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l ! r U M B E E ; 3 , 3 4 ; j . N E W A K K , J . . F l U U A Y . . J U L Y <>. 1 S ‘ ) 4 . n U C E T W O C E N T S .

First Edition,

mm IN coMOLThi Military a t Chicago Unable to

Cope W ith the Hoba


KlotlB( OaatlauMl All M |b t I , tl>. VI- elBlIr of the t ’sloii Stork VuiU •* Cbt- M4P>—Th. Troop. Admit tUInf Ckerk- B .tod , and Now Simply Waltlo* for BalBfo»oni.ntm-ImiTO Crowd. «oth.r- Ib i Alow* th . Trmik. A*wlw, m 4 Motw ▼lolcno. FMiwd-Tko SItawtIoa In O tk.r Fart* af th . Coaatrp.

Wayn, road, iwof. out warraoU for Um ar- rmt of A. Tracy, E. V. Doha and fteCrga W. Howard before Ju.tlo. Wallac* yeatrrday.

The roiuplefDt ehaifee the defendauU with coaiplracy to impede and olwtruct the buaineef of a railroad eompany without due procMH of law. Hayn .wean that Tracy li the man who auauitol him night before Uat near Thirty-tlriit atreet and tha Fort Wayne trarka. He auerti that Debe and Howard ware In the *-onHjilracy lohnre him a.'iauibel, he wae working for a railroail rompany, and a conapiracy to aaMiili him wa. a iMuapiracy to obatruct the buainwi of the railroail.


Cbicaoo, July e.—Wban daylight dawned thli momlng there waa andenoe of rlelenoe along tha (ttodk Yapda Company', traclia. ftwltobta bad baan torn np, nan tamed orer, nilroad bnildingi deetroyri and In wTeml plaeen freight oare broken into and thiir con- tanta •oattared along tba tracka. ;On Fortieth atreet tracke of the Lake Bhore Company half a d m n boieara had been oTartamed during the early hoari of tha morning and fhe road rompUtely blockaded. All night long aeatterlng nudit continued their rlotoua work of daatrojlng railroad proparty.

During the night titlrty-one ainmia of lire wmw lent into the Are depertinent in the Stookynrda diatrtoh hut owing to the prompt •etlon of the fireman and police the b ln » a m extingulabcd before any aeiiooa damage raaultad.

All waa qniet In the camp of the United Btatm troope a t Daxter Park dnriag tba night, and the eoldlara were aatir at an early hour today ready to reapond for duty at a tuomaot'. action.

At 6 o'clock thU morning a Weatem In­diana wracking train ataneif in dearing the tracka of tba fire canwhicli tnamob had O T artam ed a t the croaamg of the Lake Bhore Hoad at Fortiath alraat yertarday afternoon. The wracking craw were protected by a aquadof thirty policemen, who compelied the etriken to keep off the track.. At 8 dfcloek a crowd of nearly 1,000 determined mm end boyi commenced to gather at the Cirxwiiig.

Tha eranlB of yeaterday and tba incendiary Brea laat night haTe paralyied the manageri of tba Btociyard., and they are withont plan or purpon, knowing not which way to turn. The mobe along tbe railway track, naeiail nnblnderad and the united forcea of Pedernl troope and wiioe are powvlem tocback their adranoa. No attempt la being made to mn train. In or out of the yards, and the military admit, ttailf dmckmated at theonUeland OTarwIwImed by .upmrior numban. Erery- body in authority hare U tick at heart and diaoouragad and no way out of tbe difflcalty aiimi apparent.

“ We a n .imply waiting for more troope— theta all we can do," .aid a .took yard offliclal. “ Bo Car ae getting train, in or out t . conoemed, there wtmld be uo um ot doing It it we could until the blocknde on tbe mnlu Use le Ufted."

Wreckinf crew* ere a t work on the Weat- am Indiana tracks a t Fortieth itreet, but the thirty police who are guarding them will be utterly inadequate to withstand the on- alaoghs of tha mobs which are rapidly grow­ing largar all along the line.

nhortly after I t o'clock a mob of 8,000 men held up the milk train on the PltUburg and Fw t Wayne tracks a t Fortieth street and stoned the engineer and fireman. Chief O’NalU, with a equad of thirty policamen, charged the crowd with drawn reToiTtrs, but tbe mob only jeered and hooted, aud finally commenced to throw large stones at tbe cAoeri, The police then fired into the mob, and seTaral persons are reported fatally Inland.

aryor HopUns a t noon telsgisphad to Ooranor AItgeld asking him to oall out ftre ragimaata of £ho Btate niilltla la this dty.

Bt. Louis, July A.-~Uon. W. H. dopton. United States Attorney for the Eaetora Die- tiict of Ulseouri, this morning petitioned Judge Thayer, of tbe United States Circuit Court, to grant an omnibus injunrtldn aoTsring ssTenteen railways in this dty. Ur. ClD)iton aslu that the peraoDs named in the w nt prayed for be en­joined from entering Ite yards, statious or upon the rights of way of the railroad com­panies entering S t Loula for the pnrpow of gianariing tha eniploy« of the companies from penoruiing tbe duties which their pogitlon* denianiT The persuus named in the petition Include nearly ererr prouunont member ot the A. IL U, in this city and aleo includes Vice-President Howard and DUjsotor Elliott of that organiutlon.

'nw firemen on the Fiisco road went on strike this morning. Alt tralfiu 1. suspended i t Is believed they quit work in anticipation of the axmeted injunction ot Judge Tbayer.

Judge ITiaver took the petition under ad- Tisemsnt ana the Court took a recess until 1 P. U. I t la expaoted that the InjunctUm wiU be granted a t that hour.

CUTiLAHii, O., July 6.—The meeting of local railway men to consider the qumtlon of striking lastM until nearly daybreak this morning, and ended in a proo- tlcaUy unanimous decision to go out. Committees were sent to the various yards to inform the men of tbe action taken, and to notify them to quit work at 9 A. M. At that hour every man obeyed the order, and there is not a wheel turning in tbe Cleveland yards to-day. Passenger trains have not yet been lnte.iered with, and the strikers say they will be permitted to nin.

BaMuoraLD, IlL, Julytt,—Governor Alt- gald last night receive 1 a telegram from Mayor J. P. Hopkins, ot Chi- «agOk asking that the First Regl- mentt which u expected to go into camp at Camp Lincoln, near this cit.v, Bat- urday, be retained in Chicago and ordereil to raport a t tbeir armory, as they may be needed by him in twenty-fonr hours. In nply tbe Governor telegraphed Mayor Hop- kina;

" We will, of course, hold tbe First Uegl- ment in Chicago if it is needed, but nobody baa InUmaied heretofere that its services might bs wanted."

‘TbaGoranior also wired Brimuliar-Gen- aral H. A. Wheeler not to allow the men to lesTe tbe city. Laat eTening a t T o'clock the Oovernor, a t the request of United Btates •MaT.h.1 Srlnton, ordered Company B, of the Fifth Infantry, at Taylorvitla^ to raport to the Harsbal in this city to anlst In moving the Wabash mail trains that have baon lying in the depot since Monday. Tbe Manhel bae been powerless to con­trol the crowds. Finding it impos- slble to move tbe trams. Marshal Brinton droTB ovar to the Executive man- ilOB and laid the matter before the Governor, and Company B w » orderad to tbe city. The Bprlngfleld company b in Danville. Last evening two oonveutiee at Danville and two a t Decatur were relieved from duty.

Balt La m City, Joly0.~Five eompaniee ot ' United Btstec troope were ordered to Ogden last evening from Fort Douglass. Wtiliam Thornton, Company B. Umted Btatea Infantry, a t Fort liongloai, was stabbed on the street lost h t ^ died a few minutes afterward. The easamUi was arraeted,

Baokaiocnto, Cal., July e.--Tbe strikers still remain in complete poeiesslon here. It is confidaatly expected that It will ha neoee- sary to have United Btatee troop, itn t here. The itrlkers are now In possession of tbe depot. They have run all Pallman cars liaok up tha yards fif­teen or twenty blocks, and they wonld not pravant the oompany taking out a mall train as It stands made up with mall can and ordinary day coaches, but when they start an e ^ n u back into the yards to bring down a Pullman to attach to the train, even though the regulars were heye, It 1. thought that the strin rs wlU npt.ajtow, them to do it,'and In the event'U a oodUBh declare their strength Is such that they w l

dofea^ Marshal Baldwin de- n-,-, ...wb >^vertw9o wa*'^-eport that re-

' lafanieBiantahaid been telegrapbed for.I t la reported should national troops

. be called out a largs number of Nattonal Gaardsmen will m n their guns over to tbe itrlkars, A comnRttee of Farmers' Alliance called on Liadar Knox yraterday and said tha fisrmara ware willing and DgMared to g tn tha strikera all toe free baef and potatoaa, ahougb to laat tba strikine a year. Knoa said the men wen not aiarring yeh sad whan they needed assistance be would call ah tba farmera.


Jl ftTATEMKfrr rBOH nSHH.lie Bxplalti. the TanH of the ktrlke and

How I t Mar Ha Satllrd.Chicaqo, July 9.—Praslilont Deha last

night sent out the following stah>ment con- osrulng tbe strike ;

“ Tbs Pullman amployai, who struck Hay 9 last, did io entirely of their own accord. They simply revolted against a series of iltep- soated wrongs oI long standing and no power ouuld stay them. Tba charge that they were indaoed to strike by thstr ‘leaders' and labor agitators is wholly untnie. The fact is that the oflioers cd tbe American Kaitway Union used all their influence to pacify the employes and advised them repeatedly not to strike, but bear mtiently their grievancee until a psaceabie setuunant could ba effai'ted.

" Tbe employea from tbe beginniw have been willing to arbitrate their differences with tlie company. CommlttM aftor com­mittee waited upon the ufflclals of toe Pull­man Company with a vain hope of effecting a settlement. They were w&Ung to make concessions, to compromlee In the intereet ot peace. All tiielr advances were repelled. The e-ompaoy was, aud la unyielding as aila- maut. IHniulT, June 13, the delegatee of the American Holiiraylluion mrt In conven­tion a t Chicago. The 1*01111100 trouble had b m diacnim at their looal meetings.

“ Tbe grievances of tbe Pullman em­ployes wera taken Into oontideratlon. Two separate oonunitteee wera sent to tbe offl- clala Not the slightest satisfaction couhl be obtained. As slast rasort the delegatee by unanimous vote determined that nnlsee the Pullman Comnanj would agree to do justice to the employes within five days, ihs msnilieri of the onlv wonld decline to haul Pullman cart.

This action, be it well remembered, not taken until tbe etrike had been on six weeks, and everT ooQcslTab)B effort to obtain redress had failed, because of tbe obstinacy of Um company. Up to this point the trou­ble wae confined to the P a l l^ n Company and its emptoym. How, then, did the atrike extend to the rallwayil Let the answer be given in accordance srith tbe facto. Thcday Before the order of the delegatee declining to haul Pullman cars went into effect, the Gan- eral Managers' Anocletlou, representing the prmcipal Western ratlways, met and passed a series of resolutions, declariiu in substance that tbey would uphold the Pullniau Com- pany in its fight upon the employea and tbey would haul Pullman can and that they would stand together in crushing out the American Railway Union.

“ It will thus be seen that the railway emnpania vlrtuatly joined foroaa with tbe Pullman Company—went into partnership sritb them, so to speak, to reduce and defeat tbeir balf-atarveil eniployet. In this way the trouble wax extended from line to line and from syiteoi to system until a crisis has been reochM.

“ What can be done to dispel tbe appre­hension Uiat now prevails and restore peace and confidence, the American Kailwar Union, by wboee anthority and In whose bee hall tliu statement is made, stands ready, has from the Beginning stood ready, to do anything in its power, provided it is honor­able, to end this trouble. This, briefly s t a t ^ is the position the organization occu­pies I t simply insists that the Pullman Company shall meet its employes and do them Justice. We guarantee that tbe latter will accept any reasonabie propoailion."

MR. OLNEY TALKS.The Fresldent's Aetlan la gendlag FoAarOI

T roopa to Chicago Upbeld~Ko In . vaiioa of Stale Eights.

WAHHinaiog, July 9.—Attorney-Oaneral Olney, being sakad ^ morning by a United Press reporter as to tbe legal aspect of Gov­ernor AItgeld’s position, replied with much deliberation:

“ I t is hardly worth while to discuss a t lehgtb the false premlsee end tbe illogical noQ-eequiturs of the AItgeld manifeeto. At a campaign platform It is a safa prsdicUon that the author will bo found to be tbe only person to stend upon IL Tbe toil of Illinois is tbe soil of the United Btatea, and for all United Btatea purposes, the United Btatea Is tbare with its courts, Its Msnhali and its troops, not by lloensa or comity, but aa of right. The paramount duty of the President of tbe UnitM Btates li to see that tbe lam ot the United Btatee are faithfully executed, ana in the discharge of that duty he is not ham­pered or crippled the necessity of con­sulting any Chief of Police, Mayor, or even Governor.

" In tbe present instance nothing baa been done and notblng ordered which tbe most captious crltio can condemn as any invasion of Btats rights. Tbe action of the National Executive baa been eicluiively directed to

. the enforoemont of the United States lawa tbe execution ot the orders and proostses 0:!

, United Btates courts, and the prevention ot any obctructions of the United Btatee raalis. The notion that the territory ot any State Is too sacred to permit the exercise thereon by the United Btatee Gorermnent of any of ito legitimate thnetioDs never had any legal ex- lilenne,and as a rule of conduct, became practically extinct with the close ot tbe civil war.

AIIIUti'TF.11 PUGH A CONVENT,Hiss Eer, e NuTlre, Fnrciblz Carried Off

l>]r Her Urniher.MaxrHXKTXK, N. H., July 9,—Mlae Mary

Fay, twenty-three years ohl, a novice in Bt. Mary's ( 'oiivont, waa fon'ililj abdttct«<l .Tea- terday by her Brother, I'eter A. Fey, a well- known lawyer, of lemell. Mass Mr. Fay went to the convent yester.lay amt asketl to

his sister, saving that her mother was very ill and that shn must go srith him at ones. He saiil that their mother m s then in the oUtcn of the Granite State Provident ,Vs- aa-intion on Elm street, the main thorough- faro of the city.

The sillers procureil a carriage and in company with a nun U Iss Fay slartesi for the Kennard Building, where the Granite Htate I’rovideiit Is liavit'sl. When they reached the sidewalk in front of the building Mr. Fay grsavasl his sister nruuud the waist sad pulled her from the hack, shouting,“ Your mother is dnuil or is drlng, But she le not hero; she 1* at Ineuo in liowelt, wliero you are going."

Tbe young woman eniloavorad to shake off her captor, out be clutclied her firmly by the arm and started down tlie street toward tbe depot. A crowd was attracted by hii ac­tions and seemed dlipuseil to interfere. Fay shouted:

“ Tbla is my sister, aad I am taYtiig her home. I will kill the first man who lays baads on me or her."

At this the crowd fall hack. Won! was hurriedly dispatched to potlca headquarUTs, and when Fay and his liitar arrived at the fiasienger station there was a posse of ofll- cers and a crowd of thousanm awaiting them.

Tba officers demanded that Fay glva the girl up.

“Aik her whether she goes with mo will­ingly or u e tr he slioutml.

The police acconiiiigiv addreieod the young wnoian, end she repliol promptly: "Yea; aoonar than b a n any more troubt* I will go with him."

"That sattlaa it," dei-lared Mr. Fay em­phatically, “ and 1 will now thank yoi^" ad- draaaing the police, “ to clear away this mob and let us peas."

A curious crowd surrounded the pair until their departure in the trala. It is not be­lieved that Miss Fay will stay In Itowell, as she evidently went with her brother to pre­vent a scene. T^e affair boa caused a tre­mendous sensation.- - ' ■ « ------ - --LIOHTNfNG'H ilANGKUOVH FRKAKM.A Charch Elltabsfchport Struck und

Hevcral Fctmobm Iludly Ntnnaed.BperiAl to ibe Eviifiria NtWK.

Elieabmiu, July rt,—Tho thunder itonn here this morniug wm exceedingly Ticltat. The pretty Mi)tre of the Flrtt ProtntMDt UetbodlKt <'hurch At Fourth and Franklin utratU. Kllxabetbpoit, waa atruck by lightning and badly shatUred. Thu uaator, iter. Mr. Trmit, who waft reading in bit Htudy, whirh is in tbe rear part of tbe eburrb, waa conaiderably Mhocked by tbe terrtdr cra»h.

The Ughtnitig darted along an electric light wire leading frocn Lbc church to tbe saloon of William AhrenB, corner of Fourth and Fulton itreetA, where it shattered one of the big wiuiiowR of the et-ore, knocked a child of Mr. Abrens'e Heat on tbe floor and partly etunned bU wife, who wae beblud the bar 'waiting on a cus- tomer.

Tbe storm caused havoc to the teWphone eritem aud electric light wires in toH city. In tbe centralteleuhoM office the flectric current played viridly orer tbe switch board tbe noise reeornbllng tlie discharge of packs of firecracker*. The operators were driven from tboir placea by the lightning and four- fifths of all this lightning arreeters were bumeil out. Very few telepbonei In the dty were working at noon, and com­munication with New York and Elizabeth- port was tetiiporarilJ cut off.

ProTiBion for P a u u on All Eio«pt New York Cars.


Aaotliar Offlflll Head Falli tn the llaAket, that of George H, I'etetm, AuiterluletMl- •til of Public Grounds and Parkn—I'a?* tng of Komeiaet (Itreet and a le ia l Froblrm'v'Alhert Ca Cniirtev Dran* At- tentlnn to a Graile Croealng tvanger. Sewerage ^M>ewa Hock tothe Kepavltag nf Plane NIreei,

TBE BVBBCKiATE VPIIEtD*An Interesting Case FaiSed Dpoa In tke

Orphans' Court*Testimony was taken before Judge Rice In

tbe Orphans Court thia tUQmfng in tbe mat­ter of the appeal from Hinrogate Dnsen- berrys order admitting to probate tbe will of tbe late Martin B. Moritz. Tbe latter died In January last. Tbe deceased w u quite ill and in bed when wUl was ilmwn up by Martin Berla, Tha document wtu liflpiefl by tbe testator and then Mr. Berla aud Herrnau Hlnich affixed tbeir signatures as witneMse,

When Mr. Berla drew up the will he used different colored Inlu, bemuse, bo saul, tbe inks with whicb be started to write was used m before be could finish the work, Mr. wria, when placed on the stand itanc^ swore that nothing had been added to the will^fter It had been signed by tbe deceased. ^Vben Mr. Hirich was called to tbe stand, be said the testator was in full poseesslon of bU facuitles when be sinned tbe will.

Abner Kaliec^, who appeared for tbe ob­jectors, argued that the will was not prop­erly drawn. One boaueet of |3UD to tbe hkms of Abraham, Mr. Kallsch oontonded, was of necessity void, as tbe will was signod by Mr. Berla, a member of tbe association. The Judge, however, decided that Burrogato Dusenbetry had properly admitted tbe will, and IO the matter endetl

H*f With Two Others, Charged With Caasplrlag to Obetmet a Railway

ConapaBy^a Wnilwn CBioacK July d,—John Hayei a wnm

sniilDyail I7 Mw i t r t


MOTK.Armv Knit Go Out of Tlr*<Bla or

* llo Arrotoll,W ashibqtob, July 6.—Fryefi “ Induitri-

ala,” who lately moved their oamp from Uigblondi^ Md., to the vicinity ot Roalyn, a little Tillage acroH the river on the Old Do- minion aoil, vrere viilted yeatenlay by Cap­tain Muabbaek, ot the Alexandria Guard*, and ordered to get out of Virginia. Frye Ignored tha order, although Captain Hu*b- baok thraataual him with the bayooet Governor O'Ferrall ha* directed l^erlff Veltoh, of Alexandrl* Connly, to enforee the law, and promisea,hli support to oa«* of noting or raalitaan. f

The law to qoMtloo provldea for the arrMt without warrant of alt penou* of the clan uaually charactenied ai vagninta, aud that iffteraheartogbetoreaJu»tloe<rf the Peace Giay tuay be tentenced to labor on the public work* of the oouaty for a term of not more khan three mootba In the abaenoe of public work* in progren they may be hired out to Indivlauala for that term, ornaineuted bv a ball and chain.

BDBGLAB8 IN HOBBlgTOWN.A Building Oppoilte Police Heiulqnartara

■Entered, but IjItUe B oetj geeured, Bpeeial Ditpatoh to tbe Niws.

MoRBisTOwx,'July 9.—Bouwtim* during laat night burglar*, by cutting out a large pane of glat* in a rear window of WoodhuU & Mortia’a drygoods itore to this city, gained oocen to the place. The robbert rifled tbe money drawer to the oaabtor’s oflloe and tucceedad to getting but a few' dolton to change. No stock waa stoton. The store ii attuatra to the uaw HcAlpin blocic dlrectlT opposite poUoe headquarteri.

Evidently the burglar* were scared away b tfon they snccseded in carrying away any M toe contonte of th* Itore. Chtafof Police Holloway, who haa in biipctMation a broken knife which waa used to cut out tbe pane of gUia tayt that in fata opinion the burglary waa Uu work of lome lood gang.

■-id.';*'' ' '*A strapping young man, William

Hanley, waa airolgBed bator* Judge mornldg charged

with having brutally beaten hia slater. Jlaud- leyia twanty-throe year* of 1 and llvai

l®,,Aqueduct itreet. Hla married r i ^ , Mn. Julia Biefa, noidea the same addreia. The latter allsveo that on Sunday last her brothar a tru ck u sr ••Tsral blowa in th e ta^ blooldBgbweyeand knocking out two front testta. W arrant OIBoera Ihallon and Munuiy arraated the young man tost utoht. After be bad beau locked up Mrs. Hiepe ntoniiid and tried to wilbdraw Uw o h a i^ I t was too lata and tba priaoiMr was bailed tor trial

- ... 4 — — ---------------•Uratontoirgli * Oe.’a Bloek and B ias]

■erge lotto for Xan a l BIS.WeararacolTtag thau •gits trash bom our

MUST TDBN OVER THE AgHETAJodgs Rice Thtis Resides In the Cate of

JoMpliA* Bohr*A<?cording to ati ortler made b /

Judge Rice In tbe Orphans' Court this morniug Joseph A. Rohr must turn orer to tM Surrogate of the county all tbe wsets which he now has iu bis slou as one of tbe executor* of tba wlU of Anna Wlchman. The o i^ r wae made uu tbe ap­plication of Thomas N. McCarter, Jr., aud tbe Surrogate to be in control of the assets peadihg a dechiion on a rule io show cause why Uohr should not bo removed as executor of the estate.

Hobr was recently convicted of forgery and lentoDoed to six months' Imprisonment His oouosol, Bamuel KaUsdv bid the pro oeedtn^ stayed on a writ of error, and Hohr is now at Ubarty iMoilliig the dedsiim of the Court of Appeals. He was in court this morniug ana heard the Judgi's* decision in reUUon to tlieassete in his posse: sion* ______ _

STREET ROBBKBS KNOCKED OUtaTwo of Them Meet More Than Their Match

In an Inlendeil Victim.There was a bold attempt st highway rob­

bery last night onOrauge avenue, Irring- ton. Two men stopped a stranger and de- tnanded money. Be refused to give up, and one of tbe fellows struck at him. TheBtr/inger replied la kind and followed the blow up with a kick. One robber then grabbed the

' man by tiie leg, but the Inteodfa victim hit from the shoukler and his asssUant went down.

Then tbe second highwayman, who came to tbe assistanoe of hu pel, reoeived a blow mid recoiled, when the man it was Intended to rob ssised the opportunity and escaped.

The men are o ^ rib ed as tall and slim, One of them was said to bars a light mtts- tacbe and to wear a ilotich bat. Tbe attacked man made complaint to Halsey Robinson, but would not give his name.


Y vew w e«viM t&sss salts fresh from our cnM ottw qdm M svtw M B y th aw ay on laiE 4adkaow who g av ea r

FIsead O B tbe Board of Afro-Am*rlean Bureau of Orcantiation.

City Meiaaager John R. Rrowu raoeived notice to-day that be hod been lelectod oa a member of the adviiory board of the Atro- Americaa Bureau of Organlzatioa.

The buraau ia au touovaUcin to politics, ioatltuted under the ittperviiion ot the Demecratto Congrasaioual C'onimittes ot wbjph Beuator Faulkner ia chairman. Its aim will be to organize the colored vatart to sU Mita ot tlie country In th* totereat of tin Democratic partv. j f theburaau 1* Robert GTBtlll, of Philadelphia. Mr. Brown repraaents Naw Jeraov, and be will have as co-workara C. H. J. Taylor, of Kanaaa; H. B, EooncA Alabama; iL C. C. Aatwood, New York; 'T. W, Bwann, Faun-, rtlvania; W. E. Qrosa, New York; CUflord Ftuiiun^ MaataebnaeWa, and J. T. C. New- lom, of Texas.______

A U TTU I OIBD FOUND DBUNB. Takes In Gkarfe While •ta*ferlag Abant

tha Itreato of Orange.'A unmbsr of paopla on Oantre straih Or­

ange, wen ihockri on Waduaaday night by •aring a Uttle girt about alevan yean old atoggerlnf about tbe itiaetl under tbe Inlliiaaea of liquor.

A paaHrby toidi lb* child to bar parents, nalditMk on HlU atnat Tbe partnte of tba

iTnideiit Harriion Van Du.vnc and hii colleaguei of tha Beard of Htreet aud Water CommiHiloniT* tiaik up the matter of the atreet railway tranifar ayaton *t the mart- ing ywtenlay altarniiou and Introduml an onllnaDco regulatiug tba giving and acre,it- iiig of tranafiri. ThaordlnaDc* wu* rrfrirwl to the Cnininittee on KtrecU aad Highway! and l)y that committoa amemted *0 ai to oot interfore with th* Coniolldatoi! TracHou t 'ompany'a rule tluht no tranafera ahell to given or arcapted on th* rare of th* Niw York line. Then tba ordluanoe r*.'*lT*.l it* Unit reading and was ordered to a lecond reading.

Before the nieatliig began Commluloiier Tlcliraor told a Niw* reporter that be be­lieved the work of decapitation Waa flnlaheil. Mr. Tichenor, however, waa not aware of

li*t Coiiiml^oner Joralenion luul In hla ileeve, niiil that iiieiolior proved coucliiilvely that hi* axe i* itltl lu working order by lo]i- pliigoff the head of Gaorg* H. Peter. Hii- p.'rintendeut nf Public Groumla and Parka. The position wo* left vacant for the present.

The transfer ordluaiire waa Introduceil when President Van Duyno cailwt for the re |!)rt of the ( onimlttee on Htreato and High waya. Mr. Joralemon Introduced tbe onll- nance, which bore tbla till*: "A n ordi- nance regulating tba giving and accepting of tranafars on the itreet railway* of the city of Newark." The onlinance read as folio'

“ PTrat. That any company or coqmration ojwratlng cart for t he purjinae of carrying posseugcri within the Umitai of tbe city of Newark, whether auch cars he propelled by horses electricity or otherwi**, riutll, u[un m |iieit and without further charge, give to any passenger who boa jioid bit fare uu any inch car a Iranafer ticket whicli shall en­title such |a>rson to a cunUnnoul rldei to either direction, on any atreet railway line Intersecting with or runuectlng with the line upon which auch trnnafer wa.*iuued,whether controlled by the aald company or corpoT' ation or any other company or eorporatioa.’

The commltto' then amended the ordinance ' by inserting the words “ of five cento" in the part ntoting to live (*yineut of fares, mak­ing it read thus: “ Any paawengar who haa paid hit fare of five cent* on any anoh cor,” and in the amended form the ordinance pasiwd the first reading,

A oonmmiilcation from Dr, Lebibach, call­ing attention to a pool of a to n an t water on Niiasex avenue near the canal, waa referred to Commlaaiouur Tichenor, with lustructiana to “ look into it," A requeatfor a lewer basin at Plane aud lileecker atreet*, and aisititlon for th* paving ot Htato atroat, from Iroad to High rtreet, were referred to the

committees m charge ot thoa* matters. Mr. Kuhn’s resolution, that tbe old waterpipe on Camp street be replaced by a six-inch pine, WO! concurred in. The contract for furnish' Ing the corjwration and curli stop* was awariled to the firm of F. & IL J. Devlin, on a basis of tlT.95 for fifteen five-eighth and one one-inch stops. Mr. Devllo's bid was the loivrst.

A petition from the property-osniers on Acewmy atreet, asking for th* pavlM of that thoroughfare, come next Home 61 tba algner* wanted tbe street paved wlto asphalt, while others were to favor of granite blocks. It was decided to advertise notice of inten­tion to pave the street with granite blocks on a six-inch coucrat* boas.

A resolution designating tba Newark Evisiito N*w^ JouriKil, Ehiitp AdcerHaer, Deutsche Zeitung and pVrie Emtung as the ofltcial papers to pabliab the notices and ad- vertlscmenta of the board was adopted,

Mr. Jornlemon Introduced a raaobition, which woa adopted, changing tbe manner of presenting bids fur tbe work of the board. Hi* rsauiutlon proiided that Instead of da- pusttiug tbe sealed Idda in a box several days in advance, a* formerly, they should be pre­sented at a meeting of the board aud opened at the sauii' ineellug,

“ Then the contractors can be to the audience and wheu tbe proposals are calleil for thev can walk up nim baud them to the clerk,"'said Mr. Joralemon. “ In this way eve^body can see what Is being done."

TVbeii .Mr. Joralemon arose to decapitate George II. Peters Mr. Tichenor had left the meetiug-ruom and be remained to tbe little ante-room until tbe matter kml been dlaposed of. As rimimlssloner Camptjell waa not present at the meeting Mr. Peters won rele- gnleil to private life by the vote of the Re- puiilicnn t'onnntssioiiara.

burvevor Adam was instructed to arrange for in'"iifying the grade of Cutler stivot, an.i a |M»tilion for the paving with granite blocks of Van Huron street, from IValnnt to Cliestmit street, and Cheatniit street, from Van liuren street to Pacific street, wae re­ferred to the Committee on Btreats aud Highwoys.

A communication froiH the property- owners on Homeriet atreet, askbig that the atreet he paved with asphalt, brought tbe board face to face with a legal problem. It appears that oa ordinance waa poaswl some lime ago providtog for the paving of that t li'iroughtare with trap-rock. Mr. Jorole- nion held that before th* retpiest of the or ipcrty-owner* could be granted it would be necessary to repeal the old ordinance, and tliis, he said, would entail the cost of adver­tising all over again. The nintter was re­ferred to City Counsel Rikor.

Numerous communications for amlagaiust the repaving of Plane street were read.

Ktiginoar Jacobien was Instructed to In­vest igate the condition of tbe receiving basm at tbe Belleville pumping station.

■rhe resolution from th* Committee ha Btroela and Highways, requiring the Consol- datod Traction Company to repair the pave­ment near the tracks on Belleville avenue and Brood street and to replace th* croav walk* that bad been removed, was adopted.

Albert C. Courier was granted the privi­lege of tbe floor, and he relied the boei-d's attentton to what he termed a serloiu condi­tion of affaire.

We are now running electric cars oa Broad atreet,” sold Mr. Conrtor, “ croasing tbe tracks ot the Delaware, Loikowanua ana Western Railroad. At that point there is a third track on which there are usually cue, two or three freight can standtog. These cars obstruct the view of the motonnen of tbe elactric cars and prevent tbeiii from see­ing an amiroaching train- Home day there will be a horrible accident at that pilot, and this honorable boeni will be ceusured for permitting the cars to stand where they ob- stimet the raotorman’s view. That is my reason for addressing you In this matter. The meet bonse at that place uses the tracks for unloading their cars, the oipreas com­panies for baggage and a t premnt crelit being untoadw at that point. Thereha* airaady been one accident therewhich eas loft a number of cripples, aud there is great danger of another. This board can slop this.

“ I know tfmt Ibo railroad company srill give you a long chase, but you cam put the screw* on at one* by making Oiem atop nin- ntng tbeir trains thirty mllw on hour evar tha creasing. The old board made them run not faster thou eight milea, and thii board can do the annio. At preaent we depend for safety at that point on the man Who turns the crank that lowers the gate*. We aak the board to remedy this and to remove this

George W. Wledenmayerapok* next about tba n e ^ of a sewerage system to the lower end ot the dty, which, be said, depend* on the old Twelfth Ward ditch.

“ The ditch haa to be cleaned ont about every two weeks," be sold, “ and tbe first rain that falls washes the stuff back again. That aection is seriously th.eatoned with epidemlolt tamo relief 6 not given-by this b ^ rd . Property in th* vicinity has dspre- dated in value until it is almost valueieta and all because of the lack of sewerage. I am aware that It will coat considerable money to build this sewer, bat tba exiieoie fthoula Dot bo cdDxidered tba btsftith of (b0 oomomDltY Iz tbrMteaed. W eM tbftt

to ll» board for thi uf tb« itroitfrom Rrt*d to M«rkft itrc«et.

' ThuM pititioni wir» M«iit iti,’' h»'* uDdir th i Impriifloii tliit tbo Uurd would luziit uu p»TU^ th i htAwii. A Urgt) auiulH»r of thi ptHiplo Wbo ilgntfxl worci lu farur of tk* pbiU porlnx, but rulljr wanlnlgrxDito bloclut. sMihy of tlii fieopli if# ot>e piwid U> })Oviti|( tbi itrrat i t ill. w# thotiKbt tbr Jiitattor h&il iFzrn vri luldiy but it h i! notur to our tbit for ro>fvivlinf the ftlroit with xr»niti UotIem mi roaertto hjivi lift'D iiivertRM f> T Wo uadintond that tbo iKvtrd ran |.>iTo tho i tr i i t If they wIrH to do do* Hut urootbiT itro iti ia tliatiwrtlon whirh ait with oobbliitoiiMi, Why omit th<He itroiti and piM OTir to FIildo Wi do notthioC (t Is neroMary to th# xtre t*, but If It molt be pert^ wr prefer bloclu;bm we do not think tb it It In n#('«iRirx to nm i concreti bito on i oirrow siroet like H«ai ftriiV whili Hrodd street RtoULti tlie traffic without th i

Mr* l*attorwott lald tluit thert wrrt fiit ot roadway within th# propewed limit aad that th* Mction from the cKQal bi Mir* k#t iftreit woi without Mwen. Hiirvikyor Adam Lfitorrupted him to rxplam that th i iiL'tion fnmi sank to Miwkit «lreet wo* pro vidid with a large brick lewir.

Cltrk LiBMit read a roinamnicaLioo fmm liandmofter Vom io regonJ to the ttat#ui#Di Diod# by August Hruniinrll ut th# Hitemal iniwUng of the board laxt tSatunlay about a ##ri« of coneerti wbidi Mr. Hnimmell Kaid Vuti'i band woe willing to gir# hi the old burying ground on Hroad Mirwl. Mr. Vim wrote that Mr. Bnimmeiri offer wai ua authoriMil by the baiil, butb#Rtat«d that h# wai wiUlog to give rmicerto at Mihtory I'ark " on th# oominon MUM# *y>l#ta of two ymrt ago.*[_________ '


AilAptid Hwylw a Cnop With Milk maI Foo4»Ald HfM-Uty Am«>

A new factor. In the tbape of a itnall boy, hat lr#tQ dragged into tht ountroTeniy in Kut'Z Hark, Clikton Towushlp, between the ttonutag aud MelrlUa faimliei. Aji account of th# trouble orer the dUappHaranoe of five chirketiA l>ikmgisg to tbe Hoontag* wan given in tbe Niwn of yeiterday. The naw factur U tbiodoptod ton of Ijeapolil Hountog, who wai found ritting in tbe Honntag chlckeii‘(H)op lost night by four men who Wire {lauing tha plore and hrani Uie criaa of th# Ixtj to Iw relaaaed from hla place of im- priMintuent.

Tbe men, John Carl, of IIH, and Jnbu Kelb, of 183 Mulbitry atreet; John Hchudlt, of 'ifhl Vfney nrert, and Theodor# MiU«r, of

Morton atreat, reecued tbe child from the coop and brought him to Uie city anil turned him uvor to Lieutenant Aatley at policni beaihpiarteri. The men wild tbe boy wai crying pitifully whan they diiCQvered him. Th# boy told tne men that be had baou in the coup ail day, bavinK baan locked in early io the mnminK by hia Mbar before tho lat­ter and hl» wire left tbe plaoa fur tbe ilay, Mr. i ’arl ^ id the neighbon told him that tbe boy wiui badly tn«al#d and waa full of marka from U«uuga ha had reoalred. Mr. ("arl expresried hit wilUugoeto to adopt tlie boy raibar than nm bltn want

The lad wo« sent to Ruperintendent Kim­ball, of the I'hlldren'a Aid Idodety, who at om« rfcognlzed him aa the adopte<l sou of tha Hountaga. He pnt the boy to bed, a id thii momiag placed him with a Newark family to stay there during an Invaattgation of the ruae. If the chargps be foiiou true, Mr. Kimball Haii), be will take the boy away from til# K^utoian

But" he iMiid, ** 1 do not think they are true. To be aure, tbe liiU# fellow hod a blue mark on bia arm when he tiun# hare laat night, which he u id hiK father infilctod yw' terilay morning before locking him up. ^ le falhej* waa bare and naid the boy fell down thcatepa while playing and received th»in< Jur}'. He Ih a puny boy, alN>nt five years old, and I do uot think he li hmg for this World, He la wonderfully bright and ahrowdL tboiigh.

Ine truth of the niatter Is that there is gootl of bitter feeling against the Honn- tfigs on tbe part of tbe Melville family aud otoer neighbors. Tbe two families live In tbe aaine oouio, the Malvillea up atairt. You know they did own a pig Jointly and It waa no end of tronbla nD urfhm n^ bought it outright. Both families have cbickena and there la a row almost every night when the nwpactlva familU* start to gather iu the chiukerui. 1 bis soiumer the H rnitags hatched nearly sixty chicks, while the MtlvlUea did not do ao well, and that wai tue causa of wldcniug tlie breach. Most of tbo neigh bora ihra with the MelvDlei."

Honntag told Mr. Kimball that he planed tbe boy In tbe coop so that when cnlnken thievea name around ae conld give an alarm. Ho said he hod the boy’s oonaent, and bail provided him with milk and food in plnuty. Mr. Klinltallsaid he hwl been summoned bj investigate cborgea of cruelty against Ibe Hoiintags before but that there was no foundation for them whatever. Tha hoy told Mr. Kimball that Bounty did not treat htra ba<lly.

A MVHTEIUOUN AN8AVLT.Ernest Hloger Hlrnnk Wltheut CaiiR#-*lln*

roBseloiii Sfaaj Houm,On Fourth of July night, while Kment

Stager, of Franklin avenue» Frankbn, was looking through tha window of iJr. A. H. Van Killer's store, on Chestnut street, that place, three ]^>uug colored men cam«' along, and one of Uieru suddenly ntepii#<l up to Stager and struck him a terribl# bio#- in the nnc'k. As Stager turned he waa struck again in the faco, the blow knocking him IiiwuhI- ble. Antonio CIpriano iteppoi I furwariand WM threatened by tbe coiorwl man, but Ci)>rlano went into his store and bnmgbt outi a gun, when th# three men firi.

Htager waa carried home and did not ra* cover consclonstiMw until yeaterdev after- m>ou. No trace couM lie foanri of his ArwalU ant* and no reoHon can be thougiii of for tbe assault.

ve have ftood tbi* a* loiwaa w* ooght, aod we aak tfa* board for raUef.”

Mr, Wledemnaver Umd spoke of t o trea­ties of the Waveriy and Paawlo R ^ r ^ an S t Charlo* aad Magarineatraeti. Bothmat- ter* war* rafarred to t o propar committed

A nunihor of emphatic prsiaeate were mad* at t o nieetog ot t o Committee ouSbmeta and Highw*]rs to regard to t o repaving of rianTrtreaL W, B. Pattenoo, a p i t ^ r - osraar on that street, took to loor and mid t o t tbare bad bam two pstittoo* pratotad

f o r r iN G 8I I IX UNCONSI lo t's .Are ofThe lllerel* BLder'f Irtiurli-i

Serious Natijri'.Edsrnrd J. Copping, of lluitinn street,

who tell from hi* blc)'clo in Lli-nalljn Bark, W nt Crsiige, WntneKlay evening, and struck bi* head against a trm. is still unoon- sclouB a t tbe Memorial Hospital, Orange. Ill* wife I* with him to-day.

The case Is in many rwpict. limllar to that of tbe servant girl, M*ry McCann, who fell off a Bouth Orange avenue eleotric car several months ■gu, lu that tbe Injuries from whleh she mid in a ttate of coma for over a mouth were re­ceived from a headlong fall, which resulted in oonoutalon of tlie -brun. The case I* being watched with much Intoraat by the phyaicians, who ore hopeful of his ra- oovery,

8AHITED ENGKL IK MIfilllNO.Detactlvea Are p a t on the Psse by Ble

Kniploysr, Ualier Htels.Samuel Rngel, a driver In the employ of

Baker C. Btols, of Wllliaiu street, Belleville, has diaappaarad. Engel left audilenly while tn Mr. Htols’s employ a year ago. He re­turned throe months ago and was again given work. U'eitoesday Engel itorted away from the bakery a* usual and as be had not raturned at tha usual time a search was made for him. The bone he tros driving was found standing In front of a saloon on Wash­ington svenna, but no trace of Engel ha* been found.

Mr. Htolz haa placed detectives on the case and is determined to find Engel.

A Hissing PoehatboDli and an Arrest.In the b u n ^ and rush of biislnast but Hat-

urday nig bt Bonavlta, a barber at 91 Mercer street, mislaid bis wallet, containing ttij to notes and soma small change. 11* instituted a vigorous search for it, but t o puree. seenwd to havebeen comptetoiy asrallowed up, Raymond Masnchl, an apprentice In thesbopL whoa* actions aroused. Boasurlto's suspirioMh' was obargod with stealing tbe pOckit-tMok. The young man said be tonnd a pocket-t^k containing195 and that ho would have givenIt to bis boss, but he wasafraid that he would be accused of steal­ing tha other 110. Judge Bggers oom- mlttod the apprentiuu for the action of to O ran d Jury In default of laoO ball. When searched, IT waa fonml on Uasuchl.

SERGE ill ITS.Wstaoa A Co. Show All Their Snrplnt

Coston Patterns In Uoth Their Broodsad M sritet Street Windows All Beadyto Put On.Skeleton Suits, tn and tb-W; balt-lluad

suite, tin add till; both ptoio and silk llnad can now b* bad tn any ils«, aa Watson A Cc. STS finishing dally the last of thair serge suite for tbeir asoaon.oal from thair snrplna cue. tom pMtarns, which ambiao* th* flneat good* from t o bast toatpato t o world.—Adv.

MR. CONNELLY BANQUETED.Newark CHiarns Fr#»«nt Him H'llh a Ulk-

iiumtl Rlnf ami tsoail lllwi Iktiwa Withf Wo«|* of FralR#s

Right ruyal wan Um waksim# that New* | ark'i ax l'omptrullor, Jauu-* F rimin'Jly, r#- (^iv«l la^ night whan be rtiterwl Davl#'# imrlmii, whore over fuur icMiirH well-known I'itixeiiR of the -.'ity hiul auembliMl to Jn him bimor. Wt*LI’Wi«h«rt, 1#>1 by l'n«lti«DtJuhn H. Kiy, of the l'<>iumoD C'uunfit; AM#r- num WlUiftin HUlu'hy au'U'llyri#rkO'V«m- nur, hatl with oar# him nteatmioulal bonqiivi to mirk hi# r#ltr#m#nt froin the ortloo h# ha*l h#W forfive yean, ami there wa# iwtt th# ilightrat bitch to mar tlw pn*gramni# iiiappeil out for tbe omt^itm. A rw'eiit family Iwrcavameirt |>roveul«l Mr. O'l’onmir fruin joining bi# fellow# around tbe fottlve Imard, but all tho ra#i wart then* ami for four loax hour# tba gueal# regnlal (bem- tielvM with good thiuga in tbe Uu# of lollil# and Hi)ui(U atid 1i#t#ue<l to wonU of praiie ttMt ware heajied uixm Uie ex-Coraptrollor # b#nd iu bug# orabirical chunk#. In no# cor­ner of th# room I'rnfawior iiular and hi#little iNitid i»f clever muiirtan« held forth, and iwfwn i*iMN‘h#R aud omnw# rtmWred appro­priate Mtltadioa#.

WlM>ti ToMtnuuter Htalniby ##oort#<l th# gurtt of thu cv4«iog io the leat of honor lh#re wi*r# niiMrty citiaeo# lu |Kaltiun raady for tha frait to Iwgin. Anniud the iiiaiii tab]# ware teatfeil ui-Mayor Hajne#, Preei- tl#»t of Council KIt, IVoaeoutor Uourtry, of I'aiaaio Ctwnty, Keulian Trier aud Knt» Hmivon, and Br. H. i \ H. Herold. Before tbaMayor Ipebkucchar dropped In and wa# Miate«t at Alderman Hulnfby*# left hand. The Mayor, by tbe way, waa warmly graoleii byib# aiuMnhUge.

Kuo# Uuayoii waa railed upon to read lettcra from llnited Ktata# Henabor Hmltb, Ck)louel M. T. Barrett and K. B. (loddla, re­gretting tb#lr inability to br pment, and ax|>n*#Jng high regard for the gueet of tbe ocfulon.

Mr. Btalnaby o|i#niid the floodgate# of orabiry *bortlT before 10 o'clock, when he anue and raod an oddrm devotM to Mr* ConnellT'i career a# a citiaan and public offi cial if# laid atrem im th# fact that partiaan |)olUlca were awept a«ide iiy th# num who met to pay tribute to a cltlaen who bad ju«t retired from tbe management of the flnan- rlai department of oue of the gr#at«Mt cltlM in the land, and on# that atowl io the front rankf of mooufarturlug I'ommuuitiM.

“ Wear# met to-night tu commend tbe publlo official for public tervlre honorably ami well done,*’ wentoo Mr. Hiaiuiby. ' ' if# lay# down Tohiatarlly au office which for over five yrarv he hae fliled with acoepta- bllity aiul public advantage. H I# farul iiarity with city affair# i« recogofied. BoulUy no cUlteu i# more conveniaDt with the intricate matter# of municipal legbiUBuii and city finanoe# than Mr, l onnally. Tuder hi# ad- mlniRtration the it)t«re#t# of th# tax|Niyer have been jAraiuouDt, and the tax rata boa been maintained at a reaaonnbly low figure."

He tbeb told of tbe didlcatn rwpon#lbili- U#a reptawl Id th# Ikamptrollerihfp, and dared that the offlen bad never been run by Mr, OoDuellj M a |»olltioal machine.

After referring to Ktiiaox County, where tho ex-Couiptroiler waa liorn, and bi# retvrsl a# a aoldinr, the ajicAker vald that wot a man that could olway* boeallvd '* Our Friend." Then turning to Mr. Connelly, the Alder- iiiaD banded him a manalT# dlatnond rii^t, with tb«a# reoiarka;

'Ai a mark of tbe eataem in which your friend# bold you, tbey iireeent you with ihU token. May th# frleodthip now exiating be- twnen na all be, like thia ring, pure In Ita character oa tbe dloioond, and, like the circlet Itaalf, without an end."

In raapoudiug the gue«t of the evening •poke with deep feeling. He referred to the '^myatic myaterioua chann In bli llf#—a broken houaebold," aiuce be ha<l laet met with hi# fcllow-citlaena in theau aelf-aame tiarlora, aud bow tbe I'oinmnri C'oundl bad Kindly giyen him leave of abfMDce toaeek hMltb Aoditmigtli 111 foreign eliin##.

“ Tkia tNtlinonlal ia particularly dear at this time," went on the #peaker« when frleudihlD bang# ao Inoaely where it ahould be #0 atrtDgly welded."

He then }iald hie reepecta toAldorman Kuioiby oa Oh# vented by exfierleace in pub* lie affair#, and turning to Mayor IjebkueTOf r b# aak«d hi# indnlgemce while he told of the value of placing pollticlaiu In office. Nut poUticlaiu in tbe aen#e of ward workei# or primary fnaiiipnlatora, tu t politician# be- caua# ^ their atudy ot poHtloaJ affair# aud knowledge of public need#. Every Amerl- cau oitiBsn who I# an American cUizenihouhl be a |)oUtlalans" conrliided Mr. Conoelly, <|Untiog from an article he eald be had read tbat day in the ^orum.

Mayor Lobkueeber followed in a nleoaing, happy Ktyla. He quite agreed wiOitbeex- CuiDptroIler''# view# on to politlclana, but Hlnu# hla elevation to office he bad found Uiat ilrnoit everylwdT In Newark appeared to be a (lolUiclan. To bis way of thinking there wo# a difference in polittclona. For Inataucei the man who helpeil to frame a tariff bill might be of no account io a atnwt cleaning dejiartmoDk or on# vented nn tb# ai'.ver rini>Mtion might ootmt for little In repairing Newark's water worl^.

Ex-Mayor Hayne# plunged a# faerojcally into atatiatlcfl aa in tbe days of yore and then Mr. Gourley enlertAinod hi# nearer# in a bright and liumorout tf;e#cb that wo# ap­plauded time atid again. FruldoTit Jlly waa tired out from hia efforts in carrying Mr. Connelly's diamond about to think ofanything to aay, but i^osl master Hutan was in gcHxt voice aud h# waded into tlm general subject in eloquent atylu. Alderman llarri- n a kapt bia hoaren< la a ri>ar by hla side ^ p a at Mr. Connelly and tbe po­litical deals ho could tell of if he were in<Hln#d to unfold taUw out uf school. Dr. Harold waa loaded to the brim with humor andth# Dicrrinient that bi# speech provoked attested th# Appreciatiun in winch hla aallie# wore held. Oumty Clerk WrigliUon, Cntrli'k Heiliy, lietnaril J. Ford and Aid. Sydney < Igrlon conifibuted to the fund of bright anyinga, and them ex-Aklor- luan Augiiitua l)uM«nl>erry toll of Mr,, Con­nelly'# careeFf l»cgiunmg with the time when but fimrieeu year# of ago he eoliat<«l. In hU coRunantl, Ccmq#iuy 1, Thirty-fifth New Jersey Volunteer#, to gt> to tit# frunt, up to tbe present.

“ TheFreii" wa#responded to by T. K. Hurke.

In refijNjndlng to <*Tb# towardthe cloaa of the banqueti Mr. Conneliy told of hla ylaits to many cJimoa, and ibo daugb tors of every land were eulnrised by him* but uf ail bo had seen none ctmul sud.'SMfully rival the girl# of America.

At the coDcl union uf th# affair all baud# renewed congratulation# and wUhod Mr Connehj^e l>Mt of fortune In his future career. __________ __________

THUN ftOriKTlKM^ ItHJ MKETlNQ,Arrangements fur KAtertaliiment sml

Cnnipstltloas tn lie llvlil In Neptembrr. The committee baviug charge of

the airangssnenta for the tneet- iug of the turn soclatlM compriaing the North New Jersey circuit met last night and fnrinuMte<t a programmes Tbe circuit will meet Seplembor 3 and 3. On hlaturday preceding the opening of the D3n‘t there will be a reception to tbe ylsitora,

Hunday, September 3, there will Im gyii>- iMwtic exeroiaea for prizes. Men, boy# and women will take part in the exerclstw. At night there will be prize decUniatlona. Monrlay there will be competitive swimming and A parade, to be followed by competitive exerclaea. During tbe progress of the meet there will be concerta and other eutertaln- m e l i U . ______ _ _TTkMff u'Ao winf Hfip «tw tfui yKWS, {tfc<i\m

ThoM wAo tuuiii aUMittiuiUt opm L/kU fxipsr btfort tUiotStrM. I . .1. —.«■ .jn

Suppuied to Be Ratiwlddle's Body*A nude body of a young man wa* found

fioatlug Id the Pssaald Hlsrer opposite the Eureka boathaiue yeaterday afternoon. It is supposed to be that ot Joha Dunwlddle, thc'youiigsNaw Yorker sfho was.lrowned in

. tbe cove north of tbe Hidtond bridge last Wedaesdsy-r'" *^mae «**fly*i

isaen by * m)W p a n to '', , _-..*«.*■^Woodward's-dostd* and lkiir%tolflttl thepoUc*. County rbjslrlan Elliott then or- terad th* retnaios removed to Mullln's morgue. Th* ralatlve* of Dunwlddle hare to n commuulcateil with.

Western Mali Arriving B efalarlr. Foftinaster Hntan states that t o big strike

i* not sffeoting the receipt of letters fromElints west of Cbicaito to any extent. The

bicago tnalla are bmog raoeived ngidarly.

Hen's Trouien, Imported Ueodt, at gS.Btontonburitb A Co.'s north window It

brIUlsnt with men's handsome Irousers, out from fine EiwIUh stripe worsteds, which hare

A Demand tbat All Moneys Be Tnroel Over to the City Triasurer.


A l>aranienl Hlgt.e.1 by ,leiiis« r . raaaall] IU Coliiplr.iller, Heed at l.ast Night'. Mtetlng of the Ubrsry Tmilees, Is Whleli It Is Misle.1 That, AerunUng te Law, Ih* Hniiay In th* Hands a t th* Hnenl Hast He Given to Ih* Treaeure* I-eads tn S U Anlniateil lllscusslan.

Aftonisninent wss dtplrted on tho faoe* d thii Uhrary trustees tost night whan Librarian lllll read a romnmni.'aUo* siginl hy Jainn* F, (tonnelly, u I'oiiiptroller, ordering that all moneya now In tbe hands of th* U«rd ba at oiire tnrned over to th* City Treasurer. A similar notifi- <-atiuu liad been sent to Traasunr Edward H. Diiryeo.

Tbedetnaiul waa made, so tha oommuntoa- tioua read, uinler authority glvan by a law recently paaeed and oallad for all uionaya “ no matter from what ■uuroe reoeived, or to what aroount cred­ited."

When tha surprise had worn off It ilawDwl u|nn the niindi of t o trustee., t o t some one must her* blundered. At least It was t o unaal- nioua oplnim tlist t o board'snuance* were not affected byth* act reterreil to U th* Library Trusteas b an Indepemlent board and not a municipal de|«rtin*nt

After a short dbouMlon t o treasurer w udirected to reply t o t si the rrqaitt was not jusUfinl by any axUtUlf law k* must ratuin to turn ovar tba moaay. The amouni which Treasurer Durjaa qdw has In his possessiuB b tI6,Vm.TT.

On Mouiiay nest the new Iron ^ook- stiuidB will le racelved, aud to conseijDattice t o library-room will b* kapt cloaeil for the week, white Ih* lands a n Iw Ing placed In poaltlon. Tba read- Ing-rooun however, will ba kapt open to t o public. 'ITin itobk of book* baa baan in- craoaed FklV worth during the past month, and when t o new stau.b a n ah place tfilN wiwth more will be purctassed.

Tbe Isterd will b* rapreeaotad a t t o meeting nf t o Anwrl- ean Library Assiwtation, which will convene at lake Ftedd, In t o Adlroc- dacki, next September. It waa voted (bat Librarian Hill should attend.

IIIIU amounting to $l,90t.fl9 wera ordered palil. Th* committees will meet haraaftsr on tha flrit Thureday ut every month a t T49 F. M . ________ ____________

ENEMIES OF THE ELM.Tiwes About Ulnaiiinslil that Al* Balag

Rapidly Killed by tbe Beetla*Nti Htiuedy Enowus

Th# «lm trt# twtl# i# agota inaklog ita ap* Iiearanoe aad tbo tree# id thia vicinity or# lianl with Ibc pwla. Evflr alnoo the beetU made lla appearaoc# th« elma hare beta dying by lDcb#a.

The people uf Bloomfiald have gone to a grtat deal ol «xp«nM Id reoant yvon tryiti| to dlacover a ramadj'by which to rid tb« treaa »f their atnmy, Init ao for bothing hOa befb found to antwer tho purpooa.

bm la have been plaml around the trMa Id ih# middle of tbe truuk, and other •cbemee have been tried. On Bloomfield avenue, whlob at one time cootalued eoma of! the bandMuneit elm tree# in the HtoUy now ■outolna treei that are covered with tlM

beetle, wticb lu lome placee completely rover tbe treee and gmuDo around them. At tho foot of the tr#e can be aeen what appeort to be tbe egga of the baetle.

Id tba perk at Hlorjoifiekl the elma that die are replactd with mapla# nearly all tha Tousf tree# now la and around tbe park Ing of that variety. Tho mouaier elnii wblrb ore still in the majority, wear a very dlliwidated ap iearaiipe. The beetloe eok bolea Id the iMvee, cauilag tiiam to die and d r ^ to tbe ground.

Tb« (-ommlttee on Fnbllr Ground# of th# TowBihfp CommltUo will be oaked one# more to take tome #tcpa to nave tbe treee, if povlble. _________ _______ _

ITNKNaWN HAN FurK D UEtOWNEIX.Th# Body irlaeovered in Newark Bay*

].sOoka iilk# a Workingman.Tho body of an unknown moo waa found

In the Newark Bay ueoi- RalhoL h'B dock early tbla momiftg by a lou of Henry Meyer, a boatbonae-keeper Mr. Meyer notified tb« polloe of the Third I^rolnrt, aod Lieutenant Barrett at once aent Rolioeuum Farley to tb# place in tbe patrol wagon. The officer found tl^ body on the rocki. partly oorered by tb# water. The dei'eaaad api^varod to Im a labor­ing man atwut tbirty-nve yeara old, H# wufe a black aac'k coat aud veet, and a pair of light lruUM>ra, In uue of tbe jottketa t>oUcetnAD found a pocketbuok, in which therv waa a dollar bill, aud in another pocket etfeiily-flv# cADtH iu cnange waa found. Th# body aid not look aa though It bo<l been In th# water for luuro than two or three houria

Young Mr. Meyer told tbe officer tbat b# bad aern a men loitering about tbe plao# loNt nigbh but he wa# not lu rt tiiat the W ly wa# tbat of th# luan be aaw. Tbe polloe no­tified (‘ounty Rbyaician Elliot aud Morgue keHjtar Brueokner.

White tb# |«trul wagon waa on tbe way t# the place, thu driver, Oweu Hmith* discovered A pair of dark trouurH and a light fiannel shirt lying on tb# rood. The dotUea wor# pickefil U|>, and a man who hap;)eued along trdd tbe officciiv that he had seen a man atop on lb# road and ebang# the clothing found bv the p:)ilcc for a light #uU. The man later vlowe<l the body found In the water, but said it WA-'i out that of tho man he aaw laat flight

fjinilhtfdt m'Ao iiTjni’ (ft rffU luniff* ttr odwr-tUf in lAff A'A'KW, Ihukuhi thty kihin: tfvU

7huint4 UAtk Uttre tor i'l'MTa' Is ‘Ih

IN TIUK Foil THK llABV PARADB*Haturdav Half-linlldAf Kicimlonlali Will

Find Mueh to Knlertaln Them.The Batunlay haif-boUday exnuraioii#

to the Atlantic coast will T« inaugurated to-morrow hy the Franklin Street Epwurth l«mgue. Great pr#i)arAtiuua hav# been made to luKure a auo-cmaful trip, and tho train williMive the Central Depot at 1 V. M. for Ijong Braucb, Asbury Park and (.)c#au Grove. A feature of this nxeuralon will bo tlia# the patroQH will be landed at Asbury Park la ample tlm# to wltoesA tb# lixth annual babyfuirad#, which ba# grown to be a conspicuous evuut at Asbury Parkeach senoon. The startiug of the parade haa bean deferred and the pageant wlij nol more until 3:30 o'clock. More tlian flv# hour# will b# given the exciindoDiata on th# beach, and the train will leave frir homo at 9 o'clock.

Th# Trinity Itcformed and Knox Presbyterian cbmvheK, of Harrison, have also platmad an excursion tothe coast resorts for tomorroiv. They will go by the PenimylvaDia Rail­road and itop at all autlona thi# dty. Tb# babr parvle a t Aabury Pork will be one of Uie iDtereetiBg sight# for ax* cunionista.

Adami-HaaoD*At the roaidence of her undo, D. J, MoiOi,

ICh Van Buren street, Mis# TsiMj# £. Moion was last night united in marriogo to Walter Adams, ofPittsburg. Tbe Derenaony was per­formed by Rev. L. S. Oaboraa* in the preaeuco of a largO number of gueeto, The bride was giv>a away by her uncle,

-feuded by Mlaa Llill# £. Adanuk Alitor of ^ the groem,and ..UlH ’ AoRie L u e . D* B.Dtlney waa beat man," aud Gs H. Moaon, Hanry E. Menagh, M. J. Mason, and Cbarfe# J. Lonner, aerved oi' ushert, A reception followed the oeramony, after whlob tbe uewly-married couple l#fa to ipend their hon^mooti in tbe CatakllH They will reelde at nttaburg on their return,

fiaturday Fair aad Colder*Fair aad atlghtly colder weather la pro*

dloitd for New Jersey to-tnorrow by th# WaatbarBoreaUs Northweoterly windk

been redocen to leaa than oost of making; price fSva pair. Tell your neighbors and irienda.fiioQtcubDrgh ie Oo., 719 to IDO Broad at.—Adv*

Collars LOo. Xaah, Caff# lie* Per Pair. Four-ply linen, all atyl«a t heal makaa. Xs#t^% Ull Mork#t glrtfte^Adv*

fitoatenl^argh A Co**a N«w l>«part#i«ata Uandaom# uaaortmant of VoUaea. BatebaU

and Full Drei# I'llaea Just in* Alt ibe laUai atylesi embracing the cabin bog, English elnh, oonvoa duck, bore-baok olive dr#aaiiig«Ba#Bnd Bngllah bellowa, Wa intand to oriale a

Tely bualnaae In theae goods by aalUng iba eholoaat atylaa and bait roakea at modaiota

ilweli * Cfc. W to fl® Bioeflnriecs.Btoatslil

m - COINAGE.rvJ MMito truwfint n-c irif ‘1 In Uin

•Am ThuMdft.r and rt'iHirtnl bf ill* TltW Uil tkiidlMuiy wnra:

■ ftWAHK.Q y m U. H»dd«n Pt OI (o i^mu»|

Oftift, • ft NoriU dib ii lU 0 fr llp'la*fmn Ar, S ilfD ................ ....... .......

WUttMM II. ('{mlon ft| DE |4t HftiihnA K ft ■ ttU tx I7i n fr Hvrkftlrr

Gbrutopliftr B«rli to ('li«rten tr«*rs. a •_ re ry m ¥) w fr Kr-lori lE at. SUfftt

>fBft A. UlchATtSl el UE to AulliuiiV ; rUi) lriM7i


flahttbftL tnu-l cuntK Ha;bftL r•M U IfT-MiftE................ ................

m Iaa (a UDrftutit« el Ui to Jiitur« ('nd* aiiiE, a • ror IkeuiftlT.

ftABMift iVImoA ftl ux to ArrtiU>Hln T. Moiirft, p I Mt l*ri*4pftct av tlR « fr John9. T*hUI!pft. HUtitfl


Bajfthtft Ftftftlftr ft&d l;u«*Uind io JimcuIi ti. KftwnwD. ft I Hiiilurr a¥ li>i r fr Ve<l«r^iioUt« j&iKit.............................

WtUIjim HeliioUftfHlipr rt nx lu John UftlDS ftt ai, • • Hftldwiu Rt M) w fr


lU fn Aljr. 2»illK)CariTrtti and al to Upk-ljt'iittftr*

•sraodalRR HmoDimt Jdi» t I t N1-•••raftL atxtflu..

FrwwftB 11. i^nklin to Aibrrt !«. HjaI*-1.4M

•Mk, ■ ■ (Minton ar U n • fr Joel llar>^riftoa, ftxlftu...................................WUUaxn M. Hntwti to Krank tl''(!wArtlii,

w f Arch ■! Si fr NVh -t ..................Uarmu lifthlbach (o Alfred S\

w ft Joftftnh Nt ml n fr AlU<ri ar........,A^ffld W. Unuiti et ox to John 1|.

OuBiuftam*.......... . .......................JcMuiph Lftftr ftt BE tot'imiUue Ktraub» a

w our WtllUm At anrt an alf, i l l HKK ... A a ^ OraftnetPin to KHrnani u

l^tlU am ftta jfr a w i Qr U'm.


TOW.NHHIPM.Harman Lehlbaeh {HljcrltT,! to the Or*

aoc* NatfoiuU Bank, Ka«t Oraiiffe, • i ^^Jeatre at u w our ('iirnrUa ^Vhevler. , UJtU WaUoa WhUtlftiay et ue Ut the

Vbaa Trai'ilun tli* rixltt nfWaiftkaag av, ( 'h«fttuat ■(, Oxfunt pi, Chftfry Bi and Marrlftoo at fur a raU>road.............. I

John J. ((raw et ax to Daviil (I. Knlxlit,Cllatoiu w h Au^ofttaai in • fr Cot.Uct at........................................... J

John J. Orawfti ax to IM omaM It KmiiU, Clltiloa, w t AdguiUftt an • fr Col*„<••• rt.............. 1

Bm ^ H. Hatam ft al to Mary J. t 'uu- Mir. ril&U)b« lot ?7i map K-ipi l*ark.

(terge batten fttux in Howiiiau II. Hhlv*•ra. Montclair. Ratcie Hook M andurUm at tou Mt Proftpai-t..........

Hftfiaaa LehlMch (Sh«r|iTi to ThoiUM^ WllUaiM ftt al, 0 ft Northflftld r«i ___Tm WMfc End lAtid ImimitC'oto Kttmia

Mlebfr. Houtli Oranx*.« a laalMlia ar..JJOfr jUonmiiuth pi, SliH®.................

via K. Woodward to Nfcholaft Hcballa, pyitrainlieid, u w ei»r Undea ar and

aUnd a » ......... .................. .




B*rrftftMtatWft Harraaaa T«||ii a Htorj la \ Aniwftr to UuMtlona.

Wt^ tfa* WaibloftoB Pott.•onutimti uk m awhx<lip«n

m f Hama with two KaprMenta^ttra Htxotann, ^*Wb«nlwaa a atudent killarTlMtd yM t* . ( 0 I got tb« ld .« Into n>7 b o^ th k t I would follow tb . fwhion and •Umibato tb# axtra lett.r. 1 atart.d Inbyw rltlag to mjr .fathar, a ratpootad and promlaant phytlslao In Baltlmora, a ^ i ^ i n g la tba inpro.td way, ‘ Your aAaUiHiata ton, Blngar Harman. ’ My totbar quickly datocteu tba cbanga, and bask oama a lattar whoaa aaraMt iw- proaebaa I hart aaaar furgottan.

“ Ha polntad oat that tba aama atood ^ oaa o f tba graataat haroaa o f an- nqolty. ▲rmantua, tba Harmaon o f Tael-

wbo stood Ilka a bulwark agaioat Hoipab laat of oonqatat, and to wboaa Madarahip tba ancient Uarmaoa owed the praaamtlon o f Ibair nationality, tbeir langnao and tbadr flraadom. He said that aama waa given nie by thoaa who alone ;bi4tba antborlty to confer it, and with thau eoaaant the nama aboold never ba a lta r^ avea In raipect to a letUr, Tht rabake I received lo Impreaaed me that 1 ooaolndad I f the name waa good enough for aiy father It would be good aaongh for

mubnra, aprlagfleld, Short HIIU.A small balloon, which was started hearen-

»ard by sums boys ussr the Fresbyterlao Cbapel lo HpriBffleld early last ereoloK, fell OB tba balldlng and tiplodsd, astling bra to tba roof. The boys procured snnia ladders •ad tba ftra waa oakkly estlDyulshsd.

Tha HIttburn polios olDcen bar. deua>. mlnad to abolish tba oostom of JunknMa of aatarlng tba yards In the tnwiiehlp, sod yea- tarday Offloer Hankins arrested Charlee quell, A Newark Jnnkmao. and two boys tor entering yards In Hhort Ullla Jastloe Hlmosoa flaed qnsu I1.TS.

The HlUbam frae ReadlnjMooina bam been atoeed for the ennuner.

Bt. Rote's Yeung Men's Oatholio Association will bold an Important meeilng on Monday night.

lUee Oraee Ayera, of MIHbnm avenue. Mill, bum, has returned from a vielt to friends lo MloUgan.

Mltecf Marie and Madeline Lyon, of Hprlng- Atld, are tujourolng In Connecticut. Tbey wlU Ttelt the Catakllle and Asbury Park be- lors ratnrnlnt home.

Uri Edmund Cot and family, of Old Short HlUs, are apemUof the sunimer In Pauoayl- vanle- 'vanta.

MMi Harriet Stuart Boqnet, piiunlpal of the Bounet liMtttuu at Shun HUi^ la spending ber raoatlon nt BurUnglon. ,

Rev. James B. Wasson, rsetor of HI.' Btepban's Eplsoopal Uhuroh, Mlllburn. will dallver an appropriate sermon to Suooeas OounoU Nn. 171, Jaulur Order Amerloan Me- obanlce, of MiUbnrn, on Sunday.

The pulpit In tba ITirst I’reebyterian Ohnroh, at Springlleld, will ba nocuiited on Sunday by Sav. Stanley White, pastor of tha Hlilsldt Pitabytarbut Churob of Ureoge Valley,

Nmaklln end Motley Plcklngt,The kpwnrth League connected arlth l|ia

ITaakltn Methodist Eplsoopal Church will bold a toclable at tbs residence of A. w , Pin- giee, on Erie arsnue, on Monday night.

The bon re of morning eervlcu at the Frank­lin Reformed Church bare been changed from Ithtb to llhtd A. M.. and the Set^bath-echool to 1:11 A. M. during the summer miintbs. Her. WUllant Stuart, the pastor, will exchange pul- plta on Sunday with the Her. Bogerdus, of the Brookdale Keturmed Churuli.

Mr. end Mra H. M. Bingham, of Terrace place, and Mrs. G, B, Phllbower.of (Ifaut avo- bue. started this morning for e drive aorott the oonntry to Asbury Psrk, where they will ■pend two weekg.

C. H. Ray, of Niitlsy avenue, Iim returned from a yachting trip t.i Shelter hland.

Mrt. James M. Whiider, of the Enclosure, Is spending a month at El berup.

Sevsraly Scalded by folTee.Thomaa Reilmond, of Mniu struet. Belle-

villa, hml his hanils severely scalded l>y hav- . Ing hot ooffae thrown over tboiii yesterday by his sister-in-law, Mary Jane Parker. The wmuan had been drinking and got into a dla ■ptjto with lledinoud. A warrant was sworn out before Justice 1a Fnuchorie for the aiTsst of Mn. Parker, and It Lwk the onm- (Wned efforts of tlie Justice aud Constable Baadford to get the wuniau to tlBC JusUoe's oSw. Bhe bad the distinction of being thellrat pemm committed to tlis new jmkuii! and this aiuruing she was lined IIU and oosts.

Wsstteld and Vlotetty.William Oatnn was srreeted yretenUy for

the part he played lu s free llglit at Moffett's Hotel at Lenox on July *. f'red Combs, of Westfield, became t-atou's bicidsniau. Ho will appenr before the Uraud J iiry at the next term. *

The Itnion Water C'omiisny will plnee the hydrant a ordered by the Town Commitlce of WoslltclU in poslttun next week.

The Uudoii Towiistdp soliuol election wlllljc held at the towiroum In the Whentaheaf Hotel on July 17.

Ilellevllle Panellings.Frank Abbott, the leii-ycar-ol.i son of John

Abbou.of William slreel, Itellrvlllc. fell from a cherry tree yesterday afieniuon and had ■everal riba broken. ,

Misa Nellie Keller, of Oxford, is visiting Mine Isittic Dc Mouth, of M'ashlugton avenue beliayllle.

Wilbur C. Weyants, of William atreet, BelloTlIle, la Bpeiidltiga few weeks at Central Valley,

Itcpenils on the Insert.From Hardware,

The stocks of shellac are said to Im light all o v « the world, owing to the crop of stlcklao baring been a failure for the last t wo Mcaeouti, Btlcklao Is jiriHliioeil iji the Jimglrs of India by a little Insrct who works ills nay Into the low throbbery. He cauitot exist except where there Is dauipness aud shade, and still two much moisture It harmful to him. Condlllone hare lately lieeu uufavorahle to him, with the

' I " “ ".t''«t*ecarclty ul this ertlrleU immi- * ' ■smaiiider of the year.

T H E K ingston , N .Y .,Postm aster _ * says;

Dr. Deane’sD y s p e p s i a P i l l s

work wonden. They cured my son of Sick Headache and Indigestion. A young lady friend of my family cured herself of Sick Heftdache of long standing by Ubir use. Brery one ncothmend them highly,"

N. WOLVEN, PofttmaftLcfs Thli it borne aidonetneiiU.AlftUktftgftHkiycMBU. S«M 10 ua for free Iftftipk*

PIL J, A, DHANE CO. :,Blugfttou, New Vorkk

Voting llaakliisan Kngage. In an Ejiil- iienlly aereessfnl r ipsHiuesit,

From the Chicago Tribune." ! am Ul underetand, then. Miss Plunk-

alt," Said tha young man, outwardly calm, whatever may have been the tetnpeet of paMloii that agitated his Interior, “ that Ibis avowal la an unwelcome surpriaa to yuut"

"Ihkvenaver dreamed, Mr. llankln- ■OI1," she replied, with cold and almost disdsinful (lance, " o f the iioealbliity of such a thing, and I beg that you will never renew the lubject."

" It would be ueelcxs to open the dlacua- ilon, would It t ”

" I t would.""You oonid never look upon me In any

other light than that o f a Mend T”“ Never."He waa eilent a moment and then, with

a visible effort at unconcerii, be said: "Pardon me for asking the <|uestlon,

H is* Plunkett, but wae there inythlng unseemly or repellint In my Isngusn or in niy manner o f expressing mysolft"

"N o, .sir. Under the circuiiutaneee, Mr. Hsnklnson, I have no objeotlon to saying that you exnretsed ynursalf sd- inirably. Your words wera well ohoaen and your manner, apart from the -the amotion, which I nead not sty I do nut ■bare, wss an objectionable."

"Had you been at all predlspoaed In

Thr I ftftilhlftlftB IPp|iiti|iig Knrli Ollivr Two \par» A f « AkbIu Numlmtlml.

Ilifttory hI the Main#Htat« conveutlorift thltyeur. The R^imb- licnns ri nmiiinatfr) (iovtrnur Uraft•tn ei Oavftftg who w *i eleried in !H»2, and (ht> DenificrAUi iirumptly nmoml" nalrj tf:t! Uovftrnor’A untucrcuful o])- pniK-nt in campaign, ('jiarU'ft k'. JuhnNon, of Watervllle.

Uorerrior Cieavaa li a nativa uf Maine, an 1 Hws LM>rn In Hrld^ton Pebruiry 6, 1H40. H « Wftft ftd(Je(ited at (be common ftiiiiuoU and at Norih Hridgton Mnd Lt'wlft- ton KivHft avftdeiiiieft, and ia 1M2an)lfttfd ait a private In lb** Twi'Hly-third MhIji*

At the expiraiioa of bis( xpitf rin ofenjistmenL, July t&g 186S, he re eii' llaltd III the TolrUttth Maia Veteran Vul

nay favor, then, vou could 'have ’listened kindly hj me ana -aud m if ht-fdbl:

might pMhbly----"

thii(k tm a ju y y«ito tha t,’*fhe«ald, pitying hU evident embarraaftment.

‘■Yet yet it made no Impression on your affeo—on your heartT"

“ None at all.”** And it Will never be o f any use for me

lo ask you aicalnf”“ Once againr Mr. Ffanklnson," said the

young womao, coldly, “ and once for all,uoI“

” Then you wont miod my teUfng you, Mlsi Plunketts” he aald. gfestly relieved, ^*tbat I waa indulginf m a llttis pre­liminary praollce wftb a view to calling on Laura Bilderhack. I am going there now. Good ereoUig, Mias Plunkett."

Hinniullehl, Montelalr ami TherealreiiU.slubu lt)aud« ararpeulrir. uf KliM»tiifle)d, liaa

•QrU Mrs. .Margaret CrosH»‘. a ftal-xm-keeper, for ♦hifcr extra work lu rstiiiHlslIUig bur gw. loon. Polios Justio* KwU rstsrvsd his autlitou,

hupgrisisndsut WlllUm llsmlrrwti, of Inc Muburbsii Trscllon Coiupwiiir *1 illnqmfltld. IcstsnUjr afternaou hail warrant* Isaucil for lh« xrrsat of ib r » lllooiiiflsid hoys, Edward Ward. Edward Oardutrand Albsrt lUrnrs. charged with malicloua mischief, In ruutilug uua uf the company's enrv acvcrsl biurks sway from where It waa statluuiHl. Nines the con- ilrucllon of tbs sewers through the centra of the town I hs ran have besu unabla to run through and ons car ha« been Itfl eundlng at Ihs centre. This car the boya rolled away.

■Mrs. Charlse llodd amt family,of Ulen Hldge, have gone to .Sew York Stats for ths sum- men Henry B. Hammond lo the Whits Mmin- tains, and Hwight Thomaa to the (tatsklUa Rav. F. J. Goodwin will go to Kurope In a fortnight lo spaod hia vacatlos. Kogsr V. Arms and family, also of Ulen Rldre, have gun* to IMglilaiid Beach for the sumnisr,

A social will bs held In the Heptlst Pliurch, HliHoiifleld, tisnight.

WUIlem E. Smith, of Olen itldge, will spend ths Dsxt two weeks In California

Mrs. Mary £. Koebar, of BheonfleLd, com- platnsd to Justice Hall yesterday that Mary BcUriegan. fourteen years of age, whom she secured from an orphan ssylum In I'seslac four years agn, had become Incorrigible and that she was unable ta care for the girl any kingsr. Ths girl wae locked up and will bs sent to the county Jell until she can ho re- turned to the InstltutioD from which the wss tskeu.

The citliens of Bloomnsld llvUig along the line of the ^-ond Biver. through which the sewage of Eaat Urauge paseea, are prepsilng a petllloh, which they will present to the blate Boasi cf Health, sgaiuat the eewage from tha dispussi worke, the oduri from which are de­clared a nwnaoe to tlie health of the com­munity. A number of aamplea of the water from the stream have been secured aud they Will bs taken lo Trenton,

Phirnli Huee Company of Bloomhehl haa received and accepted the resignation of Fred Dower and elected Charles Douglass to mem­bership.

Frsildls GrllHth, ths young Montclair hoy w1m> was so frightfully burned by Ureersekses os Wsdneeday, wsa sllll alive at his home this morning.

A Girls'Cadet Corps wae organised In the Park Methmllst Church, Btoomneld, last night.

A hone belonging to Dr, W, U. Van Gleann. of Rlooinlleld. ran away laat night and col- Udeil with a fence, badly damaging a carriage to which it waa attached, and slightly lujur log the physician.

The niuomllsld Baac B«11 Club will go to Caldwell to-morrow to play the Caldwell Club.

Morristown Happenings,Edward Armstrong, proprietor of s livery

stable In Morristown, tare ball yesterday to answer a charge o( asaault made against him by Carl Kcrstlug. Both men are msmbera of the B^rd of Fire Wardens, and Armstrong drives the petrol ,wagon. A difficulty aroM between the two men at a Ore Wednesday night. Excise Commissioner Kerstlng, who Is the father of the oomplainant. Interfered but was pushed elide by the accused, who then struck Carl a violent blow In the facr. The fracas caused much excitement. Kerstlng caused Police Justice StUwell to Isene s war­rant for Armstrong's arrest, and Bi-rt Pries want on the prleoner'e bond lo await the action of the next Grand Jury.

A nioasmaetlng wee recently held by the realdents uf Boontoo, et which a petition was prepared and tubaequently submitted to the new Board of Common Council, praying that no mure than four liquor licenses be granted by that body. The petition was favorably acted upon. Among thoes who fulled to oh- tain a Itcenee was a ealoon-heepcr nsmed O’Cnnnor. Nothing daunted, the dealer In wet gotsU made applioatlon to the .Morrle County Courts for a license, end hsi suc­ceeded 111 obtaining It, much to the chagrin of Ihe leadera of the movemant lo limit the liquor traffic In Bouillon.

A travelling acrobat, who hsi been Hop­ping In Morrletown fur eevcral dayi, late yes­terday afternoon visited All ISoiils’ Hospital and by hit erratic oondutit frightened the Bisters ta charge of that Institution. It was with great difficulty that the help employed In the hospital sucoeeded In ejecting the mnn. A telephone message to p.illce headquarters Caused. 1‘ullce Officer Morrltnn to hesent to arrest the offender, who was found lying nn the sldcwnlk unconecious. When telien lu the statlnu-house In a s-ab the prisoner was examined by Dr. llalsted, who prunounml the man to bo » victim of the ethrr liahSt. He wae remanded and the authorities will In. veetigale bis oaee lu-day.

Himiiflil Pointers.The Summit Hoard of Fire Wardens held a

SptH'Isl meeting last night.The elnotlou of Suiiimtl School Trustees

under the new law will tuko plimo in the Brhool Hall on the night uf July 17.

The funeral of (haronce Hiek took place from his hrol her's rusiduiiue at Bum inlt this morning and was (irlvate. Tiie remains wore taken to Philadelphia, where Mr. Risk for­merly rcsliteil, for Intoruieiit.

.lolm V. Murphy. WHliiuu H. Brown nml W. H. Coffrey, iiiemhers of the Urplieus Boat Club, were upnel while experimontliig with a new hoBl In the Pesnalo River at Hummil yes- lerday afternoon. They swam to shore.

John Huntrr, of Buinmlt, who has been 111 for the ijasl three weeks, waa removed to Bt. Ulchael'e Hospilul yesterday foreuouu.

Basking UHlge News Notes,The Conundrum Bupper and Festival, held

In the rhaiwl uf the I'resbyierlan ohurrh, at Hoeklng Itldge, on the afiernuoo and evening of July 1. proved a eucceas.

The members uf theBt. James'eRO. Church, at itaskiug Itldge. iteld a dance and festival In Dayton's llsU on Wediieeday evening. Several lights occurred during the evening aud two men were hurt. No nrrests were made.

1 he Berkeley lleigliLe Base Ball team crossed hats wltli the Jerseys, of Baeking Hldge, on VVediiraday nfternoon, at the latter's ball grounds. A large crowd witnessed the game, which resulted lu a victory for the Berkeley Heights br>ys.

F O L K B Y O U H N U W .

—M. D, .Martin, nf Ontario, Canada, Is spend­ing a few; days with George Hervey, on Wake- man a^Pmir. '*

—-Miss F. Denln, of Emmet etreol, has gone to Bprlngfleld.

—.Mrs. John A. Nlrhol* and family, of Fut- tou streol', are summering at Madison.

—floury Roberts, of Ornugc street, hns gone to Penn Yenii, N, Y.

—Edward Goodman and sister havtetiirned IromPhllndelplilSk T

- Arlliur Hayward, of Engelwood.Ia vlsUIng rreU Alilrede of Summer avenufts

—Miss M’enim. of Waverly plnce. Is speurt- dngnfewdaye at the Colonnade House, A« bury Park.

—Miss Grace Harrison, pf Roseville, haa re­turned from Rutherford, ""

■Miei Maude Parker, a daugliter nf General Purkor, of New York dtJN is visiting Miss- Wilkinson, of Idalsted street. East Orange.

- Miss .M. Pratt, of Uttletou nvonue, has gone to Montclair.

—The Rev. John A. Bhnw, who broke down from overwork lost winter, will return lo this city on Friday and will remain a week, bid­ding goodby to his friends and parishioners before saUloK with Un. Bbaw for Europe.

unti ers, aiida fi-w muntlis later was Com- niisaiourd First Llciilenanl of lluiiipnny F. 11a participated In the bnUlea of Bshine C'ruasrimds, Plcunnl Hill, L'aiie River and Ollier angafemeiits of the Army of the (lulf. In August, INdl, h* Jollied \n* Army of th* Piitonisv and served with Bhcridail In the Blienanduah Valley. Alter Ia’b's surrender he was transferred to the Ds- partmmt of the Uulf, wticr* he served uiilH his dlscblrKo, Augusl JO, IhlVi.

After the war Mr. Cleaves relumed to his iiallve Btste, studied lew snd entered Into partnarshlp with Judge Howard and

c. F. JfHtVWiW n .f tvE*.

Hon. Nathan Cleaves In Portland, wher» ho has since lived and |irsclloi d Ills pro­fession. He was elected lo the Lcglsletiire Id 1876 r.nd lk7d, and lor two years there­after was Cllv Holicltor of Portland, From 1880 to 1885 Mr. ( ’leiivf . served ths Blabs 04 AltorneyAJeneral. The Uovernor It unmarried.

Charles F. Johnnoii was horn too late In the nineteenth centurv to win laurels with the smiles o f the Union, os he Brit sew the light of day In 1SJ8. He attended the public schools of hi> native town of Winslow, end In 1874 gradusltd from the Coburn C'IsasIcsl Heinlnarv at WotervlUe. Then he Unght school and continued his studies at Colby tfiilverslty, end in 1817 entered Bowdoin College,where hs gradu- eted ot the age uf tweutv-one. For two .vaora aRer his gradualion he fllledoclerk- alilp In a Buaton railroad ofllce, end then went to Mochios, where for four years he waa principal of the high school. He de­voted Ills spare time to the studr o f lew, end In 1888 woi admitted to the ber.

He haa since been Id the active practice o f his prol'easlon In IValervill* end hse been prominent In polltlca He he* been Town Treasurer. City Bolicitor, e member o f the Board o f Education and tbrae times an unsuccesaftil candidate for Mayor. Mr. Johnson married the daughter o f I. W. Britton, o f Winslow, In 1882, end their union has been blessed with two children.


Edward Kvsrett Hale GIvm an Aeeoont of (ha Bystein,

From Lend a Hand."T h e word ‘ base ’ It noon too honora­

ble In Its broader sense, but the hose of a working party who are lik ing up the stgeeU may be e Christian geotletuan of the type ot Kidney, These ItoUen bosses have none of his duties. They ere not the foremen who preild e over the workmen or give them their directions; they ore simply in avowed class o f middlemen, whose intention U le to make as much money, on the one hand from the co-.- tractors for labor, and on the other hand fYom the laborers, os they can squeete out o f either party.

“ Tbejr do this In this way. They say to the laboring man: ' You muit give me a bonus for tlndlug work for you.' This bonus ranges Irum f2 to (U. They say, In the second place, ‘ When 1 have foond work for you, you must live in oertain tenements which t shall proviso for you.’ Those tenements are of the lowest grade, while the rent is such as belongs to much more com forlsble apsrt menla. Th ey say. In just the same way, ‘ You nintt buy your food at my shops;' the food Is also ot thelowest grade, and the price Is much more than It Is worth. The laborer Is thusbound to the boss by all the ties by which, m the lowest regions of the Booth now, the poorest negro is bound to the person lYom whom lie hires his laud

“ After this miserable arrangement has been made, the boa.s, at bis oonvenience, agrees with some coiilrsctor that he will furnish ten, Iweiily, or forty workmen, end he does so. verv probably the con-

M *■— .___tractor nays him (l. 'il a day for the workify ' • 'men, ofwniob ho pays the workmen fl.

The workman cannot help himself, and bos to take what he can gel. More likely attlieendoftenortw em yd ays the work­man is turned off by the boss, who by this lime Wants to him other laborers, wbo will pay him a new bonus, or entrance fee. The laborer has no remedy ae against him.

“ The so-called boss, having thus got the laborer p-etly much Ui Ills power, establishes a bank, os he calls It. This is a place where be takes the money which these poor Italians wish to remit to Itily, and provides for them bills of exchange. Nobody knows how much be makes them pay for the exchange; and that Is com­paratively uuimporlaiit when one coti- tidera the other result, which is that three of these brokers have, this winter, aban­doned the busiiisss of bunking, and re­tired to parts unknown, with ^,000 which belouged lo tJicue poor people. Thus far legal remedies have been vain ; so useless, Indeed, thst It Is said that one of these persons, having apparently spent his share o f this plunder, has come back lo Hoaton and is About to attempt a simi­lar enterprlso again."


I'rrpeluslly Guiinlcil Agahut rasilhte Assostluatlon.-llla I'lnlis,

From the London Telegraph.All men must some day die, and all

know that they must die; but the Ctur walks and talks, eats and drlnka'aud sleeps under the jjerpetual shadow of death. I f half the accounts be true which come from the splendid and solitary re­cesses of the Russian p.tluces, no month paa.sc.s without some Inllmatlou that the enemies of his throne and peraon can mtnacB him tbrougli all the triple har­riers of guards and safeguards which sur­round his Imperial Majesty. He may Bnu words of treason In the golden cigarette esse whlcb he opens when he would smoke, on tire buck o f his dinner menu, upon tbs blotling-pud wlien be signs dis­patches, or beneath the pillow o f his couch.

The Iruiited attendant o f his privacy may be sold to the conspirators, his kltcbeu may not be safe agalnat them, nor Ills study, nor even the chapel where he Worships, When he walks abroad his path must be heedfully oleared aud pro­tected, the walls and floors o f bis palaces

‘ be searched before ho visits them,and his journeys by tuilwsy necessitate a minute inspection o f the lino, with oftena cordon of soldiers to keep It from point to point. Amid all his grandeur and vastpower “ he doth live a man forbid peace and security can not he so much as known to biin, for the strongest nature Is not proof ugslnst the cowardly torture thus perpetually Inflicted. One does, in­deed, become in a oertain way Indurated even to such an existence oa this, and the patient fortitude o f the Czar is said lo be remarkable.

Bunions. Respond

Why an Smlarnt lll.uetalltsl Thtnhs II Sliuulfl He FIfleeu aud a Half of

Hllver to Ons of Gold.Henri Cernuschl In ths London Times.

Blit - By on accident which I regret, your challenge lo hl-melalll>tt ssetped my attanlloQ until to-day,

Hpeaking o f Ibe Mansion House con­ference, you said ;

"hiora ounfldsnea might, p'rhaps, be full In th# nislnwnsnce of a ratio by agreemtnl II bl-tnetallists would deign to tell us what ratio they would flx If they had Ihsir way. . . . But It Is at this point that the courage o f bl-metalllsls falls tham. One and all th#y shrink from giving the smallest indication of wbal they think th# ratio ought lo be."

I beg yonr l#ave to raply.hither it will be atipufsted that illvsr la

lo b# unlveraal money and tbit gold is lo ba money In Europe and tha United Bis lea

lha ratio of 1 to 15J o f silver, or nothing will be st^ulalad.

WhyT Because It, for the 16J ratio, a ratio more favorable to gold were substl- tuled, France would either have lo melt down her gold francs in order to create lighter onsa, or lo melt down her silver francs lu order to create heavier ones, 1 am about to demonstrate that France can not aud iboutd not engage to melt down •itjher her gold francs or ber silver rronoo.

Two buiidred stiver francs it-IO flue) weigh ons kllugrsninie i4d pieces of 6 franca). Tliraa thousand one hundred gold trancx lU id flna) alto weigh ons fcUo- gratnnis (15& pieces uf 20 irsnes). Thasa 2U0 franca m silver snd these 1,100 francs In gold exhibit tha old 1 to 15jf ratio, con­stituted by free bl-malslllr cotnoga prior to 1873.

Buppoaa that, according to what is pro­posed in several quarters, France agreed to adopt, os Interuiltunuf ratio between ■Uver end gold, the t to 26 ratio In lieu o f ber old 1 to 15j ratio.

I f Franca wore to aet about this change by creating gold francs of leu weight loan the present franc she would have to out ujj the kilugrainms of guld no longer into 155 pieces nut into 250 pieces, each lo be current ns 30 francs, although lighter. There wuuld then be 5,000 guld Irenes confronting JOOsllvor francs; for 6,00(Hsto 20aei25lol. He who nuwpossessei 8,11X1 gold francs would flud himself posaesAliig 0,ODO. 11 s would melt down ths 155 pleoee sud would present his ingot to the mint, which would give it bock to him cut up Into 2M) pieces of 20 francs each |5,000 francs;. J(e would so gain 1,000 francs, or S2 per cenL This Is al»urd, ridiculous, in- odmlssable.

But If, to realize the ratio of 1 to 26,

I A GusrlHi'i Kats-.Faarrul End of • MurJftrouft ('•rfter.

Corpurit Pruyuft h»d h tlud for • noon- ’ dfty bit* betwfteo Forii T «rr «t tod Mi’K tvrU H(id wftft ftlUiiig wtcb hli bock to • tr^e on the bxnki o f • fork o f tbt Han Ssiba Hiver when ont o f two horaoa« whlob werv irraximg not over thirty foot MwoVt xuddet^y MWik down ia • b fip ai dead m a fttono* Ko WM hnad ou. aiit] lb « Corporal ■•w th* blood fly from (h« erntr* o f bU for*be*d before he heard th« report o f the gon. 1 U waa (be hurt* of • oomrtda and

Part Tb*lr Nana la lb « MIdAlc.from PMtflu Town Talk.

Tb* proper fad now for the young woman wbo la nnybod'y *1 aU U to part hftf nawt In Ihe mtddlft, like ber bruth«r'» bnogts ao to ■peak. Thta Ift dlfttlortlr da Hgeur The girl you ODoe called Katmle LftwU,wb"at fticboul wrotft her nacM Fannlft R arid waitlaUroD known ae MIm Franree Ixftwlft, Ii now Miftft F. Brown l^awla Pr«ttir lltti* NrUle fkhWfton, whom you bad tcurtwlr beemne oied threading aitout In the ftadeif robimna aa Miftft ilftlen iMwfton, ha« becomr inetamor* pbuftnd Into MUft H. Brlnukerhofr Dawaon. Whftiw (Hd fthft get that hlgb^souaiUng raiddl** (M

? Wax ber mother a bhppkerhofff Not at ail. Indftpd.one tbrewdly auatwcU that

he was Irsding it to Fort McKerstL |Ae he sprang up and looked to the north he saw a horse and rider bearing down upon him. They were on tha oppoelte bank, on ixrfccUy level ground, end tha stranger’s Winchester still smoksd In bis hamlA His dress end outfit and th i lonely locality proved him to be one oftbcaa roving after the war guerrillas who In­fested Huuthern Texse for seTerol yean

i and robbed friend and foe alike.There wus some Hula delay before Ihe I*

; tlorporel got hold o f his carbine, and when ready to open fire from behind hli

> true be dlscuvered that something bad : halted bit enemy. Tbs outlaw Woe Icok- I Ing down snd around him In an excited ; way, and presently hs flung hU rifle for I from him, dug in the spurs and sbouled sncuursglngly lo ths horse. The struc glee o f the poor animal soon gave ths

: soldier an Inkling of the oltuatlon. In I dashing at him ths guerrilla had pushed I over a piece nt ground which reeembled . dried mud. Under the treacherous crust was prairie quicksand, and the feet o f hit horse broke through at about the third Jump.

Horse snd rider were not over 200 feet from Iho-slresm. As the soldier watched them the luau flung away his two pistols snd cartridge belt and fifteen seconds later hla saddle. He woe ceeking to lighten his horse. TheCorporiH stepped from his shelter, erosetd the creek and then saw the actual situation o f affairs, Horae snd rider were In the centre o f whut looked like ■ mudhole. From thii centre It wss ebout forty feet In every direction to solid ground. Tbs hard baked crust over the desdly quicksand wss thin and brlttts end soon broke up and dissolved os the hone floun­dered sbuul. The animal wae down to his belly os the soldier came oppoelte end halted, snd a dozen horses pulling at the end of s lorlst could not have drawn him clear. Ills rider drew up his feet and knelt down on the bock o f the horse end held on by the mane. Looking the Cor-

wm the fed lest I Fnbebly,through the summer. And whet Is the girl to do who has no perting to hsr nsDis? Thsgsn- ■ral odvloe Is to Invent ons. ThsswaUsst ot ell, they say. Is the girl who whan a tot at school used to wasp bitterly ovsr hsr thre* “ fruot names." Now, Daisy BniUh'i visiting rsrd njolnes In th« imposing array of Miss D. Robinson Johnson Hodth.


A A.-.*.-.r •sols is SVI

yus s isugolo.iiavK I'HorcHTi (M yon

sry wSTd sf ths siiy sod wlU glvi 1 w. UEXKr, TseBmdu.

___f u r n is h e d ROGHM t o 1.ET,

I lB .K rr MT.. HN-Kt'SMIMUXD LtHOR -"SOWS lor ligsi SeosskMtSBS. efi

i aftuftt X f t f t 4|p

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/VlUlIANIt NT., m \ /room; quioi. ftk«4y k TMIKIUl.

r<» ►L. HI. K A a A N yBftdftft; m , ffaUnMdfta*e

I****•• •• I'AHmk.a front rooras, ftuiiaoift Ibriifht bovMktftpift|.Wp

K I»KVn.L«-


8TOIIES, l,o|-rM, ETI'.. TO LET.

A '* -*8 WJI.LUM Tll.KT

1 1 ^ •’SOI SOU all susvsnltncsa s pply ui ptsa-

<iH *igiKn nr. rotilui lu let

BFORT, TS ood N HschouM IL


tu BiioapsT. ■I-STOBI ~

] ynicK FAi-riiHv, sexs-, 'I'o l x i ‘ nsiurisa 4 « MorWtt. ajdrltl


V nanuER avg . jrvan ci.ivruit a v f ,«Thrss-slory fronis hnllillni, (-eatalningSf Murt

and SsGi all mndrrii Imp revsnisati pmw tos-■ivt esiiy larma IHluW.V A SC'ilLUHNiiaH, isi and ;tt uiaad at sm

..Ul. 1,, LIT rvaoED vue rauo ci i to xu, France, instead of altering the gold francs, called in the silver francs end crested tbs heavier ones, what would happen f The kllugremme o f silver would have to be cut up, no longer Into 200 francs, but only into 124 francs; for 3,100 Donot gold are to 124 francs silver os 25 to 1. A loss of 78 francs, or 88 per cent This loss would have to be burn*, not by the holders, but by the Government. In exchange for every mlUlerd o f francs withdrawn from circulstloii the French tresiury would have to deliver * fresh milliard In silver pieces at the tneressed weight of38 per cent., or else In gold francs. A loss o f 380,OBJ,000 o f francs on every mllllsrd.

It is true that the 5 Irano pieces, since 1873, heve been tnelsIUc ossignsU, Just like *11 the silver pieces existing in Europe ecd la the Uoited BUtes, and Just Ilk* rupee* slooe the free coining of silver wss prohibited in Indio, But the gold francs are so plentiftil that they ore nut et e premium on the siiTsr francs. I f Eng­land decline* bl-m*telliim at 151, Franc* will have to keep to th* sUlas quo, tihe will Wilt.

The disappearance of the French bl- melullio par In 1873 boa bad two conse- queneex ll( Frequent end violent fluclu- stions in the rate of exchange between the countries coining only gold, on the one band, and on the other hand the ell- ver inono-metaiHo countries (2) A heavy fall In that rate of exchange.

Fluctuations In the rate of exchange would cease o f course if any ratio ilO, 15, 20, 25; were fixed by the great metallic powers. But the Incommensurable evil which the heavy fall in that exchange him caused aud Is causing cannot cease except by the revival o f the 15J ratio. I f the ratio 1 to 26 were established by an lnte> national convention It would onlycodflrm

poral defiantly In tha eyes, ba Impudent-

diaLKn IN HBAL lO-TATKAlIDaPPEttMKB, N( 1. 7lf HHOAD ST., naar Ukv PostuMua

Vslusiloiii modsou Improvsd sad uatmprevst ^ropsrty: ssuioi dtvtdtd : Vulvrv PsOlin. yg

querlrd .'“ Well, la it your tarn to Ungb T"“ Herves you right I" replied the Corpo­

ral." Likely it does, though I didn't mean

to abunt the horse. I fired to frightenhim off a bit."

"And then you were going to hold mn upT"

“ Uf course. 1 wontad your oulflt for a friend o f lulne.”

"And you'd have killed me to got It f ” " Of course. You coo chalk this down

at your lucky day,""Aiid Vo

h, I i,isy coma out #11 right yet."

. ___- - ........ ly cthat evil, consecrating and maintaining It

................... Essforever. The Indlan treasnry, which already Id 20 yean expended s thousand million rupees, taken ITom Indian taxpayers, to meet the losses on the exchange between the rupee and the sovereign since the fall o f the rupee below 2s. in 1873, would And Itaelf dooqied every ,vear to obtain by taxes or loans about 130 millions o f rupees, if, Instead of the I5J ratio, 1 to 25 were internationally adopted us the new ratio. The losses in- flictod by the fall in exchange upon agri­culture, commerce and upon many indus­tries In Europe, but especially in Great Britain, as well os tha losaea Inflicted upon the finances o f th* silver tnono- metalllc BLstes, and upon the creditors of those States, would become chronic, per­petual.

The 15i ratio waa propoeed Jointly by the Government ot the United olates and of Prance at the Monetoiv Conference held at Paris In 1881. That ratio cannot but suit Germany, for the thaler, which is lull legal lender tor three mirks, ia in the 16J ratio o f weight to three gold marks. The Dutch silver florin weighs almost exactly 15| gold florins The allver rouble wclgbt 15) gold peaetot. Thu* the 15} ratio suite also ilolland, Russia and Bpain,

The portion o f stiver In Austria ispeculiar. The Austrian florin Is too heavy fit rejalloQ to the newly coined goldcrown. I f 15} became the inlernatlona! ¥Alio Aufttfi* would have to coQT*rt h*r florins Into silver crowns, weighing 16} gold crownx Tho holders of flnrliu woulil realite a bonus, but other countries would have nothing to complain of, especially as meet of these florins were coined at the time when'silver was everywhere 15}


“ OhThe Corporal went book and saddled

his horse, which wee grazing near the body of the dead animal, and led him up. Then ba pickedup the weapons the outlaw hod thrown away and made them fiat to the seddle, While Ihe soldier was absent the quick­sands pulled the poor beast down at least a foot. Trooper Frayns sat down on the turf opposite, lighted his pipe, and af­ter a few wlilflk he luqulred ;

" Aren’ t you the chap who calls himself Concho Joe?”

" You bat!”" You murdered twosoldiennpatCamp

Jolmsonf"" Y e x I killed a couple o f blneouats up

there who tried to walk on me.”"Y ou murdered the mail carrier be­

tween Fort MoKavett and Junction CitvT"" I wanted hit horse, and he wouldn’t

give It up.”"Y o u murdered end robbed a teamster

just outside of Fort TerretT""Y e x 1 expect they laid tbet to me."“ I have beard It aald,” continued tb*

Corporal, "thatyou hava killed ftom flf- teen to twenty men linos the war, and that every killing was a murder.”

"W e wont quarrel about that,” laughed the ontlaw. " When the num­ber reaches ten you may os well coll It twenty."

His horse was now down till the men bod Ul stand on bli book. He surveyed the sitnation from every point, and there was a grim smile on his fees ea be realized bis awful peril.

“ You’ ll Jnmp at the last," qnletly ob­served the soldier, “ bat nothing con save you. The instant your feet touen tbs mud you’ ll be sucked down."

"Y o u ’re right, I reckon," replied the ontlaw. " No use isking yon for th* end o f that lariat, eh?”

“ Not a b it ”“ I see. How would you like to shoot a

manT''" I shan't do any shooting at yon. ,,vT_. to be>NoT Well, old man, honest

about it, 1 don’t think I ’d show you air favoM If our poeltioni were reversed.never did ^ much on sentiment. Aboutforty feet lo solid ground, isn’t it ?"

"About that."" That means four jumps, and 1 can’ t

m ake’em. I ’ve seen thetlmeX wanted wings, but never so bad as now. Any one In light?"

"N o t a human being,” answered theCorporal, after a look around.

“ Thanks '

compared to gold.about the United btateiT

The silver dollar weighs 412} grains— that Is to say, 16 gold dollars. Ft is too ■heavy. It would nave to be replaced by a new dollar weighing 15} gold dollars— that is to aay, *00 gralni. This prooem would afford a profit of nearly three oenta per dollar to holders of the silver dollars or of their ropreientative silver cerllll- cates. Moreover, the Federal Govern­ment, without any expense, would be­come owner of tbe balance remaining (the so oalled lelgniorage; of the silver bought at a low price from July, Isso to November, 1893. But these profiu would not injure Europe; they have been, so to speak, disbursed lo advance by the mine- owners who have sold their metal to ths Government.

As for England, wnila retaining her gold sovereign and ber subsidiary silver coins, she would only have to re-otjen the Indian mints to the ffes coinage of runeei and Jo open the London mint lo the free coinage o f a 4s, piece Icontaining 350

order to consti­tute the 15} ratio o f silver with the gold pound.

Wore any other power to propose *n in­ternational ratio more favorable to gold that jiropoaal should he resisted and del rested by England as most Injurious to the inlorsstM of tbe British Empire,

lll.ACK HEAR AND__________UMIIRBI.LA.The Rain Hherider Vanquishes Bruin In a

TrtflftaFrom BU NSohoIai.

How much danger it there to the pound in a wild black bear when you meet him In hi* haunts accidentally and at oloso quarters? iirs. C. F. Latham, wife of mine host at Oak Lodge, on tbe Indian peulnsnlir (Brevard County, Fla.) can tell you exactly. There is a oleared trail lead- Ing from this same lodge-ln-a-vost-wilder- nes> to tbe beach, half a mile away. It runs through a dense and fearfully tangled Jungle o f cabbege palmetto, live oak and saw palmetto, which forms a living wall an each side of tho trail.

About twelve months ago Mn, Lathamwas returning from the beach alone and armed only, with an umbrella. When just

I'm going to try for solidground. One, two, three---- "

He leaped straight out for a distance of nine or ten feet, and os be struck tha mud he settled to bis knees In an Instant,

The Corporal looked at him for#m o­ment pnd then mounted hj* horse.

"Going, Corporal?” queried the out- l*w.

"Y ea , of course. No use wasting any more time here. I have comDonv and shan’t be lonesome.”

As the Corporal rode away be heard the mstle o f wings. Looking up he taw # score o f vultures flying In a circle above tbe deadly sands. For an instant he heil- tated and seemed about to turn book. Then a fierce light came to his eyes, sod be growled os he dug in the spurs:

" I t is tbe vengeance o f Heaven. Let him die like a dog I” M, Quad,

V -HOl'ME*. BTIIHKM.Sa LOOFS, miaiMKSH « • ...........................

any si lIXtlHAN'S

ttftiitftmrtftftfiBClMt :

hnrttii)4 BiwjkyB Gu \; iiftftnftn prM'iirn* ; r«ntftftoUf>»M.

----- ------- ■ - ......LXgUANUCa U Wmi Mft

I^)l1AALK-!fKW YOKK AVR.,fUUI( tlOOMH, tftW; Wftlftutgt,. • PiMOU. iLOin ; *ouUi niucftL tftW; Wftlftutgt,. • PiMOU, ; *ouUl

*.fl.7v]j tlunUfiln* f roooUi Agiorgt., Hroiwt, *0 rooait. Niig'ftt, iH-fttory,I poftmft. ] BjifAfti U roo«, |4,(nB, p.HJCVlbH « JS] liprUiiAftidi ftt«. OpftX ftrga-

OK KKMt.-risY* TBUCK rAKS(,■r>BftlgUftjrofft«ntiiglftT*a*emitr rtifiif iiiiti

TfttgA (ftnd, wlili houM xnd (ftMilaa xt r »n vHxmhun (>lxAft. ftiid •llhixottv llrmtu, r»ftUl4ft» biudrftd dolUn p*r rftftr AddrftM KKWJB!l4FltlLLUVHUiOV WaHK-i. .Sftvftr*. J m

TIf A VKKY l>KflrK4 R(ilt PAItT » of ftlx rooma; ftJI Ift flr-ft-

clMa rftpxlr, h*i* fbr fjo * mftnlti; ohmy IXW; larniiftftfty. fu<iutraAftHOUrU TxaNill Af. »|o

’LV>Jl HALF■T of H<«*¥il(ft, bftiiftft of ftlx rooma;

nftw'halr or /XCMANOF. u

locfttFd OAF blork Ibfj wllltiftxold to ftull

AkmlW pftOEftft, ginrift.MYUlh of pilniflgUt kVft.; Ibtj buyftr m Infttaljnftnlt. Cxll bI FftlldlDfi orMan AOO., 7n UmftdiL


^ 1 /U HAJ.AaYCX MONTllLY,R[rTH7-nioin cotiftfg In eily: half block

from OrftUfft tJftctrlr rant, t WM. A.WAiiP. ( .cftdgm.f n, cor. Brnftfl.


•potiwood.i FOR Bl'lf.DINU L01’*AT*p0T«W'‘>0D.?f.

..........................mliftN Irom *(«iftxrk: PvDMyiftftiilft roni, DMr ilAtlun ; iHrftAtvftly ih)g fttftftk oaiy ; Iftitixf- njtnu.txkftrw APPIiBDY,W Plnttk, N»w York, lo


WI lbKAL fWTATE W.ANTPn - WK H^VK.bugtum*'n for ix'O-fkmiiy hooftN In dlffrfftot

pi.r(tor tht city Aitoft QumtNirnr|Dnd IftU thil o«n bftftirbtitftftd hir iitUHiftr hnaln«Mproperty,bftnd Rill fMirtlcii>Arg m p. BkYbiK A Cu., iao hprinf Hftld ftTfti>; opFHftvftnlntft.



TKRKK riAHJ'm WITH i powftrxiMlftl vfttorln buiidlnfoor. hmlruid bA Mxl tftuiuitroftftt. (uuuirftor xiinifta pkMf I'. Cl’ ftHPM (RT 1 vowif;


Hj^K A MONft, ftppoftllft.17f-Iwk>M T(> L*l', WITN


I.KT, WITH I-.jHKM AU, IR. i: waUlGSw*. Ns. M JWlUbtgnr

loqniner mamuA . w ‘iaamv,-It itni*i lusiaasr su Uis arunlssa 'tslrstws* W*.

Tbi^ta b lx To Lgr th iiks: l iv in u hoomu, f avtslallnsrtscirpl*«*n»in. ^* _______ IS* spiim X ar„ « r . atuannasa.' 1”..’ tlff-FO l* KECUIWIONI, OXNlagSi'. Xitoch. apiiij’ sisaios

R-'Gt-'KKKBfKlKlh 10* 00.l.su;xKHBrx;Klii lo* ro, Usatri It doek.

- ' ‘‘ ’ ''I,’''* ; **' UULBICRRTX H T ^ SOW.SliMxge KHOS* M **>(. Ml W; sicmiatG wall ilt’iu ' — bftxtlnclmlftil. Apply oa prr •tftftl*

ri'wi r.xr-oiKji) p i,a i;i'. fdiv a x r v it L icssd. gksop. (Oil 111 sptu.uuFiaLD a VRit*

r jv , hK.VT Ml'oltK. '.vmi FLAT AllJOIS- — l u '."*? M- sGUonor 0»s(ml K. R, uf N. J.; qrftry nioi itorft xn4 ftU modgrn .ttsavpasw ». L•3iA rKAkNllKU JUimprorftmrntft In ilxt Mulbftrry «(. Til

GFNT- BOMlNf.(iM I.nrrs-N ' a Ijn UAic A kfti ibrrft ixryc lofig for huglngii purpuftM:

IMki flftftnufM'inrlnft: w|I|1«ub A>M»rtng of yMrt, __Appjy to iA MEM Is. HA YN, ; « B f^ gt

W ^ T KIaXNkV rt„ Yt n-------’ ■•tore x*d four rc>OBix-TO BEWr w>w,______ a


9,r. S-NTUH* BOABD“Oval swJ Wstsr Doaiinlwlansri.slv'ii III'IUG Ihs !*«»»- non ''f Thft Hoftrd of atr ti «nd Wftt#r iVrmtnlftglngk-

•reqr|hftdyflf sVowftTk, UDdftr gnd by Tktug of iiroviftlouftof ihftftoi i-iiiiiigti •>Am acUu iftvtftftftnd ftniftrtd lb» cbftriftr of it|« rltyof .Nftwftrk."xp-

Mxrrh a, IW7, »nd ikg aupplriaiftnu lh«iv U xo4 thft ftot eroftilrif tbo lioftriT of xtrftet tn* wxiftr i4imml-tlu?koift of u i city of Nftw*rts bek lirorrd MArtik llil, to ordormad daum ikr oqB" liruciioa of ft Dlpft Mwor in

Van Ur hi*(njl fcTKErr, bftlwftftn Pftn»aytv«BU ovonaft oiid ftlliftkirtbllT nuft. ft d p1|t« g-wtr to bft buUi laibrM •ftciiuiwf(hi flrmuo run from Ut« t’ftniigylrftiilft xv^uut iafta* •r to ifitbln ftftVftatT-Avft fiftiof tb« ftMtorly lla«ofFr»lUiiLujftf:i nrriiur. xn<) to hft<‘lfhl iBCbgg la illxinrUsr. tb« itoomi moUoo to run fVom Uift Fre UnfbnyggR avFDUft ftftWftr to wUbli oa« bui>dr** tftfti of ibft rftftttriT II of .'thftrnmii ftvgnuft, ftnd to M ten iDobMIn dlftnictftr ;tiiFibird ft itlBu to ngq from tbftbftrmftn aTftnug i^w«r to Iho rFxr llo* lola rh>«(lftB on hUiftbtih nvnaut, and (obxftlikt iNi'hfti In dljEmrtftr. TofHbrr n-llh xll tb* ftftpur

A -A. A .-I HAVK PKOPiCRTIhS TO RCNT flu gr«ry ftTftrd ofthiolty and will root

Mnftbly. ft. W. I8ICICKY, 790 Bread gi.

Hovam Tu LIST-


Nft, ISA nftllftvtilft arft,. 9 rooOu ftnd bathi laiprOFFmcnU: r^ni fSi

aHin 1.54 t UftyUl# Bve, 9 rooQBi and balb;ImprovftmButi: r«ut yiv

aVo. la Kowlftod fti.A e rootti and bath; all In- proTfmanta; rent fa.

Ijiqulra of OWN RR. 144 U il«yillB ara, 141

UnUHK TO LKT-IIBICK, 9 HOOM‘S,il> PKR mnnu; oftnvftnlftBt to (wo llnaa of aUftfloar

and Nbw York H. K. IMput inqtUrgr 'V7ft C. BtCBMANs 10 Cttdftril

HOU«tK-^S!X KO JHH.»BKIiMKN HTsi»aiftr ; r«ii( 111 Apply



nwnift: all ImprovetnonU; birn ; rent tao jk» month ; poftg«ftaloo *t onoa. liajalre on pram*V O -



Tn L K T .lt P I,A lt* MT.-BIIIOK UOUUE of I roonia on Improvs usntx }9ft(»xMdft, (Vareft kouM of i l roomt, nUaili for

(wo fantlhf^Wi Cftiiinki aro,, 7 roorei and bath.UOM Cftntrai aFAs T r«OBi aad bMh.Apply to

FRANKLIN M. OLT>B.9Id FredObUft] Bulldtaf.

aio LKT-IO noOMA; EXTRNHJON BRICK . boAftft. N«. 11 OoroatftL luqutia


A bft lot InHellftviliaaTa-


- . . OKI CANCrltWacUfi Bt, Daar


TO LKT-A BRICK nWKLUNU HiiUSK A*s roomi :all modern taopfOTBrnBUta »(

IMA BaUarUJaar* laquliaat ^ 97 SOUTH OANAIaHT.

TO r.KT--«rooma [ nat modarata.

WhloHr ST.. UQVSE OF T 4H A aodarata.y faC YLKK B. JaCKBON. TTO Broad at

W tCKLIFFK Sr., SI-nmiBABLI COnSKn bouts; 110*0 1 ; nodsnunsL

sin l OlDwJ. PHIETH, TSeprlruaslU ST*

lanai>eM nacrae -ry (o cooiulaie (b« aama.r-Bch [I.rwns si may uUjset thsreui xrs i..,__ ...

I® pwaroi (bait oh ftotloni in wrltlny « tha ortlre o|thi Board of Mr««t aad WaJart'ummUtlonenaa orbePir^tbftftxplialloD of tan dayafram datoo? IbiB iHillre. Hr dlm-tion <n ih« Hoard af htreot and Wat«

Commlaakjuftn of thft dty of > awark.Ja CIUlWKi.U VICNDY

w uppi’lnhitrfantof WdrkaNftwark. Ni J.. J una a. taw.(HVEY t h a t TUK

OnmmlnlonftrB bareiof'tra appolatad hy iha M»oroftbecil.y of Ntaark (0 maka an Milmal* atid a«arMcn»Rt upoa all tbe ownen of all tb* landa and Btuia la tha cUy ol >'a»ark pBUuUaur hftarnted by any lot«l Improvamani la Lba laid city, In proportion a« naariy aft nuy b« to ihe ad* vaftUffftaacb waadeamad to bar* acaulral, hgv* lOMtaa ctumattand aMeatmaat of bgn^ta upatial l I l lA ___ I- . . . A ___ I . .. ■ - . .all ibft Q« uera of all th* Uoda and raa] MtaL# la th* cUy of Newark peitillirly babetUed by tacb of IM loLiowl nc 1 m provftiDaBU In aiid city, namely i- ..._dty, namely i.*.« pavliif of

Wf;Kr XIN.VJtY fiTBKBT, iTom Bftlaioniarauttft t« Morria avftuuft,

Parini ofMORKM a VKaSUK,

from Bpriufdrid aTaaoa to W «t Klna«y atroftls And OftTg niHl thtir reportaof Bald Bmaiaruftatl

for hftBftflta in tba uiUcft of ihe ('iftrlc of ibft ( Ircult ('Duriof ihafViunirof Iiama, aod that tba Judaa of aa4d court haa ttxedBATUKLAy, THB FOUHTKKNTH DAY OF

jUJsY, tm, ^aMdodook la tha forenoon, la tba Olrcail (.Xinrt*TO HU. al ibft Coariboaae la ttka diy of .N'twark. a*. w * . . — - - - ..........................tha um« and piaoe of btaiioi uy otilftcttona ti way bft made to th* aald aiawmeaia

iMtacUuaeMi im.c h a .ndlkr w . rtkkr,

______________ « iy Counaal*■VT^'LJB of in te n tio n - BJAUDI n -tr‘ -‘ --------- • Oftreat and WaUr ( ommlHtoBara.

llkblip ootiCB la haraby rlvftu that It la laa Intan* tioa of itaa Board of btraet aod Watar (jotuiula* glonera af tba ei^ of >fttnrark;, unditr and 07 vlrtoa of prarlaloni of tba act arultlati “ An act to reylaa ana amead iha ebartar of lb»cUy of Nawark," apr prorad March tl. 1997, nod ih* MpplamonU tbaia- In, aitd thft act creailny lba HoBrdofhtrr*lan4 W*lar I omiiitaaloRgn of tb* city of Newark, aa- proirtd March 18. 19id, to ordgr aad canaa tba i»' pavlof of

AOADEMV HTREKTafrom Broad atrafti to Haua atraat, wUb obtona;f'raaliC"bt(MBk MTlng, with a •Lz-lnoh ranorgui CHiBdailoii. BDdtbeintBraLicaBftftba blocka dllad

with xravftl aud paTiDf-tuaatIc. loiaibar with alllba appnrtaoanotn n»ca^ry to compteta tiiB aamaa

duch P ^n ii as may ohjeci thwio, art rgcin«gi^la praaftiA ihalroblftctlom In wflltna at tba offloft_a..a_ -A. . a ---------- ...


TYANKftT., 199-TOLICT, | WKLL r.IOHTKD A-aplfBaani rooma and batbreowla prlTaia fami­ly 5 rant |I3. |

DXCOHATBD' flat: Alllinprofcmaaia.91 EASr k in n r y b t .

IIT IlO.OHKSCKin' BOILDIffO, riLIVKR ■I.—I or 4 KHiau-wlih rsnss, bo, soff oold wswr,

Ml* fix Lnqults at 117 OH VICK s r. tip

ITS II- /or wrar rwMO* or ofjur you mav bt oOwp.|Glng*"n'>rVrrriv, your moo-lhor max bl adotr-tltum 1* tilt JfK IV/t antt So, the cutvantofft 0/ you.


Adapted t« th* Amcrlean a* Wall ■* to Chlua's C llnai*.

^ o m the St. Louis Bepubllo.The rice paper tns, one o f the most

lat#re*tlng of the entire flora o f Chino, has recently been sucoessfully expert- msoted with In Florida, where It now flonrishee with other sub-troplool end Oriental species o f trees and shrubs. 'When first transplanted In American soil the experimenter* exprecaed double o f Its hardlnost, fearing that It would be unable to eUnd th* wlnteio, All theca lean have vanished, however, and It is now tha nni- veraoj opinion that It I* os well adapted to the ollmate of this country os to tJiat o f the famed Flh (very Kingdom,

It it a smell tree, growing lo a height o f lest than fifteen feet and with a trunk or stem from three to live Inohes In diame­ter. It* oonee, which vary in color oo- cordlng to season, ar* large, soft and downy—tbe form tomewbat reeembllng that noticed In thou of tb* castor bean plant, '

Tb# oaltbrated rloe paper, the prodaot o f this queer tree, i* formed o f thtn eltces o f the pith, wbicn ia taken from tbe body o f tha tree In beautlflil oyllndara, several Inches In length.

The Ohinese workmen apply the blade of a iborp, atrolgbt knife to these cyltn- dera, and, turning them around either by rude moobinery or by hand (In which lat­ter operation they display much skill and dexterity), pore the pith from olroum- ferenoa to oentre. . This operation mokesa roll o f extra qaoUty paper, tha scroil be­ing o f equal woknees throaghont, After

read ily t6 ■■Siiijnt?!^T h e y cannot be cured, but th e />itin 'fiiff pe sto/>/>fd'..........»■. ano­dyne fo r the feet, the never fa ilin g

Phenylm In tis e p iie Foo t L o tio n r

(Fafta Ilia lAi eit4logii4,fU) «4tUi«.) M,tflIt fg OBO of iiu l tipnjlln Autlm.uu>'?8Uiii4iar(l rr Mr-ftUutig. “ All |wr«oq« rw/«tir« gCMn i|M‘minJ rmfuirt o/J ti/ (Aim.'* Ail fti'O omullj niertto-Houti all are warraaM ftijwituwly hftrfiilmift; al] art ttwdit'Jy M ropremfiitdl i uiil all an* pirpAroq unly by n« PbpiiyllQ fhftrmfti’ft] i.'omuniay, nfvnufartai1n|E Cbc^MisjAI ftftd UM W Ului kliW. N«w Yurk CI9 .

4 unly by

* quarter o f a ®lJe from thit v*ry porefr•he heiird tbe ruatling of^iome bdIibbI co/nlng toward her through the sew pal’

Sue quickly picked up a ohunk of pal- ^hod and held It ready to whack

Mr. Uoon over the head the Instant be emorgad. A ll at once, with « mighty

ft b i i bUok bBBjwithin ftJz feet o f her I Tb* larprU* w m mutual and brofound-

Naturally Mrs. Latham was scared, but M t out o f her wits, and she decided that

pursuit and stood her ground

Sufa*? ** nothing, and the bear rose oa bts hind l,eg* to gel a better look at her, mak-

l.n her d lr e X n

-a cylinder hok Urns, been pared it is nn rolled and weight* plsoeq upon It untiltbe Burfao* is renderM nnltormly smooth

It isthroughout Its eutlre length, It i i alto-

gether probable that If rlea M per making eeomei on mdoitry In the United States

these primittve modes o f manafoO^r# (if be don# away with.will ail

Have used Dr, Thomaa' Eeleotrlc Oil forcroup and coldo,and daolora It a positive oure. Uomrlboted by Wm. Kay, 570 Flymoulb avi.,Muffalo, N. Y.-Adr.


tU Ills paws. Feeling that~iha“mMt do

TO 8E HAD AT ALL DRUfiGISTS,R e t a il Bo o t a n d s h o e s t o r e s ,ftjid ftlifr at tliR CiiaiMnjra

Ritall Depot 308 Sixth Ay9. ,MtwftNi tath ana iOtii Htrofria, If«« York Clfy. In* nmlUUly giljtiinina ( nrnftymr'g KuwHqqtftua Bhaft •tore, aad within iioa blunk of tliu llth atniftt W»a Ustk ATftBttg KitratB* BftUiV*4-

|K>metbtnF, Mre, LathAm i tae b**r, *Dd Qi

® or thrift timM,

3 pOiQt*d iBickiy oDfl

, - berum-oklyope&ed tod

nftiJftftt U lUtl* ehort of itilcld*#The 9puaequeuoee uf * nftKlMtftd coogh nn too well Kiiowu to nftftd. r«p**tlQg. Or. Wood*B NomAy Pint gynip oum * oouffa promptly*

by All deAlBiv on * tfurut** of *Att«fAO>tlOD.

W o o f! ’ said the beor. Turning about ho pmngad Into the palmettos and ^ n t crashing away, while the lady ran home-

forth , savage an d ^ gr# ia lv i"d l# p o -for the ____sltlon o f the b!

Hpavial low pries# daring th# sooiBer,Now Is the time to here your picture# framed and your frame* ragtlded so they wlU be ready •or yon iriisn you return from ynur summer outing. Cary AKenny, W-lSi Broad it,

tBobs# remarkAbt# ear«s o f deaAMSs or#

jr o r^ d of Dr. Thomaa' Eetaetrto OIL N#v#r folistooura oaraob*.

■CM.IT-TO LKT, FLAT <■? FIVK HOOlU; J Bll ImproTamanti ; real |17, Inqulrt '*“ ■ *.v ElUUtIf: AVEV h AT-TO LET, f l a t OF i BOOMS KAUH.I


OD or b«fiire the RjtpIraUon of ogya from tu data ot lUtR DOtioe,

Hy tUrgclliin of thft Board offttry«t and W ^r tBmmMBloftfnof Miftfllty of iVewATtt.

J* CHOW KLis MUNDY, (IftiwrAl tHiperlotftndeDi of Worki.

Ntwark. N. J.e July 9. Ibh________ ______ ^Xn>rici^~N0TicK i* ukrrbv atvKNTo

Al] iwniM tniamcAd that tha certlAcutftaof a#Ilk ot thft whole amount of tUaco^aad ex-

peniftA ot oonatruoilof aftwgra }b W AL'......................... - - •ALNUTJ*THhffi( ANB FXHHlNl a VKNUR hfti beet) daliyered lo mft aooordlnf (o law, ftald aawAimgiiU compria* All ih« kUa, traota aod parcela onaod and r«Al Mtata lyint uo both Mdga or *

WALMur avTkkkiv rfrom Vau Huran atraat to ftaafonl atraH:

Ob both aldea of

InLATSTOLKTori A.VDSHJ IM, OV 0*.V irsl tv*., !!*■( Marrl, sv*. u 4 i la i stag a

RnaGvB Diirysa.1, ; a* irssbl, lo luow IKS ji rii;udflu loqulrsls Ikoiopy,


FLATB-TO LET PEAIKABLI: flats CBS i^ iy iocoisd; slf* iingli taeuio,; u rood i**-

■ms tli* tana will b* rsoioaobl* inqslre ofJAHlTOlUrT Plass ,1. dnt Sat7x

•k ic k HOW 4M TO III X twrisa It, nswiy di»orat*il, with all Impiors- ■nsolauimsIliauUliia Igoalf* 'Hs 1. a, K4STNKK, USirtsiqib sva

•■‘ •'■Oh FLOOR OF Pni ^ Yata bOUJft. wltli all IlnnMigRinanlB a.njt K.ikA- ImprotametUaaad bath,ranUll. AtBoiroQipiaivd ba(b.|io. tThHuiaar.ioi

“ -TC LKT, SEOQ.NP Door, 6 mounA nawly dftCorAtod, lai la All

ronnM, Imptoveaanta ; rant rftAioaAble.T>oomb- TO LI^, riWix I.AROK ROnMY Off 4 Yflnl fliwr, f9 ] uirftB roama oa arooBd floor 17Ho inqiitra tts w arrkn sr.TIOOMH TO Hrr-FBOM f? TO IM), IMQUIKB J Yeoraer QCITICAN and MuNTcK)1ckry

UllYOOMh-FOUR KWr. ROOMS TO LMT ' J Ipaoromeota : 17. IdohImttp paoromeota:J7. Inqulra

tf. Bs H a w ITTs II Naldfto IftbA


■FIVE ROOMS TO LXT; CITYat*r; rsduotd tn u neqtii. lauRaUAM, *I HamUtou it, test Oran##.

SIXTH AVX., II-TO LXT, FOUR poems; pint lew to s food Isssut NIOK

UpCfRlffOFIKI.D AVE. Wi-FLAT* TO LET MDvt sitfsDt puoms, wUs Impporsmsuls la

TBREKaiORLAROI ROOMH TO LETOOR.Cpuipsl sTa Odd Budsoe it Apply o4 uses t*

A. L TIPLIN, la OPUlpsl svsnua “

T"„ f-^T-BPlTB OF APARTMENTS WITH ml laippeTsmseu issvsa roanutaeledlni Mtk

t>li»Xi nrem Broodfit UtsUe* cf aswsjpk aad Ntw Vork it uchar. FIIAKNTZEL, TH Mulbspry t*ni

To yiT-THRBK ROOMS, RRIOK RODBl, UO Hstsiy tt, R. Inquips wItSI* *p '

_________________ W MARKET ST,rpo LET-^VK BOOMS OH ON* FLOOR. IH l.pomiPKist,|I(l. laquli# «vvn, laMn iMBi>M*BBkr»T„ eplPiMirkilitfJHJ LET- •

III Bpooms tt, UP. Boss, 7 i-ma hot d v i l wst'p |iitil Braoius )t, ntsp U«s, | nnrnv................ . i«w AiloraL, iftoondaBd tlilc'l Boon 7reom«i-.„, la

Aiaotbft MW fiat# of A aad 9 roomi agicb CanH 44 Aftftr ALi ln»toyftmaQla: atom; togr rtai.AppiymJoaJpHM.BAiiR'S/fiiaSiiX mmi

r o o m jl j^ t *, e tc ,, v t a k t k d .

FhST--W A ^ 'T E p r iH ~ B B i^ ^ 4Rfwifssa AlflsstimH k.ash s *,..4 Jt._ it__w.i, s'** X roomA kltcHftiip bath i nut for from T*ftl»warm iAekAwanna«Tid WftMftrn DftpoL AddrwM ^

■ . ______ M. tt., Box M, Nawa oane.

KnOifR-WANTKD, nojcdt by mait an* wtfo.TWO VNTUftNIftURD

fc^BROAD at. Mo


Ba n k rt„ u-ruRNihnKP roohtqrqkntifioaD And tfrhk boaaakftftptiii* fAp

TiflOAD iJllfht DM

T„ UA-rDHNiiHKU ttOOlCM F^B Ilfht hft«a* kNpIbi; comfoitAbi*, and upoalto

tba pArk. '

^OMMIBOE rr.i N-ruENianKD jiooka . ■uUabtft for twb, |1 a w*tk. ]

t^lOHTH AYR., a^^rnHNlSRKH ROOM* XjforftntiftmAn And - . 4I ttftil JhiKiaakfte ,

EIoM BT.,l*--njKKIftHi;D R OMB, ho*i9k*^tRt; axtrAUrfi. L iuar

TTALBXV I9T.4 POAMtHHHDXlfrftnt rooma, Brat and taociad D**r; waiiaI io- CAUQO { AM ImpreytBMQtAp - ^0


m -TD H m »KD ] lAMMIf# ,

PKMHINE AVBNUK, from tnintaa avaouft to a point 4H f»«i • inohat aovlb QftbeaAma.

h« owMra or ]and and raaJ MtAla agafti |g ■Aid oanlfloalaR of aaga maitt ara beraby raoulrad lo pay thft amount m Aifteeted upon ibeu And «acb of them mMCtlYftly, U>bb, at my offloi, No, A Ciiy UaU, ou or bftfon Augu*t ll, 19H.

JAMB* F. C0NN3LLY,^ , Compiroliftr.NftWATk, N. J., JoDft AQ 1B4. 49f

Kotiok of INTKNTION - BUAKDB---- ---- '' ON.ntrtftt And vYatftr CotufiiiaaionftrA

Fubllc notloft fr baraby Klren that l( la tbalQlfto# UoD of tha Board of btrwH and u attr Com intarioo-oraof^ft cUy of ftwartL undar by vijtuft ^

Miftd "ADACtloravlgftandprevfrionftottbft aotftnriiL. Atiiftjvl ihft QtiArwr oftbft rity of Nftwark;'' ap-erovftd Mareb U, ]|ar, and (bt luppjrmtoia »reto, and th« «mi craAifnf tho Boarrf of Ntra«t

and Watar ( ‘ommlMlourn of ike city of Newark, Approved March ^ 1901, to ordor and oauie rapavlac of

PH K8TK UT ATRKKT. =t iram Broad atmt to Holberry ftirttl, wllh thftM Mphailum paylDf. Tocotber with all tbftappu tKAAAOftft naoagaary (o eompiata tha aaina

bbcb ptraoni aa may okjact thtroto aia rtdUMtAd - , .. “ oaofto preoftDt ibftir objaotlODg In wrtUna at lba offloa 0, tba Board of Mraet nnd Water uotnmfr'iloMri, oa or bafor* tha ftxpiratlon of tan daya from daw of thfr ooiluft.

By dltMiJon of lba Board of HtraotaiMl >tAtar ComioiitloMn of tba oitj of Nawayk.

J. tRi^WKLL MUNDr, Qanftral Ruperf utaudant of Worka

Nawaifc, w, J., Juaa 19, tin._________ atg

OfFlOe OF THK RNOtNKKU OP IllKJ! ' ----Board or tttroftt and Watar OoDimlaaionan of

(baolir ofNtwtfk.la BniNotloft—Tba Anal aadmataa for tha foiiowtof

coatraota will ba praaautod lo lba Board of nirral Aod Watar Oommlufraani of tha oHy of Nawark for aooaplanoa oa Tboradar, July Ik UH, Tig,: v*p iba PATihf of

JAKICH HTARBTsfrom Hlch atroftt lo NatbUt atroat, and tbe repays

" m ulbkbry •TRKPCT.from Oftofri itraat to fair ntion { aIm for tbo oo» •irocUOD of atwara on

HftUAl) 9TK1EKT, twfwofto Emmat atraat Abd Fo]b fry ttroftk tofttb«f with bimocb aawara In


VANDBRPUUIs BTRBirr^ batwoan Broad atraat and FanDayiTAOJaavanot aod for tftwar Id

camdkn btrskt, from Wamu atroat to Bank atreat

AU objac loba to tba payroent of aald aattmal* mut bft tltftd with mil wriiluf, in or btfon AP. HsOfToMdAy. Joly 1* UK■ - ------In*JJAUi July I, IIK



PUBI.IO NOriCE-O&DlKANOlB ORDjiaiBO lo third readlAff-

' haxftby oartlfr that aa-----------------^

third readlAff- Wa, tha andaruKuad.

ordlbaboo waa read k ftoooDd tluiaatamaail^ tba Board of atreat aod Watar CN>mmfr«loiieiina Doaru oc oireae ana waier '.ommuAioiiergi bald on Junafo. 1BK and duty ordarad to third iTAdttMr, to prortdft » r tha ooliatruaUou of a pipa••war loWa KKMa N AVJtNUJE ICAT *TBB£T AND

NUMHBR avenu e ,oobnaotlDf wUb tba piaaftnt Mwar in WahftOMD avaaua aY Artintloa oveniiia: tbanea ninnluw ihrdufh Wakamab aatotM to May itreat; ibtdeaihniufb May- itraet to- Bummftr ovanua, up 10 wbfrh polat tba atwar " iDchaa frdiamatar; ihapea tbroafb BQaimftr avaDiiu^,. May ilrtatu Arllofton ATfmhftp topftibftr wftbl

to. BttlBBhM.hTghhft Ul BhflSS lf i i lP H f I UWswoAry

S'DaMUanaiO. lIHs

tlABttiaON VAN BUTNE. PraaMfnl of tha Board of Atraat aad Water

miMiobara.A. M, UNNjrrr#

^ ____, ri___i W NOTXCJB-OBDZNANOR OBOkRBiim 4WI#w4 nwasOnm___ttntd IsMing.

W*, Iks snUinlcnsd. bsnby esrllfr thu sn onlt.BAMi waa Pftad a kfteoDd dfni at a mgatiM m,. Board ol airatt and watar (Jonmfraionan, bUd oaJtllM W, Mflrl ftnlw ivivteiwl tA ihlesiff___ , 11*4, SOI Unly ontsne lo Iblni mdUk, lapievMs for tbe rnavlw ef ™mi#, i#

P L InC iiTIiiiTRRirr,

----- wit# f rav*l as# panog rassll*; tomouuwltb alt tb* sppuvitusocat iwaMaiy r>

lA lt< Ju m N,1H4.UAERIOOII VAN mrVN*

rwil^ntefBii a«as4 ef BUh I oa< Wawr tie##

N E W A R K E T E X I N G N EW H . F K I D A Y . J U L Y (5. 181)4. 8

AtMia f*f Ht <nU M . » » M » I p l * e o * »

•p«« •*•■)«>•>

w»w. < » » « » ■ ' •M u a n r . Ul.«.)>T ■alUlBC,

M t H a l a M - M •»>!■■• ■••U 1# I*- *•■

■ B W A R H - . .0 ™ « "««. ••"••■ •'

•■i M»Tk« „F a a l K, ■ .k a rlA # * * 4*7 W ***" ■ .H a « M * r , M l » ra » A •»■4 .B .Wahar T*«eliiw*, 1« A**-t A M m MA. a m W w h l B C t » 1>. M p m - W. » « « » * * T W M A.a M a r r l M . K * m t 4U * At*.


a *4 B r ic kC A A T «B A H «)K -

W . H . A llf* . * 4 * > l » u • •• r i i* r c k t t ia i l* * .

W. U. PI*Ml*Tt *••• Of«*Ae Slalt**. ( • m i • ■ * » « » ■ :

)B «M i4 AiwU*, M a l i . O t h * * At*. M A B M Ik B ’i -

r .A . i> * * A a u a . M l ■ u r l M i B A**. H M A f r l B A K -

a i g g l * , A*w*4 * a l* r , a m . D***«> • r M N I T -

M w a r A B- K *llA .■ ( •■ T C A A IB -

B. t i . H a lw a , B * w iA * a l* h • ■ * ■ • ■ V A L L B T -

W l lk a r U r * r M * a . * * w * A * a l* a A M I-M S T O N ^

r . ■ . B la a * .W A T B B W flN d -

t ^ r l H B raA la r. B aw cA cala r.HAniMOn- „ ,

l a w l . A. W a fe r* . N ew * D e* l* r, •■ A W . H K .M Ia tU a .

M flltK lI iT O W H -W , f . L a c k . B c w a i tr a ir r .

I1« r T h e a t r ic a l i a r* » r Ifu * 1* a a A a a |. d e a l W h a n a C h ild ,

T h n e n t i t r a l Im p rH a lo n o f th e p u b lio I* th i t t M ine . J a i i a u tc b e k fro m h « r * a rll* * t c h i ld lio u d b a d dM iloa ted b « r U fa to th o h U tr io n le ( t a f e . U h d a * a lo n e to a n kc- c i i t e o U h a l b « r a t te n t io n w a» d i r e c te d to k eo o o i* a n a e t r e e a

H he w a i p a M lo n a te l j fo n d o f m u ilo , o o n t ta n t ly p la ffln # b p o n tb e p ia n o , a n d T tiien o n ly M c e n y a a re o ld e x e c u te d ll io roo* t d lfh o u lt p ie c e a B h* a d T a o c e d l o r a p id ly u n d e r t h e In a t ru c t lo n o f h e r t e a c h e r w h o w aa th e f a th e r o f tb e fa tn u iii T a u i i j . t h a t a t U n y e a r* o f * t e eh^e w ae m a a M r o f a l t th e c o h ip o a itio n a o f B e e th ­o v e n , h e r f a r o r i t e c o n ip o ee r . T h e d u e U p la y e d w i th h e r te a c h e r , b e a r ro n i i ia n y - In it h e r w ith th o r to l ln , w e re m o a t rffoo- l iv e a n d e l ic i te d g r e a t p ra lee . I n h e r eii- th iia la sm a h e m a d * n io i t w o n d e rf ti l p ro - f lc le n c y a n d w a* p ro p a n o g fo r a p ro - ■ional d e b u t w h e n o n ly th i r t e e n y e a r s o ld .

A t h e r h o m e o n e m o m i i i g ih e w e u t In to th e k l lo b e n , a n d re a c h in g o v e r a h u g e b r ic k o v e n to g e t a g l a » H a n d in g o n to e m a n te l , v rh ic h w aa v e ry h ig h , a n e lo s t h e r b a la n c e , t h e a to o l (U p p e d I ro m u n d e r h e r fe u t, a n d a h e fe ll h e a v ily t o th e flo o r, b r e a k in g in to p le o ee th e g lasa , c u t t in g e v e ry te n d o n o n tb e in a id e o f h e r p a lm . P u r o n e y e a r s h e w aa u n a b le t o uae h e r b a n d a n ^ fo u n d I t lo b e u r i o n t l y in ju re d .

T h o ro u g h ly d u c o u ra g e d o v e r t h e In-

D ., I .

PICKED DP IN THE ORANGES.J a n e a A U rlilg* 'eh"uf> erttl—A n E c e n o m le a l

H ot* I n Ih * E a i t f l r a a g * H e a l th B « a n l " 0 « n e r a l N ew e.

A rc h ite c t tle o rg e K ru g , o f < IrangA 1* Pf*" p a r in g a le t of p lena fo r a $11,11110 houa* fo r G «orge iB in reau x , to b e e rec ted a t K Idge a n d H igh atrM ta, W est O range,

T he Y o u n g M en’* C a th o lic L yceum of O ran g e wlU hold a n e ic a re im i u iu lu ly IB.

E i ^ I a j o r t le o rg e H . H a r tfo rd a n d fam ­ily , o f K ldge it ro e t, O range, a r e a t O cean Grov*.

H lu N enie I^eam y, o f N ew ark , l i T iilting h e r ila te r , M n . M. L . D uffy , a t (W S nyderit rM t, (Jrtu ir^ . ,

M r. Anti M n . T h ^ m w II. H pauH lnK lUiil

W biB Baby w as d e k , we 1*4* h e Ceworia, W hea ah* waa a Child, d i* criwl for OaKteria. Whee ike baram * B h a iib e eleag te CkMerle,

Wbaa Ih* bad CblMrea, ih* gav* th a n OM tocK

MARniAQEB.BIX riK R VOI.K tin Tutadar. dklf 1 , IIM. hy

ItAT L It. I t j i t l . .Hr. (Morrt T. ofllAikmf Ktd(«. N. w U\s» AtiOA tL Vulkyof N(4f|Arft, H. J.


lXOTlCK'>TTAnBi»At A4 ? « ftU ln g tit lh «TfKWS iPMt InvATlAbljr pmid for in a4-

N » A#6o a « t i w ill W ApAWAd fo r Hich*Mo ndiTortU vm ont w ill l»o two*lv«Hl o v o r

tH « to lopbo iM A ico p l tb « o o M iii bjr A «lkor> Ivod AgOOtA.

^ 4 ^fkj

th e ir rhU dren a n lu m u m rin g a t th e ir co ttag e in S eab rigb t.

M r. an d M ra, L e a o d e r W 1111a ™ , acoom- pan led By H eher Ihx lw lll, o f H U Iyer r tre e t, O raB g a h a r e g one to th e C o lm iib ia S priugs,N y

Coionel B d w ard H . B u jd e r a n d Mra. B nyder, o f T hrk itrew t. O range, h ave gone to BelmAT fo r a few wfM*>kit, a f t e r whiolt tuey w ill «peod balkoM t o f tb e tu m a ie r c ru iirin g IB Colonel HDy<IeHi DOW v ae b t.

T h e ••rTloiB i a thetSw w IeD borfflan C haroh, OB E«ftex vtreeC O r* n fe , w ill b e d licoB tiuuoa d u r in g Uw H um m er moQtha.

The fu n e ra l o f J a m e a A ttrid g * , w ho died a t fail bouie on P a r ro w Btruet, O raup», on ’WedneAtlajy to o k p lace fro m S t. J o b n 'i C hu rch a t S o’clock th in m orn ing , w hen a ■oleniB high maAS wan offered . Thu In te rm en t w a i in 8 t . J o h n 's C ^m eU ry . M r. A ttru lg e w as Mvency-elj^hC j e u n old a n d b ad Iwen a re s id e n t o< O ran g e to r o r e r tw e n ty j e a n . H e le a rea tw o eons a n d tw o d a u g h te r s -^ o h n a n d T hom as A tlridgO i M rs. C a th e r iu u A lien a n d M n . H elen Ilro w u .

A lb e rt I 'aoert^ o f 10 F o re s t s tree t, O r­a n g e V aU er, rep 4>rted a t th e police s ta tio a th is B iornlng th a t h is ch ick en coop had been en te ru d la s t n ig h t a n d th re e h e m stolen.

OwtBff to the ab sence o f a q u o ru m a m eet­in g of the O ran g e B o a rd o f ^ d s o w aa n o t h e ld la st n igh t.

A com m ittee o f th e E a s t O ran g e B oard of H ea lth has been ap p o in te d to haTo genera l o re rs ig b t o f th e b w t h a ffa ir s o f th e tow n­ship . calU og on th e fu ll b o a rd on ly as I t m ay th in k nneeM arj. T b e o o m m lttee consists of one m em ber fro m e a ch w a n k w ith tb e hea lth p h y iid a n , H r. T a lb o t K. C ham bers, a s secre­ta ry . T he co m iu itteem un a r e : F ir s t W a rd , J o s ^ h W . £ U o r ; Heooud W a n l, F ran c is L a n g ; T h ird W a r d F e rd in a n d C oyne, Jr* ; P o u r t i W a rd , W a lla c e O u g h le tre s j F if th W a rd , W illiam T . B ow m an . T h e fu ll b o ard ooDsists o f s s re n te e u m em bers , a n d th e ap­p o in tm en t o f th e sn b -com in lttee w ill h a re th e ttSect of s a r in g a conk iderab le sum to th e tow nsh ip , a s ea ch m a n ib er h a s beun re ­ce iv ing 12 fo r each m e e tin g h e ld

D urin g J u ly a n d A u g u s t tb e c h o ra l even­in g s e r v ^ a t C h r is t C h u rch , E a s t O range,

be bekl a l 6 o 'c lock in s te a d of 8.W . £L K iohardson hju) sold h is la rg e h o m e

In N o rth F o u rte e n th s tr e e t, K a s t O range, fo r $4,600 to E . H . B en n e tt.

O fficer C onnetl, o f th e E a s t O ran g e force, e h e t a sappoeed m a d dog in T hom pson stree t, E stft OrangSs y e s te rd a y a fte rn o o n .

T he v ac a tio n s o f th e E a s t O ran g e police- m en o o m m e n c ^ y es te rd a y , Officer H opp leav in g fo r a f ire d ay s’ reet.

A h o rse s ta c k e d to a la u n d ry w agon be­long ing to C row ley dt Co.* of O range, ra ti a w a y m P ro sp e c t s tre e t, O range, la s t n ig h t Tbe w ag o n ca m e In c o n ta c t w ith a t^ e d k o n e pole, sm sa h in g tb e top . Officer O tb b o w , o f tb e E a s t O ra h g s poUos^ cap tu red tb e h o rse in M ain s tre e t.

Jo h n S te w a r t w as fined |8 b y Ju stice E llio t t a t th e E a s t O r a n n Police C o u rt y e s t a r d ^ a f te rn o o n fo r Im b ib in g too free ly on tb e fo u r th .

M iss V a ria n , o f E a s t O rn ag e , Is in th e A dlrondacks.

W ilfred H ag e r, o f W a sh in g to n s tree t, K ast O range. s a iM fo r E u ro p e yestordAy* H e w ill v is it O x fo rd U n iv e rs ity a n d o th e r po in ts o f In te rest, r e to m in g a b o u t B eptem ber 1.

T h e fo ik n rin g officers o f C o u r t Com m on­w ea lth No. 6,971, A n d e n t O rd e r F o resters of A m erica, o f B a s t O r a n ^ w ere in s ta lled l i s t n ig h t b y D ep u ty G ra o a C h ie f H an g e r S am ­u e l Ma E d w a rd a a ss is ted b y P u t C hief H an g er f c to u e l ^ l l p o t : C h ie f ra n g e r , C. M usler: BUb'<ffilef ra n g e r , F red e ric k Smith* reco rd in g s e c re ta ry . J o h n C a rlis ; b n a n c ia t s ec re ta ry , J . K e a sn in ; tre a s u re r , J o h n CHMeally; ju n io r w oodw ard . E . D unn ; ju n io r beadle, M o rris D oe; sen io r beadle, J , Ja M urphy.

Tbe Bubjscta o f th e H ev, Dr* G eo rgs S* B lshon in th e F i r s t R efo rm ed C h u rch o f E a s t O range o n S u n d a y w ill i>e, in th e m ora- iDg, '^N onc D im ittis,'* i n th e evening,

lU k s to M e n ^ tb d S to ry o f Jam e s Shalloo:, o f T bom pson E s s t

O range, w as a r re s te d la s t b y S tfg e a n t Bell OD co m p la in t o f h is w i i^ w ho cha rged h im w ith b ea tin g her. H e w as bold in iSuO b a il to a w a it th e a c tio n o f th e G ra n d J u ry .

C h a rle f C liffo rd w as fined ^ th is m o rn in g b y J u s t ic e E llio t t a t K as t O ran g e fo r in tox i­ca tion .

jA N A r s r n r a . a o k i>06. ability to pursue her muslo any further, and feeling the need of making an effort for her own support, as her family wss only possessed or very moderate means to oare hr the nine children, she detormlnod to cultivate her voice, which was a mexio •oprano of fine quality, and began as a studnut for the operatic stage.She entered the dramatio and musical

cooMrvstory In Prague, her native city. One of the teachers* n Mrs. Herbsl, was a fine actrew, as well as Bandlus, a oele- bratod teacher and actor, who became warm personal friends, giving her private lessons and great encouragement, as they found she possessed unusual dramatic talent*When sixteen years old, she made her

first appearance in tbe Kojal Theatrh of Prague, in a comedy which la considered a dramatio test, called 1 Remain Single, ' and her suooiss was remarkable. She re­mained for several seasons at this theatre, and went to Lieipnio in response to a greatly increased salary. Charming her audlcDoes by her magnetic manner and vsn^Ue talent, she later on extended her tour through Germany and the eutire continent, becoming a’lavorlle of royalty, and was Invited to tbeir homes.Mme. Janauschek then accepted a most

profitable engagement as leading lady in the theatre In Cologne, afterward going to Frankforfc-on-Main, where she re­mained as leading lady in the Royal Tbs- tre for ten years, thus securing a peosion for life, grafted for tbe faithful service on the sta^.

D itf ln n g n e w s c e n e s a n d o p p o r ta n l t i e s , s h e w as n e x t a s s o c ia te d w ith th e t h e a t r e i n D re sd e n , s ig n in g a n e n g a g e m e n t fo r th r e e y e a rs , b u t a f l e r tb e f ir s t y e a r sh e m a d e a s p e c ia l a p p e a l to K in g J o h n o f S a x o n y to r e le a s e h e r f ro m th i s eo n trsc l> w h ic h h e g r a n te d , w ith h e r p ro m is e to r e t u r n e v e ry y e a r f o r fo u r w e e k s fo r a c e r t a in n u m b e r o f y e a rs , w h ic h p ro m is e s h e k e p t .Her fame spread through all Europe,

where she became a star, playing in the royal theatres and winning newTuirels. Hearing of tbe genermdty of Amerioans, and with a desire to please the public of the new country, she crowed the

OUTHS.BttO''CKS—Al W'Umliwton, b s t , e s Ws^IntsiUy,

July 4, AarLb lltViKki, tMhivfd |M « re f IkSils K'l RlhifiDil ih r IitU Mtry itrMral t'esvy.

UcUtivm BiiU or m t *>• rsspvn-Riiijr tiiviiM to ths hiikfTsi (rum thstvAlJpur* tif li^r bioDitr IB-lnw, J im rs ttmoy,?1 i.tnlBii «vu NBiuni»y, July 7, s t S A. M.,r u s t H riOtri'i -. Mtr>L. «4l i m b l is ts vnUI hi fifTstiH) r<>i ttjB rt}to«t oi iivr tosl. Tnlsrm tat U> t)k« t 'tuiBisry uMb« Holy stpsickr*.

tK}W?fRV. On July 4, Jobu, b«lOTt>4 bstbead o(OsIhSTint l>owiiffy.

IlfU U vM siiil niaiivlA, sIsk mumhsrs Of nnuMh No. S. H, 1* A. A., a rt kIsClr ISVUsdtOBltSfHl lki> fiiDirtl from III! Ist« r^idtiio*, No. lOT Vsb Luma 41 r s r t on M tunliir, Ibi* Tlh, s i S A. M. to Ht J s tn t t 't i'hun-U. irlitr^ s Holomo H l(h U sm uf HtqiiWm >4l I bt ofTtiyd Ibr th« ropott o rb liM ul. E n tsm su llu ilis Hoaioiery of ib t JInly Hopulcbrr.

n iN K K <>B Vritlsf, July 1 I4i>4, Aflolvb Ntltoo, yoiinfHU koti o frlu irU tsm l I s r ^ r s H lnke

Fim trst Iroiu tbe rM!<lent-*^ufhlBtNirtbK NO. N Uitlia >ij Rtrott, oji Siturdsv, July 7, IWi. Ts* lornitrit m KslrmouGt i:vmti*fy s t cosvtultbro of fsally .

JO lL N SoN 'C s 1 burtiJiiy, July 8, NUneol lO ha' •uii.

BrlsUvos sad frlsiidt of tbs tloossssd s r t r«- BVtf-'irullj Inritsd lo slttm l itas fjasraJ tor' s it 'll Bl Si. Jstnvo> A. 31. X. (Iiurrb , Union strsit, us Hsturday, July 7, s t S;tS K M. Is- isrmstit In W i^llsud rtm elrry .

K E U 'll On IknrsiU y, July t, Jscob Koltih, Do- luTsil MU ol A ivDiu K su-k. sfvd 18 y h m I m ontbi 17 dsyt,

BsIstiTsi snd ^isndiR ra kInSty tnvUod to s ttsn d UiS fdiiersl OD bstunisy, July L s i V:U) O'clock A. M., from bU Isis rsiUUiice. No, WU eprlag- llslJ STcnuf. to ML Au#iiRtiiMi't Clitircbt w bsrs s i equlsru Ms %r will bs orTrrMl for tbs ripooo of blR soul. Intsrm tiit lu Ml. M sry'i Comotory,

UcKLlHJWNXY At soulb d ru tS . K. J ., on ItiUTHtsy, July Mb, iNDt, Ana MuKIdownoy. lb ihs '>0111 y ssr oflisrsK r

IlsiRtlvr* oqU friru d iu f ihs fbmUy sro rsttwet- litUy lhvLi#d to uiitrjiO th# f^tosrs) Crom ibo m ldence of her itMer, Mrs Tbomss f in n ' Oiurclk MniUi Nrsnse, K. J .,o n Hsiur.duy, July 7Hk, si h uVi««lt A. M.. to tlis t liiircb uf r>qr I-s<lr of Nirruwi, wh«rs losa^ Will iHtuflsisd for tliB n>p<«s of hsr soul. lo> ifriiiiest liiMlis llniy ss^tuiclirs O m stsry .

PUtIJIoN ud tb e s th iiitt, (Jrsoo Edns,dsugfaisr uf Kusmi] .N. iiitl h lU A. Pbllson* aksd 9 mnnthn.

fiiurrml servlosi will belisld s t (bo pstsaW rssl- dsuoe, Nu. M’J Urustl Hinsit, on Hundsy, Jolj'S , \m. St t i‘ . M. heisiivsR sod frltncls Of ths Tssuity siv rntpsctfitiiy invUsd. JstsrnM bt s t Fsirmuuiit t'siuwirry.

SAU'I KH—July A l*M. Ji>hn F. Bsutsr, sgod • months, non ot Joiin sud Mstllds esutsf.

PsIsilvM sm1 ftiuii'ls sre roipscifuliy layltod to siicod lbs flmerml Itom ths psretiU' mlds&cSt 147 H sm hurf plsr«>, Nsiurd»y, J u ly T .s ilS A . V, ls torn i»nt Ht WiHidlsod rsDiitsry*

B U lA E rE K '-On July A, IK4. ClArs Msy, boloved Child of L 'bsrlessud Chrlatins bchssCsr, s fsd 11 moiitba

Itslstlv tsaad filsndssrs reflpoclfiilly lorlLOd to stisiid tb s fuasrsl from her 1st* m ldssoe , 91 Aesdsmy sirost, cn huii«ls>'p July I, s t 11^ .11. ^ t e r m s s t in Fsirmouiit O toslfry.

B T A E in .E -O n Thurtosy, Ju ly t, IBM, Si 11:10 A. M., sJlor Ions sod iirIuNI IllQtw. Utoryo kkhsolAtushlB, bsliiSHl buibsnd of F r td th Irke blM hls, Sfed 60 yesis 1 mootbi sod Id dtys.

ITsIstIves snd frlso d s sLao ScfaUlvrSkk B tssfU Mucisty, s re rsspoctriiLly lovUsd to s tto sd tbs lausTSi litim bis iste rviHeues, N a SBf i* icblk svssus, o s Msturdsy, July 7, IBH s i 1 F. M. In- lerm snl lu Wuodlsiiil tsmswry.



B a h r k h - w a n t k d ,tli

HOOK, ito,ms Sfonw wsMOd : sulAt ftos.


su d d rss4 bslr.HI H a RHHIOTC AVK,. Ilsrriv>n. N J.


-W ANTKh A OOOH HAHRIlK AT m HAHKtirr h T , upRUlrs.

I^ A R T F .N U E f l W A N TK iJ, A OWMi. MMSHT*youat msa to wurk si bsrtoaesr Is orasfs:

muRt UMRntsod his buslsssi snd bo rollAbLs. ws|M. ststo wbors Isiiraip’uyed.1 AddreM Ha HBCK box H. Nowsi>mfs,

l> O Y WANTED, I3SKH TO S rA B t.E WOKK bumo. Apply, with

riTAaNGE INN. oppnius bboottttf burg.

l rk.KX


' i lO V - mTRONU BOV TJ> W AHH. l x ' ..................... 'd isbsost HiNKNY'S h&BTAUMANTvl C'uu) sssre It I

................ ................ . . . . B l 'T O H E K a T u H E T OIsxe out ordsra s s J olboswiso siotUI.

Apply M U X ’K mT.Ho y w a n t e d i n aI

I J O Y WANTED FIV)M t« TO II Y tA i X Jbu ioh ir sbop^ loqulrs IM a m U C l HT.

IjlXPkHlXNC'ICI} HAM.MOTK ANDNOrT lU T J r s rk t r . CslIbHWesn l snd V uVlitck NsiunlBy

ID iirD lstst JOK F im irS( as to M A rrh s i., bs- tw sss W srrsn s i^ N#w. I

I ;X)KltMAN WANTED -AC’OMFKTIiNT VORB- m sn tu Isk R rlu r^o fp tsrlb u tto n ibetorr; must

fasTs ksdslisD sr iKislilun; rtlbreooes. CsU or stl* 4 rsss U ULLHAN, is M srcsrtL. -Now York. v)p

H O A K IU N fla

■lAANg S T .. lA' 1*1J 9t\ e a m a n t F U h N ia i imfhuit t«whu; S ii’sllost tsblo; sH Issprovs-

toouls isp

n;i isn nsn Snd flr«l4‘iost boato t^omfbrto orllk ‘a*a[ M Wool M.

tolwdssssJl fWoiliy: to rru jA ^^>ply

B htiA D AT., t l 7 rD ItN ISU ED llOUMN W IT li or s IUmmi iHisrd. Hu

I S E O a D NT. S47 r EAkANT BiKtM WITH 1*nbviord ; IsbU busrd slot.

'lENTAK hT., M rU R N iN llk h FHONT SO itb is


I lO l RT At., 79 FUKNinUicD W 'lllIk or witbout b osn l, tisprorrm suK SQo

, FUHNlhllKH r Ibr conUsaOB: sliu fuud Isblo busrd; im- pruTsmCula Wi

( lENTI.RM EN CAN fHlTAlS NH’E FI'B* fs ilh o d roous. wltli busrd : UuiusilMi-omfotis,

ssdisipravtm oiiiA Wl M i. VI.KAAANJ AVS- i

£ t ROVE NT. HI \ EJIusrd tor s (osti«eisn, f 4 s wt«k.

H a l n e ybosid.

kT„ FHU.Nl' lUX>lf W'lTMsol

E W r r . , 4^ T W O \ E llV I'K fA ^ A ^ T T R U H TroomA wUh fnud board ; sll Improvomsui*

(vD irsi; sMO tsbls busrd. 7to

’ ' ’ EW aT., 1 N ll'E rhU.N r BOOMS WITH iHjsrd torfOnllAisas. Ms

........ AHLl.NOlON A V E, « . KAMT OUsste- -Laxf* raums vlili flnt-clBSs bosrd, nesr

ii i i lo a i ptomyofiAiuls. MhS. t u u M ah. MsA V I

IkAHk'FL.Also uk lo busrd.rn o N T K^Km^ w i t h m u a h d :



_______ ______ . WANTfcJ^with Inllueocs: ran sdd eoaildsrsbty lo bis li»-

rumo. Addross _1 F. R .,ai W slsu ttt* Uuflklo, N. T.^ j r . N WANTED, l^>HTHir UNITEDerATEM

nnjr. sbls-hodlsd uantsrrlod msu. boiwosu tbo Bfs of 31 sod so r r a r i ; sood psy. rsUuSR, Holb Isv sod midiosi sitASdsrw^; sppltosaU mitst bs prspsroil tofurntab sstUbciory tTidtaMSR lo s e s ebsrsetor snd bsbiu. Apply s t

ri llA H k sT S'!.* Nawsrk. N. J.

T W lL P r i t HT., HOHEVILLR • witb iMsril; latpruTimsRU;

isrm i miMlsrHlt. MuSnUTH

r is ss in t iDqpas

\\* 'A H H lN O T t)N ST ., a : N H ’ K l.V f 9> uUktd leoms, wllk or wilhoul bo srd ;

is'ilA busrd.

im s a m ii W A N T K 1>.


A T H E Nr-WAHE HORPi, • m srket, Nra. tiA iotM ^'anlrslsve.

.. Isri* stock of Arsi-aUun borsM sIwb^ on bsad tor m Is or R irbssfu s4 iks

towMt Bisrki>i p rtoos:drsu |b t.drtvsr« snd B*u«r«i porposs U'lrsas: s fair trtsl |lv«« s s l rJI i-il I vUn ■ toll jrs*jrssto^ to SssR ropri>M»ntsd ur caib rotuadsd. a I.IIXKT 'I 'll'L lN , proo. ____

CA lUitAO m*( tAlttUAOEH0 |ie sss il top butffisi. phs*b>uis Isdloa'pbs*

(ARKlAOiectool, nisstuuiiR, IrspR. aurroyt, JumpRSOt Rurrsys, aplndip. rusd. bull's be»d. spoedlnt snd tniMasw irsc»r.i uf sU kinds* TEAin'K M NDIUII KNH I'AKHIAttE HEPOHlTOftV. III? HeilOvlllO svsM s

( RAHHlAtniH FOR lA l.K TIIK fV>.HTKNTH AfsRisbls. OMonups ro ck sv sr psn*l topi, wto

T-rart, usr doubts Bft of com'h bsrt*«n LMsrty no«i SnOtoiuf Itfb l duuUa h o rs to , elc., IsuultO

.....\KK JiT«UI tA ltlllA U RH -A NLM IlEn O f A Mosad-bssd rarrlsfM snd wsfoss Mr asls

No. 14 I'AH .NEW

ckrap O L IV E R U A N U rA C T U H lN O OX, M eftlBysL TstopboitoML/d llA R U C n O Rl’mc, . .\ sll ktndi of rmrrlsfSR. riitundfr<top<H ws|t>ns.

MANi rA rrV K K H O f_I. retundfTtispirt wst

Rockswsyi, tsdlss* phsrtons. bufS^OR. siionstoti tonaurron, raoopy lop Rumy*. Jump arai iHirrtys,

buckbraris, aptsdls wsfosA rosd nsruirsns _ . . ___ . -snH RpORdlnf csrlR, l>sRlijrs« w scosi to^ tHitehortsnd bs kon, trunsf4 sud lallktitos, pinmasrs snd rsrpsnters, [sundry s sd rlolblsr4. finrsRR snd tormork vsEitss, bsrosss snd Muiimtr shs«ts s s I btoskotA, a l u r s sd 3M M srkst s i , tootery. Rsh- ■rsy, N. J.

T H E F A S T ROa D HOHAE. PBO *. pac t. fOsrsntM d to irot s mils Is 3:30: oolr

(bd. ih f r to : siso CQnnky pony. fV i: s resl plr> turs ; sn r ls>ty ran rtrlvs ; will p irb s a te tor rhMt> boras, with rash, nr s sy lb ln t tbclr vslus. I f ic if-

K irb siifs tun* M>atb OissfO svt,, ufpn- alls Niiooilni Dsrk. I



HsfflnslM on JULY 7. llM toA * M .,oi



* £ l £ |N , 1« Ifsrko t s tMi nOBsui fusrsstood.

N i c k e l DLATsH w a n t e d , a 1

YOUNOm sn hsTliif kno^lodd* of iiicksl p lstlof Ad-

drsM, wllk rsferruova,Wu bUalNEBA, Ito i 0 , Nsws offtes.

1) A 1N T E H -W A N T X D . P L A IN I 'A IN T E K I Ito W A a H lN U T U N H T .

1JlANO.pI.AVKK W*AS1nighu slid slsii s wsTCh doff fnr ssie.

;D r*tHHATl'HI)AY tnuulrs s t

409 llA litk Y HT,

rpE A llH T B K WANTED, AN EXFRKTTKAM I Risr ; must bs nobsr, Ituluitrloua* ibom ufhly

uiidsntsnd Ibararostid msaassmSHt ofborsM snd 0 ipsrlsiosd In tbs bRsdUng of liosvy mschirtary : ao sppltratlons irltl b« stitorcsmsd without flnv clsas toIsrSDOBi. ApplystUKW KH A P lIIl.L IFti'el IKUN WUHKh, btiwteu 1 ssd ti^ciock* Mondsy sftfnvooti, July 9, Sip

w i l l START YOU IN A PLEAHANT. t T profUshlt snd pem isaest tmiinoss; raa bs

dona s t your ows boms: |to s w stk osslly ou<lo ssad itsinp tor toll siplsnstton.

WESTEHN hUPPLV CX).*eL taouls, M a

H E L P W A N T E D -rK M A L B E .

TWO YOUNtf MSN wltblNsI roMrotioss dMirs bosfd hi prlTSls

rtatiitisn Madly ; lO mlnuis* front Drosd snd Msr*kfl ntM. Addrioi BOsHD. Ikii 11, M w i olHra. I

HttA K D - WANTED, w

J JUAltD WANTBD f o r 1 WO nKNrLEM KN,Iw stto fliid h rL, bSlwrrn houtb firsiifs sra.

Liid Usnk I t AddrsM X., Hot K, Nswsstovo. Mp

M O R T O A G M * UIANR* r.TCe

A* A.—Aa-

HRMH3NHI RLE FA UTTER TN N EFnD FM nN EV ('snnbiBiii tbs isnas si tb s ofTtossf tbs Nawsrk Mniiisva Ixiss Da Wo wllMoad tou soy turn tbst yon w i^b at tbs lowssi ponslkla rstsv In tbo ^utek Ml pnoRihis lints snd tor sny losfth of iltnsM suli you Y oucsnpsy lt ksrk Is luoh isstolusRntt s t youwiiiLwbso yea wish s a l oaiy pay torli s« long SI yon kssp ik Voa ran borrow on hmiw bold toriiltsrs, plssos, horssR* wscost* rarr)s |S t 4-' oiksr psriousi propsriy without rsm orsl toom ymir own tmtoastoa* Uia« | l r l s | r o t lbs usi of bniii It snd Iks taoaoy. Oar olHos« sro ooavs'dsav ly luoslrd, sod psnlos esa bs w sllsi os qulokly. (ounroiiHly sad roaltdsnitsUy. Bsmsmbsr iksl ytut esn psy nil Of soy psrt t f Uts losn s t sny ilins, and Disi svrry dollsr psld is tw at tb« Oi>si ot Sairry ln« tb« issa NEWARK MORTUAUE LOAN t 4 i*. MsrkslRk, Bsrosd floor.

KrW ARK. N. J,

WVd ba sold s t Akctlob line llesd of flood n o r is s

A C ris t ( 'h sn ra to a r t s flood Horse Clissp.


Nswsrk, N, J.

n ANI rulMR I H tllT n i r p R IWM’Ka W W . polo snd ih s lU : Anl-t’lsw urdar; f<Aid as now.

Sip tHil.niCH A P .m i, n s Jisiwy ri.

H itHME -niuNKV. HAY iioiiHK,wlad s sd w'orksr. 1* ' : s Im) s R'liiod III Us

rliunkv u>srs, IsH trsvelk»r. fto ; vary Ho* lonksr ; Slid Btsia hMrn#««| I w sfon, 1 r s r l and llitifilM . r Xt'llANHK I.NN. upputlis ?>houtlfif IMrk, buuih D rsufr s r t . I

V.a H ttm t , HXI»ON. llot'H i' arty : If 1 ou dsslr# uuL'k, as

ur •arhsiipv, disitnior tIO UKH.MAN* M

uRis , iHirebsas

HAHbKR nilOl* AI

r i i ^ BARBERs b e p fo iis le tuquIrsU W ll.I.lAM HT. lip

TkAHEBH HIlOP rOH HAl.E;;tUXlU BURJ- i t o s i s loqu lrsm P L A K L H T . 1

CiANDV ST(Mt^ •Isto

yoH ?iAr,E, A <i(HID CANDY TsiL NkWTTtN 'iT. 1

I MMID ULl.K H uU rk KirHHALB. \T«o ADimUM

MILK. Box<.>. Mows oAlos

TO MRXTA 1**RTV WlTHiMJMR rspUsi ifMm 4iui to 11.-:-:;! or moral to join nos te

Tsnisuutociuruif ufsuproislty I s t ’toiklse : i hsvs s iirsfilrsJ kuswlMlsis and Isrfs trsds. AddTrasfur Ikrss •IsysCAPlTAl.: h o t B. Nsw aom es top

I AI'NIiKY FOlt '^ALk VERY CHEAP OR Asn-vust o fik k u ^ ^


>fKWHPAl'Ei(, iT liA ll Aa'tD CHlKriHTlON* I sry su ra . esiitrsl Hwstlon ; dolnc gsod brat-

oss# ; n w l rsesoofuritollbf. Addrrst fTp W. s., U M lisbslb s r a

1>AhTNKR To JOIN ME IN OLD-BsTa R Iktlird ssloos; |IU lo r i n r s p l ts l ; rood toes'

Itou. i sll sk sacs Ibi MECHANIC’ n r . |

JbAllTNEH WANTED n fl W ILL tE L L rstsblUbsd Dosnotocturlnc buMsssk, Addn

4lp M ANl'FACrUHlNu, Rox A, NswsofBos.


r p i i r a k k ijF a s m a l l m tu h r f o r r a LEm lo SiiS o f ..............................................

lipI of tks brat lorttlons in tbls t-lty.

AdOrsw O. IL. buK P* N tw i offtos

\ l 'A N T E D A LIVE, ENEHtlKTlO MAN9> r*' ' - ................With fMin !•<» to li.OiMito lAVfSl I n s i . . . lisyiaK ISA snd ruiTss buslasM ; srtk'laa tlT ts Irse with ibsRs tproisl koods u m rk rr rs iH (bsw||dss« tstbuRissm wusrsysr sold, ssd ibsss eewto stolisvliiil fi»urruuu« aaiss lu utbar clUss ; ss hipb M

T.tog«»vsr l.tou rvlsUsrs hsiidls ibssr kuoda to so n s (lUss ib s rWbl party wiu tliid I s h buslnsst s rs fu ls r boDssss. Ibtity bsvise sboTn rvuulr*' msitts wp will l i r t r s t l r s co»t^d nf Nswark. N. J . osiT tboss llS^lS|; rapitsl sod tot'd ehsrsctsr ssad apply. Adrtrrsfl no.NA.^y.A, ton M, NswsucBes-top

rflH NALEe

V - A BERT L K lIIon NO. 1 NUT COAL, a wall scr«i»Dffd, | t n i rar ton ; kindllof wsnd

I'hrap. lR IM M IK A d o .,N . J. K H. s v s and l4ttorsils«l. ls lrpbuM 434

m o. . j a o " ln b u n a n d HLACK . f l r s r t r a bulti wtsils to urdsr. kerk or re t

way suit, | l A i bs nsw to s t devs-isU-aklrtod rosi I f (isslrss. KU MMl worknisnRltlp fuarwitssd.

WT.KKh, lbs \HsiblofUm lUrast Istlof, -ifton Rk, ass t lo I'niUkl brtdfS uprn flo'rT - '=■-

liAK t IM WsRldni svsBiDia kill O’rlurk. HsIuNlsv, ILkX tori tow ^■'1 y ran o ld .

n iR eA L X . FINK BHEDJEHkEY ( W , - ■ eppljr

MAPLE HT., bleussAsUL

flOHRk, IIAKNRKH snd wsf«*i). e b ss jt: suiisbls bn any builassa ;

uwnar Issvliif Iks city. Applyr o ati w uiaH EunY ht,


j ! '> !'■ TO Bk HOLD OS MUNIIAY.I P, H.,

A A. A. m o .v e v t o l o a n «sBd xuortcsfs to la m s ts su i t

ON BU.NDX W. U EEHY. 7M Broad iL

V(*OOI) h e r v a n t h u p f l ie d a t h h o r t DOtIra As ws prorurs fliiu ilont w lihoulcbarri

r i a LL a t lU E o f f ic e OF

to firls , w sgsssrslly bivs-sppdostioris f jr KLJTE EMPLOYMENT OFF T4)



J,. -sod OQttlOd-

IMFHOVERH. . . . _ jd lesrnsT^ foi ETHEL. 7T1 Hroid at

\ FFRENTIUXH, . . . .[ s.flrls, flolibtrs sod lesrnsTt for dressmaking

740 IlR O tnftT .. ID FLOOR* ROOKS 9 AND I.

A OkNTHm e n ; tood psy.


CtOOKH-FIkST-CLAHH OOOJCti AND UiRLH ■ for trn r r s l iKiosrwork.

1 KMFIaUYMENT A<' AORNCr, 11 rb s r ito s st.

CtOMPETENT. HRI.IABLK OIRL W A N lK p for fsa rrs l bouMwork ; fJvrmsTi Funfsrred


U s s t l i C 'Islass F sM I s N ew ark sM l V ls iw lty X s -d s y b y B ts t r s p o l i t s e L llb las* Ce*

FrtoD, Ab l

X |O rsK W O K l-Y O l* N U (URL. 16 TO 1« X ly s s r s o ld , for llfb t bousework ; atoap bom s ' Apply 900 OARHIDE HT. 1

Ifynii wnnt money la amSIl nr larye STinunts, nn sbuH ar Looi Hmn, on buuaattold furnlt irs s n l plsno^ w stuns osm sets. wsrsbULiSR re-cslpli or pvr^msl property of any kind, without teiuovsl of proiwrty frum your own poMwiaton, wa can to rs you money hy our is rtn t ns Iran* uf sny amount from fjn to |t ,000s t v#ryabort onllra. wilk on I publlrity VoQ psn p s r iha m ossy bank In sn r snicHJiila YiHi slab ssd s t any Um#, and ssob pay- m rnt D>H<fr un the nrlBi'lpsl will rtduoa lbs coftuf IhR loan in proportion.

Before rn tln i nM>tify alMwhsrs oslt snq laa us Asd you V. Ill dml U erraOy to your ad vsaU fS


Mary Vblnp* M2 .'outh Taolb f t - . .16 km sr.rh F ad . 343,FinaarUb sfs.....*...* *16 Riietwa F. .*-utloa, 16 u r la su s i . . wjs u s llsdflsid, 9 b ists st...... . ...... a**-*)0Tbanisi Ksns, Hot a mb av. BslIeTllla... .11Tbsodors (duto, iSti i^llvtr a t ........ . .10Dan HUltlTSU, 144 First i l ......... . M

c. t . W iLLlAM b, Hvpt..lU-USallT Markstoi. cwtme Hstoay.

92M OO 177 UO IM 00 143 OU MOO ao 00 ao oa

n OlREWORK -M'ANTKD, DIRL FOR OEN* erol bsuiwwurk lo fkmlly of two and baby,

t m NDhTU HKVKNl H HT,710 Broad s t

HOlIrlKIlOLD FI'H-linU A E W O R K WA.NTED, A UIBL il8; TO I I I ' ■I assist la boosswork.

26UROVKirr.*M>T, MaikH*

n OUHEW ORK-niRL WANTED FOB HEJf- •rsl boiuawork ; i'irnnaa urrlbtrsO.

42p « isoUTTl HT,

Mo n k y to l o a n on . _nltiirR, plsDos. urfsos sad personal propsily

without remofsl: psrtiss kouorsbty ditalt wlih; esa msks rspum iisti by Inttsliusnta: buiinsM sirtet)} i‘t»iifldenUsL F. W. CHAWFOHO^ roem t, 72.) Urusu rl

INKY 1.0 ANKD (»N I'ERhoNAL PHOPKR- dsaoA urtaos and furnltara to use without

tIN D K H T A K E R S .


I AmRB Ma k e |23 ts r k k l y w h i t i n o a tJfc .........


■ ->[; all buatauM strlotly oooddsnilaL O allitJ jh o m e . Addraas, with iiamo,

laOlISR HMl l’IL MUwaukra* wla.Mldras F. a XMWa RDm. roumA 191 Markat iV. 01 tocadarat,. (Jar or avaolsp.

KmbslmlDf apecIsUy. 114 K<lU 1‘H ORa NQB AVF., briween J odm arid Hayes sta topTOHUUA BBIKRLEV, FUNERAL DIRICTOB— 1 .m.. B..«il#T**a w » r*

KOPE-CHATN m a k e r s — EXI'EBIENCBD bauds '• iiRSd/ work, pood pay.

Mo Z lR V in A 00 ., 93 and U Oreen at.Mo n k y to i-o a n o n b o n d a n d m o r t

(S fs OQ improvad real aatsia at i par com. (4>;r n . m 'TT —HooV.R n . n rrrK K w o H T U , 64 iNxSd it*. cor.

Pruspwd* Fast Omngs. STouIT4 Broad It* and I Clay aL

JEHSEV PICKINGS,Uayor D. P. HeitdrlekBoti, of Woodtmry,

waa thrown from a road ottri yeaUrtiay b; a spirited hone and dragged half a sQaars* Eliubeth'a now Board of Kdncatlon met

last night and organlxed by tho re-election of Prealdeni Sayre, Democrat, and also (he re- aleoilonof W. H. HyaiL Demoorat, as clerk of the board. J. Angustiu Dlxwaa reappointed Superintendent of Soboola. The new board oonslatsot seven Democrats and flveRepubli-

A ' ;

Sheriff Smltli IS. Johoion, ot Maj'i lAod- iDK. y ea te rd e r *.ht to Sheriff U eo il. o t Cape May Courthow, th* Ballowa ob wtildi Hobart E. Elder end Andrew Orlme. were Iieujied Mverel yeert eyo. The gellows wUI be need In tbe eieOBtton of Robert Pierce, the oon- demoed colored wif* murderer.Hre.-Jane Sohenrer, of Seventh etreet, Qnt.

tenburtr. hnd been ffreatly nnnuyed for month or more by * snn^ of boye who per- aleteutly threw etones nt her honee. When Ur. Sohenrer went home to rapper lut even< InK he found Us wife itesd In bed. It la bo> llpted th»t the eyoltement «nd worry esuaed ^ the boys brought on heart dlsorae.KU Buret, who ahot bis wife, in North Ber­

gen Townahip. end then ahot blmaoLf. was re- leaaed from JiUl st Jeraoy City on bsll yeatar- dsy. After he hsd left the JoJl one ot tbe oon- ■tshlH told Judge Hudapeth that Buret went narsy thresteolng to hill hi. wife, her aLttar snd himself. Judge Hudapeth immedlstely laaued sn order of resrrest, but Buret oould not b« found.The msnnfsclurlog pottera and tbetr em­

ployee held s ooDferenoe st Trenton yesterday afternoon, with s view to endlug the atrlha that boa eileted since the lint of ' the year. The men .submitted s proposition, which Is equal to s reduction ot shout Hfteen per cent.

“i'*,. I ' * * ; ' --- -. suswu (odiiqr.; ' ‘ThsHstloiua Kdnorist Aesodstlon st yes­

terday's session st Asbory Park listened to Bve-mlnate speeches on the following toplos; “Eolding'Maobines," by S. Vster, of Lsfsy- •tte, tud.; " Motors," by J. 0 . Amos, of Sidney, 0 .; "Job Offloei," by J. R. Bettis, ot St. LonU; “Kewepsper Ulastrstiona," by T. V. Conpei "Tusobluf at Journsllem In Oulleges,” by Prefewor J. F. Johnson, of the Tlnlvenity ot FonnsylTsnta; “ Typesetting Mschinesi" by W. W. Pocks, secretary of the New York Tyiwtbetaat' "Newspaper Bookh**plDg," by J. U. bhanion, Ulddlotown.PAA week ago Cornellni Vmiund, s fanner,

who lived S t Dundee, between Paterson and Passalo, scratched Us linger wbile carving a chicken at the dinner tsbl a Tbe knife slipped and tbe skin on bis bond was lacerated by a fragment of bone. The Injury pained him levurely tb* next day, and two days Istsr his ana wo* swollen totteabonlder, blood pntaon- lag havlngj«l la, Ws^anday bis entire body

U K . JIKATTSCBBE O t CmEUCTKB. ocean, and os her repntstion hod pre­ceded her she woe most enthusiastically recelyed and most courteonsly treated. For a period of twenty-fire years she hss held an honorsd position ss a moat tslsnted artist. Every summer for this length of time ahe has rislted her father­land, but always returns and considers America her home.ohe has mode a fortune in her life, but

nnprofltable Investments and nneorupa- lous adrlsers have sadly depleted Iter means, Hhe Isambltloas to hold her place in her lentlmate line of acting, but feels the IVlvoloua demand from the public for tight opd comic productipns seriously In­terfere* with Shakespeare’s plays The lectures that Mme. Janauschek box

eiven the post aeaeou upon the drams svB been a pronounced sneoess, and her long and vast experience upon this aub- Jeot renders her crltloiams volnsble and of Importance to both atudents and w o m ­en who gain only a superficial knowledge of the stage at the present day and age.


Bnllete Don't Seem tp H u r t It Bspeelnlly.R om s IaatsB(s«s.

From the Bnffalo Express.Those people who have brains tbst can­

not be hurt by bullets are getting numer­ous. Here Is Thomas J. Barter, of Eansua City, who ahot talmeelf last Saturday aRemoon, first by way of practice, mak­ing two attempti to shoot bis wife. One of the bullets entersd the side of his head Just by the ear, and tbe boll pooKd up­ward and come out at the top of the beo^ The other went straight through tbs femhead and stuck in the bratu.Doctors came end took out obonks of

Mr, Barter’s skull and olio removed some ftw scattering brains. Meanwhile Mr. Barter displayed great nneosiness under­neath the restraint, alleging that he would muoh prefer to be np ana around. Aa soon as the doctors got through experi­menting with him he toeaed off the bed clothing and pursued the even tenor of his way, unmindful and not coring a rap for the foot that, by rights, be was deadThere have been several cases tike this

within a short time. Things have come to auoh a psse that we laymen, who have been taught to think that the merest raratch on the brain was enough to pro­duce Instant death, do not know what to believe. It looki oe if the great Ameri- cen brain bod toughened to inoli on ez- twt that flrlug buirsU Into it has no more effect then shooting Into a obunk of putty. If men In Kansas City and Illinois sod Massachusetts and other places on and off the map con pump their topknots frill of lead and then go out and parade the streets and feel na til effects it would seem that men in other places could do this same thing.Indeed, sliMe two or three of the men

with perforated brains have asserted that they have not felt lo well In ypars as thw have ilnoe they fired a few ounoea of lead mjp the cerebrum or cerebellum, Oi tnetr

there lisomewihat -t ■» dugST that the habit may grow on us and people may go around fndiaorlmi- nately plngglng themselves In the head whenever they Tiavs an off day. Inveatl- gattOD, thorough snd searching, la needed,Braldes, tbls knocks tho plum-duff out

heroes of ths atorteo, wtio always kill their men by sending the bullet through tbe exact oeiftre of tbe forehead.

Isantloiu Hot Osserlbsble.From an Exoliange.Probably tew men have bod a more thrUUng

flnesn seoonda or so than had ths driver of a heavy load of giant powdar fn Oregon a few days ago. Re was piloting a fonr-horta team drawing a wagon containing3J110 pounds of giant powder ov*r a rough rood Into Ttllo- ’u m t A rickety bridge spanning a narrow rJnn* gave way under tbe load, ami ths wh^e outfit was dumped down Into the dry bed ot the orcek. There was no explosion, and the drives* hmrsss, wagan and poWdie wvrohanlad ontoUtlgJfe Th*dtlnrhsiS'Bot-imesd*dhis

AND skB A L lfltR ,Also C n tc iu i U v « v Stabl*,k S

T.LephOM ISA\ir AI mEsa-w ANTan,VT d a — eweOian or O.rmon w a itr .it;


AT OSCk, FIRAT- w»*«a.

f i» ; aSo) o*m nn girl fur tiouieworli, without waibhig or Ironing; wagM. IIS. Apply Fricay.1 M ha MII,LaH,ya N u w i at., Dnutg. V.llay.


fljL aaga Id iucd* lo .ult, rrom Seoo to fe.vvt

SCllUVLlCBl)- JA t'K bO N .TraBm alit.

BfiohooU .

SNR PITM AN ftHORTIlAKDTts BroAdsL. Hoomsl sod 4

Tsrtn* on Applirattoo. 0 (rmsp(H)daj3ce courts* flOg Includlaf books. Bpoctof term s durloc J u m , July eusd Aufraii

*1 1 TA N TED--TIIRJCE HERMAN O IR L«l Yf nirtlM wltJimf pood ktlp, A 'hiu (ir ralorsd*

for city orcotmirT, Mhft. B a RTON’A aMPLu Y- MEN't OfFlUlk, lU U lfbsl. 1


1 psrosnL iK‘r moniti; tuiHl tor iws yrar. C. BUCr Ma N. Fxwntiivksr. ttutbllshed 1861 10 evdsrtl., uw rH rrad. 42w


b u f e i u n t s k d e n t *

W A NTED -M ID D LE'AniD LADY O f OOOD sppranora, vltli irrad boslarss qusiitisx: um

wbo p lsjv plMD prs fersd.X Address IX^Tl'AOR, JRox J , Nswi offlos.

.S 2 (K ),o o (C *i:iiv rI~ F'rnionfxcs SI a p«r rast In or rartods te suit to t t>orroivsr. NO

BONUHORCX^HMlHftlON EXACTED: sll nsoss- ssrv pspers n refsily prspsrtJ. (JJIaB l eh A. FKICk , Oounsrllor-ttt'lAW, 7U Brosd«t. 471

W a n t e d a g ir l t o r e o k n k h a l l ytUMfUl; w sfis f4 i«r uoato .

m WARRENRT., In stors.

£ 1 rCM l o a n o n |lONJ> ANDC ' I t l> IW m e r if s ^ s i 4 per ramt is

NswMk* Juns SO, IBM.BM PIXIYM KNT W A N T £ 1>-M A LPra


Thera sobCHjtx will open tor (be rsfUtey ofK on MONDAY, JUl.Y 9, i t 6 a . M-* sod clra-

]2 M.,lablQit Ksmbura I'toos, Oliver HItmI* ^Y(•b•ler hUML Wlcktlffs Hirset, Newtos Mrest, Htiuto Tsnlb i-troetssd Mortonstr»ftHOftool build- IngA The rvflxtry will conUuus tbroufA ih s week* sxciptloff W'lHlMSdsy, July 4. Nods under 7 yraxt o rs|9 sdraittetl- No limit to sxe sbovs "■

It is y en ' desirsbis to s l sll wishlnf to es te r tosso •ehooli ibooia spply s t anew

BOOK-KERI'EK w a n t s FO‘»ITlON ; ONE bsviDjp hsd siperlSDoe In oommlsiilOD b iu lass^;

SDiDfsnd for psrloiis to suit the borrower*; no bunui or raismlsilon cbsffsd: lAjno to losn on chstteJ morusx* In Hums tom li. KUWa HI'H. Ri.ACK. ('euntsUo^«^Ls1r, room 614 I'rudcoUsl BiilliDnf i t*l«pbi>Ge No. Wtt _____

i hfsvy d rs tiih l horra, in c k snd hsra*RFtdNDb'IKI.Jj a VE.

J jO h H K S T O PASTUKK,, |6 PER MONTH-RuTiDtot w stsr

too ilELLEV ILLR AVR., Iiraior*.

HOI?kE, rf

6pl i g h t T (tp w a g u n a n d c a r -

IsRs ssis SI s blf I'srisln .106n o t ?H OKANOR AVK.

n oHHK K'»H HALF* OR WILT. EXI'H^NOKl • - - “ .........U irblcyelA 49 N. I'AHK Mf.. KsHt ursof*. 74o

n OKAK (MHH) W ORK HORME AND A (H)Oll n tsd ilp f to r ftSis clissp. IM WI LLl AM R1'. PAo

I >'OR.raoesv XV.a* HAlaF, CHkAP. HOAKDiNli ATABLk,7 P«srl it.


1> A H T rilE FOR IIOR.S9 ! t-T V V A i’RKH, runninff w ste r, fK. s m onth 's gtKxl csr*.

MsplswutiKl H otel, M splewood, N. J.Shp OKiHlOKF. TITMrHH. l*rop.


SPM'k ot ftml-cisw horw «slwsj*onhsnd,____ _ tor ssl* or et> lisure, s t llie lowest rosr-

k e tp r ib s s i drsDChi, { invert srpl fe n tra l purposs horSftff ; s to ir irlisl j^veii sad sti siork sold lu Im s s reiire-wiitra or cssh JVfundsvl. rail su d see Uie giHfds M IC IU K l.H T K rU K K , p r ip rlH u r

C"." -FREHU CJW SND CALF F>)K SALEi 11 UKDAH ht., ftloomflelA '

KALE .lURT HECRIVED, A >AAU,Rlot of rsrpeiA up : lUk s^il ru ( psrtor solb

very ubssp, ran vlisniber tulu* I i4 ; roll-lip d« ^ I'oossioT*, f.1 ; fxtsriiftiuii isble, |I .I0, oilier * lure vsry .tbesp. M W IL L U M R T .

> de#


r uis# Hscrldu* In m s|nlflM n| hourahoB jflsdla ooinpriRlnc Slffsnl IMrlor Main, « tiys m hlatts, H siilsl Mirror*. 1‘lsno lAmis Impoma^^li PslHi- InfS hy eojliieot uissiers tirsiNl LpiliF^ llsn a , K(>ldijif Jtrd*. tAr^ietA T.estb*r iKiinf lusom Hislm , HiileiHisrd, hsilruem halts, resi Polsi ijun t'urUliiA costly lirt^sh rsr, Posterra iMek. huCi. Lufrsvlnf** I'locks* lAoibreMDA. Aiifllsh Chins sihT HlsM ssre simI lispurtec^ insteA E t- tension j sbl*. Msitrera»ff snd olbrr toliiffs ; in fkcl rompiste rnrsltur* lur ih«> httlM up or s fine bn n ^ . sll s re Mjusl to imw ; m res*oiisbi» eltor r«tosed I Mil, nrilurfSFeu rirotmisisnoes iseen till ttelurdsy sren la i. lo 0*TTAUKtll. M f

J C E HDX - r u n bALEa AL msfl'* box rbesp.

_ LAIVIE 490 M ^ U R E n tr .


STUh rr.Yf isFinkNriAL -dn kaa y f a yq ■ . . .. ImraLclotktotssd rlosic* resdy nisde or msde loonier. Write lursEeHItos lL. vijDAjh.A Box A. .New* oAosr i l H F NKW A IiDITKM TULilRlHT CItURCU I I'em eirry, ReilKvilU N. J., te now open set!

slnffteersvee or loin lu Sira to *slt ptifehasen sre ofiemi fur sste till rcM^Jishl* terra*. Apply ferie-tormstlun to th* n s tT 'iK of the jisrlsb or te soy m em berofihe m 'rir , o r tb e ^ k X m N , reeldlocom Ihe cltMjndi ou tte* W iaitni St. eHtimno*t S little w sit or Msiu St. Ms

fACilLNRI W A U nN U l-1 HAVE 76 NRW wsfOii\ truce*, fip re ra c ro o e rf snd butobsr

eefend. Miiireyi, bu ff lea, enlndlestid rovl wsfOit. eia . ro rrals A. L ILFLIN, !tsie sud E iO hsu ji htsbis', tin lo CA (tentrsi sve.

l l l r r c l s e .

R l r v r i .X H .16M ruLCM RIA, MODEL K rllfbtty used. fiO: llM (‘o ium ^s |« 9.

Fi.DHUHlK, M itefltrsl SVA“I trA G O N FOR k a J.E, TIEAVV GROCERy >9 e

lOpersEOU, or will e ich saes lor llshter cme.

t l 9 KAhTK IN NK Y 8T.r iA N IM A N D O R O A N E F O K BALE*

Y lV AtiONR bDIt -ALK, OF At.L KINDA TT 22j -....... .........UULRKRHY A.NIl U LIV sK ATB.

A -rOFFOUTLNlTY I D O Jf* • mis* I t six allffbUF

used uprifklSi

m ‘YH A GOOD YOUNfl HOTWm A ^ « k t l |H U e run dnwo ; sler>oilier hurse« ; rarts.bugsie* snd bsTH^M cteesp. 696 ll i l tJ l aT. A2p

llt'A fN EA R N O TirEN *

t l a n t i c s h a d e r -Aiausrsiiteed simAuit. In sll cnl-

ofR. lor piibtle bnlldliifi* prifsie rral'irnrra, storcA lalutUte slid IS4-Uihei<-

Si'EOlAl* nAROAlNR. EOOn D. F. Holixuds wRh

uunel frtngs, rSfulsriirice. Ate., e l...................

PlJKXKJpsqueH, ifith iPiubls tsMfl trines, rerslsrprice. 66c., s t .............

FAfTORY' AND l!lALKBRO^)MH,104 *nd I08POLKST.. nesr FKRKY^T.

One C36. JACOBS RHOfl.. for | l 4fV iinelMO, JAi'OB-S RHUR., tor|1tA ODtisdO, CROWN F U N u .fo r* im O ns^ .H H U N IN O X R , for tXlA OC* JACOBS HHOA. for |ME OiM BLASlUA for


41 FuUoa It., nesr Breadtta

SU doom rroin Peddle ClranB.

| > 1AN0 -ABnuLUJ'K E A C K iriC E ; UNFORE* X errii elrcumiisnceH ; must sell s t onoe my m sc-

»o. iilttivnt yrsad uprigut p lso o : brllUsnl lose ; tuf tm prgrrm euts : urad s ihort time ; «fX!ept|iMi 4t» »oi m lu tbti ohsuoe ; If you wsut s plsno osU ssE See iblH hetors buylsr. prlTste rtiMeruies id OOl-

la n il 111a*. pww kuiwiiq

- TsOESL T hundsy eTe&isc.

1>lAEOFOKM ALE-UI'nrUHT. FTHUT-CLASt} ■nsiie, very ftse tone, good s i new ; f re s l twr>

bell of city relertJira xlreD. Addreet I BGOK-K REFER, Bos Jl, News nflloa.


The rSEUlsr bsmIos will beglD MONDAY, JULY The u U y tessloiie will be from 8 lo i i A. M.


C1t.T Buperlatei>4enLA t IHR TOWNBKKD^K BOARDING AND PAY iM achoo l for Kiris, » PARK PL, Newsrk. N. J.A* M WJMUUl kVi Sll i«i an r **av a oa, a. avra*Primary, Acaderate s sd uoUsje F rspsreu ry De-purtmemtA

Circulars on sppilcstloA


Ha A. FARRAND, Hssd Msslerg WUSON FAHRAND, d%Mlste Msster,

reopens ssptombralTg UM

Thoroofb prepsrsUon tor sny ooUsrs orietentlflo nchool or tor business Ufo

Cslslogue on spullCAllorL



MI&9 WHITMORE, PRINCIPAL. Colisffe P n p srs to ty , Senior, Ju&Jer sad P rtm sir

Depenmenw. A limited num berorbeyi In Prniurir Depsrlmenta (tertlfloate sdiuUs to Wfllesley Col­lege. ClrcuUre un sppllcntioA

H a i le .

P lANO"-A GOOD TEACHER DESIRES J tow pupils for tlie luaim er. Address

Mil FKOFKHSOR. Box A. Nsws office.


•miiluf RehooL Ths only sad Hipnrasftii syitem Inthorough .

as*. only ooe not s chert Xssy to Isera. IhipRs msks dreirai while Hwrnlng. Msks ao rataiskA lesra the betu Opss day sod efsA Itags. N oticed T. Tsyier*s SlMU

prraai 0* e * e H tsT rlsU y cburoh.^ ^ CHRTSTlfi

A -A a-«C D O W E L L D R E S S -G U T T IN G tBchooL The osiebrated HoDowsll n rm m i

dimfUiw m sehins has n s rs f besn defosled In eo f eeatest. iM iin s c two hirbsstsw srdi s t the w oGd • F a i r w h a a gsiwng s lyitem why not f*i n*rtpraUlveiy no reduieg. puplli ran msks drssara w bU slraralof: esil or raud tor drcuisr. p»p*f psiierxiseattQ Sirasore. „tld X. C CRAWLEY. tttB roedtt*

A t TAYLOR’S, 67* AN D67B BROADHT, YOU ran issn t ca tting fittiasr deslgnlntr, flnlB hlu

drspm r sod Istsst Bne points: msks dfSMW for yoarsclf or your friends: school girli iskeii durinf vsesUon; good positiOTu obtslned; moikers In* vUed ;sn snowsrioe rosde on other system*: npw evenings. Taylor's Fwhlon Msrssloe w year to old sad nsw pnpllA Coslmnss mode; otiu tin t end fitting ipetterna cut* Tbe Tsytor Bystera ran only be obtemsd from the eaihoflrad nransesr, W K. L. MSRRriT.

D BBSBMAKING-SUITH |1 -s ty laa ; also nd lng bsMi*. « PLa


____________ TAILOR RULK AND SQUARE.Itto r cutting Isdles' snd dilldfen'H gsrmeate

plsfa, Freaeh, Resfoless snd Bsrlla wsintA Froneti uite osiris, doable sod triple tide bodlus, ^ a w i dreesss, plain sod foaoy ileeTra. s ta , all tor 116,._________ a- _____ * i__1__.,.1..... niAaBnaaaineiPdiDf rule, square, tnitnioUon sqd_ niessare book: pupils mskeUiM r own fsrmeDts^____ ____________ ________________ »Wlele s in ln t: cmltlng and fitUnEnnlngs and terns cut to insosiirs i dsy and svenlaf leesm i^ MADAME VAN ZANT, 303 Flans Rt., n « New. Brincli s t F ist 4, A na id BuUdlog, sea t te post- offlee^orrtstow n. N, J. __________Y TinLLiiT-ra n e w f b e n c h s y s t e m o f X (lTetsouitiQg*~l h li system Is worked by tae use p fe tailor's square an 1 set of haleuoe lusestans, whtoh U ebilrely dlfflirMt from s n r oihers in ora, and ibsse, taken In conneetliin with tne reguler Istlor mesiuferaente, when correcUy ^teksh, m m rehulnFlmposeible: th s only system la uss w lih s s p ^ ^ l etisch ineu t for cuitlof Ine Yrsooh bias anS double underArno eesm. f ' ^ ^«d hehooU M. A. HEARN. Ml P U a t si.

Gr a n g e d r r » c u t t in g b o h o o l - o p r n all snienmsT: ibe Taylor Bystsm tboroughly

ia u g h i: elao dotting, flurng, d rap in g ,ju k lag , de- * ling sod Bnlshlof ; wo tsseb

fsta, Frlndesa dieeses, Jacksta, ooeta, ulsters s sd capes t s writton goarentee gives sll whe enter! firstvctesi drteeoDalilhk at rednoedprloM ; open day s s d eveolnge \ spedlid luddesmeatl oflbrsd lo all iesroliM eyitem earing July raid A sg u s t; trial Isseohs gfvea toss. An th s itoMf Frsoeh style* sre to be seen a t MARY X. LYNCHES, Ifil* 234 Male at., OratiCH, Decker BuUdlug.Q N L Y B R A N O a IK ORANCmOF GRIOtKAl.

Ta Taylor tSyalstt of tB Rfaedweyj a s dkart; actaM w sasersensoii sohoiars eas sapEe iteMr ow tidseraeattee; israsBi eaUpelted.

X k DUNNEJlUtetk

lilVEST ETAnUCfit.LliATFROra, V, B. a--- - L i v H m r m a t H L

ho rranovra; prompt, piivsbi, reliable; low rsiss, esay psyiuetits i upeo evenlnga Mf KRHR* 4M Broad il.

B OY-rOLORKD BOY, 14, WANTB HITUA-1yUou to help In ibe house or sny lixht vrorx.

Call 16 DEY ^T.

y^OAClIMAN-iXHXJRED MAN WANTM hIT- ustlon as cuschoiSD : married. A ddreu

I2p J. SANDERB. Ill hew it.

VJiNmS'ICKH- ELECTRICAL ENGINKKU iEX> J jp c r i ) drflrrRpoiltloe with rrllable gu iltie rl...t **iri v'i’'1'l}rff| h hi u-k* It N'Aiwu i.rTlj1 AOilntR KLkMrTHlClAK, Box B, News utRoe.


OARI’ENING, WHITE wasiiingdene. (.All ersead pottdki.

IXdlLK H r., first floor.

YOUNG COLORED MAN W a n t s Hliuailuii M hotlier, city or coaotry- AddrsM

107 H O im i HI'.n OHTi.ER


jLrM BK H -BlTU A TIO N WANTFD HY A young tostv Id tbs plumbing b iu lneu with one

lar'fi eiperlcaoe. Inyklreat (L FFlsTEK* JR.’S, 304 Uraiiga ave. 3p

K M I'LO Y H K N T w a n t k u - f k m a l e n .

"^F L A rK SKCUREDFREE O FC JU R G E FtiR\g r r i! i baviBf reference : hlgbesi wage* sod tieii

•• ELITE e m p l o y m e n t OFFICES, J40foiulllei.Broad

iOOK-OOOD c o o k W'ANl'E HlfUATlON; , I'sn wanh and Iron well ; beti refereuoea cell

at presentemplQyer'A 13 JAMES HT. I

WIDOWA a-iM*/, inrat'uiw •***> ri/njaivif pa Hviap»PiVeiWr tor

wlduwer. Address llUME, Bex (J* Newiuflice- 93oUOUflEKFEPKR - AMERICAN

lady, middle sgt^ m bouesk te^r

U O U H E W O R K -Y O U N O A M E R IC A N wooomas dMlreepoettlon Willi family Uvliiv out

of city, to assUt with light bousflwortc rati rare tor ipLiidreUa AddresA Fp Box V, NHwxortioe. 1

rro.. . ... .....1 1 s t general tousawerlrrer«rei>nei.I itU COMMERCE ST.


w a n t hslttistlon Id gensrx) hourawork. call


I - ■

__________ o k h m a n l a L'NdhkssIwahts weahlng at Iicme or to go out. Address

4p i'U HIGH WT.L a u N D R EB B - w ■

WAfiUKRWOHAK WA-NTH W'AbHlNO AND troulDg by lbs dsy ai U HI LK HT. 1

-Y^ABHINO-^GERMAN w o m a n w a n t s todo w ag ing I t bom# or ouulde.

MRS. WEYMAN, 97 hU teenlbere.w o m a n W‘AN 1>i

washing sad eleealngHa MHaCHER. 1« Komorn *C



r FHANKLlN HT.H e . DORN, TRANCK MEDIUM, •OQjuraited from 6 A. M. to 7 P. M

D O YOU OWN A W HKKL7 JOSES, THR Prudential clear mtn, I* golite to preernt one. . . — ■ _— ah A AILoMofhtoOMLumtn ; I wuodtf If 1 wfil IM Hit oil.!

kte ^ . n a n f in K lu a ™

KHIItNO IN HltltD M A FRIBlNU JlndwO. lfv !« iw a * ia i* (n la ia rU i.ia tv « W K xnpraE iSoMAN'a « iu. HOM ti.Bu«ia.i.N.r.

LA D im W18UIN0 PRIVATS NURHINU, ,1i...... ...................___aoW A R Ii, «pp. Hiwinf i t ; !««■

(s e n t: iDfhsiM adopted ; doctor In atteudance. >91

M lDWIve-.OICBMAN HtDWlVK WITH W- plOBia; 1, vraiJ’ wonnii nunra

Ml,,,horn.: .„rnl.te».4u..t

A. BAIN, H A lll™. ---- DRKMMNII PA^ten . vis HRUAO ST,: o ln umb .ifanijn*

m a iH « . Htilcb la te . aw»v wrioklM, Irte tlw an d loo, te v lfo n u a tt>» Biuicim. ri»»n K unpltiloit B M ult'bo fi and valvair akte.

7.IMU.KBMANfFOHJfJ_ a E l t o v k i n g._ . iX u n i i ) h n up.ni.1 a i J B a 'h a j r d ^ w panotatTJIBM oil " t, n « i. door to Pnid.nilal Boltdlnx: ril.woilt doot hr flnPctew arU aa tl*

U T ItA W 1(a T PK »I»1.V0 -W,K h a v e aJ .1 O i k t MW aprlOf W lo ' loio. J . . .ck lM na 'i htU m ar b«pr«(«t, ovtr lu»o.vjaaj>ii la ia lH t IVom. jTH. ifESKUAK, Jl* WnaOlHiUJte ig lsc t____ . . . .s t . bHWSSB Market ssd Bask.

5 0 ,0 0 0 P iw ’xa OP H o w e AT JCX K IS

* CO., II Bank tl.


j j^ I L I iB V I U .! TQ W SBH IP-

T h . 111. of tentiMOta and a* n d lte m .n li fcr VHPSID TAXBI fer tf i . rMT IMfi to th . tdwdiIiIp «f Brt.riUa It - A W U ffA ItlD TO MOKOAT, THH tth DAT OT


In th* oftenwon. a t m r ofllo., 1»* M AIff BT. W ltaM aa*/hand tin . w th do r o f JuM . u * i



•X irA N T TO BOHROW li.liOl) ON OOOI' UKNT- VV ln« p ro iartr. WTl.Llj

Breed, A^rasr tllnVia sv.WILLIAM FAIRCHILD*

rANTED-M ONKYONBOKD AND MORT gsgr> at i l l per rankW

IBIl Market skJ a m e s m . t r i u r l k .


ILooe, ft.vn, I7.000, |s,w, t4.ono be placed no finkrJose bond and mortgage oe

curlly on propenv worth double tbe amount and more by calling oa

CHARLES A. FKtCK. Couooellor ar-lsw,

74J ______ ______ ______________ TM tirrad *k



m V OF NEWARKIN d e n o m i n a t i o n s o f fl.OOA


7 CUniunsi.




Drprielta made by third of say ro*>DiU drew In- tere*t irom tin t oftba l muath-

MANAOKRS:RnwAiin T* Crtvxi.Tir, HTiMnnnT Rffooe, knwiM M. ImnoLAS.

GfcriKoa ToewA I Ikmrt loAiru, W illiam M. Lk a JOHH P. tV>KTHSr.t,, JuHlf M. UWINTtRLL, J. A. LxAuaKciiaA

J. W aso WfionairfF,KiiWAllD N CSascswH kauan Lkulsacu*

S ’ec'URIt y b a v in u h b a n k .

Na 742 Broad street.Newark, N. J.. Jan s 14, 18H.

TwenHelh dividend. Noilre—1 hs board of mAnagera uf tbe Neeurlty Having* Hank have this

y drclarsd the usual saml amiital dlrM end at tbSday (rate uf three per cent. i>er aomini to all depcMits erv- tilled thereto, ou Ju>y 1,16H payable on Joly lo,

Deposits rnade on or before July A I9H arlll draw loieresi toom July 1,18IH.

fiYLVKaSTER H, BATTlIT. Prssidsnh, EDWARD HPABTIL Treasurer, JOSEPH W. PLUME. Secretary.


Huy and ssH stoakA Honds and Orals oa New York k.xcbangee and Chicago Borad of Trs^ elthat for oash oron margin.

810 BROAD HT.('National state Bank Dolldtog),

Tslsplione loa> Newark, Newark, N. LBranch ofiloe

Orangs National Raek Building, Otsogt, N, L Tsiephona tu&. oraage*

p r o f e s s i o n a l *

Ha r r is o n v a n d u y n e .S urrey raasd Dsalertn iteal Xatate,

781 BHOa D h i‘.Fidelity TUIt Co. Bulldiuf. Jtetatea dteldtd.

tlrnutes uf value of property given.


(u clean cioeete raraitoula at ih u rtn i notice Gfneev 8rt7 Markat sk, Newark, aud 101 N. Third *t., l i a r rteuD, ____ ^

etriuig tiMs: fine tea* ; |(9). worth more than dou- blB. Tinae girsn If desired. 199 .VEWTOtf sT*, betesen rioulh Drangtsve. and l4Ui ava- 80|i

IhlANO, HEWINCLMAUIUNH AND C iltL lPE folding bed tor sale oltetp

HUTTON-IiOr.JW. STAMPING, and ploklng of all kiDds a t short noUee^ • It, U 1*1*1


p l a it in g.. ,itee(A3 BROAD RT.



F^lA nPK N tK K J O R R I N G I l_ /dofte adiUtloni. alteraiwna I route ihlnKled, ilore fildug, etu,

UKNUY JC.'fliiJIT.179 Central av s

ORGANA MAHON k js h x h tn , fi'l to 94Q ;f2 toslooked;umncy.

A HAMLIN AND |4 niunthly; oveO'

rjiuxt be onld; big value tor very llttia WAliD’Aoor. Bniad and New. 491

lI l ltA I ' FAMILY a l l 'J k KTHIIK I.ADIIl'V kid, lip, button, *1; fi"" ‘iW' 'to'

l i I t.lad lin ' kW, tip, la n d I llm 'in ri.iim : lo iw n Surlog-Ueel. tip, bulUju. T-te. to I I ; men a rawM, imed, I l ; roen^s fine laced ami Lo^xre*^ i l j f t , men'*roseet BaU. ami HUmher*. I l . » ; ^ y « ' in* laced, tto-: youth*' flue Jaced.Sic*; children hsei. lip, button, *0 -McK In We V A 878 Plant ek. near William *k__

m a c h i n e r y f o r NALFa.

V ^A.-HKCOND-KAND •latliei tor sate

r c r e w -c u i t i n u

LRVIRIDGS* 78 MeohanlR it.

/■ 1 O MINTON, MARtJN AND BlUi.DKR- \y*F urnaose, obuarnk chimney* biiUt and re- nalrediwalU »prared and whlt-nei. i o f ^ t l WK»'l KISN EY Hf. Headpraiai.


2 j 0ILitIk

U-lleT*s Power Uprtftif ftellev for «ata A Ptktaupe's raaxe; prios | 3D.

Im uire of PtTnT.IHIIER,Evening News onoa.

IN II. inUrOLAH. MAKER OF r «tha INiOffLaa Bantu, Aetna Gui­tar sn d fiae mamlolln* UuUralln- struTnaiite uf oil kind*: flash or In- su lm esti. Keitalrlug a tiivolaltr.

"DT Hros'l saddltadi

1 9OILKKH-F0U Ha l e ,.l>b - - ■ •

TWO JIJCIUNQSdxjljsri, No. lA and all coiiiiacllunv. Ifluiutre

Mi> 14 e;9HaX ■''»1., Aaet Grange, N. J.formerly uf 07T Hrorl sad 9 (tadar <t.

J 4GUHTH OK J T I aY NFW AND hKtDND-hand pistols, revolver^, g^m*: full llntuf anuna-

ultlen, blank cartridge*, etc.: rheipeU place In ilie city. BHADNKIV^'Ml Market si.

Ij.AitTiKH H a v i n g nretJoNo-iiAND boil- eraandenglnseforula wid tln l It to thsir le-

lerH t to send duaurtpilun aud prlM of sams tk IIKWK-SA K JlILLlfb’h IRON WoitKA Newark. aS. j, bir

M ArOMUMAt:K,--«A T CH Rl. A pocketlMoks, ma*'»ns' te:>l bag*

and iruoks uf our own msnnfiM^titre: rspalrliig pninipUy attimlel to. 8J4 itKOAD HT., oppoHita Waihlnftoii Park.

I jL'Ll.KVi** ETC. L’ lr OF (iKOOND.|[A.N*J pnlleyo, hasgsrsaadshatoiog toreiLa

Inquire at kVKNING NRWr* OFFfQE,


tlKW IW G MAI’IIINKH OF a l l KIND* RK» Impaired at small roet by iklllwl wnrkmaa; ma-chlnae called for and del!v>r;'<l Iree; pern, tiSedleii. etc., forrai machlnee. Aflt HHo a D HT.


PltOVKP KA.NN a n d im p r o v e d m b t h u d a OF a FPLYLNG THEM.

J. M. bEV M nun, JR,48 LA WRKNOC HT.


^TOKAOK ROOM ^onabte.

f u r n it u r k a n d r e a k .4 p p ly » RICHMOND HT. 1

FIANO ‘4 AND ORGANA TUNKD, llR 4 O paired. UEOHGE HUNT. » 8 Market sL WJ

W A IX P A P K H A N D P A P r.lM IA N G I^ iG .

A - A.^IifMiM PAPKRKI), ORDENAHY SIZE, •relllng and slue asd 9-1 nob border, tor | 3.76*

Largs asaortnient of papers; lateitsLytra;allgradnt end prions. Petallng, gralniitg. Uritluj end kaisu- ralultig executed at rerauDahle prluek All work gusraoteed. OpentUI8 P. M. O rdan by mall at- lendediOL J . Ik tKNEILU M Academy a t, near Halsev.

A .-OKOHt4K W. 0 >NK CO., • 18 AND 30 NKW HT.,



LOWEHT PRt(;RH AT HETAtLPalnttuf, paper-hanglog. «tc*, at

' ' I nrioo). toatid 20 .Nsw tkr near HnNwl White Rnlldlng. RtnehlguA

reasonable n

./V«nap*r Cumblnation— PleaM take notice that 1... -------. - 1... -- -------------will Miier (alrwlxed room with gold i>apei' raid wide border for rAlO a nmm, and elan go rir»i-ctei« ualnt- in f nnd kalsom lhlat at the cheajievt prloes In Ihecity; urden prcmiptly attein1»?d w by mail, iq JAUGB l e v y . No. 18 Warren at.. htwarlL

A DAWH’M BROOKLYN WALLFAFERHTORE - t Will paper any folf'Slxe room wlib gold pa­

ver and wide border, iDohidlov repalrliig, tor 81.11:Ti____-a- ja.1 *

r - f RHLBACU u k o t h k r h .^ ^ V I L EHUINRBRE A.ND 8 UETZTOR&

REAL ESTATE,TtM r u a u ht.

gfrarav ^


TffLIPRO X E :v a 411 ;ui im u A ii HT.

, U JS T A ND ITOWNTJ.T IIST-V RSBA V , JUNK » , AN AtXlOUNT Xjbaak, batwnn In. Vnul.nllri and Muin*rr;r il.DnUlmnn. find,r will nc.tv. ra.anl br raiiirii. lD( lo J o h n M. uoJ - I I I a UK i., NN U am d . ((.Up

L n«T-rOXTKnHtlCH OOU! ANHWKHN TO the Hsm* of b p o rt; black araktan bead, black

at butt of ta ll : lewardk TMGM A » J, JO N ^» car. Jsmt'B and Hoyden flU. It ^ e w a r d p a i d f o r r e t u r n o r b l a c k * X >an4-tlip

l-tsQ bound, tMt Wedhsaday, to__If CONOORD 8T.

a u c t i o n S A i.k a .

A V CriO N-niLD BBRAN l>T, AtICTIONKCR.wiu veil Oft'I'uesday. July Id, a t I P. M., tbe

lhrea>si4>ry house wllk M No. I t Etake s i , osar I Bread sk{ also all th i houMbold furplture i house thaslMMBfMliSuMfbMWi tertusagrtratepra

alra wedo flrsl-fllaaa psiullnr, gc,Mulng, kulsomlu- Inf, plMterliur and tinting. Fur the cheapefit prloes In tbe city, *ersd pfwtal tor samples, or call at Hrookiyh WatlpaparHlore and seloct your papers, ^ we rarry a full line of nbu!o« iMpern. suoM m blauka flats, gilts, embuiMKl, liicrains aud tiles, lanrest aescrtmsnt In r-tete ami tell a t factory prices. Wallpa}>er bonght ot us irln iiu ^ by ma* chins foes, open evenTnge till 9. We sell paper fro ra lcsM san ril t ip tn ll .M . HIX .RhOTI^Elk4. DeOoraters, Paper-hangers apd iMinteri, fint-elosi work guarsatved, M HprlngUeld ave., sear High rt*

T lftA N U Ji OF THK NKW YORK WALL PA- JTrper store will papar any stra toomi a’l l l i ^ l ' l


A -PATKN I'H-’JXw ttAHTNKU A r a , 7M-76l BROADRT.

Tbs iargsst F auat orUoe Id ths Htate.

V'^OR I'ATTKltS F isrs, spsutal wood wurk,

MAKING, I'ATI'KRN LBT- luodela, etc.

VALKNTINE'H, 1& AillOf sk

FATKNT a n d ItRAL'GlI IINU UFFIOKH GF I'h^'HHUW A UU., SlCllDtonst. lOjtpoille O . . . .V. M. (*. A.I .Nnwark, N. J.; all kinds of draughting

eXK’ul^ neatly, etch ai maonlue ilrswlttgA, an i say k Imi of deidgoing f.tt omtato de*. stn.; s ulelter 1 (if Auierlcao uiid forHign paisnio; expert* la patent rassi French, Gerroan and Scandlnavlae laif lagesspukea: upea Mr'wlassday au 1 Friday eveu*

itu 4 (I't.iouk; pruMipt aitenttou aiwayaxiiATugs uati


yREDKIirCK C. FRAKNTZIL Kuoceaeor to Campbell A Oo.

GLOBE BUILDING.804 BROAD AT. Itoomi 08 aod 47.

>ATKN’lit, V. A. AND FGKKiGN.~ obuiLnid for all eiiseea of Inventlen,

jlK.SKV J MILLUh,eoUcitorofPateniiand .Heohaoleal KnglDeftr

(Late of LraoeA Miller),eoo Proad«k,

Roomi 100 aod lOl, Newark, N, J.

Pa t r n t h -d k a k k a CO.Holicllori of American and Forelgu BaMntk

AUorueysin pateui oases hetot* ta* U. d. Oeuiia Mechaoloal aad Kleotrtral Kartueen aui ISiporH. t unNuluilon foea 719 UROAO dl'. The oldestei> tabholied UuuM In Ibe Hlate. TwSDty-flvsysarF experience, (tormap spoken._______ __

F U O l’OMAlad*

AS a ruom. plst •sad

(jnnge aro.

I jlOh JULY AND AUGUHT ONLY WK DO iwperhnnRlaE psinGnee and kilanmlbliig at

prlcH luaituiilsn trerybodj’. c a lllo sra us- It wlD p iy you. DTElN dbBLAU, IM aod llMl^prlagatid evs. Wx

W A N T E D .

Ba b y c a r r i a g e - w a n t e d , h k c d n D"hand baby oarrloov i iau,L b. to ,ood vou.1 Uteo.

1 A dd n u CA K ill A U t, Bo> A, N .w i iiinoa.

B idto:Ii;YCIjK-W*NT*D, I.ADIiai- I'NtUMAT.

k be^hrap. AddressH I FOURTH AVR

J I m u KS-r PRICE P A ID FOR G RSTIJtM ES'SciMt-offclotblttf: orders by mall prumpUy at-

tsnded to. L MADANRKV, M Coramsree sk Cp

OLD GOLD, AILVKR AND JEWELRY boagkk M A R T lN M n'M arkstst., sntrsnoe oa

•10llslray skA N T EI'-V O U R O W ) g o l d ANUHlLVERiw a p av b o M atF c teH lb rii to Iw , . a t

jwimiaa ^ J pndtDltol BolUtoc.

£.KALKD I'HItlKWAL.'l W ILl. D t R IC SIV E D i^by the Committee of Roads and AsseweneDts of tbe Hoard of Cbossii Freeholdert of JCasex Coaaiy for psvltig with Teltord pavsmeat (be PomiRUB turnpike tu the Tuwoibip or VeroitA, from Bloora- fitild avenue to tbe llMsslc Hlv»r.

lildH will be recslveit till 1 P. M. July 9, s t the effloH oA he commUiee, corner M arket aad Waah- Inrton streets. Newark, N. J., where th* ^eotoora ROUS for tae work may be sein.

I'he committee reoerve tbe right to rejset a itr nv all b id tss may be deemsd bent for ths luterss* ofkbenouDtjr. a.i v, ^By ordsr ot the Hoard,' ^JRMJUl GWKN^lOm B— *—


T Y » . b l'B i'IF IC A RURE ANI>1 .^positive cure for all female irregularlUss* Ad*ilrse.« Ite Camden nu; C. R. Hmlih, 143 Broad and all dnigRlsta Price |i, sei4 hy maU.


M RUiCAL ELECTH iriAN ; l a d y AflRlilT- an li ohsrgei tnuderiie. 4Q MURKAY HIT. I

TJitOFhHflOll g k y h k r , m a b r a o b A K » i nedirat electrloltyT n WKdT KINNEY RT. Especial csxc te ladlra under eleoirte treatgasuk M%

T H E •' N EW S."

C IR 017I .A T IO 1I

' 3 2 0 0 0 .



Newark <Suening Neme.tVlUhWS*

D AILY, IX O IP T iU N D A YS ,BT t i l

Ifulit Im PibllstilDj Coipuit l6-ai7 MARKET STREET,

lf«w »rli, R. jr>[Bilirrt M tHi rtn-Q/M m mxurwm M n».]

D*Hv«r«d bycarritrt in inypirt of N«inn td(, Th« OfanfM, Harriion. Kaarny, Sumniit,

Montclair, Bloomfiaid, and all MiChborin, towni.

Mail aubacnptiont. Tiva dollara a ytu, or fifty Conti a monlti, poitaga frao Sin[la cbpioi, two ctnta Oalivaied by ctrnira in Ntwaik, tan canta a waak.

Ordinary advartiiamanti, tan cantia Una, l(ata

Adrartiumanta tindar haadi of Wantad, Ta Lat For Sala. Parional, atc„ ona cant a word, but no char^a Iasi than tan canta alch Iniartion.




ru iiiAy, j u u ’ #, iRw.

PVHLIC KMPIAIV K» AN l> CITITeNHIl I !■ At tha laat neaiion of tha New York

Lanatatora tbara waa pamcd a bill which tboaa raaponatble for tta anforcamant are Jnat baRlnnlng to oomprahand, and which

raaaltin. In aotm sweapini changaa In dapartmanta of lha pnbllo aerrloa In wUeb Uboran and macbanlca are am- ployod. Tho act In quoatlon, paanad aa

.•h amandmant to the Eight-hour law, aldaa that only eltlirna of the United

ptaaahall ba employed aa mechanlca, king men or labonri by lha Htata or

•“>, mnniolpal corporation iberaof, thrO|gh Ita aganta or offleara or by paraona oontftctlttc with the Binta or corporation fi* parformaneo of publlo worka Ma- ohanlc% workingman and Itbirera ao employ^ are to raoeive not leaa than tha PW alU ti rate of wages In tbe reiprotlTe tradaa or mlingt In lha locality. Erary oootnet bteaftor mada for tba ptrform- ■nea of poblk worka muat comply with the roqulremaala of the law.

Ottrionaly enough, It la In the Depart- neot of Oharltiei and Corraetlon that the #rat atepa hare btpn taken toward anforo- teg the law, Tha Corporation CounanI, naked for hit oplg^n, bat decided that the atatote applies tb nnrraa ordcrllea and attendants detailed aamecbenloa or labo^ ait. He AdTiaaa that up ptraoDi who are not otUaena of the Unfted Statsa be em­ployed In the departmeab, and that it la tta Intent and porpote df the aUlnt* to forUd the contlnoaaee of tbe etnploy- ment ot peraoat not citizeki who have been in aerrlce there prior to the paaaage pf tbe lot.

In tbe BtTMt oI«M!ng deperti^ent *l(»o tta law la to be enforoed, and Itu aald ttat there It wlU mein the diaohagge of abontUO nnnatnralltad allana. Inaaaei of thia kind Ita anforcemant la rimpla anoogh, however harah to men who may be entirety Btted for tbelr plaoaa, but when it oomai to apply to eoptractora for State or nmotolpal work the path will not alwayi be lo olaar.

At preaent there are no lack af oltirena, native bom and naturatiaad, aagar for lhaohanoetodoaUworkoftbUklod. Whenbetter tinea coma, and the old demand for tabor it reatorad again, It may not be •neh an eaay taafc to collect for public woike great pick and ihovat biigadaa aBtlmly oonpoaad of man who meat thla qnaliflcatlon. BUll tha principle cf tha neaiare li wall enough, and It la only fair ttat MUaana, naMva born or natnrallnd, who need employment abould have Brat «eU in tha work that a dona at tha pab- lle’a axpanae. The condltiona that have pravalled for the laat year or more hava nada employment Ham a more and more dttirabla thing, and hava arouwd the eiattment that apoka in thla loglalatloo.


An Importation of Zola’a noveta in tha original Franch la worrying tha cnsloma offlolala at Boaton. They ^ not know whether or not auch literature ahonld ba admitted to this land of steady habita and Pnritan iDoIlnatlons; and they haveao- oordtngly aaked tha opinion o f the True- taea of tha Boaton Library, who, pre- comably, know all about Zola and his books,, They might, in truth, hava found olBoIal precedent In the Treaaury Depart­ment orohlves for summary action in re- geld to at laoat one of the works under coDiideratlon. Five yaani ago Secretary Poster oaniad a literal translation of " La Terre” to be mode, In order that be might Individually determine whether the book ebould be admitted to thla ooun- try on the same terms oa Rabelais, Young’s “ Aroblan Mghta” translation, the Decameron, or other familiar classics noted for breadth and freedom of ex- praaalon.

It la a matter of historical record that Secretary Foster, after oontultlng with Poatnaoatei^Oeneral Wanamaker, Private S*aaatary Halford and other literary ax- perla, decided that "La Terre" wna an Immoral book, and its importation was prohibited accordingly. The edict of pro- hlbltlon laallU In force i and If the Boaton Cnatom-houae officials should And a copy o f *‘ La Terre” In the shipment now en­gaging their attention they would be dere­lict In duty If they ahould fall to oonflsoato every copy of the proscribed work.

Thla pecnllar phau of literary hyper- orlticiain, or rather paoudo-orlticlsni, la brought to the public notice with much leas frequency now than In earlier days, when literal translations of outspoken ohuiloB were curiosities treasured by bibli- ophlista, and practically Inaccessible lo tbe general public. Before the era of the CivU War there was little question in the public mind of the Immorality of Tom Jones, the Heptamerou, or tho worka of Congreve and the earlier English school of dramatlsta. Similarly, it would hove been promptly conceded that literal tronslationa of Ovid, Juvenal or Boccaccio could only bo kept under lock one! key without violation of the propriotleo. But. the icoesa of culture duo to the eipaneionof moteria ea es, tbe introduction In^be iffiMIffMMKla of the study of foreign longdages, a*d tba ease and fkolUty of reproduction rendered posaibla by Improvements in typographic methods, have in combination operated

- to bring about a complete change. Tbe nnazpurgated cImsIos, once regarded

the ihelvosof evtwy bookstore, accessible Id every public library, and fhcquently ornament the parlor contra-tobies In the bomea of people of wealth and reBne- ment. The social argnment bos long aloes been decided In their favor; and the only Interesting question remaining relates to the extent to which additions of modem works may bo mode to the Hat of accepted publioattous.

Whether Emile Zola may properly be Included among tbe Immortal uiaatcrs of literature is still a matter of open and more or less avrimaaious debate Id the circles where such questions are definitely filled. It is to be trusted, In tha Interest

fall end lair disonseioo, that the

Boaton Cutcm-lionu nlHclals will meie Iheir pruposod InvootlgaUnn l>oth thorough and axhauslivs. A formal eltasIBcatlon of tba works of Zola nndar Federal authority, aided by tha literary magnatea of the Boston Library, should contribute notably to the flnut settlement of a much vexed question hi modern literature,

' — I --------------« -------- - - I. -

IN THE INTKHKST Ul' IIK.U.TII.In one of those thuughful and kindly

atoriaa which has a haliicd to iiisjilra Buinarout and imctliganteirorla to make broader and brighter the Uvea of the )>oor both In QrsAt Britain and in thla country, Waller Besant tails of two or three pmell- cal phllonthroplsti who print and circu­late tracts giving simple information about healtfatiil and comfortable living. In tlia Tenth Ward of"N«w York tn effort along the seme Una hes been mode, and though It hoi been undertaken under certain dis­advantages and In tho main by inaxperl- sneed yonng man and women living at a distance fhom the iocallly, the re- •ulu bare been rotnerkably anoouroging.

Caltliig their organisation tha Aiill- flltl) Hecllun of tha Tenth Ward Uncial llatorm Club, then people etarled out to tr) to promote clatnllneei and sanitary care In acrowded tanement-hniiae district. Coldly received at first by the people whoa* homes they visited, they found, ni e rule, beerty coHjperaUon, es soon os they could meke apparent the unslble pui poec of their orgsntsatlun end lie re­gard for thcself-r»|>eotaiiitliid«pundcnre ofthowwhomit eought lo aid. Hi fore long, like Besont’s heroes and heroines, they found themwlvea oombattlng not dirt alone, but many forms of evil and in- iiistioe.

The plan which they have pnrsued la a simple one. They have Lad alroulars printed In which are Mt forth the sanitary duties end obligations of landlords and tenanto, and In which lenanta are asked to report to tba society at) neglect of such duties, with tba oasurance that in no case will tba Dame of the complaining party be divulged. Aaareanltmany people who wonid fear to offend their land lords or their fellow-tenants by com plaint to the Board of Health make known to lha ao- claty instances In which neglect or peniir- luuaness Invitee disease. There fs nothing dishonorable or underhand ahont thla ■yitem of protecting complainants. The nnlsance muat apeak for iUelf, before Its abatement can be oumpetled. It li an en­tirety proper thing to Horoh out In thla way evidence of neglect to otuerve sani­tary law which may literally be a matter of Ufa and death to dozens of families.

No action on any complaint la taken before the scene has been visited by one of tha manibera of tha society. I f he finds that there Is reason fur tba com- plalni the nuisance la reported, uau.vlly fint to the landlord and then if necessary to tba Board of Hekith, tlie rollca, Flro, Building, Public Works or Htreot Clean­ing Department, os It may come tmdor the Jurisdiction of one or tho other, Tho society has found all of those depart­ments except the police usually prompt to co-operute with them. The extent of the work done and the naoesslly for it hare been shown by tha fact that in one tlreat In which aixty-three houses were vlaltad twenty-aavan aerions nuisances were reported and numeroua mioor evils were corrected.

A work of this kind Is educational and Judicious. The evils which Interfere with the comfort and health of tenement-house dwellers and those In other habitations of the poorer class are due, os a rule, either to the Indlepoaitlon of landlords to lay out money where lU expenditure Is called for or lo the Ignorance and carelossnees of tenaats. The latter at they know their rights in inch matters and sec them recognised and enfhrced will be ao much more likely to property discharge their duties. The presence in each tenement- house of one or two persons properly In- tereeted In this matter, which no vitally concerns them, would mean sanltaiy form more speedy and cumpleta than an army of Health Board Inspectora, however oftl- clenl, could bring about. Thla foot the socletj recognizes, and it la ono of its prime endeavors to wake tip one or two of the tenanta in each house to this kind of active sympathy and pnrllolpslion in Ita work.

With the lose of tbs Valkyrie and the disabling of tbe SatanlU, the interna­tional aapeot of the races in which the Yankee sloop Vigilant will participate has been materially mudifled. In tbe ah- aenca of these two first-rslers, any victory o f tho Vigilant over the Britannia would be deemed hollow and inconclaaive by tbe British yachting pub­lic, It WHS well known that the Valky­rie, which now lies at ths bottom of tha Clyde, was tbs bsst of the Eng­lish yachts; tho occasions] victories of the Britannia having been due largely to an access of consideration for her royal ewnsr. Earl Uunrsven, tbe Valkyrie’s owner, had atesdtly Insisted, notwllh- stkntUrg defeat In American waters, that his woe the belter boat of tho two, and it was the promised demonstration of the truth or error of this contention that lent added interest end Importance to the forthcoming contests. The races, with the Valkyrie not In competition, will be like •‘ ♦lamlot” with tho part of Hamlet left out

---------------»- ... .AUboixrh Channoey M. Dopew, United

States officials and members o f their fsiiilllBB, ropresontatlvesof lordgn gov­ernments and other groat ones of earth, are often permitted by speclol dispensa­tion o f the Treasury Depsrtmont to leave Incsming steamers at Quarantine and come up to Now York on special lugs, Acting Secretary Scott Wlko refiiasd per- miaslon for Richard Croker to enjoy that courteay. The adverve answer did not come until Dr. Jenkins, Croker's brother- in-law, had sent two teiegramsand waited balfaday for tne answer to the second one, Tliat must have given the courteous Mr. Wlkc opportunity to consult the nii- Iborilies end the powers before making up bis mind that Croker was far enough out of politics to be snubbed.


Ab lnlvr»»11n|f frnju Ihf* loii|Fectonttf llifi* InkMhktloii—Thts Nnmlt^r i»f

nmlv* «»il itf Thi'TWsi4> ibn Evi*ni«u ItKiTA.

Thk.ttok, July fi. Th« rf»|Nirt of tbo In* JcmrHtBts. f*»f

iMt n«c«l M i»t Ut tba (JAjyi roortofilny uni It ormt«!ii« Inti^raftlnn tn* fonn^ti»n. Th# KtAt 'a pMial miHliitioii. In point of |to{nil«tinn, wouiti inaka • town, Ih w '.rW ttmTirU IheraAt tha of tha rfi*|ja»rt. Thuia AU ioiTAM- of oTar lA ft yawr 4U prl^onars wtra rar JrtNl, and tha immbar Ijt ramittAU<*anautani'A wu HiM. Tib.'ra wara hiit i:J prljKii>arv pantona*! during tha ytur, mnl ivj l uuiIpp thr law i»f Tiiarw17 Atid prUnui ri wara ramurHto nthar iobtituttoni, whilf A twrama in* •arif'. Ihit niw Unita>l jmiwmaf wm

nailko l ‘ri’bi*lant (lurinK thi> flu’Al yaar just Hudekl.

an*o urUouan in the In tinitJon for life, :t rnr :ai yeAra and * for VI yrnrv AI*oVl> who will have to rnniAla VO yatirH, 24 for 15 yeans f'T 1* yenra, I.V5fnr4 vaans IVtJ for ll yoans 17V forV yaor* nu<! 1:i| mul«r a'nna vaar -•ntaurr. *>f tba priiMKirri now in the Uistltoti'Mi U i nf tLoii4 wen former rwiilenl'* "f Kaaai L'ouiitv. Iludiam tOimty rtmlnbnttw L'n7 of tho iJNi pfuivlitH In tlia |irlw>n. TniiaaJo rounty U not far Udilml KMet, fur hIi« bail 101 rei>re«tuUUTHit in tha Su(**a J’riwm.Aerorifinj^ to j rl ouCounty U a pratty ifooii pUea to lira lii afhjr all, fur 1ml Jl coma from thara.(K'oun han but 4 ( hir* May ami linn- tenlnn ? <*ouvlct«. i'ha otJiar c MUitiui hava from i9Ui7&eat'h.

< if tha whola number of pr(i(ont>ni but 22 •re in fiT iiturdar. Tii*-r<’ arc but 8 for pnn«1ug( rouulerieU moutiy. 1 for par- jury npil 4 fur }»olyi;aniv. Tha yoMutfant nriMoiat lu tlio niHtiluUuu i« butluurttM'U vmrH ciU, an>l lliu oldatAiit <iTur eiititv yearn, \Ut .VnI of tba prIaiMiar* nre .Irrwympn, I4’j ar** Now York- ai'4 nn>l ($!♦ are iVuuMylVAUiaiia. TwentV' icren uUiar htataM ara i'epr(iM*aCail at tha prison, and Ik fnrei ii rouutrlaa,iiu'luiliDip far Norway. the WattluiihuSi Eminjid uod Auatrii, Uarmany IrtiU iu Ihe Hit, of tho Kniper- or'i iiul»Jer'U, and Jialand fidiowi with 02 and Italy with 44. BuKUiid i'opreaetit*Hl by 29 and H4*otUiU'1 has Hi The otduat pri«- oiier now IM lha iiiMtltution wtj<< nK.'eivetJ iu iNjf, thi'i'fi twiuK but ojia of tboA left that waa comijiitlril m that ynar. and atao i»ut oiia of iliov (NRiiTiIttr i ill thn yain of 18?J and INIT the graateit nmnber nfpribon«‘n rr<''Iretl In any oua year wa« In Uuu, w hai4 !U4 aero couimiU’ d 247lb and IM Jn

livv ry priwiuer in (ha iuntllulloti can read, aUhtfUgb many of them cuuld iXoC wbcu ra- ceiTafl, and UjUHjwaku w«ll fur Reaper Palp tcraon'K mAna);Bmvut. Of the wboLa number of imnnuens 7H7 i-ttu rw i and writes IJS (an do k>ua or Iho other, and traa readootv. nr th0 7h2 arc white tnalaa, white fciimlei*, l.‘»4 colort l males aud 12 colorai famalM. Tha avf>ru)(rt nuuibarof iowatoedur iDu tht* ymr wan !Si5,

la his'ie jort IVardta John II. Patterson says Ih* parols Mystoru c\»utlnu<fl to meet bis unquaiirti ii aj-proUtiioii. He laihevrt Now JiTitoy ha< tha parole law of any of the Htatea tn the ('niuu. Ha supports diis eikirrlioQ fay tin fact that of tha H4 priaoti- «m }w.fohd xinrs Iho oiiactiuent of the law, lint iiva have lieou rutui oad for braakiiq; Its couditiotM.

(Jl the :« l prisoners discharged under tho rornniutaUou aid Koupai' Pattoriimi says all but «iit.v ruriiHtl Uto full aliow.iuco of tha Jaw fur Kooilmnduct. The aiaty forfoltoil from tivn to J06 days for violations of the pri|kOn nilrij.

Alter tli-vu -sing the ovarcrowdod (*ondU tiori of tliD prUuu ami regretting the fact tlut tJjfl luanagemeut luiH Ijeen unable up to date lo MWHira tha tllKJ.CMl auproprlateu by tbr Iseglslature in 1KN>, Mr. TatUrson takes up the qiKiitiou of All iutarinodiata ■antam'o. After Kayiuj that mnuy convlcis, after tbelr (Uhi’harKe, aj'e!recoiniiilLlt>d to priaoua for tfaa repalititiQ of the same oiTanca, Im itays:

” Uf the W( convlrts juxineut at the ntosa of the flwal ysar IKW), IT2 wars recidivists, the jicriod of their return varying from tbe «eo- otid to the niuth tnoarceration. Of 98U at the close of the year IHIM, 1A5 were raddi- vlsts of the Kamo grade, ami of 947 at the close uf thn yvar IhUS. the u**" ba was For the whoie three yesrs ending October dO, IHWl, Ue ixTcrnUge of recidivists was

" How mauy more discharged here were comoiltted to pnions elHawhsre, it is iinpo.4- ^ible to state. Jt is eoududod, and sxperJ- etu'u elsewhere iu this diroLlioo sanctions tbs conclusion, that this alarming rorldivism tnay iw moiieratod by the kmdiy elforts of the Htate aad charitable organiwitions in se­curing <*mp!aymeut for th o » worthy of it, on their exit from thw prhon.

“ It seems probable, and it is hoped that the Htat# ChArititis Aid Association of New

HKAiBbd by ths State, may chawo iUelf with this noble work, so fruitful in operutiou in some nf our i biter States.

“ V bile we heap iuflijjuatiuu npou foreljfn natioDK who are bauLshlng their viJest refuse of humanity tuour over-boiF]>itabla shores, ■we fof|jet that, irntlcr laws of our own enacb- iug, pn?K)ii ^rUtiu* all over the land are being cumpeHed to fuijity iheir vilast and worst material Into (»urj.tivetK ind thorough­fares, uwreforme.t, burning with revengeful ire, fully ahlfaui] amply willing to reijcat, oa a niors terrible scale, the vory oiTeiicee for which they wiru birarceratM. The in- deierminst** Bentencs putn au end to all this,”

The total ('Oht of malntftiuing the prison tmrb'g t J f i^cal ypar Junt emlod was flC©..

Tiiy aitumiU ri'ceiviHl from the earn- liigN of mnvirUian l other Hourcea was 169,- 425J>II, AH against f7lr,9,VS.9a latt year.

TAllttKD ANH f FATM|<llitl>.


The World’s Pair buildings destroyed by Are at Chicago last night were only temporary structures^ and would not have been long loft In place there, bat that does not leaspii the malice and wnnton- nes-'t o f tbe incendiary. Ho had nothing to gain except tho eight o f a big fltc, and the dubious pleasure o f thinking that in a few motnente he wrecked etructuree erected at enormous cost of money and labor. About deeds like thla there la a Buggeetloa o f tbe dlspoeition o f a wicked ohlldj a thing which is terrible when added to a man’s capacity to conuidve and to execute misohtef,

A N .^ n n ifS rs AtC(lKHTKI> IN JjONDON,

Two Acctisri! of iiM itlng to Murder lh«}(nyA) I iiniily,

IjOxnnN, July (l.—'i huma:* Cantwell and Ciiarh4t ( iiiiiu Imvo bet*u arft.*ated berei, ebargea with im-iting to murder tho royal family. Prior t'l the rpoent n|ionlTig of the Tower Bridge the pri*in<frs wuro fouud dis-pLiyijig the following placard;“ To tbe U'orkingrm'u nf Tower Uill:

“ hVllow Workers-You expouilwl life, energy ami skill in ooiiKtrurtlng tliU bridge. Now coHit tho royal vmiiin ami raKcally liolitmiaiw with pomp ami splendor. They t’ laim all tha while you are (x>n-domuoil lo the workliinise eud the pauimr's grave lu order to glorify tliesu lazy swjue, who live by our labor,”

Tim sccuaod mtm also ilktrilmUHl leaHota, I'lplaiiiing \ alllaui'K r'vwou*, for throwing Li« b«>fubiu the Froin-U l.:U;imUT of Detm- lie*, and made sjarriir* tU*f)aring that the “ iiuirders ubrisau un> net halt hnd enough/'

1 !>on HearrUlog tho prlHouers’ Uulklugsa priming pi-eas aud a ma.sK nf AnarciiisUc luimphleto were fmmd, Th.» prisemer* will U* |.i\tttfcuUKl by the Tren’sury olUcialk,

ror«*st Fir«H In Month .lerser* AT!..^Nm' Cit y , July 6.—S|iarka from a

pa^*Ing Imutmitirestarterl n blaze ypsturduv in tiifl h<>A\ 7 iimln?r nr«r J^miona, and one td 11 le ilerowt fo rM that han devii,s-lnt(* l this gectloii for years Is now* raging sxvi*i'piiig all U'forn it nud gaining addui) fury HR It burns. Donghtvs Allll, a little vIlIrtgH uesillng in the heart o f the wowla, w«h only ».ivwl yisterday aflenuvm by the re-iidou!* lurpiiig nut en nmKMi anrl du^rkiug the tiaimei by back fighting. Fully thirty wiimi t* miloH of valuablelimtwr land has bevu ruiuLHi.

Jiwvph Hrmple Hrverrly Punished Talking Ahmil Voting Wumen*

M-'VSIIS PiiisiT, July Cl. Jin»i>h Mfinpl.. a jouny mun. ws« taki-n fruni hl« UnI UViina*. J>y nlcht Dll his ratiifris fai-iii. mar h*n, l>r a lisir-iloun maski-l men anti tarrwl ami Featli*r«il. Kmiiili-1, ratuvr baadsDi'U', aiul lias Lshd eni;»g(>cl to lie marri"<l to Mvsral rnmion’ dauiibtfln, l>ut In-ulie .iff each m- £SK»ni«nt oml than, it u allegvU, elrrulat.'*') traiulaloni sb<ri«« alout Hid yi’iing wonwu, I'ntll reDtntly Miss Smie Mrlntyru wnre his rin*. ThJ ingaKi-iuvnt w.ss hrokeii off and Hemplo, It U allsittsl, has Imsii telilnit •t.'i-lsii rriiuctlng on Urn E<nsl name of Mia .Meln- tvre. Her fatlmr mat SbiupI*on tli* street iVednmlar stxi »**<i • horsewhip oa him In a vifiirout manner.

laU WoilurKilaj' ni|[ht a numlwr of men, iinstimalilv lirotheri nr fnemls of thn nirls ni< ho<l taltieil sliuut, went to the Hemple farm, Oiiauf ibeir miintier antleeJ Hem- pie’s father to roino down stairs, anti tlien the others nishiHl Into the ImuM aud into tbe room where Semple was sleephif. He wo* drannl down stain amid eulT- tnil kirks, aid tie<l to a tree ami kivea a <-oat of tar 00.1 feathers. A horsewhlji was thru

msed i>n bU 1)ai.'k, ami ha waa warued U> leave J lha lorallty.

Wblltf ibk> larriiig aud fantbering wai l>c dema old Mr. Hvmple was pr^vciitAd

frtmi ♦’oriilng to hli sun’a aa«i«tai]ft) by a roupla of tiM avcnztrx. Hatrpln m vi be racognlxMl saveral of the meu Nud will hava ihtm arrested.


C IO YIR P H lR M lC r c o g c i l lY R O PA n d a B o ttlc o r c it b a t i of M a o n h i a ,

s ix nnoanian. u m tm Wfcs»Sltle-0. A CRITTIWTOW CO.. N. Y.i C. k. (MITIIA CO.. Hmriu

rHAJSUE OK TIMF..fs.\(.l ltHlO^^ Ut lha NaWs Fiat and Oomouk*

dhni » jile«mi r " FA VOttlTK, "From fJuvtrlc I.l*ht Douk dirwt to

> 4 4


IIap|>«nTi«lnk«r for IHntrlr(-AltttrM«y—Tba Intarniil Havanua C«inrr(or«hip.

W*Kiii?(ur(iN', July 8.—H it iwid to have been praetli'ally ivttlatl that (taui'irai Will, lain C. Hap|ifloheimar, foriuarly ComptrolItT of tba HtaU*, will ha tiomlDaM aa CiiltMl HutM lUttrlH-Attomav for New Jflraoy, ItiK application for thu |>'<Hitloa aa wall ua tba virtual agrt*amt>nt to glvH him Ihu pinca has l»«an kapt a rtmjparrttlvo a<yT«‘t- Tbe (V)ininlnd<m of Henry K. VYlilte, tha pnneut Histrirt-Attoruay, will expire oq AugU)rt22, and he will probably he allowed tii serve out hla term, although it la understood that ho would be willing to teudar hia raaigaaiiOD i t any time.

(ianaral Hepponbelnirr 1» well known UirmiEbmit tha HtaU. He ta a vouug man only thirty four yearn oM. li w nilthy, a aur- ruMful lawyer And rrxidm in Jersey City, He wai eiliu atail la Uermaiijs graduated iu law at ('otimdiiA and llarvanl colleges ami was AM aid-dtt-cajnp ou (Jovernor Ui'exu’M aUlT. Ilia pohtical career iuduiies aarvica lu tha Awiemoly from Hudson Umuty and be ban lM«*n BpraVir of tbe Houae.

Henator Baiilh ia l)oi>ke<l to sail for Enroro on July 16. It will ba rantmibared that no had ma<la arrangetnenta lant aumnirr to •;v>nd vevarat mouths Abroad, but tbe extra •e*Nion of CoiigraMi, held to rapeal tbe Bher- muD illvir law, luterfcrm) with his plaiiM. He will Ita gone until fall, and will viait tbe princljal cltlaa of CuropCs Tha trip la for rest and recreation.

Tha Internal Havauue Colloftorthlp for tbe Newark diatrict will be settled bemrt* Keu- ator Hmlth di>})arti ou bU trip. It is pnealble that Coiiiptmlier Connellrmay get the plave, but H la said In tVaahiugron that ao drflnlto Bulectiun has yet been iua<.le.


And will stand much abuse. Newspapers can’t tell when a piano man is telling the exact truth and when he is not. Even an expert gets fooled some­times. Safety lies in caution. Don’t take any risks that somebody is willing to take for you. We know so much more about the pianos we sell than yon do that we think it only fair to add our guaran­tee to the maker’s. You know us. We’ve been here twenty-seven years. Expect to be here lOo more.

Althnnfh ws hop* tn h« hen fnr a (mat msiir r'ora, sltU don’t dsUvon I laat ODVimut to cull nad hoar tha Salf-plaTlDii UrmphoDF.


Ae.VJf.’' ’'JULY AT dUA P. M.

(lU .A «E OF n a t io n s llet

AHK itr.v rttoM s k w -lfo«tnii tho Bay ta!c«. w'lid r’ *, lrlp.lnflartl»f

m-rmlitnetug nii hoar.1. tTnme »t iijntllAnp.H.


Tile A m , amt Navjr Offloers’ Heiurt at Hmi-nugal Park lie.traced.

Tdxh Uivkh, July 0.—The Plan Hotel, at Baniak'at Park, the arniv etui aavy uffiivrs* retort, was burned yestenlay. The origin of the lire is unkiiotru and seeiiu nijstoi lDiA. It was first DuticoJ in tho northeoab-rn oor- uor of the hotel ia a room that lias bt—la ua- orcupifd fur some time and was used os a stcra-aisam. To adit to the mystery, the building and its caonteuts were uniiasiired, the t>olicin having run out wathia the |iauat month, aiad wore not roi»-w(Kl through neg- liK't. The guests have taken refuge at eot- tuges anil at T udu HIver.

The hotel was built ia I8D0 bv tho Barne- g it Park Company aiid coet j4U,(JOO, eiolu- iive of furniture. U was llttwl wltli elaotric- Ugbt plant, gas, steatia heat, et?. .Liter thn Barnegat Park Company went tajto tlie hands of reoeiven the hotel was tangled up iu lillgatioii, It wiie purchased at oue sale by Cidton W. March, the buildin', ou a lieu chlM, end at another by the IfnlUiad Trust Company. It has boen the retd bone ot oou- teiiUon ita the trial of Ideutunant Farrow on a charge of prjury at Treuton lost winter, emt the Intliirtiaieut of the llnlland Trust C'oroiaany lawyers for illnged laerjury at Toms River, wlaiuh iDdibtinsuti are still un­tried.

Note OurFt. Julian Olaroi (CaJlforela bottling)C’Jp’lt-a Mertou.............................. .M. K»lephti......................NirrtlpJuvr iJlhlfie).................lni(iorlerl Uhfne

Par Bottla. „ *5(?.,. 40e... 7 0,

t 80e 40c.InqKJrtt-d I l h l n e ' i H i g A ' o t i u S i i V . ! " ! ! ! 7flJ;

i- Cxtewho, Melaia, etc.................................''-.silty Olaae-p .' ” ' ......................

aylvanlaHva Rye Whisk

PerCosa,•4.0«• t.AO •l.tA•«.oo• T.AD

iioe. per quart upBrandies, Knmmei........... .......................BOc. cacraiuart un

01d I’eniasyivanie Hve Whiskey (Oor Lvat*—• . - - i . - ...Krj,stone Rye Whiskey (t yeariold)-.,..,taiii hoaawha By* Wlatikoy (Everybody's ravnritel...... SI.00 per fallqnort botli*

........AOe, per fall quart bottle....... the. per laall quart tioHl*

AT WEINBERG BROS!,No* 268 Market. St.y cor. Lawrence.


TWO lIltillW.LVHKX f.tIL.fromThey keek lo Te«r a Muncy licit

Around a Uau’e llody.Bpeoial to the Kvi.viho Ifxwx

Huhsiit, July tj.—Benjamin Cohn, who le anaployed os a we,srer In the Summit silk mills, was waylaid by two men who ware In ainbiash on Morris avenua whlla he wais ro- turniug from work last night. After knock­ing him down the ineu attempted to rob him of tluC whh:b be hod in a pane attached to a belt worn beneath his uuder-clothlDg.

Wlien Patrick Kilroy, who woe attracted to tlie scene by the man’s outcry, ran to his rescue, the highwaymen beat a hasty retreat Into tho wood*. Tlie uttack was reporteil to Chief ot Police Kelly, who ut once leni olH- cere to search tho woods.

late lost night .Mendel Lavon and Abra­ham Brui’knua w-aTo ai-rested by OlHoar U(sldii,and were idenlilied by Cohn a* his uasailaiite. Being imahle to procure bail tho men were locked up and will have a beorlnc to-aky.


A Formldabla AiitaiEuiii-i t'er the Vigilant.The Time Slniie VesieraLay,

LnxnoN, July l).-ihe 'iVm*,, Stondard, Jifominp Poet and Duilt/ (trophic say that the olUcnil time at the tluisli o( yesterday’s race was; Britauuia, tli.-iriii. Sis.- V'igl. lant, 4U. iWin. ‘Jfa. i’he .Uportenutn say* that tho Britannia’s time ut Iho Hnleh was 4h. aim., ami tho Vigilnnfs tli. aiiii. ajo. The porting reporter of the Times says:

"'The Vigilant will Hud the Urituiinla a very formidable aiitagoui-t. It Is too early to express a decided opioioii, but the Vigi­lant's strong mint is uiiqiiraUDimbly sailing to wind ward iu long boards when therentr^ board fs mi»t effective. Mlie is slow in atayr and does not store off fast, but wlsen worm she forereauhea vei-v fast and goes where her head points, tihe did nothing with the Brit- aunla going full and liy, w hiTo the latter ran the faster except w hen the S'lgilsnt nmld got two spliiuuki'rs to illl, Which was douo in a really woudoi-ful way.”

Women Talking iin Teiiiimranoe.Ocean Oiiovg,^July 0.—Itoiiiuti isKik the

initiutivo at Mcoaii Grove yestorduy. Tha Bchool of Methwis ot tho Women’s I ’hriitlan Tojiqieraiice Union of New Jei-suy hriij , convention. Addresses w-cre made by w-om- eii on leiuporance aubjects and tho Bible, Home of tho a-ddresses were; ” ‘I'hoiighte About Women,” “ What Is ShibiiolelTi f " ‘‘ Total Almtinence.” '■ Wherernre and Why?” and "Physical Ciilturo.'' Dr, Htokas, president nf the a.ssodation, deliv­ered an otldreso, as uloo did Mrs. -Matthew tile organizer of tho British W'oa|eu'» Tom'- perauce Association. Uulonol !I. H. Ifaqiey gave a stirring afldresa on temperann., 'i'ho session will close to-dar.

A Great CuW'e have pat In WO more of OBr

hl*b-[irlce spring and summar regular tlk, fl«, • » aad

thetU gradas. for ttoiforui

$ 10. 0 0

Bee diiplay In oqr loutb wlmlow.We hRve mnde od« t«bl« of odd •nlbu

*'*!2V\* ur« qunlitivt aU tbo wny from |ii lo |liK Wo will ftoli iho oh(jict from thla bur* Kftin table for the uniform prloe of

$7.00.3ng them whlob we i

$5.00.A Among them which we will k U At


N ational N ew ark

Banking Co.,75^ BRO AD ST R E E T ,

Per. 0/ Baa* Stml.

/or nfiMf;/ .(/cars fAfs 6anA Ao* frotta- «cfe</ fdtot'rtcss, piinulitff a pM ny o f corurn’ative lUterrdity, and tH llofiirt to drn/em alt fAe comienfenApjt tmef ac(*wnniodationtt which a good Auiiih cart give,

C H .m a. TfOfA’ IT'OOJ), Pre*.E. S. C AM l‘B K LL, Viee-Prea,I I . IT. TUNIS, CaahUr.

BOYS' SUIT BiRGilHS.6tl0 Suite, * to 14 years, at

$ 2 . 6 9 .Thfty 4M •!! wool, and none biiVQ been eoW for

kei than $4, ntMi iome m high u 15 imd |A*

ms. H.


SATURDAY.Picnic Bams. . . . 9 c. p er lb Best Citj Cnrad Hams, 13c .p erlb

Shoulders............... 8c. p er lb

Lean Port. . . . 8c. per lb

.............. 7 c. p er lbVerj Best Elgin Craamerj

Better. . . . 2 2 c. p er lb Best Cheese.. . . 1 2 c. p er lb


UavB ypq paved the way ter ypnr hetWr- W i!* ® ’ If yonr efforts eaaeawho will keep the elreara of doHart golngf jBOdrnite InaurtnuB don't coat munh, uad II 4 not necoMHUT to dio to wId- vou ua jlv® and do It Joat aa well, pfovlSad fi»u flout mind living. The ^


F”'’ Inaucanteate not to be obtained far anr other comoanv and Btnnde head and ehonlaera above overy other cumpany in QbaociaU aireugib. ^

JOHN C. EISEIE, MaiiiEer,784 B riim l St., ctir, M arket.





Slarta at S;:» P. M. *TRAMUlf street ERWORTH LEAGUE, Irfui-o Broad Street fVntral It. R, at I;30 P.

M. Helarulng. leave Asbury Park #aXi P. IL ______ TU-kets............. ai.iMk *•

TMR WOWLD’3 PLIAtURB OROUMM td.llthtrni aatl oa (mV

wo gidatly-Tilajrelflrwit m pu rare plantiana EuK tlnittural WfiRiiara Aaafi«<|ual*i1 Mra>avlarr and ntiaa

uuarljiM.Uiaiid clan bake* Dmntn a U earn,

•Aaitei, barhW Aek- and buUarda.


TriQity Reformed and Knox Presbyterian Chnrcbes,


Uava Harrison, t‘enu»y1vanl* Railroad, fcll A, M, stopping Ui all Newark itallont.

Leave A.bury Park 'Ski P. M,Tickets, | im Children, t to U, HOeanlo. Ua

B O m o f B E A i— FOR —


Trains leave Broad Street Station C. R, R. of N. J.. atnpplua at Ferry and E*et Ferry street, at luffi. njgl A. NT.. l ! » itdD to fieworeal! return&ll, MIA T.-tn (from Haworeu Mt). San. day trains to Howaren tflO A, M, L » P, ILt «turoli;t!.li;l»P. M. *




Stephens d Condlt Transportitloa Co.COMMENCISO SUNDAY, J l'N E K

M A R ^ ? fr s "v ™ i& ii ir " " ’

C « Y E Y IH UAYDlVia Sea Beach Hallroad, from Bar Rtdna

Three TripH Daily.Leave Commaroial Wharf* foot Marhat at..

15 A. Mee aud fsflOP. M, Heturoluitleara H M j^ h Palaco* Coney Iitand.at W an4 liilO fT *. Fare (miind liip) Wc. kvenlfla trip leave Newark ai T;.D M. faro (rouiul (r ip )^

we* Coney iitandj.at i (^und trip) lOc. Evenitig trip (ti.'WKM. Fare (round tripliks.1 I E ' i l i R

By the beautiful neweteamahlptof the

Old Bomlulon Idtne,TO flLD POINT COMFOKT OR frUV


Thia (rip li Ml ideal one, aa tbe ronreoeklrta the coast with little likellboodof aaa-aloknew, and iMAaneH lu review many watering placet and polhli of Jntereat.

Y. T. F B A ltE Y*_____ ISS Market 81, Newark.

PrestdeniNE W AR K, N, J

AH St DODD........................A f^ T S I Market Valoei) Jan. 1,L U B i im kij; fj; 'y .' ’ ’KURPnrH............................ fjrts,«iir

ard (Am, hx. 4>4 par oent, Ite-fierve>.................. ............. W.'niT W

Fotioie. Ati.olutaly Non-Korreltahte Alter Second Year*

Ik cant at lapsk the jKiiicy U roNTi^raoiv FOIWKIW long an lU viiuB will pny f i r or if

fttfTtifu&viueJalmad In exchaage,

fi'id nil r«<r(et4)iii fti tn ftMdBnuL tn^d or orrupoHon are remarmU

LoAKt are made to tha extent of .W par cent, tha raMiwe valaa, where valid ^ •i^menta of the Pollclaa can ba mada aa ool- iateral Hectirity. — wi^

ijOKta paid Jirnnedlately upon comnlattoa and approvalof proofii.



&Y36 Broad St., Cor. Commarce.

Rraooh Btor«-*9 Ferry Street, Comer Union.



The Manhattan Elevated Railroad laid off seven trains on- .Bliie U aud .yeiterda^ took offAeo more. Twjgl udiglitor now

vuv. Winter. Loud couaplalut ia Inode then of the service and It woul.J never do to spoil the publioby giving them better accommodations during ii part of .the .year,________

Possibly the radical low tariff men In the House may ihoot Sanator Miirphv’e cuffs and stab uls collar.

A <i lad (too tan (;audi(lalr Kleeted.July ft,—..\ii election was held

jMterduy in tho Alterdlffe division ot Bhef. lieiil for H hK'iiilHJf tjf the H«)ub© of ( ‘mumon* to nil tbo yuraijc raun*J by the i*eniguatian of lirnijird whtv bucoeetlcxl to tha

on tin- disith of hi* fathflr* J.or<i ColiTiiige. 11. LaiiKley, the l IacbtomnD caJuUiiHte, ivit'iclyi i'he voto wus: Lauir- l4;y* 4>4Mi; Hill Hmith iLuionlath 3*41* ; hj’ank huilth (ijaborfa

Niiihuiit Itouds nought 1)1 Newark.Special to tlu- 1£v*kj.vo News.

Buh.Vit, Juiya.—Towiishii) Treasurer TV. H. ]j.w-i-Mice nu'ceedud in iils|K)slng of the Summit Townsiiip I muds vi-sterday after-

of the boiuli were #H|(l,Ooo and i oej^ere sold to the Howar.1 Savlugs Bank o™K»ivaik at a preulluui

I amountliig to iJjltlO, with interest at aW ikt ■"cent. '

One interesting question is "How many tariff reformers in the House are prepared to take BDgar In theirs f"

The Vigilant evidently needed to put a little more steam in her sea logs,

e , -The torture of d.spepste aud slek heudarlie,

tho itoonlzlnif itching uud puin of saHrheum we reoiuvi'd by Uu'.id’e darsoiiariila.

llozit Found Ullllly nf Assuiilt, Paiebson, July 0.—Uuiseppi Bozzi, one of

the icadors of the strikers that bi-uko intu tho sllk-d> eiug estabhshmsnte on Mnrch i:t BssaultiKl tho workmen and forcwl them p) suspend work, w-us yesterday found guilty of atrudnus assault on Book-keeper James ij, ('aslioll, who was employed by tho llriii of Augor & Himon. Bozzi was released on bail. Benteuee will be pronounced tu-iluy.



rhunibsriaiii Von Ko.tie liinueent.ItXBi.lJt, Jnly U—Iiu ]u li^av iu g lullyee-

toUrstioii the Iniijieenco o f L hamberiatn von Knlze of the charge made ufi-uinst him.ttt is believed m.aonie circle* that ilk vrill be rrix -1 fli-d, stHted ftiicl txBkjwbly pi’omotsii. **

Clkvl«r» In Itolgtuin,IjOKDON, Julj 0.—A ipAcial ilixpatcb fpom

Liege, Itelgiuiu, says that tm-eo cases of chuTeru, one fatal, have oet-iirreJ in that city witlilfi the past tweuty-four hours; the s.tine number of i-iises aud one death is r.'iKJrled from Aiigleur, a village thrw miles irutu Liege, and- one caae, also fatal, is rejiortej from Jeysvlllo, Thu woother continues iii- tensely noL

A Negro I.yncliod In Hlsilsal|>p|, T m i/ g Miss,, July tl.-r-George Pond, a

issgrn, .will lynched by a mob ut Fulton

l a W h Y W * a r is W ^ ^He confessed the i-hnrgo hii his ei-

amlnaiiou trial.

I XFKBI£1TCB soeiDB to show R that the oheapeat prloe at

which a good, general nows- * paper oan bo sold ia two

oenta.The ruling prices at which such

papera are aold are two and threecents.

In thia olaaa the K K W A a E s y S N lK O KBWS stands pre­eminent.. ■ , .>

Itoxoeedsinoiraulation anyafter- ■ j .Boo daily published at these prices

s-jivania or Slists aeraoif.*"

Higlicslof all in Leavening Power,— Latest U .S. Gov’t Report

Bakina Powder

4 3 .& O W T E I .Y P U i S C

, -THS .

NOMX PRINTING GO.‘Shons twWoB. n 4k13 MaehanlQ Straat



sTwe# ana jritkwiiaSS m jsveiy Be-■peot. Prompt Servioe,

Breskfwt from Q. Lunch from 1 1 ;!», Alla Oarte all day. Dinners at i'.iorteit notlor. Open every day until « o’clock H. M. The Mr»t ftccnumnodatlunx for private purtie*. 11«w ceptian.room* Farlof, Wxrdrobo la codmoUdii wUb extra Bauqnet H«lj,

L A C H T E l S T E T T E R ,SB Broad SL, Ballroad Dopor,


“Will leaveElectric Lifrbt Dock Dallv at 0 A« U»

Himdarc* ID A. M.

EXCURSION TICKETS, - 50 CTSHefr««bmaDtB and mtulc on boftrd. ASo

SlSiriKa BANKS DAILY - STFAMSa JAH. H, SCHUYLRR iMvei Trov Book. W* I ti. Now York* 6 A. M.; l^anklln Fnr6 by Fcnneylvftnla Aallroxd TSo* PuMn-

geri Allowing agwnts dof k* commistetiop or excumlon tlpketi br*ny New JeneFfo^ will 00 furtiUliod trip tiokeu for sente, fi9r.;iadlMi,

________________ flANCQX, ProNL

Straw Hats!We have a fetv Boys’ Straw

Hats left out of a big lot.They run good size|, and

we can fit most any head.They are NOT cheap goods

with a cheap price, but first- class straws, liiark^ down to close them out. ■ Would rather lose a little money than carry them over.

Here are the prices—39c., 49c., 74c,, 98c. Come as soon as possible to get a choice. Remember this, there are only 10 or 12 dozen left.




GBAT-B BPBCinC lt£ llic n i2 « TBADI " * * *

Anwmfilllni vur« for AW WffglinMtt,

fUM t4«t

M E N — M E N I ? i V ^ ; » d .In Hue way we tran etriolnn and oli nrlnary

dlieae**; no lose ot time. Addreia for hufor- matlnqvwaled In plain nvelDos,ASA USDICAL do., F.0.fi«x lU,NewMk,H.i>.

iMAolry or Cer».niptJr HTrull nlcuJgrefn Mr pamph ti.'Hhiek — f llSt to send free by meir t» «erT«ne ' ^. RpeciAc Mm Ic i is m>M braltdruMiHa m

•*» u ir niBKtn c*.. eeniu, *, t T ^wS’*JJ3S' •* «m

sslf by c ^ le . HoUhanw, dnsiM Siwd and Uwkei etreete, .- ■:

K E T T A H K e v e n i n g n e w s . F K I D A Y . J t L Y 6. 1894.


MS OF TIE HOiETil* Wopid’i Fair Building* Com- pletilj D«strof*d by InoeDdltrlt*.


A C « r tB * » lr !■ »*«*la s T adaral T ra o p . tv C b le a fo -A W an‘i Aaliaf Iw U a ra d to th a Wta<U b r HU rri>aO a~A M f .ta r ia u . M idn igh t M urdar la Maw V a rh -I In p ra ra d a n ta d Haanana B aaalpU Car th a F I n t W aah In J u ly .

'Vnutt l i laft of the ulldail atatua of tha !te- pobbo naar tha aaatara e u l of tha Court of iioDor, tha oaatra l point of In ten a t for tbouaafdi of T U to n to tba Kipoalll»n a t Cbloas* laat aummar, now lo<*a ou t upon a vaata ot rulna and aahta. Tba ala larca a true tuna whb'h fortnad tba boandarlea of tha Court of H onor w are burnail aarly laat a tan ln f. Are area o t inreudlarT ortfiu . Tba buildinga (taatroyrd ware fha Tarm lnal B utton, A dm lnlatnitlon, M anularttirea, E lectricity and M inlug buHdlnja, M achlnory H all and tha A grIcuIlum t Building.

Tha A rt Qallary, which baa boon ra- obrlataaad tba Fluid Columbian Muaaum, and the OoTarnmant Building ware aarad. togatbar with tba m inor bulldlngt aoutU of X aeU B arr H all and th a A grloultural BuUd-

*”^ b a Bra ita rta d alm oat almultanaoualjr a t three poloti, ao aalactad a i to afford th» btnt poaalble opportun ity for tha apn ad of tha flamea. In aach o t tbaae pbuua, on tha a co n d floor of the Tarm lnal fluUon, Uio aouthw ift corner of the Mechanical A rta Building and on tha aoutbaaat oornar ot tha llanufacturea Building, a m an waa aacn run ­ning away from the grounda by paaaara-by o r iw nilw n of the gang i of wreckare who are a t work tearing down tha bulldinga, juat bafora tha Are broke out. One man waa hlllMl and ono Injured during the progrou of

***Tha lir it eall waa tu rn ed In by John Law-

A Little “ Beauty” BookMN)PkOir«o< tb*b»lr,

wrUftisii AUiMifr.ooiwlIlAVSTttC# INAWt of

*1, ^ « s jw r|* see Uloi” *” 'aES!^

W H O » n r

J o h n H . W o o d b u ry D e n u a t o l o i k a l I n a t t t u to ,

eataM lahcdlflfO . s?'! v , ' . M . »> V.


T Jrenca, employed a t tha Fiaberlaa Building, who, white p a ^ u g tha Term inal B U tiu n a t 6 o’Aick, law a m an acting In a iuaplciouim anner on the locond floor of lb* itatlon , end bad gone bu t a block wbep be law Satnea coming from the wlndowa.

The newt tba Are quickly apraad to the city, and by V o'clock IbouBandi ot people

* > theirbad made I w ay to the F a ir groumte, and ta r Into the n ^ b t a ll the aoulhbound cable and etorataii care were crowdal.

Tha Mining and E lectricity bulldlngt were connected by a tp a d o u i tubw ey, uied laat auiumar aa a conduit fo r tha Intricate tn te n i of electric ligh t and power wire* th a t con­n e c t^ the Tarloue bulldingi. A group of e p a ^ t o n w e t ttan d in g d irectly o ra r thU tunnel a t about 7:30 o’clock, when llmrooC caTcd In, end tw o men, Edw ard Anoerton and E d ^ J . Bataatt, w ere precipitated in to the flare furnace below.

Anderaon, who w a t employed a t a book­keeper by M artball Field A L’o., w ai burneil to ueath. B atte tt w as retcuad by a i»Ilca- man, but he w a t teverely burned about the Ibnba and lower p a rt of the body.

By 10:31) the namee hud spread from the btachanlcal A rte Building, a c ro u tha (irand Ciwal to A gricultural Hall, and th a t build­ing waa Boomed. The flremen were pre­vented from draw ing w ater from the lake by t t e intenta heat from the A gricultural and M anulacturea buildings. The C ourt of Honor waa almost entirely enclrvlad by a roaring mass of flames.

Tb* fliomeo had eoroe tim e before abnn- doned all efforts to sure any of the six bulldtuas to which th e Are bad spread, and directed their a tten tio n to saving the tJov- ernm ant Building and the Transportation Building. T bs fo rm er is situsted Just north tjt the JtanurticCurBS Building, and was Only s a tra from the goneral destruction by L change In tba wind, which took place b u t a fte r w north end o f .Manafactururs' Halt bad bean envalopefl in flaniee.

Tha T rao sp o i^ tio n Building, s ep an ted only by the wide boulevard from theM Iulng Building, was badly scorched, and took Are in MViral places, b u t the Arenieii. by con- centretlng more th a n half their available force on this work, succaeded In stopping th s spread of tha Ora in th a t dlruotlon.

The eunditlnna were favorable to the rapid ipread ot the tire no rthw ard from the Trans- portatiou Building to the H orticu ltural and iVomen't buildings and thence to Uia crow.l- ad portion of tha grounds uccuptej by the various Htate buildings In the north enil. The Transiiortatlon Building is northw est of the M ines. and Mining, and the southwest wind kept the space between them clear so th a t the Areiuen w ere not ini]ieded in their work.

iJonie of th e buildings burned were being torn down by the Hnit-age t'om panv, which purchased them, and la uuder bond to have the ground clear by M ay 1 next. Tlio ex­hibits were a ll removnd some time ago, and the actual hua will lie slight.

A t m idnight Ave o f Ine craw of Engine Ifo. ID were found to be missing, and it was reported th a t they had b « i i burned to (In tb , Hook-aivi'ladder No, IS and all the members of the com pany were alio reported as m ining.

T H E P B E k I D E M T T O A L T U K l.O .

A Vigorous H eply to P ro tes ts - A gainst C alling O a t Festeral Troops-

President Cleveland yesterday recelve<i a telegram from G overnor Altgeld, of Illinois, protesting against the sending of Federal troops to Chicago. The F resldsnt answered with curt vigor, asserting the perfect right of the Qovei nnient to Interfere.

Governor A ltgeld in bis letter said:“ I am advlied tluR you have ordered Fed­

eral troops to go Into service in the S ta te of llllnola Surely tlie facts have not b « n cor­rectly presented to you in this case, or you would not hove token this step, for It is eii-

. tirely unnecessary, and, as i t seems to me, unjuititlabie.

" W aiving all questions of courtesy, I will say th a t the B tate of llliMuls Is not only able to take c a n o t Itself, b u t I t stands ready to ­day to funilsb the Federal Government any

O ur niilP

from th s monument insrking the U m i.r flh'iste, w sre reache 1 before 11 n 'chs'k. The w ind had iltel out, and the w ater was still except for the g^lnnd swell. Khnrt ml- drstesa, t r i b u te s to Jseger's A-hlng prowess and good fsllowshlp, were made by Daiilrl Oell an d F rank Walk sougi were sung and th e hand pteye-l.

Then a tin c ap In which the aste* of Jae g e r liad repssml since test Novemlwr. was Iinslucw l, ite content* were carefu lly dl- viileil Intel four iwrls, and four nf the ineoi- liere w ere stotlonsil at ttie bow. ste-rn anil on th e pori and storlward tides of th s roch t. A t a signal from GelL Caiitalu Uemiiies to n c b e ilo ffa small cannop and tha ashis wore th row n out over tb* wafer. They quickly sottl# 1 down and dlsspisvirwi.

A ll of thoe* on Isia rl w rote I heir names upon a sheet of psper, that was tncUiseil in a oarefu lly seated hottlA which was In lu tii j p la cn l In ths can wnlch had cim talnsil the ashes, and that, loo, was sunk. The p a rty bad Iwcoino very solemn during the ,e i-ere- monlM. I t baii lieen propoewl to Ash there, b u t the club changed this plan and w ent to ano ther Ashing ground.

M i'm iK R R ii AT i i ik n o o n .

B I C h a r d M e y e r s k h o t tn l l r a O i a t M ld i i l e l i t b y B o iu e U n k n o w n p e r s o n .

T here was a mysterious m urder In Avomie A, between Hcventy-ninth and F.lghtluth streets, Now A'ork, at 13:30o’clock tills morii- Ing. R ichard Mayors, who lives w ith hi* in a rrlsd brotlier a t 1303 .\re n u e A, was calleil dow n to ill* front door by a strang* m an an d was shut to death on the sldew-alk. The s tra n g er escaped and the police have

i been unable to discover any clue as to bU iden tity .

T he sto ry , as f i r as known. Is told by i fa y e r i 's brother. Ha says th a t he beard n knock a t the front door and then heard bU b ro th e r call down out stairw ay :

" Is tb s t you, Georgs rHe wax unable to distinguish the rospiinse,

b u t nex t heard his brother going down the stairs. The front dmir optiied and idost«l again, and a momeut later bn w a is ta r t ln l by hearing a pistol shot. He drew uu his troui- era hastily ami nislied down to tb s at reel. Ou th e sidewalk he found his b ro lh c r pros­t ra te auil nnconsclona, liut moaning.

He ran to the corner of Beventy-nioth s tre e t am i F irst aTcuac, where ho foun.l two polirenieii. On« calle.1 an 'a m b u la n ce from Uis Frosliytarlan Hospital, while his com­rade ra n Ijack with Meyur.’s b ro th e r to the sts'no o f the sh.xitiisg,

The wounded man disd Just as the ambii- lunce from the I'resbyterian Ibw pltul dadied up th e itren t. Ho had died w ithout recover- Ing^nrasclousness, '

The mardei-ed man was tln g ls nnd was abou t tbirty-Ave yenr* ol I.

n i G R E V E N U E n K U B I P T S .

A M et f fu rp lD s o f O v e r • 1 0 .0 0 0 , 0 0 0 l .o n h e i l f o r T h is M n iitl i-

Tlio receipt* fisim the w ithdraw al ol whiskey from bond, lief ore tha tak in g effect of the inerease of ten cunts a gallon In the H ouse T ariff bill or tw enty cents a gallou In th e Senate bill, have been pouring In to the T ruasu ry m a torrent alneo ft liecamo op- M re n t th a t the bill would soon lake effect. The In te rna l Revsmi* receipts fo r Ju ly , not- w itlistandlug the Arst day w as Bumlny and dVednusday a holiday, liave a lready reachetl *3,1*7,001), o r a t tlie rate of nearly feo,000,0(10 fo r the m onth Tbit is mors th a n th e ag­g reg a te receipts from alt sources during Ju n e and tw ice the heavy PeceipU from lu- te rn a l Revenue in that month.

The T reasury ofliclala expect tho increase to oontiuue ra the r than dlmimsb as tlw day approaches when the law takes effect, and th e ta x on whiaksy is liicreasnl. Home Idea o f th e effects of tlie pending T ariff bill may be Judgeil from the faut th a t the customs a n il iuteimal revenue recsiiits, whkiA are u n ia lly sh o u t equal, have during th e iswt few days of Ju ly lu'Cn In the propiirtloii of *,■>*4.000 to |3,7'7T,l)flO. The increase In the w hiskey receipts luu lieeii offset in a measure by th e small customs paymeut* iu antieipa, tlon of the roduced duties which w ill come w ith the new law.

The Indications are that the m outh of Julv, a t th e present rate of receipts and expeudf- tures, will show a net sunilus u t over *10,- 000,000.

Ilcnrjf o f .Sarorr* W ins a t khecpsheail Huy—TIm* > i'W YurUi iu T b lrit

iq iire - 'lliey e lln g .Usury Ilf Navarr.- ran a gi«sl race a t Blireps-

hen I Bay track ic : r l a y a n d W'in from Die nan , altliough he was handii-apiwd by twelve |sciii 1« (Inly four horse* ran. The race we- nm ji i , t to suit N avarre, tiwciidolvn w nit mil and " !t a slow jiaivi for bIkiuI seri n fui'iotigv riieit Henry of N’s- v a r rc a u l Iloriau te-lh jia ■>! h sr amt hud the ra e to themselves. Dorian could not make bis cppor.uiit run a t all a t the AiiUh, and Henry Ilf N avarre fetHseil the judges au easy winner by a laii;;th Iu l..ifl 1-5.

Flrsf Ibicc Fur two and lliree-year-oidi, nuildcMs, Kuiiirltv eoorse; Itelff won. May 1 lay swimd, M’« r 1! m iut th ir l; thus, 1.11. 1‘ciil Itelllng- T i re,- tel 1 agaiust M 'ar Bon­net, 7 to 3 Keiir. 10 to 1 May Day.

Hn-oiiit Ibiii I'lir tw.. year-oldk Av* fu r­longs; I iiilla I'rri'lis won’, Miiigley s»;otHL I'riuceof M unai'iih in l; time, l.u i 3.V Tost Drtliug .Six tel .■) n,;slust IVInc* of Munacvi,■J tel 1 (lu ll.i IVndia, 1',‘ to 1 Mldgley.

Third Kac* Kor tlim .-year-idils and Uje ward, mile; I uii'lelabra won, f'opyrlgh t sec Olid. l ‘B]it*iii T. th ird ; nine, l.Rll-.'>. Fust r.i'ttlng—Five In 4 nu C npyrlght S to 1 agslnst ra iid tla b rs , * to I t'a]italii 'T.

Fiiunh Usiv Tlie Tenth ts|ieudHft Htakea for tbrac-y.-arolds, iiiIIm iiid a furlong; Henry of N avarre wmi. D irlsu secnpil, ( iur .lack tliwdi lliiie, 1‘ost B e t t in g -Vise to 4 nil lle iiry Ilf NavaiTS, 0 to 3 ugam rt Dcrian, j ! to I o d r J b' X.

Fifth lisi'c Fur tlireisvear-olds and ut* ward, mile and onecighlli; Herald wun, linmiit sti-onil, lle'lskm tliln l, lime, 1.54 3-3, Foil Belling Even ui.ui-y agaiust Uisteklu,7 to 'J lle rsl'i, 10 tel I llaudil.

H lith R a c e -F u r luntdsn three-Tesr-olds euil upwanl, mile on tu rf; Diva Oak won, Del Norte sei'iiiiil, Indra third ; time, 1.43 4-A Fust Betting Four to I agaiust Del Nort*s 8 tell liidra. b'l to I U vellali.

The following hurscs wun a t Chlrego yes­terday:

First Hnce—Fiveciglitlisof am ile ; Klva D. won, Nona wK-oiiJ, i'o tlage Girl th ird ; Uuif, l.ll.'.

ttecond Hnce--Thri'e-i|UBrters of a mile; Maggie Gray won. .Muy "Burs tMril; lime, l . l t '^ .

Third itai-e Fnai linu lli sp, mile and three- elghths; Sabiui! wuu, i ’lH'ahoutai sai-omL Hciistur Irtiy th ird , time, 3,1831.

Fourtli Kare .‘tellicg, mils and aslx teeu th ; Hasty won, Fsrey secuint, BtratUineatb th ird ; tliiis, 1.47.

Fifth K sw -M ilc . Itu.li.liih won. G etT hero seuouil, Huiiii-rsauit thlr.l; time, 1.1414.

Bixlli llm v FiTi‘*i‘iglilhs of a iiflfe; Fob leas wun, t'aiicwuud sei'ond, l-ady Diaiuoiid thir.l: Hull', I.trj.

Sevenlli llace Tlirei‘ ,|iiartsr* of a mile; IVilUam T. wun, (Ittyiiima, iwcoud. King (.'lisrlieIhird; tiiiic, l.4Dv.

WirelspiR'i'B g.ji iilieo l of the bixiknmker* a t St. Faiii til Die e v e n t iif IS.IXIO yesterday. The events tleciiie 1 ut the rai'i** were:

First H aiw -F ive turluiigs; Heanregard wun, Inillaii Gil l swouil, Bonnie M. th in l; time, l.lf ib .

Sccoml llace—Seven furlongs; B, F. Fly, J r ., won, Tom Kelly second, t.'rovasie thlivl; time, 1.31

Third llace—Mile; .Aurora wou, Ixird W'il- lowbrotk »ecoinL iH furd Ihird; time, 1.4.5.

Fourth lla ce—Beven fiirluags; Bello of Fermoy won. F rau d s Fop# socoad. Fakir th ir l; time, l.:i0.

Fifth Rncc-.M ile; OakwooJ won, Feklu secimd, Uico th in l; tinm, 1.45. *

N c n Y urkte 111 T l i i r i l PIHTfe Tho N«vr York liafte Jlall CluU b v l all It

wnnifyl Uy ilo lu dt^fi'fLtiui; IM LiJulaviHe uinit 'e«Wrday a t Loitutviilti. It w a a th » c lfM t jkiiul of a gonus 'i'ljM n -w mnn on tli# Wuit* «rti t<‘Hm dU uoarly all the batting. Tbe lirooklviri u Nlugj'iiig mat<'li iu Ht, IjomM, aud I^hlladi.d}iliia fnim l*itl8hur^ b j a nm . iiultiiiMre wm fa lr l r anulhilate^l by tba CiDiMiioutiit, whilu the' lloNton* defoate-l th4‘ uievciamU by tnGiieodou* batting. Tbo iiflltlmon-^ now hold tlr-it plaue byouly WTeu points. Chl''ai{f) beat W ashington In a con- ti'*t tlia t lirkrttk*'-! with heavy bitting* Tha ruiults:

New York 4, l/m lsvllle 3.Ht. Isoiiis id, hi'uokivu VZ.Boston '£2 CU’velauJ 7.I'lntiiiinali HalUciore f},Thihulelphla 4, Htt*tb«rg8,

1*1 W I IkrrF .r* 1l

K. Fowli-r. New Haveti, and fs. C. Millelt, New York, beat K iyco aud |iai'tner byd u fault.

F irst Uouiid—F. t'.silas an i ,f. H. Hail, Vshi, W at K. ('. Ibi-biuur.i, riixs.i.i, ami Jam es T srry , Vute, .‘i -f. fl i. I; Arthur E Fisile and J Howlan I. 5'alis, li 'i t .A E. W righ t sm l J . IV. N ii'hola Sew tUvan, r t_ |, (',..3; i'l, I* Hall and O. B. I'ainplieli. New York, lirel W. K F 'iwI.t . Niuv Haven, and B. F. Mlilstt, New Vork, 11 -H, D—4.

Bctid-flual Unund- .V. K. Fm-l- ..;i.l J. Ilowteinl. Y a k beat F t'ootey and J. U. lia ll, Yale, I) 1, ft—'J; Dvau \i1ll"r su l Mnl- eolm Cliaca beat K. D- Hall aii.i O. H. t'amplieli, 8-1(1 ft-A 10 8.

Sllildl* KtatM U e g a lts Assni'IsHoii. Vica-pri'sliteut A. B. H iqipjr, ot this c itr,

presidnt a t the m eetju f " f tha Mi ldl.' Hist ■- Regal ta Association lu New Yor's Is-t mg hi. The dlscaitluu on tlie ooUinje oarsiiisn mntier was preclpltateil liv a te tte r from a iin iulsT of the A tulanls Host C lub asking If A. K Biilt, who ruweil for lh« I'n lversity ot Fenn- sy lvsnla sorly Hits saason, was eligible te row in a juuiur event as a m em ber of an Atei- Unit* crew. The imly ro te Issiring I'lishis case was rsTUpleil thec r ^ wBs iiiit s Isiat d u ll lu ih'.- siscpi seUM< of the term, and therefore, li*vlngis <u a memtier ot the A ta la iila sfo r nrarly a vesr, Hull was eligible to com |iel» in Junior ci'cnt* with au A lalanto crew . An appeal was made from this ito lBlan, h u t when i«it te a vute it was sustaimsl. and Dull will Ihsri'. fore Iw [sTtulttisI to row.

Folluwlng tids decision Mr. Furt'ueyer frainwl sw am endm ent to the rega tta rules which is just the reverse o t th c d e 'isluii. The amendment, which was a 'lopteil by vute, go-M into effect on Ju ly Itt, two dav t after the rega tta on the I'aasatc. I t reads as td - lo«s;

“ iVhere an en try la m ails by a culle;'e crew in anv open re g a tta the iiwmlers uf such crew shall b.* ooiuldereil as Imving raw o l fnini a cluh^ ami their stauding ratisl aceordinaly."

Next Tueinlay sven lag tlw entries to llio regatta wilt he upaneil.

Nliuutlllg M .ilchcs lu lla rr ien n .The Third Ward Ila rr isu ii Gnu and FiFi-

Ing iTub had a shm il yesterday on tin- griumita on the H .trrison Mtmilu'vs, lu Fn> muriiiug there was shisiting a t live birds f..r

. a (iriie uf fd'i. There were flfteeu entrii'i Fern srcuud. K ing and each man shut a t ten birds, (l. 8uii<t-

furd and J, llradlsy tleil w ith ten. In slnsil- Ing uff the tie ttonilfunl won. In tho afters noou there were tlfteen en tries fur shouting a t "telui ro rk i" fo r a nriae of *‘35. The m.iitch was won by Jak * Ilosnan.

R H E U M A llS M

tficar® pA tn* Inth»* Hr*i4"e Ip'tf’hs I'ft''* or Jkr(*a*T, o r •■tiri'*ri««i4 i-F f t ii r piLrt D flh o h .te lr .

iin tjuinttv p»inii1n th* m'lati{*ifc.lumbatfii orjiib i!^ In Ft ikrM d'n [.i Mh I o c iv u r r -ii* f * f t# r o n n n r tw o tlonDiA. 4hi1 i i tv n rbA b if b e fo r e ouliU iU U I m i I c r i i uii«Mi.

Tb* MLrur "T bN r^niM v •'urr*!M o f *'Vf'rT t o Thft UiL'MfflOfT'AiQMri4*aD hie>h: lu'tH Abnoxt (nniftntft-

o u r i i i f o lm tlu a to e ^ A fi In a, firwourn .'*

................ ...........^ „ M u n fo n * * n n tn rw 'i 'a tb lc B i'T nM r 0 o „ o frew l. V ic a -p rc s ii te n l l Iu p is T . w h o P l i i i a d c lp h la . lAt.. tn jl u p i p e ; tib ’s t.>r n c a r l f til* r h s i r d e c ii lt s l th a t a i'ulli‘*i' e ' " r v d i s e a s e , w h ii 'l i a r e s u ld h r oH d r u g -

: f,‘;itiiri;rnY fr'.:;'; ” ‘•1 1 1 .0 O T A M . 3 E W A H K n n U G O I « T »

R A i i . i t n A i t o .


AfterQi«o iU)

(Jbk tiK o 13, A \a rb i i ig to n 10*TIIK

Clnlrt. Won.B iiltlm u rf i..* .......................................UustfJii....................................... 41NVw YorksP i tu b n r t f ....................I'iiilaiii'lijiiiA........brooklyti...............C'leveltind ...................

. ( ' l u d m m t i ................ I*8(. Ltuiii,.*.***....C hicR ^ij......................WanliTineion..........

tu rv force ii aniple^ and consl^tM nf aa u ie n a i can be (ouud m tbe couatrTs They

have beea ordered o u t prom ptly w ueoererAnH whamvosp tkssv tiMiaasM ficwiIai4 "


a u iiU o o e lt m ay ueetl eiaewbero. force if aniplda and consi^tM a n a i can be (ouud m tbe couatrTs

■jji (*y

The G overnor claim s Utat the Federal Got- ernnient was appealed to by seltish politi­cians. He discussed, the sltuaticn in g rea t detail, declaring tito t Uncle Bam haa no rig h t to send troops there.

The President, in reply to this letter, said;'* Fodersl troops w a n sen t to Chicago in

s tr ic t aciairdshce w ith the Constltutlnu aud laws of tbs United Btates, upon the demand (if tha PostoAlce D eiiartnieiit th a t obstruc­tion of the m alb should be removed, and upon the representation of the Judicial ofll- c a rso t Hi* U nited S ta tes th a t process of the Federal C ourts (tould no t be executed through the o rd inary meank aud upon abundant p r(» f th a t conspiracies existed against ctnamerce between the Btates.

“ To T u e t these ccm41tionA which are eloarly adth ln the provlbee of Federal a u ­thority , the presonce of Federal troop* In the city o t Chicago was deemed not only proper bu t necessary, and there has been no Intabtion of thereby Interferlug w ith the plain du ty of th e lo o a l authorlnas to serve tbs peace of th e city."

H M A tH K f t f lC A T T E n E I ) .

.35...............;«............... 33............... 3,1.............. ai•f*

............... ai




Z iV iwSI)S.')40i)43


128 M a rk e t S t.,N £ A B U A L S E Y S T .


CLEARING SALE.The balance of light­

weight Summer Suits In light and dark colors, must be sold.


Cheviots, Serges, Flan­nels. Homespuns, in Men's Suits, that were $15 early in the season, now


The same its heretofore.

$ 8 .25. v<iu8EI>»“ l a m T r u ly T h a n k f u l

For Hood’s R’lrvaparilla During tho w.ir I contracted i -p h e id lo v e r , and frver nnd omie, Icavlnq me with niolnviuii a n d m aven- I e h r liil p e is e n iu f fruni vhl-li I have SLihorcd ever sini'f. In nruralsla. rh:'iiiiuitl9in, nervous prosirmcloB and gi ncrnl d'i'lllly. hlnun 1 j boxr.n tiliine tlo u d l B.vnpnrlD't 1 hByr not !nv! a day's work In three lumnhs, vvoIeIi 10 It* , m ore tiian for voara and am hi belter lienlth llianany nine riiice tho war.” .1. li. St iu .wax, Cbelteuham, P a C V R E * .

KoOcFft P il ls Cft7e Uver IBs. 3So.

p re -

F b lllp J a e g e r 's W lsUes C arried O ut by U ls F ls h e n n a a V rtrnds,

Tba ashes o t Philip Jaeger, who form erly kept a saloon In A venue A , New York, were throam to tb s fou r points of the oouipees upon ths w aters of the lower bay yestetday by a party ot fr ien d , who were out ou a iM ing excursiou. T his was done in aocord- auce with bis request, and a ll the details of bis last wishes were oarefully complied with, except the reituirem ent th a t du iiiig this Anal cercniouy there should be notbliig bo t hilarity .

Jaeger was an entbuiiastfc Asherman and a member of l)* r Bee B auber Plabing Club, Vboee niembera a n resldente of the east side, Naw Y ork, For Aftean years It haa been Jasgar’s p ractice to go down to S taten Island with tba c lub o r a p a rty o t f r» n d sa n d chartar a im all steam yacht fo r a day’s Ash­ing off Sandy Hook, and his favorite grounds ware on E om er Shoals.

Ha waa uum apied , and w hen he E^esma ill last F a l l ^ n w la b it will in favor ot Daniel Ueil, pTHiasnt of th e Sea Robbers C lub, and ohargsd nim w ith t l ^ d u ty o t having hte ro- n ^ t o oremaiied and K attered to tha

Jaager died ifr ltro k p w w a w ^ j cnoM ltde m orm ng h%

- ‘ ra of

U K M O C B A T A AN1> T l l R N K G llO .

A Cofor^A n u ren u Eitabltn!iPid » t W«th'e In^ou-w A n liinoviLtlnn tn

The Democratic party b a i m ade an .inno- T&ti<m in politics by inauffuratm * a .c n lo n 'i bureau a t Waibrng^ton uad«r the supervision o f its Coogx<*4*ii>nal Conmilttedf o f which Benator Charles J . F'aulkner is cbairiniiiii and Ijawreuoe O ardurr secretary* The b u reau i t Vi^own ns the A froA m orifK ti B ureau of On^aulutlou, and presided over b y R olw rt (i. ailjl, a well know n colorod D em ocrat of PbUadolnhia, l i ie bureau p Ips origihatod with Mr. fttlll, who was recently inv ited to address tho C<mgr«jislon&I n iittee on work among t'be negmee* H q did ao, and In a logical and forcible m anner showed the necesMity of m aking a squuro, open Oght fo r ibti migre vote*

Mr* HlllPa remarks wore a tten tiv e ly Hh- tened to, and after a thorougli f*oDBMemtlon of his methcMb ami pltiuii tlie ooinmittno de* ctdftd to rftablisb the bureau w ith him a*i it4 hpQd. The aim will to compile ami dis- senitnats Democratic litprnlure from u negro standpoint, and to organliui the negroes with Dem ocratic procllvltlos hi club?* o r R<>ciotlPS, which will cooperate vritb the N atiouat Dem<x:ralic Negro Ijeague, o f which C. H. J . Taylor, the r«?ently spyiointed Ibjcorder of Deuds in Wsnhlugton, U president. The b iireuu Is locstod in Iloom No. 5, C orcoran Building, WashiogtoQ, ami Its oporatlone will be wstched with Inturrst,

Bi^ieakiQg of the natural obstacles which con fro n t him, Mr. 8UU said to a rep o rte r a t W asblngtron yesterday; “ I expect oppo- s ltlon—it would bo unroesonablc no t to ex* pect it—bu t 1 am lattsfled th a t i t cotiiefi from a class who Would oppoM an y th in g which d id em anate from tliem. B ut 1 shall en­deavor to eo conduct this bureau m to win the co-operation of the very p<>rsons who now op]Vv)o Jt, I have appointed a u ud- vlsory board of welbkiiowq, m tolltgent col­ored DeiiiuorttU, with whom 1 sEuli fre­quently confer upon the work o f th e bureau and the uieUiodi pursuedT Tho ineoibers of m y board a re : Chairman, C, H. J* Taylor, ^ K w w a s ; M. L. Koonce, of A labam a; H. C. C. Aitwood* of New Y ork; T. W . J^wanii, of Pennsylvania; W. E. Groae, o f New Y ork; C lifford Plummer, of M nssachusetU: John

Jersey, and J* T . C; NfWson, of Texas. _____

P E R s iO N A I* ,.

OxoRoa W* CaoTsX lins named hfs snminor hom e a t Northampton, Mass*, ^S tayaw hils ,”

M* SoH&L, onn of the new French AcademU clans, Is said to be descended from a eU tcr of C harlo tte Cordey, aud is tlfty ro a rs old.

LtHsU B. GeoRQE; a wallpaper designer of Now York, drew a Chinese p a tte rn wJUch proved so popular thatJUO,t<X) rolls of th e paper bavo boeu sold.

■ T om B iK b never wears a silk hat. He bonght one six yearn ago and braved public sentim ent beneath i t for naarly a fortnight, bu t he couldn 't stand the preeeure longer th an th a t.

Mna. jAMXfl d. BiiAtint ifl buelty engaged la ^ lla o U n g m aterial for the biography o f Mr. B laine, whlob she and Gsll H am ilton will con­jo in tly write. Mrs. Blaine's h ealth Is vigor- ons.

fiiiTATORB S r s r u a n a r d D o a x A ud e x - Henator Evarta are sU related. The i« te r tw o are ootible conslns. both on th e ir fa thers’ and on the ir mgthers' side, and w han Mr. E yarts w m a yputb teu a io r H oar's fa th e r waa his guardlnn.

fou r

DmiiiTtUe*'A substanlU l dlvbleml ba^ ju s t bceu de-

clarcti by th e Nnliuuai L -ague uf Frofos* siunal Hall Clubs* There is groat re­joicing a t league headiiuartorM over the fact. For the llrs t tjm e lu tho history i)f the Na­tional gumt' the k -a ^ e ho* been able to meet all of Its IndoblodiDO'S and have a HutriCieiit buruiiis on liguil U> w n rrsu t tliu dociartng nf a dividend. The autm m t of the divideiiilis Dxpre*w«l m four flgurefi. but for thu prew ut tho exact a inoim t Is wituboM. The attend- nncd a t league games liujtoxi veiled nil previous records, especially in Iho East. Atteudauce iu rhe W estern I'itics showtMl a considerablo fslUug off M compared w'ith the Kiwtcrn cities, b u t th a t is accounted for by the fact that money has been scarcer In the Wost than in the E omc,

On the Y , M. C. A* grounds. F ifth avMiue^ Hwsville, the V igilant Bu'w Ball C lub will plev the V eroua diase Ball Club to-tiiiirrow

The gHine will be p layed for the T h e n o e e v ll le te a m

ttf te rn w tt*beuedt of the V'igUanbs.

follows: Johnson, th ird base; PotUir, sliort stop; Hnukinson, llrst base; Evain, catcher; Hay, pitcher; Stvvers. ooiilre flidd; Jackes, r ig h t fteld; Ije igh/lefU leld; Laytoi;, second Iwic.

The OrttUgo A thletic Club w'lll to-njorrow afteniin>u on the C^riuige Oval play ball w ith the Asyluui* of Midillotowu, N. Y.. oiuJ of the itest uum tour nines on the bell field.

The Ilurrls<'n A thletic Bhso Ball C lub will play a nine from tho Hamilton Kield-Clilb of New Y ork to m o rro w aftorm>oii on tho grounds o f the form er dub . On iiunday af­ternoon the lia rr lso ii i hib will play a jhue from tim V ernoa A thletic Club of Brooklyn.

ili'ffcrJioD A. Ce W inners.The Jeffer»>n A, C. defeated th e West

Shore Field C lub of *Nnw Y ork yesterd iy afternoon, The featu re of th s game was the b n ltiu g o f J . O lto s m l Malone, of tae JelTer- Boiifi, T h e following U ths ecore:

JEFFKHhON A- C* K. 111 PO A. y..

Ball, J li........ ( .................... i S 0 2 u0‘Cottnell, a. a .................. V 0 2 0 'iMbimI*, lb ........................... b k T 1 iJ, Otiu, c ............................. 4 4 fi 0NuliiVftb* 3b ....................... 1 3 'u i51alonc, 0, f . , ........... •i 11 1 itM:ulili, 1. f ........................... a 1 0C. Olle, |i............................ 1 U 1 ll mHerpts, r. f . ....................... 0 1 b II d

Totals............................... u ]J> 27 IS 1 11WlUT KHUHl!. n. IH PO A. K. '

Durm,0. f ....................... 1 0 « (1 1Coulillii. fh......................... 4 i) 3 uHurley, lb ......................... t 3 in 1 1Drum, 1. f ........................... \ 1 - 1liyaii, Qp............................ 1 1 0 It (1Forluft, B. a ......................... fi 1 1 6 4Burke, p ............................. s 3 a 2Cctiun, 8b‘. ......................... k 1 i j 1Brown, r. f , . . .* .......... 1 K 0 U

Totala............................... IH Vi 27 ll)

siiiiiiimiiwmiiimwm!Don’t be Deceivedl i y t h o s e w h o o f f e r .su b - ^ s t i t u t e s f o r C o t to l c n e .I t s su cc o .s s h a s b e e n s o p l i c n o m c t ia l t h a t m in i c r - o u s i m i t a t i o n s a r e n o w b e in g o f f e r e d w h i c h .are c la im e d t o b e , " j u s t a s g o o d ," A l l t h e s e

Im ita tio n s!a c l; th o i n t r i n s i c m e r i t o f C o t to lc n e a n d w i l l p r o v e d i s a p p o i n t i n g a n d d i s a ­g re e a b le t o t h o . s e w h o u s e th i;in . T h e s e c o u n t e r f e i t s d iif e r w i d e l y f r o m C o t t o - ^ Ic n c a n d a r e m e r e

Experim ents^w h e n c o m p a r e d t o t l i c ^ rc l i . ih le s h o r t e n i n g — C o t- to lc n c . S a v e m o n e y , a n ­n o y a n c e a n d y o u r h e a l th b y r e f u s i n g a l l s u b s t i t i i te .s o f f e r e d t o t A e t h e p la c e o f C o t t o l c n e .

({old In tlMTOimcl pTfl pound patlii* -•



ANDI M I .IH ta s re I n . rills . -

Ir tiK i Eulisit, 1.1. ^


$ 1.25And Up.

K IN G ,T H E C L O T H I E R ,

128 Market Street,W E A K H A L S E Y S T R E E T .

I .VKmY I.V A M A ]<a I 1*R0.^D TII»:fiTA ]l>1 0«nj j »Ur.t -t Ilf AM »r u p r i . i r d H ibroo«h'

■ lit bj ibi« Ji'< r '''k 'H |f A«ri hitecM fkigiugf Ifiii. ■* f ' giU,i o:i Huiivr tuotvut. > u

. -I Mit.-r Jtil.T I, imM. Iran.* will lr«««' ! >5;,i;'ua Nrwiirlt. M foiJott . .

ri^T U . itiik*, lUih, x.iui I'anmnn Vr«ft- hiiir r i r ort'iil *<l.apinf ( art. Tor niUi>urg,C«>IUBV buk, ' hl>'oXo iuhI t. I.0 U14

I M. fviiiwjrikMoU U iutt* '!, (U ilr.uoU fp(i»t4 rv( [a dvvir i>t l*uHiiuUi VHMIhtil* IsiawlAf tap'd iiiifrti-iin .’dfryinir, D ln io f, '‘n io k liif aud 1 »•• I Can. |)ri»: t illiif aitanv-al r

»!(■ i-'arap lipn »i»dj Ivprw’rl.tn i, b*iliruki;i .» for akiWi ■HIM, Indict' inold, u rb f r ftku|>. Iibror) ■o4 nil tbt (Mmvfidriicr^ of nont* or tfhi.'V. 1 Iglitog irf H«U«nar>' s i muyobla dtotr!;: MrUK Arriv««< III M I iPV‘'’j,i,U A. M., OtiidaukUc.*: A. Af„ JuflitnApoilit A, 41., A. m.

t . . m t M . t MUit K k p r tn . daily Fu luimi \ •"iitiuiD .•iflppUiK mid liiiiin f i*4Jul4,c|ilr.*|o mul ijiuiMTiti^; VomUuti^rmoKlog i i um'iiy# la* 1 ^ut«. AfrlTMilitciniiiiU IH.W PL LaouT.jO 1'--M. aJH im

iU ) r M. i4««) tiftx*.. 1'. M- Vk tflivrii K i i 'r M , dally* TiiURua

Vraiibiii* ritypinii im u lo t liubiirK. rh lra ftaaitdt'lrVtiRB 1. L iiih if < an-U) nilliidi'l|>hU* aiiaf nti^aburjf luchlctm u. Arr v ia a l i ‘»vttlAod l l . l l a . M., Vtiit'fktu H.iiH I'. >j. n a i t do /.

f l . l l l * M.. ’ outlniiaiiV*-rH Kjiprc'iy—IiiUvjr, p i lk mail 4 An in i iiiriiuuttl mid pO.Louif. H m ugC iir AliiiVHA !(•> lllriiiuuuil. A rrlv it Uiivm rwil 0 (IU I'. ii„ hids«n(spoll« 10*16 P. H. «mI

l*»u]k i.'TU A. M .,ijk*oimS m arntiif. f » .u 1*. M . I'ongy K t^ r-w DaUr, WllniAU Uiif

f*t Vu^k in |'UtMl>tirg. AfiivMdd m lr ( liii'Atu TJu A* U. .teOs'und mvioliMtl, lAldnv bu«7.l& . J. aud duvrlAUd 4.Xs» P. M. u d IfhfduJI.46 I'. M. dmix, '*iii.in*iij.

M 64 i ‘. M. HK-liinoiid mid Dm it MIv ICiprMA dMlI]. l<i ^ rw (Ariaaiui; i3,iTi>i«bt,d»ilXj - i* rp « n ut J a k*oiiTlU«.

M. Im iij i»r »u [ .a iii iio n ChMkipMlid and Obio |*irlor mnl ju id iu i Cm*

iQX liolllimii*. W«ab),ii<loii mtd tb » vouUi. ll4Ts kVa, N.I7. iLl^d.liHlird f'KrrV'u. r a h m a n V>»UlHilt I 'u rio r (NT*. \f«ubii(a . c o m b t tI liduc ('Mr, I0.» A. U .' It.aa■nd *.10 1‘. 61. I 11 AUlldiU'. 13 4T. 0.67.«,» A. M.,

L3T «nd 9.33 K M. *iur JteU liiM n l.M H. Jkl. M trk ilk/a. .

^or I liUMdMjtililo, hiiR., I14T. A«4, T W, t.Sli,l.6Tr •sM, ( im f llfQUvd KkfiraM. iH iU nun VMv tiuuio j'Aibir Care, v*«ilbuly iM fuav r ctAChua (kiHl Mtitii|i'Hr, II a A. U4 i l H I'W. 114 . t-14, 4.61, &.«, B.j;, I3.U, u ltd '-'M r. 64. ieciMumndfttlM,II U A H u lu n *1x1 V M. (Ml pk«nd*jr, yx . Mvki. 1147. i U . A67, *,/t,«.6M|10ill A M.: i M, bs.;:, 417, ».n«u4l I .u V. H. Aia.vmmua«ikw, 110 au ilT .U p . U.

f-'9r ‘I rrltioit. 1147. 7 0n, T.M. K 3A. AIT. kHJJodlTil kiprysM, I'liJluiaA SVtilbxl* iVirlw

• *r», \'*«iJuiiita i ‘*w*i»C7<r i uiftetiM «inl iMiMiif i'unh Il.-M*tidll,l6 A. H.. ilW 1.3*.6.1m, 6*;*, *.i:, .11 l i a *Bd 0.4U 1'- U. MUWor,1l4T, a.-M. I.&T, t .4 »n1 IH.3L A. 64*i 4*74, LIT, 6.U1 & ii r .7 .U M y * r jd tn i '. M.

AIJIUIUCI uy, »'* U., wUb r i i r m f b i'kl^ni«M |uii1i>( Purior i'*r mid liu/ wMk*d*yH. (L4TA- H.»urid*fa-

t o r I R|i« M*r. l>U7i‘ *(urttnjr« o n lyk i i .h a . if., l . l N t u V . M w*Mk-d*r8^

tiir ixmi lirftHoii, kilwroh, Athury l**rk,(H'V*a I Un»v*. I *k«. r»*l (Urt, M*iw*i4U*rt. IMdtI and laoliiM un ih* l urk tod i.ow, lltuu'h I *JI 1U(I, a.M. 7.M, 9.H, (afti A, M.| ll*C ' uiilvi, 3.M, IW . ID*. 4.41. M SkudI 7.77 r. H. • k ^uiidtjr k4V 10.16 A. M. mnH ft-U 1‘.' H. iMi nui ■iui>*( c ivm i ( iro v t o r A ibury I'krkQo : Him oar.

t n r HaAiUl* IV X . lil*B(l H 'l fb i* mid to m 'a ll lv tt . 6..M, k,M A. H., l« a and AI6 f . M. wo«||. tU y i r* iu ra4 rii nnl^i IM i'. m, rM ild * I'lH t uiii^, 1364 f . 11, i«»ah dkjrk rsutul«3't, 10.14 A, W.

l o r IkMiui, wiihtnii eUbBg*. F. 11. Kfookr day*, r . M' dally,

lo r briHikiyii, .T. Y.--All (lirouxli troluraatMel J tn w i c t i r wiih i^'ktfi of " irru o k iy ii Atinoi,'*

ofTiirdliig dir**"! iimwiOr (o *nd ftom Yuitnri Hrooi, avrildiu dutibi* Jtrriago »ml Juurutf *u<m Ik* C4t/.

y n i i NP w VOHK.I »TV» M*rfe4lhlrMi Mk'lou. I.H. k4T. IU . iM

•.*», T. I l f W. 7.44. kill). Aid. 6 14. *M> AM. A44. IdTjH. ln M,34, 9.64, 9.60, 1U.0U iAiU* 10.4H. IlflV I1.IT A. H. Ilur. 13 »), 1.1)4, l.M, l . l , IM . XI*. tli>, 14*. U l, t.l9,a.M l.il9,4M ,iU.11l. kM,*.LlUT. 6.W,UJ1 T.IM, 7,11.7.1)1, AM, A6U, 1 71 lAOI. I0.41IU4 1* Hu unit I* 07 ultbL M i i i i d i o ' 11*. 647, 10I.6W. 6.16, 10.0.’, luk). lUiil ll.iiO, 11.1 1 A .M .: U|6. \U kI. 11, 3.0J. 8..1U. 6.1, 4 ,r 9 ^ i^ A41 7.06. 7.3k7.76, 7,'M, 6.(1, A H t . 37.10OB, 19.«k 10-43 F. M., 1&» nlgbis

J.HTO I'oritr* ^tTHil kM IuH, <*B6i, AML T.Oi. M i 7.44 8 .H 6>7, 10 01. il.Ul A. M,i IX-Hi, U l t . l.OA lUll, v r i . 4 .-.16.iT ,6.6l.« 'H T.4h M A 0.34 ki»d 10*77 F M. V*«li da}'l.

liV'ava i Utilim t Mtr*a( Aimlna. L I t, 6.W. A t i 4>6i 7.0*, T-4-:,7.H ki)7. t'.T. 6 .4 lT t6 .6.IA IOl H, 10.67 A. M.; 1X04, l.UL i.U . 1*66 111. i3B,4.10. I.6i 4.U1* 4 H 6. in. 646,4.10, l -H T.M, f .H i n . 6.19, lU.OO, 11.17 V. 6t.* Ij.na iLlf bt. a 06, 6.M, M L M4,10.3A. 10,a:, MM 4. U.; IMV 1 l4 r t .H l*M,6-4il.M, 6..'M.4..U, 4U , 4.U.II.IA 9M , 7 , l i 7.IA A36, 6*13, t . l i io.i.^mia)i.;jiij*. M. _

I MV* IxiiiMit ktrM l MUdon, AM, A14, 6.61,7AL7.4U* AU6. 6 .H A41. k iiO .ld . 6 . 4 10.66 A. U .i IL u i l t : 4 . i . l l , I .H i l L l S f . I.J4. 411, AO*. 6.44,0,41,7.61.

IU * 1>. 3I..11UI iilBliU NUHiUf. 6.0^ L l i

. 54c

. 47c $3.98 $3.73 $7.47

OIL STOVKS,Two huruers............................

OAI^HTOVKS,Ouu-biirijar...................... * ...


K 'E r H K S T r t ,N o*itl/.u .......*.........................

I lK F lIIC K U A T O ItS *So. y KiKc* .Maco’o Dlapionil..


VICT(7U llKKKKJKElATOItS. fitilj-.c**


OILSTOVE.S, tho lateftl aihI hoflt,




W n rm n te d a i l n u u ilie re S ix C ord .

T h e f i - E - W T h n a o W it i m H t

o n A n y M a c h in e .


Wiiii Clarii CoianyAT THEIR NEW MILLS AT

W E H T l f lK l iY . U . I .

William MuDgle,— h ^ c e i v e k o f — ■

M c E w a ii’a F ii i i io ti I la d d lo s , C n lrn 'a J a m a a n d J e ll te s , ( ) lr i |, i 'r ConUivl, H n sp tie rry C o rd lo l, H eu tt's O u t C ak es , ( J i a y ’s A tie rn e t l iy l i ls c u lts , K lp p ( 're (l I lc r r in f f s , F h ^ tio n I ln d ille s , t . l i n e J u ic e , M o u n ta in Ite w , K d ltib u rfch O a tr m ru t , Q laag u w F e u s M uul, Ituvf a n d F o r k H a m .

Orders 1) ; H all Frciupily Dellrerad.

WILLIAM MUNGLE,7 5 R e U e v l I lo A v e .


PIEIGEQ uafsa n t o M s I

TIh ' v,^^* ^

V ' o'clock liTantMii munlsars of ths club ' r f boarded tbs itm n faobt Sarprin at UUftoo,

B. t , to oarry out ths lost of Jaeger’s re- qusttf. Thay ware accooipaalsd by ttirqe nrlandi i-«"* thras muslolaaa with brass ia-ftnuDsats.

With dhs funds laft by Jaegir ane1(n> orata lonoh wat provtdsd, focludlng six

waiter tb a white coat _ 1 to serve It. Cap-

____ HsnuiMs, wldi whom iho olubhad often aallad, had Us yacht profnsely

S d wtth Qonasn and Atoerioan id with ths horns ot the innsicians ng the seboss from tttatsu Island bllla and the vlraiter bsht bnsy lupplytng iMsr,

r sailaa away sinsJag joytnl

just on

Bradl Bronohial, Throat and I s is g D r. Pleroste Golden Medical Diei»vi ' rM u t end a permanent core. T ..-

Q jr i« i r - * W « ; «

S5f i * i < e » - 'n B f t ' i t '( 3 w *

Xn tsh, OooM Os*. Than. Dr. It. V. P i i n o a i

Dear GIt-Mt wife was afflicted w ith eetbma to r tw e n tT y s i n f a •be grew oMcr Mw grow worse. H er elite was

souHX n r iNsteos,Jifforsons..................t 0 » 1 'J 2 !1 * 8-WWest Sliuro.............. ft. 1 1 (I 1 - J 1 ft-1®

lEariied vansr-Jeffersons Kt West Mhors ft Bsse on halte-Jefferson 5. West 81jore ft Three-liasfl h its—Jefferson Jl, West Hliore ft Two-base h its—Jefferson 3. West Hhoro ft Homo rnn—Jeffersoii. HtnicX ou t-Jefferson ft West Hhoro f t Time o f game 'I 'w '' hours.

The Jefferson A. C. will cross lu te with the colored club of EnglewcsiJ to-inorro-' a fte r­noon on the grouuus, Jefferson and K lim oy strsoti. Coaching by Bell and Jackson, late ot the C uban G laats, will be a ten tu m

C rack B Icx rle re lu Ind iana .All the cracks wore p ro » a t a t th* second

day's racing of the Indiana divUion of the L. A. W. a t Kiehraoiid, Ind., yesterday. The oTonte w ere deoldod as follows;

Quarter-m ile, Open, Clasa B—W on by H. C. Tyler, B. 0 . Johnson second, i s - r . Rell, IndlanaM lIs, th ird ; Ifine, 0,81 IW.

Mils Open, Class A, Time IJin lta .40—IVon by A. I. Brown, Cleveiand; "B ird ie " M un- ger iscond, O. P. Bernhardt, Toleito, th ird ; time, Z.I9S-5.

H slf-ia ila Open, Clasa B, Time L im it 1.10 ^ W o n by W . G, l ^ g e r , B. C» Johnson seo- p g k > , .F , Ihdlinapolis, th ird ; time.

• “J ite 1'3. C. Van.

uram loncn w ot p ro n a e ken f t beer, n«d a waits and apron w as employsd t ta in Adam Haraines, w ith

the (utMral party I

treated by tbreo eat* d o o ion , bsi t

Brown, ©. “P ^ S S ih a r d t TCosiO, C. u . V an tine, F ind lay , th ird ; time, 1.18 1^- Hoisond heat sam e o rder as flr tt heat; tim e, I .U 1-il,

M11(5 Class B—W oo by W. C. Banger. E. C; Johnson second, R. P. Geets th ird ; tlm s,!)-l» *-S' „

Two-mlle, H andicap, Clase B—W on by E, V. M in e r ,In d lau a p m s (SIM yards); W . C,

on byciM yards); w .

Banger (iterateh) second, B. F. G oeti fsoratoblf i l M i th m toldt t , f . w n / n o c

JaiMB'te favorite llaMng grounds, just onh e e ^ o f M i i ^ fftMUfts *hd ftno eonth

Mm . g, M. R m n ,


evraDleoaunfled as I was,

I resolved to try Dr. Fierce's Qoldeo Modt* o d D tK ovsry ; i t e uMd five bottles and two

or your “ Pleasant ellata," which Ml

aide a itermnnent cure.twenty posiuto In welim

aw, ft-tfl SW.T i ^ U a t T uxedo.

T betom ifs teuriw m eut a t TnXedo Is b e creasing In interest. The result o f yereer- day's piny In the singles and doubles i i .given; ' ;

Man't'BlngJee l'Bemi-llnal ronnd: Malccdm Chaos, Blown University, beat Jamea Terry, ” • - - 6-^; Artwir E. Foo^ Yale,



T_ S



H* OF r e p u t a t i o n F O R E EVERYTHING IN




SHIPMAN.477-479 B R O A D S T R E E T ,

SDnors Below .Orifn re Street.


1 / Glasses 10 for 35c.

GEM SODA WATER,Many Itsvors. Made in a minote. Health­ful. rofreshln* and ilellelnus. A ppsltivo delight for Imme, plcnteijr tm vd . Try it* Fk)ld evory'vn.*»M' w . uymAll afle.OKM S O D A W A T E R CO.,

9 * 7 N. F r o n t 8 t . , P h l l a i l e l p h l a ........... ........................ *******

>Yale,; ^ t

t t - 4" Iw a rd

D .B .K T I

, __ JU Hall, . .

M t e t i r i n i i i i n riiH iiiiiw ip

Edggwopd T. C.1

IwBIBl t TT4 I

F1.AGS, '""“'rfB'.'ll,*'"’IM WliitelieailiiloiiiCo.,

161 W a s b in c to n S t .' e t s b i n o ' t o n


Refrigerators,Water Coolers,

Ice Cream Freezers,, Lava Movers,

Mosqaito Nettiog,Hammoclis.


206-208 MARKET ST.

E IT A g U S H E D IflAO.

N t i H y 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 N o w I n U » *teceivGo nioHEST award,


EASY TERMS, — EXCIIANGEaCsUh.gi:e mulled on spplkatlen.

110 FIFTH AVE,cor. l6thSt,N.Y


FAST. Only line r<FDit4>titl wUli through p*i]or CAW to tlic W HITE M(U'NTAIN.*ie Hteiimtr* Connecticut euJ AlawtncUunetltf leave NEW FIEU N. K., »nr bliiok kInjvc Ciuml M., a t / jlTu i'. -M* d«Hy EX<.'Et*T Htm-aay. l onnerilhif leave wmirr, r ro r i-dpjice. 0 A. SI*; nu* HorUhi 7:l'i A* M. tiufl BrJO A. M*; Jiie vVori’CHtBr H A* M. (Sumlaviy Milfi A. M.; JUB W orcester lU:ri A. M.) Llm.wiiiiti SU. Kkpresfi leave* wharf 7:10 A. M.e except fiiihUay ; <liie Kabyan's 4;Bil I*. M. Full nljfhl’* re it, ariorte^t rail rlile. KINK DHCHEHTltA Oh each Bteauier. Ticket*, aiateroonip aihL '‘Huium*rToiirM''Ht < Ity i Icket oHlueiiaud I'ler.

« T O M N « T « N L IN K .Tnaldo pout* to Kaal. OnU d i r e c t f oUTwl

RoiUfi to N A R K A O A N H K l’T IH K H « imI w a t c h h i l l . f^laumPTH *Malnft a m t N ew H a m p a h ifp lea v e N e w l^ier •Tft. N* R ., a t I** M. d a llF t IN C D U D IN O S u n d a y ._______________

v.ie. Ht.JI,J|.4.V A. li . ; 12 44, L W ;i% , 3.4i I.9I.I.M , i« J. 46»*MI4«.I6, 1.64,,111. * t4 lta>4 V, H .

rH "M M ailK B T B T fllK T •'TATfOJf.Kcr KlUabpih *iiil H tb w ay , A6*, €.61. 7.0». T.Mk

6.41, U.S6, IU.44, I t . i i A. M.>. i.Ufi* t I t f l , 6.UI, 6.U, 14e, 4.MI a (It, 660. 6.49, 6.6*. 6.01 {«.07fXDeM rtM iUhUysB.|n.*St A ll. 147, T.UT, 7.66, 6.QI,«.46.1.4J, ti\47. IJ.31 1‘. U . IS.lii a n J 1147 a lfb L euiidiur, 64% 6 . 6 ) , 6 .S 4 , l Q 6 l , U.!il A. M.; 4.16, l i t , iia^4.M, 6.U6,1.M. T.0I, T.U, 7-61, 7.6*. « .U 6*«. IW.06. I0.4i, ti.37 P, M ..mid 16.47 i i l i t t . . a t e A «

yur KllMl»*ih Giiiy. 6.J6 A. M. <laUy ; 6.67 A -Its and U.M mva 6.1U P. M- w tak-daya Kar *Svw Bruntwlalt, 1 :.4T, H.4e.7.onvT-6|.A67.6.a6.6H

and 41.46 A. M.; 12.W* L-SS t U , 14»,4.f0, 6.00, 6.60, Mil, ft 12, 7,66a U.K mid 10.47 K St. - MDd*/, ii47, 6.48, N.bT, U.20.1.11 add 10.61 A. M.; 1166, l IA AM.7 6.C6. 6 6‘i and IL17 T. 61.

F u r VVouilbrlilre, fl II A. U.. 6.m, 0 6 . AOl, 7.07 ftijd 6.46 p. .y w e e k -d a y a Huouayt, 10.J6, i l 64 A. 41., and 10.(1) 1*. 61.

>'orl**rlli A rn ttiy .lift, l » i . 7.66, »M and 10.44 A# M .,ll..A ,lU S,,6.(1), 7.07, 7.37 mul 6.44 F. H. ami ItieiiliiU t, n n * u u d « y a l - H 10.16, H.1I A. M-..L4laml lo.ai J*. M. _F or ha*t ................. 7.00 A- M.; ) lM v l l6 6 B d A ||

P. .M., dally, t*oi'iit»‘Uiiday.For ikliiaftumaitd Kuniiy IIUI, 7,20 A. M. a n d 4.16

P* M., dally, v ip ta i Sunday.. Kof pnUlliwbiirif, l-Mlun a a d I k l r lU ra , 7.M, I4.ii

A, M. ami a.U,rt.2T 1'. H. 1‘UUday. ft.371\ 61.Fur t aiuiwrivUia, 7.W, U fa a * M-; 166, AM and

M. PUmJiy,*.'iT I-. « . ^Ki»r Kleut1iy(ifiii. 7.60, l l *6 a . U ., and 1 1 4 “ . 6f,,

dall.v e ic a p l pumiay' , . . ^ *6'i»r ) ratimld, la rm lu id a le aud He* Girt, via

Miiiimcutli JouciUjjj, '-&0 amt 11.53 A, I I.. l i f t a aa 4.W i*. M. w»h*'ikya. '-a l'ic iU yi only. 6.O1 t*. 41. "UitdBva 4.67 A. 41. 6'or Vraaltuld uDiy, AuOlL M. wteft.ilaya

NKW VOKK 1^) NKW AR K .K«yr Xe«aFk-t.-W, 8.0f>, ft.SU, 0.40. 7.6'. T.aO, 7.40,I,H^

H. m, 6JU Id.lu, iu.41M l.00, il.4 ()A . M.: t 2. l0. )l40hI. IU, j.su, I..VJ1, i.io, 2.W, 6.U>, S.4L 6.W, 4,00. 4.JO. 4.4M,4.40, 4.61). Aud, 6.20, 6.80, 6.40(n w l» l ra ln rJa y l . 6-Ai u.0d, U.IO, 6.10,ft,40, T.1AL 7.10.d.15, 6.IA U-W1V.M..B0U 12.16 m liluliliL suoduy ira liti, 6.1A,L(I0, 6.00. U 46, lo.tw, 1U.1U, IL6<» a . M.; 12.00 tinon,12,60, 1.0', 2.UU.2.4A, ft..W. ■l.(jU. 4.60, 4.<W, *-14* 6.45. 7.00. 7.6D. T.ii, 9.19), 6.80, 6.U>, U.6U, 10.16, ILUO J*. M.,aml luWiilftlii. * _ *.

K<»r hirUier liiftjriuaUun aae itm e-tA bita t* Of had a l l t i a lli'k ft uITloeft. l lrk a la fur ell jwloU oil t l i t k’aiMuiylvmua J^ahroid ao(lPojmcerUon«.arul b*rU ^■fciliJiii an'i b*c*a';« Fh-H-kti a t tli» iKtuiiiauiy^B orftDis| N*.?**!) iiruad iiruet. or a t llokiit olac* a l M arket Htrvft Siallou.

e. W. PXKV(/MI'. J . H. WOOD,tiaimraJ Muiiuver. General l ’aa»Fii**r

/ iR M ltA I . Ha IIsRGAD o k NKAV J K n ^ K Y - V A rilira d te ooal u t td eiclu^lVHJy, lu su tli j I'itaiilUsfM und comfuri- I 'lm eiab la la illM t July ), IdiH.

'l'rain» tenve Kroad auil Kerry bIfmii BUUoni i-Df I'lalnutflU, (l.li, 7.M. 7,ft% a..W(, w,'K lU.'D. H.14

A. i l . ; l .l.\ J .; j4 (2 .» « e to rd a j« rmly), 2,Vi. XM, 4,0k 4.)7. 4,04,6,14. 4.N), 4.30. T.16. 7.M. H.40. 10.0*. ILJi IL M. hiimUyB, T-Id. 64s'),VA'<, U.55 A. .M.i U(k ■2.IA. 4 10. A.4". 7.y>, K.2&. K2U )' ,vl.

L'ur i'OlriprTmt, ut 1LI6 7.l’i. V. * . ll.Vi A. fiC: 1.15. i.aV 2.1\0, 1.44. 4.04. 4.S7. MU, .V.W. A3». T.Jt lifl*

l i . i \ I’. M. HumUyM. 7.au. a Aj* w.oi a . 4 I .;l.U 1R6. 4.)f>, .V4U, II.1V. i0.2> I'. M.

Tot KlfmliifUim.T.l'Ui.Oa A. vM.: I.IA 4.04,'V.34 i*. M. >uuduy». 4 Id K, M-

K'.r MMiluqi 10 Hlkh H ridfe. cftnaecUni for Malloiie ou Jlt||]i Hrldko hrimi-h ami Luk- ilopat- euiif, M-.I.IV 4.U1 .M. a u u d a ra 7:1W

"^VorMiuiinnt "n Maid M o* N«w Jeru-y (‘uDlraiM vIhIom. J-Mluii, o e tlilf lifm , Allenlfiwn uiid Maiii li I'ltutik, 7.1ft, 4.<o<. ILo*'! A. M. u» 1 Ai<oti. l.tfc4Ji5 'liuiTri larioT Car), 6.80 1 Ru^Tkt i ’arior farj, (7.6-j to Alluniun 11; f*. M. tsumlay*. 7.6<J A. 44., l.l(k 4.40 K .M.

Kiir WlikMliAtre, l ’IU'*loii aa<l .“crantQii. 0 .« A* M 1 16. 4.HA I-. .M. rhulfel la r lo r C a r .

Kor isimuury, l.fW lamirf and WiltUiunfKjfl via FhUaflfUtjiia, I.W A- M . 1.44. 7 .» V. M. fua-

AND K LiyA llKTM ItliANCH. T rains leave l l r w l Htrpul HtuUmi fur Klixalhitli

ami Ho*i*llu ul 11.14, 0.2.V KU/u>>nthFK,rt o n ly ,7-14, 7..VA. 6,-W, I llralwni|iuM udiy. a.30. tf.WJ. 6.64. lU-Ui, 10.55. ll.uv. M.5i A. M.: 12.16. 1.1V,

S.65. 1.0.V 4..U ► JlFalwniliort niilj'q 4.37, 6.04, 6 .H ft..*. 7 IV. 7-ft V. AW, I0.to. 11.24 P. H.Nunduy*. 7d-0. 6.4V. 6.06 '0 2V , liaaiw ilipuri UDlyi. 0,4*, 10.64, 1144 A. M-; MO, l.W. 2.8V, 8.20,’ i i a ft.OJ, s.io *ri uiiiyv fi.w. 0,06, 7.20, 6*HV.2.V. 10.211 I* M.

6ur K ena A»n'M>v. a.lf*. s ? ‘Je*8V. lOiVV. IMV*. M • l 3V, :.'.0 Uifi. 4.4% ’‘'81. .ft'iU. 0.20, T.81 I'. M. Hua diiYs, 11.06 A. M.; 1.44, 4.1U IL M. . . .*.

l or lluyiiUin lleiicJi, iW.OV, 11.34 A. 1.3^

^ Kor Ailai'itl® lllglilnm li v ia M atawan, (1.1'V. 6.H 11.84 A, M.; I 84 4.V4, 0.20 J’. M. e u iid ay a 6.04, 0.26 A VI ' 4 10 I* M

¥ iij'F 're 'li')lil, '« .K ll.M A. >(.; i .tv t.i» , ( i» P . M P ip rlle l llin ll, l ung i!C,»n (lror«, « a .

( M , ti> nm Haiiki. * .a. lo.ii. l i t', a. m .; i .s f t i s ) .4.1)1 4.t4. t:Jo I*. .M. M unil* j''.,« i*p t te u m aaU ruvu ,a.« , » . 'i l -4 I M. tlU C - M- pi HI l.AKKW ilOD.

lo in s Itiver. liiamrirHt P a ra UNmafat,f.l1A. M.i L36, 4.5VP. M.

^PASSAGE TICKETS.Oablrig lnt*rni*<liat* and it« * rB g «

At loweat New York rates on all linos of octan steunattF

MARTIN R. DENNIS & CO.,tniakaaiB 114774 BrOAd tt.gPwMffrkftSi. HawAia, 7 .x

URAl’T* far AI w4 »p«v4. u 4 Uagy Op*wi paraMa la draai Brliala m 4 Jraltad uOali ptritaf tuny*.


7.2s A. M. dally furMauuii Chunk ami Intermo- dUt* fetatl'jaa. CoimacifuD, except tiuiiduy, fur PoiuvIUe atid Heailtiiif.

M.4; A. M-(laity Cur iionora, HoebMter, HuflHlO, Nlaiinra Falla numirnsldni HrJdira asd ite WeaL and principal KHal poiiica. dlulitv car Wltkaa- terre, i'ulhuan parlor rar to Jlultaln.

6.211 A. JU. dally, except MuiUiy, tor liaiichChunk

Fur V loelasd and lirldaeteu , 1.44 I I 'o r A ilam ioM iy, I.64F. M.

, M*N nW A liK a N U .S H W \ 'G lK .

From llrowl ami Furry Hirosl-* i 'la llo u s-A tV -lJ .V.60,CJ.20.»i.W.:,Ud,7 2). 7.40, aiJO, 8 . x I-*'*'*1* v.wi. lo.oi. w.'yy in.*), u.w* 11.w a . .m .; is-dJ m .i I2 .VU. I.'i0. I.W, 2.00. 2.4). 8.U0, A**"'- 4'"“*6-66,6.66, 6.03. ".2u,«i.4J, 7 ud. 7.4). T.-VVak^ k-54. U».8V, U.2UJL 41: iiift. i iw u la i it . HunaKFB-ik<xi.Mn.ft.dj, i.UO, lO.IK), 11 UU A. fiOU M.: L)"'. !.*0, 2*«l,XlW,4,«i, 5.U0.6.01), 7.00,8,00. 6.00, lo.oo. n on* l if t) p, u ,

Lpavu New VurK fruiii 1im)1 u f L lljeny atreel—At 6.30. 6..VI, fl.30. li.45. I .IM W . .•.4l4B.14, n/M. 6-OO, $.1% I0.U0, 10.15, m n 11.0). 11.6V A. M.; 12.0J M 'i l lH l.cO I an. 2.A). 2..50. 3 w, S.60 X-iS, 4-»V. AM. MO. 5.H 6.4H. 6,40. dOft. tL2S, 6.46, 7.00, 7.20. 7.44. h.W, 6 » , lO.W, lU.V JiOU K M. ^m*da> a—4.ISL 7.0i^ 8 1)0,6.03, Ul*0*.1 .00 A- M.; J20OM.1 1,00. 1)IU, IW . 4.00,ih.lM,ft.Ofc 0,30,7.00,1.00,6.00. IftlW 11.0), 12.IW H ) i i p im ,A D H :i,n iiA . u a l u m o r k a n d

WAs i l J N u l ’uN , HOVAf. BLCK LINK,Kor JdilludeipliU and T ranlcti. 7.6.V. 6.08, J0.0X

ttl.Xi •a w u l Phlludalphla) a . M.: I.XV (X60 ejioepl •1 rtutim ), 4.04. .V.04, AM, 7.i^ ll.-iV P. M. !*nndaya 6,WA. M.il,3V, fftW (6.l4fxc#pt Trenton), P. 41.

F u r ilHltlinore Rini WaHliinyton. fcct, ll.fts a . II.:t.AV. xw , MU, 8.60, ll.sa F. M. )rU!iday», 6.06, H.*4 A. .M.: l.tV. iV(i'. AflV P. M. ^

F or t'hsiuiifioga. New O rletp s am t a I Hmji.li, wIili iljrouxU vesilbuled ftleepen via Htea- aiidoab Vallay Line, a t 4 M I*. H , bUuUay^ 4.M F. M.

■lhniU|h tiekti* to all princJpal_po|tita a t lo « |* l ralea ar« on Dsit a t Broad RJ. Jl.uLUAl'-HK.V.

<Jvu. ^up«rlui•mledL

1 niFBSt Siatlou.u . I*. BALDWIN,

<;an, l*a«aen**r A f t ik

E R I E R A I L W A Y .r ( ''O C K T II^ 'K . itiiiA l'A8JUKPOT

L'uDa.oLlna trula* Isnv* u fellow *;S..W AK K, A N h |..\T K IL .«W ,


..... .fen imermadtat* stntioda. Ltonnecllons nv iWia**'


J O H N H E A T H ,1 4 0 M 1T L B R B B Y 8 T .,


vIIIb and iiaadliif, chalt car to VV Ukeabarre.186 P. Ft. dally, except ^unday, Tor J u a d d lL

Junfitinn and prlndpnl Jnlermtdlai* stations 1 Piill- m aii HuP^t Parlor Oar Ui W llkoaterr* ; eonu«oiU>ni tor Potisviile,

4.4d J', 61. dally, except kuiulay, for South Flu1ii> field and lotermodlate siatloiui.

6.44 F* H . w l y for Kaston u id IntermadMit* BtS”

6.U P* If. dally (v uDilays 4,81 I*. M.) for Kiiflklo, ~ dls and ml polnu W«t, Pullmao ilaeptL

ve^bula train, Nero York to ( hloTtlamra Fallsestlbul* train, Nero York to ( hloato.

B a te lo t Donnpcilons for n e n d ln fa a d liiirrh rm rf.I, sleeper to

M E N — MENIv'f-.-..In ih l i way we sure •trio lnre and a ll urinary

d l ie e e n ; no Iwe of time. A,ddieH fur infer.

6,66 P* Uv dHlly, except Sunday, lorM aucUCU unk and lu lerm adlate s ta lloua

62ft P . 61. dally lor liliivca. G enera, Bochaater, Biilfaim N iagara I alia nnd all polota W ant pdlF n a n sleeper* to I 'k lru fo a n d Jtuffiilo, C hair omr

Y ork to W iikesbarro (weak day-*),Addltloam en tiday t ra la t 11.2ft 4. 4f. for Waitoh

CluiDk and p p ittvL l* and all lo ten n ed la ie at*- liona

T lckfU and Fullnian ucoonfetedatioot a t FeuD-aelvaiiui P allroad l>*pot aix!' “ ........ .

ih * > * w VorK i ra n s fo r

Biiiiaoy, ».al i . M ; i.H , 3,4*. T.e;. s.si, lu .« 1’, M. , ■

l.vavu I’feletiun Kir K ,w a ll(--6 ‘te , a i f t V6I, f .to T.M, (.on, la iJ , i L i j a .M . ; L ift tSA ! .lf , LU, H.il. ftdi, III.3, 1‘. M. (.nndiiy, f tti, IM ■uU lf t ! i A. i l , ; l .» , 5,«0. 7.»ft lO.M P, I t

NKVVAHK ABU N K 'V VI,KK,. !,*1VH ( l« , T-'A, T,W. f t to «,W,h i ! . 1U4T A, 1(1.; ILM, tM . LM , ftSft L ift LOft ftU, II.IH P. H, r ii iia u r, 7 ,ift tlM, 11.10 A, y , ; J,{», IM , 8.M, ll.lM P. M,

1 iwv* K*w Y i„k (C lunilter* r ir r* t)—ftOft T.lft AOl, LM, II.IOA.-M,; *1,10, 3.l», f ti f t L lftf tO ftftH 6JX iLil. 7Jft 10.10,11J» 1'. M. •(‘• lu n U y only.

Day •ipreiw l u r t t v»w«tl(. 0.G A. M. On Sun ilarft T.N A, M. V u d b u l* lim ited Irftvw B iivark,

M. MiiHlay*, t(U P. M. ( ‘fa iu l 'r ru n li Fx- ,>?■« IMVH .N‘.n * rv . 0,00 P . t f . ran d a y a , f t . , y. M. l hlea«o F;ipiw * IW T » M awork, ftOJ P. M. iwa- day«.f.A )P. M. . , „

1 « r IldtetB. boxrere cBMka. iIM ldnx ear leiaiteu, llTOMalilt*. III*I.Ity 1 ieliet Gni(», 1 « M u k M Kroel. TrlephoM Ift o r a t gigdon.________ ,

__- . ____ CtMopapy 'ania'cheek bmuM* o r n M iI* fiwUeatkWi

w llloaU for IBM tfaroufk

JTk4 A'FTFAI M rA« veMcte, ana ffnartmltie.e M 0V dftpeiMli i«m» tte ^

M w6 Itpyowrte

IK !

N E W A l l K E V E X I X O X E W S . F K I D A Y , J U L Y <». 18 U 4 .


» Wa> • '<*•1) ' ' <t»rm Kasnyb wi4 WMkwl <.hsnnla«lr.

F ltM TM-Bttt.Aa old fmtUBUo iru walkiof medh

tatlnljr aloac tb* ftnat, w b »» bb attcs- Itoa mw •ttrutad b j tbe foUowtot i io ( i » la a o m U drBp*r'( a ladow :

“ Oca AaaraL Se ll I t Now o a t ’ ’ “ Ooud gTMkwtt wbat crtti Ifoor-

a a o tr ’ h« tjactlaud to blautlf. "U f eoBiM tbt Bua attaat * Oof A ddiuU Salt.' It woald bt a cbartty to laform blm g f tbt giarlac <>* Sat aiadt.”

So bt walktd iato Iht thop and atkcd la t i t tbt propiittor.

“ WhatOta I hatt lb « plcaanrt of dolnc for JOB, b r t " Inquired Ibt draper, wbo Wat a mlddle.aatd, altarp-louklog tail- rtdoal.

“ Wbjr, my food fallow," rtpUtd the old KDtttman, "a r t you aware of Iht flarlaa error that ataraa ertry one In the loot wbo togka in ruor abop windowf"

“ Error, tlr f " atld tba draper, totarru- faU rtl;.


“ Rtapandoiut’ ’ exclaimed the old rtn- tlaBian. “ Yon ttala ‘ Oor Annual Hell ItKowOa,'when, ofeourat, it DUflit to bt *Mla,’ not ‘ Mil.’ ”

“ ladaed, atrt Itu o fb tto b e 'ta lt , 'y c « taa t"

“ Ofeoanet I'm afraid xoor edaratioa hat bttn Mdlr otfltctad, lajr friend," it- marked the old feoUeinui, pltxlnalr.

“ I ’m afraid it baa, d r ," admitted the draper, “ You aee, 1 waa born when board wboola were unkaown."

"Joatao. Another tb lo f la," continued tba old fenlleman, "tuch an error mifbt do JOQ incalculable iojurr, berauae the wora ‘ aetl,* In a t ia iiff lente, meant ‘ awindle.' F u r r Invlbna people Into rearehop to bt iwinriltdr" he tmlied, “ I ebootd adrlte fan to bare It altered at oaca."

"iM arm tl I am n r# I'm r tr ; mneh ob liftd to fou for four kindneat, air, In ^ n l l n f out tba mlataka," aald the d ra ^ . “ Can 1 prtrall upon ; ou to ex- taad foa t klndaeea b f porebating a amall artiole f ’ ’ ha ttk td IntlnaallD f 1;. " Don't le t me ta lltr for m j i f ooraact, dr I I bare loma marrellontljr obMp oravata, and btaatlfttl linen handktrebitib, if foa wlU plaaat lUp tbit war, air."

“ Idon't know that I—ar—want anf- thlDf,” tataitattd the old fcntltman, “ bat— " •

Before the old ftntltman left the tbop bawaansinua aertral ablllinn and plua aereral artlalaa that he didn’ t want

When he bad fone, the draper robbed Ua haadi tofUjr, aad loUioquixtd:

“ W bata etranfe ih in f It la that folki art to prana to maddle with other peo- pla'i boclDMil i nppoaa I have Irom iweat; to thirty people come Into the M op ertry day to Inform me of my

I f t t ’em lntbe iron thay have

____ he IT tat dlfll-oolty l i to f « l people in one’i ehop; but I've atnek^oU tfato ttm el" be ^nned,

be Ear aa Anicrleae Mrh Are t'aeeeraed Tbeie Ara Otaiealli**.

Tntermarriaft between Americana and Ilatlane baa raoelved eomewbat of a check linca the triale and tribalaUona o f

I the Pnneeaa Coloona bare been made : pnbllc. That there are aa many o f Ibaee : marriafea aa there are la a inarrel con- . tiderlnf the dilllcalUea that are to be en­countered.

A young lady went to Italy for tb t par- poet o f etody and In the couree o f Uma became tbe object of an tlailan fentle- man't affectluna. l l l i love waa returned and "Ifaeo their truublaa bcfan."

When tbt marrlafe waa broached, the birth crrtillcaUi wai taxed for. but there wea o'me. Tbt lady bad been bora In a little TiUtfe in Michlfan, and no record in wrltinf had arer been made o f tbe ereui. Wnat wa> to be done? Detective* were let to work, old church recorda were i;xomiDcd, tnutty, faded letter# bruntht to tbe llfb t from old cheeta and boxe* and reread, but no aniiouucciuent o f tbe importanl event of the birth o f thie young lady could be found. The mother hM lunf ai ore paawd from mor­tal Ufa to Ufa eternal, and the doctor, too, who had offlclated, waa rtttln f with aa labof marble at fait head. In H cb e CM# It waa ahaolutely impoaiibla to pro­cure a certlScatc. Ilut, aa a aubatltuie, two men, one en old reiidcnt and one her younfcr brulber, certifled at to tbe time


II Max He HepI at a liUtaaee If Haceete I* C'ateled.

From L/infman'a Magaiine.Abatlacxoe from hurlfal thing* In eat­

ing and In drinking la the Brat o f theee at- Iributea, and It can not eaaily be over- valuad. The trainer knoar* tbli Ihcl in all caeca where be la p repu io f hi* pupllt for actual conteela. In tome polou train­er* differ, bnt there li a point on which Ihoee wfaoae opinion la worth any value do n<A differ. AU good Iralncri and all good competitor* agree on tbe rale that abatlncooe from atooboUo lloidiand bev- eragea la afaeolutely necemxry. 1 *11 my- eelr an atietalner, becaute by being one 1 am etronger, ligbler and better than If 1 Were nul, and can gel through much work, mental and phyaical, with cate and pleaaure, 1 alto teach the praclbe of abetlncnce unhealtatingly and boldly lor the pcnonal reaaon* named, end lor many other reaeunt reeling on cclentide data.

But Ihla doe* nrA ioBaeuce me In what I all) now tcacblDf. AtbJetIcItm la an exceptional pnacllce, and if 1 Idt that akuhollc flulde would, aa drinki, help the athlete under any elrcumatancet, I would


BOYS’ STRAW HATS,*ay, uie them exceptionally, Ju<l aa I niwbt ley In caaee o f diaeaae. >‘ i. what itiOuencea me la an eiperlenrr I xalned

la plain while and roinri and eorablnatloea, all tbe lalaat abapea, legoSar price He., reduced to................................................... .

________________ an experience 1long be fora 1 became an elMtalntr. Ikncw the value o f abatintnee durieg the period of training and the danger o f indulguace.Drink, If you muit, up totheiimeyon commence to train I begin todrink again

t it ot


39c. Eachm

ao touQ a* your contnt la over, II you will, but to long aa you are in counc of ]<re para- lioo touch out the hurtful thing: It will be aure to undermine all the qualillet on which you depend for eocceai. It wilt In­jure yonr precitlon, your decitlon, yoor preeence o f mind and yoor endurance.

The (amoua trainer wbo taught me the

BOTS' AHD CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS,(looipritlax Fennllem), Kilt, Sailor aad Norfolk tiylet, and mad* from ilaJatea riolh. bedford Cord. Ihqa*. Uaeti Imck and Scotch frlnghaiD, at the felbtwlag great redactlooj on already radaoed


four quallttca pul me nu to that, llew at not well when ha waa hlmaelf preparinglo t a great race, and finding him below par In tbe roetter o f clreulaiory jiower I

ilUe alcoho


adviaed him to indulge In a llllle alcohol to balp him through. He retenled tbia atonce. ' It would taka away every rhaooe,

.............. f bitat It did in Ihe caae o f one of bit oppo- nenU. Weaton gave the tame teatimony. When he walked 400 mllee In five davt be alMtained lolally; when he walked the 6,000 milea In lUOdayt he ebeUiord totally, and when he walked hie long and unintcr-

ax.xs•X.AOa t .is

ruptad conraa from Br.ghtvn to London he aaeured me that a tingle glaat of therry

In two and three.piere tuff A. mad* from rueimerc, Cherlot, Bine Serge, Trieot, etc., oareniire tivck of ebore............ ..................

or nip of brandy would reduce bit activity- He wee lo t regularlj an ahttainer. When he waa at liberty he enjoyed at a luxury a glam of wine or a tumbler o f ale, bnt when he wat In compellilon It waa aliao- lutcly nacecMry for him to refrain alto­gether. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS,

•■op every oay 10 inrorm i 'gtaring wroci’ and onoe I get Mop I e e ^ m Wt 'em go before porcbea«iM.*ometiiiag. The ■ a WBALTHT BKIbX OT WfTH tTAtT.

gMlag admlitegly at “ Our Annual BeU. “ And It’i a ~*ell,' tore enough," b------- ----- Hg,


“ for olapped twentypflTe per well everything 1eent. 00 pretA well tverytbihgl Bold

ugalnl” he chookted, on obcerrlng • i ^ t M y emilli^ly fmintlDg out “ Our

duaghler, and then bopentranca

Annual Bell” to her daaghf malte a mor* toward Uke abo


■ulaa a f Mveemeae Irate PeeMl by aa Aatlaearlaa.

The I^ndoD BuUd^ Mve* come definita paitiaalare aa to the prAlatorfo city laid bare by the drainage o f Lake Copula It ■W* that, acoordlog to Hery Noeeb’e re­port la the laatlmae o f t^a Athenian “ MtUhellnngen ■’ (xix., 1), the remain* In ijatatioD U* In the aortheait quarter of tba lake, oppoalla Topolia. Thiy are unl- forai in obaracter, clearly o f Mycenmia data, aad aot, aa araa at Bret tnppoeed, balonglBg to eeverat eacoarnlve peiioda The ratal go looally by tbe name o f Slaor Oalaa. Tbe etrongiat aide of ttaemaadv* fortificettoae la that looking eouth. The ayeteu o f Ihctileattou Includee foor gatot,

th* efMtthaMme* kmAea e«,n aWI.. ’

tbe young lady had been born aad then the paper waa taken before a notan, wbo tectlfied that the man were men o f char­acter and veracity. The paper waa rant to Italy and found to be worthlem. Theee negalutioDt had ooeopled much time, and In tbe neanllnie the yoong man had alowly been gaining anma polUiul Infla- ence. Uaing this Influence with diacre- tlon, tbe permiaalon waa at laat given for a legal marriage.

A young lady In BoMoo conceived the Idea that it would be vary romantic to be married in Italy. She confided tbe Idea to her flanoe, and be arreed with bar.Alter arriving In Milan a five-minute con- venatiun with the Consul took all tbe ro-

rarfng for l'oliAh*d tVaod,Of alt woKlwork that with Ihe high varnltb

pollah la tbe mott dUKcult to keep looking weti-lt Uao eaey to mar It ami to dllBnlt to repair, write* Jaiuee Tbamvun In the July /»dpj' fforae Joarnol When deoU and erratclirttlu not go entirely til ruugb tba pol- lih they may eooietline« be removed by rub- Uog over with lloeeedoll and rottan ttone, u.«lng a amall ptec* of fUl felt to do lb* rub- blng. Care, however, tliould h* need to aa oni In rub too bard. Ilaolwood floor*. If poliibed with ibellae or Tamlalt, may be Orel wanfaed with eoap and water, and then tboronghly rubbed erlth a cloth wet with oil and turpen­tine or krroaene and water: tbia will make them look u well aa when new. Floova fln- lAhed bythewAien method of oaraseeatori may be rerlved by the nee of turpeniine.

aiDOy.lCN' WAtSTS. in hairline etiipe* aad Amall checks lain- dered cvUari and cuff*, worth 9Uc..............................................

Rcgnlar price ,

mane* out o f the quectios, and tbe par- tie*. wiaer and eadder, went baok to fogRT London, where only a realdenoe o f fourteen day* waa itaceawtry ere the D^tlnl knot could be tied.

Tbe Amerleen lornellme* finds himeolf In a ludicrona podtlon by bla Ignorance o f Italian cuatotna. A young geotlcmnn from Bt. Lonia went to Na^ea to atudy, and being o f a sociable djapiMUoB he pre­sented letter* o f IntroducUon and soon found himeeti on visiting term* with sev­eral fomllte*. On calling one evening on

OB* to tbs loatkeaat belM double.Accord lug to Herr Nuaob, the whole

a fomily whune anqualnuinee he bad made he was confronted in

plaalaoiily IntolUglbte on th# supposi­tion that there waa some ayatam oforaiie- lag aad flooding tba site. I t Is Intimately OMneotad wltb.iba wfaol* ayatam of tbe

,dlke* and damt, and the Bewly dfilcovered city ie tbe key to tbia m t*m on the nortbeast, aa Orcbomenot M OB tba weak The two aeein to bare naen ooonectad and strengthened by a vyitem o f tmaller forta roond the north- orn bank o f the laka, aad the**, from th* vaH fragment* fonnd, are olearly shown to be ot Hyceueatt data. Two such forte rtand on (mail panlnatilas near the Kalawotfare Varia, and a third hm S* ‘ff the I^ g o * o fHagla Marina, and thus dafendfsdtbe point Where tbe several cbantMis meet in oaa main oanaL The system provided for keeping open tbeooniraunloatlon beiweeti t ^ tiro priaolpal place*. tJulae and Orubomenua, and tba sea. We have to picture Larymna a* the chief harbor of UteMinyans, althongb lo far. only vaaet o f proto Corintbian data barb been ae- tualJy found there. Finally, a compariton o f Utoiary acouunta with tbe existing topo­graphy, as dleeloaed by tbe drefnage, asama to point to tbe coneluiioa that in the ruin* of Oalaa we bare the pra-BceaUan Arne, tba royal oily o f Athamae aud hb dmuandanU.

----- tbe drawing-roomby the mother o f tbrea pretty danghtera She wished to know wnkrh danghter be preferred. In another family where therewia a daughter the brntber called him aside one day and asked blm what hie in-tontiona were. Afterward, being some what ashamed o f hie faaete, the brother told him it wat the cuMom of the country, and begging hia pardon told him to con- tlnn* fait v lilu as before. Tbe young man callad sgain, but as be entered tbe room the stately mother g lld ^ out, tbe daughter was not visible, and the father waa so deeply abaurbsd in his newspaper that he did not even tee 1,1m. The young man from Bt, Louis concluded to sto p eali-Ing on Italian girla when he bad no mat- nmontal Intentions.

The question la often uked ; How do the Itaiians managr- their matrimonial affairs? With the highest and lowest olaatcA this 1* easy enough. In the lower clastee each member o f the family most do something toward earning a liveli­hood, and In tbit way tbe young people meet, fail in love and marry m n ^ as they do In pn.aalc America, In the upper claasot there are partiet, balie and theopera*, where young people of both seiee meet and wheke Cupid friskt freely about


kome Tips that Way have Inauaerabte Crop*.

From the Oermantown Telegraph.For the last two year* I have had a veg-

atabls garden under my especial care, and each year we have been sfflicled with a drought, fheae facta have brought mat­ter* under my more careful obeervation, and have developed In my mind a theory that it It best to plant cucuiubats in cups and not In hitla, 1-el the cu|j*, or hollows, be about two feel in diameter and not more than three incbca deep. After en­riching the toll to a degree, plant sufU- cient leed to Inure a ttand. When they are quite safe from bug* thin out three or four o f the ttrongeat and best located plaolo. Aa a prevenliro from tbeir enemy, the reUow bug and other tronblenoiueInsect*, i have only used wood aahea, rtuttlDg It 00 with the aid of a shovel and a fair wind. Holding a tbovel o f wood ashes tn the hand, and gently shalung ft, the wind : will lightly eprlnkfe the dust over the | leaves and over the ground snrroQudliig th* root*. In hoeing aud ridding of »e«d.s i maintain the cupt. The object In huving these hollows it that the water, when obliged lo give it, to the plant*, will aettie around the root* and nul run under toe leaveeand sway. A* tbe vine* are often luxuriant und Hint bide from tight the locaUon o f the roots, it is well to place in the centre of the hollow a stake, which will indicau tlie exact poeilion of the root*. These stake* ihould be placed wuen the plant* are young, to aa not to dlAtorb the piaote o f larger growth. A pall o f water poured lnthecupwlll,when necesnry, much beneflt the plants


with ht* bow and arrows But it is tbe mlddtc-olsH girl who It kept inalmort complete eecrnsion until after marriage.

Uiscustomary for the suitor who pua- eeaset more wealth or oocuple* a higher social posllion than that o f tbe woman he wisbe* to marry lo appeal directly to the perenis. He aend* a compllmeniary note to the father, eiprening a desire to meet him. No word is laid o f love or marriage, but every one understands exactly what ix meant by the preUminary note. Ho la Invited to cult and treated courteously, i f the father la pleased, be invites the guest to meet ht* wife snd daughter, and then all is fair sailing. Rut if tho guest is allowed to depart without meeting the family and wliu only general eipreiwions of wlecm he knows he has been weighed in the balance and found Wanting.

Theee matriaioiiial cutlom* prevail more In the sunlh than in the north of Italy. In kfilan and Flurcnco, owing to the Influence of foreign manners and the

fireaeiice of northern visitors, the young adtes'enjoya freedom of action that is

far in advance of their southern sjsteri. In liallhn homes there Is more happiness than one would expect to find where a knowledge o f caoh other’s ohsractei'is so liltie known to the husband and wife be­fore they pro married. The Italian hiin- te lfw ill tdll youthUiaduetotheehlldren, for of the wife he will jocosely say, “ Oh, one gets tired of her tn a year or so." 80

B iBrSLIFE lNTIEM ANCKTho Simple Provontive o f Cholera

Infantum Thfit Ig Worth More Thau A il the Hedicinee In tbe World—Laoutod Pood.

LADIES' rOVTRT CLfTTH SITTS.irUli new cuUw«x rery worth |15 .

Now lEifADt Htet tmn- bk> to the htiaace. IleAt *D<t f<io4 tb « t , falU 16 noarish, qmi chol^n lafsnliun Md the C'xhAcutlng rbfjMi that r«n i«« oiT Ml tuAtii' bfthtrt lo July nii4: Auxftut. Other Je&Uti »hriak to in- •IgfiiflcA&re&tthlfi Bon bcelde the feerfal Ktorofrof tuf&M mor-


Reduced to 98 ctsR «^U r price

Ulltr uo’icr 5 jrcikrx.Where iooth«r'B mUk bdcfeetlre or larnffi.

dont lo iMiariahioit quality* Ucuted food •oppUfii Ihe ivrofl: tor krtAt«il food most cicMrljr r«Mrobl«a iouth«r'« milk* Tbo U AOitar ot milk Id both cams.

Wb^Deyer b«by^ wri^bt f^lls to ihow » fteDdj locmuw the aatriiion Is fur eonu res* son Imperfect* LocUlrd fr Mt «t thew Hidh Hhouifl bo oavhI pithor HUlosreibfir or tn sapple me&t (be umtar l millL la all nuch thrre resQlu « mpij inin Id weight mod iodU catioDA oa eTtrjT h*n-l u( a beallbicr. UyoUer, UiOTR bcarty •lisi-iw!*.

Tbe effleoer and nuiritiTe qiulit^ of Uct«t«d fcKkd U itMUy (wlcii'nrtrisfed by every one.

Af a pTtTcnrive uf rhoJera iDfaalQm It ts worth luuni thaa all the locAllciiMa in the world*

A slrrrqftb-rfiyer to (frowlojf l&faats ootb* ln<csQcoTup*re with it. A» a foud that U e.Mj lo prwun? aia i prri*rt, and in liked by the little une* tbeoiwlve*, too much coouot

j he saU for U.1 II li«i savefl tbe Uv a nf thousiDcU of Id- ; j faut within Ihe la«f fe'w >e*n. It bw beea I thf? food of buuiired* of Itabiee wbo hare never been nick. 1a the piclore of theLyrarvOld (*htl<lof .Mr . Edward N’ewconi, of L >iPfcDA(M>rt, [puL, wtjicb wa* rrceiyed tbe other day* DrcorntxAEitefl by tbe following \tu ler from Mr . NVwewkiD i

“ <»pr baby bal to u*e iwrtlflcisl food on oc- fonot of no nur-M*. WV 1 ried several dlffereDt kinds of InfoDi hir. Done agreed withhim UDtll w« comim*aciwi the use of locUttH] f kod. Nowhels b .iitby. Wq are«»i 111 using the ffkod Ajul re::omfii(jDd It to allrttiB fwiBHrl- '*

701,703 AND 705 BROAD STREET.

218 and 220 Market St., Newark, N. J.,WILL FURNISH YOUR HOME FOR

$1.00 a W eek .Iour frieoda.'

T is lA (he eipcrlenr'e of hundredn of motlicr* In this rtcInSt) uud will be the eiperl-eiirp of buDdfedn m-jre.

For your country rpaidoitce or »«axl(le cottage you need a stron;', plain, but cheap Parlor Suit, Homethiiii; o f a

foumleil un llioir love for each other, but their common love fopxhelr children.r common love fo^helr chtldre

r# or roFTlrttiifl uj thf XfJP/ vmM t'l *f". ti4i‘4ourr fry ttomy tfui/

or roFTfflvfi uj tf>f vVntfuy I'nfpi /*) If", hy u, ttomy thty ctr-Mill f<r/Hns/Miy a /mrrhiitf-r (T oiifi fit i$rt*urta.

ilfjhik UMT rac t>r«iUje thty thenrnnIrrpnttH io fhf iiMwig'.


------ aa-vua.aek xucwnereoft two ptiifull poured ou with a

-'nly ------ - ' •fr_aeeMW ,p\«Wt>.U WI4 TTlkU ay u r r e io blight Ihe leaves

tad «carc«ly retreah ihe plaoU,The cupt can be mad* lemporarlk

llTkM.llAF MFI/t 1*1,17 gam—Rwv __ a ___ ^Ik a«aas-ii» hCtll ffUran ITtmaller, and by early planting and cover­ing with a sheet of glaat, it will act Bj, ahotbed, and very aariy cucumbers can be sacured.


Mieept tbe A11..may, ■n.l Me W** the -I like's Butt.

From the Detroit Free Press.The pfosecutlog attorney In the breach

o f promise case thought he would make life a burden to the unfortunate young man who was the unwilling defendint,

“ Do you mean to say,” he asked, after k lot of embarraating questions, "that after you had been absent for an entire month, you did not kias the plaintiff, to Whotn you were engaged to be married, when you first saw her on your return T”

“ I do,” responded th* defendant firmly.'"W il l yen make that eUtoment to the


llutv the Illne<| I, I'hlilrd hy I.aek of Cave-

From the Fortnightly Eeview.The power of spontaneous regulation o f

the tern piraturo reitiles in a mecbaolsni whereby more or less blood is leut to tbe skin as a result of relaxation or of oon- Irnction o f il* blood vessel* When the skin is heated iu vessels relax and contain a surplus o f btood, which, If exposed lo ordinary external influences, rapidly be­comes couler. Heat is lost in three ways, viz., by radiation, oondocllon and evapo­ration, the amounts given off by these means varyingaccording tocircumstancea. It is estimated that about seventy per cenL ol the whole amount o f the animal

Midsummer Clearing Sale.Furtfaif innuih of Jcilr w,* ^ifl wu our Im-

um m $u»ck iu foUowa;



heal passes off through tbe integument.I f the skin be freely exp oM to cool

JOT I ,, “ Certainly, IfneeeasaryV

“ Do y ; ;y o u f " ------- -------------

"O b# of them wopid, 1 know.”"A h , Indeed, and why should he, sy ? “ ’‘^ecanse he was present -when I fim

raw her. He we* at the gate w ^ n 1 rode i she stuck her head out 9l the see-

— — coolair, much heat Is lost by radiation; i f the air be dry aud in motion, a still larger quantity o f heat becomes latent by the evaporation o f the water excreted by the sweat glands. Thus it la that, under normal condUlons, a rite in the bodily temperature oxutet a flow of blood to theskin, followed bv cooling, A man warmed by exercise and exposed to a current of air rapidly becomes chilled, and perhapsxskiAM T- * .. f a L . . T.. *

npa and — ■«)-^ (U to r j window, and I told hor haw f jr y ofidBoid Ud b« book to juppar In M il an hour. I ’m no giraffe,” ana efory body tn tho courtroom amiled except the ftttoneys

catcuM cold. Loworingof the Uitapora- turn, on tJteo*':r5 band, diminishes the quantity o f blood in tbe tkln, ao that radiation and cunducUon o f beat from the surface are reduced to a minimum. Evap- oration and radiation from tbe internal surface o f the lungs ronatltute another means whereby heat is lost; but for our present purpou It Is unnecessary to do more than notice the fact

The main use o f ciotblng is to protectth e '—*---- *---- " ------*- . . .an <.ftixc- . - - - — HJ wcararti-flclal clothing. Is ao far lea* tavorably situ, aied than the lower animals, who are pro­vided with Buffletent natural covering. This drawback Is, however, more thancounterMapoed _[by the up^rtunitie*

■endeiwhich clothing affords o f rendering tbe wearer comparatively independent o f ei- tcniai circumstances o f climate.

77 ' 1 . araroiM oovuea ofetoSSftroubtoe'

Like CM, reg.,,rice thfr luBt, any tile.........

3 * !''JJ"**""*. r»u. price » « . rialr MattrciA'i, pvtc<*

$4.50................. gReW)

if T ITK- Iirw-w ll.'^...... .e,,.gl9ea0Hmr niR. piic« ............. glA.uoT> 1 \!*^‘.”s?- ......... gw.ooTho C«]ftbrat«d Olainoud Spring, this

oalfe only.................. ...Otheri. hny sijjo. Irom/..'.'. '.'......I Air .SiiA FoathFr IMUuwft,

•4.90•1 up

^worth,|5.................*......... .Lxi» 1i !of MaUroucBs any hiee, ro(f'.


Slaltirrim,i'. ■'

•?.00 •4.00 • a no

HUDk ....eas.vmfjlbrt Mattrywa^^


( hamber 8qil, worthUhamber8iiU, Worth .................Chambpr Suit. »olld oak, tVeiirh plaio

reg.splice $30.fills week for Jtiat................... gvOsOo

Itettur gTDde SiuiA At “

W e can supply Junt such a one as you ueed» ttre ptecest cherry frunies, uphoUteredin tiipcstry,riig orcorduroyt


•S.OQ• 10. BK• 14.00• 10.50 • 1S.00

0During the summer there

is nothing so cool as Mat­

ting. W e have Chinese

and Japanese, Seamless,

Inlaid, Fibre, Cotton and

Linen W arp, at all prices

Aa opporinBlly -hkh iboskl be take* advastag* of by everybody.


Ooe-tliird of Wbolesile CostAoaigwa’i Saltarooma, UK Valfa^HTat*,

(>«. of Market Newark.WoDhodea *^Big Mrike" loet week, wbea

WTeroI tawdJDg wlkuleoale etothier* or New

You Can Buy for the Next Few Days the Following Desirable Summer Goods;

Vt«fk who had loo Doax foo^ oa h i^ at this tleac of UMwoMm, ow were ^Kord Up foe Uoah," t%mt and ut their elovk atrtOkMiiowalir low flforee.

We did KK M«d tbr«o foodo, but beioffio*Troineod<Mud7 4 heap." oiKi of etirh euperior ODoilljraad exeelAeut workiaanehlp. we coold not Ut e«eh od <^ppurtu«Hr P*** hr* We boocht tbe food* for *'8po| (Vb,**o]M |Mdd

: onlijr oo»*founh of Ihe luaaafarturtiif ro » i; ooweeqeeBiif we will erll tbeoi at retail f<Mr (he oexi Ikdaraet SrealeuD the dottor. Aadererjbteoeof rlolhlof meet be eold wiihli that tuae ai IS Molherrr el-cor. ^ M ^ e t

, NewarkTo oocomplMb ihit perpoee v « hav* n t aad

aloe bed deep late ihe price*, eo that tbrlr cheoabOM will aarpriee cvciyooe. TUe lorn pore Koee makca ae waat aad we'lt ml:jrua floe twiaeee aad draee iwiu. (raiMra, cuoU ood veeu, bujre', roethe" aoA ehlldrea't dothiod;, oil klodf of hoi weather rtothlax ai leeeihaawhai tbe lebiT root to Doekeihem. Uorefally reed a few of the priceo, aad reaemher thoi we hcrebT opret to foraMh the fgiwU luctlr Of cheep o« ibrr ere odverileed- Meov Tweed 8prifix^uUa,B4toCjetaea,that

$ '•2 5 k I I W J l $ 2 . 0 0m $1.50.


At Cost

an? aule oJl over towa at fiO and |li. ore offered at If )'eu bad Ihoi iheoe e«iu ore aei c-hcep. or joe ore diaaatl^fled, bria^ them bark aad w$ will retant joar mouej.

Hot Weaibe^ Clotbiax oliaeft ftTeamwar. sum ArabloD Flaaael SammerCuaaaad Veeu for mea osd beyp. worth $ t ol dfar* eleaiBierV eete, Sc. Alpaca I'oaU, i l JO* refolar price Vk Heereocker Uo«t« and \ eete at TSc. Office i>iaikto, Bfhr# flee Silk Mobolr Cnale ai^ Vm Ib, in all cfdoro, cbcckn aad pUUa, ft.M wad |g j^ reel roloe |A ood |7. SUk Alpaca VeeU, worth |hl» at dftr* AIbq Uaea Dwieris IhmU aad Veete.

rin# CUj Dhkfoaal D m i Soiu. tack or n t- mwaja worth |a* for fh-dOi XVc offer ohool M) Ucht Colored Salu, of mixed Cheviot aad ru-maerea. oi U.ID, JAjO, |? aad |h.tQ, worth roe.

‘ |S1 DTirabie Mea'a l^nte forThr. priot and f^ tiaere Paata. I%ht or dork


IHoad (

rejoro, ilsSA tLT5 aad 1L7I. w^b^deahAe. Fine Double* brraelea B lvk CberkM l^lo,

boadiaoiiielj m^v, at |T.n, that other Aorre ^ f a for. EUexoat TYlace Albert* aad UoTetoil Catawaj Kveolax Dree% tstiu, tatia Uaed aad ofrerjflae liuiJN>rted cloth, whole-

Economy often defeats

its own ends. Sometimes

economy is extravaganL

Sometimes not spending

is more expensive than


So in advertising. That

is an economical expense.

In reality it is an invest­


sal* nrICM S3 and |Xl>. sale mira tltltfl.’ Extra pl>rcrB PoatA. over 3DD etylea, ia >ilh Bill-F>eel

lurea, beat caerka eod eiripM aad cords 1 ; ^ St 7$ aad gUf*. rexolar price |5io |A

Briai thit od. wtth joil oikd If ao« ehoi everjiblne bei ‘ cor fare ootb

■lOfeverjiblne here odrertiied cor fare ootb waro. Boye* worth $3i7&s at $1,1*. Boji" Poau, aad

. ehowB IU p«j poor

8cboM Balie,

At 49 cts15 D07FN WA1^*TA, male itn tbefiaent Imported rhambrav, tm piak aad bise coLoriafe, lauadered coIIotb ana CDff$,r«f,|^ee


Reduced to $6.75

, -. „ -_ ,„tr, B<yr*‘ >eat Itoublr-breofited KaifV, fi.m, t l lA worth three llmaa on much. \ oaaf Mea'i Biofle or DoabJev breoetod Cheviot Sqlu, hlo« obd block# at H ffS rcxalor price |KL LWht Colored mere SolU for joatbe, K X L |5 aad $Lm, eooUj worth double* Extra dae D m t Mdufur jv a a f men and bo ji at |A45 aad tT*(ll. ----- -Jlj volttod at tU aad f l f . BKa< b «k

.^Ins Dot eallreit latiMfMtorv ' dajo.

actoollj valued at tU aad flik iB jthi]^ Dot eatlnlj laUtfactory wlihia 1$

Mea'e Hlue FUnoel Salta# $4-40, value $Mi Best Ijkdifo Dje# pore wool, aboolatelj tost (miors (iraad Armj and Shuetsea UiulortaSiiu, for regular price $U aad f U. Une thoueoad ruiU 01 different smda to choowfrom,

HenMiaher. that no other ttore In this MruD* try con oeU joa sucL One clothing for onj b f thuon three litnee three priceo. fie oa band eortf and get first pick* Fveri'bodT living wlthio iUO Tnilee of Newark ohould VMil iKig great tok at once.

Abrigner*«( Sole uf Pioe l^prisg Clot blog, 19S- Ififi Matberrj i|., cor. Market et.* Newark, X. J.

Open Tiatnrdaj night aoUl U o'clock. Dcher evcnlnn autil 5:15* Car fare paid to all oa(<of- townbujeror Uua'i miiw thie sate. Itw tU jw j yoa to come ai once. No poMpoacBMot, Hale (okea place ai 10 M. to-morrow at \ » MuU berrj at-near the ooraer o f Market m., N'ew< ark. N. J - rola or shine* Uonte -eorlj, don't nuaa H If jua wont lo mve moae j.

The vrrj beet goods at ieee tbaa on»-aalf of the prices lhai other storea oak tor coianoa- grode elothing.

In a ten-dollar adver­

tisement, the last two

dollars pay better than

the other e igh t Maybe

an eight-dollar ad would

not pay when a ten-dollar

ad would. Maybe that

extra space is just what

the ad needs to lift it out

o f oblivion— to make it

prominent—-to make it


eDon’t buy more space

than you need, but don’t

buy too little, either.

Better buy too much

than too little. Better

put an eighfdollar adBUlOLgR BEgOKTS.

H a n y o th er lin es o f goods n ot m en tion ed here can be

found on our cou n ters a t G rea tly Reduced P rices.


or.r.AM r.".. w, j .U1

in a ten - dollar space

than to put a ten-dollar

ad in an eight-dollar

space. Q ite way yon are

M O K M O T T T H R O U S E ,mllve below T^nr

Spring Lake Beach, N. J.For tsnna and InfonnatlnB addisai

L. C. M A IsTB Y .UonisoBthHoii*B,Dr Hots!Lsfaystts,PhlU.,Pa.

out only two dollars— the

other way you are out

eight dollars.

W ON-BY-THE-SEA.' r H E B U B W I C K .On the ocean froaL Sea view fmm everv

Addfcee FRED E. FOSTER, Ijbte of Hotel Colaaibia.



Newly and beaatlfaUy foraUbed through- out. Laeqaalled loeaUoQ.^ ________________M. LTND&AY.


Save money on your

advertising i f you can, of

course, but save it in the

right way. Cut o ff the

little leaks — the pro­

grammes, the hills o f

fare, the directories, the

wall charts, the pages in

EASTOR, r * . r n ^ matutsmssl of W. A. Bmora iM nus

at FiftS ATsntH Hsisl. TbU tnilf «an,t,rtai nuHUlsIn rswrt ap«s Joss )X lla*as tjs rs« i« s f : si«scftc itxhtA bi#a sttirads, sraiM) ■r,i,rr Sbs oistiMin Tw» iissn (ttwi Nsw YnrX ssann, ao cSsn* Ibr nmaa TsDU bosM oatv.

■ • A. Kl-Mi.RK, cootliisatat Rotate Nsw Vora


t h e OCEAS HOl'SE

I* BoiT practlrallf a new hotsl, ng » »& * • haviiut been spartd by its ptr«nt owns** to

It * complsto and comfortabls Fsmllr lloloi. Bsssobabls rats#. 1^ # t?-



* ' souvenirs.” Cut them

all o ff and your trade

wont ever feel the differ­

ence. Cut o ff the incon-

Cor. Grand sad f<sventh av#., Korth Asborv rATk.N.J.

FlsauDt rant rnomA flrat-oUst homs-nuds“ - MUMssB *.%*>** utBv-vgaMB lujtuB'iaaQactoking, abode, rblddka from ocoaa. Keoion.

.ablsrats*. OpsnJaosL WT



ISolid Oak ('hilToninier, reg. price 0-Foot Hand HO me Eitenafun

wirih liif:::::.":::::::"•s.vo

l i l lo i, R«9(I anfl Ri IUb. Rockers, froE . . . . ’ J J w

Cbairs. CliairN. Cbatn,Opsn Cane (ksts, from......... J.......... 7lle. qp

M t* IHII ’ 'ortE |£t0. Bl-lfl

Pnt One on Tour Piazza and Take a Little Ooidort In It

Hair f o l l o w . . . ........* Mice P5,.B1#.00

Thss* prlra will unlv huld good until our *• reduced, m wacaunotrupUca

iha gooda at Ui«M prlcvo.

. P5r. RD

i l . C . M c G u n l ^ & C o

Yonr Credit is Cood md Onr Terms "Well, Make Tbem YonmelL

blUo, IbrcMi aad ruunlag biaodca;* with anelMt ttona brldga otM (ha bouRo, prodaclaf tba AncM and jnori aiitactJva actnarr In fCanh JNw>y: tohlt oupplitd with milk, tfga ohle^am ood tiff*- loMaa prodpcfd tn abtmdoaea lh>m tha fknn of uw

59 3 B road S treet.

b'ETHERWOOD. N, J., ppsmJons i, Xj o ^ n from Nsw York. Can-

Hot! OQDvonlent rooort in ths Stats.___________FRANK E. MH-LEft

S I J W S E T H A l t l j ,Aobary Fork^ N* J#

Now open# Baperlor In m r j rotperi Spockol fhM for Jan*. For dvacrlptlv

aad clrcnlav oddroM,Tig ] JOHNBOCILAnCIXERkgONs


Opsns July 1. Terras rsdnosd to flO sad t it Capaollr, a«. No maUrls; no mosqalttwi

aiBnssmsBts. W. X COLEMAN. Miinacw


Is now opas for Bandar-scbool picDlca. Lnrxa laka, rawiiw, flsUnx; a1so.la^ XTovs,wttoiBP.'PIf rBrj*rtlcnl*ra.addr**s W.H. BiuANT, Hex U, Summit, N. J. u

MARINE V ILLA,^ OCEAN OROVE,H. J.,Oor.Ocsansvs.and Broadwaf. * DIrsetIr on tbs Rsach," faotni tbs turf and FIstchsr Lak*.

Lock Boxaa. L. w . Ja c k s o n , iho

t h e g e h .Osaaa Qm #, N. J. Eicsllsnt luoatlrni’,

nna oosan view: nsar bathing gronads ^ tos naw aqdltontim. ls »k box BU,Md H. tt. WOOLBTON. Qowm Otqva, H. J.. XkllghtiiOBa lorga hhodad gronoda# flnt-cliwa table, i^ e r a ta t « n ^ Addreaa liUster Haperlor.

Mlohatl'a VWXa, KogleWDod# N.

Y kroha La r s pickicoroundahaa a ll thavenvenwiwee fht ollUadt of pkjaleairlih alvgailaodaff pavlltfm OMickectad. Sa

gg IK dfi otlowed* IQRAB OOuK. progitotor. «x

Db la w a r r noiiss» ocsajv bsacji- pt-roc^ «m ocNMh: table ejeoflent; t«fma mod-

Stats, rf. btm ol.b. ,ua


Couirriiv BOAftb-i-ABaB rARM.B:ucr«ft br ilw Blu* Hsnnlalra granliJ

sequential papers i f yon

have to, bnt always keep

yonr ad in yon r’ best

papers b ig enough to do

you justice.

Yon 'will always find

that the best papers g ive

you inore for your money

than any other media. I t

costs more in proportion

to produce 500 circulatiov

than to product 5,000.

Don’t think one paper

high priced because the

rate is a dollar an inch

and another one low

priced becanse it is ten

cents an inch.

the .more von:.;:ypay lhr uia

* *cheaper it is. There ate

exceptions, o f course—

thejrprove the rule.

NEWABK JOVfcALNG NKW8, JtJ.1 li. ioy*.

l E lT E R TO T I E IIA T O E .Hit Euex County Dtmocraoy Rtlitvu

ItMlf ot Pen np Ftellsg.


MHirh Purw lf » i l HU Ci>n««iu™ W mt- «d llc ja r L«.hk('arb«r tn <'onUr With Them la tfaniMatlar of l>cna-•rraU to linipat aail Juii llaraau 11* ra ll« I to Thoj I r t Thrir A lign Pai- Mou> U lM -“ l r » • Downright liiiu it,"


Major L«liliu«cb*r‘i «ilmtoUtr«tlaa of imiuirlpnl alTairr aud Iho a]i|kiiuUiirDU bo liu nuuk cam* In for a troat deal uf advon* rritioiuii at a niaottiiK ut tb« Kaotutlr* Com- inltto* of lb* EkMca Umiuty r)o!iiocr*i:j la*t nigbt. The occaalon waa a ■iieclal HMlun uf tha commltteo, called l » lioar tho retiort of lb* C'onunlttea on Couteraju* apinluted early but April, and the l omiuent* on tin- admlnlatrmtioil were iiiml* in relation to an open letter to the Mayor tiiat the colniiiittee aubuiitted and wblcli w*« adopted uunid- niouily. A copy of the lethT **• ordere.1 •eut to the Mayor, to bo rteli»*r«l nut later than ll o'rlork thie morning,

Tyler 1‘aniily oonduoleil the meeting and Toiced the MntlmeuU of hit culleagiiH m hii opening ranarlu.

" VVe bae* come together to-night, geatla- tnen," began Mr. 1‘aruly, “ to hear tiw ye- port of our Cmumlttee on Confereura and to coniidar a letter which the committee baa drafted ami addrened to Jullui A. lj*b- liuecher. We will alto taka ucoaiioD to remind Mr. Lebkuechar of an agreement entered Into by hiuitelf and tbn organiia- tion, tbrougb ila inninuitaa, Juit prior to tha latl election, and to lay before tlie people ot the dty ot Newark our reaiont tor aodoraing tho Republican candidate tor Mayor, Wo alto moan to tlate Jutt how we feel In regard to the condition ot alfairaat tbit time, and to tall tlie truth. The chief rei|uireiuent of the cUIh d , the pnlitldah, the tnccaKful man. It to ba able to tell the truth. Ho, In accord with UroTor Clevelatid'i gruteit laying, ‘ tell the truth,’ we mean to hear the wboia truth and nuthing elia.”

Mr. Parmly than called upon Edward W . Whitehead, chairman ot the CoiumlUee an Conferenoe., fur the repprt of that body. Mr. Vi bitehead outlined tw work uf hit cuiunilt- tee linoe lit appointment, and told how he tn<l bit colleague* bad preparad a letter to Mayor Lebkuechar, which ho then tub- mitted. Th* letter 1* ilgnnl by Edwanl W. Whitehead, Theodore Mead and Ju«eph H. W'ehrle, aim readt at follow*

“ The imoke of pdilical confllet havingIliadtliat

w* ihould now ramlnil you of a'dittinct

cleared away, ll* normal condition,

and the pul.1C mind aaauiii ft it but proper

of a dUtit but!

agretmeul enterad Into betwaaii a oonimlttea m our organliatlon and yourtelf. On tho fifth ot April latt you appeared before nur committae. At that intarrlaw, after a pre- llmluary atateinent bail barn made to you that the Biuwi County Democracy did Dot

niembere b) office, nor uid wo detiro you to contribute inoney for onr ute, the following quetiiout were propounded to you:

“ One—' It elected Mayor will you appoint to olBoe any one identlllM with tn* riug now In coutrol f Vour antwer wan, ' i will nut.’

" Two—’ When Damocrata are to bo te- lucted will you confar witli thisi comniittee tkdor* inch appointuienta are niude ?’ Y our aiitwer wat, ' I will.’

“ U|ion ihi ttreuglh of those pledge*. Mr. lAbkuBcher, you were endoneil by the Esse* County Democracy for the ulilce of .dayor. Our part of the agceemeiit hat K -j most cunadentioutly kept; youra bat not. A t no time hM tbiH ory^iimitioa tulkitel juu tor olflooi nor h«« auj ipUivIdiaJ m io b v Mk«d }'ou to appoiot blitu»It or utbara lo plaoa.

" It iUM*«ptibla af proof that certain ap- iiOintDMDtft loade by you wi»ramad« at the LeboMt of tba and It ta tha boaat ufthaaa comptiouUU that they aitocaaded in working tbair mati ia. ' rotitlca uiake atraiige bed fellows.’ Tina has oiaarly demooftratad during your abort ancunv Ujucy. Men hare tmu appointed to otUce who haffl no qu&liflcmtiou wlmtevar for tbtt dutiti tbay are called uwn to perforrei, and it wUl be wall for aomeuf them if tliajtaader tbelr realfnatloB atouca

W « are now i umfluced that what you atatod at the interview with our coimuitlM was limply aQante>electiou pn>uila0 to curry favor aiul securo our lupporl. Whatever view you may take of such (^ducls wo charge it to be a violation of a aarreil pledge. You stand today, «ir, bafora the people of ]S ewark euiky of iroao xery.

We ,pin with the respectable element of yonr own party in t^ndemDatkMi of your ac* tlon since you have bem in o^ce aoLl relegate you to the company of that dais of aiiTaU |>oljUclaiu who know nothing aud cunaider nothing save pereonal iD « est.’'

After the letter had been read Theoc'ore Mead said that iu the face of the fair and opeu manner In which the aote-elecUou con­ference had been conducted he was at a loss to uuderstand by what sophistry the Mayor would excuse himself. Mr. Mead deciarei In favor of eeuding the letter at once. *

Joseph U. Wehrie referred to the inter­view between Mayor Ijebkuecher and the cummittee, and ileclared that the Hepublicau cKhdidate warn given diaiiuctly to undemtaud that the £ieex Coutity Ueiuocracr wanted uo othcea iKtf favors at bis bands, but simply wanted to know whether he would‘ 'carry out the views of the party in regard to the war against the ring."

Mr. Wehrie then gave way to Edward W. 'Whitehead, who spoke oC the obJecU of the orgauiuLttou aud of the perl it has taken in the recent campatgiia

“ We have been for three years fighting the most ctirrujxt ring that ever any city haii in control. We cojiKldered the uomluation of James M. tieytnour a strong one. Mr. Seymour was, aud Is, the personal friend of almost: every member of this connulttee, and we thought much of binu But we did not cuttou to the gang that wasbehind bis nomination. Wa called upon the two canduatee for a conference anil asked them uueetlous In regard to their course if elected. Ideymour dodged tbs iuus, but Lebkuecbvr came ami inaEle promisee In re­gard to hU course. He said that where Demo- crats were to be appointed bo would confer with us. We told, him iliitinctly that we wauled no olflcta nor any of his or bis partj^s money but that we were afraid that tho old

" ring would attempt todictate appoiatments. A qu bo it transpired. At least two nomi- Dttions, we have i*easQii to believe, were ntade by him at the diotation of tho nag, and we will presently detUAnd the reaigna* tlouB of at least two of his appointees.

** Let a man have the truth on bii side and be needn't be afraid of the devil. Ho letter that we can write can bo severe euougb ’ aaid Michael (j lark.

The niesiliig closed with the election of Henry D. Russell as a member of the Execu­tive Oommlttee.

The letter was delivered at the Mayor’s ofOoe early this morning, but it remained unopened until after 12 o'clock. On reading Ih Mayor Lebkaecher remarked tg a Hkwb reporter:

' ’ This is a downright insult That U all 1 bave to say about it now, but 1 will reply to It later. **

</ on odHiertUrjnenl d$peruU upon tM nitmberafpeopt* uAo read h, topiet theKS Wa ate eotd evtrii dtry. lime* Uiat nat f iHHjpU read (Ac paper every day,


FAILED TO APPEAR.Ballrond RrpreerTitaUvre Not at ( ounrll's

Fltiaaoe ( ‘uraoiltle* Mrrtliia—Salary larrease aiid Ap|»>lntaiaai.

The members of Comnimi Cmmcirt Tom- nilitaa ou Kioanw Wi-r* illwi(ipolDUHi ywtar day aflariinon at tho falluro » f tliu ropn-ioii- hiti.o. at thu I’aiinaylvania aud Lohigli '.'alloy railtoail. to aitpi-ar bafoi-e Ihtiii lu rmanilo tho ill(f*r»u «* l»-twreii thiiL'ili and th« rallruail* aa to tb* tnuiiay I'laiiiml to I* line th* fornwr for the Ta.-atluii of .treeU in the old Kourtemitb Ward, lii *iitli'l(*- tion of a leUleiiieut of tlio loiiK-.tandluq claliiia all tha meinbart of Uie iHjtmiiiltM were jire«nt. Mayor I.ibkuet her and City Coiiuael Ulker wtra alao on liaiid. The rail, road rOHipaule*’ repreaontatlrM bad lawn uotifleil toaltriid tlia pieetim, luit they did not even wuil axetmea aiplalmiig Ihalr uou- appearauc*.

City Treaaurcr Arbiicklo iietilloneil lli* «)ininltt«B to liirteaie th* lalary of Ckrk Kully in hi* olliro frotuf l,®ld h> |l,.’aiO. Mr. Arhuckle explained the dutUa of hii aj«l»lr ant, ahk-h, h. aaiiU «o r* ariluoo. aud e«- tallad Riwat rrepouaibllity. The elerC* lahont, ha ealiL ware uu'rea.wt i M iitly un­der the uaw law. Alilarinan Harridan I'hamplouiAl Hie derk’a oau>e and wanted the iin:ra*a, eran'.ed. He »*aomwwHlby Aider- man Sutusby. who contended tlial It wim bad iiollcy hi lin-reu«> Mlariea at Die prc.Piit time, when the Indication* wore that the city would need all tha monay it could .pare for tha I’oor and Aim* t.'oouiiiltaa duriu* the coming winter. . ,

The queatloB of econoiriT wai boltij de­bated when Trea.uier Arbuekle broke lu aud, after tclllBg bow juat the Im-rewe would be, tald:

“ Can you not taka tb* amount off ray aalary and put It on to hi* f

Tb* i-onuuitta* would nut liatau to thie augiatUon aud auBlIy ooiiiuromlaail by In- creoaiuK the cierk'a aalary to ll.dSU, Akler- man Htalnaby vntiujC aye with the other.. ThtnCbarle. W. VVlrl* waa ap|ioint»d an additional dark la th* treoaurer'a uffli.D at tb* rate uf tl,UU> a year. It n a* tald that th* a|i[«intment waa mode nece«ary mnler tb* new opkr of paying off, and Hr. Wirti’a dutl« wlU b* to writ* up tha pay rolb.

The Mayor w*. asked to eiecuta a lieail timnafarrlng a ploc* of projwrty m, War­wick itnet to Inaballa A. MailleM. Thit ii tha flrat oat* whar* tb* oity hat told prop­erly purchaaftl under tb* Martin act. f ’lty Counatl Hlkar wo* aaked for on opinlnn, and he repiltd tliat tha city had the right to wil If th* irtlliiig prlou covarad all clanu. agaliiat the jiroperty.

Mayor lehkuechcr asked that Prank H. Clark't name bo pltD.-ed on tha pay roll ai atenographer to tho Mayor, at a imlary of tUS per month. The roqueat led to tome giKsl-oatui'ed badinage at the Mayor’a ax- iwime, Alderman Btalnaby asking It they could not tot* on it, and than inquiring under what authority the at#uiuDueut wa. mad*. The Mayor re lied that the young loan’a Mrcicea wore alio used by tho legal deportnieiit,

William Ward, of 87 Proepeot atreet, oaknd that he be allowed cumpeuaation for hie daughter'a clothing, which bod been do- atroyed. Tho writer explained that bli little girl fell Into a aewtr basiu that waa out of repair, at th* corner uf Walnut .tnwt and Railroad atenuB, laat Saturday afternoon. The City Counsel will pose upon the claim.

City Export Howaou rwimi-teit that he bad ♦xnminod the hooka of the Comptroller's office for th* year ended Dwotuber dl, ISlIli, and found them correct. The amount of money that iiasaed through tho Complroller'e baud* was NkWe.T.’ l.W. Mr. Hewson sug­gested that a aoparate liook bo procured to keep track uf mhu-oltoneoua income*. An­drew K. Brady, who has been connecleil with ihe Comptrollar’a department, wat transferred to the Auditor’s office at Mr. Runyon's requeet.

There was some talk about the abwnce of the railroad iwople, aud Chairman Hmith, Alderman Htaluahy and Uobert Rchlegsl ware appointed a committee to exhaust erory effort to have the geutlemen meet the committee to-day.


WHO RUNS VAILSBURO?Th# Hayur'a reiiraa Qne.tliioed In the

Council Meatlng-Alrirrmen !>*- elocMl On. of <1 rtlar.

Whau the raiautsa hod h*e« itiapcoad of at tha meeting of tho Comnun Council of Vaila- burg U.t idglit. Mayor MaylMkom rap:>rt*<l that he ba<l .uspendsd Hpeciot Offiiwr John Weltlier from duly last Huuilky for bahaTtiw unbecoming an oili.er, hut that he hod fouml niiii on duty on the Fourth In apit* of the aus)i*nslan. In explanation Alderman Hmith said that he thonght the Mayor had taken the power out of Ihe liaiida of the Polb’e C.nnmlUce, of which he woi a member, and that he did not think tlie eommittee ought to be entirely lgnure<l lu the matter.

The Mayor rulail Ur. hmith out of order, but later on in the iiits<ti!ig, when th* report of the I’oiic* Cimmiltte* wa* recelTed, be lilted tliat he had siiiijilv lUma what he be- llereil D> Is- his duty IM Ihe matt*r, and that had he fullH to do ml he would liare beeu ncglis-tlog that duty.

Alderman .N’agi-1, chalriiian of th# folic* Coiiiinlitat, Bail] that Word hail come to hi* ears that tb* Mayor bad told th* offleereof the borough to lake orient frum no on* but him Ithe .Mayoi'i. The latlur atatwi that he hail never givaii orders to sny on* to fgiiur* any of the mcmljeri of the Council.

■' Hut w* have heard ai, anil the officer* piTienr," uhl Alderman Hmith, “ to

s hare the inattnr out here.'''This matter come, up uuiler the heoil of

miscellaneous businesi, lu yuu are out of onler,’ ’ sahl the Mayor,

There tue matter ilrup|ied. Welaher offered Ida reeiguatloo, which was accepted.

Tha clerk reported that then were two license fees due the iHirouah for saloons, liorough Counsel Tim .thy E. Hcalea sent in a writteu opinion in relation to the publish­ing uf ordluancea. Tlie Committee on Legal t ueatloDS wantofi to know who hod author- Ixed the counael to give a written opinion on this niattor, ami the Mayor atateu that h* had dune so, os he liad deemed the iiiatbij- oue ot much iiiipurtani-e. After imicb dl»- cuHlon tue upiniuii was reiwived and * reso- liitiiiD iJupted making th* South Orange ifullefin the nfficml paper of tho borough. A resoluDou was also adopted that hereafter the couuBul give no written opinions except when ordereil to do to by the Committsw on liegal (Questions.

The CommitUsi on Htreet* and Highway* report ad that the work of tilling up the lot* on Huutb Urauge aveuue hail bean completed In a very satisfactory niauner. The i.’oni- milteo on laiiqis re)siiieil that in its opinion the present system of lighting should here talneil, os the ciimiuittee had aaceriained that arc lights would lie too eipeiiuTa. and that no biili had been received.

The Comiuiltee uu Water reported that it was in conmiimicatioii with the Common­wealth Water Coiiqsiuy in reganl to an offer to furnish water on an'ciclusive contract tor Rfteen or twenty years.

The Mayor suieil that he found ha waa to error in tppidntiug a Koarii of Health at the last meeting, a* the law states that an ordl naiic* iiiuat lie pas-ni to that effect. Mr. Asi'henliaoh preseuteil an ordiuonc* creating a Hoard ut Hoaltb.

The following ordinance* were poaxod: Re­specting dog tax; i.Teatliig tne ollli-e of Bor­ough Engiuour; to provant the dumping uf garbage. The following reaulutiona were adopted; Making sp«-ial utlirara' salary ..V> per (lay; to advertise fur 1,0U0 feet of ma­cadam. The Collsetor was Instructed to nutke a mouthiy repirt in the future, Theo­dore W. Hail was se1ecta(l as special officer to fill tha vacancy caused by the reaignatiou uf John Welaher.

Before the meetiug adjournad the Mayor called the attention of the Council to the matter of public*parks and to the fact that


Articles at Cost Articles Below Cost.Articles at H a lf Cost Articles at LessTliaD Half Cost Articles at Yonr Price.



V U S D E S m .(jaa lit j PreserYed, PositlYB Sacrifices. BoDi-fide Offers.No Sabstitutioiis.Goods P la lD lj M ark e l All Prices SpeclaL


==Alteration Sale==Is marked by the attendance of people from longr distances as well as from every por­

tion of this city, and every customer is our advertiser, for none ever before sav such bargains. W e give here another little sample list oi prices;

S iA

Oar $00 Parlor Saits, Onr $35 Ctmnbsr Suits, Onr $36 Sideboards, •


BItvsto Us Looked Up juiil Plans ObtsioAil at li-Tlngtckti-'Tractlon's CoRtract#

Wbetbsr it would better to build k oow Town lUll, or simplr ftrcct a flrs bsU, w»i dlf(cu.s&ed at luaxtb at lost night's meettDjf of the board of Villaga Tnutess at lrvin|{toD. TruatM Adams urgsd immediate action, if the buord would adopt the Town Hall ■eheae he would support but If It ibonld Bot adopt the scheme be thought shoutd provide a home for Ibe tlrsuieu at iiuee. He ■ubmitteda plan, which provided for the erection of A buildiniff aud the purchoso gf apparatus at a cost of SIS, FilX) of which was Aet aside for a ho«a carriage, H50 Yor 4 kook-ond-ladder wagon* |5dO for hose, |50U for a lot and thfiOU for a building. He pro­posed to iieue Are bonds for 1500 each, which, together with the 11*000 per year now raised for fire purposes, would defray the cost

The Fire Comraittoe was instmeted to view sites aud obtain plans and submit them at the next meeting of the board.

Tbe Traction coatract and Mr Young’s refusal to sifn for the Consolidated Comnuv* ami his prupossl to get the ^ew Jenwy Traction Couipany to sit^, were talked over. Mr. Heoillev itoid that.wiUi that contiaet the village would be no batter off than It is now. It was detHded to notify tue Township Com- mittM that the board was of opiuioa that no frauebiee ibould be given until the contract be sifroed by the Consolidated Company.

Wuitam Laird and Joiues Maitland were elected luemlMirs of the board of Health, Charles Hweeser wat< apiKiinted a special officer. An ordiDance for Uie laying of a sidewalk on EUxabeth itrvet was read a first and secniul time and ordered postod, Tbe Water Committee reported that water had beeu turued on, and that there was a full pressure. Thirty-eight hydrants bod been placed end 12,400 feet of pipe laid. Petitions for water ware rveeired trom Park oml Lin­coln placss.

P. Itellly, of Orange, was awarded the eontraATi for laying sidewalks at these fig­ures: Crusswalks, cents per lineal foot; sidewalks, lo cents per square foot; oobtle walks, 65 cents per square foot It was de­cided to lay crosswalks on Clinton avenue at tbe interswriion of Colt Grove and Twenty- second streetit, and at Myrtle and BpringfleM avenues. * Lishte were ordered placed on Elmwood, Uok, Maple* Chester and Lyon avenues.

4V. Hllk Htriped FiaDnel, now at. ..........av-. Wlk Ktrlued Flannel, now a (............ tnt

Uullng Flannel, now' at.................... Ihriiv. imilna Flannel, now M.....................Wr

Outiog Fiaiiuel. now at.................... ■i l.iin Wliilo itetl Hpreode, now at..............JAo

l.ai While Ih'd isjrrAds, uow e l........... ***«•

2.JU WhluCotloik-lllied bed Com(urt«,a«w St.................... ••*05

1 .16 White Cotton-fllied bed Comforlt,now^l.............................. •1*90

Sl.m ^vhlie <'atton>fUled bed Coiuforts.9l’ 7<ILUI Hwl i 'omforts. nt'w at.................... . 75c*H(\ tirvM Glmfbams. now at........... .........]%•- l>reM Qingbanxe, now at......................Or

DrtM (llUKhams. now at...................Ijfc. and ITio. French rercalos. now at.........UrA’, Indigo blue Calico, the best now at..... 4e2>V*. Krtmoh Naline, now at...................... 49r•k-. Frrncii Hatioe. now at...................... 14oIBc, Frsnch ? aiinc, uow at...*,,..*....*..• •ftk’. Wool Chailles. now at......................15(’. Wool t'baUte*. now at............. ..9e2A(!. and ISc. ( ’ollon Duck, now at... ......

and 15c. Figured Igawn, uow at........... lOo

Park Corainissiuii bod been appointed with % belt f |>ert

tbrougb filoomlWld, Monlclair, and along the

the view uf Mtablisbing a run from the northiriy

Une pork to of Newark,

ridge of tbe rnoutitaiu through. Houtb Or- auge. Tbe Mayor railed attention to the fact that tbe propcjoed ]«rk should be extended through VaiUburg, and be advised that a comiiutiev be appointed with that idea in view, A motion was carried to that effect, and the Major named Aldermen Aschenboch and Hmith.


Want to Be B*U*v*4 of^** Obll(i.tIaB,but Sea ao Way Ont af It,

Andravr Harth, Tlionuia Junta *a.l Niobota* Boyla, tho bonrtkinon for Tax CoUoctor Uaoi^ Clark, of Milibarn, ars aaid to be in an uneasy suts of mind regarding tliair posl- tion, and hare requested th* Township Com­mittee to reliera thorn of their ob^gatlou. Tbe bondsmen, it Is utainwd, bave no doubt ot Mr. Clark’s bonaaly and ability, as b* baa bold tba poalUon -beturo and dlselfiirged the duDes In a very creditable manner.

This year, bowever, owing to tba inoraase of nearly 110,000 in th* laseasments for th* drainage expenaea, tbe Collecur’t bond was luoroased from *8,000 to*l!i,00'J. Since tak­ing tha obligation tbe boudsmen have In­formed th* oomralttea that they did not nii- deratand that ^ay would each ba held ro-

ble tor the amount of tba bond. 'When thh - coihmlttee .^ d weregraot their request

unites CoUeotor Clark should reslgu. The bundsmiMi than took Mr. Clark before the eommittee. Th* Collector was askad what ha Intended to do. He npUed; ’ ’ OenUe- men, I gveat ru stay ]ust wbers I am.”

The boudaraan ware then informed that their only n fo rt waa to bring suit agaimit th* Collactor in the Chanoery Court for mls- represeqtation, providing thay should have any grounds tor such a suit, but such aelioii would necessltBte oontldsrable axpnsa, aud a settlement might not be reuobsd before tbe expiration at Collactor Clark’s term next April,

A meinbar of the Y'owit Committee said to­day that when the bond was accepted the obUgetlona were thorovghly explained to the bondamoa. Tlie nnamltfaSB wlR meet ag*l>l to-Dlgbt, but it ba* inforjatad tha boadamea that It la unaihte to raUm. them uttlen Mr. CMtknMgm,


Greet Prcparatlans Delug Made for the Hrotliig et Asbury Park.

Great preparaDona are being made by tho Asbury Dark wheclmou for tUolr lutdsum- mur meet on Friday and Haturday of bait w «k. Th# New Jersey Division ot the League of American Wheelunon and tbs Ruing Board ot the Laague ut Ainarican Whoelinen are Intereated in making this meat tbe must Important in tbeolnmlt in which Asbury Park is placed, Fred J. Kerr, of 8tT Brood street, Newark, has Is­sued a letter to the captains of bioycle clubs calling their attention to the meet. Ho says the league meet next year should ba held there

Tbe programme for tb* two days b as foUowi; July Id, 8 A. M., meelfugofthe Executive Committee of tbe New Jersey Division, L. A. JV’ ., la the parlors of tbs Ocean Hotel; 10 A. M., regular meeting of ™ delegate* of the New Jersey division of ue L. A. W. In the ballroom of the Oeean Hotel; 2;80 P. M., races on the ground* of the Asbury Park Wbaelmeo; night, carnival on the lake and bon at the hotels; July U, 11 A. M., parade; 3:80 F. M., races on the


Counsel rrice ‘0 0|>1utonK—Crackad fiton* Contract—A (iavtoRHcheuiee

Township CouaKi Lolonel E. L, Pri**ft preoeptad a batch of optniom to tbe South Urango To^jiuhip Commitl^ lott nigbt. He rciKjrted that bock Uxei ooold be collerted in Vaiiiburg if levied before tbe creation of a boroujfh; that the fact that only 11,000 woi voted for towQithip purpoMs at the loet eleo- tioD did pot 4ie expenioi, bu Umitedtbe omouat of Uxw to be raised for that year; that if the committee voted to expend any money over the $1,0UQ appropriation It woe not liable to indiclmept, aud that the manner which hack taxes should be cal- lected IS prescribed by statute.

t'halrinaa Foyle reported that tbe tee hod no power to appoint comtablee tn Maplewood, uttlcu men would volunteer to act without feet. In regard to tbe com- pioiotM of Maplewood citiseus c-onoeraiax tbe runoiOK of I'aUte i t large, Mr. Foyle repurt- ed that that tiueetlon waa covered by a Htate law. Clerk uiborue reported that be woe enforcing the law lu regortl to refitterinK dogs. The clerk was Irkstructed to have signs printed warning bicycleri to keep off the sidewalks in the township.

Collector Burgbordt's report ihowe<3 the following balances: Mchool account, general account, tA162.91. The report also showed that 4747.45 had been collected for licensee. Tbe clerk wot instructed to onler Mrs. Zimmers* of Hilton, to pay her saloon license or her licenfla would be revoked by August 1.

John O'Rourke offered to supply the town­ship with cracked stone at the quarry for ni&etV'flve ceuts per ton* and C. A. Light- hipe « Sons bid $1, Tbs latter were award­ed the contract. On motion of Mr. 3 «(‘ker it was voted to pay the different rood over­seers tbe following prie« per ton for cart­ing cracked stone: No. 7, sixty ceuts; No. IL forty-five cent«; No. 4, fifty-five cents; No. 6, forty cents; No. tt, forty-five « ente; No, 7, forty-five cents tn Maplewooti and seventy-five cents north of Boulh Orange avenue. The scheme, which was conoocteJ by the Democratic membera* waa heartily indonwd by Mwsrs. Bnufa end Crowell, the R»pnbllcan members. Its adoption meaua a large saving to the township ovsr previous jeart.

A apace of road In Maplewood avenue, about 1,090 feet, was ordered transferred from jrood district No, 6 to No. 7. The yues- tion as to whether tbe July licenses in \ ails- burg should be paid to Bouth Orange or Valhiburg was referred to Couiiaet.

A t the meetlUK of tbelownehip.^ard of Health Dr. Hebliertati reported that there exivt^ in the township one case of diph­theria. He also re{H)rtM that the dumping of night Mil on the Mouth Orange MouuUiu bid beau dtscontinusd.

Buttercup Soap, reg. lOc.* new 7r.Uabeikin ik>ap. r«g. 18c., now 14c* pear's Soap* reg. I3c., now Uc. tVoodburv’s Fac ial reg now l*e* Cutlcura Soap. reji. ISc. uow Ue.Balsam Fir Soap, with book uf line photos, reg.

tHk., now lOr.Ljon's Carbolic or Sulphur Soap, reg. lOc*, now

7b,Metmeu's Talcum I*owder, reg, 15c., now

lie .Sheffield's Cream Henllfrlce, reg. IQc., now

11c.Vaiiellne or Petroleum Jellj, reg. 0c„ now 3c. Soxodont, peg. 49c.. now 39c.TapiMn's Swan-Uuwn* reg. lUc., now 7e, Hunnul‘'s Perfumes, with bottle, reg.45c.* now

• le. os.5 os. Toilet Waturs, reg. 91JS5 and fl.63*

now 69r.eAlmond Meal, reg* 3&c. and 45c., now

15c, and 99e.Fgg Shampoo and Egg Julep* reg 69c.,

now 39c.Tooili Fowder, rM. 25r., now lie .

Bar Rum and Florida wsler, reg. Sm „ now19r,

Tooth Bruehee, reg. IQc, and ISo now 7c.lUg. JHk:. and Aic., bow 19c.

Kubber Drveslng Combe* reg. iSfc, to 49r., now •5r.

Atomisere, reg. B9c, and S4c.. new 49e.Evrrrthlng else reduced except restricted


Our Z9c. Moeltu Krtilei, 8 qt,, for Mr. oarh. Our :i5c. Maelln KetOrH* iqt., for 17«. each. Our ;»p. Mulln KtUlee, Iqt., for I9r, oorh. Our 4Qc. MaeJin Kettles, aqt., for 430, eaoh. Our iWo. Moalla Kattlea, 5 qi., for sach. OurrtAc. Maalio Ketttea* 10qt., for 33e.aarli. Onr •ic. Maetln Ketliw, 13 qt., for 37e, each* Our Much tiruuud Buts or Kettles, 91b.

raw'll.Our Tduch Orotmd Rota or Keltlea, 95r,

eai h.Our Ainch OroQod Pots or Kettles, 89r.

ea<’h.Our 9-li)('h Ground Pots or Kettles, 37o.

eaeli.Our iwiuch (Ironnd SDldent. lOe. each.Uur 7-iU('h Ground Spiders, i Ic. aach.Our s-luch <i Fund Spidsra, 14c. «ach.Our No, 1 tiround Scotch Bowie, 14c. each. Our No. SOruund Scotch B»wU, 10c* each* Our No. HGround Scotch Bowls, IHc. each. Our Iwc. Usivnoised Tjea Kettles, fl lu., 4'tc.

each.f)ur (Salraqlsed Tea Kettles* 7 in., 45c.

eat ll.ourCWc, (iatvonlMd Tea Kattles. 8 lu., 4Uc.

«arh.Our |l.t9 Mrs. Polts'e Pollehed tmus, 93r.

act.Our 5119 Sensible Irons, nickel plated. fl9c*

set.Our t)rlpplng Pans, sheet Iron, any sise. Hr.

each.Uur fl.a Dattlmore KuoiitlDf Pane, 69c.

aildnxfln Men's and laid lei'Fine All-ftltk Tet-k and Fouf-ln-Hand Scarfs, including the iMipular revoreible end WAiliable Ohlna silk four-ln-Uauda, regular :So* to Oh',, Alteration Kale Price

19 cents.Mrn'a X.60D Linen Collatii* retnlu' Ifie., Sole

Pricel O eciitM,

Cuffs, regular SHc„ Sale Price

10 ceuts.Al Qualltr Cuffs, IJOO Ilu^n, rafular Ihc.,

Hals ITlue

lO c . pale.

Gamer's Heat Percale ShlrU, with two de* toi-had collars and t«lr cufft* soft or Isu&dsreil iKMom. includlna the Reliable" make, regn* lar 11.35* alleratluD sale price*

95c.Garnar'f Percale Negligee Shirts, light blw

rhecka and strips, illgutry diacolored in Isnil devluf, regular we., to-morrow*

49c.One to each cnslcmer only.

All oqr Heat Oxford aed Madras hlgbifaAa Negligee Shirtaregnlar fH.ikta 9 L « ^ prtce,


liOdlfB' White Linen ('hrmUettei, manufao- turer's secunda, regular >5c. to 45c*, Hale Price

15c. eaoh.Fanry Cbambray OhemiieUei, with turn*

bauk cuffs to match, regular 09c. to 76o„

•9 cents.Isadlra* All-Linen \t'h1te RtaodlUf rnllmrs,

regular HBic., Hale Price

5 eents.

Men'a Fine BalhriggaD Mhirtf end Drawers, pearl Huttons on ablrCa, supporlenen draweni value 8fk:., alteration sale price,

25c. each.Men's fine Hummer Merino Hhiiie end

Drawers* slight aeoouda of 60c* goods, altera­tion sale price,

35c., 3 for $1.Men's Dause Hhirts, long or short sleeTea

olleretioD sale pries.

25c.Basement fniods Almost Hawed In H alf-

Prices lisuimered and Hcrewed Down.

Our 29n. Solid Sled Hammers for f lo ,Our ’9(' Srdid Steel Tlanitncra for 990.Uur ilk*. Solid Steel Hammers for BOo.Uur iV. Shlugllug HaWbett, 39e*

TbflM Are Wormutod Best BtgeL

MalUahls Iron Rakes, any sloe* regular 19c., tv.. ^c„ mtc..nc. each.

(Hk'. D Handle Shovels or Spsutos* solid shank* 41e. eaeh.

48c. D Randle 14(iades, solid shank, 3S«* each.

10c. Pcrewdiivera, 7c, each.Our 88u. Family Urindstuoes, 69o. each*

H o s nMen's Finest Two-tbread Maro Varn Tan

Half Hose* high apllced heel, double toes and soles, reg. ^e, Alteration Bale Prios 16e. pair.

Men's Extra Two-thread Fast Black Half Hose, reg. 19c., Alteration Sale Price IXHe.

Extra Quality Mixed ISlic*, AKeratlon Sale

Men's Fiae Gauge fcamless Rocks, reg. PHoe luo*

SMclannt“ Hehonper"(fnll regular mode) roblearhcd Rlbl>ea Bocks and Mixed Heam- IcM Sucks, reg. lOo. and Bole Price 7c*pair.


FMegeiit Plaited Waist* Freofli sHlIneN,, ■tandlnjc shuuUlai', reg. 91.S5, Bole Pi

of light colored collar, ruffie over

'rice 49c*

OdiU and Ends In Oombrir, Fancy and Hnlr Liiin I'i'i-L-iile; also White Lawn Waists, reg. 41k'. to 75c., t: le Price tSo.

One lot Navy Blue and Cardinal India Bilk Wnist . various styles, were to |5.lKf, Balg Price •1.98-

l^ n dB of the Asbury Fork M'beeitnen* During; that day tb«r« wiU «Mo be runs to

Branch*ing that da;


A New Ghnreli for Kast Orange*■^e Bwedlih Free Congregational Church

of Kast Orange irtnaking etr^naoui offorts to git a church building. The oongregatlou now worships in the lecture-room^ Iriflity CongrefiaUouat Church* Harrison street. A C«,U9U lot hoe boon purchased in Ashland avenue* l>etweeQ Main and William streets* and the last payment of 1875 has been mode. RH proposed tu expend about 13,000 for a cb\vch and the plans show a very neat and well-arranged edlfioe* The cougregatlon counts on reoetving $LW from each of fifteen churches m the Orauges and a number of

Is treasurer of the huffing fund* is a pVoml- miwuitteo ^ yonffreifatloma



Boys Make Their Way Out of lb* Irvington Lookup*

XrtingtoD bod a partial jail delivery lost night* amt the oocurreiioels furulshiug lots of omusaineut for the vUlagers* who have for a long time ridiculed what is called the "over­grown drygoods box" that serves aa a bos- tile. Yesterday afUrUDon Officers Bpend- love, Williamson and Breuner brought eight youths, whose ages ranged from ten to twenty years, to the village and lodged them in tbe lockup. They were charged with stealing fruit from the premises of Dr. J osepb Ward* at Lyons Forma.

About a oaunle of hours later the officers thought they would see how their chargee were babaving themselves, and opened t ^ lockup door. To their astonishment the numt«r hod dwindled to six. The door hod not been pushed open, neither hod the roof been pushed off* os on the occasion of the last delYvery. When Justice Mayfield held hit inquiry. It developed that tbe two lads, who were slim in build* had crawled through the favi over tbe window, Th? Juetioe dis­charged four of the lads, and finod the other two 91 each and coats.

"'IAssorted atylesof Pearl Buttons, regular IQr.

ami 15c.. uuw 5c* dux.F'ancy Pearl Hutlons, regular 18c. to L6c.,

now 19c. dos.Flue Pllvcted Buckles, regular lie. to 19c.

Styles, now 9c.Fine Kllvered Buckles, regular iiSc* to 88a,

now 19c.Fine Silvered UuckUs, refular 89c. to 48o.,

now 35clAdies* Silk Balts, regular 69o. and 89c*, now

49c.liodles'Bilk Belte* regular 7&o*to S9c*, nc

69c.Metal Belts* regular 49r. to 88c., row lOe.Ladles' Leather Belts, regular 85c* to 69o*,

now l9oaEverything else reduced.

Trunks worth |*LA0, •f.49, • Pauviif Trunk worth 1ft. •8.M .Zinc Trunk worth I ,•6.1Grain Leather Clnb Bog, worth ll.Sft. tie* Grain Leather Extra Ueavy Bag, worth ftti

• 1.70.Atllifslnr Bag, worth |8*85, •1.67. Wllmwware haskeu* all reduced*Extra Inducenaente In Parasola.ExtrrTaffaFace:

ffats mik. worth |4* •I.49.lirtkH,I m

y CXwohtBff, worth , .Beet Quality Bilk Bun L mbrella, worth |A

•1.96.Ladles' MaeklntoflUes and Ftomi Coats, ow

regular 88, •7.98; onr regulv |0JO, H .M i our regular |4, •6.9S.

Our 89c. liSdlei' Knox Trimmed Railor HaU, white and nary blue, only 30c*

All other Hals reduced.

WicMir A Newton's Oil Colors* regular To., DOW 6c* tube.

La ('rolx China Colors, regular lie. and lie., DOW 9c. and 19c.

Japanff^e Gold Paint, regular I8c., now 19o.Goldengloss (iold Paint, regular 86c., now

loe.All Brushes reduoad 90 per cent. Every-

thing else reduced*

irge ssBortmeat nf Bolld Bllvsr, Gold,ed sad lis^ fihell Hair Pins* In all lateetPlali

designs, and sold regularly July sale price will be

^nsijnal] I at no. to 14.86,

35c. to 12.98.Mournin, J.w.try In iraat variety.

Pin*. Drop *nd Hcrew Ear-i' " — and Stud Hutlons, Stick P Real Onyx mounted on solid from |l.W to 95.88, aale price

real voriery. Loot sr-Hnge. Cuff, Uni Pina* Fob rhaioi,

lulld gold, regular

98& to $3.49.

TwsntPatent L raiee ot todies' Gtaaed DongoU

ather Tip Oxford Ties, all sbci,raire of

ip ____ - - .........tlumiiju>il» uf pairs have boeu sold at Mki.murruw wa place them ou tale for

57c. per pair.IjRillc*’ F'arls Kid Hand-Sewed Bluchnr Pul

Oxfunl Ties. This la as fine a ahoe an i^madc, sihI we liave always sold them at 83.47* (u* ujurruw we cut them Just to

W*.47aRaving you f 1 a pair.

Ijidiea' Tan-Colnrod Goat and Dlagiioal KM patent Leather Tip Oxford Ties, regular gr>oda* fur


TOPlckl* rorkijregular 85c.* for.............. .

140 Pugar Tongs,regular 98c., for..... ........

Pllvarwar* sultabls for Wedding Preaents at HALF PRICE to clone out ihe lines. Half price itema;8b.mi articles.*......................




fl.OO articlesfor............................... .

, /4 cts 59cts


$1.00 50 cts

And so on through the list*

IrolUUoQ Onyx, from 10«. to •1.46*

fin) Decorated lAmps, double burner, regnlal 82.2.5, sale price

81 .R{).S47 Metal Table Lamiw, regular 81.88, sale


too Finest Table Lamps at

H a l f P r i c o .

Big eut In Banquet and Plaao Lampt of ayury kind.

minus' and ChUdrea’s Bprlniiliscl Oitorq Ties,

WiM, !1 to 1!,


Our 12c. Enamelled Handle Wlilsks, In. Our Ife. rine Cora WhlNks. iXc.Our He. Feather Dnsters. Sr. earli.Our ITc. Feather Duaters, he. riKh.Our 2!!c. Feather Ouster.. D>r. each.Our SBc. Feather Duller*. ISc. eaul..Onr 3ac. Feather Duster*. Sir. rsch,Onr l»c. Counter Dustrri, l#r. rnch.Qur 71)c. Floor Broonu, hnir. 83c. .*ch. Onr «8o. Floor Brooms, hair, *Se. rarh. Our tl.i9 Floor Brooms, hair. B1.S3 each. Our fne. Scrub Brutbts, 8c. each.Our lUQ. Stove Bruihaa. Tc. each.

8 0 c .

Russet GoiiL Tip

SIkm fi to Ill's,

79 .Children’s Glaxed Dongola Patent Trestber

TlpSprlngheel Buttoned U(K>tB,si)& n8to 11, for


BoyV gnnd qnsllty V eal Calf Isared Shoes, lAmdou toe with tip, sixes 12 to 54* for

O Sc.

Our 88c. and |1.15 ISets.,...................... '

87 ctsOurjl.21 Se*s........................................

61.00Our 11.40 Sets........................................

• la aOur 8L98 Sets..............*........................

• 1 . 4 7Every place df (Cutlery st Rpeelal Price.

*80 Nickel Clocks at

54 cents.700 Nickel Alarm Clocks at

59 cents.(COak Aday Clocks, 17 Inches high, l8-tnflll

base, half-hour strike, regular 82.48, sale prlo6

8 1 . 9 0 .

187 Enamelled Iron turjay Clocks,Ainvh bos*, 14 Indies high, half-hour strike, regular iL A sale price

83.19.All other Clocks reduced in pries.

H A H N E > & C O *20 Per Cent. Off.


A M O S H . V A N H O R N( L I M I 'r E D ) .

73 Market Street Near Plane Street, Newark, N. J.,


Nerlous Effect* of a FnlL Edward Hiller, of tbh city, while at the

farm of hi, uncle, Joseph MlUer, at Brook- dale, on Wednesday, to which he went to pick oharrtes, bad a fall which resulted la injuries that broratht on conTulslotu and pau-tial paralysis. 'Tbls morning hi* obaikoes of facovery ware itatad to ba -extrsnnly

'9 *

4 -6 0 A P• I T F L X > A T S «

IS MOT LOST IM THE TUB.rta awoixii a oaiiku Oft. ow n

p a r l o r s u i t s .Parlor Bufts, formerly JW, SI) per rent- off.

nowParlor Suits, lonnetlj *10, W per cent, off,

now kSS. *■Parlor Balia, tonoorlr »*>, SO per ooat. eff,

now aao.

CARPETS* CARPETS.Velvet Carpet, regular price per yard II.l*.

n pat oent. off, now OSc,Tapestry Brussol* Carpet, reffiilar ptle* por

yard TO., ff) per oent off, now »««.Allreool Ingrain Carpel, reguli

■ - “ oir.'i — ’■*-regular price giP

ow S*

BEDROOM SU ITS .Bedroom Ruita, 6 placao, regular prio« 88Q,

BO per ee&t. off, now ii94.Bedroom Kults. 8

BOwr cent off* now Bedroom Buiu,

DOW •19.60*

8 j)leo«ileoea, regular priee 1:20,

$14. SO per oent. off,

REFRIGERATORS.Upright Refrigerators, regular price tL ■»

,perotffl. off, DOW 48.80. ,

Fanpv Matilug, regular price |W roU'kf'iMt! p frceac ,o ltfl*w .«t«8 ..

C h lW rd ffifa t.._ * ,^ __o « p riceK .»p «t_________________coot, off, tioff ie .io .yard d6c., 10 per cant, off,' now

Do not lose sight of the famous PORTI.AND BASOB, which Is the roost popnlv range In Ihe State on account ot Its good quaUtlea EASY TERMS,

B T O »lK « FOBNITUB* AT 88 BANK KT. Now building. No place like it lu the elty. Never loee a ouatumer after seeing the room* on account of oleanUaaas and low rates, Furniture moved with van* in oily and country.

T E L E P H O N E - 580 .

Goods Dolliered Fret ot Cbarjio to A o ; Part o f tte State.

Are You Buptsred?WE . ... . .

Id either sex, al all ages* A written guarantee to poeltlvoly OURB YOU O llNO Pa y . No cutting Operation*

No Deteutiuu from Buslaesi.

Throw Away Your Truss!WHEN CURED.


R O O M S 7, 8 , n a n d 10, 776 B R O A D S T R E E T .BFnrjJ lin itS F H A S K L ia i, H . D . , .............................Chlet ot Medical Buff.

CONSULTATION FREE-8 A. M. to 4 P. M. dally. Tuesday and Friday, * A. M. to • P. M. Ladles treated at their residences. Relerencce at onr oBlo*.

H A B D W A B E , I R O N A N D S T R S le P I P I LBpeolal AgeuU of the Herrlng-Hall-.Marvin Co.’s SAFES AND VAULT WORK.

Supplies of Every DesurlpUuQ forMAKi/rAemEss, ttACHimrs, s r « * r fitters, railroaos. mux courm m x

vFFicE sim.oms. fubuc msTiTurmx etjcLAfVN MOWERS, WAT,E8 DOSE AND ALL SUMMER 8PECIALTIE8.

M a r k e t s t r e e t .QOO A N D 302




(“T H E A L W A Y S B U R Y S T O R E ”)


Ladies’ Suitsiiii UummlliilGil 6a i

Obf •utlr* rtock af AH-wrxil CliAvfot. ro ra rt Cloth m 4 tters« 8qlti iEu Iadwl Id tbl» wonderful mark- down. {Crorr io ll U porfeottF and faihlonably nyhd«. aad th« prii-M a n gnarantoM to b* 3fi por oast. Ji4ilh»in"- • "*•---- ----- '* ' ■1 tlmilar guoda w en arar iold for.

Onr 15.98 to 18,00 Suits, all reduesd to

$ 3 , 8 8 aOut 11.98 to 19.00 Suits, all reduced to


$4.98. Ill !

Oir no and n 2 Suita, all reduced to


!i if

1 1W ; 4 9 c .8 0 0 F I N E D U C K 8 U IT 8 .

Btrtotlr Uilor made, UUmf Jacket* and extra wide *klfU. in all polorii, ragtilar 8pida2 for 8alardar*> •


B071’ Unndered Shirt Waists,^ i^ o fG .n u r ',^ tq t^ ltT d ,rk

4SeB071’ Washable Suita,

lU d . of f u t nilor CMm m cloth, eom btutlin ootUr M d eufb, lu - jw d u id w bb tl. with Mub Flit, n ro U r |U a U.-morrow tor......... 9lc

Ax Unparallded Value in s’Suita.Boys*

>t& BwU Had t r lw c d ' 1. 'lb* uVni I, to* M M rtount, o F ^ b l '_.M M rtoun t, of wbicb u « brok.n

.. jleb w» b a n » ld forlitM to S4.U, w« t«ilH l*to-inoiTow u tvb tuU fonaprin .t

0 1 .9 8 .


Extra dne material. 8 wide box plait* on back and 2 on front, wide embroidery edged Jabot down front, revere onffa, edged witn embroidery, iDrn>dowii •qnare out oollar of embmlderr. miade to aeli for |l .n , onr price.•« 70c

Ladies’ Shirt Waists,AU of our $1.» to tLW good*, mede of fine Uwni, percale#.

etoT, In the lateet2 1 * IM kliwetrlea, patterna and colon, eome trim — -• ’t^Hmnied vdth lace, to-siorrow only a t the anprecedented price of 9ie

An Unparalleled Valne in Ladies' Silk Waists,

Suit., ST' iMade of Ane Japaneae itlk, navy or black 9rtili dole and *tripe*, extra large leg o* mutton slaves, fall front and back, very foil lace e d ^ Jabot down front, tnra-down collar, a reedy leller all eee*on at |5,00, for to-morrow while they laet a t

$ 8 .8 8 .

lAce Rack Baapeoden - Carpen- ler’i f ”--*"* — ‘ir'a nnqine go6da,plalD or fancy

ebbing, fltroM buckle, lirreto- »re erdd a t 8 . , for to.morrow

only, 1 pair to each cnatoroer,aQd w h ile tS e l‘ ‘ 'I lot laats, at.,

UDNDEREDOUTINGSHIBTS.Made Of Ane cambric In medium abadea, with yoke, wide cuAla. lined coUar>bend and pocket, reg- niar value Wo., for to-morrow,,.. 69c

An Unparalleled Valne Hen's Outing Shirts,

. 'lorn-* nwdinm ,Iuu1, lfall W Inch,. Ins. poinM 70k ,, prck*t Infn sL lUe, 14 to 17, n c a ls r 't ^ c , fu m sk Id Bw., for to-morrow, whtl* th o r i,* |, m

8 0 cento.todies’ Quun Vests,

riiM O san , r n s o h N,ok. iImt. - iMt, la iJI ■Ism, smulIrHlo., n . daoidto,............ ....................4, lOe

todies’ RIbhsd Vests,riM Hb» Tara, with faaer >a«' Tara,ekaait a i i^ ftm aw lr

lju ia .IOcL,a


Silk Xitts tnd eioTee,W arru U d P a n SUk, Is btaek aair, ita. toota, im hMardar......

Children's T&n Hose,Fin, QunlttT, full ngnlar mndo.all ahm. » .u lw iOo. qoallt,, for to-morrow................................... ... 17c


White Lawn Fronts,To be worn with Eton Suite, h oollar*, lace e ^ e d Jabot do

8 U k M K “’ * '“ ....For LadlM u d Mon, In Dm qnal I tr *Uk. largn n«ortnwnt of eoloT, and pntHrna, sionUent »«J«e.at.........................................

Fine Embroidered Hdkls,W Ith Smllopwl EdKM, colorad or White embroidery, regular lt4o* to 90c,, your pick to-morrow a t.. . .

Silk Belting,UBlaok OalT, m InehM wlda, n fo lar 8k . qnalitr, for Satnrdar

Dotted SwlBses,n a , QaaUtr. antall or nMdlam “ »<1. fiou, tha tunnl prlc, of Which I* 2Sc, at.,

Onen Com Brooms,lie Mwed, metal capped, good, etrm f

18c., lor Saturday only.____e, regular priceI t o each ctutonMr, a t

Oak Frame WmilowlSoreeM,SlaaSteSB InchM, with rid , alldM.and b « t

qnalltT of wlro nnttlng, cat to at any window Without extra charge, regular BOo. riuae. a t

Thin Blown Tumblers,'l> rf,ol Food,, containing no alr-holMt Sn-

Uh«l rima, Muallr aold at a»c. doi., to-nSr- row,« to raoh. whU, tb«y laat,

13] cents. 39 cents. 3] cents.L. BAMBERGER & CO.

T1 FAIR,STE1N«BLAU,196-198 Springfield Avenue.

. • 8PEK D IN O a t -The F a ir . ' meaim SAVING,- we declare. Igj) gpfijjjfigjl

SPOT CASH DID IT IWe p u r c h W a manufacturer’s rample Hue of Fine White Embroidered

la w n and Nainsook Drenaei and Cap* a t 4 0 c . on the dollar, The manufac­turer lose* and we oboerfully give you the beiieflt of til* loss


T O - M O R R O W !Cklldnn'g Dresses,

fiAlIPLE LINE NO. 1 - Vbry beautiful Nalnaook tnekad aad embroidered White Dreaaaa, ngn lar prleea from |4 to Is carh, to-morrow your choloe....

Infants’ Caps,8 AMELE LINE NO 1

BAMPLR LINE NO. 2^Drea*ee that will bring Joy to •vary tpoiher'a ho#M, druanoa which cost regular from ^fiil to $t, #11 go to-morrow at.

Klcgxnt line of' lufitnta' C*pa #D(1 Hats, allk, lace or ^mhroia-ered lawn, aot nne worth Irsa l^hau 11.29; most of them worth II.IKX AH go to-morrow.............. 72c

SAMPLE LINE NO. S -magant Uut of f8 and t3..V) llreaaea, trimmed with V'ajen.olennea laee or very Ane em­broidery, “ The manutacturor'a loaa, notonra,” to-morrow..,,,. $1.72

^^AMPLE LINE NO. 3 - Infanta* Capa, a variety Reldnm eeoU a t any house. We received oulyoiiecapof a kind. Regular price |1 to tl.iR; come early to get the best choice. To-morrovr 55e

SAMPLE LINK NO. 4 Wbit« Dre**e* which are a real bargain at tSLBO, aud often void a t IS.T9 aod $8, they must be ■tea to be appreolated, all go to­morrow.

BAMPliE LINE NO, 8 - Be BUrh and be on hand in time. This lot ooutalns l>eauilfnl capi from to | i . Vuu gala by the aiauufaclurrfil* low, To-inor- row a t , , . . .................................... 46c

$1.21RAMRLE LINE NO. t -

Infauts’ Cape at your own price. Pine Embroidered Lace

SAMPLE LINE NO. 6 - ItenH mi** t his uppnrtu Dity* Aoe $1.25 to $3.26 Dresaes, to go to­morrow at the luanufacttirer'i

regular price from toe. to will be sold to-mnrrow at,

'atw,t o e . ,

BAMPLE IsIKE NO, 5 - White UreaMs, flne embroid­ered. good eonugh for any pet, regular price ll.ra to |l .to .......

Spstlftl;12Hc. anftortraent Lace, to-tsorrow.,.

of Oriental

Oenta^ Floe Colored Ralbrlggan Shirts or Drawers, satin front, pearl bottaus, regular price toe,* to-morrow........ ..........................



5 c. yd


BA.MPLE LISE NO. 6-- Thla line comprises caps soM ae a bargain forSBc.snd 40c.. We will sell them to-morrow a t ,

SAMPLE LINE NO. 4 - Flno naps ftt prices of the com monest. (.orded and Embrold (■red Cap*, worth from i54c aic., to-morrow a t .......... .



to 13cSpecial;

and 31.00 Launderad or I’n- lauDderud .Hat,po or Ijiwn Wilrt W ai,ii.........................


J fO T IC E .

A fter Ju ly i st the corpor- atioujC a n n o n '.s, will .sell for CASH or CREDIT th e sam e as heretofore.

Udioa’ Uhlte Kuck Oiford Tip., whit, kill tip and button plpop. fpgular prlcn |l.ai, to- morrow....................



196-198 S P R IN G FIELD A V E N U E .

H o l b e r r y f t M t e h a n ic I NIIU’ARK.


K*m S to rt tm i I t * Crtam Sahon,

AT IW M ABKBT STREET. Old Stands • t wARKiyr s t r e e t' f #7S BROAS STREET.M tA fO U T M tmexs, tt.20 PEH OALLOH





J f not perfectly satlgfled with your bftrgaiu after eTarnlning the goods when you get home.

To-day and To-morrow.a? Pilvat liMlher1 Ip Offord. Tie*, alioa l i i to 8, at 4So„ r»- diinad from 9Bc.

I.adlaa' Oanuin, T*n Ruaaln Calf Oiford Tlriu e i .a s , Broad BtrMi priw

lAillei' DodkoI* Oiford TIob, acallopad ton aiul acalloped vampa, patent leather tift lianil Hewed, a t worth $3.0t ”

Chlhtren'a Rnaaet Sprlnphoel Button Shoea, «lMi6 lo 8* t 4*e., B to 11 a t *•«., and Miaaea', 18 to 2, at 7S*.

u i i i rH-J-

T h e P o p u la r S to r e .

A t ou r estab lishm ent to-morrow, for we have determ ined to m ake to-morrow our biggest day, in point o f sales, of any du rin g th e season. To accom plish it wc offer th is list of uiipar- Alleled bargains, whose equals we feel sure have never been presented by any house.

Chlldran'B Domiola Bprlnthre! Button Show, Bl«earilo*,al4S«., B to lla t4 » f .

MeiPa piiHBot Ooat Lana Shoea. alaaa h to B at • 1.4B, they were made to aell for ^.85.

Me^a ituH«t Calf Lace Shoea, alaea 6 to la at • i.lta, our former pries wia teOU, and weW WFFaa 1.8 no. 4 ^ 1 . .^a a t... . _ . . . , .you [

***V . S h o e a , alaea * to 8, at •i.ofl, only a limited amount of them, no more nt Hint price when they are gone.

^ ’?)'nn ''' I*®* Shoea. alaea 11 to 8clieap HQoes, but they ate good tboes.

Boya’ Tnn Colored I-are Shoee at OHc., a i .q n JjtU)**'*" “ pair, worth |IJ» , |UU and

o /•'"j 'liS'''’ '•"'™ Chlldrea'a Cna-TM Oiford Tie. left, alaea to 11% 4Sc, Mlaaee , l l io 8, a t e»e. They are lo ln i fast.

!*.»Vnd'illa® P’’'™*





OT?mI(33FINSTSTNEETAND n L ira o n c , 1014 a. >nrA>K,a>

LOW Y BROS.,160 Springflelil Avenue,

Bttwtm v>d Brtomi S in ttt,

L o o k f o r t h e H o r s e S h o e S fg n O v e r t h e D o o r .


‘ - T H * NEWS,"


3 2 0 0 0 .

We count that day lost on which we do not have new and attractive bargains to offer our patrons.

Here’s a list well worth look-

UNDER COVERnnring after to-morrow, for there’s nothing to equal them in this wide land of ours:

M eant comfort to our custom ers th is m orning while th e storm raged without. T h ey were busy a t the counters, w here the low-priced offerings charm ed—the “ M y’s,” the “ O h ’s ” the “ W ell, I never saw such b arg a in s ,” rose above th e Ihun* d e r’s noise, and th ey were p leased ; and so will you to-mor- row with our

Hammock and Shade.

On •*]• to-morrow raorqlarfrom 9 In 19 o'olnok oely, *t}d podtlyely not more then one to Mach cuaiomer.

Mrxiren Hemmock, braided edge, with pll- lowB ead epreeder, |1.K veluOf

t>3 cents.

wdoian Fin, Wrappan, mad. Ilk, cat, nf tb , U ri■ Mrinaan ■■l„4 A li_L..a — A___ aa -a_ m, . _ . <M arrim u j^ n u , licbt and dark oolura, all al.M M m 44 .haff llmK), lialloan bIw tw . f i ll Watteau plaltMInehat. L_____________________ ___ ___ r ~ . . ~

bank, I^'-down oollar, 1‘rlacow bait, akin full M InobH wlda. Tbay ara tha uiual tl.W fradr, but to-morrow mornln* wo tall thorn a t tb , of

Lad!*,' Parcal* Wrappara, lluht oolon, wall ad*, cut fall, Ian* rarara* front and back, ad n attaaa pilot tack, a food fl wrappar,

8 0 cents.

Holland Shade. Hartahoru rollar, linen fringe,

SO cent*.fancy

S a tu r d a y ’s N e e d s .ON MAIN FLOOR, 9 TO 12 O’CLOCK,

B « t Indigo Calico................................................................... .............. 3 ic . per yard

IN CLOAI ROOM, 9 TO 12 O’CLOCK.I nnparallalad b*r*ala prfaw Ladlat* Whit* Lawn Wrappaiw, mad* la

batt maonar, a itra Urea alaaraa, full rnffla, f ip t, laco ad*a os eap*. oollar and culTa, worth •LtJ. for

Belt Pins and Bang CombaIHiTar-pIatad Balt Pina, two elaao, ono ptaoa,

23 cent*.

$1.2S. Ledle*' rellalold Beng Combe,with oxydlied illver caaea,

10 cent*.R o r D a y .

Ladlat* Flo* Dock Salta (not Id name, hat nalltrl, lari* blaaar, full tlacvo* and reraraa, •kin i yard! wlda, a |3 aalt, for

$1.03.Belts for Men.

laeether Belt* with atckel ring* end burkle*, ell alars black end ten, regaler DOc. good*, et

Udlaa- All-wool Ton (Mrart Cloth BulU. bloMr offecta, worth lUQ. tar... . - * mea’ Trilor.m*do Duck Hultm Tuicdoriyla, larga riravea. wide aklrl, ralua *8.7i."to;!ii.’*»

Ladle. Pcrfal, Walata, neat atrip ... pink, blue and black, embroidered collar and eufft Worth li.to, for.

s t e a m e r o r TRAVELLERS’ RtTlR, n e w a n d UAND8UHE STYLES.

30 cents.1* 110. ’ Lawn and Batlato Walata,atrtpra and

fer...... ........................................................SI.S5



Sarah tnd Ottoman Silk Star Toot Saahea, ngu lar tlAO,

03 oenta.

w tim “ " I M u o ‘ ‘lind hriVHropcV'aiui’nilVor'dtto ladtaa Oanulna Whit* Chtowia OloTaa, warrantad to waab, ra*. $1 qaallty, your eholo*

Renmants in Dress Silks.


Burah K!tk^ Brocaded Alik*. Taffeta Rilke, Wash HUka, China Alika, llA nU l Silk*, allthl* mmod’* material*, elMlug a t the uniform price of

2 ffc, y ard .

Sailor Bat* In pearl tball and Berlin braldi, laadln* ahapaa and oolora, ^ ralae,

4 0 c e n te .

“ Vhat are tha arlld war** taylnc, alaterr' Tbay ta r that yon can le l Batblnc Suita

made of iray Atnnel, with whit, braid, a t theBeo U tn for


French Flowers H on tnm , aprayi, SOc. worth, for

2 8 c e n ts .

Extra quality all-wool Flannel Snit. plaited yoke front and back, trimmed with braid,

$ 2 . 6 8 .

IT-Incb Silk Mallne Vellin*, all colon, at23 cents.


» c

l^ lo o h arlde AIl-Bllk Satin and Qroe Grain Ribbon, all color*, at

18c. yard.Black Alt-Stlk Satin Velrot Ribbon, IK-lnoh

wide,20c. yard.

lec Model Hooka and Byee, black aad white. To. 4»trd.

Z xatdvh black AU-Stlk Ontride Beltlnt,38(% yard.

Perfection Irltb Unan Box Papoterlea,1 8 c e n ts .

L. 8. Plant A Oo.’t Florida Water,17 cents.

147-149 MARKET STREET.Vogiler'9 Fine Triple Extreot, elt odor*,

10 centSa

Very fine ell-wool FUnoel Suite, profuiely trimmed o& skirt and body with Hsroulee

^brald. Urge lellor cotier end ihleld front,$3w48 and $3*98.

All our Suit* ere mede with long or ihort ileeves, puff sbouldera, very fall skirt*.

^ eoiored, OTWT ‘ ’r f a i r w i ^ ' t o ^ . ^ Onr F b m ^ V Ijllant C ^ t .w b l l* or c o l ^ , a l« anmmar Tontllatinf, all riiM, 18 to8D,for41«n . ’‘ ***’ “ '“rod allk Mltohln«, soarantned tMt oolor, for........... 7iv*

nlwly mad*, apeclal p rlc,.................... . i g ,emhroldary, fall lonith. yoke band. Wo. qaallty. for.'„‘sTo

W hit. Mnalln Gnwna trlmmad with Ueo « id .mbroldory, h l |h alooToa reg. Bfc-qnallty.for.o** Black Lnlon Twilled Silk Paraaola, arlth hemmed ruffle, res. value I LBS for S I aa

•'o™ “ ‘O’-** worth t iw r iM ~ la 8 .MI* Ile ,’ Ribbed Vaila, regular prioelTc.............................................Ladlm' I,Me Thread V«la.former prleeWo., for.......................... ..!!!!!!!.........I ^ l « ’ line Cluiter Ribbed Hoee, tan bool, and fancy top,, worth lScTf«i^"!.” .'.lOfc w nalr Oblldren’, fine Ribbed Hom, aoamleaa, eUe, 8 to worth 17c., for i» u aBoya’extrabM TyB loyoleH oH ,atieaetoiS iw ortbSgc..tor,,,, ............................. ^Lwltee’ SwIa* Scalloped Embroidered Handkerchief., new and p re ti^ re tu V ir m r th "

H ^Oa, for. .............*1* aMen’. Fancy Colored Bordered ilrm itltohed U ^ te ro h le f e iV i ly M

alee, IIHe, qnallir, for.............................. ...............................................Oenta'Gray Shirtaand Draweri................................... ........... ___________________________Genu’ French Halbrlnan Underwear, regnlar TV. qnallty!!!!.'!!."!!""!'*".............. an*, .u-hOenta’ Faat Black Half Hone, regular IV, quality, f<w................................. eachGenta’ Fancy Snapenden, with patent bnckle and Mohair end*, were aic!.' for.. .TT.V USa Genu’ all-rilk Tack Scarfs w fular 2V. quality, for................................................ .............yg.

Misses’ Bathing Suita$1.48 to $2,98, ench.

Fall line* of Shoe*, Shoe* end Stooklog* coBiblDed, end Balhlqg UeU and cepe.

B ig Drive 9 to 13, m orning, G en ts’ O ut­in g and N egligee Shirts, value from 2 9 039c. to 50c,

We repeat theie fn Shore to remind onr reader* of Bee Hive Baperior valoe:

Russet ShoeaButton end Uoe, style and durability oom-

blBpd, e eare $£.60 riuae,$ 1 . 9 5 s


walnnt flniah, beat tonality wire Mt- ting.

Don^la BlncheretteaDark tan, laced, meet dealer* aek $8, car

price down to$3 .23 .

jUuttdry Soap, large cahe,................Lace Shelf Paper*, perdoien......... .Laoe Shelf Paper*, Meet$...... ..........ThinTumbleri, flue quality, .............Tin Dippers......................................


49cHAMMOCKS,Mexloon O r n ,

beat made, lutlni proleotad lobpa, r a l u a t TIta,

Oil BtoTaL^B-bornar,,......we KettlM............Oil S to re ___

Lamp Chimno; Barr! '

np Cblmnaya...........................................r r Dlahaa, large alae, out glow Imlta-«o“....................................................



Duck Oxfords.Extra qaallty, hand-made, whHH, with kid

trimming, or bloe, with patent leather trim- mlngr very dreieyya sure $2 value of many places, here at


W I X v S O T V & C O .i s e T O 1 6 8 W A B K E T S T R E E T ,

Misses' Oxfords.Riueet goat or kid, the |l ,to value of most

slUug''—plaree, eeXUug here at0 8 cents

BUY TO-MORROWMen's and Boys' Bathing Suits,Men's and Boys' Summer Coats and Vests,


Boys' Wash Suits,Gaps, Pants and Waists.

I f we do not give you b e tte r value th a n it is possible to

find outside of our stores y o u r m oney back every time.


VLORTfr uRgMan bail WAxnv MW1 T»t nubwc

All n u m b e r s a t a r e d u c e d p r ic e ,o u r v a lu e s b e in g f ro m 3 0 to 4 0 p e r c e n t , le s s t h a n h e r e to fo re .

S e le c t n o w a n d w e w ill s t o r e o r d e p o s i t u n til N o ­v e m b e r 1st F re e o f C h a rg e .

L. S. PLAUT & CO.7 0 7 t o 7 2 1 B R O A D S T R E E T .

S. HEYM AN’S,S O S t o 2 1 6 S p r i n g f i e l d A v e n u e .



Marrlmack Light Calico, In neat flgurea and Btrlpet, quantity llmitad to 10yafda, at only..................................gUc,

l2He. Lonadal* Cambric, full yard wide.Extra Hoary Unblaachad Mualln, lufi

yard wide, Hno thread, will be aold for


Raronanu of Ifljc. Striped Omlng Flan-Remnant* of 414c. Skirt ijnlng, from 8 to

10 yard.......................... ..............gu*.Remnanta of IV. and 30c, White Iawh, 8

tolOyarda...................................... gu*.OV., Bed Spread, extra alie, Marealllw

pttM en»,,..„ .,. ..............„ . . i .MEN’S WEAR HONEY bXv EHS,'




BOc. Man’. SRk-ombroldarad Siupandaxa, inohat long, apodal for Saturday

only....................... ig*.100 doaan nmre of thoao Men’* Ontlng

Shlria, 88Inchaalong, a t ......... - ....,16a.!81v. Ladlea’ Block and Tan Cotton Hoao,

Saturday a t , ........................................5e,

paireach> pair

90c. Baby Oarrlago Paraaola, only Satur­day...............................................................SFo

49o. lauUM' S b a p ^ Llala Thread Vaita,only ,.............. 8Se

IV. Larilaa’ Cotton Shaped R lbb^ Vaata ^90 doren' l^ a n ts ’ tlno Lawn'^mbroi-' “

dered Capa, In all tueJ. regular pricofrom TV. to S1.8L Batnrday a t ................. 4Fa

300 doaen Mlaaaa’ Black Cotton Ribbed Hoaa, extra good IV, quality, will bo •old fu r . . . ............................................do. pnl|^HaTlng bought the bnt Ire Block of a mann-

faclnrer of Ladloq’ Hook SuKa, we aball place them on aale tp-hWrt»w.

— t'* '^ o t f —RaFulrif price S. Ileymaifa

price................. ...................... . E1.4BLot 3 -L ^ ie a ' Uambrio Shirt Walata,

plaited front and back, OOc. and TV.regular p r in , onr pdo*.............................aSe

Lot 4-Ladl«i'E tna Whit* Lawn Shirt Walata, plaited back and front, pnll

Ladles' Suits, made nf the very finest storm serges, In navy blue and blMk, fu n length Tuxedo jackets, silk facings, skirt# 4 yards wide, sewed throughout with silk, perfect fitting, have b « n selling a t fl2.50, while thev last to-morrow a t $ 7 .4 8 . ^

Ladles’ Duck Suits, the coolest and newest and most teshlonable suit of the season, about 60 different colors and styles to select from, sires S2 to 44 bust, all marked In plain selling figures, to-morrow a t 12} pep c e n t. off.

Ladles’ Extra Fine Silk Waists, In black, blue, red and several ligh t colors, in plain and figured, alt sizes, were selling a t *2.48, 12.08, $3.76 and $4.76, any one to-morrow a t 12} p e r cen t. off.

1,000 Ladles' Wrappers, In white and colors, In lOdlflhront materials and 25 different styles and shades, all sizes from 32 to 46 bust, yourcholoa of any a t 12} p e r c e n t, o ff r e g u la r p rices . Call early and have first pick.

3Neckwearcca? 4/ton Four.|n-hen5 Donblo-fare4 ChineBilk Tleag In plain whites white with bUok fie-nWAffl SsnrM nmww Klaiaa m n A IvIa a V _____?_urea and navy blue and black, w'arranteir”o waal^ worth fHh)., at

19c. E a c h .

Ladies’ HosaFaat Black and Tan Colored Llalo

Thread Hoaa, drop atlvh , regular price 90o., a t3 9 c . P a ir ,

Ladiee’ Gloves.L ^ i « ’ Pnre 81Ih Jeraey Glorai, in tana and

modea, regulai price 4Sc„ a t2 8 c . P a i r .

Toilet Departmentbottle* ofC. B. Woodworth * 800*0 Toilet Water, la V

different odora, worth No., at3 9 c . B o ttle .

Men’s ShlrtaMon’e Ralbrlggan Shirt*, Frenoh Back aad

aaun trenta, drawera to matoh, worth tOo,, at2 8 c . E a c h .

Ladies’ Drawer SpecialLadlaa’ Hulln Drawari, with daep ambtoU- •ry aad tucka, worth 48o., at

3 8 c . P a ir .

SPECIAL SILK BARGAINS.2T-lnch Superior Quality Plain Blewk Real Japanese DreMi Silks, extra fin#

finish, $1,00 value, while It lasts to-morrow a t 8 9 c . y a rd .22-Inch Plain Block India Dress Silks, flnequality,60c. value,at 27o.yiird*

DAVID STRAUS6 8 5 f t i i f i 6 3 7 B r o a d a C7ep. N e w 8 t i * e e t .

JAMES A. C0E & C0„106 w d 108 K ttib errr Bt,,

niWABlg 8* J,


aleeva, rognlar prlc* $1.86, 8, Heyman’s price Satu rdv ........ ............................ .Cite

In Onr Men’s and Boys’ dottilng Departmint Pdees are 26 Per Cent, fieloi tlia Cost


_i*f' , — -- ' -a*** .

SH EE T S* E O O F IirO P L A T E .



Yon will find nt .•my store a tall line of THE

Best Papera ^ I At lo n s t Pilctt.

20 CLINTON 5T.. Nemu*. M. J.


BH ioutne**.ouitKa






P In e t m ~ b*aiw lth u re r Oonmlali pltatlao of the Ueai a yaaw. Her ohm I skill of our boat ] Aftar nring thre* yonr BasDoeg Bt n n s -ah* b almo* W*U.. W* truly r ynurawdloln*.

OMsas W.MentteUar. WlUia

F O A 91IN EF o r k * e ^ attelght h*lr

curL F !M 9and i0a*nU

T o r t

A Miaim fluiS U L T A N A

tlntijw th* Up* aad clu

P A B IA N L O X io jf b r w h l t l n j ^ h ^ ^ . ^

and Moth Crtanb warranted V onr* free) and aU dboolondlon* of th* akin oatiaed thaaUD. Prlo*no*BtaperJar, ItiaafaoH

B. WB»l$BTBKr3 1 8 W a s b i z i i i E t o n ^



m^.N U M B E l l 3.343. N K W A K K . J . . F l U D A Y . j r i A ' (> . 18! ) 4. r i U ( n i : T W O C E N T B .

Third Edition.

Tbe M iliU ry >t Chicago Unabte to Cope With the Mobs.


niAilnC Contlnu^il All Nl^lit in ih . Vt- clnlljr nf ll»* l^nioit htiirk Y .rJ . nt <iii- citfn. .ml H^vernl I’.mun. KfpnrliHl !■’■* tnllf Uurt In an K.emiiiUF ThI. Sliirn- Ing—Th. Troop. Admit Bring t’lirrk- nmtrd, •ml Now Hlniplx W »U ln * for Belufun'rnirlll.-l.org< f'rowd* (lolhor- Ing Along Ih* Trw k. Agnln. onil Morn Vlolnnrn »'o »r«l-Thn kllu.tUm in Otiior r » r U of the rniintrj.

ClllCAtto, July 6.—When ilnTlISlt d*wnod thii moriilug them w»« eniieuec of Tlolenc* •ll«laui; Mie !<tock Y »n l. CoiiipAiiy’* tnrk.. Bwltcbn. liml boon torn u|i, mre turned OTer, nllrond buiMingsdeeiniywl and in eeveral plaree fmight o*rt broken Into nnd their con­tent* noattorod along the track.. On the Portieth .troot trackeot the I.*k8 Shore Company half a domn boxcar, hml been OTertnmed during the early honm of tbe morning and the rt*il coiiiplately blockaile.1. All night long mattering nioli. contlniie.1

their riotou. work of neetroylng mllroad property.

During tho night thirty-one alarme of Are were wiit Into the Are detiartnieut in the BtockY’ urd*dl»trlct, butowlngto tbe prompt a^un of the firemen and police tbe blaiH were exiingulahed before any .eriou. damage reeulled.

All wai (juiet in the ramp of the United PtaUw troow at Dexter I'ark during tho night, nud the Boldlor. were a.tir at an early hcmr to-day nyidy to reiiKind for duty at a nioment'a action, ,

At S o'clock thl* morning a Weetera In- dinna wrwkiiig train started in clearing tlie tnu'k. of the five cars which the rnob bad overturned at the rromiug of the La Iio Shore Hoad at Kortleth ati-eet ymtenlny afternoon. The wracking crew were protected by a •quailof thirty iwillecmon, who compelled tne .inker, to keep off tbe track*. At fi o’clock a crowd of nearly 1,000 delermineil men and ^ ya coioincueed to gather at the croeitng.

The erants of yeetci-day ami the incendiary fire, laat night have iiaridvred the manager, of tho Stuck Yards, and they are without plan or pnrpoee, knowing nut which way to turn. The mobs along the railway track.* piused unhinderwl and the united forces of Federal troopa and police are powerless tocheck their advance. No attempt is being mmle to run trains in or out of the yariU, and the military admit. Itself checkiualed at the ou t»t uiid overwhelmeil by superior nmntiers. Every­body In authority here i. sick at heart and dlacwraged, and no way out of the dilUculty aeetn. apparent.

"W oare simply walling for more tmons— that', ail we can do,” ^ d a Htuck Yarils ofilcial. "Ho far a* getting trains in or out 1. concemeil, there would be no uM of doing it if we could until the blockade on the main line is lifted."

Wrecking crews are at work on the Weet- era Indiana track, at Purtlelb street, but the thirty police who are guarding them will be utterV iuadei)Uate to withstand the on- aUnght of the mole which are rapidly grow­ing larger all along the line.

The police took sammary meaauree to soji- pren an Incipient riot at the Fortieth etreet cru«iug of the Fort Wayne Railroad this morning, and one man was badlyInjured. A mall train on thatrood was entering the city, and the mob attacked it with stones, breaking the windows of the locomotive i»b and putting a tew .stones through the windows of the coaches. The engineer dropped to the fioor of the cab fur safety, but the Train paaied on, mid as it did so tlie mob closed in upon the tracks and a muad of thirty po­lice under Captain O'Neill came on. One man in the crowd tired a shot into the train and was arrested. The mob then stoned the police. A big rtone struck one of tbe uificeri in the face and be drew hli revolver and fired at his aasallant. Four ■hots were fired and a foreigner fall to the ground badly wounded. Captain O'Neill charged the mob, and its members were driven from the right of way of tho railroad,

Incemilnrie. have return^ their work to­day at the Stock Yards, and tho scenes of last night bid fair to lie repeated. A car in tbe rear of Armour’s Fsrtlliier Works was set on fire but the Fire Department quickly axtinguished the blaze before great aamage wee done.

At 10 o'clock this morning a mob of 200 men attacked the Illinois Central rowl at Kottsiogton. In a few minutes box cars were run on to the maiu line, switches were tumisl and the Una com­pletely blockaded. OtficlaL. of tbs company calle.1 on the I ’ollce Department and Cenernl Miles for assistance. It was re­ported shortly afterwani that the United Ktates Marshal, at Kensington were firing on tbe mob, and that one man had baen killed.

Mayor -Hopkins at noon telegraphed to Governor Aitgeld asking him to call out five regiments of the Htale militia In this city.

Hl-msoF'iKiji, III,, July B.—Governor Alt- n ld last Idgbt receive I a telegram from Mayor J. 1', Hopkins, ot Chi­cago, asking that the First Regi­ment, wlileh IS eipecteil to go into camp nt Camp Idueolti, near this city, Hat- nrday, bo retained in Chicago and oritereii to report at their armory, aa they may he needed by him in twenty-four hour.. In reply tha Governor telegraphed Mayor Hop­kins;

“ We will, of course, hold the First Regi­ment in Chicago It it is needed, but nobody has inthnawd beretofsra tlist Us service, might be wanted."

'The Governor also wired Brigodler-Gen- •ral H, A. Wheeler not to olloiv me men to leave tho city. Last evening at 7 o’clock tho Governor, at the request of U nited States Marshal Brlntoii, ordered Cmn|«uy li, of the Fifth lufnntry, at Taylorvllle, bo report to the Marshui m this city to assist bi moving the Walsish mail trains that have been lying in the depot sines Monday. The Marshal has been iwwerlc«* to con­trol' the crowds. Finding it impos aible to more the trams, Marsliolfirlnton drove over to the Exeeufive man­sion and laid tho matter before the I lovemor, and Company B was onlcred bt the city, Tbe Bpringllold company is in HanviHe, Last evening two companies at DauvUla and two at DecatuF weru leliovod from duty.

T eubk ^ autk, ind., July I!,—(irand Mas­ter Bargent, of the Brotherhoal of Firemen, received word this moniiug that the strike fever Is moving south. A t Memphis Wie firemen repott that grunt pressure is being put on them to go out. The flrerann are particularly solicited, because if* they go out the engineers will not work with non-union firemen. Tbs situation here is unchougtsl.

Bt . Locts,'July 0.—Hon. W. H, Clopton, United Btates Attorney tor the Eastern Dis­trict of Missouri, this morning petitloiieil Judge Thayer, of the United Ktates Circuit Court, to graut an omnlbna injunction covering seventeen railways in this city. Mr. Ctopton asks that the prsons named in the writ prayed for be en­joined from entering tho yards, stations or upon the rights of way of the railroad ooin- liautea entering Bt Louis, for the purpose ot dissuading the employes of the companies from |ierfonnIng the duties which their |iositions demand. The persons nauieil in the petition inctude nearly every prominent luemben of tbe A, R. U. in this city and also Include* Vice-President Howard and Director Elliott of tliat organization.

A t 10 o'clock every nnil leading into the city, with tlie exception of the Nickel Plate had felt the elTect of the strike.

The firemki on' the Frispo road w*nt on Btrlkethtoiml!#!*"'' . .. .

A t lifiO' t A a , *«ogS‘Thayer granted the injunction, to take effect at once. In tbe case tha strikers niako any re- sistanoB Governor Stuns will be asked to order out the troopa, and It he should not rwqwiid as rapldt.r as ileiirell the regular troop, at Joffemoa Barracks will he ordered out.

ULEVXLagD, O., July a —The .meeting ot loiat milway men to cousider the question ot striking laetod until nearly daybreak this morning, and ended in a prao- tioally unanlntuiu decision to go out Conimitteea weie sent to the various yards to inform tbe men of tbe action taken and to notify them to quit worH at U A. M. A t that hour every man obeyed the order, and there is not a whsel turning in the Cleveland yards to-day. Pasaonger trains have not yet bean Interiared with, and Uie Btrikeni say they will be permitted to run.

CwonmaTi, July 1—Blity-seven addl- tlmal United States Harafaali war* ewotn la Uua morning to guard the Cluolnnatl, Hant-

llton and Dayton Itailroail ut>on r«iue*t of tlie 1‘ompany’s ofilcial*.

Thl* inorningMtnke (wader I’hclaii iwwive<l the following leli'gr.am from l’re*iilcnt Drln: " Btronger limn ever till* morning. Hpriadlug to Sew York. No wenkeniug snvwhcrc. Htaml tial, and victory i* cer- •*bi." . . .

Hsi.T imitk City , Julyfl. -F1vecoinpanlc« of I lilted Hlatcs troo|i* wrre orilerwi to llgileti last evening from Fort Dougins*. Wlltlnni riiorotuu, (.'um|*iiiy It. L'liilnl Bute* Iiifnutry. at Fort Iwuglaw, wn* sUhlH*! oil the *1 lavt last night and diitl a few iiimutes aflorward. 'The aaaiuwlu was aiTtstial.

Hai'K.oskyto, Cal., July fl. -The strikers still remain incomplete tssunMsUm here. It is isintldcntly eitwctwl tliat it will be iioc,w-j lary to w re Ulilteil Btates troops ■cut bera Tho »trikcrs are now m liOHnoe-Uiu of tho di'iHit. They have > nm all Pull man cars beck up tho yanis Ilf , leeii or twenty blocks, and they would not prevrut. the i-oinijany inking out a mail train a* it stand* mado up with niall | esrs ami ordinary day nAcfiiw, but wlirn ' lhi‘V start an engine Imck into tin' yard* j to tiling down a liiUmaii to atiach to tlw | train, even Uiough the regulars wrre licre, il i* thought that tbe strikers will nut allow them to do It, and til the event of n cuiilllcl declare their strength Is such that they will not meet with defeat Marshal llaldwm de­nied yesterday afternoon tho re|sirt that re-

iietneiits liad been telegraphel for.It Is reported that should .Nat loiial trnop*

be called'out a large nuinlwr of National (liuirdsuien will turn their guns over to the strikers. A committee ot Farmers' .Alliance callisl On Iwioiler Knox yesterday and said the farmers were willing and pre[iared to give tbe strikeiif all toe free iwef and isitatoo*, enough to last the striker* a year, kooi said tha men were not starving yet. and when they nreiled assistam-e he would call on the fanners.

tlKMHIlhg July 11.—The IJttlc Iliwk and Memphis employes at o'clix-k this inoni- Ing Toted to strike. The order went Into effect St 5 o'clock this morning. AtUmicy- Oeneral Ginsy liii telegraph^ the United Btatos District-Attorney here to preiwre on oniuihus Injunction agtonst all strikers to- ilar.

ftrFTsrri, July A Lehigh ofilcial said toelay tliat if the situation doe* not change within tlie next twenty-four hounaconi- plete tie-up on every iviail leading into llnf- falo may be lookeil for. He say* that all the indlcaUon* are Uiat the strike will soon reach llulTalo.

A W A R R A N T OUT FOR DEBS.H«>, WHh Two Other*. Charicml With

CftnApIrlnj; to Obftirurt w Kwllwajr Coknpiknjr’i llusIneMM.

Chtcaoo, July 6,Wobu lUyoit ft non- luUon iwltohnuu empluyod by th« Kurt

roftit, 8wur« out warniut^ for tlte rest of A. Tracy, E. V. Dt>h* mkI Ort>rgo W. llowenl before Justice WaUeue yesterday.

Tlie i'omplftint cbarK^ the (t«reiifUute with conspiracy to Imp^e and obstruct the bu«<lDess of a railroad comjHitiy without duo proteiM of law. Ileyei swoani that Traov Is the man wboaMiaalt^ him Di^ht before la'tt neer Thlrty*flr»t street awl the Fort Wayoe tracks. He aeserte that Debs and Howanl were lu tbe conspiracy to hiife him aH.seulted. He woe working for a railroa4l couipauy, and e coDsjdracy to assault him was a conspiracy to obetruct the bnsineM of the railroad.


JoMrph 8fiU|ild> |*iinlRlird fnrTathiikf .\liikut ^ntinc Wttiueni

8<ii!srns I'uisT, July »1. Jose|>li Hcmplc. a y(>ung umik wii% tnk'‘u fr»Mii bii ImnI Weilhf*! <lay nlghl on him fallitT M farm, wsir hen*. Uy a lmlfHton.>n uihrIemI men and Urr.Hl and feathertNl. Hen;|i]A> In miner nndbfi- Ikap-u to Im* niArricdl to sevoralfarnipm’ but brokega;:k*nieiit&n<l ibiMi, it \* alicgi*!!. clri-uliitiHl srAuda)ou« RtorbiN eUiiit tht* ymiDg woinett, I'util reruntly MU* HunI** Mi’lntyru woit* bU ring. The engaxfmeiit was iirnkeu olf and S Mtiplu, It In aU«'t{iNl. bus k'eii telling tturles rctlec-tuig on tbt> g\>M nnim* ufMlssMclii- lyre. Her fithiT nirt S»mple on the stroet WtMlnealay and UHtvl a borbewUlp on him in a vlgorouM iimmicr.

laite Weduchiiav a number of men,I'rfMomably brudiiTittr friiuub of the giil^ hi' had Inlkofl uU>ut. ui-nt to tho Komple farm. I hi« of tbuir uuiuU>r entlciHl S+*ni- ple's fath**r to •'•imt'<ln<A pi NUim. and Him ibt* MthepN rU'tbiHl into Ui»' houiw nnd iuto tiu'room wlien* S«-iup|i' wum nkeplng IIh wtt’i ilragfi^l ilnau NtnirM amid riiffa and kh’kR, and ticil to a aud given a coat nf tar sml fpsthers. x\ horsewhip WiA tlicn UMsl on hii liAt'k, and ho wm warueil to leave tbe locAlity.

Wbih* till* t4irring aud foatlierligf was l>c- ing iloiM« old sMr. Semple was pteventeil from ( •luing to bii «orj's asvUtonce by a i-oiiple ot tue arengeni. Hemple san he reengnised Nsvera) of tho meu aAd will have them arrestoti

A Toung Woman Forcibly Taken A w ay from a Convent,



A C'hnrrh at KHtalMnlhport fitrack and Heveral IVmoiui llaiDy Htnnaed*

Rjirt'ijil to ttiH Evknino N kws.ElizaitKTH, July n.^Tlu) thunder itorm

herti lliiA morniug waa exceedingly violent. Tbe prt-ity gplre of the Flnit IVotcRlont MidhixllRt I'hurrh at Fourth and KraMklia RtreHe, KU74ilH‘thport, whp ttru(*k by lightning nn<i laiUy iliatUred. The pastor, Hev. Mr. Trout, who wa* reading In bis Ntudy, wbirb i« in fho rear part* of tha church, was coiiitlLlerably shocked by tlie terrific crash.

The lightning dHrtod alfYng an ele<‘tric light wire k*ad1ug from tlitt church to tlie Halt>on of \Villiam Abretia, corner of Fourth and Fulton Btxeels, v'hure ft idialterel one of

the big wliidnWR of the store, kiHH'ked a clul'l of Mr. Ahrom'i fiat on the finer an<l i>artly stunned hit wifei, who was behind the imr 'waiting on a cusv tonier.

The storm caused havor to the telupiione STRtem end electric light wires in the city. In tbe central teleulione the flectrlc currentplayed vividly over the switohboanh the noise rcft>mbling the diMbargo of imcks of firecrackers. The operators were driven from their places by the light,ning and four* fl/ibii of all the lightning arresters were burusd out. Very few telepboruH in the city were iNrirking at noon, ana com- lumiicatiuD with New York and Elixabeib- p<jrl wav t«ii|M)rsrily cut oil.


He Explains th« f'auee o f the Strike and How It H a j He Nettled.

CHreraao, July O.—Presldent Itebe last night wnt nnt the following statement con- oerolng tbe strike i

"The Pullman employes, who struck May 0 last, did so entirely of their own accord* They simply revolteil agaiunt a series of deep- seated wrongs of long stauding and no power could slay them. The charge that they wer^ induced to etiike by tbelr Ifvdprs and labor agitators is wholly untrue. Tbe fact is that tlie officers of the Amorican Reilway XJiHOn used all ibelr Infinent'e to pacify the employes and advised them retieatedly not to strike, but hear Patiently their grievancea until a peaoeatne settlement coaM be effected.

** Tbe employefl from tbe boglmti^ have been willing to arbitrate their dUT^nree with tbe company. Committee after com­mittee waltea upon tl^ o^ ia ls of the Pull­man (^mpany srlth a vam hope of effecting a Bettlement. They were willing to make ooDCesBlon to compromise in the intenait of peace. A ll their advaocei were repelled. The coh^DV was, and la uoyielding ae arla- mant* Finally, Jane 12, tbe delegates of the American KaUway Union met in conven­tion at Chioafp. xhe Pullman trouble had been discussed at their local meetings.

"The grievances of tlie Fullnian em­ployes were taken into oonstderatfon* Two Ecparate committees were sent to the offl- claU. Not tbe slightest satiafactlon could be obtained. Aa a last retort tbe delegatee by unanimous vote determined that uniose the Pullman < Company would agree to do Justice to the employes within five days, tbe members of tbe oraer would declino to haul Pulloiau calls.

"This action, belt well reroembered, was not taken until tbe strike ibaJ Imcq on six weeks, and every conceivable effort toobteln redrcMs ha 1 falle<l, because of the otMtluacy of the coiii()any. Up to this point the trou­ble was conftn^ to the Pullman Uomponv and itN employee. How, then, did tho strike citcud to the railways? Ijet the answer lie

given in accordance with tbe facta. The day efere tho onler of tbe delegates doclluing to

haul Pullrjiau cars went iuto effect, the Uon- eral Manacerw* Artociatiou, pepre-^enting the prlncbiel >Vcsten» railways, met end passc<l ft wrlw of resolutions, declaring in stilMtanc'e that they would upnold the ^llinao C’om- t»any in its fight upon the employed aud they woukl haul Pullman care and that they would itanil together in crushing out the Aindricnn Railway Union.

**lt will thus be seen that tbe railway coinpanit*! virtually joined force® with |J>e rulhnan t'Ompauy—weiit mto partnership iritli them, w to speak, to reduce ami defeat tholr hair-Atarved employer. lu this way tbe trouble was extended from line to line and fnmi syHtom to system until a crisis has bi'cn reacb rl.

"IVhatfftn be done to dlspol the appr»> hensioii thak iiow prevails and restore peace aud copfldeoce, the American HajOway t authority aud fu whose be­half this fitatemont maile, stands readr, "**fr?*^ tbe beginning stood ready, to do anvtbing in ita powor provided it is honor- * <>nd this trouble. This, briefly

stated, IS the positioa Ihc organlxation oocu- pie®. It simply ln.*rfste that the Pullman Lompany shall meet ita employes and do them justice. We guarantee that tbe latter wUI ain.'spt any reasonable pruposttion."

M E OLNEY TALKS.The FresJqent's Action in Henillax Federal

Troo|Mi toUhlcagn Upheld—No la- vBslon o f Htato lllchts.

WARHiNOTn!,, July 8.—Attomey-Qenaral OInej, lielng asked this inorntnE by a United Press reporter as to tho legal aapeet o t ' Gov­ernor Altgold’s position, replied with much (ieliberatiom

“ It is liardly worth while ^ discusi at length the false premises and tbe illogkai non-sequUuis of the AltgcU manlfeeto. A t n campaign platform it is a safe prediction that tbe author will bo fonnd to bo tho only person to stand upon it. Tbe soil of Illinois Is the soil of tho United Btatos, and for all United Stales

United Btates Is tliere with its courts, its Marshal, and its troops, not by license or comity, but as of riglil. The paramount duty of theVreeidont of the

* *“ ‘** I, *0 see that the laws of the u Ditw Btates are faithfully axccuted, anu la !^^LJ he Is not hauv-pKWd or cripaied tnr the neeswity of cion- •mfltsg any Chief o f Police, Mayor, or oven Governor.

" lu the preaant fnstam-e nothing has bsen done and nothing ordered which the moat captions critic can condemn os any lnv»*lnn ofHtatorkhta. Th iM tlonc 'Executive ha* baen eiclusivety directed w the en foro^n t of tho United Btatoe lawa the execution ot the orders and pmoknat of United States courta, and the prevention of “ “y o^ruetlons of the United States malla.1 he notion that tho territory of any State la tw to permit the exercise thereon by the United State. Govemmont ot any of Ita togitimste functions never had any legal ex­istence, and an a nila of conduct, became practically extinet with the cl<we ot the obfiL war.

fitontoDburgh * Co.’e Black and mac lo lts for Men at B l*.

Wo ore racolvlnf these snlti fraah from our cutomwerkmotua every hour. By the wav (■■•/nnto Hot it saanaaa though .Terv a tm auli 1»|M la wntng dtreot to us.—Adv; ^


Frjrri*« Array iHiut 4if> Out of Vli^iala nr Jt«t ArrflMtnd.

WAFFriMoropr. ,luly I'l.—Fry«*f "IndurtPl- alt.’' who lately movt^ their cftmp from Hlgblfttuli, M(i., to lliH vieioity of Boalyn, a Uttlp TiUag* acroas ttie river on the Old D<v ndulon noil, were vinltwl ynsterday by Cap­tain Ml) fib bark, of the AU^xandria Giiardn. aud iiPilered to get out of Virginia. Fryo ijguored the ord r, altbuugb Captain Muxb- back tbrestoued biiii with the bayouiet. Governor U'FeiTall haa dli^ctod Hheriff \ vitcb, of Alexandria County* to enforce Ihr law, and promises bis itip^iort In caM of noting or roKktam'v.

Tho luw In question provides for the arrest without warrant nf all of tlMclanusually riiaractenEerl aH vap'rauta, and that after a hearitkg l)«fore a Justice of the Pnare they may be iwQteaced labor ou the public works of tbe county for a tenn of not mors tbau three months. In the absence of public works in orogreNN they may be hired out to individt^ for that term arnamented by a

I ball and ^


A HullfUng Opposite,Poiloe lleedqnerten Pldtered, but Little Booty Secured,

Bpedal Dispatch to tbe Nxws.MrmftiMTOWH, July 0.^1lk}me time during

last night bui'gbini, by cutting out a large pane of ^lasi In a rter window of Woodholl & Martin's drygoods store in this dty, gained access to the plane. The robbers rifled the money drawer In tbecaBbier's office and snoceede<l lu getting but a few dollars in change. No stock was stolen. Tbe store is situated in the new McAlpin block directly up^Hiite puJire beadquartefN.

Evidently the burelara were scared away before tln y succewled in carrying away any of the couteutfi of the store. Chief of t-'olice Hollow'ay, wbo bos in bis possession abroken knife which wan used to cut out the fiaue <}f glass, uys that in his opinion the burglary was tbe work of some IrH al gang.


Iteler K«y, a Well-bniiwn l.ewjrcr of I.owcll, Masse, ftots Ills Nister in l.rure n S'lin^rnl at 1HlfincU«Htrr tVLth Out, of thr Hixtirrs, nml llvr from »t'n.rrl»g«« to a Hallway Fnl1iiw«>dbj A (ireat Crnwtl»Tli« Vomix tVoiiiin t nniieiits tn (l4k With Her Hrodiar to rrevenl Fnrtlker TronUlft,

MAVruFsTKH, N, H., Jiilyfi.—Ml.« Mnry F;iy, twciiiy thm'years ol«l, aiiavlcf* in St. Mary’s ( ’imvent, was forcibly alshictcil yr^ : tenlay by her bndlier, Feter A. Fiy, a well known lawyer, of Ix)well, Maw*. Mr. F.-iy wiMjt b> the convent yesterday ami nRkcsl m tec Itlif Bister, sayiug tliat her luotber wun very ill and that she must go with him st nnon. He said that their mother was then in thn ofilre of tbe (Granite Htate Provident s\i- Bo<'ialioa ou Eiui stnM t, tlie main thorough- fare of the city.

The Hiitern procured a carrlago and in company with a nuu Miss Fay itarteil for the Kenuard liuiMiDg* whom tbe Uraiiita Stftte iTuvUleiit U li»cfltcd. )Vben they reaeihnt the siilowalk in fruut of tbe building Mr. Fay graH|)oil liii sister around the wal*.t aiKl pulleil her from the back, shouting* " Yuiir mother is desui or.is dying, hut sho Is not here; she is at h»nia in Lowell, where you are going.'’

Tbe young woman endeavored to shake nff her capbir, Imt I * clutcbod her firmly by the arm aud startwl down the street towant iho dcpr>t. A crowd was attracted by bis a*'- tioiia and seeniod diS]»oied to Interfere. Fay sbi>ub*d:

‘ TiiiM is my sister, and I am taking her home, i will'kill tbo first ruaii who lays baiulM on me or her.”

At this the crowd fell back. Word was hurri(Mlly (]]s|iaU'hwl to polire headquarter*, aud whou Fay au<l his auter arrival at the pAHKetiger Mtalion there was a noaae of ofil- otu's au(l a crowd of ihuusaou awaiting liwin.

The ofiltvrs demanded that Fay give tbo girl up.

‘•Ask her whether she goes with me will­ingly or uut?" he ehouted.

The pr>iii*c arcfirtlingly address^l the young woman* anil she rephc*i promptly: "Yee; sooner than have any inure troiiulo I will go with him."

“ That settles It-,''EU'Kdarod Mr. Faytrn- pliatirally, •'and 1 will now thank you," ad­dressing the ' ‘ to clenr away this moband 1st us |»ass.'‘

A curious crowd »urroiiQ{|ed the {>air until their denartnre in tbe train. It L not l>e- lieved that Miaa Fay will stay in liOWoU, ae alie evidently went with her brother to pre­vent a scene. The affair hai caused a tre-nicudouK sensation.

^ -----------—


flal^w-kecper Heitd'i Friends Naj Ha Hid Nvt Caiine lln Milan's Heath,

Sperial Disoatch to the Nxvri.New Bki>nhwk'K, July 0*—An attempt is

being made today to have John Mead, of ISayruTille. who is aci'used of causing the i[mXh of Thomoa Kseuan by kicking uim on U'ei-luesday, ruleased on a writ of habeas cuqjuN. Mr. Mead claims, and other people also say, that the iiijurlee from wlib-h Keenan iUed were luit Infik-ted by birn. There bos l>een trouble l>etwecn tbe two men for uiuiitlii, (be cause being Mead's rescue of a Gernuiii who was being tortured by Keenan and hi<* enmpeuious.

()uJuly4 Kuenan thrcAtened Mead's s<m William, an<t wanted to fight him at a pic­nic, and when he esi'ajKxt threatenod to take a crowd to Mead's plai'e and du him up, Tiie lyiny went there ami reiiied a diaturbam '. They were ordereil away three tuiifH by lAcaaL and fioady they aMadMd Ibe saloou- keeper. Keenan afterward went tn the “ shaot-y at Itayrs & Fisher's brickyard and got bis supper* and afterward bml a fight with a mail whose name is not known. It is claimed that Keeuan received bis im jgrles in this flgbt.'' All wbo know Mead say he is of a quiet eaxy disposition and a man hard to make angry,

.'Yn autopsy was held this inoruiog on tbn liody of Keenan. Dr. Carroll, the ('ounty FhysIciaD. refuned to divulge tbe mult of the inquest* but it is nndereto'Mi that it is favorable b> Mead,

Wftilf for ifii’i ' o r nfhtr youroMpfttfnr tnntj h' adirr

Hiiny in f-A-r Aot tM t*dV'iut>H/s i/r


J. Dixon Cunnliigliani Arrested on aCtiarge of EmbeizlenienL

Special Dispatch to tbe Newu.New Bill JVSwqcK, July <1.—J. Dixon Cun­

ningham, a lawyer of this city, was arreitted this moruine by Detective C harles Oliver on a charge of ambeulemont preferred by Mrs. Barab B. Htout, tho wife of J* H. Htout, local Buperiutemlant of tbe Ignited Btates InsuratiL-e

Abo alleges that on June 28 Cunning­ham, acting os ber attorney, collected for her u hill of $15 from Amna H, Van Horn, of Newark. This money be failed tu turn over to ber, hiiC convcrlwl it to hl« own use. She frequently pron sed him for a aettit tqeut but he evrifled her, Cunulngbam gave bill before Hecorder Harkins,


llarrlHoti and Kcartiys Mrs. James KaKle* of 53 Heyuolits avenue,

Tfarrisui), eoruplalued to .Inatlce Mulligun >'i‘h- terday that Mrs. Harah Ford, a neighbor, lirul

i^lsoued ber eiiibl obickens, Dauring iliclr doHth. The Justice bad Mrs, Ford apjiroi* Ih*- fore hlui at bis office loKtuight. The woukiu said (bat she had put poUon on flowers in licr gartlrm, but that she did so with no inallduuH intent* hut tn protect the fiowars. The JuiHt ico adjourned the oaie for a farther bearing.

*rhe HuRiiiuai Meu'w A.4<*t»clatloQ nf Harrisiiu ami Kearny will meet to-night at their rooius in Eiburim Hall to take action in reg ril to jolDingIhe Newark Assuciatlon on UribicH- day next Id (lie anuual excursion of the New* arkorganisatinn t4> fllghiand Baaoh.

The Dongregatinn and tiunday-icbuol of the Knox Presbyierlau Churcli, Kearn)'> 'dl kq o& anexcursloD (o Asbury Park to>m<)rrnw.

The membere of the new Arllngtmi i Corps have put in uomluatlon for ua]i(ain Cieorge W. Buttle; first lleuteDani, Henry C. Flaacke, and eecond lieutenant, Deorge CL Koch.

Mrs. Rosaana Hyland*of Cleveland avenue, Harrison, woe to-day committed by Jiintic# Mulligan* in tlte Harrison FoHi'e Court, to the couDty k ll for sixty days for asiianlting wife of UoDStable Charles Murpby* of ta lb liton street, ilarrlsoni.

*'■' ■—■'— ------------fjtitifUffrri* tr io »«inV tn rrnt Aoiww*» of fivmu adwr"

ti*r 4n fV aVA’UiS, tVv 4-ivjU' thnlJ noftt4 (uw* thtre for tt=A<U ywn* U /<«<-

One Hodv Washetl Ashore. Hbumtkad, N. Y,, July Tlie body of

John Maurer, a photoKraiilier, real- dence UOO lYest Thirty-fourth street, New York City, who was drowneil July 4 while sailing through Rockaway Inlot, was washed ashore on the bearta late yestorijaj alterDooo. Nothing as yet has lieeb seen of the liody of his brother Charles, or John Binith, wlto were drownwl with him. Coro­ner George B. Smith will hold an inquwi Monday at Hockaway.

Against ex-Governor rrloa’s Selva. Bpmlal Dispatch to the News. .

Thrhmh, July 0.—A bill of revivor against the heirs of ei-Governor Urioe and any adiulnlstratora and axeeuton that ■nay be appointed, was filed in the Court ot Chanetry this mortiiujt ^ Cort­land Parker oounsel (or Anna M. Forrest whose unpaid judgment secured agalnit titw ex-Qovarnor wgs the pause of hie being put in jail for contempt of c3urt.

The Comptrallev Appoints an Assistant. Bperial Dispatch to the Nswa.

TBEtnoH, July 0.—State Comptroller Han­cock has appolntoil WlUUun Wright, of Prinoeton, Mercer County, as a clei\ in his qlBce to suaoOed B. Frank AbbetL reijjgveii, at a salary of II,SOO. Mr. Abbott ie a brother of Buprame Com't Justice Abbett, Ha re- oelved a salary of 10,400.

Collars lOe. Kaeh. Cnffli Ite. Far Pals* in, all style*) best maki i Markat streaL—Adv.

Fout^^Itos^all styito) best mskae.

Stephen's Eplscftpsl CLurch, .MUilnirii, ■ live ' ' ....... . ■' ■

Mrs, slartir* leanteis l ‘Mrki I'p Itrr Fur­niture OAil Qiilvlly Mows Away*

il«4 Mluiiirs lirrTbrre ii nioiiruing in thohoine of Jam«^

laiwlftia, of I sMt. FlMMi.it plair, aud it's duo To thp fai't Thai Mr*, leawb'^ Hoh Ivft bsf hustmud and tli<< laftrr Is hot awinMff bar wbrrvftlHHiis, Jh ovrr •‘fVfniyyoars of Agp aud (bu wift> is alHnii ten yvsrv bis Jnulor. Up li fiujilttyrtl h( Ml Hvasftul Urmatary and Is will kuuwii it) thuUptUWlL

Witeuheleft hmuo togntnhis work yw- tentay morning, bin wite. b« aya, wiu* in gaud spinta, aiut uatMiig iu brr d*>tiiMftor wuold lead biin to nuNjiert Uiat nIip uvru <vm- tumplftted dMvrtlng him.

1 hiring (buiiay, tht* nii$;hbora toM him, a roftt h drova up ti> hw nud nixm aDvi -ward ft truck Ap)ivari'<l. Tben* ^ait Mmu! li\rly work doup iu tb*' liuu of iirvakmg up btiiiMd, autl uf two htnire flu'Tni> k*ladvii with furiiiiuru, away. Mr .Ia h K'hm, with two womi'u, aidd t*> timber Slaters, tlwii 0!iterv4,l Hip c*»arli aotl wai drivuu away. U wan a limnpl*awk«i fijund awaiting him mi bu rrliiru fnm) toil last night* UoM and rhrerlpMt ruouii, Btripp<'d of furmturi\ wvra all tliat w -rv left to grant him. H im private pa|iPiN aud 4»thar MODgiugw bad gunp with Iba rMt, iMit an uufeigupd note fuuDd on a manilp gavo dm InteiUgaure that his wife cmihl liw with him no iougar, but would pxprvt him W foot tbp PxpuUNM of hur aup[H)rt.

TbU afternomi Mr. l^wltM said that ha and hiM wifa were inarrlp'l ab<ml twauty yrars ago. Tbeu ba had Moma auda litthi uiunty. Now ha is wilhoub laud or money iu his diNdiuteg yuan. Fik live MHiix, he AayA hU wife has Iwen an invaUd. Uo diX'N uot blatua bis wife for her ruiiduvt »u miu'h EM he Idatfiua bar rolativea. One day last woek he n ve her flliXi to liwtid os fcliPMftwflt. TheLftwleMP* Uva<i fur years itj J'aH Aic and removed to tfiiN rity so that dm wifi' rould be near her slHters*

Mr. Lftwleai toM a Newh reporter that' bp gavtt his wife tim In thepnweiifp of her brother, JaniM Bunrt. whom lip dilnks lives uti riatie striwt, aiwl hf*r sihter* Mrs. Barth«>luuiow Uiley,who resides at W7 Warroti s.lreet.lip kiidWft uo reasoo why his wife should have left Mni, aa aba had everything that niit' could doNlre*

riip di Hirtad husband la dlsouusolate and all iiii ]ielghlx>ni can do Is to niaka blin ftcn>pt the situation uhibiaophirally. The uHKldxirs speak very olghly uf the fam-' tly and etprpis surprise that any differp'Di.tw shouli] cxiNt betwasQ tbe bushaud and wife. They hw( a little quarrel racpnlly, but no at- IcuUnn was {laid it, as the utvupla spcniad to have guUau alung barmoulousiy siticu.

PANIC ON A FERRYBOAT.The WnUftrliTs Flagpole Struck by Light­

ning and Two Persons lturi»Wunien l ‘uk»piigers llaillg Frlglitaiiedi

Nkw ViiUK, July fl.—The lightning wbli'b ac-comiuitihNii thft storm ChU tnuruiug made tbiugf lively around the Battery. Tba fcrrybimt Westfield, of tha Btaten Isiatui PVrry, whon on her I0:‘*i0 A, M. trip from btaten l!>lauil, was crowded with poMseugers, tho inajurUy of whom were womeu and dill- dreu. Shortly after tho boat left tho Staten Island slip the thunder U gan bo roU and tba

TAIC irr R ILL IN c o m m it t e e *

The Me:t«ur» Alsu Ortlere<l to Be Printed by Npemker Crisp*

WAHiii.vuTON* July 6.—The refercuce of tho Tori IT liilltotho Committee on Ways atbi Means was mmle Uiis afternoon In the HtMisf* in the most infomuhl manuer possible. A1 tbe fijicnlng prayer Epeakw* Crisp laid befori' the House a ciommunloattoa from SfN-reUvy of the Treamiry ralatmg toaddl- tiniml aids to navigatiou in Tanipu Bay, Fla. Ilo tIii'U annouuced “ Housn bills witii Sen­ate aiijpiidmeDta*’ Heading Clerk Hnugli- tuliiig seized f t printed copv uf Iho Tariff bill Hiid rend House bill No. -iS H, a 1)111 t-o reiiueo taxation* to provide revenue fur the GuVfTnmont and fna other puri>oseA-”

NiiLajdy apiiarenUy paid any particnlar at- trillion to the matter, nltbough Kpverat Ue- puhlicons dropped tho papers they were reading, audHpwkcrCrisp calmly rpiiiarkeil; ‘■Ordered printed and referred to the Com- niittep on Ware and Moans.” .And that is at] there woe or the proci.«eiUng.

The bill will not rpraaiu in eomniitteii longer than Ibis afternoon. At the conclii- flon of to-day's meeting tb« idll will bo r<v jwirte l Itook to tbe House* a rnoliou made bj nonconcur in the ameudiucnte ninl tliatcon- fuTefifl be appoinTe l to meet tho e already soleotod by the Henate.


He W ill T<eavc fur Ovrinany Abunt Augost 1 With Mrs* ItuDVon*

Ambaseador Kuuyon will leave for Ger­many about August I. To a Nkvvh reporter he said to-oay that Mrs. itunyon would also go to the Uerniftn capital. Mr. Runyon uid:

“ I f my wife and daughter do not. go with me they will follow me lu a tew wiK'ks. My MOOS will remaiu iu this eoiiutry.”

Itabluing to fioaii,Thu iwsiwsi engere on tiio U'retfield becanw

much ahu'med. The boat woe withiuten fi<et uf her slip wlieu itielightning etruck her forward flagstaff.1 bu cra 'kiug anil inappuig of the pole as it fell to the upper deck had not ceoMe<l when miother Hash uf Itghttiing bit tUe flag tK.v]e uu tbe pavilmn conue4'UHtwirh tho Ray Ridge terry which adjuinH the slip of tbe olateu la- ojid ferry. With a (tusIi ibe fiug- p4j|e of ibe pavilion wot; burled ou tbe doidi of tbe VVeetfielil, Fart ofit struck a woman jjOMfoiiger and kuucked her dowu. Another piece hit a deckhand ou oue abonlder and carried him off bis feel. A sw'tion of the p^deahki hit a huree ami sent tbe auLmai sprawling uu tho dadL

With the ftert onah many of the pnsttn- gers dashed to tha women's cabin lu order to esca}»e tlia flying timbers* By thattime tbe boat had biini[)ed iuto herslip, and the minute the gates were opened the pttMeiigers hurried off tne boat, nut waiting for the gang ptauks to be piaoed lu posltlou.


Hillburn, Kprtngfirld* Mhort HilISsA small ballooD, which vraMfltnrled heaven­

ward by some boye near the i'rosbyterlan Ghapel In KpriUKifield early lfu‘t ercuinir, tell oil the UulldiBg and expkxled. fire tothe roof. The boya pnK-iired annw ladders and the fire wiut qiihikly exiiiiKiilobei]*

The MUlburii policu ofllwiw have deler- mlned to abolish the utiHtotn of Junkmen of entering the yardh in the township, end yes­terday Of(|ir5or HankliiH arrested rhftrU'M Quell, a Newark Jniikman, and two bojB for entering yards In Short UIIU. .Ftwlloo Slmpiicui fined Quell $1.75*

The Millburn Free Ueatling-rooms have lieeu closed fur the summer*

St. Rose’s Yuwng Men’s ( ’uthnlloA«v>clftllon will hold an imiwrlant nifteling on Monday nlghi.

Miss Grace Ayers, of MlUburo avenue, Mill- burn, has rcturnel from a visit (o frlendn lu Idlohlgati.

Misses Marie and MadcUno Lyon, of Hpring- flehl, are in Connecilout* TheyWin visit the CMaklllB and ABbury Park be­fore returning ln>m<*. ........... ^

Mrs Edmund Cox aud family* nf Old Short nnii.are tipemllng ihe ainuiunr in PeuDsyU vanla*

Miss Harriet .Stuart IkMiuet, principal of the IVMniet Institute M Short Hills, is Bpendlug her vaco$lanHt liurfin^on.

Rev. Janivii M* WohsOu, rector of Ht*_______ rii, will

d e l f v e r a n i i p p r n ’ p r t a t o s e r m o n t u S u c c e w iC o u n c i l N o * I T l , J u n i o r O r d e r A m e r i c a n M o -o h a u l » , o f . M i l l b u n i , o n S u m l a y * '

^ n T e t u l r i t I d t h e H r a t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h , a t b u r m i r n e l d , w i l l b e o c c u p i e d o n S u n d a y b y | t a v * f i t a n l o y W h i l e , p a s t o r o f t h e H i l l s i d e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f O r a a i f o \ a l l o y .

T h e P o p e a n d M o n i l g u o r R a t o L l l . R o k i ; J u l y f l — T h e R o p e h a s l u f o r i y d

o n e o f t h o p r i o c l p a l m b m b e r e ot t h e g f t o d a F i d e t h a t b e w i l l n e v e r t u l e r a t e a n y o u p a e i t i e m t o M o n s i g a o r B a t o f i i , t b e p a p a l a b l e R a t e I n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . R e v * D r . B u r t i e l l , o f R o n d o n t * N , Y . , w i l l r e m a i n i n H o m e s u m e t i m e l o n g e r .

I f e n t a T r o u s e r * ^ I m p o r t e d O o o < U , a t S 3* S t o u t e n b u r g h A U p * ' s n o r t h w i n d o w ! »

b r i l l i a n t w i t h m e n ' s h a o d R o m e t r o u s e r s , o u t f r o m f i n e K o g l l a b a t r i p e w o r e l e d s , w h i c h t o v e b e e n r e d u c < » t o l e e a t h a n o o a t o f m a k l a g :

$9 » p a i r . T e l l y o u r n e i g h b o r s ana

fiCOUUubuigh A ODo, 7W t« 906 Broad it,—Adv.

A Nalinnal Graanlv.atlun Ftircned na a It*' suit of tlie ( onferenre Held at

Asburj Park.Spei.'ial Dispatch to the Niwa.

A hmuhv Fauk* July fi,—The tmiiU of to-day’s Mession of tho Good Hoads Coufereucu was tbe forniatiuii uf an urguDlxatiou ('alb'd the National Good Rnude Cutiterenr * Aa the ibffereDt Htateti wi<ro calknl tbu chairman uf each dulegatiou gave an account of road tmilUiug in iiis respective t tate. Auioog the Bpt9akt*r<% were ItoOuc B. i'otter, eoitor of PottfrnGood Road Librattjf Profeinior Herkmi, chaij'riian of the Massochusetci Highway Comjinsi lon: Mr. Apgar, of Florida* an<| b. HttBco, of New York City.

Tbe CoDimittee ' od OrgniiiziUiou inn<le a re iort, In wlilch jtrecoiiimcihleJ tlut the confer4*iU’0 roeot once a year; that an AdvlHory aud Central Committee bu np-

i)uinte<L and that ifnvpmor'ullcr be made the clminnun

uf both comtuittees with power io make such changi'S oshe may think proper. Tlio Com­mittee on Resolutlous rci’ururni'uded itiM establUhment in all lh<i Stiites tbe establiNhiuent iu all tim Ktatea of t«m|K>rary Highway rommiHNious to comilder such iegiilallve methods uf ruftd imprnvemuiit oe theywiiibed to adopt and furtherrecommended the organixaiion of a rood improvement awK>eiaLioii nr league in till* Ncveral Mtates where they are not now established.

The afterboon was uo<’Upi<Ml in the apyiolnte incut (ff ilelegatei from cucii State tu tbe next road cunference.

Franklin iiid Nntley rleklnga,'Die Epworth Leikuue cciiineutcd with the

Frimklin MetboiUnt EpbM.'upul Church will hold AAociable at tlie residcno* of A. W. Pin- (free, on Erie avenue, on M^mday night*

Tbe hours of morning Hervli.H" at tho Frank­lin Iteformed (.’hurcU have bin'ii changed from IDM) to A. M., and tiu* SaUlmtli-school to U:4 A. M. during the summer months. Rev. William Htuarl, ihe pashpr, wlllcxchange pnl- pfis on Hiindity with the U'*v. Rogardus, of the Rrookdale Roformed ('hurcb.

.Mr. aud Mrs. 11. M. Hlngliam, of Terrnci) plaoe, and Mrs. (L H. IMdiiioM-er.of tiraut avc- Duv, started thU morning for a drive acrus* the country to Asbury I ’ark. where they will spend two weeks.

C. H. Rav, of Niittey avenue, has returned from a yacnilug trip to Hhelter Island*

Mrs. James M* Wheeler, uf the Kncloauro, is spending a month at Klberou.

giinimit Foliitert.Tbe Summit liuard of Fire Wardens held a

sjKidal meeting lost night.Tbe election uf Smumit Bchout TriisU*eii

under the now law will take plitce in the School Hallon the nightof .July 17.

The funeral of iJIarence Risk took plnce from his brother's resldeoce at flummitlhls niuruing and was private. The remains were taken lo Fhllndelpbla. whore Mr. Kbik for­merly resMcd. fur Interment.

John V. Murphy, Willlatn if. Hrown and W, H. Caffrey, members of the Orpheus Host Club, were upnet wliile experimenting with a now 1>oat lathe Pnsain River at Hurumil yes­terday afiePnnon, Yhoyswamtoillmre.

Jobp Hunter, of j^mifllt, who Ipml hnon illforthe pMt three w e ^ , wore .*»__MfehoeTk IIb«tiRsilry«w._.to«.,

Jhotf w n iPOnt tmploffMeiU use the temrus}iinfilo}/frt aeptet ^/tnd Irtalrs cerfuntm wVre £Aey wm oeuitn Mp. ______' •

Western Hall Arriving Itegularly.Poatraaster Hutan states that tbe big strike

is uot affecting tbe receipt of letters from pointa weet of Chicago to any extent. Tbe Chicago mails are bring received regularly.


S t i i r t e s 0 f I t e s r r i l u u a n d ^ i u n - a u p p u r t .A C a s a o f l U g a i i i y — H r l t g l o n

i ' a u s r i r a u i f l y r r i M i b l O a J i i d | ^ M m i l i o d t i n ) i i i i N i t w i k i n d u f a a e s -

f t ! t l t * ^ K l r e ! l ’ r « \ u n « ' t I ’ o l i t ' e C i m r t t h i s i m i r u i i i g * w b v i t n m t m U T 4i i r w i v e s a f ^ ] x ‘4t n * 4l i n T i ’ r r h i m f i n d b * M t h n r * « ' V f r a l t a l t ^ M o f d o m r e t l r m f e h r U y . T b e f i r s l c A ' i o

w a i t h a t o f i t e o r g t 4 D f t u l e l a o f t i u u i U D r - a i i g i * . w l u > w a s c b s i ^ i x l b y b i s w l f o K l l a with ■ l l W t T t U . U l .

T i m y o u n g w o i u a t i t i d d J u 4l a P * M o t l t h . i t s I h * w e n t w i t h D a i i i c U t o N e w Y o r k m s u l y r i g h t y i « r 44 a g « N w i t h t l i e l i i t c u t i o i i r f f g e t * t m g n i a r r i i M l i u t h a t c i t y . D a i n e K h i m s a i d ,

a l t b i s m o n e y o t i L l k ‘ t r i p a n d w a n U n l f o ' " A l n t i d o f f " t h e i i i i u i s t e r . H b e r w - D 1.'4l ^ t t o I m v e t i u i l d u n e n i u l t h e r v u i p t e I r o u l r a c t o d a i H i m n i i U i J a w m a m a u ' ^ . | F u r n o . - i p l v i N e v e u y v u r a " l n ‘ l e s t i i l i H l , t i u ’ V i l i v e i l l i H p p i i y ( f ^ i t h e r ua t i l a i i n n d w i t e * I u n i i l H w o m n u w h o g a v e h r r l u u n o ' i i A i J i i l t m A l i e n a p i ' i v i n ' * ! a m i r i u i m e N t D u n l d i \ u s h e r l i u s l i a n d . W l i e n t i i v d e f e n d a n t w i ^ n t ' o n t i i c K t a i i ' l I f t M l e n l c i l t l i s t h e I m d e v e r m a r - < r b x i V i A s A l l e n . b u t b i n i t e i i i a l '■ W A N ( ' c n l r a i l i r t u d b y a t r i m l y - b u i l t . ; y o u n g w o m a n , w h o M i d t t m t » h e w a s ' f o r m e r l v M i s s . A l l e n , a n d t h a t s h e w a x m a r - I r i e t i t o D a n l o U o u A p r i l 3(1 t a s L J u d g e M u t t i u n i e n ^ L D a n i c U t o ( « y h i s c o m m o n - b i w w i f e I $3 rm b w e e k . C b i e M l o p t w r i l e c l a r e i i t h a t I h e w i M i l d p r e f e r a t - h a r g i > o f b i g a m y a g a i n s t ' D a n i e l s , i

r i m r l e e H c b a e f f e r * o f t V t O r a n g e s t r e e t , a I w i i H i i c t o f t w e n t y y i * a n s t e n d i u g * w a x H i u r g ' r i b y h i s f i r s t w i f e w i t h t h ' x e r t i o n a n d f a l l u r v ; t o s u p p o r t h u r . H e v i a t i n w i t h a t t J i o b a n l l i n w . s a n d l a c k o f e m p l o y m e n t w e r e t h e c a t i i w > H o f h i s n e g l c i ’ t a m i J u d g e M n t t g a v e h i m a n o t h e r c h a i i r e .

A T h r e a t t o t a k e h e r l i f e f o n n e d t h e l i a i i e o f I h o ^ • o m p l a i n l m a d e b y M m . H m r v . M a s c m , o f H j x h ' e n t h a v e n u e a n d K I t v e i i t h f t t r e f t , e g a i u s t h e r b u s b a n d . J u d g e M u t t g a v e I h o 4' u u | d e s u i - h k i n d l y a i l v l r u t h a t t h e y m a d e u p a u d J u f t t h o c o u r t r o o m a n n d u - a r m . i

t o r i f l i c l i u g r e l i g i o u s p r i n c i p l e s c a i i x o d I h o t r o u b l e i H i t w r e i i s b t M ' p i i W i O f i e r t a t u i h i s w i f e , s S r l i i e . l A ' l e i i e r i I s a t a i h o H u w h i l e h i s l i e t t e r h a l f i « a F r o b w l a n t . T h e h n x b a n i t f a l l s b i c k o n a p r i ' - n u p t u a l a g c c e i m ' u t t i m t t h e c h i l d r e n s h u u U t t i e b r o u g h t u p i n t h e f a i t h o f U i o f a t h « . * r . T h e m o t h e r , h u t o s t i l l o i l , w a n t e d t o v i o l a t e t l t e a g i r e r n o n t * l i e s a i d t h a t t b e t r o u b l e w u s < a u t e i | l i i a i n l y b y h i s m o t h e r - i n - l a w ' s i n t e i ' - f o i v n r u . J u d g e M o t t i w ' t u r e t l t h e r f j U ] i J o s o v c r c l y , a n d o n R l o j t e r l ’ s a g r e e m e n t t « w a i v e h i s r e l i g i o u s t H ' r i i p l o e b e w a s d l s -

c h o i ' g o d .T h o m a s M c G o v e r n , a n e m p l o y e a t r a r r i e

s U i i i e v L i r d , w a s a w i d ^ i w c r w h m b o n i a r r U n l h i s p r e s e n t w i f e * M a r y , w l i o c b a r g e < l h i m y e s b T d a y w i t h a s s a u l t n i i d t h i s m o r n i n g a d d e d a c h a r g e o f 4l o w > r - t i 4> n . M r i K i v c r n ' s f o u r U < i e n - v o a r - o k l s u o w a s I n m u r t w h i l e t h e o o s e w o » b r i n g t r l o d * T l i o w i f e t o l d J u d g e M u t t t h a t h e r h i i i l i u r f d h a d H t r u c k h e r w i t h a i t a n . . M c G o v e r n l O H t i l l t s l t l i a t b e w d H w i l l i n g t o H U ] i | > o r t h i s w i f e p r u v i d u d s h o w o u l d a g r e e t o l i e l i a v e h e r ­s e l f , H n s a i d t l i f t l s h e d r n n k t o e x i ' t w a a n d t h a t w h e n h u b r o u g h t i n g r i M ' o r i w f u r u s e I n t h e h o i i f M ' b o l d s h c ^ d d t l H i m a n d l H ) u g b t l i < ] u o r w i t h t h o m u n o y . H o a < l n i l t t e < l h a v i n g s t r u S t h e r w i t l i a t l u i i a t i , b u t s a i d t h a t w h e n h o r f r - t u r n o i l f r o m w < i r k t h e r u w a s d o s u p p e r r e a l l y f o r h i m . H o b e g a n t o p i e | i m - e t h e m e a l * h « s a i d , w h e n s h o i s t r u c k h i m w i t h a p l a t e . T h e n l x > u s m l t h e r i t i } ) a n r n a w e a | x m a n d b i t b a r w i t h I t . . M c G o v e r n l u i i d t h a t h i e s o n , w h o w e n t w i t h h i m w h e n h e l e f t t h e b o u s e , c o u l d t h r o w s o m e J i g b t o n t h e m a t t e r .

“ L c t ' r t h a v e h i m u p h o r n , t f a e o , ” o a i d J u d g e M o l t .

T h e w o m a n p r o t e s t e ^ l a g a i n s t h e a r i n g t b e ' b o y ' s s t o r y o n t h e g r o u n d t h a t ' ’ h e t n i g h t s a y • u u K ' t b i H g t h a t i i n ^ t t r u e , ” b u t J u d g e M o t t r n l i c d H i e I s j y t o t h e w i t i t e s a a t a n d .

T h e l a d > ‘ o r i o b o r a t e d b i n f a t h e r ’ s n t a t e - m e i i t a b o u t t h e m o t h e r ' s d r i n k i n g h a b i t s a n d a b o u t t h e n l l e g i i d a s M i u l t .

" D o n ' t Y o u l u v s h e r f " a s k e d J u d g e M o t t . “ N o * I i V m ' t ; I h a t e h e r * ' ' w a s t o e l i t t l e

f e t l o w ' a a n s w e r . H e t o l d J u d g e M o t t t h a t " K h e t i m d u h i m a s h a m t i d i n t h e n e i g h b o r l t o o d

i M M ' a i i s e t h e E i t h e r b o y s w e r e a l w a y s t e l l l D R h i m t l i a t b i s l u o t h f i r w a x a d r u n k a t r i . ”

O n l i o l n g r e c t t i l e d M c G o v e r n s a i d t h a t h e w a s w i l l i n g 0.1 4' A r n f u r h i s w i f e a n d t u g i v e h e r w h a t e v e r t h e C o u r t t h o u g h t r i g h t

“ W e l l . 11 a w c i ' k w i l l l i o e n o u g h , ' ^ s a i d J u d g e M o t t . H e p l a c e d H c G o v a r a u n d e r b o n u s t o p a y b i s w i f e t h a t a m o u n t .

T W O W r i T H F O K B I G D A M A O K K *

N i w J e r s e y T r a c t f o n C o m p a n y H i i e d f u r B l O i b O O a n d ( C o n s o l i d a t e d f u r S l f i , P U O . T h e N e w J e r s t i y T r a c t i o n ( . ’ u m j i a n y h a s

a n o t h e r d a m a g e s u i t t o d e f e n d . I t I s f o r | 10, 0u b , a n d I s b r o u g h t b y lunen B u r n e t t , t h r o u g h l a w y e r H a n i u e l K a i i s c h .

M r . R u n i o t t s u e s tut o d m i n G t r a t o r t o r e ­c o v e r d a i n a g r e f o r t h e d e a t h o f h i s f i v e - y e a r - o l d w u o w a s e t r u c k a n d l D < i t e n t l y k i l l e d b y a n r i e c t r i c c a r u n W a s h i n g t o n s t r e e t , n e a r N e w s t r e e t , c m A u g u s t 15 l o s t T b e l i t t l e f e l l o w w a n c r o s s i n g t h e h l r e * * t w h e n a c a r , i u R d U > b e g o i n g a t g r e a t i p t ^ e d , s t r u c k h u m

A 115,000 d a m a g e s u i t a g a i n s t I h u C o t i B o j i d a t e U T r a c t i o n C u m ] x i n y h a s b e e n b e g u n b y l ^ f t w y e r A b n e r K a i i s c h o n t A . d i a l f o f V v i l i l a r n H. M a l l o y , w h u w a s i n j u r c j l o n

^ ( p r i n g f l a l d a v e n u e o n J u l y 3 l a s t . T l t e p l a i n ­t i f f w a s e m p l o y e d a s a i l r i r c r .

W h i l e n u H p r i u g f i r i d a v e n u e , n e a r I r v i n g ­t o n , M a l l o y w a s r j r < * e i l t o t u r n i u t e t b e o a r t r u c . ' k , u s U i o r o a d o n t h e K l d u o f t h e t r a c k s w o e t o r n u p . M a i b i y o l u k u a t o b e | n > r 1' l i v e t h a t n o r a r w a s i u s i g h t w h e n h e t u r n e d o n t h e U ‘ u c k b u t t h a t b e f u r o l i a h a d p r c t o e f u l m l v e r y f a r h e w a s s t a r t l e d t o h e a r a c a r a l m * M t t e d i i u d h i m . H o t r i e i i t o t u r n o v e r t b e t r a c k , h u c l a l r u s , b u t b e f o r e t h e n - . t r w b r a U o f t l m w a g o n b o d e l r a r o d t h o r a i l s I h o e n r s l n i r k t h e n g .

T h e w a g o n w ' U R w r e i ’ k e d a i i ' l M o l l o y w a s t h r o w n t o t h e g r o u n d « i t h c o u s i d c r a b l u f o r r e . H e w a . s i u j u r e d a b o u t t h e a n a s , b a c k a n d l e g s * a n d i t i s a l ^ j b v l i o v e t l t h a t h e s u s t e i u e d i n t e r n a l I n j u r i t n .

€AIlilO rfiK NKAHIN<i (.'OMl'l.KTION*

UeserJptlon of the Biilldliig With Its Apartineiits for Kniploj'rs.

Tbo new carhouw of the ('uusohdaU^l Tractiou Com]>any, in'ar th bridge where the }*)auk road cruesuft the i'anwaic Hiver, is nearing cornplotlou. *\ll that ii^ la Vi Ui done is n small aim>iiiit of c^rfienter work Im- fore it will Iw ready for oc(*upancy. The building WON intended at fir.-it for n isjwer- houxe for tbe Traction CoiiijiAny' nud is 'JuO feel long and eighty feel wide* Hevou tracks are rmi into the buikiiiig, which has ti capac­ity ol fifty-ttlx carH. The tracks are built on In ick piers hlx fccit high to allow W4irk- tiirn to get beneath tbe cars to luako repairs.

There Is a becoud story to ihe front |iart uf the rmUdiug, lu which a number of rooms linve te'en airatigeil fur the <;nnv«niB»cc of the etnployes of the ruuil. There la a simwer hath, besides twoloiiiigiug rooniM, uno for tho motoniien and tlie other for the cuuductorH. Thee© njiartincnts have lockers for the clothes of iiwch niAii, and Is otberwise tfaurougbly fiirnishcHl. Thu middle nx>m Is for the division su])erinlendent, and a bay window cuabies him to obtain a full view of the tiacks in both tllrt'CthuH. There is also a lung room iu tbe roar of the sutierm- tendent’K apartment, which will lie used as a bunk room for the Hingle men wboile«ire to lodge there. ^ ___

(terinan Pioneer ai»c1et.v*i Ktectlon.The German I ’iuncer Hodety held Us au-

mial mevUtig lait night and heard the amiiiul report of ItH presidout, John Utto, wlm gave an interesting review uf tbe work of tho so­ciety. During the last year twenty-two mendiera die<l, and tlie soedety now 1ms .'UX) meiiiiicrs. The treasury lias a lia lance uf |UAi.l)fl. Thoriectiuuoi olllrers reMilbwl an follows: FresUleut, Jobu OUu; vioe-ppesl- dent, Fbilip .Mager; serretary* Juhtiilerpicb; flnanciftl secretary* J. A, Hiiether; treasurerj Charles Koch; Kxwutlve Committee, F. K. Adler, F. G. Hturu, Louis Aldeudurf, ,los<'j)b Gemeindor, Gustav Tinnier* F. Klofer, Boluinon De Juuge* Fenlinaml Autenrietb, H. L. Jung and Mcholaa *Manger.

*.~..v(tes«d to He IlntiwIdUle’s llodytA nuilo body of « youiift ni»n was. fouad

floatinn ill tho VaiBuic Hiver opimsite the Huroka IiobUiuimb yesteriiaT alteroogn. it to supiwwii lo be tu t of Julin DunwUlille, the young Sew Yorker who wa» drowned iu the OOT6 north ot tbe Mliiland tridge last V.'edDeeday aftoruoou. The corpse was first seen by a man named Meeker, who towsd'it to Woodward's dock ami then notiflfd tbe polico. County fhyslrian Klllott then or­dered tbe remains removed to Mnllln's morgua Tbe relatlvn* of Dunwiildio bava lieen communicated willi.

k Dfimaml tb&t A ll Moneys Be Tnrnei* Over to the City Treasurer.


A l>«cumcnr Signnil by etaniai K* Connfllf M ('oiii]ilrolter» Ucail at Laat Mating of th«« l.lhrary T r »«l^ «. lu Which It Ift atatrd That, .%rp«nBng (• Law, (ha Wanoy in th«» liaml* of Ihr Romrtl Mull Up GIvpii tcv tho TrpaaurvQ Ispadi tn ill Anliiialpel BIspaMlon,

Ariutiliibnteut wan dafdctad on tim facea ol tho Library (rUNU't'ii lost night whmi I.lbrat'ian Hill r4<ad a rumiimnitatioa Nigupil hy .lani»>R F. t'oiinrily, aa riimptroUar* or'icriiig that all mutieyinow in tho liAU<b of the lioarti be at onre turned over lo the n iy Treaturwr. AsImllAr iiotifl- cHtion had been sent to Treaauivr Edward IL Diirvee.

The itenumd was tnadn, so the ronuDunioa* thm« rfvwl, under authority glvw by a law recrntly pawiad and called for all tunneya “ no matter from wliak (KRirre raiTifed, or to what accuuul crad" itel.”

When tbe surprlM had worn off || dawm*)! tiitnn Uie minds of thitrusTo<M (hat Kiuie cue must bavthluudHreii* At lea tt it was tho iinanl- moiM opliuun that tho boaril'ariiiaucee were nut affi*ct4id bytil* act refeire<| (o, ok the Library Tnwtasa Is an inde]>emtent buarLt aud not a inuDlcipal department

After a short diseutsion the tresmurer was direotiHl to reply that aa the requestwas not jiiitifletl (iy any existing law h* niiMt refuxp to turn over the money. The atnunut which Tmaaiirer Dorjae niiW has In his |sNeweaion is $U),{lTfi.77,

Gil Moiiilay next the now iron liook* xlanls will lie rei'eG'ed, am! iocuiiw*t|ueni'e the 11brar>*rteini will lie kept rlosetl for tliM wuuk while tosstands ire Iwing placetl iu pusUiou. The read- iug-moni, however* will Im ke it o{«ti lo tha public, Thu Mt-uuk uf books has lieeD li> creased 9900 worth during the past montL and when tlie new stands are in place I4(1U worth more will be purchoHed,

The l>uanl will lie reprreentadat tho ims'tlng of tbe Ameri­can Library ARSuciation, whkdi will ponveiie at lAke RlacM, in tba Adlruo- dack next SeptemUir. it was vuted thal LUirarian UUl should attend.

Btils amimntiug to fLUM.Ofl were ordered paid. The cmiunltbN^ will meet hereaftef un tbe first Thursday of every month at 7;J0 K M.

PRICES STILL MOUNTING,ir a Fresh Riipply that la Isooked Fat

Falls to Arrive Haon Newark Will He WBhoot Heat.

Tbe pro*iHvts are that there will be silU greater iticrwiHt's in tlie prices of meats in this dty OK a result of the great railroad fttrike. The situation threatens to heooma very s iutis If the many carloocU of fresh uifKte now on their way to Newark should not arrivs here by to-oioirow night or by Mtmday luuming at the lateet. B. Ktrau^ who handles a vast aiuonnt eff Armour’s drovNed bsuL said this Tiiorning:

"1 have five oeriomhi of l^^fnowontbe way here* iSach rer bolds 30*000 pounds of the meat* 1 generally get a telegram tiiJrty- six hours before they will arrive. They are du* here Raturday afternoon, Wsoonot know where the care are, but they are pitibabiy m^r nttaburg or Chicago. If that meat does not arrive here by noon of b>-niurrow Newark will he iirautically with­out meat, borauM other dealen here are In the saiue sit nation* They liavs car* on tha wjiy aud are anxiously waiting for tidings ot them. There I* enough lieef and meats of all ktmls to carry ua through over Huuday, but that Jh oil.

'*The odvani^ hi prices of fre»h meats is tweuty-five {wr coat., nnd on iuuns shout three |ier cent. There i* a ooiMlderahle su|> tiiy of salt pork uu luiiuL and there is very little danger of a rapid rise iu the priou of tbit for a lime yot.”

At Binibler, Van WogEmeu (ki,*N wbero fresh and salt pork is sold at wholo- Halr, it wan state<l tliat thu supply of fresh pork woe very Umitel and there was danger of It bononiing exhaunteNl in a tew days if tha blockodH should not Im raised. Already tha price lias risen four ceuta on the iN>und. Tha supply of u lt pork was Htatetl to be prao- tiiiilly u imitect, at leoMt for the priwout, but that uudsr the pressure the price hod risen alxmt ft cent a pound. The firm has five car InsdH of llvu stock on tbe way to lliis city. Some car]r>ad.s un the way from HulTaloara safe, as Ihe way Is upeu. From KaHHOs City the firm cx|>ectH to hear uf a car by to-nighL

Buiue houjiowlTUH, in vjctv of the mivaoc# in meat prices, have boycottml that articif of food Mid havo beon liuylug lUii justeod, and a>> a result the prices of the differunt va r^ eties of that food iiave also gone up. I r market this murning firicc* rsng^l as followH, with com]iarlNuns with lost wiwk's figures; Nirloin bteak "*i5 ceuta per potmd, nil luLToos of five cenU; porterhouse steak .'to, mlvanco of five ceut-i; round fiteok a), Ajlvnnco of two cents; rll>- roftflti 35. advarit'c of tivu cenU; corn rump 'JO, advaTKiii of four (-entu: Uiab chojM Ho, Hpriiig lamb chi>|4 lio, loin of venl’Jit veal ciillvM 135, VE'ul I'hopsi com toiigu*'15, smnkiri touguo tab* 1‘hui'k steak 12 rente »ar jKULiid. There ware no advuncoa In lamb ur veal ]>riceit.

At tho flili stem] theK« prices had to bo met; sImjU crabs, 155 jwr do/ou; liard fihell cralw, :yj ceute per do/tui; joirgies, 12 ccute per pound, an IncreaHt' of four <'«*nte when a dro]> wa'i cxihh'UmI instead; Hturgifon, ]ti, MU liAHs, 12, live <M>a bauM, IH, halibut IH, haihluck 10, ll'iuudcrN K wcukfish 10, blue tlsii 12, large blue m, fre^h inackiTcl lit), cfxi I'J, l^fiaiiiili mackerel 15, hake 10, da*

K MukcK h rente a |»ound.C-od. hftlibul and iHirgics were vary scares

in the niarkcL, only one dealer having a good quantity, which be LlisfiOHcd of to ttand- hretKirs At wliuU>na]i‘ rates, (.'lams and oysters rideii the sattm as last week, thers nut liOlug u great demand for them.

Poultry reuminH «t-(-ndy and, strange oa it may with meat m) dear, there is uO great dcniMid for it*

'I'he jirii.'re (jf vcgebiblus, fruite and ber­ries renuiin tho snmu as They were a week ago. Ir in |H»K.siblc, tho dealers K»y, that tbs (ftlifornift teuit now on its way htiruwiil conui high iiTprhN'X, but as yet there is no sign of all Increase lu price. There la a big couNignuitint uf Galifurnta melons ou tho way, t)Ut the strlLu dues nut affui't tho prices of uielous riuw in market.

Tiies« priccH rnlcil for vegetables: Now po- tnloes L5 to 2U oeiils a lialf j>ci'k, peus 15 to 20, beans 15 to 2D, Kpinach 15, aNpurugua 15 to ‘JU ceiiU per bui)ch, cftbtiugu H to UI jier bcftil* lettuce 4 b> 5 i»er head,i-uilihhes 2 cents ]>er tmneh, Rornuuia unions 15 4'cnte ft ipiarl, greeuomoiLs 4 rente la-i' bunch, cucinuUjirs 5 to 7 cunts sphNN', 4'ggplftnt ii(i to 25 each, squtuin H U) 12, beute -I to 5 a bunch, lurniijs H a bunch, cuulitiower 15 to cimte a heJid, tomatoes, of Hie Jerw^y 15 to 30 purquart*

Granges from Florida, iu good condition, rHugiri from 35 to Ob eents a duzeu aud toni- oiisTl to 2.5ft duxcti, plums 12, and 15ceuta |iur pjut, blac'klK?rries 12 lo 15, rod raspber­ries T to Id i>er fdiit, bliu'kcaps 12 to 14, gwm Iwrrlos tu 12 und cherries H t<j 20.

WaUon 41 Co, 9Uow Alt THetr Surplus C'aatotn Fattenis Ip Both Their Broad asd Market Street Windows A ll Beady to IMt Un.Sksleton Saits, |k and hal Mined

salts, ilOand |12; both plain and silk lined can now be had in any sIks, as Wataon A Cc. are flntehing dally the last of their serge salts for their season, oat from their surplus ous- tom patterns, which smbntee tbe finest goods from the best leoiu in ihs world.—Adr.

Htabbed by a Tole.Arthur Gordon, otberwise known as

H Kid” Gordon of Sayrevltle, is a patient at Kt Uichaers Hospital, in this city* suffering from the effects ol a dangerous knife wound* Gordon was stabbed ysstorday morning by a Pole in front of tbs Aaritao House at ^yre- vlUe. The hospital authorities say tnat tbe patient Is reeung ooiiifortabiy and has a

----- ol uUlmatt rscoTwy.goodobaaos i

Mftturdny Fair and Colde v F a i r a n d u i i g h t l y c u l d o r w u u t h e r t s p r o -

d U ' t u d f o r N e w J e r s e y t o - m o r r o w b y ( h e W o f t l i i e r H u r e f t u . N o r t h w o u l e r l y w i n d s .

The raogepf the tomperaiure for the pui twelve iiours, acoording t<i the reoord kept by Charles Harulegen ik Co., 6H3 Broad street, is: a A. *M., .Utleg.: fi A. M-, fiH d«g*; k A. deg.; n Mm 74 deg.; 5 F. M*. 70 def*

c i t y N E W 8 IiO TH C - >

G e o r g e Y o u n g n o d J n i n o * P a l r i c k b a n e btaa a p p i i l u t e d s u b a t i t u l u l o t t e r - c a r r l e i * .

T h e r e w m w r i u e n u p o n t h e C i r c u i t C o u r t m l n i i t o * t o - d a ) - J n d g n i e n t b j - d e f a u l t f o r e i T V i U I n f a v o r o t I l e u j a m l h J . M a y o a c a i n a g i l a r i c V . H . C r e s s w r l l .

T h e p o l i c e o t h e a d q u a r t e r * h a r e b e e n a s k e d t o l o o k f o r a b U - i ' v l u t h a t w a s s t o l e n f r o m i n f r o n t o f T t o i l r u a d s t r e e t a b o u t n o o n t o - d a y . T h e m a c h i n e I s o w n e d b y W . U a r r e t s o a .

etontenburgli A Co.'a New Department. Hsmtoome ssaortraont of Vall.ee, fiatohefai

aud Full UresH Cases Just in. All tbe latest Htyle*. embracing tbe cabin bag, Kugttsb club, canvas duck, born.baok ottro dtesalngcaia and Engllih bellows. Wo Intead to oroata a lively business la these goods by selling tba choicest styles and beet makaa at moderato

itootaiibarfh db Co., TH to US Broad it.—Adv.

VKWAUK KVEXIXa NEWS. Fm »AY. jrTA ’ 0. 1804.

AP ro T ii io n for P u s h oo A l l Except

N e w Y o rk C m ,

Prnitiltnt Hnrrlxin Van Duyn* anil ht» eoUticlwa of th« Ei«ril of H tm t ami VVataT CommlMiloiHTa took up lhi> luntlor of llx' ftn«t rallnnr tramfor •T»n‘m al tiM in»>t- ing TcaturiJay altanuajii ami introiliii'-Al an onllDanm i-rgiilating the clrsn); auil arcept- Ing of tranifara. The ortIPiani'e was refeitvil totbt(.'oounittmoa htraeU anA UlKlneayi •Hit hy that omiimittoa arnamlixl lu ai to not Intarfara with the fimwiltilalel Trai-tlon Conipaiiy'a rule that no trauafara ahall bt fiTeu or aore|>t.eil im the rura of tilt Ntw Yo rk line. Thou the urilinanifi reoaitrtil Ita flnt reading and wat n rilvn l toaaecouJ m ding.

Before the meeting began ('ontmlaainntr Tlohenur told a N iw h rriiorler tliat he be- llayed the work of dwapllatlou wae llniaheii. Ifr. TU'henur, however, waa nut aware of arbal VummlaainniT Jorairniun hail in hl« •tewve, and that inemtiar provail coiKdiieivaly that hit aie It allU in working order by h>|>. ping off tht bead of fleorge H. I ’elan, Hu-

p^ntendent of I'ublir tlrouuda awl t’arka. The pntitliHi waa left verent for the preeeni.

The trenafer ordluanre waa Introduond when Ihiealdent Van Duyue called fur the re port ol the I'unimittre (lU Bt recta end High waya. Ur, Jorahmiun Introduced tlie ordi­nance, which bom Uila tlllei " An unli- nanca regulating the giving and accepting of traDcfera on the itreet raileeya of the city of Kewark." The onUuaiioe reed ea fullowa:

"Flrat. That any company or corporation operating care for t be purpiiae of carryingpaeaaiisera within the lliiilta of the city of Ifewarlb whether tuch earn he prnpeileil byhoreea, elertrkoty or utlierwiea, ahall, upuii raqueat end without further cheitta, give lo any paaeanger who baa jiaid iui faro on any atich car a tranefer tlcliri which ahall en­title auch peraoD to a continuoua rUla iu tiibtr dlrecdlom on any alreal railway linnlulerarrtlag with or iniuiei*tlng with the line

.................... fa ■ ‘ ■updo which auch tranafar waa laniad, whether controlled by the eaid uumpany or oorpoiu •bou or any other coai{iauiy or corporation."

The ooinmlUe' then aiiienilMl theorillnaoce by inaertlng Itaa worda “ of five uenU" in the

S. reletiog to the paymaat of faree, iiiak- Itraadthuai “ A uy paaeanger who hat i hit fare of five oenta on any inch car," and In the amended form the ordluauce

paaacd the Itrat raailllig.A coiuniunlcatkin from Dr, Lehllacb, call­

ing attention to a pool of etagnant water on Btueei avenue near the canal, waa rtlerred to Cominiaainner Tichenor, with luatnictlona to ‘'look into It.* A requeat for a aewer baam at Plana and Hlaecktr atreeta, and a petition lor the paving of Btate atrwt from Broad to High atraet, were referred to the •OBualUeet in ofaarn of Uoee maUera Hr. Kubn 'i reeolutlon. that tho old watcrplpe on Cfoip atreet be repbuxd by a aii-lnch pine, Waa concurred in. The contract for funilah- log the corporation and curb atopa waa awarded to the firm of F. £ U. d. IlovUn, oo • baata ol $17.85 for fifteen five-eighth a ^ Mia one-inch atope. Ur. Devlin’a b u waa the lownt,

A uetltiun from the property-owneri on Acaoemy atreet, aiking for the pavliu of that thuroughfare, came next. Borne or theaIgneri wanted the itreet paved with aipbalt,

blocka.wblle utbera wem In favor of granite bl____It waa dacldad to aitverUee notice of lutan- tion to pave thg. atreet with granite blocka on a tli-lucb concrete ban.

A reautution dealgnetlng tba Newiu-k S v M lM a Niwa, dountol, Doily Adverliaer, Deufaeha Zaifeng and fVete Zaitung aa Ibeotflctal papera to publiah the nuUcea and ad- vwllaeiDanta at the boanl waa adapted

Mr. dorr lemon Intruluced a meolatlon, whiob Wat adopted, changing the manner ofpreeenting blda tor the work of the boanl. Hla reeolutlon provided that Initead of de-proipoaitlng the Haled btita in a box Hveral daya In advac " " ' ' ' 'In advance, an formerly, they ibould he pm- aented at a mr. dig of the board and opened at the unie ineellug.

“ Iben the contractor! can be in the audience and when the propoeala are ca lM for they can walk up and hand them to tho clerk," aald Mr. Joraleinca. In ihia wuy everjbod--------------u_-,ve^body can sea what la lieing done."

When Hr. Joralsmon arose to deoapitate O aom H. Peten Mr. Tichenor had left the meetuig-rooiu and be remained In the littleautte-room until the matter had been dlepoaed of. A t Commiwloner Campbell waa not preeeot at the meeting Mr. Patera wax rele­gated to private life by the vote of the Bo- pUbUcan Coounlailoneri.

Surveyor Adam was Instructed to arrange for modifying the grade of Cutler atreet, •nd a petition for the paring with graulte blocka of Van Buren atreet, from Walnut to Cheatnut atreet, and Chestnut atreet, from Van Buren atreet lo Pacific street, waa re­ferred to the Committee on BtroaU and Highways,

A communication from the property- ewnera on Bomeivet itreet, aiklng tlmt the atreet be paved with aejihalt, brought the board face to face with a legal problem. It

€ pears that an ordiuaiire was paaied some ne ago providing for the paving of that oroughtare with trap-rwk. Mr. Jorale- inon held that before the request of the

property-owners could he granted it would be oeceasarr to regieal the old ordlimuce, aud this, be said, would eatall the cost of adver­tising ail orar again. The matter was re- ferrH to City Counael RIker.

Numerous onmuiumcatluas for amlagalnxtthe repaving of Plane street were reml.

" • r J a ■Engineer Jaoobeen was instructed to In- veatlgale the condition of the receiving basin • t tbs Belleville pumping station.

The resolntloii from the Committee on Btreeta and Highway!, requiring tba Conaid- dated Traction Company lo rcM lr tlio iiave- nient near the tracks on BellevlUe avemia •nd Broad itreet and to replace the crosa. walks that bad been removed, was adopted,

Albert C. Courtor waa granted the privi­lege of the floor, and ho callod the board's atlanlluu to what he termed u aeiioua condi­tion of alTalri.

“ We are now running electric cars on Broad street,” aald Mr. Idiurter, “ cisuising the tracks of tho Delaware, Iwckawannu and n estern itallroad. At that point tnere Is a third track on which there are iisiinlly onn, two or three freight caiw staudliig. Tlnsm cars olietruct the view uP the motornmu of tho electric cars and prevent them from see­ing an agiproaOhing train. Home ,iav there w-flt be a norriblo a< 'ai-oident a t that point, and tbia honorable board wilt be ceusureil forperniltting the cars to stand where they ob­struct the inotornian's view. Tlial Is my rwaon for addrasslng you in this niultor The meat Uouao at that placii us$t Ihe iracks for unloading their cars, tho es|iress coin-

Kn l« for baggage and at present id u I is log unloaded at tlmt [shut. There

haa aJremly been one ainudeiit llicie which etiB lelt a niimhei' of cripples, and ther,' Is great danger of another. This board can stop this.

“ I know that the railroad eonqmiiv will five you a long chaac, but you ,-aii piit the acrowa oil at once by making them stop rnii- nlng their trains thirty miles nu hour over

crowing. The old bissrd maile them runnot faster than eight miles, and this board nan do the saiiia. A t present wedoiwi Mfetyiit that point on (he man who lumathe crank lhal lowerstho gates. We ask tho board to rcinedy this mid to remove this menace."

George W. Wjedeiimuyer spoke next about the msds of a sewte-age system in the lower and of the city, which, he sanL depetnls on the old Tweltlli Ward dltcii.

“ The ditch ban lo be cleaned out about every two weeks," be soul, “and the first rain thut falls washes the stnfl back again Tlmt section is seriously tli eatonal witli •pldemlc if some relitl is not given by Ibis board. Froiwrty in the vicinity has .lepre. clatod In value until it Is almost valueless, and all because of the lack of sewerage. 1 •m aware that it will cost cousidurnblemoney to build tills sewer, but Ihaouiiense a^mld DOL be.TOueiderwi wlieii the ^ i t h of th h ^ h m iid itv d a lh*-aUtt*»d, , tVe U,i.»a—

j VVWT® \w t ask lUfl'board fu r rellcT" ..-Otois

then spoke of the trea-

T H E K in g ston , N .V ., Postmaster says:

Dr. Deane'sDyspepsia Pills

Work waiuld's. They cured my son of Slok Headache and Indigeahtm. A young lady friend of ray fivrally cured henelf of Sick Hcadacltn of long- Handing by their u k . Every one recommends ilicin highly,"

N. WOLVE.X. PHtiouter. This la hoina cndotHtnenl,A>All4>tiggir$, tiicejiu. ficBdio mfur Ctm luapl*.

. DC- Js A, t>BANE CO.,r Kiuj(itOu, Ntw Vorlb

tlM of the tVftvtrij ^lul rawMiio lUllroftd an Ht mill Kollimtit-U is rrfrrjivl Ui til* jfru|**r

A MumlHTof ftniiluitir {■i-itd'it'* mmlt • t l l i + ' n f fhn raiurijUl*^ ran Alul }|i|i(hw«3rfl III rr,{iEnt to tliri ofI’UiPP AtrtMf. W. H. i*ikit#nrm, a oiAnf>r on th it took MtHtr tii'l raiil


llMt tb«r^ haillteiHi two iiF'litioiM t>rfSb>*Drnt the U mu’iI for Iht rt*|iAV'iDK of ttM

Another Oflletal H»m1 PaII« in th« llmikfit, thfet nf H.

«f Fubll# OroMiiils rtirkiwwf*iiTs>liif of «nd %Frolilfm -A Jb«rt f . I’diurkpr l>r«irt Al- toalLuo to o 4iroU« rruaninf lloufvr, ft<PW*rii|f0 ** llowu tuth« Utpovliif of Finn*

from lirooi) to kUrkH ** TboM Iff (itioui went wDi liu'* li atMy

'* umJfr the irnpri;Mloii that th«* wiiMiu»Ut on j«Tja<t Uw ,\ UriLc nuuiU-rof thf who wort ill favur r>f av

• fulJypliait {MkviaXi iHit /uUy twulhiriU wautaNlgraiilWi hhM-kn. Many nf tli* artP$mhh| tn ^laviiiif tha at all.thought Uuimatter had] iieen net but it ban r iiiie to our uoth^e IhuT prup<< 4iU fur ra-

MR. CO N N ELLY B A N Q U ETED . !N E W FJiA N TO CATCH T H IE V E S « 'K v m v > > i.tx h u m . d r o w n f i *.

!kc«varh i lllnrna Frravnl IIWii WJtli a IMa'uiiiud Itliiv aiirt l.oarl Him n$iHJi

U lth U urdft or Fra)»e.

|>avJug tha Hireet wiili grAiiit** 1 lock* •')} i>iu«*reto lim*e littVf betui a»iverti-fl f' r Wa■ ii<ler«tali(l that the iMiiir.l ran [Mve thf f lr^ ‘t ifthey winhhMlo mu. Hut thnre ur« other Titre«*t* lu that m v Uuu whi(*h are |,iavwt with 4<obble Phu** W hy mivit itraeta aud pMw over U) ftreet' VVe i|f> nottliirik it la riM d-diry U> pavr tho ntreifta but if it ii)u»l Im* iaviMl Wi. preter gramu* bl*M'kH; but wo ilo not ihink that it i'« noi' ">ary t-u u«* a liamv i»i H narroa hTtmiI hktHauo Atnatt, aKileliAvkl Htr«el»Umla th«i tratlio wHbuut tha Iiam* "

Mr. I'attenaon wiiil tlmt tlioro were4,‘iVi fort of romiway wilbln tbo limitaiul that the mm-iiuu from the f-aiiai to .Hlar* krt ■trf'et Wiu without HiirvryorAiiaiii intorniiil^Kl him bi explain ihat tiia MM-tlon froru lluiik bi .Market Mtma wan pru- VkImI With a Ur^a hrh'k Newvr.

t'irrk Idiiiiirtt rm>l a ronriiiinlratioii from lianiliriaxtor V imh m irgartl to lliu Hliileuu utmailo by Augiitt Itrummoit at tho hjHH'ial in(*eting of lUe boiinl Halunlar nlniuta T riwi of couevrU whU'b Mr. llnmitnell nalU VcMMa liAUil waM williijg to give iu the <>lil buri'lnjc KrTitiiMl oil liruad Atrtwt. Mr. Vew wrote Uiat .Mr. liniiimieirii oifer wat uii autbgrjftcMl by the band, but he Htotoi That he waa Willing to give ron-ifft's at ililibiry P a rk ‘*im tiie [‘urninuu MOM] •yNlrni of two y ean ago.*'


Trcci About Itiuiiiuriebl th a t Are HilugUaphlty KlliaHl h j ttie Ueell««

>o Hrmriiy Kn4>wn.Tb4* elm tm» lieetle ft agaiu makhig ita ap*

|jearaur*«i aud the trae« m thii viidiiily are iiued with the pi>ktt. E rnr tli^^) the beetle made Ita appearauce tba eltna hare been dying by luebei.

The peopltt of Ulooniflelil have gmie to a great deal of exfienM in reeeut ymra trying to <ii«cuTw a ri'inttly by whirb to rid the treea of their enemy, but eg far notldug ba« bet*n found to aoHWKr the pur^Hwa

liaUiU have been plneei} arniiud the treea Id the middle of the trunk, and othor K*hetne« Itave Iweti tried. Uu JBlouiuileld areoue, which a tone time eontAliied wune of the lumdsoimytt elm treen lu tlie S tato uow coDtaiba treoi thAt are covered with the

royal wtiN U)m welrome that New. ark'a ex*t'oiii|itru)kr, Jamua K. t'ontMlv, re* ('elvml iait night when be enter«ti DavJv M jiarlor<s wik*ro «v.»r fi-ur eenru well-known cltutelwof tberiTvbiol a-*» iMbtot to ilo him hmi'tr, 11; widl-wubcrn, h-l by I'niident John H. Kit. of tlie 1 onmnm Coimril; Aldtr man Wiiliam Slaluiby au<H'i(yr)erkn*i '<in iu/r, bad pleauevi with caiTM p>tondi*r him u tevtimomal bauituet to uuirL hb retinMiH-ut

I from tho olU('« }io bad Ijd' I forI Hvo year*, am i tlK<re wm not th(*I Mtlghb**! hitch to mar pr<«gmmiiiej iimpi» ’l out f'kT the iH- aAlmj. A f<'

feniNv lMo*«vemeivt prevrubil Mr.Di'omior frniii juimitg hb fi-llow* around the f> divi* lx let'll, but gU the n>t wnn> tbero and for

I four louM bouiw th>* gmwU rr;:iil<*l tin'iu- I Mtvm wilb giBhl thliign of' and an I hKrouesi fo word'* ]>raiv4

tlmt wen* bkia(ied th'* i‘X-roiii[>tr<n'-'-aI h*wd ill hugo orabtfical ohuiil(»;. Iinuiucor- I niT of the r.porn l*jof.-' m* i««ler end hulittle i band of Hnvi*r musieiftU" hold forth, nn I l*e- [ tween HjMMi'ho and reud'*red a|'pn>' prirtb* •♦eloi’tione.

When Toantiiutxier SLaluehy thennw lof the fv**rdtig to tli$> ie.it - liou-ir tbi*re Were iiitw ty ntir.ejiM m readyfor the feaet U> lieKiu. Aruuu>l 1hi= riiam table Were eent«*$l ex-M/iyor Pj'eel*deut uf l.'oimcil Kly. I’j-o^eeulor tionrley, of I'nMnaic t'ounty, Keulpen Trier uud Kinw Kuqyon, ami Dr. H. i'. H. ll *rol I. beforo the proceeitiiigi were fulrlv nuder «ay Mayor l^ebkuecher ilrnpjii.ail iu and waa

at Ahlentuin HUmdir’v left hntid. The Mayor, by the way, wan wurmly greeUnh by the amietublage.

Kuua Itunym waa callttl u kui to read kttenifroin V<dt4*«l Htotun .’ ♦•nabir Smiili, I'ohmel Jd. T. H arndt iiml K H. liaddie, r*- greiUng their Inuhihty 1 |irew*ni, aud exi>reM.«lng blgb regard for the of tlie occailoij.

.Mr. 8 taimd)7 ojieuei] the ftiHxIgatM of oratory ehorliv Iwfore lUuehn’k, when he aroeu an«l read nii aildre!»: devotnil to Mr.( 'onDolly'4 ruireer ae a eiti/eii und public iHtl" dal. l(e iaki Mlreaemi tlie faet that liartlean |N)||tirw Were ttw«>pt axtile liy the men who met to |Hiy tflbnto tn n i'itiri*ni who bml Just retli'eil fnxit the manaicemeni oftlieAnaii- dtil dnmrtmrnt of one of the grenteAt rJllea In tJio lutul, and otio Tlmt M4kh1 in the front rank^ of uiajuufarturiuK eoiimnmltlea.

i^ ea ru .jiie t to-night t<> 4*timriiond tb«

l«eetlai whicb in eonie pUcee cMinpletoly-t__ - __ a . id (coTvr the trees and grouuU around them .At the foot of the tree can bn meu wbat appears to be the eggn uf the beetle.

In the |mrk at Bio mifleUl the eltue tliat die are repbuMNl with bieplea, nearly all the youug tnw i u<»w In aiKi around the park be­ing of ttukt variety. The iiionNtor etmv, which are etlll lu thn majorityt w*^r a verydilapidated appearaine. The lyeetlee eat

l«avboleii in the Wvaaf causing them to die and drt^ to the ground.

The romEnittec on KubUc (IroundA of the Ipwuthip C/omnuttee will Imj oekod on«e more to take sotiie stepa to save the trww, if poealbla.

STHKKT HOllHKHg KNOCKKD OUT.Two of Them Meet Morw Than Tlieir Match

In an Intettiled Vleitiii*There was a bold attem pt at highway rob-

bory laat night on Orange avenue, Irving­ton. Two men stopped a atrangpr and de­manded m u»y. He refuaea to give up, aud one of the fellow* rtruck a t him. The ttranguj* replied In kitui and followed the blow up with a kick. One roblK*r then grablieil the man by the leg, but the intouded victim hit from tha ihouUler and his luaallaut went down.

Then the ieeond highwayman, who rarne to the aasistam!fl of bis pal, rerelvud a blow and reoollad, when the man It wn% intended to rob seiiad the opjMjrtunifcy and owia^wil.

The men are described as tali ami tUm. One of them wa« eaUI to have a bglit tnu^ taohe and to wear a ilouuh hnt, The attvkeiiman made complaint in Halsey Hobiiwot], but would not give bia name.

MRHHRKOKH HItOWN APHU^rTRl>aFlaced on the Hoard of Afro-Amerifsn

Hiireau of Orfnnlxatlun.CMfy MessBuger John K, Hrown rw'olved

notice to day that be had betui wdeetod as u member of the advisory board of the Afro- Anjeiican Bureau of Organlxation.

The bureau Is an iunovatiuu In poUtU's, Instltatod under the iuijervjsinn of the Democratic Congresilrmai Coninilltee of which Houator Kaulkuer is chnlmiau. Its aim will be to orgaiil».» the colunxi votorg inall parts of the country iu the mtoiyst of the Deuiorratlc iiartv. The cliief of the bureau is Robrrt (i. Ktill, of BhiluiU)l|jliiasMr. Brown reprBS4*iiU New Jer»^', and be will have as co-worker* f ” '

»w Jers^', and be------ . H. J, fa y lor, of

k a o w ; M. B. Koonco, AUlmrrm; ii. i ‘. C. A#twood» NewA’ork; T. W. iSwaun, BennsyJvnnla; W. E. Hross, New York; t;llfFordBl ................................ ...lummer, HassachusetU^ and J. T. C. Kew- lom, of Texas.Thw whnvxmt IHp uat'tfu .NTIJX

lyuttr ufAo want Silaatium ypra tfuit iuiiter br/arg aU itlfwrM.

A m i«TK U 10irN AH!i,\l f;r.E rneit Htager airuok W lthniit 4 uiise-rxi-

conucloiiii Many Hours.On Fourth of July night, while Ernest

Stager, of Franklin avenue, Franklin^ was looking through the window of Dr. A. H.Van Hiuor's store, on Chestnut strwtt. that

tnnplace, three young colored men rainc along, aud uue of them suddenly Mtrp|M>d up to Htager aud ntruck him a torrihlu liiow in the neck. As Btuger turnc«l he xvas slnn-k sgaiiiin the face, the blow knocking him insvn^i- bla An touk) L'ipriano stepped forw arlandwas thn^at4‘n©d by tho colored aian, but C'lprlauo weut into hiH store and broughtout a guu, when Uve three luuu i U .

S ta ^ r was ('arried home and not re­cover oonsHouanes* until yesterdav sflor- noon. No Irsi'e could be found of lii* usuall-ant, end no reiuiou can Iw thought of fur tho assault.

Rcrerely Nceldetl by TofTne.Thomas Hi4hnr>iit|. of Main fWlp.

vlUe, bad his hands iievcrely scalded by liav- ing hoi cotfwj tlirowii o\'ur them vt'^tcnluv by his sister-in-lntv, Mm-y Parker., The woman had Ixwn drinking and gut into a dU puto with Uetlmond. A wnrmut vvas sworn out boforo JiiNUCB La Faudu-rle for the arrest of Mrs. Tai’ker, ami it touk the com- blne<l elTorls of tho aliuitliv mid ('onutable Saudford to get the wonuui to tho Justiue’H cjfflc*. Nhc hud Ihc distinction of Iwlug flie' -- — ........... -.V... va aaiiifi, IJOfir*t^|»iKnu fommitlvil to the iio« looWup,--- 1 / . .........-I' .a f- aaav aa, vi 4V/!,aasiU,aud lliw morning she was flmvl #10 nud cost*.

IVf.tnvlil aud Vlululty.William O tm i wa« iirivsiv.l j-oiiti>rilriv fur

tho ]>arl ho played In a Ire* il<l,t at, .Miitrel1'» liotel a l la'.iiui iMi July 4. trad COBllta.<ir Wfl.tflpid, horaiaic t'alon’a Iniiulaman. He will apia'ur Iwlbr* Iho (Jraiid Jury at (in naxt term.

Tlio Fnlou Walar Company will placa Iho liydraniH ordorert hy ilie 'Town ( 'mmuiltfo of Wcalllold iu poBltion iieit 'vvok.

Tho Limlen Towii.hipavhooi elrrtioa wIIIIk. Iielil at tlio Iimnroiim In thu Wlieataliont iiott'l on July IT,

Zleoaiali'i Ftiti Itiiln 't fio.Aa a |w rt of tlio Fonrih of .Iiilv colnhra-

tloB BtaDiolaiii /.li'niritl, of 101 l•'oll tI' 'lllll street, oo WKlmtsdayonforoil tho iiramisoscif I rod Holiuto, Ihlts L'aniilon at root, and sovpra! tlnnai iU.oliarji«l a thirty-two cBllhre ro- volvor, murit to tlio alnnii'iit tho family, the Iiiemtwni of whlrh llrd for their llvtn to nn uplier story. Mr Hoinio hail tho innn ar- roateil, ami last nieht .liidjjo KjtKPra haile.l him iu tho stint of IIKJ a t the Fourth Trei-tiiot Htatiuu. Zit'rardI aalil ho was only m ftiii.

F O I .K S Y O U K N O W .

—M. I). Martin,of Ontario, t ’anada. iaspond- inn a few .lays with ileoi-.(ii Ilorvpy.oii tValio- l^aii avenue. '

, has gtmeto iaa|bit«>4i(.'

- Mrs. alulm A. Nichols and t]ul-

- HcnM' B oW r^uf Orangeto iVuu Yauh, N. V, ^

—-ExtoTird Oixwlmaii nud slalcr have roturaod Ironv FldJEvlulphiu. ^

—Arthur Hayward, of EngolwooUJs vl*iUf,j Fred Aldred* of Mummer aveuiie.

- iMlsfi Wenluj.xd VVnverly place. !s spsndr Ingn few days at the C'ohmiukdu Houne, A*- hury Park.

—Mis* Uroce Hnrriscui, of Rosovlilu, 1ms re- turuvd fruu) Butherfurd.

-Mie« Maude Parkur, axUughterof fienernl Parker, of New Voi k City, is vislllug MiHs ; Wllkiusun, of Halsled strnet, Kasi Oraiig*.

—Miss M. Prslt, of Littleton avenue, ha* gone to Moutclnif.

—The llrv . John A. yhaw, who broke down from ovorwYirk last winter, will return to rhle tllynn Friday aud will remain a week, bid* iUnggoodby to his frlrude aud parishioners befuro eatllog wlDi Mrs. Bhaw for Europo.

jiuUkwdflrliil fur piilihi* 7<Hrvif-e honorablyaxhl well Uuae/* mMiluti Mr. Hliiiusby, lays down voluniarlly nn olDcs which for overfire years hu lias ti]K*<l with er<.‘cptA- blllty and public edvantagf. His famiUariCv with d t r AtTairs Is rerognin^l. PoMlbjy no riiixsti lit iiKwre r'onv4*rHani wjih thu iRtriceto m elteri of luuuu'lpsl h^gislation end city fiDani’ee than Air. roiiiielly. I'oilcrhU etf. nilnlHtraUuu the inttfiYHls of ihc taxpayer have iMfii parnmmtot, and tax ra to b e i been malutaliieit at a rcnmiimblj low f l^ r e .”

He Hh‘U told of th«‘ dt hento respousibili t|s> r*'{*iw:sl In the rotnjiirollerihip, emi tie* rierwi that the ufllon tm 1 nsver liocn run by Mr. <'otm**lly a jxdlllfal iimrliine.

After iwfemug u> .Stuiiux wherethecx-Coniptrollor wo* lK>riu and his reconI HH e soldier, the *p iikiT seul that was a mail that could always be calk'd "O ur FrleniL'' Then turning M r I'onnellVt ^be Alder* Ilian hsndtv! him a uiaMlve illamond ting, with tbtMe rcnuirks:

"As n murk of the esteem in which your friends hold you, thoy jiiMent you with this toknii. Mav Ihu rrlimiDhi}) now existing be- tween us aft be, like this ring, pure in lU chorentor ns Uic dlenumd. end, Uka the ciiY'lgt itsidf, with<mt an end.''

lu respoudlug Ihe guest of the evening spuke with drep fetding. He referred to the ‘Miiystlc inymtorluiis rhangc in his l i fe -e broken h(Mr*t*hold," sinin) he ha<l loKt met with bis ff;llow-cltl»*iw in these self-same

IiarJurs, and how the Cuinmon Council boil liiidly given him leave of absence to seek

beelfit utid strength in fureigu dimes."Thi^ b*«ljiiKmial Is jmrtIriilaFly dear at

this Knie/’ weut on the s|i^kcr, “ when frienddiiii hniigs so l«»osely where it ahould l»e so blroiigljr wcIdeiL”

iheii ]«iil his respeete to Aldermau Ktainsby &s one vrrs*4il hy exjjerieure in pul^ lie elTairi, and turning to Mayor ljd>Kuech<‘r be asked his itnlulgern’e while lie told of the value of pluciQg politicians in o^ce. Not pfiiitirlans in tho soums of ward wtwkert or primary inauiputators, but potitlclaiis be­cause of tbuir study of polifiral itffairT and kiiowlcMlge oLpubJtc needn. “ Every Amerl- c«u citi£(m who is an American citizen should be a iKilitiuian,'’ coticlu'hvi Mr. Connelly, quoting from an article he said be had r « ^ tUni day iu the Forum

Mayor JxHbkueoher followed in a pleasing, happy htyle. He quite agr«.'oil with the ei-Comptrollt»r’s views aa to poi »tlnce his elevation to office he Wd fuuml tli.it almost overyUnly lo Newark aj^varoil to be a jfditiclaii. To hU way of Ihinkiiig there wo* a differcuce in politicfiuw. For mstnncvi, the man who hcl|M>d to frame a la rltfb llj might be of no account In a street oleaning department, or orm verMcd on the sT.ver qufHtion might count for little lu repairing Newark’s water wurka.

Rx-Mayor Ilnync)* plunged as heroicallyInto statistic* as in tlie days of yore and then

* ' hiMr, (4<mrley cntcrttuiicd his hearers in _ bright aiiil humuruus s|«ech that wom a]>- pluuded time and agiilu. Froddent Kiy was tlrttl out from h k ciTurfH in carrying Mr. Counclly’B fl.UNj diamoud al>out to think of anything to siiy, but l ‘<intmastor Rutan was In good voice mni !u- wudwl Into the general subje<*t lu eloquent Ktrli). Alderman Herrl- gaii kejit his hearers iu a roar by bis tide slftliK ut Mr. r»>nncily iiud' tlic po- lilioal ik'uL ho cuuM tell o* If he were iitrUiied tu unfold teles out 4if schcNj). Dr. Ucrold •e-es ]<iaded to tho brim with humor ami the uierrimoiit tiiet bis s|jt*e(’h ]irovok«'l HtP-stml the appreciation iu which liiN silhoH worh hidd. ( ’<»unty (Uerk WrlgbtHou, I’Airu'k Keilly, t^ juard J. Kurd aiui Aid. aSvduov ogdeu contributed to the fluid of hrlglil viyirigs, und then ex-Aldor* nmu Augustun iiUHuulierry tol i of Mr. Con­nelly's cantu'.lsigiiinmg with the time when but fourtticn Vvarx ut'iig'* lie enJiisUvi in bis cumiiuuiil Cunipanv I, Thirty-Hflh .New Jersey VoluiilcF.Ts, to g u tu th s front, up tothe present

“ Thi Bulks.

helT tea” was rpsjHmdiNl to by T, E.

Ill rw|Kmdliig to “ Tho l4ftilh*s,»' towartl the close o f the Inimjnet. Mr. ronnellv told ot hit ^iKit« lo nimiy •diim-i, and tho duugli- turnof every laml were euldgixml by him, but of all he had si cn uum' could HUcceesfnUy rival the girls «>f Aiuonca.

At Hie <*onclusion of tho atfuir ell bauds renewed congrutulttliiUH nud wished .Mr. C'uiiiifliy thw beet of fortune iu hi* future cai'eer,

'ITKN HtHTKriPlsi' Itltr MKKTINU*Arrniig$>m«iits for Kiili rfa1om<tul itiiil

( omiiatltloiis iM lie llfh l in September.The committee Imviug charge of

tho errangemeubi fur tho moot­ing of the turn sis.*U'tiM comprising tho North Now .Icrw»y circuit met last night arid luriiiulatol a programme, Tbc circuit will nient HcpWmbcr 2 and H. Dll Siiturday Jireccdlng the o]x>nliig of the iiiwa thfiv. will be B reception t<» the visitors.

Sumluy, Heptomtw:^r ‘J. there will lie gym* iiaMtji' exMrclsee for pri;/.CB. Men, Ixiys and wiiincn will lake iiart iu the exercisw. At night tlicrii will be prD.i liccluuuitioiiH. Mi'iiiUiv iluu'c will bccfiinpitilive swimming end II ■pmradc, to be followisl by cmnpiUitive exeri'iM-s During the prut^rcss of the meet there will be cOiicerta end other etitorlaiu- nicnta.

Actams-Mniun.At I he n-sidciice of her miflcv D, J. Mnson,

toy Viui huitm Htreet, MissE. A1u*,iiu wa« last night unltol In nmrriugi! to W alter ,1. Admus, of Biltsliiii'g. The ttireinony was jh*r-furiuo«l by Rev. L. H, Osbiriie,III till* presciji^o of H iarg« numiier of guo.-its. 1 he bride was given uway by h«r unclu. Khe w«s wrtimdeil by "Miiw LillieE. Adimiv Kisi4*r uf' the groom,and Miss Aimie Lane. I). E.Detney wuh “ and U, IL Mo»<in,Henry K. Memigh, M ,L Mosoii,* ami Churles d. |>uasiicr, st'cveii as Hshora, A ruici»tioii followeii Hie csTeinony, afterwhich thi* newly-inerritnl wuple leftto»]K!ml their honeymnon in the rataktlls. They will reside a t I'lUshurg on their return.

Bunions Respondread ily s^^entific treatnu-nt. T h e y c.qjiiiot l!e cured, but tl]c/<«'» eiTrt bt xtoppfti w ith that sootbitigiino- dyne /or tie feet, tlie-aiever fa ilin g

Phenylln Antissplic Foot Lotion.

All F.siiri |>arlt M«u Wlin K rpt Ills AdopISft Ittiy In s I nop H 'lth Milk

end Fa4m1**AIiI HnrlH? A$ U.

(PkK« «] In nuJ«>fwi, It* •dlUn.) M,f!f H li one nf ui*. I’lit'iij’tni A.iiimjit, .'ui'i.rUPrapsr. mlUsie. “ .411 p*iwp« n-uMirr » hh* u/ iAtm. ’ 'ertWMi# l-e uifY aU i>f j'Witt.'* All *r»' eqy*,Uj Hnuii sit •rswsrnuUwt ibeoluteijr harjiiiii<M;slJ *i*■TciK'lr tu rvprcwtiicKl I stxi all sre rri‘i>uriit oni; by Mie Pli«nTlm L'oiniMiny, rf*ntifaruirlnaCbeutiMi. I&T Slid lAS WiLtUuii SVrMii, Kfw Yur* (iitv.

TO BE HAD A T ALL DRUGGISTS,R et jm l B o o t a n d s h o e S T o n E S ,i St tha ronigiuijro«Dd Mso St tha roniMiy’i

Rfitail Depot 308 Sixth Ave.,Mtwifa ittOt null ttth Strri'ta, HfW Vr>rktrnlijElLlrn.ijnlltinir L'AiUhii.ffr'e h ' t / t i ' R l i c | IpTre.Hnd wjihin G meuitti Avcmioii

Uin IKliN

A n«*w factor^ In the ib e p of a umall bey, he* IwL-n dreggwi Into the ountrovciwy lu K -*‘i l*ark, Clinton Town-iiip, betWMU thu Smiitag ami Mdvillu families. An eiY*uunl

lh» Irmibh* over the ilHepjicerani’ ’ 'if five chii'hcn* Iwlunging t$» tha Somitag^ was givi n In th« Nr.t\ - uf %r»torda\ Thu in>w fuutiu' IS tbcedi pleil Smiulag,Hhti Was futiiiiJ aiiting in tin- Bunnlag chirkriioNaTp last night by f..nr n>R» who w4-r$* |iuN»ing fhe place and hcnnl tha cries uf the Imij to lie rclfu hI from bi-i phuY* of im- pn-^mmcnl.

TJ»s J.Jin Cnrl, of 113. end John K«*|tt, of LaU Mulberry street; John Si'hinitl, of OT ViW'y aud 1'Ihhf ltn> Mlll«r, of■Jy Morton r»—Hit l tbu . htid from tlMcfwp ami brought lihn to (In* city and tunicil him over to Idcutf'uant Astlcv at ijulin* btHidquArtorii. Thu men mud the Uiy wm crying piiifullv whtm tlicy dto -ivcrwl bim. The tiny ttilii tli»* iiii4i) (hat he hait lii^'n in thw ouop all day, luLvmg liwcn Jm kml in uariy ill thciiiurniuh by hi* rarb-.*r U'birc tin Ut- tor aniMiU wife lg/( the plm-" for the il»y. M r Curl said the m*igtilH»r-i ud<i him that tim buy wu» Ixadly tn-utol and was full uf nmrk* fruin IswUugs lie Imd rvccival. Mr. Carl axLin-s-*| hit wl)|i!igiiC4s to oilopt tlm boy railicr Miau st*o him want.

’iheloilwaH i»cnt b> >Su|it*rintuiident Kim- liall, of (be ( 'iiildri*n*s Ai'l B<*cicty, w ho a t OIK*** rwctTgidwHl nlin as the ailuptiil sou of tha Hoiiiitags. Ife put the liny tO InhI, and this morniug plaoeil him wiiti a Newark family to Htay llmrc during an jiivcstlgatioii

father was iieroand said the tsiy m l down thw*t«f)s whilHplavlqg aud ivnnved ibc in­jury. He bf a jiuny boy. hIkiuI live ywars ohl, aud I (In not think lie is lung fur this worhi. lie it wouderfully bright aud sdirt'wd. tbuiigh.

i he truth of tbu niuttar Is tliat tlisro U agorsl d(*al uf bltUa {eelmg ogaiaot the Huuo- UgH uti the imrlof the .M civil It] family auilother neigblsii t The two families live iu the itaiiic bouse, the Mslvilles up stafrii. Youkjiuw they dill own a ]iig Jointly aud it was uoem luf trouble uuhl Boimlag bought it outright. Huth fainihe** have chickens and there is a row altucBit every uigiit when the rcifjict’tive faiiiiliws start to gather in the chickeni. Ib ii '*miimar tiiviS-innUigshatche^l nearly sixty cliirkH. while tlie iMeivillM did nut do so wfilL and that whi the ivusa uf widcuiqg thw breech Miwt uf the neigh­bors side with tho aM lvlllos."

Kuhiitog tohl Mr. Kiinliall that bs ulareil tbu boy In the iMop that wbcu ctiiokeutiiiov'.'s came around he could give au aUnii.

id budHe .4aid hn hml tlie lioy’s cmisentt anil (iruvidHi hmi with milk and fu s t in plenty. Mr. Klinluiii said he had liceii aiutiRKined to llivewtigate chargm of cruelty ngauist tlie honiitags before, but that there was no fumnlution for them wliatevor. The Imy told a'Uf. Ktinball that Bonutag did uut treat bun l»adty,

THK KlItUlKiATK irt*HKU).A a Interesting i'a ie I'wised Vpon In the

Orphuns' (ourt*Taatiniony won taken before Judge Itlop in

tbo UrphaiLS' (,'ourt tbi* nioruing in t ie mat- tor uf tbu sf^peal from Burrognte Du*eu- berry’s order aiimittiiig to probato the will of tbe late .Murtm H. ilorit/. The latter died In January last. Tbe decea.Hwd was quite ill and iu IkhI wheu his will wa* drawn up by Martiu Berla. The dts’uuient was slgnod by thw lestaioi- nnd then Mr. Bcrla aud Herniaa Hlrw'b ndlx(*il tbeir signature* ns wltncssei.

WbfU Ml'. Beria drew up the will be itjwii dilfereDt colonsi inks, becauxa, he said, tbe ink with which he started to write was used up before he could tlnisb the work. Mr. Burla, when plru-od nn the staiui, swore tliat iiutbiDg had iieeiiadileil to the w ill after It had beou signed by tbe deceoM* 1. U'hea Mr. IB ocb waHcalle.l tn the htaml, be said thp te>lator wm lu full im/hhumiou of his laciillies when he signed ibc will.

Abiicr KallHch, wbo appeared for the otv jectom, argued that the will wsm not prop­erly (Jrawn. One l^ iie st of to the By us of Abraham, Mr. Kalisch comeuded, was of qecc;«*lty void, as the will wna signed by .Mr. Horla, a miMiiU'i' of the as«>cmtion. The Judge, however, deciilfni that Biirrogate DuwnlM'try had projierly admitted the will, and so tbu uKilter tiiiJed.

C'OlTlaSU hTIU . I'NCONgClOUS,Are o f aThe HlrjeJe lUder’s litjilrlei

WerUm* Nature,Edward J. Copping, of ii5 Hudwm street,

who fell from bis bicycle iu Llewellyn Pork, V\e*t Urauge, Weilue^lay evening, and struck hie hPO(i against a tree, is still uniton* •clous a t the Memorial Hosnltal, Orange, ilia wife 1h with him tu-day.

I he ca.>*e Is In niatiy res(iect9 slinilar to that uf the servant girl, Mary McCann, who toil uif a South ( *i'au!;e aoouuo olectru; <!or Mjvorai montlw ago, in that the injuries fnaji wMeh ahe laid In s atata of (loiua fur over n month woro ro- folvoii from a iisaiiiuiig fa ll which rciiultiMl in coiifuwiou of ih* brnlo. The enso u lK*inq K-atcheJ with much Interoat b j tim phyaicittiu), who are hopeful of hia re­covery.

WAHL'Kl. KN(iKI, IS MISHING.IJetoclivca .Arc I‘u( on Iho C«!0 by Hla

l-:.ii|iIo,vrr, Knltor HtoK,Hanmel Knjiol, ii ilrivoi- hi tho employ of

Baker C. Htolx, of VVilImm sii-oet, Beilevillo, has disappoami. KukoI loft muldenlj while ill Mr. Wtolzs employ a yi.ur ago. Ho re- turuod three mouUn a;;,i and waa again kItod o-orh. WoitnwJay Kiiuel otarted away from tim iiakory a , usual ami aa hs bad not retiirnol at ihe usual tiuio a search wax made for him. Tno horse ho driving was found standing In from nf a saloon on Waah- ington .aveune, but uu ti-uco of hlngai haa boon found.

Air. Kn.lj', ha, place.! ilci,>ctives on tho oo«e and is Uetormlned U) lluti Mugoi,

A J.ITTI.K GIHL Fni'M ) d k VNK. Taken tu Cl.arge i.llc Staaueriug A hont

tho atrocts of Itfaiiuo.A number of iieopUi on rent ru sirvet, Or-

augo. woro shuektsl on Wivluesiiny by fijpiug a little girl aisml elevou y,-nrs old ataggering about tho street* umlcr the infiuetice uf liquor.

A passerby t<x)k tlio ciiild to her isirenta, rosidojice, on illll stnol. Tlw p,ir,-jits uf the cliild dill not know who gave lu-r tho liquor neither would the child say auniiiuit abouli it, i n

ItRAI, Rar.tTK TIlANsiKKIts.The real estate transfers rocorfiotl in the

Register's om™ ThurHciay and retiurtod livtJias iilslssUa*. Till- —.1 y. . • • i*/


the FtdolUy Title nml Dcpusii Com]iau}' were;KV.WAUK.

Clereiico M. TleiUtoq et ux to Hamm-l (Irerii, e s Nortli Otli «( l.iU n fr Ddu*yanHV,3ftjlii) .................................

Willlftm IL Clirilori et 111 tu l*.uiHtia F Sciniattcr, B Sfili ht j;5 u fp IVrkBlcv«v. 25x]iJ0..................................... \

ChrintopNcr Beck lo {.’iuirlea TrefV uii Furry ut w fr Freiicrick si,

Giiwtftvus HiclmrUset iix to .Aiuiiuiiy HchiiiiH, tract contg tea; ir«ciUOUllf ild7-jlX!Li.................................

KUa* 0. Jbiremus cr ux to .lumeM Cad­mus, u e cor iMrilul T. CompiRdl, H(i*iiju

JauiBit Cadiliijn et ux lo Arrhlbalu T


-Ji'’V.w',u" *'">vei't iiv IWs fr .loliiiejWi S,Sftphip. BpisU-r am! bosb»iu1 lo .Imt i)

Nfwmati, 1* a H»i'lK»r av ml h frilerpool *1, afuinu.........................

William Hchni'taedU'r cl ux to .toim Jlviiix cl u1, s H HnUlwiii h1 5l) w frliiggH aly,2oil(jl1...........................

-arl IrltK ftixl rI ItolchcnbcTl f;,«n\1-Ksr and III, B H Hremsu hI HXl o fr

^ugaraat, aJxHIl............................... .Francis >1. l.'ouklin lo Albert L. Hah.

ciH'k, » s Clliiiou av W u e fr Jijel llar-rUoii, SKxl4D....................................

Willluin.'s. Hrown to Frank ( \ KdwarclH\v 8 Arch si .’V,* fr New ...... ........

Hsruish liCliHmdi to Alfreii Lliit'uV\v 8 ,Tiiacph St 1<:i n fr AJbfrl nv ..........

Alfred W. f/iiiiuri et ux to .John H.flMinn, Mime..........................................

.Tusepli I/i#v et ux to Csroilno’ Ktroub, s w rur U^ 1111111*181 am] an'uly, :fci*jijUm..

Annie (iriifuTMlcIa latiwjufc-**R WilliamHtaufr s w cor w in ' Ta's.jjoxia)..?:...................^




The* it'Miy liisro v rm l In Newark Hay. toioh* Like a W orklagiitaa,

T liflK iiygf au iiMknuwu man was founl lu tlio Newark Buy iu«r jBalliOc'h'i duck early IhU murning by a i4>u uf Henry Moyer, a b<atlitiUB4'*-kec])er. Mr. Meyer nntllled tbe

'tf tlic Third I’ln'inct, aud Jatoulenant jiarrett at uoce seut I'uliceuuu) Farley to tlia pbM'e m tliv imtrul wagon. Tlie oIBchV found (liH 1i:dy Mi tha i-ucki, {«rtly covereil by tlio water. The dn apiwarwi pi bee labor­in'.: man al >nt tbirty-rivu yean old. Ua With a }jla< k *i;ick (Mat. ainl vc*l, nnd a ]iair of light (niu In one of the jmeketo theiHiiiccunnii found a pocketbook, in which tbei'c WH« a didlor bill, and in another pix’ket •(•veiitv-lWc rent* in change wfu found. The toiriy (flit pot. look Rs lUougb it ho*l biseu in the water for iiiure than two or three hour'i.

Young Mr. Mi-ynr told the oflbvr that be ba>l sci*ri a mini loitering aliout th<> place la*it night, l»n( b»* was not sure iJiat the Widy wa* that of the luau hs m w . The police n<»- tllidl I'uunty i'bystcUu KfltoUaud M orgue keeiisr Brtieckncr.

White tho fMttrul wagon wa*i on the way to the pim e, the driver, (iweuHuiitbu disiHivertfda pair of 'lark trouiers and a light flanuel ihirt lylic- <fU thi] road. The efutbes werelorkod iiji. and n man who hap{iem«l along told theodl* ers that he had seen a man *Uipon the road and cliange tbe clothing fimiid

‘ Jhlbv (ho p dice for a light suit. The man lator vie»<*il the Ip'dy fuimd in the water, but wdd it vin»iiut that of the man he saw last ulght

IN T n iK n i l l THK llAliV HAIt.aiiK.

lamiiy Hiay timre aunngan Jiivcatlgation of the case. If the charges l»* fotuurtrue, Mr. Kiudiall vd<L be will take the boy away from tbe tSiimiUg^

“ Hut," he Mild, “ I do nut think they are true. To le sure, the little feihew ba>ia blue mark on his arm when he caitm here IbhInight, which lie said hU father iiinicled y tw ter lay morning before locking him un. The

Natiirdar Half-lMdlday Kaciipslontsts W ill KiMil i lucli til Entertain TUem.

The Saturday half-holiday excumluiin to the Atiunlic iNakst will lia inaugiiratoMl Lunurruw tiy the Franklin Ktrect Kpwi]rth Tioagiie. Hn.*at preparatioiia have tiMm made to injure a tuc-riwsful trip, aud the train willleave tbe ( ’cutral l>epot at 1 ;}W K M. fur toiiig Hraueb, AsburyTark snd Ocean firove. A ftiufcure of tl;i« excursion will be that the iMitrous will Iw landed at Adiiiry Park In ample time to wiluf*.>< the sixth auiiual ImbyparAilc, which has grown to be acniispicnutiB event a l Asbury Parkftich 8eii’'<ni. Tho starting of the parade hiiM

Part Tkeir Name in the Middle.From Poelflo Town Talk.

The pru|ier fad now for Ihe young woman who is noyhody at all le to port her name In the middle, like her brother^* baofi, eo to •tH*ak* Thiels dletluctljr ile rigeur. Tbe girl yon once called Fannie laewli, wheat s c l^ l wrote lu*r namt Fannie H. laewl*. and waa taler on known os Mi8« France* Lewis, le now Mips F. Hrown IjcwK. Pretty little NellLa Lawson, whom you had scarrelj’ become need torSodiug about in the society (Mulumna as M(m lle]i*n Daweoh, has become luetomor- phi.7trtl tnln .Miss H. Hrlnckerlioff Heweoa. Where did *<lic get that Llgb-eoumlinf middle uume'f Was her mothi-ra Hrlnckerhoffl Not SI all. Indeed, r ne shrewdly susiwcte that Miu Ncljile chrisisnrd herself from oneof her fsvnrlie novels. W ill the fad lost I ITobably, tlmmgli theiamuier. And what U the girl to do who has no |iartlng tn her nameT The gen­eral odvicMs in iuvBUt oue. Theeweliest uf all, they say, is the girl who when a tot at edoHd Used to wM*p hiitcrly over her three

front rminrs." Now, Italsy Smith's visiting card rejuloei In tbe impo»iog uray uf Mlse D. Hohinson Johnson Fmlth.



wle la tverr ward of Ibeeliy sad wlU giveW. UKKny, 7« Broed sV 7«

\ H \rxD;R AVK.. NKAR Ol.I^TON AVR.^ •ilire«-siory rvsme hDiidiiw, conuiningstore

end dsls; all uirjOero lnipro%*eni*sis; price low«ur| vs«.i Utriiia liHuWX A eCTLLKaJNLigk, tsb ind T4S Hrued iL Ha

A.—iinrwK**. arnHKH.aAia'KiN*]. lU’Hi.VF ia tPU'eipriSM; iMiricalii* elwnyi oil hand: pmp-

•riy snsuJt'U : partnan procure : rviilR oolltuied.: paiBbliUA.N'n Bl-slNJuab LXCUANug. H West«* tto

la'^rmaALK NKWYORK AVK,, rOUK R X^M I MW: Walnut Ht. • rorims. |1,0U0 ; HeuU Nlalk

Bm(t.>eti>a «t,, • roueis, li.MA: Aster St., lirar hroiiil, >D rooiuS, |I,0J0 . New i t , g^etory, S rooms. |-{.U00 ; Jturovt n . iO ramua HOCMX F. likVhUAUri., ilt> ^prtnfdsid eve ijpeo evtu- ■ngv

1^'timKvl.K OR KENT -FINE THUrK FARM, einslitlDf nfotoul sleveo oorstof ilf Uf 4iu,.

vaied >and,wlLtL housvsad barn, lonoiloa etfs^t HsiTi MircpltMW, and wUniQulty Mnsits; reaiot dvtboadreil dolUn per vsar. Addrsw APHlIU.IPVaitiO V WOltK*4. Nseark, .H. i 9tbI> m MAI.r- IN A VKHY DWIRAtUaXPART

of Knsevdia hoove of «1i rooms; idl la AriS<

tlefcrre.1 and the pagoent wUl not inuvu until ai;30 o’doc^k. -Vtore than live

clis« repair, lets for tAi a month; prioa |t,Mn tcrmieasy. Jnotilr*ttoU H I I inN'III eT, ||o

hours will Iju given th« sxcurxIonlstA on the beach, ami tbo train will leave fur bume a l Hu'cliH ii.

Tbe Trinity llcfnnneti and Knox Pr(*sliyU‘naii oLurcbes of Harrlsun have aUu plaiiii*«l an cxcurslou tothe (Hmsl rcJiurt'* for to-morrow. Tljev will go by the Pcimsylvaiiia Kail- Mad and slop a t all Rtations in

Hn('*4P>i-FnR hai.k o n rx c iiA v a r. n tisw S-fRiiillv hauwH, tingle Inraieil one bl<ick

>:>tU of prliigflpUl SVC : insy will Ni vt»id to suitbuyer on riikUimanui, (NU at buUdliigs or fX)Lg;-&i A \ A OO., 7U liniad at

aJAH m L HAYa,

llKALF.RTNHF\r. RATATR ANf> APPRAlBKH,%'*.*« RRoAn<r., neer the Posioll-'w.

’aloslloiu melsO'i tiuprovel and unliuprovsl properry; «iuieiil(i'ld«d : Kotirv I’ubitc. TtJ

this city. Tho l»ahy parade a t .\sbury Parktor tlwill lie one of the InteL'entiug sights to r the


^ 1 / Y| B U A N C K M n M H LV .B l’ VB0 1 \f\F A TMom cotiAgv in cUy: half Muck from yrutli i irsnsf elW’i r.v c-ir*.1 _A, WAlrji, 4 radsm.T sL, onr. Hrnod.

MIST l t n > OVKR THK AhHKTfl.Judge lilve Thus Heoliles In the C'aae of

J(»sep]iAa IKohnAct riling to au order inaile by

Judge Bice In the Orphans' Court thin itinmmg Jnseph A* Uohr must turn over to the Riirrogata of the county all the oHieis which he umv ha!| in his siou as ouu of tbe exei'utors of tbe will (if Anna Wicluuau, The order was made oq the ap-p2icati<m of Thomas N. McCartor, Jr., and tlie Hurrogate to be in (Mulrol ot th'* onsets iieiiding a decision on a rule to show cause why Hohr ttliould not be reiiMivui] nMuxcf'utor of the estate.

Ruhr wn* recently cortH i of forgary and Hcntetifod to six ruontbs* imprison uieut His cLiuuaid, Samuel Kalisrb, bad the pro- cetsllngs stayed ou g writ of error, aud Hohr now a t lilierty pendiTig the tleicisloTi of the t'ourt of AppeaU. He was in court thiK morniug and beard tlie Judge's decision in ndatlou to theasseto in his poesus- siun.


Npniswooda( i I FOR ni'iTDi.N’o i/rx'w ATspn‘raw'''on,Tf. O *■> ;'2l mUi* Xswark; IVnuyivanls roai.■u‘Rr ilullua; fHiS'ilvatv tkt« wsvg Quly ; iQntal gwnto laXstt, APPLIlUY, U Finest., yvw York, to

KKAL IMTATK WANTKP,1>KAL KSSTATK WANTFl) - WK IfVVE Jl{*iiMnin»n n>r twrvfkniliv bouivt In dUTVreot pHrisoftosrlir. Also a Qambrr nf good lets tiuoi can be iii'tisiixvd Im hauMNor builnese pruperty. ^bd full pftrtk'iran tu F. BbYliiR A CU*, l‘J(l epflngftelrt sve.: upwn sveplng*.


\ -A. -A. i ltAVgpBuPJsRTIK.iTaWt!TT• In every woFiJ of ttie city and win reoi rea>

noobly. .■*. W. ..KbHY*. 7|o Brosdbl


A MlAsiiig Pocketbook and an Arrest. In the hurrv aud runh of business Last Kat-

urdnv niiiht Bonavlto, a barber a t SH M envr Htre»‘t, iJiiHlald bis wallet, containing in nut-** and tome oinall change. Ho instllutcil n vigorous search ?i

No. BrllevlHe ave., • room* and tuaii: all ' luipruveiuent^: rent ftY No. |.^ i(elleTll!e sve.. 6 rooms aud botb; all Improverneiiis; rent fu*

No. la Kowiana IU. C mumi aid baia; all ita- priK'^mentsi rrnl fit.

luuulre of OWN KK. H( nelievllle ave. It)

it.but the nurw seemivl to have

?Kbet'll cunipletoly swoHowed up* Raymond Masuchi, au apprentice In the shop, whose Actions . aroused Bonavlto's suspicioiw was charged with stealing tba nocketbook. Tbe young man said ho toumi a pocket-t>ook containing ^16 and that lie would have giveuR to hla boos, but he wasafraid that bo would bo accused of st»*aj* ing the other |I0. Judge Eggers corn- niittod the apprcMitico for the atrtion of tlie Urand Jury in default of ba il When sfttrebed, fT w u foliud on MaaiK'hi.

------S-----1—.*-.-. . . .-------

Um » TO I,KT BRICK a itnou'.. f!t pkii mtinili: con.anlant la twa lla*i af .irait oar and Xaw Yur* h. ti, lurpoL inqaira

tfia u. BIKKX .1 N. 10 (Vlar , l

llfl |.!I. M BKBOK5 8H.I CITY w a l» r ;« m |a Applyrip 57 MOUTH i n i iu KKTTTIl ST., BooavlUo,

S O. 01 MOTTH T l l in iK E N T H HT.-MOUBK 7 moms: all Iraprovatnant.; bun: rent uo *r raiiiitb ; paweaaiau at an«. innulra ou praav _______________ ISp

CI.Brj;ed W ith lld tlia c III. Slatar.A atrappiiig young uion, Wjlliam

Hnulejr, *n* arrAignivt beforB Jtulge Mott tbis iiioroias chargsd witli having brutally bentou S isistp r. Han- luy lo tffBUty-tbren year, of are ami Uvea a t 1115 Aquaduet itreot. ilia warriadaiater, M «. Julia Hippe, rtniJe, a t th« um a adfireM. Tbe latter allege* tliat ou Himrtay loet her lirother atruek bar aoveral blows in the face, blacking bar eye auil kiiorking out two front teeth. W arrant Offieers Fallon and Murpliy arresteil tba young man la*t night. A fter he hail been Iwkoii up Mrs. Siepc relentetl and tried to withdraw tho charge. I t was too late and the priaouer waa baited for trial.


Albert Hqulre Heeka Divorce.Papers have bean filwi by Ed­

ward B. Black iu a suit ^or di­vorce for Albert M. Squire against

Biiuiro, Mr, Bqiure ho married the

who was thou in February 2, ISM.

eeriMuoijy waa ts-Tformod Bov. I'leusaut Hunter, who wayat that time paator of tho Second Pres­byterian Church. On June 21 of tbe name year tho petitioner cbliitis that hi* wife left bim without any ^•am w aud has since refiiiusl tu live withhim. He allegai that she left him bwauso ha would not make over a certain sum uf money to her.

alleges defend- Carrla

Tbe be

Fra*|ie.it* for Full W orking Time.The many employes a t tlw Clark O. H. T.

Mill*, in Kearny, are feeling jubilant over the pnmiecU ot soon being em ploy^ on full time, Tbrea weeks ago the week’s work waa inoreaseil from forty lo fifty hour*. Tha aiuplojo* are now working teu bours a day. aicept on Saturday*, when the mill* are cioeod. The full time is flfty.flve hours per week. *

THK HICK 1‘Al'KH t h I k.Adapted to the American oa Well oa to

(’hliia*a tdliziate*P ro m tbe St. Louie Republic,

Tbe rice paper tree, one of tb e moet In te re itin g of th e entire flora o f China, bos recently been sucoesarully experi­m ented w ith in Florida, w here it now flourishei w ith o ther eub-troplcal and Oriental apeolea of f e e a and ahruha. W hen Brat transplanted In American soli tb e ex perim en ter, eipreeaed doubts o f its hardiness, fearing th a t It would be unable to etand tb e wlntoio. All these leors bare vanished, however, and it is now the uni­versal opinion th a t It Is u well adapted to th e o llm ite o f tbia country os to th a t of tb e famed Flowery Kingdom.

I t is a im att tree, growing to a height o f leas than fifteen feet and with a tru n k or stem from th ree lo five Inobee in diam e­ter. It* canes, which vary In color ac­cording to season, are large, soft and downy—tho form somewhat resem bling th a t noticed iu those of the eaator bean plant.

T he oelebrated rice paper, tbe product of th is queer tree, ia formed- of tlifn slices of the pith , whlcn Is taken from th e body of tbe tree in beautiful cyliuders, peverai iuobea in length.

TbeCbineoe workmen apply the blade of a sharp, stra igh t knife to these cylin­ders, and, turning them around e ither byrude machinery or by hand (In which lat- Uir Operation they display much skill and


dexterity), pare the p ith from clroum- ferenoe„ to centre. Tine operation make* a roll of ex tra quality paper, the aeroll be­ing of eaital thickness lliroughout. A fter a cylinder ha* thus been pared i t la un- toiidd an d ,w alghtg placard .upoirrit until

-dC ■ V 'z~ :. : .througbout en tire leb^tD. lt"ksidtd*

rpOLKT.M Pl.AyR ST.-BRICJC HQUBKori ± rfM>mB.*ll ImqrciW'iivDto I Sii ( rtaiQ* bouw gf 13 suit *il« ftrrAnilllM.two fAmlllBi.tw rcacnusvfk, 7 roorniRid bktR.

CBiimi av*.* 7 rwoi i afi«i b kib- Apt>Jr to

FKANKLINM.*’*' Frwlsallal BuMilnkf.Wm

ritii li#-’.T-ld lU>r>M’(; KXTRNSfON BHICK I iiomm. yo. U UurAM t. lui ulii*

wi V?CANAL»r-'p u I.Er—TWri stlCALIi HOUSK8. OaSK CAN X b« l8l In apiMcnantt, Critkradsa iL, mar

n^tltviUsava iDSuireMa- IM BELLEVILLE AVE.

TO Lirr-A !ir ;ck nwEtirJNii house wiiti t*r!i room! .alt niodprii 1mpfov»m«ul4. at K4A HwUsviUsav*. luquiraat

WBOUTH CANAL nr*r p i tprr-w w n io i t r «T., house of t1 rooms: rpsi miKlsraie.

NCnUYLlLit a JACKRON, TTOBrofuIat\inC K Llfc’FK i*T„ OT -m-RIHAHLE CORNER VI &uiise ; Broam!i; modvrmiA r*Qi,

Kn mUiMj. PunrrH . 7d r jirlngfiald av .


pIraMnt rogQu and batbroom Iq private fami­ly: rent fl3, I

1^iLAr~TO LKT. HAN'MOMB i>ECOHA-l'ED Hat, Al Improvemvnts.................................St EAHT KINNEY ar.

I^ I.AT 117 llO.r ifTSCRNT nUlLDINO, fjLfVRR *t. ur 4 roomi.wiib rxiiff*, hoi and cold water,

to 111 _____ Kiiqulrual U7ULlVKttHT. fTpLJCT, FLAT FiVK ItOOMfl;

^*11 liDproveuiiiiti; renltlT. £oijuljy»5 eiUHTH AVE.

1f'I.AT-T0 r.KT, fl a t o f 1 BOOMS EACH. “ 0 trSHAHHETHr.

TflbAr«TO 1,F.T OF4 ASD I B J J5C* O.V USy. J tril I ta . niV Morrt. *Ta. lu 1 I an | sr«o a

[Hiryeait.; ao troiibiaiasaoiiV ktisa. fJi.fftaad tJO. Inquin la llMTtorj........... ..nij I'UB. CK.STKA1.AVE ANDDCBYKa AT.

If'-ATH-Tn I.K1’ DBSIHABLSFI.ATH OSW- (rally ItMated: alio *ln|fl« houM4; to xoid tea-

ariiH tbe reuu win be raawoable. Inniire of 7*_______ JANITOR. 197 plans4L. d^iflal,

TO LKT IN BRICK HOW 40S TO 4U Herxeant. newly decorated* wLta all Imprcva- msuis, la small (kmUlss. J aquirs

I T. A KABTSTEH, dS^UteSalb avs.

Foil IlKNT—THE FARmfl FLOOR OF PRI- Tst* boiiM. with all lmproTSBienl% add bath;

r*^l3 ; alao 4 roonts and batn* |I0- >7911 luH H I'.SOi.W -Io T.ltr. RKCOND

bonr, S roaina iitwly dsrarated, fas in all rofunij Improvements ; rent raasunable, i

I i Oi>Ma- ro l,KT. F!)CK LAIIOK EO'IK* ON ftret Boor, IS i Uins roemt on swHid floor, IT.



IJOOMM FUIB NlOk ROOMBTOLBT: IM- 11 previmeots; |7. 1 oqulr*

K. a UkWlTT, llUaldsolsua3»P

Koomh- fivk booms to i .e t ; citywiwr : ridunH] to |* montb.

Mp I.NkiBAltAM, IT Haullun St., KsitOnmie.C lX ill AVE, Jl-TO J.c r, FOUJl NICE VT'roooii; rrollow tu* food uoum. tip«PCPBINCFIEI.I) AVK., 476-FJ.AT* TO LETT ;

elsgiint room*, wtlb IjDprovsoMnij laoriVHRERNICBLAROE BOOMH TO LET OOR, A Oeqiral ava and Ifiidsan St Apply at oaos ts A. Id, ri PLtNr Ul CsnUal avaaiis. sz

110 T.KT^iUlTR OF APARTMRlffTS WITH ail ImprgvtmsntA ;ssyta roodMladudtrif oish

vary seleci nslfhborhcitd ;two bloclc* from Bruad t t* staUtiii or.SswrarIc and N«w Yark R. H.

CHAR FliAKNTZKL,;:^ UulbsrryiLLICT-TYIRER brick hoube.

1 400 IIslMysL, f i Inqufrs wltbln or107 MARKET BT*

f n o LKT-FIVK ROOlfH ON ONE FLOOIL ltS A ohiertet St,, |IA laqalra

sun 13b HuMERHK L‘ MT.r or 117 Ifarket at

TIO LET-*11 Rroonie st, nr. Rom, 7 T’ina bo* A o*ld wsi'r..fl4sil BmuiiioRL, near note. S roomi*...................* lo#> Asutfsi., sMoiKl and ehte l floor*. 7 roonw..... 14

Also Ike nsw fists of * and S rooms each 43 arid 44 Axlor a t; Iniproveoieate; aat Rtovsn; low rtnL Apply la JuBLVh Mi SA YRti:| 74$ Broad tU third Buor, ^

[TirKLIFFE BT„ 139-FOUR NICE HOOMS* tu let! flnt floor. _____________ fOp

TOWNftim'JI.Hernmh Lohlbnch (Slmriin to the Or-

Ai:\i9 Natluiml, Hank. UranVo. 0 a Ceuiro *! n weurtJonuiUa WlHitiivr... ]S,10d aitfuii \\ lilillvKey ct'ux to iJtu .Sub­

urban Ti%v<itiou C’0.4 thn rljibl of Ualdmiimiv, CIivHtiiui si, OiforJ pi, (•herry al and Harrlwm iiv for «' rnlU ' n>Ad ..................................... I

Jolm ,r. ilruw rt ux to iho H irUuViz'lit! iMutuij, w a AUiiitetani a fr Oot-

................ JJr^iii J. liraw et ux lo Thomiu R. rtmllb*

Clinton, vv s Augusla at :ti> b fy Cot.(Uifti e t........ J

Henry H. rtavnxoci al to Mury' J»' 'fV>tU unlli Uliuon.lot ST.^map Ks«ttx Park..

(toorga Hatton ©t ux to Hou maii H.bhlv. era, Montclair, Kagle Kuck rd und Ui'ion si top Mt Prospei‘1...............

Htirman U hlW ik {Hherlin lo Thomas Ullanta flt tU, n a Nonhftalrt rd .........

Thu West End iiand !iiipmii!oto Btnma Baloliur. Bmillj prango. * s liuihi^Ha a,v lAOfrMuumoutli pi, MxU>0.

Mtirto JI. Woodward to NIofioJiteSchuYtB* a w oor Lindoii av .-.ud Midland a v ..................... .........

ge*lhi>r probabla th a t If rice paper makingbe . ..A a- - r- AX ...............becomes axl Ibdm try in th e United Htare* tJiOKo prim itive modes *of m anafacitire will gif be done away. with.

- M *, -F>*AA>yiu M -ikw*



3. riKuuA k llrhiu, b*tli: iwi h r Irupi ]:aiaw*». j^aluwiiui* aud Wsitsm IMssk add ran

jj^ll.,«oxM .N iw i offlns.r p

Havs ii*ad l)r. Thotna*' Eclaotrio Oil for croup and colds, and declare U a puaillve cure. rinmi'lLMitad by tVni, Kay, 570 I’lymuulli ave.. li'iiriilo, N. y .-A dv.

IdiiOHBJ * .001)11 hy miB ai)d iviri.WANT! r>, TWO VNFURNI»HFD

'■ M BROAil.gf, Slo


H ANIC NT., U-rURNI»irKD nOOlIFofuiKN ^oB»n and Itilit bunHkjreplng. ^



Fatal nrg leet li little short of iiileide. Th|' CBunequcnuiaaf a neglioted cough ire loo well kiiunn to need pipeating. Dr. Wood's Norwuy Fine fiyrup civcea a cough promptly, field by all deolin on a guraotee of aatlafoc-tluli.

BROAfr T,, tll-FUIIN 6HKII nnOMH FOR llahi iieais keiplBir) eumferUbla, and oppmitn the park. — ug

noMMEllL'K BT„ W-FUBNISUkD ROOMi, ).-m liable At tB'O, |a * im k, e i


bperlai low prices during th* in inm er.Now t* the time to have your picture* Iramed and your f rnm u regllded eo they will be ready ter you when you rsturn from J-oiir summer onticg. Uary A Kenay, MVilS Broad it.

fioiae rrm arkkbl* eurei of deafoes* arerecotded of Dr. no m aa ' Eelsetrio OIL Never

t l lO ln H AVK, M-FUItNISH P ROOMB J ofer grnlliniui *gd light hnniskeipleg. Wo

hT.,IP-rUKNI*nkO ROOM*.'u .'h 'T Abenragnplng; ixtrslarts. tip

H albkv bt., « - l <b o c FDn*r«HKri huntiuomA flrst and seooDd floari ceitnd le- catkui) all impnranHnts. iro

I.2UD fails to cure eoraoba. n AIABV HT., tn-TURNISHED BDOMIL taensstisptiig.'dt, |g.w i latiadty. Up i

f u r n i s h e d r im im s t o l V;t .r IR)BT;V UT. i;,, rUNNiUliED IntRO* ^routes for llchl Ii04isskssi»tuf. mo

A l


I i.BjHHYur., w r i ’RNtBHgnRjoMa,’ Mtht trs terfS. isp

» »W HT , n -FURNRiMlCl) rOHUNg * or twu; steg ^ u i parlor with ptjiDa ip

fk H i'lU K H M., lll-f?tojLt F L K A R A N T Rbidy locsilsn; con, rsilri^ooa-▼Slltetll,

2*jA N K_U|-., K-LAHilE,. Fl'HNIBIIKD‘ • — h.An<*fL, r i nnistiKU^■toiU ruoRiB, suitsbls tor llgUt houssktsteOf-Up

'IHIKrKtNTIt sr.,M. HiWKVH.LE- * Fq roistiod fvuiu roste tor um ur iiro csnUvoisn;oU ImproTSnteiiis.

AVK, I11-KURNI»(IKD — ______ 4M

JNTORKS, I.OKTS, KTC., t o LKT.‘ near w illia m -Ti i LET-L wnooi*,t*4-A ofl,ooo squsrs f#fi,«bols or to

'kdslTiih’ . d ! po“ i*■tejm hMi AM All ooiavsmsacs). Apply on prons-700 w. o. l .EFQRT, 7SMd M Ms<"hitel« WL

? • UI BllOADUT.MMAMHEH 81, M-dlTORg 1. rouqu to IsL AND FOUR

Up|,"A rrim y - d i let, th r ek rf.ooiis w ith A power and *l«v*tor In huUdli«eur. Roil rood uL aod L'erauisros i t I nuuln of -cuftmuH * KONB, eppodU

1,'7|'-RB¥ HT., ITS-ROOM D* LRl' WITH » o w * r ;a m 'l£.llUEBNER*»o.Na.

TlOOM.s ro LKT, WITH PoW KK ALI.IM Jkproveiarat*: will llililsd. No.M BOUUINOC » 1. laeiilreof h a h i'KI. W. ORgRr.MS aro»l. FT. unanieM * Uro^t

or suftoMr on Uis prstUs*. l*l#pbuM NaTto

ejA H LK t o LET -TMRKi: LI VINO ROOMB, V. Iv* i IsUa teff*asrrlAi* rwas.^ _______HFJiLli.’K bT.* ror. dfQalUusn.f p o LKT-FCJK KXmtmON% LENrUEbi*.A flock. Apply aloffle*

LNICKARBOOKER ic e no.___________ (Mattostsdoelc.

™ MULBKRRY. BT.; 1st. floor, 2tiJ00, sad ruooipa 3fl floir t)x

» : s i i ^ ln j ly wtfl ilftttsl; rs«r sJSiii iteSA «M ( laoludsd. Apply OQ prSiQlM*. Ml

t ;IO i . r r -ooon flack for a f r u i totasap. Call IISUPRtNUFIELD AVUIo

r p o UENT-HTORK, •.VITII FLAT AUJOIN-A ing; two blDcXs from Brusd a t Htatlon of ilea-

I It n re# V J . _____ ________a___— ’T * u n t i - R B uvin nruw iRW sa or IJSS-ii»i II. H. of N. d.; vsry nlosstor* sofl Oil irtoflwn improfsnwnu ia fts( CI(A>L FKaKaNIEKu u i Mulberry sL 71,fppRFNT-HUHlNKHBLurrH-Ni-. \ » UAiC A kst, thrM isrc* lofH for buslims piirrmsss:*liwl.tm . uettk * — - — .. _ a' . »iqw *uiiN dur gunit««B purpoSS*!

light maoeliKturlng) wlllleiM for Isrms gf vetre. Apply to j a MkhL. il AVa,7*s Breed *t

’VV/ R - t KIXNKV RENf LOW*' stors si(J lour rooms. *4p


s Hire*! and Wntir LluminlulQiisn.Fuhiio aoilce I* h.nhy gjgrn th.( it 1, thi iateo-

tloB '*( Ihs Hoard of "trsH and Wawr rihmm.Mi.iisrs of ms I lty of TitwitX, ooJer and by vlrln. of provlMo«*oribasoi«nilil.d - Aa act hi rsriisandsiusiid the cturior of the cllj ot Nowort," oo- proiTd Min-h II. 1*17, snd iho aupplemtoL* tners-K sod ihs act cmuiiig ih. Roanr*ot'"M«irind WaWr riammpilonire of th* cliy of Nswarh, ap.provn] March »g nil, loonltriadoaUH the ooir itnicnoa of a eloe wwsr la

VA.VDrltriKlL UTRKSr, helwoen Psna.ylvioio svtnus and Flliaheth srw quo. said pipn e-wer lo he holli in three Moduntj lit* first lo rtiii from tb** I'sim'ivivsnls svrou.* inw- •riowiuilq scvsuiv>flvs tosttif ihs sostefty Kds of Frfilinyhuyaati svsnue. sii4 to hs ^lybt ItcUrfi In flismster: tho stcohd iscilaa to run bona lbs Fr^ jbiltiiyasD fivsiius uwtr tu wltfala qm butHir*<l

of lbs rsftteriy llss of Hhermsb srotiuo. sud tg ^ te n inebos in dlsmsisr ; th# third ssctlon to nia pnni too - hormsn tvsnijs sswsr to lb* rssr Uur of tois flmnUMf on hUssbsch svtnus* snd tobseteht iTU'bsfi In dtemstrr. Togvthtr with sll ihs u)pur- tsasnops atcsoi ry lo ooninltte the surnt*, aninli

Micb ptmoDi SI msy oljtst totrtio srs requstttd to priwot (bMr objtolionfi lo irritlu ai Uis oiBi't ofIhs Hoard o f Htrost sod wsitr(.oaina1i>KloQtissa or btflirr ihtsiplrsilud of ten day* from dsisaf this notice.

Hy direction ol ttis Hoard of Htrstt and WaterComtnlsilooor* of tht city of .Nswark.

J. i 'kowrj.l___MVNDY,Osnsrai uperlotsadsat uf WorkA

Nowsrh. N. J.. Jnus»> law.VrOTiCK lA HfcIRKBV UIVK!4 THAT THE J.N Conmistlonert hsrplofure appolBtsd by ihs M »or ofthe dty of Nswsrk 10 msiks so SHIrosts and a-Mesunsot upoa aJl tbe owners of all ths i ^ s and rsal ssUte la ibs ciiy ul *Nswark psctjiurlv bsoenied by atiy local Improvsiusiit lb ths said ciiy, la proportion as iisarly as may t>s tu ihw sd. vaaiagssacb wssdesmsd to have acquiro\ bsTS nisds aa satirnale and a^Mwensat of bonelhs upon all tba owners ufsJI tb# lauds sqfl real esiats iu tbs cUv of Nsaark pecuHsrIy bonedted by poch of lUs foilowinr im prOTetueats in sslfl oliy, namely c

Tha paviof ofw yis r K INNEY KTREBL.

ftom Bslmont avstios to Morris avtniM Parlog of

MORKla AVKNUE,ftom Pprtuffftsld aveausto Wsflt Kloasy strsot:

And havs filed their reports of said assoisaienti for heostltsia the olHcs or tbe risrk of tos nrcuii t'oiirt of rhs C oonty nf hAstx, and that tbs Judgd of said court has 5x»dHATURDAY, Tllf: FnUHTKENTH DAY OF

jUi.Y, 1*94,ailOo'clock In the foreaooc.lathsnrrttltCoorl- mom. at Ibs Counhouse Id the cUynf '.owark. as the tims and place of heart at any ob>ecUoci| that may be mads to ihe i.Ud asssvsrusma

iMted Jnns 39, im.CJIANDLICR W, RIKER*

m t _____________ C’Jty OemnssL

n ;OTICR OF I."iTKNrMN - B’iAKD OF irest and W'ater t ninmlRvlonert.i'abllo Mutlos Is hsreby flvsa that It Is the inten-

t|uu of tlie Hoard of btrest anil Water Uomiiilvskmsraor the city of .‘‘saark, under and hy virtue of proviMuut of the art euitclM ** An act P> rsviss audantead tha charter of thi-eliy of hswark," ap. pruvod March 11* iS&7, sod ths supptemsiite ibsra-Ul, and tlia act rrrailct (hr Hoaid of Htrsetang, hf I . _ _____________ _W ater f]ommlMlq[iers or ths city of Newark, ap­proved March 28. ispl, to order sad canaa tbu rs- pavini of

ACaDKMV .“TRERT*from Hroid straat to Flsos Mraet, wttb oblong*J;raolts-biook paving* with a Hx Inch concrete onodalto:!, snd the fntemloee of ths hlorks tlllad With grsTtl aikd pavlog-mssilc. 'lofetbsr with ail

toe anpiirtenaDcas oscsviary to oomplste tha saink..................... .........hnoh persons as may object tbersto, am requested

to prrsstit their objei’lluos 10 wiiti Of at the o^ca of Ihe Hoard of »*treetand W'ater l'omiuL«ilonan, OD or bafnre tbe sxplratloa of ts& days from tba data of ihii notios.

By dIreoUou of lbs Board ofPirvei and W'ater ComnilsstoDsrsoftbeolly of Nawark.

J*CHOWKLJsMrNDV, (isneral supeiinteudent of Worka

^ Mtwark, K J„ July S* Itei______________ ^J'OIICE-Xr«>‘JICE-NOTU:r; 18 riKRRflV fltVKN TO

all parties intersstsd that toe certiricatss of as* Btaifueiii o( tlie whole nmoiiiit of tbs coals ruid ox- pauses ot consiruutlng Bswert In WAL.NUi hTlte-Kl AND PFKHINE AVK.S'UE bas been del I vend to me according to law. eald■asevtmSDte compHss all tbe lota, iracla and parouls

Ofof lead and real estate lying oa both sldm WAL.NUr hTHKKT,

from Van Boren strsst lO iteafurd street; On boU) sides of

PhMTIlEE AVENUE, frnm cilntoA avenoe to a potiit 4M fan l loeheflsouth of lbs same*

i he owners of land and real estale assessed li aald oertlflcaiM of aestvsiaeul are heceby rsqulr^ to pay toe amount so asseusd iipno ihaai ana each of them respectively* |r> me, at tay offioe* No. & cUy Ball, on or oefure Augtt«l 11, Itei.

JAMi<:H F. UONNELLY.Cumptroiier.

Newark, N* J., June SO, IIM.

^OTICC OF INTENTION - BOARD OF 1 ntreet and Water CotnoilsaiootrsiPublic notice Is hereby dven ihatlt Istbslntea-

■------- -------------- >etai • ■tloD Of tbe Board of Ktreeiand W tier Com missloii- trsQf tbs oily of Atwark, under sod by vlrius of proiTstoa ot the acttmliled An act lo revive and autefld ths charter of tbe city of Newark;" ap-proved March 11, |fH7, and the tapplemcnie ibereto, and the act oysatlai the Board ef Mirsetand Water CammlMloDers of tbe dty of > swarh, approved March ifl, issi, to order aad cause the repavlnfor

OIIRRTNUT aTREET,lyom Broad atreei to Mulberry slreei, with sheet aiphaltum paving* TegsUmr wUh all the apptt^ tesaaces neoewtary to onmplets ths saiUA

Hueb persons as may object thereto aia rpqnefted“acewto present their objecilohs In writing al the office o

the Board of Mreet sad Water CcmmlMlonern, oo or before the explraUoa of tea days irom dais sf this Dothw.

Hy direcilon of tbs Board of Rtrsttaad W'ater Commlsalunen the Mty of Newark-

J, fRyWELL MUifDY,General Buperlnteadsut of Warfek

yswarh, y . J.s Jug* » , iMi. ffit/OFFICE OF THE ENGINKSH OF 'IHH \jH oardof •Of Mrsst and Water CoiudMisioners of the citr or Newark.

Noilos—Ths final mUmtes tor ths Ibllowtng coatfwou will be prsssnted to ths Board of M im and Water Oomralsslooeri of tbs oitv of .Newark tor a*TsptenotoD Tbursdsr', July iz, llM, vlt*: For thepsvmgof

JAHKB ATREET,from High ilrsfi to NMbllt strsst, and the rnav^ Jug of

MULBERRY fTKERT,from centra strsst lo Fair airnet; also fbt ths esa* •iriKUsu of iswsn on

bkuad street,between Emmet sirett sod PtHbter«stjrsst, togtlher with branch sswsrs la

W H ig h t rtrebtand Id ~

VANDIhPOoL STRKKTg betwesn Broad street and PefiosylVAute avsnuo and tor stwsr la

CAMDEN RTRBET, from Warren airsst to Bank street,

All ohlsedoni »«> ths paymeni of said ssttmals must be Tiled wlib ms, to wrUlog:, on or betort 4 F* M. ofTussday, July 10 IM

Dated Jniy I* 1»AEBNEaT ADAM,

44o EPflnssr,

FUBMC NCTlCB^BDINAHCfi ORDkAKD lo third rsedlof.he nndsmgoefl* hereby certify (hat an

_____ j t wMrssd a second Um ssta tnsfilQgeftoe Board of fltm t and Water iMmmitiltmefsheld on junslo. iBtNLand duly ordered to ^tU^ rsadlDjt. to prsTide tor ths cobfUraoUoa of a pjpqsewer la _WAkKMAN AVFNfi^^AY^W RggT ANDcsDnsetlng vllh Iks pmgbt s s n r tn WsVsBaaavsBu* *t Arlingis* snnusi Abstras irsaqing ihrougli WaksnwisTSiias R> M*,- slrtsi; ik,ag* ’ tkruugh May sttsst to .aummsr arsran, us to ). wliRik MlRl tks sswsr ta to US' flftstn lan ito la A dIsig'cCtr; ilicnc* Husnlk Bamintr svsnu*, IMq 'MSF strest to Artingloo *vsnua, Logsttitr wlih * Ijtaiiiib In aammsr *if* iib*, iht stresc In Saniniw avsnut tu bf ton Inuliti to dIaaiMsri tsg-itirer m i* *11 Ihs spinmsnsnnH asotsur/ to Moiptot* to* suns,


FrssMfnt nf ths Doard nf sbMt ind Wttst inlsitonirL I

a. M, linnjctt.*«• . _________________ Cisrk

VP i

•BUG NOTICl^ItDlNANCE URDARin(otblrt rsadirif. **W«-, Ihs nndenlfnsd, hereby oertity that an nrdu

naoes wat read a second time si a meetrna or tha Hustrd Qj Hireet and ^^ateruommMslutisri* held aa.TiiHA tn ISU Bad Aula isWileiiBrt Ki flMlaut * ~SJune to, itii, add duly ordered to Ualrd reaiUaa ta piovlde for ihrrspavtqf of "

FLANliFrRt'iET,from Hrosd strssi to MarkH iirestv with obiuMBM.al(a hlaah i^vlna. arlll* b aiw jAi 1**.. _-sswvurshlte block j>srliifcwlih a suit)Inch conoM foundatluti. arw tbs tolofriioes of the biooks m mailBlt IBtlh ■J*B*ral BhA Bto*rt| r*IHisil wlih gf»TSI snd p*TMig nisme: tontou toetoBto**'* ‘ ■fi’"''*'’” '*' ‘ •«Ba»FtocMiirtsB

uatsd juus 10, IMiII*UNISON VAN DUTNE

Boort nf B«*, „M^ JL UNNZTT,

< *■);


lMU«rls«i f»r « • * »rmIM. M m i *I llirH< >)■••• u *

•p«iinWAwnn^ _


pTril«c« mmlll !• V* lU. felW ABK-

UclKhutirr** On* HUT*, —V *r «f « « 4l M»rh«t

ruMl « , *cfc»rWrr. tr. f lr * »4 l Vt.€.tL BaBHka. IM Kim**.W«1t«r?<« T*«chHi«ii, 109 R aMtIIUA^

Myw^m W. lt*TWrA *▼*!ltBn'l«»i»» Mmwrntm Ur R «m tUI« At*.

r J f tT O B A N C iB -W. ir. Ailra. 940 MbIb Ot.» u i Utitk

C'liarrb HtiillAii.W. il. Ptaal.r, O n u * M »Ii«.

« « i r r i i • ■ A n « » -K*b*rt i m U*. a«mlk •>«■«• At*

«A B K ia*l«-r . J . U m Ah m . M l ■ a r r l M A A vA

B M * H riE I .» -■ l«sliu> l**WtA*M»». AMh ■•PM

■ v a ii iT -M wma n. K*ur.

■•PTCX.AIB~L, Hcliu*, 5twM.Alw>

•BARME TAI.LBT-Wllkar U PwmuB. BawiiMAlnh

AMIIfaPDJIi^C.M. B lua .

WATHCHMIIIO-(,'harlai UnAlar> R*wMMl«h

HAtUWIR- _ „ . n 1L«wN A. Watan, l»ewi Daalar, D„ I» aaitlV. K- B.atatlaa.

HOUUWTOWH- ' W. t'. Lirak. NawaAralar.


jaaaaa Attrtdca'tFanaral—An Eeenamleal Xaa^la tlia East Oranca Uaallh

Board—Oaaaral Bawl.

J A S A l l i t K E K A P B O D IU Y .

Bar Thaatrlral C'arrar I'ua to an Aacl- daiit IVhaa a Thlld.

Tha {fdaral impranton of the pabllo la that Mme. Janaurchek B'am her earlleal chlldhond hod dedicated her lifa to the hlitriuQlottacA It U due alone to .oao- oident that her atteoUun woa directed to become an actren.

Hhe wa. paaalonateljF food of muilc, eonitantiT plajrinc upon the piano, and when only aaren jraara old executed the moat diSloult piecea Hhe odranced ao rapidly under Ilia Inilructlon of her teacher, who waa the father of the famoui Tauaig, that at ten yeora of age the wai luiatarofall tha oonipoaltioni of Beeth- oycn, her farorlte oonipotor. The duetafilayed with her teacher be accotupany- ng her with the violin, 'Were moat etfeo-

tive and elloltad great praiae. In her en- thualaam the made tnuat wonderlhl pro- flcleney aud wai preparing for a pro- aional debut when only thirteen year* old.

At her home one morning ahewent Into the kitchen, aud reaching over a huge tmiok oven toget aglaoa itanding on toe mantel, which waa very high, me lost her balanoe, the aloul allpped troin under her feet, and the fell heavily t6 the flour, brcuklog Into pieoei the glaai, cutting every tendon on the inaido of her palm. For one year the waa unable to ute her bund and found It to be teriously injured.

Thoroughly dlKouriged over toe in*

Architect George Krug, of Orange, la pre­paring a tet of plant for a g2,GM)huute for George lAmreaui, to bo erected at Ridge ami High itreeta. VVnt Orange.

The Youog Meii'i flatholle Lyceum of Orange will hold an eicunlon on July 19.

E x^a jor George H. Hartford and fam­ily, of llidge itruet, Orange, are at Ocean Grove.

Min Nonie Leamy, of Newark, la viiltlng bar Ileter. Mra 11, L. Duify, at «6 Hnjder ttreet, OroOKB.

Mr. and Mra. Thomoe H. Hpauiding and their chihlren ore luuimerlug at their cottage In Seabrlght.

Mr. and Mn. Leander Willlami, accom­panied by Haber Lkidwlll, of fllllyar itreet, Orange, have gone to thu Columbia Hpiingx, V. Y.

Celonal Edward H. Snyder and Mn. Bnyder, of Hark atrevt, Orange, have gouo to IJeUnar for a few wwlu, after which they will ipend tha balance of the luinmur crulf Ing in Colouol Hnyiler'a now yacht

The tervioe* In the Hwwlenborglati rhurcb. on Eaiex itreut, Uranga wilt be diicoiitiiiuea during the Summer niontbi.

The funeral of Jafiiee Attridga, who died at tala borne on Farrow ttreet, Oiann on Wadneeday, took plane from St. Juhn't Church at 8 o'clock thit murnliig, when a aolomn high oioM wot offtred. The Interment wax in St. Julin'i Cemetery. Mr, Attrldge wai Mvency-eigbl yean old and had been a realdeut ^ Orauge for ower twenty yoari. He leave* two toiii aud two daughtero—John and Thouia* Attiiilge, Hri. Catherine Allen and Mn. Helen Brown.

Albert (kinect, of 10 Toreat otreet, Or­ange Valiev, reported at the police elation this morniug that hJs chicken eoop had been entered last night and three bene stolen.

Owing to the ahaenee of a quorum a meet- ing of the Orange Board of Ezclie was not hcM last night.

A committee of the East Orange Board of Health hoe been appoinleil to have general oversight of the Iw th affairs of the town­ship, oalUng on the full board only os It may think oeceuary. The committoe coosisti of one member from each ward, with the health pbysldan. Hr, Talbot R, Chambers, os secre- taix The committeemen are: First WanI, Joseph W, Ellor; Saoood Ward, Francis lAog ; Third War^ Ferdinand Coyna, Jr.; Fourth Ward, Wallace Ougbletres ; Fifth Ward, William T. Bowman The full board cousllii of esventeen memben, and Uie ap­pointment of the tub-committee will have the effect of laviag a considerable turn to tfae townth Ip, oa each member has been re­ceiving 13 for each meating held.

Dorliig July and August the chomi even­ing tervin at Christ Church, East Orange, will be held at S o’clock instead of 89

W. H. Hicharilton bos told hti large house in North Fourtevoth street, East Orange, for

to E. H. Bennett.OScer Connett, of the Bast Orange force,

ebot a suppoeed mad dog In Thompson street, East Orange, yeslei'day afternoon.

Tbe vacations of the East Orange police­men commenivKi yesterday, Officer Hopp leaving for a five days’ rest.

A horse attached to a laundry wagon be­longing to Crowley & Co., of Orange, ran away In Proipect street, ^ t Orange, lost night. The wagon caoie in contact with a telephone pole smaabiog the top. OfSoer Gibbons, of the East Orange police captured the bone in Main street.

John Stewart was fined $3 by Justice Elliott at tbe East Orange Police Court yesterd» afternoon for imbibing too freely on the Fourth.

Min Varlan, Of East Orange la in tbe Adirondacks.

Wilfred Hager, of Washington street. EastOnmgOj sailed for Europe yesterday. Hestill visit Oxford University and other points of interest, returning about September 1.

The following officers of Court Common­wealth No. 8,9n , Ancient Oroer Foresters of America, of East Orann, were installed last night by Deputy Oranu Chief Rangor Sam­uel M, Edward* assisted by Past Chief Ranger Samuel Philpot: Chief ranger, C. Musler; sub-chief ranger, Frederick Smith' rvrordlng secretary, John Carlis; financial secretary, J. Keasnini ireasurer, John O’Meally; Jnnlor woodward, E. Dunn; junior beadle, Morris Dee; senior beadle, J. j . Murphy.

The subjects of the Bev, Or. Qeorge S, Bishop In tbe First Reformed Church of Bast Orange on Sunday will be. In the morn­ing, “ Nunc Dimtttis," In the evening, “ Talks to Men—the Story of Gideon.’’ .

James Sballoo, of Thompson street, East Orange, was arretted last night by Sergeant Bell on complaint of his wifo who charged him with boating her. He waa held inbail to await tbe action of tbs Orand Jury.

Charles Clifford was fined ^ this mornlniby Juttb» ElUott at East Oranga tor intoib cation.


Whan Ba^ sfBi Bek, we gave her ChBeHa, Whei she was a Child, she cried for Caslasla, Wheo gw becaiae Mlai, sbo ehieg So CoeMia. Bhn she bad ChlUne, stw fSTo thorn Oastllr^

MARhlAQ€&.BgRPgR-volK f>n Tnesdsr. loir I. IIB.I'r

Cev. I- M bynti, xr. Dsorte T. Bernier, ef Buklit Uldev. M. J M Mlu Anns U. VuUi, of Ktwftrtc, 2f. J.

NOTICK-Tniniilfiil a^TTrtUinf in th* NK1T9 m n it InTnrkibljr tM pn id Inr In nd* Tum*

No acfonnt* will 1»e opened for Raolu Nu ndverllkement will bo reeeteod oir«r

the tele phono oietpt thi»o tent bjr nnttiGr- loed n|feut«s

L<irNTP HKKCiUNHlTXIt IIUOK, LSO.OOi L*uld : Mltnii : ouilti fro*.

>'RU4K’Hi>S.nnclnn*tl a

jANArsniKK. AGFD 3fl. ability to purau« her ronslo nnyfiirther, ood feeling the need o f mnking an effort for her own support, as her fsmUy won only possessed o f very moderate means to oare ror the ninochll^dO,iUe determined to cultivate her voice, which was a metro soprano o f flna quality, and began aa a student for tbe operatic stage.

Bhe entered the dramatio and musicalconservatory In Prague* her native city* One of tbe teachers, a Mrs, Ilerbst, was an- » . XXAin, AAOl VI .

as Bauditts, a oelew bratod teacher and aetor, who became warm personal friends, giving her private lessons and great encouragement, as they found she possessed nnusoal dramatio talent.

Whenaiateen years old, she made her flrtt appearance m the Royal Theatre of

Prague, in a corned ' which Is conildered a dramatic test, called ** 1 Hemain Single,'' and her sucoess was remarkable. Bbe re­mained for several seasons at this theatre, and went to Leipsto in response to a greatly Increased salary. Charming her audiences by her msgoetlo manner and versatile talent, she later on extended her tour through Germany and the entire ountloent, becoming a favorite of royalty, and was Invited to their homes.

Mme. Janausohek then accepted a roost proAtabte engagement as leading lady in the theatre in Cologne, afterward going to Frankfort-on-Maio, where she re- raained as leading lady In tbe Royal Tbe tre for ten years, thus securing a pensloii for lifr, granted for tbe faithful service on the Blsge.

Desiring new scenes and opportunities, she was next atsoclated with the theatre Id Iiresden, signing an edgageinent for three years, but af^r the first year she made a special appeal to King John of Saxony to release her from this oontraot, which he granted, with her promise to return every year for four weeks for a certain namber o f years, which promise she kept*

Her fame spread through all Europe, where she became a star, playing In tbe royal theatres and winning new lanrela. Hearing o f the generosity o f Amerleana, and with a desire to pleaae the public of tbe new country, she crossed the

. N

Mayor D. F. HundrlcksoD, of Woodbury, was thrown from a road cart yesterday by a spirited horse and dragged half a square. ^

EUxabetb'fl new Board of Bducatlon met last night and organized by the re-eleotlon of President Bayre, Democrat, atid lUio tbe re- election of W. H. Hyan, Democrat, os clerk of the board. J. Augustue DIx was reappolnteit Suporinteadent of ii^ools. Tbe new board consists of seven Democrats and flveRepubll- oaue.

Sheriff Smith E. Johnson, of May's Tjand-> iDf, yesterday sent to Sheriff Hand, of Cape May Courthouse, the galiowson which Robert E. Elder and Andrew Orlrnos were hanged several yean ago. The gallows will be used In the ftaecatkm of Robert Pieroe, the con­demned colored wife murderer.

Mrs, Jane Scheurcr, of Kerenth |troet» Out- Unburg, had been greatly anadynd for a month or more by a gang of boys who per­sistently threw etoues at her house. When Mr,* fleheurer went home to supper last even­ing be found his wife dead la bed. it fe be­lieved that the excitement and worry caused by the boys brought ou heart disease.

EUi Buret, who shot his wife, In North Ber­gen Township, and then shot hlaiself, wss re- leaeed from Jail at Jersey City on ball yester­day, After he bad left the Jal 1 one of the con­stables told Judge Hudspeth that Buret went away threatentog to kill hie wife, her sUrer and himself. Judge Hudspeth Immediately Issued an order of rearrest, but Buret could not be found.

The UAuufacttirlng potters and their em­ployes held a conference at Trenton yesterday afternoon, with a view to endlog the strike

equal to a rodueUou of about fifteen per cent . from the old ll|tt. The manufacturers are oonslderlng the nutter, and wilt idve a final answer to-dan \

f ..../sSia||)aB.at AikOri PksTk listsnsd to

fiv.-mlnme seeches im the folluvrlgg toploa: b , S. VatWi o< tAifoX-

•tta, lad.; “ Hotars.’’ Iby J. O. Amos, ot Sidney,

UNE. JANAtrfiCREK Ilf CHARACTBB. ocean, and as her reputation had pre* ceded her she wm most enthaaiasticallr received and most courteously treated. For a period o f twenty-five yean ahe has held an honored position as a roost talented artist. Every summer for this length o f time she has visited her fatbew land, but always returns and ooneideri America her home.

She has made a fortune in her life, but unprofitable InveMments and unscrupu­lous advisers have sadly depleted ner roeana Hbe Is ambitious to hold her plsce In her legitimate line of acting, but feels the frivoToua ^rnand f^om the public for light and comic productions seriously In* terferes with Shakesneare^s plays.

The lectures that Mme. Janausohek has given the past aeason upon the drama have been a pronounced succeas, and her long and vast experience upon this sub- ject renders her criticise valuable aud of importance to both slunonts and wom­en who gain only a superficial knowledge of the stage at the present day and age.

DEATHS.BHO'rC'*<-A( Wllniliiftoii, Pd.. 00 WednsMay.

July I. Annk) liixHKSs. M nvod flilo ro f Kalis iDil lb.- lots M a # BTiUgsU'OMr.

BrlailTM ami r,f i bs d»c*oet4 art rsapwt.(ulljr iBvltnr) to attrml tbs Ajnrrsi frum lha mUlpiK's I r brr bimhsr in-law, janfat'^nsy.71 tlarCeii ai r»«rt. on saiurday. July 7. al S A. M . !oNt. Ur1d|«it i hur-K, uiifrsa BIsh Mass will b« ■•fTaiiNi ftir ibo itpoM ofiier tool. luWrmsni In Ihs 1 anwiary of tnr Holy Aapokhra.

POWJIKV On J'l-jr i John, Iwlofad hualMwd of CwUiarlna iiownpv.

halatlvaasii.l frlamli. aluo matnbars o f Ilranch Nu. V, H. A. o f A.,ara klnd'y Invllsdioallainl

iMitarai flrom hU Iai« raildanrs, Mok 107 Vmi J iiTVD airaai, on ^alnrJhv, |ha 7th, at S A. M.St, Jamaa'a rhun’h. mhara « saladiu High Matauf Xsi|ut*m wl 1 ofTarMfi for Iba rai MW stblatauL liittriuaut lb Uta i'smatsry of iba Holy rajmli’hfi'

HI.VKX-(ift i.-rtflay, July it, l«M. Adnlph Nalaon, yuuiuraat loii orrhariFi and »:arbara HInSa

Funaral train iha rati4p>n <H orblapsraoL'i. No. M JJaiirsm atrtti, mi hatiirday, July 7, LWi In* larmaiit m i-'alrmoutii itiuai«ry al eoarsnlanco i of fatally.

JOIINbu:^>i ■ 'Ibufaday. July S, eamcsl John- ! ■on.

Balatlvaa am! friaiKh -.f tha daeaaaad art ra- spactlully Invilad to aliaud (ha faotral aar« aIrtHi at b t Jamts'N A Xf. X. (litireh) Union atraal, oa Katunlay, July 7. al 1:10 P, M. le- tartnaritln Wiscdiand raruatary.

K EU 'H ihupMlAy. Ju y a, JaMb Kal<^> tm- JoTfs! aan at Aimie Ktirh tun4 IlyaAT* Ituenibi 12 daya.

Ralatlvasand fhoudaara kindly Invllsd loatisml tlia fJht’ral oa HaiurJay, July?, at *:U o'clock A. N., from bli lata ramdanc*, No. M Sprlis- fliSldsrauua u> si. AtiKuatlnt'a Cburotu wbart a Kaquiam Maw will tis sffartd fotiborspoae of taUaoul. iDtarmaoi In St. Mary's Comstary.

U sk l.L K J W N E Y H u u ih Itraots, X. on Ihuralay, July 3 ^ 1 HM, Ann MnUdowasy, In Iba AWh year o f Ma^g

Kslaiivaa and irlaiiwi’f tha fhmlly a n rMt>act' fully Invltml to Miami tbs fboarai from tha ratblani-a of her Mrs. Thoinaa rtn iftburch alroft. bouiTi neauAe. N-J«,on AaUir' day, July Tth, l»wi, at n u'cIijoX A. M., totlis Cbitrcb Ilf fUir lsa<1y of horrowiy irhtfs uiaas will Iw oiraral for Ilia rapnas o f bar souL Jh- tanuaaUn tiia Holy Katuilciira OamaUrj.

piilLtMiN On the 6th mat, Gnoa Pdna, daufhtar of l!ut«eL N. aud t.iu A. Phllaoa, aged V m<>niba.

Futtara) aervisaa will be held at lbs paraoW rfst-deiioc, .Nil. M2 Itrojul on tMmday, J ilj

a ts i'. X. liaiatlvaa and friandi Of tha ramii)' ara reapeeifuiiy invltad. Jiiarmaat al FalriiMiunl (auiriaf).

AAU’l'HK July \ IM , John F. SauWr, Sftd I moritba, win ut Jolm and Uaillda eautar.

Balatleet and are ra^paclfiiUy Invtlad toaucod (ha foneial from tha paraota' itrildanoa, 147 llamburt p1a■' Hatunlay, July T. at 10 A. M. latarment at Witodlaod (Amatary,

BCtlAEFlkK—On July A. IIM. Clara Nay, balovtd child of Cbarieit and Cbrlstlna Ochaofbt, agad 11 mniitba

Aalailvaa and filauda axB raopacUtaUy loTtiad bo aitaiid (he faaaral from her lata midaaoa, $) Academy Biraai, on hunday, JQiy B, a l3 F .lt . laterinaat lo ralrmount I’emtlary.

Q tA E llI.X -O b Tbunilay. July I. ISH al 13:I0 A. H „ afiar long aod palaful uipwa, caorge Hb’haal Stash It. baluTiriJ buabaod of Fradan

HAKnFH-W 'AXTKD, A BUY Ttl t.A tU V R('and drasN hair1 «01 HAKKtSON AVR., Harrlaon. N J.


IB UAKKKT , Kpaiaira.

HA R T rx D k h w A X iF .n , a u<mm» x m a u tyouBff man to w< rk aa hartannar m i<ransa;

nmat iinoeraiand hia IxMlnatt and ha mlable. wafva. eu ia wiiara laatemp oyail.1 Adilrraa UAlinK!!. luix H. Nawi ..mow.

Hn v WANTRD, rSFD V'i SI Alll.K W iKK l f 'jo l homa A}»ply. with. raferMi'-*-. KV-

( ’IIA N ilg IXN. optXMua rbooUtii I'ark, Valla- ibUf|'. I !

i i A x i c ST,. iKA ri.F A A A xr rrs N rs iiF tv Jirtnnt room ! sxi-alleAl laula; all Iraprorr- lUthW Ifp

I jn ^ n U A X i* APAHTMKNT' YOir.ViMirX- I ’ tiauian iwB Snd flrttuiavi hnma comfcrka wlib

aeleet antall famUy ; lacmi Apply STo DK ItM A N, U Weal M,

nIV»AI' ST.. 117 FURNISHXI) BCK)«^ WITH*or without board. M i

in n ID s r . M7 ri.KAKA.XT RO l l l WITH Hoanl ; table board alao. 74n

CKNTUK WT., 38 FUnXISHUri F fioX T roosia; runninf watery board; al*o t bla

board. »ik' dtruT sr., r» ri'HNt-iiKti wx hm. w'I mi. or Wllliout Iwianl; 1m|irovf>rnant\ Slhi

I^NRANKI.rX ST , J7 MMl.NiSIirn R(KlMJt far ftnUsman; also food lalUa board. Ini'

provemanla ITf

Gfntlfmkx (’AX citrAis xir.y. Frs- nlabad roomi, with boani ; honiaMaaiNinifbrl*.

aad improTeiuaiilA Ml M >. FLSA.'vaN t AVA. 1M RH VK hT.. sa, UKAH (NU’ KTltaUHF 11 Briard for a fant emaiu M a weak. 3Gp

HOV KTHfiNH ir*Y WAXTRI) t o WA-aii dlataa^at Mv.SUN Y'd H U arA l'U A M ', a roa^.

merra Fii. II I

Al/tKV e r ., 42 KHUaNT RUUN W llMboard. 10)

MOV WANTKD IX A HI’ IVM K U KTOKK TO lake out urdara abd oibarnrtie uaaf.tl.

I Apply Ik l.tiCK nr.N"E W »T .,« rw oV K H Y PI.KASASTFROXT

roova, with |on<1 hoan!; all ImprovatnaiiH ;

4 ^TIIK NFWARK linhHR J \ •market. Nm liMo11\i''eniral A larta atnrk o f rini-eljun har>e« aiwavA

V on head lor a«la nr Mrhanif^ at lh» lowest Boarot pR'Wi: drauahi. <1x1 var i n t ( a* o r qi Twtpoan h-iraaa a f^M ri r . van in i -Il' ( » ’ * ^il I with A fultfUArMUi^Wbiai reprMantnt or c o 'i reiund»tl. i I .Q K H r i. ril'I.IN , pro >.

\ - rn' K, H r,o.jN. irof^K on pRo^«e ■ertj ; If ■, oi. ile< ra cjul.v. aale, porchaeeor ail h xiifr. o«a at .rnciv

UKKMa N, ... West at.1 J iltllK K **1lul* A H ’ -rf-AHM R A R B rnJ labop All-r.Ie M WlLl.T tM f

/ lAMHlAOkSl t '4U lll A'UM CAHBIAOIh- ,V opeaani) t<ip buta'le . phAHorii. taiUe^'pbA^ f t nn, ninahoutn. (rap s aurrevi. lump-eaai niirrwv ■ aplriille rnad. bull's he»d. aivl hwduMiwaa-iM Iff aM kln’la rh.ai4ri.'-» S O 'tru <•4 MUI An| - HKl*owl r o itv . IklT He InvUlo H

HT. Ity

H AhHKR HItop KOR HAI.(-MfiKJU BL'Ol-II* Imnilp*' :M'r..4NH *»T. J,

( 'AHItlAtllW r o lt -AI.I- V H f ntVTKXrM 'Of a iublp on# cn^ipe r iraa>*a* paiirl l<ip - one

7'eart. im* dauble aei ofr.ia-h hara«’;N iiaarlv h**. one *el of Ilf at duubla harae>t, rli ., euv la'julra •I] Nik 14 I'AUK ^l^/ 1AKHIAG®N -A Nt MJlRll i»K NR>V aX I ” «a0aai|-band earriafi^ ant waroia for «al4 I heap. ULIVSR MAXUFACI'UHIXU O i- IojI ofnayat. TalaphonalU

(’TIIANIsI'X DRChK, M AXIFAI'TI RKH OF all kmde o f rarrlai^i, I'Btuudi'r ilapiu wacona

Rockawayi, ladlea' iibaatnni. iiufu'ien. eiien^lnn top wtrreM. cinopy Imii iurrayA Jump 4aat "nrreyN ( f M amf hiu’ ktmiifdi. «pliidla wafvit^, nwl '-iru and ■b# m11iii Part*-. wn-nm fO* h-neie.-taud fMik*r«, srooer^ and milkmen, plirnifiem ant fAriientere. laundry and rlolhiari, i-ipraii ant fermen’ waTosN lV4rnaai and i'Mnt-^r ^iiaHi an I hlankeia, aiU7 And 3M Market *V. factory lUh- Wiv, S. J.

central ; aiag iabIp tniarit.

|>OY WAXTICD FRitJil >R TO lA YFAUn l.X jJ Jbutcher Shop. Joquire IA4 HFKIK’ R; A]'. l (

I^AXrfrRlKM'Kn II AMUlH'K A N b s o r i ' H IT ' ^.iiiarkfr. t^lt ^iwoen I and Sn'eliH'k !-atunlaf j

btui'iiinf at Jt>H, KjMi.'K'A, SO to '.Id Arch at. I>e- tvsern Warren aiid Saw. 1 j

^^KW a t .. Ai 1 S l i ’ a; Kh u x t HOuUd WITH V board fbr lAntlemaii. Mo

N'OHTH A h M N ttlo X AVF... 4d. KAST OH- nnre- tArge rouin^ with hruclaaa hoard, near

•laUon: ytOhl> o fiba 'la MKH,TU(4UAn. Ho

Icka btathia, aged ou yean ^ moolhi and IS dayA *

RalailTet and frtand I. also AchUlfrfilck Bastllt Society, are raapectAiby loellad to aitasd iha Juaeral irom bMaiA rcaidenoe. No. V t M fbU Avasua. on Saiarday, July 7, ISM,at I F. U. Jn* teriuaui la Woodland Camatary,

Vary Scblpp, ASS ^outh Tenth a t . . . . I S Iniarrli iact. ajU FiAeanlh ava.............Li

l>OBihClAlMa P a l4 in N ew ark ob4 T U iaU y T«*iLay by H airopolLtaa l#Ue la s . Ce.

Fteo. AmtGO

177 (lUHuaben K ruttun, 14 urleaua i t . . .10 ISS QOJana Hadfiald. 2 F<iata %i...................... .10 H2 WTbomai Kane. i4avatiih tl.. Kellavtila,. .%Theodore ijuIn, JUcdIvarat...............b> ‘ tOHan Bulllrao, 144 Flral at.............. .W

t. F. WlLlsiAHttSapt,lU-iU-iST Markaiit. otriar Halaar,

IS 00so noSO 00



Knbalnaliit apadaity. IM huUTU ORANOX AVX., batwaan Junta and UAyaaaiA Up


t74 Broad IL a Uo flrti^lBM Uyary BlablaiX 4 andflt-iAyat Talepbooa lOO.

IN S T K U €T IO N .

1*>»RKMAN W ANTkn A CVIMHKTK.XT FnU (. | man to lakncharfenf paarl bntion (keiriry. nniii

hare bad almUar poll don: refarencea. Vail or atl- dr»u J„ t'J.I.HAiX, U Maroant, Naw York. :%>p

IbARK rii..W - ^HtlNTlUJUU-, WITH HOARD, also tabta board. My

SOUTH TW E LFfH NT. WH, Rn-OtVlI.LIt-. Plaaaant muma wKb boara; Improyeicteta;

irrma innrHimta.

l^tnntF.MAX OR AITIVK MnlV W'a XTKH F alth InfluDQca; can add oonildtrably lo bla In- rnma, AddreaaI F. B., as Walniil at,, ItofTblo, X. Y.

MKX -W ANTRD.KOllTItIcUMTKDHTA TltN Army, ahle-b^led unmarriad men. b#twi*eu

the tf# o f 11 and Su v*am; foo'1 {w*, ratloBN, clnih 1a( and medical aitemtaMca: applloanta mnat ba prepared to fiirntata aatUfac-iory rrldeooa M to aga, characiaf aadbablia. Apply at

K kaT ST..rs HAP , Newark. X. J.

MK X -V L IV K M R N WANTED; ADVANOK- mant fuaraaiaod. Apple

I kLF.EX, 113 Uarkal sL

N tCKKI.-PLATRU W'ANrXD. A YOUXH man baring kaoviadfi o f nickel plating. Ad-

dreaa, wlib rataranoea,NA> BUel X FK4,1)01 n, Nawa oflloi.

1)41N T E K -W A N T K D , FI.AIX FAIN TFR I lis W ANinXlITuN HT.

1>lA>rO t 'f .A t RK W AN I I I ) F ilh K A 'r rR D A Y nigbts and slsu a walcb dof for aale. loqulra at

Bio aou HAJBkrT hT.

fJ''EAMNT*H - w a n t e d , AN FXFEHT TEA M-atar ; mmt be aobtr, Irnliiairlou^ (horouihly

iimlaniatKl tba rare and tonaagamaninf boraex and expeiianeed Inibe bandljiuc of bMvy maebinary ; uo applloallona will be tnteriam*<l without 11 mt' clBia raitmnoat. Apply at H kW h;h 4 F K lU .frw N IHUN Wo h KPi, between 3 asd 8 o'clock, Motiday aflernoun, July d Sip

\ir-)i: W lisl. mTART YOU IN A FLXAXAXI. t T profltabla and permanent huaiiiMa; can be

dona at your owB home; ISO a weak aaally madasod aunnp fijr fbll explatiallmi._____ W^KsTKIt.N hUFFtY 0 0 „e i. LCttli, Mo,

H E L P W A N T R D -F E M A L R X .

VWKID SERVANT MUPPI.IKD AT HflORT notice. Aa wa procure altukilooi withoul chare •111 ‘ . . .glrla. wa xanerally bare appilcatloiia f>r placvHL


A PPRFNTfCES, IMPPOVEBIt. HKWiNt* firla, Aniaburi and learners for dreasctiaklnv

and cutting. hiTHRU T7J Uruad at, n iX T H WANTED. LADUCH OK ORNTLK- Lman ; good pay. 24ls oUMMEll a V E Me

CIOOKR-FlHhT-CLABH CODKH AND OIRLH . lor geoera) huuaework.


COMPKTENT. HktrABLK GIRL W a NTED for general hausawork ; UaruisQ ptafSrred.


HorRKW OHK-YOUNU 0 !R I„ IS TO 18 jaara old, fur light bunaework ; alaep homai


n o t h x w o r k - w a x t k d . i h r l f o r OEN-arsl booeawork In family of two and baJiy.

t Kut. m b E V E X llI HT.

WAHIlJXaTON HT. t(T Nlrt-'LY PUU- TV iikabad reoma, with or wKbiHitboard; alto

Uhla biiard. ik


Ho a r d - w a n t e d , t w o y o u n o m e nwith beet refbrem-M daaira hoard In privaia

( brUtlan RunUy ; 10 mlautei from broad aad Mar­ket iia. Addraaa b o a HI), Hox H, hewa oAkca. L

HeiARD w a n t e d f o r t w o UBNrLBMKX, west o f nigh at, between Houtb nrange art.

and Dank at Addraae X.. Dot R, Nawaafiroe. Mp

n OlTXKWOHK WANTKI), A GIRL (18) TO aaalat 1b boutework.

1 SSU](OVRST.,eor. Market.

Ho u s e w o r k -G IRL w a n t e d f o r o b n -aral booMwork ; German prelkrTod.

4:p 8S huUTH BT,

J ADIES MAKK |S) U REKLY WRITING AT .ihoma. Addrawt, with atamp.

H)p LuUIBE bMi i'il. Mllwaiika*, Wls.

HOPE-CUATN MAKXItH - EXPERIENCED band! ; alaady work, good pay.

tto ZIR U TH 4 00.,»3aivlM OrfleniL\ I ^ A I Tit EHA w a n t e d , AT ONCIi. PIRST-

VT claaa hwadish or German waltran; wngaa, |1A: nleo Oermaii girl fur honaeivuric, without waihlng or Ironing ; a*afea, |1A Apply Friday.I M kh. MILLER,38 Xaaaau at. Dratife Valley.

BS chools.

SNN PITMAN HUOKTEANDSCHOOI* 73t Hroed aL, Itoorne k aad 1

Tarmtf ou Apulloallon. Corre^ndence courae, fill, inbiudiog books Hpeclal terms during Juua. July and AugutL



Newark, Jane 10,18SL



that has oxiatad kliiM tha first of tho year. ____*, r *v*a. morThszxwti aubmittod a propoaltiou, which Isl have since thaj fired a few ounces o fU M

Bnlleta l>0D't fisem to Hurt It Esgroetally.H am . Instaaces.

From the Buffalo Express.Those people who have brains that can­

not be hurt b ; bullets are EBtUnc tiutuer- ons. Here Is Thomas J. Barter, of Kantos City, who-shot himself last Bstardajr alternooD, first by way of practice, roak- insr two attempts to shoot his wife. One of the bullets entered the side of his head just by the ear, and the ball pasoed up­ward and oame out at the top of the head. The other went atral|[bt tbrounh the forehead and atuofc In the brain. ‘

Goctora came and took ont chnnks of Mr. Barter's tkuU end also removed some Jew Bcatterinx brains. Meanwhile Mr. Barter displayed great uneasiness under­neath the restraint, alleging that he wontd much prefer to be up ana around. As toon oa the doctors ^ t through experi- itenting with hlpi he tossed ^ the bed ololhing snd pursued the even tenor of his way, nomfndful and not caring a rap fhf the foot that, by rights, be was dead.

There hare been several cases like this within a short time. Things have come to such a pass that we laymen, who have been taught to think that the merest sorstoh on tbe brain was enough to pro- dnee instant death, do not know what to believe. It looks sf if the greot Amerl- otn brain had tongbeued to such an ex-

that firing bullets Into it boa no more effect than shooting Into a ohonk o f patty. If men in Kansas City and IlIinoTsand Maosaohoaetts and other placet on and off the map can pump their topknots full o f lead and then go out and parade the streets and ieel no ill effeola it would seem tost men in other places could do this same thing.

Indeed, since two or three o f the men w th perforated brains have oaoerted that they have not Iclt so well in yean as they

O.l "Job Offices,’' hr J. A. BeUli, offit. lonls; “ Newspaper IUnstratlons.” by T. J, Coupe;“ Teaching of Joamallsm In' Collegea,’’ by Professor J. F. Johnson, of tbe ITnlreisIty of Pennsylvania} “ Typeoettlnc Mooblnes,’’ by W. W. Packs, seoretiuy of tbe Now York Typotheta; “ Nesnpaper Bookkeepiag,’’ by

B. Sbanson, Middletown, Po.A week ago Coraeliue Vreslond, a farmer,

who lived at Duudec, between Paterson sad Passaic, scratched bis finger wbU* earring a chtekea at the dinner table. The knife slipped and the skin on his hand was lacerated by a fragment of bone. Tbe in j ary pained btni esverejy the next day, and two days later his am was swollen to the sbonUlsr, blood pedsbn- lag having Ht In. 'Wedneedsy bis entire body was swollen lo almoet twice Its normal else. Deeplta ell aaodlcai akUl ha grew woiee, sad diad yistiiday aweedag.

into the cerebrum or cerebeUnm, as tueir aim may hare dictated, there Ueomewbat of a danger that the habit may grow on os and.people go around iddlaqtiml-

.. - . » *«?T‘r : ‘res Id th * -’•Mdwhenever tu^i'have an off day.' Investi­gation, thoroogh and searching, is needed,

this knocks the plum-dnff ont Sill fw the stories, who always

liielf men by sehdlng the bullet through tbe exact centre ofthe forehead.

fisasaUDas Net Describablo.From oa Exchange.

Probably few mou bare had a more thrUlIng fifteen eeconde or eo than had thedrikerof aheavy load of giant powder )n Oregon a few nays ago. He woe piloting a tonr-horee team drawing a wagon ooutalning 3,000 pooudt of giant powder over a rough rostd into TUla- monk. A riokety bridge epannlnga narrow rarlne gave way under the load, aait the whole (Wtflt woe damped down into tbe dry bed of the creek. TheVe was no eKploaioo. and the driver, borees, wagon and powder ware hmled out all right. The driver hue not recorded bis eeaMttiou at he felt the bridge glvlag way •ad dniiag the few eeooada between then and **“ ’— ■ ■rmfisit tsf lly gpin

ThFM ichocls will open lOr Uie Teglatry of pa)illi OQ U GNU AY, JUJsY I, Al i A. M., kod cltM' in f « ( 13 M., In cb» Hmmbnn Ft*ct, Oliver HimL U'ebvttr Ptm t, Wlckllfft ntrtVL Kewiok HtiekL Houlii T*n(Ik r t » « l kkil Morton Htreet School t ulld- InfL Tbe reflutrY will continue ih rtnifii tbe week, eioeptlni WMlniedej', JuIf 4. None undur ? yeere o f Age Admitted. Nolimil Above 7.

It le Tvrj dcklmbie ihet all wiibltif to enter ibeie •chooiR Rbould Apply at onne.

lUtrerulArMeiJoA win beiln MONDAY, JULY A Tbe dally loulQiiz wUl be frem 8 to tl A. U.

V T E 0 -TflltEE OKKMAX OIRLH ; TV pnrtlM wUhinf food help, while or oolGjwd,

loc city Orrouatrv. MKh. fiARTON’ d k MPLu Y- UKN I OFFICA, m Illfb f t 1

"W rAN TKD-M mDLK-AGED LADY GOOD VT App*ArAD<’«s with food builaPM qiiallUee; one

who play* ptenn tirtfcred.1 AddfwiaC JlT-AGF, P oi J, Xewioflloe.\|^A N TE D a (IIRI. TO RE U SXEKALLY

VT tiiwful; w ofM t) per mnaib.1 331 WAKRKX ST., In itore.

E M P LO Y M E N T W A N T K D -M A L K .TJGOK-KKKPKIt WAXTH PO-ITlOsV ; ONE .1 Ihavm f lied ecpfrleore In commlMluQ buelnete; beet o f cliy relfrt-iice flvflD. AddreM I DuuK-KKAFER. Ilox E, N ew eof^^

BOY-Cni-ORKD BOY, H, ^YANTH MtTCA-ttoQ to help III the beuee or any llghi wore.



City Soperlnleodfnt

MIhh TOW.XHRXIVR D'lAKDl.SG AND DAY ■cbool forglrlk M PARE PL.. Newark, X. J.

Primary, Acoderuloaod (.Mloge FrejMkraiory De- pertmems.

(dreuJian oti applloatloa. fSq


R. A. FABRAND, Heed Matter,W IUON FARHAND, Anodate MaKv .

reopeuB September IT, tM i

Tboroti|h preparaUen Ibraoj oollafa orKlentlfle Rchool or fbr builnefa II (b.

CmtAlOEiie oa appllottlon.



MIB4 WHITSIORR, PRINCIPAL ColirffB Preparatory, Sealor, Junior aad Piitserr

Deporimenu. A UmUednamberorbeytlri primary Department, (ArtUicate adoilta to WellMley Cul* lofA ClrouiATaoaapplloatlua.


PiA N G -A GOnU TEAO nSR Afew pupUa for ibe lu mmer. Addreee

Mn FHu FEHHGR. Box A, Nawi odlce.

d u k » $ m a k i n o .- A . - A t . TAYIjOll miEKH-

Lffonulne itehooL The oalythoroucli and Rocowtitil Byttem le 'IM oaly one aot a rhirlItefv to learn. Ihipllamake drek>ei while learninf. Make ao ml^tika leora (he hML Opea day aq I tfraa- IpfO. HoU(«A T\ Toylor'a 8H"iill

Brood Ml ooooeite Trlalty uburob.wroMMwepFHM SLE. a tR I«T IE

A .-A.-MoDOWBlsL. DBKSS.OUTTINU Sobnol. 'I’ha oelebralod McDowall KarriiMi

■ ‘ > l io ir “drofUnf mooUlne boi nevar been defbetel in aiir eenteaL roMlviee twu blfheM awardi at th* orld * Falx; w beoBM ilacaifitem why ooi get tnebeRt poauiveiy no refiiliaT pupUi oaa make dreMoi while leamliir, oall or aeiid for dnuler. pape(

KiteroteubtoiiieMtire. .I Ks (J. OBAWLEY, BS Brood it.

A t t a y l o h 's, tstz a s ntih b u o a d h t .. y g u can learu cat link fittlai, dfatfnlnq, flnl<(blM,

dmpinji and UteiA nne potnli; make drr>4^ for yoarieiroi yourfrlenda: iwhool flriR i*k*ii durlpf vocation; food poaltlonji oMRihed; tsolkere in­vited lenaUowotKii luade on other nyHiemi i open evenhifo. TayioFN Foibloa MofAxine fr«e for ou* year to old and new puplli, Coatuiuei mane; out-llncaitd flltlnc: pkUerai cuL The Taylor Hyntamcononly be oOttiued fiom the oulhortfed moniui^,AQI K.LMKRUm.

DREN SM AKIN G—HUITS 11 Tt> 810; A L L 8tylei! Alao ndlof hebltR. m PLaNERT. ^

IrtUllDPttAN TAlLOt( AND HQUARBUfor ctHlIuf lidim' and chlldren'i garmeota

ploUi, Frenob. eeamlem and Berlin wilrti, K reach blaadana, double end triple old* iiodlee. iN looeM drfMaii plain and lla*oy ateevee, elu. All for fl5, tweHiditif mlA equMBi Inelrucilon Mtd meaeurtbook: puplte moke tRilr owe k^r.neau free whIlO learninf; cuttlDf and flUlnrllnlnfi and pooer p.^ lernacut to meoaure: day and evenlnt lemnav Ma Da MK V a n Z a n T, w PlAoe Rt, oev^ ** '* Branch at Flat i Arnold Bulldlof. ita t to poet* offioe. Horriatown. N. J.

Fn u fE T T S NEW FHRNCH PYHTEM OF drewcoltiair—ThlReyetemh worked by the ott

o f A talioFe equal • and md o f balance ineunreA wbhjh Is eaUraly diflarent iromonr otberaln uaa, aud ihfoe, lafeen lu oonuecliou wUb thi retainr Ullor tneaenremoiibs when correctly tokep. moke TtAttlof loipCMMlble: Ihponly •yiiem la u«e with * tl«clal aito^m eut for cuttldf lha FreiiehblM#Dd dMMe und«r-*rm taam. ^{•M eohools M. A. nBAONs IM PloiM M.

f'^OACHXAX-UOLOttED M4N WANTS HIT- V , naUou AS cuAchruoa ; tnarriad. AddraM OZp J. SANDERS, 111 New tt.

Jj^NGlNKKB-ELEfTRrCAL ENGINYKR fKX- !ip4>rt) dfslree poelllon with reliable gaaflUar

1 Addrrie ELKUI'UICIAN, Box 1), Nawa offler.

n ni'HKrLP;ANINO, OAHhKNINO. WHITB- wMldoffdaoe. Calloraand poetal.

1 U nlL K HT,, Ant floor

HGsn.KH-VOU NO COLORED MAN WANTS hiiualluu M hotUar, cUy or country. Addreu

t 107 hoUTH Hi'.

1> U M R K K -^ irU A T lO N W AN TK D HY A yfiiiiiK man In the plumbing bittlocM with one

Tvar'fi •xpertent’a. inquire at G. PFIhrKH, Jli.'H, 's-il H. (iranga ava. . 3p

K.H FLO YM ENT W A N T K f»-F K >1A L E S s

4 l^r.ACE BKCURKD FRKE GKCIIa HOK FOR i \ irirlfl liATlag reference ; bigheit wagrn and l>e«t rsiiTilllee. ELITE EMI'LOYMLX r urFICfcS, 740iJritKil fit. 14o lOiiK- nOOD COOK WA.NTS H lfrA T IO N ;

I ran wMh and Iron w«U ; brat xererenoua Coil at preaanC employaFi, 13 JAMES S r, 1

n OUAKKFRpKK - AMEHiCAX WIDOW lady, middle oga, poflUloii na houHakeeper for

fvltlowcr. AddrcM HgME, Box C, .\ewa olllce. Viu

UO U B B W O R K --Y O U X G A M ^ .R lU A N woman dealree poaltjion with family Hvlttg out

otcMy, to iMilal with light houtfwork ani care fur ibIJdreu. Addrrm E, Jiox Newi oAlct. 1

I TnUBEWGlUl—GIRL WANTR BI'fUATIONI I At general houMW«rk ; refFreneeaI 139 COMMERCE ST.

HOUSaWORK-COIsORKH GIKL WANTSr •eliuailon at general houeewora. r«ti


I A V N D R E SB -G K R M A N LAUNimiWH .Jwatite wiihlQc At liotna gr to go out. AddreM^ a tite wiihlQi At liotna gr logo out.

4p .* 43S llIG U K i.'tirA B H E R W O M A N WANTS WASUINO AND

vV Ironing by the day at 13 ^iiLK ht. i■YyABHlsVa-^QEIlSUN WOMAN WANTS TO

do wtablDg at huiua or outride.UtiA. \Yk VMAN, 97 ^liteentharo.

"yyASniKG-GKRMAS w o m a n w a n t swoahltig and denning

s a h SaCITER. im KomornaL


H a DORN, TRANCK MFDlUM. CAN DE aconiultetl from 8 A. M. to 7 P, M.

Bln 37 Fx AXKLIN ST,

1 \ 0 YOU OW\X A W HEKLt JiiNKS, THE Prudential cigar mm, leg rlnit m pr^wnione lo

on* ol Ills oueiumern; i wooder if 1 w iiL be ibu uiw: bla dgara are fipit-oiook. ^

I ADIR'fi—A FHlFND t.'fi NKKD IS A KRIKXU Jiudeeds I f you wait a radUatoMhtt never fjil*. oddreearilEWUMAN'dMEu.iloMEtbuffalgsN.V

T ADIEH W’ lKHiNH FHXVaTK NUK-'»IN0, AlI jhowa ._________ AHP, opp. etlrlliigst.; oonddentloi ireej-mant; Infoatn ■dopte’d ; doctor In atieudauce. lAI

Mn>WIFK-flKKM-*N KIllW iFK WITH m - plome; IB yean*' c.’ipprlcnce; wouiai* iiuraed

«U.rUCU..; .v.ry.hl..i<,u.rij^

MKH. a . BAl.V, HAIR PRSS-INO CAR- lero. 91V HRGAD KT.; elio fooi eteamlng and

luneoge, which lakm awey wrlnklei. irwjtleeaml tan, iQvikomtae face mueckA clean compleiloo. B nuU -SoB and velvety skin. o

BH. ZlMMKHM.ANlFDltMKRLV OK k IX O i^f.>.AKuneti hae opeoad a Irwllea’ helrdretelftf parlor al 77* Brood it., neat door Prndtntlvw U dlnc: i l l work done by il r^M iaM oril^ 14*MJ


A .-A.—A.-

HKMHIXHIBLE PARTIICII IN NKEDOFUONEY ranniitatn tbe aaoie at the ofRceer the Newark Morcora Tm d ( V ■ We will lead ymt any eum that you whh at tbe loweet pueelbla raleA In the qolok* pel poMihle Mme oad for any length of time lo «uit you You con pay It berik In «acb luelelminty et you »«leta. wbea yon whh oat eaiy pay font oe longei yea keep Ik. Yon oan borrow on taoiaea hnlil funtlkare, plonoe, horeeo, watoio, carrlaget t ' other penoaaJ property erlUio ik removal fraoi yourowo peMeaaloa, thua givlat yo'i tha ivii nf br ih It and Ike money. Oar ofEloai are oonvaniebt- ly lurati d, tad (MtrUei rod he woikel on'lUlecly. toiineoiialy and conlidandally. Remember ihek Tdti ran iwy all or any peri eflhn Icwn eiany ilma and that every doUor paid l«e waa the euat o( earry- ing the Jean. N tW A B K MORTGAGE LOAN t u 71ftMarga(et,. aeoMd

A - A. A. MONEY TU LOAN OaS EUaNU-eoad niortgige la m b u in tolt

*. W. UEKHY.TIO Brood ak^ A L L a t I B S OFF ICE UF



Tryniiwaot money In amoll nr large a mou nte, on Ikon or long lime, on houeebold fnrnitore and plaunt, huriMi, wogona, ArnagM, worataouae re- cetpta nr pvrannal property o f o o f kind, without iwnioralofproijerty from ^ u t own poeiewlon, we caa rove you monay by our termi o* loena o f any anaurnn from fjn to |l,oi)o at Tvry abort antloe. wiiA out poijiMiy. You een par (he mosey biok In eay amouctu you wlih and at any time, and each pay­ment made on th* nrterliml will reduoetbe coat of Ihetoen In proportion.

Before falling money alnewhere Mdl and eee ue and you will fiml it greatly to yooradvaat*^

NSW JERSEY l o a n OO,

780 Brood «k

Mo s e y m i.oa N on h o u h e h o l d f i r*nllure, ptanoe, orgaoi oad peraonol property

witbuui removal, paniee houorablv doaH with; ciB iSAke repavmeati by tavtalidehte. butineia akrIcUy conddaDUal F. W. CftAWFOHlk room A 781 Bruad eL

L^mt * a 1.F t h e FAHT !f»A D FROMI pw't ; RUeranlrad ko trot a mile In 7:> ; onlv

linn (he r l t : a^ao vb i''liyapt’mv. IS'' a teal pic* Hire: eui' lo>1r can drive . will cti'liHOve ftirs'lioan hofia. i^th rafih nraiiychlag thrir value. NICH- *'UMvs. EicbMii# Inn, ihHith uranga ave., oppo- alia Uomlng Park. 1

y 1ANDV ' liiH- IHMIDCaNDYV filar.-. m 111 M ni IM NKU’ toN »Y. LI M i i . u K u i'ifi n m a d d R i Sd' MIl.K, hoi<i. Xewfi uflSoa,I m wKf-1-A i‘AHTV wniTI I apPah' If •■Il f. ■' il) 4 .isf Or iiinrei tis ;eln roe la reJuan iirti iuriOig ••ra'-fvmaUv hi iloilitiif have aj'rfic’ . ai kiiuAi, igaaiut i«rge Iradc. Adir«ae(t>r Ibifw iiavfit’Ap} I a l.. hui h. NawaomtA 4Ap

i At NiiKY ►fil; HAl.K VFHY LTIEa F UI4 ioiiviuu urau'kiirtI4'kilrt«Nl MU I il OllAMIK a TR.

^»K\VM1•AFFI^ rtOAU A.SD (S)NKET^flON* f i 'r r y fiime central ]i;;ailiin; tlnirvt good bull-

liffia ; gfioU reaaDii lor aelling. Addn-M ‘ P \s . *•.. n h Litabetb ave.

IBAHTNIR Tu j o r s MF IN «>|,|MCH1ABi r ..................llaliOd Hfilmjn . *li 1 lo f;.ki (apUnl ; good 1___Lgu. rail ak otiiw i i ‘ M . I i i a Ni c -m . i

ilA lllN K U W A M > D (Mi VVILI. ^KLL i-arablUhf.1 maiiuf«L-iurluf uivlri*';. Addr

4lp .M a m t 'A l'l > Ikii A, X e« i odioe.WAUHJN iiX rK’ i-VHNKNl' HoaHWaV.k^en Apply MILI.'^ UNhiN ivltKWhHVt

f I Ml r I.'- AHk i>F A NMAl.I. HfoMK m li DALE 1> lueue of Uk.* IM* ■


Begtnnlnf on JULY' 7, 1804,10 A. M., al


R kWARK, N- J.,

Wt;i b* eeld *t Auction KB DMd nf Good IletMA

A Groat Cbono* 8o net « Good iforae Cheap.


_________________________ ^Newark, N, J,yian dhom*’: i.ioirr mri*F ni’i-KAW^r, I Ipole and ahaflA ; flrat^lae* onler - gcjotl at new.

3)p tiOLDliUl 4 F^>HL 338 Halley at

n oUHK i'lIU N KV . HAY UulCHK. MIHID wind and worker. f? ’i ; ale> n I'UindHtile

rlinnkr iiiarc, laet traveller. *4U : very line Innker ; and 8 ecu haro«>«fi. I wagon. | mrt aud .1 huggle-. }■ Xi'H AXitE IXN, iippoiita rUuutIng I’ark. aoulli I'range ava. I

lip• |m*»i hh'Nilsiiia it) tbia cUy. AdOreoa it. k'.. Hktk I'. Nawa ofDo*

W 'A M K I ) A LIVE, fNKHMETlC 1| A M 41 with ft’ iiu f nu lo ii.nonfo inviwt Inagwid

|<aylng let an<l fMnae ii.,un'’4«; nriii'lea iiven Ire* )»uh iii*-ri* hjsro.ai f'HtJa, mili*h rreai,ea iha wlideat eiuhufiioaiu wiiarresar aoUi, aud thoat aoiKla are lievlua •Mjuruiiiiis irtira ii, tiilier dtltfi. oa bigh a* uver rriauere uandle ibvae gintdi la ir»aieclinw. 1 hi< itglii parly win imd iliU buelikoee Aifgiilax iHman/,4 1‘aity haviug abuvn require- Jiieiua «)c will qivi* f»iln» <siiitfr»l tvf Newark,N. / . (itfik tiiueu haviBgf*epli«l and 10(4 ciiaraitar need apply. Addreit iPi.Njk •/. t.itui M. .Naei n[hoi,44p


V -A -lG>iT I.KIIKm NO. 3 NCT COAU • well orrvrnhil, ft'.'i }«r ton; klhdllag w*<^.(V »w ell ecnKtsm-il, ii«r ton; klhdllag

rimap. I Hi M AiEit ,t t V . N. J. K H. avlAiivetie ai, lelepbunv 7’>i

) 4 I’ lM JAM" ____ _______->Vr»rgr*. Hulte teoile lo unler. Hark oroal

I.S UM’ K AaXl) HLa CC imle lo unler. Hark or

away 111)11,413. iba new luBicduveiatlHiklrkad *If ilexifcsi. Ml amt wurkmaiuhlp fuamueed. <'ilAH.C Wh.hKH, Ihe WoMiliigiuit flreei 'iallur,IHH WMlklngtsvti ffi. neat lu i Hiial bnilg* upe« lAenlng^ till w uTlgrJc. HaitiMay, tl.-W. Mr

/ Htvk FiVHHAl.K FlNEUHKiJJtHhRYOOW; V 1 yearv i»M. AjipiyBsi M MARI.I ST.. Bioitmflald.

n ORHK FOR MALK, 11UHHF, IIAlIxaHn and waipm. cheap ; adUable fni any bininae-t;

owner leevliig the city. Apply r o 841 MCMltCriRY HT.I l O i ' i r TO H*t H'H.D n s M OM K V, 3 F. M., 1 l a heavy draugbi hurev, Irurk and harneie. fp *34 hFk In m kJKLI) a VF.

HORMFs t o I’ A hTUHK, »8 FEIt MONTH- Running water.

440 lin BELLEVILLE AY’ S., Ill aiore.TTOyME l i g h t TOF WAUON AND CAR- A 1 liagt n)r laie at a h Ig lArg*1 ii.

la'iflOU I H MRANOE AVF-pp

HORMK f o r HALK OB W ILL EXlMiANOEr ................. - ........... - -I for bicycle. 49 N. PAKK HT.. FA«t Orange. 74o^ JOHHF- tHK>O W(>HK llOltHK AND A (iOtJD

1 roodeter fbr aole cheap. 138 Wl I.M a M Hl'.a’fO

Horm k f o r m a l e , CHFAI*. ROAlllHNO flTAllLK,7 I'earl at.


1>A«TtfiiE ruH HOIV4VH r r x a i ’h k s ruAQlQf water, u ranmh'i good care.

Maplewooil Hotel. MepSewood, X. J. ttp oEiyhUK K. T n w r w . prop.

rpiIF CITY LINK (HiMtlNMFir.LD 1 AVE.i HAI.EM HT.UJl.EH a large

•luck o1 drat-rlAM liorwialwayaouhnnd, fur role or exohance. at tlx luwe|| mar­

ket prloia; draiighl, drlvrri end genera) fforpooe bortea ; a fair trial given and all eloi'k eold tu be ne reprenetiieii or ceali refotid*<l: rA\l and aw Uie fiHHlA A|1CH.4K L hTKCHK!1, pruprlelur.

W’ AOr^NM I h a v k T.1 n e w TV wagonn, trucke, raprvta.grort^y'ani butcher

wagOK-a, aiirreya, hiiggloii, inlndln aud rovi wagoni, em .furrolA A. la j iCLlN, bale ani Exchaa^a Maaie% aift to its Central eve.

MO.NKY 1/0ANKI> o n FFflV)NAL FROPltiV ty. planoA orgooe and fUraluroln nee without

re m o ^ ; all buMneaa itrtotly oQBidenUid- ca li»c ■itdreaa F, a e E w a h d r , room i 181 Market «(-. er 18 Oedor ek, dav or avenJag.■\TONKV TO r.OAN ON BOND AND MORT- .aVlgaf*' OB Improved real eatotealgper oent. HtAiKK H. DU lTKRWOHTU, M Dw^d 81.. ror. Proapact, Boat Qrengt, 67o

Mo n e y TO isOAN o n b o n d a n d m o h t*gaga In aurna to aulk, Irom |IU0 to M.WI.

7lJ &CILUVLKRB. JAC KhON,770Jtroodaii>0\ -M O N E Y TO l,OAN IN ANY SUM A t md \ 0 3peroeBl, permuaih; gixxl fbr one vror C. Rlf-RMAN, Tawnbruket. Laiabliehed IMi IQ iedarel., iieerBiYied. 43w

loan on bo.nd a m ^J \ /y l/W I/ro o r tg a g e at A par real. In

atima and tor periods le suit tha borrower NO BONUMOhuOUMlBSION K kAC lK D ; all Deceo- aory papen carefolly prepared. CHAR LEA A, F KICK, (X>unaellor-Al-lAw. TM Brood It. 431

tnortfage et B iwr neat la amna tad for perloda U> roll Ibe borrower*; no bonus or rommlealon chogged; |B,000 to loan oa chattel morteMe In aumi toanlt KDWa HD ia BLACK. Ceonaellohot-Law, room 814 PrudahUet Bulliling : lelepbon# No. All ___ _____

u p w a b d l o a n e d o n f u r n it u r k ;vfno removal: prompt, private reliable; low

roten, eaiy pa) menia; opea evenloge,0Or KERB. 4AI Brood ek

IsOANR WANTBDv•iT f ANT TO BORROW 82,MO ON OOOD RENT- Tv Ing property. WM.LlJIng property,

Brood, euroer iUlnkooRLJAM FAIRCHILD,

\ ir ANTED-MONRYONBOND a n d MOHT- M gage al six per cent JAKES M .T H lU H l.',

180 Market at. SSp


41,000, fi.Aoa Itooo, |3,.v», p m . c«a he |ilao»1 os Arat-cloos bo*d and mortgage m oipHv on properiv worth doable thaonkount and more bycalllugOA


74J 7W Brood tt.




J. H, Ril'PFL, Dealer.



W ILLIAU a . LEE, Vfoe-rreUdent.KERftl'Or 0. PKHXINH. Secretory.

Depoilte mode by third of any moaUt draw li^ tereat from limi e f that njooth.

JdANAGERS;Edward U Conklin , HvanicnT Bonoo,Edwin M. l>oraLAil.J. Ward WfjoDotrrr,

0 1HANOB BBIW8 CUTTIKO SCHOOL-<ll>KK ,11 M ffim .r; t b . Tm 'Iop Hy,t.nn thihroosblf

•S-Jiiit! s iu outllns. attlMr. drsplii,, insk,iit(, dv- , 11(1 ttnlibiM ; we weeh is dlfiVnat n y M

«r wilMs. F iln om d n u n . Jsoket,. eM b. ntsMrs u d i-v -s 1 . written funratUie xtren sU wbo •n iei: flnt-clsw diwitinblnv si tvdiw.il piiiws.: ojWD d,jr snd evenliiitfl; suetal liiducvtnent, offbivd to nil lau n ln , ivetam dutlii. Jet)' nnil A n r i , t : liinl iMtoni f i v n tn t . All the IntMt Vnnab nlS'ls.nn to b«rs*n nt IfA K Y K. l.YHUH’ n. tu - IM Mnlb m , Utnnit, IMcAnr Bonding_________

| -,K L V b r a n o h IN O B A w a a o r o r i o i k a lV^iA T. rnrior Hntnin s f SB) Bnndwniri nn ebnnt noliinl mMsoMMiiiini Hbeinn snn stnlw Utslr m ndnssM lH s i Ih m ii, bnllntllsd.

L. ic DHNKk u s Idninti.


T-\aqLAWKRins.Y.B. _■Lf fA ISaiO IfA lK .kL lV E B Y flT A B Lia. A O K ifU W f.K oaK O T H E R M T IM TU B OTI

t jT R A W HAT. PHI'.-rHJ.VU-w« HAVT5 ALL. t ? th , h « f *j>rln, r tr i« Inpr wfiioli ln U « * '• ns:^^.;.'stint,m,ytMtinuted, pv,rlosn#wib,tinn IniSlwt Itvia. J. il. I IE .V KUAN, XU WnUttrulQ, lU .w tw w n Slnrtetnnd Ba.S-

5 O ;0 0 O p i ’r'SS?—. * ^l.S'fiB A 00., Z1 Ennk et.. i .


^ ■ L L E V I L L l T O W .IB H ir-' '

Tb* snls or lands, ttseissnie nod berwlttn m tsti (Of 1JMPAIB Ta M W tor tbe jissr IW , to <bs Towusblp s f BvIIstUIs, IsAU UtlBMED TO U OM DAT.TH* Mb D AY OF


In tbs sfisfnooit, nt injr offion, I lf MAIM BT. Witness B j b u d tbli 3ftb dnj d f Juss. issi


disotn sf IhUE

OlBORnK Lank, HkNAY LAMO, Wimjam H. Lb s , John F. Contrbi.u JOHit U. (IWINNKLLi J. A. L1BKC1K.’MBS,

Kdw audN. i'naas,Ely.ANAS' ijEHLaACiL


1C*. 742 Brood Itreet.

Newark, N. J., June It, IfM Twentieth dividend. Nntlna—iha hoard o f

manogera o f tha eecurUy having* Raak have this day dfcUired the lumal Miul-ftDniiatdlvldenil at the rate of three per cent, per auntim to all depoilte en- tuied ihereio, on July 1,1801, payable on July ao, mi.

■\irA<10N--Folt h a l e , flK AV Y (HtfrCIKY t 1 wagon, or will exchange lur llgliler nne.

lOp *lt KAhT KINNk Y NT.


BDYR A (iOOr> YOUNG flORHE, A 4lPM4Jlliila run down ; alsooiher horaeA; carta, buggies and hmrRfHia cheap. AM IIIMII p>T.

miSlNERN NOTICFeRet l a n t i o r k a d k r -

i.parariteed aunfhel. In all ml- on. lur public biilldlngr private reelilHuwa, lU im mluoiui and lociurlea.

RPKriAL nAROATNR, t.m.'i D. K. Hollanda, with

Uoiwi frlnga. ragularprice, fide*. * i . .. . . . iSo.

l,0uu omqur*, with dunt»lelaw] irfiige. regularprice, 85Cm at.................. . 46o.


VlTEN'IIONt the K-ViKX AND lUIDR'iNnlHillLKTOi BXUAVATl.'4tt tio. piwpeml

to clean cloeete oeaepoola al ahr>ri«et untliia ufflce* 8k7 MorketaL, Newark, and iiH N. Third aL, Her-Hitnn.

b ;JSf

UTTON-IIOLEH, ATAM H M i, PLAITlMU and Dliikinr o f oH klndi al abort nuttca■SS." r a u u , . AHOt BKUAD RT.

lARI'E' IKH jOliniNO 'one, wIdlUoni. alierationi,

ihlns led, store lining, ek. UENHV K.V'IOIIT.

17U Central ova

lilE A F FAMILY SHOE hl’r^KK LADllUl' kid. tin. buitohi fl; lodlfii' flue kid. lip. button.S l i t . M t 'hi- tialninAB*I) Ifi ’ lihdlaa' kid, dp- lab*" BJiiuberv f) 'h*. uiIism*

io’riog-heal, tip. butbm. 7.K ro 41: men'iwwe-l,wt __...A I ,,T,-*b*d *i i:.•ji<^, 81; men’* floe ta-wd and t uugM*. 8l. t . mea'aruiMt Bale end Blnoheri. f i .w ; boy*'flim locfffl. 85o.; ynulha' fine lac# l.nv.: rhlldran a Miring- hoe) l i p , bnttoti, s'A (If 11. rtdii. loT.'iC. at w.U. J- M('ttINNKY'j«,17* Flaue near Willle’n at. 7m/ I d . MINIVN, MAHON AND III'I [.1»ER-

«Fnrnofeii, ehteriii, nhlinueye buJi aiil fw DeJred;w*Jli repaired ami whU ‘net W 21 w V mT KINNEY rif. Rer>’l tKiital _

F, . t H. MAKKK DE

. X *(hn DosgiM Uanlo, Ai rne DuJ- lar ami line ipaadollrsa. Uuili'al lii- atriimtiiie o f all klud^; caih or In- ■talmeqto. Repelrla;; a epeoi'Otr. Jorme/ly ofOTT Urnod aad Q iVilartL

F o u r t h d f j i l y —,n e w a n df bond pistole, revolvers, xun*: fiilllinnof amma nltlen, blank i'artrldgM, etc.; rbe4pu<( pio<'e In (be cliy. liKADNKh’ -, Jill Marktlwi.____________ ^


\ f Art.' iRMACK—H A T (,'i{ K I. H. i.vL]iOckatbooke, niati)U< leui lure and iriinks of otir own inaniifiii'tiire ; rapairlDg prumplly atieijde! lo. fi3>1 HltdAD »T*. opp-xiUu Waitilagrou Perk.

tiK W IN O MACHiNEN i*F ALL K IM m HE- k^palredat etnalJ reap by akllled wuckura; nia- chibee called for and dallveri'd Dee ; iiertA ueedliw,at*, foroli niochltiee. <Vd MHira D hJ'. Tig


O TO K AdE R(X)M Fl’ HNITrKK AND KKAH- nnnable. Apply fil KIClfMOND hT. 1^ . - r c . FIANO-I AND ORDa Nh TUNED, III*:

OpelrifKl. GEORiil:: HUNT,204 MarkHst. DO)

W A L L r A I 'F K A N D I'A P K U -llA N G I.V G ,

A - A. -KUUM FAi'KRED. DRIH NM IlY mIXP;•celllag aod alae and e-loch bonier, fur |A.7fi.

lArge oHortmeat ufpikper*; laleitetylefi ;a ilf railiiand pricee. l*Alatlng, gralniQg. ilntlnv and kaliio-

■ ilu

PapogEli mode on or before July t, IIH vlU draw iBitrett from July 1, 1894.



Bny and wll ^tocko, Honda and Grols o* New York Kacbangea and Chlcagb Board o f Trade, •Uber for ooah or on inorgitL

810 RKDAD RT. fKallonol Elate Bank Diilld1ng\

Talephooe laiu NawACk, Newo/k, N, LBraneb nflig#

Orange National Rank Building, Orange, N, J- 'Jelepbone 4U. unoga.


n AlimSON v a n DCYNE,tjurveyor and D*Mer la Rial Salate,

781 BROAD HI'.Fldeiliy TiUe Co. Building. Xatatee divided, Em

|lqi«ie*i:» value e f property giTan. . 88b

Lk d l h a c k b h o t u k h m ,CIVIL ENUINEKRS AND flO E V E T O U


J . A ------------


rplafug axt^iitetl at reaeouabie prlnm, All work gaaraotaed. Djiaa till 8 P. M. OMeri by tntu a) tended ta J. |L U'NKlLU B Auademy at., im i*1.1

It,, near Brood.

A -tlKOR<IK W. a>NK Ca,* 18 a .n d go NEWwr.,

W A L L PAPKIIH, W l im .E ^ A l.R AND ilK T A lU


Ihtlnllnii, 7>aper-hariglng, etc.. *1 reoeuanlile prices. IHand 2b New W hite Building. Bine Hlgnt-

A -^DKOOKLYN a n d NKW YORK WALI,• paper Combi nation—Pleowt take untk'e iliMt [

will pa[ier falr-eioed room with gold paper and wide bonier for fiSO a riom, and also do llMl-cia« palm- till and kalwnnlhlnv at the cheepwi pncei fu llie rlty; order* tiromptiy attrmled to by mail.1^ jA C 'iIl LEVY. Wo. 180

AUAMH'H BROOKLYN WAT.LrArFltHTDUK —1 Will paper any falr-alx* rogzn with giild pa­

per and wide border, inchnllitg repnirliig, for 41.2'--jiaup piAlitflnK ssPBls.lnir eiilaniiilaL*] wa do fln(volanpa1ntinE graining, kidnoinln' Ing. plo«rorliu nndtlatlof. i______ _ nr in« chemifpJtt priuMijuhVeity, (lend po^lai cardt I'lr «ii!nD><t. or r*ll at Brooklvh Wallpaper HIOTB ami Mlecl ynnr pupen. oawe carry a full tine o f c1iulo< paiwm, Hoeliaa blank*, lUlA gllte. emiKiarod, ingrain* and tHe*. largest aeofrlinenl In etate, and "ell at ftu’tury nrloto. Wollpaptr bought id ua iiitmuiHl by urn- chine free, irpeii rvenlM* UH b. Wo roll paper from 8 OanU a roll ■'■p to HKiUTiKIl'^,Droorabita, Papefrh’UtgoM anJ I'alutere. flni-claaffwork giioraoieed, OJ HiirlagUeld ova., uwr High*(.

icVs’ (* ^ K A N C D OF TIIK NlCtr^’ DllK WAl.I. PA- X>ii8r Ktore will paper any elite rooma with geU poser iind gold oorderA 4 a room pleoie m q I

' Ciid*;**ji>4l«i1itg. uaUotaloingand ilecurofi*

EtjV.Tjk,yfko* r w ' '


I < i9 T -F B ID A V , JUNE » , AN ACCOUNT Jhoiok, between the Prudential and Mulberry at.

on Clinton, yinder win receive reward by m nni- lug lo JUHN N, tXJLEHAMKii, Uereide at45p

I 0 8T -F O X TERRIER DOW; AKflWERIt TO Jthe name o f Hpori; block-and-ton bead, block

at butt o f to ll: reward. THUUAS J. JONKS^ tot, Jampaaed B ojlm i at*. Iy y x w a r d p a i d f o r r e t u r n o f u l a c k - Xvajod-ton bound. Ion WednoMlof. te_________Up

iSdOF. toU ^ N O O R D BT,


AUOTION-B I l d k b e a n d t , a u c t io x e k r .will Mil on Tureday, Jsly Id. ml 3 P. M.» tbe throfr^ry home with tet No. St State it,, near Brood tC; otaoeli (be boviaeb d Ibmlture; boueefiUVM tv , M*V au fiu* uir*»««uwi« swiMtsurv , ww-w—

bu beieroeei oad tea m iM ; lenm met i lale Wv*. •••

TTirtft JU tV AND AUaUBT o n l y w m IM) X ftejterhanglrtg. palming and golsomlniug At priroi roiMTODlabeverylKHl/. i'oil ro aro na it will piyytiu. dTeINABLaU, IWend 1U8 HiiringheM ave.


Ba b y c a i i r i a o e — w a s t e d , w kcond*bond baby carriage < must be In good condUiun.

I Addraav CAHr^IAtif’v, Box A, New* uOflce.

Bi c y c l e --W ANTED, l a d ie r ' p n k u m a t - l o ; xnuai be cheap; Addreee


H IUHKRT p r ic k PA ID f o r DKNTLEMEN’rl oMt-offolotblng; ordertby mall promptly at’

tended to. I. UAUAMBKV, H Commerce n. fip

OLD GOLD, 8ILVKR AND JMVKLBY bought. U a BTIN. W Market at., entrance on

lUieey at » oW AWTKP-YOUBOLDOOLD ANDJ4ILVSU; W wepoyboDOeiprloeaforlkih Urg* or uboU

A. D. SKLOVKB, 7 fndODlW BiUdlfM.

lOW FKKMI t:.jw 4Nli t'Ai.F Foil »ALA- 1 Ifi CKDAK Ml., Bliiudifleld.

MALKJol Of cer|i«a, f4 up ; illlt aiU rug pai._. ___ _

^ery('heap; oaa i-namiivr inltfi, 4'1; rull-tip detki

,ID 'T HRrKlVED. A LAHDE Jol Of car|i«(M, f4 up; illk ami rug parlor ault*

4^. •atefiiiuM raijie, |L)i. uthM fornh iiirv very i-htoop. Jk Wi LU \ M HT. Um

l.Vl f ix F K K r o F t.KADKJW, NEW - AltK -*(OV K i'i I'K Wo HKn, 8i J'nnea at I lf

ItM T t’ KK All**OLUTK HAi.K; A OE.V* ulTiM fioi'ntloip iP) inHgnifloefll buuavb- ld go^n,

ci>iii}ir(alng e rauiit I'eriur (■ulta, onyx imhlueiii, Mamel Uirrun. IMmuo ImptoVd oil Falai-Ihga by emlhent tnaaiera, oram] (.‘plight Idono, J'WiHitg ludfi, I ari*u, l«at)ier Dining Koma: t'baiix ^Me:H,ard. I'eM room mud, rea> In ^ Pulut JxM!e t'urteini* coetly Uric-a-biae, I'uriterve. Dsak,I iign, Ktigraviltg*, t'locxfi, t,*iiibrequlna. Englloh Chine mml oiajMeere ami tinportwl I'laUE E i- lenviyii lahle, MaUtveue amt otbi«r tb lngi; in foci (x>mplrro Fitraliure for (b« lHUht n p u fa f la e ItiMiiH , all are «M-]UOi to new: tmreeaonahlaetfrr rrfrtroil : niu*i roh. unfawroen elromnetenoeal •evil till Hauimay Bvei;1n|. 10 COTTAGK Rl'. Up

1t?K liO X--.K [D t KALK, A LARGE MILK Diaa'afoe box 4‘beap. 4*0 MAllKKt'Hr, eiu

SIHICJT.Vr iNFIDKNriAL-iJN KAHYPAY- mvni.oloUilugaail cJ>alti, ready inoda or niai*

tuuMer. »Vni« lurejeat w od l Uu’i.kiiA B jx a , Nfwtgclloo.rpHR NKW AUipmuNTOcitHiHrmiURcnI ramvtcry, ItellwUlr, N. J., la uiiw open and,alngiegravva nr luia In tlio lu auU purchoaefa*T*l od*rpd furoele <Mi rveaujjab;i'Ivitna. Apply for la- forinaitiia to th^ (i(r<T"lt uf tbeparUiior toeay member of rbe vvfitry, or iha nAX mlt . reakllu ofe Ilia fioiimiB un Kbu Wldteai ■(, eoiraaot, a iTltte e o t io f Malu lA 81*

lllovfliee*Tyiorrr.Ev ikm ('tiLt’UniA, model saf ItollghUy uBWI, 4B0; tWI ('ufoiabtatUQ.8on kLDU m iia. UOntrml awe.


BnaDDBBj T V T l

A . -OPPOUTDNITV 1 D O N 'T lijlxa It Hx BllghUy

umkI uprlghta.

Onefi'M. JACOBSI BRtW., for |l4b. Diterkig. JACOiw iiRuH., for 8181. Ona t'KOWN PU N ii. for t m OrieU,W,HMiiMNOEH, far |JU. t ceUHu, JAOOllH forliliOuefVM, BLAklUE for tUU-


: i Fulton at, near Brood kb.

PLx donre from reOdle riiurriw

IkIANO AB-iMi.Ul’ fc AACHI/ICItoi ITNFORBs aron drcumitaiK-ea ; miiatMll at once my mog-

hlRient arouil upright ivlauo ; brilliant tone ; oil lm|ii-uVfineute ; na«'d a kbuit time ; acxeptflU i do r.oi inifis iniai-JiMUoe ; if ,vun want a pinnuoall and •*■# 11lia before buying. I'jivatv realdenct, id COi- T a d R K i . Hroii lUi Jhureday evtniag. Up

IyU N O K O ItM A Lk-U I'ltiu ilT . FiltRT-('LAH4 tnakr, vt>r>- liar tour, go<j4 oi new ; great bar­

gain ; oieu iJniriuun dc MoDfi’ V4uarv74icteva over- Btrutif baro: line tone; 4^t nrurili mure than duu- ble. time givrn If dealrvd. HtU NKWlGN RT., M-lwvati .-uutb iirnngeave. and I4tb ova BOp

1>lANn, h k w ISD-Ma i ;iUNE a n d CH ILl/B folding bed for aeJe cheiu i

bio JOS M rLD ERH r BT.

1>IAN0 FOKHALE- A HUUAHB piano FOR’ 4IA. Cou be »t-eu at 74fi bliUUKll avEs I

OhtlAN'^, m a s o n a IIa MIJN AN D ' M*^i>thrn, |iri to H i; 8'lro H tuoaihlyi ovar- ' ainckail; uin^t be ooid ; big valiia for vary UI4le nroiipy. \v a cor, Rruod and New. 481


• lotbei for sale.1 J.RVERtOGB, 71 Mecbohto

I^QlLER.3.1-lIorM Power Cprlght Roller for eote ITowet

Ai'hUllpFemaxe; prl-?e|i».laqulre of PnRLrHRER,

Evening News oS lE

I >mr,KRW-FiHl hAl.K. TWD HtOllINUa J Jboiler*. No. lA otkI all coimeclionv laqnlr#Up 14 EHHhX . 'l lu i f i t Orange. N. J.

1>A1tl‘IKH llA V IN ll HW1')NIM1ANDrr?i Ami engin««a I >r A.»!a #ii| iU<t D (9.(heir 14

Draft to roiul dAMrlptiuu and prfo# of tant lU .W Ji-lAI'iU M .IF.V.tlU y.’i Wd a .C-1, .\ewark.

ViyiiiTiLKYA. bni;.-J, >r or M ;( )Ni>iiANii

puUeye, hna.'-ertand eliaftlng f ir «*ib.inrpiiroMt hVR.N'lND MCWh (JFFfCE



J. M. bEYMOUn. Jit.*1 l.AWUKNrBHT.

J 'A T K M ’h.- P A T l-M s — »

OAltTNEU AC0..7HTC8 nitOADiH. '1 he largtHit Pateui oruca la the :itate

A . -■A

I.’lOH I'A lTKllN MA KIND, P.Al l RUN LET- ' isrs. epe -'iel wgiid work. iniMifii. vut

V Ai.ltN'l lNh/H, Ifi Alllog Bt.

I >A fli-'*Tii

rnFDERD’KO. rRAKNTZElabucL-ciaor to C»iu(bifll A i.'u.

OLOBE UUlLsDlXO.M>4 BROAD ST. IloomvOI and87.

r>ATKN fP, r . H. AND FOltKIO.S,obtelui-d f.vr All ctamoKor Inverillen,

tl r N KV J. MIIAK I,Bol'icitor of i’aivnii ami .NLci-haaliMil Engineer

ll ai« uf traueik XlUvri.rui> DrckodeL,Ilnomi 100 and 101. Newark, N. J.

1>A’I KNTJi-DFlAK K A ('().HohciUin o f ABiarira!i nnd Foreign Potenti,

Attoineya in poivni o im tirfora tha U. 'i, Oourii. MiK-lianlQol and E lecirlcd Ktirlneart an l KxpAria (.onfigUatl'Jii free, 7*<0 HU J.\D ni'. 'I'ho old tetei- lAhllfibHil huufi-* lu the stste. Twenly-Uveyeofi* e^ljeiieiiea. itersinmipokem____________


M L D IC A L .


FApeclol cara to ladle* under electrle treatment.

T H E " M E H T S ,"


32 OOO.

IYA'I’ENT A.ND I 'l lA lM im S il DPKRJfWUF llirA tiH cW A s; ('Ilnimi It. <on;>u4lta u

Y.M. t'. .A.) Newark, .N. J.; tii kiutli ofdraugbtlag i*ar<.‘iiie<l noHily, amMi at laaonlm' ilftowlngt, and any klud ofilunlfnlng I'.im uio.'tJt. wta: i liloUrrfi (<r Ajuvrli'Ad and i(3rHlgn im'etiii. expArtv In paleafi cuAM Kren^b, troriu-ui and sinudhariaa laa> gimgei !i|>uk<‘ ii <>L4a WHiiie.i.Uy and Friiley area- fiii^iintiJ 0 o'clock: prompt atroutlgn ahvayi

CjKAt.ED PlUilM'AU'^ WILL llK RKCUIVED O hy the comniluvft of |U)ad»nml AaMfiaueiits o f Lho Ifoerd u( I'bijABJi Krediuhler? uf Farox tbunty Inr paving with ‘I'vlfonl i>avriurni ilie Pumploa liiriH'lkvin the To'Vnniii|i <iT Vi-rotiO, from itlooufi* lirld avenue lu D-v i'.vcialc llivi r.

hlrlH will t-a rerriVLKi nil'iV. U. July I, at (hw nflluH thu oonimUus;, uoriivr ,'darkui oQd Wosb- luKion atfiwlA. Nawark, N. J., wbetu thg •peglitofr liuiii for tnv work n»A' hv

IJin ootninhiee rHwrrH th right lo rejert aay or all lildtcfiff limy bu deemed beat for tbe Ititereol o f iliecuiioty- ]iy order u( (he Duord,

JAMEH UWEN,ifiin Knglneer.

1 \H .' IliiLMKS'S HPKi'lKIU A HURE AND 1 liKwIllvu 4-uro for alt fomole Irrfgularltloo. Ad-

ilrca HB t'aiiKieu «(.; C. H. smlili. fH Drobd >8., end all dnigijlite. P»c«« 1, eant by mail.________ to

KDICAL Kf.KtTUJfrAN : LADY APflllJT- ,.ani; chargee moderate. 19 MURRAY 8T. 1

1bROF>>>H(m URYHEK, MAH-iAUR AND medical electrloUy. fo NVE-vr KINNEY J—'»T.

I. W t

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . F R I D A Y . J T J L T - 0. 18®4.

N ttoatk (Soening Nnua.

PVIU»RK»O A IL Y , I X O f ^ T SU N D A Y S,


Erulij l«is Piblisbiii Contpuy,3 U - 3 1 7 M A B K E T STB JilET,

R c w u rk . N. !■y h im d a t tin i^ O J Iei tim tiiM tM m U ir.]

D tlhtrad by c v f i tr i in »ny part of NewKh, The Oiangei. Harmon. Ka.rny, Summit, Bellafil*. Montclair, Sloomfiaid, and all *«l£hbarlii2 towna

Mali wbicriptioni, fivt doDirt a year, or fifty cent, a month, pottage free. Single cepiat, two centi Delivered by camera in Newaili, ten cenli a week.

Ordinary advertnementi, ten centa a liee, ■gite.

Advert!eamenti under headi of Wanted, T« Let, For Sale, Pertonal, e tc , one cent a word, but no charge lete than ten centa each iniertlon.

PBOPLB LRAVINQ THB CITV POR TBB HJMItIBIt CAN I1AVB THB "NEW S"ha iu so to th em ev ert uay pok fifty CENTA A MONTH.



FRIDAY, J U L Y S, liOi.

rUBLIC KMPLUVICS AND CITISKNHHIPAt the leal seaelon of the New T o /k

LecW atiire there area peeaed * bill aehloh tkoee reepoiulbla for Ite enforoement ere J s i t bettonlDc to oompreheod, and which ft reealUag In eonie iweeplng changee In departm ente of the puhllo eerrlce in which laborerf and maohanlot are em- ployed. The aot In qaeatlon, peeaed ae an am andm ent to the Bight-hour law, protrldei th a t only oltlieni of tba United Btnteeebatl bo employed ae meohaoioe, worklngmoo or labo ren by the S tate or any ninnlolpal oorporatlon thereof, through Ita agent* or offleere or by pereoni •ontractlng w ith the State or corporation fbr performanoa of pubUo wurka Ue- ebanlet, workingm en end lib n re rt eo employed are to recelaw not leae than the prevalUaf rate o f w tgee In the reepeotlTe trad teo ro a llln g e In the locality. Bvary oontract hereafter made for the perform- enoe of publlo w orki mnet comply with the reqdirem ente o f the law.

Oartonily enough, It li In the Depart­m ent o f Oharltlaa and Correction th a t the llret atepi have been taken toward enfore- lag tha Uw. T he Corporation Conntel, aeked for hie opinion, baa doolded th a t the etatute app lleato nnnei, orderllaa and sttendaote detailed ee mechanioeor laboi^

He sdTleea th a t no pertont who are not olUeena o f th e United Htatee be em­ployed In ibe departm ent, and that It le th a Intent and purpoae of the etetute to forbid the continuance of the employ­m ent ol persuni not oitiieoa who have been In earvlce there prior to the paaeage o f the act.

In the ctreet cleaning departm ent a im the Uw U to be enforced, end U la u td th a t there it wlU mean the d lnherge o f nhont 150 nnnatarallred allena In oaeae o f thU kind ite enforcement ie elmpla aoottgfa, how ever h e n h to men who may bo entirely Bltad for their placea, but when It oom ei to apply to oontrectore for S tate or m nololpal work the path will not aiwaye be ao d e a r .

A t praaent there are no lack of oltliena, native bom and naturalised, eager for tha o h a n o e to d o a llw o rk o ftW ik ln d . W hen better tlm ee coma, and the old demand for Ubor la realortd again, it may no t be ioob an eaey taak to oolleet for publlo Works g rea t p ick and ehovel brigades entirely oompoeed of men who m eet thia quallSoatlon. Still the principle o f the meaeure la well enough, and It li only fair th a t citisena, native born or naturalised, who need em ployment efaould have ftret call In the work th a t la done a t the pub- Uo'e expenee. T he oondltton. th a t have prevailed for the laat year or more have made em ploym ent seem a more and more deelrabla thing, and have a ro u » d th e len tim ant th a t epoke in this legielation.


An Im portation o f ZoU’a novels In th e original F rench ie worrying the oustouia olltolalB a t Boston. They do not know w hether o r not euch literature ebonld be adm itted to th is land of ateady hahlU and Furltan Inolinatlona; and they haveao- oordingly naked the oplnlou of the True- teee o f th e Boston Library, who, p re­sumably, know all about Zola and hie books. They m ight, In tru th , have found ofllolal p r e c ^ e u t In the Treasury D epart­m ent archtvei for summary aetion In re­gard to a t least one of the works under oonelderatlon. Five years ago Heorelary Foster caused a literal translation o f “ La T e rre " to be made. In order th a t he m ight individually dclerinlne w hether th e book ahould be adm itted to this coun­try on the same terms ae Rabolale, Young’s “Arabian N igh ts" translation, th e Deoamerou, or other familiar clasalca noted for breadth and freedom o f ex- prmslon. —

I t is a m atter o f historical record th a t Beorelary Poster, after ooneulllog w ith Poetm aster-Ueneral W anamaker, P rivate Beoretery H alford and other literary e t - perta, decided th a t “ La T e rre" was an Immoral book, and its Importation woe prohibited acoordi ngly. Tho edict o f pro- hlhlUon U eltll in force i and If the Boston Cnetom-bouie olHoials should find a copy of “ La Terre ” in the shipm ent uow en- gagingghelr a ttention they would be dere­lict In duty If they should fail to conflioeto every copy o f tho proscribed work.

This peculiar phase of literary hyper- crlticisin, or ra th er paeudo-orltloisiii. Is brought to the publlo notice with much less frequency now than in earlier days, whun literal translations of outspoken claseSas were curlovltlea treasured by bibll- OphUsta, and praotloaiiy inucoessible to the general public. Bofore the era of the Civil W ar there was little question iu the public mlud of tho immorality of Tom Jones, the Ileptiim eron, or the works o f Congreve and tho earlier EngUsti school o f dramatists. Similarly, It would have been prom ptly conceded that . literal translationa of Ovid, Juvenal or Boccaccio could only bo k ep t under look ond key w ithout vlolaliou of tho proprletlea But the access o f culture due to the expansion of m aterial tesourcos, the intfoductlon In th e public Eobools of tho study of foreign languages, and the ease end facility of reproduction reudered possible by luiprovomeiits in typographic methods, have lu combination operated to bring about a comptole change, The UBogpurgated cIo h Ics, once rejrafdgd

. . W lth fe4 iiig tek ln ttb t # r f t r ^ ^ , .4^-* the shelves o f every bookstore, aocemible

In every public library, and frequently ornam ent the parlor oonlre-tabiei in the homes o f people of wealth and reflno- menL The social argum ent has tong eincu been decided in their favor; and the only Interesting question rem aining relates to tho ex ten t bo which addltlone of modern works may be made to the list o f accepted publications. .

W hether Rmile Zola may properly be Included among tho Immortal masters of literature le atill a maltor of opnu and more or less acrimonious debate in th e circlea where such questions are deOnltely sctllcd. I t is to be trusted, in the Interest f n > , -id (air disouHlon, th a t tho


Boston Cuatom-houee oSGlals will B ake their proposed loveetigetlon both Ihurough and exhaustive. A formel clsnlllaatioo of the works o f Zola under Federel suthorUy, sided by the literary meguatee of Ibe Boston Library, ibould Ponlrlbiite notably to the Anal settlenieut o f a muoh vexed question In modern literature.

IN THK INTStKKST O F IIEA I.TII. in one of th o u though ful and kludly

storira which have helped to Inspire numerous and Intelligent vffurU to make broader nlid brighter tlie Uvea o f tho poor both In Qrcat llrilaln and In this co in lry , W alter Beeaut telle of two or three preell- oal phllanlhropiita who prin t and circu­late tractsgivingvimple Information about healtlilul and comfortable living, lu th e Tenth W ard of New York an elTort along the same line has been made, and though It baa been uudertaken under certain dls- adventagesand In the main by inexperi­enced young men and women living a t a distance ftoin the locality, the re- •olta have been remarkably enconraglng.

Calling Ihelr organlxatton th e Anli- fltth Hectiou of the Tenth W ard Booial Ralorm Club, tb e u people started out to try to promote clean Mfieaa anil annltary care In a crowded lenement-lioueo dIstrioL Coldly received a t first by the people whose hom e, they visited, they found, ae a rule, hearty co-opcratlon, as soon ae they conld make aupnreut th e aeualbla put pose o f their evganltstlon and Ite re­gard for theself-respect and independence of those whom it sought to aid. Before long, like Basanl’i heroes and heroiuee, they found themselves ootntMtting not d ir t alone, but many forms of evil end In- Justloe,

The plan which they have pursued la a aimpte one. They have bad circulars prin ted la which Are set forth th e u n ita ry dalles aOd oUlgellons o f landlords and tenants, end In whieh tenants are oaked to report to the society all negieut of such duties, w ith the assurance th a t In no ouso will the name of the complaining pvrly be divulged. As a result many people who would fear to olTend their landlords or the ir ftnow-tenanhs by oomplalul to the Board o f Health make know 0 to the so­ciety Initaneea In which neglect o r penur- lousnsae invites dlsaaie. There 1* nothing dlehonorabte or underhand about this gystsm o f p ro teedn i oamplatnant*. The nulAanee BtMt epeak for itself bofore' Hi ah a tem fn i can be compelled. I t le an en- Mrely propey thing to esecoh out ig ' tb u wA^ erldcnce o f neglect to observe Sani­ta ry law whlek may literally be a tnatler o f life and death to doieni o f fam illea

No action on any oomplauit ie taken before the acene has been visited by one o f th e Riembere o f tbe eociely. I f be finds th a t there is resson for ^ e com­plaint th e nuisance Is reported, oiually flrit to tha landlord and then Ifiieoesaary to the Board of Health, the Police, Fire, Building, Public W orks or Htreet Cleun- Ing I^o artm en t, ae 11 may come under th a ju r isd ic tic n o fa n e o rlh e other. T h e ' society bee found tU of those depart­ments exeept tbe police usually prom pt to co-operate with them. The ex ten t of the work done and tbe necessity for It ba re been shown by the foot th a t In one street In which eiity-tbree houses were visited twenty-seven serious nuisances w e n reported and numerous m inor evlli w ere corrected.

A work of this kind Is educational and JudIciouA Tbe evils which Interfere with tb a comfort and health of tenement-house dwellers and Ihoee In o ther habitations of th e poorer class are due, as a rale, either to the Indtsposltton of landlords to lay out money where its expenditure is called for o r to the Ignorance and carelcsaneM of tenants, Tho latter M they know their rights In such maltera and see them recognUed and enforced will be so much m ore likely to properly discharge their dutiee. The presence in eaoh tenem ent- house o f one or two persons properly In­terested In this matter, whieh so vitally concern* them, would mean sanitary form m ore speedy and complete than an army o f H ealth Hoard Inspectors, however elH- d e n t, could bring about. This fact the eooiety recognises, and i t le one o f Us prim e endeavors to wake up one or two o f tbe tenants in each house to th is kind o f aoUvs sympathy and partlclputiuu In Its work, j j

W ith tb e lose o f tba Valkyrie and the disabling o f the Batanita, the- Interna­tional aspect of the races in which tbe Y ankee sloop Vigilant will participate hoe been materially modlUed. In tbe ab­sence o f these two first-raters, any victory of the Vigilant over the Brftannie would be deemed hollow and Inoonolusive by the British yachting pub­lic. I t wae well kuvwu th a t th e Valky­rie, w hich now lies a t the bottom of th e Clyde, was tha best o f the Eng- lleb yaobU; the 'oooasional victories o f tha BrUaaBla having been due largely to an Boeest o f consideration for her ruynl owner. Earl punraven, the Valkyrie's owner, hod steadily Insisted, notwith- BtandlBg defeat In Amorlenn waters, that his was tb e better boat o f the two, and it was the promleed domoustration o f tbe tru th or error of this contention th a t Uni addl'd iutereft and Importanoe to the forthoomlng contests. The faces, with the Valkyrie not In com petllton, will ho like "H a m le t” w ith tho p a rt o f fjutnirl lett'ouL _________ ---------------

Although Cbiunoey JU. DepewK, United S tates otBclala and members o f their families, representatives of foreign gov­ernm ents and other great ones o f earth , a re often permitted by special dispensa- Uon of the Treasury D epartm ent to leave inooming steamers a t Q uarantine and come up to New York on special tugs, A cting Secretary Scott Wiko reftised per- miaelon fur Richard Uroker to enjoy th a t coujlesy. The adverse answer did not come until Dr. Jenkins, C roker's brother- in-law, had sent two teiegrums and w alud half a day fur tue answer to tho second one. T hat must have given the courteous Mr. W ike opportunity to consult the au­thorities and tbe powers before making

up hi* mind that Csoker was fur enough ou t of politics to be snubbed.

The W orld’s Fair bulldlogs destroyed by fire a t Chicago last n ight were only tem porary stracUiras, and would n o t liave been long left In place there, bu t tbnt does not lessen the malice and wanton- noss of the incendiary. H e had nothing to gain except the alght o f a big fire, and tb e dubious pleasure of th ink ing th a t in a few moments be wrecked structures creeled a t enormous cost o f money mid labor. About deeds like this there is a suggestiou of the dlspoelllon of a wicked child, a thing which is terrible wlien added to a man's capielty to conceive and to execute mischief.

The Manhattan Elevated Rsliroad laid off seven trains oil Jniie 1a and yesterday took -'fften more. Travel is llgliler now H . , <• 'wnplalnfIs made then of tSe service and It would never do to spoil the public by glvinglhe'm better accommodations during a part of tbe year.

Fofsibly the radical low tariff men In the House may shoot Beaator M urphy's cu lu and stab uts collar.

STATE PRISON STATISTICS.An Report fnim tlie lup i^R ir*

• r Ih* ?<uiBb«r ofMBiM «im1 C(m( ot K ^rpluc Tb*in«

RpATUl th* ETBNtau Niw«.Trivtox, July fi,-Th*^ import of tb® Ii>-

Ui« New J»m jr8tnt« PrlnoDfortbe Uut Am'aI y<«r w u g«nt to tha y<»-ti>nlAy 40>t it eouteiof loiua iotart^ting In- foriuAtum. Tha HUte’f paiiRl tnpoint of |x>|>ulttltjn, wouM nmk** a RiMHl ftiiiatl town, th"n» betac rouv iru

I at Uia diU of th*> rfjtort, Tbii li au liK-moa of SI o rar year. leiMit y«ir 47! prliuitn’m w»‘r« r*ci*|T*iU a*'d Uia nnintior diorharitf**! renilttAut'O of

w u XjI. Thera wrra hut Vi pri**>i!ier*< pardCHiadi ilurlriR tba year, au<!

ijndrr thh Uw uf IHW. Iheiv wvre 17 d’utlK and 2 ppbonam wara r innve%l to initilntloni. ft bo<*ii»in iu*Hatju. Rut oiif< TuitMl HtAt« pru'-iirr wju (nrlitiied or lli«t Fri'iiiilant during tUi tlval j«ar )u».i riixlad.

Tluira art) ft prl»ou«n In tiM ln»litu(ion for liTKy r! ror yrnf% and ‘2 fi>r SI ypart. AIm SH who will hava r<*maiQ SO y«vir», !i4 for 1ft rtwri^ lt/7 r»r 10 )our«, l.Vl'rftr4 ywm, for H yoar^ ITV fo ri ycaJ" and !ftl uudar a*nnt*“ roar ■t-ulriir'e. Of tb« UdHprtM'Oam now iu tW liiitiiuUua of tboin wprr formar roaideulji KMac Gountr. HuiUm C’nukitf corytrubutiw Ji/fof tfao M (smvh'U In tba pH tnn. FaiMaic ti'nunty hi not far brbioil Kmfx, fi>r Nha baa 101 rruraaeiiUliriia la tha StaUw Friooti. AivcrdlniC to priono ftatintifw Uloucootw County if a prHty giod pUc'a to lira In aftar all, for but i cuarU'U I'uiiie from tharo. Oooan h ij but 4. C'iw May ft aod Hud- t4<nlon 7 t^mrlcta. Tba otbar (*uilutlaa bar* from 1 h to 76 rarb.

Of tba whole uuiuMr of prl»>Dar« but 98 are In for murder. Tbaro &ra but 8 for poMiuff couDtartoit luoiiay, 1 for par*

i\y n m j. Thi In the uutltiitloR

younfoot li nut

Jury iud 4 for poJ uriBoiiaTfourloau yean old, aad the oldoat If o ffr riiebty yean. But 65H of the pHooimni are Jer»ByoH>a» 149 are New York- a n aud 09 o n reimfylraniana. Twenty*

prison. and 19 furaigu rauutHai, iiii'luiliQg far Norway, tUo Watt Indhw, Finland and AUHtrio. UcriJiany Iradi lu tba lltl, 09 of tbe Kmper* or*M ftUliJrrtM, and Ireiaivti follows with 02 aud Italy with 44. Kui'Laud u repnwented by 21* luid Hooiland has to. Tbo ubioat prk- onrr iii the ImtltuUon was ivcalTod in IhOT, there IjeloR but one of Uiooe left that w u comndtteil in that mid also butoua of thoec nonunltted In tba yaare of 16^ and 1H79. Hifire UyjT the Kreateot number of ]jfis<jurrR rruelrwl lu any one year w ai lo IMItt, when IkM were cocikrulitad against 947 lb lMt»ai]cn541li 1691.

KviTj priftooer iu tba iuntlttiUon cum rood, although mauy of tbeio could not when re* celtod, and this speaks wuU fur K w per Pat* Wrsou's inanageaieut. Of tha whole Dumber of pnsonors, 7^7 ran reaii and write, ISft ca n do one o r tho other aiul 43 itan read only, o r tho 98ft, 7S2 are white uiatoo, 80 white feiualoH, 154(.Hjloro4l iiialet and 12 colored femnlm. The average nuiiiber of iomatos dur* IDZ the year was

Iu hU report Warden Jrdm H. Paitoracai w yi the pande systriii coutlnuei to ruo4t bis utu|ualidml approbatiuu. Ho balievas New Jejsey has tbe lirat parole law nf any of the States lu the ITuion. He siipporta this assertion by tiie foot that of tba 144 prisoa* era iiuruied siiioe the enartmeot of tbe law, but live have lieeu returned for brooking iU condiUoiis.

Of tba 'iftl prirtouers discharged under the CuniUiuUUou act Keo|jar Patteroon oays all but sixty earuoil the full allowance of the law for gLHKl cNHiduct. Tbe sixty forfeited from live to days fur vioLations of the prisuii ruin,

After dloi-ussing the ovortTowdod condi- tlua of the prison and rei^rottlDK the fact that thn maimgeniant has Ihwu unal>Ia up to «laU> to secura the ilUU,000 appropriotoa by tha Laglslature la 1890, Mr. rattaroOD takea up the question of au intermediate oent^nc^ After saying that many oouviota, a fte r Uielr dW'iiiU-gt', arexeoQimmitad to prieont for the rejHititiuQ of tbe oaitm olftiDro, he says:

“ a t the 997 convioU prtTteut a t tbe clooe of tho flv*al year 189U, 1T2 were recidlHata, the period of their return varying from the oec- oihI to tbe niuth lunarcerutioa. Of a t the dose of the year 1891, 185 wore reddi- vists of tbe same grade, and of 1*47 a t the dose of tbe year 189:1, the number was 182. For tbs whole three yean anding October bu, hUft, the peroeouige of recidiviau was 18.41.

How many more discharged here were romndtted to prisons olsewbero, It U impos- sihla to state. I t Is cundudod, and experi­ence ebewbere lu this diriH^tlon oanctloas the coiiclusiun, that thU alarming recidivism may be modnrated by tbe ktuiUy ettorU of tbti Htale and charitable urgauusatioiii in so- curing empluviueut for those worthy of tt nil tbelr exit iruni tbo prison,

'd t seams probable, and It la hoped that tbe State I'barltjeM Aid Aosociatlou uf New Jer»i*y, fuwisU'd by tbe State, may charge itaelf with this noble work, so friiitXui in oiKDratloQ iu some uf uur sUter HUtee.

" VVhilu w a bnap iuc^goatiou ujkiu foreign nations who are bauisbiog th d r vilest refuse of bumaiiity to our uver’ho»p>.aUe ihoreo, we forget that, under taws of our owji enact­ing, prison wordeiu all over tbe land are Ixdug comj>elUHl to enqdy thi Ir vilest and w'orst inuU'i'ial Into uurAtreets aud thorougb- faroH, unreformtHl, iiorring with rereugetul ire, fully able and amply willing to repeat^ on H nmre teriiUltA si’uloi, the vary olfancM for whb'h they wlr« iiicarf'eratei The lu- doterininato si*ut4*iK‘o jtuln au «ijd to all thU.^*

Tbe lotel ctmt of maintaining the priwjn during thv> (Ural year just oudi«l was 1169.- BJ8.34. Tbu Huiuuut rm ’ivtHl from the earn- iugs of couvii’tft and ntbur Kources wo* 460,* 425.03, as against lust year.

— - • « «- ANAUt'KlSTH AUKKSTKD IN 1.UNDON*Two Accused of InrUluff to M urder tlie

llo.Tsl 4uniily,1/vsmjv, July (i. -Tiiomas Cantwell and

Cliai lM) Qiitun havo Uvu iutcsUmI here, I'Uarxtiil with tu munler tha roystfamiiy. Prior hi tho riicciii oiKining of th« Towei- Hridge thi* priaonors w»ru fouuU dlt- Flayliig tbe fullowliig jilii'srii;“ To the tVorkmgiium of Toiver Hill-

‘‘Fellow Workers-You eipeudeil life, eiiergv ami skill lu coN.li-uctitig tliia bridge. ' '11'. ro>al verudo aud raecaityjM)UUc‘ians with pnuin and ^];lenlJo^. They olutiu all the rrwllf. wliilo you are cou- driniiwl to tlie workhuuae luid the pauper's grave iii order to glorify thcee lazy awliie, « liq live by our labor."

the Bi'cused men abu) diatrllmtod leaflets, explntninr Vatliant'xnnwoas for thi-bwlog Ills boiiih iu the French I'liiuidwr of Depu- tuo, and made sisHS'hes dwlariog that tlio “ imiiduis abtoaU aro uut Imif tiad enough.”

I'poo searching the prisoners' lodging, a l^riurfug press and a mas,, uf Auarchistio pao;pli||.u wore found. 'I'Ue prisoiiora will Is prosecuted by tlie Treasury offlciala.

Forest Fires In Noillli .l•^f•y.Ati.astp.' Cjty, July 6. Hjiarka from a

jn.s.iog li.'omoUvo started u bloze yesterday iti the heavy tiiulrer near I'ootoua, aud ojie of I he Ilcri-Mt forest tires tliui haaderas. Intel ihLs section for yoars « uow raging, swv.-piiig all lietoro it aud gaining loldwl nil) n u t burns. Doughty’s Mill, u little Vlllugc riosilliig lu tho lisart uf lijo woods, wiis only suvihI yesterday aftermxm by the ri'sidf CIS tiii'olug tiut eu luassiv aud chw-kiog tile Ibimcs by back tlgbllng. Fully thirty hquULcioilcs ul valuabletimliur laud has been ruiotsl.


A Yortnitlabla A atagoatst far tha YtgUaaL The Tliua Malta Yestardax.

I>iMS>*, July B.—The nm es, .Standard, Morning Boot and O ailp Oraphio nay that the ulUdal time a t tbe linish uf yMtariliy’s rare was: B riunnia. Sh ‘JTin. St«,; Vlgt- laut, 4h. IMni. ‘J4.. The .l^orfaman lays that tha Urllaunia'a time a t the tiulsh was 41t ifflm., atul the Vigilant's 4h, iWin. iMs. The sporting reporter of tlie TSmettays:

” The Vigilant will tlml the ItrllanBla a very formidable autagoulst. It Is too i-arly to ei)irsas a dscidaal opiaion. but tlia Vlgi- iaut's strong piuut la uiiqumtiuiialily ulling t. windward lu long buaisK when tuecentre- Iswril It nsuat atfacllve. She is slow lu stays ami lines not aU rt off fast, but when warm she fortrMebes very tael ami goe* where her Lead pointa. Hhe did lu.ithiiig with the Brit- amiia gilng full and by. ahiTe the latter ran Ibe fatter aiisqit wheu the Vigilant isiul'l get two t|>lnnakers to fill, wnich was duua in a urally wonderful way.”

Ul.aisHiw, July li.—Tha race, of the Mud- farsik Kegatte at Huntcr'e Quay Pjslar were contested by the small raiora. The Vigtlaut will race tu-niorrow for Uie Queuri's I up iu the couteet. of th -t'ly d * Kiqfatta. Cnpuin Hall will steer tba Vigilant and L'nrlrr the Urltaniila.

Expert* aav It would be worth white to raise tbs Valkyrie for the lead tliat Is lu hrr keel, but the deptli uf tbe water in which aba Ufa uSan too great an iniutstRuuut to tbe work. Tbe seaman. Hrown, of the Valkyrie’* crew.whoae leg was crushed iu yeaterilars col- lialon, Rouveri from the shix'k vary slowlr, aod It Is likaiy that his lag w illhavatoM amiHiUMd, Tha Vigilant will tall lu tberatwa to b* coutealed on the Clyd* July It, 10 aod IL

(ieorg* J. (Tonkl was tean on board tb* VIgllaut a t Uuurock tbU niornlag by a rap n san la tin of the United Frets, to whom Mr, Uoutd said ha was greatly plraaad a t the parfornuuice of tb* Vigilant yssterday. Kb* showed plainly that tha wot foster In raochlug than tba Britanuta, reach­ing lieiug the latlerit boat (sRat, and olan m at with equal chancel the Vigl- Uut could baat the Britannia The reeult of yeaterday'a race, he beliavee, was brought about by liK'k. The Britannia, which had rloaely fulluwat the VIgllaut on the first rouiuf, kept further out from the laud in nin- nliig home on the final ruuniL thereby keep- lug the wind. All hands ou Isith yachtr are busy to-day making prejioratiun* for tu-mur- row’i ran>.• A diver examined tho hull of thn Valkyrie this morntug. He say* aha lies on uu even keel on tbt liottem, but thvra U a bule in bar tida ** the alia uf a huiua wiuduiv,^

JEK8KY AFrAIUN AT WANHINOTON*Happ«>nti«tmar far ItUirlrt-AHornvf*wTha

Internal itevenua Cul]r>vtarftlil|>aWAKHiNtiTon, Ju ly ft.—I t i i solil U> have

becQ proottc&Uy ortLlod tsbat General Will­iam C. HeppeolielrDer, fonoarty Couiptroller of the KteUi, wilt be nomiiiatiMl m United htatM DiatHct-AttoriMy for New Jenwy. U u applicatluQ fur tha puatUon a t well a i tha virtual ogreatneDt to give him the place boa bean kept a comparative Norat. The oommiwion of Henry 8. White, the preient Diitnct-Attoroey, will expire od Auguit 22, an<l be will proliabJy b» allowod to larvo uut hii tonn, altlifjugh It la andm lood tiiat he would be wflliBg to teuiter bix roalgnatlou «t any iimt.

(teneml Hcpponheliucr ii well koowo througbout the HUte- He U a Yuung uuiit only thirty^four yearn <kl<l, la wealthy, a oui.'- ceeaful lawyer aud rmidwi laJerw yC itv . He wai educated lu Ueriuauy. grailuatel In law at Columbia and Harvard cullagr* aud was an ald-dwcanip on ■ liovertior wrreu’s itatr. Hl» |)oUUeal career iiidadee norvice lu the Attembly from Hudsnu Cuuoty tiud he has Iteeu Speaker of the House.

Senator 8iujth le booked to tail for Europe on July 18. i t will be reiuembered that he hotl uiade arpange.iioi)te hutc summer to spend several inoutbs abrcMul, but the extra omuD of Congreeo, held to ro{«Kl Ibe Sber* man silver Uw, tuterferm] with hU pUus. He will be gone uutil fait* and will visit the prlnd^wl dtloe of EnroiM). Tbe trip la fur rest aud reem tlon,

Tbe laternaJ Keveaue Collootorsbip for tha Newark district wiU 1m settled' Wfure 8eo- ator Ijruitb deiiarta on hia trip, It is possible that (''(Muptrofler Connelly may get tbe place, but Ills said in Wanhiagbiu that nu detlulte seUcUou lias yet beeu mode.

A MVbTKlllOVR HOTEL r f ltE .Tb* Army ami Navy onieer** K eiuri a t

Hamegat T ark llestroyed*ToRrt Rivsa, Ju ly ft,—Tho Fine* Hotel, a t

Baraegat Park, tbo array and navy offleert’ resort, was burnoii y«*!*terday. The origin of the Are U unknown and seems uiystmious. It was ftrst noticed iu tbe nortbeoNtem cor­ner of the hotel In a room that has been nn- twcupied for some time and wan used aa a stur«r<H>m. To odd to the mystery, the boibllng aod lU oontente were unluiured, tile pulides having run out within the post month, and were not ruuew*d through neg­lect The guests have token refuge a t cot-

One luterestlug question is *' How many tariff re formers in tbe House aru prepared to take sugat In th e irs!"

The Vigilant evidently needed to put a little more steain in Iter sea legs.

The torture nf dyspepsia and sick headache, the axouljiii'^ Ucliinf; und paiaitf salirheura, rtro p«m»«V4'f| riy ll*>i I'q Hftrsaparlihw

A tilH<lHloulaii Canilldatu Kleotetl.Ij(}N]K).s, July 0,—Au election wom hehl

yejkU-may in Ibe AtterdilTft division of Slnd- u iJieiuLN r of the Houim of Cutnjiiuus

bj t, ' ’w uucy uauio.1 liy thu re»igu4illouof UHruard i.'ult'ndi'i', who succeeilod tu tlie

uu Ibo tiyjiih of liis fattier, l^ rd CoUThlge. li. Izooglej, the Uladstomiiu cimdKlate, wiw elw'te.1 Tbe vote woa; lt*>, 4,4Sii; Itiil Siuifh (Uuiouistj, 3,4y.>; Frank Wanlh (JAbor),■ -- «—■ I »

Hninmll Humla Ituuglu lu Newark. Spei'ial to the KvinijU* Nkws.

HrsiMix, July ft.—Towiuiiip Treusurer W. iJ. laawreijtv succeeded iu itUjH>slnir of the buiiiimt luwuship buuds yi-»tei*day after-

werefUHl.tJno and they were sold u» thu Hnwanl biavlug* Hank of Newufk at a promluiu ajuuuuting to 12,100, with iiitereat a t six iK>r ceul. *

VliHiwbrrlaln Von Tmiunont.Re b u s , J»Iv ft.—Inijuiry havlhg tiillv**.

Kutw ^ the uhttrkCmoiieaKaiBiil him, It U U-lieved m sumo circles that ho will lire lu - btetedtuidixiiiibly promotetl, ^

tages and a t Toiux River.The hotel was built In ItW b r ib e Barnev

gat Fark (jorni^any aud |4UdJU0, exdu- Hire nf furniture. It was fitted with eiecirle* light pltuit, gas, Hteuui heut, etc. After the Borui'gat Rark Lniu^>aur went Into tlio luwids of rocelrurH tlie hotel was tangled up in litigation, i t wum puri'liosed a t one sale bvGWeon W. tUe ballder, ou a linncfaliB, and a t another by thu HoUaud Tnuft (.'oiupuuy. It bofu tlie real bone of con* tcfttlon ID tbe tnal of Lieittouaut Farrow uu a charge of perjury at Treuloa last winter, aud tbe ludh^tnuuit uf the Holland Trust Company lawyers for alleged perjury a t Tonis River, wnteii ludibtments are stlli un- tried.

TWO llU aiW IVMKN FAIIraThey fteek tu Tear a Money Belt from

Around a >lau'« llody*Kpopia! to the Rvtmnw Nawi.

Bujixit, July ft.—U»'TijatniQ Cohn, who li employed as a weavc^r in thu Summit oUk mllU, was waylaid by twtj men who ware la ambu»ih uu Morris avenue while be was ro- tinming from work la<t iiiglii. After koook- lng him down the men ntUMupted to rob him uf |B*I> wiiicb iiu iiad iu u purMt? nttuebed to a belt worn lieDualu )iU mnlt.r i.-ltttblng.

W'hen I'atrlcK Kilroy, who wa* attracted to the scunu by thn mnu*K outt.'ry, ran to hi* reoeuo, thu bigiiwayuiua a hasty retreat into the wih>1a. Thu ntioi'k wn ruixjrted to Chief uf Roliew Kully, \\*h ) ul aiiL'b twjut offl- cers U) imarch ibu

Late last night Muinlel leaven and Abra- liaiu BrucknjAU__ wt ro aiTi'steil by (JlRcsr Ci<*ildlH,'anil were'lileutIflt'Tby Ctjfiu as hii assaiiaute, Bemg miablo to prururu bail tbe mon wtive looked up mid will have a hiMriDg te-day. *- - - - e- - - - -

YVumen Talking im Teiui>eranfe.Ocean Gki,»ve, Jul}* ft.—Wouipu took the

lultiutivu a t i.*cean Orovu yesterday. Tiie School of MethotU of tb.i IVomcu'a Christian TeiiqM.'raNce (Juiou of New Jertmj buM a convcuUoti. Addreseas were made bv wom­en on leuipcrauce Hubjeote ujid tiu*’ Rlblo. Some of the adtliyj-Nes were; “ 'IhtmgbU About Wonit'ii," "W lm t Shibboleth F'* ‘‘Total Ab.AliioiK'O,” '* Wliercfury and WliyF” and " I’bysical Culturo." Dr. Stokes, prt'sideiit of tha a«>HX'iaUoii, deliv­ered an o^ldriw^ a t alM> did aMrs. ftlatthi'iy, tite organi/,er of tbo Rritisb Womou'u Tain- jxu’iiuco .A'vHociatlon. Coloiiul H. IL llacilcy giivf a birring aiMrest oa tempomuce. Tho settiou will close tu-dar.

llUiExl Fnttiul O iillty o f AfliiiuU.Fatehson, July ft.—Uuiseppi Rozxi, one of

tbo lea<lei> of thu h tr^ars that broke into tlie KiJkHp uiug eitnbJiHbinente on March ]H, UKNUUited the wurkinun ami forcod tiiecn to stin >enii work, woh ) estenUy faund guilty of Htrotduuji Jishault ou Buok-keopor JanKw H. C'asli ll, who was omployetl by thu llrm of Aiiguj' A: Suuuii. reU-aheii onbaiE Suntenuu will Dj proDuimcud to-day.

Cliulera In Belgium.London, July ft.—A s|K<oial dUjiatch from

Llt^e, Belgium, says th a t tbntu cases of chuIurH, one fatal, hare occurre^l in that city within the past twuiity-fuur hours; thu Aaiiie uumbur ol c u ^ mid one death U roportt^ from Angteur, a vtUago Mireo mlloft from Liege, and «n« casts fatel, U rqH>rtoil from Jeysvjllu. Thu weather contiuum in- tensely hot

A Negro LyncUud tu M lsslsslpn l


C l O Y i R H C R O g i i l i mA n d a B o t t l c o f c i t h a t k o f M A a N C tiA .

* u . DBDonisn. l i c u n .W W anla-C . H. CfilTTIIITOH CO . «. Y.; C. ■. IMITH A 00., N*«ut.


Intent to lavWi. The g irf nwolto sdiI he llLit. He confessed tho cimrgo on hit ox ainiuatiun tria l

Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U .S . Gov’t Report

A b s o w y e l y p u r e


And will stand much abuse. Newspapers can’t tell when a piano man is telling the exact truth and when he is not. Kven an expert gets fooled soine- tiiiies. Safety lies in caution. Don’t take any risks that somebody is willing to take for yon. We know so much more about the pianos we sell than you do that we think it only fair to add our guaran­tee to the maker’s. You know us. We’ve been here twenty-seven years. Expect to be here loo more,

AUhfiogh w* hop* to ho h*r* for a Treat maur yt>ar«, mill don't delay on that occoint to call and bear Ih* ite It'* playing Byrnphuuy*

S. D. LAUTER (S657-659 BROAD STREET.Note Our

Ht. Julian Haret (California lK>itlltigL,.,.,,,ii......... .(.'hole* >ied<ic............. ...................................................l^t. KHtoidi#.............. ................................... ..................Nu-paiemer ^Hhiti*)............ ..........................................lmLM>rted Rhine,,, ................................................Inipurlod Hbln* (High Orede)........................ ............C'hnkc l*urta Hherry. Catawba, Malaga, elo...... .........Kxira (Juallty (Hds Brindlco, Kummel......................Old IVtiUBylvania Rye Whiskey (Our LeatleD............Kry^ione Rye Whisicc'y (4 y*ara old)............................Old Kaoawha Ky* Wliiskoy (Rrerybody't Favurlte),*

Par Rot tie*a.. Sllfla... 44te.... 750.. .. 9l5«a... 40c.


Par Com.

S»*7ft 4 ,0 0 9T.AO

• !la7S •4 * 0 0 • 1.00

.............. ..ftOoa per quart up

.................. ftOr. per quart up,s ...ftO c. por fuUqturt biiltl*

Iftc. per full quart bultl* ..,•1 ,0 0 per full quart boltl*

AT WEINBERG BROS!,N o . 268 M a r k e t S t . , c o r . L a w r e n c e .


_____ C H A S G E O F T IM E .EXCl IMIDNS hf tb* N>i., Fuat anil CtmiaXh

diout ■■ FAVORITE,"From Elactrio U flit Dock direct to

, ONJ! t r ip d a il y AT (l:ts P, It. Arrivlnt at Camp HO m lnalat twfor* parfor-

r J J g i ^ i t e o K ’o r - ’ -l“ (“»dtaialvstt*r the LSI EXt.rltSION EVAKK; I'rm.in* iiie'itsV'twlce*’ WliJi'v?'".’’.’’.’'’'!”'' "’»>“> trip. tncIndlBfBooth lliw,k|j,„, ,0*. Ruund trip. S»*.

n*irathmcHt, oil board. Il.im« s t II A iP . V.

r.X t'lHHlUNA

S A T U R D / a

E X C U ^ O NL O ^ e BRANCH.


BtarU a t fidO P. M.nAK K LIlt STgeET EPWOHTM U AO U t Laav* Broad Street Orntral R B. at 1:M P,

M. IteturDlng, leave Aibury Park Bitt P, kL TtoxeU..................eiaDO,

THK WOWLD*S ^L tA S U R t GROUMDtfA d^lightrnl Mil ee m . ^iromg iu«m«n.

k Twe gread eoMeeWL dKlIy.fr>Ila«a

TarejptentoMd tufa tivunuro) v-4AtAri. Ananatuelikd n>«D*o«lorii.uucuiar«*i avUry aut! Buio- PMwh aqiarUro.

, u u a, ipiAnd rian Mta

blnnnrii a |a une. . ‘Jtlakl XiAstMlk

r tend-" "The Dairy.'* n-'-«Un<, iMiKIna, Iteb-

tev. > wiliatda_ T(M« TAILS-lirV4MRltSI. t e , L U F . M. M, IIIlII. 01 A. k. I ii.fA, I.MA.ii F IT * 2It.BO, )«.w. 11.rA.il. I 11.40, 4.U,l.4iail.4.l».lJ4K 2

teUTIji laoi A. M. fi» Ii4 PL m4 Urn 11n.KalJtiAi M ..J l«aiM w j.-ra. , ITr.r. . .r.r iVaMM »i M. 14M AIM PI, t||« fIS ii ^ ' "11 r. II, fkf 1. ™ij s till^ I r.H f<W kj ItMiAT - "* T -

SAi’CRaiu?41 r.H,fkrrrv«Fii<^Ri|stii Li.a!

Fscre Ueare OeadantU j f ^ o r»vTH.

A M CyWe have put In ROD tnnr* df our

higb-pricc Apring ami •umrner ^ulte. regular | l ^ ||ij, |15 And$14 grarlen, for the aoiforis price uf........................ ...........


6*6 dUpUy in our n u th window.We have aleo mode one table of odd eqitA,

among them are qualitiei all tbe way from $li to $18. We will Mil I he choice from this gain table for the uniform price of

$7.00.A few among theih which we will m U a t

$5.00.B0?S’ ___

ftUi Hnlta, 4 to 14 yearn, a t

$2.69.They ore all wool, and none have been an Id for

leoi than $4, and sumo «a high oa Iftand fttk


D mc L o S a , W Broad Street


Picnic Bams. , . . fte. p e r lb

Best Cltj Cured Hams, 13c .p e r lb

Shoulders. . . . . . . . . . . gc. p e r lb

Lew P o r t . . . . 8 c . p e r lb

Pure Lard. . . V . 7 c . p e r lb

Yer; Best Elgin Creamer;Butter . . . . 22c, p e r lb

Best Cbesse.. . .12 c. p e r lb— AT-

s. i S i S ,736 Broad St., Cor. Commerce.

Branch Store—4t> Ferry S ired , Corner Uninu.

E JCPERIBITCE seeniB to show that the ohoapost price at which a good, general news­paper osn be sold is two cents.

The ruling prices at whioh suoh papers are sold are two and three cents.

In this class the KHWABE EVENIirO NEWS stands pre­eminent.

It oxoeedsin circulation any after­noon daily published at these prioes in tho States of New York, Penu- sylvania or New Jersey.

MNANCIAU- . • V - - *wn..MniA.n.a>/Mir.A.%A,ri.rsVNaa

National Newark

Banking Co.,7Sg B R O A D S T R E E T ,

(lar. of Bunk R trat

Fm n<n»t(i/ yta rt Urn bank hat Iron*. acted butiitcHH, purmting a jtolieg of ronten-ative liberal ifg, and tfUlitffert iu tiffdtra all /he coitcenleneet and aeetnnmudaliont which a good bank can ^ive.

ClIA.^ O. I'OCKiVOOD, Fret.E. S. CAME HELL, I'toe-ZVeaII. ir. TUNIS, OwAier.



Trinity Reformsd and Knox

Presbyterian Clinrches,

T o A A B r R T P A R K ,

SA T U R D A Y , JU L Y 7.4

Only exrureiou from Newark on (Le day o$ the annual llaby l*Anule.

liUAV' Hnrrieon, IViinsylvAnla Uatlrood, S:l$ A, M., Rtopping A* all Newark atationa.

Ij^Ave AMiury Park 7:0*11*. M,Tlckrte, $1.UX Cbiidrcii, ft to ll» dO oenU. 44m




tta™ TOO Mved the way foe m nr b*tt«j-half ann little onee r If your eiTorU ifeue who will keep the ftreoiu of dollars goinirT Moderate innurnur* don’t coat murU, nod U'e uol ueceMory to die to win—you can live and do It Jaat a* well, provided yuii dout mind living. Tbe


OF NEW YOUK, offere you Induremeat* not to 06 obtained by any other c-ompony, and etande head ana ehoulderA above every other cuoipauy In autvudol atroogth.

JOHN C. EISELS, Kaoii ei,T 8 4 B r o a d 8 t . , c o r . lU a r k o t .



N E W A R K , N .J .AM7T pOUU, , - - - I*r«ild*nlASHET8 (Market \'ltaeel Jan. LL l^ I L i r iE ^ ■ N.’ Y .and ' ‘l iD i’ ' ’

SUuatUrd...... ................ ............ 4®,742.3108 47puHPLusi.................... a ^ a i i ; e £ 7 w 15fiUE PLUd former ?/.^.8taii(l-

erd (Am. ETx, pur cent. He-■ep-e/,. ....................... ...........

Tullctet A biuiiitejy Non-ForfeUable After Aecond Vear.

In care OR' LAPHE lil* IKltlfj' is m>NTTK(7BD|.tyOBCEoa long M Ite value will pay for; or, If preferred, a Pold*up PoUuy for iu full viuu*- telMpedlnexohaage.

After the woond year Pollfiiee are ii»<70»- TMtABLE, rtfid aU ruArlfUftw <u Ui rertcteftcfc

Of ore ttmitmi,CAJtFr Loahi ar* made tq the extent of SOptr

cenL of tlie reearv* value, where valid a*< fiiramenteuf the ^ lio le tcaab* madeaaooU lateral seourtty,

Lomm [laid immediately upon eomploilon and approval of proof*.

, THt .


N o *, n db19 M * o h « n lo 6 t r M t




E V E R Y O N E .

290 M ARKET ST..n r a r p b n n a . d e p o t .


Tralnt Irav* Broad Street Station C. R. &.oC N. J..Mopntrig at Ferry and KadI Ferry «tr**W at 8:20, lU;. ; A. M., 1:36 to 8ewarfo)| return 8:11, T.’OO (from sewareti8,88, Sun* day (rut (Hi to Sewaren A. M., LOOP* iU return kiif, 9:10 P. h t

EXCtH.SlOX................. .................ftOoaCHILDREN.................................... ftOo.

----T H E ----

Slepbtua a Condit TraDsportatlou Co.c o m m e n c in g SUNDAY, JUNEIiL Tlie New aod Commoalloiu Stramer,


C a J T E Y I S I s A lV R IVia Sea Ikacii Railroad, from Ray Hidge.

Three Tripe Daily.Leave ComTneri'inl W harf, foot Market ete

Shift A. M., 1:30 and 7:90 P, M. IteturnlniMeavf Sea Iteoch Puloou, Coney Inland, at ftJTI and S*ftO P, M. Fare (niuud tiftp) 60c. Evening tHp leave Newark a t i JO H. M. Fare (ronud trlpi fflo.

1 IIIE SEA I KBy the beautiful new eteainehlpi of the

O ld O o iu l i i io n I d n e ,TO OLD POINT COMFORT OB VIR.

OINIA BEACH a n d RETURN.Thle trip te an Ideal epat ■* tbe oeuree eklrta

the cout with little Hkellfiood of •eo-eiokneMi •and poeees in review many watering placea and point* of In tem t.

T . T . F £ A R £ Y ,_ 182 Market Bt., Newark.


W ill leaveElectric Lixlit IkKk Dailv a t V A. M.

Baadart, 10 A. M.

EXCURSION TICKETS, - 50 CTSHelreahmente and mmelo on board, 90F is h in g b a n k s d a il y - 8tkam | : b ^

J AS. H, SCHUYLER leavee Troy DooCW lOth At., New York, 8 A, M.; Franjtllii et.rt>:8&. Fare by Pennsylvania Railroad Tfio. Paisen- gere nhowing ogente a t docks nommutallnn excursion tickete by any New Jereey rood wlU

te Hats!We have a few Boys’ Straw

Hats left out of a big lot.They run good sizes, and

we can fit most any head.They are NOT cheap goods

with a cheap price, but* first- class straws, marked down to close them out. Would rather lose a little money than carry them over.

Here are the prices— 39c., 49c., 74c,, 98c. Come as soon as possible to get a choke. Remember this, there are only 10 or 12 dozen left



K e w u i d F in r t - o la u In E r o r y B e -

Bpeot. Prompt Servlae.Breakfoat from 0. Lunch from U:90i A U

Carte all day. Dinnera at eborteti notice. Open every day until 18 o’clock P. >£. The beet accrinimodatione for private partlei. R«. cepcioD-rpom, Parlor, Wardrobe In oonuootloa with extra Banquet Hall.

L. ACHTEL STETTBR,S44 Broad St, Gailroal Depot

M E N - - * M E N I » . r a aIn tlilB way wa c u n .Irlcitira aiut all urinary

d l.euav no lo « of lima. Addrtat for Intnr- mailon, H aW In nlain anvalniK A4.\ MRlHCALC?O..P.aBoxt«,Newiirk.X.J.

” : r L B s a a y .» r R H n n 'N EW A R K , N. J.

o B A ' n s P E c m o K s m o n m . TRMM trapsWAia

quene.____ _ _____ _ Abmi^aehwn____ _u m i n u R A ,« M . n . r y. A m t T iu n LFiftn in iftt liM k.TinfttMftl V L'VHMt rd4 n w ivoiiw diff#4Pet thti r«sd tw IiuanltT or Cnaniih.ior p r T if llp « ik n (m (n o*rp*nieW «,w W €hw *i*S ta wj>4_frev by mwl to every eue.. W ^The ftpeclfie Medklns Is m M

It. vr wllnneSS!free byntel m tkereedpaSthe »na«r, kf

m «ixY iiD u u i e tf BTryuA i. x* ^Oft oeMuBi of oouiuerteki* Vctlow Wr^mr •f»x«aulnt.For eale by Cibitrloi H olihaatri 4nrroid i:n-1 ’\ri-.rkci ptnioto. dmifW


X E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . F R I D A Y . J U L Y 0 . 1 8 9 4 .

Th# W orld ’! F a ir Bu ild in g s Com-

p lo ttlj D titro yod by iD CsndlarloL


A f o r t B r p l f t o *h o P r o » « t A c o l n . t B o n d -

t o t P r d o r o l T r o o p , l o C h l r o t o * '* M o n ' . A . h o . t r t l t . r o d t o t h o t V lo iU h y I lia

V r t r o d a -A M ja t o r lo u a M l d n l f h l M o r d o r

JVoiv Y o r k - U n p r r r o d . n l o d I t o .o n u o |

A Little “ Beauty Bookr«r«e^ the iMir*Hot,r-ioo.<__. .Op*rdoMO

_ i ikla woUAei. I l l »i ftor.'j.ra »

W H O i s r r t

jo k a H . W o o d b BiyD erm ato tosktl t l t u t o ,llaUaJl^rC liS W r . il ,5l.,N . 1


Bocolpta for the rir* t Work In J i i l j . fnim th» monuiiirnt morklti* the llcmii.p........................ V. Tl

ttlu t la loft ot thx Ril la t «titua of tha Ra- public naar thn eo.tarii i*n 1 of tbo I'oort of Honor, tho rootral iiolut of Intari'it for thouHouda of TlaiUir. to th# lliiH iatlioa ot Chlmtu lout aumiiirr, now took* out upon

Hhml., warn ntr-ha 1 before I I oVI.jrk. The wlnti had died out, and the water wm atlll eaoept for thn .'round »woll, .Short ad- dmuM, trihntaa to Jaatar'a O.hint prowra. and good Wlow.hip, O'rra ma le hy Danlol fJell and Frank Wela w n ii ware aiini aud the liant play a 1,

Then a tin ran, In whirh the a.lie. of


llrn ry or \a .arra WIna at aharpah.ad Bay-Tlia New Ywka In Third

Flara--llleirUn(<Henry of Nararrc ran a good ram at Hhanpa-

bead Bay trark ymtanlay nnd, won from Do­rian, although ha naa handirapped by twnlra pound., Unly four hor«* ran. Tha ram wae mu ju-t to ault NavaiTa. Uwenilulyn went uut aud eat a .low pam for

K Fowler, >'aw Harrn, and K. . . SlllJatl, New York, boat Itoym and i«rtuer by ila- fault.

F lrit Hound—F. Cooliy and J, H. flalL Yale, bmt E. Ku.hiuoris Tuyeliv aud Jaimn Tarry, Yale, o T, fl ri t, Arthur F, Foote and tf, Huwlaivt. Yale, bent A K. Wright and J, W. Nn hola Sew Herau, II—1, B—S; E. L. Hell aud II, b. l'am|dielL New York, beat W . K, Fowler, New llareo, anil H. C. Mllletl, New York, 11 P. l>—4.

Henii (Inal Jtouiltl -A. K. Fool ' and J. Iliiwland, Yale. 1 eat F, Cooley an I J. II. HelL Vale, fr-l. Ih“in Nfilter aud Mal­colm t'nare heal E. L. Hall anl LI. H.

wooteof ruin, and a*he*. The at* targa I J.rn-er had repoaod ainre la.t Noaenilier, wa. alnirlurw which fornwil tha boiindarioe of i pri.blcel, It. contcnta were cerefiillr dl- tbe Court of Honor were burncl early | ' " " f [ “ ’i !

The bulldbigi d«troy»i were the Teniiinnl j Capfnin ITemmeeHtatign, MAnufi' 'turt'*, | uimll fonnon. and tlwi a^htuI-ilpctrUfly^AuJ Mlulajf bulWing*. M adiliiiTy tl rown mit oT«r fhf» w a w . They

•built iwvrn furhiitp. Thpn Henry of N«-TurwAtt l Doriiui both b*r •nrt hail i;«nipl)«ll, Kll, fl—4, R^-8.th« rtu« tu them fetTf*. DorUa oouU nut ' Mbiuiw M»r«ni R*c*tt» .iittorlMiotia maiRhta uppunent mu *t nil at lh» finluh, Vit^prealtlant A. B. H'»pp*r. of tJiit rltr. aiiil Hi'Ory Navarre ^Aiweil tha an pra^utrri at tbe nieetiQK of the MulJlu Stataacany wiener bv a iaetctli in l,'i6 1-5. ’ Awos'iatioii iu N«w York U^t nijfht,

Klr.t lUce ■ l'’or two and ihree-yoar-old., The dieciiMKiu on tl.e ciill|y{e -nraina,. nuiirer malii M, Kuturay Raiff wun, May wa» pw-ipiUlr-l hy a iKtar ii*-n a wm tierIiayMcoml, War Bonnet Ihlnl; tlniA I I 1- the A tlanta boat I Inh u-kui.' it \ I'iwt Reitiiis -llirN) to 1 aKaioat W ar Bun

UaB and tba Agricultural Biulding.The Art Umliery, wbU-h ha. Iwm ro-

chrMeneil the Field OHumhian Muaeum, •lid the ttorernmeot Building worn anraL tia.'other with the minor bulldinga aoulh of Moohinary Hall and the Aj;rii'uUural Build- iOf-

Vha flra aUrtad almott dmultatiaoualT al thraa pointa, w lelartad aa to alfonl tha twat potaJhle opportunity for tho ifiraad of thtf fiainaa In •ach of tii»e p!ac«, on tha Mcond floor of tbo Tarmlnal t^tation, tha aontbwaat cornrr of tha Machanleal Ana HulMlBff and on Ibo aouthaant eoroar of tha MauufacturM Bulldluj, a man wui iroii run- uiDg away from Uia grottadi by paaaara-by

' or mwnbwi of the kaqk* of wrackara who ara at work touring down tba bullibngii, Ju«it bifora tba flra liroaa out. Ona man w m h ilM aud ona Injnrod during tha program of tha fir#. , , ^

The first call wai tiirned In John Law­rence, aniployuJ at ibe l*isbi‘fiaa BuiMlngi who, wlilla jwswng Iba Tm nluai atfl o'clock, saw a man aciiug in a* suHuit’louj manner ou tbo aecond floor of th# statioii, and bad gnno but a bloi'k when he uaw flames eomlng from the wiirV»v#a.

Tha news of the fire quickly spread to the city, and by 9 o'clock thmiMiUils of iicopla had tnaslo their way to the Fair grounila and far into the night all tba aouthbuund c iU e and atefaUfl cart were m>wdoiL

The Mining and FJes’lHcity buiblingi were connected by a rfuidoui subway, uaml Last •uiumer as a conduUi fur the Intricate syNtata of electric light and i»nwar wiroa that con­nected the TAfions huiUiniiCi. A group of •pectators was lUndinu directly over this tunnel at about 7 :!W oVTock, when the roof caved in, and two mou, Kdwanl ADdarson and ^g ar J. Ha^iCv were prodpUated into the fiery (urnaev below.

Anderson, who was employed as a book- kiwper hy Marshall Field K Co., was burned to Jeatli. Ba«i0tt was rcwuint by a police­man. but he Was severely burned about tho limba and lower part of tbe boviy.

By 10:89 the flames bad spri’A'i from the Keelianical Arts Building, acroni the (irand Canal to Agricultuml Hall, und that build-

was (Tiomeil. The fireman wore pro-

quh'kly sotllad down and dlsajjpmn - A ll of those on board wrnf# ih

red.'. ... _. their names

upon a shrot of paper, that was lufduaed in a caroftillv scaled buttle, whh'h was In turn plsE^d in tha can wnloh had contained tha anhes, and that, ton, was sunk. The |tarty bad l^oma varr solemn during these rare- moniea. !t ba l bean proposed to fish there, hut the Hub changed this plan and want to another flihlng ground.

net, 7 to llalir, pi tn ] May Day.H*rrond Rai’f* K«>r twi» y e a r n dds, five fur­

longs: Gntu I'ert-liA won. Midj(lcy w'«‘ »iiil. lYitjce of Monaco thlr<L titiic, l.lU U 5. BvUiuH:—Hix h» .*1 ftsaiiut Fnnce of MouaiuE, 'A tu 1 Guttn {Vrcluk 1: to 1 Mi4 1#y.

Third tlaca- Fur tbret’-yaar^ds and u;v ward, mile; 1 audeUhra won, Uopyrlght ond. i'sptain T. tliird; lime, 1.491-5. 1’osl BvUing—Five to 4 on Copyright ‘J to 1 a .Unst Uandalabrs, 7 to \ Ca]>taTn T.

Fourth Kai‘e- -Thu Tenth Speodrift Ktakii for tbrae-vear-EibK huIh aiul a furlong i Henry of Navarre won, Dorian second, Guf Jack third; time. I.,Id 1-5. Post Retting - Fire tu 4 on Henry of Navarra, 6 to5 ^'ainst Dorian, 2u to I Our Jack.

Fifth Kace—Kur thrae-yaar-olds and up- wnrtl, mils and one eighth; Herald won, Bandit second, liedsklu thinl; tima L54 3-iVPuat BatUng^Kven munsy against ilodskio, 7 to 8 Harafd. 19 to I Hnudit.

H l'RD K K V D AT H lfl DOOR.niehanl Mayers Shot to lA ath at Mldntglit

b y R o m e V n lin o w B P a rso a *Thcro was a myitarfou* murder in Afanna

A between Bovanty'ninth and KlghUeth stroeta, New York, at 13:30oVlockthis moni- Ing. Richard Meyen, who lives with bis married brother at l.VW Avenue A. was called down to the front door by a strange mao and was shot to death on the sidewalk. The stranger evaped and the police havs (Kwn unable to discover any clue as tu bis Identity.

The story, u far ta known, la told by Mayers's brother. Ha ssys that he h^ard a knock at the front doE r and then heard bU brother c ill down one stairway :

** Is that you, George T diiti'

tn gvented from drawing w atcr from the lake by the Inteuse heat from the Agricultural and Mnnufacturee building*. The Court of Honor was almost entirely encircled by a roaring luaKs of fisiiuw.

The flr> meu bad some time before abau- doue.l all ofiurti to save any of the hix tnildingN to which tbe tire had sprraA A^d directed their atteution to saving the Gov­ernment HuUding and the Transportation Builiiing, The former is situated ^ st north of the Msuufscturus Building, aral was onlr saved frum tha gimeriti dr-itruction by a roauga In the wimi, which took place jusl

He was unable to dfiUnguish the response, but next Im rd hU brother going d«>wn the stain. Tbe front door openod and cloaod acnin, and a mimient later be wan startled by bearing a pistol shot. He drew <jn bis trous­ers hutUy and riishal down b> tha street. U d tha Milewalk he found bis brother pros­trate and uDcensclotti> but tnoanlog.

He ran to tha corner of neventy-ninth street and First avenue, where hn found two puliiwmen. One called an ambulaui*e from the Presbyterian Uoapital, while hli com- r»ln ran back with Mayers's brother to tbe B^ne uf tha shontlng.

The woumW man disd just aa the ambn- lance from tbe Prashyterisu Hospital daMhcil up the street. He bad died without recover­ing cuPscluninesH.TrThe rnniNlereil man was nbuuL thirty-five years old.

■ingle and was


place ju s I|]-|iV Hallafter the north end of Mauufaclui'

LaaI bean cuveloi ed in fiamw,Tha Traus))urtati<io Building, separated

only by tb<< wide boulevard from the Mining Jliiildin;;:, badly sciircbed, and took fln» lu naveral pUees, W t the firemen, hy con- f'cntrating more than half their available fomt on this work, BUocoe<ldd in stopping the spread of tho fire iu that direction.

Tbo coakUtioiis were favmable to tha rapid spread of tliti fire northward from the TraiiN'^irtation Kuildlug to tho Horticu ltura l aivlIVomm’s builditiKK and theuce v.) tiie crowd

anl portion of the grouitiU occupioJ by the ▼ariuus Btalo builaiugs in tbe north cn<l. Tbe TransportAti’in HuilJing in northwwst of the Mio'iw nud Mining, and the w.mlhwe-'t wind kept the apace l utwecn them dear so that the fii'eman woi^ not impusled in their work.

Horhe of the buildings bnmel were being tom down by the Balvage Company, which purchased them, and is under wnd to have tho ground clear by May 1 nest. The ex-

• liibiU were ail rtniuveii feoiua time ago, aud the actual Fjw* will l>« slight.

At midnight five of tho crew of Engine No. 19 ware fuun I to ho caiMsing, and It wa% reported that tbi y bad i een burned to death. Hook-and-ladder No. 15 and all the inambflrs of the comi>ony were also reported as mlwiug.

A N'et 8 u rp la ii o f O T «y fl]:0 ,0 0 0 ,O Q O lo o o k e il fu r T h is M o n th .

The receipts from tbe withdrawal of whiskey frorn bond, liefura the taking effect of the imTaase of ten i^ntH a gallon tu the House Ta r if f b ill or twenty ceots a gallon in tbo Hcnata blU, liave boeu pouring into the Treasurv m a torreubaluee It beanie ap­parent that the b ill would soon take effect. The Internal Revenue receipts fo r Ju ly , not­withstanding the firht day was Sunday and IVtHlnfNday a bolhlay, have already reached ♦2,7(7,000, or at the rate of nearly fSO.OOOjOOO for tbe montb, T h is is more tbau the ag-5regate recelpu from all sources during

une and twice the heavy receipts from In ­ternal Revtinue In that month.

The Treasury officials ex()«ct tba Increase to continue rather than dlinimab aa the day ap|woad)ee when tbe law takee affect, and tbe tax on whisker is increaeod. Kome idea of the effects of the peuditig T a r if f b ill may

ludgefl from the fact that the costomi and Internal revenue iwcelpti, which are iiKivally about equal, have (lu ring Mte past few days of J u lr been in the proportion of $.\S4JX)0 to $2,777,090. The Incroaoe in the whiskey rcoeiiite ba« been offict in a ineasiire by tho small customs iMyinente in antlcijm- linn of tho reduced duties which wlU cumo with the new law.

The indh'at inns are that the month of July,at the present rate of recoipU and exp^ndi- " ---Ml-L surpW of oyer |U),-tureo, will sho r 000,000,

Hixtb Race—For maiden three-year-oMi and upwarA mile on turf; Live Ciak won, Dul Norte lecontl, Iiidra third; tima 1.4$ 4-A Bosk Betting-^Four b> I againtt Del Norte, 8 to l fndra. 12 to 1 LivelJax.

The following hurMS won at Cblcago yee- tarday:

First Race—Five-el ghMu of a mile; Kira L won, Nona eeconA Cottage G irl tbinl; time, 1.02.

Hacond Race~Thre4H|uarten of a mile; Maggie Gray wun. May Fern leconA Bors third; time, 1.14^.

Third Race - Kri»e Jiandicep, mlleand three- eighths; Hahine won, Fui*ahnntas lecuuA heuatnr Irby third; time,

KourtbIbif-e-.Sidling, mileaiidasixteenth; Hasty won, Fercy siM.'oiid, Slrathmeaththird; time. 1,47.

Fifth Race ’Mile. Rudolph won. Get Thera Hcond, Suiuer«ault third; tiuie, l.U^T ■

Kislh Racf—Five-pighthA of a mile: Pol- leas won, Canewui second. Lady Diamond tiiird; time, 1.92.

Seveuth K aiv—Three-quarters of a mile; W iilian) T. won, Oityaima, secoud, K.ibg Charlie third; time, l.ilt^ .

IVirrlapiiers ahenLl of thn bookmakers at Ht. FauL to the extent of $8,000 yeetcrday. The events decidwl at the rams were:

First Race—Five furlong*; Beaurej^rd won, Indian G irl sw'ondf Bonnie H. third; time, l.OoV.

Becoud Race—Horen furlongs; B. F. Fly, Jr., won, Tom Kelly secuud, Crevasso third; time, l.fiUv

I hlrd Race—Mile; Aurora won, I/>nl Wil- lowbrook eecund. Oxford third; time, 1.45,

Fourth Race—Hevuo furluogs; Belle of Fermoy won, Francis Fupe second, Fakir third; Uiue,

Firth Ha i'c—Mile; Oak wood won, Pekin Mcond, Hico third: time, 1.45.

> New Vurks In Third Plaoe*The N*w York Biue Ball Club hod all it

wsm ^ to do in dcfraiiiig the Ijouievilie nine - <>eU'rday at Louisville. It was tbe olof«i$t »iud of a game. Th«< new muuon the West- eru team did uearly all tha batting. The Bruoklyus lust a slugging match la Ht. Loula and Philadelphia won from Pittsburg by a run. Baltim<»re was fairly anuihUatad by tile Cincimiatis, while the Bostons defeated the CievelaiidK bv tr^nendous batting. The Baltiraorfi now liobt tlM placeby only seven poinis. Chicago beat WaBhiugton in a oon- test that bristled with heavy hitting. The result^:

New York 4, lioulsville H.St. I jOuu 1i% Bmoklvn 11 Boston 2’d, Clnveland 7.Cincinnati Hakimnre ft,Philaflelpliia 4. Pittsburg 8.Chicago Wasbiugbiii 10.

TIIX KRLOJtn.Clubs. Wotl.

Haltltnore.......................... 'SBostnn........................ 11Nrw Ynrs................................38Fittsbura................................. JWPhUadelphU............................32Rptxjklm ' ................... 33Develaud..... ........................ ..2UCInoluur.ti.... .....................8t. LuuIb. . . ,..... .......................27Chicago............................................ ^

Lm lsvllle............................... 14A substantial dividend has Just been de-

clnred by the National League of Profes­sional Base Ball Clubs. There is great re-

Bull, who f,iwml for the rnlveiiutv uf P.miu- , sylrania early Ibis seawm, wus «'lig1tilMo ■ ruw’ in a junior ov4‘tita* a inenilar of «u \ta- ' UuU c'i*ew. Tbe only ruh l«aring outhis raite wa* read. VU prwAi.lent ll"p|»T. wUo <H'»'iiplad the chair, di*»M led lltal a culU’;# crew was not a lH«t club In the af\‘cp i-,1

Ibstemv and thcref(»re, lv4vitiglK‘"ii A member of tho AfalanUsfor nearly a Bull was eligible iocom])ete ^ jumor eveur with au AtaUnta crew, .\n sp eAl wns

I made fmm this de” l«lon, but when nut to a ! voU* it was sustained, and Bull will tliere- I fore be permlttHd l« row.I Folbtwing th is derision -Mr. Fortmever I framed an amendment to the regatta rules

which Is Jnst tlie reverse of the de<'ii1un, T lie amendiiieiil,'which w m adopteil by vote, goM Into effect un Ju ly Rk two days after the regaila un ths IHtssaio. I t raads as fol­lows;

“ Where an entry U made by a college crew in anv open regatta tho memliers <<f such crew shall be cmildercd s s haviH|

pevef fall.t to cure sharn, shoctlng pain# In th u H flU ". le g % s M e « , o .' h ry a - 't .i .r....... , , - . . M re-nessuf a n r p 'irt of the l> dr. D i iauiu:tinte>'d to promptly cure !a-'- nes\ stiff and ew.dfcn jid iits pales H 'h* hip-: H<'tiaiea,iuinbA|{<i pains ill tii«bi!-'k. It .-elLiviU fall'* re­lief after one i»r a'mi.stlttvsrl-ably cnrfK brittle has b-.n n used.

The Ib^iron T'"st *' Thl* reniedv cures9C out of every i i) «mscs." TIjo Baltimore A m e i l c i i n 'M v s “ D -M’tn irl^tAtda-nwvuslv, during obsthald eases In a few hoora.*'

Munvon*# ITorn'-eiMif’iJe Iteftirdy ofndAdc!v»tilA. IVi , p i ’ up sp i--lll'‘i, fur h.’. i r l f e v iT r i l K ' ‘ft i‘. which iiroso id by a I iln ig -

rio«t'. f-vr-;i ecuis a iNjitin. (h illo w Health tsont free.

NRvvAitK nnrG«i»*Tw

K A II.t tO A B fU1k>:s>iaVi.VA.'»ia K*iLhOAi*-TiiR wraH-dara I'aUrnad #r SaiertMi frotecipd iareB4li>


oiitS y tS a liu trx v S ifif ^wiluA aad lilocX Mgoai y^trm " f ’ »iupa euly «u n4rik t UmgMt. a

- ,A »n e r Jiiir 1, hw i in iiis wiu taav# «4arksc aire*i m ailoa. .NrWKrJi. os tolluws :

1 a u A. Is., i(u>i lln i. flallr. with PHilman V n 4$ biUt i'Aciur «iKi a i.fp ii if i an , lor piuabarf.t>aliuie hut, laaianapMUa, • h tro ^ aii4 "1. Leu^

I lOSTA N. PFiiiwyh'aitU l liuMad. dally, oaaih posed axciv w # tf o f PulJmaA Veatibule i<ra«1ag

■aierv'un.'^teep ns, liin ag, *>niOkluf and i k- •ifAiiuM nan , pTMPMiiu Sit»nr.al r. petta .. »'Sfapb#f»aQ<1 trpawriisn. aathrour.s tor #eU|

«*-xe\ laiiuV luatd. b(irt«f kliup, library aihI all the nwvenletH'e'i uf lieiue er aiHre. I tfbted u / kiauuivary .m i movaola rtecUkc Ughla. Arrivas th - Ht • ' '«r«'and AM A. M , andA iioUa u Al T& dlaupollsl A. M., voiedoS A. m ,

... . '.a u e i I ouM B ip n a s, ilalJy^ .....................— - .....— -_uy?u Iwan \ taiuiuelaepmi and HUiliMr lA'n to efc. L^B.nblCiigt and U>iilaTlilt*; Vaaithiila MrtoXlag

M D l.fl H T A t

rowed from a club, ami their staudiiig rate laccordingly.’

Next Tuesday evening the entries to theregatta w ill be opened.

ghootlag htatchea !■ Haniaoa«The Third Ward Hamson t»un aud Fish-

iDf Club had a shook yesterday on the grounds on the Harrison Jdaadowa In tha morning there was sh‘>oUng at live bird* for a (Vise of $i5. There were fifteen onlrim and each mau shot at teu birda. O. Hanib ford aud J . Bradley tied with ten. lu sboiit- ing off the tie Handford won. In tha after­noon thore were flftaeu entrlea for ahouting at “ blue rncks** for a nrixe of |!t5. The match was won by Jake Roiumn.


128 M arket St.,N B A S H A L S E Y S T .


CLEARING SALE.T h e b a la n c e o f l ig h t ­

w e ig h t S u m m e r S u i t s in

l ig h t a n d d a r k c o lo r s , m u s t

b e s o ld .



lA re iid J uiwii|t«r iu a> '.M tu h t. I cula Arrivas iWmivaM hxto A, U., ai. Leuw7..e P. m. othI Chi' cafuLM i r. M. M#«i e«y.

r a :7 P. M. *at»ni Xxprtoa. ftalty, PtvIlaiaB ynttibuto vnrs ti,i .liuburt, (.'hkua# oj*4

........ .J 4 ail Ltt i'litlad'lphi I. 041# I*tl4ebuiv tu tUvecu Arr Tr« av Ll«\tloud 11.11 A. M» Cfa (Ofu s.uu r. M. litti day.raikP. M.. PouibM«»iHru rx|»TMi-naUy. Full- moil V«at.bu>e H efplns I'ani li> UAcitinavIaoS M.

I tum( Chi AUiwita ti« ULbibiMitl. AniTia anCvMnatl (i M P. U.. h ei«n.ip4tlli to.ll l*. U. avid

1 auU 7.0tl A. M , sn-uud iiiurulivir. f t.*SP M-. Pactor m haliy, I Ulr lau Baf totKleapLiig i'ar.Ntw Vurk lu I’itiMtmff. Arn«ta

daily t u :cag« rt# A. M t'ouim-biiMT.lX P. .M. au4 daVeliMiJ I U X , oaJ IQiadS 11.44 P. i i , d»W ), "«tot<'ay.

1 4.U P. M. itK'biuiiDd iod lianvIUa riprvaa dMlIy. K|4wper*iu A usutiaaea N?w iiriaana ; 1A47 uudk daily, >ia«>p«n is Ja kMiTivlila.i.V.n p. M. laiii Jar all iamtsnaI'hoaapeahe aud utiitt i:(U(w«y. INrtorona ihalns (Art-

I or balUn.iVra, Wasiuiif tun atid lUi-rM>aUi. 1X41, SS'>, 4.IM li ( ( luiliod . i|>rtui, Ittllii.aa \>it)bula I tior Siinbu a, I awocor tu* Aao «iidi'itilae Uu, lU.17 A. M.t il.-i A-U.. 4.U. 4'U. &.M and a io I*. M. • u Mindoj', i i it .s .a r . aai a , m ., 4.4k, ATI ai.d a t} p. u. #ur HaMliuuiViiOly, 1.9 P. 5L wtak days

>ot Pauoito piila, Kip.. 1147, 441, TJe.S.M»44T, asSi aie iJa if LltftUtd Kjptvwi, i*uUmaa Vae ilaula Parlor F an , Vtmtoui* PaMwiisec 'and btuiuirarLii.a a . u .. liu . i ..a. lit , 4H U4.4.14, a r. ah, »ud ale P. u. A EVomokvdalkia,11.14 A. 44.. ae» ai d TM J*. M. On rundoy, ax- prvaa 1147, lit . ai7, aM, ati, la ii a . u .; am. 4.41 Lv7.1.r, a » ind an k\ u. Avpuuiaswiaiiaia U i aadT.44r M.

Par Trtnioa, 1141, LM. T.M, 110. KM, SIT, a «laiT Uiultad XxuraM, j'uUinae VMilbule IWrUr a n , V«MJotila raiainEtr v aachei aud Ida:rtoiag

I a i% kR jle«.»8 II.J4 A. u „ 1X44 i.iui, 141 ,1 IL * -Hauo,1147,‘W ail.

The same, as heretofore.

.M, 111 .ad I-. U. ru M r. ..... I.u, l.st. I.jl ,na Mi.ll *. M., I.H K 'i'.i.a 1.17, 7.W, 1.11 1.H r. M.>er AUinUii Itr tu .. M.. vlUi Thnutk PhD- m ill liultti r , r or Car uul Mu' (.'utekM w M b

t l . 4. M. .unMAjrt,t lH Mor, lMt7 (-ItunloTI onl)';, ItM A, H ,

1.11. tta y II. w n )i4 i;tfor lA>nt lirmocb. kilwniii, AUor;> n r1 [,O o * H

(Iror*.M ,rlo| l o t . , . m i inri, M.iuMquoM. l*utoi I-104M4I 411*1 Ota thta .'.tata Yorit taOd 14UHnui'll I taliritad. I.H. T.H, I.H, tO'JI A. U.; ItA I.U.Mtainnltay. onliri, t u , t.ie, t u t I.H tM u it 7.17 M. .4 T-umltajr 1.1.1. 11.11 A. H. taiiil I.H I*. >1. I HI jlut Hop Al • cfiu 1 i rova or Aibiiry fart ea aaiidoy.

lu f Measida l ark, talaadHlvM. l.;,4, S.4I A. h ., 4.01 L _ ____days CaiurdApa only, AM P. #a*kd# 9»art only, IS H P. U. week daya ‘’iiiidiy*, iai*i A. H.

Kor bn*i^, wtihoul gbanfa, il4fe p. M. Waefr

Mrirhu and la ia 'i and aUP. M. wrak-

daya aw r M. dalijh

C h e v io t s , S e r g e s , F l a n ­n e ls . H o m e s p u n s , in M e n ’s

S u i t s , t h a t w e r e $ 1 5 e a r l y

in t h e s e a s o n , n o wI ARK

$8.25. «<] USEt>»

or Hruokiyii, N. Y. All ihrjufh Ireluiconuea al Jorwy t viy wUa beau of "UrooSiyn Anuai/' affbidliif dlivoMronKlsr 10 andfroui rulion tlrvei, RvoUiag daubJe lerriia* and jouraty acia«a Use Wiy. pon »f.w vt>nif,

feav# HirkriHirniMa ivD. I,IS. 147, adl. M l a4«.T.«t,i». 7 47. auo, a tm a i.M , uai.4a at?, a»4,p4e, laua lata iMS, iiui, lu t a . fl.

ILU7. rJiB, L«e, l.'iU. I.t, LI*, ltd, lie, 144,114,1,19,Mi, iiv. 4 41 aJ4 a n aii.aia air. aw.an. 7et,7.iaT.w, s.M. M.', an lout, lan kU4 P. M., and 1207 nifhi. Nutidoy 111 4 47, aua.14^aav lo.o.', luhj. )a4a u.ixt, li.u a . m . iii«. iiiS i i.aita m lAu. t.t., ioo, 4 auo. aia an, 7*od. i.ta T.n. 7.40, 4,Si, 144, 917, to.so, lalo, 10 43 p. ai., iiw night,

Taav# I'ankni f-lrMt *'U|lon, asl| Mg T.St, T.K T.44 I.U. 947, lA 0.1 iKd A. .VI,, Ilia UU KOA lOL m anaiT , 4Ai.a4i,T.4it auasiaudiaarp. i£ frtskdiys.

LaavaI'aM tautM rest Matton, a i L a o a d l l A .H 7.04,7.417.4aaUT,mau M lO .U au U U 10.W A. IL : 1104, 1.01 I.U 1.44 lU 120, 4-U 114.ia 4.44, aio, a u aw, a u 7.iM. 7.14, 1.37, v.is, io.ui II It hTh ., IIM lUfht. _r-uridar, t u lU - ‘ “

JI . senimam

iM t.la


TH E FRKHII>KNT TO ALTO SLD .A Ylgorona Hcpiy t<i Prutests A;;»lnat

Catling Ont F#<lrr»1 Troupa.President ClsTolanil yestsrdnja racelved a

tel^am from 0'>vernor AltgeliL of Hilnals, protesting sgalnsC tho sending of Federal troops to Chicago. Tbe Fresident answeroil with curt vigor, ostertiug the perfocC right of tho Govemnient to interfere.

Governor Altgcld in bis letter said:am oJvUed that you have ordered Fed-

aral troops to go Into service In the Btate of illlnoia Hurely the foots have not been cor­rectly pre*#nWd to you lu thUi case, or you

uldvrou Id nut btavta taken till* >ten, tor It in oii- tlrc l; untiH'miiU'f, aud, u it manu to iiio, UDjUHtiSabia.

- Waivinif all quentloni of pourtony, 1 w ill Mjr Uikl tbe Hlob) ot llliiio ii ii nut o iiir able to take ru e of iuelf. but it utnndi rendy to- d«y to furoitab the FediTol Ooverunteul Any •ulattaDce It may neeil eliewiiere. Our n illi' tarr foroe 1> Binjile, and rond.te of a., koiaI ■oldien u can be founJ in tbu country. They bare been ortlere.! out promptly whenevar ami nbererer they wera necileJ.'’

The fforernor clai mu that tlw Federal Oor- ernmant w u ipiiealed to by aolflih politi- ctani. Ha dUenssed tbe lituatiou in great detail, declaring that Uoda Ham baa noright to lenil troopH there.

The r ......................I Pretaidont, in reply to th ii letter, aaldi “ Federal troopa weru tent to C'liioago In

atrlct aocordance with tbe Conititutlno and lam ot the fulled States, upon tbe deituuid of tbe Poeloffloe Dopartmeot that obttrue. tlonaf tbmttialli ihtnild be reiuuyeil, audupon the repreeeutatiou of the J udiclal ufll- cere of the United Statee that procaaa uf tbeFederal Court* could through tbe ordiaary abumlant proof that cousplraoiei oxieted

not be executed nieani, and upon

agaiuit connueree between the Htale*.“ Tu meet these conditions, which are

clearly within the prorlni-e ot Fatleral au­thority, the prescnca ot Federal trtw j* in tba city of Chicago was deemed not only proper but necessary, and there lias l>eeo no intsntioa ot thereby luterferiiig with the plain duty of the local authoritiea to pre- ierre the peace of the city.”

H18 ASHES BCATTBItBD .Fb lllp deeger>i YVtsheta Carried Out by Hie

Flitaenueu Erteudi.The asbei of Philip Jaeger, who formerly

kept a uloon in ATenue A, New York, were thrown to the four pointa of the coinpasa upon tbe wutera of Ihu lowei' bay yeterday by a party ot friends who were out on a lubing excursion. This was dona in accord­ance with his request, aud all tho details ot his last wishes were carefully complie.1 wltlLaiofpt tho requirement. that during this final ceremony there skonld be nothing but hilarity.

Jaegar was an enthusiastic flibernuin and a tnetnber ot Der Heu Kauber Fishing Club, whose oiembers era resldenta of the east aide, New York, For flfbeu years it luu twen Jaeger's bmctice to godown to Staten Island with tbe club or a party of friends and charter a small staaiu yacht for a day's fish­ing off Bandy Hook, and his fayorita grounds wars on Homsr Bhoals.

Hs was unmarrleil, and when be becaroe UI last Fall fas wade bis. w ill in faror of Hanisi Oetl, pnaidant of the Bsa Kobbsri Club, and o h a i^ him with the duty of tauvlng his re­mains crsuiatod aud scaltared to tha four winds.

Jasger dlsd In NoTsmbsr last, and was cranatsd. Yssteiday morning at D:3U cfelock MrsDteou membsrs of tba club boarded ths stsadi yacht Bur prise at CUltoc, 8 . 1., to carry ont ths last hi Jaeger's re-?inastj. Tliay were acconmsuied by three liendi aad three musiuiaus with brass in-

ttnuuents.W ith tbe fund* latt by Jaeger on elab­

orate lunch m s proTlded, including six ken of beer, and a waiter iu o whit* coat

' snu iproB w n employed to asTTe it. Cap­tain Adam Heminee, with whom ths club bad often laUcd, bad hla yacht profusely daeoratad with German and American lUgs, and with ths horns ot the mustoiaiu asrakeillng the eohoM from Btateu Island faille and t^ waiter kept busy supplying beer, tbe funeral party aallta away staffing joyful tonga

Jaagai'i farorite flahlug groundt, Jutt on tba ad^ of the Ship chaaieT and due eunth

A CnloTtad Barean Ktlablitahcd at Wash- lagtoB"An laaoTtatlon lo Pelltlea

The Uemocratio perty has made an inno- ration lo politics by Inaugurating a colored bureau at Waahingtuii under the supervision ut He Congretslontl Committee, of which Senator Charles J . Kanlkner )■ chairman and Lawrenoa Gardner eecretary. The bureau Is known as the Afro-American llureaii of Organisation, and is presidsil over by Uolwrt ti. Still, a well-known colored liemocrat of PlilUdeliihia, The bureau idea oririnated with Mr. Still, who was recently inrltad to adilran ths Congreadunel Com­mittee on work among the negroes. Ho liid so, and in a logical end forcible muiinsr showed tho nacesslty of making a square, open fight for ths ne^o rote,

Mr, Milirs rsmarks were attentively lis­tened tn, and after a thorough considoration of ids methods aad plans tho cumiulttee ds-

*' I am Tru ly T hankfu lFar Hood’s Parsapirilli Dnrinf tha war I contracted irpb«i4 favevp and fever tuff ariiOi loavlnj ma wUli kneJoriol rh A asefraw rariial paisoalaf from vhi-'h I havo imflerrfl ever alnce. In n uralglA, rheumatism, ■•rvaoia prMtvmilMi and pnoral UeMfitj. Since X bc.'ian taking Hoodl Korsaparfila 1 liavc not loUailnv’Sttork hUhrfonxmtli ,irelgh 1 0 ll>«r mor# than for years and am In better he&Ub than any time since tbo war.” J- II. Bt iu .man, CbcItenJiam, Pr C trR ltB i

A L P A C A C O A T S ,$1.25A n d U p .

, U lit ififkt. F<uniiar, a#L IM , i - i i . U t , lO.Sl 10.17, U.4H A M.: 11.14,1147, 1.74,1.W, S.to, 1.34, 1.44,4.11, 4 10,4.44s 11.toe 7,1«, 7.Sa. aSO. V.U, 4.M, '.U.Z4«im1 11.U I*. M.

i«av« kmuMi-Himf aiaitnn. LM.szi. 6.43, 74^ T.4U,l.0a.4.3S. X4I, aiKi.lD. KM, 4. M.. ltU$ ltl4 ,1.31, I.M, ill,lH I.J4 ,4 li, LuH, L4I.(L43.T.U,a34.94. ,il.lOP, M.,11.01 uicUt, HumUj, 4.03, X4 aTS.t.Mta 10.31, II 4.S. K. If ; iXri, 1344. l.'A 1.M.14L l>tle L44 AU, iH 4-41,1.11, 4.44, t.ll. a31, 4r44g aai

Hood’p PHI* Cura Uvsr U s. 36e.

i'oicingat league hsadquartsrs over tbs fact...................................or ths Urat time- lu the history of the .Na­

tional game the league has been able to meet all of it« indebtedness aud have a sulBcieiit surplus on Land to warrant ths declaring of a dividend. The auiount of tbs dirUleud is eipresssd in fogr figures, but for the present the oxact amount is withheld. The alUod- ance at league games has exesedsdall prsvious reco^li esiwcuJly In the East. A^odanca in the Wmwrn cttleeahowed a cniuiilsrabl* fatllug off as comiiareil with the lAstera eltlss, but that is accounteil for by the fact that money bos been scarcer in the West than in tlie East.

On the y , M. C. A . grounds, Fifth uvenue, Roserilla, tha Vigilant Base Ball Club will

oV i

cldsd to esuMsh the bureau with him as itsbaalui w

seminate Democratic literalare from a negroheail. Tk 1 will be to coinpil* ami dls-ipil

frostandpamt. aad to organise tbe nagriiai srith Dcmodratlc prwdivilies iu clubs or societies, which will co-operate with the National Democratic Negro I*eague, ot which C H. J. Taylor, the recently sppolnteil Kecordar of Ih 'idt in WashlugtoD, Is president. The Imrenn is localbd iu Koom No. Ig Curcoren Building, Washington, and dt* operations w ill be watched with intrrest.

B ilk in g of the natural obstacle which confront iilng Mr. Still sabl to a reporter at Washlngbiu yestsnlay; “ I expect oppr.e sitioq—It would bo unmsonable not pi ei- peut it—but 1 am latlsfiel that It comas from a ctaas who would uppoM anything which did eiuauata from tiiam. Hut I shall su- ileavor to so oonduct this bureau as to win th* co-opsratlon of the very -panotu wba now oppose it. I have appointed an ad­visory board ot well-known, iDieUigent coi- oreii Demoorato, with whom 1 shall fre- quuitlj Donter upon ths work of the bureau end tlio methods pursued. Tbe members of iny board are; Chairrann, C. H. J , Taylor, of Kansns; U. L. Koonoe, of Alabama; H. C. C. Astwood, ot Naw York; T. W . Hwann, of Pennsylvania; W . E. Gross, of New Y'ork; Clifford Plummw, of Massachusetts; Jo lia

Jersey, nail J , T. C. Newson, ot Texas. ^

P E l lS O N A L iGio ro e W , CsBi.B has named his lunimer

home at Nortliampton, Mass., ''Stuynwhiie."M. SoHxr. one ot tlie new French Aeadsml-

claos, is said to be descended i rom a sister of Charlotte Cordsy, and Is fifty years.old,

hoi.ti B. UEoaoR, a wallpaper designer of New York, drew a Chinese pattern wlddb proved so papular that 3l»,0(10 rolU of the pap«r have been sold.

Tow Bm p never wears a silk tmt. Hh boughto.1.1 six years ago nud braved puhiic Mnllmeiit liensath it for nearly a fortnight, but he ceuldn'l stood ths pressure longer than that.

Mn*. J*wKa o. B u ia iis bnslly engaged In rolieotitig material for the biography of Mr, Blaine, which she and Gall Hamlitonwill con­jointly write. Mrs. Blaine's health la vigor- out.

, jKyyytaHHON a . c* R, Id PO A. £.Btall. Jb ........................ 4 t 1 li 0O'Ootuiofi* 8, a .............. i 9 e dMeade, lb,...,..... . & e T i- zJ. Otto, .........................Sciiwab.Sb.................... 1





MaiukOtad* ftata,. . 1,,.* ..... 8 8 a 1. 08mlU(. 1, f ................. . 8 y 1 0 z0. Otlu, ......................... 1 11 1 6 zilerplh* r. f ................... 8 1 9 0 0

Totals.................. ... « IS 87 1ft 11WRHT 6H9 HE. H, IB PU A. E.

Dunn, c;, f . .................... 1 0 (1 0 1(lotiklln, 2b............*...... 4 9 8 2 9Hurley, lb ....* ............ 8 Ifl 0 1Dree 11. 1, f ..................... 1 i 0 U 1Hf so. V......................... 1 \ 8 8 0Formse, a.................... 8 1 1 II 4BarkSi p ...................... a 8 8 U 1Cohen, 9b..... . .8 1 1 6 1Brown, r. f ............ *...... 1 U 0 [\ 0

Total*.'....................... 18 n i-Ti i«

HiiTATon* SnxRWAH awd H oar and ex- wnator Evarts are all related. The latier two ara double cousliw, both on their father*' and ou their niolheni' side, and when' hir. Evarts was a youth Benator Hoar's father was ids guardian.

PIERGE-s°£sCURE.; I t id Broaohlai,ThrostHid Long troaUsa

Dt. Pkm 'sOoldenklfdltiil Dtaiwvacy brtngi'^ y»f “ Jd^a pwmanrat^cnrB. Tbe w»y.l^open to tbe nruis of OoneumpUon if you m lttr fromAMtamkfiTonsMMa or C tttir k “ gin early with “ DlnoovaTy" and a aura

Anpitsk, Ooeks Oa„ Iknn. Dr. B. T. P ta a c a i

Dsor S»r-*6t wUb wsa ■»d wlin asthmaafflicted

lor twenty years; sha ftaw oHcr lbs grow worse. Her oaso wta troatod by thtme oml- nent doctors, but aU tidlod; they told mo thara was no aura for It '

Dtscouraged aClwas, I rciolvtxl to try Dr. iVeew OoMcn qgi Dtoooverri she used ffvq bottles awl two’ s ‘io1»t ; “K S

ah. kn. . made a permanent oura.E^ to-galnad twmty poundt la w oiMH Ra8 .H .KYalu .

M n u . - i s . « s r w . ; » r ^n . M. K Y s n t

play the Veronatgltant liatas Ball Club Bare Hall Club townorrow

ufteruiFm. The game w ill be played for tba The HoeeviUe teambenefit ot tbe Vmilanbv.

tsas follows: Johiiion, third Iwse; Putter,stop; Hankinion, first, base; Evans, r; Hay, nitcher; Btyvers. osutrs tielil;

■hurt sUi|catcher. , . .Juckes right tietd; Loigh, left field; Layton, second itttiie,

Tho Orange Athletic Club will to-morrow aftcruuun ou the O rann Oval play ball with tho jlsyluius of .MidrUelowu, X. Y., una of(VdUllIN UL jUlUtUVLUTS U, tat. A .. Utha U*tfCxmatfur tiiiiei on tlie ball fielfi.

Th(' HArriaoti Atbiatio B&ae Bull Club wjUiilay a uiiiv frutii the Hauilltuu FfaUl Club of ileiv York loinurrow afternoon on the

Rrounfia oi' tlio for;nor club. U» .Sunday af- Unmnu the lintTiaoii L'litb will plav a nine from the Vernou Athletic Club of Brooklyu.

JelTfnioii A* C* W laiiari.The JeflnrdQn A. C. defeated the ’lYost

Bhore Field Club of New York yesterday aflonioon. Tbo featun^ of the game wai tbe bnilfhg of J . Utto and Malone, of tlie Jeffur-

The following b the score:

BY IMKIXae.Jefferioni.............. t 9 a I 2 2 3 4 PWest Whore............9 1 4 0 12 3 1 9-lB

Karnfd runi—Jeffersons !<•, W«it Shore 4* Bmo on balls-JefferAon 5, W fit Shore 2* Throe-baie hits—Jeffemoa 8, West Sliore X Two*i>a4e blta— Jeffercon 8, Hliore 3.Home run—Jefferson, tilrufk out Jeffoi;»ott 4, West Hhore dta Time uf game Two hours,

Ths JeffemoD A. C. w ill crois bsU with the colored olub of Krglewood aftm*-noon ou Uia groanat, Jefferson end Kinney ■treats. Coaobtng by Beil and Jeoksou, lata of the Cuban Glatits, w ill be a featiirOta

Craak BLcjrelevt in IndUna* ,A ll the cracks wore present at tbe second

day's racing of tbe Indiana division of tbe L. A. W. at fUohmond, fnd., yesterday* The events were deoided as follows \

Quarter-mile, Open, Claw B—Won D;C. Tyler, E* (1. Johi

Don’t be DeceivedU y those w ho offer sub­stitu tes for C o tto len c.Its succe.ss ha.s been so phenom enal th a t num er­ous im itations a re now being offered w h ich a rc ; ciaim ed to be, “ ju s t as j good.” A ll these

Imitations =I.iclv the in trin s ic m erit o f ^ Cotto lcne and w ill p rove d isappointing and disa- 3 grceable to those w ho use 2 them . These cou n terfe its Z differ w id e ly from Cotto- lene and are m ere

Experiments Hw licn com pared to the ^ re liab le shorten in g — Cot- to le iie . Sa ve m oney, an­noyance and y o u r health by refusing a ll substitu tes offered to take th e p lace ^ o f C otto lenc,SoldInthr«lttnJ tlv« ponml pall*.

ila d eon ly Ity



Tfidtto luMifii, Xp fta **

K IN G ,ll.M l>, M.YB**M MARKirraTIttin'aTA.TUlN.

For KlliakcUi taint luliwiy, I.U. t.lt. 7.<»i T.Ut a ti.ti* . ia.H. K.u A. M.; i.u*. in . o.w,xta,i-*<, IW AU . Ala, to*. AM. t.4A AM, a.OI ;ASr ficvot Htatunltayl, AIA AU. AAI, a.u. 7.117, T It, 1.01,1.M. AU 10.«7, ll.li 1‘. K.. lAlltanil t ie iiiikA -uiiCtaV, AU AW.i.tA KUA 1*11. ll.M A. H.; Tltt. I It. XU, All,


128 Market Street,W arranted a ll num bers 81g Cord.

Th» N * E * W W t// Work on A n y ttach in o .

1.04*1.1. - ____ -; 1LI7 p, k i.an ti 1X47 ■Ifhii.I 4'or Kllubath uul/ta »■'» A, V. daily ; I.IT A. IL and 1144 and 4.flu I'* M. wMaX-dayt.

Par N tw TIrunawtoX. t-.47.A4H.3.00.T..4.a7,*.74,0.11 afld U.U A. U .:1XW .1.3M 1>, X4M.S>. -VW, 4.M, a l l aud ia4T P. M. nadai-, 11.47*

‘ .......... « r4.W, 4.BTta*.71, ».l4aB4 ID.SI A. M -ilL H7 7fc 1.01, *.l3mAil 11.17 P.M

rorWoodbridtv*• II A. V ‘4.M,


ilif Dn

OIDSTOVEB, T w o burnars.,

OAS HT«.iVF*S, OdY-hurnor.,

GASOUKNI'HTOVKS, T w O 'b u rn e r .................

IC E (’IIF..STfl»No. 2bIw ...

RKFRIGKHATOR.'l,No. 3liiMi, Mact'* Diamond..

. S4c

. 47c $3.98 $3.73 $7.47

|.4t p. M.gWWk-darl and 10.00 P. U.Par I'ortk Anoor. MS, it i, T- M.. 1114. 101,, ~ 'H. aaoliitoai

in«. i4S.a(u, 7,07 and HUlHlajri, to. 14, ti u A. 11,,

tas and 10.44 4.Ml, 7-U7, 7.77 aiid ®.4.‘ P,11^ 101, 4.44, b.w, aiH, f-u(, /■■*/ »uu ^

...... AifbL onnudiiUpa, 4.41, lO.u, il.ttU.. 1.44and 10.00P. M.


Por EMt MIIUuid«. 7.0(1 A. U.; JlOil, LU and 4.N P. U ., dallp. •loapt Ftondaf.

Far k ln ffto ii and h o ck / llllk, 7.10 A. M. and 4.14 P. M.. dally, ■Aoaai Sunday. _

For ptalltlpubnrjc, haa(*>uand ItolTldoro, T.4Q* IL BA, a . and Ll4.ti.l3 P. M. Mmaay. ti.77 P. U.

Pur i-awborivlUo. 7 ,» , R .lx a . M.; L14, L U a a 4 ‘ i n M L ('undar, A!7 P. U.

For VlatrtlnfUiii, 7.U, 11.71 A. II., aad LH P. 14.dally tAcajit * iiiid u .Farinlrtadaln and twa Girt, Tia

Williani Mungle,

m a c k in a w UEFJUOEHATOIW a n d ic eCHK.STrt, 13 kltUta.






s ''






E. iDioii taooBd, E. y.Indiaiiaimlit, third; timr, O.Hl S-d.

Opao, (- ■

by H.luu ,

Uil*< p*u, Clata A, Tim« Limit 9.40—tVou by A. I. Hrown, Ciavaltiid; "Blrdi*" Jfun- gurteooiiA O. F. Bernbardt, Toledo, third; time, a.l0 SM.' y .v -jy jj* Opeo, Claat B, Time Idmlt l,t0 „^ fp B to- tie. A w ,, o Cv Johiwoa tcc-

w. r- Safi, iadiaaap«U*i ‘'‘‘ ''' 1 time, 1.08 4-S. ■

Half-mile Heat, Clatt A—Wou iy’ A. L Brown, 0 . F. Beruhiu-Jt i*eond, C. C. Van-

.tine, Piiidlay, third; time, 1.18 1-ft. tjecohd hut soma order as first heal; time, LU 1-S.

Mile, Claee B -W on by tV, C. Banger. B.' R. F " ■ ■'C. Jobiosoa iecoml,

310441.. Ooets third; Unte,

TwD-mlleL ilandlcap, Claw B—W o n ^ E. . Miner, Iiidlanapolls

Banger (tcrat o) « oO!h1, 1 third; tlnm, 4.40 8-.Y

jlla, Ilandlcap, Claw B—won by V, Miner, IiidlanapoU* pao vardi); w . C.

• K. F. Goet* (s (fcratob)

Tennl* at Tuxedo.iThe tennl* tournament at Tniedo- la in- eretalng id Interoat. The remit ot jeAer- day's play In tbe alngloa and donblat 1*ftTon:

Men'i BIngtei—Beml-flnal round; Malcolm Cbaoa, Broarn Unlveniiy, beat Jamie Terry, Yale, 6—2, fi—4; Arthur £. Fbote, Yide, beat Edward 1*. itlall, Edgawood T. C.;(j ^ 4 '’ Man's; BrnlbliAk---fY<DulnMy round; 'VF.





M cEw an 'e F liin o n irad iliea, C airn ’s Jam a niul J cIUvh, G inger Cordial, Raspberry Cordial, Scott's Oat (,'akea, G ray 's A bernetliy H lscults, Kippered Herrings, F ln n o ii Iladdles, Lim a Jill™ , M ountain Dow, Kdinbiirgh Oat­meal, Glasgow Peas M eal, Reef and Pork Ham .

fu r I fMrbOld. ..................... ....... ...... -iMcmaaiuUi JunoUiiD, f.4u Jind 11.43 A. U-. 2.M iw l 4,40 P- U. WA« a-4lMyi, KMlunUyii uuiy. LO'V p. H, ^umi■yA A47 A. U. For FfMliulil oQty, LOO F. U.HAttk-UAJA

KKW VORK TO NAWAMK.For Newark. I.S), «.ttK «.40. L-aO. 1.t>, 7 .» , 7.40,4.10,

LW, *.10, 10.U1, 11.U0, 11.4U A. 31.. liJ * . 1L40,1.00, l.-A), 1.40, 2.10, :;.M. l.uU.LW, t.W. i.W, 4.10, 4.11. 4,4U, 4.4U, A.OU. A.7». 4.4U, A.40 Mturiitiy). LM,«.(JU, 4.10.1.SO.4.40. 7.UO.7.3O.«.lft.0.IV llU3. ll.00,)J.’jy ■ HUh’iMjr tnuiiH, B.l&,LolCP. M., (tnd 12.15 inldultihl. , . .V.oo, V.iS, toiio. lO.Kl ll.fiu. Il.to A. M.; tlfM aiwn, 12,to, 10>, 1.■0.2 00,146,3.10, 4.u<l. 4.ai, Ani, .V16, L44, I.4U.4.44, T.Oil. 7.40, 7.4A.4.un. I.4U, y.UQ, LiU, 10.14* ll.W p, lil., and la.L4 luldnlvut.

For fiirtlMFr tafuriDatlod im* 9nip*tAblPA. (o ti# haq at Lb* tlck«l ofilrfv ik'K(rto r»r nil polnia oa Ui# I’tinwylvaoiA PallrtMtd andcumi -ciluTiv and btrUui, ■Rcilitui aail fiatkkk'V ■ h n-ki ai Ui* citnnrwny’t omcTk. No. 7U itfitad rirutrt, ur at uckti idUQt at liarkal Vtrtat »taUuu.

b. U . PKKVOHT. J. H. WOOD*uatt«ral Manafvr. Iil oAral I’aM iicar Afta*.

Orders by Isll Prcmpil; DellTered.


/ iK H T I t A L RAllsRO AD UK N4 W J K R iR T - V ./AniliracUa coal u««tl J u M ila i

75 B e lle v ille A v e .AOKNt fOR AffC'HOH LII4E A 8. CtlUPART*


477-479 BROAD STREET,U Doon Below Orange Htreel.

Refrigerators,Water Coolers,

Ice Cream Freezers,

H osqnito Netting,Hammocks. *


A T L O W P R I C E S .

206-208 MARKET ST.


G lasses for 25c.

OEM SODA W ATER.Mnar flavors. Mode lu a minute. H.aitli- fut, refre.ililng and drllrlini*. A poslOve delight for hnme, pirnic or travel. Try

Bold everywhere, Prlca Ste, Byit. ___mall Wo,G E M 8 0 I> A W A T E l l C O .,

ear N. »'rent 81., FhHadelphI*.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I . tatatatal H i tatatatad


1 6 1 W f i B i h i n o 't o nCOHMII' GF vV.tltUMN.

8 t . *


JOHN HEATH,1 4 0 M V L B B B K Y H 'l'.*


MEN— MENIla tfaia war wa cure stricture and all nrinary

dlaaasca; lou of tine. Add rata for lafor-y S M lO T ! « x T 6 .K n W n r k .K , J .

C S T A IU S H C D 1640.

N b a r ly 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 N o w In U io .KBCeiVED HlfifiBST AWARD,


EASY TERMS, - EXCHANGEUCkimloftie mai)«d on ap iHcatfoa*

110 FIFTH AVE., cor. 16th St., N.Y


EAST. Only lino cimmH'tinK ivlih ihmuitli pallor <-iir» lo the W H l’I’E M orSTAlNfl.til - --. loam^rt Conm^otlRUi and MnA(uii;)iiiitetta Imth .NEW PIKH Wi, N. R.e oti« block alHtvo Canal Rt.* at 6;:n l\ .VC. dally KXC'Kl*'!' butivday. ('orinrrtlng traluH Icavo ivkarf. Provl d«ncp, (1 A. M.; dUfi 7:1T» A. M. nmlA. M.; due WoreoM.«r 8 A. M. (KiirMiny» H:J.................. .....A. M.; due Worff^klcr 19:25 A. M.) LIm.M'hIto Mt. Ekprvtts ioavck wharf T;15 A. M.. oicoplHundar ; dun Fabyaa'i^ 4:39 I'. M. Full nlkhtV rrni, tihortMt rail ride. FINK OlU'nKSTllAon fkcli ctcaDior* TiokoU, ftntprooiiiM ami "SumaaerTourh "at city ilck«a4d1lce>Mmd Her.

ftTONlNOTON LINK*........... . _ . ___ uni)

Rotilo to NAIi!lA0AN8ETT IMKIl ami WATOII H llJi. HtOHinnni Mnlno and Nttw Ilamiwhirf* leavo Now I’lnr W, N. H., ntOP. N. daily* INniJ^DINn Sundny.

PASSAGETICKETS.-Oibln* Intarm^dlata and fftaarafa

At lowcit Naw York jUci on nil lirm d occui ittaa


774 flfdAd Stef <>»A( If«r4« 14. KmWam*, it. XDiurm for i l u4 Ip»v4* wul UaMy CMm ■ijtol* ■il i(tUla tkd InU»«t fihii til Mru tv*r^

LE H IG H V A L L E Y R A IL R O A D .Harket Htroet Rtatlone

T.tlAta 41. Unity for Mnui’b 4 bunk and tat*rm » dtote •taiiiiBi C'ojiiiactLun, rxcMpt 4und$y, t*t I'otuvlICo and ItoadlDK.k4i A. JU. Unity tor Genron, Hoeb Mcr. Huffdo. Nti«nrn 7'*ll4. ^uiviien^loii ilrlilfu nml (h t W rit, niul prindiiRl loLfti ;>olt]U. fitabiv oAr tu Wllkto* U rrt, l nllumn twriMt.oar lo lJi|i"ali>ta w __kU A. i^t^hnuiiikand Intorniccliitfi pulni-L L'bimeeuuwtw nod iSnrrlNtmrr ' ' r .

l2.iU P. H. tfrtlly.ajri pl Pnntlnr, for Flmim #(il all ttitornedlnto Iintloui*. t'oenocUoni tor Potin- rilie i»d Itnd ini, ctiair enr u» llkrao«rre.4.U P.,U. 4nny. •Acopt hurtooy, lor la lad R JuboUon nod ifrlncijial lntvvmw!l!.ite iibIIomi ; Pnl|< tnai$ RuUfi Parlor Car to Wllkoabarre; comwctknu lor roliavdle.

4.46 p, M.dntty, axcppt aMiidiy, tor HouUi Plain, flfld and Uitcrmedlatn »tntkm-i.

' 44 P. M. dally tor Kaalou and Inttrotedtota tia-

cienofiiiew and cuiufurL 1'liuaiahla In cilv'ck jui/ l. t4K

i m tni lontra Hrond and Parry alroat itAllortaKur l^lalD.tolit, 4.14,3.M. 7.4S. » .» . v.iM. (O.-rLlLU

A. M.; I.t4, H iy V m i^nluriiMjB ouiy), '.;.A0,1.14,4.41 U 7 . i0 4 .k H 4.U, 4.20. r.H 7.S,\ IW . 10.04, lLi| y. M, (■unflayn T.lo, A H k H it .u A M.; l.ia 116. AlO, b.4o.T.'Xl, >.2I, Ju.'taU J> .M.

>'or ^om4>rTh)», ntQ.14.7.U. t.fa. Ll.a'h 11.44 A. kL: 1.16, l.l i, 140, *.M. 4,0.v 4.1L 4.U4, -VW. 11.tJ. T .« 4.4% 10 06.11.16}*. M. i4im4iAyn,r.6ll. it.4-1, H.'Ai A. 61.; U A Z.I6. 4.]0.6,40,0-1V 10.3(11'. XL

I'of M*(ulli|tlon, T.lktt.oO A. M.; 1.16, P- U . Hnndayi, 4.)ii P. M.

>'«r Mtailutt in Ml((h ilridra. cnna^tlnt for alallobi na }!k|li Itrldyf Dmueb and l.ak*' ilupnifi •ofltf.klKv.ua Ata U.; U6, AU6 K M, nundavo, 7:JdA. M.Forr tailon* r>n Ualn Irlnt New Jf^rwyOqtrnl Tilvialou. ruiuM , itolhkhrm , Al]rntowr$ and Unucli riiunk, 7.16, kM. 11.16 .M. lf> t-aa nn. U A1JA i,Huirf<l I'nrior (.’hr), 6.60 i1totf«1 i'nrlnf (.'afj

‘It6‘i U> AllaiitOMuJ I*. 41. huiidaya. 7.60 \. M.. l.l 6.40 }*. 41.

Yot'VVIlkMbHrre, liilM on and b‘<rmntoii. 9.09 A. M.. M l . 4,o4 I'. M. I Huir'at I’nrifjr (An,

Fur hunbJr/, itabWlwjra and Wiill:$aiai>ori via 7.M A. M,. I.T6. 7.6fi JV Al. --U*-

day. 4-oa p.'y t W A i t K AND K M Z A llk T il U ltA N ril.

Trains Isava Hroal Htwr'l rdniliMiTor M|........... llsalistkaud i(utoLa at Q.16. H‘vA. I'tl/aiHfCtiiiuri o n ly ,7.19 7.M. I.W. * Jliahwtluiyrt only. N.», s .« ,10. U6, 10.14. 11.06. n . i i A. M.; I1I6, l.l l, l - H l i XIbo, t . la 4.04 4.61 • flMi fihiinrl •Hilr-, 4.H7, 6.04, 6 H 5.60, 6.W. 7 li, 7..’\i 4.40, 10.06, 11.11 P. K. Kundaya* 7.^0. a,v>. o.E>4 ..ilR4irMrii|jurl unlvls.6>, iola, iv » A. M.; un, lm . tw. t.a). 4ta • l.o i, (Ul-.MbHt.i|i'iri ODly^ 6.40. 6.04, 7.70, 4,1^ kM .l0.XJ P M,.

f o r P#riii Aml)OV, h, 16. 6 27, 6,6*. 10 6V LlJI A* M .jl .l i , itaO LU.1, 4.1-'ii ftU. 1..W, «.-AJ. 7.45 I*. 41. S4ua dafh. V.04 A. .M.i 410 M.

For IloyiiUm Usaih. 10.4V ll.l4 .4. M.; 1.44,4.fl.\ .VjG F. -M.

Ffir Atlanlia lllitiinnd$ t Ii MalnivAR. A ll. M l11, :u A. M.: l-iO- 4.i*>5. U'.’o 1'. M. aiitnlaya >-04, t.44 A M ' 4 10 1* M,

For Fra-h-')ld|’ A22.1l.<'11 A. M,; I .H iu7. tiWP.M* Fur Usd Itsuk, i wiia Umacb, • c»an nrov-*. eisi.

(fi.iD to Fed J1.vnk' 6.-‘2, I ’ Sk H .M.:40i6 4.1-), S.20 J*- M. ^uiida/'t.aiicetft to iJoenaiiitiVf.'J.iM. 9.iT A M.; 1 Vi, M « P. M.

F‘ 1U J.AKFWMon.T om i lUvcr. r-aruv({ut !*arit and UnrB(»faLS.Il

A. M ; t-H 4 i> P. .M,For Vlnsland and Ilr1(li|eta», 1-45 I'. M*For AllaullO l lly. 1.45 I'. M,

ap.W A K lv .N il-N 'K W V IKK.From iirpal and Ftiity feireet-i “'^talluiH At V ^

6,y«, iLao.e.io. i.oj*7M . 7.40, Atw. k 4j. ».oi.».3^ V.40,10,0'J. io.a>, i'U i. U-w, 11.30 A. M.; 1 ^ ) .ii«;II an. l.rfl, L:’iO. i w . it * . S.OO, S-Sn, iors, 4.30. 4*41hfl,ss,4..i5, TU-.1, 7 41. 7.M, AW, A H >V.JVt l . a . j . y . ; U ni. lltffD lfiit. yiintjiiys - fi.H'l,7.00.o.ok*.00, 10.00, ll.irt A. .*6.; iJ.wi M.: l.iH, 5.H0, O.iri, 7.IW, (‘,00, ■.'JO, 10.00. 11 flO. 110) P. M.

tjwava New York frdiu IihjI nf Llb^rif strMe6-AI 4.4U. AW, MW. «.*i. 7.15. 7 H T.W, US, A*). *.00* *41 lU.n>, la in , lOtaW. IJ.Uh iJ.WA. Ai.; li'W M.i UW, ).U0 1.40. 10». .‘.60, 4 IN), M-i IU , 4.’dJ. 4.56. AlO, 5.6k 6 H 1.H fl.23, h. 45, 7.00* J.'Xi, 7.4i, K,4tJ, 9 40. lO.HIJ.15, liOO }'. M. Miu<la)-h-4.no. 7.00* 4.(6>.9.<U* 110),I .(JU A. M.: ]7.00taM.; Ukj ino, 6.00, 4.0U*b,0),ti.oa.e.su*; uo* itaCu. *ixi. 10.00 ii.u 1,1100 f . m *YOU t’H lL A D k L P H lA , BALTIMOHK AMO

W AsrUiNtiToM , n u V A l. UMJK LINE,For I'hlUdelphla and Trenton. 7.46 9-W,

(II.U e ioen t idilUilhJpbla) A. M.; i.U (2.50 •I rsiitoii). 4.0.V5I.IH, 5.W. T.Uk 11,11 P. M. KUndaya ko4 A, M.; 1.6.% in j i^ACUiixraiil 'I'rtnion}, P. M.

F'or HMiUnior* rtd’l Wabldaston, l l . l i A. li.JI. H '1.10, AIM. 11 24 I'. M. suiidaya k06, ll .UA. M.; J.A'i.-Vll.', dfii I’ . U. ta , ta

For Chaitanooaa, Ne'A* OrLMAS and alt potiiii Pooth, b ’Itti iltronsli veuibdled hlaepsr.$ v is Hlien- andoab Vallay Lins, at l U 14 M. KuinUy% t MF. M . . . ____ _

Ihronirb itciiita to all prlncltjsl pointa i l loortP rates a rt on Hale at llruai :dr*et ^laUou.J. 11.1'. Ua i .d w i n *

Ueii. RuxiarlulctiiisiiCta Gsn. PaHa»ng»r A C M l


tioue.$ m P. H. dally (Ktindays 6.91 P. V .) tor flnlDhlo

M(Utora Felix and ai] jH>rntt M ttl* Pullman elavi>sr, veatlbaTa train, York to vblcato, idee|)#r io Judklo: Donnoeitons tor headlnMaad flarrisjurg.

llEPO T FU L'K T ll AVK* and I AfiMAlC 5T, - CuooeoUtia iralas Iakvo m tolloMrt i

6,07, 10.44 F. U. end 12.41 A. 51. buiiday, *taW A . M*.1.W, I.H J.or, S.H l(l.« K M,

I save Fatersou for Nvwaak—KM, I W d.%1* T.% TAK KH v>»K 10.1N 11.ll A, M.; I.IU, &24, S.ITl 4.U. n.i‘2, 7.U, B.51, iU.46 P. Mi rounder, A A AMand A. W.; I.W, UD* 7.U. lO.U P. M,

l' NRW AH K AN D NKiV VORK. resavn Mswark 0.M, U.46, 726* T.4l k3>. 1,41;

6.M, 10 17 A. M.t 12.04. 1.41. 2.fA Att* 5M, &!!« B.f«* k‘61. 11.04 V. M. ■‘'Undiur* T.l4, dM, IL16 A. M.: 2.03, 6.00, «.64, 11.64 F. M.

I.siiY* Msw York (Lbem osrs street)-A4l* Ttald . Mtat *1,10. 2.U0. L15. 4.B* 4.00* A,1|

5.15 P. Ml dally, except Buuday, rorMauuliCbttnk and iotersaedlaiir atallouv.

*2)1 P. M. (Fatly to r ilh a o L Oeit«va, HoebMiar, PullUn. MiUtoVa Filta aud all po lnu iVesL Pd1}<jBien sfitpafri to ( ’lilo.'io aad ftnlTeio, CbaU oit Mtw York lu Wiiksaharro (aoek daya).

6.53. 7.W* 10.00, la.OOP.' 3#. •Salnrdy oljly^|jay«xprt-u leevae N stark . *44 A. H O nllu ji'

dru-s, 7.34 A. M. VMilbule llniUcd leaves Meiraflk^ 1.41 P. M. Kundayi. 2,04 P. M. i*n ind 'ln )Q li kaspr*«s leaves Nlivnrlc, O.tt P. M. (‘ andny* *49 P, 1* Llilcaku Fxprvss IsavM M sirark,*07 V. M,

AAdliioail Monday trains 11.26 a . M* tor Manob IVlli

days. htataU p. a .

Chiinjc «»d I'oiisvltia aud all lobsrmedlaia sta­tions'riolrets Slid Fuliman accommrMiationi atPsno*

sylvanta Hollroad Itopot mmi tIb Broad srits*'I bo A t * Vur» 'iranstor co<D|wiiy b'Ul eaU tor

|Md tibsck b e f ia fo iVura betel o r m ld tu g e Itaroufb MdettluaUoa.

Yor tipketn, b o f i t i e cneoks. tieeplna car lookboo* ttmeMblea. call H tbs ( My 'rlQltet (Jffloe, 161 M a t M

v l

-r. - ^ , ■


H i« rauilliliitM 0 )>|>irtliiK Fitch titlicr Two Ic o n Ap* A|£oOi Nuiiilnolcil.

HUtory niMHlt'd Itwlf At thn Main* BUK ooDTentluiia IhU year. The Itcpub* Ueana renixnluatedUoveroor ileury Ursd- Mreet Clearaa, who WM elected In IKU, and Ib i Uemncrnla promptly reooml- OAUd tlie Uovemor'a uiiauccewfiit o|e ponent In that oanpaicn, Charlea F. Johnann, of Waterrllle,

UoTariior Cloarea la a native of Maine, and wai burn In Itrldfflun Fahritary H, LMO. He waa educated at the couimou Khoota and at North llridKtun and liowin- ton Falla acadelnlea, and In IhiiS enllaled aaa private In the Twenty-third Maine Vulunteera. At the cxptrallnn o f liii tarm of enlutmeiit, July Ih, IhflJ, he re cn- ilated In the Thirtieth hlalti Veteran Vdl- onteera, and a lew iiionlha latiT waa uoni- Iniaeloned FIrai Lieutenant of L 'o m i^y F. Ha partlciiiated In the haltlea of hnbiiiu OrOMruaiia, I’leanunt Hill, Cane [liver uiid other anKaaeuietilt of the Army of the Uulf, In Auiruel, IMdl. he Joined the Army of the Piitoniae atid served with Hheridaii In the Hhvnaudouh Valley. Alter Uie'a anrrender lie waa trnnarerred to the He- partment of the liuH', where In- nerved tiutll bla dtaoharire, Auitual 20, IWA.

After the war Mr. t'lenvea reUiriird to bla liallre Hlale, atudied law and entere<l Into pnrtuenhlp with Judge Howard and

Is i

X K W A P t K K V K X I X G N W S . F R I D A Y . J U I ^ Y 0. 1694,

c. r. jonyaoif. n R. ri.KAVKAHon. Nathan Cleavaa In Portland, where he haa alnce lived and praotleeri hia pru- faaalon. He waa elected to the liegielature Is 1878 and 18*8, and for two yearn there­after wan n tv Solicitor of Portland. Prom 1880 to 1888 MA (leaver aerved the Bute aa Athirney-Ueueral. The (lovernur la nnmarrM.

Charlaa F. Jobsaun waa born too Into In the nineteenth century to win Innrela wlth«the armlee of the U*tlun, aa he drat aaw the light of day In IhSk. He attended the pabllo achoola of hla native town of Wlnaiow, and In 1871 itradnated from the Oabnrn CLaaeloal Bcramaryat Watervllle.Then he taught aohool and continued hie atndlee at Colby TJnivePdtr, and In 1877 entered Itowdofn Coltege.whare be gradu­ated at the age of twcnty-onc. For two yaara alter hla graduation he tilled a dork- ahip in a Boaloti railroad offlee, and then Went to MaohlM, where for four yeara he waa principal of the high aohool. Ho de­voted hla npare time to the atudy of law, and In 1888 waa admitted to the bar.

He haa ainoe been in the aotivo practice of bla proleaaion In Watervllle and haa been prouiinent In pelltiCf. He haa been Town TTeaanrer. City Hollcltor, a member of tho Board of Sduoationand three time, no nneucceaanil candidate for Mayor, hfr. Johnaon married the daughter of J. W. Britton, of Wlnaiow, in 1883, and thoir nnlon baa been tdwed with two children.


BapraaentaUve liarmann Telia a Ntory In Anawer to tJu.Mtliina.

From the Waahlngton Poat “ People lotneUmea aak me why I apell

my name with two n’a,” aald Repreaenta- tlve Hetinann. “ When I waa n aludent In Uaryland yeara ago I got the Idea Into a y bead that I would fulluw tho faahlon and eliminate the extra letter. I alarted In by writing to my fklher, a reepected and promiuent phyaiclan in Oaltiinore, andalgnlug In the Improved way, ‘ Your aflhatlottate aon, Dinger Herman.’ My lather quickly deteeteJ the change, and back came a letter whoee earneat re- proachea I have never forgotten.

" Ho pointed out that the name atood for one of the grealevt heroc, of an­tiquity, Armenlna, the llermann of Tael- tua, who atood Ilka' a bulwark agalnat Roman Inat of oonqueit,and lo whoM leaderahip the ancient Germane owed theEreeervaUon of their nationality, their

inguage and their (reodom. He «aid that name waa given me by tboae who alone had the authority to confer it, and with Uielt conaont the name thnuld never be altered, even In re.pect to a letter. The rebuke I received ao Impreaaed mo that 1 concluded If the name was good enough for mi' father It would be good enough for

WALL STREET APFAIERTh« Tona of tho Ktochr Mnrlirt W r»li

•lid lh« I’ riiiM Oenar*llj tow r*The ^HOtatlnDte

N*w Y ork, July R.—A wculiftr tone <dltracidri»xt tho opening itotUlngit at the tituck Ktcbntig« t^Mlny, prk iiM (IrnUiulng to nout. in tho gooer&l lists tm<i 1Mr coots In Ainorir'an HugHr. AilTh.’co from Cbk«gi> reportt**! n Btioliunl riinflitloTi uf affolri thc>rf\ it lielDg feami iliot there mould bo 1‘ioDtlk'Mx‘twoi‘u !h»> UnltoJ trodpo iiul tlto Ktrikars lioforu ntglit. Hugor opoued at wout down bjORiindthrnloll to were niadi un the theorythat Cougreen will nttai'k the Hugar Bcbodule •ud prohality (tefeet i t

Tlie market between 11 oVlock atkI noon w u weak atul Inwrr. nijfWKuUiVN dtn'llufd U>7ti, MihMonri PaciAc Ht I'uul to59^a Erie to Rm and Amorirau Tobai'co to b7j J, At noun a atoadi<*r tone* rroraili il.

HpeouULiou i^uie to a siaudKtili thin after­noon, o{H>ratorN showing no dispoeitiou to engogo in uew metruotN ikind* log a aeUl^tuent of t}i<> Klrlke in the WfHt. Hugar <viut.inued to jitig on QDfavomlito minom from WaHhuighiiu At 2tl5 r. M. Kpiy'iilatioii won tirnv butei- tremely null Halw up to 2 M., 4l,(RvlUst« .i aud 44. HO unJt>dr>cl.

Tlierangn of bJ-dar'e prirvw for the mnpo •oUre bhmke of tHie .Vow York uiarkrt nrif

below. Tho4|UototiituN show the oj.i**n- ug and closing nml tho highvst uni

pi'icHM rea4'bed by tiw seountieM lishxl. Tho ipiolatioiia niYifrom tlu" Vow Ynrk ICtchnnge •ud ai‘H rqwrU'd to tho ,Nkw K lliron^h WiH- iiuii bimi Alien A Co., MUtek brokiTs htu Rroad street, Mtaio Rank Rnilding, thisoU/f and Uruuge NaUoutil Ibiuk, Unmgo:

ilpon* IUkIi- Iiovr- (Mor.IV lUK. enl. log.

N.Js Central..............................................iHd. k Hiidr.........a................ ...................J).d„L«i’k . * ’VV..........................................M ill.* ilffidifiK....... W4 Itl'i ItJ»nCaim'lii r'l lu t la*rn.............................. ..........t:., A- M. li........................ .............Laki*SlKJrk ......... ....Midilgeii 1V ti t 111 I ... a**......... ...................X. V. CenlrivJ..............................................A . .T .A K F ........... . ........... .....................Au*h. incoiju'K,,,..... .... ......................Cm IS. g ...... ............CmM.iV Si. I’uul...... nfi'ii wnf*ohiA- s .w .............................................

,C.. It. liV I'QciSh;..... «7‘i, (57lllluolii L'oiitral...........................................JUIwmirl i'lM'itlp........ lViJ *l ouJji. A NiinU........... ttitUuiou J‘oidlio........................... . . .I'aclQc MwlJ.... .......................................... .WeBiorn Cnlun......... i£S<4 KitvMaiilmitmi.......................K. Y.At N. Kng......................... .............Mn.. Kau. A lV^a«......................................K. Y„ Ji. K. A W .........................................tmuirUief \\'i-iti(Ai'n.....................................\Vahiw*h, St. L. IW .....................................WHh..St. la. A i ar. pr................................Texa^ ..............................................Hlrli. (k Wl*r1 Roiut.. IR'ti Jl w Ilk liuNorllu'fii l''nRilir......................................Korlhern pr... im<Ararr. Col. (h i...,.......................................Aiuer. Cut. 15il pr........................................Xorth Aiuerlcan.........................................Chica*ro«ius.......... :u54V. KpCordag*'.,........................................ ^Arner. Suiu IU‘I. Co... Vi a VtikXalinurtl Iri'iidi..........................................bllvcr tkirtlHuatfS............ ....................

■ Sung. A Wt>bli*rn....................................... .Bamj. A V •8U!ru pf........................ ...........Chtthrti). iir Olilu..........................................Morris * K iw i.. ........... ..............................Dt C. k ......... ISlk a!'t

t . a . aN.................................. ................

Chleago tlraiu anil |M'i>vIr1oii JilurKot,The fulliiwiriK i.Mjle gtvus tlu ruuyf* of i»rlL‘0A

on Ibo Cbluiatol ftntUluiiuud Urniii KYc!itinK«K to^yv iw rei>oTiflii liy H. V\’. Unllaiui A; brokers. roOiuH t£. 4-tK0 Frudgntlul IhiildUiK :

FH O M TKIt 11Y T H i: KUBtSll.

It Haa a ** t i e l t N n r e Knough and Uurked Cliaruilnsty.

' FromTW-KUA' An old goritloinaii waa walking medb

Ullvely along!be atSH*®!, wheri hut atleu*tlun wait aUraotod by the fuUuwlng notice Iti n amaJI dmpvr'N window:

“ OtTtt A^^^AL. Rk l l la Now tiKH*‘ Kraoiuuet wbul (.raM Ignor^

ancel" be ejHonlated to hltneelf, *'Of cotirac the man iiieana * Our Annual Hate,' Jt Would boEcbiirity to inform bimoftbe glaring error he baa made."

Ho he walked into the ahop and aaked i to ai-e the proprietor.

"M ’liat can 1 have the pleaaure of doing for you, air?** inquired the draper who waa a uiiddle*atfed| aban^-looking iiidi- viduat.

"W hy, my good felJow,*' replU-d the [old gentleman. *‘ are yon aware of tlio i giaritig error inai atareM every one in tho ! ure who looka In your ahuu windowT"

"Krrur, airf" aald the draper, inlerro- gutivt*iy,

** Stnjwmlonar' exclaimed the old gen­tleman. **You atnle * Our Annual Hull 1.1 Now On,'whon, ni'euurHJ, it ought to b« 'Male,' not ‘ aril.'”

** fmJted, nir t U ought to be ^aale,' you ■ay t"

*'OfcourHeI Tm afVald your education haa iKren ajidiy itegUrted, rny friend," ro- marked the old gt ntlumaii, pitvlnxly-

" I'm afraid it haa, air," admitted tlie draper. "You I waa burn when b(iard achooli were unknown."

" Juat ao. AiioiiuT thing ii,"continued the old gciitieinan, "audi an error might do you incaU’ubkble injury, becauae tho word 'Mdl,' In a alnngy a<nw, means *aviliidh'.' Fancy Inviting people into your ahop to be swindled!" he amlletl. " I should advise you to have it altered at oniia/'

"Dear me I 1 am sure Dm very much obliged to you fur your kindneM, air, in pointing out ibe lulatake," laid thu drapiT. "dan I prevail upon you to ex­tend your klndnem l>y purchaiing a ainull articlet" he aaktd Inalnuatingly. "Don't lit mo auffer for my ignoram^e, air I 1 have aome marveUuuMly cheap crovaU, and beautiful Htieu handkcrchlefli, If you wiU ph*uae atop thla way, air."

" I don't know that J -o r — want any­thing," beaitated the old gtiUllemaii, " Im t— "

Bnfuretheold gentleman left the ahnp b* waa luinua aoveral liiltlinga aud plus aevend articlea that he didn't want.

When he had gone, the drainer rubbed hla bandi ■oftly, and auUloauizod i

"What a Btrauge thing it ia that folks are ao prune to mcNidJe witn other peu- idu'a buiineM* 1 auppoao 1 have f roin twenty tu thirty people come Into the •hop every day to inform me of my 'glaring error;' and once 1 got'em In tho ■hop I addom let 'am go bemre they have purchased ■omethiag. The great difli' cultyia to get people iaoDe’aahup; but I've struck oil tbU Umol" he grinned, gaxing admiringly at "O ur Annual Hell.'' "Aou it's a 'le ll,’ Jiure enongh," he muaed, "for I ’ve chipped twenty-flve per cent, on pretty well everything! Sold againl" he cBuckled| on obiervlng a stout lady amlJtngly pointing out "Our Annual Hell" to her daugliier,and then make a move toward the ebop entrance.


Bnina of Mveeniran l>ate Found by an AntJunarlan,

The London itultder givea aome definite parUculam aa to the prehlatorLo city laid bare by the drainage of I^ake Copala tt iaye that, ftocordtog to llcfr Noach'i re­port in *the last laano of the Athenian “ MittheilungeD " (xlx., 1), the remaina in quealion lie in the northeaat quartfr of Liie lake, oppoelte Topol la. They are uni­form In character, elenriy of Myccnoian date, and not, as was at first supposed, beloDgliig to aeveral eucceaalve periods. The rulnu go iocallv by the name of Ulaor Gula*. The atrongeat aide of the massive fortllioatioiia la that looking aouth. The •yutem of fkrtlficatlona Includes four gates, ODD to the southeast being double.

According to Harr Noach, the whole plan It only Intelligible on the supposi­tion that there was some system of drain­ing and flooding the site. It ia intimately ooDoected with the whole ijatemoflhe Myoemean dikes and dams, and the newly diacovered city is the key to this •yitem on the northeaat, aa Orchomcnos it on tho The two leem to havebeen connected and atrengtbuned by a system of smaller forts ronvid the north­ern bank of the lake, and these, from the VMO iragmenU found, are dearly ahown to be ot Mycenmau date. Two auch forts stand on small peninsulas near the Kauwotbre Varla, and a third lies on the sum mil of the Pvrgoa of ilagia Marina, and tbusdetendeef thk point where the aeveral channels meet in one maiu canal. The system provided for keeping open the communication between the two principal places, Uulas and Orchomenos, and tho sea. We have to picture Larymua os tho chief harbor of the Minyans, Hltbongb so far only vasei of proto Corinth Ian date have been at*' tually found there. Finally, a comparison of literary accounts with the existing topo­graphy, aa disclosed by the drainage, acema to point to tho conclusion thul in tile ruins of Oulaa we have the pre-Bn<otian Arne, the royal city of Athamas aud hU descondanU.


' f July..;..,;


Corn., ........) Cn.li.......l-(uly........

0»ts,..-ifivpt,......I C«.U......i July...--.

K'l ■I Lard H.


C'a.ii .....July.......8vpt.......Ch!iIi .....

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12 :a

cm0 0774 n Firemen IHli.titi.Ckicauo, July 6.— Tho rerwrt from tho

World’. Fair ground, loot nly-hl tlint Ih. . crow, of KiirIiiu No. 18 aud Houk-aud-ladder ■ No. 18 wore miulnv ha. boon proren uutrui'.

But one « 0((ine“ No. 18— wa. loat. nuil tliat oil aooouut of the toaiu rumiuig avar. No lliiCjim wara UllwL

> tl.tlG tlACl: tN ITAI.V.

! Ho Far as Anirriraii filrli 4rs foticrri^iHl I Tb«rt8 Are IdmroINrM,

InUrmarriago between Americans snd I Italiatu haa reveivt^ sunikwhat uf a ! check alnce Lhc trials uiid trlhnlutiona of tbr Fhnctsi Coluiiua have been made public. That t hero are aa many of these marriages ai there are la a marvel con­sidering Ibo diltlculties that are to be en­countered.

A young lady went to Italy for the pur­pose o f study and In the courite o f time Ijei'sme the objoct uf an Italian gi'nilc' rnsn’s afTectioni. Ilii love waa returned and '* then their troubles bogam"

When the marriagu w.u broached, the birth certificate wai aaked fur, liut there | wnaiifiiie. The lady b id Uoii born iu a i llUlc village In Miobigaii, and no record in writing bad <*vrr Wen made of the cv^nl. What Wru to l>e dune T Delectivei were act tu work, old churcli nTortt’v Wi re t-xnmined, rnuity, faded Icltera br^.ugbl tu llin light from old audboxcN and rrreiuj, lAit uo announci.-nu-nt ol tin’ iniporbint event o f the birth of thin young lady could U* found. Tho iliotln'r bud long aiiiee (>as8ted iroui mur* tul life In iUc eternal, aril! tlui i)>«etor, too, who bad 4 moisted, was renting with a bliib uf inarbiu at hla head. In mucIi a COM! it was ubiolultly ImpoMiblv to pro­cure a cerUileaUi. Rut, oM a auhdUiitc, twii men. one au old resident and one her younger brother, curiiUud os to the time


Home Tips that May Nava fnnnuierable Crops.

Prom t he Gernmntuwn Tflejfr.iph.For the lu.t two years 1 have had a veq-

et.ble (jardon under my c.pccial rare, and each year wo hnvo been alBieted witii a drmight. These facts have brought mat- ter. under my more careful ob.ervatiun, and have developed In my mind a Ihi-ory thot it Is best to plant curuiuhcr. in eupa and not In hills. Let the cups, or hollow., be about two feet In dhimeter nnJ not more than throe Incben deep. After m- ricliiuirtho Boll to ii decree, plant wiIll eieut need to insure n stand. When they ure (piile enfe from bugs Ihii) out three or four of the strongeBl nml best ioeaied plants,

A . a preventive from their enemy, llio yellow buy mid other troubleaoniainscel., 1 have only u.ed wood ashes, dusUiii: It on with the aid of s shovel and a lair wind. lloldioK u shovel of wow! anbes In the band, and (jently .halting It, the wind will llirhlly sprinkle tlie ihist ornr I he leave, nun over Ihv ffroiind sumnmiliiig the roots. In hooSnit and riddhiir of weed, imilntain the eupj. The objeot in' bavlnit tlie.e hollow., i.. tliitt the enter, when ohli(i'(>d lo nlve' it to the plants, will selllu around tiie rootn and not run under tho leave.luiri iiwiiy. An lliu vine, are ofti ii luxuriant and ibns bide from si);lil the Itwnllon o f tho routa, it i.well to pluee 111 the eeiilre o f tho tiulluw a stake, which will judicata the exact ponitlun of the roots. These stake, ehoitld bo placed when the phinlH are yoiioip so as not lo disturb the plants of lurner growth, A pail of water poured in theeiiii will, when mH'os..ary, much benelll the plautn, wlietons two pailfuls poured on with a(tuesH may only serve to b!i»rlit the leavc-s and seareely rctreiih the plant..

The eups can he mstja temporarily smaller, nnd liy early plsnllng and cover­ing with a sheet o f Klaas, It will net ss It holbeil, and very early cucumbers eau be .ceured.


Kirept the A ll»rn ..v, anil tin Was the Joke's Itntl-

From the Detroit Free I ’ rcs*.The proseoutlug attorney in the breach

of jiromise case thought ho would make life n burden (o the uiiforlunata young man who was the unwilling defendant.

" Do you mean to say," he asked, after a lot of embarrnBsing queBthms, “ that after yon had been absent for an entire month, you did not kis. the plahilltl', to wham you were"ongageil to he married, when you lirst saw bar on your return?“

“ I do," responded Hie dolenrlanl Hriuly,

"W ill youmakethatBUtement to tho Jury?"

"Certainly, ifneciowDti:" fi-4 ' .'. Ijik ’H iey vvouiar m ievh

>\JU i“ One of them would, I know.’ ’"A h , Indued, and why should he,

pray f b"BeenuBe ho was present when 1 first

saw her, Hu sviui at the gate when 1 rude up, and she stuck her head out ot tho sec­ond-story window, and 1 told her 'how d'ye,' and Bald I'd he back lo Biipiicr la half ou hour. I'm no giraffe,” aua every body In the courtroom sinUetl except Ihu attorney.

A WK.tt.TtiT ninnr iw sm Tt! ITAtT.

tho young ladv had been horn snd then tho paper was taken before n notsiw, who testified that the men were men or ohsr- seter and veracity. The paper was sent to Italy and found lo be worthlBs*. These negollatlonB had oceiipled much time, and in the nieanlline Ihu young man had slowly been g.ihiliig Bonie political Influ- enne. I'alng this hdluenoe with discre­tion, the permission wo. at last given for a legal marriage.

A young lady in Boston conceived the idea that It woulil be very romantic to bo married in Duly, bhu cnnllded tbe Idea to her fiance, and he agreed with her. Alller arriving in Milan a flvc-mlnuto con- vers.ttiim with the Consul took all the ro­mance out of the question, and the par­ties, wiser and .adder, went back lo foggy I.imlon, where oniv a residence of fourteen days was iieecssary ere the nuptial knot could be tied.

The American sometimes finds himself In a ludicrous position by his Ignorance uf Ilalisn customs. A young gentleman from BU Louis went to Naples to ltud,T, and being of » sociable disposition he pre­sented lotler* o f introduction and soon found hinisell on visiting term, with sev­eral families. On calling one evening on a family whose acquaintance he hod made he was confronted In the drawing-room by the mother o f three pretty daughters. Hue wlahed to know which daughter he preferred. In another family where there WHS a daughter the brother called him aside one day a«d asked him what his In­tentions were. Afterward, being some­what ashamed of his haste, the orotber told him It wa. the custom ofthecountry, and begging his pardon told him to con- tlnue his visit, us before. The young man called again, bnt as he entered the room the stately mother glided out, tho daughter wo. not visible, and tho father was so deeply ftlisorbed in his newspaper that he did not even see him. The young man from St. Louis concluded to stop call­ing on Italian girls when he bad no mat- rmiuiilal Intentions

The question i» often naked i How do the Ilalisn. manage their matrimonial affalpsT With the highest and lowest Classen this Is easy enough. In the lower classc. emm member of the family must do immethliig toward corning a liveli­hood, and 111 thin way tho young people meet, fall Iu love and marry much a. they do in prosaic America. In the upper cUsaos there are parties, bolls ondthe opern., where young people o f both sexes meet ami where Cupid frisk, freely about with Ills bow aud arrow.. But It Is the mlddle-elnss girl wlio is kept In almost eomplele Bcrlnsiiin until after marriage.

It Is cuHtoniHry for tho suitor who pos­sesses more wealth or occupies a higher .oclal poaltion than that of the woman he wishes to marry to appeal dlroctl.v to tho pnrrtus. He bi uiIh a complimentary note lo the father, expressing a desire to meet him. No Word issnkl of love or marriage, hut every one imderntiindH exivetly what i.s niearit by tlie proilmlniiry note. He in Invited lo call aud treuted eourtcoixBly. I f lh e failier is plessed, ho Invilei the guest to meet liii wife and daughter, and then nil Is fair sniliug. But if tlie guest Is allowed to depirl without meeting tho family and with only general expressions of estoeiu he knows lie lias been weighed in tho haianee niiii fouiul wiinllng.

These niHtrlinuiiial eustom. prevail more In the .oiilli than In llie north of Hilly. InMile.ii and Florence, owing to the inllucnoo of h.re!.:a manners ondthe iireseiice o f uorihcrn vlMturH, the young l.die.s enjoy a I'reeiloin of action th.at 1. tnr In adraitru of tlieir .outhern slaters. In Italiiiu homes Iherc is more liappincs. 1he.li one would t xpeet lo find where a knowledge of each nltier’s character 1. so hitle known to tho luisband and wife be­fore they ore nnirried. The Italian him-

. self w ill tell yontldsiHilui lotlie children,I for o fthe wife he will Jocosely any, "Oh, one get.. Ilred o f her In i year'or «o ." Ho the ImppinoM. o f Ike Italian home Is not fiiiimled on their love fur yuch other, lint llieip couimoD love for their eliUdren.

It Hast It. K .p i lll■tnIlM If iBcam t* f'ovcltsl.

From Ijingmoii’a Msgailn*.Ahstinauca from hurtful things In eat­

ing and in drinking is the first of these at- Irlhutea, and It can not easily be over- rslued. The trainer knom this foot in alt eoset where he Is preparing bis pupils for actual oontesta. Iu some points train­er, differ, hut there is a point on which tliuM whose opinion Is worth any value do nut differ. A ll good trainer, and all giHKl compstltora agree on tbe rule that tlistlnence from alcohollo fluids and bev- rrages Is absolutely neoesoary. I am my­self an abstainer, because by being one I am stronger, lighter aud better than I f 1 were not, and esn gel through much work, mental and physical, with esse and pleasure. 1 also leach tbe prmetloe o f sijstioeiice unhesitatingly and boldly for the personal reorons named, ond for many other reasons rest lug on scientIQo data.

But this due. nut luflueiice me in what 1 am now teaching. Athleticism Is an eiueptlonsl practice, and If I felt that luoohutlc lluids Would, as drinks, help the athlete under any circumstances, 1 would "sy, use lliem exceptionally, just os I might say In coses o f disease. No, what jnnuence. me 1. an ex|ierleiioa I gained long before I becuuie an abstainer. I knew the value uf alwllnenee during the period of training aud the danger of Indulgence. Drink, if you must, up U> the time you commence to train; begin to drink again so soon os your oimiest Is over, If you will, hut so long osyouarelu course of prepara­tion touch not the hurtlul thing; It will be u re |u undermine all the qualities on which you depend for succesi. It will In­jure your preelslon, your decision, your presence o f mind and your endurance.

The famous trainer who taught me the four quailtloi put me uu to that. He wa. nut welt when he waa nfmaelf preparing fur a great race, aud finding him below par In the matter o f circulatory power I advised him to Indulge In a llUle alcohol to help him through. He rc»nted thla at once. It would lake away every chance, as It did In the ease of one o f nls oppo­nents. Weston gave the same testimony. When he walked 4U0 mites In five days he slistaiiled lutnlly: when he walked the 6,U0U miles in lutldays he abstained totally, and when he walked his long and nnlnter- rupted coursu from llrigtaton to London he assured me that a single glass o f sherry or nipof brandy would reduce hlsocllvlty. He was not regularly on abstainer. When he was at liberty he enjoyed ss a luxury a glass o f wine or a tumbler o f ale, but when ho wa. In competition it wsa abau- liitely iieoeasary for him to refrain alto­gether.

<i ui-l—Cariuff for Pallthfxl Woods

Of all wooilwurk tliat with ili* hltfh ramlnh pollih lathe QUMt cllfTlcruit to llMplouklnic wall-^it li 01) eaAY to mar It Add BO difnenlt lo retvklr, wrlt«w Janiei Thomson In tba Julr Lffht'a* Jiitin* JiJiiniol. Whan denlB aod •rratchoBdu not ffoi-ntlrely through the pol­ish the)' run)’ 9omi'tlmt4 be remored by rub­bing over with llu«r>o<1oU and rotten atone, UHlng a BtuAll pb'oe or fiat fnil to do the rob- htng. 4 'an*, buwrror, Bbould be u«ed ao aa not to rub tiMf hard. Hardwooil fioora. If polUhatl wlthabt»llAO or varnlah ma be ttrn wanhed with (loop and water, and then thoroughly ruIdKMl with a cloth wnt with oil ami turpen­tine ur kcruaene and waltir; thla will uiake them look na well m wbeu new. Floura fln- laliiHl li)r the w&xen metbnd of nttranceatora niay he rrv lw l by the U7»e of tiirpeatlnn.

BABrSLIPE IN THE BALANCET h e S im p le P reven tiT e o f C holera

In ihn tum T h a t Is 'W orth M ore Than A l l th e U o d id n es in th e W o r ld —L acta ted Food.

Now Infant live* tram- hlo In the balance. Heat and food that falla tg nourish, rauae rbolera Infantum and the exhausting dlar- rlACPa that oarriea off so many babiea In July and Anguat. <>th«r deaths ahrlnk to lo- algnlflcaiira at thla aea- Kun beside tha fearful returna of Infant mor­

tality under 6 yeara.Where moiber'a milk la deferllipe orlnanffl-

dent In nourlablug quality, lactated food b**at ■uppUen the need; for lactated food most cluaely reaemblei motber'a roilk. The Ipaala Is ■ugar nf milk in both caaei.

Whenever baby's neight falls to show a •trody Incroaae Ihr niitrtllon la fur aome rea­son imiierfect. Lactated food at tbcae timea alioukl be nsed either altogether or to aupple- niont tho natural milk. In all auch caaea tlierorcaulta H rapid gain In weight and Jndl- CAtlmw on every hand of a heaUbler, livelier, more hearty exSatenre.

Tlio cffloHoy ami mu rltlve quality of Uctaled food is to-day acknowledged by every one.

As a prcv'enitvn of eholera infantnm It la worth more than all the medlcttiea in the world,

A i a atrength-glver to growing fnfanU noth­ing can conipiipe with it- An a food that la eaay to priMitirc and ijri pare, and la liked the lltl in Ones thcmsulves, too moch cannot heeaid for It.

It haa aavod the lives of thouaanda of in* foniH wliiijn Uio lai( fow years. It baa been Ibo food of JiiimlrA'ils uf iMhles who have nf’Vfr l)et'n Hick. .Aihjve In the picture of the l-ycar*old child of Mrn. Kdward Newcom, of Loganniort, Ind., wutch was received the other day, accompanied by the following let- Icr fnim Mrs. Xpwcoul'.

Our baby barl to iiso nnlftrlal food on ao- cmint of no nurae. \Vc tried several different kinds (sf infant fondR, hut n«mo agreed with him until wc comiDennid the use of lactated fw l. Xowhela perfcrtly hpjvithy. We are still using the fowl mid rcc-ummcml U to all our frieAidft.’’

Trix Is tho eiuorli-nro nf himdrsds of imithoro In this vh-inity,mil will be the expert, cncoof liunrircils more.

Ilf A-ir.wg I'm/j r<?rr( t/,-rf" J V

‘ f t . f| •> Iir irte f/if .NAUiV

iJiN' /o (hr Music.

!■ fhi' .YKliy vh n I 'Jiipf I'Ary/ir; fcr-

,11 irrnumt.Hst /fifp (AfH rnu


How ih^ IMuod In ( hilled by Lack o f I'ur**,

rn im llic FortnlgliUy Itcvicw,The power o f spontaiiroui rcgulnlion of

the tcmp.r.'itiire resUh's in a. meclianlim wheri'l.j' nmrB or less blood irt foul to the 8kill us a result o f reliuuilioii or of con- triiot ion III'its blood vcbscIb. Wlion tho akin 1.4 Ik 'uIciI Uu vessels relax umlcontaiu a sarplua of bliioJ, which. If cxiiosed lo ordinary cxli ruul Inliueiicos, rapidly be- comoa co liT . Heat is lost lu three ways, vli., by riidintioii, conduolton nnd evapo­ration, the amiuiiila given off by these means vary hi V accord i ng to clrcumstaucco. It is .‘Bliiiiuted tliat about seventy per cent, ot Ibc Whole amount of tho animal lieat passes oil Uiroiigli the iutegmuciit.

I f tho skill bo freely exposed to cool air, much beat Is lost by l aihiitlon ; If llio air be dry and In motion, a still larger quantity of heat beonmes latent by the evaporation o f tho wsler excreted by tho sweat giaiiilH, Thus It is that, under nurnial eoudillous, a rise In the bodily tBinperatiiro enusesa flow of blood to tho skin, followed liy cooling, A man wanned by exercise nnd exposed Ui a current of air rapidly becomes oliillud, nnd perhaps rutelios ould. Lowering of the UiiupcM- •— -on the other liami, diralniltlBS tho qhrilitlly of blood In (he skin, so timt rudiatioii mid conduction of heat frtim the surfaci) are i-L-duced to a tnmlnmiu. Evap­oration and radiation from Hie Internal suffece o f tho lungs consUliito hiiolber means whereby heat 1; lost; but for our preeoiil purpose' it is unneceawtry to do uioTB than notice tha fact.

The main use of ololhing Is to protect the body generally and to maintain It at .an equalito imd proper tainiuirature, Olv- lllied mini, who Is eomuelled to wearartl- liclai ototliing, is so lur lees favorobly silu- nled than the lower animals, who are pro­vided svlth snlHcieiit iistural covering. This drawimek is, however, more than cdunterbalunecd by the opportuiiitles which clothing affords of rendering the wearer coniparallrely independent of ex­ternal circiiinstances of vlluiale.

Slated by II. U. Cocliraii, dnigaht, Liincas- h'''’ i .V."''*. K'laranii'ud over 3011 botlh'S ot HumrK.'k MUkkI uiUvn fur dyMpt^piia, a«ur Hloaiawb. biliuua aUacks, llvar ami kldnuy iruuble.—Auv.


J.C.McCBr(lyA ; C O . ’ S "

M i d s u m m e r C l e a r i n g ; S a l e .


BEDSTEAD, cn, sLike rut. n'lr.prlfi'lfi.whlle mL / I O U tiiey laat, any aiau...........

Hair MaltracMwg-rrN) |12........ R8-ooIlnir Matlru'An. reg. prJra filft...,.,.....RIO.oi)Huir Mattraaa, pug. \tr\vp faj.............filA.oolialr MuttrasH. rag. prli'o fSi'>............R'-tO.ouTlio (Yl«bratuil Diaiiuiuil Spring, thU

weIu only.................................... Ri.tHltitliurs, imy alit', from..................... r i udHalv Hufli Fouilier IHIluwa,

worth ....................................haf‘rln.|or klifcttrestiua, an)f bUo, rog,.....Husk Mftttrraa................................ Vl-OOKlbpu Mutlruas................................ Rfl.uo(.'ut,luu .Miltrena.............................. R7.uoCliumWr Stilt*, w'urtb rh.ouOfminbfr Suit, worth fllH................ ..RIO,ohC'hainb.T Suit, worfh ............. RlA.lto( ’Imiu iar Suit, wonh f;24.................. RlO.no't ‘hii«)biir Siili, worth 820..................Rllt.OOChiinilier Suit, aolhl imk, TYonoh platu

mirror, 24i2rk1nuli, reg, prlcu 8»Vthin werk for JuHt................... B90,00

pplivrgrivlp Kn»B ftt equally refiucpd nrip«<» SflJSd Oiik IdldulKianJ. r«g. prfru |1H....4i^on Sollfl Oftk Chlffunulrr,rt'g.prlcaJO.... i^.oo 0-Pt)Ot {landiiome Kalonafoii Tablo,

worth ................a............... Sl,60

C ltn lrs . O in ir s . Cliteirg.Open (J*n« Hoata, from.............................ud

RiM'klhg Chair prioeacut rlKht in two, Woveji Wire l^prlng C’otBe Wurth |«.S0. Iftl.gaHair VIMowa................................... ..Haavy Iron HvflatrmK w*g. prlca i£6..R14.00

TheM prlcea will oulyhoM gruni uuiU oiir preMUt Block ia reduoad, oa wr cannot rcpiaoa tU« inoiida at thoao prlcoa.

J. C . M c C u rd jf & C o693 Broad Street.

W.V. Snyders Co.IT REiCED PEItES

You Can Buy for the Next Few Days the Following Desirable Summer Goods:

BOYS’ STRAW HATS,In pWn whit* and colors and eomblnatlen,, all the Uteet shapes, n.'i(Ul»r price Wo., ruduoed tu................................................ ^


t imiprlalng Fauntleruy, KlU. Hallor aud Norfolk Btrlpae and mad* (lalalaa C loib, Drdfnrd Ourd, Pique, Unan Liui'k and Mcotch

(xlugJiaiti, at tba following great reUuctioua ou already r^uora prScM..................*......... .. .................................... ....... '

•■“ Ulmlilii j| $ 1 , 2 5 H I• 1.7A i •4.00 j $ 2 a 0 0

• t .l5• t . f t O at $1.50*HOTS' SPRING A N D S D H IE R CLOTHING,

In two and three>plece aalla, made from Caaaiinara, Cheviot, Blua bcrgaeTrloot, etc,, uup entire ituckuf above..............................


»D07.EN WAISTR, tu hsirllne stripes and amall cheek,. Uon- dered cuiian and ouffs. worth (Wo...............................................

At 49 cts10 DOZEN WAlSTfl. male fom the finest Importrd rhambray. Id pink and bloe coloiiaga, laundered oollan aud ouffa,r«g.price USB


Reduced to $6.75Regular price $7.90.,

LADIES' COVERT CFjOTH SVIT5___________ aWilli now cutaway cuati very ityiiah, worth $15


Rrgulnrprice $l.'')0.i

218 and 220 Market St., Newark, N. J.,W ILL FURNISH YOUR HOME FOR

$1.00 a W e e k !F o r y o n r con n try rek ltlon eo

o r M iasitle c o t ta g e yo u n eed a s tro ii;f, 'p la in , b u t ch eap P a r lo r Suit, 80in e tliiii| ; o f a

W e ra n supply ju s t such a o n e as you n eed , ttve p ieces , c h e r ry frHiiio.s, u p h o ls te re d In ta p es try , m g ' o r c o rd u ro y ,

F o r s i 5 . 0 0

During the summer there _ is nothing so cool as Mat­

ting. We have Chinese an^Japanese, Seamless, Inlaid, Fibre, Cotton and Linen Warp, at all prices from

J l f t f l J l f i l l T i t si I ) d . d U U l l O U u p

Willow, Hesa and Battan T T ^ w - k ’Rothrs, iroifl. . . . .

Put One on Tour Piazza and Tahe a Little Comfort In It

Youi Credit is Good and Onr Terms -W e l l , Hake Tbem Yosrselt

B r a n c h ' S t o r e s ;

Att opppHunltir which ahoufd ba uk.a K]vaat*g.of bjr cY.rybudy,

A CIIANI K OF A LIFKTIMK TO BUY n imc l o t h ix u a t

Ooe-third o f Wholesale CostAmlgnre’a Kulrprooma, i » Mulbarry at..

( up, ot Market at*. Nawark,tjfrlke" but WHk.whaa

V.y^r • ''0 l«a ls chilhiers at N'«w.1 " “ “F » « * * « ou lumd » l Ibla

IheMooim, and wer, "llan l Tp forrlm...'.i™ “• tbsir sUk S I truth iilmisly low flean*.

kW’di-bul M ogro n.iJUri ?'i *' * besp," and of ,tich aupertor2nt 1« r.‘.Vh " workmanship, wa wold not let luch nil opi>urt unity L>Ma bv Wa H.ngh tljcgiMrf, fo 'r“ S,s,i I ' - i " Md only iiiiB-fi.iirlh ot thn raanufort.irlng CMiicunswiuciitlj wa win(hr next 15'lays « :B iienta on the dollar. Andevrp piece of ciui 111n, ,,,St'Vrwnrk * * Mnlb«rrjr st., our. of Morkat-i?'l Ible pnrpo*# wo have out sadslMliKl deep lulu Hie prloea, w> that thefr clinapnew will suriirlss everyone, ffhle lam p u «l| ^ makes uE w.oi y U - and wS’ lu S you lino liuilneM aud dreu suits,truoserw ^ U o iid v « l f . .boys', yontlis' aud ehlldreu^ clotlilng, ail kluds uf iH)t waalher ololhing at lata iliaii wimt Urn Ubor roat to nuke th* ul ( araftiliy read a fewaof tha prloea. aud recuein* urr lhat we hereby agrea t<» furnlah the gtioda

aa cheap aa f bar are adverUHiHL Men;* Tweed dpriug Kalla, to tt hIms that..... , - - '• • —F* *"» •-xa,s», vyt LU M Hisen, loati

an aula all uvor towa at tlU ami |IJ, ara ><5. If you flud ibiu tkeaa aulta

— Ip. or you are dliaailafled, brtu Hie® bwk anti we will return >uur ®ouay.

offer^ at |( Hlk ■' lint cbea

V* a T* * jilur muuey. *"K *’‘* almoat glranaway,

Altil Arabian r laaiiel bQmruerC’oaUaad Vatla fir mim aud Iwye, worth $$, at 86e. Kumm«r Jwta, 5Sc. Alpi^a Coal*, $Lfi0. raaiilar orlca $A Kim^ucker ( ‘uala aud Veata aHSc. Olllea Cuati, ftOr. Una KUk Molialr Toata and Vwia,In nil rolurischecki and plain, $].IA and IS.f&.

'I***? $7. Hllk Alpaca Vaati, worthK at 55ce Aiao Ltuen Diutara, Pajita aud villa.

Fine nay Diagonal Drew Bolt*, sock or out- f7»7. wortb Iffl. for i m Ws ofht about TOO • Light ( olun’d Bulty of niiieil cheviot and oos- simenw, el fc«l, VAU, 17 and *8.1(1. worth ess. ! ,? * ¥ ''“ '****• Durabro Men's Pants forTOo. Cheviot nnd (’lusliiieri) I’nuts,light or dork, colors, Oi'lkk *1.74 and I I . wo r t h double,

r tno Ooabie-hroaatod Jtlook Cheviot Hulto, handsomely mode, at *fWI, that other slotH

*»• for- Klegart I ’rluoe Alberts and ( ulaway Evening l>reaa KuiUt aailu

jlnml Atiil Aif very fine liiiiKirted rlutb, whule* prices Wi and *.11, sole price *iani Extra

Fine Dress I'onte, over kill etyles. In silk mix- lllT.'b.VSff checks ond strlioa and cords, at *2.21, ( 2.15 and »a.!U, regular price *9 to *10.leFIrtLP t h iw lie* swlebs s.^.ss &_.4 mm _ a . ____Jlrlng thla «d, with you. and If not afeowa avemhlnir hem advertfaed we will pay your car fam/both waya. * '— 'worth III, IA at ||.w*, Hoye‘ I'ania. 8tta„ 49c. and 06d., wiArtli Ilamliaate*lr. Huya'Neat IkNuble, breasted Kulm *15(1, *2,14, *l8lt. worth three times os much. Young Men's Blngle or Double-W..S.-V-. soo ,ss»s a., xtruMH .l*ou n niu^jvur imuoke-bresaled Cheviot Mulls, blue and block, atr u g ” * * " ’ * * * ' ^ * ’ “ T • —» .* n . . l . _ a - JlAiore 1 vaally

- v * * a r v a w v a s i^ S fi U D A U U UllwA-ftp n «regular price tIU. Light CalumI Cossl. Sulla for PHiths, *4.30, *4 and |4.(«l, worth doable. Extra fine Dress Sulu

tor young men and hnys at *0.44 and K.88. actually valuwi at *13 and *18. Bring bKlc anything not entirely satisfactory within 14 days.

Men's Blue Flannel Ruito, *4.«, value *10. Best Indigo Dye, pure wool, alwolutely lost rolor, (Irand Army and Shuetxen Uniform Suit I, fur t'.M, regular price *14 and ^ One thousand suits oi dllTurent kmda l^booss from,

K«membcr, that no other aiore la tbla ooua- try can aell you Budi floe clothing for any leaa than ibreo tl®«B tbcM prloiH. Be uh hand aarly autl get firat pick. Everybudy living wItlilulIH) liAliea uf Newark abuiild rudt tbla great aale at ooce.

ituignvc'i dale of FlWe Hprilig Clothing, 135- l3JMuU>errF at., cur. MAirketat. NewarkaN. J.

Open {Saturday night uatll 11 o'clock. Other avcDlnga until 8;1A ('ar fam paid to all out-of- town buyera. Lk)n't miM thla aala. It will pay yuu to come at odcCs No puaiponenent* nUa takoa place at 10 A. M. to-iuorrow at 135 MuU berry »t., near ibe oomer of Market at.. New-, ark, y. rain or ahloe, Tome early, ai^ don't mi*9 it If you want to •a 'a uioney.

The very beat gooda at teaa than ooe-half of the pHcea that other atorea atikfor ooumon- graaeaioibing,


Reduced to 98 ctsriany other lines of goods not mentioned here can be

found on our counters at Greatly Reduced Prices.701,703 a1 7i ° & D STREET.

P i n

nersw r.n.. N. J ,

n o N n o n T H h o ttse .Kovea mllefl below I.rf)ng Branch.

Spring Lake Beach, N. J.For terms and Information oddres*

L . U . M A I . T B Y .MonmouthHoiise.or Bot«ILAfayett«,Phlla„P^

A V O N -B T -T H E -S E A . 'T H E B E R W I C K .On the neean front. Sea view from ever*

room. Address FRED K. FOSTJt 78g Late of Hotel Colummo.

~ HOTEL COLUMBIoiBalmare If* J.


Newly ana brautlfiilly fnrnlabcd tbrongli* otiL Lnequalled lucatloii,7^ _____________________ M. LINDSAY*


tfader manaffamaat of W. A. Kimora; teoyaarv at Fifth Avaoui Hotel. Tola truly wo^rfal moaaraln raaori opeaa Jana l\ HtaiN no r««t ]0Df; alwrlo lubta. high aiUtuda, grand aoeaary, fine orehoitra. Two hoars from Now York. Jqoo •ea*oo, 00 chacio for rooma Table boarfi only,

W. A. ILMoRKs Contlnantal HoiaU Now York,


Is BOW proetteally a new hotel, no eipeOM having bern spared by lu present owners to make ft a complete and comfortable Family ’ lIoteL Reasonable rates. Open June 27.


T H K B £ B K S H I B £Cor. Orand and BevenUi ave., North Anbury

Park, N. J.Pleasant cool rooms, flrst-cloes home-made

cmklng, shade, t blocki f able rates. Open June L

e, t blocki from ooeoa. ReoioD-- ■ goy


OpasaJimelL 31 milea fromNewVork, Oao- trai R. H, of N. J, Moat oonvenlaat raaort la the State.___________ FRANK E, MILLER

SIJfiriSBT H A li Id ,Asbnry Porlt, K. J.

Now open. Soperior In every respect, Fpeolol rates for June. For terms, aesorl^iv map and circular address,77g JOHN BOCKAFELLER « SON.


Opena July 1. Tennn red ooed to $10 and $11Capacity, 80IX No malaria: aomoaqultoaii

amuaemaota. W. B. COLEMAN, Manager,


Is cow open for Bnnday-schonI pionles. L o i « lake, rowing, fishing i also, large grovejrtth improTsments. Forpartlculais,adanssW.H. BlCtANT, Box lA MuninUt. N. J.__________ «


Cor. Ocean avs. aud Broadway. " Directly on the Besch," facing the surf and Fietoher Lake.

Lock Box 2224. L. W. JACKSON. 48b

- T B E GESI.Goean Grove, N. J. Eioellent loektluni

line ocean view: near bathing grouiidi andaiooB v4..i;4,fi eiDP, ijDSk.. ------tho BOW auditorinm. Lnojt box 1 _4ld It. B. WOOU8TON, Ocean Orove, N, J.

T. MICHAKL'S VILLA, ENGLEWOOD,saOD, inrKV niMKimt nrvueesM, ksamar-vjwa iBUfO,moderate terma. Addreea Slater HuperioTa Ht. Uiobael'a VtUA, Englewood, N* J*

H. Js, offen anparlor Inducementa for ifiWra. Delightfuly tlioated on the Hud*

large ahaded gronndi, fintKilaea table,

'* '' ’Mm*ICl>OW»,CIlATKA3t* P* J*. 1 HOUR l> f? afagtei ftom depot; ttm

ramacatoano inlmsIaJrit plMtt: Ahady groumja;Biemy ofviirctahlea! fhilt: adiiti&fo; MrUctioverguadayit,50i MBA ALUXAiai>Ril uq

XTjtRORA LAKE PiUEfllCOBnUNM HAS ALL T ibaeorivenuecM for aUktuda of pienlet,wUk

alamertauolDrpavUioe oppii»H:ied. No Intoxioal* ag llquoni idiowad. Hl/IAM OOuK. proprlelor. ttk

DVI.AWARIg UO[T»R, OCEAl f BRA01I.-D1* racily OR ocean ; C ‘ ‘

erata. H. UlkBOLP.'rai^y on ocean ; (able aioaUant; tariDt moO-

COVUTTBY BOABD.Coumtry boa mo-lalio®FAUmSSuhE

Rurrounded by iha Itiua PoutttalnA graetfid bllla foreaia aad rapid runalug brookiL with aa aaeiaui ateoe brldgmaar ilta bmie, prodfidnt tbe flnMtand iDoatMUautlve loenery in Nbrtta Jem y: (able supplied with mlU, egge. ehlquena aPd v » tabliBs tiroduora In abyndatioefrum the form of the pmpilator ; looiilon near UhirNtown.tenmlleaaatl or D eia^rt W nei Gap; nrloea rea»onAbii, ad* dreea KHAHTLil V. HAUli. Blalrttown, 'Wayran UDuaiy, N. J.; Newark reforeDoe. ) . u lerwlhifar. prindpal Rewton (Hreel eehoo^ 338 fiuinb h fifliayUMEB BOARORHIl WAITTBDi tCRia f^ w w a u a Addreeam . BOX 111, h. X

NKWABK e v e n in g n e w s . FlUDAY, JIJIA' (J. 1804.*

LEmi TO TEE MAlfflB.T ill Em « County Dimooracy R elleve i

Itse if ol Pent-up Ffleliug;.


> !••««. rarnilr »■<! Ht. I Want,art Mayar UrtiUaurlu'r tu rimfrr Willi Thaai In llii-Mallrr uf A|ivi>l'ill»K Haiii- ocrati la OfUtie, anil ilnat llarauar Ila I'allad la They l^ t Their Angry Tar alone Hlea—** ll*e a llawnrJght tniiilt/ eayi the Mayor.

Mayor I«likuKli*r’i ailitiinUlmtion of Biuolt ilinl atfulrn uuit the B|rt«iUiliueliU li* baa made came iu tor a threat deal ot silvene crUiclim at a mndimc ol tbo Kierutive ( om- niltloo ot tho Kwi'i t'oiinty Iletiiwracy lent nigtit. Til* (avaelou war a special swiainn ot tliB committee, oallwl to hoar the n'|wt ot the Coniinitte* on Coufercnr* apjadiiteil early lait ApriL and the cnnimeiil* on the admiiiistratlou wore mude in relation to an 0]«n letter to the Mayor that tlio eoniniittie •ubinllted and which » « * adoirt'-il luiuiil- mouidy. A copy ot the letter »a * nrUerd tent to the Meyor, to 1* ih'lirertsl not later than V o'clock thle luuniing.

Tyler Pannly conducteil the meeting and Witced the lentlmeuta ot hU eolleagucii iu hi* opening remiirka

o We bare come together l»utfht, gentle­men," began Ur. Parody, “ to heal- tlm re­port ot our t'/ommittee on Conferouce ami to coniider a letter which the committee haa dratted and addreaawl to Juliui A. l^b- kueeber. tVe will aleo take occm»ioii to remind Mr. Iiebkiiecher ot au agreement entereit Into by hinueit and thn organiia- iiou, through It* ooninmtaa, ]ii*t prior to tha laat election, and to lay befoie llie [*o]ile of the city of Newark our rBaaoiui tor eiidoraing the Repubhean candidala for Mayor, We aJ*o mean to state Just how we feel m regard to the coaditionof alTalraat this time. aU'l to tell the truth. The chief r«|Utremoul of theclliien, the iKilitlclan, Urn suivessful man, 1. to ba able to tell the truth. Ho, Iu accord with Orurer Cleveland's greatest eeylng, 'tell the truth,’ « e mean tu beer tha whole truth and nothing ol*e.”

Mr. Parmly then callail upon Edward W. Whitehead, chalruiaD uf the Committee on Contereuce, tor Uie leport ot that bwly. Mr. tVhitehead oulliue<l the work uf his cuuimit- teoaluce it* appointment, and lolil how lie aniPhi* colleagues had prepareil a letter to Mayor La<bkuecher, which he theu sub- tnltteiL The letter Is signed by Eilward IV. Whitehead, Theodore Mead aud Joseph U. Wehrle, and reaitaas follows:

“ The Miioke of political conflict having ■ t public inbid aKsuiued

It* normal isinditlou, it Is but proper that


Bisllruftd I l f pr«M*nUllT»* « l Touneir*Ir'IitMJire t onniittea lleella i-la lary

iDrrease aud Appeliitnieut,The member* of Common 1 'uuncir* Com-

mltlre on Kinance wore dhapisilnled yestar- ilav afternoon el the failure of Ibe reproeen- tatlvie of the Pennsylvaul* ami Is-bigh Valley railroads lo ai'pear lief.>r* them In ragaril to the dilfen-iicet between tbe city nliil the railroails a* to the money claimed to lie due tlie former for tb- vecetiuii of straeU lo the old Fourteenth Werd. Ill anticipa- Vloii of a aeUleuicut of the long standing I'lalma all the Bteinberi of the roimiiittee were present. Mayor Ubkun her aud City Conuael Hiker were also on haml. Theraib r<»d comiwule*' repreeenlatlvw had been lioliflisl Ui attenil tlie meeting, but they <lld not even send aicusee eiplaniing their uuu- *I)|aiaraiu'e.

City Treasurer Arbockle uetilloneil the cciiimitteo to luiTca*e ths salary of Clerk Nulty ill his oflice fromll,bbb to tl,3uU. .Mr. Arhuckl. eiplaineil tUo duUtw uf his assist- ant, which, he sabl, wer« arJumis aud on- taiifNi Tht rlfiiL nlabors, be said, were iucfisu*! reiwntly uu- der the now law. Ahiermen Hurrtgan champlouisl llio clerk's cause aud waiibsl lu# lucreaw granted. He was on[s ee. I by Atder- iiian Htaiiisliy, who coulauded that It was bud policy to iocriwse salaries at tlie p iW nt lime, when the (mlicatloii* wore that Oie rlly would iieasl all the money it t-ouUl spare for the Poor end Alms CominilUe during the coming winter,

Tbeiiueslion of oivmomy was being de­bated wbeu Treasurer Arbiickle broke lu and. after telling how just the im-roase wuuUl be, laid:

“ Can you uot take the emoiint ofl my saAry aud put It on tu hli 1"

Tile i-ouiuiitlee would not listen to tbla lUggesUonaud finally compronitsed by in­creasing the clerk's salary to tl.'JSO, Aldsr- iiiau Stalnsby volmg aye with tha other*. Then Charles W. WirU wi* ap(HUnte.l au mldltionnl clerk In the troaiurePs offlee at the rate of 11,0110 a yrar. It ne* sahl that the apisiiutmeut was mailo necensary under Ibe new order of paying off, anil Mr. Wirts'i dutita will be to write up Ibe |iay rulU.

The Mayor was askeil to execute a ileed transfertlttg a piece of projs'riy on War­wick itreet to Isaliella A. Mailleld. This is the lliat case where the city has sold prop- erty iiurcliaaed uniler the Martin act. City Counsel Kiker was asked for an oidolon, and he re|dia<l that the city had the right to sal if the sol II tig prkv covered all claliui. agaiiuit the pro|ierty.

Mnyor I-ebkuccber ask»i that Frank H. Clarks name be ptaceil on Ibe pay roll a* stenograjiher to the Mayor, at a salary of Hit ]ier mouth. Tbo request led to some good-natured liaiiiusge at the Mayor's ex- [leuse, Alderman Pteiushy askiug If they could not vote on It, and then inqtiiniig


The Major’* Ceuisa tlueslinneii in tha Cnunell Kfeetlng—Aldermen l>e-

elareil Out of Order.When the laliiuta* had been dlipoaed of at

lb* meeting of I huComiuoD Council uf Vail»- btirg laat night. Mayor Maybaum reported that he hail suaiiended ppeilal llfllcer John WeUher from duly last Piiirlay for behavior unbecooiliig au ulll.wr, but that be liad fouuil nliii on duty on the Fourth in spite of the aU-.]eusiou. ill expishatiou Altlerniau Kniith said that bn thoqgbt the Mayor had Is ken the isiwer out of Uit hands of tha Polit e Committre, of winch he was a iiiemlier. end lliat ba dtd uot think the 1-011110)1100 ought to be entirely ignorei! lu the matter.

The Mayor rulatl Mr. Krulth out of order, but lalar uu In tbs inreilug, when the re|«>rt of tlie Poltce Committee wat rts’ctveil, he stateri that he liod simply ,lone what be l>e- lieieil to lie hisiluty m the matter, and that luiti he failist to do sti he would have Ueu ueglwting that duty

Alderman Nagi'CummiTtee, said that sr ird bad couio to Ins


Articles at Cost Articles Below Cost.Articles at H a lf Cost ArticlesatLessTlian Half Cost Articles at Your Price.


B B O A D , H A L S f lY , N E W A N D W E S T P A R K STR E ETS .

Qnalitj Preser?c(L Positive SacriOces. Bona-fide Offers.No SnbstltQtioDs.Goods Plainly M arA e i AH Prices Special

cllMLr«Ml nwftj, and lb«i public mind AKsuiuei

WI thould iu>w ramiud yuu o'f a illHiQcl'

freeioviit «Di*r»d iotii betwwii a comimtUM our onranlxatioa and ronrittilf. U» tht»

appoiiiiadM. Th» Mayor r«pU#fI lhat tha iiiflii'j* iwrvu'W were (d^ uied by the legi

young ke legal

asn of 'fifth of April last you appearei.M>efor« our cornniitUa At tliAt iatervlaw, after a pre- iiiuinary itateoient had Ixwn nuule to you that the £»Ma County J>enux?racy did uot Intend to aalc you hk appoint any oue of ita tuemben to ofAoe, nor Jid we d «lr « you to contribule mouey for our uae, the following quetitoni were propounded to you:

k* Ooe—' If elected Mayor wiU tou appoint to office any oue identilled with the ring now In control ? Your answer was, ‘ 1 will noL'

** Two—* When Democrats are to be so* lected will you confer with thU t^^maiittoe tK'fore inch appointmeata are made r* Your answer was, * 1 wdl.'

'* Upon Lb - Btreu^h of these pledgee, Mr. Lebkuedier, you were endorsed by the E-hmx County Democracy for the office of Major, Uur part of the agreement ha<j been UJLMt conectentiouiily kept: your's hisa not. At no time has this organi;utiuu solicite'l you for office, nor has auy inditidual muoiber aaked you to appoint hiaiaeif or otben to place.

** it if BuacepUble of proof that cerialn ap- pointiuouU made by you were mu<te at the Dobeet of the *iing.’ and it ia the boast of theet oormptiontMU that they eucceedeti in working tckelr men in. *roiitii.a make ■trange bed fellows.' This has been deaJ'ly demouatrated during your abort eucvQk* b«hcy. Aim hare l»een appointed to office who hare no qualification whatercr for the duties they arc called upon to perform, aud U will be well for somcot theuatf they tender their resignation at «iuce*

•' We are lutw oonrincod thiit what you stateflattbe luterr sew with our cojuasiltee waa siuiply aiiautc-electlou promiae to curry fav'or and sreure uur aupporU tVhaterer Yiew you may take of s>uch conduct, we charge it to be a riolaiion of a sacred plwlge. You stand today, air, before the people of Jiewark guilty of treachery.

'* We with the respectable eleruem of Tonr own party in cuudemnatioa t f your ac­tion since you hare been in office and relegate you to the company of that class of siuaU l>olUicians who know uotbuig and consider nothing save personal iutei'eet.*'

After (bo> letter ba<i Iwen rtutd Theixlore Mead said that In the faue of the fair aud open tnauuMr in which the antC'Clectiou cou> fereuce bad been conducted he wan at a lues to underetaud by what sophistry the Mayor wouldescusA himself. .Mr. Mead declare.1 in faTorof semliug the letter at ouce.

Joseph H. Wehrle referred to the Inter­view between Mayor ijebkueeher anil the committee, end declaretl that the Kepublicau candidate was giveu distlUii'Uy to understand that the Essex Comity Daniocaicy wanted no offioes nor favor* at bii hands, but sim|>ty wanted to know whether be would ** curry out the views of the party in regard lu the war against the Hng.'’

Mr. IVebrie then gave wny to K<lward W* Whilebsad, who spoke of the objects of the organiEHtlou aud of the pai t U has taken iu the recent caDi|Migus.

*'We have been for three years fighting the most t'orrupt rlug that ever any city bad Id control, We coniiidered ths nomiuation of JamsK M. bieymour a strong one. Mr. Beyinour was, and Is, the pei*soual frlrud i>f almost every member of this comiuittee, and we thought much of him. hut we did but cotton to the gang that was behind bis nomluatlou. We callsd upon the two caoditates for a couferenre aud asked them uuesUons in regard to their courtM if elected, tileymour dodged the Isauv, but Lebkuecher i^me and made promiHes Id re" gaid to his courHS, He said that w here Demo­crats were to be appointed he would confer with us. We told niiu distinctly that we waiited no offices nor any of ma or his pai'ty's money, but that we wore afraid that the old ring would attempt to diutate appoiDimeuta Aud so It trauspired. A t least tWo uumi- luAioni, we have reason to believe, were mode by him at the diutatiqq of the rutgi and we will presently licipand the resigua- tions of at least t.wu of hi| appolutoes.

** Let a man have the truth on his side and he needn't be afraid of the devil. No letter that we can write can be severe enough'’ said Michael Clark.

The meeting closed with the election of Henry D. Russell as a member of (he Execu­tive CommUWe.

Ihe letter was delivered at the Mayor's office eurly tbW mornttig, but It retimined uiiopeued until after 12 o'clock. On reading It, Mayor Lebkuecher rmiiarked to a Niiiwa repjrteri

This it a downright Insult. That li all 1 have to say about It now, but I will reply to it la te r__________ ____________

Thf. iJdlM of an ifpetuUm<ni6«j-aC pMpfs u> rcoU U. .tfjiW Hu?(ai tif IM If£Wfi art toM «v»rjf itay, yiw tUHU thal Dkinp jjMiPle rutd £00 POpfT enary

under what authority the appointment was iiiade. The iiiflii'j* wervu’ deiMlllUHIkt.

VVilUani Wanh of S7 Prospect street, ask^d that he be allowed avmpeusaUon for hia daughter’s clothing, which had been de- Ktroyeit. The wriler explained that his little girl fell Into a sewer basin that was out of rt'i>mr* at the coraor of tValiiut stiwet and liaLlr'wd avenue* last Saturday afternoon. The t ’ltv Counsel will pass Upon the claim.

d ty feXiiert Jtewsou r*}>ortiefi thal he bad exaiiunad the books of the Comptroller's offii*e for the year eml«xl Det't mbep :j|, iHtfi, and found them (virrect. The aiuouui of money Uiat passevl through the Coiaptroller’s Imndswaw Mr. Hcwmou sug-

Et'flted that a separate l>uok be procured to eep track of uii?iA‘e}laneous locomae. An­

drew K. Hrady, who has been connactetl with the Comptroller's department, was transferred to ibo Auditor's office at Mr. Runyon's requeet.

There was some talk about the absence of the railroad peo(de, aud Chairman Hmith. Alderman Huiusby aud Robert hchlegel were appolntCKl a committee to exhaust every etfurt to have the geiitiemeu meet the committee to-day. _______ _


8 lt«»to lie Looked tp and Plans Obtalded at Irvington—Traetlum's Contract*

Whether it would be better to build a new Town Hall, or simply erect a fire bal), was discussed at length at last oight’s meotiag of the board of Village Truatees at Irviugton. Trustee Adams urged Immediate acTtioa. if t^e board would adopt the Town Hall w heme he would support It, but if It should not adopt the w.'beme he thought it should provide a hutae for the firemeu at once. He submitted a plan, which provided for the erection of a building and the purcimse of apparatus at a cost of EhH) of whichwas set aside for a bow carriage, for a book-aoil-ladder wagon, |j6d for hosa, 1500 for a lot and II,5UU for a bulldlug. He pro­poned to issue lire bonds for $500 each, which, 'Other with the IlgCNK) per year now raised %ui’ ffiw purposes would Aefrfiy the <JO«t.

The Fire Committee was fnitruetad to view sites and obtain plans and submit them at the next meeting of ihe board.

The Traction coiltraot ami Mr* Young's refusal to sign for (he Consolidated Company, and hit proposal to get the New Jei'sey TracUon Company to sign, were talked over. Mr. Headley said that with thaicontraet the village would be nu better off than it is now. It was decided to notify tQe Township Cotn- inittee that the boaid was of opinion that no franchise should be given until the coutraot be Kifmed by the Consolidated Company.

Wfillam Lair<l aod James Maitland were eUcted nieinbei-s of the board of Health. Charles bweezny was appointed a special officer. An ordinance tor the laying of a sidewalk ou Elizabeth street was read a first andaeccjuil time and oniererl posted. The '\uior Cbnuiittee reporteil that water biui bSeQtui'uedon,,and that there was a full preSbre.' Thl^y-eigbt hydrants bad been placed and IS?,4^ fwt of pipe laid. Petitions for water were reueivad irom Park and Lin- cola places.

P. Heilly, of Orange, was awarded the coutroA’t for laying sidewalks at these fig­ures: Crosswalks, cfluts per Iluaal foot; tiriewalkiL, 1.5 ceiiU per s<iuare foot; oobblu walks, tl5 cents per square foot. It was do* dded'to lay crosswalks on Cllutoa avenue at the intem (?t1oii of Colt, Grove and Tweuty- •econd Streep and at Myrtle and Hpriugfieid avenues. Lights were ordered placM on Elmwood, Uak, Maplsi» ChiiMter aud Lyon avouuea.

dermau Nagel, chalriium <if tha Police iiiItuni, Htidtbtit wiirit had ci«ni*>b> Ins

ears tliat the Mayor ba I told tba ofib-em of (he tjoroiigh to takt« rmlt ni from no nuc but birn |,the Mayorl. The UtttT state«l that he had never giveu to any one to ignoreany of tbe member* iif thr Council-

•• Put we liave heard m), and th^ offii‘ers nre said Alderman Mnnth,let's have the matter o«t hrro.”

“ This nnatter 1X11111*11 up under the head of Qileofllanoouii liu»iiietu, so you are out of order,*' sahl the Mayor.

There the luatler dropped. Welsher offered hh resignation, whk'U wasacceptrl.

The clerk rupuried that there were teo liooiiMe foes ilue the lM»rough for salixuts. iiorougU Coiiusel Timi'>tby K, Ht'aleeeoot in a wntteu opiuion iu relitiou U> the publish- lug uf urdinaium Tlie Coimnlttee on Legal (Jucitloni waaterl to know who had author ised the couoiel to give a written ouinion un this matter, and tbs Mayor stAtml that he had done lu. as he had deemed tha matter oue of Jiiucn iiiq>orlani*e. After nuu'h ylli cus'flon tue optmun woe reooiveLl and a rWo- lutloD adoptcHj tnakiiig tbe South Orauge HufJefia the official ]wip«rof the IxirougTi. A reMdutJon wa alno iulopt«il that hereafter the counsel give no written oplnhms except when ordere<l to do mj by the Coiundttaa on l-iegml tJUfiHtloni .

The Cuinmittfiti on Streets and Highways I reportsd that tlieivorkuf lUliug upthehiU on Hontb Orange artfuue hai lieen Lxmiidtted in a very satisfactory mauuer. The Cum- iuitt4x ou LamjM r<'|Kirt»l that in its opluiun tliH pretwrit syniem uf lighuiig should l>o re tatiiixh ae the conmjltb‘e bud aw'enaiueil that arc lights would \m too exiHuiaive, aud that no bid* had beeu rw’eived.

The CommitUw on Water reportad that It wo* in cumiuuniniriijin nitb llto C<unmim- WHBlih Water < 'otuijauy iu reganl !<• an offer t i furnisb water •ui an exclusive contract for fifteen or twenty years.

The Mayor state 1 that he found he was In error in apjKiIntmg a Hoard nf Health at the tail uieetiiig. os the law itatw that an ordi naure must be pa’«’»«i to th.it effoct Mr. AMhenliach preseuieil au ordluanoe creatiug a Buard of Uealth.


= = A l t e r a t i o n S a le = =Is marked by the attendance of people from lon^ distances as well as from every por­

tion of this city, and every customer is our advertiser, for none ever before saw such bargains. We give here another little sample list ot prices:

Oar SfiO Pirior Sills, Onr dumber Silts, Oir $39 Sideboards, -



i ’W'. 8!)k Rtripfd FlauDHi, unw at.....3-V. Silk Ktrlj^d Flannal, now at............

Ouilng Fjiinnvl. now at....................r.k’. emiiiig K|niiu«l, now at......... ............. t*o1*<-. OiMliig Klanufl. nuw a i....................... Or

B<>d Hurvotis, tiow al. ...........l,e5 Wiiilr iV*d Spreads, uuw « t .............h5a

VVhUat'oUoa'illled Hod Cuiafort'*.now a l........................ ...................fiH.05

|iLM& Wlilta Coltuu-Alicil had Cutnforts.now At , .........................................fil.lW

|M*4 (Yldlo e otton-1UI«*d Hed ('nmrorls ftL^i^yi.lil lU*il romfoftn, liuw at......... ............t '. JirrK* iiiugbamii. nuw at.......... .I2f. DrcMft tdagl>am0, iinw at................3h‘. llrsriK Oiugfioiu*, now at................IJr. and l'«C. Fwieh l prealf*'., urns at — tk'. liKllgu liiua Calico, tiie Deal, now at.£>r, Kre nrh Satlae, now at...................'idle, Frcneii luiw at........ *.........]5(-. Krenrli Dow at..................iiOr. ('linilicSi, now Ht...................irjc.Wo.jl Chattlv«, now at..............Ii'n'. and be. <‘nttn:i Duck, now at.......l:ic. aud ijc. Figured l*awu, nuw at..


The folktwitig ordinances were lutweed: Re- ■{iocling dog lax: iTNiUug the oilU'e of Dor- rmgh Euginoar; Uj praveut the dumping of garbage. Tbe following roeulutioiis were adLipt^: Alakmg Kpecial offic'er*'salary p«rday;to adverle*e fur l.lMMl feet of ma­cadam. The t'olleclnr was luKtruete<l to make a moatbly rrjjnrl in the future. Theo­dore \V. Hall was scli-cta*! a* spoe'ial officer to fill the vacaucy i-auued by tbe rctigimUou of John Welshcr,

BefoM the meeting ajljourned tbe Mayor called tlie atteutiuu uf the Council to tbo matter of public parks and to ibe fact that a Park Comuiwtiou hud been aupqlnted with the view of eatahlisblng a belt Uue Dark to run from, the n »rtl>erly iwrt of Newark, tliruugb Blouuitli-ld, MoutcUir, and along the ridge of the tuumntalu through Routb Or­ange. The Alavur cikiieiiatttmtioo to tbefai'l I MunmMi's Talcum Powder, that the l*ark should lie exlendcfl | lie*


Gnr intH?. Maaltn Kettles, Dqt., for Me. each.Uur ;LV, Maalln Kettles* 4 ql., for 17*. each.< Dir :ibc. Moailu KetUfS* 5 t|t.« for each.Uur tiV. Maalln KetUe^eqt.. for each.Our UaHlla Kettle^ * qt., for '-iHe, each.Oiir Maalln Keltlea, 10 qt., fur •'Ote. each,OurAMc. Mailin KetlliMi, ISqt., for STe. each.lUirU-inch Grouud Puts ur Kutiles, 741c.

earh.Uur 7-incb Orouad Puts or KettiLis, iVc.

eiM'h.Our N-liich Ground PoU or Kettles* #9r.

ea« li.tiiir W-im h Ground PoU or Kellies, 37e.

each,t»UT rt-lncli Gruiiud Rntdera. lOr. each.Our 7-mt h GruQiid Hplden. I Ic* each.Hur p<-inrh Gruuud Hpideri* Me* eoj'h.Our No. 1 Gniund Boolch Huwls* Me. each.(hir No, LMrrikund Hcolch Bowls, 10c. each.Uur Nil. aUround Pk-otch Bowls, Me. each.Uur ikn\ Uatvauiaed Tea Ketilem H lu., 4'ie.

each.UiirCcn (JalvaDlxed Tea Kettles, 7 In., 45c*

ea<'h.Our iW'. Oalvanlzod Tea Kettlaa, B la., 4Uc.

foeii.Oiirfl.™ .Mrs. Polls'i INilBhed lrone*d.lc.

set.Our II.lU Senalhle Iruna, nickel plated, fibe.


.Iiifidoren Men'a aud [Allies'Fine A11-81Ik Tsek oTul Kmir*bi-IUiiil Scarfs, lucludlng the THipuiar reversible and woahablo China silk bnir in-hauU*, regular 3V . to Alteration Sale Price

10 ceiitii.Men's S,(WULlueu Cuilors, regular 15c., Rale

PricelO cents.

Cuff*, n-niilar lar., Fiile 1*110*

lO cents.Q111.IIIJ Cuffe,

l'ru«l.iU) lliiea, regular l«c.,

lOc. |Hilr.

I lliitlercup Soap. reg. lOc., new ?r,I Itabcskiu Softl»* rcg. IHCre uuw Uo*: pear's Soap, reg. Iw.. now He.I Woodbury** Fai ial Suap. reg- iV?.» now Ific*I f'utirnrai^p. re;. 14o. rmw lie. Habam KlrSi>Hii. willi hix'k nf flue photos* reg.

now lOc.: Lyon's Carbolic or Sulphur Soap, reg. 10c., now

reg. 1.7c.. nuw

Ou r Driiiptng Pans, sheet Iron* any size*'sarli.

Uur |1.«T> n&Uinaore Roosting Pans, fb c*


ladles' While Iiliien ChetnJscttes* manufao- turcr'a sccimd*. rewntar I5i.\ to 45c*, Bole Price

lilc. each.Fsney rhomUray PhefnlsHlei* with tarn-

iHick cuffs tu maU'h, regular Mte. to Tdo.,

etfS cents.|*adlts' All-Unan White Standing ('ollan*

regular llltae.* Kale i rlcc

5 cents.

through \'aiUbiirg, and he adrisod that a cumuiilt’Se be appointe<i with that Idea tn view. A motion was carried to that effect, and the Mayor nsiued Aldermeu Ascbenbacli aud Uruitli.

SLcsfluid's Cream Dentifrice* rcg. loc., now

Vamdiue or Pctrolenni .lelly. reg. fie., now 3c, Kiir..nlonl, rcg. 4bc.. now 31k*.Tspi«n’i Hwrtii-Dowin reg. Idc., now 7c* Hiuluiil's Perfumes, with buttle, rog.iuc., now

!41r- 0*.Bus. Tnllct Waters, rcg* $1.25 and$1.03,

now tMtc*Almoud Meal. reg. ITjc, and now

litr* and Uttr.Kttg Kharnioxi and Egg Julep, reg 89c,*

now 3i»p.TisjUi l^jvder* reg. 2.V.* now Me.

Baynnuiand Florida WsLer, reg. nowI Ac.

Tooth Hrushes, reg. 10c. and 15r.. now 7c.lU'g. :ific. aud 3fs'.* now 19c.

Rubber Dfcaslng Combs, reg. ate. u> 4kc.* now

AtoTuUers, rcg. and Wtc., new 4«e.Kverythlng else reduced except restricted



Counsel Friee's Opluluiii—Cracked Ktuue Contract—A HavingSclieute,

Township Counsel Colonel E. I* Prh’e p rin ted a batch of cplniuns bo the South UruDgo Towikihip Committee last night He reported that back taxes could be <-ollrctcd in V'ailfburg If levied before tbe c-rentioD of a bi'irough; that the factltaal only H.OUO was voted for township purposes at the last elec- Gou did Dot limit tbe eS]icnses, but limiteil tbe amount of taxes to be raised for Uiat year; that if the committee voted to expend any money over the $1,01)0 appropriation it was not liable to indictment, amt that the noaDDor in which back taxes should bo uel- lected is prescribed by aUtuta.

Cbainiiau Foyle r^>rted Ifiat the conunit- tee had no power tb ap|>nint couttables in Maplewood, unlm ffien would vuluut^r to act witbuut feea I d regard tu the com­plaints of Maplewood citizeus ('oncernlng tlie ruuDing of cattle at targa* Mr. Foyle reports ed that that question was covered by a tilate I

Basement Guodi Almost Sawed In Half—ITicch Hammerou aud .Kurawed Down.

OurTfic. Solid Steel Hammers for $9c«Uur ’IS*-'. Solid steel Hammers for *9c«Our tR<'. . jlid Steel Hatumerx for 3Bo*Uur fV. Hhlugliug Uatcbeii, 3Ue.

TUese Are Warranted Bi‘St Hteel*

Malleshle Iron Rakes, any sIep, regular 19c., aW’., 27c.. ah'.* I7r, eac h.

tnii'. 1) Handle bliovelBur Spiidee*solid shank, 4r)e. each.

49c D Handle Hpadea, solid shank, 3&e* each.

UV. 8crewdrivers. 7r. each.Uur 8t)c. Family lirludstouet* 60r. each.

Garner's Best Dercide Bhirta, with two de« tached i*ollanand pair onffi, soft or laandered IsMoni. incIndlBg the " HellabU inake, rcfOa lar tl.iku, alteralTun sale price,

95c.Garner's Peroale Negllne Bhlrta* light blM

ehecks oml siriMa* *UgUtry diaooloredln Uiu* derlug, regular w ., tn-toorrow,

49c.Os* to eaefa cnUoiMT mly.

All onr Riwt Oiford eqi! Mtulme Uih ireAt NevUlM SltlrlArefulu tl.Mto p^ln,


Men'* Flo* H«lhrl((an Xhlft* end Drawers jieerl but tun* un (blru.euFportartondrewm. value 9k'., altorilton *aJe pHoe,

25c. each.Men'* Finn Nninni*r Merino Rhlrta and

Dneren, ■Muudaut Uc. gooda, alUta- lion sale price,

35c.f 3 for $1.Met)**naun Hhlrta, lone or abort *!***■.

Alterallon sale price,


Mm. Onr 69c. Toadies' Knox Trimmed Sailor Hats, wliite aud navy blue* only 3iic.

All other Hats reduced.Men*e Finest Two-thread Mj*co Yarn Tan

Hair Hose, high spllred bfe), double toes and soles, reg. :14c, Alier&uun tiale Price lAc* pair.

Men’s F.itra Twf>-lhread Fast Black Half Hose, rt'g. lUc., Altcratiuu Bale Price


Aasorted styles of T>arl HuUona, ragular lOn. ami tfic'.. now Ac. d>ix.

Ksii'cy Pearl Iliuiuus, regular 15e. to 18d,* now l'4r. duE.

Kino Silvered Bueklei, regular ISo. to 19c. styles, nuw Hr.

Fine Kilveml Buckles* regular 25c. to B5o., now Ittc.

Fine Hllvored Rucklea« regular Bft:. to 4fit’., now

LaLlles' Bilk Ho!U, regular 58c. and flOc., now 49r.

I.tulles'Bilk Belts, regular 7fio. to Wc., now AUr.

Metal Belts, regular 4Q(\ to 80c..« now 1 IN*.Larlles' Ijeatbrr Brils, regular 26c. iu 69c.,

now I9c.Everything fiso reduced.

Affl'MMs.Winsnr A NuwtoTi'a Oil <'olors, regular 7c.i

now 6r. tuba.La i 'roll Oiilna Culors* regular lie. aud ]4c,*

now tti*. and 12c.Japane<>e Gold Paint, regular 15c., now 19c*(iuidiuigluaa Gold Puiul, regular 35o., dow

I9e.All Brushes reduced 20 per cent. Erery-

Ibiog elae rvduuud.

Tni&ks worth |3.fin, C4.49,('ouvaa Trunk worth |A,Zlur Trunk worth $4.10, Ci.as.Grain Leather Club Ba||« worth fl.llk $1*^ Grain Leather Extra tleavy Bag* worth $$

• 1.79.Alligator Bsk* worth tAfft, S l-iT i Wlliowware baskaia, all redqced.Extra Inducaroetita in ParaeolA faffata Bilk. worth 14. Ai.Fancy Coaohing, worth IS, •!.$••Best Quality HiTk Mau Umbrella, worth $1

• l.iH.leodlfts'Macklntoihea and Storm Coats, Mr

regular $9, a i.ih : our regulu |1W, •i.$ i| our ragti laj $4, ah.ii*

Ijirga assortment of Solid Silver, Gold Plstuu aud Real fihell Hair M di^ q oil latest designs, and sold regularly at to $4.91 July sole price will be

35c. to S2.9&Plus, Drop and Henw Ear-rLaga. Cuff, and Btud Buttons* Bllck Flat, Fob Cbalaii


MmjrnlDf Jewelry Id great variety, ■" '■ ” — Bar.rlnga, ' ' “

Huai Gnyx mnuntcfl on solid from $LIP9 to |5.$B, tale price


Men’s Fins tlauge Ksamli'S'' SDcke. reg. price i'ic.

Extra Quality Mixed ]2>$o., Alteration Sale Twenty

PatentGUxfld Donvala

Oxford TIl'S. all si7.us.CAsee of Tiia lias'

. . ........ . “ Ip Oxfo.thousamii nf pain have been o'dd al Uck:.. lo-


V u t to He BeUeved o t an Obllgatiari, but See no 1Vi.f Out ot It.

Andrew Hartfa, Thome* Juuea and Nicholei Boyle, the bondiimen lor Tnx Collector Oaorge Clerk, o( MiUburu, ere leld to be la SD uneasy state of mind regardiag their posi­tion, and have requested the Township Com­mittee to relteve theui ot their obll^tlon. The hondiiUei!, It Is claimed, bare uo doubt ol Ur. Clark'* honesty and ability, as h* has bald tbe peelUun before and discharged the datlee in a very cn^ilabte manner.

This year, however, owing to the Increase of Dearly dl0,000 In the sssessiurats for the drainage aipensee, td>e Ootlector's bond was bicreuM from tb,dd0 to moOD. tiince tak­ing the obligation the biii)daiueu have in­formed the comiulttee that they did not un- d*r*tan1 that they would each be held t;*- •pontlhle for Uie.amdnnt of the bond. Wheit they appeared before the uomn^ttea and itlnal to be exetued they were informed that the committee oouM not grant their request unltas Collector Clark snould reeign. The bondimen then took Ur. Clark before the committee. The Colleotor was asked what be Intended to do. He repllei: “ Uentle- men, I guess Bll *tny just wbare I am,"

Tliet^dsmeu were then informed that ih.lr only i-esort was to bring suit against the Collector In tbe Chancery Court tor mis- lepretentation, proridlog they should have any imund* for snob a suit but such action would neoeesltate considerable axpenie, aud • aotUemeot might not be reoebtd before the exptratloB ot Collector Clark'* term next April.

A member of tbe Town Committee said to­day timt when the bond was aoceptnd tbe obllnUous were thoroughly explained to the bendemeh. Tbe committee wlU meet Again to-ni^t, but it bos Informed tb* bondimen ttaatll la oueble to reliave them nnlea Ur. Clark resigns.

CYCLiiita’ Bdti k t b n t .

Great Preperatlun* BelU( Hade for the. Hretlng at Asbury Park.Great preparations are being made by the

A'sburj Ii'ai'k. whevimoB for . thuir luidsutn- mer meet ou Friday and ilalurday at uaxt week. The Sew Jersey Division of the league of American Wheelmen and tba Kacmg Hoard of the League ot American wheelmeu are Interested In making this meet tbe most Important lu the circuit in which Asbnry Hark k placed. Fred J. Kerr, of (H7 Hrood Itreet, Newark, hoe t»- sueil a letter to the oaptoius of bicyoia cluhe calling their attention to the meet He says the league meet next year ihould be held there.

The prograuiiue for ths two days Is os follows: July IB, p A. U., ineollug of tbs Kxecuttve Committee of the Now Jersey Uivisloii, L, A. W., In the parlors of the

'Uceau Hotel; lU A. U„ regular meeting of the delegatee ot tb* New Jerwy division of the u A. W. in the ballroom of the Ocean Hotel; S:d0 P. I t , race* on the grounds of the Anbury Park Wheolniem night carnival on the lake and hopi at the hotels; July 1*. 11 A. M., parade; 2:BB P, U., races M tbe grounds of tbe Aibury Pm-k Wheolmea. During that day there will also be runs to Junaequan aadLougBrauch.

A New Charoh ter Bast Orange.*^**dlsh Free Cougregatloual Church

ot isasl Orange is making streuuoui efforl* to got a church building. The oongregallou now wor*hi])e lu the lecture-room of Trinity Lougreaatlonal Church, Harrlsou itreet. A ktOiAl lot luM beeu purebaeed in Ashland avenue, lietween Main aud William streeta, and the Inst payment of IBTS bai been made. It U proposed to expend about 93,000 f<w a church and the plans shew a very neat and well-arranged edlllce. The cungra^ioo count* on receiving HM from each of dfteen churches m the Oiaogdi and a nambei* of people have promised to give 9100 each. Tha poitor of the church, Rev. A. P, Nelson, was rewntiy inettlled, O j^n H. BowerCwho Is truatursr of ths btindlDg fund, is & Djtiimi D«ut aiombur of triulby “Cburch,

dogs. Tb« c!«rk was instnir'tufl tuhavesiicns printed waralriff bicyclers to keep off the sidewalks in the towaihlp.

Collector ifiirgharfiVs report sbowe'l the following balances: St'boolammat, general account, f ),162.Ul. The report also ibowod that $747.45 had bc*en collcctei) for licenses. The clerk was iQ>ftnirU'<l to orlf^r Mrs. Zimmera of Hilton, to pay her «aluun Rcease or her license would be revoked by August 1.

Johu O’Kourke offere'i to supply the town- sbip with cracked stoue at the quarj'y for ninety-five oeuto i>er ton, and C. A. LigUt- hipe h Boqs bid $1. The latter wore award­ed the contract. On motion of Mr. tiecker it was voted to fiay the different rood over- wers the following ^ices per too for cart­ing crackeil stone; No. 7, elxty cruts; No. K forly-flre cents; No. 4, fifty-fivo csuls; No. 6, forty cents; No. 6, forty-five cents; No. 7, forty-five cents In Mnplswoodand seventy-five oents north nf South Urango avonua The scheme, which w m cono<x'tC"l by the Democratic nwunbers* was heartily iDdorsid by Ueasr*. Brush and Crowell* tlie Hepublicau meinlwrs. Us adoption menus a large saving to the township over previous years.

A space of road In Maplewood avemip. about 1,000 feet, was ordered tranHlem-<l from road district No. 6 to No. 7. Tb« tlou as to whether tbe July llL'enseB iu \ ails' burg should be paid to Houth Urangf or .Vaiwburg was referred. .

A t the tneetiug of tbe lawimhlp Booril of Health Dr. lli'bbi>rtou reporte-.l that th -i n exift^ in the township one rose of diph­theria. He also rei>orted that the dumimiK of night ioll on the tkmtb Orange Moutiialu had beeu discontinued.

li'Rii Suck- pair.

, TL' . lUf. aud iSalu ITioe 7c*

X <Jjcatltsr ......... .dinf pamorruw we place them un sale for

67o. per pair.


Fleganl PIsBrd Wslst, tif Jltlit colored Kn-:u li srtiine . standime cnllar* ruflleovcr shoiildui, roi{. |1.2fi, bale Price 4Uc.

(hldft anil Kndft In Cambric. Fanevn-nd Hair I.itie I'crciile; also White Ijawu Waists, reg. li!( (o .Sale Price kSc*

lot Navy Bine and Oardlnal India Silk varluiis stylet* vvere $3.ib lo Sale


Lsilics' Paris Kid Hand-Sewed Bliichcr Cnl Citffrd Ties. Thin Is as fine a shoe loi U nindr, ami wi‘ hnve always sold them at $15.47. lu- uiorruw we cut them Just to

Saving you $I a pair. *

I adlcs' Tan-Colored Goat and DlajroTial Khl pAtt'tit Ivcnthef Tip Oxford IHes, regular gouds, fur

05c.Misses' and Children's Russet Gind Tip

SurloKhcel Oxford Ties,."<ir.eB II tu 2* Biios tir H's* •

bOc. 7»c.


Two Uoya Make ThHr IVay Out of tlic Irvington Lock tip.

Irvington h*i a partial jail dflllvery last night) and tbe bceorreuc* is furolshtug lots of miiL^ineut for the rlllagere, who hffvu for a long time ridiculed what is called tlie "ovor- growa drygoods box” that server tw a ban- tile. Yesterday afternoon Officers JHiwnd- lova, WilUamson end Breuner brought eight youths, whoM ages ranged from ten to twenty yeara, to the village and k>dgwi them in ibe lockup. They were charged wich stealing fruit front tbe premii<es of Dr. Joseph W i ^ at Lydbs I ’Arou.

About a oouule of hours later the officers thought they wo Ud tee how theii chargee were behaviag themselree, and «|wQ«d the lockup door. To their astoaishment ttie number had dwindled to six. The door had not been pushed open* fieither had the roof been pushed ofl* as on tbe occasion of the last delivery. Wbeu JuatiL3« Mayfield held his inquiry, it developed that tbe two lads, who were slim in build* had crawled through the bars over the window. The Juetloe dis­charged four of the lads* and fined tbe otb$r two $1 each and ootU,

(hir 12c. Raamellfd Handle Whljiks, 7c. O'lT lUc. Pino Corn WJiUx , 13»*» f hir ik'. Feather DhsterH. each.Our 17u. Feather Duaier . fiv. rach* OurlKIr. Feniher Dasiers* 13c. ru<;h.Our !3k\ IVather Dusters* 15c, erv<:he OurHik’. Feather Dusters, itle* ouch. ^ Our 19i:, <‘oUBt^r Dartern, srtcli,Uur Trk\ Floor Broom";, hidr. ♦l.lc, each. Ourl* k). Floor Brooms, hair, *4r* rarh. ' Our $L49 Florjr Brooms, hair. each.Our lOc, fii-fub Hruthes, fir. each.Our tUii* Blbve BriiBbeA, 7c- llkch.

Chfidren's Glased Donirola Patunl l,ri>athe Tlp^prlugiieel Buttoned Huuts,sii4t:aU tu 11, for

73c.Bfjya'good qualtiy Veal rsJf l^ared Hhoei,

'Luu<luti toe with tip, aiSL's to fur


98c. to 13.49.Imltatlok Ouyi* from lOe. to SleAfie

:U0 Pickle Forks. f£,rofular»6c., for.,........*............

140 J ULrar Tongs, CQ - j -regular Wc., for..,. ......... ........

silverware suitable for Weddinf Preseuts at IIAIjF PEUCE lu LrluHs out the lines. Half price iluniN:

................. $j.50

.................$ m

*'■ 50 cisAud so uQ through the list*

Ann Derorateil Ijampe* double burner* regulafi ta)o iirlce

81,80.£47 Metal Table Lamps* regular $1,96» sale


Finest Table Lamps at

Hall Frioo.Big eut io UiDquet aud Plaao Lamp* *i

•Vt-r)' kloil. ____________

Our DHu. Ajid 11.16Bet*..

Out ll.n-i Set*.

Our 91.46 Bern..

Our 91.ir* Bnl*.

87 eta


H j t S

01.47Every piece of CUf l » r at PJeciarPrio*.

4«> Nickel Clock*ut

5 4 c e n t s .7IK1 Nickel Alarm CTucki at

5 0 c e n t s .97 Oak May ('heks* 17 Inchsa high. l$-inoll

boM), half-buur strike, regular |&4ff, sals prhsl

8-l.t50.Ii57 l lkmelled Iron $-dsy Clocks.^lneb base

U liichi-a high* half-huur Strike* regular |i4 sale price

83.10.All other Clocks reduced in price*

H A H M B C O .

Bariani Klfeeti of a Fall.£<lwarcl Hiller, of ttiN city, while at the

farm of hi* ujioIa Joeepli Miller, at Brook- dale, on Wedueeday, to which he want to pick eherriee, had a- fall which retuited lo iBjurlee that brooebt on convulaioai and -w d M iMbratral*. TbU mornloK hi* -chanOtt

s'church, Rev. A, tilled, Un^n H.of the boSdlhg fu _ _________ ___________ _

“ ' tty CongregiSlodAl 1 of recovery. w*ra itated to- & extremely



73 Market Street, Near Plane Street, Newark, N. J.,

]. 01 All Gills.B E D R O O M SU ITS .P A R L O R SUITS.

Parlor ttulte, formerly |ao, » per cent, off, now A94.

I*arlcr Buits, formerly $40,80 per ceat. off, now fiss.

Parlor Holt*, formerly 9». » l*r wn*' now •40*

C AR PET S . CARPETS,Vslvet Carpet, regular price per ysrd |L1A

10 per cent, ou, no wTaMitry Brussels Carpet, regular price per

yanl 70Cm Sl per cent off* now B«c. i, Ail-w«ai IngraUi Cisrpet, regular price per yard OGc., 80 per cent* off, bow o9c.

Bedroom tiuiti, S pleote, regular prlos $30. so per cent, off, now a$4*

Bedroom Hulta, 0 pleora, regular price $8il, SOjW'r urnl off* now Vlfi.

RcdrfKvm MuiUf regular $l\ 20 per off,nowiia*80. ' ^

R E F R IG E R A T O R S .Upright HefrlKorUo^ regular price $7* 2U

per cent, ofl, now 9li*0(>e

. Chltoren^s Carrloiret, regular prloa $$, SQ per oeut. off, now M.go.

Are Yon Rnptured?WB Cili CURE YOU IHSIDB OF 40 DiTi

Iu either aex, at all ogire. A wrllien guarantee to poeitlvelr CURB YOU O irSO PAY. ............ ' ' ■. - . . . No Catting Operallouu

No Detention from BuslDSia.

Throw Away Your Truss!WHEN CURED.


R O O M S 7. t», » a n a 10, 7 7 « B I IO A U S T R E E T . BE!V.TAEnS F R A S K L IX , M . D . . .............................Chief of Medloal Sufi.

CONSULTATION FREE-» A. M. to 61’. M. dally. Tae*day and Friday,» A. M. to , P. H. Lad lee treated at their reiltlenrea Kef erenoet at oar ofllet.

»450AP• I T F l o a t s -

Do tiot los* *l(ht of the f»mou» PORTLAND jlANOK, which 1* the meet popular range In the Bute on account of It* good q ualitlea EASY TERHA

STORINO FITIINITCRE AT 8B BANK ST. Now building. No place Ilk* It in the city. Never lows a ou.tomur after wring the rooms on account of oleunllue** and low rate*. Furnltur* moved with von* In dty and wmnlry.

T E L E P H O N E 5 8 0 .

nods D d iT e re l Free ot C b i i i i to A q j Part o f tbe State.

H A R D WABE* IB O ^ STEEti P IP ILbpeclal Agent* of the Kerrlng-Hall-Marvin tto.'* SAFES AND VAULT WO&K.

Bupplle* ot Every UcKriptlon forMAHurMCWfim, HACHIHISrs. iTEAM FITTiKS. KAILAOAOX m ut, COUmCTOnOFFICE aoiLoms, fvauc iMSTimiom. etc



15 NOT LOST IN THE TUB.nil rauofXN A Mraui oo. o*rr.

8 N e w a r k e v e k t x g n e w s . F r i d a y , j i t t .y fi. i 8 0 4 .


(“ T H K A T . W A Y S T I T I S Y S T O H K ” )YOU’LL FIND PROFIT IN PURGHI18INGAt otir establishment to-morrow, for we have {leteriiiined to make to-morrow our biggest day, in point of sales, of any during the season. To accomplish it we offer this list of unpar­alleled bargains, whose equals we feel sure have never been presented by any house.

Ladies’ SuitsO v •Btlr* ttock AlUwool ('btvlot, rkkT»rt Cloth

U)d terge Hulu li ^nr-luded Id tbit wonHerfal down. Every lult It ptrftctlr fMblnn«biy B*dt,nndthe priotb nrt ffiiAr«DWM to bt Sttpar oeat. l««i tJiimn ilmiUr won aver told for.Out t6.98 to 18.00 Suita, all reduoed to

$ 3 a 3 0 aOur tl.98 to 19,00 Suita, all reduced to$4.98.Our no and 112 Suita, all reduoed to$5.98.

I'! 49C.s a a F I ? T E I k l J C K f t l J I T S .

Btrfottr W b r mw)*, U lu«r Jiuiktu .n l H tr . wM. »k!rti, in .]] eolori, rnmliir ll.liC,

’ BOYS'ClOTHIllfi.Boys’ Laundered Shirt Waists,lU d . of b « t quUitrd.rkbliM p.n .l«, podtlnlr fu t eulor, nnr tuudwoM p.lteni.. p l.lt «lDMk Mid inmt, iH a lu

fipofUl for S*turtl*jr., $1.49

1 Mid front, rvnlar pr^o TkOi, for lo-moriow wbu* Uiof Iw t M..Boys' Washable Suits,Itndo of fMt oohir diUatw dlMh, ceabtaMlo. ooIImt Mid on Bk, liu. T*rd Mid whbtlo with such .nil,

tl-U, to-morrow tor........ 9Sc

An Unpandleled Value inBoys* Suita.

AU-wodl CkHliMro Mid ChoTlot SiltiL MofMitlT nudo Mid trlmmod la th* Utnt MpuMtiiooMortsonU of whlrh mo brok.n •itd whloh wo bOTo ootd for S1.M to ttM , wo piMlo ObHito to-morrowM the oultorm price of

^1 .98 .

LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS.White Iawu Waiits,Kilmflne mottrlnl, I wide boi pIMIo uo book uni i on front, wldo ombrolilrry eilgo.1 Jnbot down front, roron enffm odpod witii tiDbroidtrXf turn-nlowu■quArtoat oollAr of ffral^ldirr. naad* to m 11 fur $1.SG| our prlot..,Ladies’ Shirt Waists,A llo t oor |l,ai to I 1.9S fondt *n*d« of flbe penr&l H,oh^brayt, tU., 1q tbt Utr«t

I^R*rdt And oulora. tnmt tnniBea wlib laro, to-morrow our M tbe UBprecedtritod priot of

An Unparalleled Value in Ladiea’ Silk Waists,

Mad» of Ano JapAnaM ■Ilk, OAvr or hlaek, ^th dou AiulatrfpM.oitrA Iiirgr leg o' mtittoa

full front And back, rery full )ac« MgM Jib(Pt down front, turn-down ooHAr, a

!S” *'i** to-morrowwbU» ihAf Uai At



HEN’S WEAR.liATO Bick Huap«tul«rt O rp in * tiF i nnuln* inHNlis,|iUln or fiAcr wtthblng, aln>ng hifkli, Horoto* fore told At iKhp., for to-roorrow oalT, 1 pntr to rnrh ruBtomer,Atul wbllfi thi lot lAttio At.......... . .o, Ml

UUNDERBDOUTIXB SHIRTS.lUtAda of Ane rarabrlie In midlum •liAtIra. wit It yokr. trtdi oulTa, llnrd collar-hand and pock«t,rig* ularTAlui Wc., for to-morrow..,. 8Sc

49 .29 .Ladies’ Oanse Vests,F t.. Oonn, Pmoh Nret. riMro.M i, jo oil Mm ,. unallftlSa., r,- ■K.dnoMto......... ....................... iuvLadles' Ribbed Vests,Flo, Itaeo Yarn, with fMwr bm •d f, , t DMk Mid Mm, ud. coloiwl UpM, tormarlf f0c„ at,......Silk Mitts and eiomWArfAatod Pure Bilk, la bU4k only, S0Q. foodi, for HAtnnUy...,,


lieBreen Com Brooms,^TrlnU Mwod,iBiUt oApPid. good, itrong ikAndiiMi. roenJAT prfoo Iflo,, for SAturdAy only, B to AAoti ouatoiiiar At

i2l cents.

Children’s Tui Hose,Fine (ftulftr, full rrpiiUr mu]., olUlMia regular So. quoIUf, for jq .to-morrow......... ....................... l iuWhite Lawn Fronts,To b. woro with Rton Salta, high collar., la c edged Jabot down Qk.front, ngnlor Bbc and «c , at...... lUCBilk Bud Bows,For Ladle* md lien. In Sne qnal- llr allk. large oeKirtmeni ofTalue at 2|j([

-- ' " !■■■■ , >----------- ;--Oak Frame Window Screenahim flOiM Inche., with eld. alklea, and beat

queJltp of win ueltlng. out to lU enf window witnont eitra obarge, ngnlM relne, at

39 cents.

Thin Blown Tumblers,Pirfict good*. coDtAlning DO alr-boltf, ftn-

laiiifl rlma, usuaIIv sold at flPe. d<a., to-mor- ruw, d lo each, whlli they laat.



'THEFAI8,STE1N&BUU,196-198 Springfield Avenue.

SPEKDINO a t • The JPalr,' means SAVING,” wo declare.

SPOT CASH DID IT IW o purchaged a manufacturer** sample line o f Flno W lilte Krabroliiored

Law n and Nainsook Dresses and Caps at 4 0 c. on tlie dollar. The manufac­turer loses and we cheerfu lly give you the benellt o f his loss

T O - M O R R O W 1CbiMraD's Dresses,SAMPLE LINE NO. 1-

Very beAotlfpl NAla«MK>k tnokAd AD(l einbrQider«<l White RroMPO. rvgulAT prlcBA from |4 to |6 64cb« to-morrow your-cUoioe,..,

BAMPLE LINE NO. » - Dre8M« that will bring joy to fivery routbor's hoAit. armwet which ooBt roriilAr from $Q.G0 to |4, Ail go to-morrow At.

fiAMPLE LIKE N a 3- ElevAni li&tt of $3 and DreaiMB, trimmed with Yaieo- clADDet Iaoo or vary BDe mu- broidery, The lUADtif Acitiror'i loBtsDot oars,** tu-toorrow......

■AMPLE LINE NO. d White DreMea which are a real bari aln at tS.30, and often «old At fif.7ri and |a. they mu»t lie aeou to be appreciated, all go to- morrtiw,.,............................ .

SAMPLE LINE NO. 5- Don't udu thin opportunity, fine

to DrrsMen,*Tn go to­morrow at the mAmifacturer'ilOM...................... ................

SAMPLE LINE KO. C- Whtte DreaMfF. line embrnld- •red, good ebOYigh for any pet, nguiar price |i.i2A to |l.IiU........Special:12 c. aanortment of Oriental loAce, to-morrow.....................

Gentfl* Fine Colored Ralbrlggan SiilrtM or DraworM, Haitu frimt, pearl buttons, rogulur price 5Uc., to-morrow.




$ l i l

93C 61c

5c. yd 28c

iDfants’ Caps,SAMI’LF. Lt.NE NO 1-

Kl^aut Iluo uC Infanta* Capa ansilats silk, laoe or rmbrolu- ereu lawn, thjI nuu vrorih Iftw Ihnn niOMl of them worth ll.SO. All gu to-morrow.,.,,.....

SAMPLE LINE NO. 3- Infants* raw, a variety Hohlomseen ut any Jmuee. t ’e recrltoil only one cap nf u kind. RpguUr price $1 to come cRrly to get the beet choice, To-morruw

SAMPLE LINE NO.He Mure and be cm hand In time. n'biH lot coiitniiie iHiauilfiiJ raps from T c.. lo |1. Yrm gain by tlie uiamifacturorA* hwt, To-snur- row at.................. .................

SAMPLE LINE NO. 4-- InfunlH* t 'aius at your own price. Fine Embroidered W e fHiw, regular price from a*i'. to will be sold y>-uu»rrow h1.........

SAMPLE LIjfE NO, &- Thli line comprJfws raiw wild an a l*rgrtln for 8Ut\anil 4Ut‘, We will fiell lljcm to-iuurrow jit......... .

SAMPLE LINE NO. d- FinecajMiat prices of the com* uioueet. Corned ami Embroid­ered Cnp#, Worth from 2ie, to 31*c., to-morrow at.,,...............Special;H6c. ami fl.OO Tjaundered or I ’n- lunmlorctl Sateen or Ijiwh Hliirt UalstN....... ..Laillem' W'hlto Duck Oifnrd

t till »L%'riew, white kid Up nud luiilon pleop. reguJar price |1.% to-









160 SpriiiiiMi Avgiigi



K O T IC E .After July ist the corpor­ation,Ca n n o n ’ .s , w in sell for CASH or CREDIT ' the same as heretofore.

^Varkd, Mulberry A Mechanic aUk Nkwakik-




/ _ _ ____ _____

^H E i;i.E riL i,H AVENtFE.

I f n o t p e r fe c t ly satlsfled w ith y o u r barga in after exam in ing the goods w hen you ge t home.

To-day and To-morrow.IjuIIbb’ Ilongola ITinrt Saw*,l riUant l.aather

ri|i Ogfonl TI.b, .IMS lo », at , 9o., re- iliu'.a frumWo.

IjiiIIm ' Oanulne Tan Rawia Calf OifordTlp* IjifJo **' * * ‘ '*®‘ « l « * l pries

lailleV liongola Oifonl Tl«i, leallniwl (op auU .eallotieil vainjn, patent leiitlior tip. handiKwaa, at Sl.k,‘l, wurth tkuu,

ChiMpen'e Basnet Springlieel Button Shoes, i to 8 at +90., U to It nt und

Mlsees', Ifltutt, at 73c.

C'Lllilr.nV Dongola Sprlngheel Button Shoea. slsenS tuH, at 48o„ U toll at 49e.

Men'. Biiwet Cioat Ijios Shoes, sires f, to dal they urereiuad.to sell fur tS JS.

Men's UiiMet Calf I*C6 Plioei, sires Sin )«, at• 1 .HH, uur fitmior price vas J.TIJIS, and wo w n i rnm every pair Jnst thu same as Ihuugb lull paid $h.o0 tor tfidm.

Moil's I’ lirnii Solo BulT Shoes, slaos 8 lo », at• I •<•0. nuly II limited aiiiount of them, no more at that price when they are giina.

Boys'^illil leather lame Sboeaslses lltoS at ePi'., and H to M4 at 79c. Theso are cneap arioes, but they are good .hues,

Boy8"ran I 'olorwl I.ooe Shoes at 98c., •I,«H and • 1.49 a pair, worth tl.86, I 1.H) and

rvo have a few more of those (thlldren's Can­vas Oiford Ties loft, slaos fU to IIA*. 49«. MIbiwa’. 11 to <!, nt liBc, They uni golog f&st.

Bflj-ft’ Kensteron Kid Tacd Shoee, elies 11 to 2 ^ * i i u d f t t • L!'0» regular prlcei


#*ir £fch* oftif let Crtam Saloon,

A T 1B7 M A R K E T S T B E E T .

O ld S ta n d s • i m a r k e t s tr e e twiu wiur/i/s . f *73 DROAD BTKEET.





si?ra‘Kel 133 FIRST STREETXKhSraOKX, IQkkAa KIW4JULkk.4.

LOWY BROS..ktfwaeq AfolFarcf gnrf Rroomt Siroott,

Ijook ibr the Horse Shoe Sign Over the Uoor. •


Dcc unic

W e count that day lost on which we do not have new and attractive bargains to offer our patrons. .

Here’s a list well worth look­ing after to-morrow, for tliere’s nothing to equal them in this wide land of ours:


On eolu to-morrow mornliig from 8 la II o'clock o t ly ,! and potlllTely Dot tnuiw tlian one to each custouMr.

BDilnutn Fine Wrappen, made like cut, of the bcRt Merrimac prliiti. light end dark oob+rs, all i Ikm :H to 44 Incbea. lialf ilrHHl, lialtooD alwTM, full Watteau plaJted buck, lay-down collar, PrlncAM belt, iklrl full W iDohaa wide. Tbry nre the URUal fl.Ofi grade, but to-morrow morning weaHl ibeui at tba unparalleled Urfaln prka of

L^laa* Pareala H rappera. light eolort, well made, rut full, large reverea front and back, and \S atteau pliat i>aek, a good |l wrapper,

DU centime

WblU l*awn Wrapperc, made In baat maaner. eitra large aleeyei, full rufUe,

f* ^ ooUar and cuffa, worib

$ 1,2 5 .

Hammock and Shade.Mexican MAnnoock, braided edge, with pil­

lows and eprcailer. |L2b value,Utf CfllktN*

nolland Shade, Hartehorn roller, fancy linen fringe, 5 0 centn.

Belt Pins and Bang Combaflllysr-platnl Belt Vliu, two sIm i , oQ« plfo*.

- 3 cen tg.

Failles'fstlnloiil BangCamb,,wltboiydlMd •llrer rssei,

10 cento.Igwltes’ rin* Dnok Units (not In name, bnt

nolltyh larg, blaisr. full sleeve, ami ravens, •kirt 4 yard* wid*, a P suit, for




ir.Bailor Qata In poMi sb,ll and Berlin braids,

leading shape* and rolort, 78c. volos,4 0 cen to .

French Flower*. Montnre*. sprays, 60e. worth, for ,

2 5 cen to.

An Unparalleled Value in Men's Outing Shirts,

. M»d* pi fine ilomet nann*!, mediant shod**, lull.B Itinhis tong pointed yok*, pecket Inw r o . ’mi^,wte‘AW‘’M

2 0 centiu

Belts for Men.Is ath r R«ltii with alckal riagri and baeklag,

all ilzQM. black and tku, regular 5Uc, goods, atJIO cento.

Stireh and 01 toman Silk Star Va«t Buhe*. regular 31.90, 08 cento.

Remnants in Dress SilkaPiirah Silks, Hrocadetl Silks, Taffata Hllk«,

WA8b Silks, rhloa Silks, Haoutal Kllka aU this N'Asou'h materiaia, eloalag at Iho unlfuna prli-s of 25c. yard.

" Whnt are th* wild ware* saying, alstMT"They sAjr that you can g«t Btthiog Suits

made of grsy flauDsl, with whlU br^d, at tha Hoe Hive for

$ 1.9 8 .Fitra qualitr all-wool Flaotml Salt, plaltad

yoke front and back, trimmed with brmd, $2.68,

Very Ano all-wont Flannol Salta, profuMly trimmed ou nkirt and body with Hercules braid, large aallnr collar and shield front,$^^,48 and $3 ,08*

All nqr Suits are made with long or short sleevrs, puff nhouldtrs, very full skirtRe

Misses' Bathing Snita81,48 to f 2 .« 8 each.Fall lines of Phoet, Bhoep and Stockings

combined, and bathing Hats and caps.Pine Embroidered Hdkii,liVlth Hralinped Rdgsi, colorsd or whits emhroUlsry, regular 11 ^ 97*to 20c., yuur pick to-morrow at..., 1 vSilk Belting,In Black O nly'm Inch,, wld^ BR. rerilM aPc. quality, far SalnnUy luCDotted Swiseea,Fine tjuallty, saall or medltim sUud dots, th« usual prioi of in*whlchlsJSteeaL.a.H.....iBC

tT-inch Silk Maline Veiling, all colon, at 2 3 cen to .

I^liioh wide All-Hlik Satin and Ore* Groin Ribbon, all colon, at15c. yard.

Block All-Silk Satin Volret Ribbon. IW-lnch wide, 20c. yard.

Model Hooka and Eyes, block and white,7c. card.tiZM-Inch black All-Silk Ontdde Belting, 35c. yard.Perfection Irish IJnen Bo» Pnpeterles,

15 cen to.

L. S. Plant Sc Co.'* Florida Water,17 cento.Togeler'l Fine Triple Extroot, all odors,19 cento.

Russet ShoeaBattoD end laiiw, etrle and durabllltT com­

bined, a sure |:i.50 value,$ 1.0 5 .

Dongola BlncheretteaDark tan, laced, most dealers aek $3, oar

price down to$ 2 .2 3 .

YV-CTSIWt 0B18WIS but'kOUMO SSWIl 1st Otl


All numbers at a reduced price,our values being from 30 to 40 per cent, less than heretofore.

Select now and w6 will store or deposit until No­vember 1st Free of Charge.

L. S. PLAUT & CO.,7 0 7 to 721 B R O A D S T R E E T .

S. HEYMAN’S,2 0 9 to 210 S p rin g fie ld Aven iie .



3 2 0 0 0 .

Msrrliusck Light Calico, In nrnt flgnrcs and itrlpes, qnantlty limited lo IDyards, at only............................ qur. jir,i

ISUc. Ixinadale Cambric, full yard wide.yard

Bilra Heavy Unbleached Muslin, full I’ard wide, fine thread, will bi* sold for

m a m m o th r e m n a n t s a l e * n ^"^IHIV GOODS,

Ramuonta of Ikl+c, Striped OtAtog Flan­n e l . ........................... t .,ni4c, yerfl

Remuants of 414c. Skirt IJnlng, from S to10 yards..................................... *Jio. yard

RaiunanU of 18c. and iOc. White Isiwii, O_ to 10 ysnU..... .4U«. yard

sign Marsel IT**'-rplWtoMr'*' ><4>|'4S

MEN'S WEAR MpNEY BAVEHS,8Pc. M$n*s fiilk-ciabroldered Sukuenden,

06 iDchee long, tpaclal for HatiiAlayonly............... ...................... . ...15c, pair

100 duieu more of those Men's OutingShins, 86 inches lonf. at... .....Jl (k<. each

iS^s Ladles' Black and TanOoitou Hose, Saturdarat..*...................... pair

00c, Baby Carriage Parasols, only Elatar-flay..r........ .. ............... fifie

40n. fiadles* Shaped Lisle Thread Vests,only.................. Me

10c. l*adles* Cotton Shaped HlblMd Vestant............*....... ........ *............... , . ..,.,,8 0

00 (loKen Infants* Flue Ijawii Embrol- dtTcd Crape, In ell slsei, regnlar priceirom TOor to |L2ft, Saturday at.......... s,.49e

OHi diixeD Misses* Hlack Cotton Ribbed Ho8$, extra good lOe. quatllf, will be sold for*............. ..........................fie, p«UrHaving bought the entire etock of a manu-

faclurer of Ladles' Duok Malta, we shall place tlipin on sale to-morrow. ^l+ot 1- Regular price $2.00, 9. Herman's

price..I......................... fifiaIfUt £—Itegular price $8.29, S, Heyman's

price........................... ,61,^9I+ot 9—Ikiidies* Cambric Bhirl Walsfs,

plsU«Hl front end back, 60c. and foo.regular piice*our prto6.................... ....fifie

Lot VLadiea'hne Whlte^Lawn Shirt tVslstSq plaited back ana fnont., pnfl sleeve, regular pirl< e $1.11* S. Iieymaii*aprice SaiurdaFs.soeMM..... ............. ea.fific

T h e P o p u l a r S t o r e .

UNDEfCOVERMeant comfort jto our customers this morning while the storm raged without. They were busy at the counters, where the low-priced offering.s charmed—the “ My’s,” the " Oh’s ” the

Well, I never saw such bargains,” rose above the thun­der’s noise, and they were pleased; and so will you to-mor­row with our

S a t u r d a y ’ s N e e d s .ON M AIN FLOOR, 9 TO 12 O’CLOCK.

Best Indigo Calico...................................................... ;............. 3j^, p^y

IN CLOAK R00|, 9 TO 12 O'CLOCKLadle ’ Calico Widata, ruffle yoke, large .leevea, neat flgures and

strfpea, worlli 3'Jo.. for................................................* ..............21c. MOlk

P o r ^ t l l D a y *Ladles’ All-wcol Tan rnvert Cloth HuiU, blaur HTm Is, worth for...................... M .MlaadlBs' Tallor-mailr Ruck Suits, Tuxedo style, Urg* slecvoa, wttle skirt, value |2,7A for.Vl.fiB Ijadles* I’errale ^Val ts, n«at striim, fink, blqe and black, cmbroklerod collar and cuffs,


worth |].90, for.1.0111m' I*Trn »ud Batiste Waists, stripes*pd flgwrtt, rilme/okisiVnU VimviaVijiellfe'

for......................................................................Indies* ItffcsLe Waists, laandcred Killar sod enff, pink, blue end heliotrope’, vatneife I.adlBS' Genulu* White Chsinol* Glons, warranted to wash, reg. t l quolltr, your ohoic*

Isidles' Double Flnger-tlppwl Silk oiores, block and colored, ever’y pal7 iu«ant^^^^Our Famous \ Igllant OoMet.whil* orrulorod, Mio summer Tentllatlng, ollsIsas.lH to3llfor4TeR. O. W, H, Corsets, In block, with colored silk elltching, guoratitced fsst oolor, tor........ T5eConibrlo Corset Covers, with embroidered edge, nicely mods, special price...................... [is eWhit* Hu.lln Skirts, trimmed with embroidery, full length, yoke band, «te. qaa'utyrftir’ ’ 670While Muslin Gowns, trimmwl with Isceand embroidery, high sleeves, leg. fflo.nuollty.for99#Block Vninn Twllleil Silk Parasols, with hemmed rnflle, reg. value for.................• 1.4Sf4-Tnch Twilled Silk Sun Umbrellas, fancy horn and natural hoodies, worth |£.9B, for m 98liSdlos’ Ribbed Vests, rcgnlir price 17c............................................................... " " i j ' i i ,lAdles' Lisle Thread Veets, former price a9c„ for..................... " gpaIsidles' flneClusl.r Ribbed Jloee, ten boots and fancy tope, worthCblidren's flne Hihlml Hose, beamless, slses 8 to 9H. worth 17c., for................................igu *Hoys'rilrs hsevy Bloyele Hose, slses (t lo 91 worth SBc,, fo r .................aSeLadles’ Swiss Scolloped Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, new and pretty patteme, w orth "

l?Hc,, fur..... ........... ...................................................................... aWe. eacliMen'e Fancy Colored Hordored Hemstitched Handkerchiefe In stylleh'coVorlnga full

else. Iflbc. quelltv, for................................................................Gents’ Grey Shirts and Drawers................................................. ssohGenu’ French Halhrlggon Underwear, fegnlor T5c, quality.......... ooehGents' Fsst Block Half Hose, regular 19c. quality, for.............. ............. eachGents' Fancy Biispenders, with paUnt hackle and Mohair endo, were n«c„ for,. ..... asoGente' all-slik Terk Scarfs, regular Hie. quality, for......................................... !, !. ! ] ! ! ! ! ! 19o

We repeat theee In Sboee to remind our readata of llee Hiv$ Supatlor valuo:

Big Drive 9 to 12, morning, Gents’ Out­ing and Negligee Shirts, valne from _ _ _ d39c. to 50c.....................................^ 9 0 . D D 6 J 1


9 o C i i s S " ® 4 ?0 CHAMMOCKB.

Mexican OraitL b«$t mada, ratlnned protoctod loopa, good valutat TVu.

lAundry Soap. Iarg« cakea.................... %ilcLa£$ Khatf Papera, per dozen..,.............. seloacfi Mbelf Paper*, sheeta............... ..... ’fioThin Tumblen* fine qualitv................. SUeTlnD*ppnr$.;,.e............. ......................

OllStovet, 2-bnraeK»*.a,».e.4...........Oil Btove KflUlea........................loamp rhimnev*-.,........ .................laBarr/ t)l»h«a. Urge alBe, cat glam loilta-'

tior el02Duck Oxfords.

Extra finality, hand-made, white* with kid trimming, or blue, with patent leather trim­ming, very dreeay, a sure $2 valne of many pLicea, here at f


MIssm’ Oxfords.Runet goat or kid, tba $1.60 valne of moet

plaoeft, aelilng here at0 8 cento.

W I E f S O I V & C O1 5 0 T O 1©6 T M A B K E T S T R E E T .

BUY TO-MOBBOWMen's and Boys' Bathing Suits,Men's and Boys' Summer Coats and Vests,

Boys' Wash Suits,Caps, Pants and Waists.

I f we do not give you better value than it is possible to

find outside of our stores your money back every time.


IB Our Men’s and Bjoys’ CIothiDg Departinent Prices are 26 Per Gent Below tbe Cost


Ladies’ Suits, made of the very finest storm seiges, In navy blue and black, full length Tukedo Jackets, silk facings, skirts 4 yards wide, sewed throughout with silk, perfect fUUng, have been selling at while theylast to-morrow at $7.48.

Ijtdles' Duck Suit*, the eoolcst and newest end most fashionable suit of the season, about 50 diflerent colon and styles to select ftom, sizes 32 to 44 bust, all marked In plain selling figures, to-morrow at 124 P®f cent. off.

Ladles' Extra Fine Silk Waists, in black, blue, red and several light color., In plain and figured, all sizes, were selling at 12.48, $2.98, t3.75and|4,T6, any one to-morrow at 124 per eciit. off. >

1,000 Ladies’ Wrappers, in white and colors, In 10 diffewnt materials and 25 different styles and shades, all sizes from 82 to 40 bust, your choice of any a. 124 pee cent, o ff regular prices. Call early and have first pick.

Neckwear Bargains.„,'®dosen Fuar-lu-hanil Double-fared China Bilk Tle», In plain white, white with blank fig- nren and navy blue and Meek, warranted to wash, worth aOo., at .

lOc. Rach.

Ladies’ Hose,l.adles' Fast Blai'k and Tan Colored Llile

Thread UuBe. dro|i stitch, regu lar price tOo at3 Uc. Pair.Ladies' Gloves.

Ladles' Pure Bilk Jersey Gloves, In tan* and modes, regular price 49c„ at

2 5 c. P a ir .

Toilet Department„ will place on sale to-morrow 160 bottle* of C. B. Woodworth & Bon'e Toilet Water, la U different odors, worth 09o,, at

3 0 c. H o ttto .

Men'sMen's BalbriggilwBhlrt*, French neck ant

satin fronts, drawer* to mateh, worth dOo., al 2 5 c. E acb .

Ladies' Drawer Special.Ladles’ Hnsltu Drswsrs, with deep emtnald

ery and tncka, worth 49o., at3 5 c. P a ir .

SPECIAL SILK BARGAINS.27-Inch Superior Quality Plain Black Beal Japanese Dreu Silks, extra Ana

finUh, $1.00 valuCi while It iaifU to-morrow at 0Dc. yard.22-lnch PJaln Black India Dreaa Silks, finequallty,50o. value, at 27c.yKrd»

DAVibSTRAUSC 85 and 0 3 7 B road , • C or. MTew fitre e t .

JAMES A. COE & CO.,100 and lOS Hnibarrg Bt.,


IRON-^ A N D -----

S H E E T S . B O O F I l fQ P L A T E .


8U00BS30R TO H A B B IS O IS & H O AG .

Ton will find atmr stole a full line of THE

Best PaperPFlew*

20 CLINTON ST., NemYk, N. J.





Biliousness.DifMt Pro«L

jkjijnHaii soraoy f

_ Ouebanied thstkjll of oar be.t phyatclanaP.nrmeiana Aaet Ming throe bottle* of yonr BunDoog Bmod Bit. T.M she 1* almost entlrslv wsJl. B e traly reoommend yonr medicine.

Gk >koz W. Bra will.Montpelier, Wmiame Oo.. O.

F O A M IN EF o rk ae i^ etrolght hair In

onrL ThTfoo 26 and 60 oenta.. S U L T A N A

For tlfitlng the Ups and nheoks n . cent..P A R I A N L O T IO N

and Moth Cream, warranted to our* freokled and all dlsaoloratlons of the skin causedhr the sun. Prloo fO oanta per lor. Mantiooteriii o ^ ly hr ——


/318 W a s h in g t o n 6ta