty dram atic aoclety for the pro­duction of eerloui works. At the prae- etit time there a re eeveral Independent theatrical events given each year by the various societies of the unlveisStj , organised for that purpose, Including the Player*' Club, the Phltolexlan Society, the Barnard Literary Boolaty and the Deulicher Vareln. I t Is proposhd th a t all these sDcIstles Join In ^ v ln g a pageant once a year, In addition to aome sertoua dram a of modern life.


larg* country mansion of Edward Aosen- helmer, known as The Roses, was de- •troysd by lire to-day. The loss is DCO.OOa. A Corel aker, who waa th e sole oocupant. Jumped from a sacond story window to aacaps the flames. H e was caught by a policeman.

Roaenbetmer, who Inherited a fortune from his father, who was murdered In the garden surrounding The Ruses, was re- oently acquitted of murder following the killing of Grace Hough In a collision be­tween RosenheJmer'a automobile and a wagon. In whlob the young woman waa ruing.

I n s t a l l a n E c o n o m i c a lH e a t i n g P l a n t

Here it i lectioiMl view of the boiler th it givei most he»t from least fuel—'The Bo y n to n “ Square Pot*' Boiler., See how directly the fire comes in contact with inter­ior water surfaces, thus div­ine npid dreuittion with free steaming. No heat es­capes from a


- F o r '(flattsltd)

BOILERuntil Ita full energy hks been tx- praded in house comfort. All Boyntox boilers and furnaces hsTo the famous " s q u ire pot." This pot gives greatly increased fire surface with perfect combus­tion and clean moet easily of uhes. See your dealer aboutBoynton "square M t’’ boilen and fumicea—he'U tell yous l o t of things worth knowing if you havi a house to hesL

BOYNTON FURNACE CO. 0lfa Bt, Neer Bcoadwey, N ew York

•pedal J a t l a

Wy InvtfumcriProaauu




SILK HATS•po-lol Dtopafca to the BrU fU Sa h'ffWg,

NEtV'TON, April 7-—When represents- tlves of the State Board of Health prs- rented their evidence against milk dealers In this section who are alleged to hove watered their milk, Daniel M. Johnson and Mr*. Barah Clifford, of Bevans, concluded not to contest Ihe suit* against them. Tliey paid the penalty. 160 flue and costs. Alfred Elliott, of Sandyiton Township, said he was willing to pay, and ssked tor an extension of time until late this after­noon or to-morrow rooming.

The only one to contest the action of the Stale authorities was Edward Dalr- one. of W alpack Centre. Hla trial was started this afternoon.

Tests of the milk supplied to the Silas . Brother* irfeamery by these milk dealer*

"vere made November id of last year by txiuls Tremella. of Morristown, an Inspec­tor of the Slats Board of Health.

Are the highest points reached in hat making. Noth­ing finer; nothing as fine.

KNOX 1911 models.cover a wide range of styles. All splendid—enough so th a t we can give every man ju s t the right hat,KNOX Beacon H A T S ., . .3.00KNOX, best quality.......... 5.00KNOX SILK HATS.......... 8.00






TYLE will be first in the Easter pa­rade, and in the passing show will be more than a sprinkling of Mc-

Jj Gregor-Made garments. Judging by the bustle around this big clothes

shop, Newark men are looking toward the McGregor store for all that is right and proper in Springtime clothes.

That we are equal to the occasion is fully proven by a glance at our Easter display. On every hand seasonable togs greet the eye. We have been favored by every source of supply; the mills and tailors have responded to our dem and— we are stocked to the doors.

M en's Suits at $20 and $18 lead the pro­cession of qualities; variety is unbounded. Cheerful grays, maple browns, blues in plain or fancy weaves; black, if you want, and neat mixtures a-plenty.

In selecting your Easter Suit in the Mc­Gregor store, no particular price governs any particular shade. You can choose as fancy dictates, for $12 or $35, and prices in be­tween.

If you venture forth Easter Sunday with­out a Top Coat you will be socially out of order. Spring Coats are reasonably priced in the McGregor store.

For $15 you can own a handsome Silk Lined Coat, selected from a wide range of patterns, which iiiclude the accepted shades of gray and brown and the best in oxfords or blacks.

And other Top Coats for $18, $20 and $25.

An Easter obligation: a Double-breasted Frock Coat and Vest, with Trousers of neat gray worsted. McGregor-Made Frock Coats and Vests for $25 and $20. Odd Trousers of neat hairline effects, $5 and $6.

An Easter protection: London Slip-On” Rainproof Coats and Cr^venetted Top Coats, $25 down to $12.

An Easter ac-essory: A Fancy Vest. $3 and $2.50 Fancy Zests for $1.85.

Up one shon story via the elevator route and you reach the second story. It tells of the largest Boys' Department in the State, of wonderful variety and the unusual lowness of prices.

Printed prices only inform; convincing proof ot unusual value is found in comparison. Compare Saturday.

Boys' All-W ool (w arran ted) Knicker­bocker Suits, with extra pants to match. Coats either plain, double-breasted or Norfolk style. Pants full lined; sizes 6 to 17. Price $6.50, including extra pants. )

Boys’ Reefers, sizes 2 to 10. All-wool gray and brown twills and mixtures, $5 and $6.

Suits ‘^de Luxe” for the knickerbocker fellow, from 12 to 17 in size. Beautifully made garments, exclusive fabrics. Prices $12 and $13.50.

Saturday we offer three very attractive styles for the long trouser boy. The first is a Fancy Self-Striped Blue Suit (coat and trous­ers), which we have priced at $11. Next is a chantecler pattern, with a tan tone; this we have priced at $10.50. The third is a rich gray worsted with a dash of color; price $13.

The coats are the newest single-breasted models, pants have permanent turn-ups and side buckles; sizes 14 to 18.

The McGregor Store has reinforced both its alteration and delivery departments. Dar­ing the Easter season prompt, efficient service will go hand in hand with reasonable prices.




' conv { she I

I nsldt ^ law.


McGREGOR & COMPANYT/ie Better Kind o f Qothes

848, 850 and 852 BROAD STREET

LEGAL Ifoncn

A sh arr P a rk Nat Na Dry.(prrto! DLijwtok to tko LTBYIVd N0ITS.

FHEdiHDLD, April 7,—The number of

Ereoos appearing before Judge John Fiwter In court hare yesterday to

plead to Indictments found acain tt them would seem to Indicate th a t Atbury Park I* apt such a "dry" nlaee as by some It Is believed to he. No leee than flftesn pertOna aeousad of the Illegal sale of. liquor ware arreJimed, their reepeotlve pleas taken, and sentencs or tria l In eack caee waa act for next Thuraday. Ball In each of these eases was flxed a t Ltoe. A majority of the defendants were fortu­nate eeonfh m eeoure brndaroea and

.yeletM d.

839 Broad S tr e e t

TO T O t cR V orroRs o r t h b wATtcafAkFAT»NT LKATBER CO.By Ttrtu* of ut order «f tto OowK t t Oboe-

eery. mod* thli dor. 10 o 04MO0 whom* Id* word C. Ifeer*. eomplolaoBl, to oofopuinonl. ohd Notlenol: BotMt iMthor Oo. lo daCmdont, U woi erdorod that ih« orodltorf ef tho Notion’ o l ' Potent Loothor On. do piofont to tho ro* otlvar oppoJntod th tho eouoo, ond prova hoforo him undor oolh or offtrmitton. or o ^ n ru a , 4* tho aold rooolvor riiould dlroot, to tho m Uo* teetlon ei oa.UI rocaivor, tholr lovorol olomai ontf damondi offoinat tho oold oorporhUjii. within ihreo montha trom tho doto of oold or­der. or thot they b« extludod from lha honeAt of iurh dlvldond *aj» mi(ht thoroonar modt ond doclorod by tbU <k4irt, on tha proceoda ol tho offocta of aold oorpotatlon, ond ror tbo hef* |or oocortatnlnff the cradltort of said corpora-* ttoa, ond what lo duo them roapoctlvely, llio N.td orodUnra wore to ha examlotd oa tha oold rooatvor might dtroot, or might bo aocooaaiv ond aipodlent, and produca booki aJtd pohora 'beforo him. on ooih or afflrmotlon, the aaid ooUi or afArmotion tho aald racalvar waa there­by authortied (h admlniitar. M well u lo aa- amino, under ooth or affirmation all auoh oit- neaaea aa ahould bo produced bafore him. towoh- Ihg tho domanda of luch orodltora.

You are ihorafuro notlftrd, tn nuiouaaioo of tha__ ____ ... ..IaIms (a

LBGAL N O neWo r cAPi-

t .rn ii of Miq o rj.t. to prwflit four claim, to D. FRHDERIOK BLUtJETT.

JUMlv.r of N.tloeal P .t .n t Loothw Oo.IM kisrltto sv

<Ntorvk. K.- J. D aue uu-ok ts . le ti. (111.14)



n i CRANCBRT OT NBW n U l t B T - ^ Allno G. Lyoit aod Amaaa Lyon:By Vlnu* of ao ordar of tho Oowrt of Char-

cety of Now Jaraoy, mode on tbo day ad the date bewof, in a aauao wboroln lixila V. Aren- aen la cem plalnint and oaoh of you ara da- fandanu, you ara roquirad to appear, plead, mnawar Or 4lemur to the bill of aald aonplain- ant on or beioro thiny-flrat day of May

pgjia given by Wllllaib T. Flvm M d Bertba Plum, hla wife, to Jennie Word, wtfa of Ooorgt C- Ward, doted lha twenty-fifth day of May. niMtoen hundred ond aJno, on land* Ita the city of Noworh, Eoaox County, Now Joroey, and duly aocignrd to Loulo v . Aronaobi tho eomplolnont in thia ault, u d yon, Altno C. Lyoa. and AmMo I^on. ora mado dafondojila bwouar it lo alleged iB the uUd bUt of com- plaint rkblbltad In iMa oatiao. tbsl you. AIIyio C. lejtui. *ra the swner of tho landa deoarlbed

CKXTOlCAtX Of R&DVCBOHTAla m C K -iSTFUBYS * TIFF a n t CO., a oorpOfwUon

oC Now Jm o y , doth harebp eortify thot It hath rodueod tto capital atook from thirty iheuooDd doUaro to oightaeu ibouaand dollani, mid ro- duoiloft being iffeatad by Lba a t i r r ^ o r by aoch of the ato<ikbo)deir8 of ihefr iharoa of atoek and lha latue to him or her in Uou tbacoof of threv •barm of atock for aach Avo oo aurrondared, lha anid change having boni declared by re4Wlu.iie.3 of tha board of dlrectora of lAld oorporotlon to bo advlaabla, and having boon duly and regu­larly aaaontaU to by the voto of two-thlrda Ui Inloroat -of oaob ciaaa of atockholdora jiaving voting powom, at a mooUng duly callea by tho board of directors for that purpooo (mid corporation having only ono oiaa# of atockhold- orc>, ond tho writtro aaoont of oald otoekbold- ara to horoio appended.

The location uf the priholpal oAoo ot aoJd corporation in thia Btato la a t Koo. 13-lH Fronklln mraot. in the city of Nowork, In 'ha ouunty of EaHex. and th* naroo of the itatutory agent therein and In charge tboreof, upoo

LEGAL NOTICESj c r r u T i A TivTAirr txt. oaTiBt s«iib«puwora (aaid corporatton having but one etamof Itoohholdon). having, at a ma4rUng larly called for that purpo^ voted In^vor of

V horn proccaa aguinai thli corpcvatloti may be ■ ---------------- “ iNT.aarvad la DAVID H. TTrFAN...

In w lm tia wheroof, tha aald corporoLlcm boa eauaed thlo cartlhvale to be elgned hy Iti praal- dant and aecreury, and |ta corporala aeal to be hoieumo affixed, thia olxiaottlh day of Idarch. ulntteon hundred and aievan.

BlgDod, atalod and datUvorod la tbo priamco of DAVID H. t if f a n y , Beorotary.


tbo rodiKiloP of tho oapitkl atoek of tbe'oom- pany from thirty thouaaod doiUro to elibUas thouaaad doDara. said reduotlcn to bo offoo-oJ by the aurrandtr by oaoh of tha atockboldma of th ifr ih a r t t of itodk and tho taaua to him or bar. In lieu thereof, of throe iharea of stock for each five ao aurrendered. do now, puiwxuat to the ataiula, boroby glv* our written anaont uv laid changa.

WIUUM OUT handa thia alKoefith day t f Uarch. nlnotoati hundred and elavoo.

Name. Number of Rharm.Edwin P. Jaffreye..,,..................................... gDavid H. TilfaBy.............................. ....* .,, .. ..7 8(JharloUa T. Rualing...... ................. 10

BndonbMl. filed and recorded. March 18, I t l i .*. D. ’0IC1C1N9ON.

Soerotary of State,State of New Jaraty, D ourtm ent of Etfitob

Compgrlng and Certifying Dlvlalon-Copy oar-J. L, HENDRICKS.

In obargo of DlvMbfe.

NEW JER B irr SUFREME COtTRT-Cbartoa R. Collwm, fharrord P. Zlmanoitnan aad

Howard Bryant, partnora. ote., trading aa t , F. ZImraermaei Co., platntlffo, va. Unlvoragl

■ ‘ lUR ' ' ‘

State of Now Jertey. uounty of Emex, ea..Be It remombornd, that on thij iixtMnth i

of March, ninelarn hundred and ateven, before < me, the oubeerfber. a Heater tn Chancery of ! New Jamoy, pcrionally apiwared DAVID W. | TIFFAMT, fioerttary of JafEreya le Tlffatiy i Co., tba oorporfcclofl meDtL4)ned In and which executed the furegoltig ,#riincaia. who. being

Coa] Company. dofeBdaiiL 4 ln attachment on cfiniroct. Notice. ^

Notice la hereby given that two errita of At- tachnneni a t the eult ot (nikrla# B. Colbom, Bherrerd p. Zimmerman and Howard Bryant, pariAOra, etc,, trading as fi, P, Zimmerman Co., ei .................... “I., agelnet tho rights and crodita. mooaya

id olTocta. goods aad chattoli, tandi and icnemonta of Daivorea) CoeJ Company, a non-

by ma-daly awotn Rccorditaf to lew on hla ooiriH-lptsayo that ho la auuh «ecmtary, ond tbei tl,n

•eal affined to oeld cenifinato la the eor|N»rate •oaj of said eorporailon, tho tame being we.i known to him; (hat f d WIN p. j EF fu fy o la president of aald corpoi^IoQ, and algomd aold certlflcate and affined aald seal them o and doUver^ authority rjf,.*■« ..rva.u va ..iiwwvviw »* **H tHW ■UVLIM OTa t leeat two-thirda In interest of »«oh claie of

reaident debtor, for tbs turn of one Ihoutand dnllars. tasued oat o t t te Now Jo ra^ Supreme Court cn tho Mth day of January, 1911. re­turnable OA tbn SOth day of Fabruary, 1911.have beoA served and duly exeoqtfd and re^

' Iff Of "turned; 4)oe by the afaarlft of the county of Erio^ on January 80, 1911; tba other by the bherlfi of the oounty of Union, on Pabraary W,

‘ Ll^TDABURT. D^PUM * PAULKS. Attorneys^of PlaJatlAi. T<8 Bnmd 0t,_New-

•JB. W. WIO.|Wt

In the proeehce of deponent, who thereupon eub- acrlbed hie name thereto an wltneas.

And ho further aaya that tha anfeat hereto appended Is algned In person by a t l»e«t twG- thirds 1Q interest of oaoh olaso of the otook- boldets of said corporetiott having veUng pnw. erf, a t a aMotlng duty called by the board ot

oy vuTue or an ordor «c the coon of Chan­cery of New Jersey, mada cm tho day of the dste barOof, In ■ eoHsin cause wborsin Blanche O'Neill Orean Is petitioner and you. William Dougiee Green, sro defaudabt you are required' to ri^ipear ana plead, answer or ^ mur to polliionor'i petition, on or bofore the tw enty-a^enth rlf th j day of April abJrt. or In

tNIOmiCEIIEIITThe undersigned wishes to announce that ho

has purchased the meet, vegetable and grocery busi­ness o f William Frey, t t 506 Clinton AvenuCi corner Chadwick Avenue, end will continue the same in all its branches as heretofore.

He has also r e m o ^ from his former location at 496 Clinton Avenue to 506 Clinton Avenue,(cor­ner Chadwick Avenue.

Soliciting a continuance of the patronage of my present frlenda, ako those of my predecessor, and the public in general, and assuring alt the usual courtesy, prompt service and high-grade goods characteristic of both establishments, I remain,

f ttsmU»to




PrMecotdr Satisfied with What Has Bko Collected in Elec­

tion Fraud Cases.


Diipateh l<? the B V E y iK O SSWB. ATLANTIC CITY, April 7.-Althoii(ih S.

Cemeron HWlile, caaneet for th s Aiwein- Uy lnv«>t!Katlng com tolttet. which te- »umfcl Its (Kuion here lo-dtty, informed Prosecutor Cliirenco L. QoldenhetS, who wa» a wIlneBa, th a t the grand Jury w ai uwaltiijg iBore evidence from him con­cern liiu the alleged fraud In the county on election dey. the county olilclul declared that he wae eatlelled th a t enough had already been eubinitted.

"W e have spent Beverni thousand dollars already," said the prosecutor, "In collect­ing evidence and I th ing the grand Jury has. had enough."

Tlie prosecutor declared th a t already eighteen preeenltnenta had been made attd that lliart were more to come. One of tho worst oltcndera, Mr. Goldenberg stilted, who was before the Jury a t the present time Was Theodore Voelme. who, the wtt- noBi alleged, guvs a drug lo F irs t District ijDuri Judgt Kraiig Sniathere on election day.

The proaeoutor waa then asked to tell of the oases which had been put to the grand Jury for consideration, hut said tha t he preferred not to, ae he feared it would result In a m iscarriage of Justice,

"Did the police give you any asslst- anee?" seKed Counsel Hlnkla,

"No, 1 never asked them for any assist­ance." replied the prosecutor.

"Had your own d e tee tlv esr’‘T gathered the evidence myself," said

the prosecutor.Dhalrman Macksey, of the Aeeembly

committee, then asked (he prosecutor if he hsd gone any luyther than the entn- iniUee had In Its Investigation, and he said bs had not.

tilfhsn I. D. Adams, trsaau rar of tho Re- pilbllcan oounty oommltlea, who wss ac- chsed by "Comroodore'’ Kuehnle of hov-

■ Ihg handled all tha money election day, w as put on the stand and asked about Iba use of money, he declared that be w as UI on aleotlon day and had not ex- (tendad any money tor election purposes, / I t Is propbssd to put Commodore Kuehnle /o n the su n d la te this afternoon to gists

further tesUnony on th is soora ) Franklin H, Hatlday told of Inlorvlsw- I Ing Philip Stinson In Philadelphia. Stinson I Is now In a house of currsctlon. It Is said

/ he brought lOK repeaters to Atlantic City ' on election day. Hallday said that Btlnscii ’ declared ha bad brought tha men along

and that they had voted In svery pre- clnot In tb* Dity and had racelvad tf for each Tpts,

Borne of the man, H altlday said Btlnaon told him, votsd aa high a s sevsnteea times In one precinct, and the poorest voted but three times. Bleven of th s men, he said hs wras Intormsd, had vbtsd U7 llptesv

J. Harry Hase, who worked with flW- Ilday, wail anothar witness. H# tsstifldd .that Stinson had told him th a t hel tBthl- ,'son) had voted th irteen times; ^seVen

/tim es In the fourth p rec inct'o f the Fourth / Ward./ The committee will hold a sesslan late

this aftem ocn to decide whether It will •J continue the probe or re s t on the evidence / thus far collected.


Auction Sale!R. S. Schlndel <a Co. Announce Their Retirem ent from Business. The E n ­tire High-Class Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Etc., of this Store, Will Be Seld at Auction, Beginning

F R I D A Y . ' A P R I L 7DAN i. MURRAY, A uctioneer

The building wc occupy will be torn down May 1st and being unable to secure another location in the shopping centre on Broad Si. we are forced to retire from business. Having but a short time left in which to dispose of our stock we will sell out everything at AUCTION, beginning Friday, April 7, at 12 o’clock and continuing daily until stock is sold. . . . I * — —



tptukil DOpatsA to A« X T B m X S NltWI, NEW BRUNSWICK. AprO T.-Dr. Harry

A. Cotton, a t th s Btata Hospital for tha Inxans a t Tranton. waa eaJIad aa an ax* part witness for th s defense In the eject­ment suit of H n . Adelaida Chambers, of Klondlka, Arts., against h er mother, Mrs. Mary J. Cook. Ufa. Chambera alleged th a t har father wae Inaane a t the time he conveyed the property to her mother and she Is trying to have th e conveyance let nalde so she can get h er share Under the law. Tha Jury held Mr. Cook to be sane.


•pedal DUyoMt to tha B T tJ /I /fa NJfWt.BUM ltrr, April T.—Diving through a

window on the second floor of Overlook Hospital, last night. Joseph Camarlengo. a patient, erased from grip, was saved from death o r terrible Injury by nurses and phyelnlans who had to light desper- ataly to get tha m an bank to safaly. .(^siarlango w as takan to tha asylum at Msrtla Plains to-day.


ELIZABETH. April T.—Becauae William I A. Hulskampfar d id n 't eprsad tha news | chat hli term ae custodian of the court­house eip tred yesterday,' be had no op- j poeltlon yesterday wheh be announced the tac t to the rreetw tders and asked an­other term. Nobody had any oandidata Had It been known th a t th e term waa about to expire, there would have been many asiHrantB. The place r*y» • salary of tl.SCO a year.

Dr. J, Edward Rowe, of Summit, waa eleoted clerk for a three-year term, at a i salary of Fl.OW per year. He eucceeds I'rank B. Davies, of Rosalie, who retll'oi | beoause of lU health.

CLAIIS fflS 6RAHDS0N.■DMMTT,’April T .~Ju tt a s he waa about I

to be taken to an Institution for homeless | boys In Long Island, R ay Dickinson, twelve ysara old,, wae th is morning claim­ed by hlB grandfather, John M. Dickinson, of New Providence. F or the past two | years the boy has been boarding with James Romella In Aubrey street, the olty | paying tlM weekly,

----------------• ------ -- _ IRed a s * k B s s e ta n P laae.

% « W fNiysto* to Ue M T M x m X tW t.I t n Ba V K , A pm 7.—Thoee who back­

ed the Bed B ank baseball team last ses- ssa mat in H eir Work Wsdneaday night snd dsoldad te have the town represented by anothto fa s t n lns th is year. The team will bs nseds up of tb s best, men In last ybaFs local sggregatloii and picked play- e r t from the nines a t Xiong Branch, Oesanport U atnw an and Fair Haven. H arry Stalling, who tBanageA the team last year will not be re-engaged. The tuickers are L. C. Dodge, William Berry and ■William DrlecoU, who played laat aeeaon. Next Week the team will meet for | pmotlxe on the fair grounds In Sbrews- bnry avenue, where all local gamei will I take place. The d ra t offlolal game la | beoked tor May L

FWteiseee Mnslenl resttml,MkTmiBON, April 1 —I t will be Im­

passible to r Caruso to fulflll his contract j ta Bing a t tha musical festival here next numth, as h it physicians have forbidden Urn to nu k e a, eoncert tour, instead, C. Mottlener WIekS, who Is arranging tor the festival, has engaged Mme. Marie Rap- pold, soprano: Ume. Homer and Oarl Jam , tenor. The basso to complete the qnartet Will he H erbert 'Witherspoon, aleo of the Hetropolltsn Opera House. To edd to the program Mr. W ilke hni persuaded MIreha Biman, oonaldered tha greateit IMng vtollnltt, to ram ain In thta country

' SD he oan m ake b la . appearance at the ; ftmivaL

c iga re t t e D n u a S e r tu l t t a l ,iPNtal ANtoUle* W *hs BTBXIXI} XSWt.

WBW BRUNSWICK, April f.-Fourteen stnrekeepere were arranged before Judge W it F, Daly to-ddy, charged with lell- fhg olgarettee' to minora The Indlctmente were found a s a resu lt of a eru»ade against c lgaretts telling iljirted by the W. c. T. U. Several of them had been w an ed tom e tim e ago, but failed, to heed the warning. AH keep fruit or canly ittnrna. They pleaded not guilty, and were iU Mteased for tria l on FRIG hMl each.

' — I-------- s ----------------ke-eatgage F rlaelpB l g, M, Oaise.

' UPeMl JHapofe* Id Bto Sm iU V C XMWt.BRANCHiriLLB, April T.-At • saUry

losreaee of KO a year. Principal. Blephen M< Casa w as re-siigaged by the Bosrd of M nestlon last svening to heed the bor-

. MMlt eobool sgetn nex t year. Hlee Orace

We Give S. & H . Green

Trading Stamps

We Give S b & H . Green

Trading Stamps

W hy We Sell ON CREDITEvery Honest Man and Woman, rich or poor, is

invited to open a Credit Account here. You can getjust as low prices-as though you paid cash. There will be no interest; no security; no red tape. There will be no annoyance; no embarrassment. It is a con­venient, pleasant way to trade.

This means you—honest people—whatever your income. It means that you can buy clothes here if you wish and pay a little each week.

It is not a favor for us to give Credit. It is simply good business. It enables thousands of men and women to get things which they could not get without it. It helps them dress better than they might on cash terms.

We have had charge accounts with men and women for a great many years. We have thousands of them now. And we have found that when we treat our accounts fairly they are fair with us. Their prom ise to pay is as good as the cash.

Even the careless Men and Women will protect their Credit where they want to continue to deal. And Men and Women who once buy clothes here want to buy again. Such styles at such prices are not obtain­able elsewhere. Even as a matter of policy it is wiser for people to protect their Credit here than to pay some one else a third more.

For all these reasons we have found that Credit is just as satisfactory as cash. So we sell at cash prices on credit, and we urge our cus­tomers to open a Charge Ac­count.

We will place on sale to­morrow a Woman’s Long Serge Coat, made of a very fine Blue Serge, handsomely trimmed with black and white satin, long sailor ‘ collar ef­fect. Special price

$10.98Women’s Tailored Suits.

Women’s Voile and Panama Skirts.

Women's Silk and Mar­quisette Dresses.

Women’s Millinery and Shoes. ’

Children’s Dresses. Children’s Trimmed Hats.

Childrmi’s Shoes & R u b b ^ .


231-233 MARKET ST.

The Lining Store637 B ro a d S t w . w . oppenneim N e a r N e w S t

Our Most Notable Easter Sale!Wonderful assortments of New Dress Fabrics-W ool. Cotton, Silk-New Dress Trimimngs, New Laces. New

Embroideries-at the lowest prices we have ever known. A visit here to-morrow will show you the busiest store m Newark. Reason-Recause we sell the very highest grade merchandise at the lowest prices. The only attractm this store has is its wonderful varieties and lowest prices. Be sure and come to-morrow and avail yourself of the

great Saturday bargains. ________________ __ ___

R e m a r k a b l e D r e s s G o o d s V a l u e s__ .. & H tety.VB.to Ifk I

W . hev* one of Hit moEt oomplele IVool Dreei Good* O epartraenti In the S la t? We *e°r «i?ly the very boBt arado ,. much under pru-e. N o t. the big

n .A ID S -K in rhei wide. tine. Imporled food*. « different •lie checkBi one day, SPBCl*!-' kA H I). nnal

BBC. IMPOBTED MOHAIR gt'IT iJH ilA -IS inches wide, extremely fine qtiel- Ity, all the leading ehart.B, gpB f'lA l, Wle-

85r NAVV BLUIi kERCE—K Inches wide, tiplendld ihadei of navy, o YBv. different etyUe, all

bext American Woolen M ill.grade, all the leading colora, SPECIAL HBc.

• I J B AI,I, w o o l , BROAOCl.OTHg—M Itvchei wide. In a big range of go<wI colorlriga; one of OUr hlggeel values. kPEClAt, T9e.

m tM ■HOADn.OTH—Flncal * *^'‘'** ' “**will Impreee you with !(• g rea t value. DFBCIAL *IA0 . v - a

gl.Sg gEHGWB—Flueel grade made, H Inehee wide, aponged ana anruoK ready' for the needle. vU cotore. aPEC IA l, *1JS.

•he. ALL w o o l . PHIFFOSI L’l-OTII—« Inchea wide; fine, aoft. llghtwelfM

***'gi%5 'pRRAM '5iKHGl£--'M*1nc'liea wide, in either ^ b t or heavy weight of

aplendld ahadea of black, navy, t a ^ red. The very "'•A®/'’*'/i?g****“Rain Cftpett etc.: 6 yArd* of th li BAttn m ak«i fc iplflndld Ion* cjouka


Novelty Dress GoodsV e r y M u c h U n d e r p r ic e d ,

Thla .to re la noted for Ha great va lu e , and Itnraenee aaaorlnienli of th e * preny Silk 7nd C.rtton Fabrlca; the price, we name to-morrow will iu rely In- tereot the moat experienced shopper.

Two of our moet popular eallera may be Sad In IDc. Bilk W arp Pongee. .very poailble ihade here to-morrow, BPKC- IBo, Memerlaed Poplla*. 1* 1, tSH o.


The plain Votlea In all ihede* p la in Voile*. dainty dealgni, arith Dreeden bordera, gP llL lA LBordered Voile*. u * .

. L uxury Silk Pongee,

. Illm alnya Shantung Silk*,

. All Silk Pongee.

Over «» piece* In these three lots; evary color Imaginable; fabrlca 'h a l nf* V®" known for their reliability, SPECIAL 10c.

, g llk Crepe Do Chine. . S ilk Voile*.. M arathon Bllka.

______ are among the moatpomdar d*reaa’"fahrlca on tfie market; ovary ahade may be had. SPECIAL We. I

All are 27 inchea wlda and ■ • • n the

These p retty Sllka are M Inches wide, come In SOc. Swamadowne Sllka. fplori and can be waahad without loalng color or 6B0. M atte Silk. .. .........

. Batin Fontarda.. D resd en F o o l n r d l ._, Stik Stripe Crepe d o th .

S ilk S tripe Voile,

beauty, SPECIAL a#o.F our of our moat popular fabrlai, each In big variety, all of them 17 to » Inchea wide, re­duced for to-morrow only, SPECIAL gSe.

890. MARATHON BILK F o rL A R D J-H an d eo m o Silk and cotton w a t.r la l -e x a c t duplicate, of II patterne. SPECIAL *#c.

BATRAfull piece., alm ort any .hade, SPECIAL 18e. lA R D ,

Notable Silk SellingOur bu.y flllk Department le now stocked to the limit w ith the best values

we have ever ehown. The specials we offer to-morrow are worth coming a

“ *Tie!^VH*AVTin«C} S IL K S -Y ard Wide, exUaof natural, tan, navy, blue, Copenhagen, green, etc. SPECIAL TO-MORRUW.

BKi. nRtvGALlNE SILKS-—XT InchCB wide, splendid, heavy weight, for trltn* c?ato; s ^ l ld ld a t i ja i . of black, navy, green, catawba. cream,

*‘’ |L M A ^ 's iL lT I^ O W O B B -T .rd Wide, e i t r a very luatroua;aolora are tan, pongee, bl.tek, Jaaper. SPB ilA L . « r .

SLM ALL SILKth a t makea splendid coate; co lora-nntural, black. SPECIAL Tte.I SlVr. ALL SILK CHIlfFISB m *!,*'

‘ '■"%c‘‘lL^,Yl7l!c‘ Vo!s%’' i » r " d ‘‘lYd7 ‘p*0 ..S r"n a tu r .l color only; o h .

;T,L^r K‘ilSSsATl?g^!?a7d’SmT^oVSSi‘*'%1 w'h BST «llkgood "™olco dealgna: every color ‘choice of navy and black grounda, a BHV IPB CIA L BOo.

N ote Our Big Lines of Satin flessaU ne a t 39c., SOc.. 79c. Yard

v m in n S11.KS. the greateat color line In town, a t TBe., gl-Sfl, V ^ k o ^ 'I D E SATIS d I 'C h e SSB. I1.» value, here a t i i ^ - VABD-W IDE BLACK MllSSALlNE, 11.19 value, here at » c ,VARU-W IDE WOVBLTV SILKS. ILIS value, here a t • I J » .

The Best Linings that the WorldAWords a t the Lowest Prices

Newirk’B Busiest si«J Only Cnniplete Lining Dept.IBe. SIEBCBBIBEn SATKBN, yard wide, all shadee, SPECIAL tSIAe-

FEBCALUIE. yard wide, all .h a d e ., SPECIAL BHo.PEBCAL i x e , in es t Moh e ffnleh, yard wide, .PBCIAL

an . vntlSBTIAN BATIN, finest Imported, all colon, SPECIAL SSe.H Y p In io rM B S B ^ L lN B . yard wide, finest cotton pile, SPECIAL 8. . . S e ^ E R IE E D MESSALINE, XT-inch, All .hades, SPECIAL *«o- v X « .W lD B SATIN LINING, all shm l.., wear guaranteed. SPEC -

lAL eSc.• L w ' t ARD-W IBE s a t in LINING, euperlor grade, all .h a d .. , SPECIA L

W H ITE SHRUNK LAWN. « In c h .. wldA for Itn1rrf,-8PKCtAfc-M * 16c. LAWN LININGS, 40 Inchoi wide, all shades, SPECIAL IIH®.S5c. BLACK HEA THEH BLO O M , slightly Imperfect, yerd wide. SPEC -

'* ^ * 'p B H S I A N SATEEN, beautiful deetgns, SPECIAL IBe., l ' K | I 0 > U » . IK. - . 1 «!»■ K l« l

low prlcee. _______

Our Famous Lace DepartmentW . carry the largest atock of fine Loess In th s city « d our «

*uar&nt»«d 1ow*p than anywhere. T hii department t i noted for Iti * r « t b*r- fa lne and to-morrow In bargain day.

HANDSOME VBNISB AND BABY **'**an unlimited variety at prices th a t ar* truly wonderful. ^

HANDSOME ALLOVEB NETS, value up to 11.00 yd„ SALE PRICE ^UP TO 5Bc. VAL. LACES, choicest designs. SALE l•HICB SBe. PIECE. a l l l i k e n CLUNY LACES, Sc. to Ate. VARDi In nil Ihs wanted tints and

eholcest stylee. endless aesortment,LACESt unsurpaeeed variety and some mighty big

win ........SPECIAL Sc. AND lOe. ............ . ........-T„vf.T

specials, on Bale to-morrow th a t will go quickly. , I ►T H E GREATEST ASSORTMENT AND VALUES In Allovsr N stl, Taking I ,

and Embroidered Nele th a t Ihle alore hae ever offered■mill TH E NEW AI.LOVBH CLUNY LACK, used for yoking! and entlrs

gowns. ,, , „gl oe AM. SILK M A H O riSETTB, « Inches wide, all color*. TBc. gtjSO AM. SILK MAHRUISBTTK, « Inchea wide, all colors, gl.OO. g l.ea ALL SILK CHIgTON CLOTH. 42 Inches wide, all colors, TBe, la-Y D PIEC E LACE BEADING, regular 26o. value, to-morrow, l ie ,TSe. GERMAN VAL. LACE AND INSERTION to raalch, sale price. 5Bc. pc. ODD PIECES ALL LINEN TORCHON LACES, to d o le at Se. yard.F IN E COTTON MARQUISETTE, all colors, »5e. yard.IMPORTED W HITE COTTON MARQUISETTE. SJ-ln. a t « e . | B in., a t ABe.l

H-inch a t A9c.i 40-lnch a t T8e.American Bilk Marquisette, ell colors, a t 8Be,

The Popular Trimming Dept.f 'uT .^ p A c e 7 Z . aon“ ^..''i:^ F oJ • • • ’Ih . valuss; hare a r . a few of

C n ‘w ofk Bilk Braids *t 6e. t6c Embroidered Linen Bandings a t ^BOc Fancy Black Jet Trimmings, ta .

Embroidered Bilk Bshdlngs on N et atlO e.^o : Ah Bilk CTunytSc Novelty Braided Bandings a t ^

Beaded Bandings, new porcelain heads, a t IBe,BOc Braid Net Bandings a t I ta .B» . Black Me*'’®'*.Wc. E laborate Braided Nets *lTtc. B»ded *•■?**■

N Bw “ o ? ra ^ S lM ir rR O Q COAT FASTENERB, black and all colora. ex tra

''* '® ^£i.w £irti'i® "A ^A tllE g‘’l^G lvB N IT D R E B , embroidered In silk or made I , ^ ; S 'd w l f ? r ^ r ' ? W a d a % v e r r a « half former prlcto, « ta . SB...

^‘ ''itaN D SO M B *^™ ® SILK B B A roS , now 'niT «** *"**t ta taau U td Blfc!E '8im T.e’iS > T o n 7 iJe* o -W rrU ^^^ ta . each; va lue .

Buttons, Novelty Goods, Etc.Buperlor assortmente, lowest price, and great va lue . UlH th s ta l l of the

btg buslncM irantgct^d tn thla section.

h a n d s o m e h a n d -m a d e SILK ‘ I' **’*Jl* '* '®'®*'**beautiful tasaels. heavy silk cord, value 7Ie. OUR PR IC E

Me. NOVELTY AM , SILK RIBBON, E to 6 inches wide 1X4*«. yard.4Be'. PERSIAN RIBBON, 7 to 9 Inchea wide, rich color, IBc. yard, W ARREN’S FEATHERBONE COLLAR FOUNDATION, 5e,W ARREN'S FBATHERBONB GIRDLE FOUNDATION, l»o.h a n d s o m e n e w v e i l i n g s , all atylee and colors, IBe. up. g .E Y E BEAL PEARL BUTTONS, per groas, 12 dos., for Ita . f i n e s t f r e s h w a t e r PIBH-BYB FEARL b u t t o n s , per doa. Be. ■HALL JE T AND PEARL BUTTONS, per card, 1 doa., 1*. •b l a c k MOIRE SILK COVERED BUTTONS, per card, I dOI., H e. b a t u r a l c o l o r l i n e n c r o c h e t BUTTONS, per card, a dos., Be.LINDNER’S HAND-MADE LACE BUTTONS, per dog , Be. up. im p o r t e d c r o c h e t b u t t o n s , white, washable, sU »'*“ ■

FIN E METAL BUTTONS, vsluo up to »c. dOI,, per card, 2 doS., lOe.FIN E AUSTRIAN JE T BUTTONS, value 29c. doa,, per do*., I ta .I ARGB b l a c k s o u t a c h e b u t t o n s , value 76c. do*., per do*.. « e . EMBLEM SETS for trim m ing sailor suUs, made In silk or cotton, guaran­

teed to wash, per act, IBe., 16c, H»c„ 36c. - - , 1- . AOe.1b u t t o n s m a d e t o o r d e r from your own material* a t abort notice, atkuj

to 40c., aocordlnc to atyle and ilao-

N o t i o n S a l e E x t r a o r d i n a r y1

Only the beet grade*—a t price* Invariably lower than elsewhere.

O u r $ 1 5 S u i t sare more than fifteen dollar values, no matter, how com­puted. The line of Suits we are offering at $15.00 is really in a class by themselves.

Particular attention Is called to the fact that at this price we are able to show you a range of worsteds and a particularly fine assortment of cheviots and cas- simeres-which should wear well and long and retain their bright and handsome appearance un­til worn out.

We have splendid Suits up to ^ 0.00, but it you are limited in price these $15,00 deserve rec­ognition.Send for our Spring Catalogue

Store open Friday and Monday nights until 9 o’clock. Saturday, 11 P. M. '.

Clark'* 0. N. T. Spool Cottou. I apoola. Mo.Wrnnk'a Glace Spool Cotton, 9 epoola, S6v.M^d ^ t[n g _ C o tto n , boat made, i «p<»l., T*.

o If T Doming Cotton, I spools, ta . wf'r'?.* Luster l ^ t , all slaei. black or whit*, per spool, Bo. & u r ^ »)-yd spool, ^ r ^ o o L go.viM-FiivW*m Miushint BobbloHi 9 boxnn for 30e*

Wool Cotton, block or white, per spool, I ta .

C la r k 's T S te r Crochet Cotton, pw spool, do.Snworf*Vtart ifeedtes. » pape^ Te.Beet OeimiM SOTtr TWmW**, •#.Be BHr«r Tlililibiw.DonbU MMWrt*. b«t |i«a4 B*.

, per *rci8a, *be., tie.

Triumph Hook and Kyea, per groBS. Ita .

^ * 'S ’. l h . r t V s ^ t o l d f b \ s r ; : d L 'N a ^ n o . I, no . I, a o - l ourmake 1-ight W e^h t Bblelda, 9 pfa. f0‘' * o .Ifc. Hook and Eye Tap*, per yai d 1 9 ^

xta,«o . Bilk Bklrt Brol^a*. I ta ,He, GolTa Angora Bklrt Dralda. .ToUmn's new ahaped Dreaa Beltlnga.Button Mold!, wood or Ivory, Jo. to l ie . doa BM t New B e^ord Machine OIU ta .

W E o M itrk s a ( I t a W PricKn „ r Embroidery Deportment 1* now e t high water mark. Thla la Embrold-

e r r Week, and If yon are In leed of Bmbrolderle* now U the tlm* to buy.h iv e y ta «*»> »>«««*"' EmtaoldsHv*: the cream of th e w o r ld ,

m aker. 1. here now waiting fe r your approval.• r INCH FRENCH EY ELET AND BABY IRI8H FLOUNOINdW, » • V«t-

ui**at W ™ unmans* eoeortraent to ehooe* from.wr INCH BABY IRIBH ^O U N C T N O g, v* lta •» » * . | -we beHew* th is

t , t a ' o T S " " s J a r * 7 ^ a l . for to-morrow.B U F T tr o rLO U W C llfO ^ Ito. ▼»!*** Jw t lll> thto« f*rbftby

flreanbi, dainty dMlffua* ___1g.lNCH NAlNgfMI* FLOGWGIWM, #*- ** • ‘ t O’ "

y a l iS T n this lot: the .ty lo . are simply great.4K.1WCH ALLOVBR BMBROIDEHIBB, B values a t wtaWng th e

woletJ A Small qumnUty of th is width Is suBIclenl.” *’b a BV iB IgH TOKBg AND LARGE W A IiT . t ? «splendid for waist* or dresses; th s kind of bargain th iaa to r*

la m t l H FLOUNCINOg, np to R .E yd. values, a t $8,411 targeb w o ^ n m if to t lo n T ^ ^ the S in g for a handaoma lingerie gown.

' ‘“ I T i NCH FW U N M N G l. « . » v o lo ,.. o t g ta ., new French eyelet p a tte rn .

“ " w f ? K C ^ r A T H lE * AND i W l ig FLOUNCINOg AND CORBET COVERS,

**“'.I ! r i l7 l l '" B j5 lg T B AND IW IBB FLOUNCINOg, »e. values. Ot ilSe.. ^ S V ? R I .H M A TM . v u t . . . a t ISo. Tord:

. ™ t bargain Which w* cannot guaran tee to laat all day.* jg !lN C H ' FRENCH EY ELET BEB. FLO U K C T N ^ R-W veloso o t f l M t

th to ^ t i r a a p e c lS ls for to-morrow only, be sure oiid see them.g ^ N C H BABY i n i l H ALLOVBW , » vsluoe. At I ta .l 1# CholO. d e e lfn . t .

“ ^g -IN C H 'F W V M C lB G g*!^ Ot lte.1 choice Amerlcon med* embrold-

A V g r B ^ N t oiTlNFANYW T O K B i a t IBs. to I ta . each; Bno hand- iMtn atvle. looli* Uke hand*iiMidb-

W « C H BABY m U H FLOWWClNOt, »t vahJSe a t flJM |« ^ n g the "neaV V* have shown tlU . Season; thtoto a r . slightly muwwd Som Tiuidllng. hence the g rea t reducUon. v . - t

i L m r a ALLOVBR e m b r o i d e r y , H .B value, a t «E4S| hondw m e Franoh *v*let design*. d“ d tht *htlr* gowns. - . . . „

^ t cw soler tBeelot* o t I t a , l io * IS e , i t a | hundred, of ohelee glsoeo *1 i t a u t H per c*"L under value. • .

fgp New IMIlBiiteette Bmbreldered Bonding* o t H e , I ta , ya rd ,* ■aleodld Aeeetaweol o f Tuokod Lowne. Battete.

w . R M daoartcr* for fine H and-m ade ICodEro Emkrelderles'. g r t a o W of S r f r ta W th e .S ta g , a t S . deportm ent, or wffibe TMtlv ' fr*A “ * request to out-of-town eustomerk. ,-

Wash Goods and White Good Dep’ts?W . name the following ex tra special pilce . to m ake you belter acquainted

with thla th s moat beautiful waeh fabric m

* ^ g * m rV r tr tV " ^ m o c b s e MNB. choicest style* you have ever seen. Wide ttklntf bord*fi, dainty *ff*ctK. specla] Sbee yard. w ji ^ im

m I iWCH BOHDKIUDD ilO fiW K M N B l M haautlful u % June day; now ti

“ ■”eolorlngs, VERY iPB C IA L I5e. YD,•saw naA M E SATEEN FOULARD!, l i e . Me- and t t a . yard.NEARSILK f o u l a r d *, allover an.* bordered deelgna, over 100 eeparate

**^I*HISH*i !in ETTb ! rtro handiom * new w aih fabrlol, In Irish Dimity, atlovsr

“ V o M T iA T iM - S , t t a "b ^ ^ A C ric to . Batiste, juto 120 pattern , to pick from.

‘"^ K R w 'D R B g i GINGHAMB. choicest designs. W He., laW*.. I ta . i m p o r t e d gILK g in g h a m *, In the ever popular ^isw e . LINEN FINIBH gU ITIN G l, a ll colors, yard wide, per yard, TO*. gu T LINEN gHANTUNO gUITlNOS, ta all ehades; ex tra epedal, I ta .Wo. Durber Hemie Linen, ell ihed«i. tpecl^il.iKc N ettiral Pure U nen Suiting, extra tpeelal* !•«- mVaIa-8 ta . FLAXON gUITlNQg. Dimities, C rossbar. aJ»d Btrlpes. OM ot t t a eholo-

eat white fabrics. SAI.E PRICE. 81f. a i i - ige 18H,4A-INCH FIN S W H ITE LAWNg, extra T»ta« ^

• OtalNCU FERglA N LAWN*, extra value, a t ia^e> . I t a , ^MNEN THREAD BATI8TE, « Inchoi1 WKCiBllil} BATliTBg 10 Inchei wide, extra a t » -***. t%e,Va HO-W IDE MNBN »” n H g reat value, a t « M i^ * * * '

f e g V t ^ ' . V Jrd. value *L2g.

STt o BTED D 4M W D EERB O ID ER ED BW ISlA*ta„ Age, Bfc,

^ w ide.-superfine fabric, sa l.Rrlee, I t a


______________________ !

Mnsoa Not Liked u Assem- Vtf 6. 0. P. Nemlef of

Utilities Coofereace.


$peei»l fr « m ■ S l a t t CxTHpoiHlnit.TRENTON, April 7.—Th«r« l i ooniUder-

■ hl« «pecuUtloD ta the Ijtglaletur* M to m'bQin Praaldant A ckeitnaa will nama aa th* Banat* commlnlon to confsr with th* U o u u coaimlaalon on the aubjaet of pub­lic utiUtlea lectalatlon.

A large part of this epeculatlon la due to the fact th a t in old line Republican clrclaa thara la anything but Joy over tha fact tb i t Speaker Kenny named Aaaem- blyman Jaekaon a s the Republican mem- bar of the House commlsalon. Jackson 1s an avowed Rrogreaelve and has bolted his party on several occasions and the Rapubllcana In the Senate are secrstly of the opinion th a t the Speaker eierctsed '*very poor taste" In appointing him. As a m attar of fact, the HapubUoana, It. la aatd, would alm ost as soon Have had tha gpaaker appoint three Democrats aa to hava him sam a Jaukaon aa tha Q. O, F. mail.

Prealdspt Ackerman told tha nawepapera raatarday th a t ha would not announce the make-up of tha Senate commission this weak. It Is known, however, that Senator Bradley, chairm en of the Committee on Rallroada and Canals, will head the eonu Bdislon, The public ulllltlei blit whichpassed the Senate ^eare Senator Bradley’s ■lama Senator WMter E. Edge, of At-Jaotls, has been asked to serve as the Moond m ajority member.

Senator H arry V. Osborne, the Derao- cratlo leader, has bandM the subject of BDbUo utilities for his party In the upper ■oust, and has askad President Acker- Man for a place oa the commission. H ad StMsksr Kenny named aome other Re- N b l ln n than Jackaon In tha House, It II mora than probable th a t Osborne would haT t got the Senate plfcee without a 4t»*- Uen. But the m e n tn e n t egaln it Jack- gen'a appointm ent hes taken such a ■trang hold on tha RepubllA n te n a to n th a t praaiura la being brought to bear OB AAkarman to have him laara Oa- banM’s name off, and to appoint aoma Bihar Defnoorat Instead. Senator Fteldar |g tmdsr eonslderatton for the ptaoe,

Another lub jeo t o f epeculatlon la the tort of bill which the conferenoe oom- MlaBon will report. The Egan bill, wbteh paaasd the House, le not aatlafaotory to th e Republicans In aevaral partloulan , tha Bintt Im portaat of which la the pro. rlsloB for a new eommlaslon. The Biad- le r bill, wbinti passed tha SenaU, la not faltafaotory to th a Damocrats, tapadaRy btaauas It ta an additional patch on whM la alraady a "crasy guilt" law. Tba Democrats want a brand-new public wHIttlcs law which will eontaln In coin- prehanslva form alt th a public utility

T Utlon up to data.It expected th a t tha milnomt of tha

pthfarsnet will be a new bill, followtag iBieh the aame form aa the Bgan Mil, but providing fo r tho eontinuatlon o f the prasant eommiegton and eontslnlng minor ahangea.

We Bought the Entire Stock of

" T H E W IL T O N RUQ COMPANY ;;! 1 Of PhlUdeIpbiB, Who Were the Largest Jobbers In the Country 11

and Have Retired from Business.



AArtloom S eam less W iltons, French 11 W eave W iltons, Royal W iltons. ‘ ’ Size 9x 12. V alue $45 and $ 5 0 ...’^Tapestry B russels Rugs in a ll the *1 la te s t designs. Size 9x12. Value II $14.50, n o w ...........................................I ^Sanford’s A xm inster R ugs, la te s t

Floral and O riental designs. 9x12. V alue $31, n o w ..........


27.50 i 7.90 i:


OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUM S, CARPETS.Money Refunded on All Unsatlslsctory Purebsaet.

iiNew York Floor Covering Co. ilI! 144*14(1 Springfield Avenne, ‘ “ srrert"' !!' > FREE AUTO DELIVERY OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE J |

F R O M T R A P P E R TO w e a r e r :

I C A N A b i A NA SensMional S a tu rd ay Sale of

W A I S T S2 G r e a t L o t s O f f e r e d a t l e s s t h a n H a l f V a l u e

$ 4 .0 0 W A IS T S . ATThe hsndgonicst lot of waists ever offered St 1.S5 swsit year choosing here to-mor­row. Vc happened to run tcross this maker the very dsy he received notice from a large Western house canceling a big order — our olTer was accepted.

1 .95E a c h

Made of Japanese alth, dainty marquisette and (lingerie materials. Come in high and low neckmodeli. Softie prettily embelliahed^'Uh hea^ embroideries and handsome medallions. Othersbeau^ully trimmed with Irish crochet lace and hand embroidered. Long or kimono sleeve effects.

Every one a beauty and at the price, 1.95, a bargain you wouldn't want to miss. Plenty for all who come to-morrow.

$2 Lingerie and Q C i Batiste Waists

This is no half-way sale. We intend to make it the great­est value-giving event this season, and so we have taken about 200 of our regular $2 waists and put them in this sale at less than half price, 95c. They are beautiful waists of hne lingerie and batiste, in several of the newest spring styles, prettily trimmed with various colored embroideries, open back, high or low neck models, some with the popular kimono sleeves. Extraordinary values at 95c. .

C O N T IN U A T IO N S A L E !A Remarkable Offering!"

20.lnch Lustrousy Thick, Hand. Knotted WILLOW PLU M ES . . . S4.00

No one will be diaappototed. We will gain the distinctloa of being the only Plume Store aelling a double-knotted Willow Plume tor 14.00, and we do so with the distinct understanding that money will be refunded if they can be duplicated for lu s than 98.00. Ask your own milliner the quality an^ value.

Every Plume Guaranteed During Sale

Same as Usual

All Ploises Kept io Repair Free

FRENCH PLUM ES WILLOW PLU M ESi tM a c k , r^sn iB i' $3.00. 30-lack, r c rn la r M-00 , 2rs-lnch, r c K ila r $H.0O ST-lacb, reKti1ai> $12.. SlKlnck, revQ lar





S i- iack 4 k ^ a t * to e k .. . . 2S«laek, aiocclBl w ld tk . . . 2K(-lack, apeclol w rid tk ... aO-lQckt apifvial ^ I d t k . .. B eautifu l P renck Ttpa

O lker VMinca to $4$,

......... 4 .M

........ $.$0.........r.00___ la jio


Beautifn) A$»rtinent ef Freacb FeaOer u d Willow BaadsMARABOUTS—The season’s latest novelties, numerous styles.

$3.00. The department stores ask $10.00.Old feathers made like new. Feathers curled while you wait

T H E POPULAR FEA TH ER CO.; TTIW iiliiiiitMtireeta Block* from SUrkcl S tn*t- H ra r AeaScaT. O a,. P loa. H .

Up** K n a la a a O atll SiSS, te ta r t a p a O atll IbiSO.


RpiBat otmatdk to tk« i iT a x im v a n s .TRSHTON, April 7.—The qUMtlon of

dtflnlta act Ion by tha S tate to block the seheme of the HuSeoo County W aU r flempany to d ivert w ater to S taten leland, th ipu tb tha madlura of eondemnaUon pro- oaidtnia, brouabt la the n u n a of the TKaltea Statea Oovarnment, wae dleouetad th li afternoon a t a conterenco between flOTarnor Wlleon. y te rn ey -q en erM Kd_ IWli - - -mund W llion end Axeembiyntan ’rtiomoe T . HoCnui. who haa lad the flsht In the Xonee to r w ater conaervatlon for icvai'al $ i s n pikit.'

I t waa the unanlm ooi opinion of the aenfereei th a t New Je riey ebould epare ae efforte to prevent the coniuinmatlon

.of th# oondemnatlon proseedlns# It It l l

C tble to do eo. Ju s t w hat oouree would y to prove moet effective In eooom-

pllihlnc this w as another and more se­rious problem.

Several plans of sctlon were talked over, but no definite course wae decided upon. The conference, becauee of o ther enpage- n e n ti, waa neceaearlly a brief one and t t waa agreed th a t the eubjeex ehould be taken up for fu rther conelderatlon during dw early p a r t o f nax t weak. By th a t Wme It Is espeeted tho Otata oflielals hav­ing tb s aefbjeot under oonsUeratlon win be in a poMtlon to agree npoB the wteeet polhv to p u tau a


•pselot fraei i t l s / f Cerrespoadeet.TRENTON, AprU T . - ^ e Senate retueed

yeelerdty to concur In the aoUon of th a House la am ending Senator CWbomsia s igh t raesienger bill, eo th a t tho mlnireinn age of night maeeengeTs m Bret-olass olties shall be eighteen yearn, Instead of twenty-one year#, ae provided In the orig­inal bin.

Immediately a f te r tho retueal to coneur, Senator Osborne secured the paeeage In I both houeee of a resolution providing fo r | a conference by commleeloni from tho two | houiee. Senator Aokerman named Sena- ! to n Osborne, O ebhardt end Edge and Ikeaker Keony appointed Aieeublyinen <%rtitle, Donnelty and Colee,

B n H ej

by Ui


ipestal fviT M N T

ibe store ilgaed ttthU th an this weel

I of the Canale, t

' Jeot woreThe me


Go-CartReg. 6.00 O 7 9 Special , 'J* • “

Baby should be out every day now and get the fresh balmy Spring air. And here’s a Go-Cart to take the little one out in p t an unusual bar­gain.

T hink.-of-ltI-jQiiIy-$3.I2.for a $6.00 Go-Cart like this. You can’t match this oiler anywhere.

These Cars are splendidly made, with leatherette hood,r rubber tires, enameled wood cross handles and deep foot welt.

Just come in and look at them before you buy. Glad to show them.


Speotol from a Slaff CorrespotwlestTRENTON, April 7.—The Donnelly bill,

BUthoriilng tw o boardi of freeholders Jointly to construct bridges between tbeir eountlss, p u se d the House yesterday Without oonunent. Tble Is the bUl In which the B sssx County freeholdors ore so vllally tn tsn s te d In tboir efforts to een- atruet the proposed BIwood gvenue span between N ew ark and Kearny.

Aaother measure, w ith Mr. Egan, of i Hudson, as Its sponsor, requiring boards j of ednoatlon to equip publlo sohoola with are escapes, also passed.



NEW BRUNSWICK, April T—The Juniors held th e ir annual class banquet last night In the Mansion House. Jemee K. Alvcrson, o f Newark, the class preel- d to t, acted BS toastm aster. Toasts wers rseponded to a s follows: H enly It. M ottl­ing, of Delmar, N. Y., "Alma M ater;" W alter C. Bowen, of Shiloh, "Atbletlcs;" W alter S. Bloom, Catsktll. N. T., "ins in College:" W illiam Carpender, ex-'IS, of Mow B runtw lek, on "19U In tb s W orld."

The following nominations hava boon made tb r positions on the Targum staff: Bor edltor-ln-ohlef, Loroy C. Wllsey, of Newark; Oeorge W. Martin, Metuchen; H. C. Amos; for president of the Targum Association, Vivian C. Roes, New Bruni- wlck; B. C. Boott. Richard A. Smith, New Brunswick; fur business m anager, Ruieel Olas, of New ark; Milo O. Moeainani for asils tan t buelnaae manager, Donald L. Havens; HUmar F . Smith, New Bruns­wick; H. Bartholomew.

Iriah M ail H o n 6 O irR e g . 4 .5 0 o n nSpecial . O . U U

These Cars have steel frames, halM nch r u b b e r tired wheels and are full size. Have the name "Steel Racer" on seat. These Cars were delivered too late for the holiday trade, hence this price cut.

This is a rare chance to keep your boy exercising in the fresh air, a t a decided saving. Don’t miss it.

Wt De All Sorts of R^alrlng

NewarkGo-Cart Mfg. Co.

.199 W aahlnKtOD 5 t Hmut Acim1«b>9'


Co tonal ment of 1 boon ospdent Taf Isglslatlo skws of worked c

In one novel. Id quate lei rive. Tb

"The wbenava mean an or any i s q r oxli other |[ quanlttli flrw by ousBlon tha comi a stsldc gases tb are oai effeota ti lag life I nltro-oal not undi otor, wo per sea starch more m act, ms held to units oc q u ^ t l t l tnq, the sim uito i subh ur ppopert: olon, by as Jlxed arakiker

A noth ur« Is 1 f birth th tildes 01 Vulldlni MVS be t e the ll /quantltl I d le tuai

te s t frt hlabwa: plosive, t,«» fei toH0.1)ll

I t le ] pouads magasl: blghwa


C d L s t e r B r i d e sAt the Schmidt Store are special inducements now to young people about to make a

home of their own. We want you to note the splendid high quality and the remarkably low prices of our elegant furnishings. Our store is unusually" popular with young folks. This popularity is based on finest quality goods, most efficient services, and very, very low prices, we have confidence in our patrons and they find it very easy to purchase from us. If inconvenient to pay cash we are glad to extend credit and open an account with them. We can only give you a slight idea of the value and beauty of this season’s styles. Come in and see them yourself. Note the wonderful low prices in this advertisement special for

-tO-fflOFfOW. —

This Beautiful Massive 3-Piece CrotchMahogany Finish'^Parlor Suit

2 2 - " *Decidedly rich appearing. The matchless shading

of the finish is the handsomest we ever saw. Uphol­stered in silk plush, loose cushions, all very durably made, heavy claw feet, rounded arms, extra spring seat; full $40.00 value; a Friday special

This ExactMagnificent Full Quarter Sawed

Oak DresserThoronghly made, has full

swell fron t; solid panel ends; beautifully shaped standards; fitted with an extra large French pattern plate m irror; brilliantly polished; easy slid­ing drawers, fitted with cast brass handles; offered very special for the Easter season.

TQ UNVEIL COLONIAL KARKBRSspecial Ditpetch to tike MTlSimra trSWS,

MORRISTOWN, April 7 .-T be April meeting uf the Merrtatown Chapter, D aughter! o f the Am erlran Revolution, wax held yexterdej' afternoon In the par- lore of the M ethodlR Eplocopol cbnrofa, Ure. WUIerd W. Cutler, the regent, pre- aiding. The chapter voted to extend on Invitation to the D aughters of New Je r- m y to bpld th e annual fall S tate meet­ing Id th li city next Ootobar, a t whleh tlmWthe atonee wUl be unveiled and dedl- rated, whleh a re to be erected In Mor­ristown. m arking tha conoluelon of the line of stone m arkers which ta to be

I placet l>*twecti Morristown end Frinoo- toB. on th e route token by - the C m tin-

. a d it l a rm y and thetr S enen l wboa they M tIM bo M orrixtaira after the battM ef jPiiagatM. In JOBuarf, ITU

' T H l O i I M K W WMb Complete Equtpmeat, |II3


Oroiitilcli-BaBn-CiilltiiOtr CstM I Vttl Had Stmi IwYwk

Dave Your Eyes Tested

-A t—

Scheller’swho alto repairs brotcen glasses while you wait We have the most complete Optical Parlor in the State

250 MARKET SI^REETOn* Bloek Bolew Brood. Near

M n lh errrWiwfe Yen Save Mooej.

A SurpassingOffer Elegant BedG»mbination

Bran and Enameled Bc^ Woven Wire

Spring!, Fine Cotton Top MattreM oo»S.f

This finely made bed has seven coats of superior white enamel. The top rail spindles and knobs are polished brass and will not tarnish. The springs are ' all metal and very durable.The mattress has a softcotton top, well made and very comfortable. To the young housekeeper this is a very unusual opportunity; worth nearly double. Special for to-morrow

Axminster Rug Special9 f t X 12 f t and 8 f t 3 i n . x l 0 f t 6 i n .There’s nothing like It in Newark, probably never

wilt be again. We have 28 batee of these superior Ax- minster Rugi to eetl a t a double deep cut price. You h ive seen a rug like this in extraor- ^ m dinary special sales for $2S. An U / m almost unnoticeable defect in these I rugs is the reason why we could buy them to sell special f o r . . . .

Open Evenings Until 9estal; all hand-rubbed and antly polished . .

r u R

This elegant table is exactly as illustrated; m ade of choice selected oak by the most skilled experienced workmen; finely carved ; knuckle claw feet support the massive ped- r k . ^ 5

TT?' ’•T'f F


ctlon lllow idinf r l u s



. I ^Bndlef Reasoie Was Drafted ) | I by UeoteDaat'Coloael Dano,

C. S. A Expert.

features of safeguards

E 8M.-4M..•.M..TM



S#wW frttt ■ Kl&tf Otrrtipanimi., TMINTON, U arcb T.-A bill ts rcgulat* jiit* M arie* af *iploilv*», which Is d*- [ i )n * d to b* A niod«l for legislation o!I thU (liaratiter, was l eported In tbe Ssnat*! tb it w**k b r Benatur Bradley, chulrntAn lo t tb* Conualtta* on liallroadt and J C a u ls , to which all th* bids cql th* BUb>

/ Ifot were reterred. ,vi Tbs m aasurs w as draflad bT Lieutenant'- .Colonel Dunn, of th* ordnance depait- / ment of lb* United ^ taU s army, who has I been aspeolally oommlseloned by Presl-

1 dent T aft to lend u s is ln n ce In proourlng I IscIslAtlon of thia character. The provb aloiia of the law have beeo carefully

' worked out on tclenlllla llnee.In one partlou lar a t least the bill is

novel. In th a t It a ttem pts to five an ada- d U te legal deanltlon of tha term explu-

,alve. Tbla deOnltlon reade aa foUowa:I "The tarm ‘eaploalve’ o r 'eKploelvo*.' j Whanevar used In th is act, ahall be held to I mean and Include any obemiral compound I or Any mechanical m ixture that contains ! any oxldislns and oorobuatlbl* units, or

j ether Inoredlenta, In euoh proporlione.' unuttU e* or pooHlnc th a t an icniuon by - flr% by trlotlou, by oonouailon, by per- I oiiaolon or by detonator, of any part of ' th* oompound or m ixture may cauee such

A audden aenaratlon of highly heated I l i s t s th a t th* reau ltan t gaaeoua pretaures , are oapabl* of produoliig destructive I etfcoti to oontlcaouB objects or of destroy- I log life or limb, b u t not Including eoUolded ' nltro-oalluloee In eheete or rode or grains

not undsr on*>alghth of an Inch In dlam- etor, wet nltro-oellulos* oontalnlng twenty par sent, or more molature, wet nitro alorsh containing tw enty par cent, or more moletur*. F o r th* purpoeet of this act, m onutaotured orUclea shall not be held, to bo ixploalvss when th* Individual UhlU oontotn up loaivea In auoh limited q u u tl ty , of aueh nature, or In eucb pack- tn^, th a t It la Impossible to produce a slnpullaneouB or a destructive explosion of p u U units, to the Injury of life, limb or property by fire, by friction, by ooncus- MOn, by perousalon or by detonator, auoh u ^ e d am m unition for small arm a flra- asolokers, aaf*ty fuaa, eto,’’

Alnothar IntarasUng feature of the meai- un« la A carefully prepared table eettlng foirth ttio dM oacee a t which varloue quan- Ultlea of oxploalTes muaC be etored from Wulldlngi and hlghwaye. The dlttanoee M v e been carefully estimated to conform t* the known daatructive power of various /duantJtlea o f exploalvee a t the varying I uitanoea. Th* dtetanoaa vary from S64

( feat from a building and J20 ^ t from a highway fo r from 100 to 100 pounds of ex- ptoilre, to 1,110 feet from a building and l,gni teat from a highway fa r from 400,000 to HOiOOO pound*.

,1 I t la provided th a t not aaoN than OOdOtn $ pouada m ay be bep t to any factory or

mofOBlne to the Btato. whenever the highway or buHdlng t* be protected from th e danger of *xploslD)i la effectually

ned from tb s factory building or ne, e ither by natural features of

I ground or efflolent arUdclal barrtcada,~ e a r o tro lght lino {Iraim from the

I top ed an y aide wall of the faotory build '[ Ing to suiy point twelve feat above tha oeiktn of tb* highw ay to be protected will

I p a is through the natural or artlflclal tn r - Irleada, the dlotano* provided in tbe tablee ' h ire to to rs m anttoued may be reduoed one* halt.

There a n te be tw* elstte* of mega- slnaB, *BO fo r the otorage of mure than fifty p««nda and the othw for the otorag* e t leas th an fifty pounds. Th* term er moot be built of brick. Iron, aoDdrate o r wood oorered with iron, and ih a ll hove no openlngn ax- eapt (or TeDtUatton and entranoa. The doorx m uet be kept cloeed and locked. V p o ^ e a o h Mdo there ehxll be a aign, "Magaabto-Exploslvee-Dangeroue.'’ H ag- axlttea ecntoinliig upward* of 11,009 pound* mu*t be 109 fa s t from o ther mageatnea. No b lio tlcg o r detonating oops ahall bs kept lib any magaxtn*.. Eiwry person telling or gtvtng away eoc Sloidre* ahall h**» o t - t l l tlmoe a record o f OU osles of exploilve*. This m ust In- nlud* th* dato, and the quantity of . tbe hxplosl''*. together with the nanto, plane

l o t rMldenoa an d buelnea* of the purchap ' *er. reoard m ust be kept open to the Inapeetlon of th* police autborltlta.

Violation* of thl* *et are made mladear loeanor*. i f p u eed . the bill will take ef- feot Ju ly 4.

H E R S'spring Suits forYoung Men

W e ere abowiotf several models in Sack Suits, which

may he described as “ adaptations" of the London styles.

These garments pos­sess all the good points of the English styles— but none of their bad features.

Young men wiU like these Clothes for their “snap” and their easy, comfortable fit.

Light-weight Over­coats of plain and fancy &hricf, in correct styles for Young Men. I S ia B J O V ia iU L rA C E N T tJ g

Stoutenburgh Clothes .4r« $3 to $5 Better than the Price. Seein^s Believing

Your Spring Clothes!The show is on 1 Step up, Gentlemen, and see the new Spring

Styles! All the cards are on the table, face up—Newark clothiers have played their best hands—their show windows tell the story of style, but not the values. Stop 1 Look! Compare the clothes that look good to you. That is all we ask. You will find Stoutenburgh clothes are better than ever before—the most value for the money, by any comparison you care to make.

Things to RemenberThe Diamond. It it th«birthstone for ApHI.

EASTERA very good tim e of the year to replenish your jewel case.The Aitprottching Wedding




will be pleased to help, to advise, to serve you in the selection of the p r o w g ift for the occasion. See the beautiful new things in H olt's show window.

Spring Overcoats $12 to $25

Fancy overcoats full of ginger in cut and cloth. Fly-front and button- through models in exquisite grays,' browns and tans. Silk lined' gray herringbonc*weave coats at $18.00 that have set the town talking. Ox­fords and soft black thibets, plain tllk faced and full silk lined. $12 to $25.

Fancy Spring Suits $12 to $30

Many hundreds of fancy suits— glorious grays and tans, beautiful browns and blues. Lakewood suits for young men are the smartest suits in town; best fitting and best look­ing. Conservative styles galore in quiet silk mixtures, grays and blues, $12 to $30. The greatest variety of stylish suits In all Newark.

D L O O M F I E i nU 2 5 x 1 0 0 f t . L o t t U

X tio D O W R * ^ $ 9 A M O R T H

l o . R fir* t o R o w a rfcA arvr, *ni*U tmej Juete»*a*4eoB*l*tlaa etoairaT to ti^M itB c *4 ■ * « « £ • p ti te e taa l* * * w * t aoieks-

W vlt* ■*

Wa. B. MeUii Realty Ct.M A IUlBIDOa SlfilalRnfO


Is T hat Boy Ready for Easter?We can save you money on your boy’s Easter or Confirma­

tion Suit and give you the kind of reliable clothes you want your boy to wear.

Confim utiotl Sirita of line blue serge, splendidly Uitored; bloomer p in ts ex tra M I cut. Double-breisted models, for boys 7 to 18 years, exceptional values at $5.00 to $12. N orfolk suits, ages 7 to 16, from $5.00 to $9.00. E xtra sizes for fat boys.

Fancy Suits—We have the strongest showing of the new grays in boys’ su its you wltl find anywhere. B eautifu l double breasted and Norfolk models, full-cut Knicker­bockers full lined, ages 7 to 17 years, $6.00 to $12.00. Extra sizes for fat boys.

Spring Reefers for Little Boya, $4 to $7

Tremont Shoes $3.50 and $4

These are the styles, the leathers, the kind of shoes you have tried to find all along. A big show of tana and blacks in the newest styles. A fit for every foot in Tremonts.

J. & M. Oxfords in a •core of styles, $5.50 & $«X)0.

Spring Hats $2 to $4

The styles you men are looking for — wi d e - b r i m derbies in all proportions —military soft h.ats in a variety of Springy tones— a complete hat store, com­pletely s t o c k e d . Best values obtainable at $2.00, $3.00 & $4.00.


The finest sh irts made— no doubt about It, and we are making the greatest showing of now Manhat- tans ever seen in. Newark. Now stripe effects, new colors—plain and plaited models, $1.50 to $3.50.

Sloulenhurqhs797-805 Broad Street

Wayne Paper Wardrobesart Indispensable at this season, when Vinter clothes are to be put away. These roomy cedared paper bags, equipped with hooks and hangers. In­sure protection from moth, and clothes come out of them freeh end shapely. Price 40c. to $1.50, according to size.


Si i i l i i tn m m n t t Otowapeitowri.TBSINTON, AprU T.-Ther* wo* a

leilpae eeaetoa to the Rou*« yesterfiar af- totpeea, b u t no t for the' w ant of an op- perteoH r to ooaalder important leatolo- tta% L oag d i a m out to r th* etaoual t t W M th a t woe aooompU|h*a it fieveloped k t e l l l r f o f resentm ent on the p art .of a t leaot tw o m em ben osntoM th* treatm ent M to f ocoorded bUle eenS to tbe BeimU.

Agtor having peeeed a llfw bUle front tb* tuner broaeh, a rapoit reached the Housa, wfaloh ooufd not Ipi vnrlfied, that thor* biA- been ah agreement on th« part of the •haSnnen a t tbo Boilat* oommltteea not to repeat Banae bill* untee* by drgent re- su aa t I tr . Baientloe ohd' Hr. llTiod, el Bctia^ and Itr . Hartto, of Hudson, ww* oiamto thole who Mdd thlaga.

Her H a rtto gave ‘evldenc* of bl* eonfi- dani* to th e tru th of tha rumor by mov- Ikg to b k 'n oveiT Senate bill th a t cam* kp for final pae ding laid on th e table. In

i Itoa way a t teoat on* m euur* of vital tm- { aerteac* to a voet m ajarlty of tb* real- ' Seaft' o f the Ntata wo* Mde-traoked. Ttali I waS th a 'v lliih to and m eaaarai law pro- I nnuB t v Senator Prince, of Paaaaio. j "TiiM i have been about SN blUa eetit N a w to th a Sanato.” H r. Balentto* eoM. [' * tM k bhva been eomethlng Uk* 110 of

Iheto MtOd upon. Am I hear n th* cholr- pMW eC th e dISereUt eoriunlttees to the • m HA Sodded not to report any more MUi t s d o d b r Opoolal requeit. I f th a t la tb* aaoe, w*rr* not gelng to psto on their toeaearMt**

Tbaa* bO o vne* paeied:•e n a u IK, Senator Oebom*,. Inoerpor-

■Uee tb a beirongb eS HUforfi, Hnnterdon OMSty* t

f | l t a A sB W MmtoiM tb*

m , M . aoettfitoo f son ewten t beueea,M ,. H r . A dana, t n a t a tb*

aaoBOB te r gaeae f re n Meotoalw 1 Ih

Bemao MS H r. Kownon, make* K l a ^ fn t la ktU dear ttora November If to No- VMeber H In .o iV

Keww A H r . Jkm nrilp, tbo l e n o r Onp Fork O eoB dedou bilL

■ M m h A H r. Jam**, velot** -to (be oxyiMeiim o f WtU* without the State.

H mmo m . H r . JoefceeM the Paeeola o n w r r bOL

■goM MA H r. Boetlaer,

KlRbfllli yviprili 1

F . N U S B A U M2A8 SprisgfieM if. RBdlefllleAt.

S A - T U R O A Y o p j i v y

I t. B ugir Owllk other id e * > . t»or S tar Hllh.

^ l a Hedal o r H ecker'i Floor, 1 ^bag, *Oo; St-Ih. bag..........

Klrkman'B, 8 e a k e a o W and I 9 ^ " fow dor .............................................

" FOR SATURDAYBeat Compound Lord,

FiMb Egg*. M M . .180

lound — „.^ t Cb«a«.'anoy Prunes. S me.

Karo Syrup, t cans, — ■ u'a 01

.. ao , tto

HecKer'a iSatmeal.

gh^diS* WhMfc' 'l^ b '

Ifuatart iiiirttoee, o o n ^

C reoierT Butter.................

Royf f W ^V ,' tiag .........................

and nONDAYSmoked Bloater*,Flaked ..........Cut Fl»h. In brioko..... toKlpperedMerrlnga, oomlto Vanoy Tomatoeo, o k n -iH Early June Peas, e*k M * Paaoy Com, o a o .. .„ . .4 »e Baked Beans, o u . . . . Ttak Babbitt's Soap, 1t m WMhln* Pew6$-

li?ge rofla Toim i»(|iiMC

LargeD rif t

Oats, S Iba-..^^. iw

A ^do*t|^to . .

■BkpW lb ..R etook Tear, ih......jto

“ ' .........%Foaoy A lu k a ^ k

Salm on, Uo

E*!fl!** " ^ I 25D Stamps Frees Iba. Beet Flour......... ) ComWllitldti

1 box Boned Onto m MWtoM and UqoorsBPBINOFTBI® A"™'

100 stomp* with 1 1*1.Port, Sherry or

" ‘ 1 ^ fe e o B * or B *Mor 1 bottle ,Wbl*ky. j Flour or I tbk. B ha ,or 1 bottle beet Port, , gneiry or BloCkber^ l lo. lorn

Prune*. _ .1 eon Bnoeotoan erjO tr^ 1 eon Eolmea

t o o * .

• r 1 boWe“ im itoile Jai

Rum PuM b erM ^ ^ w g e V ’b i t a g

1 lb. Ooffe*, ^ lb. Tea.

Teas and Coffees1C Stomp* with 1 lb. Cof­

fee ............. Bo■ Stamp* wtUi 1 to. Co(-

t*e ...............................Be■ Stamp* frith 1 to. Cor-

I t e ......... .................WewHa 1 tb.

fO k' a . Te&rXc# BtAxnpa wttb 1 lb. Tea.

40cU Tb. ret..


Ladies, Come andf

See the Clever New Styles for Spring,1911




'" ie a a u lA- b r H r. HktodiL vaguM e the SU to B o « d of H ealth lo t a i p ^ «y«mr and atom. b*da, ^ ■

Homo m . H r: Sfotthowk vegeele MMM*■ of th e a c t fo r th* tamUwk *< roUiwod p rep ertr , pem ed t t 18K. ,

tfon** m , U r. 'Wbyto, th* Oondek County tnmpllu blU. ,

Hone* OA H r. B w M , amenda th*horoogh oo t « ( UK.

O O H O B p n ilK f lie CEP t f f iE I S TO BE DOORED

SpdH I fNm • BNff Obrrwpooded.TRHNTON, t,~JUI th a t l i ****►

■ary now to mitoe th* BOinaay b ill pro- V ldW f*r tb* oholltlH of the common drifiklag eup .to pubU* tU caa le th* *tt-

■ n atu re o f th* Qovemor. The bOl poeeed ih* Senate yeaterdoy afternoon without OMoaitton an d without debate, i f tb* (toVamar elgii* th * bill, the tow wffl not hoMNM «S*eave nnttl A

t i r i a i ptWvMeo th a t “ tbo tM* *f J Mlaommoa drtohtog oup, on undoubted g o m eo H w ^ l o a t l a n o f totoctlou* dle-

/ gM*e. If h freby pneblblted In all pnbU* I w ttliia thl* oommonwealtb, and tho.1 itw tr B eaid of H ealth fball taava M l / 8iillMlii1tT ^ tuch wmwit bHi

M tonkad reguuulona to make this preU - » H « i effeotiv# oa to thelf Judgment ae««9* i t e e a n d prM W .” a fto t ef n t more thoa

fitted ovir Hiis stythh

La Grecqne C onetwin show an unusual bsauty of fhie. F i eviiy ctHve of fhe figure wkh snug ocxnlortW s w a n t YOU to s e e our tww itora fifled w ith tfi«3h stock of stylish, shapely L»Orecq»ie Corsets and Tailored Onderwear.Tb* IwrgBta taS to U n llsd vrWh salowMin’g sam plM mmI Imettry lotM modsts at pricM bstinr c m t* msaulactare.

Van O rd ^ Conet Coe AAtoZii 101 Market S t


1— \ - ^

Right a t th* etotJon at milaboro, N. J.. as you atop off th# train, ead oil eleatfd, richi dtp and level. No bruah. gwamp or terub eok. Ho prepertp like itonywhet*—and priees about (wo- thlrd* lee* than any property haH a t good. Long I'lanA bo* nothing on H*w J*ri*y eontldoring th* adTsatoge* of tbo Mc- Adoofobet and P e n n e y t^ la tunnel*.

KHAR BOUND BROOK AND SOKlDHTILLK. N, J.Wb Fhm t P I Poneh *V#*e on Brnry Fled of ■ Lo**W F h m t I P P eieh Tr#«e «■ B em r Pto* ** 8* X***W* PtoB* IPO Feoeh Tree* on Bvviy Plot of * • J/ttt

ieavtog identy of nnplanted land on th* amallwt plot for the ' m w t i t o ^ vegotsbiea. th* relilng M poultry and the building of

bungalow or oottof*.

We are now prepared to show* you completely representative lines of the Spring and Summer 1911 Coats, Tailored Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists. We have made a painstaking search of the markets for the best and most tasteful effects, and the Adams’s showing for this season is brighter, smarter, better In every way, tiian that of any pre­ceding season. Y<ra will be pleased to note that our efforts to unite econ­omy with taste have been unusually successful and that really artistic gar mente have never been priced so low as we a r e ' now offering them.

We Clothe the Efllire Family,CashorCreiit

Spring goods in the men’s and boys’ clothing departments are now shown in complete assott- ments. Coats and suits from the best makers in the latest styles, of reliable materials and carefully tailorefL


Brooks & Brooks, 1114 Harket St*o n N B V E m m s until f O’clock

u « m tAanMuox BiavBt) w im ocrr o u m b .n i l Iii.f > e f

39 MARKET STREET.* ,The C redit S tore T h at Saves You M oney


fc '- '



p : . -

& '5?;r

W'^f c ' ' ■■■

mI ■

i , -

f '

i i

R :


I . -

I f

1. 'm '■


m t

J .l '


| ;F-'-

N e w s f o r M e mMen’s $ 1 l hirts, 69c.

This shirt special can’t help but interest you if you are economically Inclined.

l O O d o z e n N e ^ i g e e S h i r t s , made of fine quality Per- caies, and every shirt is new and just from the makers—made up especially for us; perfect in every detail; shirts in ali the season's newest effects in figures and stripes on white ground; hand laundered; workmanship, fit and finish guaranteed; plain bosoms, coat styles, cuffs attached; take your pick to­morrow, at only 69c.

< » f

SOc. Easter Scarfs, 29c.

Here’s a neckwear treat for the men of Newark—coming about thru a purchase from a maker of high grade neckwear, of IIS dozen beautiful Easter scarfs.- They are In open end four-in-hand styles, in an almost endless range of new patterns and colorings; well worth the price the makers Intended them to sell at—50c—yet we are going to offer them, at only 29c.

f <

Sale of Men’s Collars Six for SOc

, All the collars in this sale arc F o u r -Ply and laundry finished; the workman-

/ — m ship and material are equal to any 15c.L I \ S market.^ ^ Evwt collar Is perfect

The eyelet which is Surrounded by a buttonhole stitch, moves easily around the shank of the button, without friction and unnecessary wear; a feature appreciated by every man, as it can be buttoned so easily.

All the most up-to-date shapes, turndown and standing, are included in this sale and the best feature about these cbllm-s is that they may be, had in p n e - q u a r t e r S i z e s .

We will not sell less than six collars to a customer at this special price of six for SOc.

But you may have as many as you want at that price.

« t «

Half HoseH ish .G (m d* S ilk S o ek s—Thread lilk; black and colon;

dtMible heeli, and toes to give them service; regular 50c.gradei; « q prices for one day, Saturday, at only..........................................i>w c

p i P u r e T h re a d S ilk S oeke, full fashioned blacks and colors; reinforced heels, toes and soles, for only.................. f O C

» » »

$ 2 .0 0 Pl^jamas 1 .45H is h G ra d e P o n g ee P a ja m a a

for men in neat hair line, single or double stripes on white grounds; mill, tary cut; four pearl buttons. While the quantity lasts your p I c fc a « >■ m at....................................iJS l.q 'O5 0 c Guyot Suspenders, 3 5 c

These are the G e n u in e Im p o r te d P irench Quyot Suspenders; here in white and various patterns of regular lengttia; the best known, the best wear­ing suspenders made; regular price is SOc. while the limited ^quantity lasts, we say.................. .............................................. o O C

Not more than two pair to a buyer. None sent C. O . D. No mall or 'phone orders filled.

« < <

Kilit UnderwearW h ita I t ib b a d C o tto n S h irt* with long or short sleeves,

eollaretts neck; neatty finished; drawers in ankle length; re- —intorced gusset; 59c. kinds, special priced..................................o U C

M an '* U n io n S uit*—Fine white ribbed cotton, in all wanted Ityles —long sleeves, ankle length; short sleeves, ankle length; short sleeves, knee lengths; regular |1.50 grades, - nmorrow, at................................ , ......................... .................. 1 . 1 1#

< < «

Tubular Belts, 2 5 cMen’s Black Tubular Beits, made of excellent qua%

leathers; black buckles; just like m . belts; pick from this lot at 2 S C

< f «

$ 1 .5 0 Boys* Hats, 9 8 cBroken lines of boys’ Telescope hats; not all titea in each color,

but every site In the lot; colors, brown, black, blue, olive, q pearl and steel; take your pick while the lot of 134 lasts, a t . , V O C

i <i f

Boys* C^ps, 2 3 cMade of fine all-wool worsted; of the qiullty used In SOc. caps;

■tripes, colors and plain blue serge; newest shades; pick to- morrow, Saturday, a t ................................................................. A t> C

|M eo*s Suits, $ 1 2 , $ 1 5 , $ 1 8 to $ 4 0

< 4 4

Boys’ Easter Suits $3.98W ith Two Pairs of K nickerbockers

You'll find it hard to buy a boy’s suit equal to this for any less money with o n e p a i r o f t r o i i s e ^ yet we give you an e x t r a p a i r of knickerbockers with each of these suits—certainly a great consideration for every mother of a growing boy.

These suits are of materials guaranteed alt Wool, and include pretty Juvenile mixtures in the new grays and browns—nice fancy striped effects and nobby checks. They have good strong serge linings and are cut in the very latest models in styles that boys are sure to like;8 to 16 year sizes; two pairs of trousers with each suit, atonly.......................................................................................q lo .x x o

Boys’ Suits at $4 .93W ith Two Pairs o f K nickerbockers

These suits, certainly unexcelled by any clothing house In town at the price—double breasted styles in this season’s handsomest models of gray and brown mixtures, in fancy stripes and cheeks; ^ - _ _ strictly all wool; sizes tor boys 8 to 18 years, at.................. 9 4 . 9 0

C o n fir m a tio n S u its of Blue Serge; up to 18-year sizes; 9 2 . 9 8 , 9 3 . 9 8 and 9 6 .

Bojr*’ K n ick * rb o c k * r T rouaw r*—Well tailored thruout; alt wanted sizes; here at only........ ............ ..............O U C

Boy*’ B lou*e W*l*t* of Madras and Percale; all sixes »np to 16; with or without CoUirs, a t.......................... ............... 4 B C

Boy*’ R««f«r* In blue, red and tan checks and mtatwes—hand­some ittfie coats—Just the sort the kid- a . a . ^ a «dies v^t like; 10 year sitet, from $ 1 . 9 8 t O $ 1 0 l9 8

Men’s and Boys’ ShoesS u re ty Shoe* e n d O x fo rd * for men are unexcelled at the

price—S 3 . We are featuring this line and have seen to It that the shoes are splendidly made ana rightly fashioned over the most com­fortable ana most wapely lasts. The variety of styles and toe shapes in both black and tan and both high and tow cut shoes is peat enough to satisfy ^1 who.come. You may pick any pair In the line at the a o one price.......... ....................................... ................................

B 3.SO a n d S4- W . L. D oug la* S hoo* a n d O xford* with (light factory imperfections are being featured here at the a m a low price of............................ ..............................................$ 2 . 0 9

Boy** a isd Y outh* ' S hoe* of excellent wearing qualttle*—good stout soles; wide comfortable toes; sixes 10 to 13M at a . a ao n ly B lt ^ z e tl to S J ta t .................................... .............. $ 1 . 2 5

B oyC atyd Y outh* ' G u n n n a ta l C a lf 8ho«a leather ttiruout; sizes 10 to 13^ at 3 1 .3 8 ; sizes 1 toS a .•t............ ................... ...........................$1 l b


( '

The Most Industrious Store in Newark—The City o f Industry

L a s t o f the D e L m s e B o o k sAt Prices Next to Nothing

After To-morrow Original Selling Prices W ill PositivelyBe Restored.

A Paterson man ordered fwenty-two sets of these De Luxe Seti of books the other day—enough to fill a good-sized library, appreciating the wonderfully low prices we quoted and realizing that after this week they could not be obtained so cheaply.

It behooves others to follow the initiative footsteps of this Paterson man, and secure such of these sets as they may wish to possess.' Remember that if you are not prepared just now to pay the entire cost of the books, trifling as it is, you can arrange to buy them on the Club Plan, which makes it easy even though you may want to buy a $100 worth of books.

The opportunity is too important to let pass unheeded. Whether you want books for your own library, for presentation now or even for next holiday season it will pay you to buy them to-morrow be­fore the original prices are restored.

These sets include the works of most of the noted modern authors, and many of them are really works of art, only a tew of which we list here.

Come in to-morrow and see them that you may fully appreciate their value.Mark-

Sub, Former downlYice Price Price

A ra b lx n N ights, 4 vois. Buck $I4.U0 $4.50 $ 3 .8 0A u ste n , 6 vols. Buck................... $18.00 $6.00 $ 4 .5 0B n ln e , 18 vots. Buck...................$45.00 $14.75 $ 1 1 .9 8B u m s , 6 vols. « lea..................... $22-50 $7.50 $ 8 .7 8D a n te , 4 vols. V lea.....................$20.00 $6.50 $ 4 .0 5D e M a u p assa n t, 5 vols. £uck.$15.00 $4.50 $ 3 .8 0D e M usset, 5 vols. % lea.......... $24.00 $7.75 $ 8 .9 5D efo e , 8 vols. lea.................... $30.00 $0.75 $ 7 .5 0D ic k e n s , 20 vois. H lea..............$90 00 $29.50 $ 2 2 .8 0D ick en s, 40 vols. 14 le a . . . . . . .$135.00 $43.50 $ 3 2 .5 0'D u m a* . 15 vols. 14 lea.............. $60.00 $19.75 $ 1 4 .9 8B iio t, 10 vols. Buck......................$30.00 $9.75 $ 7 .5 0•E m erso n , 6 vols. J4 lea.............$20.00 $6.50 $ 4 .9 5F ie ld ing , 6 vols. Buck................. 118.10 $5.90 $ 4 .8 0G ib b o n . 6 vols. H lea.................$25.00 $8.25 $ 6 .2 8G o e th e , 7 vols. 14 lea.................$23.00 $8.50 $ 6 .8 0'G u izo t, 8 vols. H lea.................$23.00 $9.25 $ 7 .0 0H u g o , 10 vols. Buck.................... $27.50 $7.75 $ 8 .9 5K ipU ng, 5 vols. Buck...................$15.00 $4.50 $ 3 .8 0K ip ling , S vols. 14 lea.............. $20.00 $6.50 $ 4 .9 8

Le* M iserab le* ,5 vols. Buck.. Les M iserable*, 5 vols. k leaL o n g fe llo w , 5 vols. |4 lea.......'L oasing’s U. S., 4 vols. Buck. ‘L ossiiig’s U . 4 vols. U lea.P epy*’, 4 vols. 14 lea............P la to , 4 vols. H lea...............P o e , 5 vols. Buck...................P o e , 5 vols. H lea................. .Schiller, 5 vols. I4 lea..........S co tt, 12 vols. Buck...............S h ak esp eare , 10 vols. Buck S h ak esp eare , 20 vols. U lea..S m ollet, 6 vols. Buck.......S tev en so n , 10 vols. Full lea...S ue, 10 vols. Buck......................T h ack eray , 10 vols. Buck........-Travel L ibrary, 6 vols. |4 lea.W ilde, 10vols. Buck................W ilde, 10 vols. 44 lea............... .



Mark­Former downPrice Price$3.90 $ 2 ,9 8$5.50 $ 4 .2 8$6.75 $ 8 .2 8$5.25 $ 4 .2 8$6.75 $ 8 .2 8$6.50 $ 4 .9 8$6.50 $ 4 .9 8$4,50 $ 3 .8 0$6.50 $ 4 .9 8$6.00 $ 4 .8 0

$11.75 $ 9 .0 0$8.75 $ 6 .8 0

$19.75 $ 1 4 .0 8$5.90 $ 4 .8 0$9.75 $ 7 .8 0

$10.50 $ 7 .0 8$9.00 $ 6 .7 8$8.25 $ 6 .2 8$7,75 $ 8 .6 8

$11.25 $ 8 .8 0

$1 .25 Rosary, 79c

W a r r a n te d f o r F iv e Y ea rsAttachefi to etch rosaryis stag bearing

the flve years’ guanntea. The chains are heavy rolled gold, firmly made to Iniure Strength. Set with amethyst,

ga r ne t , emerald, topaz, moonstone, |et crystal, sap­phire or pearl. The crucitix and heart are of heavy rolled gold. &ch one in a velvet and satin lined case. If yoa can’t come, order by mail.

A ll K inds o f R ellid ou s G oods.

"Key of Heaven”A pp rov'd b yH l A m ln e n e o C ardinal G ibbonsSize 2H X inches. H Inch thick.Large clew *ype.

Bound In ttne white cellu­loid with beautiful colored Communion picture on cov­er; round corners. Contains prayer for First Communion Day, making an appropriate present for First or Con­firmation. Regular C Q C price, $1, only........

Sterling Silver Gifts for Easter Brides

ReductionB One-Third to One»Half Below^Regular

It doesn’t matter much what you wish to pay for a gift for the bride-to-be you will find It easy to select something if you .but miagle with the widely varied stocks oi rift things we show in sterling silver. ,

Scroll and Floral effects and finishes, all ortHe best class, all most reason­ably priced.

Sterling S ilver B u tter D ish es, regu lerly 2 3 .8 9 a t 1 6 .0 0 . S tw lin g Tm S ets—f iv e p ieces, h eav ily ch ased; regularly

1 4 7 .0 0 at 9 0 .0 0 .Sterling Tea S ets—fo u r plecem regularly 1 6 6 . 0 0 a t 1 0 0 .0 0 . Sterling S ilver Fruit B ow ls, regularly 8 6 . 0 0 a t 3 8 .0 0 . Sterling Silver B read Trays, regularly 4 5 .0 0 a t 3 0 .0 0 . Sterling Silver C om p orts, regularly 3 4 .9 8 o s 2 3 .2 8 . Starling S ilver C om ports, regularly 1 9 .8 9 a t 1 3 .0 0 .

C old M eat F ork s,2 .2B to 4 .7 8 B on B on D ish es, 4 . 0 0 toP ick le Forks, 1 .0 0 to 2 .8 0 . O live Spoons, 1 .8 0 to 3 .8 9 . Berry Spoons, 3 .8 0 to 1 3 .0 0 . S ou p Ladles, 1 0 .0 0 to 1 6 .7 8 . G ravy Ladles, 4 .8 0 to 8 .0 0 . S ugar Shells, 1 .8 0 to 2 .8 0 . S ugar Tongs, 2 .2 8 to 3 .0 0 . B o n B on Tongs, 1 .0 0 . T om ato Servers, 3 .7 8 to 6 .8 0 P ie K nives, 3 .0 0 .R elish D ish ss ,3 .0 0 to 7 .8 0 .


1 0 .8 0 .M ayonnaise D ishes, 3 .2 8 to

6 .7 8 .Butter Tubs, 8 .8 0 .Sand w ich P lates, 7 .7 8 t e

1 8 .2 S .T e a S ^ a ln e rs^ 1.SO t e 3 .SO . S a lt a n d P e p p e r S h a k e r s ,

1 .0 0 to 2 .0 0 .B re a d T ro y s , lB .O O te 4 B X > a F ru it B ow ls, 1 8 .0 0 to 8 8 .0 0 .

I •<Baby Caunriages $ 12.98

They Are Sold Regularly at $ 1 8P u llm a n S le e p e r s —

These comfortable carriages;* made of best quality reed, with reed hood, with roll on hood and body; nicely upholstered in corduroy; with double steel pushers and enameled cross handles; extra heavy cushion rubber tires, making. the car­riage easy running; a style that we sell regularly at $18 and

count it cheap at that price; for Saturday only a t......... $ 1 2 .9 8Collapslbla Go-Corts; built on strong steel fnmies; covered with good

leatherette and leatherette hood; regular price $5; specialized to- a m m b morrow at...........................................................................................

Carriages an d G o-C arts at prices rtnglng from a tew dollars up to those costing many with reed bodies. In vtmous colors; others with solid colors and ebony finish.

B aby Corriagos m a y b e bough t o n th e Chib P lan , m a k in g ft e a sy to pay fo r th e m .

4 4 4

A nother Lot o f $ 7

Art Glass Domes at $ 5

Big t8-iijch Square Ait Qas Domes with tour large panels of art glass in body and tour small panels in crown; several colors to choose from, with beautiful bugle fringe to match; frame and stem finished In brushed brass; high candle power inverted light; the complete outfit worth |7 , Saturday a a at........................ .............................................. .............. J p S

$ 1 4 .5 0 Glass D om es $ 9 .9 8Domes Identical with the one here Dtuatrated,

with forty-eight pieces of art glasi in various cotora; bead fringe To match; all completa with a m a . a lights, Saturday at only.......................... $ 9 .9 8

G as n x tu r e s , 2 , 3 an d 4 lights, both Up­right and inverted, gas showers, art and leaded glasa domes, regular prices running to as high as $60, will all be sp acia l p riced to-morrorw.

84 c. Inverted Lights, SOc.L ig h ts—same as here illustra­

ted; a very pretty outiil; com­plete with mantle, buraer and oeautiful globe, for two a adays, a t . . : .....................SOcIn v e r te d L ig h ts, 6 S c

I n v a r t a d L ights—With fully ttlrfy styles of ' ibes In assorted

shades or colors to

choose from; regula.ly priced at $1; complete, for twodays a t . 6 5 c

Easter SaleSolid G old Jewfilry

And Diamond Set Jewrelry

E v ery p lo e a o f G o ld Jfow slry in th is w ld a ly v a r ie d s to c k is t o b o r e d u c e d 2 5 p e r c e n t.

for this pre-Easter sale, and whether you are buying a gift for Easter or some time later, or for youraelf, this should appeal to you as the opportune moment to make the purchase.

Solid Gold B rooohes—Scrolleffect, set with 48 half pearls; dia­mond In centre; English finish; safety catch; regular $18,50, spec. $ 1 3 .8 8 .

Others up to $ 1 7 8 .Solid G old Bor Pina—aet with

three sapphires and four baroque pearls; safety catch; regular price $4.75, at $3 .86 .

Others up to $9.S o lid G old C uff P in s —Roman

finish; diamond shape; ruby in cen­tre; baroque pearl each side; regu­larly $5.5^ special at $ 4 .1 3 .

Others up to $ 2 8 .Solid C o l d L a v o llie ra * -

chainofseed pearls; festoon effect; pendant in scroll design; set with twelve baroque pearls; ruby in cen­tre; diamond at top; seed pearl tas­sel; regular $32.50, special $ 2 4 .3 8 .

Others up to $ 3 8 .5 0 . 'Solid G old C rosses—set with

amethysts; bright finish; regular price $7, special at $S .2S .

Others up to $ 1 0 ,8 0 .Separate P en d an ts — Matrix

turquoise centre; surrounded by four baroque pearls; pearl drop; Roman finish; regular price $6.50; special at $ 4 .8 8 .

Others up to $ 1 9 .C o ld L ocke ts—Grecian design,

rose Finish; regular price $6; s p e ^ t

S o lid G o ld B ro ea lo ts—Rnrestcut; Engltsh finish; regular pries $14i special$lo.SO .

Others up to $ 8 6 .S o lid G o ld R ings — PoqrtesH

rubies and eight diamonds; princtu $ 2 & ^ i ^ fmee $3T.S(k special at

Others up to $BB.SoUdO oldPobe-EngH sh Rii-

ish; six strands of chains; regular price $12,50, special 9 .3 8 .

Others up to $ 3 2 .8 0 .S o lid G o ld C o a t C h a in s —

Roman braid design; regular priea $10, special $ 7 .8 0 .

Others up to $ 6 .8 0 .SoHd G o ld S c a rf P in s —Bow

knot design; diamond in centre; three barouque pearls at bottom; regular price $6.50; special $ 4 .8 8 .

Others up to $ 7 8 .

attachment spec

LO.SO.ecial $3 .


$4 .80 .Others up to $ 4 1 .

SoUd G old F en KnFEtched design; ring i chain; regular price $4; s

ODiers up to $1SoUd G old C uff U n k s-E lk

design; ruby edges; rote finish; regu­lar price $10.50; special at $ 7 3 ^

Others up to $ 2 8 . ]SoUd G old Tta Clas p s—Rose

finish; horse head, with diamond; regular price |8; special $4B O .

Others up to $ 2 6 .

Hand BagsG e n u in e W a lr u s B a g s and 3-oz. S o lid -L e a th ­

e r B ags;, t;hotco of black, brown and tan; full leather-lined; sewed outside edge; some with riveted corners, others with sewed comers; brass set-in lock; choice of sizes:

14 15 16 17 18Regular $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 $8.00 $aS0

C hoice 'o f any

N e w p o r t S e r g e sCream, white and navy blue

with tennis style stripes; soft to the touch; washable, too; spe­cial only......... ............... 1 2 4 c

Norway cloth; in cream and light blue; half wool; hardtwisted, only................. 1 6 c

Flannel Section—Rear Main Floor.

S a m p l e B e d S p r e a d sSeveral hundred travelers’

samples, soiled from showing and handling; hemmed and fringed; worth g l . S S to $ 2 . 5 0 ; will besold for only 7 9 c . and 9 8 c .

C a n a r y B i r d sNew lot just in for Easter—

cherry little warblers, fresh from the Hartz mountains—choice of the lot to-morrow, a t $ 1 . 9 8

B i r d C a g e s —Fine solid b ru s with two opal feed cups: three perches and swing; good size; $1.19 kind for only. 8 9 c

B i r d B a th a —Opal glass; oval shape......................... 5 c

V a s e sF lo w o r V osost large issoriment

of imliation cut glass and Colonial de signs; some toll and some - ^squat shape........................... 1 O C

V io le t V ases; floral and Colonial designs; Foot Vase tor cut a avlotfts.....................................3 9 c

C u t F lo w e r V o ses t R o c kCrystal design; tan shape.........6 9 e

F e rn D ishes; spleadtd imita­tion of cut glass; with ground daisy patten; nickel plated case _ „lining.................................... W o e

C u t F lo w er V kses; fine dear glass; tall sbape;Celoatal pat- m m tern a i ....... ......... O W C

FlowersH yac in th* , Axa laae , B a b y

R a m b le r, Ros*s , Prtm rosew D oislas. B o s t o n F e r n s , R h o d o d e n d ro n . H a rd y R oee B ushes.

C u t F l o w e r sDaffodils, Tulips, Jonquils, Narcissus

Uly-oi-the-Valley — Reg. .60c. and 75c. a doz.; spec, at 4 L IC

C arnations—Regtilafly 70c. and $1 a dozen, at BOo.

Fresh cut R oes* at 8 0 e ., 78o> and $ 1 .0 0 a dozen.

B oston F e rn s — Regular 39c., a t lS o .


Famous B a r n e y & B e r r y E lall > B e a u in g R o l l e r S k a t e s for boys and girls.

Theseskatei ara well known, are

^ A J l built with strongunderneath

| n $ K y to that it is im- posaible for them

to buckle; made to extend to as to fit any foot; extra strong steel wheels: to constructed that the cones cannot get loose; always ready for use; our regularlow price is $1.95;® Y 0 Q to-morrow they will b e ..^ m.

P la in S tee l S k a te s for boys or girls, 780 ., regular 98c.

To every purchaser of sporting goods to the amount of $1.00 or more we will give tree the most complete Bate Bau Guide ever Issued.

Ash CansG a lv a n ise d A sh C a n s—25x17

Inches, iron bound rims, side strips, e ^ strong; 8 1 .8 9 a ,RUNIlDr,s*s*«hA«s»**i**«

G a r d e n S e t s ;best quality steel; nicely finished han­dles; for w o m e n gardeners and boys’ use; prices 8 1 * 1 3 and 7 9 a .

C a r d e n S p a d e ; D'handles; pol­ished steel; solid back;No. 2; 69c. kind, 8 3 a .

W h e e lb a rro w * ;loose tides; e x t r a strong, for p rden use; made of selected wood;

varnished; regularly $3.75, at 8 3 J1 8 .

S t a e l G r a s s S h e a r s ; just the thing for trimming the edges of lawns and around flower beds 8 9 o ., 6 9 c ., 4 5 0 ., 3 8 o .j 2 8 a .

O a r d a n T row ola i high­

est grade; extra strong, 3 9 a .G ross H o o k

Barden’s patent; best grade steel; warranted; price 4 9 0 .

G oirian H am - m e n s extra strong, 2 8 a .

Cut Glass BowlsRich, deeply cut bowls, just like the

illustration; a beautiful design as you can she; hand polished; every line cut; regu­larly $2.25; to-morrow we will say $ 1 .4 9

C ut G toss Com ports; well cut design; Stem also cut; 7 4 inches high; $1.98 a * j i m kind for....................................... .

C ut G loss Fern D ishes; octagon shape; and feet; pretty design; value $7.49, a a m o

^at........................................................ J p o .s r oC u t Gloss W a te r Setijr""tmt Ktge jug and six glasses; a ^ m m

$6.98 kind a t. ....... ........ .... < ............................................................. 4 ^ - 9 o4 4 4 J*Com«it Finger Grip

$3 Eyegleisses $1.50To introduce a new high-class

mounting we are going to offer to­morrow the new Cfomet Finger Grip Mounts with pure white periscopic lentes-^ne of the best grips we know of, conforming perfectly to any nose and holding the glasses flrmi sure that nothing is su^rior to It in optical stores nnder p and \

We otter these splendid glasses with folding leither case, not m -■ more than one to a buyer, to-morrow, at only................................9 1 >50

We examine eyes, furnish lenses, lit frames—do it right and at moderate cost. Thousands of satisfied patrons should convince you ot our ability to serve you satisfactorily.

graduate opticiifi tn charge.4 4 4 4

Famous GovernorRefrigerators

This is the only place town where you can buy the famed "Governor” Refrigerators. We feature them because we found them to be the best ice boxes we could find.

The "Governor” stands all tests.You can put a box of matches or a dfsh of

salt In the "Governor” and they will not become damp—proving Its dry air circulation.

Three sizes are special-priced for Saturday: Nos. 1 2 3Regularly $1425 $16.98 $21.15Special $ 1 1 .4 0 $ 1 3 ,5 8 $ 1 6 .9 2 4 4 4 4

Now for the GairdenThat flower garden and that vegetable patch are beckoning to

you, inviting you outdoors. Are yon prepared with the tools for garden work? Here they arc aplenty:

G ordon Hoos;best quslity steel; long smooth hard«

wood handles; 4 3 a ., 3 9 a ., 1 9 a .G o rd o n H oso) 59 feet

best quality 6-ply rubber M-incn; with brass spray nozzle and hardwood hose reel; all ready coupled for use; reg. $6.28, 8 8 .9 8 .Tr*o Guard*:wrought i blacktinUh;

strong;5 ft6 tn . high; diameten ngulariy $1.49, at 8 1 .2 8 .

est 5d; f

quality and

S h o o rs; best

quality and f i n i s h ; 4 9 e . . 3 9 a w I B e .

W rm ig h t I ro n C l o t h a s U n a

P ost; 8 feet high; nothing to break; stand all kinds weather; $2.49 kind at 8 1 -9 S .

S c roon D ooix twalnut stained; I t i thick; covered with best quality black screen wire cloth; sizes 2.6X6.6, 2.8x 6.8,2-10x6.10,2.8x7, 2.9x7, 3 f t X 7 ft, c o m p l e t e with hin geo ; regularly$1.KA ipecial 2 8 0 .

Wash Boilers 89c .Oval Tin Wash Boilers'made of XXX charcoal tin; genuine

copper bottoms; every - boiler j i^ e c t and guaranteed not to teak; 23 in. long, 12H iiL deep, 13 tn, widO; Saturday at o n Iy 8 9 c .

gift for to you

)rte* fUi

Poorteca prlncan

ipedal at

m Ila- repUar

0.iM ltM — lar pfieaKiw—Bow tre; three ; regular

meat for al 93. \ 0.ilu -E lk I lih; reeu- T M .

[»•—Roae diamond; 8 0 .

lath-lined ;1 with

like the you can It; reeu- $ 1 .4 9

It desiga;

S1.49on shape;

^ 5 . 9 8

H . 9 8

M - 8 0

moderata ty to serve


Easter Cards N ovelties

and CandiesIn Vwrioua D apts.

U Haynco”M e n ’* $ 2 H a te

A re Unrivaled The Most Industrious Store in Newark—The City .of Industry

MatzothsGoldsmith’s Best

Vienna Tea Matzoths lO c Packages S c

AmericanS e w in g M a c h in e s

Unexcelled at $15Saturday a t $12

This Store Helps You Immensely in Your

Prepsoratioais for EaisterIn the W om en’s and Children’s A pparel D ivisions

H a n d s o m e T a ilo r e d S u itsof fine French serge and novelty stripes; for medium, large and extra large wo­men, short coats, nicely lined with self color satin, panel gored or strap skirts, others with plaited sides, in black and shades.

V a lu e 1 9 .S O , sp e c . 1 2 .9 8 . V a lu e 2 7 .9 8 , sp e c . 1 7 .9 8 . V a lu e 3 0 .0 0 , s p e c . 1 9 .9 8 .F in e T a ilo r e d S u its of French

serge or novelty mixtures, short coats, notched, circular shawl or sailor collars; trimmed with satin or silk braid, finely lined, new panel or plain gored skirt, suits valued at $35.00, $ o e ,7 5 special for Saturday at ..

D r e s s e s o f B e a u tifu l S a tin F o u la r d s a n d D a in ty C h if­fo n T a ffe ta s , in plain hairline or polka dot effects, with exquisite lace yokes and collars or in the much favor­ed low-neck styles; braid or combina­tion trimming, with deep border effects; long or kimono sleeves; skirt panel gored or plaited; sixes for small, med­ium and extra large wo- * | / V 7 5 men; choice to-morrow,

F in e P a n a m a D r i^ Sk irts; gored or plaited models, with or without full plaited flounce, tailored or button trimmed, in black and navy, small, me­dium and large sizes, value $ 0 . 9 8 $5.98, special to-morrow at. ^

lere you gerators. !m to be

id fsh of t become


$21.1516 .92

Zoning to tools for

n H o m (lity steel; otn hard- s., 19« .wwfSBfeet dy rubber; rass spray wood hose wupled for

9 » . 9 a .



; genuine )t to leak; 9 a , -

•. ' i:-'- '. • vT.

SilkStockingsL a st D a y o f S a le

W o m e n ’ s H i g h G r a d e F ren ch T hread Silk Stockings—Embroidered clockings; an extra­ordinary offering made possible by the failure of a large importer; stand­ard $3.00 grades special priced ............................jp A. / O

W om en ’s Pure T hread Silk S tock in gs—Blacks and fancy color­ings; reinforced heels, toes and soles; our unexcelled $1.00 grades « ( - for.......................................... O O C

W o m e n ’s P u r e T h r e a d B lack S ilk S tack in gs—Embroid­ered insteps: various pretty styles;

25 to $3.00 grades

W om en ’s P ure T hread Silk^ r

W aists worth $1 .98 for 9 8 c W aists worth $2 .50 for $1.49

H a n d so m e W a ists ofmessallne and silk finished Voile; plain or hairline stripes; high or low neck; novelty trimmed or cir­cular raessaiine collar; tie finish; cuffs to match; value $ 1 .9 8 $2.98; Saturday 5 price

E v e r y W o m a n N e e d s C o a ts J u st l i k e T h is T h ru o u t th e S p r in g tim e -O fte n F a r In to th e S u m m e r .

CoatsO f S e r v e —B la c k a n d B lu e

O f S h e p h e r d P la id s O f M ix tu r e s—G ray a n d T a n

Women’l and misses’ sizes in all of these fines ready for Saturday’s selling; 52 and 54 inch lengths; many fashion­able styles to cho^e from; long shawl, notched or sailor collars; trimmed with ipongees, checks, braids and pipings. Isome lined to the waist, at these low

ir ic e s—

$9.98, $l2i0, $15, $16.50lOOO Fine W aists

j e r ie A M a r q u ise tteBeauties—all of them—just in

Fresh and fine, high or Dutch necks, Ihandsomc lace yokes, smartly trimmed with VaU Ouny and Baby llrish Laces, fine embroidery me­dallions or pin tucks, others nov­elty embroidered in contrasting colors, some with sailor collars and cuffs, combination trimmed, long or kimono sleeve, all sizes:

W aists w orth $3.50 for $1.98 W aists w orth $4 .50 for $2.49

F in e W a ists o f C h iffo n , M e ssa lin e , C h in ao r N et; lined with allover laces or silk stripes; others un- lined; high or square neck; line lace or beaded yokes; satin, combina­tion, braid, embroidery or beaded trimmed; three-quarter or kimono sleeves, cuffs trimmed to match; in black and vanous shades—

Value $ 6 .9 8 at $ 3 .9 8 Value $ 8 .9 8 at $ 5 .9 8

S to e k in g s—Ingrain dye; reinforced heels,' toes ana soles, black and colors: our $1.75 grades for only, pair....... ; .........

Three pairs for $ 4 .$ 1 .3 5

N ovelties in H andkerchiefs

E^Mtov N oveltioa in Hand­kerchiefs from Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Madeira, in great variety of beau­tiful patterns from the daintiest de­signs to the most elaborate effects —charming things for Easter gifts,

2 5 c . to $2 . Special-A ll L i n e n

E m b roid ered C o r n e r H en d k erch lefa -p re tty de­signs; regular price 2 Bc.i to-mor­row at 1 2 ' ^

. Easter Ribbons

Great savings for those who come for ribbons to-morrow—and there is everything here that is new and de­sirable in beautiful plain and fancy effects.

H a n d s o m e W a r p P r i n t D re ad e n R ib b o n s , 4 inches wide; beautiful floral designs on white taffeta grounds with different colored .. — _ satin edges; 25c values at . , . . * O C

BriUiant T affeta Sash Rib­b on s, 6 1-8 inches wide; in ail good colors; nice also tor hair bows and millinery trimming; 35c. a « « yard kind to-morrow at.........

R tch B lack an d W hite M p - ed T k ffeta R ibbons, 4 3-4 inches wide; rich stiff finish; a variety of

For KiddiesC hildren ’s G u to p e s of lawn;

suspender style; trimmed with em­broidery insertion and cluster n a — tucking; sizes 4 to 14 years; » * r C

C hildren’s G uim pesi suspen­der and yoke styles; high and low neck; long and short sleeves; trim­med with embroidery and lace inser­tions and ruffles; sizes 4 to 14 years; fo r.............................

C hildren 's Drawers; cambric and muslin, with pretty embroidery ruffles; hemstitched ruffles or lace trimmed; slzei 2 to 12 years;

Maybe That Little Girl of Yours Would Like One of These

Springtim e e n d S u m m er D re sses of gi>4' h a m s an d oh am brays; plain and combination tnimned: with and without kimono sleeve; others with oollar, sleeve and skirt trimyied; all new and fresh; sixes from 6 to 14 years; good value for $1.29; special price for Saturday.................................

U n s n e an d G ingham D resses for girls of 6 ts 14 years; high or low neck: With or without »iiOr collar and tie; others embroidery trimmed; plain f t Idmono sleeve; combination trimmed; alE « .* a a the new pretty colorings; value $2.50; spec 1 «p * •***?

W aaheble D resses for girls of 6 to 14 years, of percale and gingham; round, V or square neck; panel, ambroidery, combination and button trimmed; kimono or taUorea sleeve; full kilted skirts; value a .* a a p.98, special for ^turday, at....................... v

W ashable Ju n ior D resses , in blue, tan, pink or green; plain or figured effects; embroidery or com- tatnation trimmed; tailored or kimono sleeves; gored skirts with plaited flounce; value $2.98; spe- « a q d a la t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J P l 'W O

W ash ab le Ju n ior D ressee of Olnghams, Un- ene and Linen, in plain or stripe effects; hand crochet yokes; others with deep sailor collars; higli or low neck; braid or button trimmed; gored or plaited skirts; high bodice Of normal waist line; with or without deep hem of contrasting color; in pink, tan, light blut, white and other shades; good value for $8.50, special $ g ^ g g

Girls’ C oats in fancy mixtures: moire collar; but­ton trimmed; finely tailored; sizes from 6 a .. a qto 14 years; special a t ......................... ........

Flna Ju nior C oats in smart novelty mixtures, with deep sailor collar of contrasting color; may be had in red, green, Copen and other shades; a avalue ^.50; special at.......................... .

Ju nior a n d M issss’ Tallorad Suits, of serges, mixtures and novelty weaves, notched, shawl or sailor collars, finely lined short coats, panel gored or

S 9 .9 S t o $ 3 9 . 9 5


W ajm er'g P . N ., R . A G n A lm a , C B . a n d T h o m so n ’s G l o v e F ittin g C o rse ts — High and medium busts, long hip styles; up-to-dite models; h o s e supporters attached; s i z e s 18 to 30; standard $ 1 c o r se ts ; Sat- f i Q f urday, at>...............

Women’s Kid GlovesM q u e a n d R o u n d S e w n ,R e a l F re n c h L a m b k in G lo w er

sa$ ana two cla^p styles; in ati the fashionable Spring shades: also m black and white, and white with black stijehing, and black with white stitch- « . .lug; til wanted sizes at the popular price o f. ..... .......... .......................... *

W o m en ’a R e a l F re n c h L a m b K id G lo v ed ;' round and p ta e ■ewn; ftiris point stitching; gusseted fingers; sizes 5)6 to 7)6; in prettiest thsiles of golden brown, blue, green, grav, tan, pearl, whrte and black; atttehed with white, black and red, excellent values Mr $1.25; priced fcr “ 'll"® .................................................................................. o w e

Superb Easter MillmerySurprising Sale at Wonderfully Low '' *

II Is just ss though an army of bunnies had taken possession of our Millinery Shop and brought In t multitude of Easter time surprises lor our patrons.

It haoDcns that a New York importer and manufacturer of high-class millinery accumulated too much stock because of the cool weather, and solicited our aid, and olfered concessions if wc * 0 “™ Klieve him of a considerable quantity of the hats that were already trimmed. We several hun­dred of them, and to-morrow we start this sale. Just in time to gratify you, with beautiful Easter hatsat remarkably low prices. „ j i

There are hats of all sizes and kinds in this collection—small, medium and large shapes, trimmed in becoming manner with pretty flowers, dashing feathers and wings, and lovely ribbons, novelties, etc. These hats were designed to rclai! at from $8 to ^ 0 , but this is how we will sell them

$ 8 Elffects a t only $ 3 .9 5 $ 16 to $ 18 Effects at $ 9 .9 5$ 1 0 to $ 1 2 Effects at $ 5 .9 5 $ 1 8 .5 0 to $ 2 5 Effects, $ 1 2 .9 5$ 1 2 .5 0 to $ 1 5 Effects at $ 7 .9 5 $ 2 7 .5 0 to $ 3 5 Effects, $ 1 4 .9 5

$ 3 7 .5 0 to $ 5 0 Effecte at $ 2 0

Crowds Come for Waish GoodsTo-m orrow W ill Be A nother Big D ay-an d the L ast

It was to be expected that there would be a big run for the beautiful washable fabrics we offer this week so cheaply, and look for a grand day's business to-morrow.

Some of the things we started the sale with have been exhausted, of course, but some other pood things have U e n their place and most of the first day features were m quantity sufficient to meet the demands of the three^days, ending to-morrow night. So come expecting to find the fabrics you want at the low prices at which we are selling them.

3 8 c .S in 8a p b r o S ilk P o n g e e -1.A beautiful construction of silk with cotton—figured and 1 9 * =

4 0 - fn c h L in o n L a w n —White handkerchief quality, firm 4 "t 1C and fine linatea, at only.. A J . 2

2B c F a n c y F o u la rd e —Mer­cerized fabrics; very pretty; 4 y | C ^ inches wide; at only . . . . X “

2 8 c S co tc h G ingham s-.Fully 144 styles of these splendid real Scotch Zephyr ginghams, J 2 2 * =

12)6e P o lk a D ot Cotton S u ra h —Soft mercerized f i n - ^ l C toh; very pretty colors...........\ J 2

■Down East*'^ B oat C alicoolor fabrics that w wear indefin- f i C __

...................... O the little priced.2 9 0 . F loral B atiste 13H«-‘-'^he$e are the very

fin est o f w h ite fab rics imaginable, and besides having a white embroidered leaf they are also printed over with dainty flowers in pmk, blue, yellow and violet —truly exquisite dress stuffs, and a wonder- ■I O I C 5 9 c fr'l targain at the little price of...................... X A 2

Absolutely fast color fabrics that will wash well andItely, at only..

plain.28c:. W hite D ress Batiste

40 inches wide; sheer; lull merceriz­ed; nice lor commence- I ^ T C ment dresses. Ji................. X #

6 8 e. Irish A ll-L in en - I his isthe Old Bleach from the O Q ^ native flax; pure white; spl. A # ^

2 8 c . W hite In d ia L inon —40 inches wide; smooth mill laun­dered; free from knots; 1 f i f C at only.......................... X ^ J 2

Ram fa C r a s h -The fashionable linated fabrics in all staple colors as well as odd shades, a < 1 2 :=*=

28c. Irish D im ities — B e s tgrade ; daintiest new cords; tiny floral patterns; will be sold 18*=

A pron G in gh am s — Southern Mills (besi); fast color; made ES 1C right where the cotton grows C J 2

19c. F ancy V oilas—Scarcest of any of Ihe cotton fabrics, 9 in a variety ofcolorings.a; X v r 2

Best G a l a t e a - Highest grade; lor suits and blouses; will 4 0 1C be priced...................... X m 2

2 8 c . Tan Irish L inen —M yd.wide, in the rich natural ^ A C color of the spun flax; price X “X

12 >6 c. A m erican N ear L inen—pure white; one of the Q 1C heavier of the white fabrics,tor 9 2

3 8 c . W hite H aaon 2 2 e--These are truly named “Q u een o f th e W hite Fabrics," and webelieve all women will so acclaim them. They come in flaxon checks, flaxon openwork, flaxon satin stripes, flaxon madras stripes and flaxon cord-all very beautiful, all very useful, indeed, and one of the big O O C features of this wonder sale, at..........................

qiecial selling. Main R oot, Front.

Women’s NeckwearLatest C reations For Easter

D utch Collars, C h em tsettas, Y ok es, Fichus,S carfs , C o lla rs, S leev es, G u inxpes, R a b a ta

L ee e a n d E m b ro ld a ry C o m b b y a tio n a of the prettiest sorts— mmy of them exclusive with Hahne & Co.; many direct importations; an unusually fine line at popular prices, ranging from 2 5 c . to S I . 9 a

M arabou F eather S to les—black and natural shades; a flntvariety to choose from at SB.98i'to S IO .

M arabouFeather C aip^new est fashionable shapes; f S t o S I S

Indoor DressesF in e L a w n S a c q u e s—In figured and floral effects; V

neck or notched collar; shirred or belt back; Xsleeve; light coloring; value 98c., special for Saturday at 4 9 c .

P e r c a ^ a n d G h a m b ra y H o u se D ram ses-H lgh and low nedt; long and short sleeves; full sfeirts; value $1.50, spec­ial at 8 9 c .

C h a m b ra y a n d P e r c a le H o u se D resseir-P taldor checked; tucked walstt; full ak1rts;value ^.50; spec, at $ 1 .4 9 .

L o n g L a w n K im o n o s ’ ln pretty floral designs i belM model; combination trimmedi light cotorlnga; value $1.98, sped'al

Silk Petticoats $3.98Here are beautiful Taffeta Silk Petticoats, well made, with tailored and

plaited flounce, in red, green, blue, gray and changeable effeett, and rich mes- den patterns, in many pretty colorinra, and with them Messaime Petbcoals in superb Persian design witn fluted Rouncei finished with niifle 4 1 0 o f i regular price, # 6 *0 8 ; will be special priced to-morrow, only., . .

Petticoixts o f Suteon a n d M olru with deep 20-in. plaited ^ flounce; in black, golf red, navy and gray; Saturday at .......................... V

Night Gowns for $1There will be little hesitancy on the part of any

woman who secs these night gowns to buy them at flre. pripc, for they are really our regular $ l .S O and $2 gowns.

Made of Fine Nainsook, with short puff or flare sleeve; yokes trimmed with medallions of embroidery and lace insertions; sleeves with lace insertions and ruffles; other styles have neat edge, or broad bands of embroidery, ribbon drawn and bows. Pick any one you like Saturday, while the lot lasts,at only ..............................................................


In the linen StoreH e m m e d S h e e ts a n d C a a e s - o f reliable make, same

as those on sale last Saturday, will be placed on sale again in (he Muslin Department to-morrow as follows— ,

Size*. '' 54x90 63x90 72x90 81x90 90x90Special 5 5 c 6 7 c 7 0 c 7 7 c 8 3 c

Price pH « n m « d P illow C ss s s a n d B olstsr Cm m

45x36 45*38)4 50x38)6 42x76)6 ^Special 12ic 17c 4 9 c 2 8 c each.

B.600 Dozen Towels of substantial grades will be of­fered to-morrow at theie low prices—

Hfrck T ow el! I 9 c 1 4 c 2 0 c 2 5 c T urkish Towels ) ^

M O E m b roM w M SoM fs ttd i h a m s, tpcclai at BOe,

Esxceeding the Speed Limit In. Fine Siik Selling

To-morrow is the last day of the big sale. Women from all round Newark, from EHj®' betti, from the Oranges, all round about, have been thronging the silk counters m quest of the many goi^ly bargains in dependable Hahne & Co. silks, which we are offering this week.

It is certainly a treat to be able to pick from such thoroughly good stocks, all tne silKs being of the standard grades with which the store is regularly stocked, and all offered attp ^ a lly reduced prices. . , , ^

The purpose of this sale is to more thoroughly acquaint the people with the good quali­ties of silks we sell and the fair prices which prevail regularly. . , , , . ,

All the attractions of this event will be continued until closing time to-morrow night If you haven't picked your silk dress yet come to-morrow.

$ 1 .5 0 Satin de C hine-M j;;;$1 F a co n n e F ou la»d -“ .“ rcluttve M a n s enly: wateripot proof; we look lor big tsUmg at on ipeciil priceo f . . . . . ................................................... . • •

8 5 c . B la c k J a p a n e s e S ilkWiterproof, pmplratlon proof; fist black; a

flrmly woven, brieht jet black silk for summer waists or drestei; tult Zl inches wide; special G j Q C priced..................................................... O O

$ 1 .8 0 B o r d e r e d F o u la r d s40 inches wide; navy blue with white borders

only; four new designs; exclusive styles; very• ................ 9 9 'teshionable this season; a big bargain at the special price

silk, yam-dyed; in all the most wanted of the new shades for street or evening wear; bright satm face; specially adapted to the popular one-piece dresses; fairly priced regularly at $1.50; this w e e k 'a ^ Q Q Cprice.......... ................................. ...............6 9 c . P o n g e e —W a ter -S p o t P r o o f

27 indies wide; a semi-rough weave; in natural and black only; a most serviceable silk for all-round wear 3pd very popular at its regular A Q * - price; sale price.......................................

2 9 c . F a m o u s S e c o S ilk sIn dotted and plain; every conceivable old and

new color; for street and evening wear; considered cheap at the regular price; you can have O O C them this week only at............................

La Tosca W ater-Spot Proof PongeesAll pure lilk pongee suitings, so very desirable for coat suits, one-piece dresses, outing

suits for mountain and seashore, skirls and girls’ dresses—fabrics that will wear till Doomsday, and best of all, these w ill n o t * p o t if you are caught in a shower.

Besides the always popular natural p o n g e e we will have this in K in*’* b lu e , nav^, e l e c h ^ Parsifal, ligh t b lue, i^ink, am ethyst, peach ,fray, r e s e d ^ w in e ecru, w hite, cream , m aixe, am b er, C openhagen , H elen p in k truly a

ne collection of shades to choose from. . .u -We have sold hundreds of yards of these splendid pure silk pongees, 27 inches wide, under their copy­

righted name, which is famous the country over, at 9 1 .2 8 a yard , buthere we _ _ _ jcome with this big lot to go on sale Saturday at less than h a lf its w orth —one U i e y a r ayard or as many as you wish, at.................. vv ri • ' t Li' oX.........................On Bargain Table a).

Candiessp e c ia l T o-m orrow

Milk Chocolate Covered Fig Wal­nuts, regularly 40c. per O O ^ lb., at........................... s f i S J

Women’s UnderwearW om en ’s Vents, Pants an d U nion Suits—white ribbed cotton;

union suits in low neck, sleeveless, knee length styles, lace trimmed; vests in low neck, sleeveless and with sleeves; pants in knee lengths, - a _various styles; 25c. to 35c. kinds for........................................................

U n io n S u its -white Swiss ribbed cotton; low neck, sleeveless, o q -. knee length styles; lace trimmed; 50c. grades for..................................

New BooksFor Boys

The latest addition to the Boy Scout Series is “T h e B o y Scou ts o f Eagla Patroi." by Lieutenant Howard Payson. Every boy scout will want this book. The price is................................. « O C

Saturday EveningDinners

L ast C all 9 :3 0Complete course dinners tempt­

ingly served, with all that goes to make them enjoyable, will be served to-morrow evening.R oast S princ Turixoy. 78o* Shad Row a n d B acon , 6 8 c . T andarloin S tea k . 8 8 c ,

25c and 50c Barrettes 12cOn the Round Table

Saturday’s Round Table Bargain in the Grand Court will be this lot of 1 ,0 0 0 p ie c e s o f Im ita tio n S h e ll and A m b e r B a r r e tte * which we bought cheaply and are eoing to sell likewise; some arc carved, some plain, some em­bossed; values^jun from 25c. to 50c.; pick any one you l^e, Saturday, a t . . . ! ........, .......... ............ ...............................

Easter Dinner SetsC hafc A h r e n fe ld t F in e D e c o r a te d

S et* —100 pieces: all gold edges; decorated m five of Ihe latest patterns: sets contain three meat ^she^ tureen and full sizeplates; regularly ^ . 9 8 , special at $ 2 9 9 8 .

ChM - A h ro n fo ld t F b ia D c c o rs lsd D in n e r S eto-O f 100 pieces,clouded gold handles; decorated in ten ^*^*'1 * I®)'® J $ 2 3 . 5 0 complete for twelve Mrsons; regularly $25.00. social at. . . . . . • ■

C hM . A h r o n f i ld t F in e D e c o ra te d h t " ' * * * ' ^made up for twelve persons, including sugar and cream sel, 3 1 9 ^ 9 3 regularly $22.60, special at............................ ........‘" I l l " ........

mV - i V



NEW CHARTERPrinted Copies of Draft Ex­

pected at City Fall forDistribotion,


I t <• expcftod thiit th< drat coplea ot tb e cUi' e h u te r d rad wUt be received at th e c ltf liall to-nlaht In time to dlatrib- tila I hem <lo the niemhtra of the Com­mon Council. The purpoae of the Char­te r L'ommlaelon la to provide aa Hide and feneriil clrcniatlon of the printed coplea M poaalble. Tide ii Ip anllclpatton of the HUblc hearlnge to be given neat week.

The eupplemeni to the commiaalon bill, tn which le embodied the duclrUiee of laitiaUve. relerenitum and recall, which a re addition! In the cummiulon plan made at the eugdeetlon of Jiidf# William T'. Murtin. la rend/ for dletrlbution.

There la doubt that the draft will reach th e elage of Introilucllon In the in'kiaia- tu re th li /ea r unleaa the day of adjourii- tneat of the law mill le more remote than la now believed.

(tome, olllclali Interested In the eharier ^ e not aniloui to haeten tha diepoeltlon • r the draft. They are atandlng for the {wlleit pitblio dijcuiaum of tha plan of th a bill and lie varloue detalli hr alt dvlc IhoUea and Individual dtlaana who raajr tea ire to expreia their vlewa on the gen- • ra l quaatlon and aleo on the dctalla ot tha plan.

U artln favors hurtTinp th a bill Wotid tn order that It ahall have a favor- Abla opportunity o t paaalnp tha Lagla- laturo. Ha Is deairous of giving tha people ot this d ty their opportunity to trota on tha queetlon of accepting nr HJscUng the main bill and tha supple­m ent or a t letet the main bill.

The complrcency of some other mem­bers with respect to the delivery of the bills to the Leglslaturs Is suggestive of a practical political side to tha situation, t f tb s question reaches tha voters th is fa ll and they adopt ths new charter, the alTsot will be to turn Out the preeent Pity government from top to bottom.

It may not terminate the present ad­m inistration before ths «nd of the term

for which Mayor Haussllng w ai elsctad, but H Will Involve a general readjustm ent « f oncss and offldals and thoaa who are DOW In oontrol probably want to take time fn which to prepare for the u lti­m ate effect of the change In the ohartsr law.

The public heaHngi now arranged a re to take place next Tuesday and Wednes- • a y nigbta a t ths elty hall. T# neoessary they will be continued to Thuredey night.

A auggeetlon has been made th a t aa the Common Council figured formally in the creation of the charter commission the pommisslon ehould report to thab body on the result of Us work. '

This plan la meeting with strong oppu- altlon. Judge Martin le openly qgsinst It. The reason for the opposition Is th a t auch A eouraa would make It possible for tha •ekinhers of the council, It dleposed to 4o so, to bold up ths work of the commls- aton Interminably and eventually defeat th a sntirs purpoit of tha cbarter'i e iie t- ODce.


A t tha eonoart given by It In W allaca B a ll this Diomtng, the Newark Oympbony OtDheatra. of which L. Carroll Beckel la th a oonduotor, strsnghtened the favorable la^resaltin created by the performances w ith which It Introduced Itself to tount Attantlon In ths same auditorium a week ago. The thirty profeaslonal musiciansgomprlslne tks band are retldsnte of this city. H ost of them are employed in theorchestras connected with local th eau o s or playhouses In New York. Some ot them are members ot symphony aocletlea In M anhattan. All are ao Interested In th e liner things In musical literature th a t

’‘they are willing to devote as much as poa- ilh le of their leisure to the developmonc of a synplionlc body here th a t eventually will be able to supply local needs. The only reward they get for their lervicceIn th is cause is the pleasure and profit

udjthey derive from studying and Im erprel beg such compositions aa mads up the program this morning.

T hsir work Is a labor of love, o f devo­tion to a r t for art's sake. Their concerts ara designed to show the people of this elty th a t Newark has musical ta len t Among Its oitlsens capable of giving much plM sum when It le disclosed In the liner pDoductlons ot creative muelclans. Bo- M um of the proof they have given of the ir abilUy to do artistic work, those

..tthu have heard their performancee thus' tar hope th a t they may arrange an ex­

tended series of concerts to r nsxb sesaoi And that the public will then show Uappreciation of their worth and of w hat they are trying to accomplish.

Ttie program this morning included the Allegro vivace movement from M osart’e "Ju p ite r’' symphony; two movements from Beethoven's first sympliony, the p tarch from Wagner's "T annhaeueer,"

Stig e r’s “Chtness Serenade," an andan- 10 and an allegretto for strings by

krug-W aldeee, Tfovacak’t Blafonletla for am octet of brass and wood wind in ttru - |m t s , and vocal solos by U ra Josephine Oorooran. Compoiltlona of tho character Af those Inviting attention cannot ba heard too frequently la local concert- to o m a eepeelally when they are so well Maysd a t th ty wars on this ocesslon. The quality of the tons produced by th e Arehestra is atnooth, full and very pleas- t u , and th« t*chn(cii1 tktlt, coupled w ith

IntflllgtHM ihown In the reading of th e hcor«« lifted the performanoM to * klgh plane of profeeelonal effort.

Ure. Corooran, who poneiiaa a voloa f t fenulne contralto timbre, and ueee It l ^ e f u l ly , waa heard In aonge by Bohm, T%b der Stiirken. Maieagnl and IvObr. With reeuUe that promoted m joym ent of th e concert.

rANHANDllRS STOP AWHILETour young mrn. two of whom said thoy

fead been on I lie way to Detroit, were Naed lie psch lor stealing rides on freight tpalns of llie l^hlgh Valley Railroad, ye»- ia rdny uflkrnoon.

Jaine..| Burns, twenty-one year* old, of Ite pHclIlc street, and John Smith, same age, of 101 Stone itreet, were the two who paid they were gning to Detroit. Samuel F irs t, twsnty years old. of HT Court Btroei, end Raymond Johnson, colored, of US Bank street, declared they were bound (Or Buftslo.

Bpei ial OlBrsr Troxell, of the Dehigh IValley Railroad, arrested the four. Me •aw them aboard the freight trsln hero and placed them under arrest at Cranford. They were brought back to this elty.

Troxell told Judge Hahn th a t the rall- yoad has been bothered lately by youths who threw etnnee a t passing trains and broke signal lights. He declared th a t yes­terday afternoon a stone was thrown through a window- of a train.

In default of their tinea the tour prla- •ners were committed to Jail.

LESS NEED FOR SHOES NOW.Bscause hla brothcr-ln-taw*, Michael

Pyne, of 171 Adame street, refused to buy blm a oew pair of ehoes this morning. W illiam M'alsh, ot Itl Broadway, Jersey City, struck htro under the left eye with a briek, acoording to the victim 's story. H 'alsh was committed In default of $WU ball by Judge Hahn In tha Third P rs- Mnet Court later.

Pyne entered the tu tlo n and exhibited a l ^ l y Bwulleu eye, which he deolared bad been Inflicted a few minutes pre- Vloasly by Walsh a t Adams and Latay- *Ua streets. Pairalmen Drex and Hull Were sent efter'W alsh and cauqht him )o Im tayelte street after s chase of three blbcks. %Vhen aneeted Waleh put up a ailff fight.

•IRlPffl t.N tW A B R S fitO UE BIAUTIPULWOAP. WA/JCV jrggCf."^T h e M o a t I n d u s t r i o u a S t o r e i n N e w e r k - T h e C i t y o f I n d u a t r y

Sheet Music,10‘

T h e H a r b o r o f L o v e

N e w B a l l a d

On Mobile Bay I Don’t Believe You WinterWhen Msriols Do

the Cubanola Dear Old Wintertime All Alone

They’re All Good American Namea

S i l v e r T h r e a d s Among the Gold

My Evening Star In All My Dreams i

Dream of You Sugar Moon Some of These Days Honey Bunch Love Me with Your

Big Blue Byea Sweci Bunch of


l O c .

l O ®

T h a t A e r o ­p l a n e R a g

G r e a t S o n g

L o v e D r e a m e , S e a a o n ’s H U

We’ve Kept the Golden Rule

Alamo Rag Gee I But It’i Great

to Meet * Friend from Your Home Town

J u a t a C h a in o f D a ia le a

P o p ’IV M a lo d y

E m m a lln a Lee A W inner

1 0 *

Letty Lane I'm Afraid of You Don’t Wake Me Up,

I’m Dreaming Sing Me the World Is

MineThat Dreamy liilian

WalixMaybe You're Not

the Only One Who Lone Me

Get a Girl te Love You

My Ylddiaha Colleen Who Are Yeu vltb

To-nightPapooie—Intermetxo School March Wedding of the

Winda—Waltzes Bridal Vail-Waltzei Chatterbox Reg Viaion of Spain—

WaltzesSun Flowers—Flower

SongSilver Bell — Inter­

mezzoThe Avlstor Rag Garden of Cirle—

WaltzesSneaky Shufflea—Rig A Trip to Magio—


Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey

If ! Were a Knight of Old

Come. Josephine, in My Flying Machine

Lovie Joe

C h o ic eo f A n y

10'In My Dretmi of

YouAll Aboard for Blan­

ket BayWoodland Dovt Yearning Steamboat BUI

V a l a o f D r M u n a S m n l - C la a o le

C o m a I n t o Myr G s u r d a n ,D e a r t a b y t h o W r i t a r

o f “ D r a a m i n g '*


18c-June—Hen Pecks My Yankee Doodle


-Oporatic Hita—18cLove Me—Alma, Where Do You

Girl—Slim pM,ion_Mtdtm SherryI Love the Name of Mery—

somisS H O E i ^

Spring Stylet in Women*# Rootg. Oxtords and Pumpa. Made o f Satin . Suede, TelTettCordnrdy.W hlte B aok tk ln , CanTaa, Tan Russia Calf, G lased K id and P aten t Leather.

3 .5 0 to 10 .0 0 per pairBoys’ and Girls’Sorostt Shoes lor Dr Bis,

School and General wear.3 .5 0 to 4 .0 0 per pair.

Men’s Sorosis Shoes and Oxfords in all Leathers.

5 ,0 0 and 6 .0 0 per pair.

James McGreeiy & Go.2 S n / S t r 0 0 i S 4 t h S t r — t

Alma—Alma, Where Do You Live Cheuneey Olcott

28c- -Operatic—2 5 cDear, Delightful Women—Balkan I'm Falilng In Love with Seme One

Princeea • —Naugnty MariettaMy Beautiful Lady—Pink Lady By The Saskatchewan—Pink Lady

4 c —Classic Pieces—4cThe Palma—Vocal The Palms—Instru-

mentalNearer, My God, to

Thee — Inatru men­tal


Whieperings of Lova Tho Roeary—VocalO ld C a t h e d r a l

ChimesMonastery Bells L o v e ’ s Dreamland


Dorothy Flower Song Toreidor Ave Maria Bulla and


FoliosOpera Gemi Vols. 1 and 2. each..................Youth and Beauty, Easy Pieces...................Remick Collection of Home Songs. . . .......Remick Collection of Classics, Vols. 1 and 2. Remick Collection of Standard Melodies...

. . I t e.lO p

..Z5c,.29c. . 2 f e


Rosenbaum &Cq10 & U Wedt k31 Street, N. Y. ■ks.


Extraordinary PurchaseHas smart, new 25-inch length coat, trimmed with two tone black and white silk and braid ; shawl or sailor collar. Plain', and fancy serge, also several > s t r i c t l y mannish models in Homespuns, Tweeds and Mix­tures ......................................


Regular values $30 to $40.

Silk Foulard DressesDregamaker atnie, A Special Qggriiig

From one of New York's leid- Itig t n d fisMonable dreeo- m iken — all new, exclusive modelp and copies of the latest European fashions, in bordered and plain foulards, including beaded and embroidered effects


Not I garment in the assortment ever sold at less than $30.00.

A Great Spring Tonic !

Petty’s Beef, Wine and Iron Overcomes that “Tired Feeling."

BvvaleK H l(b SehMl (!n« iia(t«> .A banquet wxe ttven at A chtel-Stelter'a

taat night to celebrate the commencement if the Thlrleenth Avenue BveDlny tndue- • ta t H tfh School. 'The cinee waa com- I loate o t tblTt/4hree graduatea. School Ihatialiitonet Rilsur n. Brown responde.l a th e tonal. "Bducatlon," ejid preaented

dlplomae. Martin L. Cox, the prlDol- utl a f Thirteenth Avenue School, wax Mtatmaeter, and Utee Clara Schapiru, ‘VUUaB Trnum, Freacla B. o t t and La-

Kohl rcapondtd to tarm al toaata. aebart praaent ware called ujwn to r In-

nai remarke. Tha •neata o f honsr bara Mr. and Mra. Brown. Mr. and Sire.

1 ^ . and jdrx . J^hn J. Arnao, '^Ijnc.-aad J. Iiea HopUnt.

Petty's Beef, Wine and Iron is just the thing to give you more strength and vigor, more vim and go. It overcomes that drowsy, tired feeling. It gives you new life and ambition,

Petty’s Beef, Wine and Iron is both stimulant and tonic. One of the best Spring me4icines that you can take. Guaranteed absolutely to give sat­isfaction. or money refunded upon return of empty bottle. Bottle, 50c,

PETTY WILL MOVE to 781 Broad 5trrot (Bva doors from Prudential Bldg.) ABOUT MAY 10th

PKarmacy Prudantial Bldg* 0|i#f\ AU Night,

James McGraeni & Go.a S n iS tr m m t S 4 1 h fffi-M f

On Saturday, April tha 8 th

MISSES’ SUIT D EPTS. Im a*th s to w .

Suita o f B ine or Black Serge and Mixed FabrlM. Girdle Skirt, 3 5 Inch Goat. Bliea 14 and 16 years. 3 5 .0 0

4 5 Inch Top Coat irlth V e lv et Collar, lined thronghout w ith P eau do Cygne. Slaet 14 and 16 years, 14 .50

Serge Dresses,—em broidered kim ono w a is t Em pire sk irt w ith p an el baok. W hite and oolora Sizes 14 a n d 16 yeara 1 3 .5 0

BOYS* CLOTHING D E FT 8. to B o th s t o r

Boys* Clothing and Fnrnlahlngt

Com plete and varied assortm en t, at m oderate prieea

W ool Sailor or Rnsslan B lou se Bnlts. Sixes %% to 10 years. 5 .0 0 to 10 .50

Norfolk Jack et Suits, K nlokerhoeker trousers. S iz esS to Id y e a r a 5 .0 0 t o l5 .0 0

D ouble Breasted J ack et Su its, Knlek* •rbooker trotuers. Size 8 to 17 y e a n .

5 .0 0 to 16 .5 0Beefers,slxe 3 to lO years, 5 .0 0 to 0,7 5Spring Overcoats, Sizes 10 to 17 years.

8 .5 0 to 0 .75Students’ Balts, first lon g trousers.

Size 15 t o ' i s years. 1 0 .5 0 to 13 ,50Young Men's Suits, size 3 3 to 3 8 Inch

chest. 1 5 .5 0 to 33 .5 0

Jamas McGraani & Go.f f J n f S f r o o f 3 4 t h 3 t r 9 9 t


B A N K R U P TS A L E !


Men's Furnishings and Hatsof Nit ISorrIn, from 800 Brood Stroot ond

P. K. Nottloton, of 827 Brood (itrootBOTH BTORBB W RRl BOLD BY T H l

Both Stocks Will Now Be SoldAt 50% ON THE DOLLARTHE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME TO SAVE MONEYBrand-new lot Arrow Collars...................................... ,'9cBoston Gartws ............................................................ I5c50c. Monarch Suspenders.......... ................................. I7cParis Garters ................................................................ 19cFine Neckwear, Four-in-Hand, 1 ^ .; 2 for............... 25cMen’s Black Half Hose, 6c.; 5 for..............................25cMen’s Dress and Driving Kid Gloves.......................... 20cSummer Athletic Un’wear, Knee Drawers, 50c. val.29c75c., 60c. Neckwear...... ............................................... 29cBradley Mercerized Neckmutfs a t..............................39cFine Imported Hose, 17c.; 3 for..................................50e$1.50 Shirts a t ................................ .59eMen’s Fine Chamois Gloves........................................69cFancy Vests, 69c. up. Men’s Hats at a Sacrifice InFi, OtaitMbiry Hm Balbdnaa Suner Usfervoar at a Sacrlflci


827 BROAD ST., Near Branford H,




The folio' to u n tr regl







■ ■ ' ■' '■■■ 1 I .i''



SUITS . . . . AT 118.50,120.00 * «23n0 X"'



HK N U d i, : •u « r , ux i

i ta d e r te k C [ OieuM »ni I bard t I t I

Brahkanrld JahD F. ]•T t n f tn x n o . . . .

F ru ie ls U w ■ OwmiI t . KOU.

Lotilt K «n • • SouU nxioQ ....

f «l«n Jad Co., w a

I verl7 pi, W miiun U 1 E . Da W J f t n f r I 1 Joseph E.

aeph Wa: I ar' ....

Jlaohal F. TeeUng. BaHaWlle

XUiabath Jaqob M

' lU f t a : I IL CoplM

Horner, j South Oi / Jetnee H.

A. Ulller Ineon it,

H arold AWilley. 1

i Philip J.I Co., e I J Nuraary W m iam

Chardev ft fr E other tri

Annie N. to BanJi •V L800 !

J o ie j^ 'n

fi. Altman A (So.WOMEN’S TRIMMED HATS " $18.00





I Broad /ffizlW ..

!ennl« C<proport;

O. Warre Ueyar,

; i6 ! ft a ■•ina to . ' i t n i R Hama to

p W lllla it f «xTf ... IX aft Ort / a lty Ce

I mar, Bt I 7* f t B ;

Oeorga Kleaam in ft a

iAufuatni w lntar,

f t WOaorta

Brnan H arbait






L ) JCdwart i * I O scy


.n A



Ytfiti; A n n n » . 34tlf atih 3Stl) B trw te. Kent f n r L


Oicot I ror el I lOBxlK’ Chariot


Ja Oi . Du Blixabe

Parki I C lara 1 f tin atI ban ■

Thath a ooi

MEAT MARKETS398 sniiinELi aveiie | sf I sniionai m m

C araar Fatvaeaaat Avaaaa | Maar laaM i l« t l i I tra a tW« v u t Uw d lsc rin iu ttag gabllc to Imub tha t m «ni w d M v trltii 'to giv* tlw iMttor quality qf n n i t a t raaiMaW* gticM. /

Lags »fChoto* K I4^ RsMt VmI, lb.Cbolc* 5boald«ra ol Vm I, lb . . ....................Vary PiM at Sugar Cti»4 Ham, lb............. 1 4 ^ cQenulne Laga of Spring Lamb, lb. Choice Lamb Chops, l b . , Choice Fricassee Fowl, lb........... .

Thick, H eavy Leaf Lard, lb . ............Choica Laan 3niokad Cal. Ham, lb. Cholcd Fore Q uarte r Spring Lam b, lb .

H anr Bank, Id av,


Hora horn, parkv

John a ) ^ L UW.

Ella a a PI av. tw

Joea 1*. e t

Auki ‘Vallet av £0

F rai Exact) f t n

Jio n tavua a fr 1

Ann W arn

’Will Lyon.

Ant'mondL mLou

at ux


(and 1Btal

‘ "Banft.N t



Tha root! reaicwibly Prieto o a tw te let la Uia elty. »«hjn ene block of Broad aad M rket ttreato la building adlaiatai Tbs Nawifk Evenlag Neva. All froBtlag aa Market airaat; tblrd lew, aulte two rooms, 15x14 aad lOxS. AlPlmproreoMaix For tenae apply le the k »

BUSINESS HANA6RR. BNewark Evaalag Nev%SIM II Harkat Bhroat,

*T your ova broicar. Premlaaa may ba Inapacted at aiw daw bp tpplylag to CUef Eaiiaatr, Evaalag Nova.


Wateh & DjamoBd Question?POR THB



won’t trvobla ran If yea let ua help yon an Oiaaa (arma:

i a s n o - « 4 0 A WEEK 1 0 4 0 - 1.00 A WEEK

WLOO- a JO A WEEK" H r — — f t —II, w rtea A okSerB oaB —ti.

SS7H B r o a d S t r e d t , N ^ a r k i N. J*


Factory and Lofts to LetFor Uabi msaufacturiag putpoaaa, oa second Aoor, vltbln o u

mlnwa of Market and Broad atreett, too roema, 10x33 aad 22x33.Vary lltbt Power If raqulrod. SlMin boated. TolltL Raanlag wattr. Private Art alanii ayatem. Suitable for almost any manu- faciuri&t purpose, la buildlui tolMnlng Etonlng Nava. On tblrd loor,. loft l$a$A «ltb dl above ImpMvomtfttt Par tanas apply to the

5U81NIB8 MANACen, Nemrfc ■raafi« Nava, n i-a ^ Haifcal mtrnk,

or your m brokar. Ptomlsu may ba latpactto at any date by applying to Chief Buginecr, Bvtaieg Neva

1 ' I

IN Irr ?

R T tD






r r

i W Q


X .

f -------------------STi» foltow lrc a « d i WBT« m*4 In th«

M u n tj otflce yeaterd«y:NHWARK.

K ay«r nt ua to J. i n i m aPW M si, n • Mariiot i t n (r analloy, Ual«». and othor traoto........ H

Vtadortck C. Ely at a) to Helnntann OlOM and Mirror Co., n ■ Qott- tiardt i t • » f t fr E lm .it, MilOO.,.. 1

(ra a k o n rld f i A TIchenor, Ino., to Jahn T, B acney et na, « i C id ar a r t n f t n t r iou th O ranio ay,jjxUO ................................................... t

T rano li U acU n to Jo n p h Caprlo, w ■ CaindiB i t N* f t n fr Cablnoti t , H alid ,,.................................. 1

Lotrii H annan a t at to Moaaa Jadal, a • Soutb lUi at UO f t fr Uth ay,IBaldg ....... 1

f tlan Jid iU t . R o ii AmUMmant Co„ w i Prlnca at 1I» f t f r W a-

I y»rly pi, ISalOO, and olhar iraot---- 1W illiam H arrlgan, iharlB to Jo iaph I E. Da Wyngaarl, « a R ldta at KM' f t n f r Park av, ttHOO............... I.«®

■ loseph B. Do W ynaaart ol u i to Jo- ' aeph Wabar J r . at ux. aama piop-

ar' .......... tKaohal T. Cook at al to Jamaa J.

TaeUna, a a Taylor at W f t w f rBaHarflla av, iSxlOO........................... t

SUiabatli E. Racad and hudband to Jaoob Meyar at al, a a W ard atlU f t a fr Machanfo at, KxIT........ 1

11. Copland Cohan et ux to Morrla Homar. a a Ilankln et If} f t frSouth Orange av, ISxSS................... 1

Jamea H. S. Willey et u i to H arold A. Miller, e s FIfah at 60 f t f r Dick-Inaon et, 60x20..................................... 1

H arold A. Millar et u i to M aryWilley, eame property .................... 1

/Philip J. Bowers to State R ealty 1 Co., e ■ Summer av WO f t n fr' N uretrx i t , lOillS,........................... 1'William y . Nichole to Anne N.

ChardavoysA n » W atson a» l.lOO ft fr Hunterdon et. 3x100, andother trac t .......................................... I

Annie N. Cbardavoyne and Imeband to Benjainln Singer, n a W atson av 1,800 f t fr Hunterison at, I6xW0..

JoasM W ard (decoaaed), by holra. to Sarah A. Condit. block map 2130,

Land oUiera of meadowa taxingtrlot ...................................... J- .......

Thomas P , Hejjd et ux to H elen Jatttleon, e ■ TParker et 226 f t f rBloomlleld av, 116x100............ ..............

F ranklin J. Wood e t ux to Chartee Penn et ux, n e Tlchenor et IDS f tfr N. J . R. R. av. 19x101...................

Julius A. Xabknecher et ox to H y , m an Roeenaobn, n i Brunswick i ta f r A itor i t . K iin ............ ■ ■ ■ ■

Jam aa B. Dennis et ala to W tlllemJ. Burka, a a Broad at 66 ft n f r ____ijoanbardy at, 6SxH6....... ................... 66,000

3.ma to aama, n a Lombardy a t lOBIt fr Broad at! 68x68........................... 16,008

abaila Bhapard at al to ta m ^ o a I Broad at 81 f t fr Lombardy at,66xlM ............ 1rennis Cooper Dannla to aama, aam a

property .............................................. lOtJTBTDH OF NEWARK.

. Wairren Petltln i e t ux to Joaaiph Mayor, E ast Orange, e e B urnett a t

<168 f t a I r Central ay, 68x125..,....... 1ikuna to same. N evark, s ■ Alpine / at fU f t w f r Bherman av, 87x100,... 1taame to aame. E ast Oranga, a a rw il lla m a at 168 f t w fr Proapeot at,( d6xT7 ........................t ...................... . 1ISaat Oratige-Atllngton A'venuo P e - } a lty Company to Helen C. Mortl-

I mer. E ast Orange, e a Arllngtoa av' 76 n h fr Grant av, 60x158..^,.......... 1

Oeorga H. Gardiner to BlanOhe Kleaam. Montclair, n a Norm an atUI f t e f r Valley ^ 60x160........ 1

Auruatua H arks et ox to H lohael W inter, Orange, n e i W aihlngtoa

1 at n w fr E ast Day et, 88x76........... 1H a m e t B. P ierson by e x in to

Q a o m H. Smith, Irvington, w a av 471 f t a f r Bprlnglldd r -

T ruat Company, Montclair, w a P a rk at 148 f t n fr Summit av, 66,000. , _

Lincoln E. Rowley to E ast Orange, Ar­lington Ave. B. Co., E ast Oranga. loU Nob 7“8» property of EM t Ot*®JiKOa Arljn®* ion Av«, R. Co.» I t m ^ ^

Jacob Mayer et ux to Orao* ^ extrx, Irvington, e s W ebster a t 161 f t n f r Elmwood av. 12,200. ,

Ida B. Dumont and husband to BTank MIhlon, exr, Montclair, n e cor M ethodist ohuroh a a Wnahlngton at,

John T. Duddy et ux to w lllllam Moll St ux, Irvlngtou, w s Sm ith #t 661 f t n

j f r Sprlngflola av. 61,000. *DMaey P . Havell and hueband to C arrla

8. Stevana e l al, e ira , Caldwell, e a For- I eat av B 8 Hatfleld at, 14.600,

Jacob L, Parker e t ux to E ssex Title G uaranty and ITdal C d , M o n to u r , e a Orange rd a w oor Dudley a Id, |6 , ^ .

John Van Riper e l .u x to M ontoW r Savings Bank. Glen R ldgo n e Baldwin et 606 ft w fr Sherman av, 62.700.

Edw ard W. Martin e t ux to Claim B. Fowler, Boat Orange, w s Steuben a t n a Otb av, 86,000. ^ I

CONTRACTS.The following con tracti have been pw

oorded a t the oourthouaa;Gustave Roll, owner, Ml Ormnga ak

w ith William B. MaoDougal, for oarpantar work, 8793; A. W. Stokem, arohlteot. ,

W eber Baking Co., owner, *48-868 W a- ' verly av, with William O ruhn, for all , work, 16,875; Joaeph D. H arriaon, arch i­te c t

Jam es V, Thetford. owner. T appan av, Belleville, with Clark i P laro, for o ^ lenter and maaon work, 81.800; w lm

Jlverett A. Ulcka, for plum bing work, 1385. I

Glovanlna •kusyfeU?..

Brpan wrS r ta r t ' AuiOn' at ’ u i to i i d i ^


■ A .



j s i 'Harbari. . .! Otesky, Orange, e a Brook alley a

fr Main a t 2&1U ..............................C harles J. Kieran et ux to 'William I R. Gordon, Nutley, a a Avondale rd ) 61 f t D w fr Lafayette pi, 76x188...

.E lisabeth Tomktns and hueband to i M argaret T. Devine,.East Orango,

w s Blrohwood av 868 f t • w f rCentral av, SBilOO .........

Ida U . Agnss Touplt and husband to Thomea C. Coif, Orange, n w a

' P ark av 25 f t a a fr N orth Oantra' at, 86x96 .................................................

John H. Van Clava at ox to A nna PrlmA Irvington, n a H alstead av 880 f t a e f r 40th a t BOHOO... . . . . . . . . .

Comeltua O'Donoghue at ux to th e Land Company of E ast Orange, E ast Orange, t a Maroy av 1,147 f t afr Prospect e t » x l» .............v '" , "

Carl E. Gottachalk et ala to A nnie Oottachalk et al, Bloomfield, n a Linden av 214 f t fr Thomas a t40x110 ............................ .....................

Ml When Prue et ux to F ra n s J. Beyer, E ast Orange, e w a HMgor- ton tei 6<B ft a e fr Prospect at.

Kellogg-Green Co. to A nna Champean, O ranga ■ w a Ivy court 177 ft fr Centra a t 40xS. .

George W. Munalck et ux to Edw in C Ealoh, South Orange, n . ,w a I Roosevelt rd n e fr Hieltory te r.

! 153x186 .................................. V........VBroukenrldge h Tlchenor, Ine., to

I John J. Connell, Irvington, e e De- vine at 71 ft a fr Grove at, 26xm ..

■Joaeph E. Beach et ux to Daley P, Havell, Caldwell, e a Foraet a v efr Hatfletd e t 76x200................. .

, Edw ard D, Tuttle et ux e t a ls to ' ' Oscar H. Schoelike. Irvington, i e

< cor Stuyvesant av and Trem ont at,I 106x116 .............................- I " V: Charlotte Parker and huahand to

Eltzabeth J. D em arest M m lclalr,

Ja Orange rd a w eor land W illiam. Dudley, 76x159...... .

a ilta h e lh J . Demarest to Jaoob Parker, Montclair, eame property

I C lara B. Fowler to Edwin W. M * - ! tin e t ux. East Orange, w ■ Steu- f bein at n fr 9th av, 60x75........ ..........


IN D ;iitgM es w ere filed In 'a oOlae yesterday :

treei• r i o / t s


6c. l O ^ eA ificA o H e

6IORTOAGES.The following mo

th e county regiater'iNEWARK.

H enry L. Colt et ux to S eo u rl^ O fTlnw Bank, e e ML Prospect av 167 f t n fr Id av 82,000.

Arohangeio Hevlello e t xat to A ugustus Chollet, a a Slone at 187 f t a f r 6tb av

* ^ o ra c o B. Miller e t ux to Jo h n B , Os­b o r n ^ a Highland av lU f t a f r H eller

^ o h n T lp . '^ r b e t t at ux E nd Ha ^ I*, a w cor Ferry and A dam s ata,

**EUn V. OSftbey t* laabel H.U S parkhura t at 126 f t a f r Pannaylvania

Weber Jr, et ux to P w k B. ^ L ., e a Ridge at 859 f t n f r P a rk av , l « »

JLiuruil«R*d*niaoher and huabM d tft Vallaburgh, B. sad L. * w s S Orange av 50 f t e fr Boylan at, 81,700.

V a n o la k a Frualnakl and JSExecutive B, and L.. w e B IK h a t 716 f t n f r ISth av, 86,000.

Domenico La M otta et u x to tavua A. Rloharda, e e Chapel a t <60 f t a fr Lester av and second traoL 8LBIO.

Anide Saul to Michael C. Oorbley, s e W arren s i oOr Summit at, » .6 »

William T. plum et ux to Lyon, w a High at s a M ortM

Antcnlo MarlBllA ct W td M orris I mo?d; li w cor Ith and Suninw r avSg

* **il*ula April et n i to H ym anat ux, a a Court at 81 f t e f r B room s at,

E. Maylaender and h w b a n d W Carolhie Schwslkert, a a oor C linton pl

(and Rjinyon ah fi,0o0. . — _B u te Realty Company to PhUlp J .

W ‘hSnW l6o*V?Perte'^and

fiavlngfl Institution, w « 4th at 2M n • Ir

I *'I ta rb a n f 'S ^ a r and huaband to sam e, w ■iPli ------- ----------------------

tlngham pl, W est Orange, w-lto Amoroae, for plumbing work, 8800.... . u — , o^nar . G ran t sL jsom - ■ oiBir, WIID new ark Maaon Con. Co., fw 1 all work, 63,000; Del Guerclo A Gonnalll, architects. ,, .

Caroline Allen, owner. 167 Camden et. w ith the Modern Paving Co., for oonqrata I^ d atuoco work, 3095; w l ^ J . !Strange, for maion work, 1976; w ith B rt. , of I ra Budd, for plumbing works |5 » ; j with J. Vreeland, for carpen ter work, S2.046; with Joaeph AUen, for painting work. 1 ^

w m iara 0, Davies, owner, A rthur rt, Belleville, with William R. Boyd, fo r all work, _

John R. Franke, owner, Colt i t , Irving­ton. with John W aiem er Con. Co., for general work, $2,6W; J* R-* F ranka, archl- teotxHenrv Berkeon, owner, Bloomlleld av, Caldwell, with Baker Bros., for a ll work, 612.250; Ernest 15. Twist, architect.

John R. Franke, owner, Linden av. Irv- inglcn, with John WaaSmer Con. Co., for general work, 62,600.

Frederlo fl'. Smltli, owner, Mountain av, Caldwell, .with Andrew gandee, tor carpenter and mason work, 8935; Henry Baechlln, architect.

Samuel Ratner, owner, 623 W arren at, w ith Samuel Goldberg, for general work, *10,200; Fred C. Kern, architect.

dt. Mlchael'a Hospital, owner, with William H. Connolly, Ino., fo r mason work, 134,998; J. O 'Rourke & Bon. archl-*^*ewark Gear Cutting M achine Cn, owner, fff Prospect et, w ith Jam ea B. Robinson, for carpenter and painting work, 81.286; w i t h j ^ l e P a rk e r * Son, for maaon work, H iW ; Ja m e i E . Robin- ■on. architect.^,Zapfilkov ^ Btuchlofy owner*, Bi RatiKin •t. with Rooco Dragone & Soj?. Co., for maaon work, |5,W ; M. B. Sltbweteln* architect.W E Cole, owner, 233 Mt. P leaean t av» with Fraaer & Brokle. fo r maeon work, IW ; with Robert E . Alien, for carpenter woric, »1,E1. ^


gaaotol JKsyatak 4, As B T W flW NEWS.JERSEY CITY. April 7.—T he followltig

deeda and mortgages affecting property la W est Hudson were recorded yesterday;

KEARNY CObTYEYANCEB,John I* Roach e t ux to MIRto H Hough

,t u: ■*f S ot Broe., *1.

HARRISON CONVEYANCE.John F rank et ux to Sam uel HImber

and Hyman Ueb. e e of Ktngaland av 199.61 ft n fr Uarrlaon av, 187x100, and 0 ■ of Klngaland av 886 f t tt f r H arrleon av, 6.86x100. II.

KEAIWY MORTGAGES.Carl' Petereon et ux to Ellxabeth R

WUklni, e 1 of Beach et 141.6 f t ■ fr Seeley ay, 46x100. 33.000. , „ j „

Milton B, Hough e t ux to W est Hudaon B and L Aa*n, e a of F o re st et, lot a block 4b me® No. 6 of N orth Jersey Land Co and Fuller Broe., 6L68D.

HARRISON MORTGAGES.Samuel HImber and H ym an U eb to

John Frank, 0 a of K lngaland av 199.01 ft n fr Harrison av, 187x100, and a a of K l^ a lan d av 386 f t n fr H arrison av,

*Sao'rriB Melts e t al to John F rank, w t of Franklin av 183 f t n f r H arriaon av, 33.4x100, 11,000.

KEARNY B C IU H N O CONTRACTS. Thoroae and M argaret Campbell, with

George W. M ather * Son, all carpenter and painting work for a tw o-story frame houae on the a a of Rose sL Maple at end K earny av, 31.483.W;, John H, Terhuns, mason. 8726. J. B. W arren.archiUct. , w t la*.F rank Bchrolh and Jacob Maybia with Albert B. Harrison, a ll m ason work for a two-story frame house on the w s or Chestnut st 6fl f t i from Bergen ay. jy w .

Jam es and Catharine T. Weae with Carl P . Peterson, all work required for a two- etory-ond-altlo fram e house on the e e CO* of Quincy and H ighland avea. *4,235. C arl F . Peteraon, a rch itec t

Sogar-C oated .'T-Tow did you persuade your daughter

to learn kitchen work?""By calling it domeatto eclence.'’—

Waehlngton Herald. ________________



iXhe Swellest Easter ClothesWa’ ra hare with tha

goads, all roidy ta show yott.

We’ YO the bast aa e a r t h leady-ta-W air

' Clofhinf, all new and op- to-tha-Meaod.

They are years for tha i i k i i f .

An honest faea and a lallar or aa and the Glathas are yean,

Mr. Pirticniar Man.TRY O IR G8ST0M TAILORIRG DEPT.Oceans of Woolens L O W P R I C E S

E - Z T E R M S



* 1 A W E E K

V d G E L B R O T H E R S42nd ST. AT EiaHTH AVB.


iL (

All Day Saturday ”*wiu q)«

Doublei<J.‘*^Steim p8With All Purchases

jonn x<. j\w m i vt ».* .-JUimM ux, e ■ of Foreet et, lo t 28, b l o c k ^ m ap #7o. I of North Jersey L*nd Co. and

W E G IV E 8 . H . G R E E N S T A M P S

S C H E U E R ’ST«i. 6 7 4 7 - M a r k * t COR. BROAD ST. and PARK PL

G o w here th e crow ds go and y o u 're on the direct road to Scheuer s ( l^ rk Place and Canal S treet) M eat D epartm ent, where w e w H 2luperio r quality a t p rices low er than the lowest. W e defy all com petitors to meet our prices a n d quality. _____________________ I

'While they last. IM lAgaof Yearling Lamb a t, I b . . . .

Ranke of the flneat BabyIgm b at, lb ..............................

Porequartera Bal»y SpringLaunb a t. lb.............................

Breasts of the flneet P o t­ting Lamb at, lb .....................

Rtbe of Small Baby l* m bChope at, lb ..............................

Fancy Young PotGng Fowlat, ...............................................

E xtra shipment of RiceFed Turkeys a t. lb .................

Fenk’s Superior Bock Wuret a t, lb. ■

All kinds of U. 8, Inspect­ed Bologna at, lb....................

Snow W hite BreaarU ofMilk Fed Veal at. Ib.............

Shoulders W hitest of MilkVeal a t. lb ................................

Loins, Lege, Hlpa FancyVeal a t, lb ................................

Ribs or Leins W hite MilkVeal Cutlete a t. lb .,- ............

Small Fresh Baby Pig Pork Hams a t, lb. ■ ■

Regular Pig Pork Hams,Pork '

*^ilShly Pur«PorliJerseySausage at, Ib.

Small_____ IgiinsPork at, lb ........


Snow 'White Leaf lA rdat, Ib..........................................

Swift'• Trenton H am orPork Roll at, lb ........................

H im burg Steak, freshchopped, at, lb ---- -------------

8 lbs. for Z9o. Bltced Calves Liver at,

pound .......................................Molassea Cured Smeked

Loins Pork at. lb .....................Fhnoy Grained Rib Roaata

at, lb ............................. ............Sweet Pickle Corned Pig*'

tlocki at, lb..............................All F at Snow W hite Salt

Pork at, lb ................................Lean Corned Pork, s treak ­

ed with fat, at, lb .....................Jereey Cured Lean Bone-

less Bacon at, lb ....................Strips of Swlflla Boneless

Bacon at, Ib........'.‘■iCentre cuts of H alsted

Boneless Bacon a t. Ib..........Baby Smoked Cally Hams,

from S to 6 lbs. each, a t, lb, Morris Skin Back Sugar

Cured Hams a t, lb .................Smlthflold Small 7 to 8 lbs.,

Westphalian Cured SmokedHams, al, I b , , . ..........;■■■■;■

I'eaoh Nut Flavored Cot­tage Hame at, lb .....................

Sweet Pickle Lean Corned Beef, streaked w ith fat. at, lb...........................................

Just in Time for Easter—Fresh and New from Our Workrooms—This Timely Sale of

1,500 Men’s Spring Suits at $16.50T h e s e are handsomely tailored, perfect fitting suits—the snappy, individual

styles that make the young man feel well dressed and the older man appear young—suits that not only look smart, but that always retain their shape and style—elegant light colored cheviots, cassimeres and tweeds—dressy blue and brown and black ground worsteds with different width hairline stripes rehned “blue on blue” worsteds—plain blue and black serges—the best values ever of­fered at so low a price—$16.50.

Special S a le o f Y oung M en's l| A Long P a n ts S u its A V

S ty l is h , e l e g a n t , n e w S p r in g m o d e ls

( s i r e s IS to 18 a n d fo r s m a lle r m e n u p to 33 in c h c h e s t m e a s u re ) in b ro w n a n d g r a y c a s s im e re s , g r a y s t r ip e d c h e v io ts a n d e le g a n t b lu e w o rs te d s -—s u i t s t h a t

a r e t r u ly e x c e p t io n a l v a lu e s a t $ 1 0 .

B oys’ $4 Double B re a s te d f O .R 8 Sailor and R u ssian S u its ^

S p le n d id w e a r in g f a n c y c a s s im e re s in d o u b le b r e a s te d s ty le , f o r b o y s 8 to 17 y e a r s ; f in e b lu e a n d b ro w n s e rg e s , tr im m e d w ith s o u ta c h e a n d e m b ro id e ry , in R u s s ia n a n d s a i lo r s ty le s , f o r b o y s 3 to 12 y e a r s . S tu r d i ly m a d e , e le g a n t ly s ty le d g a r m e n ts .


Open Saturday Night Until 10 o’clock.


Grocery Specials for Saturday Onlyhaest Eigta Creamerj Fresh IQ pBUTTER EQOS25elb.,3lbs.70e

W alter i | | ^Clover, gkScheuer’s, | |A B aker's | ] } | ,Butterfly iV U lkQ || can.................



At Broad St- Store

50c.V alue

for —All A sso rtm eati—fAinple

! F t**.

VAN DYK’SEaster Souvenir

Ready Next WeekWATCH for announcement in

this PaperNEXT Thursday and Friday

Jam es Van DykCo.NElWAnK BRANCHBtl

as ItaTkot a f r ^N aar Flan* S tnw t 'rh o n * fitl-lt.

•4T B n « a I tto a liInaMaAreaea.back a t Beaall'i.Fhooa 411H.

u l KMlbCRT SfrM6>H ta r llarkot Btroot


i f c m a r t r i i n r i ^ -------

M t

I o u 2x33. t n l a i iiami-

O b

» m

Plana at 82 ft a f r Blaecker a t . ,Helen Jamlaon ta aama, a a P a rk e r a t j

86 f t a fr Bloomflaia av, *2.W9. _P ater Beaaman et al to Globa B d i t o g

*nd Loan Aaaoclatlon. ■ a com er H arvey ta d Brood ata, *12,(100. .

Hym an Roaanaohn to JVIlua ^ L * ^

feuacha^, n a Brunawlck a t a a A ator at,1000bharlea Penn a t ux to A rth u r D.

5 a Tlchenor at 106 f t w f r N. J. R- R. av,' ‘'W alter W. Wlldamann a t u x to :k Frelinghuyaen, n a 16th a v 72 f t w fr

‘ WmiMa* J. J S k e to Jam aa B. Daraila at at, axra and truataaa, a i B road a t 88 K n fr Lombifdy at, *60,000.

Same to aom^ «»w* p r o p v ^ i nftJOJ. . game to .aama, n a Lom bardy a t 146 f t a

fr Broad it, |5,(ioo.OtJTflIDSI O F NIIW AJIK.

Adala B. Btrelohanbarg aa d h u a b u rf to Oaoor A. .Goadeoka at ^R t d g ^ * Summit at 260 f t n f r UiicalD

*‘)atohaal .'Winter to A ugnatui Oranga. n a a Waahlngton a t n

r i Day at, 8 “Gaortfa

k " V f r T Baaty

^GJsorlie^fsmlth ux to ,■ iTYinglon. w ■ B ru tn sy i n

fflaid av, D,eoo. _lUan et ux to F n w l ^ Bund-

i S S jSeSoaUon. B eU a^^ •W uS lng ton ------------ ----------- -----

Thomoj A. .— — —TnMt Company, Montclair,

i av 84 f t n f r K in# ■ Curtla a t ox *-

kMUt-vimia'g A W S KOnOa ' a land party firwt part.w nlow at 'n

14.6(10. _jaequM Bramhalt a* ox to 0 ~ r f ^ Dixon, Oranga, centre Law n RlOga rosd iM ft vt fr flerkelay av, »6«0. -

Fraderlok O. Runyon e t u x to W olft, Jllaon, Douglaaa Co.. S o ^ * .*

■ Hickory drive 6« ft w f r m d*aw oc3 -road,' 'f o h n Haaaaler a t ux to Bloomllald 8 a ^ I n n InaUtutloo,a t » f t n f r Unua WJ Stovana*a toad,

A juu C. K ram er and huobaad to Qap- , m an B avlnii Bonk, NuUay, n a Ifalroo*

M JH f t n w f r J a ra a t 0,60®. ......Alpha iBVBtmant Company to Shoma

T Mnith, Bloomllald. w a M yrtia ava a a land ^ party firat p a rt, 81,OId.

A n n l a ^ aottaobxlk a t al to Bamml GrinHhaw, Bloomllald. n a l in d e n a v 814



f t n“ w "fr ' Thomaa aC »,(& ._ — — -iiiODni*!:----------- aie, n ^lahlnirton * v , _ ^ "

rr x'liuuju at, wiww. _ .Terrace Development Company to - - Beilavula. - - ” — ' ■*Baaax at

n p o n av.ipaan an g b u ih aed to

False Teeth With­out Plates, and

No Gold to Show.you perhtpi have one, two, or

more teeth missing thet you would like restored, but ob jic t-l to the'unnatural appearance ol gold in your mouth.

Those mlsging teeth not only mar an otherwise pleasing counte­nance, but aeriously Interfere with complete digestion.

We will restore those missing teeth In such « wey that no gold will show, and without

j plates, and they will look like Nature's owp teeth.

This is another one of our meth­ods of imitating Nature.

Be sore of the nsme. Eleventh Roor and no stairs to climb; tbres eleniiors.We Q aenotee AH Work

CnunmetlDeotalCo.D E N T I S T S

A I b r Ih llM d Bf T m A I n t e n G t i i

Flrraeiiftliisirnealllitt.,Comer B oad & Market Sts.• n m m e 'n o n a e is s lurkai

HOVBe e TO e

t i ‘i D h n t rm U I f I R $ t i j


IN THK COUNTY OF ESSEX.fMito prepnala will b« mwlvad a t t to WBn

f t Uw board botwrao t and S:IS *'rioek.F, M.. Aoril 11. 1911. and thm pttWIoly n m d a ^ r A for lomliblna . l |h t OjFaieei (a(m» inM t™ . mom or iMa of

rilB E BURNING CUdJ*.Twia. of propooal and m v ty naulrod on

ttito by til. irpocIBcatKna, which. toeiUi.r with Uw pmooial blank* kod othw lolorma- tloa d« lM , may b« obtolnal a t tbt ofllo* at thft dojiarunaat at suppllta third Soor, oily ball.

The board rworvu


AaStoi s ty leAtSewyCratw y -i sidyaw tod

lO e o i id lS c p d r aoa

Van Camp PEcUnf Cooiwev

h i l hl a r a M

paM< Art fM .T h a d h h m y

in g re tH v lto "In i M o I n f h o w to

II m wonior Bm hi th* hotiniBy «f I fe o th e r e o o k i I n th o w eew

p ro d ta n anT tfato f Bk* IL W onwhkthamaldagi

D a n a w h M t e p e g b e t t l .Herkimer Cenoty fall ctaaia cheoM. Beet oresdiwiT btitter.Tho wmt expenstfO tooiato teaoo

wo nse fiiTui Conip% Pock A Beons. Tho iwJpo b ootaot, and no prlM

o o u U lN ir l t . B u t y w r g r e e e r h e e ^ dUh oompbto, oil rftody-oookod for you.

I t c f J i to y o u lo o i th a n to r a a h o l ty o u r - oolf lftlM ioch>ow oro youro .

J u e t hoo t f t o r b o k a I t , oo y o u llh o f t boot. T h eto ’o n o t h ln f o b o t o d o .

W h m y o u a o n o I t f o r ^ a u k o r d o n 't ■ o rw h o m y o n g o tH . W a it f o r t h o c « m - mas8ta o n th o **Je"*^ a c o o k ."

B u t bo. Buro o f t h b i N o o th o r y g h o ttl w ill o*or oppool t o thooo w ho o n ce to s te t h b .

Oidor ft now, bolero othor folka knowI t . Y o n r f io o o r boo J u o t p u t I t In .

f a u i

laiMa. 'Fhonaikafr

aivlaea A vaaaa, J t a n ta a a .’rhaaa ifil-W.

■ Day etetot. OfawFa. N. J.


1^ CARATSFor It mab «t i«»m*ii vho wnfiti * bli

Mow for tb d r moDey. Ifali J« thp bett WR twva oircrod for lomo tlmo. A 'bif, rtiiihr ftollUilrfl, wolght o u And one hNlf cEifttp. for ISO. I t would easily be taken for w

two corati or more, woriTt fiOO to Attention i t oaltrd to th li t i a fotr

•ample of the Taluet we are offerthf for t* 4 ay and to-morrow. Throe-quartere of tlte RQoiber are acUtalree, ranainc In prloe from t t l to |M0 t»«r oarot. Every <mo will be with the dieitnot uaderetaadlnf that the m«noy will be refunded If any Dtamend w« ti l l oan bo noatohed eleewbore for anywhere hear eur price, aa we a » t » • s i r DUmmd cratter* Itt NeweflerttiE Dlamonde direct to tho poblio. Cm pare our prleei; yen will tbea aoe the dltterene*C H A R L E S A . K E E N E ,

DlamoRda, Watdhee, Jew eler] 8 0 B r o a i l W B y , Y o r k


Nollea l» litrator W**t*d that th* cartlfioaUi « a*— *m*”» 5 th* wliol* omoOBt of ih* ootia aad axpoo*** *4


CLIFTON AVENBllh«T* brt« dinvmd w ‘IISSold leMoaineat comprieee all loti, tract* aM parool* of land and real eau to lyln* on hqtfc

''*** "* OARRABSANT PLA CE _ from Bridie itreet nortborly about JJO faatl flB .both ilflin at ■ OOBLII BTR**T.frtra Tlmia* ttivrt i« Bmm»t otrMtj *a M4h*taa of

In raid'crtlfirat** of aiM «n*al o n h ^ y racnlnd to pay th* omouat h aatiirad upoaI1WH1, MtU ,

■ M E t - 'S r i i H : :

pDBUc Nonene i* taMaty givN that tta ml iMTlng anfiQMd ordtuan famto a MOWS

roadlBg and w u ordcrod to a third oad final nadlu at a of n» BwM ofuA m u r OmaBlMlooer* bald Aortl A 19H' ,"An ordlooiHio » opm M*oSmi1o wraot. fr™ AlHnf otoMt to Now J w y Rollnad avanuo. npjrovrt JumaryFm idrat of til* Board of fitnW tnd Watoa

■ " s a w i a a '


I N a M f t O D f i d i e l t o iA


iOlK CUaton Avenue4etataa-Woan*y CdtapaaFa lUol


A iv l ic t i iM M ii t i . B o to c f tp -t io H to d N e » t I t e m s

Spring Suit, Sir? Right Here atRnesft Hne

o f m en 's suits at t h b price we h ia c e w had to show y o u . W e > e p i t o u t the best sidt at S K W e i w k o r any o t b t r c k y can pro d N O i.

SoyoNSM it’s d o l D R s o m c t h i f i c w o rth w h ile to b e a b te to flfh e you b e t t e r than y o u V eabetdy had. W e tn ac <teiie it . W e V e suits here that w i open y o w eyes as real mewling o f vth ift—w hen it comes fiom the United Clothing Co. N o oth e r atoee will show you suits that measure u p te these— inless they ask anywhere from $3 t o l J mooe than w e charge.

Aa a •padal tgdcoamaiit tft H t ywa to aelect your Spring Suit now we, for FRIDAY and 8ATURDAV Mao'* and Youmff Wan** Sotta. all tha mwmt Sprtng fabrics and haat wertwianalilp

HegBlar 12.50 Mts ml Topnats, E . 10.00Replar 15,00 Suits an5 TepcHts, at . 12.60Riplir H.00 Salts aad Tapcnls, A . 16,00RagOE hits aaO Tapeaa'A at • IG-00

United CiothingCO.

A K f O liD W t T B B K , P r o p .






: Also Thrown by Dtsajhpointed Sports s t McGoi jan's


Whit# (our 4#tKtlT<) und two poUc#- B#B *#t on the hoxini lid a t McOulgan’i r#«ort In Hatrlaoo la ii n l(h t, cabbac# and

.. a u # war# hurled from tha audlanca at wraatlari In the rln j, where tha people

• had hoped to #ee boxer# appear The X-' wtealHnt wai a feature of a etnolter

tlvan hr "Tha U flare ' Club."^ bfany In tha orowd found the throwlnf ji of mlatllea the beat way to ahow their

diaappointmant. They had expected box-V l»d. After tha veim abla and eac ihower

tome one threw a ohalr.'■ The affair became tam er at III whan V, one of the detectlyea told the moving A picture operator he would not he allowed : to ahow motion plcturca of the Nelaon-

, Oani mill.To make ante th a t Mayor Rlordan'a

order to Patrick SdcQiitaan, proprietor of the place, that no hoxine could be held

j' at the imoker. would he earrled out, the bluecoate ware on the acene. Poller Chief Rofera ernt Serneant Coakley and Po-

5 lloeman Campion.V To the eurprlaa of all. four detective#

from Pro«acttt<jr oaryen '# oltlre appeared^ from joraey City when th a imokar j opened. They were Joaapb Jam ea, Cbarlaa

Tltaodora. Alexindar Roma and William* Kirkland. TJie proaaoutor, a f ta r th a death t of "Toanff Foalar." followtnv a bout U ^ McOtilfan'a, nntiflad Chlaf B o d fa n th a t j bnxinf must atop In Harriaon.« Tha tppaarance of the proeaotitor'a men

laat nikht made It eeldaol th a t any ra­ti vival of the aport la to be »n*t with proe- I) ecutlon of the pertletpente.„ With the ellmtnallona. the boxlnc pro-

emm reaotved itself Into ennsa and wreat- A Unf, Wbloh did not plaaae th a crowd.

D r. Lyon’sP E R K O T

Tooth Powderis used by people of refinement in every part of the world where the use of the tooth brush is known




DKTROIT. Mich., April T— Tha trial of tha koyarnment'i crim inal caae acalnat tha ao-oallad Bathtub T n ia t baa bean ffoatponad from the May to th e Norem- bat term of the federal court hera be- aaui# of oerleln newapapor articlaa to Which dudga !>aniilaon took eaceptloa.

In announclnf tha poatponement In aourt, dudae irennleon la ld :

“The newapapere thla n u ira ln t had a report purportinc to be Blven out by the

^ Attorney-aaneral'a office In W aehtnfton S whiah wea ■roaaly Improper and very



Annooncement of Abolition of Arlington P. 0. Stirs People

of the Town.


elearly an extreme contempt. I think. Y bff)' *0011 publication on tha eve of the

trialtrial make* 'a fair trial Impoealble. and ’ I I than order th a t caae continued over r tha term. I hare raqueatad the Attomey- i Oanarel to eioartaJn w tiethar any em- C ploye or aeelitant In hie office la reapon- $iafbla for i lv la f out auoh a raport, and I j l f to that he direct th a t employ# to ra- A/port Immediately to thle court. h "The pubUoatlon obarkea. In effect, that

the preaent racular panel o f thla court Daparlmant. Maded axtraordlnary watchlnwi that

, watohari would be fum tih ed : th a t the »' oourt waa not oompatant to tak e care of ? Ita own affalrl. and th a t acme of the

datandanta had offarad to plead sullty;#f eourea, a aoaodaloualy Improper Ihlnc

^ to be laid, even If it te true.T do not think the re ru U r panel of

rito rora could maintain an unprejudloed {> attitude toward the fo re rn m en t aftar

Ooeueatlona ae there eontalnad or ' diroetly Implied ecalnat th e jury.

“1 am not Inclined to b la v e th e papen fay the publication, a ltb o u fh I th ink more awo ahould baya been exardtaed In con- watlon with tha publication.’’

Announcement In a W aahlnfton dle- palch to the New# yeefarday. th a t the Ar- IJnfton Pcatcflloa would be abotlahed and. Id 111 alead, would be eetabllebed a "Kearny" branch of tho N ew ark Poet- efllce, after May 1, occaeloned a aenaatlon In the •eollon, and nobody aeenied more aurpriaed than Jam ea Kroeman, the poat- maxter. No official noUfIcatton haa been received by Freeman concemln* tho chanxe.

Oenttment le divided reyardlng ad- vantagea which m ight be gained hy the change. The "downtown” reeldonta of

I the municipality, who realde In what la known aa the Kearny eectlon, fa ro r tho aohema ao a role, becauae, ao they de­clare the whole town ahould be known as Kearny, In the upper part of the town, arhloh lo known aa Arlington, there It plenty of oppoaltlon to tha obanga from the realdenta who aay th a t the Identity of Arlington will be loot eventually by jt.

The Arlington Board of Trade la aope- eielly agaloat tho change, and will hold a apeolal m eeting to-morrow night to make a formal proteet. Latat night Adolph Amann, p re ildcn t of the board, aeat a telegram to the Poetofllce De­partment a t W aahlngton, aaaklng more definite Information,

Tha appointment of a auportntendant for the branch office win be made by Poitmeeter Haya, of the Newark office, ■uhject to oonflrmatlon by the Poetofllce

A lready men have been menClonad In eoimectlon w ith the luperln- tendeney of the K earny branch. Felix 8. Jaoobeon, the preaent Arlington aaclet- ant poatmaatar, la one of thorn, and Coun- oilman W altar R. Chapman, of the Third Ward, enothor. Tha la U ry of auperln- tendenti average tl.W0. Thle la tha aalary of H arry DuSord, euperlntandent of tho Harriaon branch, which now aervea tha lower aactlon of K earny and Harrlaoa and 8aat Newark.


, NKW TORK, April ' the Belden automobile p a ten t cake were

entered yeeterdiy In the United Stetei . Circuit Court, and ooata aggregating

in,IDD.tt were taxed sgainet th e Columbia Motor Car Company and 0«orge B. Bel- deo, the plalntlffa p u n u a n t to the nmn-

. date of the United Statea d r o u l t Court of Appeala

The plalntUte won th a lr caae In the lower court, but the C ircuit Court of Ap- paaU ravartad It.


Automohllai are to be uaed to advertlee Weal Hudaon according to plana made a t a meeting of tha Board of Trade of th a t place laat night. I t la propoeed to send the auto# on a trip of fifty mllee or more asa eoulpTSeiiiTiFrth ^ g n e telling of West

Test by Kearoy Veterinarian to Be Followed by More

Cofflpkte Probe,


That another oew paaaed by a S tate veterinarian had reaclad, following a leal for tuberouloela, was reported by Dr. Harold K. Btearna, veterinarian of the Kearny Board of Health, a t a m eeting of that body taut night. A cow killed a t Hontciair laat week which bore a S tate tag, algnlfylng th a t i t had wltlietood the tubercuioiic teat, was eald to be Infeoted.

In [ha Inetenoa referred to laat night Dr. S tearns eald the oow wee purchased In Irvington by Albert ClampUt, of Schuy­ler avenue, Kearny, Febiiiary 21 I t bad a S tate tag In Its ear. Thirty d ay t after Ita purchaee, Btearna made a laat and got a rekoUon, ha aaya. Tha oow waa then bought by the executive committee of tha V eterinarlaiu ' Aaaoclatlon and will be slaughtered thle afternoon and examined (or tuberouloela bacteria. Dr, Henry Vender Roeat, of thla olty, a S tate vatar- Inarlan, who paaesd upon tha Montolalr cow, haa bean invited to tha klUlng.


Thera wax a lively time a t the borough halL B ait Newark, last night, before the meeting of the Board of Health of th a t borough botween IJdword J, McKenna, the lecretary of the board, and Edward Well, of O rant avenue. I t looked a t one time aa If the men would oome to blows.

McKenna had made a complaint egainjot Well, who la building a new house, that the plumbing work was not bMng dons under the health oode. Well, who got up from a alckbod to enawer the charge, eald th a t It wae nothing more than aplte- work, W hea ho started to build, he edded, be engaged McKenna to do the work. W hen the la tter got the work about half finished. Well stated, he went to work on another Job and delayed mat- tera ao muoh th a t tha owner got another plumber to finish the job.


FOR m e a i r s c o o nfa tta Bdilcr 0/ fki i f t w t :

Sir—In last Saturday’s laaua of tha H#wa you reported aarara l proposed ainaodraentf to tha building code to be In- tndueed i t the Common Council meeting

. this week, by the Committee on Conatruc- tlon and Alteration of Bulldlnga.

Now, It does aaera too bad th a t, aftar raara of work and whan tho o lty haa just adopted a coda comparing favorably with that of other progresalva oltlas, whereby aafaguarda tr a thrown around ue pre- ▼•ntlng dlaaatani such aa wa, a s well eg others about ua, have lately experienced, eftorts are to he made to w eaken the

Aak any vlstUng stiw nger to our d ty what he thinks about our g re a t num ber of fimtne buUdlngt In oeee of a conflagration and he will aay th a t should auoh a thing onour Newark would be counted among the cities th a t have been laid waete by fire. In aplte of- our excellent Are depart­ment. °

The writer wttneaeed P atareon 'a great lira and also saw tha nilna o f the Chicago and Baltlmors firri, and In netth sr of tbtae cities vma there m ore fram e build­ings for the fire lo feed on then there are la Newark.

I t haa bean said th a t our new code la too severe on the little fellow or poor man aa ahingle toob , among o th er things, are not allowed in building, but I am Informed th a t No. I elate can be procured aa cheap aa ahmjflaf, and a sla ta root la certainly more proteoUon against aparka than ahlnglaa. It being a well-known fact that aparka from the Paterson fire w ere carried tram the bualneea to the re ilden tla l dis­trict, fully one mile away, se tting dwell­ings OB fire there.

Aa a rule there a re two classee of

Budaon'a advantages.Joseph A .Rlordan suggeated the echeme,

srhloh wea taken up by tha mambere, and a Qommlttea appointed to carry It out, Ur. Rlordan said th a t he had a list of the 110 owners of autom obiles In th e West Hudson townA together w ith some other mamban of th a board, and there are atUl more,

Ur. lUordan suggeated that the oom- mlltee to be appointed by President Ed­ward J. Oaftney, call ell the owners oit tha cutoroobllea together and arrange for a day’i outing, a run of fifty or sixty miles. Ha laid the party could enjoy a dinner and visit the principal points of Interest, and then a tari on the re tu rn trip, each ear to carry a ilgtt advertlelng W est Hud­son and diatributs advertising m atter through tha oltlas and tow ns the party passed through, calling attention to w hat West Hudson oontalned In the way of manufacturing eatabllihm enU and a s a place of residence.

Unleaa a p a rt of the hlitoric Kearny estate. In Kearny, can be purchased a t what the Board of Eduoatlon eonaldera a reasonable figure (or ecbool purpoaea, con­demnation proceedings will be Instituted. O eseral John W atte Kearny, owner of the property, la a soo of Oeneml Phil Kearny, (or whom th e town waa named. A trac t of th a estate, a t Balgrova drive and Woodland avenua was selected by the Board of Education as a site for the proposed new school, to take the place of School No. 1

Robert Clark, a former slave, died a t hie home, IR Parkway, East Orcoge, to­day. Hla ig e le eetlmaled lo be a t leaet ICO years, although no lecords exist lo prove this to be the case.

He had lived In the OriiiiKCH for thirty- two years, and until shout len years ago, when he became IncapacllHted by age, be waa employed aa a gardener t>y former Governor Fort, Ilia death was due to age.

The surviving children are Mra. Lucy Bates, of 65 South Flfteenlh street, this city: M"e. Battle Smith, of 242 Main rireet, Bast Orange; Ure. Bllxa Starks, of River­ton. and two stepsons, Henry Smith, of f South Sixteenth street. East Orange, and Shelton Johnson, of Virginia. In ­cluding the children of hla slepsone there a re forty grandchildren and six great- grandchlldran.

Jo h n Arwioar I 'rildn rll. .John Armour Caldwell, a consulting

mechanical engineer, alxty-twc years old, died thle morning a t his home, Ed W alnut street, Montolalr, of heart dlseaae. Mr. Caldwell had been a enfferer from the malady for aome time but hla death was unexpected.

Mr. Caldwell retired early last night, expecting lo leave ihle morning for a bualneea trip. Shortly hefere 6 o'clock thla morning he was itricken and died In a few minutes, A physician waa summon­ed, who diagnoned the case aa h ea rt (nllure.

Mr. Caldwell hurt resided in Montclair about seven yearn. His former reeldanto was In the Ray Ridge section of Brook­lyn.

He was R member of several engineering ioi'lottes In New York and Brooklyn, but was not aeaoclated with the club life of Montolalr. He la eurrived by ■ widow and three sons, all residents of th e moun­tain town. Funeral arrangem anle are not yet oompleted.

M b B. S. W lll le iu «e,Btriokeu with scarlet fever only a t«w

days ego John B. S. Wllllame Jr., sun of John E. 8. Wllllama, of 109 Union avenue, IrvIngtCQ. died th is morning, In hie twen­ty-fourth year. He waa born In New York, and had resided In Irvington for a number of yoare, whore he wae an active worker In the F irs t Chrletlen Church and Sunday-school, Mr. Williams wae a mem­ber of Franklin Lodge. F. and A. U., and Irvington Council, Jr. O. U. A. M. Be­sides hla father, he le survived by three sisters, Mrs. George Sweaey and Mra. William Webb, of thle city; U re. John Sweaey, of Irvington, and one brother, Thomas Wllllame, o l Brooklyn. Funeral services will be held a t Mr. W llllame's late home to-idorrow morning, Interm ent will bo In Clinton Cemetery.

l l l ie K atie Rica.Following a short lllneea. H iss Katie

Rice, of a Greenwood avenue, Montclair, died iuddenly In the Mountainside Hoo- pltal, that town, yesterday afternoon. In the opinion of tho attending physician, death wae caueed by tubercular menln- gllla, Mies Rice wae thirty-three old, and bad lived In Montclair the greater part of th a t time. She le survived by two slatara, the Mlsaae Alice end Mery Rice, both of whom live in Montclair. Funeral eorvlooe will be a t tho Church of the Im maculate Conception, Montclair, to-morrow morning et 8 o’clock. A sol­emn m a il of rauulem will be celebrated. In tennen t will be In tha Cemetery of Im- meoulate Conception.

Jaasee i , Ryvaaa,Jam es 8. Bymee, ef 41 Columbia street.

W est Orange, died a t hla home on W ed­nesday afte r an tUneae of three months. He wee fifty-four years old end had been a raaldent of W est Orange for thirty-nine y ean . Mr. Bymaa was a member of the Holy Name Society of St. John's Church, Orange, and St. Patrick’s Alliance, Branch No, 4, of W est Orange. He Is survived by flv® children, who axcj Byrnu#of Orange: Mtae Helen Byrnes, Ulaa KAtharina B. Byrnes, John Byrnaa and Joseph Bymea. of W est Orange. Tlie funeral semlcee will be held to-morrow

I morning a t T:46 o'clock, artien a h l r t m aai of reoulem will be offered In St. John’e Church, The Interment will be In St John’s Cmnetery.

P u a s ra l e f M n . Mary r . ToaghH a.Funeral eerrioea for M n. Mary F.

Toughlln, of 11 New atreet, Monlolldr, who died Wedneeday, will be hrid from her lata residence to-morrow morning a t l;*J o'olook. A solemn high mass of re- uulem win be ctfered a t the Church of the fmmaninKiiF Cohceptldh, “

Drives Out Indigestionand Stomach Misery

Pnibablj tte Best Prescription for Stomach Distress Grer frittea.

H 's 4 tlmplfl mftUer |o yet rid of g u . iioum«>«s, heavlDetis end after dinner dle^

In a few mlnutee. yTake one or two lUtle Mf-o-na itom arh

tablelB and ta t whal you went without feur or worry.

All>o-niik itomech tablet* are guaranteed to conquer any rebellloua condition and

put the Ktomach In epiendid condition, or money back.

Chronic indigestion and catarrh of itie stom ach can be entirely and quickly abol* iflhed by a treatm ent of Mi-o-ni.

Only 50 cenie for a ireaiment that will prove to you that no better preecrlpthm fori Btomd.ch dletrew wae ever written. 8oW by K. R. Petty and drugglile every*" where. Mali ordem filled, chargee prepaid by Bnoth'e Jlyomel Co„ Buffalo, N. T., who a lio m anufacture Hyomel tha world * g reateet ca tarrh remedy.


ffpectel Dispatch to Ms B V IV /y a SJSWB.WASHINGTON, April l.-E dm und B.

Osborne, of Hontciair, president of the New Jersey Progressive Republican League, and George L. Record, of Jersey City, ciutie to Weshington yeaterday end succeeded In rounding up three Republi­can Pragreaslvaa to tddrees a aeries of meetlnga to be held In New Jersey by the Progreealvee in April, May and June,

The llret meeting will be held a l Mont­clair on April 27. It will be addressed by Representative Victor Murdock, of K an­sas, For the evening of May 1!, In New­ark . a t the dollar dinner to be given by th e P regreasiv i league, Senator Cum- mlne, of Iowa, has promised to be tha prilMdpal ipeakar. Tha third rally of the Progreaatves li echcduled (or Paterson the first week In June, the exact date not having been fixed. Senator Clapp, of Minneaota, will speak.



to aarend the aplre of 81. Mary's Catholic Church here tn-day for the purpose of gliding the big cross on the apex, George L. Brown, a Baltimore steeple-jack, near­ly lost his life, the rope with which he warn hoisting himn«ir becoming entangled In th e tackle. Firemen from a nearby truck rom i'any were called on to rescue him from hie perilous position.

Brown waa within ten feet of the roof, eliding (town on a rope which had been throw n to him, when tho fastening a t the lop gave way and he fell to the roof. ,He m anaged to save himself before he went Over the edge.

*'Well» If that Isn't tough luck," he eald without a tremor. "Now I've got to sling ano ther tackle around that crose. That'll take me half a day and Ml miss riiet Job r had over In Baltltnore to-monow

years , morning."


Thomas B. Neeley, In addreealng the members of tho Methodist Church Con­ference held In this olty yesterday, eald: "Let ua la y Methodist Episcopal, and let ue not forget our Pvoteetantiam. We m ust emphaatee thle. The Roman Catho­lic Church la the gfealeat peril in this country. I t has one fixed purpoae, to deliver th is country Into the hands of Rome. W e must be alert all the time.

"C atering to materialism, even pagan­ism, are many dally newspapera which deal In elueh. We become by these means and others thoroughly dleorganlied. I t la agalnet these forces that the Metho­d ist Church has to contend, m e stands (or the Deity rather than the divinity. Bbe atande for the open mind."

Bowd Bide All Bejecled,JE R SE Y CITY, April 7.—Because a fi­

nancial paper had printed an Item th a t tha Hudaon County freeholders would not open bide for a bond Issue yesterday afternoon, ae proposed, which Hem prov­ed erroneous, the board decided to ad- vertlae for new bids to be opened April 81. The bide submitted yesterday were for tSJ.OOO N ewark Plank Road Improvement bonds, laO.flOO Hudson Boulevard repair

Mantola.tr, j biuida and fl6,000 Newark Plank Road

WASHINGTON, April 7,-Ordera ware issued yeeterday by Secretary of the Navy Meyer for the retirement for age on May » of Rear-Admiral John Hubbard, oone- mandlng the Asiatic fleet. Admiral Hub- hard will be relieved of hie commend on- May 16 by Rear-Admiral J. B. Murdock, now commanding the third division of the Peclflc fleet. Admiral Muvdock will bt relieved abont the middle of April hy Rear-Adm iral Aaron Ward, aide on In- epectlon to the Secretary of the Navy,


tive Caleb Powers, of Kentucky, Republi­can, whose Democratic colleagues have announced th a t they will not eerve with him on any committee of the House, left to-d»y for Kentucky to look a fte r hie home In tarv ita

The plan of th e Democratic membera from Kentucky to oatradae Mr, Powers, if Bucceeefiil, will prevent the K entucklaa from aervtng on any of the Important commit see of particular Intereit to hla constituents and district. Including W ays and Meana, Judiciary, W ar Claims, Agri­culture, Expenditure, Military Affaire, Mines and Mining, Invalid Penllnns and others, on all of which are Kentucky Democrats.

The election of Powers, the Kentucky Democrats have been advised, cannot be contested on the ground of lose of cltl- lonshlp by rfwson of hie conviction of complicity In the murder of Governor Goebel, because cUlienshtp area restored by pardon.

B O IB SCARES TENDERLOIN.NEW YORK, April 7 .-“W hat'9 t h a t r '

exclaimed all the Tenderloin with one voice this V.ksriilrg, and rushed to Lne •ti 'w t. tforne m e bad a heav7tort'O In rr<>nt the baaement door a t ISl W est Forty-fifth atreet, between 8 lith avenue and Broadway^ In the very centre of the all-night dUtrict. le t thick with chop house*, lobater palacea and hotel*. I t w as D o'clock, and the Tenderloin w** either getting He flrot beauty iieep or making ready for H,

The police liave a theory th a t the caee 1* one ol rpite work agalnet the owner of the hou*9e, <uiq not an ordinary "Black Hand ' o uitb throwing. '


Lorlmer arrived here early to-day from Johnstown. Fa,, where he ^ d Investi­gated a mining device In company witn a Chicago engineer yesterday.

The Senator went directly to La Salle S treet National Bank, where he spent the early p a rt of tho day in looking after hie bank.

He declined to be interviewed In con­nection w ith the proceedings of tho Helm Qommtttee a t Springfield, or with the story told before the committee by Clarence S. Funk, of the International Harvester Company, th a t hie company had turned down an opportunity to contribute to an alleged |IIK>,0M fund to elect the Senator.

IE B K .I1N T 0N .

Trolley Car C gaete W egea.A Kearny trolley car collided with a

wagon th a t John Lee, of thla city, was driving In HaiTlson avenue, near John street, Harriaon, yesterday aUarnoon. Tha wagon waa overturned and I.ea thrown out. Ra was aaalstad to tbe otfico of Dr. Henry Allera, where cuts he reoalved on the head and face were dressed.

KKABNY AN D A R L IN O TO N .Register Robert V. England laaued a m ar­

riage license last n ight to M ary Orant B ar­clay Caithness, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Caltbneaa, of T8 Stew art avenue, and Everett Sumner Coffin, of New Rochelle. The m arriage will take place Wedneeday evening, April K, Rev. Will­iam Cnombe, paator of the F irst Presby­terian Church, officiating. Tha couple wilt make their home In San Diego, wher* Mr. Coffin will engage In businese.

The Exempt F irem en 's Aaeoolatlon, a t a meeting last night, appointed John T. Scott, John Durkin end David Reid a committee to oonfar with the Town Coun­cil relative lo aeourlag a site (or a new meeting place. John D. Castles wax elect­ed delegate to th e State convention, which will be held In thla city In May.

— - The Rlble-echool of the F irs t MethodistbolJdlnf Intereata and I am obliged to ad- * ha* •l*ot*d the** offleen: Supersmlt that we have them here in our city— -the honest apd well meaning bufider and the rsokleaa speculator. The le tte r should reeelve no oonitderetlon. H e throws up a .jarry-butlt house for the sole purpose of unlaadtng It on soms confiding investor at the flr*t pOBilbl* moment and n**d* no PTOlOcUon. and th* com m uaitj ne«di pro- i*etlon againit him &* ago laat any other ■barpor. A trip of ln«p*otlon tn any of our newly aeltled dletrlct*. aa well aa opBi* of th* older one*, will bear me out la my aMteriion,

Tb* honwt and well-m(»^inK builder Who may flmt object to the apparent ar­bitrary control of hi* property, m ust en­dure that control for the good of the community. Ju*t now, when there 4e to much talk e. Greater N ew ark and plane or* afoot to attract oufelde^ to come end settle among us. would It not be well for the Committee on Construction and Al- teratlons of Buildings, as well as the other members of our Common Council, to give thle matter of chtngee careful and inlelll- gant coneldaratlon bafora tak ing any ac­tion whateoavarf


The Carpenters* Busy Season

tt'g on—and new tools tre needed for the spring work.

Here ire the tools—a great line of the beat known makes. In which the carpenter will find every good toot thgt ought to be in g good carpenter’g chest.

There isn’t ■ itore In town that can aatigfy « carpenter like this one. Afk the first carpenter you meet. They ali know L & S. toolt, ..and they like tbe way we treat them.

Ike weera apeeial:Wtre Soxea, hardwood, usual­

ly aold at 30c., 22e.Back Baarg, for mitre boxea,

box work,6Se. up.

LUDLOW & S Q U IE RK xew ta b» H erd w ere .

»7-O e MARKET BT.(Just Above W aahlpgttm St.)

intendent. W. K. W am oek; assfetant su. pirintendent, George R. M ott; aecratery, F. C. Prrsbrey: trv u u re r , WIIMani Dn- vles; superintendent girls' junior depart­ment, Miss Theresa S m ith ; auparintandent boys' junior departm ent. A, H. Derby; Biiperintendant prim ary departm ent, Mrs. C B. Burroughs; euperlntandent begln- nsrs' department. Miss C. I. Hoole; pian­ist, Miss Ethel Jeftrlaa; musical director, R. E, Robeon.

Offloers were elected yeatordey by tha lAdlea' Aid Society of Grace Methodist Church, as followa; President, Mra. Jsmos Davenport; rice-president, Mrs. Bylvanus W est; secretary . Mrs. 'Thomae Crouthera; treaaurer. Mrs. Newton Balt; financial secretary, Mra. John B. Helnold" The society arranged (or a social tea a t Mrs. Melnold's, SS8 Maple street, Thurs­day efternoon, April 20. and a nimmge sale In the church the first week In Mny.

CRANFORD, April 7.—Yeaterday the m arriage of Mias M argaret R. Minton and Dr. Jam ea Albert Meek, of New York, took piBoa, the ceremony being performed by Rev. John Edgeoamb, rector of Trinity Church. Cranford. Owing to the recent death of the bride's mother, the ceremony wee private, only Immediate reletlree being present.

H erria g to s-C o ae rr,MIsa Julia A. Conary, daughttr of Mix.

A, F. Conary, of 710 Clifton avaoua, waa m arried a t noon yeaterday to Loren H er­rington, of tbls d ty . The oeremony waa performed by Rev. Robert Boon IngUe, of tho Third Preobytorian Church, at the home of the bride. Tbe house was decor­ated with pelma end ranee, pink pre­dominating. The bride wa# unattended. She wea gowned tn pals green measallne eetln and wore a black picture hat, trimmed with pink rosea. A wedding brenkfaat was served to thirty-five guests from thle city, Haekenteck, New York and Ridgewood. Mr. end Mre. Herrington left Immediately for a trip to Bermuda. Upon their retn ru Jn about three wreke, they will realde at n s Clifton avenue.

tor the r e ^ s e of her eouT. Mrs. Toughlln i bridge bonds, each Issue to beer V i per wee the widow of the late Patrick Tough- cant. Interest annually and to run, Iho • Un. of Montolalr, in which place aha had lived (or forty yeare. She was elxty- one years old. and leaves one daughter,Mias Katherine Toughlln. Interm ent whl be In the Cemetery of the Immaculate Conceptton.


Eedoc Taft, a descendant of Joseph Taft, who was an ancestor of President Taft, died a t tha T aft bomsalaad yeaterday, aged sixty yaaix. Last summer Preal- denl T aft and Mra. Taft rielted th e home-***^- *•’***' ■“ tha family forover M yeare.

■oy T ypla t Shew# High Beheol.An example of rapid typewriting by a

lad of fifteen years wae furnished tho pupils In sicnography at the High School thle morning, when Parker Woodson, of

- I Chicago, gave a demonstration lastingfist for fifty yeare. the second for th irty I through one period. It was estimated thatyears and the third for twelve years.




PHILADELPHIA, April T.-The ftinerel of Craigs Llpplnoott, president of the J. B. IJpplnoou Company, publlehefx, who was found dead In h it home yeatet'day with a Plato] wound In hla head, will be held to­morrow, a t 11 A. M, The aerrioes wlU ^ Tomktna,of Holy Trinity Protestant Hplaoopal CTuroh, and tntennent will ba made tn Central Laurel HIU Cemetery, in ttala olty. There will be no honorary pallbearera.

The Inquest In the oasa will also be held to-morrow, Tha famlTy still holds to the theory that Mr. Ltppincott'a ^eath waa acoldental, notwlthaUndlng tha au tam en t Im u m by an official of th* publUhlnr company th a t Mr. Llpplnoott, "during a period of temporary aberraUon, shot and killed hlmeelf.’’

M n . W aldy Oats fdJIM T erlle t.TRENTON, April 7.—After an sxbaue-

tlve diBcuaelon of the employers' lUbllty lew by United States District Judge IbsIIatab yeaterday, the jury brought In a verdict of (6,(00 to r Mrs. Elliabelta Gl Weldy, of Mew Brunswick. She sued (or damages suatalnad by tha death of her husband, crushed to death on a freight float of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com­pany in New York Harbor some time last year.

the boy transcribed a t the rate of about ninety-five words a minute during the ex­hibition. H e learned typewriting a little more than a year ago.

N ew arker Held (or Theft.ELIZABEJTH, April 7.—H arry Welaer,

twenty-seven years old, who gava hla residence as M Sixteenth street, Newark, wae arraigned In police court yeaterday on a charge of stealing carpenter toots from a tootcheat In new houeea now being erected on Weatfield avenue^ Bllia- batta. Judge Mahon committed him to the oounty jail In default of (200 ball.

A asdhar Bicycle S tslaa.Dr. Douglas A. Cater, of (9 Harriaon

street. E ast Orange, reported to-day to the police of th a t city the theft of a bicycle from In front of hla houae yes­terday a f te r ( o'clock.

N a Ponds fa r HoapHa).PASSAIC. April 7.—Passaic's Isolation

hospital Is closed, deaplte the fact that within the city there are cases requiring Isolation hospital treatm ent to safeguard the general health of the town, laick of funds is declared by Health Officer Dr. Nelson E lliott to be the cause for the rinsing of (he Instltullon.


LONG BRANCH, April 7 ,-P e te r Hand, a resident of Chelsea avanoa for eaverat years, died on board the steiunar Eorona while raturing from a trip to W est Indies lest Saturday. Hla body was burlsid a t sea tha (oUowlrig day. News of tho doath and burial of Mr. B and rw ohed Long Branch yaxtorday afternoon, when tha Blaward of the ship broke the aew i to h ll widow.


To Lydia E. Plnkham** Vegetable Compound

ScottvlUo, Mich.—" I want to tell you how much good LydlaE.Ptnkh»in’i

V e g e t a b l e Com.

HmO**** ilotorptevLaw .PATERSON, April 7—Mlia Sarah

Hugheo. ateter-tn-law to Congrooeman William Hugbae, died yeaterday a t bar home on Smith xtraat. Miss Hughea had bean In U1 baalth for montha. She left her poanion aa nurse In tha Isolation Hospital to Paixalo, reoantly, bacausx of a phyxloal braakdowB. Bealdaa her mother aha Is aui-rtvad by four aiatara— Mra. W illiam Kughaa, Mrs. John Stewart, Ura. John Bohenh and H its M aryBugbea. Her funeral will be held from Mra. Staw- a rt’a hoina on Smith atraot to-morrow morning a t l:3> o'clock.

HARRISOK A ND E A S T N E W A R K .Vigilant Welcome Council, Daughtera of

Liberty of Harriaon, srill meat to-ntgbL .Member# having Am erican flags have been requested to bring them to the meet­ing.

Emmet Carney, of Chicago, who h a t been the guest of hla oouein, Edward J. Carney, of 110 H arrlenn avenue, Harriaon left (or hla home yesterday.

David F. Rlordan w as elected a dele­gate end John B ritenbucher alternate at e meeting of H arrison Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, of . Harrteon, a t Record Hall last n ight, to repreaent the camp at tho annual Btate convention of tho order to be held a t Camden Wednes­day, May I.

The Rlordan A thletle Aaxoeletlon lx a r ­ranging for a trolley ride to Palixado Park Friday, June J.

That 7,000 persona attended the free lec­ture aeries, which cloxed laat night In Harrison, wae announced by the Board Of Education. The final lecture waa Rpv, Henry R. Rose, of this city. Gems of Music, Art and Eloquence,"

Mies Margaret Gillen, of 86 Searing ave­nue, Eeat Newark, la entertaining Mlsi Margaret Willie, of Boston.

A dancs will be held to-nlgbt Rentschler's hall, H arriion anapices of George Sweeney Quinn.

Malta flcalea filed plana with Building Inspector Daniel F . Mahev; of Harrison, ic-day (or a e li-fam lly house to be buiU a t I Frenklln evenupt to cost t7,otKl.

Ralph Noe, of Pljtt'tereon atreet, H arri­son. a student af D arthm euth College,' la spending his E aster v a o a t l^ a t the boma

pound and SanatlT*W iaah have done 1 tive on a farm and have worked tery l^rd. I atn forty-

H m Atb yeara old, and am the mother of

''^vljthlrteen children.Many people think It atnnge tha t I amnot broken d o w n with hard wofk and the care of my fam-1 1 I"* ‘»re of my fam-

lly, but I tell them of my good friend, TOur Vewtable Compound, and t ^ there will be. no backache and bearingdown palna for them If they will take “ . I *m acaroely ever irltluout I t In the house.

‘•’In*' there 1* no better medicine to be found for young girls to build them up and make them strong and well. My eldest ^u g h to r has taken Lydia E. Pink- ham 8 Vegetable Compound for pain­ful periods and irregularity, and it haa always helped her.

■'•1 am always ready and wlUtngto {peak a good word for the Lydia E.

to-night at I tell every one. umier the 1 that I owe my health and hap- and William Plntwa to these wonderful mediclnea.'’

CkaxleeSpeotol BttpstoS lo tU f YJlirnrO M W g.

WABHINOTON, N. j ., April 7.-W<w4 was recelTBd here yaslerdAy of the death and burial of Charlex Lxlgh, xon of Aui- tin Lalgh, of thix pisca He died a t Cax- tle Roex; South Dakota, on March SO, and burial wax In Ctitcego, Death waa from tuberouloala, from whloh ho had euffered for aeveral yeeri. He leaves a widow, who Toeldes In Chicago. Mr. Ixrigb'a haallb faJlad while a resident of th a t c4ly, and he had gone te vertoue places In the W estern fitatea In tha hope of being re- atorad to health by a change of cllnuue.

M n , B lliabefh HaCm aa.Sp«*9l DUpbteK to (ka arBWIKO ygWB.

CAUFON. April 7.—The funeral of Mrs, Elisabeth Hoffman, esventy years old widow of Frederick Hoffman. wlU ba held a t her la te home a t Falrm ount and In the Falrmount PreabytaHan Chureh to­morrow morning, lira . BoltD an died WedneiKJay. after a briaf UlBesa from pnenmonto. Four eona and three daugh­ter# XDTVlVa.


- vr r „ , ---------- mediclnefl.''— J. O. JOHNSON,Soottvlll6,Mich„XLeFelf, 8a

Ly^a E-Plnkham's Vegetable Com-1 pouM,’ made from native roota and h e r ^ contains no narcotics or harm-'

• ’'*1 to-day holds the record i


F atrtek B a n s ,sparia) BtapoM to tSa MYgNUro BBTrB.

B3L1ZABETH, April 7.—Patrick Burns disd a t midnight in hli boms, UT Race atreet. R e was nearly eighty yeara old and a maaon coiUraqtort but had llvad retired for several yeara. H a laavaa a widow and three brothera.

Mra. Mary B llaabeth Tmwot, R A im A T , April T.—The funeral of

J*™- Kllxahetk Turaer, fennerlyPettis, of Putnasb Coim., and Naw-

ark, who died April ( a t th a hoaaa of her daughter, Mra. Chester F. Hayman. In Upper Rahway, waa hrid thle afternoon.

Je h a T, Perry.PATERSON, April 7.—John T, Perry

yesterday « hla hoipa, P ark ave-

TUa Melee Weeian Was Cured'ef Be* By Dr- WtUlame’ Pink Pilit and la

Bedraeiattic In Her ltaao» eeendatioB of The Retaedy.

Wbeeavar (he blood becomeg tUe end watery or Impure (ho whole gyetom •uffgn, eoergy la lacking, vKalKy Is low and (bo vlc(ue lalls an easy pity taany dlseaie which bgppens too tpm ijgnk

To keep (be syitim in aoimal OMdi- (1m , (he appetite good, the step vlgor- eoa, the biida c W and (be euuelei itronf, a tonic li sometiiMe neoeseair. Witii the body (bos toned up and toe organ* activfl there It a greatiy nduoed danger from prevalent dieeam abomr(he germ* are overcome and pamed off

Id bo.aa nature intended (hey shotili The tonio wad should be eOieacioaf

and at tbe same time safe and haiu- leis for the weakest eonstltution. Sucha remedy is Dr. VUilliama’ Pink Pilia.

James P,The Ok^rience ol Miu.MeyneU, of finllivan, Me., with this bloM-making medicine it ^ven in her otm words, u follows:

'My reason for reeeiniHadlsg Dr. Williams’ Pbtk PUIa to otiMta is tb^ the^^ved me from a long iUni : and

ago. When (saehingaoaantry acbaell became so oompleMy run down (hat I could not attend to my duties. My ap-l y dutii

Btite failed me and I became eo weaknltv 1

. pilpilof the heart and wea short of onatb.

petite 1that it was with great difficulty that I

I had pupitationwith great

could walk upatalie.)d waa

* 'w ^w tMDr. W foa

I also lost in irei"The people rA* whem I bearded

moommeiided Dr. Wkiiaem' Ptnk POle I gave the reeoedy a trial end eoon Wt my atrangth letuniing. laaiharttiaM. I rnw pertectly weH. j

"About three yean ago I again teok Dr. WWama' Fmk Pilia Ih sd been luffering from rheumatism for aevaral ■Bontha. The ffiaaaae settled in the Joints all a m my body. I conid JtN( get a ra u ^ (ba bouse by the aid of aebi^. Tire pafna'wera so tbarp that Jeodd hardly Map bam jeiaanilng. I mfferi^ all tb ao w the summer oatil eariy *11. Aa fbe doctec did ' 'octec didjMthstp

. J --------to Dr. Y ^ a m /P fi^ I la i. I giadMlly got bettor and took the pUia untji cured and bare had ao return at the rbetunatUm ainoe."

k'rS^’ i T 'Dr. Williame’ Pink Pills are

■1 dmagiatt, ,I reem M of I

BLOOMFIELDTha elghty-seveoth birthday of Mre.

K atharine L. Smith will be ebeerved a t her home In Spruce street to-olght witb a family gathering.

S l^ihen Tydeman, George A. Keer and Abram Wilxon have been elected truiteee or the P ark Metbodlat Church for three yeare.

Lloyd Flood, who la In charge of the Boy Scout movement In Newark, gave a talk to the H en's League of the Flret Presbyterian Church last night. Membera of th e leeguei In other churchee wore preaent by InvUatlon.

C harlei H . Phllbriofc, of Trey, N. T , a former resident of Bloomfield, has been visiting friends to the town.

Under tha autplcee of the Bloomfleld Evangelical Dnlcn, a union ihcylce will be held to W eetmlnitsr Freibyterlaii Church Sunday night with a sermon by Rev. Dr. George L- Curlle, paator of the Flr#t Preabyterlan Cfliurch.

Tho Men'e League of tha f l r t t Freeby- terian Chureh elected these ofllcere last night; Prealdent, Howard Thomae; vlce- prealdent. Howard Blddulph; eecretary, Randolph B arrett; treaaurer, Thomae An- dereon; board of governors, Dr. F rank­lin C. Welle. J. WlOla Pleixon, W alter Briscoe, F rederlek J. Ogden and Henry C. Hopper.

The High Sehool Glee Club, O reheitra and Mandolin Club vrill give a nruslcala and reception In the aeeembly hell of the L iberty S treet Bohool Thursday night under the direction of Profeeeor Bmlth.

Union meettnge under the aueptces oT tha Bloomfleld Evangelleal Union will be held nex t week ae followa: Tuaeday night. F irs t B aptist Church, eermon by Rev, Dr. r r a n k M. Goodohlld, paator of the Central Batrtlat Church, New York; Wed­nesday, W eatm lniter Preebyterian Church eermon by Rev. Dr. John Douglax Adam paator of the Monn Avenue Presbytorian Churah of B ast Orange; Thursday night. P a rk M ethodist Church, Rev. Dr, William V. Kelly, editor of The Methodist Re­view.

In th e W oatm lniter Preebylerlan Church chapel W ednesday afternoon a t 4 o'clock there will be a meeting for women.

A baseball league among tbe gram m ar grades to th e publls eobool* has been (mrmad.

MAPLEWOOD.The township poUcemen defeated th*

vlllsge n ig h t men In a bowling matoh yesterday afternoon a t the Maplewood Field Club by the soort of 1,177 to 1,476. On the townehtp teem were C iopbell, Bodel Matte, flehmidt, Boyle, and on the vltlege team. Bkeffingtoa, re ra n , ComaforfL Btleve and Sherry. Leamond su b e tltu t^ for. the vlltogers and Hannlon for tha home taam . Refreahnenta ware eervad a fte r the match.

The Maplewood Grammar Sehool boyg baseball tean t played tts lliat game of the eeaeon yeeterday afternoon a t the A, C. grounds on P arker avenue. The op­ponents were the Bayley Hall team from Seton H all College. The score was I te t to. favor of Maplewood.

School etarted a t 1:11) this morning and ended nt U;I0 for the B a iter hetldaya

V isa BUsabeUi RleaHen, the Haplewoed teaoher, who has been ao long til, 1 yaa- torday te v iatt trisods a t Meatoialr.

------.--------- a—-------------

350 G O O D Y E A R Cravenettes

and Texlnre Coats Saturday

OnlyG ray , Black

and T an

V alue $15 Special

7.75C L O S I N G O U T I

ISO Boys’ Cravenettes, 6 to 15 sizes. Refuinr vnlue $8.00,

3 . 0 0For 5 hours only. 1 to 4 o’clock

CHILDREN’S CAPES ReRulnr Vnlue $5.00

1 .3 0For 5 hours only—1 to 4 o'clock]


PIICED FOR SATVRDiY ONLYT hat Nifty T an Rubber S ljp -o n 2 g gfor men and women at 3.75 and $15 Raincoats and Siip-oni at............................................^ Spring Siip-ons fc at

Raincoats and English lor Saturday only “


9.75$22 Eneiish Slip-ons and Superb Spring_ Raincoats for Safur- |2day only at__$25 to $30 Superb Spring Raincoatt and English Slip-ons forSaturday only, a t.......... I 4 .7 S


“rv e csih gtlorsi 1 m tctliag mor*. And yet my triad«

FilthI i whit these tottp* H itc helped me itofe Within the




F«oomiteeoxnf vent Saul Not! ns III that view MfC pubi day. jorithlaecrilto bto II(■clitpearIssicult;to Icamv mthe

ThWA#refoendO'Ci Byr T. 1


T h e “ g o o d ” n e w w a y .Some very particular

housekeepers call the tedious laborious meth­ods o f home soup-mak­ing the "good old way” .

B ut is this a good way, when you can buy

S O V F *You might easily spend

hours of time and twice tbe money and still have notb- ine better than these deli­cious wholesome soups that we supply you all ready to serve in less than three minutes. Isn’t that the best way after all?21 Idnda

J%st add hot waUr, bring to a boil,

and strvo.

lOc Acan

tesDx Cxaxeain CeaxxxT

Csmdta N J

L ook f o r t h , rod-and-white


N ^ w u p r i g h t




D O f^ 'r P A Y B R O A D ST.. P R /C 6S.


y w * * * * * *»A**A**m »—^

MONTOLAm.Ifsm bers of the Montolalr High Sebaol

bsxeball t s u n . who won the Inter-ioho- iMtlo cham plonabip honors tael year, will open their eaeson for UU with Plaln,- fiald High Bohool to-morrow morning. The game will be played on the Moetolatr A thletle Club grotuida

Under the a i ^ e e e of the Y. M. C. A., na llluatrated leature trill be given by Anthony F lata . oammandtr of the Zelgtsr Fol«r Expedition of iKa. tn th e UlitoMe O ram m ar School audltorluia to-night. "FlghUng th a Polar lee,’’ w!U ba the topto of tb s leoture.

Form er Mayor Henry V. Crawford and daughter, who have been spending the

I S i T i S S 'V t fmonth,- The am inal maettog of the Altriilat So­ciety will he held a t A ltruist Bonii^ naxt— -—nWit

In Ena Riemtltn Th Xnilili FMs I PItci

fODAKS and Brownie * Cameras make picture taking a simple certain^,

If*s daylight all the way Kodaks S.OO to 100.00 S w a l e s LOO to 12.00

Nn. 3 BrnwMs Pliais Onvntopsa an4 Prfaitna (nr Me. Par RpU.

: Schaeffer CoI g»»i firt



iinirb */mai|h1s

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TI moi witi am ■onbUBO notH«omi




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r E A R:ttesCoatsurday>nly, Black I T an

ae $15 ecial


lim es F. XacGrath Scores tie T uoin l Dowa of Trustee

HeDonoo^h by Feople’s.


I fn . Ir«m B u n a , nlrwtten jnar* oid. who told Ui« police ah* lived In CrooU avenue, Pateraon, attem pted aulclde on a Broad atreet tro lle r car a t the Glmwooil •venue loop, Irv ln rto n , laat nlctit, h r awallovMnc tha eontenta of a bottle of creoeata. Her Ufa waa aeved by Dr. Al­bion C. Chrlattan, the police eurcron, with a etotnach pump.

The «ould-b« aulclde waa then taken to Bt Bam abarfi Hoepllal, where the wae

_ 1 ropoTtod to bo f ra a tly Improved to-day6ETS CONVENTIOH IR EPROAR ‘ Hd on the m ad to recovery. The policewore unable to obtain any Information

UTIties, 6 to lue S8.00,

>4 o’clock

Fallurs on th i pArt of th« nominmtinf oommtttM to sugROst the nam« of True- toe John W, McDonough as on* of It* oandfdatH^ OAused an uproar a t tbs con- vsiUlon of ths Psop|«*a party to tho Bouth Orange Village HalL laat ntgbt. Notivttlistandlng Ur. UoDonough'a restf- nation from the pai*ty, hla frltnd i fait th a t hli turning down waa unmerited in view of his servicee to the village. Ur. MirDonough'a rsslgnatlm , which was publistied exclusively in the News yester­day. waa a complete surprise to the ma­jority of the party and his itrIcturM on Me former aasooUtes, eapedatly hla at- eerllon that the aim oi* it>e party sfemed to be to get control of the salaried offioes In the v11iage» caused a ntlr among local [•otltlclana. Jam es F. MacQrath ap­peared aa Trustee McDonough's champion last night and while he hsd some diffi­culty 111 securing a hearing, he managed to get tti a re tuke for t l ^ nomlnsttng committee, and his reniarice were greeted with applause. He also resigned from the organlKation.

The slate prepared by the committee was nominated after Mr. MacQrath had referred to the ' ‘steam roUer'* methods, and la a i follows: For president, Dr. T. O'Conor Bloahe; for trustees, Harold Byrom Tom C. W atkins and Raymond T, Marshall,

from the woman i attempt.

I to what prompted her

P E Ss.ooI

1 4 o'clock]

sm iA uii(0W.I°.v2.98“"’ .7.50id English

“ " .U Sid Superb:::.I2.75




b takrsi If more, oy triad*Itbie«c loupe ped me itore ebioJt k.*»

way,ticular 11 the meth- »-mak- way”. good

n buy

USED FATHER'S NAME TO GETMONEY ILLEGALLYConvicted a t obtnlnlna money under

falue pretensee (rem buelnese man of the Oitnnace, Alfred (I. Juhneon, twenty- ellsbt yeare of ege, who woe arreated In Eaet Orange on Salurdey, wan iien- Unced to-day to three month! In the o'ounty penitentiary by Recorder Noil. Before committing him the recorder ad- .mlntetered a lecture, which broke down khe cool Indifference with which the young Iman had borne himself from the time of |hls arrest. He promleed to better his ways. He It the ion of J. O. Johnson,

I of Qeneva, K. T., formsrly a well-known t reeidenl of Orange.

The father was In E ast Orange th lt morning and had a long consultation with tbs recorder before bis son wai arraigned for sentence. The elder John- ten conducts a tree nursery and dose buelneee with a number of tlorlete of the Orangee. The young man used the name of hie father In borrowing small suras. H e obtained In the aggregate a large ainonnt of money, th e polloe say.

Mr*. B urnt boarded the oar at Broad and Market etreett. aocnrdlng to her itory to Polloe Sergeant KlrkbrldS. and rode to the loop, a t 'th e end of the line, where iha took the polaon while the craw were en­gaged In cunveraatlon on the front plat­form.

Tho woman fell to the floor a t toon a t the awallowed the fluid, her moans a t­tracting the attention of Motorman Qeorge Plekertng, who ruehed Into a nearby ttore and notlfled police headquarter! In Irving­ton, Kirkbrlde hurried to the tcene wUb Patrohnan Finnegan. They found tha woman unoontoloua with the crew work­ing over her.

Under K lrkbrlde’e orders the ear made ■ fast trip to the town centre, where the would-be eulclde was carried Into the eta- tlon-houaa. Dr. Christian, who wet tuni- nioned from a m eeting of the Board of Education, of which he It a member, waa In welting. A fter working over bar for rearly an hour the phytlclan sucoeeded In bringing Mra. Burns to, and ordered )tar removal to the hospital.

Mre. Burnt rafuatd to anewer queitlont put by KIrkbiida, but finally produced a marriage oertifleate ahowlng that sh t wag married to F rank Burna, of Paterton, In October, 1907. Bhe tta to d th a t they did not live together very long.

The main chimney and two fireplaces are all th a t rem ain of ihe rertdence of T, H. pow ers F arr, on the oreet of the moun­tain In W est Orange, which burned down yaiterday morning, while tho flremen stood by hetpleaa, with not enough water even to fill the chcmtoal tanka quickly enough to bo of any tarvlee. While the loss of SO.OOO It covered by Insurance, the fire has served to call attention to the lack of tire protection for tho handeome residences on the brow of the mountain, where the neareat Are hydrantt are at Ml. Flcaeaiit and Proepeet avenues and Moun­tain and Prospect avenuei. Tho distance from either hydrant to Mr. F arr i houee

1 la nearly a mile.I F ire Chief Sheehan voiced to day a I atrenuoug protest against the use of fuml- ' gating tto v e t for tha destruction of mos- . qultoeo, which oaueed the fire.I The Board of Health contends, however, th a t It the Stoves a re used properly

! there Is no danger even If the preparation Ignttsa The apparatus conolele of an nl-

' oohol lamp herieath a flue on the top of whloh le placed i pan containing -the eullclde. The claim le made that If the

H o a i t h

Restores color to Gray or Faded hair—Removes Dan*. drulF and invigorates the Scalp —Promotes a l u x u r i a n t , healthy hair growth—Stops its falling o u t Is not a dye.

$1(00 tiid 50o Bt L)ru| Slor«i nr dlrMa nprMi receipt o| price iDfl deeleri DAint. Send iOc ler iiBiaie bo(tl«.—Philo Hey Speeleluei Ce.« Ntwtrli.N. J.gD.S.\,E B F U S B A L L IU B 8 T 1 T U T B S


The failure of Attorney Anthony R. alove la placed In the middle of the cellar | Flnelll to note the presence of hie citeni’aand the eullclde by any chance takes fire, the flame will not be autfletent to do any damage.


Hearty Indorsement of the plan to have all tha buelneee placee in the Orangei elosed on Sunday and to have the mer- ehanta Agree on an earlier closing hour waa given a t a conference In the Orange Free L ibrary laet night, which waa a t­tended by repreeentatlree of several or­ganisations. Mlai Alice Jaynes, of Ihe New Jersey Consumers' Ijeague, through whote efforta the movement hee been started, explained the situation and an- nouDcad that the m erchant! of Eaet Or­ange have already agreed to close their etoree on Saturday afternoent during August. Miss Jgynee admitted th a t the problem In Orange la more dUflcult, as some of the business men even keep open on Sunday morning. Confronted with this situation, it waa linanlmously decided that s oampalgn of education la abso- lutsly essential to make the public real­ise the need of shopping early.


The Township Coramittes of Springfield decided last night to bold a public meet­ing In the aseembly hall of the High School, th a t place, 'I’ueeday night, April US. a t which the residents at the munici­pality will be given an opportunity to ex­press their opinion in regard to a new public building.



Director W allace Oughellree to-day an­nounced hla candidacy for the tm all Board of Freeholders, which. In accord­ance with the expressed will of tho voters a t the laat election, will aseinne charge of the oountr affa irs January 1.

In declaring th a t be waa going to enter the race, the d irector said that, from a source which he has been uneble to lo­cate. a falae rum or waa spread to the effect that he had decided to quit public life with the end of hla present term.

"There Is nothing furlher from my mind," Hr. Ougheltree added, "than re­tiring from Ihla board. I am going to go before the voters and ask thelT support, becausa I am deelroue of conttnulns in active harness and want to aid In the con- eummatlon of many important m atters that will not m a te ri^ la s during tha life of the present body."

The director expressed gratSflcatlon over the action of the I-eglalature in the House yesterday in disapproving tha plan of Aaaemblyman McQowan'a bill to have the county divided Into nine dlstrlole for the purpose of holding the elections to tho board. He said th a t aa the voter* did not ao decide when the question was before them, he thought It would be unwlae to Inaugurate the d istrict plah. until the present system was tried.


Bui for the presence of mind of John Leadbeater. of LIndsley avenue. West Or­ange, yeaterday atteinoon. H arry Carter, eight years old. son of Mrs. Helen Carter, of 7 LIndsley avenue, would probably have been serloualy Injurt^ or killed.

Leadbeater had stopped hie automobile near the place where the C arter boy was playing with a number of other children. Unnotloed by the driver three, of Ihe bora ran behind tbe machine and clung to the rea r axle.' Aa Leadbeater started to back the car p reparatory to turning around. Oie Carter boy loat hla grip and fall under Ihe rear wheel. Leadbeater hearing hla cry as ha fell Immediately reverned hts engine and the machine Jumped forward. Juat as the wheel touched the hoy's cheat.

n waa thought a t flrot that tha lad was Injured, but after a ride in tha automoblla his hurts dleappetred.


Four-year-old Michael Denucci, son of Pasquale Denucci, of » South street. Or­ange, found a harm less looking object In the street late yesterday afternoon, struck It with a stone and had the ends of three fingers of Ms left had blown olt, so th a f the Angers had to be amputated. He waa also Injured about the face and may lose the eight o f both eyes.

The child was playing In the street when h« found tha objact- No on* hat been found Who knows Just what it waa. but from the damage It did It Is thought It must have been a piece of dynamite.

Nothing waa left of the object that ex­ploded, aa pro'oably would have been tho case had It been a ahell, and there waa no shot In the woundi, '


The appointment of an Inspaclor of Itcenees to lupplement th* work of tbe police In looking after the saloons of Or* an^e was favored by the Cltlsens* Com* m itiee of F ifty a t H* annual meeting, held last night In the rooms of the New Eng­land Society. It was decided to ask the Board of Excise to make such an appoint­ment.

brother In the Orange Dit^trict Court to ilay cost Qluseppi Jannufcs! a Judgnivni of •!!. The su it was a claim of prop­erly brought by Q. M. Belfatlo for law­yer's services. The la tter had previous­ly ohiatned a Judgment, ami Constable Albert E. Robinson last November levied on the property tn Ja nnusil's shoemaker Hhop a t 6S Orange .tilreei. Newark. Rob Inson woe later served wUh a notice that the property belonged lo Ueneroso, * brother of th« defendant.

When the case came up before Judge JonM to*day Qeneroeo had not put In an I ppearance and Tlnelil attempted to prove the ownership of the goods by the testi mony of Abram 0. OvermlUer. constable of the East Orange D latiiet Court. Over- miller stated tha t he had foreclosed a mortgage in Qeneroso'e favor.

In tbe meantime Oeneroso Mmielf en­tered the courtroom, unnoticed by the lawyer. The la tter did not see hlin, how. ever, and reeled his case on Overmlllei’s testlmoiiy.

Because of lick of further e%’ldence Judge Jones Instructed the Jury to render a verdict for the plaintiff. At this point Tlnelil discovered hl» client silting In the rear of the courtroom and asked to have the case reopened In order to put him on the stand. H is request was, however^ re fused.



Unable to agree.on an interpreiaiicn tho teachers' tenure of ofltce ac» of iyo5* the Irvington Board of RduvatUm last Dlghl deildcd to ask coim*»el for an opin­ion regarding Us right lo transfer princi­pals and teitchus.

The action brought ahmit when the XeachejiA OummtUce, In explaining why i-lie name of Motthew L’. Hamilton, p rin ­cipal of the High had been oniliicdfrom the list of Inslruoture to ho en- gihgetl for Ihe next sohou) year, said thut It was piopuKcd to transfer the Inltcr the Gro'-e Htreci School, where there wnitlU be a vatoiicy a t tiio upening of the fail term.

Mr. Ham ilton objects to the itiiimrer because It would be In the nsiiire oi a de­motion. The prtiiclpalshlp uf the High School pays a salary of wlille thepreftc/it p iln rlpal u l Grove streel. Mr*. Minnie H erker-H arvey, who docs not US- Blre a re-engagem ent, receives $1,100. The question arose hb to the right t>f tns board to transfer Mr. llumlUon undt. th»* act of IDOS, which seems to Ind im e that a principal or teacher rannot be reduced after having taught for three or more consecutive years.

After the ftrsi recommendation of the committee to engage ihe p rescu tenchmg itafC, with th e exception of Mr lljuuillon, hau been coneuTred in. the dehate en­sued over ano ther reem nm euiau m refer­ring the appointm ent of tho Htgn S ih .’Dl ptlnclpal to the board.


A iisciiMlon as to the advisability of ru ttin g an addition to the home of the i Belleville Club, Wnshlngion avenue and i Academy street. Belleville, marked the | annual mteUng nf ihe Mauctatl<.n last j night- The growth of Ihe^organlxatUm durlug the laat year hits been such as to m ake additional accommoditlona desir­able, The trustees were instructed to ascertain what It would cosl to extend the building so as to provide another bowling alley and an assembly hall.

o E i n p E m S N l

H u i Q T a d l ' nJanos

NaturalLaxative Water

Speedy Sure

GentleOuM b> R e H e v e t



lAeulenant John J. FiannsJly, of thu Twenty-first Precinct, New Tork, brought to E ast Om nge to-day Indlotmants for robl>ery In the first degree*, assault ami clrtminolly receiving stolen goods against Jam es Gallagher, Alfred flmfth and Victor ri. Macljerlon. who have been held since shortly after m idnight Wednesday morn­ing, charged with having s:ilen and robbed Henry Schaefer, of 7 Sussex ave­nue, the la tte r city- The assault la a l­leged to have taken place In New York. The men were arrested by pollctm n of East Orange and Newark near the line between the two cities after two hours of "scouting** for them.___________________

spend ice the inotb- : deli­ps th lt ady to three

It the

I cu t

Besides sufferiRg Crum bum s about the sack and sboulders, sustained when the Gontenti of a pan of scalding water she was carrying was accidentally spilled, K atherine Ford* the seven-year-old daugh­te r of Patrick Ford, of 29 Orange road. Stontcloir, yestenlay ^Teloped icat-loi fever a t the Mountainside Hospital. Mont- elair. She was removed last evening to the Isolation Hospital a t Soho.

rOULTRT OWNERS, BEWARE!Announcement woe made by the Irving­

ton Board of Heolth a t a meeting laat night th a t permits (or keeping poultry tn accordance with the provisions of the new sanitary ordinance m ust ^be obtained before May 1, under' penalty of fine In case of violations. The permits can be obtained a t the ofBce of Secretary Bdwln Berryi IfliG Spiingfleld avenue.


Plane and fpeetfleatloni win aoon ke filed In the ofTlee of Bulldlnx Inipeetor John G. !5oott, of E aet Orange, for ih« biggest apartm ent-houie yet undertaken In that city. It la to be five etorle* in height, flrepronfed and with an elevator. It win accommodate thirty.five famttloa. It will be built a t Central and Hunn avenuei and will coat SIM.IDO. according 10 the estim ate eubmltted by the owner, E. 11. Potter, of N*w York.

LI6HT Ur FOR BDRCLARS.Since the wholesale burglarlsi In Cald­

well recently many residents have kept the lower floors of their bouses lighted all night to prevent fu rth er intruslshi.

C O H FA N T K V ET ER A N S ' DINNERMember* of the orlfjnal Company K of

Montclair, who were called to aerve dur- li'~ the apanl-h-Attiertcen War, will hold their annual dinner In the arm ory of tha new Company K, N. G. N. J., In Willow Btreet, Montolalr, Monday night. May 1

PIlMwnie cturetinty. e w a y 10.00 1 0 0

i tg S M

aa Ca.

BBliLEVOiI.lt.The Tueeday Reading Club wjil be en-

te ru ln ed next week by Mra. A. L. Smith a t her home on DeOraw avenue. Woodalda aectlOD of tti* etty. The club le itudylng Bhaketpeare, and papar* will ba read by Mri. Charlee OranWIle Jonea and the hoetesa.

The eenlor <flaia of the High School win ■tart Monday on It* oducalloMl trip to Waahlngton. The otudenta win be anoom. ponied by Supervliing Principal and M n. Oeergt B. Gerard, and tha party will be OiWay three day*.

Memjtdra of Chrlat Epieoopal Church are fa n n in g for a reception to the now rootor, Rev. Charlee W . Popham, to be given Utter Kaeter. The function trill be prl- m arlly for tho purpoae of giving the parlehloner* an opportunity to peiPonally meet the clergyman.• A mlnotral ahew will ba held by Cevrt

Bancta M afia, Daughter* of lu b e lla , a t It* beei'-qaarten. In BeilevlUe Hall, Aprtt !J. I t will be a "p»r-a*'you-ent»r" *jfalr.

Arrangement* are being made by the SellevlUe Catholic Club to r * Held day, to be held a t Hlllelde Park June 17. The' ooramlltee In charge of the plane lirahidee Bdward Livingeten, ohalrman; John,4>aly, •ecretary; John J . Bulllvan, treasurer; RlMiard Flanagan, Robert Andereon, F rank HoGrath, Paul 8. Konnody and Charlo* Bprtnger. The antrla* wlll.bo re- eelved by John F. F lanagan.

Nomination of otfloera by Valley Ho*e Company laet night resulted a* Tollowa: President, John Hyde; vice-president, Charles Otto and flylveeter Fraeer; teche- tary. Geotge Potkingborne end William Burke: tnaeu rar, Joseph Retd; foreman, William McCormick and Mr, F raser; aa* s litan t foremaa, John Reid, George I^ijk. In i^orne and John LAWrence; eteward, Alexander Reid, W alter Beresford, John Reid and Jamee Dorney. The election will be held In Hay.

Eastwood Hoao Company nominated offloers laat nlCht a t (ollosrs: pfesldant, Jamea Balm un;, vlaa-prealdent, Thomas W ard; racording sscretary, Herman Braun; flnanelal aeoretary, ‘William B. Bcalne; treasursr, M asiloa Cahill; fore­man, JobL MoCoy; asila tan t foreman. Jam as A- Murray: stesrard, John Smith.

E sstg Boas Company will nom lnatt a ^ aloct olRcsre a t Ita m atting next month.

Georgs W. Wtlllatns, of E l Main sirest. who has b**ii operated upon, »t #t.' Bar-

. nabse's Hospital, Newark fop appendlol- tla, t i repuHed to be doing well.

,. Rev, Lucas Boeve, of the N orth Reform- ed Church. Newark, will preach and ad­m inister the stB niiM nt of the L«rd‘* sup­per a t th* RffgHttsd dhunai Bundby

HOLTH ORANGE.Members of South Orange Lodge of Elbe

held another rehearsal for their mlnatrel show last night. Lewie J, Doolittle will be the Interlooutor. The end men picked thus far are Eldward J. Sullivan, who It also acting aa coach: Alphonio I. Murray and Andrew I. McDonald.

E. Hosslnger, of Newark, Is erecting a frame dwelling In Montrose avenue, near Centre street.

W alter S. Newhouse, of M Ward place, hoa returned from a two weska’ buslnese trip.

A bay horsa attached to a delivery wagon fell In South Orange avenue yes­terday aflernoon, breaking one of Its tore- legi. Sergeant F rank Kanny ahot the animal, which was owned by an East Orange firm.

Daniel Van Ideretine, of First street, will leave next week for an automoblla trip to N iagara Falla.

A Ijitln verb contest between the eenlor and Junior olaaeea of the High School waa held this morning, a t which the former class won by flve points. Eleanor W al­lace, a Junior, w a i th a Individual artnner.

Mrs. Fredsrlck Taylor, of Ralston ava- nua, and her m other, Mrs. Knox Fhllllpi, of Taylor place, left th is morning for a stay a t A tbury P ark .

Arrangsm anU a re being made for a rummags sole to ba /held under the sue- pice* of the A uxiliary of tha Soctety for Leading Com torta to the Sick.

Mra. Cbarlee L. Conover, of 1S2 Milligan place, reported to the police yesterday aftarneon th a t soma on* robbed her clothaa-llnea W ednaaday tvanlng.

A woman In th a nel^borhood of H art­ford road and Contra street, who refuaed to give her nam e, telaphonsd to tba polloe a t t:I0 o'cloak lost night that a number of platol ih a ta had Just been dred on H artford road. Patrolm an John Mattla was sent to th* aesna but waa unable to And any on*.


Effort* to arrang* a "rubber'' in basket­ball between the Montclair and tbe Or­ange T. M. C. A. teams have been dla- contlnued. Bach team has a victory to Us credit, and a deciding contest was de. manded by tbe followere of both aggre­gations. No mutually convenient date can be sjranged .


Gas was found escaping from the room occupied by Louis G. Grier, a t II William street, Orange, last night, In time to lav e him from aephyxlatlon. He Is re­covering In the Orange Memorial Hoa- pltal-


•T he Cniclflxlon." by Sir John Stainer, and o ther mlicellsneoua pieces were ren­dered by th* Nutley Choral Society before a large audience In the town hall audi­torium, Nutley, b u t night.

Mre. Charles Lambert, of l>6 Park ave­nue. East Orange, gave a luncheon yes­terday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Charles Washburn, of Boston, who Is visiting her.

• s •The Thuredsy Bridge Club met yester­

day at Mias P ra tt's , In William street, East Orange Throe tables, tvsre In ploy,

« « «Mlfl" Fanny Snow, of McKinley avenue.

East Orange, entertained her bKdgt olub yeaterday afternoon.

• 4 •Jn honor of their crystal wedding anni­

versary, Mr. and Mr*. S- 11 Lockett, of Warrington place, E ast Orange, gave a targe bridge party followed by a danca and supper a t their home laat aveniiur- ----- »


!---------------------------------------------------------\ Breaks a Cold In a D ay{ a a d Tare# Aay Coagh th a t Is ( 'a r - \ able—Nol«d PbyalcIaa*B F arm ala.

Get from any drugglal "Twu ouncea of Glycerine and half nn ounce of Concen­trated Pine compound. MU Uieee wliti half a pint of goqd whliliey. Take one to two tenapoonfulN afte r each meal and a t bedtime. Bmaller doiee to children, ac­cording to age." Any one can prepare IhlB at home. This [n the beat forimiU known to science. There are many cheaper preparations of large qimntitys but It don^t pay to experiment with y had cold. Be sure to itat only the genuine (Olobeji Concentrated Pine. Each naif-ounce bot­tle comes in a sealed tin screw-top rase. If the druggist does not have In stock he will get It quickly from hU wholesale house —Adv. ____________ ______________

The annual meetJng of th# Reaeorch Club will be held next Wedneodsy af­ternoon at the residence of M n. Mehrllt* Strong, SB H illcrast road, Gian Bldga.

• * *Mn. WHMam T. 6 o<7tw1cks of 8 Edge-

Riont road, Upper Montclair, haa lasued cards for a tea on Monday afternoon, April 17.

----------------a ---------------

IN 6 L E N R ID 6E SOCIETY.Mra. F rank H art, of Douglas road, en­

tertained R number of out-of-town frienda a t luncheon and bridg* a t her home yes­terday.

• • •Active preparatluna are being made for

the Easter Aieembly, to be held Friday evening, April H, tn Aesembly Hall.


Th* new Brookdale Reformed Church, tn the Brookdale section of Bloomflcld, will be dedicated with speclsl services Sunday, commencing a t IGiIE o'clock.

CAIJIWELL AND VERONA.Th* W oman'* Horae and Foreign Mls-

elonary Society of the Caldwell Preoby- tertan Church met yesterday afternoon, when th* following program was given: Paper, "Indio, Before the Missionary, " Mr*. Frederick Getssler; paper. "India, A fter the Advent of the Missionary," by | Mre. w nilaro H. MacChesney, and tsiks on mission work In India by Mrs. Nelson ! B. Chaster and Mrs. Lewis O. Lockwnrd. ' Ml** Edith Pierson, Mis* Ada Sharweli [ and Mra. Oelanler sang. After th* pro- ' gram was given refreshments wars served - by a oo nm lttee oomposed of H n . Qeorge , A- Bogart. Mr*. Wilson Huak, Mre. Will- ! lam Qaaman and Mrs- Laura Qrlfllth.

Th* lawn and garden committee of the Verona Civic League, of which M n. H. L Dunning Is chairman, hOs arranged to give prises for th* best kept lawn* and tbe finest beds’ of geranium* and dahlUa th is eprlng. The committee oxpecta t» hold exhibits of flowers In whloh all nisl- dents are urged to compete.

Mies Marie Crane, of W sabhurn plaoe, Is entertain ing the Caldwell Land Club thI* afternoon,

Mr*. I. E. Beldwin, of Caldwell, 1s tho guest of Mrs. J. W. B ehenr, of Eaal Or- sng*.

The pupils of BL Aloyalus's Behool, Caldwell, a re preparing to r holy weak and practising E asier music.

Milton H. Canfleld. of Len* tv en u a W est Caldwsll, who has conducted a 1arM dairy fo r many years, closed out all of hi* equipm ent yoaterday a t vendue. Mr. Cas- fleld Is re tiring from builness.

The Caldwell Board of Education will hold Its m onthly msettng to-night a t tho council rooms.

At tha Caldwell Preebyterlan Church to­night, Mra. Nelson B. Chester will give a leeture on the "Passion Play." One hun­dred colored slldea, showing the scenery of the Bavarian country in and around Oberemmergau. the ac to n and their fami­lies, will be aboWB. Admission wilt be tree. An offering will be taken for th* benellt of th* Ladles' Aid Boclety.

WEST OR.4NOB.Roundsman P rank McOutrk la confined

to his home with rhaumstism.Nothing but routine bualnes* eras trans­

acted a t the iM etlng of W elt Orange local. Patrolm en's Senavolent Assoolatlon; yesterday afternoon.

Mra, Joseph Williams, *f LIndsley ave­nue, la III In Bt. M ary's Hospital, Or­ange.

R O Y A LHeadache

Ta b le tsm u lenne tt

1O0«O4 9Bo AH D ro g fM e

IBVINGTOEr AND HILtON,F irs s ta r ts t aorly th is mottilag In th*

bulldlag a t UaloB avenue and Cottage street, Irvington, owned by Robert J. BUI- well, who oonducts a store on the ground floor. The bias*, which ori^nated In tha rea r of the etruoture, was extinguished quickly by the firemen, who reaponded to a atUI alarm , th* lira alArm system batog out of commieslon whan Roundsman Parkhousa attem pted to send In a oalL Tha toss Is estim ated a t Gno.

A monthly m setlng of th* In ing ton Tet- ■ nns' A esodatlon will h* held to-night a t the headquarters la th* town hall..

The glrte’ gym nastic olas* of tha Hflton Publle Behool holds ax erd sts this afte r­noon In Annox B all, In Burnett airenus.

H k* Mamie UaguJre, of I0|! Clinton avo- BUS, IrvlagbiB, antartalned a t«w friends last night, the affa ir balng gtvsn In honor of Ovorsaar of th e Poor John B. Casey. Vocal and Itigtrum antal seleotlons were given by tho HIssea Daley and Emma MUIar, and E dna Caaty, Mrs. Chari** Smith and HIr*. Q*orge Bmith,

N im d n ,B a n r B a it , of M Bevmth sltasrL P m -

lalc, was o rres tsd By Pstralm sn Oeorgs Maltsa lost nlgkt fo r peddling without a licsM*. U« pi«sd*d not guUtg, and ■*- cured a lawyer to defend him. Hie trial was set down fo r nex t Tdeaday nlghl. ‘

Mr. and Mra. William J. Kingsley, -4 W hitford avenue, a re entertaining Mrs. Knight Herrle**, of Roeheeler, K. T.

Hr. and M ra. William A. J e h n k ^ nf H l^ fla ld lOBo. »r* encwW lnku Mr*. A A. Kcwenhbven, of N sw York.

Ur*. H. L. M tm drr,' eg OSRtre atreet, M ^f l^ l^ W nMMg M M«g aidheUA ”

• X T u o o b t

loU tt —OGZrS*’ tliethiagforfit

thin folln god poN ticttltr people evedTWhere.

IdikM gboei wegf longer and look better.

Q iick ta d sasy— ne fass, n* m ots.

Peiyi ^ Skres well -N aasw -

A Happy Habit,*'grA A Tinntr-ow • “HaMW" u —• darealsst Hols tss aiisWIsfaa i Ua If Hagysl," • laa*T MiOa Muss asd^'FstH r’ talAlse iSstJfW Mti W niillMHliMBa

Butter and Eggs SaleThe llnest Gold MedgI I Creimcry,

fweel as honey, lb.....Butter:



BOCK BEERKrueger’s Bock

Heneler’s German Bock

VfiedenmiyHr’s Fivorite OriBgH Buk

Fiigentpin’s P. 0. N. Bttck

$1.00.24 Bottles60e 12 Botttos

O ar W ag o n s D eliver E v e ry w h ere

Bianchi Wine Co.261 M ain S t., O range

Phone Your Order to I34S

Garden Tools!Rakes at 19c,2Sc,33c,39c, 45c

Noes at 25c and 49c Spades at 69c and SI.OO

[iggiflg Forks, 79c Flower Seeds Sc, I0c,l5c&25cExtra Special Bargain To-morrow,

A lot of 2Sc. fry PANS 1 0 ^


A. Dnimmond’sHousefarnishioi Store

189 H ain S t., ORANGE

r i i l k —Scheier’s Magnolia, q -Clover, Butterfly; cao............F l o u r —Christiaa’s XXXX Pastry; Ml. 5.fl; 24i Us S y r u p o -K a r o ...................................... O CO k ra—Prunian Brand; i

Lem ons—fancy Large____P otatoes—Large Baskets.....................£>O L5 o a p —R. T.Babbitt’s Best,Cake...............................................H e r r i n g —Marshall’s Kippered, Can.....................

EGGSLaid, Doze

All New, Fresh

Dozen.... .........


H a m s — Small lean , 4 a a -to 5 lbs., lb ................. l U CP o r k - S a l t lean ,

C o c o a — W alter | o -B a k e r 's ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l O Cr i a r m a l a d e — gohert*son, I Ih. J a rs ............... I ■ v5 o ’c l o c k T e a so r Fig B ars, lb............. ' CB e a n s — Small Red, a _ Q u a r t ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V CS a l m o n — Clover S ea tI lb. C a n s ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « * CC h i c k e n — CurticeBros.’ 7 c _ Booed, ^ lb. C ats........ m u L

I A S. & H. Oreea Tradiog Staaps l U Free With Aoy Bf These;1 Can Gold Medal Cocea . . .2 0 c 1 Bottle Worcestershire Saace, IO c I Boi Ball Bine. . . . . . . 10cI Bottle Cidar Vinegar . . . IO c ) Can Scheeer's Lye . , . . lO c I A. B. C. Shoe Blacking . . 10 c I Package Cora Starch . . . 10c I Package Macaroni . . . . 1 0c

silver Wedding Rye, Old ZA_ Apple, BItckb’y Brandy, gpec.DVCPort, Sherry, Catawba Wine, lull quart................. £,oCF elgentpan'a, WIedenmay er’g, Home Beers, case ...... 7UW

i S. ft H. Oreen Stampg M ill with I lb. of ftOc. Tea or ■ W Baidpn Powder.ra/v S. ft H. Oreen Stampg

with I lb. of Java andM oeba CoKee . 32c

This Sale Starta this Friday, April 7th, Ends April ISth.

S c h e u e r & B r o .ORANQI’t LIADINO CASH ORCCCRS

279-281 MAIN ST.* • ORANGE, N. J.Orange Telephone 281.

Bloomfield Avenqe, Bloomfield, N, J.; Telephone 1121

R O T H & C O .^ p e e i ^ l s i !

Fricassee Fowls, per Ib. ,15cBreast Veal, per Ib.......... 10cLegs or Loin Veal, per lb . 15cRib Roast, per lb .......... 12 ‘/^cPlate Corned Beef, per lb. 7c

Legs Lamb, per Ib.............16eShoulder Veal, per Ib___ 13cVeal Chops, per lb ............IfePlate Beef, per l b . _______6cCorned Shoulders, lb . .lOi/ic

Sugar Cured Cal. Hams, per lb .................... l i eSugar Cured Reg. Hams, per lb.............. .. 15c

276 riA IN ST R E E T

Orange BureauTHE




OaTsxtksrasals alts isest .sd So Iht W-kmlnf sathorlssd sgselsiOIUiiaM VALLLy- __

J. B. K;Mtsr, Ml ieeUaaa strssL TsL lOU Mis, 1, Ipsiloua, Hlsblsad Ava Sio-

llea: tsL l!Ok <i. -uHSKi'Bony hln E b m , I■ a ^

BAS. uHSKiOe--------hlrdnii, *17 CsoUsl ava TsL SOSak

U l Usln stnsL T«L MU, iredls A Koiodla, IK> Main .stresL TsL'ax N slrn^ W* Msta strew TsL tlM.

Rabin, a WssblBSUB plsaa T*I. STMR _ «. Ttsevr. MS Hsio strew. Tut, mt*.

aMPBRE-Ksrl Otevn. II* Fmrth avanM. 1Y1. b!Nt]L

iOtJTK OBANOB-B. A, IVsliam. Saulh Osanfs stshus. b w



’Phone 18 East Orange

Soperb Spring MillineryW ith l«rg« d lip lty room and up*

te*dat« appolntfn«nit for t h t con- vonlonco of our cuwtomor*, wo ofo proporod to ohow on unoquolod dio* play of tho moat foihlonablo and motfaratoly prieod

T rim m e d H a tsCepisa ef the flnsat Freneb mod­

al*.QreaT prafualen of Franoh Flowere

and Novaltlss, Straw Braids.Ready to w ear Misses' Hat*, all

colors, V$c. to G3.H.

We fiive Stamps


NOW ONA t A l l O u r

DRAUGHTC u s t o m e r s ’

Try It—Better Than Ever

Mutual Trust CompanyHighland Ave. and Scotland St,

ORANGE, N. J.On CHECK ACCOUNTS of $300.00 or more we

p a y t w o p e r c e n t . I n t e r e s t c r e d i t e d m o n t h l y .

I n o u r S P E C I A L T I M E D E P A R T M E N T w e p a y f o u r p e r c e n t , o n a n y a m o u n t . I n t e r e s t p a y a b l e q u a r ­

t e r l y .A c c o u n t s o f I n d i v i d u a l s , C o r p o r a t i o n s , T r u s t

> I ; u n d s , e t c . , s o l i c i t e d .

T r a v e l e r s ’ C h e c k s a n d L e t t e r s o f C r e d i t f o r s a l e , a v a i l a b l e e v e r y w h e r e .


About May 1 th* New* will eoeuey It* own building In Main s tre tt. nssriy onw elta CIsvsIsnd stree t. Oring*.

i€NUGGET*\ f a r S h o t a

lOs * Bex'rebisak *r tsn—aU desistsSesd fof an black tad taa lestbstt.nsfiMaNsfaBlBian) aB8m*s*r. M, T.

ORAKfiE iDVERTISElENTSTO THE sbanlwICsrs sod soUoy-boMsis

tbs Ksfstoos AM aocIsty—T ^ notlH tbet si • AO -n U» sftsrmwn •< Tuaadar, AprillA 1011, Uh simual msstlna of tbs sa lt soolsty vUI b* bsM at lbs ofllM of tbs salt soatsqr, fie-ZH

strssl, Onogs, M, J., (or tbs piuiwre' at Msotlos OlrsoioTB aod odiosn tor tbs smalng year and tor tbs yargoss ot atopUnf a lunr •oastlltttlDii. _

! ^ W. Wl LOMAX.'nos-FrssMaat and Mansgsr.'

OBT fou ' aalo tin s ap t tabes lepabed at XvsfTN'a Park Tire Gh^. !w Usbt sL. Or-

ureadlna; only bast ms- work goaraatsed; vulosa-

NTAnn: blffWHWlJ, W tmaS* iMd Akid all UlBf by tha nww pfoo— *TOUN<3 UAN WAntfd U irGrk in karifrara

■tort; QDly tboaa 4*>lwlt]« tg Itam tba butU Irta* M d uply. Call K o n d ^ afiariKHm, April M>/*tTOHN K. UNUBLCT, Main U d Craa afi.. Oranfa._____U irrE lk rard*. boGkM% poauka* ngvaUhaa

pa tM aewrtesntj i» rplU«i( PPM pVMriMIA ItOaXOM'l

IPECiU. FOI THIS WEEK II TIPPER'SRiga, Ihc. lb.. 6 !ba.. J6c .| titrlc tly Pre^li

Esrga, doK., Lard, l^ard, lOo. tb.^Bfiwt C ream ery B utter, STOri batfF lour, 0P4M lS*lb. bag Flour, aAc.s 3 cans Tomacopa. Corn, Teax. 3&c.j 5 Iba. Suffar, Smc.s 6 K lrkn tan 'a Snap o r Pow - dar, S ^e to StAmpa F ree w ifk obt ihf tbCM ArtlclM "”-! d02. Matches, bo ttle Ammonia, bottle Bluing or G Ibe, Waah* log pRg. CornatHLrch, ran P ra ia ,ran Fismphln or Extractw. Theee articles IPe. each, flpeclal Ip tfeiitav^CaUfornla Hama. lO ^o , )b.; BonelesH Bacob, ITe* )b.i R ound Sirloin Steak, porterbovue, Me* lb,: F reeh Shoutflere, Ib .;Freeh Killed Ohlckena, iSc. Ib.; P o rk Rnaal TjoIti, tSe* lb.: Balt Fork. tge. )h.; P la te Corned Beef, fle, lb. Our good* gUAranteed or money refunded.


Everything Optical With UsWe have a large assortmei'i

of Goggles—50c. up. Now yn; need them in dasty daya. Field Marine Glasses and Telegcopt. for summer vacation. Com­passes and numerous othe. useful things.

Manufaetiiring and Praserlptfon Optician

McGlynn’s SpeeitlsSugar, Br, U>,; t cakes K lrk m an 'a

Seap or Pow der, aSr., iiq a ll cao s Tq- mato*A Ite-t C ofb S tarch, Be., Good Brooms, Mt*., Good Milk, Se, oan; t oan* Corn, ISe.i Good Mixed Cakes, Be. Rl : Lotso Shad, SS*,| Giwd Balt Pork,l i e .




4M4 O fW ftft

A. W. BLUM,291 Mali S t j ia ig a , 3^Dooi$joiii PiisMcii--PhoDe 3483W

$6.00 PHOTOS FOR $2.00

PhotosBy apectal request for 90 days only we will sell tickets for R2.00 each, tha will entitle holder to one dozen fS.OO Cabinet Caronette Photo Tickettale only at studio.

MAIN AND PARK STREETS ORANOe________ I* wUl he bdvlaakl* t* saeara UakaSs aa early *s poaelfcte


M. ' tr t






Peter A R Widener Ptys More Tbao 1509,000 for

Beabrandt's ' ‘The M "


P H II.A D E U H IA . Apill 7.-Tli« tejioTt from Umdon th a t P*l»r A. B. Widener. ol thte city, had purchaeed "The MIU," the celebrated palntlna of Rembfandt. wee coBlIrmad a t Mr. WIdcner'e ofllce here to­day. The price paid, It wat aald, wai ellth tly In exceaa ol tiXia.CCO.

P rior to the aale of "The Milt" by I.ord lAnadowne, He owner, an option waa ■iTtn until March 31 to the truateea of th e Britlah N ational Qallery. A private aubacrtptlon fund waa a t once aiarted to purchaee the painting and keep It In Ixin- don. but when the option expired unly tUpM had been contributed by the public.


Hammond, the mining engineer, hod eome pretty rough thlnga. io any yaaterday about Daniel J. Sully, the one-time colioii king. Sully la iu |n g Hammond and others to prevent ■ them transferring certain gtocka In the O entral Cotton SecurUlee Company.

'*T will show you that what Ur. Sully fatd la a lie and tha t ha knew It waa an iinwitjgnted He when he aald It," waa one o f Mr. Hemmund's stalem enti on the wlt- beae aland.

The auH In In equity and gruwa out nf an action brought by Sully to recover ftvjgft Hammond tl,600,000 for alleged defa- ynatton of Su lly 'i character and Injury to hla property proapecta. The leatlmony WM being taken before a commlsalon. Mr. Hammond went after Bully In a ham- n ir r .-ind tonga manner, explaining why lid had lost conlldence In the "cotton k ing 's" busineta Integrity and h af there- ( d n bad trouble with him.

m NORRISTOWN SOCIETT.special Diepalrk to Ida BrBNItfil SgWK.

MOBRISTOWN, April 7,—Aa neat week « |n be Holy tVeek there will be a general d iu a ilo n of gaiety and no Invitations are k tia g iNUed fo r the tew days previous to Raaler. The bridge clubs, with but few tdrcptlona, will also be given up for the

Immediately following Easter there will lie a number of large entertalnmehta, one o f the moat Im portant being the Eaater akaaembly, which will ^ held a t the Hor- rla County Golf Club' on the evening of Efigter Monday.

Mm. Alexander H. TIeri and family, Who have been In Atlantic City for a few days th is week, have returned to the Mor- ridtAwn Inn.

Blchard A. McCurdy, who has been apenrilng a m onth In the South with Ur. and Mra. Robert H. McCurdy, u again a t hla home on South dtreet.

Mlae M arie Bryce, of Coljea avenue, has n$Bm ed from a fortnight'! visit a t Hot W B iga. Va.

Mr. and M ra George R. D. Bohlcffelln, who have been a t their country home In re a t L jiantaka. have gone to New T a r t for n abort vlilt,

Mr. and Mra. John Mayer Jr., who have b w the gueota of Mr. and Mm. Robert D. Foote, have returnod to their home In Boalvn, I.a>ng latand.

Mr. And Mra, Otto H. Kahn and their ftm lly , who w ent abroad last month, are travMIng In G erm any and Austria.


Commlsalon th is afternoon unanimouely rM oranaa^ed & pi.Fdon for Thoiu«> Strip- ling, form or chief of pollc* of Danvllla ‘VA-, who waa brought bank here on a Itm rder eharge. The reiyimtnendatlon will go to the Governor, whd probably will iedorao It.

Stripling etcaped from JaH while the charge waa pending against him, and lived fo r 'm a n y years In Danville, where ha was recognised only recently.

MORRISTOWN.One of the principal apeakers a t tha

m eeting of the Morris Township Sunday- school toachero' Inatltuta, to ba held In tha M orrialown Methodist Kpjecopal Church the evening of April 11 wHi be B ar. F rank lin B. Dwight, of Convent Station, whoae topic will he "A Review of Four Sunday-ichool I.«aaone."

In the DIatrIct Court before Judge Oli­ver K. Day yesterday, Joseph 'V, Keat­ing, of Madison, brought Suit against F fed trlck B. B arton , of tha lam e place, fo r aominlastoni, which he claimed were dtds Mm aa agent for Mr. Bardon In IdAMng property. Decision waa reaerved.

The following have been elected ofll- cera of the Prohibition Alliance: Presi­dent, Cyrus T. Loree; vlos-pr*e|dent, Jo­seph Pugsley; secretary, Gilbert NIxun; troasurer, J . C. 'Van Gllser.

Before Judge Alfred E. Mills yester­day, Patrlok McKenna, of Ml. Hope, plead non vu lt to a charge of embeixte- ment. Sentence waa suspended.

The death o f Courien Hockenberry, of A llam uchr, occurred a t All Souls’ Hos­pital here yesterday. Hockenberry was an employe on th e large Rutherford ea- la te tn Allamuchy. Death waa eatned by stom ach trouble. Hla body waa taken to hla la te home ycaterday.

The Dorcas Boclety of ths Methodist Eptacopal Church has aleoted the fol­lowing offleara: President, Mra, William M. Qulmbey; vlce-prealdent, Mrs, John M llli; secre tary , Mrs. John Gilt; treas­urer, Mrs. Clifford Mill*: chairman of the tnveatlgatlng commlttes^ Mrs. Frank Tiger.

The funera l aervicee of H arry A. Belcher, who died Wednesday from In­juries received In an automobile aeci- dent on Sunday, will be held from the Church of the Assumption a t 9 o'clock Saturday m orning. The Interment will be In Holy Hood Cemetery.

A m eeting of the Women'e Town Im­provement Committee will he held next week Thuredhy In the psrlore of the South Street Presbyterian Church,

On Palm Sunday the Rt, Rev. Dr, Edwin Line*, o f Newark, will adminis­ter the righ t of confirmation a t the Church of the Redeemer at 11 o'clock.

The junior olaea of the local High School baa ehallenged the aentof else* to an­other basketball game. On Wednesday the seniors defeatsd the juniors, >7 to 26, There was, however, a dispute during the game over the referee'e dscliton and the juniors clatm the game waa right­fully theirs.

N O R , R . C O A L

C O . A S C L O A K


WASHINGTON, April 7,-Rulea for tha proper packing of ladles' hats for ship- ( ment by exprea* ■were laid down by the Interstate Commerce Commission to-day In a decision based on a complaint by the Millinery Jobbers' AaaoclaUon against the eeven largest express oompanlea In the country.

Ordinary cardboard boxes were declared unsafe unless enclosed In wooden crate*, hut efforts by the express comiuinte* to force mlltlnera to use crate* when hat* were packe<k Id corrugated paper cartons were declared unreasonable.

MADISON.Mist Alice Mitchell, of Washington, N.

J., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Klwood H. Mitchell, In Main street. Mias Mltcbell la a Bister of Mr. Mltcbell.

The Woman’s Clirlstlan Temperance Union met a t the horns of .Mrs. E. P. Burrooghe, In Main street, yesterday and were addressed by Rev. Joseph N. Blanchard, of th e Episcopal church.

Antonio Coppola, who was severely In­jured when the aew rr ditch In which he worked caved In, has nearly recovered and will be dlaoharged from All Soul's Hospital In Morristown Saturday.

The members of the hose company have accepted the Invitation to attend the dedi­cation exeroleea of the new municipal building In Rockaway and the annual In­spection of tha fire department on May 18, The ' hook-and-ladder company da- cllned.

Lewis Allen has been conllned to hi* home In AladiMti avenue by Illness.

Mrs. William H. Duckham haa returned to her home in l.a)anlaka way, after vis­iting relatlvaa In Boston.

Mre. John Foley and her daughter, Miss Ruth Foley, of Park avenue, hav* been visiting a t Atlantic City.

An Easter b a ia r was held In the Methodist church yesterday under the auspicee of th e ladles of the church. The feature of th e fair waa tlie thlrly-nlne- cent supper In charge of Mrs. Charles Nela. The remaining eommitiesa In charge of the various tablei were aa fol- lowi: Eaatar auggestlons, Mrs. E iraSquler Tipple; a r t linens and handker­chiefs, Mr*. H arry B. Green; utility table, Mra. Frederick A. MlUar; Ice cream, Mrs. Robert W. Rogers: cake. Mrs, Ralph E Dlffendorfar; candy. Mias May Brant, and lemonade, Miss Pauline Br-arbornugh.

Mias Augusta De H art haa relumed to her homa In Waverley place, after visit­ing In W atervUle, N. T.

Mlaa F rances Brown, of Park avenue, has bean visiting her Mater In Brooklyn

Mlse M argaret MuthoIIand, who has been vlallfng friende In Rahway, ha* re­turned to her home In Bampaon avenue.

DOVER.Miss K lliabeth Reed, of Montclair, Is

spending a week with Mri. M. Munson Searing of B aker avenue.

Fred M erritt, of E ast Blackwell street, Is confined to hie home by tllness.

Mias I.,oretle Grimm, who has been ■pending several months In Trenton, la ■gain a t her home on Randolph avenue.

The Dover High School baseball nine will go to Sum m it to-morrow to play Iheir first game of th e season with the High B ^ool nine.

’The members of the Hoagisnd Quardi have accepted an Invitation to take part In the firemen’s parade a t Rockaway, H ay It.

Stephen F. Milts haa reilgned hla poat- llon at the BIchardson A Boynton Works, and expecta to remove with hla family to Newark.

"All the W orld 's n Stage" will be the subject of a lecture by Byron W. King, of Ptltaburg, In the High School auditorium, April m.

Rav. Dr. Albert B. Richardson, of the Ftrat .Methodist Church, la moving to Paterson to-day. Dr. Richardson has been In Dover for alx ytara.

A haaeball team la being organlied to repreM nt Mountain T«ke Park. The play- era ara to ba aalected from Dover, Boonton and Rockaway.

CHATHAM.The aewer contractors etarted work hers

yesterday placing Main street in proper ■haps. After the trenches for the eewer w ere laid the contraclori failed to go over the road and mi in the depres- elona. T hs Board of Freeholders request­ed th a t th e road he repelred. Council notified th e sewer contractors to this effect.

K irk Flblger returned to his home in Main street yesterday after spending the w inter In W aehlngton, D, c.

Policeman and Mra. Francis L. Heater o f HlllsIdB avenue, moved Into the L, m ’ Ford residence In P a su lo avenue, yee- terday.

Joseph H. Conktin, who haa been con­fined to hla home tn Centre street eeveral weeks by lllneaa, waa able to be out yes­terday.

gCMMIT.Patrolm an Daniel McNamara, who haa

been confined to hla home. In Morris ave­nue, during tha past week, suffering from atomach trouble, was able to be about yesterday.

John Rooney la aertoualy 111 at h it home In Chestnut avenue. Mr. Rooney haa bean a Bufferer from a complication of dleeates for several weeks, hut yesterday hla con­dition hecame much worse.

Plane have been prepared for a alx- famlly brick spaYtment-house, to be erect­ed for F rank Griffin on the property ad­joining Mr. Orlflln’s homo In Olenwood place.

In Odd Fellows' Hall, eorner Spring- field avenue and Maple afreet, Sunday af­ternoon, a m eeting will be held prepara­tory to the organloatlon of a lodge of E lk i here. D istrict Deputy Grand Exali- ed Ruler of E lks William C. Farm er will attend the meeting.

W HIPPANV.Mr*. K. Ortia h af returned home, after

■pending several days In New York City.William Dwyer haa purchased the prop­

erty he la now occupying from E. S. Ben­jamin.

Mrs. N. Jenaan and children, with Mra. E. ron Qualan, wilt sail for Copenhagen Thursday, April II, to be gone for fiva m ontha

NEW PHOVIDKNCB.Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins have

moved from the Baaalnger house, on South itraet, to the newly constructed houae of Charle^ Bayer, a t the W est End.

The T. B. Society will meet to-morrow a t the home of Mlsa Loratne Oenung, on Springfield ave.

Mrs IjouIb Stahl, of DMalon avanua, tha W est End. la seriously III.

— ------------- a---------------BERNARDfiVILLE.

M1>* Mabel Salmon, who haa been stay­ing with Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Ballentina, haa been compelled to return to her home on account of rheumatlam.

The King’s Daughter* Society were en­tertained yesterday afternoon by Mra. W, Rayaon Bromfield.

NEW YORK BOND N A R K E tTh following quolattuna weia furntahed

by Post & Flagg:Open-Hlgh-Low'-Cloi-

ing. esL eat. ing. Allll-Cha!nier» 6a,,.. 77 'Am. Tonacco 4a...... 8SLAm. Tobacco 6s...... ItlT'aA., T. A S. F. 4s.... n

771* 7786)4


P U L A D E L F H IA STOCK MARKETThe foUowing quotalloni were furnished

by Etsele A ^ n g :Bid.Asked,

American Railway Co.................Cambria Steel .............................Biorage ......................... '........ .F.lcc. Co. of Am erica..................K. A P. tx .......................................Lehigh Valley .............. ..............J-ake Superior Corporation........N. J. Con. T ra c t.................... .N. J Con. T ract. 6a...........HB!4‘Pbiladelphla, com....................... Hi*Philadelphia, P#............................ tTtiI'liiiadelpliia Electric ................. 1814Philadelphia Electric M............ 78PhiladelphlR Electric B«.,,.........Pennayivania ........................... . mHeading ................... ..................... TTS.T taadtr.gta ................. .................. flr n l t r t N , ------- - -



, A Canal.ITnton T raction .................. «_ 48iaV. R ^ l . , ............................... f t t m l

hfwi^w ........... . ifia u

Bath. Steel 6s ........... . . .B. A O. S. tv. JixaB, A O. 4».............. sdi*A,, T. A S. F. CV. 4s. 1 0 ^ A,, T. A 8. F. CV. 6s tll'vA., T. A S. r . a d j... PlSs Am. Hide A h. «a.. 981, fe n tia l L eather 6a..C. A O. euyi--ChesR, A Ohio cvt.Chi. A Alton S tis...Chi. A Gt. Wpbi. 4«.C., R. I. A Pac. 4*.Colo, Industrial 6*.. Brooklyn R. T. 4s.Che*. A Ohio 6* ....Colo. A So. 4s.........Coin. A So, 414*....D A Itio Gr. 4s.......DIst. Co. of Am. 6*Erie cvl. eer. A,.Gen. Elec, convt... Interborough 414*..Erie Conv. Be.........Great West; 4s........Inter. 61. A M. 4>4s.K, C,, F. S A M. 4*Kan, City 8, 8a........1-ake Shore 4s ........lAke Shore 364*...Ijouls. A Nash. 4* M anhattan El. 4s..K ansas City 80. 6s Missouri Pac. convt.N. Y. Cent. K*,*........N. Y. Central 4s...... aaN, Y, C. A L. B.AAb N. Y.. 4 ^ t. A W. Is. DWNor. Pacifio 8s ......... "fftiNor. Pacific 4s......... 9 ^Nurf. A W est, 4s... 80 N. A West, conv, 4s lOSte Pennayivania lOlS.s.- 9 ^ Reading gen, 4a...Seaboard a d j.........Texas Pac. 1 s t....St. L A I . M ........So. Pacific 4a........80, Pao. conv. 4k.. Boutharn Ry. 6a ... Southern Ry. 4a. ..Union Pac, l i t 4s.U. Pac. conv. 4 s.... loSt: U. B. Bteel. 8. F „ 6c i m U. B. Rubber «*.... 103SWabash 4a ...........West, biaryland W estern Union 6s. Westlnghouse conv..WabSMB H ......... .......W estern (Talon ^




When the itallRUcw of •n-«UT4iK'<» com]>anleii In tha United Btutea. operating under legal reserve laws, a fe consolidated, they produce eome astounding tolale.

The SpeclHlor’a review of the ehowlng naturgUy makea clear the halt In the life inaarance buslneifl W'hich presented Uaclf during the th ree yearA following 1094. But In the eucceeding years a tDarveloun grow th In diHplayed, both In the num­ber of companlea In buRlnesa and In totala of Inturance and renourcee.

When emne of our own conlraBts and comparleona are Injected. It U w ith amazement one rontemptatea the prodigloue else of the Aguree lO' volved In an eiplanation of the db mennione of the buslneae of Inauring llvee.

And the thought le enforced, that, Ju it aa a anowball when rolled through the dump, deep enow grown

-to enormoun aize, eo mny the big to tals now presented. In a aeore or more of yeanHj expand to aggregatf^a whtch may render thoae of to 'day com paratively amal).

L ast year the new paid-for ordinary

life Insurance - fall com nan lea), amounted to 11.817,250.000, an Increaee of tl42.b69,0U0. Vet the total value of reported building operation* in the United Statea, In 1W9, waa only 1039.- 529,000.

But ihlfl If only the beginning, rela-* tlvely a trivial eum for coufldera-ilon. •

At the close of laat year the ordi­nary Infuranre In force wa» 113,226,- tBii.OUO, which, t>e»ldef being a gain of IT13.719.000, was a aum In exceea of the total gold production of the world ■Ince^OZ; waa equal to one-ninth of the tofa] wealth of the T'nited Statea and equal to one-third of the to tal hidebtednesn of all nationsv

'When to the ordlnnry life Insurance In forc^ Is added the aggregate of Industrial Insurance In force—IS.176.- KW,0W-H Ik perceived that domestic iPKhI re«erve life inKumnce com panln Kt<»od oljllgnled to pay the tremendoua eum of over sixteen and oiie-ihird billion dolla‘«. “

Thte, by the w'ay. a total fivt time* the aggregate of the muney In ulrcnlatlon In the I'nKed States; four times as large ae the total p e n - .

lion payments in thia country from 186a to date, and three tlmea the re ­ported value of all farm anlnoale Inthe country.

To guarantee the payment of this 9 vast amount, which is to b« spread ovvr many year*, of course, the com­panies had asset.* In hand am ount­ing to 13,873,509,(100, Of which over 1657,326,009 was surplus. Of the ag­gregate assets It may be said they are almost eqiial to the grand to tal of deposits In all the aaylngs banks of the United States.

Just to show what the busy life Insurance solicitor had done to fill In his time and, inci(lcnially« bis purse. It may he pointed out th a t the results Of hie work last year and In preceeiilng years, resulted In total receipts ss premiums on policies In 1819, amounting to $593,329,000. In ad ­dition to whi<^h the companlea re­ceived $186.0 ,OdO from other sourcas.

These aggregates suggest, of course, a ependid opportunity to extend one’a , jmlf In a discourse as to life fnsur' ance per se; but there are those who are paid for doing that.*


with an Improved demand.W heat—I.<ower rabies, fins weather

W est, larger Argentine shtpinents and predlctloni for heavy world'* ehlpmenta Monday caused an opening decline of half a cent In wheat, followed later by a rally on light Northwest receipts, Improved cash and flour business at Minneapolis and buying by Armour and loesl shorts. May. »26s6«2 9-l«; July, 22140)92 7-i«.

P ork—E asy; mess, 20.W.B eef-S teady,L ard—Easy; Middle West, [email protected]. nom­

inal.Sugar—Raw steady: muecovado, n teat.

3.36: centrifugal, 96 test, 3.66: molaasea, 8g teat, 3.11. Refined steady.

Petroleum —Steady.Coffee—Spot unsettled: No. 7, Rio, 12:

No. 4, Bantos, 13.Molaaaes—Steady.H ay-D ull,Poultyy—'Alive, firm-, spring chicken*.

10940; fowls. turkeys, U.Dressed, quiet; W estern fowls, 1(017; turkeys, 16020.

B utter—Eaeier; receipts, 4.92S; cream­ery epeclal, 21<4@22; extras, 2014; S tate dalr,v, finest, 2O02OH.

4,'heeae—Steady; unchanged: receipts.4.205.

Eggs—S teady : receipts, 16,496. Freshgathered dirties, No. 1, I6ta016U; No. 3, 1414014(4: Slate, Penna. and nearby hen­nery white, 1S03I: State, Penna. and nearby hennery gathered while, 17020: S tate, Penna. and nearby hennery brown, 1714018(4; sta le , Penna. and nearby hen­nery gathered brown and mixed, 16(401T(i: W estern gathered whites,17011; Southern duck eggs, 26038; W est­ern duck eggs. 10032.




NEW T O R I COTTON MARKETNEW YORK, April 7.—The cotton m ar­

ket opened atead/* at a decline of 8 poIntM on Auguuty but generally un^ changed to 1 point higher, and oo ui lold up to a ne t ad^a..''e of h point# on aid crop montho, with May touching 14.63 and July 1135 on continued coverlua and bull Mupport. B elter cables than due ajid bull- lah M anchester advices appeared to alarm the old crop abort Intereat, but offerings a ttribu ted to leading bulla checked Ihe ad­vance. and pricfts eaaed off a point or two during tlio middle of .i;i« morning. The new crop was again relatively dull, and •old only a point or two above the CiOilng flgurea of taet night.

Only alight reacUona occurred from the beet and the proepect for aenaatlonally butllah week-end figures caused a re­newed advance late In the forenoon with ehorta paying 14.65 for May and U,S6 for July, or a net advance of 6^7 polnta. New crop poeltloni eold 2 or I points over the cloolng fVguree of loat night In sympathy, bu t continued quiet, and there wan oume acattered aeillng of May above 14.69. which was believed to be against proepectlve ihlpmentB for contract delivery. This re- ■trlcted the upward movement, but offer- Inge were not heavy and prices held with* In ft point or two of the top a t midday.

T rading continued quiet during the early afternoon, with prlcea holding well up to the beat of about 7 to 19 points net higher on old crop m ontha The new crop re­mained dull and only ft point or two net

Bat Stock Market's Early Tral- ifl| Showed Few Marked

Price Chaoses

riN A N C U L POINTERS.The ciLy of Chicago received $960,016

from the (jhicago City Rallwaye for the year ended January 3l. ThSa ampunte to flfty-Ave per cent, of the net earnings of the company which must go to the city In aocordance with the ordinance g ran t­ing a t#en ty-year franohlue to the com­pany.


So Declarei Gor't Cooosel Wade E Ellis—Late Ofiiuoa oo

CoModities Claose.I

JERSEY CITY, ApxU 7.-Th* trial of the New York Central and Hudaon River Raliroed to r m alntalnlnc a nulaanea In Weehawhen by burnlnc a«ft coal waa poatponed (or one month thIa m arnlnf, during which period the oompany prom- laaa to change to hard coal. The a r ­rangem ent w at mad* between Proaecutor Garvan, Judge John A. B lair and repre- ■entatlvea of the company.



Brftdstreet'a reports bulUllrig expendi­tures at sixty-eight citle* for March of $u5,lOG,906, 9$ per cent, over February, but ft decrease of 14 per cent, from March l&Bt year. In February the decrease wan 11 per cent., and in Jaim ary there wan a gain of 1 per cent, over the like month a year ago. For the first quarter of 1911 the expenditures aggregated 1147.060,478, a decreasa of B per cent, from last year, which In turn ahuwed a lose of 6.2 per cent, from 1800.

The date of the New .TerRey State Bank­ers' AasooLatlon convention has been fixed for May 13 And U. Tl wilt be held a t the Hotel Cboleea, A tlantic City.

NEW YORK, April 7.—The only feature of the stock market a t the opening to ­day w as a rile In Canadian Pacific uf over a point following a gain of a almllar am ount 'in Londun. The rest of the Mat w aavlrtuftlly uncJmnged fruin yeaterday’a closing figures.

11 A. M.—A half dosen of the minor In- duBtrlalB responded to trading operations h) a moderate fashion, but the great maas of stocks was inert. United titaies Rub­ber and the PUiaburg Coal stocks ad­vanced 1 to 1^. and American Can pre- * * . »* j • wfc r r r t and Colorado Fuel largr fractions.

New Tork State Banking Superintend­ent Cheney went to Albany yesterday to produce before Governor Dlx the records of ihe bank departm ent aa to Its super­vision o( the Carnegie Trust Company, the Northern Bank and the Washington B&vlnge Bank. Governor Dlx has heard

American Steel Foundries and National Biscuit lost 2 points.

Noon—Speculative Interest In the stock marked dwindled steadily, until there were prolonged Intervals when Ihe ticker dldn’c even register a Sale. None of the favorite stocks varied more than hi from their initial prices, and the obscure specialties furnished the only medium for scalping profits. There wan an active and higher m arket for bonds, with oome large opera­tions la Virginia deferred certlflcateo. Sea­board Air Line adjustment 6s and ^ u tb - ern Hallway 4s. Virginia certlflcates jumped 4 points to 68^ Associated Oil gained 2 points.

1 P. M .^The report of ths Copper Fro- ducere' Association for March, which showed an Increase on hand of 6,370,164 pounds* caused some scattered liquidation Id Amalgamated Copper, which went down nearly a po in t The rest of Uta .ocUve Hat was unaltered from the midday level. Beaboard Air Line adjustm ent 6s contin­ued to be heavily bought and touched 79K. a gain of 3%. Wabash Terminal e trilll- catea were liquidated freely meanwhile and fell 1%

latitude to the Cummins and Hobln m an­agements of those InstituUbns.

The In terstate Commerce Commission to-day Issued an order further suspending through rates between railroads and tap lines until June 1. The rales had already been held up until April 16. ^

I t Is announced that the H arrim an lines have placed orders for 72,0W tons of rails.

• « •

NEW TORK. April 7 .-T he New York Central management purposes making ap­plication to the Public Service Commls* slon for permission to absorb the W est Shore Railroad* doing away with the corporate entity of the W est Shore. *To pave the way for thle two bills have been introduced by Senator Fielder in the New Jersey I*egtslature authorliing the con­solidation so far as It affects the West Shore's property In that Stale. Both these bills have passed the Senate and are now up to the house. No new legis­lation will be required In this State.

Thir Weal Bbore Hallroad he now eper- ated ns If U were a division of the New Y'ork Central, although a separate organ­ization Is maintained, and now the Cen­tra l's maimgement has decided th a t It is desirable to maintain only one corpora­tion.

All of the West Shore Railroad's IIO.OCN) - 000 stock Is owned by the C en ta l, which also guarantees Its tSO.CKKI.o6o four per cent, bonds. The two a re further linked by a leoae of the West Shore to the New York Central for 476 years from lHr$6, with the privilege of renewal for 300 years more.


MISUSE OF MAILS CHARGE.BOSTON. April 7.—On charges of using

the United Htates malls to defraud llie public of large iuina of money, W arren B. Wheeler and Stillman Shaw, of the firm of Wheeler & SbaW. Incorporated, formerly tiHcal agents for the North American Rubber Company, of this city jftnd Hyde Park, were arrested a t the federal building to-day afte r they had voluntarily surrendered to Deputy United States Marshal Huhl.

A format plea of not gqilly was entered when Wheeler and Shaw were given a hearing before Commissioner Ilayea, and both were ordered held in $3.00(i each for a hearing. The defendants furnished ball and were released.

WASHINGTON. April T,“ 0(fieeri of th« ‘ l^ p a rtm en t of Juatlca do not agrea with tbs aoMler Wall streat view th a t the Su- prsma Court's dealaloti loot Monday In tha coramoditlei clause cose was favorabla to the railroads and not to tha government.

T hi revision of opinion In tha street was made public yaitarday. This is con- Armed by Wade H. Ellis, special counsel for the government in Im portant anti­trust coses and former assistan t to th s Attorney-General, os follows;

"Tha Immadlata effect of the court's de­cision In the commodities clause Is to re ­open the question of the good faith of sep­ara te coxporations now maintained by many railroads In the cool regions. Ths commodities act declares th a t no railroad ahall transport In interotate commerce any commodity In which It has any In­terest, direct or Indirect* and the Supremo Court, In Inierpretlng this language, holds that while this does not prevent a r ^ l - road from carrying products belongrng to an o th e r . company In which the ralrSad owns stocks, It does forbid such tran s­portation If the railroad uses the sub­sidiary corporations as a mere shell or cloak to oonceal Its ownership of the com­modity transported. This was the real evil aimed a t by the commodities clause, and the decision of the court now gives full life to the purpose of Congress,"

There were many caTls yesterday a t the Supreme Court clerk's office for copies of the opinion.

The Senators and Representatives Inter- ented say that the dissenting opinion of Aflsodate Justice Harlan in the Arat de­cision In the commodities clause case rep­resent the true Intent of Congrees, which waa to divorce absolutely the buMnesd of transportation In interetate commerce from that of mining* m anufacturing and producing generally. I

These Senators eay that If the wording

/ V


of the act does not mean that, an effart will be made a t the ex tra aeaslonun itu


amend It and make the language so that ttte intent of Congress will no longi be open to mleconstructlon

Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, Insurgen who will be chairman of the Interstati Commerce Committee, end tienatora 1 FoUette and Cummins, who also will be*! membera of the commltlee, are especially tnureated In- the matter.


Department to-day gave » clean bill of health 10 Marlin Sklari, fofmer eselstnnt weigher a t the New York Ciistotn-house, whose remo.'a! from office waa announced on February 8.

Altliovigh refusing to reinstate Sklarz. AsslBlant Secretary Curtis to-day Issued a statement th a t "evidence did not disclose |h a t he had been guilty of any crime."


Cotton milts In tha Blackstons Valley* Mass., are curtailing production to a greater or less extent on account of con­tinued unfavorable conditions.

s « •The New York Coffee TCxchange will

be closed Good Friday, April 14, and on the Saturday following.

The March report of the Copper Pro­ducers' Aseodatlcn ^ o w s an Increase in stocke on hand of 6,170*164 pounds* com ­pared with the previous month, when the gain over January amounted to 14,- tOO.OOO pounds. ProduotioB for March amounted to about 20,000,000 pounds more than In February, and total domestic and

2 P. M .-Stock prices receded •tlghlly in 1 foreign consumption totaled almoat 80, mid-afternoon. Erie and Missouri Pacific ' oco.ooo pounds over February.w ent .off a considerable fraction. 7'he | * « •usual m arket leaders held at about Inst | At tha mfieting of the directors of then igh t's close. Northern Oentral Railway Company, a

3 P. M.—The market closed heavy. Mis- ■ subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad, sour! Pacific broke badly (n the last hour, | W. Heyward Meyera, of the Pennsylvania, selling down 2 paints to G, which Is I was mads fifth vice-president.

LEAD IN G GRAIN MARKETS.CHICAGO. April 7.—Sign* that world

shipm ents will reach a large total thle weak had a depiesslfig effect to-day on the price of wheat. Forwarding were especially heav^ from Australia and the A rgen tina In addition, European crop conditions showed Improvement The fact th a t demand from ehorte had been tatlefled here tended also to Increase the general sentim ent favorable to the bear side of the m ark e t Opening figure* were H to H down. Mey started a t 3IH to 16^4, a gain of K 9 H to drop­ped to 3474636 and rallied to 36H03i.

Batter w eather for the movement of corn gave th a t cereal an easy tone. Com- mleeion house* were the chief sellere. Mey opened 34 to W off *t 4774 to «l7i. end ■eemed bent on keeping within th e t limit.

Gate euflered a little from the bear movement In other grain. Trade was liow. May sta rted a shade to 74 lower a t 80740 3074 to 3074. and failed to display much power to recover.

In the provision pit business appesred to be evenly divided, and prices about steady. First sales were 27l^c. ohenper to a shade up, with May options a t 113 for pork. 37 96 for lard, and 3146 for ribs.

Buying of wheat a Minneapolis for millers helped prices upward. France- Bpanlsh war talk formed another aid. and so did green bug* in Southern Kansas. The close was strong, with May a t I7i8«774. a net gain of 174

Storm predictions led to a rally In corn. The close was strong at 437404374 tor May, 3r4l‘7s higher than last night.

|iiC.»,Wi,S.d<4m .PS4H



14T%. 79S

n sm lliC’sr7»SH2's



11)034 loo’s 10074




3474 34<4 H74


14874 1 47*4 78? 7X?


The following to-day's quotations, close being a t 2:16 P, M.. Now York time, were furnished by Byrne & McDonnell;

At the Chicago Board of Trade:Yetdy's

W h e a t- May .July .

Corn - May . Ju ly .

O ats—. May . Pork -

May .Ju ly .

L a rd - May .Ju ly


|4S7i 39Vii8S0'4 3«iff8»V4 30W83034

14.3016.:« 14.K




At th* New York Produce Exchange:T esvys

W fiaat— __ Open. Close. Close.


May July ..

Com-- May .. July ..

3734 t2T4

t '-k I7SV 'I




«I4 93 367s



106 1T8^




nrtAlw^alows96 497^

7674 Tfai

97747814 . 79“

1«." IK ■10614 lOfiS39%

PrireR 'V ara In tba local m arketto-day, but tlie vulume of biiQlnesB waa HmHll. Maat of it waa done in tbe bond departm ent. Tha close was Arm.

wareTha following quotatlona lo-day furnluhed by J. A. Rlpt^l:

Bid. Aaked.

lower than It has bean for naarly tlLrea montba. Tha decline wae attribu ted to the fallura of recent bull rumora to terlftllae, and to the bad effect produced by the URreslralned liquidation qf Wa- baah-PUtaburg Certlflcates, which yielded 3 pointe. Other atocka went off a tiifla In sympathy. American Steel Foundrlea sagged i%.


pr.Allis-Chalmera, Amerioan Can.. American Can, pr...Ara. Linseed Oil......Am. Beet Sugar......Am. Agr. Chem. Oo,Amsrlcan Ice...........Am. Smelting..........Am. Smelting, p r__Amer. T. A T . Co.. Amer. Woolen Co...Amol. Copper..........-Anaoonds C. M. Co AHsh„ T, A 8, r . . . . li Atoh., p r ................... 11


The range of to-day’s prices lo r th* more active securities In th e New York m arket, as furnished for the News by Fosi 4s Flagg, la given below:

Open -Hlgh-Low-Ctoa- cac. e*t. Ing,

3374 ^ 10 10 S 9 \ 3894 11 11 3374 427s 6«74 634424 H 7474 7474

34 u 3074 32k

leek 10*8


Allan. Coast IJn e .. 130 Baltimore & Ohio.. 10 Bethlehem Steel...Belh. Steel, p r......Brooklyn R. T ......Canadian Psclfic., Central IwaCher,. Central lea th e r , pr.Chicago A Alton ... 26 Chi., Mil, & St. Paul 12174 Chesapeake A Ohio. 3174 Col. Fuel ft I. Co... 3174Col. Bouthorn......... 62Con. Gas ................ 14374Dan. A Rto G.......... 81Den. ft Rio O., pr,. 7074Eh-le .......................... 3074Brie, 1st p r.............. 4874Gen. Elec. Co......... 146%a t . North., p r ......... 12r>4QL North. Ore....... «2i%Goldfield Cons....... S’!Inter-M et.................. 19Inter-M et., p r......54Inter. Harvester ... 118 In ter. Harvefller, pr 124 In ter. Paper Co.... lO'iIllinois Central....... 138%Iowa C entral.......... 1874Iowa Central, p r.... 30^ Kan. City Southern SSL K ansas City So., pr. 63%Lehigh Vsiley ....... 174Mackay Co's., p r,,.. 77M„ K, A T ............. 38Mtaaourl Pacific .... 61M. ,8t. P. ft 8. 8te.M 14774National Biscuit .. 183% National T,ead Co.. 52% Nat,Ry. ofM.2d pr 86% N- Y. Central ....... log%N. Y,. N. H ft H.... 147 Norfolk ft W est... Nevada Con, Cop. •Northern Piclfic .Peneylvania ..........Pacifio Tel. ft Tel..People'* Gss .......Publlo S, Corp......P ittsburg Coal ...... 217Pltlshurg Coal. pr.. 90% Pullman Pal Car... 130


62 62

12S13374 737846274 3274

Ry. Steel Spring Heading Reading. ',*| p r .., Hop. Iron ft 8. Co Routhern Pacific,. Soulheni Ry.Southern Ry., pr., , St, I,. A S. F., fd pr.

Celluloid ....................................... 1294Consolidated Traction . . . , ........ T6Conaolldatcd Tractlbn 5*............ 104EIlx.. Plainfield ft C. Jereey 6s. %K*»ex * Hudson Gas Co.......... 144Gas ft Electric of Bergen Co. 82Gss ft E. ,o t B. Co. 1st 5s....... PKGas ft £ . of B. Co. gen. 6s.... 95%Hackensack W ater 4*................ g.5Hudson Co. Gas Co..................... 142Hudson Co. Gss Co. 5*.................194Jersey City, Hob. ft Pat. 4*.... 77 N ewark Consolidated Gss Co.. 9774





. 106 111774 127 7P4. S*


N ew ark Consoll. Gse Co. 6s N ew ark Ps«*. Ry. Co. 6s...N ew ark Ga* Co, 3*..............N orth Jersey 8t. Ry- Co....P at. ft Pa*. (L ft Elec. Co,Pat. ft Pas*. G. ft B. Co. 6*.Public Service Corporation.,., illPublic Service Certificate*....... iwPublic Berv. Corn, 3*, 1959......South Jersey G.. E. ft T. Co.... 133 ■touth Jersey G„ E. ft T. Co. 3s 93United E lectric Co. 4s............. 79

Bonds, guaranteed etock* snd Public Servtoe Certtficatsi qnotsd "uM i>tw e«L"





Texs* A Pacific T„ St. T„ ft W est...T . , at. I., ft W., pr.Twin City R, T .......Union Pacific R, R.. Union Pacific, p r...,U. R, I, Co. of 8. F. II.R.I.Co. of S.P.,pr.U tah Copper Co......r . S, Steel..............C . 8. Steel, p r......U, S. Rubber..........17. S. Rub., let pr...

163 )6Sk , 90 90

38 83’ IS84 «4

Tenn. Coj™ r Co V*a,,-Car. Chem. Co.Ca.-Car. C. Co., pr 121■Wabash, p r ............. MW estern Union Tel. 7*7i IVeat E. ft L Co... 63 ■Wlsconaln Central., T#


LONDON STOCK MARKETIjONDON, April T.—American securitlea

opened dull and about unchanged to-day. During the forenoon the trading was con­fined to Canadian Pacifip, which advanced 1 \ points.

The 1st* sus lon 'w u marked by slight Irrsgular pries movements and the closing was quiet.

N. T. OUTSIDE SECURITIES.The following quotftUons are furnished

by William F H ath.INDUSTRIALS.

Closing 1:30 F. U Tseierday. to-day. Bld.Aakcd.Bid.Aakod.

Amorioon Tohacoo . 466 466 468 431Amer. Writ. Paper. Ik 2%Bay S ta tj . Go*...... k .K



S'H avana Tobacco.H avana Tob., pr.Hnuaton Oil.........

Houston Oil, pr......Internalional Balt..Inter, Rubber ......Man. T tanslt ... . 7*N. T. TransportaUB 4Otie Elevator .......... 3274Otis Elevator, p r ... 97%S ta n d tr t Oil ........... 362United Clgmr Mfg.. 6374U. a. Motors............ 43U. a. Motors, p r ... . 7874

. RAILROADS.Amer. L. f t T ........ 290 296Am. U ft T„ pr ... 106 Chicago Subw ay..,. 674













58 . 8











British Col. Cop.Butt* Coalition..Butt* ft N. Y ...Cobalt C en tral......... MCons. Art*. S m elt...13-fSDavl*-Daly ............ 1 7-18Ely Cent...... ............. 3«4Ely Const.................. 30F irst N at. Copper... 2Giroux Con............... 3Guggenheim Ex. Co. 138

S '18




l l -K 1 7-13


S '18*7*1%174




ig|(e ;________ , _ _InnpTratlon ............ 7 5-13 7 7-13Jumbo E x t............... 32 34Kerr IjBIft Rose Cons. M... iloKInloy-Darrogh .Miami Copiwr, now.Mines Co. of Amsr.Nevada U tah.........Nevada Smelting...Nlpleslng Hines CoOhio Copper...........Pac. Sm elters.. . . . . .Ray C entral...... . 174Rawhide Coal'n...... 3Red TV'orrlor*......... 174Tramps Coni............ 174Tri-Bull Ion .............. 74Tonopah Extension. 103 Tonopah M. of N .... 774Union Mines Co........ ^

183 1937% 7 5-16

86 363 3-13 3% 3 8-11 3 6-13

474 4 7-13Ik


13-131010741 7 3-13

4 10k -16 1% .3 6-il

474 4 7-16 I k I H-I3 J8k 1374 3 674

18-M 74.14 16

1474 10«1 7-14* 174

1 9-164174

noV i

3-13 ”3-14 174 1 M l I 4

'1 1103

I k110

114Un1t«d C o p p tf ....... AK i j t 4 uYukon Gold.............8 H « 4 M l

BOKDB-Am, 0. J lU Os. BOt« 10^. lOOS-lllOOHSouth. B. T / ft T, 6t 9!\L

Pan. e«..e,v 99^ % ^T «-AfttxMMMlca] K v«aU —Fr04p H>

Mu/ tmSuniet, 6:27; aunrlM, ,^;2|. D ay 'i l«nfth,

1$ houra. M obont. 8:82 A. M. 'P lan e t Mercury vlalbte for next eleveff daye* ihortly o iler eunoet, lo ^ In wext. Tnis day. IBK, NanBon'a 'Tarthaet n o r th /' t l <ifnrego. 14 mlnuteo.



CUHRSKCT.Wiubin^on, t)* C.. April t, l i i i .

Whereaf. by MiliiCactory «rideoc« prewntrd to tb« u&dmlanrd. it hai b*«a mod* to aspoar that "THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL B a ^ OF NEWARK*" located in tha e l i ro f Newark. In the oounty of Bnax and the State of New Jeraey. hea compiled with all the provtiiene of tlie act of C unfT ^ "to enable national bankint aModatlOM to extend their corporate e ilttenc t and for other pu i^eea." approved Juljr 12 ,a i araesded the act approved .^ rli, u , ' liios'

Now* therefore. 1 Thomat p* Kane. Deputy and AetiBf Comptroller o f/tha Curranoy. do

cm ify that; '

LYNDHlTldT.The I.yndhurel Field Club baseball

teem will plsy the Aekerman A, C. of Newark Sunday, on tbs Marion avenue grounds.

Mr. and lira . H: A. Sherwood, of Wooh- Ington. ore guests of Mr. and H n . C harlfi J . Ott, of Stuyveiont kvmu*,

bersliy Cl___ ___Hsrchasli KoiIoboI Soak of Mswmrk,

loeatsd In ths elly of Nswork. In ths oouiity of Khsx sod Buts of N*« israsy, Is sutliarlssd to have mecenlon for the ptiiod epecifled In lu amended erttriN ef aeaodatloD: namely, until cloM of buelniea on April S, IMl.

In (eetimony whereof wlnwH niy kaad and ■eal of office thle third day of April. IDU-

T. P. KAKB,DapQty and Artlflf DamptroUar at thaQurraaey,

Currenoy Bureau, taal of tha CotnpiroUar

of tha CuirtBoy,Treaannr Departneat

(Rortar Mo. i n i . ■xtsDrien Ns. V n . ‘h

WASHINGTON, April 7 .-T he first bill of the present Congress to be Introduced wa* that creatlhg a departm ent of public bealtb, presented yesterday by Senator Robert L. Owen, of Oklahoma. Mr. Owen also Introduced hla re.solutton approving the conitltuUons of Arizona and New Mexico snd admitting them to Statehood.



clss* battleships authorized by the last eraelon of Congress, will be about equal In strength to the battleihipe Texas and New York, now In 'the process of con- atructloti, and which will be the moat powerful ships in the navy.

.\ccordlng to teniatlve plan* the two ad­ditional vessels, yet unnamed, will have ten fqurtoen-lnch guns arranged In four turrets, 'fwo of the tu rre ts will contain ' two guns each, while the other two tu rrets will be armed with three guns each. The filsplscement. nf the new ships will be 27.500 tons each. These vessels will bs the first tn the navy to have three guns In a turret.

Ths general board ha* been considering plans for the new additions to the navy and lies submltled a report to Seeretarj- of the Navy Meyer along the line* Indicated.



SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 7.—The Board of Trade blU permitting trading In future* wa* passed by the Senate yesterday by a vote of 85 to 7,

Under the bill a man who makes * profit on ths Board of Trade cannot toe termed a "winner'' end he ennot bo sued,, as under the present law. Th* bill pro- blbitz bucket shops.

$500,000 JA P A N ES E GIFT,TOKIO, April T.—K. Okur* ha* given

3500,000, to be devoted with a similar amount, donated lora* lime ago by th* Emperor, to the relief of the poor and tick of Japan.

NEW TORE MONET N AR K ETNEW TORK, April 7.-M oney on call

■teady. 2740374 P«r c*nt.; ruling rate, S74: cloiing bid, 274; ottered a t 274: time loan*, dull and weak: 30 days. 2 7 40^ per cent.; 90 days, 814^; 4 months, 3.

STEAMSHIP REPORTS.NEW TORK, April 7,—Arlved, steam er

Pannonta. Naples.. n e w t o r k , April 7.—Steam er Carona, Liverpool for New York, 763 miles east of Bandy Hook a t 3 A. M. Dock about 3 A. M. Sunday.

SIASCONSET. Mas*.. April 7.-S te am er Lombardia, Genoa tor New Yhirk. 288 miles east of Ssndy Hook a t 3:46 A. M. Dock about 3 A. M. Saturday. S tssm er La Provence, Havre for New Tork, 383 miles east of Bandy Hook a t 7:60 A. H. Dock about 8 A. M. Saturday.

SABLE IB U N D , April 7.-Bteam «r Philadelphia, Southampton for N«w York, 680 miles east of Bandy Hook, a t 6:13 A. M. Dock about 7 P. M. Saturday.

TOKIO, April 7.—Marquis K atsura. the Premier and Minister of Finance, addreir- Ing an audience of bunkers a t Kyoto to­day, said there would be no change <n the governpient's financial pulley during the coming year. Unusual expenditure* must be faced in Corea, and also meaenre* for the prevention of flood* and for the devel­opment of the railroads and the navy must be undertaken. However, the neces­sary funds would be secured, he said, without resort to additional taxation or T ^ r e ^ .loan*.

‘Thelffiprovements in Corea are plaititel to extend over a number of years. The Bank of Corea will be able to finarco these. The rtoonslructlon of the main line of the Japanese railway system Into a broad gage rood bos been postponed for one year. The Prsmler counseled conser­vative action on the part of banks In ad­vancing money nolwithstahding the nc- cumulatlon of capital.__________________

> n * » * KM ■>« atK.

S . T r i m m e r & C oSTILL BELL LARGE

IEHI6H >0.2 M i COU. Il

$ 4 . 5 0PER TON.

If you have never tried this coet glv* us a trial ordar. You will b* igresably turprlaad.

1SS L ifiystti StrMt,U r . A J . R .A A*n m

Ntw York Fockata, URh at and itadlaon ava


N e w v I s s u e

S T S s O O OT4W I 4 f l l i l l e y , N . J M V '^ P a r C g n l.F H iiiiiitB g id tDated March lg|, 1911. Due March lit, 1931.

Interest payable March and September lit.Coupon bonds. Denomination of |1000,

May be registered u to PRINCIPAL or PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Legal investment for SAVINGS BANKS and TRUSTEES in New Jersey.

TAX EXEMPT IN NEW JERSEY.The Net Debt it about 2}i% of the M feiaed valnatteii. The legality

of this issue h u been passed upon by M eiin. Caldwell, Masslich & Reed, of New York City.

P l t l O X D X 'O Y l S X v D - ■ . . a s %Descriptive circular on application.


T B O £ I R O A . D l * T . * C O K . O I v U V X O P E




DULL MARKETSNo len than active markets, call for vrompt'and advastireoua executions. Our DIRECT EXCHANDE SERVICE will serve equally well tn either case.

WILLIAM F . MOTH• t M h a n d iG H d B ro k e r

7 l i I H U t T I E i r , REWMK, N.T*l. 3SU-4SS9 H arkat

P O S T !F L A G GMtmlmr* N. V. Slack iKthCRg* Mamhera H. V. e r ita n Eeahcag*

COTTON(Man EMtHladter Fnlnri ItUnry ALFR ED L. DENNIS

H lt lH N Y PAM'THH7 7 4 B r o a d S t r e o t


of tbo SquItAtita BuUdlnf aod L «u AmooIa- tlon will bo hold at h«EdqilU’lon, Oootfo L. AaboniUHi'i.bAlL JST f’drrr atioot. on Tuca*dA7 oranlni, A ^ l 11, 1D11. Thoro will bo otrcTlPo prtfJdont, vioi-protl^onL .four dtraetoni and owo *.uditGr« Tbo twodfy flfot of ftock «Sl Wo tat ouW■crlpDoac

EISELE & KINGMcmkara * f R. Y. I tc e k Rxekeag*. H cm keta *2 P k ltc .l 'taak B c e k u g t

liw J in iy lirntM ORt S M iritiii a SROoulty


(irc iw rt R M *at R U g.) P lim ae ■ aat,S8ai,M »ft8 ia lU rk a t .





■cat Aecacuesiatlaii Racaarad iBUBcVUclaly.

AGRIm FOR ALL nTBARSHIP LINBt Fleaen* Gneloa* Brar j wkaga>

Onrfta, ..atlan *1 Credit sad T rdralai# Ckacka at Ltwraot Rata*.

PainenTt* Veegrrd In 4® Kawra,

i I fit


I Doable Stamps With Moralag Purchases; Single Stamps After Noon

el Wade


era of the agree with \ at the Su> I day In the vorable to >veroment. the street Qfe Is eon-' £bl counsel ten t anti^ A t to the

BourVs dS‘ e Is to re- ith of eeiK italned by lone. The lo railroad commerce te any In- e Supreme isge, holds int a rail* ilangTnf to le ralrflad ich tran i-

the mb* e ebell or f the com- » the real tes olausa, now gives resa" day a t the r copies of

Ives Inter* opinion of e first d«*» case rep- ess. which >ustneaa of commerce

during ^ndle wording , an effbit session \to ^e so clear i no longer

Insurgenti. In te rs ta te

natora l4 l so will be especially!

,ESHIPSI two first- y the last bout eqttal Texas and as of con-

the most

he two ad will have

sd In four ■III contain V. ;wo tu rre ts ' each. The i

)B will be will be the guns tn a

mnsldering t the navy ecretar>’ of I indicated.


AIMS.itsu ra , the e. address* Kyoto to*,

inge the during the tures must iasures for ■ the devel*

the navy the neces*

I. he eald, axatiOQ or

re planhel ■ears. The to finer CO s main line cm Into a Etpnned for led conser- inks In ad- \8 the ac*

I Goiu.it

hit coal will be

rrs. ETC

loidsSt, 1931.


legality Reed, tn

McKee RefrigeratorsAt One-Third Off

$15 Apartmeat House Style Refrigerator

Extra large size, ma4e of ash, golden oak finish, patent sanitary shelves, in­sulated with mineral wool; fine br as s trimmings, r ound comers, bright pol­ished. The greatest bargain ever quoted.

O thN - M cKm R»Ir lg * r« to rs

tU6 IP to t2W

S M A LL ACCOUNTS ES P E C IA LLY i n v i t e d

$10 WORTH 50c to $1 Deposit

Fifty Cents a we e k buys any article advertised, or h u n d r e d s of other bargains In all departments.

AMERICA-S GREATEST FURNITURE HO US EYtojj^Opeied Ffom$10. . to $10,000 ^

$50 Worth$3.00 to $4.00

Deposit 75c to $1.00

a W e e ku m o n n



$100 Worth$7.50 to $10

Deposit $1.00 to $1.50

a,W «ek



tiMRtl i t /riEHS

$15 Extension Table7.98Pillar b 1 t «

w i t h massivt padeitsl a n d carved daw feet. Round top ex- tand i to 6 (Mt, Solid otic. Ex­ceptionally well constructed and h ifhly polished.

2.25 Golden Oak Dining Chair . . .

Banister back, gen­uine leather, s e a t

Highly polished. Very substan­tially m a d e . Regular price 2.25. Opening sale price

$10 Palace fio-Cart Collapsible Model. .

Extra large size; very roomy, com­fortable go-cart folds easily and com­pactly. very heavy solid rubber tires. In green, maroon or tan leatherette. Very special value at

New York Store-Block 8th Avenae, 35th to 36th Streets-New York Store

O U R G R A N D O P E N I N GThousands of Dollars’Worthof FamltoreReceivedforJostThisEvent-ValnesTmly lrresistihle

During the past tew weeks there has been a constant inflow of new furniture upon our floors^ furniture for everyroom in the house. Thousands of pieces have been received from the leading manufacturers, in the newest and latestcreations, and seldom, if ever, have we been privileged to offer such a splendid showing of attractive and beautifulfurniture as may be seen here now.

0W e s e l l a t p r ic e s lo w e r t h a n a n y o t h e r f u r n i t u r e o r d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e . D e s p i t e t h e f a c t t h a t e v e r y

p u r c h a s e y o u m a k e fr o m u s m e a n s a s a v i n g o f f r o m o n e t o f i f t y d o l la r s , w e o f fe r t h e

Most Liberal Credit Ever Given: Terms Made to Suit Your ConvenienceAn account with us is a saving, a convenience just when you need it most; and it should never worry you, for we

make due allowance for accident, illness or misfortune. During the past 50 years we have furnished millions of homes.

A Great Sale ofI * i l l O ' W ' S i


Actually Worth 1.00,Special a t . .. . . . . ....


These are 3 ^ lbs. etch—are nuMtufactuivd, under the most sanitary condltiotia—from quality feathen. Ticklnp are durable A C A, stripes. Only 1 pair to a customer.

O tJ.r* I* r lo © « s i Ar*e> A l ^ \ i % r e k y m t l \G >^ _ (.1 . Y o u ScLve M o n ey on 1

A I w S 1 2. O u r P r ic e s A re L o w er ( 5. O u r V a lu e s A re B e tte r

- w ® x K v n r B

E v e ry th in g Y ou B u y H ere T h a n T h o e e of A n y O th e r S to re T h a n T h o ee of A n y O th e r S to re

Blue and White Best Quality Blue RibbonEnamel WareK*. • XKA K X m .X . AMttal

Vain* l l .* *• u ta o t. oorraa roTA a tu I v*la* «•* aaS TD*


Made of the best heavy steel, with double ceet Sloe and White Eesmel, by the National Enameling and Stamp­ing Co. The best in the country. No other bouse than ours ever dared to buy so large a quantity of such a qnallty of enameled ware in order to obtain this low price for your benefit.Ne. 8 TEA KETTL8 Actual Value $1.80 2Pc 2 and 3 Qt. COPFBB POT

Actual Valua BOc and 7Se

$18.00 Westbered or Golden Oak Buffet i m

ats, with Mdtsr e e re e d top u w p s n e ln d m lanp Readb mhfor. tOMB d ibehes; very ptete4>ase;eolilea]^

gtdoi or B s r lyglbbtflldlli.

$3.N SOf Seat I Q AM m Chair L O y

OsomIm hather,Blip lettihroBd bsek rest tn l bssdster, dtw feet, sny sob* stsotiBlbr btrfikist- ulir price <340. Opeakiff tale frice '1.89

O r o i a t

Hearthside RugsOld-fashioned rag rugs, finely woven, reversible

and very durable in all light and attractive com­binations of colors.

98c 75c

Early English finish, turned legs, lower shelf. Regular price I. SO. •Opening sale price

o f S 0 « 0 0 O o t i o l x B e d o iDitf SMt Ceacto, Eiceileat CustnctiM^



SfroDc conitnictlon—framea all atael, well braced eeiBy edfueled, esi tortable hellcel springs. JHettwasee tutted and (severed In gieen i

$25 Reed PoH- m an Sleeper.

*#e<BM*ienea»*a bi I SkaptN ettwel wi^mAet s«ch a riQten-

leetly law prto*. Vm b m ais ttte unrsclite tba ■Maa etfat. Mads etw y bael eesd. ReU tdxa boed •ed body. 9M Mbs peihtn. Mdneh wbsalt wilh

nrti. IB viey'ba* awdaiey-npaedlatch.

Optniatidia price,


/ v_

Aetudly Werfr $0.80 BrasB caps, fancy panel effect

head and foot with ornamental srindles. All sizes. Very.substan- tialty made, A value such as can only be obtained at our store.

$L50 fienfline Oak • Parlor Table


3=Piece Parlor Suit " Y $ 3 . 5 0 Parlor

Mahogany finished frames, highly polished. All-hair cushions covered with silk plush. Regular price f30. Our Opening Sale Price........... ..

; U 9R ocker' Ivasd PMPMHB Mt BfkkMk wVu tTMd ISp. 8p4edl«%MkMfl------is s s e i Biihiynee

Bsavyroafi.fiurtrUitfi irnts* Siuldts VaUahad. Opininx •*)• pi



CHINA WATTING.................... 17c A YARDVaiy batvjr, darabit quality, worth 23c par yard

JAPANBSB MATTINa, valuB 30c, Yard 22c

Lstaal iBtaU n e rs l s u d wnT*n- UouM ia a ln a In sratR , blue, brown atT*tlawiOiM.BrwUr wovao, O a a

CHINA MATnNQ, vaiuB 38c, Yard at 28c

■Lrawi and moat dactrablB UantB I m p o r t a d , itrfpad aod m otut. elTMt*. Far n i l o f as pardL,BpaaUiT


$4.50 All Steel Woven Wire Spring. . . .

V iiy 8m q«alltyW O V t Badra ,v ttb k a t l e a t aupporti, sa d * Inv a rm lD -pr o o f

Our Special Combination M a t t r e s s .....................

llagtriBr wdndldiM

Oavavaa la aaita ilaktef.

aa roudailra, U ssM ta lltd , t x M haavT. w ttt M lalaa



Maesive Continuous Post Brass Bed . .

Actually Worth $25Miiilaae posts 2 bcliteia diim-

etet, wtth bandsotne httvy husks.7 I.incli flifers, with large T ball joints dt endB. In bright or satin Engtista lacquer flnlsb.

OpBOttlK S a lo P rto o , 13.06


t o A l l o f J o r s i o y Pralctit Paid Within 100 MUos on PurebaaM ofi$8.QO and Over

W e Give Trading Stamps With At! Purchases

IPB, BBIU' IHDUat■aarad

I IP LIHSa W han. Tnrvalai #

taa. ffawr*,-M .

PROP08AU__________om oa OP THB BoaBo op a w w aim w xnii comiBBioNBRa or T n

c m op miiwahk.OItT Halt, MawaAi. N. I.. Xprtl A MtL

■Hind pwB.atli will b* tte*lT*a at l ^tM froBi t i l t to i:ao .CUMa P, H ., «f Tbai*- aar, th* tfctrtatoth lay "f.. *»Ol, HU. elMmsiT At Um Ifeit ucuffe hour, ut a ■EmIHc oI lb . beard, to b. h.l3 »l toldTba. aaa ^ a » , tat tb . r.paifliil f t tb .foUowlax UTtoU Md htiBw.y.:

BIOBLOW BTBiSBT, ___fnai BUaakath aw nw to jNalliiabwr****"* cTUXtow Avanraot (real on tton awa™ to Vnaa* *»wia.|

DBiiAifCT a n m r . fMHi p^eatto strvet to Whoolir PoM f«Mltro a BMth Slivanth atrott to tho city iIm ;

MADISON AVBNUa.from Cbffdwick uvaniio to South SlihtMath

MA1.VBHN BTBKBT. from Paelflc iliwat to WhMlm- Point road:

UXFOI AVEWtm. i aniaabethr .vaoii. te Beramt rttarti

. OODSN amKHT,fima Clar a tr.rt to Bridx. attaaC aa both mow o( tb . atnat rallwar traek. wHb tb . « - i ^ lo n of omT rt) foot on Mfh Ua. of Mid'™ **‘ anirBKAH A v » m n t

1 Poliil.r iitaat 10 Paddlo aOOTH FOUHTBSNTH BlBHW.

m m B(«iiian.ld a v » 0. ^ South Orant* ara-bocth suvxBTxaiNPR aTMBrr, B^niflaia atMU. to aeutb Oraaa. aM>

T ZU nt BTRWW. r WatBOt ilta it to Soirtb ariawi

„ T iK csiix a n u m r . _ .-'MTud r i - Wawarir au t Paamaa




hfmoeh «C FetmiylVoBlA lUlInMid.Th« follofriDC If ftbout th* urm ait at Ou

work to ho doo*. AOd tbo to ho tar*■l^o4 In Iho coostruotlon oni* eocnploUoD of m M work. otMl woff which btdi wUl ho oom-

Blxttiow Sirnot—Thio* thonautd o*«on huoflrod (8,709) oquAro yorto of brick »«vo* m rat on 0 vU Ihch ooncroto foundottoti; •Irh ty Mntoi foot of SO by 4 Inoh foor* cut curb, oot lo concroto; otto tbcQoone oovea iwndrod a.TOO) foot .of old four-cut curb, ro- Mt In coacroto. Btondord prtooR will ho p*ld for tho followfof; Th)rly*ilx (M) Uoool foot «f MW boodor etirb; on» oot oT ^ hv 4 Inch four-out oooMn, tot .in eoocrotor Mx (I) boM - IMO inoahDlo eovoro) ooo CD bosln with con* noettem eomtiloto.

CItftOb Avonuo-^lx thOUMOd ftv* hUB*I dred Aud Tilntty (iBW) oquirt yordi of bltu* llthie pEvomont an o ila fd) tnch conoroto fotsndotion: tbroo thoutond (8,(KK» ttnoal foot of old fovr*eut curb, rotet tn coneroto; two hundrod (Mt) Uoool fMt of MO by 4 Inch four* ect curb. iOtTn cooeroto. Standord pricoo will bo poid foi tbo followinf: Oni (1) oot of 30 by 4 iBCh Uottr-cul otwAon, n t ta cemeiroiO'; Olcht (8) ooUeleM m uholt covorp: on« (1) boMn wKb connocGoin completo.

Dolonoy Slrool—Thlrtowi thouoMid Uwof hun- #rod «nd forty (1f.l40) oquoro ^ rd o of oblonx fMnit* Uock pOTomwit on i m (d) lacb con* errto foundtllon: orii» hondrod GoO) llnool foot of 10 by 4 imA four-out curb, oot in roner^tp; aU (bomnd two htutdrad ond twonty ft.110) llAool foot of old four-eut curb, roiot tn cost- ercu; two .hundrod flOO) oaunro Ibot of Bol* Cion brldilQr l«id on conorota. ItozMUrd priooo wUI bo paid for tbo Mlowlng: Ono tty oot of 80 by 4 mch four-ent oomoro, Mt in oonento; two thouMiid fopr btmdrod ond fifty <2,4M> M«or» foot of old BoMdftfi hrMiiii i )«M m Goaoreto; ono (U bMii vtth opibomi^ ooM

PROPOSAliiFor Fourtooath Avonuo—Nino tbouffOBd ntno

hvndTod (1,800) oouftro yirtff ct briofc povo* m«nt 00 0 lix (d) Inob owento foondnltco; ono thouMnd « l^ t bundrod Unool taotof 10 by 4 Inch four*out curb, oot In ooi&Oroio; two thouoond tnd ton (3,010) llnool toot of ol4 curb, four-ent u d roaot in ooncroto. Stonit- nrd ptiooi will bo ptid for tho foliowlnc: Sit hundrod (40U) llnool foot vf now hondor oitrb; alzlMo fltf) oAti of 30 by 4 Inch four-out curb, oot In oaacroto: fourtoeo (14) ootMloRs mnn* halo oovora; four (4) basloo with coanocUopo complotf.

l ”or Ifodioon Avonuo—Thlrtoon thmiooTi<l fly* hUBdrod and thirty (18,080) woono yordg of bltaltthto pavomeni on o Mk (ff) iMb ooncroto foundntloh; four kuodrod (400) llnool foot of 8U by 4 Inch four-Gut enrb, Mt in ooaorotoi iIc thouMpd^ (tkOtt)) IlnoAl foot ot old four-cut curb, TMot in eonertto. Stondard prlcM will bo pold for tho followltlf; Throo (8) u to of 2t) by 4 iBch fouTrirut oomotn, sat in oom ^io ; two (3) ualMlofR mOnbolo covoro; two (2J bu lna with ooniMcUoM comri»ta. '

For ItfaklTom Strceti-Thlitoon thouMmJ Mvon bundrod and twonty (18.79D). •tMt'c >Ardo of obfont efanlta blook pAvemont on a Hla. (9) tBob oonemt fouodAtlcm; alz thouMud Avo hundred (8.80)) linen] feet of 18 by B inch fbut* Put curb. Mt In owterMO; flfty (oO) Unool foot of old oorb four-cut Amt r*Mt In ooncroto; OQO thouiftiM four hundml (l,400> oclviwo foot of BoIptAft brldilBf, laid on ooMtoto, Btasd- nrd prlCM will bi paid for tho fotlowlnfij KIovob (11) Mta 4 U by B ldtili four-out oor*. nora. oot In ooncroU; four <4> bnnliui with ooa- ooctioBo eomplelf .

]N>r Mapoor Avenuo-invo ihouooad ttvoi hundred (^100) Munro ynrdt of bltHUtbki p«ro- mont OB n alx (4) 1n^. eocornto %ahdatton: two tbom nd lU hnndrod (SldQQ) UbmI taot ot 18 l 9 - t tnA fourvont o«fbk'n«t t» oOM fltan^rd nriM* win bo pnl4 for tho followa^Tff ^ « .jt hr » iM ttamaa tW

__________ PROPOSALSMt In noDcroto; two hundrod (880) llnowl foot of bow birikdor curb; oovoa (D fwSoolwn mnnboiooovori; on* (1> boiln with ooiinoctlon com- pioti.

For OfdoD Btroot RopovlM—four thouMnd •lx buodrotl u d ninety (4,800) oquore yxrda of cblont pranlto block povoment on all (d) Inch eoncrato foundntloii' throe thoutond Mvob hundred and fifty (8.7o0) llnanl (Mt of 18 by Q inah four-cut pronlia curb, Mt in cop* erota; olpht (S) oou ot 18 by 8 Inch four-cut fraulto oomem. Ml In ooncrota; lwo< hundr«a ciuO) Kuaro foot o4 lb by B Ineh piwBlto bNdi- Inv, InM on concroto; oQo hundrod (lOO) •uuxi'e foot of Bolrtna bHdftsp, lold on oonorota. Stondnrd pricoo win bo pntd for tho followint: Ono (I) boaln with eontiooUob oonplato.- For Sbermnn AT«ttu»-*7iiirtoan thooMnd •lx hundrod nnd oiphty (11,880) i<inAro yarda of bUulltblc pnvemofit on • glx (S) Inch oon- emto founditlon: four thouMnd (4.000) lineal fMt Of 20 by 4 Inch four-cot curb, oot In ooncroto; Mx h u n d ^ tono) linsol foot of old curb four-cut and rooot In oonorota. standard pHcai will bo paid for tho follawlBB: Slxtoon (19i Mto of 30 by 4 'Inch ftnrr-eut ooninrii aat In eoncrato; m rtu hundrod aOO) tlnoal foot of n«w header curb; thlrteaik (18) n;>iaolaM man­hole oovert; two Sj baaloa with Minnociliin* oomplota. ^

For South Fourteenth 8traat^Fma«& thou* •and five hundred and sixty (I&.BSO) oquara yarda of brick pavemant on a atx (8) Inch coocrota foundation: (our ihouaand alx hun­dred and alghty (4,439) llnoal feat of 38 by 4 Inch four-cut curb, oet td eoncreto: ihroothouaand 0.008) Undal faat of old curb, four* GUI and tcMi In concrtla; about aoiron huo- 4 r ^ (Tp8) cubic yards of axtr* oxoavacloa not to bo paid far axtra h it must be Includod Ut ptipB bid for th* pav^meni. Btandajil prtceo wW ho paid for tho fotlowlngl Four hundrod (40n 4 C w fMt of now haador ourbi olpbi (S) fotx o f w by 4 hteh faiiriaut aomara, aal; 4n ooncroto; coo (1> bwatn with conoecUun ociai- pUtfc .

PROP08AUIFor loqU) Sovoutoanth Siroot—•ovontoon

thouaand elffht hundred and forty (17,840) aouare yards of biick pavament on a m (8) Inoh ooncrote foundation: two thouaand Mven bundrod and sixty (2.780) tlnoal faaa of 30 by 4 Inch fiour-oul ourh. set in oonomo; alx Ihouaand (8,000) lineal foot of old curb, four- out and roMt in wnorele^ Standard ptiooo will ba paid! for the foUowlof: Two hundred (309) lineal feet of now hoador curb; one U) baaln with oormocMIon complete; six (8) BOte of 39 by 4 Inch four-cut corner*, M t In euncroio; twonty-one <31) nolseiaao manhole cover*.

For Tylar stroet-*Nlao thousand olght hun­dred and forty (U.840) pguaro yards of oblouf anmUo block pavement eo a alx (8) Inoh eon- cxwM foundation; four thoUMnd four hundred and ninety (4,489) Unooi foot of 18 by 3 four-cut curb, Mt tn oonorota; throe thousand three hundred (S.39Q) square foM of Solylan biidclnf', laid on eonerote. Standard pi ices will bo paid for the followlnc; Twanty-seveo (31) 0010 of 18 by 6 Inch four-cut cornera, set tn ooncroto; (oiir (4) basins with connaotlons cemploto.

For Vincent Btreot—Throe thouaand seven hundred and. elibty (8,780) equate yards of brtek pavament on a six (8) luck oonorate foun­dation; two thousand two hundred and fifty (3i,2fiO) Uu m I feet of 18 by fl Inch four-cut curb, oet tn eoncrata;- fifty (BO) lineal feet of old curb, four-nut and reset In concrete. BUndard prloa# will be paid for the (o ll^ in i: One (1) aat of 18 by B Inch fcui^cut cornera, ret In eoncrets; sixty <80) llseal feet of new header ourb, Mt In concrete: six <8) n<4aeleM ntoMols eovors; one (1) basin with connoetloa ooTBplele.

Bids for the above bltullthlc pavstntnto tbimI Include a price bid per square yard per year fnr maintenance and lepalr of oatd pavementa durlnf an additional and second period of five ifi> years, and under a CMrantea bond by a auMly cwenphAV bond-or t bond «Uh . surely socepublo 40 the Hoard of Street and VblM GonuufwlooaV) Which may ho naulrod M iho

PROPOSALSoption of the board at any time before the expiration of tbo flrat tr * yaani' fwarantoo.

Tha contraota for this work, tr awarded, •hall be awarded provlskMUilly by tha board and shall Irapose no liability upon the city Unfeaa such award ahall aubaaquratly be final­ly made by tho board; protlminafy aaaeianieBt of property oopoolally benefited by tha propoaod nnproveineBts ta to bo mads and publlo near-

tffl the ao^e to b t bold, after whlab the luard may o r'm ay not finally award the oon- traoi in accordance with Chapter 317 of tho Btala lawa of 18M.

Btfidar* are not to s ta te any prloa for ma- teriaia ahd .work for whlah tb*rs Is a fixed amount provided for In tbo ipoolflaatloos.

B»ach propoM l must be oneloaed tn a sMled aiiverope, properly indorsed with the name of the bidder and of tha improvament. and di­rected to tbs Board of fitroot and Water Com- mlsslonars of tho city of Nowarlc.

Bidders will state their pricoa la wrttinf as wall as In fifurta.

Bidders must specify Iti their propoiala that. sbMUld the above work ba awarded to tpem, they will bind thomaotvea to finish and com­plete tha earns w l^ ln the following number of Consecutive werkinp days:

Blftiow street Mvlnp. thirty (80) days;(NIfion avenue pavlnx. forty-five (46) days:DeUney s trw t pavlnf^, ninety (fiO) a ^ i Fourteenth avenue imvinf.Madison avenue pavtnp, ninety (00) day*}

days;Malvern street pavlny, ninety (90) days; Mapoo avenue pavtiif, forty (M) days;Uwden street ropivlnp, forty-Av# c46) days; Bherraan avenue pavkny. ninety (#9> days: South Fourteenth street povlhf. oh« hundred

(lOOi days: v - . atiouth Seventeenth atroot pAvlnf. on* hundred"w .rV irM l pav lu , tifthjf (BO) '

I'lnw nt « r a . l pafln f. tW rt»-*v, (JW fljji. Tbs pltna and apa^ffeatlona of tb**’’’®*'?;

nf th .I3M rd o( S tr„4 and W .I .fm i a t to* e ltr halL Bati >rat>Ma>< to t>* as-

PROPOSALS________oompanitd by tho coassnt. In vrJttnx. of two suretloe, or,p surety company qualified to do buslntM In now Jersey, who shall, at the tim* of puttlm; In such proposals, guallh' as to their responelmUty In tha amount of lucb propMalr. and bind themselvaa that. If the conuact be awarded to ths pennon or peroons maklnx ih* prupoBal, they will, upon It* bains so awarded, bsuoaus his or their aureilaa for the faithful purformancs of said work; and that. If the person or persons omit or rafuM to csecuto such contract, they will pay to ths city :J Newark any dlifersnc# between the sum*, to which he or they would have been emitisd upon completion of the oontraot.and that wh.ct the city of Newark may bo obiised to PfYjhAEarOen or persona by whom such cobiraot aqa.xl,.s executed. _ ,The DoaM of Street and 'Water Comtnlss^on-

ors of the city of Newark rosorvo to themielvet the rikht to accept or reject any or atl pr^ posahi fer the above work, aa they may dsett cost for the tntrreat of the city.

Bidden and surolita are U*?h*by noUIW Ibsj under the provUlohe of the s^«nth sertloa Of the law crooting the Board of Sireet.and w ater (.^mnalBilonera, approved March ths bf nd or bond* to be given for the flithlul exeeuiloa and perfonaano* of o^d publlo w t^ , shall first be approved as to sufBelsncy. by the board, and aa to fortn, by tbo oounMl of the. board, aud. no contract shall be blndiu (ki the rtiy. or become elTMtlva of oporatlve until. Buph bond is iOr approved; and the prealdeht of the board ehall W e ^power to examine the propoeed bondamen under oath, if he ehall sa deiire or ahaU be ao tnalrttoied bj* the board*,' but the board will not be bound by any state* meat that may be made by such upoposed- bondamen. but ahall have full power and abeo lute discretion in the whole matter, and thw nrovlalon ahall b# referred to In anv adverl^e- msnt Inviting bids for any such public work.

By direction of the . Board of andW .t.r

curt Xanaan , .

DEATHSrt, M»nx ^nrnit. «»•< O n ^

J L J,.,ili)rll 7, mil.'AltxanUtr, huibioa ol L lU r t tn t A!l»n (ne* Cranjir). S«- 8« -

i, i te u prlTtU, BaturilftT, At convtnitiict at t»ni' . y Ur. iHttnneni in Bloottfl«L4 CAtnstsr .

kSLCHISfl-BuddmiT, A^rtl 0. 10U, Majrj Jtken, beloved busb&iid of Rom JtohiuonAitken. belovod busb&iid of i«om joniuon

iMeb«r, and Mn of Marfkr^t AKItmi and thafiK« TJ-------Valctaar. FunoraJ *trvlo«« wm

bald a t bla lata raoidsnc-* , 13 Maeculkwh a>r«iu4, Uorrintown. «a batuniari at b o'cloolc,

BROSB-Suddonir, n April d, 1311, Cbr1«- tlaana Bro«i, a o d T6 raara. Funara! Mrvtooa will ba bald at bar lata raaldanes. Broad alraat. on Baturdar aftamoon. April ft. IDU. a4 2:S4 o'ctoolL RalaUvM abd frlemls are klndlr Lnviltd. Intermani In Fairniount Ceme­tery at the oonvanlanca of the fatolly.

BL'CHMEH—IDntarad Into rast. at lllttna, N. J„ <n To^adar, April 4. IflU. Franci'i. be- loved wifi or Otto Buobiier tnae Krautarh aatd 49 yaara 9 montha R aaya. RalaUtai and rfianile, alao the klarram ba BiarbckaeM ut Jartay City, ara moat rwpaotfuUy InrlteO toJaraay City, are moat rwpaotnjuy inrtteo to attend tb« ruoarat'from b^r lata raaldanoa, Nu. 1J5 Acadamy otraat. Hilton. N. J., on Hat- ... ..._J7 A ..an t* latermant at Fair*urday, April ft, at ft novnt Cametary.

BUFlGHRti-Da Tueadar. April 4. John At- wfod Bbtvbor, Infabt anrv of Frank 11. u d Minnie'1.. Unrflier, wC Maplewood. N. J. Xn- t«rni»nt''prlvaie.

BTHNB8-At W*.t Or»»»t. N. J.. OB W**'S oy, April #. lu ll. J»mM SitplmB Bfn»A

and of the lata Mary ByniBa ftiit a^*2:- tlvaa and frlaoda. aim Branch No. 4. St.

I'tUfiPli't AlllAnc*, and Holy N«m« 6ocloly

t.TOK«-A Unth'o Hind HIch K M fuiara wUl ba otfarad in Bt JoMph'a Saturday, April b, lliil. at 8 o'olonk.Ib&o.»w *kdi ai.iil A# d kA 1a(.a

MONTH'S M IM Irb Maw af lU-

Churobw, oiijj. w w uw«vo.», fOf tb#

bappx rapoaa af tba ai>ut ef the la u Bernard Lyona. Halativaa and frlaoda axe bitidiy invited la ba praaani,

Me<iUAI>Ji}^ Month'* Mind Htfb Maaa will ba eSarad ter tha rapoaa of iba aoul etf the la u Fatriok P. MoQuada, u 8t, Jamae'e Cburoh* on Batiurdar. April fts 1911, at A. M. RalatJva* abdDUfida ai* kl&dly IatIM to atae&d


of lUquiem for tba rapoM of tba eoul of Batrioft Monafhao, who died April lA 1010, a t the Church uf tba Baorad Haart, Sanford aiid iouih Orani* ayanuea, VaUtnorflL Saturday morniOKj April ft. at W A. M* Rt U\‘ea and fyiauda ara rtapaotfuJiy lovlted ta auebd.


of Bt. dobn'i Church, fully Inrlted to aitand teblly raatdem.'a, ' " *aura, on Batu '

/luijr ,'wfdtwQm.njre. are rraoect- tin) tuTi#Tlll fluni Ih.to uu .na tlw tunerni ifoni in.

42 CtilllmUlA .trwl. Wwt Or- unlw. April «. Ot 7:1'. o d « lt A. t o ^ t . Joho'i Cliurch. whtr. BMil] kwi ikAlA-M.J llianca to wi. jonn a i.nun:.«. ■

tefanm |!lfh Mate of Requiem will b« oele-iTjteirnani|!lph Mate W> rvvL|ia*»iM >btwt»’rt f'<r thf refKjM of hJa eottl I f t John'! Oematery.CASTLfaiS-At IrvJnirton. N. J.,. Aoril d. 1911.kBs.rlna VL* I 1H H. m CaSllCfliC»lbarlna “Novlna. William vMurn.

aped Tbreareft tmintba ftflalivea unj frianda are kindly Invltad to attend tha fubcml Trurn bar laia ie*id«ao«r 58 Clinton (Lv«nm> We«t. on tetenbtf, April A at fl;ft0 A. M.. thanca to fit x3o*i vnitunob. whore a. llleh Mnsi; of^d11 km. <#«■. d km Jlf ^ 1[■Um wiiT be oBar^ for the V7

ml i t 9 A. H. Intarmant at Cllnlon Cama.'(•tioae of her

. CTAMBKRUJN-Oq April &, 1911. Jepnia. Nwvad wifa of Albart Cbanabarlaln and iluuKn. Ui of Aleaa&dar and Aanae Ijannoa, aaad 93------ Ifemkmtwma mnit #p4*ajlm klO* iDvlOtl tA el-


lUlBtln. u d frl.m l. M* lavlud u Bt tb* MutbI Bt har iBU nildinsA 74

- ------ HBfrlBW, N. Jp, idT'liiunMai Bt r ijr -

4B Situr*

A J t K - k t ^ IBM nM, a nurBdBy, I IL IBlir » n * r t ClBTk, la hit iWth y w , ’Bt ttni/m t t H ti. Luoy Bbi*i Bod Mn.

L xviA. cwi>«n kiwre, IQ iid* I'.knu. . te lb * i t Mkw. Laor Batai and r flnilb. at hta lata raaldence, 1ft Park

m at Ortate* Kotlee of funwal bare*

. . . . . . Beat Oranga, ea ^ r i l ft,, Wlaabeth, daugbur of iha lata Thome*

OMknarton rnee FinnaraA). RataUVad trtente are kindly lovltad to attend tha 1 from bar lai* r^d eo it Aft Long atraat, oa

April ij a t ft A. H .. tbanca to Boly ...A. -rti«r« « Solenm High Maaa ol oftarwd for tba rcpoa* of bar te I t Jbbn'a Cfttnatarp.

I wtH

OOfUT^-OD XjptU A IftU. Mri. Mair 0 ^ Mw. ruc«f*l aarvloaa aft bar U u raaidanea, a u Aegb aveatte B w d^ , a< 4:80 P. M- Intermant ■ft Xb* ooDriilaaoe wtf Ilia family.

, pmU3UBVr~On A«rtl ft. IftlL lUbeooa Ann. ftanghter o f late Manual ana a^eanur Dam

eratt aged ■ yeara. niaarai eervloea will be held at tha midanoa «f her alaier-iR-law, Ura.ftftpina Demamin lOT ftammar aTamia, os Fii-

eyaaingp AprU t, at ft o'olook, nalatlvaa I friends are kindly inrttad. Intarmaat enBBMj6mB» V mB 4kmmorning, at Ma&irlltai M. I„ at tee

teBon.DUM PMT-^ A vil i» I t l t Folm P -in fa te

HD Of JTobD and Jaanlo Dunphy (d h lTarliw)i ~ - ■ “ i bald loiFuaaral waa bald tee " from Uta sareBUr


/ . E ;■^Icoa at Jotepb J. Uuliln'a tunoral park)re.--------- - _ ..■wTBbVB KB eilujjm a Kun«lOi W*aablngt<n atroot ftiftO P. M.. _____ _April 8. ^ la tly o i and frlanda ai« iDvitad.M idB o. nvwiiTve MiQ inanaa i lotaratant in falnnanni Oemotary.,FltlBPRtCU—Slntarod into teat, es Wodnaa- t e , A»ii ft, iBii, tupi^ irriadncb tne* foilayar), balovad «ffe of Alfrad modrloh, f tf^ 30 yaara ft montha 20 dayi. Relative* |M frlande are rtapoctftUJy invlied to attend w nmeral on ftaturday, April ft. at 1 p. M., m m bar lata raeidatwa No. IftO Beiinont ava- “““ latermaat Iq Woodland Camalary.

OARRJOUfi!S-On Thureday, April ft, IftlL HwarO, Jiueband of the late (^harlna A. Oar-• t .iw m w m uu MB I.J4M ___ _ . . .;^ r"V R4latlvae and friilida ara reueotfu.., iDvitad to atlaad the funeral aarv loaii^n thalily

IN loving ratoambnkDOa of our dear balevad molbar, Mr*. Mary MoUulra, wba dapartvd

Ufa on April T, ipld.6h* aujTerad muoh; aba murmured not

Wa watched bar night and day*UhUi at laeb with aching boartA

We tew bar pan away.

A fcat*AOUJfTH—narveet; PboatO* Carho la death

to mlcmbea^ bed bug* and oookroachee, grvet- aai dleinfaatant kjtown: repeated order* Jally: iteady trade; aieo oUiar new fa«t Mliera Phoenix Mfg. Co., 31 Baldwin atAOEHT6~ l mad* te0,000 Is flv* year* witb a

amaU mall order buatsaoa; began with 10: fret booklet HEACOCK. 5041 Irfirkport, N. TAGENTS Wanted to eall bouaehold good* on

tha inaUtmaot plan; beat commlaolon paid; ftwt good* In tha otty. Call anil aaa ua. C. P. ADAMS CO.. 29 Market at.

AUTOMOBllJE ftCHOOL af New Jer»ay-Motb* ef aohoul ol them all; untimiied laaaone both^ irwiivui M4 MiviJi au, umimiiiin iwin riv

tb repairing and drlvlag on ait klnda of care; 4tnail foe; your llcana* guarameecl; day andevealng. *4ftT Waahlngtoo at., near* KinneyBOTi IN d r u g stork , aged ABOUT Jft|

9THONO, INrU’STItrOCR AND THUfiT>9 1 n<.,rL'<«v*, ir tiu ni Ul(Ji;n A.>L iKLihi.-WORTHY. ADl>itnS.S. WITH TlJiFERKNCEd. EMPJX)YMENT. ito x ft. NKWa OFFICE.

•a time goaa on, we talm h«r a«rw Her loving imilA bar loving fan*. Non* can fUi her vaoent pTwNon* can fUi her vaoent pTaoe.

In the far anU diataiu gravgyard,Wb«re the tree* ib^ir branch** wav*.

Llea our loving mother and grandmiftB In her allaot grava

FYlendf may Uuiik we'li aooa fmrat hair; But Lhar lutia know the aorrow In our haana ooooaaiad.

Uona. but not forgoltaq.PROM DAUGliTEIlB AND SOM.

Id loving raamory of Mir dear mother and

randmotbar, Mary Kauftnann. who died April HUM:


In loving mamory of our dear brother and Charlo* F. ftieah, who died April tkll« l: 7.

Oona, but not forgoitan. lilH SON aEimoQ AND SlSTERg AMD


U N D EiSA K EK S”__ PKOPlJi/e faLlUAL I.OMPANT.• » BROAlTtr.. OOkNAUt JBIQMTM ATSi7* .» . ,SM.yv....4. 4-.^mim B W-lU* PUHNiaU _____wteiBt caaket, aame aa gold by oibte

taken te m , eovared with dse biaok broad-

adVwBMVBCBa, TBMJIMJUUUa, VUHUB.wg> t^oIAa. candelahrii, gkivea, chylra, 1

“ I o*metai£ PS^.U Fft BLWAL CDMPA^^


Bov. 1ft or 1ft. for real eaU(« ofTlce; muet ortn* wall reoomjnandail Apply Friday aflur

ft P. M or Saturday 9 A M.. HURD, Bioomaald av«., olty.


BOT or mlildla*agad man t NaeW* aland at

•aoiuily required ■land

........ wantad, to altandJiirth Newark Station; $25 aalery $ft. inquire at new*

BOY—Bright boy for delivering paroeJa and make hlmnair Utaful about aiur*. BUOOE'S

dry good* ature. Main at., Eh#i Oranga.BOT—Bright, Rbom 18. (or office work; muat

be aoourate Agurar; good cbatica tor advaaow* ment. Addrtaa Q., Bui 67, Nawa ofAca.BOT; efftoa aafllladt: give age; atata aduoa**

tion; inuat ba willing worker and prompt. Addnraa A. \Y. \V.. Dox 24. Nawa olHcw




Patrons of Tho Newark Evening News will confer a favor on/.'the management by getting their advertising copy in the oBRce earlier than usual, especially on Wednesdays and Saturdays, Those who can are requested to have their copy here the afternoon be­fore the day of publication. Because of the rush of adver­tising at this season of the year we find it necessary to request early copy.

Ta(TX)R 'Wutrd; on# who undarvtanda alter* log u d repairing ladlca' and geDtlemao'a

ganuahta; ateady Job for right oiaa. ApdIv P- PALLIDINO, 410 Bloetmald avas* M^t> elair.

KOt^Era*ORK-Tounjr gtrl ter ftAuiawo^ ^hge*- Call 13ft Bergen *i., top

100LMAKER6 waatad, oonvarwuRt with loola for eiuU intarctumgaable port* and tub-

pree* dl* work. Addrote Toole, Box 27* Nawa oliloa,

HOt^BWORK-Wanted a atrong girl for g«n- bouaawork. ft48 South Savantaanlh at.

TXNBMfTR wanted; alI-*anMHid, aobar tnani good job. Addraaa with particulate, Cweabla

Box 90, Nawa office.t in sm it h wanted. CHARLES J. SAMDSU

ftfi Oreahwood ava., Montolatr, K. JTINSMITH'S hMpw wanted. E a WteerMw^

oft Unlob at-


U 8. PU\UT A OO.. ”BEE Hnm »'

BOT, courlaoua, wUllruf, heal, honeati ofltte aaeiilant; atata age, y> iir aducutloTi; Id to Ift.

Addraaa C. tV, 11.. Box 36. New* office.DOT—Wanlod,........ . Ganran boy, ____ ..

olA to work In clothing atore. k HOFFER HKoa. A CO., KH Market at.

about 1& year* K O ^.r*

BQT to work in oakery day* and deliver or* dars; aoen* axpari^nc* prtfarrad. Corner Can-

traJ ave, and s ^ n d at., Elaat Newark.bualnaaat

AddraaaBOV—Strong, willing ■ boy, to li

wage* |4 | give age and nfarai Hardwate, 8oi ti. New* efllaa.^ T —ftrteAd t iy ABladB Apply wlcft r«f*^

enoea to LIBSnlBl'S Btalppuif Deparanen^enota•U-gftfi Bread at.

m tf..*mmmi rurkniBfi a\>j| aep8 B S s a i , f . % " s “ASaa^p.’i i& K r

SOTS wanted fbr ananbltBff, Bmaa den inppty Oa., Uaaetntrf l i , beVaw"“1 la


BOT WkAtei te make bknaalf uMtil and carry out ordara. Addraa* Boy, Box 63. Nawa


flo or MAW-



boT with aoma axperjanee Ta drug wanted, ftft Qlanridga ava.. M e a t^

bualD*Bi fair, N, / .

^feWARK BURUL COMPANY, ■road a t, teiwaan Bridge am Im

4J6‘ ikS™hSi“d%or aatln, ootalda and plat*. Htedjfeaalnlr, aj^vlng^^ Jin

> and three **iaLabte „ 0>niii«l parKf* rm .

Ppaolgj la .<)•_ ....K r7l_ m".

b^ u^ cokpakt. U T S u . k.COMPAWr. *S4 Uarkat.

rtM T < n .A n n o tv K S atBKASUMAUU KAXflL

neACHEs roB tuheiai**■ * A. w. B u m

JTOERAL DIRIOTOBS a n d ooac SKS5S*!JE*^™onk HARiarr o r n c B . a s south o r a n o b a v

____ HAilllR A JACOBUS,


A,AAAA,«,M AASAy Sb^UlWjMtoMiU Grove BL Sutloo.


AIWTJ-H PPEIL; f t , m 'T tumKti A fli*,!'“'"■J!"* 0* oraiuSteA

rSSJlor of U f Siyro ^ 'o o „ 144 Birausifd lUA Oft Saturday, ft, at 2 o'alook P

iQtermaht at tha oottvenlanoa of tba fanLly.**“ • •••<■ TTiond-ir. A(«ll . W j*ll. Matt Oamott, In hor 8M I'tar, of Um

MIMu in at Sw laushtta, Hn. Thomoa H.B AomSomf atnM. WOow ot tb4 lAU

A m Oamott, •Id*, ..1 ttao Horntwr SItM Stnot ITMImattAa Gburoh, mod moUur of Sbolda- t m Ohviott* Oamott AJtd Km, Aoutda lm . Kottoa of tUDiriJ SwaAftor,

SfARJtlS—ICcUrod lots root. Tlmntea Asrtl » U . HwHia Hmili, I n ^ r T fth T S ; U S* S*rT*' —Aiw, AM uar iisu /*wr. uai*

, tS N m b CUntoa trtisM, Boat Ohujiaftn tfsl tiorcAfltr.

.OBUS-At KL Klioe. N. T., oa AorO A I>aJU Hop* JaoolHia daughter of Mhry

MU Jaeabut. RaUtlvM and triaada ara lu­te attend tea funarai at 3h> HllUlde

nuA Newark, o« Friday avanlng at l:Sft r e t e ^ Imansant a t H tTnaaeant Cawtary hft tea oonvanlaikoa af the temlly.

I 16H» a t hie horae, SB gu^ ■’1 huaband of Mary

at fonarml te-

LAW-On April 7 ,__ _____I, wuuitm. beloved ..Fadte. Netite

ffx avamqe, lAW, aged

(naa HeaJyK A O U IRB -^ A*tfl J , 191A K uy HMUIr*--------- . . . ----- ----kimll ' mlo

jAmotfa Chimli, vtwr* a itii

M sn d wlSow ot WlIllAm Ka- ITA miAtivu m s frloudi am kimlljr Invlud AIUSS funoTAl from hor U tt rHldino^ H

wl Atr»«A 00 KondAjr, April l i At S A.JS-a" *L.A»®"fa Churoli, vtwr* a HIsh HoAt

aS” fot thi HpoAo of hotsg flfrtA n iitB t la thA CAtaataiT o f r t , Bol/

^HATraanrs-OB awu i , iiii, ham kai. KiIaUtai tad IrlABd, urt. kindly lA-3 7 a A inwHie * n . amaiy la­

s te d te attend the fuharal from bar let* reai- kvteue. oa Battffday, April

t M SiSa ^ M., to at. PAirlalf, CAlli»drAl, J™W» 4 SolAtm Hlsh Mam of Btquftm will

oEtnd lor tlio ropcM of h»r h u I. Int«. -----1 In Uia CmototT of th . Holy SopulehrA

UtfABTUkNII-At PArth Amboy. N. J., os .«»4i a «nii John, belcwad huaband of Meryft| 161L iivnn, Miovwn _____ _auPartUnd, at hie fate ragldence. No. 174 Mar­ket etraet, Partb Antbey. iKmaral from hta lata reeUetma cu Baturd^, April 8. at lu o'clock, te SL Mary*g IL G. Churok. latamieat !■Itetw HmtwtilrtTi'— /-mwn - - - —-y mm*r mBMy 8»p«lat» CAinttaiT.

HOHRTS-Oo AvrU A ISIA John 8. Korrl*, la bli S7lb Tiwr. ruosTAl torvlou win bo hild At thA MAldmoA of hta dAushur, Mrt. Ertrii atro. IBl Summn atmua, « EAturd.y AftAr- nooa, April A At S2W o'olocfc. RoIaiIvi, aoiI fTMBtl*, Ain mAmbori M OiAnipt PIrtmra', A ^ lA tloa , AM klbOJT layttAd. Intormmt in FliRDotmt Camaterr.

tF H A R B -^ April 4. i t l l , Samual, balovad kuabahd of Ullia 0 * R a^ aged 91 yaara Rale* ttvM and ffienda are kindly iovUed to atiand hie tUhonJ from hie lata raald*t>ea 19 john^ aton avaMua Kaaray* ea Saturday, April ft. at 8 .A M^tecBoa to Bt. Cecllla'a Churoh 4t 9 A M.. where a High Ucm of Ragulam wiU ba offered ter th* rapote of hla aauu lutarmaai 1* Oamatary of Boly Sepulohr*.

PBNNIKOTON-JU Ko, 464 Waahlateeft nut. ^ “ dyeer, Mr. C w, Pexmimgloii. FunanJ Mrvloa* *t hla late bomA Saturday, 2:fto F. M. Inter- ment In Camllr plot, BloomflaliL

‘ S K sa s ? w s ? . iIt mom^ 21------Rettlng<_.

ItelaUtei and U ™ —, to attasd tba funermJ from bli denca, 1ft Stoekman etraoL WaiA- ..A. . . . . ^

-v-A 10 ya_v AW -----ffy ^and friend* are kindly Invttad

bli parenta' raat- Wait (ivanga, on^ d a y . A p ^ 9. *i la ft lF. M .T tb a ^ Vo BL

•. CaiupcK wbete earvlcae will m bald.vafiamine** caiurcK wbera earvlcae will b« balft. Interment in tba CamKaarT of the Holy Sapul-

. « TbrnflAftj^rtr-.riSirlSktTi -bis:sr-.i.T.r »< AXciand Ma— ’**------ —— -M ary Rioa. runaral tefris'iM at Cburab niunaoulata OoncMtlon on fciiurday, April at 8 0 clock ^ M.W wbare a Bolamn a»ae Rai^lam will ha oflerad for tha rarioaa of her

goUL Zntarment at Oematara of ImmoAniki*

^BDIOLE*nB— n ^nraraday, beloved eon of the

" (nee W telaUvae.11 AODtha, R#'“**’'-“ 4a----rm -----

April t. Ml 1ai« Ekittit an

IW. ^ art V » « r WMt V * " o b 7 « ^ 'l ! 3 l


PrtvAM runnAlm i ------ —« ,___ BHOAD ST.,T o le m ^ lS l KArkit NBWARK. N. I.


oampItiAly otockxl fof toApootloB. KKIiMtm ftmlAhMt. PrlTAt* FunAiAl pAflsr, SIS BroAd tt-i 'pliim, -


ijltir/.SMITH A SMITH,

SACCOAtOri to J. A LofAB. DiroeHTAKlBB AND ICM BAUnn.„ „ __ COAoh Ownon. '

*01. 4S0S-4SO7 Mnrk,t. .^ 1JOSEPH J, KANaBR,

UnSgriAkor ina Bmbtlmir.OMU OtlMIJRjrnar.a... • “* Ca*»P ChAlM to HIM.T«. w a WAvouy,________ Hprlnafltld i

r a eu iir l d a b a bth( • ttm iio n to HA4barlo Broa,),

FUNERAL DIB10CTOH8,4SS Springaoia avo.; 'Pbon< 10T8 WAvirU.

JOHN W. rORKEM A tOHii,dlnoton. UnSorttklnk In aII It*** **’• atADd. *o6’ ofiinM sL:^ D. ^o n » 1I14SJ, a. ST Nowirk.llrj

anil ISmbAlmarFWIlAIWl 72C And 'flAA.BmnAb PafkT

, tip. Un of funeral parlor# aailatanl. Itft4 Oranga at., at

■Phone B69W Br. B t

i^ e rta k a r and Embalaar,I S '“ f? »t. Private funaraT .««

TaL Ilftft B. B. and 1M Chwng*.

BOT—Wanted, good atrong boyj axperiacoad at japeiming hardware. Apply »> Jelllff ava.

BOT Wanted with lUtl* axparlaag* Id barber llpa. ftp Main at,, Orange.

BQT wanted for fanerai work. THB rBRRlB BROS. CO., 100 Shipman at.

BQT wanted to laam trod* In jawairy faotarr. BROD CO., ftO B*«fihar it.

HOT to l«am (b* real ratata buelnaM in Roee- vllle. ft North Ninth ^

BOY wanted. iUENOE^Cuilarr and Ob., lift Hhmlllon at.

BCY—Strong boy wanted, at 886 Broad et.BUTLER (white!, private family: porter, *ity»

porter, country hotel; uarfulmao. Spring Lake; j^danar at oupf. atavator runner, man for golf gnmnda. coachman (white), drivar. three farm handa, oook. man (or hoapUal work, 138; oarpanter; cihar vnoanelea. Th* Reltebla Agangy, 63ft Brted at., largaet and beat agtecy In town. JOB. 8CRNARR. Tti9 Raliabla; thct'i all.BOOK-KEEPER—Kan to take tbarg* of or*

daring; bttliDg. receiving, ete., aa well a* double entry book-ktaplni; atata ar*« exparl- ano* and aaiary expactrd. Addraaa Utchlba

BOOK'KBSPER''Klddla-agad man *■ book- kaofMr In factory; knowt*dga of coat ao-

oouating daairabta; write full pafUentare with aaiary. Addreta Factory, Box 8ft, Nawa ofllo*BOOK-KBlPKR—Competent maa to tak*- - --- mmmw w...a/ma. i,a HMU kU HIK«

QhArgb Ol book* in factory offlea; give aaiary*d. --- " --.« —r — AA, wiMVVi •■¥« MUKrjAddraaa Hooka, Box 8fl, N«wa office.

RARBXIIt’ Toti&g barbar wanted; not fully «»- »«l<- 100 HloemAMdava«, Montoiair, N. J.

BARBBH—Wanted, for I daya Bnt-olaja barber.

D*ar Broad at.atnntaya ft Ball*

and Ballavina


I^inlonBARSBIR—Good half barber wanted for Satur­

day and Sunday. IjOMBa rdT, ftSft Vaigwiel.BARBlJA^WAAMd, fiMt.ClAU Oo3aM4 bArtATI

Brink rafAMncAi. laSH AcAjMny M., olty.BJURBER w in tfd fw WaSnmUy. SaldraAjr, ^ n d A y ; AtAASy poiltloiA 1S4 W inn rt.

BAHBEH YTAntod for SaturdAy tooS pAy: oomt At onr. Ids

B ^ B E H WAnUd f t r SAturdAy, 11 RlTTIBWHOUBB, 141 M uUnnr M.

And SundAyi PiinoA At

k* I. M.BARBEIR, IlMt-alAH, WAnUd Mr SAtkldAk Aod

SuadAy, At B20 CtntTAl ata., olty.BAHBER-

BRODT. lor SAturdAT u d SandAy. 42# WArren «. ^BARBBH wutAd ftr SAturdAy u d SuadAy Bprlnttltld AM., olty. nunaAT. (MBe r b e r w utod for lAtnidAy.

14S HaHh i I t WA1.TEIIS,

BARBER wutod #43 PlA» At. tm SutnrdAy u d BUBdAy.

a H. BTONAHEii;, „ Und*rtAkor,I North Fifth ol. TolopbonA IMTJ M E.

TO.. OKROB AIIR,. »1U> JoibuA Brlorlay, 43Siprlnkflild AVO. To!, 1M7I. WAvorlr,


JAMBS F. CAFFRET,u n d e r t a k e r .

" leoWAi At. Tol. 770 WA'Hllt^Formori;*Phono

RICHARD HAEBERDB V of HAobwl, Broi., UndertAkAM.TBIWL. tp-Avorly. s«o tomi. Ttmli ot


77.000 34P2J^orkft. WS^Snnth_OrAn^oa^

.,5 5 2 5 ” . * fcfi. ■l>RT''c£BANERa a S t> T **'•: O'*®** n v e n ik o s .I . p. 'R h o n e m m .

THE EVERURXEM CBMETERT—OrkAalltd UM; ^ tw iM No-Ark And KllMlwthi on

BARBTO' vw itw U OBU. ( tr RAitlau ata..’ Harriionk N. J.BARBER wanted, Saterdayi and Sundaya.

Charlton et. 1ft

BARBER, (Itet-elaM.M'tirreii at. wanted. Apply lAJ

Ba r b e r wanted. ftSO Castral aw.BITTCHERB-Tw*

Saturday, $8 fan miaabeth. r butohan wanted

Apply H Broad fur

H A N^M an wbo baa had exparietwe at filing and alralghtenlw amall tool* in

faotory, WM. JOkIrSON, H«fd*nb*rg

BAJtBRr-Hooia-mad* bread: aoma ready work. A&4 Central ava,i Wawark.

BRiciaATERft wanted »V oamw ef Ctaureh and Main ate., Mata wag, N. j .

OARDENER-Wantod, gardener and make


an alftarly Oarman hlmaalf uaafuJ on

N*wa affloa.OARDBNBH6—Four gairdanarf wanted; under- ^atited gradlkf. Calf 100 North CUntoa et. Biaat Orange,HANDT Ma n , abl* to mak* amall rapafret

aiao bandy around bouaea, horaaa, nrdezu.

HORSE8HOER wanted. 80 Hartford at.INdURANCn AGENTS wanted ;<amaJi a* wall

^ town* tbropfhoui New Jaraey byan old aetabllahed (atock) company, to aell tta attractive form# of aeclaaot and haalth Inaur- fP®,?' .I'* PopyJAJ II a monthp l^ , the Ideal aetlera of lo-dar: Jlbara) enm- miMlOB te right men that will bring large

.'?'*°** desiring an agency apply now, auting all in flrat letter. Managing Dl]P. 0. Box 194. Boftob, Mau. Hreolor,

ja n it o r (wbltaj, fw amall office building fq 4«ntra af city; inuat te fatmiiar with ra-

wiJk and underatand runtimf aleotrto alavator and handling of ataam bollara; atata axparianc*. age and aal-

New* office.PREfiSMAN; one who ia thoroughly oapa-

^^'^^^_^h^lak<^ehari|[e of proaaroom; ateadyfaTy‘T5.15,\e?,r‘--^ ■"” , T««4V UiUHk IM

----ottly auch need apply. Addraaa.ajattng axporlasoe and refarance, f>., Box ANeva oiUc*. ’ "JEWELEjEl—Bxparlencad melter, on* who can

“*ww wire anu oiuifae hlmaelt uiafui around ftotory. Assly tt« ClIAMPENOIS * CKA. W wainut at.JEWELER frith *xpari<

lockata. A d d w B., i . .... braceiata loi 93. News offloa.

MEN—Abla-bodlad man wanted for tha U. S.Marin# Corpa. betwaen the aget of 19 and

Bo; mail b* native bom, or have drat paper*; mcmlhly My lift te 169; additional compmaw- lioq poHlbl*; teed, clotbing, duartera and mad- Icai attention free; after 3o yaara' aarvloa caa rattr* with 76 per cant of pay and allowaaoea:■APlriflA #vn ahEM ■— _" w.v.A Wits, w* jwj «iu BlIOW:lenrica on hoard ihlp and aahora In ail parte of the world. Apply at U. 8. Uari&a (?<v.Aw 'VM'i.'M, •% u, B, nubnua I—"orD*RAoruUInk OIBm , 2»g Mark«t •(.. NawArk, N. J.. or 189 Wwt Farty-Mcong at., Naw York.MW —WantAd (or UnlttS BUim Army, atilA

DQdled (mmarriad men baiwee* agea of ill aiH Ift; oitlaetia of United BteUa, of good oharaeter aiMl tamperat* babita; who can apailL reed and write the Engliab iaoguag*. For hitenaatlM »p ly to rMniiUng offlote, Mft Market Newark. N, 3.MSN warned by tnatalmant furnitura-hou**;

mao with experience lo ealllfig Inaitfanea. lew- ing machinea and aocuatomad to houet-to> bcue* aanvaea. aa wall m oeilacting. prefarredi mutt fumlah bond: aaiary | 1<) weakly and lib-

commlaaloD paid. Addiwf* Balcaman, Box ^ New* offlae.

iSIjj * ‘k ••Ming *ip*H«Aca. te w ^ ^ ^®*itlmali propoaltlon; etaady and wallphylng position to ccmipet«u meni alao men wanted to handle our propoaitton a i a 'Tide line;" can ba worked avenlnga aroongxt ao- qualntanoae. CSili or write Room 40ft, 143 Mar* kat it.

WATCHMAN wanted, axparianoad; ona who thoroughly underetaoda car* of boiler and

willing to work in counts. Flaue addraaa, giving full axparianca, watchman. Box 81, News office.W'ATchMajn—Wanted, night watchman, fa­

miliar with bolteri; atcuiiy, sober; rafaranoaa rtaulrcd. Addraa* Watchman, Box 77, Newi office.WATTER wantad; 806 Mariiat at.

hattan restaurant.New M*b -

YOUNG Man wanted; bright active young man, IS to 17 yaara; willing to laftrn the

produce and feed baainna and become a aatea- mait Call I1 McKlttley ave., East Oranga N. J . ; taka Oranga car te Main and South Clinton It*.YOUNG MAN—Waatsd, a young man In th*

home office of a flr* Inauranca company; muat b* a good penman and accountant, and abl* to give refarenca* In regard to character, Ad- draee Fir* Inaurajioe, Box 41, Kewa offlea.

Wanted. Immadiataly, girl to aaeiat genaral^houaawork. 2B Avon ava;

wgPlad lor general heusa- work; three In family. U4 Broad at ^botiAaw'irk. #7

M D P -I aiUm Worn o m « Iiaa IlnitHiliM pa-

r .fr'i™* .Jf*” ronBtAi hnUA«work,ri; • ]»^ o ^ o r w altrw And chAmb,rmAld. Room “W OtABk, «t. ’Phono I6MR a B

SW-cIam oolorod f lrli; oook And W®: AAwiencid ohlld'a

K N ? 'sm B ra .i’' ' *>71.. STEV-

*1' by day. wookor mooUi, Bo chAi-n (or Mcaiini htlp. 239 Aoadm, rt.; t,l. aofej, MaikAt.1.AUNDRE88 Aod cbAcabormAtil, wbit, *lri.

*' ^ UAllAnllno BATk- **' '® parkwAj; oar-

lAUspRESE-WABtod. Srat-olAto lAunJnfi lift Seymour ava.. aacood door.

Private terafly, three yMu* axperieDoe: bail

cara. would iik« driving poet; private or hT oIv ™* ”* OT W u b l i^ n

“ »«'*»W4S »Jl4 TMll Moom.mtndvl. ir you AM loaklng torV ao^d, M- aSdMM RAllAbU, Box 81, N n ^llAbI, man,offle*.

«4'»*Aoio mi4 an»or! •Ithor In j n n t t or aa d r lw . AddMH U,- WA«l Sti

»f*b4A pOAltlon wlia privAta (1 11 »A ooAolunani boot rttor- oncA AddrOM Coaoh. Boa TI. Howi ofllaa

Ulon ae abauffaur: PAIM ^OBIN*8W : IS "■*^1 .*1** ^AbM POAltlon In prtntA (ain-

“ parltnc*; MLorono,, CAllor -Lltg, 3M JoHArtoo at., oliy, ^*>•>=•• POAltlon; ooloiAd mt4i tkporlonotd rnwhADlc. U8H PonnlnfiaD

**ii!?.*\® ** "••I ttwtrnTii •opM Al^rlcnco wlik children.Call 88 goat PArt at., Em OrancUIU.INERT—WontAd. txp«rl*noAi] makan And

ImprovAMi Alio APprootlcM, Apoly all wirtc FMnob pArlora 4T HalAAy tt. ™

UpROVMRS WABlAd,CO., 584 Broad at.ain^ *« A«lu «” »• jw «p*nance<i oper

i” !? A pAiamAA And womjn'i ?i*— ••"■tk or II, worluna At th.dAlfM "aMd“bo“"rf 7'“*■ *®S'* >"*"* "•Of nilll At A r,AionAbl,§Sn 'A.Tu,y ^ r k , ^ n ' j ' “’* STEINER A

TOUNO MAN (18-90) for offic* work; eomi knowladg* itanography and typewriting a*

Mntiaj; wagM |ft t* atari; i«nr*noaa A4< dree* F. T., Box M. Newii oOoe.TDUNG MAN wanted. Bight tlmakeaplngi *■- pariesioe unneeaetary; good «hanaa for *gM ne*dln| fteady tnelde work. AddrtM Ttsak Box u, Nawa office.7OUN0 HAN, keep atock. make blmaelf iwia

araily uaaful. at KEIMAN'8 Dcpartoani Store, 2flft-210 HaiTlaon ava., Harrlaon.TDtTNO MAN to drive aftemooB bread route; ^work half day; wagae tft pa* w««k. Addrws Rout*, Box 3ft, New* offioe.TOUNO Man wanted who hoe i little axperl*

•bite In lathe work. Apply C. LEMAITItEA: CO., 24 Boudlnot et.TOt^NG Kan In offloa of wbolaxata hotue;

7I1gh School graduate prafarrad. Addraa* W. Box aa, Na«'a offio*.TOUNO Man wanted to collect ordari for

grocer and butcher; axparianoed; referaboa. llawthoma ava.

TOUNO butcher to t*Qn rout*, help In atdra, take care of two bOTMij referanoa. 288

Waahington ava.

J|E U > WANTED—WOMENBOOK-lCEERER ter factory offica, knowledge^ ----------- - ---------------- A----------------wma,-aa.a««a,.A AKSS bWI SAUIAJS-T- VIUW, *nVWt*ag

at itenogmphy dealrabla; aUta aaiary axpaul- Addraa* Book-keeper. Bo* 84, Newa offlee.

*1*7 *■ d eb ev o iiorator*E tX).

** * ^ eoTera,atUMk OOBId1IU.( il\n *nonnfl A «■(M . T ^ __*rin«nmriAMnm. eer% feUan, ttaady work ail year' bMt n*v Aene Wovefty. 72 Marabail ^

Experlancad or teamara <gi |u- *fc®*5* faatber atltchem to work in2 * * ^ j"^« > 0 « W E L L « BOUlOTll. Eighth

OFERATOR lroariencadfor two-ueodie facing machineaoparaton wanted

machine*. CHAU. B. J*®^*^0*®* o a . Branch Paotftry, 24 Boudl-

axperleueodw. r . SNTDER CO.. BroAd und


26ft-24ft Ba n e s t .POLIftHB}! wanted on 14-carat Jewelry, Ao-

ply k t t t ^ y baftm 11 A. M., BIjOAN k Co., Mt. Platoant and FViuiih avaa.

COOK-tFAITREBB—Wanted, two white gitla one o cook and laundreai; one aa housa-

tnald and waltraae; only oompatant peraon* with beat raferatida ocad appfy. 300 South Mountain ava., Montclair, 'COOK0, WO; houoeworker. two in family, | 2ftt

waltrewaa. 126. Apply 893 Mntn at.. Ea*t O r u ^ ^ ^ lB g CUFPB EmploymaDt Agnoy;

COOK wanted in reetaurairi, experlas ply SWIFT « CO.. K a a m r n r J.

i&oed. A^s

AMB£^MA[D—Wanted, experlaooad oham« barmaia at Hotel Alvord, 1ft South Qintra

et., Eaat Orange.CaKv a m s r s —Womoq te eanvaot for flrat-

Qtoaa photogranh atudJe; Ana opportunity ta right party- SOLTOUNG, 9S$ Broad at., Naw-• rk.CHILD’S NURBSI—Wanted, eempewcit infant

nurse ter two children. Call 249 Mt Proa pact ava,, Tburaday and Friday, from ft to ft.CKAMBBRMAJD — Compatant chambermaid

and waltreaa (white); rafetaacea raqulfod. Apply at 1C7 Harrlaon at.. East Oranga.CHAKBSRAIAID and laqculTtaa wbJt*. a >-

yiy any evening, 384 BaUoatlo* parkwayi taka Mt Proqp*ot car; oaifare paid.PRBBBMAKBRS—Wanted, •» «j

akirt end waiet hand; ate* Improv p*y. Apply 49 Church e t, M o n t^ r .

exportoaoedpvoa; taHDRESSMAEJKQ—Aftpraotioe, liapium i

expariancod hand. 13 Myrtle ave.FBIMALB roaidante of the olty of Nowark wte

ate uoamployad may ragiater, fra* of ehana, at tha olty a free employmant offloa in tha rity hall, a w x bulldlni, oa FraukUn a t Th* M unlol^ Buraax of BiupteyaMnt, olty ball.

POLTSHKRS—Ktxparlenoed poliahara on gold rlnga. Apply JONES A WOODLAND m

4 Oardtn e tHJB—— TMMW.A.AH M, Mn, ■■uum cnir, Ol

gowna, eomblnationi and ailpa; ateady work good pay. Acme Noralty Co.. T2 Marthaii a t

IBBONERS, axamlnara, ugarlanced only, on




IN TH B ____OLQiAK a n d R J tr



—, — ,A.Mvi4»us4;. yanningroa at. ilepAliwtH. CARTHBUfiER, Box ftt, OteDga, '

Ri™rOT Sr.7 iCi".Vb%."Cahpent^ fiTAt-elAiA. nntA Jobblnii »ork

WOOD, 4 Rivorald* ava.cheap.

ohAnlt AK^In, lincIlAh aoO Fronoh fluintly, •dooAtlu, AxuulTA AOVomobll, Iiiieri- ahm, iTAVAled on contln«nt, do,. All mboIm otwn for iliuAtlon. AildMA* A.. 1# Wait»ii it.DIH’QS—Junior. Chriatian. axparianced, optik-

Ing Mvora> ianguagaa. wlshto poaltlan. Ad* draiM Drug*. BpxM, New* office.

^ORK—Poaltlon wantad; axparlanced’ in ail branrhaa of farm work; tnarriad. Ad-'

dteti GEORG hJ BURK, car* of Philip Kaar'-tj»y, Morriitowit N. J. v r ^CARDENERS—Traa*. ahruh*, pianta furelahad

and plenty. ItWM. put in^ordaf and aartd for by pmcUckl fardanera. Addreaa rTj . Su L- yVAN, Noira Seed Store, lift Mulberry. Thon* 45T9 Market.Ca r d e n e r . exp;oFw.Mu"aA'rdSa;'F^.’ S ra r ) i i? ^ .s ^N. J

ja n it o r wlahea a peatriod; aair do all ra- t paira; t*n yaera’ axpariano* ip ateam heat- \

ed apartment; beat rafaranoaa. Addraaa by letter only. Box ft. TBAQER'ft Adv. Agency, Eait Orange.KAN, handy, wlahaa poritien. all faotory re­

pair*. angina*, pump*, maoblnery, alea- irictan and alaamflitlng; Kty or eountry, & MANAKER. Box 3, Avanel, N. J.Man with twelve yeara' exparlenoa a t botch

*’ bualneea, wlahea poalttoiiu A 'icDONALD, 14ft Paobaylvaoia aw*.drata j.

MAN. married, wiaba# farm warik, gar4*nkUi care of grntlaraan'a place; (we ^ rd re a : r« -

eranca. Farmer. G7ft Springfield ave, ‘KAN—Employment wanted doing any

Inf Ida work; married and reliable. Wil'ing, Box ftft. Nawa offlea. 1 5Id of

MAX. marrlad: no ^lldran, *« teamotaft on H‘ntleman’a ptaoa; four yaara’ rtferano*. v B,

BHadIaEY. Calrtwall. ^man, oompatant. wlahea work houaacteanlj

by the day. B. ROBS. 642 North Sixth itPMEN—‘tbeo raapeelable colored man daitra i

ateady work. 188 iouth Fourtaanth at apartment 12.m ach in ist wlahaa poaition In oinait meeMt

•hop or repair deoartniabt of fketnry. Addrei* THOMAS J. PARHE." ......... ‘ “Pateraon, N. J.

MUHUh va lAViury, Ayl-ICI^ lU Uarshait atl

MachintbT, nrat eloM, wanta soti auto garagt; good rafaranoaa. Addr

ehinlat, Box 80, Nawa office.itltion Irl■aaa Ma-'

OFFICE MAN—Ehcpariancad ganaral effio*man. book-kaapar, ate., daxlraa worn ef any

kind. Addroit Q. iL.^Box ftft, Newa effioa.atBHBdttar, llcoaoed, want#PLUMBER and sauwotiu, wuw

work; owner furnlah material; work guaraa- taed; dty or ooubtry, Addrooi Plumbar, Box

Newa office.




fMtorr wo*R; muat ba f ilin g W a ^ on opaoiai Singer maohlna; ^ptm ora living with pajwnta prefarred. Call

^ ofetoek Saturday altamoCQ emy. 846 Talley at., near Jefrartoa av#.. South m n g a i Maplewood ear. South Grange ave. line,

HEN—Ai large tnatal tnent funUture atara wHlraealv* u p i ic a t l^ .for poaltlona tn avarybranch of the bui’—^ ■"’ 1 ••''•.bUflnaae; aH applioanta moot b*

oompatant and aoma wail reootnmandad: Brat- cinaa oateriei and Ateady BaalUotia ta AI mam Addreaa Furniture, Box R New* olBo*.

mKEN wanted tar government pewtlonai month; annual vacatloni; ehort taoun; do

l*y-ofre: common education aufflclant; 18 000 eppolntmente coming ihia year; influence ucnecenaary; send portal for llet of poaltlona opao. Franklin Inetlima. Dapt. 304-E Rocheetar.N.T.MEN—Tha Automobile Bohool. Newark Y, M.V-r . ,.,w ,»„iwiiiuu4iw P4HJMII. «cwarx x, n .

C. A., offara unuaual opportnnltlei for pmo- Uoal Inatruotion; next efau bagina April lOi ^ ^booklet. H. i . TOWNKCND. lOT Hal-

MEN—1 node tOO.000 in five yaara with order bualneea; btgaa with tft; aand for free

booklet HBACQCH. ftMQ Lockport, N. T.lAA* plumbing, plaalaring or

bricklaying tn three month*; poaltfen* aacured; atelogue free. Great Eaitam Trade BohooL BO EaA Thlrty-aacond a t, New York City.

b ra ss UOIDEIR for general woik. Jelim ava. Apply £30

Main Lina trotlay route, fare ft cema: tiot a ateok oompaoy; monay apant lb lttprnv*«*au; beautiful saclion racantly laid out; perraanoat core on lawn plot and lawn creat lota; ooih

Paymania. Addreai RENRT M, l o o k e r , Supertmandeat. Elltabath, N. J,

r id g e CEMETERT-Hlwmfiaid; t#L 1846J Blocmfiald; four and alx grtvaa. MB upi

otagla g m v ^ adult*, 81A Tratiafar from any oat from Newark to erooetown oar, BloemflaMLAAUNOTOH CTMKT13HT. ARUHOTOH. S . J

'Pbon, IT. Tnlt, K iin ij o*ri to AfHnjto* O4pot. thonc, a n mlnatM' wolli to oomolMy.


Let ua tetaraat. you In our otyie^*' MONUMENTS.

MDWARD J. K13L1NQ JR. R 00. Cantml ava. at South Elaverub sL

Paalgnere of the Bellar Cla*# of WoiR, Pali, writ* or telephone B743R. Market

A.auiuv«*, frlanda. Peur Cuopar •““Oil l * O f ' o.otl, A. M-; lh» Nf^irk Police Prof-—**-—


Trotw ttro Atooeliitlnn unj Iho ■, Mlol^ok Skvlni Club, art klmlly ln«lt«i to

T»4 tun in l a ^ c o o ot tho rvaKfonM ot hi. tr, Honn. Rtnrlelb, 33 Ju u b «r«L on

_ _o«'^SLu l•‘ * ■ *’■ "■‘" “““I *“'*11. C“»r-M ta Elate fbaa Paracli). beloved wife of Pted-

•tok L. Ryareoit Nottc* of’ unermJ hateafiar, —-^ p r—Enlarad into raat on April ft.

t^l<rr*d huabnnl of the W* tte itahnildt. Rciativos and frteudj ara

invltad to ailand (he funeral ■ervli.'e •* rija People'* Burial Ooaw

..3M) Brood ftreat >x[d l; lgnth avenue, onfrom tha pau-lor^.. „

_ _____\ Cemata^.

SJ Ct.‘" ; l« “ ■ ^ Ib o t, niiwrlntm- OlV HoiplUil .cod 40 y.ufO. W n ^ w T lI b, h .li Ol 8t. finrn.b.. Bp™ oapel Chureh. comer Worrea atreet «nd •ax avanua, on Saturday. April 8 ai to * wFriepda may view th* ramUna, m their apari-

to the CHy HoapiloJ, after 4 P M •e-day. Intarinfai private. 'TOUQHLiIN—At Montololr, N. J,. en wviinfi*-

Daalgtiara and K*nufacturer* at UONUHENTB, ....... ................— KAIJ80LEUM9 AND g e n e r a l rEMBTBRT WORK IN QRAKITE, MARHLE AND BTONB.

870-874 Balievill* ave.Opppoita amraaoa to Ml. plegagat Cunatagf.

LOSTBROOCKpLoetb an Clinton dloiQond brooch; raword Halaay at., city.

ar Brood ear, a if ratumed to 47

CHATELAINE RAG-lx^t, on Ferry #t.j to Morkai at. Depot,rarry #t„ to uarkai at. Depot, or on C<

*va. oar, Tburaday p, M., chatelaine liog, talhlhg glaaaaa and other roluablaa Rawe.rd If ratumed to 8ft Jarfereon *1.

Jaffareon . . or on Central

to 8fi Jaffereon *1.

T<«iirtl_ _______ ____^ Invltad to^'ittand funeral “fWta*h«ri 7 tt: ' ..4T4-TO w BALviig xunrroi rrota h«r

15April 8, ot 8 ^ A M., tbino* to Clmtrh or Um ColMpttoo. wher. . golmm h | ^

iUM Of R o q i ^ will bo olT.rwl for th. mj« „”u i.rcS S o p t'.sr* “ “Aj2?iT^n®l.‘S!S

tfi* “ to JoooBh To»fl^,. i r i

- M -roaidenoa etreat. on Monday \Dfti« .t thanca to St PajAnlc'a

ot-XFMIUCUOB ,rVM10. at T;ftuCatbadroJ, whtte a farad for th * ^ the Geowterv

r i Poirlclc'i of HeqoUni wllTbafaradVAN

• WA MAIII IB-- — Koiy Bepuiohre.

VORB^At _ N orth^T el^iu^ Wioh.,* FUT TWAOA-’ M.I' C<»wnA F*»Wtl«April l . i f t l l , Mtoe AiMtta Von V oj^ douxli- tar of ^ late Jaoob and Oatheriaa E V aj:HiOIVOlA —---- * A ■ M ll On A . . . —Vom. rwaoroJ Mrrlooa will bo bold fliturdS a™.. « . . . . . . __AftemMo, Ajirt) i 0^1146 tfoioib

i*B**J*' J. IntorraimAt 4 P. IL, In Cm »» lAwn Ctm iurj, Potw-

h .of H.1 tbo MiwlciAi*' 1 . _\ *’!? .9 * !?*%. T h to ,^ OrobootTA On

i^s‘r < M r s a * 1 1 4 1 ^^ .0 ^ 'a r^ ^?.s,*ssrb-will ba oltarad for the rtpoa* of hie a m r * ^ tetmoot t i the Oenaatery ef th* Holy 8*Fwtehre.

.''YU'LIXMI—guddiDly, bla hema loaf t n r r k ^ s i i s a l .HlWiAAMb .. »l .. ■ ■ a OWH Ig i t

eervicaa private.

REQU1B3I4 MASSMoimitXA—A HMuioiti Mom wHl bo oR,r«4—. . . .I ll oo ajr,r*d

o« John MoKtoha .* •2 '. “ “ • M . *t “I.Itolnttvoa ond ifrlondn pro ro.

CUFF BUTTON—lAot, link obH button, wltb ••‘' “in rowurd. H. A BAIltD,188 Mnrkot ot.

DOa loot; fo» bound I biAjk ond ring_ around neck; while marka toei wkdW

I on head;l lb e ^ reward will b* ^vrn for gjiy^-------. . . . . vw Imatlon or for raium u> orniar. J. ®j BBCK. 71 Wmiam at.. Emit Omnga.DOl—fftrayed or itojan, (

haired dog, with whita no**: plaaaa ratum and ward. Vno**; pl*a«* return an. «.

ZUBLtat 20 Clinton gt.

amall yallow, kanao head and haff piui racatra a liberal re-

lid.and White;- _ ———o wo M T. .. WM8MV.

turn, no ou.itloni uMiM: roword, 8,18 >1,ETB-OLABSmt—Loot, Ttanndnj, nbwt noon. inV'o 'J '-k ln w * . tMtwoon 608 ^roST rt. u d lOB Ppnico , 1.. Vl» ML ProopMt u r . « “ a M^no'o Iton. IMnd.r wtl! bo rowmrd.d trr TToV^rly"^* at 109 Unryoo or 027 *»h#no.

BU8HIILMBN—Tbroo food bo4ho1mu for ^ t - urdoj. Applr OSO. WATSON A CO,. 7u3

Broad u .B'IBHFLMAN woaud.

118 Morkot fL tM tid ciolbhia Ca ,

BI'SHBLiMAM wontod. work, •8 Now oLi Mondj


FOR TOUNO MIDM' ATL-------- -- ^owVIKitHJaH scuoaL oit bi

" JB.ORavr ATU

TSA m BRO.t ^ o *>Ao"«r.


CDBIIK for ofBol of lu fo nuotbolurlnw oono PAU, (nrdonw tor private famll, work, *al

•TT br wook, woUor tor hotol. order oook.— f r.wrwu. oTbVA kwi utj w, oruor OWK,oyitar man, aJee lunohman, for eafe at ottca; utafulman for bakery, driver for (aam, butler, private family. n*at Mngla eolored man; porter for llQUOr bualneaa, atabtamon for llv*ry buxl- nau, handyman, carpenter tool*, do aeme point­ing. etc-: pantry man, helper on wagon for country atore; cither voycanclri. Oertnaa-Amerl- can Aey. M Oeday gt. buataat ogatioy In N. J.CANTASSniH—ExperiMtoed home lm ticiuaa eoit-

yoaaar on caaa and ooffaaai itamdy work for ■obet, tnduatrioua non; non* other* need apply: commiaaioD boaia. Addraa* Canvooa Box da Newa office.CAJrVv^BERB ter Full Foahlonad and S a ^

laaa Ouarantead Koilary; go<kl pay. Coll 10 to 12, Room ftOft Firamon'a Bldg.oanVa s s e m womadj

bo bou*e-to-houaaODLUeCTOR woBM

; auody plae'clcok t»-i

ssT w irir’

k e n wantad ftvr govammant poaltiona; |M month; write for Hat of poaltlona open. Fronk-

lln Iitotltuta. Dept. 30B-K, RcMJbeatar. N. T.MEN wonted to aaU cvir houiatiold ortiolat big

ootomiaflon. C. BRUNfl. flit Bpringfleld ava.KAN, ooiorad, to make himaalf genarally

uaeful all around th* houaa; muit undantand hew to taka car* of lawn and furnace; r«f- f^^nca raquirad. 798 South Tenth a t. aaa. MadiMD ave,MAN—Wanted, ( able-bodied m U for boitnng-

— Uall Newark Miili and Ciwtm O ,, 3Broom. Brtdxe ftKAN wanted to taka care ef tw*

191 LIttlatop ava. Apply. Kaworfe wiaeMALE leiidenta of the oMy et wm

^ v m m f im , toe* of Ohorfe,g £ jb s : '\ ‘b i r b T s a r t iNewark, N. J.

---- Th#Miy hoR.lUOHINlfrr—WaAtod, ox afl-aeUQd maohtntet;

'• " flnrt-etei, niMhlB- lite; ftndy work. Applji N»w J«w ij Vud- lite MkchiM Oo„ p|,UnSM8. W, J , ^ ^

*-o J*™* wklte m n i food ^ilgera^ no farming; xoca wogaa te rightiJiuxan, no farming; rood wo. party, ftft Unton ava.. Balieei]]*,P R & S n i^ , axpertobcad. wonted oq plotter

QIRD wutwf te u f l it In offle* ol w Ikrnttan iteiwi rood (tewl]' p lu s to rlth t P«rtr; lUte

u lkry WMtU, which mu»t b. tnoderiite to oom- m.iK, with. AddlwH Bow 10, Nwwa offlSra i l ^ not » « 18 y u « , te lu m iwwtlrp pol-

iahinf. Ate y Saturday W ort 11 a. ^ a ^ A l f k (i&: Mt. BtoM teTSa ^ r t h ovSL'OntldS to help dreoiniAkart BMjit W ol

iiw ; Ift^^ond dinner; hour* ft A, U. F. M, 20ft Chootnul at., olty.

4* to to ft

QlRIr—Qermaa girt, latKy landed, to take eoia of baby in oountry; inodanA* wage*. Addraoo

Country, Box 7fl New* officeGlRLS-^TuiX) Id glrJi;

work. Tha Pena Fa' and Hamilton eU.

^ o g w : ateadyI CM,, MeWbortar

®towian-Amarloan girl far mq.• Ml 08«te* -..-A- ^anil offiea work F. 0. Box 4ftS.

wtoitad for a p ^ n g and general houee-ftT ^D ooi of twas naaat alaan at home.

OIRL wanted to aoelai tn bakaTTbiUiKERMAN AUOBN9TEI>rS 1 tardon a t tary. 106 Hua-

Appir HI

QIHD W»j)t4d, uperionotd Id Mod poarl tWiiw- Ins. D4.T. CI.jGiK, * ,c a , SI M mh J i m T

aiRLa wuilcd to woOk In InokbIndHT. JACOBS. 343 Mukot ot, lop Boor.

a n u u wanted; IKtlo Mrl te Uko own of itoek.V. M. BEST, 38 tfal9» o l ^

QIRL waotod te bolp LOACH, S3 OHoaoi ot. UM.

HOUBKWORK-JHrt or m W lo o<fo8 woman foe oonaral houMwork; throa In famllj: not

nocoaaarr to bo a ooofe: on* wtllino to aaclot with «oTtn-tnonth4ld bobr profoorodj nf*r- OBCO rOdUlrod, Applj f l Ballwin avaHOUSBH’ORK—FlrotHtteM woman for nearal

bouoowork; omall famtlri Iw d homo ond tep waSfo for a Iham itilir eorapotont woman. M l K ^ j or Batordar aftonooo ostp. 4» Con teal awa, Onnoa.

\ ULHBWOMBH.t, b r b o u ir b t h o r o u o h l t

FERIBNCaD BALBSWUMBN INBX.OURr n A i v f A a v t r u a a w r i in uiir

s u it , s k ir t a n d co a t d e p a r t -MBNTB; TO THOBB WHO QUAUTT HlOH SALARIES AND PBRMANBKT POSITIONS.





BALmwoUlM wanted fw 1 rult do-'Utninod ■ r ? f c m . ' n L

PBRLMUTTBH B, itft tod ITT Nawaik ave. Jaraey City.jpprwttteo. wanted. BUST

FAINTING, popar-hanilng; flral-claaa woi guorantaad at very reajonahla ftrleee. JAFF!

78 Uonmouth at.FAINTING—Flret-oloja p^ar-hoiiflng Jnnai

raaionabla; beat work guaranteed. KClsfl,' 82 Proapeet piPAIKTBR-PAPBR-HANOBR wanta work, day

or rolL SHERMAN, Ift4 Ltvlngatofl a tTHE Municipal Bureau of BmpleymeDt ot th*

city of Newark, N. J., rumlahea male and femal* amploya* fra* of charge; we InveotlgatadKte - — o - M# m il oaAoodApMMAD FlOUr#• «U4|/4upwte SJ w vs W« iiiWSlB*kathe record* of all reglaterad amploya. Hour* for mOo 9 A. M. to 19 noon. Th* Hunlclpai Bureau of Ktnploynaent, city hall, annex bund-<


Ing. on fVankUn i t , NewarkWATCHMAN—A reapactable, abeotutely honaat,

•ober and truatworthy middle-aged married man wlahaa amploynient aa night watchmatii have baan In ioat ploc* 12 year*, but *i pree- aht oat ef araploymant; my recommendallona are open for parson&i lavaatlgatlon. 11. H., Mft Bummer ave.. city.

\WATCHMAN—Wont pceltion ai watohmanj

Iteady, reliable; pooltfon muat be permanent with fair pay. Addreoa Watobmao, Box 1ft, New* effle*.WORK-JOHN TAILOR. TO Bualex avo.p

wanta work cleaning ru n , wiadew* and gar­dening.WORK wanted, night Brifarred. A. ALLSK*imer“419 Central av*.. Hameon.TOUNO Ma n , 27, haa honnrabla dlacborgi

from United State* Cavalry; g i^ worker handy with toola; wlahea pocUlon on ger* '* man'* place, or faotory. AddroH CRUiT,Ann et.. Newark.


TOUNG HAN—Beginner, AI rcferencea aa ta] ohorenter, *te.j undiratanda ahorthand


rOR LONO, BUST SEASON. A. D gUROBSaHTR * CO.. 108 WEST ELEVENTH BT.. COR. jBtXTH AVB., HEW YORKWOMAN—Soivt, btwIiMte-nite woraan, wilUiu

te work for kood pay, for work About oltyand auburba; Ready work. ---- ~ "*Tft, Nawa offlea. Addreaa E., Box

W01UPf<-EaTn Wg maney decorating poet- oardt; dim* brioga package beautiful aam-

^^jcuioim. American Card Co.. B ut

WOMAN for waahjM. to take boma. Blooo^ld; (oEa bloomflald aaia t, uiovai

eaaomg avo.12 Grave te Wat-

WUsLOWEBS ofid leamara. ax ad, to work on faatbera. Ar~

fornla Oitrteb Feathar Co.. ‘Janced, want- a t onoa. Ckll-

Broca at.WArrRBBS--FtTat-oJaM. exp erlan ^ waltoaaa

for rtotaurmnt 61 Haleay at., city.TOUNO WOMAN^^Tt poyi batter to be a book-

kaaper than work In a fantory; 23. SO itorta you with private avanlng lan o u . DEIMAREST. tooountant. 34 Miller at.TOUNO WOU^y wonted to eater ttrraa yaara*

Muroa of training for ntnwea. Apply paraon- oily, aanatortum, W» High a t, Kewark.

o o ^ womu tai S te n n m w w o rk i th w ^ u lte t rM .m o.; n u if b* seo4 nttes Xnqulr* b»ll b«y. AJdm. .pkrtBMnt. 1 b ird j tt.

I lurweoak.Lem-

KOUB_. general —

wagaa Apply ______wood av*,. Boat Orange,__Ptete. B w

HOUSHWORK-HTmt girt t t r hosw.-v™. 1“ fkmlty of four- without Wtehin.;

brln* rtfmncM . MRS. SQUIBB, SI NoiU Pki-kwAy. E«« Otabs*.

PAPER-HA. HATERS w uiid; mly SrM.(itu4 hMd» Btei mpply. JOHN SHTLAa, SIS Atobav*.. near Twuty-flrat r .

c ju j t t im ia J N BRogs,Beaubolr av*., fturomli,PAINTERS wontafti

Ferry at. twa WOfM golstara t l 8

POItTgR wantad »t lift TPi^ing*vw a t

tar a furniture tnotai- laea to right man. Ap-

to DWTBR A B29-Mft Fiona at., near Uorkat et.tnent houaai

OOisLSkTTtHl—Wonted, axpariwicad eoltaotori ba good live man; only axparienoM

»wly. At a ». KI-^ATa 11-17 North Main at.. Pataraon, N. J.CTiElANE^Z-^ret-elaaa alaonar onf pteMBT on—A-4IW8-VIMW w«Mi«r MB preoaar od

man a and woman'a alotbei; good poattlon far workman, iOoit Ovang* A w fgood we

Main et. Boot Oe^gw ling Co,, M

BTBOLABaES—Loei, gold oyagloagaa #•Tburaday afternrjoa, batwaasi 867 Brood at

and Peiijr’a Phormaayi reword if vMnmad to above oddraae.^ lodlaa’ waiting mom,

HuhnWa atare, block paiant-lealbar hMid tag containing turn of money. Finder kindly ro- N™ HOBBRTS. H?IIbu^S,

•* .»l™l' b« ™ 8 Morton*iNNE^ “Bo.s-NE 'i vif«’V t;;rw .'o teS ;Bor(*n , t

btokdtellw * " FSndir' wHl b*lultk '^y r,w urd,d by n tu tn lna to SB FrwBUl

el.. Orange, N. J.PIN--Lort, M tetef Item Hl»b « C tntm l te

I® * • * PArk. to Coatrt Jlnrhot•ntelj blAck^oT^ pii, ntWD i•uilkblt rawA

«t CHntm Bwa.. poskM allda tula In laatbar onaa. Ptaaaa ratum £ SO Traney aw.; nward.lUN—lAfti batwaaB tba bank anS

pont^ca. eor. A^naton ava, and Valti at ^ *"'* teteuolaa waitob plii'ktteohad to a. 1*0* tebot; aultabla rawai^ iS l

b* »te«n If ratumad (o 37 Kortb ArllB*aM Eaat Qrongg,

Ridgewood nMd, .comer Luddlngton roMa tef wium or lnfo™ tic™ it ^nrkaklre terrier, dioappaarad mmwbk *ft. _


CLBRICIAI.—Prtmte artnlnf luaana n a nwhich mnka you axpait book-kMoar ta ati

waoka; D.W atute yoii. DEMA"'-----couniABt. 34 Millar at.COAt m a k b R—F lT*b-o1*aa aoatmakar

h u a h a li^ wonted; aUody work; good i 3TI Korib ftavanth at.cnav --W aitt|^ Whitai axpartanao.

Bide Okva., Wogt Oranga. 1ft

CI/>nnNG BOlaaTnaa womad. ViUtod OloflSne To.. 118 Markat at,d r iv e r —lUrrlad raon m drive toorOa wba

can plow; only fobara InduaiHcua man n««d apply; ataody poeltloo; fair wage*. Call 253Un*— ----- —ava.. Irvington.DRIVER for (Tooar tiT CIlatoB Hill •aotloaT

with aoma trade prefan^. addriaa Rmr*F. ancai. Boa tld. Nawi offlo*.DRJVEA—Wonted, white moh, to ftriva and M

stable work. Call atobK 16| Narth Arlln?ton ova., Eloat Oranga.DRUG CLBRK-^od axpari*nft*d at

once: aiat* *xp*ri«ica, rafaraaoa, age and nU ry axpacted. Addrea RaUablo,Nawa offioe, ^DRUG CLEZRK; raglatarad with rtrat-oUtta aji • ager, Box 83. Nrwi a!DTBHWASHEtt uantad.

Harrtaon. Tfift Itoitk Fewtk 01ELECTRiriAN warned; man eapohla of wtnd-........itmii oBsiMu* „

Lng ormaturcB and doing ganerol repotr work — motor* and geuratera. ^ p iy ^ lettw.Atlantio Terra Cotta Co., Partb Amboy, N. j! ESinMATOIt wanted, axparlanoad, roiT~ho^

rtfarmwaa and atata aalarr > P. 0. Box ftT, niaobatlf

mill work: gi axpaetad, Addi K. J.FILE h a r d e n e r and machine flia enttor

vant4Nfi. Ceionlal Pile Co., Naponeat. Mama.FINISKEI^Good molding ffntiiher

Addrau Fletur* Frama, Bo* 89, Nawa offlea.wonted.

S SMS BorlM, !


L. S. FLAUT S oik, * « n M TM*'

HOUSEWORK—Olrt WBBteS fw rPBWfcl htnu*- work; futtlly of twdi food w u h to cm -

potent (irt: olty nfteteM n sn in d . SIS BMteUlllO kVABOUSEWORK-Otel I

muat know bow te Tory load OBlwy. T. •t-. olty.

br m m ] hopHwork: 0 ^ 1 tbrw In timnyj

M. WUT, 38

HorsBW qRK-W Mted, oxpoHiaMS atrl for konm l h o u u w n ^ without WBBhlnc n n ^

temllyi roftTHMA II South MBpIo «vV. ElMt Orange.HOU81TWOII1C—Temig girl wmntad for gaiMrol

houaawork and oaalat with oara cf two chil­dren. MRS. ARTHUM SCHMITP. ftl iSllIng. ton ava ^HonsHrvroiix-

der U ; M wv two In famBy. ovaHOUtnewORK—ChaTEme gtrl ar woman farVidtllMAhmwiWlr ■ mBwALva. __W...T.AAvuDOTTWi-MBMI JIHMMOT nTTI WL _____

houoawork; woahlng, troniiiff i» ooeklitg (Mil botwtoa S-11. At tol BouUi ThMoontb u .

■AM W W f-W tateS. IM BMM MhliiteK to wort «■ otto of Ibo bto4£www u d «oot

widoty Bdywu.d doTolopmmu Tn Nwr Jor- oey; oior Uuco who eon prodnoo roiulto nood Bpplyj !lbo»i propooltioo te rttbt ponioa; write or okH for full luformAtka but taorBltir i,»-

*■ FEIBLBMAN a com- PAWYi TW Brood iL. NowMk. H. J.SAIJUnolun (olothlDB)-^T« oiteB olothlnr

u lM m n tn our inon’o rBlt dtpArtinent for ■otnrdBy Bftemooi, ond rroDfan, ooiaoii' ,w ^ KABKBR OotIUtiBS O i7 » l-M 3 Mu^ kat at.SALESMAN—Ctyor MitoiBUli 404 thorouEbte

apwtenood In rotall cls4r onTtelwnoo buiU *2°^ optaln* for right nwn. Addroii Clfor, Boy 47, Ntwi offlot.

SALESMEN wanted, nf oblHty for Una ot lu p l . soodi Mid te ceomraer: tenne raoHn.

« la ; good oompaniatlon. 0. F. ADAMS. 38 Market ft.SALBSMBtN—Enarfatia wanted at"iwtunlty. Ste MRrPBT- T W ^IL U lAtBPlay. S-u, ram IS. Its Mar- kat at.SALMIbMAN waatedt mowi anpotioDoad IB tho

Addraaa Steady,wui-plutor line. Nowa offkA Bo* 81.

(™n), who undontandi ■ ‘ hou* offlea work, wonted ot o m.nu- “ "®*T About twobty S.'** fTW Nrwork; ptmteneet poalUoD for

Uw rtgbl won; atote ogo, txpwlanoo. ooloiy wBtad. Parmonont. Box 37, Nrwo o f f lo o .^ ^•T lto tW F U ^B R wonted: oiolo atonogiwphar

jo b tr ond jndua-»uat bt aobar and todi triema. Addraat Btano, Box 90. Newa offiea.S^JCITOR and r*prvji*oUtlVA og* 30 to 24'

jropoiltlon. permanant: muat ba loj3 .

•hraooiporlrnood aolteb, tort. r n o ^ iM If yjn, , . ,1, .jj ^Prudential buttdlng, Newark, N, j,aulta,

*^2 ?haA^Mm**^® _^ND-To«ng intn who

Ob ladlea* and ganta* altam- h^l2 * a e ' ' a t a o d y werS. Ift P ig ^ ■vyftt itaf aortiar Penuyivapia

HOUftEWORH-Wontad, ganaral boueawerk In am

euca required.Oompatant maJd for

_ email family; refer- Hoiatad tt.. Beat Drang*.

TOUNO G IIU ^B rlgkl young gtrii wnnUft, Apply The LAtBLIN CO.. 10 Longworth at., city.

HELP WAflTg)-MKN AND WOMXNANT tateUlgal p o m nuy oatn m l rteadyporttoOlM addraaa P re a Oerraapniidaoa* B«* reaUg Waanlnghm. P. tX_________ ^CANVA8flER^-Men ef woman: ateadmvu VT wamVDi ■«d.g*^^i®^“ *“ * «ftT«»amehl; aaiary. „ 21 Ookwood ave., rw f Main a t , Onmga.■Lk'S?;CpUPLB~-Vyanted, ootored man and wtfa oa

ui’Lw*"** rasulfad. Applyew jrign at.boyg XteBtod ot It.

dUMBBRMAJDB ond boll Woroita Hotel, SKI Brosd

COOK wooteS. ten. KWr Sprlngflold sro., HvIb#.

Oi y c IiHY CLEIUC—WbBt.8. apteteueod gro- -**■*■. ----- — oa oublar. J, TAPPER,olorti olao(htiUo aL,

S iS ! ? ’» tell ™ • ' ' ? Of buMnatapoylng yau KD por oont. profit: M te H par dor: city or oountry ; aatebtlahod ISM

u4t«uMUboi, vw., luguMtausDUB •noruiana am lypewrltlng, wlebre potltlon aa clerk or offle, aaelatant. Clerk, M WhUtlcMy. ave,, Weefl Urtnge^_______YOUNG MAN (24) iuliabla, ateady, wiihaa po **

HUion aa hardware clerk; five yeara' expert-


eiioe; beat reference; ■ome'' iJnow'ledge** pluTiibIng. AddreM Hardware, Box 74, Newa offloe.YOUNG MAN, experienced, wlahea poeltloQ oa

■tenegrapher and clerk; can fumlrii beat of referenoaa, Addreae Clerk, Box 86, Nawa offlee.young man wlahaa pMUtlon In grocery; boa

Ihrae yeaxa' experience; can furnlah beat raf- ereacaa, Addreaa Grocery. Box^O, Newa office.TOUNO MAN. fireman, wUhei poalUon;

aaven yeura’ experience; beat referencea. dr**> W. MARKOW, 194 New York av#,


TOUNO KAN, aged 20, wanta work at eimeat anything; exiMrlence>d clerk and driver. Ad-

dttoe Hoaeat, Box 07. News office.TOUNO MAN (18) wlahea general office work,

with aietiography; moderate eatary. Addreaa Advancement, Box 37, Newa offlea.YOUNG colored man wiahea poalticn aa coach­

man or anything. Addreae JES8E BTEW- ART, 108 Maple ava., Montclair.TOUNG MAN atrong, wlahea any

I. RUDOtJr TEClX m Plfleenthof woiii. kindave.

TOUNG m an , colored, wlahea poallion bb waiter. B8 Jonea at., Sett Orange.

TOUNO HAN want* poalllon In factory. drtiB FViclory. Box 13. Nawa offlee.

YOUNG HAN (19>; aiiy kind of work, draei Ueaful, w x 14, Nawe offle*.

TOUNO COLORED man wanta poaltlos Oa M ^or. Write 14m Beyden at.


lU N and wlfa wantad to divide


work ol__ w—wuuw vraug bB*t300 South Mnttntain av*.,

HOUSEWORK-TroBtodL noo i eopabt* gtrt to do light houMwoTk ao»>balf of ooob dayi m

cooking. 449 William at., Eaat OrangeHOUSEWOKK-Neot yotttig ffrt to help wHli

light hoiiaawmk; good bom* for right party. Inquire 896 Badger ayOb. lot floor, olty.HOUaBWORRte-Wklt* gli

houae; tbra* In fomllj^ lift. 178 Aoodamy wL, m

Irt for general houaa-

A C C O ^W O by Certified im g ixudltoo, iyatonmU*o4,^sknua- ^llnne. L.oit •yetema^ook-kvepen furtSehed

for tompomry ooeoatona. Cmr auaelilty, l^nthly eupervialoB. (X>NBTAM[ AUDR COMPANY, eatabll^ed 18»®, Raferenua, lOlTJ S S k l ^ * building; Ulepbao#

HOU0 B WORJC—Wanted, a girt 1hmiaawoik; imol) famflyt good

South HInateeath to,, Eool Onaiga.

7j no wiablag; wogea Beutk Oranga

HOU8SWCRK-Oirt or middle rwblta), for light hottaawo^

av*.. gpp. MlUar a t, olty. tlaobeilL

HOUftEWORK—Young glrb f tv n g obd neat to aeelet with bonaawofk. Can TI S p n l^ u . .

Eaai Oranft*; Central ear.KOUflEWORlC—Com ^ani

two; moat apei^ ^gllak . vtow 4v*., Booth O m n^

gtrt to! tamliBdotau «ft rUt*

HOUSHWOfUC—Woatnd, good girl g a n m hpuaewoik; no waahlbg; eoU S iM ite n m - lng. 183 Brood at.j olty.

HOUSirWOltKr-Tonng girl.v w I.,au ry WteteSRT—S> VBU4 WHSMV to ^*(#1with bouaawert: ateap baaiwi aBMlI fBBltyVM

adulU. 484 Hlfb I tHOUBBWORK-fHri te BMkal aaHh h m a m r t

IB family of (hraa aSaHt, »a itaablas. IBdliland aaa. ’H o u s ^ o R K —te k s te l. n u a ff sW te av ls t

HOUBBTWORK—Tovtag gtrt wnntaft to na — t teaap M boa*.

HOUWrOfUt-GI work In — " '

Eiavantb iHtl wairt nooltF. Aptdr 130 South

HOUSMWOIIK-Oirt far refervneea reqatreS, Cal)

Orange. I

RpUSBWURX—WaBted, a1,l bDBaawork. IS South ArflT* Otaas*.

for (I tnsteai a n ..

HpUSBWORIt^^yeaa nltebla s(rt totbauanMtoW rvii

booki opanad and cloae^ audltad, lyetomotliad; Invaatlfotlona

e^aglamwiU odjuatad; financial •totemants; erdar ayttama; fpeolol arrangemanta for momh>>ly aupervtaion and periodica' — -■-------rtoaonobla. O. LAKOGAAR lalaphona iftlT Markat.

Icai audlt^ ehi^ea lRD, ftift Bread a tj

■. It unB ela^ad dionthty;r ----- lloaily; oorporatioa booka (toaoMa; ncr-

M uotlu ayateina toatallad or prenani mathodi Mtopltflefl: opaclal odvlo* g tv a to Inoreoat fko-inrV ■ffliHvAnv te ruS tbnuaJi M. jnZ-T *'i- — - ---- -w.,afflelcaey and promoto gaaeroi aooiHiay, Addraaa Acoouniant, Box IS, Nawa offioaBpOK-KEEPBnR—Bxpert! taka full charge ef

not employing atetdx book*ai'^. UfFv—*1*uMs , Mwv mil cnarge ecbeeka for Srma not aanployint ateady b ^ >

kaapor: monthly npantotea and trial bnlanoi: tatetylamonte adjuted. iMka oponod ani bT V h^ ' J ! ? ^ Xsdrate 0 ,mpM«,l,

KTSTSa^S **"BOOX-KESlri^ib-Too&g toon capable ef taj^ — book#; rafarano* fumiabed. FlUNK PAUL, 1 LltUa at., Bailevina n? j !B O ok^E SFE R 'l ASSISTANT or any kind eC

BOOK-KISBFXR. aypaHano^ antry, Saatna stam aa. s3di 4S. Nawa offloa.

, AI, In Soobla Iraaa B a ^ Boa

boBit wwite paalHoat te

^ . Y l B S r f S C i S - r ' -

oarpaotar trofto.“ at.

Bwdteate. Trtthwwna* pcaicion wimtPo rm ra In loot ploocj xtaady

a ^ railabte; paraaftti and written iwKirancaa'





r a j r a bADT ATTBMSANTE.





l a :

BOOK-tCBBFEB^Timnf iM Saolraa paaKlaE a* book-kaapar or aailateat; two yoati' —

parlanco tn wholaaiua houaa. ‘ “encABox 4fti Nawa offiea. Adiraia Eapail.

BOOK-KEEPER; dottbla antiy; yattos wam u Addraaa Trtal Balaaea, Boy34, N^wa offlea.

__________ CHAKBERMAID-Waoted. by Bootah ylrl att-

•b l matbodi Iwtala anawefed.COOKS-Tha BmargaBoy icitobaa of Koat 6t*

anga, delivafa homtroookad dlnaarg Tal. 48411.COOK, fint elaaa wlahaa poatGoo. figs napg

DAY'S work wanted by colored wotnott.6 A ^ K A. PWSEMAN, 1ft W ^ t h r U S S S t It., Orosgar

DAY'S WORK—Cotorad woman wnbta ftar'i work. Addreaa Work. Bp« 39. N a w a ^ ” nea.

DAT’S WORK—Rmpretobie Amarloon wotnaa ^wlahea day'* wprit out. MRS, W„ m S m

DAT'S YTORK—Toting ^ftow wlahea work, 178 Waal Kinney at,, top floor.

wanta woefeby the day, Inquira 381 Orova at.DRVS8MAKRR deoira* angageraanto at koma

or out 188 South Ponrtaanth i t , OArOfON.DRlESfiMj^TNO—See offer In drtoamaklnt eol- uhto, RTVERS, 183 lUoomfleid ava.0 1 B ^ T oud| ^ ^ rloarefloor.

wiafia rigbi Colt m rk ar


KDUSRKKSFBIl—Toung Ovrman wunon would Ifii* * poattlon oa honaokeepof,' aOher to a

Pa2teth“ N® J.” T ™ I & i? * ^*"***BOU81KEBfiBH-^Bi»8 Oarman-Alnarioan.

asobrnbraneat, daalraa poaltlnn In TO^I wtdowar'a faB,l!y; capaWa ™ ufctel lull ebarsa. Call or wHta MRS. w. i» ^ Omyrata at., a a ^ d Soar. ^BOUBESrout-Eaaateotiiile ktel for llahthooM.

ITED—MINi&M po&tHitn wU)i ■' eKverleDM; bMt5. tfoncLD . a

^ Co hlfh‘pow«r poiti prJ%‘Aic or

. S8T WMblUffton

u d wtll rtoott' If for 0 rood, r*b •. Box dl,

ioh4Dio Md drivtr; r«r. AddivM )!••< A&himy, N. J.hUi pooltfon witA lun«n; b<»«t r«f»r'. Nowt offltto.Lion u obtuCrsur; Ihvir; do own r«*»n It.__________n In prtrfttt t&fn* rtforone*. CtlJ or

an; oolorod mtA; I Ponnlngton >t. |rr; own ropdliwi i, O tno f.lObblilf A«nr S JOKu

city or oountrr. nth it.nU Jobbing; Worli nvt.If* diivor, m< d I'roncb fluiiuiy, utomobllfl •■{leri- dooi oil ropatr^■ ■ Id WoifOP It.poriincod, fpoilc- «■ poilUon. Ad'- fflco.itod; iipfrloncod' 'k; Eurriod. Ad-' of Philip Konr*'

plfQta fureithod ordar u d etrtd ,

ldr«M rTj . S u t- \r Ud Wulborry

ihM worh b j dAyM m , inilbum.

•AQ do All r«> I In tt«am htat> Off. Addrfff by '0 Adr. AgfDcy,

. All (Aotorjr r»* nAobtnfry, flfo*

or BouDtrr* B.W- J.irlonof f t botch- t)Oi pofltloiiu Ad- W lTftifA V f.work, gfr4iitU>f,wo ahirdr«n; rtl> d *r*. “

; \

ling Any rfilfbltt. Ai

ki^A ^l

d of

f« tofmftfk on w* rifcrfoof. \ B.

rk houofctouti 'orth Blfth it.^i min deitro t^yFourtofnth I t

n f iu il anA0hii_of ffctory. Ad' lU llArihflt fU.

kStf I. Ai


ffOfrAl 0000 roi work of Any

Nfwt ofioa.llCfOMd. WABM

J; work gUATAD' II Ptumbor, Box

flril-cliia workj A r r rf pfioffs,

r^baiitlng dono) isUod. KElsa.

n a t i work. dAgIngftOA f t ____ploymiDt at tho klfhfi mAlf and

wo InvoftlgAto imploya. Houro

Ttai HunlclpAl in, ADMZ bond-*

bootiately hotMft. la-Aged mfrrlfld Ight wftohmAii; it% but f i prei« *tccmmeadAt1oni lion. 11. H., MS

^ m ttU » -acn D A


empioyment^ w^ ^j£uBEBrMFBfftr-ltffj>octAbl* Oermw wamAo

no oDoumbrAsOA, wlfbak poiltion i i hcui*- AfOtMO In ammll fAcally or for working oouple. AAffrifO HnUafkAApor. M AuiUn it-, noarI waA.______________________ ___________f i o S K r o a k —OXhpftfni G*rmfn and Run-

giitoa glrlf wiak litxiAtfOB M houM^^t^k; aIm ^ if. VRQ. «7 BprlngfUld

HOCraKttSFBR—Wom*B wUtof poiltlon M houfokoopor: go boioo alghu. Addnu Uoum-

kofpfT, Boa » , Nowi o f f l c g . ________I HOUSUWORK-Toung girl

btnifowork: ottt or Orangoi; Atgirtf. OaU S O ^ h fn o r if.

wlabM genoTAl bom* or luy

wiahoa Dotliioa at Addroof HaufO-HCiUlBWOIUC—Worn** _

keiwowork: go homo nignta. work. Boa t t . Nofff offlof- _________flOUEn^ORK'-Oorman woman wanti to go

out WiJihlng and olefPlng. 280 Bprlngflold AtA., top, right ___ _ii5ueiaWORK--Woman wim i fftioral houMi-

wurk: TburaiAr and Friday. Call or wrltf,US Hudfon cL _ _ _ _ _ __ _HOUaEWOM^RAfpeotablo girl wlihes gtocral

heUMwerk; oAll to « 7 day. 170 Acidfmy aW, ‘ floor.

JFOB8AL1/i' l<iE.«V OWK.rOlb iiON8.

HOT WATKR BOJL£IU$ ANB PIPHB.Um Aiumlnuui ainftfial.

rOB YOL'M FUJUB*H. U. U..II.I. Vi'u Jr1iil.li or aMUM.

PAINT YOUR BCHBENB NOW.Butm h F . ln t , U tM « or U lw k . ____

ROOFS WILL NOW BdlOW LLlAltl •POTB- Koo( ODRiit or Boor Punt

WAU.S1 80UII BI.EOANT iarF».TT».WurMca ( IcluK* SuniBo. KSyoioob


HduBEWOUK—OaoS rtiToctablo tiomo wiiBt- •d i timAll n.(0«. A Sdiw K. D., B a tO.

>4f,Vi oittct.K K ^S B K ^p lN a for ^dorly folki or oook in

a ^ i l family; good rafaranoa. 17 t>«vo« at,Kgamy. ____________ ______________ftoUBEWORK—Woman wantt geninl houaa- ywork; without wathlni. 110 Or«in i t _

K^SIgW'ORK-Woi^f]i wanu giD«J^ booao- /work. C^l dO Seventh Av«.

ALL klAdi of pitiovblnt maiorlal and iutur«a for u l t . Too don't have to M a plutnlMir to

purobaio aafiiu. Roll rim aoaaMu oath tooa. mamil and marb'if lavatvrlM'. bias And low PAttam tank cloaeti; raaRny atto r:thirv borerr. Hinki. live dllTfrcnT paiterii naibtrmyi. ropw* for plumbing flxtuj’ea, hlgn^il arad* ffoooo dwefllngc. cotiitfea and bungnjowa. AU goeda a n new and guannind at very low pKcoa K. B. LEONARD. J4 liOmbArdy it.. oppoMta

;a Mkt.: e-----------

W e d n e s R s - S p e d a l K e a l E s t a t e D a y s - s » * < > j s

Waahlngtoo Park: t«l. bTSL opfp vvaa-ALL KINDS of ladles' clolhltm for aaie: fomo

a n aiighiJy worn; loiiif m goad as ofw; aavy blue chlfton dreia. elM 80, o ^ t MO. wiU aacridco for 14; ladiei' lu lt ilso M. will n il for 17, coal 440; also a lot of dlRirani nrlimaB dreuMi and lulta dlRarrnt ilzn, will aacrlilca at lowaat prloot. from tl up to Ki; vary exoan- alva ParvlAU lamb coat, wilt aacrlflco for 120: nail any time until 8;80 P- U. liHS. CAHN. 8 » South Sivaotb at., near Fiftnnth ava.

ILAUNDREBS. first ctaaa. wlihis poiUlon by 'd ay or Week. Addreii Laundreaii Box >0. Mowi offlea. _______J/AUNDREBS—Flnt-clM» lEunarw. wl.hM/ wOTk MundAy »nd IMMilAy; guoA r«r.r.n« f1# Pitnc. H.LAVNCItlgSB.

Aayi, weak.La u n d r e ss—Fir.i-oiM .

firat-claii, wlihea first three 10 W. Kinney pi., lint floor.

laundresi? day's im k of any kind. 78 fltata i t

rAllaUii. wlahaa angagimenta tn wk- iDumt oaMi: good houaakaepir. mkS.

........ BouU Ninth a t•TKOs in I-W ai nurai wLshu aomi healthy baby.--------- -------- --MtmSB-Wai nurai wLshu m

10u> DOMAs IM Bilmont fIl'IlUIOOfcAFttWt ofllAi AaHitiot; two yaarF

AXBaf1nM2 aonpotant; quick: auourAti.^jffiaAi Atanogriiphaf, Box 06, NerniivLH MuaiolpaJ Buraaii of EmploymiDt of the

S t f ct N iw ailt H. Jy tumlihes mala and imployoa frai of charge; we InvefU-

_jl raoorda of all. ragiitarad impioyaa.fbr feniAla domaatk blip, 1 P. Id. to

dU, daily, atcept Saiurdaya. Tbe Munlc- Buraau of Kroploymsnt, city ball, annex

Eiilidihg, Franklin at.. Newark, N, J.

ASPHALT mint Bondag Felt «■“> aquar* feet: market price, fS; lundard

goods; ramnante, H roll; excellanl for old shlnilea or tin roofs; aephalt nieLelllc painU, (kk*. iKllon; lergcit deeler Id New Jersey; de* liveries free, city; eitabllsbed 1901. B. I t N'AVLi^R. lei. 1114 Market. IM New Jersey Railroad ave. ________ASPHALT FLINT ROOFINO FELT. furniahed

end laid. 3c. square toot: 4e, over ihtnalcsi five-year guanuity; mubliRbed 1801. 'P dcao

:____ J. NAYLOR A iUlTIl. 86 Mul­berry pi.AT MR. CASira, M Academy a t. 1500 worth

of nwtaurant dlahea and utmaUi; wlU »eU leaf thea half prloa, in smalt or larg* lota: gas ranga, ooat lib. sell for |5: almoft new laamel bads, iwat K wlU aiU IL and great t w y other things too nvunaroas to mintlon. Toia- 21^ '


kotieakaepeta Hrad at waabday and washwoman aaaoFanoaA- For g CENTS A POC7ND ws do All fVKt waabiDg batbor, wa baUat*. than It mm bs dona at Vxoa. Wltboul extra charge we IRON th* bad and taU i liDin. flannel on- dangaar. Inaa. half boat md kaodkerebiafi The otbw placaa dried ftw boms flolihlDX at taiaMra, Btarvblnf tuclndad at d CimTB a IMohd. TBR HlLLnsR BERVfCB Mparatas Foiu bad Unan troni your tabia itnan ii tbe wawlng and yonr aiMlarolothaa from both. In •h^rt. wa give yoa the aiTTloa that paiUoalar baepla daouad of ttaair rjwn laundreaa. Ao atefik-pAga booklat* tAlktng fail partioaiara Biallad apoa raaikaat No charge Jc» lhad W

HILLlBm ROUGH DRT 41B tfarktl at.; 'phOM 5M1

anti la madalaundry CO., isllM t

rJ5AdHENCI--Roagh diT family washing; 30 poondf for 76 cants: overwslgbt, 4 cents par

' fonitid extra, and wttnout any furtticr chaigt; / We Iron all baddiag. tabis linen, stockinii. f fiennii underwear, In fact, a Itrea pro- / Mrtion of the work la flnlihad ready for um, r leaving only a aznall portion of Uam to ha \ Ironed at bonia: by our lyatam wa do not merit / any of your good* wUh inh. WARDBXL 1 fiteaa Laundry, 80-8d Cinaa a t, Newark: taL

iTOd Branch Brook.WA9HINa-atop awaatlng over the waohtub.

let Ihi UNKFPA WVT WASH LAUNDRY, tkl High at., do roar enttre family wash for do oeata: rstumad srlthla M boun ready 8m tha ll&a; give iia a t r i l l Tal. IlGTEY A HWaSHINO a n d IROWHTO wuitBl U Juiba

and to work oat by tha hour, day, weak er month; we ohaiwa for raglatfattoA. UP Aeadamy ' : taf. lOddJ, M a r ^

*.'ASHnfG—Oannaa wobma wtahsa .and tronltig, qut l^iaadeya Wednaadaya; — ^ — '*----' tdd Thlrtasntk ava.

/a n a w ,k>rang*

waging ya; Salt

jWABHING—Woman want* waablng. Ironing ( and houaeolaanlng. Monday uid Tnaaday, out JUlBd g F., t r Maraar a tI VARUDJO-WoiBAn

ing or nlaanlng. yiaoik

wants to go ant washCall 6M Harriioa ave.. Bar

V rA tB im____ .. _ or deanlng byOOKKUN. >406 Ralaw a t

tha day. MRS

nan-Amarioan womaxt. middle aged, would like to work in r*ntlcnan's

kama during tha day or help In store; sleep boma. AdJraa* Bmplnymant Box 18, News AfllaaWOMAN wanti clean top ar half iay*a wastv-

Ing. t4P Warren a tWOMAN wanu woik of Any bind.

avAi. top floor.I Eighth

WORK—Bwadtah woman wanta work ter Moa>. day Aad Friday. Oall or addreaa t t Ehisarx

tOUNO WOMAN wlahaa fWIn dalloatiaaan, burMnaiAi parrtoia

oxohange for Inatruotiooa Address Box 86. Nawa o f t e a ______

■oOeIvan in iristtan.


AD~VATB rrfi aAKDLat*. quAPUty at MHAn4>hBO bmJq- IX ruU rt.!. BOATX. lolqu. tiniMn



____FO R SALB^UouM hold Good* a « l P n m itu rr

CUIN'A cloMl. rofrl**nitor, M-T8.U1.CB i*rlor .ult, J1A.W. cook *tovA M-BUi

ta.M. Wlllitn ,t., n u r Browi.CARl’BT-Aimliwter. o«k w*rdr;b*,

>8.50; butMu. r? la; cruTfy pl« kKv'.'„,T'“ ' gfts rtugv, fu. sliding couch, f8>75- 18St. -CLOsI nG ol^T rntire atock laoand-hand fur-

nltun at Mcrlllc#; new furiiUurs sold W par cent cheaper than elsewhere. 274-218 w ashing' tuii It., directly oppAiilts Telephqns building.^

"sAlJEnCnTTru household fopnlturn. In- cliulluc parlcr. sHrtlng-room. bedriom and

kitchen. Addross Ktirnlture, Box 82, News oQlcs-FOR BALF,-\VMuul bureau: .llH«K-r. om kM

atova, II..W: two oak .atenalun tabica, II3 anil W; oak bu««. >18 Tl Fanmylvanla ava.FOR BA LB. good alMd (ablA tea boa and ntca

wooden bedateail, witb mautewta, Ayply l«J Waahington at.___ ! ___________« m BAL.&-Bed liui , also cabinet very cheup;

04 Court St.

plush parlor furtillurr; ■ ring middle bell.

FOR BALK, No. T corking range; almost new. cheap. 228 Cllnlan ave. _______

ri.TLVlTURi:. ruga, and all household piano, nearly new/ and half aise viol'

daaliri. i l Naim pi.GAP 8TOVIS and gas rxhge*; stove reps'ci s

specially- M. RIDDLEMAN. ;M1 Fprlngfleld eve.: lelephcme conuectlcna. _ _

Phone : k MaricatALL kinds of Moood-liAad btuldlog natarial

for HlUa: Mih ttooriT bwnlook a u pine boards; 26 poroaialfi-Uaid bathtubA chaaPI building! bnugBl ani ratnovad. A. BOWK ilO Main f t . owner Hollywood Orange, N. J.i 'phooe MAI.

AVA.. M t

AT MR, CABH'B, 64 AaAdlOy i t . ; w« aell soy- thing and sverything you want at second­

hand prloaa: wa are ths UrgMt second-hand dealers in the Btata; ao trouble to show goods; upon tTanlngs.A BOX o< PEDLBQN-UM will rid you of your

bad feet sweaty, emslky or corned feet. At your druggist for 25 cents or Osteopathy Supply Company, IT West s t , New York City.AR7 I9TIC 81GN«’-If you want signs ai lowvst

priota, call or ‘phone H0R1«£, 12S Market St., ovor KJnFt third floor; t«l S730J, MarketALL kinds of trees, plants and vlnsa any also;

privet for hedges from |1 per )00 upward. CUAB. MOM Mi StuyvMaAt and Bpringfleld

a., IrvhiftAD, N. J.ALASKA grocsr'a refrlgsrafor, second-hand In

good order; a bargain. Address Alaska, Box 14, News afflea.BARQAlN>r.iVlolor aepbalt runnev rooflag, 11.26.

roll, 108 aq. ft.; nails, caps, cement; no aec- ondi; we do roofing 8c. a eq. ft.; b-ysar guar- amee; Vtotor coating, GOo. a gallon, VICTOR Roof Oo., IT WrlgCtt St.; teL 4W Waverly.

GOOD cook slovr, In flrel-claM coniiKlon; No. 7; t2. iW IHum Ht.. flrel tivor. ____

RANDSOME oak alrtsboard; almost as good aa new; sell rosaonebla Swond floor. 60

North Blxih at. ___ _ILAU^ Ra CIL almost new; have n® use tor

Sams; must be sold. Inquire M Daroy ( eeoond floor. ______LACB CURTaINB-A lot of dropped

from one of the largest factories in the United d l a l ^ Nottingham and Bcoich, Tamboor, Brue- sala Renalawnoe allecte ai a reduallen ef 25 to 38 1-8 per oent. from regutax prkoes; nail any afternoon, front 1 o'clock le fl mania Accepted. Newark La 84A-«tf Broad at., room 45.

:Kr partial cmy Curtain CO..

will sell hand-___ pillar extenetonfour ride chairs, leather

LADT giving up bouMkeoplog. sonta elaw-fooi pollabfd

labla, two arm chairs; fov. seats, nearly new. 185: fine upright refrlgora- tor, U2: four handsome oil palming*Address F‘urnUure, Box 9. News, Montclair Branch.


MiflHION round axleDsion table, 58.50; buflet, UO; parlor suit, |28; leather oouch, 55.50:

brass bed, |18; hollntck. $8.^; Icebox, tfl: gas range, 44; oak flruaer, iT.flO; otalffonisr, efl-SOj Axmlnsler rug. 14.50: two other rug*. and|4; other odds; must be sold; cheap. 867 liroad st. _____________________ ___FARU^k suit, 518; loather couch, 55: ward

robe, id; extenslop table, M; sldobpiird, 114;pier mirror, tlO; small pool table, t7;■ - -- - ■ rnlaxlonilbrar)’ table. 14.50; halirack, 14; uok dresser. 14; ohlffonler. 16* heavy enameled bed and spring, 16; brass bed, |12; oak chiffonier. 14.26; gas range, 14.50; Brussel* rug. Id; prO' Bruosefs rug. 14.50, and a great many olher bargains to odd pieces. 86 Ormngest.PART of fumlsbingt 5-room flat for sale; gas

stove, coal stove, chairs, dlshee. tables, ato DBIANE. 655 PVrry at., city.

ULTCKEB on*. eiJ/a Ixtures; new and eecostd- hand, bevghr. sold aiWI maoiifacliared. New

Jersey Btote FIttuse On.. 10 end T8 Perry st.BKER^Pabat fainota Hllwankee Bock Beer

has arrived; ordei now; | l per case. ‘Phone 776 Waverty or amd potuT, JOHN & BRAi- 8ER, Newark, H. 1.BII^A R D and pool tablas soid, bought* rent-

ad: new and eecoad hAsd; ail kinds of rayalr* ing. CANFigLD. 188 Market I t ; L. D. pbona.BARGAIN In dining-room domes for Baiurday:

110 up. KEiNT'a. 24 Clinton s t.; oldest In Newark.

your olothlng i[nd pay for same wiekty; store. Address Confidential. Box 72. News


office.CAMERAB- lia Brownie Kodak, with caae,

new, postcard < else, t i l ; Hall Reflex, coil M6, for | 18; 120 Alvlsta Fanorom, 16; (10 Premograph. bargain, | l ; flnest <Mmblned film and plate pocket cemen, worth |2T for (16; sniajvtng tenses, 85 cenia Newark Photo bhp- ply Co., I l l Waehlngton s t

SEWING HACIIINB^-Slnger mwIdx In goi>d order, with attacinmenta, 55.

40 Thirteenth ave., first floormachine Call At


S if« iiRiail saf*. 338 Clinton ava.FOR fiALB.

NEW a n iT 6BC0NP-(IAND ~kAF^: iU ^BIZEB; 15 TO 100 CARRIED IN M c i T



PlfCOllBFOR Balk , eheap. 34 pslr etlecled homer

plRrons; good squab breeders. WM. H. WIL­SON. TU5 Marlon ave., Bnuth Orange. N. J.tVHirs, c^ear-leg tumblers, bi^ck and yellow

pArtur lumbtera peutsrs sjul homers; cheap. U)2 First st

Fursstored free; clean up, half-price sale;

magnlfli'ent coats and aeu; our remodeling and repairing at summer prices can't be beat; furs rxchsngod. The Little Fur filiop. 816 Hal sey et., cor. Court-

stemARTISTIC rifne, Sliou carrjs ano ietterlnr

JAR-VB ftlGNB. etJC, to Den-A-Tar. Bnaid. near Market; 'plmne 60U8 U a rk ^_

iioNB-C. L WILI.1AMH. INC--810KB. ood, braxs. card, cluth, '

gilding 124 MARKET


Wood braxs. card, cluth, office leUerlng. glaM .............- ------------PHONE 1US Mkl

Watch^q and Jew elrrON riU*IDIT-t'1sni<mda, wauhrs. Jewelry, pay

51 weekly, buelnres confidential: no reference required AGAR. 112 Baal lITth ft., New York.





1100 BAARiaON AVE. KEAJtNT, N. XTaMi U t>. tSlo Hayriscuu Loual 67 Uairitoa


Noe. 8, 11, 18 Lombardy st., comer broad st.. NEWARK.

1,000 head of honea, maraa and znulea, mmi be eotd to make room for our motor wagon syetem. W's will lell about BO bead each week until tbe entire lot Is dispoeed of. Stock to suit most any buyer, apecuialot or bargain hunter. Agee 5 tu 13 yeari old- Weight I.lOO tq L460. Imcee ISO and upward. Alxii a few high-claae collectors’ borsee; ault any family ur road use: a few marea in foal wagonx and harntaies at a aacrifloa. A blanket, halier and uollar given free wUb tanh animal. We de­liver all stock free tfi all freight Unee. Sold with a 18-day written guaranty; must be aa represented.

CHICKEN WIRE tL beet lawn eeed, |8.60 bnohei

rant. foot bT the roll: garden rokea, I6

up; two-piy tar p a ^ . 65 dema roU- Hardwnre Co., o7i Valley rd.. next

Orange.OronnpofiuiTice. Weil Ordnfo: 841 Main i tCASHIER'S DESK tor sale cheap; suitable for

a grocery store: mission wood: can be seen any time }»r nailing at 487 Orange s t, or write. Addraas C> T. L., Box It, News offioa.CARDS and prliulDg the Jump" at low

prices- cards. TBc U--no siopny work, ROSE Press, IKfMulbeirr ground tloor,'ohonr 2r^R.

initmraent for no use for It.


'CELL0-*^A very fine cheap, 01 owner has

West si.. East Orange.dGAJI STORE FIXTURES and ooah regHter

for sale. BLOCK A 00.. 180 Market at.

{KY WIFE haviut loft my bad and boud X I will aat h« rqaponsibt* Hr any debu con- Jtnetad by bar. ^A R L E S A. mLBON JR.. ( W Quitman at., Naworh, N. J.

amtea pT

B o s l iu t t P t r t o o t bLADIEB DESIRING ADVICE

g r a d u a t e d RBQliiSTElr v s .


ON. TAKE r ffaNTT-THlRD ST.Jlr To t e n t h Avid, abbol^lATlBFACnOH O ffA jk A N T B B D .------ GBfl I^DBRA'TE: ADVICE

o m ^ BOURl. to TO 4i .Tt, 11 TO A

Ishee any kind I Fifteenth ave.I poelllon aa a :wnge.In factory. Ad- ■ffice.

CAJtnpr cLHAWDfa mTDffR t Oft.,

n imCdiANTC FT, TACUmi m oC E M

DESK, with letter flJe, 84.75; oak flat top, 17.60: atnall book-ke^^a standing dosk,

(6; dett and bookcaM, 112.60: hall stand, (3.76; Brussels rug. 16 William s tDREBIL white embroidery and lace; will fit

girl 14; light spring coat; cheap. Address B.. Box 10, News office.EARLY ROBE seed potatoee for sale. 48

Claremont ava., Irvington.FIRE BBCAPES.

iraatad tcoordlng to law; lowest prioes. Moa- hattOB Eron and Steel Works, 36 Lewie st., Newark; t i l 1068 Wavariy.FOR BALE, early Jersey Wakefield and large

ChorleetCD W akeQold. froat-proof, winter- grown oabbogA plants; "Plants Just received vary sattsfanioTy,’' J. A. Morris. Plajinfleld. N.

Vo. ■*’FOR BALE er rent, eemptete set of fixtures

lor meat market, Including National cash ■ter, computibg ecalee, ste. MADfBON

>I00N0VKR. WsilflsM. N. J.

THOM-Afi OHKEN. tbs old Whit* eewlng ma- chine agent late of 68 Hank e t, Is located

at lOB W~aihlngton s t , nsor New; eole agent for 1800 gravity washer, Dom^stlo and N*w Home sewing machloee; all makee of eewing machines repaired; needles and parts for all maohinet. 'PbotM SlflBW,VAN POy^NAK WILL BELL YOU WHAT TOU


l6,QflO WORTH fine dining-room and porter nlture. brass and Iron bedstexds. fins m^ -

tkm ruga, eoiwets and linoleum^ pnoswNorth ward FiIraltQre Oa.. 48 Betlsvllle ava

Chick etiflBUFF ORFINOTONB: fine cockerel and poi-

lets for eale; prite winning stock; also c^ ica imingi ol O rpt^cn and white Wyandotte rgga FRANK l^TTS, Washington, N. J.iT rl"ro oster for sale and eggs fax sitting.

IW Orange av*., Irvlngtonj_______COLUMBIA Wyandotte*, four femaJea

male; good breeder*;, have young ones f r ^ them to show: will e*ll chei^ to rx-cm,eggs for batciilng. (8 per Stttfig. KlRflCH- 1JER, 111 Cimden e t ________CHICKB-Flnest ever hatched; 1 ^ 8 OGtlvej from tborcughbred winter laying B. C. White Leghomx. *1h« kind that pay*. Lafone Farms Hcnneri-, Liberty, near Wnielde ave ___COCKERELS-^ C, R. I. Rad cockerels fw

tale;,choice stock. loaulre J. W. ROBLRT- iON. 22 Chapman pi.. Irvington.____ .

AT THE CAB DARN,311 W. tw enty -n in th ht.. n e w YORK,

SOO-HOR8B8-800 Horses weigh from 800 to l.DOO lb#., and an

in ftrst-clasa oondltlon; among them are several matched pelre, some are a little pavement sore and suitable farm work; prices ISO up. Every horse or mars will be sold with a trial of 60 clxysi see foreman.LOOK THESE HORSES OVER



a v u / i HiAD cowitiSNotf P T A S u a Tbe Ureateat Horve Htables In New Jaroiiy*

4ftM97 Broad et, Newark. N. L Private Balsa at All Times.

Rtifular Auction Bales Every TUESDAY and FRIDAY,

aemmenclng at 18:60 A. M. rab er atilaa af which Ume we offer over

lOft-UBAD OF HORSBE-tW _ of all deecriptlooA .

.^Par each sale we reveive oonalgameBt* at koreea from the firms of Pmosylvonta. Ohio, Indiana, Virginia and New Jener* •elected by expert horse judgeiL and are Ihstrooted by our shippere to positivaly aeli Ihrar horeee to th* highest blddera.

With each sals goes our huna-Bde guar* antes, which means horse Is exactly m la ^ resented or no sale.

MO— BBCOND-HAND HORBBB----1«0Generally put up at auciloo ai these salea,

Tbeae boreee are brought beta by privaia firm* and Individuals

Juxt rectlved. one oarload if gaad tiaA young mulee,OUR g u a ra n tee FBOTBCTft


Hcreea Hula*. Wagona and Hameea ta- eelved from any on# to be eold on o o ^ mlMlon, either at auction or private aala. Horses for tale or exchangs at all tlmea.

10 eetx of new Hartieee for sale cheap, THOB. H. HOY, PROP.


A U T O H O B 1 U 8|»0« REO nmabowt, 4-po*..............

1087 PoH runabout, .......rtin delivery, oaa. L8CI0 lbs

tm258MO1518 Martin delivery, oap.

1810 Meta runabout, fulW equipped.......... 226IDlO Overlaml, model 41, a'pea., touring,... 800 Fope^Hartfordi 6'Pax. tourlag, a flas oar.. 800 1500 Overland* 3 bedlea, oaupe and single

rumble ....................................... 6851507 Hee runabout; pew lanpe op4 eheee,

4-paeeenger ...................... 156Aalalar, Just rebuilt a bartala a t . . . . ........ 680WlllA flHiyltnder 15U5. 86 K. P.. 4-poa... 505

All aan overhauled and equippad.MEW JERSEY OVERLAWO Oft..

32A-580 HALSEY BT,BPEd'AiT^Ain'o BARGAnm

1816 Buiok, model 10, fully equipped.1810 E. M. F.. touring, all equ^meaL 1910 OlullUao 80. touring, like new.IftlO Ford, model T, touring, equipped.1010 BuJek, modrl IT, fully equlpp^.6toddard-]>ayton, Umouslne. bargaJa......Packard. 7-poxe.» *v#tT equipment...........Nerthem tnurtngp 5W0; Jackson touring, Kapler ntnabout. very olaeay, bargain.. Coalllao "

IK S T R U C n O N

YOU,can take ^ r « yourself If rcru hevs a Coleman builneae or shorthand training. Think bow muck this msant.


Over 1.QD5 studoata plaoH Ibl* sohMl nor.com m ercial, STBNOGltArHlC.WIRinUMi


•tudenta may begin at any t lm One block weoc ef poataEae

at Aeodaptf street



t e l e p h o n e 424 MARKET.308-H C R 8 B 8-808

100 BEST QUALITY UnAFT and gtacral purpoea hotisse, weighing l.SflO to L800 pound*,

76 MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED boraaa. air weights and alaex and at pricaa to ■all all cuBtomarx.

tfl SEC0ND,HAND HORSES, waMrbing LlOO to 1.608 oounda.

60-UULES-6(lwolgktBg 1,008 to 1.600 pounds, many mated pairs.



lllao runabout, 1135; Autooor. type 16. Bodies, tope and; odds and and* of e

doacripLloa at low prioea.AtnX) EXCKANGB, 160 Halsey st.

RENTlNO,--6pen and closed ooia, Ttl. tlELt»L0 OVERLAND touring, model 41..........*5551610 OVBIRLAND toy tonneau, model 41... TOO 1610 OySALAND toy Mnneaii. model II... f)81600 OVERLAND touring, miMel 61......... 6001088 OVERLAND double bucket, modal I I . 660l&OB Pultmaa T. C,.................... ................. 6001985 single oylindar Cadliioe.............. .. ...... 160

All CATS eqult^i) and In ezesiiaat eaadlUea, OVXRI^ND AOENCT.

Wm. Parklnaon. i5-8l Waxhlngion pL,

East Ovoxge.Tel. 651 Open svenlnfa.

1510 i. M,’ F. TOURING, Dilly equlppadT 1500: 1010 Overland, touring, fully equ1pp#<l, trtOO:

Elmore, S-ryllnd«r. 8-cyIlndar, touring, fully <vquL}>l>od. |(kk); thM# core have been thoroughly ovr^rhaulad: are preL'tloelly as good as new; other bii'gnliu, 2-oyllnd#r Auburn, S-cylinflrr Biilrk, AiiiDcar, (?u<iniar, front Mie, touring body. While xirampr engine; make offer for iliaR#. MEYEK. 4U4 Main st . ISaxt Otwnga: agent fur Auburn esre-IlUiCK. touring, 32 H. P.. 1910................. IWO

Hulok, touring, 22 11. P.. 160H, r*flaUb»d-S450Rul.-k, touring, is H. H,, 1800..,.............“liuU‘-k. runabf^l, compifta........................... Ilk>mol, runHlMiut, oompleta............ t88UHulrk. touring, 60 Tl. P.. ready In few ^yilTOO

WARD. 46 Harrienn at . Bast Oringa.

t h e pa l a c e Wholmat* end Retell Flxh Co.win sfll 14 head of horsss and maree, wa

have on# pair of black huraaa. weight I.IW ibe., price 5160; one pair of bay horcae. Uttla thin m flash, price *100, wtight 1.208 lbs.; on# peir cf grey h e i^ , weight 1,4<W Ita.. pr os *026; one pair o! mules, weight 860 lbs., price | l » . Mvsral horees we have worked on elngie wagons, prlrm *46 to *126 each: one v#^ nice driving horse, uaad by our manager, wouiq make finn Intolly hore*. safe and can bf u*#d for saddle; w* W e two mares, a llule x »ra Id front, would make good fflrm horx^. two #*ti of doubl* Work hameas, five sets of eingle work hamaai. two light driving hemais. w# win Ball Bcparata or sb a lot: any spaoutel^r can buy theB* hr.r*#s and make money jiteble, 76 Uurnet it., baiwran Central av*. and Orange el., near FI. Mlvhael'e Hospital.

E PAT■P?IONBrT«n''MrRKiri'.

WAQONB and truoke fer grocer, butoher, plumber or any kind of busmes*; new ilook

at^ prloee tow, eollectore' and buelnaee bug- glaa and phaetoni In six different siylei; dapota, aurreys. runabouts end closed cerriages fat plaoxur* driving; this Is all new stock end cob be replaced by spring, so during Febroary our prices will be low; rubber tires put oo wbllx you wait. J. COLTER A CO.. 328 to SU6 Hal- •ey t L __________ ___________________BEVERAL whelsoale and retail loa wagons;

capacity 80. M, 60. 50. TO c w t; aovtral new and second-hand atake and body truoke. oa- paclty 60 to 80 owL; sine's and double plat­form spring wagocM, sttlL.i...i} for motooi, lum­ber. expresi or any general purpose; elngls and double tap wasons for floriets. grooere and furniture; one Quinby ooupe, nearly new; one rubber-tired doctor's oarrloige, H. U. OLIVER, foot Clay at.

BIGHT extra fine ringlet Barred Plymouth Rock hen*, one cockerel; throe of th# hena

purebasM direct from E. B, Thompson; one fine White I^h o ra oookerel purchased dlreot from Young. F. BADLER. 61 Baldwin sL.BloomfleliL________________ ____________FOR ^ALB-W hiu Orpingtons; eookerel* and

rooBterx; Cook A Bon itnain. E- W. HAD­DEN, Roeelle, N. J. ^R. I. RED oofkerals. four Plymouth

40 'Watehung ave.. West Orange.Roefca.

PINQLK comb w h it e LEOHORNR the Wil­son Farm atraln of winter layer*: day-old

chick*. *lfi par hundred. 61*6 per thousand; hatching eggs, ^ per hundred, fTO per thou­sand; we are hatching 72 per cent, of eggs pel. W1T.SON Farm Poultry Co., Mendham rd.; tel. 716, Morristown. N. J. *

Er i jb a r r ed rock end White Ughom saga *8

per hundred; mixed eggs. 62.60; ai*o 680 *Rarf#d Rock and White Leghorn ohlcks. 186 Orange ave . Irvingiotn; 'phone 1546 W. Wavtrly.

of work, >fflce.ita posltlow as




™ WAJIT OP lU . a t t h i

IB BUltBAV:it t , im t h b


IP i u i n u \ T BXPBNIK,


pgattNl "« TMti' n . Miw* ^ i wt t.

FRnc * m u B«]uw*, Box

fcit. MANI>Em.t.B, oiMoUlIxl, «n .Broad •(,.owr Cblld'x: tw a t r •ipwtanw u •

n-HlxUxt on xn ChtonlO Dloeuoi at Mon uA WomoDi CxtAirt, Nonrou, IMm mm . plMXHf

HoA , ffldnorA SUmub, Uvor or Bloddw. KhoiimtlRtt, Urlnxnr And til X.uJif DIoomm- , HOtlOA-^OA hOOTA * I* 4 P, M. nod * to I p, U. Offloo otawd Inndnxx u d ««>«!< CSr n d W ediveieji of tho month. ADVICT PBBX. bo not (Ortot hnntA pine* n»d nxinnor.

tanitOPOBItT. _ H. S. «L8BT. a CaBAB «t. MiuiloaiHnx tnoo And n i pnooint w d ^ tA lrd .L ln x - 'i t t ,T fa fl U» *tIT^ST ^BALITT ANO PERrKCT MATCH

WIAHANTEia). 'PHOKB AtW Mnrltot.

BUT pow oAfpot eloAnIn* A»d wm Aphol- ' tto tia t dOBO orhero yon not quAntNr And ■OAlltr tat TOOT nonor. Olobo CATpot ClOAhin* And upholotorln* Co.. *-lI Cmnip- bAii At.: (oratrip M d B n A d it_________

im w A iiit v a cu u m cu ba n w i to-. „Aoo VTuh. ot., room S it (formortr 800 Brood) T f o hATO oil nowortul wofono to do hou.^

mtko ooriitAcU ft>r or««ltlr< OlOAnlAX wlu olootrlo 00

tho hmr. A(«t«

FOR 9AIA—Two fltinf cobtnoto, oBoount of r«- movol: wtll o.il rb.op to 001. ono thot ooji

use them; one aJmoet new. Apply room 206, JehetMf building, 788 Broad at.FOR BALE—A lot of dry hickory, whit* eok

and rad oak ptonk; different thicknaae: atse a lot of looust poets, any length. H. WIL* LOUGHBY, WestflelA N. J. __________FOR S A U —ftoek of OQ eleotrloal b«elB«aai

will sail a t ODe-holf original c^t. Call or addren N. J.aecond floor. _______________FOR RAliB-lfllkp eraom, skimmed milk and

pot ohaeaa; aity quantity. H. R. HURidST, Hepa, W; J._________ ; ___________FOR •AU--Or«9er*i twa tab loa bom akeop:

good as Bsw. inqulrs itera, 546 Aouili Big h- teenth trt

Motor ^ e ^ Co,, 287 Hsds^ sL.

FOR B4LE1 one^uarter sham Addraas

In Rue motor Sherman. Boa M, Hows of-

FOR lALBi hardwara and point eosea. CHAB. B. MBWaQH. 251 Msirt st.. Orange.

FOliDtKQ BBD, large roll lop desk and ekalr, 4-fool: all brass phoaograph horti. earpets,

China oloset, stove. 40 Bpruc* st.FDCTUREB for soloi for fish and oyttor stand;

olmeel asw; no rMsoDahl* prioe yafused. JOHNSON, m Plana I t , dty.


tALB. 186 WARRBN ST., NBWARK; OP&N BUNDAT MORNING.GAS HANTIdBi—Just rsoeirad, 1,000 mora

Walsboob mantlsa sa lilu now at to.; don't mlea tkia banats. K B I^ bT S4 Cltatun s t ; oldeat In Newark.GO-CART, Natural Read Black moke. Upper

belL 36 North Ntneteantb a t, Ik st OrangeCK>-CARTL.Read gP-oofV ^abaop, 64 Fork m.,

Inrington. bLAUNCH, 36 ft. Isng, atandtng tOft tern oylln

T B. F. engine, automobile saata; fully

b a r r ed rock egg* fbr hatching from a strain of winter tayera, T6o. par elttlog. 10

Ashland ave., East Orange. ‘Phone aSMJ Or­ange^_____________________________.BUFT ORPINGTON egg* for hatching: xtoek

•nd chicks ean be teen any time; also slt- Hrty heno; Buff Orpington Poultry Farm, fill Buford ave., Irriagton. _____ _b la c k Mtnorex, 7Bo. sUtlng. *4.60 per 100;

whit* leghoma 56c, xlttlnf, *8.60 per 100; fer­tility ftioranteed. J. PINBURQ, 161 BICMr m* field are. _

WTOMIKQ BROKOO^We have for sole a oexloBd of Wyoming horse* at our mw

yards. JuncUon of Ferry and Bowery at*., Newark, N. J., Flank road ear; also a load or our West Orange stockyards, Weet Orange, N. J.; herBOe and prices to suit ovoryone. AMONErTTE BROS.160 HORSES, used by New York and Brooklyn

Transfer, 160 High it.; will sell 30 horiee and mares each wrek until tbe entire lot le •old: these hertas will suit any kind of buei- nees; eom# drivers; also wagons and harases; 16 days' trial and guaranty with averr horse or money returned. ____



H4-UOR6ES AND MARSh-Ue Thece bor*#i weigh from 1.000 to 1,500 lb*.,

ranging from 6 to 5 year* la aga; matched pair*: were all bought green witnin lest two year*: i^'ery hor*e or mare win t>* ■old with a trial of 60 days. If not **. W fJ" ■ented can be returned In trial tlms: wlU aixo ■ell truck*, wiions, harness used In a b ^ mentlooed. ColT to-day, broneh stable, lOM Myrtle ave., block from Broadway, Brooklyn. Telephone 4655 Bushwtok.

6-PABBBNOBR Cadlilac. a iiilendld oar. atm- hauled and In g04>d order, li50; Bulok. t-oyl.,

a dandy for iUdlUso runabout, willrtimb any hHI anJ moke 40 mflea on highway, 1130; hiring, repairing, buying and sstllag; road leoBoni flv*Q. Call and tet'e get oo- queltited. Stanley Oarage. 25 Aroh f tHUNABOlTTfl, Maxwall, 1176: Ford t» 0 ; R*o

t22fi; Autocar IDS: Hltchell *660. Tovrloa ran. Grout, IlfiG: Ren I960: Kaxwell $650; Autocar. !oou aad rune like new; thee* oars are in fine running order: at] borialni. GIF- FORD. 440 Central ave., Boat Orange; tol 6T48J, ewange,

a u to m o bile g a r a g e B m ,Ideal Halsey et. location, corner of Craw­

ford et., near Clinton ave.; perpetual light on three fldei: rise of lot about 18,005 equor* feet; can b# Irased for term of years. Apply L PENNINGTON, II Waehlngton pJ.. Newark. N. J.

Impraved. 1180; Ford, etrang and beauty, |940; our oari stand up

X w# thoroughly overhaul every n#; imall exi>«<nee*. xmalT iMflt*. that'* what

make* our pric** small. Ta* Bianlay Garage, 26 Aroh st.

AUTOCAR, perfect, I

ilk# iw*w.

rOMMEHCIAL motor carl; on* Bing caperity, four'Cyilndey.iBw; one slIi '

ton-truck, | 1.660 Immediate dillvei end 8-t<>n chaissi; budlse built for your qulreinenle. J. LUDWtG, tao., 881 Halssy St

B*W lOft-Ibidlgktly trie* «■

CADITaLAC dellvary, a Bisw gay. westh for 1210: a loo^ a ride aad you will be

oonvinesd; I am a aaw ask* but a a bar* lo stay: my prioea are tM euly oheoa thing to be found In th* Btoolar Garogo. H Amh et


*<Newarri Laodi&g Buxtaeea BehooL'*DAT AND EVENING BEMiONB.Coll, wriu ur '^ohe 1114 lU rM for eamlog. vialior* WficomeC M-83 Park pU, near Pm U Fa

J. JCUGLER JR.. Principal. RetegnUed B^ool et laisoe Pitman Shortliaai.


1T3 CXINTON AVB. _BM PTwee* WHItmoro, Priac^L Eat. lilt* Aeademtu. Intermadlat*. piiTaory departmeeU;

aqato, art, lojuruages. gymnaxlttm, folk danoea. 1*5. The only private eohout lu NeW’Catakfue#. ,

trk wlwaa eertifleata admits collegea; WetJoaley, Vossar. Mnlth, Cornell UnivareKy.

to tbe leading Mt Uolyukl.


fiaao Pitman eborthaiid with tooeb lypawHt* lag. Any commerrial euhleot.

ALL INDIVIDUAL iNiTRUCTIOIf.Call, writ* or ‘pbofM 905511-5. MarMMLi



Ttioroitgb prsporatieii for any aallega m erientifio oohuol or fpr buslnMa Ufa GatAMOTB uf) application^^_______ .gHORTHAND. typewritlagA boek-kaiB5Nh

service, poeltlons *01*; weekly gjgptW* HOWnkN'a College, 55 Ceatr* el.; 15BI HM»

HAVING lave reading for


a marveleae symisa of 1__ Ln aad piano, 1 will

■rritten gnaronUo to teaoh peglaama ■ ------------------------ •- *-n|ya I*

piano,____ _____ __________ W lVpopular or ragtime rauale fu tw«h

either instrument or money refuadedL EOL IT Burnet e t, Newark.FLORENCE ARTHUR, (U

al the Loodoa Cohaerratolr* < ing (TtaHnn motW i. vole* p l a ™ , * .•tag* and opera: piano and vwltn wnlift Washington a t.; tel. 5Ml 7 MarketWM. K. COOl'ER'l musld stullor wrM|U

piano, 'cello, rioUn ot any bond or ord*|W5 ^ ------------- ' “If My MotMrWei*

‘ S » •attUiInetrurnsnle: oompoeer of Only Here;'* leesoas 60c.; studio Nineteenth s t.: day or ev«UntPIANG^Prlvtiu lessofti at residoaot ar — .

Atondard n.rthod: tulokeai resulli; paatlaMft InetruotoT' renaonable terms. Addioaa £5“ •truotor, iiox It, Nows ofllealOUlB NRtGEU n o Boutk Orangi

“ " evening; amtlueeese goaraatoedi

__ ava^lpUno Instruetl^ day cr evening; amblGoiii

■oholare rapidly aavonoed;termi reanocMbta

banjo , llANXXJUir. OUtTAR. VIOUN leesone 60a; tnstriUMBtn for eaia 'Fhonn A» i. WBIDT. 465 Washington *t. oetoer Klimey^fxm the Easter season and summm holUtf

tnpolntivont until June t«I T y t -------

nrivota li Addridiasa JOSEPH WHITE'S School.WM. WADLAOH CAKON. m ttm . IT

WWt Pirti M.: M» d i t t o , , , t M . ABMBruuti Brooli; ,o l» tMAl _

vtallB. i ' if. etorlaotIGU>, ntndlo. 151 A

MAXWELL touring: sp##<1om#ter; 6 Unp«; gewerUor; axtm b**

tire, touls; paint and Gr«a good; angtae per- fenl: any dmcnatratlon; targain; 6826. qulok cash. 'J65 North Nineteenth sC., Bust Orango.WE have four eeoond-hand Roo aarti twa flv*-

poxamger, 1010 modala: two four pamaager. 1908 noodele: All la good oondltion; ibey era bargains and our price will move them. R. M. OWEN A CO.. 276 HaJaoy a t. Newark, N, J.LJirT Ui da yaur repairing,

on the road or at onr glarg* or too email; get a n r ______ ___do your work to your entire aatletastlan. Stanley Garage. U Aroh et.

lag, aftkeg at hnaaik garage; na Jo* ^ ar entlmate aad wa'U





LIGHT drlvint bona set at horneae, rubbor- tired runabout, outfit |86; elght-yeor-old

hone, good driver, weighs 1,060.‘’456; three- spring Ics wagon, fl&: heavy open plaUorni Wagon, |ifl. Bprlngnetd ave., between Burnet ave, and Boyden avs.: Inquire oorner.______RAVING no further us* for earn*, siwaiDt

owner will sell three htireei. eoniisttng ^ two big work horsee. suliabt* any kind ef work, $AC and |66 and on* driving horo4> suit collector or family purpoiea I56. Inquire of R. A. HILL, 144 Grant s t______________

HEALTHY, ityllfh eomblnattou oob, Oaffrey rubber-tired runabout sleiith, two sets har-

ntsi; first reasonable offer take*. For a R&AL barysln, telephone 1S9R South Oranf*.

or «tiy olher kind of buetu***; all klnde of dm#T*m carriage*, wagons; beet make and fuarameed lowest price; we need room for automobtle*. JOHN KOPTTA. 449 South Tenth at.; tel. 2777R Waverly.

OOLUMBIAN Wyandoti**, egga H-SO per *fu llnf; pen headed

P. HARDWICK. 689by prise winning Boi ■■ ■

ooek. uth Eighteenth et.

EGGS-for hatuhlng; S. C. White LegtoeM Wyokoff strath: tewli oe free rang*: 16 155.

KOOK, U l Chanoatlor av*.; Main Im* oar.FOR BALEI-B. C. Whit* Leghom egg*. 61 hit-

ting; fine stock; fertility guaranteed. PLAfTX. 136 Newark av*., Bloomfield. ______h a tching egg* from Lyons Farms iTsat aM

noted elraln of heavy winter layer*: R C. Whit* Laghorni. tbe kind that nay*; hjghaal

Kir cant ot fertility guarautsed. Lyons Farms enpsry. Liberty, near Hlllsida ave._________

HATCHING lifo . prixe *took,^PIyinontb Rook.IS per lOO; Buff Orptagtoo. |5 per 100; Rnoda

Uload Red. 16 per 18. Ookhu^ P2«ii^f Farm, Oakhuret. N. I ALBERT VILQTEATT. a f .HATCRINO BOGS-Snow Whit* W yOBdo^

and Buff Leghorai, tl.BO rittlngt heavy win­ter loyora. ADLON, 06 WatMaslng av*.. Bloom- Held, N. J.h a t c h in g e w : S. C W. l^jrtjOTim ••

Plymouth R ^ . Buff Chrlngtona. il aitting; 16 hundred. HELHRICH, 461 Brood tmPORTBD SYhU* Peking Duck exi^ IBOrit-

ttng bantam chicken egga. tl rittlng. f v m ’ ft Gordon, Mf Martctt at.. Naworit. _______ROSE COMB Rhod* laiond Red* and Whtto

Wyandotte* and Barred Recka; th* beet that itMufr pan buy. 581 K*aray gv*., Arlington.SIKOLS Cwnb Brown LHhoraa. M o d l^

Square wlnnen 1909-10; afg* for hatching aad stock for sal*. Kttatinny Poultry Yard*. 184 Orange av*., Irvtnglon. ____ _ ______

BURNETT COHEN, THE LADIffiT TAttOR, t r i j r i y SKIRTS to your meoaur* (er H. SU ^B^o your moaedra for 45

perfMt condition; a KRdlLS, foot Chester ate, i mouth *1.. dty.

prtiw-winner. IT 141 Hon-

fll, cm and lln*a ora absolutely guoioo- » b* paitHt. Bprlnf nodMii »i* ™ -iir

bltloB. All maw* «»uiA4 U oat »««.Um auml(«'. I< N*w _

ODIVH OIL—u rm w u i m g n a t t t And ra r .4M tAl). Bmkd AbMluMlT pun p lin oil ai

RlcA F m m : ■ poMtln llHti u d blood boUd- w; » th tu iM U ^ kldno],i "*eua » *---- •'

■TMRFLUOUB HAJl.Walla. Uclge and Btrlhmarks removed f tw i i

-1gS ‘ 'w*lcJ?SfvSg?1SSkii«._________11> 'WMhlnbtoo ,t.____________

UABSIIUBB. »ho b u tuoMifnUr tr« u d poo- OlO tot ttWOlM IPQQblOf, (OOr OlKUlAtlonr

opDitlMIlon. will flvo finoyal m.iHiB ,nd.icohol boUii At TO ColutnblA ,t.i vorknom iborourtlr MAIod ftom n A. M. to » P. M,

Doteb Hrl, ilt- bouinnriL

ebmend i t ;

LADIKS, ATTBH«0M—Why to r »«. u d Wo. tor m lltr 1 mAbo ibo hdm thlai tar

150, awlto^A tnaAToniMtlOBA. mod* &«• oomblnni All work iw utA A d. MM. WOW.Im Bomb WtaUi I t ______________________

b ot XaM Or- oro. Ttl. daw.u t n n w

««d womA,. At CbriitophAr

ArtK, Now* of.

i^ c u wonuaW.. i n eim

IIID W ira-I^TA to awAlntooBBiMiomt! Wowtieni m o th u ', o*t*. LUDWlO.dSt jlt(hU «att

arA.. eouAT T W u t ^ At. t»l>»B|ir1„ « * ld Of PlABb r i . CAT to rwoatlott MMATTItMUIlS OAd* OTAA At Duatomor'a n* |.

from 51.50 up; bwn wofk 5UUA,M|1; VO OAll btdA. ip r la n Awd mAttnioH t t tAotoir priAoa. lU if fD A , MM iprlnAatld ava.____

t i . i i iy i , w . aUSTAVl, H. T. w tt ot Bwtltan u d Aaurtao '

_________ I awdioAl sDUAMlaei' ACTAtotmut n WAIao, pi.

ta £ k Iw u ISAJUMI a tA

MAiMaM, Arttli •mdlMi wvAinAatA, | f M bf n q S n k A K c H M u n u u . u CAotm at-

---------- » t e m tWllbOA

> door.dAT**

A dOM In AMOtOtlMati OflOA :A. W,, d 1 , 5 r . M.'


.iu u .r i llvAP OA Atonwob vbtiA ibti oil M luAd: tt

IntOM pArfAot bAalth. lold OAl, At oIita BiAiiob. 110 MAWitb Aroide, d4» BrOAd At; N.W at. u tru o * . W B. TOllMIIIt.

fidxrai eto^ large itoek aafaa Fvnim ra Ztept.,foldxrai etBii l a ^ itoea aafaa BAK]^ Printing Co.. SSIMarkvtOFFICE FIXTURES ohd oouDtsr for sale of

the Eggert Furniture Co. Inquire WAGNER, 114 F«rry at.RHUBARB pHuata and ytmng IlUa bushe# (or

sale. 16Q Qrooge avg. Irvington.SLIGXrrftT worn street dresses aad Gening

gowns for eola. 482 High st.VICTOR talking inachina, U5 records and two horna. |z6j_ oost • - — -braseftitrti

b i^ a ,“S t fe“ srwSir«8riwSbilidMatb K.VlOUnt for mOa Abtui

BIUU TM Mt. Pr I365W, Bauoh Prooh.

Ala, btw U d CAA*.IOA.I uiaoiu«A


O A R U as CAMEall e r a m c b m or h a r d warm . EaNISTXW a po l la r d COy

V oull/a^rH A M b^^Sa-

Ml waux WQlftat.eats at henia It, CAIWON.esmokisg co{. ava I

E tlD W ira—Private nurslagi eatitoemwia; odmtteni ladte^ nectoilst: axtJsfBctleii guar-

utAAdT itoti. icwiOHT. aul w . m th ol,k . t .X1TB0 toMlE tiAAtAd u d ClAAtAA lUmUbAd: BO

tot indtAA nuoAAAtal, 1%. lU T Z (UooaAod abyolotu). M K*w ot.) *bhaiia 5«TW MavIwi.

IwtMowork5b M., uw e n u w «l4

AUhor to • da; nfiraiiaAttItOAAOB avA.,

om.AiMrloan, A boAltlna la lA of t* b l^

r a E t p o a r an d o f mAohln* D**d lualrtacf If *0. aasd poAtal to MR. M lTCsSU. W

TblrtaABth AAA.; bA rtpAln All aubAAtA D rU privBt* aarMef; MRE UtSDEICS.

did Rpi lij flald AV*., | n t Sogr, lAdiM' n * . ^(allj^jntAmytABgi fllAOi aatlifAotloB.

C i m BM tV IC B N p n c p

H o m eh o U G oodi am i F o rn ltn raat MR. CARH'd, 54 AoAdtnT At.; wo *r* tb«

lArrvot BAOoad-bud furnltun diolan fn tha elcfi BO troubla to abow looda; our apwiaia tbiA WAtk! XsAnalAd boda, ooAt M, wa atll tor 11: dlBlM-ream tAbla*. coat |16, w« atll for (j; tldabOAi^ AOAt UO, WA aall tor M H; kltcbaa obAtiA. S5o. i dlDlof-rooni obAlra, con U.' wt n il far 500.; pA,lar oolu, coat WO, wa ooll MT 510.V ; Utobm rana*. ooat HE wt Mil for H; aJiBM BOW tockart. ooat U u d 5A, wo m II for l i t fiiBor fllook* r a t tlR wo m U for t*| |Ar«* d u rABc*. oon UO, tba lAtaat ttyit, tall tor U .U; 5u m o M r a t HE h II for 50; fOAtbar plUora ^ w t wU for S0e.|wardMbo. ooat H5, w* Mil for tf.M; babf ouHaia, eaat IIE wo toll for 55.50, tad A •n o t m u y otbor thliin too bomtoiu to oun. Doe. At MR. CaEH'E 14 AcAdtior at, I *v*a ATABlD aatll E _________________AT half wlo*; ^ ^ l lu r o u d btddtnd; Iron

b*dE n.iS ; oak drnaar*.

TBOROUOHBBBD rOH coolb ted ilnfl* oomb Rhoda W u d Rrd hatchmi; nn*

•tockS I A lUtlDi, near Betlevlll* are, BloomflelJu

........ing.71 Willett It.,

WHITE Wyandotte hatching *gg«:Farms etraln; 11.60 per IS; ffl to *8„P:» rdxrs for ohlcks taken. HOUSTON, 97 Seuthorders for

Grove at., oag*.

East Orisjit*: 'pbMis 2855W Or>

WHITE taeghorniv Barred Roek *ad Runner eggs; ohlcks specialty; flrrt a t

“ ■ “ iltUng op. OABBELaen Square O ardn ; It .. BROS., Korrislown. N. J.

FOR BAIaE—Teom Percberon mores, weight 8 < ^ , ages 6 and 7; nice chunky mare. w«jght

1,600, age 7; alec nice block mare, weight 1.400. age 9: coll and see them maree K you want tc buy good onex. 48 Van Buron at., luet off Market . ___A WIRE WHEEL rubber tired niDObeatd

owned by Mr. Rinksr. witl be eold to pay for r«palm and xterags. Vaiiaburgh wagon and CoiTlif* Co.. L, F, LOIHLE. n t^ o ^ r . floaford arid floulb Oreni* avaa-. Newark, M. J.

t h e hard winter, on4 xwney belni ttfb t, kM Ator. AAiAf ‘‘ A ' " * ^ “ SJL;d waaoDi wt tv tr had; wt h*v* tbtia atmtd

all ovtr tb t oUr; wt ottd tb t room u d ibobot for ovir 10 ctrlo td t of ip rln t ijook now on Iht War: we have new and second wagons at an

any man*War: we have _______ -dtiorlplloiit, tu iu b lt for cliy tad countn m our p iic t li OB Arary rthlela, w om u or child cab buy- /V.VAILBBUHQH WAOON * rARBIAQ* 00.,

L P. LOIRLB, MAnA»tr, ioulh OrukA u d Sanford it m .

Wttoh tor Our U tl AucHoo fajA. Paclorr 'phOBA 51fl> Mllf. Htaldanoa ITI5 MkbWORiT hORSEj wciiha l.MO; nii’kt fa™

horse; price tw; colt, 6 months eld, |40. 687

1D10 HUDSON lourlhf car with mMelOr Ur* irons and extra ehoa; total oosl fitlid# cor

run abnut 16w mile*: Jiut been eomplstely overhauled and Is m«onaAloaIly psmot; ino. 14 Branford pi., Newark.FOR SALS-Touring car,

equipped, top. apeedODisleff.•uii) loiivp; pries fflOO: oosi mllai. H. fl. JOHNSTON,Bummit- 'Phone 909L1910 MODEL 15 Bulek reodeter, staeek abserV-

era, wind shield, epeedotneter, okMk and full lamp *quiptR*nt: perfect aondttlofi mechaaleal

27 ^ m le e e y are.. East Orange; tei.Iferj Grans*.EVERITT "60/* nearly sew, 1110 d«ml ton­

neau, ITT6; llveritt “50." 19U 6-pauenger touring: n*w, IL060: ellghily used Koehler “40." 11,200. H. J. KOEHLER CO., 391 Halsey i4.

Bve-paiw*Df*r Jockeen oar.- _ tep. wr ■

Bpevdometes':_aU flrxt-Qmee oondltki;n;FOR BALE,

•quipped, Inclu lng_

horse; pri( BprlngfUld IFOR SALE, tel* pony, 11

travelfrj good actor. 08 Plotoh. «. J. _ _ _ _

I hands high; ffi ORGB HOLLAh

HORBB, ptddiM'i wtloB And bm M t fw ^ t very efaeap; own«r mutl sell. 16 ixolloDa k -,

escend floor,____ ___________ ____________EmT l l u d ltn « tniobt tor u l t ; will MU

at half prtcA. Call t t 80 Wlcbligt n.LAURDRT WAOOK; Alto IwoMAltd tarTlAfa;

vtTT reAMBAblt. 4* ■lar'AAAot Art.______FOUR AOod wort hoTHt Mr ta lt ob iu .

9outb BtrratHDth It., leoood door.*0d

rp R 8ALB—dmAll builntti Botm, obMp. iprlP tatld AVA, Summit W. J._______

lA R O R bAATX bUok“mkt^ T S ush,

hOrM for HlA, OfctAB Ward tt.

HORSM fbr Mitj tultablt tor frootr or bateb- er. Inqnlrt iM BtUaoBt am. '___________

OOOD otmna warb b*iu for tAnalBAFi ab)A U Cbrtludt H., titr.

IfO BUTS (tod work bwM A*d aafik w*«tB. 553 doMb B*»tnlM*«h iL _____

WATBOtt DDMPIWa ■WAOON5,TbrM CArloAdi la« in in d ; All aIim tnd

prloMi wtioM told oa UMral tafiM i* rtmoo- tlblt prale; 'p b ra WJ MAW, IS' fbarth AM.; yard Sood of Q u irt at.RTAdOMd tor aiU, (tr plU ibm , fbtd, InuibM

u d lupplf butlBtit; itBflA bapaoIIt ont ibb, 146; oomblnitloB. MtacItT tw* ton*, (T5; ram . cAptotty ;hret ton* IlM. Abbty OOFM 00., Hmoa, N- J . ____________________ ___COME u d lock at M hMd laad. yMBi;, m u d

bortM U d m trw; fit tor any b h ; told ondar Bumranty or manty rtfuBded. Salt Btablt, S55 Falrtnouat at* JACK HATOEN. 'P bou 505 WaystId__________________________ _TWO iDArint wafOBA; food aoirtl brcaoo, difra

BlBSla or doubla; Alto excalltatt food aaddla poBy; AlBfit tad doablt baraaM. Apply North art- aad Rlebmond it., PlalufltlE N. J.; Mala Una C A T . __________________________KMTtTOKE botlBtM WAfooc W ordtr for aD

bbilara parpotto; tatlmatM chttrfully fiTta. Call or taltbhoat 353 CaldwtU or 553R Mtikn.1, H. BUDD, BlooRiflold a t* . Caldwilt. M. XIM BUT5 tMto •f'huw a, wolfht” E5W; 5»

u d $n> boyt obolo* of dta otbor horata, out ot UcCulltr't Mrw Tork Baptm i; muu be told at tnot, 54 Ntwarb at.. Biar CMntiAl Avo.JUST rtcolvod oarlOAd wall Mlaeted Ptontyl-

ru lA boTHi. to b t n ld At lowtat Bnarfett prlct: fAlr triAl flrtB, LARRT CBHNECa KO, M Ualon av*., Irvlnfton; ‘pboB* 555 Wtvariy.RIRE HioH.BRirD BAT BADDLB HORSE;

bound and u en tlb .CAN BE 5E31N. ___

45 LAWREWCM, a r .. OITT.

OOOD rartdnf atan far auk il r a t 555 Etib avt.

H o n e s , CettIex m , B te , W erI HWANTED. «arrUge buyer* to toko Mile*:

■•11 cheap, av*.

ind ahlifd________ oondltlon; __

Pofk View Oarage. 4*0 Eliiabetb


POWERFUL 40-hcr** reny roadettr: remodsW high-grade cor: In perfect condition; a real

sporty oar; eriginal ooet 18,700; sell for 1^0 ihU week 419 North Grove *t., Eoxl GrongaAUTO TOPBtWIND SHIELDS. SEAT COVERS.


completely equipped; rauxl be eold; daU and mejte offer thi* week if you wont * bargaiia Corntr Arllngtoti and Wafcsman avis.


WALSH'S SONS ft CO..Clay a nd o g d en btb.




Ml BROAD. NEXT TO W18B BUILDING.Waits «Ad twe-etep guaranteed In *lx leetonft

wUk nmrie. PRIVAra LESSONS A 8P|B- ClALTT; OBT oftimpoo or evgnlBg._______BERRY'S

0*DU«lpOBolBg seboot 668 Bread it., eg#. D*9et: rrlvate and oUit lewea*!bVBkTMS MSATUra mmm

ichaltn lU f u U l ju iy UHALWii**t t r iB ftrn u ltit. ^ A M 'S l t l w , WiWiTtrly.

tw m a I II m KMMTOirt tt la RKHR.

iTRlCTLT PTlvat* BudBf Itttonj t t ybUT m I T Balmont aT*.,Bt*rBprtaf5*ld M ■ m l ^ Inatmotw; opu avtataf.T tn ltm ;

PROF. L. •

Dniutic and EloenUmOBQ. a OLMBTEAD, BLOCUTIOM a*l

CTAOM tmlBlBa. PratHiiaaa' u r aMur* tau b id tar raadtrlllt; tryMta ta tatM Ira; n e la l atuaiitlaii to tioouttoa iladaal|> Studio. 55 Ntw It., third door; boara 1 la ta


U5BD m w o a .MUMT r a CLMBD o n .

r m h a h d l iw o f TALumALL R4 FINE OOHDITION.



FOR BAU5-Muwall utamoUle; 1510; 10- horMpower, dva-paattmar; oompltt*!ii *«b1^

ptd u d iB flrat-olEM runatnf ordtr: pHot 1550. Apply 1ST OlartmoBl aT*., Mootmu^_______OLUSMOBILEL la perftM ordtr; lop, wind-

thltld. W ^w ortb tbrtada. tiro irom ^ aitra ihot: will nitki ttnn i to tult rtipontipli ptrtltt; |f00. 14 Branford pi.AUTOMOBILES o t ^ fret that art plaoed on

•alo so comffliMlon boali; Popo ont-crllndtr runabout for Mio, D35; barfata. TOlINU 5 Q trtiA II lAtUotm ava._________________PIERCE Anow Ilmonaiaai 9«df*r., •vtry B u oar, fully oauippod: will i^ iIImfo^^atb or t l ^ e fVp amofl moo and Arllugtcn av*e.

cor. Corner Wok*-

AU1t> TOPS. iHp never* and iJ1 (rirnmlnge;pno** mooimhle and •atHtfonUon gaarantesd.

Nfw J«rew Auto Top Mlg. Oe., 2Sd Kateey ft. 'Phene 89U Market __________

At Owt Runabeota,nme Btiggi

BuireyiA B C H B I T B A C X .

949 Plan* f tK. Bt—INery need tm th* herm.

WANTED, geod hers* for driving and light w q ^ 0b«til 16H or 16 hands high. Addreei

C., Bo* 6. News pfflee. __________ _WANTED, light depot wagon, gloxi front,

Reply, sUttng ctIo* and moke, to Bargain. Boa 45, Ntwi oRIct.

RUBBER TIRI6 culhlon Inttmtl or

for til vthiciM, lolu or_____ ir tldt ttlta: rtMttluf u d

ropainnf;' tvtry tiro It tttttd aad uanniM d.I, LUDWIO, IBC , ao-33 camfltld A._______FDR SALE, ohtitnut bPTM. »5,t b u d t hlfb,

kind and touad In all harntM u d laddlt: alto two dapot w ifou, oa* Mt ilnfl* hanwM. Call 111 Budford ft., E*«t O rufa.OOOD platlorm oirptalar'a «a«aiL o ^

built abort ttuia ato, prloa 5100: plaUofm oarptnitr'A wafoa, oairy taeb. 60T BprlafUeid ava_____

h 5555,000; i»-n.

■WINTBR .LATINO Barred Robko; a f f t for halobina, tl par 15; alto oaa 50-atf Prairie

Btata Incubator, 54. LANG, 35 Fgaty-atoond tt., Irvlfiftoa N. J-

I Db| iCOLLIE dor. ala montba old; malt; bouaa-

broban: reaaoaabl* prlo* cm aooouot of na room, 46T Bout* Twdftb at., alora_____


111 Btiato it., 'phOBA 1551 Wavtrly.IB TOUR DOO OR CAT INDISPOSED f

Band bim to taa T udar Ratit FttarlawT H w ital i n-13-IA Oroluird at. •pbont BOBO iS lSOME vary cholM eollli papa for Ml*; Moj-

f U ’A Atock. AddroM far partleulari, P. O.Box 253. Montclair, N. J._______ _______BT. BERNARD DOa 5 ytari bid; favorltP

with oblldrati. Can b* aMO at H Montpum-try Al. __________ _________________

ACCOUKT UiAlnf aonlraoL will atll Or* bortat, wafont, |50 upwird*. Call

atabiM. 1« R...........pollot ttatlon).

to-day, TtmUnal u t loth at., Ntw Torli (n u t

fo r SALB-Horit. laod wind and work; t*t baimtH tnd flna cutttr;. aB-for ITS. or will

Mil ttnflt. I,EMBERT. 5 Wafbtafton M.. Oranfa. ________________________FOR SALE chMP. ona bay bOTM, Ilfht wafon

and harntta and rubbar-llrad nnabout; winMil Hparatf. flnof.

Inqulfb 176 Runyeo it., flrri

t r o r o d o r b r e d ooliiA p“p : “ *>•: aaoi* 5ft?wbita' parfaotly markid; 11 wMki eld, . w w aa. ™ w u M t fb, naar Battanlla awa.,

THOROUCTRBRHD OetdMT apulal Pttaa.from iw d lfr^ ftoak, tor aaia raanm SI

Centra i t ______________________________to t Boatoa tanltr, 5 monllii “I t dark hjjadta.

p^ACt markinfa, aotaw tall, full pedtfra. Call OSORGEUS, 41 Btymoar ava,

ly p a tr riis r* tuii> SsppIlE*NEW u d H%Bun/r

TTptwrItara of all maku •eld and rtntad.

RMFAIE work tb* b ra In tha Btata. ROTAL TTPEWBITER COMPANT,

U5 Marbat at., aaar Broad; Markat S5W.NSWARX TTPBWRITER EXCHANaS,

■OMaat la Nawark."t laaT tr at., btt, Ntwark u d Lyrla ThMlraa. R. J. MWR^. Prop. 'Phoita Markat 4450.

with aak daak, IM);UUU.L WV.U. ruu , ttkan tor a dabt SMITH,

T3 Minball a t; factoryREMINGTON tTpatfrlMr,

outfit worth |I35;

FOR BAtS-Fbar Uf, n o d work b o iw ; wind and work; cheap, Cau aranlaft and Bimday.

Phoua 53534' Mantolalr. 5 Chirlta a t, Moel- elalr. ________________________FOR BALB-Opan ar aneloaad aiatlap w ana;

f o ^ make; alan att altvtr-Plaiad dodbla bar- niM; ebaap. qROVBR. 515 Bammar an .fo r SALE-DBLIVERT WAGON.

INQUIRE .___H. C. BOX 110 HALSXT WT.0(NB pair mulaa, dva ytari oM, SftMe h u d i

bifb, ralMd Ai tba Iraoa Btook Fane. OH»RGl HOUaAND. Plotctl. N. J.______TRREH top txpraia wa ra if for aala; aa n a-

aonablt olTar rtfu ra . RUSH'S ExpnaA CaMwalt. N. tat 5T CaidWall.FOR BALH-Poay l>aaktl phaatoa. food *i

ntw, at reatonablt raea. Apply BMobtreadlAviry Bttbllt, Butnmlt, N. 3. - ‘ __TWO laundry wafopi; 10 top w tfont; two opan

plattorm wafoni; on* ibraa-aprlnf peddunp wason. BPT BprlnfOtld a r t. _ ___ __TWO pood Mcond'bud truck* ebaap, tultablt

for coat or truektuf bualptaa Ckn b* aHa at 550 Park an .. )f«wii4t.TEAM Iron |i*y bortM fop aala; 1 * ^ I yara

aid: watata 5000 P«Bda. aHWGIB W. (atOUITlTjlahalcaitewn, N. I.FITS bif work borra for Mla; Mlllpf M ae-

oount m folBf la autcmobllt baatnaH. 1045 Bprtnidald art,. Irrlailaa. j ,________FURMTUBB WAOON-Tm -'turaltura ...

(or n ia ; In ncelMot coaeltloa. laqulra 0K RT5 l u Farry it.

MACHINERY FOR SA LSNEW sod Mconfl-hoad Ualvertal ofkd plain

mlUlsf huiaIiIbbsi foet drill and power ,r«ii«e; ecr«w outtiog, turrec ipeed and spin- nlng tothee, ter*w moablDes, piohere. inapiera fort**, vlM*. aavlli and mieceltoaeous eman toot*; hoofen, ehartlngi pulleys and boxing e fpeelaltri will purebxs* for cash eotire vaenu- (xcturlog plants er p«rfs 1 hereof. N#w*rh Beoond^and Machinery Co , 08-ias CbestnM xt.; 'phon** 6410 and 6411 Market__________nAROAlNfl—Boller«a *iiglBee, pumpa tepeired

and guaranteed: boiler gratetp ell kind*; Browne Sharpe anneiilnf furaaoe; xurtoo* grtnider, air compiweaor with tank for eutome- bll* work, hot bloat machine, 100 tight dyna­mo; e-verythlng cheap. 11 Word et.FOE fiaTJP—nv* double action automatic feed

F L Brawn BfieUt preeeei, 26x6 Inch**: fop lathe ten epiod lalhra. 44 Inches; New Perfec­tion wood poliehltie mochins. wood pulley, 60* 16 Inche*. GRIFFIN ft CO.. 148 Vartok it.. N*w Terk City. ____________________

1116 CAXTER oar nmobeui mllee; eomp1*tely eqnli

offer ef bey# It. Wokemoa avec.

•niy run a few extra tire; ooah

Arlington and

ACCEOSiOlllES. new and eeoond-hand, *1 your own price. Arlington Avenue Oerige, ooraer

Arlittgton and Wokemon ave*.; 'phone 3684W. Branch Brook. __________________ _16 H. P. ■eve&'paa**ng*r touring cor: perfect

copdlllon; will make fine renUng or bualnrax gy: c^l and s ^ * offer. Corner Arlington and Waxei

REMOVAL flAtJS Wtanrar pteoe*; perittvolr the moet drostlo prlo* reduction* ever mod*

In the hiitotir of piano •elling; uprlihti, to* eluding *ucb make* a t Steinway, rhinkerlnE Hardman. Voee, Ggbler, Webor, ^ tnam , Gil­bert, lUllet ft Davis, 846 to 8190; |6 monthly; oquarwi, ItO, 120, $80, $3 monthly. WlfiSNSR. Uanutooturer. flU8 tiroiMl *t, Newark,

FIANO-Tho F- Connor, noted foe lit dene, rick tone and wearing quallly; Ih* ceteneted

Milton 1200, eoitn^verywhere 686<l; sl«nut neto uprtgbt, 7 1-6 octave, real mahogany, IvntT keyii 8176. |6 monthly; all planes warranted! for ten y ran; stool scarf or cover, cm* yeer'i luning free; iiightfr used uprights oa bandi •quora plaooi aacrlflced; open evanlngS--------aw — -------HBaVRY HOIS -

61 South Orang* eve..^ ESTATE, eornto Rowan! i





kemon avos.flPECTAL-ffiw that "all run down" feeling,

take that olok storage battery to the "pro- fenor/* at tbe Electrlo V*hlcle Oarage, 344Halsey st. ___1909 MAXWBUf eomblnfttlM runabout er

ruodster; In flo* condition: alroMt new tire*, f te ,; at *600. Corner Arlington and 'Wske- mojY a v a * . ___________ _____TONNEAU,


Iraitftt epholitering. with enshtooe eon be uo*d on any roadster or Con be **en at 6fi9 Park avi,,

TO LET—Big forsice: three btook* above Bpringfleld avq. lunotton: two car Un#*: two

entronc**. Inquire !■ MIBNER. 468 Washing-toe xt. _______________ ___ _ _|2fi0 BUYi either a four-cylinder Pop* or

Darraoq roofixter; both good condition ind •quipped. Cterner A-rilngtoo and Wikemon av*», _______________

iUOoBOTT fOXOltn* «0|dynamo, ywltchboara and everytlA 3 B. P. with



igtoOi_ . . hmg.

Diet* for generaUng electric current; ogty a short time; at half price. W. B. VINCflj;41 Myitl* avg; oaii evenlnga.ON oecoual cf removal, will s*lt T-hoieepcwer

Otto gas engin* very ch#aip: now lu u*e at 860 Gfoenwle^ *L. New Twk.__FOT 'phons 076J a.Tl

B. after T P. M. T. H. WOI^

FOR SAU»-CVitury motor, TH h«r**POW*r;perfect ooftdltlcn; chShKtni to steam; a bar-

gate If row need It. Can be s ^ at Montotelr 3 u i Ktlchra, 15 Labtl t t., Monteltlr. N. J.ELECTRIC fnrter M iftin . u d fw d wlrtBa;

wt buy, rtnt tnd ttll. f j .N L .* .” - ™-. - r a Hality it,; 'pbont 5414 Mtrktt.____FDR BALB-A SS-borttpowtr and i

Mwir i*a tnrlnt, vtry tbtay.Mmrtnf. Boa d*, Ntwt otWet.______


WOODWORKING TOOIX. lAuadry Buulb.maat, Comica Maker, u d Papar Bo. Ma­

thinary. M CbMtnut at._______ ______ONE BaoKui IB-H. P, faa tniUni u d OBt

tata tor Mle, LONG 1 KOCft. ISd SouthM, ____________________________FOR BALE obaap. 5 " " J ln a » W. W. LTON * c a , A5T Ototon

:n* and ftatura*. am.

M sehlnerr W tiitcdw a n t e d , In food ordtr, Ittha abapar.

ntMA mlllluf machlnt, borini mlU,_p p tw . AddrtiM Otab, Boi 5f, NtiHILLING UACHINBB, ibapaf,

ary rtladtr 55 Cbawaut at.lalha aad im -


etted 671 Broad ft., over Chtldi'i Restaurant Name oh bulletin teidda bnildteg entrance.MADAM DARLING box meved from i l Wor-

A a ^ to 66 Wonee e t and w l^be Piraoed to 9b* her friends Irma. 19 A. M. tfY P, M.MRS. CAKLSON-Ladl** oaiy; Sally

Bwdaya; ipMslal fee. 60a.; 'phone 2 W Market 47 Orcharfl st.Mm. CARROLL, 28 Oenirt at., opposU*

Kahfie's: Goman and RflglLoh: hours frosi 10 At M. to 6 6** ¥•

STFAMnL-FlTe>pao»«nger, good condition: 100 mile demonotraticn; quick *a]o. will sell

for oomplets. JOifN POOL, Csldwril,N. J -_____ ____________________________HUICK, mo^l 10; top, wind shield and Presto

tank; extra *ho* and tube; and In good running orter; cheap. OLIVER. 14 N*w et.a u to m o bile oyUnder* and alutnlnum paris;

•Jw brafceo machinery repaired. Autogenous Weld teg Co., 664 Hxlray^t. 668J Market. _1M7 AUBURN, 1906 White Bteomsr; brtb

fine shapeyour choice for 1186 Corner Ar-

A GOOD, thoroughly made, lellable piano oolfl

iby u on eoar payments tor 1175. wtli worth 883, With five-y*ar guaranira: also ouch woU nowB moke* ox Krneger, WiQi«r ft Cq. and

the Rudolf ptano*. flAL'Gn A CO., 117 ftvulb Orange ova., near Norfolk it.PRtVATV FAMILY must **11 84fiU mnnug-

ony upright pi»no, gcKni *■ nrw; TH op?*''’** very powerful, sweet toned; also mak#ri' full guaranty; ilBO. 20 Myrtls iv*. hetween Or- snge and Warren sto_______________1700 PIaAYBR PTANO, Uke new. music rolls.

bench, all In perfect condition; win sail cheep. Addrora Cheap, Box w. Wewi ofllce___ELEGANT mahogany uprlshi piano; good .af

new; rich tone; big bargain to cash buyer. Coll day or eventef, 16 Howxril st., block v-oxt of cburihcuai. _MAHOGANY upright piano; a fine inxtrumentt

got! IfHlO: will ssll for SI26', first-class cohdl* lion. Kiral floor, t^9 Bucrmir *v#., cor. Delo-voo. ____________________ •_HaRDMaN Upright Plano; cost new Al59: coh

be obtained for cne-third. Coil at one*. Edl- •onta Company. 61 Halsey it.; open evenlngfcQSAUTIirUL 1600 pteno for sale, ItQOi (ttU

rise; in perfect amdltloni plain mahoMey eoaa Partleulari, Bargnin. Box I. Kswg oifleft,PIANO TUNER—rrscUcal piano maker; re­

pairing, all branch#*: new *irlng*.F. W. CANN. H2 Brunswick st.; 'phone gflSJt«ii»Tr*rHOOANY upright piano at i great SOe-

rifloe. Call 29 Jacob it., near SpringfleAd ave., block below fievsnth st.; private house.fliAYBR PIANO bargain: standard tetast 18-

not«: meta? tubing, brass pedals, *tc. Fw po.rtlculars address Piano, Bnx 14, News effiCAHARDMAN

new, very attachment.

upright piano, rich tone, good t* cheap: also pianola seJf-playliu| Private house, 6 East Pork •£.

lington end WokiemiQ ave*.: always dpen.CADILLAC 80 runabout; Ion, wladshlsld: n*w

point, good tlTWO, etq.; 6460 for quick eoxb. Corner Arlington and Wokemskemon ave*.

elthCADIUUAC runabout. tIflO: boot reototi for Mliing.

top, extra tube, g, Address Bsr-

garn,' Dos 66. New* office.RBO runoboal; spleodld rtinning spd*r; tire*

nearly new; top, eto; |l6d cub. Addreei Auto, Box 81. New* effic*-________________AUTO TRUCK. aaMlIanl *endlU™i » 2 .I*

bought at a low pries. CLARKE Motor Cor Co., 816 Hal**y t __________________

lahotea ft-poai idO; eost fl.909; drove

sarage, 401 Clinton ave.BU1CK. 40ahoi

fl.ir*tietiger;k bOo m

Buot rail mllee. Been at

AUTOMGBTLB for oole; flvs-pejetngir mu*; Mliing on OMMunl death of owner. 666 Ml.

Proepout gve. _________________________1906 FRANKLIN runabout: four-oarllndst;

top, ahlaMt lamp*, etc.; 4300 noab. 98 WU- •ay a t . ______________ _________A NO 1 (ouTHj/llnder oar; londaulet and touring

body; 1660. j OHNBOK'B Gorag*, 9>tl Hill *t.

AbUheoMIm fo r H lroCLABBT five and mvmi posoenger oars, 61 and

64 per hour: •pw'loJ day price*. 'Pbone ltW4 n, B„ Bid Brood *t.FIVE and im n p*seenger Psckanl oarat}

rent. 440-442 Control av*., Cox(. Orange; 'phone 1691 Omega.

A utom obiles W sutedWANTET, !906 Huprrvobtle: good running or­

der; equtpmeote not neow^iy: state your lowest pries in answering. DENNIft, Qe&sral DeUverv. Elisabeth.. N. J._____ ' ______




(650 PLAYDR PIANO: 6l-no(«, laleot devto*: gueranteed; elsn 24 rails music, fnahegaay

benrh. WWO. Ed loon la Co., 67 Hality st.wilaL *00x100* my f400 mahogany uprlcM

plgino for teas than half: must be sold tbla week. Cgll 482 High st.; private houae.laofl MAHOGANY Upright Pteno. elightly uxOtt

gr«*t#*li bargain offwed. Bdlsonta Ooffir* psny, ij7 Hatsry st.: open eraningi.______ ,G R ^ T rrduollon In prices of all high-grade

pUno*. call If yotj or# looking for a bargain. AMON PIANO CO.. 647 Urtigd xt.FOR BALE—Upright plsno. alnoet new; cost

Iin6; will sacrifice for H60, J. LEUBERT, 2L6 Washington st.. Orange _________CHICKERING Upright plono, fin* oonditlpn;

Uke n«w; no use tanae; will sell for HA, flO Halsey xt., upeulr*. ________t l prANOfl. organ* tuned, repolied;

thirty-flv* years' SWALD, 28 State it.


upright piano; used: S&6; xood for era Edisonia Co., 67 Halier et.; op*QEBONY bertniiera

eveafngE.FIANOS TUNBD~iliia naw. 11.64 . JOBiii

BRURaX 50 Bprlnfllald aaa: 'pliona SlHXTWO Mraual read orfani food wadttton, IT

MI. PiMMnt ava.b a rg a in «n A hAndMma |5M piaas. (ISO.

Call 15 Elm It. _____HAHOGANT aqaar* ptano; food oMdlUan; I

3TW Wakaman al.

STORAGEbrec ia l hatkb—btoraqe and moving.

Naw, olaan and alrr noma, all a1»a« tiiraf ataam-baated iMano room In olta.

EXPERT MEN for raorliif piaaoa aad fuial- tun, or packlBf (or thipmani.

KNICKERBOCKER STORAO* CO,, too to lOa ArllastoB at-, aaar Cowl.

■Pbona 5441 Mark«t, or writ* for ralma**, W»Q™iMJ4TBB ABBOLUTHBATMFAftlOM

FIRBT-CLAW BTORAOX Lookad romn*i padded enaa, 4apart

■ W 'cAR’p f t mJTi________ CARPET CLKANINO.CW-PERTHWAIT * Van horn c» ,

OfBoMt TS-T5 MariMt at^ H*w*rk; 'ofcn«.JI'plwBf 4Mta




M BROAD, ROOU8 MM-HS.BoilBn* plicM u « aunfnllT lnveillCAt.4

prei.DWB *2oob» ' ^ 5 os*OO,, WO Bmd.HKT, cniury u S StU uU M n b u .lsw « ! • : SuBunr v n ,; dotns % bi»InMt «I mhlTj r*Dt W , iBolvdlnf t nnm*; prto* WSW211L * OO,, SCO BmiS, ROOBU Wi-

. •( e itrr H nin( w bii'bun to wbHkr nunthir:

BAMOif o m r Wart i^ MOT fi tten w wtiwwT- iuwuimj.

1 ^ HJh iPod 1m m ; prtc* H,90Q; frv* Biid ft o a , HOO SaroBd. R o w S(K-

rmd$i^ dM wMktjri prlotFartiouUn ^

moocM ao«-Mft

I p«yiiIBC bMtn*OT| ,W. laolttdin# -ZBL ft OO..

aOTXLr-OsanUr houl, «d ftiw 4H n (oS tw i i I t m s t oM il i t m s t owatr at tu a plasa IS raani

will aaD laapartir, atook, (IrturM and Itoenia tar WCOOi raaaw fcr aaltlna, dwitb: caah la- anlrat, sioDO WXaOBEL * CO,, SM Brand. RawnaftTTSNTl^

a a la »PWWbUt.

ION I PiMtleal bartnndnr wllb Umlt- tal nrtahw to emmact wlUi bonnrt. In-

man (axparlanoa unnraaaaary), ta panhaalns prWtabla Now Turk omjw

Wrtta appolntmanl, Baalonai'a Op- IQS Taiacnm, Naw ToA._______

X OItXDU,«rB Baabaalosl aMtaaar, wlUi a anaU aaoMal af aaclial, nan Snd aa

iBf la a fo tat tonal naatiaBldal ansUiaiiM aaa ian i witk brllHaat eaelpaeU, Addraaa Can­aan. But M, Nawa ooaaxm O D RO H ll moTlac aletnra prapoalUon;

‘ I sniak nan baar ol idtallira nan who will aot , ___loaauon far opan air ibow an Maikat it„ witn twa antranoaa, naar Molharry, Aidraaa Ao- ttlW^ Baa S, Naara odloa

DFURTIIER wanta illaBl partnar to chnnca------- atartJnc rwT praitabla buitnaaa; no

baat nlaranoaa Aidnaa Profll- Nawi nfflaa

i i -

BOBR and ITOoarT huNl!*": " " W Ipia from IT« la IMO waaklT’: tb rn and wacoM! ararnblair nanwlatat bar.wacoM; ararrtblair nanwlatat bar.

5trbartr;_ ot^r^hwrtrgaaU1..QAN. las ■ord. H. 1.__BBOP tar aala BaX aratiraand raiaUblM In (aat siuatud naltb-

low road not muob oaah rodnind, ■hop, B « SO, Mown otBoa_________

OOMfBC'nONlIItT, lUttonorr aaU luBoh aiiiL iolBf atoottant bualsaaai ewnar (olnf

Og i t r BBTrow m T. amtlnwfT, fli la la wUh taa oraast parlor ao

■ia tm ita a : kaapa two bMp-___________________ jUpr ____with taa oraask parlor a o i Tlrlnc twma;

Imiulra noaid ara,__________

O^MPBCnONKRT. oliar, Mkaooo and frnoaiT

ettr-for aala ohaap, on aoornnt of loarlnf

n Wartan a tUTBRT ahd bnardiu tiahlai hnraaa and oar-

rlacaa with bnardora: all la irat-elaaa con.


IiAROEflT BTOt K IN KAHTKRN STATM, ICvarjr wb««l guarmotft.'d for IPll,

NothSnr but fuarontuU wbMl* uid llreiL Tho ONLY if tn i In Newark for Iver John•nr^ ColuraWa, ai«ro», Cyruf, Waverly, Hartford. CrMcenI, eto. Warerljr tl5. SlMmi tlO.SO, ryrui I2&. Irer JoboecD tSO tb |ad, CotumblJl


OPKN BVKNINOS.SudiJHot way down.

TlrOT 99c. up; Kurtfonl F)ek f*.n.Prtneeton, II.4H; p^nlale 7Rc.; nddt« Hk.; to# cilpe !&<•.: Mprrt repfliftng; we heve pxir wb nilcanUJnf jO^nt. HF;niU5RT AWT/N. 91 Or&nfft et.a half blnck from ilfoid; »•!. OOSL B. 13.; R. L. AUSTIN. Oraar» ti«nt. UaiQ »t-, pear the Perk. ____

Fur tbr aod mnii rrUabil# fo to Wl’fcTH S. 2U WILLIAM BT,

Wed0esdays=special Real EstatC DajS'SatodaysM ORTGAaE LO A N S.-R EA L ESTATEiwu.uuv loaH _









Ntw.rk'. olcje.l and nnat rallabl. daalar.REbldNO STANDARD, riERCB RAYCYCLR Motun and Birycla., Sumlrlaa and R m lrln i,EASY PAYME.NTB, CASH OH TRADE-INS,

Always have exc^tlnna) banr#1"# 1 iraded’In rnaohlne# of relljihle makes.•Phona WUUTH. 2fl WILLIAM. Eat. 1 ^ .

Notice—Being unwilling lo eell our Readl^Standard Blcyclea to the Nrwark Polloa De» partmant at leaa than cost, we dMllnrf th# contract, after liaving iwld the Reading Btand-arda to them the p u l seven year* but m order | 'phaea 40tll. Market, lo get the beat motorryclea, inay wiu, ai at,uautl. ride Heading Fiandard BdotoruyclM. C^r ---- — — -------------------------------- -Wbeeli'raijulra no further advertlilng In erder uONET loaned on ieoond[ mortfmgMt

A HORTOAOB LOAN placed atay*' li to your advantage; aalc ua why; we plaoe money

In or obtain U on mortgaraa; tenera) brokermgej ' THE NAB8AU CO.. ‘m

to eell them, enough eald.ICHULTf CTtSikY. 4T South Oranga ate.i

obeapeat hicyole bouie In the State; we have

JOtEPtjU D R H ^,' rooma 90ft-8 Unlcn faUg*. 8-11

to at reaaonable terma.Clinton I t

a large uenriment of hlgb>gr«de faloyolea. Co- j lumbia; Cleveland, Trtbunep Iver*JohaMB, 'Crawford, Creat^ent, Peerleu and many o l ^ maku: sneolal thli month regaxdlece of coets Boma at liakd up; large alock of aeoond-basd

— — - - ^ave large atoek atblcyoleB. Yc up: we afet -----tlrea, 9 ^ up: Hartford Urea, proof UrM. IS.2S; randrl.x p«!al». Me.: dlM. «o.j t« clip., ia.-. axpert trpp''""*- SCHUWTZ Cyclwry. 47 South Oranga av<

HOKBT to loan oa bond and mertoag* ta fuma to itilti bo betiua. WILLIAM B.

nAUPBON, eouBMllor-at-law, Unlea boUdingr CMntob a t

WHY pay more when too oan get the l»ll Haverford inoiorcycle. four*hor*epowar. reab-

ler-Carpanier hHtiery model, |t50; wlib Roah magneio. lIKif Bole agent for Hudaotv Haverford and many oihef well-known blcypsU. We eell whniraale and retail. Pyalara Invited. Our motto la amall proflto and quick ealea A

will convince you. Dlryclee and m«OT- crclaa bought, aold and exehanged. i r a TaJe machine, In good oornmlon. fW. ea Inataimania. Open arenlnga. W5 Bread atTMB BICYCLE POLICE OP W»WABE to r t

soma btak to their former love, the TALE wheel, which (hay will ride the preMnt yw^Thit la Juat another proof that our claim la true that the TALE ti the b rtt builtUTiB that the TALE - x,-We ^ lo ^ v e the popular Oqmell. #ta jltoerentmodeli. M and ae«iui before rm bu* Vf9

\l for CASH or C B E ^ . indriei at tow prtoee. FRANK C. CORNIHH.

|aOO.lKE TO LOAN os bond and mortgage to auma to eiilt at B per eeat., trlthout bontiA---------- - - - -K.00 * ------ ---- . .EDWARD g. BLACK,ooubaelor. 130 Prudential

WILL give my equity.ty fo “■ ‘ ‘

Addin property

money.amounting over 82,000

'is# t'liOOO oaabj In need of ready (^•h. Box S4, Newt offlcA

|1,000 TO llO.fftO to loan on bood and mort- gtgo at S per eent.; olty property.

B. W. UcDONOira^ 7T0 Broad a tMONET TO

JOL____ ______ , _______ 817 Union building, Kewarit

^ A N on bond aad OHN A. MnFA|>DEN.

IITD OM TO LOAN on flret and aecond mort^ gage. Call MRS. BERTHA WBIBg, tU

Weet r .............................KJhnty it., Newark.t^vtKIL to loan ea flret and aecond mortgagWH

BCHBCHNBR. Unltomeonable|ttl5]n£^tarmi.n 401


aiS^gi'toB 'iiT«.‘"iiu io C. ^ r l a . Man««ar.BEST ralMti™ 1“ H. B.; ararr vhMl »n»r»B.- *“ TOhEH

Popeteed for (he year toll; agant for Tver J^ n ----- fl*a ^ tloc"*

nee._____ br__., ..

week; euhdrlee; Urea,

atlonaL etc., oloyolee. rake. IfiO.U;

dICiao: thli a money m aker:_^tr% l location; New Je ■■ta a bootPlng New Jeraey town; wilt Mil way

btoDW coat; ewner retlrliig. Addreea XJrtry, Bdft 88. Ntort omce._____________________'#O lt iAIiE^M tge grooery and tototor buii*

m m ; eaburtaa town; bwetoeea nearly hun> drid thmiaand lu t yewi irtac^ about eight

andtamaaM: aleo xrambetr mnaner froo«7 a Btoand etOTM. WV. a UBEK, 88 ^eatout ■L, NewariL

IV-BOft EAIiV, OB M oont oC . _

merchant tailor itor«> harlaf end repairing; good leeaUoBi for 10 yeara. Addrew TOT HdirtoQB. N. J,

bwtneaa. 8ae ng moatJr eleanlBg • attoa btoM tbera NMth iM U i itp

td f t SAliB-ftporttegptfottory ftort itoei: ^ __ . __

plane: price for qaksli eal^ M.888. For t o f ^ Rtotltoi addrew HARRTCTOBTmE. Wato-

M)d . . B n a n at 00ft Vo

N, J.ftALB-*Cora«r hard wan

tioB; eetabUihed eli' tolA Addroae E. OO' K itn a t i . N, J.

tardwan «tor% woodlight yean; ymo^kSLU if tta fE


ee mage a peoQ ni r * * ■ ** ^

taR M.. MTMr fa t tmanm, Wi wiMis. K. J.t M

______W i i«l________MumatMi tw n o w**k

rMMB for MlUax oa u n • O n FOLOW i^O N S, Ta a s s n iM r -- ^f i in c n iT ,BRT, stfoT. anair Oftrat ao*d tap i

I In FMd tnriBHS IpqkUeaIn a n . and Ontfa aU. Mutlaz, H. 3.S a p ^ «amra a u i i r ata**.!**paplac sm au a tan tat aala. .

aataklMwl laflUiiaar aba a* of ^ilBiiiaa. tfiinnar.

for aalA aanTHawaBat

U.a ilf obaaf.logwa

lMf t » .q m tH I a ^ a a i afttlaaatr a ta n ■aal ioaaUaai iSa rl«hi m u w u t t i ta

t t a

UDUBSi taa n a a a i oiaam baati ahMTla ala.! atoatr tanlahad t tm tb o a t tor

MaMlnr-lwBat: oautralty laaatadi pitoa oaah. Aidraaa Box M, K a n oOiw.

> 8880

s o n s * OT roomlng-bouM ta leL • M M at dlBliOT-rooni; fwmtotodi

■ento; etoMt newi oeatri of oltrii dar. BmrCR. T« b n u at.

n e t H i

JKW XlilT_____, . [>RE ta tto O ru M t npolrtog81,800 to ilaSOO g yew; e e e b # Inerwied!

Atoei bo ■eld et omo tor ooeh; to re other Id- tereete. Addrew JewoliTa Box T. Kewo oiBoe.

.T eton tor Mtoi Unt-otaw; good Uod; eeniBg n geooont of hATtng two

WTETZXaMOr------ * ' - -o r , 108 gprtagfleldrA ET ireit with 18,880 ta lang mitr «#■«

Wee tbw wBouBt tnrtitoda AddroM A., Bog 18. N«w« «8Boe, ___VAIITNBR wanted tor a good partog ebe#

etOTA laguir* X. E m nniA H , to HaatOT- doA et.BALOOHS-^eting cw behalf ef torn ef eor

oaetoCBin; we e n offerlAg two good Kew- - — -------- "aruiaoUiTark ooraer#; on eaer tem ai parUouUir* aX interview onlya LnfDBN D teffil^ . 8tf Mar-

eon, Cotumble, Pierce’ wheel# ae low e# tlT.OO; Geneva ted with new departure ooafter whnela tS down, t l a week; i E uti- •addlee. fldc.: toe cllpfa to . e tai g ^ 'ira f refflHng. C. kREBft 51 Wtlllam et.

FLT.of raooR entered tn 1818 were

the 'Tlylng Kerkel;" aleo dietribulto “mnnoapoTlF* two-epeed; uaed twin

8TU per cent.■on ny th* 'Tjf the '‘mnneapoiir cwo-«pwu, u»w

Ttifllani, 81M eaoh_Lfor the■bop: iupplletr H. JKHlall, 48T Hnieey et, near Cllnion avaNEW and elightlr Med bloyolee of all makeei * toll line of cycle rundflee at iff?**expert repairing; dleirtbutwi for toll Merkel* *rMee Tike a Pullman.' Belmont ^yotoCom^«i£^or. Broad and Bellevflie tvA» H. F.BCH Prep.

m oto bo tclm o n ly - n ^ r ^ clb^ ^SkClNor .InclH u d th . . — . .

rV., fkitait u fl b.rt hlll-ollmhin# altifla bulUl - ‘ iMcJitnta, nil tntkat: auppllaa.

ArtJOUQALUXT wflHIrtna. BUSH X MACTOUOALUXT william rt.tfOTORCTCLB kttkchmant far bloyel., oom-

DlHa toT^SO; motor. Sohablor cmrtrurat»X - unke u d ' wheeli; ,wtil demonetrmte to machine any evening after'5 o*olock. STAJlll,IT Sllihemiue ave.1811 HARUDT DAViDflON motoroyolea. 1H1|

4 Bo P.n MBfliL Immediate dellwry ta•^MzSJ'‘’ira'"aSr Ri Tffi

Wtot Oraotoift ft M. AND POP*, n aEiitofve to

American motorcyelwt klgheat daw ty, 1ow«#tpriow; tnuet be eeen to be V P fa e ta t^ o ^ write or *pb0B« tot- deaoTiitratloA. C. u B S 8 , 61 William tt.j open eventogA______________B O rt wheel. 13 to. fm w i

ante*: ttree neer^ newj f8: a ham tiv E ^rlj^pr^e ave., Baet O ru ia ; aaU after

maker'e gaar-B«

GOOD WeyolM tor ealej Wry#.genu*: oiWo repairing; a itt or

EIHM&klfAN ft 6TEVBNB. ItoMONE 1908 Indian motcreyole, Vrk K . .

Indian, 8H fa. p.. HO: alao new and aaoond- hand Wheel! for sale. Id Park at*. Orange.WB HAVE NOT MOVED nUDM but w« hart

movod to 4T South Orange ave,: bloyolw eo14 8CHUL'--------------retordlee* of eott. LTZ Cyclary.

of bfcyolM and aapplleo i 4T Iknith Orange avA to

ENTIRE itookmoved from 47 _ . ____

E «i^ a t ; ■Mltog wii at 80 POT

MotoiCTelM an d B i e r t l o W antedMOTORCTCUBl wanted: oaab readyt obaln oi

belt drivel^ any make or year. Addi H. R„ Bob 8l. New offlcA

BIX PER CENT, guaranteed flret mortgageea------ ----------------- - X--ameunta Broad It f

Impiwed oily property for « I a in nto to fUlt FREEMAN, room 184, gSf




A c o m p le te l i s t is p u b l is h e d d a ily a t t h e h e a d o f th e f i r s t c o lu m n o n th e e d i to r ia l p a g e . W e w ish i t u n d e r s to o d t h a t p a t r o n s a n d p r o s p e c t iv e p a t ­r o n s w ill r e c e iv e id e n t ic a l ly th e s a m e s e rv ic e , c o u r te o u s t r e a tm e n t a n d p r o m p t a t t e n ­t io n a t a n y o f th e s e ofB ces a s V lll b e a c c o r d e d a t th e h o m e office, 215 -2 1 7 M a rk e t s t r e e t . In v ie w o f t h i s f a c t w e d o n o t h e s i t a te to in v i t e th o s e w h o m a y f in d i t m o re c o n v e n ie n t to t r a n s a c t b u s in e s s t h r o u g h o u r b r a n c h offices to do so .




M ORTGAGES W ANTEDHAVE monty to pUTchie* eecond mortgegear i -- _______

1500, 11,000, 11.500 and■ BNPt. Sit ................>3>0Q0. St# MAE MEN ' Union building.



tALARODD EMPLOTE8.Tou will And tb* AMERICAN a iur-

pnvtngly dUtoreiu iMtitutlon from Uie crdliianr leas company you hear or read about. Confldemlal deaUoga, quick eer rice, oourtaou* employee, brIgnL obfcr- tol ofllcai. oonilderate treaimeDt, ratee you can eflord to pay, make ua dlEerent. If you bava naver borrowed, or if your •xptrlanoa with other ecmpanlea hae not been entirely aatlafectory. pleaae call to ua

Let iM explain the AMERICAN ayn* tom. R will plette yon.

Fot the cpenlng of the SPRING BSA80M, we will eubmJt eiUmatM 15 per oent. below actual price, if you are ready to have paper- hanging, painting or decorating don^ placa your erdar now and take advantage of Ibla offer. We eell wallpaper of the laleat datlgn# wHh the Mine dlicount.

Call, wrlta or 'phnna and wa ihatl anhmll aamplea and aatimata#.

NOW IB THE 1'IME to hava your papar- Tlug and painting done and anv* all you Wa carry the fineit aieurtment of the

hanging and paintinican. Wa catty the i__ _____lateet deilgna Our apeclal in. 20, 5(ie. wall* paperi ara of the moat elegant and beautiful coloring# and cannot be dupllcatad anywhereat double the price; It will oertalnly prove to your advantage to five ue a call before giving oat your contract.^ We paper room# from 83.50;In and outilde pal&tlng at loweet prlcea ('jri.j write or 'phone,

ft COHEN,Tet. 24I5R Market. Ml Market a t

OUV write or *ph«D#AMTUUOAir LOAN OO..

BOOK 88L *PK0lfB MARBW.iM U A j m r FT.

DON'T Boi H m n a s a n m when Ik nrtd of a UtOe available «atoii iFa detlan to oent# It will end ttnaatlitoetOTy. If not ukpleatant ta both. Maybe you already know hew triM thli etatemeat la Than oome to ua: we'll accommodate yau flutokly and privately at a tofnlmum ooaL that wtll maketou iadependeat of all tiianda Onr buatoata

I eaoluairtly to aaairt people keeptog bouaa Nov tan't thle (a trf Ton have the aae of

both your fanaltor* a a i the oMuey e t pr*>eltoty the tame tlo»a W* loan any amount from |18 to |i08> front eae month to one year, and U actUed oefore time egried w* allow pel e dleootint tor eeoh month that the monay to not laaft

W ANTED:CBB paid for ladlaF and■ *' ■ h


magr draeaea, watoti. •klrt#. (kc.': i hi lemaod lor ladJea* olotblng; tharefora )ay beat ^ oot; Mod poataT and I will

elothing; extra high ntlort ■treet olothliur^ evenliur or

~ bare big 1 can

__ ________ _____ ^________ _ __ call at0B<^ buelnoM atiietly oonfldential. MR. CAJOI. ^ Market atTHE -htglieit prioea paid for eaat-off olothlng

for laoUe and ge&to clothing; pleaee aend apoital and I wU) oall. No. 1884W Market

Call me up by 'pben^J. STERN.

184 Mulberry • t . Newark, K. J.TRADING STAMP BOOKS bought, f i pOT

i.OOO; looee milk labelt, eoap wrapper* and tobaooa ooupesj; hlgbMt prfuae paid. New Jeraty Oeupoa <^, 521 Plane et., near Mar­ket a t

bridge buUdlng. New Totta.SALOON; will hear. ______ . 11,000 maht

eeillQg 40 half b a ir ^ of htor weekly: goodwhtoky'trado; will gtva

X B5< News oAoe.Bpx

w immr gwnlaaaa. idflreta Owuoty

SALOON tor •ata with taa rtonw, togood oatodlUeaTta ElltoMi aft, f i R m m r k j .

BTORB, atooik, flxturtato#tabl|^furalhHd tor

tigata. derueadt i tend iliraa rooma


SHOE rrO R S—Owtaia ahH a a t Miaa atora tar aala, an aooaunt el alakMaa. Uvqulra <u

rtftaanth ara., N aw XTTHINO

BOHBs. ___ fS ^ fS u RB0™ HT A^gOUT^x m i 'PHONE sanuA R K iiT .

W AMm>.-4Cu L- aarrtoaai aatablli

haaSla a*Nava aOea,


T o m to IfAH vaalad, vUS DM, «a FtmliaBa t tn tar« t la a lairlni f rniwaRhni; moae,

laomiA XUnaa nvpoattlm,




>nna cE ixxR S a n d a u <KINDS UABON WORK MXP06BD TO DAMP-

__gO-imANTBEDj8*Iux..a« naina\/tvAxa*AfM, x-f*vx iy.j1N8UKANC7& AGAINST ILLKBSft OUAJUNTEE WATERPROOnNO AMD OON-

--------------- OO..m RROftB FT.


SAVE BOftay^ havtng oa reflntob yo«r aHrar* idaflera and ' < . . -


__ chendaflera anil br«M badat^a , nuta-ttm them Ilka new: anything In the metal Uoa rpbUihed and rasMired: a nparlor ■liver pollah aiweys on handr Write or ‘phone 8547,

NEWARK NICKEL PLATING OX,Rott 88 and 40'Walnut a t

UPHOLSTERER. arUitlQ. formerly with Wen- amakar,. wlihea work for private family;

parlor iuit# recoTered. |15 up, Incluaing tapee- tryi dining ehairt. M oenta. with leather; flraperlee. cabinet work and poiiBhlng; work tatlafmotory: eend poetal, 760 Hanieoa are.. Handeon. FRBTWTRTH.____________iVKT not apply a metai otollng avtor tna

her In your kitchen, btahroama, atetreaBNRT O. THAUTWEIK. Metal balling Ooh urtor, 108 Peahlne ave.; UT lOTSW Wartrty.

CamCNETBSue; ainoky

riMlred-; ebloaneye cleaned, | l chlmneya guaranteed to Smwi

plaatorlu and all kind* of jobbUig done. Ai K A M lft 145 Alannder e t: tel. 12^W MerkelKATCHEK ft ROBINOWITZ, Iron worka,

atractural and creiti •ntal, Are eecapea, roll* Inge. Iron doon and ebu'tere. 78 Bevenih ave,, Newark. N. J. ‘Phoi 85BR Branch Brook.

niQKEST PRICES Mid for ................ .............. IIL V ■

TOtT OKLT FAT fee the aelual tim* yea keep the moBay. That to the etandtfd prladpla of aqr aucotae, fair end ■Quere treatment to every one. No fevorltlem abown. Ton won't be afraid to iruit ei wHb your boalneafl heoauae it to

EK'nRELT WITHOUT P lTB U C m .Wb extend you the ooartoay of our pitrata

afltaaa for an iDtiwfew. Information free: ar lot ui lend our repreaentatlva to your boma

NEW JERSET LOAN COMPANT,804. ..Third Floor. 148 Market a t

WALL PAPKR AT COST.Our building If coming down, eo we nmat

•acrlflce ID.000 ilock cf well-paper bedroom end kltebeo pepere et 8c.. border to match; ■elect varnli^ gold hella and dining-room pepera, Itic.; ellK paper* for parlor, ISHo.; twc'tona and duplex papera In dork red or green, 15c.: varaUh tllca, 18^ .; white moire cfelUng, 5c.: we do the better kind of paper­ing end painting el 26 per cent. below other* and guarantee our work for three yeera: let me help you eave money. Call or writer M- ROTHOUSB, 8 South Orange a rt.; eatab- llihed 1882.THE (irlgnaJ CKAft ErBENRERQ, reUable

Painter and Decorator, removed from New ■treet lo 175 Bprlngfleld avenue where I oairy the largeat and moat beemiral •election* of wallpaperp In the flute. I al«o employ flret- claea men to dP paper-haaflng. interior exterior painting, plaeterlng and btat tnaterltl need —

_ __ ___ andtg, plaeterlng and Uotlng; only leed at moat reaaoaabie pftoea; aa low aa tt. all work goaran- lUl for eatfmate or ‘phon* 8611_ _ poaul for -

Md IjwlII .eenphon* 1

... __ with eejnplea. __Eleenberg. 170 Bprlngfleld ava


BELAUTIFT your home at thp loweet coat; I will do your painting, paper’ hanglng and

deooratlng. with the beat ynatorlali and au- parlor workmaneblp. for a lower price thak could be charged by othera; let me oonvipoe yoa by eubmlttlng eatlmatea; the lateet etylea In 1611 wanpaper* and decoration# now ready} blghaat refereneea; repreaentattve will call with aamplee. Write or tohone. A, LBWINB, 408 Ftfteenth are.; ’phone 1808, Wavtrly.

SEA L ESTATE AGENTSBARGAXNB at OUT THREE ofOce* la Houaea for Bale and Exobauga

ONE h u n d r e dHouaea Flat# and Apartmenta for Rent



Oppoatt. KoHYlll. Av*. D.pol, N.wu%, Oppotite South Orang. Uapot, South Onug*.CvitnU Av.- uid B- UilntoQ ot., £aJt Orxng.,









e n r AND SUBURBAN■rat. tociUtg u d hind of propn^, OE1BER .X PLUM, PLUM BLDO.

M3 Broxd It., opp. C. R. R.BLABBKRG X ZIEGLER.




R« BroM ,t., jrooTB U. if_____ _ _ _KDWARD H, LUM.

489 PRUDICNTIAL BUILDING.Itaal Katate. Tna, IsOan# aM Aopralmta

WB do general real eatate btulneea: we aaltctt your trade, guaranle* eatlatoctloD. FKANK-

LIN F. Mato CO.. TflS Broed a t, oor. MarketJOHN J. QUINN.



23 fa rin g e t (UAILan ■•otlon|.....»....... 1500Hawthorna cor. Feehine ave.................. 1,100Hawthorne ave., next to corner....65-87 Whitney et., corner.............. .........17 Laurel pL. to.BxlOO..............................166 South Twelfth et.. n*ar Ceutral ave.. Melroee eL, Nuiley. 8ftxl54, eloee to

Avondale Station and trolley.................Lyone Karma, 40x100, oloee to trolley.......Lyooe Parma. *0xl60..............................SIS Halated et., D- 0.. clow Central ave.446 Halated a t, Kkat OroAge. corner......

ARTHUR b . CltAND, Market a t

D w ellingsMR. HOME BUTBR, why rot conuldw tlu

reparation of the builder In buying a houaet n i have been buiidere 35 years, and If you buy a home built by John H. Dunn ft Sena you are sure to get a good one at a reasonable price, We have new two-family houaa#, #epa- rate entrance#, decorated and every Improve­ment on lot 25x180. for $4,600: near two trol- tort- We alto have new iwi>-fiml)y boutea In a tote neighborhood with open ^replace In llv- ln$ room; a library and dialng-Toom with beaitad celling; kitchen nnd two bedrooms: handa^.e deaorationa: steam heat; In Foreat lUll. Orange nnd South Belmont ave.,J ta r Clmtwi are. And we have new Ulna cne- larrUly bouse, in Orange, near Laekawann* Dtatioo end trolley, with hardwood floor# and

ateam and electric llghte, on lot 00x140, ■lira ground, aeteot neighborhood; all art tor eale a t reaeonable price# for amall payment aowa asd balance monthly. We can aaaur* people of liberal ternu ana guarantee a good ■ubstantlal house. Bend postal tor photo- graphi, JOHN H. DUNN ft fiONB, butldera, top noor, FlrtEQen'a buUdlng, corner Market and Broad sta.


M ontclairw a offer few to-dOT two special bargains Ja

l^ u tlfu l Montcliff: oa* nine-roomliouae and Mth; all Imp^rovementi: three mlnutee fmtD w kaw an n a Biation; ftve minutea to Nawiarte trolley: price I5.U00: one nlne-rocra houM and tmth, all Impmvvment#, In a beautiful Loca- Uoa. six minutea to trolley: price 16,000: w*WIL L. TATLOR. 30 Bc^ng at.. Montour, N. J . ; phone 116 Montclair.


aou. -- station, ... ment down ■Melon atBROKAW. AW Chatham, N. J,

... wAWDiig jjix(/rvveaiwi(a; ■nubii |iwg'-Q, balance monthly Instelmenui; poa* X once. Apply to WILLIAM D. • Broadway, New Tork Cily, OT

N ortli ArUnftoftWOOpfllDB AVE.—Ideal heme; six room# and. h*th; every Improvemcai; lot 86x115: price 18.400 to a quick buyer. O. B. flCHERH»,

BACHEKW will sell hi# heme;large; price 11,800; $300 down.

room 1101, Firemen*# building.'la rrt Plol^oJf ground, hai^"#?#!

id only 85 mlnut*# "

Mil l in g t o n —Five minute* from th* station, hour from New Tork. on Lackawonaa; new,

modarn, seven-room house and bath; eleotrlo

only 85write. ' « nwinvn##

Fvoot at.. North Arllngtoo.

$15 per nm lft;I.: near tro lw l: call any flay---- to NewaA: call any A.OT Writ*. _Take Hackenaaok car. ^ off i

iglott, J. H. BW TEK '.

«v*ry impfOTement; tot 100* 125; will be completed May J : leme tc ault;

N u tle j^ completed May a. - m.»,

price M.«»: real bargain. O. B. flCHBRBR, room 1101, firemen's huildtag.

LOT—686; high and beautiful: In Nutley; B-*est carfare; $6 cash. Write J. F. McOILL, ’

ORANpB, High «t-CortMr K 75x200; th* finest iocattone In the ooanta for an apart>

ment-house; real sacrlflce, H.008: property In th* neighborhood aold sloo a not; not re- atrlcled. Q- BJ. flCKERffiR. room l!l61. Fire­men a building. t

t?r ■ •». «. WCUAL.IU, our^Bloomfield tod Haivlsoa avea.« Nutley,

O r in te1 HAVX Mvarii dealrable hoiuMi can

CLINTON HILL, Chadwick av#., 84—Coxy one- I family; 8 rooms; bath; iteam heat; gas and i

electric light; half block Cllntoit ave.; bar-i fain; IWO cash, balance easy terma H. K. FLOURNOT, 105 Roaevllls ave, I

[ HAVX Mvarii dealrable homeai ean bft ^bought for 8500 down; term* easy. ALBKIlT'

ft ROBiNflON. 18 Cone et„ Q ra^a ( H

PlaltiAeldPLAINFIELD—Ten-room modern

South Twelfth at.; about IJU feet front; two houeee, each four rooms; near three ear lines; street peved and good taora: aciipimnodatloiis. A. JOEOT. 806 South Eleventh a^

€0x150; Btable; alx minutes from main depot] \i V

R08EVlLLB»Lat*at style one-family rwm atucdo houe^Sl hardWood floore. tHod

nlnp-Uthrooms: lots SfixiOft PAUL H. BRANQfl, [23 Prud«ntlal building, or 836 RosavUle ava. Newark.OWTslBR gl^luteiy must sell new two-famlly

hoUM; ta llt tor hlmtelf; any reaeonable offeroonaideredj will tahe $5» caah itod'balanoe'on mortgago; «aa be seen any time. 286 Woodslde ave,





Branch offlee, cor. Clinton ave. and South Thirteenth at.; open 8 to 5. Bargains in Clin* ton Hill dwellings and lots. Real eatata bought, aold and ekehattged.FOR BALM Weequahlc aaotion, lot SfixiOO. en

Bohearer kve.. weal of Bergen et.: price $600. Call or a d ^ M MR. G. ABNBST. 176 West Nlneiy-fUtiiit., New York City.TtVBLFTH AVE.. 627—Store with thra# rooms:

first floor; four roome' improvements; aecond flor r; good oondlUon. Owner. F. U, 74 South Bizib a tCHEAP LOTS—Two restricted lots; aacriflee for

cash, or to responelble person on |5 per month Instalments. Address Builder, Box 46, New* offioe.SaLCX>N property; oorasri tbre«-atotT toome

building and attached; aelllbuilding and hall attached: aelUng on aoooiint elckoes*. Addr**a Prlvatsi, ta ^ r t la n d t s t . oity^_____LOT8-Ito**vlUa Minirarft Bl

Oraog*; toot for gotOM flaar Rtlon. A. V. CONDn'. ^ FnideuUal bulMing.

Bleomflalft ir Ro**vllU Sta-

D w elU ngt8500 CASH and balance on inortgaffo km*

new. oeMrat* •ntronoe, twi^fomlly houee on wi4 e lot. In Mlect nelghborh(^; house ^ l l t ae

IF YOU WANT FIRST-ClJtflB WORK In painting, decorating and paper-hanging, call, writ* or ^phone KATERRlNSKT ft ROMA­NOFF, 6SS Woiren.; tsL 538W B. B. Kstl- matea cheerfully glvan. All work guarani*^ Reasonable prictaF. ROOOW, 1T8H Balmont av*.. will papOT

rocMSU, 12.60, beat paper; work guarantartt painting, deeoratfng, kmlaomlnlnf: lowestprices; estlmatee given. 'Fhcme SOOOft Waverly,

TUB KTtfD OF A DBALthat you would axpael fram a friend, without after ‘ - .....................................the after reminder of your having bean f«Tored. Is the kind of an aoaount that w* wtih to open with you; on* that will be straighttorwans and fair to both you and ua.

FOR TWENTY TBAM We have been loaning money to bouaefceapera. And to-^y we can numbar our cuetomera

L. BPITAZxNT, 5B Wa*hlngtQn iv a , will paper room#. $2.60, beat paper; work guoranteM;

painting, deooratlng, kolaominlng; Iowan pricea; eatlmatea given. 'Phone 066L f t B.

THE BROOKLYN WALLPAPER CO.ment at 371 Bank at.; rooma papered from It up; painting done very reasonable.PAINTlNCl and paper-hanging; 1 guarante*

aatlefacUon for lowest prices; trial will cou- vlnc* you. SALTZBERQ ft CO., 24 West e tWE TO optride house palntli^ and paper-

hanging vera reasonable; work guaranteed.j5 J, ttoSENBERO. 67 West at.fiend poaul.

arocag the thousand*, and avery on* aatlsllled.liar -------- ■■


DAJJBT, 6M 6th ave., cor. 86th at.. New York.H1OMN0T PRICES PAID FOR LADIBB* XHO

qBNTB' cast-o f f CT.OTHINQ; BEND POSTAL AND I WILL CALL. LOUIB FRIED­MAN, 843 BANK AT-, NEAR WICKLtFFB.WAlfTBD-Baby tairloga or Pullman; must be

In good oondltlon and cheap; read pr t ferred, with hoed. Address OOrrlage. Box 78, News oflloe.

GOLD AND BTLVER PLATINUM, diamonds pearls end pawn tlckeu for dlo moTkde only, bought. N. BLUHRI. 897 Breed atWANTED—Roll-top d^ak. safe and ooah regia-

ter; will pay the price If la good oondUloQi MR. CABH. M Academy au \ ta l B8S8L M eM .CLOTHINQ-HIGKEI



TRADING STAMPfl benght 81 1.600 laoae;highest prioea paid for ^ h e , oanpena, mllft

lohela aeap wroppera. 158 Morint st., ra m II,^ lU D m a BTAMP8 beoiftit.

and. loose; higbeet prtoes HARRY, the Ooupca MoB, 90d Bprlagflald av*.


CASHT. J, . . .

OestlniBtalptod far eld gold. sHvar and dlemtafli BRADLEY, Toe., 481 Bita4 aL. tm t ta Btol Rout. 'Phoiit lITiL Broach

OLD GOLD, ellvar. aorape s< ;awaiif. intads. platinum bought. 78t Broad at..

-----------KL ' ■ -dta-

taior t(or*. BAT.EVRE. forwarir Qootalaa.IIIGBKST prices paid for lad las' and gsalF

etat-oS eloThli^ shoe* and feathsra land pQstoj to J. BEC!k£R, 88 MontgOmary st.OLD TlMBERfi, bloekfng. taekseraw* and »B/

material lultabta for moving building wintad.Addraat Coah. Box 88, Nawi olBoa.KXGHEBT PRICB paid for conteftta o f ___ .

er flats: also old gold. platlTmin and sHvar, WClirua, 16 Nuraary s t_________________NATIONAL cash regletar wanted; state

•Jid price; do deoJara News office.

Afldri t atota styto J, L.. B o x ^

Rooiflfiold OoodB W ftnteilMft

telephone 2666:CABH buya anything and averythlngt

" “ L Merket; 64 Aoodamy at. Ibuy eld furniture, carpeia chairs, woahstands, druMeia, Pureaua tables, blonkais or pillows.qullte, or anylhlng you have to soli tor ooshi noLhlng tqe targe or too small for me to bon- die; 1 pay you more than any iMotlen bodae oy dealer lo the city; I have no aiente to pay oommlBlon, nor no rapreeentatlvet to pay; I can mreeir, pcreonally; that'a why 1 con ^ y

tbora; eetltnatea ohrtrfully given; bualneeaI otTlotly ooofldentlal; gat my prioea flret.


■tolWL houeaa and flats or onrthlng you have to sell, bought for oaeb; conault ua Dtfore i "'pb(

#e11. bought for oaeb; conau l.__________; eatImaUe cheerfully glvan: oend postal os

'^ono 8flta Market.REID Auction Rooift

66 .Academy st.CARPENTER and t«n rml eontraoUng; spoolal

axpeeleoca on lobblug and alterations; oImaoraanlBgi rsoaonable. ave.

BIEGAL, 548 Littleton

IIABON WGRK-Chlmneys repolrad, rabuliu * . oltatotlona and Jobbing a apautaity,

Holaer at.; tal. 8681LL A .,M 11^MAL A. TRIB^MAN-Ornament to w trag worksj flr* eaoap

tensmest Uwa. ta ftnoaraat a tto! and orchlteo-

asoopei, oocordlu to Tel.8e»W Wav.

ALWAYS the hlgheat prioea paid for faraltura of every deacnptlon; w* buy content* o8

itorii one merchandise; we will sand ouragaht er cell pereonally and w* arlll pay you more lhajn any other houaa In the city, fland for F. fintON. the man who pay* you cash and daal| fair end aquor*; eand ^ t a l . F. EBMON. 71 Academy i t .; ie1. IHlNL Market.

^ 1 whether It la a ten dollar account or larger, w« want the liuelneoe, no matter what (ha aum. We‘ll go about the making of It In a, private, buelnees-liks manner that 1 e sure to pleiee you. If the "ataaona demands" ora ba-

and you find a pr«at1ng pe*d mistake by al- A line by mall,

eelve prompt aueririonr will ra-llmpty aey, ”I wish to open on ocootmt *“ PEOPLE'B LOAN ft BROKERAGE CO.,

..M .X 40L fourth floor,s t 'Phone lidukst 48daiOffloe Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M, ****Baturdaya UU • p, M.

8. FI6CHER ft CO.-We do pethtlng. at vary rtaeoitoble Pricta; J rr .ii# ^ 168 Blga-

pap«rtiiflow i t , near Htltilda ava 2754R Waverly.MANHATTAN Decorating Ca; tel. 675J Mkt-i

coming pieniirui, and you find i foe money, you will make no lowtog ue to explain .our plan, or a 'phone meeeagi to the ou

Japering rooms. ta.50 up; pointing, 11.78; odU e work. B. WAX, Prop., 10 Camden et.


P08ITIVBI.T ■ i n - BBXT,MIWEBT, PAYMENTS BA>IE8T.W. x,wrajitra w* wUl not nuika miT

h'S u m k Swp^ * "' u t t u k r b a d t c a sh can

■w S t m bam s fr o m ub o o n pi- ^ d k n t ix l l t .

XM jJ. Mil M M Y0» b .* . til. DMU at r tta f ta ^ soaa ta aoioll w a^ly ar maeth^


MUTUAL «*x.W1« kulU lu , lutiwtm —■ Mnattir l i l a t llfth I .

U M ^ioM kli I

r m o r m r M jirW. IL,

L u . InIf Mrauftal afltatra prfvata and an m i

guorutos to Boeh aWolutooU trantaatloM_oopd(wtad with m _ taB TRUill TOO.

Wa win tp ta a onfldeettol oradlt yau. If you er* to am i ' ttRm. to u r ooooubI

to eon ol

____ooaawijt wtth

BA kxvr.DO TOD W Alrr MONETf

t lI1M.MLO A N fcLI-TM 'in»_.,i.



roA oit

• » ? «O f ^ L l i

_ _'E^^Lewsat rataa In the city and aosleft poy-

meofa We win poattlveiy guorantaa that your amptoywr, matida or velattrta need naver knew. You gat nnnnv the aema day you eoft



Oppoait* Pcaiotaoft Tal 888 MoskatlALARIED EMPLOTEft

OWNERS OF rtlBNlTVREand otb*ra furnished money upoq tbelr owbname.610 loaB..S0a. weekly tta I*an..75e, weekly15 loM).,45 . weekly 80 loon..80a. weekly80 |o*n..eoa. weekly 60 looa.tl.40 weekly If you have a loan elaewhare, bring to your

reoelpd and we will ehow you how much you can save by bOTrowIng from urn. Having toonaelsewhere Is no bar to your setting loan* here.

eaUbllahed with ue le oa goad ea

EXPERT—Mtrror making and raaiiveringi bev- ollM gloae; a oord will bring me to yoo.

ft ^W L A N P ft CO.. £26 Bonk *L, alty^fiOUTH ORANGE AVE.; 'PHONE 2071 MKT



HIGHEST prices paid for oecond-hasd furni­ture, rorpeie and feathers; poatsL.................................. I. LEO­

POLD. IW niocmfleld eve.; tal, 64ftW B. B.


AND WAlXS _ fculldln... JAK t .

fMMjr M. N a w k .

1 pay r^Ktcinable prices for houaebold goe^ or oBc* fiirnltuT* In good condlllon, HUNT, 88

Omage, 867 Broad et.; 'phone 18fl2L B. B.

liABOM WORK. ohimnOT* rabollt. regolraft toofterlnj and M e a l work, ox ahasi nettow

HOAMBCK. 117 Mognolto a tPA TEN TS

8LATE ROOFS raptorad. -------- ■ ■ e i t|7< Woehiagtoii I

H. f t BERXOa,pa t e n t tour id e a s and omke money; send

for my free book. '*Bow to Gat Them:'' td- vloe tree. JOflllUA R. H. POTTB. pataztt law­yer, 805 Ninth el., Weahtogtoo, X^rbor~ -* ■

pata&t lawb . C.j 148«wv ■!., .. Muium.ui., XJ, v>4 lev

lorti at.. Chicago; 989 Chaetnut a t, PhUo.D g E 5 8 i4 i^ I N G A ND K H X IN B R TTAYLOftS DREBB CUTTlNQ. MILLINERY




FRAENTZEIa ft RXCHAROft Patent Law, Bo- llcltqn of V. 0. and foreign .patento, troda-

drarka. eopyrighia. T4B-7 Brtmd at. Federal Trust Btdg.; eetsbllshad I8ta; tel. 1841 Mkt

Credit one*• bonk account In time

OUARANTEBIM Market st,. room . .Open B to 8 dally; Saturday to 5 P.

> of ne»CRXD

m 28. Ineed.— IT CO.,

Kill huttotoj.

A NEW way eC toanlng nwtieT to bouaekeepert Oft furniture or piano without dieturblng them

from (beir present location. Our way la to gl*e you a eay In th* matter and frame yoUr ograe- ment eccordlftf to your ability to pay. wfa«n you make your own term*, you do not tael ao- atay about i t WUh our system yon have the utiafactioD of knowing, beforehand Just when your peymenta will cloaa the accouat, how many payment# it wfll rake to do I t Alt bual>

PAINTING, paper-hengtof! loweit prlj__ ,wont guaranteed; give me a trial- WE

984 Bonth Orange ava.i t*L n w Market

iDveatmtftt by architect and bo# many fine Im-' • .................... IM. ^

lln^poaaled woUa to dlnlng-rooma: hardwood trim

tectprovemaata aepectolly deatred; tooludei llrap.'---- ■ -------aplaaaa la Itviat-rooma, beamed eallln


jui*i njand floore In Uvlng-rooma, dinreg-rooma, libra' rie* and rac^tloa halts, aleotrlo lights, UUng, eto.. ato.; prloa vary low; flrat tior laoaad topay all axpaneea. Call any day or Sunday, 284

‘ Ilf-------------Woodalde avo,, n u r Hefler, parkway.

$600 CABH buys new two-fOttUy tlot; oallar celling ploaterad: poro* ibs; all deoorated and ready to

u full poroelaln woah-

tubs; all deoorated and ready to move to; caa ba seen any day and Bun day aftaraooa; South Orange are, and Plonk rood ear to Bouth Sixtaanth a t, then akort walk to No. lOTs ownar m pramlata

6ft46ftBorfoto offatvd from Oanarol Contractor*.

We build 1^-story frame building: all Impto. except lUam brat: beat materiel used; eln

-ta9t58;-*heat*d; papered; sided; double porofaes; plessas; pantries; plan* and epeclflcAtlone fur- niahed: lUao one-family houaa, $2,600: thra^ family bouie, 14.800: model houaa con. ba eaaiL KAPLAN BROS., 653 South Twelfth sLALEXANDER BT., H8. naar South Orane*

trolley—New. up-to-date bom*, ato

from every possible toveitment atondpolnt will come to you if you are the lucky purchaser of the fine Boston plan, two-family house on Pork ave,, near Roaevllle ava.; wall rented, well built, with beet obtainable materiale, by ekllted Workmen, after plana conilderad by leading architect* to be the lost word in two-famlly house planning; It te the lost houea, and th* Fidelity Truat COmpa&y. oa axeoulor, hoe in­structed ua to moke a qulok atla.

Builder going out of buelaeto, will eell broad- new one-fomlly house, In rastriotad raaldentlal iDoAilty, for $6,280, $1,251} leea than he asked two months ago; gee and aleetrlo light, com­bination fixtures, nordweod floora, open fire- t'lncea; superb decorations; terma con ba ar­ranged.

To doe* estate, line threa-fomUy houM; 17 room*: ^eam entruoai; aleetydeoorated; liumme rloa •7,500.

C. C. ft^CO.p (5 , Roaev^^Bti4 North Nlftth et.. Neworl^

2-FAMILY, with almoat all Inpts.; short dle- tanca Rotavlli* firailon; only a block from

trolley; price $8,600: cosh roaulrad $500. QBO. E. MUTCHLER CQ., lOfl Rosavllla ava.


A iU nfteiiAKUHOTOM-CMtu*; .Ight PRIEB, 10T XAtuwl art.

1; fanyrtrt- a W. R.

B loan ilx ldBIAX)ltFTBLD—"W-il built M,.fXniJtr hou.#: J

room. ui4 b«th; »I1 hnpnmtnaiit*: (laUtirlo lllht! i tw n iMxt: s ln lr dMonUd; oanvenlwit to twfl fUtlon»i o«t»r on pnp tn r. Tl Wlll.lt •t., Bioopifl.ia. If. J.

hniMi. n o a t l , built. «, T, X, >1 » roauu, rHpM timr; aran Im-

p ro m .n t: oonmiantly locAtrt; Brio. U.M0 lo rr.MC. J. W. COUE. 81 Sprue.NEW bouM tor Hi*: T room, and bnOb; .11

Im prernnatai .Iwtrlo light; bu tl.i'. puUrr; « ^ inam taa . t u n at ytan. Apply H Walnut a t, BlooaNUld.

B illerlllBFOR flAlift Rephifi «L; aeven-faem bouse; gnj _ond wotOT; full-atoad city let: price HATEB, 568 Washington ava., ^llavtlla, N. J.

price $10,000; trust company mertgosn lO.OOOi accept part cash, part excbaiife. Ownar. 411 East Firth at.. Plainfield.

SummitACtlEAOE, lota houve* for aale: bopaea fag )

rant, fumlehcd and unfurnlehed; all prlota i BL CL HOLMES AGENCY, Bummlt, N. J. (

SUMMIT, N. J.—Choice building late ohaopi * twenty mioutes from station; nio* nelahhor-

Jo^^.^HELlilS * HUGHEt. ST lUpl. i t ,fiumralt.

S ooth O nu ifeNBW house; atgbt rooma and ibatli; oil tai-

provamento: for *01* or to rent at very low figures. Apply to owner, M Llodalay am« Bouth Orange.

W atetM ing

A M YOU T H l MANwho U ttrwl at paylnc RDNTT W . w a n r . In . w.y to Yrwlijm for you. ait town .'*n4vw At-wvuu«i lur you. cut oowQ ,anafigure what yon have paid for rent In the tool ten years, and if you survive com* In andiiMa us. We con offer you properly that wUl ba a source of Loatlog satlefoctlon to you. fie*

Bullflir will aocrifloa flue twa-fomLly baDsakor $4,700: new, op-to-date; separata a&tntooea. I

knew ef a town within Iwahr* mllVMDo you 1___ .of New York Clof Wataeaalng,■cboole, high, train aervlc^ wcheap? Wa oon't^ vu« wo qo anew ii won’t i long balor* price* ora higher. Talk with us.C. C. LURICH ft CO., epp. Wataaoslng fltatJen.

W a ih li if tmFTNE REBIDENi^ for eola at a easrifloa; pa-

cantly ramcdaled; nine rooms, all modern Im- pTovamento, ooncreta cellar and walks; lo­cated on on* of flneat aventte* to Waabtogtofij Urge bora: If totarestad Write for further por- tloulora, J, W. FiTXft Wmshtogton, N, J.

W est O rm i*18.205—Only |BOO oosh buy* a*« atwy

■ta rooma, hath, all Imprortmanta, B 88 Fork tamcai, West Omga, ov CL BEN. 1108 Flretneft'a building.8-ROOM booM Oft Watohung ava,. aaor Wash-

togua a t. Wa*t Oronga; sell cheap to eattlk p aetata ingulra 6 Bamuel a t, West Qraitata


B U ltU M COTTAOEa rON M HT.PropvtlM fur m*.

N oifca A DU Bota,B«lm»r, N. J.


B utlernoeVB with (lx nom., . t t tu M « ButhsMI

. r . . , Butltr, N. J.: ■rod Hsc iIdii . dU pl«u- ont •urroundliure. Far portlculora coll on or oddrasa F. O. Box 071, Butler, N. J.

C ra tifo tdCltAlIFpRDi N. J-—Ati™ctltA bonwlibe. old

roome, bathj eteam neat^^dtcorawlEkigUah, ^elf-tlmber realdenoe; majeella


IRVINGTON. SprlTigfletd av*.. 1882-Naw two- family bauae: all rmpt#.; $8,000. BBNNERT, “ ->lly * - . -7ft Hollywood ave., East Orange.

FO R SA LE O R TO L E T --*O in OP_______________ _____________________FOR SALE or to rent, furnished «r unfu^

niehed, brick houee with aabeetoa roof; vary comfcrtabl* for winter or summer nee; built by owner SH year* ago; IS room#, four batha and lavatory; aleotricTty. goa. hot water heat-

.VWIUB, VBhU, BI.1CIMU ••.•'.r'UIout; price |o,900; term# $300 cosh, balance I per month. Key at 78 Weet End ava., IILOEM&CRJC. 185 Market it.B08E1TLL8, Bouth Eighth f t , M—Two-fora-

Ur bouM: all Improvements: flftaea rooma nd two tiled bathe; go# and eleotrlo lights;

eeparate Patera; holle carpeted; •hodea and

■hade trees, with canoeing on t^s Rahway River; ooutolne large llrlng mom, dlntog-rocm, library or uen, kitchen, three large, cheerful bedrooms, large bathroom, wordrone. china cupboard, cloaeta, etc.; house la new and mod­ern In every particular, with open plumbing, laundry tube, fireplace, hot water heat, ga*. eleotrlo light: hardwood trim, cement oeUar. Bcreena and storm windows, etc.; plot lOOzliO f ^ l boat lot on river goea with bouse' priceataiw , muis Miv uw»v wu rtw r lOMi w]ui DOU#e: priC*

eereens throughout; rent $720 a year. Apply i 17.000: owner not anxious for large cash pay- -------* - WOLFF, Brel floor. I-EACH, Dl< building, Elisabeth,& 1 M.V 4 m. a ■ ^ __ i a. mZ

Fa in t in g . papOT^honglcig; aetlmate* given _ln OT_outa1de work: *11 wrortt guaranteed.HANflBN, 4 Arwvle eve.. Orange.

PLOT 50x2^ end house, $1,500—1 must ioori- fle* my House on ooooant of slokneea to the

family: located only 65 minutes from New Tork; only $300 eoeh Tequlred, balance $15 monthly. Apply W. MoBEATH, W Voa Borea e t, Newark.


Lftrn sole of e oomplete home; j^Btatura and Rugs of evOTy desoriptfon, to-morrow (Saturday), at Central Auction Rooene, 4i South Oranga art., at 11 o'clock. *n)e talloir- ing gooda will ba sold: On* IW fH t Plano, Oak and Mahogany Dlatog-rocni Furnltnrai Parlor Butts. Braaa oad Enamel Bede, Hal* and Cotton Maitroara*. Itobogony Draeaera and ChJfftmlera, Leather Oouche*. Rookera, Morris Chaim, Pier oad Uoatal Muvora, Plo-

“ ' “ ‘ lOT, w rturei, Laos Ctutotoa, Poolroataft vritingDeeko. Toabogee, fiaby Ckniagan Gta Reuigea, Cook Btovas. 105 Parlor. EHntog and Bedreotn

._ line ef^naefol Houae-b* eoTd to this aoJe Don^t

Ruga, and a generalhold Goods will be *o._ ._ __ __, ___foil to attend if ycfo or* lottotog tar harpatna

' - * T raoelrtat the auction room where you winveor money*# worth or yaur mocksy rafoaded If net tatlefled

AllI ktod# er gaoda tooghi tar i eoftalgnmeu te k* taM at 1 ol to per o ta i

tooghi tar eoeh or takenM r wtotles

* 2 S ea TUOTfloyTAfMUOB. -II unnuiWMd MMm »t W.


OK aaea^ eent, wttlilg o » a ln ii* at t^rOat .Brote lU i Jliiitt uM. t t< a i

e w llghi: power if raadlrad: ateam heated;tolln, ranolhg wator, Bra eaoapea. prlvata Bra aloitft ■yitem; sultoMa tar a lm ^ any moau-to a iln g purpoea, to todidl tog News “ -. ■ -’ Nawo. On third Boot; li

$16-817 Marfc«t a t, or y w awn tai loea u ba to#pac(*d o | oay tl« i to Cklei Engineer. Evanlng Jtawo.

with oUOMrt lmprove(uan(a. For terBsp apply to the

Manager. NewoHt ^rea lng_ tanker. time I y opplyiog

agOBDBL_Bldiu d BroiV'

€im»tnict«l! door - iM n fMteach; con be dividedt exoetleat light, b«jL goa

tantlle putpooeg office*. Inguiie rrenilie*THE four-*tory brick baUdlBg, SI

Mecftaalc a t. tola city, about 42x80,and 81M ^o alc a t. tbl* city, about 42x80; light,

hlgb boeemeat: 10-foot driveway under pari ot building; aloo loft, third floor, building ffK and802; Market #t., 40xG0, eultobla for light man­ufacturing. Inquire. UARCKUP L. WARD, room-24. 818 Broad.LOFT to let, suitable for manufoocarlDg Jew-

alar or light monufecturtog, drop praan.

Est and oallar for weahtag b o r r^ oa pr*m>»a live fteam and all Tutpea--------

gutra BngiBeer. 84 Boudlnot fLrmpearemeate. in-

FIRST floor. In modern, praotloalty oaw build- : light alt stdaaj etaomtog. about 4.500 feet. ______

hrat; without power: avaUobla May If required. Po«i Dye Co., 80-A6 fit 1: earlier

blpman il.LIGHT lAlFTfl; line for jewelry or any other

mimufooturtoe; electric power, light; all im­provement with building In fin* ooadltloo. MBULBAOI^Un-DlNO.^l-flSe Mulltorry *t


WABHiwQTDN wm aoN .tin paata 5 5 5 $ ;a: olsp twa-aioryheat R O PPm

OROT7ND FLOOR, flOilOOi third heat olavotor and watohmoa;

building: 8.000 feet eteam h<Building, 866-246 Bank a t, aer« Howard e tUAXKKT BT., S»-Floor I , M l witmb!, tar

aBf builnM.! on. blook baloir Bnwd near Mulberry; rent raaaonehl*. loqulre SCKBLLER. th* Jeweler.CRANE 6T., ft^^flhop, fto feet deep, fin* ocn-

ditlon, suitable for any busLaaaa, btoekMllh, wagon works, pointing. WM. DUTCHBR. IS

h Mt'dMie with thle oomptmr la etriotly privoiSL Bxgtajutlotto bothtftg ftera; joat oaU Old

’ “ hISuS ]tD 182 i t i

tnaitO LOANROOM 88. o v m n

U i and 182 B10O..I DITITED ClOAIt KTOIIK.

i w : w,il H«).t,d ana h * t,« iA gg

to M i k«at. light OldMONBT to loan an hooaAeld gtada and par-

laftiU DfOp^y. without ramoval: our rate* ara the foweat to th* olty; qulota aoaBdaaUu and rallabl*: «m * and gel our tanM and beconvlnoaft ____

I^CHBLL^B, 108 MARKVT BT..Room 28. over Van Orden Corset Btore.

LOOP FEET fleer ( pewat.

Toinca BROS, oo^ n r a io H n ,L o r r S.C0O f » t .oww, to s t a im to t.

Dlfhl witcfanitn: winds*, « fm r aUaa, As- ply .nttnwr, WHU*m uid Shlpmu, M ,


Dvr, ve* DiwAU vr..i*AY 1; OPEN

BVEBErrr. rdswkli. m ., p- v*"* -uiB»U,p, to iB vnm o^ tTmdnurk, nolMt n ,,m ,n t,i » « 010.1, 7 :

* u y f* “ t tioSas rtopwh.r, OfllooS-jilji

FOR RENT—Factory 2n,M, oOo, onlnuio^ « B.0,4 ot., tnd iy ,r ontrmao, on FoorK Ad-

dcM, 0. W„ Bw M, N.W, OSlOA

HdPOWlSJ. ffW M ; to Uoni; KpH t , M obBgM ISn!DRAKE ft OO.

4gggR Mariiat

woman k*#p1ng boftaa ftir- —* Qhaapaatjiato*;

, aea me Detaraiwher*. Oflloe# ta_m#ripal alllaa . •»« ■wiaoi* tor iigDL

t i t . EU Waahlogtoa a t L. A, BATRE, m Nulberry f troom i

TWO floore. each L5Q0 equar* faM. with power and heat; suttam* f - *■ ^ -for light maeufoatetog.

Flremea'a Kommoea Qa.. _ oasealtleiia ei tb*

tar outUng o m maktog ladled PUpD^nae own material; anranlng

and Market ato tft48 Market

Thwjdagj^jwto for olraalar. REAL ESTATE AT,AUCTIOND U 88MASXNO. alaq cuttlag and fitting;. In-

dwdtng toetructlons for kofoe finlablng: oloaa or Brivoia toetructlona in draesmoktog glveo. KRft lUVBRG, lU Bloomfield av*.. noor Cllf- lota owtoilte Mt Prqepaot.____

ftKiMO rtiT nootly ieoa, the day, O ; goad rataranira

pMn utWIL-

TO CLOSE AN JWTATB-^HILDEBRANDT.Auetleneer. ofiLoa. S86 Boulh Tenth aC, wu|-

sell at public auction, on th* pramiae*. to the highest bidder, on easy tferma, Wadnetdn*. April 13 1 P. M.. the two-famlly house, Na 166 Elra at.; next, the nice double heuse No. 867 and KTH walnut a t ; than the l-atory comor hoitoo. No. IBfl Blm at,, oor. Joffaraoa

------------1 i * i I t 1

E iw tib ro fcir tONE CENT ON A DOLLAR F IR MOimL

HoDaj leoaad oa dtoraonda. watraaotowolrF gad POTSoal property to atnaa otaT fioftr CL m illH A ir I f lc l^ A R AT., near Bmod. oi^ eppoalto tha W. V. finyder Ootanatiy. FOR flALS. oemeraa end Ispaea attrgtoer Inetriimenta and ethef uhrafleeraed srtlclea. Open cveotnia till fj!)_ c’einolL_fteturdaya till to:80.

BtiOOR to let, S6T Halsey manuloeturlng or offlcea.

Bole* Co., above oddrasafa^SK TS*

tar tight J. Mmot

8.666 FEET ll«OT IpaM l i r t i f r i ld i l t i l flQiii^ ------ -----------------^heat, light and power. TONKB BRCM., High et.


FINANCIALtftflOO 8 PER CENT, bonds oa

guarobt** far )ean ofIt piUd prciapUy. Addn

18.000:IS idadiw ffltatartait

P I^N T .for mmufiotura of horn goode; a* tbera le disagreeable odora from this cLosi

of manufacture, an laolatad natghborhood w one where no objection will b* mads toauiTOUnditig property awnara ' ------- * '

toeatlon, rantaJ

WE0T END AVE., 48, near Banth Oranga avm trollay-»Dandy aeveft-rDom hguae, bath: heat-

00; price rifht*^ term* oa low a*■IV lot $TVtol 00; price right; I .$106 eoeh. nalanee rnontt^. Key to tftapaot, 71 ~ ~ BLOEMBCKft I6S Market

N. J ,; aly> two beautiful vacant plot#, wUh larg* ahade trees, at right price. Inapectlon Sunday afternooft, I ta A or any time by an- polntmanL

*ua M>v«kwi7, VIWWAIVU.7, **■■ jiul ncai-lag; large rooma and very large cloeeta; acroa groiinde; well grown shrubbery, tree#and garden, Addrees URfl. E. ......................Tentila pL, Nutley, N. J.

MORaAM, 88 ^

$12,000 BUYS fourteen-room house; ol) Im-provemanta; large garage and grobndi; also

twe baauUrul ten and fourteen room hoineato let, within five tnlnuteg walk of etatlon.: rent $SO0 pot year Write er call CHARLES RBBVe; real eatate, Wyoming eectloo, HIU- burn. N. J,11-ROOM taoue* in oentral achool dtotrtct,

Montolalr: all Improvementa. IncludlnoteaTu .................................................. w x '

C kaU m nSUBURBAN hpmaaaakera who are rooktog tar a

ready mode hooee or a let on which to balld aon iftd thr'“ — --------- 'their ideola at or near "high and

Waat Em ava,.■t.BARGAlH-Thrae-famny heart t

aye., between Camdrt and PUrmount av*.:Bixteactk

pevantaan rooma, oil Imjaurtmeata but hsM; large pontriaa, ate.; not built tar ipaoutatloni ranU I860, Addreaa Km Box 12. News ofRoa

FOREBT BILL.New hoitoea and plats I r / sala ■■ tovata 1

■Bit pvubaaer._______f t ARTHUR HKLLSftTHONE 1153 MARKET. 768 BROAD BT.

DBCtDBD did thraa-famll

■traal; Booth Twalfth et. w o ^ $7,106, will take Addrtoi Owner. 784 ^

Mrifloaj 1760 smllT bouM; Twalfth e t. I

1760 botew volae} iftia let IftilOO: jpav'

OT Cantrai amitlol

tar quick tailldtog.

881-nito taoOTloa: 11-4DB GfUW A m ,firama iwatUng; go _ __ __

BMfitoi boy windowa: Ion* ptono: lot . ,two blooka from trailer t borgyn: tll.flOQi BCRERBR-ABRAm. Fliamea*i b u J I ^

ooftdltftODi oU ImwortTlxtOOi

ON oeeaait of hoftpeaa raeantia aattat sell my two-fiomlly heoae; |806 leas tboo It seat twa

rtora Of*} aeaarate heatera ood eotraaeee; Iwablooka ta tro u e y ^ r t mtoutoa ta atotton. Ad*

THREMTORT bondtag, M m ava. KOd ElghtoOTth ava.: etorea and dwall-

Ing*. taa flrst-olaaa ooadltlon; heat part of BpriaglMd avsi.; oiuiaal rent |L168: I12,000,

■ “ ■ ■ >ffio*.ppnBjmta SiT*. I P4UCIWIA U m jL F.. ^ H, R n n i

ONK-FAHIDT, m m .On».h,)f biMk (nmi Booth O u t , Kn.|

choth, ni,>fuiUr f a u u Mvtn nmm,. bUht Ml UnEnrnwnt,; , b « i ,tn , l thli trio ,.XIHG-lUtnaAO CO- tbs BtcU at.CUKTOR BILLr-NI» ,tfht-rooiii, teth; M u i

h u ll toffMa iKnh; h u u l«t; ItioBiry; p n « n tv m j KtU, « jb A d in aOwaar lUYtlic Ctly, B n 70. IttwaMONTCDAIR AV*.—Fta, U lA f,, ,l|tat rn n *

U 0 hathi an hapranBHRtai M 00iiu:u e Mthi w mpranBHRtai M hOiii10^ ^ '

anlyart.oU Im.CLINTON BHete-Elght raatM, bath,

provemeati; steam i beautifully decorotad; parquet fioon; email amount caib. CHAS S. ORBEN, 1106 rireman'a building.TWO-FAMILT houea: built by private party

for a home; h u to ba aold before May ; must

Set 1600 oaah; rait oft fwivai* mortgage, Ad- reae Home, Box 47. Nawa ofliee.

heolthfur’ Chatham. N. J„ Lookawanim rood!80 Bit—*— *---- --- ------•- - 'mlnutaa from Kawork, hour from New Tork ‘ low prioea and on

latter or In personTC*---- —— T»jy, Naw York, orCbathuft. N. J.

heat and oiectriclly. Apply Houaa. ~Bok ' ft Montelolr branch, Ne\ ■ ’ ......Newark NewaWEST OBmONGE, Cosdlt pt, 1 lt-ll roona and

bath; heat: lot 60x125; perfect oocdltioa. E, W. McDONOUGB, T76 Bnmd at.


Citr; 00 tnJn* teUr; , i m hr .lijM n s by l.tt

fc BROKAW, I jK T R n U ^ .

D anrflte" s a u n r — awTi.h i , M e n ,! th , n n t "

J o n FhAt m hAT, la 0 ,<*t Lak, bunnlaw flotsi beattaii; Ashing, bathing: magnmeent aototoiy; raoUy reetfui; one hour Liehawanna Rollnaft DOHALDBOK, Cllffeldsi, N, J.

B u t Onuig*BOKXSSBIUIR'I OFFORTBNnT to obtAlo a MjudhooiMlrhalR ------- ^ ■■ ■: B«r OBMhtallir hooHsM u M u d oa f w lonn,; 109,UI > ava., batweafl Arttogtoft. av*. *a1WiOBOt at.:tha fajtOTt growing sad what will ba ana at toe nloaat raeTdeeitlti amtlon-ofQrongai alghC ri gift alOTtrioJty.

tiled balh, porqttat floors n heat large ponh, good

iMtoaed totit haiwlaomaly finished and decora­ted; Al aoBotawetlon and to toOT right up to th* moik to every reapeoti wa waMd Invlta ooiafuitoaPMtten before buytog alaewhara: prla* $8,500. i^HAjLDB ft BFAliNHAKB, fttoteaBth at.and Yttottb art., apft Amptab Btatioa, B u tOimogOi ___ ____________ _

OWNER WUJ sen naw haoM ea let 80x140;hardwood floora and trim: alactrlo light;

■team heat: naar Lookawoniia station; price i«si thao cnat; aaay toraia. Addraao. BorgaiQ, Bog 60, Nawa afltoa.

booCi state root; five mlnutee* walk from Is wanna Btottonj moat be aoM; easy terms. 06CAR O. BRiQWN, 16 Bipodway, New York.


BA8T OHANGBK'Ftve mtoutoa Lackawanna Btatlon; select neighborhood; ttaree^etory.old-

■rdefoahlonea fram* realdenoe; 16 roemaj plot 86x 600: two-etory bora, 25x40. YlUARIDT, IIUCUntoa et., Heboken.

Glen RIdcat property tar the money nveoleat to etollona and

DO YOU wont the _ ,In this borough? Conv .............. .

trolley: lot 2u0 feet deep; atrlctly modern house: eight rooms, bath, two toilet#; con- ■tru(Alon and arrankeTnent of fioon will nleue; the price, $5.80^ tultobl# term*. Further por- tlcukre of FHBD R. CONKLIN, 41 Clinton rood. Glen Ridge. ___

TEN-ROOM houaa; complataly rurnlehad or tin- furnlehed; oH modem Iraprevementa, withAUfUI«MBUl tuuuaiu lOlOTOVePfl

;aroga and aUble, 878 mgb a t: to^ulr* D.WOLFF ft CO., 51 Market a tTWO-FAMILY hoaea. oU hapreoamanto. with

or without stables; larga ground; ehaapi owner going away. T44.Bouth Twantleth a t. near Sprlnj^ld ava.

GLEN RIDGB—Honaa, aavan roam* and both;steam heat; all Improvemeftto; Sra mlnutaa

to Glen fUdg* ataUona of laokawonna or Brie: eonrtnleftt to everything; prioe $4,000; |5w cosh, boloBoa CD mortgage. Addreaa House, Povtoflloa, liontetalr.

CIaINTON HILL-16,000 buy* modern hauaa; 18

ONB LOT, 00x125 ft., ofi Ridgewood ave., lor sola cheap: tamoad pr^torty. Addraaa Bbx

169, Glen ^dg*.

rooma; both; all Improvemente; choice loca- *• lot BOxllT. --------- ■tloni t i ^ a ^ t o ^ l tvivn, v«0 ill*

aiBB, 8C0JAHBS J. GreoiwMd Lak«

BTI^AN FARX—Mnmtoln oottoga and bungo-

taoo CABH buy* naw iwa-tamllx;Porker at,, overiooktiif Bimnoh

to settle on eatate. Adori Newa afllce.

ly bona* n Brook F on tnitor, Baa 8,idreaa Enacutor,

COZY ilt-roem. bathj etaoin heoll, . atrtotad eectlon: IHtte oaah down;

forced to aell. offlre.

awftar NewAddrae# Broke, Box 71. Hawn

HeigMilu m io n c B : HiuaHTs, d iim o , a n ., a -

BIxtaen-roam hotisa; plot lOOzllO; exoetletit location: pHoa 86.800; m ortgw 14,350; might SKOhaa^. liANDBKEiR, ownar, 206 Broadway,

BOUTH NTNETBENTH BT.-Ftoe tw»-fkmt1y houaa; all Impte.; atop paying rant; $500

eaeh, 0. B. ORUEIN. llUe Flramen*! building.


CQET new elx-room bona*, bath; bom and sheda: Plot 50x100; enlr $6,800; eutoll amount

down. Addreaa Bent. Bot TA Hawn o O ^

StZ/PDH—Ona-tamlly house; plot 50x155; frtilt traani ohtoken-houaa: three mlnntas’ walk

to oara. CaJTw. T. BROWH. Hilton, N. j.

IrringteB$1,006 BUYS 666 Boulb Taralfth at. now three

family houa*. 17 rooma every linproveiMnti lot 50x100. McDONOD^. 775 Broad a t

•no CABH, bolanea to aoK the d i ^ ^ tw t * .....................K the poreheMg, inre

; iU ual^ w l t o J t t ^ I 10 roeme and both

FOR iALH alx-room banee; 0O5 Booth teenth s t.; all Improvemeata axc*ik heett m

reesoftgbli offer refused; rail In morning.

,___ , two-fOmUy hoona.bkwk OT trollny; oontnln# 10 roeme and ^ * tk and floored attto; thta la one of the anper. tonltlaa that ooma vatw atifiom; will yoo pa on hand to aeoura this boirgaln; prioe toOOO f v gnlck BOla. JOHN R. AtANKft 888 Cltokei av*,, at Slghtaanth at, .

TWO-FAHlLT, 15 rooma; all, Impla; twe ■epOTSU steam beaters: tot 0 ^ 6 0 ; room for.

driveway i t aide. 86. doborne terrnoc.CHEBTHUT BT., near Brood—Briok and froBM

dwelllug. I t rooma onlendld loontlna, ^ 800. HKNBT J. F O U tr; l l Cimtm K.l^0OO~ODtr 1000 gull, tav* 1—T_JIT HHW.

“ Imp™’'*™"** CHAK SOUBV^t 1100 bnlldlnf.

HKIW HTn>room hMiM, nodira In a r m to- •PHt, lire* oonn' lot, |0,tK»: n n raraa.'

room nouM. hnlf nor, lot, cjiy wmur, n fW ; 11- u n tnmi, thr,* nllH from p.torwuv 1, ^ , hoow, lmsrGT,ment«, N ,*-

FOR TOD.ttwm h o u , in Irvinctm; up (« 0nt,; ( n m

CRAWFORD W .; *-01,r thrM ^ t ^Inqnlr, SSo Bro»0 it.



MW, a im JM abmom

In ftnrt-oluiOa Ja. -______________00 Hunuo pi, Inrlirnton,

THRESJ-BTORT brick houw to rn l* , « i WMh* Itmlon M.: not much inonM nMdw. Addna,

0. B., Bo, ail. New, offlec.UOUSIC and lod and l u , , , ; 0OalT0; In R ,

nrkj ln_nr,nilM» oondlCba. “

tSM CABH, k«l0i t« on nap tmm*, tiooiM prattp mi.foom dotU0i: butdr to tno o u

R. F R ^ I W 090 Clinton ava., u a s tb it ,i u - •wl^i opon. \

WM, >01 un»i* iUMW SBox afi. News office. Addraea I. ft. L ifin g fto n

nqnlrad;I XnUrpilw, Sox M. N*«» I

OWNJER miut toll u v two-IUnll• ra p t IMP

1 Mom AUnM' ► . Jtofll toWBBta- •• ,


BEliHAft Hr J.oottogaa boordlng-houees and bottle tar raaL from $206 to $1,600 for season; fexma for aale, MILO H. CREQO 506 F «t., Belmar. H. J.; on trolley line. _

FARMS FOR SALSSMALL FARMS Ih BpringfMd. within foui

mitoa od Mawork; we art developing a large tract OT land edlolnlng Beltuarol golf gronndg on Weatfletd ava. one mile from Newark andElisabeth trolleys; half mile from.ateam rati-* rood: win sell on* or more ocrea at $600 per acre; tarmo lo milt; high. dry. productive land; beautiful auiroundtog country, fialea mana* xera JA M ^ F. HTLAND. 1S3 Market #1.: JOHN J. BERRY. 776 Broad ft,: CHARLEB P. QILLEN, U5 Meritet i t , Haaratt.TWO grooi trnok antf^youHry fam barakitmi

IT onraa. located right In town, price 18,000;* *- ■ills ‘ ■ • '- . —. -------- . - -U-. - *0* 0- “ **, f > ivm

55 ocrae. oxe-half iftHe from towOr plenty OT fru it peioa $8,800. For list of other* addreaa H A m T CBRISTINB. Washington, N. J,9USBEX COUNTY farm for sale; .

from Vivaria Loka; % mile lo alation, , ^ alavatlon: beautiful mountain view; an ftaoicounttT ptaoe. For terms, ata, addreae p. o. Box 17, BranchTlll*. N> J.GOOD FARM tar tola, about lOfl ocraa; good

Hone*, large henhoUM, barn, ato.; plenty timber and plow tonduprioe J2,850; o«|y

SaRVTtl DB . HBilHaCfruit.il.TO oesh needed, woahlngtan, N. J.CHICKEN FARM. Wnt^Orong*: % mere; six-

room house; bath; ell Improvement*; newi block to frollay: price low; terms easy, CHAft 6. ORBEN, ItOS Flremen’a building, HeworiLMODERN house and new outbulldinga ift.

acre farm near Flxlnfleld and banellen; don'tm in . market.


FARU8. from $800 ta 15,000; valuable land; oa----------------OT t a ^ f l l t ^ ; good ohouca

548 Wbet Klnaey at., neartwo nllroada; oaor :

to sell produotaMorris gva, ______ _n e e d more aoniaat man te pfbduoa Btmpllot^

b r o a d ----- — — ■* •** ------free. PA

FARMS WANTEDBHAliL form, twa or five onrea, flaor mala

line station; houaa must have Improvements* Address W. J. ft. Box 42, Newe office.WANTED, farm to lease, with tha privilag*

of b ^ n g . Addraaa a J. HORNI^ 175 Bh*r-

REAL ESTATE WANTEDiWAKTMD. for omh hiyw, t-o-tunUT tiom, lath,,Blsl]t]| at Btmmw *T*.; mo^« n bouH: pomh profamd; aJM two-tuallr houao, Clifton, PaJKor, Hlffhlanti avo,, naao BlomOsId ava, Conmonloato aarlv wUh J, WARD SMITH k BOK, StB PruJmtIal balldlnp.A lla kind, pnpartlai tor tola or oaohaisao;

partlu owutlnc; aubnll tout pnpoaltloni or wontt; oaebonflnc a, ■poolaltir: can matoh any-AIoImvo awMTBia Ata# r.oiAOv-i■ ovnai ^_■luakWII ■!].thing; aito courteous eervioe and 4square pent pi.

A. H. MARTOTT. 18 Ml. PrmS

FOREST ottt.To gecrtlenj•.onaiaA mi0i» ^«kivuj modcRi on^fajtiilydwemugwanted; aU f m p ^ ^ eteam;'

cosh Imjara; $5,608, Address House. 18 Mt Frtepsot pi-ALL FAJtTft, etty and nbOTbs, hotMea and

lota; gtva full particulira fcr hpii* reeuUa: ptote If you win axchaaga. GEIBBR ft PLUM, 845 Bfci^ St. ^


BI/30MFniU>, proforobly oonvanlont to M o Station, houia won tod with impiwatnentei

bava |l|fi06 cash. Bend toll porttoulort to *iuyar, Box 92, Hewg alfire;



FDRNIBHSID hoot. In D pra IToBtclalr, N. J. • ? 1105,. Fits opaa flra^ton .laf«o

plaoo; kutlor i pan t o is0 bathrwn; mod.rn p l u ^ i u , budvpod «oon,' taa an0 alaotHclty;S5S22I: • s s s j

S ^ U la l r , N. 3.FURNIBHSD oettoga, 8 foomit both*

tathr tin aeoacw

OOLA’BB^fi N. ,

» _1U,. Cf ta faua-afl.

\lora oaraoM man u pfMUOa Blinnlioltr

r i 'u .N

fix' .V4:i alj; Mil

Pne<1Or ADfc ■

For r !pl«Cel> vlctoltf for bou

101 b

Furn, IP l] : 1

Coll '


furniT OBAT I

i«toriftUtloom S'"i*

xvatoSiM «^ la 1 ri-UlA '

ly Ffloor «

I a t n atan

( wrlll ihQw



rtngW lUi




cu troo


to B yenU

WEI ! etc

(h o i




bungalow. 6 rooma* iwutr cajs sauan; eie- Tatad location, near Watchong Mountataw; a ' minute* atotlon (Leokawtii^, W o lW , Qti« lette, N. J.FOR Bummar monlha In Btrondabius, fa . aa.

room, antlrtly motfenl, tnmUlioii laaliiaiea'-K -i^K -^^C K O lT, a il 'n w m u fV l.T iS S a t

-O O T O F

b v n l u la A houM und lau u i fn m to Nowtrk

k houOT «nd uCIful Idca-

n.OOO: wo 25 to tl5lX


K.It; la Modi'iDutM fima amiUI por- moDUi: po^ ILLIAMD.>iit catr, t f

per BMatli: n«or troUef all any dafj e t OS at


itlm; I'Oo^t cOXliU odir* I0.4 IfQtlaj*


main depoti \ Eao I5,00u; \ Owner. 4li

benMi fop oil prioea,

U M.

lota ohaapi \10 nelKhbor- J

Maple itl» [

th; all tan- at Torjr low ulaler om«

re eaa par* i down .'oad : lb the Joji » in obdUee at wUI tte a u. See iw.

\LI7 beoeelior itraaoee. Iwelre m t ^odTaotojaeha aplebdllf and anr' '*

lanin aI’t b#V,“r.

[ with na. ila« SUtJea.

MorUlooi ro- modem liS' waiJca: 1o-

vraablQitoftj further par- m, N. 3.

sear Waah- »ap to Nttih^eit 0raiic4

L B -S E A .^



>—Kew tw»»BBNNSTT.

-oin OP4 or unfu^ e roof; verf iT UB«; built I, four batha water beat' eloaeta;

bbery, treao ' [ORGAN. H A

lae: all lav I :roDnda; ali« ] roocn faoinea I : of autlon.; J I CHARL&S leetloo. Mill-

Ml diatrtct, iudln^alcani uae. w jt

il roomi and loodlUoa. E.


eta for rent, m s for sale, Itnar. N. J.i

wltbfn (mil plan a Urpa koif rronAdf Newark and L.ateam raU<*

at per ductlre land; Sales niADa* Market a t j


m bkraklnai prici I3,<l00i a, plenty of hers oddrta# 1, N. J.e: VA mllej staUoiw ki|p »w; an ^ek» ddreae p, 0.

\ acre; aU« mento; new; eaoy. CRAS. Ini, Newark.ulldinfi, mellen; don’t t t» . New-

tble land; on food ohaoca

ley at., near

to lteS ilS ty

. kiear mala nnroTementa.>fTlce._the prtrllata IR, 175 8her«

TEDhUy faOQM U|V are .: mod*t twO'faially I ave.i near Tly with J, itlaJ buiidinj. .V exoHanae; 'opoeltlona or 1 match any- rvloe and a 18 ML Praa*

1 one-family ento; eteam ;' »tM. 18 lit.

heuaea andnick reeultsi St ft PLUM.

^ U T O F

ilent to Erlie apTOTementai artkmlara to

rO L C Tarnut Utlna-

T O ~ L ^

tctalr, N. J.; Ith o p u ftn< Mn;lA •K otridtj; ini mmiur*: in mlaatw5T*i»‘bK

b.Ui, t» 0 ;Uountmu; g ' nrolOT, a n .

iu s T S iT lf cI'g r^ d w c ..• t , atrauilg.


N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . F R I D A Y . A P R n i 7 . 1 9 1 1 . 2»' ' h

VURMSHED HOUSES WANTED. I _____ OUT OF TOWN IOW .Vf R ilABirtof to keep home open durlnf !

ahrfni-‘ *'* fnmny, may eeoure eervtce of Ni- , rned uuof ' 'urle; no cempenutlon. Addrebs

SPET.LMAN. Hlghlana Ave. SlWlOb,OfJTu:-’

TO L ET -rO lTT O F TOWNrOH RENT. 12-roen hou«; modem JB

I ntenta. peitlculers inquire &. w.' DKN. RoMlle, N. J. ___ _

G iK .



BRA DUE Y BF.ACU. N. i .For Terit and for aelc; modern oottacee. oom-

!i/l«(ely furnished; octaa from and Immediate iwlci^ly; price tor aeaeon, |26d to II.HO; send to r b^klet,


BELMAm. N. 9,F tam i^d eMtagee

IP l l : Hat cm requeeL Ckll or addreee

*l|hone 140.NTTIa R. MltlgSR.OppoaUe R. R DepeA

ErOHLAimB, N. j.- ilo a e eottagee and teats, tumlahed. on beeutlfui Bhrewebury IllTer;

toiatlnff. Oahlng and sood salt water bathlnf* CTW LLUM8. Box «t.»A T HlAii-rMrnlih.g t i« » , Ig iwi«»; »n

latarOTtBiMiUl oMi n tront: ■tx intarat« Emu ^ f . COKDIT. Hum 8K P n i d m ^


WEBT ORAKOB~OD.-funIi. hou.., .U nonA, bull And puitrr: lniliroTKn«it.j llW

g « , »1 R i d pi,_________ _____________ IIV*., Sg^Mugsra


»n«*i»-SpecM leal Estate Days-sg»gpFU R N ISH E D ROOMS T O LCT BOARDING

HAljtiEnr IT., 11>-Levely. large, light roome. J RVNTBRDON ST.. *0—Two reueetol • ■ - * ' ------ ------------‘"id wanted to board: nice furnished (To*

BAST ORANaU. Wilcox 1 houae. practlceRy i»g.w. W,

Mltobeil pi _____________

H O U SES W ^ N T E D ^ L T O F TOWNWANTED, by faiiglly of threr, ft or 6 room

house with all Imrrovemenis and gorvl-sliea yard; moat be wlrhln nce-crm trollry tore limits of Newark: will not pej uver t2fl. Ad- dreaa lioiiae. Box BS, Newa ottlce,

IloriB S . ell Impia; IS sunny rooms, baih;high elevadon, orerlooking river and ocean;

very pieitireafiur; also 5 ptid ft-roora houeea Particulars J BIMMONH. Hlghlande, N. J.


a p a r t m e n t s , BOO M S AND FLATS ____T O L ir r ______________

APARTMKNT8 to rent in a new three-familyapsjtiuriii, 148 HlUge tt. , Newark; Hiht

roum», tivar High School; rent tl!0 per montb. timed o m ra l Realty t:o„ t^remen'^ buiMlng.APARTMENT. *COICCaRD” -Vp-toHlale five

and bu rootriS. tiled bath, nicely decorated, janltof a«Tvlcci flh and lA). ft® Ridgewood ave . four iioore from Cllnion ave.APARTMEN’m-SAO Peehlne are., near ain ton

ave.; hrat dour; elx roevtus, bHih; Fleam heal; hot water furntehfd. alecttlc light; VM Apply janitor. _________APARTM ENT-FIvelarga light rooine; all 1m-

provenmiiis; hrat fumiehed. rMi owner------- ------

QUILT bflok houae;nU iHntton,

seven t *--*** toNewark; alt Imprcrramrats:

bent; receptlco hall; ooatreOB. -with fnvntery; aterereoms; eleven ether roomsi tiirae telleu. twe baths; two even flrepleeea ^ vide perch; will geooento to euli r ^ o n - ^ l e tenant; W per month. Addveea Roe*' ft-Uie, Bon to. Newe adloe. ____ ’•MALL alngle-famlly henae, dl TRitM i t . new- t ly p n la t^ and papered; DM gee, hatt and

iwnnk tmre: aleo tetir U ; ILoor ef h i in PrlratoIgd.; peeseiI £ v « d a t

rooQto on drat IM Oommeroe

j n * ^ r v . ' “c U r 3 r v a

)' ■ tnO ilA AVa. N« * t. * m m Hwm.;tes l«BM u t MAi mi Bua*n t n p m -

i n n M i i n w.g n llln n i deeonto ta salt t in n l ; alee rooin fed

dogQptoktty Mkp 1.Vrlll _____

a S f & A ;





on premltes. N. M RAFP. iS3 Wa and

ungton ave.APARrMRlMT, nret and aeocmd floor; South

Sixth CL. slPBm hem; eJrctrln light;n'parale entrancir. Inquire ^ 4 South Sixth e^APARTMENT-FIrs! floor; four rooms; all

Imprositriente: In a iwn-famllv houee; It2. 3S Abu 'tMford a\e., New-ark. K. J. *ALPINE BT.. 80. near Ridgewood nv«.--HBeoond

apanmem In two-family hnuxe; five rooms; all light; ImpT^vcmenu: eelect neighborhood; ix>nvenlBiU to atoree nna troUeyi adults; rvnt I lk ________________________________ _AVON AVR., i|- '« lx iwoma and bath, heat

fumlahffd.IIF.LLEVILLC AVE., 145-Vlnit ai*

roorria; evrrythlng n«wj extra large yard.

APAITTMENTS. r o o m s a n d FLATS _______________TO LCT_______________HIGHLAND AVE., M and H l—Four large.

light rooma water, gaa.'paper and paint to ■■m. IIU and III.________________ _ ___JEIJJFF^AVB.. tT5-Ftve light, aln rtema.

bath. pantiT: encloeed poroh; steam heat; all Improvementa; must be teen te be appreciated.LlTlTJiTON AVB., 80S. near South Orange-

Six lerge, light rooniA laundry imd baih; firm floor, Improeementa.LIVINGSTON BT., 221—Pour nice lerge rooma,

with all tJBprovemeeta; alao large plaiaa;rent Hd. _____________ _KENT BT., 85—Four rooms and bath; rent

111. Inqum premlaea, MRB. UETKR.

STORES, O F n C B S , E T C , TO LET c h .. . . i isb Viii Tm<. »is If no children.' In--- ---------------------r r e r r : ; ' ' -----,u ir. PKTIT Rwlly Co,, gie fTnlOn iolMInt.BROAD ST, PL.UM BL1>0., o»», C. *. R,,

oillcfll | l i up; .liw nil. .woud floor buoa t4iwi Ml. room. 34 ft. fnmt on iiond it GBIBEH A PLUM, S4g Bre»4 11-BUSING8B parpaw or iufnkil* tor doBUnti

from M tf iL four-room BM And tmin. gCRBLLall A »OHlll.IJ!ni, pnlnur. u d 4m* oiwtora. 81 HilMT »t-. iiMr W»»t Pnr* m.S A in tn t r i 'HAlini't;

Tg| B r ^

n O R » - S n ] w M MUMil NmatU U lutT toMlit. BVTBk,

COR.HHB ITOlia to M. £TB WMhUgtOi ^ OMO.IU MV to ogtMBi boUdfas, iDOlin Mitu k it OL _____

r i I.leata boitoeichlldteB: In­to Ca.. Bid


wmr Bttfwtito h * iM id, ter people cf reOreni

•Mtotlcally ai^___ ____ «tj 43-45

_ Of High iLi eight rooms and ill steam heal, gai and electric light;-----Its; gayegt If dastreA Inquire at

;ta 0UI)B ORAW AYB.. •H'-^tevan-roov fracae

dvelUfigt taod coodHIop; eJl Impc^easentf; .y wiMewei large plaieai lot fSxlOO; twe

w4delBi freiii trolleyi m t I S per monUi. •CBSmUR-ABBAMB, riremen's huHdlngtr,i

t* looo.. from Hot li ntno roam.; *n iDiMroiiMBla) bot v a tu b u t; tllod hotb;

kiu4v*ed lloofui mm,! iw ^Mr A m t

CLlNTIMf both: oietllont Mo*:

WH Smith OtoBgoamMtb So* --

kmc iMoa. Insi N tvuh, N. J.

nam a aidInaam at

CUKTON ST., * i-rro o t boauunu laagoi bright «m «i laaaa JA U S A. B S m t. M

CllBi<n\ at-_____CLINTON ST.. _

lofts and QfBeee tod St.

M-BB-Large t r m A Boor etoskJOHN C. IIROEL, a a ill '

CORNER Eighth a t and Central are-1 swell front, up to date; auU any buelnsea; 118.

MATZ ft CO., Union building.______ ______DEBK ROOM or efDoe, T88 Broad eoreer

Market si. Inquire CHARLEB SELVAGE 00.. Ineuranoe adjuatera; ’phone 48T1 Market.HALSEY ST.. E8,

Una of hue<nee«. BETZR. Broad.

B031NES14 purpoces or desirable for dentist;from Uay 1; four-mom flat and beih.

BCmZLLER ft BCHBLLKR. pelntere and deo- eraton, 88 Ualaey at., near w est Dark et.BALDWIN ST., lld-filx aloe ru«»s«, painted

1 Mpered; rent frotn the Iftth las t: c«- meiited cellafi adulta Ring flret bell. /

MIIaFORD AVB.. IW—Apartment, two-family house; separate entrance, aeparete elRant

heater; six rooms, bath and pantry; will be deooratod to suit. Apply on premli^.^MT. l^OSPHCT AV'i;.. 844-Twenty mlnuiee

from Broad and Market; flats, Ave roi>ms un<l baih. reni |I5. H t. KELAHER, offoi MO Ml. Proepeot ave_____ _ ____ _____________MT. PLEASANT AVfJ., 2S —Second floor; five

light rooina and baih; ImprovemeTjH: rlnjjtop bell; >19. _________ _________ _MODERN FLAT to let; May 1; nine roome;

me. eleeltle; bath: eepatate entrance; |2k. 51 Rlchalliu irtraoe. _________ _MAGNOLIA BT-. Uft^rour light

Improvrmrnli; rent 110. Inquire BridlNLll.Iin. next h'uae ___________ _ _ _NBwliat to Jet; elx rosma and bath: eeparxie

steam heater. Inquire 87 Burnet jsL______PBABODT ri* . 8©—Six rooma; all Improve-

menu; bath, e tc : rent rwonable to rixht trly. DAVID WTONBERG. 418 Union bullJ-

BALDWIN 9T^ Ift—Three first floee re sms and bathi raage; oeoMAtad oella? and geimral*

Ilk Apply <84 High M.BAtAIWTM IT., M fteoamd

twe-CamUr hoeeei watov, toUeti advliei resit glA

Mes, f w reoma gvs, tubs and

BERGKN BtM M ft-rtkl «t Are reesna with every imja iirnemeut Inquire Moend doer. B.

BRODT.BOWlIRT tT., 4<—Vive rooma en eeooad floor;

f t j and wniar; rent 112. Inquire 84 Pulton■t.

1 range; 900 feet frotn Qtnton lUot Oh CUhtoh m u. lOd 6 wb-‘Phone 180SJ Waveily.

A if a e v r r m tm jK ' h ; n m i. n u a u t a i^rteeo Mome, baUii all Uesifti fli eeoUoa; or toed (e r ju A d iee

r D. L. and W, K IL 0 teoad s t. ofp. 0. I t K.

i floe reatl- ‘ IS board-


DR U N T . htne and ten roon dwwUlito% 14< /knd I4i Broad at., Newark; ine looaUra]ai ail to Tali'


LAJIQB store and three rooms to let; good for btttoher store. <4 PalrmQgnt ava

etbehts; sdons frenta; mum>mukiui . _ j etaUoB aad trolley. WAlU>'GBl£PAKT . ^remsp'a Insurance buHdlag._______

f' FO RiiT” HILL OTRN ER-^Ttne houaa. ihlr- teeo roome, two baths; eveiy Improvemeot;

large gronoda. stable; m ltu le private or boarding; XU. HENRY J. POLBT. 11 Cltotoa a t_____________________ _____________ _ICANDBGVll private fMridsBM a t linooZn Park.

from May 1; 11 rooms; two baths: eleotrlo aad gas; ateam heat; all oonventenoeei a very desdrable hotts. Address Reatdinoo. P. O. Box

CUNTOtf HILL, Chadwiek ava,. M—Vlgkt rootae. hath; staam heat: gaa and eiectrlo

m i M ? * mlitutee to Broad and Marketm

RICB larg. roMBA ilngta or n . uKa la a modMif ofgoa bnftifna: F*at reaadoAol.. 22*

WMbimiton aL ___________OBAJtaS eoi-'VWg targa ftora,

for aar buitnaHi baat iooatloQ In Roi.vMl.! froat. aa f a atraafb.____________________PHYSICIAN or Aantiat: gaalnMa oBrn.r oflo.

and raoaptlea.rooaL; llY.ri.d door aitendut and a» oonranlanoM. Apply to aii|MrlDi«id«t Tb. Cwll. B«U«Tiila and Third avta._______ _PUANB NT., ggi—Flna targ. Itar.; IM n.

aauUi of Uarkai! ■oitilil. for any tHiilnua. J, B. MORAN, loi lYUtay a t______________tTORS. at TU Hulharry at.! IM ftot da.p4

good oallar; aultabi* whalaaalt or ntall bual-. _ ...------ w . r e a a o n e b l aeve.


(comeri. MAY 1.Choice ealte, nine all front room*; eouth-

ern exposure; parquet floors: gas log fir^ places; rich oecomitona; siipertur flnleh; va­cuum olesnlng equipment; olothes drying plant: sksltary garbage oloeete: tiled bathroom; extra toilet; oopairaie servants'^ hatbroom; but- ler'e pantry; large closets; liveried bell hoy.


CLINTON HILL-Your ehasoe to obcaln a de- ■Irabl* eecond floor of six rooma and baih;

larg# porch; ill Improvements: rent vary rva- Tunable. 8U Homeeleed Park,

oeae; facing Centre Market; rent ALFRED FOP1K, 221 SppinglleldSTORE and three rooms at 184 Wait a t; suit-

ahia for shoemaker, tailor or barber; ch«» rent; only tlE ANDREW J. OEIGBR, IT Springfield ave. __________ __________

H. H. FLOURNOY, 106 Roeevliie ave. i nner,STORE to let; eulUhle for msnufaoturer'a

agent or em iiinantal work. Addreia Bngl-~ 24 Boudlnot «t.


SBOURTEEN'ROOM houee, very large Plassa; e*»ke elegant hoerdlng-bouee; great demand

tobla iMUd; Foreei Hill; rent ITS per h. Addreee M. L., Box 89, News ofllcm.

rsE, f nomi; half block city hall; ftiml- « tor tale; suitable private family or fur- »d rooms: pratant tenant would retain »ee'

jwaifi floor, Aedrees Bnep, Box 41, Newe ogloe.I ROBEVILLSI AVE.—Ten-room house; ell Im- / provements; suitable for privets or boerdSng j heuee; two minute* to lAcluwanna etetloOk ' Address Btstlon, Box 86. News offloe.

Ha v e fine big house In ’ Foiwat Hill; laigs

STORE and two rooms, ITI South Omnge ave.: ISO, Apply DAVID U. HBlZEIi. ^rout

Broad 0LSTORH! to let: 2 n WLshingtoo e t ; Iholudla

two or seven large, light rooma. Inqulra I Market et.STORE to let. with rooms; with ImprovemMitg;

FUlUhle for any business. Pi Somareet ft.STORE to let. Broad et., oor Orange vt.

quir* In shoe store.

grounds and 'garage; will let cheep to good

«artles; bouts will be ‘ 'Uy I.ertles; bouts will be put In Amt-olMe order;

Owner, 2<1 Grafton ave.KORTH REWARK-Thrto-eWry; eight rooms

end beth: eU Improvements; three minutes te Btoed a t trolley: rent |S6. Address Con- vsnleeti. Bex 10. News olBoe,__ ___________^BOAJUOXKf^^nOUflB iB Boerrllle esotlon: el-

waye been euecessfiil; two mhuitM to Lack- ewanne itetloh. AddrsM Opportunity, Box 4B. News office. x __SLDGANT light itote reeldanoe. 16 large

rooms and three battka; in elsgaot. r^tricted fksigbboiliood: with all impfteomsBts. « Med- 4i«n terraoe. _________WEST END AVE, O-Hlght rooms and bath,

1 steam healer. lmp«wTemBDto; »0. Key At 78 West End ate., or BLGBOfECKS, l8o jMarket st. ____________ _}&O U i^ ROUtEff. HOlTSRBi, all In aouthern L eecttok; *ig to tM «om^_|22 t o j « ; ctui v d fM eoquebitod. i ^ tc r st,__________


ROiZfVILLS BecnOH—Bsteml deeinahle one- ftmlly teuses to Is m from U ej 1; reeson-

iibls rentj oell or writs. ROSE. 10< Hoeevnie

’ ftW EN resrae. bath end ntoragej ell Imptevw- Diento; 10 miTmtea to Ifiarket Broad «te;

rent H2. Address Home 16, Hew# office.DwELLtNG-'Bnok. eavoa rooms end b e t^ eH

“ - too^ ty ; near Thlto ,60. 'FtiOB

ImproTteMDta, excaUest . Lv^; 2UaerM de e t: $27.60. one IW B. B.

TO LET,ftva. Apply J. J.

botee, IHMUL M.th

Bemareet e t. 2l4**tory] aad range, near Cllntoa

iBROWHfte n ilslde eve.BTAXTOH BT., 62. neer Bhsrmen ave.—Nia

room hDtes; ell improvements; rent reaao: ftble; from May 1. Inquire on premleaa.CORNER WegblngtOD'and Wenea ate.: fifteen

roonw, bath, ell Impaovementsr bualneu dwelling purpoee Tngu^ >0 Cedar at.17-RGOII hooMi ail dieoonueoted, and ell im-

provemtnte; newly painted and papered; 278 Weshlngton at. Inquire 88 Market a t_____ROUSE* No. Tl Bnimtt st* Doatalnlng 10

reams and hath: all Improtemeuto: open fix- turea. Inquire UM Broad it.CUNTOH HtLL-Uey or June l i house.

rooMi bath; ell ImntovemenU: |46. See Uiephow GIBE. 800 Broed et.CRAlCrOlU!) <T., l»-Ont-re«tty ihree-etory

brisk, newly desoretod; lounedlate poeeeealon. Inquire WO Broad a tSpU B S to loti 8 ro o m s.-----

H e lw i t ; one blook from Market ot< e t t ■

80 Cumfleld et.a near In­

quire t t Market s tBl o o m fie ld AVR., 1% i m w reoma: lm>

SStetoSSto. m A. a \TIEELAn A. 45 CilBteu a t ________i t a i m ATm, n««» i ifg

ntawaawactiaaati rant IM. BHTb R, To

BROAD tit., IM-Rsuaa. ntM toapma u I I aW l dry! an IrngMyimanU. TYB. DLTCHBR. H

A U aadatL _______ ___________________■DC ROOM*, tweitary, h e w toMe,

Aator rt.: IM gn iMnlh. 22M Aator at.,K a w a r k . ___________ _CLWTON AYSL. Bll-HOMa. Olayar iM U.i all

itM n Mat: goad laaaUoa for

f MiaH t r . , H^-Ftrat Seer, roar hen.menthlyl eeloMA laqulie n e o 61(

M U Ibs.


BOUSE to let; 6 light, airy rooms: all Improve- monte: 9 tt Waihtngton st. Inquire S3 Mar-

^ it.


HVSSEX AVE,. near Third at.-Two up-to-date Etorea, with rooms: excellent location for

druggist, barber shop, oleanlng and dyeing or enatom tailor ahop, oto.; rout roaeonsbla In­quire 802 Buooax ava

7HE moot reasonably piiosd offices to *et In the city, within one w o ^ ef Broad and Market

■ta, tn butidlfig adjoining the Newark £v«n- Ing Newe; suits sscund floor freut, lento rooia, 11x12, with alcovs; steam brat, water, toilet; one 88x16. light back and front; ateam beat, water, toilet. On third floor, suite two rooms. LflxU and 10x8. all improvement*: also four emallar ones on third floor, 11x6; ail Improve- R.enta. For terms apply to the Builneie Math Bger, Newark Evening News, 215-217 Uatog Ft , or your own broker. PretnliM may be In- •pected at any time by applying to Chief Eogl- bter, Evening Kewft

rUNTON KILL seotlon. Hunterdon at,, 8S8.tiear Clinton are.—Blngl* flats in three-fan-

lly bouee, IM roome an4 batK Ught and airy; reat, | 16-t t e - ______________ _CLINTON ATE.. 488-Beau41ful flte-rooni flat

and bath; rent S ^ ; heat and hot wstar sap piled. Inquire in itore. ,CLINTON

menta; oHILL-Flvely $20.

rooms I all Impreva R. GREY, 11 Seymour ate.

CORNEOl two-family house; beautiful upper flat: all Improvement*. *r>'en large, well

lighted MODu; rent |22. South Munn av« cerner Plymouth pi., one block South Orange ive.

c o rn er a pa r t m e n t , Littleton Sv*., TA- Seven elegant rooms, bath; all Impto.; eteam

beat, hot water. eeletHe light. Inquire janitorCORNER flat, four rwoma, bath and all Im­

provements; second floor. 119 Dickerson sL cor. Second aLCKAD'^nCK A Vn, IW -Flat; eeven ro>

and bath; all tmprovemente: eeparmte trance and steam heat: one block from Clinton ate.; 122,CENTRAL flail 8 light hDome; I3T; steam

heat; bath: oeaJ. gas raagesi wardrobe. Shadea, scretnai, dumbwaltofa Inq. 10 Cedar *LC ^T R A L AVE., 227-Thrte large, light

rooms; statlonaiT tuhs and water and gae rent 110. c _ ___DESIRE cheap rent and idee luomeT Look at

46 lang st.; newly deootwtedl nice looatloA' oonvenTent to trolleys; only liftDI«IRAB!L& FLAT. U I Beymour ava.; privets ..... --------*------ Inquire


East ORANGK-Seven-rnotiv uperimente; $22- all Improvements' deroraied: fiirte min-

uiee to Prlghion A\e. Erie ateilon. ten Lack­awanna. Inquire 810 Dodd *t. ew ^ ira ra ave.EAST ORANGE. Rhi>de liland ave.. ^^-Naw

two-fsinlly hnuee nvet-Ufi*klng E lm w ^ Park* fl\e rooma. bath; eeixtrite heater*; all modern itnpt* : rent $17, Coniral ave. car to Weal <1.EAST ORANGE North Seventeenth 85-

rtewn room*: all i‘ghi; tn goAwl uonilUlon; an Improvenivnt*; kipHraie entrance; five ittlnutM to irolley and elation; aduUs.KAHT r»HANOB. Amhertt it., Mft »nd 847, near

Rhmie island ave.-KIrsi and ?;wa;live rooroe: bath, steam healer, $15> BlA>r.rM-lA'KE 1» Market_st. ___EAftT^'oRAKOE^even-rooni apartment, all

ImpixivementJi; handaomely dtK'orttie<i. nt-nr Central ave, and Prick Church Station; reni $RU. 84 Banford ft. _____t’t.AT—41 Nasaau pi., East f>rang«; fl'* room*

and bath, new bnUdlng; eteam heat, hut water, janitor eervici; rheapeet rent in the t>mng*e; 325. Inquire 810 Main it., Kast Or-anga; 'pheus 8875- ___________ _ ______pI.'at" » 9 O ^tral ave*. East Orange; dx

roome and bath; new building I hot aatar, jsjiltor service: rani |27. Inquire P10 Main at.. Eaat Oranga; 'phoiv-

newly furoleh^^ and decorated; eteam; tlle<\ hath aama floor; |2 .te to 34. MR8, CARRE.I HAiiSET BT.. KMTwo front connacting room*

for housekeeping: aleo front hall room; water, gas bath: very chaanr; raaaonable prlnsa.illiJH ST, 488—Stofto houee-

keulng; light, airy, dean room; alao front and back parlor; elegantly rurftlehed and healed,HU)H BT., 278, near

plesasnt front alcove priivemcnts; men.

OeatraJ awu.-lArg*,room; heat; all Im-

eullable (or one er two gentle-

arsnted to board: nice furnlibed Docit alaap- Itig room; goM table board; ene mtoat* trail Change car Mne. ___________ ________ _HUNTRRDON*OT,. 5». Mar Atea av«.-r«r-

nlshed room or boarding* far tote gaatlanaa. MRS 8M1TR________________________Hli.L S T .ri'. half klock from el' all aad

Broad et.^Deilrable rtMme. with or wttkte* board, ____________________________KILIa 8T., 81-Large front raom; tlaa cODsaat*

Ing roums; flrst-olasa ubia board; homa cook­ing.

----------------------------------------- —" ■ ' — 1 JAM19S BT.. 50—litTie alcove room and alaglaNIGH 8T., fl.1T. ehort block south from Markst— \ room; ,w«u heate<|; nrat-elaea, board: larga-

Large front n om* nswly furnlehed; prlvmte; \ery neat; all intprwtemente; rsaeonable-HIGH ST., gTS^Hloaly fumlehod front room:

all IniprovementJI to one or iwa geailomen; rriBpnnble to p H to tent parllee. _____m o il ST., 4.T3—Flaaaani, large front room; all

modrm c -inventoitoaa; flve mlnutaa to Market and Itn>ad eti. _ _ _

eiiwete: familyleated;of uKs: central.

' HIGH BT } well heatrd;' lug rtKirns.

4Sft-Bllilt id; Ugm MUi

and oonaeating roome; isekeeplng; alta sleep*

HrMUOT.DT §T„ l i—Large, light, heated r.K>m, near RoaewfUa BUtloa and two trolley

line*. ______________________HfUROLDT BT.. Ift-NIce. larfS room, all

IfTiprovemsnta. pmm tootley end etotioa.LDMHARDT BT., N-Kaatty farulteed. large

fr iDi riFom; liupeWteteents; elesiki heat; tele­phone; m pHvato, baBCltke family; teitne rea- eonaijlt to permaftaat gemlemau. __________

8U:,1FIAT of eEs large rooms and bath; all 1m

proi-ements. with ■ream heal supplied; "rc rnd floor W VVslchung ave.. West Oranio

------ III 1m-

LAmiE. weii-fantiBied room; modara housai iwlvais fainily; BHaabeth ave., atar Cllntco

Addrew ft. M.. Boa 5ft Newq olBoe.

PENNINGTON 8T„ 188—T^ur rooma; goer: fteah palat ae»4 pagset l l f t_

QUITMAN BT.. UEs-Bix, all Improvements; eteam k

trance. Apply T17 High to.

and bath; aparata en-

ROBDVIU.SI-U-T L t»o flwr* b.!»u*,; But flMr. 123; ••cobJ floor, C*j rtoua

litot; *11 lnipri>v«B«nf* Afldrio* <k»< U»*- tlonu Box 98, News effloa* _____ _HOSEVIIX.B. fl-r* mlou!** fo i**ti*o, IT*

Iforth TMltth *,.. n**r I^rkrooma; steam heat and bath; tlB;UtfaL airy r

soulta only.ROAim'IU.a. North Blllh rt.,

apartTnanl: eeven roorne; bath; in tw>faTn1lT houee; all Improvement*: newly papered: rent$38.___ ________________________________R0HI5^*ILLE, North Fifth it.. 18T-Seven light

rooma and bath; near euiloo and trolley; ex­cellent neighborhood; come and ee* It.______ROCEVlloLK fllxlh it,, near Park 4r*,-Thlrd

flit, five rooms and bsib: all Improvemenw but heat; lift 226 Fourth et_______ _____RfiflE COURT—Blegant apartment; five or elx

rooma; HI 'nifrteenlh ave.; one mlnulee to courthouse; all improvements; stoamUor earvice,OKIN, Okin Tmllding,tpply J s. 222 W

isnltor or JO tehlugton *t-


REiNT free until May 1; beawtlful apartrasnte, five and elx rooms; eteam best; gm* and eleo-

tolo; deeeratetl; 20 mlnutss from Broad ate Marget; Oraficwi and Woodelda avea. Apply KlQLAinm, offlee M» Mt. Proepeot ava,ROOMB infl »p«rtm*ot*, IT uid IB W*rt

■t; elevator eervlcs; eteam heal; euituble for buslnees or profeeilotial purpoeee. Inquire J. WIBfl ft BONS, W5 Broad eL _____RIDGE BT.. 273. near fteoond ave —T roome;

all Improvemeifte; newly deonratod, Cllfwn ava., 181, five rooms, all Improvemente. quire 1150 Clifton ave. ________


FLAT of flve light roome. bath, all Impruve- nienti; newly deroraiod; adutu; rent tl«

laiS Springfield ave.. Irvlngtoa.______ _____riYT|-TND BIX RWM8;


LAKATfirra rnr two fw

room for two.

rLOOR: *1j Monw! «H < " '» o « in » t^ "Hhli*Atj t**-nuBll* Hub**; ole* .u r droortowi. o«r; r*nt rt»oo»»bl*. 12* Boot-

iajld rt., Oruif*. N. J ___________________Im-

u' a h b iu U . W „ T, luwr ottj- h»ll~f»tool* tor- iilihwl. lufO !«■■% lot Ufl'l ho«Mko*i,lni;

klioliui oonnaMaw I m M ; nmotn« woltr; -11 imppDvamenla.MaRWALL « r,, t. » •« *ltY hUl-I«o*l» I»r-

oi*h*a 1-n* M a i room t n Itclit koaon***-

JAMES ST.; BS-Yti. Ihot* Uuit WMrt <l» T»rf beet food, oookad in the meet partljular way;

labia b^rd; ohterful dlnlng-roocn.MUl.UBRHY BT., 142—lArge roome, euttoble

fnr two men im man and wife; all homa OMn- foi'te; reaeonabla ratee and beet el cooking} railroad man cheerfully taken,_______MT PLEABANT AVE.. ttft-lArge ftte t rfiom,

■Msun heated, running water* niltahle toe two: excellsDt table; oatsvanlant te trolley aaft raiiroadaiWNBYLVANIA AVB.. llftto-Tkhle hoard to*

gtetletook. _____ROBHVIIjLK, 188 North Blith at.—Iftrge

room for two; with board; near D.« L. ft W. atatlott and Irolley.

nlahed lajge mg; htetad; all

HAlUtfftON, N.pS'lito

MRS. McDOKA lltoQ St

J,—To tot. slw-footo flat.nd Davie avea,: k — Davie ava. and Ham-»rovmmYa,_ Har^yn^ an^ Davie avea- i_r*ni

IRVINGTON—F la t: 1T9 Linden ava.

Sf tmprerement*.

n o rth ftlXTHENTH 11.-, m-B*Ten bath; eteam heat; eecoad Door; rent only |if t

CKAH.fl.ORBFiN. It03 Ftramsn’e bldg-, NewarkORANGE—Plva beautiful large rooma and

bath; all Improvements except bent; new house: good locality; near trolley and deirat. 857 central ave.. opp. park; 118.________ORiU4GE-“For rent, three conneoUng ro o ^ :

all light; baih: gae and kitchen range; pri­vate bouse. 86H High at.* i^range.SECOND FLAT, seven room*; eeparata en-

l aft e; steam hrai; sit Improvements: quiet street, 27 North ElghtevTith et.. Bait Oratig^BFCOND FTi(K»R. line fist of eeven room* end

bath: all Improvemente. 78 North Nineteenth ft., East Dtefiga _______

apartment and beet lo- ^ileviit*. 8T4 Washington avaTHE beet eecond-floor

oatlon hi Bellevtii*.Apply DR. E. Or CYPHERS. 878 Waehlng ton ave.; rent reaeonable.TO LET—Five rooms, flnrt floor, iw^flanUly

house tq Harrleoa; convanlaeit to Oanoial Electric Oompany work* and tmllay. AddrateH.. Box 42, News oflioa_____________ ____ _UPPER APA R^BN T In vary desirable iwo-

famlly Iwuee; open on eotith ilde; plenty of nnihlne and shade. W1 North Grove et.. B u t Orange._____ .

MT. l‘U»A»AJfT AVm, N»-Tw*run»i«h*4 a a -a V n e mm*; al*o

ro,.Tni; *11 aeawMBoa*! aUBt mlanWa t* lAck-w-ana tlalloa. ______

PLSA M tT AVB.. 1T--Iwata M nt m m i M it w aaa at Iwa t*wna«»aw- ______

um jaB R inr ■#„ W—lAif* tn n t m m : ntoal* furaiah**, ____________ ____________

Nirw IT., M, UA-Baurttfat am platair fiit- nlahtd aM It m annaeUnt room* (or bouH-

kMrtnt; n f iH a r t^ ; *I*o room* for tant!*- Inrn; 111 tntram M nta: b-th; s u tn l : rtaaon-abla ___ ________NEW fiTa, Itt-^Twa ecmnectlht frani roams.

comsl»la tot heiwItm lBt; alao “ • li™;*- kooplna !«*«! atoo araaU *lnal* mm*; r»t*ir*tt*ODaWa._____________ , _____________

Araolflio—Nlo.1* furnlih*4 .Iisom ; prtv-if f-mllY]NEW

roon centrally Bundaya-

■Rb I Q , Ar f \ n MBeiiii y iMMdi eai «*v«nlnge SiU

NEW BT.. lift tiifti' Plane *t.—Large teom for light housekMpIng: also single room for

gantlainsn, very reaeonable.

^UTK^ BT.. $1—Eleg^t ilngla u d dowble reomi: exoeltsnt table* homelike; coavankent

te Uotleye and Penneylvaala Railroad (Bout* ffl.) Btattoa: Rrel-olsse lodtUcai termi tea> eonteta; also table hoard._____ _tTc h eNOR BT., 18, near LtooeTa F artt^W

Bcuth Bt. Btatlcm—Larga fwhl robin board; runnlog water; steam heat; talephene,THOHAB bt., tt-Ttarga front aacond

rooiq. with board: all Imimvetnanta; alet ■Ihgis room; near atatlCQ and troUeyaTWO young men; largs* dcuhlt_room; ttjM

oemforts and oooklnft: faflned n ^ ly * Aft*- tfresa Clinton Hill. Bo* 18, Newd aBcaWAIHINGTON BT*.

with board; suitableI2ft-Lanre front

for two geatkiBttitense raaNfiabii; central loo st lea. ________wAiinSoTON bt., u a j m -U

nished rooma all ImprevemeDts* | l fiftt t t t t table board and telephona _

BOARD W ANTED■M to Rmrrtit* «r

. . j i iv*.(iri A k«* ^ w.2. N«wi vfllo^^*7-0111* W iv*. ib m 2to

.r( «, k«* ^ MAM MrnM. jlMrato 1

BOAJU) WUIM4 tor tv* fintla I, fHY-M torall*. Aflflmi .

N«W* olllo*.(m rrUUIAN wl*h*< h—rfl *o4 M bIbB* t*

prirtto toullY; o » tr tl loctUMi; )toU t-nM. T. C. tt. Qk, *f L«wmi»» M.OBNTI.BUtAM wlih*« nom. ir ltt

-iM lunoh. H*th*m loa-t|«B. A 4 0 tm QM»> tl*mAn. Boi tT, N*wi offln.MOTHER. fl-UflKM' u f l m t |W * « M lO A

bwrfl. not u •iMKl l i a A4<Mto iM n , BW- W, N«m MBo*.

NEW HT,. D8 front room lo lei; m<

Large, aleM tly lodarn Impi

furnlshal [mprovetiiente.

ROfiEVTLLE-t*rfe rooea MW boarft* co* flight upi deetoed by rsftnefl omdIs* m t

RooevDla halloa. C7URTIB. 85 NeftbiNliit)l « t s ^ -

*«nt1*nORCHAIin ST., M, n*ir 0 ^ cove room, newly furclshed: two geniieman or couple; a en single room; u l lmprof*nieiiie; reasonable. _______ _ _ _ _ _ _PLANE BT, 181—Two Targe oonneoting roome

for light Imuerkeeplng; also hall room; *t» fibjertlon to child; rrntfal location.

EAfiT ORANOR-FTeasant roome. wHk olase boari: elgtit mUratae t# D.. L. u f l W,

■tatton, io toinutoa ta Ryoad a t i moftaraUi: table boardeee teoemmadatoft. IM Ctetoat ave,, lastOruiftft

RiTXTBYi’OOD AVEl. 18—Bisultful ell room flat; all ImprovemeDla: thre#*fam1ly hoi^:

for adulU. Inquire 18 Ridgewood ava., flret floor. __„B ortH RTXTH BT..' Zfl2-B1x rooma and bath;

eeparate eteam heatero: eiectrlo light*; ail Improvemente; ecreenr; ehowar bath; r«ni ISO. I'HIfTP HERMAN. 282 Boulh Sixth et.


THREE or four roemw for oounto, with baby.near Lackawanna fitaflon, at WRlejianlnr Ad-

draae, stating rent, 81 Orange et. BToomfletd.

flOtrTH SEVENTH BT.—Bright apartSMnt} newly decorated; elx roome. hath, large pan­

try; ole< trlc tight, gaa; all Improvemente. In­quire 1$7 South Seventh at. __ _______south e ig h t e e n t h bt , 788-Blx laroe*

light roome, flrat and third floor#; rent |16; one-half monih'e rent free. FF-IBT ft FEIBT, Pcheucr building, 788 Broad.____ __B ^T H ’TR’EIaFTH st .. B84-F1v« ro^ma and

bath, first floor: 421 South Flfleenth It., six rnomo and hath, second floor. PI W, MoDON- OUOH. 776 Broad i t . _________

entranre: all aecAind flour.

other oonvenianoaf-


FOR RESTADRANT Oil OTHER FUR- FOBM: t e r m LHAiM CAN »■ «1>'c o r e d , a f f l t


ELiZABOTH AVB.—Beven and stgiit large roomi, deonratod throughout, every improve­

ment, parquet floor*, steam hast, gat logi; eauil to wnola house ell on one floor; Janitor eervlce; rent tS8 to W - Inquire UTTBR, Id Ellxabrih ave. ________________ _ClilZAB^nt AVE-. Iflft, 111—Second and third

fluora. five and e!x rooms, bath, staam heater, iTuprovetnenta, 128. BLOEMBCKE. 186 Mar­ket I t - _____________________________EIJZABlCTFf AVV,, 1(17. near Bigelow—BU

room* and bath; paiiiry; all Improvemanti; |2ft Ml. Prospect and Main line oari pose door.El.EGANT elght-roome and bath apartment In

iwo'famlly comer houee; eteam fumlehed; rent 140; threa minutes from South Bt. Rlatjon Addret South, Box 30. New* o f f i c e . _____ELEGANT flat; three famlllte. five robme,

light and airy: plate rail and eiectrlo light dome; no heat. 155 South 6v '*nlh * t . _____BLKGAnV flat to lat; T rocu

ai5te eteam heal: |26 near South Tanth et.

oQu and baih; ftp- 100 Eleventh av«..

EIGHT rooms tn new flat to tot; all th* lattet improtementa including eteam heal.

88 Alexander et.. near South Orange ave..Vallabutgb eeoUoxLEMMET BT., IM, near South ftt. fllatlon—T lw

nice rooma and Urge kitchen: improvement*: encloeed poroh; 111. Inquire on premtoee.

BOXmi SIXTH BT.. 140—Six rooma; Improve- monta; newly dtooraied and painted: encloeed

porchaa; ehadee and eoreent; tiled hath and large pantry: rent |17 __________________ _SOUTH TWELFTH BT. Ul, near Central ave.

-Becond and third floor#, ilx ro o ^ ^ teth, Improvemente: flT. BLOEajECKE, 186 Mar­ket *t.SOUTH ftlXTH iJT.. 4l4-41fl-S«oond and third

floors, five rooms, ail light all Imppovonaenie except bath; near Fprlngfleld ava_____SOUTH FOURTEENTH 9T.* Tlfls

Madison and Avon avee.-LowiT fli ahto for couple; adulta only.

betweenQor; suit'

FU R N IS H E D FLATS TO LETFTVK-ROOM fumUhed flat te u t for six

months; rent $18; eullabl* for working eou* pie. DBlANE. 566 Ferrr et.. cltoj_______JEULIFF AVE., 281. near Clinton ave.—Clean,

light, airy, newly furnished thres'teooi flat; bath; "rUate home; eteam beat: all Improve- mante: rent $20._________________________THRJlB rooms and bath: fumlehed opmplete

tor hnuavkeeping: all Improvemente; tel. $SlW B. B.; 86 HaTlaok et.

FU R N ISH E D FLATS TO LET— OUT _____________O F TOW N_____________

BRICK CMDRCH-^tort ct •l**Mt, M". tor- ntoh*d apartment; flve or elx rooms aad

bath; 'phone; all oonvenleooae; lawns, plaata: detaohed two-family house; Ideal locatton; ar- raittemento to euH; Central ave., rear Ham- son. Addieae B-. Box 88. Newi offtce*___.__

PLANE 8T.. 6k. between Orange and al*. lArge-aiHl email room: nawly fumieneu;

water, gae, bath, heat; $1.50 up.rAflFIC ST., 2W—Nicely furnlihed front room;

running water; large cloeeta; all newly paint­ed; 12 60 p*‘t week.ROBED’H.LE. fiOMth Twelfth It.. »-Plaaearit

fumlehed newly “peparod fror»t room, with alcove, eecond ffonr: reaeonable; near irolieye and elation; hIio adjoining r o o m . ______RtipyjviLLE, BuMsa ava., M6^. n ay Bjrth

st.-Pleasnm front room; BMgnborhoofi. nearblrolley and l*aokawanna^ itatlen.ROdBVruil. North TWritonli tl..

front room, furnleh^d; euU one or two laditeBOrTH TWFrt.FTH BT.', III. n*»r C m ^ l » « .

*nd Rotwill* HUlMn-T-m Itfht, n!»-ly furniehad rooma, bath, all improvamaiita for light houaakeeping or far genlleman; raaaoa-abl*. ^ ______—so u th bt., 50, near Broad — lArga heated

nealty fumtehrd fiont room with aloove; two minute* from Boulh Bt, Station;BOUTH ORAWJE AVE,, « -T h ! r t floor, nlM-

ly fumlihad rooma, tunable for gentlameo or rouple; all Impruvemente; prlv^tte familySaMERRET &T.. 16T, cor. of Rose, new Clin­

ton ave.-Nicely furntahed rocune for lady at gentleman: li.flO; private family.'rw o larxf oommunlcallni room#: large al

cove room; three mlnutei to l^^-^Skwanna and ^wngv eta. Addreia A.. IWS II. Newa oflloe, ____ ’ ■ ■____

SOUTH BirVBTfTSaaNTH BT., U-n»1 to l*t;5 room*: *JI improvimenti uc ip t h*il. H.

J. 102 Mulb*«T l l .___________

STO R ES. O F F IC E S . FTC „ WANTED___ bualnoae ooroar wanted by

party for Mquor etora, at reaeonabl Addreoe BualnsH Comer. Box 81

iponeibls fe rant.

News offlea


KEARNT-fttor* and threa la m roome. ault- able tor any hualnen. Id good locality: rent

$16. 58 Halitead at.. Keamy.M01>n*CLAlR, BlteWflato awa„ 8»-fttflre » x

42; large ihow window; heat furnlehad: root $46. Tour or 871 Bloemfieid ave., Hent-elalr. __________ _

ftullabto for any bualneai; At location; mow windowa; reaaotMbla. ROCHE wB Kenmy ave.* Artingioa.

STABLES. ETC , TO L E T .........A.RDLBT COURT. rUT irf I t Kwt KtoH* to.)

ttoM* "B," Mok itobto, 4 * to]l^^to^ Mr-f la n houH! HtIbi room, olxm: .J. 0*0. *. VAN d TNB. « * Ofiito* 01.


CHAN* ST., »*T*n lo in itolto ta r■ ■ ■ Wll. DUTCHSH, l lloft ond wofon

AltoBtIc I tihod.

rXBYAlf PU. **.-ata-B»ni oportmfnH; mot Clinton ovo.; modoroM font; ovor* ronm I'ko.

and aunny; dacorated: domea, plate ralli*«U Mietem luBpretemenu axoa^ heat; rent atm to May 1 to dealrable tananta. Apply to E, fLTJtfTfaf*. on preaUMft or 30 Ckmlleld rt. | ‘phone ttttlC arteL ____________ __________

SOUTH NINTH BT., 46-Becond floor, eeven rooms end bath. All light, eteam heat. lanl-

t<»r service, $40.______________ScTuTH kToHTRDNTK ftT., 6te--Flve roome

fo let. _____ei”s ^ X AVE.. 1B4—Nine roome and tetb:

Ideni loratlop for board Ing-houee or furnlehert room.; n*»r troll*** »nd L*«:k»w«in, Stollon. RneevlUe; rent teaeonabla Inquire 802 Bukscx ave. ______ _____________________ ___sttiatp6 r d PL., «a-Bta •i* n ”‘. >«*•■ "(f'’*-

, l r r roonn: ta lk n n lr r i *ncloi»il pojtii**: ■or**(i*. »ira1li*i tnd *HMn li»*t; r.nt | 22.___ioMKBBBT 8T.. l i —Slx-room <1*1 « w1<k

both- *11 Ittprovem-oto; third floor. Inqulro G. IT. ND8B. Br*t floor. _____RHANt^T AV*.. Ifl—i* f « ft>®*5* <®

tomll* hou**; lid. Apol* DAVID I* MD- LER, 800 Brood it. ______

„ F U R N ISH E D ROOMS TO 1 _ACADICMT ST., flta-AttrAotlrrl* torolihrt

light boufskeeplng fuUeei elngl* aad double rooma; eteam heated; central location; modem convenl*no«A _iSiEBCKKIl BT., TS—T— fim t wmaoottn,

room*; Itiht. olwiB, eow; *ult»bl* tor on* w too »onllfin*n: b*th; prlT*t* Iimll*: c»ntr»!ly lo«ird: n«.r lActawinn* d,pol! iwtoon-bl*.

B im iouR A v a , I*h«iM! niJi, roonwi •vtc* mod*ni Imto*™- m.nt. 'W. rlN O M t__________ . _

FCHUKT HHJj-Oor. H-llar p*rkw»* *Bd Woodslde avA; eeooud floor, seven rooms, par-

ouat flbOf*, til* bMh, ronnlnl n to r n d toll« on third floor: r*nt IST.flOi oAll ui* lira*; *•- c*nt M*y 1, _______ _

tUSSBX AVR, l^»*»Bt1ful »ni*r a»l. *J* room* *iia .b*iki Mot tomnibt*. InnuB- SOt

f ueeex ava. __________ ___________ _

FLAT-Win enh-let flat 14* 18th ava.; Ava roome and bath; talephona; eteam heat; all

InaprtrvetnenU: prasent tibaiit legvlu town on aoeoitm of hnsineaA Apply J. u p p m a n , eerond floor.FLAT, I non»{ bath; aepAJAte entrasM and

fftaam htetar; all Improramebta; ftret floor, two-family house; rent $18; poeeeealon Imtne- dlatety. laqulra en pNmisee. 308 Ht. Prowpeot

FLAT, 8 reome: bathi steein hete formUbed free; i l l Improvettento; ^rent fM; pomes-

lion immedlAtely. - Inquire on premlsee, 25$ Varone ave., above Mt. Progpeot ave.FLAT of four oonneoting toomai nloely fur-

nlabed: geoond floor; etoam heat: me of bath; eenventent to l4ncoln Park. Adaivee U tumIii, Boa 88* Kewi otfloe.FLATS* fiT gheewian ava.-'4Nar larfft

rooma, bath; Itfiproremente; rent enJy lift60 aad $14: seoond or third fleore. iTkqulr* pretn-

8TABLE—Four eultft aewer eonneettohai wlD alter for garnge, three maohloee; tewtead

wagon shed; 16 EHaabath ave* LIHHWr ftWOLF, t t l Clinton ■.ve, _ _

STA BLES, E T C , W ANTED _____B fA B U «lto kltota u d MtaMmbl* *u< t f

ktorlnf" tlntottoi Btar "Itottf C w w -. Ai- drau Bubl*. Bm 2t. N*w* bflto*._______ __

i t m 5 k F ; » t r " ^ r o ™ r " L o u to to ;!^ !^nnrl* ptloUd tad pAtwr-d-

k*4 t t . ___________Inqntre SS Mar-

ttOUBB to rant la Boeevllla, No. 68 Ninth y e .Aptly ta ewnmr* $1 louth Maple are.* Baat

OraBfa.80TTIB to let etght roome; IN Manwt * ti

S i. aS i* 6 a d. h bL i j i b . * » Bm d• t ____________tJT J.n i ■T., Ifl-RmAll hoiu-i tbiM

»T* bbimj wiltobi* tar tn* H*Uiki

BOUBI to lit:rt; HTtti rj h H j L

iwnto. n * t a l wiUf.

H OUSES W A N TED1 hav*, k* A na*ll (wtaly t t gdtolib«rbM! ntl tnetam WO or MO! •MtliwB o-ft ef

'■ ,0**. B«* <*, N m

IRMR tr tm iwm^. to foodkiolui to

nimtatonu Jlg f^ n to n

I rmtAddm*

RTAJmiD-ltoM* «f • trapm-Ritntoi m ltofl* ]*«*tod; r« tM WtohkirlWbd! Ai,lu. no ehUdrini iw t »taut fan Addrtu r . R . Bok tfl, K«w* »<Be«.

TO LET—O U T o r T O W N»OR MNT-Doubl* hota- of “ JS

■m ; *8 oonw Hldn-AY tad Noi^lWtd « w .. at. Ctoud, w » t O i»nn; m I* »*# P "

gnthi - bultb r«iort *t «nd of o o u ^ ln Ito*. Writ* JOB. D. WILSON. Itookton.

AT WOODBRIDOB. N. I.—To ront, *l»ht-fo«lB (•rmhoiu* u d n r d u i fl'o m tout* »»lk

to •tottoi, Ponnotlfwto R*l'r<»i; 10 tollta to m Nowork; ront did Pfr inuatk; F. ROW- iJCwD. woodkridn. H. i ._____________FOR » » IT , Id# oooMtoblA »«T

bonto. • in l roomo u d tath i oil to u U i ono kjook^.to troll— “K n »

dtolroblo improvo-

,. tta mlnuu* to_ . . . .... ....... Josletolr. AddrotollORtalolr; tot, dfSX.. __________^

btook to trollor:W. Stotlon, NOS

fcABT ORANOR-Bonitltul tansd-sow » roonto. ^ o t h , otoom, foo, olootHe, boom orfltof, rajn- OIIIU, tard wood Ablih; loiwo stotoi w ^th d » oofit lor dtfl por kumth, CRAB. ORBH^, 1103 Flroiaon'o bofidls*. Ro**f>-kAFT ORANOD-NlSO-woi"DroTominlo: throo mtnuioo to Brlftitos A n. ■totloB, Itrto; troUf*! eosyonlosi lActawosao! p d iBHulro did Dodd ol., cantor Olrord o*o.

j j f lT.T.HttRW-WTOlHNO twtiotl, bOOBlIflll t-1 room ktmit; oti Improvomonlo; flno UUO ond ( fruit ttooo: ronl 415 per ffiosth. CHARUCB J g a v S T lta l »toto, Mlilbam, N. J.

~ ■ tOU lR ORANtm TteooonW o root: o to 1 it .r^■ 4 i S Z i

d*.. Kiwyk.

K* O I^ E B O O M a .A N p H JU X S T O y E TIROQUOIS ’h a LU *2«o'"WMbiniSu r TTTSSS

toot; opp. Blon**'* Thootro; opootol rotoo foo oftomoouo; .oultoblo for wkloti ond todlow elubo. F. W. HDTTaNBACH, IroQUOlo bldf.LOib<}ERbbld‘ wito o ltn to r oirrtoo; Bowj*

decorated and la good oondUton; IT and Iv Vrmi Park at., Thotaday and Baturday nlghte. AppiT J. WIM A BONa dd» Brood nt.

a p a r t m e n t s , ROOMS AMD PLATS TO LET

A FAKm NTB-K>HA AMB UUAAM,■onA Otosat ood Boooath ok, ooiwo. o t u ^ t i n ond Mgti-elooi Vulldini; oolid oonfoiii TWd* for McuponoTi » oom ito rooulrod; bwitlfoll* iltuotodi M to Id mlnutoo to oil •totloBj; oil oad oonn ptoutn«, otr* roomo; p lu t* of Ifftiti Ulo talk , hoot, hot wotwt knltor o*rrteo; ftoo coroco, JPlotono oad dlo- ^nm i 00 D nor, MI Tbtrtoooth o n

A P A R n rin m . R oom , s o u n t .Woodoldo oootloa, 5 u d d roomo Impti.,

only dlT. d ll: South Ntootoontta ot.. I u d d roomo, both, Imptt.. onl* tlT, (If; Rooovlllo, T roomo, both, OIWIB. onl* 123; Root Oroau. I roomo, oil Impto.. oal* >23; d roomo, doth. houiO, Woot O m n . onl* did; Irvtoitoa, > roomo. both, all Impto, 121.CHAI. B. OHBRN. UOB Flrom n'f Ino. BMf.APARTiCRNT, B n roomo ond bath; opootol

prtoo to Oouhor 1, wtaon wo oovpl* taat. Ihoa a oUkht odniwo; avorr n o a «loId*, with foed lliBit u d oirj oorooBA awatoco, •hodoA ta t wator u d JonW toeFadod, o ltM Rldio-mod. OW Citotoo »*a________

A F A R n m rr "iHSLBOURm,'Third door; oouikam okkouro: oom l u y tU Impronmmitai lu lto r. lid o m d ok, or

aEIlB R A m i l l . 141 Brood ot.AFARnOHT, 28# North Mxth ot, RoootIUi"

Now, otx roomo: oil ImproTmasc*', oipaihto ontrmiuo; m -tom ll* ; oopaiato htotor: laondr* In ooltar: mtoolon dlslna-rooai; Juat Ilho living otoBo. T. A. FRTUP, M NOTUi BliU’ft., or Flramu'O bnlldlnt.

FliATR, riATB. FIUT9. all to ooottartf 0*0- tfohT flve to neven roome, $14 to |86i call aafi

get MQlialnteft. NORTON BROS., 81 Aator et.FLATS, 80 Bigelow gt.^Fottr larte. light

roome, bath; Improvemanto; rest $14 and |16* loeludlng Jlanltor eentea. tpquhfe premlm,K aAT In nloa loMtlon; ooavanlent to caintem

ang B«rfea trolWyaj all Improtenentfl; eraali ttmltyi rent Hft. 66 igadlaoii ave.FXrATo No. $U South Twelfth i t : sto

end bath: asphalt etraat ; Inuneflmto p ton. Ingtttre ef ttennt* fliwt fiocn*.

FLAT* 486 Warren jsL, feolnc CeatrtQ Awe.Park: eii l^ e * light roome anfl tiled bath,

aU mpfevemants up to date; |30- ______FLATR la and 16 Alptee; 4 and 8 t

bath: tmproYementei Janitor terrlce; 414.60 and lift Inquire premlsee.FLAT to let, four roonw and batl

ton pi. Inqnln M 206 Cfllnten i, et t i l Oite-

POUR large. llffhL bath* mnge ~~

Bllmbetk UTe.Btanton pU

and alltruleyinewly decorated roeme:

FOUR r GOMB to le t: thhft fi $8.8ft 11 Hntttardcn et-

thhft floor; gaa waton

FDT7R targa, Ufbt iWOfMo 64 Walnut eftPTVB newly deoofatoid roome and teth; ati hi^

proremente;eeqleeed parch;484 South Twelfth a t. near ionth Oranga ftve.; 114 to enuUl fam- lly. Ku<my*g bailr i v T U t t n AVmi me# raw. .

tuba, toilet aftd gaa: rent tU* emaU famlllea er adultol hall fitTWiabeft Inquire wUhtn.riVB large* bright u d airy roome to lei; | t t

WaaftlBft^ «L, esM block from Market* In­quire 88 MagRet et.________ _FIVE rtMfttg}

Beverly gft« premlsee.

alt teodem ImprotexnenUi 74 Qmton ate. Inquire on

^V B reoaw niM bath to reopeeUWe eetored people; rent $16. 17 Cbeetnut iL. Newark*

FIVE ROOMS and bath; two-family booeet flrat floor. 871 Sonth Klnetoenth et* olty.

FLOORS of tve and aU reoma. alt Imprev^ menta. H8 m t l i Slevcoth ea. Itmulre JaoJ

tor, or J, OKIN* 8 tt ” • ‘Waehlogtca et.FROM Kay t : etogant apm-tment; eeoend floor

asten rootne and buth; all light: all improve* pitetoi teat $8ft Call 5$ Ellaabeth ava*


flultee of two roome and ^hath* Mee dIw rooms end bath: Janlicr eervlee; llvarlad d<w attoBdeat: telephone eerrteei fteera heat; aleetrte Ughti; gae rangm; hot water supply; Uled bathe, with ehowete; elecUio vacuum cleanere and Hi the convenloncee which make houMkeepIng a pleasure. Apply to auperln- tendent on peemleee.

THB iBOft up-to-date aportmant-heuea, oer-ner Orange and Iklvd eta.; within walking

dlstaace ef D.. L. and W. Railroad Btmilon; exceptionally large rooms; Oiree, four aad five rooms with bath; parquet floor*; hot water, ■team beat and good Janitor earvloe eupplltd; epaolal apartment for doctor will be ready for occupaaoy May 1; open for Inepaotlon Satur­day and Sunday. M. DIAMOND, Agmil, Union Bldg.; tatephona $$TU Martat

THB ___6«T-laB High ,

_ trvt fleer, roomy, tight. Wall . . . choloeat In Hewaik. Apply to JOflEP; TIMER, iuperlntandant Hatme ft Oa, or to Janitor on prorolaae._______


144—Nicely furnished, second floor room, with not and cold

a v e ..BEIXEVILLBlarge second *---- — ........ .. - linmning water; adjoining bathroom; aultabls

for on* or two gsntlsroan.BEAl’TlFITLLT fumlehed room for a refined

lady nr genllemaii. Call all of thle and neat ** Urban Apartmeiue. 1$ South fleventh

t h r e e nicely furnished rooms; trained nureae preferred: call any ilm* or phene,

12U B. B- 282 Rlrtg* at,, second floor.WASHINGTON BT.. Tli—nrteWj apartTneiite:

ntcnly furnlihed room, suitable for one o*" two, all Improvsmcnts: ihrce mlnulee from Broad and Market ale. WHaLTAMA._______WASHINGTON ST 47$—Naat. eomfortahle

iingla front room every Improverhent; for ganUemati or lady home prlvllegee; uea of piano; raaionabla.____________________wX^HINGTON RT. 474- Large heated o.

pleiely furnlihed from room for light houee- I heaping' gae for cooking; use of laundry; | humellx*; raaeonabie. ________________ '


■AiT ORANOR, North Arllnftoa k « „ IS- Hoom*. •*eani« «r « «ilu, with or wUhout

Wth; B*ar MaU*B: Ant.oIaM boarA-drtrat* itotlaa; fltat-olaggRasT DRAKGBl. Amharet et.. 86-Deglr^lg

hurtt room; eaoellant table; aaor Brick Churoh fltatlofi and CJaatral ava. trellsy*BAST ORANOa, fleulh Munh avw, ft-^Rlfale

boardan; ttet-olaea aooorameft^oues twp minute# leukawaana depot. T it 286TL.EAST ORAKQB ......... ....... ,reteoaablaImmediate violnitr; ’phone 2l$6W

Wllltam et., 4B4-I1rtt-olam

UBT ORANOa WuhtoftoB^torraOk, fT—Al- tnwtlv,. lart* »*iii to r » i . taU itaa rt, a*ar

■tkllon inil »r«l«Y. TttoDtaa* UtIM. ___FAST ORANO*. W ltaur pL.

•('commoiltUon »ad t»kl* board; Ulr-a tola* *»* to Brtok Ohaieh Btattoa, ; .Fl'RNIBHFD *«m aad board, ApflF M tk lt t

it., Etoit Orahk*. N, J, ___ORANOB, Main »t, Idd-Boarfl. wilk

lair* KMBw: ipaotol rat** for twa la v «ood tabu boart! bom* owiklnr

BOARD W A N T E p -^ U T .O F .T O W KTOITNG Seotohutemaa, alone tfl thia 4

dcslrea to Hv* wtOi refined prtvato where ihe o«i hate rongenlol oeropank and home life, evening*; larme not monthly: hear Brick Churoh Btatlon, north f Main *1. only; no othtra nrod dnowtr: bot_ liig-houiB not dealred. Addr***. Irttor ofllF* Box 6. Taagaria Advt. Agency.

week. Rt. MRS JAY,

BALDWIN iT..for gentlemen or

gaa; bath; u*a of kfuh*« terms moderata.

gflu—Nloely furnished rrome or light hoiieakeeplng; h*at;

all OB earn* floor;

BRIDOS BT., 26tk—Front heneeakaptng room, good Aath; alao two froat boneflKesptng

rooma, 112 Orang* f t , oppo«t* Wagtlnghouae; r’ Biofloble rates.BROAD 8T,, IM-.NIaa «»**. alB«l» anJ xn-

rx^tln* front moiiiai imall room*. II.BO noi hmiarltHpInf altowa*; aaar l*ckawaima ata-tlOB. ________■BROAD 8T„ *T4, a*ar Itakawania 8<aU»n—

Tw» oonitootInF reom*; complatol* famUBaO tor l!(ht hauiaka*ti!nf. ta«ulr« floorfTMlt, ____BROAD *T., lH»-l*iTt* fiimlah**, air* raoraa,

mnnloB walar; a ln *111*11 room*; all Ira- provaiaaato', thr** mlnuta* from Boath fll, Bta-tlon , _______ ______________b ro a d f t ,. f#“ Tw« aad «hrM-r*om rail**:

•Ttrjf (mpp*»»ni*ni: b*at; lanltor »rrlc«! lltbt hwml.Mpl'ii allowad; It par wttk up.BROAD FT., tt*-Thlr4 floor; Iar»* front

room; aultabla (or on* or two foniKinan ttoain W t; bath: totnnoaa.______________ _broad f t .. 2**-I'l***ani room; raltaMa »w

BB*;Tm!>rov«m«itj; n*ar rallroafli ina irol- 10* aar*. _________________________ __BEROSK iT., fllT-Tw* Itkbi. n*wlr fumUhafl

rootna; lax*« (rant room, aultabi* for two, tl.fiO aaob. _________COimT 26. hear Broad-Nlceiy furolehte

cofinrotlng kitohen and bedroom, complete i « light hourakeeplng; running water; aleo ethor roome; ati Improvemaote; heat furnished,COURT FT.. W—Nloely furnlahed qoaneetlng

rooma; eeoend floor; hou*«krotHTif; bright; oentral: eight mlnuver walk Broad and

THIRTEENTH AVB., 55-Fow light room, third floor, half blech from eeurtbouxe. i&-

qulre 16 flldaey pi. neej Neleeti pi._________TO LET-Three roooit with all ImprevemeaU.

Apply 14 Walflwriglft et.THIRD iT.. 67a.

and third floors, n BLODMDCKB, ll6

Bloemfieid oite.-M wash troys,

I M*

KrriS'* . IMarket.______________COURT FT., T2--C1*U1 room*. *21:pleie for nouaekeeiflHg: ga* and oath, aaie ■leaping rootne; ll-te P*v weak.COURT ST. 75—Nloely furolehed front

complete for light houeekeeplng______

WASHINGTON BT., 8l7-Llght nice large front room; alao el:

oonvenlefle*e; four minutee Maykat eU.

houaekeaplngjsingle room; all

trom Broad and

WAiKINGTON 8T,* l$8-Two eoaneollng roonto. furnlohad eomolete for houeeheeplng,

all Itoprovenianl*; also rront hall room; oenirallocgtla.WABinNOTON 8T.. 1M-I*ir(*. D tajlr »«■

tiUbm roam; itowl* a*tor»tod; y« t loculi tr; iult**!* tor on* or t wo; *1*0 tall room.WABMINOTON Rt T’iTsTTork-Noklif (umlih-

rooni*; *11 (iBpmvomoni*; rultoblo («• on* or two; rent rvaacnabls. Ring Hodson a bell.Wa sh in g to n bt., 817-t4ghl houeekeeplng;

two nloa, large, oonnaollag front rooms; will let eeparata If deelrod; all oouvenlenoee.WRIGHT BT.. 68W-TWO large, cennaotint

ToomL furnlihed eoraplato for houeokesplng. with fxa tor cooking or eeparale; w ine vary reaeonable: all Imptevemaan; freUeya ©on- venlant- ____WAIJIt'T s r . BS. n.*r Rrota *1.-Nlf*1y fur-

niitad *1B*1* or eonmettnt front rnomi; »ll Improvraionl*; (urnl«h*il complot* for liou**- 1i*apln*; r t t . i i*»*Dn*b!o. Rlnt top b»ll.WIDOW woulS Ilk* 10 r.nt ™« or Wo nloblT

fuml*h*i1 poomi; flv. rninutr* to Bro«a u d Marlutt improvsineDte. Addroae Reoaonobie, Box 15* Nrwe office. _______ ’

TO L E T - 1 2 l e w S t r e t tTw o doors from Broad, directly o p p o s it t Kahne C o .'s side en trance. S to re an d Basement; all im provem ents; ready to f occupancy.

Petit Realty Ga, 516 UnluBiqTal. ftlM MftffMat,

w a r r e n PTj,, lla. near New—Two front futf- nlehed houaekeeplngtftonia; Improvemehte; one

furnlihed houeekeeplng room; water; larg* y>ij-WARHilN PI*. and bedroom,

neatly furnished for houroekeplng. 12.60; rsn- tralJy located; ftv# minutes from poatofflce; also hall room. ______________■WEST KTNNET AT.. *2-N«al1y furnlihed

room; private family; eteam htet: tor man and wife or geatieitian. Vhofte 6042L Market.

TWO ROOMB to let; flOi and water; tte Mfty DcJy. 41 Piahloe gvo._____________

CENTRAL AVB., IflO-Alcove re e ^fumlahad for hftueekeeplng; all im pro^

menle; also twe connecting reome: ninjimg water; eeattai; no chlldrep- C B f^ A L AVm, 10$—Nicely fwniteed roerot

euJtable for one or two people; en in* eeO' ood floor, oonDteUnr with b*(h: private; raa- e e n a b l a . _______________ _

VAILftBURGH, Kentoor* are.. 48-Onrnsr, naor Bouth Orange ave.: eeoetid fleer; seven rooms;

all Improvemente; aeparat* eteam haatera; roat rsaaonable.VAILSBURGR—mat to esoond flout; ilx

rootni: all tfnprtnrauMflta: esiarate heattr* ■Ad aaparata entranoa* 60 Hoisted it.WABHINGTON AVB*. Ill^-Flret flat. Mx

rooma* roeepttaft hall oad bath; deonratod; separate entronoe; steam. iORAUUCON, ITo %^^uhlngton ave.

r^» ;n r.'* rn ir* M ‘.d rT o ^windows; iuttable tor two; dvery ccnvenltnoe:phof»e; p r i v e t ^ _______ ________________

CIJNTON i r . . 60—Two furnished front rooma ^ eullabte for light housekeeping or for gen- tlamen; hot and cold water; gas and bathCLINTON 8T., 41, one block from Broad -

fVewt rtMwn, ror ono or two genllemen; aleo email room; all Improvemepts._____________

WTNTHROP 8T** 6 8 -rite tery ohesrfnl tight rooms: bath: s>ee<md flat; brink bouea;

^uJte: rent tiftfiO. Jnqmre TO Wiathrop gt


AFARTMdRf to let La reoideatlal eeettoa ef Floibuab (Brooklyn); mne-rpom opartmant:

In new iwo-fomlly datoehed mldenoe; all lotagt Improvwneote, auoh aa parquet floor* throughouL Dutch dintiif-reoaa buffet oad gaa giaplaoe* tiled bate and ahftwer extra toilet rooms tor ‘ ‘■rats has'Ur, etc par month ewner* GEO. to I t t Weet Tweot;

rooms tor sarvaata, gas ood ileomo lights, sap- ' Mtlng planL laafldnr tn cemantM oel-

: wm ieooroto to suit tmant; rent $46 For further porttoaUrs applyBATER- Bartlstt-Orr From, rwefity-flfth

87*4-8746 Uadtaon Bquabe.fifth st* New York; tel,

AN u p -to -d a t e *lx-n»om flat; eeparots en* trmace; ter pasees door; 84 Dm *l Inqulra 84

■eiex av*.* Otang*! telepbona $56ftl.BGCLLEIVIXiLEl, Atedeioiy et*, tOT-'F|ret flat;

five Ttefiii and altlo; very select nelghboiN hood; on ImprevapenU snd evtey eonvafUemw,EAST XRAkGB-^partmsbt, eeven rooms and

bath; eeparau laundry; eieotris ught and

Ska; teftorded baet eonstruoted two famtlr ouse to lha Oranges: IqpaUoa. private faeoee ireat: flve minuter wait te ettber Grove Bt.

FERRY 8T., flift-Four rouma, flfit flporj Lex­ington sL, 84. tour room*. &r«t floor| Inquire

IH Fwrry ■t, second floor.FOR RjENTw^iT, ftte room*.

family house, all improvements. Kn fleuth ibeteantk ot. ____GGUtXl AVE., 18* oorner ftouth EUventh it.—

Hglft reoflU* All improvements, hast fur- fllib*d, janitor serrioa, $4“OBO. k VAN DYNE, 486

I te to small family. H Orange at

apa r tm en t HIUAlDV^-CMoe floor* soten largo, light rnoma and hath; all tmprote-

mriU; hot water lu j^ ed i tont $40; aeieot IneatICBi anft t t Wllilde ar*.* near Cllii- 1

ave. Apply to jemtor, or SEin-PrEIFER

HIGH BT., 468—D« IsMm; first and top floore;lix-room apartment: all Improvanents; steam

beat; comblnatloTt flxturee; janitor e ^ o e ; flva minutes' to Karkiet and Broad et.; reOeoBoble

W0 4-Raalty Co., Brood at*

Aegihl*-heat;t Iwoee to let: S S^f-; fi>den; rent fttt. 8t Rigge pi., s Inquire t9 | So«Ui T n th ■

a p a r t m e n t* East Ptrft gt* ae-'Tery oemr m l: eornerj 6 light reo«Bs: tltod bathroomt

------------- “ I bSSoTt hot* tent

prlyoif* hsLB: modeni TaaprovemanU:•water; ttbagea. ecreana mtppUed; May l itow, tnqfllre Jaiittsv.a pa r t m e n t—f t . Clotro NS. 8 tt Sixth ava.*

osar Ninth t t , sito hlodk from l en vina Bta­tlon; elx light, ofry Momiu all latest Im- piwvmentt; avw neatolsud. Riqutra of JoiU-

jjftitHttt. t t iRiBlIitt

HIGH iT., S4i~A.tar<total*, »<* “ I™ Itaf*.Vi!) Il,bt*d room* *ta b*th; nowly i>*j>Mta; ftnltartl floor*; bot i« « « bo»i. with *il Im- pteveateoto.-----------;— ____________fhoB BT , di'Bfl-Flte*roem flats; alt boprote*

nMiw o ta f t btat; m rttar--------------*uid *lrr; rtcontlT ieoaryw

m rttara U«hltiMiT.

BIOH FT.. 4 2 i- in « l* iota! T rtoof botb; *t*uii h**t*<i; Jinltor i«Tl6.i

iU . RHiUi, lifM * t a pm nlita_______

to b a w talMIac. TIi SMi*, ,

■treat: flve or Blast Orong* stations: adults, ownsr, 18 North Maple a te

Inquire of

BABT OHANO&taThInli of Itl An oil llghbelegant nlna-room upper apartfn«nt[ nfl

Osauai ava.; all modern lmpiW«iaents; three rooms, separate lavatory* third floor* beet totetlon: trolley, station; to see it la to have It; auggeet p e o ^ l inepaetlea. Inquire lower aportmenL___________________________east o r a n g e—APflrtment; six rooms and

ktatk, $86: eevon rooms aad bath. III; «teom hast not watar and Janitor eervfoe funilelied;

ivato hall; all rooms ]m o and Ugh^ p r iv ^ Ofo'I patuh.

May 1.47 North «t lUut frae

EAST ORA NGE^o-fam ny ^house; esten fooiBS. bath; eight rtems, bmh; eromie en-

ttonoa. rteam heat, laondrlae, all Itnprote msDlA tflctudlng e lte t^ lty j owner on uremlste. $8 f t . East- Orange, from tf t P.AlW» * t a - i l*.!***-*■AFT ORAMOIC. K w li I t t t A . IW, n

» « .—ntM tw o d l*l*| iiM. a*jRHTHi, taih *i«l on* *wnd. i Ul taOi hud OM atUoi few mlnukea from school troL ley and etstUwL •EAfiT ORAifGE-tJp^ 4«A ftpper and tower

apsrtments; six and eeven rooms snd bath:

cam p bt., bo—L«,rge parlor, first door; eheap- •et In Newark: oome and tea It; two bloelte

from Ionth Bt. Depot ______________ _mEfl FX*.. 18* oortier Mxrohetl—Ntcaly fur-

Titihed roome far light housekeeping, all Im­provements*CRAWFORD iT.. li. tatwwn W'iihln»Uin Mfl

' ■ I.—Nicely furnished room for gentle-aliey io; $1.5

T O T ^ a aT.. 86-lAFge. pleteant rooin; alM bail room; Improveroeriti; new managsmeBt

COLUMBIA 6T,. 10—Furnished reams torhoueokeeplng wid hall roome. ______

EliBGANTLT furniahed room In a privata, m lect, raoently renovated tame, an ainion sve^

oppoelts Unoolft Addreee Reference. BoxBR. Newi offloe. _______ __________EABtT p a r k at.* 22—Beauilful large room.

with running water; suitable fur on# or more gentlemen; aleo etngle front room- ___ ^EaBt"“PARK STr^tt-Ntoeir fumlehed eloglS

front room: all imprwvemenea

r u n y K H E P R o o m s w a o t b d

,wl.ta* room; Pf*r*t* preferred; nkoderate. Addreee A. X., Box t t

News o f f i e e . __________________ ___w a n t two rooms with heat ayid hot w atff; In

private famlliu near eourihousa: state all de* l1]i Addreoe iMvale. Ttox 21. New* of&oo.

f u r n u h e d r o o m s t o L ir r—O U TO F TOWN

»AFT ORAFO*. Korth Fourt**^ •!.. l» i- L*rlo room oo iooonfl floor; iln,l* Ijta*; *1*0

(rttar room.; At* raiouU* <0 troUoy tail train; Improvaioaota _____ea s t o r a n g e , Proepeot s t . IdO^PlsaeMl

furnlihed roome; oonvenlent to n.. L. ana w and Erie Railroad: eleo trolley; referenoee.ba st ORANOK. Wllium *t , M-llnom for

on* or two. In ortvat* f.mtt*: «*• mlntUt* TO Grove Bl fltaUoft.KahT o r a n g e . Proepegt st., 4'-Furnleh«d

iiTifurnlehed rooree to let; three mlnutee Brick Churoh Station. ________OBANOB, Main et.. t04-Two or three bright

front *wme, nloely furnlihed* tor houeeksep- Ing; very convenient u> tratn and trolley.TWO furnlihed roome with prtvais family:

two mlnutee from Ampere station. D., L. and W. Railroad. East Orange; for one or teo refined gsnUemen; references desired. MRS A PBARflON, 181 North Eighteenth e t___tjPPER MONT<rLM 3., lAurel pi . ♦-

Two front rooms; routbern expMure; one dou­ble; one elngle. one minute te Mountain Ave. fltaUon. Adnresa W. F. P.

lA iT PARK BT,. 46-Pleoeant equare room; te«7 ;0estral. __________ -

F U ro a S K E D ROOMS W ANTED. O U T ^ F T O W N _ _ ____

w a n t e d , two furtilehed bedroooss oenaeotlng with baiK and all oonventenoee: private fam­

ily; East Orange orItoulxri and terme. P. ■•* 2 tt Boat tttn st. New York.

EIGHTH AVE.. 4ft“ Furolihed roome; bright claan; all Jmprotetnehu; near trolley and

Lodkawonna Bteiloa. ________BT-* *—Tl»ree nicely fumlehed room#,

•uttable for light housekeeping; also elngl# roome; cantr^ly loteted to oara and depots.elm UT.. 4a -ta rg e front for light house-

keeplng* I2.W>; also ileepfng rooms. <1 up.FOURTH AVE, 148—Nicely fumlehed epart-

ment eompltto f«r light houuketping, on eeacmd floor* private houee: use of baih. laun­dry; suitable for threa adulie; nice nelghber- booft_______-rotTlTH AVE.. 168-Mlroly furnished larga

ftw t room end alcove, with email kltohen, fulttole for light heuiekMpljTg: bath; prlvaUhoute. __________ •f r a n k l in bt., 27. oppoelts city haM-Oond

■die eingla rooras. $2 and $2.50 per weak; all Improvegsnti. Call morning or eveulnrnQRRT^BT., M ii^Naat wall k»pt reom* with

gos; handy to naih; In a quiet bouse; to areepaotsifla gent; rant $8.__________^ -----ORA}hr BT., Ifl-Loft* room, with or wtoSS

board; m 11 ra<un also; on* minute from ftiockawaiina- _____ _ _ ______ .GROVE a r.i t tJ—Furnished front

lot; MiftteJiiont to all oere.

^ R o m o ^ _________ _BRBlNTHAl.1. PU, 24. contotatlta *f Itor-

k*t, npwnlt* courtlitoi»*-.T*ro v#rr n lta l*r**, fron( ,t»»io h**l«d roflro*. •mrotfto tath; •iMlIint t*bl.; tarn* otioAHi,! *l*» »tal, ta*rf.BI.BBCKBR ft ,, 4T-D.T*, * a 4 ,* n ^ " « « i

*l*a »*Miiil-*ti>rr from. n*wl, 4*oomt*d; .i, lmi)roY»m*BUl **ii*IUiil t»W*: tarn , »mfnrt», ntaotabB*, _____ ______ _________BROAD 8T„ flaoT.. f tw t h r

,Htl*RMn; F**m b u t; *xMl!*n1 w o l, tavn.CUIFTOIf AVD., IM, npjIMll* H!»tl •»,-«(■

ueB mlnutu to Brota »na Markrt; pl«i**M room*; bom* pomfort*; rtfonao**, 1M2W W»v»t1*; T »M on*blA ________C'l lMTHB 8T„ 22, opimlt* R*hDFF-ms«l* for-

nl*h*d *irj rooiBA ->•“ ruonlnf slta: h ru k fu t *nd lupptr If taaind; l*)*pb«i* unew M*tk*i, __________■CAMP FT,, >fl. * u r Broed And lA ^ In M

^MUTii rtMrni Homd floor; tath ; tolophoooi roMon.bl*; with betad,________COURT FT.. S8—*t»«!i room, honw ooOMu,

• 1*0 ubio bo»rfl. ____EAOT PARK ST., It-Fonitoh** roomo, ^ h

boorfl; All ImpTOrniiOHl*-, term* ronooublo; eantral. ___ •____e a s t p a r k st .* 15-Pleosaiit room m tee

opd flogf, with board: table bpaift.

F R E E• h II f ta lo BoHtaootHM of • m m

OtoWR Ota oortalAM Italgie *<“ O C E A N G A T f f *

ho taltao Itaro moon ta.Itata M /m

at ta m lo v . M o t, u I t* 0*1 6 0 ^ 3 M o a t %

h*n front u 4 btalBOO*Fro* Ob rot Tiwin ptpn WiflA « '« or plm* fe

O toalB iioura •21 “

P ta u Mi

TMoia.itora S w U d lu o » i ofta l tal ai«>4 M,, i n u B i t e I Hmtkot. Ota* taUl 1 h t a

E X T R A !!t ta omcl*l »*«l Otar* on u l i BotufflA]. Aod

Bunday at 60 aaah.Don’t mlee this oppwtuniiy.Boiee ef 2B for 1*EB. Full lino of dolor*.

Petty’s Phimitty, i£iiuas


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGTh« te ta for an dlosalfled advartlM m aati,

with the exceptions anumoratod below, 1ft one cent n word fmlnimum 25 oenti).

No reduotlons In rate unleoft mdvertUe- ment 1* run for one month or every o ther day for one month. Then th« ra te Is: One month dally. $160 per line; every o ther day* 80c. per line, minimum three tinea.

The average to seven short wordft tfl th* line.I These Berea Wqrdi Represent oa Agate Llaft|

One year dally, $16 per Une; one year every other day. tt.OO per line, mlnlmuifl three Jinei-

W here blank lines er eaplUle ar« uaeff either a t top or bottom of an ftftvertlge* ment, with eolld agate In centre^ the rate Is ten centg <10o.) per count line* (Capltaift four words to a Hue.)

■TCBFTtOKRObristenlngf A nem tiery Netiee AftoulflMmt eg MatHige Ctefflrmattoue BlrtiiJ Enemged MarHigee

DeathsAn&tverearT Mas#Monih'e Mind MimoriAl fisivlee Auction fioJa Empleyiceftt Ageaelee MeelfAfi pereimali BMg Wanted

even XAneo* MoenlB^etwryeeteeadditlenal word* erfmetloealpart 10 cents; t t oeetB Is the mlnlmont

10 cents per HsSa Minimum these iJa«a


ilmoiar llBO.M Vi

t t Qiflts; addttlcfl' ol worda I oenft

(©fiSufiim «f*Partn«-W m attw of PartBST-

iblpIn Heroerlain Card ef Tbaiiai liOdge KetiteiFMlAir nolle**BAlltltiU* Nello**. »

word* vr l*** J arntm.

KoiBlOTiB'mt YYiirtta. t l i t l lL u n ^ T iHaI* or F.iOAl* ) FoidAriAMlllta Adv,rU»in*iit» nijiAt ta re-

tafor* U:tt o'clock tor totaitlon In 2u edition* ot th , * ,01, tap. A dvert!,,, m m t, re^vAfl tatwten tta t hour Anfl t t fe C k Fill *PP«tr to “•> hitorttw ealumn* TrSnilent'^ idverMsiaf In T h , NewtakEvenln* m u .t t a p r .p a J 4 N o . 0 -.roint* wilt ta oponta tor lack.-W heii to^toF■ riiiveesad to News boxflft be gur* to wrltft

FORXWT H IIJ . OiAftta AVA,, fllF-A lA m j toll A ao r-Y “ „ j box n u m ta r_________llflht, ale*ly lurn litad » m ; |Taa ah! *1« - hflVO • w°r® . ^ . .o w n ta .- B«»lS t ,j knAUte ltv*n II 4* te4 ; tak*r ra*Al* j Imd^boi ^?2" n*» oaI lA Mowntrial _ _

■tarbr; t*rm* fOAWjBAWA

HAUIBT f l l - !SS (ornUtiM reom* ftirlllhl boniekMninx; connfettof ar tlnsl*: Alta

•l**pln|i '*rron*; lm, fW*i|i»al*l u m * taAAta-Ahl*; o n u k t _

rm iltT H AVB,, ite-D A rt* . ,l*A*tnt room.wllh boAFfl: hoata oowfort*; pl*A*Ani tocAllon:

. N,Wa ofllcA *>PomoA

A. B ." Bex Ht New*

ttafn* rwtanAblcF tit-tflN ST.,. room,

■lillta,- Vltll tnl-OiAH hOATt,nlooif (ut-

. , '. 'a




Sale of 1.50 Dress Goods at 79c


I C PR tS______

A splendid sale of new spring Cherron Cloths, Diagonals, Beige, Whipcords, Worsteds, Scotch Suitings, etc. Fine all-wool tsbrics, in •very new shade and color combination, full M inches wide, regular SI.00, SI.25 and SI.50 values, your choice, yard .. . . / 7 A'


TJ.GERTHV. P R g a . S -T H E A S


39c Jacquard Silks for 2Sc27 inches wide, handsome new Jacquard Silica, in light blu«,

laaper, black;

“ • " 2 5 cpink, mais, reseda, cadet, peach, roae, helio, navy, tan, jaaper, black;an Ideal stylish silk and cotton fabric for your new Eadress; actual 39c. qualities, special at.

W o n d e r f u l C h o i c e o f E a s t e r S u i t s a n d C o a t swith all the style land all the qualities of the best shops, but really half the price

S ale o l F am ous



1.50 for 1.00W« wtn oKer a t thla

very apedal plica 100

Si l n of the famoua mkmartcan Lady Cor-

St*; made ot excal- nt quality ooutlli

have the popular long Up and back: prettily irimined with ribbonand lace; four hoee ■upporterl attached d ie s I I to t l ; the rei- nlar tl.lO cortet, for

1 . 0 0

special for

Satflrday500 regu lar 50c Qer* m an Silver P u rses w ith long chain

S to w M eiN, b u n t l f id H ah Seal* P n n e a , fan cy H o n l fram e, 3 p an o aa t dropa, and long ch a in a n a c b e d ; a m y p iac tlca i Bovatty f a r am all changa.

HandkerchiefsIJXX) d a m C h l l d r a i r i

w hite an d ca larad bard ared H an d k areh ltfa , in ‘4 and H Inch ham a; reg . Sc. quality , a t, t a e h . 2 '/!C

W a n m 'a an d M an 'a flna quality Itnan flnlsb an d fancy em broidcrad H andkerehlarB ,In hi and H Inch h e m s ; reg u la r 10c. quality £ . at, each ...................... v W

Wameti’a and Men's all lin­en HandkcRhiefi in W Inch hems; vilue I5e. and |10a, at, each........ ' 9 c

M arabout B aaa fo r E a s te r In b lic k sn d n a tu ra l; 5 to 10 ttra n d a of th e b es t quality m arabou t; va lue $4.00 to $1&00, at

2.98 to 11.98

Ladies’ an d M isses’ P an am a, B t1lliantine& C heck ,

P leated S k ir ts

111 1 I

- ' f T

W om en 's Black S a tin o rT a ffe ta

Silk J a c k e tsNew htpleas mod­

el; made from a heavy qualify taf- f * t s , handsomely trimmed with »llk, hand lined or vn- I ln ^ ; eUe II to 43; epeelal.

2 .98

Ladlaa* A M is se s ' W h ite L in g e r ie

D re s s e sE ntire dreeii ot

all-over em broid­ery, or Inaerttona of embroidery and lace, Dutch or high neck style, long or k i m o n o sleeve.s k i r t elaborately trim m ed; nnlsheqwith flounce; ilses; special.


6 .9 8

Vomeo’iLen|(tli SergeCoats

Uade In a fash­ionable model of all wool serfs, with satin Inlaid notchor pongee silk sall-

n lta r ; llnishedor ___ . , _with self-covered buttons; yoke lined snd single-breast­ed : colors navy,tan and black good value,


Suits W o m e n ’s and M isse s ' S u its Coats peau de

cygne lined, hand-serge; coat peau deoygne or sa tin * ‘9 ’ fl*?llneA; 34-Inch mod-si, w ith notch sailor cottar; skirt Is new flare, with panel fron t and barjt; colors navy, tan, g ray or black: special, '

1 2 .9 8

Rl l k b r « l d frogs! jskirt U new nve-gored m o d f l l anil trimmed to match C!oat: ooIotb npvv, tan, gray^ black or Wntte;Rfiea 18 to 48; iipe<


W om en’s S u itsC h 0 1 c ft ftf Mil

slylfta; wool MerKt*. worsted or dlaE' onai cloth; coat is l i n e d throughout with a Ruaranteeil satin linTftg. seml- dtted. 24^irtch mod- el: Bkirt hi newgored or plaited Htyle; all colors:

Z2 to 44; 8pe-clat.

6 .9 8


Foulards, msssa- llnes, m arquisettes or lingerie; dainty styles; kimono or long sleeves, fancy wauit, new skirt, with deep ftounee; ilie s i t to 4!.

12 .75

d l r l s ’D resses

W hile or colored; made from Bhuer lawn, plaidft, reps, o r Un«d. embroid­ery trimmed. Dutch or high heck and buttoned down en­tire le n ^ h of back; Bkirt Is kilted with deep hem; sSseft 6 to 14; special,


fiiris’SaiDple CoatsSailor or notchlllB ■ ■collar style, beau ti­

fully trimmed or plain tailored m a d e ; m adefrom silk pop- 11 n, c o v e r l a or worntods; single- breasted, with deep facing and finiftbufi with patch pockets; colors red, navy, tan or fancy m ix­ture; ilzeB 4 to 14 years.


Hosiery Almost Given Away....................Women's 36^.

Stockings 2Scv-^ Very fine gausip medium welghtu C o t to n Stock] logs. "Herms-t dorf’’ fast buck, I made with dou-\ ble knees snd \soles, high spile-

heels andedtoes, s stocking ll^at will outwetr two pairs of or­dinary 25a hose, itguUrly 55e.,

voiy special at,per p a i r . . . ...............................

CSiildrai's 26a Stockings 16c,—Per­fect quality Silk Lisle Stockings, black, white and colors, made with patent gar­ter tops, extra double soles, heels and toes; these are samples, fust 1 5 c360 pairs, while they last, pair

Men’s and Women 16c. Hose 10c.—400 dozen of exceptionally Hne quality. Genuine Maeo Yam Hose for men and women, double soles, spliced heela and toes, fast lustrous black; good a ^ _15c. hosiery, at, s pair............. i VVC

Women’s Vests 16e-—Swiss Ribbed Lisle Finished Summer Vests, crochet and embroidery yokes In various pretty styles; vests that are worth I S i p25c., special si.

Bed Couches—Best angle iron frame with strong national fabric spring, supported by 52 steel heli­cal, can be used as a bed for two or separated as two distinct couch­es, with two splendid mattresses and bolsters; $9.50 value;,special .....................

Cork linoleum—The best makes of fine cork linoleum, all (he new spring patterns, absolutely perfect; a grade that will wear for years; regular 60c. value; square^ yard ......................... ......... '



Smart New Easter Shapes at Goerke Prices L ook a t T h ese S a tu rd a y C lo th in g 0 ffe rs \


Easter Ready#W ear Hats PricedRight

Wtmien’B Dnped H iti, of •Ktln and tuscan braid, large loops of velvet, flnished with velvet buckle, solid back, black and white, burnt and black, rojial blue ^

rand coral; special

Rough Straw Braids, in the new changeable colors; 10 yards in a piece; 5 C /w special a t ............. < 3 0 V

Trimmed HatsNever before have we shown such a

full assortm ent of $3.98 hats; they are ex­trem e shapes, as well as conservative styles, some are flower trim m ed hats, others with im itation aigrettes and os­trich, special

I conservative


Ostrich Feather Bands, in white and black, new blue, coral, rote, black and white mixture; very spe- | A f \cial at .................... .1 . ^ y

Rough Straw Hats, in the new nacre changeable shades, trimmed with a large bow of tlffeta; special at ...................... 1 .98

Large U n t r t m m e d A Q . . ,1.. y o c8hapea, in hair, special.

1$ i t a n y to o n d tr a u r th ir d f lo o r clothing d tp a r tm tn t is th e b u s ie s t in N e lo a rk ?

Men’s and Youths’ $10.00 Spring Blue Serge Suits, Saturday a t . .$)

Made of splendid wearing serge, cut on the newest spring models, in liies from 16 years in the youths’ up to 42 chest in men’s; regular $10, Saturday............................

Men and Youths Who Will • Look a t This Offer of $10.00 Suits

will wonder how we can sell them for so little money. Made ofwill wonaer now we can sen inem lor so nine money, jnaue oi a plain blue and fancy serge, also plain black thibet, and a splendid $ assortment of tan, brown and gray mixtures, all hand tailored; In ^ sizes from 16 years up to 42 chest; will compare and are as good as any $15 suit being shown around town. Special Saturday.............

BoysXonfirmation & Dress Suits. Reg. $5.00, Saturday,

3 . 0 SMade of plain strictly all-wool blue

serge, double-breaated coat styles, with full lined knicker pants; also neat mixed pat­tern*. with estfa pair of knicker pants; size* from 6 to 17 yetrs.

Boys’ $4 Confirma­tion & Dress 5uit5,

This is the best offer we h*v* made thli season; suits come in plain blue serge and fancy mixed patterns; some with two pairs of pants; sizes 6 to 17 year*.

Eight Hundred Boys’ Sample Suits, Values to $3.50; Every Suit to Qo Saturday for^ ^ All sample salts from one of New Ycrk’i largest mtnuficturars of boys’ etothing. >

I^ble-breaated Salta, Norfolk Snita, Sailor Suits, Russiaii Suits, Jack Tar

0 9 ^ All placed on three tables; sizes from 3 to 17 years; come early, boy the boys as - A . 4

StTURBATSHEET MUSIC SPECIALS 59c Princely Shirts 39cHevaHy Seng HM-hyLedg*

D i x i e D a i s y D e a rTh* Lat*at Lullaby with Yo<l*lWtke. Baby Eyes of Wm

For KQlanvr tad TeabWaBd,Ila^Y'oa' Wbantli.rI Rlvor Bhoanoi Flnr*Chormo D' Anunr Valia Baghutment Walla, b r Ratta, ao« All Thai I Aik l l Leva In All U r Diaonii I D taaa at Vao Sbtkr S ra i, Frlics R if TimptatioB K if Bntartahitiif U ia (A R ifl

Havtnf Tima TbatiV liU liba Low

Qaa, It’r G nat----------------------- V. to Meat aG niirU ooa FrletMlFroiaDow Old M l Your HotnaTtalab It Over Marv TowaWa'va Kept tba Golden RnlO That Wit a Orand Old Bcof I U ft Little Hatnla Beblad P BY MAIL 1 lo Whiipara, 'I’ve Got Yonr mmabet • i

GrenacUna Croaa Stripe Por­tieres, 36 Inches wide and 3 yds. lohg; in red, green and bias; also red and green color com­binations; all new and perfect goods; worth 7Bc. a pair; C Q /vspecial ............................ t J O C

Extra heavy madras Portieres,

either red or green ground; fln-

iNd a V i Hnt f M ir H UNy NeartkuLBMMdto UnfN

a tilts Bw atTMaMbi-R«d Pepper Rag

1911 ModelQO-CARTS


These Ge-Carte are splendidly con- •tnicted of best steel spring and rub­ber tire wheels; they open and dote with one motion; strong and con­venient; easy running and well made; Saturday, on isle in Toy A Department .......................

Roller Skates

800 pair urtaaitB* Roller Skaia* wMfe l«athar atrapa, <an be adjuat- *1 «» a*r aiaat Saturday m Sf ........ .............................O / C

R ELIABLE TRUNKSBtronfly built, niada of saaaonod

Umber. Iron bound, with braa* toA ; w aterproof oovered canvas, fltted with one t r a r : aoparata hat compartment.26-hi. 30-ln. 32-In, 34-iii. 3d*lii.

2.75 3.25 3.75 L25 4.75


SPECIALSCoronet Fufft—8 In set; can bo

chanfed Into any dwirable CiV..■trie; re fu la r (l»c., a t .......

Clu«tora—Various atylea. aatortm ent u ahadaa; values up to I2.B0, | Q q

Lam a Oluatar Puffs—Vaiiona atylea to eafict from, such aa Bllllo Burke. Oval. a te .; vary flue quality of -» h a hair; re fu la r tS.OO, apaclu a t w .U U

awlCotiea—S tra lfh t and wavy; 11 1 .7 5

' “***•■ 1 4 c^^Neta—Allover; ref. lOo. each, ^

a ib t' Batk Halp N a^W ltt alM-10c

Ifhed with tassels at bottom; regular value $1.25 a |h Q ^pair; special................... V O v

Curtain Swiae—Bxtra quality white curtain Swlsa, 40 mebet wide. In dots, stripes and Jacquard teajW IJL , '>*ht j d n d „ . : ^

' uiTfrTSedrirom w saim • cdfllfliM '' sold regularly at 19c. per

1,200 of the famous "Princely" Negligee Shirts, all new clean and perfect, this season’s beat and newest patterni, made of fine madras and per­cales, coat style, cuffs attached, va­riety of neat stripes and figures in white grounds; sold regularly at 59c., and the best shirt in the city at this price; while these 1,200 last, take them at lest than the manu- 1 facurer’s price, each..

Men’s 50c Silk Lisle

yard; apecial, yard. . .

Again we offer the wonderful

Positively less than manufacturer's cost; fine-------- iii>g M d e > ti la c k , -

tan and all good shadu, "Hefm sdwr fast dye, some of our regular 50c. numbers, which we wish to discontinue, therefore reduced toactly half price, per pair.

$1 Earlington Shirts 69c1,440 of these high-grade "Earlington" Shirts,

recognized as one of the best $1.00 shirts on the market. They aire made of fine soft finish "Har­mony” percales, this season’s newset and snappiest patterns, u an almost endless variety of plain or plaited bosoms, coat style, cuffs attached; even’ shirt guaranteed perfect fitting and absolutely fast color; also 20 dozen Plain White Cheviot Shirts, with laundered or soft finish; cuffs the I popular atyle: all standard $1.00| shirts, at, 3 for $2.00. each.

Merfs 50c Underwear 39cFine Ribbed Underwear, bine and ecru; shirts

with satin front; drawers with doubleseats, outside sateen bands; reg. 50c.,

“ N U B O ”Shoulder Braces On Sale in the Basement

LDouble Coated Emn-

eled Tea Kettle.will hold 7 quarts, all per­fect, Saturday. 39c

For Man, Womvn and Children i built <m th e oame. loKHitlflc principle

Ind acrvlng the lem e purpose ea houlder B riea t being eold a t St toU fh t . perfect n ttlp r. comfortable,

they aeslet nature In lie work. Theycompel, w ithout dtacomfort a correct carriasr* end ileep breathlnx, which title the iunxe with pure. Invlfaratlpf ate;' They Ineure-pure'titaod. a tiealtbycomplexion and vl*«r that m edidne can never gUe. Blie 1, children; alia!. yooths and mla»e»; »t*e I. etoutitbi

¥ f 1 r

youths and mimes; alia 4, men and women, slender; else S, men and women, s to u t; utxe (, men and woman, ex tra stoat. MAIL ORDIRa FILLCD

On ante a t the Notion DspartmanL

New 1911 Model Ro- higcnitor, Iffce family size, will hold up to 40 lbs. of Ice,Saturday.. 4 .9 5

Crystal Ice Cream Fteeiers,with cedar tub, electric hoops, doublh action, 2-quart size, Sat­urday only

Tool Handles, 10 most necessary tools, -j

tinner's Snipe, f A2^4-in.jHw....... I V C

Anger Bit Sets, put up in strong box, 6 bits, 4-16 to 12-16 of A ^inch, at........09 C

Stnison Wrench, hard tempered steel laws,hardwood handle e A

-i^lOAnchNew Poultry Nettlng,ex~ tra strong quality, gal­vanised after weaving,2- inch mesh, special to­morrow, square ^ foot................... 94^

Absolutely Everything Newin E aster P um psi

and Slippers aiid 1.25to3.50Oxford Ties, from B u ck sk inthe real buck­skin shoes, like this, in black, white and cin­namon brown, same that others sell for 15, $6, and $7, wt sell for

Bojs’ sad Cirls’ Siwes

All Sizei 79c and


X . 0 8And Two-Fifty Are the Sensational Bargain

Prices for

MEN’S WELTSHOESThat every other store sells for THREE FIFTY.

They are new, up-to-the-m inute stytee, In box calf, veloure. v ld kid and paten t ooU. tn all eliee, S to 1#. In the width you w ear and w ant; Just 1,60(1 'p a in . I t 's the shoe bargain of your life. They are, In toot, the etock of an exclusive m en’s 16.00 uidSS.EOshoe store, wtiloh w e bought o u t l a s t woek.

Black Velvet ToppAtent Ctritskia Siwesand all Black Vel- g A n vet Shoes like this


All the Men’s Shoes ^ and Men’s Oxfords ^wkich ir« s*ileA «r sh f wwa « .


Spring Catalogue Mailtd Free to Out-of-Towo Requests

2 S c 'rht bla«, r, b l ^ ::25c

Easier ^*etticoat Specials9 8 ^ .

$ 2 .0 0 NearnIK Petticoats E yelet E m b ro idery Ruffles

Why not make 98c, do double duty by purchasing one of these lovely prac­tical petticoats, made of a rustling nearsilk, with attractive ruffles of eye­let embroidery, to conform with the present mode of narrow lines. Black only. 98c,

$ 5 .0 0 Taffeta Silk P e ttico a ts $ ( i .0 0 Positive W onders- Just “the thing" for the new Easter suit, and decidedly the most elegant taffeta silk skirt that was ever offered under $5. Made of pure ta^eta silk, the kind that wears. Deep knee tucked flounce, with just the right fulness to conform with the present mode.

Open Saturday Evenings Until 10 O'clock

fWESTt4" W J ^ / P g g i ^ W M ^ RILTDN 5JEEET STREET

, m m k f

»o ^ 6 4 5 to651 B R Q A D .5 T R E E T ./ ( E W A R K :^ ^ '

$5 Spring Walking Skirts, $0,98 Mixtures and Panamas ^

Bargains that will throng our skirt parlors to-morrow. Just th)e kind of skirts that look well, wear well, and give alharound satis­faction. Made of lovely Spring fabrics in many charming models, the narrow lines predominating. Trimmed and untrimmed styles. Only the latest ideas incorporated in their making. No alterations.


{ E a s t e r s F a i r e s t S t y l e s - D i v o r c e d f r o m E x t r a v a g a n c e >


in’i 36 t- 25e.rJ-


" H e rm it St black, I tth dou-, :es and eh apUc- Ta and •to eking outwear

rs pf of- fic. hose, y Me.,

25c5c.—Per­se, black, tent gar- leels and

r l 5 Cw 10c.— e quality, men and leels and

e Iron fabric

el hell- lor two couch-



he new perfect;




69c' Shirts, s on the sh "Har- inappiest plain or

d; evert’

\9cu; shirts

39 c


O E SE FIFTY. ut« stylM, md patent the wldUi600 'pain, life. They

Never such a beauty show of dress as of comprehensive completeness, every new

" ImportedE a s t e r C o s t u m e

^ $30 Value

' ^2 2 - ^Exftcdj Like PictureCharming beyond word de­scription are these fascin­ating little suits, with the glory of Springtime in their every fold and seam.Specially low-priced to feature in this ^ s te r sale.

J a u n t y F r e n c h C o a t j

S ilk B r a id s

N e w P a r i s ia n S k i r t

the Bedell style gathering now awaiting you. Assortments have reached the zenith model of the season, ready to solve the perplexing Easter suit problem. Cornel ^


"Sergei,” says Paris, so, of course, serge they am, and the very prettiest and fin­est kind, too. The model an ordstic design of foi

teign origin, its nobby short Icoat fastened with one large, handsome button, the collar of black satin meeting wide spreading rovers richly braid em­broidered, also showing touches of gilt, whereas fine silk braid in graduated widths trims botton of coat, one row finishing opening. The'skirt unusually stun­ning, with smart side plaits to flounce depth, headed with four rows of braid.

FavoriteSpring Shades


DressyS p r i n g C o s t u m e

$25 Value

$ 2 0 . 9 8

Exactly Like Picture'Aglow with life, snap and cleaAcut individuality, these superbly tailored suits are ab­solutely the greatest values ever quoted at so low a price. See them to better appredite our enthnriasm.

F in e F r e n c K S e r g e

^ S i l k F r o g s

P e q u in S a i lo r C e lla r

Ladies accustomed to the beat are sum to be delighted with their captivating style and ex­cellent quality fabric, the trig, short jacket showing youthful sailor collar richlyj bordered with wide satin bands and soutache braid. Handsome silk frogs effecting fastening. The skirt both novel and orig­inal, strictly adhering to Fash­ion's new straight lines, al­though inverted plaits appear on either side, headed with bias tucking, braid and but­ton trimmed. Special sale price, $16.98.

Spring'aLoveBest Colon

Special Easter Suit Offer

$22.50 Values

mExactly Like Picture

' Our determination to include in this great sale the best $15.00 suit New York ever saw has prompted us to pre­sent to you this stunning model, regularly selling at $22.50. A not-to-be-repeated opportunity. '■

I m p e r t e J S « rg $

S ilk B r a id T r i m m e d

S a l in L in e d C o a t

Fresh, youthful, brimful of good style, and of excellent quality French setge. What more could one aak at any price? The model a serai- dressy style, prettily triibmed with silk military braid, form­ing rows of three on bottom of coat and skirt and finish­ing sailor collar. The smart breast pocket likewise trim­med with one row; whereas small buttons effect a cuff fastening. Does not the pic­ture tell its own alluring story?

All Spring Shade!

Distinctive Tailored Suits 3

$27.50 Value |

$ 1 7 - 9 S 1

Exaedy Like PictureSo far above their price class that you may well won- ter at their beautiful quality

^and superb man-tailomd style. Truly a wonderful find, just in time to avoid the inevitable Easter rush.

H a ir L in e S h i p e d

B rigK l’ o n W

W h i t e o r C o lo r s

And they’re striped t The dis- ■ tinctive, atriking kind that V Paris h u gone mad about, K whereas the style is all that ^ custom tailoring oould make K it. The nobby little short | jacket, delicately suggesting I the figure’s beauty; its.in- I laid satin collar, smart side f pockets, and mannish tail- | l ored sleeves, exactly cofirect J in every detail; the skirt / J equally stunning, with ’ charming trimming conceits of button trimmed tabs. iJ^ite serge with black stripe, or blue, brown and black serge showing white stripe.

Alterations FREE Even without the advantage of “Bedell Prices, whiqh are celebrated, the FREE Alterations would emphasize the economy possible, with the maximum of style. Our corps of expert fitters is greatly augmented and its efficiency further improved. No house charging $3 to $5 can surpass this service.

C K o k e $ 1 7 . 9 8

Alterations FREESpring

Top Coats-$^.98

Actual $10 ValuesExcellent quality—perfect cut —stunning style—ideal for

/ springtime wear and a full ton dollars’ worth of coat beauty at $5.98.

F a n a m a s S e r g e s

B r c a d c lo lK s

Just the kind of Top Coat to appeal to the good dresser, the model illustrated, a splen­did lightweight black broad­cloth with strapped seams and button trimmings;'also other models in Panama and serges, some satin lined throughout.

Alterations FREE

Charming Easter Coats

Actual $16.50 Values

Coats for traveling, coats- for evening, coats for everyday wear—so new, so rich and so smart of style that the price to pay seems unbelievable.

S a ilo r— S k a w ] C o lla r

B la c k S a h n s

< S e r g e s — M ix t u r e s

Every really good style in til the popular fabrics, from the richest of braid- trimmed satins to the nobbiest of springtime tweeds, and many degrees between, including plain or trimmed blue and black serges—one model like pie- ture, irith Paquln satin col­lar and gauntlet cuffs, all with the note of "differ­ence" that makes them dis­tinguished.

ATteralioiis FREE

Skirts-'-Of Easter Interest25 Charming Styles

Actual $7 Values


198Two M odels Like P ictures

Spring skirts, new and beiutiful, different and exclusive from the dressiest trimmed voiles to the smartest of swag­ger mixtures—they are here, bearing the special price only for to-morrow's aale.

Voiles— Series— Mixtures— PanaiTWSEvery one expressive of the nes', distinctive and /distin­guished in line. Especially interesting, tlie hairline striped serges, like picture, jauntily fastened on Itft side with self buttons, and new spring mixtures that are positively charm­ing in their many novel effects, whereas the vollet are s t Frenchv In design as In fabric—the penamaa both dressy and practical. To'i many. In truth, to properly deacribe.

Alterations' FREE

BlackSatin Coats

(he Coati de Laxc for .SpringActual $15 Values

.98Fashion’s latest caprice, and a charming one, too, tor sure­ly nothing could be more temptingly lovely than the winsome model here pictured.

SQk Braid TrimmedJust in time for Easter buy­ing,and dqcidqdly "the thing” for the new silk gown. The model a faithful copy of a dashing French coat—just en­casing the hips, richly trim­med with wide silk braid and fastened with handsome silk frog. The lining a dainty colored satin. Special sale price, $8.98.

Alterations FREE

Sumptuous Easter Gowns

Regular $15 ValuesJust as the first petals of Spring styles are unfold­ing, and Just as every one’s heart is set on Easter dress, Bedell, as usual,does the unexpected in offering the very kinds of dresses you moat deSire at just the price you wish to pay.

M e s s a l ia « , S i l b

F r e n c h S e r;g e s

F f iu l a r d S i l b

The glory of their beauti-. ful fabrics increased only by the style snd grace of the model. Prominent among them the capttva^ ing little gown illustrated, of striped messaline silk with dainty lace yoke, also sttractive foulard and plain color messaline of marked bpauty, as well as French serges in the smartest of spring styles. The major­ity made in the fashionable kimono style, both high and Dutch neck.p

All S p rin g Shades <~ ARetfiBons FREE

Easter Waist Specials$2 Lingerie



I Dainty, chic, youthful (and particularly timely just now are these at­tractive little waists of silk finished batiste,with square Dutch neck and panels of swiss embroid­ery snd Val. lace almost entirely forming front and extending down sleeves and back. Ex­quisite colored embroid­ery finishing neck and sleeves. Special $1.00.

S h T p e d M e s s a l in e

R e g a t t a W a i s t

$J.98Real $4 Values

O f particularly magnetic I interest is this little I Easter special, made of I "equal atripe” messaline silk in charming regatta style, with square sailor collar, chic tie effect and ihoft kimono, sleeves, bordered with plain mes- laline silk. Navy, black, gray andlvhits stripe.

v l

f ' f f -

Fashionable Lon Coats

$Q.98Actual $12 Values

Stunning little coats of springtime charm made to sell for $12.00, but specially priced to-mor­row at $6.98 to feature in this extraordinary sale of Easter bargains.

SkepKerd Q t s c b Ssrgss

M ixhirts'The right coat for every woman, among them charming s h e p h e r d checks effectively satin trimmed, as illustrated. Also a full line of black and blue serges, pongee or plaid trimmed, as well as a complete as­sortment of swagger spring mixtures. Was ever such an offer known at this season and at this price?

Altemtioas FREE

S i



A woonful of ittO lr wIjIppMl srtlun, Iroppod on tho oup of comommo, In ths hobby of 00 O ranfo wnmon.

A M l broUor th a t eonnioto of n mlMMl gratlDf obooo a aolM tin pan, tim pitflu tho brolllnc of tub under a (lamo.

'When neiit laaklnc ohooolato (or lunch- •on add juat a taw dropi of vanilla as tha baveraga la taken from the atova.

Tho Chlnaao or cona-ahapa atralnara hava a aolld rim aitandlng down an Inch or more from Iha top—a practical sehama th a t cointnetida Itia lt to tha thoughtful housawite.

Ooaatar acta compoaad of a round tray and halt a doaan coaatera of porcelain inanntad In nickel make a moat practical and plaaalng gift.

Top each round of the canned plne- appla arith orange pulp and minced white giapai. aprinkle with nuta and then pour mayonnalae over all. Thia makaa a do- IM oai atlad.

Among the new arllolea for the kitchen la the elumlnum tea pot with a drop tea ball agapended from the Inalde of the cover. The cover while detachable, by a clever device, la made to fasten most nrmly Into place.

Two oompartment vegetable dishes of IM asen ware fitted with tha hot water bath are now to be had. These dishes hasp oontsnts very hot w itbout drying gp tb s vegetables.

Ftit a ellee of lime with the apples w bN next making apple sauce, and add 4 tsaapoonful of lime ju k e to the wine m r In the making. The lime oliangea th a flaror of the two dteliea-and (or the batter, too.

Tho woman who has grated hhr flngeri trying to use the last scrap of tha nut- msg would apprsciale one of the nutmeg gratere provided with a little attachm ent for holding tha nutmeg. A spring prensse th e nutmeg egalnst the grater, so that there la no ohanoe of any of the spice going to waste.

A unique utensil Is the holder to be used when boiling eggs. A tin dish Is provided with Ilextbis wire holders for eight or ten eggs. A long wire handle rises from ths centre of the disk o r plate. The eggs are sllppsd Into place hetweeh the wires and the whole Le then plunged Into the water. Thle makes It possible to remove every egg from the water th s InslaJit the boiling prooese Is completed.

LOWER TREND TO FOOD COSTPrices for Some Ceotre Harket Commodities Uoderto Rerisioii

Dowoward—Offeriols of Seafood.TWi, fruit and vegetables a ia oan-

aldgrafaly ctieaper to-day In Caotre H arket than they were last week. The price o f meat, ponltCT. butter, e g p and cheeae. bowaver, rasnalna unobanpd . Birawber- riaa took a dauded drop and aru selling a t n aad tS centa a quart, as against H and W a quart las t wsak.

Taney bu ttsr n tn a liu a t 3d cants a pooad and good butter la seillng fram 13 to T7 ooBti a pound, tbe low^watsr mark of acveral yeara Tbs beet fancy eggs remain a t 30 centa a dosen and fraah eggs can be bought from U c e n tt a dosen up. Tull ersaia ebeeae Is 13 eonts a pound and domestic Bwtsa 33 csitts a pound.

Cranbsrrtsa aro oifarad at 30 esntji a quart; grapo fruit, 3 to hi oenta apiece; California oranges, 10 to I t cents a doian; Tlorlda orangsa, SO to H cants a doaon; ptnsapplea, H to 10 cants apiece; bananas, j3 to 30 centa a dosen; apptea, W to to centa a balf-peck.

Poultry prices rsm atn tbe same: squabs, 11 to U a dosen; turkeys, 00 to 33 oenta a pfund: raastlng ohlckShA 13 to S oenta a pound; duoka, 3t to S oenta a pound: geese. 30 to l i centa a pound; brollera, ^ 3 t to 31.00 a pair, and capons. 30 cents a pound. M alt' prloH are unchanged.

New spring onlona are offered a t t cents a bunch; Texas onlona. to centa a quart;

. taeka, 5 centa a bunch, and white and red galena, I and to oanta a quart; bast tops, 40 cents a half-peck: dandeUotie, 10 to 13 gents a quart, and aptnaoh, K cents a balf-ptflk.

Tomatosa are offered a t 10 and 12 oenta a quart. Aeparagua le dleptayed In good­ly quantity a t from S to CO cents a bunch. French eaullflowsr la offered a t 40 cents a haad; mushroome. Id centa a pound; Prench endive, B conu a pound; Wench artichokes, 13 cents apiece; o k ra 30 cents a dosen; peas, To cents a half peck: string baana, IS oenta a quart.

Other vegetable pricea era; Hadlahaa, 6 oenta a bunch; Bermuda potatoes, M centa a halt-pack; potatoes 10 and M oente a half-peck; rhubarb, ) and 13 oenta a bunch; Viorida cucumbers, t to I cents aplaoa; hotbouia cucumbers, 10 and 18 cents apiece; new beets, 10 eenie a bunch; lettuce, 3 to 13 cents a head; oyster plant, 13 cents a bunch; eggplant, to to 33 cents aptsosi summer squash, 1C to 13 oents spLeee; marrow squash. 6 cents s pound.

, Scallops sppeared to be the only thing In the m arket th a t le higher, 33 cents a quart being charged as against 73 centa las t week. The price of large roe ehad has dropped from |l and 31.33 to 83 emits and It. Buck shad has also dropped and can be had for 30 to ec cents as against 10 to n oents lis t week. Other flsh prices era: Bultsrfleh, 13 cents a pound; weaknsh, 10 cents; striped basa 30 to X cents; sal­mon, II cents; fraten salmon, 35 cents; green smelts. 30 centa; ex tra smalts, 33 oanta; Spanish ipaokerti, 18 centa; eels. 13 and 18 centa: haddock, 13 cents; sea trout, 23 oanta; llsundera, ]0 centa a pound; scallops, IS coats a quart; hard shell crabs, 33 cants a dosen; lobsters, 36 cents a pound.

H E rR }R K .‘DlEATRE£mmsFA tfrO R -B 'w ay and 4itb i t .—Low poli­

tics In Intersstlng dram atic form. Hol­brook Bllnn's good partortnanos la ths title part of “Ths Boss," by Hr. Sheldon. Lost week.

BBLA8CO—44th at,, near B ’way—"The Concert." Laughable end satirical eeni- sdy, rem arkably m i l acted.

BUOtJ—B’m y and 33th at.—The saored- neea of th s aeorsta of tha oontsaslonal put Into ordinary melodrama, under the title of 'T h e Confeealojk"

BH O A D W A T-K stay aad f la t sL -L ow TIelda and big oompony In olaborate and diverting musloal show, 'T h e H en-Tseka"

CABINO-B-way a n f IHb at.~B xhllarat- Ing Hungarian mnslo as th s bast feature of oomlc opera, "Ttis Balkan Trlnocee.“

COHAN'S-B’way and « d s t.-T b e stingers end the Stoog amusingly depleted In "Get Hloh Quick W allingford."

COHKBT-41st St,, east of B’w ay -T b s fun of William CoIUsr dam onstrated In skstehy American eomcdy, " r i l Be H ang­ed It I Oe.“

C R ITEH IO N -B 'w ay and Hth a t . - “Thsls." Tha eourtssan of A lexandria and her. centreralon by th s Theban monk In ipeciacular dram atic form.

HALT'S—W way and 30th st.—Opening w atk of Tern W tsa in “An Old New

C H T IR B -B 'w ay and illth st-W U lla ra OlUstt* farewelllng again In Ms own play and depletion, |‘Shsrtock Hslmea."

OAIETT—B'wy and 44th at.~"»xeuee H a " The fun of railw ay travel se t forth l i laughable farce oomedy.

OARIUCK~l3th sL , near B'way—‘T h e Toaleat W ay." Well acted dram atic ex­position of how life Is lived la New York'e upper aluma.

OLOHE—B'way and l*th et.—Opening week of Norah Bayee and Jack Norworth In "L ittle Mies P li-lt."

GRAND OPERA HOUSE-Sth eve. and ISd St —"The Dollar P rln re sa" Musical show Imported from London via Broad­way.

HACKBITT-U oL, west of B'way—"Over Wight." Ordinary tares with situations bordering on the vulgar.

HERALD SQUARE -B 'w ay and 33th at. - "E v e ry woman." Allegorical, poetical and spectacular of a woman's tem ptations as <he Journeys through life. Interesting.

h ip p o d r o m e —8th sve. and 4.1d' st — Circus, ballet and "M arching Through Oeorgla."

HDDBON-lTeat 44th a1.-"Nobody'a Widow'," Agreeable, light American com­edy, well acted by company headed by Blanohe Bates.

IR n N O PLACE—Sohtldurant In com­edies and comic opera In German.

KNICKERBOCKBHr-B'Way and 38th it. —Last fortnight at the American version at F.ostsnd's "Chantecler," with Maude Adams lu the title part.

L IB EH TT-W est 43d eL -"T lie Spring Maid." Musical piece, with Christie Mac­donald.

l y r ic —4M st., west of I!'way.—The "badger" game and the New York crooks who work it In well acted m elodram a

M AJESTIC-B'way and 50th s t.-"B ab y Mine.” The farcical comedy of nawly married life, playing a t Ita third theatre In New York.

31ADISON SQUARE GARDEN-Madl- oon sve. and 43d at.—Banmm A Halley's Cireus. Not so elaborate as formerly, hut a good circus.

MANHATTAN O P E R A IlO D SE - "N aughty M ertetta." Comic opera, with score by Victor Herbert.

MAXINE E L U O T T S -W eat 39th a t . - I n s t fortnight of the Interesting and well- acted dram a of up-to-date dnance, "The Gamhlera."

NAZIMOVA-W eat 39th st.—“ As a Man Thinks.” Augustus Thomas'e Interesting play, touching on the Jaw In American Ufa Well acted, w ith John Mason as the star,

N B W -C snt. P a rk WeA and S2d s t . - Laet vreek f t the n aao n and of the com- p o o j In th is houaa Monday. W ednes­day, Triday and Wedneadiiy matinee. 'T b e Piper." Tueadoy, Thursday and two p tlfo m an c es IM nrday, "The Blue Bird."

NEW AM STERDAM -W eit 43d i t , - •T h e P tak lA dy." Musical show.

R S FU B LtC -W eat 42d a l - L a a t week of dallghttul "Rebecca of Bnnnybrock

who* as the reeult of an acciUenl, be­comes the guest of a village clergyman, wins his love and aventtially becomes hts ^ f e , despite tha scandal mongers among hla parishioners, f a i r ly well elected and staged with en eye to spectacular cffe.t In the olrcui scene; the play Is Interesting good-ataed audlencea-

COLUMBIA TH EA TRE-"'The Wolf," a ^ i w a c t drama, by Bugena W aller; de­ficient In Interest by reason of ton much explanatory talk in tha first two acts; presented In an acceptable manner a t popular price*

TH EA TR E-A generally e n te ^ ln ln g vaudeville program, with no notable headliners to glva It distinction.

Women in Modem So- e w jr If the topic announced for $, J w turo by Earl Bernee, under the auaplcea of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Aa- Boolatlon a t the Church of the Redeemer Monday night a t 8 o'otooh. The patron- w e e ore; Mrs. J. V. Z. Anthony, Jersey City; Mrs, B. R. Barrie, Orange; Mr* Ellaabeth T. B artlett, Arlington; Rev. Antoinette B, Blackwell, E lliaboth; M ra W. H. Brown. Mri. H arry Campton, Mrt. Edward F. Chimberlaln, Orange; Mr*. Alexander Chrletle, Bayonne: Mra. F H Colvin. B ast Orange; Mr*. B. C. Corlles', Mr*. Edward Chaae, Mrs. CHlla L Decker, Orange; Mre. Laura R. Donnell, Orange, Mre. A. R. DtiBois, Bayonne; Mra. Frederick T. Fearey, East Omnge; Mrs. Emm s P, Fisk, East Orange; Mr*. Florenoe Hows Hall. High Bridge; Mr*. Joanna Hartshorn, Bhort Hills; Mrs. B. P. Hanau, E ast Orange; Dr. Mary Hua- sey. E ast Orange; Mrs. E lla A. Kllborn, Arlington; Mrs, Clara 8. Laddey, A rling­ton; Mrs. Susannah N. Leary. Mrs. M. E, M arka Arlington; Mra. Henry Porter, Beat Orange; Miss Emma L RIohStfda Mra, Ida H. Riley, Plainfield; Mre. Idlnola G. Sexton, Orange; Mlaa J. G. Btuddlford, Montclair; Mra. A. Von Winkle and Mrs. H arry B. Westervelt.

P a m ,” tb* lihannlng play ef chlld ^Ifs In a New B ngltMI vUlag*. wftk Edith Tallla- fe rro 'f p n tt jr m lla a tlim of th e little Heroines

WAXLACK’S-JTwajr and fBtti at.-"Po- nander walk.” Th* tndquoly ftagad and pgmabl* rtunaattlo uMsadr ut English life In the Geunrlao artt

WBBBB'R-B'way and IRtk st—"Alma 3W1iqr* Do Too LIvat" Kot clevar farce, prlth popular mualu. ■

■WEST E N D -3th nvq. and IS th at.— "Boverly «( a rau a ta rk .” Romantic melo^ dram a. ' '

H earatk Plnybosssaa.NEWARK T H E A T R E -'T olIy «f tb*

eiiwua'’ Hargar** Maro'i rcasaaitio dransa la Htrea oota; a ploaiant NcRoI eg the sa:p«rl4BC«g of a young elrcui rkltr,

Increased attendance marked the second day of the model day nursery exhibit and sale conducted by tha E ast Side Day N ursery, a t Broad Areat and Central ave­nue, In the building formerly oooupled by the Public Service Corporation, "nie dla- play, lent by Hies Marjorie Hall, from ihs recent ohild welfare exhibit In New York, was a centra] point of Interest to a number of callers This ehowe In detail the furulshlnge end appliance* dealrabl* for a day nureory reception-room, ohll- draq 's dining-room, kindergarten. Infants' nursery, runatmiita' nursery, dIA kitchen, bathroom and root garden are ail shown In miniature, The matron, Mias Mary 8. Dlckereon, was In attendance yesterday afternoon ready to explain the exhibit, .

An effort 1* being made tb raise th* 13,00# mortgage on the nursery building, and Mrs. L. U. B. Steel and Mre. Martin L Cox are In rharge of thle department. A number of persons are contributing so much a brick for this purpose, and a placard In tlir window records reductions on the mortgage.

Aprons are being told In one departm ent by Mrs. A. F, Foster. Mra. W. D. Conklin and Mrs. John H. W arren ;-cak st and candy at another table In charge of Mra. Klvin W. Crane, assisted by members of the Young Ladles' Auxiliary; tea la dispensed by Mre. Henry Stemberger, Mra. S. C. Corlles end Mre. Benjamin C. Miner. The exhibit will continue for some daye and will be open FUinday aftamoon, OH well as the afternoons and evenings of this week.

A meeting of ths Day Nureery A**oolg- tlon was held yesterday afternoon a t Broad and Central tveiiu*a. Owing to the abaence of a number of th* oflloars, the meeting was adjourned witbout troo- sbcllng any bnsinsis. subject to the oaJI of tho president, Mrs. Algernon T. Sweeney, and other m am ben of th* ex­ec v live committee.

FrecklesD en t Worry About TH*m. You

Needn’t Keep Them. Qet Thle Simple Remedy—It's Quiranleed.

Freckles like facts, are stubborn things, but unlike footi, are eteily removed. In a ■ore stubborn your frecklee the morep rm p tly ehouU you get a poolcu* of Kintno. Qet It a t B am bergeri, RIkM'*, pr w h tn v e r toltet goods are sol I If KBi.thq _______■Mpta M d m ok r*u ' migtoal.

"Nellie," bailed Mrs. Chip-Chip to her little aparrow- girl one day after school, "1 wish you would go to th* atore tor me."

"Of course 1 will, mamniit," said Nellie. "W iiai do you w an u "

"Oh. I need a doien of lemons, three and a half pounds of granulatad sugar, and soro* axtr* Uno graval, (or your papa lias Indigeation, and 1 think th* gravel would help him. Ami 1 wont * yaaet coke, also."

"My. I wonder if 1 can carry all them, mamma." aakad tha little sparrow mlaa.

"Take tho baikau and they will all (It In It," spoke her inamnia, so, wtUi the bosket hung around her neck by a ribbon, Nsllle flew off.

She got to the store all right, and whlla tha grocery man was dulng up her pack­age* be gave her two nice apples, one for herself and one for DIrkle. Nellie a te part of hers, and saved tha real for after supper, when she was going to have a play party with her dull Josle. Josle only had one aye, but she could eat an apple Just aa well ** If ahe had two—two eyes I mean, not two applee.

"Here you are, Nellie," called the gro­cery man, as be handed her tho basket all filled, and away ohe flew with It toward home,

Bha woe flying over a deep, dark, lone­some woods, when, all of a suddea, eh* heard earn* ana crying down that*.

"Help! Help!" ihouttd a volo*. "Ob, will aome on* pltosa halp m tl"

"Who ar* youf" asked Neill* before she flew down, for she feared It might be a bad fox or a savage owl, trying to catch her.

T'm G randfather Goosey Gander," woe th* reply, "and I am In terrible trouble."

Well, of course aa soon as Nellie knew It was Grandfather Goosey Gander, ahe went down t t once to help him. And there h* was, anting on a stone, holding one yellow foot under hla wing.

'"What 1s th* m atter?" asked tbe little aparrsw girl.

"Oh. I etepped on a piece of glass and cut my foot," sold the old duck. "And I can only limp along, and I don 't know w hat to do about (ha letlars."

"W hat lettarsT” Inquired Nelli*."Th* lettar* 1 bav* to deliver," anawer-

ed tb* Grandfather. ''D idn't you know 1 was tha naw postman?"

"No." replied Nellie, "1 didn't.""Well, I am." sold the old duck. 'T here

la the bag of lAtara to prove It," and h* pointed with hla bill to tb* bog.

Surely enough It had fallen to the ground whan Grandfather Gooeay Gan- d tr cut his foot, and some of the lettere had ipllled out and were a little muddy.

"Those letter* all have to be delivered to-nighi," went on tho poor old gentle- plan. "and If I don't take them around Id tbe house* I 'll loae my place oa poet- man, And 1 w at juA beginning to like It so much, too. Oh. dear! I h*ve such dreadful traub itl Dreodfutl"

NELLIE HELPS THE LETTER MANI wl«h 1 could help you/

Social and Personal

ilr . and Mrn. PW letui W Vail win tu rn to-niorrow from Florldi,

Mice Agnes Haddow. of the teaching force of Franklin School. * •» t''^ guest of honor a t a luncheon given In the kin­dergarten room of the school yesterday afternoon. Mist Haddow is about to leave tha school for a year'a furlough, and the luncheon was arranged by Miss Clara Romer and Mlaa Emma KlngAOh, the vice-prlnclpala of the gram m ar and pri­m ary dopartmenl* of the school. Th* guests were seatsd at a table In the form of a hollow aqnare and adorned with American Beauty roses. A rthur G. Ual- com, the principal of the school, made a speech and presented Mlai Haddow with a bouquet of roses on behalf of her asso­ciates. Among the guests were Miss Dell* Miller, Mlie Josephine Smith, Mies Mil­dred Freeman, Hlsa Ada Harrison, Mlse Ellen Watson, Miss Florence Dougherty, Miss Josephine Wyckoff. Mlaa Romer, Mias Kingston, Miss Lillian Baxter, Miss Adelaide Putnam. Mlaa Anna L Garrn- hrant, .Miss Jessie Mlkels, Miss Cornelia Coe, Mrs. Gertrude Ackerman, Mis* Agnes Hevey, Mies Clara Riley, Ml*| Amy Simpson.

Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Friedman, of 119 Monmouth street, have announced th* engagement of their daughter. Files Re­becca Friedman, to Cecil Friesner.

The fallowing Kewarkers are booked for paaeage on tha Hamburg-Atnerlcan liner Amerlka, which will sail for Ply­mouth, Cherbourg and Ham burg to-mor­row: Miss Helen May and Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin Phlltippl.

Misses May Belle Mawbo, Slal* Mawha,Helen, Ruth and M argaret, Jam ei and Eleanor Logan, of Newark, and Hr*. Jam es F. Schuremon, of New Bnins- sriok, srill form a p u ty to spend next week a t the Bt. Charlea, Atlantto City,

Mrs. C, Arthur Woolsey, of 'N Third avenue, entertained yeslAday afternoon to r her cousins, Mrs. H arry Terfaune, of Orange: Mm. Richard Benjamin, of J a - sey City, and Mr*. Dwight DeMott, of New York.


Mlse Ethiabeitli W . Gray and Rsw. Dr. A. Edwin Kelgwln will be m onied a t tha home of the proepectlva bride, 213 Broad street, Tuesday afternoon, April II. Hies Gray t" tbe daughter of Mrs. Robert Gray Jr., and a niece of tbe la te JWdgo Georg* R. Gray,

Dr. Hrlgwln, now of tb* 'W wt End Freebyterlon C honb , wo* form erty pas­to r of the Pork Preibytertoo C h t i ;^ of th is city, of whiota H its Gray I* a mem­ber Announa*m*nt of tb* eOuplAe en­gagement woe mod* more fliaa alx y«ar* ago, jiiA bAor* H r. Kelgwln gave up the local paetorst*.


CASTOR IA7a r I n l l u t i u n d

Dll KiMi Yn Hivi Alwiyt BM|litBm ii th*




St th* Dover of LnTB'8 great ootfr Kumtwr. Of *11 dedisra

tea seol*. ^



"No ono can help me I gueos."oried G randfather. "Oh, how my foot h u rti."

"Well, a t any rate, T can fix your foot," eald the little epArow girl. "I 'll tea r np my handkerchief—it's an old one any how -and I'll put eome of th* yeaA cake on tho cut. I gueee th a t would be ahnoet na good as ealve."

'T ea , I guess It would." agreed th* old gentleman, and so Nellie bound up his foot, and It felt much better.

"Now, If I only had aome one to deliver theee letters. I'd be all right," went on th* Orandfaiher. "But I don 't suppose It can be managed, and r t l loia my place In th* postofllce."

"W hy-W hy T wonder If f couldn’t de­liver them ?" suddenly cried Nell!*. “ I can fly through the nlr very fnA, and, though I couldn't carry Ihe whole hag full of letters a t once, I could take a few a t a lima, deliver ■ them, end come bock for more."

"Oh, If you only would!" exelolmsd the

old gentleman, "I would buy you a gold locket when I get my money."

"Why, I'll do It for nothing, to help you," said Nellie kindly. "You keep my groceries for me until I get back, and you can have three bites of my apple. I guess my one-eyed doll, Josle, won't oare. I 'lllet you bite o u t'o f my half."

Ind"Oh, how kind end good of you!" ex­claimed Grandfather Goosey Gander, wig­gling hi* feathery tall.

So the duck took charge of Nellie'* grocerlee, all but the yeast cak*. which was on his foot, but that didn't m atter, aa the aparrow girl could fly back after anothw. And Nellie took up eome letters In her bill and flew off with them.

There was on* for SammI* U ltlA all, and on* for Aunt I,attle, th s goat lady, and on* for Unci* Wlggily Longesra, and ono for Arabella Chick, and two for Munchle Trot, the pony boy, and one each for Blitte and Nannie Goat, and all these Nellie took flrel.

Well, aha delivered thwn, every one, and those who got them wore much su r­prised to see a sparrow for a postman Instead of a duck, but Nellie explained how It hod happened, and they lold aha wss very kind to help G randfather Goosey^ Gander. ,

Then she took aome more lettaro, one to Joltle Ijongteil, the mousle boy, and one to Dottle Lambkin, and a fte r a while the lA ters were oil delivered, and NAM* was quit* tired.

I t w ai, getting dark, to eh* hurried to where she had left G randfather Goosey Gander, and he wasn't there! N either were tha groceries!

"Oh, w hat can have happened to him, and to my basket?" thought Nellie, and ju st then the old gentleman duck cried;

''H er* I am! I hid In this hollow stump, because a had fox cam* along. And he didn't see me, and he didn't get any of the groceries In the basket, either. But I reached out and threw a stone a t him and he ran away. Now T can limp home In peace, for all the letters ore delivered. Thank you, Nellta,"

Bo he limped home, and In a few days h li foot w is all well, and he could be the poatman again, and he bought Neill* a lovely gold locket with blue forget-me- nots on It. and she was very happy.

Bo that'* all now, if you pleaso, but In case I see a blue postage stamp, with a chocolate caramel stuck on It, I 'll tell you to-morrow night about Dickie playing a hAI gam*.

Novelhcs for «|S•4* EasUr Feshvilies

A woman who has been making e trip around tbe world spent some time in New Soutb Wales, While there eh* studied many phases of municipal gov- •rnm ent and was particularly Impressed with a model prison for wqmen which ahe visited In Bydney.

"Not only," she says, "are the call* plastered and well lighted, but the walls ar* tinted a moat a ttrac tive shade of green. Th* belief prevail* th a t cleanll- ntaa Is an essential to better life, so every woman prisoner bathes dully In hathrooms equipped with hot and sold water."

T hat prisoners will have less to con­tend with after pajHng their penalty for misdoing to th* State, the women are known by numbers entirely, never by name, during their Incarceration,

A system of carefully evolved privilege*la the reward for honest endeavor to live right j ^ l e In prison.

ond grade may hava flowers In their c*Ij while the best, o r third, grade have right to decorat* th e ir walla with lures In addition to the flowars.

All In all. there Is much th a t America may learn from the management of offenders of the law In this far-away

Gardening country.

The May Manton FashionsBlouse or Shirt W aist, (944.

W ith three-quarter full or plain Id rf sleeves, with Hack band or stobk collar.

The blouse th a t Is tucked over the shoulders and plain a t the front It apt to be a hecorolng on*, beeldea which. It provides perfect opportunity for em­broidering and braiding. This model a l­so allows a choice of two kinds of sleevea In the Illustration tt la made of white linen with three-quarter sleeves, Sniehed with cuffs th a t ere simply embroidered, and It Is worn w ith an entirely separate oellor: fast It eon b* mode with a itock collar attached to th* nack edg* and with plain, long sleevas. If preferred. The model will b* found appropriate for both the entire gown and for the eeperat* waist.

Th* blouae consists of fronts and back. The wide tucks are laid after the ahoul- dei' seams are lew ed up and extend over the armhole seams In a most becoming manner. The sleeves are separate and sewed to th* armholes. The neck can be flniaiied wltb a neck band or with a stock collar. The plain sleeves are of the one-piece sort with slight fulness at the shoulder edges.

The quantity of m aterial required for the medium else la 313 yard* 27 inches wide. 3 yards 36, or 194 yards 41 Inches wide.

The pattern No. 6944 Is cut In slies for a 34, 31, II. 40, 43 and 44 Inch butt measure.



P atterns

MAY MANTON PA TTEllN 8_The May M anton P a tte rn m ui- tra ted above can be had in all sliea for lOo, esmh. Mall orders fllled promptly; sta te else and write addres* plainly. A catalogue witl 900 design* mailed for 13c. Address MAY m a n t o n p I tt w h ?TO., 132 E ast Twenty-third street, New York. A complete line of_ _ . IMay Manton Patterns Is carried by THE OOERKE CO.. Broad oki M arket streets. Newark.

Veiled effeets ore more than ever p«pa-lar, and the combinations of color In th e ' foundations and draperies a re wonderfully lub tle In the new eprlng modele.

Extrem ely picturesque Is th* gown In the cketch, with Its quaintly draped flehu and graceful skirt. The foundatton Is of cerise meeanllne with overdress of mole- colored chiffon.

i'iie Jeep aurder of tb* ehlffon le p rin t­ed In Paisley effect, ehowing a rich har­mony of, colors, and this Is used for the lower part of the skirt, and for the tichu. Narrow flat ruchings of mole-dolored ta f­feta border the flehu, and also outline the sk irt band. The chemisette Is mod* of mol* ehlffon shirred on tiny oordi. T af­feta ruchlng flnlshea the elbow aleevoa,

Tho drapefl girdle, which hold* tb* flehu In place, is of mole-colored tslfeto.


W ith many people the coming of Eas­ter and the donnhig of spring fln try are quite synonymous, and It Is th is Ida* which lom e woman clever with her brush ha* had In mind In designing plac* eards tor E astsr gaielles.

One of the most effective 1* the tall hat standard, all of water color paper, paint­ed block, on th* top of which rest* most o ^u e ttish ly a hat quit* In keeping with the lateet dictates of Dame Feshlon. In ­deed, some of these hats have bits of lace or feather to help out th* a rtis t's skill with her brush.

Btm another place card in which the hat Is conspicuous Is ths hat box of huge dimensions—uiually suggestive of the artistic cretonne-covered ones—out of which peepe a faaclnatlng piece of head- gear. Another has Cupid displaying an E aster hat, of which, seemingly, he has cause to be proud. '

Another Elaater place card Is the ped­estal bearing It* wealth of Eaater flow­ers, lilies being the favorite. The cards of roses, violets and lilies, while not so flrtv, are always pleasing and exceeding­ly pretty on ths table.

Floral oaohets, too. ara pretty and have useful os well as artlitlo quatltl**.

Bunny Rabbit it out In force. He Is to be found tn many elses and attitudes The tiny ones holding baskets which may be used for caudles, while o ther baekets are large enough for a single E aster egg There are bunnlea sitting up and bunnies down In tbe grass, th.qrft.-aia-,>^— ‘Mw, wide-awake and bimnle* w tH l~ sleSpy'"' eyes.

Ths ducks and ehloksns. too, .have come In for a full shore of attention. Berne of these are In reality bonbon boxee, though the Opening for the reoeptael* for sweet* I* more or lea* cleverly conosoled. Boxes designed for S litte r gin* of sny daserlptlon ar* oftsn mounted with some of these little creetniwi, os busily sngogsd In telephoning, playlof golf or tennis, or reading os any grown-up ever eould be.



W e h a v e ju s t m a d e u p a b r a n d - n e w lo t o f W il lo w a n d F re n c h F lu m e s , a n d w e a s k y o u to c a ll a t o u r s to r e s a n d s e e th e m - s e e th e d iffe re n c e b e tw e e n o u r f e a th e r s a n d o th e rs . D o y o u re a liz e h o w m a n y e y e s fo l lo w y o u a sw a lk d o w n th e s t r e e t ? ^ Y e s ? W h y th e y a r e lo o k in g a t /

.. ................. ■ ■ m en 'th a t w i l lo w p lu m e . Y ou w ill a lw a y s b e h a p p y w y o u b u y f ro m o u r firm . W e a r e th e o n ly e s ta b l i s h m e n tiiyth a t c a n p le a s e y o u . G iv e u s a ca ll a n d c o n v in c e y o u r se lf. A ll f e a th e r s a r e g u a ra n te e d . Y o u r m o n e y r e f u n d ^ if y o u a r e n o t s a tis f ie d

Mail orders promptly filled.We do R e p a i r i n g in all its

branches and guarantee the worlciW illow P tum es, re * . $5, n o w ....S 3 .T S l W illow P lo m e t, r t f . S7, n o w . , . . |5 .5 0 W illow P tum eo, re * . $9, n o w . . . , $(.59 W illow P lum es, re* . $12, n o w . . .$9.90 W illow P lm n ss , re* . $U v a h w .r .$ U .M W illow P lum es, re * . $18, n o w , .$15.09 W illow P lum es, re* . $2S-$30, at.$I9.99


0 |« ti CatU TifO IfttwdAFa CfBtll lOiSGB fw a BtTMt a to n until tOtflO o*alODki

Fresher Than Milkman’s MilkRicher—Purer—Cheaper

Swiss and Dutch expertt haTe perfected for us the Rnest milk ever produced in America. It ’ii like the milks of Switzeriand and Holland.

Most bslb . cho ir 's I

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Tbs mIUi trash tfom tb* ow 4* *wt tat* t wMoma.

Tbaq at s Issr lunt, «« evs^orst* Ivo- AM* of th* wtfeMr. NotUn* wbtttMr is ■ddsd B» ■BP', »• f iism inUii. NotUn* bnt wiMr Is MbiB oat

^ bA It starllosd srfthont sostsUnc, It cotiMs to ran on sbsohtfelr gsratlsqi milk It Is H tuck as tUok wssm 81 *«r esat sstMq, ( par e*at bstW fet,

la tbs past ssomi )w s ws bso* spsnt UoiMlN U Itsralac tlvsagb


st s aIn tbs psott*.

r.It Is


ten thsjr t n tapmums imns, TUnk haw plsasant b Is ts drink k milk that hss nsnsat sU.

Thick at CroBin

Six Cents Per QuartIf this milk is rsdtKsd to tha ssnal mllk

richiwss tks ooot'wlll fi*ars sbotri tb esnts par quart Tst It is soapeniod, aisriUssd and s«sl*d sp In tins.

Our proesas scats Isas than k soals tbs ■dlfcmso to nnks Us dallf liMiiilis. Tbst Is whits tbs sawta* ooaisa.

Tst fss Bit hi Van Camp** rich Holalctn milk,'not nllh from monftsl cows. Yon *sl a sterfls mtk In ptaos s( mOk that la I«nn4ad*B,

„Tan *m tbs lAsla milk' as b sanua fraaa tba coto-sB a( tha batter fat, all af tbs

It la not aaitod around not lafi ta and -

Van Camp's Milk oomas ta you aa thick 0 1 tklck cTsim. So thick that yon add ona pact water for coff**. Milk dlihe* mad* with k taola TSry moeb at

with enmi. befbtt It gata ta fst it. Porhapa

yon ahhn K tMh Whsp k eonsa to tks oaoUng k Is tmOf awoa than a baU-mllk.

Wkan ym Bsa tbia iibola mOb-ohii rich, Helstalii mUb—yeiT bs OHnasd ad tha fla­vor It givss M a milk M u Snl remembar that mUh; wHb (A ka riohaaai, la ebtapar than ——— ra«B.

Whan pm anas toala t mUh dlab mndo whh Vkn Caaaffe ponX naoao want a dbh


tbnngh tbay war* Mttkman'a milk

yon. It

Tbla mQk aOlraa Bta whals milk prehlsnu It inppUu yon a milk saalad tip at tbe dal^ —Irethir than tBflkmanb mQk It brings yon tba milk of tbo hast dafryin* dlstriela In a pstfscUp siarila stats.

Yoa can hava a tnontb'i anppty on hanf If you wish. Open a eon when yon aosd l i Then’s no ahortafa no waata.

We Milk 30,000 CowsWa an mlMiig dbSy $MW aaan to iq^

ply tha paopla arlB know this milk Tana ' ot rntnena af seas era aaa KBKAl

It k not Ilka cattdansad milk wbkk la hilf safBf. It is not Hha tba ordfaHip saap> aiatod mBk Ow Dateh and Swks eipem have oaaabld for na tha flntat aritk fat Ansa* fca. Tan oaghi ta anjap k.

Ona oan will i


pan a

FVm iV o s n G e m s

. k a mIs mat

J l L SV n O r n f f t K f llr

la nmrip i f f l i. It Is n»ds w bp pas.

Tha id-na,aan aWl thk af Van Otanp'o-

19 oanta, Tbs #• I eanm

ts.'•Had onaeon.

It wai

•oh 001,aO w r mbait on

Saaa altoQ.e ^

at m dkMaa In ila Ordat fram

Vkn Cent PosUa* CssVan Camp’s M3k


Tw o 1 t u r d fl< ak a ro B aatod tt

toraitbialklk-Uw h o t


tU lueli und cooldnc lalbl* for a 1 a poiltlon ad, tht au- ) prlaooar* lier ratum ment; only tha la t ia i^ uat not ba

laa and be- rlaonen ';ui (d: tha ade- I (heir caila la hava tna I with pla- ari.a t Amarlca sem ent of a far> am j'

era llluf- d a n tilled ifua withXt t e b n ta line of Iroad aad


w a n d ;s a n d rs a n d )rou a s :in g a t / w h e n

h m e n t y o u f -

u n d e d

d.1 all its ! work.1 ...$3.75l ...15.591 ...$e.59 .. .$9.00 ..$11 .00 . .$15.00 it.$19.00

m s i f e s a n K i s y p T O o F B I D A T , A P R I L 7 , t m . 2 T ~ 1


I n th e audlanoa attandliur the Orphaui f t eonoart In W atlaca Hall laat n ltb t

b a m had all tta dadraa r ra tllM ,I H a M h a lf a doian tn itaad a t tbraa of

lb * oholr’a parformancaa would hae» boon dad. Seldom boa tbla talented body |

l.tnan given auch convincing proof of tta to alng well and to pleaaa Ita pat-

N ovar woa It tn better vocal eon- th an an tbla ooca^lon, and norar

I t t lotboed tta atnglng wttta more vltab [ oplrtt. And, turthannoTa there w ai

llnlab to Ita work th a t gave dletlnctlon | a tha toaat of ita undertafclogi. At no

taaa tboro anything perfunotory tn parfom ancae. In every one of Ita

tumbara It wae aura of Itaelf. The teob. I n i dltBoultlea were overcome with an

t h ^ could have reaulted only from atlen t atndy end reheareal of the dlfter* at ooknpoalttona, and th a t left the alng-

frM to ahow their command of the ednooienti of eong.A u t t e r l y exhibition of their aklU in

Snglng wae given In the Haydn ireittda, "Maiden Fair, O Deign to Tell,"

w aloh the tenor and base eectlona of he choir are pitted against one another

such contrapuntal writing as demanda ha u tm ost prcclelon In atiaok If a auo-

afu] perform ance le to result. Tha a| Interweavlnge of the distinct molo- I were lo clearly defined, the balance seen parte wee eo ttnely prcaerved, 'oon trae t in the tonal coloring wae eo

^ h e d and the splendid verve In the sform ance was eo rousing In Its effect a t only a repetition of tha performance kid quiet the applauding throng. That I s city can boast a choir capable of lotting such work to Its credit Is a causa

rejoicing on the p a rt of all here who Itedl an y Interest In good muelc. One Is

ctined to uee luperiatlvea In comment- Ig on an achievement so creditable to Onduotor H ess and to the chorus proAt.

by h li Instruction. W hat a happy duncUon of vocal toroee It would be If

tie Orpheus and the I>yrto clubs could I linked In a performafloe of one of the alorios! The consummation of hopes

th a t end undoubtedly Is out of the hestton, b u t m ight not the experiment a tried? The gallantry of the male

p lu lr and the courtesy of the gentler sex tessn ted In the Lyrlo might thus be

own Jn serving the community and eat- ng a n artistic need.

But to re tu rn to' the duty of the mo- nent, the ohronlcllng of the Orpheus's ell doing on this occasion. In Edward

eO ow eirs "The Crusaders." a com- eltlon a s adm irable In Ita harmonic de-

elopnMnJg as Papa H aydn's "Borenade," he choir s h o im an artistry In tonal nodutatlbn th a t imparted potent charm

the m urm ured phrases terminating Ithe perform ance. The composition

angea h igh to r the tenors and so taxed hat a ^ l o n th a t It occasionally strained

tones and thus married what would have been a notable.

Less execting In Its demands on Angers but more elfectlve In Its ap- i to the audience wae Bngelberg'i

iiy land Love Song," the sentiment In >lbh was voiced with a sincerity of l^ n g th a t quickly communicated Itself (the llstensm . I t was encored, as also

Ingraham 's humorous conceit, "Tbe nbUeo.”Dong the romantic compositions that

Bd favor were WUllam a . Hammond a ting of the fam iliar "Lochlnvar," to

1 th e composer has given freeh Inter- by th e m ueldsnly and varied shar­

er of his score, and PHlke's "Isot La The Incidental solo In the for-

w as Bung pleasantly by John B. ntlfon and the lolo passages tn the

a lte r -were delivered with excellent effect / Emu Zeh and CtSrence Williams. Other bored num bers entering Into the program

ilo ra tJo W. P arker's "Tha Lamp tn /W est;" Henry K. Hadley's droll

Kong Romance Protheroe's "Da Sman,” a tender ciadte song, and the

iBMkodloos Barcarolle from OtTenhaoh's V'TsCes of Hoffman,"

Enjoyment of the concert wae height- Ti^ by the co-operation of Mrs. Florence pulford H unt, whose contributions to the

ogram were Blebel’s Flower Bong, from ounod's "F au st," Bohm's "Calm as the

fright;" M assenet's "Elegle;" Techalkow- I "Romance;" W eber's "O Patlraa;"

H. A. Beach's Jubilant setting of Browning's "The T ear’s a t- th e Spring."

P m Moore’s melody, "Believe Me of MS Endearing Toung Charms." To rere^added, In response to encores, well'* "Blue Bell" and "Idyl."

[$N SA S IS nirERESTQ)\ P t 6 0YERM0R WllSON

B a irU o n Van Duyne, who le vtsiting hie |w n , ' C aptain Frederick W, Van Duyne,

FOurll* Infantry, U. B. A., a t F o rt Leaven- irorth JK a n ,, la eonvlnoed th a t New Jersey

IU a Widely known S tate nowadays, and O o v e n o r Wilson Its leading cltlsen.

In l a telegram sent to the News by Mr. liVaitf Duyne last night, he 'says:

l e i h u f your*. raadera may hq, IntetT j p hr-the fact th a t New Jersey has k

lO o im ■nor In wlyim the people, even of uii and K ansas, are greatly' Inter- On glancing this morning a t a

I City paper I was oonslderably sur-_to find nearly a column given lo

J speech of (governor Woodrow Wilson fvered a t Burlington, N. J., last night,

parsey and Its Qovemor are certainly to the front a t least half way tha continent."


ifin m aking Inqulilei about the theft geatarday afternoon of a 130 mesh bag tn w hich waa n.TS and a gold watch val- g«d a t tiS, th e police learned th a t the only «ne w ho saw the th ief waa a baby.

T he bog, timepiece and money were

Slaced under the sleeping to t's pillow, but te child w as awakened by the thief and I g*iv«j an alarm of the robbery by hls

' CRRTBbF* ^I The atolao property belonged to Mrs.I OaiTla B laektr, of m Oltnton avenue.

$ n u t Mra. Mary CMiman, of ^ e lam e M, abe sn n t to the home of Mre.’ Qunther, a dressmaker, o t 6® Ber-

weLCabman brought her baby In tha

W hen they reached the house I *la,"~Bleeoker pu t her belongings under he pniow and the two women went In-

.£ )e . W hen they came out later Mrs. W n n k s r discovered that the bag, watch B l m e e e y hod been stolen.


WhMt th i

bwgw hrek* lnlo a cellar a t Broad streets last n M t and stole atd fa rs tte i and i b ^ f r o balong-

Cooley, who has a newspo- tobaooo- stand there. P raok

of T Bridge street, saw them t t e y were coming out with the' hag

and efcouted.


I# boyji HroppAd b i f ^ad r u i Awo.7* M told Patrolm tJi Wtittmatie of tho

.l i i ;

Precinct, who took the bag to the ,„ r - I t ooDtalned sixly-nino packages dlgarattes and dvs packages of to-

w a p Tully. who lives on th e . second |g r e f U t M uth Tenth street, reported *' tb* police of the FHftli Precinct late

tm day afternoon th e t a case contaln- pwmtty dosen of eggd bad been stolen ; th e rea r porch m hls home Wednee- Plght. __________

iSBARiNG cm nrsTimiONsCounsel Nugent will be asked to- tb e d ty has the righ t to change the of the almshouse to "City Home"

~(tt th e potteVe field to "City Cemr- ' The Poor and Alms Committee de­an th e ebangee late yesterday after-

■eoa-I t w as pointed ou t th a t the City- Home

In sitee s hod changed the name of the ^ h u ia a Institution to Newark Parental •ahool, In order th a t the change In the

C tr m ight be made. Chairman Day will I on U r. Nugent th is morning.

p iiw PWRows B peeH lag of Lams-IW o men fooling In the hallway on the

th ird floor o f P) South Canal street upset A kprosene oil lamp last night. Some one eUsiS there w gt a fliw and a boy soanded

arm from box K t a t Mulberry and____ I streets. The blaie was put out be-

te s T tb e Bremen arrived. The damage was mtgWt Edward Michaels la tha owner of

house.I * ........ ■■O M tlog Ciwshse H oa’s Hand.

of heavy iron oattlng fell and _ tb s left hand of Antonio Chi^ thirty-tw o y e a n old, of IH Cshidsn yesterday afternoon while be wae

ta tbs' factory of the Thatcher Company* In Bt, Praools street, r w in r * to B t Jam es's Hofsdtal

Thifk^ P iw tao t pstggj wapBb------ -



O p p e n h e i m . S l l i n s x GBroad and \yuiiam Sts., Newark

Have Especially Prepared for Saturday

E x tr a o r d in a r y S a leWomen’s and Misses’ Tailored Suits


Tailored Suit Tailored Suit Tailored SuitSmart m o d e t of serges, h a i r l in e stripes and checks. Peau de cjrgne lined.

1 5 .0 0 S

Man tailored suit of superior serge. Peau de cygne lined. New model skirt.


Custom tailored suit of hairline stripes. Hand­somely braided. Man tailored.


Tailored SuitJaunty suit of French serge. Coat satin and braid trimmed. Supe­rior tailored and lined.

Value.0022.50 S 22.50 S

Purls Model SuitExact copy of French model. Made of im­ported serge. Hand­som e iy nllored andlined.





79MUtKETSTREETm w a d k

Price vs. QualityM e r c h a n ts a r e in b u s in e s s to m a k e m o n e y . S o m e

o f ' t h e m b e l ie v e th a t b u y e r s th in k o f p ric e a lo n e , b u t th e y th in k w ro n g . T h e K irch s to r e to o k a d if fe re n t v ie w . T h e y p la c e d q u a l i ty f i r s t R e s u l t s 's h o w th e i r ju d g m e n t w a s r ig h t, a s th e ir b u s in e s s h a s g ro w n w o n ­d e r fu l ly . I t ’s o u r w a y — w e h a v e a l w a y s d o n e i t


Roller Skates(Like cut)

iron wheels, fully worth f S c , p Can be adjusted to fit any size shoe. While they last..........


Imitation mahogany frame, hand polished.Uphpistered in Verona velour. Guaranteed con­struction. Regular price $40.......... y ...............

2 9 .7 5Hat

RacksLike cut When

you see our Hat Racks you will agree that we ^v e yotugreater values than any other shop Reg. price $16, at

9 .9 8EXTEN SIO N TABLEOoldoB oak, heavy pillar bOM, ilctly carvwl

d aw fHt, baantltally poll*h«d top, extenSt • iMt. Regular price fll.H ,

6 .9 8


Dining ChairOtqw M*W bas< M b

lab d , tall bax tea tt^ M g r l M f a H a t

1 . 6 9

RANGESLike cut—without top.

PRIZE CAPITAL.ular price $30.00,. ® 23.25

MISSION ROCKERLike cut Very substanttally constructed; upholstered ge n- nine Spanish leather. Regular

t o :price very special at


Four=Piece Enameled Bed Outfit

Consisting ot bed, tike cut, steel frame wire springr Boft top itiAttressy round bolster roll. Reg. %i9.¥K epee*

PULLM ANSL E E PE R SThe ie«Kni’i new­

est designs with til the latest comfort features, troin .

m n « o • A s One like cut9.98

BRASS BEDLike Cut. 2-inch posts,

French lAcqueied, veiy sub­stantially builtt Regular price $u.

Collapgible Qo.CartsSnry (I«od iVla 2jlM

•.■U-eallaj^bltu..------ --Full ronaMfbljL am* 1 Qo

motloa, iwiiTar l*.M .._ v . "PklM^Oartr Llfctmk Bagoloi fl.M, at a

R u g sIf w e h a v e o n e w e

h a v e a th o u s a n d . A ll s iz e s , k in d s a n d p a t te rn s . If y o u h a v e n ’t s e e n w h a t y o u a r e lo o k in g fo r y e t, y o u s t i l l h a v e a n o th e r c h a n c e h e re .

RefrigeratorsFYonounced by experta to be aa nearly

perfect In construction as can be made. Heavy golden oak urith solid topa; heavy galvanized lining, removable wire shelvejs, waste pipe, patent apihon; fullyVM,guaranteed.ThereguliH|5,98^ 2 5 a ' i ' f f i , . . . . 9 .9 $

The fcgular 1 '| Aft IfLOOklnd.... 12k.VO

0 M &.v W :..V ..XX.-'

Store Open Saturday Evening Until Ten.

All Koodt iR oar floors ire mirked in plain figures— narked so that you oan tell the price at a glance— marked as merehandisey net oe a fietitieus valuation. We court eempirisen i i quality and price, and assnre abselnte satistaction with each article purchased.

The Sensational Iren Bed Sale CentianeiNewark people took to this aale with enthualaam— the ohanoe

to get suoh Beds aa these at such prices, la too good to miss, rain or shine. Come To-morrow, don’t let this ohahee slip by.

The Meet Remarkable Iron Bed Outfit Ever Attempted In Newark Merohandlsing

Bed,Spring&Mattre$$CompleteQ Q AWORTH DOUBLE TH E PRICE V e W

Here Is positively an unheard-of offering. Just Imagine what you are getting. The durable B E D , made of malleable Iron and steel, beautiful In Its simplicity of design and especially attractive; the posts and fillers are heavy; all the tubing Is rubbed perfectly smooth before the four coats of enamel are applied. Thus It will not flake or chip. Good soft MATTRESS absolutely sanitary. ALL IRON AND STEEL SPRINGS,

This Elegant Iren Bed ^10 .5 0

witk Spriigs aid Mattress fo r ..........


Tills Coaplite In n Bid h in n ilLS OWorth denble the price. The bed It madt

of genuine naHeabla Iron, with handioine brats trimmings, exactly like lltiiatratloa ihown. A bed you can "kaock around" or thump with an axe and not tnjurel Genuine­ly enameled with bard baked enamel that will not peal or crack off. Choice ot alngle or full tlxe. Good mattresa. Comfortable, all Iron and atael aprings. Vermin proof. A wonderful apeclal value.

EXACTLY LIKE CUTT e r m s , 5 0 c E a c h W e e k

7 h » W t id t r f i l Bad Oilfit Will P liis t Yon.

r , *14.985 0 cmita each week. It not perfectly satlafactory, money refunded.

This is s Strikingly attractive deslipi in a big, massive Iron and Steel BED. The tubing is continuous. A post with con* tinuoos ends has doable the strength of any other atyle. Four coatings of baked white enamel give it a heavy, sanitary covering and enable it to be easily dusted and cleaned. Extra quality soft top MAT*TRESS. The SPRINGS are all iron with steel frame. Come early for this outfit as they will sell fast a t this cut price.

Ih n M in i f i t n t IRON BED 007FI7 * a . ™creation and one of the s tu n ts ’ of this Ug purchase. Made of malleable iron and steeL Complete with luxurious mattress and high grade springs.

KdY Cents each week. If not perfect- ly satisfactory, money refunded

and no questions asked. This is a value that can only be appreciated upon actual inspection.


Sss; 15.75

O ux* O lo t li lx x B ; i%.clO n P a g g e


A M arvel a t th e Price W e Ask S^dly and sobstaiitlally made. The

■Idea are Ugh; the rods are 3*4 inches

St, so the diild cannot atiek its head ugh, climb over, fall out, or other-

wlae ham itself. One fdde can b>.'V)w- c te d . Fitted with extra quality woven irire springs. Terms, 59c. each week.

This tccldent-Proot SAFETY 7.98

Special Carpet and Rug Sale

Regiiiiiliig to-morrow and lasting for 10 days. CoW and see the amaz-

values in Rugs, Carpets and Floor Coverings.

BRING YOUR SWEETHEART TO J.W . GREENE’S a n d BEE THE SWELL 5-ROOM OUWIT $ a t ................... ................................................ 100


There are a lot of young peoUe In this dty who put off getting married becanre t h ^ a n ■fraU of the hoasefumishlng expense. The J. W. Greene Co. ia w a ili^ for Inst suph young peo­ple. We want to assure theU that there isn’t a single obstacle in the way of their going house- k ^ in g from the standpoint ot furnishing their home.

Every artlete in tills outBt of new Spring 1911 patterns. E vo^hing that ia Meded to start a Uce, cozy 8-room flat Young people starting out In life should reenze that a comfortable home ia the ffarat requisite for pm ect h^piness. You can have a cozy home or flat well fundsbed, altiiough DHittey is lacking- $8 down dellvcn this outfit to you at once.

’X e x ’r x h a 8 l > o '% 2 V 'x i . , a W e e k .N e w a rk ’s W id e -A w a k e F u rn i tu r e n n d C lo th in g H o u se . Open Saturday Eypning.


N EW A R K , N. J . rntmmmmmm

‘ TlJ'



]^ rd of Wwb Passes New Notice of KoteotioD to Opea

Hecltaoic Street


After hoMInc off irrereJ matoi ta the hop* ot r**ohliv a oonproiniM '4nd*r- ■Undlnc, the Board of Work* deolded j’«t*rdajr t* proetod with th* op*tiiiv ot MechtoJc dtrMf ftom AiUnc (tr**! to th* sa*t tld* of N*w J m « T BAllroad Av*nu*.

Nqtlo* of Intonhon to «p«n th* tbor- outhfu* from Atlhic ■tre*t to th* *aot «td« of Now Jiner Balmwd av«ou* w** puled, a prior hotlo* of Inlantkm which **rrt*d th* itnot opaalc* to th* railroad •mbaJdaiMat h«liic wdiidid.

Chlof Enclnur 0b*rr*rd hroupht th* •ladlar to tb* board’* attaotloii. H* had r*o*hr*d ao nply, b* laid, to a co<nnnunl-> ■■Mob raoaatlr out to 8uperlnund«nt TPMili L. Btuppard, of tb* Pinirironl*. WMfa rapard to this opooin*. He quaatkio- *d lb* adTlaaUUtj of waltln* laoc«r to m il out tb* bnproownwotTh* hoard afroad with tb* ongtaair that

lb* ttaw bad ooia* to tab* aotlua and dU paalad that tb* pr«p*r aotlo* ot bitantlaa b* praparad-n bad b**a autvoatad that bi plunltia

Mm MW atatloB tb* Penna/lvaola oont- PMM oaTTT out It* hulldinc with pmialOB iir lb* atzoat ofwnlnc, th* *chMH m Ibc I* bara tb* attp opao tb* *tr**t and th* blMPt *f awMaamant award tb* railroad aap danu a* (or propertj taJcan which ■IlM balOBt Id tb* oarrtar. To thi* nr-

1 Mm aanroad baa failad to twpir.

la tt* Iran-AM HWaat Ito a ItM M Dtotriot WM awd* to th* Board of W m m raal arlar aftonMon hr a d*l*da- Mm ma atouMap tb* But Bid* Publl* Bail AaaootaMoa. A patttlaa waa pr*> aMtod aad ***aial « f tb* dalafattoo Band tbd lurtb*rtac *f tb* proitoat. In torldow* of lb* D**d af Hsh aa taaMtuttoB I* tb* taadlMp. WM A. BMail* LauUr, of tb* Nawaffc Mdlamwit Boa**, itidMl that la an biwUfatltot «f.«a« hloofc af thlrtT.ona hwwaa, m panwM w«r« Iwiaid and In aaothar looalttp Mil paopta In flnr.*lCht h■*■■■, and «*t oa* abipla bathtnb. Tb* aapdl waa am af th* ««*■- tton for Mbllarr hatUaf para iota. lOa* Lastar aald. and th* baOtjitniaa waa ■oralp aaadal

It waa aiUMtad bp ObtoaMaatoatr Kvnjla tb a t^ praaaal fealb-boaa* la Walaat atraat migbt b* abandonad a* faioaatad. PianUia MbiThp t r , , « m of tb* paMMeoInc daladaUna, e*r**j to tbhi, •aptad tbat th* Walaat atraat plae* wa* localad la a .aaaUoa wb*p* tba aaad waa not 00 fiaatlp foR aa atoantiar* to tb* •art nq* of tbo aifr.

U r. Itnapla tweaffat 19 lb* aaaotloa of tba lofulatton of th* wolabt t t aattmto Ml* and etbor traotoa Tba oaaataanUr lb- orMtolnt toBBapa af tbaa* rahtolaa, ba ■aid, ww aur* to weab tajarr to Iba ■traetr, aapaotoOp thoa* bawtof mooib paTaraaaL Th* doaatloa wa* rafarrod to the oltp oaanaal and ohiaf tmtoaar M a** I t th* tnattar pdgbt ho naaiatod bp aadb naiKiaMr. WiBpto atawnaead that tba BawBa

Commttt** OB UitoMpal OwpetattoM would Tialt Kawark next Moodar to MO towr th* rout* told oM ta tb* UeOowaa hin prorldlnp for ahort tmllor nramai lion. Th* board will aoeotapaap tb* Im - lalatto* oommlltsa

A naohrtloa rtoTM O ^'^ OmaMaOoniafl to approprlat* 111,111 for th* totonlap of OnAM ■*«■** ftam Wa^- ttigUm tnnia* to otodoo vmpaaood. Tbto otroto opoelnp will out through a taaot whtoh, ftr th* paat flf. tote paata, ha* boan ratad u farmland •bd baa baao aaaaaoad aooordinpip. Bp tb* baprawamant tb* aaaaaamsnt rahai- tlena win b* rnlaad to a point wWoh win naan a natorUl InoraaM of inoom* to th* otto tonnrr.

A rioolattoa waa atoo adoptod appro. Ktatlng tB,OM far th* purohaa* of about BlnoCp- Igbt aona of taad In Wott Ml. ford Townchto, Panale Countp, to b* addod to Qia watanhed.Motto** of latntton wor* paaaad to open

Sortnan *troot, from Blum itraot to South Tantb itiaat, and from South Tenth etreet to South etreet; alao Borlan atreat, from South Orang* aramia to th* Inter- atatltn of Br**fcdal* arwnu* and AMngar plaoa.Th* foUarwtog powtag oonlraoto war*

■wardad:Owraun *tr**t, from Samnter arenn*

. to Itt. Proepaot asoana, biiok, to Phtup Bwaaron*. Hftli Sooth Nineteenth etreet, fronl CItntoo arenue to Springfield are- nua,'brifl1t, to th* Newnrk Paving Cora- panr, too,in.nL

To tb* Jerccp PMvInf Oompanp, the paving ot AJrea etnet, from Ferrr etroet to Reniler etreet, granite, AvenueB, from Ehninet etreet to Miller atrut, granite, t*.*«.(*: Ardaler court, from Wal. nut atreat. a diatano* of in teat, biiea, nu.To lb* A F. Sbatdop ompaiip, tb* paw-

lag of Rap allep, trem Bhndiang* alter to Ward etreet. granlta, tHt-11; Btoohango alter, from Ray aUer to Ueehanlo atreat, granlta tmtoi Ktrb altoy, from La.wrono* atreat to Ward atraet, granlta, BtUUd,

Th* following pavtog ordlnanooa war*

Bri oh—Whitney etreet, from Sooth Or­ange avenue to Daaalng avenue: Brenner etreet. South Tenth etreet to Hoc* itr**t] Alpto* atreat, traai Iftolinghuyaen avenue to Bttenbeth avenue; Wlnthrop etreet, from Summer avenu* to Unooln awenue; Bolmont Bv*nu*, from Wataon avonu* to Hawthorn* avenu*; BIctnkI* (tr*«t, from Bonth Tenth etreet to Heat atr**t; Hunter etroet, from rkeUnghuyeen avenu* to Hhaabeth avenue; Kent etreet, from Btgh* teenth avenue to SkInMa etreet; BUIald* avenue, from Wateon avenue to Har thorn* avenue.

Orantte—Plum Point Ian*, from Haw- Um etreet to Hanutaoturera' Branch ot the Central Railroad; Bonrkamper ava- nuo. from Hawtdna atreet to Chrlaty

Bltnlttblo-firafteB aveaui% from Sum­mer av«nu* to Mt. Proepeot avuoua

A pWbUe healing will eoon ba gtv« on th* paeliig *f TUrd a'l'anwi, from (h* UoiTl* Canal to Ho**eia* aMnoa with


‘*Tlte Tern Biscuits an as white as snow and just as flaky."M i n R a y CBmnifnfr, t S W e r t ! 0 3 d S t . , N e w Y o rk C ity .

/ - I SeU-RaisIng& C F L O U R

The kind that’s made with—Absolutely Pure Grape Cream of Tartarand coAb no more than cheap Phosphate Flours.

YO U ’LL take a “shine” to the latest Crossetta.

Brand new stylea. but the same old comfort. Try on this model. It's a leader this Summer. High heel and toe. Four button—and buttons are all the "go” . Plenty of other styles.

$4 ts $1 grerywharsLaarla A. Crciaatt, Ina, Maker

.“Makes.L ife ’sW alkE asy

, TIUbVi


Makaa RichRed Bleed

Ahselntsty FrasFrsn Im p

Pall PI lit ..-.. PuU Quart.


WB OSUVRRCan Only B* Had al

101 Mirket St.Hmnrk SraMli

Don’t Wear a TrussITUalT 1 PUS Til (tit >r.«(w.>ia ihu Ittauua lbs Rial Irvu, belBi aitds eair adhsstwii furpsesly isbdli 1 rtitrt«n-tn plaas wlifcsat straps.tHsekias Or <tniBpt"*>aaet ilTp,M siMaek ehaH sr aaprasilie ptiPla heesa Vb* •M *bsuaBie«sMBHr»4 leyMprl-

Sof ibt boMS, tbeuaasdl baa* iy tnsdetl tbsMselves without htMSraRRa fNM weffc. |«Ft at taltH Shsy l« •pply hFtpeaelee. ?iWMis«r gQr« !■ aaterai, H a« fhftbar hss lie U*mimi. tTs apAM sriiM wgM bayhysMdinjrr TrialsfrtapM. . fMnV/hbaelQtsiy rni. WHIsbaMM^sTusmTORIE/Slat* II. LaMa. M*.

Like Nectar on the Tonguelies the Luscious Flavor ol Pirika Qiocolate

eeody lenrs Ikahi


pea daifm sd tbslr sw>

at Sw bsat dratBists sadIn Posmd B ona

|1 .0 0 ~ S 0 e and 60e

Candy Making Knows No Higher Standard

I f fsa r dealer htsaT then, a brleg Asm te yea exptsss paid.

order will

And Try Pirika Cocod—As meet dellciona, sestfal

breakfast drink yoo^re erer

tssted—25c. the can.

THE PIRIKA CHOCOLATE COMPANY 972 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

eitlBf Hngtoaar namrS, at th* etoM et th* Board of Wotba maatTng yatoa*. day, waa oaltod an to giv* th* beard *■&* of bl« obaervattono dotng tha trip to th* Panama Canal Kona, from whtob CM mlBeloner Danman and htaaaelf returaad yiiterday.

The chief engineer war enthuataatto In Mb pralee of the work going on In th* "tig dllcb,” which had been travareed oompletely by th* local vlaltor*. Th* N*w*rker> had baen fortunate In falling Id with a Congreealoanl party on ahtp- baard on the aoutbero trip, Mr, Sh*rr«rd ■aid, and were Invltsd to parUdpat* la aa tnapeetton. which gave them ogper- tunlty to see the work under very favor­able eondltioae.Special reference waa made ta th*

clook-llke preolaion with which th* oaaal work wa* being carried on. Th* handling of material, Mr. Slierrerd told, waa bting carried on with the minimum loia of time, and train idovemeot* won arrangad along thl* line. Tha Inrpectlng party had an opportunity to obaarve fifty *Mam •hovel* at work.

Some of th* big ihovele, Hr. Bherrerd want on, ar* now working at the giad* lev*l ot the canal In the Culebm out, while other* are placed along the aklee aeveral hundred feet higher, removing rook aod earth whjeh has a tendency to alide Into the lower wurklnge.

Of the Oatun dam, one of tha graater undertaking* In the caanl plan, th* *n- glneer declai;ed«,tlt had been ao tar ad­vanced that tha conoreto embankment waa within afto*n feat of th* to{ whils wanr ta aoir parmlttod to run over th* ■pIMway Id MB* alda

Tb* caoal oi>gin**>* flgur* that th* pfwiant month will *e* th* laoord amounl of material removed from the work. Hr. Bherrerd •dded. He al*o referred to the excellent work of thl* government which ha* praoilcaliy paved all'tJie etreet* la Panama, beside* Introducing •ewer and water' taollltle*.

Mr. Denman eupplemented Ur. Bher. rerd with an aosount of the lodal pleae- uree of the trip, and ot aoma ot th* gen- •ml Hgfato ebatrved. . .

M U LLIN S2 1 8 - 2 2 0 M A R K E T S T . , N E W A R K , N . J .

I2l>t38 Nawark AvgsiWt Jersty City, N. J. 78-S4 Myrtle Avamig, Brooklyn, N. V,POR FORTY YBAR5 ITfE FOREMOST HOUSBFURNISIflNO FIRM Ili NEW JERSEY..

# 1 * 0 0 a . V iT’e e k t l x e H o m e

iO % Discoant tor Cash-All Poods Marked in Plain FipresJOIN OUR GREAT

Easter Piano Qub$5.00 Down--$1.00 a W eek

Y ou can buy here on the easiest and best terms ever offered. We are making most extraor­dinary inducements to piano buyers to join

this great Easter Sale; the best values we have ever offered. S ave $50 to $150 on Bach In etra m en t

W e E m p lo y N o A g en ts an d P a y N o C om - m iss io n s . You S a ve A ll the E x tr a C o s t

Wo Handlo tho Pamoas KIRCNOPP, MULLINS A SONS Aad Many Otbarg

M assiveFrames

Rnely i Polished



$49THtS EXACT yfhg • Ft J Tk S f k a t

S i d e b o a r d TlllS ExaCt PanOf SoitBelM eak. 1

dnwer lined lor Mlvei, fM vataa, tfcia eel* '

Massive mahogany finished frames, iA a a snlons, value 255. sale 4 7 * 0 0silk plush cushions, value $55, sale

THIS BXACTnigh-Qraile Brass Bed

TUs Vtdte HmUln R efrlf^era to r

I d e u b le g g m masaiusHaeetve deuble walla,ex«a ' le a V

This Leather Bok Seat Chair

$ 2 .9 8

f m m ^


Dining Chairp1«ttror,8 9 c .

Genuine all brass, artistic AiHfioaa Dniser dwiS". polished or sadn finish,

exceptional value | i p A A i f f i value, n o w | i ^ , ^ ymlr- 10.50 special at.

Whitney Pnllmaa Cholro, PoMfaif Oo-Corto, Perambu­lators, Reed Oo-Carts.

S 2 j 0 i n H o o d s


^ **TH« PAMoS****** SURETY STAM PS Every filled book is redeem­

able in any goods of your own selection in our store toa m o u n t o f ........ .................. . .


(i| | O M B I t '




t c "



------------------------------- BUT W HICH ----------------------------^



OUH FAMOUSt e r m s

50c, 75c and $1.00

Per Weektakes the puce


50c, 75c and $1.00


Many houses advertise to sell you furniture in various amounts—with no m oney d o w n and sm a ll w eek ly p a y m e n ts—but when you ask for them they demand of you a bondsman. It’s different h ere , w e re q u ire no b o n d sm a n —all w e a s k is

; o% - 5 0 c.7 S g s $ I .0 0 I W E E K H E »A n d o n to p o f a ll th is s ta n d s o u t th a t i r r e s i s t ib le lo w p ric e a rg u m e n t , fo r



MATTIHt R e g u l a r 50c R e g u l a r 50c R e g u l a r 40c\Close woven, quality, all neat, quality, c h o i c e grade, limit 2 0 '

smooth finished new p a t t e rn s ; patterns to select y a r d s , at pergoods, spec.,yard special, yard, from; spec., yard, yard,

8 c 2 5 c 2 5 c 1 6 ^ c$ 1 0 OAK D R E S S E R How Is This for a Bed Bargain ?

A genuine $4 article, built of solid milieable iron, a neat de­sign ; heavy posts, rails and fil­

lers; finished with a non- sckling white Onamel; go anywhere else you like and you'll never match this price—

C h i n aC l o s e t

This solid oak golden finished dresser,with com­modious drawer space and heavy T?iateniirror; reg ular $ 1 0 article, for only




co>vip,.aTE wvfH CCIVP^C^E W;TH QELI.ABLC COOOS f o p 0 IfL^ ^R C,0O0& FOH OfILV

5.98 $75 I $10

A r e g u l a r $ 1 6 .5 0 a r t ic le ; f r a m e s o f g o l­d e n o a k a n d h e a v y p la te g la s s s id e s a n d d o o rs , C ro w n C o .’s s p e c i a l p ric e ,



or S1S0 OR oviit.This Maehin* is the newest drop head model, Thla Rang# » an article any houKwhe will light running and thoroughly reliable, warranted appreciate— a grand baker — complete with to do the work of a fOO machine. p i^ ihelt.

WR a m rr away fbbk w ith a tcb-OBA8E ov ai n't OVBB.WB D lL m il Tf TO TOOB BOtoB YBOa WITH


h r iir Sflite FreeA beautiful 3-piece Parlor Suite will

be delivered to your home Free with a Parctuagef OISO er Over.

T ak eYourP ic k

Other PreiBlnint wtth ParcboMe of Vorteos Asioaote.

! $ 1 1 1 0 001 HFFETHere’t a grand bargain. This rich­

ly pol­ished golden oakbuffet is of gen­erous size, mounted with French {date mirror.Crown Co-'g

' ' M , ' t e■pMlalpm*



lag. 718. PilUwi O A a Miwe< t> Owiy. uUu

11.00 Plllews...............39cII.2S Pillow s.......... 49cOl.BO Pillows............... g9c•1.7S Pillow s.,....,... 09c $3.00 PlUewsi..............S9cTe provontdeslsrs fMni buy-


$1.00 CHIFFOHIERA full size, well built oak

Chiffonier, fitt^ with 5 draw­ers, nicely polished,the biggest bar­gain e v e r offered a t to-morrow’s price—



Strong, aubstsatU chslra, wUb nicely pol- iibcd golilBo oak frainet and ccenlortaMe cans •ealt, St Ibe low ^ prices erer named for such worthy arttdes.

I k

HASSOCK RAROKIHS OALOREAn endless Yariety to choou from In these three tots of

Bnissels, wihon VelTCb end Axmiiistets.Regular 90c

Haasookago Saturday for


Regutar 00cHaaaookago Saturday lor


Regular 70cHaaaookago Saturday tor


m J


Round TopDining Table

Here’s a “record- breaker” for fair.

Seat I

Seat Chairs. OOeLimit 4 to a Cus­


THIS 1 (0 BED O U T f I T j p o T ) T h e lumber^

worth the price we ask for this Extension Din* Ing Table; built of oak, finished golden, has nice-' ly turned legs. Try to match it in any other store under $S.5(X Crown Ox's ipe-

oSwa *a r W STftiito cial price onlyOb* watUtoa <S« . soaOwtalj

efesant, I

I OiswiisMr t« harsNU oatfll—Onj^Mstotl

afal* ftnd. *11 oom- 3.19

CRO W N C O ., 74-76 Market Street, Newark

S*v«i* ot th* ■

W aldo 1■lu**, 0^ n o « l« t ; Two I •Board o0. r . Ki Ins Con to th* t l u t , raq In th* a, to r*m*i

Th* O' lam S. tor th* h*d b* tu tw * I

Suparl1, « tliS h ■taUni m a^e li MMker *n,d clrp u id n f G«B*r*l Bkbl«h j'Unpla Cirtok, sh lu d i t lain t B*rtias< from tl b( th* /Work* /tn whi illitrk it •*hc* I wagon,

It w* mastor

[hour* 0 box**.

I A lar, I b«th •' 1 of tha j In forJ alsn I*

a* It 0 I oroaelti;

paked Dbatruc

' Th* Preside preside: prealdei Bobert H. Bo« bach, } Uoeck

Th* I eag, H


tor* dlhjoik«r

wa. .aplans 1nioi t tIn th*pr*dliIde

1* ,ip«nty] H.

That o t the

, dJancsh|]ut*,tecondniainlhwnbefth*Fa*tonPresbyatrs. :E astertoimooi

Win se

£y» •u

.trip, ' nit Hu t i r e dl

■ Ihoae I / Joseph / Cumm

Mte* aveiiut Either Churcl

Mr*. High Is eard p Blirbai home

The Pleasu held Itit.

M tu eft U

: larenl R*v.

1nerfle i eat n

'«t*a nil*.


gccnitj m*i

>«■*./ M lu nu*. >

*111 ■ iMr*. Iwbo 1

|**h*o] Will

I spend r lAlt*.

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Th* Vallsl to-da: Aid E ■lated Mr*. Mr*.•oq; 1 T. Ca pharl Ml*

vtsllh WH

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Meld Cl»>i Sohn

MU aveni to to

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Mil 1* vl Sh*r In TH

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Th byte ■hot

At r*liib» I th* proc the

loneya n d ofEisk isNISHOM EETEnt, for

U Ke

40c \ 20


; u l a r a r t ic le ; )f g o l- [ a n d

p la te e s a n d C ro w n p e d a l

We will t with

. r c K - '

I IE Iilt oak i draw>

nicely hed.the est btr-

e v e r ed a t omxw’s


e c o rd - o r fa ir.X T isI p r ic e o r t h i s

EHn- ; b u i l t n is h e d sn ice --

t leg s , a tc h it

o th e r r $ & s a '• ipe- nly



aev«t>l m atten o( Interw t to reWdenta ol the (outharn aectton ot tlw city were aiM aieed iMt n lfh t e t e m eettn f In W eUo Hell. KlUebeth *n j W eteon eve- uuei, a{ the Bouth Euiflm pTO veineiitj^noetetlaii.

Two letter* were received from the •Board of Work*, one from Commleiloner C. F. Kraemec. u chairman of the Llvht- Inx Committee, tn replgr to a le tte r a«nc to the board by the aasoclaition Msirch ( laat, requeatlnc that more llfh ta be plaeed In the M uth and. Br, K raem er promlaed to remedy ondlllon* In the near future.

The other letter waa from Clark Will* lam a . Oreathead, etattnc th a t a requeat for the paving of South Belmont avenue had . been placed before the board fur future aotlon.

Superintendent W. W. Abbott, of^ the I.ietilgh Valley RaUroad, le n t a l i t te r ■taUni that the auoclatlon 'n requeat m t^e In February that the bridge over Maeker avenue be repaired ao th a t oil an,o Glndera may nut drop on pareona

iing benaatli, had been preaented to »ral Manager J. P. Maguire, a t South ilehem. Pa.

ipleaaant odora arieing from Bound k, near Frelinghhyien avenue, f*- Id In the aaaoclation deciding to com- 1 to the Board of H ealth . Much lage la Itoating on the eurface, coming 1 the dump! nearby. The attention he Board Of H ealth and Board of k ( will alto be called to th e m anner

p n which garbage li collected In the diatrlot U wai elated th a t garbage and aehce are now dumped Into the eame wagon, and not aeparated, aa heretofore.

It waa alto decided to w rite to Pont- m aster Haya taking th a t algna show ing Jhourt of oollectloni be placed on all mail boxeg.

I A large elgn recently erected on Bllaa- beth avenue, north of the w eit branch of the Penneylvanta Railroad, also came in for critlciim. I t wa* aald ' th a t th it algn li a menaoe to d riven on th e avenue aa It obatnictt the view of the railroad orotflng. The Board of W orka will be paked to remove the algn to soma leaa obatructlve atta.

The following ofllcere were elected; President, Jabn C, Behnke; first vlce- presldsnt, I<ouls C- M ariner; ascond vice- president. George Ward Virtue; secretary. Robert S. Baldwin; treasurer, Frederick H. Roever; tm atsei, Frederick J . Fllna- bach, John F. QHea, Emil Wey, John O. Moeck qnd James Mlnchln.

The next meeting will be held Wednee- day. May t.


Miss Begreld Berg entertained the mem­bers Of the Forest Hill Dorcas Circle a t ^er hbme, 8M Lake street, laet night. I t was a "work meeting" and. In addlUon plana were talked over for an enlertaln- tuonT which the young women m ay give In th e near future. Mias Ju lia DdnnV premdsd ovsr ths husinsss session, which

followed by a social hour. The next the aoelety Is to be held Thurs-

Aprll » .James Clerk, of Summer avenue,

le ,vend ing a few daya In Sullivan Coun­ty! M. T.

T he Owls, a young womtn’a organliatlon eg the Warett Hilt section, will hold a dJance to-night In Miss Pound'* school h^uta, MS Parker street. I t will be the s^^ond dance of the eeaaon, and each nramber of the oluh haa Invited a gueet.I Tbe ways and means committee of the l i t o r a l Aid Soolsty of th e Forest Hill I 'resbytsrtan Church, which Is headsd by .Ure. Nathan D. B. Pish, will hold an E aster sale In the ohureh to-morrow a f ­ternoon. They will offer fancy articles. Clues and Baxter postcards for sale and Will servo tea.

£ys of the Summerfleld Onarde, under guidance of their leader, D ial Oeter- , will leave Monday on a camping tclp . They expect to spend a ehort time flit Huntsville and hope to ivalk the en­

t i r e distence. about sixty miles. Among ,lhosB tn th s party will be Auetln PhllHpe,' Joseph Reutter, Ruaaell Torrey and Junior

Cummingi.Miss Grace Karr, of (Tt l i t . Prospect

avenue, will be hoetesa of t h t Queen Esther Circle of the Summerfleld M. E. Church to-night.

Mre. Charles Alonao Woodruff, of S!0 Highland avenua has leiuad cards for a card party In honor of har daughter, Hlse B arbara Woodruff, to be held a t her home Saturday, April 22.

The first annual dance qf the Dovable Pleasui'c etui) of. the N orth E n d .w ill be

' held In Quincy Hall, F riday evening, Aprilil.

MIh Eleanor LItUU, o f C artere t street, le ft t o - ^ for a week'* etay w ith her 1 lartnU tn Schenectady, N. y .

Rev. Julius F. Maachman, o f the Bum- I nerfleld Church, was one of the apeakcre I sa t night a t a Sunday-school banquet In

, ith,llik Mabel Van Duyna, of Summer ave-

will spend next weak at Atlantic

premoso over w as followed mewting of thi daw evening,

H ra. James

I court of honor of Troop Ko. 7, Boy ta of America, will >e entertained a t

meeting to-morrew by Clement Hon- ek, a t ,his home, 2M Grafton avenue.

Miss Bsatle U ttell, of 23S Elwood ave- Bua, a teacher In the Elliot S treet School, gill spend Easter week as the guest of

l i l r i . -Frederick Gibson, o f Boeton, Mass., jwbo was formerly a teacher tn the same IMhoul.

VVlUlam Clark, of Summer avenue, will lapend the Easter vacation a t Greenwood r lAke. aa the guest of Andrew W allliauser.

Hiss Margaret Van Buaklrh, of Pea- I body place, will leave to-morrow for

W iahlngton, D. C., where aha will ipend 1 a week with her brother.


ROTH & CO.m W O L F F & CO■4

Don’t Fail to Take Advantage of


end get your share of the good things we offer at prices that will be a pleasant

eurpriae to you.

The annual “iprtng olaanlng” ef the Valleburgh M. E. Church waa conducted

' to-day under the auaploee o f th e I-adlee’ Aid Society. Among the women who aa- ilsted in the work were V re. A lbert Heath. Mrs. Franole N, Uodei, Mr*, laiula Ulrich, Mre. Rlcliard A, Fulcher, M ra Ida, Kel- iou; Mrs. J. Herbert Hanaer, Mre. Charlca T. Oaddook. Mre. P eter R. H uek and lira ,

, Charles Copper,, f ' Miss Ida Crane, of Kehmoiw avenue, lafc ’rislllng In Florida,,( . William H, Harrlapn celebrated hie aev-' ' enty-Srat birthday a t hla home, « Finlay \ irtace, yeaterday.I Mra. Stephen Beera, of i d Sanford ave-

Ikue, la TlaillDg relattvsa In Cairo, N. T. The Croisn Bowling Club held an Indi­

vidual tournament on Chrlitenaan'a a l l^ s last night. Among thoce who played were WlUlam Sbulta, Richard W Idner. William

> llaldrum , Alfred Rlnehkrt, R obert Me- ! ' Cbeeney, Joeeph Caraatella and Adolf I 1 Sohtnltt.

M itt Teraea Beyer, of MID Boutb Orange avenge, was h as ten at a social gathering l> bar home last night.. John Noll, of Sanford avanua^ l a apand- ing a (tw days in Martiatown. ^! r h a oholr of VaUabnrgh I t . V . /DiHinnh wlU tM earte th is tTonlBg imdar fiha iaadtrahlp of H arry Bouaem aa, of M I Vermont avanut.). Ths annua! maetlng of th a iharedtoM ua < e f tha Unity Building and I<oaa Aaaocla-

j tlon *111 be held April U, a t Cook'a hall./ Bmltb eWeet and South O rangs ayanue.' Election of ofllcara and four diraetota will

b t held. Tha alevaoth aarlta wilt be opened.~ MIm Emma Shannon, of Manaaet e, Va.,‘ la visiting her brother. Rev, Thotna-a B.

Shannon, and Mra. Shannon, a t the manse In Weet End avenue.

T hat the past year waa th e moat proe- ' peroue tn tha history of th a organlaatlon

erai the report heard by th e Ladlee’ Aid BSelety of the Klihum Memorial Praaby- torlan Church a t Ita twaltOi annual tnael- log yeaterday. The m eeting wa* held a t the home of Mr*. Edward H illm an, *0 Jforwood Btreet, Thee* oflleera were elact- od for the enawin* year: P raaldant, Mra. F. T. Work; vlte-prealdent, Mrs. Arthur Mudd: eeoretary, Mrs. Edw ard Ludlow, and traaaiirer, Mr*. Even D. Edwnrd*.

The men of the Kllburo Memorial Free- l>y(crl*n Church gre arrang ing a minatrel tiiow.

An exhibition of moylng pleturea of a rHiglous and educattonal charaetea will be given thU afternoon an d evening a t the Church of the Sacred H eart. The proceeds will be devoted t e the uses of the church.


R i b R o a s t g IS lio lt>*B o n e l e s s I * o t R o n s tg ISde Itoa

Bottom Rounds and Rumps of Corned Beef, 1 t c lb.

1 Mre. T,IIIIan Smith, of Marlboro, Is vla- Rlng her ilster. Mra. W llllani H , Corey, ton Watson aranue.

A cantata, entitled "A P illa r of P lra." Ill b* *u9^ lu the EUfimeth Avanue

' deriau Church on W adneadgy avtn- May I; nndar th* anaplcaa 4it tb*

500 Choice Miik-Fed Calves Will Be Cut Up and Bold at These Very Low Prioes:

o f V e t i i e t i o St>.„ ■ tk o u td a B r a i o f V e a l e 1 0 ^ 0 I t ) .

o f ' V * a l e l-dto I t ) .

R tA E X ip g i o f 'V c a a le l-S o l b *

V e a l O b o p M * i f S o l b .

. ;,V m ng , cliurctt.

ly ...womaii'f HUMdan .Band of th*

Cuts of the Fit feat Corn-Fed Jersey Porkz ^ o l n a o f P o r l c p 1-So l b .

X ao lrk P o r l c O b o f v a , I S o l b .

• b o u i i c l e r * o f P o r l c * l O o l b .

X . e » f I^ c a r d t l O o i b .

Best Sugar Cured Boneless Bacon 17c. Ib.BY THE STRIP

Best Sugar-Cured Cala Hams lie. Ib. Best Bolognas and Frankfurters 12c. Ib.

F i i f s ’ F * e © t S 8 o # K a o h

Fresh Killed PoultryFricasseeing Chickens - 14c. Ib.Young Jersey Fowls - - I Sc. lb.Fancy Broilers - • - I7c. Ib.Dry Picked Roasting Chickens 19c. Ib.

E xtra SpecialFANCY CREAMERY BUTTER 25c. Ib.

300 Harrison Ave., Hairlson.

21 Kearny Ave., Kearny.

■ ^ . , 1 , 1 1 III!


Prescriptions Carefully Compoundedand a t v er y m o d e r a t b p r w b s

T h e ^ o f '

MENKESHair Invigorator andHair Tonic and Dand-

- ....................... ..

ruff Remedyp re v e n ts y o u r h a i r f ro m fa l l in g o u t, a n d r i d s y o u r sc a lp of th a t a n n o y in g ^ n d r u f f

Yonrscslp thould be looked i f tar very cvefuUy—dand­ruff "Mts'* into the sctlp, tnd the sure result Is baldness. The dsiiy uteTIt these Menk prepsrstions keeps your setip snd hair right

Monk’s Hair InvigoratorCleinies the sctlp thoroughly, remoats -dsiidniff, —

glvet a nstursi color and gloia to your h tir tnd kesps Q U C your hesd In ekcellent condition. Per bottle..........

O tir Hair Tonic and Dandruff RemedyKill* the dandruff germ, prevgnt* hsir from fatUng - J E* ^

out tnd helpa the natural growth of the hair. Should be L- uiod dSlIy By every one. Bottle ......................... ............

---------^MENK’S 47415---------Carts Bheumtlsm snd Gout!

If ja ii n fle r from either acute of chronic Rheums- tism or Gout, "Menk's 47415” is the remedy that will re­lieve your pain quickly and cure permanently. 25c. snd 50c.

M ARKET NEW ARKThe Best, Most Reliable and Dependable

m i T H O U S EReliable an d Dependable from E very S tandpoin t

We offer you a larger and m ore up-to-date selection of

ClOTHINfl, CLOAKS, SUITS, MILLINERY, SHOES & BATSth a n all o ther sm all or large Credit Stores In th e S tate of New Jersey com bined.

OPEN AN ACCOUNTnow and let u s dress you for th is com ing season. 50»000 fam ilies in th is S tate can testify th a t the claim we make* th a t we are th e B e s t Credit House in this coun try , is indisputable.



216 Cast Ferry 8t. 3 t8 Sprincfiold J^e.s 347 Warren S t

If your past record is sa-tisfactory. we doi\'t fveed 9^ny protection— \are satisfied to trust you with our mercha.i\dise. knowing tha.t 'we i

■we we sell

only trustworthy goods.

NO RED TAPENo Inquisitory methods, no interest, no publicity* Every article la

marked in plkin figures and that price holds good whether you pe^y cash or desire to pay same weekly or monthly.

OUR GUARANTEEas to prices, sa.ys: tha-t if you can buy the segme goods in any other house on the same terms for less money, we will either refund or credit your account i^itK the difference. -

FURNITURE S CARPETSCkwa.y below cost. We are going out of the furniture business, and every­thing must be sold regardless of loss._________________

W O L . K I ! '


Easter Sale Opportunity^Snits, Coats,Dresses,Skirts,WaistsOf Every Style and Description at WHOLESALE PRICES

We can do this because we manufacture our own merchandise. A few of our specials- maker direct to wearer. No middle profits to pay.

T h e '*R oach P e s t ” S e a s o n i s c lo se a t h a n d I T r o u b le d ? D o n 't k n o w w h a t to d o ? T r y


this vondprful, non-poisonons, duitless powder, sprinkled wher* Roaches n th er, will put an endi to them and )%ep roaches out of youi^ouse entirely. The most effective Roach destroyer la the wwld. Thooeandi of housowivos tes­tify that it’s the surost and safest Reach exterminator. In sprinkler top cans, IBe. tn d 26c

■kwlBTM at I S miIx* Fartr.lEmplOF** at O, Wolf A Co.. att*nd*d

W tiMOir* paHv iriv.n'laat nisbt In bonur ' ^ Le* Huberman, wh* ha* b*«n In th*

iplqy D< the toncern for ten year*. I ] profll th* Arena reccaurant. whana din- jfS WM emiaa. the partr waat ta WiUa-'

TnSlffg> . 1 1 . I

M E N K S PrescriptionPharmacy

Snappy Spring SuitRBOULAR PRICE $20.00

X ' " 1 4 - 5 0tTo*morrow *

Of new Spring weflvei, in taleat mixtures and stripts, callars, reversandcuffttrltifbied with Skin­ner's sails and lined with best quality of peau de cygne.

All Wool Serge CoatREOULAR PRICE 116.00sp«..i I Q .5 0

To-morrow •Of fine serge, collar trimmed with ponKC in con­

trasting colors, silk tie liniihed with (assels, novelty buttons. A remarkable value at IIO.SO.

Beautiful Serge SuitREQ U tA R PRICE $2S.OO

1 6 - ’ ®To-morrow * ^A«d iklrt; Ha*6 with tho b«tt qUAlity nf p w a

A Majtfiiflcent Assortment of High Grade Waists

buttons. A remarKaoie vaiue at2 ^ 0 C H A R Q E > y O R A l v X K R A X I O B g S I

KKWAKK EVENING NEWS. 'FBIDAt. APiHE 7. i i l ; rrr-i'

HAY HIT SNAGI ' ' Oppositiofl la y Detdop to Soaef «f the Neasores Proposed hy

Senator FreUnffaiyaeo.


■fWtal fn m a S ta ff CarmpCHitnt.TRBNTON, Aprtl 7 .-N ot *)1 of tlio

Mliaol bllli Introduced by Giuiotor Fro- Ifafhuynn, In bcordnnco w ltb tho recom- mondaUont of 1h« rrtllnchayoen School CommlMlon, will hovo tho oatno oooy clod­ding through tho Benalo as tho half doien bill* of tho soflei which oltppodi through yritordhy. Sohator Froltiwhuykon did not call up tho moot Important of tho moosuros yotterday because many Ben- atoro were aboont.

In addition to tho Khool bills posaod In tho itionJng, the follnwlng were die- posed of at tho nftsrnoon sosslon:Senate Hi. authorlilng tho trusteoa of

tho oohool fund to arrange wUh munic IpallUo* to change ooupoo bondo to

; mgtatered bonds, and providing for tho ’ itomplng on all coupon bonUn In tho poo- .session of the truotees tho words: ‘This lit the property of tho trustee* (or the iUpport of Fubllo schools.", Sonoto 2M, providing for classes for

^ebBdron who are heldw the normal,:f Bdltate iff, provides thut no contrast yljDr dlsbursomont of school money shsU J.M node until the money has boon ap-

priotsd,'> The Senate peissd also yoelorday a f te r '

^ House K7 and House 80d The first lixtends the dog tax act to boroughs and 4he second Includes boroughs under the

e t relative to the payment of loss sui- Lined because of dogs.

^C hairm an tioavltt, of tb s Monlolpal Cor. aUoni Cominlttee, reported ohveral ndtaents to Senate lOS, which reduces

) membership In boards of chosen tree- Istd srs In seoond-olass oountles to five.

i,amendment makes th s m easure man* i^ory Instead of dependent on the will of

he people. Another rem oval the olauee qnlrtng th a t not more th an three of the

i f t^ o ld e r a p ^ i be members of ons po- I litloal party, Ths amendments were i adopted perfunctorily on seoood reading. * Among tho bills reported In the BenoteI yseterday afternoon were two meoauree I Senator Johnson provtdtng for n I (Im holdsr districts In Bergen County.

t b e only new bill introduced In the Ben- gto yeeterday woe;

By Prince, to provide a strlpter metlfSd tor sonvertlng coupon bonds registered

1 boBdi, of school dlstrlots; by rtquiring tW tuiV m o t’BoanS of Bduegtlon to r such

b t of the date of... ___ I pt'Board of Bduegtli

't i ip o s e , and ilndort TSgUtratlon,«t sutft htf&4s by tho district clerk. . ■‘ ,-

—jn ------------------ • _ > , _________ . . .


i apsots i f rm s Staff Ooms^Mdsni.;S; TRBNTONT. April 7.,-If Oovsrnor WIl-

agrees TO the . eatqn t e t oflk lng hts ure to the measure, a bill which , th*«H P>e yesterday through the

■M of m . IBseX men will put an end faoUonai row In Milford Township,

iterdon County, which bos kopt th a t munity hopelessly divided fqr tho lost

y e a r i| t Is a bIB to Inoorporate the township| s borouglh a(td ^ a a to r Osborne Intro-

ueat of Senator Qab-Itdb of Kw^tsstden, The la tter did not

: to tak*,gfe)( PfJk/In the Bght among 1 oonatltiMBta:" Whep the proposed (aw

line up la the Houae, Mr. Matthews, of 'Itnteridon, th e leader of the m ajority, ItoOrsd the eoample of the Senator from

oonnty by refusing to vote one way r another on the propoiltlon.

,^Tj|r. Boettner, of Eknex, apoke fo r th a JL but took care to make no referenoe

^ th e factional feeling In Hunterdon over 7 th e m atter. He aald It ebould be pssaad, ] Bad everybody except Mr. M atthews v o M : for u.

— — . .I. ......... ■■■„................



{ ipsslal from s Staff (fMvssposdsiii

i TRENTON, April E.-WKon President Ackerman lays aside hts gavel at the eioee of the preeent seeslon of the Ltaglalature be will retire permanently from legtslO' ttve life. After oli yean la the Senate,

t he has announced that It wHl be lm> ' pomlble for him lo continue longer In the ' Bennte

It If looked upon ox probable that the I honor of being HepiibUou oandidate tor I the BinatorieJ toga fa Union County thlit «.ehl ..111 ^ a ^ ____ . . f . .f (aU will go b r (inaalmens eoneent to Ai- { semblyman Lloyd Thisnpson. Mr. Thomp-1 son l i now sorvlng bl> seoand term In ' th e House. Ho Is regerdod a s one of the { 1 ^ 'I l k e d men In either hranoh of the i4A glslaturo. He woa re-Oleoted last fall, yan d w as the only Bepubllcan lagislatlvs i^pandtdate to oOcape th e Democratic land- j^ lid e to Ubioq Goonty.

Is espaoted th a t Mr. Thompson will '^ a v e Assemblyinan Calvin 3t, Brodhsod.1^** Oemoeraflp follsagua as opponent for y the SenatonMp this toll.


TRENTON, April 7.—Two candidates P M ed the civil Service examination held February n for the position of sta tistician and aocountant to the Board of Publto U tility Commlisloneri, They were Henry-------—-...MS A s a v ^ v r e x e J

f t tffon,^ M ew rtr. am^ Franklin Hey-deoke, of B ast Orange. Both immee w„. be oertlfled to the aammlielon. which may eeieot either oandidate. The positloh paye M.U0 a year.. The examinations held a t the same time fo r the poeltlon o f-assis tan t auditor In the State departm ent of aooounte were u s s e d ' by E. Raymond Qlover, of Cam­den, and Albert F. Hall, of Montclair The salary Is Both of these nameswill be cm-ufled to the S tate auditor.


Bpsolat Ptapolch to the ETSSINO SaW S.TRENTON, April T.—Placing a stric t

construction upon the language of the tax ac t of 19(B, relating to exemptions, the S tate Board of Equal listlon of T aiee haa dismissed an appeal nied by the Bancroft Training School, of HaddonReld, asking that an aBsessment be set aside. The de­cision of the board Is, m effect, a reversal of a Judgment rendered by It in 1907. when an Bssesement for UOfl on the same prop­erty was set aside. At th a t time no opin­ion was given.

The Bancroft school !■ a Now Jersey corporation, having a capital stock of tlOfl.OOO. Its object, os stated la the ohartsr

To maintain and operate a trainingIsschool for the mentally deficient," It was admitted by counsel for the school that tho Institution Is conducted for profit end that large fees are charged and received by It for the maintenance and training ot Its pupils. The claim for exemption woe reated, not upon tho ground th a t the school le a charitable Inetltutlon. but solely upon the fac t that It Is owned by a corporation of New Jersey.

Uader the former general tax law, In- atltullona controlled by New Jereay cor­porations and used as asylums or schools ■,fOT the core and education of feeble- 'm tnded or Idlqtto peraottH and children were exempted from taxation. By the act of 19® k change w as made regarding ex­em pt property which the S tate board eon- Btrues as a Wglslatlve pnrpose to grant Immuntly to charttlee which are charitable Iti fact, even though they be partly stip- jm rted by fees from beneflcIarleB, and to exclude from exemption ehterpriBss which m ay be benevolent to spirit but which are condnoted for private gain.


Special Easter Showing of Waists—Pongee, Foulard, N et and Many Other Kinds

Foulard Waists to Wear With Tailored Suits, $3.85 and $5W aists o f character

and originality — a n d behind that quality.

Prices 0 f pongee waists are $5 and $6.50. As most are copied from costly imported models, they give unusual style at moderate prices.

Japanese Printed Crepe Waists, $5.50

Buying the im porter’s Japanese squares of this Japanese printed Rne cotton crepe, we can offer all sizes in our rich color com binations at $5.50. Only a very few, so please see them early.

Pretty Net Waists, $5Two uncommonly good models lined with

China silk o r jacquard silk and cottOil. Attracr- ively lace triratned and with round necks and % sleeves,

Unusual ones at $5— dainty stripes trimmed with a touch of green, blue dice patterns with green and spring like Delft blup, and navy trimmed with red. At $3.85 either black and white, navy and white, or Copenhagen and white.

Wash Silk Waists, $5Beautiful pale blue, striped white wash silk

of heavy quality which will launder. Tailored man-like style with collar of same, $5.

Chiffon Waists, $5, $5.75, $6.75Laces and other pretty linings show through

their chiffon and m arquisette transparencies. High or round necks, some with embroidery and lace frills— many color combinations.

Sample Lingerie Waists, $1.50 to $3

A few hundred waists, the designs seldom to be seen elsewhere in New York, Some hand embroidered, a few trimm ed with linen lace—a good variety of styles in more or less broken sizes; some that sold at considerably higher prices have been culled from our own stock, be­cause down to two or three of a kind. $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3, Third Floor, Old Building...

JOHN WANAMAKERF orm erly A , T, S te w a r t & Co., B ro a d w a y , h o u rth avenue, E igh th to T e n th sL , IVew York

For Falling HairYou Run No Risk When You

Use Th is Remedy.

Ghe Hou.se o f V n t o n Made Clothing


For the Best $10 Suits and Topcoats in the State


C o m e in , ju d g e a n d b e c o n v in c e d th a t o u r b e t te r c la s s o f c lo th in g w e s e l l is th e b e s t m a d e a n d c h e a p e s t in th e d t \ ' a n d th a t w e w ill save yoit money 12.00, 13.50 & 15.00

Judge our Boys’ (Clothing by our $3.50 Special, with 2 pair Pants; values 6.00.

Of all-wool cheviots and cassimeres. These suits are famed for their wearing qualities. “Double Service,*’ the extra trousers just doubling the life of the suit

A Large A ssortm en t of Children’s Top Coats a t All Prices

Before you place your order for your EASTER SUIT see U 5 . W e have th e m o st u p -to -d a te C ustom D epartm ent and th e la r g e st a ssortm en tin th e c ity . E very g a rm en t gu aran teed or m oney refunded. SU ITS TO ~ ^ "ORDER FROM $14 TO $35

Men’s lioo Mercerized Pongee Shirts, Special at 1 .0 0These shirts are made with soft turnback cuffs, choice of helio,

gray, cream, tan, blue and white; also neat colored and black stripes on white, tan and gray grounds; some with collar attached, made in the best possible manner by our own shirt makers and guaranteed \ custom fit, sizes 14 to 18, special a t................................. ............ *

50c Spring Neckwear

In p la in c o lo rs , s t r ip e s

■' ■'. 2Sca n d f ig u re s ; a l s o k n i t te d t i e s . . . ___

Oar $1.50 Batis the best hat that the money will buy any­where in th ecity.

L . S N Y D E R , 82 Market St. Cer.YastiiagtM

Foltattaa illxt»d«'a Sniao,JifXKtal (rma S ta ff CarrttpaaSeiit.

TTiHlNTON. April 7 .-Th« Balentln# bill, .. providing for the extension of time within >. which pollution of the Possotc River m ust ■ cease to December M, 2914. Instead of De-

cember II, 1919, passed the Benate in chn- "iriuvaoc* yesterday afternoon and will xnw ' ' go to .the Governor for h ts al*risture. r t o

W e promise you that. If your hair la falllnv out, and you have not let it (o too far, you can repair the damage already dona by ueln* Rexall "M" H air Toftlo, with persistency and regularity, for a rea­sonable Icnpth ot time. I t Is a sclentlfio, cleanslnp, antiseptic, germicidal prepara­tion, th a t destroys microbes, ^ m u ta te s good circulation around the h'ltir roots, promotes hnir nourishment, removei dan­druff and restore* hair health. I t 1* oa pleasant to use as pure water, and It ta delicately perfumed. I t Is a real toilet necessity.

■We w ant you to try Rtxall "9S" H air Tonic with our promise that It will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly sa t­isfied w ith Its use. I t comes in two s in s , prices BOc. and 91-90. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies In this community only a t otir store—The Rexall store, P etty 's Pharm acy, Prudential Building, E- H. Petty , Prop.

r«,l V 'I

*nnfe F i i i e B l

Tfait Genuine Rogers Orange Spoon FREE

12 ''SuDktot" Oriuut* (orari udgend thaoiL*b m }to £2o to par chtirveB*

wiUptesentyott wiibiMHMROteriO-MbMiMBl deftly......ffaPlIty* Beffio •ti’Vhig wrop- iMi* today. SendU Sonktor wrapHtf and He for aach addftfoBal ipooQ. tn rgntlHinc, piMM Mnd le

tbe enwuixt U > wa 94a: on amount*1 14o w* profer nooer

afdars ttpMMMtorilerot bank draft. iiran*taendea»b.t We irill be atoll to >004 rtmeoaplata Rktot rala.

able p fe m la u a . W‘ iiooiir both

"Rad Bail" eraa paa* tot praBlm&a.

The oruige ii (he most luscioae and healthlal

fralt. CallCorato exceli la quality of oraDges. The

Mat ot the Catilorsla o ra n g e s a re cow

packed lo Icdlviduol ^wra^pen MMod "San-

Five thowtidoraD0e (arm-, era In Colitorala do their own ,

’ packing, abtpping and selling. ,They grade and select their cron ‘

Into ''firsts," "seconds," etc. The firsts are tancy, tree-iipened, taand-plcbed, aeed-

less, fibretess, th in -sk inned ornnoes—etreiy lodi- v ldnal o range a perfect specim aa o f the finest voriatp

of o ranges. T hey a re no t on ly m ora bea lih fn i an d m ore p a la tab le th an o th er oranges, b u t th ey a re a c ta -

a lly cboapar, to r they a re nearlv alt m eat an d nourishm ent. Y our dealer sells " S u n k is t" O ranges. A sk (o r th em .

THE Day :P E T T Y S

Special Saturday C A N D Y

a 9 ‘

Y ou will know (hem by the tissue p ap e r w rap ." S n n k ln " O range U «p e r in w hich each _______ ____

packed . O n the w rap p er note th e label, ' ’ ‘S u u k ll t ." K eep a l l th e w np p o ro .

T hey a re w orth m oney to you

^Best California LetnonaCome in "Sunkut” Wrappers

fff// Ton can ladsraltmoBB by they wear. I(they wear 'Sunklat^wrappefi they pra Juicy and food*

f for they are Bot^ck-ddjuad Of sfUiy, They are iu itaaflo t a i "SuBkllt^’ OradffC^t and tUellf wrappers a n eQaakTy valuable.


Largest Storage

Warehouse in Newark. CO VERED

VAN S and Expert


^ r a X A B L E ’*

Carpets and Furniture

73 H A SK EX ST. ' I S S ^CASH

nLL, rK IC lie MtaRKwU In PLAIri riGURES

W H Y W E W A N Tlt*» not BECAUSE weVe New Jersey’s largest eomplete home-

furnishers that we’re urging your trado our way. Siao doesn’t A L W A Y S mean best values.

It’s not BECAUSE we’re over half a eentury old thrt we’re seeking your confidence and good will—Old age does not ALW AYS mean progretsivenesa.

We’ re aeking for your patronage simply, eod eolely becauae wtiaironagL __argest it’s possible for sny organization

to offer, no matter what conditions may ba<Como ln~and PROVE IT TO YOUR LASTING SATISFACTION. Among the new Spring lines, you’ll find:

$ 16.60rO B THIS


D r e t t t r !In Qoldsn Oak,B lrd te y e M apla o r M t n o g a a 'y V e n e e r ; aw e llf r o n t d es ig n , bevel plate m ir ­r o r . A re g u la r $ 2 2 D re sse r In every detail — C o m p a re and

see. Also R e g . $11 D R E 55E R S , Qoldeii O ak, a t f 9 .0 0 .


Parlor S u itsIN ALL THIS TOWN I

Amonv tha B«d-Tarr*e Tnr Soaelal Valnco, A ik for—

Tho THREE-PIECE SUITSA d I f i KA-TEBORA TBLODBA T 1 0 .9 U Vaiaenss.oo.A d KIT AA~-nUk Floah, Bneat*ll«, AX 0 9 . WW FaaB*Fln*li.Valaaase

Tho PIVE-PIECB SUITSA * 9Cb c a - v b b o n a v e l o d bA l A 9 .9 W Vala*«40.00. 5.50 For $7.as Qr«$6

WhiteEaameied BEBSTEAIS


Brass knobs and nails; guaranteed construction; all sizes.

nON SUITA t A A O O - I a B1I<K V B L O D B A T valaateo.00.

Also, Special Line of Regular $4.5 Enameled Beds; all sizes; at '

CAR PETSSpring patterns and colorings,

not shown elsewhere—best values in town. Among them note the—

65c. (Cotton Chain In- R R n grains, yard...................... U U w

$1.30 Double Ex; Tap- 1.05estiy C*rp*<>. )**•■<*•

| l .50 Axminste r Carpels, 1.20borders to match; yard..

Ifigidc^ liwtd PAd Lined

New 1911 line of China and japan Mattings— look ’em over next time youYe tn.

Linoleums and Oilcloths—sur­prisingly little prices.

IHfihfli Cibiiit Ti U b i

—In Golden Oak; regularly $7.00.L««e stock o( KITCHEN CUP­

BOARD TABLES—wide range ofattractive prices.

Extraordinary!] FyrnitHn1.95

Box Scat


‘As usual we’re ready with an un-

Qenuine Leather Slip Seat—Golden Oak Frame; worth every cent of $3.50.

usually large variet y of re­liable Porch and L a w n Furniture, at lower prices than usual!

A LiO Offering IReg. $1.50 Cane

Seat Dining 96o 65cChairs, a t..4

Reg. $5.00 Box Seat, genuine lea­ther bottom, Din­ing Chairs, at


for Porch Rockers, like cut, tn green and natural—value 85c.

Regular $1.00 grade Lawn ^nches; s p e c i a l

11.00sion. Value $I6JS0.

At 6.75-The At 9.75_The

-T h is Massive Pillar Leg, Claw Foot EXTENSIONTABLE-d feet exten-


$10 Grade. $14 Grade.

Craftsman FirnitnreThe favored furniture tor city

and suburban homes.We have one targe apartment

devoted solely to Mission Pieces.



dlMcia WA

B ri(g c<9 po oxiuri •pnoi

I Cuttoi I m«ml

I oatua r.us.

I from M em iD«nil of K( Kelio Dako Gmitt Brow ingto

Aa referi mltte thoui chair Conti barth and i powt albllll haod ho 0 of th so tc alder dtt r ■non provi will Plaoi him I tolrm

On aenti Jorac aeere cui poalt Curt faryMe;o t !iK< fit



2 . 2 5

bill boa tha aupiwrt of the Faaaale V alltyOonunlaalOBora.

The above illustration is from a photograph of the Donald Company’s window displaying the various mattresses manufactured by one of the largest manufacturers in the world (the Stearns & Foster Co., of Cincinnati, 0 .) . The object of this dis­play is not to advertise the Donald Company, but to advertise the Stearns & Fos­ter’s Mattresses, which are sold by every reputable furniture house in the country. Various manufacturers spend frofh twenty tp thirty thousand dollars a year adver­tising in magazines. The Steams & Foster peopfe, in order to introduce their felt mattresses, have determined upon a unique mode of advertising by having one repre­sentative business house of every city in the union advertise their goods in this fashion. We are the gainers and the customers are the gamers, inasmuch as every $18.00 mattress is sold for $12.10 for one week only, ancT every $15.00 mattress at $9.10. The pure white layer felt, as shown in our window, is 4 feet in height. This by hydraulic compression is brought down to 4}^ inches, making It the most com­fortable, durable and sanitary mattress in the world. The best English striped Art and A. C. A. Tick is used in the manufacturing of these mattresses—each mattress weighs 50 lbs, It is the intention^of the Stearns & Foster people to sell 300 of these .at the price advertised, on terms of 50c. a week. Donald’s price for this week $18.00quality, $12.10; $15.00 quality, $9.10, Made in any size. $1.00 cash 50c’

vv per week._____________ . J

“ The Portland

tor (hit 4.50 Mii- «ion rocker. Early Englith oak, imi-

tatfoii leather teat.FIk «i tor e iito a roomo, library, bed.

1 oom*, IlrlDg room i. Call asd iw llw.

Q 7 R Vekiir CotfcliesU i '■ M —like cut. Golden Oak tranw; alto upholstered in imitation leather. Actual value $13,00.

ALSO, LOOK AT THESE :Regular $10,00 Velour —

Couenet, at..................... 7 . 7 0Regular $12,00 Vejour n _ _

Cpucnes, a t . . . . ............. S t . f ORegular 8.00 Sliding Frame Couch

Beds, couch and bed in one; coth- plete with mattress and • fioltter.............................. O -O O


America’s foremost range for lifelong satisfaction, in wear and in baking qualities—every known irtiprovemcnt — yet it costs no more than unknown makes. «Baly te bt Hid it CewptrtbRill't

The Monarch Refrigerator

i s h e r e in fu ll a s s o r tm e n t o t 1911 m o d e ls — “ B e s t” k n o w n c o n s tru c tio n , $ 8 .5 0 H a r d ­w o o d M o d e ls , a t

Hissien Libnrj TiMe, 28x48, I 0 * 6 0A rtaqtarK M qnaiU r.ixro llaflt conitroettoo,

E artr Enxtlib Oak, o a . *b«ll u n i a t cut.5.95

SEWING MACHINES—“The Old Retisbto” and “The White'*—Cash Of GO-CARTS-Every New MwleL SpBBial-"GoHapsibl6’‘ Foldipg Go-Ciris, at 65.95






y Indl"t w i a t ffnl «Qd ire acta* shmeat, }f them.


^ S H )

■ Orsd*


tegular $4.5,; at 4<3.26l


rs, like cut, tural—valua

grade Lawn75e


One of locreasel Political !■- portaBce*~8ep, Loodei-

slater Not Well


Wa s h in g t o n , Aprti 7.—T hat SfcnatorOf New Jersey , win wletd add­

ed power In the Stxty-second C o n fess Is M iured by the fac t th a t he has been •ppolnled « member of the Republican l'*'iteerlnf'^ committee, of which Senator jCmorn, of imnols, ts chairman. The / memberi oft this committee will be the / Actual "m anagers’ of the Senate busl- I r.eiB. They obtain their appointment 1 from the Republican caucus. Besides

Messrs. Cullom and TYrlggs, the other members of the committee are: Gallinger, of New Hampshire; Ciarlf, of Wyomlntc Nelson, of Minnesota; Gamble, of South Dakota; Brandegee, of Connecticul; Bmitb. of Michigan: Borah, of Idaho;’ Brown, of Nebraska, and Jones, of Wash­ington.

As things seem to be lining up with reference lo the apportionment of com­mittee pieces 1n the Senate it looks as though Senator Briggs would be made chairman of the Committee on Audit and

. Control of Contingent Expenses, the berth formerly Ailed by Senator Keain

, and one which gave him a good deal of power tn Congress. There Is also a pos-

l ' siblllty th a t Mr. Briggs may become Ihe head of the Military Committee, and if he obtains this placo the ebalrmansbip of the Audit and Control Committee will go to some other Republican. It is con­sidered probable, however, th a t Senator Au Font, of D ^ w o re . will be the flmt man on t];^ Mlltrary Committee. If such proves to be the case, Senator Briggs wilt undoubtedly be In second or third place on this committee. This will make him an influential m em ber tn military af^ fairs.

On account of hla poor health, Repre­sentative XrQudenelager, of the Plriit Kew Jsrsey District, declined re-election as searitary of the Hepubllcaa House cau­cus a lte r serving several years In that position and being urged to continue. Durtng the present Congress the secie* te ry of the Republican caucus will be Mr. Kendall, who represents a dietilct of Iowa and Is a thorough«going Insut- ge n t Mr. Loudenslager left yesterday fttf his New Jersey home, where he will R m aln for some time. The House voted to ex cu se him for an Indefinite period on aooouht bf Illness.

In the first batch of bills offered In the ,House was one from Representative IGordner, of New Jersey , providing for a /poatofflee building a t Mt. Holly. A ilmt- h a r bill was introduced In the last Con­

gress by Mr. Gardner, but failed to pass.Benator Martlne W'lU be a guest a t a

dinner party to be given th is evening by Senator Newlands. of Nevada.

BogchesGolden 0»k

in imitation 13,00.TH ESK ;

7.759 .7 5

rrame Couch none; coth*




larchatoro r tm e n t o l ;st” k n o w n 5 0 H a r d -


OrtdaateB o f ,th e Tlilrteenth At»iiu8 E v tn ln r InduBtrlaJ Hl*li School held Iheir

I eonaiB*Ticehiont and banquet a t Achtal- I Etettar's la»t night. M artin L. Co*, prln- clpal ot the aehool. acted aa toaatmaater

l i end the dlplomaa w ere presented by Ed­gar B. Brown, achool cominlailoner.

T hi g raduate, were: MSaae, Hannah Aielroth, Mae DM ney. Dorothy Fallen- ■tain, Cortona Froehllch, Rosa Oumay, Janntft Gumay, Golda Goidanberg, Elat, Kalier, Nellla MUlman, Annie Spinner, Lillian etalner, C lam Sohapiro,, Mabel Smith, Teresa D, Sseherow, Jennts War- ahowsky and Charles Boebsrt, Boslna Ds Rogy, Theodore Kyrlch, Charles Felnbarg. Samuel Ootdstloker, Joseph Gutatadt. Si­mon Horwlt*, Howard Henderaon, Leroy Kohi, Adolph Maalelki. H arry Moekrtdge, Jacob Nelowlt*, F rancis B. Ott, William Traiim, Louis Tanenbaum and Lou(s P. Walnlk. I

NEW ORDER AT FOSTOFFICE.I Ths oloslng o t tb s carrie rs ' windows at \ th s local postotnee^part of (the plan ot ■ Postm aster Jam as L. H ays to mlnlmlae IBunday work—will go Into effect next /Eunday. W ord was received by the post- / m aster from W ashington to-day th a t the ! department w as In hearty accord with

the plan and also approving ot ths al­lowing of time off to clerks whose duties make It necessary for them to work Sun­days.

With the exception of a tew carriers who report Sundays for the late sfternoon CoUsotlon of mall, th is branch of tho postal force will have th s lull holiday. A limited fores at clerks m ust he on hand for ths tour hours the stam p and general dsllverr windows a re open and for the lecolpt and dispatch o t mall. These darks will receive credit for the time they put In and will be entitleid to a corresponding lime off during the week, to be taken at lha discretion of the postmaster.

DECOYED TO POLICE CELL.Charged with larceny o t All from the

•partm ent of Eugene I.ehman, of Z7 Bel­mont avenue, Monday, Victor Burache, Of M King d re e t, MonUhttan, was held tn $&Dd ball to r the grand jury fay Judge ile r r In th s Fourth Precinct Court to­day. ,

Burache, who Is an acquaintance of Lehman, was eeen In hla home on Mon­day, Patrolm an Behold learned, and the la tter wrote a decoy letter to his address Id New Fork, making an engagement for l ia t night. W hen Oursche arrived Behold placed him under arreel. Sebold also (tam ed where the m an had changed a 16 blM for gold, Monday.------------- ---------------

ladorse Henahaii CaBdldacy,Ths unanimous Indorsement of itbs

Charles M. Stevens Association was given lo the candidacy of John F. Monahan for the shrievalty nomination, a t a msst- tng of the association, held last night a t 411 Market street. Officers were sleeted aa follows: President, John W ard; first vice-president, Jam es Burks; second vlcs- prssldsnt, Joseph Buentempo; recording secretary, Joseph B arre tt; ffnanotat sec- Tstary, Christopher Quinn; treasurer, Charles M- Stevens; eergesnt-at-arms, John Cahill; a ssis ta n t sergeont-tt-arms. John Carlin. The association will a t­tend the anual m instrel show of ths John F, Monahan Association, a t Krueger's Auditorium, May 8. And a commutes of the following was a,ppolnted to complete arrangem ents for the occasion: William McCarthy, Thomas Slavin. James Tag­gart, Jam es S pra tt and John Lane.

— — — -------- -- —

To A d d ers. Boy Sesnls,Curtis H. B urnett, president of th s

Board ot Trade, Is to be tho speaker ,a t tb s scout M a se rs ' Club next Monday night a t the l i M. C; A. building, Ho will speak on "W h at the Boy Scouts Can

to Maks N ew ark a Bigger and Belter Hewsrk."

Ingealoas Jnsernua.Patents th a t w ere Issued to Jerseymen

reported for the News by Drake A Co., aolloltors of American and foreign pat- en ta Firemen's building. Broad and HaX' ket streets: . G arden seed planter, J j Ballnt, New Brunsw ick; apparatus for treating ores, 1 A. Braddock, Hsddon Held: matchbox, R. Feldra, Jersey City; bending eloW otypea, E. Flower, Passalo; Olid plate f6r prim ary baltertss, J. W. Otadstons, W est Orange; foreground ray- screen, J. K . Holbrook. Newark; manger, B. W. Jaeger, Bayonne, removable borss- shos calk. W . 'H . Kem,.^ Jersey City; comer ladder fo r railw ay \ca rs . J. A. Keyes, Paterson: 010801 bowl, C. H. Kim­ble, Trenton; grinding machine, F, A, Knapp, Newark; brush and broom bridle, J , W, Kohn, N ew ark; oar, F. X, Maloc- eay, Jersey City; explosive, H. Maxim, Hopatcong; level, W, Meier and C. G. Bumford J r„ E llxabeth; container, W. F. Monro, Plainfield; needle loom, C. J. Nauen, P aterson: spring, H. F. Nehr, Jtuthsrford; producing rubber strips, J . r . o tt. Orange; pliers, W , A. Peck, Jer- e s r O ty ; scribing dertee, J. Rossell, At- lantio City: depth gage, J. S ttrlii, Ellsi- beth; Incandescent electric lamp, M. H. Welsh, N ew ark: carousel. W, H. WH- drlpk, Phllllpaburg: greai* gun, C, A. Wilson, r^ssa lc : sewing maoblne sttseb- ment, H. B. W oehrle, NewtrV. Trsde- msrks-Alinlment, liniment, cough'syrup. W. R. Kent, Englaorood; blecait.. National 'Btseulf 00n*psi»T. f e w ? efirtii 4)uaksr Brdid. ■ W. C OakU, Csaitga. I i


:\O U T o r T H t H IO M K E N T P I 6 T K I C T

r O IN U L Y o r THE HRM O f 4 J V .M U K « C Q .


To-morrow the Last Day of Our Player-Piano Sale

To-morrow night closes the greatest Player-Piano Sale in the history of Newark. Are you going to miss its unusual advantages?

YOU who have been hesitating, are you going to miss this extraor­dinary chance to save upwards of $185 on a Fine Player-Piano, and de­prive your family of the great enjoyment and the many social and edu­cational advantages which music affords.

You can't afford to. It’s your duty to your family and to yourself to come in NOW and take advantage of this unheard-of saving and our Liberal Club Plan. You can just as well have a Player-Piano for taster as not.

New 88-Note P layer-P ianos $365 to $435* a Saving of $185 an d Upward

Sold on Our Club Pla.nOUR SPECIAL CLUB PLAN PROVIDES for the delivery of a Player-Pi«no i t

ONCE, with FREE bench, upon « small cash payment. The balance may be paid in sum s of $8.00 a month and upward. The instrument will be tuned FREE for one year, and you may exchange within one year for another of equal or greater value without any loss to you.

THIS 20-PIECE SETof Near-Cut Glass


E[ W i t h E v e r y ^ 2 5P u r c h a s e o f Home Furnithinci

Given to Cash or Credit C ustom ers Alike


W indow Shade Special

The demand for these shades wag so great last Saturday tliat the sup­ply was exhausted before the day was half over. We are glad to an­nounce that we have succeeded in ffetling another lot—a quantity suf­ficient to last all day to-morrow.

They are ol opaque cloth—sue 3x6 feet, mounted on strong spring rollers, complete with fixtures— choice of white, gretn or tan. Reg­ular 50c shades, Saturday

o n Cv e a €>«



$275 to $525F or Slightly Used Player-Pianos

that Cost from $500 to $850 These are instruments that have been taken in exchange for

new Ballet & Davis Player-Pianos. The most of them are 88-note and have the latest Improvements. They are practically as good as new and are sold on OUR “GUARANTEED SATISFACTION PLAN, the same as new instruments.

This Beautiful Glass ServiceCombines 3 complete sets in one Big Premium Outfit, like illustration,

P A R L O R T A B L ETo-moHow we will sell regular

$1.75 Parlor Tables (like cut) siae 24x24 inch top. In solid oak or ma­hogany finish, has nicely A A _ turned legs; only one;to a K U p customer, at, each......... w II w

6 9 c

BERRY SETj —of seven pieces, large bowl and S IX small bowls.


—SIX piedes, including covers for sugar bowl and butler dish.

W ATER SETNumbering 7 pieces,

large pitcher and six glasses.


DON’T FORGET, TO-MORROW IS THE LAST DAY S to r e O pen £ v e n m ^ . r

Hallet ®. Davis Piano Co.607 Broad Street

^ The Home of Piano Quality and Right Prices'’

They are full size articles, 20 PIECES in all; in an imitation cut glass [ that in pattern and finish has every appearance of genuine cut glass. This set would cost you at least $7.50 in any other store. We deliver the 20 pieces, 3 complete sets, to your home absolutely FREE, with a purchase of $25 or over, in FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUQS, BEDDINO, ETC,, ON WHICH WE GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU 25 PER CENT. Both the Premium and the Savings are made possible by our reduced operating expenses— through our location being OUT OF THE HIGH-RENT DISTRICT.



3-Hour Sale ot



6 9 c a x .

II A.M. to 1 P.M. 3-Hour Sale of

Chiffon P a n a m a.Girdle Skirtstrimmed with but-

' tons, latest style, worth $3.00,


A Pre-Easter Seosational SaleThis sale m arks the unusual trem endous reductions th a t m ean a substantial saving to every

woman. O ur offerings should bo investigated by ail those who appreciate money-saving prices on merchandise of the highest quality.


lie 8IA9EI

From a large ship­ment of matting just re­ceived, we have select­ed 100 rolls lor a rous­ing bargain sale to­morrow. It is a smooth edge, closely w o v e n quality, in neat color! effects, a genuine 15c i quality. Just for to -j morrow, yard


■\ Dr. Thomas J . Reed’s$15C0TT0NFELT MATTRESSThert’a Rest for-the Weary

You who have suffered the annoyance of sleepless nights on lumpy, sagging mattresses, give thanks and rejoice. Dr. Thomas j. Reed has built the mattress that revolutionizes the mattress business.

They are 45 lbs. weight, buiit of selected sanitary cotton felt, hygienically constructed, cov-. ered with fancy art tick; built in one or two parts; can be had in any size. A genuine $15 article, our special price,



Dining-Room Chair*Don’t miss this' cbalrl bargain iQ-morrow,| for you'll pay 1.351 each for no bctlerl chair In any other] store. The frames t of solid oak, finishedl golden and nicely pol-| lihed, Yoar ehole* of ran* or^ cotiblar w a u a t ttie*pe«lal prlco of

6 9 cLlyiHe to 4 . customer

0 . 0 ^


COMBINATION O FFEREnameled Iron Bed, Spring

and MattressOne White Enameled Bed, well con­

structed and of neaFdesign, in any size; one all-metal vermin proof spring, and an excellently made comfortable mat­tress; total value $8; our "Out of the High Rent District" price tor the OUTFIT, ALL COMPLETE, only ‘

4 ,9 8

M ost U n u su a l S a le of' H igh G rade

Lingerie Waists(like Cut)

PO Sm V B $2.00 v a l u e

High or low neck. A ,tremendous variety of newest patterns. Some with colored embroidery. Special for Saturday 9 8 t

One-Day Sale of New MessaUne Walsts«in the latest new stripes and colors; a positive $3 value; Sat only A o O v

S m art S u it O fferingIn addition to our line of strictly tailored Suits, we are showing n^ovelty

suits that are very chic in appearance. To-morrow we offer a spetcial one in serges, mixtures and Basket Weaves. Handsome garments. W orth $15.00, at .......................... ..............................

ufw iii|^ i l w c i i y


JOSEPH & BONDI19 Lafayette St., near Broad St.

m a n u f a c t u r e r s o f

IN F A N T S ’, G IR L S ’ & J U N I O R C O A T S

Dresses of exceptional worth, in striped and plain silk and messalines, also pongee. Semi-tailored effects. Tastefully trim­med. AH the new shades. Actually worth $14.00, a t ..................

SUk Pongee and MessaUne Dresses

MiA S ta rtlin g Coat V alue

7.95A beautifully tailored garment, handsomely trimmed; per­

fect fitting. The new shawl or long ro ll Collar effect. Regular $14.00 value. Saturday, special — ........................................ .. • ■ ■ •

6*1 M tO A D A T R j^ T .

. . . .1 . \


> '-ri' i


The Only Sale This SeasonSaturday, from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.

We Will Have Balance of Our Road Samples at Great­ly Reduced prices, on Sale




s; !;■


tirenor Renaius Late to Clean Up Calendar—Laws CoTer

Rfide Ran|ft


■ • n ta la r y f» r l la k w a r I M m u U n r R aa«—Pt**lda* a c W to t n U d u trU I P*U e)r-k«ldw s—XiiBlalpalltlM MarF taaaca W at L a a i O ralaaca—M arat tita a a R Ic k t ta I f a a a Clark—Oaaia aa< P lak BIIU—V alU ataa A u M ia ra ta

ip te ta l D ltpatck ta lk» BTSHISO S t m .TRSINTON, April 7.—Hemalnlng a t hli

Aaik until 10 o'clock laat night. Governor Wllasa diapoaad of a targa number of the M il paaaed bjr tha lA glilatura during Uia itaaaa t w atk. Tba following meaaurea train algnad:

Sanata IT, I t r . Oaborna, require! the State fioard of Health to tum lih meana for pravantlng bllndneia In children and (Uraota th a t a ll caeaa of dlieaied ayea aball be reported to local boarda of health wthin tw o w eeto a lta r tha birth of a child. V

Sanale tg. H r. Nichole, provide! for raeordliiM diaaolutlona of partnerehtpe.

Baaate Ml Mr. Oaborne, Increeoei the « l a r r o f the auparintandant of the Rail- w ar R aform atorr to HOW a year and per- a l ta tha aatabUahnsent o f naw ragulatloiw bi tha inatttutlon.

Sanata N. U r. Oaborne, aboUihea oon- trao t labor a t tha Raharag Reformatory.

Sasa ta M, Mr. Ntchoti, parmlte cltlca o f the aecobd olaaa to uae (or public pur- poa ti Sotabla w atara found In park lamia o r moreaUoo groonda.

Sanata tf, Mr. Law la, authorlaea the aalaa to Iha government as part of the Btta af tha Burlington PoatoSIce the lande how u tad for atorlng tha reeofda of the 8 h I Jetwey propiiatere.

Sanata Ul, Mr. Ftalder, enablea Jersey ORr to laaua boad t (or reptaclng water

Sanata IM, Mr. Oebeina Ib r reqoett). anablea IndtutrU I Ineuranee oompanlea to ta ttirn totpollcy-holden making premiumra iw n lO tj p h lw n M for a t leaat one year a per- cahtaga of tha pramlum wbloh tha eom- p u r would have paid for tha weekly c a t i o n o f anch payments.

T a M ask laJan d Ohaaaala.I Mwata U t U r. Hand, provide! (or tha ■ arttln s of chanivela of the Inland water- May from Bay Hoad to Cape U a r

■hMta IM, U r. Sllser, vaJIdatea munto- IpM bond laeues to which there baa been

detaot o r otnlialon.MMtte in, Mr. Johneon, provtdea for

HM MvMen a f coati N tw ttn muntcIpaU- Ipsiar tho aot providing for tha

of m arahaa and awampi.I ITl, H r. Johnson, validates bonds

I by m unicipalities for draining lands tha aot of IM.

ate ItT, U r. Fleldar, authorlset Jer- City to t ra c t a monameht commara-

th » founding of one o ' Ihe early " I ts w ithin lU prsaenl llmlta

XW, H r. Prince (for the praal- lablaa adjoining munlclpalltlat to

> Joint .contracts to r hnprovlng rosdi ' the boundary Una between them.

W , H r. Fielder, requiree the frtaholdera to make annual ap-

. fo r th a maintanaac* of a h e i­fe r oontagioua dlaeaiaa ether than

W . U r. Oaborne. au th o rin i the of Inmatee from tha State Home

to the S tate Relormatory, or Um S tate R efo raato iT to the State

n lu e tto n a d by the eommli- h aritlaof oharltlaa and correction! upon Btlon of Uie anperlatendent of

jLjhatitiitlon from wbloh the transfer It

Risata m U r. Oaboma, au thcrina tha of a n rs t claat elty to appoint a

; t a serve during tha plaaaum of the

Joint re io lu tloa 4 i f r . Oabhardt,------- aa th a printing of tha pnwadtnii

ac Ib i raeant oonftrenca of chartUaa and asnaaU oot a t Princeton.

, Bbnea M, U r, P tkaait, validate! hor- esigh alacUona held under the act e l U97.' T a Swrvay O alaw ata Drive,, Hoaaa UH U r, Mayer, provtdea for a aarvey of th o proposed Delaware River drive from T ran to s to Port Jarvis.

Hooas UB, U r. R addlSa, provides that th f proaeeuting deputy flih and game war- daa shall reealve M of th a penalty ool- lao ta i In each caw .

Bottsa U r. Whyte, authorlaea the Sah and game.eommlMlunera to loeue per- Milts to persona keeping or rearing game b W a and antm ale la oaptlvtty for puf- sa a w a t propagation.

Bohaa W , U r. UeLooghllk, amanda the ■awavaga a c t o f UOT by permitting the taao* of bond! not exceeding IRg.m.

B ouie V k Mr. UcCran. repeal! an act of iM fixing the duUei of police and Are commtailoQeri.

K ouie »H, Mr. McCran, provides for tho reguiatloa of th e manufacture, storing and handling o f explosives and conibintl- Mas In cltlea o f from lOD.OM to m,()IM pop- ulatlan.

H onst SK, Mr. McCran, repeal! an act of tM relatJva to boards of public works.

House tl7. U r. UoCran, validates asaeoa- tnants fo r taxaa piade by one member of a looa] board of aaseaaqn la dtlea which bava oasa divided Into aiseiam ent die- tricta,

Houae HI, H r, UeCran, amends th s sot mmUnfr a board of public works in ew-pfta la cltlea by cakihg aw ay powers which

1 VTahave been vaatsd Wsewhere by tha twg- tslatnre.

H o u e U t, U r. H liuien, autherlaee bor- ongha u id townehlps to contract for the removal of garbage and asbea

^ u s e 3K, Mr. Newman, Inoorpcratea the borough of P p iat P leasant Heighta In Ocean County.

Hooae egg, Mr. Taylor (Jiy raquest), ax- tands to r a year the tim e within which a report Is to be m ade upon the revalua­tion of railroad and canal property and roakea a fu rth e r appropriation for carry­ing on the work.


H t M f n m a g laff OanaepeiidMtIR B N TO N . April T—An attempt to

Mgallsa boxing thew s was begun in the Bouaa yaste iday aftenioon by tha Intro- duatton o f a bill by H r. Ford, of Hud- ■M- f t w as due to a a accident that oo- w to S to 00a cd the plaoea la which aueh ahM talnm enta w are given recently and which caueed th e death of a Newark JJuB i th a t pu t a stop la tha pastime. The scene of th is ccourraica was in a hall conducted by Patrick McQuIgan In Harriaon, which Ilea within Ur. Ford's county. (

Tho victim of the fatality fell from a railing on which he srae ilttlng in the gallery of the ball. Quite some time !)». fore he figured as one of tha prindpali In a bout to the piece. An inreltigailon that followed failed to dticloae any evi­dence th a t death was due In any way to any Injury the youth might have re- eetved while to the ring.

The m easure proposed by the man from Hudeon would amend the ortraea act ao th a t any ath letic club or aaaoclatlon hav­ing three tooorporatora may give the box­ing show s "solely for the purpoee nf Kliotring the a r t of boxing as a physical culture exerclae and how to defend one'a self." I t w as referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Other bills Introduced were:U r. B a n u sy , axtetida the time twe

Team for tha ootnpletlon at water works arid the laytng at w ater mains.

H r. H ^ n , fixes salaries to any town a t 8H0N populaUoB or over at memban o t Town Counall sat MU per annum.

M a L r s h d b l l S B o b l lHighest Type of 'Read^-to-Wear ---- — 8o7‘8li Rroad Street-------

Smart Easter ApparelFor Men and Young Men

Thoughtful men and young men realize that Easter is only a little over a week away and that its time to choose their Easter Outfit.

Young men who have neglected to take a look at our showing of Spring models In Suits and Overcoats are missing an exhibit of the Smartest Spring apparel we have ever produced.

Patterns are unusually attractive, many of them ex­clusive, and M. & B, individuality and tailoring skill is strongly evident in every garment.

Spring Suits and Overcoats, $12 to $35

Men’s Easter Footwear at a Saving $4, $5 and $6 Spring Samples, $3.85

Semi-annual Sale Men’s Sample Spring High Shoes and Oxfords from a prom­inent manufacturer of high grade footwear, in all leathers. Regular $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00; Samples, special at $3.85.

Saturday Specials in Our Furnishings Departm ent

MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS—W h i t e Cambric, French Corded Hemititched Handkerchiefi, full gjze. Just 50 dozen. The very newest thing In handkerchiefs, Regultr price 15c. each. For Stturday only

6 for 65cMEN’S EASTER NECKWEiAR—100 dozen solid color Silk

Bengiline 4-in-hands, reversible-—you get two ties In one; stitch­ed neckbands, making them slide easy around collar; 21 different shades; sell regularly for 50c. For Saturday only

28c or 4 for $1.00ricn’s Fancy Vc5ts Reduced One-Third

Our entire stock of Men’s Fancy Vests in the very newest creations. All reduced in price just one-third.

$2.00 to $6.00

Easter HatsM en’ s, Boys’ and Children’s

It's time you picked out your Easter Hat. Here are all the new shapes and shades in Soft Hats and Derbies, in­cluding the new low crown and wide brim for young men.

$2.00 to $5.00Cloth stitched Hats, about

twelve different color effects, $2.00.

Here is also a complete line of Hats and Caps for boys, also Felt, Cloth and Straw Hats for children, including the Jack Tar and Teddy Hata for little chaps.

Saturday Specials in Boys’ SuitsYou want your boy to look his beet on Easter, and It’a time the

Suit was selected. Here are over 50 distinctive patterns in the newa few blues, tailored up to the M. & B.Spring materials, including

standard of excellence. You’ll notice the little details in our Suit jnaking, such as the fit of |he collar, the set of the shoulders, tha hang of the trousers—little points, to be sure, but all contribute - "’*■ toward well fitting, good wearing garments.

_ Regular $9.00 Two-Trouser SuitsDouble-breasted and Norfolk styles, bottom faced

Coats; two pairs Knickerbocker Trousers, both lined, seams taped, belt loops and watch pockets; sizes'^ c A 7 to 18 yrs.; reg. $9 value; special Saturday.. * •

O ther Two*Tfouser S u its a t $3.95 to $10.50 Also O ne-T rouser Suita Up to $15.00

Complete Line of Boys' Furnishings in Our Boys' Qothing Dept, Second Floor

Two Tempting Specials in Women’s and Misses’ Easter Suits Continued

O u r D e p a r t i f ic n t o f C o r r e c t D r e s s f o r W o m e n a n d M is s e s Is a t t r a c t i n g u n ­u s u a l a t t e n t io n o n a c c o u n t o f t h e s e tw o S u i t S p e c ia l s . I t is n o t a lo n e b e c a u s e o f t h e s a v in g o n a S u i t f o r E a s t e r , b u t a ls o b e c a u s e o f t h e h ig h q u a l i ty a n d t h e d is ­t i n c t iv e s ty le o f t h e g a r m e n t s .

$22.50 T ailor-jA ade Su itsWomen’s and Misses’ strictly tsilo^msd«

Suits; extra quality French serges; black, blue, black and white check, fancy mixtures. Coats with notch collars; skirts the new- \ ^ C A est pane! effects. Reg. $22.50.. 1 / e « ^ U 19.50

Tailored A ltera tions Free o f Charge

$27.50 S m art Spring S u itsWomen’s and Misses’ Suits, made of French

serges, vigeresu find novelty mixtures. Cofit* ■re either pliln tailored or trimmed with and satin; newest model skirts. Reg.$27.50; special at .................... ..

,Yes, Yon Con Refinisk a .Piece o f Your Farm-


tfteU I from a Stoff Oorretpohdait.TRENTON, April 7,—For the flm time

In it* Ifiatory. the State Betiate will hold a Uondair a ttem oon eeeeien iq ext week. A lter a d a r devoted to (deanlnt up amalt taaritro , th e upper broach adjourned at * o'clock jroatordajr oftemoon until 4:M e'flioek U oafiar afternoon. The Houae, WMoh also adjourned rteterO ty tor the woek, will b a ^ It* MiaioB Uendap a t the usual hour, I P. M.

U ttte hope 1* held out th a t final ad- Jonm m ent will be reached next week. Indications point to a belief that tba leader* a r t rutUInc thins* a t a faster pace nqw so a i to obvlato aa touch aa ppaslbla tha haavy rush th a t has narked tha oloaiBc oC prevloiia a tse lon .

tare at OurExpenseCeU a t Oar Store forMaterialffFree

B want to prova to you, hew ilm plai how easy It l! to m ika an old placa of furniture liha'M t beanufut, laetlnt reiutia Job" ■ -■rou can let tron Johnson'! Mitarfit!.

I* w h it we live.r A Bottle of Jobneon'! Electric Solve t a Instantly remove the old finish. A bottle of Johnson'* Wood Dye—oboose your shsda (ram list

i|ow—to beautifully color the wood.A uckate of Johtuon's Prepared Was to Impart that baiutilul

Mnd-rubbed effect—protect the finish affalnit heel laarltt and scraichaa It will not catch or bold dlrt^ dust

Jo h n s o n ’s W o o d D y eI b Ab a a A aaa.m mm » Ok fi b J b .1 a h .■afi.a. .m J v . *_ x a .I* not a mere stain—not simply a surface drei*in|. It It a real, daap- SMted dye, that |oe! to tha very heart of the wood—and ttaya thora —fiilnp a rich and permanent color.

Johnaon't Wood Dye la mada In Id standard ahadat'Afc. rad Oai At. res F m s i Oram A7>. rio W n d u n i Oai N .t i> s D ark OaA No. ryr FUmiik Oak Na. i j t B ta tm W te tk tn i Na. ta s ^ s v m Oak No. i j S Broom FItm isk No. rjr G r m W oatkorti Ai?. i t& B e g Oek Aa. le S L4gkt AfakagitHy Ap. A O ^ ^ 'O e k e r A m. ije i M w Green A#. O ark M akegnity Early B n^iek

Ut tbeai demonttrata what Johnaon't Uatariala will do In your boBM.

Free Samples and Literature At Our Store

J. J. Hockenjos Co.SfREEl829 BROAD SI

K R A H A U E R» R O M . ^

Spw w f Barpains in Used PIANOS at Theif Wdr^ooms

1 7 E a s t l l t l i Slap N . Y .Krakauer Uprl*bt,,.,,......... ■mm(Slone ,v.ev....11. . . |muw a « n e r ...... ............ i : ; ; ; . : ; . : ; ; : : . ; « mwaaner............. l i l iS

............. .............ana many other bargalnaN E W P I A N O S

UoCammon Upriaht............. ■«.»KeUer * Btm* U pruh t........................|m w

■ :::::asKiakauer Plenoe (new), dlsco«a»-iad■tylei as low aa.................... ..fSoo

TERMS TO SUIT. PIAKOt To RENT.1 * .Sf* *•*♦«•< »• to* lead!.

Jto'iKw’r.Vk T r,A '* * -‘ ""***•* W a r a r ^ s ; 17 E. I4tfa St., N. V.

' C tirniiM ’t Sm CnriG of Toborealosit

To aealaet a cold, bronchitis, luna trou­ble or wnaumptlDU {■ dannarous. Take Eokman a Alterative, becauae it le elleu- tlva In TubereuloBle, plenty e( evidence from live wltnesKea. Amenla. N r

t’’’/?''. •'* “<*> I »««Orlppe. which developed Into TuBerhuto!l!, and my phyelclan cave me one month to live, fay /»thor heajd f i kfifl Induced^!t i c k to m lb* "

E. H, oowusa,^ with to add my indonatoent to avarv wort of my ion's

(Signed) itE v . J, J , CJOWLE8.

Fuller details of above nta* on reqiieat.I" for Bronchitis,

A ithma. H v Fever; Throat and lam e A petton*. f o r mie by RIkw drug etore*

l•*dtog drug:glaja booklet of cured cases, andWrite to ^kman Laboratory, Philadal- phla. Pa., tor additional avIdCDoa




W I S S N E RIf You Ever W ant a Piano In Your Home, Don’t

Miss This Chance to Buy ItHas your wife, your daughter, your

l)oy, ever expressed a desire for a piano? Do you think it is ■worth while to deny their wisli any longer, when an excellent instrument can be picked now—a new piano, tight from our factory, or one that can scarcely be told from new—For a Small Cash FayHtftif, and a Fezv

Dollars Monthly fIt is better than putting money in a

savings bank, for you are not only put­ting a fine piece of furniture into your home, which will always have solid in­trinsic value, but you are giving your chiU dren a“ chance for a musical education- placing them under the refining influences of music, and giving one of the most pow­erful attractions to the home. It means \ life and entertainment for the whole fam­ily, and brings wonderful gratification to

parents, who hear and see the pleasure that tlie piano gives to their children. In ad­dition to the pianos, there are many Playerpianos, for the enjoyment of those who cannot play by hand, and do not wish to learn.

If you ever want a Piano, or Playerpiano, don't fail to come and see these splen­did offerings—and be sure to find out on what easy terms these instruments can be bought.

We Charge No interest, Ask for No Notes or MortgagesOriginally

Upright,ebony ................... t3!S

Upright,rosewood ............... 1400

Upright,ebony .................... tlTfi

gbt, walnut




.......... MOO

ogany ..............}SSt

........... tJTI


oak ..>ht,

.............. 099'mahomr ......... tl7S

Upright,mahogany .............. tB99

Upright,manoiogany .............ItllO

*t,mahogany .,,. ......... It09


Upright, walnut ... ...ns9





upright,roeewood ............... ttfiO

Originally Now


oak .$609Upright,

walnut .$409Upright,

Hungfungarlan ash ........$399Upright,mohogany ...$17EUpright,

manogB ......$360Uprl^t,

ut .$376Upright,

walnut ..


.......$190Upright,uuhiogaaiy .$379Upright,

miLhiogany ......... ......... $369Upright,

wal;Inut .$300Upright,




Originally Now

...... $499 SI8CUpright,

rosewood ............... $490 / ]"'Krgold en oak .$$60Plane

Player .$390Upright,

roeewood .$400ht.

walnut .......,,,,$$90Upright,

oak ... .1379Upright,

manogany .$360Upright,

rosewood ................$360Upright,



Upright,walnut ......... .

Upright.manogegiy ......

............. .....$475Upright,

mahogany ...............$9$6Mannfactorer, Wholeaale and SotaU Wararooma.t : 603 Broad St.> Newark M ake no Mistake. Look

for the Name Wlianer.

You Hear It E veryw here—“ L et’s Go to R obinson’s.” Gas LampWith 12-inch green

fimber shade, SJ^dneh fringe, brass portable, fini&hed with best qual­ity lacquer - " x /22-


RonsiagSatarday Sale of Easter WearablesDress equally as good as the best of them. You can do it!


____J equally as good _________ _____ __ __ „„We will give you whatever yon desire and allow you to pay as best suits your convenience. Come in—talk i t over—we can easily convince you that ours is the most Ubtsnl Credit Service in existence. \

R e a d y to -W e a rHATS

' Moat beaotiful cre­ations, econotnicAlly priced, special for to­morrow a lot that Bold regultrly gt $5.00, tpe- ciil at. 2.98

SHOESLadlsp' Patent

Coltokli) ■ I u c her Oxford!, in the new n h n p e toes and heels; reg.Price $3.69

Men'! Viel Kid er Bex Calf Shoes—


B 111 c h « r ttylMLMild OOik M l« i__haels. Drfc«M.OO ..... * Eric*17 Smart TafloredSiiitsI? 7*v

$18, $20, $22.50 Value*

These stunning Easter suita were manufactured to sell regu- larly at $18, $20, $22.50. Exclusive, dressy, superb productions. Serges, novelties and mixtures; all new shades. Latest style coat, 22 and 24 inches long. Handsomely lined; some trimmed. Graceful hanging habit back and front skirt. Some of the most stylish suits shown this season. Regular J ^ ^ ^$18, $20, $22.50 values; Saturday, apccial.

ing,mantle and burner com­plete; the $7.98 kind,

4.49 50c. A WEBK

Extension TableGolden oak, claw feel. 42x42-

inch top. Omgmented wood stretch­ers to strengthen legs. Extends to 6 feet. Polished snd well constructed throughout; good value a t 'y a q$12, very special.............. •

50e A WEEK

l l . l l

Men’s New Spring Saits (BM«tiful gar­

ments, embody­ing all the new­est styles, fab­rics find pat­terns. Perfect in every detail.



attmps them out of the ordinary.

Assortment in­cludes thibets, fancy bluea and mixtures, Reg, price $18,

Classy Clothes for Young Menl A A A Regular W e * I1B.OO | A A AI I I I ■ I The kind with snap and ginger to them. Perfect Rtting; in fact, perfect | | | | B | A V t W in every detail, just the proper caper for right now. Wonderful values R V # W

R0BII|80N'S-I*H)-2I)I Market St.,Newark-ROBINSON’S


( :



FROM PUMP' r —* -

Eleren G u e s Necessary ta De* dde Winner in Greater

New Yorir Natch.


tompt to defond Anwrloa'i cap a o lB tt tho BrItUh cb*3!«j*«r at tha Ivchm oiit, Jjaag Island, raos In Bcpiaiotw.


HOBOKEN, April 7.~HlKh scores wore ths nils In tJis Elks’ I*afue series rolled hers last night between the local Elks and ths bowlers from Elisabeth. Each one of the totals handed In was over tbs too mark. The Elisabeth bowlers cap­tured ths first snoountsr of ths night by a score of 9M to 911 and then dropped tbs next two gamss In a row by small mar­gins. Tbs Anal gams was decided by a score of to 906. Natta of the visitors, was high with H4 la tb t second game. The scores.

F.IJZABETH. Nolle ....... l» 2 U .m


youriU O ?denvllentnewthat



Lee B. Johns, ths Oxford crack, strengthened hli bold on first place In ths Greater Now York and Intercity Indi­vidual Tournament last night by winning from Fred Pump Jr., on the Crotona al- Isya. New York. Ths series went ths limit of eleven games. Neither man rolled to hie usual form . and the aoorea were low.

The local man won the first game by a soore of 2111 to 181 and then dropped the next two gamee In a row. In the fourth set-to he accounted for 222 and showed to the front by a big margin. After losing the fifth game by a score of 200 to 190,

’ the Oxford bowler oame back and took the next three In a row. The New York­er won the ninth and tenth games, win­ning the latter by a margin of one pin, 190 to 189. In the eleventh game Johns turned In a score of 192, while Pump stopped at the 182 notch. The scores: Johns 218 ISO 1ST 222 190 196 108 180 171 180 192 Pump, 181 MS ISO 180 »0 1 97 172 167 Bll 190 187

Heins Ontbowls krhwebke.Billy Heins was In line fettle last night

and had littio trouble In winning hie Greater New York and Intercity Indi­vidual Tournament match from Ah Bchwebke, rolled on the Manhattan alleys, New York. Eight games were rolled. Heins winning six of them. With the ex­ception Of the first game all u( his totals were over the two-century mark. The scores:Heine ...... 162 216 2M 235 201 216 249 211Bchwebke 193 IW 169 HO 213 201 197 189


HOBOKEN, Keller ....189 1^197 Paragello 200 167 161 Sabatelll .313 167 191Miller ,,..181231191

Guthman -IW IW 171 Van Beg*n.l» m 180


THE INDIANSNewark Leaitie Leaders Drop

Three Game to WashioitoB Street Bowlera.

Smith, n; W. Schesslsr, 16. To-Idron, ■ inl. 317.

i n„Hnnv—Prochaska. 88; Baker, M; Har gsn, • ; Rlchlar, M; Idler, n . Total, 3S9,

I _>>irth Baptist—McOoviim, 62; Flelsch- man, tT; Emmet. 68; Hart, 17; Hutchinson, 86. Totol, 26).1 a in lon Hm-MI!es. « ; Crumby. 76; Wright. 78: C. Msril. 93; V. MSTll, 9T. Total. 874.

Centenary B—B. Mcrrell, M; Jackson. *9; Courier, 5); Brown, Ml Walpole, 98, Total, 3*.

Century—Hawk, 35; Word, 41; F'lnter, B; Green, M; Edwmrds, 48. Total, 239.



Maxion ...131 208 199 Maloney ...306 196 166Clauts ..... 176 179 218

)len- n be


1652252551502151902002301 4 a220285330300365Look





■ ALBANY, N. T„ April T ^ e u a to r idrackett. Republican leader In the Senate, U at work on a bill which he thinks If

I passed may be effeotivs In reviving horse ' racing In New York Slate.

* Senator Brackett was chairman of the EKnats committee which reported the law passed last year holding the trustees or directors of racing aseoetatlons personally liable for gambling, which has been blamed for the abandonment of the sport In this State,

Senator Brackett dosa not believe the l/sglalature will repeal the law, but has guggeatad tbs saactment of a law provid­ing for ths appointment by ths Governor of special offiosri whose duty It shall be to patrol the grounds and prevent gam­bling at races. These offloeri would be hnld aoeountable rather than the dlrec- tera.

Totals ..914 984 t s Totals ,;.954 B21 9W

Three for Brooklyn.BROOKLYN, A prllS .-The local wood

spill ere annexed three games In a row from Johnny Campbell and hls bunch of Plainfield Elks In an Elks' League se­ries rolled here last night The games were close and Interesting. The final game of the night was decided by a aeven-pln margin. None of. the Plainfield bowlers ahot In their usual form. Ths scores:

BROOKLYN. I PLAINFIELD.Fallek ....147 116 1281 Nash .......122 161 146F. Llni...l51 Itki 1K7| Tudd ........150 180 139P. Llni.,.170 112 147 Pope ....... 160 166 169Bllaaard - ..176 107 166 Stout .......160 169 169L, LIni. ..20S 194 ISII Campbell „146 169 163

Totaia . .852 790 7891 Totals .. .717 763 782

Hnthrrfurd KIks Win Three,NEW YORK, April 7,-ThS Rutherford

bowlers had little trouble In making a clean aweep of three games In an Elks' League match rolled here last night against the local Elks. The Jerseymen captured all three gamee by big margins. In the final set-to Schunmaker, of the visitors, turned in a 233 tally. The sooraa:

NEW YORK. I RUTHERFORD. Gordon ...161 135 ISl'Zeigler ...,156 189 187Bchueler ..164 H6 1671 Clark ......194 196 167Mnrkey ...165 168 136] Depken ....171 177 246Lang ....... 172 163 HSi Soh'n'k'r ..169 188 223Schmidt . .143 126 ^ Oakei .....182 m 197

Totals . .TO 726 7«l Totale . ..812 9OT 969



LAKEWOOD, April 7.-The Meadow Brook team of pololsts beat a seleoted taam called the Reds by a score of 914 goals to M4 on the Oeor^an Court field yesterday afternoon. Th^ ptkg was sharp and at timss brtlllant, the International cup defenders showing splendid teamwork.

J. 61. 'Waterbury earned the honors of the game vrlth six goals, ths largest num­ber made by one man. Foxhall Keene, who relieved H. L. Agassis after the first period of playing, ahowed that be bad not lost hit skill sither as a horssman or with the mallet.


PBOMA, m., April T,—Frederick K, Burnham, of New York City, preeent holder of America's oup snd owner of the new Dixie lit.; W. E. H an ii, of Newark, N. J„ and Albert B. Smith, of New York City, have entered their boats In the third annual regatta of the Weet- em Power Boat Aseoolatlon, which will be held a t Peoria July 26 and 26.

Park A. A' bowleri captured two out of three gumsa In their Suburban League lerles rolled last night on their own al­leys uEalnst the Celluloid team. The Parks finished In fourth place In tbs raos, three full games ahsad of ths South Or­ange bowlsrs, who were ths champions for last'season. The standing.

g tu d ta g of the Teawis,W.LHS.I W.L.HS.

N7I Turnsrstf 16 11011 Celluloid ....29 31 1048Krueger ....42 16 lOTMIndians ......21 36 906Bay View...36 21 999 BellevUle ...22 38 931Park A. A. .38 27 1912 Elks ............. 19 38. 924Bo. Orange.3D 27 1921 N k Tumere.H 41 989West End..29 28 979|

The Park A A bowlara oaptured two out of three gamee from the Celluloid pin knights In a Suburban League match rolled on their own alleyt. Both teams did some good pinning. After losing the opening let-to the uptown wood topplers found ths groove and turned In good marks. W. Kull, of ths visitors, was high with a 822 toors In the firet game, while Hinton was high for the home team with 219 to the second e«t-to. The icores:

CBLAULOID. I PARK.Krayl ......1T71611771 Hinton ... .164 219 218W. Kull....222 188 146|Dowden ...163 176 193J. Albert.,.W 186 1621 Boai ........ 147 168 128F. Albert..146 143 178|Lever........ 166 161 169E. K ull....191 167 221 Jackson ...215 166 210

Totals ...tM 779 Totals . . . i i s 6 9 M

m i E S R NINES.

Ttidlan l^eniru# bowleri moved up to third plRC« In tha Newark LAa«u« r&oe last night by winning tbr«« ganifli In a row from the Roseville quintet. The lead- are can Btlll win lirst money In the league, provided that they win two out of their next three gomes. The standing i

Siuudlng of Ike Tcanu.W.UH8.I W.UHS.

Roseville -.40 17 lOHllWest Bnd..,*1 a9 1013 N'l Tumerall lOlO^iPark A- A..30 >0 1048 Indians ....36 21 lvii:iN’k Turnersaa 38 957 Kruegers ..3T 23 i03l|llellevine ...22 36 1043 Northera -.31 23 llOOlCelluloid 3 57 860 Elks .......... 2S 26 9 ^ ^

Republican Indian trOague bowlerit roH- Ing 00 their home drives, gave the Hose- vllle wood topplers a severe Jolt last night by making a clean sweep of three games In a Newark League series. The R. A. A. bowlers were counting on win­ning a t least two games from the Indlahig and Incidentally make certain of the title of champlohs for the 1910-11 season^ As It Is now, the Roseville bowlei’S must win two out of their three Teznalnlng games.

The Indians won the first game by a score of SIO to 762, and followed It up by winning the next set-to, which wai oloec from srtan to Hnlsh, by a margin of four­teen pint. In the final set-to the Indliuu tallied 858. while the league leaders netted 7M. Not a stngle double century ecore wae recorded. The ecores:

ROeBYILLE. 1 INDUNSj Jackea ...168 168 129 Milne .....166 161179 Barrett ...136 169 145 McTYrlght 178 182 198Jennings ..151 1.56 166i Kline ......l a 184 152Grover . ...ID 1461841 VajiNost'd 181170167 Negley ....117 1WY«| Neale ......^

Totals ..762 799 7961 Totals ...880 811 869


The Tuxedo A quintet woo two t m n on ths Tuxedo alleys last blgfat to a pooed lertss In the New Jersey National five-man toumoinent. The Tuxedoi won from the Le Gltse and Bfyn Mawr teams. Only two memberi of the former live rolled against ths Tuxedo pin knlgbto. In the final gams the Bryn Mawr bowlSrs won from the La Giles rspresentatlwa Noaek was high man, with a 184 tallT, registered against the Bryn Mawr teeun. The sooree:

„LE GUSB. FerrkM .............. 148Wood .......... . 169

The AoUve Camping Club, composed al­most entirely of residents of the Tenth Ward, will hold Its twenty-second sniuial reception and ball al Doelger's hell. STui Morris avenue, on April 17. Invllatloiit have been 'Inued by Secretary Wllilsm A, O'Brien. The committee In charge of the affair Is composed of C. F. O'Brien, James F. Kyiand, James J. Hyland, Thomas McDonald, P. O. O'Brien. James J. Mc­Laughlin; H. V. Bloan, Joseph Paiitta and Nell Murphy.


IN CUP FIN ALHoward-Bolloo^hs and Hiber­

nians Will Settle American Cbampionship Sonday.


Ana) at tha American Cu^ tie oompetl- tlon. The oonleat Is attracting cofiskl- eiWble attention throughout the' sonSer football world, and a close gams Is looked forward to, u tha two alavans are evenly matcbeA '

Captain O'Toole, of the Rhode Islanders, la oorfident that hls taam wilt win, as the men are tn first-olasa comlltton. The Hibernians have been practising at Phila­delphia, and are counting on winning ths cup. which Is now held by the Tactmy sloven, also of PhlladelphU. The team from "Slowtown" will come to this city Sunday morning, accompanied (by a large number of rooters. Ths Bhodb Islanders era due to arrive In this city shortly bo- fore the game starts, Harry Dale, of Pat­erson, will referee the game, while the linesmen will' be A. Montgomery and J, Nlsbel. The klckoR will take place at I o'clock aharp.

Football followera will asaemble at Mor­ris Park on Sunday allsrnoon to see the game between the Howard-Bulloiighi, of Pawtucket, R. I., and the Hibernians, of Philadelphia, who are to meet in ths


Prince ..........198 m | Nngal ........... H7107Pate .............200 ITSi MrC'loekey ...14) 144Reilly ..........ITS 908 Emerson ....... 149)91

Totals ....... 671 KT81 Totalg ....... 468 618Dlisn-Forfolted four games.

Pop alar Ptietd Ctotkt$ toOrdtr

S u its a n d O v e r c o a ts$25, $28 and $30Why pay as much or more for reacty-matte garments whan you can make your selcctton from the largest and most var­ied stock in the State and have it made in any style you desirt? No such goodi at the price to be had anywhere ta ditpltyed in our show case.

Tha Flneat Bogllah Importetl Ooodi 135.00

823 BROAD ST.Cor. Branford Place

TUXEIJO A, _Noack ................ 168Freeman ............ 198Hoagland *....... 166Pierson ............. 191Welngarth ......... 188

......... 862


Total .............LE OUSE.

Ferrari ............MuU .................Roach ................ 159Dwyer ................ 1*8Wood ..................1*9

Total .............. >09

Total . an

M' BRYN MAWR,_„%lasler .................156Hilliard ■............. 174Gugelman ...........292Eyrloh ................ 13*

Totals................ 878TUXDDO A ( BRYN MA'WR.

NoAck .............. SM .............Freeman ............. 16D Hllllart ..............159Hoagland ...........193 Ku«elm«i .......FloTion ...............150 MaJer ..................JUWvlng&rtk ....... SIS Syrlcli ............ 174

Totals Total ......... . 686

Winners a t ths Peoria regatta will a t- 16 NInstsenth avenue

Tha Watohung A C. of West Orangs Is after the soalpa of eleven and twelve year bid leaibu James Bartlett, care ot Tbonios A Edison, Ino., West Orange, Is the oluai soalpar,

Frank Ganigan, manager of ths Car­dinal A C„ Is booking games with 11(- tesn-ireap-old teams. Hls address Is 84 Johnson avanua

The Oentre A A of East Orange would like to arrange games with fourteen and fifteen year old teams. E, Meniel, ot 71 Bedford street. East Orange. N. J., Is ths managsr.

hfanager Frank Dutter would like to hear from some .good left fielder, Ths City Unas went to play eleven or twelve year old teams. Address Frank Dutter,


Beck .......... 148 124S Bohlegsl ---- 174S e lle r.......... 191 134|01atrotn ......... 167Hchcohtsrle . 126 167| Sohweltxer .. 166


12x42- retch- ids toDieted.49

f psctel from o Nfaff Corrsipoedoai.LAKEWOOD, April T.—Owen Moran,

ttM little prtsoflghter, who la training here to r a fight to Ohio, attar eeatng Jeok Cull ponob the bog and box a few rounda with ooma of the other playere In the Indians' squad yesterday, said th a t tbs big Hawarker would make a great fight­er, and tipped him as a new "White Hope." Cull, though big and awkward In appaarance, ahowed great cleverneas In handling himself, and "Dick" Cady, who worked out with him in a friendly UtUa matob, said that Jack's lovs taps WWuld hdlt a Texas steer. Moron watched the worti ot Cull with great interest and was not stingy In giving the husky beaver a point or two on ring generalship. Cull is young and strong, but as yet does not taka the boxing game seriously. Moran 'was talking about Cull's workbut last night and said that it the big fellow bgd the proper Instruction he would make a great figliter, with a good chance toiwhlp JSok Johnson. ■ Moran Is a con- Btaat visitor a t the camp of the Indians and tried to get the Redskin to tackle the Munt of performing In a squared olrola tasleiul ot on the diamond, but jBdk rspUsd that he liked baeeban so well th a t be would play for nothing if he was Sara of enengh to sst.

CRANE TO KEBT COULD.BOBTOM, April T ^o ah o a d ra n a of this

c ltr, dsdsatsd bis olubnuta Charles T. ItasssU. to straight ists to tbs final match of natlosal eourt tannls obamplonshlp tsstnam ant hart yestarday, thsrehy gain- lag ths opportunity ot playing Jay Gould,

ju u n c o cu e

fhs preeent ehamplon, tor the title. TTia soorea wore; 6—2, t - t , 6—1. The ohallenga' match will ba ptoyed to-morrow.


«O NADE.lis in itielf

Total. ... . 4)6 426 Total! ...... 6OT 464■ HYDE PARK

.. 177 1831 Dlcklnaon .. 190 m2881 J^nklna ... .. 143

Schwaltxar ,164 169 Pow«ll ....... 171

Totola ... .. 491 680 Total. .... 486 413HYDB PARK. THREE TWINS,

Bloktnaon ... 167 167 Back ........... ISl4. lee m fleller ......... . ibi 169

SobvroICMr . 164 i tt Bch«lit*rla . 164 142

Total. . .. W 4T3 Totali ...... . 663

lfERCANTTl,]& LEAGUE.WE8TINOHOUBE. i HTA-ra.Hill .......171 138 169( Watson ...168 187 136Farrell ....164 136 816, Horack ...188 186 184BmiUi ...184 U8 176 Manofield .ITT 144 188 CrConnoll JM8 iSs im MusstU ...TO 144 1» CUItt ....... 128 IG UW Duffy .......141116 l a

TotaU ..869 6)0 id Totals . ..T O itin i

READPIN TOURI6AHENT.Sixth Presbyterian—Stnsston, 98; Bush­

ier, 64; King, 97; Swanwiok. 77; Carpenter, 18. Total, 414.

Central M. E.—Brock, W; Mitchell, lg| Alexander, 74; Nsvlt. TSJ Jacobson, tt. Total, 387.

Fowsmltb B—MoLoughtta, G; Oasooyna It; J. Maxwell, 61; Bawtoy, 38; L. Mtx> well, 44. Total, 251.

First Gorman—FIteh, E; A OoweAa 1*1 Btaeble, O; Thsursr, 84; A BohmMK, IK Total, 343.

Pewsmtth A—C. Hufnagol. l it; B. Deck- ar, 19): Variey, 84; Hoy, I t; Brannigaa,78. Total, 897.

Peddle-Hlll, 72: Miller, « ; Gala M| Kuebler, 98; Francisco. 88. Total, 386.

Reformed Mission—Ness, 86; MoOrego^ M: Robertson. 67; Haokott, « ; Ttaompaon,H. Total, S42. ___

Dashlell-Dalrympta BtOosUftMi OBvsr M; Felver, 67; Young, M. Total, 286.

Centenary A,-Wooley, « : Ryortso, M; Cyphers, M; Fraley, H; Harthia, R. Total, 888.

Fatrmount A—Kuehler 16; Jowltt, E; Bragg. 81: C. W. Reed, IM: SmOok, H.Total, 449.

South Park—Todd, 80; Spicer, (7; Wal- g e— ' . --------■ -4

Boxing irfll bo inaugurated at Pas- salo to-night. The sho^ will be rim oft by the Indepondent A. C. a t 'Vlcker’s ball, Passaic and Wlillam streets. A lengthy program has been arranged, the star bout bringing togsthsr Jack Norman, Battling BurlsT’s sparring partner, and Jimmy Honaboa.

■ft m BrsGto, who fights «Bdst

th s BUS n( 'Tfingland's Rsbrsw C haa- ftsB i- ovtpsfatod Charisy Grittso, fits Anattmltoh fsathstwolght In a ton-nsnid bout a t Uw NaUonal Sporting ClUb, Ksw Task, last night

' + ,By superior work In tha final mlnutei,

Preston Brown, of Harrowgats, evened up matters and was sntltlsd. to a draw In his bout with Yankee Schwarts, ths globa-trotting boxer, a t tha Broadway Atblstlo Club, Fhlladslphla. Iswt night.

+fkafidlo 'WaMi talks abent Ihswtog

pwtkar Mofhitaad Into a matoh. R Is ggRa Uksty that the Britoa wtu not have

' t o da any forcing It he will gtva In a llttla ao tha walght qutsUon.

-j-- Buperlar Judge CabanIsi, a t San Fran-

slaoo; ycatsrday, denied ths appeal ot Champion Jeok Johnson from a fins of Ettirnposad on Um by Fottoo JudgeCeh- lan for antomohUa apoedlng. Tha -3U6 flaa waa afaaHOd amrsral wSaka bs- foro Johnaon waa ianl to Jatl for twen- t y ^ ^ 'd a y t an a tbntUr s h o r ^ .

Ad Wolgast, the lightweight champion, la expeoted In New York next Monday to begin training for hin bout with One- Round Hogan, to take piece a t the Mad- loon A, C„ Manhattan, on ths night of April 18.

Psokoy HeFhriand^li oehedidod to bat­tle with Motris Bloom to Pittsburg to­night to a Ms-roahd hesR.

lEfca Sahaech, who raMtoad bda vEsaai•a aa aspirant to Jack JhhBaaa’a tWa by Carl Morrie. the wblto Bsmla hopa, oomes out with the atatament that Morris Is the best heavyweight In tha buaineaa and U due to land the 'woild'a heavyweight championship,

Jett Ferry, ot Wales, known aa the "Walloping Welshman," will make his first appearance In New York a t tha Olympia A C. next Monday nlgh^ whoa b t faeaa Penny Framklto.

.. For the first tim ain malty asoatha tha fight fens In Manhattan and tha Branx ’Will havs only tha one show to attend tor night. And that’s tha stag arrangisd by Matchmahor. Jlramla Yule and Managsr Billy Moore for ths New Polo A, A

-4*Kid E tla the Palereon middleweight

fightm. Is s busy man Utsse daya. He fights a t Fassalo to-ntgbt. and to-mor­row night he wlU fight UoDorman, of New York, to a . semi-final bent a t tha Foifw m at A O.

R e a d y .F o r th e Parade ?

Every fiiriateur team in the county Qught to be ip the parade on Eastern League opening day.

B m y club shouW h teo •plo-aad'apan new ufrifom a.

Yon know we make Utem la r iw e t o f the teams hereaboota.

Guess it 's bectuse we m ike them "right and proper."

A ’phone'cWl or postcard will bring our man with umplea.

Better hurry. "Play" will aeon be called.

To fiv«fy parch seer of t l 'wottt of goodi In our ^lortlng Ooodg Store we will ^ 6 hwG s moet oomplete Batoe B iJ l O u tdA

S p o r t i n s G o o d e D o p tw Soeoiul Floor.

SPHNG[sraisA Veritable “Feast of Fashion” Is Spread Before You in Our Store--W ill You Not Gall and Partake of Its Delights ?_iKatsoft’,

There is no formality to our Spring Opening—ViO making of a vain display. “Spring Opening” here implies thatthe new Suits, Top Coats, Haberdashery, Shoes and Hats are now in the cabinets and shelve and on the counters ready for you to see— perhaps to buy.

We invite you to examine them. There is no obligation attached to the invitation. Should a salesman urge you to purchase he violates one of our established rules. He has been instructed to show things to you courteously and effectively, and under no circumstancei attempt to press or persuade you into a transaction. While beneath this roof you are our gueat —and must be treated accordingly.

You men who take pride in your appearance, who make it a point to dress becomingly and well, are the men who realize what splendid things we have accomplished this Spring. You will note with keen delight that we have set a Newer and a Higher standard of styl6, perfection, quality worth and pattern beauty. Our showing of Suits is bound to arouse your enthusiasm. Prices begin at $12 and rise by easy stages to $50.

Our appeal is to All—t.o men of the overall and to men of the frock coat WATSON'S is a Palace of Equality, *

2,000 Spring Suits atA Model at

TwentyDistinctive Styles

Nearly 200 Elegant Patterns

The Greatest Shoeing of Suits at This Price Ever Made in This City

As examples of FINE TAILORING, SMART CUT and EXCELLENCE OF FABRIC these Suitsare wonders. You can see their duplicates (priced

at about $10 higher) in the better shops, and at that they haven’tthe SNAP—the “subtle” style—of these models at $15. You will be amazed to note how actively they will appeal to your taste—to your innate sense of what is fitting for Spring wear.

T h e v a rie ty of c h o ic e o f c o lo r s a n d p a t te r n s w ill fa ir ly b e w i ld e r y o u . W h e n y o u c o n s id e r th a t t h e r e a r e o v e r 2 , 0 w S u its a t th is p r ic e to c h o o s e f ro m

Spring ShirtsWe ire nukiiig a great ipedaHy ta ikb_ „ rtlrt* fer

i m at | 1 ^ . T n w are maite of flue Madras, 'Perealetoa imported PlanMts; plain or plaited. Bueh thlrt values you never aaw i t ETA tha becimihig of a leaaeB. AD slxe* I A l I •leiSeat............................................. XaUV

y o u c a n g e t a fa ir id e a of t h e E N O R M O U S se le c tio n th is s to c k m u s t o ffe r. P u r e w o o l a n d w o r s te d — n o t o n e th re a d of co tto n in a n y o f th e s e S u i t i A ll s iz e s . " H a rd - to - f i t” m e n w ill h a v e a v e r i ta b le P I C N I C — w e ’v e a

fu ll a s s o r tm e n t o f lo n g s , s h o r t s , s to u t s a n d s lim s b e s id e s t h e r e g u la r s iz e s .

N eed N ew Shoes for Easter?T h e co m p le te st s to c k o f s h o e s y o u h a v e

a c c e s s to in N e w a rk i$ W A T S O N ’S — a n d th a t’s n o t a ll.

W e w ill p it o u r v a lu e s a g a in s t a n y In N e w ­a r k — o r N e w Y o rk fo r t h a t m a t t e r — w ith o u t th e s l ig h te s t f e a r th a t th e y c a n b e m a tc h e d . O u r c o n f id e n c e o n th a t p o in t is in s p i r e d b y A C C U R ­A T E K N O W L E D G E . W e h a v e m a d e b ro a d c o m p a r is o n s a n d a sk y o u to d o th e s a m e .

H e r e y o u w ill s e e th e g r e a te s t v a r ie ty o f S T Y L E S e v e r s h o w n in N e w a r k — s h a p e s , le a ­t h e r s a n d f ln ish e s in w o n d e r f u l a r r a y — a v e r i­t a b le F E A S T O F F A S H IO N S .

Baoi^er’s Easter Oifords* . . . . . $5.90W o r ld ’s f in e s t s h o e s p ro d u c e d .

Pnidentiitl Easter Oxfords, . . . . . $5.00Y o u k n o w th e m w e ll. ■ .

Watson’s Easter Oxfords,. . $$.50 to $f.00W o r th 50c. to $ 1.00 m o r e t h a n w e a sk .


Geo. Watson & Co Broad and •9 Market Streets

Al) 1.


^ p o r t ^ o p i c 5 q f ^ h c J ( p u rg q i 4 i r ^ p . j ^ . •gp Q q

pi Hocvi !■ In soft In PhIInd*lpblii. dp appear* to hav* takao a

to the blf Californian. Bon* call I plain Bill; *00)* can him Uappr, and

^jiikaca ealt him Oot-Round llofan. Th* iNi't v ir r applloabi* to baMhatl,

It wOl taalp to inak* him papular. Ot : all tka faaortte* on the wprid't obampkm ^iAtMatloa HoBon m * picked out to r*t-

I tb* bout* a t the flret *how to b* put h r Jack UcOulgan, th* o*w propiietor

' 1 th* National AthiMlo Club hi Quakar- to-momnr night. Happy knoir* the

V gama but if be didn't It tm k i ^liaya baen all tba tame. Member* of th*

4Utal*tlaa and the Philadelphia Nattoaala ; )«y* baan tBTlUd to aea tb* shtnr.

the poloUte perform in a practice game. Hughey Heame le a great polo enthugl- a*l. He eald yesterday that some of the ponlei poteesaed more Intelligence than Mtne of Iba ball playere of hla acquaint- ance. Tbe other memberi of the Newark olub are not speaking to Ur. IleariM at tbe preeeni writing.

The AthMIoa and th* Fbim** playad treat ball yesterday. It ws* tb* third

.: ^ m * of the aeries. The ohsaptona won, ' k ftsr btltDag twelv* innings, Hi* soar*

Being t to L Th* **rl** now itand* two ' to ong la favor of tba Athlatto*.

IfnC Belan Hathaway Brtttoa h u boon ZBHetod vte*>prwld«nt of the g t Loul* ' ITUtional I/tagu* Baaeball Club, and h*r

ry Sr«t mar* I* to mako a atrong bid : Ib r tka patnmago ot women to tho ba*«- ;..BtII game*. Ho Itiiuor of any kind will, bo I gold OB tlM gronnda, tad women and ebll- r droB a r t to bo eaterod to mare than aver.

Britton bold* oontrol ot tb* elub, Ohs gradoMly sllowed Bdward A.

: IM nlagor, a friend of th* lata Stanley Maan, who wa* l ira Biftton'o brotbec^

to bacon# tba proeldent. U n . Britton Itobd. tba groaloat opportunity ot bar b. Sha ootdd havo made berMlf famou*

tb* B nt woman prealdent ot a Ug ■gaa ba**ball elufa. But tb* didn't, and

p t t t (uamgottoa bav* juet raaaen t* bo BHf with h«r.

BroAg who oamo to thto ommtry i Nttb rroddy W*I*h, and who was bogteii

^ othor night a t Brown'* gyna hi N*w rk, mnnagod to baot ChaHoy Orlff*D,

Auitrgllan, In a tm-ronnd bout a t Natkmal Sporting club ia*t night

^:<Scia*a wa* far from boing tb* Cbarliy ht* nobingod wallop* *o oCtoa BattUng Rurloy. Ha wiw pal* ttid t nnd gftor tb* third round h<

hnyo tho itrength to kaep up tb* So Brook*, who I* a groat »troag

: p*lt*d Qrigen nverely tbroogh- 1 last aoven round* of th* oonfoat ; who** right namo I* Baytrdo, la

I "atngland’* Hebrow ehimpion."

fi?bH Snf ahoul tb* I^ r la y a r la a n bat- "*“ i tgonll* th* terrUlejbout* Indulged In

*001* Battling Hurley, of Pae- , 1 Cy Smith, of J*r*ey City. AK

HuHtiy and Orlfftn itood toa-to- _ jd fought laek by IniSh, If any.

g, tb# oontosti *b*tw*en Hurley and til WBTO evoB more strenuous. Thsro t touoh figbt that you lira of look-

frlbS nk to* boy* wallop and wallop and ““ “ ■*■ On* night when Hurley and

to* on th*lr very b»*t babavlDr Bing on* another to a frassi*—Tom ^ r , who n*ver does m in an Im- ,J fight In New Tork, turned to m*

Iggldi "Com* on; let’* turn our back*I tWg round. We'v* got more than oun ■Bag'* worth now." Th* boy* bad^

to tha ring only four roundg and “ d»»p*rat* Oghtlng .Wa* nevar

In any bout. Ot oourn, w* a t - tom our bank*, but It only

j to thaw how really an*rg«tlo tb#‘ r* when ao oldtimer Ilka Tom

I* eatlifled with four round#

J. P. N.:Will yon kindly anewar tha foUowlngf

War# th* Olymplo gam** ever held In United Btateg Thanking you for your ■nawer, I remain, respectfully yoiirg

EDWARD WALTERS. The Olymplo gam** w«r« held In St.

IjouI* In 1W4.


East Orange, April gP. N.:

'Flea** ita te In your "Sport Toploo ot the Houi^' th* oleianc* and far* to Uo- bll*. Ala.T Thanking yon In advanog J •m. p, D,

Th* dlitanoa I* l,3lt miles and th* far* on* way Is tW.W.



I Brat president of th* old South Car- > Btat* Loague 1* now a raaldont of erk. Harold i . Baird Is th* man. h* 1* a t piwtont engiged a* bipnsh

' " t r od tha apoldent and health d*- o t of tb* Fidelity and Cuualty ny. Mr. Baird I* a baaeball anthu- of th* mthuslistte typ*, and b*

I on me yastarday afternoon to In- I to a littia fanning b*e. In IM tho 0 of which Ur. Baird wao tho flrot toat wa* otganlwd. Th* tmun* that

j bp th* league were Sumpter, Rock ParUngton,' Camden and Oraoge- tonb* then^bere ha* been a ohanga

laagtM has changed In oomplealon •1*0 f t curtailed In name. Now It la A g* tha South t^rollna Leogug th*

I t e t o having been •llmlnated. There ■B team* in tha league a t praeent,

1 ICr. Baird says It It In a flourlehlng '‘tton. Ur. Baird lald that b* I* a

gdndiwr of Jo* UcQInnlty. th* t of th* Indian*, and deolari* that

alway* root* for th* home team, no ■*‘“ r wh*ri h* happen* to rootd*.

be a n loti of boy* now In tho J loaguia who nsod to play out In our

,^ U o BouUi Carolina Stato I^aguo." u r ."Bug! Raymond was ono of

I 'lB ia . Wo u*(d to oall him tha Human' But ha oould pitch baatball.

------- - tha CtoofauiaU Rod*’ *tar pitohar,kStoo blbOTBOtsd down South. Ho wa* a | P m twlrtor th«n, Bo 1* •« good a* tba

»«w, « d Smith, th* .oatolxr, fv ' ’ '*** Borton NatiDDal*, did bas- L to ty work for Caindaa. i boUova that bo

koa bla hotna tbora a t tba pr*o*nt * **1 to trs ar* apr nomber of

[■ y o y o n drawing big satarlaa In tho ma- f who workad for leas than floo per I to tba llttl* South Cantina state ; l<*ogng" Mr. Baird daelaiwd wtu, an air

df aauidiaotlmi.

J. P. N.:What can I u** to remove yellow spots

from tha back of a celluloid mlrvorT Also, I* It a mil* from the U srk tt Street Sta­tion to the oourthouH, and also from Mil­itary Park to Lincoln FarkT Thanking you, t am youra aincerely, i C. A. P.

Us* lukewarm eoapaud watar to remova th* stain*. The dlitanc* from the Mar­ket Btrtet Station to th* courthouse Is k m fset and from Lincoln Park to Mil­itary Park Is iSOD feet

J, P. N,:Kindly state In your "Sport Topic* of

tb* Hour” tb* population ot Newark, N. J., and N*w Orleans, La.T F. B.

Newark, Mff.Wi New Orleans, 139.071.

W alter Jahnaon, pitohor, retirod. NoUt- tog loft for th* greet tsrtrler to do. Th* .WaehlngSoo stub has offered him 90,504 for a seasoa'e work and Johneon'* oan't *** I t B e want* tlAN. Uanager Jimmy MoAleer aays he won’t get I t Johneon •till thinks he will. A bait player Is en- tltled to all that he can grab, but it •eem* to ms that Instead ot Washington faying tha playera, the players ought to taiwnpenie tbe elub cwnera. The real hardship andurad by Johnson It keeping M b «B tha Wbablnrtoa teanh Hie'U ■irrar abare to any of tbs warld’e eerie* •rfa* noney.

Charley U arvA le daffy with tbe beat goto* may think, but be Isn’t Very muoh Mne le Harvey, and very much with an ay* to bnainees. Harvey knowe # lot of things about the fighting game, one thing he knows better than another, though, le the fact that Knockout Brown la the best drawing card Just at present around New Tork. All you have to do la to announoe a bout with ^ o w n as one of the prin­cipals and than start to worry about wham you are going to put the people who wish to attend. So Harvey, being wise to all th la has offered to make Brown a present of U.ooo If he will ngbt Moran. Dan Morgan, manager of Brown, U a wise fish himself. Ha hasn't en- ewered Barvey’l challenge, but he has a ■Uodlng offer of a 10,000 side bet, and inayb* he’ll make Hervey come through With euch a wager or else pass him up. Brown and Moran would draw big, *nd It would be a much better flght than the ■Mf between Packey McFarland and Iforsn. MoParland was entirety too clever lo r Owen. Brown would be muoh easier for Moran to reach.

Harry Potlok, who with P. T. powers baa secured control of the St. Nicholes Btok to New Tofk, Is trying to work up an interest to the wrestling gam*' over to tha Oraater City. Pollok has Zbyesko •tgned to meet Frank Ootcb, hut he ap­pear! to be unable to get Ootch'e con- aent to « c h a match. In the mean time tbe Irrtpreselble Harry b is matched Jos Rogers to meet Zbysako on the mat at f t . Ntchotaa next Tuesday night Later on a t the Bt Nleholae there will be «th*r sporting evenU. The Powert-Pollok o rg an j^ leo is known a* the Twentieth Century Athletio Club and aom* of ffl* •g b u between the best boy* In the eoun- try will likely be seen at the rink—end before very long a t that.

Polo was th* attraction a t Lakewood •galfi yesterday. The Newark playera,

, BfUr tare good, hard workoute, walked over to Georgian Court and witnessed

J. P. N,;fVhat le the address of the Premium De­

partment ot tbe American Tobaooo Com­pany In Jerfey CTtyt w. a. W.

1P-I1 Montgomery street, Jersey City.

J. P, N,;W hat le the Dame ot tbe preient heed

ot the Cathotio Churohl Thanking you 111 advanea, 1 am, Bohoolboy.

Pope plux X.

J. P, N.:Kindly answer through your "Sport

Topics of the Hour" column who was the flret ballplayer to oatoh a ball drop­ped from the top ot tho Washington UonumentT How many times did he accomplish th* feat? I am, Celluloldltea.

Charley Smith, of tho Washington Amarlcei] League team, was the flret man to oatch a ball thrown from the top ot the monumeoL After making one euc- ceeeful attempt. Smith rested nn his laurels Billy Sullivan, of the Chlrago White Sox, 1* the only other man who ever caught a ball thrown from the top of the monutnenV

J. P. N.;Would yon kindly tell me to your

"Sport Topic* of the Hour." when the New Tork Olants will piny here with the Newark IndlaneT I must say that th* Newark Indians certainly have the Jinks with them Juat a t present, but when the Eastern League opens they certainly will give a good light for tbe pennant. Toura tnSP. A FAN.

Th* OlBDte and the Indlene vrlll play a t WIedenmayer'B Park on Baeter Sun­day, The Warrior* will hav* the jinka •aalped, tied and burned a t the stake be­fore the Eastern League eeaeon opens.

J. P. N.:Please answer In th* "Sport Topics of

the Hour" column the year and day of the opening ot the High School. I dis­agree with my friend. He says It was February 7, IW, ao I wish you to uealde tor me. Was there an examination held for ohauffeors on th* Thomas tniok be­longing to th* water department of this city? I bav* not heard of any.

W. T. LCKMJf.Ttw High BoboN wa* to haw* openad

Ftoruaiy L UN, but It wa* not aotoally occupied until Maroh of that year. 11 1* ohauffeur who runs the water depart­ment’* maohlne passed a elvtl service ex­amination for that position about two year* ego.

J. P. N.:It the Hudson tubs sprung aleak would

the water All the tube and flow over In New Tork City or would It flow and dlt- contlou* when It reached th* height of tbe rtver level? Vcrv truly yourt,

WILUAM J. PAGAN, The water will flow until It reaches Its


J. P, N.:Dose a plumber need a llcenee whan he

starts Into buelnesst I remain, yonr* tor •port, HARD UP.

You mutt seeiire a Iloenee tram the Board of Work* and then register with the Boerd of Health.

J. P. N.;Will you please let me know when the

next oivtl eervtee examination for women cterke vrtll be held In the cUy hall?

C, T. D,On Moaday. April 10. an examination for

flret and second grade book-keepere, open to both sexes, will be held. On Monday, April 17, examination for third grade stenographers will be held.

J. P. N,:Please let me know It the S, P. C. A, In

New Tork City It offering 9940 prise for an overshoe to prevent horaes from illp- plng on Ice. If so, where should i take shoo and drawings? Thsnklng you for past favors, yours, INVENTOR.

The following Information anent the offer la issued by tha society; "The Amer­ican Society for the Prevention ot Cruelly to Animals, through one of Its members, offers a prise ot five hundred dollare (|t00) tor the beet horseshoe or devlee deelkned to prevent the ellpplng ot boreee on paved •trcete; to be competed tor under the fol- towlftg oondltlon* which oonetitute an agreement between the donor of the prise. Voting through th* eodely, end each oon- petttor who make* a lubmlssloi^ under It*


J. P. N.;Pleas* tell me how to make lobster

Americano. C. E. M.Split two large, ft*eh boiled Icbstere.

Remove all th* meat from the body and from the elavre by crushing the toells. Cut the meat Into one-tnch cubes. Put four tablespoonfuls of olive oil Into a ehallqw etewpan and put It on the stove. When the oil le heated to 'the vapor degree add tba lotaetek one large onion, peeled and mjnead small: on* green pepper, seeded, quartered and cut Into fine shrade, and a large clove of garlto peeled end minced very flue. Stir the lobster gently over a hot Are for five mtnulei. Then add half a level teaspoonful of salt and a ghee of whit* wine. BoB for two minutes, then add a oupful of tomato eauoe and two peeled red tomaloee, cut Into email dioe. D nw the etewpan back where He oontenl* will tlmmw for ten minute*. Then, If ready to serve, poor It Into a very hot, d e v dish, or Into a small tureen, and tend to tbe talDle.

To make the tomato eauoe, put a table- spoonful of ham or bacon fat Into a email iaaeepan and put It on the etove. Add a email onton, a email piece ot oarrat, a atalk of oelery, a branoh aaoh ot paratsy and thymA one bayleaf, tsra Olovta and a tow gtalni each ef salt and pepper. Stir these Ingredients over a slow Hr* until thay begin to odor. Then a t once add a haaplng tableepoonful ot flour and etlr to mix tboroughly. Now add two cupfuls • f ttalok etewed tomato**, boiling hot, and ■Ur until gmooth and boiling. Boll gently twenty minutes, rub through the fine sieve, using ooneldersble jneesurA and oee aa dtreotad.

provisions. The competition le open to all without reelrictlon. Th* goclety reserve* the right to reject any or all submissions. The award wilt be made by tha hoard of managers of the society. The deeign maybe submitted by mean* either of drawings, or a model, or both: A description should accompany each application, aiallng. In detail, the merits claimed for the Inven­tion, the materlhl used, or proposed to lie used. In It* construction, and its estimated cost; whether or not the Invention la In actual use or has been tested, and the re­sults as to wearing qualities, non-stipping qualities, and other advantages. Such descriptive mattsr should be typewritten, but thie le not oampulecry. Each sheet of drawing and each model and all de- sorlptivs matter shall b* unsigned, but ehall bear a device, cipher or emblem for Idonilflcation: and the same device, cipher or emblem shall be placed on a sealed envelope containing the oompetltor'a name end addreiA This will not be opened un­til the award ha* been mad*. Drawings and modela with the aooompanying en- velopea, mtmt be securely pecked or wrapped and delivered a t the offloe of the A. B. P. C. A., Madison avenue and Twen- ty-*lith street. New Tork, before t o’clock p. M-, on Thursday, June L 1911, In making the award, tha ooet of the device. It* wearing qualltlei and all other points ot merit, will be taken Into conaideralton In addition to its non-ellpplng qualities. All Inquiries regarding this competHloii should be addreaied to Henry Bergh, obalrman committee on Improved horee- ■hoelng, H Madison avenue. New Torka ty ."

large that acoommodationa could not be obtained for the numerous requests for seal*. Thai's why the show was taken oft.

"Overbrook Nolea" made a great hit. Their popularity was anown by the vaat number of contributions to the column. More than 200 letters containing "notes" were received In the mails yesterday after­noon and this morning. If published they would have taken more than two column* of space.

To those who helped make "Overbrook Notes" Interesting my elncerest thanks aro extended. Some of the efforts were very, very good, and much pleasure wet enjoyed In their peniiai. But too muoh Is too muoh. Space would not permit the pubtlebing of all the oontrlbutlone and It wouldn’t be fair to play favorite*.

to pitch for some good team, 'pete has a variety of slants and shoots with abaffling delivery. Hoping some manager will beneflt by this valuable advice, I re­main, yours truly, J, WILUAMSON.

J. P. N.iWhat I* tb* beat way to rsaeh the New-

ark Baseball Park from Naw TorItT Could you anewar thie In Friday NewiT Bln- eerely, A NEW YORK READER.

There are two routes. Take Pennsyl­vania Railroad to Market street station and then a Hamburg place trolley car nf tha South Orange avenue line to tha Park. Another route Is by the Central Railroad to Bast Ferry street, and then walk ocroM Maine elrset to the Park, a Jaunt of about ten minutes.

J. P. N.;Enclosed please And English boxing sup­

plement, which might Interest you, as It did me. They seem to enjoy boxing over there without Interference, which, I think, la only fair when properly oonducted, and I don’t doubt but what you will agroo with roe. Let’s hope we have It the same way here. I also enclose part of a letter I found during a walk near the centre of the elty. Don’t you think this fellow ought to have this llttl* girl for hie wife? I wonder how the other part of It goes. Probably some other reader of your In- tereetlng “Sport Toplos" hte It. Tour* w r truly, IjOVER OF SPORTS.

Boxing Is In th* right hand* In Europe and will always be popular. Th* boxing tupplement 1* very Interesting, and the other part of th* letter would make good reading.

J. P. N.:When the time is not designated on a

bill In Congrtet, when does It go Into effect? A. B. KIERSTEAD.

Simple aa It may seem, conelderable re­search was necessary to bring the cor­rect answer to your question. It etuok one of th* prominent law echool* la New York City and It also baffled the Depart­ment of Justice and th* Department ot State a t Washington. The following le from another official eource a t Washing­ton: "A law, other than an appropria­tion law, or part thereof, goes Into effect Immediately upon Its approval by the President. An approprietlon law, unleis It le draignated In th* bill to take effect Immediately or a t a given datA take* effect a t th* beginning of th* Oecal year, which la July 1."

J. P. N.:A beta that a man m uit be a property

owner In order to go g man’* ball. B beta oaeh will answer the eeme purpoeA Thanking you to advancA 1 anx

CONSTANT READER.Either will do.

J. P. N.;Would like to know some games young

ladle* could play at a pany where there •re all girl*. If you could euggeat tom* would thank you very much. M. N. C.

The only gamee I know of are "post- olSoe’’ and "pillow,’’ and you couldn’t play them without the boya

J p . Orange. AprU *.What li the fare to Norfolk, V*., and

return? le betting allowed at the race­track* there? Thanking you In advanoA I am, sincerely yours, J. H. B.

The far* one Way It ir.U; round trip, 112.79. In a recent case Juetloe BaokuA of Norfolk, dleohsrged two men for bet­ting, on the ground* that laying odds con- etHuted no crima

J. P. N.: JSome, time ago you panted a recipe for

removing balr from the face. Can you publleh the mixture again? Th* cure I refer to coet* H an ounce. Can a cltlsen go to the oourthouie and aea tbe records ot births and marrlegea? la there any obarge? Thanking you tor tbia Informa- UOA I am, youre very truly,

COmOLZ.Us* th* earn* kind Of A rasor that I

raoomnendsd tka other fellow. Any one oan took over tbe record*. I t won't cost a oant.

New Tork City, N, T.-, March 91, 1*11,J. P. N.;

Kindly let me know In the "Sport Topics of the Hour" th* weight of the' Spalding National League ball; the weight of the Reach American League ball. Is th* Spalding E.U ball the ball used In all National League gamee? i t the Reach 31.99 ball the ball used In ail American Ijcsgue games? I* there any place In Brooklyn or New York where a pereon can play handball, beetdee in the T, M. C. A. or In any echool? Who It the motor-paced champion of th* world, and did not Elmer Collin* take the champlon-

J. P. N,;Where oan I learn deotletry In Newark?

Doe* one hev* to be a High School gred- uaUT ANXIOUS,

Tbef* le no eobool of dentlilry In thie city. It la n*oe**ary to hav* a college eduoatlon nowaday* to become a full- fledged denliit

•hip from Hobby Walhour In tha OardenItlaet year? Thanking you In advance,

TWO BONE-HEADED FANS.Th* rulee require th a t the bogeballe

used In league game weigh not lee* than flva ounce* nor more than five and a quarter ounce*. Th* Spalding balls are used In th* National League and the Reach ball* In the American League. There are likely to be handball court* In the athletic club*. George* parent Is the prssent world’smotor-paced champion. He won the title at Brutiele, Belgium, July X, 1910. Elmer Collins, li the Ameri­can obampfon. There woe no title won or lost In the race between Collin* and Walthour In Madison Square Garden last winter.

J. P. N.;Kindly tell me through your column*

wbhre I ran get a coin book, and what 1* the price? W. W.

Tha Scott Stamp and Coin Company, 81 John etreet. New York, or the Bernet Stamp Company, iff Broad etreet, New­ark.

J. P. N.;Fleaae publish the following, queationei

What la the single fare from New York to the Isthmus of Panama? Alio, the tare frera th* Isthmus to New York, Could you toll me It there Is any chance for a fallow twenty-two to get a position, and what kind are to be had mostly? Very truly, F. K.

The fare, first cloea, 1* 379 eaoh way, or flJlSS round trip. The stterege rate ts 390 each way. Go to the employment agency of the Panama Canal Commla- •lon, M West Twenty-fourth street, New York City, Room n t

J, P. N.:Kindly publish to. "Sport Topics of tbe

Hour" the name* o t tha different dally papers published In the following cltiee: Cheyenne, Wyo,; Butte and BIlhogA Mont.; Denver and Boulder, Col., and also PhoenlA Aria Kindly stato the price of Ibeee papers and oblige a reader ot your oolumn, JOHN HENRY.

The Cheyenne Leader (mornlngh sub- ecrlptlon 39 yearly; the Wyoming Tribune fevenlng), subscription, 39 yearly; the Btll-

I Inga Gazette (Wednesday and Friday), subscription, 33 yearly; the Bllllnga

I Time* (Monday and Thursday), subtcrlp- I tlon, 32.90 yearly; the Butte Evening I News, subtoription, 39 yearly; tb* Butt*

Inter-Uounlaln (evening), eubicrlptlon, 37.50 yearly; the Butte Miner (morning), subscription, 310 yearly; the Denver Post (evening), eubsorlptlon, 37.90 yearly; Den-

I ver Republican (mprning), subscription, 37.90 yearly; Rocky Mountain Newt (morning), subscription, 37 yearly; Denver Times (evening), sutaecriptlon, 39.20 yearly;’ tbs Boulder Camara (evening), subiorip- tlon, 39 yearly; Boulder Herald (evening), iubeorlptlon. 39 yearly; tha Phoenix En­terprise (evening), subscription, X yearly; Arizona Republican (morning), eubaorip- tlon, 19 yearijr; Arliona Gasette (morn- tog), subscription, |< yearly.

Horrlatowa, April 1 XU.J. X. H.i

KlPdlr glee me tbe nanae and addreei «t the aeeretair of the Iron Moldwra’ Union of Newark, and oMIgA

A, B, PARSONS.Max Elgunn le the eeoretary. TTie union

meet* every eaeond Tuesday of the month al 906 Broad etreet.

J. P. N.;Who Is th* beet mlnetrel bone player

to this city? Tours reepectfully,"BONES.”

Ton arA parbapA

J. F. M.;Could yon gtvn u t any totormatton to

regard to ergnolalng a oyola elnbf Toura to Rport, JOSEPH Ba r r e t .

Flret get a Dumbar of oyollete to­gether, than orgaola* the tame aa you would form any olub, eleot a set of ofll- slalA Inoludlng a road captain.

April 3, I9U.J. P. N.;

WU you kindly anewar In the "Sport Toplot of th* Hour" the mafket value ot the New Tork Tribune cove'ring th* Civil War, 1999 to 1199, all In good condition, and where would I be apt to dnd a mar­ket for them? CONSTANT READER.

Whatever you eon get for It. There to BO premtum.

J. P. N.:Would you kindly let me know to your

"Sport Topics of th* Hour" If the Newark Evening News le going to publish "JUet Raeebell" tble year and when the Eeetern League opens this tsaaon. Youre reepeot- futly, J. B.

"Just Bateball" and tha Eaetem League seeton for 1911 will make their debut on April X.

J P. N.;Pleats let me know through your col­

umn to whom a pereon wishing to secure a position as wIreleZs operator with United Wireless Telegraph Company should ap­ply. Also If there Is any aiamlnatlon, please state what It to. Thanking you m advance, I am very sincerely yours,

A REIADER OF THE NEWS.The officee ot th* company are at t2

Broadway. The rest la up to you. Gitl

J. P. N.;Will you tell IBA pleasA. how to get a

German eervant girl from Ellis Island. How do 1 go there? J. f .

You might communicate with Hite Altbeer, at 317 East Slity-aecond street. A large number ot Immigrants who are Seeking employment here are under her care.

J. P. N.;I have been a reUdent of tha Stata of

New Jeraay tor the peat ten yearA I know the name ot th* eteamablp line on whlob I eame to thJ* country. I alto know tbe dato, but I am hot oertato about I t I am oaxtoua to btoomo a olttoan and would Ilk* to know bow I oan find out tba name ot the eteunebtp that I oame to this oountry on.

A WOULD-BE CffTTZEN.Write to the eteameblp Hne’e offlees bi

Naw York, giving the dot* of embarka­tion, the date of landing, the port of de­parture and the port ot entry. Enoioe* * two-oent itamp for a raply. t t you want to beoomo a citlaen, go to tho county elerfc a t tbo oourthouie and toll b9m about It.

J. F. N.;A bet that the etruoturo of the Jeffriee-

Jobneon fight was all wood. B bets that It was ststl and wood. Kindly answer,

PLANK,The arena was built etitlrely of wood.

J. F. N.:WRI y a r ld a d lr pubUab to your "Sport

Toplos of tho Houri’ how ta r tha PaoeeJsli naelgablo to t a motor boat drawing two feet of water. By so doing you will i t etoly *Uge MlOKBT W U R .

A* tor a* Pasealo. I t to n eoeeeary to bar* a tbarengh Itnewledga a l tba ohao- nel.

Ttotaed Attendant-Yon bar* written en both tidee of tbe paper.

Billy L.*-The lUl penny It worth from threo cent* to ton oentA bnt the other* a r t not listed as carrying premiums.

F. N. PBiTto-Wrll* to Gardner Oolby, eeoretary of the Civil Servto# CommlttsA State boueA TTenton.

Tloto-Teur tomtly phyridaa might be able to help yon ou t I t to neeeeaary to undergo earafnl training befora euab work ean be undertaken.

Fan—The Newark baetban team tnatned at Danville, Va., last year. This neoenn tba team to training a t Lakewood. Read tb* sporting page of til* Newt tor tbe baeeball Information if you want to be eoneldersd a 'dive one,"


OVBRUROOK n o t e s .OVKR BROOK, April 7.—After a ahort

but highly aucceaaful run, ‘ Overbrook Nolfls" closed hcr^ with the performane* of yesterday. The show played to ci-pacHy. In fact* the Attendanco was so

it Inn B ' o>

J. P. N.:1 would like to put eome manager wise

who Is looking for a good port aide fllnger. Pete Corbally, a local eeml-pro, would like

“ T he D ollar S a v e d is T he D ollar E arnedAn economic wave has gwept the country from t«g-

board to leaboard.People are retllziiiji that the high coat of living

MUST be brought DOW^. The principle on which the purchige of practically everyihtng will loon bo baaed Is that of BUYING DIRECH'.The Newkfk Shoe is Sold From Maker to Wearer Direct

at the Factory Priee—{2,50.The dealer’s proBt li now the PEOPLE’S PROFIT.

You get the aame ahoes, or BETTER SHOES, In New­ark* at $2.50 aa you do at a dealer’s for a DOLLAR MORE. Try it.

N ew ark Boys’

AND HDHBMBRII—BJvery pair a t Newark* is made by the famous Goodyear Welt process, same a i In all 3^ 39 and 3? eboee.


138 Market StreetOor. Bal**y Waldmann’e T b u tr* Corner

OTHER NEWARK BTORBS NEARBY. RobokeB, Jereey City, qvtntsn, Paterton

Lee's Clothes ShopNn M112 Maiket St„ Nnark

R. P. Cox, Manager

We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stam ps

Double Stamps In MorningLEiC’fl ifl net n rMU)y''mnd* itor«, but for

yenm )vmi been the clenring'houee for the UU' ealled-far (carmenti of Ameiien'e lending mar-chnnt UUlor» that w*rg mnde to order to hrlng 125 to |T5. Oor enormom bn/tng power end Mliing eepAclty pemitte oe to turn theeo lux- Dildui Bock, weiking. TTalking. Prince Albertr. Dreeo end Titxedo Bulie, Spring u d Winter Over- cooti, Enffileh Ro-lnooate ond Cr&ve&ettee. gte., over to our cuitomero In regtUor eeeeon at one- third their value.

Spring Overcogt of soft gray VI- cuho. tailored on Itneo dlatlnoGvefrom reedy-mode. Will e p p ^ to the m&n of quiet lute. Sloe 39"40 ■hart, •tout. Uftdft by Hoftly. of Alb&ny. for 540. Now roducod, regardlett <ncort, to............... .................. .

Medium wel^t Overooot, oolor b lu i'^ y <tbo latett), for our clotheo'lire olwgyi one year Id advenco of the reedy-raodeo. Thli ooet oofnea to ue from Addoletoin. of Boeton; made lo order fdr 140: now

Balt, color light grey, . . . . - voiour,terlik] of egft ^g lieh velouh oon- •ervetlve cut; mode to order by Neumberg, of New York, for 195; wilt (It ■ men elae 0d-tT; now.. f t ? . . w o * . ..n«t

$15 ^ CLOTtilFRS.

314M A R K E T , C O R . H A L S E Y S T R E E T

Everybody Now Thinking; of

$12 Hew Clothes for Easteroheik line itrtpee etoguitly uilored, conoer^tlve cut; o rooeot erriv^Y »«toh, B rtouxog errivoifrom Prim!*, of CMeago; Bwd*-te- 89-40, RadueeA regerdtaea ol east.

$ 1 0' Our Stock Was Never Larger and at

Prices to Meet Your Demand

™l«‘ Oilort eny, tllk-llnea Md to j^ ,o tb* «dgs, tbe style M tt tol sn p ^ , to ,h* of oTuirt iLS^ on Mnjw dlitlncttvo from roody-made; g reoeoterrlTri from^^^par. "of’ WMlilngton*to-erder price.

Our Price, $16rirtpo. con«rT.tlv, cotTwIirSI 5T-M; nude to order for |3S by Btewwi,™ IPlttiburg;

Our Price, $12U ^ l IW Beak tbo lataot cut Engllih olap-

lo* SlioalCart, long, oott soli, vait col htot t™"™ etrolahtl made by aiaslAo,r t n™ fork, for gU; will flt a tSi nS i a ^

Our Price, $12

BSTEI SPECItLMen’ s SuHs and Top Coats

I 1 4 J SZn the VMt gteortment here we can p le ^

end fit men of any proportion, whether ihort. ■tout. Slim or of extra proportion- Neceeeorr tlteratloDi mgde by ekUlod tglloro FKBB. Men’ s & Young Men’ s Suits $Lee’s Clothes Shop

112 Martet $!., Hewarlt

SNAPPY EFFECTS; c o lk fs and con* servative nwdclB, In all th e proper ip r ln f Bhsdfls. New penell itrip e , crsjrB, ta n , blue an d black.

Wortli I4 .OO9 t|Mdalit...............

WHEELSfiRyelisI BicfiileslU rgw t Stsetli E a s lm S U lti

»Wml> ill tUillWE OILY SELL

STnnnnn kakesM«rg

w m n n m Lt h i i T e i T S r t o l t o r ' ' ^ ^ ’

.............. .....

Ob* Vaar Quarant**.Bv*vy OD* of th*** whe«lt *r*

mad* and guarantoad by th* e*l- tbr*t*d^p«p* Manufacturing Cay Ivor Jehn stn ...................M*k*r «f tb* oMtbrniM tru** ■n?*, wuiroad with itogiuh n*T-

■ » « « t^ ( K * m *Fini Tlr*t.Cyru*

Young Men’s CTop Goats ^

NEWEST MODELS, pertBCt fttUtic. In oxtords. Mack, fxncFsmjrt, tans and modai. Llnad vritb acne, wnw tllk facBd t«lapfll*.Wtrfh 16*00, ijMclal i t ................

Men’ s Suits and Top Coats $

Mr*. Whit*—Th*r* a n a aomhar of half dratstog (ttabltibmeoto In Ntwark.

Georg* C. B.—You will hav* to Uv* up to your conUTurt with tb* lanfllorfl-rither ttay OD th* premlte* till th* leas* ex­pire* or pay rent while aontobody sis* do«a.

Peter Whlt*-Th* Arm, I understand, ba* gone out of buslne**, but th* Ink It monufacturad may be purchased *t *am* of th* stationery store*.

J. P. N,:Pleas* Mate in your paper If there I*

tny school In this d ty where you can learn atone-asttlng In the evonlng, free ot charge. c . J. M.

Tb*r* Is DO record of any such aobool.

Constant Reader, E. 8.—You, toA hav* written on both ald*a of tha pAPBr. *nd a very itlngy plec* ot paper It 1* a t that. The agent for the oompany you ar« in. *ur«d In vrtll explain tho m attor and an*w«r your quaetton.

L. P. H.—Th* lln* of mixed lettara you refer to to known In ihe printers' a it a* a "pi" 1ln*-a Jumbling of letter* which go through th* typesetting maohint and which the printer oocaaionally forgtt* to throw book to th* matat pot.

Ttog to mad* sT

le* ofBundrito aot to iB**to-

....... • ;

Trlbun* T lfto .........

e** w i­ser w*«k.

W* d*our owo •Btori rtosM ng at

^ o a a i & f f pSw iaad bavo


K*tf Xl**k float Xiood.

Cdmct BtFla, lUiltlaig In (It u d fabric} «iis> ton taHand. LtfKo amrtoidiit In aod dark, efieets, all gtjrllah colort lo woritads, Ima twMdfl, chavtots, cautmarea, In Iukf aflecta m well ag plain btasaa. No natter what your build la yim can be flltad.

Sillitrt Pliymregarding the orgmnliatl«D of g County Amgteur. BUlUrd AMoclatlon. Only rep­utable mntlenaen^ not under twenty-one


Ktartli 20.00, Sitclil it

Boys' (2.MS) Suite, 9 to 17lochidlaf B itn Knhkofbockori

C t s s l o m , w m tfld and blue a e n o jg t e s t5-00, ff wtt • •styles, reliable qualities, worth 5.00,



Latest models, all new designs, worth 3.00, a t ..................................


years ol age ellgibt*.EAST OIAM E I I L U M I AMIEMY,

J17 Main St., opp. p. 0.. Boat Onum The neat Souippad BUltord A e a ^ y to New J«M*r,

T re n to n B u re a uTRg

N e w a rk E v e n in g N e w s

Office at the eapitol city of the State, for Iciftlative newi, dr- culaticn atid ■dverili- iii£ li now open al

37 West State StreetrxiwiONx ax ntxmrou

Tndiig Straps (Hvmi a T A M r - a i i i v i v i O R j v j n v G ^



I f

( LAKE hmong th< ^ginat thi 'tbe Redsk ;wll1 be tui

.'In tbia vtl oughly cai coroo of VI

Tbe 1( and yestei another fl Park. Af liad the bi , The exc<

Lerdey wai 1 The welco In oldtime

for two d whoopt to floor of tb the eleepli abort time attired in to the bai waa Invltli going alor m o r ^ g 1 with sore aa if they year. On ness dlaai

Hick Cai morning'* back, but afternoon, behind thi wlnXn wh* to aecond vlq/tlm ot sbjoristop J

First injured from thi ytsttrda; aine* bg AJlIator apptox*9 playtr*, for a eh idlowed ot tha tunpt tc out to ta of h* dllfeel* awill be one omlagalDBtw«ek. th* ben "tnd I •hew th w« eaa ewnar ( •ad I h chape*

Tbe I Otnnltr IrraJans tb* be* would 1 Bohltfl) and Bu dent ot repres* ■quad obanc*. for tbi In Hea eplnlea iu*l at Torit 1 to DO ( corded b*r* ei wanna when Newer]

V l « v D ia iR A B L B FROiM IRTV |R B R A V IR R T R B B r

* ^ T O - L E T ' ^A




■ -'1

■! ■ • ' f . : ;^''i .

NEWA& EVBSPtG NtiWB. FBIDAY. APRIL 7. 1911. 35 '■


Indians Will Wind Up Stay in Lakewood with Benefit Contest Against Bonn’s Local

Aggregation of Balltossers.PLAYERS HAD A BUSY TIME YESTERDAY count was o to s

I Spfvlrtl from a B latf (kirrtrpoiutmt.\ LAKEWOOD, April 7.—The stay of the Indians at their training camp Among the pines will be concluded this afternoon, when the Braves line up teainst the Lakewood bail toasers. The residents of this place expect to give •the Redakins a big send-off on get-away day. The entire proceeds of the gam* Will be turned over to St. James’s Hospital, and for the past week every atore In thii village has had tickets on sale. In addition, the town has been thor-

t oughly canvassed by Manager Alex J. Dunn, of the Lakewood team, and a f corps of volunteer assistanta.

The local aggregation has been working out In the Y. M. C. A. gym here, and yesterday took advantage of the good weather to get in outdoor work on another field, while the Indians were getting in trim for the battle at Manetta Park. After two daya of absence from the diamond, the Warriors cut loose and^ad the best workout since coining to the pine barricaded camp. _______; The excellent weather served up yes*

i^rday was not without its drawbacks.1 The welcome sight of Old Sol shining I in oldtime splendor, after being absent

for two days, caused s aeries of war J whoops to be sounded through the top \ floor of the Palmer reservation, where I the Bleeping tepees are located. In a ) short time the stormbound band, fully

attired in battle array, was on the way to the ball park. The warm weather was inviting, and soon the Braves were going along in mid-season form. This morning the Redskins were troubled with sore and aching muscles, exactly as if they had their first tryout of the year. Once out on the field the sore­ness disappeared.

Hick Cady was ab«ent from yrstvrday iiiomtns'x nractli# baefluse of a lame back, but wai In the irama ycBterday afternoon. The big bai;kttop worked out behttid the bat and made Bill lin d en wlnba whenever he shot the aphere down to eecond base. Johnny Nee waa another vlytlm ot Cady'a throwing power. The et^rtatop end eecond baietnan agreed that nnttalng aliort of a radng automobile could n u t out the throw and base itealere will Suive to travel at a (eat pace In order to cuter with Cady behind the bat./ Batting and fielding practise waa the Aule at both morning and afternoon sea- 'aions. All told, the Bravea put In five houra’ hard drill, which waa topped oft In the afternoon by light work tn the gym.I'he feature of the afternoon aeance waa a oatoh by Hughey Hearne, who backed to th* far corner ot the outfield and pulled down a mighty wallop.

Pltekere Have Lomm W orkout.Tha pltchera were given a long workout,

with McAilleler and MoCarty doing the .tcfalng. Orders were Issued to cut loose

lod the hurlers soon had the leather iharea doing all aorte of atunta In the

ilr. Tha heaver* alao took tuma tn pitch­ing to the batter*, while the Inflelders and outfielders romped about ip their re- apeotlva poaltiona. Benny Meyer held down the Initial sack and did very good work.

After a hard praoUie yesterday after­noon the Indians huatlad home to the Palmer House and haelUy donning ittreel attire made a bee line to the polo field,

1 where tliey watched the member* ot the ■ team* play. after witneMlng the

work o t ttie men who wUI defend the cup against the Gngltah chailencer* this aummer ttaa diamond heroei said that baseball was a child's game alongside of polo when the element ot danger waa considered. Bob Oanley had charge o£ the detachment of Bravea who maoe tlio trip. The Lowell cltlaen playa lea polo during tha winter montha and Is alio an expert at roller polo. He was kept busy explaining the playa to the Warrior* untU they got the hang of the game pnd all became very entbualaattc over ihe coateat Hughey Hearne waa very

luch Imprewad with the work of the ^olo ponlea. The Troy terror tliought that tha horsas knew more In a minute

in acme ot hla men aequaintances tnew In a lifetime. Thla apeeoh was

ide la a tone of votes that put Hughey bad and when ha would not apologise

_o avary member of the Redaklua present [ha waa oompelled to jog t>ach home alone.Last night after dinner when Hughey was asked who he puanl be only amlled broadly.

Aglar Deu BatferiB.First Baseman Joe Agler, with hie

Injured leg aately encased in bandages from the knee d o s^ donned a uniform yesterday afternoon for the first time alnce hg suatalned a tprained ankle. Hc- Alllalav ilarted to protaat when Aglet npiMajod a t Manetta Park with the other playem, but the Beech City lad pleaded for a chance to get Into action. He waa allowed to toes the hall around with eome of tha other playere, but made no at­tempt to take batUng practlee or to work out In hi* old poiltlon a t the flret comer of h* diamond. Agler eaya that the ankle tael* a little aor», hut expect* that It will be all right In another week. Joe* one ambition la to get In the games against Larry Behlafiy'* Trojan* next w«ek. "You can't keep a good man on the bench Mec." eald the first sacker,"and I am Juat dying for a chance to ghow that man from my home tosm how we cab trim up that team he 1* part owner ot. He ha* kidded me *11 winter and I know you are going to give me a chanoe to get back.”

The announcement th a t ^Gttnnlty had booked tw o Trelani lor n*xt week brought Jar to th* bearu ot the Brave#. The Indian* would ratb*r beat the team Bohlafly than triumph over th* a i ^ t a and Buperba*. Hughey Heaima, a real- dent of th# city that Schlafly • olub wllU reprsient. 1* the only ■quod that bellevea the Trojan# have a chance. There li nothing like rooting for the fellow* from your ho“ * J® ™ in H*ara<£* **tlm*tlon, and M 1* ot tn* epinion that Bchlafly and Dooley ^ ju*l about land the p e ^ ia Ms -r u._*A «itia ■Aa.onfi. XDW


NEWARK HIGHLocal School Nine Ndees 7

Rons in Niotli Iooia£ ani Noses Oot Kin^sler.


only Allmttit K^lly w rote In hli tnUiW* that the phywlolan Mid that there waa no dlseoBe appareiu* but that old w»e ftomethlny that the heit doctor In I lie Land could not ovetr:oine. Kelly con- clndod hie letter by asking Hughey to m* form "Benny* the blffer," to keep huey ■lanuDlni; out doubiee Ilka ha did agnln&t the itthledce* and aent hla beat regarda to iJt the Indiana.

oBaeoball wm Torgottan for a ehivt

while Uat evening lAfur (Unner. end the Indiani took tip the ai^bject of prtie fighting* Owen Uoreo w u In the middle of the band of Braves and tor an hour or more the battles ot the past few yean were reviewed. Toward the end of the eesBlon tha dghc betW’ceo Johnvou and Jeffries wee talked over. Jimmy Oleary, ati ardent fight fan, put an end to the talk by telling a B toty on Edward Grant Barrow, now prneldent of the Eaatern League, who last season wa# manager Ed Barow, of Montreal. "Well, I re­member last Fourth of July," eaSd the Buffalo boy* "1 waa with the Royale at the time and we w ere playing the Hust­lers tn Hocliester. Fred Burchell was pltohttif the sftemon game for ue and wae being batted all over the lot. Tt Is quite likely tlial Barrow had some motic)- down on the big affair In lleno, ee he waa a great Jeffriee man and did not eeem to care a oontlnentaJi about the bail game, During the latter part of th* contest Burchell WM in misery^ but Barrow eald 'Stay In there; you ain't getting half the beating that la being banded to Johnaon about thU Uxne In Rono.' "Burch" eUyed but Barrow had to stand some kidding when the returns of the fight were se­cured.’

Captain Lew McA^ster, of the Indians, Is a very busy man nowadays. In addition to looking after the Redskin band, the "major," as he has been styled by the players, has taken up the burden of tem­porary mechanician In Manager Flaher­ty's hostelry In Plnevllle, A large cahtneC phonagraph Ln the oamp of the Indians had not o p m tsd for MversJ moQiba because of a broken part. While the captain and Percy Klphlck. of Eaat Orange, a guest at the Palmer Htruss. likewise a great rooter for the Bravea, were looking at the machine last eve­ning, the pair decided to repair It so that the Braves and guests could have a little pUuuograph inuil£ In addition to th« half dosen pfanob and as many vocal con­certs going bn In different parts of the bottom fioor of the hotel. This was while an orchestra was playing In the dlnlng>roofia. McAllister and Elphlck got their heads together and sgon devolved a plan. Tbs East Orajige resident, who has lived In the section of the eoun* try where Tliomaa A, iDdlson manufac­ture* the sound prodticlng Instrument, soon demonstrated his knowledge of the workings of the machines. After etrug- gUng for a couple of hours, the pair gm the phonograph in running order and from that time on the gueets were treated to the 167 varieties of noise until Man-* egsr Daberty called a halt and sent all hands to bed at 11 o'clock. An old clock In the sun parlor has not been working right in several years. Tt !■ fnore than a century old and Is highly prized by the hotel people, McAnister wagered a box of cigars with B1 Parkin last night, after repairing the {Monograph, that he would have the old timekeeper In working order before ths Braves leave for home.

A rally In the ninth inning saved tha Barrlngiv High Hchool hnspbali It'am from ©xpt rluuciiig defeat In Its first game of the season with the Kingsley ftohool nine yefltorday. With the MJure standing 7 to 3 a^talnst them at tin* beginning of the ninth Inning, the Blue and White boys started a batting pee and clouted the ball until they tallied seven runs and changed the score 8 lo 7 In their favor. In the last half of the ninth the Kingsley play­ers tallied one run. and the game ended with the score reauing Barringer 9, fClngs^ey 8.

Watts, betting for Rich, surted the merry-go-round In the ninth. He slnBlod and stole socoi>d. Rashovor had three Btrlken called on him. Rlcmer got to first on an error, and W atts came horns. Bufih fanned. Brnwn connectwl with the ball and reached eecond on an error. Mills then made the cleanest hit of the game. Mestlng ths hall squarely, he lifted It over the centre fielder's head, and reached third. Brown came home on tills bU. Dempsey scored Mills by sin­gling. He stole second and third and came home on a single hy Joee. On a hit between shortstop and third, Zabrls- kle reachsd aepond and Jose went to third. Watts came to the l>at for the eecond time in the Inning and agalu dl^ tingulshed himself by making a hit which scored Jose and Zabrlskle. The rally oun* to an end, wh*n W atts waa tagged

*"up*t^the ninth Inning the playing of the Barringer hoys was somewhat dis­couraging to the few rooters who ac- cotnpanlpd the team. The benders of Schlniel had the Newark bat era f u e l ­ing. and only a few of the pUyers who faced him were able to hit safely. Tlie work nf the locals' infield was being up to that shovm In practise. was exceedingly ragged and BClioolboy brand. The errors of ivfielders were responsible for Jj?;;number of KlngalBT*» iHins, The swre.

R.H.E.I KInxeley- R H .e .


AT HIS MERCYPrincetoo's New Fitchiot Star

Allowed New Yorken but Three Hits in Gama

Newark. Rlemsr. as.. . 1Bush. If........ JBrnwn, c......3Mills, lb .......1Denu>«ey. rf-. 1Znbrl»kle, 2b. 1Jose. 3b........ 1Rich, cf........ 1Smith, p.....

Totals Three-bass


h 0 ^^ n ~ M

21F}vnn8, ss 01 Campbell, c... } o' Bchlnsel.^P.. - J 0| Jones. S0 Cowp wnll, 5h s.01 Maclninnh. rf J2 McArthur. If . • J01 Ronthwiclt- 2b 1

hit*Totals ........ * *

Mill* 3. Ba*e hit-


Some hlgh-elaas .hooting was witnessed at the Eastern I.ie*€ue Oun Club traps yesterday afternoon, where the regular weekly shoot was held. Twenty-one gun ners faced the trap* and turned In credit ahls scores. The day waa an Ideal one tor Olay bird shooting, and firing continued until dusk forced the marksmen to put their guns away.

Three of the gunners were credited with a acore of 2B "kllSa,'' while a number ot the marksmen broke 21 and 23 birds dur­ing the various limes they toed the line Neap Apgar and 'Welts tied for high average honors of the day. John 'Weller caplatfi of ths elub, who haa been shoot lag exceptionally well ot late, kept op his good work and turned in a score of US “kills" out of a possible 17B. The scores;

Apgar. 23. 24. 23. 23.W. Hasslnger. 20, It, It, l i 21, H. 2*. Gardner. 23, 24, 23, 22, 24, 23.Bhanley. 18, 20. U, 20, 17, 21, 21 Frederick. 33, M, 24, 18, 18, 23, It. Spencer, IS, 19, 13, It, 19, 19, 16. 16.Welle, H, 2i 2 i 26 , 24 , 24 , 24 . 24.Brown, 16, 18, 23 23, H, ffi.W, E. H uni 31, 21, 20.J. Weller, 21, IB, 22. 22, 23. 21. 21 U Weller, It, 30, 18, 13, 13, 20.F. Bedpath. 18, 23, 23.Bchrlmpf, 13, 84, £1.Jewell, 21, 24. ^B. L. Undeley, 88. 28, 2i 23.H. Hasslnger, 12. iH. Keogle, U. 2L I |H. Keller, 23, 15. .Gestner, 18, IS, 'I ' !KlelBler, », 10. ' ’Bohneff, 9. l i 8.


rRINCETON, AjirU Princeton otil- plttyed i-'irirdham baieball team in *v*iT department of tha gam* ywflterday and won 9 lo 2. V 'oodle, on the moand for Prlncolcm, wliqwed mld-aeaxon form and •truck I'y.!. ten of Ihe Pordbam bnttera and allowed Ihem only three scattered hits. Keough, who did the twirling for FordhaTPs wah not bo effeellva. He was erratic at criUcal moment* anfl hl« eavvn pa^Hcg proved dlaanlrou*. The acore:

Princeton. R.H.E.j Forfihflm. R.U.E,0 Of McCar'y, c .... 0 l0 llMcCary, M.-- 0 02 fli Hoan'n. cf...... U 1ft Kftough, •,*2 llBliarkey. jib... 1 1 ti llOargan, If,.... 1 01 UlCliap’n, lb ..... 0 »

CHBarrett, rf....O DLynch, Jb.....0 oI Oil

i f

Bard, rfCarter, cf...... 1While, as..... 3Sterreft, if ,.. 1 Prescott, 2b.. 1 Wlnonts, lb.. 1 Lackey, c . .., 0 Woodle, p .... 0 Conner, 8b... 0

Total* ......... 8 e l ] Totals ...........* *Fordhom ............. iT iPrinceton ........... 0 3 2 0 2 0 4 9 -8

Sacrifice hits—Carter, Winants, I.*rkey, Woodle GargiUi. Stolen bases- C*rie^ White 'Prescott. First base on balls-Od Woodle 2, oft Keougb 7. Struck out-By Woodle l6, by Keough 3, Left on bases- Prlncetotl S. Fordhara 6- Double play— Sharkey to Chapman. First baie^ on or- rors—Princeton a. Fordham R. Hit by pitcher—Whit*. Oargan. Time of garae- THro hours ind fifty minutes. Umpire— Jobnetoue,

Manager Jim Prendergast, of th* Forsat Hill baseball teem, has selected Marty Cavanat;gb. the former Bay View Wheat- men, to captain the team and play first bass. Marty la pretty popular with the players, and he ought lo make a capital leader for the teani. Cavanaugh ha* play­ed with a number of the acral-ptofeaslona! clubs In Iht* vicinity. Is a heavy hlttef and a snappy fielder. He finished the sea­son with Forest Hill last year after the City League wont to place*.

The Forest HU1« will play a nine osllad the AlcoB-on fivmday. 'I'he team la being msnsged' by Jim Prendergast’* Iwother, and Iho Forest Hill manager has decided to loan the Alcoa Ollf Jawell and Mike Engtlah. a strong battery. In order that thing* may 1« made more Intereallng for the big fellows. The gmiidstaiids and other Improvements on tha grounda ate nearing ooinpletlon. and everything prom- Itca to be In shlp-shaiic tor the opening game against the All-New Yorks on Eas­ter Sunday.

The J. E. Mergou'”B B. C., champlona of the Manufacturera' I-eagiie, will play ' its first exhibition game ot the season on the Parkview tWal Sunday with the sec­ond tesni ot the same concern, 'Thfje teams met last season, and It took eleven Inolnga tor ths champs lo win. lira score

6 to 4, M»nag*re Brown and Heyl. of the regulars, have already derided uiion who should make the team, and will dfr pend on the following line-up; Schott and Hiinily. pUehort; Moclilnaky and Koer- maler, catchers; Welssert. first hate; Burkhart, second base; l*vey, ehortatop and captain. The lattor will take the place of Kelly, who goes to Anderson. I*rey. whll# having a cl^ar fielding rword la*t pea»6n, alao batted «rond h«rt in th® league, bl» averaeft bung .49?. Manchn«r ■R'lll agfUn covar third base. Gu»‘rlTi, Bllkey» WhiXa and W«lgand will be lh8 out- neldart.

Tha Manufactur^m’ L<mgtia will hold It* roguiar mooting at Its haadquartarSi Col lMeura fipringflaid avanoa Friday m rtlng. 8:» sharp. Managari of factory or shop tearuB who havo not already iont In thslr application* ar® r®<iue*t®d to port fll thi* mealing. The m*mbar* of the longue will try to romplsto th* rost*r at this mooting. Th^ i;oop*r Ch*mical Works, which Ijh* appllad for admlsilon, may b* *nt«r*i.l. Tljmi th*r* will ha only on* vacancy, which should b* Bu*lly flllad*

Th* Puritan team would Hk* to book gam** with fast amateur nine*. I' r par- Uculars writ* to Vincent Ilaldy. managor, G<)6 Corllondt stroot, FerUi Amboy, N. J.

Manager B. Chain, of the Ramblw F C, would like to book game* with nine or ten year old teams. Chalir* addrea* Is IS4 Van Huron street.

The Hickory A. C. of ICaHt Bids, would like to arrang* game* with leam* eom- poEOd of hln* and ten year old players. Communfcallon* aenl to Hugh O'Gorman* of IGI Van Bur*D street, will be coTuild ered.


'When the coramltta* uh auheeriptlona appointed to ral** a guaranty fund for maintaining a baseball club In Bloomfielfi made a report lost night that waa gratify­ing to the promoton, It sra* voted to elect permanent officer*. The offlclala named were a* followa; Prealdent, Frederick M. Davla; vlce-prealdant- E. Thornton Alee; aecretary, Clarence E. Van Winkle; treas- uter, Joseph Oarabrant. John L. Bur­dette, tbe managing director, was author­ized to select a oomtnlttee ot five to assist In the management of the nine.

The nama* of Ellla N, WttUamion, Jame* J. Blaine. John M. Hague atid Roecoe Johnaon were added to the board ot dlreotora elected Saturday nlgtit.

The team srill open the seaeon next Sat­urday with the Utica (M. T.) s ta te League team on the Wllllamean aveaue oval. whkJh la new being pul hi thap* tor th* season. . __________


Th® T’ nlted Junior* dofeaifld th* Ch*i- t*r Junlom Saturday afternoon on Ih* former's grounda. Th* battery for th* Unltfldi woB Cahill and Parrell, whil* McCarthy and Shields worked for th* Cheaters. Team* wishing to arrang* games with the TTnllr<| Juniors should communicAi* with K. Farrell, of IM Green street.

Pilcher Clark, of th* Newark F. G. did *om* fine pitching agalnot the New­ark Eagle A. A. On Sunday. stHKing out ten men and allowing but four hit*. Clark won his own game with a three- bane hit In th* *eventh with base* filled. Games with th* NeW'aric F. 0. can bonked by communlcatlDg with L. Sul ton, of 171 Polk *tT«et.

Nine or ten year old teams wishing to play the Holy CroA* Junior* of HarriAon should communicate with Theodore Gai ney, lift Harrison avenue, Harrleon.

A1 Birch, the clever bosketbell player, will do the pitching for the Elmwood A. C.

The Bergen Park Field Club, one of the BtrongMt aemLpro teams In the State, would like to arrange games with team* In Newark and vicinity; The manager of th* Bergen Point nine would like to hear from the Ironside*, Tiger* of Vall*- hurgh. Armorj'*. Forest Hill, Mendham, ftummit T, M. G. A. and T. A. B. ft. of


What More Could You Ask

Enn Iktatb wt iharfMl fi«a dflilirs fir iir biti

Thai Pirfeot Hit Satisfactian?

1 mean a hat that will retain its shape, color and beautiful finish until you are ready to discard it.

Is it any wonder that the best dressed busi­ness men in town wear our hats!


liH il Spring Slylis i t a Fixed Price

$2.00823 Broad Striet

.‘k- •

i v i u e ^

Tof* Mtat* League tbte e* « o "’ la tie doubt but sahat L an y ariU be ^ eorded a warm reception *);• FJJf*'bora 4»t laat year'* team ma*t hlirabul a ,„»rm*r time la In atoro for th* Trojan* when they tackle tha Indian* on th* N*wark raierratiom

■ TMAimHO CAMP WOTSli,A letter waa received a t tha training

oamp yaaterday by Hughty Hearne. W m Left Fielder Johnny Kelly. Wie of the outer gardan adjacent to th* hlu* work* wrote from hi* home In B altlm m that h« waa unable to leay* Uie b ^ ld e a t hla aged parent whoa* life !■ alowiy


The recently organlied Nawark Kennel Club La meeUng with much auooea* and th* momberahlp Uat la growing rapidly. Th* April matting waa held thla weak at he^quartera, 312 Bergen atreat, a t which tlm* th* charter merobeiahlp Hat waa cloeed srith fifty on th* roll. A. U Parte- low, of thle city, and George Low, ot Eliza heth. were elected to the board of direc­tors. 'Vlfeekly competitions are held Mon­day nlgbta among doga owned by mem­bers. These matches are Judged point hy point, th* Judge explaining and lllua- tratlng as he proceeds, thus furnishing

I Inatructlon and practical experience to amateur fancies that oould not be ac­quired by ordinary olaa* ahow Judging.

'Whlla profeaaional braedera nrs not barred from tneinberahlp the olub waa eatabllahed principally for the benefit and Inatructlon of alnateur fanclera, exbibitora nw* braodera, and tboae who are In gnnpathy with mioh purpoasa oan tecur* Informetlan on th* OMb from tha eacre- taiT, C D. W*tB»r% 141 Johnson avanu*.



will meet her old rival, Bleveua InatltuU, to-morrow afternoon at Nellaon Field, n i ls will be the lin t home game of the season and a big student turnout and demonstration Is expected. The diamond ha* been put In good' shape, and th* weather permitting, the ground* will ha In excellent condition. Thla la the first contest of a series of Wire* games with Stevens The second game will take place May 31 at Hoboken, and the third Jmje 17 a t New Brunswick. I

The aplrit of rivalry la keen and a close,hard fought game 1s expected. Rutgers I Klliabeth. Addreia nil challengee to has p\it up a geod ahowtng *o far. losing , Manager Edward Crane, ITI Orient alreet, her game to West Point only after ten - Innings, and going down before Columbia by a Budden turn ot fortune In the ninth Inning.

The team ha* been greatly hampered this week by wet grounda, tha man being obliged to confine their efforts to tossing the ball around the gymnasium floor for two days. Dennis, who will probably pitch, has been warming up dally, how­ever. George M. Sangater, of Glen RIdga, glvea Infllcatlons of becoming a etrong pitcher, having good speed and aurvea,


Newark roller akatera finlahed flmt, sec­ond and third In th* four-mil* Kaatem amatenr charaplonthlp event, derided last ntgbt a t the Metropolitan Roller Rink,New York. The cottieat wai nip and tuck throughout, and at th* finish a blanket oould have covered the leaders.

The laat lap was especially exciting, J.TImney crossing the line Inohet In front ot H. 'WImmer, who !n turn wax lata than a foot In advance of Harry Van Duyne, the third to finish. The tiro* of the win­ner wa* U minute* 43 second* Th* final event in th* seriea will he decided next Thursday evening, and win ha a t five“ ••to 'Th* aoore tn polnta now stand* *a fob Iowa; Wlmmar, 17 print*; Tlmoey. 14

Big Removal Sale Bargains for Saturday.! We Must Move From 196 Market Street!

|loffman House 'Bou­quet, 10c. Perfecto,6for

J1*; I

H avan a Throw Out, 6c. C igar m akers’ Sm ok­

ers; bo* of 50, for

1 . 4 ^

Imported M anila Brer VOS, sold rej^ular a t

^c, each; box of 50, for |

1 . 2 ^

ebbing away. The playei** nlnaty-flve year* old and aenlllty Is ble

NEW BRONBWICK, April T.—lD a praotla* gam* bacween the Rutgera vaielty baseball team and th* Rutgera Prop, ieheol nine yeeterday, 4n Nellwn neld, Hardo, th* craek oeotar Beider of th* Prega.t hrohe hla wilat while eliding to third bM*.

The aooldent occurred In th* third In­ning of gama Ferdo ran to third on a bunt. He attempted to tilde feet tor th* bane, throwing h it hands uiidar him, when th* boo* tnepped. Thla la Pardo's flret year In the Prep, achool. He la one of th* beat playar* on tbe team, being an'exaellsot outficldar and thrower.

Th* gam* waa a Ora-lnnlng ona and re­sulted In a win for th* ooUeg* team, hy the eoor* ot I to «. Th* P r ^ . , thotigh naturally outolimaed, put up a flint gam* of ball. Jamas Ziegler pttobed for the Prep*.


Edward SurtOB, Kaw York, I

PLAY BALL!T lo w a fL

BASE BALL SHOEIs made of genuine K to g iro o -C tlf ,. with White Oflk Sole*, reinforced by Chilled Steel Q eut* riveted on.

Actually vorfh $3,50, b u t lo ld di­rect by tbe maker at

$2,50n »

N e w a r k S h o eI R o n IW NN'KAMl

1 3 $ M a r k e t S t r e e t

An All-Hudson River league baaket- baU team, oomposed of th* beet playere on that protoialonal rironlt, ha* been at- oured to play the croaoanta ot Fatorooii a t Eiactrto Park ♦n Bundajf ydght. Ar- -rangementa were being mad* to eeoure the Celluloid Club to meet the CreeoeliU In th* aeoond gam* of • aerie* on Buiw day night, but the oonteat waa put off for a cpuple of week*.

The "All-Btore" team wa* eeleoted on the recommendation of M anage Bill Downey, of th* Creacente. It •**oomposed ot Sugerman, of Hudaon: <3ur- lett, ot Kingston; Henehel. of Klngalon, Meaaer, of Bohenectady; Qraul, kill, and Mayham, o t th* South B ldeart Plttehurg. Mayham wa* the alee part­ner of the wonderful goal ahooter,Hough, who went to Pittsburg •**[•aeaaon. Thla aggregation. It Jp will make the Creacenta play at tlp-lop form and bring out a large crowd of fans.


fa a ito"H a*al*urt oaah otbor on Soiurduy t o g h t ^ C Bay View Hall. This gam* has been awaited by the fane all aeaeom M Maneger Rein ’Iuntil th* end of the eeaaon before tjringlw hto topme together. The Junior team hie proven Iticlt o ap ah l* ^ putting u ^ ^ a t Sene a t all time*. The eenlori are very •ngioua to b*at„Ui* youngttera ^

The Junior# are all M*®’' *•*•• ment and confident of '***1®*_S?,* *' ly brothers. Fred Bertioh will referee and will aee that each team playa fair. Manager Rein has a aomrenlr for each on* attending-


Many autoniohlla ownero 1*1* rity Journayefl over to New York City laat nllht to attend a lecture which waa given W W « le a ^ » Wtowart Ir.. rice-prawldent of th* Stewart Automobile Academy, at M tueet Fifty-fourth etreet,

Ytia lubjaet ot the addrea* waa T iuper Drirtnt and 0**r Shitting," ^ the lecturer **»* a ^urober of I n t a r r o ^ facts and 04»ild*rable Information. The addree* wae followed by a gmerol dle- epwloD upon automohll*A la which thoe* ^roaottecfcsayt


Academy lacrosi® team yetlerday defeat­ed. ComelL 12 to 0. The mldahlpmeo maln- tatped a foat pace throughout and the teorn work waa of a high order- Coppell occasionally worked the bell Into the navy'ft terrilory, but the Inner defense wo* to strong th&t no opporttmlty was afforded for a iucceseful ibet.


The St, Paul ba«ba!i.team of Nufley hat reorganlced for the seamn with the following playere; H. Armitron$, catoher; B. Townsend, firwt base: H. Reynolda* second base: F, Staler, shortfltop; W, ZKman< third base; J, KllnfeUrr, pitcher; Clark Edferton, pitcher; A, Cerstens, Q. Armstronir and A, Robertson, outfielders, and D- Kllnfelter and M. Ayers, substl* tutee. Manager Tteynolde would Hke to book gaines with fourteen or fifteen year old uniformed teams. Hts address Is $10 Franklin avenue, NutVsy, N. J. The team is oonnoeted with St. Paul's Confrefo* tlonol Church.

Tbe Our LAdy of the Talley Bobool has reoi^onlsed its team, and would like to om uifa irames with oli eeheo) teams com­posed ot plsQwrs frota thirteen to flftean years of offo. 'Hie Dor Lady of the Val­ley nlns will hno up as follows: Kelley, ootober; Brothers, first base; Hull, Bocond bake; Klinff, shortstop; Quinn, third base and oaptahi, and Kennedy, pitcher. The outfield will be taken care of by H. Mo- LaufftUln, P, MoLaufhltn, W. Welsmiller and D. Brennan. For fames address Ed­ward F. Burtp Tt Nassau street, Oraufft.

Th* Aronson A. A., a lUrM e$iniI-prof«Sw ■lonsl team, woiiM like to book fames with such nines as Summit Y. M. C- Aro Madison A. C., Idorristown A. A. and New Frovtdence A, A. R- Henderson, $$• Run- terdOQ streefa is nonoger.

The Roty Nocne Sodety team of 8t. Ann's Church U booking fames with fit- toen to soTtnieon year old teemi. Catl^ Olio otub teams are preferred.

D4d you ever hear of the Nepo A. C.T Well, the inanafcr la Juseph OeiKsr, 340 New York avenue, and lie has lpeue< chalUnfe to thlrtsen-y«ar-old teami.

Qomas with ten and elevon year old teams are desired by the Rambler F, C.

E Saturdays tn June and July are open. I t 1 Brooks, IM Parker street, Is monoter.

Unquestionably the Most Remarkable Pipe] Offer Ever Attempted in Newark

15c. Cork Pipes, 25c. Asbestos Pipes, 10c. Calabash Clays I

r I OclT h is Sale Only a t Our Store a t 196 M arket St.

Your Choice of One of T h ese Pipes and a 10c. T in of Bohem ian Tobacco

H avana Seconds, Robert B a rn s ,regu lar 5c. value; 10c. D om estic Cigar;

box of 50, for box of 25, for

S O o 1 . 3 S

196 Marltet St. BLOCK’S 782 Broad St.


Pitcher Itouli A. Brookatt has been re­instated b r tbe National Baseball Cam- mleelon a* a membar ef the New York American Leagn* olnh without th# In­fliction ot a fine. Brockatt tailed to re­port to tbe Yankees Uut Year on account of ilcknew. "King," ae h* I* called. Is In fin# ahap* and sxpeoU thla yaar to be th* beat of bl* caroar.

oThe Danville (Va.) tsam defeated tbe

Toronto Eaelorn Leegua team yexterday afternoon at Danville by a aoore of I to 1. The Maple I-eafa have not been setting tha world on fir* by their playing, and have loit a nfimbor ot gamea on tb* iprlDt training trip to th* team# In th* bush league*.

4>Old Cy Young ha* reqoeeted Manager

Jim IfaGulr* to permit him to pitch the opablng champlonablp gam* Of the *ea- aon. Tm W * MAluM the CtnclnnaU Red* on 'Wednaaday doaa aot Indlcatt tiialf' the manager of the Clavaland Napa will grant th* veteran’* requiet.

❖Maneger McJDeer, of tha 'Waahingtqta

American*, ha* turned over to the Atlan­ta team of th« Boutharn Laegue. a* '■ground rent man” Outfialder Fr*d Cor­bin. He I* subject to recall a t tbe Mtd of the aeaaon.

OTh* Buffalo taam tmiler th* toadtrehlp

of Bud flhani* played an e]*v*n-lnnlng tl* « -” • y*itorday with the Bpartaaburg team of th* Carolina Aaeoclatlon. With the acore 3 to 4 In favor of th* Bliona, th* Sparunburg player* M*rt*d a bat­Ung rally A elngle, two doubles and a home run netted four nuia. Th* gam* waa than called on account of dsrkoei*.

OTh* New York Giant* are acballuled to

nlay agalnit Jack Dunti’i Oriole* at Bal- tJroort^thii eftornoon. The manager of the Eaatsrn Leago# team wUl try lo aacnr* aeveral pUy*r* for Ills toam who a n DOW with tb* Oliata.

U Is not likely that Walter Johnion will play ball this year unlesB ha accepts the offer of M.W> made by the Woshloffton American Ijeoffue Club. Jamas R. Me* Atcer. monaffer of the Senators, sent hli great twirler borne and then wired notice of bis action to rreeldant Noyes, of tbe Beantors.

oThe 8onth Atlantic League got fa mo­tion last Monday and on Wadnoodoy the first doubte-hsader of th« sesoon w m ptoyod.

oEddi* Zlinmernian played third bale for th* Brooklyn Trolley Dodger* yeitsrday against th* Lynchburg, Va., team. Th* former Brave wae at the bat four times and puled out three safe drive# Ha alto aocopted tlx chance* In th* field-Without an •rror.

OThe Quincy Club paid |2 ,a« to get a r*-

lea** from tha Central League lo t h ^ l t might enter th* Thre* I League, hut Wa­terloo froxa out th* Quincy Club, and now Quincy ha* no afiHlatlon with any JeaguA Like swapping hone* while oioeslng a *tr*am.

OHerbert Cushing, treasurer of th* Mon­

treal club, was iHj New York y»*t«rd*y and laid that th# Royals look Ilk* a flrit division tsam this year. The Mou- troal man paid hit retpeott to PreMdenI Ed Barrow a t ths, LBasteni Leago* her* quarter* In th* St. Jam ., building.

oTh* Pater*on club will op«a tt* «

son a t Olympic Pork. Pateraon. on Sun­day with th* Albany club of tb* N*w Fork State League

OThe Athletic* defeated th* Phlllle* yes­

terday tn a twelve-inning game at PhUg- delphta by a acore of 2 to J. Twrive tnhlnga were played before the winning run wa* aenl over the pan. Th* aerie* now atnnd# two vlctoriei for tb* Ath- letio* and on* ter th* FbUUea.

Re m e m b e r , out of the high rent district means a saving to you. My rent and other expenses are 75 per cent,

cheaper than if I would have been in the higher rent district.A dollar saved is a dollar made, and I will save many a

dollar on your spring clothing purchase.I carry the sample suits, top coats and trousers of the

well-known manufacturing tailors of Chicago, Rochester, Syracuse, Baltimore and New York; by special contract I received these Mrments'at greatly reduced prices—that’s why I can sell tnem to you, with the little expense I have, at low prices.

Sole agent for B. Kuppenheimer & Co., of Chicago, smart clothes.

Gumpel’s 10Calllfff this line S10 suits is doing

an iniustlce to the suits. It Is Impoa- siijle to singly describe each style, as there are over two hundred styles. Each suit t . worth $15.00; my price ..................... 10.00

Q u m p e l ’s 15Here’s where $15 is mkde to look

like S22. Each suit is built hy band by expert tailors; made in plain and fancy cuts; some silk lined. Ai to colors, you’ll And $ ri p every shade (“union I ^ I I I I made’’); my price ■ f l- r* V rV

For the man who claims that he ^ants his clothes different from whatThe new stepping stone and her­

ringbone effects, made by tailors rec­ognized as creators of fashion. These suits were the sample suits ofwiiich the copies were made , ^

■ * 1 3 . 5 0 * 1 6 . 0 0pleg . . . o n ce ..................... ..

other men wear. Dark worsted, with stripes, of dark tones; worsteds witli silk dots and many more charac-

pnee .At $12 you will And many styles to sidt your taste.

Other sample suita that are worth double the price I ask at

$18, $20, $22, $25-Saturday Special No. 2

Rubberized Rain Cotta, the same ae sold for $S.00; to-day’sprice ................................ $3,95

Quitipers Clothes Shop260 W ashington S t A Pew Step*

ProM Market


House DressesOne-piece ctmbric house

Iwwea with equare necia «cd abort aleevea. Neat checks.Olbaon waists. Fullskirts. $1.50 values. 1.00 M AXK K T S T S .

Sale of Marabou BoasFine cisfelltr etock. Blaek ao1 n&tuml. Four. flve. ilx ad ttraarlt.

1.00 Marabou I 4,00 Marabou I 0.50 Marabou I *.50 Uarabau I lo.oo Maraboufeatberboae featherboai {eatberbouM Iratherboaa fealherboai

1.98 I ILa’;2.<>8 L';^;3.98 S.98 1 L '” :6.98Iona-. loaa...

Hand BagsBlack seal grain

bags, moirecovered or fancy metal frames. Fitted with purse. ‘

Girls’ Wear Announcement ExtraordinaryHere are four offerings in girls' coats and two lots of misses' and girls' dresses tHe

like of which we have never seen or heard of before at this season of the year. We were lucky in securing these garments—you are lucky in being able to participate in this sale.

G ir l s ’ $ 4 .9 8 C o a ts S a t u r -

d a y $3.00H a n d s o m e c o a ts o f

s m a r tm ix e dc h ile s !

g r a y a n d fa b r ic s

t a na n d

f a s h i o n e d w ttl il a r g e s a i lo r c o l la r s a n d

inc u f f s o f b ro a d c lo th p a s te l s h a 3 ^ S iz e s 0to 14 y e a r s ; r e g u la r$ 4 .9 8 c o a ts ,s p e c ia l 3.00

G ir ls ’ $ 7 .0 0 a n d $ 8 .0 0 L i t t l e G ir ls ’ $ 7 .5 0 C o a t s

C o a ts $ 5 .0 0

S m a r t s ty le s o f n a v y o r C o p e n h a g e n c o lo r

a t $5 .00 .

S ty l is h c o a ts f o r g i r l s o f 6, 7 a n d 8 y e a r s o f

s e rg e , w ith s i lk c o l l a r s a g e . M a d e o f n a v y b lu ea n d c u f f s ; p r e t t y m ix e d fa b r ic s w ith l a r g e s a i l o r c o l la r s o f c o n t r a s t i n g

s e r g e o f g o o d q u a l i t y , w i th la rg e s a i lo r c o l la r s o f n ic e w h i te p iq u e

c o lo r s i lk . S iz e s 6 to — r e g u la r $ 7 .5 0 e a c h ;14 y e a r s . R e g . 5 A A $ 7 a n d ^ a t . ,

s p e c ia l S a tu r - 5 A A d a y p r ic e . . . .

G i r l s ’ $15 .00 C o a ts S a t -

u rd a y $ 10 ,75

C o a ts o f th e f in e s ts e r g e in n a v y , t a n ,C o p e n h a g e n a n d g o ldc o lo r . F in is h e d w i thla r g e c o l la r a n d c u f f s o fcontrasting color moire —sizes from 8 to 14y e a r s . R e g . $15 g a r m e n ts y je c ia l to - I Qm o r ro w a t .

M is s e s ’ $ 2 7 .5 0 t o $ 35 .00 S u i t s , $ 2 5 .0 0 — T h e s m a r t e s t s ty le s o f t h e s e a s o n . W e s e c u r e d a l im ­i te d n u m b e r u n d e r p r ic e . F in e s t s e r g e in a l l s h a d e s ; p r e t t y s t r ip e s a n d c h e c k s ; A H re g . $ 2 7 .5 0 t o $35 s u i ts , S a tu r d a y — ^ • v r V f

G ir is ’ $ 10 .75 D r e s s e s S a tu r d a y , $ 8 ,9 8 — D a in ty w h i te d re s s e s f o r g i r l s o f 6 to 14 y e a r s . F in e la w n a n d b a t is te e x q u i s i te ly t r im m e d w ith la c e a n d e m ­b r o id e r y — r e g u la r $ 1 0 .7 5 d r e s s e s o n s a le ^S a tu r d a y a t


Mtp we make bold enough to loonli’e wbei lui bocome of nmUSTRlAL e n r s pabUoltyloonli’e wbei lui bocome of thenmusTRiAL e n r s paeaopeicnP Wo nwin the oneluo'died Iw the Board of Trade e-lev flxmihe doM.

We netioe that uwny ef the Weateni cUae an talii| Uberal ■paee la the Bagulnoa endeapen end oflMng ell torta of inauoeinenti to menufeetunraend homo eoekere. We have re-

aaid that adverUaine is aa U laaa good for a conimnnlty

for a atore, and our candid opin ten ia, that It la now high ttnia to tat tba world know that Newark

Are You Interested in Commonplace Clothing or Do You Want the Best?

I n s e le c t in g a n E a s t e r s u i t o r c o a t , w h y n o t g e t t h e v e r y b e s t in r e a d y - ^ w e a r ? W e d o n o t b u y e n o u g h o f a n y o n e p a t t e r n t o p e r m i t I t to b e c o m e c o m m o n a n d w e • e l e c t OUT m a te r ia l s a n d m o d e ls w i th b u t o n e e n d In v ie w — t o c a t e r to t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s o f w e ll-d re s s e d , d is c r im ­in a t i n g m e n .

Hie Best $10.00 Suita in Newark—This isn't an idle claim, either. We know just what the others have and we know just what we have. Pure worsted blue serges, plain or fancy; black thibets

la NOT merely a way station be- York and Phttadd-Naw

phla.WS ue proud of Nowarfc, a n t

Kla ovarr ana alia who Uvot hank t our orlda In Nawufc doaa not

Ur. JoliO Bm:

and d a y diagonals; fancy worsteds and casaimeres in | A A no* Spring patterns. Sixes for men and young men 1 v a vF v

onr to lmow‘'{uat ............... 'ft

Imith, oT Soottle,ilwt on, to know Juat wW a

^^d ld la^It la, or IndmM Sjut


of Chlcaio, to ooma bar* toeato.VortUang, and

, __ Iho aoonar th*M«r Cemnlttaa Mdna to die pnaUr*! Ink tha bottar if

Tfie Best I1S.00 Suits in Newark—We say the best in Newark ■, and we mean it absolutely. High grade blue and gray serges; black | unflnisbed worsteds and clay diagoeals; all wool materials in pin | ttripes, plaitla and mixtures. New models—^hand tail' ^ ^ 0 0

Hosiery for Easter Wear

ored. Suita aold elsewhere for $20.00, our price.. . .Hie Best $20.00 SnitB & Ovoepats—Onr $20.00 suits and over-

ooata iMTe won us hundreds of new customers. It will surely pay you to took through this line. Suits of fancy worsteds and cassi- merea, newest patterns; overcoats of high grade black '" k /k A A thlbet. silk fa'ned and faced: also fanev overcoatinoa.. • W


Women'i Silk HealerT—Pun thread silk stockings with double soles of lisle and garter tops; of good quality and regu­larly $1.00 per pair; on sale Saturday

Women’* Lltl*Hal* thnisd and ft . _IVMlery of ntc* quality, dart blaolb DeaM* aole*.Bacoiarly ISo. /fair, Sat­urday .............

Wam*n>B U*l* HeVary^tlk Hit*------------------

thibet, silk lined and faced; also fancy overcoatings..Hw Best $25.00 Suits in Newark—Men who have been used to

peylng $35.00 and $40.00 for suits made to order are turning to our $25.00 line ip increasing numbers all the while. The best domestic and imported fabrics. Exclusive models. Two or three button coats—every piece cut singly. Product of best Amer­ican

I—every piece cut singly. Product of best A rn e r-^ makers....................................................................Z O a X l V

Mb Hotikry—Iln* Sob Iiland Cotton


25cLW9ftowMi of .OM w!

VMI^ri tplOfiClB §9QkHBB, Ut-moT- 39c

Monk $12.00 London “Slip 0ns” $7.95—Just one hundred of these rain coats for Saturday's selling. Men’s and young men’s si» t. Made of double texture cloth in olive and tan shades. Guar­anteed wnterproof. Cut on stylish models, wit]i full, wide sweep. Siaea $8 t» 4$ chest. Good value at $12.00, Satur­day "7.95

One More Day of Waist Sale


Saturday is the last day of the most successful waist tale ever held at the Bamberger store. Here are some of the offerings:

Last Day of R ug S a le

!: 95c

Lawn and Batista Waista—High and low neck mod­els; kimono sleeves; yoke and long effects; tafutar $t.60, at.

Lawn and Batiite Waista —Trimmed with French or German Val. lace—kimono alewMl regular 'W /k f | ta.50 and $3.00, at

Sanaa Cellar Wriata— MarquUetta and tllovar embroidery; lace edged ool- lare—ngultr $3, ^ ^ f kspedil at .......... .^ .U U

Lawn and Batiate Waista —High and low neck styles; lace or embroidery trim­med; regular $3.00 ^ and $3.50, a t . . . . .

Biaek ffilk Wabrta—Taf- fMa and meeaatlne; hand- embroidered or lace trim-

regnlar $6,I At ea»^ V ■ V a

ne^’ n apeniai i 5.00

SRk<asd Chiffon Waist*— WHh colored embroidery or striped linings; lace yokes;regular $8; epo- 5.00

TWIor Made Waiats-Alllinen; some hand-embroid­ered: etlff collar and cuffs: regular $3.00; tpe- ^ Q Q

Dainty White Waist*— MarqulMtte, batiste and lawn; high and low neck models; regular C A fk $0.00; tpedal . . . . 9 .U U

Tailor Made Waista— Glbton style of madras and linene; pocket and stiff collar; regu- fkC —lar $1.50; at......... y O C

Sailor Collar Waista— Fins shear lawn; colored triiainbray ooUare; tuckM; .regularU.50; epedal at.

0x12 Royal Wilton Rugs,regular $40 jO, at............ $30.00

8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs, regular $21.00, at.......$14.50

9x12 Body Brussela Rugs,regular $27.50, at.......... $2l3o

9x12 Tapettty Bruaaele Rugs,regnlar $20.00, a t .......... $15.60

36x63 Inoh Royal Wflton Rugs, regular $850, at... .$6.76

0k12 Axmlttster Rnga, regular•23.50, special .............. $16210

9x12 Pretwh Weavs WUton Rugs, reg. $6&00, st....$42.0#

9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs,regular $27.50, a t . . .---- $16.76

83x10.6 R o^ WUton Rugs,regular $35.00, at.......... $23.76

$1.25 Inlaid Linoleum, nqat de­signs, square yard.......... ..85e

50c. Printed Linoleum, heavyquality, square yartk.......... 39o

Sampson's regular 45c. Oildoth, square yard..............35c

Sampson's 35c. OQ Cloth, special, square yard...

Sampson a 25a Oil spectal, squere y«rd...

,..29c Cloth, . ..l$e

Special Sale Ecdr Goods

t t M q areie y u tt^ ooctie laia*,ea .............. .............................M e

eik k ^ g^ Curia, twe la a sat, ^

tlje^O Iester Waok Curl*, bast

t i e s Crnepna Clnatar Patta,eeKToi* *8^1. airfl* rui^M

euna .................................. - —n w W m rr Tranaformatlana,„eaaelal ........................... . LOOn.DS W**T FOmpadosn. larf* imlio. AnlamcMIa Bialr I

far Uo., aaoh............................ mH.i* SNrniaM St InctiaL sh o t

atama ........................................a mM.IO WBax Bwitchea, St lo e h ^

Mixed Bwitchea,’i ttnohea ....................................... 2.2t

tlLf* Wavy Bwitchea, » In.,* t hair ............................... too

i Bwitebea, St hiohea, baatSt liidItM.' m -

¥ (» CaiiuBta. apiFa fSip Nata' I ’tw 00&',

'SMr 'Reiui ’zt m.'.I Sfjifaleht'OnmMt^ It*

Photo FramesB a a n t l f o l

V l a r a a t l n e gheto tram esj In e a b l n a t l a tm . Oval er* iqn tre Shaaea| B s t t qualitrl leU ttatad. laadar a t I to..


These $1 Shirts for 69c.OwiBf to the cancelation of a large Weatem order, cma of th* malcera

Utem-whom we buy many of our beat ^ ir ts waa oMiged to dlspoa»-*f «boat 1,600 rognlar $1jOO «hlrtS;*t-« dedalvo loss. We’ro the lucky onea, aa Twaal. Witt yon share ottr gooff fortune Saturday? Nice, clean, new good* and all •trietty perfect. Sixes 14 to 17. Absolute $1.00 shirts.

Mot’s NedtwMT 60c.—The largest assortment of SOc. neckwear we’ve ever shown. Alt of the nenreat and moat popttlar shapes, made of best quality anknin latest Spring shadee— striped and figured effects without number—........ 50c

Men’s Neckwear 29c.—This line in­cluded four-in-hands with open ends or French four-in-hnnd ties in gray with neat colored stripes. The silks used in their making are of extra quality. A big assortment.at 29c

Men’s Shoes and HatsWoifind'that we will not have to vacate our annex store for a

fcw days, therefore we are going to open np all of onr newSpring goodi to w rrew . We’ve made some interesting price con-

ira cesateoa, io < ^ .

M ezfs L o w Shoe*—New goods, bought for regular selling. Haven’t bean out of the original eases more tbtp a few days. Russia calf, pat- ‘ ent colt and gun metal calf. All of the latest Spring lasts.

Men’s $5 Low Shots reduced to...............425

IHe New Hsta—Nomatter what style of brim or crown you want, you will Rnd it here. The largest assortments of men’s derbies and eoft hats in Newark and the , best values as well. This is the hat store of Newark.

Men’s’’Elbeoe" hate for.

Men’s $4 Lew Sheea reduced t e „ . . . . ...3,26

Mm’b New Spring "Curiiion^lex'* hata,3.0&

The S a le o f Infants’ WearChildran’a Goiiiipaa—Suspen­

der atyle, mads of tavo. Lace and embroidery trimmod. Long or ahoft sleeves—«icaa 4 to U yeare; regular 50o.69c. each, ipeclaL

CWMmi's Straw Hat»:::^lahlittle ahapee of plain and lancy •traw, pretttly trimmed with satin ribbon and Rowen. Regu­lar $I.M and $1.25 each,•pedal at.

‘Straw HatB--New shapes of nne, dainty straw trimmed with Rowers, ribbon or velvet ribbon. Sold regulsrly for $2.00 each; our apacial price for athli .......................... .. l . O y

T i l a ; 1 tale of discontinued lots «tiU on.

Infaaty Short Dreesea—Fine nainsook and lawn. Dainty styles, lace and embroidery trimmed. High or low necks—i

-long and short sleeves. Sizes 6 months to 2 years. i Regular $1 tnd $tJ15...mk ;89c

Sheet Music, 10cV v 0 « Tour N!iinb*r.T h i t ^Pillow with tb» 'C«IIo Th«re ■ g Dim* Qlrl \rho’a Lonciaw

for a Tanks® Dock11« Rov. * **“ • M oonJIrtt All (h« Tlm« on Broad-Motor K in f; Bomm. (new) M other 1b The CeNt Sweeth— -he Cefft Swpethffirt of Ail JuBt a Chain of Da}iisB. 'Oh T hat Puany RfMg.Wff’ve Kept (be Ooldai R uk, Some of Theae Dave.p o It tbe R ight Way, Bpartow i of XuxBmburr. HoaeylDve. u polka. UrmorlaB. HiBU, tnaroh.

F ta t Maroh. Cucuint>*r^Ri.at.

noaerlDve.Tlpptrair Twtrt,That FVm hat On aiobll* Bay.XII I Arit I t Lnve.A Colonial HedhT.

Girl.Bpoonr Moon; W ithout Tou.

T?®’ ®»VP*r», Yon'r. In tor trie Nlgfit.That IB W'hy t Love You,

but It’B Great to Meat a rrlena from Toup Home Town.T h a t MLielflBippl Dippy i)la,I Never Knew Till Now I

I Uvna You. -■• I I ' '" ’ Among t i n OoU.M v« ■ W htiperlng, waltiea. md ShadeSuoiblB* and Shadowe, 'wattEee.

S ilv e r P la ted Table Flatware

CoSn and! Tea Spoona lei; reg ■“ • ■Table 1Slei; re^ Uc. half doaen' able Sr

-fancT han- 40o..'^5'’'? •P'™* “ d medium torta';' re*.Sl.00 hair doaen, a t............... soa^Chlldrwn’a Seta—Tbjne placei; peg.ISg. V". « t; ipeolal.................... bBo

Betty SiiooDa; fanoy bandlaa; regulartaob; wieolal .................. ,‘aBo

Sngar Sballa u d buttar kotvea; reg.ISo. aaofa; eneelaJ.............. i<£;Mrilnin Xalje^ eltrer plataS,'plain handlea; reg. talt d D eea ... '.l^

Regular $1,00, a t___

Is TheM A R K E T € H A L S E Y S T S .

Why This Busiest Boys’ Store

The,reason is plain: We sell the bestgoods for the least money. Here arefour potent illustrations:

Double-breasted Suite—Sixes 7 to 18years. All wool mixtures in new shades and patterns; also all wool blue thibets. Perfect fitting models—w ell-^tailored. $4 and $4.50 values at

Double-breasted Suits—With two pairs of full cut knickers, sixes 7 to 17 years. All wool cassimeres and cheviots in gray, tan and brown stripes 3.98and plaids. Regular $5 values at

Boys’ Sluts, Extra Ktiickeia -Norfolk and double-breasted mod­els—all woo! cassimere and cheviot, several pretty patterns. Sixes 6 to 16 years. Handsomely tail- C A H ored, $6 and $7 values___

Double-breasted Reefers—Sizes ZYi to 10 years. High grade blue serge, shepherd plaids, coverts and fancy owcoatings. Stylish models—perfect fitting. The beat C A A line ever shown at...........

Boys’ Suits from $6.00 to $13.06—High grade suits of fine quality plain or fancy blue serges, fancy worsteds, cassimeres and' cheviot in a wide range of patterns. Norfolk, double-breasted and novelty styles, sizes 3 to 18 years.

Women’s Shoes at 1.95Regular $2.50 and $3.00 values. Just think of it!

Hand sewed welted soles. All the new shapes.

Gun metal calf and patent colt button shoes; sample low shoes; pumps and oxford ties in all leathers.

made to sell for less than $2.50 and some of them areworth $3.00. Arranged according to sixe on centretables, second floor.

“ F o o t T r a i n e r ” S h o e s f o r C h i l d r e nOur famous “Foot Trainer” last is making new friends

for us all the white. The most sensible shoe ever built for growing feet. All leathers at following prices:ChlWren'a Foot Trainer Bhhrs,

stgea 1 to G, at.75c. and 11.00 Children'* Foot Trainer Shnes.

alze* 4 to 8, a t . . f t .00 to fl.SO

Children's Foot Trainer Bhoes, sixes 6 to 8. a t . .11.00 to $2.00

Children’s Foot Trainer Shoes, SH to 11, at....S1.2S to S2.H

Children's Foot Trainer Shoes, 1114 to J. a t ..................... .Sl.BO to W.06

Boys' Foot Trainer Shoe*, size* 9 to ISH. a t ......................11.50 to 12.90

Boys' Fool Trainer Shoes, sIzm 1 to I, at from....................Sl.SOtbSS.OO

Boys' Foot Trainer Shoes, sizes 2H ----- tosa.ooto 614, at......................SX-OOt

This Handsome Sailor Only 3.50Lok at the picture. Isn't this a pretty style and don’t you think it would look well on yon?

We call it the "Lakewood," and it 'S one of the most popular hats of the year. Good grade of straw.all colors. Prettily trimmed. Nicety made. An exceptional hat, truly.

Rendy-to-wear Hats — Hun­dreds of smart, new, ready-to- wear hats that require no trim­ming. Rough braids in staple and nacre shades, prices,

L98 to 4.56 Untrinmied Hats—Our un­

trimmed hat section contains a large assortment of the latest and best shapes in Milan, hemp, chip, tigal and rough lap braids,

98c to 12.00Mlaaea’ and Chlldren’a Hats—

Ready-to-wear and school hala of Java, imitation Panama and rough braids. The largest aasortment in the city..........................98c to 3.98

Imported Roses—A special lot of beautiful imported rose sprays with foliage—pretty col­orings—regularly 98c. each, on sale Saturday special

Im ported W heat ^ r a y s —These splendid wheat sprays come in a wide range of color- ings—regularly 75b. and 98c. each, our special S a tu r -^ g ^ ,day price.

Imitation Aigrette Pompoiu— Something entirely new for bat trimming. Shown in red, cerise, royal blue, emerald and white. The price is only.,.

SOHAH In obBTf* aa thatr nuubar c In tb* Pa wilt peobi thr*a bod irace at B .daaS Itbo antti

, year*.

at tba 0


Have You Seen Our 17.50 Suits?T o s a y t h a t o u r $ 1 7 .5 0 s u i t s a r e t h e b e s t in N e w a r k

d o e s n o t do th e m ju s t i c e — t h e y a r e t h e b e s t t h a t w e k n o wo f a n y w h e re . Y o u h a v e n o id e a h o w m u c h s ty le a n d 3 ?g o o d n e s s w e h a v e i n c o r p o r a t e d in to th e m . Y o u w il l b es u r p r i s e d t h e s a m e a s e v e r y o n e e ls e w h e n y o u s e e th i s l in e . D o z e n s o f s ty le s . F i n e s e r g e s in b la c k , t a n , n a v ya n d o th e r d e s i r a b le s h a d e s ; h a i r l i n e s t r ip e s a n d n e a t m ix -t u r e s . P la in t a i lo r e d o r t r im m e d . C o a ts 17.50l i n e d w ith p e a u d e c y g n e . N e w s k i r t s

W'Miieii’s SuRb $25.60—A great variety of styles in our famous $ 2 5 ^ taRored suits. Made of the very newest materials, including nwmifsh tnfactiu'es in gray and tan shades and hair line B ff A Astriped. Positively the best suits in the d ty a t . . . . . . • v a v Ustriped. Positively the best suits in ^ e d ty

Wameirs Saits $35.00—The newnt and prettiest models, made of finest quality serge in black, navy blue and tan shades. Fash­ioned with satin-collars and trimmed with bstl buttons in self colors. Prettily trimmed atdrts. $45 values., 35.00

Wmaenfs Spring Coatn—We are showing these full length coats in an immense variety of styles. Semi-fitted backs. Made of blackand navy blue serges and neat mixed materials of 17.50splendid quality—all handsomely trimmed..........

Womei^s Satin Coats—Handsome coats of fine quality satin, made with semi-fitting backs. Large shawl collar and cuffs of moire silk, neatly trimmed with braid— yoke lined. Carefully 5 0made and excellently finished—splendid value at.

Cut Glass Bowl and GlassesDon’t you think this brilliant

cu t glass punch bowl set would look nice on your buffet? Only $5,981 No other store in Newark begins to offer the valaet in cut glass that we do, and this la one of the best values that we ourselves

ever offend. Two patterns to chooae from. Very heavy and exceedingly brilliant. Hand- •ome designs. An ideal wed­ding or birthday gift and an ornament to any name. Cut glasa bowl, together with six glasses, u ahown w gw q

Women's Kid Gloves a t 79cTwo-clasp glwre kid glovea of

fine German Skins. ‘ Tan, white 'end black, with black, white or self embroidered backs. Gusset-ed fingers. Sizes 5 ^714. Regular Sl.OO pair..

Women’s Long Glove*—Best French lamb skins. Mousquetaire stylo—black and white. Embroid­ery backs. Ball pearl buttons.

12-bntton length.. .2216 16-button length ...2.76

Women’s Kid Glove*—Real French glace kid gloves in black, white and up-to-date colors, 2- clSBp. fasteners. Paris | ^ A point embrold’cd backs 1 ( tP U

iromen t Piinies I cii«s w*aooY to

Up to 'daad bri »eventy-t

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