See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/14584862 Clearance of CM remnants in normo- lipidaemic patients with coronary artery disease: case control study over three years ARTICLE in BMJ CLINICAL RESEARCH · MAY 1996 Impact Factor: 14.09 · DOI: 10.1136/bmj.312.7036.935 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS 175 READS 33 9 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Gideon Charach Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center 50 PUBLICATIONS 736 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Heschi Henjek Rotmensch Cato Research Israel, Ltd 85 PUBLICATIONS 1,841 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Heschi Henjek Rotmensch Retrieved on: 04 February 2016

Clearance of chylomicron remnants in normolipidaemic patients with coronary artery disease: case control study over three years

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Clearance ofchylomicron remnants in normolipidaemic patients withcoronary artery disease: case control study over three years

Moshe S Weintraub, Itamar Grosskopf, Toby Rassin, Hylton Miller, Gideon Charach,Heschi H Rotmensch, Meir Liron, Ardon Rubinstein, Adrian laina

AbstractObjective-To test the hypothesis that subjects

who clear chylomicron remnants slowly from plasmamay be at higher risk of coronary artery diseasethan indicated by their fasting plasma lipid con-centrations.Design-Case control study over three years.Setting-An 800 bed general municipal hospital.Subjects-85 normolipidaemic patients with

coronary artery disease selected prospectively andmatched with 85 normolipidaemic subjects withnormal coronary arteries on angiography.Interventions-All subjects were given a vitamin A

fat loading test which specifically labels intestinallipoproteins with retinyl pahmitate.Main outcome measure-Postprandial lipoprotein

metabolism.Results-The area below the chylomicron

remnant retinyl pahmitate curve was significantlyincreased in the coronary artery disease group ascompared with the controls (mean 23-4 (SD 15.0) v15-3 (8.9) [mom/.h; 95% confidence interval ofdifference 4*37 to 11.82).Conclusions-Normolipidaemic patients with

coronary artery disease had significantly higherconcentrations of chylomicron remnants in plasmathan normolipidaemic subjects with normal coronaryvessels. This may explain the mechanism underlyingthe susceptibility to atherosclerosis of coronaryartery disease patients with normal fasting lipidvalues. As diet and drugs can ameliorate the ac-cumulation of postprandial lipoproteins in plasma,the concentration of chylomicron remnants shouldbe measured in patients at high risk of coronaryartery disease.

IntroductionMeasurements in fasting subjects show that plasma

lipid and lipoprotein abnormalities are associated withcoronary and peripheral atherosclerosis.'4 However,most of our lives are spent in the postprandial state,during which vessel walls are exposed to triglyceriderich lipoproteins-namely, chylomicrons and chylo-micron remnants. Animal and human studies5-'0suggest that these lipoproteins may be atherogenic.They are metabolised on the endothelial surface ofarteries and their cholesterol becomes incorporatedinto the artery wall, where it may stimulate theformation of atherosclerotic lesions."'-" The accumu-lation of postprandial lipoproteins in plasma dueto slowed catabolism may therefore enhance athero-sclerosis in otherwise normolipidaemic subjects.This picture is not detected by examining fasting

state plasma samples only. Zilversmit was the first topublish this hypothesis,5 which was followed by manyconfirmatory studies. Most, however, were small andprovided only indirect support by showing correlationsbetween postprandial lipoprotein metabolism andother well known risk factors for coronary arterydisease.'6-20 Only one study found that coronary arterydisease patients with normal fasting lipid values had

higher concentrations of postprandial lipoproteinsthan patients without coronary artery disease.2' Thatstudy, however, included only 20 patients.There are two main difficulties in testing Zilversmit's

hypothesis. The first is in differentiating postprandiallipoproteins from endogenous very low densitylipoproteins, which have similar physical and chemicalproperties. The second is the need to study a largenumber of coronary artery disease patients withnormal fasting lipid concentrations and an age andsex matched control group. We overcame the firstdifficulty by using the vitamin A fat loading test,which specifically labels postprandial lipids with retinylpalmitate.22-2" This method reliably detects both chylo-micron and chylomicron remnant metabolism.6 18-2029With respect to the size of the study we selected85 normolipidaemic subjects with radiologicallynormal coronary arteries (controls) and matched themfor age and sex with 85 normolipidaemic patients withadvanced coronary artery disease. We investigated allparticipants for metabolic behaviour of postprandiallipoproteins.

Subjects and methodsThe 85 patients with coronary artery disease and

85 controls were selected prospectively from thecardiology department of this hospital during February1990 and April 1993. All patients and controls hadnormal fasting lipid and low density lipoproteincholesterol concentrations. All had undergonecoronary angiography because of chest pain suspectedto be ofcoronary origin and all had stable cardiovascularand metabolic variables and were free of congestiveheart failure, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure,and endocrine disease. No woman patient was takingcontraceptive or hormone replacement drugs.

Selection criteria with regard to lipid and lipoproteinconcentrations were: total cholesterol less than6-2 mmol/l, triglycerides less than 2-0 mmol/l, and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol less than 41 mmol/l.High density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrationswere not used as a criterion for exclusion. Coronaryvessels with less than 20% stenosis were defined asnormal. Patients in the coronary artery disease grouphad two or three vessel disease with at least 80%occlusion.


During the three years we selected 85 subjectswith normal coronary vessels and 192 patients withcoronary artery disease who fulfilled the study criteria.In most cases we successfully matched the two groupsaccording to the following criteria with priority indescending order: sex, age, body surface area, hyper-tension, drugs being taken, and cigarette smoking.Hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure> 150 mmHg and diastolic pressure >90 mmHgtreated for at least two years. Cigarette smoking wasdefined as consumption of more than 10 cigarettesdaily for at least five years. All the participants claimedto have stopped smoking during the study. The two

BMJ VOLUME 312 13 APRIL 1996

Tel Aviv-Sourasky MedicalCenter and Sackler FacultyofMedicine, Tel AvivUniversity, Tel Aviv, IsraelMoshe S Weintraub, head,department ofinternalmedicine CItamar Grosskopf, instructor,department ofmedicine CToby Rassin, instructor,department ofmedicine EHylton Miller, head,coronary catheterisation unitGideon Charach, instructor,department ofmedicine CHeschi H Rotmensch, seniorlecturer, department ofmedicine CMeir Liron, head, departmentofmedicine EArdon Rubinstein, head, unitoflipid metabolismAdrian Iaina, head,department ofnephrology

Correspondence andrequests for reprints to:Dr Weintraub.

BMJ 1996;312:935-9


groups were matched for treatment with ,3 blockers(treatment equivalent 60-160 mg propranolol daily),angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (treatmentequivalent 12-5-50-0 mg captopril daily), and calciuminhibitors (verapamil 120-240 mg and nifedipine30-60 mg daily) because of the known effects of thesedrugs on lipid metabolism. Patients taking diuretics orvery high doses ofthe above drugs were excluded.

Finding normal coronary vessels on angiography isfairly rare. Whenever such patients were detected theywere asked to continue the drugs they were taking forsuspected angina until they could have a vitamin A fatloading test. This was never less than one week afterthe angiography. Thereafter, a patient with provedcoronary artery disease who had undergone coronaryangiography and who fulfilled the inclusion criteriawas matched as closely as possible with a non-coronaryartery disease patient and also given the vitamin A fatloading test. Of the 192 patients with coronary arterydisease, 85 were so matched to controls during thethree years. All participants in the study gave fullyinformed consent.


The vitamin A fat loading test was performed asdescribed.'9 After a 12 hour overnight fast participantswere given a fatty meal plus 60000 units of aqueousvitamin A/m2 body surface area. The meal contained50 g fat/M2 body surface area and 145 mg cholesterol/MJ65% of the energy being taken as fat, 20% as carbo-hydrate, and 15% as protein. Blood samples weredrawn before the meal, hourly thereafter for eighthours, and at 10 hours. Subjects tolerated the mealwell and none had diarrhoea or other symptoms ofmalabsorption.


Venous blood was drawn from the forearm andtransferred to a tube containing sodium EDTA.Samples were centrifuged immediately at 1500 g for15 minutes and 1 ml plasma stored wrapped in foil at-20°C for retinyl ester assay. A further 0 5 ml wasstored at 4°C for triglyceride determinations. Analiquot of 2-5 ml plasma was subjected to preparativeultracentrifugation to separate chylomicron fraction(> 1000 Sf units) from non-chylomicron fraction(<1000 Sf units).29-32

Table 1-Characteristics of study patients. Except where stated otherwise, values aremeans (SD)

Coronary artery P valuedisease patients Controls (unmatched

(n=85) (n=85) variables only)

Age (years) [range] 56.9 (8-4) [41-701 59.1 (8-9) [46-68]Body surface area (m2) [range] 1-86 (0-2) [1-56-2-051 1-74 (0-1) [1-58-2-09]Sex:No of men 63 63No of women 22 22

Severity of coronary artery disease:No with two vessel disease 32No with three vessel disease 53

Mean fasting lipids and lipoproteins (mmol/l):Total cholesterol [range] 5-3 (0-5) [4-4-6-0] 5-6 (0-5) [4-7-5-9] 0.235Triglycerides [range] 1-6 (0-3) [0-8-2-01 1.4 (0-4) [0.8-1-8] <0-001Low density lipoprotein cholesterol [range] 3-6 (0.3) [3-0-4.1] 3.6 (0-6) [2-7-4-0] 0.363High density lipoprotein cholesterol [range] 1.1 (0-2) [0-8-1-5] 1.4 (0-4) [0-9-2-0] <0-0001

No smoking > 10 cigarettes/day for five years 36 31No with hypertension (> 150/90 mm Hg) 38 42No receiving drugs:

p blockers (propranolol 60-160 mg/day) 41 41Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

(capropril 12.5-50.0 mg/day) 25 26Verapamil 120-240 mg/day 19 20Nifedipine 30-60 mg/day 16 12Aspirin (not matched) 77 43 <0-0001Nitrates (not matched) 46 21 < 0.0001



The assays were carried out in subdued light withhigh performance liquid chromatography gradesolvents as described.'6 18-20 Cholesterol and triglycerideconcentrations were measured enzymatically by usingthe reagents cholesterol 236991 and triglyceride126012 (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, UnitedStates). High density lipoprotein cholesterol wasmeasured after precipitation of whole plasma withdextran sulphate magnesium.


The significance of differences between the groupsin clinical characteristics and fasting plasma lipid andlipoprotein concentrations was determined by X2 testfor discrete variables and a two sample t test forcontinuous variables. The significance of metabolicresponses after the fatty meal was analysed by assumingthe same behaviour of the curves ofplasma triglyceride,chylomicron retinyl palmitate, and non-chylomicronretinyl palmitate values in the two groups. Areas underthe curves were calculated for each patient and theMann-Whitney test used to detect differences betweenthe groups.33 A non-parametric test was used becausedata were skewed. Spearman's test was used to evaluatethe correlation between chylomicron retinyl palmitateand non-chylomicron plasma retinyl palmitateconcentrations, triglyceride responses, and fastinglipid and lipoprotein concentrations, which were notnormally distributed.

Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performedto adjust the metabolic response after the fatty meal forthe difference in intake of nitrates and aspirin betweenthe coronary artery disease patients and the controls.Analysis of covariance was performed to adjust themetabolic response for the difference in baselinetriglyceride and high density lipoprotein cholesterolconcentrations between the groups.


Table 1 presents the clinical features of the coronaryartery disease patients and controls. The groups weresimilar in age, body surface area, male to female ratio,fasting total cholesterol and low density lipoproteincholesterol concentrations, cigarette smoking, andprevalence of hypertension. The coronary arterydisease group was significantly different from thecontrols in fasting plasma triglyceride (mean 1-6(SD 0 3) v 1-4 (0 4) mmoLfl; P< 0 001) and high densitylipoprotein cholesterol concentrations (1 1 (0 2) v1-4 (0 4) mmol/; P<0 0001), though no patient washypertriglyceridaemic. Significantly more coronaryartery disease patients than controls were takingaspirin (77 v 43; P<0 0001) and nitrates (46 v 21;P<0.0001). Thirty two coronary artery diseasepatients had two vessel disease and 53 three vesseldisease.


Plasma, chylomicron, and non-chylomicron retinylpalmitate and plasma triglyceride responses to thevitamin A fat loading test were determined for eachparticipant. Figures 1 and 2 give the mean results ineach group. Table 2 shows the mean areas belowthe retinyl palmitate and triglyceride curves of thedifferent fractions in the two groups. The area belowthe plasma retinyl palmitate curve was significantlylarger in the coronary artery disease patients than in thecontrols (mean 65-3 (SD 28 3) v 55*0 (27 5) p2mo]/l.h;P=0-017). This increase in postprandial lipoproteinconcentration in the coronary artery disease group wasdue mainly to the non-chylomicron fraction, whose

BMJ VOLUME 312 13 APRIL 1996936










Fig 1-Total plasma,chylomicron, and non-chylomicron retinylpalmitate concentrationcurves in 85 patients withcoronary artery disease (e)and 85 controls (o). Pointsare means










Chylomicron fraction

area under the curve was highly significantly largerthan in the controls (23-4 (15-0) v 15-3 (8-9) ,umol/l.h;P<0001).There was also evidence of higher postprandial

plasma triglyceride concentrations in the coronaryartery disease patients than in the controls. The areasbelow the plasma triglyceride concentration curvesin the two groups were 23-6 (SD 7 2) and 21-1(9 2) mmol/l.h respectively (P=0 055). No significantdifferences were found in the chylomicron fractionsbetween the two groups. Adjustment for baselinedifferences in triglyceride and high density lipoproteincholesterol concentrations showed a non-significantdifference in area below the plasma retinyl palmitatecurve between the coronary artery disease patients andthe controls (P=0A43 after adjustment for triglycerideconcentrations; P=0-51 after adjustment for highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations).However, the significant difference in area below thenon-chylomicron retinyl palmitate curve between thecoronary artery disease patients and the controls wasindependent of baseline differences in triglyceride(P<0.001) and high density lipoprotein cholesterolconcentrations (P < 0 00 1).To determine factors that might play a part in

exogenous fat metabolism and atherosclerosis wesought correlations between chylomicron and non-chylomicron retinyl palmitate and plasma triglycerideresponses and fasting lipid and lipoprotein concentra-tions (table 3). Significant positive correlations werefound between fasting triglyceride concentrations andchylomicron as well as chylomicron remnant fractionsin all participants (r=0-50 and r=0.42 respectively;P<0 001). Negative correlations were found betweenfasting high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentra-

Table 2-Plasma, chylomicron, and non-chylomicron retinyl palmitate and plasmatriglyceride areas under curves in patients with coronary artery disease and controls.Values are means (SD)

Area under retinyl palmitate curves (jj.mol/l.h) Area undertriglyceride curve

Group Plasma Chylomicron Non-chylomicron (mmol/l.h)

Coronary artery disease patients(n=85) 65-3 (28-3) 41.9 (21-3) 23.4 (15-0) 23.6 (7-2)

Controls (n=85) 55.0 (27-5) 39-9 (21-1) 15.3 (8-9) 21.1 (9-2)P 0.017 0.539 0.0001 0.055P1 0-43 0-25 0.001 0-044P2 0.51 0.24 0.001 0.59

P=Before adjustment for baseline differences in triglyceride and high density lipoprotein cholesterolconcentrations. P,=After adjustment for baseline difference in triglyceride values. P2=After adjustmentfor baseline difference in high density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration.








Fig 2-Plasma triglyceride concentration curves in 85patients with coronary artery disease (e) and 85 controls(0). Points are means

Table 3-Correlation coefficients between retinal palmitate areas below curves in chylomicron and non-chylomicronfractions; area below triglyceride curve; and total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations

Coronary artery AllVariable Area below curve disease patients Controls participants

(Chylomicron fraction 0.30 0.05 0-15Fasting total cholesterol Non-chylomicron fraction 0.12 -0.14 -0-09

(Triglycerides 0.33 0.02 0-1

[Chylomicron fraction 0.44* 0.57* 0.50*Fasting triglycerides Non-chylomicron fraction 0.20 0.51 * 0.42*

LTriglycerides 0.92* 0-95* 0-94*(Chylomicron fraction 0.23 0.17 0.19

Fasting low density lipoprotein cholesterol Non-chylomicron fraction 0.18 -0-16 -0-01(Triglycerides 0.13 0.15 0.14[Chylomicron fraction -0-23* -0-39* -0.31*

Fasting high density lipoprotein cholesterol Non-chylomicron fraction -0-09 -0.31 -0-32*(Triglycerides -0-16 -0-53 -0-43*


BMJ VOLUME 312 13APRqL1996



tions and chylomicron as well as chylomicron remnantretinyl palmitate areas and areas below plasmatriglyceride curves in all participants (r= -031,r= -O032, and r= -O043 respectively; P< 0001)The significant difference in area below the non-

chylomicron retinyl palmitate curve between thecoronary artery disease patients and the controls(P<0O0001) was not explained by the different intakeofnitrates (P=0-078) or aspirin (P=0-075).

DiscussionThis study shows clearly that coronary artery disease

patients with normal fasting lipid and low densitylipoprotein cholesterol concentrations have signifi-cantly higher concentrations of chylomicron remnantsin plasma than non-coronary artery disease patientswith normal fasting lipid values. The findings thereforestrongly support Zilversmit's hypothesis that athero-genesis is a postprandial phenomenon.'

Postprandial lipoprotein metabolism is believedto occur in two stages. Initially, the chylomicronsproduced in the intestines which carry exogenouslipids interact with lipoprotein lipase in extrahepatictissues. This results in triglyceride hydrolysis and thedelivery of free fatty acids to the tissues."3435 Aftermost of the triglycerides are hydrolysed remnantparticles are formed,3637 which are removed from thecirculation by hepatocyte receptors that recogniseapolipoprotein E.38 39 Though considerable post-prandial exchange between lipoproteins of total retinylesters has been reported in humans,40 little exchange ofretinyl palmitate has been shown between intestinederived lipoproteins and other lipoproteins.23 Also,most of the exchange of retinyl esters was found in thelow density lipoprotein fraction. Our study groups hadsimilar low density lipoprotein concentrations. Hencethis exchange would not affect the difference found inthe non-chylomicron fractions ofthe two groups.Karpe et al reported a delayed appearance of retinyl

palmitate compared with the patterns of increase ofplasma triglycerides and apolipoprotein B-48.4' Thisfinding questions the validity of retinyl palmitatelabelling of chylomicrons. In hundreds of testsperformed by us"6'"11 and in many other studies2"-1plasma triglyceride and retinyl palmitate concentra-tions peaked simultaneously. This disparity may beexplained by the different methods used. Karpe et alused exclusively soybean oil in their fat load mealwhereas we and others used dairy cream. Poly-unsaturated fat delays the absorption ofvitamin A."We think that the vitamin A fat loading method as

used by us in the past eight years is an efficient tool forstudying postprandial lipoprotein metabolism. Resultswith this method indicate that coronary artery diseasepatients clear chylomicron remnants at a significantlyslower rate than do subjects with normal coronaryvessels. Chylomicron remnants accumulated in the

circulation may be particularly atherogenic. In type IIIhyperlipoproteinaemia accumulation of these fatparticles due to delayed clearance is associated withsevere premature atherosclerotic disease.68 Thus ourfindings may explain the mechanism underlying thesusceptibility to atherosclerosis in the subgroup ofcoronary artery disease patients with normal fastinglipid values


Though fasting lipid and lipoprotein concentrationswere normal in our two groups of patients, thecoronary artery disease group had significantly higherconcentrations of fasting triglycerides and lowerconcentrations of high density lipoprotein cholesterol.This disparity, however, had no influence on non-

chylomicron metabolism. All participants showedsignificant positive correlations between fastingtriglyceride concentrations and postprandial lipo-protein areas underthe curve (P< 0 001) and significantnegative correlations between fasting high densitylipoprotein cholesterol concentrations and postprandiallipoprotein concentrations. These observations were

reported in most earlier studies on postprandiallipoprotein metabolism and accord with currentconcepts on the relations between the metabolic ratesof these lipoproteins, the fasting concentrations oftriglycerides, and the surface remnant transfer to thehigh density lipoprotein system.43"Could the difference in fasting triglyceride and high

density lipoprotein concentrations rather than thedifference in remnant clearance in the two groups bethe determining factor in coronary artery disease?The catabolic pathways of all the triglyceride richlipoproteins, endogenous very low density lipo-proteins, intermediate density lipoproteins, andexogenous chylomicrons and chylomicron remnantsare identical. They are lipolysed by the same enzyme-namely, lipoprotein lipase-and taken up by the samereceptors. It seems that this catabolic mechanism maybe less efficient in patients with coronary arterydisease. Measuring only fasting lipid and lipoproteinvalues will not detect this "defect." However, in thepostprandial state, when the catabolic pathwaysare confronted by an increased mass of exogenoustriglycerides and lipoproteins, this defect is augmentedand can be detected by the fat loading test.Thus in patients with coronary artery disease high

normal fasting plasma triglyceride concentrations,increased concentrations of chylomicron remnants,and low concentrations of high density lipoproteincholesterol are due to the same inefficient catabolicmechanism. Borderline concentrations of fastingtriglycerides and high density lipoprotein cholesterolshould therefore raise suspicion of a possible accumu-lation of postprandial lipoproteins, especially in highrisk patients. In these cases a vitamin A fat loading testcan be done. Though the test is cumbersome and timeconsuming, it may be simplified. We find that testingone or two blood samples drawn seven or eight hours or

both after a fat load may detect a defect in chylomicronremnant removal. Testing a single blood sample drawnat five or six hours will detect defects in chylomicronlipolysis.

In conclusion our study shows that there is a

substantial accumulation of chylomicron remnants inpatients with premature coronary heart disease andnormal fasting lipid and low density lipoproteincholesterol concentrations. It seems that the arteries ofthese patients are exposed to high concentrations ofchylomicron remnants for prolonged periods. Thismay have a role in the aetiology of the disease, as

first suggested by Zilversmit.' The accumulation ofchylomicron remnants can be ameliorated dramaticallyby diet or fibric acid derivatives.29 The vitamin A fat


Key messages

* Postprandial lipoprotein, chylomicrons, and chylomicron remnants haveatherogenic potential through enrichment in cholesterol* The atherogenic effect of postprandial lipoproteins is hypothesised tobe inversely related to their metabolic capacity* Patients with coronary artery disease have decreased metabolic capacityof chylomicron remnants as compared with subjects with normal coronaryarteries* An ensuing postprandial dyslipidaemia may exist in patients with coronaryartery disease who have normal fasting lipid values* A vitamin A fat loading test may be useful in identifying these patients

loading test as described or a simplified version may beuseful for identifying these patients.We thank Professor Jan L Breslow, of the Rockefeller

University, New York, for help in planning the study andsupport in developing the methods for studying postprandiallipoprotein metabolism.

Funding: The United States-Israel Binational ScienceFoundation (grant 87-00084).

Conflict of interest: None.

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(Accepted 12January 1996)


The question of medical reciprocity between this countryand the Continent is one of practical importance, not onlyto the members of our profession, but to the public atlarge. The number of English-speaking tourists, in Franceand Switzerland especially, is so large, and their presencein the Continental health resorts is such an undoubtedadvantage to these places from the pecuniary point ofview, that it would seem at first sight quite natural to thinkthat every facility and even encouragement should begiven to English practitioners to establish themselvesabroad. But foreigners think otherwise, and point out thatthere are two sides to this question.

First of all, there is no lack of medical men abroad, andthe congested condition of the professional ranks is,perhaps, more marked in the favoured districts thananywhere in England; therefore any arrangement madefor the purpose of facilitating the migration of Englishmedical men to the Continent would have, they contend,to be based on reciprocity. But what inducement is therefor a foreign medical man to settle in England? Com-paratively very little; and for ten Englishmen who would

succeed in earning their living on the Riviera or theEngadine, there is, perhaps, one foreign doctor who coulddo the same in England. The advantages of reciprocitywould, they argue, be almost entirely on one side.Then it was asked, how are the foreign Govemments to

distinguish between our many registrable qualifications?Some ofthem are equal to the Continental ones, but manyare inferior. Until we have adopted a uniform system ofexaminations it is declared to be useless to ask forreciprocity, and even then it is not in the least likely that itwould be granted at present, whatever may have been thecase in the past.The fact is that an excellent opportunity has been lost.

Whilst we were patching up an anomalous system ofregistration the foreign doctors were leaming English andour countrymen were picking up French, so that thequestion of languages is much less important now thanformerly. Experience is said to show that Englishmentravelling or residing abroad generally go to the bestknown man in the place, who is often not an Englishman,but who, in nine cases out of ten, speaks Englishsufficiently well. (BMJ 1896;i: 1465.)

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