© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2014 | doi 10. 1163/ 15685209- 12341359 Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57 ( 2014 ) 587 - 627 brill.com/jesh Migration, Settlement, and State Formation in the Ganga Plain: A Historical Geographic Perspective Murari Kumar Jha National University of Singapore [email protected] Abstract By a consideration of geography and environment, this essay raises questions about migration, settlement, and state formation in the Ganga plain from the first millennium BCE to the early second millennium CE . It asks why Indo-Aryan speakers continued to migrate from north-western parts of South Asia towards the Ganga plain during the first millennium BCE and precisely what route they followed. To understand better these largely misunderstood historical problems related to migration and settlement, the essay casts doubt on the utility of geographers’ tripartite division of the Ganga plain, proposing instead a division based on aridity and rainfall. Such a division helps explain why the transitional zone between the drier and the more humid areas of the Ganga plain became the linchpin of migratory movements, state formation, and urban devel- opment since at least the middle of the first millennium BCE . Keywords Ganga plain – transitional environmental zone – climate change – Indo-Aryan speakers – migration – state formation * This essay is a part of my doctoral research at Leiden University (2013), funded by the NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) and an Encompass fellowship sponsored by the Leiden University Fund. I would like to thank J. Leonard Blussé and Jos J.L. Gommans for their patient guidance. I also thank Shereen Ratnagar, Bruce Lockhart, Bin Yang, Avijit Gupta, Robert James Wasson, and three anonymous reviewers for their invaluable com- ments. Any remaining mistakes are mine alone.

"Migration, Settlement, and State Formation in the Ganga Plain: A Historical Geographic Perspective," Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57:4 (2014):587-627

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© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2014 | doi 10.1163/15685209-12341359

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 57 (2014) 587-627


Migration, Settlement, and State Formation in the Ganga Plain: A Historical Geographic Perspective

Murari Kumar JhaNational University of Singapore

[email protected]


By a consideration of geography and environment, this essay raises questions about migration, settlement, and state formation in the Ganga plain from the first millennium BCE to the early second millennium CE. It asks why Indo-Aryan speakers continued to migrate from north-western parts of South Asia towards the Ganga plain during the first millennium BCE and precisely what route they followed. To understand better these largely misunderstood historical problems related to migration and settlement, the essay casts doubt on the utility of geographers’ tripartite division of the Ganga plain, proposing instead a division based on aridity and rainfall. Such a division helps explain why the transitional zone between the drier and the more humid areas of the Ganga plain became the linchpin of migratory movements, state formation, and urban devel-opment since at least the middle of the first millennium BCE.


Ganga plain – transitional environmental zone – climate change – Indo-Aryan speakers – migration – state formation

* This essay is a part of my doctoral research at Leiden University (2013), funded by the NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) and an Encompass fellowship sponsored by the Leiden University Fund. I would like to thank J. Leonard Blussé and Jos J.L. Gommans for their patient guidance. I also thank Shereen Ratnagar, Bruce Lockhart, Bin Yang, Avijit Gupta, Robert James Wasson, and three anonymous reviewers for their invaluable com-ments. Any remaining mistakes are mine alone.

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…[A] history whose passage is almost imperceptible, that of man in his rela-tionship to the environment, a history in which all change is slow, a history of constant repetition, ever-recurring cycles

Braudel 1995, 1: 20

∵ Introduction

The Ganga (Ganges) is one of the most celebrated rivers in the world, and, beginning in about the first millennium BCE, it was at the centre of the “civili-zation” that emerged on the Ganga plain.1 In terms of its capacity to nurture the material well-being of society over thousands of years, it is equal to or even surpasses the Nile, Euphrates, Yellow, and Yangtze rivers. Many civilizations have taken root along the banks of these great rivers, which continue to sustain them. These rivers bring us close to the “deep structures”—to borrow from the Annales school—associated with the rise and development of the complex forms of society, economy, and polity. Indeed, these rivers, no less than ancient monuments or ageless trade routes, are visible relics of the past. The study of human activities along these rivers and on their plains helps us visualize some of the long-term structural continuities of society, economy, and geopolitics.

This essay examines the earliest history of the Ganga plain and the migra-tion, early settlement, and historical dynamics that underlie state formation along the Ganga. By taking a historical-geographic approach, the essay seeks to understand the interaction between human beings and their natural environ-ment. Human agency is essential for the transformation of geography and natural surroundings into an environment conducive to the growth of civiliza-tions and the progression of history. This fact invalidates the argument for geo-graphical or environmental determinism. As Edward Whiting Fox notes, the nineteenth-century German historian George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel dis-missed such determinism when he remarked, “where geography had produced Greeks, [I] now [see] only Turks” (Fox 1971: 19). In the case of the geography of the Ganga plain, a similar point may be made: Indo-Aryan speakers, Shakas

1 “Civilization” is an ambiguous term that is often employed to explain a more complex form of society, but, in this study, we follow the anthropologists who use it to describe any group of people who share certain common cultural traits.

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(Scythians), Kushanas, Hunas (Hephthalites), Turko-Afghans, Mughals, and British in turn dominated the plain over the course of three millennia.

Historical geographer Alan Baker argues for the mutuality of the disciplines of history and geography in helping us comprehend and analyze past events better. By way of example, Baker notes that, while practising géohistoire, the French historian Fernand Braudel was, in fact, able to demonstrate his geo-graphical awareness. For Braudel geohistory implied an intertwining of the disciplines of history and geography by “making historians more geographi-cally aware and geographers more historically sensitive.” In his classic work The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Braudel sought to gain an historical understanding of the geographical and environ-mental contexts of human activities. After Braudel set the example by analyz-ing the interactive relationship between human beings and the environment, historians began considering the merits of linking history and geography from a long-term perspective (Baker 2003: 22; Braudel 1995: 1). Such an exercise often yields nuanced historical explanations.

Keeping in line with the above theoretical framework, this essay is orga-nized into two parts. The first questions the conventional threefold division of the Ganga plain into upper, middle, and lower, and its utility in explaining his-torical processes. Instead, it studies the plain by paying close attention to the rainfall regime. After a discussion of geographical problems, the second part situates the historical events on the landscapes of the Ganga plain and asks why certain areas in the plain became the linchpin of state formation. To answer this question, it shows how the “transitional zone” (between the drier and the more humid parts of the plain along the Ganga) had attracted migrants and resources and how early states were formed during the first millennium BCE. More than a millennium later, an identical process of state formation was initiated by the horse-riding pastoral Turko-Afghan nomads of the “arid zone”, who established their political supremacy on the Ganga plain leading to long-distance trade linkages, urban development, and economic growth. Their migration appears to have followed the same route by which the Indo-European speakers (Indo-Aryans) had reached the Ganga plain, but the historical pro-cesses attending the migration and settlement of the Indo-Aryans and Turko-Afghans were obviously different.

1 The Ganga Plain and the Transitional Zone of Bihar

A simple geographical division of the Ganga plain on either an east-west or a north-south axis poses problems. The rainfall map of the Ganga plain shows a long parallel region of the drier and more humid zones that follows the Yamuna

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and Ganga rivers, extends from northwest to southeast, and tapers off in Bihar (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 47; also, map 1 below). The aridity- and humidity-based division corresponds to that between agricultural regimes, the predomi-nantly wheat- and barley-based economy of the drier parts and the rice-based economy of the more humid parts. Along with these two broad environmental divisions based on rainfall, we discuss the subregional or subzonal characteris-tics, such as aridity, soil types, crop patterns, and productive capacity in the various parts of the Ganga plain. This helps us to examine why the plain cover-ing the modern Gangetic Bihar became the nerve-centre of early empires and remained strategically crucial, even during the early modern period (roughly from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries).

There are many overlapping and contrasting geographical features in the various parts of the Ganga plain that demand careful attention. The so-called upper Ganga and middle Ganga plains should not be taken as homogeneous geographic units. This is thus an exercise aimed at moving away from the unsatisfactory macro divisions of the Ganga plain towards divisions on a more local level. A comprehensive treatment of the Ganga plain’s geography is beyond the scope of this essay, but my effort would stand rewarded if the prob-lem inherent in such a macro-division of the plain could at least be admitted. It is hoped that professional geographers will be able to shed more light on the problem and show us the local and subregional characteristics of the plain in greater detail.

1.1 Problems with Traditional Division of the Ganga PlainGeographers find it difficult to explain the threefold division of the Ganga plain and often resort to arguments that make a virtue of convenience. For example, the British geographers O.H.K. Spate and A.T.A. Learmonth question J.N.L. Baker’s division into the “Indo-Gangetic Plain West” and “Indo-Gangetic Plain East,” the latter covering the landmass from the Yamuna to the margins of the delta. According to Spate and Learmonth, such a division appears rea-sonable physiographically, but Baker’s Indo-Gangetic Plain East “takes no account of the big difference between the dry Delhi-Agra country and the wet jute-growing east of Bihar.” Furthermore, L.D. Stamp’s emphasis on the 40-inch isohyet (line connecting points of equal rainfall) for dividing the upper from the middle Ganga plain ignores the fact that the northern plain, along the Himalayas, receives higher rainfall. Instead, Spate and Learmonth propose a dividing line running from the Ganga-Yamuna confluence at Allahabad across to the section of the Ghaghara River that flows from the north-northwest to the south-southeast. Such a demarcation adheres broadly to the distinct cropping patterns existing in the western and eastern parts. Spate and Learmonth

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Map 1 The semi-arid and humid zones of the Ganga plain. (Based on Spate and Learmonth 1967).

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conclude that such a division of the Ganga plain is “an unsatisfactory solution” (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 545-546, 564; Stamp 1929, repr. 1959: 316-326; Ganguli 1938: xvii-xviii). Another geographer, R.L. Singh, concurs with Spate and Learmonth in criticising Baker’s two-fold division of the plain, but he also questions the division of the upper from the middle Ganga plain along the 40-inch isohyet. Instead, Singh takes as “the eastern limit of the Upper Ganga Plain” the 100-metre contour, which effectively divides the agricultural regime between the east, where rice is the chief crop, and the west, where wheat, bar-ley, and millets predominate. Singh’s Upper Ganga Plain seems largely homo-geneous, except along its northern and southern fringes. For his “Middle Ganga Plain,” however, Singh asserts that, though “it is a region in its own right, it is highly diversified in its different parts which all have their specific geographic settings, problems and resources” (R.L. Singh 1971: 124, 249). This essay will con-centrate on these local-level “geographic settings, problems and resources” in order to arrive at a better understanding of the region’s economic and political trajectories.

According to Birendranath Ganguli, “the Upper Ganges Valley, the Middle Ganges Valley and the Ganges Delta” constitute three distinct rainfall zones. Further, though the natural boundaries of these rainfall zones overlap “by imperceptible degrees, yet these regions, as classified on the basis of the vari-ability of the agricultural-economic environment, have, broadly speaking, dis-tinctive characteristics” (Ganguli 1938: xviii). We are more interested here in the “distinctive characteristics” of the micro-regions. Although Ganguli acknowledges the artificiality of such a division of his agricultural regions, he accepts its utility for the convenience of economic analysis. The artificial divi-sion of the plain needs to be analyzed in such a way as to help us understand also the political importance of different regions.

In defining the western boundaries of the “middle Gangetic plains,” Spate and Learmonth differ somewhat from Ganguli, who makes Banaras (Benares, now Varanasi) its western limit. According to Spate and Learmonth, the mid-dle Ganga plain consists of “what is left between the Upper Gangetic Plains and Bengal: roughly the eastern third of Uttar Pradesh and the northern half of Bihar” (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 563-564). It is not clear whether the plain south of the Ganga River and its intersection with the Chhota Nagpur Plateau, which is crucial to our understanding of the earliest processes of state forma-tion, constitute part of Spate and Learmonth’s middle Ganga plain. In any case, the divisions proposed by geographers appear too vague, and the historical developments do not seem to correlate with them.

The so-called lower Ganga (deltaic) plain, like other parts of the plain, has characteristics that vary with the distribution of rainfall and areas of old and

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new alluvium and on account of the predominantly rice-based agrarian econ-omy. The Bihar region of the Ganga plain appears to be more an intermediary/transitional zone between the rice-based economy of the delta and the primar-ily wheat-based economy of the drier parts of the plain to the west. As we will see below, the so-called upper Ganga plain also has significant regional charac-teristics that have given rise to different types of economy and polity through-out history.

A discussion of the geographical divisions of the plain should not, however, blind us to the many features that make the Ganga plain a unitary region. For example, the Ganga itself facilitated transportation through much of the plain and so linked contrasting ecological zones. Many of the economic, political, and cultural patterns evolved across the larger part of the plain as a result of such linkages. Furthermore, the resources of the drier and the more humid zones complemented each other, and the interactions of the peoples of these two zones encouraged commercial and political relations.

1.2 Ganga’s “arid zone”The climate of the northwestern parts of the Ganga plain is subhumid and drier than the eastern parts of the plain. Climatic conditions along the Siwaliks and Himalayas are different from the rest of the plain. The annual rainfall along the Siwaliks and the Himalayas reaches about 50 inches, while it is 25 inches or less in the western parts of the plain. Thus, the tracts along the Siwaliks and Himalayas have about the same annual rainfall as that of the humid parts of the Ganga plain.

Spate and Learmonth subdivide the northwestern part of the Ganga plain broadly into the Ganga-Yamuna doab (land between two rivers), extending up from the northern approaches to the Malwa passage into the Deccan, the Mughal successor state of Awadh, and Rohilkhand. These subdivisions reflect distinct climatic and cropping patterns. While the doab and the Awadh region lie in the drier zone, receiving between 25 and 40 inches of rain, the northern and northeastern areas, from Saharanpur and Bijnor to Bareilly, are more humid (40-50 inches), where the rice economy is more important.

In the first millennium BCE, Ahichhatra (the location of Rohilkhand) was one of the centres of political gravity of the mahajanapada (great country or territory) of Panchala (Cunningham 1871: 1:255-263). The area emerged once again in the early modern period, when the prosperity of Rohilkhand, the for-mer Afghan stronghold, depended on the exploitation of the resources of the drier zone to its southwest and the humid zone along the Himalayan foothills. In the northeast of Rohilkhand, in the higher-rainfall zone of the terai (a belt of marshy grasslands, savannahs, and forests), there was considerable jungle

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cover, in the general area of the intersection of the Siwaliks and the Himalayan Range. Meena Bhargava suggests that the jungle and marshes of the terai origi-nally covered a zone 50-60 miles wide, extending from Awadh to the middle of the Ghaghara River (Bhargava 1999: 67-69). Land reclamation for agriculture intensified and settlement expanded in the eighteenth century, with the rise of Rohilkhand, and continued during the early colonial period (Gommans 1995: 145-146; Richards 1995: 191; Kanda 2010: 145).2 In the drier zone to the west of the Yamuna, there is no terai, as the Siwaliks are widely separated from the Himalayas (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 546-550).

The sediments of the Ganga plain consist of khadar (newer alluvium) and bhangar (older alluvium).3 The khadar floodplain is formed by the silt, clay, and sand deposited by rivers every year and is very fertile. The bhangar lands occupy the interfluves above the flood catchment area. The soil types are largely homogeneous throughout the upper stretches of the Ganga plain. The alluvial soils include usar (salt efflorescence), domut (soil mixed with sand and loam), and bhur (sandy patches) that cover an extensive area. The sandy tract along the eastern banks of the Ganga in Moradabad and Bijnor Districts is con-sidered bhur proper. This tract, being located in the rainfall zone of at least 40 inches, is generally arid at higher elevations and waterlogged in the low-lying areas, especially in wet years (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 546-550).

Southwest of this region, on the western banks of the Ganga, the area between Farrukhabad and Agra falls in a zone that receives 30-40 inches of rainfall annually. Located close to the Ganga, Farrukhabad was considered to be one of the most fertile areas. The subsoil is firm, and water is close to the surface, which supports production of both summer and winter crops (Atkinson 1874-84: 7:261, cited in Gommans 1995: 132). In the zone of lower rainfall west of Farrukhabad, the water table lies far below the land surface, which makes artificial irrigation expensive and renders this region largely unfit for cultivation (Bayly 1983, repr. 2003: 79). In the early modern and earlier peri-ods, these conditions were hardly suitable for agriculture and played an impor-tant role in the way the local economy and polity were organized. While the higher-rainfall zone became the hub of sedentary society, agricultural produc-tion, and wealth, the areas receiving less rainfall followed a different political-economic trajectory.

Because agriculture was labour-intensive and water was scarce, people in the drier zone devised alternative survival strategies by taking up economic

2 According to the study by Kanda, the high prices of firewood in northern Indian cities along the Ganga in the early nineteenth century resulted from deforestation.

3 The khadar are lowlands formed by the deposition of new alluvium in the riverbeds or flood-plains. The bhangar are the uplands formed by the deposition of the older alluvium.

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activities such as horse breeding, animal tending, herding, banditry, and hiring out themselves as mercenaries (Trivedi 1979: 337-344, cites a seventeenth cen-tury Persian source Dhakhīrat al-khawānīn, fol. 108a).4 Furthermore, as the overland and riverine routes also passed through the drier areas, the porters, banjaras (grain traders-cum-transporters), and boatmen eked out a living by offering transportation services. The people in this zone viewed the agricul-tural communities of the humid zone to the east as a source of riches, and, with their mobile resources (war animals, arms, and cash), they were often successful in raising armies and asserting their authority over their agrarian neighbours (Heesterman 1985; for the pastoral occupations in the drier parts of the Ganga plain, see Habib 2011: 59-62). Although the settled society produced agricultural resources, it was also dependent upon the mobile wealth and infrastructure of the drier zone. The peasants needed the improved breed of cattle from the drier zone for agriculture and transport and depended on mobile traders such as banjaras for the transportation of goods and conversion of agricultural surpluses into money (Russell and Hīra Lāl 1916: 2:162-163; Kerr 2006: 91-93). Thus, rather than having diametrically opposed interests, socie-ties of the drier and the more humid zones existed in complementary opposi-tion to one another. Such dynamics were already at work since about the mid-first millennium BCE in the period of the Magadhan empire’s expansion, when people of the drier zone of southwestern Bihar expanded their political domination by incorporating the sedentary society in the more fertile areas to the north of the Ganga. Jos Gommans has analyzed this pattern for peasants and nomads in the “arid zone,” and I contend that such a pattern equally applies to this part of the Ganga plain (Gommans 1998a; 1998b; 2007).

1.3 Transitional Zone: BiharHistorical Bihar (including the Indian state of Jharkhand, which was spun off from it in 2000 CE) became a Mughal suba (province) in 1574 and shared its boundaries with the suba of Bengal in the east and Awadh and Allahabad in the west. In the north, it extended up to the foothills of the Himalayas, and in the south it comprised the Chhota Nagpur Plateau, called Khokrah by the Mughals. The boundary of Bihar suba left the Banaras and Jaunpur area to the west and encompassed the Rajmahal Hills in the east. From north to south, the suba included the relatively flat terai area, with its high rainfall, and the drier hilly and forested region, to the south. Flowing from west to east between these two landscapes, the Ganga dissected the whole suba. The northwestern parts of the suba included the forested Himalayan foothills and the hilly region

4 See (Trivedi 1979) for an impressive military capacity of Bhadauriya Rajputs in the drier zone of the doab along the Yamuna, in the area east and southeast of Agra town.

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known as the Someshwar and Dun ranges. Northern Bihar is flat and drained by numerous snow-fed rivers, the fertile valleys of which constitute the heartland of the agrarian economy. Except for a narrow belt of the plain along the south-ern banks of the Ganga, the southern region is mostly hilly and relatively dry; agriculture is precarious, and food could be produced only with labour-inten-sive artificial irrigation. These contrasting geographical factors in Bihar had important implications for state formation, as we shall see below, in Part Two.

The Ganga plain in Bihar covers about 28,000 square miles, or 42 percent of the old (undivided) Bihar province. The northern plain rises to less than 250 feet above sea level in the westernmost parts, such as Champaran and northern Saran. Along the Ganga, the plain falls almost imperceptibly to 200 feet in the west and to under one hundred feet in the east. The southern part of Bihar can be broadly divided into two sections, the first a narrow belt of highlands along the Ganga, and the second to the south, dotted with hills and plateaus (Ahmad 1965: 21-22). Numerous isolated or long narrow hills, such as the Barabar Hills of Gaya and the Kharagpur Hills in Munger, punctuate the plain. Rising to elevations of 500 feet, these are northern extensions of the Chhota Nagpur Plateau. The alluvium in this region is coarse, increasingly so southward from the Ganga. The natural means of irrigation—such as snow-fed streams, natural lakes, tanks, and marshes—that are so conspicuous in the northern plain, are scarce here.

The productivity of the region north of the Ganga depended on the quality of soil, the formation of which has been dependent largely on the drifting pro-cess, which involves soil being brought down from the Himalayas by rivers and filling in the low-lying depressions or floodplains. The Ganga alluvium is mostly loamy, with variable amounts of sand and clay. Many parts of the flood-plains of the Ganga, Ghaghara, Gandak, and Kosi comprise fertile and produc-tive bhangar and khadar soils leached of harmful substances such as salt and alkali, and crops could be grown without artificial irrigation. Bhangar and kha-dar soils contain more sand and silt, similar to the leached and noncalcareous alluvia of the Yangtze floodplains of China. Because these soils come down from the Himalayas, they are rich in organic and mineral contents and, conse-quently, more productive than the soil types of the southern Bihar plateau region. The plateau soils are residual soils formed by the decomposition of a particular type of rock and are poor in lime, magnesia, phosphorous, nitrogen, and potash. Some of these soils are laterites, which are made reddish by iron oxides. (Ahmad 1965) In order to understand the political and economic dynamics of interaction between the forces of the more productive and less productive tracts of the Ganga plain in Bihar, we take a closer look, below, at the regions south and north of the river.

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1.4 South of the GangaOn the southern bank of the Ganga, between Kahalgaon in the east and Munger in the west, is a raised belt of limestone roughly two miles wide and more than sixty-two miles long (Hunter 1877, repr. 1976: 14:23). The limestone and indu-rated soil prevented the southward erosion of the Ganga, and this southern belt witnessed the growth of settlements from prehistoric times. On this elevated ridge, urban centres and fortresses such as Champa and Mudagiri (Munger) emerged around the middle of the first millennium BCE. It is in this region that the mahajanapada of Anga was located. South of this limestone belt, the low-lying fertile agricultural area produced rice, opium, indigo, and other cash crops during the early modern and colonial periods. Further south, the landscape is dotted with outcrops of the Chhota Nagpur Plateau and with rain forest, and the soil supports good agriculture only marginally. In the southern Bhagalpur area, minerals such as iron and copper are reported. Other hill and forest prod-ucts of Bhagalpur were game, millets, wax, hides, and honey (Hunter 1877: 36; Heber 1971: 98). Silkworms were amongst the forest products of the region, and silk textile production continued to be a significant part of the local economy until the late twentieth century. In 1671 the English traveller John Marshall, while on his way to Patna around the Rajmahal area, saw an “aboundance of fields of Mulberry trees” for rearing silk worms (Marshall 1927: 113).

According to a nineteenth-century source, the kewal soil (fertile loam) along the banks of the Ganga in Munger produced such crops as “wheat, barley, rice, poppy, indigo, junera or maize, in great quantities, also small quantities of vetches, urhur dal [lentils], Indian corn, and garden stuff” (Sherwill 1848: 11; de Modave 1971: 129). The southern parts of Munger were rich in mineral sub-stances such as nodular iron ores, quartz and chlorite. Among the forest prod-ucts supplied by the region were hard wood, fragrant resins, and lac (O’Malley 1926: 11-12, 14). Animal resources must have been important in the economy, as the southern rim of the Ganga had large tracts of pasture (Chakrabarti 2001: 163), but, further south, the region becomes agriculturally less productive, and hills and jungle tracts abound, as was noted by an eighteenth-century British surveyor (BL, APAC, IOPP, MSS. Eur. F331/36, 1767: 1-6).

Further west of Munger, the Surajgarha pargana (a fiscal subdivision of sev-eral villages) lay between the southern banks of the Ganga and the Kharagpur Hills. From a mid-nineteenth-century settlement report, we know that the region along the banks of the Ganga was well cultivated. While the eastern tracts of the pargana had thick vegetation, the western parts of the area, along the confluence of the Kiul and Ganga, were flat and produced such dry-zone crops as wheat, barley, gram (various legumes), and junera (millet), and agri-culture was concentrated in the fertile tract along the Ganga (Sherwill 1848: 9).

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South of this fertile area, the landscape consists of hills, jungle, and defiles. The red soil found in the region does not support profitable agriculture, and, in the past, people devised alternative sources of livelihood, working, for instance, as porters, weavers, mercenaries, or bandits.

Between Lakhisarai, on the Kiul River, in the east, and Patna in the west, there is an open, low-lying region subject to annual inundation by the Ganga. This region, comprising principally Behar or Bihar District, was highly fertile, on account of the rich alluvial silt deposited by the floodwaters. In this area, wheat, rice, and poppies were produced in large quantities, and artificial irriga-tion was effected by pynes (narrow artificial channels), ahars (earthen reser-voirs for the storage of rain or floodwater), and wells. Hill streams, such as the Sukree (Sakri) and the Punchaneh (Panchane), were also important sources of irrigation. The surveyor Sherwill remarked that, during the rains, the Sakri was a formidable stream where it entered Behar, but after flowing through the dis-trict from south to north, it was “a puny and feeble watercourse, in fact, a mere ditch” (Sherwill 1845, 1-2; on the fertility of Behar, BL, APAC, IOPP, MSS. Eur. Orme OV 9, “Abstract of Journal . . . Nov. 29, 1766,” fol. 7v; also MSS. Eur. Orme OV 67, “December 1763 to 25th January 1764: Journal of Captain Maclean’s March,” fols. 7-10 for hilly and jungle terrain and cultivable strips of land in southern parts of Bihar). Drier conditions prevailed further south of the Ganga, and agriculture required the collective mobilization of labour for artificial irri-gation and water management.

Around Patna, the southern banks of the Ganga formed a high ridge that proved suitable for the emergence of large towns and urban markets. On this elevated belt, bazaars and towns such as Maner, Dinapore, Bankipur, Patna, and Fatwa (Fatuha) were conveniently located. As a British settlement officer noted, “from Fatwa on to Barh and again from Barh to Mokameh, large bazars and villages succeed one another at short intervals.” He further observed that, on the south side of this elevation, there is a low-lying area, varying from five or six to twenty-four miles in width and subject to inundation during the rains from the Sakri, Panchami, and Punpun rivers coming from Gaya District (Coupland 1907: 1). Patna’s southern parts included the marshes created by the Punpun River. Although Patna lay on the south side of the Ganga, its location had more in common with the plain of northern Bihar than with drier south-ern Bihar. The strategic salience and rich resources of Pataliputra explain why this fortified capital city functioned as the frontline power projection of the ancient Magadha kingdom that eventually contained the might of the Vajji or Vrijji ganasangha (confederacy) to the north of the Ganga (Chakrabarti 2001). Pataliputra was located in the heart of the transitional zone from which the ruling groups deftly exploited the resources of both the drier and the humid zones.

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Along the southern banks of the Ganga, the westernmost parts of the Bihar suba consisted of Shahabad, which was located in the drier zone. Parts of Shahabad were well watered by rivers such as the Ganga and Son, the banks of which were fertile and well cultivated.5 As was the case with Munger and Behar, the tracts along the Ganga in Shahabad were highly productive and pro-duced lucrative cash crops such as cotton, sugarcane, and opium, while the southern tracts along the hills were less fertile and consisted of hills and jungle terrain.6 In the southern parts of Shahabad, agriculture was a more precarious affair, which helps explain why the region was an important source of military manpower in the early modern period (Kolff 1990). In strategic and political terms, the intersection of hills, rivers, and plains made several areas to the south of the Ganga the strongholds of autonomous chiefs down to the early modern period.

1.5 North of the GangaNorth of the Ganga, the plain was more humid with higher rainfall. In addition to offering navigation, the perennial rivers and the jheels (lakes) were also used for irrigation in the dry season and for raising freshwater fish (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 565). In the northern parts of Bhagalpur District, in the parga-nas of Daphar and Khubkhand, the soil was fertile and well watered by numer-ous river channels. In the Daphar pargana, the Daus, a swampy channel of the Kosi River, irrigated and fertilized large areas of rice land. The soil of Khubkhand pargana, too, was well suited for paddy (the bhadai rice crop). There were many low areas ideal for paddy cultivation, with little need of artificial irriga-tion, but the land along the Tiljuga and Dumra had clayey soils, which needed irrigation before paddy was sown in April (Collin 1895: 28). West of Daphar and Khubkhand was Farkya pargana, in the northern part of Munger District, north of the Ganga and opposite Munger town. Bullia pargana was located north of the Ganga and west of Farkya pargana. It was a large pargana, with an area of about 290 square miles, bordered on the north by the Tirhut region (Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga districts) and on the east by the Ganga. Annual

5 BL, APAC, IOPP, MSS. Eur. F349/2, 1819. See the journal written by a cotton factor, Richard Kay, who remarks on the well-cultivated tracts above Patna where opium, grain, and castor beans grew; entries of 16 and 21 December 1819.

6 BL, APAC, IOR, MSS. Eur. D 89, Buchanan Hamilton MS., “An account of the District of Shahabad,” 66. For a reference to jungles and tigers in the southern regions along the Son, near Rohtasgarh fort, see BL, APAC, IOPP, MSS. Eur. Orme OV 9, Abstract of the Journal . . . Nov. 29, 1766, fol. 4r. For the state of cultivation and poor quality of soil in the southern regions, see BL, APAC, IOPP, MSS. Eur. F331/36, Vansittart Collection, “Patna to Rohtas and back, Feb. 7 to Feb. 19, 1772,” unnumbered folio. Further west, as far as Shahabad, near Ara, there was “a great deal of long grass jungle”; see entry of 10 Jan. 1772, unnumbered folio.

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inundation by the Ganga and the Bur Gandak was the source of fertility and agricultural wealth (Sherwill 1848: 5). In Muzaffarpur District, several tracts of land were richly cultivated, though there were also marshes and lakes (Stevenson-Moore 1901: 9).

In the relatively humid zone, the prosperity of the Tirhut region derived from the land made productive by the rivers as a source of irrigation and fertile silt, and, above all, from the well-populated and settled villages as suppliers of labour. This region was part of the Vajji confederacy during the second half of the first millennium BCE. Perhaps the productivity of the land and other rich resources of the region explain why the ancient Vajji confederacy long resisted Magadha’s expansion. The latter’s access to the dry-zone resources (militia-men, supplies of iron, and jungle products such as elephants and wood), however, proved crucial for its political ascendancy over the people of the Ganga plain. Broadly identical dynamics seem to have operated in the six-teenth century, when the Afghan stronghold from Hajipur fort put up resis-tance to the Mughals’ expansionist drive in the Tirhut region.

Further west along the Ganga is Saran District, to the north of which is Champaran District. Both districts are elevated and slope gradually southeast-ward toward the Ganga. Saran receives 45 inches of precipitation annually and Champaran 54. These areas were very fertile and richly cultivated in the early modern and colonial periods. George Forster, who visited the collector’s office at Chhapra in the 1780s, reports that Saran and Champaran together produced annual revenue of fourteen and a half lac rupees, or 145,000 British pounds (Forster 1798: 1:26). Overall, the northern part of the Ganga plain, which was more humid and received higher rainfall, was very fertile, and double cropping was general agricultural practice. The ease of irrigation on account of the perennial streams, higher rainfall, and fertile soil contrasted with areas south of the Ganga.

2 Climate Change, Migration, and State Formation, 1000 BCE-1300 CE

There are few, if any, authoritative studies on the migration and settlement pattern of Indo-Aryan speakers in the Ganga plain. This is primarily because research in geography, history, and archaeology has yet to be fully integrated, and the fragmentary treatment of the subject in existing historiography gives a confusing picture. Theories based on textual interpretation suggest that Indo-Aryan speakers migrated to the Ganga plain from the northwest, but such the-ories do not elaborate on why these pastoral-agriculturists moved and precisely what route they followed. For example, did they follow the courses of the

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Yamuna and Ganga, or did they avoid the riverbanks because of the presum-ably dense forest?7 Also, little light has been shed on why they chose particular regions for settlement in the expansive Ganga plain. Historians explain Indo-Aryan settlement in the plain in terms of early political formations such as mahajanapadas and ganasanghas (Basham 1967: 38-43; Thapar 2002: 137-156; Sharma 1996). According to historians, people gradually migrated from north-west to southeast in the Ganga plain, but there have been few attempts to explain why Indo-Aryans gravitated towards the more humid zones of the east-ern Ganga plain in the first millennium BCE. Archaeologists, on the other hand, suggest that people also moved from east to west and sometimes even from south to north in South Asia (Chakrabarti 1972; Chakrabarti 1989: 1:109; on the problems of Indo-Aryan migration theory, see Guha 1999).8

While archaeologists have been unable to explain whether there was a set pattern in the way people migrated in the Indian subcontinent, archaeobo-tanical research reveals a creeping colonization by Neolithic/Chalcolithic peo-ple along the agricultural niches, where the environmental conditions existed for growing certain types of domesticated dry-zone food crops, such as the mung bean (Vigna radiata), the urd bean (Vigna mungo), millets, and sor-ghums (Mehra 2003: 91; Fuller 2011, see map on page 349).

Benefiting from the insights of archaeobotanical research on South Asia, I will approach the problem of Indo-Aryan migration and settlement by look-ing at the geographical-logistical factors and environmental conditions suit-able for their “mixed economy.” I shall suggest that, as herders of cattle and

7 For argument against the dense forest cover along the riverbanks of the Ganga (see Tewari 2004, 102-105).

8 Guha argues that, “when the second urbanisation and agrarian settlement in the great river valleys began to elaborate the outlines of a sub-continental political and cultural system dur-ing the first millennium CE, the nascent centres of that civilisation were part of an interact-ing continuum of communities that occupied, thickly or thinly, the whole of South Asia” (page 26). While Guha does not go into the dynamics of urban developments and state for-mation in the Ganga plain during the first millennium BCE, it is equally unclear whether there were external influences on the fertile river plain that helped transform the agrarian economy. Although people might have been migrating in different directions across South Asia already during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, the dominant direction of migra-tion in the second and first millennium BCE, which played a significant role in transforming the economic, political, and cultural landscapes of the Ganga plain, had been from the northwest of the subcontinent. Romila Thapar suggests that major changes in the societies of the Indo-Ganga plains “resulted from the coming of the Indo-Aryan speakers” (Thapar 2002: 134). For the linguistic evidence of the migration of Indo-Aryan speakers to India, see Hock 1999, 1-18.

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horses with a predominantly pastoral economy and limited food production, the Indo-Aryans kept gravitating towards the grasslands, where they could obtain sufficient fodder for their animals. Since the variability of rainfall and availability of water resources largely determined the areas of grassland, fod-der, and food production in the Ganga plain, a brief description of the mon-soons and rhythm of agriculture will help establish the environmental context for a discussion of migration and settlement.

2.1 The Monsoons and the Rhythm of AgricultureIn India, the summer monsoon lasts from June to September and the winter monsoon from December to February. The former, also known as varsha ritu (rainy season), is the most important for ensuring good harvests, as it brings about 90 percent of the country’s total annual rainfall. During the summer monsoon, the crops and flora of the Ganga plain surge to life, and the plain is lush and green. The rhythm of agriculture is heavily dependent on the timely arrival of the varsha ritu, which has been much celebrated and minutely observed since antiquity. For example, Kalidasa, a poet of the fifth century CE, in his Ritusamhara, composed lovely verses in praise of the rainy season (Pandit 1947: 35-36; for the life and historicity of Kalidasa, see von Bohlen and Kreyenborg 1919: 36-38). The sixth-century Brhat Samhita of Varahamihira con-tains important astronomical observations predicting rainfall (Varahamihira 1981). Issues relating to agriculture and the forecasting of rain by observing nature and wind patterns were continued in an eleventh-century eastern Indian text called the Krsiparaśara (“Extension of agriculture”), the author of which is believed to have relied partly on the Brhat Samhita (Furui 2005; Kṛṣi-paraśara 1960). The rainfall and monsoon entered these texts primarily because of their overwhelming importance for agriculture and material well-being of society.

The rhythm of agriculture neatly follows the monsoon. The double-crop pattern of India, that is rabi (winter crops) and kharif (a crop sown in late sum-mer and autumn and harvested in winter), is organized around the two monsoons.9 The rabi crops—wheat, barley, oilseeds, and various types of lentil—need less water than the kharif crops and are sown after the rainy sea-son. In the humid areas of the Ganga plain, the rabi crops benefit from irriga-tion from rivers and pools of water, while, in the drier zones of the plain and in

9 The origins of the rabi and kharif crops in South Asia are believed to go back to the sixth millennium and early second millennium BCE respectively. The former is associated with wheat and barley cultivation and the latter with sorghum, various millets, and rice (Meadow 1989, 61).

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the Punjab, the crops depend on the precipitation that falls during the winter monsoon. The rabi crops sown in the more arid zone differ from those culti-vated in semi-arid areas. For example, in the areas west of Allahabad, valuable crops such as wheat, barley, and oilseeds are produced, while in Bihar inferior cash crops such as khesari (Chickling vetch) and gram are sown on the fields cleared after summer paddy is harvested (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 566-568).

The kharif crops may be divided into two types, bhadai and aghani, both predominantly high-quality rice. These summer crops rely chiefly on the downpours of the summer monsoon. The sowing of bhadai crops commences with the onset of the rains in June/July, and harvesting is done in August/September. The aghani paddy crop is sown in August/September and relies chiefly on the monsoon rainfall and, in the later months, on the availability of water through artificial irrigation. Harvesting of the crops is done in November/December. After the bhadai crop is reaped, the peasants sow lucrative rabi crops in the same field. The bhadai-rabi combination also offers more security against the failure of the rains. In the case of aghani rice, the crop takes longer to mature, and only inferior rabi crops can be cultivated on the same ground (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 566-568).

The French geographer Paul Vidal de la Blache (1845-1918) suggested that ancient centres of dense population were “confined approximately to a zone bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the fortieth parallel of latitude” (quoted in Ganguli 1938: xvii). The drier and the humid parts of the Ganga plain fit well the example of zones that historically maintained a high population density, and it was in this area that successive polities and societies flourished. While the drier border territory of the plain facilitated migration, human settlement, urban developments, the more humid parts emerged as the areas of sedentary agriculture, food production, and dense demographic concentration. In the later first millennium BCE, the area where the Magadha and subsequently Mauryan empire had flourished remained at the centre of political develop-ments for many centuries. Why did the Ganga plain around Pataliputra become a favoured seat of imperial powers beginning in the latter half of the first mil-lennium BCE? Does climate change tell us something about the geographical shift of the economic and political centres of gravity towards the Ganga plain in the post-Harappan period?

2.2 Climate ChangeAlthough most archaeologists reject environment-based explanation, it is becoming clear that, in order to comprehend fully the history of societies, scholars cannot ignore the climatic background to human actions (Brayshaw

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et al. 2011; Rosen 2007). Reconstructing the history of climate change has involved expertise from several academic disciplines. By collecting scientific data from such sources as pollen cores, tree rings, ice cores, varved (annually layered) sediment deposits, and solar radiation, scientists have tried to figure out the climate and rainfall pattern over the course of several millennia (Madella and Fuller 2006; Alley et al. 1997; Wasson et al. 2013; Rosen 2007). Recent data on climate change, though far from conclusive, correlate broadly with wider historical developments in South Asia. Scholars reject the simplis-tic and monocausal explanation linking the emergence of the Harappan civili-zation to increased rainfall and its decline to increasing aridity. Instead, there seems to be a long-term trend towards drying beginning in the early Holocene period. While this drying enhanced the growth of Harappan urban civilization by the third millennium BCE, the same aridity led, in the course of time, to the diffusion of society, when a growing population found it difficult to sustain itself from the limited resource base (Madella and Fuller 2006: 1295-1298).

Scholars have divided the period from 3000 to 1000 BCE into three climatic subphases in South Asia. Subphase one (3000-1800 BCE) is believed to have seen an initial increase in rainfall, which might have been slightly higher than present-day precipitation, and to have become drier during the later centuries; subphase two (1800-1500 BCE) was a short period of decreased rainfall; and subphase three (1500-1000 BCE) had a slight increase in rainfall, although arid conditions continued (Shaffer and Lichtenstein 1989, 120; Misra 2012; Fuller 2006: 8-12).

If the climatic data summarized by Herman Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund are correct, it is interesting to note the patterns of climate change and histori-cal shifts in South Asia over the past millennia. Kulke and Rothermund have identified trends that suggest that the climate of the last two millennia, up to the present, follows a pattern parallel to a mean value between the extremes found in the period between 2500 and 400 BCE. Shedding further light on the subphases noted above, Kulke and Rothermund suggest that there was a sud-den rise in the rainfall in the third millennium BCE, which peaked by 2500 BCE but that, by the end of that millennium, the precipitation decreased as quickly as it had risen and that, from around 1800 to 1500 BCE, rainfall was far less than a millennium ago. Between 1500 and 1000 BCE there was another slight increase in rainfall before it decreased again. Around 500 BCE rainfall increased, but the century around 400 BCE was perhaps the driest period on record. In the follow-ing centuries the rainfall became more abundant but never reached the level of 2500 BCE (Kulke and Rothermund 2004: 30). While scholars generally treat changes in the annual mean rainfall as indicative of climate change, Madella and Fuller suggest focusing instead on seasonal variability in rainfall. For

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example, during the mid-Holocene period, the Early Harappans depended largely on the “winter-spring crop package (wheat, barley, peas, lentils, gras-spea and linseed),” while the Late Harappans adopted two cropping seasons. They began farming more drought-tolerant rain-fed crops, such as small mil-lets and rice. The geographical extent conducive to such a cropping pattern was closer to “the eastern distribution of the Harappan Civilization area.” This eastern distribution zone was not a barren land devoid of habitation, and Harappan civilization was not germane to the developments in the Ganga plain. People in the Ganga plain had already incorporated some summer and winter crops (see Map 2) before the Harappan period (Madella and Fuller 2006: 1297-1298).

The migration of the Harappans indicates serious problems in the sustain-ability of the habitat of the lower (or, western) Indus region. Although scholars still debate the matter, increasing aridity around 2000 BCE must have played a role. Other factors, such as a shift in the course of the river as a result of seismic activity, cannot be ruled out. Robert Raikes suggests that, after the diversion of the Ghagghar and consequent decline of Kalibangan around 1800 BCE, the inhabitants moved upstream to the Ganga river system (Raikes 2002: 210). Such upstream movements perhaps reflect the distress resulting from the scarcity of water resources. Raikes argues persuasively that “sudden and dramatic” cli-mate change must be discounted as an explanation for the abandonment of Kalibangan. D.P. Agrawal, on the other hand, considers climate change a prob-able factor in the Harappan decline and believes that increasing desiccation would have delivered a final blow to a people already exhausted by their efforts to control the menace of floods (Agrawal 2007: 9; Dales 1965).

Shereen Ratnagar has raised several objections to this hypothesis concern-ing increasing aridity as a cause of the general decline of the Harappan civiliza-tion. It has been suggested that the impact of such a dry climate would be different in Sind, which receives less than two inches of rainfall per year, and at Ropar, in the Punjab, which receives five to six inches (Ratnagar 2000: 16). Indeed, the rainfall zones of Sind and Ropar responded differently to climate-related change, and the decline of Ropar was linked more to the end of its func-tion as an entrepôt than to its aridity. For example, Ropar may have been a node that facilitated the linkages between the pastoral and agricultural modes of economy, and the decline of the lower Indus towns may have hurt the for-tunes of Ropar as a supply centre for the goods of the pastoral economy (Chattopadhyaya 2003: 52; for a survey of the Harappan landscape and envi-ronment, see McIntosh 2008: 9-26). Furthermore, because eastern Punjab received more rainfall than Sind, migration would tend to be from the drier areas toward the higher rainfall zone and to the upper reaches of the Himalayan


jesho 57 (2014) 587-627 Map 2 Wild crops, Neolithic migrations, and Harappan settlements (Possehl 2002; Fuller 2006; Fuller 2011).

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glacier-fed perennial rivers of the Indo-Ganga plain after the early second mil-lennium BCE. Finally, as Fuller and Madella suggest, in contrast to the earlier Harappan agricultural pattern based primarily on winter crops such as wheat and barley, Late Harappan sites adopted cultivation of small millets and rice that largely depended on the summer monsoon (Fuller and Madella 2001; Madell and Fuller 2006).

2.3 Migration and SettlementIt is possible that climatic change or instability forced the mature urban Harappans to migrate and settle in the areas that offered greater security deriv-ing from river irrigation and higher rainfall. Many Late Harappan sites overlap with the Painted Gray Ware culture (1100-500 BCE) sites at Bhagwanpura and Dadheri in Haryana and Katpalon and Nagar in Punjab in the higher-rainfall zone (U. Singh 2008: 181; Sharma 2000: 5-6). The Late Harappan sites also coin-cide with the Ochre Colour Pottery levels (pre-900 BCE) at the sites of Bargaon and Ambakheri, in western Uttar Pradesh. We may thus discern a gradual pull towards the eastern and southern parts of the Indo-Ganga plain, where the Late Harappans and new migrants from Central Asia settled in the second mil-lennium BCE. Climatic data from Central Asia are insufficient for us to deter-mine whether it was a drier and colder climatic regime around 2000 BCE that pushed the Central Asian steppe dwellers to seek better pasture lands (Frank 1992, 9-10). That a gradual, protracted migration took place is beyond doubt, as evidenced in the archaeological and linguistic literature. The northwestern route of the Indian subcontinent facilitated the migration of horse-riding pas-toral nomads who moved into the more fertile and agriculturally stable regions of the upper Indus plain in the Punjab (Ratnagar 2001: 134-135; Bökönyi 1978; Bulliet 2005). It is believed that the Sanskrit-speaking Rig Vedic Aryans began migrating to South Asia from about 1400 BCE, following some of the early Central Asian migrants, and that they made the Saptsindhu (“Seven Rivers”) region of the Punjab their new home (Avari 2007: 66).

One can deduce the Rig Vedic Aryans’ geographical knowledge from their names for rivers in their habitation zone. The western rim of their region was bounded by rivers including the Indus, Gomal, Kurram, and Kubha. To the north, they mention the Swat River, the beautiful valley of which was inhab-ited by the migrating Indo-Aryans (Swat signifies “Fair Dwellings”). The core region of the Rig Vedic Aryans’ geographical world was the drier but well-watered parts of the Punjab. The rivers most often mentioned are the Indus, Sarasvati, Drishadvati, and the five channels collectively denoting the Punjab: Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, and Jhelum. The eastern boundary of this drier zone was marked by the Yamuna and the Ganga; the Ganga is mentioned only once,

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in one of the latest hymns of the Rig Veda (Allchin and Allchin 1982: 306). It was in this habitation zone that the early generations of Indo-Aryans had settled and led pastoral and semi-nomadic lives, while cultivating wheat, barley, and other cereals. By about 900 BCE, however, the Indo-Aryans had entrenched themselves in the Ganga-Yamuna doab.

Ancient Indian texts speak of five parts of the Indian subcontinent: Madhya Desha (middle country); Uttarapatha (northern India); Prachya (eastern India); Dakshinapatha (southern India); and Aparanta (western India). The centre of gravity of this fivefold division was rooted firmly in Madhya Desha, also known as Aryavarta, the home of the early Aryans, and its symbolic boundary extended from the west, in the dry zone of Haryana where the Sarasvati River is lost in the sand, and reached the east in the less arid area at a place where the Sarasvati is believed to resurface and join the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna (at Prayag, or Allahabad). The Sanskrit word patha means “road,” and Uttarapatha and Dakshinapath mean “northern road” and “southern road,” respectively. Both of these long-distance arteries of India remained crucial for migration and movement until the nineteenth century, when the railroads were laid down mostly parallel to these ancient roads. While Uttarapatha linked the Ganga and Yamuna river systems and the Punjab to Central Asia, Dakshinapatha connected Madhya Desha, Malwa, and the Deccan Plateau. These roads pass along the eastern and southern extensions of the semi-arid zone (Schwartzberg 1992: 161-163; Gommans 2002: 17). Does such an alignment of roads along the margins of the semi-arid zone give us hints about the migration of Indo-Aryans to the eastern parts of the Ganga plain?

As already noted, the precise migration routes followed by the Indo-Aryans to reach the Ganga plain are still shrouded in mystery—whether they followed the Himalayan foothills or simply kept to the riverbanks of the Yamuna and Ganga to reach the more fertile semi-arid zone of the Ganga plain. Archaeological data and textual sources have been of little help in solving this riddle. While not claiming to solve the problem, I would suggest that the Indo-Aryans moved through the drier, more accessible zones where the require-ments of their mixed economy—cattle tending and the culture of (primarily) wheat and barley, along with a little paddy—could be met. They found well-drained arable, meadow-type soils on older alluvium, prairie soils (organic-rich soils formed under grassland), and pasture along the banks of the Yamuna and Ganga rivers and followed this ecological zone to exploit their resources (Spate and Learmonth 1967: 96; see their adaptation of the Russian geographer Schokalskaya’s map of soil types). After 1000 BCE, a drier climate would have opened up more areas of the Ganga-Yamuna doab for agriculture and settle-ment, with attendant population growth. Pushed by the need for more arable

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Map 3 Indo Aryan migrations, major routes, mahajanapadas, and rainfall zones.

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land and pasture, the Indo-Aryans continued eastward along the semi-arid and well-watered zones. Along their migratory route through the doab, they would have encountered landscape and ecological settings not unlike their earlier homelands in the drier part of the Indo-Ganga plain. Furthermore, the dry cli-mate might have assisted them by thinning the jungles in the humid parts of the Ganga plain, making it easier for them to reclaim the fertile floodplains of the Ganga, Ghaghara, and Gandak rivers as they moved east.

The need for arable land and pasture lured the migrant population towards the floodplains, and, following the Ghaghara and Gandak rivers, they reached the Himalayan foothills north of the Ganga, where the fertile older alluvium and organic-rich prairie soils abounded (see Map 3). This was the region where the early ganasanghas were formed before the time of Buddha. Migration towards the Himalayan foothills has been explained in terms of the endeav-ours of the later Vedic Aryans to escape the monarchical control of the king-dom of the Kuru-Panchalas (700-600 BCE) in the Aryavarta (Kulke and Rothermund 2004: 50-51; Thapar 2002: 149-155), but the monarchy and the so-called ancient Indian republic (or oligarchy) did not differ much in the organi-zation of agricultural production and control of resources. The difference between these two forms of state organization stems from the contemporary Brahmanical literature which displayed contempt for the new expanding republic or oligarchic forms of polities where orthodox Vedic rituals lost much of their force and direction. Yet those Vedic Aryans who moved into the new territories carried with them a new and well-developed language (Sanskrit), knowledge about the seasons, including the monsoons, and some experience in dry-zone agriculture and the raising of horses and cattle. Interacting with the earlier settled population, the new migrants used the resources at their disposal for agricultural production in the well-watered and fertile humid areas east and north of the Ganga. The spread of the Sanskrit language, political ideas, and Brahmanic religion followed the routes along the familiar ecological niches.

From the Indo-Ganga plain, the later Vedic Aryans migrated southwards into the semi-arid zone following the drier border territories along the Vindhya Range. Some hypotheses have been proposed for the route of the southern migration. On the basis of the epics and Puranas, some claim that peoples of the Yadu clan Aryanized Malwa, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Orissa. It is sug-gested traditionally that the Yadu clan lived in the vicinity of Mathura and that, after being driven away by the Kuru-Panchalas, they went south of the Cham-bal River to “the Cedi, Dasarna, Avanti, Mahisamati, Saurashtra, Vidarbha and Dandaka regions of pre-Aryan sedentary agricultural settlements” (Schwartz-berg 1992: 163). Rather than attributing every Indo-Aryan migration to the

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growing monarchical control of the Kuru-Panchalas, it seems more logical to assume that population growth and the drier climatic conditions motivated some Indo-Aryan groups to follow the semi-arid zone towards the south to reach the more fertile regions of Malwa, Saurashtra, and Vidarbha. With its vast tracts of fertile prairie soil, Malwa would have been important for launch-ing further southward migration (Chandra 1977: vii).10 All of these central and southern regions fall in the rainfall zone of 30-40 inches, and the fertile river valleys would also have been attractive (Allchin 1995: 116; see Imperial Gazet-teer, vol. 26, Atlas, 1909: 9, for the rainfall zones; for severe aridity in the Dec-can, in central and western India, between 1000 to 500 BCE, see Dhavalikar 2001). Again, a combination of arable land and pasture along the drier zone sustained the migrants’ mixed economy as they moved southwards following Dakshinapatha and the Vindhya Range.

The first textual reference to migration into the areas towards the foothills north of the Ganga appears in the Brahmana text Satapatha Brahmana (800-600 BCE), which expressed reluctance to go beyond the Sadanira or the Gandak, as Agni (the fire god) did not burn across the river. Once Agni was led “to taste it [the river] through [Brahmanic] sacrifices,” the Brahmans crossed the river, and the region became fit for the settlement and cultivation (Satapatha-Brahmana 1882, repr. 1966, 105-106). Called Videh or Mithila, this region was settled by the king Videgh Mathava of the Satapatha Brahmana and lies mostly in northern Bihar, extending up to the Himalayan foothills of Nepal. The bhangar floodplain along the banks of the Gandak offered sufficient ara-ble land and pasture which the Indo-Aryans followed up to the Himalayan terai, where the important ganasanghas or mahajanapadas of Vajji and Malla emerged around the sixth century BCE. Except for a few swamps and khadars, the bhangar parts of the region are well-drained and highly fertile. A settle-ment officer by the name of Wyatt, who surveyed this region in 1847, noted that the luxuriant soil along the rivers and other water-courses produced sufficient quantities of grass throughout the year for cattle and horses (for the reference to Wyatt, see Stevenson-Moore 1901: 9). This observation indicates how the ancient migrants, with their cattle, followed along the grassland and reached northern Bihar and the Himalayan foothills.

The southern parts of the Ganga plain—the modern districts of Patna, Munger, and Bhagalpur—also have meadow-type soils on older alluvium

10 Passages in the Mahabharata indicate that the region of Gwalior (between the Chambal and Betwa) was where many routes and arteries branched off towards the Deccan. Aranyaka Parvan, 59.2, says, Ete gachchhanti bahavah panthāno dakshināpatham (“from here, many roads go south”).

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along the riverbanks. The grassland along the southern banks of the Ganga is generally elevated and well drained. The root systems of grasses protect the soil from erosion during the torrential tropical rains, while the decomposition of plants supplies nutrients to the soil and increases fertility. These ecological advantages of the region make it ideal for sedentary agriculture, and, with an annual rainfall of about 42 inches, the areas around Patna form the heart of a transitional zone between the higher rainfall zone to the north and east and the drier area to the south and west (for the annual rainfall at the turn of the twentieth century, see Coupland 1907: 4). Thus, the accessible dry areas with the possibilities of irrigation along the banks of the Ganga made this zone suit-able for wet rice cultivation.

Many of the areas to which the Indo-Aryans migrated had been settled and connected with other regions since the Neolithic-Chalcolithic period. These demographic movements gave rise to cultural interactions and linguistic bor-rowings and helped spread new plant and animal domesticates. Fuller sug-gests that these interactions occurred through both static and moving frontiers. For example, the so-called static frontier between Saurashtra and Sindh facili-tated cultural and economic exchanges between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists during the fourth and third millennia BCE. The idea of a static frontier seems questionable, though, as the people inhabiting such areas and their economies did not remain unchanged. The moving frontier, on the other hand, is replicated whenever a small part of a large agricultural population migrates “to establish new smaller agricultural settlements, seeking out space in a familiar ecological niche to which farming traditions are already suited” (Fuller 2006: 3, 39). Because the drier parts of the Ganga plain were the ecologi-cal zones familiar to the migrating Indo-Aryans, they could easily meet the needs of their mixed economy.

Archaeological evidence points to the existence of Neolithic-Chalcolithic settlements in Mirzapur, Gorakhpur, and Varanasi districts, as well as the Saran and Gaya districts in the Ganga plain (Roy 1983: 10-11; P. Singh 1989: 243-247). The excavation of the Neolithic site at Maner, a few miles west of Patna, at the confluence of the Ganga and Son rivers, shows its wider links with the other Neolithic sites (Narayan 1996: 493). These sites suggest human settlement between the northern edge of the Chhota Nagpur Plateau and the Ganga River, an area that was better drained and therefore more suitable for communica-tion, foraging, and subsistence food-production. This stretch of the Ganga plain has yielded evidence of agriculture from the Neolithic-Chalcolithic period onwards, when crops dependent on monsoon rainfall, such as urd beans, mung beans, field peas, and lentils began to be produced. According to

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K.L. Mehra, the introduction of African millets and sorghums played a critical role in the agricultural history of South Asia, and he sums up its effect by call-ing it “the first green revolution” in dryland agriculture (Mehra 2003: 91).

Later on, winter crops such as wheat and barley were added to the existing agricultural crop regime based on monsoon rainfall. On the Neolithic sites north of the Ganga—such as Chirand (Map 2), on the banks of the Ghaghara River, about seven miles east of Chhapra town—archaeologists have found evidence of the cultivation of various cereals and legumes, such as wheat, bar-ley, lentils, and green gram, and there are paddy husks and charred grains of rice. Singh points to evidence of paddy from the Sarayupar plain from the late sixth and the fifth millennia BCE. At some places, such as Lahuradewa, rice may have been used even earlier (P. Singh 2008: 7-12; Fuller 2006: 35; Fuller 2011: 356).

The presence of wild rice (Oryza nivara) is ubiquitous in archaeobotanical samples of Mesolithic, Neolithic, and Chalcolithic sites of the Ganga plain (Map 2), but scholars debate its domestication, genetic profile, and morpho-logical changes. For instance, Fuller suggests that, while indica rice originated in the Ganga plain, its full domestication through hybridization was complete only with the introduction of japonica rice. Based on several shared genetic traits in these two varieties, it is suggested that, at the beginning of the second millennium BCE, the japonica cultivar might have reached northwestern India from China via Central Asia. The diffusion of japonica rice introduced key mutations into Indian rice cultivars that allowed its full domestication and intensive cultivation. Before the emergence of wet (irrigated) rice cultivation towards the end of the second millennium BCE, early rice cultivation was essentially dry farming based on monsoon rains and seasonal flooding. Fuller suggests that the development of irrigated rice cultivation and introduction of japonica rice genes were crucial to the evolution of the larger-grained indica rice in South Asia (Fuller 2011: 356). The hybridization of Indian and East Asian rice cultivars indirectly affected social and political developments in the early historic Ganga plain.

As already noted, beginning in the early first millennium BCE, the riparian regions of eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar had attracted Indo-Aryan migrants from the drier zones of the western and northern Ganga plain. The earlier mixed economy of the Indo-Aryans made a transition to the large-scale agrar-ian economy based primarily on wet rice cultivation, dry-zone farming, and increasing use of iron tools. In the process of migration and settlement, the new migrants interacted with the already settled people, devised means of social control, and exploited the fertile agricultural land (for the linguistic

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evidence of interactions and the borrowing into the Indo-Aryan lexicon of proto-Munda words related to agricultural implements, see Thapar 2002; Cardona and Jain 2003; Sharma 2000). An interaction of the people and resources of the arid and humid zones thus brought about fundamental changes in the agrarian economy of the Ganga plain during the first millen-nium BCE. This explains why the urban centres, polities, and social complexi-ties developed in the transitional environment zone of the Ganga plain beginning in about 600 BCE.

2.4 State FormationAgriculture and trade played crucial roles in early historic state formation in the Ganga plain. In the centuries preceding the emergence of Magadha as a large empire under the Mauryas, there were serious efforts to extend agricul-ture. While accessible dry areas within the reach of river irrigation were easily brought under the plough, the increased use of iron tools assisted in clearing tropical sal (Shorea robusta) forest in the more humid, higher-rainfall zones.

Iron technology is believed to have appeared in South Asia around 1200 or 1100 BCE, and the use of iron diffused further in the Painted Gray Ware (PGW, dated 1000-450 BCE) culture (Chakrabarti 2006).11 Historians and archaeolo-gists debate whether the adoption of iron technology in itself would have been enough to bring about large-scale political and economic changes, but there is general agreement that, when the technology was exploited in a given political and economic system, it played a crucial role in agricultural expansion and surplus production. During the first millennium BCE, the proliferation of iron technology appears to have been slow. While few iron implements have been reported from the PGW sites, Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW, dated 600-200 BCE) sites, such as Atranjikhera in the Ganga plain, have yielded agricul-tural implements such as sickles, spades, ploughshares, and hoes. The increasing number and variety of agricultural tools indicate that farming had become an important economic activity. In the later Vedic period, the Yajur Veda refers to a field ploughed by “teams of a dozen oxen” (Schwartzberg 1992: 163; Sahu 2006: 1-31; for a critique of the view suggesting technology or surplus as an autonomous agent of social change, see Ratnagar 2006). Along with the traction power of the animals already in their possession, the Indo-Aryans also benefited from their interactions with the pre-existing agricultural popula-

11 On the basis of new archaeological findings, Chakrabarti suggests the use of iron in parts of the Ganga plain from 1800 to 1700 BCE. Even though iron may have been used at such an early date, it did not bring about major economic change until the middle of the first millennium BCE.

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tions, increasing use of iron tools, a combination of wet rice cultivation and dry-zone farming, and some form of social control that helped generate sur-plus wealth and engendered political and economic complexities.

According to Vibha Tripathi, a Jain text from around the third century BCE mentions paddy transplantation techniques in Rajagriha (Rajgir), Magadha, Mithila, and Anga, where the older alluvium and prairie soils were particularly suited to rice cultivation. New techniques of intensive agriculture point to a growing need for food to support artisanal and other non-food-producing classes. The rice economy made possible a higher calorie intake and increased human fertility, leading to population growth. Tripathi suggests that a rapid demographic growth led to the expansion of settlements away from the river-banks to other sources of water, such as lakes and marshes (Tripathi 2008: 356-359). Such an expansion of settlements around 400 BCE (which climatologists believe to have been a period of scant rainfall) would have put extra pressure on the available sources of water. Under the drier climatic conditions, more humid areas to the north of the Ganga and towards the Ganga delta would have been increasingly reclaimed for cultivation and settlement.

It was mostly local communities that worked on land reclamation, agricul-tural extension, and hydraulic works, not necessarily the “hydraulic societies” based on centralized state control (Wittfogel 1957; for community-based irriga-tion works in southern Bihar, see Coupland 1907: 2; Sengupta 1980; Prakash 1990: 21-25). Because paddy crops needed more water, irrigation projects, dam-building, and the construction and maintenance of river embankments required labour mobilization at the community level. While the state could support the collective efforts of peasants in terms of tax remissions for build-ing dams and undertaking similar irrigation works to enhance agricultural productivity—and, by extension, tax revenues—such endeavours by peasants cannot be attributed solely to centralized political authority.

The Panchalas of Ahichhatra (Rohilkhand) became a dominant power by exploiting the resources from the humid zone along the Himalayan foothills to the northeast and the drier areas to the southwest. Located in a similar envi-ronmental zone, Magadha had a far more substantial agricultural resource base when the mahajanapada expanded northwards. While the productive agrarian heartland of the plain furnished revenue, pottery, and other craft pro-ductions, long-distance overland and overseas trade was also a source of income. The access to dry-zone resources such as iron, copper, wood, stone, and war-elephants from the Chhota Nagpur Plateau further augmented politi-cal and economic power. In addition to having access to these resources, the ruling elite controlled the trade routes and profited from tolls on merchandise.

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In the early fifth century BCE, the mahajanapada of Magadha moved its capital from Rajagrih (Rajgir) north to Pataliputra, on the southern banks of the Ganga. This strategic shift was aimed at securing its northern flank from emerging powers such as Vajji and Kosala. From the new capital at Pataliputra, it was easier for the rulers of the Maurya and Gupta dynasties to control the trade routes, both riverine and overland.12 Fred Virkus has considered the logistical problems of the Gupta empire, which was “multicentrally struc-tured.” These multicentres consisted, according to Virkus, of eastern Uttar Pradesh, Mathura and adjoining districts of western Uttar Pradesh, and the Sanchi-Vidisa-Eran zone of eastern Malwa, whence the empire expanded fur-ther in the fifth century CE. Located on the important trade routes along the semi-arid zone, all three centres had earlier traditions of state building. Although Virkus seems to be skeptical of assigning a significant strategic role to Pataliputra during the Gupta empire, we know that the capital city was located on the trade routes and at an environmental crossroads (drier south and humid north and humid east and drier west), just as the other three cen-tres of the Gupta empire were (Virkus 2004: 255-256, 261-262).

The overland trade route from Tamralipti, on the Bengal coast, followed the southern banks of the Ganga and passed through Champa, Mudagiri (Munger), and Pataliputra. Another overland route from Tamralipti crossed the southern parts of Bihar, through the Chhota Nagpur Plateau, and was broadly aligned with the eighteenth-century British Grand Trunk Road. The western coast and the famous port of Bharukaccha (Barugaza), in Gujarat, were linked with Pataliputra by a road that passed through Varanasi, Kausambi, Vidisa, and Ujjain (Eggermont 1966: 267-268; Deloche 1993: 1:47-48; Chakrabarti 2005: 12-18). Following the Uttarapatha, another route went through the doab and along the western banks of the Yamuna to reach the northwestern parts of the subcontinent. These routes were crucial for the Mauryas and Guptas for politi-cal control and resource augmentation from the centrally located imperial capital at Pataliputra (Darian 1970; Chakrabarti 2001: 125).

When the Greek ambassador Megasthenes visited Pataliputra in the late fourth century BCE, the fortified city reputedly had sixty-four gates and a cir-cumference of twenty-one miles (Kulke and Rothermund 2004: 62). The fort’s gates on the riverside gave access to river communication, effected control of merchant traffic at the landing place, and helped subdue and pacify the north-ern frontiers towards the Vajji ganasangha. The fortified capital on the Ganga

12 Rejecting a centralized Mauryan state, scholars suggest a “network model,” in which vari-ous nodes were linked through the multiple-route system, which facilitated political con-trol for the Mauryas (Smith 2005, 842-844; Fussman 1987-1988).

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is reminiscent of the Roman forts along the “river frontiers” of the Rhine and Danube for projecting imperial power beyond the riverbanks during the early centuries CE (Breeze 2011: 93-94; on the problems of fortification at Pataliputra and, for mention of Kautilya’s nadidurg, or river fortress, see Dikshitar 1932, repr. 1993: 333-334). The Maurya and Gupta rulers would have used the river in asserting their political control downstream, towards the delta.

Indo-Aryan penetration and state formation in the humid zones of the delta were slow and late in developing. Archaeological evidence here attests to the existence of settlements going back to prehistoric times. Pandu Rajar Dhibi (literally, the place of the Pandava kings [of the Mahabharata epic])—in the floodplain of the Ajay River, in Burdwan District of West Bengal—has yielded evidence of habitation from at least as early as 1500 BCE. Excavations at this site uncovered three cultural phases, belonging to the Chalcolithic, the Iron Age, and the early historic period, respectively (Jain 2006: 169-170; Chakrabarti 2006: 261-263; Ray 1987: 280-284). Chalcolithic copper objects have been found at locations such as Parihati village in Midnapur District.

The settlement sites chosen by the Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlers laid the foundations for future habitation sites and continued to be peopled by later settlers. The historic urban centres of the deltaic zone, such as Kotasur, Mangalkot, Pokharna, and Tamluk, were all Chalcolithic and/or Iron Age foun-dations (Chakrabarti 2006: 305), and these sites later attracted migrants from the Ganga plain, beginning in about the late first millennium BCE. Brahmanic textual sources of the later Vedic period showed contempt for the deltaic Ganga plain, and such sentiments continue to be expressed in Buddhist and Jain texts of the later period. Still, we find many ancient historical settlements in Bengal, including, among others, the Buddhist site of Paharpur on the Atrai River (in present-day Bangladesh), Mahasthangarh or Pundravardhana on the Karatoya River, Mainamati, and Chandraketugarh (Sengupta 2011: 16-24). As settlements assumed an urban character, Mauryan punch-marked coins circu-lated from about the third century BCE (Jahan 2004: 96). Archaeological finds and literary texts attest to seafaring activities and agrarian expansion in the region from the late first millennium BCE into the early centuries CE.13 Indo-Aryan penetration of the delta was possibly increased by the need for more

13 See Ghosh, 2006: 77-86 for the archaeological finds of the Kushana coins that might have reached Bengal by way of trade. The existence of Kharosthi-speaking merchants and agri-culturalists from the northwestern parts of the Indian subcontinent has also been noted by Ghosh. Reference to kodihalika (i.e., a person having ten million ploughmen) meta-phorically indicates agrarian expansion in ancient Bengal.

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irrigated land in the dry period circa 400 BCE, as well as by the possibilities of overseas trade and other contacts.

More evidence of agrarian expansion and sedentary settlement in the delta comes from the late first millennium CE. On the basis of an inscription from Bangladesh, Ranabir Chakravarti suggests the existence of “the largest known brahmanical colonization program in north India planned and designed by a political authority,” as a result of which an extensive settlement emerged in the tenth century in the Sylhet area. Such settlements resulted from giving brahmadey (revenue-free grants) to Brahmans from outside the region to bring swampy and forested land under the plough. In the humid zone of the delta, according to Chakravarti, the Palas (especially Ram Pala 1072-1127 CE) re- established the war-ravaged agrarian economy of Varendri or Varendra (comprising the Rajshahi, Bogra, and Dinajpur districts of Bangladesh), con-structed a huge lake, and imposed moderate taxes to ensure continued agricul-ture. It has been suggested that northern Bengal had a complex agriculture-based economy from the third century BCE until the early seventh century (Chakravarti 2004: 55-56, 61; on merchant groups in medieval Bengal, see Furui 2013). In the subsequent, drier centuries, agriculture and settlement appear to have gravitated east, to a zone of more rainfall that was closer to the sea.

Unfortunately, the literature on the historical dynamics of the late-first- millennium Ganga plain is incoherent, and many issues, such as agricultural expansion and resource mobilization by the new kingdoms, are only poorly understood. Existing scholarship suggests that, during this period, a host of dynasties such as the Palas and Senas in the humid areas of Bengal and the Gurjar-Pratiharas of the drier zone, emerged in the Ganga plain. Others, such as the Chandelas and Kalachuris in the drier parts of Malwa and the Rashtra-kutas in the semi-arid zone of the Deccan, were all vying for a larger share of territory. Around the end of the first millennium, the fragmentation of political power continued across South Asia, as Hindu Shahis, Chandelas, Kalachuris, and Paramaras contended for hegemony. The proliferation of numerous dynas-ties in the later centuries of the first millennium CE may be understood in terms of agrarian expansion, colonization of far-flung areas, and efficient hydraulic management to make up for the deficiencies in water supply that probably resulted from a drier climate. While the resource base of these dynas-ties was adequate to run their smaller kingdoms, it was not sufficient, in itself, for any of them to control the entire Ganga plain and South Asia. Also a prob-lem was their lack of access to an uninterrupted supply of warhorses and new techniques of warfare. As a result, none of these feuding kingdoms could establish and maintain their political power over a large part of the Indian subcontinent and, by the thirteenth century, were easily swept away by the Turko-Afghan cavalry.

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In this essay I have argued that a simple twofold division of the Ganga plain based on rainfall variability and aridity proves to be a more useful model for historical explanation than the conventional threefold geographic division. To test this model, I described the historical developments, including state forma-tion, in the transitional zone of the Ganga plain in Bihar. The regions further south of the river were comparatively dry, hilly, and agriculturally less produc-tive, while the fertile lands along the southern banks of the Ganga and the plain north of the river were rich in agricultural resources. Therefore, the state-formation processes in this strategic area of the plain unfolded in the early historical and medieval periods. It was from this transitional environmental zone that the Mauryas and Guptas had held sway over the entire Ganga plain in the ancient period.

In the latter half of the first millennium CE, the transitional zone appears to have ceased to be the centre of large-scale political and economic activities. While the dry climatic conditions favoured the delta for agrarian expansion and colonization, new modes of warfare privileged the drier border territories from which political power could be projected towards the agrarian society of the humid zone. Agrarian expansion and land reclamation in the drier zone gained momentum from about the eleventh and twelfth centuries, probably aided by more plentiful rain and a more humid climate. Contemporary inscrip-tions and Jain sources from Rajasthan and Gujarat attest to the hydraulic proj-ects aimed at storing water and using them for agriculture (Chakravarti 2004: 55-57). Apart from agriculture, the typical economic activities of the drier zone included the breeding of such animals as horses, cattle, sheep, and the newly introduced camels or dromedaries, which further augmented resources (Bulliet 2009: 113).14

As the economic lot of the people in the drier zones improved somewhat, they ventured out with their mobile resources (war animals, arms, and cash) and were able to undermine the existing political order in the humid areas of sedentary agriculture. The movements and conquests of Turks, Afghans, and Rajputs in the first half of the second millennium CE may be seen in the light of their capacity to impose political domination on more prosperous agrarian

14 Significant economic activity followed animal herding from the arid zone to the north-western Indian subcontinent. According to Bulliet, the dromedary (one-humped camel) came to northern India with Ghaznavid campaigns that would have required thousands of baggage animals. For an engraving of the dromedary on the Rajbhita stone inscription of the first half of the eleventh century, during the reign of Mahipal I in Bengal, see Furui 2013: 394.

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societies. Once such political control was established, long-distance connec-tions, new technologies, animals, and cash brought in by mobile forces injected vigour into the agrarian economy of the humid zone. For example, the Afghan horse traders, banjara transporters, and other mobile groups linked the fairs and pilgrimage centres of widely dispersed areas spanning the drier and the more humid zones of South Asia (Gommans 1998a: 9-10). Many urban centres and towns developed in the wake of the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate, and the economy benefited from trade linkages between the Ganga plain and Central Asia (Abu-Lughod 1989). Agricultural and economic growth and urban developments once again brought the transitional environmental zone into focus. Areas at the intersections between the drier and the more humid zones, such as Jaunpur, Sasaram, Maner, and Hajipur, became new centres of state formation and economic activities in the first half of the second millennium CE. In the fifteenth century, the Sharqis of Jaunpur and, in the sixteenth cen-tury, Sher Shah Suri of Sasaram displayed great potential for political consoli-dation of the plain from the relatively dry zone. The transitional environmental zone would remain crucial to the process of state formation when agrarian expansion, resource generation, and commercialization of the economy peaked during the early modern period, when the Mughals were generally the dominant political power. It was this strategic zone along the Ganga River where the dynamics of state formation and Mughal decline are displayed most spectacularly in the eighteenth century.


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