Effect of treatment with dornase alpha on airway inflammation in cystic fibrosis patients Karl Paul 1* , Ernst Rietschel 2* , Manfred Ballmann 3* , Matthias Griese 4* , Dieter Worlitzsch 5 , Janis Shute 6 , Christiane Chen 1 , Tanja Schink 7 Gerd Döring 5 , Silke van Koningsbruggen 2 , Ulrich Wahn 1 , Felix Ratjen 8* for the BEAT Study Group 1 Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité, Humboldt- University, Berlin, Germany; 2 Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Allergology, Children´s Hospital, University of Cologne, Germany; 3 Department of Pediatric Pneumology, Medical School, University of Hannover, Germany; 4 Children´s Hospital, University of Munich, Germany, 5 Institute of General and Environmental Hygiene, University of Tübingen, Germany; 6 School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth, UK; 7 Department of Medical Biometry, Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany; 8 Children´s Hospital, University of Essen, Germany *Manfred Ballmann, Matthias Griese, Karl Paul, Felix Ratjen and Ernst Rietschel are the principal investigators of the BEAT study centers Address for correspondence: Prof. Dr. Felix Ratjen Children’s Hospital University of Essen Hufelandstr. 55, D-45122 Essen, Germany Phone: +492017233350 Fax: +492017232352 e-mail: [email protected] Influence of rhDNase on airway inflammation Key words: rhDNase, bronchoalveolar lavage, cystic fibrosis, airway inflammation, lung function Subject category list: 102 Copyright (C) 2003 by the American Thoracic Society. AJRCCM Articles in Press. Published on December 18, 2003 as doi:10.1164/rccm.200307-959OC

Effect of Treatment with Dornase Alpha on Airway Inflammation in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

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Effect of treatment with dornase alpha on airway inflammation in cystic fibrosis


Karl Paul1*

, Ernst Rietschel 2*, Manfred Ballmann3*, Matthias Griese4*, Dieter

Worlitzsch5, Janis Shute6, Christiane Chen1, Tanja Schink7 Gerd Döring 5, Silke van

Koningsbruggen2, Ulrich Wahn1, Felix Ratjen8* for the BEAT Study Group


Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité, Humboldt-

University, Berlin, Germany; 2

Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Allergology,

Children´s Hospital, University of Cologne, Germany; 3

Department of Pediatric

Pneumology, Medical School, University of Hannover, Germany; 4

Children´s Hospital, University of Munich, Germany,

5Institute of General and Environmental

Hygiene, University of Tübingen, Germany; 6 School of Pharmacy and Biomedical

Sciences, University of Portsmouth, UK; 7Department of Medical Biometry,

Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany; 8Children´s Hospital, University of Essen, Germany

*Manfred Ballmann, Matthias Griese, Karl Paul, Felix Ratjen and Ernst Rietschel are

the principal investigators of the BEAT study centers

Address for correspondence:

Prof. Dr. Felix Ratjen Children’s Hospital University of Essen Hufelandstr. 55, D-45122 Essen, Germany Phone: +492017233350 Fax: +492017232352 e-mail: [email protected]

Influence of rhDNase on airway inflammation

Key words: rhDNase, bronchoalveolar lavage, cystic fibrosis, airway inflammation,

lung function

Subject category list: 102

Copyright (C) 2003 by the American Thoracic Society.

AJRCCM Articles in Press. Published on December 18, 2003 as doi:10.1164/rccm.200307-959OC

12/12/2003 2


RhDNase has been shown to improve lung function and reduce the number of

pulmonary exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), but its long term effect

on airway inflammation remains unknown. In this study we used bronchoalveolar

lavage (BAL) to investigate the long-term effect of rhDNase on inflammation in CF

patients with mild lung disease. 105 CF patients > 5 years of age with normal lung

function were randomized to receive rhDNase (2.5 mg/day) or no rhDNase. Patients

with a normal percentage of neutrophils in BAL fluid at baseline were not randomized

and served as a control group. The percentage of neutrophils in the pooled BAL

sample was similar in both randomized groups at baseline: A significant increase in

neutrophils was observed over the 3 year study period in both untreated patients and

controls, whereas neutrophils remained unchanged in patients treated with rhDNase.

Elastase activities and IL-8 concentrations also increased in untreated patients and

remained stable in patients on rhDNase. We conclude that an increase in neutrophilic

airway inflammation is found in patients with cystic fibrosis that is positively

influenced by rhDNase treatment.

183 words

12/12/2003 3


Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator

(CFTR) gene which encodes a protein that functions as a chloride channel in

epithelial membranes. The disease is characterized by depletion of the periciliary

liquid layer of bronchial epithelial cells that impairs mucociliary transport with

retention of thick and viscid mucus that is subsequently invaded by bacterial

pathogens [1,2]. The persistent bacterial infections lead to a massive neutrophil

dominated host response with high levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL 8 and

the release of neutrophil granule enzymes such as elastase and myeloperoxidase [3-

5]. With the use of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) neutrophil dominated airway

inflammation has been shown to be present very early in the course of the disease

and in stable patients with few clinical symptoms [6-8]. Due to the invasiveness of the

technique, most of these studies have been performed cross-sectionally and there is

only limited information available on the natural course of this inflammatory response

in CF patients.

Invading neutrophils disintegrate during the inflammatory response and release large

amounts of intracellular DNA that contributes to the viscid airway secretions in CF

patients [9]. Recombinant human DNase (rhDNase) has been shown to reduce

sputum viscosity, improve pulmonary function and reduce the number of pulmonary

exacerbations in patients with moderate lung disease (10-12). Similar effects have

also been demonstrated in patients with mild disease making rhDNase the only

mucolytic with proven efficacy in CF (12,13). However, studies using spontaneously

expectorated sputum have raised concerns that rhDNase may increase airway

inflammation by releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-8 that are bound to

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DNA in airway secretions (14,15). This may only be a short lived effect, since a

subsequent study was unable to demonstrate a reproducible effect of rhDNase on IL-

8 concentrations (16). Currently there are no data available on the long term effect of

rhDNase on lower airway inflammation in CF. Given the positive effects on both

airway clearance and frequency of pulmonary exacerbations, rhDNase could also

exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect in CF airways. To further define the natural

evolution of airway inflammation in CF and to assess the effect of rhDNase on this

inflammatory process, we have studied lower airway inflammation over a 3 year

period using bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in a cohort of CF patients with mild lung

disease. Some of the results of this study have been previously reported in form of

abstracts (17,18).

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105 patients ( 53 female) aged 5 to 37 years (mean age ± SD: 11.8 ± 5.4 years)

were recruited at the 5 participating centers (Berlin, Cologne, Essen, Hanover and

Munich). Only 10 of these patients were older than 15 years of age. The diagnosis of

CF had been confirmed by repeated sweat test with chloride concentrations

exceeding 60 mmol/l and/or CFTR mutation analysis. Patients were eligible for this

study, if they were able to perform lung function tests, had normal lung function

defined as a FEV1 > 80% predicted and were clinically stable. Exclusion criteria were

(1) the use of anti-inflammatory treatment (Ibuprofen, systemic or inhaled

corticosteroids and α1-antitrypsin) (2) a modified Shwachman-score not including x-

rays < 55 points (3) allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and (4) other severe

organ involvement such as advanced hepatic disease. All patients had to be free of

acute respiratory tract infections prior to bronchoscopy for at least 6 weeks. The

study was approved by the local ethic committees of all participating centers. Written

informed consent by both parents and /or the patients was obtained in all cases.

Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage were performed at

baseline, after 18 and 36 months respectively. Onsite visits by one investigator (F.R)

were performed for the first procedure to ensure that the same approach was used in

every center. The bronchoscope was wedged in the lingula or one of its segments in

all patients. The same segment/subsegment was lavaged on all three occasions in

every patient BAL was performed as described before in the report of the baseline

data for this study(19,20). The laboratory personnel performing the BAL fluid

analysis was blinded to the patient’s treatment. The first aliquot of the recovered BAL

12/12/2003 6

fluid was treated separately; all other samples were pooled for analysis. The total cell

count was measured by a hemocytometer, the differential cell count of the BAL by

cytocentrifugation at the different sites. Bacterial cultures were performed from the

first BAL aliquot.

Total IL-8 was measured in duplicate in pooled BAL samples using a commercially

available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit (Pelikine kit; Eurogenetics, Hamp-

ton, UK)[20,21]. The sensitivity of the assay is 1pg/ml, and a standard curve was

prepared in the range 1-240 pg/ml. Samples were diluted as appropriate (usually

1:50) in phosphate buffered saline. The intra assay and inter assay variation are both

less than 10%.

Quantification of neutrophil enzyme activities. The myeloperoxidase (MPO) catalyzed

oxidation of guaiacol to tetraguaiacol in the presence of H2O2 was used to quantify

MPO activity in pooled BAL samples of CF patients [22,23]. The reaction was fol-

lowed at 470 nm (Ultrospec III, Pharmacia Biotech GmbH, Freiburg, Germany). One

MPO unit was defined as the consumption of 1 µmol of H2O2 per minute. The detec-

tion limit was 0.02 units. Neutrophil elastase (NE) activity was investigated photomet-

rically at 410 nm using the peptide MeOSuc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-p-nitroanilide (Bachem,

Heidelberg, Germany) as specific chromogenic substrate. One unit was defined as

the release of 1 µmol p-nitroanilide/min/ml using the extinction coefficient ε410nm =

8800 M-1cm-1 [23,24]. The detection limit was 0.2 units. Measurements for both en-

zymes were performed 6 times, results were expressed as mean values of 6-fold


Patients < 8 years with a relative neutrophil count > 10 % and patients > 8 years with

12/12/2003 7

a relative neutrophil count > 5 % in pooled BAL fluid were randomized to 2.5 mg

rhDNase once daily (n=46) or no rhDNase (n=39). A higher cutoff level was used for

younger children, since we found a higher percentage of neutrophils in children < 8

years in our previous study on children without lung disease (19). Patients with a

lower percentage of neutrophils (n=20) were not randomized and followed as a

control group. Patients were routinely evaluated clinically every 3 months during the 3

year period.

Stastistical analysis:

Statistical analysis was done with SPSS release 11.0.1 and SAS release 8.02. The

primary outcome variables of this study were the change in the percentage of

neutrophils, Il-8 and neutrophil elastase in pooled BAL samples within the 3 year

period. Nonparametric repeated-measures analyses of variance were used to take

into account the correlated nature of repeated measurements. For comparison of

different treatment groups we performed a two-factorial analysis for each variable,

with group and time point as factors [25]. For the detection of decreasing or

increasing trends over time statistics for patterned time effects were computed. A p

level of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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105 patients underwent the first BAL; 46 were randomized to rhDNase treatment, 39

to no treatment; 20 patients were not randomized due to a low percentage of

neutrophils in BAL fluid. Of the 46 patients treated with rhDNase 43 underwent the

second procedure at 18 months and 24 patients the third BAL at 36 months. 39

patients were randomized to no treatment of whom 33 and 24 underwent the second

and third BAL, respectively. The corresponding numbers for the 20 untreated patients

with a low percentage of neutrophils are 16 and 12, respectively. The reason for early

termination in these cases was unwillingness to undergo repeat BAL’s in all cases.

There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of dropout between the

groups. There were also no differences in FEV1 after 18 and 36 months in all 3

groups between patients continuing the study and patients who dropped out.

Total cell counts of BAL fluid were highly variable and did not change significantly

over time in the 3 groups. The percentage of neutrophils in pooled BAL samples were

similar at baseline in both randomized groups and significantly increased over time in

both untreated patients and controls (p < 0.02) (Fig. 1). There was no detectable age

effect, but numbers were too small for older patients to perform a meaningful

statistical analysis. No change in the percentage of neutrophils was observed in

patients treated with rhDNase (Fig. 1). The variability in the annual change of the

percentage of neutrophils in the 2 randomized groups is shown in Fig. 2.

In contrast to the findings in pooled BAL samples, the percentage of neutrophils of

the first syringe of BAL increased significantly over time in all groups, although the

increase was more pronounced in untreated patients (p< 0.01 for patients treated

12/12/2003 9

with rhDNase, p< 0.005 for untreated patients for the percentage of neutrophils) (Fig.

3). Total IL 8 concentrations increased in untreated patients (p < 0.02) and remained

stable in patients treated with rhDNase (p = 0.58) and controls (p = 0.09) (Fig. 4).

Similar results were obtained for free elastase activity in BAL fluid that increased in

untreated CF patients (p< p<0.007), while it remained stable in rhDNase treated

patients and controls (Fig. 5). A similar trend was observed for MPO that failed to

reach statistical significance (Fig. 6).

Concomitant therapy was not statistically different between the 3 groups (data not

shown). Chest physiotherapy was routinely performed in all patients, approximately

85 % of patients received inhaled albuterol in both groups. Macrolides were only al-

lowed for short treatment periods (2-4 weeks). There were no significant difference in

the number of antibiotic courses (oral, intravenous or inhaled) between the 2 random-

ized groups.

The results of bacterial cultures from BAL fluid are displayed in Table 2: No

significant differences were observed between patients randomized to either

rhDNase versus no rhDNase treatment, whereas control subjects had a lower rate of

negative BAL fluid cultures at baseline.

BAL was well tolerated in all but one patient who developed fever and dyspnea in the

first 24 hours that required hospitalization, but resolved within 48 hours. No severe

side-effects of the BAL were noted.

This study was not designed to assess the effect of rhDNase treatment on lung

function and no significant differences were observed in the evolution of lung function

12/12/2003 10

parameters over the 3 year period. A significant decline in FEV1 was observed in the

2 randomized groups (p = 0.001 for patients treated with rhDNase and p = 0.0003 for

untreated patients). whereas the control group with a normal percentage of

neutrophils in the pooled BAL fluid sample did not show any significant decline over

the 3 year period (p = 0.07) (Fig.7). Similar results were obtained, when the analysis

was limited to patients homozygous for DF508 (data not shown). The median annual

rate of decline for the total study population was –2.12 % in controls, - 1.99 % in

rhDNase treated patients and -3.26 % in untreated patients. Although not statistically

different, the rate of decline was highest in untreated patients. MEF25/75 % VC

significantly decreased in both randomized patient groups (p < 0.01) whereas no

change was observed in controls (p = 0.51) (Fig. 8). In contrast, FVC remained stable

both in controls (p = 0.79) and in patients treated with rhDNase (p =0.26) whereas it

decreased significantly only in untreated patients (p < 0.008) (Fig. 9).

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In this large BAL study we provide evidence that the majority of CF patients with

normal lung function have neutrophilic airway inflammation that increases over time.

In patients with elevated neutrophil counts, treatment with rhDNase did not reverse

the neutrophilia, but prevented progression of the increase in BAL fluid neutrophils

and may therefore be efficacious in modulating the inflammatory process. This is the

first report demonstrating that rhDNase is not only an effective mucolytic drug, but

also affects the progression of airway inflammation in CF.

Short term studies using sputum analysis have found evidence that rhDNase

releases pro-inflammatory cytokines that are bound to DNA and may therefore have

a negative effect on airway inflammation [14,15]. These findings were not supported

by 2 subsequent studies using spontaneously expectorated sputum in patients with

more severe lung disease, in which rhDNase treatment over 1-3 months was found to

have no effect on airway inflammation [16,26]. Here we could show that rhDNase

treatment over 3 years not only has no pro-inflammatory effect but rather prevents

the increase in airway inflammation that is observed in untreated patients.

In a preliminary analysis of the initial BAL performed in each patient we could show

that the majority of patients in our study population with a normal percentage of

neutrophils in pooled BAL sample already have an elevated percentage of

neutrophils in their first BAL sample [20]. This is a more bronchial sample and may

therefore be more sensitive for early bronchial inflammation in CF. Longitudinally, we

have now found an increase of neutrophils over time in the first sample in all groups

with no effect of rhDNase treatment. Whether this is of relevance for the effect of

12/12/2003 12

treatment remains unclear. The absolute amount of neutrophils and neutrophil

products is much lower in the first BAL sample and, even though this may be a more

sensitive marker of a bronchial disease, the absolute inflammatory burden of

neutrophil degradation products may be more relevant for the damage caused to the

peripheral airways and the lung parenchyma. A large study assessing lung function

as a primary outcome measure in CF patients with mild lung disease showed greater

improvement for rhDNase treated patients in FEF25-75% compared to FEV1; a test

which is more sensitive for changes in peripheral airways (13). In addition, studies

using sputum that is derived from more central airways have failed to demonstrate

any effect of rhDNase on airway inflammation (16,26). These finding may therefore

suggest that rhDNase may have a more pronounced effect on peripheral airway

inflammation. Long term follow-up of the patients in our study may give a clue as to

which of the markers of BAL fluid and which BAL sample may be more useful to

predict the future course of lung disease in CF patients.

The mechanism of an anti-inflammatory effect of rhDNase is unclear. RhDNase has

been shown to release cationic enzymes from complexes with DNA [27] and to

reduce the concentration and the size of extracellular DNA in sputum [28]. Patients

treated with rhDNase produced significantly lower viscosity of sputum and an

increased ratio of viscosity in proportion to elasticity at high frequency consistent with

increased clearability of sputum by coughing. This is critically dependent on the

adhesiveness of mucus, which is determined by its surface tension, and is better with

a lower tension and consequently a more efficient air-jet mucus interaction [29].

RhDNase has no direct effect on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the

chemotaxis of neutrophils or the release of neutrophil products. Studies in CF cell

lines and in animal models of CF airway infection have demonstrated not only an

12/12/2003 13

exaggerated response to infectious agents, but also defective downregulation that

leads to persistence of the inflammatory process over time [30,31]. This defective

downregulation seems to be linked to decreased production of the anti-inflammatory

cytokine IL-10 [32]. An increase in neutrophilic airway inflammation is not limited to

bacterial infection and was also demonstrated in CF children with viral respiratory

tract infection [33]. As rhDNase has been found to decrease the number of

pulmonary exacerbations in CF, the lack of increase in BAL neutrophils in rhDNase

treated patients may be caused by a lower rate of exacerbations in these patients.

Alternatively, the improved clearance of mucous may directly clear neutrophils and

their degradation products from the lung.

Although it is well known that CF lung disease is characterized by neutrophilic airway

inflammation even in patients with mild lung disease, little progress has been made in

the development of effective anti-inflammatory treatment. In addition, the long-term

effect of airway inflammation in CF remains poorly defined. Indirect evidence from

trials using ibuprofen or systemic corticosteroids suggest that treatment of airway

inflammation has a positive effect on lung function [34,35]. In these studies, both

therapeutic approaches did not improve lung function, but rather slowed the decline

of lung function over time. Cross-sectional data from a study of infants suggest that

neutrophilic airway inflammation shows a negative correlation with lung function [36].

In our study patients with a normal percentage of neutrophils in BAL fluid did not

show a decline of lung function over a three year period, a finding that would favor

the view that airway inflammation per se has a negative impact on the subsequent

course of lung disease and that the absence of airway inflammation is a positive

prognostic factor in CF lung disease. However, this patient group also showed an

increase of neutrophilic airway inflammation over time raising the question whether a

12/12/2003 14

threshold exists for airway inflammation to become deleterious for the further course

of lung disease.

Even though BAL has the advantage to sample material directly from the lower

respiratory tract, its use in longitudinal studies has some limitations. BAL studies in

CF patients have provided evidence for regional heterogeneity of lung disease with

differences in both bacterial colonization and the extend of airway inflammation in

different regions of the lung (37,38). We have tried to address this problem by always

performing the BAL in the same region in the lung and by selecting the lingula, which

belongs to the upper lobe and may be more sensitive to detect airway inflammation in

patients with mild disease, since CF is characterized by a more prominent

involvement of the upper lobes (37). Currently, there is little information on the

longitudinal course of variability in regional airway inflammation in CF and we can

therefore not exclude that this may have influenced the results of this study..

In summary, we have shown that rhDNase has a positive impact on airway

inflammation in CF patients. These data support our preliminary findings that

rhDNase has a beneficial effect on metalloproteases in BAL fluid (39) and would

favor an early use of this drug in CF patients with mild disease and support the

evidence provided by the PEIT study that demonstrated a positive effect of rhDNase

on both lung function and pulmonary exacerbations in CF patients with mild disease

[13]. Further follow-up of these patients will show whether this positive effect on

airway inflammation will affect the decline in lung function over time in these patients.

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We would like to thank all the collaborators in the clinics and in the laboratories at the

different participating centers for their excellent collaboration in this study.

This study was supported by a grant from the german CF foundation (Mukoviszidose

e. V.) and Hoffmann-La Roche, Germany.

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39.Ratjen F, Hartog CM, Paul K, Wermelt J, Braun J. Matrix metalloproteases in BAL

fluid of cystic fibrosis patients and their modulation by treatment with dornase

alpha. Thorax 2002; 57: 930-4.

12/12/2003 21


Fig. 1:

Neutrophils (% of the total cell population in BAL fluid) of controls with a normal

percentage of neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or

no rhDNase treatment. A significant increase in the percentage of neutrophils was

observed with time in both controls and patients receiving no rhDNase treatment

(p<0.02), whereas no change was found in rhDNase treated CF patients.

Fig. 2:

Variability in the annual change of the percentage of neutrophils in pooled BAL

samples for the 2 randomized groups.

Fig. 3:

Neutrophils of the first BAL syringe (% of the total cell population in BAL fluid) of

controls with a normal percentage of neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to

rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase treatment. The percentage of neutrophils of the

first syringe of BAL increased significantly over time in all groups, although the

increase was more pronounced in untreated patients (p< 0.01 for patients treated

with rhDNase, p< 0.005 for untreated patients for the percentage of neutrophils)

Fig. 4:

Total IL-8 concentrations in pooled BAL fluid of controls with a normal percentage of

neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase

treatment. A significant increase in the percentage in total IL-8 was observed in

patients receiving no rhDNase treatment (p<0.02), whereas no change was found in

controls (p = 0.09) and rhDNase treated CF patients (p = 0.58).

Fig. 5:

12/12/2003 22

Free elastase activities in pooled BAL fluid of controls with a normal percentage of

neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase

treatment. A significant increase in elastase activity was observed in patients

receiving no rhDNase treatment (p<0.007), whereas no change was found in controls

and rhDNase treated CF patients.

Fig. 6:

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities in pooled BAL fluid of controls with a normal

percentage of neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or

no rhDNase treatment. Although a trend towards an increase in MPO concentrations

was observed in untreated patients, this did not reach statistical significance.


Changes in FEV1 ( % predicted) in controls with a normal percentage of neutrophils

at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase treatment.

FEV1 significantly decreased in both randomized patient groups (p = 0.001 for

patients treated with rhDNase and p = 0.0003 for untreated patients) whereas no

change was observed in controls (p = 0.07).


Changes in MEF25/75 (% predicted) in controls with a normal percentage of

neutrophils at baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase

treatment. MEF25/75 significantly decreased in both randomized patient groups (p <

0.01) whereas no change was observed in controls (p = 0.51).

Fig. 9:

Changes in FVC (% predicted) in controls with a normal percentage of neutrophils at

baseline, patients randomized to rhDNase treatment or no rhDNase treatment. FVC

remained stable both in controls (p = 0.79) and in patients treated with rhDNase (p

=0.26) whereas it decreased significantly only in untreated patients (p < 0.008).

12/12/2003 23


BSA bovine serum albumin

CF cystic fibrosis

FRC functional residual capacity

FVC forced vital capacity


forced expiratory volume in one second

HLE human leukocyte elastase


maximal expiratory flow between 25 and 75 % of vital capacity

MEM minimal essential medium

BAL bronchoalveolar lavage

PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells

PBS phosphate buffered saline

rhDNase recombinant human desoxyribonuclease

12/12/2003 24

Fig. 1:

* *



3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL













no rhDNase



12/12/2003 25

Fig. 2:

annual change in neutrophils (%)


17.5% to 22.5%

12.5% to 17.5%

7.7% to 12.5%

2.5% to 7.5%

-2.5% to 2.5%

-7.5% to -7.5%

-12.5% to -7.5%

-17.5% to -12.5%












no rhDNase

12/12/2003 26

Fig. 3



3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL



















no rhDNase



12/12/2003 27

Fig. 4


3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL















no rhDNase


12/12/2003 28

Fig. 5:


3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL














no rhDNase


12/12/2003 29

Fig. 6:

3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL















no rhDNase

12/12/2003 30

Fig. 7:

3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL















no rhDNase


12/12/2003 31

Fig. 8:

3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL















no rhDNase



12/12/2003 32

Fig. 9:

3. BAL2. BAL1. BAL


















no rhDNase


12/12/2003 33

Table 1: Baseline characteristics for the 3 groups

RhDNase No RhDNase Controls

N 46 39 20

Age; mean (SD) 11.3 (5.1) 12.2 (4.4) 12.5 (7.5)

Females/males 25/21 21/18 7/13

DF508 homozygous 66 % 63 % 45 %

DF508 compound heterozygous 9 % 21 % 35 %

FVC; mean (SD) 86 (27) % 95 (19) % 83 (24) %

FEV1; mean (SD) 96 (13) % 98 (15) % 93 (15) %

MEF25/75 % VC ; mean (SD)) 92 (30) % 90 (32) % 74 (21) %

Total cell counts;

Median (range) x106

4.4 (0-126) 5.9 (0-159) 1.8 (0-13)

Macrophages ; median (range) 63.5 (8-91) % 63 (8-94) % * 89 (62-94) %

Lymphocytes; median (range) 5.9 (0-38) % 4 (0-32) % 8.7 (1-39) %

Neutrophils ; median (range) 29 (6-87) % * 29 (7-91) % * 1.5 (0.3-7) %

Eosinophils; median (range) 0 (0-3.4) % 0.3 (0-10.7) % 0.1 (0-1) %

IL-8 ng/ml ;

Median (range)

0.69 (0.15-7) * 0.51 (0.04-3.5) * 0.07 (0.02-0.32)

Elastase U

Median (range)

0.018 (0-0.18) 0.02 (0.01-1.81) 0.017 (0-0,02)


median (range)

0.05 (0-0.064) 0.052 (0-0.082) 0 (0-0.059)

*significantly different to controls (p at least <0.05)

12/12/2003 34

Table 2: Results of BAL fluid bacterial cultures (%) in the 3 groups

RhDNase No RhDNase Controls

1. BAL

n 46 39 20

P. aeruginosa 37 % 21 % 15 %

Staph. aureus 48 % 51 % 30 %

H. influenzae 22 % 23 % 10 %

Other bacteria 24 % 21 % 20 %

No bacteria 13 % 18 % 50 % *

2. BAL

n 43 33 16

P. aeruginosa 28 % 21 % 19 %

Staph. aureus 30 % 45 % 19 %

H. influenzae 26 % 18 % 25 %

Other bacteria 10 % 24 % 25 %

No bacteria 14 % 18 % 31 %

3. BAL

n 24 24 12

P. aeruginosa 38 % 33 % 17 %

Staph. aureus 29 % 54 % 17 %

H. influenzae 38 % 33 % 25 %

Other bacteria 38 % 25 % 25 %

No bacteria 3 % 21 % 42 %

*p = 0.002 compared to both randomized groups; Fisher’s exact test