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1n Everyllodfs Mouth"


BREW 'rills Beer obtained 3 Flrs1 I Priles at R.A. Show, Sydney,'ll

BRl!:WED . ;!l'f

Castlemaine Brewery AND LABOR








STOVES for Wood.

Coa l or L:ok e

I Wood Brothers Lt1J.,


'WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED " THE RAIL",l..' AY AND TRAMW AY REVIEW.1' 1~:~~~1·;~~~a~~r~ 1~ ~P~ta?:, ~-~!~~~. ;~r~

r-uei. f rom .:£2·7·G,

1·nre 1,l'its ou a;iolic:1iio11 ,

Circulating amongst the Unionists and Labor Supporters of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Sout~ Australia, West Australia and Tasmania. Uept. A,

J.iili.EFF I. SOH


.APtoll' !h• ;>_tFC".' 1: }'! BS1' motto 1, ycu r.nlt, J \..st ni:;1..1l'~ to yo u rself, bow bait YOLJ 1.~:i !1 i;,.f, ~g, ,i:irU y our H:~AL'l'H , aud, l o·

t..•11.len1al ly. ,\·our· PUCKET ..

r ! c. r<1's °:liJr.--- ·- .

VOL. .XI., No. 50

SEE SPElll'CER NOLl!.ll' AEO'D'T YO!ilt 'l:FX:Tlt .. ,

;;~~~1 · ·~11~~er 1Jn bb~-n~f;t\).0 ~~J· 1 I 1~~·~1\ ,,11 ~t~1 .. :!L1) f .. ·.~~~ gh·;· Yo ~· , thor ..... ~h1> an ti \';i.rton· j uiJ Ute- ng.\l

tl gu1·e. lle ... e t:"'t" uh' l;i!.!.:I<: :-=;-

!":l.i:nlccB Extrr.t"t.i.o:io . · P~!lllClll :='U li :l. ~ » Zr'>m . . . . ... . . .

Upper or L owct· S eta: from

2 .,,

.. 5 / " £1 ' l , .

P at6ut Sttetion Sets. T H U.EE GtTUi~.AS. AD~ncE FP.EE.

·· s~~ t 111 th" Lon~ Ru n."

133 LIVEltFOOL-STR.'Et:"l' ( ov~r Ai nsworth's ),

nc:: t s:::::ov1s·.

• OXJ!'OJl.D -STREET (nnt Wl'.NN'J), SYI:INEY.

Bu~ic 'U' \dd rr o;; .

c;e~ \-~UC".: THURSDAY' DECEMBER 9, 1915. RU RSCRl PTIO~:

,s, per nn n um f'oct Fr,e. Eight Pages

Australian Railways and Tramways Union Annual Conference of 1915. REPORT BY MR. V. G. KAVANAGH

.'.s :i. delegate lo the ab01e ron- con s litut .oa, 11h1rh h ad b•en sen t to O\er b; i\lr J II C"alls, :\IP., nnd coultl be lJl.en imwedinl•I; l!Je ob· I

ference l shall endea10 1 to g 11 elthe var:ous Sl.l te bran chPo for· ron-1 tl1 e finnnrlal sl:i.temenrs sho"eLI lh.1t\ slocle had bee n 1e mo, ecl ;:J I

member s of t he Amalgama1ed .rn 1sid eration. In •rasinauir.. a ballot or lhe1e ha s 1,eeu 1ery few expenses Hl.' L E'l.

1 idea of the 11 ork that 11 as done cllll · 1 mewbers 11 as t '.l k er: and " No p:t) :nen ts or any kind had \J een It \\ ou l cl take up too much spo.ce


I ing ou1· deliberation" . It will be I mcJority "ere in fn\'Or o[) re c~i i·ecl f r om the StatP branches t o 1 to desc1·ibe t he amendmen ts to. tl1e I

1eraemlrn re :J tho.t t!Je prelimlna1i 1 amalgamatio11 In Queen sland, 1 tho Federal fund. Tli e co>t of the rt: le'< as "11bm:llecl iJy the 1·ar1011s

~ conference " "" held at Adel aide in la l•o, a ballot h:i. tl been tnl;e n, 1ne ce,sa1y cler ica l wor k had Ile e n ibianches . As all branches will be

.. , 119 14, and t hat,, dralt ro11sl1tutlon l\Jth thP result that a nrnjority ll'ere •bor:w IJ: the \'it'lo1· la n branch. An £nppll ed with th e revised tlraft o[

\ was sub mitl r d to th e bra 11ches. Cer· " ' raror or one unio,., I n \ 'Jctor!fl. laccoun c had been opene d in the l u1e conslltution il 11·i ll not be neces·

~· lain amendments were bei ng sub· the annual conferenc e or th e branc:lt ' sa1il1gs Dank branch of lb e Com· SUi'}' lo mai;e any furt he i· comment '

:;~· mltted, ·and th e d elega tes were ca ll - ll U ani mou~ly approl' ec\ o[ tll e amal- monwealth Bonk. und e r l h!s heacl. 1

~ ed together to co nsider t hem. The gamalian. ln South Australia, I Under the heading of gene1a l 1

1pr inc· iµal object in brin;;ing about We ste rn Au £trnlia , an d XS. \V. gene- l'X ll<'OR:\l SUBSCl11l"rlOXS . bus111ess the que.;t1o n of d1sb~ndrng 1

llhe form atio n of an Austrc.l inn Ha i!- ral approval had been gi ven to the J I t was r eport.eel , t hat the uu if~rn'. 1the organi sa tio n was dealt \\ Jth It

r---.,.,....,. ____ ....,,,,.,...,,_....,_...., ___ _,..,.,,_ ____ ,_==;, ways Uni on is lo enable ra ilway clraCI rul es, \Jut no defini t e sta te-1s ubscr!ptlon or 3s. per quai tei /. was r esol ved, on the motion of :\lr.

A LL IN'F ORMAT lON "'ou m.1, 1·ec1u :1·c , e-ith .... oh("forr.or :1f1 l."1F.:t::imiun!ion, urn:· !;.c olll:tinetl Jd b d t d t hrougl1o ut ~us C Q \" d I

· ,, 1 ir1A 1 o · · 1men lo hnve th Pi r grievanres reme- ment beyond that ha d been r e- wou e 3 op e . · . · 1 'nm pbe ll ( ~ .. ,. ,,, ), seco n de J}'

Dirom ,;. ·u iir p'- ··R . . We"'"'£ di ej untler FPdaral jurisdiction. ThP caived. l t rnlia. \1r. n ob!nson (\'ir.), "That an ad·

.I!. fart or lhe Hel'erendurn bPing post· ) l r. Jlartlinp;, de legate from 1 )fr. C'h r i~. top h PI (S.A.) , an d \ 'lr: t!i lional ru le be inser te d prol'iding I

Corner Maitland Road and Beaumont St., ISUNGTON, New.ca~tle paned Wi ll n ol P l'P\f·:tt l he ndll'it;· Qu eens land, stnt<-d tliat ~300 l'OtNI .lrnc:.ld (:·U .), .• t~ted that t hell l lbnt thi s 11 1, ion s ha l l not bo dis·

'.S11ht ::! ri·.inHgt;~~;:~·~~~r)~~~,~~1 ~~ ~~·~~~~;~ ~·~{~1 \~~f-;~~~t> .\floc::ileuu of i-.: uch :rn orgrrnigali on. 'fhPrP i!) a on the qu es tion, witli t he resu lt t hat brnnc·hes wouli..t rai~e th P.1r <·ontr1h11- IHllltl Pd . excPpt o u a tbrP.e- fourrh ma- I

l ot t o be don0 ag far ~S lffPlimin:1rr :.I m. :~jo rity of ~liOO fa\' OT'f.'.d the (OJ'- ; t io·I\.~ lwmeil1alQiy tha L ll ''as r ~- ,j rity .of .L,hf' nn_arH .. la\ mrm~:r~ ' or j

• •


mntlers :lT'A r. on<'ernPd , and I fo P. 1 mntion of an Australi!"ln l 'nion, 1ctlldl l l. • lho un1011, and 1t ~as ~lso rel"'ohetl

,,..oca.zm-lsa""",.,..""""""'""""""''"""'""""""· =-""--=""',_,,,..,...,...,k,.., ..... ,;-£.,;.,,5rzn'=""o~ q quite "are in. ~ay\ n g thnt the amen d- ~l r HnyneR ( \\' .\. J st:iterl th e 1 ~he ra~ap;raph"oC ll.1e :e,r~Pt ary ~ l "'J'h~ t i i br> nere•sary for nl leas t j,

1 I Government Savings Ban u ' ed ~on sll t ution , \I hich \\'I ll b~ pr P· \V A hran('h II 011 Jd sub mit tho fl u :.LI 1 l'~ J)Qrt de tl lllii: \\lib l!l.tll'." t ri.il ma!' l h r;~ s :ote brnn f' hes t o m ake a p pl1 - i

Minim: I OF N E W SO UTH WALES l n"<ro< sente~ to t he YH l >o tt • branrhe>o f'n 1 di art ol' the con• t ilu ti oD lo tbe me m- ,t· n1nery was heh! 01er l o t a l a le 1ca\.1on for a ballu! be!ore suc h bal-




1/IR. CLAUDE THOMPSON (Gen. Sec.) 'a.nd MR. D. CLVNE

(Employees ' Rep. on Superannuation Board)

will addreu a

MASS MEETING of Employees in the


On SUNDAY, 12th DECEMBER, 1915,

At 10 ·a.m. sharp .


MR. CLAUDE THOl'v'l..PSON (Gen. Sec.) and MR. D. CLYNE

will addren a

MASS MEETING of Railway Employees


On SUNDAY, 12th DECEMBER, 1915,

At 3 p.m. sharp.

W . R . BAILEY, Branch Secretary.

Oeoo"t He:i d Office: 11 Moore Street, Sydn "y · Limit their nnal ndop ilon is nbsol u! PI\ I ber s ns so~n '1.'J po "r.iu le, and he fe.lt 1slll!(P, on the motion of. ~fe~s"' · · lot be rondurt ed ." I

C'omm:ssiont'r~ : !< . .A \\'Jn!ea!Prcs1J~nt 1, W. H . O'"r1 Woor..1. 1-1 D Jill! . one or the fine ~t C'Onslltt1llonc:; P\P I' su r e that hl a brunch would be fa l fl~ nt. {\V .-~ J, ;lUd h.avann~h SA L\.RY OP G fil~F.RAJJ SF.c ..

SECURITY AND SATISFA CTORY INTEREST FOR YOUR SAVINCS otlc.f>(Fd hy art organisation £UL h a« 1a,01

o[ th e Ar: 1


1'< .R.\\ . ), H.li:1',\H'\'.. I,;. _______________________ _.,

~~~~:~~t~c1~M~~~t::iu ~rsw~~~~edJ~~~rRt~:;:on1af11~~ .~~"~,:r ~~ ... c:~:n:~{~~~.~';~0Ba~·~ t11P \1\':i tr .. ll 1nn Rn.ilr.ays and 'rr"m- De1rga t.e TT11n t (W.A . ), !;Up ple- \\' .. \.Ft <\~D n R O\l(J R 'I' co~;. 'l'he q111:sUo n o( Oxing th P sn lary E. NEW'TON a· .

.-.1.ti.an'1uptot2JWd'~H-c;0~L~.~';.c~1:}£ih 1~!( 1.i-~~~u(;~~~Ei~!~l£~r~w South .W .. ile w:iy~ l"nlon . \mentt·d tlt ~'-5e _ r eill.~ll'l <!:i., .~1_1~d dre\\' at - 1 1'.l'l'IU~S . of tbe ~·pneara l ~eC' ret:iry wa.s di scuss-

· .·'t .. · "!""'.,,..'.. ~·.· ,, '

MONEY ·r o LENC TO FARMERS AND SETTLERS 'l'i·t B CO~PETII•:XC'R. lc n l'cn to •· P.r l '. IJ'l cl ft tr· ulll es in Refe rence was also m 3 cte t o the ed. I L ll'fi • i hougJJt ad,•isable t!JC1.t T ··.r ..

ln ~mi:.unB ut-10.t500,HJ'!~·.1!..ie:yi11 .. .t ;. Jn~·. ~~ xt:ndln~cw·;:Jl )'i'a1.i. ! r.l.:•1t.rt.!:ipercent. 'T'hr· eon~·eren r ·e commPnrPJ il.s wh ic h lhP \\' .A . Ur::nr lt WPre pl aced. f:traightenr: .. I fin::rnr i ~l C'Ondifion ;.\ lthe m~n: i rn urn rate ~hnnld he fi xed MEDICAL HERBALIS

I Bt..t.1 ~hts ,:llJ r~f'_f n, · i ... ! tu t1u_houl the ~tat l" . I R:ik of

l .

fa~~~:~ POS1 L.f ,·;L' ~~ _,_. '\01' ~O\V A:_:!en..:it' . fo r th! .. Dank. ln tu.?&l I ~ittlngq al 1 u u.m' o n rr111trs c.la y. Pet ~onal Y, hP 1 hoi ig!n 1 hnt :1U _\ ltt.:.- d llP. lo lllP wnr. nnt.l t0 I h e drm 1gl1t.. 11 so lh~tt wlu•n ii. l 1 C•f'~mo ne-:ess~ry to 61 ..... t;;, nKET STREET, CITI".

3 0 }·0rderoflheCornm'ssionen 3 3 • lJ I lralian Ln!un w:tf' 1iepe 11ll <'nL \ll:)OJJ .., I ' pp < 1 I I l lY~

, •. 6.

J. oer i. ~-i . DA\;tES, Se-crc- t.11')" T l~~~- ~ ~ U\t.•m er ::f.i l. u11tl ~-011r·lu d P 1) ii~ Th u a< ·llon of i h 1-' \ ;: r io tw : .... L~l 13 l 1u - u Olll a pci·ma nent !-.erre ary t1e I

4 «nl. , d~ l 1bel'&!•o<0 s .. 1 I pm. on .\louday. ll:c a!LP.ruL in n uf thr: l•'ec! ar~l <'o ns l!· .P!' 11 nw111 • in impoN:ni.; "PN'ial tax n. l1·0 11n1·l l 11 ou l1l IJe i 11 :1 position to ftx


\010111brr ~'•lh The mretings \l e.re llllton. '1t10n lljH,n the;r P!Ui;loYr(•s ill It.~ !th e c,1in r i ll "''" · Lherefor n, rP-1 ADVICE FREE ALL DISEASF.S TREATED TH£ f'OUNDU

1heltl at t he oftices of the \ 'wt o1 .. 1n ~1 " C'.l ll~ (K.::; \\') tho uglit the form of 1i rrcnntnge d1 Ll uclious, pa r- 1 'o ived, "l'hat l lie "a la i y of th e gPn C· ir-i-.,_.,.,_._ ________ ,.. __________ , ____ ...

I H,.ll\1ais Urncn, W1!l 1am a na Bourke cc nl ecenc ~ might hil\e been call ed l u:il lime, uni! t be sloppage of rn rr~- l r o l oecreta 1:. tor t he presen t sha ll WEATHERBOARD OR BRICK CO'ITAGES.

I Stree t", ) l e lbou r ne alter the nererend a propo sals \\ere j mcnl• had bee n <'D'Hlem ned b1 nil not e·<ceed the ~urn ot £6 00 per :i.n- I

~[r Thompson Green, :\1 LA dealt with Tht ~ "JS ' 11 " 1 10 an 01 e;anisat ion s. and It "as through nur11 ~-. "111 ei cct vou ~oh~n~lfo~18'.~ .. ~rt .,~!~.A~ o. L:.~~~ 1 ental b<Lsls. No

(S.\.), was rn t he ehn tr , and the .A ust ialm arn fl}g amation t hat sou~1lt 1 t llc cffoits oC the Federa l counc11 II The Fiala ry of the general p rl3:: i- Our tPt'rn:::i;~~g0 ~0 ,.~~~~~~gtr '~~~ie~~~~;!~~r:iian l'en t.

1ello,\lng delegate~ '"' rP prnscnt: I die aid of C'omm c n\ eni tll legisl a· .,, 11 c1 Rtate bran c hes that the~e u nt'air dent 11as 11xcd at £10 10s. pe-r a u- LEGAL '.PEES OJll' LOWEST SCALE. CALL AlfD Illl'QVlBll.

)[e:s rs. J H Catt <,, ·~I H }! . I~ D tion . , . . I methods o[ 1nxat1on ho t! been pre· num. AUSTRALIAN BUILDING CO .. , LTD., 10 CaatleroaahSt .. ,Clty

C"ampbell, \ ' G . Kavanagh Tlio sect eta r) rnpo i ted that lll nd-11

e nt ed from extend111i;::. / Heference wa s ma de to t he .wor ll :. • ._.__"""_,"""'"""""""_..,._.,.,,,_ _______________ _

(.'IS IV ), A A. Arnold, and T. 1 ~ 1 l1o u Loth<' q~e~uon of wl~ether an , ~1 Pssrs Hu nt (\V ~ ), Y1ll1e1 s of !he serrelnr;, ~lt . 1" Hyett, dur· 1i1"-----------------------------. FURNITURE ' t ' hristcphr1 (S.A.), T \ '1 lhns, ana 1- ·mAl~nma tf'il l . n ion ""5 de. irabie •fltQ 1

>in cl I«Hnnngh i'-:S\\' I , re- l ing the past twell'e month •, a nd ill

UNITED INSURANCE CO., LTD., .. -----. .... ---------:i : J l:I lfa1•d1n ~ ( Q ) C H 1yn es one! tile f, efr rrn tla proposal• were '10t ' 11 as il ec;iJe:I llint he s hould be re- !

Jtouses r,u rnif' :1cJ corn pletely in erery I · · z-. ' ( ' • ; • 1 lt 1 1 1 1J 1 . 1 1 ported s11crp<.•r.:f11l nrt1nn on bPlln lf ·

Detal P lluut ( W A) W f, >£01·ri"'rv callie• • lP. µo•u 1" 1 10 e tPCIC PC I . . S . ll m 1111r ta!ocl tor sen1res rendere d It

AT B:CD B.OCX Irll.ICES. I Do·!lsn't 1"t stand J I I Ft OIJID '<On • nuil J . F - ( happiP i I'. hether· tlw Rtule bi an1 hPs desirril 01 Clllployee• Ill LhP 'l' . l~ttPs Jn . .'p I\\ as I ePOll eel " Thnt l11e ge nnnl sec- Head Office: c ...... c.c,.... and Hual•r StrHta, s,.i1 ... ,..

No .Extrll !or '.L'ei:m1. 1 1 c; · ' ' ' 1 1 . if 1 1 abo\e J,"lHpert. .1nd the ~errPtar~ 1r- j · .

~ worth, 6 .. Depo•it. 2 6 W oek!J. ~ to reason ( Yir ) • nncl ~' Hyett, g~ne i al secie· 1' SllC 1 a union t lP proposn s \\'Pre I µ01 led Sl'cli ln r :i.cl1011 Ill \' 1rtor1a l' P' '.1.' :< be paitl an ho.lOrarium or £~0 Far FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, and oth~r CLASSES OF INSURANCE

&lo wort:b, io • D eyoait, 3 G W eek:ly. t "1 r• <'::l rri ed · ' for 111.~ past F;P t'\1C' es, and also thnt a

=~ :~;l~; ig·: ~~{~;n: ~: ~:;~~: 11 Tasma11ia was the onli St a l~ th3t i ~Ir Robin so n t l'ir l stated th:i.t 1 C. ~' H F~ ~ \1\IE OF 'rl~P. Of{. f .um or £ 5 5, be pa id the general -

Termg nn3nf.' f' d fot· L a rgei· Am~unt!".. that you will g et better P ia.no wa~ r.o t rPp r e:::ented, bt1t the) \.\'rOlP hi~ b r anrh AnpportPd r.. mal ga m alion j . < L.\:'\(!-\ •\ 'flO~ . prPR idPnt f.or RC" J'Vl <'P!=I 1·endcrP rt ." ---------------------------1 Slngl r e€'ll\lte "d~. cuin ph+•. £.'.?. ~\lurblP- J iva1ue and satisfaction from a ~t a ti n g thnr 1 hPi r me-mhPr~ ha d d P· J. flSSr.:1. urup ) E" 1 nn .\.a\· ~nae ~11 1'1te quPst1on 1P t h e n a m e or th P 'J'he exeruth e was al ~o empo we red

Doul>I"' Bedste:id : .. , c o111pld r> , f~ / ;1 / - up. I \ 111 C I I d l" l I

jf~.t~(~~;ih~~~~~1,~.~~~ ' ~ j nd:\~1~~1~~u:;~0 ~~.1,.\~~ I H ouse with over 62 years' c !iled to Join i 11 with the 01 hei· Sta tes I 111 d1c1ted t hn~ ihe feP l mgs 111 ~ .8 \\ 1org3n1sat ion "aR r on;:,i cJ er prJ J Th e I to ma. J,p a rall of £I o ll PO u e a c11

f,~11\~k--0 1:-~t~.~f~~ £~~1 ~~i·i·- \~ };~~~·r:i1/1 ~~°g I 1 ;~~~~~n~~,~~l~:gs;an~u~u~~:s~~ :lnd we1e prepared to accept ll1 a roa- ~.·pre '" favoi· of am ~lgamatrnn At W a. dPIPgalr-- ~ 1110 \ etl thnt IL shou ld ' 'Ha. l e brenrh, \\ 1th powe1· to make a

Ditto. i n iJak and \laPlP, Hl./10 ·- t o ! I \ b"t tl I TI l 1



Secure your OILSKINS from the well known maker,

H. HUGHESJ 121 Regent ·street.

Room !'.u it •• "' l•nthe1. rroin Eo / 10 .'·, , ~ lltHtlon adopted by 1,1e maj orit~ pre~en t tllPy wne s11bjert to Rlnte ! ue alt e red from 1\nslrJi lan Ha i lwRy , lurther call, 1r necessa t')'. I n; 10 1 .. ~ toe!Jc,ards. wllh large b•,·~l · 1 p 1• ,, I Tho p resid en t (~!r Tho mp soo ar ' rn on aws. 10 l'l1 es. 1'.s l lnion to the Fecle 1.1ted Tiaiilll)' The CJLt~sl1o n Qf PflSH'~ was denlr

l ed mlno1·, £3. ~ldebo .. r d", In O :ih anrt . Gieen ) , welcomed the deJeanles .an d a d.opted, would bi' sub.m 1tt ed lo tl1e1r f' n10ns of Anstra l!•a H \\:l.s JJ.rnully I ll!lh, nn d !t l\' n5 r e•olled 'l1a ' t l1c I Mnph , !rnm 'u Ho • . Walnut . Oul. ,1ntl a Ing s I M )

' '

Maplo Onrmuor.b. frcrn £~ ' lu /-. u rnw· I pointed ou t the importance of their\ il innrhAB a nd d eal t \\llh nt t he 'an- dRrid~'.I. on the mo 10>1 or t he '\ fl \V : o ode ral Council sho ul d take the ----------=------------.c,_ ______ .,., ~!~~ R~.~'.~~. 8 ''.·


1111 1)\1;,•;~.~ry ~~1~.~~ 1~·;~ i 1 meet mg, n.nd the object th.ey h. ad . rn l n u al _con rer. ence~ 1 o be llelll 1 u Feb- I and V.1uto.11an de leg-ates . tha.t tl.1e. I m. a tter. u. p ~ ith u.1e , nr.ion i; Srnte 1

'l'ables. \\' b111 nots, Cal.li11rrn, ~.tu s lt-- t'an-l I TlHlTj next t J I I lJ k I

1' ?1'1",.'1'1'~',·,-c·,, :c.:,',:';..F~r;.,,oetusR~l~Fy-st?.B~l'~E'.·tp~R·lG .•. • and all P1· anos I ie w, to bring abo u t one u nion !or the - : . . ,. ' I organrs a lOU. ~ 10,ll c e nOI\ ~- ,\s I ( omm1ss1onPl'S, with a \ 'IPIV to hav - i' , . The Shearer

- ~ • · ~" ' 1whol e o f t ile Au•lralian Railway nncl\ ~ re'."~; Hobinson (\ir.).' moied.' 1th e A1~st rnl 1 nn 1.~1lwny• and trnm -11 11g a common rule 80 far a s the j

I T ram way Worket·s 'l'h ls m eant a la nd '~ h 11slophers IS. ,\.), sccon. rl~<l 1"'a.1·s tn l o1~""'l1'i lo t he f'lose r e- t r NLtmcnl of Pmployees is conrernec! I

"WU.LIAK ST:&EBT, EAST BYDR:CY, I lol o f work for some t ime to cor1e t T hnt .lll Amul~ama ted 1111011 lallori,hrrr-"O'J" nu lw:i.i and lramwn1 I I t 11 as re•o lved that in future lba t I would soon

R ur Muunm.. "11 ~ I t wa~ lo be regret ted that the HP· be established on 1 he basis lalll workers it "'"" ron<lcleied nerc-osn:y all pro 11ose d '1mP 1H!nwnls to rulc-sl

------------• and you w ill never have ferenda proposnls had been "ith· ?own in I h~. pr•."e.nt r ules .. lrrc.-11 that P. r o\ JL on <ho11lrl b r made 1ll t hP ' •linll hP 'n the liancl s of the gene ra l I

R E C I P E S cause to regret your .. r . l l I R r d

(3•· 12>•e"a•· lr ,•, i·arl'ty or tbo tnoal I ·I, purchase. There's no drawn , for 1·1ulwny men were look· .. perlll<' 0 1' i et 1 1

T 18 e f' Jen a oonstil11l1on to r0\e1· the '' hol n of se~relary al leost t hree montb s

• • • ~ " reason w hy you sh ould iu g for ll1• day vhen they wo1Jid be pro posals nre carr ied or other- 1 th ~ \\Ol'kers in hoth the"e .nduRtriP s. 1prlor to the m eetin g o[ the F ede ra l .,

dal lllY lH:stH"l'U wJtb I I I " I'


be w ithout a p ia no for enab!Pd to have their grievnn~es w se. . .. Tt t>ns rnO•'P 'l hy >fr. Hobilrnon, , C'ou neil, and t hat the brn nrhes s hall

J!rr!u!.n:j:ll;ktJ#ie~ Ii •day if you take advantage o f placed under Federal Jurl •dir t ion. 3'1essrs. llllnt and Ha.ynes (W.A.l, )and seronde11 by Mr. C"ha ppl e. '·That , ha\•e nolice or sa me ut !east six 1

........ ~ o ur easy time-payments. We 1' It was lo be ho ped that th e re wou ld mov ed an amendment: "Thal word R til e prE'sidrnt anti general se1'r etnry woeke !Jrior lo the meeti ng of thr I

s ha ll be pleased to g ive yo u f on I • lJ 'tt I " ct th' '

be no delay on the p nrt o( tbe Slate a ter "u es e omi .ec • an 18 \Jp instructed to mai<e application l~edera l Coun cil. '

the fullest information and to


postyoufree of cost il lust rated Oovel'nmenls in Lr a nsfel'!'ing the was carried . ror !ho re~!strntlon of t he union as lt was r esolvetl that a co mm ittee

~ fV I catalogue. W ritefor it to-night. uecessa ry po wers lo rhe Comm on· :>! ess r s. !Jaynes and llunt (W.A.)


un organi,nt!on under the Commo n· be :ip11ointed to c11·nft s~andlng ortiere

~j:;I! wealth Governmen t , •o as to enabl~ moved: "Thn.l tbe Iol lo"in ,.; woi·ll• v•ealth Con ci liation and Arbitration a utl the follow i ng committP.e was ap-

them to pass the 1.ieces'!11'y legieln· be. added .. :'~"~,j ec·t to lhe Referen cla 1.\ c. t, t904. or any am 0 nclment lhere-,p,ointed: Mess rs. H ardi ng ( Q.),

~·Ill ~:id';,.'~: 0~~e~,~~~tnri~~e ~an' p 1 • · I' t lon for tht' better men t o! the ran - I being ran ied. of, and that each Slatf• branrh bo h:wanagh (N.S .W,). Roblnsou

C.O.P. IOX 517, H.O., SYDNEY a ID 0 s WU )'m eu's concl it!o ns throughout . 'l'he 1ri0 Li on , as amended, was ea!'· ~ OdYisad i 0 apply rnr reglslralion as I l \'ir.). IJn.ynes ( IV .A.). and Chris·

D I Australia. ried. . i on orgnniPation undPr t 110 Common- tophe1·s (S.A. ).

Mr. Jl'rnnk Hyett. th e general sec· P!:\",\ Xf'F:. I wea lth Conrilial!ou anrl .\ rh !lration J '.\lr. Ka.Yana:;b repo i'ted on beha lf

L[T the Co-Op• 1 338 George St, S1dney retary, su bmitted a lengthy r eport. i T he linaucial operations durin g .I rr , l ~04, or Rny am•ndmenl there· ! of tbe comm itt ee. and on t he mo-

d I and tliere was a g reat cl eal or dis· 1 the )'ear were \'~1·y ":mple. !ml· or." 1

110 11 or :\lessrs. Robi nson (Yic.) and

era tor 0 your I ;~d;:ASTL&. LllNOll, ••• russion upon It. ll wns pain I Pd ont a..nce of £~ G ~e. ~d .. b11ing money in 1· The :tbo1·e J'es o!u lion" were car- I f'h rislophers ( f;,A.)' the recommen-

. • h n ~ Lllat the rul es commltle.e, :>Iessrs. hand on arrou n t of thP old Jl'ede rai - ri.•d unanimonsly, a " it "·as consider·: elation s or tbo com mlllee was

pmtting c eaper. I ~ Green, ('alls, nnd Jly ett. met In Mel- ed Amalga!nated Government Hull· Pd nec e~~ary th lll rnc· h po•v ers a dop ted.

bonrn e and com1>leted the d raft way Service Assnr- !utlon, was bAn1led sho uld be delegated, so tha t nrtio n. ( C"oall n ued on pa ge 5.)


·6hed ration•

there wera



THE - CO-OPERA TOR. Tliu rsi:h y, Dec em l.ier 9, 19 l S

~ · . T. N.S. w. Amalgamated Railway l :::: .. ~~;n.~: w~~~~~· E;:i::~t!~ A~~ ~ne~::~~e tll~e v::'.l:~ :~: ~~;~k~o~tt ~~ I Staff Ch . d p ti. 1 ·,_ _______________ .__...,, __________ _ and Tramway Association. 1 ~'~;:. M•m• ·~. ''."'"" '" ~:,::,;::~:.::E;:,:.~:::::·:: • _______ a_n_g_e_s_an_l~A·k-l1t.1r·s·1.-·1·~-.~·rJ·.~·0·11·0·L·o -~-11·.~·n·,~-a .. , , £ 15 FOR £ 1



Railway and Tramway Employee• Federation.

BEAD OJ'J'IQJI: Da\\ en's Building, Cent ral Squo.1e , S)dney (oppo.slte ltutlwny S ta tl o11).

, 'l'Eidll'llrOlnlS 1 H 0 ., Reclfcrn, 666. Jl(EWSP.&J'E:&: Co-op., City 3Gtl . • 'l'ho Coao p era to r."

t /

' , l':&lllIDB1'T1 El. D. CA}!PDELL (Rallwa7 Per. Wt.y).

Vic•·•re•ldeut.: J. McDONALD ( IVh lto Bay Po1, e1 Hou se), V , G. KAVANAGH (Ultimo

1 ... 0\\ er H o u se). Executive O::llo1r11

: :.I. A. O'DONNELL (Rl y, Per Way), 0. H . STOKES (RAllw~ya Conero.ll y), H ODJ,;LL (b'orema n's Cle1k).


Trl>atur 1 M. A. O'DO:\'NELL, V. G. KAYAN AGH, C. ARMS'l'RONG.


~" l~(~~."J'i~ire~~ r llng Ha1boi;", A. UcHA I:\", Redfe rn.

COt11'ClIL: Per. Wa7.

J . E r nES, H n r s tvllle A . J . W ELPON , Grnll\ me. E. SAVAGE, l-Iu1 etvllle.

TRANGil!l. l was decide d Lo li Upport Mr. Camp- ll.Uf,WAYS. Po r le 1s Lo N 1 ~hl Olllcc•rn: L,co P11 r -

be ll, H lte will s ta nd again !or the ce ll, Uoulb u ru Jle li cf to u1111 ga ll a ,

vacant pos t . Af>l'OlN'.l.'lllEN'l'S. Ke n ne th A hea rn , Gou ~b urn lloli ef lo Th e · Annual mee ting of the Tran- Mr WHll am Lord , fettler, W ool- Locomoth·e Branch, ltuilHll) •.-

gle branch. waa b.eld on November brook, was admitte d as a m e mber or F it te r s' Apprenti ces Ilu:bert Wat ts, Myloia ; Ja m es Bu rke, Oran ge Re-

I 27 Lh. Mr, R . Dwyer, branch chair- h b 1 li ef Staff , Leslie Da1·k, Bra nxton to ma n, presided . l e r a nc '· Robert L. Fleml!tg, Evelc1gh Boiler- Nc.wcaat le Jtellef' \\Ta ller Savag,

I Th ere was a good attendance of cle:·ansc:el~:n G u:::d~:ns~;~,~:h , bJ. make rs' Apprentices : James Skill en , Pa rl,vlll e. J unor Po rte r to J unior


Eveleig h; Alexander Be ll, Datb u1• t \C lerk Al•ber t Ma1Li n , Sydney Relief me mbers. · Ha ll e t Lo the ~urrurund1 bran ch and Shop Boy : Alfre d Sch nllz, ~' vel elgh. Slafr; Montague Wi l esmilll, Sydney;

lll r. Cowl!ng m oved : "That this c. Ilroolrn to the Ar dgle n bra nch. Call B oy: Keith ~1 u sgravc, Bath urnt; Alexander W !ll!ams, Newcastl e lo bra nch cong ratulate iMr. Gardiner, The nomination of bra nch o tncer s Da vid McLeod, W ellln gto n ; AHred West Mai tl a nd Por ters Lo Shuuters·


:\T L.A., on h is s t and re statement rn and delegate, was discussed ,a nd it I 1 I t he H ouse wit)l r ega 1d to Incr ea ses was r esoh·ed t hat a s the r e wa s but Bald win , J u nee At tlILil Di in lrnater, Parr amalla :

and in cr e m e n ts of salaries; and that a s nrn ll mee t ing, t he n om ina ti ons Trutllc Jli-n rnh , Hn il\\~)' fi.-J unlor f J nh n :'vTorgnn, Gou l bn rn , Hu g h Goo- 1

l \10 secrntur y be Ins truct e d to write sha ll stand over u n ti l n ext iueell ng , Clerks: K eit h Bacon, Snpt o 1 Line·" lev , 'Vurr en to Nar1omlne, J oll\1 1 Office, RaRon Hat ch , Sydne1· , Ue rt1 c l Doug las , Dubbo to \\ e1!1 11 gton P,lJ ,•11-

1 to :vtr Gardin er, a nd In form him th :lt w ltl ch will take place on tl).e 1 8th ' Lhe b ranch approves o r his action ln Jnst. O'Bi le n, B layn ey , Donald ~l e 1( 111- Lei to Uuaid J am('s Bo\\ de n, lhr·

non , T lghe'•1 l-1 111, ('laron r e llot1 8" , 11ng JJariJour to uo ulbu rn. J

t h is m atter." Seconded by Mr. 'I'he sec retary was inst ru cted tD Wrngham , Ha rry Ba!Jhou Rc , Arni i- ,

Doy le, and ca r ried. not itr t he mc m bern, an d Lhose who d a le. Poi ters: C'harles Cool:, Darling HESl<l 'itell OH LW'1' 1·1m I Tile e lec tion or otn cers r esulte d a s a r e un:tbl e to atten d, Lhey sh ould Ha rbor, Fi e de i lck Hop e , ll.HPng s1 :Bn1·1: .

fo llo ws Branch ch ai rman, Mr. P . n om inate members whom th ey Ha r bor, .T nh n Sul li va n, John 0'0I1Pn , J<Pst R o uses, 1:a1h1:t,\ <. - He" t .o\t-

J Dw yer , vice-chairman, Messrs . Cow- consi der suitabl e ror t he posl- Pi cton; l"rancis Chesterton, Palllck , le nd an l. El len .JonlO's, Go11 lLu111 I Loco. Mechanical.

W . J . AR M STRO~G, Sydne:f J F ~I U :\I HO, Syd ney F . PIN KSTONE, Sydney,

: lin g, Baldw m a nd D oyl e; secretary , tlons or chai rman, vice-chai rm en, Morris , uoul burn, Andrew W ilson, Ponna ne n t W 1t)' ll r .111rh, H u1 h \'a)' I ! ~Ir. J C hfford; committee, Messrs . sccret a 1y a nd delegate to t11 e Sydn ey cc Sheds, Les lie Galvin, -Stub-in spector W !lham :l~c:\arua-1

aaJ.1wa7a Qe110ra.ll.T· I Co wling , B ald win, Doyle , Warman, An n u al Con le1 e nce. It Is ver y Wagga, Fiank Gt bbs, Henly , ~h i Lon 1'11, Dubbo . F.ett lcrs ?''·en B ro r~e ~·1 c k, f i:[. {tll¥.~~~~ei~~~~r'~~0;'~;nals B la nd a n d George, audi to1 s, Messr s. necessary t ha t m em ber s ot the Ste war t, Ch a rles Hyall , Albuiy, JJ urs lv 11lc-K1arna, J h omr· ~ '"wes,

1 H GOODMA N, Rullwu.y Slgna.la. Ba ldwin a nd Doy le. b ra nc h should selec t men w hom tll ey l"r ancls Curll , "\Vyalong; Thomas Go11lbnrn-Ha1 den; t' eler Scott, Got1 l-

Loco. :anlllllnll'. C EO. SCH ~l!DT, E\'c l ei~h. ;\ , J S :\11 '1'H, ] ~vel e1~n. l-!. DA Vb, Horn>by

Trn:u.• Gonera.u,. ~, A rF::r .. 10?-.: HnrHh\hk ] <; YA 'lWS, H trnd \-.iCI\, .A ll ·rl'adea. J. KELLY, B lect1 tc L!g lit.

Tr1.m. Trame. I iM r. J . Clifford was elected as co ns ider best to fi ll th ose position s T lioms, Penrith , John Web'ber, Cow- I burn-Ila1de11, Gc or;;c Taylor, J m1 cc-

;J;·u~·~ ~uq:'n'i:~rE'1~c.s~~:;,a~~~ 'Ultlmo. b r a n ch d elega t e to the Annual Con- for the year 1 916 , and a ll are lnvi- rn, Ndga r Nelson, Wa lleia"ang, Ilay; Elrnest Pell0 1~ l'oota111und1a-

c . J. BR AY. E lec, Driver, Tempe fe rence. led t o d o so. Maudent Bell, Narrom ine, John Gud- Tern oia. Blacksmith: John Wallace,

1 Sa.laried Olllcor1. Mess rs R Dwye r a nd T . Baldwin geon, Co'bar; Hen ry Pair, Parkes, Bathurst

R LAP.SF.,\! Goods Cle1k, D. I-Iat bor. wer e a ppoin ted scru t ineers for the CULCAJR N. Ch r !st o•ph er L eonard , H erbert J ,ocomoti1e l11•a n ch, Rai lm>)s.- ,

ri. J Gilib~~~5 ·Tfo~E~a~u~~r1~; ;;ecto r Senate Selection Ballot. Cla1 ke, Orange , G co1 ge, Tu ll , Du!Jbo G :rn Cb argeman Chris toph e r Ould, I

----------------~ •:.v! r . Ba ld wrn moved that t he sec- J unio r Porters : J ohn Doy le , :\fol ong , :-;cwcaslle; Exa11nn crs. George Bunt-Local Sacrebr!os w tll ldndlJ furnish time and plac• of m ... tl11r10, 11nd notlf7 retary's s.1la r y be Increase d f1om 5s. The m onthly meeting of the Cul- l<"rancls Carroll , Orange; Hoy Wheel- ing, F.vele1gh , Alfrotl Yeatman, P en-

_ _____ "_ny orrora appear1111r with reopect t o t o.bla l>elow. per quarter to 1 0s. per quarter; sec- cairn branch w as h el d lil the Sc hool d on, Gou lb urn ; Noi.nan Drown, Syd- r1th. Car Ou!ld crs ' Appien t ice: An-

!l:a.A.NClI. I slic:&:CT._Y. ADD&ESS. PLACE or MEETING. a nde d by Mr. Cow ling, a ud carr ied . or Arts, on the 12th inst. Tller e ney ' Harold Ga al, 'f lunoul, Harold Lon Mullne r, Evcle1gb. Storemnn.

~:flaiu· ... : : : ~- ii~r:::J'uo1t~ v~~~i~' sf'-~.~~lm;da. l e Meetini;s as sumo1un1 cl ----- wus a ve r y good attendance. Frau e n fe lder, BPrrlgan, William Ma- John )1urph y, E\ eleigh Turn e r H

1 C«J:1~."\u~t 1J~1t.e li:n ~:t:; .1 - TA.REE. I Coirespon dence was r eceived fr om son, Corowa, Stanle)' Davis, wat lera- John Ru sRel l, Ehele1gh, llO'be1 t

~!f,;•;er: ·w;.7 . · ~. ~~~~~';;, r-~")3'iy.~~~·,t.~~~i, 1~~~'f 1:" Uorn m.i.:-s, Cent Sq, ___ 1n ea d Ofll ce aski ng th at a delegate wang; Clarence Da11 es, Baihurst , Bo usfteld, JJnt hu 1st. '1ach 111i st John 1

Hit ~alu1<lay \ be appointed to attend Confe rence, Charles J ames, ~1~idgee Ga tekcep- B' lockhart, Evt•l c1gh. Bo1l ermaker· 1

Bl~okheath ... fa s. Rook, Bell · rd ' Mt Victoria . . ft~!~~~~; 2~J";,._~: ~da~.' c · T be m.embers of t he T aree b ranch also n omi nations, In connect ion wllb er s Hai net Sh1el<l , Spring 11111 , Wil- Hen ry Hill, J ames Jlarper, E veleigh

:~~;!.t · .'." .' ." : : ~Y .;~~ :-,','~,!'. 1 ~·2f~V~!'1~~m:'.:'?,1 ·13,;'L),':.~1~ ) Ja sonic 1r,,11, 1st Wed held tlle i ~ monthly meetmg on Fn- t he Appeal s Board vacancy, a nd bal- !lam Toone:, Hor kdal e, C'ec1l Pike, Fu e l man. A1 Lliur :>1o111s, Pen n t h 1 Cnlcaizn . . . ·. ·. '~h. o:,I UEl,l!:'a•i '.'· pcou•tlcaol!Jc' n, C >ot ~ mund1a H .tlJ\\ ,lY >;111. las t Tues cl r.y night las t , and t h e a t tend ance lot pa pers for the Sen ate Selection Tooanga1Jbi c, GOO! gc Br1gltlman. Cleaner. " 1l lrnm 1\fa ddison, E • e-Cooi:am.UlUlra • • I ~ .. v u ..1. .. - l.ui.115 1• J~oom :ro \\ n H!ill, \.\ as \ c ry smal l. The loca l mem- I I

lu. • t lie<t u ida :> ba ll ot, were r ecei ved. Sydn ey Relief Staff; Leonard Clarke , c ig J,

cowr11 . . . , . . . w. Powell, Loco., Cowra . . . . . .. , .. 1 s;11 ~~~1~oy rn cucll bers were conspicuous by the ir a b- The branch uom rnated :.v! r E D. Wood fo i d DP.CF. \ FIJ,JO .

:~~~~I' H nrbor . · 1 f.h~n11:~nT~;:e M~~q~~;lae--s~t'., ~a~~~~to1: i~1~l~1 ~~[.l~rej{f1~ ~11~~t~;1~ay see nee, fo: or fifteen local member s, C'ampbell fur t he vacancy o n t he JiHe<' t ri ca1 Hrn n<' h , n uih' n> s - 1.Jocomot h ·e llmuch, Jllli lwn y ~.-llTolol&'ll .. A J. Smt til , 9 La mbe• t-et ' 1':1 ol,'v!l le H c~~,f"! : ; 11~:,l ·~n;}~\ ~.;n. onl y t he ranch secr etary t u r ned up , Doa rds , on the mo tion of T . Gr een, Probationers: Ar thur 8 ea c II, P enr ith; C' leane r. RPne !llalwn , E ve le igh \V. ~~~~':guie . • : : ~ - t_;~:e~; .. ;,~ ~~~v:~1 ~;~~k.1~~~\tbo;~~~ : ~~1ac~ ~1'~~~L~tl 1;t~~~1~~ ;.. . a n d he with three m em bers \\ Jto second ed by J Gr t ff en Frederick Lvonti , Ju nee. C. A ttend nn t l~ rn est f'artP1 ' Eve-Jluelmen .... E 'l' . Wllght, 27 Plea>1an t-avenue t r a ve lle d all til e way from W ing - •r he secreta~y Mr. ~. Egrtn, was Hec1·etiu',1 ' s llrnnd 1, Rnilwn) "·- le igh. l"n rn,1cemo.11 · Alf~ed Lovatt,

1.;1 s1<1 11 01 !li e ... . ... .. . .•• Odd follow,· Hal l, 2nd Sut ha m, comprised the meeti ng. Th ese a ppointetl deputy-retur ning offlcer Jun ior Clerk. "\Vilh nm 0 Ha ll , Syd· F:volelgh. Drlrnr: Thomas Robson , =:!~~! ... . :. ~~ ~1:r;~~.' 1 ~'-~~1~a~~~~~~Ls~ ,1 a\~~~l~ln. 1~ ~~~~1 n 1 J f~~fi1.' J::j ~:~~~i~: memb ers a re, ganger Towler , a nd F.J. Co;I r::veloigh. I 0~~~1•91~~~~!~' ' ! ! ('a d Omfe a ,tf't n ~un fe ttl er s E Carr, A W atson , a n d H. t o r Culcah n,an d coll ucto r branch n ey.

Gu=• cl .th G•10. H Cunon, "· we v Stn., Gunnodeh J<' way "'° t10 11, l8l Sa t Wi lson T hese m ember s atte nd the d ep uty-r e turning offi cer for J' TIO H O'J'I O)IH. R ESl GNEll OR T,F.FT THE Burnvill• M A O Donne ll , "Cawana," Mort·s- I lin es. I

""" )lui tda le . . . . ... c .. un Cl1ao". 2nd Ro t 1 meel1ngs r egularly, and it was up t o L ocom oth e Bl'1t ll ch, Hu ih rn i·s _ . RliiH \IJ <_'K ::;.:~~~ g: : .. J t'. 111 t )',PO,Aurv11, i •aHarJ"n ""''" '"' .r. ~m! \\ • u !t he loco member s to assist by thei r ' ,)l!ess rs, J oQr1fl'.en, V. T . H eath - Sh op Boy lo St1ike1 ' " HoRc, E1e-1 T1 n ffl c ilrn n ch , lu ul\\a,vs.-St:ition -

no~:u:io,- · ~. .::~~~,:t;~r. ~I~\.1L~~t- i/ l l•;~~n~t.1. 1 11 .i .. of \ · t 1 ~t w,,,1 4tt1 en dan ce at the meeJ 111 gs ~, cot.e were appoi nted scr ut mee rs. h;,igh, R . Porter·, l~\·elelgh Shop master· Ja mes Len rm ont, C~t fton

JDa.!lway Blan.al. a 1; H ~ toir e-== Allt- n·--t 01 .1?1\ 1llc> '1 1 a ll • 1l lH ••, .'r11 I h 1 r~ l . The fo llowing office1s were noro - p ~ u .... u .. · 1J Fmde, biio11 ~11Jl11g, J11"·1tll . '",,,,'.,:'','"'o:i,~, i,~-\:d~~ t I he princi pa l bu slucss . of the ' inaled to r 19 1 6 Bra n cl1 chairman, Boy to L a))o1cr \', Stentord , F: . o1 te rs : I arry Ha:·ding, Darling

JnllH •. . • . • ''· Xl choll., lll:l. b•J- rd, Junee .. · 1~ l I ,,.., II .di :'""" ; meB ltng 11 as th e n om111at1on o r I G·lr . 1 I 0 Ch 8 pLu·h es, E1 c!o;1gh l!Jarbout, Ral ph P1ingl e , Asl1fleld,

Slama . • . • . . R. Scot t. P 0 , Don1!10 . . . c·o~:~;l : !,'.:~1U 'l~ o,:t r .. 3l. 1 ura11.ch offic.e r s and delegate, al so Ex- 1,11nn,"V.e nC .. \B11:ee1-1cu1aan~, mseelcl,reta.r y , Mapr-. l ' L \\ ll f H ' I 8 James Erskm P, Sydney Ile l1 ef Staff, u <' t·m unca '" 1'"11 c 1' " 1 n ay · Arthu r Campbell, C' oo lam on , Th om-

X.tamon . . , . J Dd~1~~~n,Ll~~~o/!~d l\\:J) f'e1 \Lt \ r. 11: \, \ --r1tt•"ln 1- l ri1 PC ll t JV0 ofhce1s M r . p F. Lan d ti- T FJgnn , de lega t e to Confer en ce, Mr -Uunge1 to Sub-1nr.;w "' t OJ' FJ::tllClfl . .,

llllndll'•• ....•• . . ~!. w,. te i' s, R al lwu i O•p c .. Hu" '"" 11 11 1!1, 1u"11, ,,,J \\.,• lgan was n om inated a s b ianch ch al r- 1, l" Webs le i, Bourke Lead ing l~lller to as l\f cKmnon, lcskban k R e li ef Sto. ff Kan.4urr.m& · • · · A. R \V Jlson J 'l>• F \\ i '> J) t1~P 1 •: t '\1:1 .. 1 Jd• ll di J!<.:t \ \ lll d th ti 1li : r .:..ga n J un10r P o 1·t e 1s Geo1,ge Abrahams,

=~~~;:;ol< ' · . .' . { i'rk:l~ l e:; :~~~1.1~: :'. ; ..:' l u1 " ;' un J, -i(a'n\;'a'i'. »~'.:'.: ~ ;,'.!" b~~n :g:~ua:o::ln:;e~.e rin g o cer s were Mr . H . Sid well was proposed a Su b-fo r em a n. Char les Bay li ss, Gou I· Hurstv il le, Lion e l McG tlvru v, Hurs t ·

XaitlAlld •· · • · · H Hui'" '""· "5 L,u ,~-- • IV >rn.t:andl "'"' I"" '"' •111 ·mg " <I. m ember of C ulcalrn branch . burn. vi l! e·, Aubrey Rodwel l, '. 'i llthor e . Moree . . . ... A. s Tickle, ff'"'l' ostn, Mo1 •e 1 .. tw." ~111 .11 01ee Mes srs . P . F Landrl~an , E . W es- T1•afflc ll1•anch, Ra1lwn~ ~ .-S1gna l- Gatel'eepers· " la rio11 B :"'rd , Tarpago, :~~·r~. :: : : ~ ~I c~lii~~~ . ~J1~scr;~\Vrs~:\1 ~had,~ ·~n~~11 ~ \Valtlni; f!oo ni, :?nd Sat sell, a nd A . W atson were nomin a ted I ' " u

I ' H I t men to Night Otll cers: Langl ey Annie Cahill , Au s llnmere. ~;'n"1<a~rms . . ote · l:-lymag ce·s ' Rail "•ay fHn. , 3 id F il. as branch delegates to the Annu a l BRANCH NOTIC'l.S Byrnes, Th lrlmere, Da"d T od d , Mu·

~~0.\9:•:: :: : : Jalt~;'~f,{1~~;. , t~::~~~;1t~~ \~-. ~~~~1 ~G~? Ti ade~ H.Ll!, Newcastle Conference. ' • me rd ie; W illi am McDono lc.l. T hor n· nFK'Et\S l~D. I ~=:~ oill.ce.st.;!f :f,. ~.c1~~~~;~:.,.,\\1f 1k';'1j~~ 1~ _ ;';, ~~':'/] ~~ Hoad omco, 3r~ -<"u e ~. Th e Branch eecr e tai·y d esi r e d to Lon to ·ra r ro: Alfred Ben n in g, Santi Traffic B r an ch, Rulhvu) ".-Sta-:P1cto11 ... , •. .. H. Mci nnes. Meuingie-•t, Picton School or All r , l s t Thu r hancl ove r t he r eins lo s omeone e lse A:>CALGA-' LA'l'JON 01~ B RANOHE5'. gate t o Lo chi nvar; A lher l Frost, [ lion master: 1"1 ede riek W1ll 1s, 8mu

l'eurlt h , ..., ,. •• w. R. Balle)·, High-c;., Penr11n .... M Sl'u 71~~1 1a, Yll 1l am., 2nd a nd h e wrote to Mr. W esse ll , of RA..'\"D,VJ GK, NOS. 1 AND 2 . W hl l tlngha.m to P a <l ull.t; Thomas. Pl:11ns Glou cester, knowmg t hat Mr Wes-

J'arkH · · • • • •· W. \ Vall.ace, R ' way P e i Offi , I'arkes l f" e-1 \ \ ,,,. ~ fn<'e, 3rd S u n - -- ---- - - -- --- •

Qnunba;pa.n • . • . J . l-\~;~·,~k, PO , Hoyal Ju., via Quean- wf\J'.~m~t~~JO~ P lat., l s t F sell would make a good secr e tary , IN PARLIAMENT. !bridg es, the Governm ent would un-atdftrn •• •• • • Geo. 'l'o lland, "Llsto\\el," Clarenee· a nd h elp k eep the branch In its pre- At a m eeting ot m em bers or til e dou btedly h ave to pay com mission -ndwi~ • • •••. A. :if.oa~0/~~c~J0al~0 1:e , ;,;,. 1; Sai,-n'ci· i·s, He:i.a Office, a s summd' sen t strong p osi tion Mr . W essell Rand w ick branch es, Nos 1 a nd 2,

Ra.nd " tck . . . . . . Hea d Office, l s t Thurs. declined the favour Mr. To wle r it was dec ide d to amalgamate a nd •1dnt7 · · · • · • ·· c Lorn1on J\J a 1 la11-~t P 111arnatt a r LONG SERVICE l~EA\~. s111r1acon ••. .• . 't'. Ea th er, Maiy-st , ' Singleton . . n~!,'~.;','d~i~t~oi"k lst Pay s tated at the meeti ng, that the a r m one bra nch. A special m eet m & THE Ji;NG INEER S' AWARD. In r eply t o a question by Mr. Wa de

Btoru .. •• •• •• J n ,.v'o1r·1",srbl1lo'psN, oE1•~~le s1 !1",'• .. . na. ilwai ~ o., •. nd 'l' J1u 1sdey. b r anc h would g o back, H the secr e- of a ll m ember s Is call ed t o r Mond a y as to whet he r Pqniva leut p rovision , " ~ ., " t a ry r esign ed , so Mr . Worrell de- next, a.t Head Otnce Th e election In the Assembl y last week , t he

Temora. • • •••• •. Neal ~l c!Jo n a ll. 'l'\\)Ham-st, Ne.v- '~ o u l d be made for the WldOW R of jl town Temnrn 'feetlng a s "L11nmoned ci de d to cont inue nntll a s11ccPssor Of o tnce r s fo r th e en sul u g year wi ll :Vlmls ter fo1 L-abor and Ind us try, Jl' -

'1'ramwa1 'l'ram.o . A C \Vn ll acP, 9c '\\ri gram- roacl, F o r- , ll t~1d o mce, 31d ot 4th t k 1 d m e n •tha t h ave been ln 1l ed at th e est Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iunday comes along. a e P ace, an the r e will b e other p lying Lo a qu estion by :vt r. Wad- fion t, and who weie e ntitled to Jon g •

Tram Of!lcera .. W :i;: 1·~.~~ ''Z: r ~~ . · ~·~;;:.~~ii'~ufi"11 J.{ 11- !lea d Ofr•o> • Alle rn Tues Th e follow ing correspon de nce wa s nupor t ant busi ness to tra nsa ct . de ll , said th at the las t r ailway award service l!' a ve, th e ieply " as tbal t he 'l'ram Signalmen . J. Long, La•nrock -a v, Bondi .... lir-ad Ofl1ce, Al le i J\lon deal t with :.___..: Every mem be1 is r eq uested to m ake Lhat r egu lated th e conditions or en-

:::'t!'~';,\~ ·: .: : \t; fi'~)!g~i{ 0~'. 1 j{\,~Yj)~[; 1.'l;f.~~l';;': 'ftt~l d:. lc1a.s Hoom., l st F r iday F rom H ead Office r e nomination a pomt o t atten d ing. g m eers , expired on the Jst No i Pm- rail\;ay r er;u lailon s did n ot prov id e ,

'l'rllllt'ie . . . . J Chtrord. Da1alaloo-s t. T1ungle -'"" '·las t :sat. In mo .. Lh of head officer s, re turns, e tc. At- - - - - bcr , J 913. Mr 'Y a dd c ll us l<e cl for lon g Sl'J'Ylce lr a1·e, but that "' Ultimo Power E'H v Gpe!~;~\~1r11:i..~h. 5 1 F o v.le r- s t , C.rn.1 - tended ... to . case~. in \\h lc li annual IPn.ve was due

Wouongon1r . . . F1 cd ~ ' ""I" Kel 1.n 1l t,;, l\ olh"1song l\.ollongonir, 2ncl Sat, - JtAlL,VAY SIGNALS, j' \\he the 1 he would p r osecute tho oien pay men.t woul rl he mad e equiva lent I W7ou(I' . . c . c. Chupman How<u th ·S L. '' i;oni: " "some Hull ls t Sa t. F rom 0Mr, A, J . Toovey, stating 1f they went on s trike and :ll r Es- •

1 ;:~:;r~~:ek '.". : ~· <~~fS~\~k,1~~~~~-~·~t~ 1 ~,~~ ,1?11~h~~t>ek ~;~~~~;.u~ v t1 :1:t~\~~ eSat. t he 1rn.m0 of t h e collector t o wh om 1 te ll r eph ed that thail wns a mn lt r r to the valu e or the an nual leave Waterfall · · \Y. ).JcKrnney, JU.) ve 1H, '.\ ate1 tall 3i U 't' u esday. he a d b ls cont r ibuti ons for t hP I 'J' I D b f r t t d t

p , , w 1 Beem er meeting wi ll be o u ure cons1 era ion . Vi''\GG0 '.11 S HOrtT AGF.. I ~~~ck 11fo. ~ . ~· ~a~~rr~gan~r.'~·':" "{)~~:;~ nT•~t~e~t . Scji~to lF~fd;'.'-;~s (ups tai rs year 191 5 he ld on ThurRday, 16th , at Head Of- 1 111 r ep lr Lo Mi· Thom pson, It wn s

1'1<08 Bu • " " curn\Jerlarnl-1 oad. Au- 1 • I \ I """•• day iu mo11ih From H ea d Office r e C. W . P :\\'ne 's fl ee Bus iness Elect ion o! offcer s , THJ~ :'.':OR'l'H S ll ORE ~·r.\ 'l'ION , I s tated th at owin!! to 1 hA a !J no r iiin J E••l•llfh c&r and T h::. Burns, GO Dougla s-si. Stanmo1e tat ' ng tl at t l bra l wt H ll 1 All ..... ...

11i!!~~o~l1rht : .T l< <'ll \, , lfN mald" Boum er-s t reet. li •ad Office, Znd Wed. ~:s~o l:fl e~ whe~ a t! elc~slon 1;1:~ been ~~1 la~:n;:;t and vo:~:bues1t b: i~:~~~ Mr Haynes asked who was lhe en- dem a nd for waggonR to sh ift stan-

2IHt Gretn .. n ~u.i!~1~\~itli e·,s·· o,11HHH ···i·el~;.~ 11 ~i~:~~~~: ~: =~~g~~~~3 : recelvNI ria l ginee r rPspons1ble for lliP \\ aste!'ul in g s t0cl\: , Fat s tock O\\ners in !he

~~=r~k .. . :: ~. ~"~~,1~~'. ' ~·~;.::;/:~t.~}~i~:.;=:,";;~7"1~ . From same r e •:.fr {'arpen te r - ·- · --- expena1 lure on the u se l e~s ne w rail- no1thwest 11' ill not be able to pro-


Amalgamated Railway and Tramway Benefit Company.




£16 6 0 14 14 0 11 7 6

8 15 0 18 14 6

7 3 6













Clytle Loco. and R uunrng.-S. F Sm it h

f'ar a nd ·w oggon -C. London. Cairiage Cleaning Department.

- W Sai e. Dai ling H a rbor - H . Patch l11 g. Eveleigh llu11n 1ng - H Davis. Granvllle - (' Gazzard llurstv 1lle.-M. A O 'Donnell Horn s b y - H Davis . ! llawa r ru Suou 1 ban -T Do\\ ney. l\TRin Subu rban -J. W. Bell.

Parce ls Offl ce.-R.. O'Con n or Rall\1 ay Sl g nalllng. - o. H .

StokeP Sydney Traffic -K. Dav1c!Pon . Shops, Boilermaker s . -- n. 'l'ea-

gu e . Car anu Waggon - Vi" S1gle. Lai ge Nrecl1 n g - F . P lnk stone. L argP. l'l rectrng - T . H u dson. Loro - J Burns. Stores.-0 Clam pe tt, Stores.-W lll iams.


Dow ling Street, B ecltman.

Traffic. - T. P ower Hou se, Ul timo -V. K a v·

Duwling St reet, E l ec t r1ca1 -S. R iley.

Lines m a n and Lelch hard t .-W. A111oil.

1\ewtown Otnces -G. Tigh e, Ultimo -G . Mulder.

anagb Po" e1 Hou sP, W b ite Bay - P rlu ·

gle nanc11\ 1c k Work Shops -J. Dale f{o se llP - P. P Ilealer. 'J'e mpe - S Sheppear d Tro.m S1g11 als - J. Long,


Waterfall -W McKi nn ey. W e llington -I V1tnell . 'J'rangle. - J . Cliffo rd P e n r1Lh - W Bail ey Tam\\ orth -R Fall on Merah No1th - W. Crumpton Orauge.-J . l\l cK1nl ey Parkes - W . Wallace.

llfudgee -M. Water s. L1thg o w - J. J . Gri tll t b s . H:ird en.- D. Stewart. l-l S P --J . Kenney. -:,;skbank.-A. C'olman <'oote mu11<h a .-Sldebot t om . L'u lca lrn - l' Brennuu. 1J a thu1 st.-T. T hom as.

The payment of Gd. per work prot ects you against FIN­ANCIAL HARDSHIP DURING SICKNESS, and makes pro­Ylsion TO ASSIST YOUR FAMILY in case of deat h.




A k any of tl1 e m Jor i11 fo r111n t10n conce rning t he Benefits, an d secure a copy of the rules, whi ch ar e free

Fur ther wfo1·mat ion gLttll} ~ 1 1pph e d by the Secretary,

GUS. MUI~DER, Caledorn.rn Strt!et, West Kogar ah

\1ho i~ in nt1 P1Hlancc ~t H ra d Ofli r1• 1·1l'l'Y _\fonda} evening fr om 8 1o n 0 ·1: 1oc-k.

C1alln111 •••• T .. Johns, Rnlph\n e Cot ta ge, Cu llerin r.tat111 g that ns Lhe g r ieva nce or igin - i w.1y station at Mllson's Point, which, cure t rucks until J anuary. I -- - - - - - - -- - -- ----- a ted , boto re t he m e mber Joined the ll l l"HW 1'i l,J_,BROOJ(, he said , in vol ved a loss of £50 ,000 !:.:.,_,.,...._=,..,.=-""""""'"""""""'""""1EE.,.._,..,....,...,,... _ _ _______ •' BRANCH MEETINGS. floor o f t he H ouse, by the acti o1,1 of Assoc iat ion, h e ca n not p ress fo r He also asked whethe1 th e e11gineer F.NC IN ~J i-1 -' '.\I D DRl\'l~R'l. I pe r arrangemeats for !.lle sta cking

!t he Premle l', t ile Hon . w. A . H o!- f urt her actio n 'rhe r epl y fr om th P A m oeting or the :vruswellbr ook was s t ill In o ili cP, and whel11" 1 he Iu an swe r to a qu estion by Mi of wheat I t .. tl t i TO THE EDITOR was he ld per sona ll y r esponsible for Gn1tlin e r , it wu s s lall'll lh nt it \\ US ' ' is sai u 1:1 prom ses

--- +--- man, when h e, Mr. Cllirdlner, look C:h1ef Commissioner was not satls- lnanch will be h eld at the Muswc ll- the blu n der. ' r hA ~f 111 1stcr 111 1e 11ly Lhe pn ci1rro r.o ni e l11n e ago lo k cq1. I i·rn rc give n that arrau ge m c nt s \\ Ou Id •

\fl\JTJ c\N D I t h e posi t10n o f ad\ocallng t hat wl1 ich lactor y . b1ook Railway Statwn o n Satur day, / be made before LI 1 l b t tl t · '· · From Mr . B etts, W elli ngton loco Der emun l lth , at :; P

111 Bus i- sai d Lhat t he w ork was car r ied out as fa r a s poss ibl e, m a il and cxv1c••s 10 i.i n e" , u 1a

I was Ju st and r ight, a nd we assure by the 1'l ng1nee1-1 n-Chl4' t , fo1 exist- trurn s in Lile lrnntl ~ or the s a me <111 1' - 11othlng ha 3 been d one, and t hat

lh 1m that wh ile he, as a n y olher r_,a- depa1Lm en t , ackno wledging recei pt ness GPneral. A good attenda nce mg Im es at a cos l of .1:17, 241), thal P1s, !J ut th:i.t th e syst em could no t thousand of llags or w heat are e x-The usual mon t h ly meet ing of th e bo r m m b r uses h is ft r wit h thanks of £2 2s. sent for the or uieoJbers lq r eques ted, I L u L

Maitl a nd l>ra 11 ch WUR held on T ues- . e ~ ' rn uence or Mason F und 1

11e was sti ll rn office, a nrl tbal as be carried o ut In it.> ontlreLy because pee e 0 an ive at these s tation s

d ay, Novembe r 30tb. Mr. E dward dealmg fa irl y a nd honestly , w ith l" r om t he La bor Council fo r ward- ----- - there was no bl u nd er co mm itted jo f the1e not bein g su ffi ci ent e ngrn es. iery s ho1tly Another growl com es

bran ch cha irman , presided. a ll c lasses o f the comm un ity , th ey GOUJ.B UR N. Juie r e was no ques tlou of 1e• pousJ- ' It was not pro.clleable at p1 esen t to 1'.'0lll Forbes 1L 18 stale d Lhd t forty-•(;orr eapondcn cc from H 0 . was will QI ways rece i ve ou r s upport . ing ballot pa pe r s fo r the Senate Sel- bll1ty. keep any en g 1n o in th e hand s of one fl rn tru cks were orde1ed a few days


Dea r Ed1 Lor ,-Recently 11e 11a1·e ;:,ee n getting fe d up wi t h " Do n l's" 1n lhc Safety First pamphlet. Here1t1t h

dealt with. Th e lette r re t li e case Th is was second ed by the secr e- eclion ballot. Th ese are being sent I 01 ive r I ago, und that only five ari·ive d The t d I d · l on l o fin an c ia l m embers. 1'he montl il y meellng or lhe Goul-


--- \\I heat sca•oll h as only Ju st cam- is a s'.1.1011 ~o~.Lr1bul1on rn the fo rm of or p J ':'.1cGiven, was received a nd ar; au was ~arr e u nammoue y ---- ' burn brnnc h will be he ld Jn the Odd- NOR'l'ON-Grtl P l~lTH AGJ<EID'l.F..\" I'. ' ' , ' '' • ' - - ' - • men ced and " '<> "er." sa l''"t II t l1e some Dun l s tor co nsld erat1on ot r t d h 1 tisapilytiatwe h ave notafe w I l ' IR\Dl:\' fl "fll-f IHF~ l~N l, ,ll . ~ ",, .y u~ LI. a DApar tmenl egrc was expr esse t al ie di d not more J1ke Mr. Oard 1n e-r in t he H ouse. AmllDALE. 1 fe l ow s Hall, on Saturday, Decem- In the As.i!embly las t wee t: , .\!r llfr. lloll• s asked wlie lhei Lhe r:lll- dopa1 tment rail ~ them at th e ve1 y , 0


ava il him sel f of t he oppor tunity or We might then get a llvlng wage. : be r l li h u t S Pm P r ice asked ll' e llllnls ler for Wo1ks ' way Commisslon er s were Lra cl ing l outBel, what cu n th ey expect later Don'L lin e a m a n wll e n you k now

::;:~.d7~e: ~se~P:~a:.h e Genera l Sec- Not ices of motions for t he A.O. m eet- Th e us u a l m onthly m eetin g o f t he Bu sl u ess I mpo1lanl, e lection or wh eth er he was a\\are that c lause 11 j with an enemv fl i m na m ed t he c. n 1'e !eg1.rn1s to t il e de partment (lie hus d one hi s bes t, if he has dona

'J'he n om inations o f Lhe officera o! ing w ill be r eceived by th e bra nch Armldale Branch, was b ald on Sat- ~=~~:: . an d cle lPgates for n ext con- or t he Nor ton-Cr1trlth a g reement pro- "Schmi d t Su p ~1-heater , Co ," Mr. I llow Ill 111, c a n eve r endrng st1eum, w1ong, po!Jtely show him the r igb t

secr et a ry, at the ·Decemb er meeting urday, 4lh Inst. \ Ides t h at some materi a ls, Jnclud111g Hol man sai d he wou ld make en- hut 1 ~. does not see m Lo make any way ,

Associa l10n were t he n deal t wi t h , ---- The secr et a ry lnformed t h e m eet- sleel br idges, sha ll be s uppl1e ll l>y Lil e I qui r ies . / d1fi' c rence On e stoc k ow ner says ' Dcn't be always looking for

and r esulte d a s follo ws - Presid en t, DARLING JIARBOR. " h h d d 1 50 b 11 t W A'l ' U:JW'A r,J,. P 1rnlster. In th is connection he d1 ew j lhat he cannot gel t ru cks be fore Jan- trou!Jle, ackuo" ledge a man's goo d

Mr. V. G Ka van a g h; V.-Pr es1de!U1!, ti ng that e a r eceive a 0

j the a tteu l1on of the M1111s ter t o an 11ary fo1 ei the r fat sheep or starving J\'.'Ork a s well as g 11·ing him a " Bun g"

Mr. E D Campbe ll a n d l\Ir D. Clyne, papers for t he Sena te Sel ecti on ba l - adver tisem ent Jn whi ch ~less 1 s. Nor- A STANDING COMPLl\INT. Mock, and by th at lime the fat for tile bad irea11Ure r , E Ut1wlesa, a nd .Mr J . L lot, and he was In struct ed l o fo r - G m \ I ' J. ong (T ra ms), Mr J . K earney ( t raf- 11· nTghHeam1boonrthbl yranmcel1e twlnags ohfe ltdb~ tDtal1re- war d •a copy to each financial me m - The next meetrng o! the Waterfall ton- ii th \\ e1e lnnli ng tenders bhecp w ill have become 1,Joor , an d Don't hare pos ts erected too clo8e

~ ber of the bran ch I br an ch, will be he ld al l\lr Hand 's fo r Lhe suppl) and d P!l ve ry or stee l TRU01\ RHORTAG lll. I Lhe poor s heep wi ll have di ed , and 10 th e hn e , the r e was an acc id ent

fi e railways)• a nd ~r S. iMal'Lln T ra des Hall on Saturd ay mo rn ing, f l 1 residence, on T hursda)' n1 g hl, l Glb bridges for th r 8) dney to Botany In many o! th e cou nt r y rent res , no one seems t o both e r ver y much al Ham il Lon no t long ago. (wignal s , railwaya); :Secr etary Mr 4lh m st. A le tter rom t 18 genera secr e- ins t at G ;;u o'c loc lc railway. \Vii a l he desi r ed to lrnow thn us ua l an n ual grow l Is be in g about It C. 'l'hompson ; d ele gates Lo t he p L L , tary referred to m e mbe rs i n anenr s, ' 1 1 1 1 1 b Don ' t believe a n offi ce r befor e you

It was re11olve d that Mr. Jam es El- an d s ta ted Lh a t he b a d taken up the [ Bu siness Nomrnall on °. of offi cns was w iel HJ1 Mess rs No1·ton-G r lfi lh 1rar, eca use or th e lac!< of 1a1 1wuy 1 The Pre m ier 111 an s we r to q11 118•

Mr. D. Clyne, Mr . V. Kavanagh and l ie be appoln.ted coll ector, vi ce J . mat ter wlth t hose membe rR. 'l' h is for 19 16, an d olher Impor tan t bus!- wo uld get five pn cent commission facilltieR ll \\Ould seem, however , 1t1ons <l ll the subject <J[ t ruck s hoit- ~=Ill:~~ t~ 01\~.~:~1 . man; bot h a re apt

Mr .. J. K earney ; inte r state delegates, H a mll ton . news was r eceive d a s sa ti s factory, 11ess f i om H ea d Office fo r t he s11p1i ly111g or tl11s m a teria l lhot the lrou!J le 1s accentuated t his 1agA , In th e House t lie oth er n ight,

iMr. C Thompson a ud the presid en t It waa resolved th at a furth er and th e secretary was Instru cted to 1 T he secretary woul d like to see a Also , he a s l>ed the ·)11 u l.;Lor whPther yeH r . It 11 a s recognised that the said t h al Ill'" orcls or £000,000 had Don't punish the porter for ev er)'•

:11:~ w::m~:~:l:::/or oth er posl- ~~~~~~~atl~~e b:::~~ toorlheno~~:~ rorw a rd Lbe names or all unfln a ncial !o::trn;:u:~e1 t~~ e~::~::,~r~/~m~~~: ~e;1~1ual~~·~~~ bene~~n=~1>01::~~ s:~r~;1 y~ ~,~;,~;:~: as:~sl~:1, t~;:e:.~ :~1;e 1~·~:~t1:, ~; II ~eee nd;:u~~~'l~<~:~~~l~v~1oe1;:~,~l i~~~ :t~l~~ !~~~1: l b~!~en you say the S ~ ls re-

The nomina.li o n and elootlon o! boards wbich a ppear e d In Lh e execu- me::~r7~Jar was received rrom H ead is mos t Important Cood office rs ing represen taU1 e of ~lessrs. Norton- the Sla te , but wh e n a ll owances a r e 1 met the whol e of 1ho cl e mand s of Don ' t look u pon R fPlller a s a non-

llranc h officers, we re t hen dealt wilh l ive notee of some t ime back , and Otllce, with r orsrenoe to counc il nom - a r e requi r d to make the b ianch Gr ifllth, nnd whethe r t hi s person made for lh ls di sadvan tage, t here 1 t he Railwa y rommlssloners ; he e nt1l)' , r emember If the r a ils we r en 't

and the result was as under:-Mr. asking If the m a n do ing the boxes !nations. The mat ter was discussed boom . wou ld have th e purch asing control appear t o be s ti ll man y grievan ces, horctly though t i l dal , and he mtend- I Lb ere t here would be nei th er ofll cera

EdwatrdB, bra.nch chairman ; Mr. Far- is a carpeuter and joiner, or wile- ' a nd It waa resolved that a s the of the £6 ,000,000 , wo1 t h or material Lhat a re attribu ted lo depar tmental ed Lo consu lt the Co m1niesione rs, a s nor C'omru iss1 011e r s.

tell and Mr. Rawdin g , vice -chairmen; ther he Is doing them In hi• o wn U su c h wlls t he case, be wa nted to lnetnciency A ~1 udgee paper venl1- 1 t o any Cu lure s teps that might be I Don ' t make the m en g o to wagH

l branch m e mbe rs did not know what E CHA G NTED .Mr. Daunt, Mr. •Pont, Mr. Casey and t ime. X N E WA lrnow what was the uso or the ex- laLes a grievanc e In which u pw a rd s I taken He had !Jeen un de r the im- boards for a llvrng; gi ve it t o them;,

!Mr. Findley, committee ; and Mr. The election <if office r s then t ook me mbe ra would be eligible for nom- • per t s taff ot t h e Depa1l ment Mi. or a thousan d p rime wet hers did a I pression t ha t no d lUtcu lty wou ld b e they ea r n 1t. .

Hopklna, 11ecret11ry. The last. named place by ballot. Mr. Wm. Hyslop F elllor , No rth Coast Line, J H . Canti In r eply sa.ld that the pe r ish for t we n ty-fou r hours w 1L h- I exper ienced tn han dling the w h ea t Don ' L forget to lnCor m Mr Cocka,

was also elected &ii delegate to the was elected returning officer, and Th• Price- 3 COURSES FOR 9cl. wishes to exchan ge with fettler on facts, a s s tate d, we re out o r propor- out food o r wate r, a nd t h e pa pe r h arvest , a nd il m ight be that t he c\fr. Duo! ey o nd others th a t porters

.A.O . .M. Vemsra. Torrent. and Giiiham scru- - i• tlM •Illy ci.... tblq •lieut the Ooulburn to Nlmltybe lle J .. lne. Lion . H e was not awa-re tha t a ny comments In an ythi ng but mild drou ght prevalllug i n the nort h, h ad w ould no t condescend to take tips I(

Mr. Edwards c.hen moved that t.IDeel'il :- THE CLARENCE CAfE W ife to t a ke charge of g ates Town such pers on had bee n appoin ted T he Lerms upon lhe shor tcomin gs of the disturbe d the ir origi na l calculation s. they coul d get a l! v!ng without.

thl• br11.11ch of tile A.R. and T .S. i..- Branch chak'mao, A, Evers (un- llOYAL ARCADE cc.o,.. St. Endl. le ng ih . Apply, · u11

gthree' pmr0e'.:tdewdltthha~t e1•nsrs~omNeoirntosnta-nCcr!!". De 1,Ja rtmen t In the vic in ity o f Dune- He w ould ascer t ain how th e r a ilwa y In short, discon tinue those "Kai·

IOCiailon convey to •Mr. Gardiner, opposed) ; vice-chairman , J . Roe and OPBN DAILY, SUNDAYS and ALL HOUDAYS THOS. J . BYRNE , ., doo and Or a boon , i he r e a r e loud Comm issioners regarded themselves ser trieU," aM &!Ye the men a fall: M .L.4,, tbelr aympatb.y tOlt th• po1l- J . Kearney; •ecre tary, T . Toole (un- ..-N.u.-aua<1aJ"OSo1raoco i. c:: ...... stl"Ht Fettle r, o. supervisor bad to suppl y mate rial complaint s because the r a ilway au- as equipped for ~Jae the wla..t "1IL &Ion tk'.at ae wu _.... a oa ~ , oppQM4); ooiam1-.., K_,... Kwr, =-~~ AM c-·• ... Oewllls -· Kendall . j 11.114 wllere they b.ad to 1upply 11teel thorl lle• b.ave railed to provide pro- b&rftl&.

HCLLAND v. WATSON -- -+----

T KE "LO:'\G" \ \'IJ 'rH~~ " S HORT" OP JT.

Pl:1'1'7, llOl' ~I)>\ 01•' [)~~~ L'Jrn . \'l'J.; A.\"11

GOR\" R.\TTIA.\"0.

lA SE'.llSATIO:S~\.:\l \ll SSi::I > IlY } l !\.:S\'.

("P.\TRI A:\" ' ).

Phou, (' Ill' 220 .

LANDOWNERS. --RENT-PAYERS. "e w ill m ; 11 . n YOl' A 11· B C()T'l'.\ f.lF. H O MT-: on your lana. repovable 117 \\ eek ly 1f1 ~1 \lmPn t :~. 011 U 10 l ol ln\\ In~ tM tn !': , v17.. -

i1/4 11 er ",..,.k fn ' t ncl1 tJ j10 rn"t r. r lml l drnq-, un!l ~ I for •' H'h :lrl dll lf'lldl £:?-,

'fhi.q, "111lll ffl\'1'1~ bnt ll l •11fl<'l!'M l 011ri illl!•ll" t 1 !dlU l'('IP'l~o: \0\11 111tlc lJ LC1]nCS!'!I : h~o l 11 t t h I 11 1 n: , r , 1 "

'\ t l , , ::--,.d f•:lo'.p1 ll'""' ot Jq1nr.1t \r hr.1 nr ,.nmilnll \n 1ue. I' 1, na·nts " '1 111'1l"ll l'f' "hf"11 '•1H 1,11,., 11<u-'"'""':--;1f'ln

i~~tJ~~.pJ.-.. y ni l!' o" II lilHff uf IH' ll llllll<'llL \\'111 l...in•·n 01111 1.;-11.H.1 1\lCC you :- a li~-C \f,; , (lfl ""T: IT r; F011 Fi ll. I, l',\ft'l' lf.' L l.,\ KS.

TEE EOJIIE DVILD:UfG & JNV li:STl!.!!F.N'.C COlllll'.l>.NY, LIMITE~ !P.o.tabit"hhl 1910) ,


,\lon g Sy dn ey ll arbor the1e 1s n nie ce ~coope1l oul , and some aborig1-

' 11n I ea ll i t ' R11 shc u tlers Ba y." ThP

~ AUCTION SALE on the ground at 3 o'clock Next Saturclay, Dec. 11. : : -BEACH ESTATE, SArWRINGHAM


The Sum me r· ('u p at l:lri • b rme on

S ot urda)' went lo t he tarnrite, T'P ler· i h•- Pnlnter

* * ·\ pony mePt1 ng wil l li e lle ld a t }\ P n .::t! 11gton o n Rarn r rl ny.

* * * nolla1· Dictntor. who run Lhircl in th <- Decem ber Ha11cl1cap at R ose hill , on Sa t111'd!l )' . ls in l he Summer ('up " 1lh 7s t . 'Yh1 Jp Longacre , wrn n e r oC th e Maiden. ts engaged ' in 1he \"il­l1er s· r.1l<es wlth ti s t. lv lb.

"' * \.V 1llo"· Gr ee n will meet )1 errim ee o n ~lb better te r ms in the \"t l1 1ers' Stakes than when th e.1 met in the ('I\ de Sta kes on Saturd aJ.

• I ori&h1 or l h e na me is lo:;t :n obscu 1-

l ' l' he meeti n g con clu ded with t he SPARKLETS. I rl orrlun bent '.\· e~t• rn S11lrnrl.J~ by l ity, the oe ~ 1 e<t excnbe be ing tlrnt tile

Parramutl:t Mi le, fur "ltir h II 01>fle lel 11 4 1·uus. "abo" h"tl had a :'li1ghL Ou t.

was made fnvorit e. Secret Sen ice ·~ 1 Th ern nrP 110 HuRhes in l be \ 1c-

WDINER~. 8. P., RJIH: R<:. and F' larn buo~·ant wer e next in l he 1,lle Ofth rou nd or t he ffn t g rn rl P .. llo\l lin!!: fol' \\'e ~t rn ~11lrntbs 1

inity, onr1 ''"·'l>OU) rnught a round

.i\! Arriruee, ~ Lo 3 ( \l e dd1 ck1, jbet ti ng. c r ic ket run cches was concluded on 1 1.J o;bl tool- ft1e 0;1 rket' fo r oil, ~ nd ofte r d ork w1l ll cutttng 1mplemrn l'

Punkn. 5 t o 1 (C 'J1[tonJ Annex took u p t he runnin g soon \" t d · flo10 three Jar f•G. j ot n11y kind \\Ould be arreste d ]Jy

.Lo ngar1e, 5 lo 1 tl'ounell). af te r the stn r t, a n rl a t the s~< tu r- 'a 11 1

A). " • .- . " • , 1 the nea l'est J ohn Jl op on Sll" PW1on,

Cooluc re. 6 to l (Sl!annnhan). lon gs Je d from Hopfteld . ~l nlt eur. Sydney d efeatccl Middle ffa tbo i I 1 hi> RJd'.lP)" Sat ln~g C lnb' rore in or: P'•e rPmo1Pd lo n homP fo r t he F irm, ( to 1 (l\"ood) ll's F unn)", and Sir ITo\\ artl I . c . ~ ' ihe lfn lhOl Oil SaltlldH\ ""·" \\O il b )• n 1pp). Ru2hrulters Bn1 hn8 a bi t. OI H oplield , 3 to I (llarris) , Al lh e bend Anrtex le d from b) 1" rnns iu ~ie ~rsl. i nn i n ,.,s sro i cs I S;rlnei fiom C:ol<l ing, \\itll Snnny waste grou nd s at t he bar\, o[ lt. He-

A lt llo\J gll till' l'o•el11'll Olu '· Dri g ht Oran ge a nd JTopftelil, bu t in -I llo\\\in g lor S)'d ney Ill rho serontl I ~011 1h th l l' U * * ','~:;!~" iu the lli s trict r" ll i t t he

. • - u ';'a" lo the stralg ht Secret Sen ice \\as In inn in gs Cr im melt took s ix "lrlcels 'J'hP Uast Strange r s , 11110 t ry 10 bnt-bu mpm g "strong oppos1t1011 1n \tc- Eero11d po"lion, \\hlle Fla mb 11 oynnt for ~::, and .'ste· 1. t hree ror J 5 . S;cl nr) ath let es con· tie th eir way t h rou:;!. it after Rtm·

I " \! 11 11Pd 1hr1r c lu b championshi p' at 1

toria Par!, on Snturcla) the atte n- an d riopfie! cl heatled t he oth er s • • • l' ,ll' J'amalla Paik on Saw i dul', \\It h town call !I ol'i e!' t hin <(s.

dan ce at the bi~ hor se meeting was j An n ex and Sec ret Sen ice led H op· J\.pher (4i) '"'s lop srorci tor Dae!{ 01 thrn is" building which good fi e ld a t the Leger, nnrl af ter a goocl Rvdn Pl' tlw follo1Ying r esults·- \f could ea si l )' he mi•bl,Pn fo r an ex-

The tlay o. as du ll, but t he going I race I!opftelcl \\OD by hair a lengt h 'I · · · 4•\0 Yard s : S Pi,rnott J, J penmen ta l poulln tarm. 01· 1h e

panned o u t e xce ll en t. fr om Secret Ser1·ice, \\tth Flarubuoy- Balmaiu de[eatccl W a \ erle) by 4 f<'lntter;• 2

; time. S:J Z-5

s Han- head'JllartE'!'s of the L1nl\ersa l PeacP Spo r t commenced with the Clyde : a n l thi rd, Ann ex fourth, Grail Ofth. 1

71 ~ 20 Ltrcls-f<'irst hea t : n Sociel: '!' hat 1s oil week cl nJR.

Slakes. for wh!r h Meu·r,m ee went F oll sixth, a n el It's Funn: next run s. I le l 1 : time. ~ 3 4-5s SePonu heat On Sawrrt nv e•:ening" a n t•nso phrn-oul ra1·onte. W 1llo\\ C1 ,,en a nd • ,'' • H P• ggott l , t JmQ , 24 4· 5s. 1 llcated persoll pnRsin g by 11 ou \d, uo


- ·--- For th e w rn nPrs \\·ni l nn<l Follrnrd ~ T h i ee Sfi1es. J \\' C'ain I , time, doubt , Imagin e iL was n lnrge hos-baltecl we ll, 11 h!l e the besL hm1 le t· 1 G 5~ 1>as Y!n rley , who too\, six fo r 90. ''.~\11 ~~s'_!iles Wa tt· H Stol,es 'l: p1ta l sperta l l\ c\ernterl lo l he care

and c urin g of Dent >.'oses a ncl Thi ck

* >!> >I> Bra tlle we re nol in demand, but Bu-


'l'a rpan no doubl needs a spell, gen y fo und solid bacl!in g.

111s form or lnte lias heen ve r y bad . Isbal , Brnltl e nnd :vre rri mee we re ASCOT.

! i ll1 P .2 :\m .f~,

* "' -~ first ur:nJ'. an d w he n go in g Is bn. I and I Al :.\loorefield Coolslone finl ~hecl Bratt le led fr om Me rrim Pe, l •J11ge ny, [

n o11 here in the 2'1nrsr ry ll a n1\Jca p. Wac \li"l , :wd Tai µa11 :et a week !atp r her eo nt1Prl1ons At lh e ha ll mi le Is tial wa s 1Pn <l1ng

se nt her 0111 secourl fa\'orite in a. big I b y h alf a l ength frorn Hntttle. who

l>e lrl , and she s ho we d a ton improve- was th1'0P le ngths In l'rnnt of \l e rr l­menl. and won. Th e 1Pmark::tble mPe. \\Jth l~ugeny, Wnr :\11!-i t , and

Ea r s.

\\' IS\' lms, S.P., Hlnl.:R>I. As a ma tier oC f'ncl. ii is 1. 11 011 n to How llu g fo r \V ,11erle1· lTO\\ttl' 'I T \ lal1Pr won 1hn h:t1111n~r tlt ro11-rnpt 11rr<l five for D:!, anti Phillip :-. i11 \~ wilh R l)i~ 7in . .'.1n tl n\ .::.n \\Ol l the

Duke o t W:1gga , I 0 Lo 1 ( LPn n~y) fil'e fo1 \"-1. pole va ul t with nn. Gin Science ns tlic .3 tacl 111111." an :! uneier I Lady \ Jen. S 10 1 l \\ ill1HI I I its roof "s:o,1sh" is 'llJlPlir· d in I

\ lerv's Prille,::; 1() 4 (\TcDo na lcl l I rnrlc11ngt on rl0\: 11 e ll C: ll' IJ P by ; :; Tlte ~'<'Hte 117 SuhnrlJ< A ,\ C' lub '~ i.ho lesal " aml re t ail qunnllliP., TIJP I Pa11rl ou 1,4to 1 (L'ool<J rnn s. 100 \ ~rdH went to \\" . flodmu)nP pf'op le '·' 110 f i· pquPnt 1111 ~ empo r inrnl

~.l o.bstPr', 2 to L (::\fnrrnyJ. • "' 1'10111 H. . T111 P11: c:L n be dhiUed rnlo l\\O clusw ... , .

fl)i/lJH l,':llllg -77 SE&f.:ZDil :BUSINESS n.N D BEBIDENTIAL SITES.

«ltt!atf'<.l J•1 ll <'htll !11lng po•,itiiJll 1u r·}llg' J . .<ll:l Wt e.l\ \'. i l h It.:. h H1Utl fu } -. ant!~ H1'~l' llr-~ • .in d I f'ilJtil""s !1J1 J:~1. 1r !ni-t .ind J•' 1.,.h11J ,_ .\11 l1'r~it " Jl Ot J(,r "·Pl:-cn tlr·1~. 'l'hP 1 .... 01-:-n.1 \h-~·~11'·' ~-.rnL'i 'l'1~1m 110 .::'"b"' 111101.1~11 tt:o J ~ "1 t ~·ft' .\I.I, \LL()'Dlr;:-.;-r,; J j \ '.I : I lllEfL'.L Ff1()Vr \ G1;;; .\);]) 1;1::-; 1; r: ocs

t 'i:rvr·H 4, 'l' t>ims f l d'"' pn~it 19 1 - pc-r month l'nr ,.,,pn r~o nr 1 u1chast mone;,·.

l ntl't~Sl ~ JJl1 l" lll.. ~in q1•a.1·t1-1l\ h~Llun<><w, .\li• l

TJUl D;)VBLE FRONTED BBICX V!LLh x~rowzq AS "ALSTON VILLA," IO;..'f'llil''I \\llh l.fJI ~ ~I _.~ ~t1l.J ~::!. (•n l!Hi!ll "\lil1.I Ill !" l Sw1"lldt• H11a td1 n~

1' .. t:ihl 1!-ihnw 11l. con l i11111n;.:, $ ro•Jll\R, 1t1;~,, l.1t1'ilt·n. l\lbhy lJ"':.ll1room Jaundn' ~!1~10.;~~e~ i-;~~~ ~~ n?i;;~~I:~~; 01:j~ ~. dnrl i il~ \1. ,lt• 1 l n~t 1lluJ. C~mpletel7

' I r 1111~. JH~pn-'-ll 1 0 fl('l' l'Pnf. l;i.1 1.1111•r- hy JJ1j:;(~llMPi1l :,

1.ltho~ nm1 1 '1t»~ 'l'r .lln n.,d T~·~~ -~i;: ~~ 1~~r~·~~ d t\ nf :-.;1.lf• (In appli<'n llon t o

E. W . R. McMillan 8t Freeth, 10 Castle reagh St., Sydney; and Rockdale I

FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. 8.horl d1~tnncc ftQm \\'01uwu1 th­\lllfl St.lllQ11 Tw11 m 1Jt.•c.! f'wun P l - , nm:ttta .Tl'•;tt .1 l f' \\ lf'fl r1 mn I~ ,lf'lC' to 10 .ir·rPK 111 arna, ~t t!"-, !WI H ' I f~ j)r-po:-d l fT Olli t'"; lU 11 1

\\ ~1vr ln.1U on.

R l C!l SO IL F \ l~)lS :"•H: \ H GCIS­PORD, O~ Jll('l(A l1D'i-i Ef\SY

TE P.\Js. ~Vm f' of tlH'Sf' .. u t• of tlrn r \C'hPs t

~n1 d<'n Roil tha.t w11l i::Tnw maizP, ln<' Pi nt', Irun, \ (?~Pl ... lb\r>~. Ne., to [H1lr-ic-L1011 •r>w ~lnnnnl 1a1ntall iR 3 ~ J?ICil('~.

Th f'1 <.' J~ ·~ flnC' ))i>:;i.ch c lo :o:p tu th1-> pr11pP1t\ ' l' p1 1q.;al 1 ~ !": mlif"R south 01 IL, n..nd 'r n ggerah l.a k ea -0 1·0 1,tllH1 f u 1ll1c1 to ti1L' no1·t h

l•ft.rm~ 1uP f 1·0m JC w =.:.a nt•res, :ll flOITI f. I llPWilrL1 o..:

TER:ir ;:;· £ 1 Deposit, Ju/- .\ Jont!tl\• t or ("YI I\' f. .! 5 nr l'urdUl$U \'ul 1w. Tu ru n ::\s TITLE,

G!;;'l' rr,,, ,\T O.,C I': Ff!O~l

fo rm ?how n IJ\ the l'oolslr 1m fillv, Th e \ltog ul. I

IJooL mn ke r~ ·aOd the rrot. T he 11 Sill'er !> I i£l. r, ln 2 ( Vrll le:). Ta) 101 ( S1) battccl we ll fo r Clebc. :-~~~ '"':i- trul:o. my~tcr1011~ rJrattl e JOlTlfll l s bnl at the t hree wl 11l e Dardsley SPOr Pd <)·~ n ot ant II' G nrP- \\O il lhP 'j\j Y.trll s H .rnc.li· b ookmaker s OC'c•u py. th e p·{pf!n 'J1'e I

Tllel·e ' ' 'e 1·e "' * * furl ongs, but ih e laltPI' shrll\ Pd (l1 P I ~;,;~,e, l ~d~\~11~ :,s:~a:h~~ I l{ussell) ' • 1 l'~fJ "nd ,\ Lord lhe l l1gh J 11~up. Beals. T he re' ! ellg in :1111 where tile mos~nge lrnsiuPso himseJr . Then of instr uctC'.!r t o t he box1n"g c tasse!I

eight two-year·ol ds way into lh o str:iigh\ from Btattle I T ,11·wong, 10 to 1 (:-.10 11 i; J Sa yle took five l\ICkPtR for GG fm·J .. ;; _, they can. P3pe ,• iallv on rnrP da ys l ror a1Jo11t a minute Ille audience a nd v.ill be ve ry rileased lo t each ths

Pntrred in the 14 I Maicle 11 tl and1ca ]l and \ler r1 mee tlie win ne rs. The Hond1 8\\lm m 1n~ C'luh's 50 '!'b e "('o.op~rntor" " 11 '1 srna ll ~ r \"·011 ld be treated to realistic reprn- sec rets or t hat migh t y punrl1 of his

o t Yt rtcria. Pa r k on Saturday, ancl At t he di stance ,Yfenlmee an d IY.in ls Handicap on S1 111rclay t·0snlt- papcr.:l , ourh ns th " ll rra l d ," ctc' unction o! t he battle of t he :llarn e . t o any of th e ra ilw ay and t ramway

1.he wi n ner l11rne cl u p 1n Rouvlet. Brallle wer e together, oncl nfter a A du l l day prevailed [or the meet· RPelfe rn defentetl l 'n i l'e r sily by 14 e'.1 in a win Cor A !IPn derso11 in 2as gP t 111 free So, a lso, d o poli t1e1a ns an rl lhe atmo,p bP r e wo uld be a blend boys aspiring to fi s tlc fame.

u youngs ter bJ t he imported R oul"· 1close finish tlie f'n rru e r won by a 1ng ut Ascot yestenlay. AldArmen St·1te Premi e r• an tl l be 1

' I I b · i runn. 1 · ' ' o, arms a nr egs, oxrng g 01es a nd Bi lly 1las h bas Ute wrestli ng class

roy ::\llar r P1ck[orcl. a two.year- nPck, Willow Gree n was a f:iil' th11d , Bael.ers \\ellt for Plutocrat in th~ I • * ~ L .Jm·ep aeeounlPcl fo 1· fhP flas t bo) th '1l se ll s the PP'1nut ; I 1·011 liaiI' . in h and , au cl bas some l'e ry promis-

old by Enrlslon. wa s rnado :t soli d En geny fou rlh. lsbal fift h . Glga nrlrn fir:H cl J\'J">!on o r th e Encou r ay,P Poster too l• r0111. wir ltets for S.yclnev C'ltli1' 0 ~o \'01d• ' "im lrom 1


On RPlurda_;, ~ D 4 l2 IG, an 11 Hut F1i tz is a li\ eh · one, and h e ing pupil s . Altogether, it 13 antlci·

favori te. hut after leacl 1ng at th<' ,~ix t h, anrl 1'.1rpun l n~i jstakee, but t he ~ urnte eeld 1 n ~ fail · _1 8 ·k ~ 1 - , « lo' rA, ,, 1111 \\" i:n 1·,· 111 1' r (\ elongntetl phil oeopher 11 1111 a 1Jl·111" I t - ~ .1nc a1rne u \P nr "- · r " ·' , . ' ' ~I managee 0 keep h is classic counte- pal ed t ha t \\hen the Vic torian h o:s

d i<tanre ohe only Oiied third pl~ ce . Bunbury \\US t he elert Ill l11e led (o 1111 a pl:i cP I • I -. # ~ foi t he ll g h l,bu,inees. PnECaged a l na u re oul of the ce nt re 01 the d1$tu r- rome across next ,ear for t he rnte r-

* * * IJumpehs' Plat Haee, \\h il e Seq tia r· Upa ll a was IJ l''l B\10), anll l ~d for I '!'he lop conre ro1· :'\nrt l1 Srdnev in 1' nee•'~ dPfP~led (' R l'al l end \f gi nge r lieadPcl, f i eck!P facPd Ii.ill anl banre . m ~a ll\\1111(' pu tt ing in " prod state con tects t hey Wtl\ get a \•e r)'

Lon gar r e'r, fo r m In the \ Jaiden lOUS ""' 11 ext in uem ancl :l fu1long, then Hichlon \l e nt to lhP ltl f' t (' t the r.:n•,tern Suhu1h•' abou t fl\e feet high a nd he r~11ldn't r h

Jl ,:ndirap .t t lln.eh 1ll pn1nl s to lhe I Tiaja h led nt !he encl of a fu r- il'ronl, and lerl a t 1he homlO\ turn f1om v.':s ~ :·~<h~::u(n4~~\.'1 !~'/1 ~1'1 ~;~e:::~~n,; s~,;~~1 ; 111; f' lu b'< GS \"nrcls. RPre rn tell pllil osop h ) f;o~1· a Ion.;. har ~:0 ~1": s~w n' :1t~:1~on~t~:;~;. 1 ~':,;:~ \wa rm time.

L1nar1e rolt tnrn1 n g out extrn good j lon g lro m l~ J]ewyl, fl11~hrulte 1" '1r·' l ,a dy lbe r10., D1tk e or Wn gga, Pl11to- in ll ing.s Pnnrh 1111 UJ1 84 not o n!. .-.1 ~ -f>s Bot h l1 0J!f'll f1om tlte la nd of' sha rp a KOOd fP \\ punPhes on the grounrl

1:.r * * rtn a r ion s, anti ,Jnro\ePn , aiHl at. lltf' l l l' :LI , autl C i own Gem Dn ke or • notP~ " lo fhP 1\:ilsn, :i.n cl WPrPlfloor, \\ huli migh t ~a~i l y have l ed to RIFLE SHOOTING. P.oolcs [rll' Pcl badly, at H0Rf'h1 ll on tive f nrlo11gs 1110 1·u11111 ng 1>ns Htil l 1Wng•',a 1\ns 111 rharge oL Ille h air ! i'•' l el» hnm wo n lw on ln nl n ir." and The \\'01P1 \<•y l .r nc;ur'• Gr. \n1·r1s lrncv;n to lh P ft'Pq11 enle r" of t hP e m- h i• tl isipu.lifl<",•lio n . As il wnR , Lhe

SuLUrcl~tY, v. h 011 L\•;o 11 rst. l wo t;PC'O THl , l lJeing made by l<nj a h, from .Tar r.~ d is ta n ce, nncl ro mm g o n won IJ\ 1 4 .. r:in ~. 1-:i n l lo K. Whith1'PCl 111 r.o ..! ~s. lporlum, ac:i !'1117. l lol lnnd n nrl "Red" r e fe rPP , :\rthur s~·ott, wns t hnt. nHte h

a ncl two th 1nl favoriles scored. 1

teen Rushru l!P r, SPq 1inrio11 s, a n d I half a Ieng l h [J'Om Cro11 n CPm, w it h " * ·~ * -· ----- ----- Wau<On. Bol h mPn \\Ore kn O\\ n t o in le r es ted 111 ihe srrap that he let Hl'SHCCTT I;;m;; R .\Y J)EPOT AXD

* ::: >I< 1 Pu:th.c. Positi ons \\ P1·e mn rh thi> J rt1 rhlon a close third. T1n g1 r a. SPotl took file wic lrets ror 50 In 1

BOXING. hP. p oqnps~erl of a wa l lo p lhn t at a things •llde. Espe cia lh once, when '.l'H E IXSTITVTR

Nor!10 sha ped well in tho Dece m- , 0 ame a t 1he th t Pe furlon!';s, ancl • Pha£L J. 011. a ncl l:' ln tor r at were to· I the seronrl Inn ings . 1 mode ~1 eEtl ma t1on 11as ra lcnl alecl to ho looker! as tho tigh he r ea l! ) wou ld

b Pr Jlanrl 1(·ap al Roseh il l. Rajah let! inln l he sl1aigl!t from Se· I gethe r 1n fou r t h p la re. 1 ~ hif l t hP T u rk ,; from Galli poli 1l' il inte rfe re, h e fi liti 011 " patch o[ gore. 1 "11a1 ion fi Puaka an d J neolee n I Carme lia ''a• n l!ot fal'O ri\ B h · - -· --- onl\ landed on t he r1 oh t epot. Bu t '!' he ::llinialu re R ifl e Cluh fro m the I ' • · · , · ·" • ' · . . . . I ., and by lllP time he had fa ll e n m R .1 1 t ' t b 1 .

Sam :11cDonalJ lost the r ide o; Pua;:a anct HnJah w<·rc together at I t he second di\·isio n , but "ltho u<1h


111 : 0 1::1·ang JU~t '~ 11111111 g 1101:1 Rai n -1

("PAT RIA!\"), llolla ncl, the man w1lh the outwa r d again, and finished stock takmg, the ai woy ns itu e e cl tll II' ftr ,. t

Lady ~l asrot , winner of the 14.J th e d istance. a nd t he [armer , roml ng ehe fini she r! [ast s he went 11ndPr bv bo" • "ith Platico i. I R. r lcse third , and• henring of a president or a H igh mriclent war. c lose d . jmntc h on Wedn es day n•;;h t la•t,

H ancl ica 11 aL Ylcloria Park on Satu r· nwr.y, won hy t110 lengths ftom Bun- a h Pad to Lad y \1 en, w ho !eel over ji;st in front o r Cl)sm ic, Mo nd ay. I Brow Jus titute had just pull er! oft al Holl and , llho looked l'ike? lam"- 1"heu they mPL a tea m from Ru sh-! It a l ~ p I IlOXJ:\1 0 ~OTF.!'i. - " " l tt B I l t1 l

d ny lhrnugh being 2lb 01•erwe g1. bu r y, w ho fini s hed \\ el l. Raja h was I th e la e. I h nJ[ m il e. Lach F orl1tne n e · ' Hand icap wen t t p


iiol clrow with one . James C' la bb), a per · pcsL cngngeil \\ ith a pillar box, di e! cu e!'s ay 00

r ie range a l !lt ce-. a m c tl e rn le 1hi r tl, R11sh r.utler ro urth, \\C•S a clo"e second into thP s tra ight. Th e ,'.sPot 0 0 ~· D a rcy has cl •fl n ile t.1· clecirled so n o[ m1t eh ton nn ~e 111 the fi gh t ihe hest woik t hrou gh out, nnct \IRS pot. Tb~ I n st~tutc rJub suffcr·e ct de-

T:l unhe rry finl~hP cl e xtra well 111 I SeQtta 1 ions f1f lh. nnrl f' ommand ne xt. I a n <! just m."se rl fi P< uncl money te hle, fro m Drn rohon, 11 ii h LinPflc . lu g o ro t he Stale~ . al lens1. no! b trni n e~s. a utl "au 1· m!'eq 11 e ntl y ex . awa id ecl t he rl oueh al llJP end o f the feat b> - 5 pointn. The sco res we re

t he Ju mper.' Pl at llPrA at H.o,rhill. I Q u 111n's Post was thP. pop nl a r lJne le Tim was fou r1h. ancl T nrh· t h ird. 1.1et , an rl certa 111I ; not 111111 <\l' the pert e r] to I.n ow n 1J1l 100 mn r h for ter m Tl1e.i· ~velp; h ed . ll o lland ins l'ollo\\·s:- .

r.inrl' 1n the ~L1i d en Tland ira p. r re l ne).l. _ .. _ _ ------ "'.~nn gemen c of J~ek Kea1n <.. i_r .. l he qa \>11 o ff pack et of caye nne 1 0 i : : ~. \\'n i80ll 10 1~7. I i: us l.lC· utle i s,Ba)' ... L JJonrri soi; G!l,

lsbal s howPrl ~0011 1inre in I lw 1

while ol hPrs henv 1I y bochetl 11 er e , :lfe r v'R P rirle , a 5 t o 4 r .w oril P. ANTICIPATIONS. 111 11, I h e r efo1 e. l1 gl1t hl <1 Iono, d rn· 1 Ar n r r s 111t m n ni of t 110<0 who - ---- .r. H ie hey 66

· F HPkey 6 o, 0 ~ ood-

( ' J\ cle StahP~ nc Ru<ehill on Snt11 r - Noce,rnr an d Longa<"re. p1 nrlira ll J le d all th e way lhr rn <SPcl ret urn mntC' h wilh l'ldtlte won l rl cU1e1\\ "P ha1·e rlu g up !he \ford 6!i , W. Cu nningb nm 64, P .

ct3y The r ounl!Y µerfo r inBr s ho11hl ' Longn(·!'I' 11as flr ot away, anrJ at !irsl tl ll·is io n of lh e t"il in g H d ndl rap .., "'<: norty 011 Ro,in;.\ Dni. 'lly, llirnl ncreqgu ry. pul !or\,,, OH i h?ir pochr ts IlOXf\'rl .\'r THP. H.H l.W.\Y Bra tlley 57, L. Field 65 , C. Coglan

p ick 1111 a ra<e or l wn at our s uhn1·· 1the s ix f11r l.1ng~ !Pd fmm (/111nn'"lan cl 11on by hall a Irng lh fmm fhe MOOREFIELD. :1 rnat<'h lh a l w i l l he , an cl 1vfrnt n and <'l\ lir-r \\en l 10 llrd parl y or l'\,,'fJ 'rlTF:. 16:\ , to tnl 5 15

ban mePlitll; < P<.;s l. ('a<'Hl\1111, Sy"tP 10 . :mu Burni s;; se,ond lalollte. 11 .lppy Larl). 11•1 11 1 .. row d 1\ 11il l cl rn11, eHtl for lhe se "Ottgh t £enRalion .tl thl' iJ olll eR I R. and T Insti t ute. :Irick H ickey

• • • hr-i· !Su perb. who !inis lw rl \\e ll. n l'lo o,p ti mes. mo uth \ '' lh rHe latt er fo lhs sal Th ings aro 1_e portPd l o bt> , boom- iGn, F r P<I ·w a t ts 6ii , A R i\iclntyre

ThHP v.eri> 01.!i th1'PP rnnnr-ro. in l'.JS"i ng lhe half mile· !h e orrlPI' I thi"I. l lol Ai r "as ro,.i·tr1. r•i•ri oP arou nd on the Sn blJ nl h morn wi t h 1ng a.long at thP 11nilway an1l Tram- G~, <' . )frl-Iugh 59 , Haro ld Batley M.\lr,JC:--1 lU N DH' \P. l

th e 14 0 l!.~llll'l'li P al \'icl()ri.l l'a1k I W08 Longue re 1'1·0111 Q11inn 's P osl , Colorr. firth. anrl !11 0•, q11i l u ne,t no n ('h n nee nr F:nrly 8JUI' (on e NPxl S.1\ 11n1n y t:'retl n 0IHl1Pl' \\ ill t he cold (OWP I nf 1epen la nre wrapped \\:l.y fn st1lute .l urk ( ' OIP, the popu- uS . c. Thompson 61. c. Gardine r 58,

011 !'la Lurday. a1nl loin, a n Pl'Pl1 money Sys!Pm, Orzlla , ll11rn ts her , and No- rll enriliP wa 8 firRI to get goi ng '<la hl cl , 1

Go ld e n Ale 2

. l bP srncl<e rl 11 \1 rign 111 f\t l lPrh .\ l rC'oy. aroun d lh Pii· f,' \'PrNl h rO\\ S Lii ey Jar well er, l1aR lal;c 11 O\er the d uties l" . Connoll y 57, tota l 490.

f'han rr. won fl'l.,11\. rrn11 1'. !in th e bN' 01Hl division , hu t al t11P c111· .. , f1 11 d) l igl1Lwp1ghl r h.un p1o n mu~ t h a\·e fPlt Ror0 \\l ie n they tP~td 1 -~_.....,. _____________ __,....,...,.-............ ---.---1 l.onr;ae rP w1~ n r-ve1· nfLm·wortl~ hrd1 1nile c:I P11 e lP , [\1 nclo11r. and .T 1TV lc'.'I TLl~ STAK Ef;, ' Lr ln11r) is a ni'"' r h up, un d onr o l or the g 1Pat un d ~ l o r 1 o u s hreaell ot 'I · · · .. - .

'!'h r PX·rt'gl,[PrPd horsPS PrP• h - I t l'Oll h lP. rl , cc nd WOil eas il y from : 1-1 ulbt oo J, wni A logP I lt el'. A I I lie I Srol l 01· Br11 clt I I I"' b?'I Eng l,1 nd r ould pr orl11 1 e al tll e peal e I hP) linu rni s•e.\. Amalgam/ated R' a·11way & Tramway Assoc'1at1'0~ f1 Pld ant i r1 auglltY ~na Hlarle d in Quinn '~ ro~t , w 1lil A lr ig h t n. good t 11f'u Pand our· \'\' af\ w ell rnll, nn ll . rotn · i tllP \\'fJigliL. lf1-' \\a .. ; P\P ll r Pgarclc(I li' or Lwenl~ l'Ollnd ~ the ~tfo r c;:,~i(l lhP \J.11dPn lf,<11d1 rap ot Vlrlorln th inl , Sy"teUl four l h, '1'1Jllamah fil t h . o n won p,1• il Y from fkhotlist llP F'LY l '.'I C: ll ·\NfHC.\P "" \ lie lor, ir.t l oppon"''' 1.11· Fl'Prt H eil Wal'rnll t11ect 10 l11t Holland

l'nrk on Sntunl,\, t h r fo1111el' fill rrl Orzi l lu si~1h , nn cl (' a esi nm at lhe i1i th Athu ncing th ird, 1I u lb1 ook l shal or :11 e rim eP. \\' Plsl 1, i1 11 l o11 1· o11 11 ll<'r lwit is no 8Utflcie11 ll ) h nrd t o m• ke l1i s 111J • THE "ALL G'RADES" UNION. third plrtrP , lint Ha11 g \Jt y !£n:t found hea cl of t he olh rr'• lonrlh. anLl C: lenrtte n ex t. l\ OC:AR<\rI ST<\ lCWl, <10111 Ii. and l1a.q :i lrnal'I• 01 11psr lti11~ mPr t , anll 101· tlie sn m P pPl'locl F 1i1 z

the long <tiaig hl t ronbleoom<'. She I A larir.c; fip], ] WP n l out in lh P '.'lnr- lllabsle r \\ ent. ont larnritP in lh e Ko.go! or Karanand Klng. 1 lu lH uf WP ll lai d pl.rn • Holh men bPltPd 'Reil" wil h hol h h a ndn at

would do bettPr on n sma ller track sery ll a n dira1>, a ncl it was m orr lu "k l 4.11 Tl umlicup, aud IParling all th r '.lrP In greal feclle, and 11 Bhou ld he freq 11 Pnt intervals of nbo u l '! se-

Ol'Pr :i s h ort !ll s tanre I Lhan j u1J.e,ment r!'qu ired in plrki n p; I way, t l1e lJl'Fmsler murP wo n ras 1l) DECF.M BGP. HA NDI CAP . la ,Jin g rloug go witlt D1,l~ n ey 1svo "oncls, b11t "•lhonl nny oth er effrct

• • • lltP w1n11 J'. \Voller wns l'a\'ol'ile, 1ro m Jola . wl lh R eel Gipsy a f,1 ir Jn lhe nbePn re of 'l'oa 'J'PT'P, C:r~ b rllP. th an t hat of mnkl ng him a s hade

W il low nrr-en 1ookert a lri ~ e hlg ; a11d ('oolslon R nexl in cl emnncl. l lhinl Q110Pnie So 11 ll ftnisl1ecl f,1sL Ap pl e 01· (' a nzone. I • • • r P11ll e r an<l ~\\ho l e heap mtuld er.

on sutLiruny, and his form 111 llie l The Htarl was a Pl'ram hl e . anrl 1in fourlh pl al'P, while :Vl i l:rnds an d P 1rrl Kn1' wng 111 fo 1 .in nwful hirl· When \Vnl Ro n gels re.ill y marl it

Pl y in g rr ondira p t<l l\o-~hil l w.iH when goi ng f:l1ann e l led from :\Ill - Ot ren a n rl \\'hlle bPal t h e olhern.. ROC'TCDAl,F. ~rrr,F. , in!'; some monl hs bar·k 11 lwn \ lcl'oi is lime ro r a ll nHu'l'ird mrn t o go

1" T.B. gnJHll u and ·wol ke At llie l1ome :Vloi·ven La's led to t he turn 111 C'ool Aid o r ll unlm a I w3e 11nlo rt11n a te enough to tn:1<> ' nn home lo u1e 11 wi vPR . l lf\ is nol fi r

j turn Srolt l rrl from Cool stone, 1the J4 .l l land ira p from (' lo!ho n nrl a 1'0111. :.'l l M'o) wns :ill "' " ' him, n ncl rompany fo r r esprr lab!P people . an d

Al 1\ rn"lngto n l :i~ t Wrrl nos rl ay 1 WolkP, .<nd Pa lmlltP I n flt e run Silver \list , lln t 11rn la t \PJ wnR in TH'E. HOME SIGNAL QUESTION l{ay rlilln t lrn°'' wl11rl1 way lo !u rn. he doe~n·1 car e h ow h nrd he hits.

v:eel; C'lovelly ran unpl.trPcl in th e I home C'oolstone won 1.Jy a h ead from rl 1nrge at tlrn half tli sta ne e, nnd com· ll mug[ lrn.\e heea 1!1 e <ame w hen I f •1p wei·r onl y uhoul Lwice aR rnl l

A!Jl>l'o.rd Sto kes . but on Safltruay I S"otl, \\ill1 Santa Sabin:t :t close 1iug on won ni CPIY from Clotho, w1L11 "V \'( ' Ll·: HJ<: \l l'S" O\. ER- he 111Pl Torn Ure n, tl1e Sid ney liuv lhP onl)' opponPnf lhf'y con ld fln<l

only th c~r, dai; later. he met murh tllirrl !'nre,sC'ltft wa~ fourth, Pal - 1,a cly •\J asrol a fair t h1nl. l.1ttle .lnPk: \\' Jll~ l 1 \I J< U . ao1n1dl" ll~0Lte.· ihfgol1dl1"1'1.egtlg1'th.t rlll1rnenr11plo1or1e1,1'nt1of fo r 111111 wou ld bP nn e lephan t . n e

bPller cntl le in lhe \'iclo1la ; P a rt< 1

m1t!e Ji ft h . Kilmarnock Si<th, and fou r th , Th ea -:11.e rv flllh, a nd Quick- " is cert~1 n lr a n energetic b un<'h of llanclirnp, anrl won It 's ma rvellous )faill or Ayr last. r t ep next. In responsP to " l'n e le nemus 's" r~ay and ontspCPd c•tl him. 0 1 rou rse oggr er.si venPss. " ho , in spite or a p-

how some hon·es Improve (? ) . OnazP!' was i11 demand irt the De- ' Acme le d all the way ln th e Ap· quesl!on as to w hen a Iton1P s1gn nl lhal is natura lly th e e nd of Fred, praring "li og·fn l ," ran go his ~O .! r em ller IT"ncl1rap, wh il e Fi r m found pr oved S1a k es a nd won com[o rtabll co uld bf' passecl at danger th ere and !rnm nil arrounts \he scrn p r ou nd s a nd tal<e mo re lirl;ing tlrn n

Il een A !wynP pl nred n hig g a p be· mo r e backing lha n a n ythi ng e lse. i fr om st. F.rea, with Brussa tl11rd . 11 e1·e so many replies tllat "UnclP" sltonlel have been s lo11p0d in t he any mnn "e lune seen s ince J oe

t we en hrr~e lf ancl op ponents 01·e r j LinPnge was n rst ao.ay, bm at Lall y Jri s four l lI , Prinre S1 mm e1 was nnn b le lo d ea l with t he m in 7lh As i t '""· il dragged on un· <1ri m m

the :irst seven rurl onr:s 1n the ne- 1 the e nd of n fllr!ong Il een Al wyne fi ft h , a nd Aub11 1n Ayr n ext. lim e to a llow oE 1rn 1J lli·a ti on In lh ls 111 the l 2th . whe n Kny' s t owel ft u t- Hollan d hit h i m so h nrd that the

('Pmbe r H andica p al Ros8 !1ill on Sat·! led fro~1 Si r \ 'ive, Lineage, F irm , Lady dddell pract ically led all week's issn r. " l"n ele Remus ." who tererl in. LJren m ust hnl'e a dand y punc hes n RRd lo boun ce off hi s j n w

ur clay, but failed to 011 a place. ancl Trinohantes. th e way in t he fi rst div is ion or thP is u "el l-k nown service man , pro- wa ll op. a s to glYe Kuy nl l cretliL Le an d t h1 eafen to break the OYe rhead

* • • I At the seven furlongs Tl een Al - 14 .2 H anrl!cap , and scor ed by h alr m1ses to comment upon the nmne-1ca n tal<e a deu ce or ft to t H e proved lamp•, but they had no eff ect . )fa ny

wyne wa R oul etght lengths from a length from Leigh . with Kilty Pye i·ous letterfl In next i;:.; ue. \lwt in his Hc rn ps with men li ke Mi!- tim es Fr itz wou ld pin th e glnger one

'!'ho follow ing W!'rP sucees• fu l at Lineage, \' a lu e, F irm , !Ja P enna, and a close t hird , Sin fi e ld fou rth , Glu- -- l bnrn Sa; lor. You n ~ Sll\l grne and agai nst t he ropes and 1.Jang away a t

t 11e . Jenanl!,ll' Park rare~ on Tu es- Qu isita. Ison fiflli. a nd Li ttl e )ferv next. At a meet1 11g o i mem b~rs of thP olherH. T'oor F rPd gol hts nose h im unti l hr hPgan t o be ashamed ol

cl ay Atbunn, T rouen, Que•n Chant, Passing the six fu rlon gs Tl een Al· ) ton day, C' !)'Srn lo and s.R. wer e t he Rnndw1 ck b ranches, :-\os. 1 anu 2, I hrolce11 too . . whi c·h is a 111t v, as h e I ft

Toru la, Famous f'atch, nn <l Barra- wyne was sLi ll eighL lenglhs in front, I pacemakers lo lhe tu rn In the second it wus derided to nma lgamatP. and l"n' a good look ing Ind about th e '.;1\t~: n:b~~ /'~~:t l ~~~1~: ~~: 1~~ul~ ~:: C()nda. h ut Dollar Dictoior \\ns in second divis ion , anti a gr ea t finish r esulted ro rm one branrh. A s peda l m~eling 1ncl'. gin to fee l a hoalt11y glow come 01 er --------------iw p o~lllo n, while 1, in eage, Value, and o[ a ll membe r• ts rall~cl fo r ~.1 ondo1 • his din!, a n d reeling m uch re[r es he rl

A~SOCIATED RACING CLUBS ' 'l'rinohanl PB lwacl ed lh e others N S W TROTTING nPxt, al HPn rt Of!i rP . ThP e\ert1on .T adl C'olP, tlle Jn(P R . nnel T f rom the a ppli rnti on of Holland's I l \ePn Alwy nfl was t en le ngths in , , •


or o fli rers fol' tl1c ens uing vea1· \\'Ill cha m pion (no\'. pro\"AsRtonal) will g lo\·es would prucee cl to clo 3 bit or

PONY RACES 1 front at t he h alf m1 IP, a n d in t o the CLUB RACES lal<e plnre, and thrrP t,0,•111 bP otlrn l' ha1" hi• nP't sr1n p on Saturrlny at.

• I straig h t she led from Dollar Dicta- !m porrn n t lrn sinPSB tra11•arl ._\J.tilln n d Stadi u m. Tom Lew i• wil l - - - --· --------


Kensiniton Sat, Dec. 11 Rosebery Wed., Dec. 15

1 tor . Si r Vile, i ,tnPnge, and Firm. Al Epping Racecourse, Glebe. 1,; 1ery member iH r eq11PPteu to mo lce be his opponrnl , onrl tha milling . - - ,

ancl Dolla i· D lctalo r led f rom [_,l ne- N' NEXT DEC 13 1915

I lshecl well . ancl won by a len g th 89 ENTRIES

the d i~ tan re lleen Alwyne was don e , a poMln t oro ntleonrlin r>;REFIEslLIO UIDd lto \R\' ill 111Ar.. CES I u_ ~ \ '~ ngr nn d Firm . 'rhP laa t-namecl 011· MO ' ' ' ' I I

I from Lineage, wh o just bPat Doll ,u

J . 11•1>!1B HILL. •ee., Dirtator. Onazer wn s fou r th. )far· l F' Id l FI Id I R H BOWLES

Mass Meeting of all Members of the Amalgamated Railway and Tram~ay Service Assoc­iation, will be held at the-----


Tuesday, D.ecember 14th, at 8 p.m. sharp.

BUSINESS: 1. RecPiving R eport of Exrcutivc d eputation to the Chief

Vomm i~~io11e r i n r eference to:-(a) l urn•;t autl cliscont0nt throu~l1 out 1he Srrvice, which

unrest a n<l discontent is li kely to he accen1md cd by 1ht' publication of th P woe fn ll,y inndequo.tc m inimum rate of 8/9 ±b.eu as a living wage.

(b) Dcla~·s m d t' u lin ~ with appli cations under Section 26, parti cnlurly tltosr r rlflting to-

JRO?\!WORKHRS A ~!:Ht:> 'l'AWrS J.'E'l"l'Llm~ A JD UANGERS SFff~'l'ERS .

( c) Con r<;.~ io11s to elamour.

~ - ( '011~id i-raiion of and 1hr a<lop1ion of rcn~onable mrnns for ~e1-1iri ng th e r eclr<''-< of gr i!'va1wes.

!3. Comid eralion of o11wr trupol'tunt rnat1 crs. of immediate conceru to Rui lway and 'J'ramway meu. 'P hnne: ~0~2- 11 E!lZ&bttb •n••t. \ i1 0 fifth , Si r\'! \'!.' olxth, anrl \' al>1e l arge 1e s arre e s NexJ Saturday, llth December. I ··cM.E CYCLE DEPOT. '

n ex t . whllA T1ln()hnn lPS whl ppell lo . F1'rst Race 2.30 p.m. I -;..-----------------.! 183 Entries 183 First Race, 2.10 p .m . I 015

HoaGHT., n1>KEY. RAILWAY MEN! BAKER'S STADJUM,f'~;;~;~~ \ _,fl~ ~~~f;'~ STAND : G1nts. 7s. &•.: lad11s3s. 6d . ; " """CI J TR ' T"I S lll " ( TT ) 1 2 ? 5 I"" ' 1 ,, 0 1,r. 4 .~ u"t10llnn·h11lll nlc1C le• rrorn f7 '10/.

LEGER, 2s. "' "' A , " :- . . 1 o rses ' ·- ' """• ;. ' , -· i ' \\ dt• nt o111 l'ow pr loe llots. NEXT SAT. NIGHT at s .ao Crut lnt1rntilnil Middlew1 l 1~t C1111t1it. J 6. at1J I I f,_ ~!0~1':1 , 1: 1· 'J'YH':s. Attend in force and di11Cuu your many arievancea.

".nn:<n•l u l ~, Balmu1'.1, J,1 l yfi~ l•l . aml OflD! NA llY THA I NS:-11.5 :1, 'U .': , 12.14, 1 2 82. 1~. 4 ~. 1~ 48, ---· NOTE THE DATE AND BE THER.E.

HERB McCOY v. FRED DELANEY I ~pPl'iu l Trnm s will rll ll \ia. <:,• .. n:e l 4, I 7, l ~:1 • I ~c. u ~. l T' P"t C'o\""1' Ji/ij, lnh• ; 6. Cno.rnn-

Prl ~-~'? 1~1/.' 1~7;:.'.' d>. I '~;!,''~~·~."~;~· ~'~;'~l~~'.1~; ~·~:~ I \ famt °"' rk I~~· ; 1;:,~:;~;.;foni.'n~:-.~.~·t. I 11. R. E \"A>.'S, SPer~tA I')'. :~.~~e t?-.m~~~~ii.n t~~~p£1~0'ii~b~~ iff;i Central Square, \..-.......... ~.-..;....;.: .. ..;....;.;...mii..;..;..,;,.. .. ___ .................... ,...., 1 Ftte. , • • Srd11er.

This is your opportunity.

CLAUDE THOMPSON. Genoral Sff1911117.


T E H i\! '3 TU SU ll tiUU u i,;n:s \\' lth111 l ho Co1nmonwea l t h :

Clu .<\.dvam:o Only). Y E AilLY . .............. .. . BALF-YEAHLY ..

Eni:rtHUJ-\ L. l\rA'l''l' J';;H..

6/- pos tt<l. ~/ G vostocl.

•oon!~b~!unrb: 11d~~i~~1~111'i ~11~1~tl;1u~·toao,?1)~!\~~1 ~·r~~e l~t~·o1~;~~~or, Ltd,," b a.l one r e·

AH'l' ICLE>l ;\ ND CO:'<'l' !UUU'l'!ONS.

• 1.1bJ~f~ce ,~,·~ nwr~ ~i~ e~~1r~ot'~c~~1\~·1~~~\~~!~ti~~~~ a~·N~~~~t~e~~~ntg i~':1~~~1cfn~h~~~P~~~ <'atlll ot llo so \'ti t plal'e mutter Jn au t.pcn column when. w e will not be re· •itOn8!llltJ lUL' t h ~ oµlnlon!i ftXPl'l!R!:>~d . '

Ll!.:GAL Hf~SPO.'\JSlUlL lTY.

b e C~~'ll~lt!~ ~ P.~l\ 1~u~~o~~ s }~1·~I~, i~'i 1:;o i~:;: cu1~~~ ~!~. t\~l~~e~ t~~f r~·,~~.~~e t~I~~~ rrtac~~l~~st ~l~ u n der s t ood t hat u.U sut..•h se1·'tlce is or u f1h~uc1:,1 tHltUl'l! and ..,.;i l hOU t lel:'a l tHpon•lbll ih ·. •

A(lEN'TS W.~NTF-D. l>t P;';J ;~~nl\a~~e!1et~"'vt~~s~ll tii.i}Juts, worl<shops, ond cou n t ry centres. who wll.1

!f'r lnted and ~ubllshotl b)• A . A. Ca lt.s 1 !01• THE C'U-OPE11ATOR, L TD.,

431a K~nt-st recr, Syd n~y . N .S.W.



Tliursaa~· . Decemfier 9, 1915.

only express the !Jope that the De- men hold meetings and conferences an d r e presenta tives or t he Mas- PERSONAL. aeed not be repeated bel'll. We can th e whol e at the country railway- STRIKE AT DARLING or th e Wbar[ Lnborera' Uni on, /STOP WORK AT EVE· \ pa rtmen t will be prepared to grant and request their leaders to put up HARBOR CONCLUDES. ter Carrie rs' Association nnd the LEIGH the r easonable requirements of t h e a uni fo rm progra mme. As t he r a \1- s d Cl b ( N men. and so en gen der a mutual con· way men tl eman d u n ifo rm proceed- ----t----- y dn ~~ "'\~ Cl' or I :~m mercot, I l B'~\tas r eceived on Thursda lldece and g ua ra ntee th e smooth er ings, t here w ill , p robab ly, be no Is~ BRAtlCH SECRET a~ U et rt~" 1 ~~as j. "s' JO o re " ta • /' o ie clcath of ·~l r. J . W. Ca r . , worklpg of t he wheel~ o! Industry. late tl s trikes. Their tl emantls tue as ARY TOOLE e ' ~a ll to l l ie I Cor'llmis.~ioner On T uesday l<flcr 11 0011 Hell tl o:nce t~ rc1~~':'. ovcr l1ead 11ues br a ncb, at T he executi ve of th e Arualga maled fo ll ows: 1. An Imm ed iate rlsE> or BACK AT WORX as-roe i a tic who e 0 the men was no t ified by 'p hone that a s top

19 11110 lram depot. It ls lrnl a

Association is to be con gr at ulated wages by .I Os. a week. excl usive of shoultl return ~o wo rk on MonllltY work meeL!ng of the Iron Workers' few. weelrn since this fi ne uld upon the man ner In whi ch llB mem- the Wllr llonus. 2. l•'irn nlgbt shll'ts 0\' lilRTIME JNQl"IH\ ' 131o:INQ rn orning, and 1e asked :\11" :\lilne Assistants wns. being J1cld at J'lve- specimen or a British sai lor took a 11 be rs handled Ille pro bl em anil upon are to ho loolrncl upon as cons tllu t - HELD. (As•ista nt Commissioner), to In- lelg!J shops. 'rile •Cenvrnl Secretary, actlYe purt Ju a Sef!tl-ofl'. to a nnm-lhPi r surress In piloting ll to a. Ml· iui:; a whole week. v. Any work Events moved very rapidly arter quire Into the men's gricvunees in :v!·r. Thompson, alte11dod, anll, a l- ~e r or tramway em ployees who en-israc tory couclnslon. 'l'her e is little whlrh is pArformed bel ween the lhe "'a-operator" went lo press rnganl lo overti111<'. I though the men had resumeil work, s tet!. Jlr made a ron•plcuous f1g. doubt that, had not the Executive hours or G p.m. nnd 6 u.m. ls to be last wee k, in ·Connection with lhe 1'hc arrnounr~ment or th o seltlr- he enquirecl into lh Pi1· grievauceo, lure llllh .his broad breast adorned

d t!J · me111 "a'· 111 °ue al tll" Darling lf"l'· ar.d fou1Hi <hat the men had heltl th e •


wit h \'arious Servlre meda ls. JJe an e men s c·omm lttea exorc!rn•l r egarclcd as ni ght work. Since the strike nl Darlin g Har bor. On WPd- - " ~ u ~ ta"t and disc retion th e t rouble greal strike movement in the sum- nesday afternoon , the poslllon W"". bo r Brauch meeting which was held mee.d ng to cunsltler lh e uon-payment was a Vil'e-preside ul of the Ho pilal

ld b " ' on P,alu1·,J 0 y, ari·' ,,'.h,·".li \"as e!l". l ly of Increa ses under the Iron 1'rndes Funu, n good useful man 111 co n~-

wou ava exte nd ed to oth er d lvi- mer or J 9 11, t he move ment h as that the Ch ief. Commissioner h ad " u ' · '' " s ions or t he t ransport ind ustry and rea ll y never r ested; it wns mai n tain- refused to negotl:l.le wltb t he m en lhe largest ever held, some hund· and Shl1> Buli <llng Croup, No. H I m!tlPe, uncl for many years co llPct, tlie wh ole trade of t h e sta t e m ig h t etl and nonrl shrll by the syndicalist- whi le I. hey remained on strikP; thP reds of members being prese nt, uncl noard, wM<•h rateH •h e Asf:ociat!on led fo 1· hi s 1.Jruneh. He was present

ii I b di all expresseil sal! srnc lion ut the hap· lc acl ap.plied lo havP ~:i.ltl lo Tail'l uy lat the September sillillg ol' the t'Om -eas Y iave een sloca te tl . Aclrn ow- revolulionary elements u ntil it em- .nen resolve<J t o m a intain thfl pos i- I ltt led gements o r l he ser vices or the or- bracNI the who le of t he rai lwaymen's !.1011 t aken up, un d not return un- PY termination or lhe trouble. workers severa l 111 011ths ago. Al'ler m cc, anu to ld lbc eecrelary ia

ilcials or the 1' rolly and Drayme 11 's ln n1011 Sou th Wal es has becom e 1u- less PortP r 'r oole went bacl: With On Mondny morning when th e ~e~~~~ ~~1 :.~)'1'il~~~i •pt~~: r~~~t~:~t~tt~~;c~~ . :·~~1 ~~r~1~~1 ~~1retha~ 11:1cee r1:e:~~ ~~~c::~; Union, l ha Storemen and Par ker• I tlu s l r la llse tl rnp cdly within the last them, and on Salurclay mornin g lhP men turned to, the ynd was over .. wit h the t'hief C'omml~•lon<'r'" Of- tribute~ to 111, se r vice fell Crain the Unlo.n ond t he \Vhnrf LnlJorern Un- I frw yearn Rents ro se and continue trou ble was concluded by an ag ree- 1·11 c ~lmed with trnHir, a nd throu gh· 11' f 11 I Ion shou lcl a lso be made, for t he As- lo r :se 'f l'e new '.Vels h capltallstq ment lJelng rearbed , Lh nt the men- out tlie week tlw ~ l uff ha s been hard ft ce, .an il it was learned th at the ipso o. w 10 wo:ketl wllh him a t soc 1atlon'• l~xecutlve , and lhe geue- arr more rul hle>.• than the old En g- with Toole-ret11rn lo work on \Ton- pnt to c lear th e lramc. lL may be C'hiel' l'cm!'llissioner hod agreed to the ho~p1tal com m ittee meeting Oil

ra l secretary we re In close consulta.- 1 !i~h ones 111 Yorkshire und Lanca- 'day mornin g, and ~lr. ('omrui;»lon- mf'ntloned tlrnl moro trouble w~s puy \he iucreuseA as fo llows :-fron l<~r itlay nig ht. . lion wit h t hese officials during tbe ' sh i1 e. l31 scl pltne and exploitation er :'Ylllne cond uct un Inqu iry lnlo narrowly aYert .. d on Monilay owing wor)<e r, · a8sista nl , , lntllliling fitter s ' * • " r d t l t t l d j assistant"· boil ermaker,;' hPlpers, A shock rumo to many old com-

1• rom tbe announrcme n l appear- any red uction, that a fair propor- e w a~s ia 1e !sputa lasted , a re more pronou nr e ll Addecl to the men's g ri e va nce co11cerning oi·- 10 the reru.,nl of t h e Darlin g ll a rbo r 1 Jn g In ibis Issue it will be noted lhal \uou of them a clually recelvc c! l1l- and !hell' com hlned rnfh1enee he lpecl tli ls 1s In uie in cr eased cost or l! vlno; e rtlmc. lo ll1 c ials lo allow six tempornry Ph eel r o i>pcrslljilh b' us~i s tantfi, strikers race.s when the news of the death of 11omln nl!ons n1·e invite d fo r l h01r reuseH. SpPalcl ng nl Newouslle, on cons iderab ly toward s nn early ~et- : ll'hl r h br i 11 1~s tll sconte nt t o boilng Qu ielt ns !lie £P l11 emen1 wa s 1·ep:iirers to resume work, ancl at OllP allll olhei·s , !C / G µer <lay ; and dil'l the late Driver "Jark" McGregor, ot JJ O•l li oo or " All Gradps" cu nd ldule S:<lu rda y nig h t Jus t, ·:'>lr. C:artline r tlemenl. It seems to uR t hat Ilic · po int. Shou ld the r ailway admi ni s- re a!'f1ed, II 11·ns only posHihi•' l licne it s~emed as I hou gh lhe rnrn money al lhe rule o f Jd . Pel' ho ur in Goulbtll'n, r e o, chetl them. Mr . fol' lhe Ap pea ls IJoard 1·aca 11 cy oc- i pointPd ou t what e\"ery rai !ll'ny a n d Ch ier Commissione r ac tetl i n the best 1 tr nlio n atlempt to clraw out the ar- lh rou gh a cleul or hanl work br tlw would ngain eeaKc work. '!'lie all ruses Wh<'re

11"' mPrhanir ll'il h ~ir·C:rcgor retl i·ed form active Ge r­

curiag ea r ly in Llie npw yea r. T hese 1tramway man knows to be true, that interests or a ll '" granting a n im- 1 i:lll' by all sorts of subterfuges a st r ik e committee and t lc e uni on e~- trouble was 11owe1•er, ove1·come by whom the assis t>tnl wui· J; ;J i·cceives i·i r c some few years a go. He lost n ominations nre due on ·) londay next l t110 Commissioners not ouly reduced medi a te inqu iry in to t he g r ievances 1111 a~s s trik e o[ c a1 lwaymen in South ec utive who IaboreJ unceasi ngly, to , lhe orcler being given to t hese men uirt money. SI rl l<ers on double f1res his wife about twelve months ag o, l3lh Inst., and should there ll e any ; wtq,;es br pulling men on short o! the men ancl lhal the me n t hem- Wales a nd the West or England Is lhe successful negotiation. •to ' ig n on agai n for iluty. arc to bP paid fl / lO per day. Irou ·and his friends noted a g reat change m ore than ous n omination ll ballot ' ti me, r.nd uy brea k ing th e awar ds of sel ves dis played a ve1y excell ent certain On Wcd ues illlY afternoon It was' On 'l'u esday morning )[r. :vtilne workers' Jabororn ari• to be pai d 8 19 iil ".la ck" nL :e r tliat, but he neve r .

11 I · 't · t

1 l per day, llutin :; ua ck to July 14. complai ned oC i!Ineils or of

W I immediately ' tako p lace I the Industria l Courts . and he also sp'. l'I , in accep ing trn r e a sona~I~ declcled that th e man at other goodo 10pcnerl tho promised enquiry, at Bl5, the elate or t11e o r i ina l awa1·d pain until a few weeks a Wh o t he selected candidate will pioducecl documcnta 1y evidence, m lc1ms offered to tbem bY the Chief• PROPOSED MEMORIAL TO THE centreu shoul d be ca ll ed upon 10 w il ' d 1 :\lr. Evers, pres ltlt•nt or the , . g ' .. go. An

b e ls at p1·e3ont impossllJ!e to say . jtha rorm or copi es or the Govern- I Commi ssioner. i I s upport the Darlin g Hnrboi· men. to 1 D.:rlictr; H a rbor branch, a nil Mr. and 9

/ - per '"·' Y tro:ic the <llh No- op.matlon was p erfo rm ed, and every. ~ .• ~ LATE MR. H. RICHARDSON. nol ·r tl . . ' 1 (' 1 t' lh tl vember, the date of tne va riation of llung possible was done for h im an<l whethe r the "All Grades" cun- , ment "Gaze~t::!," ~!1ow i n g that in- · · ... 1 Y o 1e r uruons rnterestcd anJ ott:-> 1 r C' pre~en mg e execu ve. l . . b · 1 ' di dale wiJl have to fight t he numcr- 1creases had been :;rnntecl to some of The va n ous Lran ches of the Am- ---..--- to see lhat l he pub lic wet·c advised ' npp eured to \\'atch the interests of the Award by )!J'. Ju s tice b;dmunds. ut '

0 pa.sect away on Thu rsday

o us soctional bodies is equ Rlly a lho bcttc1·-paitl officials in n early al3'Umatecl w ill now be pnrllcipn t lng 1 Dear S1r,- \V 1ll you lundly •ie1 rnil of the trouble from t he men's point the men, anu lhi.s had not concluded As regards all tile ~tbor In creases last. H e .wa s a genia l and or igin a l m atter fo r the rulure. It mi ght e>-ery ona or the pu!Jlic depurtmenl s. in the Senato Selection ba ll ot , wh ich I me, throu ~h lhe columns of your or l'i ew. I wel~n this issue went lo press. the Iron ~orkers ' "."s'.sla.nb they are ::~n, ~t ra1 ght as a. gun barrel.' a.nd e asi ly be ass ume cl , It such ass ump- ,no pointed lo 2~0 cases in wh ich closes on the 31sl inst. It ls sca r~e- rnluaL le paper , to brin g u:1 1ler the The st r ike commillee accepted th e to d ate f1om th e d,Lle of the Award 'de a .host of fr1entls both rns1de tion were not dangerous, that the I in creases up to lweuty pountls 11cr ly 11 cce;,;sa ry tor us to suggest t hat : noti ~c or the rail way ancl t.nvn way offer o1 the "Co-opera tor " of sov- a nd ll1e variation or the A.ward. As an d outs1da t J.e service. service render ed by the present 'All year were grunlod lo omcern re- the two "All Oracles" candidates I men in tll is State the fact that it is era! thousands of copies 0'r the n exl 1 THE DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND f~''. as boy tabor Is concemed, no ti e- . '" "' Grades" rep r esentatl\'C, _\I r. ~amp- cciviug !.:cOO per ye~ r, an ll to nine- 1s!t ould receive the endorsement ol proposed to establi sh a memorial bi mornlug's issue, containing a full I • ~,\s'.on 1

:as y~t .been rPached by the Th e fn ends o( )fr. ~lark Eggle:-1.Jell would effectual ly discourage any ly-Hine ca ses in whirh Increases :eve:y member of the Associalion. ! the !ale llfr. Harry lli charclson, A-J· s l.atenc eut uf the case O[ th e men· I - -- - - .. net .commi?sioner. Mr. T hompsou ton, gas cha rgeman ut McDonald-attempt of the ou tsi de bodies to se- wcra granted to public ser va nts rc- 1 Bot h ~lc,;srs . Kavanagl1 and O'Don- l~i stant Commissioner for T re.mway>1. th e mass m<'eling con 1· eyiu~ a vei·; I The firty -fourt:1 annual r eport of ''." ~1-edia tel y c~n 1 munlcated the above I town, ~vill be eor:·y lo leorn that he cure the elect ion of a section al nom- ceivlng sala1·ies of or.er £200 per I ne l! arc well-known markcre in the 1,\n iu ~ ugurnl meeting has been held, I hear ty vote ol thank 3 fo r t he offer . !he :'\ew South \V •. ·ile8 I11sLillltlon ror facts lo tl1.c Ev~leigh .men, and a , ru ct w11h. a nasty uccident, and is i nee . Suell an assum p tion Is , bow- year. TheBe, and many si mila r L~to 1· movemen t , a11d both have a land tho fol!owi11g comm ittee elected t11e1·a and th eu . Punctually al 9 I th e C~n r, Dum!J allll Dlind pro,·idcs m~ss '." ee:mg of a ll ''.·on workers' I now .an rnmate of Prince AICred ever , a very dangerou s one, since it l facls cannot be contrndictcd. \Ve tl10rnug;1 k uowleil ge of the object of to ca rry out th a d etails:-Messr s. a.m. on Thursday morning a con- lconvinci ng tc3limony or the eflicacY ass1sta . 1t~ <L nd la!Jo rcrs is to !Je held l llosp1lal. By some untowar d mean• would lead to over-confidence and l lmow t!Jat men, tliou an nds of them. inilustria l democracy. Also both J,;. B . Tayl or (cha irman ), J . S. ti ngent ol' some 60 or 70, of th e of the m etl;od s adopted In edncalin~ :i.t Evelei.gh at . 1 ~·~ 0 .to-day, when 1:\'1r. Egg!e:o n got.his hanil caught in n eglect t o be thoroughly pr epar ed to 1who were in r ecoi pt of less t han the men htLl' O ronderecl signal service t o Spurway (S~ cretuy ror Railways). m en marshalled by the strike com- lulld lruinlng ll.10 chll:lren nll'li ctcd I lh e G.· en~rn l Secrnta1y \\i l l be ti r eseut ll he motoi machmery. Two of hi• i·esist invasion . Therefore, "AH recognised li l'l ng wage, wcro corn- the ra ilway men or th e State an:! . A.. E. Heaydon ,(loco )' J . ·:\1ars mittee, attended a t the "Co-opera- with deaflles.> or bli nd ness. T here to ex plain tlie ':hole or the pos1 t1011 . finger; have been amputated, an d a Grades" m en tbrougbout the state, I pelled to work for a mere pittance; their training and experience quali-1' and T. Stone (traffic)' !<'. W. Mc- I offire, and were loaded up with rop- 1is one great drawb:tr k , howeYer; tl1e I A deputa tio n of. the Executive is to fur ther opernlion is reported to be 8houl d be on t he alert , an d when ' th at num bers or we ll-paid officers fy them to rPpresent t h e wo rkers in A lis tcr (e lec t ri ca l ), C. N. Neale ies hot from t he press anrl th ese e ll:i r:i.lion of the clPal' and the blind l':a.1t on the Chier Commissioner on lprobable . ).!r. Eggleton is an old tti e l ime of n om inat ion o! candi - suffe red no reduc t ion at nil . and t he F'etlcral legls lnture. T h e time is (tramways), Vv . K. Johnso n (sig- 1were most eft'ecliw!ly 'd isl.r ibnlPrJ ' has c10t yet been macle rompu lsory, 1F:1day, ~t noon'. when nll mntters land highly rPspected em1>loyee, an rt dates ar r ives und shows op position : th at some eveu rece ived iuc renses. approachi11g whe n t h a men employed nail ing), P. Roberts (per way .') , amon gst t he business l1 ouses nncl 11n- 11P nre many cldld ren ure lleprl\·0ll \\Jill wh1cli .lice iron \\'o rk ers ure ldeserves all tlie sympathy we can t o lb a "All Grades," everything i 'rhese a re facts, and are therefore o~ the railways of the var ious Sta ~es,'8. ~· Miller (audit). G. C'. '.Jones i.onists l.ikely to be arr.ec ted by th0 .01.· the ndrnnlag0s offPrecl by l he ln - 1concerned will be ;>laced before him . expre~s .. H; is r e lievecl by Mr. J . A. ;o hould ha ready to secu re his usua l outside the r ealm of cont ro»e rsy. It wi ll belong to one g reat industr ial (nssrnt. hon. set'. ) , E . H. Fairhall Plosing of I.h e Darl in g Harbor yards. slil11lion nnlil they nre so far a d- White, of Sydn er Gasworks. triumphant retu rn , ut tha head or wiJl be adm itted 1.Jy eve1flntelllgen t union , and when t he F'cileral Cour ts I (ho n. treas.) · lt is sai d that t herP never was nea r "'" "'"d In yea rs thal it is impossi!J IP DEPUTATION TO CHIEF CO M· * * * the poll . pa rson that there ls a point uelow wi ll have Jurisdiction ove r the wages The Ju. to :'Ylr. Richard so n filled so mn n y "Ce-operatm·s" see n in the lo g il'e them lhe edu cation th ey ncecl MISSIONER Porte r A. Kean e, stalionell a t • * * which no reduction in the amount. a ncl conditions t ha t sh all prevail fo r ev·e,1·y po~ition f'i'om o~erator to Com· main slre~ts or til e ,city bPfore. Tlw j by the time they ha,·e lo !Pave Trangie JJl'io r to enlisting in t he E:x·

Th4! con trove rsy betw een Mr. H o!- of tha weekly lncome or the work- ra il way men a ll over the continent; mlssione1 .'" anti he. "ns ~a popular. effec t desi red was nchieved; the lscbool. Oth ers again, th roct gh a mi s- peditiona ry Forres, was t end0.red a man and Mr. Ga rdiner is only in - e r can be made with out cnusing him v:ben t h at t ime comes It will be con- an d •by h10 many kind act ions so en - busi ness m en, s torem en anti pack- l:tken klndnees on the part of the Th e Executive of the Amalgnm at· fari>well, by lh e towspeop le <'n tha tere11tlng t o us in so f a r aa i t r ela tes genu ine su ffe r ing a nd r ea l prlva- venlent an d proper to have r epresen- ilea reil himself to the staffs generall y e r s, troll ey and draymen, and wharr parents, are not sent to school at ni l, ed have arran ged to meet the Chief night of November 2Gth. :lfr. J . CJlf. to ascarta lna!Jla facts. A lso it does tion . The min imu m wage may b e tatives In the Senate that h ave ex- that the 1passing or such a comrad e la bor e rs being made [lWare of th e I but are allowed to grow to malurlty Commissioner at n oon on Friday Te- ford occupi ed the chai r , an d the usu al not really matter to us if ·Mr . Oar- tak en t o r epresent that point in pert knowledge of th e in dus t r ial a n d fr iend, us well as a valued ser - exact na t ure of' the trouble at on ce , I with their minds entirely im.devel- latl1•e to the unrest and discontent toa s ts were honored . ':°lfr. Dickinson, dinar's charges ca11u.ot be substania- n ormal times, but with th e adven t ' conditions of r a ilway m en . E ach vant of t he State, wlll be worthily a n d before an y gar bled or inacc u- aped, and therefore heav ily h an di- prevailiing throughout th e service in S.M., on behulr or the railway employ-tad in evtir y minute particul ar , prov- of increased prices, the poin t musl member or th e org an isation will remem!bered.-Yours, etc., r ate version of the a ffa ir coul d ap- ca ppeil all through life and a bur- regaril to the Inadequate living wage ees and townspeople presented Porter 1ding that t 'be material parts of t hem n ecessarily be ra isecl in order to have three vot es, an d a ll a r e ask ed EDWI:-< DEA:-<, Hon . Sec. pear In .the dally press. Iden on the community . Attention and in regard to the delays in deal- Kenne with a purse of sovereigns. the P.arts that m atte r , the parts that maintain the same sta ndar d. It to give t wo to the can didates nomi- Tha result was that members or lis also specially call ed to the finan- ing wit!J applications und er Section The local recruiting Associntion nlso ara vital t o t he issue, can be provec.l r equir es no a rg ument to pr ove t!Jat natdd by t he executive of th e asso- No. 4 BOARD APPEAL the un ion s mentioned began to con- c ial position o[ th e Insti t ution, whi ch 26 · particularly those relating to the presenlecl him wilh a pipe and to-to h ave b een roun ded u pon facts a perso n in receipt of a h ig!Jer wa ge elation on thei r behalf. slder their position, the Master Car- is caus in g the Directors some iron workers assistants', rettlers and bacro po11r h. Porter Kea n e ls th e and not to h ave bee n figm ents or a than this m inimum can much better On Monday last . before ':\fr. J us· r lers' Association and the Sydney anxiety. Th e year cl osed wth a gangers, and ~h unters . The Exe u- fourlh member of his fa mi ly to en• lively im agination. Reducecl to a afford to make sacrifices tba.n can News fr om E nglan d d istinc tly tice Edm unds in t he In du st r ia l Arbl- Ch amber ot Commerce becam e in- debt on t he Duilding Fund Account tlve propose to ask for an in stitu- list. •impla statement, Mr. Gar di ner 's in- hi s m or e u n fo r t un a te br other work· points t o the fact t ha t ener geti c ac- t ra tion Court , the casa of t he Appenl t er~sted parties, and, as a rPSll l t of or £4992 , anti one on I.he CenPral lion or soma reasonabl e means or dictment m ay be sta ted ns follows.- er , and th ut if the wors t came , a nd t ion is proceedi ng a mon g rai lwaym en longed by t he Genor a l Se~retary O·f the negotiations or the Amalgamat- Funu Account of £700. Special seru r ing redress of the m en's griev­T he G-Ove rnmen t advocated equality h e sacrificed a ll th at he received In or cler to obtain an Improvemen t in t he A•malgama ted (Mr. C. T ho mp- eel Execn tive, a conference with the donalion3 towards liqu ltlating Lh ese anres. o r sacrUlce as a n essentia l p oli cy a bove t h is mi nimu m, he wou ld stil l th e work in g cond itions. Discontent, son) came on for mel' tl ~ n. Arter Ch le t Commission er was l1 eld. At two debts a re earn estly solicited a nd dur ing a nation al cri sis , but ins teacl be no worse oft t h an th e lower -pai d although gener a l , Is m ost pron oun c- argu ment t he Chairman decided t o this there were present, besides will be t han J;tull y recei \' ecl . The re­of carrying out that policy it pur- man was before the reduction was ed in South W a les an d ·T~iverpo ol. remit tha matler to t he Board with I m embers or the "All Grades " exer-lpor t is well w orth the nttenton of sued Its oppos ite, by r educing th e fo rced u pon hi m. To maintain the Th e Imm ediate cause Is t h e ri se in instructi ons to 'have It pl a ced ea r ly u tlve, th e secreta.ry or the Tro ll ey evt>ryone interested In pbilanlrophlc

* * • Some 1.ll r eo weeks ago Guard

:\la!dmen t was travelli ng in charge or t he mixed mail, Duneuoo lo Mud-

hours o t its poorl y paid workers an d principle of equality of sacrifice, the lhe price of provisions. Throughout upon th e list. an d Draymen's Union , the secretary wo rk. l ncrea.s log the wages of its a lready well-pai d officia ls s houln be compel-well-paid servants, 'l'be question led to s uffer a substan tia l r ea ucuon , arises as to w h et her t h is charge of but no at tempt is ever m:tdo to prererential (r eatment-tb is givin g work ou t s uch a p lan of retre nch­to thoso that h a ve plenty and taking men t. lt is ever the un der -do?: oway Cr om those t hat l1ave not that bas to suffer the most, and ap­enougl1- ls true or fa lse. If It is parently lhe Governmon t-lhat is <l ruo Mr . Gardiner haA no need to ost ensibly placetl in power for th e upol og lsa fo r making it, hut leaves pu r pose or better ing the lot o r t h e himselr op en to criticism for having under-clog- is sat isBe cl to al low It n egl ected to object to t be act io n of to bo so. th e Govern ment wb en t he u lrect * * * nn ll indirect ·red ucljions in the We are pleased to be abl e to w nges of the lower -paid ser vice men \c hronicle the fact that the porle1·s w ere made. If it ls no t t rue the a t Darling Ha r bor commenced wo rk Premi er should be able to re [ule t he on Mon day last. lL is lo be hoped charge, nnd completely vi ndicate 1 that a ll grounds for com plaint will h imseH. As fa r as the rai lw ay an u 1 be removed , and that t he work a t tramway service ls concerned, Mr. J the Harbor w lll hencefort h con t inue Gardiner 's cha rges can , of nourse, un interrup ted by differences that be su·bstan tlated. It ls a m atter of 1 disloca te bus iness, and cau.:a ln­oom mon knowl ed ge t h a t a few con ven ience a n cl loss t o the pub li c, m onths after the com mencement or to the Depa rtment. and to the men . the war , a great nu m be r oC the men 'I We understan d that the Inqui ry l n the Commissioner's em pl oyment which commenced on Tu esday, he­were placetl on reduced time, and I fore Mr. Comm issioner Milne, wi ll t hat , in this manner , th ei r meag1·e not merely deal with the C!U es tlon w ages or fo r t y-eight slllllings per. of the suspension or the branch scc­w eek was i·educed to the · exten t of r etary, Porter Thomas Tool e, but fr om eight to sixteen shillings, and wi ll cover the whole o f the g r iev­tbat many otherR t hat were recelv - ances w hich th e Harbor men h ave 1ng a wage, but sli ghtly nlJove th e been co mplai n in g a bout for a leng­mlnlmum s ull'ered corresponding th y per iod , in cludi ng t he question losses. It ls a lso a m atte r o f com- of overtime. T he matters in dls­m on kn owledge that a g r eat many pute h ave been fully ventilated from •larled men were not subject ed to t iIJ\e t o time In these col um ns, an d

Appeals Board Selection. Nominations are invited for the po1ition of "All Grades" Candidate for the Railway and Tramway Appeals Board Employees' Representative.

Nominees must be financial members- all dues paid to the 3ht December, 1915, and 1i1n an undertakin1 to withdraw from the contest if not elected. " •• :: ·• •·

All nominations must be 1i1ned by two financial members, and close . at Head Office, December 13th, at 12 o'clock noon, after which a Ballot of financial members will be taken. ·• ..


To that person say--"l've done it'' When you meet a par ty and are asked "What are you giving for Xmas" and you invariably get the reply "Then send for •orchards' 120 page Catalog" then say "I've done so already and now hav e ii:"

This is only a ~ample page. Send for New Catalog, post free and save m o ney.

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Pl1as1 do not Cut this Catalogue, it is only necessary to quote the Number of Artice you require,

Xmas Gift Specialiata.

Xmas Gift Specialists.



As will be ~een by a noti ce in this issue, th e Executive !1a1·e convened a big mass meeting of all members or the "All Grad es" to consider a ropor t of th e Executirn cl eputalion, which will wa.lt upon tl1e Ch ief Com­missioner on Pridar In relation to the unres t nncl cl isrontenl i11 t he se r­v!ce, a.ncl ma nr ot11e 1· matters. lt Is ex r.P~ tcit llrn t a li lg n11 e11d a11 re of m en wi ll 1bP pre.;en t.


In tho assembly la st wer k t.he • Premier was asked if it Is th e in­

tentior] of the Commissioners to clo•o the Eveleigh workshops for ten cla ys tl urJng th e ('hristmas holi­days, in spite of the lnrreased neres­slty for en·ecl.ing repairs to locomo­llves and tran spor ling the han est.

The Premier said Ii <' hnd no know­IPdge of lhe ('omml>l>loners i11ten­li ons, Ullt WOnl<l makP lnqu iri~S.


lo answer lo n. Qu est ion by Mr. Iloll is, ·M.L.A., i·elal!1•e to th e Hal l­way L'om mlssio ne rs' dealings with Schmidt Superheater Company, the Premier said that conlracls were en­te red Into wi th the Schmidt Super­heater Company, a11 English com­pany, trading in England and It ls understood, sti ll trndlng In England, for sn perheater par ts ; but since the company has been tl eclared an alien compliny her e, no further orders hav11 been placed, and arrangements have bee n made for future super­healers to be or departmeotnl cle­slgn.

The question might be asked why. If th e company is Engl!sh. It shonlil be declared an alien company,

gee, and when at Hoskjn's Slcll ng ba mi ssed Ills footing w ben boa rding tha t rain, nntl fell between th e tra in and the platform. He w aa brul~ed ronsiclPrably abont the legs and body, llut was expected to be able lo resume duty on ~londay last,

* * Fireman George Henry Duncan

was klllecl in the cen tr al railway ya rd on Sa t unh1y night at S p.m . by bein g run O\' P I' b y n tra in.

* * :.\fr. Cr-orge Burns, as~istant t imP-­

ki>PJ1er in the Flalh11rnt l oro. depart· men I, on ll1P PVC ~f his 1l Pparl nre [or l lrlon, was lhe recipient of n presentulion !'ram h ls fellow-e m-ployePs.


Tho secretary or the Hospital F unt! asks us to remind com111ittee­me11 that a s pec ia l m ee l111g or th e r ommlt tee wi ll IJe held at the Hal l­way Jnstltute tu flnally ileci tle uu tl1e pl'llitin g or llH' ann ua l report Oil

~'rlday , 17th i 11 s1.

Mr. Alex . Walls has sPnt along his !Isis all(] lllOllC)'. 'l'hey ure wort.h J; :jl) 5s.

Guard T<'ennell, now night officer at Kelso. l1 ns rl'ttnnerl his li sts an d cash, 25.o .• an d hopes to do better next year.

'l'bo secretary announced that h e had paid tho treasu rer £2425 6s. 9d ., less the balance forward, £ 4 7, an d the expenditure, including the r e­cord of th e year, £1592 3s. 1d. The presid en t was quite 1ileased to kno w tlcnt there was bonus ammun ition Ill reserve ye t .

* * * In shops where m en a re desirous of appointing ne w co llector s f rom among their comrades, or re placi ng th ose who have rPs!gnecl, the secre­tary woultl ba obliged if they got in, to s tride early, and let him ha ve th e name• or the elect fo r the

LOCO. WORKSHOP GANGERS. new registers, which will he posted In Jun unry. 'l'he brass-finisher s, for in stance, will require one in place

Th e Executive or the "All of Mr. George Hume, w h ose i ncr ea1-Cra des" Jias arrangpd a d0'J)ntation ed J•esponslbi lity makes It a lm ost to t he Chlef f'ommi ssioner at noon Impossible for him to take it np the t o-day (Thu'l'Sday) fo r t he pu r pose next year . o r p lacing before the Depar tment tbe position ot loco. wor ksh op gan g- Then th ere 18 th e lmportant en. The d eputation wi ll be e.ccom- turnin g shop. I hope to vis it the panled by a number o! the men con- turnln& llhop and ban a chat wltla Cel'De4. Mr. 'BUl'U dvt .. the DHt weet.







1ol l w1;men and governm en t cm -• ploiees 01 Ne\\ So ut h 'Wal es if l11ei

\\011 1<1 t,J!rn n lc"•O n l1om tliel 1

IN AUSTRALIA. IJ10\ltl1 un1onl 1-i t :-1 of \ tclo1ltt .• 1nd

11111 sollil t l~ th cl 1 101ctH ln Nt\\ 8o ul11 \V.<i cs 110 1111 10 1111, llJJJ1u1lu 111L> ot l.liun1' 11tt11c P• tl 1n t he 11olit1rnl


r ( II) Every employee dl ssu!1 sl!N! with hi s p osition on any such !l sl•, sh Lll be eulltlecl lo appen l Lo Ll1u ( h IC! ( Oll iJll I H8l011('



(I ii) i' IOIJIOLIOll lo 11 ! i; ta1lou sh ull, 11nl csH ~p cdn l •p utl i ll t:ctt1o u• MS l CflUllcd fat th ~ jJ OH lf lOll \h.il lti

1 v.1uu 11t, be offered Lo Lho slH if ,u


RAILWAY MEN <\N T~' CPl<' \ ~c· Gll'\NTIJ;D. Last week til e Chief Com mission- (B y V U K.ivan,igll , Y-l:'i osident oC s tiu gg

0 " '"

1 it'" LillOlll':il

0111 n c,.( l~o ll o\\ 111 ~ ar e ,1ddll1onal cla1111 s 1<' 1rc 111 cil'• uutie• tu liu 11m1tctl lo co tdi ng to t lio smLtu1ity Jn t 1.t JU\\,tY

., ' ~ "' the 'Al l Uiados' Assoc1.ulo n loct 111 llll s dll cc tio11 ll1nn ' " so ~ TRAMWAY MEN l n Oc tober las t th e Genera l Secrc- e r repllell s tating that the matte• much di"conlont cxistmg 111 t he..,.,.. to bo su 1Jm1 tlocl to the 'l rnmw.Ly l11 os uu ly se1v1co, a nd w he t spoclu l q11ul lflca-l!11) of the 'All Gtl\des" on behalf had i eceived cons idera tion and as I" ce to-cla ) Doard (Group :-<o 2 ) , 011 beh nl( of (11) wh e re a b 1glter rate of pay 1s lions a 1e r equit ed, Lllc se rn or man so of the gxecul11 e , brou i; llt uuder th e n specia l case in vi ew or t he ci r- 'I i~ 1 1 cm plo)ees ID lbe T1 ,1m w.ty Depa1t- specifled period or se r vice , such qualifl e cl shal l l\ ,l\O t he p1 e fc rence


not! e of the De pu l' l'h1 ef Comm ls- cum s tan ces, approv.tl hn8 been g11eu iD111lng my s hor t stai in Mel- "r ' ran k H iett lll t1 s capu c1 Y IS , bourne l e nd euvo1 11 etl to gel a s of gt> ne t Ii sec1eta1y lo lhe A H .tnd ment h1g hP1 rate sha ll be paid w hethe r (tv) P1omotion to the giade or Ch I I H •

olonet, the caso o( u l'e ttle, ti n- fo r a tan!, lo be su ppltcd, t he sa me lb ·r u' ex pt SR<'S the followi ng O]Hn lt '"expPctPtl l1 1 it Lhc th1 1m• Will IJ\ th ts Aw.ud made pay:lble aftet a pi tman shall bP made from th e ar es arns. ~mith, loco worl, s hop, EvGle1g h It to r emain t ha Jlroperty or llrn DP- m uch 1t1rorm,1llon as poss1b lP ie e ton in his r1' porl to lh it liod) - lie hea1 d on '" e"' I; tl Lle such pe 11 od has been se11 od \\ holly gra des or pitm a n 's a ssistants oi con- • \\as pomted out th a t P et tie slatted par tmen \.. \\o ildu g contl!tlons of out Je llo \\ - • J \\OUid ui ge s l!ou1o;Jy l it tt Purh Applicatio n 1s hneby 1n .i1 10 to ! hP belo1e or 11hol ly afte t , 0 1 pa rtl y be- t101le1man, th e se n ior man to lrn vc " o t k In thi,i ia1lw.1 y se 11ice tw enty- •U nioni s ts in t he various s tt tes 111 State IJ1.rn r h shoulcl ussrnr t il e l'e<I- co, e1nmp11t RailW3l8 C1011p :-<o 2 loM und partly afte1 , lh e <.1 ,1t e of ttie prefe1e11ce 1

1eome 111 Hl 1nces 1 rece tved full i n fo1- I seve n ) ears ago, o.t lU s Sd pe t d ay, _'l f'0 1t'l'f<JTt•fl (1'\Sf<J n 1.,J c otinr ,1 111 cl~nt"ndl ii e: 111 111 _ Board, b) Lhe NPw So uth \Vnl rA Co.- tlu s A11 airl wh e lh Pr such em ployee (v) Wh ere an Pmplo)ee Is nnd er l ru,1l1011 I l l11nk It 111 !1 be In te rest in g r " ' ~ -

nnd thnt abou t t110 )e.irs ago, ho r e- I'orl t' r Ji'r 111 k Bedford, r l,ts•eLI nn tl to t he menibe i" of Ute N S IV Ainnl - cten 111 g 8 1' "'" iu thP 110 11. 01 tleter- e111 111 P11t F.mplo1eee n111on, lo 1l Pter- ltus been :ivpol o ted pPrmunentl y, or the impressio n that he has been Im -cell ed un Jn cr ea.se or 4d n d11y, Pll!d Ss Gel pet day a s po1ter 'J'1:lCT1 c g.i mated Assot'i.itlo u, H 1 emleui oi I mini ng in ill'l.i; 80 111co co urt itio ns mine l11 e mnlte1s Het Corth 111 tl 1e

1.1s o casual , 01 ou probation to tb e properly p u•sP<\ 01er he may apply I

lmugtng Ill s wuges up to ll s per Depa rt ment, :"\ewcastle, 1s practirall l to give th e m the u ~tual concllt ions Ol lt Ii; appltPn t tu '111 uuseiiei s Lhat c lnrnrn nnne~rd l1erMo in 1es pect of position, nntl wllethe1 su r h snvlce tn wr itin g for an expl anation , a nd du) Th e General Secretary a lso ex- a s toreman 11ho i• m r ho.rge of al l Jaber uncl ei th e di fferent Qoiern - l uudei t he pie sem Rl s tem tl es plt e tlrn various t:ra1le ' rmp lovetl In t he hns been con tinuous or not an P"<p lanatlon shall be gl\en blm !n plai ned t hat 11be11 11po11 tb e r epre- mores at Ne11castle staLJo n. He <'8- meulq of the Com monwealth 1 sha ll the mo,1 kePn oigunJ".ilion the l' lert1111I Branch u nder the ad m ln I (lit) All tlme v•o r ked by Pm wr1Li ng sen tatlons of the Association, the tim1tes t he require ments of a two make a start on \ lclmm un LI Pn· \ wor l. ing class 8 aH no\ ;::~\ li ng "h.il 1sttat1on 01 lh P C'hler r 1ert1lcal ~' n- plo)Pes 011 >l11nrln) • f'hrl• t mas D" (II ) Notlllne herei n shall prPJu .rat e of pay or ti n smith s was brought months su pply, ,1nd r equ ls!li ons as tleavor to rn nke DJ ) r em:u ks as brief lhey 8 11 oul u get from 11 hn t llie) pro g 1 11~e1 in the em ploy of the Chier f' oo d Friday nnu ull holi days , sh all t1 1ce the right or an} emp loyee to up lo l ls pe r da;, th e same a s that 1equ lre<.I , an d has no ass istance In th e a utl lnt eiesll ng as possible dnte 'l' hJS , un on!) be iemecl letl t ommlss1one1 for Jlnl111oys a nd I be nal!l nt the rate ol !lo11ble Lime a ppPal to 1 he C'blef C'ommls$lone1 lu paid to outside ti nsmi ths, P ett ie manag e men t nt ni l lo add ition to The Vtct or lan Malllia) Un io n Pm- b~ intlust 11 u J tlemor t nC\ and J thln l. 'l 10n111ays - (11) 'l'h e n ight shift sh a ll be ab- rPgar<.l t o any p1omot lon aot t he correspond ing In crease The doing his O\\ n store wotk, he ruuk es It Is n s t ep in tli n t ighi tlltection for jol1 s hed 1C possible \V hPn r equ!rP1l '1 "' up stores for othe r stations JU t11 e brace• a ll grades o( i ai!ll a l \\ Ori< ' 10 -'nni " n·' 1 - TJOURS OF LADOTl Lo work, t1me and a-hnH rates • ha ll ll -ClTARGES hopo 1>ns exp ressed, t ba t as t he de- e r s, It stand s for On e Big Uru on Cot tn1Jroat! e1s eve1'\\he1e u . "u F f

1 1 ll lit

1 I ( l ) Ei•Pr y emp loyee num mo nPcl 10

1 p3rtment r ecognised for s o many d ist ri ct P urth e rmore J1ls Is in LI ll ll S I lJ1 l l New an ictl1e voice in the m nnngc ment o1t)- our io111 s s ia ron• "e be p3JLI alte ntl 1J efo1e hrn HUJJ P1io r orhcer lo oen 1s Pe t t !e's worth by paymg him charge of t he lm en room, su pplies s::u, ~:1:~. tl; :~;n ~~n h a~ ~~est 1 nd- ~r (hp11 intlu slr1 The g1011lh of a. wrPll's worlr tl l1 lded !n t he fol (1) All ti me "oi l(ed h) rmp loYees ·1 11 swcr an y charge shal l be tnfo rrn-m ore t h an the pre1a ll lng rate, Jte lin en to a ll stations, a nd h as to deal Ing before th e Wages Boa1tl Out- po!lt1r ii L tbo1 p.u t1es , anli t helt d (- lo111 n g m anner - 1l1Pl11een 1 3 rn1dn1ght nn r\ 5 am, ed lll the nollflcnlton su mmoning sl1011ld receive u propor t ional i n- \\tth th e laundry In addition he 1 to po11 e 1 shou lcl h el p to Six shifts or 7 hours 20 minutes l" liall be paid fo1 at dou ble 1a tes

' stde u nions ca n go beto1e lhe Wages cess on each (1 i ) Emplo)ees s1gn111g on !or lmn - ' crease has lo do ot her 11o rk s uch as lamp Boa.id , bu t not llte r a ilway WOJl,ers, 11 a1cls t he above end lt shou ld be ( ) or th l d t 1


H e \1111 nttencl to all your Denta l R eqn1Pements at tbP fullo11111g Special Low Rate of Fixed Fees

He 111ll arcept pa 1 ment~

b) Jn ~talm »nls Each Pay •

H1• 11111 g11" I Oil [l \Vlltt t' U

g11a 1 11tte' 1 h~t ,d i \\Ork \ni l Le kc11t 1u pr1 fPct 01 tl er loi

l"w llll\ tl11ng be fa 11c1 T

A reply was recently r eceived to t he tr lmmrn g and so fo r t h His 1mmed1- th ey hai e to depen d u pon the Com- clea1 ly und erstood th 1t tlte Poltltcal 2 - OVERTnJE RA 'l'b'S i clu ty a t G Pm , an cl latc1, to be pa id of t~ e chatg:, ",~u~r~/~h - Pt:r~i~cu .~:d FIXED FEES (Not From)

etTect th at the Chtef Comm lssbloeninegr a te su pe1 iors admit that he is a r e rm ss1oner o1 t he G o1 e1 nm eat, Jot dl 'L"1 sblo1 rial~I1oevscpmonesn1tb1cl1nl 111ensot11• eslcl11cpec1 c11a1-_ l10A11rnsy atbt mo,ee wsop1el.ce1dfieicln ceaxccle1ssd aoyf l ll1 co I ,\'i'g" l~t 'a nt~1 e·~~:~~:i 1 :,l:u!~I~ ~: t!: :,~~ ! ti t ace fi xed fo r tlle l1ca1 mg of the For you, your wives, children, and has approved of Pctt le's ra te ma 1 kauly h.mdy m.tn, and thoro ugh- a ny increase in pay, or an y imp1 o1 e ' rha rge j d t l o d ly tru•t 1 orth" 'l he work J1 e does l r b t t t be p.tid at tlie 1 ate of tiiu c arid ,1


be p.ud near r elatives ncrease o uS per ay. o ' , ment lll wo rlung cond 1tLOns The ion o a1 ' ta 1011 co111 s, or w,1gcs - (l.J) Tha t a co py of the report '" fd t mo10 res pon sib le th an that io•u lt has been th .tl t hey ha1e or boa 1<l s, unrl lh e tefe1cnce lo su ch h,11f for t he first hoUJ a nd do111Jl c (1 n l Wa ges sha ll b e pa id weekly co nta1111ng th e charge can be Ill- An y Gold Fi lling fo r

l\HTAT'\RY P \ Y A:O.D PRIVILEGE usua lly pe1formed by a p otter, and ganised tl1e11 loi ces to s uch an ex- courts o1 board" o[ 1ndus t11.il d is- time Lhe1ea£Le1 b'ot the pu 1pose of obtammg sa m e t d ,_ I 1 d t ·' I 11 I I b I d ff spec e u> 11111 al llS epo au u a I Any o ther Filimg for P .\ SSES. he ha s a cons1deiable amoun t of tent, t hat t he> a r e able to hold then pules Tliet o shou lcl be act11 e co J ' em p o; ees w 10 a1 e oo <e o copy thereo[ m ay be taken by \\Im

Early 1n Novembe1 the General cleuca l woik to do Tho Associa- owu, and are giaduall y i mprovi ng ope1,it1on 111 lhe 1101 k of m anage ~ -DAYS O J~ !' on pay da; '"'" 11 be g i a nte cl trav 0t- (c ) 'J'h al t he origtnn l re po rt can Go lcl o r Porcelain Sec reta ry "rote to t he Chier Com- tlon conslde1ec\ that he sh ould r e- th ei r cond itions of employment and ment bet11ecn polwcnl l.tbo r o11 the ( 1) l~mpl oHes shall be g l1 " onr 1111g ti me at t he ordrn ary in tes or ue seen .it t he Head Ofhce \ Crow n • for m issione r w ith refe rence t o t he case ce1ve at least the rate applicable to dally r emune1al1on Th e one out- one hand [lll d the men rn th e 111 - day orf each 'l eel<l l ~ l1ll t , intl nol Pal LO and f1om t h e1 1 homes surh ( ) [ I t I 11 b or W illiam J a mes Burns, la t ely a storema n 111 othe r <1epa1 tments, stand ing featu re about th e Victori an d usti ia l untons , on the other To more thau eigh t dai s sha ll IJA " 01 1_. time to be not le•s th a n lO min utes a i a::ab~ ~~~) 11~,P~~~1 ~:P~~ ~!~= em~ I Painl efoSrS Extr:ct1on~ b ridge labo t er, Ss per dav, New- a nrl th e General Secreta1y, on be- RU is, that it is a lso on good l thrn e n cl I thlnl{ it not un 1co.sonnblc cd bet\\een t.la) s orr ot l.Je p,1 id on complellon or shift on castle Dlst11 ct, unde1 ln specto1 Fry ltall of the Assocl>1tlon, placed th e t erms \/Ith the State Servi ce l?ede1a to ask i hat Labo1 '" oAlce • ho11 ld (ill Fo1ti eight (48) houis no the tlay previous to pav da v l ~:~~te:~ !~~,1~1e~1~:~01:L1~1l~etid~~o ~x:c~\ Golcl inla y s fo r It \\as set out that Bu1ns a lthough case beloie th e Chief Comm!ss1oner t ion of Victoria, which hody con lag1ee lo allo" the men rn r.u lwai llce • halt be g1Yen on a cla1 off lie 7 -E'v\PLOYILES <\( 1ING DI fur the hea1lll g ur lhe t rn 1ge ' n ot a permanen t h and, has had 'I he Com miss ioner, r epli 111g on s1sts of a ll go' ernment emploi ees union orgnni s,1tiona, t il e opportuntl) rng cancellc il o1 double '"tes be A:'\OTJil!:Jl 0 RAIJI!: ( 111) Eve1 \ emp loyee slin ll bG en- ARTIFICIA L TEETH. e bout fou1 yeats servi ce About two the Znd rnst satd that the matter outsid e t he railway ser vice, and O\\ lo e lect u d1tc cl topiesental 11 e to th e 11a1d (i) ~n cmp lo;y eo 01dered to act ttlled to g

11e un d c.il l e\Jd~nce on

) eaIS ago he was exam rn ed fo r pet - had had enqu iry a nd cons1deiat 1on 111g to t he e flo1ts or :VJ1 1<'1ank Illett Co111ml ssio1w rs o1 Bonrd or l\l .1nng0 (111) Emplo;e P• iequ11eL1 for dn ty in o1 to relieve, oi to net fot nn hts 01111 beh.1!1 at the heanng or the On Vulcawte Plate, manency, but fa J! ed owrng to some an d it had been dec1 cl ed t hat Bed- these l\\o o1ga n1 sat1on" \\01k huuLI ment that ndm1n1 , •ers their inuu• on dais orr sha ll bG paid fo1 !he lnl l otlH 1 "' 'h1ghe1 g1ad ( '•'1a !I , \\h1te cha1ge I per Tooth d efect rn h is r ight eye Four fo id co uld be des ignated as lead- rn Iinnd 'rhe \'RU 1s most fortu t t i" tl 1y's \\Ork at t111 e nnd a-half iotcs w c.mployetl, be paid at thu m1n1- (ll l s1io1t ld ,

1ny em iiloiee be en.II B ridge Work, pe r

months ago Burns enhsted In th e ing portei, an d pai d at the iate of nate 111 hav ing ~11 !" rank H)ett, as Tins opnu on of ~1 1 H yett, Is 4

- Harms OTi' Ji' l1UT"\ l mnm 1atc pniniJle to c mploiees rn lee! befoie the e lrct11

ru l engin!'et 0 1 Toot h

10 5

2 1





6 0


0 Expedit ionary Fo10es He fi lled up 9

s per day. secretary T here Is n o doubt, that wonh; of eve i y tnil1'a\man's con- lsac h lt •gl1rr grn de pro,1tleu s1 cl1 su pe1101


fo t anv char gP the th e necessary pape rs to enable his l\\ h1l e h e r emains Jn th is pos1 t1on sidp i ation s 111 ce it is on ly bl ou t un - No e mplo;eP chall be ralled on rule ts n ot less than he !s nlr ea di l <iill•nn

01 o lll ret mnh lng tl1e cltn r fo

" 're to obtaln1he cltfference betwee n A TIXS;\ lITH llECICTVES <\X the railway worker$ of \ictor i:i. \\l ll 1led cffoits hoth po!t1 11n ll1• anr1 rn fo1 rlut1 unlrss lw ha s had ele1e n i eccn ng shil l hr present to clnS\\PJ 0111

qur•- '\o chn rge lR mn rlc fo r Bxt1a~. J1ls s enice and mll ita1y pay, and INCRF'AS I' h ave nn e fTl cient advoca te Take, du st1lal1' that "e rtn ever attain hoUJ s off nut) I (11) An e111p lo,00 01tlP1Pil lo 1ct

110 1'" t hi l thr emplo)ee m o.

1 put lu 11011q 11hr'11 _\ 1t 1r1111 l Tc.th are

th ese papers were counterstgned by The case o! F Will iams lln s m1th for rn stanre, t hA ftnancia l r11sis the iesults th at 11e tles lte c, -D l~f<' l :-<l rJO'\ or nn ~111'8 l 'n o1 to r P!1 r 1G o1 lo ir t [01 a n- 111111 !01 !us ilefencG onlPir>d ('npta rn Morrison, the Officer m- loco de pa r t ment Penrit h, lJ s per b1 ough t about by th r 113r The T hu 1011sl1luuon O[ tl iG "\ nu' ls The du[)es to be pc 1fo 1nwd ]Jy the othe r 111 t\ 101\P] g1aclp shn ll not I (v) An) rha 1ge ng1 1n st a n Pl11- I Cha1ge. The Assoc1at1 on trusted du), was rnce ntl ) brought before C:o1ernmcnt or \1 cL011a 11as ~on so111Pt1h1t d1ft ,'1Pnt l o ll11t or :-<e" ha 1e Ills p11 t ecl11recl \\ l11 lst so Pm tilo)ec mu st tench th e s11L! ernplo1 ee A Full U L S t FOR. t h1t the necess:uy d 11 ecl ton s would the ChtP[ ComtnJ Sfi lOner b} t he Cen- s1dering the des1 rabl llty or r\ 1spens- Sout h Wales 'lhey h,l\e 11l11l Is 1a11ous Crntles •Jrnll be dear!)' d~ plOINl , excPpt in rase" 0 ) punish \w 1th111 48 hours of the time of t he pper or ower e be g iven for the payment of th e d i t- era! Se creta1y It a ppea1s that ing 11l t h t11e ser vi ces of a ll su pernu h11 01• 11 .i s b13n cbes a nd r\11 1s101rn / !lnrtl _ 1111 ent or of g>nc 1 tl 1el1encl1nrn nt, 01 l illege Ll off~nco,

01 the ch.iige uel £2/ 10/-, NOT FROM £2/10/-.

f ere nce 111 pa y due to Burn s' \\!fe amongst ll•e 11011' performed b) Wil- mar1es a n d putting a ll hands on 11vP I he ill 1n chPs such as trans1101 La !1 on, 6 -11 \1'C~ OP P~ Y ii heie hY reaso n or Cl1Clll11•tnnces ileemecl l r iio lous an d v.ilh cltalln nt Qu irtndt . The question was ham s, is t10sm 1th 111g a nd p ipe \\Ork da \S a 11eek Thi s did not happen •\U)S anti \\01ks, ancl rolh n: s tocl, I (1) 'T'h o follo\\111g 0 hall lie t he heiond the control of the C'h1e f: C'om- 1 (i i) No emp loi;ee sha ll be requ ir- H you "re not satisfied with the also as lced 11hethe r Mrs Burns o n e ng llles and <J.i d e r od biasses owrng to t he fact that th e V R ll ho.1 e Jhe11 rno11Lhll meeting night mini mu m rule or pa1 ro1 t h e ord1n- mi ssi oner no 11or l. in a highei ed to an swer a ny charge u ntil at



would be perm1tted to u se t he pnvi- This work 1s p er formed at Eveleigh with the assis tance of the State flpr- and tl eal \\1 th a ll mallets rn t he l1 aii hours nf Jabot - g i a cl e is a vaila ble least 2 ~ h ours arter the time he i e- l eeth after a month, you can re. Jege passes due to Burns, whllst he by plumbers who claimed 1t as thei r v ice F ede ration was able lo put up 1especl11e c\l1l sl ons Th e dl1•1s1ons RANDW ICK I ( 111) An emplo yee sha ll pe rfo1 m icen es or would In t h e ordmary turn them and get your money "as a way <111 a ct ive service \\Ork and t heir claim w as adm itted a bold opposition T he resu lt of th is 3uch ns c le r 1ca l, t e legraph , tram wa i s P e t Day su ch 11ork as t he Depa1 tm en t from couroe of post r ecenA noll fi c11t1on to back

IRep\yfog to t hese 1equests lthe by the Depa1tment The plumbers unite d acllon 11as that no supernu- elc , al so have the11 managem ent T"aboieis Ceneial lO / - t une to time r equire but 11here he atte nd Ch ief Commissioner said t hat the d if- i eceha t heir ordrna-y 1ate of pay mar ics 11 er e cllsm 1ssed a nd no em- co mmitt ees t ha t rneet fortn 1g l1 tly Lirters' Assistan ts

11 1_ 1s used for mixed fu nct ions or for (iii) Eiery employee gJ1mg evl- C'harleS I.

f erence m pay had been enter ed up 1 2s 1d p er clay fo r t he 11orlt See- ploiee was pu t on partia l t1m P Then ng,nn there -a.1e the section- Fil te rs' A•31stanls 11 / fun ctions other tha n h tB us ual func- clence at the heru1ng o f a ny cha rge Ito the 1 3th :-<uve mber, and tbe Chief mg that W11l 1ams althoug h a t rn- Th e Railway Uni on of V1ctorrn \R a l d1vt s tons that m eet mont hl y and P.0 1le rmalte1s' Assistant$ 1 I / ~ tions, he s liall be treated for the pu r ' hall be entitled to r ea d over and Harris, A ccountant held a letter autltor1s mg sm ith ls per forming plumbers \\Orl< not al lo11ecl to affiliate 11itlt the pol- di scuss and dea l i11lh matters co n- Blac ksmith St11l,ers 11 / - pose or cnlculatrn g 111s pay for t h e make nny c~rrect 1on o[ h is sta tem ent the pa yment of the money to Mrs the Association \\ Us of oprnlon that itlcal m ovemen t , so the m en have ce nJ11g the11 pat t1cula1 sect ions The Turn e rs ' Aos istan ls

11 1_ d ay, as ir he were e mpl oyed only to befoi e s ig nin g it St James' Chambers,

(Opp Quun's Statue ) , Burn s If Mrs Burns 11ould call on ~v~11~:to~~~ f~~m': ~1~l t~~: cl~~" ~;rw~:~ been compelled to organise w1th1n sect10;1:i l cl1~l s1 on• m cl url~ s i gn~ P lumbe1s Assista nts 11 / - pe r form sucl1 or his fun ct ions as (v 111 ) Every employee 11110 has t he Chier ~c co untant, the amount 'T"e r opJy stated t hat di rections the ir o11 n rnnks , and brin g p1 ess11re IJta nlc' s1gnat men g unr s ,I goo F. Jectnca l i\lechan 1cs Assi st carry the h igh es t rate und e r thi s g11en no tice of appeal sball be en- King Street, Sydney. would be paid It was a lso p omted " ~ to bear on the Go1ernmen t o f the shets, c.u rimme rs, car e eaners, ants ll / · Award t itl ecl to obta in n copy o f all th e ev l-o ut that there were s till two p asse$ had been g iven for W llllam s to be dnv Any go\e rnm ent that Is u11 Al111 nte1s, 11011< Rho ps, Plc Ll l te 1• ( steCT m cars l ''/- (1v) In t h e case of nn em p\ovPe cl ence !a l. en at th e il epartm entol en-due, and if Mrs Bu111s made applt- paid at the plumbmg r atP, v1z again st its emploYePA, is In for a had T he uni on 11hose offi ces a re nt Li fters ' Assist an ts 12/- be 111g r ecl ucell !lue t o u ny ph ysical q u try at len Rl '' 11eek before the ap-ca.tlon fo r th em , tbey w ould be ls- 1 2s 4d pe r day, for the portion or time, and It wou ld be w ell for the prese nt i n \ V1JJ1am s treet , Melhou rnP. rnfirmlty, his v;ages shall not bP r e- peal

18 h Parcl Pt ovlded t h at if th e


su ed to her lll due course th is tim e spen t on tba t \\Ork has secur ed n block oC lan d in Electr ic Crane D r11 e1s 13/- dnced less than fiv e-six ths of In s appel la nt con sents ihe a ppe al may

Bou 1he s treet UHi Is now pre pur!n g El~~~;;.c Car Drner at Hand-111

• ord inary salary, and in n o case to be lie heard within less t im e thau a THE LATE MR, HARRY RICHARD• EXiHIINERS AND ACTI NG THE ZIB,\. S'.rRE ~'T POWER The ~ec retary fo r Rall ways, r e pl y pl a ns fo r 1l s 01' n hPndqu nr ters Th e)'

12/ G less than l~s per d iem week from the day on .,. h tch he has SON

EX..\~JlXF.RH HOUSE ing on behalf or tbe Chie f Comm ls- ha1 e also £911 l mvesled in the La ~:ec~r;c ~r;v ;ser. D:1\e~s 8 -ATTENDING OFFIC'E I obtai ned ~urh copy o! evidence Recen t ly the \, oneral Secretar y 1n October last, tile O.s•oc1at1o n s1oner said Wi th 1ete1ence to you 1 bor Daill 11!11 r h amount 11ns rll J$Pt\ ' ~c ~ ~:r cl~~ e;;qPr t~;:·t~~!: Eve1y employee r equned to nt- ( tx ) Where an em ployee a t t end s

brough t und Pr the notice or the brought und e r the notice or the lette t of t he 6th ult r e la t ive b) n le1i or .£1 per membe1 paid lo iouths und~r 2 1

Jtend al an office or place ot her t ha n to a nswer u cho. i ge or to p rosecu te A meeting 11as r ecent!' held e.t <'h1er Comm1ss1011er, the case of Chier Com m lss lone1, the pa;y and to t he r ntes of pay of men Th e ordm 1ry conditions or em the depot

10 which h e is attached, an a pp eal h e shall be pai d for th e t he Hail way a nd T1am"ay Instit ute

George Warr111glon , examiner, 00111- cond 1t1ons of men em pl oved a t the lemplo)ed at the Power House ploymPn t ts s1 mllar lo othn states ~ enrs s hall be allowed travelling t tme time lost ~n attend an ce, and any for t he purpose of 111augurat1ng a burn It appea r s that Warrrn gton power hou se Zora street , :-<ewcnsl le at zaia st reet, Newcastle, I am 1n so me 1espccts, fo r Instance, t he) Over 21 years • •' ' · ' ' l 8 / - fa i o be may necessari ly haie paid memo1lal to the late Ir Harry s ta r te d on t he work or exa.m lnrng on The letter set out the followrng d irected to rnform you, th a t t he Jt310 an Appeal s Doar cl constitu ted Leadi ng Pltmen • • l u / - 9-SIGNING ON AND OFF shnll be t efnn cle d to h im u n less It Is Richa r dson, Assista nt Commissioner

t l t f N Sto t el·eeper" • 13 / -jlns1t11Jgunttea,l 1ll9 ",104t,11and rontcn uPd exam- pa rticulars - points ra 1Sed have been loolrna mto on . 1m !l31 lines to ia o ew Dell Attendant , ' • • • • l l / - All emp loyees sh all be SI!l'n ed on fo und tlia l ho Is gul ll y of the charge fo1 Tra1m11 ny s A s trong committee

Ocloue1, 1 91 4 (5 G reasers T C.frLean and Thomas and to st:ite t h at Jn r egard to the Sout l1 Wales 'f lie em p l°'ees e lect nncl ol'i' [Lt t he i1 home depots, 01 not or tlrn t hi s ro nclu ct has Jus t iOed th e to IAacli11 g r epresen tatl\P offictals rn o nth sJ He s l o. rl ed on the work These men attend Lo 1n rb lnes and greaseis, the Chi er Co mmi ssioner has one 1ep1 eRPn\ all ve 11h le l hP depa1l- ~LECTRIC'A f, Tlt\\f S fl l'DS l 1ess lhun t1a01 trn1elll11 g ttme shall r h arge be rn g man e

111 llh tch r use hn.s be~ n e lecte d, "1tl1 J Tr E d11rn

o t examining agarn on 14lt1 J anuary, pumps Lhey stnrt the ru r pu mp and In view of all t he circumstances, o.p - me 11 t np pu111l one and .1 d1,u1man Gen eral Labo 1e1s JU / - 1be all o\\ed s uch nrnltPJS shall be Jn th e di sc t e- Dean Gener:il Secreta1v, N S W. 1''1'i, anti has bee n 11orklng rontlnu - ran , c lean e lect ri ca l gear s uch us pioverl o[ t hei r class ifi catLOtl being '!'he board goes rnto l he q11cs1tons Slo 1ekeepern Assrnl tn t~ 11 1- I r t1 m r 111 estiga t in~ the GoYP111 me nt l1a1Iwai .1nd Tram\\uy ousl j ev er

01nce Tlpon .111pliral1on uru 0 hes , corumu tu tor s nnd s 111 trh altei Gd to tha t or engt nemPn an d or red11cll o11s , lrnes d1 s m1 ssals, et~ SLore t,eeper• (depot) 1 • 1 I lO - P O.Y DOC'Klc1'S t ion ° o iie tl~c c;11 ,~ 1 Com~iss~on er Insli lutP, as hon secret~n l\tept-

fo1 lh e i::tte• pro1ttletl fat Pxa111111e1s gPar, and stand b) engmes \\ hils1 thPtr r a te of po.) to 10s pe r cl ay Unde t t he\ icto1lan 1eg u!u.llon s HO 1,eatl 111g Ca t l' lrn ne1s 1 ~ / : Pay dockets sha ll show tho t un e cha;I~= case m[l\ be ings nre to be h e ln in PHi1v r·ul11ay ln th el t second yea1, 108 Gd he th e engi neer cuts J n same , t hey \Vith i espect to tli e llttei's mate , depn1tmpntal head , cn11 cl1 smrns .in P1tmnn s A•stslant • , t~ / G 1 11 orkec\ on Sunuuys , nncl O\eltime ns

1 1 0 e l t o depot iu l he cou ntn , an d encon io.g-

was rnfo1med that cted lt rou \d not a lso attend to the s tores and open whose rate it is asl, ed be incrensetl nm pl o)ee, he mu•t fi 1Rt be rhurgecl Pttmen 11 / - \\Ol k ec\ during the per iod, separate ly (x) Tc1e1v emp otilce l sunm n f' 1" rng s11 11por t has alread y bet>n r ece1v-1'1om t he lime \\ Orkrc\ ns 01 tl 1Jury g l\ e ev1denN1 on te 1enr1n g o a1, 'L e g11c n fo r arll ng se rv!cP ancl close mJ ectors an d d ischarge lo 10 s pet day, 1t 19 iepo rled thal befo re the Appea l• Jloa 1d, "ht~h lrns Stand by 1'1lrne11 14 / - lime on w ee k days, and sha ll be is- charge or appeal shall be pa id fo r ed The 1memo1!al is t o take tl1e

ll "as pointed out l bat the Award These men me in r eceipt or onl y this man does not wmk contmuously the power to t11srnl ss Shoul1I the C'on trolle111 e 1t l ~ /- sued the day prior to pay da y, and In s tim e nnd suppl ied with necessary form of a. m onument ove r the g rave o f No 2 Board, published ln Gov- Ss 6c! pe r day Men at Ultimo do- with the titter, as 1t frequently oc- emp loyee so char ged he t1 1s m 1ssPcl "\'Vatch men •• 1 12 / - passes a nd a scbol arslup, lo be ca ll eel the e rn ment Gazette .No 80, of 6th Nray, 111g .1l mos t the sam e duties , ~ece l1 e curs, t hat t he lat te r 1s engaged on by the Board , he has seven days 111 DIRT :VJONI:Y the day prior to golng 00 holidays

15 - LONG SERVICE L E!\.VE Hlohar dson Jllemorlll, l Scl10la1sh1p"

1914, provid es fo r a rate of pay for 1 0s 6d pe r day Th e gr easer s a t \\Olk whi ch does not r equ i re an a s- which to appr.tl to the Comm ission Z!l per hour s h:il l be p a id ns dill 11.-IIOLIDAYS f' xo.mln ers , i hat 1s t o say per son s Whtte Bay a nd Ult11no do not s tart s ist.rnt, and the m an is then given


er agarnst snch d1sm1ss<1 l 'rh o money for a ll giade• ( l) Every employee shall be grant- 1"mp\oyees, al'.'ter 20 years ' ser <lo1n g tb e work of exam111ers, a nd it t he pumps this ls clone by the cl y- wo rk whl ct1 appei ta111 s to that of Commissione r is t he ou ly one t hat ed four \l eeks' l eave or absence pe r 11 re , s hall be enti t led lo s ix mon t hs' "as cla im ed that the word "exam- n a mo altt>ndanls T he Zara-sti ee t genera l la boret who Is paid Bs per has t he po11 e1 to clis1111ss 111 e m YO UTHS a nnum on full pay, hol1dnys on full pay, an!l n f r ee p uss "A WOEFUL WAIL" laPrs m uHt be read lo mean pet - g 1easers do t he combi n ed dut ies, day In view of t111s ;t is not co n- j pl o>er The unionists a ppear to be 1G to 17 ) ean; G/ - (n ) In every case one mon t h's


sons dorng t he wotk or ex.am lners, the re fore they sboul<.I, Jn the opm- s ide red that an increase 1s 11air,111t- pe1fcct1y sa ll s fied 1\Jlh t he woiktni; ! 7 to 18 vAars 7 / - notice sha ll be given of t118 !la te on A l ' Dyrne, or Tempe depot fDr · and that the pro vrnlon regarding em - ion ol out Assoclnllon, be pai d the e ll, ant.I. t he Chier ('omnussroner does or th0 1r Do"rcl 111 r irt, 1t ls claimed l8 to 1 ~ years 8 1_ iilnch a nnu a l leave s h a ll be taken Two su its of dungaree overall s ~ards ll IPply lo a circului Iss ued by J, Joyf'es rel1 e v1ng ln the Jllgher hh~her rate not sec his \\ UY to com ply with the !hat lheY wl11 the m ,1Jort!y o f cases 1~ lo 20 yPnrs 9 / - (1n) rr r equired, pay ment to r t he sha ll be a l lnwed eac l1 year to a ll em- o ne A J« W" ket , Logetber w1tll .. grades «an on ly apply to short ppr- Fitters' mate Cou lthard Ill tece1 11t request bero1e the Board Thereafter 1 0/ - 11 e1!od of annual leave sha ll be mad e p!oyees, a p1 011 s lo bla cks miths' and copy or t11e cuc ul" refc 11ed to lads or r elte[, and not to cases or 9s pe1 <.lay , does precisel y t he l1ega1dlll g th e boi ler cleane r , \\ho, The rntes of P"Y vn1v, for rn - (P r ovtcled !hat \\hi!st 11 01lung "' a d van ce, '11.nd em plo) ees may ob - botle r mal.ers' a ss1st[lntS, rlogs to Mr B)rne tal,i,is sllong exception to \\here men have bee n art tn g tu a sam e wor k as t h e m e n at Ulti mo it '" con ten ded, s hould be pai d ut otan ce jun101 porte r s rece11e on n ight slilft all )01t l hs shall be t.11n same the da.y before commen c- pitman and p itmen's assistants, and some or Mr \Vrc ke t's r ema rk s Th11 l11gher g rado fo r twelve months It Po\\er House, and ou1 A ssociation l lhe rate of ll s p er day, t he pe r so n 7s Gd per d.w, \\h1 le po1te1s ie- paid at lime a nd a bal1 r at es) ing holid ays, 1ubbe r boo ts to ~ar "asbei s all t he jcuculat

18 cert:llnly n w ond erfu l

ls lhe opi nion o! t he Association that tlnn lrn h e sh ould be pair! at the rate woi kll1g un de r thi s c lass1ftcallon, rn ce1ve from 8s lo 9s per day,. s hm1- yea r 1 ound. piece or l ite rary composition, but 1t us Wa.rrlngton had had more than or 10$ p e r day, as h e works undet I not fully and con llnuou sly em ployed le t s 8$ Gel to 9s Gel JJ e r day, let- POWER Il OUSE CLAI:V!S 12 -EXISTING RA'l'ES AND

17 - TASK WORK 1s not suffic iently importan t to wai -

one year's servi ce in pxam J11 lng work s imi la r eoncl1t1o ns in woik \\hteh rea lly appertarns to lle1s Ss 6d, gangers 9s Gd to 10s Eng io emen 14 / - PRIVILEG ES iaot the pub lication or a Jong Tep ly he was entitled to th e rate of pay Mr Bens on does th e boiler clean- I same, lD lo.et a pe riod of two months and so on Forem a n Lalyn e1 14 / - The privileges al ready exlstmg Jn Under no ci rcumsta nces shall task !n t he "Co-ope1 ::tlot " Tbe I\ riler ie provi ded form th o award 10g, and we co nten d he shoul d be I m ay elapse durin g wh ich h e wou ld The 11nton has been putlmg up a Valve Utendaut • • 14 / - t he service fo 1 t il e emp loyees herein work be allotted to any em ployee. a ti Ama lga mated man, and he p rD-

ln h is r eply the Chief Commission- paid at the r ate or ll s pe r day not be ca lled upon t o per!o1m a ny big tlghL against the Government W ater Tenclei l.l / G men tioned, and m conside r a ti on of --18


tcsLs ai;ain st "h<tt be takes as a er sai d t llat the mat ter had had con- The fi r emen at Zara-strcet, blow Interna l clea nin g -0! a boiler, whi ch I fo • ,in a ll 1ound 1ncreaso o! ls pe1 Coa l Conveioi A.ltendant lJ / G wh tc b t he r a tes of pay h e1em before UNIONIS?S. I kind or sub matrn e at lack upon h i• eiderat1on , and he had ap proved -0! t ubes wi th steam This is done by entails th e unpleasant work and

1day The Government of V1ctolla

1Leadrng L.iborei •• • • l ~/ 6 m en tioned have been 1ixod shall be All n ow appo intees to the serv ice, 1rn1ou The c1rc ulnr is •ealJy n ot

Warrington berng credited with t he the boiler cl eaners at Ulti mo, who ' s ln ll for whic h t he amoun t oC wages last weel. brought ID a btll to m- 11"11 emen • • • • • • • • 1 3 1- contrnu ed. and covered by t l1ts a\\ard , shall be 1101 th the ex penchture of a ha-porlh p eriod of bis continuous acting ser recei ve l ls per day One firem an a bove that of an ord ma.ry labo1e1 1s I c rellse the mrn1111um wage b y 6d 1 Crane Di iver • • • • • • J 81- (i) No employee, who, .tt the date iequt1 e d to become m embets or the or po wd e1 a nd s hot, and A E B a t-iTice as examiner at Za ra-street power house , attends

1 paid a nd rn these circumstances t he per day bu t from tne fec llng or Lil e I Storemcn • lJ / - of this awa rd ls lll r eceip t of pay at claimant un ion within one month of tacks it as 1f 1t carried the metal ot



the feed pu~ps and als-0 looks arte1 Chie'r Comm issione r does not see h is m en d1111ng my st.1y 1n :\ie lb ourne, Ash 'l' i immer • • • • • l 3 / - a higher iate than here rn fixed , s hall the date oC entcr rng lhe T iamway a Ocr ma n dreadnought T he c lrcu-W <\ 'llER 1'ANK FOR Gi\TEKEJil r RR. the boiler, al so 011ens a nd closes

1 way to a uth orise a n 111c rease in lhis I Li o nut t it 1n k Lhey will accept less J_,aggei s 1 J I- h a i e lus p a y reduced me re ly as a Service. and in llte case of promo- la r ref et s l o "unfortunate comradea

As far back as Jul y last, the Gen- s top 1a lv es, and does al ! the con- I man's r ato of pay than the ls per day rncr ease I.end ing Pue!rnen 13 /6 consequence of this a ii,ud l tot> , all things be ing equal, iireler- w ho have been de lud ed ittto jolnln& era\ Secretary brought under t he n ect1ng up Th is man , It Is contend I As to th e r equest fo r fir emen I n t,1ct the sh unte1s had pracllc- F ue lm e n • • • • • • 12/ G ( it) E ve ry employee sh a ll be en- ence s hall be give n to membets of a11othe1 un 10n," and thi s, a ppar ent-not1ce of 1he C hie f Commissioner, ed, s hould r eceive at least 10s pe r Whea tl ey, Hoche, Bone and 1'homas ally Iss ued an ulllmatum, th a t un Boller Cleaners • • 12 / - tltl(ead) tAo- pass •or li imsel f, bis wife the c laimant union. ly, 11l od A E B , beca use he has sucb t he case of Mrs Castles, gatekeeper, day The names o r the firemen on to be paid 10s per do.y, two of t he Jess they reco1 ved th e l s per rlay, Bolle r 'lakeis Assistan ts 12/ - L a g ieat opinion oC the Amalgama.te4. Fllnd ers-st cross ing near Wollan- whose behalf ou r Assoc1at1on are I four boilMs at Zara-street a re und er t here \\llH" l1kel1hoocl or trouble Pillers' Mates 1 2/ · a nd h is ch ildren , bem g under 1 8 19-DURATlON OF AWAHD But why wor ry? The All Grades i• gon g , It was explai n ed that Mrs making representati on s are lllessr s stenm a t the one time, and 1nstru c- Pe1 sonall) I tlo noL l111nk there wi ll Plumber s' Assistunts l 2 / - yea rs or age, durin g the period o f This award shall come i n to force II th e Queen l!lllzabetb of t he serv l~ Cas tles is a widow o~ an ex- r ailway Wll eatley, Roch e, Bone and M / lion h as bepn g iven that th e seni or be ani troulile the men are too Brtck ln)ers Labo1 e1s .. 1 2/- lu s a nnual leave upon publication

111 the «G overn- unton s, and a. few penny squi bs a re

e mployee, and is In r eceipt or onl y T hom as hreme n or a shirt mus t work water well organised to be rP fused An Pump Attendant • • . . • • 12 ! - (b) Foor pri vilege passes durlng m ent Caze tte," an d shall il'ema.ln In not llke ly to injure it or to defteo& 16s a week ror the very heavy work The ract that the men at White reed to botb boil e r s , and ll e wi ll be o rganised body or "orkers t h at has Ln borer• • • • • • • • • • • 11 / - the year, or wb1ch t \\ o may be u sed force for two years It from its course 11 he does Some time previously sh e Bay and Ult imo Powpr Houses are 1 he ld responsib le ror lh P r egul ation a legit imate grlernnce, can u suall y - by his wlCe. a sked ror a water tank to be su p- receiving higher than ls being paid 1 -0! the wat e r Jn th em, both for th e get it rem ed leil without going to ex- a s the sarvl ce 1s co ncnn ed An Am- (c) F ree tran sit t o an d f rom pil ed to her for use nt the gate ror t he same c lass of work u nder purpose of efficlPn t and pro per work- tremes 1 algamnllon or Lhe t 1affic m en wo s duty, house T he old tan k was fu ll or s imilar conditlona 11.t Zam-street, i s l1ng and protection from damage ow- All employees in Vic toria, recei ve brought abou1 some few yea1s ago (d) 'l'welve passes per week v. hen h oles and woul d nol ho ld water, a n d c reating some dissatisfaction amon gst Ing t o shortage or water I n view a nn ual leave r 11nglng from seven The o nly sec t ion or the se rvice that off duty, Mrs Castles co uld not afford to bu y the men ot i he latter place. or tbl s extrn res pon s lb!llty, t he Ch ief days to Lwen ty-elght days Th ey s tan ds out Is the L oco E a.nd F 1 3 -PROMOTIONS a new on e. She asked the depar t- Our Assoclatlon Is therefore des- Commissioner has appro\ed o! t he receive n o Jong service l eave. All Association, and Crom the feeli ng of (I) The r e shall be exhibited In a Dtent to su pply h er with a t ank, or l rous that t he matter b ereln com- men called u pon to perform this 11ork on Sunday, is paid at the r ate tbe m en to-day It Js quite ev ide nt conspicuous place at each depot a eonnect t he water from t h e t ow n p lai ned or, ahould be lnq1un d In to worlc, beln c given a n ext ra Gd per of t i me and u quarter. t~t the Question of One Blg Union list of t he waies atalf, Jn order of i upply, whi ch pasaed t he houH, but w ith a Tlew 'Of a pprop11at• lacrea .. 1 daJ when so enp c;ed, w hich w ill Victor ia has not the varloua sec- 111 c;ettlnc; very serlo u1 oousld&ra· u n.lorlty, w 119 rHIHd .,.

117 Its I

aotb ln & wa1 btlln.r 4ou•. l>tiAI fl'SllWll, 11111'1 U1elr ni. 10•. per clay 1'# - · -.!all.I to 01111\tDil wlta, 1e ra r tXlll fro.111 tll•• ai1A. liaH*t \llll•==;:=======================.i

GIVE your paper a boost along by having your printing work

done better and cheaper. The "Co-operator" can do it for you.

~· • ., 51 ,( THE -· CO-OPERATOR·.·: 'I'hur:ifay, D~ernber 9, 19U.


Utrms Routed from the L&undry. f·WOMEN Jt l s on ly tllseases thu t are infectious

!11~~ ~ti"~:!11~1l;g~~ ·~·l~wl~; ;;.u~ te~~1 )!ort 0ll 1\~~~,f~: From TrJ\\Y n wa'' · l um.1 whun w o scn1 eh lilt' horn o fo r thu 1 ~udlt.1 i; t µlu cc ot' amlrn:sh, , , c flnd it

\~~ t: ~h~ . l 1~·1} ~~ 1 l:1\ ~\·n~~l~~s t~: ~n~~1~ltr?\1n ~ ~1;11~~ anu l:le:rnscH C' \' l' I , . w et- I.. the cl ot hes w e W~U I Olli bC'd t:tblt- hlt t ht. n, u11d bnth li •1 11 h .11 ull.1•1chlc>IM, tO\H•l!Oi u11 d cnr· t :dril! !'\util !n !f .11J.sorbt1 unU ca11·1t~i-: the ~tTT11~ or t-:.•NI~ of Uisetl8t' :so !l'£Hlll) .us th c,..it., t o ;.imbu~h tht..• antl.Ht~hlug tll~o:' l !';l'

l--"t-1111 thC'1 efore w~ must lh•!:;l!l In the lu u11Ury.

~1·xt ,1s to the me ~1otl mere C' l f'ano;i.h1.!( f s n u t 1•1wu;, h, f()1 ~o rn e di ~1."'08tl ~errn1-1 may l n u>-:lt .... t hni llng "·d"' . nnd mn!r e\ tTI IJl e'Nl 1n c or11111011t~1 :-< oils of ·~OH.JJ· s.ud<.e ' l'll 1..· 1..nd ,. \\ u~ to J P ~1 \\ ! th t l1e d1s r,1 ~1"' ~t rJ11 1H t o kill \t, ll"1•uu ,e lt~ l lr~ J.;i H H T•( m f' t' t11 inte....t .uh.I orily V"lh~fl dt>ild b ll h lflllll'slS SO \\r' ll l USt nut o nh ht·~lu "1t l1 Ll1 i:; l ~nin~lry, but rn11st rtnd ~L Jinmdn Ma a1> \\ h!L:h J ~ ulso ll .- 11 nnL; dlxrnfcl'tant

'l'hP'l J, 1111 r,-s 11s tn 1h P On ~ I point i\' e l in ' •' Iii " 11111.(•e. ttn J ~t' J.tlV \\' th ~· me-1h cid I !lfbtl) ~11.11• !.: l \t'~ 1h t h ... - mean" ] t lfJ,l} b t, Ii 111 th l( S (\ IJlt' l11:-; .. ·u~· .. ge 1 flLS ] ,uH: 11 nt 111 tl1 n .n\ s u:.i~}- lJut 11.:>\~r ut 'Ll 1P bt1r1~ l v 1 Ii ntll!>.:t b .. 1enh· rnbo<>rt 1l 1h,tt l •l d•llu\ P. 1i \·~il ll1 ~l11 f , ttunt ~0'1P h .\ '4 1.1r·-\cu 1t' ~··11 u -d1,•<..;lfq\•Jr1:.:. PO\\r• 1 til l U\ C • .J\ .. \, O:Hld Il l h1J~ pft \]~ . h Ol f'l!! l-Jlll pla ~'l'"' nJ pu1d11 1t>'.-olv1 t. und 11 1 fH I '\u h· h l J11 1 s 11\ t h• l111n 1ll.•d th 1 · u~~111ll Jn lh1· l t 11n t J1, l.ih h u1H sonp get!i t~1 1 hr-> \\' i.> (' ),J v .ll'lllU"') I r1f di :o:<'u~t wl11 .. 1.-. It t"f"• "' h111 11' 'trt! l1ocl ' l l!lt>H 1), th t> ~fell~ 0 1 dl~ ~ll • h11nt ... t 111• 11 1 110 111 th t .. lr am­i11 •1!=:11 ~u11\ J \! {"I tfh tll VP l \\ lth ~iJ I , \ ff'· h 1\\'IY s o.qi Ii,; . 1 JlC'f I c<..·t l uu11 Jr ,. :iO:lp .IJHl f •)Jll J l • t l i' \T ll\ 11!h t-" 1 lh t• J 1lf1i-;t

d ~IH'H t• t 1111 ,, s 1•111t't ,;I:' In " ll owy p ! ll:!S o r f r u.:...1~ut ll;jJlt•r: J.1f1b110) bonp clo •c; nnt 1 nu~hi n t 1w }1<u et~ ri· i;blfr1 th e ll \ il s l1q,1g !l!=l f1 111 il111· :in o hj f' " t •1 n '" ,-1h"'t·111 <1 ~11 rl h ~llh- ht.tcb• t 1H lri ) ;. lt (·h t"n ._u 11\ hnt. ~P holtl 'l'.ll•r· l ,1 fc b t1 n \ !-'on r1 \\l lf•re ' " 11 ,., 11\, 11"'" 1t hO\\ \ ou "'Ill 1t h- ll•\11 \S a P• rl"<t ~o:i.p n 11Ll 7w r IPC't T> l.i 111 r11t'U\'1 l J. 11\ b1111 \ <...::oap Is n l.rn nt.lr , ""oup th~t \\ill fH>1f1ctl ) r ou t 11H• ..!Jo1~ s1· ;.• 11ns 11llt11rnhrd In tlrn lnu n<l1\ thn~ Jl!P\Pllt ll.1:' U1e \\<'r-1~1:, ·wn ~h 1 H"'r' •~mlr g o. <.l!sca.s<' ru 11 1Pr



I N THE pns t a con sidcra.bla benefit has

~Ti~~u coli~ !~1!; ~;~ 1~:~ o1~lt;ca~~6~JPYK!! tl~,~ their Uehalt' A 101,\nrd mo\e hJs Jh)\\ been m 1cle )Jy the {'ngugemcn t of t he J1 P'o1:

I dit r es:-; , whn h .. 11::!. u~siJ e:s h e ! J OU! nahi:;il •' ~ up a.clt y , H ket•n kn o '' ledg~ a! Yal11nc;; , ancl t hus she ~li·1 tlcl );(• ,\bl e t'-' J er.df·1 a rN\ I st>1vice to ou1 coun t1' fru:ndq The "1 ' 0 -

oper~1 to1 " l s Slllf:' Vlo l1, 1t::t. BO)'Ce 1~ ah la tu 1.rn~ 0U..,olut 1>lv to the b est ed\Pll 1U6e, and a.ii lrn l t ntlo11°1 8 E'Xt~nded to 1eatle1.-::; t o !1 y thi s ~r r\H.e There ia no char"'~' col lectad anywher e for thl.a.


THI~ PAGF.l sde\ ot e<l

t'\:C lu s i\ el y to the inti' l C' ~tf.1 o r "'omen.

Those who d esl1 e ~1 d,· I ce nr ~ 1r1\ lted to wrl te dl-10c t to V io let ta Boyce, car" ot the "Co-opet a· t or ' and eve ry cam · mu'nicat1on will receive promp.t attention.

JL is pPrrerlly olH 1ous Lhal many the w11ol e togPlbPr, pn l It into n p ie- ) 11 h1ch keeps a regisl Pr of ho• ts \I ii

po le nt tnrlorn ure nt wo rk 111 cau s- \dis h, and bake 1l. When the top rn lin g t o r ece i1e Auslra l rnn 80 luiers

lu g l!ll)Hirat dPle ri omt1011 ol r lul- 10[ u lllce brown col01', 1l l• 1Pad) Js guPsls. Another l'ealurP is the

Blouses ll rr· d ac' l'O'B t h e fronl, iu No s ubJe(l h ,ls "'okpu warmer in- dren 111 !he 01e rrroi1dP•l c ities of The rngrN l1 Pnt s should IJP well mix- rer•e pt 1o u or parlles of mPn al some

te rc•,[ nr h ,,, b~eu 111o rP exlrn.nsl1\l' l> oldPI' coun trP 8 , whei·e pol' elty is l e u bPlorc 1Jak1ag. Jig coun try hou se. T be men are \ t11 ~ Sl) i& or th e co nt ln?nlal pea- d1'"11•sPd lhan tlrn q11 e•llo11 of drPss rn111p .1nt. IJ111 in Au s tralia. wh e re --- •e n t o ut rn molorn to th e ir uPs lina

:a.rnt. :ue l'~u~ hlouable . f 'I l b I tf I o nen t t1ous where l hPy Lt re wel r om ed ''II h l 1 reorm unny 011g1 11 w ' th e c ry tor breml 1s not so lll' l),en STli:O..:'i!RD APPLP:-1. are bernm111g ter11fled or th a r 1azo I the gr.w esl tlnn ge r wlnrll threatens trne B1i t is h ho spitality and enter-ror over-d 1ess1ug, \\hi c' h durin g the tlie rlllldrcn o l th e rommunity lfl Was h the requ ired numllf' r of ap- [ ,1ined betm e returning lo their h oa-

ln:~~:l;ngf 1I yocl~~o~~lr ~~·e~~;l~:;:l~r ,;11:: last u ern de ha •; 1nrrP,l8 lll g ly atf llct- tl111t 1v l11".il ' •r·1ses from l" ri; of know- pi es anu ca1efu ll y wlpP th em w1 t11 a pita! Conce rts :t nd entnta1nmeuts ' ' • ~ e lean clot h Pri ck enrh all 01er \'' 1t l1 1 r easons urc that blac k is economl caJ cd th~ se x "Amer1 r ,w women," leLige 011 Lhe J>al t ot th e parente, a tui k; plare In an en amel sa ure pan a r e also prov1tleu Ill th e hospirn 9

and m ore 111 k eep:ng w ith t h e gen e- s aid Mi ss Urace Ilu tch1n s . cosl um e lJut cspcc1rtllv on the par t ol th e m o- with "littl e ro ld watPr anrt suga r, t h~:~e~;;:\Pa st import a nt branc.i 01

I rnl feeling ex1sllng to-d ay. d esigne r at l11e Un1ve rs1ly ol Colum- ther . Afte r som e 6,000 ,000 srhool 1

8tici< two or three clOl·Ps 111 ea<'h ap-

1 bin, "ar e clot h es ma d Nownere 111 1 1 b 11 11 t h e assoc1 a t1ou 1s t he la dles' exec u·

c·h1ltl1rn me een mec ea y .exam111- pie, a n d allow the appl es to roolc i e r y live committee, of wh1eh Lady R ei d Thongh bl ac l' is popular l h e"e the worltl hnve l seen surh ov er- etl in England, St r Georgo ~ewman, ,,Jo wly un ti l sof t ; th ey ma) be eaten d Lad y Birrlwood,


I d1es s1ng as 1n th e Un ited Slates" the ohie l m e tl1cal omc er of the T~clu - ' co ld or h ot. 18 pr,es id en\ an 1

ad. dresses are genernlly reil e Hd n ~~ 1 M1 s:> 1Iutr l11n s r ecentl y add ressed a r-allon Department, announ ced t h nl I Lnd} Bar to ' " ; :\l cColl, and

touches of rolor o11 the c:,:~ni:;: 1 11 e r ron re re11ro r eprPseut1 ng th e Gencrn l it had hrPn fou11d that i;om e 500,0flO ('TTE· ! c~,,E P ATTilcS ' others, iiee-1Hesi d.e nt., . A n u mero ua at. t he wai£t line gol tl F' e tl c rat1011 ol W o men 's C'lu!Js or \\P l'O r11y s1r a ll y unrlormin ecl 1i1rough - _., cor ps of lady v isi tors h a s lJ eell <'n-

hra!d ~ are also user! ns t rrnunlng. America lie r n11d 1lor & tl1 d no t l e a1 malnu t r l lton . But m aluut1 ilion JS L ine t en patty pan s wl! :1 pas try, r olled for Lh e v is itation ol' lhe meu

hCJ lo p. eces; th ey m erP IY passe d a no t lhG outrome ol poverty onl y , lJcit Oil th ese wi t h r aw ri c·e lo r r- ta in l hP in hospital One ol' the most pa the-

Smoelung '"aga in 1n favor ~f any resol ution t'O J'<1c'.1111 111 rr the narrow IOI 1,,norance on !l ie pait oC !hose t e xt u1c ol th e past1y, i•ud !Jl1<0 111 t H' lh1ll£ 'l t old me lJi ·:\1r Barl111g-

'T'O (LEA:'-! l'NA:\JIGJ.Lmo 1"111{.'H- of the n"1" 11l~·• ~P~ U"f' ~lUO('J;c rl .1 £1.irt .'li:H' m Pn out or te11 11011ld \\ho,, hiHe the tr-e d1'1 g ol' ch , ldi en a hot O\en " 'r nrteP11 minutes :\1 1·, a11',','111g1" '',','.1e1'1 ,·t'l. ', ' : o",~,·,,lo nr:ro1a l~~:;.ll~l;~ ""lTR I' I l 11lrlo o 11 P:\<' h s1 li P or th e frnut have 11a t u1.1llJ r;np,iorp1t that a re- l'r·1r1 ir ·ll t r d 'li11 g ~ houlll lilP1 el'o1e \ 1horoughly 1110 l:thl eR poo nf11 l8 ot ., ' ~ · .1 !.

11 r e:.111 rng ena.mo ll PLI. fur- ' • .. · ~ ' ' 1 tl , 11 ... o! two eg-0 ~ a11

d .tx a. lelliu g px,tm pl e o1 th e Jliture db'ul.1~ une l'"l ·"', puo1il11I oJ lo i1Pllll. ;:. m~t1 C1 P~ull:i11rnnt l l!I Pnt on r C'sr nl u g lbP gl\.£1 11 to g11 l 8 in l ht•1 1, 1e::; po11 1.; i- , thi r t <.' rPam, 10. o '. , P:e·

..... u {""";, "" • * 1 l tl I IJ I pooi ful ~ ot gn !Pd c:l 1 .--:. tl1011~lilfu l11 es•. ~tn d fP1l l i 11 g man ·-lJ!.1 1, ng-~o :.I:i j n Gtltl µ int OJ \\3. rm l ' 11 "l f 'tl }ore \ ·,·01.1 f:' H iroru 'C'lo tl1 e~ m,tlIIPSl.i3" 11 hll i liP~, a~ rno111 fr~ . n11d he1e. whf>r P iree n lei~ '-''lll' 1ie pp0 r ~nd a dt '-'!1 l'P.S!l' ll itt ll eallng ''Ith th Pl:iP men

,. S


, ll !'ll 1L 0n o n e 1. w 1 I - w ou Id c·om n1t· I1 "C: l>) .. t lbl<·ki n g t t(• povPJ t y uti()m plov men l ~iPt 0 , er- t.' ('3So n w 1 l .... . , · .. ~

'1" !1e Jollywe H ~ gay, Drive w ith the i r friends, 'J'o spend th e day.

\\Ith THrnl c lun ch . 'J'hl s Jo)·ouH bunch, Hl 1 f! on the grass­Camp Pio t o munch.

'l' lw gE'n lal host 'l'h~n mak r>R u boa~t. 'l'h"t "Ftto:.'<" T'lu e Food• PlP:'.U':ll! everyone most.

''This IS the True Phjlosopher' s Stone," ·

was t he witty Epitaph which Thomas Hobbes (a great Eng. lish Thinker) ordered to be placed over his grave.

An Epitaph is inevitable to most of us, whether it is spoken in type or stone, but

''Rex" Camp Pie is a food that is bound t o win its way with live housekeepers.

It is less expensive to buy than fresh meat-therefore, Econo­mical It is nourishing· because made from the best carefully­selected meats-put up and cooked i-; the famous " Rex " Chefs.

Send round to your Grocer for a Tin and Serve it To-night cold-with Salad.

Ask for " Rex" brand-It is the Best.


"nf>x ' TLun T'.tle ' J.r~x.' \'P~ll ~ln l l T nnguc P a. te. 'lt l~x" 1'01k Hr:.i\\11, Il l> t 111.~ 'J~ px" l 'cnh :O:.u1 s ug r.>?o; lib llni:: ' l{ l' :\ 0 1·0 11 \ unll B P:.ui:-; Jtlh t11 !I:

'l{ e"'<' Pig~· l 'Ptt In J l~ll) 1 lh. t in~ • 1 ftt.:x" Lu nt h ' l'un ._,ul'-, 111 J1•l h , lllJ tins. · it Px" sh ee-µ J'ung11 .... 111 J C' ll:.. llh t i n ~ . "J--:'.Px • l....1111 1..JH011 l'llf'l"'t' 111 Ut~101 .ll P d Tin!=; ::ind Opa. l

P o r ( da1n J a1 ~ of' B1II1 ~11 'l ~lnlll°d1 t111 (• "Rex' .Ll1 ::ind L:.u d, f u r cook ing prnpos<'~, 1n lib p1lnts

,(uol uut 1 wute1· alurcite a bO ft 1 k f . ' t tl . , . . :'-low !old Ill thP et I- ) 1oken in the \\ Or- was lhal e u- 1 c·l oth wall thP solulion ant.! \\' Ush th e eln1ng -), ma·e 1JrP.tty 111.£.H'S o ie prolJ!Pm ol P:..t1rl\'~1g.t 11c e Xol su l f•ttrn <llll g h:.t ve not ~urh tor(·e, llie1 e a l r e d peppe1:. ' ·o ... ~

neck and "\'Hlsts ol wh!t.n and crn am t:iis c c.i\llllio n \villi J. logie th .. tt is 1 mu£·h hipp ie r JJi nsnPrt for C"'Om - fl y b eate n w nil es or 1l1e l\\O ('_,gs . cal)ptus l ea\es nre p1·o< ure d ~ram

,flll'll itll t e \\ 'ih II 1.ilOUQe~ 01 n et and point <l' Psprlt ran u ct be sufli!'ie ntl y :ulmi1 ' 1l 1·1~- ' '. rl. 1 f t l. throw nway tlw ri CP or g 11' 11 to the frelund and [lll l bCnP nt h the p1l1ows I Fogg1"tt Jones & Co Ltd , , ing grfnernt1 o ns , pron Ptl in an " t' I P 'nJ11n }·e1•1 " ' and ren, l:ir.e !I w 1l il lhP le t th e men \\ho ra1111ot, hope t o I P- ! 7 ~ft • •

OIL SPOT:; \\'h 0n mal: ing w111 t e reri0,l lOmto1 t l o Pt•oIJuni:1, :.rncl de- u ot let to til e m erc1 Ps., 10\,'P\Pr Pn- ' ... \ . , ' .

,.P'"~rmtmt s on the se\\lng- machine The exlremrlr t h in aJH1 flllll ") n1.1111 lPd tlH· .1b c.; l hio11 ul t11P 1rn1row der o t' nbsolutPlv un t iarned \\' Ori1en l rllee t.e mi xture. pnt 111 lhP O\l"'l1 nnrl <'OVf'r, so t h at a ~; Lii ey P3 t.s rnto ~rn- L CuTera of "REX" HAMS and BACON ;

J,eeµ a p1ere ol' chalk at hand, and m:uerials wh1 r h aro 11'1?1111-, metl lo ok11l 111 Ol(le1 Ll1a, tli•"s~ s s h ould ' . , b~ke foi nrteen or tw:•nty min.iteJ. ollwr world !h ey may hav e at least Packcrsof"REX" PURE FOOD PRODUC, S.

rub It ,1l ante wil'1 chalk, Leave on bl o11ses m ak e I t abnolutely Jlll)Hl!'a- 111thrnt 1ncom pn1ence" T h e qu os-1"1urh tlley. c:un e, ancl to wh ich they

H., drup of' 011 gets u.pon the fabnc s uch a large e::tent fo1 cuo l 8umme1 iJeco me 'la 1ge PllO' l~h lo walk Ill THE COOK ll wants a qu •rk oven lli e aroma of the hom eland fr om l for a few min u te3, and then bru sl1 tive for special sli ps, quite apHl lion of Pconom 1re 11<1s hardly tou ch- AUSTRALI AN WOUNOE.D IN \\ill not retn rn.

flUt. Th~e \\ill ~ no ~ol 1 ~0 111 ~ 0 ~m~~~ to be wmn • cl upon MI SCEL IAXEQrs REClPE~ HOS~TAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~.~- ~-~~-~.~-~--~-~-~-~-~~~~- ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Th ese s l ips pJwuhl be to.u l y Cull. anrl * * * 1

CLF:AN l:'-IC J AR LIDS: :\letal jar t he eleeve" should ~xle nu nonrly Th a t lh r manuractniPr or womon', I 'FlSH FHIT~ERS : l ich \\hi 1•h h a1e beco me corroded half- •, ay t o the r-l lJow Handsom<" 1 Pr epa1e a balte1 "•lh a teaeupfnl ~ [J ~ ~~~ ~ ~J Jroru tl a mpn ess may be made a s O:u8l;n washrn~ sil l· or a good ~uni- c lothPR untlngoes a goo~ /l~a l I of of r,1rted flou1, two )Olks, ar.d one In " lette r to the Austra l ia n CJ if'€.}oo co~ ai ~M~ M M l1right as new by b eing ltep t for ity of ~ hee,r J.1~~ .t r~ the moRt • 111!- ~':~,o~~ t;;~s~,1~:;~~1ob1:;ln:;te~ a~;''~';. l"hole egg, [ ,vo tablespoonfulfs of ''Ch 1·1suan \Vo1ld, " a writer •·fron: 1§1 1'§11

~e-.era l hours ill hot Wale r to whlch able mate11als for thP~e ' l ' P' wh!c h \has u -c lcanrP of a for t une The ho11'e Jol11 e oil, .111d a goo d halt eup o te- Lonclon , r eferring to the tre a,UJen XMAS SAVINGS ~ n large amount o! baking-soda has should no t be too Jn.vi s h ly orna- . pid \l a ter Beat up wel l 'l'h P hat- ot' wound ed in ho sp it als s~ys - ~ 8 been added . Put the solution and fa thei, ho\\eier , haR the <lire load- fPJ s hou ld be l ike thlfk c ream Rt11 ° the J:ds into a g r anite pnn and let mented . cu :i;;a rnsl him evPry t ime. Ji'.1sl:11on• in nbout th rer-cpiarters of :i ponnrl Let me assure a ll that proud a' '0~§ AT . • ~8§ f>taa-d ou the back of the stove. I ol1 ang e ro nt1nuous lv, but he alw aye or cold while fi sh, fr ee from skin and we are of our own brave and devot- •

WOMEN AS STREET SCAVENGERS hc8 lo pny t he b1ll , and llP to tl1e bones, r!iop 1I1e mixture t'rom a tab le- ed men, \\e are (1f it bfl poss1ble)

TO c1;J•JA "' IOD CLOVF:S: T o co mmenc e menl o( th e wnr hi; bur- epoonful into ier) l'ot r.ir, and f1 y st ill mme proud o[ those who, f1 om

«' lMn kid glo1 es, make a thin p aste "r flo u r a nd gasolene. Dip lhe g love• into this, and rub the paste well in· to . them "\\ith the lingers or with a

head , women are s tated lo b e em- other day tllRl i f wo men would on ly garnish with h slf-sl ices of lemo n ii ca, hn \'e volunte e re d so 1ead1l) At Newcas tl e-on -Tyne and Gate- Jr. A femal e publ 1r1s t tleclarccl th e l . . lrnli a , New Zealan d and Soutl1 Af-

ancl pa rsl-P~', and s~ne hot. played a s s l1cet scavenge r s, and, JC jcc11scnL to dress rnt1ona!ly h'.1.II the a nd \\iloleh e arted ly to help in the

de n w a r. g ro 111n g heavier unceasrng- lo a golden i·olor .Drnin, di>h up, the ft ee Domrnions of Cdu ada, Aus- ~

,;mall hand brus h Tben hang the job One of them, \\ho had pre- stant aneous ly obliterated. The p \PRIKA POTATO CU BES. ism and to mn lntaln human 1f1 eedom reports a re co rrec t, th ey illce the m1~ery rn the 11ol'ltl would be in- I --- fight aga ins t d esp otism an rl m 1litar-

gloves in the o pen air un til they are v1ously been a wnshenvoman, said of statement i n rheto11cal, but it is •Cu l cold, boiled potntoe~ lJJ s mall >1.d ind ependence. The wo rrl s u t·

dr)', and shnl<e the flour off . lf her new o ccupation ·-"lt'a t hat fon nd cd on the solid ror l• of truth. culJes, ! h e r e sh ould be ll\ o cupfu ls. tc re cl by Yl r . Asquith 'a tew days

th&y have •till a n odor of gasolene, health)'! 'Nltv. wh e n I was gomg Wl10 ra11 esl 1nrnle t he s um total of Put in ,1 " 1uce pan, and add t110 nntl a i;o, at th e r?-openrn& or the Jm- 1

Je:tve t hem near~.,, ge ntl e he 31 fo l' a n out waf1h1ng, pPople always usea '°!m enial s uft" Prin !( that is <'Utrnecl hy \ onn-11.l lf tables poonfnls o l llllllPI', periol Parliament, ma\ be ciled (not I

hour or ,tw o be sa;rng, 'Yon don ' ! look Rl rong; dPb t? And w ho wtll \ Plll 'ire to l an1'. stir 11ntlt l111t te1 , q lllPl tecl, tl1r 11 l1111t ro11·ohoralio11 ,,, n •cese, • .i·i l In

yon' 1e no colo1·.' .No w ihey l. ee p I deny th at a g1·e.1 l purl of tlie u npn1'1 SJ)rll !l,le ".' 11 h <-tit !lllrl gPn ero n'111 ro rroborn tion ot 1111·; "'."o won! ' of iF'AT ST_\J.'\S· Shoulcl hot fat or I t h 1 ;\d l 11 t I

nny Jdud b e s pilt upon th e k1lrhen nnd rook 1ery "O\\ I uni I 111e p oln l you! You' 1e gelt ing !at on 1l - a b le cloth in g Ruppl1Ptl ro wo me n on I' · ·· 1 • 1 8111 0 u ie Tl o11.>e will ogr ee,' 11e rrnu · saying, ''If;. )'01 1r work's Rlltll,ng lb1 ll s or m .111!<111tl 1·r prer,r n1 s fn£l11o n- 111 PU 'J,d _·, '.,mi ' 0 coiPr_,

1a,l rnii·atiou can ]Je loo .iro


ng, J am

tnble pou r cold water on it cl1rec lly and yon r an se" what .L olor I'v e the c·redil o f tl1 e holl"f'lath cr? Not l toes l.1a1 p alm~sL alJ;o rlJ er' thP m il l;, "for t h e g:i ll.rnll) and rP Rource d 1s-1 'rlli s wJll cause 1t to hard en fJU•clt- lhP lme rPcurel Le g lJoul tor ty l Jy and prevent it s onkrn g into the gnl." Tn l•, djnhurgh a t.rm or roal every wcman, nl courRr- , "o,Prtmn . ' I ' ' ' " u pla ye d b y lhe who! ,, of our arm;~~.

m erch nn l- is trying tlrn Pxper1mrnt l lhe rmrn la hl r" n<: n m aLIPr· of r u >J- lmi n uJ c .. ,. l and , 1r l war gi1P on P con np1 c uo uR 1 wood ll ca n b(' scr aped off with n o r wom Pn ro:.L1 hPa\'f' r~. The wonJPn. tom, but tl1r wome11 ar? few ll1d,,e1 I t1l11 stral1on, by tJ,p (l. U>J t1a1ian and

lmife. and Lhe sp ot \\U sh e tl with liot a ll of whom ha 1P 11?Pn aeru1to10ed 11h o tlrPRS in sl ri r l a rrordan re with nl('i .~ • ' l-t !•: .\~I · .'e w Ze aland iroo1is. thron ::;, llou l

,'\\ater. WhPn no mai l: wil l rPrualn t o hea vy farm 11 01·!<. n re performin g tlw 11· mPan s from one yea1· to nn- flimm r i "p inl or milk wilh a l lL- th e>e hauirdou s an d arJ11011 H opPra -t · 1 l I tie l enwn 1 :ml or stJ< }{ r innnmon, •ro ~TT~;.![) If101' l 'ANS Tn m pnrl their o\\n d11lie~ 1n a sa 1s ar ory lo th r r . 'f l1 ri SPX, r nn si deretl U H " t

1 1 fl d S tl t tious"

rnanaF1-. wh o le , 111 a.1•e 1· itahlP r. lave ol' t'.1Rl!lon 1111 1 niee Y a voi ll · ·moo 1 wo Th on sa ntls or "'Gt1lldNl mrn hail I l1oles in '.Il l i rnn p a n insert a fla t "r iie av? r agP wornau, 1,'lrn t ever b e lubl eHpoo n f nl: of g 1·01111d ri r·P with .1 ing fi om the ('ommollweal lh ancl .0

ln1llo n w 1Lh a slrnnlc tlirou glt th e 11t tl r r olu 11 IJ· Adrl u t 1b lespoon l hole 1 rom l il r in side. t ll ('ll dl'iVP " SAME WlJRK, SAME PAV. h e 1· soci. il sla' u s , r eg arrlo. lt :u; :1

1 i. • • • - ' thP llomiuio11 hal'e now J)ern drnftPt

emnll 11.1·1 ll1rou?,h !he Jll'O]Pc·11 np; PO"il il el.1• Ha• red dut i lo bP "" >i m.irl 111] ol "" g ar .1n LI t11e yo lks or lwo [to En g l>l • •~. and a !; t l1r rrnrn be 1s of - ---- t- - - as poHRfb le , a n tl lo IJP s ma1 f II is Pgr,s , and ,ibo th e wtn~ cu l•PatPn mPn 10 br considered nncl denlL wilh ~

sh'.1nk o n lh e outside .19 1Ightl; " "

PO'-ible . " ,\s th e i·esnlt of llP!',Oliation s he - (lOO('nlrn l th:i t s ho m 11Rl l ip • in thP ,,,ff !} Pou r lhe ho t m ilk Oll IO 11 UH gro 1\n, th e volu nt :iry \\Olk or I ~

OOlLI~C f 'R .\J'KF.D BGCc;· TC wny :il! en, th e (; e nPl'lll illanagP1',' IJ • foun d nowa tl.1yfi-O\\n1ng an in - saurepan, and • lir o1•Pr gPnl l.P h Pnl "Th e A1 rn trallnn War Co11lingr-nt "..s- ' lween lil t• :">JalJo nal Un1011 or nail- Cashion ." Wh c l' P is the \\ 01na11 t o I th is R Plu rn t he mixture lo flip m1111s te r ing to t h em 11:1' g:rCJ\', II too 'I r·omm1ttPe , and th e Board of' T1· '-td e, dul genL 111 1Rb'11ll] 01· rathe1-wh o I to r a few mrn11te R •Pour th!S into IROCJat 1on," \'.hich h a s b r-r> n fo unded 0

~·cu wis h to b oil eggs whiclt havr b ceu c r oc kNl, a •ld a tP.C:Crnpoonrn l of

i;alt lo Lhe waler, anti tlrny will rool,

\lilhout losln!'; any of th" ir "hlle.

Lonrlon, 1t ha s !Joee n cl Ptermined th at e'.'P l' i·rnars o u t. :. d i·c>~R. i e, w?arR 0 WPilHI monlil, nnd a ll ow to RPt. specJa l lY 10 look after lh• intere 0 ls [jj the pay or 11•om1'1 1 employed on ra il- 1a dreRR a < lnn g as il I ~ se r vir·e abl o I \:.J1en qn.1 te ~o~d , t nrn out and servr- ot U1 e Ausllali« 11 womHl etl comln& .. -·

not 011 h el'orP th e war, s hall be the for h e r in vain w ith tenR of t h ou- I ta <:0 o! wo rkin g 111 assor !at Ion 111l.1

~========·~===~ minimum men 's pay of those sand s ol offe rs or m n rriagP- l11i s I PIT~Ji' P: ' nD;NcS nncl uncle l' the wing o[ the C'ommon -

ways m rapac:-Jties which lh e y d id ,The masc uline wor lrl rn se£U'<' i1ln i:; i11l li fn11l o1 J"'"·_ to th is. country, Ii.as th e ~ual :uh an,· 111

gmcles." 1111r e and utte rl y A!nslve wom an . Tfolf a pint mi lk, < lb flour, ~wn lwen lth office" , and YP I bo1ng lree lo l di 1 11 t find h er p gg<; , rn 1 rant~. 2 oz Sllgor, fl.n.\orm g . worl\. oul its own tl es t'lny as c1tc11m-

~.~;s; :.1~e t:~e w;,. ;~,~;R m~~t or Roriety \\' ell grP.asr some Rm a ll moulds or stan ces .tn tl ex pPrl enre may d eride

A PARSON ON MODERN DRESS a sse mbl C's. In a ll such plareR ciery r.n p ;, and mnlrn a better with '.he It is q uJle in acc ordan ce wlth tho

fro ck rn nAw and morl elle cl li ke lt8 m ilk, Pggs, nn d flot11· by s mooll11nrr ntn ess of U1ings that Sir Ocorge [5j

Du ring a s pcerh at thP Women 'e. n eigh bor, nnrl :i week o r a mon I h

H?nllll Assoriatlon m eetin g , at Ho- h Pn co the frocks w ill he fresher •ti ll

bart, ArcJidei1t•on Wh it ington dea lt becau se cnt to differe nt pa ttP rns

seve rel y w ith the dre•-" of m any * mo dern ~oun g wome11 He s aid th at Prin r 1pa l Harlow once dcrl nrecl

the young wo ma11 that parad P. d the "that to rxpect. a tl'acl1e r to dea l s uc­s treels wi th neck exposed in front, CP SRfu ll y wi t h s lrfr.11". 11ntlerfrd el1il-

and WPa r l11g tran s parent stocking • dre n was a s abs urd a s to e::pect a

»nd J11gh-llee led s boP•, only made rondurtor to handle nu orehPstra 1n p!Ln l or halt an hour. Serve hol w1tll jmore we lcome 1· 1s1I or to til e hosp ita ls .

JRm. · · Lhan Sir George himsol l , with hi• her•;elr au ohJect cl' am11semenl. !l e

tl1e fl ou r with a lit tle of the milk Reid should be the p reR1de.nf of the ·=· and ndrl in g thP eggs well b ea ten. associat ion, and it goes 1"1thout sav · 1 Beal a ll thoroughly Add th e re- Ing, foo, th ut Sir Qeor gp JS no m ere I

m ai ndPl' ot the milk, s11ga r, nnrl ftnv- fig ure-head pre<'.dent 1 \\US ass u;·-\

or lng Three ra r ts fill the cu ps and lecl that the fligh Corum 1ss1oner w a3 NI

dro p into ea r h a lf'aspoonful of ~nr- wor ki n g day anrl n:glir rn t11e 111l0-I C

l'a nls . ('ov e r with g r ea secl paper and ! rests o r th e m l'allded m en, und l r:, i:'.J

s t ea m 111 a frying pan or flat saure- can " e ll !Jehevo that the1 c i n no I wl11rh every In s trument was 011t of • n e i·er- ra1!111g cheeriness nod l'eadr

hoped 1l1e assoern t ion would glle t un e." El' er y pe r son wbo has 11ad PUDDlNC FOR AN IN\ 'ALTD humor The secretary of the nsso-l J

some good n.dl'i re 111 th e matter. Th e the rare of a chi ld In health nntl in 111x fL dessr-rtspoonful or flour ciatlon, M r P . . J Hold • wo11h, ' " u11

parson1 cal id:a of " "'.lit.l'.)J e d :es• slc l,neRs wi ll readily agree w' th s 11 ri' I w1lh water or mtll' llll smootll, h11t lt!Pn l man fo r the post, and bkPs

for women JS a s ombie, s hapPI ss , a Rtatem?nt Not Jong ago, iadPPd, not thin. grnrlnall y add a c npful of hi s oni re 1 ery seri ously, nnd . al th e

dep1essin g rolPllng, prelrrnbly I Dr. F:l 1zabC>lh Sloas t'bess9l', in a lec- 1 warm milk , then add a bPatC>n e gg- same time, ve ry eheerlly and happily

drab , from the ea r s to the heels . tu1e al tbe !nsl ltute of H yglPue on with sugar aJHl tlavormg us des1 r pd T he exec ut ive comm1tlPe lnclucles

Prom a health point ol vi ew th e " The Heaith ar.d DevelopmPnl of Butte r n Hmall bas in or large cup, m Pn s u<'h a s Si r lcdmunrl narlon and , --------------.1 uress of the mod e rn young woman is G irl s ," i11 slele d "lha t harmon y w o11l d po111· Jn the mixlui·e and plare thP :vtr Josepl1 Harling', J S 0, la te

HORNE'S KIDNEY BEANS about the beet yel t1 vl se d The o~en I be brough t into m a ny homes 1r \ purl(]111g In a steamer or in ho11lng cha irman or liH1 P11hli r Serv lrP ('om-

P.llng Kidney Health. n eC'k lentls lo strengllie•.1 ihe tin.oat_ i110 1·e mot hP.rs •o nght ro1· l1P11.1t!J I wate r , :rnd rook from twenty to ml Rs ion of New So11lh W a les. 1 hail One bottle n. ll f' \ln.tes l~ iU ney Con- d h t t1 e s horl Hk i 1t gives f 1ce I

c •stlon. Bo clmclrn n1H\ all !lilied all· an r es • 1 · · · 1Paso 11 s behind the exaspe rat111g th1rly minutes. the priv1I Pge or a chal w1lh Mr men t• Post free, 2/6. dom or movement, and th e openwork ways or th eil' diffi cult daughterR." --- l3a rl111 g, who also seemed t'o mr to

P . C . HOB.NE. CEEllIS'l', Etc., •tocking, is C'OOl and cle anly Th e iThe good temper of the eupeptir- FfllF:D JIIUTTON be es se nt1ally lhe l'Jght man in the I

l.-4•T •E•'N•~•t•O•H•E•-R•D-, •N•E•W• T• O- W•N•.-• modern yonng woma n, piqua nt , al- I pPrso n is wPll known , and s kld.1· T~1ko some s liCl's o r cold l?g or rlgl1l pl ace 111 helpt ng- and helping

ert, full of bea ltb and s pirits anil 1 undl'lfed C'hildrPn cannot de,Plop mutton, an egg, a tPaspoo nful or ri ght royally and wi se ly - in such a

William Metcalfe & CO. dres~eu in an attraPtil·e manne r, n to eupeptl c aclnlls. "ThPrP I• no I Wori · es 1 ~ r s auce , and Home hread - work as thi s. I

seems lo grt on tha nervee of the loubl," says one "r,[er, "that f ile c rumhs . ,BPat up IJ1P r-gg, s ti r i11 Pr::tet1 ca ll y a ll lhe worltern In Funeral Directors and Embalmers

'17 Church Street, Parramatta

wowsPr, whose conce ptions or lh ~ iPnllhy infant nl b irth Is Jes" healt!1)' I Worl'?Sler saure; dLp l11P me:i.t I'nlo cha rge of th e various departments or

s tatus or wom e n has no t ilevelope', 1t threP months, IPSR 11ealthy "til l al th is, roll 1n breadcrumb•, and fry In the association's work- and the

beyond oriental ideas of a lhousan t l )ear, nntl t oo or1en by thP time i t\ hot rat Rerve with a bordPr of work ha• so g row n that de purtUJ cn-

•te\eohonet • 99 a. '1 Panamatta

Rln• UP 'PbOM 11, Ll4corul>e,

d ~veloped r ickPtS or lung troubl e honorary One most important ano y

Ladles! Be Patrrotfc •hroug l1 entirely prev C' nllble rausr s." P01'A'I'OF;s AND SPINArTT. much appr eciated section Is t he ar-

1.,1.,,0urchomtatfor It Is a nnf lono l n ec'essltY to guard Boil lib of potatoes, and 11:!11sh, ranging or hos pitality during fH r -

THOS. ANDREWS Ii SONS, I KRESOLV 0 coming a burdPn on the State In lity of boiled spl n nrh. chop It up, hoRpltals that any man getting a


GROCERIES OF QUALITY. The Quality of our Provision, the exrrn LOW PRICES we offer and rxperienced salesmen to wait on customers are the three re:isons why people flock to Mark Foy's for their Tablt> Delicacies.


RPst C'rnwn llar G<l. nncl !J<l ]JPr Cl\ t :.!R / · per har 1 / ·

H Jl' Pn ••• .•. •..• per hut I / • 1' 1111li g ht ..... ' ..• pe1 l.nx 1ou.

RO A i' 1'01\'DlcRS­llrton' s ... Jfrn .. bon· ~ .. . .. ....

R ,\C BL l l l ~-- HP<'ir itt's •..• HAl\1 1'1<1 PO\\'J1l~H

1 1 · ~ t a11rl "; . . . . ..... . , . W:tug h'H .. .. . . ... . . . .

pe r Uoz j)Pl CIO Y. per 1l oY-.

l 's I 'g

NPwman s . . . . . . _ . . . . . l '"

Rovr;:R .. · : · · : · : : : : : : : ~ :: Aun t J\13r) '" . •.... , .• ] ' ~a1 r,Pnl's .,,, ,,,,,,,,, ~·s

Tv11LI< -C:olt t MP1lnl, PPr t 111 8~<1. pPl' do?., Ne,· iJr"K . . . . :"'ht. pn den. 8wnn • . . . . . 8d. J)P I' ctoz. B~cchu s Mars h 811 µe r do z

10tl , I / I


I / !.! l / 7 I I · <rtl. 8<l. I I I

""· 8 / :1 K/ :t 7 / H 7 / 0

Rl'GAU-l A .. .......... .... 701b hag, 17 / · I r· . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 70 Jb !J ug, Hl / il I >\ .. • ..•• , , •• 11er lb. 3<1.

C:O l,JJEN RYHUP-2's ... . .......•• , .. tin 7's .•..• , •• , • , • tin

T l l>iAC t.I~ -

,J' « •......• . , ••• , ••••• lln 7' ~ . . . . j I fl

1' 0.KN l"LUl l lJ:___· ....• . ...

Wndf"' t> • Var:"ion'R


1'1onk's . .. C' hamp ion's


j)!'r lb . p er lh

. . pints 31c1. quart s , .... . ••..• pe r bot.

l\(w n's , . , • , •• • ~·A 7d. D'fl l' an~on ' s ...... • J...Joose, pfir lb

l" LO ll ll -Hrunton's

<H<l. J / H

fief. 1 / H

Oll. J / ·

1 I I 1 / ·

:l / O 7 / ~

~O / (l


l'vlllclurn ..•••••. , ..... I'.AJSlNS-

M1ldurn . .. ..........•. R & A , Seeiletl .

DAT l~S L EMON PFll!JL ... MJXIDn pg1~1... ~ lb carlon s F:RRF.N('F:S-

('. & B, nil fla1 ourR M:crigoltl, all f1avo11rn ..

4oz. bottles .. Soz. boll le :;

CUSTARD POWDl~RS-~'oster Clark 's .. . . Birll' A , . . , . . . .

per lb.

per lh p e r . \)kt. pe r lb }H'r Jb. each

per bot. p e r bot. p e r bot. J) e r !Jot.

s 1r1 .


8~<1. -l ~ d.

R!<I . 5,ltt.

O~d. 7!d.

'.!. / ­:l ; fl

<l !rl, i. ar1, 10ld ]JPr pkt. Od.

f'UHRAN TR-1\mah.1 . per 11,.

.11>~ 1.J.Y ('RY S T .\IJS-Wh1te's . . . . Paeh 4~<1. pPr doz i.:o~t .. 1 • C lark's .. ~rl. per c\oz < l1n Pr s . . . . . ,, 4tl. pe r cloz. BurnPt's . ...... .

r'AJ,\'l •~R POOT .rnLLY-C & G. . . htr!\ t' JUl'R,

.. . . . . winP Hn vor~ l:ANDt,IlJS-

\V .1 x . Oon <lol:J.. Spe-·m .. .. Conda .... , ...•......•

MA'I'C HES-Snl'ely ... , lJP.I' doz. 3~d ..

PP!' doz .

p laill

p e r lb. pP.r lb. per lb.

PPr groi::;s

8~c1 .

4 / :l 3 / U ~/ 9 11<1.

J / fl 2 / -

IHd . ~ ! <1 .



R. ,~ "W. : : : '. '. '. '. '. : '. ~ :~ : 'ProRt li:1 ng,' per Lill IO~ d, Reigning Rrand, l's , fl at ,


Morton 'R .. lUppernrt, Mor l o11' s .. 11,resh, M ot tou 'M • •••

per I Ill pe r trn Jlf'I' doz. per tin

l / I & !lt l.

10; a 11 .ild

l'e 10lc1. f j3 1.l , 1 's 1 O~fl. tin, l's O ~d.

OHlENTAL (lH i\ 11, :·, ' l !d,. tin, l 'R 1 /.f. 1 / !.l PflAWNS s mall !M., ln1gP ti n

WHITEBA IT -"St. Ge oi-ge·• •••. ~·s l / :l, "Ensign"' , . ,, •• , , •••••


~~11~1~'.i\.Pn·n·e· ' : :'.: : : : : : : : : S mall .. .. .. . 1 . .. . . .. .

tin, l'R tin, l 's

l / JO l / G

per iin tij1 1. IJf'r t111 7 ! cl. 5 ti n s for • I / ·


Pres Lo . . . • . . . . . p er tm .'\.merican ... .... . .. .

PJ<JAC' Hl!JS- Jevaporatert . . APlllt'01'S- Hvapo1ut e d .. APPL ltlR-llb r•a1lonR . . . , ,." l NN J i~n Pf-<~J\( 'l l FJS-

" All C:old" ''R" Pet Nell "

TlNNEJD APR I C' OTS . , .•.. PFJARS .. .. . . . P!J lLlAPl'L~J ... . ( ' ll l ~ IU!llcS ... .

TJ NNfi·m !~g~~~~~~R~~~ :

8~d., 1 / !l,,o / IO per lh lO~d . per lb 111 .1; <1 . l;Pr lb 1 J !cl.

ncll 11 rl.

1;n Jin JiCr tlu pP1 tin per tin per ti 11 pe1 t in per tin per tiu

JI ! •I. 1/-

11 ~<1. 1 U ~r l.

nt1. Old. Riel . 7i<I.

NBS'I'Ll~'fl C'TlEAM-Per lio PLL' 1 l'lllJDlNCS-

8. & A ..•• , ... , . , , , • •• RosC'lla, ba.shrn . , , .. ...

7ll .. Od., 1 / fl &. l / 10

P:t 1 / 4, 21-. a; a I / II, '.:. / I, :l/7

T f)A JAT(J i-:'\ lll'l~--Marh F'o v'8 . . .,. pPr bot Lu c lt e r ~teen 's . ..


a.1, doz ua11 , d m

~'reemau 'a, pPr~bot. 7 ~d .. per doz BIJTTE) H-

l''lnes t N fl \V ('1·eawery . pe r lh. Large1· quni11it!es . . ... . p er lb.

BACON -l<'n1 mors ' Uallarat, any

quau11ty In ' Htoc k .... p e r lb.

.; ; o 11 / :1

':' / :l

l / (I l / 6!

years ago. is oltl enongh to go to school it has mashed potatneg, tal isl og has berome esseollal- are II""§:I

IDr Doal&nr of Mamorlala, •le., poat rr• th e Infant and prev ent 1t from be- t bem. 1-J nve ready the same quan-, toughs . Notices are posted in tlle

....,actuaa el -W'I ~ el W...., TlaoAoti••olic D••iofec laal later yp:1rs, and one oC the best and thoroughly mix It wllh the pota- furlough and havin g no. pl ace to go

M-. 1 .. .u 0.,...,...... mPthods of eft'ecttng thi• end wa by toes; acid s alt , pep per, a l itt le g roundl to may have a homP PMVfcl ?d fo1· ~ !L,.,,.,__ llailwar·llt. aa4 •u~ ~ ~•oft IN AUS1RAUA lhe traln!nr of girls. untmeg, and ~ OE . ot butte1·. Work him on appl;tng ro the association . ~ s--~

II• er4er WI! li&r•• r - Neat te11 11-U. ""


00d ~ ~~==i -~-l!=ir=~--=!IJ ~a ff





l'&JICIS OP THJI BAILWAY SEBVICE SUl'EBAJl'llU.t.TIOlf ACT, 1910 110 1 he H oa1U s ha ll c:o 11 s 1s t o r scvcu pc~~u u s 11u111c1y-t1u oc appol ule<l

bl t ho Uu\.J1no1 Lo i a L('1m u t th e ) ears t h1cc eltc t ud 1?1 u t e r m or t h i e f! :v .:uts 01 ''hum t\\O s h a ll be e lec t e ll b y the 0Cllc t>1 ,_ in th e t a llwa ) sc1 v ice Ktl(I 0 1te by t h e otlke1s ln t o o l l (llU\\ay s ervice un tl e 1 iei; u ln tio n s m a.d e u11der t hi s P tut ot tlll~ H l an d th e Chi e f Commts slone1. '"ho i:thall c:ic. uUlclo b"" cha.!1 m rn o r the H oard

111 On urn rla \ioi n 1J11o lnt e d r o1 pavme nt or tll a sa lnrJ' and emolu m F>nts u! a ny o ffi ce r u d cd tu.:tl on s hall b e m ad e f r om suoh s a lnr) and emoulments of a • um no t e x ct'ec.llng one nml o ne h a lt p e rcentum t h ereo f

llJ. A 8Upe1a n11 uatto n all o \\ance ls pn) abl c to au o ffl cer -( a) \\ ho Is o'ri tlb::f y Je lt.rs of a.~e and h as retire d afte r ten yea 1!l1 or l n :er

SCI 'o ICt! U l

(l>) who Is un~•er ftl.x:t' ) ea t s or agE" an<l has n.fl e t t l' , ) ear s' o r 1on,er St>t\lcf' hee n compell~d to u t lre t h rou g h lnfl tmlt y or bod> or mind not ea.used hy ln tt.;>mpera \ e h n b l t s, such hifirmily b eing du}) ce 1t l1H d t~ th d sat1~rnct 1 u n of the B oard ar. ll kel} to b t p~ rrn a.ne nt or

(c ) "ho I" \llH.h =t c:t xt y y ea rC\ of age a nd w hose se n lcPs ha v e b Ae n d ls p e n sf'l\ " 1 t h :..i fll:!J ten yea. r s or longe r s~ 1, l ee b l 1 ea.son t ha t his otth. e hns bet- 11 PlJo ll shfld ::rnd no Olher ot11 C'e \\hPt llt'I Jn t he 1al l\Hn 0 1 t r a m y,a. y Ol Jn &'l\ ot h er b1nnrh ot' t h e public s e 1\ ice h a.-111 been f u u n d for hl ro at n o t ess t ha n the ~l !<lh s o t nl s sa l:i.1 .>

\.ti t ~fr~ u'r 8t~l~t!~~~e~ntlun ull uw nnce s ha ll b e pa.; cibl c eaef.i ) ear f or th e re!il t o f'

i;;;;,n h r.llo\"\ nnC'c ~ha ll subj PC' t to ! h i~ P!:ll t o r lh1s Ar t a m ou nt t o onP a l x t!Hh of u n uc1ag<' take n of Lh e ann u a l ~:-tl.:iilt>~ nntl Pmo l umPn l ~ of tile n tfi <'f>I du1 ng lu:-i tf>1 n1 c I offite rn u lt i pli r d IJ ) the numbet 0 , complete y t! B. l s or h is =~l~l\ 1 1~\~lO~~ll;l C~J~;tl no t {!XL:eed l\\O t h l t dS Of th e ~n ernge ti f such :\ Onllul 9 'd a 1y

115 \ 11 \ ofnccr w h .'.> hel;i a ny office in the se n kc on l he fttsl tlflY or 0 <' 10b<>r ont' tliousa ru.1 rn ne l1u n d 1 P(l a nti te::n s ha ll no l" 1ths t a 11 cllng h is 1 o t h o.' lug conti lb1 ~'cl by \\ l Y o l '1 educ tlor. tram his sula.1 y a nd en olo rnentH c'h11 l n ~ his 11a~t ~Ht \ lto t o r.o\ frt1111 Pri l P.n h-. aJs ::; 1 pe 1 ~ 11 11o a t on A cuount b u " n l 1le d to t he supern.n nu 11 t1 o n ll10 Y.a11 c(' s u. 11 cl g 1:i t u 1UC'H J1c 1dn pro \ld ed su\J j ect t o suc h u n <Jt nu d tbutcme n t ts on l hc (~ ltl ti nLtC' of .. tn i 1.: l t!J c11 1 u!ull 1 ln lllc Uoa r ll I~ Pqu h. 1le1 t l o unc 1ml o rlf 1 t lr pc1 ccntum 0 11 l h c .. o htl a l R lips an d cmo lu rnt' nt R 1ccel\ d L ) ~ 11 <' h ofh1..:1 pr lo1 to t h e snl J ut\ l C 0 1 t h o ., rf!c(J mil) 1t 111s o pti on pa~ in one su m 01 b v th e 1itc"'c1lbe d 1nsta l :nf'nt~ e'7t P11Cfln.,. O\f' t lirt-e \ Ca• "' a ll5 Ufll cq uh a l cut t o o n e- und 0 11 l! h I! pM c• n t u1"'.1 o n such t ot d :saln ru :-. and e 111 o l u m e 11 .. s a nd subjf'C t to R 1c h pay m ent hia • hall oe en t I Lied l O hl t:1 s u 1Je1 :'.I. n n u a t1 0 11 n I lo \\ a n ee \\I thou t aha t em e n t

116 A g ra t 1.1it ;,. not ex ce edi ng t\\ o m onths sal:u y o. t th ~ t he n n.te f ur e-ach C'1 m PlC'te ' <'Ut rr sei' 1rP fi nd not l P' ~ lh 111 six. 1110 11tl1s sa ln1 y s h a ll be p a y s hl\\ t o nnv 'fn "c1 \\ ho Is 1r1capacitatf'rl trom the fu ttlut d ischru ;;e ot hie et lt\~s h' ft>'\!'inn rir bo d ily lnJ 111les tcCCl\Cd 111 the cou r c:e o t h is dut y tnd '" h1 1rt1rPs f 1om l ht> !Se '1re lf Ucfo1e pa)men t or th e >flUtult} such olflce r d les f r om -=ur h ln J Ul \ t h e,.. 1luitv shall be payalJle to hl'l " 1d o \\ 01 H }!.., d oes not leo.\ e a "ldo w to h b p£'r sonal 1 epresi;nt a ta \ e s to be a d mmts tered as p n1 t ol ht!-i es t t. lc

117 A t.id.lUlt ) not P:\'.<'ee l l n g one mo n ths .. a1 ny :lt t h e t hen rl. t e f o r e ac h C'O m pl e t e lftll o*' se1, 1re sha ll b e pa:'!'.:i.ble to a n y 1) tficer-

t a ) \\ ho is u n (] ~ 1 '-'iXt ) ) ~ l l" Of ug~ rl 1Hl a.flC .. J ps~ t ha n ten ). E'a l ~ ~e rvi rH•0: has brf'n cornpel l ~d to 1eti1c th1 o u g h 1n fi 1mlt' o f b cal v o r mind no t raU!"!flrl by l 11t t m pe1n t e J1nb l t s s uc h i nfi1m1ty llPlng ilul ) c e r tifie d t o th e " a t! ,.facl1011 UC the B o a t d a s like !) t o be pc1 m a.n 1 nt or

(b) r. hos " c:::p 1" <'f'~ h r. ' P J-.pe n d l~:q w:-.c:::ed "l t h oth e 1 \\ lsb than for an offence il nd w h o is rot t> n t ltled t o .n. M1pP1a :i rn a t1o n n1lo \\ Once

118 \Vh ('n a11 o!Tl ce r ls n: po1 1 e d un n '" t o Pf'l f<'I m J11 s d u t lPB IJv 1 E'::tson -.r any t n tilml t\ o f' body or "ll lnd th e C l11ef C oni m 1s""l011P1 may a µpoinl t h r ee d ui) q1wlifif'd mf'd1cn l p1 actitl one1~ t o exnm rn t! and 1t'p01t utlo n hi s co n Olt lon " ul m lY al,.,o 011 ecL thP h ead o r t he d cpn rtm en t 01 b1a n 1.. h in whi c h h e ls f' n i.' l n ' e rl • o report on thP mi:inner i n Vi hJch his dutle~ ho \ e 1Jpe11 pe r fo 1 m eU ] t' Oil i:i;uch I t>pOt t~ It a.ppca.1 s to th e B oa t d to be fo 1 t he pu blic Interest n 1::: mo. \ 1E>ll1e upon t he s up e1an n u a tion allo wa nce p1 ov 1de '.l b y t h is pa 1t et t hl~ \ C' t

119 (1) "hPn an o m c-e1 wh 0 1u1s utirrd ft nm t he SN\ Irr t h"OllR'h tnnrm\t) of borh oi; mind is rn I '"t Plpt if t supe r an n 11a.tlon 11lowanre 01 llns rcceh e d a tr1 Gtu11 \ liE' ~ h n ll !'! 11lnn1 t hl m c::e l f 101 t1ed tcal fox1111!nnt1nn ur-> and \\he n 1 e QL1 i1 P<l bv t h £' no.:i1d and ·he 11 1 a l~ es d e l a ul t in comnl\111.:;- \\lth snrh 1 <' '1 lll r t~mc> nt q ~n\ fi lll e1 1 111uutln n :.:i ll O\\UJH.:e 01 g1 utuln s h all cco.i:;e to b e pa)O.b le during s u c h d f>fau lt

( !? ) Tf In t hP L>Pi n lo n or the B o ard the I1eallh of n.n' s u c h otncc r has ?l r>rome ~n i P'-'tvr ..i d n~ to ~ n a.b l e him to p er fot m h is d u ti es th e Chi e r Com · 1n1 ... ~\nnf'1 mn 1 t1nl1.., }11m to 1esumc c:1 11h t.1 utfro" 0 1 t o t111d P1t::tkc ::un o t hi> r <1111 1\lS ltl l ht- "tl\ICC' fo t "hlch he 1s qtnlified nt hi s fo1rnic>1 RU IHI\ un d t lle 1e u :ion un "" llPel t 111u n io n u ll 0\\8 H CC' g 1anled to q1 eh olllc 1 ~hall ""a Re to he p:.n ::i. Ul~ But In h<" e\ <' n t ur t he r~ c111 1 ence nf. hts 111n1 mtt > the o m ce1 sha ll h,.. e 11tl l l" ll tu hi,; ~upe 1 annuat1o n :::!. li O" UlC€ to15Plht>1 \\ Ith an'.I. inc r EOAe 1n t he ~Qlllf' to \'\hllh hf' \ CI Ul<.1 b t> P11llllcfl f 1om tdd 1t1ona\ lC'ng t h Ot se. r vl<.'e

lf ::tll) ~ucli nffil"Pr \\ hO h afi JPCCl\ed a g r aL1ill tnlls t o 1psnm e o t u 11der· 1 tkP s.1u '"l1di ~ whf'n ~o r eq ul r e d t h P Bo t ill m::iy 1 eCO \ Pr from him a s a • "\~ 1 1 tJt thf' amnunt of ~u c h g 1 ntu d). a nd pa ) t he s:ime 1nto t he Gove r n m M1L Rail"a'~ ~up.oronn u n.l1o n A ccoun t

120 ' ' ll t.11 an orflrP1 dlel'I \\ h l\st I n the sen C'e hi~ wldo'' or lt' he dOPR ri ot I 1\f' l \\ ldo \\ hi~ pe1sonnl 1eprl""'f'n tat l\ es slu ll h13 en t lt l t"'d t o a iefun d o r t he decJucuons ma d e f r o m h is ~o.lo.1 ~ ti.nd emoluments 11nlle1 t hl~ na.1 t or t h\q .Act to~Pth r>r \\Ith intP r el>lt nt llrn 1at e p1eR<.'11bPd on r!H• a m o u nts o! such ll r-ou<'tlrns f1rom t h" c1n t Ps " hf"n thP\ ~e P \('"'pe c t1\Fly nH1dP

121 IC :l Jl 0 0tce 1 1 Pt 1 ('A u p on 1 superannu ttlon ollowan e nnd dleA "\thin E=LX month~ lllfl ~tn.h I t'll em<>11t 1 11 ~ J PHPSPntat1\P8 1111). 1er>el\e t i;:.11 n ~hlC'h ! ~ erin:l.\ lO )hC" cl !l'ferP rHP ""t wf'en thl" actna l amou1 t o*' ~upe1nnnun.tl:-rn 11!10\\ a nce recelvP d by h im ::i n d trh e tota l dPdn ction~ ma o e un d e1 thi3 pa.i t o t t his .Act In 1Ps p ec t o f hlc:: sa l ::u y a. n d Ptn olttm cnts

122 \"\ hf'n Dn o ffkP r \ o ln n t :;ull} r e t trP.c:: "tf'r SP\ \ i<'e fo1 f\ f tPen \P~\IS n\ l o n ger h P shlll on a. rertJ fi cnte rf good c-onduct being f ur n ishe d to thf' Boa1 d b e e1 1t1t led to a.1etunc1of 111e deduC'tlo 1 ~ mlde f1 om hlA t!nJn1y a nd e m o lument s u ndPr tlus pa t o f this Ar't b u t "1t hou t a l1) inte1e.!:!t thef PO Jl

1~3 No o llire 1 s h a ll 1ec e1 \ c 01 be enti tl e d t o a n } ~llpt> 1 n n111Httl on a ll ow a nc" 0 1 ~"Intuit\ In T<"SllNt of ~o much of hi~ ~nl~r) an d <'mol ume nt ~ as Is i n P X C~~~ 1,1f t'le. h t Inn d 1 t <l p c un<.ls: 1w1 1 flltllrn 1 id 1 o o lll r P ! s trn.ll be ll abl~ t o * d e J tH tlon 11n ll P1 t his pa r t of tlu::. .Act from so muc h o f h is iC! al a n .o. n<l ernolununts a!<! I!'\ I n CXC'Mt!'\ 0f t llnt amount

124 \ 10nl!) s poi; abl e 11 nd,:.1 th1s J) u t ot l hl~ Ac t shall b e eer tlf\ed by th e 13orucl

125 .\n \ officP1 c.llsmli;:~tcl from th e SPn! rf" ror m 1~con cluct ~hall f o rfei t a ll ri::.hto:; lo<;:: I! t.1:-i.nnurit1011 tllo...,,Jnr~:-1 nr g1 itu1L1,...., Bu t I f he was d l" n11 ssed t o r a cau<;te \\I (;tl In t lH' < IJlll rn 11 11,.. Hn r I lid nnt nmn1111t tn !'IC>r 1011s m l~ tvnduC't l\ c mty l f'<'f"1\e a. refund ot au eh no1t1on or the d Pduc t lon m ade from b is sllt.n 1..:: tt ir k o:.J 1U rnt) thl11.. 1 111 unr lt r tll l hP < lr c-u mstanc .~3

HlS \_ 81lJH1nllllllOll allU\\ll t! shdl l t t IJ lf)Lllh ot b(;l u s a~s l gnecl o r cha. r ged o.nd Ah il l not h~ 11n1Jl, to be 8eizect or ~o l d u nder any p 1 oce~3 e r la \\ l\ n ) g 1n l lt h ) p1)0.ble uur.le r t his po.1 t of t llls AC' t t a th e r epresenta· U ""0 uf a dt:l! ~use d o tfice i s h a ll n o t b~ assets fo l th e payment ot hl» debts.

mon th~ ie r' Ice 0 3 eurn fi mou111 •, tr:im.v a ; o, nt 21 U per ,In) en tere d th P \ l1olJ Pr could bP sec ured, the prem- BRANCH MEETINGS. PERISCQPIC PARS. I COST Of LIVING IN AMERICA r~ t l 1 e u 011 H / 11/l f> with a penslo n l Se nlce O il ~ 0 /7/ 14 11.rn •l l• ml..,,e d 11•111 payuwutA bern111 P ulrmo•t Inte r -or .); 7 [i 11 s pe r a1111um 011 u/ 11/l fi ro1 ha ving assaul ted a I n1111 a ble, and " ould ce1 la inly r esult ---•~--i;,.11111111t•11I " 11mle1 oo l""" ut ug< lli)0 1f'1 11hllxl on dul i He wn s inu11t In loss Jl w,IH l!>1•11 ll th11 m any e 11 1- N~NC,\N, 'lhe 1 lty ~, lectious.-Bcc ause oC JI iA 111t Prcs ll ng to note llH' con-

rn<\ AI IJ~ N ll f, l J,Alll>c l rt1t 1r1 rtl .1 1rl1111 rt of hi " 1 011 tnb 11 L10 11 ~ 11loJPe8, hH v111 g ti •nsf<1 re <1 poll tll'!! 1110 h it ~'"'' of the Labo • candid• trs ilu klo1 1B ol llte Am 01 uau Hun au of lorn 1,1111\ ,L) H ,tged 57 l 'HI 1 ~· 1·1v li , ll / 8 lo thA Boatd n11 leA.,•lni:- the l:'~rv1 co 'I lle Nyugan branch 111 uti11 g \\Ill at llie S)d uey ni unlcip ol e !tlc ti ous Labor ti t a tJ at lrs concern ing t he n a l'i•r oo 1oiJ r a 5 month" , 11>1 s rellH cl RUHNII RD J, J i\8 1,ll 11 orLe 1, forgot a ll a bou t tl1e1r m~ ura nce he he ld "t Nyngan 1a1 l1'a y J ta lion, 1n t110 co•t of llHng In that ~uuutry "" ,,/9/! fi \\Ith a. pcna1011 o f £0 ~ lb l tr ,1Jfic 1a llw•vR, al D/ - p Pt da1 , '" Mr (' l>nn lle trl that lh o pay ment on Fllday e\ enln g Deccmbc1 l llh ~·~v~~~Yd~=I~ :::P:i~~~5Ho:i~~:e ;, aa::d durmg th e las t e ight years The pu1 anu1u111 le • <? d ll rn Sf' rv1cn on ~/3/14 was dis of t hese pre!l'.lrn ms formed part of a Bu sin ess lll lec llon of olltcers fot every p erson \\ho desires the good Bureau placed the average of one

V.M IL l!JNRY J,l'l'HGOW , dri vu1, mlsscd on Z~ /10 /15 101 be in g a n c ont1act ente rer! m to with lhc poM- 1916, elec t1o u o( delegate to Confe r- government of t he c hie f city 111 th e hu ndred pe r cent fo1 1913, and up­loco r.¥1iwuys aged Hi years 4 alien subJec t li e was granted refund C> holdoTs, and he would not favo1 e11ce, also uusrn esH fot Cou(erenco Stale, must vie" wlth misglvrng the 411 lltis a verage th e ftguiea f o1 l11 e months, se1v1ce 21 yea1 s Ilelhed o( his <Onll !1mllous, "", £1 ll s l Od an y alle rat1ou It was eventually As thls JS a very impor tant m cetmg result of the city elections,. 'l'hls eigh t } eaors, 1907-1914, are based on 29/9 / 15 with a pension of £73 Th e cases or EDWARD GOODWIN, decided to cou9ld er the ma tte r al the branch secretary 1eques ts every

18 an :lmpllcatiou that all the e lcc- The fi gures r elating to l11 e p11 ce o f

l6s per annum conductor, ti am ways , P&Il CY JNO next meeting, it being generally con- member that can possibly attend, to tars -who voted La.bar lack self-re- foodstu ll'.s rise by gradual stages Olllcers who Dietl "hHst in the Ser- HAMPISHIRE, elect1l c drive r, tram- ceded that the only ""Y out was 110 put lu an ap pe11rance Members spect, and do not desire to see good room 81 9 ip er cent 111 1907 to 102 0

•Ice. ways, ARTHUR FREJDK L HARP ame ndment o! the Act that are sllll In arrears, and are government lt ls safe to predict per <Jent In 1 914 Statisti cs com-Re fnnd s oe contribu t ion s \\ em LE Y, porte r, rall\\O.VR WM l(gN- Mr Clvne a lso brou ght for\\ a rd not hold et s ot October to December that the Labor representatl \ea In the piled by the Burea u abo show that

gon u l ed t o Ill e r epi esentntlves or th e :-JIDSSY, ll lte1 'H nsS18la11t loco rall I tlte matte1· of the placing o r uuti t tc kets , are lo romember lltat the City Council v.1!1 be ably a3sl st~d ln there bas been a general t en den cy fullo vln g ofti cers v.bo \\ ere k i lle d a t WO l R O ILB P.TI 't' H ILL j u nior por-lstamps on penqi on \Ou chers an d It br anch ret 1irns c lose on December thei r work of reform bi th e opp osl tow a1ds " r ed uction rn th e hours of the Dnrda ne lles _ te1 l 1u ffi c ia1\\\uyn, T~S J \l cO U \\as deci ded to usk t he opinion of 23 1d a nd \\ Il l please s eud Jn their t lon of the Tory ne wspapers Th is labor a nd an increase In t hA sca le

1 0 A ~ ganger per \\ 1) railw ays I t he Do1' n Sollclto1 on th e question contr ibutions, and malt" tbem ~el•es of \\ age~ s<iace 1 907, but 1t ls uot JOHN TI BROUGH'I'OiN, cle1 J, opposition of 'l'ory n e..,spapers and trn ffi c rn lhrn ' " n t £l40 per annum , lOll '.'1 l NOR'l'O , ron dn rtor ftnan lal fo r the close of tbe year polltlclane 19 n su re lnd lcallon <hat contend ed th a t this i ncreaoe haq kept fhe 11m o11nt o[ h rn contrllrntlon s t o tra ffi c tra m\\ U)s an d o\.LBF. R'l' W SHIRKERS' LISTEN! the L111bo r men are on the right t r.ack pare with t he Jnc rPase of roods tu!l. i. Supeiannunllon \\ as, \\ ltlt int erest , SC'H\ITD1' Junior por ter, t ruftlc r o.1 1- [ BYROCK. It Is a"9e1t ed tha t t he city \\ o rker ll/' £ 7 1 "~ 4cl \\ Ul s \\ ei c heltl ove1 un til next Nm th Strl\thileltl wimls u st.l\tion pa)~ 011 e quarter of l11 s Parn1 ngs for

lfDNHY lcD COSGROVE, lo.boi e i meellng r THR S'r.\Y A1' HO"E!'!, Th e monthly m eelln g of tlie By- - Th e Mu,or and a ldermPn o r Con rent T he <n erage i ncom e o l the s loies i a ll\\ av, a t 8/ per rlay di ed AH'I H U R A WA LLA C'B:, p or te r I --- tor k b1anch \\US held on December co1d und the r es id ents or the d1 s t11ct Am eri can fum 1l y of rive is sa1rl to 271 8115 H is conlllbutions to Su- t1a rn c t:l il\\ llR al 9/ pe1 day en- •.i:r W A F e l ton, a m ern be1 o r lhe Hh T he re was a good attend- have as ked lbe Ch ie f Com missioner be fift een doll a rs n lne t v cents per perann uatlon " e re, "ith in ter est t e1ed th e Se1v1ce on 10 /G/ I ~ \\ t'.SIAmalgam a ted, has r ece11e d t he !ol an ce o[ membei s '.I h e boan ch cbah to con s tru ct sta tion at North l\0Cf., 0 1 8~7 dollars n111 eteen cents l / ll £ 2 Ss lld 1l!s mJssecl on 20/9/ 15 ror be in g ab low111µ; verses !1om 11l s so 11 d11ve1 m , 11 , Mr C<>x p res ided Mt }~lowers Slrathfte ld The Commi•sion e • ltas per year, anu the avmage ex pend1-

J<\S \V SKCLJ.J;RN, clcik, s to ies sent '" t ho ut lea'o Ill s co ntnb11 W l'e lton "ho \\hen w illin g " 'W ,1cted as sec r e tar) 1n the absence of prom ised that the s tat ion w ill be tn10 7 68 dol lar. fl! ty-tom cents, r<til wa,s, a t £ ! 7 0 1101 ann um, di ed l ions to S u p<1 .<~1 1 ua.t1 on \\OJ e ,J:l l1 s a L th e gene t<ll hos pital, Al cxancl ll 1 \1 1 Tutu bull, "ho is Oil lea ve Th e comm en ced b eEote th e e lld of the le,1v1ng ,, 01ccl1 l ba lan rn or !Illy-eight 7/8115 Jl 1s cont11but1011 s to Su ,cJ \\l11 ch wa , a pp 1o ved f o1 re fund l;an cy Socks of tll c Sl ay-a l lto mos <O ri espon ct cnce was i ead an d ie present f1D anc1al year dollars s1 xty-Jn e ceu ls 'lho• data peiannu a tl on we re, "'1tb interes t 2/ l .1:2 l 7s 7d

AI~IDX l·~~M~ICJ~L eng rn ce r ce1vecl a nd all bus in ess atten tlc d to \\ as obtained f1om 2 G6 7 families , e lecl 11cal I 1 a.11 11' a1 ", at 15/- pet il ay, Wh~t a re ) 0'' going lo do • 1 d f'[ t l " Tb fl f 1 !'he e lection of ofllce18 for th e eu- Deai Spuds -Potatoes have been 1v1Dg 111 1 eren par s or the coun-ente red t he Se1v1 ce 25/1 /0 1, " as ere a1 e blanks 111 t he tes o l ie surng )Car r esult ed as foll ows - lbrtngmg e1C cept1onall y hi gh p11ces Ill t1 y, an d can not the relo1e, lbe said E D H UPJOHN, conductor, traf

llc tra m \\ a ) s a t 9/ per da.i, ci ted 9/8/15 H is con tribution s to S u-

d1 s m1ssecl on 29/10/ 1 5 fo1 h emg un- bloodsta ine d miles l t h t t l Of t he trench es " e hold for you Branch chatrma n , p G Flowers , Brisbane late!) On T hursday la st o au Ort a ive v r epresent exactlv der the in ftu ence or li quo r H e " as vice chairman , B Jon es aud i tors thev boought the highest pt ice t e- the a\erage earnmgs or th e Ameri-gran tPd r er und or b is con tr1'1rn t1 011s \1essos W a ll ace and Qu ai n, corn can 1101ke1 pe rann u(l t1 on \\ e re 11/2 viz, £1H l Ss Gd Fancy Socks o r the Stay-at-h omes - co1ded for twenty-elgbt vears, na me

CHA S A WAR D, tu1ner s la bo1- Otrd on }our ma nh ood do , mitlee Messr s U"rmody, Hoggm s ly 24/ 'J)er cwt It 1s not mu ch use , , e lect l 1amways, at 9/ - per da \ The Sec oPlati bio n ght nndei no V.'e ll figh t ro1 the In es oC you1 girl s and Retn e r , secr etar y, C J e ffs , dele- telltng people to eat more spud s an d ti ed 9/ 8 /15 Hi s contributi ons to tice or the Boa id Lh <> position In re- an d wives, gate to AG M • P C F lowers less meat "ith spuds at thrn price QUEENSLAND RAILWAY OEPT,

S11 peiannua t 10 11 , \\Ith rnterest 5/6 ga1cl to in su ia n ce poh cnes tr ans fen ed But why sbould we fi ght for you • The next meetin g \\Ill be held on " 61 e £& l os Gd t o t ile Boa1 d a net now held 011 be- Januar y 8th, .t t 2 ~ o p m rn tb e The State Brend l\fonot>Ol) - "It

Th e re p1 ese nta t1ves of the fo li o \\- ~:r1 :.,c0: 1t~~e ,:1~11~ u ~,J~:a~::s l ~:t ,~ '~: F ancy Socks of t he Sta' a t h omPs ge ner a l wa itin g r oo m a nd a good at- is fell that if tlu s prooposed S tate L"IVESTJG,\TJO:l\S UXDER \"\'!lY. 1

'ng offi ce1s \\ hO d ied 111 t he Sen 1ce potn led ou t that there \\ e t e 963 po- Dou b le out l o l11 0 fi ghtrng l tne, tendan co of m embers " 111 be wet monopol y ls 1brou ght 1nlo exis ten ce we re a lso g r anted r efund s - li cie• hPlrl of \\ hi ch 11 0 wei e Ill th e Da re ' e d1sgraco a fi gh t in g r nce co med t o st art the 11e " year bhere '"II be no security fo r bu s in ess

WM CH!\JS BONNE R, co1 ema1, n ames ot men not now In t he Se r Dare ye th e job declin e ? ente~pn ses m the State " T'lus ofrom M r R McL Anderson, who re->r loco ia1ll\ avs , a t 12 / p e r day 1tce l lus posi ti on \\US consider ed OU'.'INEDAH. th e leadmg Torv daily There is cently made su ch a S<:atl11ng repor t lte• l 25/ 10/ 15 His con! lflb utl on s bv the Board p rev iou sly and ad\lce F ancy Socks of t he S tay ut ho mes this to be said abou t Jt, tha t 1! the to the Federa l Go ver n ment on the lo Su peran nua tion \\ere £ 1 ~ 2s "d o t t he C"toii n Sol icilm "ought a s to To you r b rot her s, oh , be true, The above bianch rne t on th e me n tbat will be e mpl oyed 'by the post ofl1 ce, com menced lu s 111vestiga-and m tc rest £1 Os 2d to tal1 111g £14 whethei th e Boaid had an y po iier We ll d ie fo1 t he fnme of Aust r a 4t h in st ' r h e b1an ch r ba1rma n Mt State 111 th e ba kin g md ust ry do n ' t t lons in to the QuPensland Railway 2s 5d lo deal

11, .rni \\ ay with these poll !1a s name, P J Tennan t, pr es1 decl anrl the re get a fa 11 e r deal t hat do som e of Uepa 1tmen t last \\ eek

E RNEST ED CAR1'ER la vatoi y cie• lo i ell e i e the Boai d of th e o b- Bu t "by should we d ie for yo u "as a g ood a ttend an ce of members tl1ose working Ill t he Sta te transport The P1em1e r (~lr Ryan) states a tten dant , loco rail\1 a;,s a t 8 /- pe1 lt gat io ll to continu e th e payments or \V F E LTON The secr etary was In stru cted to service , the cha nge "on t be a ve ry that ~t Is the Government s intention ln y di ed ~ 0/ 10 / 1 5 Hi s contrib u- prem iums The Cr ow n Soltcotor h eld, Ask a ll t he Stay-at-hom es not to \1r1te to t he gelle t al sec retan. r e protltwble one to a g1ea t m ani tha t each department be take n in u ons to S uper a1111ua l1on were £i Os hO ll O\el , t hat un dei t he Act the forget Edi t h Ca, e.J a nd come ou t t h e d ir ty cond1t1on of t ravelltng turn, but 1t 1s possible tha t ;\[r An-1 d rn te rest 12/4 £ 7 J 2s 5d Boa rd \\ :lS ob liged to continu e the an d do t he ir bit wat e1 tan ks, con \ eyln g wa te r t o fe t :1r, htnq Parasites - Of thirty cl e rson m ay not be wbl e to r ema rn m

ER'.'IES'r COLLETT', head po1te1, µa vmen t of premlll ms notwith stan cl- lte1 s ca mps, a nd to ask h 11n to move e ight men tn m1l1ta r y umf orm tha t Qu ee nsland lon g enough t o corn· tra ffic ra1l11ays a t 9/ 6 pe r dl\y d ied rng t ha t th e po lky-ho lde i \\as no Tlrn reven ue or the Un io n Steam- 1n t he mat ter of ha ving th ese tanks, \\er e captm ed Jn Sydn ey a few 111g bts pl ete l be i nves t1gatJons rnto the 30/1 0/ 15 H•s r on t1ibu t10ns t o S u longer Ill t he Se i vice or conti ibut mg s lup Co mpan y fo r the year end m g clean ed out on co a month ago, d u ring t he process of a m il ltan 11 bole se1v1ce peraun ual1 on, 1\l t h mteres t 15/2, to the Su pera nnuation Fund Novemb er aO t h, s hows a n in crease Mr G Cu rran 11 as a pporn ted De- r a id one 1\ as wal k rng on cou tches, !::::====== 11 e r e £ 11 ~s 7d Mem•bets \\ ere ghe n to u ndei o r 0 ,er ha!( a mtllton compared with p~ ty Returning Offi ce r , !01 th e Sen an d h ad hi s leg b andaged An in

J <\ S (' FO WLE, sign,1l ma11 , t ra r- st an d th at in some cases " h e re th e the previou s twelve m onth s The at e ballot and :Mr J Bedford and spectlon dl flc losed th e fact t hat the1e 1c ra.li\\ a)S J ' I/ p e1 dav cl1 ed pollci hol cl ei ieachetl t he full eiido w annu a l r Pport sho irn a ba lance oC H T ea 1y were ap potn tPd sc rutm eers was no thin g th e mat ter with th e leg 1/ 11 /lG Jhs contr1b ut1ons t o 811 me nt agP t ltP a ,nount o! t he iioii cy £S Q,G13 ava ilable f ot d istnb u lion It " "s decid ed th a t the depu ty An other man \\ as pretendi ng to tbe


rntPr es t £ 1 _s to clea r t he premi u ms pa id \\Ith 31h div ld Pnd or Ille an d a h a JC pPr cen t sh a ll airange a da te to count tbe n eve1 lbeen to the f ront and thatlhe m: ~~~tk a!~:t t~~1~g b~~~~ i~p~~s11~1~ pe1,Ln n 11 a t 10 11 we1e £14 l 5s 7d a nd \\ Ith bon trnea \\O Uld no t bo suf1i ctentl fi'or t he y ea r th e co mpan y paid a returnin g offi ce r a nd sc1ut111eers blind and It was rou n d t ha t be ha d

~J MILTON DDWARDS , Ott er '' 1 t 1 ballo t papers could see ns 1' e ll as anyone e se la'borer, loco r a1 l11a \S at 9/ - pe1 pe t cent n e1eat a lowed, " h 1le on preference sh a1Ps and si x per r 1e1en new membe1s \\ e re adm it- Bot h 'lll OU were fakes Such fa k es pagne \\US the enormous amount or

day , d ied 2i'i/ l 0/l5 H is cont1lb u ~1;0~tl~:r t~a~~ise 1~e:tl~i c~r noa i n ~o:1:~-l ~,:~1~ 1 °1~ ~;d~~":;'0 s~:aarres iProfl ts a s ted to the br a nch, nam eil '[essrs should be soused in the nea1 es t ~~~~:~a:0;: 1~~r~ d:;:d b~s~~: ~;;n~1

lions to Supera nn u allnn 11 e re £ G Ds J D Il amil ton, Al ex Bl oo mfield hoo se trough, or 1be tarred and A P o\\ ell , the \\ e ll kiio\\n Amenrua Sri nnd 1nte1est 4s ~ d -- - ----- - Da n Good (per 1'ay ), Tom Col11son, teath ered and 1Jarried In a cart war coirespondent ) Jt is"""! that W'~ J OHN Ml TR HA Y boiler - W tl l1 am F a llaw (trafhc ), Henry through th e city close to 300 0 fi eld gun s \\ere con-

mnk er loco 1a1hrn,s , at 12 / - pe r ''ALL GRADES" MEN FOR Pn11le> T Bush, r rnes t Warden, P ~entrated along those 15 mil eR of dai, d te cl 28/ l 0 /15 H is r on1rJ bu· G Mel nern cy, H 0 I son, Geo Cl en 'I he "Peace Crusade "-A man bat lie f 1 out, and that behmd ea ch of too ns to Supeiann u:i t1011 \\e re £ 1 l Os d111n111g (per way) named Ford, an American m1llto11- those gun s were s tacked ~OOO shell s

Gd THE SENATE. On the motion of Mr John Bed-W:O.l HERB ERT ~ULLJ'.'IER, Jun ford, second ed by Mr H Leary, it lor potte r, trafllc ra ll\\ ays nt 6 / wns resol\ed That this branch of ne r d tll died 18/1 0/ 15 His co ntrl the A "R an d T S Associo.tlon, up-

The usual month ly m ee tin g of th e m eet ing fo r furt he1 medi ca l adv1cA 3ut ion s to Superannu ation were 2s


hold s Mr Ga.1 diner ML A in his

a1re, 1s going to Europe on a "Peace In order to bring up the vas t Crusade" A steamer has been en amount of ammun1t1on and suppltes gaged to carry Ford's iparty-'\\luch the French bmlt a mncadam1:wd consist s chiefly of male and femal e highway 20 feet wide and rnne m iles cran1rn-across the Atlantic Ford long across the rolltng plain That sa vs tha t be will go rnto th e tren- the buge masses of ln [antri for the ohes and ca ll on all fig hting m en to atta ck might reach their s tations go h lllme It 1s to lbe hoped that Ford without bemg annihilated by German and hi s friends will commence oper- shell fire they dug 1 O miles or com­atlons with the Germans, tor until mu111cation t1 enches e ight feet c;e~p t hey my peccavl, there Is not mu ch and wide enough for four men 10 ltk e lihood or the Allies turnrng tall wal k abreas t Imag111e the work

S uµ eru nn unl on B oa1 cl was he ld 011 1,1J1ce " hen Fol\ le had died 1 Od 1'1 ocl av Bth '\ ove m JC1, 111 th e Boarrl '!'HOS ROB SON, di!rnr, loco H oom ( hler ( omm!sslon e r " Oflice RF'rlr\r,IE:\'TS UNDJ~ R 00 YEARS

01 '\(,I< \\ l 'l'H O\IJi)R 10 YJJJARS re. ol wavs, a t 15 / - per day, cl lecl "hen t he re 11 ere p resP nt 'l'he l h1ef Sl' H\ JOL-Pl'NfUONS 9/ 11 /J 5 His r ontrlbutlons to Su-e omrn1ss1one1 P f1 H a r per) , In t he pe rann uati on were £ 17 ll s ld, an a l ch a n ~Ieos r s Wa iden, Simpson 11 <\HO LD '.1ILL ER, clerk a ged rntei eRt £1 4s 7 d an d D1 Perkin s Oo, er nm ent nom - 48 i ea1R, oe11lce ~~ }ea rs, \\as oe W~ JOHN S MITH, conilnc tor, Jnees and Mes£rs Camp bell ( l;ne ttr Pd loa the tni.m \\ a\S at q;. pe r day d ied a nd Chambe rs, electe d rep i esen t a OR/\TUJTIES lTNDli':R AEC'l'TO"I 5/ 11 115 H is cont r ibutions to Sn -

Ftlves of th e em pl oyees , a 11d ~rr J I 11':'8 pe1a nn uat io11 were £ 3 3s , a n d lnte1-

McEvoy, secrel>Lr) mL!Z ABE1' 1I J,OW@, gatekeeper est l /3 1' tt e C' b.atr ma n e1'ten ded \\PI t ra f11 c iail wais, nt 7 / - p e r \\ eek, aged T'h e caee of Alex Mc F a1l and , late

c ome to Mr Clin e 'h o toot. his ~5 iears G month s ser vice 2 'h years laiborer, pe1 ""l trnm \\ ays , a t 8/ 6 Bea t for the Arst time s ince lus etec \\U S g runted a g ratui ty of 11 /G per da y 1'as su bmitted lor gratuity t 1on, and \\ US s ui tab ly lollo \l ed b\ ~IR S ru a,EN JA NE r ANDY , gat e undeo seclJIO ll 116, und a rPfund or Qt her memibers of l he Boan! kPepe r, t r a ffi c branch nul wa1•, at £6 qs 4d !L'J)proved b' th e Bon1d on

Th e fol lo\\1n g busin ess "as t hen 7 / µe r \\ee l, Age d 55'h }ears, se r 24 / 9/ 15 \\as th erefo re 111itten o ff

.d ealt \\Ith - \I CC 2;; years 9 months H er sent Ol 1"1CbRS \ OLlST/\R IL\ RFrIH-!Oll N LOVERING ga sftt te r, loco ces \\ ere d1RpenRed 1\ll h on a ccoun t 1 0 l\PrF.R Sl<'R \ ' ICF: or J>;

r a ilways, at 12/ 4 per day , a ged 53 or t hP leve l crossi ng bern g ~losed YJiJAHS OH J ,ONOER y eao s , sen1ce 31 }ears 4 monthA At Boa1d decid ed to g i ant a pensi on J:-;O ALEX B OYD, iloive r loco last meeting hi s ca se ~us s ubm itted R<\LPH H PRINGLE, por tPr rall<Ways at 15 /- per day , en te 1ed !or Q penswn The Board decid ed ~':~::~il\\~~e a~!~:d P:~pdr::ve~g~~ t he Servi ce 26 /3/ 91, oes1gned t hat the Chief Comm1ssloner be r e l his r etire ment at la s t mee ting It be- 9/ 11 / 15 H e was g r ant ed refund of <iu ested to fu.rnl sh fu1the1 med lca rn g st a ted t ha t he h ad ove r 10 years l11 s ded uc tion s, v1z' £17 I s 3 d e vidence as t o th e cause or Lo\ e r service It ha s s111ce tbeen a srer ta1n GEORGE DOWUNC, fet lle r per 1ng s illness O n the r e port D!ow r eceived tr<>w th e Railway Medical ed th a t Prin gle hatl less than ten \lay iallwa} s, at 8 / 6 peo <l ay en­

t ered the Serv ice on 23 rd Octo'be1 , Officer 1t was decided to r etire Lov- years se1 vice, a nd the case l s su b ering nlltled for a grat ui ty und er secti on

CHRISTOPH ER OULD charge- ll 7A Th e m axim u m g 1atu1ty ol

1 1 t 90 1

_ r £ 99 10s 4d was g1anted m an oco r;• wa ys a

1 31 pe A le tte r was 1ece1ved room the

188 5, reti r ed on 25/1 0/ 15 He v.ns granted r efund of his contribut1011s, voz , £0 9s 8d



" All Grad es ' me n s houl d " 01k 1>1eek, a ged 5 : ca ts, ~rv c~h ;e ar~ Secretary, Rallwa.y J\lu t na l Si ok C lub, 6 month s At

1 astCibnleer 'cng e ,oar requesting that he be suppli ed each CONDUC'I w ith a will to pince tb cse men at

decided that t 1e e ommiss oner Q.E ORGEJ WASHINGTON SPARKS th e ltea:J of th e b:il lot to cauy t he be r~u est e d to C11Jt>L1n a lu r the1 1e- month with the na'1nes of men 1eltr

~~ ed 0 I to k TI I r po1te r, traffi c railways, at 9 /- per L abor ftag rn the ! ortbcomlng Fed-porl fro m the Rallwav Medlcul Offl- w ng s ic ness ie n orma- dav, entered the Se1v1ce on 22 /1 2/ 13 cer on th lA r eport bei ng con sider lion \\as l o be forwarded dismissed 2/7 / 15, for th c[t at Dar era l cam paign ed , the Boa1d decided to reth e Rl>'J' UU!)ME!'l1'S-OF.FIOF.HS O\' RH ling 1-Ja~boui On "'ppeal, however All Amalgamated br anch sec re-Goul d 00 \I~"HS OF AGb: the con viction was quashed, and he tarl es a nd co llec to1 s ha ve been acp -

AuEX ?llcFARLAND la.borer pe r ROBERT DALZET~L porte r, trar \\as now granted rotund or Ins de- pom ted Depcly HAturn lng Office r s , ~ay ra ilways, at 8/G per da y, aged tic ra ilways, a ged 6 0 years, servi ce d uc tion s, 1lz , £1 ll s 8d :1 7 vears 9 mon th s , se n lce 5 yea rs , 39 year s, iellred Oil 18/10 / 1 5 \\Ith HARllY LA MB por ter, t1uftlc and wi ll i sstte ball ot pa per s to m em-was fatally 111Ju1ed T'h e ca se was a pe nsion or £94 l6 s per an num ruil wav s al 9/- per day, entered the be rs o r t he "A ll Gra des Mr referred back a l th e previous meet C: HA 8 WHlfl'AINE striker, lor n Servl<e 17 / 1 0/12 , \\US illsm1Ased on C" laucl e T hompson Genera l Secr e-1n-g to aacet t ain the extent or the ia1 lwuys <1.g ed 61 yel\1s 5 mon th• 2/ 10/15 fo1 alleged theft at Dur- ta ry has al so been OJXl)olnted De pu­Chlef Commissioner' s llab1llty und er t he Workmen s Compensation Act Th e <Jase was now resnbmlt ted, and 1t was deci ded to pay the minimum gratuity of £66 1 0s 3d

se rvi re 30 years 8 month s, retired ling Ha1ibour At the Court he was, ti ll eltn n1 ng OflirPr nn d members

on 31 110 / 15 with a pension of £54 lC100\1Vu°n: ~sr~lo~:~ul~tpend1,ov~1do/h:1mCh~:r unable to obta in ballot papers 2s per annum "'

J NO MORO:-< E Y painte r loco 111g r e-e mployed Lamb, ho weve r, thro ugh thelt branc h oftl clal s may ratl \\ays, a ged GO yea rs 1 0 months, rail ed lo report foi duly, and lie oblulu t hem d irect f r om H ead Of-

EDWARD MlLNl~R, late ballast service 37 years 4 mon th • , retITed guard , per way branch tramways, at j on 7 / 11 / 15 wltb a pension o r £79 9 / 6 per da y, service 13 years Mll- 2s pe r annum

"as now granted refund or hi s con - fl ee All ballot pawrs " 111 be r e-tr"butlous, 1wt~l ch tLtnounled lo 1£ 4 s s 4d turn ed to Mr Evans C:IHef Relu rn -

W M JNO BREEilE, ruelman, mg Office r, who , "h en th e ballot a er was absent f1om duty, and Ills GEORGE TA YIJOR , reltl er, per loco railways , al 9/ - per day, en- closes on Dec 3let, will annou11ce the tered the Service on H / 9 / 13, was r es ult. du;n:nissed 23 / 10/15 for being a bsent

For man y } ea rs th e nee d of

1 epresen tat1on on behalf of

the "All G1 a des" m the Fede­

r a! and State Hous es of Pall la-

m ent lJas bee n e\lden t Th a

opport unit) now offe rs lo se­

lect two s ta unc !1 '_4.11 Gi a.des"

m en 111 th e selecti on ballot, now t akin g pl ace fo r the Labor bu nch t o r un for th e Se na te , and n o e ff m t sho n Id be Rpa1-erl by e \ et y Ama lgamated en tbus1as t t o pl ace these m en al, 1 be h ead or lbe ball ot 'fho cand idates offerin g ar e Messrs V G K,ivanagh, senlot Vlco­presldent , an d M A O Donnell, Executive offi ce1, o r the " !\II Oracles " These m en are well known amongst Service and eq ually w ell

m en, k ll 0\\11

amongst Labonte~. and are rQ­i;ard ed a s m en well qualified to represent Lubor in the Senate ,

V. G. KAVANAGH. name 1'0.8 written on: the books Al way rallways, aged 60 years 9 lalt\ meeting the i£oa.rd decided to months servi ce 30 years 8 months, obtain the opinion of the Crown So· retired on 12 / 11/15 with a pension lldttor a11 to whether the ca11e could or £54 Ss ~er annum l>e treated as one or dismissal or re-[ JAS F GERRARD, lifter, loco •lgnallon No recply bad yet been rail ways, aged 60 years, service 40

JAMES r. FOWLE, signalman, wltb a penelon of £79 lla ,ier an­traft\ c branch rtLllwaya, at 13 / - per num

receheil ]years 4 month s, retilred on 14 / 11 / 15

with out leave 'l'he amount of his contributions v;aa £3 10s 5d wlticb was approved ror rerund

The case of A UDLEY L COEN, junior porter, traffi c railways, and HARRY J V DAVIS , eleaner, elect tra.wway1, were held over

Now let your motto be : .work and Vote to secure the return of

day, aaed. 52 yeara, aenlee 15 years TRQ~PSON BEST, raqer, per Cflle oCU8 'WU refvi.d tlaak at lut WI.¥ railW&llo a&N U Jtan • WM, J , llWYlilR, cleaaer, eleo~ l KAVANAGH and O'DONNELL.

Aght rn Parl ia ment for better .con­dtllons for low pa id "orkmen and th a t w e deplore t he action of Pre­mier Holman, who \\a s pl ace d lll his 111 esent po sition by "01 kers, In at­tempt111g to btowbea.t )fr GArdlner

It \\as r esolved that t he brun ch wnlo to Mi Gardiner con gratula t­ing him on the fight he put up for the 1011 paid \\ 01 ltmen


A truck containmg about nonety bates or wool, jumped of? the iall s at the Uralla s tat10n last week, through the wrong pomts b eing mov­ed by one of the temporary porters Jack s were u sed und the trnck llCled

The m ontlily m eettn g of t he C'ul- on aga in "1thout beong unloaded le rlll b1anc h 11as h eld al B1 eadal-


(For th e " Co-operator").

I found the uoor and gave a. knock, And , when the bloke came forth,

Sa)s I, ' when cun I load me stock That s starving 111 the North•

For things are at a pretty pass When owners have to wait

that was entailed not only Ill a s-sembltng so vast a force oC men nncl g un s and boo ses but m provid111ii; that force with food, water, fotlder, clothing, and ammun1tton

'fhe battlefield or Champagne l• the bu siest spot or its size on the race of th e globe 1t looks llke tbe Can a l Zon e at th e 1 ush period o! Its con slruct1ou, li ke the Greatest Show 011 f~arth multtplrnd 10-00 times , get4 lrng 1 euily ror an afternoon perform• a nee

Th e road s be h1nu the fiont for 20 mlles a re tilled with troops anti transport train s long columns ot stu1 dv 111 fantrym en 111 pale blue coats and weanug lb e new steel lielmet wh1clt made the French f1ght1n g man of to da} so startling[~ resembl e his ances tor, the men-at-

ba ne 0 11 th e 4 th 1n• t T h e chai r­man :111 W K ennedy p1 11s lcl ed, an d t he lollowing officers we1e appoint ed for th e en su ing yea1 Branch chauman, Mt W. K enn edy (1e­e lected ) , vlce-cha1rmen, Mess1s Duddle, W ee ks, Betts , and Knight, co mmi tt eem en, Mess rs Hanlon, In. go, O'Learly Den ny, Ravillton, Shel dv1ck, W Ruv1lllon , Mul.ca ley Ward , Smart al\d B W Denn y, col­lectors, Messrs K111gh t Be t ts and RavJllJoll, s ecre ta1y and treasurer, Mr T John s , audlto1 s , Messrs Rair­all and Champion, de legate to an-

For trucks to shift the sheep to arms of the middl e ages, brown• graoo sku111ed w en from North ACr1ca ill

T hat grows wlll11n the State

nua l conference, Mr Ceo A1mstiong " Has Honolu lu dulled the bra in

tu1bans, and black skrnned men from West Africa 111 rakish red tar• booches, sun tanned colonial sol• ,!le i s, soldiery from Annam, Ton• qulu, Somahland, and Mad~B.Scar,

wea11ng on their breasts the r•bbon1 of waIS fought 111 lands o! whom most people have never heard :I Spa.lt.ls, from Morocco and Algeria,, mounted no desert horses a s wiry and a ctive a s themselves, sa1!or1 fro m the fl eet brought home to handle the bog naval guns, swagg<ir• ong along with the roll of the sea. In tb.e11 gait , dragoons in Hoen-covered \helmets "1th horse-l,ui plume1

(M1ttagong) OC 1>001, dear Colonel John' 'I he followrn g motlon, moved by Or <1o es he feel the ach es and pain

Mr Johns, and second ed b} iMi Of old age creeping on• ' Kmgbt , was earried unaulmousli - " H e's not," s ays I, 'au Eddy, ye1 "That (Jus meeting tenders to Mr I thlnk he should expla111 G&rdrner, M LA , Ne wcaslle, its Why stoc k 1s left to prn e and fret th1mks a na congratulates him upon Upon the g r ass less plarn '

hlB stand r ece ntly JO t he house Ill And when "e know who 111 to the lnlerests or demo cracy tba t we blame deplore that the Government or Well sack him 011 the s pot , rathet the Premie r (Mr W A Hal- Foo Lord ," says I, 'It 15 a shame man). shou ld attempt to throt1le t11e To watch g ood mutton rot voice or de mocracy th a t we hope that at the 11 ext P L L ( onfe rence

'J'b e1 e s ramln e st1llk111g through the l,1nd

s erious notice will b e taken of de! Wb e1e hll zzarus hide the slain lnquen cles o r tht • nature an d fur- And .children ci y from hunger, ud lber, tha t \\e c ons ider that Jl is un - .Now often cry In vain"

banging from them, '1el:l ba.tterl89 rocking au<l s1'a~h1g over the •tones ; pos t-offices on wheels, tcieg1 tLpll othces on wheels, butcher shops oa wheels, baker s ' shops on wbeel1, fair th a t In creases s hould be given

to h ighly paid ofllclala, a s admitted , by th e Premier, wh ils t 1 edu c tion u1

work ing tim e consequently In pav, we1e meted ou t to the lowe r paid s tate se1 van ts "

Th e secretary was rn stru cted to

I write lo Hea d Office drawing tllelr attention to tl1e practi ce of Issuing

I medals In satlafacUon !or 12 months contri bu tion in advance whllst these medals are avallable nt a. 1/ - eaeh

I later, members tranaferrlng from one branch to another are unable to satisfy their branch oft!clals that they are nnan ct al, and It is sug-11:e1tte<l tbat recelp~ UMMiW Ila &l' en ia.-. ....

" You ~y. sa.ys 1 :.:.the re Is no ring garages on wheels, fleld kitchens, That r opes the sheei> rnn s 111 with smoke pouring from their stov~

You n e\ e r h e'.l.rd of su ch a thmg "ipes , and steam ris in g \row soup Or drea mt of such a sin' lcauldrous , great he rds or cattle and

" V .. 1 , h i woolly "aves of sheep, soon to be 011 say says • t ere 1 no converted rnlo beef and mntton for

Trust, , /t.lle hungry soldiers, pontoon wag-Or rather its asleep - IJgona, balloon outfits, macblne-gun ..

Here bloke, do n't go I Vi ant t o know I pack trains, mounlatn ba.tteries, a-When can I load me sheep•" tbul:wces, "orld without end


Last year l 115 penous ware 11111- Albert Gale, a fettler, fell In a ed and 74ifiQ lnJured 011 the ralhrars At In the O~ll>IJl'a r•lwa.y yards oa or the U114ted Kla11:dom, a decrealllll Frlda.y last, &Dd on the aTr1val of the on the :re&r o f 16 kllktd &Del U04 4octor ¥le wu fOWI<l to be exUnct. lnju:red. OA.17 lH IC ._ kWecl iHe ll&4 ._ • ~tot ._.. ~...,. ....


PD'"" lro111 the ont1'a l " he h at! n evpr ratHPlluuon 10 l<'maln in the llrk<'I aboul the rnissrng monPY ln lrnns 1t ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF 1915. \ h uu 1 m\I \ 1gal 11 sl him Jle tllrl r uck 1nsl Pnd ol !wing fo111:uded to bnt ween Newcaslle and Sy d n<\ 11 \ - -- • - - - -BOARD \hLr!ll Co11nrll rnrl had good 1efrr to r 1llo11111 g n nnmber ot l1 r l<Pts lor an lnl e11IPw '"Ll1 Inspector fooper


D 11ot 1r roll Pr t 11here the fares WPre the l1 aff\ 1 011d 1Lo1 (, l / 15 11u8 u11rnt-:ec1 b) the eng1n ee1 I - ~ paid 11r bncl lho t\10 s l1ll \ln gB In hi s Appd lnnl II '" 11nde l e 11d e cl lt A ro 1 11 (1 1111\ l) l'rorn 11hat h e I ( Con tinu ed l1om page 1 )

APPEALS, JIPl'rOllrUSED. l hn11cl tlll 110 gt1e the c han ge H e\p lt::tdad g u 11ly a s l,1n;; fm lenlcacy g a Lhe i"d tr c m the 1ntei> 1c w 11 0 i\1ovcd by l 1 L:am1lbell (NSW)

APPEALS Anthony Horderns' for Every Xmas Want.

JI L~Hi' Hl L'f C:\1 :\\,; I f, ftt le r ,

bbo1 ~i J.nndv.. 1ck ~. per d ,tJ • wa s ll l1unls 0 eu ' 11 :-\o, e mbe t G !or be ing t11ell e mrnu(es late for du11 on Oc

t ob e1 gu1

ed t u1 I e n1 u ri\ JI n t"" ~ t :.l ted on

hi " bPh 1l r iha t he 1et,;1l-' t lt I Jn uch bt:tng l ltl

th en t u 1n ccl lo co!lf\Ct tares f 1om tile Jno ( lto\\ e N 0 al Sut'1er lhrng or any ialue h ad nr "en \ii t a ncl seconded by :\1r Hobmson

othc1 passenge1s, .1nd a [ler he lt1'11

lan tl •aHl he recol lect ed th e ti cket " I \\ ouhl t hl O\\ a ny m ot e ll Jht on t he (Vi ) Th at In t h e eveut o! t he I ccll cct ed ubonL L11euty or Lh11t\ ho e t beings ut 11 fo1 ranre ll atlo n

1111, raniagc of the m a t Cl 1l \\a ' 1a l lwaym en bein g g1auted acces8 t o I

ctme litci<. 11Hi f,llJ "o n called h i m Lho piart lre 11n• th at llc k c l3 fo1 can a rl rnt ltPd that it wou d be po s,l bl n th P \ ommonweallh lntluslria l Juri s

nnd "t 1d ht had 111 Hlu a m t•tal ,.. ln ccll aL on 1 e re left to be sc11L In ne xt


fo r u t> OJ so u to ge t hi s h and In th e tlict1cn the 1~eu c 1 al Go1 erumen t be

rep!, h e sn 11l he \\ Ould bel ot P h ad I" 1v by th e 8 7 um trn.111 1fte1 t he' llig IJ) undoll g; the .' de s raps On i •ked to p1ov1de lndu, tli al i.1 a chl I

1101 and l l tte Ll up the "l ilPI a11d l \\C JP i>nJo 0 e1l fo1 r Jn tellllu, n 11 \I I foop (l i esled 110 .i spe rsion uer\ \ o d r d • e pa1 ltrly 111L'1 til e 111 1

<ho11eu C1 bsun lhno 11as no l!alf 1 i s 1ppellant• tlulv lo clo l111s rnrl \ ii hatsoe i PJ h e had been Heu tlln 1;1 du,t11al co11d1t1 011s ol a ll g r atleH or

c10 \\J'> ,rn1011 g•I 11 ll e de n ted hu1 11t e h tHI !Jeon doin g 11 s111ce \la y lo st money b; tl 0 same mann ei 10 , 1.1 \lway111e n 111l111n a S tate 1.ith 1he 1

1u g tu e LI the lan r,11ttg e As he pas8<>d J'd N1 n S\\unslo 11 N 0 Suth e 1 ) ars a nd neier lHHl a ml • h ap lie ri gh t ol app ea l to the ( ollJJU OUY> eulth 11 lhe r,ul\\ 1) s lat o u ro:rn n g do11n lan e ga 1e s \1111h1 .v 1cJeq r e e lt lli a t the only lh iug lefl \\ a s foi Cou1t of fo1111 l1atlon a nd Arb1tin I Ueo1ge S t rPet he not1cPCl the t110 'pµcll 1nt ~-r::tn °' 1 Je n s, s t ate d rh in 10 "llte 11 off ~1r J \\ lion th e la tte r court Lo In:: Llie ruin !

ol nl\ 11 e t 11c11m 0 lnn r es rntl of ap- rt1~ n ~ere •11 11 \r1 Ll1n t rain °1111 11° <1 111 t l1n c1,u ·• 11 I tir t n• ft n rrt I I ' .. ,, c ~ c ' '" ' ' i G ·' Wri g ht sn 1tl th at nolb ng l111 th e r 11111111 w,tge t ie m ax imum \\Ork! l!\

PElln n ts goucl hrnto1v ca 11t 0 11 01er11<lde11 1he Re cdo n rre p1 1letl dt e lllflll r 1om I h om h e took 01 er In wou ld be g1l11 ~d U\ I 1lhho ld n g t nP hen" ,ll\d th e m111 l111um rate !O r

\\01 ' tl m ee t 1he tJ SP 1 11~ <l\r erte d 1l1 e IJe 'l 0 r1d 0 10•111 ecl tl1P t J" lll \ · 0 \ I t\ l l l ~ t ' l I " " 1 u " , " ,r a1 l " 1 " " 11s 1011 \ oO scn< w on l \ means t il e:; lD d of 11 ,p in <?; oft' O\ P1t 1me , 11 1g 1t 110 1k uucl Sunda) I acco - d 111t:I' dP111e d th •l h o took tb e t110 ticket s Llrket s 111 S 111 e \ i e oc r 11 r1ence h e the d• lJ ll , ancl he \\Ould mO\e lh d t 110 11< \ 01 l\H llltllrntn throngl10ul ;

------ ri ll tot e th em up hHl 11ot bP0n ll lo\ed to tou<'h the 1 10 amoun t (£4 G:-1 cl) uc \\Itl 'en Au st r1hn -C a1 r 1ed '

•rHE BOARD The appeal 11as cl1°mlssP d tickets be)ond 11ri L1ng t he 11ord0 off th e b ool s Mr u o 11 mul, ei sn1<i ~lo1rd by Mr Cam p\JP tl .1ntl se ,

~1r I U I I I \ Y" fn1 ranrell a llo n nr t O"S them lie h e thought g ood would f PSnlt fr o m cund ed b) ~lr Ka1auagh (N SW)

ft' illo m t1 ) \R"IF.:'<'I' Wll'HOUT J ,F. c\.\'r 11,1s Doi n11o re th al 1t ',1s n ece"0 at) it H ad th e moDe; bee n • pnt tn in ln th e m a tP1 or regl s uallon 1norr

~rr. i-t :-;i>t i ·i JlAROLn H eR BWR1 DOORI Y fer ,he cnncell e rl tickets t o b e senl arcorcl \lltll the r egulation s it \\O\lhl I ll e rul eR of t h e ( ornm011\\ P 1lt h

<t:hfef Comml ,•lo "c s ll e1 ""entnll\c) c• rn:il concl\l " LOI N1e1vtown Ss 6 rl l l Il l 1 1 h I b C I t d •• , 1n n e x en\ a 10110 l ie a c ee11 haie irr!lcd alr ig lil 'Ii N•rho ls on 011rt of C'on c1 1a 10n on ~ rb 1 tr a 1"t 1i,;1ec t•a ~l'' P~• •"~ '"'~ '~.;' 11 1 1 1~!,~ e ~ ,an:J per da; 11ns personall) admomshen pre'101sil • P1Hl1ng th e m 1n n ext day second e d the mot ion \\h lc'i ll "S rar tion the 1:111'1a) a nd tramwa) si s

a nd orde re d lo lose pa \ for t 1mP los t "" ce the orrt11 1ence he ha tl b een !lPd tems s hall b e 1leen1Pd an 1ndu otr [ '

S \I lHSR,\1 RD 1 tl 1111n g \11vestlgal1on of ca se to lrl the t1cl,ets 11 nre on l) don e b1 11 I t hi n lh e m en nln g of t he Act and i'~ Regarding the s ho1t pa1 m ent on I

A R1'Ill n. :V!U <;<iR O\ F. Gth clas, ~5 10 15 for being ab0 ent from dul) , he bool 1Ti g p ort i> r as a f,1vor for ih e Ba lhur•t H os pit al p &l ienl l h e t h e ie g1 st1at1on of 1ndu st r 1al um ons J. ' I 108 IC1 11s, s hed for eman sa1rl • l111rt 1on s fr om lhe S :\{ 01 N 0 ' ec t PlnTJ oaid he b ud ailJuRted it In within surh 111dustry s ha ll be 1alld ,

r nrre nl arcounts "hJc h \\ 011l d con <

Sc:asonablc Sugi:esl ons I hat w1tl inak~ liah t of the pre sent problem ar• lllu5lrated In

Anthony Horderns' Xmas Price Lists,

\\I 1ch demon .. trat e In tht most p actkal \la~ the mar\c:llous economy to bt found 1n--

Anthony Horderns' Famous Low Prices

\ \In e fur cople5 p o t ~ on te ~t'~I tl1ey n \C sele on!;. forth m~en f cent lent \h t ffer at the 1.:omrr. .. nd of c vcnv t! Here .:i. .. e four useful li st~ -

1th o ut lea1e, 16 10 15 he ~ O ll e 1ad ne\et h ad nn) ci, n s1st 1n g o f a ll g r a des or 11 oike1 s I 1 5 lll 1 5 lppcllant c 1m e to 'f'he a ppe ul was d 1sm1ssed 1-( u111ed ~). •' OT.

leuve, uncl he J Pf n se tl il s tltu le a i ecoid In grnnd Lotuls :\\ 01ed h} ~1 1 ll nnl (W \) and \lii ~ ~ -- -~-on ~1pc 1l :111L llw n "aul he w ou ld be a b RRC'ORD <\fl'O l'N'IS seco nded b} \1r Campbell ( NS\\ J. 1 ~ ANTHO•J\1Y HQ"QD£RN & SONS,


trnu1 at Lu l1n g hut !:i l rntl hut It)

\\ .11r l o t :.wo l11e1 \\ h ll 1 111:1.Ue h nn

.t.\H• l \f~ ru 1 ILP .... lute ll e jJl (HU l :-.Hl

I I u L lhf> f1ult shot1ld

a gu1n

fc llni 111

g , h irgps _ 0 e n t n ~ xt dai lle \\US askert to 1111 THE HOSPITAL FUND The lollo " mg arr ounis , e r e thPll I hnt t h e m at ter or makrn g pro11 I -" lh. 1..10

1 l atlPd lo 1,10

rrl; 1

e ep nrcounls 111 11 a le11e fo 1m 11h1r h he did al r ead an<l pa "se tl for pciinrnnl _ on 1or 11Hlnstr1al ag1eemen ls bP I Only Un""' I Prmodco , Brickfield H ll S d 11 r on n0c t 10n Wilh B H 1r h:i1d s an ti t hough l h P nsutl p rore rlure l to n11 _ _ _ .. ___ Prrn ce A lfre d s ntllllilPr o! p ll [\\~Pn lheun1ono1 ll s f>t ~ Le1J1a n r h eo NPwPal>c•lnounm 1' y ney. ::>o n , l nt\t'e • occo int lielw e en "l G

1 th1< up 11le1 1he nhRPnre H e le fl A m PPt ing of the romm1l lee of ienls J n umbe i 01 r\a)R _G 1 £ '" ind the H<1 il\\u Y l 0111n11ss tone1s ot ~~§li&~~i,ie>;,;$~....W.·i~~;n~

an cl l 7 1 G j nolir P fo 1 h l • 11rcessnr lhal 0001 e' !li e Ruil1.ny und T l am\\ n) llospital l\1A se1 era l 8 t 1tes be IPfl in I h e I .J J all<'tl to t, ee p s l al 1on 1ir<'m1•es 110111tl be nbs Pnl nex l d av Jl utl no 19s Rei Ne wcaotl e 8 S £ 2s ~ cl lrnnd s ol th e ex er utl\ e C a 111 Pd I J1P t" r s l' 1a11 1 H; cll \ gene1a l ,F , pubJ rn il tlie follo11 1n iz reso l tt on,

11 1 1 1 b b P u ncl 11n s h el d 111 the R a 11'rn) Jn s l1 Bathurst Hoop1ta l 4, G9 J:v 6s " cl I - r elar) I H.obm son un I h!'.llln""?:h I w hich "a" ra rried ot tho 0 ,ecutna

c lenn ~O 8 I ' r e r c "ion o 11s eve1 c in g a se n t Li le 011

t he ' iu rn s l when there B 1 1 ' 1\11 J(nr nag !J m ov•'U, atd '.\11 d " Failed to s ec lh a l f 1e lghl he1orc en im t J os p1t::t l 8 4 £~ > a es I im p bell t N S 'VI' ) seronded 'I'hnt I I ire prP"I Pnts1 uloo re1 ur11etl neet n g on th e ~ th 0 "oiler last

I 11 l

11e 1e pre"nn( l\ l e n IT ~ Tl os p lt nl 2 J .J £& 1 7 li d I 1i h ' th anks l T i UL •l1 ls "' " <U ll Ne or the ,, I J .

I'l1e board tl ec1 ded lo r es !o1 e IP

pellan t lo 11 c fo1 rn~1 posit 1011 ~l ond n) tilh rnst \\!lit loss oE P U}

tlrn, g. s in nll <n <es 11e1e tolJ r rtPll ,\pp• nn t ll nrol1i Do m P\ • a11 lw ,,_ ssr • " .~w u111 the IO\lrl ~ or board r rea te cl lo de nl ,. r ' "

\J\la'\ " \\\R0\1>.TTR\m:-;'T '1 t 11 nl" Oi l1Al i1Pl ' O! gou·' • s 1r, l " a"o ntltl \ Oll l 1 u 1 ~. and s1.,11Pdl t !Th.edd\e T \\ Vi'r lg lo t II ao11 H os pi ta l 0 ~ u J; S l h Gel \ lh t he od strJ I 0 l l : J\l es.~JA r a mpbell ori el ll atuong regre ts tll- ll!P1l' bero l1111 eal1 0\\> tl ' u Sta t e lt osp ltat (l l\P1po ol ) l o q .!'. ~ \I I ll I r TII l IO •

0' mO\Pd Th a t lh P r ou n I (J b ( P Oil 1l1c

CH<l.RLI c; I I 1,1 ;;0 B\' FHt't lo F J .11 so " r, F \o 2J 'F, on i l Ip n1 l' u 11n g the eve nin g h ~ Lcc kard :\orm un J uud son II h s Id I o11liJu 1n Ho1pil d " 1"9 l ra1h1uy m e n l\llh n stn\ e s h J ll rero1d ll ~ , pp r.r ia u on ot l it ~ ft n > ria ,/~"~"e,,~\h11 1 ~ ~~:,~~,~.~~ \ :eo;sd~" ~u1le out o f ihe s P n1 ~e

j111110 1 porler p1r ton r,8

per d ni 4 Puile cl to 1,nde l g ood i ~ c coun t 10 111cl 1h nL lie lt atl ce 1tn1 n bns 1n°ss 1\ illnntin<' HobPIC 8o\\mah.ei £ ! 9 ~s 9 tl '.\loie e llo, p \tul J GI ct e ul 1ng \\I t h c la im s con s ide r a n:l y ~ "n' fmed h all a d«l<fJ3) rn r 1 c~ t I r J111 ) to tn P 11 ffi, rn dt to ilie n tl to n r ~l da\ un u \\P ll1 to UPr. rge B1r chg101e f , Da\ 1ds on J £G 15e ~d S t Jose ph • IT op1lal l dete rmin e muttP16 ! Plut1ug to the ~ ,' ~,';e',-"i11e "~', , '.1~u;1ct;~1te11~:~"1n~~ 1or 8tnun :;r 1hat t111rk I \ lJl II I 1c r ' trh n IJI P ''be t Lim e I £ J lo t h oi h Pol forFrnlU an d to ld hlm or 11 \\ l1boloo a u To) r e Gl £G Ju , 10d S)clDPI Ho• p1t1 l lj t o llol\Jng g r01lll3 i ii - 1 1--·1,1 ~ Jur rn 11'"-ro or tl1c 11 " e

de• pntr'led \,) l\o Lu ' o n " llJ ir v ~ 15 an l 1h t I e \\o l! ltl no1 he able l1 1 Salar1Ptl oll1ce r s - J ' uc


" v

n1ll1ough Ill" i ~ 111le wnq dPs palcl1 I \ pJlP il nnl pl enu Pd g11 l l} b u t s1l'. n u11 nl r, 1> m nexl cl .i; rhP "\rnu f'OH!H1>PO'lnb:-.C"E I 1 •1 £ 1 ls Gd l e\\1~harn t fo HPILtl 'Traft11 uncl i rau p01i nl 1on liu•1 n;~~P , ~11~111 <On!: G 1~r=~ 1'",tes11etsllPt1nµ1-"7 i £~ll l " ' 1 Os DublJo l lo,p 1tul I t l b i

Prl by No _ l 1 sam e cla1 rans1ng \con tended til " l the mntl e t • "e \0 1Pm<1n 1l1CI n o l 1e ll him lw cou ld 'f'h e follrlll in g corrP•pond en ce \\n• PP1rn .nenl 11 <1 ancl 1 01\ • -•xlra cortesponde11 ce and tl el11 to Pa• J\ y Pxpl1rned anti th tt tti e ne t ha\ P \Im !Pa1P on \; to ld him lo 1pu d l' rom liie m Pd ical s nper ln te i ll ~ 4 G £ " ti ?s 'd \[ a J Jl<l, ii l ie 4 l oco 1u11 n 1n g an d mrch 111 1cnl b, '1 E •~JP. \J a ;nes on

1 ln rh 1hr 010\PID Pflt nrny be ra 1t-

pape1 s l3ltm e nt 11as too sc1e1P fil l 111 t l1e t or m l\pJlel \an t 11 e nt on rl Pnl or Wa le rlall Sa n ilo11um appl t llo s p1 l 1 2 4 ~ £4 l Oe Ma1L110<1 5 Rlerl11 c il a ucl te \eg riph l<ovanagh \ 111\PJ " e el 11pon lo evp ress an o'pln 0 11

llll l" ll '.leh Ille S \J' at Pi c ton 111 hi s e1 id en ro app ellan t lo sa; t h nt h e rang up th s d epot ca t ions for 1f\f11nds from \l eoo rs l\ucpJlal 1, 4 8s ed S I \ 1ncent s Traill \\ 3) (e~ceplPd " lert rica l the pres ident a nd 0 0 Tio tJ1l li 1 7 4 96 £51 3R li d J

6 mou sl ;

i;ntd that uppe llant was on his staff ha d n o immecl iate \\Oil 111 con uec a fte1 he hail f1111 s betl h is business Spee.•h l) , Waterh ou se and P eut'er lo l al 77 patients l ~o4 !la\ R £211 nn d omcers)

lH ' IBI I !O,_ ]'I 1,

and he g11e lum p,1pc1s to trnce t 1on 11nh good s o1 l11r s •ock ac 111d a s l Pd if he \\O\l ld be requu ed gaol •rom [} II ro11der y ( 1esHle nt , \ Rn\l\\ a) conslruct 1on Eac h s pea k c 1 po.id a L11b u1e to lhe I lour trncks on 1410 l o He secur , coun ts The account of D R< ia1do the s hP.<1 tor e rnan to ld J11rn he 11 as t ranrn ay r ng 1nee 1) iega 1d1ng lh e 16s 1<1 \1 ot1on ca111ed ' ::"10 11th of the "\1 c•o111 n b1a ncl1 dt1 1

d th I t l l

I t I 1 1 1 l l 0 l

ing r ecent i ears and exp1eosetl p1Pa I 1he Dt1111\Jl<lo n P I L ru t n o~

<' e 1n 01ma ion a1H pace d 1t on ond Sons 11 e1e in a s tu l e of chaos n o r PC11111 e< Jcc a u se 1e i a c n o \o ot mo ne ) 111 tran s it lrom Ne\\ca s ll e C' :'<~ l\fPTI\ 1 PU'\n I lt wa s r e sol\ed Thal the ro tn lus (:.VJel1 ill e s) t able which \\hen h e tool' up and the II hole of 'lgnerl o n at ' P 111 ·when h e came lroP1 LI e secr e tar) or t he B atl1u rst W aterfalls ( Joh n K ennecl\) l r1 I or h e AR l U c on d r mn s Lli c sur e al th e c lose i c lal10'1s l11p t ll ol to n ull 11 p hultl ts IP1> uta o 1 k , '

showed L V 126 to be In the t rouble arose [10111 hi s ilm1ted in on }.for.day th e d epo t maste1 Hosp1Lal regardin g a short payment patient 28 d ays £4 lD s Wcnlw01 th s pec ial taxal10n or Stal e sen anls b; ex is ted bel\\een the ra1lw i)rncn or l11 e 111d e1 e1ge t1c ban , 1 c.t th~ d

V ctorrn. pncl othe1 State employe es Pol1t1cu l Lob ur I eague a £. a P ro·

a nd ont bi l07 on the 1 07,lrnow ledge of accounts of Lins krnd ci 11 e 11 ed hts pa per a s to why h e id !or Ho ber t Grahune from the c o ralls (Joseph Ma rt in) 1 1 8 0 £28 means of-on Lil e same day wl11 cl1 >1as 111 In r ega1d to the oth e r ch11ges th ey not apply fo1 \e a1 e opernto1, L11mted and 1o wn s cn cl 7s tota l 2 pati ents 21 7 tlais £"" (a) P ercentag" 1e ducflons Lff o1 ts to esta lJlU 1 s ml1 11 corid1 \ g r as s A ,oc11 l 1c 1 ind i s ~ I' 1J1 t in g

rorrer t Appellant would trace a were du e to t he "rn t of tompetencj 'The appeal wns cli smissed an d Co 1eg a1dmg t he p 1rn t1 11iz of 6s (b) Stoppage of in c1ements , on s 11ould be m a le wheu thei 1e Soc1et) Tb1ougl1 its ei!o l e ad-~ tu rn ed to then 1e s pc t l11 e Stile" d 1lic ns to the local 0 cho ol lla' e uee n

~ru ck :Y :he ;~'\ ards and out>1ards i'" thP. staff ,1s to ll1e de lne1y of Nl G li!Cl'JN 'I' J,OADJN G t he aunual 1ep o1 t se\ eral lette rs of Rl':l'UN])f'\ o\Nn MT8Cl LTA:'<hOt:Fl as (:•~ l •~~·~:;~ 1t~r11;1 :uton e and s pi e One and a ll a ;:;1

ee d lhH t i10

1n15 1s in ct1oned >LouJp rn osteners h n10

ram oo any trai ns w e r e goods without f1e1gl' l cha1ges berng CEO P G b SYLVESTER DWYER comp laint from th e s ec retn1v to co l To T Pend erga st Ril P) Slr eet pa r ed at 1111 tim e< lo romlrnt an\ rnn fe i e nce would be a l a n cl nrn1

,, 111

\J 0c11 p lac ed 111 111 po8L ofnr '' nnd

:~:c~ll~~~a~l~:} we r e not marke d In 1~~1: ~:1tcd ~~~!11:~: ~v~:h ~~ ~l~e ~~~~; po1Ler, A1exaut111U 9s per d.t) , was :~~~~~: aobfo~a::~eI~~sst:1tal fro;~ ~ :: : K oga1ah 14 uays St "\rnrent s, 'I sucl1 prop osa ls b) all mean s Ill ils the gro 11 t h of All 0 1 i de Ra l\\1) 0 1 \ 11an y on l1e1 unp o il~nt m • t PT" lll e

To :.1r camphell B eriy had a out the r:imili trou bl e» hP had sur lined 5s 1 5 10 15 for lrnv 111g fail lMe Mr Carr The correspondence Ward RP and M P J:l J Os to H powPr gan1 °nlton th 1ou ghont ll10 Com mon li ee 1 plHetl i> Pfo1e the 1,1oper 1 1l h>1 -

1lu•; time h e was also parce ls por· rrer e d fo r man; ieors on acco1111 t of eel to seP t ha t a con s ign m e nt 01 g lass 1\(1~ r e cc 11 e d \I' SpeP chle) , 'I'r nm\\aY DPpot UI Mess1s Chapple a nrl Hobrn son \\eallh IUC" ter and did ln s \;Orl most sa t1sfac l f l llh l f I lc r illess r s L llarpe r an d (o Pn1 - Li mo 15 l ns n f or l n II L l (\ lr) ra01 e d nnd it \\ as cair1 ed \ fr \1 0 11 1~SP\' pres id ent of th e l 1 h o l r]o mocl bo 1q11Pls m:lr•

toril} ' :l~:P::le~ l:~.~d so~1nc o 13\l ng lo iam a ttn wus 1iroper l; loa ded i11lh m~~:1n ~ l~~a c:V:~g~: r:i~1'~:1, t~~~q~h~~ RP' and \1 p lr5< 1~ ~ i:;}~\;1 Th it th is to trnr ll ol lh e ART [1 \ R 11 i cl n o w \Pdg ed ll1e io le o r ll 1 t] o me \ pa1 """ " mor' rkr .

Ch as L B erty, appe l lant sa1c\ h e The b oaHl regretted lhat it r on ld the r e sul t th at t he r ont ent s of seve t he loss the llos pita\ Fun d • u• tarned honsP \\ oods1de St reet Hu1l• lon e emp hasises tt< l>P ll e l \n 1he p11nr1ple Lie ro un l on h Ehii1 o h i< br1n1h Cl f1 01J1Le• Pt "Ill!'' ' iol J • on.

was on dtlt) as parcels po1 ter on on ly d1sm1ss the appeal b ut r P.ro m r a l ra oes 11 rre broke n, 10r \\l11rh l h roug l1 Ille death of the 11 \1r r prP Park, 10 1\eeks rn Private Hospltt\I, or p 1efe re n ce lo 11 n1 0111 s t s rn d mak and llU " s up por ,Pll b; \i eooi • ll; et l l t!nls lh ~l _re lh !o' l ~l l nnJ pride of

14 1015, and r ecolleclecl getting Lhe mrnd ed the Supennleu de nt of l in f.s ~~1:11~P P11~~t7m1e;t h ad to mee t a h e a"y s ldent "11 f'arr H cam e as :I. g reat Le11 1°ha m £7 1 0s tot.1 1 £9 1 5s m g t1 a n s fer f1om S talP lo ro m mon J{obin eo n unr1 rlw ppl P


ic d l ,l rlrt

pap ers re truclrn The tnwks o ! to place appell ant in s om e sta tio n A.ppellan t ii as d efend e d by Mr SJ\lpri se t o him \VhPn la s t tie £lt se r 1eta ry s sa lan to '.'lovembe r ~ u th " eallh empl mm enl, a n rl !11 fill~:~ t rula s " e re e nt e r e d in lh e rnwnrds wh ere h e ronld have medica l itten C laude ' l'h ompson ge ne1a l •e c r Ptan 'ith 1hPm h e uppf'arecl to lrn m £C 16 , Sd f a r es pos ta ge va1an~1P< g<'neralli in Stule

b ool, and onll' ards book and tl1en lion for b is 111 f~ or th e All t.r mt~s and pleaded no! \lgoions h ea l111 111 k a nd fas ten ers 4s J d gran d Co rnmo1111ea1th SPn ir e 1he carb on p a pe r wuq p nt o n lhe ----- ln lol LGn 17e 1 l tl T11e QnP ens lan d clel ega l PR s lated

oat11nrd1 boo« and if th e "hole\ g mlt y 'f'hr serr e tan s upportf'Cl thr m o t h at the} loarl bee n r e 1ueste <I b\ train \\ere JH:icl1Ptl. the remarks THE BOARD, Tho~ F. W1Jgl1 t s l at 1on nrnste1 li o n ll\ sa)in g that ii g r w1ed h i m l'Hl..,IJ-.c: 'IHF \'ll'Or\L RF.PORT th F!r bran!'.b to m o\e th e follo\\1ug

weie pnt rn th e <olnmu bu t H un j 1t A lexandr ia, 1aHl he knew a pp e l to be ca ll ed upon t o 13sue a rer t1 fi Q11o la t10n s "e1e read from the I resolullon and desi red t he pe rm •"

the out"ai us bool an J the num\,er M ~f'h~;~.;.~~N Ja ni He 1erel,Prl eighty t\\O cases ra te 101 Mr Carr at ~u cb n. dlstanr c ro operator T 1m11ed , aud frorn s ion or ronreir n cP to do ,0


of t h e Iran "as pul in H no nnm (Chief Com~ff~.1~~~~\\~i,, esent& l hel ore' c:,l,a~•ct !tnt1eJ1'..lovnsla1gsnlm e111r.t baep ps~ilol ~~c~ ~nl~t~s:~:g11ermtol11aelt obn1:~rans d arr11og1enrot11~11e, ~P1 e,'str o g'I'o11Tnl1spm\[lattnd I o Jl Pb tthde l mts"lOll hJ11n g been granted \11 lo malc f' llt r- 11 r, l a• r1 !ll e ••a n l one I m Hle a ha n l r. om~ lll c-U• - c ' ' ' b.,r Of ::Ill) t!U rk 11a" del.1ChAd l htW l\IR E D CUfPCRT J c r c ' " ·' r

11 Ill e Jll , e r \la- (Pae Hird tn g mO\ Pd a nd '. It \ 1lJ1e1s

w e re 1Jra<l c 'l ett ofi as li Plached (E!ectedHepresentnllveo r 111101.s1:.IT) h a1e seeu [h tll <L 1as prupeily lo3<l ill HA was a g rand olcl man dlltl al some le n g- th \11 f,ocl<n l[i held <Pronded rh al 110 VIp 01 M 1 c 0\11111': tu lh e l it. eli ' iootl o f t he 111 Btll1n g to n 111 P 01 t he 1110, , ar

WhPn hellos n sl, P.d to Lrace t h e ,.a 10 1e and art in th e l 1u c!, :wi1 Ins fi1m 1o ue \o US al11a1s h eard u n th1l th e re port onghl to be gal f1ee rt e shall hold <1n oll\cld po s il• on m Stole s hon rl t n ~ 0\01 \he po1101° lo d e nt f' n lhu < a Is \h it the \ P3";U" n r

uuck s he could onlo tale ttie e n- 8 1fORT CHA,'101~ AN D 1,ANGUAGF. ness cl1d not see th e consignme nt al the l ogica l side oL th e ir li tt le d e o! cos t b y m ean s ol ad 1e r l1semen ls this 111110 n ' lllf' movei 01 the re l h r rommon1 Pal lh 1t """ 1eso l1 P l ' nn) olhe r lea<?;ue could pos,f'"

tries m both bool< s ROBJ!JR'r J OHN DEMPSTER ca s all an d could no t say whethe r Dwye r b ates He po s ted w1t '1 Lhe ce1 t1ft 'l' ho secr et ary sa id he t oo thought solution s ta led that p erson a!l) h e Lh 3l th1 ° m e et i ng o f coun ci l adiourn \ rhe 1ol11llrat1 ons 11ere k en t go111~ The a ppeal

1138 di smissea \lr ual conductor, Roze lle Ss per day loaded the b1oken glass or not he ca te a let tm to th e matro n s talin g so, but th e trouble was to get peo~le did not la\ or th e pr o position b ut he until a 1lale to be flxerl Tf th r re L nl1l a la te hou1 11 b eu the h a p py

Camphet l diooentr..-J l1l \J ew o r ap \\ as di smissed 1

ll l5

on the fol has to \\Ork under a le a cl \ug por ter \\ h at a friend to the hospital cause to look at 1t dun n g the p1 esent h ad his rn s tiu cllon s :md had Lo a b ide oho uld b e no d evelo pm ent s in t h s l gat h eirng d1"per sc d

p ellant 8

excellrmt c ha t acte i be lowrn g c harges_ a nd h as to see lo the proper l oadrng ~1 r Carr was aud asi<ed t h e mat1011 c 11s1s Howeve1 the offe1 of th e b) sam e Th e de legates fr om the dir e cti on th e n ext meetrng \\I ll b e - - - --

ccnGfdererl a ~autwn \\Ould haie 1

Su pplyin g pa ssen gei \lho t en of the stuff Il e d1cl not put any t o Ee11d tum a collecl 1\lre no w and Co op erator' L imited \\ US nol a , arw ns brnnches staled that t he) held rn B1l s b0

n e F:AFiT \\00 1, 1 \fl TI'\ f , \BOH

;inet the ca se d e r ed 2

s 6

d 1ll payment of two U d d 1ffi c ult1es l1l the wa) of D11;er s the n a bout his cond1tiou The re- ba cl oue It \\US de finite and 1f con s idered it a b ig mi s t ake to carry I J,l \ ( , 1.JJ;

fa re~ \\I th change as !or a two s lul n ppeal The staff and duly s b eet quest " as g r aci ous ly acced ed to nncl m emb ers or th e comm1 tlee w is h ed to a ieso lullon of such a n ature Th e LABOR LEAGlJES, ~F.(,J,F.C'TF.D 'I

0 f'O:li NF,CT lmg p iece and n eglectm g to compl y sho\\ s that the leadrng p orter ls to h e r ecelved o ne f1 om th e matron to ta J,c a b a n cl lD th e mnt tet th e r e " as um on rn tlie p asl hacl m nde a m •s This brunch of t he P L L he ld :i

Jl L!\;1,, • RANf ti; ~i.;sBr r Glh With the rn struc t 1o ns on page 54 a of oupP1v1 se say Lhat }.lr C'an "as dange 1ously a goorl fie lcl for lt P e 1sonally h e take rn c utting t h emselves udnfl - --•-- meeting on \fond ai e1 e 11111 g Nm em-

rl rn, s tal10 11 mas te r Hamilton £~4 0 t h e 11or lu ng ord e rs , 32 10 IG Ronalcl C'uneo l eading porler \' 11 and b te i to s~y thnl h e h a rl 11as unable t o do any camassrng J1om the pol1t1c1an s Pl F \I fl'fl \l IUPOR'I ber ~Hth at the Co11g1egat1 on:J l

]le t nnn u111 wrl qu" r ei. II l fiu e d .! f<u b •eq11ently beha\lng Jrnpro Pari nmal ta , •aid h e was on dn l~ on p1s~Pd ~111a} I'h e p1 Ps 1d ent sai d that a1lltougl1 he \ ',\lirn t the\ sh ould do was to rop r hoo l corn e r or Que en and O r r> II\

JO A on 32 10 10

lo r ti i v iu g ruilr• I peily :>hcl u • ln g hi g hl y imp i o pc r Lhe da te In qu es t ion and r ecolle c l 01l ThP p1es1dent sai d 11 " n" a sur mi g h t b£> ro ns \da re!I consP. r va t1 ve he lu i e tlH• pol\llc,i l m,HlllBPJ Y and J, eep 'rh P p 1, 1, eXPr ll lt1e ll Alrl t h r. Ht1re t s 1he meeting \\UR >1e1l it·

10 en•ur e p1o pP1 'O nn erl1on between nnll obsrr ne la n g u age to sa id pas tl!e 1ru rkconta!n1ngglass Her.ould p1 t•e to h im The s er1 ela1) 11a • "'snot n a mo1 ed o! the 1t11e1ti smg "111111 g ras p up on It T he m a tle1 l1 '11a l fo rtn1 ~1111 rn ePl1 ng a t \la c Lu n dr.d rhe sec rPt.U y 11as dlr r<l c l

No G (6 10 am "~ W mi hope lo senger and gentleman accompany ing nol qny how man} ca.srs there W<'r e good !'nougl1 lo sen d !11111 a no\e, anll rnethorl \11 Wr ight thot1 1> h l lh e ot of leg1s la t 1on was Ill th e h autls ol lo i11ell H o 11 "e on J'11a1l)- la s t lhe lo 1111le n letl <' J of sy rnpa th) lo Ll1f'l

Sidne\J and :-lo r, J!l (l l G ]Jrn l'X h im ~ 2 1015 ac10,, \ IHI t1u r lc and d1rl not know 1180 ad\lsed olh l"r officAr s of t h e 11 fP 1 f1om the C'oop ea1to1 WJH a t h e unioni s t , ancl it 119 , up lo him " •d 1 11 ~ 1 i t g p m PrPl11te r (!Jon w A Holman) 1e

!'\ ewe is llP to r or onto) 11 1ll1 llw r e- Apppllan t pleadrd not g uilty and of th e h1 ea lcagPs till next il ay h e lo"s 1t \\ as s ad lo reRer t on th e tra1gh tout g ood one, anu s ho u ld be to ieal '"e it On the ques t ion bein g 1 he ll PP p1eS1 ctent Hon H n the d1opute 111Lh .M r Ca1d1 n er t l ' ~ Fnlt that' il'""ngPr io1 s" ·u t iH> lat- 11 a s ilefe nd ed b1 \11 \1eagh e r t h <>n wen t down rnd pxamined !hem s11ddP11 ra ll 11e \\ Pte "" bJPr l t o but acce pted \ p ul it \\OS tu rnPd dow n ~[engher M l~ A p 1es1ded onP Lo Mi s C Blaek compll menl -

t er lra1n, ~ 10 I' Geo (,1bs on a saddle r sai d that J a s F lynn juni or p or te r sa1<\ hn h r lrti• le-d lhP good wor k '.fr Ca rr ThC' s ecreta1i sa id 111PJ sho11ld do J,J,F:C'l' ION 0 1 O l l 'JC'lUI~ full alteudnncc o r m0mbe rs o1:.~t1: it'l g he r u pon ha1\n g bee n St>lect od

~ppella11L 'a• undr fi! >Hled and l h P w~s a pa s"enge r lro m ra rest wns on dUl) at Parramatta ID July l l 1 ~d 'l one rn llilo o o1ld \\Olli <l he ona o! t \\o rhrng " H t he1 \\ e 1e to l\ l1 Thomp son C 1ee 11 (~A) """ factor) apolo S( 1es ' e re r ece11ed from Queen or th e Allie~ ndm illPd !h tl l h E< paqspn , .r rn1s•ed Lorl gP on 22 JO I!; ll e Je ll th e last, arHl rerollP c tPcl th e consign placed to hi s Plernn l rrPd1 t Mr K g o olJ aight 101 a sa\ e 1! wo~ IJ p dec lared P\eclecl as Dresldent (un those unabl e l o a tte nd A h<'ar t y vote v' \\el corne \\EIS t en-

hl o train, hu t rons1 tl P1Ptl lhr. punish· G lehr To\\n Hall a t G ~Q nnd got oft: tnPn t nf glas s H e \\as at the trurl, 1Da1 id s on alw "POi e fPE•ilng l), a111l belle1 t o JH nt a fou1 p age annual I op posed ) de r ed to Mr PPte r Bo"l'iling >1ho

m e ut to b e Pxce2011P l o "•• e 1 ,_ I ·l tl1e r a1 l\'3' ""1t1nz ronn1 "t 6 4 "> " hPn ii 11as h elng unloaded s omP Ra11J he \1ou\d lik e t o seP something I M F l H tt (VI ) d NF. \\ BH \ ..,f' H v.as present u s n ilslto r " • ,, ' " " ~ " repo rt nJPr e lJ g11lng t hP pre"tdenl R 1 ran < ;e c w a s e-

d e n rP. lie ileposetl th a l hP h ttl to l s lfp rncogn 1seu appellant ns the con of It"" ' on Its end a nd some wn s l mo1e t rng\b le done than a m Pre iot e 1P\1ew and lhe hal nnre ~l! eets Rut elat ed e lec te d :is secre t ar y (naop A n e \I br a nch torm !l it \laclt>rn Jn co n veyrng the \\P lcom e or the

iu e tlclels f10111 ~pm to 2 11 p m du rlor on his ltam \-\h e n he came \v1ng ilow n t he carters rlr P"l'i h is M of RJrnpalh y Th e pr Psiden t saltl i i it w1s rnns1dere rl d r s11ab le t o I p osed) 11n • Pn 1lo1 epd branch to ~1 1 Bo11\lng t he president

fi e 110 8 '1anded die takin gs by l he rounll he g;vP. h11n hull a c row n in lenl1on \o orrn l h n l 11as 1at\llng L11 II ir it wts n ec es sary h <' was qu1Le publls lt au annual r P.po1t In \h e OJ J< Xf1] CIJ'r1Vr ('0\1'1TT1F.F. N0'1 1)i \11 0 '\ 8 (\1 r J Dannahe r, J p) s poke of

c letl, ", hP 11 e n l off 011 Lhe da tP 11aymenl 101 t' o f a rps W he n h e A ppr llnnt Ceo l Dl\} e 1 mtl d prr p,ued lo •l o morn l ie <lid not dinar) ru anne1 th e n it sho11 irl bA 1 h e follo win g 11 er e e lertell No 111 1nn11 un 11 0rf' i e• e e el f1om ~JI llowl111g " bon~sly of chn ra rle1,

ufPneul o Lherehn rlbeA11Jaresanrl lexarn11 ed lhe rh u n go he fo11 nd it l h<>1 P\\er0t 11 owug g on<ol g lass1n l lrn ow n11yl111 11 g of :\1 r < arr s per murle m o10 ntt1a ct n e and mat1e1 nto Mcoms ' (Kavanagh (NSW ), ~Ahfie l d \11 JohnCol11lle and Aslt lhestt\unehnessof h1s p1inclples,1nd

li e 1ere11 i> cl fro m th e rlerk th1ee 11\US w1ong and r ull ed the contl utlur 11 e ia rd 11ll r n lHI we11\ o11t h e uon 11 0n11 1onm Pnt lrnl he WllA qu 1Le a Re l l s 11ppo1l111g afin1r \JI th e ucl1er I ll Ro bi nso n C JI 11nes (WA) bmnh am \lpe.r" J \1 !J a nn ey J AC' lt s ncrifte in t he cau se or Labo'

s eparalo arnounL one bf'1nr: over a nd to ld him of th r m1 , lal e con nl e<i Lil e rasP on lh f' \\ U?i!:Oll8 ; [ U1' lbu l if tl 11aA lno\\n that ani \1 mn g p1ore•s l l m w hL n ot bp do ne T R H1ud\ 11 g lQ ), 'l Ch rlsloph er s p Lynch a nd P ~ I l\ l C'ITI and e n nnd ex pressed th e liope lhn l he

£1 0 11 Jh ' had lo l • ~ ue 1lrke!A for Appellant !l cnletl th a t the i e was a nd lhe1 0 \ler P P1 g ht1 !110 li e In t " ' [' "'" n orP•saJY !l tP) woul1l a ll lhe f11 s l \Pai lrnL ir on ly Lim ros l I (S \) ilo1 oe r\ Allb jert lo 1J e 111g in ord er \\Oll ld be re 11arded b; be in g i e! urn ·

all pasae11g PI " antl for \ lip J'o 1onto anv mt 1lal.e madr \n lhe chaugP and s tru<ted t hP m en how to )O't<\ thP h e lp lo rarii nnl 1 su1tttble p1opos 1 'ould he sa 1ed llt A p a th\\ IV 110 111<1 01' lh P motio n of \f e•sr s nnh1n NI to a 8e:ll In Ute Se n ule

tJ i ln H e oa11 No 1 8 pa ss at!/{;, Lhat he n sed offens11e la ng uage lfe c1sPs o n t he t 111<I<' :rnd then' £> 111 111011 'J\w motw n 11ns Lhe11 ra 111 Pd hP rl e n1 for betle r thlnl'.R li e hP- sn 11 aud H a rtl!u g •l "'" i eso ll Pd lORH l'sPo-.nl ~C l A1le1 se1eral othe 1 mem ue 1• l1:1 i.I

aud lhP ' I n ee rnnll \\3 s ull P ay,ay at lo l rl h im h shonlu t akP his uum ue1 to al! Pnd to some "aggons ronto111- b1 all prPs enl 11 ~ 1n e: t1111 s silent!) ii P1P1l in \ h P. 11 l1 1mcto bl!UPBK of \l I [hat th e 1 1" 111 nnlan b1a nrh be ask :\I 1llP1 s in r on nrrl1011 l\llh th e SIJOken rn fa1or or Mr 1'01 ling •

2 lG bnt bring bu s) he ove rl ooltNl and ll' POrt h im but 1'b en lie a sked rng fert lll sPrs he had to get a t 1ucl< rn1l ic>1PtPntly m arl.Ing th ei r sYm- 11 1<1 11ould no t i emal n R~l1 K llPd unll l Pd to elcLl " r e p1esentathe on the RPdfe IU and Wo ll l11a hra n r hPs of in 1111ldalure ~11 B0\'11ng lhrnl ed

the fact lhut tl had n o l gone A R a ppe llan t ror hi s irnrnber h e l tuned and sWPPP It oul a nd th un atlRnd t o p llh ) 1 t t\ 1 ! t1 It Px ecnl1ve th e P J, I llPIP t PfPn eLl 10 t he di s the bianeh for the 1e ry h e uh r<"-

t he T o 1011 to train passe rl the e ncl of h l" h ead away inrt v. ent to t h e alli e r worl< H e l<ll A'ol h ow th e gla"9 :'111 Locl nr<l nio\ Ptl nnrl M r I P sa\\ 1

ir oug 1 1

ir ro mmi ee \I ce p1eKl dPnl• An 0xha11otlH pntes comm ll!ee t•J) tlo11 accorde d hi m anti nss u1erl 1 ''1"l10J oon · ~"nttrl r d tl1ar t11e SP" IP· r h o,u \o ronlllllle publis hi ng it in

tlie platform lrn saw tlie TareP trai n dllv e r l\hPll h e c.ime lrnck llf• u • P.d wa" to ba l oaded a nd a s ra r aA 16 ·'' ·' ·"' ' 11 1 ballot 11 18 ta ken to sel or l \ 110 v1,e !hose pre•ent that it he ha d t hu d rnw in and soon artPr a ge ntl oman \PI ) bat! l:1n g 11lgP- an d Looi t hA rould Ree it was l oad e d ro r e and nrt lnlY bP ns l<ed to wrlto and th anl lhA hoo, et 'V01ml t Mr pies1denl• lro11 t h e PXPru t l\e rom I '\l\I R~o\I, 81'H \ l(P. Tl'\f,\ F hono1 lo be e le clad he 11011lcl no , ~ t c a m e to t he oft1 re and ga1e h i m a l 1cl ots f rom wl! uPqs filend ancl to~e ilP hacl othe1 \\ Ork to p er form du11n g mn!1on o l lh P. raree 1Tosp1tal fo 1 h er l\11 ' 11g ' mo.,,Pl'f and m1ltee ~1essrn \ lll ir1s Q ) ( ha p Th e sec reta1) "ns Jn s t111 cted to Hii e

b a d lime Appellant dtd not reply th em up and \ oltl them to got nnl !11e mornmg nnd ~ ould n ot sav lo ndn PSA - (ar r ie rl Lo(kalcl seconded that the mnlle r pi e (Vic) 11e re a ppol n tPd sc1ul1

tn any "ay Th e pasaen ger hacl only of th e tram Th is h a p pened at th e what time tho n Pxt cons ignment or \f r T W "\Vngh t m oved, a n d Mr • t a rul o1 e1 11 ntil lhP 17Lh m st a nd n eer s Th e ie snll of t h P bn llot 11as

t wo hours to '" ait for the nex t train section g lasR rame ann ' 'as received 1,ocl>1trrl seconded that the i e l und s be con s idered by a epec1a l comm it thnl Meos r s Robrn so n ( \ ic ) and I t o Toronto and auf!'e red no loss on Patr irk \foLenag han collar The board drcitled that there ""' "" 1pplled fo r bei n g repor ted rn or· tee m eetrng Ka 1anagh (N S W) 11ere du !) I acrount or the wait Appellant said maker sa id he 11orl<ed for C lh•on an e lement or doubt ln c01rnPchon tler b) the sec retar) be pai d -Ca r- Ll'."'i\ as gettll g rnr e and man y elec\ed as 11re p1es ld ents

ll was the fir s t occasi on on 11h1 ch hA who \\as'' s1d tll P1 an rl was a pas \\I th D W)Pr's cnlpa bl ht ) aud de cl d 11ed memhers felt that th rv shou ld g\ \e Ju relurn mg thank s the pres1

] lad anything aga in s t him during o,engP r 011

!hP tram from f"or l'Rl eel to uphold th e appeal I RPga 1dlng th e la1e l ists h el d b y th e m a tte r sperln l cons 1de r a o o n and denl expressed "Ulis fa ction at t 'ie I hls servlce of se\ en years )13 had Lodge' JTp generally ' or robo1aled Ott"1 \ Jd 11 ards ·w e r r1 s C reel, Mr have more lime to refiert on lhP qno pr ogress m ade b\ lhe mo1em e nl fo r

deal t wlth thousand s of train • On the pre>l ou s Pdden cP NRflT1F:f'rl~G TTC'KRT!'l • no11mnl.e r rno1ed and ~fr Knnrls on 1allons The amendment "a' cai - ama l ~amal 1 0 11 111Ll1111 the \ ariou s \

th is occa.s1on he had fou r t1aln" to Appellant Robert I D <> mpstArrn li'RA"IGIR RAYM OND lJDliJNfl ~erondPd th a t the sec1e! in brin g rl ed b\ a la rge maor\t1 a nd thP Slate• th e counci l repr esented abou t I "Watch closely as there was only " mu d he had abo nl si x mont11 n err por ll"T S u !h erl t\ncl Rfl 6cl per d a1 the matte r befOJe Mr Lu c) 'f'he n1e e tm g i •as acljourn e tl 40 OOO memb e rs al th e pr<> sen t tim e

111argl!l of a minu te bet wee n t hem vice nud waa a marri ed m o n He y, us fin e d f\\ e Rhilli n gs 23 1 0 1 5 p1 es1dcnl rnd "\Tr \V1lg h t pointed and 'onld eP1tn1nl ) exte nd Its In

The board c ons id ered that Ill view had previous ly \\Ork Pd tor rh e Leich out that the SPc reta1v hacl a lrPR dy been giv e n po11 e r ui t be executive



Telephone-C1tJ 82.

RAILWAY EXAMS.- OUESTION$ 1'Th e Ree retn ry said lrn \\ llfl gl vPn fn ll AND ANSWERS power but he u e~ lred to Rho" that

REl' !IOOK, g; .. '

N .S W BOOKSTALL 00, .QDJllilW. .

h e was not unrea sona blf', and ga ve Pvery m an a fair chance before do­

ing RO The motion "as carri ed


~ ~~z~~)l.4u._


ANNUAL SMOKE CONCERT will be held at the


On Saturday, December 11, 1915. A\ 7.30 p.m. 1harp.

Tickets 2/ 6 ea.eh. W R BAILEY, Branch Secretary.