HOW TO USE MICROSCOPE AND CELL OBSERVATION OKTAVIA INTAN 3315116258 Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam


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Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu

Pengetahuan Alam

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


I. How to Use Microscope and Cell Observation

II. Purpose :1. Learn how to preparr te materials which would be observed

with microscope.

2. Observe the living cell and nonliving cell.

3. Observed the shape of cell.

4. Observe the differences between plant cell and animal


III. Theoretical Background

We know that we can’t see everything only by naked eyes. Someone

who difficult to identify had invented the first microscope that

is optical microscope. An early microscope was made in

Netherlands. The compound microscope has two systems of lenses

for greater magnification, 1) the ocular, or eyepiece lens that

one looks into and 2) the objective lens, or the lens closest to

the object.  Before purchasing or using a microscope, it is

important to know the functions of each part.

A. The function and the part of microscope

1. Tube – Reflects light up to the viewers eye

2. Rotating Objects – Allows for quick change of objectives

3. Low Power Objective – The first lens you use when doing

proper microscope work. Usually 4 X

4. Medium Power Objective – The second lens you use when doing

proper microscope work. Usually 10 X

5. High Power Objective – The highest magnification used.

Usually 43 X. NEVER use the course adjustment when using

this lens. But it doesn’t used on the observation.

6. Stage Clips – Use to keep the slide in place

7. Diaphragm – Use to vary the amount of light passing through

the slide. Usually it is better if the amount of light is


8. Light Source – Sends light up through the diaphragm and

through the slide for viewing

9. Eye Piece—The part you look at with your eye. Usually 10 X


10. Neck – Used to safely transport microscope

11. Stage – Slides are placed on this

12. Coarse Adjustment – Used to make large changes in

focus. NOTE Never use this when viewing on high power

13. Fine Adjustment – Used to small adjustments of focus

14. Base – Used to safely transport the microscope

B. Setting up the microscope

1. Place a glass slide onto the stage.

2. Turn the lenses so that the one with the smallest

magnification clicks into place over the slide.

3. Adjust the mirror so that light passes through the glass

slide and into the lens.

4. Look at the slide from the side of the stage. Use the focus

knob to move the lens down so that it is just above the

slide. Take care not to hit the slide with the lens.

5. Look down the eyepiece and turn the focus so that the lens

moves away from the slide until the slide looks like it is

in focus.

6. Change the magnification by turning the lens until it clicks

into place. Do not change the focus as it should be nearly

in focus. Look down the lens and make any fine adjustments

with the focus wheel.

With microscope we can see the smallest things for example

cell. There are two kinds of cell that is plant cell and animal


C. Cell


That’s the explanation about the organelles with their


a. Nucleus, to holds the DNA

b. Ribosome, makes proteins and found in all cells,

prokaryotic and eukaryotic

c. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER or Roads), The internal

delivery system of the cell. 2 Types:

1. a Rough ER: Rough appearance because it has


Function: helps make proteins, that’s why it has


1.b Smooth ER:NO ribosome

Function: makes fats or lipids

d. Golgi Complex (The shippers), packages, modifies, and

transports materials to different location inside/outside of

the cell

e. Lysosomes (“Clean-up Crews”): circular, but bigger than


Function: to break down food into particles the rest of

the cell can use and to destroy old cells

f. Mitochondria (“The Powerhouse”), Energy formation and

breaks down food to make ATP. ATP is the major fuel for all

cell activities that require energy.


Plant cell commonly has same organelles with animal cell.

But in plant cell there are more organelles that will be


g. Vacuoles, stores water. This is what makes lettuce crisp

and when there is no water, the plant wilts


h. Chloroplasts, traps energy from the sun to produce food

for the plant cell. Green in color because of chlorophyll,

which is a green pigment

i. Cell Wall, provides support and protection to the cell

membrane. Found outside the cell membrane in plant cells

IV. Instrument and MaterialA.Instrument

1. Microscope

2. Slide

3. Cover Glass

4. Beaker Glass

5. Cutter

6. Tissue

7. Drop Forceps

8. Tooth Pick

9. Filtrating Paper

B.Materials1. Pieces of with text A

2. Dry red onion cover (Album cepa)

3. Leaf of Adam and Eva (Rhoeo discolor)

4. Leaf Hdyrillia (Hydrilla verticilata)

5. Leaf of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pfflata)

6. Oral mucosal epithelium

7. HCL concentrate

V. MethodA. First Experiment : Practice using microscope

A piece of paper that written


Put in the objective lens and add

some water

Close with the cover


Observe with


B. Second Experiment : Observation the coati plant cell

Red onion


Put in the objective lens and

add some water

Drop the HCL


Close with the cover


Observe with


C. Third Experiment : Observe the fresh plant cell slide

1. Leaf of Adam and Eva (Rheo discolor)

A piece of paper that written


Put in the objective lens and add

some water

Close with the cover


Observe with


2. Leaf Hdyrillia (Hydrilla verticilata)

A piece of paper that written


Put in the objective lens and add

some water

Close with the cover


Observe with


3. Leaf of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pfflata)

A piece of paper that written


Put in the objective lens and add

some water

Close with the cover


Observe with


4. Oral mucosal epithelium

A piece of paper that written


Put in the objective lens and add

some water

Close with the cover


Observe with


VI. Result

Activity 1. Exercises Using a Microscope

Description : Shadow of the letter F is enlarged, inverted, and virtual.

Figure 1. (4x10)

Activity 2. Tues Coati observed in plants

Description : cell look like space and there are shape like brown fiber.

Figure 2. (10x10)

Activity 3. Observing fresh preparations of plant cells

A. Adam Eva Leaf (Rhoeo discolor)

Description : Hexagonal-shaped. There arefibers like greenish brown rope and there are pink space.

Figure 3. (10x10)

B. Hydrilla Leaf (Hydrilla verticilata)

Description : The colour is green and there are soft green between oneof another chain.

Figure 4. (10x10)

C. Cocor Bebek Leaf (Kalanchoe pinata)

Description : irregular quadrilateral-shaped and there are greenish brown small circles.

Figure 5. (10x10)

D. Observing Fresh Preparations of Animal Cell

Description : has an irregular shape. part of the cell is not clearly visible. The color is greenish brown.

Figure 6. (10x10)

VII. DiscussionA.First Experiment : Practice using microscope

After finish the observation with the paper which written “F”

with lowest magnification. The paper of “F” look inverse, that is

because the objective lens and the ocular lens are convex lens.

It show that the shadow are virtual, inverted, and enlarge. And

ocular lens decided the last shadow. In optical microscope, the

last shadow has same properties with shadow wile, virtual,

inverted and anlarge.

B.Second Experiment : Observation the coati plant


In the cover cell of red union we can see the cell wall and

cytoplasm. The function of cell wall is provides support and

protection to the cell membrane. In this observation we use HCL

concentrate because HCL able to broke the nucleus and the nucleus

mix with the cytoplasm. Because of it, only cytoplasm that look.

When the nucleus broken, the others organelles will broken too

because nucleus is the control. But HCL cannot broken the cell

wall because it has a strong organ and the cytoplasm doesn’t

broken too because it’s a liquid. The nucleus and the others

organelles that broken called nonliving cell.

C.Third Experiment : Observation the fresh plant cell

slide.1. Leaf of Adam and Eva (Rheo discolor)

In the picture there are cell wall, cytoplasm, and stomata.

Like in the second experiment, the function of cell wall is

provides support and protection to the cell membrane. And cytoplasm is a liquid that has some organelles there are Vacuole,

Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome , Nucleus, Mitochondria, Golgi

Bodies, Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, and Chloroplast. And the

nucleus should look in the observation, but the nucleus doesn’t

find, maybe it is because the specimen that too tick and make the

cell that look in the microscope are collide. The Vacuole doesn’t

look as well but the stomata are look clearly. Stomata is a place

exchange between atmosphere and CO2. It show that in Adam Eva

Leaf there are chloroplast because in mesophyll there are

chloroplast that can photosynthesis.

2. Leaf Hdyrillia (Hydrilla verticilata)

In the picture there are cell wall, cytoplasm, and

chloroplast. Like the cell red union and also the leaf of Adam

Eva, in the Hydrilla there is a cell wall that provides support

and protection to the cell membrane and it show that Hydrilla

cell is plant cell. Cytoplasm is a liquid (85-90% consist of

water) that has some organelles. And chloroplast shape is like

lens. In the chloroplast there are chlorophyll. The function of

chloroplast is traps energy from the sun to produce food for the

plant cell. In this experiment, the cell wall, cytoplasm, and the

chloroplast look maybe because the specimen is thinner than the

second experiment.

3. Leaf of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pfflata)

In the picture there are cell wall, cytoplasm, stomata, and

spaces between cells. All like the before experiment. In this

experiment there is thing that look like rose flower and maybe

that is Stomata. stomata look like rose flower maybe because the

specimen is too big so the stomata is collide like rose flower.

In this experiment there are spaces between cells. Spaces between

cells usually called lamela middle. Lamela middle is one of

another structure plant cell. Lamela middle consist of Pektin.

Enzyme pektinase can dissolve lamella middle so the cell will

divorce each other is called maceration. Cocor Bebek plant is

live in water and float upward, so it need smaller the density of

plant than water. With lamella middle or space between cells,

will form cell structure that distantly and density of cell

smaller than another plant.

4. Oral mucosal epithelium

In the animal cell slide experiment, we use human oral

mucosa epithelium. In the picture look cell membrane, cytoplasm,

and nucleus. Cell membrane covering or protect nucleus and

cytoplasm , cell membrane is flexible it make the shape of

animal cell is messy. Cell membrane cover organelles in the cell

and also a transportation equipment for that cell because in cell

membrane the substance that needed and unneeded can into or out

to. Cell membranes consist of protein, oligosaccharide

glycolipids and phospholipids colestrol. Cytoplasm also look in

the picture, maybe the cytoplasm structure more wide than another

part of cell and cytoplasm viscous liquid make it easier look in

the optical microscope. Nucleus or called cell center and consist

of matrix.

VIII. Suplement1.Compare the location of the shadow with the object location

that observed. That’s the location same or inverted?

Inverted. That’s the shadow is mirror images? Yes.

2.While looking the ocular lens, move the slide from the left

to the right. Where the shadow move? To the opposite direction. Where’s the shadow move if the slide move to

forward? To backward.

3. Rotate the low power objective to strong power objective.

That’s change the field of view become wide or narrow? Wide.

That is change the position of the shadow? No. And that’s

the shadow darker or brighter? Darker.

IX. References

Care and Use the microscope, http://faculty.valenciacollege.edu/smatthews/Use%20of%20the%20Microscope.pdf, October 6th 2011, 13.00 WIB.

Using the Microscope, http://krupp.wcc.hawaii.edu/BIOL100L/powerpoint/microscope.pdf, October 6th 2011, 13.45 WIB.

TeachAssist Resource Worksheets, http://www.griffin-education.co.uk/resources/pdfs/Booklet1-Ueofmicrosco.pdf , October 6th 2011, 14.00 WIB.