^,|W ainuininuniiiniiuiiiiuiiiiini)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ j Belleville's J J Legal ( I Newspaper vj ?MHHÌHilniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiifnniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu)iuiS Ì5th Year No. 15 Bellevill«, N.J., .Thursday, April 15, 1965 BOARD EXTENDS SCHOOL I DAY Easter Services Announced The tT^täiäoiiai 'féàjStTof Easter, for .(Jiristiaos, and the. Passover far Jews t'.thwughqut the world will .he^aoantsHoraiedihis week- The town's- Christian churches wli hold, spécial jenéfces "today. ■Maundy Thursday;- tomorrow. Good Friday, and Holy; Saturday when the 40 days, of th~e peniten- tial season of Lent ends, aftdjAchim at sunset tomorrow. F.ri-i fasting and penance, in recognf-i Easter Suntjay jviiJ be observed day, and will end on Saturday, tibn of dtrisfs -40 days- of fasting! .wish, greet festivity,-with aimSseiAprli- ff e ,; ^ .and in preparation] agEvi<^^c^tafa3t,.Sajgnn. ¡top^J ^g^ter. the ‘gPCT^j^^iea^d^fg^JHIa toorkak "retrorreolfota. __ es. and special,programs of y e a r T ^ i « w |^ ^ ® ^ 3 S 5 y T 3 n K e ,’i ^ in H ' T fe'Pa^pw , oHe~y_t&~iaffitp&.banning of toe Btan'gical ey-*jtion of'die- Holy Eucharist by inspirmg timajar.' festbMltJJfri-llisldfc.. No ■ nMiar; feast is -. jg "Mgerixj Christ . at. Sie. ijaat fopper will d<^sto faito,„wiloger\ with serv.-lawaited. It la anticipated watblbe observed today, Holy Thurs- at 'Congregation Abavafh'great" , solemnity, with; vprayerf day," "in Christian churches. ' it Work Begins on Crew Boathouse BOATHOUSE GROUNDBRE AKING—Nut. ley and Belleville School official« join mem- bers of the Rowing Association in ..ground* , breaking ceremonies T o rlB IT H S r' 13 BiriJWFr' houee in Kearfly. •Seen here are (1-r) Dr, Robert Fleiscfiei;, suj«rintenaent oi lyutiiy” schools; William (Qtomap, principal of Bqller. -¿^jScbwj^^^p^rm^nLjaijthS'.Bflle- ville-Nudey Rowing Association; John Kaiser, chairman of the fund raising committee, for the boathouse in Jinrlev; Everett Zabruhir, ■NffrtFy'^SdtePf^btKteesi'admmistTatffi^-jwfnes ■ Bailey of Ntfriey,, architect "and vice president, of the Association, ana Di. Frank Durkee, superintendent of Belleville Schools. ■% Mrs. Barnes to Keep Work Begins Riole of Town Critic On Boathouse For Belleville "The Lord gave, me monlh andTm g(ting~TO use it. ~%urby a high police officiati' that MrsT'JMn-'Barnes, twHy critie? so advised the’Town Çaâicil at Town Hall, serving notice that ïtStlîé; ffidiM teity' given to a Voter Signup Hours Listed Registrations, and- transfers ;of voters- for- ibft-tPri'nwry -Ejection .wiiL.cIose^.aB-. Api’il-, 22, 196S,. Town Clerk-Eugene" Barpett yesterday reminded residents. Si Office hours for registering are "-8:30 A.M. to"iiir:p.m „ Monday- through Friday. . • Evening hours will tie held Irorii 7-p.m.yto, 9 p.m. on Monday, April: 19; Tuesday, April' 20; Wednesday, April 21 Thursday,' April • 22, » The last, day to file pefitignjp for candidacy» -for—membera- t>f..the, County 'Committee ia.- noon on Thursday,‘•.April 22. she was going to continue to speak'-'out .when she desired to. Mrs. .Barnes, a housewife and toother, who has been one of the Council's most constant, critic, w as the siihjeof , rif~ ml ich rHSciis- sion •last week when ■ it was re- Overtime Parking Now Costs $2 TSflChcrS To Make Up Lost Day The Board Of- Education Mo», day /night extended the -school calendar' an-extra day, making up the day of • instnictioa students tost 4n the March 19 walkout and ; 'giving ' teachers a ' chanceio avoid lty for’ their unexcused kb- But the handful of teachers whe reported for duty on the day of tjhe strike won’t have a chahce to'cottoeheKîra-fwy-'for--^>e added - 3f$)ooi day. They'll be asked to stay home. " £ The action .was decided ^ ■■ 70 ? minute, closed session. Mew- " day night with 25 members of the jBeUej^^^ueati^ AisspSltiee'i: ; board of governors, over the ob- leÇÊoriS ;bf ' .,hb'à'rd member Mrs. *j Norma MsCool, 'Who wanted the problem thrashed out a t a publie meeting. The boards" dîtictoj a&oti was sandwiched into two public’ ses- sions between -three closed c<5h- ferehces, t w o .' whlch'ttwr reach-• ers attended. Before . the issue was finally resolved? board mem- bers exhibited a kaleidoscopic pat-tern of shifting position*. . At- the special session th* mboard_._al|o split pin approving a p e w budge F -to- cdrrtoiy ~witn"'the~ school slash approved by the town -eçoiicil, — v ' j- Mrs. McGodl opposed - the new fidlotmento, charging that some j administrative salaries were he-.. .. ^ ,„.»„»,,¡.11 .. r -, , | , | „ |- i i , 1T- - n i ____ , zr. ........ „■ Jing cut to a greater .extent than HH S ■ B S ... 9 ! R was ToSrs Jote,¡parting 3SeS Ï68T Mrs. tee sali wKffe IKefothers MtïTfccSol W m k SpëaT ^ .motoe-vehtolf fldea- ww-moFbrekKmtomvn^nWry^MetrimiTreSwW8Tr‘Biing'in ' ‘ WiwbK-s»«.-^iw^.4«.. '| 2 ^| (Continued Oui Piq« 12) pe^ilitgbly reduced, IPs will be ^celebrated with Holy b Commumon services throughout § ttie world to. remembrance of the ^P] dax,, Jn lCStBHto ’i|Suranea- -the !i -StCSSO, f id:far adoration tbrougib.tihe ni^it Tomorrow, • Good Friday, the oburohes will be stripped of orna- mental decora EionySitiTSltars'tWll' be.; bared in mourning at the death of the Saviour. Festival of Passover One of Ae grandest aad most, inspiring major festivals, of 'the- Jewish faith is the holiday of Passover, .arriving at the first signs of Spring, and cbHun^morSti lag Hie anriiver^ary of the Ubera- tion of the Israelites frond Egyp- tian bondage," 9gmficanitiy> lire' pgjyi&l exo- dus ftom Egyptiteystavery was not a final abt of bberatibn,' until the children of Israel achieved ’¿henfai, „moral aad raiplHiual "freer dom with their atxepUnee bf-the- Ten Canmaindmerits through Moses at Mount Stodl*;.;: The Rev- eiation at Motint Sidat wnieh was the actual goal of. the mass exodus from-Egypt, tot*d Iaraei from all pagan influenc«* and consecrated the people to 'the. seme* of God. '•* _ <. . " to Its suiH total, Passovetfi tfie, SSpeE™7®E^r^T"l3Eir^^' SURPRISE! $2 TICKET Patrolman Ray Aprij l, the, fine-f>pr_Qvertime parking has Caruso writes a ticket for overtime parking for doubled in price inT tibw costs -tWol dollars. ’aiBorofisf wb6~ij~nn“foria~iear^ — vr-ji— r— -------- —— -- Overtime Parking, Other MV Fines Increased by Magistrate time' iii the histoty-of manktodj parking'April 1 'Wèfe^Kfted^^f^È6e;|^ES13tìW T!35dS' C£flecti^: the message of individual indp^ih^ltbJiiial' one.. - dola: pénrieiv»T.-rBgrit:ty - anH «anrWiSy to-v«W'--f)f'-the '-i!eéeót: events-infBpf Sehaa, Ala;; atto the generai slrtlggim'rf ¡he; negro for equal, opportunities before God and- manrthe-message -of-Passover Very applicable. today, ;; : v ~. The -jtrnp-irr-tiier-edet-bf-pveH fame parkiftg" "Wag"~gtfiy"biie' "öd "many, changes to toel id ieM e jrfl fines for motor .vaUdä.;, violations I put into effect April 1, by Magis- trate .Edwafd_,J.. Abrotpsbn, i ........ : . ... ___ B - - A storm of jmdtest-was fired S roods m .Jewish .bdmes...amucy.. »rnnlinmiimiii Tnm. •’ n - ■■ __ .__ _________ir ------ -- -------- very Special place m.'thte jTOlldayl^ ^-y Frm ch* itoämfeCT " of ° V^r ^ «tieeiÖhSf- '-bnESfSjjWülAiPÄ'ri^MI many o iti- p ® 11 Cis* £dl Mömlay night witir y ra t of ^scripture that the 'ffie'w aK noiSt^d^TFfM -^'d^’Harnes:. ^and.'.iQCnfir A H l IsFa d m -tarry or€!pSe ta the^amo'uto ä" fin«'for Obititoto TtamaarGreoe'-IÄ Ground has been brdken andamtil the bread that they-bak-Urtain".violations became pttoiic. tog the verbal asSmilt. ' work is underway on the new ¡ed « Ä r i i e . they baked un- However, MtiS rim s-the town 'The major anrouto«' the al- boathouse for iluüey and Belx.e-| leavened htead. konm as I Board .President Ernes,.S,,„.APr„ •vtdsbn - a àid- to"e-hsw budget ” cwn- rmto~tis:--fdr m particular saia^~ ries.’-’ , t . ' ' ' George N’ucera. prèsideót of th* teachers «roub, said at a^opptér- enCe—meeting- -with-Hbe--board-- [which spilled-over info the time ti» • ath»igF*<jgé^ "CaggaÿFiar#g«^gra8r^gr^i''tee-:a>e ^guto^meeting. ." i , Citizens Again Dominate Meeting o f Town Council üic'înêT- (Continued. On P*ge J) three Juveniles Nabbed by Police Three'..teèr.agêrs were : rabBali Bpsafe.4ar „.lOO -per- cent of- -our . memhershfp in saying’we were' p'rodd "to do «hat vto did and we're willlng to-flg if agaln :y e(Ms" ditlpns should warrant it-.” A representative of the school principals, W111 i k m Chap.■» man changed the. l^oard with i ctfetoenà, ¡Frîaay^Ra^iitoy announcing far.the increase, despite the factlsome who anoke three, nr fmirla^ ..{.hn p :-y.-rinApy »Ibbnitive . aotibn ton -the head - mes r- same on various mii>-at 61-67 Mill Street- ------ -^A -A-Hteôs--^sber-tha«-tiirough admin=. .. fieels a h i others on the same sub-] .Tq^ aa ■ MMn/|y and istrative' ^tonnels. Chapman wai r --w - ■ ••^'-t o T ^ a 'r a 'H ':ih 'TO 'ered ah 'w»ÿ <he toeal press- ^W:Æimgng^ag3i^ff^ frike. * *- îndow. The j E^tonsion of the göhqfä: -„«atM*. anâffig of [1 3 was opposed by Mrs. McCool t h a £ T o w n wiil receive feel, money'collected by the;co T-'Jitottot ‘¿Serk*jjtrik-Irf»«-». Increase VkF.flnbs was the of conferences held several yearsjTown Manager and another at-Lyouths by'an orien ago in -which a uniforrn sysfemjtack or.-the manage? by Council- youths started to ri viile High Schools’ rowing teams, zos (thin, flat ..... ...... .. -Members of 'the . sponsoring ¡Wafers baked from unleavened ieHSTSiSrstifi fiafClaar' cgifisi SgBgi^FsStrti^^bwtogyltego^T.Boar)»' hi'itenorofthat-sigtoftettirt' tipned by Deputy Chief Donald ation joined School adminis toators event, leavened bread - of ariy Smith-en remarks ehe had made from -the.fwp; neighbpring- towrtsj food associated with bread is not at previgUa council meetings [at ceremonied; on 'the banks- of [ p r miteed throughout ihe. festival, about, rapes-and'muggings in the ¡the "Passaic River Thursday ..Services' for Holy TttorsdayT1 E|rks and temhed the Ccwncil ses-jmprntog. - 1 s ' ' . 1 Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Eas< m w m r m jjfyiJJ'JgJp.jS’ «jwwmsi ■HH 5™ fc-** "g* " Jg Jig lixe ■ oyertame parking- -tickecj Wfliiain H. GJidileii* the - citizensI caught. -• - -Igain- #1 $ a r'^plutta- appfiaring doubled to cost, -Mrs. Lee said took over the session arid gave] Police ¡said he’ gave theto.'.the!oa P^totod agerdg'prepared a B^oiiieFd^l5^ ' gria f &ri Audl-JA-BdDfateneR jte a in fc . «to a propewd, s^adtoi-ladmltisd that the trio-had brokgR.r^*'6^ ^ bfipseasua Jeadtad stop on.te fornier-lobsitl pfop-]kifcd theestabllslirhSi.- ... J^n erty for the nesd" 21A. hours, " - The youth was released to" togNWch'WWto'imply have docked Mrs.-Joan Barnes, Town critic [parents for appearance' in .Ju- stnking teachers one. day’s, pay. ‘ ^A' dieck of, area conununlljpsjwho wa? toe^subject of muehjvenile Court. , • •Drakq_ stated he sympathized not a smooth .talker, but that Ijfinst- section.- $14,500 has [main in" the iwDliituly Ikuuuh *u r^ '* T ^ Association out hhe n i s h t wi t o ta<^ overtime paring finesr revealed that she had been quiz-toed to.-appear this inwning ftsroctation|out. .toe night, with men of toe)Keamyi .North. -Arlington "and zed by alhiA.poHce « id a l ton nelir'e -h ifslttfei« , "^»h ^ to Jth e -IsW tM rtd ^ was reduced a “aneak meeting", jed by public-donations, She said she wanted to set into three sections,- Completion of [tempie as follows 3t?gÌ^t;:|ÌK^pffìeM tì®ti.répimtJ the'-first section. — thè Me which ST. PETER'S' R, on her questioning which -quotsd- her as saying, she was; “very sorry and wish'éd she had tlie woqds back”.- Mrs. Barnes, said [the officer misunderstood, or was C. CHURCH wffl; house, cha boats - is anti, [ Masses Will be" celebrated t a r a t i « before April [St, Peter’s ■ Church today.,. Hslyirirt paitf-actutoly ^ at ^:S0 a- aw aad -at a $ iw cost.-Now-the Violator Association is he corporation 5 p. m. with a Sojemn. High must fa y a $1 Ä e plus $1 court which was organized specifically|Mass .and Procession of-, thelqöats. K f I to collect funijs . and construct-Blessed • Sacrament'-at g 'pm, •was [the boathouse. T-he—east of theiha«. Ri««lc»ri - -arfiv yrauld contjnue'-to tot the rigil onlbeen "coMectod, ■but (Cdttolnued On Page 12). [ (Continued, On Page 12) &&& -keeping 0 lbcœrfiéld''«iR:have'«4r' Holy „ Nam« watch. On 'Good" Friday there will be stations of the cross at 2 pm. lituangcal, „arto Holy- Ooromunki -services. .aJr.,3.Tj-mv,/ aito-Statiora lof jhe Cross at 7:45 p; m. Con •and.zed by a.high.police officiki -oni-pslice 'headfeirters' with-mefr rti-mej-remarks she-had" made at ti»-:parents,' - Tickets Ready For-Cherry Arvidson Lists Board's Reasons ForVoting^Duai-ControlSystem •Emest S. Arvidesn;- president' cP ffie“BdarcT - o?""EdSipfflafTyds- terday explained the Board's rea- nng-.ffir flnal-cotitcal. HMg-af Queen Contest - a release. He pointed out that Superinten- dent of .Schools Dr, Frank. M.; ! Ml*s. *n6- hi high, gdar puFkeè is iriexperienoeï in busi-' tor the'Cherry Blossom Beauty ¡ness administratinnimH'that the Pageant to be held May 1 at the ¡prima' BelleviBß Senior High Sqliooi' I Board ^ kattve Iw w d ■rttiBatidgMi^^BjtliritB "pwB wt» psafrw^Kjajpi ■Duties ; divided. into committees; .each]tuff., soon after the Mangi aomnii.ttpp—w.as, „miprinaihlp. ,.trirtfilfictivk d^Brd.;elimm<rtart..Hii»'.in-l'.. -Drake and DiRienzo thî night „before. the walkout, the teachers, could mot be considered ¿Bus ^iteii^ Böccn SaleEtfe-Jit; ntoved . to . iahl*..Jhe rpsnliitlon, t»ftgr.'viB sri^!Sn»g ’ " McCool and .John B. DfRienzo. the; Ubtoi£ iruge &a-, äW3 J 4 )J!ed- atag 'toMMttilEis, !with Àrviî- ' Sop -easting the!d«^ditig--'VbteA.r,:■ - At . this , point" the, board- and tint “Wtottltetr 'priTSSi“ ' voted un- TICKETS ON SALE — B. Thomas Aitken, president of -Peoples .National Bank and-Trust Company, Belleville^ left, purchases a ticket for tne Miss Cherry Blossom Beauty Pageant, itdieduled May l',*ftoin Elmer Cheeseman, Jay- chairihaii. 'The tickets' went on sal this-week; The parade.and pageant are spon- sored this year by the local Jaycees.-Thk pag- eant will be. held at the Senior High School, .certain/ areas of, s^hqt^ -h«r-:-|. sits^ailS^agàioM-Axcdudffi|.:EZ tràtiori. .Committees functioned in[gaft th ritofetisS as a" ■ctó h ttji# ]"teabHSs; Who;repofled, to work on thè Areas of finance, bufldtog find .tof" the whole,'with each -memb8r|ibfi'day.of Ihè walkout from an grounds, teachers ar,d ciMcniumJfuBy aware, and fully TesponkH®;ta /dfiy’si ; textbooks and auppliea, tr-an^ior-lbre, jpr aRi,actions':mtìtbé Ièriìàr.èj^sghojol/. day :sétiéi4lgi' with Mrs. consideration; of the[tetion, puolid,-relations, légiSla- sehoW system. Thq board stiil]-McCool abstaining. Thè motion „ ,.. m . , k ,st be, jo r,^ e. weifefej-tRgn;--and health,, and ea^cctoi-lc^H U es to. ■ ¿parato ae -a càm-i was amended -tn limit- nawnpnt' ^ i ne 1U.tornii«» will .appear-in 0f the - tohool -systenT; not t e -mltiee liad eonsldeffib'le auftorl- mttttel of'-ffife ^hnie.'"A?ier'toe y f t he, -origipaily contracted thrffi categories and-will be judg- power*of -any- individual in the. ty/;in -its, own. area*.The- admin-[death '.of the SRftr'fli^iyiRiisjnfta^Hmna'fej-. ■ . ■edmn' ¡an-eventoglscboel; -systom^r-—^ — Jlsteiloh -was senarafed/’iffS r^ti Manager—-ttiE... Boa Ai. .«apngpFWf [•":i^B & i»i"gfea d fflajKriy gown and batiung suit tihd wilij Atwidson’s àtatèmént said: [divisions, Board .5601^ 13^ . and the functions.iii iffls denarfcmftW jin approvtng iKl. oriw.ir,,, ¿f ijj. performln"a talent category-. y "Much is. being made- o f - alBùsto'ess M a n a g e r,./tjfe :i;itoel-assigntog those prescribed byiàehoòl -calendar, hotvever. - '■itoe luUgtea.-wai^then pick aem.-and Jgry Fremer, tir.ent eating [person, ana;~‘ffl|ti‘Ui'tlMll'' ,'tUHd.t-'teaW'"|^'iTOT5g!;fS f|^ r‘'fe''ia"neW- À;Ahl '''Mfe%4 B thrffi - top- winners and award! back, eleven ..years ’ to 1B§4.. Howdjibnd under the-Supertotender.tsly; appointed Secretary, and the j Frank DiRugaiero ' to* dock thè scholarships of $600 $250 aqd >125 ever, the oOndihons existing at of Schools This was the "dual[-balance Of the duties to an As-lpay of administrator« who voted - to'W :,^ ^ a .; Thq tww^erp^ .time àye, ts^V'^Seììtìi?'. .¿tM tlTefiriTFol* ’ r e f ,* the 1954J sì , /fok- Rusi-wpr.'ih^W y?--as : ed - Miss Cherry. Blossom will tied. Priori' to this-‘Presentment, jFresentment, . ' " ' ? ■. ness &f thope who actually pais • (Continued fin, Pag* 14) [and to the- establishing-of an} ¿"To-'Ohtam better-control, and| (Continued On-Page 12) (Continued On Page 12)^


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j Belleville's J J Legal ( I Newspaper v j?MHHÌHilniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiifnniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu)iuiS

Ì 5 t h Y e a r N o . 15 B ellev ill« , N .J . , .T h u rsd a y , A p r il 15 , 1 9 6 5

BOARD EXTENDS SCHOOL I DAYEaster Services AnnouncedThe tT^täiäoiiai 'féàjStTof Easter,

for .(Jiristiaos, and the. Passover far Jews t'.thwughqut the world will .he^aoantsHoraiedihis week-

The town's- Christian churches w li hold, spécial jenéfces "today. ■Maundy Thursday;- tomorrow. Good Friday, and Holy; Saturday when the 40 days, of th~e peniten-

tial season of Lent ends, aftdjAchim at sunset tomorrow. F.ri-i fasting and penance, in recognf-i Easter Suntjay jviiJ be observed day, and will end on Saturday, tibn of d trisfs -40 days- of fasting! .wish, greet festivity,-with aimSseiAprli- f f e ,; .and in preparation]agEvi<^^c^tafa3t,.Sajgnn. ¡top^J ^ g ^ te r . the ‘ gPCT^j^^iea^d^fg^JHIa toorkak "retrorreolfota. __ es. and special,programs of y e a r T ^ i« w |^ ^ ® ^ 3 S 5 y T 3 n K e ,’i^ in H '

T fe 'P a ^ p w , oHe~y_t& ~iaffitp&.banning of toe Btan'gical ey-*jtion of'die- Holy Eucharist by inspirmg timajar.' festbMltJJfri-llisldfc.. No ■ nMiar; feast is -. jg "Mgerixj Christ . at. Sie. ijaat fopper will d<^sto faito,„wiloger\ with serv.-lawaited. It la anticipated watblbe observed today, Holy Thurs-

at 'Congregation Abavafh'great" , solemnity, with; vprayerf day," " in Christian churches. ' i t

Work Begins on Crew Boathouse

BOATHOUSE GROUNDBRE AKING—Nut. ley and Belleville School official« join mem­bers of the Rowing Association in ..ground* , breaking ceremonies T orlB IT H Sr'13B iriJW Fr' houee in Kearfly. • Seen here are (1-r) Dr, Robert Fleiscfiei;, suj«rintenaent oi lyutiiy” schools; William (Qtomap, principal of Bqller.

- ¿ ^ jS c b w j^ ^ ^ p ^ r m ^ n L ja i j th S '.B f l le -

ville-Nudey Rowing Association; John Kaiser, chairman of the fund raising committee, for the boathouse in Jinrlev; Everett Zabruhir,

■NffrtFy'^SdtePf^btKteesi'admmistTatffi^-jwfnes ■ Bailey o f Ntfriey,, architect "and vice president, of the Association, ana Di. Frank Durkee, superintendent of Belleville Schools. ■%

Mrs. Barnes to Keep Work Begins Riole of Town Critic On Boathouse

For Belleville"The Lord gave, me

monlh andTm g(ting~TO use it. ~%urby a high police officiati' thatMrsT'JMn-'Barnes, twHy critie?

so advised the’Town Çaâicil at Town Hall, serving notice that

ïtStlîé; ff id iM te ity ' given to a

V o t e r S ig n u p H o u r s L is te d

Registrations, and- transfers ;of voters- for- ibft-tPri'nwry -Ejection .wiiL.cIose .aB-. Api’il-, 22, 196S,. Town Clerk-Eugene" Barpett yesterday reminded residents. Si

Office hours for registering are "-8:30 A.M. to"iiir:p .m „ Monday- through Friday. .• Evening hours will tie held Irorii 7-p.m.yto, 9 p.m. on Monday, April: 19; Tuesday, April' 20; Wednesday, April 21

Thursday,' April • 22,» The last, day to file pefitignjp for candidacy» -for—membera- t>f.. the, County 'Committee ia.- noon on Thursday,‘•.April 22.

she was going to continue to speak'-'out .when she desired to.

Mrs. .Barnes, a housewife and toother, who has been one of the Council's most constant, critic,w a s the siihjeof , rif~ m l ich rHSciis-sion • last week when ■ it was re-

Overtime Parking Now Costs $2 TSflChcrS

To Make Up Lost Day

The Board Of- Education Mo», day /night extended the -school calendar' an-extra day, making up the day of • instnictioa students tost 4n the March 19 walkout and ; 'giving ' teachers a ' chanceio avoid

lty for’ their unexcused kb-

But the handful of teachers whe reported for duty on the day of tjhe strike won’t have a chahce to'cottoeheKîra-fwy-'for--^>e added - 3f$)ooi day. They'll be asked to stay home. "£ The action .was decided ^ ■■ 70 ? minute, closed session. Mew- " day night with 25 members of the jB e U e j^ ^ ^ u e a ti^ AisspSltiee'i: ; board of governors, over the ob- leÇÊoriS ;bf ' .,hb'à'rd member Mrs. *j Norma MsCool, 'Who wanted the problem thrashed out a t a publie meeting. ■

The boards" dîtictoj a&oti was sandwiched into two public’ ses­sions between -three closed c<5h- ferehces, tw o . ' whlch'ttwr reach-• ers attended. Before . the issue was finally resolved? board mem­bers exhibited a kaleidoscopic pat-tern of shifting position*. .

At- the special session th* mboard_._al|o split pin approving a p ew budge F -to- cdrrtoiy ~witn"'the~ school slash approved by the town -eçoiicil, — v '

j- Mrs. McGodl opposed - the new fidlotmento, charging that some j administrative salaries were he-..

.. ^ ,„.»„»,,¡.11.. r -, , | , | „ |- i i , 1T- - n i ____ , z r . ........ „■ Jing cut to a greater .extent thanH H S ■ B S ... 9 ! R was ToSrs Jote,¡parting 3 S eS Ï68T Mrs. tee sa li wKffe IKefothers MtïTfccSol W m k SpëaT

^ .motoe-vehtolf fldea- ww-moFbrekKmtomvn^nWry^MetrimiTreSwW8Tr‘Biing'in ' ‘W iw bK -s»« .-^ iw ^.4« .. ' |2 | (Continued Oui P iq« 12) pe^ilitgbly reduced,

IPs will be ^celebrated with Holy b Commumon services throughout § ttie world to. remembrance of the

^P] dax,, Jn lCStBHto ’ i|Suranea- -the!i -StCSSO, f

id:far adoration tbrougib.tihe ni^it Tomorrow, • Good Friday, the

oburohes will be stripped of orna­mental decora EionySitiTSltars'tWll' be.; bared in mourning at the death of the Saviour.

F e s tiv a l o f P a s s o v e r One of Ae grandest aad most,

inspiring major festivals, of 'the- Jewish faith is the holiday of Passover, .arriving at the first signs of Spring, and cbHun^morSti lag Hie anriiver^ary of the Ubera- tion of the Israelites frond Egyp­tian bondage,"

9gmficanitiy> lire' pgjyi&l exo­dus ftom Egyptiteystavery was not a final abt of bberatibn,' until the children of Israel achieved ’¿henfai, „moral aad raiplHiual "freer dom with their atxepUnee bf-the- Ten Canmaindmerits through Moses at Mount Stodl*;.;: The Rev- eiation at Motint Sidat wnieh was the actual goal of. the mass exodus from-Egypt, tot*d Iaraei from all pagan influenc«* and consecrated the people to 'the. seme* of God. '•* _ <. ." to Its suiH total, Passovetfi tfie,S S p e E ™ 7 ® E ^ r^ T " l3 E ir^ ^ '

SURPRISE! $2 TICKET Patrolman Ray Aprij l, the, fine-f>pr_Qvertime parking has Caruso writes a ticket for overtime parking for doubled in price in T tib w costs -tWol dollars.

’aiBorofisf wb6~ij~nn“fo ria~ iear^ —vr-ji— r— -------- —— --

Overtime Parking, Other MV Fines Increased by Magistrate

time' iii the histoty-of manktodj parking'April 1 'Wèfe^Kfted^ f È6e;|^ES13tìW T!35dS' C£flecti^: the message of individual indp^ih^ltbJiiial' one.. - dola:pénrieiv»T.-rBgrit:ty - anH «anrWiSy to-v«W'--f)f'-the '-i!eéeót: events-infBpf Sehaa, Ala;; atto the generai slrtlggim'rf ¡he; negro for equal, opportunities before God and- m anrthe-m essage -of-Passover

Very applicable. today, ; ; : v ~ .

The - jtrnp-irr-tiier-edet-bf-pveH fame parkiftg" "Wag"~gtfiy"biie' "öd "many, changes to toel id ieM e jrfl fines for motor .vaUdä.;, violations I put into effect April 1, by Magis- trate .Edwafd_,J.. Abrotpsbn, i

........ : . ... ___ B - - A storm of jmdtest-was fired S

roods m .Jewish .bdmes...amucy.. »rnnlinmiimiii Tnm. •’ n - ■ ■ __ .__ _________i r ------ -- -------- —very Special place m.'thte jTOlldayl^ ^ - y Frmch* itoämfeCT " of °V r ^ «tieeiÖhSf- '-bnESfSjjWülAiPÄ'ri^MI

many o iti-p ® 11 Cis* £dl Mömlay night witir y ra t of scripture that the 'ffie 'w aK noiS t^d^T FfM -^ 'd^’Harnes:. ^and.'.iQCnfir

A H — l IsFa d m -tarry or€!pSe ta the^amo'uto ä" fin« 'for Obititoto TtamaarG reo e '-IÄGround has been brdken andamtil the bread that they-bak-Urtain".violations became pttoiic. tog the verbal asSmilt. '

work is underway on the new ¡ed « Ä r i i e . they baked un- However, MtiS rim s-the town 'The major a n ro u to « ' the al- boathouse for iluüey and Belx.e-| leavened htead. konm as

I Board .President Ernes,.S,,„.APr„ •vtdsbn - a ài d- to"e-hsw budget ”cwn- rmto~tis:--fdr m particular saia^~ ries.’-’ , t . ' ' '

George N’ucera. prèsideót of th* teachers «roub, said at a^opptér- enCe—meeting- -with-Hbe--board--

[which spilled-over info the time t i » • ath»igF*<jgé^ "CaggaÿFiar#g«^gra8r^gr^i ' ' tee-:a>e ^guto^m eeting. . " i ,

Citizens Again Dominate Meeting o f Town Council

üic'înêT-(Continued. On P*ge J)

three Juveniles Nabbed by Police

Three'..teèr.agêrs were : rabBali

Bpsafe.4ar „. lOO -per- cent of- -our . memhershfp in saying’ we were' p'rodd "to do «hat vto did and we're willlng to-flg if agaln :y e(Ms" ditlpns should warrant it-.”

A representative of the school principals, W111 ik m Chap.■» man changed the. l^oard with i

ctfetoenà, ¡Frîaay^Ra^iitoy announcingfar.the increase, despite the factlsome who anoke three, nr fmirla^ ..{.hn p :-y.-rinApy »Ibbnitive . aotibn ton -the head -

mes r- same on various mii>-at 61-67 Mill Street- •------ -^ A-A-Hteôs--^sber-tha«-tiirough admin=... fieels a h i others on the same sub-] .Tq aa ■ MMn/|y and istrative' ^tonnels. Chapman wai

r --w - ■ •• '-t o T ^ a 'r a 'H':ih 'TO'ered ah 'w»ÿ <he toeal press-^ W : Æ i m g n g ^ a g 3 i ^ f f ^ frike. * *-

îndow. The j E^tonsion of the göhqfä: -„«atM*. anâffig of [1 3 was opposed by Mrs. McCool

t h a £ T o w n wiil receive feel, money'collected by the;co T-'Jitottot ‘¿Serk*jjtrik-Irf»«-».Increase VkF.flnbs was theof conferences held several yearsjTown Manager and another at-Lyouths by 'an orien ago in -which a uniforrn sysfemjtack or.-the manage? by Council- youths started to ri

viile High Schools’ rowing teams, zos (thin, flat..... ...... .. -Members of 'the . sponsoring ¡Wafers baked from unleavened

ieHSTSiSrstifi fiafClaar' cgifisi SgBgi^FsStrti^^bw togyltego^T.Boar)»' hi'itenorofthat-sigtoftettirt' tipned by Deputy Chief Donald ation joined School adminis toators event, leavened bread - of ariy Smith-en remarks ehe had made from -the.fwp; neighbpring- towrtsj food associated with bread is not at previgUa council meetings [at ceremonied; on 'the banks- of [ p r miteed throughout ihe. festival, about, rapes-and'muggings in the ¡the "Passaic River Thursday ..Services' for Holy TttorsdayT1 E|rks and temhed the Ccwncil ses-jmprntog. - 1 s ' ' . 1 Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Eas<

m w m r m jjfyiJJ'JgJp.jS’ «jwwmsi■ H H 5™ fc -** " g * " J g J i glixe ■ oyertame parking- -tickecj Wfliiain H. GJidileii* the - citizensI caught. -• • - - I gain- #1$ a r'^plutta- appfiaring

doubled to cost, -Mrs. Lee said took over the session arid gave] Police ¡said he’ gave theto.'.the!oa P^totod agerdg'prepareda B oiiieFd^l5^ ' griaf&ri Audl-JA-BdDfateneR jteainfc .

« to a propewd, s^adtoi-ladmltisd that the trio-had brokgR.r^*'6 ^ bfipseasua Jeadtad stop o n .te fornier-lobsitl pfop-]kifcd theestabllslirhSi.- ... J^nerty for the nesd" 21A. hours, " - The youth was released to" togNWch'WWto'imply have docked

Mrs.-Joan Barnes, Town critic [parents for appearance' in .Ju- stnking teachers one. day’s, pay. ‘ ^A' dieck of, area conununlljpsjwho wa? toe^subject of muehjvenile Court. , • •Drakq_ stated he sympathized

not a smooth .talker, but that Ijfinst- sec tion .- $14,500 has [main in" the iwDliituly Ikuuuh *u r^ ' * T ^Association out hhe ni shtwi t o t a< overtime paring finesr revealed that she had been quiz-toed to.-appear this inwningftsroctation|out. .toe night, with men of toe)Keamyi .North. -Arlington "and zed by alhiA.poHce « id a l ton nelir'e -h ifs lttfe i« , "^»h ^ to J th e -Is W tM rtd ^

was reduced a “aneak meeting", jed by public-donations,She said she wanted to set into three sections,- Completion of [ tempie as follows

3t?gÌ^t;:|ÌK^pffìeM tì®ti.répimtJ the'-first section. — thè Me which ST. PETER'S' R,on her questioning which - quotsd- her as saying, she was; “very sorry and wish'éd she had tlie woqds back”.- Mrs. Barnes, said

[the officer misunderstood, or was

C. CHURCHwffl; house, cha boats - is anti, [ Masses Will be" celebrated t a r a t i « before April

[St, Peter’s ■ Church today.,. Hslyirirt paitf-actutoly ^at ^:S0 a- aw aad -at a $ i w cost.-Now-the Violator

Association is he corporation 5 p. m. with a Sojemn. High must fa y a $1 Ä e plus $1 court which was organized specifically|Mass .and Procession of-, thelqöats. ■ K f

I to collect funijs . and construct-Blessed • Sacrament'-at g 'pm, •was [the boathouse. T-he—east of theiha«. Ri««lc»ri - -arfiv

yrauld contjnue'-to tot the rigil onlbeen "coMectod, ■ but(Cdttolnued On Page 12). [ (Continued, On Page 12) & & & -keeping 0 lbcœrfiéld''«iR:have'«4r 'Holy „ Nam«

watch.On 'Good" Friday there will be

stations of the cross a t 2 pm. lituangcal, „arto Holy- Ooromunki -services. .aJr.,3. Tj-mv,/ aito-Statiora lof jhe Cross at 7:45 p; m. Con

•and.zed by a.high.police officiki -oni-pslice 'headfeirters' with-mefr rti-mej-remarks she-had" made at ti»-:parents,' -

Tickets Ready For-Cherry

Arvidson Lists Board's Reasons ForVoting^Duai-ControlSystem

•Emest S. Arvidesn;- president' cP ffie“BdarcT - o?""EdSipfflafTyds- terday explained the Board's rea-

nng-.ffir flnal-cotitcal.


Queen Contest- a release.He pointed out that Superinten­

dent of .Schools Dr, Frank. M.; ! Ml*s. *n6- hi high, gdar puFkeè is iriexperienoeï in busi-' tor the'Cherry Blossom Beauty ¡ness administratinnimH'that the Pageant to be held May 1 at the ¡prima'BelleviBß Senior High Sqliooi' I Board

^ kattve Iw w d ■rttiBatidgMi ^BjtliritB "pwBwt» psafrw^Kjajpi ■Duties ;divided. into committees; .each]tuff., soon after the Mangiaom nii.ttpp—w.as, „m iprinaihlp. ,.trirtfilfictivk d^Brd.;elimm<rtart..Hii»'.in-l'.. -Drake a n d DiRienzo

thînight „before. the walkout, the teachers, could mot be considered

¿B us ^iteii^ Böccn SaleEtfe-Jit; ntoved . to . iahl*..Jhe rpsnliitlon,t» ftg r.'v iB sri^ !Sn»g ’ "McCool and .John B. DfRienzo. the; Ubtoi£ iruge &a-, äW3J4)J!ed- a ta g 'toM M ttilEis, ! with Àrviî- ' Sop -easting the!d«^ditig--'VbteA.r,:■- At . this , point" the, board- and

tint “Wtottltetr 'priTSSi“ '

voted un-

TICKETS ON SALE — B. Thomas Aitken, president of -Peoples .National Bank and-Trust Company, Belleville^ left, purchases a ticket for tne Miss Cherry Blossom Beauty Pageant, itdieduled May l',*ftoin Elmer Cheeseman, Jay-

chairihaii. 'The tickets' went on sal this-week; The parade.and pageant are spon­sored this year by the local Jaycees.-Thk pag­eant will be. held at the Senior High School,

.certain/ areas of, s^hqt^ -h«r-:-|. sits^ailS^agàioM-Axcdudffi|.:EZtràtiori. .Committees functioned in[gaft th ritofetisS as a" ■ctóh ttji# ]"teabHSs; Who;repofled, to work on thè Areas of finance, bufldtog find .tof" the whole,'with each -memb8r|ibfi'day.of Ihè walkout from an grounds, teachers ar,d ciMcniumJfuBy aware, and fully TesponkH®;ta /dfiy’si ; textbooks and auppliea, tr-an^ior-lbre, jpr aRi,actions':mtìtbé Ièriìàr.èj sghojol/. day :sétiéi4lgi' with Mrs.

consideration; of the[ tetion, puolid,-relations, légiSla- sehoW system. Thq board stiil]-McCool abstaining. Thè motion „ , . . m . , k ,st be, jo r ,^ e . weifefej-tRgn;--and health,, and ea^ccto i-lc^H U es to. ■ ¿parato ae - a càm-i was amended -tn limit- nawnpnt'

^ i ne 1U.tornii«» will .appear-in 0f the - tohool -systenT; not t e -mltiee liad eonsldeffib'le auftorl- mttttel of'-ffife ^hnie.'"A?ier'toe y f t he , -origipaily contracted thrffi categories and-will be judg- power*of -any- individual in the. ty/;in -its, own. area*.The- admin-[death '.of the SRftr'fli iyiRiisjnfta Hmna'fej-. ■.■edmn' ¡an-eventoglscboel; -systom^r-— — Jlste iloh -was senarafed/’iffS r^ ti Manager—-ttiE... Boa Ai. .«apngpFWf [•":i^B&i»i"gfead fflajKriygown and batiung suit tihd wilij Atwidson’s àtatèmént said: [divisions, Board .5601 13 . and the functions.iii iffls denarfcmftW jin approvtng iKl. oriw.ir,,, ¿f ijj.performln"a talent category-. y "Much is. being made- o f -alBùsto'ess M an a g er,./tjfe :i;itoel-assigntog those prescribed byiàehoòl -calendar, hotvever. -

'■itoe luUgtea.-wai^then pick aem.-and Jgry Fremer, tir.ent eating [person, ana;~‘ffl|ti‘Ui'tlMll'' ,'tUHd.t-'teaW'"| 'iTOT5g!;fS f|^ r‘'fe''ia"neW- À;Ahll'''Mfe%4 B thrffi - top- winners and award! back, eleven ..years ’ to 1B§4.. Howdjibnd under the-Supertotender.tsly; appointed Secretary, and the j Frank DiRugaiero ' to* dock thè scholarships of $600 $250 aqd >125 ever, the oOndihons existing at of Schools This was the "dual[-balance Of the duties to an As-lpay of administrator« who voted - to 'W :, ^ ^ a . ; Thq tw w ^erp^ .time àye, ts^V'^Seììtìi?'. .¿tM tlTefiriTFol* ’ r e f ,* the 1954J sì , /f ok - Rusi-wpr.'ih^W y?--as :ed - Miss Cherry. Blossom will tied. Priori' to this-‘Presentment, jFresentment, . ' " ' ? ■. ness &f thope who actually pais

• (Continued fin, Pag* 14) [and to the- establishing-of an} ¿"To-'Ohtam better-control, and| (Continued On-Page 12) (Continued On Page 12)^

U.S. School Aid Seen Little HelpFor toe whole nator., the re - ! lected. specific purposes. It does

w îSy passed federal school aidj-r.ot provide general school aid to law provides $l,.i billion for se-!lower local school taxes.


D r . M . R ooehvargOPTOMETRIST

Mm . • P«f. m e M i

T m ., Thar«,, S e .9 :10 - 9 :30

132 Washington Avenu*


BUYING SELLINGA competent staff is ready to serve your needs with fast efficient processing. We specialize in Residential, Commercial, Business and Investment properties. Your In.quiry is invited. ' -, -

OPEN DAILY MON. TO.FRI. 9 TO 9' § f j SAT. » SUM. 10 Ya y - “ . w '


^ W A SH IN G TO N A V E ,_ . M LLEVILLEa^BSassegasc. i p s a s : « ;« legar-«*

CALL 759-6900

. Of this federal aid, New Jer­sey will receive about $26.9 mil- ttS t For expansion of.-prpgrams tor- children' 'from''' fatnUies—witlr $2,000 ' income' op*les$. annually,

children, New Jer* sey wiU receive $20.1 •tiillibn. For school libraries, > textoqoks, and other.-, insteiotional ; materials; New .Jersey will get $3,2 million. For others parts of the law, in- chçdfng, aid tofeducation agehctest New--Jersey Will ’receive $3.6 mffiiun.„ ; -

Most recently reported total cost. of .. public schools in New Jersey is $740,129,668 in local taxes and $169,989.771 in state and.

StriS'.-' The impact pf—tow federal aid law.wto be -min­

imal on the -cost of general -edu­cation.

Asked about help frfitn the new law" to Belleville, "Dr. Frank M. Durkee,, Superintendent .. of Schools, said the State Depart- ffiept of . Education. has not -yet set up a formula to distribute this money. to tbd local «chop] districts-, but estima tecf" Shat Belleville would only receive a siffiaH• amount. ^ .

Ticket Hike

Businessmeni d 8$**3E¿Pe French, rector of the Chamber of Cohor merce, sees the increase in toe

Citizens which 'pertaixM.'to the ïovâi and CotìncS. "T

. (Continued From Page 1) ! :.‘? .W ^tb liiey t« r teSV'^Gcld-Tforra frriigHt; ~ a* ~ .leg y d Btyaepfc . She jjtniëd that to'a-.reporh w asiM of^^y rubber stamp. - . ; 1 _

accurate. She said that when she ‘Yocüi never, bfi my boss Mtr. u, a c /junto.! a. . h«inf "vp.»w|GoMam if you Uve-to btriQRtote- Spiry” she had actualiy>"said shejpltel-Dmmett. was ' “very soriy ih a t ' sto BtoS-^g^-tbreei-SdUg ..

youc base1 said Gjäd®tk;\bi, l!U firs you."- BOrtiett. objected to withdraw­ing toe ■ two retolhöbnä and' said Shift' the meeting .might- just-as well be cancelled;- as ' fÿeiytoiiîg: on ¡-to® Î agenda ■ had- bean, iìitoò* dueed by hi

"That's why I want to fite ywj" stagted “MWtSmanager hot a-'dlctator.-Your're

I running .this ’ Town '• and I

HEAPS JWV POST — •'Çhaxies Goodman, above, of ‘Henri's Dinette, 2.01 Wash­ington-Avenue, Belleville,- was feyendy elected commander of Preiskel - Miller, - GJassberg Post 47, Jewish Wax Veterans in Passaic.

not a smooth talker, but would continue. to hit ■ the nail -on. toe bead."''"She said- she..would- coti&iUe f t speak 'up as a citizen. .She said she ddd jK)t; gpeak .up .avfry; .tEtns she heard a rumtxr err report but -attempted..to-.¿heck out matters before-she spoke, to.-toe -iftuncfii abaus vlitinrn-!.

Town Manager. Burnett. r.aa fifto a stormy protest frte .-C pun-j^ .j j^e H iflfflSti CSfflten when he attempt-! Co^Sma'n Cullen took' issyb ^ ta- i T X r c A ^ ^ : r s s c i ^ m in ^ #* 4 were nbt on the «genla per- Wre l{Sgal assistaneB ^ a taimng to toe granting of msur_ fer {or gg i Adjust- ance qcmtrapts- ^ . .. X, - }<to8tte. m said the Town Cbansal'

GoWer.. # d ' that -clerks represent toe Board, of Ad-

Towu reject tof and j'ptmefease*- fehe-area for devdep-r ment as a .r.ecrèâtiQpai-aitfi^-Hej sajd builders aqd- ; developers were-: squeezing- 'toe'-’Teswi--a»d| urged-the-, açauiripg of thé prep-i erty by - the- ¿own by conciemna-'tluif i f 1 lajubssttiy ':.....................J-

.. Greco.. lashed.: CbuMlmm Ctil-i lan, -who. is a member .■.dt.thej Town . BoaMl- ; on thefact that' the Hanning unit ' had] made no provision at its meetings ) for‘the- hearing -of-citizens. : yjiïe noted that he was owkwedl i» toe time indit "of* 10 minutes placed op the citizens by the] Council gnd said'When he .was a member that he had foujtot any *

lad w to -IltoHtJB». timeí- e$tiMhHédí®l-.:-'í>kiS”'to -pessnr ds. ytews-.to. .toe sijlttoeifd-.h:' * Greco ¿agreed; that a : court? .re- •

... (Continued. .On . Fao« 1jt>.

^ 5-S4MCA-$25 DOWN


L Y N N E S ®318 lloomti«M Are.,--


■ iis



Rites Held Por Serge, Truck Victim

beeA...-ry<nmng toe Town far too long. He charged that the Man­ager was not irrfohfning toe OaUm

and that as .an elected rep­resentative of .toe people,he-want- rgd to be iatarmed on d l jaattersl

years. Bors}, ir. Italy ito came. to toe United .States,-Sft. yto and had been ä resident of Belie-

Funeral services “were. field 'vflfc'f&r toe past. 25 years.Tuesday’for'.'Peter“ Sorge 'Sr.T’of r PotteH- :stdd~toey'believed-'toat

Friday when • he was pinned ¡up with toe truck which Was figatef a’ stone' WMI a- 1S8.EM-|'coastiag dosvnhill-when k wedged, vision Avenue by ids fimaway beiM'een. - a ' utiliiy ’ pole arid 'thE6 jPj opOsed subdiyisioii of the Lob- truck. : ' ' ' : . Wfito c ru e lto ig to ; ^ Sfiiblance of

jii^tment etcepi. in a few | special ’ cases where oonfilfiri.; interest was present. •.

Mayor Nuncio R 'Pico, who||ÂS|Pfal@teÂi!S!ÈB$É^^yi^ 6 öotttHtoing. ü®.. .BjééüBg, ' - -ended 1 the . débats bv abpdfeiáhg.' the|j Council -as- to:'-ebminBttee''”as whole to meet with toe ¡toning j board to discuss the matter as! well ah' to^ inStmaiKei issuer :. .Thgjagetoi£--was-,ihen opened

Xf t

A bequiem Mass was offered i S t Peteris .Church' Tuesday

cost of overtone parking tickets 9 ¡30 atol, The funeral was fromiha-Megaro Mémorial Home, 341 Ròsevii?-: Ave.. Newark.

Sorge, 65,‘had operated fils .own teiness a s .A■ eommissirin mer-

no \ritnes3 to thethere dent,

Ha. leaves his wife, Mrs. Filom­èna-Padda Sorge; ¡H v 'c if WàsMnÿôn;Vinoeöt « Orange; two • slates* Mrs. Arms Beto of BetteviEe aöä

chant dealing in product at Ì80- Mrs. Jennie De Angelas of New- A Miller Street:, Newark,: for 451 ark, and two .gModcMdren.

Final Plans .Compléted

Orchid ' Gwngta la pastel •ha*» ni Brown, Pink, Oren,

White. '

4M I 5.00__________ gj¡ to.).^|^.gL31dO..



-adding to the woes of local uner- chants. ■ . ■ ?■ In a statement, issued yester­day, French said:

"Having just heard of toe in­creases in fines for overtime parking which I .understand went -into effect on April 1, my first reaction is that it seems that the cards ate stacked against the)

JF a r Mrs/ McCool Dinnerthere have been, talks^meetings. Final arrangements for the j tor of toe Siver Lake Baptist and. promises that ¿here would beU'ggtmionial IMnner-Danto-fii bon-iftohrrb,. wfil..render respeotiveiÿ,

g , . , - -, . . pmskient. of'the B e M t o S t e O• ^ ^ & .Education, have b t e m adei“ « 168 » ? hef 'Li!- “S “ ! ' Jack Daniels, -General chainnan ^ r f d 1? l ! ' 0,?iï6^ rouskhtecdda.,Thare are toe shopping) -1 . - j .y . . of Charles Borbone s band,to toers.'^ toe Mgbways1 qra/wi'Bg business.. aw ay from

parliamentary procedure went ckit toe witidow. At times three, per­sons were standing before the

Peter Uouncil presenting théir 'views broüber jaja or .te,imtfcilmen. èfc.

teW, Av*. at Allwood Rd., Clifton ntor NoHtÿ I Adjoctnl to Cruthov«*

Phon« GRogory 343366

Jack Da niel amounoeri' tod^ i"

1 P , ! . AlonK’ wilit'toe aw rin ta tó t irf^teiness^ away 5^jArtfiiir'Röeaniaas-VfeeLGhainaan- «mwmittes Grinding 1 «a T<(B¿

m aste for the affsir, .damo toe promising news that. the Honor-

Belleville, there is the fact that right next door iti Bloomfield and Nu-Uey »ere is public ..P k rk tte la fe ^

oi88ë4r!r7!fe>BRt$ ^

,7H'S''‘Sp‘ri'iTg^MSrk'8Tt§'“antl' Trig“iGPi^r;gfows' m effffiilFrlef“' us Geieferate t g HGly Days of- Easter ririfi Passover

. with a fervent hripe “.for peace irr the world grid rnorg brotherhood In the

•hearts ohseason be enjoyable and reword­ing..-


D) ¿¡¡3 443 W nliiR^tm Avtuuo BrIIrvIHr Nrw

Î*ÎB r:' Ttltphon«: 759-5264 .Open Dally, 9 AM, to 4 P.M. Also-Monclay Ev«^ 6:30 to 8 P.M.

ready. purchased your.may ", do. so. by . contacting Mrs. Sally ffood. Ticket Chairman or Mrs. NajicyMc Carthy, Keserya- Kon Chairman. •'

to ^ y ^ toòse-^igrfjfe: • to?~Tninigg|'. j . ., ticketo KFof ehandT'ldmr S eria lspeak bn. the educatìonal prob- . „„, . .. ,, r , tore, TJo-Ticket Chairman amlem of narcotics in tua schoolito a T i,. j; Offlmh! jnoubced that .tickets may be pur-

~ n i f ^ i v A w ^ ' - ,-n ' 1 a ■ te sé d -a f thè dtervon Apri M; »»riff- BTASna, well versedTnT . iU - . .. 7 , ’

valuSle tó te e d g 7 to attendance.

Among the other - honored guests wffl.’rbe toe Honorable• J0- seph E.- Cohetu Essex .County,Freeholder, brother _o4-_one-of- our local .merchants' and Ur.- Frank M—..Durkee- Superintendent of Schools.-Rev. Father.Monacib. assistant.

pastor of St. Anthony’s Church and Rev. Benedetto Pascal, Pas-

tered the debate -freely.The attorney for toe developer I

of the Eobsitz property asked i f : the Town had any other demands : to make on, the builder-' before accepting the subdivision draw­ings. He listed..several requests!!that toe ToWn had made and to which the developei: Jhad agreed, but noted that, he Mt they a l l ! were actually toe responsiblliT o f . the Town since no Variance was respired for toe projeot:'

Several citizen« opposed th e ; project in full, or various aspects such a« the proposed road to; ' neri; vrito: Plenge1 Drive and

j-suggeated that * , bridgetouer toe j 2 ^ ^ j r i v e r to Hlflf Street lie construcfi s

ed so that the traffic from toc-| project would dot dlstotb Pie.nge Drive residents.

Former Ccsmcfirnte. Grqco join­ed the debate and urgied ftat~thej!


1-81X# 1 -J l Drirc-ln

" I TH m N M o it-


b porting Auto

Goods Accessories

with—the- result toa t many • who? - would-like to shoo in BeEeviHe just hop into, toeirmars apd gp-totoeserriarby towns.;-----

"T he Increase In fiqçs ,.is_.Q0tJ. going to arid 16 'thé rji(^-ularitÿ pF-, .the- Belleville shopping .area! and will: undoubtedly add to the problems, already facii^g the mer- chaRf." ' • . 5

We pamper all modela . . . neto or oíd . . ,

4NSTALLING• Shock Absorben B roke Shoe»• Mufflert • Seot Belts•- Botteries ................- -.„-¡ry .-r.'• Toil Pipes • Tires• Exímese Pipes • Bumpér Guerds


44-48 Frantllii Are., Niiltey



2—The Belleville Times-News, Thursdpy, April 15, 1965



HOME MADE. ivltb our iinert bind 0/ chocohtit. '

• Chocolate Bunnies *e Chocolate Boskets, filimi .

with bur finest French but­ter cookies


Mbcaroon Chicks Coke Lambs

Decorated Easter Cake Eggs


UYER CAKESBeautifully decorated Wedding Caked



cor. Joralemon'St- PL 9-1673




NEWARK ARMORY" T H U R S D A Y , A P R I L l b , 8 P . M . —

Sponsored by

The BeHevilltGliapter of Unice NationalTICKETS AVAILABLE AT:

THE FOUNTAIN, 46 Watsessing Ave., Belleville HUSCARA MUSIC-, 3T4 Washington Avc., Belleville

A. DiGUILIO, 42 Ht. Pleasant Ave., PL 9-6559 $ 4 a n d $ 5 In c lu d in g T a x

Fîre Chîef Draws BlastF ire CM4f tM 1 'F rrM bM rtt)-|ih n i s ''tofi'àrtfttent' 'W W -'bc^

ftfffl'à reply k :d a Lm a...ly ..^ 4 w^ ,jrig . faking' issu« over myweeksJ f questions raised about to « b t f that to old fire ttu c k a m d to ^ r f jg , fire .

I "In either event, it .would ap- any1 commerfts were .'.id

operate'well, uhce the new equip- «nrot was ordered, drew a sharp'-reply from fiourteitmsn -j. ■ .this W e i ■ Thave beer. made. ,to t 'the Man-

j ¿I. , » ager,. who .-is to .department ii-Qfl#dencontends 'that to Chief • V " l X. Au-~, 1.SsssSlSs , f rector,'not to Chief, ahfitM have snoutd ndfmh.ve «Htersd- the cpn-tJ i l l - , ,. , r ’. - .t ■ ' ■- made to p i; ft fa pps-pnoommon

• y ' if p i.'Chief to itodgrfipid to'gratuir— iir® ¿P f« 1 . •-.•__Itouatoand needlesslyjget himselfr- ‘Ta - F i r e Chi« Carl I f*-****-mo> '**-*..............-Hundertpfppd. .peirtittifig. .hitq^KI? h® utilized-.as a ■•. patsy for" I f oLtnd him right'In t o ’ ihiMIS of I tbe^Town- Manager ,or-,is ft pridej heated ‘ cofitroversies V M'C h ;

..'[sho'ild'best have been left spaied,

volvéd it s’eems, sipce my mem* calls 'other incidents.'

i f f f

î- ..t u ïu *.-:

[ to ejhtohi^hiMfit- Of- te-dftraous [contributions. w ! “However, since t o Chief did [manage to “stick his nose into-' matters which should have been resolved at Town Hall, let's look tovpr some of the\eontentiims ;he, .offers, Ha says ifa still a struggle. terireeptoto^"te»gfaes.-CHHni]to and-toa'Oites,*..lM!Uthxe«; incidents. ■wherer’ininor- breakdowns.-Msu*,: red: The kind that m ight even exist In .the new equipment, in •fact Chief, isn't-otte of the new ’Cfliesnjivteg'yoU' an- cdi= pressure' j-rsfelerar-right-now?-- * .Ui'pu. are-BtoaplJ-’ -.right ..'tto'ifa

EN TER T A IN FU TU R E -Nb'R-S E5- ~ . S ia dent. Nurse E laine; Lepore (-stand ing ) telly* three students from ’w ill be enro lling in the' September class at

vhat--4ó.tayect ¿ when -they, .enter. ne-.- Sníoeht "Si

©astmsMaass-.. , Súáaii WaJker,

puntai- ät - to --^ r^ ^ 5 ^<s4öw^pöW‘i«re»th*-' N ursing ‘School curriculum .

Future Nursesi¿Hpr-i-say, .Captain "Dunièavÿ" has [been doing nothing else" over the

f j past six • months ' except repair! - About 50 students o f. the j|S JJ.M o rk.- Jm ‘t M a ck , CSxiaL to i j H acke tt-sts^ -flp ^ So h tte -i^ ^ i'iï

the has been cutting down the old I Nurses Club visited the. C lara ¡1 T w it k l. / ' 'equipmadt far',adaption to to Maass- Sdtool of Nursing la st'ig B n ■!,**.£*?* *P?ke ~2 ■ new engines « id to t he seldom week'to listen to Miss Hamilton, I.B e lleville Kiw arns last Thurs* [goes out on .fire , doing .almost m jto to r of Nursing Education, 1

exclusively repa ir work : Wasn't [and several of t o . Student?., who I he- promoted “Captain- a ir a "tire-lgave the'club as-ana'-chair''tour §

[m an, not as a mechanic? [of three years of tra ining. - After ij| “There 'has been ftd re rio ü s.jlfiiT và rid tïs get-acfjuainted totir,

Imaj-qr repairs On to old equiP'lthe Women’s Auxiliary played ment and now. to t you talk- of]host -,to. the .group in the student Ml to pam ' etpirea 'fO r'ffiffillca ifig e , and the gi-oup was con-

-«ne wonders if you.', are fixiin g ito ted on.-to tour*of the Sdfiodl . them 'up, to be-put fo . to bést. by the student nurses,

shape for to Company to 'wh-tm.) Three members of to Hac- they are' to be traded, ' a ll .at tax- j kettstw n High School,. who w ill

• paÿerstexpeneei- -H&s v,ffiia ' llap»[bè gràd&atfog th lrysSP , w ill itfiW ; pCTdd"Qite ff;;* ::f fa■ -“ to n 5® - a: fact ,® ^ d® H defSt^ ® P^ b^ A ^ =':ttlS :"::year.-

■ rrt lui BBKÈP 1 ix. fund that to t part yw -speak *TS ô b W ‘'.tv ^ to Pateier 'TIIm er mo ® X m5efcül« “ " » * o te lh a 'to î^ fc s ir '’'a iy s to U ri^ t) of 110 Fifth Street and

* . J » e . ssex r^ ? y !was à case .cf to 'cointmaiy sen* Nàhéy Siëdênhelm of V M tCissRCMdreh s Ema-gency - ab ate fhewfong" sized to rt tot"-'hgd: Rd. and Baffiara Hm m rn-of

5fT ^ m e nmv d te f'- -let's not tto Essex County m ^ th ick .'' Gee,Chief ;

« i y y , . . siw ose that were to happen now

^ S F E ! E ^ S @ S p ^ w a y out to Wisconsin. It cubing events M rs. ¡m av uke ^ ^ toe partS-

Gateway School in Montclair w ill speak on to topic,' “ The Shelter's

-GoBtributiorr-ol-^oung-ChfldrenA ' ' H iidM M w y meetings of '‘The

K IW A N IS SPEA K ER — D r. 'Kaye spoke to the

eUeville Kiw :anis last Thurs­day at their regular meeting. M is subj ect “The SWn' Game" was an appropriate one, as D r. ICaye is a .Derm atologist on d ie staff at C lara JRaass Me-: tnorial H ospital,

Meeting Set By Friends Of Shelter

for $2,500 by Mrs. Kennedy

JFK Library Workers Thanked,'"W sT '3a(ig'flCTW'.''KeM 6ay;' wrd-jpotrth rT a q s rmqiictris-clo sc st'-toi ■ J 'h-e-*-attached--acknowltege*-- qiv of our martyred. President,!<>uy hearts.” . , . . . Jment f rem t o ^ l a d y *

/ •’ . j , 1 . 1 Comicilinian , Wastoy forwarded of our timoe makes aoiloly worth-th is past week acknowledged.theL g £ £ £ to the head-lwhile the -effort we a ll expendedreceipt of ^2,50(1*'realized from Ld by.Normap D . Lau t«« te ' andpart- Nwem ber to, help fa to es- ft^ : '‘BetteYi}Uer.,,ca.rd. tj# rty ;,rheld jtj-g , -Dqpofe ite ifT along .-with 'tobhsbmeht-pf .U » Ja n r’R , Ketv- lah t' November iO 'tO.BoMf funds p s own .personal stalteient tto 'to ln^ s'M m i^ iM kito ’ary ,“ . fo r to Jo h n .F , Kennedy Manor- . . 1iaj, Lobrery'. • ■

A letter dated Ap;rfl 5th «id, ad-J dressed to -BeHevffle Counoifaian) Robert E, Westpy. stated: A-. .,

TR .. is v iffc .7 iy l deep appxecia-1 Sion t o i I wsri-te to thank you for] to thoughtful, arid -very- generous! qoptffbutlon bo to Jo lfa F . Ken-I nedy M em orial. Lib rary , whieft; WAS.' received on behalf ;of the I (Citizens of BeijevCe., “The president often express-] ed Mirstjong hope that a Library might be .bust - One- day - apd] he planned to spend much of his future time to: , toft,, a prpiecij Since time' denied him .this,',we must now do it Jor him - .and I cm-'a'ssqre?-ywte-'TOR-'-be--to'-ftoq est ever built-.

‘“ftiEr-Libraiy "wB- be a perpebt ual ’ memorial to President K®-[ nedy; and Ms family and.T shali ALWAYS be grateful tot]ie people | ■of . BeBeville for chtosfag. fa s^r-J

Quick Like -

a Bunny l .




P ^ T r a N lw ï ï r R ü

' M f t H L O O K S m w E S i A ' iUnderwater Color Film

Thurt., April 22,8 :15 p.m.in Montclair High School .

Tickoti:744r«770; 744-0532 or*.

“I t sure is too- bad .to se ma- teh Manufacturers of five- equips (ment ccuHn't- - ha-vér'bî{l-'tïëSTO8B'

Etondslt-^-re--ooairte:rtt» F :kñ g | ' ^ *Ef f t ic iof^ jfag^ .'f^ ^ t^ ^ a ~ b y ü ñ ip Z 3 a íto M

Çbtmty- In-1 ' een 80 m‘UiC“ Wt ^ ert soorerio^ the, home team and Mit o ' : Seagraves company; .plight aî)>6 assistance Were, Phil Nick

_ Kiwanians Bow - To North Arlington J

. Although-toy fought hard t o galartE. flto of t o BeHeville • Ki- wanis went down in defeat. ■' NSrtK Arllriigton’S ’ 6rS" "Sefitei*

top]the'Shelter which is stitution providing temporary

.m istreated, -and unwanted -iChil- . dren òf. Essex Cotìniy, 1

Arthur M. Wolman of B e llw ille

ito a S SH i,’W u ^ R ra ïïe ï^ bad fa pay that amount in corn- Sy Grossmari and George Wright’, pensâtory damages because to y fticln’t dftlivy the enginps Within

about our fabulous new easy credit terms


fo r till p u rc h a se s m a d e n o w ]

NO MONEY DOWNNow Grants offers you the newest, simplest way to«rrveonEastervfaqes'forthe'entoefainily.SpM*your ready cash- Gharge-it today.


BLOOMFIELD was SOLO - b f 4ft«-—




R. MarashKanAnd Com pony Realtor

176 Brood Street, Bloomfield



SPECIALS FRU SAT- SÜN. ONLYOpen Eater Sunday 'M 7 P .H ..


1 FULL PINT* OF GRAVY, bothonly

1 lb. DELICIOUS ROASTFORK « H -S »T ibriTALiiR pRoscumHt ’ " " g n y

1 lb. GEHOA S A U M f “ " T ^ t S ?1 lb. ALL MEAT BOLOGNA " » » .1 lb. AMBtttAN CHEESE 59*

“DING DONG DINNER TIME”In o u r k itc h en w e prepa 'r e t h e fin est



D E L IC A T E S S E N(SO Joraiemon St. cor. Franklin, Belleville


ff3w ffÑ -íf...N o Honor <loóM...»p íó ï yoôn ♦» pêy

W .T.G RA N T CO.GRANT'S BELLEVILLE PLAZA’ 345-59 Franklin Aye., Bellerìfle-— ar30 to 9 Dai)y «»ccpt Q to 6 ---

....ef tfa»group is fa promote the volunteer program Of to Shpltm-aad-to-dA- velop spedai projecte,


Mantegna, son of M r. and M rs. V . Mantegna, 34 Falrview Place, BsllBriBe,“ --NttF ,,' 're cffiitìy “ was' elected president of the newly -

'form ed Psychology Club at.Jun- i|te College. A-jum hr fa psycho-:

aafeed-.tme. specified fa

....“B y"“f i F 'w a y ' C F e f . “T 5 P ? t ocertain to t a jl the, B ill of Sale titles, of, of equip-mept a to properly', turtied over to the Seagrdves -Co. In this way there, is so much lessr'To worry: about.

- --“Now-todrfrfa'rd)ncteiM r,--may JjresBSCMuBy.: suggest to t , rath- 'H i’tlHQl-' f WElllg 'I ttv S iM ; ' Iff BMff1- lessly , w idi .governing .tffid a js to your town, to t you discuss your problems with to Town to nlogy, Mantegpa is a graduate to v-Í, ^ T i

Bdlèville ugh SchoeL Uger as fae administrative codeànd thè Faulkner Aefc provides.

MultiplASclerosi. Servie'« fm ’ ^ A .'tot shoMd-you-, »Organisation ófN. J. - f ^ Ì L 7^: - - - ' - ¡eoidd devote much more thr.e fa

iihrnxiviñg to efflciêhcÿ c ì thè local F ire Department. Inddentìy C hid , I must admit ..you are a very good m echanic.’?

Six and theMUSTANGS pew "S ix" m akes M ustang a better

flfrg trlB -sh g lg o r m arried—than ever before! •

M ustang’s new "six " can save you enough on gas and

operating co sts to pay fo r your w eekly ha irset. W hat’s m ore, Mustang's (fas hing pew "s ix " doesn't sa crifice

adventure—it’s big, it’s livfiiyLYo u get m pre sports car "fce l11 tRan eVAr^SfLPn ahead g irls—teskd rlve ^

‘the "six le st" steed on th e road! M ustang! m





Spring seems to ]be a special time for most families. Weddings , graduations, . . buying a new home or car,.« planning sum-

. mer vacation. If your springsplans cairior extra cashT fuffyisit ymir~iTg gr1jy~ofr,ri,e'' oi' ‘Peoples1 Nationa l1 Banir ftrr~a'~faHtrcoTi-—

. fidentiaLPersonal Loan. When it’s a. qjiAsii.nn .nf. ...tw always find the answer at Peoples National Bank,.

W e P a y 4 % In te rest O n S a v in g s .







Tha Bellerilla Timsi-Nawt, Thursday, April! 5, j 965-^3

Tke Only Newipapef in the World Interested in Bellerillc, N; J,

FRANE A, ORECHIO v , . . Editor and' Publisher

Published Every Thursday by the Belleville, News Corp. . Telephonet- 759-3200

24d Washington Avenue, Belleville, N. J. -07Ì09 ;

Hats Off to A LadyMrs. JoaiT Barnes of 174 Cèdar Hill

Avenue, deserves three cheers iroxn every ''-Council: ied-blooded American today.- - .

'Mrs. Barnes, is ,the-house,wife arid motfi- er who has neka ,a .cri±lC-_n£ Jbg,Council for tffij '^alir'sevW'àl* yeaFs,' and was questioned by a high polke official in' her’honie on M a r c h ; oh"ftniarfe that she'had made at previous council meet­ings. . . : , .. . "■ . '.We did not attempt to decide'whether

’ft.e motive behind trie juastiontog-of Mrs.,

work or an attempt by the' present ad­ministration to silence one of ’Us" critics. '

Monday night Mrs. Barnes, served notice on the Town Council .that if if was .ah. a t 1 tempt to: silence her-it did not work SheJ Traa^haclcvat^iihe, Coun<ril.-jpfeeting. ; copj

ittjhe^ mcidm^ |^ J fe >qdestion-'

to see to it jj)|it your teLteend^jj-fecause yote reporter in the ed!--area. Where is yóur sense of-fm-rjaured that we dicLnot •■miss the: tfi* qtesâoôirig 'with arynot buy tiïèni. Remotiibéov otel-teM, states In eCfeot town cap only pe as good as ,\ve here »« official police, report on mate it and * we allow it to Page 1 is- a-ccurate'. -How ac- becohie -W^of.lUdessiMt-JEe^^^ Isthe meeting date,- FGW?

K attae W oemarm j jé b to a iv 2 3 n l n L ü n a ni th rwere ho .secret, -fte news-our May dC'ütod tkuhs'aj^jyj

HI g ì School, Newark , 296 Greyfock Panrvùy Beaeviite, N,. J:

'paper-."sports- had morily before carried a story of. m attempted begtlng affii, -rape on a young mother sunfling herself and child in that .area. The method used by 4 certain; itoupaftoari, goaded ;tJ®:|18IS' tnoSier 'isfy expressing her open opinion and the oouJidl-


To The t e S i S - ^ tleaiiNBffar Dear. Sir: .Your employee, in reporting | man's questioning as,to why she

j the BellevShe Town Hail prOb-jdld' hot “go to Branch Brook— ... j jH H R I I apparently Is making litide]Park" is hot to be aondotM, .for

1 i ssk d e f i i l i'i^ t 'iS t o lr ^ K F w u W qn-& ma5b': true facts, tea'might'.wonder.'.¿Ldl.% thedate of February -23rd

It. wa§ Pioneer women with the spunk and. c o u r -a g d i»s.pda y e d by . Mr«. PdSb&s. i to t J etorid .' 5mkes. gu£ piprtry. great.. Our OdtiStFy ana Tewn 'cah: usd more Americans like Mrs. Barnes.—FCW

A Vote for Yudin.Robert Yudin of “Belleville will stand

before Essex: County GOP 1 Chairman Andrew C. Axtell and a'screening com-

c-ampaign for ah Assembly seat under the OOP banner.? Yudin will be one of several hopefuls, be-’

will be -seeking th e ; assembly- - nnmination?. It 'is our opinion that the. party Would take-a big ■

M . toward success in its efforts, tp re-, build its some-what battarrid'-machihd'if me - committee . tfraMisd: its support ' In1?udin. ..■ ^ - T T " ' : w '

The 26-year-old lbcal hopeful has been active- h^ftopnbiicamPfrrty polities-m’ost of .his life. Since he became aware. of the political, struoture of 'our nation in grimmer school he has been a solid, sup­portte pf the GOP handidhtes,. ; -> -T Although, young to yssm he has much

political savvy,:' aftd'; 1 lo t1 more to. offer in desire and willingness to . work. He was

..active -in 'the -Yound. Republican Club at K utgerir'G nivefsti^ff^ to 1961 where he received a degree in political

. science.■, Since returning from a four-year- tour d f fluty.as a Naval flying officer, aervipg in Iceland, Newfoundland and McGuire Air Force Base in N&W- Jersey, he baa. been active in the County Young Re­publican circle®; f

•Following in the footsteps of his gland-- father and father he presently is en­gaged in heading the iocai United Jewish

“The Lord gavegne a big mouth, and I j your publication, for some reason j simply pleading for -a small sec- intend to use it,” » - -t,rtis deliberately ' a-nd intentionailjïi Uon of Bedlevhie -for a local Ice-

We believe thisJq.uote ranks with the.oth- j ignoring the Irutb. ;■.' skating -area for '.our town's®er famouapdflfaüoha of- great, Americansj-kfe tto&,artkdei Qn-. .trie .poücs- -terlyoungitars.-.Also,- whatevor;.wasll In odr lnsrory such as- “Give me Liberty] PbR CwMch ydte edi-tor's ribtfe re-JbrouP'oiit "by this molHer al]”i

Give me. death;'! only regret thdt I fers to as ‘’dfftelaT),. your re- the Mrck i 22r ^ ^ ^r.mp^oaJgj HaVS^Wt' dfiellife tô give'ïôf myi.'^UiSO^P^Pfe.h«*- niinwnnfmin Tninilnyl jland,.-‘“Damn ’ thé tarpadneki .Ü»t the deputyjmbedng. bn the _ school- budget,ahead.” chief’s report 'states , thé Covoi-jcertali# has no bearing on a

When a m'Othef-rind hbdhewtfe has thé ^ meeting date, of March' 8th statement of- Tear for her chil- eoifagh arid Jalth 'i«he'American form M f* ! Ê -what we ÿ both know dren's. safety as expressed at a aL4 0 .v.fimrr«at;tWbieb } am, meeting oyer a mx-h earlier, .bf.'spgçi$^td ;sî|ïia tip ât: public meëtthg - J{ î r ®TapdJraedk^HoTthe ‘goveïhing body in t h e U ^ L 8 «,, * can : 'PBliei*SuesO«aing otM » f e ; ^ B a r n e s " t t e n this^couhtry I S S S d S S S J 6 *te: woman-'at her. home as topSgvlttle Jo. worry; about.. , -

p®* tig- taspE^Mabh Mayor Pleoshe-wae seeking- locally -ter-ber4cWChilien -and «a4.Jtesri, m ete d Mamger and, * ecifshe- expressed H|Freliicta«e and ^ have this quefttadflg by fear to permit hr take her tots W ija followed ¿nt. The Fa-Jk- there to jee-sk te at !he fink in ner Act, under whidi laws our that parle. . . — - - * ■ fnsèi- -AdmtifefâstiCT'- kîtte - »Sr

Yoor reporter,wjn fttiH anotner j ■concaved, cleady states, -uridérAppeaLas wellas working inYudin’.s Paint]pèari— ^ ^ Mi t ’+ftfp'torStores In Belleville nnd Past Ornnop iu!»22r « •¡he. MfenMem' Of.'Chis..fact4e4eL...it'*T- *» .. • ledlUon, a». on.J»;s«» -*hai-ttè„.A graduate. Of Belleville High scfedoLCatejeet, mentions tte pçiliçe dues- att’ iri m srn rtft57r::^ ih n !ih rtrai|ip rgOf local GOP leaders Jerry Ferrara- and er on March 29th, had resulted v *1 Ruth Fredericks, plus a barrel of desire tin part because of a statementJûlkkkjûff ^ campaign that will plâçè maée at -a -Pabna#-SW- aotè ofhim m the Assembly. fag.aLthe town oouneH, in ttoloh] the munidtpai manager’’ T ,

Fonrtoo many years the GOP leaders ste expressed her fears ateift «‘ao^g herein-emtoed toak have .looked at this Democratic Strong-¡kg k Brarwh Brook Park wiMrjprevont toe Nr-wLtei bold and ha¥e : written- it sH Without a |ri9r JUÜe ones. T attend council[ fEOm appointieg eomaittees . . . struggle. In fact it has been 15 years since teeetegs, too. ]h the editorial ¿£ contot’investigatitosteto ...v' n Jocal manhas..bean.on the party -tiokeL r^Uoa,-'-PC^' ste.tojj,;. Hwe_ relating to the wd-We behave it is this policy of giving UP j er'1 at tete^ farè eflte gïunSapality , . Tariftop mahy areas to thfe'Democrats that has te f” • h he will check councilman violating 'the provis-weakened thAparty and all but eliminated Ms four he will see helions of this section shall, upon]young, aggressive leaders. . .. J * 116?. <3nvl8e“ 8S k'the I conviction thereof in a court oi[

•If the GOP is to make-gains in-pie s t a t e f ^ jteTOpeterit jurisdiction, be dis- ! must Challenge the Democrats In ■ their ^ QUalifieti M counottman". [

However, The .T^toeii-Nifsj Tlierefbm we stick .1» 'toe Reqoectfuliy yours, stated that the article was j h h t . e . ... .7, ",

Sally F.^Hood official police report . . . which n i S® f * * ■ * * « “66 Fairway Place] it was. We dick not have the rightteiar®fs P°hce official, not

(Ed's Note —- Every newsman ¡19 .change any, word or date Jç In uniform, ^topped at her house is always a target for readers! the report, " . [Ynd questioned' h e rW two pointsquestioning his ability to seek out' We don't agree with. Airs, tioodi mat sue stressed to me Town the truth and print it, Mrs, Hood I that ~lbe questioning of Mrs»igounoil, As almost any citizen d S fc ^ o Æ 't SbHa« k W te te B ïhpe was ^ W w o u l d db Mrs.-Barnes answeredparagi^aipii as she wafs the ¿o-oe-l We believe it was another -of-tne| * „ ^totem between Mrs. Barnes and many incidents-that:'blacken thé ®®. 8. <lueiW^*:.this reporter. Mrs, Barn#? haslname' oT Belleyite in tte state.] la-hardly police-state tactics , , < an.igdisteii phone number and we have not commented- iri fa-] FCW. .Mrs'- Hood was caBqd upon , tpjvar of the • questioning of Mrs.I • . . .... Vh te-i -'coptapt. her friend and ask Mm BarnM by toe . <kd'Barnes to call The Times-Nèw», cranment on the fact that Çouticâl-. whidi she did. . ' tean James Golden1 jumped bp

As. far. as overkhkiag .the ."ob- thé incident and* began ..issutri|j vlpus err-at” in regaids -to the charges of Gestapo and police - date of a-meeting'as b'sted in the] state tactics. ^ k ]official police report of the qiies-j Mrs, Barnes has* told ; to B&fi tkmlng Of Mrs Bernes, rest as-'she did pot Ole a complaint abouti

Multiple Sclerosis Service Organisation of N. J.



■nunicipal .ooCjricii SHALL ALL ALLTlERS-.^. " i t . is contrary to the,

! sporti ot this artlde for any of Lita - meralbérs to seek Individually,

gladness. May your heart be filled with love and may you be given h o p e ■ f o r - t h e f u t u r e t h r o u g h t h e

blessings of this glorious day ;♦ ♦APPETIZERS '

“ A n d p a s to , 'jQ|ms Ofe^natbj 77 *' * Frrtti Shttntp- Gdektail 75c -extra- Vi-

Fresh Fruit Cockuil Hearts of Celery ,Jumbo Ripe & Green Olives '

Radish Roses • Scallions Catrot Strips

CHOICE OF SOUP OR PASTAConsomme .with Noodles Manicotti

Minestrone- 2-id

.-■=stEenpsl-atae6, We- believe titis-is-a-j0 b)' for ygung men, men w’ho have too mucht 'desiresto succeed to stop to count the odds stacked against them.

...The Screening Committee. If it Lasdoubts, should look at" its rival party ancT the success it obtained by backing aggres^ slve ybuths agai3sFexpieHSi&raol3er “opT .ponents. No-one can deny that John F.. Kennedy,, whsp he sought the nomination tejeJEFealienty and sftfii-youngftr hert In Me bid- for- New- York Senator, took on giants and scored massive victories.

We believe the Republican. Party can use the same formula for victory. An endorsement for Yudin would pertatnly be a step in the right direction —FCW


Reapportion mentOpporfunifyrlttehafd- ^ •fin ^ w > ;«hd'-''th9-

New Jersey Legislature finally approved ~a7Setet0f|jMai;Hteto^tt:b rtneet . wilh . fne Ne# Jersey Supreme1 Court’s edict of one fhan, —- one vote.

We look upon a temporary re-apportion­ment plan as-an opportunity for Essex .County, We are now 'entitleditoVfoimRtato Senators.

Both major parties .'will,, be scouting Shout the county loflffihg |oxi attractive -candidates:- In this. search' for high %slj- bre standard behrers, they must r-gmem-;, bey that Nutley arid Belleville are part of Essex County. Nutley has not had rep­resentation in the -.legislature since the

. late ■ Ellen Berger, gr; rtepubllcM, .repre- keata'd .the-tete ’ty -te-the New- Jersey As- sembly in 1955.

ReUeviEe’s last representative, w a s Democrat Leonard Ronco who served a two-year term. about the' same tliriei ’

.-We-have not had, a FrcelTOlder;-m al­most fifteen years and a7 person would

■have tu be a 40. year residentrofthe 'afea to remember the last senator who -repre­sented the Nutiey-Befieville area. It is our recollection that the Senators from the Nutley-Belleville area were William. H.

_£grry-QLNlltlfiy. .and. fee:Jto-Ji.o.mer-ZiBlc- af BellevUle, who served in 1938.

This newspaper will support qualified citizens nominated by either major party ifi a contest for a party berth in the prim­ary election.

Our patience has- been exhousted'simply waiting, waiting, and waiting for either party to recognize that feelleYille and Nutley form an important part of Essex

takes mil-»lions of dollars out df the Belleville-Nutley taxpayers’ pockets and the time has come f f ien wa demand taxation with represen-

“ '* : • . , -- - m b',.ta tu a i.-

eHt’s; the Commisstoner’s or the StitByBberdT pgëfjfaricér to hg wisBoiStryttre "State Legisiajufe left this er.tirely ttf the (?jv.mHfm. and judgement, of the locfrt boards ef:8dffliatìdlBr~-:~i

constant . and /. ahibìgi«renement SM t


pUAL-CONTROL SYSTEM----PfHNetPfcE-eUESTtON EDTo ' The Editor, ‘ Tlmes-News :"

Thank you ray the spacetn g¡y Fehmarÿ tfltk com-.jrippoirited board. If yc

-é&awëêBæ In ■yòw‘~Apiii r T , fhraaaÿ- âwj f'e-àT i^ ^ j issili. As a mojvT'pertnfflit eera- iStietfOdn 'to the faortEit parison can you enlighten me as Jù*y présentaient of mot

T^Ji -.-ftetar.-Times-Nows: - . As .'a^isffiage merrtber of thé Legion of1 Deeeney,-T would- Tike

BflSéVfilërtS1* --«empalin'rtgamsf Qraiid- J te r - ^ a 8 iTL|i^ eeenitl' S.ikl immoral HiereMire.

to Mídate the datai Several weeks ago ray school that it concerned íh (ítoíd&l'to take, a : stand againsf'

are not L?® toe smut that is available t i' be

i Grand fan by -teffiteg-sWirak“ o-f Qv s recent ¡teres which sei’, ffltiiy maga i .hiar m [zines as a..matter af nniiov Snt.

a “dual” system is wrong for ! 1982 during a “unit. çontFol" pe-Jry to say, toe majority of these our Belleville school administra-1riod Which is pertinent and rei-] storekeepers feel that fhfere isl :tloa'when the. best toe' ’étìudd^rfftótelfeWTo^g with toi? lit?ta,îjthe, effëriSi’taeis and tee éffìoièh* puorts to finstitôiet correétiòsa to ô é > Wrièft, ifiay I ask, are theil] ,cy o f-StRto à systfek} has-been ip Insure a more effective and ¿hW flU t?‘3 y ^ -W y to # :.|Nei^'ito' opfti-ation. successfully fpp: many [teiont systent of. administration.j-slizç.tbaL mahytl0|f trie, murders,

jgMto»'- to-^^ffionng' Nutiayf ' & I ] ♦ •- • Nlebtto ' S. - Juliana [roptagsr end wwed'nitH;lMirâ that;yg3r Objection really, a matter of | Board of ,ìWuoatìtó-|ifggi'ber]we.' read a^u t- ,in- 'hewspaperf]

-:jm®Ptt?k,^â..toattàjrf;.toe8tiCTO Noter W M iete-d M ^p ^T t Ì® iji'esiWes - sexy]J 'cgnfi'ot recaE ever reading any‘iòti of command is bad for the eP magasines that ■ Were - |^ h a s ® criticism of ''the Nutley duallficiency of a school system, as’at neighborhood stores, school system In. eifeer,’Che Belle-¡well as; ah army. We haven’t - As individuals we. can.àll do ouÉt VÜlfc Times .« 1 'frie Nutley . bun. written against 'W lfe ïéy^sysi^ na our town of trash. I ; am sure you are awàtó'toàt as The tKmes-Nbws is. not dircu»jsuch as tois,. I 4ft} not asking e^Ser, syst«;is!egafly^ endorsed-jlated- to Nut%, but is. -'%e Qrilyjteyooe to git up on *- spap 'host ; tetter - Title 18, Education, not-, Newspaper' - in the World Inter- ] arid teeate; that would probably j withstanding .■ Sto - , superintend-[eited, in-.Belleville, N.J.”) ' j ’ . be of; tittle; or, no. value.. But T—— -t- a.- — . ....’.i.v.i.I' r -I. r.,-, am asking you to. stop "btefitil.4m-The Belleville Times-New*, Thutoday, April 15/ 1965 l toe?S disgusting 'maggkijrfes ' indi


the Sute of Ne

: we look tom New TV sto

(F (ultfa High Frequency), sre are hot too tnftnV sets in yet, that have a station seiec- for UHF reception. Only acts

will be ablenei M7:. You may a ÜHF antenha, août $20. There

aeotjia—errecr-tm—Tue-TeTcptron, nAich -inore go than on the reg- ular, . Very -High Frequency. LvHl-'t .. ............—

---Tn cise -tyeu an not have a new set with. a UHF tutitr-, you cBviM attatir a" cônvïrtisf" to ■ re- ceîvê all*additional- 70 UHF ««-

(if any or, these art In ion, cf course) Ot you may ue > converter -for channel

:rr0nCTWt:'mt^i^-'Ems'„s5c3®: -of die act to imply the Mayor was lio terteer^ carrying out the provisions of toe law ■ and our Town Code, in that h r instructed 4te-lvwrt~mena^e^--wk)Kiwt--eon- - ,sent, and Advice of the txwnefl res--a'-btoy;---to--iwe-toe"pnh-ee-fr - vestigate a. • mother's frank arid open reason for not wanting. to take her chfidrert to.a daitserous

Rifortatd Church Youth Plan Sunrise Service . The Youth Fellowship of to* Belleville Rfeformed Chui'ch is- planning a Sunrise Service Eas- iatunioming.^t 6;30 a.m. oa-the front lawn of the "Oil Church in 1 -the M j g t a-—Tha-Eaater —Message—will- -be-P given by tour of Qie girls of the - group. Breakfast foik>Wing the. service will be presented by the men of the consistory,

A Sunday School egg hunt follow at 9, witli the Sunday School service a: .-8:30.. a te .. j



VEGETABLES.Green Peas with Onions Snd Mushrooms

....... Buttered B*by Grten Lima Btans-------Mashed 'Potato Baked Potato ”


__ Cheese Cake Coconut PieSputnoni

VinJjlTT eriCitSujiwith Strawbeny Sauce


F R E E P A R K I N G E A S T E R - E G G S -

fo r th e C H I L D R E N

m -

The Fountain46 Watsessing Ave., Belleville

, ; (1-1/2 Blocks fròm Bombergers warehouse),

Thinking O f Remodeling Your Homel


CALL MIKE or JOE LAZUR«< 667-6940 ■ : «




m m m

• Gutters• leaders• Porch


"Serving NutíeySeUemlle Ror Oner If) Years"


N e i g h b o r h o o d ] \M ri. Patricia Murray

Ft MOOMri. tartara Gafaaa*'>■ Hi fai 4M

ew sMri. An|tla Scaltrita

FI 9-m o

made the Dodgers Little league Team. Maybe tney will bring the Dodgers and their manager,; Dan. Diinn rhs wincing peffiuUK this year. Good luck!

Tiie “We-Four*1 Bowling Team ■the Tuesday night Bowling

League, heldLat Olympic A1-. leys is gii®|rf; hear' that. Mrs.

were: Mrs. Robert 'Brown, "Mrs G, Bcngb,Mrs. wunarii siud- mere, Mrs. Albert ..ik^ckêam, Mrs. Albert Johöstöd, Sr.,- Mrs. (John Shank, Mrs. Robert Mc­Dowall, Mrs. John Kiernan, Mrs. John Harter, Mri. James -Éowe,

Vander Varst, Mrs. M.

• Mrs, Jerome Weiss, president|ark He swam the 25 yard freelhinsla presented the family with J^eph LJoi« of 7 Irving Street M the Sisterhrjpd of Congregation style • in 18,1 seconds and 're-;!a beautiful new daughter, Q k X , ^ * 2 2 r Ahavath Achim of Belleyflle, has Wived a bronze ribbon. • I rise, on April 3 as. ah anniversary | b worfi;; They ffi£ «¡K e*»n Announced that for the firsylmeL ; ’ Ipresent. ' ' ' 800n return to bar bowling 1 ! ithe:Sisterhood is sponsorinl a full, Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Savare-oL Since mother and new daugtej” 3 *scholarship to Camp Ramah, a-41 Naples Avenue not only cele- ter wei^-still-to-Sh Mary's Hos- Li « . ' W ' » :Hebrew speaking camp located in jbrhted their fourth wedding an pltgHn Orange Oft April 7, Mr. I Wisconsin, - ■ ^ Wversary" on April 8 but also j Oloshlnskj and thatr four other

_ /Tne ['Mrs: Sayre1'« *man. of. SnatwhcSsobk 'Drivèl Oh

H id , ®th!

■ Mr. and Mrs. HesSs, .CggdJtM: o/T TBeffevIlIe;, '■ The scholarship com­mittee gave the award to Bruce as the outstanding student 'in the, Hebrew School' in Belieyille. Camp Ramah , is sponsored by th e .Jewish^Iheological -Seminary- of America. •

- ' An Ml ‘round ■ gdod stud&it;' Bruce- Is in the -sixth grade at School 7. He also plays the clar­inet jn the .school orchestra and danse band.

WELCOME BACK, JOHN If was a- big <f«y oh 'April I 1

lor John Pontrulla, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J . Pontrulla

, of 217 Now Stroot. Aflur boing absent from school for over five

skàd n^W ftlW n i ' a r P^,,w. tShfarday morning,. April TiiMHyV -A’ ~ ;

ino daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Stagliano at 18 Brighton A-vè-

lurned to the first grade In St.Hotoris Grammor Scbool. Alfc. ter Ellon Thomas and his class­mates wore especially 'glad to welcome him tack and sincere­ly hope he doesn't hair* fo mils shy more school,

“She's such a little .lady; so bright; yoil’d -never know she’s around;, she’s .. a---dell;”;~*.®hOse Were just a few of the glowing

' terms expressed by proud _ Grand-jBorgo of 13 Merte Avenue. They p* Angie Vuooo--of .^ Berkeley.saw the "Glass Menagerie’’ star?

nue. Robert is the sob of I Mr. and.MW Oteste Stevnre.of Bald­win Place,

The young couple-celebrated by • asking-botlr of- their famlliwrio dinner. Congratulations. " ...

LEAVING BELLEVILLE Pa rslppany will soon bo

called .'illtllei Belleville" wIth . so many of our residents mov­ing there. Building their own heme In Pirsippeny, Mr, and - Mrs., Raymond Polmly of Roes- moro Piece wilt bo moving there In a short while. Their friends and neighbors will be sorry le sae Roae aod Roy and. their throe boys .go.

- Jiappy birthday rto -Jimmy Qav- hv son of Mrs. Ed Garvin' of,^ospect StrteL Jimmy, who c e l - , f aaievffle

W r ^ o n April M L s to the Joan of .Arc Playhouse * " 5 I t ^ tei? ST New York City to see th e

I t J T ab Golden Pen Playwfiting Contest tend Essex Catholic High School. winning KSy “A WeU.. in»■ L. i a j i , , ¿ „ j , 'ihl Desert”. Those enjoying the.

- t f L t S S . Paf>er" | t S were - Gall Tuchmmi, Celiamill Playhouse in Miflbura wad Wnin *' treat for Mr. and Mrs; G. J 1


LINDA HOSPITALIZED Friends and classmates ana

hoping that Linda dorella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ValClorella et 44 Rutan Read, will hurry home from the hospital toon. Linda, who Is in the fifth grade etSt, Vaionflne't School, Bloomfield/ is In Mountainside Hospital Montclair.

_ Our Lady'Queen of Peace High Schbol. in 'itótfmArlÌngftùriClasV bÌT^f id'-lits'TMtrSiiiss te-unibn on'April 3 at the Casino in the Park, Jersey- Ciiy‘; Having a mar­velous Urne from BeUevffie-were. Mr. aod Mrai l!i<ibèrt'MallAdk óf 37 Fairway Avenue and Mr. mid Mrs.' Jack Fischer of Belleville Avenue. w: ~ - . ■,

A3 -the. .sHildrW.'df- thè Hebrew jduftieyed.:hy.

gregation AhaV.ath A'-ata; Belle­ville. . Seth’s proud parents ar Edith and Joseph Korsmaft. • '

'A," surprise baby shower iot Mrs, .Albert Johnston. JrT'.u.nt

George, -Mrs.:--Vincent Manion, Mrsf,. Edward .-Sopko/:-and Mrs. IÎbbdJfe§shrckràïB.-MBs, Johnston is &&Bs!iag her baby in June,.

T he L o u is D . H a r o l d s W i ll— | f o ü nnual Card Party C e l e b r a t e G o l d e n W e d d i n g Fof Junior Hi9h PTA

Congratulations Tstibi^Frederick. Street--Hast weekend, Talbi, äocompariiäd fcjy Mrs. Taibi and their two .sons Joseph and Sal, went üstÜSS- Island Beach T a rk, Taibi landed-

Mr, .and Mrs. Loin’s D. Harold Oiurfch On Saturday, April 24 at of 136 Mt. Prospect Avenue, I n^nn, .. -- - Belleville w® celebratg ihei#if5PUi| ' '* f f wedding anniversary on Wednes- iW iiii.M G stg r 'g A w a rd day, April 28. For Hoir Coloring Skill

Married at ihe Oathearal of the _ Daniel Spdllane of 1M Belleville Emanuel Assumption in. LxiisviBe, Ky., Avenue, BeMevffle, won the 1965

they have a son, Louis tL, Jr.,|MaAtec-’i. Award for hair colorthg aind a daughter, MaTy. ^'^jjyw-a-^tempetition held Monday,

Mrs. the fOr^^Min]AprH 5 at Hie Concord Hotel,Patters^ 'oi County Galway, ire-|Lake Kiamesha, -New York.-

m m ’will be a double celebra-- fioa fliis month at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dalla Riya of DeWîtt A-yenue, April ¿4 is

[Mgrtg. . A-Vlntts,, BellevSe, Â ||iiiéir wedding anniversary .and on] “irißb -CpfttiSISHi'Bfflîa 'fiivl;lÉÛ‘s( .iSri®e:

[OT Schickram of .Tappan .-Mhìtìiw.Gyests -&ttec®r.g . - ehovydferbest '

■ Mr%? chfiltHjan,has announced that final -plans . have been-formulated for the first annual card party-to be-held by the PTA of BeDeville Junior High School. , ;

The 'affair will'be held WedSfes- day. April. 28, ,a t j . ;.p/m,: inrihr- gynwigslumt Tickets late now aVaifable and can be purchased from committee members or by® contacting the sohool, litis will be the fjr^t fugd-raistng project

lahaTAmembeir of- Court Saneta I Spillane, who competed frith [ ¿ f ¿g Junior' ’High PTA.

bâss! " - " [Américia, äie.has served^s Vice- aeyTNew Yorit and Ctaui^icm,|Grand RègeSjt, won the thrêëday trip tp the

Harold was- born in the Concord eontest in ' a recent.City pf Litodrfek, Ireland and is retired frolli; Hie. restaurant and- catering business. They, have been residents of Belleville for '26 5’£ars

DISCOURAGE SLEEPINGBeauty Show held at the HcAtCrt! It fs possible to sleep with Con- Tteat Hotel, Newark. He attend- tact lenses in plac, but optome- ed Belleville High ‘School and triste discourage - the practice., was graduated from the ParklSpeoialists feel that the eye can Beauty™School, Neivark ' He "Rfi’Sest rhalfitalfr'fts' noWrtSl‘heallhy

— P.M. «wedding anniversary Mass]associated ..with The Horizon -in] state if left uncovered for at least-

celebrated fn St, Peter’s I Gliffside Park. «>.-** 1 part of the day. *

ring Piper Laurie and MaureenStaptó®'- '

Effèft-" Fanahsky, . Dene Ifierkbwiti, Norman and Steven Taffett, -Seth Xt e t uah* ' Mgr - ttn.Euchs.

Congratulations 'to Billy An­gelo, Thomas Ltikowiak, Mario Maifiteno, Steven OrLnick, Artth- onjr Ptgnineib,:R-iehapd - Redmond and Michael • Zarra—for having [

town okniNANCieWJBUC NOTO®

Avenue • about his little grand; daughter , Kristine, who has "been visiting, here with her mother,

[ mother, Mrs, Carl Tamhu of 131* one day in the, year that i i-tgSotigs. .torekrillC.BjaigMiliLJM

Mrs. Tamjiii. the former Carole I Mertz Avenite is his hir hda v Vuono, and Kristine have been-which is April’S but this year he staying in BellevDe while Mr.! was-the “forgotten man", as his Tamini was away on a business [brand new granddaughter Lori trip. JHowes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Z - \ ’’Buddy’’ Howeiu of Bloomfield, | »>» -»w»".. — . M A II ACK' FET ED |cgme home from the hospital and

-Mrs. rRichaimDonald Reeves, Mrs. Donald Rob- [ However, 'the flext day April l j h*bi, htld »on and Miss Cgroi Mallack, the ¡was Lori’s mother’s birthday, | ^,^-7°“' bridal party Of,‘Miss Patty Mai- j (the former Julia Bianchl,) m r a -Ia£ic ga.v& J ig r. a._misMlMgS»S.[.ttei'e was a srnaU ceiebratiou to ¡4 11“ ,w' shower on Apr3 4'aT the "Home of [take care of both Lori'* mother1 teinEvBmT'SXBVET’F

“Mrs.-Paul "Hannan of Church Ter- fand' her gi-andfatlier.-----—race.

SHOWER GUEST Twanty-iix Igutal*

recent mlicsllanseut bridal shower lor Mias Mary Mahler, daughter' of Mr. arid Mrs. Ed­ward Mahler at 42.High Street given at the honhe of Mrs. Jo- ieph Yremel of 13^ Smtllwded Avenue, The hosteiMt for the shower Were Mrs, Raymond Kelly, Mrs. Laurence McGuirk^Mr«; Joseph Tremel, alt of Belleville, and Mri. John Thomai af.Jersey City.

Parasugo of Verona June 24 In St. Peter*» Church..... .....

Miss MaBack, the daughter of lifr. and Mrs.. Joseph Mallack oF 12 Cedar Hill Àvôflué will be mar- ried’-to Jack Caron,, sou df Mr. and Mrs.- P. Caron of 242 .Belle- ville Avenue on’May L About 30 guests attended the shower.

... Steven LtWal, sJP (Jf Bfr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas of 57 Eugene

TUce warvery excitetl about- eet- ebrating his fifth, birttiday ..on April 7 with a pig party. How­ever, on. the morning 'of' his "Birthday,, poorthe chicken -pox and the party was postponed: -Hapoy Bri'lidny, Steven and we hope you get weH


A “Safari of ..FgsHions" and luncheon was held on April 7 at "the North Jersey Country Club in Wayne for the ladies of the club. Among thk MO womeii enjoying the Fashion show wete Mrs.

' Gerald Bianchl, Mrs. Harold Lis­ter and Mrs. L. Sisbarro of Belle-, villa,

Coogrjttulatfenii jo. Rpnjld Bop- go, Jr,, WBi Of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Borgo; Sr. of 52 Bebnohr Place for '^fc.iteg third place In the 10-year-old age group swim* ipirig contest i§jd at the. Bdy’s (Sub. Unit on Broadway in New-

1 ridKtTUBMft- ‘P.MBMhwaltc.-1 'flf! Nutley was hostess for a demon­stration party on-April 2. TJiose from BeUerille.. having a. nice, time were.Mrs. Charles Travers, Mrs, A. Tobla, Mbs. Harry Brec- kenridge and Mias Theresa- Mc­Guire. 1

The friends - M t,. RichardLukowlak of V Mt. Pleasant Avenue will be glad to know she is home from Clara Maass Hos­pital and is feeling fine.

On April .7, Mr. and Mrs, W*L ter GlAhinski, Jrl .of 24 Bremond ¡Street celebrated JiwF ninth wedding anniversary. Mri. Glas-

F â C T O R Ï ^ T O “ Y O U

55« VALLEY BROOK AVENUE (1 block wait of « 4*0 *•*!> LŸNBHURST

I Mondoy fé Thurid«y I FrM«r I AM f 9

¡ftMfolfy 10 ÀM fé


(A L L D A Y )

Prepare YourselfSTOCK UP N o w r

a k d

- H A V E A '


«ut .‘L’TJXüSSSq





SAUL)LI BROOK t5CH-Saddle River Ref.


450 Spri'nqiis’ ‘ I BLOOM FI BLPLOOM tL

MIDLAND PARK 646 Godwin Av«




■p mDtdh A vI./Ä P ShçD. Ctr.

CLOSTER. 212 tÎôifer. Dûck M DUMONT


HILLSDALE 456. fcroodv

HO-HO-KUS ^.SSämori

NEW MILFORD 216lMain s v

NEW PROVIDENCE ■ A & P SjTdppIftfi Ctr.

■ Cerrirèri Ave. a : NORWOOD


Hlfih SSL t ManchesterOAKLAND' _ V.yqHéy & YayyfiO Rd?



UNION- ‘ÈÊiÊÊÊm- Avenue . WALDWleK

261. Prospect St. ■ WASHINGTON TWP. BOI Pascock Road WAYNE""

•Preakrtess Shop* Ctr WYCKOFF

PARK RIDGi ' V25- Par!f?Avs

933 6456



p ^ S S a S S S S ^ S B B p S i

Garden State FannsDAI RV S T O R E S • SSFr465-134

The Bellcvilla Times-Newt, Thursday, April I f # 1965-—5



Si. Rose of Lima Setting

For Cozzo!¡no - Man NuptialsI Deborah Chapter iSÍatesLuncheon


I A limimgoa. will be serveu uim BY BARBARA GAGNON idi F the âiispiôés of Bell&Ÿillè j "We âf BTealIÿ’ÎÛst anordiharyl'

Afttant- Lÿri .Manschot,11 jo Deborah— i d.y Mrs,..o£Mrs■Josephine-MaîPpmHpj

*chot of Third Street. .Newark,ijj¿ií' lÖTNeWark 'Avan-m ;na>rp.:8r-'ía®d .»heir Äree sons, Justin; was ni^méd to Joseßh Poter-.Ç02- J , I-Jt;? -Tomhiy - a & d - a i -zatop, m M Of Mr. And. Mrs. S K z A a fW « § § »ihrftfJosephP. Gmolino of 26 ñutan Md. Baby slttër service./will be cotiyinees dne that the wo¡ra“ex- •Boai Belleville, Sunday afte»- ] available. j traordinaiy'’ would be îttOrë' p-r

—------------------------------[Interesting MenaM e e t . T h e M a g u i r e s , A T a l e n t e d G r o u p ForCDA Supper

noon, -April 11, in St. Rose of Proceeds - frortr tfie* affair; will propriate.Lima Church, Newafk, The bride rio »to Deborah Hospital, whieR-t Justin, Sr. works full tittle as Is- the daughter- ilio of the1 lain specializes in operable .heaij di»* J title pifióep- for' a Mtm6digr ipstt Adrian. Marischof; lew«, ''òperaM* tang-ausasi his spare time.

ímárwrMífs. re^nre ¡^taíeS^w^irnmakri1Alex la rossi of Newark,, me pnaet”“ ' «^ ^ ‘ -■“^•magwres.taienw vary,wore,an ivory silk-faced peau del Tj0“ « may be had from the ¡¿g her*own clothes to lading the sòie pwn.wltK Aléfteòfi l?ce bod-ieha,ip* * B- Mrs' Don Jackman,, $ ¡$ $ ¡0 in basement of Their ice' reembroidered with' seed and Mrs. Peter Morra. The-Chap- tbrne-. . . her paintings hang.in I pearls. -The elbow.length sleeves me&t-Mpndpy: evening seVeraTr Belleville homes , ,were bell‘shaped'and the .riii^lA? i •at the BelleyGle Rscrij^ -b«;. rn»al iossis -¿àsdbr ais-.....heath s:kiri:;Ta»h>oned I H9!rse- :• Mix. StephenIoraHÌng^_;



Mrs. Jof#ph Coitoli no, J r . . Former Adrienne Menichot

St. Mary's Theatre Guild Will Present 'A la Carte'

fled sheath skfrr r»*hf0ned with I ;.e?t;°b . -Hou’sè, , Mrs, 'cfi3pe!~tra:n' xvhidB lo fi ' f rS f ib é jK-eiemen-will-preside. waist: ' • r, - ' r ' :" v ' 'o", '.'J• A high -pfllboX~headpiece' of I

matching lace held here triple- tier elbow length veC arid .she carried ap ami bouquet o( calla I lilies.

Mrs. Ernest' Fina-of Bloomfield w matron, flf-^honer....JB j^a-’imàfif». wèrè^’Mra. S'tcòK ! forti, Miss Lorraine- Caputo, the - Misses Caini and Popeen ' Sit- greaves, cousins of the bride,' all of Newark, and Mias Ida De Troia of Centerville, the bride-gnxan’sutQÙsin.___

They were dressed- in full length lilac chiffon _ sleeveless gowns With ..deep, cowl necklines forming a hood in the back. They had beaded crystal ' headpieces and harried.dark lilac mums with j* lilies of the valley.

George Cornino of Belleville was best man for his brother.Ushers were ThoftiaS 'Conforti and Roger Corto of Newark and Ernest Fina- of Bloomfield. -

■Mrs. Manschof was attired In a champagne beige imported Bei-

attends ' Pratt ! Bis titube oT Industriai Desi gn in][Brooklynv -solcP' Ms- first fBiMihgi ; at', the age of -li, Is a member ofj a prize , winning semi - proces­sional group of Bavarian folk]dancers, Torimyv the musician ipBavarran Dance Festival held the family,. is presently on tourlBuffaió, N.Y. in 1963. Very proud crazes.JO Puerto Rico will ggggg Casals,Irf his - Çen®ad._heritage he sphere is one..,member of/ telGeraliLEt Wakèham

THE MAGUIRES; Mr. arid Mrs. Justin Maguire, Sfi .pose with their three sons, (L-R) Tommy, Phillip and'Justin, Jt.

There will be a varied menu/ '¿ITfile bftt,- covered dish supper jHwucM'*' w£l be served- Monday, • AbriL üb at b o'i%pk m th*

• Schott Nutley. The.5Up.fer is ba­ling» prepared- and wDl 'be served by member of Court Gratia 751, Catholic' PaitjMerii of America.

lASuSi'andj Mrs. Fred A. Scott.Jr.l Grand. Ifiegenj, of the fjpurt, is honorary

ears" fliirip» -ffrnVhll is chairman and Mrs. John Luch-

' \k^ir^:*:,:ßkSitrßM^: 1.7 Ijf - J¿L J th n^m iidtigg niemberg' f o r ¡the supper are Mrs. Tnurman .J, ¡Bradley,'. Mrs,' Jphn; .Budiaas,. Mrs. Charles-PapalbOr-Mra»-John

.M sA-Ätui^er:... Trafo, Mrs. Ids^ph' F. Csdlaghef ‘ | Mrs, ..ItahnTBMMk.. ..Miv..

'(.Also Mrs. 'William Laribrir, |^ g , Mrs.

, : ,1 .-¡John E . LitilA Mrs. Jonn MuIl..keeping. ui> with all Äe: ■latesff'Mrg_ B NiG elSi ^ s>

Stepheft ,J... Saiamon . arid IM r *.

med student' at- SL Peter.s Cbl-ltook. gregi' delight-'in d e d ^ g | | Ju i / ^ i9 # -^ jei.'''A' jws^a,. J&aey CSty, sphriaiizes.inj.the-Eag-fw the. Edelweiss'- Bas-ly,^ -¿¿-padigiied

nam e' is .Siegfried and be. wearsGARD PARTY S E f "

V-A-.. sale arid bad it handmade ^.nanm u aiMUMD «no-.ne w»ai-s 1 ,- .• ,,,.,■ ....Justin; Sr., A resident of.Bede-Germany. — ' W a , ^

yiile race birth, works M time For a lark, Justin grew a. dash- iamily friend ' relLning f r o m l^ ^ '^ f pGst ^adq^irte? f* * (*Gcer for the Garden [jug handlebar mustache f«/¿jsl.Gemiany^_Wh,at ■....he^iackTAn|.]:y,.a^.c ,. Tonac--yHC Gd3Y Stale ¡ITfle: Tnsta'aoce Tbmpariy,jaf the festivals and"not? rS^ sItaTe fit, 'hS‘' ipdkM'" Marv F(Mot dairi, but writing poetry islto part, wlfii it.'.Because of'it, he' erifligaiasm for lie-whole fsunily. jpffart if* Waiintiari' sTsi^d- hv h i s avocation. Anything tk t .fa orife nf the better knots* “M m i " h u - . ■' t ' -, , T ,u- * - °y. u. , v „ j is one or-tne oener Known .oom- An onffiiary family? I-think-not Mrs. Bertha ¿ienkiewics, w v

into writing, . F While -Justi»’* talents are. in — •— :—— — ----- -—^ ^Mrs. Maguire is the formerLpt, his ' younger brother Tom-

Grace Kaiw- of Pittsburgh, Pa-lmy tend - towaBd music. Hi Besides sewing for/herself she I family didn't think . he w l


glan lace- gown' ' with matching Vidor Heribert’i

Anp Santiglia Meehan will sing ^ the leading role of “Mariétudf in.

made ' the » costumes Petrean G iu li..: shos Peter's. '

A graduate of. th School of Fine Arts,

tor."' the asked fop a set of* drums,- at St. wjtd hihn to earn the money,”

lated Mrs.- Maguire./ He soon Newark j garnecl enoujdi money Tram

she Just (paper .route, .not only to . buy. . . “Naughty Mar-1 ^ f^ ^ f ^ t d r iO T iir a io to.p'^orTns'Jia

heafiplece and a corsage of' wKtteteta” printed by' the (Svic. f 1" 1i ? WL<\ Wj ^ -son* too.— -......orchids. Mrs. C<®zoiino ohOse tur lchorus of Bcornfield at B>locm-J?'c y’ ,, .- - descn(>'| ' Now. after years of study, he

H , _ ■ „ ... -Amrag-ftase-atmearimf -in-rina-j-rinnise.. .xilk.-faced-«peau.. wi«*, - SrJi«ol Anril T .j her mnng and dining rooms, l^g taken a sabbatical from the-I gXl-Ihgai£g Gufld wdl[-oi. ro;es ^ j erH, WflkeharaJ'rith flowered hat and corsage'of I fl: is p m ’ t*1* . f31 ’Cffl*ttManhattan 'MoorW%uaiTgM

p i ^ a mwicM vanely Jack OayU>h. H a l it e orchids. # A vereioi, oDerettaLw iy depr sirm hut its reaUy il5 on a two - month tour withmA H ^5? '^ ^ ^ Jp ataafiin o , 'Fian Kramer, Rose Mrs. Coxsoiino was graduated Lrai be riven in its 'wtirety m thl^Yvi ,ofJ Lou* xv Casals. He. occupies/.the, fiifsl

Ron Miches, Jim Adams;from WoBd Secretarial School, faa the dialogias and action byl^n?^' n<>t S T 'T tf ' . : jciialr in the peoausKiou »ecfiop]naawnn on Lafayette Place, Nut- and jifarMimn, . / Newark, and is a private ^ the prinmpals fn .“Altogh it meant, ddaytog

There be a . Mdren's MaoHun“ la production man- >a?T * * the Hospital Serrice l ^ . V ^ X m ^ 1 ^ until August, this...aftema».L]iep ahow.- - WW1iarJ-Plan-of- New Jersey in -Newark.lmfc-f-t>Cp bnrrp'faj. un'iJ V Iri'-Pnlf0* home at-8 TJoyd Place,' She[Was a-chance-of a EfatSmeTje

“-J-oseph- --Q-pg- - w_ WaEH“ i4 ^ hdrt-'Mrreoemlmo--ri-prei^tV|-fra^T^fi^^ —M New York, the sixth. annualLpj^^ a vjsar_ • a senior at Fairieigh Dfckinson Ann was raised in Belleville I * 1?* them, l0lne vefinish aidTgd in summer stock- at the Grisf

[university. He is employed as a. and oresentiy resides with her!fia|cg Tw° walnut cane- [¡Mil Playhouse in AndoVer, tiimanggejuent.. trainee far - fwer''F*pe May PlayHouie/W TIew-

patience j an<j two symphonies with Leopold Stokowski

Spring production will feature east of |00 adults and teen-ageHighlighting-fehe-perfonnaftce -wiH-j—The-first - commissioner, of bai*;riated"IfiternationaTTraai7frC6.i\7i^'i,~!^r®^ ru"Tco*ting50e€r>fcs’aPiece' abe--*-teen-age- oras-9f-60-siftg-|baS-wafl Kenoaaw-M-eaRta±n-L«n-|New York------ —-——•—■-— ’ .y ,A tksLj ^ f j,ult of- her- rammagirtgrier* and-dancers. A group of,sixth Us who was appointed in 1921 A. crickM party and reception ’¡ w * 1Fea^UUkHne ih 'toir^ H i P^erverance. graders will preset a scene fawn land served until his death in ¡followed the ceremony at-May-1 ._.■ U '. , , j This energy anddrive has been). ¡Married in February to the

, 1 » - — ■ , (Mr fT „ , - V Orange. 7 ^ ^ *“* * ' *■ “---r ---------- ---. .- ... - 1 • :•__ ___ 9 - • __________ __ ___-____ - I . . 1 *i- ■ r rr~ - - , - . • , , gra«uaiC8 w *v*. * “p6T 3 ,l|»fnnBi' - h f t f r t .CFAf. hlE MaRt.

*3 m iGolden

\ \ i ■ g ^ girdle andJangJeg____

panty girdle





If you haven't been in to see u i

with your children we invite you

to see the only shoe store of it*

kind in your area . . . featuring

proper fit five ways. v Since 1900—'oyer 80 y e trt dedicated io bdtiar ahoat 1er America'a children.

Doctor's Prescriptions Filled, Open'Friday'TÍI 9 P.M. ,



T_ _ _ ,r- - graduatesthe preséñFQm*, she,is studying school here and voice with- Gage

Carmen Peñones Wedded 25 Years dà&s. projects, is She - Celebrating, tiieir 25th weddingjdesi®i of an bri^ml place set-

anniversafy on April 14. Mr. arid ting far silver which he- har l- Mrs. Canncn'FgtronerjY- 34 NgwjTnade ' iiv stainless, steri—and Htririare-p5annittg:-fe lt-Wa:5h*|-named-l-‘tCehtt!ri —r*_-,ihgton, D. C, the end of April far [ i t the age of-14, he asid ids: k..S*orilid. aMy»ntinn.. Tft’iy fieilÉll ' endto see bow”ÍiMaft'‘'iÉT':ñAti®tSjffciÁg,jí5rtraí®TstíE',íif5i sea'and eapital. hse-.damged“ since tt^|lMgdftapes,-ñnoBlrtdfwliith first honeymoon there 25 yearsjglveiT a'way as wedding presents

lerina,, he-plans to -gat Ms Mast- . . Benedicts| gr'a degree and teach.

Tfäpamöfy SchbäirNewäTk. T ! Last ^ ^ ß ariS '^ e 'num- Justin, Jr., a student at Pratt I.^ three: son, Phllijp. He. is a

Institute,. ...ej^ainedi - -Induetnal pre .- m6i ät" SETlSPs■designrisrihr •outer-design of afly College in Jlrsey 'Dify'. 'T'speçTàî broduot *pld, i.e. rririgerators, ^ studying.” laughed PMlf cars, etc. ana also aie packaging ijp. Very modest about his ac«'

Yes, Playtex trims $3 off their famous slimmcrs with tingartip panels that support like 'firm, young muscles ond soft,'cool “dofFniningifr JtileW<fiaBfl.4eg. .style- whittles ¡riches from thighs!

tippared, rag. 12,9$

ootnpiishmeote, he Is a trabk man .eoncentra*ti»g on. -thé nriie both at St. Benedict's and St. Peter's College: Ifflen not: study-

to Ms - friends.Several yearri. ago, whale doing

a Petreaft .Giub show he, became Interested in Bavarian folk danc-| in and' .'Jbinpd a group known rig I Edelweiw . Passaioi. • Inc.: - They

a serial - proressional group approximately 45 - members

who .meet every . Wednesday ni ht -to practice. They -usually per-

Tlteylfpnm every weekend.Specializing in the Schuhplatt

ago. .Married Lri Our Lady of, Czesto­

chowa R. C. ‘Church, Harrison, they have two dhfldreni Barbara and Donald.

Mrs. Petrone is the former Sophie Surgfewte of iHamsoo: and is with Fidelity UMon Trust Company, Newark. Mr. Petrone is a tool maker with the Phillips Manufacturing Company moved from Montclair to Bale-1vilic two years' age. /____r ,[ler -the--trnditional-Bavarian-folk

In addition to their children dance, they won first place’in-the having-a surprise dinner for 16— j— ji—- — at Parfflo’S' Oft'April: 10, fheyj a lADlV KEPf SECRET " ' haring 25 dinner guests on) ^ n g h the ;m«Qri!y-'W ' pa

firiits. wear contact lenses for

____cent-ef-a-11 patients-talk-foeely ofHoat a varietj'" of drained oan-lfi»»r, oontaot lenses, Onjjl 1/ pfer

ned .ln2L'wih.iugac, S S S " :«i3joast‘ l« p them .secret,--irepOTts

-parin-Gpeari*tor, oopipaBy 1 ••• ‘.-Igodiatioft.«sm s,m - i ft ! 1

Baxter Sunday w celebrate, the) oecasion..... .....

*i— Th# Belleville Times-Nèwf, Thursday, April .15 1965

iS u lv ic t e m e t nJr . 'W- -N . ■

4 M M p O A û i t l ^ ¡


• HATS " " I

548 Franklin Ave., Nutley .1NO 74669


George Ràmia


T~1NVESTMINTA 1965 Cadillac Is truly a

wii* inv«*tmi-nr NXiw hs- cause of, Cadillac’s years of- léliabiliçy and economy, Wise becausè on”'rêsale, Cadillac re­turns more of its original

' SeGeorge Ramla, Central Cadil­lac new car sales represent stive* for permijíA-demonstra- tlon drive. You’ll be glad vou did. . 8 y

Janette’ . . Thè Störe > -;.,± :W ithTheM A ßKO fQuifity ,"The Smart Suburban Department Store for Women

and Children”

JcrnÉfoNUTLEY c e n t er


edmtficd't Leading • V . Cadillac DgaUr >

§60 Central Av«., Newark

MA 4-2255 '

... Yby ilTioy .enter Xhe Convenience Cfl J ÍJanette's ' JANETTE

From The‘Municipal . ■ CHARGE ACCOUNT -- ••PfllWftB 9 k« a ’ - k fours.1er the:asking


For DeMartinosMr. and, Mrs. Edward DeMaf-

;,tino..of, 9 Fbyd Sîraei. JBede'idHS,'■Ä ffeited their:. 25th wedding

. i*«Sç, Peter’s EÆ.Q^çsh, ,aéüe: ville, tîjêy have two sons,. Joseph and Edward; Jr. ■

Mrs. Deilartino is die former Alberta Blondi of Belleville and

.-la ■ a secretary ' for Michael F,Kelly, a certified public account­ant ■ In * Jersefr City. She Is an

-active member î5ôifc-'aK^®Bgp

Daughters'of Ajfo'êrtca, -having held officers, positions in both or­ganizations. •

■’ .A native of: Jersey City, Mr!DeMartino is with A.D.A. Auto­matic Sales Company, Teaneck,He is. a Paît GrandJtnlght-otr - , .. ..MevSte'C'ouncfl 8357 Knights of 0VersMpt * Belgian kee- “ B*®* Çoltanbusi ■ ■ ■ a- nfiäfa-’-de acte train Mm»

A 'family .dinner was M d at ! Ifl'^F_with laoe, . the horne o f’their fcr.r Joseph. - ^ had Ç elbow length man

•and- daughier-in-iaW, Barbara, in ^ ^ matdwng laoe andearriec „Berggnfieid tp'.. celebrate.. jha. nfi-1n bouquet df phalaenopeis orchids■' casion. " r ' - ‘ |V®'“oS lp ''b io8»ômSr'' “ r ....-

- - u . - ■ J Mrs. Dopald Leonperle of Tot-. _,Xo.soafk untbe flaym riLsaak M 'C Ü ^ .Ä en Wand, the bride-

was dia/trpn ofdry-- mustard- or Worcestershire | honor sauce to She cheese sauce.

Pafricia D. Joyce, Fashion Buyer,

Marries; Honeymoons In Puerto Pico;The. marriage, of'Miss-Patricia

Diane Joyce, daughter of MAs. Dorothy ■&. -Joyce if 291- Park Avenue, N'ltiey, to Robert Patrick Ryam nephew of Mr and Mrs: Thomas Spillane of 151:BeHeviile Ave., Believille, Was: solemnised Saturday evening, April TO, at Bow and Arrow Manor. West Orange. A reception followed, the

was, givenin mar­riage by Thomas #7 Joyee, Jr, of Pmnptpn..Mains, ,She wop -a bri­dal .gown of peart de sóle trimmed with Belgian, Lace, The bodice, with empire waist, featured a scoop neckline1 and bell shaped lace sleeves. The A-line skirt with


- Vary iorge selection Pfwi Gowns from $25.00

Mother ofrthe Bride, - Cocktail/ SródyotlOn



117-119 Washington Avo., Belleville

The Dimichino Family Has Festive Reunior At DipperSeventy r f jvf member* of the da: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Federico,’

Dimichino family attended a gala jfWj Marie and Celeste; Mr. andreunW on Sunday, April, l l at a ¿g )m V Vw-o Joseph Macaluso, Sr., Mjv anddinnerparty at Joe’s. Restaurant, Mrs charfes Macaluso, Charles, Bloomfield. It Is planned to make JJ, , . ’and Jq Anri;. Mr. and Mrs,

a» annual^fair..- - George fdacalusor-and1 jSbuone?Tite ¿uestslnclud(|id Deputy Po- |Miss Angela Macaluso and David

Uce Chiefi Sal * Dimichino, «»Mrs/]Macaluso, - all of BeUevJBe, Dimichino and daughters, Mary-. Also Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Ann, Anp Lillian; Mr. and Mrs. IfreMJijpri^g^npd,

She' wa§' dressed in a. flowing ¡floor length gown- of aqua silk orgaf&a. with scoop neckline' and

j three quarter length draped [sleeves-. The empire watetiine was | accented with..,dark- aqua velvet ¡ribbph. Her headpfece was an • aqua velvet bow, and she carried' aqua daisies with ivy.. - -

Philip Garippa of Kearny serv- led as Mr. Ryan’s best man. I ¡..The mother .of .the bride--wore, powder ’Mbs worsted silk with a blue floral hat.’ The bridegroom’s

¡mother chose-'*beige vrilk. with rbelge and brown floral hat. Both had corsages of white* Georgian dndhicb. •

A graduate Of ' Nutley . High.School, the bride .is' a fashion; buyer fprHahne &Go,y Newark.The bridegroom waS graduated fromr Belleville High •flcbWiH qiil-p 'Mir itntt'l^^served In the Army for- three ¡of 102 Dow Street, Belleville, cel' After a wedding anniversary] years.. Re is the owner of Bdb's ebratdd -their golden wedding gn-’Mass radefarated in .’ St. Peter's and Patricia’s Restaurants, New-|niversary or. April 12. , ” Church, at noon' Or. Sunday, April

’Married SO years' ago in. St,¡11, a dinner was given in iheir) Petef’s R.C. Church, • BeHeville, honor at The Fountain with It. they; haye two tibtidreny“» dau^- membkr"Sf^ieir-famfiy---atteiid! ter, Helen, who is now Mrs. Pet- ing... ,.

Joseph ’XT'Welss, ’’.,J?.’~ 6 r^ a 3 d T - j »wood,, and "three grandchildren. M o rr ly n n Po go n 1 11 i H a t

•and James; Mr. and, Mrs. Ma Dlrnicljno, Lillian, Jimmy , and Nancy; Andrew Dimichino, Mrs. Regina Larcara, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lartfara, Lynn,. Leonard, Jr., and-Richard,

Also Mr. and Mrs., Peter Mar- ziptta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maw riotta. Ronald. Lori,. Denise and Cindy; Mr’, and Mrs. Nat Mazziot-

Peter and.Paul;,Mr..and Mrs. Sam PedericQ, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macaluso, ’ Jr.,. Susan, Mary -Lynn .and Joseph, HI, sfl, l>: Nufley,.

Mr.. and Mrs: Nat Dimichino ¡sasUPaf,* >Mr, ...a^^MKLiTErAnt Brutio, Rpliert, Geraldine and Lin-

ISociai Editor's Position Available on Sun-Times

Mr., Mrs. Joseph Weiss Observe 50th Anniversary

Mrs. Rita.Baeey, sodal .edi-tar Of:T’hè] Ntifley Sun apd-Bellevifle Ttmes-News; is leaving shortly to make her home in Rockaway. The Sdp and Times-News are present­ly. interviewing applicants fbr the social editor’s position.

Applicants, who' are,; familiar Charles with the Nutley •* Belleville area Will “receive first preference,Those applying should have some experience m 'Writing, editing or preparing news releases. ’ The position Is for a füfl“ ffinë''bàsia:~, Interested -persons -may tele­

phone Mrs, Daceyat NOrth;7-21{Ki .between-fMO aTmr tod-A-p;mT for additional information and ap- .poltttmenU.. for - inlervtew»., .. „

Federico of Caldwell; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Macaluso and Miss; Noreen Schaefer of. Newark.

Entertainment was furnished by! Charles Macaluso, Jir. ."on the drums, • and Joseph Nasisi of BeUeville, on the guitar.

Golden Wedding ~In Florida For Joseph Haworths

Mr, and Mm . JosephHaworth of ‘4042 Second A v i n u e f " "" ’ '”"7 "" 7 1

mer residents of Bellefviille :d M iss Patricia Arm Gullenbrated the golden' anniversary o n , their wedding on MOhday, April

....... . ,. . . ...Mr. Haworth wa'S associated) Mr. and/Mrs. Thomas J.-Cui- Degree at Stevens institii-t of”

w ith M a rs h a l F i d d A. -T errace, T eftto# o a f-x^)Onrmom^.-etfeifl---<if--

FOR T H F SCHOOL": Mrs. Peter Rainone, president of School Five: PTA presents tjyo, television,«sets ‘to William Chapman, school principal: The sets were.» gift from-the PTA to be used in the school.' _ ;

Engaged To Theodor Nei+z

over 46 years before retiring. The ¡BeUeville, announce the engege-.his milfcaiT adiwlce Haworths have lived m St Pet-j meet jJf their daughter, Patricia r — ^-o—— %er^nirg since moving there from -Ann, to Theodor • Neitz, son « i a u / l iiBeUeville 18 years ago. [Mr. an^’to s , Otto’ Nfeitz of Born- fle r 0 t A m a r a n th W,ill

| They have two-daughters, MrsSchmidt of Ridge-

wOod,'and Mrs.'Robert F. Bang­ert of Tuscarora Lake, ErieviUe, N.Y., and seven grandchildren.

Street; Sebaucus. .Tour Hickory Farms |Members of Ideal Court-31,

, Mris. Cullen was - g r a d u a t e d o f Amaranft-wffl'TiiivF-»“ from BeHevUle Hi^i- Schorg and;t<)uir- through Hickory i ’acms, Berkeley Secretarial SdiooV and|Westfie!d, 'on” Tuesday, - April 20.

¡a tto led Union J im w MJege.tabej,- ^ *aave Masonic She ia a $ d | g t i ^ L r a - J a i J.praleman Steat,

■ In Banging ffaHtSf p iÄ e s ,” ttv-oéd: twfctinig excess, picture wife-inita« mail- shag 'ai' tfic. bac^:af tìiè painting. The.baE. of wire will press against the canvas.and cause a txilge..on. the surface of the picture.

live -' secrfttfln’ . with ' the. . Ailis- Chaltnera Mimriadaning---Cteip

îmijfcvS.......’ Mr-. - Neitz-” is ’ a

Weebawken HMt

. A short jrteyg,.£t±he:..

gradiate of|p.m: w ipbe 'fStowed'--by -'ptítxtiií-- Siáwol and instaiilàititaciy?’- ..fcvìtìtìiùm^-Mrst-

Bioofrrfield Cdlege. HeT^pfesen^jEmekfìne Mà '.'rtsÿMU'IiâÔi- ly-g rate National Gaardranthwih[trorr'---Btectr’ -and- William Novotny.--., be#n working toward- -a .Master'siis . Royal. Patrom -ElBet;-- c

ark. . ■Mr. and. Mrs. Ryan will reside |

to. -“EîizabÂv-whœir'tiï^ Tetará -from g boneynwod ÎS Puerto

Vacation In Birmvdo; Mrs. Weiss is .the former Han- aah ' -FJorence -Mun-ay of RdlcF __

J Papgg iT"w airmember and past officer in both among the 60 students of Laseli the. Rosary Confraternity of. ^ . Junior College who recently spent Peter's Cbureh’and Court Sanotaia week fa Bérmiuda. The' group- Maria SI, Catholic Daughters of ¡left OiF’camfkts In Aiiburndale,' America. . ‘ • ’ Mass, on March 26 to-go'by .air to

Weiss Is -formerly _ from [the ra30rt^islan(fs^and're turned to Newà'rk ’aiSris -S' mémber’ iS' the I New York arid' Bost'on orT April JDd Name Society of 'SL;Peter's42. 'He Is , retired frrim Sears' A. filli week pf^swimming, 8UD=

ning, :on^ffiigr an3 shopping was LET YOUR EYES RELAX- enjoyed by the party,’ who' Stayed

Aging persons do not have Jo a t . the 'Bemtadsana Hotel Out down on .TV viewing, reading HarrOor.. - or sewing,.advises the-New Jrav .Miós.Pigane|li is tilfe.vdaiigiiter sev Optometric AsafteiStiBn., prol -of Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Paga- todéd they .tel,-ifegy ^ e s relax .nelM: T61 -Garden Avenue.' from - time To Sdrfte.7-

MODERN TRED has . . .


■fi WiifiigKT, conlfoli nkg ho ilighfweighf - ovor hai before.Inner bands offer firm support for th* tummy and give natural shaping to the dorriore.Mod»ufs1w«ifeit nylon antiTyira® Sparidix power noL Mado-iw two ipan iongtht—for .ovorggo or long torso. Whit* 5-M-l-Xl $11 .95








Let Fidelity help with a lo w=co^tF i x«UJoan

■■■■A-Ead hy Tftari pw^rtyiy luyfo $3BQ0fr~fg” sonjetjiing. like a hammer. It’? easy to pick'up— there’s a friendly office near ypu in Newark, Belleville, "Easf Orange o f Irvington. And, like

'a^flliHffiFfrs''FirfIirr<?a7i is easy ts handle—low interest, up to five year to pay. Best of ail, when you repair dr remodel With Fidelity money, you’ll never miss and smash your thumb:

F t O E t l T YU N I O N T R U S T C O M P A N Y

Member Federal Depoalt Insurance Corp

The Belleville Times-News, Thursday, April 1?, 19fi5__7

The sunrise service so much a ’ pari: of Saafaft &L:Atari mvfcT ipfe RiltiflUity., Aooording"*W an .oldj|j supersiatijn, (she son . rising on B Easter. morning- danced in thej= heavens.' iius belief. has’ 1>eerr|S

^ra« --terihe^Mriieati;eirf’esfeiiTg' ■When the spectators. danced in I honor of - She sun. - * . ! =

School 7 Hews

Suit Club WinnersBRUCE CICCONE, Nutley



■* 240 FRANKLIN AVE.. i

M S «Wed,*. jj tlwrs.' è !MO 7-0 m

§ I sTTäph S 5 H S ? p S i \B ^ n C S S E T ^ 5 tapi — a Laim .American .girj, s Robert Gfebhard — ” Geneial Hi Grant, Nell' Simeone — a Con- g /ederate" giddier, Boh rt Wille tie-

: a Union soldier' Suzanne»Beyselds-— <—fiindereiia;.. -Bawn-glvincenti — .ilttle . Miss Florida, = :Lyhh Cörräsh — Little.. Mis s Lòù-'

_The.4A and 4Q .claaata-atjgeh n id M h ^ John Carbofte-a- farmer,• Sa?® — ä

¡Spring Program, entitled .“¡©lat|DapSL2nrmea:r .BhherC.BpeEslitä Happened in Aprü?”^ m e ; school I"- iaul'-JBevere, Gerald. Frunri auditorium* this week. The44ohil-j~- Wilbur. Wright, Mary, Férdlri» ja m toil of tty? ir^ r ta n i andó.^ Josephine, Rocco fle t ta calendari dava. in* ApriL.aed .afj— a Texas cowboy,. Michael Già- Ö p S p j £ that: ■ took 'piace, Pia“ . - an • *QkteHc.m; Tarmer, through words, songs and dance. Gary Graziano — an Isolana,

This : original program -hasjbeen Laurie Hilteibrand - April Pooh -SEaeWleih. ; M f s l . t e r®i?? Di .Miro —• Photogra-

èssisi 5i* jfejìrs p r s r '^ r i 35 EÌJ Ìld:owÌEii'—^ p n - Jag

-r~ 'Itorita.11. : .. -


.. JJvety child . will - taker part, .pPsTTwcl many in costume. ’The childrenj Speakers ‘are: Maria Ancircn, taking part are: Charles Cerami-Ijom. Carbone, Caesar Di Mftty

Kathleen Faenza. ‘ Karen Gior­dano, *1 Catherine Kudfcihski, -, Mi­chaelFREE


"Wbqre Low Pricey Begin?'104 Washington Ave,, Belleville cor. William

p r e s c r i p t i o n s *BABY HEEDS — Phone 759-1361 — COSMETICS

NEVER B U Y T J W - ^ NOW GET --------- —


PLAN V J X DRIVE IN BBLLKVTLLE, Participant* ie the INS Belleville community campaign in support of the IMS United Jewish Appeal of Essex Coenty met recently to organize their effort ■t Congregation All It v nth Achioi. Seated, from left, are loeiz Haft; Morris Glassman; Jack..rfm ^P'rW flrt.rta.ee-ltPloreV jBi-. :s it ..iainnssi, itazss ' ooM m. «and j w * * . k " * » . Standing, from left, are Samiiel Fromsoe, Donald Tnchmae, Kurt Lemberg«' and Morris

‘ - Gottschalk ■ „ *

tyene-Serfa, Maty Ann*Shimar.risky;, • Kalileeri' F qx, ElizabethjPosie Santcher Teres?-MphSer- I sky, Loig. Smith, ..Perry Troina, Grazianoy. Barbara Perry, Rose osa; and. Six Representatives

nks, Joann Marine,.Mb:Donna /Fradertek-'.Tkinker;r..and¡Gllda-chael Nemeth, Dennis Paserchia,lu, Nancy-Di Maggio, Sharon Dun-¡Mary Ann. .Vicari. ¡Maureen VocatarO-:. Frank Fag



Perfect Heating484-6283

6 e m g


Take your regular

- DECAMP BUSdirect to the Port Authority Terminal, N.Y., follow Fair Signs Hiro connecting p c ^ g e W y To IRT Flushing LinjjrSubway,fer

SPKIAL WORLD S FAIR-EXPRESS SUBWAY TRAINSWhich go directfy to the Fair Grounds

----- - -5Q-EASY— —No Pdf king Froblems — Nodriving thru trowded-iSte iScw o-Mpitey r-J * .*:••* - —

, - _ Sava Time — Special Subwfly Ja ir Trains ^Q right into Pair Jjrounds. _ . *.

Hie ffl Class, under the direc- # an°; Maria Ross: and Donald tion of their teacher,. Mrs. Ben- Kraszewski. Four girls, Paula Li- nett * presented ' a play, "MICpSpP Elaiiie Zippo, Ahgria'' .%B' Clean Up.” ' OilMren parildpat- tangelo,. and Camille Gingerejlidag'-tvereri P r e s f d e n t r ' o T ~ S t u d e n t f E « s ^ICouttoiV Michele Giansanti; Vtee Bunnyi”,:ieri-i..® ^:.AniJS p ^ President, Michael Marra; Serg-. Spemferro were th« bunnies, ¡e#4t-*t-Awwk -Gaiy 'WftjgfatfeMr.- -* * ■ - *' "’¡T.-. ' vj-J .. ,T* v ri dean . Up, Steven LenehanT Najf-I-, r *rator, J*eanne Austin; Paper Tos- f ¡ sh C h ip s .D in n e rser, Robert De Lorenzo; Gloth-ta . r L „ , , i .irig* Dj;.opper, ArlburCasale-; Pt(<l-[^^ 9 . 11.dle: Jion^f;””S?iffir^” agIia;j-^;’ATiM”nUHpeTSBSSf'l®TS f Grass “TVarnpier, ?E y Meretsos; bfid .at Moiitgotnery Gfubby, Grinrer, Mark Moriapd; an Gburob,.638 MSI Sfcieet, Belle-1

lie, ■ .¡phuawiay e evening,!/April Pinner , will be .gerv'ed trip

30- to 7.:30 PM.TljS /aifair /fe; neng tonsorodi

:y * fce' *Worfie.i’s Agsoclatior. of

53 Jfeaifview*

füatler Hair Stylet ai

Salon De PhtHIpe361Frditfe(in Avenue

Nutley Dial 641-1366



YjtSH A M P O O $ * J " & S E T L


$7.95 „p | Touch Up $5.50 Hoir Cuf , $1.50 l¥;


with our superb "Holiday Menu

S T E F A N O ’S ;Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge

this new concertina®

1 .. m m d e n / b r m '/ / i r d l e

can’t ride up o f fg| pull down because* this 'action insert’


you'll never yank at a girdle again !-'Maidenfortri creates a new kind of girdle that alwqyt stays in plac«I N«w Cbneertlna® hav a unique-section of elasUc rneih In

legs won't rid# up, no matter haw,active, you:are, And because , the fabric Is made with. "Lycra" spandex/ this h«iw Concertina® i girdle Is softy lightweight, and machine Washable 1

For Da Comp But timotobla iafermotioa; T«l 471.2300

g_ T h e BelleYille Times-News, Thursday, April IsT 1965

TSi Cmkenhutt Of- A JANETTE-

CHARGE ACCOUNT is-yours for the ashing

liiiiiiiiiiiiliinniinniiiniiiiiiiiiiliHniiiiminiliilittiiiiiiiinnmmiiniBiiiiiiiiimnniiiiiimiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiiiiiüiiliiiiiiniiiim iiM iiiiim*

i¡er Named To Ail-State


Bgksr: Bâïferffia i a^ ' SpjpaHjln'f1 EoSThfife been selected- to per-n form -in the .ÆîfSfate. Örehestra I [under .thf direction g! Herbert [Mattick, tem erJsamL.direetor.. atJ ¡Belleville -Sdvool. -> --«.¿iJ L.The ‘Alistáis" 't'e Orchestra will]' perform- in November el thecon-k

jwniiotr'in' : Atlantic'M oat years; they hhve /also 'per-j; [formed at She Mosgue Theatrel-: |iiii.Newark.. •’ 'r-Dfaraf fffi -A"

[farmer as violiriffTffi'[tergMS^fi i orchestras and was ^ledfed toTj play in the All-State OrehealW-lj

-h1 net1

t a lh e ILS!S. Ráadafl, flagship; of the Seventh Fleet. He also took ! part in. die invasion of Okinawa.

Army," stated Soupy. “I joined. ithe-Navy.” ’ '

His career began ’ as a radio ¡ senpt . w r i t w - in Huntington, .Later...he .-became a ¿tec-jockcy[jr^rilevriand. Ghto.. and..made.fija'ahrft,^ntrievMcai“ t-hemr4a^ : J955, he received his • first. big break w&en-hewa? djpsetxjo re^

i niacB ’ Ktritk. Fra-n.and tHae”- f for the summer television season.r~Eat£!T Soupy1 got "Ms"wmTtght' time sériés add then starred in “Lunch With Soupy Sales," a Sat­

urday afternoon program., lo

success.He also recorded an album that

tepid OTer 40.900-f r e t a the' firstKonih after being released.____

Soupy made guest ’ pcting. ap-

[land ShPw,'’ “Ensign O'Toole," and other network series and-was host ...of Sje “Tonight” show for one week. In die summer of 1064, he moved to ' New York. “Thé

Bdlcmllc fîmes


Mar ciano Mixes SingingMiss Peck, Baker


B e lle v ille H ig h S tu d e n ts y i s i t N . Y . S to c k Exch ang e# B a n k

Belleville Senior High- School [they iiaw the vast

Mrs, Joa?i David and-Georgs Nu,-[Stí{| - and dramafio feplaysv.öf ; e ray yfsiteiA e ’N a y - jj* I&e^nge-.- andv'thd. ,Fbdera!^m'-rp-^9§lp

Leonard Marciano, chairmar. of. [the- English D©totoe£l,¿has;h&®iJ jan aoSve member óf the faculty atBcheville Hi gii School for ten years. . A■■ ' Leoteíid irèdllvdd tips'; Bachelorof. Arts"’ arid Master of Arts

Scranionb After ¡sítenclipg wlijitej,tófre*

Of New York onjthè group-. ..guided Students saw howserve Bank of New York onjthè groyp-was taken ori

adJ»'itap*«| At the FeáéM "Reserve ■ Bstiwi., .* - football I the s ta ta te" l i t a d o to foter-

g g n ß a tU Ä db our bapMtig sys- f r o r ^ e f o n lp XÎilversifc ■ ~* 55 .mrfflterr.T Sh&i, yen eáme otpçs ,iraœaHgei.|.|j[2^,4 ysife ,%ijsi overcome - . tattgjitt .Eogüsi and was, Director

'r?s .-of Student Activities at Hammon»

T E E N -O F T H E -W E E Katebed- pow -TTiNg®; Jersey,.: •

Active Hiss Senior Aims A t Career in Teaching

Though Miss Cathie Senior has participated in ■ many activities, she has found time . to maintain a straight “A” average through-

y^pOSTTSBKTS^ ranks third in the Cass ..of. 1065* •*• Cathie has- bppn -a BHS ¡wirier

ed in Girls’ Intfamurals and *. theSpanish. Cub and has- written forta:K§patligtb'V:paper. She'is a membpr Of theVarsity “B” Cub and Leaders’Club. • ■ ■ '- Cathie is also a member of;the National Honor-Society., "She pos­sesses .. leadership, scholarship,' ind-®|toab!pri Because -pf - thgae attributes, she has received, the American Legion Award, A warm, sincere., person, she en-

• Cathie is ’.president. of the Fu-. tore Teachers of Amerloa at BHS aid’.^h e -’president SE ¡die F.1’uS.. These’ ekperiepees...


pults. vManjfwas separated, and lidw counter-1 Besides teaching English and felt money was detected. .The[LaSn'at BHS,-he . enjoyed being’® tud .en te^® ^tafasteduby_S^coata<i™taSW -'JtinfoAViirgi^$5rS0O ar.d $10,iX® dollar bills they itaeb.aH Team for seven .years, p t a - - ■ ■ At present, he. finds being Be-

The group saw fto-HaArteT.orlcordiiig §ecretey of the Inter*41bthe .¡official monetary- gold of matibtSl IfteacHnfo A saodata’ ah[s^ aW ‘ W the'blStiteUD.'afia don- ihe world. ’This-gold is fou|td in U r,liable and. educational

jnMt t a l t Of tbi&taaS ^ - - ; v ■ ~ -- j WfclliS wtfo .^ ¡ ta a l i t e s a m - B a n M tte k e p tU He-has faught’m 'the-BeileviHe[heTesida'm’-Qa(«;'LWiw^Mfey.i ^ n a a f w - e d to the"!

85-.feet .below the.Busy Streets mf Udtdt :Sfihbol program and ip f- BeBevffi» 4>hh>T: Mgtt'Sf^M W m«««»- Svtitfhtmv' -frtoi *dd8ft to! the financial:'district and 55 feet b; ^ ^ Sum%er School. icertajnly fortunate to have sgch S y byfflpa£my rr0ttl 1WB- W| below sea- level,— >— — — 1 v-. a.u«« ,■* * - je a y -■■•■--- - ■*••. in n .

mont Surtunter Session Orcheslr and, d ie Pannsyivanii'State No

. Lea?*«!" 'ST ¡pBa ' ilfttetWWd -itklA ffne'.töadK ''ai>a; i Tn .«(MHftB-in w . ntiLtM»Strict__ security keeps the goldlgip-gjjjg, anC[. has sung prof es- las Leonard Marciano,

¡safe. Seven- '. foreign • countries j »------ "-----1— . —..;. " .■— ,i,r ■ '«ntn:-!t. fru*r in- mrr awl’g t r r iy agWtffw. *, ^ -...fev-Sectgily.'. is-djic fayapte~<t'"8 m ¡Bank's elaborate -procedures for

dteetteg the gold, ’> ’.Thá,to lde?^ y 6»d-t o iivte-.the . ex^|.-)j^iy-Qo^gfli.tod--Çaesl-Spalddid a walk.-Qtt-~in “C r i t

¡Soupy Sales Interviewed By 2 Shident Journalists

force of the máhkstoen who Bob

ffiíÉekt ülafia. remains. acSvé jii various school or ganlzaiiOiis.. and aäiviiies Isefiímtig wrîttog-mr theschoaL newspaper, ■<!),' SpoUiflht,andìsin^ng^v-Siè BakerislKzeriT She plays the French Horn-in the Brass Ensemble, the¡ Percussion Ensemble, and the Brass Quin­tet. ’' , " ' ■- j

Charles has played tirombonc


I letta; BHS Journalism &hi«ents, Chdce"’ as a “favor” to.eillance. In case- ofi - , , . , ' .. ’..... .. I , , . . .. ,

thhy’ can seal off- means iatto11«® aa interview s e s s i.onj Hope, — , - - of-escaping from the Bank with4*i&-Soupy Sales on SatordayJ S^®y in v ite d " a e . . t a ’t|the Be'Jevdle ffigh ;School-Band,E S S a o id k , ___W » a t (to.WNEW-fiy BdMfag f t 'wpg >1 r- M toy-eteaentH iad^ . « t o eituniK, ^ (n:-thf-on tnn Heel r . , ' .H- IT,! Sales Show . End... Spy, Wlta..,AiJersey Beg:onal Band, ¡Summervault door ana look :at the ’gold |7r“’1 pn vanaue g t a i« s , ana p je.” ^ xsm s te in “Tlhe: ■hfiAtse'*.Wulic-'’C i t t^They hatched this vault door ‘ e results were interesting, in- wiil be released next week. . [and die All Star Mid-Eastern

|Iclosp an.-i.w ;» W-% pi»co.iiim..«[fonHa-tive, and often emuaiog.’ ’; Soupytefi. t a t r at toe Pa-ra-jHigh Sahoo',.Band.' —I ¡cork into a ’bottle j Soupy was bom fa Fraa®iit6tt,1mitat Theater on April 16. and He has received.’an award as- fPhe s tu ta te - ''ta r ta 'h b w im-tNdrth C^Kfliria and a 11ended:)will-be iiere fprH'teh’- dayd* Ap-[“Most Valuable P Ja y e r" ip ta lta ttpogtagt-

Twenty - six BilS French stu . dents.and their iesih.ee,,J4rs. Jfa;, dmi Pemier, visited NeW York •City on.Mareh 31 to. Attend 9 per, f® naSif_^ .QSe- jeademy A^ard nominated ¡film, ‘“Les‘ Paraplm'es

Bd I. ■& 'befog1" enfertflihlng, Was im. ’.e vreipfui m rhe studiuts-'n wM ■'■&$ TrWCfi: - lAnguage trail used i s a tsmpfnhiilofttlye toedf- tun. IrnSiJschopl sphita- , .............• ' |

.Federal-Reserve Syà- sohod. in Huntington, West Vto .pearir-g with hi*m .wül be various Summer Music Comps and. also[from Robert Wîüg,' director of

Jnch[prove.to 'be invaluable tp .her, fodf6ni;is to odr. country. They rea- gjnia. He received his Bachelor! groups and- entertainers, willjshe plans .to. entof the .teachihgllized that it is- one of the fasti-|°i Arts degree from Marshall

fprofession. Cathte vdll-ma’jfir injtuttons'necessary to; pr«note ata-.j^^6’. Bytthgtgn. . There, ..he ffl.Q>I .ibility in a-free economy.... - - a-tewn-aflam,.. - ■ •

the Belleville 'High School Bands. Charles played hi the. Philhar- mor.ie4 HaB •fcine^a--Gent8rr Ne"w York w |i)|3 i|ff:^^ two years - ago, r'and in 'August', 1W4. He -toured- Sweden with *ihe Youth Band- ^Ving many con« certs throughout'the cbvWffy^*' --An album called "Scandanavl-

an Soyvemers" was recently re; corded by the Youth Band as a result gt the tour,

| Following the film, the groupIviaitedi the Metropolitan MtiWIa»»I of Modern Art to see the French exhibits that are on display there. As” a conclusion to an enjoyable afternoon,, the students-and Mrs..

iohable French restaurattf infew York (r'-v‘ ......................

The following students*went on (the trip: Jennifer Abbott, Susan Benesiano, George Brown, Susan

[Gain Jean-i^amoliski, Diane Di- Ruggiero, - Janet Ferriol, Filo r.

jmCna -Grasso, Pette Gray., Mary .. jliigmns, Linda -Lupo, Judy Luzzi;. Mary May, .Sandra MusCarS,

[Claudette .Nadeau! Suzanne N* - Ideaup-Robin Nowalk, Diaoa--Os-- trowsla, Dianh Paterno, Joel Pi-

[aapo, Diane Riba, Joyce Rozek, ! Linda Seehald, Carol Spalletta, Linda Strack and Lois Yocum. '

Pupils Tour Union Carbide it ;ct

T$si Imíh rV»í*rv¿tt TSPP? ftTiÄüiri.tftl’ W WI wT I V I V H 'l ^ .

ÖfTwirfingSquad for "65

The foilswifig. girls have been sheeted for the -1986--ré# -StikE

R a^fi CtìreB’, HHS .ohwntetry '■‘■ '‘’‘td ta e r ta i ii rW rta i r ‘W S todW h - Activities, his students, ¡ and Al-j

fred Klock, ■ a student - teacberj ften Montdair S .ta t e College, |

- —^te9te-a--'trip-to;-JJfti<aìf Saifeidè-HaBdl- to Fisher Scientific Gisse Apt’ parates Division on -Ma-iCh 26. [. ,

vw>","*am:0aiw a Çlçn, -P Ä & der”, -about upsr^i^k ' - Sharort Assjetes, 'Pat'.,ReIvèrtb,'

to The ScientpdèìSaSs ApjpáffB&íB.jöaif, uoiores De siasi. Mar - Dhd“-*'on- ir Néyfc-j ftrrlt'iiiÿid saw [Bona rt. Carro ola Feyr&fiamo,

wiontìfio toSfoifoaeÄ j E i n g Áte Franzi, Pat .Gilroy,. made of glass. A tour was also ¡Macaone, Claudia H ol

gteon, ”-vY''. -: ’ Caroie- Iároli,’ Jenigail"IC. .~was'~an . edta¡8¡StohYtrfoJ^8 sy Kaminsky, Denise

wiih’ä ’ groiro of nfc'e.ohiidier!, and jtane tto^ïtoty," f' .be “foigota.," isaadr& Pasguarieltó. ta n e -B .^ -

were the words ■ foam -A 1 f r ¿ ¿ B®> Cynthia Rickter ......FToSkr'“ '

T.Twdfi' Rl»^

Spanish Club Stages Dinner


Knüppel, Pupils Invited to Parley


Miss Mostello |Wins447400 Scholarship

, .;The Spanish ; .p ib ,;u a j |g th e 1 .Miss'. Eleanor M ta^lo,.F.supervision of MIohae! Salzurulo,.. SeEeviile High. ScboS a ®en"*jaer4pr. .lias been awarded^ J440

t a fotereBta- s t f h o H s ^ 'rk» ^ilklcrnnip 'WNESW-TV Li S ^ te a t e , ’; 1BW.tffa fr-^ 'te -tafch -taS u b - nfem* p o re s - -^ - wffi::provlde for tuition -aad-TOtgaf ¿Sam? enjoys his.- work becausehere’ knowledge,.AM ekperience vited to attend a -m tan g rf theL ^ - ^ ^ a( ^ { # four he likes people and wants te.en-.of Spanish Spealdng countries, [Yale C3ub ctf Montclair ana vmm- Learg • E l g ^ f waj^^chosen for tortoih them. He f e e l s - t ha t

Alfoofo Renagos and Rafael I ity:--on- 'Monday, April .19 at M o n t - acacjert5c achievements, “people want to laugh and relax" Gavasim were the guest speak-Mato Academy. v _ [conduct and' character while- a an4 "enjoy Uvg entertainment."ers. Boih boys informed the.^u-l Counselors’ are invited to a L f ta n t -¿'j.mtft". ’ ' -Whim .asked whether lus-showdience of the OTstop, teociai life,’ .dinner, arid interested ’» M - E learior'ild 'i) ffle'-'m ftppHca-p rteearsed; Sjaqpy «W«JnM; and e.coni?mic and political scenes dents are invited to the ,8:00 p.-m.L;on for ■ the scholarship that' in-i"We talk pver the organization of

-inito&lrmkta countiy, Coliimbto. session .with. B, Inslee d ark -j^ j tao o l record.j'th®’ show' and- usuaUy^-taow the-Folioydng the speeches was a ¡Yale’s newly appointed Deairof 'Qpijege B o a r d Exam!nafi<m|®n^ng a i 'a skit,-hut a great deal shortmuestiar, and answer -period. Admissions. [scores’ oiass rank, recmmm’enda-.te ad-Yttoed.’’ He -added that this

Musical selectfoas marked the [ On. April. 24, junjors .having altfoos, 'and her permit’s coafiden-ican P6 ta r ie r ihnr- ;Si|tooa ^ i <si<& o f iSjte d ta e r aSj wei as tfeerfspeciail ihterest'.in Yalefestivity of. £0R IKSsISIon. ; . tel to New Haven; ®te€^ti<sut to

The dinner'"was prepared by-[tour the carnpus. Thii. tour will 'M h^-tabel FHeforMrer AftoipmTbe'^OTtoored by fhe Yale dubjof and Mrs,. Rose Rodrecjta . — Afoatclair.—■ ■ ■ —-■ - -■

Miss DeGroat Gets Loan, WiftS$3I600Schbiarsliip

Miss lane •* DeGroat; a BHS ta k a ’, J»*- received a i3,SD0 four-

. year ’Dean Scholarship frorai Pratt Institute. In addition to Ibis scho larsh ip ,D iane has been Awarded a National Defense Loan for MOB), ' ________i

[liai statement S he-w ta^feftted *hów. wfaltafollawa a -aiitot.'■t he college’s - ‘hteofs’’ "pro-Á>r word. - .

'Sisme of ’ tire diaTtct^Ti mö ¡upon, acceptance.

Music Department Presents Program

SellèvSïe 'ferifor’Tfl F é K

T h e scholarship w h i c h is awarded by Pratt Institeto takes

■ into dtesiderafion the“ student’s| Hgrades;, - »bSlties, », [SIb rcata the Art Acceptance TestJ ■ given by Pratt, -the- student’s ab-[ g

and evaluated Diane, \^ho has had art caiwsr|-S

es fee fear years -at-BHS;Hhastl been .-painting since she. was seven |

■ yeara., old. - Her-talent Is evident! 1 "as she,now,seifs -tier paintiriBs. | 'IWs.-ezgtalAteei ¿pulti..ite'-a def?[| inite asset ir, her plane to hyj *v oome’’a!'commercial ariJSt.; " j j. In the tt^j 10. per' cent of her. Gym dass, Diane is active 'ih - many Club

Ksthdeä, 9cf

“ TfT■ScÍKÍoí^^iBítr-ítefraTtfrrernr ‘ ‘p re s ented -the-fldrd -•«- a s y ies—of etisènTb1e8..nn March 31 at 3:.Q0 p.M:

[pw ; on-*Ea ahinwrihehiiki;P ii^a- I the lion. puppet, .While Fang and I Black Tooih,, tero ¿ a n t dpgs, and [ à number of salèsmeh and oddpersonalities.... who some to

feeiit iluor wltli-¡lie!; fflP' H.i;sua»l-Tf>rrbi«ms.. - A3 thèse' oher-’

acto^mi^ptayed-^-asttefF-rank- Nastasi:"~Bfistttos,'~Wtt8rtabThg ' Soupy on -

jj^e joys painting and Writing.. He ites for’his -show as weil' as for

and he has writ-

Chamiber Players opened program by-playing .“Larghetto” from Symphony No. 2 by Beeth- f ttierten vjsartous aruoies ana composi­

tions. - ;Soimv once rnmeared in a mov-JDiana Peck, violinist. -p ia y sd j

-Majer —by-)-ensemble, little Bears,"

40 Students Attend Opera

aefaitils¡ ahd. participates in dhe the .Art. Staff ctjshe Baker’s Dozen,, Leaders * Club,|thç -BHS yéáibOokT _‘

conducted by ïfr. Peck, played]Brssda and Jan« ^ ^ Prelude and Fugue” by rtobérí

King. ;Pamela Goon, soprano,. sang

“Alleluia”: by Mozart. *The Baker’s Dozen, .under the

lliret^ion dfD r. Peck', closed—the|¡^--Abèut'-'fO - studente—fréwr-S^ta KJ|pr(%ram::by s t a ^ g '“Aa¡Ijgüa’” hy Ä v e l;- ."SÎHti- .SçhcKdsl attended a .¡special sty* I meritale” : % Gershwm, a n didamt . perJoltotoliRxifl ,’JusliíÉf.'

.‘TtoW T¿>vely ia .Tby. Dwelling Wngnqr's ■ "Per. Tijltogfmde..Hn-k. Place’’ by Brahms, ■ --.-[iaender” (“The -Flying Ditch,j .The nejrt “Musicale" is’ -echèd-|manTj given at the Metri^Iitin: Iraßa tor“ WeafäS^36y.'TipHr'SB ’a tr^ e ^ H Í^ k Á ? Sn ¡ ^ i f l 4 .at f! |J

efufo, ■ aard^í^qíittó^""^rientíe f.Sj B ® t h W ’ 'jSenftKrj P.TJf.,She is f t o ’t mégnÉer:í0f É ^B ch o o l A-teltorium.’ îh e preJ- Sfehpds- f i om Coíifiecfiíut,

und th j m d ^ ^ w k ß ß ilt f ú Jfju itPut Q smile In your future, ; .^ct fHe habit. of savingTegularly. IFs replly easy, take a little pf your pay each payday and put it in your ■Servings account at The Howard Savings institution*,', .you'll be de­lighted to see how fast your sayings grow. You can do it by opening an account at any of The Howard's eight offices.”’ If you can't get to The Howard regularly,. .'bank'bv mail. It's

CQnvehlehL ’fdst dnd sale, , .and we pity the'postag’e both ways:. “Use-the handy esupon below to open an account, or to make a deposit and watch your sqVihgs grow,

“ ^rke _______________

H O W A R D S W IN G Si n s t i t u t i o n

FULL RATE-N O WAIT YöUr idvlngs "begirt taming diyl- dends immediately at full rate of

iurrent quarterly dividend on all balances of $10 to.lSOjÖÖÖs

Nonprofit Organixatiam receive •* this rate on bd lancei■ “ ^pw^öo^äöö.” " paid 4 Vîmes a yiai ~ "

. Twm the DAY QP Pt-POSIT


“Monad,” gram's .are free, ,gnd die publii . . ¡invited.

J ' Jersey,’e&ivdjNew York were'r^ rgsentái

" ........ , ' SèWIng bavere Since lë$7More than 3t9rööö D^poiitor* and Over .$$£5,000,000 In Assets

The Howard Savings institution ‘F.0. Box 8$3, Newtifk, N.Ì. 071Ö1 Indo^d $ Ì S -,.. . . . QiPleüse,opähä>dVlng$account.; -

rQr l*0sead«p<»ít4n my*:p eé»R eMí«ékmf"í

Main Ofrico: ’768 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. 07101

Other OHI«— In Newerhv Bloomfield Ave, gt < l|ftön Av<f.

Springfield Aye. at Bergen St.So’uth Orgnge AVe. at Sandfcrd-Ave, _ % *■

- Plane Sf.’at Raymoncf Blvd* Chsnfiellqf Ave. at CUnlon Piace

. In South Orange:South Orange Ave. near Lackawanna Station

~4n North Caldwell: . rBloemfield Aye* nedr Mountaln; Ave,

. 'S fa te , , .................. - .B p C ò d iT ............. .. ' t

vfbe’Wowaiy Sov!ii0ílníÍhütÍan.reirBTru?f Ae- I " ; 'n'n Irósi fari' enS the. full nûitte or.vflur béé«- I

Deposit Imurance Corporation

The Belleville Times-New«, Thursday, April f5 ; f9 Î5 __9

Error in Ninth Assists BHS Post 5-4 Victory over Kards

. Doubles by Tony LandOfi AM ■ Frank Mlneo along with a “ com

tiiaad four - hit pitching job were the big factors as the Bellboys came from behind with,« run in the eighth inning and another in

d e fe a te d K ea rn y : 5-4, S a tu rd ay . D esp ite

up roSes for the Bellbbys. El the fateful eighth inalngv Ail' -State caiicher and co - • captain, Lenny Luongo suffered a split finger that wHl ' probably sideline Mm for at least;® week,

Kardinals pushed acrosstwo runs] tha ga; W- take toe lead for the fir.'

'Individual performances arm- feel timq,[ 4-3, big win, everything didn't come] in start the home half of the

«ñftg, TbsyiMlagito Walked Is à pitch' - hitter. Magistro ad « vanned to second on a passed ball while .the next taro Bellboys struck - opt, Then,.' Tony Landolfi

double, to %ven the count at fooiîTOnâ apleee.,r;'

In the last s t the ninth. Frank- Mineo híókd out. ¿f his slump, and

i cgcpiae ij }' • . his first, safety of;the- young season, a riurtdb .dbita I ble to:left; When ’thejteopd bat- tea Jirniriy »bunt, the Kard third Baseman,Dick De Vito, threw wildly to first and Mineo came around to score the decisive ' run.

Three Bellboy hurlers combhi-

Started] W - Rl**N • BeJcvitJ-'s r -n ,M ,g ,,ir„ r«ces hume with th e FOULER OUT — Jo ï Ot ' W get, to Ue one down hi the

9* ‘ «tojam« M f l l i i 1 •’b“"’-**

Deer Census Under Way

The annual -census pffdeer in southdtti New Jersey ja$i|ih?ently being conducted hwdhe'Division of Fish and .Game in the Depart-/ m ent, of -.Con&rvatioh and Eco- aoniic Dieydopment.; . TfietWadside Jrack count iji'eth- . od of census is being applied, as it has been for severa]-Ve a r^ ^ ^ uipii' rWfiniNfi rriv' oeeii' foiterr between the number of tracks along a-desigfiaited' length/of road­side and the number of deer in adjacent habitat..

Roads within the deer range of each county age selected at ran-

percent of the County'S deer hab­ita t and Counts ate ‘ mad# two or three ttmhs ‘on each stretch. Statistical treatment of results and comparison with counts rhade in precious 'year* provide *j a valuable - index --of tjhptSaBoii" ’fifendr. ' —"

RucHaïffiS“® ye Tip. O îôop sim gte in the first inning and then! held J H mjt .hitâêss fôr the next four frames. In the six, "Puchle!'1.Bred andjgave up iv»;unearned|.,- runs on a walk, freak piay in muddy outfield, and a sacrifice I Hy. Rich' whjffed four äM WäTR-l ed one while g I two hitter; 0 , In thé "seventh, Art Sheridan ] shutout pitching were enough for Ibut only gave up two ip, ah in-1 need practice On the base paths, came in to pitch with just three!Belleville’s initial victory in HieNng once- That was in the first For example, in the third inning

Bellboys Blank £,psro»jjiBS.4n; the third dpnwgileami^-reeord-atsi-lTArfae gcabi Mittag; idaf«i3f w ,'riMj~;la ' t iVÍ t

cth Art .‘Sheridan’s] tered seven hliS during the game, game. They, also showed- Jhey.

SIDELINED — Len Luongo who injured his finger in the eighth inning of the Kesmylgamc^^si|s,oin..the bench and .watcbes-tha-acBon.-Laon,ga is: expected to be sidelined for at reSsf~dne mare" w e e k . . 7 7* v .--

days between his whitewash job [ home opener with East Orange against East Orange." Sheridan I -The only funs in the sever. in- tereezed through / .the -x.evenffi/foing ■toMest were pushed across striking out ' two- Kardinals. . But ito*ihe.bottom of-thé third,' Frank, in the eighth, he was reached forj-MJ-neo, started, the ra ly with a p dadde/te#*» à « ' fegldparx... NM* ' grandi*, who had Î W ô f ê ; ; r felsssed Sje eaasdiî'

SfttSe Luongo w a s - np. ! trouble that bothered him, id ..the!base ed to George Debrcwyskj warmed porttmity.' fallowed the ' opener,

second base antT Stcenda ni ta -put_r unner-s—on- firsts snSTsec- put (k> the catcher’s gear, De-iond.

inning when the Panthers got with a man on third.baser the their only 'runner às far ss thirdjadtíde squeeze was atteöipted; bate. Sheridan actually improved | Everything worked fine except as the;.game went along with the Í that thè batter stepped on home final-toning being his best, - - jplate, tfus, nullifying’' the p’ay- Sheridan’s whitewash lob in- and causing an out. ," dicates he has shaken ths hand) TMApiyg/teff- a fuiiner on third

when the next batto:ŒEÎi&ftge wasJs^.ÎWufln

East Orange's moundsman.teleTntint.ary play in .lie brarai ~ |.hpj!B 1 ¿unninsp was' aHH a factnp Ooonie Purcell, also-turned in a i baseball Nick 'P e tti teacheé. Inj'às thé Bdiboys had rallies killed

runnèr from-first walks in to sec-

hatiieaily {he night before the morning count; ip order to elimin­ate . mispofina, The track count techniques are well - suited to southeihi New Jersey where the roacjs have»sandy shoulders, f -Several--other-states now use modifications, of the method.

ond to the embarrassment of the, whjc|, was--.devised in 1951 byopponent, thus putting1 two men in scoring position.

When this „play Was attempted on April 6, the catcher faked the throw to second' and -threw to the pitcher, which is, normally the ease. Unfortunately . the Bellboy on third stayed "too far from the bag and was picked off to kill the inning, j "

In ^.i£;:l{yingi<m,'.

Boaf Licenses Available A t Hopatcong Stale Park

Boat owners and. opsraiors inj. Boat registration fees are six norihern New Jersey are .nowjddlars each for three years. The

Lpnfta¿J«d-W..üh— U.-yTlae I® ffl.fifl fea* 3QS

brow%ki went right to work and Sophomore phenom, Rich Sanpreditable • performance. Purcell!a'situation like feis. the man on]with odd double- plays.- Onoe

New Jersey ..Wildlife Manager Charles Wright! now retired- Principal WDdlife Manager Paul Di McLain is supervising {his year's census.


Bulletin Board

H«>atcong_&ite Park. Lndivitíiraás interested in secur-Rabert A, Roe, CcnxnoBsioher|ir.g registrations, o r - liöenies by

f the New Jersey Department|mail should address their "iom-Sf Us” i ion Development, sa

àliti BgatligliejmuñlcaHdní ■ fö MdtOrBöaE'Nüm ■ that Äe De-bering Office, Room 704, Labor

struck - oal four of the six menjFiibpo.- who was battinghe faced;-I^iuaihg: the side: injnd .Soil after "{Bis' game,' S ien |w eiF jnW ]fuH Ihnfog.'Hi the crucial ninth inning. ' .j jlifted a single to center to score

This was Debrow^d's second jMineo with the winning run. ¿he shut - out relief job, and it earn-¡rally, didn’t end here, though, forjtinued thfii ed him . the probable■ starting Tony i^hdoifl beat - dS7?«&ltiti - ■ -. - .'I role .against the Big Ten Confer-[to load the bases with, ho’puts. ^nce-jeaderr^Iflamfidd..,.PMiaia4 ---Xfitt-iLuO!hgo delivered the she-lr«jto>-iFM,'4mi,i'ilBs:':iif>t,n «niiwFjlital'rH iii..wftfa:1 'a“gwiiiMiiw f ly t l iam ^m ed. n*nr tvjll see deq> lefffi^d. Cfai-;hhe same..play, plenly of action during the eight San F iiJ|» was naiJed tagging - games,. Belleville plays withipjnp eo break the back of the fal-

injy allowed' five hite, but three first attempts tc steal second, -but 'runner a-a« piel-ml nSf t hjjfi-ha-.cp I ' r‘slvw motiixi.” If th-e-after a fly to center, and-ia;

alked three batters. |<»p®(Miíry Sp, i^ ä v ír$bn. oiiiar inning, dio BeStroye'fe11 íhCq]Bell- Hops: The Bellboys, ccuvlthe.inaa on third base scores. If ‘a pitcher' » to - firs t'- to home

Stowing'! as -a light no-.pdek,* dtf- $f> ättefttptpd, the DP. ' ■ ‘f*

at Qreat Cuverato"Ihdustry-BMte g ;- P. 0-, Box- ■ which previously processed boat 290. Trenton, registrations and operators’ li-j AlI pamittaneestshould be, made censes' had been closeb:■ and- its [payable to Motorboat Number-

ffiRtoated, to.-Sie-ipewjing. -

Office-hours- at the-Hopatpongj ’ 'c f f IS e ''2 fF 'E if f ir^ F ^ H T to T pirn!]

Mondayi- tferea^t'-Fridays and 9 s.m. ta 1 njn.~ on Saturdays. A | parking -area is tecafredf at! the|P a rk ’s main entrance to accosn-[ modate visitors.

Marofti litrie League

Méive days. Sal Tafel will maki-]i-,:._ his first start. Arid Sheridan^will l ' in the pltchin¡ ■-su. h until Luongo . returns, un- ra B ta fn ' te lF d ' liés heeded in relief, or at third game to even his base, in Which case, Jim Pigni- nelü-. wffl.. -take- ' Over---toh'tod-the|"E', *í''''®':*,>9»''” ^ pitó».- ' - . piaran», o£ . í

The Bellboys second straight] Cdode, ph 1 uda-;,! gjeriart an»‘ jlew~ th«n'totauA. tte./or second place

Globetrotters Show Talent Tonight for Local Unico. :?À&U)g)£ Lhg gpea’test. of JH^FÎ^ôîiÂr® tildh^tpotieps cfewns . bonv Globetrotters baa¿Mbau p ay er ai that wayr^jsany^-fwm ^ê-stèrtPdepartment.

i— ihe years have be e n iWn and the [those who have combined clever

ft ^_ |.iahavwnaosiviy)-.w0 i-'exeeilent--play*'(ijlag.pbfiliy. ' . * , n ’

:,’f) :0 ’. -Ó] Mw » they wiai Up’ ’ tobe the highest paid.

He-saw not. He thinks that native ability is the first and fore­most prerequisite for any athlete. Paraoutany a ftskeBUl' player, and espeoiaUy a Harlem Gibber iatotter. :

iWw-rdoÄ loofe—tet^ialowntf

ß i g ^ T « «

StandingsBIG TEM-----

Completi Ai Of April It

Kcáitoy, .abo GS|irrB.Biar '- Luongo's injury is a. big blow

Little .League, especially as the Bellboys move getting-ready far file 1W» into’ th^ heaviest part ¿ f ilié

New Jersey ,law requires’ the|basebali season, baa elected their|schedule. Bi registration rtf all motor * pro- ¡ , officers/ for the-new year. the. team id Ipefled 'boats which are used onlMiçhael V. Marofti, who has beenlhds Injury and is thq team'sthé -State’s nott4idal' wafer's • a n d ......... | ............... .

' iK“ crôit-howereci^ ”Bÿr ïnSoÿsl'’toexcess of 10' horsepower on tidal ;fice of Little^ League Baseball

boats 1 Commissianer of BeflwtH»;---'.'- ,QfieE..0tticéà' for i t« NktkSiK

little league slnce-LEte^tarUnUft^^, -How* fast ¡ie BelfeviIIé was elected tdr'the-'of-jacäcfsf will make -a-big-difference

watèrs.'&pgratofs- of ptwer on .New Jersey’s. rion-Hc°l I stersiaiso .must Be licensed, regardless 'League are as follows, Robert ¡hat

ta BeievBehr penitent aspi: tions» . . . . . -

In the -Junior Varilty game

}Äclüta,..lL_-.-.. LtefiH, 2h -

‘ [Wâ'rvick, ' lb , ,

4* ' ?3

...fl...r t f ’


1■ 1



..Crowds at Globetrotters games. Abe aaj said. “We hunt ipoten- •-* suph as the ooesin-g up hteKy ¡¡ne jfiayersi t e ig tfi&Ti, tonight to ’the,Newark Armory .on [4long teach some, Of ihatn

JMoss, ñ , ' f ' ~T~~ T Sussex’Ave., sponsored'Tiy Beiiie-[to dowri,’others just to play real*ílDéSimone, 3p ~ t 0 o 0] VBIe Unlco, look’ for this during Iy* fine basketball. ,jj-Bnrd» ri- .——-—Si--(ta­* 4 - ; o .a1 game. The downing has- come “Most young players- think,| Ten nera, pr CI il’ o, -4[ tq tj# the .Trotters’ tradamark.:|ihey. have to be- natiir«! hnrn(j Powell, rf 1 0- 0 aftd has paid cff. for them most cut. • tips to pday’ with us. WeijPurcell,, p ; ;. 2 S o '■ 0 handsomely, at the box office. b^ve to d^ouragse thht Jh fact.jiGtadö“ pfc —î~-ÿ t î ■To] •Thg '*nwBt|»ii*’,ufi33i'rias~TseEm['yfliflgBlLiiiStpii^

’ g? - ~ i~ ~ o jtalked Ape Saperstesn, the genial pen if .-we-.piit -five downs on ,tfia

i Belleville AB" R ; H Bl]Chicagoan whose boyhood dream ¡court, ail eorrqjeting for .laugh3 ; has blossomed into one of MstoMtegaia8ta6aefe-1-6 faef--at--lhe- -eame-

; j Uiiande.'.rf 3 ' zm ." "01 ry’s . greaiM skbfte aitractions,,time." ’

Team w ítapí PellBloomfield - . 3 •LOOP,tfeuevuie, ' ~~~T~ j TiffinIridiigwi . , .2 ■ l. ' ’,6871Kearny- i Columbia-----

2 ■■ .667]

■ .2 .' " T s SWest Orange ; 1 - 2 . J33|past*; Orange ■—i & I 2 ,3331Hutlêy .. -1 T - -.333Drange . ’’ ; 0 3 /.ÖÖQ]


hfgST-duftf trastfc - dilessi 5Be-ocinhiôrâyi’tea'viternore’ftan iOOiOOÖ, fäjtesÄöfofS' ffn ovqrfcaul' s heeeSsaryf. aœording «to -the toiertewi -Truáking •Äastolattorr.'

re-1 Pugliése,* Psesident, F^SÉTlîlBktra"'lto"’86iMhil'president, for. thé Stadi the

the horsepower of "thbii

.. In. adifltion to the Lake H» -|American League, George Ferro!romped to an 8-< patcong ofilce,. li-censihg-.facilities iPreBidenL . Ray“ F. are avEuteble a t the Point Plea

7 imtr" Fisted- River and Atiafttfc j’Seorge Lister Treasurer,'City State Marinas and. a t , Ihe Pucigrello. purchasing a ge n t.Conservation'Department’s -Mo -jHarry-Weaver chief.player ageiit

•Being played at- Hie

1 ee.'the Kearny J,V.-présidât, Roy Jjje&ft secretary;| hurled the shitt > out -to bring fate

record to 2-Ö and the team1« to

tor boat . Numbering Office . Trenton. I -

at MunicipalFixteSrälb, U

Sheridan, pP Welsh and Sam Calabria pro-.j 'dedi-most of Sellgyilie's batting IM íneérb 6

'■ J W ifi'R ù to u ù


Lir e sees a n o f u v u s í f,gu r WOW ABOUT Titfgg J



Yas, a èomfortéblô' home Is. o happig lively home , . « and odi fîHë,i ecohomical- Fuel Oil gives superior heoHög comfort for-iure.

PL’9 ’1 9 0 7

Bemard Molerse and- William! punch.Tlwnacki piayey a-^ate, |*ratlk| _ Stó&bjr back" io the Varsity Magnotti in charge of fiéid opera-lcontfát. the Beübovs- jeft . rry»n-

:j stranded ip eách of toe', ñrst ñames ~ct ¡ tinte ISaingí- „ berore, expl-odíng

fourtti ASdth Une - up -(the Kardñ

startgr^wás ;ar; sotftí^a wJ Mineo startéd the rally with a,

the Kárd úptdhtó: jto»; P e k w o ^ P ur*<®i and Botary Club,- Ráy'fired“ to “aécond, bu! Mineo bistl

——■ - .-ph»;ti»ww^B4pHtJBallhay«-eni.^extAireo, Joe!and second. Nick Grande then

28,. fíeorge Í3u n t^ , jaíuMs.seaoíid.;hít of ihé

Li:T5îé-^30îwtagthé .team& ld d ‘managers Lor 106B. [fcñ* thï American League ** Vee Bee [the Esso, Roy Beers; Elks, Pa_u;l

[Bájfeyf. -Food -Fair-u'-.Capry - Nap- p t;. l^Haee^fcTteniaa;-^^ -Robert Mallack; Colony Club, M a r l o Rfflmmï

National League Sçâperrcrtaj PIBA Lister; Local; No. Û0, John Dosiiday, fo load thte. bases. Ken Scott ptasid; Lions CSgb, Tony Randsz-ir^atsd.. “Pekero^y f e . .IMIp deans-rii. % * l, , *Anîvete No. 28, Jim Catalano.

•Mar.AH State short

with three games", This year the jgrpuncier as little League has purchased hew games firstuniforms for all teams and work remained- loaded-. The second runwill begin soon, on the • new field house.. Marottf and Frank Liskowicz I

cqme m when Luongo lofted sacrifice fly, to center.

Debrowrid -then became Iare coÆhairmen for'the building, -third Bellboy to bunt successfully The Town Council has approved | as Grande scored, for S 3-0 lead.

:bÄfeig-v®sh. wÉ te-.Ô Jeitj'wiïen: ian :llU ¡a 'w as plefegft ¡sff by 60 feet, It Wfll have.rest rooma third the. , rally died.

• men, andwoaidh,: * shower|rnnm.., .kitchen and; a .Tangfe nvyr'for- recreation - for youngsters who are .waiting for their game to .get wider way. Work on life building Wil .atari the. first weekend lin May. Anyone wishing to help-on inis project can get ta touch with Michael Marottl at Police Head- quaptbrs. , >

'In .til? sjxth, Kearny ■ piSJff: w-i-thio—a—r-ua—of—the—Bellboy »• when Alar, Nadrowski walked and Pekerosky, who remained in the ■game' a3 an butfielder, lofted a fly to1 the gap to right" • ’.center. .Grande got there first as the ball dropped in. As Nf< floundered in ' the maid, Nadrowski. scored and ■ Pekerosky made it bo

Mineo scored toe •un apd the bases

TOP RELIEFER ~ George '■DebroWski, above, came on iq relief j)A the eighth inning against Kearny -and proceed­ed to strike out JouF of ''the

batters he faced, includingHurd.] the ■ side, in the

IN UN1CO BENEFIT — DImiiiutive owner of the Harlem Globetrotters, Coach Abe Sapet- stein, finds a way to tower over Bill stars Medowlark Lemon, Tex Harrison and Connie

Hawkins, left to right, who will perform at the Newark Armory tonight, sponsored by thé Belleville .Chapter of Unico National.


“ Tliurxdey,-April If ■'9 .30 a.m. — .Recreation Play ■ Program Easter Party — Rec- Teat e l 'BlUBB'i

l:(X) p,m.%- - Housewives Bowl­ing Leagues —7 Olympic .Bowl

3;30 p m. —, Jr, Barbell Club- fStadiuni

p; i 2 ;0Q 'p.m. — .Sr. Barbell Club— Stadium

?.Q0 -iini.-^r. Girls Fencing — Np. 3 School.

p.m,; — Boys Basketball— Fniefidly. Hbiisd i • u

17 FridayrApril « ;—Ji3dqpr.nfcaa Boys Basketball- Friendly House •' '’’jrSOpEr«**! Jr. Barbell ClubL Btiidlpm

SrT'BgrKeU '006=“ Stadium ■ ®V l- .;j;

7r.O0'pA • —r. Roys Baiketball—Frianvlly. .HaqaA ---- .- pirn; - dr. Rifle. CJub. -

Saturday, April 17 . 9:00 a.m.UT- Boys A Girls J r , ,

Bowling --Leagues —- OlympicI Bowl ft Branch Brook Lanes J—1:00 -p.m. — Open—Basketball— for Boys 16 yeqrs cf age & older— Jr. High School.

- ' Mdnday, April f e g g . 1:30 ©,tfL — Monday Aftepnooh Club-— Recreation House

3:3-p.trn_-—. Bnys Baslteihall— Priendly Rous?• SilO1 p , m . d r , S arto lO u b -R Stadium'L tiffll pjxu. ■** Sr. Barbell Club— Stadium

7:00 p.m. — Archery — Friend­ly • House

7:00 p.m. —■ Womens Bowling Leagued Branch Brook Lanes• 8:00 p.m, — Chess Club tin Rec-

reation HouseQ:0fl .p.m. — Mens Bowling'"-

Leagues — Branch Brook Lanes Tuesday, April M

3:S0 p.m. — Jr. BarbeU Club-7- Stafflum r: 112i00dUH;Lii-. Boys'-Basketball-

Friendly House ”7:00 p.m. — Sr. Barbell C3ub-

StarHtlm ;.- - iiBn» igiab-v=>te-Stadium ___. 7:00.-pm. — Girls -No. 7 SehilM— -

Wednesday, April 21 | lj2:30 p,tft.'— Qelden Age Club

I —Recreation House.. -pifth J rB a r b e l 'dutr-s -Stadium „ :

3:30 p.m. — Boys Basketball—j.;nffiffig;.feu8e - R

. 7:00 p.m. — .Sr. Barbell Club- Stadium; 7r00,p,m. —.iRoys B a sk e tb a ll■

Friendly House 7:00 p.m. .— Boys Elementary

Tumbling —- No. 3 School- ■'7:00 pm,-. - Girls High School

Bfl»llng.,=«..--OJym§ie-:-BflWuR-v.f.--- . -Sr; ‘Rile i&iibtV-;..Stadium -1

—Ti-6#5-GOUbD-BRt-VC B g yr .¡.Tliough teenagers are known to

have a high rate; of automobile acpiderits'i they are, nonetheless, pbysicafif. eqtiipped ‘ to • be the beet .^weri^’.'-ueivgp «dHltetlpn.

j courses are strongly. urged and 1 steairariefl' ^ ; ‘ ‘brihiiiSiffiT: R ’

ling m

-The Belleville Times-News/Thutsdoy, April 15, 1965

....................................................... .

Annual Library Report Shows Gains inC h a r ie r O K ' d F o r C u b P a c k• BeferiJIe District ’S * ü e péri tifsetìori gì having" the gew^st Oub Scout Pack in. thè Roben-Treat Couhesl, Bay Sequi» of America. |

io the ïmüor.aL orgímiíatíc« -ffiat a JPacfc.. charter be Issued for Chñ&t Bpjscotèa},

Scotìi Paix, to be i t e r a as Pack 388. v

f?hf charter . ajjp&süôn wa¡ äigned by: th e : Church Rec­tor, Rev. Frederick Long.

thé church . on the Sminai! and'

T o a n y y o u n g m a r r ie d " m a n

w h o w a n t s to § 3Vfl mßmy

j-the-.BeHeviUe District Cnmrnittee;- I The Pack Committee Chafarían is,Warren Groóme. ■: jjqfesoti Ls Jorel-

|Âïffi---Sts?eôt,waei|'?#Îeôted by-tilsIfamanihtie to be Oufamaétorj5 f ®ie*?acF“I meetings on the fourth Friday of each month. , :

Driver Charged After Crash

. -Staff --¡f the year the library .services iqfjjqhn,. R..


If you’re between 21 and 25, married, add MVe a. good driving record, chances are you can save real folding money on auto insurance at Allstate. Parana» now Allstate has taken young married. men out of the high-priced "teen-age” rate class.■ For complete details, see or phone an Allstate

Agent at Sears, an Allstate office, or he’ll gladly to your home. , - ‘‘May we help you?"

, pencüMi' paiJsjT cars fa ïïdSidî' arri then leaving the scene of. the' accident.

Last ïtiuF^day the ffldith Sellft- vüie driver .in one week ta be

' charged by. N ute, Police with leaving -the : scene of, a minor -ac­cident was .apprehended. .

.Samuel A— Trento. 22, ¿ of 65 -Bernice Hoad, coMMed wife a

ADMITTING ROOM RELOCATED — Busi­ness as usual, is the slogan, of Daris Wank-


patients to be admitted from th a t new tem­porary quarters.

Anti-Poverty Efforts ; Admitting Room Relocated at

'Yofi:|fi'3t can’t belfffie BeaHSsi library. todayr-^e-6lhd annual -report of the BSGevffle PubJie ^fcaiiy] Early, i h n a d ^ .t^ c ie a rpopular book at - the library for] Abrs ____ ____ __1964 .wax’vii0ijB3 ’ who-resigned .to becomeOwn -write* by "none -other than Directqr.of the Fequanhock Pub-

f Jphp-Itennen, «one of . the Beatles, lie Library. Then on the' first of .. Other fiat of. interest was:.teat July, Miss.lRuth Daffiik& Junior.. the collection of b o ^ :'hv2£ileTubraSan, retired•*after 34 years

|hcreaseci; 1,635 dTir-pi. i p ^ , ' setricer theseKg'hie y e a r lp a total of 41,285 fine- staff people left with the volumes available to the public,]well-wishes of their fellow work-

As fiction wak jhe„mosi]ers as well as thos.e of'the Li- popular with nonfiction b o o k s brary Board, traljing ty only §000. or so. Both Arthur M. Woifnan, formerly adults and juniors- had fiction» on jot Bo.or.ton Public Library. joined the - top of their reading hab ife^L h

W of 1,584 with 830"adult? and I have led hirA particularly Into th* 754 rumors - ® ] m u e h - - n e e d » d area of develop^ .

jlttg coopferirtSe relationships with Us« of th* Library I the loeal Sdhbols..

J During .1964 .a pew tepipo -.aMi... . Programs ..pattern of library' use -were «s-j '-rmririg 1964 the Mr'ary- ftriiyid- itq&liahAd.'as."sfui^B’T?6fii B e f e l l a total of 57 individual pfo-

rijite ti11-'1 .5 ? IBIS’, • 3 i^ ^ ra is? m y ^schools' used, the-h”»rary for -ref-’-hoyri, and ,9 were talks on}. 11- . erence purposes ini. vmprecedent-jbrty-y' service. Ninfe of the»57 pro? ed numbers. In September, with grams were’ provided outside of

¡the opening or the ne'w JuniOrU^ library. The total estimated High School the influx of Seventh, | attendance was 1,622.Eighth and Ninth Graders, to our] . 0 ur pre-schooler progranj .wai Adult Department put added the most extensive as weli a» pressure both, an, the...staff, Wdftihi rfi«dst popular - ¡M. th* ■llifegyaaiiaMa^^

S^lwl^tibfjry Coojitf•tiw> k 1 eAiK were SfHi con* >‘Against this background,'the -licitinued-to come - airoughout th*

brary laiitiched an effort to es-'jyear at a-high rate, tablish lines of communication j ^ r#a Library .$•«!«•

Told Welfare Council r * 5Memorial

I.tt»'hmd4Brthe'- "War or. Pov .a talk to fhe.Believtae Com-¡with other il^- Welfare Council at itsjMaass Hospital

• Library .S*nri<TOu* uj« suuww, *uu «« /»««v , Aj a e n d i n g w orrit should ant direelor, Welman w a s - a b W - ^ - - - - - ^ ^ - - ^ ^ 1964. t he

;to participate ;.n meetings 'an.d(Niew jersey-Library Association ! discussions ’With, librarians and iccl,0<J a Wlan '

T b e Adimfcing R o w a^ng|(-eac^ers from.ail the school’s libtarv service^- TheÜ, other fa c ilite g M g k » area.

were relocated time, a hea lth rapport wasnarked- outside of the owner’s ^rt?!” is toward developing pro-rtyymty wenare yom m wC. D a neaitny rapporx wajj i )ocal community libr^ies.f f ' s t M H u * « ^ S t r e e t ; A grdms,covering a .wider .tern- April 5 meeting at. the DeWitt recently m order that oonriiuo- «tebltahed between .the library M e r m * Libraries, and home at 96 Ha ^ bC8n?e tor/. Tris'was the statems.-.t oflSarir.gs, and U aii A ssoctete. As aon. can begin on. their newjand the upper-grade schools-, Bi-jmajor research coUections in

Hay L. Guy. Executive Secretary | an example, he pointed out that, quarters^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ jrect benefits have been a™011*] specialized fields. Before the end


witness, took down píate n.iBTtber, leading te Trento’summons, ..The aoa' only minor damage

set up i I t . will be necessary«!others: ; advance, notice. of class of the •the Bloomfield -Pttb-


i in g o o d h a n d s w ith




... . , », ----- .. ..P. ça of the Oran'ges and IMapié,vood, county - wide, anti - poveriÿiHai-rid C. Widman. Du-ector of: assignments given fo the-library ; Lit>raty designated th*

. „ : agency known .as the Youth Eco-jPriblic Relations, reported f o r-the establishment in the J iS ra^ v .Jk.___* a™» T.îhr*rr' 1 ncrmic RéhàibSitation Gommis-'patients- being admitted » ehme'0f special reseiwe 'sh^yes; pro-|'an4 it „my committed to provid-

sion. through the main lobby rather, vision of classroom collections to . refewince at)d olhf:r service,cwsriHna to -Oar. <r* ct ïfl MBMiii, iiffl4r bMfelm ^RAli^iil^Btoom^-

r^SpM f o r lh e ^ ë n i ê n ^ ^ me opm ys Caldwell Boro,; Cedartowardan s^-v-w M a-a^reachpng lot,. ‘ ' ¡ ¡ i f “ ' ' 'He commented that, .iUjn their ekssrooms. But. it is for !ri,.Xrk :g ;bha.t the Ecommic O p o o rim lty ]^ ^ be advisable for ^persons jthe iO|ig-range efTecavepesS M pw w in Washington - .has: been driving patienU to be admitted oUr work wyth Belleville Studentsaw Siped too m apy m tyfrW -hospaal 'IM s e te tT h is ijp flfflb g fm lW lF Wtkffls- from'individual comirriuni-P«45te W the mate lobby and peciall^ cneouraging. ;•ties. He-pointed out, .however,'hen park their car. Widman also - Cellwti* ..that t e e continued to be a def- pointed.out (hat there am totmL By the en4 of the year the li- inite need for a local anti-pove{ty P01 6 restrictions on parking M brary s total book collection mro- oreanizafion such as Belleville’s the immediate area of the main bered 42,285 Volumes, a j M S B S arid- Employ, obby- « o r e , & Is unportant crease of 1,635 'books oyf 1963.

to a-tm itioa to r t i y ™ , ^ d d t i r in g the yearand 1,889 were^ a l a n d - / a t W The new faeffl-te, under con-]withdrawn. Eknphasls was piace|which particular programs are needed,

T h e foyo specific which Guy emphasized were t*1®! tirreeNeighbrnhood-Youth..Corps a " d |^ ere be fem-r admlttiin.g of-| T.;ghiar_.wat:i^ad^.icU.u>a-wftre. ■^Projcvl I lead B u r t. Under t'141 f jc€% where we only havetwb at! ii3o” purchased of course (the •Nri-ghbqriiopd Youth V«W \ .present. Hi ad-ditidh,' t e e most pdbiilar book In the 'library'employed youths, many ot » W U be a'private broking office] during 1964 was. IN ffl§.J2SQi s d t e drroui.xiute^wm be pti*Tl'5«T'a gre3tirlTtfrievi5a"'3na 'H H ^ it e by -’Johir Lennon (Thepft._.mrt-Me. ass j^m »ts .: ^ ........BeaEje). ......

, knd Brnweeney-rote-wffl- -?niTrm’-lhmr-wfet8'.“M■ fwie i #xgfloteitton-4») titelgh- thfe'' ~3teiiMS6lWf -b3ro^M U f oafegtmMI

Essexb Eells...Eairfield,(Continu** On Paga H )

facil-te,Ujtruction, will be * vast impfove-join adding standard and classic- jmeiri over -anythiftg-that w» havej^irk of lastlng-vame as iVeil a;J j-bad -M tiva past as the fehe-wide]I partment wil l -bo increased to j vtu«ifel.y of-topter TlW W-nTQCtr-tll-

■ ■ m times Itiy -present . .stoe.]demand; - :i

that these young persona ,-ajílKbe trained for same specific job, and that same d them míght be motivated to xeturn to schori, a t

lieast on a-part-time basis.« Local roganHatiqi»' ablé -tó .platee tefeft- agers -ruiwfer <lte-ri>9*éw>tt~ww» requested tó contact eíther tibe Youth- ..Eddri.oénle. vlteháíbllitaiiiSii

tnimity. Fteid and Gouneil trf Es- seX b ñ í West - IludSan, a .new or­ganiza tion formed by th.é. merg-

Boptn. j are Being ordered and processed to form an entirely new collect tion -for the forthcoming branch-lihraVy ----- ------.--------------

. Silver Lake Branch LA major step was taken in 1964 toward the .extension- Of- lltervarty

A BeEavills driver-was fined service to-the ■BcberiBart^nm®' p25 •j idi a t vht.%''HfgBf'fm;' Jafflu3BK-ffik of ,5 fM e -Waá'-teié de-' years In N-utley Muniolpal Oouri,I cisión to open a branch In the Ihsllwedcr' " ' . * I : souffiiweit\sec5on- f f - t o w n , ,

Joseph J.' Palmer 'of’SS’’1! ^ « in | ' This Sfl-ver Lake’ Branro Li- Street was fined $56 for careless-brary*wifl’ be horae in what fori

Driver fined S335 m Muttey

er or the Welfare Federation .^ driving and $280 (mduding a $25 Newark , and United Community 4<wtba.«a iee) for di-iving under Services of ..the' Oranges - and &<¡ inftuence ¿ ^ 0). .Maplewood* ‘ - ! Palmt&r Was apprehended after

In 1'Project Bepd Star»,” sum-]be drove 250 feet aibng the s i te roer,.cksses fró;^c^^ on IWakdagton Avenue,; justed, trf ,énter kindergarten ini the| aoross the Bèlevffle line. < fall from Jfanillies in poverty will 1 ' -■_. ; . .be set up. It was r^rprted that.

merly wete tiwo -iooims in the James ,fi. Shawger School. ’ By th* end of the year these rooms have beep remodeled, furniture and equipment_t®4.been ordered, and a nucleus book collection processed; and stored at the main

the Tooth Evalua^sii and ; Em-- pioymer.t CohmSssiKi'was- de- yftioping plans for, the local -im- pldmehtatipri! of this program. ^Dffriiig- t h e - tasiness- meet­ing, Jack Grundfest, M.D.v'Chatr- mah, wdedmed two new trustees,' RaTph Al "CasaTe,” Town 'Uounell- man, and Eugene Barnett, Chair- man of,the Baltevil-le C^aptar ot tiie AiTierlcmi ite d ’ Cruas. Also "If was- announced that a number of additicpai-merson? had accepted, appointment as Trustees.

SFECTÄL17 Jewel'


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DIAMONDS 30% off- - )*w«lry Clock*Irt- by expert

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A S T y p e *Moving Shipping"

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.Ifre*EsCImnteiA cro ss T h e Street

' Across The. Country"TPflT



PL 9-1822


‘ 65 CHEVROLETCORVAIR MONZA- » $ b*low lilt —

: radio heater, au to .


radio, heater, au tom atic, power steering m aroon


VR radio, heater, auto. - -¿ave Kundreds of $$$*'


convertible,-radio, heatef . ;• au tom atic, gold

^—Completeauto iervice and bpdy r-apair$ done by * '

finett mechanic» ih the area

T h n k l n win e N e w

FELIXMOTORS126 Washington Ave.


NO 1 1 5 1 5The Belleville Time«-News, Thurtdoy, April 15, 19<B5——11

RIVOLI"lyiiffs-sr; " W


'' BE&r ACTRESS;• 7 , :3Hi7$.CflNféOÌOR • ■j WÀi-T DJSHfY'S

"MARYPOPPINS"' ;jücirA- ’ bïèfc■ - '"„ ANDREWS VAN DYKE"

I State Seeks Soldier, Ship Model Builders

'Sket<?K of la s t Brunswick Professional Center proposed by Nuj-Tiel Çotp, of Belleville ■

] (Continued From Pag* 1)

¡officer ;. jay morg funds will be seeded i ^ t t eotiirpleté thfi tot-af

i^ u ^ j» -a ia ü -e oeU.alMiut,^aSiMXU " Because b© land could- be found |

I in Bel I gvtile or Nutleÿ along the j rivet; fer the new boathouse to replSCb" ©«" Me ' demolished by

¡Route 21* éonstrtiCtidb, local of­ficials. turned to Kearny where-

¡park' land was-maflg AVkflktilé;; Stale Statutes, however, would not permftethe Nutley and BeH.% Ville Boards of Education' to al­locate funds to build a structure on- urjowhed property in another town. Therefore, "the1 Rowipg As» sociatlon was- organised to raise the funds, ahd with thé ultimate intention -of turning mer theça n p ff lR H W fln 'to’Yfietwo boards of education.

State law does not forbid Nutley and Belleville’s sharing the main-

. Nul-TSel -<jMp. of- Belleville, a j ¿g?®K j®f apaFiHMijwj,' A 'lafp'iw istred] estate syndicate, made pub-allocated for the 100-bed Molly ming pool ancj special recreation-lie today ’its'-plan to develop ^B itchrr N ^W g Ho^e llesigned al areas are also planned for the |“e“ coists f the structure 20-aere site located'on Route 18. me a one-story brick building in apartments, • going uu in Kearny -East Brunswick. The. annquneorfa park-Uke setting, the home will I «AMiiteate for 5»r33hpls5 i e r *JL ,? % i u i „rij ment was made by V. J.-Bar-!provide yegMOund clhiuite con-iGentenni Sp: . Centenpl,..Newark • 8 w y • ebelts, President, cAgenfiyT a real estate firm In1 The remaining 1Z-W acres will [Apartment

B a r-W id e yesuvround diciate W f y g w w w - Affidnls at « S S rbêttô treü and private-garden walks. Project planning was handled by ^rfi,lnH hr„alring W RL ^ r w t m a a f a r .l« » acres win Apartment: Planning. ■ Off f i E Ä S Ä r i

Wanted: A h ’expert'dir warps|pdvilibfi''marfa|effidjlt prefers a ' [ and woofs': a Reypiaiii»ai7 War ¡ young- ¿tab aihb is ; interested in ^ L e r< |n d a bracemf-competent N ei Jersey’ aWP & 1» ship ana boat model builders. ; U ' , i

p m «ian making the Statewide ff?’ ^ bp t o o « be M quest for help is C om m isS lone if^^P^-^lv 1 " ied 7 $ . ha? e

I Robert A, Roe of New J e r s e y t e N ^ ^ ^ f T T I S ’ ®* Department of -ConservationEconomic l> \ i im i And, , . 1 rthe saying goes them's'a to.y , ^ f h « Two posts «U for t h a t i e s with j t , A to a # .a a W fc f f i f J .B S ^ f l M f«*anc s i ®

blihey-sound when you consider ^ -ithaf Commissioner Roe’s Depart- ^ « f g hi New JerseyVex-

W f t- 1 9 6 5 , and the people b e P 0f r p f ^ f uthe P1 lng sought w rild work at the P®1°. W > J ® * * buili' i 'a ir PS ■ Lnorthern ' New. ,• Jersey . and

’ . '*** . . $„' u£uftehed in Newark Bay., before

|fe of eoime. * « »[And the person being sought W t ^ jvJiloh'.the

Ägköäifer,s eibette . t h e L S MWB É i A-tlPfPbp represent- r: p ! nlc Dup‘apaftmenis, NamedôoÎÆ nAgé fing l^ - T Î é r ^ q j f m r this jjp0j_ f kœc-*upera>i«n

be alSfl. to run a Revolutionary War vintage loom. The Pa Vii ioti

Ticketsthe. Nul-xiel Cor

The proposed complex includes.¡VWage: i t Is fhe first of its tyoe|ect, .are Nitto ahd Nitto Law Qf- an office' building, a nursingfph ®ast Brunswick, It will include flees of Passaic.,- Construction is home and 'senior. • citizen ; -apart- \260;;ufiite consisting of, “'-’efficien- scheduled. • to. .begin September,

■ 1 ^ 8*./.: .. t. IL-.’l . f j ij iTIiflff f-IKi.fe.JTo be called the.

wick Professional Center, the of- A v u ! < l c < i nBoe~TOcBog will provffe^,i)ft)i M l V I Q > U I I 1__S<t** 'cfta»e@ (£tfri?rnu*<f-from pig*"f)r''on..2-1% acres, the three storyL . ’■ p 7J|« 1»' ; -brick structure wii! feature , a ’ .s_-Litral air-conditioning, a- thx-ee-L ^ ^ L “ 6 sch^ T m functlon» ,story lobby with d cathedral ceil- ;‘8re 1™ e1’ this -type of unit con- changed its form of town govern- cording star% wtH be master of ink and a two-acre parking lot ^ erT smoothly for a; ¡n; an attempt to correct ceremonies for the program. ,

8 ' years. However, shoridy. after supposed failings, yet less Tickets are now on sale at thethe death of Evan Thomas, ahdij.jjan two years later, Beileville following locations: Fluwerama,

. (Continu*d From Pag* 1) compete ip. NSjf Jersey

- "Belleville has come to-reap)contest at Wildwood, as Belle - tee however,“ that it is not eh-1 ville’s representative in this state-

t.-SA fn/vn-of' ¿.J^emnif-it . -west-ai'whiJi -fwar Jer- btrt the individual offiaaFffiff de- j a ^ ’t ' coiiEesfarft Tor" ii5T Sfiss

hether • goxrernrneftt America contest will be selected* 11 or not Belleyilletb .Ph'li Ridto, tetevisiph and ro-

21 until - the close York World’s F air Tober.

the. New 5 rrild Oc-

mpdej builders will construct include; • the 'nticlear s A ; Sa

* ^ » i« t a r a »fmtdr Who tarf; otlfe'r famous « g H

Jolly Heaneys .and Shop. - Rite Market-They Wii afeo be avafla- ble at the high school on May 1,

Parking. *.(Continued Froth Pi go 1)

loXa-torm, a total of 4,412 tickets

San Cario Restaurant

— noted for Our Sizzling Steaks

éUÀ• Superb Italian Culsinr• Catering Fa d ii ties

Banquet Ropms. ..

Pri-S«t-îun im; ippntk- f*


— OPEN BOWLING—AtAllTim es^'Fri, - Sôt. » Son.

____ NO WAITINOFeaturing •

; Magic Spa remaker

Entertainment In Oui Lounge

.Every Fri, & Sat. Nlte


— tyrteüildiü

PEG & BEN’S I overlooked in the news item- and!new position created by the State

control". Neither the Superinten- of business

the appointment of a n.ew super- recalled the persons elected to jintendetit, the Board had another!govern under this new form.

Eofijit "Aîtar aevoraJ yeaiajl.sxggri;;: members were ifl.dfcted, and were ehce under ' the "unit contml’’ exonerated . only • after . many!system of - àdmtotetration, the months had pased when it was Board of Education has come to

tfiit reaî;i2e :Â t ', 'f t e , 'best interest of ¡no wrongful acts had been corn-ithe school system will be served mi tied by Boayd, môibefB-.jtbi» with,, the business operations of

I Grand Jury however ' went "into the school district separate and I were Issued for overtlmeparking. considerable detail in a Present-¡apart from .the instructional op- other MV violation fines, Jhat {ftleflf concerning the unwefTant-ieratlon, ..TÎre Board of Education ¡mive .increased, for first offenses [ed aasumptfer of power by ••-heiprpvided for tlfS"chari'ge of title^uadkided;,¡Superintefiderit of- SCtioris: Thisjfrrö Assistsmt-Supermteiriart tbrji' Improper Tufn, |5 àhd:ÿ5,üp

-lall happened under the so called Business to that of School Busf- U Turn, J5 and $6, up' J2 ; f ¡J*uHit egotrol” These, ev.aits were (ness. Administrator, which is a | License or régistration not in pe«l

âS5Eku*..RaMJU,Jin..$LJDisriii . I M gard of Traffic Signal, |i0 and J5,

r A T I W A l T T A T T W f !- w r r? ÎÂ !!,^ W ï s^ ‘'- 'I*"1 H P ,fw S . school duijfio». up iS; Failure to riiey oflicer’sw v >xvj. / \ h j u is tixu Wgnt of Schoola, mentioned ln the [The Schoca. Business Administra- signal, $10 and $5 up J5-

¡recent Presentment, nor those tör reports directly to the Board . Driving: on wrong side of street, ¡persons mendoned in thér' 1®54¡of Edbdatiöti, and- ls;respOnsible: gg and $5; up JS; Disregard Stop Presentment, which was quoted te the Board. - ¡Street Sgn, *5 and |5, up |2-n (he news item', Were ever al- Why should BeUevEe have « Ä l p f Passing $10 and K ub'

lowed-an. opportunity to,.establish School Business, Administrator? k . panUPe to disnlav name and

.n er ^iiowed to _ cross ex- many years ago lt became desir: vehiclei |5 aJld £ no increase', amine th* witnesses who appear-able that teachers hold a eçùit- change from"$7 and 13 c o u r t ed agateet-them; or to present able .«ei#fi«ato issued -by the cösts; DHvdög wförig wâÿ ön «w>- SyfflgSi3:,:t,a,,''ägfr~ tifg ':i;harg*4lstaft^sririéfe. jrTimre.l t (he-school-y ay '8(rPf,t. tW tend « “ ifc lK E against' œern, or to présent ^ Ô d iey c t' tha t the ; teacher haï the - -dence which might prove that the educational qualifications neces- Grand Jury erred in its findings jsary. The State Legislature re- ag--Jt-^did----lit-,4he-.-indictn^nt-,..otJcenlly-.-creaifid .the state Certified- Board members - In ^1061. Theyjposilloii of School Business Ad- (proper lights....... forced to bear this .burdenjinlnistrator. The- largest • siBgle rraffu

mcg-""': : .......7 r ¡ ¡ ¡ W m w fii iH ^ tS Em am a rr The fw SB parkingis The publlp school- system. In I violations except -overtime jpark- B Æ e^^ttoF ^napm ents- m o i ^ g ^ a ^ l i f l a ^ and

jihan three nulllon-dollars i annte1 — — A------ sp------ally. Conpnoäteense Indicates that —-— ;— -------- ——--------■.the business official should be a ¡their positions, more qualified to person with necessaiy quallflCa-1 ftdmWstBr the busings affair* Of t e ' . . f ^ . S t a j e ^ :NewJ e r ^ the district, and in addition, as created -the certified -qxieiüon ' of hp- -«asror Certified teachers, Business Administrator fog this it ybduces the chances of a po-p y g im ^ -Bb^dg,. of. im oÿüon jltteal „appointment 'availing themselves of thisyop- l — rtig present holder of JWs po- poftunity m re more -eertain tte r!s{i.i0f ln WTIcvffie is' qualified in ! ihaqjsesi» held»« -this -efhfieate^R jatt^ r>.3nd,-ln- exp^qiffkSi' f» [ 3i...as ,are teachers certified for ¡this., state Certification. Out’ Su-|

perintendent ‘of Schbols, (while

If you think y|>U can fill the (bfll for any of the posts, entj- tfict W. Ray Cdwafi, geneM m«n- -

The Revolutiouary War Soldier ¡ager of the ^ dw Jersey PaV’lten. Solc(ler should also be con- co -the Department of Consorva- siderably younger than the or- bon and Economic Development. ‘

F -« Trenton. ^Uowan saia tnac «fly - •Nufl^'atid Belleville respective^'persons wfio m av^laWe to ' ly; Wiklam Chapman, ^l-esideni: work the entire World’s Pair *ea- of the Rowing Association, James son will he oosidered since* adl-

f-Bafley Of Nutley, architect for the Summer positions’ at the New ’Jer- ' 'A ¡.boathouse and vice president of sey Pavnhon have been filled.(the Rowing Association: Everett j Zabriskie, Nutiey school. busteress

! ayjhninlstrator spid an officer of the Rowing .Association, and John

j'Khla^r, NjflJqv fqnd raising qljsjiittan7"j7 i'7i'7,,-7™:v;- ,:„,7VSimon Opens'


XÜNGHIONir DINNER After Theatre Snacks

And Delicious Cocktail*: ' MUSIC BY “


’ Choosing the lobster ybu’fl. enjoy for dinner from a largo "lobster tank’’- is Only

; cfne of '(Jievjixçltiiig prospects awalrinjg you at (fié San-Carle Restàùrantr.30 Stuyvesant. Avenue, Lyndhurst. Owned and operated by Rudy- »tt^^Ky:-ftefc>ae:«n4*ttiey wives-

^ e - X?»yeaWi itifen S!i*a-^M i^-fe^-fr4^ycù^ ärfäy 'of itaüan-American ¿peaalties de- -

“signed to give you the best of fuislne amid a relaxing atmosphere. Theif wonderful

- Veal Scal lopini, Sizaling Steak and Chicken

-or-Veal-jParin iglaafl are only samples-oGthe- tempting dishes, offered each day of the week with the exception df-Monday. Lunch

.Is- also served' frotn TfSEi and. until-'2iQO on Saturdays. Beside die main dining room and the cocktail lounge, the San Cano also has three banquyt rooms -which

:,.SS£3s*®mni)>itot6'j&toai'-'dfl: to ' 3QQ.--pacpU. For an-evening of soft music and good eating drop In on Friday dr Saturday to hear Estelle Martinique ‘on the Hammond organ. . ,.........- .

Increasing $5 from $7 and $3 to $10 ahd $5 were fail to comply with conditional license; driving -withonirlighfs, driving witiminr-»-

and obstructing


SAT. KIDDIE MAT. 1:30 F.M. ''Goliafti fir Th< Vompifc« "Incredible Shrinking Man"





The Bellovillé Times-Hews, Thursday, April 15, 1965

ftigMaiSained aifid-qualtfied ih itdk ucatlon, is not trained or experi­enced in the field of business. The logical conclusloh of 4Wfe Board of .Education was to as­sign Saab-passciv-to- that phase in ¡ticp educatipppl .system which ho was best qualified« “White t h i s change - reduces some, of the .powers of the Su- p’erintetidsJt of Schools, It does aTtow the Sucerintendent to can- ceotrate his -effort completely ir the educational field where It is mosti-aeaded,, and-Where he is most, qualified, ^eiprim at^-cA- sideratormtrthe; -Board-ef- Edu- oatioTTTirast be rfortlie : welfare of t-he sehool avstem. and not the pswer’s f W ' tediritiaaf in tfia t sysLejn."'1 ■11. — fT1— —

M rs. Barnes(CohtInu*d From'Pag* 1)

the hear” , said Mrs. Barnes.She lashed Councilman Robert

: (Confihu*d From Fig*. 2) - porter should not be hired for the Board , of Adjustment meetings

Both Nutley and Belleville High | a .n d lashed town Attonpey Schools open thedr crew seasons 'Charles B. Tedesco/tf M *>„ this - weekend b u t be"teuse. they ¡ afid the proposed hiring of lack , home ..facilities; the two 3utBrde. he)P » perform the w*tk schools will * do' all^-owihft t h i s A t t o r o e y , . .. yeac at host sehobls. 1 keep hearing .dial you dou’t. A, fexnporary shack w a s -huflf lw w t tee - job,.’ Greco-said ' to at ¿ e 'Kearny- site last, year t.n}tefegCO, “K that's so, teen why.

h a t p “~ftg;'-shdls' ttsed-’hy- -foei-tyMrWH^te!»»-’--------| crews for practise sessions oh the j A -petitiotfriSF 106 names repu#1 Passaic River. The'Rowing As- * ^ “8 ® homes was presented

rsociation h1 hooeful loeal cmwN’bich opposed the construotion ^ - ¡-races will again be featured, qn U «»oqa conneStTng' TSe'-Ltiteto the Passaic River by next spring: droperty and Plenge ©rive,

j . Bailey, the architect who fives ( W O^ier business tfie Council: at 411 Prospect Street, Nutley, 1 Introduced an ordinance ap- like many members oVthe Row- proprtating $1,200 for the 'con- tog Association, Was introduced atriiotfon of q 6 ^ Wafet-hiain' to crew by his son who rowed \ and appurtenances in Park Place

J io^4u tieyH ighuntilh tew adua-J^^ iiL a ^ ^ e ^ ^ w t ^ a ^ n - m I tirin’ last'yean Elaiiey ’ Giideri,1 his services to the project. '...... , against.J The Nutley -architect explains] 2. Approved, 4 - 1, Golden the building has been dlvided into+agaittsL -teo- i ngagaiieniih'Les-

kh-ree-seehoBA.- - ■T4wF-:B(!stfn;:toirfhe W.^Btn .-as-arispefital-ceunseP- rwhich -ground'was’ broken Thurs- ¡fit toh gfta-ttpi/fii Samuel VljpfiO day, will house theboats. The and.Joseph^Gaecione versus.ihe second or middle section, will ¡Town of Belleville..

. -huuse Uw shower facilities and-! 3* Approved. 5 - 0. the . engager— [heatlhg iiaHh “ij je to rep-f"Wffl--f e: the locker room. j msent . „the zoning Board cf' Ad- (

The president of the Rowing jFStment jn case pendihg-in su- Association, Chapman, reported J rlcm.jGoufi.

[the first section of the boathouse. wouttr be*’ completed in May.

¡ While only about half of ,the Ob­ject’s ..total.cost has beep rfiised

I to date; Chapman- IS 'hopeful i (Continued From Paa« 1).feat, an. UPCopning'■ renewed ,fUmGticlpa.ted., on Maroh -iff failed'io ':' drive, plus a raffle notg ttndeh reach - fee 'ioi-J#ay. trill, boost ‘second/-.-ffinfisZ------ --------------; ■ L^Dr-DiRuggiero toi-d the Times

his, pr^bsssLyeoiild. hBVe ipMiufitri- [Sr. -Dttritee;.' w 'ho—Dfc Ruggiero.

B aW B W B a aW q P W W W P eE S . In ;g trapiby. TOting- ior the tots have- in their cars. "Bicfclgt slriFe^lKen piMdly^^^sTpSTtTn riders must give hand sigr^a. Ail but dee of, the echeo: ad-tfiisis- d»y, stop signs and keep to the! BOoz-staS are members W the ri^it, just as motorists do '-1BEA.'


” ' Ghidfen sboiil-d be taught teatfeey bays the..same-' respôtYsîbiiî-■Hp|i Mi'theiF bicydes as motof-

/ EUnitTAIHMEMT /HoweCw kiBf


. 340 Belleville Pik« ■-- No. Arlington V

W T 7 - Ig,\A - ^ - r .^ y V -5 IÎ7

Weslpy for a, reported statement, which quoted him .as saying thfit1 he felt Mrs. Barnes,was running

at : the mouth anSubstahti- ated.”. .

Councilan Wpstpy questioned: her whether she laiiew it was an accurate quote. She said-she readit4n -tho papers*. ... *......... r , *

Councilman James Golden, who blasted MayoE---N«Mio«JBloe* and TpWn Manager Jhhn.-R. Birnertt

T3F using what he termed bolted state atri gestapo ’tactics' in hav-j ing Mrs. B a rn es questioned in an ! httetebt te silence her; apologized to Mrs, Barnes for the-'incident,• Skying he w as: speaking for Aii.l members -of tfib; 'OdBnefi who M t| ah apa%y, was fieslfablgr

S T E P I N T O C O M F O R TWith total Electric Heating and live better Electrically

W H Y ELECTRIC HEAT?Clean, Safe, Flamelejs Electric Home Hearing is one of feday’s fastest growing trends. I t offers healthful room-by- room temperature control and avoids wasted heat. If save*

iw'inaiittenaoc « ^ lttiik ^ tb !B ^ % ^ ntost . praaica I ft£ ,^JJ- foOT>8--oF-K«atmgr -More ■afldriwfee-hbmt- owners everywhere are enjoying these unsurpassed advan- tages of m odern comfort"living. •

Electric Heat can also be used tb supplement your present heating . system. —

Have you a room that needs more Heat?Add Electric Heat

Adding a room that needs Heat?Use Electric Heating

For free Survey call HU 2 -1300

Future Designs, Inc.843 North 6th St., Newark, N |,

(Cor. of Franklin St, - opp ¿heir Station I


TRUCK RENTALW ater problem* solved

For tervice and experience call

1 VOCATURO PL9-6640Top. Soil ,and Fill'D irt -

Annual Library. .. . (Continued From PafleJUJ Gleii' JRiiJge, Montclair, North Caldwell, NuUey, Roseland, Ve­rona, and West Caldwell, This

scdviiif. p ik tisi support of ' federal HftKBr M ds great pratóse • lor fes. áe- vdtopfticni in Bie .foreseeable. fu-

service lor|^dulf . p,pt. toe ÿQopkf -ol. Beiëvüle aiid- Hèw* i Jersey, .

;íwsconSF'ñ¿rf " -Btdi FfiSmphlétk'-. . . ; «. Vi fri-.- rl » r JuníGP- Books . . . . ( i r . , . . a9ö Pointings . . . . . •> ».Y - r&$ 'roparbocks -■ 1 ,369 â

, Ç(v i Servlçs Books,. . . . . . T§7 T

.....31,116' 0.5 V 5 i

: -REGISTRATIONMerfEeî Àaiïn "7 ."''.r,,.h"7

öTHfR Statist icsX>Ks addea :.' --AtcwsIoi ieO ..." ■. .■ ':Trrrr-3'3'l"3111



CIRCULATION AduJf Fíoflon ' . r M , ; ; . ,


79,454'25,MO-»-T0TAL ATTENpAhiCB

Books will Questions < 'dna,''

Pucacco Serves At Camp LeJeune


Private John. A< Pueaeeor sos-iri- Mr", and Mrs, Lèo Piicàco of 15 Yale Terrace. BeHçvffle, is. serv­ing with Headquarters and Ser­vice Company. First Battalion, Sixth Marine Regiment of the 'Second" Marine Dl^KPti ätatlSnää K~C8riip'Lejeüne, K. C.'•'iRie Second Marine pividion is

iri a horitimiOiisIrfliniiig' eyrijA,' 1H-' dicing a«n>hihious : operations, helicopter’ vertical assault : and counterinsurgency. opérations. I TVCamp l»jeur.e,ss home -of* the Sedond Marine Division, is the world's largest’ ariiplribibug Irs iY ing báse.


-----— T PIM; to 5:30 ¥ M r ~‘ MOhTDA^ANO PtJPAY EVENINGS

o r b y Ap p o in t m e n t



ItllS lN ES S JF H V IC E V IH E C T O R Y * m*ADDING MACHINEStÊm m m m m iim m m imsmmt



«67-6030 I

APEX"Sm SM s& h






s t a t io n e r y

i t t i Ptjaklla Av#»«#, Nutlay . NO. 7-2004 • „

Og.*"6«iIY f t . ♦ , iat./t* « .



1X4 Wnihln§ron Av«., lallavllla

Lat at *1»« yaua F R II ,


W» alia rapalr and ra-s«raan Window, .

PL 1-0835 '


m iE V I L L E N U T lE Y

-BÜICk66 Woahington Avanti«



' Sort Daniels " ~ û iiic â r l’


CHERNIN BODY CO.1.96 Franklin Avo.

667-1036COM F U T I ROOT * FIN DIR

R«ar of Hollar * Halter aad Beak Appi lanca

FOR A COMPLETE LINEI « — • -of------- i----------






installation cintré


89 Wdlkington Avenu* N utley

"For Th« B«»t D ial Anywhere On A ~

Now O r U n d Car*

h o bbÏeT T ' sp o r t sWmmwm.




No Cactly Praaasa Of “ lllmlnaflaaa -,




Naflay, N. i.


N O T-vaoi



REPAIRED OR REBUILT • im Day Servida a Whilc-U-WaHi

flClrUP.é M UYIBÏ,.



■ All Typet of



It's Costly To Delay...



T^. 667-9635

Sun. thru Thu fi. 4 p.m»; w l-2-p.mr PfL önd Sot.“—

__4 1 i3Q, a.Etu -

R A L P H ' S ;pizzeria

ITà UÀN m ì a t ì à l l » SAUSAGE SÁNDWICHES

564 Franklin Avanua


N UtLEY NO 7-1127

All Auto Repairing Prom. Tranamission Rebuilding to Lubricadoo - ,

Opaa 6 F«H Day» Waakly


134 R af favilla Ava. Ballavllla

Wadailvar to ’!‘ - Nutlay And Ballavllla

PRIME MEATSF lill' USE 6f *— -


Open Sunday Som . fa 10 . . .

PL 9 1023 .

Y O U N G SQUIRE LTD., .1059 Broad St., Bloomfield is a shop with per­sonality. T he warm greetings of Me. and Mrs. Frank Zibbe, plus the instant pleasures

•derived on enterin g ,-to see waiU-shetves completely confined .to' featuring early Americana is delightful. a Young Stpiire caterers to men and boys'

ijring national brands such as McGregor, PuWtan,’ Carter’s, Mighty -Mac. An added advantage offered is free, of charge aiteratiOns. CtiaTge accounts are ;in- vjtedr Hours '9 to 6 -daily,'Moo; and Bri. to 9, with free parking facilities. Remember the address, 1059 Broad St. at Watchung, Bioomfieid.

-..»On Dec. 16, 1930, during the height of.the depression.' on a 22-dtgree-b&low-itero day, D & S -Grand' Defriruhsent .Store was' born. From this dark and disnlal start D'& S Grand has risen during the past 35 years to become one of NutleVs merchandising giants, ' offering an extensive variety of quality products Including soft goods,, toys, gifts and, houseware.

D Si S Grand, Franklin Avenue's oldest store, is owned and operated by Mr. Abe

and Blanche Duboff, pictured above; who have seen dieir drearn come true. Ii\ 1938, their first expansion took piace, when,-the A & P headquarters'was taken over, dóub-* ling their selling .space from an original 25 ft. x 60 àrea, in 1949 a gift and house- ware department was added. By 1959 both store areas were combined and modernized into its present statuì,^giving the community of Nutley ¿ store tube proud of. •'

• r.N.ct 1MfMri • >MM>a, »•■« Art, __• Vanni,.........

• Paint Sy M*. • Sitkina Suai

AufhorizeS SaivâtaMatÎai» ’ far CARS, TRAINS *N.

215 Fraaklla-Ava., Nutlay ' • NO 7-0247

• (Aero,, From Nutley Sr. High) -


See A W orid Of — Exciting Fun At* ■


HOBBY-TOWNbr*wN ardafUi-


I KECfÍVERÍ ¿ MISSILESa PORTABLE -----’' -Phonographs • ic y ir r u s t• STEREO SYSTEMS • CHEMISTRY• iUJ«COMS , i,otO«Y• M«TA.«s' .566 FRANÜLIN AVI,,* NUTLET


EPIC^ IwturantO Agency


2.4 Hour Claims SinktOlympic Bowling Allay

^»WatUaytaaAea. Balia villa

■ Yau'vt caliai tha raa* NOW C A LLT H E B E IT I



C O O K S IG N SJb Advertising Company


Serving Nutlay & Bellavil(g .

• Artwork a Matchbook* •^C órnm eririorPrfñfiñJ


Ï- 7 CHURCH ST.. N M TLIY NOrtk 7-.7111

When It carnei ta PRINTING, Tau noma I», Wa 4a it RIGHT anS at tha RIGHT prica.B Statiaaary


JUDY'S Interior Decorators

"T56Friaï(iiiÂya:,N^Î.yNOrifiT:7229 "

s y p Cc o v iR Si ........... -Quality------ ^



• La kali - Datala• Beaklata• A4 Raaki, etc.

A uto - I WEDDING INVITATIONS. Muro « : ., n. Hour Service . .mobile 1 - , r-ninaM.ur. *,*»

Ain ' 1 Aflontic Lithographing■ . I 400 Woihinyton Ava.

C O N D I- I («llnrilla, N.Jj I T IO N E R S J T-5F-1644- —

m “ ‘ t o y s

• NO. 7-5405 !


McGrory,s; Ddicatissm %'Æàtéïâfi ■


«mí Ho*1Maali— Fancy Jinn— RooitaJ Turkey»—-Importad Speci attics


I B H M n s H » a M n n B I n m m

Gantner's I ROSSI h ard w are î HARDWÂRE INC.

7 5 7 T m tik H f i A yom i«

NutUy 10, N.].

NO 7-0078

VIOUBROS. Inc.180 Wàshington Ave.


Comploté Lino Of •

Building Materialsv NO. 7-7000


"Beit Buy in low rate


Harvey Kramer ".420 I nloa Are., BellévlU«

k n it t in g

Z. NUTLEY. ....Knitting Center

. J I0 Contra 5*., NuHoy

• ^ ' i Cflf rv All - -

BERN ATS _ Yom and Wool

a Free Instructiona Low tit .Cut Rntn Prir-n,

Available •

• # Zippers, ...

Phono NO 7-6888

• AM Your Favorita


i f r i re nkÜnAré./Ñ utley See e le rye euer» meni at

Beeufital :


m m mm wm M mm m m m

LAUNDRY wmzrmmMfttmmmMm

FRANK'S H a n d l a u n d r y

S Have Saw, Will Cut 1 '1


410.E. Pastoie Avanua Bloomfiald a 328 6826

Basement & Attic Remodeling

Expert Paneling .FREE ESTIMATES .. . ...



TRAVEL SERVICE§ * I l I; Washlaitea k m , BellevWa

Ï .' FoV Reiarvotloh* "

PL 1-2727

CO. " f^ ,‘;7; ■ ...■RT.^rTjv:

Hardware Department Sfare ¡1

Ifs Costly 7oDèlàyà77~


----- TODAY

S • Completa '

|P K À N K tlN -MW o î ; VM 1 Tramàfit Av#,, (Off Franklin, Ava. 1


TRAVEL SERVICE, NôW LoCUltA t t ' ---- ;;

386 írañlkíin Ava,


Call NO 1-1234



"Turnnhing Fins Hornet For Over Thirty Years"

Sleopmast at - P r jMflttllOn a n d u a

Simmons Beauty rest Bedding


I Do If Y ou rte lf I ■ ■ i a ■■ .

f rows KHZ " , c “ %Rental I To Delay,.,

THE GLASS CO.■ J5 ~V^»Kiwgtow--A.v:é.y-BaIIavc»lla--

: PL 9-8900








Clearance Sale


Used TypewritersYOUNG SQUIRE, LT». V $25 «

Real Estate43 W aihinfton Ava.

NuHayy JNe h


.... Student machinaiAdd ing. machino*

--- ----BellevilleTypewriter &

it jv.*h«n,Av., 1 ^ding Machine Co.I -IOS Waihiñytan Av. BtlUvIlla

g fREE PARKINS I D 8-7 9 9 8 | PL 1-0068

T h e Belleville T im e*-N ew *, T h u n d o y , A p ril 1 5 7 1 9 6 5 — 13

— Cloifti^Tifor &


T 059_ Broad It. Bloomfield If


: A sh for ■; Dfp’l Y O U 'L L B E S U R P R I S E D H O W

C O S T S “


CALL US FOR- PROMPT ond e o m --4 \B2DXQ0M HOUSE, 2 '-b q th t . very ¡CONTENTS' ¡rslx rac-ñ ■ kfcûto

« e ctrfe, 3 9 Ralph Rtie .r- B e ll» . .^ . titrnat; near »hnnnnp prem ises;-nft---3attfep^Telephone PLymouth 1-2 /52 . ■ . j^ 5 V . . , m ' .. ] April I O,* !7 and 24 between hours

it- J xT* -. " ~ ~TF'SiT O ^ A P A T ^ M S tT T h é a rr lWr ¿welter ; .'supplìátí, :- G a rp g e / .Çon , verijent „to ; buses Cr 'shopping ; Avgii-. tìbie M ay .1st.* Adults ôrilÿ/CûlT


SOUTH BERGEN HEARING Aiß CENTER tzr.U.tf.íjéií Phgfffifiey , $47 *cFOBk|ln Avenu#

t22], Bqftertes Jk Ar^sSQfi#«. Rep

i . BELLO'S ElBCmC"SERVICE I -* L (CENSED .'jELECTR IQA N r*’ Complete Horn# wiring •Aite..u~ |--_ .-nc tions:Nond repgirsi. We .spectaiju z '.in \r$.

" 100 Amp7~220 lirTeT N 0tth~f- 0 9 1 9 :anytim e for free e stlm ate i'

M 4 * 6 0 - TF fLIVE. BETTER. ELECTRICALLY r - L WJth fu ll, bopsepower.Lffitebirtt, - it| mu I I nr I

j Belleville. 24thour Answering Serv - I k*. Plymouth 9 -9262 .

.....$-Zr$7. Tf


Ail Make» of Hearing Aids NOrth 7 -0 8 2 2 GEneva 8-1042

‘ 19-'Î8-61TF

SMALL , f U M f l l l X J I ' Private ehffdiice. "idea RPtiotogi Utilities sutxpli«d.only. Avai!oBIe im in^jT«f^!;.'Q62yif:KAL'S 'G UEST HOUSE, 116 fctor-

For . f r.eel|hR^n]g,-4-°H -PL:-9 -7 7 9 ^ '.d f tf iL ttr iso r i Street '(o ff Franklin Avenuel1.IlscirJfileilS.-........... : • ■1 t-i? *16-58T F

i;uarus.| Landscaping.■’aii ClWeT’J ' ‘an4oen,t ° CU ufh 9 58“S9 AH; facilities. - A •-.



po rtm^rvt. Centro]ly „ | o e g 1 a d, __ ornfortoB^t f Í^UTLEY OVERHEAD DOOR f l S S

N ew doors ínstolled. -Sid- ■ doors


JPLAGSTÖNJ —* U P E WALKS *** . STHPS/ Hew~ dhd repo<tèd:' P tó t^

_ tíl'mq-^orrd "-generell cleaning- Call NO 7-4263 . Ar,Vocatu/dT li-T

W m X U m i. MASON “Patios W qlks — $tep$¿—

ÊtagStohe Terraces . .. ■*■• Brick work . Speda ii$tic •

M O r # 7 f m m — ■

repaired. 'Call 667-3 83 2 /1 .0 -2 2 JF M A T T R E S S E S


TUB 7 - .T .r ”ond H o ffeLet : Roche*

T M H 'R D ^jyO U R - PROPERTY — j MATTRESSES A Com ply« line

7, Sam paîo,. Pjlym- wi Wtl2!î"-'1 mBe 11 gy 11 f e.T. Fu ! J¿ jj£

. .DOORS. Speçîol clearance spie ofIF L O O R : -■' -[Standard Hrö èndesure*- ondnEower

C F B V ir r [aíofí. âiéîfi»VPi. díslátt. Expert.In-léjùs'j.JCl\V I VC I «tallûtlpn. ¿gil for fre.« demonstra-U .

®REFINrSHEDpon' 'F®*'1» ’ T - 0 « J T ^ • <v» ^ftSCS'G È feÖÖÄiHo¿¿owdlnal , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..

iá(ffláfc41iMCK, ■» *Ttge«dey 9 I..-..A-W^^p^sdoydh,., Wigs.- j&ySed. ,.Èeur Í SedSöns ’ ‘ ^ 5 * eslnuT

FLOORS -SANDED, a nd w nxed. A ^ifflcc Co^ipctnÿ. Georg# ^ (sfO ?8.87, ! Gilbert feuseft. '

i m

L ,. - -FOR--R£NT^——-¡ 4 1RÛÔM ': ÀÉARTMENT, -'heof su p - .^ ! ñ « t» ¿ } ; W Ó f e v ' -«*< í ! plied. M p n lé iB Avenue, N ufley Edelstetn Office F u m itu re . Wor*. faCdh 6GT«9-782 "'4 . 1 5 bouse,. 2QQ ' M ontgom efy Street,

I Paterson, N. J. LAmhern 3-6i 53 t >v.- , - , : , 5 - 2 6 - js a . Tf.

4 4 VAItford Ay».. *« f» COMPLETE HQME JMMtOWMENT I M p tte ^ v e .) Nutíey. ÇbJI ©67-1 jw. Rttoftng, sid rnÿ flutters,

I ■’ T F jieqders , .remodelîrifl .g f basements,* c ’-Jv-. •■■ V k ite b e n s , bathroonlS/^Sattids. Ponel- . window^ ^fO {fágl"* art# t | I«

.j M H B H « y tGW to m b ln a fIo n . \ Wíndd^s i Ì3fià K r JR n Y / l # e « . ^ p W ^ W 6o6. ' .• ._., N ick M alanga, PL.-J -3 9 8 9 . q - 1

ddlQQr - -*¿róútpentryil^L b¡a.th>oorbS/

box springs" f t w : r o ! w : size. 'Renovating Sam# doy $erv* lée; Madie Pú m ítu.re/ Custom Ma t - tr e ? | Makers^ Eronklln. .Avenue, i^ u tïey ; NOttH" T-Q 'tê^; y '' ÄM, r to 8 P.M. dally. — Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M, ;






w ly jD O W | SELL 1 , ^ " '4 p MA.N.Y HOMES? ; Because ! dm tbe largest : holder of Second Mortgagee ’’" f e fintihee pufefiases. 'V '1

^ •' G!V4 ME A ifS S lS 1 <‘ - f

Licensed Pepi Errore BrfckerNO 7-3231 -

7 -1 6 -5 9 ’ T f


^JsMElREW,.E,. .BLOXSOAA v •9 S S @


•Servino this oreo since .1926. , . . . . . . . . •■5: 9.03 MR


BLOOMFIELD^ IS L A ^ ^ x c L «-.VP

H O M E P L U $ IN C O M ESt. V ales1' ChdcCh r G . Sçljêéj oreó; AfeárV ,IB 2 /ín íÚ '^rrtiÍ |'- ( ¿ l^ í j rénjÿdy Ù îSM 4Î:;:.StiBÿ;dnfrôl .2 -Fon)ííy; ' 5 . :

— • i.lvinà V-nomj* dinting’ room, bed room . 19x1 Ou | t ................. r ^

' M a m s r ¿ a ï,.jsaswT.ur,TOhJ^ 0 ^ a ^,)3efl{,,,CaiL-P,L. ' ......

ÍNUTLEY-~‘5 rooms,'


choese from. Call 667


SCREENED TOR rSO tb •— F IL L rm O PtYMOUTH-STATKJN WAQ- Excavating; landscaping,' sod- O N *-M ust; sol I* New--tires. Roof

^dlng, land cléàrîng. L et us solve luggage carriers. Very d e a n , your drainage pjcohlern,- T t e r ^ h e f ^ l u Q l f ; ' * 4 - 2 Zbulldozer,, o n d truck...rfintals.: A r-mando V ocafuro ^ telephone PLy-

floor, spodous -rooms- fa closets. 8434. • ■■-44£|.

6 6 1 -2 1 2 3 , eves. ¿61-165L 4 -2 2 [â k ëy$ | ô n ei__ dcowers, .ë_T_.

t: stn(ç jbackspla:

, CABINlT;.. sH, . formico I4.- ROOMS^r-hèatr^ -ihô tT w atef:

, ÎS 0 0 0 ; Coif J o h n 1 Ji McGriorie, 6 6 7 -3 2 3 1 . - , . " 4 - 1 5

f fop," Y ap cdbtm^sr-Coif- -75 l-4 íÓ 6rr g l « g l 4 :

W ASHfNGTPH '^VBNUE,rN u tfe y -^ j 3 .p1ECE - living .room s »\t with silp-J1near,, iT T ’ modern 2 bedroom |

g'Qrgen oportm ent— with baIconyv}5- S H o m r c d H ^ e ? a D 2 9 . , ..; -. a - \ 5 h

* rftbuth " 9é 'âô ilw TP-



A U T O - G L A S S R E P L A C E M E N T

ALL.TYPE GLASS REPLACEa Storm Panels ',G*~ "Screens, Wood- Sosh,

^[- Table rro rs ■ r^fyared^^rW »:Abb TY PE - -GfLASS”' 4- REPLACED, f-Fr-©nt-Sr-PiGk-- up ^and--deM-vétyr ¿-I • Stbrtn P a n e ls »Sr Screehs* U p 'tp jG Ia»s Co, 2 ] 5 BdleV-ltfe Aye- PL

,4 0 ^ i Discount on Storm Windows- J 91-1867#. . TPDoors. Tub Enclosures, e tc . U .^ 'A ltN _ , ~.... ‘V!L- ■ —Weather P roducts '-Co:- 217**Belle- STORM PANELS AND SCREENS — * y lie W ,P L 9*:i-863.il: . -, w . TFL . S b l e .tip s , m irara riasìivered/ tub

C 0v $07 Franklin Ave^, N u t ley, NQ7 -5405 . •"'*"•'7 i j r ? T'FALUMINUM


HEADQUARTERS F6R--ALyMINUM ' 7 ^ th o ^fd v w p e ;‘gla'Sí'& scfèèn re- polrs;. w eotherstripp^tg. lolòusle gloö'^f i^ a c ë m e r i r^ F ~ d n é IbéâTfôn' 15 yeors, K in g óf rSeIJevillèf 164

-W â|fegt® nP'Ave,, ^Belleville PL. -T14lT-O pen^Ä turdoy. - TFr

A W N I N G S & S H A D E S


GLj W. - TERS olso dlumlnurr» siding rê - palrtd. Rooming, onS’ 'roof repair. Deo L "direct

DAVIS-TAYLOR SHADE SHOP„ ,„™,-^AJbe£t^^iJtavJax^Prop..

W holesale — Retail Window Shades Manufacturer#

■ Venetian Blinds ,a s O v E a s s a ís ,^ ; , : N Ô # h ;7 -0 4 9 T



p i ì IMbi.iN f rfiMCTR iicT im g

Golloto. Cali NO. 7-383-2.

I . m .. 759-4669 : - 6 6 7 -6152 . Builder»,É í ° 7 rS ? or> H ,n ry |homes, .additions,, do rm ers,' attics';

, -pj.. ho sementi,. [>n Hr

A 'S F - H A L T - . : . D I U V E W A Y S j ^ ™ ^ í


.. Phone PL 1-2713 .• . G. & ArClFEU-1

58 M oore P.|,; Beftevillel T -T


AND: REPAIRS, r o o t i n g , ^ ilafrig,

dorriierS/ 1 porchef, j finished rec red U ftfin’ boserherits. Free eStlffiQfif. DiPetta Builders, ' N O rth ' 7 -2751 .

- - ^ r f r rgB...T F

A. TjDLWplS' —*• C arpen ters and ' Builders.; Kitchen, .Attic, Bas'e*i ni«nt.r.9m%de!lj.nfl. Roofing and §id~ing.'"7A>lgQ-‘’ urninumv--combiA<^fi»n storm doors and windows. All work covepid By thstirsuce.’ 'EstdBllsHed T 9 ^ NOrth 7 -0 7 3 0 7 ^ “7 ^ ’r'. - COLLISION SPECIALISTS'

~~" 3 T l ^ f ë B f EN] NG; 'PAT N rrN ^(dequer,^ enam eí, lu d te , ëIectrfç I<¿OMPLËTE ALTERÂTFONS PAINT- wilding, chdssii w ork ,. figte gloss (KG AND MASONRY,; Roofing, WorKr -AL'S RIVERSIDE. Ï-ÔÇŸ t &jVfdihg, gutters, feâders... Rerrlodelina FENDER. WORKS, 221 VerÎîëy1 Q fN c s j kitchens, bathroom^ and

A U T O S F O R S A L E -

1959 N A S H - - Metropoliten; Ri?Fr.Eeonc^lcof"'can-*No-'-reasönablAl

“©ffer refused. Phone 661 -1237; TF .

basements/ Ponell/ig and Ings. Alurriînùrrt •.'cotnbinotíon.' win­dows and doors,, olso windows ' re-- chalned,- George Glv.cen.fer &• Son.

. P L 9 -9 3 6 Î 'V; "V. 7 ‘ TF


P L E A S E D !-


- - .A . : ^ u t .L p v ^ N M E s t - - .M ---• DiLUXE-GARrD&N-AFTSx-'- :77.7!í:!..Í7FA1.^AlC"AV|;r ; _

Í 2 Ibfks. sou th^oF Gen tre~$t. ■) -=•

^3*1/2 Rooms (1 BR) from $ 1 2 7 • A Limited No. of Luxurious Duplexes w ith 3 • BK*s, Recrea—

age. From * . . $ 2 1 0

Now Renting

— -EREE_ _ _ _H e o t , G a s , A i r C o n d i -

tí oner; Venetian B [Tncïs M a s t e r T V A n t e n n a . G n - S f t e P a r k i n g . •/

P L Ô Î• Extra 'Heavy Insulation ft.-7Ajuminu.rn Storm'Windows. Qr| Screens. >' M

• Panoramic Picture Window * ■i^CQFor Lobfdlnoted SclIR^ir” ” "

K ltchpn■t H ot Point' 1-2 dr T4 pu. f t.fojg -.r- ,• 36a Cas Range & Hood ,•.0 ‘ColoredT ile Bath,. Colored■-“-Pbrixjrifr-p .Ldundry ¿ ’Storage f^d li tie s 4 - Private "Entrance to most A p ts ft Loads of Closet Space

ShoppingT^hur chcf- neorby '' . ft Buses to Everywhere.


'* 5 f if rw liY !v 5 y 'W 5 B ® ,' 5^rk. A g i t ar! 'prirtìiM sv ’T Phfln« NÒ 7 - ! J 7 í '

• Corvyantent - to 'Go/3en St. R k w y ,.■■

AGENTS: VALU* RIA LT Y IN C .4 7 3 -2800

Closed Sostar. Stitixicy

Sèeratfltlis- • C lerk-T yplítt .

• Jun io r ¿ le r k r . . . . .. S tunaomphar«

8 i ) | i¿ g ^ l | iy > I , im m o l i

T 90 Brood -St., NVk. MA '2 -Í0C 5 H öun M on., th ru Fri." 9 :3 0 -3 : S 01 P M. Mon. «vtialng.7-9 P.M. - . .

L ” , V i - 2 - 1 -6 2 TF

w P , V - / ÿ ï years:"N o «x-perleno« necessary. $ 46 .00 .Income j

Olii o fter |9uoro,PF®4 ^o r . v evenings work'.] ■'4- l5 SAutomotic Increases.-Cor: neoessorv.l-

I W rlr.-to Tówrlrmte iWr’yTñY W ««h-f AFRICAS- V ÎÔ L tff "¿L . - SPECIAL RSfen’‘Av«nW / - BelI*vln5i for mt¥r-'' EASTKR 5Ê PC T I0N p o w an Mìe. vJ«wt ' 4 -1 5Í. A. Alley, 49’ Daily. St., Nutlev. ■.................. ' ' - - - -c ° " 7 67 Qj'62- . • H E L P . W A N T E D " . .


J p L R M S 0 L - J ^ n n o - v a n ¿ ~ S ^ a f l ¿ Wi - ■ rtA«ei«FAU - ‘ k«tKw«stó » Waftbo^st, 4 9 4 .- '€©if(oijdf • S tlfeM ’

A^CBOrtfontr V *• - r - r - T - 2 3 - M -Book-keeper. ■ d W ö ro fe n .'G ro r iÄ , Hómé ond In-! F r e T T f im T « "'" " :-----l u í D L .T Í g f e - 1-1*O a f e s .. ... IdustelaL lmprovewenf C d . , 'N ut1w Í F v , , ’ , e he? hno .V a te P o c e $26 ,500;

667^3690 V r'667 -7475 . 2 -2 5 TF


KILKENNY MOVING^AN Fast * Safe ^ |¿dhbm Jcal . Local- a n o Lòr\g. Distancé ■

PLŸMOUTH 1 -2 020 -' ; ' t ' ' tv107T8762TF


EASY~ W AY -DRIVING SCHOOL Licensed by._ N. J, „Division of

M otor V ehicle., Approved by A.- A:A, and Deportment o f Education. PLvmou th -or. NOrth afü8 5 9 0 , - 3 - Í -6 2 TF

ATTENTION LADIES t f - Free.sprlng . ' ,— Ond surrtrrter clothe, f o r -yburselfje—?c-fSr f e Fa|1 CWpP,*t* «SetaUs^con SOCTALTS&IT&ft for suburban week-- 7 7 *— * . 1 •., - - - - i 5 1 ly. Excellent opportunity f >r- rha-IRONRITE IR.ONER — bedr^mj fu f^ wom d^; preferably one with

^ -^ u rm táre-e ñ d -2 - 4 a b v —rrihs t^frpW w lecëâ^of-T fetley-B ^eV l 1 lè- â'rêd. be..seen Edday -hatwe«i»ñ 7 & A pT r^W rite sta ting Tguotificgtipp s / wrfF7 ;6 ti f '6 ^ 7 ^ 0 8 9 . ' - . ^ H ÿ p n g experience r ^ a r f in g so I o?y~ex-n


IRON^AILlfJGS Frocon -Orriomentaj Iron Work*

Brass fireplace tools w ith stand, screen, andiron, grates £r - log bask­et, $15 .00 . Phone 6 6 7 -6 3 1 5 . 4-22


A ttractive terms.

J . , i KISbAK, INC.Íxd4JSÍV Bf^k.çr Qperrt Sundfeyi

, ________I B H R L^óx'-PÌg^à^^4,V7-7'; /

the shgre ! for $ i w m i r9s0sm m mg j furnitureos far os Tom s R i m FJot ra te BEL^SVIW X-P. $ 16 ,8 0 ^ ,-«K i íd n i í ■ Otter 4-preees. No heovy oppflances. ¡ ] y . f e q , ond f o u ^ s t o r e f ro n t - 4?: n - .1? -■ Femoyed ^.irom.i/gtticjJMbuse V ™ I p t - f f i o t Ä V

P ® w H2£L rR*b$oris¥le,»Con 9 9 T » |o i f J f Wlffipm S t ‘•735 or 9 9 1 -3259 . 4 -2 9 .'M 6 -6 6 t f ,

3 -2 9 8 ? ° ^


Chonce-of o lifetime1! $7 ,900 : Doil't be too Jo te! ■

BROORWCXDD REALTY CO. Brokers . . ........... 3 3 8 -8 7 1 1

PASSAIC. PRIVATE NURSING HOME, fQf chronically uT[, cotv

volescent and bed-rldaert; mo!ei8ELLEViLLB t (.LLt,,,-. ¡ an d femóle; doy and night ) KISLAK-EXCLUÍIVÉnurses. Telephone PRescott 9-9028.1 y £ f N |Q $ $ D O W N

ATTENTION LADIES — Supple•ment your- Incomd) $ 4 . to $6. pe

•HDaVFf. 9 ^p iece» ©ttpchmenfe se t, poperj 73.6-1482, .4 -2

dust ub£$7 1 - year, guaron-tee, Will •— i" " ■■ ■.—t—t— deliver* aqd show. WY T ~5655 . 4-29 j SLEEP :;|Ht MAID. 'Excellent accbmTWO DISPLAY sKowcqsml Soc.-'flce; s 6 ^ P W 'M f lh t lWm i l KA1 -Aaa*‘ - -____________, ndikeeplftg for business couple. Cook

G U A R A N T E E D S I N GI N G Phone NOrth. 1 -2345 . 4 -2 2CANARIES A# «lie C o il NO. 7

BEAUTIFUL :.U$Ep. 90 f t . pest androll fence. VerAa^ery .reosónoble.

Cali PL. '9-55 Í 1 offer X „ P M .__

T 959' BÖSEL. Ideal f i r second cop Excellent . . condition. $195.0D

■Phene'687 -T 2 3 7 . '

LEVITAI Ji.& SONS 7 6 -Baldwin . 'Pipes, Belleville. Mosotafy-Gen-

erol ^ g ontrocto n . Alte rotlons and- _Extensions. Concrete sl3ewg IH aridi NUTLEY

-ppj driveways. Brick, and. Mone steps

PASSAIC —- 2 bedroom' oporfm ent, Nlçe- locdtibn,4>ûrkihg...Coll. 4.73-

1862 o r 75.3,95.80; 4 - 2 9

and fronts our specialty, Frei1951 DeSOTO. 4 - door hord tgp'. matesbPLymouth'9-3064.

Power, steering, power brakes,. electric ..w ipers, white, wollt full

d f e ' blg rodio . ond . h eate r. Make offer, Co;.l NO. ’T - l 1 7 6 offer 8 P.M.- ' '

~ i t 1 9 5 8 1UICK Sedan, ,. Full power. Need Labh

- Best offer. TlO-TiT9(11•1962 CONVERTIBLE CATALINA

Ponti ob. red. Excellent -conclltipn. Ait power, w hite w all-tire*. Asking $1500; G oti 667-9406 .1959" VOÜCSWAGEH. ": ! Excellent

condlfiorv. Coll 661 -ST 33- to see

■MODSRN;:tWkHÄftfi^ IJtg, choice iocatîoc. fem edlö te .

segûpongÿr pflfking^iiNO.iiTyiSdSS e r 7 4 Î .9 5 8 0 . '. . • - 4 -29 .NUTLEY - .NEW 3 -I./2 room

gprjfen opdVtrnértt. ‘ Perk ing , _olr conditioning, C0ök';t'ig"gbf b'e¿. C slíNOI 1 -2 3 Â Î or 743-%f¿C,' ,T T 7 . '. ' . . . " T íH , ..y i ^ r . ' f ± 0 2

4 - 1 9 -62 TF UblOSTROM BROTHERS, «hgpi

311 Brood . Street, B|oömfT|td|.Roofing,, .overhtiad. dao ri, . h r«ei» - |■wdvS T W trcbet; “ -»oreeris, - general i --------home m oin tena n w ,- k f e h e n c a b i- |2 - M 2 ROOM iSARDEN.. APART n ets; e lteratiane;' ■ addit iene:'—Pfe«4- MEN T - — Sub, Ut. .jtv n ilo h ls l es tim efesrTéléphoné ’ N O ' 7 -8 2 9 9 -'une 1st. $84. .Gall 7 5 9 -1 9 6 7 or

er-N O 7 -7 2 4 3 . 4 -2 1 -5 5 TF 7 5 9 -4 3 4 2 / - ■ li >' . . ' . . . ■BELLEVILLE, TW O AND THREE

opartment». I m m ediate bccubabay to r ' both. Coll 'P L , 9-C A B I N E T S


P0ÑTÍAC, 1.960 CATALINA, 4 door sedan, R & H; a u to , transmis­

sion, pow er steerihg,, power brakes. One ow ner. $955;DG Telephone s5 t-" 7 2 5 — £L K urieM r'I t Baltt-Imore St., N utley , 1

' 1958 W H1TE FORD CONVERTIBLE, 6 cylinder. .Asking ,.$300. Inquire

4 # W itfaut Street, Ñuid«y. j 1957 DOE5QE, 2 deor, power steer-!

’ —Tñg.” “ P e r f í í r canclifton;— Good second; c a r , new point, -seat covers. Evenings’,- a f te r 6 p.rn. 56 M dler‘

"' I feei;-g e!ievl'lli'. ;Pir 9~B72S-.-"'"'-- 1964 VOLKSWAGEN -— beige. Low.

- ' 'm ileage.. $1.4.75,.C all PL 9-35aO .. :19¿5 ,M 5 -—'T IOO ' Sedan"! 7 ,0 0 0

miles.-' 4 speed, .RGfH, 30 rrr.'p.g. Seed lice. C all 482-5742 . ; . . 4 - 2 2

fòrmico, « ffltte s k i a e h s ; 3 - ' '/ l '£ O Û M A PA £M E N T h e a t j .tJ i i lmii. i,m ir« fîfltÎ Qnd->h<yt wofèf A p p lied- Business

ngton Avenue, N utley. 6 6 7 - 1 w.omon, desired, to l l after T3TT7 5 1 -3145 .



Frortkllh Avertue, N utley.. Ages 2 w5 yeofii W0Uf,s 7 ;A.M» ■■S ^ .Ploy-Tt»:©fYt7”HlTYtiiQ'‘Tf,w “recrT raiiTeirY rtJofm Wftb-7tV----t>nd stereophonic records,"Hof lunch 'of )2r$nQofi, Nqp 12 :30- 2 RtM'. Shack o*.3 P.M; T ransporta- ■Non^NOftM-Wl^T--—

1 ^ 6 -6 1 TF

D E O O R A T C tR S

W AN TED :.LOR.2 Persons fa r meat , ' dperrfmisrlf in . privóte hom e. All utilities furnished. C onvenient to buses local or-.New York. Call 6 6 7 -3408 . . -________ .1 RQÖM APARTMENT, cvoila&le

anytim e In i*Apr'H . or 'MgV 1st. Call 6 6 7 -4686 ortd t fjiy h a lf- ren t if moving In in A p r i l , . ,

14—Th« Bellevill« Timei-Newi, Thursday, April 15, 1965

NUTLEY ”PU0LEX'^-Or OSBByenleni - residenfM / ' S':' hJO his/'pIlis' sUrti ■pflrlQTr ,. modern • bath, -heaty - A m water, ga i, parking supplied $ 1 6 0 .0 0 7 ‘ McAllfeNT hr - i je e i^ i Brokers .^ r .667 t8,B0Q-7 , , _ . _ > v 3 ROOM ^PA RiM EN T, h e a t, hot 5 ^ 0 6 5 ® ^ H ? H , C H A If and g l ^.• w ater juppiled: Avetlobi* Mdv : P m !* - Calf- <567-3298,15 th .; irterttke" MarmeWp, MI 3 - 9 0 6 7 ,jPHONOSftARH — 4 stoeed, Phltco; Dr GonnellL 661 - 2 1 4 7 /On prem ises. | Abrat>d' rrCW. Skirts f a r '6 3 Chevyr

4 * 2 9 lC a li '6 6 1 -6635 .

THT5~WrFE KST^SPFC rA L ^ ^ ^ '^ U p y s •Only beginning M onday April 19

TFFoUgfTTmiTS^'-Apn t - 2-^ 7 ■ t-odter blouses, ^ 5S'r,eochv S h te rh o o d Thrift Shopv 1Q9 Wd*hington AveT7-Beile- vll;le. Hour* ,1'0 >ArM. t o 3 P.M, datfy^-M 'dftt np y if f ij^ rr - iPS‘‘*9”’P7Mr" FrFNCf TPROVINCIAL -dining "rooii

$175*00. Provincial t r ip le dresser

ro^m,, $ l?5 .00 ." Sacrifice, 2 months old, W £ 9 -9 6 4 6 \

wgjshfr. Singer sewlngf Lullaby' ertb with m a t t ness, '• high" chair, ploy pen with p o d f stroller, twp 9 x ] 2 nigs and tw o 9 x 12 summer rugs, 7?y-85$9f - .-.k HAND yLAWN *mpwer# excellent

¿bflditlan, $5;0S, B assinet, tom made^'yelhsiw with fipovy pod. 569.t)o . Wdstlnghouse Refi4gemhiLi,!i 13 cubic feet, excellent condition,

f A k ? 's a n l a ^ a y ‘B iu T tu s s ;l woyr from carpets a n d —i»»phdlsteryT

Rent e lectric ‘sham pooer $1. df Tiber H ardware, 125 W ashington Ave., Belleville, . •3 ' MAHOGANY le a th e r to0p^d

tables,' HlghtStOWiT.t wool light green rug- 9 x! 2p and o th e r bric-o-

f N C y S o p S D i i ? ^yolurri ;,-; Cpll -.bnyfimftA,pn,Satur­

day— G tT -w w : 4i W ■ F f P s - '

QOIn G^.OUT OF ’'BL^irNESS' —; .. .4 weeks- to yápate empty ou t hage^TsfdtWrrUH ' bea utl® m . , Colonia^ .* Provine io I, " ond Modem "‘fumlture. A ll name brands., Likf ThgrndsW 11 e ,' Halex. Vermont ôf W irfoci^t, " Séoly, Bassett, BroyhUf, /Öey-t

-st-Fom, WiLfmatlonaJ.—AChr -HHu.ll- dreds • o f 1 O T ih ÿ tj ÖQ,L bedròoms,

«dW ^..-P»¿mií- -ami.. Tîv4nft^ ••room ',seTS7‘i«tí'd -phíeesyTik* d r y tlnki^ Grondmother'k, d<pçkyj;»»péàcon,i -benehesT— rockers, F i r s l "~ coi Vie; first serv id . .Must be allbargains. Stan Kozma Furniture, 23 5 Stuy^esont A v en u e , Lynd- h0tet,T hone”WE'3-1 &Ú&. '----- -DpffLDötly-lö 9 p .r ti.

■ . . « 2

BIRCH C A B lN E T S r^ years

Street, N utley, 6 6 7 -2 2 4 2 . Can be seen anytim e. , , ■ "• ■9 "'PIECE, blond.-dining- room set.

Best offer.- Excellent condition'.-C-,d)| -772,-1-52-5,; _ -------R E F R I G E ^ f ^ 7 w E S T i ^

5 years; o ld .v Perfect ■ cohdltlan-; Large ' size" wi'tK separat® top freez­er. $100*00.- ' Calf 6 ^ 7 -7 7 8 4 be- 4wéeAv--6-¿lBv ekrN4:--'T¥ittrs;- ■&■ Fri» •"• Sot¿ 'urddy to 1,2 d .V iockr^ ^ 0&T(fftóW N VSIRIS 2 4 " Scliwfnn J Bike' 2 ytaft' 0\4JtZQ*QQ^tíÉít£ •fngheqae~:HDdehN”PrgeTe»' 1 $40.00 Kçlvinâtor Refrigerator S20.Q0 NO 7v"5834"

BEAUTICIAN Two y e a n experi . enee.. P a r t.o r full tim e. Cali NO

7-0060 ,-p r a fte r 5 p.m . PL 9-3455 - -■ 4 f2 9

TYP ISTS^T^fH Crtbtngr • HÇME

M usr~bt" ^exp e r ienced --fn—dtetotfngr machine transcribing. Evening .work W ork delivered to .you dgily. Belle- ville, -Nutley- residents sóhíy. Send result^"'ufinÖ ^ 0r fypeWrffffT'A'd; dress The. Béllevíllé T im es, Bax Ä 2 4 6 W ashing ton -Avev Bellevljli. v

NEED MONEY? .. . iO ib l, AVON TODAY 1 Fjn4,out.bow- easy j t Is to pay up those bocl^ bills ohd still have some m oney over?- You have a HULL.“‘CREDIT E L A bL ^ith . AyON^ -rFor-^ome^pTypbirvtment coH 6 4 2 -5146 .

WOMEN ~ due to exponsion I j, needi.4 m orried women to norrote home fashion shows. Experience hot aece»*o ryy'-PorT-Ttime- «wsdingS. Free wardrobe, hfdh commission. Must drive, Call :.;fe.M grYlew,667^$079.

- BUSY MOTHERS * ■You loo ca n ea rn -tbeiAVON- way. Choose your * own hours! AVON COSMETICS offers MONEY BACK GUAkANtEE. on all merchandi Fpr personal interview in your b Home coll 642 -51 ‘46. - *

H E L P W A N T E D M A L E *

SH1PP1NG & RECEIVING CLERK— Stock room control, high.school

graduate; Apply m person - see mah« oaer, Mr, M azgalfg; danette 's ;— th e j -Smoft »- Departmen tStore* Nutley Cent j* Park In Muhioipdt parking plora. —- rear of stpite. i - 4vl‘5im m e d ia t e o p e n in g f o r l c ^

CAL- MARRI ë b MAN Wtf 21, iifhbltlöh 'ând'; ';dth^^"'.tKf?iF:' Working. Must furnish, laça) references, Could.

lM .$750vpe r 'w eek .D dys- oF-ev?^ rigs.” P6? orTTHterview p n ò n e ^ ^ T -

4 ^ 5 9 ,^ 4 3 0 ^ - 0 3 0 . OTm - Qr- 3 -5Q,c 5^ p.mT---------


. .N orth Arlifìgfort.F^rcé Estim ati*/ ' i ' ; . *7 • P A I N T E R S


TlAPfiRHARSlRG — p l a s t e r in ginterlay — t "Exterior '. J U N K D E A L E R S

jPOR -SÇRÂP -L R 0N .^-M H T A L _—j Papers — --fíaos ■—- -Brass «««¿00*

PBTnri@rotF6K f^ refl'T fiM » r^*A - . ' NO -1-12*33 ■

"■ TFper. —- Radiators $Irik$ --»a Bath« Uubs ond Fumacos coIPef* 1lOBY"6r iCO“- Phôné- 667-3768 PAINTING A N D-D K ORATIN S, In*

J ? f K Ñ R Í Í Í ^ * ^ ^ | * Pick Op paper, rég i, métal, mattresses,

| 6n a cbm m trd t»-w ork . Coll Jo -efe A. Lorceri, 751 -0 8 3 8 or 33 8 -5 7 5 9 ,

ft» " ^ L P P . Location, Charming -RLope C4i'fr garage; . groolbu»’ 4Mng. room; tnoaern ki fcbe^i ■ (bjfoh cobinets) h*» dming area; 2 twin-suite !b«draome: full expansion fpr 2. tpor,e raorps >* both; hot w o te r 'lg a s ) heat; oju'rs stormi^scr««ns^'.220..:w.irittg.;'_^rjo»_ $20,C 06; &jod fe rn s for any quoJi-

J. I. KISLAK, INC.Exclusive “Broker. - Open Sunday*

g P l^ehok' P id ib — B—-

W est P d i e r s o h ; ' ^ "-.'v..;744UBgV;■

sfhksjT ba th tubs and • furnaces. Cleah cellars. Telephone PLymóuth '9 -2 6 1 3 / ' 3 -1 4 m57 TFBRÍFsIG IT iN. Copper/ brois, of

. uminum^ lead, batteries, cds T ro fvs feel/^pdpe pe r ' hQ ridFedlbs.) rdgs. .Tap prices. . Kearny Scrap Me ta b 478 SchQvler. Avenue, K torny, W Ym bn 1-Ô4I2L*/“ v^TF


^R75EFÏÏF75"’'W O T r J'3oné;" liW hs reseeded, transplanting, hedges

trimmed,* lowiis mowed,. Free esti- matfes. Colt 6 6 7 -2 8 7 4 / : 4 -2 2


L Q $T /—r-T Savings passbook No. 1 OO^/ Bank. Sf 'N ètlêÿ, ' Mâ1H/o f- -'•-Payment - -stôpp#dr~;'Find#r--re-

to rn td Bank ©f olutleyv AAaíñ of- • 4-15.

LOST; -r—- - Sovlhas Passbook No. 524 0, Bank of Nutley, Moln of- e. .Paym ent stopped. Finder re- h To 'B ank of Nutley, M ain office

- . T " 4 f 15 ST — 'SMALL DOG 1— Mixed German Sh^pheitljfe Terrier.' block ir .on left- hind leg, a Bou t tb n o v e litfer, or may have h a d If. f An- ers to ;7PrincfrSs7r 'C oJr99 l »0669. ST » Sayings ; Poesbook.' N o/ 61599 , NutTey Savings & Xbori

Assn., C hestnut Street) Nutleyi Pay- stopped. Fipder return to Nut* \

ley Savings &i..efln -A ssn ;" ,,v., • LO^FLl« ‘-'" Savings'" Passbook No^

2 4 9 i9 f Barik of N utley, Frankflrr fflce, KUtley. Payment .stopped, rider. .fetUrn t s BaftK o f Nutley/'

Frorikllri’, o ffice /'r ; ; 4 -2 2 -LOST Savings Passbook No,

1665, Batik of Nutley,. Yantd- w offlcCi. Payment stopped; Finder ■am to Bq|gk o f ,N utley, Vania»*,

caw i’afftPeY" 1 ' . . 1 : 4 - 2 2


SUARANTEE0;-PAINTING INSIDE---- AND.....QLIÍSIDF r ^ - -ttoe tpr. Complet» Repairs. AJuml- tium combination windows Roo fina. si ding, .gutters ô ^ l ë o d è ^ . 'Masonty, til* Mlllhgí, pohëjlrg , new window^phalfts, George Glycénfer & Son.

PL 9 -9362

SWEENEY & SON“ V ¿ v e r 30 ■—weaf»"«'exp*i7eii¿é‘ wiintihg. and. decorating. , Fully; Insured, “Only best materials used.y.No |ob too »Moll. Call PLym odth‘9-9585 .

- ~ i - U J u - - 2 j 4 I ^ J C E .

7 - ^ S © f e W e M f r io # te iS ^ ^pnd Street. .Etdra;’private plot -—• „

K jjÿ 20 , adjoining Spring Garden playground. Plus ■ many ex tros. -Law -

Phone 6 6 7 -7 9 1 7 75K dpj»8lnt-

PAINTTn S AND-PAPERHAn ^ 1N8’ „ . ....^,iriüde oif^nu^lde.'W ffrK ' i r

-WALTER PETERS.... -292 -Washington Av». “_ :

4 . 1*0447 » s , i... ; P t 9 -5615■. TF

DOM INNAMORATO — Pointing and Paperhcínglng, Long experi­

ence. Ç t e n , ' n e a t work. E stirrat« given NO 7 -5622 .

I'. 12*22-60 TF

fegOOKLlNE DECORATORS - r• Intéri« E iertePointintfl'-l 11’ -.. Pooerhapàlng O RèoOlfy*

- 6 § 7 e ? ^ 9 oTter4 ] f y ^ , ' , y < • .... ' J .g -

d r e a m c o M e t r u eA ;dariing cornpoi^' cNgnigl; with 3- twin Size bedtadms. L ocgted /tear schopL. ;.bgs, Q " .»hpppjnflo Many' :h o rn ftng--feotu re ; , Gluss - rear porch, panelled recreation 'tf w.i.th. extra lov. ' , , , -

• O rfereJ'for 1 st time —- . may be the la s t. . r

Eyerypne Xpows GEORGE T; BOWES. Rbaltgt


vVANT'T ö'-’SOt "From oïr.eF CL T “' bédroofn house. Prefer YoftN-oW 637“Cbl1 6 6 3 -2130 4 -2 2



GUS JOHANNSON '• — Pointing & Decorating

Distinctive ■Free Estlmotes ..... ' •. 661 -24?5 '

r ~ : ■ v ’ t f

DOES YOUR HOUSE NEED PAINT “ (NS? John Grocryk, Senerd)'

.Contractor, fnftjfior ' and. " exterior pointing. Fully Insured. Free E.sti mate*, Telephone NOrth 7*4469.

.. » 7 . 30.59 TF


Iw r tn 7^8747 Paticw O ur Specialty SAMvRUSIGNUOLO . -, t^ so r i/C ô i^ fS c f^ - •

Bricky Plostering ond Stope Cement ^ 3 ¿ co «• -

ÂTLKiwïs.^f M^iôn W5rk~" “■ S4 BJoGBnfiûld Avenu«

— ' TOtiéy' iô; N.X“ “


m m m n m m-FOR

— C m f O R K E R S



s ta t e . E m ploym ent office2 CENTRAh AVENUE

, . , .- 1 ^ , ; ; N E W A R K , NEW' JERS'EV ; .: •' ,;•


- .P H O f e E S 4 '3 - 2 # B ':

Apftjlcations M ust B# Filed Before April 23, 1965.

E A J N T 1 M 3 P A P S R H A S f e ^

* Serving Nutley Since ¡9 2 9 , - ' 6Ç7-8349

4 -22

BELLEV1LLE-NUTLEY ! P'A’N T IN a j ixrerlcr pointing, '¿¡def and

gutter “work. .Call for estimate, Colt P L - 9 - 6 7 4 9 r ;----- — — ~-S : i 3

- P E R S O N A L - N O T I C E .

I.W ILE pot be rerpcriSÌbié far debts ■-'Incurred by by : wife, Carolyn,

F rank Squlllgnt, 24 6 Park Ayeniie, H u t t e * . .... ' T' ” 4*22‘


CHIHUAHUA PUPS ARC regi hsrfid.“" Ebfctef • ^pecipl* ' ' ' ’

Gnd"1nôcülâf^d>r $5ü.-QiTd751 V ¡1 1 1 1

HARRISÓN & SÒN RÒOFÌ1ÌG C O .' All work guaranteed. Sìuté fé* ’’

new ,r ö d f e i i^ t t i tT ä n d f e d - ihfe«^fepair<fuSiu»fnum--!*i4í.í”

3nfl--J«.«(fHieh*Hieph*itr-r9Pfer-8+8—S h fS to a t ; 5treef, ;t<eqrny^ Serving^ Belleville ond Nutley rot 30 yeas». WY 1-3319, WY 1-5497 LNoAtofJ*! èhàtfé.')- ■ ': : r : ; r y v '5 * 4 *61 TF ~

: ' N U ^& 'lbpFlNGCáT T ftWJohn Duerr, Prop.

New Roof» — Old Ones Repolred Metal, gutter»' arid leader* our

■ »peeialty, *Aluminum, Asbesto» and* Asphalt

*. Sidings;14J 'Cleveland Aye, Telephone N utley, N Jy NOrth 7 -127*____ a :..". “y t ''-.-Ly .J;;;';i7 tefe!BLTl_-



FREEZERS, s ir conditioners repoir- ed. Paetoty supervised. .Phllep. and

'•ervice,‘- “J 6 “year« experi­ence, I , Groesley Service. NO 7-


REPAi R L t— Haye -your ‘ frxjstf r, steam - »pray dry Iron, péfcolofof», hot plates, ipflnertee repaired; Reo-. ?,?B9bk grtssd, .Cemmunity-. HartU war* -Company;BgflévlHé. ■■ !.-• 1-0 -63 TFCELLARS, A T T I C S , GARÂgÎS

denned ............


SUBURBAN PLUMB HtlG-*-heat!ng;cJgmBlr.g, oa» Piping, repôîç» .and

olrercficnSj’Assurcnce oftjU alliybnd^arkmansfaip —Bern.nrd F Q 'Cnn .

WSSi-tgf-«;; -. ’. ' • - • ’■1.1-21-TP

.good-1 i s É ^ .. .- l ï& ÿ ltr' dé-pendobie,, speedy »e-vjee. Free, est!* 'Mdtas. CäP PI 3 -5 3 2 5 fòf r®uf Spring--ateaninB.- •• ■ gffîs

^ i 5 ? ^ k Ì L E A N E R reso 1rs on oJ/ '-ou i * jndtee. rsentel ; syäifeadi ;$2,9S;

Free pickup & dellvervS ® à h m e io • dèe wh.!!« yôuts Is beino reool-ed W Y - l H g 6 é á i y 4 -7PODD JOBS — Free èstimo tes.. y / ì p {

fägs/ ~pàpèt$ /dhdVsémp ' Call now 6 6 7 -2 6 2 ] or 667 - .

,-/;^íftdh«lm.. r lu m o lr ifò ^* Hearing. Cè

-r-Ì3q* H«o t qnd i?Í1 ‘Hegt ^Fronktfn v ÀYès -^Orfh *7-6



TELE'?rSK3N • REPAIRS " — "A l'.,' Vftfiw Sítvte», '•' S'. 'H sfeÉ íi Sf..‘ « N 3 ÿ f T.T293" wSfcdov*.

5r3_D PrM., ali ddy SàTurdoy, ddy: ■»RepáJní and -goodwill fluo* ■ m iC : T- ' :fr5 -ÿO ’::TF



‘BRAND NÉW' PORTABLE ELEC­TRIC $32 .50»-Cabinet, models—

¡v2¡n¡^Lmehpoocy.as low M $49307makes

$i9oQ and up, ^«pairing on Ojl woRèi, Closed Mondays, open cÎallÿ' E § Ä toy5;00.: ;Saturday 10 to 6 r.M. Wising ; Sewing Center, M? 8 Volley- Rd:, Montcloir. 881

• ..... TF

m M m M A Æ EH ÎÔ &

Belleville Assembly Of God

1X4 -17 % I Rf*. AMhswy

Sunday — '9;4% v

SNOW EQUIPMENT■ : .Agents For-.-•Irtggrà. tteawwf

Clinton, Lawson * lift Power Products -

Complete Parts .department‘ 3ACOTSEN:"...SNOW BLOWERS

All V/ork Gunrnnteprt

507 Franklin Ave.

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church

I Haw- - Kav,: Kofeart L. tla«al, f*rt*r ■ Mattndy Thursday tervice.Easter Servies* of worship at



MARALDOTile ond Ta>roro Çô. , jS f e

Industrial - Commercial Rtsidentidf * Repairing

■ --42- -U^ion - Avenue NQrttt .7-3021

TREE SERVICE.WE ISCHE DENS TRJESERVICE Ih- .. «úred. Telephone NO ■7-0965.'' '



from fto r1 stools, choifs, p Íjo■new seats and 'bocks ò/ài(t'b lè. 5S4 Essex. Street, 4odi, off ftt. 17 by Modellivi CgTt 46Q7; ~ • TÉ

. CUSTOM MAL>ê j(ipcövers, $V9 -—- *ofo or ‘2,-. choirs; reupholstering

$39. Coll 991 «-,4646,. . 4-29

VACATION HOMES• OfLTLEY -BEACH 'N .J. Thre/i bed- . Toom furnished bungolows. ■ Ocean front, private beach with life guord.. W eek, month ■pr season. Coif PL .9 .-8888 days, NO 7*3449 ’nights.8rl6

WANTED TO BUYDO YOU HAVE aid gold iewelru

yot, nò longdt use? W« buy gold, I, platinum, diamonds, denta I bridge-

work, etc. I an* Jewelers ( a t the Center) NOrth ,7 - 4 4 6 6 .______■ - f

W a n t e d sére'"1-Any-eônditionvr€osh' ■potdT'porttiWes' ..and. 19. qpd 23 in. sets,’ some 2*1 In-,- sets. 743-6631 — Bloomfield, 9 to 10 A/M. — 12 to 1 P .M r— 6 to ' 10' P.M: 4 -2 2

■ A. ". * p j AJstP- i ' ''¿iri----»mol t -4ÍÍxe.- P fec se- ~cc IP- MArk et-•'*-859?, ■ '4-29

PageantBiography of Cbrlal/ parenti attending U

entitled; Child' care

m. service.

Belleville Reformed Church

^Mehi and Rut««** ftrssts | « v TlieiML T«e He*vi, Pattar

Ea s te r■ ■ ; Tessiaia 'w öntss' ,'Kfe'W‘'ö triSiw8's day from'4 to 6 and fram.-7:30

w im ifrw arir-gnw B ar’R a i ^r<wm, Good Friday .(UnioOIl. end even*. Ills Jfiaster- Vtgfi SëîYlèê Will 11; p.TO.;. with: the

fe S U R \AChurch, Harrison, 7rl» lues. blessing Of the Eh*, l i f t in g Of EisUi^lÄndsy, Sunday School 9:45 a an. =Á%'iii'Tri,i ¡" "ft;: «

Combined^prograbn for prim àri through P ® S ^a l .CaM ft, M e & J f tg ^adult citases will hear Miss jauth .clarity 1 baptismal’’ water "and -• foitt- A

Stilami High Mass w®. "be cele­brated’ at midnight; "

Bible Christianrepresentative Union.. 'Wokshifb, l l a.m. Choir ugder directionof Edward Height, J f „ will; present .„ _» ,. , _ ,cantata: “The Glory of Easter” 'hy Join* MaSSCS ull JSa&teT .SliftoaX .WlE

be hourly t from 6.aror. until 12 WmihipTiT'• .m. rioon Jfi the cRunSt arkT -aj’9:05 •thi seswmoH»* and, 10:05 a. m> In „the snhool

heme”, " - chairman John Riohwine. flhdrlhrvHflfimSunday Evenfej. Evangelistic Service, a i™ ° V Um*,'

Sfihg deader: A to Rueach.. S J. ANTHONY'S R. C. CHURCH rHoly;"' Hursday to


Monday#? Young .‘'Resurrection'*

Hulme, chiffdi organist.Soloists will be Pamela Coon,

singing. “Alleluia,’* Mozart, ¿t

9 a. m. In aie chanrh sanotuary. A pagéant will be ^resènted en­titled, ‘jftje Biography 0,f Christ!”

L3Ü,. and; Mts«. Hudi-lMPie. »«i« *»» GRACE BAPTIST CHUKTM■ ■ '6race Baptist-ISiiKE mÜ^TOÎT a Compiituon Service ¿ toundy

Çhi'. (j ksd Í’riáaYi, ròsrobers o( Graçe ÇtîtrrçH will papiáioS>¿tÉ,ln

mg, '1 Know That My Redeem­er Iiveth,' Handel, at 11. For "55th services Mrs. 'HtilMe’s {JfC- lude and (K>stlude wiM be "Alle'- grò.. From ; Concerto 8,” Handel,end-^Tpanfare In A -Major," 'ffit- VhlBh ' .CoRprintwaity' S>rt4aw.roan. . [Few5itdtii .. Ob,uiroh. :i. ;;

'MONTGOMERY . .] Easte” Sunday m ining, roem-p r e s » y t e r i An c h u r c h . 4betk'

l At Montgomery 'Presbyterian ¡Sjjjjrise Servicè at Blanch "Brixà: <3wrchs Maimdy . Thursday eve- Eark at 5:30 a.m.’ At . the moni* nlrvg at 8, o'clock, a Holy Coro- ing worship at ,11 aro., the'p^s-munion Sendee Will be held, fol­lowed by- the reception of. new roettlbers; The* seirfbrTdhoir .' Will sing ' ‘‘.Surely ” from HancfeT.s “Hie Messiah” ; A story - ser-

tor; the Rev). John. W.- A. . Màlr, will t^ y e , for, his. sermon topic,’ “News Or Nonsense;.''’'CHRIST „EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Maun.dy>'rivik‘sday,. a Holy Co{Q- E ljfc ’ IjoM .at

which/- Wit td 'iiy...... _ . 1_rfir.sionâry Prayer *Fetk»wihip monthly meetr ing, 7:30 iii church. Thursday, .prayer

Grace Baptist Church

Fawsmtth ., PratbyteriaiEaster ‘moiijing. participatingfiera ment of the Lerd'a Supper observed

Eaftipi:: &mday, • Easter èatm gervlce, _______ ___________•3,0, ; a.m,.; breahiaat foUo,ws. . :Church -i Parit. Sunday School. 5,;4A a-m

class, 10 a.m. ih r w iship,: 11 a.m. • Easter s< Worship at. H aim. with message:. The Ppstor, f<Nôws Or Ñpnspnse/”„ . . . - . ... i*-..peHwal«|p,. apru à», women's uuiiq ine«*s at homi........... . " ■of Mrs. R. ‘Eraak*. SJ. Church Sireet!NuUey, • » p mv

Boy Scouts,

month Anthony s uhurch wil be cele brated at 8 a. in.jand 8:30'p.

7:30 p. a . Confessions ..Willheard from 3 until 4:30 pro. . Easter Swday momjng.at.9:30 preach a-t,sp^iaI.devoaoas. (3i(K*l

Or. Good. Friday, -the- S o l e m n ! . ? , e' ^ s I ai 8 **««IJ.turgical. and Com-mumon serv­ice will be held at 3 pjtn,7.Con- fesMons from 7:30 unm 9 p; on Good Friday and from 3 ^pTffiT^dniy’onpttBrday. g

begin at 11 p, m„on Holy Sat- H M ,>erv^ fof . ^ . ! . ; 5 ? ^S ' with the blessing $ S P R B ^

the Eiuitet, -blessing of the bap

. mon,. “The Last' Supper” will be mtjpfon service :ei-iÉE^SÍ,’l?«]ífeírrt §- ß lSl 5,i. íf^v-J.Eplocopai .Church at 8 pro Theffl^w SnÍT M y“ 'Jr ” ' ’ "HWn* ,7V-*iNw p >Wl

will be heid with the Ball Choir will Be _evemhg prater, . Ante p^yifll and the' Senior " Olidirj Communion and Se-tSaMis.’’ ::I singing the "HaJleiujah! '1 chorus]' On Easter Sthtday;'secyices j 6f

“ frwn “Tbe Messiah” by- RandeLLHoly Conpnuhion' With Senhota Meifsage by .Pastor Bay, “living will be Mid at 7i. 9 and ill ¿in,;

'-Nsî-jCreatiori..!’’ Breakfast

No m a tte r w hat you've been offered

514 Washington Ave.. BELLEVILLEOpeo E venings, Wed. ’til 6. Cloned Sondar*—P L 9-42M


: 'Passover servicès w üThe Saia »r'CMgrepfio’rrAhavyfK^AOT

lewsmith Memorial

.r- - l | ip AvditMs «Kg UMIs StfMt Rsv. 6««r«é L Vi* U hvh , I h In

Sunday, Church School, B*.30 a.m. Classes through

Christ Episcopal ChurchJ 95 Washington >.*• núa Rav. Erad Lang, tactor ' ' A

Wsdnesday, 10 a.m., Rply Commo.iloc id Intere «Míen and Healing Servici, flastfay. 7îJ0 _.a^n., Rony Connnnuioa 13 s.m., Family Service and Church Bhaol. U a.m, Monüag Prayer aad Sar­

ti smal water and-font, and s^- choir* AfSrtfiw, woBiiin’ BjHhday suppari jerïMi peiiewRl. oT bapSsTuM prom 6 p.tt, at„ church. ..■

Ilses. A Soîeron-.High Mass .will be

....j jiilL tu__ i _ ......... i'1liirnfVnVÉi‘'llir làiffti .ilio , Ä % Ä - ¿ ; s. 10- and 11 a. tn. and at 12

L it ., Worship service.

Montgomery Presbvterlan Church

Cong. Ahavath Achim


7ARARTMfcN I to r à „àauits, two b«<F" rooms-, N utl*y ,or Bditvlll« area.

T o IT 'T O ’ T -O 06ü;:oT.'affar 5 TM7 9 -3 4 5 5 . r ' f ; - - 4 -2 9


PAIRED “j - «l.c.tricOl, clock»,-and lom pyC pIl „for -g r id - -O f!E 8 ,li’';rL'

Moyerii '2 9 ;M lrfx Av*i4.*Sétl'«vfIle, _ . tf.

19 YEAR OLD COLLEGE sfuÒ E N T — Idbking for summer employ-

-m erttr-W lll fry anything —?. offre». *tofe, • delivery, etc. RledSe phone 6 6 7 -8 3 4 4 eyinlngi, TFYOUNG- LADY desire^ ' IrWilrig 'In

h e r own home... Experienced. Coll offer : 8 A.m. 667•'0476; '~. ' LIGHT HAULING, . evening» ^ -^w eSK Bi® ; ' RefriiJmrtOTSpWosfiersy- Itoves, -etc. Reasonable raWs. Will

:"6S7 -B3V4V — 1,111 *4 4 *4 -1 » b a b y ‘s j r t 8 c S i ! ¥ E j ® ? * i ■ xs.fr. o % r.7 ; 'p .m . 483-1998 . L-' -

MATURE W OMAN will boby ;s it fo r working mother in my home.

Coll 7 5 9 . 4 2 1 8 . _____________’ '' U B t t MOTICE' "iv ' T . . ' D tirfi Msreh Ji 196*

r ,.,i. Of MARION W., RICH- DSON,*rursu.nt le . the pfiei ai JAMRS U,

ABRAMS. Surró*»l» ai ih . C9BTO. <* Ò m , LhU d.y m .d. on th. appucauon *f th . Qn<Wr.tìiiea. .’Exeefttor m 'gala -ae- c i u d , i* hereby given to Ine«realtor. ,to( Mid dechaMd to exhibit to the wb»erib.r, Amdér .»th or ampnattoa. their cr.lmv ,»6 dem.pd* - again« to« catato ol «aid deceaied withbl |lx ffiontb.

V ' . JOHN fe R-ÍCHAROSON.R ÏY * JARDXKK, Attorney«.ymend Commerce Butldtog Co m m et ce > Çtreét

AO éiëîv Htwernoh ‘j pi fcrtQ T158 NOTICE^

; 'V25;; A«ada.»vy -;-$traa*- — - RahM Vietar Cohan

ri-idsy. Lighting of candlas at sondowt irvicas st 1:30 P.M. Ohag Sbabbat a If30 P.M. - ' v ' - "

Saturday. Sarvloss at 4f A.M , Jr, Cm..nArli- togftaday,. !.■»

r . E , Iftla Study; 0 A.M., Breakfast

Gospel Tabernacle Of The Christian And

Missionary AllianceUnlaa and Haacax Avaawat, Natlay

■. Say. Claranca Hafar> Fattor ~ Friday* .Ymim Planning Cómmissioi

tapper,' py pastor.Easter Sunday, 0:30 and

ihipajj-SecvicesI Bell Choir playing and tanlor Choir singing, "HaUgluJah” chorus pom “The Messiah.” Message by pastorBreakfast SCryed fhr. those making rea-

I advance, following Community Branch Brook Bark.

in B ra n ch B rook P a rk . ........• l a i ' M la w s : F r id a y .. A p ri l -18,WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH | , , m. end- 6;.15 iJ,m. Sato«lay, 9

A Holy Oorjirfiunion SeryKe wilil ». m, and 6:45 p;m. -Sunday,,’? be held Maundy Thursday at 8 a. m. and 0:30 p. m, pro, at'Wesley Méttrodisf Church.r Thursday, Aprii 22, 6:16 p. m. The A nthem , ‘0 Saered Feast!'-,4i5nday—9“ a m and 8 30 p ro.

Wifflam L. Dike, pastor.Good ■ Friday Union Service,

nooa-to 3 pro. . with ministers of BeUeville OMirches paj-fclckiatirig', each ^.ving meditation on one ofThe Seven Last Word«". week b.àsic training. He has beenEaster Sunday services will bé Bome on a 14 day jurlough, and

Church, Washington Avenue and ^ ^ ^ E T 4 7 ?A c d « ^ street., t ™ , n ™ t o t * ™ » ' * » • b e - - b e

soul then*1* and entertihg a School for; 1 {Gommunteations. He iythe son of

Heckel S tre e t. L ots of .L u c k P a t

noon, arid in the' ebapei at 9, and 11:0 a. ni. ' a.-td nocm.

COMMUNITY SE R V IC E S • Good frjday services, sponsor­ed-- by BeHevfile CótaM , of Christian Cburohes, will bé eon-, dueled at Wesl^f Methodistlw . H#war4 B, 0bf , Jr., Paitar

- Warren Tiller, Ohelr Dlrcctar*,**4,* % IAfadaobg- Street, from 12 nepn t|l

ramúxn. stdö1 .00 "Tb. L»« 3 pro, Hie. theme for the medi

Pvt, Patrick .Giordano of 177 HeckN Street, 'stationed ..at-Fori Dix, has completed.. hö., ;tigbt;


£tanrtita'> Servici

Second Baptist Church

nd -Man’s.. SaTvatibn1Wo, i tations to- be led by t o e r o e ^ s | ^ 0fshiP; ‘HPral,e„ '% I

of tbe ndnistenum of the o o u n - |^ r; Mr. and Mrs, B enny^dangvof"He was despised,” Mrs, Hetty

Council - sponsored Easter s u n - l ^ ™ ^ *110,, rise setvfcbs «ill be conducted in “ * 5 ^ _ is theBranch Brook Park at: 5:30 Rro.m ^ . »«V n * *nd Hon-

¡W -sp eak er Wi0-l5g''"tt5e. Revi+Qr— & Service: and; Wesley James- SgoKh pastor of Bdtbany

CM vrBl be “The, Seven From Tbe Cross.” . '

Silver Lake Baptist Church

"«iffi’iriyrFranklin Street.I. '' Pete« le, Pe it or

r.W.ar*rBWr’"9ch«rticwínr Morning Worahip Sen

Baptist Gtaureh .in 'Newark. ' The location; o f1 the. services win be adjacent: to the Third River -bridge.— approximately one


CHURCHThe Sacrament of the Lord’s

Supper will, be observed i t thequarter mile-west of the Mill-andtGood wcrrshlP , «rvNe u>-Union intersection. el* l ing’ f l J . pf ' at

In the event of inclement ^ .o ro e d ch3m h ..Theweather, the services. ttg'U b e K , , , ™ 31. »“? • Z k M * held at Montgome^ P re s b y te r U n l!^ \ nd "* • Seventh Word, eburdbr-iocated-wesA-of-F-Panltlin ' i ” *“Father, Into Thy Hands I com-'

WTrogilt« 9- undcraigne<S, Ed

laf oath ot 3affirw*- I demands against the led within six months


KEENAN A ÏTNCH, Attorney*, 7- Tappa»! Avenue


;r ' : •AccPODfoot/ cost - Andytio^l ^hemrst Asst, to Credit Mpr. Cjk-typ«; SHjp. C)«pt Display Asst Of* Helper -fmt 4e-'-€eLleetten--Gle rk

, Qffice type-LE. .Xime Motion f. Prod,tobrr^echT^aalr-Gontrd!...Math&c * Egtlmptor * *

ft &. 0 -Eheftpst ?. +(]Soles,_Jns._F.ee Paid, ‘Soiyyx'ftB’toil—n

, m ,100 M

' ' 7P ** 75.



600-TO^pSales Mgrv Hardware ,12;000^ftSalsg, ñtlé ftp?, f/t; p /t 1.75+Töljgrg; exp. ' 75Type; Sales -Oept. 400P/T M-to Th. Cashier

4-10 PM- : ' ' - * 1 50

■Ciôfk " • - I 5OTgjrng,*'ElgGMgql Plgrtf__r

. Mg’fr1. -UbI-PuSX^..i Bfipfl. $ ID D ept.Assf. Supervisor A^âerobly Fordrnprt Asst, /MpInCu. Foremott Qc^tiiiStl6w Lpbdr&r -Color M otchèr;- pain ts. , CökhiAr-Pprk Attend.• „P/T; P / t •

Chs. •Oper,' Trnee,, rodiote Driver/ r o t a t e ' 'Detective Trrtfi«/ s to re 'Impéctór, ■■ electronics--- Madhînè Oper, Trnée.PîâÂ’f"Mcàlh'fi Engr. ^ e f r t ^ M&tpMsaveHift—

T railer D ri/er .• 1 ’' ^ ■Woodworking Faremo h W arehousing' Stipvár: ~ W erehoùsem aa-ör.- Mö t*Welder, _‘ ¿ ___

HegaFlte1-T-"— ~

:SMkfeéfPerw'fyp^:0 [ k , - t y p ) é t /'Clerk; hcriyp*"'“'. "Còshfef4*lite typ*KeypunchLegal Seçy. Trneg; no j

'•^ ^ ^S R ‘“ícw ctw nP C ei'teúlo^r:"T5; NCR -3L100 Operator — ‘ 65Qa® 0 a l 0#lce> type . .90Phone y-4- typing Ê 10-

------- :— — a s .

120s®1-3 0-

2.75 ¿gwt -50 : » 2.59 i 602rQ0- 2.00

• 10,000 - - ÏSQ- r 9ü V ido

H I 7800'.

X•'‘7.50--1 ,64. i -90-



Purcuant to the AB3RAMS, SurrQga.Ewe»*

of°l«a*d deceased tt> exhibit tó •r oath or affirmation, demand« afainel the ited within aix month«

dan rlirrfs LUME ájrt E A U , Atthfttey« Commerce street* '

Secy, ^oi-Fri,Stóy, Retail Director....Secy. Medidal; no stent S teno-typist.T eller, exp.W aitress 6 A M -2 T M P /T o r F /T Field Spies

Rep: - • • ., P /T Receptionist V-4 P. P /T Stenp-tvolst TfgQag PM

Ronald PiperEmployment Agency


WY 8-7 9 0 0•EpÈN ÿklbAV UMtlL 1 .RÖA.

SI. Anthony R. C. Church

Avenue n MRl Street. - 'S IL V E R X A 'K E ' BAPTIST CHURCH

Maundy Thursday, a Holy Com munltm Service- will be held aj S»RerT3Ke^S?YTiir'CiWifx^ al 74-45- aro ... Qn, .G ^l-F ridav (he'J

Perpetual' Noven. end Devottou, to O u r l ^ ^ w ffl.b e ' Open lOr WOTbhip Lady of the Miraculous Medal and St, from DOOn UDtll 3 p,m. Slides on

"Tbe Orucifiyion” will be shown at 8 pro. ,

Mli.M»J*)n~churehJ“et'' 1 Mute than~T<IO~ are expec ted"to~

Anthony,FHdmy, Masses

Saturday, Masses

mend My SpirS ,-■■Boster ©awn ~Serv4cr"-wffl“ be held it 6:30 a.m. at the church, followed by breakfast. At the 11 a m. service, the »»tor. the Rev. TTeoriui Teti-Haeve, will preach

The Resurrection IJfe”. The choir will-stag,' W w -Jr-U lirist ¡RIaenv and ’-Sing Alleluias."


U kt. ihee. Maundy Thursday-Holy-<children's Msss),

Bapliim, 9he p.ft Monday, Tuesday

Maises at 7. 7:30 am. Wednesday,

St. Peter’s ChurchThursday, 6:äö» 7iî .m High School B Friday, Masse« at

n o'cieck- attend tbe 45th ahnual Sunrise C«nmunwn .»«rvice at Bethanyri.nr.ni—I : ■■ - ■' • li-.i . . il)n,.T ..................... i—1,iI.i .ii Tili.| Service Bastef Sunday morning a{ 6:30 o’clock in tbe church gar- drgn.'BreaWast wIirbe selved- in We parSbr.age foSDwirtg tiK SSP vice,; At I T a . in ; ,- a Worship Serv ice will be held in 'the' ohurcb with]

:Evrtgrik7dJLatt*Rtn Cbttrelr.'Btrtf chti.r «€! .sihg. ‘“ibis Is My Ccon-h K H ^ e ftfc “ -. -■ : ■' J - ~ —- Eaeirr Services of Worship wi tl be «riiSa.aM I t . a.m. Hie Holy Com munion w ill be celebrated

_ by the" Rev. Robert L. Segel end ev* trie pastor, M ’ 7 :Bbr«detto] » « ^ r> ^

Pagcale, preaching on VResurreo-j iate!ts; fo2dtrin« -the 6:30 a.m. i m £P& SbfflialSh!" ttie pro -¡service the Chtrob Ctwneil trill

_ gram ofro tiale will Inoktde: “Thej? ^ awi ^ ffl-Busier Bpg aa» j ;i&aB» I Ht«y Ctty",' Adana; SicStir EMof,~

nyMiT'“1'* C**‘' 3 >’p>~ [vdtto inddentai aolos, Rcae Ger- , V:30 eld t:<n *•«"• ' | ace and Carmine I)eCep<®i- ‘"lie B#! 7!tt”end T Km! toSi

■ale awl- JtJniOf’' CriMrs.'1 ”Jc^ Dawned Again oa Easter Day!’, Bitgood, combbed chbifs; soprano- sdibr Alba Brutietto ac­companying herself on the harp.

The cirdinance of Baptism ffUl-bb; adiWaistered. ■ ’

V«eu.i““ n *Va-1 FEWSMlTH MEMORIAL '"“the^tolto^a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH jid.y, Apm w. Holy. Comrounlon services will.* , m' ~ — '- ¡be eendueted at. Few&mitiy-Me-

‘m rhemorial" Presbyterian; CNircll:e) will be rarflMMloSy ThwTsdSy 'St S'.pfift. Th?

tMBti»' .'wtn speak • on the-last , Ward Erorn the •Crosa, . "The

Siy“ “'SnSaturday »*

ofclock MM» Sunday School

Temple B'nai Israelt n Cantrir Itffft» Niifloy

Robb. Hymon Dornig 'v Mörit Avirom, Canfor


TEMPLE MEMORAN► On Friday, union services spon- sored by the Belleville Copncil of Christian S u re ties wOi be- cqn~ -"

m hoot Bioomtteia - dbc*fkh ' MetiwcBst-, aobbi Nothon h. 44» QtuToh) from 12 noon to.3 pro.'

isoveV^fe\etopieme»itowsi ;TSlw fiIh».' Qood Friday'wffl.be’held atFew-

..S*MUm‘»|smith Churoh Good. Friday eve-.■'Four 8oo»-Slxty tiv. Vereton". | frOTO 8 td 8, • with' eScfi ¿ f

I„ ^ f .TenSto member, »«a tieir m eTffiei pastors bringng a.ten- rofcute roediijtioji on a portion of thfl hyrnn "Affilwn T c.ir-vpy thp

HallSpecial music by- (lie choir -will

loclud«; 'lAikitikv Christ Is Ris-idS'.*'' 'ttMd~ ""RIB" '¿tone ’ is “Rolled' Away.“' Trumpet accompaniment by Miss Gharry MdMirvis.

A special Sunday Church School Epater program will be held at

Seder service

childrens selected from thoae attendi ga

seder aeMceongregation. Durnig the he story of the exodua

Wesley Methodist ChurchrrésTií'11*vMMtty w

Holy Ctammuoiòn Sendee/ Maundy Thursday, * p.m. Maditstloh hy t paater. Good Friday« Union Service, noon to 3 p.ni, at Wosl r. Church, I p.m, tatFfWimith Church. .....

Easter Sunday service* 3:30 and 11

Weatey Chotos

Wondrous Cross..'Serv ices of E as te r w orsh ip will

be conducted at the church at 9:30 and ll a- m. The church's Ibhation Is at Union‘Avenue "and Litde street.. Pastor George. L, Van Leuven WlB • Speak at both Services ?§& . the .topic,, “Eartert Good News in..More Ways Than One." . - * ' ‘ ‘ , *"

Tltel.chtBydi’s' junior dioir will sing a t 9 : 30 , ‘.'Poilsh - Easter G aw,’* arr. by cildwedi, ancT dtCliii»<r ,-th»' 'tjonf- is jiJRisen,”. Haydn ,*• Brahms. -’Die chancel choir will sing at 11 a.m., ”0 R«joica..Va OiCistiane Loudly.” Bach,’ and “Blow ¡GolderLTruinp- eta» Effiy,” VriM; ¥o!ii ebpira are rtfflar :'irie‘ OnoEUtt. tjf-'.HWW "L.

C iN T iA L CADILLAC Headquarter* for Pine*» Uted C art

Thinks to Canttal Cadillac’!record-breaking seiet of 1964Cadillacs, right now ' fondeandiWff frew ' Wtw...Troey-ilargest selection of lile-niodet Cadillacs end other fine used Cars,- Es-ery car is expanly re­conditioned snd fully guaran­teed by Centre! Cadillac. See Paul Monaco; ’ Central Cadil­lac. Sales Pepresentetivk, h i the used **f. bur of your life!

America's Leading ' CadfWar-Bmflrr —.

360 C«v»frol Av«., Ntwork MA 42264 J

U M I O t H

Home for Funerals*

,503 Union Ave,, Belleville

H. A. Londolfi, Jr. -----Mgrr

3 5 9 7 6 0 0Ampi# Parkins^ Air Conditioning

Diÿtiim Funeral Servite

AVÄIUIUETO AU pf tiBiM rss hr ngiMcm“ ciwümstaU s ^





M W M Ha c c u i f s


W a d o w o r t h f u n e r a l


984 Union Avonuo .

FLymouNi « -M T 9 '


For mor# dun fifty ymurs It luta boon o v privflcgo to rondar paraonal aarriaa and off or friendly tanooal to baraovad faaUMoa, Oar oarriea in per*

fonaad with revaranoa and dtaoity and ia ilwBya ..withfc tka uasna af afl....H

27« Washingisn Ave. - BalaviUe, NJ,-FLyaaoudi » 1U4

T. Irvino Jr.

How do wo msko lightning "bounce off” to givo you more dependable electric service? Ughtrtlng play* a rougfiTtSugfi gami, Ts prottct^yowr— aupply of alactricity against th« damage that could be caused by even a tingle bolt, we have Installed aboi t

■ 300,000 Ughtnlhg erresters throughout our system:4n 1964-alon«. w*4nital)ed «pproy«ffiitejy 20*0001 nlrtg arresters at a cost Of nearly one-half million dollars .Rteaarch,-arten»iva studies shd continual reviesw'of new matarlals art constantly carried on to strengthen ourjrieetrle syatem against dantgge by lightning. It is ona mora rtason why your supply of electrlclty ia so dependable and why you ein —Livi Batter.. . Electrically!

^ PU B LIC o a n v i c o i L i c t r i c a n d o a o c o M P A N y /T n p .y in , Serventofs

Th e Belleville T im e s-N éw i, Thuhtday, A p ril i ? ^ 1965,r--T5

mm* 11—HeartmobileW i s î f l î ô r e d "

H fe a ttao M le .1 a a ^xhitHi-an- -1i#ìéds,- « « i - > s p m i 9 O T ^ ^ i ^ l t e 'r B s - sex County Henri 'Association, will visit TteffëvDIé April !9 to ’ ' ............ located in front

»MfiîfcWkiiS,■"Mays. It will'6$ ioca-tf

A P. !&.;•’.’Fwïïm * SJwppl « p a ?

. The HeartßidBite%■«& *» INPI u ffaftgFYVIffKim^ nt-Jitid-.;- piays- and-exhibits-«! heart care jjjiEd-.rese^fçh. :I t ' wÜJ- :be--ópea- ; from lO a.m. to 4 pJjt. iäÖy ex­

cept' Surlday.; Admüalpis is free rani timore w$ ^,-^-.8o][jeitation -Lof .Juiidiii--->ffit jar r^M.hte'1 -'After its. _ -visit tft BffltfyfB.;' firn» Kaartrna- : bffe will ibe^eSIld IpNitüey: '

YürfëyT iiîn s!

A&P Cranberry Sauce 5. «». 99‘

FO R S U C H F W E G IFT S !Lgatmmm<£ s ^ h m m p b h p h h h r h h m r w

' “ Supér-Rigfit’* Qualify—N O 'WATER ADDED, F O L L Y COOKE# U S . GOVERNMENT INSPECTED . ..

W u l i f T p I e eOrganization of fi. J.

FRESH FOWLKatfîiïnnë

secfe i

Orange Juice Sponge Cake Wins for Specialist in Baking

®5day% Copk -;pf -, thè - Week ■ vain^iïàtisïisd-' sponge cakes-she had tried. Her

• search for a satisfactory recipe led to an old recipe to’ which •she added her OWa fcresttti ffiliftg,'

The recipe Mrs. Emanpei Ren- -ga" of ¿-ÆimiitsfepÿiecL'Safeeti discovered, unlike most sponge cake refeipes ‘whieli ' isn 't roaS? for liquid - or shortening, adds orange

ap iini^ fa 'dymoist cake.

The 'winner who likes to col­lect!'new recipes and share them wlifi friends, has had - many ré-

' quests fprtoday’s recipe -over the past tèn years, — —

Mrs. Retiga bowls in the

Branch Brook Lanes and is a member of the Belleville Social­ites- Club, She-also enjoys danc-

flSnCBS fit.wb|ctj her daughter Mary Anfir

■-18; .p lays- ■a e qoMBn-rv ^ -arth gee»’ piece combo, the Videos. .

Mrs. Senga, a native of New-, ark-j;-has;'resfdéd in; BeSevrhffor .18 years. Other members of her family are son Wayne, 16; her husband, who is, a tcxjmaker at t!T fa ISIuttey,. and her 80 ,year-

, o5»5ffiel,'The wincing recipe follows;

ORANGE SPONGE CAKE 114 cup sifted -sake flour

• 114-cup-sugar • ......5 . eggs - s e p a r a t e d . ;Juice of one orange1 teaspoon::; baldng powder " ,

"-•"-Siea(. ¿ggtyjlks. A3à"éü^*r¥ri3-


beat until smooth, add : orange [iiiibe. Mix weSTiAidcfilbur and raaldng-^ 'have -beensifted three, times)., Fojd in egg whites. ■

| -Jbffi nifio •.Ijlph.-iayei'[pans lined with waxed paper, 1 p7Bafee:naiT"8S6: degrees fori -20- minutes. Hut togetlie • with cream Hlling. .I CREAM RILLING 3’ egg'ijo ’[kg 3 tablespoons sugar .

|. Beat well. Add three table- fspoons, edmetaret. ■. Beat until

milk, 8, teaspoons vanffia. Cook ton-- top ofc stove until iHckenedv' ©o- nsrifeml,; >. ■ ’.

Women's GOP Club Dessert-Bridge, Sef -_ _

Tim , annus! Spring neekatt. Cïrd " Ràrty T)f thè Essex County Women’s Republican Club .will be heüWednàadaK Abrill28 at 12:3d1 pjnx at the Women’s dub of Glen Ridge, Ridgewood Avenue andSnowden ■Plaoe,-- ——• -Thlr ahniiar'card -party is the fnajor -Iimd- raising, event, of the County - Club, Prneeeds^are used by the women in their campaign activities in behalf of all Repub“’ Scan,candidates.;,.—Mrs. Agbio- W. .MàgèS^ft |fut- ley is - chairman • of hostesses. Éfckdià- fljpy-'tHl'-Piiniffflfijd frynb

T Rudi yjjfrprlfiij^B,gqrjiçry Hacg BéÜ’evdle. *

_ r libra ry °ro close

.mitfed ln contest. They may be .&u „^ay. .Q<>od. Fn-for hors d’oeuvres,-soups, salqtìs, ¿&y ^ Saturday, April 16 and meat, or fish dishes, vetetaplcsri casseroles, . desserts, foreign ori

. American delicacies,■ Recipes t hat do not . win the | week, they are supmitigd will- be .cwteidferod .in subsequent, weeks’-

’ contests. '• A contestant may submit more '^^('one.' - - •».*•' <’— Kmore ilw. ose contedtani thè ode i wi.th. the eariieàt;ppStmakr,wiïï bê I file winner... In the case^Of eifteies -suhtìttted in person at The Times-!Keys Officfl thft dqte will be noted on recipe when it] is received, J_ ' mrj

- ..Onp. an^-îei? O.” !I ha rhnsm eB f¥ |week ■ a :ÿ . .Will receive a check i fw îi. The-winning recipe wilt*

' "b'5“pUS!iihed each WS5k. ilt thè. I Tirhes-News.: Ihtries-mudfe he typewritten or I

. written iégüïÿ."and'’ mailed ' orj

News Recipe Contest Editor, 246.Washington Avenue, Belleville,

• .,;Mgmbers of- The Times-News SUPPORT, PROTECTION, FATIGUE, steif 'or: memos^ i« them im-lv • ' ■ * PREGNANCY--

^JtulMZifyBlockGfFine Used Car ValuesAre you in the market fot a fin# late model used car?' YoEtt f-ind ihe rl^bt c tra t s

-,-the . rig|rt- ptiec^in- Central— Cadillac's - complete city . block' Used Car Centet. As

.JiA m ericxV -L tad ing .C ad iL -..., fac dealer,” we get the best , cars in t Jiw _aœL.we Bait, them * tn- jike-nf-w condi­tion. See Gerald Carter,

“CefltTâb'Cïdithm-Mlesrirs^" ".presentatiVe, 1 tor a truly"

remarkable used car value.

—"-ÎAbipBÏ. MA .4-2264 'gAintrica’s Leading . ,

- CeidiïïiicDtaîti360 Cehtral 'yAye., Newark





■ mediate families- a re not pii gihTe.

rilMANIMT MAI« UMOVAL WWW <m * m K n *! M U M

Mm h w . WWUag hours4 yuur « M u W . % ' S r

Suud Hr f m U U W “ M" H é ^ i M p r M i l « . 1 -


We rent and self



Coll 7S9-2046 for torylc«

16—The Belleville Times-Newi, Thursday, April 15’, 1965


POT ROAST“Super-Right” Beef J L O c BONELESS CHUCK U T l h .


Brisket Beef st2 f 89«i O N I t i S S -»(MSKETh

Corned Beef “ S,“ *” M f S ‘ - * » eIBEFCHÜCIC—BONE-IN - *?

Cnlißm io Roast N0„ a ? ' ' ‘ 54* •q«M>.HiH« t nUsass^m ’osL

Butt ^ FuU J E W

Portion» : a * « J P M i W W - T A lf t a t ; ^

C O U N T R Y F A R M — W h « l* or Either H a lf


D I N N E R H A M S » < ^ 9 9 °H O R M EL’ S “ C U R E 8 1” B O N ELES S

B U F F E T H A M S Z ‘ 1 , 1 9—-— —— Ham Fikin’s!—-• -'i:.;---Domino Browmilated Sugar iV ,. 31« Air Page Whole Cloves 1 «.**.17* A&P Pineapple ChHRks 3 ' .^ 89*


S M O K E D H A M SS K IN LE S S , S H A N K LES S — Eith a r H a lf

S E M I - B O N E L E S S ham 7 9 ‘T O P 8 R A D E A M ER IC A N

C A N N E D H A M S ' 6 9 cPR EM IU M Q U A L IT Y — C A N N E D

S W I F T ’ S H A M S 4 2 7 9IM P O R T E D O A H R EO lit. eait 5 lb. can

U N O X H A M S 2 .9 9 4 .9 9

M E L - O - B I T S L IC E S

5 9 .Sharp AMarican j SW 1 S S , W H IT E o r - ar PlMaala

6 5 Ç KCOLORED AMERICAN*■efaurizad Pro«*.» (


EIGHT O'CLOCKB S 0 B I ; ■ S S 3 Q ■

¿ : 1 . 9 9Rich and Fu ll Badiad

R e d C ir c le ¿ 7 3 « t 2 0’

s r i ™ ^

— -msHvmsMi!—— L E G o f V E A L R U M P o f V E A L „ S 5 5 fB A A O T SHOULDER-BONELESS * A C * | ( V A 9 1 NONE PRICED HIGHER! '


Smoked Ham Steaks roa°sts lb 89* SmokedBeefT»ngues h59e

‘ , Italian Sausage Polish Sausage KIEUASA lb 65e Fresh Pork Butts BOSTON style1 » 55* Allgood Bacon ^ 2 1 99«

T O O l VKOpS4W »-B K ^SC E O ttU tq§qR 3E =

.Stawl##Vaal,î;-c’£ Æ & ' ‘ * i :Cube« Steak* - t-W *

Roasting ChickensRocfc Cornish Hens lb 49*

- - MM--------m. !.,. BONELESS

Save On This Holiday Selection! FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES! |

FRESH ASPARAGUS *171FRESH BROCCOLII Young.—Tender la rg ì ^ l f t C - 1



1 2 ° 4 9 c2 ^ 3 9 1I Apples

^ WHltenDnTo^m ’ X S r's Usual Low Price!


Ratuiir S” Size— I lb. D az.

D U T C H A P P L E P I E 4 9 * E A S T E R S T O L L E N ST 5 9 *En stn Pound Coke ¡¡£99* Hot Cross Buns ^ ’$'<” 39' l t a l l a n J r ^ ^ L 2 j ; ^ 4 9 c Snowflake Rolls 5t E 1 2 1,25c

Availabla In Moat AAP Super Mbrketa


assover Suggestions -—Reavler C Q o21b. ¡*1'” 1i M M M - a s a

WÒTH'ER'ì W ROKüAGH -|*iMàtzBB : 5^rmBorscht Fiaiber't orRolaieli J2 9 “H e r r i n g E i l l e t J ^ « 0 ^Goodman Matzo Moal 'lgb45' Diamond Walnuts— — ¿53*Sunsweot Prunes

D o n 't Forget Egg Coloring»!

LARGE EGGStJft-Ai.PBre Gaffe» .t-

A&P Instant CoffeeSh*wb*rfy. Blueberry, Appl»-Curr*itf or Ci.hll

Kellogg Pop-TortsC hdirC M b.'ebtow n^orGtBnWeB-AlmaBd

Nabisco Cookies Sunshine Vanilla Wafers pl|

— Frozen Food J ^

Grapefruit String Béans Pascal Colory Bananas nonepriged hisheri: Mushrooms


: " N ? .N E „ . O M C .PRI.pEb Hl©HfR|-.S'"^ blÓNE. PAICSETTiïrtr:Td |c_ .ÌU à t iE R I___„.Attili.

M e ■ ib. «ocPRICED HIGHER1 • '■ 'T


2 ' « « : 9 5 ‘Yukon Clifb;

! 1 . 1 5 Canned Soda wrievo« 3 12

j 9645e Jack Frosf Sugar 5

S U N N Y D R O O K Fresh White ^ 1 doz

Gride A 2 ' . £ 9 9 *

H W Jiipk9- “ 337«

Marvel Irà Cream i 9S *^ r- 59*Wonderfoil 2 ^

— Easter D airy Buys !-99e

Morton Cream Pies te le ’s Jufce 4 ^A&P 6r«de A Aoh sen 'Orange Juice 5 f» 99e 2 1^ 77 String B e a n s .x ^ i J Mixed Vegetables ^ 5 Brussels Sprouts


"Cölöred ïftW4n+G'Art»

Mel-0-BLtSlicràPt ; r d2 ‘; ; 4 9 eChdddar'Ohwe: ^ ^ S E ^Oottàrc Cheuse A*f Swfm 7 4bv u t i n g u U H U u e u ^ ^ Pjifru rlft'd1 ~

Ricotta Cheese S I ® 57#

T P — 3 ”


Dorann Candied YamsUpton Tea Bags 4 8 2 63"Danish Cookies cUlR 2 ¿ 89" Kraft Parkay Margarine ^3 3 ° Margarine


Hi-C Fruit Drinks 4 ' ^ 3 9 * French’s Mustard \?\V Gravy Master

B p W « K wokies *"72 ■Pillsbury Rolls

Pricai effective thru April 17th'1ft Su^er Markets apd Self-Service »tore* only in Northern New Jeriey, Orange and Rockland Count!*«.’ A ll Tobacco Products. Fresh Miik ancl Alcoholio

.Bevaxagea cxmspt frpm.Plaid Stamp offer, ” -

P — Fish V alu esi~ .Fresh Bay Scallops «■99"

White Shrimp 5!bt : ; „ ~~twFlounder Fillet ct 7 hn‘‘ ■ »WKing Crab Meat


W »Ooxsee Minced Clams j * r 3 5 "

--------Caster Candy. Treats! ? —

Jelly.Eggs ’ „ Z Œ MRahhit« . Worthmori4-MIIkCbo«l#te f/i 01.4Ca

WattlvfflSrllo rinSmrf ‘h t * 9 .Burnite Ä Ä n t “C . . . weilt«—Worthmoce—MilleÛfoL E K * /GflY.r»<lM*«hn,*|Iew •


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