34 BAND RECOVERY AND HARVEST DATA SUGGEST ADDITIONAL AMERICAN BLACK DUCK RECORDS FROM TEXAS William P. Johnsonl'3 and Pamela R. Garrettson2 lTexas Parks andWildlife Department, P.O. Box 659, Canyon, TX 79015 USA 2U.5. Fish andWildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Population and Habitat Assessment, 11510 American Holly Drive, Laurel, MD 20708 USA ABSTRACT.-We reviewed band recovery data and Cooperative Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey (PCS) data for records of American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) shot in Texas. The PCS is an annual U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) survey of waterfowl harvest composition that relies on duck wings from a random sample of hunters. Between l9l4 md2009, 43 banded American Black Ducks were recovered in Texas; 74Vo of these recoveries involved American Black Ducks banded within their breeding range. Between the l97V7l waterfowl hunting season and the 2008-2009 season, wings of 35 Texas harvested American Black Ducks were submitted to the PCS. For both data sets, over 50Vo ofrecords were associated with the Coastal Prairies. American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) are rare in Texas. The Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC) recognizes only eight records since 1950 (Lockwood and Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) reviewed 10 potential occurrences from the Texas Panhandle for the period 1934-1994. These included a duck captured and banded in Moore County and one taken by a hunter in Hemphill County. American Black Ducks are a TBRC review species (Lockwood and Freeman 2004)., meaning potential records will likely require firm documentation (e.9., photograph or specimen). They are similar in appearance to both Mottled Ducks (A. fulvigula) and Mexican Ducks (A. platyrhynchos diazi), two Texas residents (Bellrose 1980, Lockwood and Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) noted Mottled Ducks are encountered with a greater frequency in regions north of their traditional range and cautioned they could be mistaken for American Black Ducks. Similarly, Fedynich and Rhodes (1995) documented several "dark" ducks in the High Plains that resembled hybrid Mallard (4. platyrhynchos) x Mottled Ducks, hybrid Mallard x American Black Ducks, or Mexican Ducks. Thus, caution is warranted relative to potential American Black Duck sightings. Even so, we suspect American Black Ducks are more common in Texas than acknowledged sighting records suggest. To investigate this proposition, we examined band recovery data and PCS data for potential records from Texas. -'E-mail : Bill_Johnson@ fws. gov Bull. Teras Ornith. Soc. 43(1-2): 2010 METHODS We searched data on waterfowl banding and band recovery locations held by the U.S. Geological Survey's Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). A11 but the most recent data are available in a publicly- accessible database located online (U.S. Geological Survey 2009). We first queried the data for 'American Black Ducks" banded "anywhere" arrd recovered in "Texas" during "any year." To minimize chances of including other species mistakenly identified as American Black Ducks when banded, we further filtered the data for ducks banded in the primary breeding range. We assumed banders highly familiar with American Black Ducks are less likely to band a similar species or hybrid by mistake. However, some records excluded in this second query included American Black Ducks banded in South Dakota and Saskatchewan, which are within the postbreeding dispersal range (late summer and early fall) of American Black Ducks (Wright 1954). Banders working in these areas regularly capture and band American Black Ducks; moreover, many banders working in this region are trained waterfowl biologists and are familiar with American Black Ducks. We also queried the same data set for hybrid "Mallard x American Black Ducks" banded "anywhere" and recovered in 'oTexas" during "any year." Data from the PCS were reviewed for American Black Ducks wings submitted from Texas. This dataset is derived from an annual survey of random

Band recovery and harvest data suggest additional American Black Duck records from Texas

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William P. Johnsonl'3 and Pamela R. Garrettson2

lTexas Parks andWildlife Department, P.O. Box 659, Canyon, TX 79015 USA2U.5. Fish andWildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Population and Habitat

Assessment, 11510 American Holly Drive, Laurel, MD 20708 USA

ABSTRACT.-We reviewed band recovery data and Cooperative Waterfowl Parts Collection

Survey (PCS) data for records of American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) shot in Texas. The PCS

is an annual U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) survey of waterfowl harvest composition

that relies on duck wings from a random sample of hunters. Between l9l4 md2009, 43 banded

American Black Ducks were recovered in Texas; 74Vo of these recoveries involved American

Black Ducks banded within their breeding range. Between the l97V7l waterfowl hunting season

and the 2008-2009 season, wings of 35 Texas harvested American Black Ducks were submitted to

the PCS. For both data sets, over 50Vo ofrecords were associated with the Coastal Prairies.

American Black Ducks (Anas rubripes) are rare inTexas. The Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC)

recognizes only eight records since 1950 (Lockwood

and Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) reviewed 10

potential occurrences from the Texas Panhandle forthe period 1934-1994. These included a duck

captured and banded in Moore County and one taken

by a hunter in Hemphill County.

American Black Ducks are a TBRC review species

(Lockwood and Freeman 2004)., meaning potential

records will likely require firm documentation (e.9.,

photograph or specimen). They are similar inappearance to both Mottled Ducks (A. fulvigula)and Mexican Ducks (A. platyrhynchos diazi), two

Texas residents (Bellrose 1980, Lockwood and

Freeman 2004). Seyffert (2001) noted MottledDucks are encountered with a greater frequency inregions north of their traditional range and

cautioned they could be mistaken for American

Black Ducks. Similarly, Fedynich and Rhodes

(1995) documented several "dark" ducks in the

High Plains that resembled hybrid Mallard (4.

platyrhynchos) x Mottled Ducks, hybrid Mallard x

American Black Ducks, or Mexican Ducks. Thus,

caution is warranted relative to potential American

Black Duck sightings. Even so, we suspect American

Black Ducks are more common in Texas than

acknowledged sighting records suggest. To

investigate this proposition, we examined band

recovery data and PCS data for potential records

from Texas.

-'E-mail : Bill_Johnson@ fws. gov

Bull. Teras Ornith. Soc. 43(1-2): 2010

METHODSWe searched data on waterfowl banding and band

recovery locations held by the U.S. Geological

Survey's Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). A11 but

the most recent data are available in a publicly-accessible database located online (U.S. Geological

Survey 2009). We first queried the data for'American Black Ducks" banded "anywhere" arrd

recovered in "Texas" during "any year." To

minimize chances of including other species

mistakenly identified as American Black Ducks

when banded, we further filtered the data for ducks

banded in the primary breeding range. We assumed

banders highly familiar with American Black Ducks

are less likely to band a similar species or hybridby mistake. However, some records excluded in this

second query included American Black Ducks

banded in South Dakota and Saskatchewan, whichare within the postbreeding dispersal range (late

summer and early fall) of American Black Ducks(Wright 1954). Banders working in these areas

regularly capture and band American Black Ducks;

moreover, many banders working in this region are

trained waterfowl biologists and are familiar withAmerican Black Ducks. We also queried the same

data set for hybrid "Mallard x American BlackDucks" banded "anywhere" and recovered in'oTexas" during "any year."

Data from the PCS were reviewed for American

Black Ducks wings submitted from Texas. This

dataset is derived from an annual survey of random

samples of watertou 1 L -:primary pulpose of the PC S

on species, sex. and 3'-a : -

waterfowl harvest. Th-'monitor populations. 3', , -

set hunting re-gulaticil' "

dynamics (e.-s.. He'lr';Anderson 200 1 . Kerrn -':- .2009). Hunters in th; - .

submit, via posta-qe-P.r:: ::USFWS, one u ing .: -during the waterfor', X :*::-

on where the hunter 1i"-:' :

to one of four "rr, ingt":;'waterfowl hunters sub:---: :

Flyway Win-ebee. Hu::rharvest countY. and h.:-- .

envelope prior to mi--::-.wingbee sites, thel are ' IData collected durir:g 'i'

sex, and age (hatch \ r;r - lwing (Raftovich et ai. I I r

Staff (primarill r', r-:-,::federal and state ' u- L' : l

wingbees, which are - : -most waterforn-l hu::-:.Biologists are sePr:i:: :people), and each S:rc;: '

checkers have recei'- :: ::

confirming their ab'il::-" :.

age, and sex. Biologis:' -- ,

wings methodicalll. - -

information and reCttrrJ-L iused to determine sp'e;:; . "

color patterns. size. tre".::=

wing size (Carnel lla-:.then passed to the gr -- -; 'recorded by biologi':'unusual win-E tor e :i"-:American Black Duci- -- :be checked a thiri :-: :checkers regularlr ;1":1

These individuals r -: ' :

identifying wings of .-- ':',the U.S.

Mottled Ducks r.:- - -

Central, MississlP;: -

Wingbees and is il'i'-- - - :

American Black Du;r-'differences in ri irrg ::- -

OrcZ:(Z-Dw'cos 'qtluro sexoJ 'IIng

Io sv 'errrerd pueplcBlg pue I{suuBABS {uo lsodoql uI JeI{}o eql pue elrlsrd IBtsBoJ eq} UI pere^oceJ

sBA\ euo'sexeJ ur peJe^oceJ eJeA\ sprrqr(q

{cnc >lcBlg uBclreluv x prellBl I pepueq o^\J'elqslreAs

lou sr uorlecol .(renocer cryrceds eql lnq'sexelur pere^ocer ere./y\ sreqlo o^[ 'Q '3ll) k) suIBId

qBtH pue'(Z) suleld 8urlog '(7) neetuld spre^\pg

'(E) spoozn(euld'(S) selrlerd puuPlrelg pue

qBuuB^BS )BO lsod '(9I) serrterd IetseoJ eqt ur

peJJncJo serJeloceJ sexeJ 'e8uer Surpeerq JIoI{} uIpepueq $lJnc {3BIg ueclroluy ,(po SuueprsuoJ'(OOOZ 'lB te eroc8uoT) e8uer Surpeerq

rreql ulqll1!\ pepueq s{cnc s>lcelg ueclreruYpe^lo^ur eseqt Jo ob7 L puu ( t elqeJ) sexelur peJJncco serJo^oceJ pueq eql Jo eerqt-r(uoc'(-tgg eql ot pegoder reqlunu puuq eqt puu

peep punoJ ro '1oqs 'pernldel,et'sI leql) peJeloceJ

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'rtunoc pue epecep ,(q pezrreununs

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{o >looqpuoH SOJ eq} ur petuesefi (gt6l srleJJV

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^\olloJ suolSer lectSolocg '{oolq

(epnlr8uol ,(q opntllul) ulul-0 t Surpuodserroceql Jo Jelues eql JeqlsJ tnq 'perelunocue se^\

uerulceds eqt eJeq,/y\ Jo uollecol lcuxe eql lueserder

lou op sprocer Surpueq qllulr pelercosse seJuulprooJ'sexoJ uI porolooer erol{,&\ uot8er lecrSoloce (7) pue

pepueq uorJecot (t) euilurelop ol (gOOZ dYNcrV)eseqelep lerleds e uI per(eldstp oJoA\ spJoceJ

.(renocer pueq qlll\ polelcosse seleurpJooJ'setceds

qloq ur xes Surutrurelep roJ locolord ol{l Jo uedreln8er e sr s8urm Burrnsee6 'GOe1 ,(eure3) seluur

llnpe 's8urzlr lse8rel eql qlr^\ uoqoc IcnC pel]loryeql Jo esoqt ueqt re8uol (E'O : flS 'LuIu Z'V7Z)e8erenu uo s8url\ suq'selerue; eJnJulutur 'ezrs Sutzvr

]selleuIs eq] qllr\\ UoI{oc lsn( {cBIg ueolreluv oql

'roloero6 '(8661 ,(eure3) (lenttcedser '(V'I : iIS)ruru yZ7Z puu (f'O : ES) ruru 9'06Z e8urene

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$lcnq )cBIg ueclreruy Jo s8ur16 '(1 '8tg) serceds

o^u eseql Jo ,(Soloqdrou Surzn uI secuoJeJJlp

JBelc eJB eJerll 'rele,/!\o11 '$lJnc {cBIg ueclJeruvo1 ecuurueddu ur rulltuls lsotu sr puu seeq8url6,(ezn,(1g JrluBIlV pue 'tddtsstsslhtr '1er1ue3

le poJelunocue ,(poururoc ete qcnc pelllohtr's'n eql

ur petse^rur{ $lonp Jo ser3eds 1e yo s8urzn Bur,fuueprecuerredxe elrsueJxe eABq slBnplnlpul eseqJ'seeq8urzlr rnoJ IIU Surpuepe ,(peln8er sre>loel{c

o^u ]sBel w Jo euo ,(q erufl prllD e pe>lceqc eq

plno^\ "(ezn,(1g

Ie4ueJ eID q {cnc {celg uucrreruvue se r.lons 'eeq8utzn Julnclued e ro; Sutm Iensnunuv 'pe>lceqo elqnop ueql st slsrSololq ,(q peprocer

uorlerruoJul pue 'Je>loeqc s,dnor8 eql ol pessud ueq]

sr Surzn qceg '(EOOy'266I 'Vg6I ,(eure3) ezls Sutzn

pue 'reel\ Jerpee; 'edeqs JeIDeeJ 'ezrs'surelled Joloc

'ro1oc epnlcur e8u pue xos 'setceds euruuelep ol pesn

elrellrJ 'e$p xos puu e8e Surprooer pue uorleuuoJulserceds Suqceqc elqnop ',(llecrpoqleu sBurm

eurruexe dnor8 IIBrus qcee ur slsrSololg 'xes pue 'e8u

'serceds ,(q s8urzn ,fipuepr o1 ,Qpqu rleql Sunurguoc

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IIV ,,'re{ceqc,, e peu8rssu sr dnor8 qoeo pue '(eldoed

S-E) sdnor8 fletus otq peleredes ete slsrSolorg'pesolc eABq suosues Surlunq IA\oJroleA\ lsoruJeUu Jelulry\ elul uI pelcnpuoc eJe qJlqr!\ 'seeq8urm

puopu sercue8e uorlulJesuoc oluls pue IeJopeJSurlueserder (s1sr8o1olq eJIIp11n,(greulrd) JJBIS

'GOOZ'Ie p qol^ogug) Eurzn

qcee;o (reer( qcter{-rege ro me( qcteq) e8e puu 'xes

'serceds epnlJur seeq8urzn Burrnp pelcefloc ewg;'uezorJ puu serceds ,(q pouos eru ,(eqJ 'selrs eeq8urm

w elrrre s8ur,,l ecuo 'Surpuur ol roud edolenue

s,Surzn r.IJee uo eluls lselJeq pue '.(1unoc lselffq'alap lselJeq pJoceJ sJelunH 'eeq8ur16 ,(eznr(19

IeJluoJ oql o] s8utzn rleqt lFuqns srelunq IA\oJreleA\sexeJ 'S'n eql ur pleq .,seeq8ull\,, JnoJ Jo ouo olpellltuqns eJu s8urzu. Jleql 'sea.q Jelunq eql eJeql\ uo

Surpuedeq 'edolelue u,,!\o sll q ,(leleredes pelreru

sr Surlr qceg 'uosees Surlunq IA\oJrolBA\ eql Surrnp

pelselreq {cnp qcee IUoU Sutzn euo 'S7y1CS1

eql ,(q pepr^ord sedolelue pred-e8elsod eIA ']Iuqns01 pelsnrlsur ore ,(enrns eql ur srelunH 'Gooz'le te qcr^ouuu 'I 002 rerueuue) 'rc02 uosrepuvpue uoUV '966I {coqlsoH ''3'e) scrureur(p

uorlelndod Iepou pue 'suorluln8er Surlunq les'uorlcnpord Ienuue elenlele'suorlelndod JoJIuou01 posn sr uorlBrrroJul sltlJ 'lse^rull IA\oJreleA\

IBnuuB eql Jo uorlrsodtuoc e8u puu 'xes 'serceds uo

uorJeuuoJul loalloo ot sl SJd eql Jo esodrnd ,(reurrrd

eqJ 'elels r{cee ur sJe}unq I^\oJJeleA\ Jo seldtuus

LUopuBJ 3:o ,(a.uns ':-- * *:-

slqJ 's?xeI luoii : ; --u€cIJeuIV JOJ p3 1-.;: '..:- ;.

uI peJeAoJsJ F-- ;-:>lcel8 uBJIJeLuY i- : -'-etues eqt par:an: ,: '-' i ,1

qll^\ JeIIIIUEJ 3-F ; --eru uot8eJ SIql u: :- r-'{n

lqcnq IJEIS utrr:-::.--- :

sueJu eseql ut i ..--n- "

$lcnc IrEI g uq I *; -* i

I{3lqr!\ 'uE.\\aU---:-'i ':- : l'--s{cnc r{rtrl8 *;- - -: -- lslql uI pepnl--\J'l - - : - ;1

puq,(q :o s; l --:-: ' - -

$lcnc {JEIS *:: :- i -- : *".

peUnSSEe^\\';.;--.::$l3np JoJ tr]trp : -'- : : - : -.

$lcnc rIrtrl8 -- -: "- -

serceds Jat{],. r- :'oJ ,.'JBe.i i-r. :- --:pue ,,eJaq t i.r." :;: ."- *

JoJ ewp 3L{. ;; - , - -

lecrSoloaD 'S'l -r - - :

lecrSoloag 'S ^- ; -

pueq pue Suri'*r: - : I

:- ;

ruryq0H ptt!1 -t

r s.l



Figure 1. Examples of American Black Duck (left) and Mottled Duck (righQ wings submitted to the Cooperative Waterfowl partsCollection Survey during the 2008_2009 hunting season.

Table 1. Date anC

raflge" indicates the

Duck. Some bandeirepresent only ducks


2009, there have been 25,814 Mallard x AmericanBlack Duck hybrids banded.

Hunters submitted 15,013 American Black Duckwings to the PCS during the 1970-71 through2008-09 hunting seasons. Of those,35 weresubmitted from Texas (Table 2) and thesesubmissions accounted for 45Vo of American BlackDuck wings submitted to the Central FlywayWingbee. The number of wings submitted fromTexas during each decade ranged from 2 (1970s,2000s) to 18 (1980s). American Black Duck wingswere submitted from 18 different counties (Fig. 2),with the most (9) coming from Jefferson Co.

DISCUSSIONAlthough far fewer than I7o of American Black

Duck band recoveries or PCS wings came fromTexas, we provide evidence this species occursmore frequently in Texas than suggested by TBRCrecords. The TBRC recognizes eight records since

Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 43(l-2):2010

1950. However, there have been 15 bandedAmerican Black Ducks encountered in Texas since1950 and 35 American Black Ducks wingssubmitted through the PCS from Texas since the1969-1910 hunting season. Eight additional bandrecoveries occurred in Texas during this period, butthey involved American Black Ducks bandedoutside of their breeding range.

Data from band recoveries and PCS wings eachhave advantages over sighting records. Both arebased on systematic observations by biologists ofbirds in the hand or wings in the hand. Bandingcrews typically have multiple individuals handlingducks, and difficult decisions concerning speciesidentiflcation are deferred to the most experiencedbanding crew members. Likewise, PCS wings arealways examined by multiple personnel. Althoughboth datasets rely on public cooperation, neitherrequires those cooperators to be able to identifybirds. Both methods attempt to obtain representative

0000-045970002-284540002-972130002-978t30004-57 5560026-9rr440026-940010026-9426s0046-317100346-382980397 -25t7 6

0387 -03693

0397 -25107

0387- 14587

0396-0061s0407 -3093t0397 -29245

037 5- 198 1 1

0457 -01646

0477 -407 61

0457 -07 663

0557 -39t390551-39t4104r6-2838204t6-284820577 -04500

0827 -9t57 6

0177 -83843

0727 -4r34r0657 -44122

0897 -4t9560947 -25862tt67 -1 18 15

t457 -02394

1377 -68444t237 -33711

2307 -s93702411-055902327 -0222r

1537 -t28390957 -79251

2397 -557 42

1337 -68491




lThe Bird Banding La: -: -approximate which iJr-. - _i -.-2Post Oak Sa./Blacki.r:; :-- =3Recovery location r3c -:r: :

ol0z t(u-])€b'cos 'quuro sexel 'IIng

.serr*Id pw,sers pu" qerc;:,#8 ;:*: lffi.l1H,'fr',.,"1 s"6'i,::: .uo1; sea f,:elocer puzq qcee (gL6I srreJy cllqnd Jo Iooqcs uosuqol 'g uopu,{.1) uor8er pctSoloce qcgqm eleulxorddeo1 eseqelup ppeds e pasn ea qcolq (epnilpl ,(q epnlr8uol) elnuu-Ol ,(q uolteuo;uy ,(:elocer s1cz4 (roleroqel Sutpwg prtg aqa,

e^rlulueseJdeJ ulElq.l

,fiuuepl ot olqe :cJeqlleu 'uotJe:adtli lq8noqtly 'lauuos-;:

ere s8urzn Sfd '3."':'

pecuolJedxa lsolL : -:suruld q8ff

'rd puuplcelg/'ug {uO }sodsuruld q8*t

'rd pueplcelg/'ug {eO tsodnBeleld spJB^\pE

'rd puuplcBlg/'Bs {eO tsodsaIJIeJd IBlseoJ

'rd pueplcelg/'us {eo lsodsureld 3ur11og

serJrBJd IulseoJspoo1!\r(eur4

sorJrBJd IslseoJnueleld spJBlY\pE

sululd 8ut1og'rd puugculg/'u5 {eO tsod'rd puuplsulg/'es IBo ]sod

sexoJ'rd puBPlsulg/'es {eo lsod

seIJIsJd IBlseoJsorrr€Jd IulsuoJ

'rd puuHculg/'es ryo lsodrd puuplculg/'us IeO tsod

seIJIeJd lulseoJzsexeJ

serJruJd IelseoJspoomr(eur4

serJreJd IulsuoJ

EsBxelsuruld 8ut1og

'rd puBplculg/'u5 {eo lsodsorJrBJd IslSeoJ


serJreJd IelsBoSspoo1|r(eur4

serJreJd IBlsBoJserJrBJd IelssoJsorJreJd IelseoJ

sureld 3ur11og

ssrJreJd IulseoJserJrBJd IBlseoJ

'rd puuplcelg/'eg {BO lsodserJreJd IBlsBoJ

z'rd puel>lcelg/'us {BO tsod

>lro aeNorJuluo

oF{o>lcr^rsurug A\eN


ue^\eqclE{ses>lCI1Y\SunJg A\eN

,(esre1 A\oN

uuuluol leloseuuu l



ryoI ^\eNUIsuocsrlv\




ryoI ^\aN>lJo A\oN





uto{?c qlnosueBqctl4

ulo>luc {1no5uuBrqcrl4ueBrqcr6uuBrqcrl4l





SeIcedS Suru:atut :

Surlpueq slunpl \i: ..

Surpueg 'puet{ :-:;o slsrSolotq i.i r -oJe I{1og 'SpJtr li- :r{cBe s8ulu. sfd :.---

pepuEq slrnc '; - -

lnq 'poFed srq: -' - *-pueq IeuoIlIpF: :-.eql e3urs sE\;I --- eY+ vvuru

eculs sBxsl ul i:-; -

pepuuq 9l u;;- :

sued lzu.oJJelr.11 '





666t-ZrS66I-ZIS66I-IO686I-I I9861-ZI

z86r-t0086I-ZI9 L6r-r0OL6I-II8961-ZI896T-ZI896r-908S6I-IOL96t-r0996r-r09S6I-I I996r-20I96T-ZI6V6r-t0LV6I-ZILV6I-ZI9V6t-Zrw6r-roOV6T-II0v6r-206E6T-ZI6E6I-ZT6E6I-IIBE6I-ZT





































L66r-60z86I -80

966 r -80

066r- L0

986I-I0v86t-60s86r-0r6L6t-0r696r-60v L6r-80996r- L0

996r-r0996r-80L96r-r0996t-20IV6I-OIIV6I-OI996r-20E96I-IO8V6I-II8V6r-rtLV6I-TT916I -0r

tv6r-90ZV6I-II8g6I-I I6t6I -0I

6E6r-608g6r-806E6r-608E6r-609E6t-V0vE6r-60I E6I-800E6 r -60


16V89- LETI

ZV 199- L6EZ

L9Z6L- L96O


069S0- LIVZ





9I 8I I- L9II29892- LV60

996rV- 1680

zzwv- 1990



9 L9I6- LZSO

009v0- LL90

z\v8z-9rv0Z8E\Z-9IVOIVI6E- L99O

6EI6E- L99O

899 L0- L9V0

L9 LOV- LL'O9V9 L0- L9V0


9VZ6Z- L6t0rf,60t- L0v0

91900-9680L89Vt-t890LOI;Z_ L6EO


9 LI;Z- L6TO

















^\oleq sprocer lqul Surpuug prlg eqt ot peuoder te8

{3€Ig uecrreruv eql Jo (0002 'p lo erocSuo-I) eSuer

oroJ,, '600z qSnorql sexeJ uI pelsolreq $lcnc {culg

'pegoder s>lcnp ,(po lueserde"treleu srelunq ,(q pelselrel{ $lJnp pepueq oIUoS '{cnqSurpeerq ,fueurrd eqt ur sen\ {cnp eq} seleolpq ,.e8uuJuBsrreruv pepuBq roJ ewp uollecol puB elec 'I elqBJ



High Plains


Kilonetersn llff 3?il 44S Csastal Frairies

Coastal $and Plain

Figure 2. American Black Duck records in Texas based on band recoveries (pink square = 1; red star = 2) and Cooperative Waterfowl

Parts Collection Survey records (shaded counties). Parts Collection Survey information is based on wings submitted by a random sample

of hunters that agree to participate in a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suwey. Some counties have multiple records (refer to Table 2).


samples of waterfou I :.::based on an exPlicit sar.:-

The American Blaci. D

417 ,715 from 1990 to -'-tt'-

American Black Duck P'-:

be between 414.600 e:;2009). Considerin-e th;: :the American Black D;:r.any one time and an 3"":

recovered annualll. it :. -:

we report represenl .:- -

occuffing in Texas.

For our purposeS. c-*-Ion ( 1) ability of L''ai-- : - :species being bandeC- -(e.g., species codes ani i :':;

accurate reporting of i-":,encountered (most like-; --reporting aband. \\-e r:--:involves sexin-g and r:-:--eITOfS. EVen SO. \\ e ;1.-. _,

Black Ducks bandeC ,l'-'-'

range to minimize th- i':UnfortunatelY. 25 r'. ith ::-::is no way of knou ing '' - '

place for record keeP-:-(80+ years). We su=:r-: -:

was encountered c&fl [t :'was accuratell' report.: :most likely source c: :::information assoc i::= :encounter. Although ::; I

associated with an 3--:- ' r'

duck was han'ested - :individual reporting ir':- :their home location. i:s::.example, a Texas resl:;:-:returned home an'J r:r*-

his/her hometou n. -\: : :":is mis-read band Ii *: :attempts to follo\\' uF' --: \'

Data from the PCS '- \

American Black Du;i-. :-than accepted si-qhtnni ::;a shorter time series. '-l-'

35 American Black D-:Texas. Althou-uh thc P'[

hunter's abilitl' to in;;r-:::rely upon hunters I'l ;-county of harvest. \\-e ;.:a hunter might tePtrri -:they are provided ins::-:"

Table 2. Texas counties coffespondingCooperative Waterfowl Parts Collection2008-09 hunting season.

to harvest location of American Black Ducks submitted to the

Survey (PCS) during the 1910-l t hunting season through the

Rolling Plains

Blackland Prairies ffi

*j-"u --*'"...""\rS$


f' -'"-%**"*-'*h

Hdwards Plat*au


South T*x*sBrush Cauntry

Hunting Year Number of Wings from Texas Texas Counties Represented in PCS (number of wings)

t972-73r97 4-t 5

1980-8 1

t98r-821983-841986-871988-891 989-90t990-9tt99r-92t992-931993-94r994-95t997 -982002-032008-09











Jefferson (1)

Chambers (1)

Harris (1), Jefferson (3)

Jefferson (2), Trrnity (1)

Kaufman (1)

Brazorra (2)

Aransas (1), Chambers (1), Hidalgo (1)

Angelina (1), Lampasas (2), Trinity (1), Willacy (1)

Brazorra (1), Chambers (1), Fort Bend (1), Liberty (1)

Jefferson (1), Montgomery (1)

Chambers (1), Waller (1)

Brazorra (1)

Brazorra (1), Jefferson (2)

Matagorda (1)

Washington (1)

Harrison (1)

Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 43(l'2):2010

U1Z :(Z-D1V'oos'qtluro sexoJ'llng

Surreqs roJ (SJ4) ,(en;ns uoltcello3 sued tse^reHs(eclnros eJIIpll^iK puB I{slC 'S'n eql puB sprooer

Surpuuq ol ssocoe sn 8urtro11e JoJ W-I Surpuug

prlg s,,(elrn5 lucrSoloeg 's'1-I eql >1ue{1 eaSJNANCCTII-IAON)JV


e8e11o3 ',firsre,uu1 NryV sexoJ le posnoq olCsproceg crqdurSolotld suxeJ eql ur sJsrxo ,(peerle

eseqelep rullruls v 'uoJJe Ietuluru qtl^\ pedolenep

eq ,(1e>1rl plnoo sedolerrue Surpuodseuoc rreql pue

,,s8urzr emt,,go sqderSoloqd ,fi11unb q8lq Sutnrqcre

Jo ruels,(s e 'Je^ezroH 'tlncrgrp ,(1ecpsr8o1 oq plnoc

uoucelloc e ur s8urzn eret ueAe Sutnrqcle 'seeqSurzn

,(q pelpuuq s8ul^\ Jo roqrunu reeqs eqt Jo osneceg'eseqelep crqderSoloqd e uI Jo uoqcelloc runesnlu

e q s8urzn Burnrqcru ,(q perrordtur eq plnoc soluls

,(em,(1g Iu4ueJ Jer{to Jo sexel ol oret ,(y1er1ue1od

s>lcnp Suuueuncop ro; s8ul^\ SJd Jo enle^ eql'pezrurlrucs

oq ruts plnoqs etuls eqt ]noq8norqt pue ]suoc oql uo

s8urlq8rs {onq {oBIg ueclretuv Iurluelod 'spuq,(q

{cnq {relg uerlreruv x prBIIuN Suuelunooue

Jo ,firpqrssod pue uorluorJlluaprslru Jo eouul{o

eql Jo esneceg 'sreprlq ,(q sSurlqSrs Ielluelod uo dn

^\olloJ ot epelu eq oslu plnoqs UoJJE 'uorleculluopr

redord JoJ $lJnC {celg uuclreruY eq ,(eu eAerloq

u(eqt sprlq enes plnoqs sretunq'(gg0t) t{cllnd,(q pe1se88ns sV 'JUSI eqt ol pegoder $lcnq>lculg u€cIJeIuV osueJcur lq8ru sJelunq pue srepJrq

ueo^ueq uorleclunruruoc peseeJcul 'pelueluncop

eq re^eu ,(eu relunq B ,(q peulluepr ,(Fedord s4cnq

>lJBIg ueolJeruv pelsoAJBLI uele '.(lrunturuoc Surplqoql 01 pelcouuoc IIoA\ lou sI Jelunq e;t 'elouuequnc'serceds olu eql ueelueq solllJulltuls 01 onp

srelunq ,(q pelcelepun oB uor8eJ slq] uI polso^Jeq

$lcnq >lcBIg ueolJeruv .(uutu sueoru f,le{IsHI '(SS0I re>luquezlnts) suxel ut $lcnq peluolu\l

Jo e8uur ,fueurrd eq] sr sltlJ 'serJIBJd IBlsBoJoql tuo4 oluuc spJocer sJd puB selJe^ocer puuq

Jo ob1s Surlseretq sl tl '(0002'V te eroc8uol '866I'lB le uoproD '686I 'lB te uogo6) stutlqeq Ielseocqll,\\ pelBrcosse ,(13uo4s eru EclJeurv {uo5 luo}seo

ur Surrelutzlr $lcnq {culg uecueruy q8noqtlV'ecueserd

rleql rog uoddns seprAord sexel ruo4 SJd eqt olpe]lluqns s8url\ >lcnq {celg uBcIreIuV Jo requnue8rul ,(1enr1e1er eql 'uotJecol lsoAJeII ol lcedserqllr\\ se>lelsru Ierluolod euos Jo ,qlllqrssod eql qll^\ue^g 'ecuoprseJ Jo olels s.Jelunq eqt q pelse^Jug

seA\ prlq oq] petunssu q 1l 'lsezrreq Jo elels elBclpul

lou seop relunq eqt ueqA\ ',fiunoc lse^r?I{ pue


eluls lsenrul{ qloq uo suollctulsur peplAoJd erc r(eqt

lnq 'uorleturoJul aJBJnJOEuI lroder lq8ru Jelunq e

,fiqrqrssod eql epnloxo Jouuec 016 'lse^req Jo ,fiunoc

pue elels uoder ,(lelerncce o1 srelunq uodn ,(1er

seop 1r 'setJeds ,(q sprlq ,fpuepul of ,qryqe s(relunq

eqt uo ,(1er lou seop SJd eIP q8noqtl$ 'sexeJ

ur pelso^rer{ ,(1pe3e11u S>l3nc {3elg uBclreruv 9E

;o s8urzvr peurpluoc lese]ep slql 'seues eull Jeuoqs u

ulqll^\ ueAE 'eteclpul sprocor Surlq8rs peldeoou ueql

wxeJ ur uoruruoc eJotu oJe s>l3nc {celg ueclJetuv

uoruesse rno peuoddns osle SJd eql ruo4 eluq'spJoooJ lcedsns uo dn A\olloJ ol sldtuepe

-Igg eql 'lenervroq lsraqunu pueq pueJ-sltu sI

Jorlo Jo ecJnos Ielluetod JeIflouV 'ul\oJeruoq req/sqsB uorlecol Jelunocue uoder pue euoq perurueJ

,(uur elels Jo lno Suqunq lueplseJ suxeJ e 'elduuxe

Joc 'uollecol Jolunocue p?elsut 'uouucol eruotl Jleql

pegoder r(pe>lets1u uollerrrloJul Suruoder Ienpl^lpuleq] ,fiqrqrssod e sr eJoql '(pelsenreq se,/y\ >lcnp

eJoql\ ''3'e) pu€q Jelunocue Iunlou ue qlll\ pelulsossu

uoueuuoJul stsenber -Igg eqt q8noqllv 'rolunocue

pueq v Suruoder qlll\ peleloosse uorlururoJul

uorlusol sr los uwP e q Jorle Jo ecJnos ,(1e4rl lsol.U

eql 'sseloqlouoN '-Igg eq] o1 pegoder,(lelerncce sel\

U pepllord 'Jcerloc peunsse oq uec peJelunooue se.&\

pueq oqt qoll{^\ q etels eql tcedsns e16 '(sruer( +08)

seuos eurp enJue egl JeAo Surdee4 pJoceJ ro; eculd

ur eJe,&\ sloJ]uoc ,fiI1enb ]BqAA Surznoul yo ,(ezn ou sI

eJeql 's1ese1ep uue]-8uo1 .(ueru qlll\ se '.(leleunuoJunTorre ropuuq Jo ,Qrpqrssod eq] ezruluru o1 eSuer

Surpeerq ,fteurud oq] eplstno pepueq $lcnq {cBIguecuoruv Jo spJoceJ popnlcxe eA\ 'os ueng 'sJorlo

serceds uBID JeqlBJ sJoJJe Sur8e pue Surxes senlolul

,(le>11l pue 'erer sI JoJre oAeIIoq e7y1 'puuq e Suruoder

Ienpl^lpq eq] .(q (pe1se^req ,(le{ll lsour) perelunoruo

sBA\ pueq eq] eJoql\ uolJeool Jo Suruode t oletnloe

(S) puu '(uorleutoJul uollecol ptru sepoc selcods ''3'e)Surdee4 procer elernooe (O 'pepueq Sureq serceds

,(;ltuepr ,(lelerncce o1 srepueq Jo ,tryqe ( t ) uo

spuedep ewp Surpueq;o ,firpnb 'sesofund rno rog'sexel ur Sutuncco

s>lcnq {celg uBOIroIuV IIB lueserder uoder e./K

$lcnp pepueq elqeqordull sl ll 'r(11enuuu perenocer

sr uoruodord Jellerus uelo ue puu etul] euo ,(ue

1e popueq sl uorlelndod lcnq {rulg uecrroruv eql

;o e8uluecred Uetus .(re,r e wql SuueprsuoJ 'GOOZ

'lE p rcg&m7) O0lZZg puu OO7'VL uoo^ueq oq

ol pelerulJse sB^\ uorlelndod >1cnq {celg uecrJoIUV

Surpeerq eqt '600Z uI '6002 ot 066I tuo4 gI[LLVpe8ererre uorlulndod lcnq {celg ueclreruv eql

'erue4 Surldues lrcrldxo ue uo pesuq

sl SJd eql puu 'suorlelndod I^\oJrolu^\ Jo seldrues

(1) ,fireql-I '( I r Pu;E -: :

,l --: t:

eql q8norqt uoSr3: :-:--eql Ol penllUqns :).-i- - ''


eldues uopu€J e i:. ;:-:'--- -

IA\oJJele Ae,ltleraJc\- - :-- I = -r

s0ulejd plse":':

spooiM€ -.-


wingbee data. Kenneth Richkus suggested that we

incorporate PCS data into the manuscript and

Robert Raftovich assisted us with searching the

PCS data. Danny Bystrak, Paul Padding, Robert

Raftovich, and Cliff Shackelford provided

comments on earlier drafts of the manuscript. The

findings and conclusions in this article are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily represent the

views of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

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LO\Dar io -r

tThe -\-.;. ,. -".

Cc'anr', - -i --

DPW Environnt€rl.-"; - ;j

ABSTRACT --Vireos ( l irz, .. -

23 years r ielc::. -

data. We det---. -:individuals L'';:":::not reach age. > -

longevities '.r 3:': -

species. Age .': :-:color-bandei l;r ;than we obsel=.i I ispecies in the '.i. -- .

considerable ;:: : :

I\TR. - :Farner (19-+5 t Cr.:-:-. -

of longevity. "Pote::-'

life span attaine; -: -

conditions such es :: -;potential lon-ueviti

" ' -- :

the wild. Several ;*--- -:

type (hereafter "i'.':. - :birds (Kennard I Y-: t

Klimkiewtcz et a^" - - r

Futcher 1987. 19!Y il-Laboratory of I:. -

maintains and uPC;i;' ' -

North American : -::'2009). However. ir.: . r';bird species is lin-,t:": rc

duration or becaui3 : -' :

and monitored thrr'-::The Black-capPej '- :

federally-listed en j-:-: : :shrub-dominated h;r " "; "

of the largest knc''i :- lrbreeds at Fort Hoo; ),[-

and Coryell coun::: 'Biologists have ban;;: E

Butl. Texas Ornith. Soc. 43(l-2):2010