THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 139, 144503 (2013) Dynamics of glass-forming liquids. XVII. Dielectric relaxation and intermolecular association in a series of isomeric octyl alcohols Lokendra P. Singh, 1 Christiane Alba-Simionesco, 2 and Ranko Richert 1 1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1604, USA 2 Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CNRS /CEA -UMR 12, DSM/IRAMIS/LLB CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France (Received 18 July 2013; accepted 18 September 2013; published online 7 October 2013) It is well established that many mono-hydroxy alcohols show an extra relaxation process of the Debye type in addition to the signatures of primary and secondary structural relaxations, which is observed only in dielectric spectroscopy and related techniques. In order to gain further insight into the nature of this Debye peak, we study the linear and nonlinear dielectric behavior of a series of isomeric octyl alcohols and of mixtures of n-propanol with one of the octanols. These samples display systematic variations of the Debye peak intensity and concomitant changes in the Kirkwood correlation factor g K from 0.1 to 4, indicative of different equilibrium constants, K c/r , that characterize the populations of non-polar ring and polar open chain structures. For cases where K c/r is not too far from unity, we find that a high electric field shifts K c/r towards more chains, and that the accompanying change in the end-to-end vector of hydrogen-bond connected structures occurs on the Debye time scale. The results suggest that g K is correlated with the spectral separation of the Debye and primary structural peaks, as both features depend on steric hindrance of chain flexibility or bond rotation barriers and on average chain lengths. Based on the complex dynamics of supercooled mono-hydroxy alcohols with three relaxation peaks that cover many orders of magnitude in frequency, it is argued that a frequency dependent g K may be required for assessing the average orientational correlations within hydrogen- bonded structures correctly. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4823998] I. INTRODUCTION Hydrogen bonds play an essential role regarding the properties of liquids such as water, alcohols, and amides. These intermolecular interactions are also an important fea- ture of more viscous and solid materials such as sugar so- lutions, foods, and biological systems. In the majority of hydrogen-bonding cases, a hydroxyl group is involved, which is associated with a significant dipole moment of about 1.7 D. 1 Consequently, dielectric techniques have been employed extensively with the aim of elucidating the structure and dy- namics of hydrogen-bonded materials. 2, 3 Numerous alcohols have been the subject of dielectric relaxation studies, and in many cases the most prominent dielectric polarization pro- cess is found to obey a Debye type (single exponential, non- dispersive) relaxation behavior. Such an observation is par- ticularly noteworthy in the case of glass-forming alcohols in their viscous state, where Debye type processes are an exception. 4, 5 When a liquid is cooled sufficiently fast to below its melting temperature T m , crystallization can be avoided and the characteristic relaxation times in this supercooled regime increase rapidly upon cooling. Near the glass transition tem- perature, T g , the time scales associated with structural re- arrangements exceed typical experimental time scales, e.g., τ g (T g ) = 100 s, and the material enters a non-equilibrium glassy solid state. 6 For determining the relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids, broadband dielectric spectroscopy is used extensively because of its high sensitivity and capabil- ity of covering an extremely broad dynamic range as com- pared to most other spectroscopic methods. 7 Typical molecu- lar glass-formers display some very general features: They ex- hibit multiple non-exponential relaxation processes, with the main and usually slowest process referred to as α-process or primary structural relaxation. 8 This non-exponential primary relaxation process is well represented by the Kohlrausch- Williams-Watts (KWW) 9, 10 response function in the time do- main given by (t ) = 0 exp[(t/τ ) β KWW ]. Here, 0 KWW 1, gauges the extent of the relaxation time dispersion, and for typical viscous liquids the value of β KWW is considerably below the Debye limit represented by β KWW = 1. Moreover, the relaxation times corresponding to this α-process usually follow a Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) type temperature de- pendence over several decades in time, 1113 which is given by log 10 [τ (T )/s ] = A + B T T 0 . (1) In this expression, T 0 is the temperature at which the dynam- ics of the system tends to diverge, A is a logarithmic pre- exponential factor, and B is a constant activation parameter. In addition to the primary structural process described above, further higher frequency processes can also be observed in many glass forming materials. Examples are the so-called Johari-Goldstein β -relaxation (β JG ) and γ -processes. 14 These secondary relaxations are considered to reflect more localized motions and usually follow an Arrhenius type temperature dependence, i.e., Eq. (1) with T 0 = 0. 0021-9606/2013/139(14)/144503/13/$30.00 © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC 139, 144503-1

Dynamics of glass-forming liquids. XVII. Dielectric relaxation and intermolecular association in a series of isomeric octyl alcohols

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Dynamics of glass-forming liquids. XVII. Dielectric relaxation andintermolecular association in a series of isomeric octyl alcohols

Lokendra P. Singh,1 Christiane Alba-Simionesco,2 and Ranko Richert11Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe,Arizona 85287-1604, USA2Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CNRS /CEA -UMR 12, DSM/IRAMIS/LLB CEA Saclay,91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

(Received 18 July 2013; accepted 18 September 2013; published online 7 October 2013)

It is well established that many mono-hydroxy alcohols show an extra relaxation process of the Debyetype in addition to the signatures of primary and secondary structural relaxations, which is observedonly in dielectric spectroscopy and related techniques. In order to gain further insight into the natureof this Debye peak, we study the linear and nonlinear dielectric behavior of a series of isomeric octylalcohols and of mixtures of n-propanol with one of the octanols. These samples display systematicvariations of the Debye peak intensity and concomitant changes in the Kirkwood correlation factorgK from 0.1 to 4, indicative of different equilibrium constants, Kc/r, that characterize the populationsof non-polar ring and polar open chain structures. For cases where Kc/r is not too far from unity, wefind that a high electric field shifts Kc/r towards more chains, and that the accompanying change inthe end-to-end vector of hydrogen-bond connected structures occurs on the Debye time scale. Theresults suggest that gK is correlated with the spectral separation of the Debye and primary structuralpeaks, as both features depend on steric hindrance of chain flexibility or bond rotation barriers and onaverage chain lengths. Based on the complex dynamics of supercooled mono-hydroxy alcohols withthree relaxation peaks that cover many orders of magnitude in frequency, it is argued that a frequencydependent gK may be required for assessing the average orientational correlations within hydrogen-bonded structures correctly. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4823998]


Hydrogen bonds play an essential role regarding theproperties of liquids such as water, alcohols, and amides.These intermolecular interactions are also an important fea-ture of more viscous and solid materials such as sugar so-lutions, foods, and biological systems. In the majority ofhydrogen-bonding cases, a hydroxyl group is involved, whichis associated with a significant dipole moment of about 1.7D.1 Consequently, dielectric techniques have been employedextensively with the aim of elucidating the structure and dy-namics of hydrogen-bonded materials.2, 3 Numerous alcoholshave been the subject of dielectric relaxation studies, and inmany cases the most prominent dielectric polarization pro-cess is found to obey a Debye type (single exponential, non-dispersive) relaxation behavior. Such an observation is par-ticularly noteworthy in the case of glass-forming alcoholsin their viscous state, where Debye type processes are anexception.4, 5

When a liquid is cooled sufficiently fast to below itsmelting temperature Tm, crystallization can be avoided andthe characteristic relaxation times in this supercooled regimeincrease rapidly upon cooling. Near the glass transition tem-perature, Tg, the time scales associated with structural re-arrangements exceed typical experimental time scales, e.g.,τ g(Tg) = 100 s, and the material enters a non-equilibriumglassy solid state.6 For determining the relaxation dynamicsof supercooled liquids, broadband dielectric spectroscopy isused extensively because of its high sensitivity and capabil-

ity of covering an extremely broad dynamic range as com-pared to most other spectroscopic methods.7 Typical molecu-lar glass-formers display some very general features: They ex-hibit multiple non-exponential relaxation processes, with themain and usually slowest process referred to as α-process orprimary structural relaxation.8 This non-exponential primaryrelaxation process is well represented by the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts (KWW)9, 10 response function in the time do-main given by �(t) = �0 exp[−(t / τ )βKWW ]. Here, 0 < βKWW

≤ 1, gauges the extent of the relaxation time dispersion, andfor typical viscous liquids the value of βKWW is considerablybelow the Debye limit represented by βKWW = 1. Moreover,the relaxation times corresponding to this α-process usuallyfollow a Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) type temperature de-pendence over several decades in time,11–13 which is given by

log10[τ (T )/s] = A + B

T − T0. (1)

In this expression, T0 is the temperature at which the dynam-ics of the system tends to diverge, A is a logarithmic pre-exponential factor, and B is a constant activation parameter.In addition to the primary structural process described above,further higher frequency processes can also be observed inmany glass forming materials. Examples are the so-calledJohari-Goldstein β-relaxation (βJG) and γ -processes.14 Thesesecondary relaxations are considered to reflect more localizedmotions and usually follow an Arrhenius type temperaturedependence, i.e., Eq. (1) with T0 = 0.

0021-9606/2013/139(14)/144503/13/$30.00 © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC139, 144503-1

144503-2 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

The relaxation dynamics of most supercooled mono-hydroxy alcohols do not follow the above pattern typi-cal of molecular liquids.4, 5, 15, 16 Instead, the dielectric lossspectra of many mono-hydroxy alcohols show a Debyetype relaxation process as their most prominent and lowestfrequency loss peak, which follows a VFT temperature depen-dence with T0 � 0. In contrast to simple liquids, this domi-nant low frequency process is not the immediate signature ofstructural relaxation, as demonstrated by comparing the di-electric features with mechanical,17, 18 specific heat,19–21 lightscattering,5 nuclear magnetic resonance,22, 23 as well as phys-ical aging results.24 These measurements clearly show thatthe process responsible for the dielectric Debye signal doesnot contribute to mechanical, enthalpy, or structural relaxationmodes in an obvious manner. Several phenomenological andtheoretical models aimed at explaining the Debye model havebeen discussed,25–28 but a generally accepted picture of themolecular origin of this process had not evolved during theinitial decades of research on this topic.

The above features described for the case of mono-hydroxy alcohols do not occur in every liquid that involveshydrogen-bonding. For example, such a dielectric Debye peakis not found in most polyalcohols or diols.29–31 Moreover, ithas been observed that some mono-hydroxy alcohols can lackthis Debye process, e.g., salol, 2-phenyl-1-ethanol,4 1-phenyl-1-propanol,32 and 1-phenyl-2-propanol.33 The explanations ofthese exceptions are based on steric hindrances that preventsthe capability of forming an intermolecular hydrogen-bondednetwork.34, 35 Therefore, molecular structure has a consider-able impact on the dielectric properties of alcohols.36

In 1968, Dannhauser had reported the consequence of themolecular structure of isomeric octyl alcohols on the staticdielectric constant34 and on the dynamics.37 He showed by asystematic variation of the methyl group (–CH3) position rela-tive to the fixed location of the hydroxyl group (–OH), that thevalue of the static dielectric constant increases with increas-ing separation between the –OH and –CH3 groups. Becausethe gas state dipole moment of isomeric octanols is practicallyindependent of the methyl group position, the variation in thestatic permittivity has to reflect the substantial differences inthe structure of liquids and the concomitant orientational cor-relation of permanent dipoles, as gauged by the Kirkwoodcorrelation factor gK.2, 38 Dannhauser34, 37 concluded that anincreased steric hindrance of hydroxyl chain formation al-ters the predominant structure of hydrogen-bonded moleculesfrom chain to ring like structures, accompanied by a reduc-tion in the dielectric constant and gK, as well as the gradualdisappearance of the Debye peak. Accordingly, this series ofisomers provides excellent examples for studying the natureof the prominent dielectric Debye process of mono-hydroxyalcohols.

In order to investigate the correlation between the struc-ture and dynamics of hydrogen-bonded liquids and themolecular structure of its constituents, we have criticallyexamined the dielectric behavior of glass forming mono-hydroxy alcohols at low and at high electric fields usingbroadband dielectric spectroscopy. The liquids investigatedare four isomeric octanols, 3-methyl-3-heptanol (3M3H),4-methyl-3-heptanol (4M3H), 5-methyl-3-heptanol (5M3H),

and 6-methyl-3-heptanol (6M3H), as well as mixtures ofn-propanol (nPOH) with 4-methyl-3-heptanol. Adding n-propanol to 4-methyl-3-heptanol allows us to gradually re-duce the steric hindrance to chain formation and thus in-crease the value of gK by adjusting composition, similar tothe methyl group position effect in the series of octanols.For all systems, the signatures of both primary and secondarystructural relaxation can be identified. Additionally, an extradielectric Debye peak is observed, the magnitude of whichdepends strongly on the –OH to –CH3 distance and on thecomposition of the propanol/octanol mixture. Whenever thechain-to-ring structure equilibrium constant, Kc/r, is not toofar from unity, the chain population can be enhanced by a highelectric field. The time scale of the field induced chain forma-tion is twice the dielectric Debye time, τD, for all cases. Thepresent results strongly support a recent model of the Debyeprocess based on a high field dielectric study of 5-methyl-3-heptanol,39 where the process is assumed to originate fromthe end-to-end vector fluctuations of hydrogen-bonded chainlike structures.


The chemicals used in this study are 3M3H, 4M3H,5M3H, 6M3H, and nPOH. All these liquids were purchasedfrom Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. The stated puri-ties are ≥ 99% for 4M3H and 99.7% (anhydrous) for nPOH,while no purity levels were specified for the other liquids.

The linear-response dielectric measurements are per-formed by holding the liquid between two brass electrodes(lower electrode of 30 mm diameter and an upper electrode of20 mm diameter) which are separated by thin Teflon strips ar-ranged in a radial geometry. The dimensions of this capacitorwith 20 mm diameter and 50 μm thickness result in a geo-metric capacity of C0 = 55.6 pF. All samples are measuredinside a nitrogen-gas cryostat where the temperature is stabi-lized and measured by a Novocontrol Quatro controller, witha stability of the temperature reading better than 0.05 K. Fre-quency dependent impedance measurements were performedusing a Solartron SI-1260 gain-phase analyzer equipped witha Mestec DM-1360 transimpedance amplifier. Data are ac-quired for frequencies in the range 10−2 ≤ ν ≤ 106 Hz, withthe frequencies being logarithmically spaced at a density of8 per decade. Before introducing the sample material into thecell, a reference measurement is performed at room temper-ature in order to calibrate the transimpedance of the currentsensing amplifier.

In addition, some samples were also measured in a higherfrequency range, 1 MHz-2 GHz, using a Novocontrol highfrequency dielectric spectrometer based upon the Agilent ra-dio frequency impedance analyzer 4192B. Prior to the sam-ple measurement, basic calibrations were performed usingthe following terminators: open, short, 50 � load, and a lowloss capacitor standard. For each of the terminators, the cali-bration is carried out automatically by the Novocontrol soft-ware. For the actual measurement, the sample was placed be-tween parallel gold plated electrodes of 10 mm diameter and90 μm electrode separation as defined by an annular Teflonspacer. When necessary, the overall amplitude resulting from

144503-3 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

such a higher frequency scan was adjusted to the low fre-quency results on the basis of the overlapping frequency range(1-10 MHz).

High-field impedance data for frequencies between 0.1Hz and 100 kHz are acquired using the SI-1260 gain/phaseanalyzer, with the voltage output amplified by a factor of100 via a Trek Model PZD-350 high-voltage amplifier andconnected to the “high potential” side of the sample capaci-tor. That potential is measured via the voltage monitor signal(1 V/100 V) of the PZD-350 which is routed into the “V1” in-put of the SI-1260. The “low potential” side of the capacitor isconnected to ground via a shunt of impedance Zs, realized bya network of four resistors and four capacitors. The increaseof the impedance Zs from about 10 � at 100 kHz towardssaturating at 1 M� below 1 Hz helps to counteract the reduc-tion of the voltage across the shunt when the current becomesvery small at the low frequencies. The voltage drop acrossthis shunt is fed into a home built linear buffer amplifier (Vout

= Vin for frequencies ν < 800 kHz) that sustains 500 Vp atthe input and thus protects the SI-1260 against sample fail-ure. The output of this amplifier gauges the current throughthe sample and is connected to the “V2” input of the SI-1260.For a given set of frequencies, the analyzer determines thesample impedance from the voltage across the capacitor (V1

− V2) and the current through the sample (V2/Zs). At eachfrequency, a measurement at the higher field is followed bytwo low field measurements, with the first low field measure-ment acting only as recovery time for the sample. At each fre-quency ν, the delay and integration times of the SI-1260 areset to 3/ν and 6/ν, respectively, but with a minimum durationof 10 ms. The shunt and both amplifiers are calibrated usinga 100 pF loss free (tanδ < 6 × 10−5) polystyrene capacitor.For the sample measurement, the stainless steel electrodes arespaced 10 μm apart with an annular Teflon spacer that leavesa free inner diameter of 14 mm for the sample. The addedcapacitance originating from the Teflon surface within theactive electrode area has been subtracted from all data. Theloaded cell is cooled in a Novocontrol Quatro liquid-nitrogencryostat system.

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results were ob-tained employing a TA-Instrument Model Q100 in standardmode. DSC measurements were performed with both coolingand heating rates set to 10 K/min. Hermetically sealed alu-minum pans were used for all liquid samples. The masses ofthe samples amounted to about 12.5 mg. In order to see thethermal behavior of isomeric octanols, first the liquid sam-ples were cooled at a rate of 10 K/min to the lowest temper-ature, i.e., 130 K. Subsequently, the data were collected byheating the sample at a rate of 10 K/min from 130 to 270 K.The DSC instrument was temperature calibrated at the rates of± 10 K/min using Indium as standard.


In order to analyze the dielectric relaxation results, ε*(ω)= ε′(ω) − iε′′(ω), the following frequency domain expres-sion is employed to fit the spectra, which is based upon theHavriliak-Negami (HN) function and special cases thereof.40

Following common practice, the entire loss spectrum is fit by

the sum of three processes plus dc-conductivity:

ε∗ (ω) = ε∞ + �εD

1 + iωτD

+ �εα[1 + (iωτα)α

+ �εβ

1 + (iωτβ)β+ σdc

iωε0. (2)

Here, each process is characterized by its relaxation strength�ε, its relaxation time constant τ , and the shape parameters,α, γ , and β, which determine the broadening and asymmetryof the loss curve with 0 < α, αγ , β ≤ 1. The overall high fre-quency limit of the real part of the permittivity is denoted ε∞,and the static dielectric constant is εs = ε∞ + �εD + �εα

+ �εβ . In the present case, a Debye function was used to fitthe lowest frequency Debye peak (D-process), a HN-functionis employed to fit the primary structural mode (α-process),and a Cole-Cole function for the secondary relaxation (β-process), listed in the order of increasing peak frequency.

A. Isomeric octyl alcohols: Low field

The low field limit dielectric spectra of the four methy-lated heptanols, 3M3H, 4M3H, 5M3H, and 6M3H, are pre-sented in Fig. 1. These results are consistent with dielectricrelaxation data published previously for these liquids.4, 34, 41

Although the compounds differ only in the methyl group po-sition, the appearances of the temperature dependent spectradiffer considerably. While only a dispersive low amplitudeloss peak is seen in the case of highly viscous 3M3H, an ad-ditional lower frequency Debye peak appears in the case of4M3H, and for 5M3H and 6M3H the spectra are dominatedby the Debye process. Another obvious difference is the trendof the relaxation amplitude with increasing temperature. In or-der to characterize the dielectric behavior in more detail, theresults were fit using Eq. (2).

Representative fit results for the octanol analysis areshown for 4M3H and 6M3H in Fig. 2. The activation traces

10-1 101 103 105 107 1090



12 6M3H(d)

175-285 K (10 K)

/ Hz


180-280 K (10 K)

(c) 5M3H0.0



0.3 4M3H(b)170-280 K (10 K) 165-190 K (5 K)

200-270 K (10 K)3M3H(a)


FIG. 1. Dielectric loss spectra of four isomeric octyl alcohols for the tem-peratures indicated: (a) 3M3H, (b) 4M3H, (c) 5M3H, and (d) 6M3H.

144503-4 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106





(b)T = 175 KD 6-methyl-3-heptanol


/ Hz



4-methyl-3-heptanolT = 170 KD


FIG. 2. Representative fits to the dielectric loss spectra showing the threedistinct contributions as dashed lines labeled “D,” “α,” and “β,” as wellas the total fit shown as solid line. The cases shown are for: (a) 4M3H atT = 170 K, and (b) 6M3H at T = 175 K.

resulting from all fits are compiled in Fig. 3, showing threedistinct relaxation processes in each case except for 3M3H, inwhich case a separate Debye process could not be discerned.All four compounds show a dispersive relaxation peak withVFT type temperature dependence of the characteristic timeconstant which is identified as the signature of the primarystructural mode (α). All isomers also display a secondarystructural process with Cole-Cole type dispersion and Arrhe-nius temperature dependence (β). Additional slower Debyepeaks are observed for all octanols except 3M3H, and theseDebye type loss peaks are subject to VFT temperature de-pendences that are similar to those of the respective α-peaks.However, the spectral separation of the Debye and α-processdoes change with temperature. The fit parameters characteriz-ing the curves in Fig. 3 are compiled in Table I.

The static dielectric constants, εs, for all four isomersare derived from the low frequency values of ε′(ω), wherea plateau across at least a decade of frequency between 0.1Hz and 1 MHz is observed, without interference of elec-trode polarization. The results for εs are depicted in Fig. 4,demonstrating more clearly than in Fig. 1 that the effect of

3 4 5 6 7 8-10



26M3H(d) D

1000 K / T




2(c) D 5M3H




24M3H(b) D





log 10

( /

s )

FIG. 3. Activation plot of the time constants τD, τα , and τβ for four iso-meric octyl alcohols. Round symbols represent the experimental fit parameterresults, while the solid lines are for the VFT fits using the parameters listedin Table I. The stars are coupling model predictions for the JG type sec-ondary process according to Eq. (5). The different panels are for (a) 3M3H,(b) 4M3H, (c) 5M3H, and (d) 6M3H.

temperature on εs differs qualitatively for the different iso-mers. None of the εs(T) curves can be explained solely on thebasis of the Boltzmann term that reduces the dielectric con-stant approximately as 1/T with increasing temperature. TheDSC traces of 3M3H, 4M3H, and 5M3H shown in Fig. 5 in-dicate that the calorimetric glass transition temperatures, Tg,are within a few Kelvin of one another for the three isomersinvestigated. The origin of the extra feature near 175 K for3M3H is unclear.

B. Mixture with propanol: Low field

For the mixtures of nPOH in 4M3H, it was found thatup to a mole fraction of nPOH of x = 0.20, the binary systemis a completely transparent homogeneous mixture in the

TABLE I. Values for the glass transition temperatures Tg and fit parameters A, B, T0 leading to the VFT andArrhenius (T0 = 0) curves in Fig. 3. The values of Tg-D and Tg-α are based upon the VFT fits to Debye andα-processes with the criterion τ g(Tg) = 100 s.

D-process α-process β-process

Sample Tg-D [K] A B [K] T0 [K] Tg-α [K] A B [K] T0 [K] m A B [K]

3M3H . . . . . . . . . . . . 158.3 −13.6 693 113.9 55.6 −12.5 11504M3H 163.7 −15.6 1210 95.1 160.4 −14.9 999 101.4 46.1 −12.5 12905M3H 166.4 −16.7 1560 83.0 161.6 −14.6 1050 98.4 42.6 −14.0 13406M3H 166.2 −17.9 2050 63.1 156.3 −16.4 1510 74.1 34.9 −14.8 1500nPOH-4M3Hx = 0.025 165.5 −15.4 1240 94.5 161.2 −14.2 974 101.1 43.4 −16.2 1940x = 0.051 164.6 −16.0 1340 90.4 160.4 −14.9 1090 96.1 42.1 −13.6 1440x = 0.075 164.6 −17.1 1630 79.1 160.4 −13.7 894 103.4 44.1 −16.8 2010x = 0.098 164.8 −16.9 1590 80.4 160.7 −13.8 938 101.5 43.0 −17.0 1780x = 0.150 162.8 −17.4 1800 70.1 159.7 −12.7 714 111.0 48.1 −14.1 1530x = 0.201 160.4 −16.7 1680 70.8 154.4 −16.4 1300 83.6 39.9 −19.5 2370

144503-5 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

175 200 225 250 275 300 325 3500










|CH3 CH2 CH CH2 CH2 CH CH3 |



OH CH3 |CH3 CH2 C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 |




T / K

FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the static dielectric constant, εs(T), forthe four isomeric octyl alcohols as identified in the legend: 3M3H, 4M3H,5M3H, and 6M3H. The graph includes the structures of the isomers.

temperature range of interest, but above x = 0.20 the solutionlacks transparency and appears to phase separate. Conse-quently, only compositions with x ≤ 0.2 have been studied.The effect of nPOH mole fraction x on the dielectric lossspectrum is indicated in Fig. 6, which focuses on a singletemperature of 175 K. Across the composition range of upto 10% of added nPOH, the glass transition temperatureis virtually constant (see Table I), while the Debye peak issubject to a slight increase in relaxation time and a dramaticelevation of its amplitude. Only for x = 0.2 one can observe ashift of the dynamics towards those of pure nPOH, indicatedin Fig. 6 as dashed line.

The activation behavior for the nPOH-4M3H mixtureis outlined in Fig. 7, for x = 0, 5.1%, 9.8%, and 20%. Allcases display a Debye type process as the slowest dielectricmode, as well as a primary (α) and secondary (β) structuralrelaxation process. As the concentration of nPOH in 4M3His increased, a more noticeable separation between Debyeand α-relaxation can be observed near the glass transition in

140 150 160 170 180 1900.0
















/ W

g -


T / K

FIG. 5. Differential scanning calorimetry results for three of the isomericoctyl alcohols as labeled. The results are obtained on heating at a rate of 10K/min, after cooling at the same rate to 130 K. The solid (Tg-α) and dashed(Tg-D) vertical lines represent the kinetic glass transition temperatures, ob-tained via the VFT fits using the criterion of the α- and the D-peak timeconstant reaching τ g = 100 s, respectively. The onset temperatures derivedfrom the DSC traces yield calorimetric glass transition temperatures of Tg,cal= 159.2 K (3M3H), 161.6 K (4M3H), and 162.3 K (5M3H).

10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106





(x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H

x = 0.000 x = 0.025 x = 0.051 x = 0.098 x = 0.201 x = 1.000

T = 175 K


/ Hz

FIG. 6. Dielectric loss spectra of mixtures of nPOH with 4M3H at T = 175K, with the compositions identified in terms of the mole fraction x of nPOH.The loss peak for pure nPOH shown as dashed line is taken from Ref. 5.

the relaxation map. The effect of temperature on the static di-electric constants of all nPOH-4M3H mixtures is depicted inFig. 8. The significant increase in εs that originates from theaddition of relatively small amounts of nPOH is obviouslylimited to the lower temperature range near 175 K, and theeffect is much smaller already around 250 K. The inset ofFig. 8 indicates that the rise of εs versus x observed at T= 175 K is much more rapid than what is expected on thebasis of an ideal mixing relation with a linear dependence ofεs on the nPOH mole fraction x.

C. High field dielectric spectra

The field induced effects of this study are reported as thedifference between the storage component of permittivity at

3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5-10




x = 0.201D

1000 K / T





x = 0.098(c)






x = 0.051(b)D




2 (x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H

x = 0.000(a)


log 10

( /

s )

FIG. 7. Activation plot of the time constants τD, τα , and τβ for four com-positions of mixtures of nPOH with 4M3H. Symbols represent the experi-mental fit parameter results, while the solid lines are for the VFT fits usingthe parameters listed in Table I. The different panels are for various nominalmole fractions x of nPOH: (a) x = 0.000, (b) x = 0.051, (c) x = 0.098, and(d) x = 0.201.

144503-6 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

170 190 210 230 2500







x =

(x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H









T / K

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.00




ideal mixin


T = 175 K



FIG. 8. Temperature dependence of the static dielectric constant, εs(T), forvarious compositions of mixtures of nPOH with 4M3H, as indicated in termsof the mole fraction x of nPOH. The inset shows the increase of εs withmole fraction x at T = 175 K, which is much more rapid than the linearinterpolation between the pure components included as dashed line.

the high field, ε′hi, and its low field counterpart, ε′

lo. The lowfield permittivity is always recorded within the regime of lin-ear response. In the present context, only the relative changesof ε′ are relevant, and the instantaneous contribution, ε∞, isconsidered field invariant. Therefore, the quantity of interestis given by

� ln(ε′ (ω) − ε∞) ≈ ε′hi(ω) − ε′


ε′lo(ω) − ε∞

, (3)

with the approximation in Eq. (3) improving in the limit ofvery small field induced effects. In the limit of low frequen-cies, where ε′(ω) approaches εs, the quantity of Eq. (3) is des-ignated �ln(εs − ε∞). All �ln(ε′ − ε∞) results reported be-low increase quadratically with the amplitude E0 of the highfield, E(t) = E0sin(ωt).

The effect of a high field on the permittivity of 5M3His shown in terms of �ln(ε′ − ε∞) in Fig. 9. Althoughqualitatively similar to a previous high field measurementon the same alcohol,39 the present overall amplitude of thefield effect is somewhat lower, and reductions of ε′ seen

10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105-0.01








0.07 E0 = 254 kV/cm

180 K 185 K 190 K 195 K 200 K 205 K 210 K 215 K




/ Hz

FIG. 9. Field induced relative increase of the non-instantaneous contribu-tion to the permittivity versus frequency, calculated as �ln(ε′ − ε∞) ≈ (ε′

hi− ε′

lo)/(ε′lo − ε∞) for 5M3H. Here, “hi” and “lo” refer to a field of

E0 = 254 kV/cm and E0 = 14 kV/cm, respectively. Different curves are fordifferent temperatures as indicated. Lines are fits according to Eq. (4).

10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105




0.015 180 K 185 K 190 K 195 K 200 K 205 K 210 K

E0 = 212 kV/cm (x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H

x = 0.051



/ Hz

FIG. 10. Field induced relative increase of the non-instantaneous contribu-tion to the permittivity versus frequency, calculated as �ln(ε′ − ε∞) ≈ (ε′

hi− ε′

lo)/(ε′lo − ε∞) for a mixture of nPOH with 4M3H at a mole fraction

x = 0.051 of nPOH. Here, “hi” and “lo” refer to a field of E0 = 212 kV/cmand E0 = 14 kV/cm, respectively. Different curves are for different tempera-tures as indicated. Lines are fits according to Eq. (4).

earlier at higher frequencies do not appear in the currentmeasurements. The present pattern of the relative increase ofε′ − ε∞ can be reproduced at various fields and for separatelyprepared samples. The advantage of the present experimentalapproach is the sample thickness of 10 μm (versus 25 μm inthe previous39 case), which reduces sample heating by morethan a factor of five. The main feature of Fig. 9 is the fieldinduced increase of the dielectric constant by more than 6%,and the disappearance of this effect for frequencies in excessof the Debye peak position, i.e., ν � 1/(2πτD). The reduc-tion of the field effect at the lowest frequencies is due to dc-conductivity, the failure to reach zero at high frequencies forthe higher temperatures is a heating effect from energy ab-sorbed from the field.42

Analogous high field experiments on 4M3H and itsmixtures with nPOH were performed for fields of E0

= 212 kV/cm. The case of a mole fraction of x = 0.051nPOH in 4M3H is shown in Fig. 10. The overall appearanceof the resulting �ln(ε′ − ε∞) curves follow the pattern of the5M3H case of Fig. 9. These curves can be fit by the real partof a Debye type function

ε′hi (ω) − ε′

lo (ω)

ε′lo (ω) − ε∞

≈ εs−hi − εs−lo

εs−lo − ε∞× 1

1 + ω2τ 2T

, (4)

where εs-hi and εs-lo are the static dielectric constants athigh and low fields, respectively, and τT represents the timeconstant for the transition from zero to the steady state fieldeffect. In this manner, the frequency dependent field effecton ε′ can be characterized by its amplitude, �ln(εs − ε∞),and its transit frequency, νT = 1/(2πτT), or its time constantequivalent, τT. Unfortunately, a theoretical framework foranalyzing these results in a more meaningful way is not yetavailable. The amplitudes of all high field experiments per-formed at a field of E0 = 212 kV/cm are reported as �ln(εs

− ε∞) in Fig. 11, which includes the two neat octanols4M3H and 5M3H, and the mixtures of nPOH with 4M3Hup to a nPOH mole fraction of x = 9.8%. The transitiontime constants, τT, together with the Debye times, τD, are

144503-7 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

185 190 195 200 205 210 215 2200.00






0.06(x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H4M3H


E0 = 212 kV/cm

x = 0.025 x = 0.051 x = 0.075 x = 0.098



T / K

FIG. 11. Field induced relative increase of the non-instantaneous contri-bution to the dielectric constant versus temperature, calculated as �ln(εs− ε∞) ≈ (εs-hi − εs-lo)/(εs-lo − ε∞). Here, “hi” and “lo” refer to a field of E0= 212 kV/cm and E0 = 14 kV/cm, respectively. Different curves are for dif-ferent samples as indicated.

depicted versus temperature for 4M3H and 5M3H in Fig. 12.For the remaining samples subject to high field experiments,the position of τT relative to τD is shown as log10(τT/τD) inthe inset of Fig. 12. Regardless of sample and temperature, therelation τT ≈ 2τD appears to serve as a good approximation.

For neat nPOH, the effect of a high electric field on ε′

differs qualitatively from the above examples. As shown inFig. 13, a reduction of the dielectric constant is observed inthe regime for which permittivity is near its static dielectricconstant plateau, i.e., where ε′ ≈ εs ± 5% (solid symbols).The positive contributions at the higher frequencies originatefrom shifts in the Debye peak position towards higherfrequencies as a result of absorbing energy from the strongelectric field.43 The interesting feature of this result is thatthe neat liquids 4M3H and nPOH display respective field

175 185 195 205 215 225-6










log 10

( /

s )

T / K

180 190 200 210 220







log 10

(T /

D )

T / K

FIG. 12. Solid symbols represent transition time constants, τT, of the fieldinduced relative increase of the non-instantaneous contribution to the permit-tivity versus frequency, obtained by Debye fits to �ln(ε′ − ε∞) curves suchas those shown in Fig. 9. For a comparison, the open symbols are for thelinear response Debye process relaxation times, τD. The main figure showsτT and τD for 4M3H and 5M3H, as indicated. The inset depicts the timeconstant separation, log10(τT/τD), versus temperature for all samples inves-tigated with high fields: circles – 5M3H, triangles up – x = 9.8%, trianglesdown – x = 7.5%, diamonds – x = 5.1%, triangles left – x = 2.5%, trianglesright – 4M3H, with x representing the nPOH mole fraction of the nPOH-4M3H mixtures.

100 101 102 103







E0 = 212 kV/cm

120 K 123 K 126 K 129 K 132 K 135 K 138 K




/ Hz

FIG. 13. Field induced relative change of the non-instantaneous contribu-tion to the permittivity versus frequency, calculated as �ln(ε′ − ε∞) ≈ (ε′

hi− ε′

lo)/(ε′lo − ε∞) for nPOH at temperatures between 120 K and 138 K.

Here, “hi” and “lo” refer to a high field of E0 = 212 kV/cm and a low field ofE0 = 14 kV/cm, respectively. Solid symbols indicate the regime of the staticdielectric constant plateau, with ε′ ≈ εs ± 5%.

effects of +1% and −1% at E0 = 212 kV/cm, whereastheir mixtures show more considerable enhancements of thedielectric constant of up to +3.5% at the same field.


A. Linear response results

The peak assignment generally accepted for typicalmono-hydroxy alcohols is for the systems that exhibit aprominent dielectric Debye peak as the lowest frequency di-electric relaxation feature, a faster and much smaller dis-persive peak matching the α-relaxation, and possibly a fur-ther secondary relaxation at even higher frequencies. Inmany of the well studied mono-hydroxy alcohols such as n-propanol5, 44–46 and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol,4, 47 the amplitude ofthe Debye peak accounts for 90% or more of the total di-electric relaxation strength. Not all of the octyl alcohols ofthis study match that behavior, as 3M3H has no Debye peak,the Debye peak of 4M3H is comparable in amplitude to theα-process, and for 5M3H the Debye amplitude is much be-low 90% of the total �ε and strongly dependent on tempera-ture. Therefore, it is useful to verify that the peak labeled “α”corresponds to the signature of structural relaxation via DSCresults. Fig. 5 compares the kinetic Tg’s based on a τ g(Tg)= 100 s criterion for the Debye type peak and for the lowestfrequency dispersive process with the DSC onset temperature.For all three cases, 3M3H, 4M3H, and 5M3H, the peaks la-beled “α” in Fig. 3 conform to the onset temperature of theheat capacity step based upon a 10 K/min scan rate, therebyconfirming the assignment as primary structural relaxationmode. The kinetic Tg values associated with the Debye peak,Tg-D, are significantly higher and thus incompatible with a rel-evant structural mode.

The nature of the secondary relaxation of the octanol iso-mers is assessed regarding its Johari-Goldstein (JG) charac-ter. A JG type β-relaxation is considered a motional featureintrinsic in the dynamics of glass-forming materials,14 whileother secondary processes could originate from intramolecu-lar degrees of freedom. Although the Coupling Model (CM)

144503-8 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

does not capture microscopic details, it provides predictionsfor the activation behavior of a JG mode that are commonlyaccepted as indicators for the nature of the secondary process.For the liquid state with T > Tg, the CM predicts the follow-ing scaling of the JG time constant, τβ , relative to τα and theso-called primitive relaxation time τ c = 2 ps:48

(lg τβ − lg τα) = (1 − βKWW )(lg τc − lg τα), (5)

where βKWW is the KWW stretching exponent. For the glassystate with T < Tg, the following relation for the Arrhenius lawparameters of Eq. (1), A and B, is expected on the basis of theCM:49, 50

B =T [βKWW log10(τg / s)+(1 − βKWW ) log10(τc/s)−A],(6)

where τ g = τα(Tg) = 100 s. The prediction of the relationgiven by Eq. (5) is included as stars in the activation map ofthe octanols, Fig. 3, for T > Tg. The logarithmic prefactors, A,and activation parameter, B, from Arrhenius fits to the τβ(T)data (see Table I) conform to Eq. (6). The agreement of theCM criteria with the observed values for τβ suggests that thesecondary processes of all four octanol isomers are JG typeβ-relaxations.

The understanding that could emerge from designatingthe two dispersive (non-Debye) peaks as the “α” and “β”components of structural relaxation is that all four octanolsdisplay the generic supercooled liquid behavior, but with anextra slow dielectric Debye process that remains to be de-tected by experiments that do not probe electrostatic inter-actions. The case of viscous 3M3H that lacks a Debye peakwould then appear as a simple glass-forming liquid in termsof its activation behavior, but its dielectric constant is toosmall (see Figs. 1 and 4) to be consistent with the uncorre-lated reorientation of molecules with the considerable dipolemoment of the hydroxyl group. A similar notion holds for allmono-hydroxy alcohols that display a prominent Debye peak:While the dielectric α-process reflects the dynamics of theprimary structural relaxation, its small amplitude implies thatthis loss peak is not equivalent to the correlation decay of themolecular dipole orientation. As a result, the amplitudes of thedielectric peaks require careful consideration.

According to the εs(T) curves in Fig. 4, the dielectric con-stants and their temperature dependence differ dramaticallyfor these octanol isomers,51 although the molecular dipolemoments and number densities are virtually identical for thefour liquids.34 As recognized already by Dannhauser,34 it isthe orientational correlation of neighboring dipoles that de-termines the effective squared dipole moment, gKμ2, whereμ is the dipole moment of the isolated molecule. The statisti-cal mechanical result on how the average cosine of the angle,cosθ , of z coordinated neighbors affects the effective squareddipole moment is gK = 1 + z〈cos θ〉.52 For a dipolar liquid,the Kirkwood-Fröhlich equation establishes a link between gK

and the dielectric constants in the limit of high (εinf) and low(εs) frequencies,38

gK = 9 kBT ε0M

ρNAμ2× (εs − εinf) (2εs + εinf)

εs (εinf + 2)2 , (7)

with NA being Avogadro’s constant, ρ the density, M the mo-lar mass, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, and ε0 represents thepermittivity of vacuum. Usually, εinf is set to ε∞ or 1.05 × n2,with n being the refractive index. The variable “εinf” in Eq. (7)is deliberately distinguished from the usual high frequencylimit “ε∞,” as values other than ε∞ will be used for εinf inthe Kirkwood analysis further below. For mono-hydroxy al-cohols, the value of gK has served as a significant source ofstructural information,2, 20, 34, 53–55 as gK > 1 and gK < 1 indi-cate a preference for parallel and anti-parallel orientation ofneighboring dipoles, respectively. The case gK = 1 is usuallyunderstood as the absence of dipole correlations, as found formany simple liquids.

Dannhauser34 has determined gK(T) for the four octanolisomers of this study, and concluded that gK > 1 and gK

< 1 are the consequence of chain and ring like hydrogen-bonded structures, respectively, with their equilibrium con-stant changing with temperature. Accordingly, gK ≈ 1 canoriginate from a balance of chains and rings, and not nec-essarily from the lack of orientational correlations.2 Therationale for the existence of different structures is the sys-tematic change on the –CH3 to –OH group distance along theisomer series, creating different levels of steric hindrance tothe formation of open hydrogen-bond chain structures.34

A different approach to a systematic variation of theKirkwood correlation factor is by mixing two mono-hydroxyalcohols, one characterized by gK < 1 and one with gK > 1.The present choice is 4M3H for the component that prefers toform rings in its pure state (gK = 0.2 at T ≈ Tg), and nPOH forthe chain promoting species (gK = 3.2 at T ≈ Tg). Althoughthe kinetic glass transition temperatures for the two compo-nents in their pure states are very different (Tg = 97 K fornPOH56 and Tg = 160 K for 4M3H), the mixtures with nPOHmole fraction x < 0.2 display very little change regarding theprimary structural dynamics. It is also obvious from Fig. 6that the present mixture of alcohols that are chain (nPOH)and ring (4M3H) dominated in their pure states does not fol-low the ideal mixing rule regarding τD that has been observedfor binary aliphatic alcohols with little tendency of either purecomponent to form rings.57

As evident from Figs. 6 and 8, the static dielectric con-stant changes considerably with composition of the nPOH-4M3H mixture in the present range, 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2, especiallyat the lower temperatures. Noteworthy is the observation thatεs increases more rapidly with nPOH content than what is ex-pected on the basis of an ideal mixing rule, i.e., assuming alinear εs-x relation. Actually, the ideal mixing behavior re-garding εs should be expected only if each hydrogen-bondedstructure contains only one component, nPOH or 4M3H. Amuch more realistic picture is the assumption of a randomcomposition along the chain contour, analogous to randomco-polymers. In this case, nPOH within the chain is likelyto reduce the steric constraints that prevented extended openchains in the pure 4M3H case, thus giving rise to a stronglypositive excess of εs relative to the ideal mixing scenario.However, as with the cases of 5M3H and 6M3H in Fig. 4,the increase of εs promoted by the addition of nPOH in themixtures with 4M3H fades as the temperature is increased,see Fig. 8.

144503-9 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

B. High field effects

Field induced increases of the dielectric constant of al-cohol solutions have been observed by Małecki58, 59 andPiekara,60 who referred to this feature as “positive satura-tion effect” and related its occurrence to hydrogen-bondingand the existence of dimers with anti-parallel dipole orienta-tion. More recently, field effects on the dielectric propertiesof pure 5M3H have been studied using impedance techniquesat peak fields of E0 = 170 kV/cm.39 A significant field in-duced increase of the dielectric constant was observed, andthe field effect disappeared for frequencies exceeding the losspeak position of the Debye process. From those preliminaryresults, it was concluded that the origin of the dielectric Debyepeak is the fluctuation of the end-to-end dipole of chain likestructures. The basis for this model is the recognition that thehigh field shifts the chain/ring equilibrium constant towardsthe more dipolar chain structures, and that the ring-to-chainconversion involves a time scale close to that of the low fieldDebye peak.39

The results of an improved version of the above men-tioned high field experiments on 5M3H are depicted inFig. 9, which report the field effect as the relative change ofthe non-instantaneous contribution to ε′, see Eq. (3). The mainexperimental improvements are the extended frequency rangeand the reduction of field induced sample heating by a fac-tor of >5, achieved by the reduction in sample thickness to10 μm.42 As a result, the new curves transition from a lowfrequency plateau to zero, without the intermediate negativevalues observed before, thereby conforming to Eq. (4) as phe-nomenological description. The field induced enhancement ofthe dielectric constant is explained by the relatively low corre-lation factor, gK, suggesting a chain/ring equilibrium constant,Kc/r, whose value is not far from unity. Accordingly, chain andring structures have similar free energies and a field of sev-eral hundred kV/cm can modify the value of Kc/r towards ahigher population of the more polar species. The frequencydependence of this field effect then provides information ofthe time scale involved in the ring-to-chain conversion, τT inEq. (4). From the preliminary data,39 it was concluded that τT

≈ τD, suggesting that the Debye process is the signature ofend-to-end vector fluctuation of the open chain structures.

A critical test of the above interpretation of the field ef-fect would be the demonstration of a diminished εs(E) sensi-tivity for the cases Kc/r � 1 and Kc/r � 1. In either limit, asmall field induced shift in the free energy of the polar com-ponent, i.e., chains, will have little effect of the fraction ofchain structures and thus on the value of εs. If, instead, therole of the field would be to enlarge the net dipole momentsof chains, then the field effect should be more pronouncedfor liquids with Kc/r � 1 and accordingly high gK. Evidencefor a reduced field effect for the Kc/r � 1 case is compiledin Fig. 11, which shows the magnitude of �ln(εs − ε∞) for4M3H, 5M3H, and nPOH-4M3H mixtures at various compo-sitions. The case of pure 4M3H displays the least sensitivityto field, ≈1% at a field of E0 = 212 kV/cm, and it is alsothe liquid with the most pronounced preference to form ring-structures,34 consistent with its very low dielectric constant,see Fig. 4. The idea of a diminished field effect for values

of Kc/r that are sufficiently above or below unity is supportedby the nPOH-4M3H mixture results. According to Fig. 11, anincreased nPOH mole fraction up to x = 9.8% leads to a max-imum in the magnitude of the field effect. Finally, the effectof a field of E0 = 212 kV/cm on pure nPOH is seen in Fig. 13,which shows no enhancement of εs. Instead, the high dielec-tric constant of nPOH is responsible for the opposite effect:dielectric saturation at a level that is within a factor of twoof the effect that is expected on the basis of van Vleck’s the-ory of saturation in dense dipolar liquids.61 The positive effectobserved at higher frequencies is the result of the energy thatthe Debye loss peak absorbs from the field.43 The result is thatboth pure liquids, 4M3H with gK � 1 and nPOH with gK � 1,show minimal sensitivity of their εs to high fields, whereastheir mixtures show considerable enhancements of the dielec-tric constant. These observations support the notion that thehigh electric field shifts the value of Kc/r upward by loweringthe free energy of the chains, which leads to a considerablepopulation change only if Kc/r is near unity.

The main feature of the high field study is not the ca-pability of shifting the chain/ring equilibrium with an elec-tric field. Rather, it is more important that the experimentalresults allow us to associate a time scale, τT, with the con-version from rings to open chains. When the frequency ofthe high field impedance measurement exceeds the frequencycharacterizing that structural transformation, i.e., ν > νT

= 1/(2πτT), then the effect of an enhanced dielectric constantwill disappear. This effect is clearly borne out by the 5M3Hresults of Fig. 9, and by the analogous �ln(ε′ − ε∞) curvesfor 4M3H and the nPOH-4M3H mixtures (not shown). Thevalues of τT are derived via Eq. (4) and display a simple rela-tion to the time constant of the Debye process for all samples,τT ≈ 2τD. All 54 points included in the inset of Fig. 12 leadto the statistics log10(τT/τD) = 0.34 ± 0.08, i.e., there is littlevariation with compound, composition, or temperature. Fromthis proximity of τT to τD, we conclude that the Debye pro-cess is the dielectric signature of the end-to-end vector fluctu-ation of open chains, a process that will be subject to the samehydrodynamic friction and rotational barriers as the ring/chaintransformation. Chains that fluctuate regarding their contourtopology can minimize their polarization by a very small end-to-end distance or by an end-to-end dipole moment that isaligned perpendicular to the field direction. This may explainthe factor of approximately 2 between τT and τD.

C. End-to-end dipole fluctuation model

Hydrogen-bonded structures have a long history in theexplanation of dielectric relaxation features of mono-hydroxyalcohol and similar liquids.2, 3, 36 Models involving end-to-endvector fluctuations analogous to polymer chain dynamics havebeen proposed by Levin and Feldman26 and later by Gainaruet al.28 The present work builds upon the recent observationthat the time scale of (field induced) conversions of hydrogen-bonded structures matches the dielectric Debye time τD,39

which is considered evidence for understanding the Debyepeak as the signature of fluctuations in the net Kirkwood fac-tor gK. The results from the present much more detailed study

144503-10 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

corroborate the understanding of the field effect as a shift ofthe free energy of open chain structures and the concomi-tant measurable change if the chain/ring equilibrium constant,Kc/r, towards favoring the more polar chain configurations andthus raising gK and εs. This process is analogous to a chemicalequilibrium between a polar and a non-polar species, whichwill give rise to a Debye peak whose time scale is governedby the rate constants involved.62

It is important to realize that realistic electric field am-plitudes will shift the chain/ring equilibrium to an extent thatis detectable via changes in ε′(ω) only when the free ener-gies of the two hydrogen bonded topologies are similar, i.e.,when gK is near unity. Accordingly, the present high field ex-periments can determine the time scale involved in a con-siderable change of the end-to-end distance only for the gK

≈ 1 cases. For other alcohols with gK � 1, such as nPOH or2-ethyl-1-hexanol, end-to-end distances will also fluctuate be-tween more extended and more compact structures (yet with-out persistent ring structures). The latter fluctuation will alsogive rise to a Debye peak, possibly on longer time scales com-pared with τα due to larger net hydrodynamic volumes. Notethat for the above examples for which τD ≈ 2τT is observed,the separation of Debye and α-peak covers a range of onedecade already, i.e., 2 < τD/τα < 20 (see below).

Unlike the situation with the normal mode relaxation ofpolymer chains,63 a particular structure defined by hydrogen-bond connectivity has a finite lifetime. For rationalizing thedynamics of alcohols, a persistent chain contour length is notrequired. Bond rotation as well as chain scission and recon-nection to other fragments are expected to contribute to theend-to-end dipole fluctuations. For the cases of moderate gK,a conversion from closed rings to open chains will also con-tribute. This view is consistent with the inactivity of this De-bye mode regarding mechanical and enthalpic modes. How-ever, a change of the chains topology impacts the net orienta-tional correlation along the chain and thus the value of gK andthe polarization.36 Because end-to-end fluctuations are slowcompared with the primary structural relaxation mode and re-orientation of the aliphatic tails, effective time-averaging overdifferent environmental conditions occurs and the process isbound to display a Debye character, even for the cases ofdispersive structural dynamics.64

In standard applications to single component systems, thefactor gK that is meant to gauge the effect of short range cor-relations is assumed uniform for all processes that contributeto the rise of the permittivity from ε∞ to εs, see Eq. (7). As-suming that the Debye process reflects the end-to-end vectorfluctuation of the chains, that the α-process is the molecularreorientation restricted by its hydroxyl group involvement ina chain structure, and that the β-relaxation is a small scalemotion within a rigid environment, it seems rather unlikelythat a single correlation factor will describe the entire polar-ization process that spreads over many orders of magnitude intime or frequency. Moreover, the value of gK is very sensitiveto the high frequency baseline, εinf in Eq. (7). If the dielec-tric signatures of the primary and secondary relaxation peaksare not subject to the same orientational correlations that gov-ern the Debye process, then εinf in Eq. (7) should be setcloser to εinf = ε∞ + �εα + �εβ in order for gK to reflect the

175 200 225 250 275 300 325 3500.0










closed symbols:

inf =

open symbols:

inf = + +

gK = 1

g K

T / K

FIG. 14. Kirkwood correlation factors, gK, versus temperature for the fourisomeric octyl alcohols, 3M3H, 4M3H, 5M3H, and 6M3H, as indicated.Solid symbols are based upon using ε∞ as “infinite frequency” permittiv-ity (εinf) within the Kirkwood-Fröhlich relation, Eq. (7). Open symbols referto the calculation using εinf = ε∞ + �εα + �εβ .

average correlation within structure defined by hydrogen-bond connectivity. This choice for εinf is compared with themore typical case, εinf = ε∞, in Fig. 14. The effect of dis-regarding the α- and β-peaks for the purpose of calculat-ing gK results in the curves approaching values lower thanunity at high temperatures. While the majority of publishedgK(T) curves tend to approach unity and thus suggest a lackof correlation at moderately high temperatures,2, 34 there maybe many cases in which ring structures dominate at elevatedtemperatures and gK < 1 characterizes the Debye process.Given the complexity of the dynamics of supercooled alco-hols, a frequency dependent correlation factor, gK(ω), couldturn out more appropriate for assessing orientational correla-tions within hydrogen-bonded structures.

As seen in Fig. 8, adding nPOH to 4M3H rapidly in-creases the static dielectric constant of the mixture. In or-der to assess the concomitant increase of the effective Kirk-wood correlation factors of these mixtures, values of gK,eff

have been determined using the standard generalization of theKirkwood-Fröhlich equation for binary systems.2 The resultsare compiled graphically in Fig. 15, and they indicate thatonly x = 20% nPOH is needed to raise gK to above 3 fromthe low value of gK ≈ 0.25 of pure 4M3H (x = 0).

As mentioned above, the primary structural relaxation ofthe alcohols leads to a signature within the dielectric spec-trum, denoted α-peak, and its time scale matches the mechan-ical and calorimetric counterparts.18, 19 However, the ampli-tude of that polarization process is much smaller than whatis expected on the basis of the molecular dipole moment.28

In view of the hydrogen-bonded structures, the explanation isthat the hydroxyl group carrying the majority of the dipolemoment is engaged in the chain or ring structure and thushighly limited regarding its reorientation on the time scaleof the α-process. While structural relaxation of the aliphatictail of the molecule is possible, translational motion may bemore restricted than in a simple liquid. This could be a factorin promoting the low fragilities of these systems, analogousto plastic crystals.65 The low fragilities and their systematic

144503-11 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)

170 190 210 230 2500.0







3.5 x = 0 x = 0.025 x = 0.051 x = 0.075 x = 0.098 x = 0.150 x = 0.201

(x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H

gK = 1

g K, e


T / K

FIG. 15. Effective Kirkwood correlation factors, gK, eff, versus temperaturefor various compositions of mixtures of nPOH with 4M3H, as indicated interms of the mole fraction x of nPOH. All curves are based upon using ε∞ as“infinite frequency” permittivity in the Kirkwood-Fröhlich relation for binarymixtures.

variation with –CH3 to –OH distance are depicted for the iso-meric octyl alcohol series in Fig. 16.

Finally, we ask what properties govern the spectral po-sition of the Debye peak relative to that of the α-process. Itis easily envisioned that the end-to-end vector fluctuation isa quasi-hydrodynamic problem and thus under the control ofthe viscosity of the liquid and the average chain length. As anapproximation, this feature of τD(T) roughly following η(T)or τα(T) can be observed for numerous alcohols that display aDebye peak associated with supramolecular structures. How-ever, a closer inspection reveals that the spectral separation isfar from being independent of temperature or viscosity, andthe ratios τD/τα range from 2 to 2000 in pure systems.47 Forthe cases of this study, Fig. 17 compiles the spectral separa-tions of Debye and α-peak in terms of log10(τD/τα) versustemperature. Qualitatively, these curves resemble the trendsof the static dielectric constant, εs, or correlation factor, gK,versus material and temperature. A possible link between εs

or gK and τD/τα could be that the reduction in gK is a result ofan increased barrier for bond rotation through steric hindrance

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0-8






6M3H m = 34.9 5M3H m = 42.6 4M3H m = 46.1 3M3H m = 55.6

m = 34.9

m = 55.6log 10

( /

s )

Tg / T

FIG. 16. Angell plot of the characteristic (HN) relaxation time of the α-process of 3M3H, 4M3H, 5M3H, and 6M3H. The symbols identify differentoctyl alcohols as indicated. The solid lines represent the VFT fits for eachliquid using Eq. (1) with the parameters listed in Table I.

160 180 200 220 240 2600.0



1.5 (b)

(x) nPOH - (1 x) 4M3H

x = 0.20 x = 0.15 x = 0.098 x = 0.051

T / K

log 10


D /






2.0(a) 6M3H


FIG. 17. Spectral separation of Debye and α-peak in terms of log10(τD/τα)for samples of this study that display a dielectric Debye type process. (a)Results for 4M3H, 5M3H, and 6M3H, as indicated. (b) Results for some ofthe nPOH-4M3H mixtures identified by their nPOH mole fraction, x.

(reduced chain flexibility) and possibly the average chainlengths becoming shorter (diminished coordination number z)as the structural preference is shifted towards rings by temper-ature or composition, leading to a reduction of the τD-τα sep-aration. Supportive of this notion is that high gK cases such asn-propanol and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol have log10(τD/τα) values of2.2 and 3.3,5, 47 respectively, i.e., beyond the values of 6M3Hin Fig. 17.


Two series of samples have been studied, in which theKirkwood correlation factor, gK, varies systematically frombelow to above unity. For the isomeric octanols, it is the dis-tance between methyl and hydroxyl group along the carbonbackbone that controls gK. For the mixtures with varying n-propanol content in 4-methyl-3-heptanol, it is the compositionthat changes the value of gK. The change from gK < 1 to gK >

1 is understood to reflect the change from compact ring-like toopen chain-like structures as the majority type of hydrogen-bonded topology. For both series, the activation behavior ofthe Debye, the α-, and the β-processes, as well as theiramplitudes have been characterized in the linear responseregime.

The high-field dielectric experiments illustrate that thosesystems with gK near unity are particularly sensitive to thefield amplitude, with the effect of a high field being anincrease of the static dielectric constant. The explanation ofthis effect is that a similar population of rings and chainsindicates near equal free energies of the two structures,implying that even a moderately high electric field is capableof shifting the equilibrium constant towards the more polarspecies, thereby favoring chains over rings. The main result,however, is derived from the frequency dependence ofthe field induced increase of ε′(ω). From this frequencydependence, we conclude that the time involved in thefield-induced structural change is twice the time constant ofthe Debye process. This is understood as strong support forthe previously reported model in which the dielectric Debye

144503-12 Singh, Alba-Simionesco, and Richert J. Chem. Phys. 139, 144503 (2013)









FIG. 18. Pictorial summary of the hydrogen bonded structures and the fluc-tuations involved: (a) high fields shift population towards more chains, (b)involving a ring/chain conversion that is seen to occur on the time scale ofthe Debye peak, and (c) implying by analogy that end-to-end distance fluctu-ations of chains are at the origin of the Debye process. This cartoon depictsonly the dipoles along the chain contour (with all alkyl groups omitted), andis not meant to imply long lived connectivity.

peak is viewed as fluctuation of the end-to-end vector ofhydrogen-bonded topologies. A pictorial representation ofthe structures and fluctuations involved is provided in Fig. 18,where (a) indicates the field induced shift of the equilibriumconstant towards more chain like structures, (b) representsthe observation that ring/chain conversions occur on theDebye process time scale, and (c) is meant to reflect that theDebye process is understood as the signature of end-to-endvector fluctuations of hydrogen bonded structures, even inthe case where no rings are formed. This dipolar mode wouldoriginate from fluctuations of the chain contour within theviscous environment, but due to the finite lifetime of chainconnectivity, end-to-end dipole fluctuations will also be aidedby chain scission and reconnection processes. Viewing thechain contour fluctuation as a quasi-hydrodynamic processexplains that the Debye time scale tracks the viscosity andthe primary structural relaxation time to some extent. The ob-served correlation between the ratio τD/τα and �εD suggeststhat the spectral separation between Debye and α-process is amatter of the chain length or flexibility, both being diminishedas the system is driven to a higher population of ring-likestructures. Accordingly, situations involving extended openchains will favor a large separation between Debye andα-peak.

In this model of mono-hydroxy alcohol dynamics, the di-electric signature of primary structural relaxation is assumedto originate from the alkyl-tail dynamics, with some couplingto the hydroxyl dipole, especially its component perpendic-ular to the contour of hydrogen bond connectivity. It seemsvery unlikely that all three modes, Debye, α, and β, are sub-ject to the same Kirkwood correlation factor, gK. As an ap-proximation to separating the value of gK that is associatedwith dipole orientations within the hydrogen-bonded struc-tures, we use εinf = ε∞ + �εα + �εβ as high frequency base-line in the Kirkwood-Fröhlich equations, leading to gK < 1instead of gK ≈ 1 at elevated temperatures. A more quantita-tive interpretation of gK may require a refined approach withfrequency dependent correlation factor.


This material is based upon work supported by theNational Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. CHE1026124 and by L’Agence Nationale de la Rechereche underGrant No. ANR-10-BLAN-0821 (International Collaborationin Chemistry).

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