Review Multiple pathways for telomere tethering: functional implications of subnuclear position for heterochromatin formation Angela Taddei, Susan M. Gasser * Department of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Quai Ernest Ansermet 30, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Received 4 November 2003; accepted 18 November 2003 Abstract Technical advances in the imaging of GFP derivatives in living cells have improved our ability to determine the position and dynamics of specific chromatin loci. This approach, combined with genetics and functional assays, has shed new light on how nuclear compartments facilitate gene repression in yeast. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nuclear organization; Chromosome anchoring; Telomere; Heterochromatin; Silencing; SIR protein; Ku; Esc1 1. Introduction It is now well established that chromatin domains can have specified positions within a eukaryotic nucleus. It is also clear, however, that even the most precisely localized chromatin participates in constant albeit spatially con- strained motion [1–3]. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has provided an excellent model system in which to examine the impact of nuclear organization and chromatin dynamics on the regulation of transcription, replication or repair. In yeast, the 32 telomeres cluster at the nuclear periphery in 8 to 10 groups, forming discrete subcompartments that accumulate a complex of histone- binding silencing factors (Sir2, Sir3, and Sir4 [4]). Sir proteins are recruited to telomeres via protein–protein interactions and can then spread along the chromatin fiber, presumably through interactions with histone tails, leading to the variegated and heritable repression of telomere- proximal genes (called telomere position effect or TPE) [5–7]. The yKu heterodimer is telomere-associated inde- pendently of its expression status, and yKu cooperates with Rap1 to recruit the Sir complex, primarily through the binding of Sir4 [8–11]. The clustering of telomeres is thought to facilitate TPE by maintaining a high local concentration of Sir proteins [12]. On the other hand, this perinuclear arrangement might also simply result from the establishment of a repressed state. In other words, the grouping of repressed domains might ensue from interac- tions of proteins integrated in the silent chromatin with the nuclear envelope, and not promote repression per se. Here we review recent advances describing the mechanisms that mediate anchoring at the yeast nuclear envelope and discuss evidence that spatial clustering can promote het- erochromatin formation or propagation. Many of these insights rely on the use of high-resolution fluorescence microscopy, combined with yeast genetics. 2. How to monitor locus position and chromatin mobility The notion that chromatin is generally immobile is now disproven by a large body of data from live imaging of tagged chromosomal loci in interphase nuclei of fly, mam- malian and yeast cells [1–3]. Not only is chromatin mobile, but fairly large nuclear substructures such as PML bodies are dynamic in living cells [13]. The ability to map the position and to follow the movement of specific chromo- somal loci in real time was initially rendered possible with the development of a GFP-tagged lac repressor –operator system for site recognition [14]. This system exploits the high affinity and highly specific interaction of the bacterial lac-repressor (lac i ) for a DNA sequence called lac operator (lac op ) [15]. Directed insertion of an array of lac operators 0167-4781/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bbaexp.2003.11.014 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-22-379-61-28; fax: +41-22-379- 68-68. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M. Gasser). www.bba-direct.com Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120 – 128

Multiple pathways for telomere tethering: functional implications of subnuclear position for heterochromatin formation

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Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128


Multiple pathways for telomere tethering: functional implications of

subnuclear position for heterochromatin formation

Angela Taddei, Susan M. Gasser*

Department of Molecular Biology, University of Geneva, Quai Ernest Ansermet 30, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Received 4 November 2003; accepted 18 November 2003


Technical advances in the imaging of GFP derivatives in living cells have improved our ability to determine the position and dynamics of

specific chromatin loci. This approach, combined with genetics and functional assays, has shed new light on how nuclear compartments

facilitate gene repression in yeast.

D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nuclear organization; Chromosome anchoring; Telomere; Heterochromatin; Silencing; SIR protein; Ku; Esc1

1. Introduction

It is now well established that chromatin domains can

have specified positions within a eukaryotic nucleus. It is

also clear, however, that even the most precisely localized

chromatin participates in constant albeit spatially con-

strained motion [1–3]. The budding yeast Saccharomyces

cerevisiae has provided an excellent model system in

which to examine the impact of nuclear organization and

chromatin dynamics on the regulation of transcription,

replication or repair. In yeast, the 32 telomeres cluster at

the nuclear periphery in 8 to 10 groups, forming discrete

subcompartments that accumulate a complex of histone-

binding silencing factors (Sir2, Sir3, and Sir4 [4]). Sir

proteins are recruited to telomeres via protein–protein

interactions and can then spread along the chromatin fiber,

presumably through interactions with histone tails, leading

to the variegated and heritable repression of telomere-

proximal genes (called telomere position effect or TPE)

[5–7]. The yKu heterodimer is telomere-associated inde-

pendently of its expression status, and yKu cooperates with

Rap1 to recruit the Sir complex, primarily through the

binding of Sir4 [8–11]. The clustering of telomeres is

thought to facilitate TPE by maintaining a high local

concentration of Sir proteins [12]. On the other hand, this

0167-4781/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-22-379-61-28; fax: +41-22-379-


E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M. Gasser).

perinuclear arrangement might also simply result from the

establishment of a repressed state. In other words, the

grouping of repressed domains might ensue from interac-

tions of proteins integrated in the silent chromatin with the

nuclear envelope, and not promote repression per se. Here

we review recent advances describing the mechanisms that

mediate anchoring at the yeast nuclear envelope and

discuss evidence that spatial clustering can promote het-

erochromatin formation or propagation. Many of these

insights rely on the use of high-resolution fluorescence

microscopy, combined with yeast genetics.

2. How to monitor locus position and chromatin


The notion that chromatin is generally immobile is now

disproven by a large body of data from live imaging of

tagged chromosomal loci in interphase nuclei of fly, mam-

malian and yeast cells [1–3]. Not only is chromatin mobile,

but fairly large nuclear substructures such as PML bodies

are dynamic in living cells [13]. The ability to map the

position and to follow the movement of specific chromo-

somal loci in real time was initially rendered possible with

the development of a GFP-tagged lac repressor–operator

system for site recognition [14]. This system exploits the

high affinity and highly specific interaction of the bacterial

lac-repressor (laci) for a DNA sequence called lac operator

(lacop) [15]. Directed insertion of an array of lac operators

Fig. 1. Visualization of a chromosomal locus. Budding yeast cells are

modified to express the laci-GFP fusion, which binds the inserted lacop

array (see scheme), along with either a Nup49–GFP (a) or a TetR–GFP

fusion (b). Shown are representative images of G1 phase cells tagged at

telomere XIV-L (a; [33]) or near MATa, the mating type locus at

chromosome III (b).

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128 121

(usually 256 copies or f 10 kb) and expression of a fusion

construct between laci and a fluorescent protein such as

GFP enables visualization of a defined DNA locus in vivo.

The lac repressor itself is modified to prevent tetrameriza-

tion, thus minimizing artefactual higher order interactions

between lacop sites.

Fig. 2. The analysis of chromosomal locus position. A schematic representat

chromosomal locus (green spot) is shown. For each cell, nuclear diameter (blue ar

By dividing x by 1/2y, we can assign the spot to one of the three concentric zones o

a distribution of 33% in every zone.

The tracking of a single DNA locus is not useful unless it

can be coupled with the determination of global nuclear

movement, such that the chromatin dynamics can be cor-

rected for background motion. Two alternative approaches

have been used with success. In the first, a Nup49–GFP

fusion is introduced into the yeast genome, generating a

characteristic perinuclear ring due to the regular distribution

of nuclear pores within the nuclear envelope (NE [16]). The

second makes use of a TetR–GFP fusion in the absence of

an integrated Tetop array (see Fig. 1). This low intensity

background signal allows for a precise calculation of the

nuclear center, frame by frame, while the nuclear pore

labeling has the advantage that one can accurately map

the position of a chromosomal domain relative to the

nuclear envelope (Fig. 2).

3. Interphase chromatin is highly dynamic

High-resolution tracking of the movement of various

chromosomal loci reveals an extremely dynamic behavior

of chromatin in organisms as diverse as yeast,Drosophila and

mammalian cells [1–3]. In the systems explored to date,

fluorescence and transmission imaging were combined to

characterize the movements of the tagged locus with respect

to division cycles or differentiation pathways. Values

obtained for the velocity and average radius of constraint

for tagged euchromatic loci in G1 phase cells are very similar

from yeast to man [1–3]. When time-lapse imaging is

adequately rapid, two types of motion can be distinguished:

smaller, saltatory movements < 0.2 Am that occur every 1–2

s, and larger, more rapid movements (i.e. >0.5 Am in a 10.5-s

interval; [17]). These larger movements are characteristic of

euchromatic domains, or of sites in metabolically active yeast

that are distant from telomeres and centromeres. Given the

diameter of the GFP signal (0.2–0.3 Am), short movements

are difficult to characterize by light microscopy, while move-

ments of 0.5 Am represent half the radius of a yeast nucleus, a

distance equivalent to f100 kb of chromatin in its physio-

ion of fluorescent signals from Nup49–GFP (green ring) and a tagged

row= y) and distance from the spot to the NE (red arrow= x) are calculated.

f equal surface. If a spot is located randomly within the nucleus, it will show

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128122

logical compaction state, which ranges fromf 51- to 80-fold

in interphase nuclei of yeast and human cells (Bystricky et al.,

submitted for publication, [18]).

In yeast, chromatin movements are not microtubule- or

actin filament-dependent although they are sensitive to

ATP depletion [17]. In Drosophila spermatocytes, individ-

ual step sizes have a roughly Gaussian distribution,alth-

hough the direction of the motion changes every two to

four movements [19]. In other words, large movements in

one direction frequently precede an equally large step

back, consistent with the idea that the contiguous chroma-

tin fiber imposes spatial constraints on locus movement.

Similar patterns are observed for 0.5-Am movements in

yeast nuclei (M. Blaszczyk, personal communication).

Nonetheless, within a limited space, on the other hand,

movement can be modeled as a random walk.

The correlation of interphase dynamics in yeast with

changes in cellular metabolism, notably depletion of glu-

cose, makes it unlikely that chromatin movement results

from simple diffusion. We suggest that the movement

reflects the action of large ATP-dependent enzymes as they

activate transcription or remodel nucleosomes. This would

be consistent with the lack of mobility detected in stationary

phase cells where transcriptional activity drops significantly,

or in cells in which membrane potentials are collapsed,

leading to the depletion of ATP [17].

4. The extent of chromatin movement

When thousands of measurements for a GFP-tagged locus

are compared over time, either as a relative movement

between two spots in a diploid or the movement of one locus

relative to the nuclear center, the spatial constraints imposed

on the movement can be calculated by plotting the mean

squared displacement (MSD) over fixed intervals of time

[20]. These MSD plots reach a plateau at larger time intervals

which allows one to calculate the radius of constraint on a

given tagged locus, and to compare this reliably among

different chromosomal loci in different species. The move-

ment of euchromatic sites in flies, man and yeast is confined

to volumes off0.5–0.7 Am in radius, significantly less than

even the radius of a yeast nucleus (1 Am) [1–3]. In S phase,

yeast chromosomal loci show a significant decrease in

mobility [17]. When loci on the X chromosome in Drosoph-

ila spermatocytes were monitored over longer time periods in

G2 phase, a slow, but longer-range migration could be

detected in addition to the rapid more constrained motion

[19]. Interestingly, in budding yeast, an excised ring of

chromatin was shown to move without detectable constraint

throughout the nucleus, suggesting that there is no inherent

barrier to chromatin movement in yeast nucleoplasm (Gar-

tenberg et al., submitted for publication).

Observing this degree of mobility for multiple loci, one

must reconsider the hypothesis that each eukaryotic chro-

mosome is assigned to a discrete subnuclear territory,

surrounded by inter-chromatin channels that facilitate mac-

romolecular movement [21]. While the data on dynamics

do not refute the notion of nuclear compartments, the

model must now accommodate a significant degree of

intermingling of chromatin domains between chromosomal

territories. Moreover, there is no apparent need for mac-

romolecular transport to be restricted to interchromatin

channels, since chromatin itself is so mobile that it could

hardly impair macromolecular diffusion. Particularly in

yeast, it seems improbable that neighboring chromosomes

remain segregated from each other given that the yeast

nuclear diameter is f2 Am and the radii of confinement

for specific loci are f0.5 Am. The unusual efficiency of

homologous recombination events in yeast may in part

reflect this high degree of chromatin intermingling. Even

in human cells, tagged chromosomal regions have been

reported to localize outside of the visible confines of

chromosome territories. Although the numbers analyzed

are still small, sites that ‘‘loop out’’ from a chromosomal

territory correlate with regions of high gene density and

high levels of expression [22]. In summary, live imaging

documents significant local chromatin movement, requir-

ing revision of our concepts of chromatin and chromo-

somal compartments.

In view of the dynamic character of chromatin, it seems

likely that anchorage sites may be functionally more impor-

tant as regulators than chromatin mobility itself. For exam-

ple, the sites at which yeast telomere cluster may play roles

in the proper replication of chromosomal ends or in the

regulation of silencing. Long-range interactions between

blocks of heterochromatin in other species also probably

facilitate a mass action assembly of repressors with their

binding sites [23]. In various cells, recruitment and stable

association of damaged DNA sites into internal foci has

been correlated with relatively fixed sites of repair [24,25].

Finally, it has been proposed that the insulators that create

boundaries between active and inactive chromatin domains

may also function by tethering these sites [26,27]. Whether

this is due to position or to reduced mobility of chromatin is

unknown. In each case, the imposition of spatial constraints

on a locus seems to correlate with a regulatory mechanism.

5. Redundant mechanisms of chromatin attachment

In general, we conclude that chromatin is highly mobile

except at irregularly spaced sites of anchorage that punctuate

the chromatin by tethering DNA to the nuclear envelope or to

other substructures of the nucleus. These interactions would,

on one hand, constrain the global diffusion of chromosomes.

On the other hand, release from such constraint could also be

exploited locally to help alter chromatin structure at active

genes, facilitate macromolecular diffusion, or promote rec-

ognition site searches within the nucleus [2].

Yeast telomere clusters are thought to define a relatively

stable subnuclear compartment that favors chromatin-medi-

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128 123

ated repression. Consistently, images taken at fixed time-

points reveal telomeric foci near the nuclear envelope [28–

30]. Individually tagged telomeres, as well as GFP-labelled

foci, are nonetheless themselves dynamic, moving signifi-

cantly more than the spindle pole body, an integral NE

component. Unlike internal tagged sites, most telomeres are

lateral, i.e within an outer perinuclear ring. This patten could

arise from a pattern that could arise from a reversible

association with multiple dispersed binding sites along the

NE. Perhaps the abundance of these anchorage sites allows

telomeres to be trapped within a perinuclear zone; telomeres

seem to be sequentially bound and released, resulting in a

‘‘walk’’ along NE sites. FISH data using YV and TG repeats

suggest that in both wild-type and yku-deficient cells, entire

clusters of telomeres can be displaced from the periphery

and not only individual ends [30,31], distinguishing telo-

mere anchorage from the telomere–telomere interactions

that lead to clustering.

Recent analyses of native telomere behavior in living

yeast cells have resolved several discrepancies in the liter-

ature about the character of telomere binding sites [32–36].

Two partially redundant pathways are found to mediate

anchorage: one that requires the heterodimeric yKu factor,

and a second mediated by one or more of the Sir proteins

[33]. Both yKu and Sir proteins are integral components of

the telosome and of subtelomeric chromatin, and could thus

play a direct role in tethering. The Sir-dependent pathway

correlates with chromatin-mediated transcriptional repres-

sion, may require higher-order chromatin structures, and is

able to tether a native telomere in S phase in the absence of

yKu. The yKu pathway, on the other hand, anchors a

fraction of telomeres throughout interphase, even in the

absence of TPE (i.e. in sir-deficient strains, see Fig. 3 and

Fig. 3. Chromatin tracking reveals spatial constraints on chromatin dynamics. Us

fluorescence were captured (at 1.5-s intervals) in G1 or S phase yeast cells carryin

were first aligned based on their nuclear pore signals, and projected on a single ima

nuclear section (right hand image). To quantify spatial constraints on these moveme

subjected to the MSD analysis. After alignment of nuclear centers the absolute pos

displacement of the locus for all intervals from 0 to 150 s (Dt, s) was computed u

each Dt value are plotted against Dt. The slope is the derivative of the diffusion

modeling randomly generated values within specific-sized surfaces (F. Neumann a

cell cycle influences the degree of spatial freedom in its movement (compare G1

Ref. [33]). Thus, anchoring does not necessarily correlate

with repression [33,35]. On the other hand, for telomeres

that are less dependent on the yKu anchorage pathway, the

Sir-dependent pathway anchors in S phase, and in this case

efficient anchorage correlates with repression. Such analy-

sis, extended to three independently tagged telomeres con-

taining subtelomeric repeats, confirms the generality of

these redundant anchorage mechanisms, which in addition

are subject to cell cycle regulation (Fig. 4).

6. Subtelomeric repeats can provide ‘‘anti-silencing’’

and ‘‘anti-anchor’’ functions

Given this redundancy, what regulates the use of one

anchor or the other? Preliminary evidence suggests that

subtelomeric sequence organization itself influences telo-

mere positioning in subtle ways. This is supported by two

sets of data: first there is significant variation in the

anchoring efficiencies among native telomeres, and second,

truncated telomeres do not behave the same as ends that

contain subtelomeric repeats [33,35]. With respect to the

first point, we note that the native Tel VI-R end, which has

the X but not the YV and STR elements, is displaced

throughout the cell cycle in a yku-deficient strain; Tel XIV-

L, which has YV, X and STR sequences, on the other hand,

is sensitive to yKu deletion only in G1 phase. This residual

S phase anchoring reflects the contributions of the Sir-

dependent pathway. We predict that not only a telomere’s

insensitivity to yKu deletion but also its anchoring effi-

ciency in wild-type S phase cells is likely to correlate with

the variability of native subtelomeric repression [37,38]. A

systematic analysis of repression at native ends and yKu-

ing a LSM510 (Zeiss) confocal microscope, 200 sequential images of GFP

g a lacop insert in the middle of Chromosome XIV (ARS1413). The images

ge (left hand image). The track of the locus is projected as a red trace on one

nts, eight movies (each with 200 sequential frames at 1.5 sec intervals) were

ition of the focus was determined for each frame, and then the square of the

sing the formula: Dd2={d(t)� d(t +Dt)}2. The average of all Dd2 values for

coefficient and a plateau indicates spatial constraint as determined from

nd M. Blaszczyk, personal communication). For ARS1413 the stage of the

vs. S [17]).

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128124

independent anchoring will be necessary to confirm this


With respect to the effect of subtelomeric repeats, it

was shown that a truncated Tel VI-R (which has TG

repeats but no X or YV elements) remains anchored at

the periphery in the absence of yKu, while the native Tel

VI-R is released. This residual yKu-independent anchoring

is Sir4-dependent, even though the efficiency of TPE is

low. The Sir-dependent anchoring may result from a

residual binding of Sir4 to Rap1, which can be detected

in both yku and sir3 mutants [8,9,39]. Surprisingly, the

Sir4–Rap1 interaction is sufficient to tether a truncated,

but not a native telomere.

To account for the differences between artificial and

native telomeric ends, we suggest that subtelomeric

repeats interfere with the Sir-dependent pathway at native

telomeres, acting as an anti-anchor. In other words,

subtelomeric repeats render native telomere positioning

sensitive to the loss of yKu, while truncated telomeres are

not [33]. This is consistent with recent observations

showing that subtelomeric sequences either disfavor re-

pression of reporter genes or cause an abrupt drop in its

propagation [37,38]. In the yku rif1 double mutant, which

allows the restoration of telomeric silencing in the ab-

sence of yKu, the Sir pathway can restore end attachment

in S phase only [33]. This may reflect an S-phase-specific

change in Sir proteins or their target at the periphery,

allowing native telomeres to reattach, or this may reflect a

conformational change in proteins associated with the

subtelomeric X element (Fig. 4). These observations

corroborate results showing that passage through S phase,

but not DNA replication itself, is necessary for the

establishment of silent chromatin [40,41]. While it

remains unclear how S-phase transition facilitates repres-

sion, it is undoubtedly relevant that it correlates with the

Sir-dependent mechanism of anchoring.

Fig. 4. yKu- and Sirs-dependent mechanisms tether telomeres in yeast. During G1

native telomere anchoring, suggesting that the Sir-mediated pathway may be less

telomeres even in the absence of Sir-mediated silencing (see sir� ). In S phase

efficiently, and anchorage correlates with silent chromatin even in a strain deficient

gray bar) directly or indirectly impair the ability of Sir proteins to anchor native

telomere anchoring correlates with the level of silencing.

7. Candidates for perinuclear anchorage sites

Because yeast has no homologues to the nuclear lamina,

and because neither yKu nor Sir proteins have membrane

spanning domains, other NE components must be responsible

for tethering telomeres at the nuclear periphery [42,43]. One

of these appears to be Esc1, a protein that interacts with Sir4

and is required for the stable mitotic partitioning of a Sir4-

bound plasmid [42]. Importantly, Esc1 is localized on the

nucleoplasmic surface of the inner bilayer of the NE, being

positioned primarily between pores and excluded from the

nucleolus [44]. Moreover, Esc1 is necessary both for efficient

TPE and the yKu-independent anchoring of Tel XIV-L and

truncated Tel VI-R, making it a good candidate to be the

natural anchor of Sir4 (Taddei et al., submitted for publica-

tion). The major anchorage site of yKu is not esc1-dependent,

because esc1 deletion does not affect the general localization

of telomeres as analyzed by YV FISH [42].

In other works, Mlp1 and Mlp2 were proposed to form a

bridge between yKu and nuclear pores [34,36]. However,

careful analysis using both live GFP imaging and in situ

hybridization showed no influence of the double mlp1 mlp2

deletion on telomere positioning nor on dynamics when

intact nuclei are analyzed [43]. Thus, the pore-associated

Mlp proteins are also unlikely to participate as the anchor

through which yKu tethers telomeres to the NE. Consistent-

ly, TPE has been shown by several groups to be intact in the

double mlp1 mlp2 mutant, which is not the case in yku or

esc1 mutants [42,43]. Nonetheless, given their perinuclear

localization and coiled-coil structure, Mlp proteins may be

involved in other aspects of nuclear envelope function.

Double mutant and overexpression data suggest that Mlp

proteins are involved in aspects of mRNA biogenesis ([45];

F. Stutz, personal communication). A general role in the

distribution of non-telomere associated NE components is

also possible. To date, however, there is no support for the

phase in wild-type yeast cells the yKu-mediated pathway is necessary for

efficient in this phase of the cell cycle. yKu mediates anchoring of native

cells, on the other hand, the Sir-mediated anchoring pathway functions

for yKu (see yku� and [33]). We propose that subtelomeric repeats (hatched

ends in G1 phase, while in S phase both pathways function in parallel and

Fig. 5. The positive effect of perinuclear localization on silencing depends on the sequestering of Sir proteins at telomere foci. The left-hand nucleus reflects a

wild-type yeast cell in which Sir proteins are sequestered at telomere foci (red areas), such that internal reporter with weak silencers are not silent unless they

are anchored at the NE by a transmembrane protein (e.g. GBD-YIF1 [52]). In the right-hand nucleus, the Sir proteins are distributed throughout the nucleus due

to yKu deletion. In this strain, tethering the crippled silencer to the nuclear periphery does not promote silencing. On the other hand, local recruitment of Sir

proteins (e.g. by GBD-yKu80) can promote repression.

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128 125

model that telomeres are anchored to nuclear pores, as

nuclear pore complexes can be clearly distinguished from

most telomeric foci in stained wild-type cells [30], and both

telomeres and Esc1p remain evenly distributed in a

nup133D mutant despite a dramatic clustering of nuclear

pores [43,44].

In summary, we propose that the inner nuclear envelope

has various differentiated zones that are defined by the

presence of different families of structural proteins. Among

these are likely to be Esc1, Mlp1/Mlp2, elements of the

spindle pole body and other proteins that may associate with

pores. Nuclear pores may play a role in the general

partitioning of such zones.

Fig. 6. Model for the role chromatin anchoring for the promotion of

silencing. We propose that Sir4 is first recruited at the nucleation center by

DNA binding proteins that can bind Sir proteins. These include Rap1,

ORC, Abf1 and yKu. The presence of Sir4 at the locus will then bring it to

the nuclear periphery through one of the two Sir4 anchoring pathways (yKu

or Esc1) where the high local concentrations of Sir proteins will help

silencing complexes assemble and spread. The anchoring of silent loci at

the periphery will increase the concentration of Sir proteins and reinforce

the silencing of other loci within this region. In addition, yKu, bound to

chromosome ends, can independently recruit telomeres to the NE.

8. Testing the role of perinuclear anchoring in


It has been proposed that the anchorage of telomeres at

the nuclear periphery concentrates silencing factors thus

favoring silencing and causing its accumulation in this

nuclear subcompartment [12]. This model is based on

several observations: the first is that normal cellular Sir

protein concentrations are limiting for repression [12,46,47].

Second, we know that silencer-flanked reporter genes are

more efficiently repressed when inserted near the telomere

[12,48–50]. Third, it was shown that the delocalization of

Sir factors from telomeres, as well as their overexpression,

is able to restore repression at loci distant from telomeres

[12,51]. This confirms that telomeric foci sequester repress-

ors from other sites of action.

In support of a functional role for telomere clustering, the

Sternglanz laboratory showed that by artificially ‘‘tethering’’

a reporter gene to the yeast NE through a membrane-

spanning polypeptide, transcriptional repression could be

favored [52] (Fig. 5). This was shown to require the

presence of at least one silencer element, a specific cis-

acting sequence that nucleates Sir-dependent repression. It

was proposed that the NE ‘‘tether’’ was able to compensate

for the crippled silencer and to promote Sir-dependent

repression because it placed the weak silencer near a zone

of high Sir protein concentration. Indeed, consistent with

this model, NE tethering of this reporter was found to

promote silencing only if telomeres were able to sequester

Sir proteins in perinuclear pools (Taddei et al., unpublished

results, and Fig. 5).

We propose that silencing depends on anchoring only

when Sir protein concentrations are limiting within the

nucleus, a condition that results in part from the recruitment

of Sir proteins into pools at the nuclear periphery. From this

it follows that silencing can be achieved without (or prior to)

NE anchoring if Sir proteins can be attracted to the reporter

gene in sufficient amounts to achieve a threshold concen-

tration at a given nucleation site (Fig. 6). If Sir proteins are

not recruited with sufficient efficiency, then relocalization to

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128126

a zone of high Sir concentration should help the silencing

process. Moreover, it follows that there should be no

silencing of loci induced by placement at the nuclear

periphery per se; indeed, a peripheral localization is not

sufficient for transcriptional repression of truncated telo-

meres in yku mutants [33,35] nor of reporter genes associ-

ated with a weak silencer (Taddei et al., unpublished

results). Using readily manipulated assay systems, one is

able to demonstrate a function for the perinuclear clustering

of telomeres, and to distinguish this from a role of the

nuclear envelope per se, despite the redundancy built into

the system of silencing. Least understood in this process is

the mechanism that overcomes equilibrium dynamics to

concentrate silencing factors in perinuclear foci.

9. Anchoring can be both a cause and a result of

transcriptional repression

Do changes in subnuclear position cause or result from

transcriptional silencing? As summarized in Fig. 4 previous

studies clearly implicated yKu and the Sir proteins in

anchoring, but it was unclear whether the loss of telomere

position was due to the direct elimination of the chromatin

anchoring polypeptide, or to the loss of silent chromatin.

Using subdomains or mutant proteins in a novel anchoring

assay, we have now been able to identify yKu and the

Sir4PAD domain as minimal anchors that can tether chromatin

to NE in the absence of transcriptional repression [44]. When

targeted to a tagged locus, the Sir4PAD domain can relocate

this DNA to the NE without repressing transcription through

two partially redundant pathways. The first requires Esc1

and the other yKu70/yKu80. Although this shows that

anchoring can be mediated through a subdomain of a silent

regulatory protein, it also provides a means for silent

chromatin to localize itself to the nuclear periphery. This

has been demonstrated by showing that an excised HMR

mating-type locus is autonomously anchored at the nuclear

periphery in a silencing-dependent manner (Gartenberg et

al., submitted for publication).

These results lead to a model that explains how a Sir-rich

compartment can form spontaneously in the nucleus to favor

and maintain Sir-mediated repression (Fig. 6). Central to

this model is the demonstration of silencing-independent

anchorage via yKu or Sir4, which provides a means for

telomeres to accumulate at the nuclear envelope prior to the

formation of a repressed state. The anchoring of telomeric

repeats creates a large number of potential Sir4 protein

binding sites within a restricted volume due to the presence

of 20 to 25 Rap1 consenses on each telomere end. The ORC

sites within subtelomeric repeats can also contribute to the

efficiency of Sir4 accumulation. The resulting high density

of Sir4-binding chromatin would in turn attract Sir2 and

Sir3 through protein–protein interactions. It is not clear

whether only the presence of Sir proteins or the presence of

another molecular catalyst is needed to promote formation

of silent chromatin. Nonetheless, the local concentration of

silencing factors is clearly a necessary prerequisite for

repression. The concentrated Sir factors should then rein-

force silencing of loci within this compartment. As silent

chromatin spreads, the number of Sir4 molecules bound will

increase and reinforce interaction with the NE. This creates

a feed-back loop that is initiated by a limited number of yKu

or Sir4 proteins bound at given site. Consistent with this

model, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation experiments

showed that Sir4 is the first component bound in the

assembly process of silent chromatin at HM loci and at

telomeres [8–11].

This clustering–feedback loop provides a mechanism for

self-organization of a subnuclear compartment in which

silencing factors and repressed domains accumulate. We

envision such mechanisms as also being relevant for cen-

tromeric satellite and heterochromatin sequences in higher

eukaryotes, whose clustering correlates with high concen-

trations of heterochromatin factors like HP1.

10. A general model for heterochromatin formation and


The tethering of chromatin, and most frequently hetero-

chromatin, at the nuclear envelope is a universal phenomenon

that has long been observed in higher eukaryotes [53–56]. In

most eukaryotes, a rigid, perinuclear lamina meshwork is

bound to the nuclear envelope through membrane-spanning

lamin receptors [57]. In flies, points of contact between the

lamina meshwork and chromosomes appear to occur irregu-

larly along the chromosomal arm, as detected by high-

resolution FISH studies [56]. The sites that tether mammalian

chromosomes are not yet defined in molecular terms, but

through cytologically dense staining, transcriptionally inac-

tive chromatin is systematically enriched at the lamin–

nucleoplasm interface. The exception to this is the chromatin

immediately internal to nuclear pores, which is generally less

condensed. Yeast, plants and many protozoa have no homo-

logues of the nuclear intermediate filament family (i.e. the

lamins [58,59]). The absence of this perinuclear intermediate

filament network undoubtedly accounts for sensitivity of

yeast nuclei to nonionic detergents, and renders yeast nuclear

integrity more dependent on pore components.

The redundancy of anchoring pathways is consistent with

the idea that telomere anchoring is physiologically impor-

tant. Indeed, mechanisms seem to be in place to compensate

for loss of anchoring: a yeast yku70 mutant was shown to

switch between two epigenetic states, one in which telo-

meres were delocalized, and another in which their perinu-

clear organization was largely restored [51]. In the latter

state, Sirs were seen to cluster in one bright focus showing

that both clustering and perinuclear anchoring of telomeres

occur in the absence of yKu.

Mechanisms that promote clustering as opposed to an-

choring of yeast telomeres are unknown, although telo-

A. Taddei, S.M. Gasser / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1677 (2004) 120–128 127

mere– telomere interactions occur in Plasmodia, fission

yeast and possibly in human cells as well. In Plasmodia

subtelomeric repeats have been shown to contribute to the

clustering, but not to the peripheral anchoring, of this

parasite’s telomeres [60]. Similarly, RNA processing

mutants in fission yeast also appear to affect clustering

without altering the perinuclear positioning of telomeres,

suggesting that clustering and tethering are mediated by

genetically distinct mechanisms [61].

To examine clustering in living yeast cells and to compare

it to the anchoringmechanisms described above, onemust tag

multiple chromosomal ends for fluorescence microscopy,

identify each telomere’s partners, and characterize mutants

that disrupt clustering, as opposed to perinuclear binding.

Data from higher organisms suggest that components of silent

chromatin may be involved. For example, the interaction

between ectopic satellite repeats and centric heterochromatin

in flies is sensitive to the mutation of the histone-binding

heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1 [62]). Analogous clustering

mechanisms appear to function during gene repression events

in differentiated mammalian cells, as demonstrated for

Ikaros-controlled genes in mouse lymphocytes [63]. Deci-

phering the cross-talk between the mechanisms that anchor

and those that cluster heterochromatin is a major challenge

that needs to be met to fully decipher the role of nuclear

compartmentation in regulated gene expression.

Our limited understanding of the yeast nuclear envelope

includes pores, telomeric foci and membrane anchorage

sites, yet differentiated zones that facilitate more diverse

nuclear activities must exist [44]. For instance, telomere

replication may require different peripheral domains than

transcriptional repression [64]. It is important to examine

carefully how individual domains and regulatory events are

independently organized to be able to characterize different

peripheral zones. Such information may also reveal why the

silencing at clustered telomeres is different from that of

reporters that are anchored to the periphery by nonspecific

membrane domains [65].


We thank Thierry Laroche and Dr Patrick Heun for

pioneering work on live microscopy, Florence Hediger,

Frank Neumann, Drs Mark Gartenberg, Kerstin Bystricky,

Francoise Stutz and Marek Blaszczyk for having shared

results and ideas, and members of the Gasser laboratory for

helpful discussions. Our research is supported by the Swiss

National Science Foundation and the NCCR program

‘‘Frontiers in Genetics’’. A.T. is supported by an EMBO



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