WHITEPAPER Designing a Secure DNS Architecture

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Designing a Secure DNS Architecture

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 1

Table of Contents

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 2

Introduction 2

Architecting Your DNS 2

Securing the DNS Platform 3

Defending against DNS Attacks 3

Volumetric Attacks 4

DNS-specific Attacks 4

Preventing Malware from Using DNS 5

Advanced DNS Protection and DNS Firewall 5

Infoblox Purpose-built Appliance and OS 5

Advanced DNS Protection 6

Infoblox DNS Firewall 7

Reporting 9

Conclusion 9

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 2

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture

In today’s networking landscape, it is no longer adequate to have a DNS infrastructure that simply responds to

queries. What is needed is an integrated and highly secure DNS architecture that also enables smart growth.


DNS is an essential part of any modern-day organization. DNS, or Domain Name System, is the protocol used

for converting fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) like www.google. com into machine-usable IP addresses

that computers use to communicate with each other.

Without a working DNS protocol, it would be almost impossible to have an Internet of Things that communicate

with each other.

While there are multiple ways to classify a DNS server, one that is especially relevant to this paper is the

difference between primary and secondary DNS servers. A primary DNS server can be defined as one that

holds the master copy of a DNS zone; while a secondary server stores copies of the zone that it receives from

the primary server. There could be many reasons for having a secondary DNS server, such as performance or

a desire to hide your primary server.

Your customers use your DNS system to reach your website. Without a proper DNS infrastructure, your

organization would not have a presence in cyberspace. eCommerce companies would not be able to sell their

services. Even brick-and-mortar companies need DNS servers to advertise their products. In short, the Internet

as we know it would not exist without DNS protocol.

Architecting Your DNS

As the demand for an organization’s services grows, so does the load on its DNS servers. At some point,

whether it is due to legitimate traffic or a malicious distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, the load on the

DNS server exceeds the capacity of the server. At this point every organization looks for ways to increase DNS

queries-per-second (QPS) capacity.

One approach to this problem is to augment the primary DNS server with a faster, secondary DNS server. This

approach works more efficiently if the two servers are integrated and use the same database and interfaces.

Using two separate DNS servers here can introduce some

interoperability issues in basic features like backup and restore, reporting, and management in general. A

unified interface is also an important consideration here and can ensure preservation of your investment, and

lower total cost of ownership (TCO). Another solution here is to deploy several DNS servers behind a load

balancer. This approach works best if the DNS servers are unified to ensure ease of management and

deployment consistency to all servers.

When designing a DNS infrastructure, it is important to build an environment that is not only sufficient for

current needs, but also provides room for future growth. In addition, while architecting your DNS, it is also

important to understand the security threats the DNS might be vulnerable to. We will discuss these next.

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 3

Securing the DNS Platform

Hacking of DNS servers is becoming more prevalent every day. Conventional DNS servers have multiple

attack surfaces and extraneous ports such as port 80 and port 25 that are open for attack. Hackers can use

these ports to access the operating system (OS) and hack your servers. If your DNS servers don’t support

tiered security privileges, any user could potentially gain access to OS-level account privileges and cause

configuration changes that could make your servers vulnerable to hacks. Moreover, updates to conventional

DNS servers often require time- consuming manual processes.

Defending against DNS Attacks

Another consideration is protection of your DNS infrastructure from external attacks. Authoritative DNS servers

are reachable from the Internet. This makes them potentially vulnerable to attacks such as DNS flood and

amplification, DNS hijacking, exploits, etc., which can effectively stop your DNS server from responding or

compromise the integrity of your DNS services. It is also important to prevent these servers from becoming a

tool to attack other servers (DNS reflection attack). Reflection attacks can damage your company’s reputation and

cost money in the long run.

Even though your authoritative server sits behind a firewall, most of these attacks cannot be mitigated by

typical firewalls. Firewalls are ill-prepared to protect you against application-layer attacks. The ones that do, the

so-called NextGen firewalls, tend to have very little coverage for DNS protocols. These solutions typically

spread their security policies across a large number of protocols and sacrifice depth for breadth of coverage.

Load balancers offer some basic level of protection against DNS floods. However, there is a whole suite of

DNS-based attacks that can target your external authoritative DNS servers, and the mitigation capabilities of

load balancers fall short when it comes to addressing all of them. For example, load balancers cannot protect

against bad or malformed DNS queries. Load balancers respond to DDoS attacks at the DNS security

perimeter by scaling performance and spreading the load across multiple devices using IP Anycast. Merely

adding more load balancers to the environment can prove to be an inefficient and costly method of handling


Another dangerous category of attacks that can affect your internal recursive servers as well as external

servers includes NXDOMAIN attacks and other stealthier DDoS attacks, which are less understood than the

typical volumetric attacks. This type of attack causes resource exhaustion and slow performance on your

caching servers, and DDoS on their target domain. More often than not, they remain under the radar. Highly

sophisticated DDoS attacks involve botnets, chain reactions, and misbehaving domains.

Regardless of the protection technique that you use, it is important to stay one step ahead of the attackers.

Keeping protection up to date is key as the DNS threat landscape continuously evolves, and attacks change

form. It is also essential to ensure that the update of protection rules is done automatically. With the new level

of sophistication that we are seeing in modern-day attacks,

it is not possible to manually create and add detection rules to your DNS. Enterprises need specialized and

automated DNS protection.

Your DNS infrastructure should protect itself against inevitable DNS attacks on your organization. These

attacks can take one of two major forms: volumetric and DNS-specific attacks.

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 4

Volumetric Attacks

These attacks, sometimes referred to as DoS or DDoS, rely on exhausting a device’s resources. A typical DNS

DDoS sends 10s or 100s of thousands of queries per second to a DNS server in order to exhaust the resources

on the DNS server and cause a service outage.

The historical approach to a DNS DDoS attack has been to increase your capacity by either placing your DNS

infrastructure behind a load balancer or to use a faster secondary DNS server to augment your primary server.

The problem with this approach is that it is a temporary patch. According to Arbor Networks, 2013 included

several DNS DDoS attacks of 100 Gbps or more.

With DNS-based volumetric attacks making 10% of overall volumetric attacks and growing, we can only expect

this number to grow. Putting a load balancer or a faster secondary server in front of the DNS server is not a

cost-effective approach to DDoS protection. This amounts to a temporary patch and requires the organization

to ramp up its infrastructure every time the bad guys catch up to them. You need intelligent DNS DDoS

protection that does not respond to queries indiscriminately but distinguishes legitimate traffic from attack


DNS-specific Attacks

Another soft spot for a DNS infrastructure is the actual protocol. When DNS protocol was developed, few could

have envisioned a world where malicious agents or disgruntled workers could exploit or bring down your DNS

server. Today we realize that any DNS server can be the target of DNS-specific attacks. These take many


● DNS reflection

● DNS amplification

● DNS exploits

● DNS protocol anomalies

● DNS tunneling

● Cache poisoning

● DNS hijacking


The various intentions of these types of attacks are to:

● Congest outbound server bandwidth (in the case of amplification attacks), overwhelming network

components like firewalls in the path

● Flood the DNS server with traffic to slow it down and prevent it from responding to legitimate queries

● Cause the DNS server to crash by exploiting its vulnerabilities

A proper DNS infrastructure should protect your DNS server against these business- impacting attacks.

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 5

Preventing Malware from Using DNS

Data breaches are growing at a staggering pace, and over 100,000 new malware samples are being

catalogued every day. According to the Cisco 2014 Security Report, 100% of business networks analyzed by

Cisco had traffic going to websites that host malware.

Investing in next-generation firewalls or intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) can stop some malware and APTs

from entering the network, but not all. Trends like bring your own device (BYOD) complicate the situation

further and provide new avenues for malware to enter and go undetected for longer periods of time.

Malware is increasingly becoming more sophisticated and is circumventing traditional defenses. Detecting

malware activity in a large network is nearly impossible. Fast flux, Proxy C&C networks, anonymous TOR, and

other advanced techniques can easily bypass the perimeter. Once inside the network, malware uses DNS to

find and communicate with botnets and command-and- control servers. Botnets and command-and-control

servers hide behind constantly changing combinations of domains and IP addresses. Once internal machines

connect to these devices, additional malicious software is downloaded or sensitive company data is exfiltrated.

Sometimes malware remains hidden or disguised by external attacks on networks. During an external attack, IT

staff are distracted in protecting the network, and might miss alerts or warning logs about malware activity

within the network. This practice is called smoke screening and has become a standard method of distracting

security teams while exfiltrating data through the back door. By having a single integrated and centrally

managed DNS infrastructure (external and internal) with visibility into both external attacks and malware

activity, IT will be able to comprehend the totality of events and take appropriate action.

Advanced DNS Protection and DNS Firewall

Infoblox Purpose-built Appliance and OS

Infoblox provides hardened, purpose-built DNS appliances with minimized attack surfaces with:

● No extra or unused ports open to access the servers

● No root login access with the OS

● Role-based access to maintain overall control

All access methods are secured:

● Two-factor authentication for login access

● Web access using HTTPS for encryption

● SSL encryption for appliance interaction via API

The DNS appliances are Common Criteria EAL2 certified, which covers verification of hardware, software, and

manufacturing processes. In addition, OS and application updates happen through a single centralized process,

allowing for simple and centralized management and control.

All of the above secures the DNS platform and helps protect DNS services from various hacks.

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 6

Advanced DNS Protection

Infoblox’s Advanced DNS Protection solves the problem of external attacks that target your DNS. It provides

built-in, intelligent attack protection that keeps track of source IPs of the DNS requests as well as the DNS

records requested. It can be used to intelligently drop excessive DNS DDoS requests from the same IP

address, therefore saving resources to respond to legitimate requests. It also maintains DNS integrity that can

otherwise it compromised by attacks like DNS hijacking. In addition, it morphs its protection with DNS

configuration changes to ensure that the right protection rules are always enabled.

The figure below shows Advanced DNS Protection under attack, and its response to good DNS queries. While

the attacks were being launched (red line graph), Advanced DNS Protection also received 50k good DNS

queries per second, all of which it responded to (blue line graph), even as the attacks peaked. The test was

done using an independent third-party security and performance-testing platform.

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300

Figure 1. Infoblox Advanced DNS Protection response rate under attack












Timestamp (Seconds)

Response to good queries





es p




Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 7

It is important to understand the difference between this technology and BIND’s response rate limiting (RRL).

With BIND, requests are received and processed, and only responses are rate limited. This is not an efficient

approach since it uses valuable CPU and memory resources to process requests that the DNS server should

never respond to. This makes it more likely for the DNS server to exhaust its resources and crash—which is

the aim of a DDoS attack to begin with. With Infoblox’s technology, bad requests are dropped before they reach

the central processing unit. Hence, it is a much more efficient approach. This technology is available out of the


Of course, an attack on a mid-sized organization would not have the same characteristic of one against a large

enterprise. While Infoblox is responsible for creating and maintaining protection rules with Advanced DNS

Protection, users can tune the parameters associated with each rule and customize them for their

environments. These new adjustments are entered through a graphical user interface (GUI) but verified before

they are applied to the rule engine, ensuring that the system operates at peak performance. A typical load

balancer does not provide this level of customization. Some vendors might provide a scripting language that

enables users and consultants to create their own rules. These vendors do not maintain these rules, and users

are ultimately applying them at their own risk. This can cause confusion and compatibility problems every time

that a change is made in the product line.

As mentioned earlier, another attack vector that could be used against a DNS server is protocol- based attacks.

These include DNS amplification, reflection, and cache poisoning. Advanced DNS Protection provides prebuilt

rules to protect DNS servers against these and similar attacks. Infoblox actively monitors the latest DNS-based

vulnerabilities and ensures that it provides protection against these attacks out of the box.

Another advantage of Infoblox’s rule set is that it is automatically applied to DNS servers. It does not require

manual intervention, either through writing scripts or applying them. This automatic deployment of protection

rules can save precious time during an attack.

Infoblox DNS Firewall

Infoblox DNS Firewall addresses the problem of malware using DNS to communicate with botnets and

command-and-control servers to exfiltrate data. It detects and mitigates communication attempts by malware to

malicious hostnames by:

● Enforcing response policies on traffic to suspicious hostnames, such as blocking it, re-directing

users, or allowing the traffic to pass through, so that administrators can decide what to do when a

client tries to connect with a suspicious hostname

● Leveraging the automated, up-to-date Infoblox Threat Intelligence Feed on known malicious


● Providing timely and contextual reporting on malicious DNS queries, delivering insight into threat

severity and impact, and pinpointing infected devices that are making the queries

● Providing alerts to network administrators when incidents occur

● Query monitoring and logging for suspect endpoints

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 8

Figure 2. Secure DNS Deployment

Flexibility and Ease of Use

Regardless of what technology is used to protect an organization against external attacks, it is important to

consider soft benefits of the technology. After all, the best technical solution might become shelfware if it is

unrealistically difficult and cumbersome to implement. Most of today’s technologies rely heavily on command-

line interfaces (CLIs) and scripting languages. While these technologies look promising in architecture

diagrams, the implementation phase for them is too expensive and they are too hard to maintain, resulting in

enterprises never implementing the full solution.

Infoblox offers its patented Infoblox Grid™ technology. Important features like high availability, disaster recovery,

maintenance and configuration, and backup and recovery have been built into the Grid. A network

administrator can manage and configure just about everything related to DNS from the GUI, without having to

get into a CLI or having to script. This significantly reduces the possibility of mistyping commands and

configurations and enables the routine day-to-day activities to be delegated to junior admins. Ultimately, this

helps save organizations money and enables them to provide better service to their customers.

Designing a Secure DNS Architecture 9


An often-overlooked aspect of DNS architecture is reporting. A modern DNS architecture should include a

reporting technology that provides centralized visibility and allows users to evaluate the load on the system,

diagnose problems, and be alerted when the system is under attack.


Designing a scalable and secure DNS architecture requires more than increased bandwidth and QPS. What

looks simple in a small test lab tends to become very complex in a larger deployment. Infoblox Secure DNS

Architecture, combined with Infoblox Grid technology, provides a comprehensive, secure, and scalable DNS

solution that not only provides low latency and high throughput, but also ensures availability of essential

infrastructure to enable your organization to both grow and stay protected without the need for frequent

infrastructure upgrades.


Infoblox is the leader in modern, cloud-first networking and security services. Through extensive integrations, its solutions empower

organizations to realize the full advantages of cloud networking today, while maximizing their existing infrastructure investments.

Infoblox has over 12,000 customers, including 70 percent of the Fortune 500.

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