Bertocchi, Thomas Haller and Jesús Pérez-Gil Andrea Ravasio, Bárbara Olmeda, Cristina Air-Liquid Interface Respiratory Three-dimensional Films at the Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Membrane Biology: doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.106518 originally published online June 17, 2010 2010, 285:28174-28182. J. Biol. Chem. 10.1074/jbc.M110.106518 Access the most updated version of this article at doi: . JBC Affinity Sites Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on the Alerts: When a correction for this article is posted When this article is cited to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alerts Click here Supplemental material: http://www.jbc.org/content/suppl/2010/06/17/M110.106518.DC1.html http://www.jbc.org/content/285/36/28174.full.html#ref-list-1 This article cites 36 references, 12 of which can be accessed free at by guest on September 19, 2013 http://www.jbc.org/ Downloaded from

Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Three-dimensional Films at the Respiratory Air-Liquid Interface

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Bertocchi, Thomas Haller and Jesús Pérez-GilAndrea Ravasio, Bárbara Olmeda, Cristina  Air-Liquid Interface

RespiratoryThree-dimensional Films at the Lamellar Bodies Form SolidMembrane Biology:

doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.106518 originally published online June 17, 20102010, 285:28174-28182.J. Biol. Chem. 

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Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Three-dimensional Films at theRespiratory Air-Liquid Interface*□S

Received for publication, January 21, 2010, and in revised form, June 17, 2010 Published, JBC Papers in Press, June 17, 2010, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M110.106518

Andrea Ravasio‡, Barbara Olmeda§, Cristina Bertocchi¶, Thomas Haller‡1, and Jesus Perez-Gil§2

From the Departments of ‡Physiology and Medical Physics and ¶Internal Medicine I, Innsbruck Medical University, 6020 Innsbruck,Austria and the §Departamento de Bioquímica, Facultad de Biología, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Pulmonary surfactant is essential for lung function. It isassembled, stored and secreted as particulate entities (lamellarbody-like particles; LBPs). LBPs disintegrate when they contactan air-liquid interface, leading to an instantaneous spreading ofmaterial and a decline in surface tension. Here, we demonstratethat the film formed by the adsorbed material spontaneouslysegregate into distinct ordered and disordered lipid phaseregions under unprecedented near-physiological conditionsand, unlike natural surfactant purified from bronchoalveolarlavages, dynamically reorganized into highly viscous multilayerdomains with complex three-dimensional topographies. Multi-layer domains, in coexistence with liquid phases, showed a pro-gressive stiffening and finally solidification, probably drivenby aself-driven disassembly of LBPs from a sub-surface compart-ment. We conclude that surface film formation from LBPs is ahighly dynamic and complex process, leading to a more elabo-rated scenario than that observed andpredictedbymodels usingreconstituted, lavaged, or fractionated preparations.

Pulmonary surfactant is essential to form surface activefilms at the respiratory air-liquid interface, and so to mini-mize the work of breathing. It forms a continuous network ofmembrane-based structures, which reduce surface tension andfacilitate lung inflation (1). Surfactant is assembled in lamellarbodies of alveolar type II (AT II)3 cells as densely packed mem-branous structures, which maintain this compact organizationafter release into the extracellular fluid, constituting what wastermed lamellar body-like particles (LBPs) (2). Upon adsorp-tion, LBPs transfer surface active components into the air-liq-uid interface. Themechanisms that have been proposed to pro-mote this transfer include (a) a surface tension-dependentrupture, or unpacking, of the entire particle, followed by a lat-eral spreading of its contents at the interface (2), (b) unfoldingof LBPs and their rearrangement into single but interwoven

lipid bilayers (tubular myelin) that feed the interface via mono-layer/bilayer contact sites (3), and (c) decomposition and frag-mentation of LBPs into other smaller functional units withinthe alveolar lining fluid (4) or the interface (5). At present, allthese mechanisms seem possible, but the relative contributionof each of them in vivo is not known (6).In classical views of surfactant function, adsorbed material

forms a stablemonolayer, supposedly enriched inDPPC, able totolerate high lateral compressions at inspiration, and re-ex-pands after surface relaxation (7). More recently, it has beenproposed that interfacial lipid/protein complexes are intercon-nected with subsurface aggregates (1, 8, 9). Moreover, a coex-istence between ordered and disordered phases is perceived(9–12), whose occurrence and significance under the actualphysiological constraints is still under debate, with surfactantproteins (SP-A, -B, and -C) playing roles in the reversible trans-location and stabilization of surface films (reviewed in Ref. 1).Here, we investigated surface film formation by LBPs at an

inverted air-liquid interface (10) by fluorescencemicroscopy ofphase selective dyes (Bodipy-PC and DiI). Previous studies hadshown that differential partition properties of these two probespermit detection of segregated fluid-ordered (DiI) and fluid dis-ordered (Bodipy-PC) regions in surfactantmembranes (11, 12).Here, fluorescence staining permitted detection of phase sepa-ration but also the accumulation of surfactant into multilayers.Additionally, surface topography was mapped by conventionaland scanning reflected-light microscopy. The images obtainedproduced a true three-dimensional representation of the tex-ture of the surfactant film. Beside the methods used, thestrength and novelty of our approach is the fact that we usedsurfactant directly in the form it is secreted (2). This is impor-tant because whole bronchoalveolar lavage, fromwhich naturalsurfactant preparations are usually obtained, collects structuresfrom different regions of the respiratory tract, andmay containmaterial that is already considerably modified and/or does notnecessarily contain the intact functional complexes as they arepreassembled within the cells. Furthermore, we performed theexperiments at 37 °C and 100% rH. Both factors are normallynot considered in traditional surface biophysical measure-ments because of technical difficulties, except in the captivebubble surfactometer, where optical inspections with highresolution are not applicable (13). Our measurements demon-strated that LBPs form, through a highly dynamic reorganiza-tion, interfacial films with defined two-dimensional and three-dimensional complexities and very limited lateral diffusion.Possible impacts on our understanding of the in vivo situation,

* This work was supported by the Austrian FWF (P17501, P 20472), by Grantsfrom Spanish Ministry of Science (BIO2009-09694, CSD2007-00010), andthe Community of Madrid (S2009MAT-1507), and Marie Curie Network Pul-monet (RTN-512229) from the European Commission.

□S The on-line version of this article (available at http://www.jbc.org) containsa supplemental movie.

1 To whom correspondence may be addressed: Dept. of Physiology and Med-ical Physics, Innsbruck Medical University, Fritz-Pregl-Str. 3, A-6020 Inns-bruck, Austria. E-mail: [email protected].

2 To whom correspondence may be addressed: Departamento de Bio-quimica, Facultad de Biología, Universidad Complutense, Jose AntonioNovais 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain. E-mail: [email protected].

3 The abbreviations used are: AT II, alveolar type II; LBPs, lamellar body-likeparticles; DPPC, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine; rH, relative humidity.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 285, NO. 36, pp. 28174 –28182, September 3, 2010© 2010 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in the U.S.A.

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as well as differences in the biophysical behavior as comparedwith other surfactant materials, are discussed.


Reagents and Solutions—Chemicals were from Sigma, Bodipy-PC [2- (4,4-difluoro-5,7-dimethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene-3-dodecanoyl)-1-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine], and DiI [1,1�-dioctadecyl-3,3,3�,3�-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate] from Invitro-gen-Molecular Probes. The bulk solution contained, in mM:NaCl 140, KCl 5, MgCl2 1, CaCl2 2, HEPES 10 (pH 7.4).Surfactant Preparations—LBPs were harvested from the

supernatants of purified rat AT II cells grown on Petri dishes,stimulated for 6 h at 37 °C with intermittent shaking by ATP(100 �M) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (100 nM) in bulksolution supplemented with antibiotics as described (2). Withthis stimulation, AT II cells release a considerable amount ofsurfactant phospholipids and proteins (14–16). After collec-tion, supernatants were aliquoted and stored at �20 °C untiluse. Morphology of LBPs was analyzed by transmission EM ofre-thawed samples (see below). They showed different packingdensities and were partially disorganized (Fig. 1A). Tubularmyelin was not detectable. Before use, suspended LBPs werealso routinely labeled with FM 1–43 and inspected by micros-copy for a particulate appearance (2). Phospholipidswere quan-tified by phosphorous analysis or by choline determination asdescribed (17). Surfactant from porcine lung lavages was puri-fied and separated from blood components by NaBr density-gradient centrifugation (18). This preparation presumably con-tained both large and small aggregates. Stock solutions ofBodipy-PC andDiI were prepared in DMSO (1mg/ml). Surfac-tants were stained, by incubation for 2 h at 37 °C, with anequimolar mixture of Bodipy-PC and DiI at a total dye/surfac-tant molar ratio of 3%. For FRAP, LBPs were stained only withBodipy-PC (3% mol/mol).Electrophoresis andWestern Blot Analysis—For analysis of

SP-A and SP-D content, SDS/PAGE was performed using12% acrylamide gels under reducing conditions, in the pres-

ence of 5% �-mercaptoethanol. Proteins were transferred tonitrocellulose membranes using a semidry transfer system at20 V for 20min. For analysis of SP-B and SP-C, 16% acrylamidegels were run under non-reducing conditions, and proteinswere transferred to nitrocellulosemembranes (AmershamBio-sciences) or PVDF membranes (Bio-Rad), respectively, using awet transfer system at 300 mA for 1 h. Blocking, washing, and

FIGURE 2. Experimental and optical setups. A, top, chamber with theinverted air-liquid interface, bottom, enlarged view (dimensions not in scale).With this setup, exploration of interfacial phenomena is possible underdefined (37 °C and 100% rH) conditions. B, optical setup combining synchro-nous dual emission (green and red) and light reflection imaging (see text; EM,emission; EX, excitation; LW, long, SW short wavelength).

FIGURE 3. Early adsorption events. A, two different mechanisms of LBPsadsorption: Rupture (disaggregation) of LBPs when they contact an interfacefree of phospholipids (1st min) or at low surface coverage (2nd min), andassociation of LBPs with reflective surface structures at saturating conditions(after 3rd min). Simultaneous detection of Bodipy-PC and DiI fluorescenceunmasks phospholipid phase organization, reflection microscopy mapsinterface topography, and reveals surface structures. Time of interface con-tact is denoted by the arrows, acquisition rate � 0.33 fps. B, time-dependentcategorization of interfacial adsorption events: Disaggregating denotes LBPswith sudden loss of point-shaped fluorescence, associating LBPs those whichretained a particulate appearance. C, disaggregating LBPs were further sub-divided according to the velocity of disaggregation.

FIGURE 1. Morphology of LBPs and their content of surfactant-associatedproteins. A, transmission EM. LBPs appear as partially unraveled lamellatedwhorls, intermixed with vesicular structures and plane membrane patches.B, representative Western blots (n � 3). PS, purified surfactant; PP, purifiedproteins.

Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Films

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incubation with the antibodies were performed using a proteindetection system under vacuum (SNAP i.d., Millipore Corp.).The primary antibodies used were: rabbit anti-SP-B (1:5000),rabbit anti-mature-SP-C (1:7000), mouse anti-SP-D (1:5000)(all from Seven Hills Bioreagents, OH), and rabbit anti-SP-A(1:2000) (kindly supplied by Dr. J. Wright, from Duke Univer-sity). Secondary antibodies were goat anti-rabbit HRP-conju-gated (1:10000) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology), and anti-mouseperoxidase conjugated (1:10000) (SigmaAldrich). Positive con-trols loaded in the corresponding westerns were 0.1 �g of SP-Aand SP-D, and 0.5 �g of SP-B and SP-C. Both hydrophobicproteins were purified fromporcine surfactant through organicextraction and gel-penetration chromatography. SP-A was ahuman protein generously given by Dr. C. Casals, fromUniver-sidad Complutense, and SP-D control was a recombinant SP-Dform kindly provided by Dr. E. Crouch, fromWashington Uni-versity at St. Louis. LBPs were concentrated by ultracentrifuga-tion before being loaded in the gels. They contained, as surfac-tant purified from lavages, the entire protein spectrum exceptSP-D (Fig. 1B).

Electron Microscopy—A volumeof 10ml of LBPswith a lipid concen-tration of 32.3 �g/ml was fixed byincubation with 2.5% glutaralde-hyde (TAAB) for 6 h at 4 °C. Aftercentrifugation and washing withphosphate buffer 0.1 M, the pelletwas post-fixed with osmium tetrox-ide (TAAB) 1% for 1 h and washedagain three times with distilledwater for 10 min each. Dehydrationof the samples was performed withincreasing concentrations of ace-tone from 30 to 100%, incubatingeach solution for 10min. Infiltrationwith the Spurr resin (TAAB) wasdeveloped with the following con-centrations of resin/acetone: 1/3 for1 h, 1/1 for 1 h, 3/1 for 2 h, pure resinovernight, and pure resin 1 h. Resinpolymerization was performed at60 °C for 48 h. Ultrathin sections ofthe resin-embedded samples werestained with uranyl acetate and leadcitrate, and observed with a JEOL1010 transmission electron micro-scope (Jeol).Inverted Interface Experiments—

Previously, the inverted interfacewas used to analyze surfactantadsorption and surface film forma-tion (2, 10). For this investigation,the setup wasmodified as follows: Aglass coverslip (Fig. 2A) confines aspace underneath the interface inwhich temperature and humiditycould be kept constant by a slowconvective flow of water-saturated

air. The interface was thermostatted to yield 37 � 0.1 °C in theair and fluid sides of the interface, respectively. By filling thechamber with buffered solution, a clean interface immediatelyformed at the aperture plane below. Thereafter, LBPs wereadded on top (2 �g into a final chamber volume of 1 ml), andcame into contact with the interface by sedimentation. Surfaceproperties (Figs. 8 and 9) were probedwithmicropipettesmadeof borosilicate, pulled to end with a closed hairpin (� 10 �m),and lowered by a micromanipulator 25 �m beyond the inter-face. Analysis of meniscus shape was performed by applying athreshold function as described in the legend to Fig. 9.Fluorescence and Reflected Light Microscopy—Fluorescence

and reflected light microscopy were performed by epiillumina-tion (Fig. 2B) with an invertedmicroscope (Zeiss 100) and a dryobjective (Plan-Neofluar, 20�, N.A. 0.5; Zeiss). The lightsource (Polychrome II, Till Photonics) allowed a quick change(� 5 ms) between 470 nm (fluorescence) and 620 nm (reflec-tion). Light was further filtered by a dualband excitation filter(480/593) and directed by the first dichroic beam splitter (505)toward the interface. Fluorescent or reflected light, after pass-

FIGURE 4. Entire sequence of film formation by LBPs. A, enlarged view demonstrates optically flat (lowreflectance) and highly reflective, light scattering regions. B, growth of reflective, light scattering structureswith time (in % of total surface area occupancy). C, increase in overall and phase selective fluorescence. Sur-factant accumulation was almost linear with a tendency to slow down during the last 10 min.

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ing the first dichroic, were split by a second dichroic (565)mounted in a real-time dual color imaging device (Dual-View,Optical Insights). Split images either passed a 510 � 10 nm forBodipy-PC or a 630� 50 nm filter for DiI or reflected light. Thetwo images were displayed on separated parts of a CCD chip(Imago-SVGA, Till Photonics), operated at an acquisition rateof 1 frame/3 s and a binning factor of 2. Using this optical con-figuration, Bodipy-PC and DiI fluorescence could be recordedsynchronously, followed by reflection images taken 10 msthereafter. Furthermore, crosstalk between the channels wasnegligible: light reflection did not contribute to fluorescence,nor was DiI emission (red) detectable in the green channel(Bodipy), whereas 3% of Bodipy emission bleached into the redone. However, Bodipy-PC at high concentrations is subject toself-quenching and to an increase in its Stoke’s shift (19). Bothartifacts have to be taken into account.Laser Scanning Microscopy—AZeiss Laser ScanMicroscope

(LSM410) equipped with an argon (488 nm; 60milliwatt) anda helium-neon laser (543 nm; 0.5 milliwatt) and a Plan-Neofluar, 20�, N.A. 0.5 was used for FRAP and z-stacking ofthe interfacial film. For FRAP, Bodipy-PC was visualized bythe argon laser attenuated to 10% and bleached by operatingit at full power for 2 min. Emitted light was directed througha � 515 nm filter before entering the photomultiplier tube. Forz-stacks, Bodipy-PC was visualized as above, whereas DiI andreflection images were taken with the helium-neon laser. DiIand reflection images were separated by inserting or removing,respectively, a long-pass filter (�620 nm) in the light path.

Image Analysis and Statistics—Mean fluorescence intensity (If) in-dicates the intensity per unit of area(pixels), If-bg denotes backgroundcorrected If. Background was deter-mined from a clean air-liquid inter-face. Thus, If-bg excludes fluores-cence from the bulk and scatteredlight.However, all images are shownwithout background correction.Image and data analysis was per-formed with Till Vision, ImageJ,Microsoft Excel and Prism.Weusedunpaired t-tests, and data are re-ported as arithmetic mean of threeindependent experiments � S.E.(unless otherwise indicated).


Initial Events of Surface Cover-age—Within the 1st min after addi-tion, LBPs contacting a clean inter-face (� �72mN/m) instantaneouslyand spontaneously disaggregated(defined as sudden disappearance ofparticulate fluorescence, Fig. 3A, 1stmin). Disaggregation was fast (�6 sin 88.8� 7.0% of all events, Fig. 3C),particularly for the very first LBPs(�3 s in 71.4%, disaggregation

occurred in 100%). Upon adsorption, phospholipids freely dis-persed and covered the interface as unmasked by augmentedfluorescence within areas devoid of particles (Fig. 3A, 2ndmin).Thus, LBPs rapidly formed a phospholipid-based interfaciallayer. Disaggregation of LBPs arriving after the 1st min becameless common and slowed down, and terminated completelyafter the 3rd min (Fig. 3, B and C).Late Events of Surface Coverage—LBPs constantly ap-

proached the interface for the entire duration of the experi-ments (1 h), revealed by a nearly linear increase in the fluores-cence intensity of both dyes (Fig. 4C). However, after the initialphase (3 min), the organization of surfactant and the behaviorof LBPs changed notably: highly reflective structures appearedin form of irregular dots (Fig. 3A, 2nd min, reflection). Thesedots, probably surfactant in bi- or multilayers, but not compactLBPs, freely moved and by contact with each other or thecapillary walls aggregated into coral-like structures that pri-marily stained with DiI (Fig. 3A, after 3rd min). At this time,LBPs moving through regions of low reflectance slowly asso-ciated with the reflecting structures (Fig. 3, A, after 3rd min,B and C). Thus, highly reflective coral-like structures devel-oped by association of material already present at the inter-face in form of multilayer domains, or by direct incorpora-tion of newly arriving LBPs. Accumulation of surfactantwithin these structures also led to lateral growth and develop-ment of three-dimensional topographies, visible as light scat-tering structures in Fig. 4A. Within the first 5 min, thesetextures already occupied a large portion of the interface

FIGURE 5. Analysis of surface domains. A, exemplary binary image (right) derived from the original reflectionimage (left). Black denotes flat regions; white, light scattering regions. Binary images were used to separate dyeintensities within the two domains. B, distribution/accumulation of Bodipy-PC and DiI in light scattering or flatregions. In flat regions, the two dyes almost overlap. C, fluorescence intensities (If

-bg) in light scattering (L.S.)regions in relation to those in flat regions demonstrate the partition of the dyes between the two domains.D, normalized intensities (see text) of DiI (nIDiI

-bg) in flat or light scattering regions, divided by those ofBodipy-PC within the same domains. Plot of this ratio shows the varying proportion of the dyes within eachregion.

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(26.6 � 14.6%). Thereafter, their growth abruptly slowed downbut still continued, and after 60 min 81 � 3.5% of the interfacewas covered (Fig. 4, A and B). The whole process of LBPsadsorption, interfacial transfer of material and its organizationinto two-dimensional and three-dimensional segregated struc-tures can be seen in the supplemental movie. The three chan-nels, running synchronously, show how the three-dimensionalstructures (presumably multilayer aggregates; left), Bodipy-PClabeled areas (presumably liquid-disordered states; center) andDiI-labeled regions (presumably liquid-ordered phase; right)appear and evolve in the film within 1 h of experiment (com-pressed to one frame/15 s).Organization of Surfactant into Multilayer Structures—

Bodipy-PC andDiI incorporated within light scattering regions(Figs. 4A and 5B). In contrast, the intensities of both dyes in“flat” regions only slightly increased. Fluorescence analysessuggest that light scattering regions were formed by thebuild-up of surfactant into multilayers whereas flat regionsare phospholipid monolayers. Accumulation of surfactant inlight scattering regions is also shown by the ratio of dyeintensities (Fig. 5C). Distribution of Bodipy-PC betweenmulti- and monolayers plateaued after 25 min, obviouslyindicating equal partition between domains. Similarly, but later(at 50 min), also the DiI ratio leveled off. To compare the

proportion of the dyes in one region,the background corrected intensi-ties of each dye were normalized fortheir total intensity at the interfaceat any given time (practically, valuesin Fig. 5B were divided by those inFig. 4C). The results (nIDiI-bg for DiIand nIBodipy-PC-bg for Bodipy-PC)were independent of differences inamounts and/or fluorescence effi-ciencies of the dyes, whichmay con-tribute to the divergence seen in Fig.4C. As shown in Fig. 5D, Bodipy-PCprevailed over DiI in flat regions,suggesting a primarily liquid ex-panded state here. However, also inthese regions, a coexistence of liq-uid expanded and ordered phaseswas observed (Fig. 6A). Conversely,DiI prevailed in light scatteringregions, especially during the earlystages (�10 min). Thereafter bothdyes were nearly balanced (Fig.5D). A marked phase separationcould be seen within multilayerregions (strong light scatter), duringtheir growth (Fig. 6B): DiI accumu-lated preferentially in spots at theborder of these regions, whereasBodipy-PC distributedmore evenly.Moreover, light scattering struc-tures without correspondence influorescence were observed, proba-bly denoting surfactant in a gel-like

phase excluding both dyes (Fig. 6A).In contrast to LBPs, surfactant purified from lung lavages

behaved considerably different (Fig. 6C). Whereas optically flatregions (low reflectance) were similar, prominent light scatter-ing structures did not develop. Instead, regions of high reflec-tivity but low light scatter were seen. Moreover, dye separationwas more pronounced than compared with LBPs: Bodipy-PCpreferentially stained the low reflective regions and DiI, com-pletely absent there, concentrated within the highly reflectiveones. Aswith LBPs, regions in a gel-like type of phase, excludingboth dyes, were observed.The lateral and the spatial organization of interfacial struc-

tures were studied by LSM. Images from different focal planes(Fig. 7,A andB) demonstrate thatmultilayers have an extensionin the z-direction. Analysis of fluorescence contrast and defo-cus aberration (Fig. 7,A andC; lines 1 and 2) unveiled that thesethree-dimensional structures are present in the subphase andalso extend into the air. On the other hand, the lateral distribu-tion of the dyes largely corresponded throughout the regionimaged in Fig. 7A. Noteworthy, the intensity profiles of DiI andBodipy-PC (Fig. 7, A and D, line 3) showed a stepwise distribu-tion, again suggesting accumulation of surfactant withinmulti-layer domains. Moreover, it revealed that dye co-localizationwas particularly high at the border of flat and light scattering

FIGURE 6. Segregation of liquid ordered and expanded phases as revealed by Bodipy-PC and DiI.A, within flat regions at 15 min. B, distribution of Bodipy-PC and DiI with respect to the surface topography(reflection) at 30 min. Enlarged views are the areas within the white squares, black bar, 30 �m. C, appearance ofthe surface film originating from surfactant purified from lung lavages. Experimental conditions in B and C areidentical.

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regions (right end of line 3), but low toward their center (centraland left part of line 3).Dynamic Properties of the Surfactant Film—Fluorescent

beads (1 �m) were embedded at the interface, and their ran-dom motion quantified by long exposure times (Fig. 8A).Before applying LBPs (at time 0), motions were 19.0 � 6.8�m/s, and slowed down during ongoing LBP-sedimentationand almost terminated at full surfactant coverage (0.13 � 0.2�m/s). This “stiffening”, similarly observed with purifiedsurfactant (0.46 � 0.47 �m/s), was further investigated byFRAP (Fig. 8B). Flat regions showed a recovery of 82.4 �11.5% of initial fluorescence within 10 min, light scatteringregions 10.0 � 4.0%, and border regions were in between(30.1 � 13.2%). Recovery rates in purified surfactant were sig-nificantly higher (45.2 � 3.6%) than those in light scatteringregions of LBPs, but significantly lower than in flat regions (p�0.0025). The different results compared with the bead experi-ments are certainly related to the fact that FRAP is providing aregion-dependent information, and that it is more sensitive formolecular movements than video microscopy of almost stag-nant beads. Consistent with FRAP, and in contrast to purifiedsurfactant,movements of amicrotip inserted through the inter-face was barely transduced to adjacent surface structures (Fig.8C), demonstrating a different rheological behavior of both

surfactant films. Finally, penetra-tion of the interface by glass �tipsand qualitative analysis of meniscusshape suggested a very low surfacetension of LBPs-formed films, sig-nificantly lower than the equilib-rium surface tension of a film ofpure DPPC or a film formed fromwhole surfactant purified fromlavage (Fig. 9). However, solid struc-tures resisted penetration and werelifted by several �m (�50 �m),forming irregular but stable (�1 h)menisci, which suggest coexistenceof regions with differing viscousproperties, surface tensions, and/orlayer thicknesses.


Traditional models of lung sur-factant considered that stability ofthe alveolar spaces depend on theformation of DPPC-enriched mono-layers at the air-water interface(recently reviewed in Ref. 20). Filmsof DPPC, themost abundantmolec-ular component in surfactant, areable to sustain very low surface ten-sions (�2 mN/m) upon compres-sion (7). It has been also widelyassumed that the essential characterof the hydrophobic surfactant pro-teins, especially SP-B, is relatedwiththeir ability to promote transfer-

ence of surface active species from surfactant complexes intothe interfacial film (21).However, the present view of the structure and organization

of surfactant films has evolved toward a more complex sce-nario. Surfactant membranes and films seem to possess addi-tional levels of two-dimensional and three-dimensional com-plexity. Lipid composition of surfactant as purified fromalveolar spaces promotes segregation of ordered and disor-dered phases, sorting the lipids and proteins in bilayers (11, 12)and interfacial films (22, 23). Presence of enough DPPC wouldbe important to permit segregation of highly packedmembranepatches, which provide mechanical stability to some extent.Some controversy exists with respect to the actual existenceof such phase segregation in the lung, particularly at physio-logical temperature, humidity, and compression states (24).On the other hand, mechanical properties of surfactant filmsdo not depend only on the behavior of single monolayeredstructures. Several evidences suggest that interfacial filmsare multilayered (9, 25), and that the cohesivity of these lay-ers also contribute to sustain the high pressures reached atthe end of exhalation (1). SP-B and SP-C could have essentialroles in formation and maintenance of such interfacial sur-factant reservoir, as well as to modulate its rheologicalbehavior (reviewed in Ref. 1).

FIGURE 7. Line scan and defocus aberration measurements. A, Z-scans of LBPs-derived membranes stainedwith Bodipy-PC and DiI. Reference Z-level (0 �m) was set to the focal plane of the flat region. Thus, �2 and 2.5�m indicate in-focus structures shifted by 2 �m toward the subphase or 2.5 �m toward the air. Lines indicatecalculation of intensity profiles plotted in C and D. B, reflected light image of the same region. Focal plane wasat 0 �m. C, intensity profiles at different focal planes of lines 1 and 2 in A illustrate loss of fluorescence contrastat “out-of-focus” Z-levels. The focal plane of line 1, for example, is 2.5 �m above the level of the flat interface(sharp intensity profile of gray line), whereas that of line 2 is 2 �m below (sharp intensity profile of black line).D, intensity profiles of Bodipy-PC and DiI along line 3. For the ease of comparison, the size of the images in A andB (30 � 30 �m) correspond to the black bar in the enlarged view of Fig. 6B.

Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Films

SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 • VOLUME 285 • NUMBER 36 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 28179 by guest on September 19, 2013http://www.jbc.org/Downloaded from

The results presented here show that the film formed byadsorption of LBPs could have further levels of complexity,starting with the formation of laterally heterogeneous films,which segregate regions with markedly different packingand molecular order (Fig. 6B). This is consistent with thesorting properties of the mixture of saturated and unsatur-ated lipid species in surfactant (11). We propose that orderedregions in LBPs-promoted films, those exhibiting dominantDiIfluorescence, could be enriched in DPPC and have propertiessimilar to those of liquid-ordered phases. Such ordered regionsseem to coexist with more disordered areas permitting thepresence of bulky probes such as Bodipy-PC. Our results there-fore confirm that the complex lipid composition in surfactant,as it is assembled in LBPs, could be prepared to generate stableand well-defined phase coexistence even under the mostdemanding physiologically relevant environmental conditions.However, complexity of the surfactant films is not limited to

the plane of the interface. Progressive adsorption of LBPs led tothe appearance of large protruded three-dimensional struc-tures, presumably accumulating multilayered material project-ing toward the subphase and the air (Fig. 7). These light-scat-tering regions, which are not present in films formed bysurfactant from lavages, seem to originate and grow throughaccretion of continuously arriving LBPs (see supplementalmovie), acting as “sinks” for docking and attachment of LBPs(Fig. 3A). Althoughnucleation of protruded structures seems to

occur often at the edges of thechamber, they also originated at itscenter, arguing against an artifac-tual contribution of the boundariesof the inverted interface. However,it cannot be discarded that nucle-ation and growth of three-dimen-sional structures could be promotedby surfactant films at singular loca-tions of the alveolar spaces such ascrevices, corners, or septae protrud-ing into the alveolar lumen, rein-forcing themechanical resistance ofthe surface film at those spots. Theexistence of three-dimensionallycomplex surfactant films at the pul-monary alveolar interface has beenoccasionally reported, but thedetection of projected structuressuch as those described here couldhave been hampered by the proto-cols traditionally used to prepare,fix, stain, and visualize lung tissueunder the electron microscope.Application of some of the cutting-edge ultra-cryoelectron microscopytechniques developed in the recentyears to minimally distorted lungscould help to elucidate the realexistence of complex three-dimen-sional films such as those describedhere, in the distal airways.

Lamellar bodies contain a complex internal assembly oflipids and proteins (26). We speculate that they could havebeen pre-packed inside AT II cells in a sort of “energy-loaded” structure, accounting for the apparent spreadingforce to instantaneously deposit material when reaching theinterface (Fig. 3). This hypothesis may gain additional sup-port by the facts that lipid sorting into lamellar bodies is anATP- and thus energy-driven process (27), that lamellarbodies appear to be under tension, which is partially relievedwhen the hemifusion state is reached (28), and that releasedLBPs show a faster initial rate of adsorption than naturalsurfactant (29). Such potential energy-loaded state of LBPscould also enable them to push and pack material within thepreformed structures, creating condensation of orderedphases, and the projection of multilayered structures beyondthe interfacial plane. Protein assemblies could be importantfor both the cooperative spreading of whole LBPs at highsurface tensions and the establishment of multilayer inter-actions at lower ones. SP-B, which promotes formation ofmultilayered membrane arrays (30), could assist in dockingLBPs to growing interfacial films and coupling adsorptionwith projection of three-dimensional structures.The structures formed were absolutely repetitive and con-

sistent, and also comparable when testing different LBPs con-centrations, which affected the time-course of film generationbut not its appearance. High LBPs concentrations reduced the

FIGURE 8. Stiffening of the surface coat. A, measurement of fluorescent bead mobility. Reflection images(top) illustrate the status of the interface at 0 and 60 min. Insets show the trajectories of surface-embeddedfluorescent beads during 4 s exposure times used to analyze the covered distances. Left plot (mean � S.D.; n �24) reveals a slowdown of movements. Right plot, comparison at time 60 min with purified surfactant (PS) isshown in the bar chart (n � 6). B, a line crossing flat and light scattering regions along which FRAP wasperformed. Fluorescence recovery (%If) was measured in the indicated regions (n � 5) and purified surfactant(n � 6). C, microtip-induced surface mobility (see also Fig. 9). Tip movement was along dashed lines with a stopat the circles. Arrows indicate evoked movement of selected surface structures before and after tip movement.

Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Films

28180 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 285 • NUMBER 36 • SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 by guest on September 19, 2013http://www.jbc.org/Downloaded from

time to form similar films to a fewminutes.We propose that, atthe high concentrations of secreted LBPs likely existing in thealveolar lining fluid, films similar to those shown here could beformed within seconds.Adsorption of surfactant purified from alveolar lavage

gives rise to a film with similar lateral complexity thanobserved in films formed by LBPs, including segregation ofliquid-ordered, liquid-disordered, and gel-like regions.However, it lacked the prominent three-dimensional struc-tures (Fig. 6) where “stiffening” of LBPs films was particularlyhigh (Figs. 8 and 9). This suggests that the purified materialcould show only partially the properties of the film existingmicrons away of the pneumocytes. Caution should therefore betaken when trying to interpret the structure and behavior ofsurfactant from the study of preparations obtained from

lavages, using environmental con-ditions that mimic the alveolar sit-uation only partially. We did notdetect large differences betweenLBPs and purified surfactant interms of protein composition. Bothmaterials contained comparableamounts of SP-B and SP-C withrespect to phospholipids and practi-cally no SP-D. The amount of SP-Adetected in Western blots wassomehow variable from batch tobatch of both types of materials.This could be related with the factthat SP-A can be secreted throughpathways independent of LBPs (31–33). However, although the behav-ior of LBPs and purified surfactantat the inverted interface was clearlydistinct, it was highly repetitive andconsistent when comparing differ-ent batches of each material. Thisseems to indicate that SP-A doesnot play a major role in defining thecomplexity of the interfacial struc-tures observed. Still, the effect of thepresence of defined amounts ofSP-A and/or SP-D on the structureand the kinetics of formation of theinterfacial film is an open questionand will be subject of futureinvestigation.The most remarkable property of

LBPs-formed films is their solid-likecharacter. The complex three-di-mensional structures have virtuallyno macroscopic mobility and prac-tically no lateral diffusion in molec-ular terms (Fig. 8). This has beenshown typically by surfactant filmscompressed close to collapse in sur-face balances (22, 23). It would pre-sumably also be the state adopted by

surfactant films at the minimal tensions reached in the captivebubble surfactometer (see e.g. (34)). Furthermore, the surfacestructures even showed a remarkable resistance to penetrationwith micropipettes (Figs. 8 and 9), and a rheological behaviorthat would classify them as “solidified” material. This, in ouropinion, is consistent with the above hypothesis that the pre-packed structure of LBPs could promote the condensation andsolidification of the interfacial film, even in the absence ofexternal lateral compression, through an active ejection ofmaterial into the interface. Thus, the energy provided by thepumping activity of the lipid importer ABCA3 during lamellarbody biogenesis (35) could be a driving force transmitted byLBPs to build a solidified surface film and to lower surface ten-sion of flat regions below that produced by purified surfactantas suggested by qualitative meniscus shape analysis (Fig. 9). It

FIGURE 9. Estimation of local surface tension. A, puncture of the interface by a glass �tip enforces a fluidmeniscus whose shape is depending on surface tension, contact angle, and gravitation (wetting is assumed tobe complete). Meniscoid curvature can be analyzed by the microscope’s image function upon epiillumination:Incident light from the objective is reflected to, or away from, the objective, depending on the angle of thesurface. Below a critical incident angle (C.a.), light back reflection into the objective approaches zero (grayregion). a and b illustrate 2 different menisci (as a result of different surface tensions), leading to the corre-sponding diameters a�, b� of central dark image regions, the areas of which were used to estimate surfacetension. B, line scans through the tip center (along dashed line in image) were used to define a threshold level(gray dotted line). Pixels with intensities below were used to calculate the central dark area (indicated by thebright circle) of diameter b�. According to A, a decrease in surface tension (e.g. by LBPs) leads an increase in thearea below the threshold (a�). C, evaluation and results of the method, using the calculated dark areas anddifferent surfactants, all at 37 °C and 100% rH. All surfactants yielded statistically different values (p � 0.025)except DPPC compared with purified surfactant. Different concentrations within each group were not differ-ent. D, example of a measurement with LBPs. Top, only flat regions were used for C. Bottom, light scatteringstructures resisted penetration. They were lifted (here: 10 �m), leading to an asymmetric shading (meniscus).

Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Films

SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 • VOLUME 285 • NUMBER 36 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 28181 by guest on September 19, 2013http://www.jbc.org/Downloaded from

remains to be determined, however, whether the film formedby LBPs is still compressible and what its actual surface tensionreally is. This, in our opinion crucial open question, may indi-cate whether the film is stabilizing the gas exchange surface in asort of “frozen” state. Something in the same direction was infact proposed by Bangham (36), who suggested that surfactantstabilizes alveoli by assembling a sort of “geodesic dome” ofsolidified surface patches, where a classical characterization bysurface tension may not be really meaningful. The structure ofthe film created by LBPs seems to show properties consistentwith such ideas. Furthermore, this “solid-like” interfacial net-work could play a major role to protect the delicate respiratoryepithelium against potential distention imposed by lungmechanics. It is also plausible that alterations in the complexsurfactant structure envisaged here, caused by lung injury andincluding leakage of different spurious materials into the alve-olar spaces, could end in an inefficient protection of alveoliagainst mechanical distortion, triggering inflammation, andultimately, the severe consequences of pathologies such asthose associated with acute respiratory distress.

Acknowledgment—We thank Prof. Antonio Cruz for technical assis-tance and scientific discussions.

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Lamellar Bodies Form Solid Films

28182 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 285 • NUMBER 36 • SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 by guest on September 19, 2013http://www.jbc.org/Downloaded from