RESEARCH Open Access Neural correlates of schema-dependent episodic memory and association with behavioral flexibility in autism spectrum disorders and typical development Kevin M. Cook 1* , Xiaozhen You 2 , Joseph Bradley Cherry 1 , Junaid S. Merchant 3 , Mary Skapek 4 , Meredith D. Powers 5 , Cara E. Pugliese 2 , Lauren Kenworthy 2 and Chandan J. Vaidya 2,6* Abstract Background: Conceptual knowledge frameworks termed schemas facilitate memory formation and are posited to support flexible behavior. In adults, the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) trade-off in supporting schema-based memory formation, such that encoding of subsequently remembered schema-congruent information relies on mPFC, whereas schema-incongruent information relies on MTL. Whether this is true in the immature brain and relates to behavioral flexibility is unknown. In this preliminary investigation, we aimed to replicate the adult findings in typically developing (TD) children and to investigate the relevance to behavioral flexibility by examining a disorder with pathognomonic behavioral rigidity, autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Methods: Children completed an associative subsequent memory paradigm, encoding object-scene pairs in an MRI scanner and subsequently completing a recognition test outside the scanner after a delay. Recognition performance was back sorted to construct remembered vs forgotten contrasts. One-way ANOVAS were conducted in MTL and mPFC masks for schema-congruency, followed by congruency by flexibility scores. Exploratory analyses were then conducted within the whole brain. Results: As reported in adults, episodic memory was strongest for schema-congruent object-scene pairs, followed by intermediate pairs, and lowest for schema-incongruent pairs in both TD and ASD groups. However, the trade-off between mPFC and MTL in TD children differed from adult reports such that mPFC supported memory for intermediate schema-congruency and left anterior MTL supported memory for schema-congruent pairs. In ASD, mPFC engagement interacted with flexibility such that activation supporting memory for intermediate schema- congruency varied with parent-reported flexibility and was higher in those with more flexible behavior. A similar interaction was also observed in both the left dorsolateral and rostrolateral PFC in whole-brain analysis. © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University, 401 White-Gravenor, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA 2 Childrens Research Institute, Childrens National Health System, Washington, DC 20010, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Cook et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2021) 13:35 https://doi.org/10.1186/s11689-021-09388-9

Neural correlates of schema-dependent episodic memory and

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RESEARCH Open Access

Neural correlates of schema-dependentepisodic memory and association withbehavioral flexibility in autism spectrumdisorders and typical developmentKevin M. Cook1* , Xiaozhen You2, Joseph Bradley Cherry1, Junaid S. Merchant3, Mary Skapek4,Meredith D. Powers5, Cara E. Pugliese2, Lauren Kenworthy2 and Chandan J. Vaidya2,6*


Background: Conceptual knowledge frameworks termed schemas facilitate memory formation and are posited tosupport flexible behavior. In adults, the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) trade-off insupporting schema-based memory formation, such that encoding of subsequently remembered schema-congruentinformation relies on mPFC, whereas schema-incongruent information relies on MTL. Whether this is true in theimmature brain and relates to behavioral flexibility is unknown. In this preliminary investigation, we aimed toreplicate the adult findings in typically developing (TD) children and to investigate the relevance to behavioralflexibility by examining a disorder with pathognomonic behavioral rigidity, autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Methods: Children completed an associative subsequent memory paradigm, encoding object-scene pairs in an MRIscanner and subsequently completing a recognition test outside the scanner after a delay. Recognitionperformance was back sorted to construct remembered vs forgotten contrasts. One-way ANOVAS were conductedin MTL and mPFC masks for schema-congruency, followed by congruency by flexibility scores. Exploratory analyseswere then conducted within the whole brain.

Results: As reported in adults, episodic memory was strongest for schema-congruent object-scene pairs, followedby intermediate pairs, and lowest for schema-incongruent pairs in both TD and ASD groups. However, the trade-offbetween mPFC and MTL in TD children differed from adult reports such that mPFC supported memory forintermediate schema-congruency and left anterior MTL supported memory for schema-congruent pairs. In ASD,mPFC engagement interacted with flexibility such that activation supporting memory for intermediate schema-congruency varied with parent-reported flexibility and was higher in those with more flexible behavior. A similarinteraction was also observed in both the left dorsolateral and rostrolateral PFC in whole-brain analysis.

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University, 401White-Gravenor, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA2Children’s Research Institute, Children’s National Health System, Washington,DC 20010, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Cook et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2021) 13:35 https://doi.org/10.1186/s11689-021-09388-9

Conclusion: Our findings provide the first preliminary evidence for the association of schema-based episodicmemory formation and behavioral flexibility, an executive function impaired in multiple developmental disorders.Upon replication, this line of research holds promise for memory-based interventions addressing executiveproblems of behavioral rigidity.

Keywords: Behavioral flexibility; Medial temporal lobe, fMRI, Associative memory, Prefrontal cortex, Executivefunction

BackgroundIntegration of new experiences into prior knowledgeserves to facilitate memory and promote flexible behav-ior in everyday life. One example of such integration isrepresented by schemas, which are conceptual know-ledge frameworks formed from extracting common ele-ments shared across similar experiences. Schemasscaffold the acquisition of new knowledge and promoteflexible adaptation to the environment by enablinggeneralization to new experiences [67, 70, 89]. Studies inadults show that information that is congruent withschemas is recognized and recalled more accurately [7,12, 78], and faster [55] than incongruent information.Further, typically developing (TD) children as young as3–5 years old exhibit better recall for events consistentwith schemas for autobiographical information (e.g.,pediatrician visits, [9, 54]), social and academic know-ledge [21], and gender stereotypes [8, 83]. Children alsoexhibit greater false recollection for schema-congruentevents [33, 53]. Thus, the formation and use of schemasstarts early in development and is posited to aid in flex-ible adaptation to the environment [26, 87, 89]. How-ever, whether schema-based memory is associated withbehavioral flexibility remains untested.Here, we investigate the association between schema-

based memory and behavioral flexibility by capitalizingon autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a neurodevelop-mental condition that is marked by behavioral inflexibil-ity. Support for this association would lay the foundationfor delineating mechanisms by which abstract knowledgesystems contribute to executive function. It would openup a new area of intervention targets for characteristicsof behavioral inflexibility in ASD such as repetitive andrigid engagement in restricted sets of behaviors and in-terests [1]. Many children with ASD prefer strict adher-ence to schedules and routines [39] and have greaterdifficulty switching between tasks [58, 86]. Moreover, be-havioral inflexibility is associated with the two core char-acteristics of ASD, difficulty in social interaction [25]and engagement in restricted and repetitive behaviors[42, 45], and also predicts socially adaptive outcomes[10, 59, 60], although the direct link between cognitiveand behavioral flexibility remains tentative [25]. Behav-ioral studies in adults and children with ASD suggest alack of reliance on schemas during memory performance

across a wide range of contexts. While overall memoryperformance did not differ relative to TD, individualswith ASD remembered schema-congruent and incongru-ent elements equally on tests of word recall [24], narra-tive cued recall [48], and recognition of scene elements[24, 48, 49, 51]. Further, difficulties with prototype for-mation [38] and generalization of category knowledge[23] also suggest problems with schematic processing inASD. To date, these two literatures, schematic memoryand problems with flexibility, have remained separate inthe study of ASD. An empirical linkage between them isnecessary to adopt a unifying conceptual framework,which posits that memory integration into abstractknowledge contributes to flexible behavior. The purposeof the present study is to provide preliminary empiricalsupport for that connection.The neural basis of schema use has been sufficiently

delineated in studies with adults, which provides a basisto formulate testable hypotheses in TD and in ASD.Studies with TD adults indicate that schema-dependentencoding relies on the reciprocal relationship betweenthe medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and medial tem-poral lobe (MTL) [73, 76, 77]. Arbitrary associations be-tween stimuli that are not congruent with pre-existingschema knowledge are primarily encoded in the hippo-campus, whereas the encoding of greater schema-congruency relies on recruitment of the mPFC [44, 69,78]. This mPFC-MTL gradient of schema-congruencywas characterized by van Kesteren et al. [75] using asubsequent memory paradigm for scene-object pairingsthat were schema-congruent, schema-intermediate, andschema-incongruent. Specifically, mPFC and MTLtraded off during encoding of subsequently rememberedpairings, such that mPFC was engaged for congruentpairs while MTL was engaged for incongruent pairs; fur-ther, stronger functional connectivity between the tworegions supported encoding of schema-congruency. Fur-ther work has suggested a posterior to anterior specifi-city axis within the MTL [32, 66, 68], with posteriorhippocampus binding highly detailed and event-specificrepresentations which progressively transition to gistrepresentations anteriorly as a function of experience-based generalization [13]. Together, this work highlightsthe importance of MTL regions and mPFC in represent-ing specific and schematic knowledge, respectively.

Cook et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2021) 13:35 Page 2 of 16

Two studies of typical development suggest that mPFCalso supports immature schema-based memory. First,during retrieval of newly learned schemas (e.g., artificialanimal categories), 8–12-year-old children engaged themPFC, but to a lesser extent than adults [14]. MTL acti-vation, however, did not differ between groups. Second,during encoding of subsequently remembered object-scene pairs, participants aged 6–7, 18–22, and 67–74years engaged the mPFC to a greater extent for schema-congruent than incongruent pairs [15]; this study didnot include children between 7 and 18 years or pairswith an intermediate level of schema-congruence.Nevertheless, it appears that similar to adults, mPFCsupports schema-based memory formation in typicaldevelopment.The present study was motivated by three goals.

First, we aimed to replicate in TD children the mPFC-MTL gradient supporting episodic memory formationvarying in schema-congruency, as was observed inadults by van Kesteren et al. [75]. Using their stimuliand similar study design, we hypothesized selective re-cruitment of the mPFC and MTL based on schema-congruency of subsequently remembered object-sceneimage pairs, as classified by children’s subjective rat-ings of congruency with schematic knowledge (incon-gruent, intermediate, and congruent). Our study fillsthe gaps left by Brod and Shing’s [15] study, such asthe inclusion of 8–15-year-old children, pairs of inter-mediate congruency, and subjective rather than canon-ical congruency classification during encoding. In lightof the reviewed findings, we predicted that schema-congruency would facilitate object and associativerecognition memory and engage mPFC whereasschema-incongruency would engage MTL. Second, weaimed to examine the neural correlates of schema-based episodic memory in children with ASD. Sincepast studies reported no advantage of schema-congruency in memory facilitation, we predicted thatchildren with ASD would demonstrate neither schema-related memory facilitation nor schema-dependentbrain activation. Third, we aimed to assess the putativerelationship between schema-based memory and be-havioral flexibility. Theoretical models reviewed earliersuggest that integrative memory processing servesadaptation to novel events, and thus, promotes flexiblebehavior. Such flexibility is impaired in autistic chil-dren to varying degrees, which can be measured byparental reports of their everyday behavior on ques-tionnaires such as the Flexibility Scale [72]. The Flexi-bility Scale was designed to tap behavioral and socialflexibility specifically in ASD, and therefore, it has lim-ited sensitivity in TD children. Thus, we predicted thatschema-based memory and mPFC engagement wouldbe higher for more flexible children with ASD.

MethodsParticipantsNineteen TD children and 12 children diagnosed withASD ranging in age from 8 to 15 years old (Table 1) par-ticipated in the study, complying with consenting guide-lines for both Georgetown University and Children’sNational Health System’s Institutional Review Boards.Two additional ASD and one TD child were recruitedand excluded for performance and head motion reasons(see fMRI Processing). The TD children were recruitedfrom the greater Washington, DC community andinstitutional research databases. The children with ASDwere recruited through the Center for Autism SpectrumDisorders (CASD) at Children’s National Hospital inWashington, DC.ASD diagnosis was established by expert clinical

evaluation (CASD staff) using Diagnostic and StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5)criteria [1] and confirmed through completion of anAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS; n = 9)[46] and/or Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; n = 11) [47], using the criteria from the NICHD/NIDCD Collaborative Programs for Excellence in Aut-ism [40]. Mean scores are presented in Table 1.Exclusion criteria were (1) Full-Scale IQ estimate

below 80 as measured by the Wechsler Abbreviated

Table 1 Demographic characteristics



N (n female) 19 (5) 12 (3)

Age (years) 11.77 (2.51) 13.18 (1.73)

IQ (standard score) 122.85 (12.86) 114.17 (13.19)

Maternal Ed (years) 18.21 (3.29) 16.50 (3.45)

Flexibility Scale* (raw score) 17.74 (13.36) 61.67 (34.89)

BRIEF BRI* (T-score) 50.38 (25.42) 77.50 (37.67)

BRIEF MI* 45.58 (14.86) 70.92 (15.59)

BRIEF GEC* 45.01 (16.41) 70.00 (14.23)

ADOS SA (raw) - 9.72 (3.72)

ADOS SA (CSS) - 7.54 (2.34)

ADOS RRB (raw) - 2.73 (1.35)

ADOS RBR (CSS) - 7.18 (2.52)

ADI-R Soc - 20.33 (5.48)

ADI-R Comm - 14.44 (5.99)

ADI-R RRB - 4.44 (2.79)

Includes only participants included in the final analysesGroup differences tested with T-tests or Chi-square testTD typical developing, ASD autism spectrum disorder, BRIEF Behavior RatingInventory of Executive Function, MI Metacognition Index T-Score, BRIBehavioral Regulation Index T-Score, ADOS Autism Diagnostic ObservationScale Total Score, SA social affect, RRB restricted, repetitive behavior, ADI-RAutism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, Soc social, Comm communication, RRBrepetitive and repetitive behaviors, CSS Calibrated Severity Score [34]*Differences where p < 0.05

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Scale of Intelligence (WASI) [82], (2) diagnosis of aneurological disorder or condition (e.g., epilepsy) by par-ent report, (3) psychiatric diagnoses for TD childrenbased on parental report on the Child and AdolescentSymptom Inventory (CASI) [41], and (4) contraindica-tions for MRI compliance including the presence ofmetal implants or pregnancy. Additionally, participantswith ASD taking stimulant medication (n = 3) withheldmedication for the 24 h prior to participating and 2 add-itional ASD participants were taking antidepressantmedication which was not withdrawn during participa-tion. All remaining children were not medicated.

Behavioral assessmentsParents completed a demographic questionnaire, theCASI for assessing psychopathology exclusion criteria inTD, and the Behavior Rating Inventory of ExecutiveFunction (BRIEF) [30]. The BRIEF provides three indi-ces, the Behavioral Regulation Index (BRI) a measure ofimpairment in regulating emotion, response inhibition,and flexibility; the Metacognition Index (MI) a measureof impairment in working memory, planning and organ-izing, and actively self-monitoring, and the Global Ex-ecutive Composite (GEC) a measure of overall executivefunction utilizing all subscales. Parents also completedthe Flexibility Scale [72], a non-normed 50 item ques-tionnaire designed to assess clinically significant levels ofbehavioral inflexibility in real-world settings, includingsubscales for routines/rituals, transitions/change, specialinterests, social flexibility, and generativity as well as atotal score as a global measure of flexibility problems.This total raw score from this scale was used for

correlating with subsequent brain activation, rather thanindices from the BRIEF because it was designed specific-ally to assess variability in behavioral flexibility in chil-dren with ASD. All children were administered theVocabulary and Matrix Reasoning subtests from theWASI to obtain an estimate of IQ [82].

Associative memory taskfMRI was performed during the encoding phase of theassociative memory task adapted from van Kesterenet al. [75], using 146 of the original 185 object-sceneimage pairs selected for cultural and age appropriateness(Fig. 1a) which were then randomized into A or B ver-sions of the task. Both versions utilized the same imagesof objects and of scenes, but the pairings differed suchthat an object paired with one scene in version A waspaired with a different scene in version B, yielding twopairing orders. Following randomization, the A versioncontained 1 fewer congruent trial than intermediate orincongruent (48, 49, and 49 respectively) while version Bcontained one fewer incongruent than congruent orintermediate trial based on adult ratings of the pairs.The location of the object on screen was randomized foreach task version at creation with the object appearingas the right image during half of the trials and the leftimage for half.The stimuli were presented in E-Prime (Psychological

Software Tools, Inc., PA, USA) both inside and outsidethe scanner. Children first completed a practice block ona laptop outside the scanner consisting of 8 image pairsthat were not repeated during the in-scanner task. Dur-ing encoding, participants were presented with object-

Fig. 1 Associative memory task. Encoding task performed by participants. a Participants viewed object-scene pairs in the scanner for 2 s with 4–10-s fixations, making a 1–3 discrimination of how well the two go together. After a 20-min delay, participants completed a recognition taskoutside of the scanner requiring that they b first identify if a presented object was new or old and then c which scene was paired with theobject during the in-scanner encoding

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scene pairs and instructed to choose how well the twoimages go together from (1) does not go together (repre-senting schema-incongruence), (2) kind of goes together(representing intermediate schema-congruence), to (3)goes together very well (representing schema-congruence) (see Fig. 1a). Three encoding runs were ad-ministered, each including 48/49 image pairs and lasting5:50/6:10 min, respectively, with exposure duration of 2s and 4–10-s jittered inter-trial intervals. Responses werecollected on a button box held in their dominant hand(5 left, 26 right). After a 20-min delay, object recognition(Fig. 1b) and scene association (Fig. 1c) were tested on alaptop outside the scanner, for the 146 encoded pairs inaddition to 52 novel pairs. Each trial began with thepresentation of an object and required a response of old(the object was seen at encoding) or new (not previouslyseen). If a participant decided the object was old, theywere asked to choose which one of three scenes was as-sociated with the object at encoding (presented along-side it). If the participant decided an object was new,however, participants were not prompted to identify theassociation, even if the object was old, and instead ad-vanced to the next trial.

Imaging parametersImaging was performed on a 3T Trio Siemens scanner(Erlangen, Germany) at Georgetown University. Highresolution T1-weighted structural scans (MPRAGE)were acquired before each of the three trial blocks, last-ing 4:18. MPRAGE scans were collected with the param-eters of TE/TR = 2.52 ms/1900 ms, TI = 900 ms, 9° flipangle, 1 slab, 1 mm2 voxels, 176 sagittal slices with a1.0-mm thickness, FOV=256 × 256 mm2. EachMPRAGE scan was used to align the subsequent func-tional acquisition to the orientation of the hippocampusto maximize coverage and signal of the MTL. Functionalacquisition included a T2*-sensitive gradient echo pulsesequence with the parameters of TE/TR=30 ms/2000ms, 90° flip angle, 3 mm2 voxels, 51 interleaved trans-verse ascending slices (width = 2.5 mm, gap width = 0.5mm, effective width = 3 mm).

fMRI processingFunctional images were analyzed using SPM12 (Well-come Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK)with Matlab 2018a [90]. Preprocessing of the data ex-cluded the first 3 TRs for signal stabilization from eachof the three runs, which were subsequently concatenatedfor further processing. The preprocessing pipeline in-cluded slice-time correction, motion correction, co-registration to each participant’s MPRAGE, warping tothe MNI template, and smoothing with an 8-mmFWHM Gaussian kernel. Responses were modeled usingthe temporal derivative and time dispersion alongside

the canonical hemodynamic response function. Eachfunction was modeled for six conditions defined at thefirst level analyses by each of the three levels of congru-ency separately for subsequently remembered (hits) andforgotten (miss) image pairs yielding 6 condition regres-sors (congruent hit, congruent miss, intermediate hit,intermediate miss, incongruent hit, and incongruentmiss) as well as 10 regressors of no interest: 6 regressorsfor head motion, 1 to flag and de-weight volumes wheretotal scan-to-scan head motion exceeded 1.5 mm (halfvoxel) and 3 regressors for run number to control forthe concatenation. Level of congruency was classified onan individual basis, using the participant’s ratings at en-coding. “Hits” were defined as trials for which the par-ticipant accurately identified both the object and itsassociated scene at recognition, whereas “miss” itemswere those where either the object or associated scenewere not recognized. Contrasts of no interest includedhit > miss for each of the three levels of congruency toallow for comparisons of successful encoding acrosscongruency, yielding 3 contrasts (e.g., congruent hit >congruent miss, intermediate hit > intermediate miss,and incongruent hit > incongruent miss). Two partici-pants (1 TD and 1 ASD) were excluded from analysesfor lacking any misses in one or more congruency condi-tions which precluded the calculation of the appropriatehit > miss contrast. One additional ASD participant wasexcluded for exceeding motion criteria of > 15% of vol-umes exceeding a 1/2-voxel (1.5 mm) scan-to-scan headmovement. The final samples did not differ in eitheraverage framewise displacement (ASD = 0.30 mm; SD =0.15 TD = 0.28 mm; SD = 0.22, p = 0.371, BF = 0.35) orin the average number of > 1.5 mm volumes (out of 152total, ASD = 9.08; SD = 12.43, TD = 14.58; SD = 21.02,p = 0.210, BF = 0.39) with Bayes Factors between 1.0and 0.33 suggesting mild support for null findings andless than 0.33 indicative of strong support for null find-ings [20].

ResultsBehaviorDemographic and executive function assessmentTD children and those with ASD did not differ on gen-der composition, age, IQ, or years of maternal education,used as a proxy for socioeconomic status, ps > 0.178(Table 1). Parents rated children with ASD significantlyhigher than TD children on BRIEF composite indexscores, the BRI t(30) = 2.19, d = 0.838, p = 0.043, andthe MI t(30) = 4.487, d = 1.663, p < 0.001, GEC t(30) =4.467, d = 1.621, p < 0.001. Similarly, the ASD groupwas significantly higher on the Flexibility Scale total rawscore relative to TD children (t(30) = 4.173, d = 1.663, p= 0.001), indicating higher difficulty with flexible behav-ior; this scale is not normed.

Cook et al. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2021) 13:35 Page 5 of 16

Associative memory encoding performanceThree measures of encoding task performance were ana-lyzed using R [61]: congruency rating, or the percent ofobject-scene pairs subjectively rated as congruent (“Goestogether very well”), intermediate (“Kind of goes to-gether”), and incongruent (“Does not go together”), rat-ing response time, and an item analysis of congruencyrating across participants for intra- and intergroup ratingconsistency.First, group differences in the percent of stimulus pairs

rated at each congruency level were assessed with agroup (ASD, TD) × congruency (congruent, intermedi-ate, incongruent) mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA)with group as a between subjects factor and congruencyas a within subjects factor. There was a significant maineffect of congruency, F(2,57) = 12.80, ηp

2 = 0.31, p <0.001, such that more pairs were rated as incongruentthan intermediate t(30) = 9.24, p < 0.001, or congruent,t(30) = 14.00, p < 0.001, and more pairs were rated as

intermediate than congruent, t(30) = 4.33, p < 0.001(Fig. 2a). Importantly, the main effect of group and itsinteraction with congruency were not significant (ps >0.810), indicating that the proportions of each rating didnot differ between ASD and TD children.Second, group differences in mean rating response

time were assessed at encoding with a group × congru-ency ANOVA as performed above. There was a main ef-fect of congruency, F(2,57) = 3.39, ηp

2 = 0.11, p = 0.04,with significantly slower response times for intermediatepairs than either congruent, t(30) = 8.13, p < 0.001, orincongruent, t(30) = 7.24, p < 0.001 — which were notsignificantly different from each other, p > 0.090 (Fig.2b). Neither the main effect of group nor its interactionwith congruency were significant, indicating that re-sponse latency for the three levels of congruency did notdiffer between ASD and TD children.Third, we assessed agreement of stimuli pair ratings

across children both within the TD and ASD groups as

Fig. 2 Behavioral performance. a At encoding, participants rated significantly more images as incongruent than intermediate or congruent, andmore intermediate than congruent. There was no difference, however, between the two groups or interaction with their ratings. b Response timefor intermediate pairs was significantly slower than incongruent or congruent, without any group differences. c There were no significantdifferences in object recognition due to either congruency or group. d The participants remembered significantly more congruent scenes thanintermediate or incongruent, and more intermediate than incongruent

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well as between them. Spearman rank-order correlationswere computed between each participant’s ratings (1, 2,or 3 corresponding to incongruent, intermediate, andcongruent, respectively) across the 146 stimulus pairsand the ratings of every other participant (see Support-ing Information (SI) Figure 1 for correlation matrix).Next, t-tests compared the mean rho values betweenand across groups — the within-group mean correlationfor the ASD group (mean ρ = 0.55, SD = 0.15) did notdiffer from that for the TD group (mean ρ = 0.58, SD =0.11), p = 0.376, BF =0.323, indicating that the level ofagreement of congruency rating was similar within bothTD and ASD groups. Further, the mean within-groupcorrelation (ASD-ASD and TD-TD, mean ρ = 0.56, SD= 0.15) did not differ from the mean correlation acrossgroups (ASD-TD, mean ρ = 0.52, SD = 0.12), p = 0.191,BF = 0.61, further indicating that items were rated simi-larly by participants. The 0.52–0.58 range of rho values,however, indicates moderate agreement among TD chil-dren as well as among children with ASD, suggestingrelatively weak schematic knowledge of real-world ob-jects and their context, regardless of diagnostic status,relative to the typical adults the task has been used within the past.In sum, performance on the encoding task did not dif-

fer between ASD and TD groups in the distribution ofstimulus pairs by congruency, rating latency, and agree-ment in subjective rating across stimulus pairs. Overall,despite our selecting stimulus pairs balanced for adultratings of congruency, children in both groups ratedmore stimulus pairs as incongruent than congruent. Rat-ings of intermediate pairs were in-between, and evokedthe longest rating latencies. Further, agreement amongchildren in each group in the level of schema-congruency of stimulus pairs was moderate.

Recognition memory performanceOut of scanner memory performance included recogni-tion of objects encoded during scanning and their asso-ciated scene. First, for object recognition, percentbalanced accuracy for each level of congruency was cal-culated by averaging the percent object hits and percentcorrect rejections for lure objects. Balanced accuracywas utilized to correct for the significant imbalance incongruency rating distribution, with over 50% of stimu-lus pairs rated as incongruent rather than intermediateor congruent. Second, for correctly recognized old ob-jects, the percent of correctly recognized scene associa-tions was calculated as association hits.A group (ASD, TD) × congruency (congruent, inter-

mediate, incongruent) ANOVA for percent balanced ac-curacy yielded a significant main effect for congruencyF(2,57) = 4.84, ηp

2 = 0.15, p = 0.010, such that childrenexhibited better recognition accuracy for objects in

congruent than in incongruent t(59) = 3.09, p = 0.003pairs, with no difference relative to intermediate, ps >0.231. The main effect of group reached trend level sig-nificance, F(2,57) = 3.72, ηp

2 = 0.12, p = 0.057, such thatTD children exhibited better object recognition thanASD children (Fig. 2c). The group × congruency inter-action did not reach significance, p = 0.700.A group × congruency ANOVA for association hits

revealed a significant main effect for congruency,F(2,87) = 29.69, ηp

2 = 0.405, p < 0.001, with childrenexhibiting better recognition for congruent scenesthan intermediate t(30) = 2.55, p = 0.013, and incon-gruent t(30) = 6.73, p < 0.001, as well as better recog-nition for intermediate than incongruent t(30) = 4.93,p < 0.001. Further, there was neither a significantmain effect for group nor an interaction with congru-ency (ps > 0.12), indicating that the percent of overallassociation recognition and differences by congruencywere similar between groups (Fig. 2d).In sum, as predicted, TD children exhibited enhanced

memory for both objects and associated scenes that werecongruent with schemas than incongruent. Contrary toprediction of deficits, ASD children also demonstratedschema-sensitivity memory facilitation, although a mar-ginally significant group difference suggested lower ob-ject memory in children with ASD.

ImagingThe analytic approach for the imaging data was delin-eated into two stages. First, voxel-wise analyses forschema-sensitive activations associated with subse-quently remembered object-scene pairs were performedin anatomical masks for the mPFC and MTL for testinghypotheses and in the whole brain for exploratory pur-poses. Second, voxel-wise analyses were performedassessing the interaction of Flexibility Scale raw scoreswith congruency to test the hypothesis about the rela-tionship between behavioral flexibility and schema-basedmemory formation in mPFC and subsequently in an ex-ploratory whole-brain analysis.

Schema evokedThree anatomical masks were defined using the AALatlas, the left and right MTL which included the hippo-campus and parahippocampus, and the mPFC whichencompassed bilateral anterior cingulate gyrus, gyrusrectus, and frontal medial orbital gyrus. For each maskas well as in the whole brain, one-way ANOVAs wereperformed to identify voxels differing by congruency(congruent, intermediate, incongruent) for the associa-tive hits > miss contrast, separately for each group withGLM Flex Fast2 (http://mrtools.mgh.harvard.edu/). Tocontrol for multiple comparisons, 3dclustersim was usedfor each mask to determine significant cluster size at p <

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0.05 for the MTL (2-sided, nearest neighbor 2; p =0.001; k = 9) and the mPFC (2-sided, nearest neighbor 2;p = 0.005; k = 47) masks, and for the whole brain (2-sided, nearest neighbor 2; p = 0.005; k = 159). Groupswere directly compared with group × congruency ANO-VAs in each mask and the whole brain.First, results in TD children showed a significant

cluster sensitive to congruency (Fig. 3a) in the mPFC,specifically within the pregenual anterior cingulate (k= 207, peak = − 3, 48, 0) spanning BA10/11/32. Theleft MTL also exhibited a significant cluster (Fig. 3b)sensitive to congruency within the anterior hippocam-pus (k = 10, peak = − 15, − 6, − 27) spanning boththe hippocampus and parahippocampus. No signifi-cant clusters were observed within the right MTLmask. These results were also observed when theANOVAs were repeated to control for age, gender,and performance differences likely to influence activa-tion, such as number of remembered pairs and reac-tion time at encoding (see SI Figures 2, 4, 6, 8).Second, in order to determine whether mPFC and

MTL traded off by congruency condition, they were dir-ectly compared by conducting a region of interest (ROI:

mPFC, left MTL) × congruency (congruent, intermedi-ate, incongruent) repeated measures ANOVA for thecontrast estimates in each ROI. Estimates were extractedfrom the two masks defined by the observed clustersfrom the TD group analyses. Mean signal was extractedfrom each participant, for each level of congruencywithin the observed group-level cluster. While main ef-fects were not significant (ps > 0.406), a ROI × congru-ency interaction F(2, 57) = 15.9, ηp

2 = 0.36, p <0.001 wasobserved (Fig. 3c), such that mPFC activation was higherduring encoding of intermediate pairs relative to congru-ent pairs t(30) = 4.30, p < 0.001, whereas left MTL acti-vation showed the reverse, higher during encoding ofcongruent pairs relative to intermediate pairs t(30) =3.37, p = 0.001; incongruent pairs did not differ signifi-cantly from congruent pairs for either region (p =0.254). At each level of congruency, the two regions dif-fered significantly for congruent pairs (left MTL >mPFC), t(30) = 3.17, p = 0.002, and for intermediatepairs (mPFC > left MTL), t(30) = 4.87, p < 0.001, butnot for incongruent pairs (p = 0.117). Additionally, wedetermined whether the observed trade-off by congru-ency between the two regions was present at the

Fig. 3 Schema-dependent activation in TD children. a TD children exhibited a cluster sensitive to schema-congruency in the mPFC and b leftMTL (lMTL). c Congruency × ROI interaction indicating a trade-off by congruency such that memory for intermediate pairs was supported bymPFC (dark bar) and congruent pairs by lMTL. d Trade-off showing lMTL activations in Congruent trials correlated with mPFC activations forIntermediate trials indicating the degree of mPFC engagement is related to left lMTL engagement

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individual level. A significant correlation was found be-tween activation in the mPFC for intermediate pairs andthe MTL for congruent pairs (r = 0.386, p =0.003) (Fig.3d).Third, in the ASD group, no voxels sensitive to con-

gruency reached the corrected level of significance ineither MTL mask or the mPFC. Similarly, direct com-parison of the TD and ASD groups with a group by con-gruency ANOVA within each of the three masks yieldedno significant clusters that survived correction.Fourth, whole-brain analysis revealed that only one re-

gion differed by congruency in the TD group, the samemPFC cluster (k = 207, peak = − 3, 48, 0) that was ob-served with the mask-limited analysis. Similar to themask-limited analysis, in children with ASD, no signifi-cant clusters sensitive to congruency were found to sur-vive whole-brain correction. Finally, the two-wayANOVA yielded no significant interaction or main ef-fects for either group or congruency.In sum, TD children exhibited mPFC and MTL en-

gagement as a function of congruency, preferentially en-gaging the anterior left MTL during encoding ofsubsequently remembered congruent pairs and themPFC for intermediate pairs, with no difference for in-congruent pairs. Further, the mPFC cluster survivedwhole-brain correction as well. In contrast, children withASD did not exhibit any significant activation sensitiveto schema-congruency during encoding of subsequentlyremembered object-scene pairs in either mPFC, MTL, orthe whole brain.

Association with flexibilityTwo analyses were conducted to examine the associationbetween schema-based memory encoding and behavioralflexibility. An absence of significant differences based oncongruency in the ASD children in the mPFC and MTLcould be a result of high individual variability in activa-tion. We tested whether the Flexibility Score accountedfor individual differences in activation in those regions.First, in order to test the hypothesis that mPFC engage-ment is associated with behavioral flexibility in childrenwith ASD, a voxel-wise congruency (congruent, inter-mediate, incongruent) × flexibility (Total Score continu-ous variable) ANOVA was performed with GLMFlexFast 2, separately in the mPFC and MTL mask. Sec-ondly, this same ANOVA was also performed in thewhole brain to explore additional regions supportingcongruency-sensitive encoding that vary by flexibility forthe children with ASD. Due to the design of the Flexibil-ity Scale, TD children exhibited a pronounced floor ef-fect that precluded enough variability to probe arelationship between activation and behavioral flexibility.First, the mPFC mask-based analysis revealed a con-

gruency × flexibility interaction in one cluster (k = 49,

peak =9, 63, 6) anterior to the cluster observed in one-way ANOVA for congruency in TD children (Fig. 4a),while there were no clusters that reached correctedthreshold within the MTL masks. Within the mPFCcluster, association with individual differences in behav-ioral flexibility varied such that activation during encod-ing of successfully remembered object-scene pairs ofintermediate congruency was moderately negative (r = −0.51) whereas it was weakly positive for congruent (r =0.30) and incongruent (r = 0.09) pairs (Fig. 4b-d). There-fore, children with ASD who were more flexible ineveryday behavior (lower Flexibility Total Score) engagedthe mPFC more for intermediate pairs, similar to the TDchildren. These results were also observed when the ana-lyses were repeated to control for age, gender, and per-formance differences likely to influence activation, suchas number of remembered pairs and reaction time at en-coding (see SI Figures 3, 5, 7, 9).Second, in whole-brain analysis, no clusters showed a

congruency × flexibility interaction at the correctedthreshold (p < 0.005, k = 159); however, two subthresh-old clusters were observed in left dorsolateral prefrontalcortex (dlPFC, k = 96, peak = − 45, 27, 24) spanningBA8/9 and an anterior cluster in left rostrolateral pre-frontal cortex (rlPFC, k = 23, peak = − 27, 51, − 3) span-ning BA10/46 (Fig. 5). Similar to the mPFC clusterreported above, activation during encoding intermediatepairs in both regions showed a moderate negative correl-ation with flexibility (dlPFC, r = − 0.61; rlPFC, r = −0.50), whereas it was moderately positive for congruent(dlPFC, r = 0.56; rlPFC, r = 0.51) and weakly positive forincongruent (dlPFC, r = 0.24; rlPFC, r = 0.25) pairs.In sum, schema-based encoding of subsequently re-

membered information was associated with behavioralflexibility in ASD. Children with ASD engaged mPFCduring encoding of object-scene pairs of intermediatecongruency similar to TD children; however, the extentof engagement was higher in those who exhibited moreflexible behavior in everyday life. Further, two lateralfrontal regions, dlPFC and rlPFC, which were not ob-served in typical schema encoding in TD children, alsoexhibited a similar association with flexibility, albeit, lessreliably.

DiscussionOur preliminary investigation revealed four main find-ings regarding the neural correlates of schema-basedmemory formation in late childhood and adolescenceand in relation to behavioral flexibility. First, as hypothe-sized from adult reports, schema-congruency facilitatedassociative memory in TD children and distinguishedencoding-related activation for subsequently remem-bered associations in mPFC and left anterior MTL. Incontrast to adult reports, however, mPFC was engaged

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during encoding of object-scene pairs rated as inter-mediate relative to those rated as congruent, whereas leftMTL was engaged during encoding pairs rated as con-gruent relative to those rated as intermediate. Second, incontrast to the hypothesis, associative memory perform-ance in children with ASD was facilitated by schema-congruency similar to TD children; however, they hadoverall lower object memory. Third, as hypothesized,children with ASD who were rated higher (better) byparents on behavioral flexibility engaged mPFC in amanner consistent with TD children — greater recruit-ment during the encoding of subsequently rememberedintermediate pairs. Fourth, two lateral prefrontal regions,not observed in TD children or previously with TDadults, also showed an association with flexibility in chil-dren with ASD in exploratory whole-brain analysis. Werecognize that these results are based on a small sampleand therefore, consider them highly preliminary. Theirvalue, however, is in suggesting the viability of a concep-tual framework unifying the formation of abstractmnemonic representation and behavioral adaptation to

novel settings. While this link has been made theoretic-ally, the present findings lend empirical support foropening up larger investigations for exploring mecha-nisms by which abstract representation may promoteflexible behavior.Our behavioral results shed new light on schema-

related associative memory in children. A uniquestrength of our design was the examination of schema-congruency effects based on subjective ratings, whichaccommodate idiosyncratic notions of object-scene asso-ciations. Rating agreement among children in eachgroup was moderate, indicating heterogeneity in sche-mas of real-world objects. Such heterogeneity may berepresentative of incomplete or weak schema formationduring a period when schemas are actively under con-struction with increasing number of life experiences. Ifthis reflects developmental immaturity, rating agreementought to increase with age. This prediction was borneout in the TD sample (r = 0.309, p < 0.001), but not inthe ASD sample (r = 0.060, p = 0.607), perhaps due tosample size constraints or atypical developmental

Fig. 4 Schema-dependent activation in ASD varied by behavioral flexibility. a Congruency × flexibility interaction was observed in a cluster inmPFC. Extracted beta values from mPFC cluster showing b a mild positive relationship between inflexibility (higher score) and activationcongruent, c a moderate negative relationship for Intermediate, and d minimal relationship for incongruent trials

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trajectories of schema formation in ASD. One disadvan-tage of subjective congruency classification is that theproportion of pairs classified at each congruency levelcould not be controlled. While the included stimuli-pairs were balanced across congruency levels based onadult norms, autistic and TD children classified manymore pairs as incongruent relative to intermediate orcongruent. While this imbalance did not influence mem-ory measurement because we calculated balanced objectrecognition accuracy, the departure from an adult-likedistribution by congruency suggests immature schematicknowledge, perhaps also resulting from limited real-world experience compared to adults.Object and association recognition were facilitated by

schema-congruency as expected in TD children, and un-expectedly, also in autistic children. Previous findingsshow associative memory facilitation by higher congru-ency with schematic knowledge in both TD children [9,21, 54] and adults [55, 78]. The facilitation observed inASD children was unexpected based on prior literatureshowing diminished or absent schema facilitation inmemory performance [11, 48]. However, these priorstudies rely largely on free recall or word recognitionand often have encoding-recall delays of an hour ormore. This is important given that differences in taskstructure can manipulate the strength of congruency-based memory facilitation, including our use of recogni-tion rather than free recall and changes in the

proportion of trials creating an “isolation effect” wherebythere is better memory for the lowest-proportion cat-egory [16, 78]. As fewer pairs were rated as congruentthan incongruent, these proportion differences may haveboosted memory for congruent pairs on our pictorialrecognition task. As a result, the design may be particu-larly strong in drawing out schema-based memory facili-tation even in a group where it is not typically observed.Nevertheless, facilitation of object recognition and asso-ciative memory in both autistic and TD children sug-gests sufficient schema development to support memoryformation.Despite behavioral similarities with adult reports, our

imaging findings revealed that mPFC and MTL was re-cruited by different congruency conditions than adults.Specifically, Van Kesteren et al. [75] observed a trade-offbetween mPFC and MTL by congruency, with preferen-tial mPFC engagement for congruent and MTL for in-congruent pairs. Our TD children showed a differentpattern of trade-off, with preferential mPFC engagementfor intermediate and MTL for congruent pairs (Fig. 3).Additional analyses verified that the results were not anartifact of age or gender distribution or differences in ei-ther encoding rating latency or number of associativehits trials (see SI). Neural correlates in autistic childrenwere similar to TD children in that mPFC was engagedduring encoding of subsequently remembered pairs ofintermediate congruency, but it depended on degree of

Fig. 5 Flexibility-dependent schema activation in left dlPFC and rlPFC for children with ASD. Results from whole-brain, exploratory analysisyielding a dlPFC cluster with b–d flexibility exhibiting minimal to moderate positive relationships between flexibility score and activation incongruent and incongruent pairs by a moderate negative relationship in Intermediate pairs and e rlPFC cluster with f–h flexibility exhibitingminimal to moderate positive relationships between flexibility scorer and activation in congruent and incongruent pairs by a moderate negativerelationship in intermediate pairs

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behavioral flexibility — children rated as more flexibleby parents had higher mPFC activation. As with the TDfindings, these results held after controlling for age, gen-der, response time, and associative hit trials (see SI). As-sociation with behavioral flexibility was not observed forthe MTL. Additionally, more flexible children with ASDalso recruited the dlPFC and rlPFC for intermediatepairs, a region not observed in TD children or impli-cated in previous studies with adults. The low scoresand small range in TD children precluded the ability totest whether the same effect would be observed in TDchildren. In drawing comparison with Van Kesterenet al. [75] study, it is important to note that we used thesame stimuli but modified the design for suitability toour younger participants. We reduced the encoding-recognition delay from 1 day to 20 min, used pictures asrecognition probes rather than single-word descriptions(i.e., representing of the image of a playroom rather thanjust presenting the word ‘Playroom’), and used a three-level congruency scale rather than a continuous ratingscale. It is unclear whether these design differences ledto the observed distinct pattern of neural recruitment. Aparsimonious interpretation, in light of the adult-likepattern of memory performance, is that the observedmPFC and MTL trade-off between intermediate andhigh levels of congruency represents a developmentaldifference, with findings from ASD providing the firstevidence for linkage between schema encoding and be-havioral flexibility.Two theoretical frameworks that converge on the

relationship between mPFC and MTL in representingabstract knowledge are useful for considering thepresent findings. The Schema Linked Interactions be-tween Medial prefrontal and Medial temporal regions(SLIMM) framework proposes that reciprocal commu-nication between the mPFC, which represents associa-tive frameworks of knowledge or schemas, and MTL,which represents non-associative information, under-lies the formation and use of schema knowledge [78].As schemas are formed and strengthened through re-activation, the mPFC detects schema-congruent infor-mation and inhibits engagement of the MTL. It ishypothesized that the inhibition of the MTL preventsinterference that can arise from reactivation of nu-merous past, similar representations [68, 78]. Categorylearning represents a second model that provides acomplementary lens to interpret our findings as cat-egory knowledge has been posited to be a simpleform of schema [29, 57, 63]. Categories are formedby extracting prototypical information, with general-ized representations of a category encoded by themPFC and exemplar-specific information encoded byother regions, including the MTL (for review see[87]). Both schema and prototype knowledge are

representations which are extracted from elementsacross experiences and are designed to be flexibly uti-lized in the accommodation of new information [27,67, 88].Our findings suggest a downward extension of the

above frameworks to accommodate findings from chil-dren that reflect weaker schema representations. Stimu-lus pairs of intermediate congruency had longerclassification response times suggesting effortful evalu-ation. mPFC is known to play a role in deliberative cog-nition in the face of uncertainty [65]. Its engagement forthe intermediate (rather than congruent) pairs in chil-dren may reflect the deliberative evaluation necessary inthe face of weakly instantiated schemas. This finding isconsistent with the hypothesized role of the mPFC as adetector for schema-congruency. Less clear, however, isthe seemingly opposite pattern of MTL engagement forsubsequently remembered congruent pairs in childrenrelative to incongruent pairs in adult studies. It is im-portant to note that the observed MTL cluster lies anter-ior to that reported in adults by Van Kesteren et al. [75],with no overlap. The anterior MTL is associated withgist representations in adults [17, 29], which arecontext-associative representations that provide the basisfor schema development [68]. Thus, developing brainsmay lack sufficient inhibition from the mPFC to MTL,and as predicted by SLIMM, the observed anterior MTLresponse likely represents reactivated gist representa-tions that are similar to the congruent associations. Insum, anterior MTL and mPFC engagement during mem-ory formation of object-scene associations of high andintermediate congruency in children, represent an im-mature state of schema representation.It is important to note that our findings stand in con-

trast to the only other study to have examined mPFCengagement during schema-dependent encoding in TDchildren using a similar object-scene association para-digm [15]. Similar to our findings, they reported behav-ioral schema-based memory facilitation for congruentpairs in both the adults and children following an inci-dental encoding task where participants were asked todecide if object-scene pairs were congruent or incongru-ent. Unlike our findings, they reported greater mPFC ac-tivation for subsequently remembered congruent pairs,without an effect of age. Notable differences in the de-sign of their study relative to ours are inclusion of binaryencoding classification (congruent or incongruent only),and younger (6–7 years old) and older (18–22 and 67–74 years old) participants than in our study. In light ofour finding of moderate encoding ratings agreement, itis likely that the younger sample in Brod and Shing’sstudy rated as congruent those pairs which would havebeen rated as intermediate were that option available. Insuch a case, the activation associated with the

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deliberative evaluation may be captured in their congru-ent trials. It is not clear though, if children are morelikely to treat cases of intermediate schema-congruencyas congruent or incongruent. As a result, our findingsrepresent a greater spectrum of congruency that may beobscured in a binary approach of congruent or incon-gruent ratings if there is a bias towards consideringmoderate congruency as congruent rather than incon-gruent. Nonetheless, taken together these studies high-light the need for examining a broad spectrum ofschema-congruency with dimensional rather than cat-egorical classification.While our sample size is underpowered, we consider

the main contribution of our findings to suggest a novelline of investigation in ASD, the relationship betweenabstract mnemonic representation and executive func-tion. mPFC activation during encoding of subsequentlyremembered object-scene pairs was observed in the sub-set of autistic children who exhibited more flexibility ineveryday behavior. These neural correlates were typical,as mPFC was more engaged for intermediate congru-ency, just as in their TD peers. While this dependenceon behavioral flexibility supports the association betweenabstract knowledge representation and flexible adapta-tion to the environment posited by the theoreticalmodels [27, 64, 66], its raises the question of causality —does good executive function promote typical abstractrepresentations or does the ability to represent abstractknowledge typically by mPFC promote better adjustmentto real-world challenges? This question cannot be adju-dicated by the present results and requires longitudinaldesigns to separate cause and effect. Furthermore, ourresults also reveal the potential contribution of lateralprefrontal cortex in flexibility-dependent schema-basedmemory formation. In exploratory analysis, left rlPFCand dlPfC were recruited by the flexible children to agreater extent along with mPFC. While mPFC has beenimplicated in associative, prototype-based learning, boththe dlPFC and rlPFC have been implicated in rule-based,exemplar learning [87]. The rlPFC is preferentially en-gaged in category learning tasks when individuals areable to learn a finite number of classification rules [56]and has also been implicated in flexible cognition suchas multitasking [28], integration of relational associationand analogical reasoning [18, 84], and episodic memoryretrieval [19, 71]. Similarly, the dlPFC has also been im-plicated in rule-based learning tasks [5] and task switch-ing [35]. While it is important to consider thisassociation preliminary given the sample, these resultssuggest a testable hypothesis for future work — thatmore flexible autistic children utilize two parallel rep-resentations in tandem, abstract and rule-based, formemory formation of ambiguous associativeinformation.

Our results in ASD conform to the broader literatureof structural and functional differences in both the MTLand mPFC and provide some clinical implications. Bothprimary ROIs for this study are components of the De-fault Mode Network (DMN). The DMN is a functionalnetwork important for theory of mind, introspection,and prospective planning [2, 62], which are known defi-cits in ASD [4, 22, 43]. Autistic children consistentlyshow mPFC underconnectivity relative to TD [3, 36, 50,81, 85]. Given the link between both schema-dependentactivations in and functional connectivity strength be-tween the MTL-mPFC [76, 77], our findings suggest anovel lens to view previous DMN findings, especially inlight of the association between mPFC-DMN undercon-nectivity and cognitive flexibility in set-shifting tasks[79]. Thus, known DMN disruptions in ASD all con-verge on the mPFC. While less is known about the func-tional connectivity of the MTL in ASD, greaterconnectivity between the MTL and posterior cingulatewas associated with greater symptom severity [52] andgreater hippocampal volume has been observed through-out childhood in ASD [6, 31, 80].The relationship be-tween schema use, flexibility problems, and DMNdisruptions, however, remains to be characterized inASD. Our preliminary results begin to offer an interpret-ation of real-world flexibility problems observed in somechildren with ASD. The apparent bimodal distributionof flexibility scores of our ASD aligns with findings re-vealed by data-driven methods suggesting subtypes dis-tinguished by flexibility problems [74]. The bimodaldistribution also points to limitations of instruments tomeasure the full spectrum of behavioral flexibility. Prob-lems with flexibility in behavior and associated abstractknowledge representation may characterize a subset ofASD children and moreover may not be limited to ASDbut broadly represented across disorders with executivedysfunction.Conceptually, further investigation of linkage between

abstract mnemonic representation and executive func-tion has the potential to inform clinical practice. Bydemonstrating that learning in children with ASD canbe facilitated by schema-congruency under specific con-ditions (use of concrete pictures for recognition and al-lowance of subjective determination of which items arecongruent), this study highlights the importance astrengths-based approach that probes the conditionsunder which a specific type of learning can occur. Thisis essential if the long-term goal is to improve learningand memory in children with developmental disabilities.The identification of flexibility as a correlate of PFC en-gagement during learning for children with ASD wouldlead to hypotheses regarding the potential of flexibilitytraining, an evidence-supported intervention in ASD[37], to normalize brain function during learning.

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ConclusionsThe present study is the first to characterize neural rep-resentations of schema in children in late childhood andadolescence and the first to provide evidence, albeitpreliminary, of differences in schema-dependent brainactivations in children with ASD and the connectionbetween behavioral flexibility and schema. Thegeneralization of our findings is limited by the relativelysmall sample of children with ASD and extrapolation toobserved adult findings due to a lack of direct develop-mental comparison group of adults. Further work is re-quired to fully understand developmental trajectories ofschema models and assess flexibility through assess-ments more sensitive to variability of flexibility in non-clinical samples. Nevertheless, this study provides thefirst important link.

Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1186/s11689-021-09388-9.

Additional file 1: Supporting Information. Encoding Performance –Rating agreement across participants: Supporting Information (SI)Figure 1. Correlation matrices for rating agreements. Imaging – Controlanalyses: SI Figure 2. Congruency differences in TD children aftercontrolling for age. SI Figure 3. Congruency differences in ASD childrenafter controlling for age. SI Figure 4. Congruency differences in ASDchildren after controlling for age. SI Figure 5. Congruency differences inASD children after controlling for the number of associative hits. SIFigure 6. Congruency differences in TD children after controlling forresponse time. SI Figure 7. Congruency differences in ASD children aftercontrolling for response time. SI Figure 8. Congruency differences in TDchildren after controlling for gender. SI Figure 9. Congruencydifferences in ASD children after controlling for gender.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Ruth Ludlum and Frank Fishburn for assistance with experimentsetup, and Dr. Marlieke T.R. van Kesteren and Dr. Guillén Fernández forsharing their stimuli.

Authors’ contributionsKMC contributed to the conception, acquisition, analysis, interpretation ofdata, and drafting the manuscript. XY contributed to the conception anddesign of the work, analysis, and interpretation. JBCC contributed to theacquisition of data. JMD contributed to the analysis and interpretation. MScontributed to the design and acquisition of the work. MDP contributed tothe analysis and interpretation. MS contributed to the design and acquisitionof the work. CEP contributed to the conception, design of the work, andinterpretation. LK contributed to the conception and design of the work andinterpretation. CJV contributed to the conception and design of the work,analysis, interpretation, and drafting the manuscript. All authors havereviewed, revised, and approved the final manuscript and are accountablefor their contributions.

FundingK.M.C. was supported by National Center For Advancing TranslationalSciences of the National Institutes of Health (TL1TR001431) and the studywas supported by the National Institutes of Health (L.K., C.P.NIH1U54HD090257) (C.P., K23MH110612). Its contents are solely theresponsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the officialviews of the NIH.

Availability of data and materialsThe datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are availablefrom the corresponding author on reasonable request.


Ethics approval and consent to participateThe study complied with all guidelines from the Georgetown UniversityInstitutional Review Board, including collection of parental consent and childassent for all participants, IRB #2008-343.

Consent for publicationNot applicable

Competing interestsCoauthor Lauren Kenworthy is an author of the Behavior Rating Inventory ofExecutive Function. The other authors declare no competing interests.

Author details1Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University, 401White-Gravenor, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA.2Children’s Research Institute, Children’s National Health System, Washington,DC 20010, USA. 3Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, CollegePark, MD 20742, USA. 4University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA.5University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904, USA. 6Department ofPsychology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20007, USA.

Received: 21 October 2020 Accepted: 18 May 2021

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