WASHINGTON: US President-elect Donald Trump yesterday tapped ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson as his nominee to be secretary of state, despite concerns on both sides of the political aisle about the oilman’s deep ties to Russia. The nomina- tion was the one most awaited by observers at home and abroad as the 70- year-old Republican billionaire builds his cabinet before taking office on Jan 20 - and reveals how his administration might alter foreign policy. The president-elect has stoked alarm - even among fellow Republicans - by call- ing for closer ties with Moscow, in con- trast to the belief in Washington that Russia remains a global security threat. The nomination comes just days after the CIA accused Russia of interfering to help Trump win the US election - a develop- ment which could complicate Tillerson’s confirmation hearings before the Senate. Trump promised that the executive, whose nomination was immediately wel- comed by Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin, has relationships with world leaders that are “second to none.” Continued on Page 13 SUBSCRIPTION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016 RABI AL-AWWAL 15, 1438 AH www.kuwaittimes.net Min 06º Max 20º High Tide 12:46 & 23:25 Low Tide 06:14 & 18:05 40 PAGES NO: 17080 150 FILS Opposition MPs urge Gulf to act over Aleppo ‘genocide’ MP: Visitors should have health insurance Court to study poll petitions By B Izzak KUWAIT: Opposition MPs yesterday called on the govern- ments of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states to expel Russian ambassadors from their countries in protest over what they called Moscow’s role in “genocide” against civilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Speaking at a small rally held inside the National Assembly building, MP Jamaan Al-Harbash charged that Russian-backed Iranian and Syrian troops are committing “genocide against civil- ians in Aleppo amid total international negligence”. He urged the six GCC states to expel Russian ambassa- dors to protest Russia’s military involvement in the brutal attack on the city, and also called for opening mosques for fundraising campaigns for Aleppo residents. Aleppo has been under heavy bombardment by Russian and Syrian jets, as Iranian-backed militias and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad troops have been advancing on the populated eastern districts of the city held by the Syrian rebels. Abdullah Fahhad, another Islamist MP, demanded the expulsion of the envoys of both Russia and Iran. MP Waleed Al-Tabtabaei said that a protest will be staged today outside the Russian embassy at 3:30 pm to condemn the massacres against the Syrian people. Several other MPs who spoke at the rally strongly condemned the massacred being com- mitted against Syrian civilians and called on the govern- ment to rush aid to the residents of the city. MP Abdulkarim Al-Kandari said several MPs have signed a petition calling to hold an emergency session of the Assembly next Tuesday to discuss the situation and atrocities in Syria. The Islamist-dominated opposi- tion won nearly half of the 50 seats in a snap general election last month. Continued on Page 13 BEIRUT: Syrian pro-government forces have reportedly executed dozens of civilians in Aleppo including women and children, the UN said as the crucial battle for the city neared its end. UN rights office spokesman Rupert Colville said forces loyal to President Bashar Al- Assad had in some cases entered homes and killed those inside, and in others “caught and killed on the spot” fleeing civilians. Fears have been growing for thousands of trapped civilians as rebels make a des- perate last stand in their remaining pocket of territory in the former opposition stronghold of east Aleppo. After weeks of heavy fighting, regime forces were poised to take full control of Aleppo, dealing the biggest blow to Syria’s rebellion in more than five years of civil war. Speaking to reporters in Geneva, Colville said the UN had received credible reports that at least 82 civilians, including 11 women and 13 chil- dren, had been killed in recent days. Colville said the UN was “filled with the deepest foreboding for those who remain in this last hellish corner of opposition- held eastern Aleppo.” Residents in remaining rebel- held territory told AFP they had no hope left. “Our fate is sealed. Why would we hide, it won’t do us any good. We will either die or be captured,” said Ibrahim Abu Al-Leith, a spokesman for the White Helmets rescue service. Other witnesses described scenes of carnage in rebel areas, with bodies lying amid the rubble of city streets, as desperate residents Continued on Page 13 Civilians ‘killed on spot’ in Aleppo ALEPPO: Syrian pro-regime fighters gesture in the Fardos neighborhood as they drive past residents fleeing violence in the restive Bustan Al-Qasr neighborhood yesterday, after regime troops retook the area from rebel fighters. — AFP News i n b r i e f Amir thanks state officials, citizens KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah yesterday highly appreciated senior state offi- cials, citizens and residents for their warm sentiments and sincere prayers for recovery after he caught a cold. US approves $1.7bn tank sale to Kuwait WASHINGTON: The US State Department has giv- en its approval for a possible $1.7 billion military sale to Kuwait for the recapitalization of 218 M1A2 tanks and related equipment, services and train- ing, a Pentagon agency said yesterday. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency said the contractors involved included General Dynamics Corp, Raytheon Co, Meggitt PLC, Northrop Grumman Corp, Lockheed Martin Corp and Honeywell International Inc, among others. Qatar flew home 10,000 labor abuse victims in ‘15 DOHA: Qatar flew home 10,000 workers who were victims of labor abuse during 2015, official govern- ment figures have revealed. The number was released by the Gulf state’s Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs. All the flights were paid for by the state. Kuwait to cut crude production from Jan 1 DOHA: Oil companies in Qatar and Kuwait yesterday announced that they will reduce production levels from the beginning of the year. National oil conglomerate Kuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC) said yesterday it has informed its clients that their export quantities will be reduced, starting in January. It did not provide any details of the quantities to be reduced, but local media said Kuwait’s share is around 130,000 barrels a day out of its daily output of 3.0 million bpd. Trump taps Exxon chief as top diplomat NEW YORK: Singer Kanye West and US President-elect Donald Trump speak with the press after their meeting at Trump Tower yesterday. (Inset) File photo shows ExxonMobil President and CEO Rex Tillerson, who has been tapped by Trump as his secretary of state. — AFP WASHINGTON: Americans aghast over the idea of Donald Trump as president are turn- ing to the Electoral College - the somewhat puzzling, much criticized institution that will make it official - as a last-ditch recourse to halt the inevitable. Its 538 members - the government says it is not even a body, real- ly, but rather a process - will vote Dec 19 to formally confirm Trump’s stunning win over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the November 8 election. Clinton won the popular vote by two percentage points, but Trump took the only thing that mattered: A majority of the electoral college, and a healthy one at that: 306 to 232. There are Americans out there who want the college to declare Clinton the winner, anyway, because she triumphed in the popular vote. In 21 states, electors can vote their conscience, regardless of who won the popular vote in their state and - thus in theory at least - all that state’s electoral votes. But it is extremely rare for an elector to go rogue. It has happened just nine times since World War II, says FairVote, a non-par- tisan group working for electoral reform. For people opposed to Trump - the shoot- from-the-hip property tycoon with no experience in government, the man who insulted women, minorities and Muslims during the campaign and has the world watching closely as he hints at upending decades of US foreign policy with blasts of predawn tweets - the nuclear electoral col- lege option is a godsend. But it is a fool’s errand, to be sure. It would take 37 Republican electors jump- ing ship and not voting for Trump. If that were to happen, in theory at least the choice of the next president would go to the House of Representatives. But before it got there, judicial chaos would almost cer- tainly break out. Listen to filmmaker Michael Moore, one of the anti-Trump peo- ple dreaming of salvation: “54 percent of the voters didn’t want Donald Trump. Only 46 percent did.” Indeed, that was Trump’s popular vote tally - actually 46.2 percent - compared to 48.2 percent for former secretary of state Clinton. The election year has been utterly crazy, Moore added. “So is it possible - just possible - that in these next six weeks, something else might happen, something crazy, something we’re not expecting?” he added, speaking last week on “Late Night with Seth Meyers”. Jim Himes, a Democratic congressman, is on board. He told CNN the Electoral College now has an inherent responsibility to step up and avert disaster. Himes said of the college: “If it exists, why would it exist but for any other purpose than what it could do in one week, which is to say - and something that I think the majority of Americans I think probably believe today - which is that we’re about to make a presi- dent who is dangerous.” Continued on Page 13 Last hope for anti-Trump camp is Electoral College India arrests 20 for anthem disrespect PAGE PAGE Harden’s 36 sees Rockets past Nets

Opposition MPs urge Gulf to act over Aleppo 'genocide

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WASHINGTON: US President-elect DonaldTrump yesterday tapped ExxonMobilchief Rex Tillerson as his nominee to besecretary of state, despite concerns onboth sides of the political aisle about theoilman’s deep ties to Russia. The nomina-tion was the one most awaited byobservers at home and abroad as the 70-year-old Republican billionaire builds hiscabinet before taking office on Jan 20 -and reveals how his administration mightalter foreign policy.

The president-elect has stoked alarm -even among fellow Republicans - by call-

ing for closer ties with Moscow, in con-trast to the belief in Washington thatRussia remains a global security threat.The nomination comes just days after theCIA accused Russia of interfering to helpTrump win the US election - a develop-ment which could complicate Tillerson’sconfirmation hearings before the Senate.Trump promised that the executive,whose nomination was immediately wel-comed by Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin, hasrelationships with world leaders that are“second to none.”

Continued on Page 13



WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016 RABI AL-AWWAL 15, 1438 AH www.kuwaittimes.net

Min 06ºMax 20ºHigh Tide

12:46 & 23:25Low Tide

06:14 & 18:0540 P



O: 1




Opposition MPs urge Gulf to

act over Aleppo ‘genocide’

MP: Visitors should have health insurance • Court to study poll petitions By B Izzak

KUWAIT: Opposition MPs yesterday called on the govern-ments of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states toexpel Russian ambassadors from their countries in protestover what they called Moscow’s role in “genocide” againstcivilians in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Speaking at a smallrally held inside the National Assembly building, MPJamaan Al-Harbash charged that Russian-backed Iranianand Syrian troops are committing “genocide against civil-ians in Aleppo amid total international negligence”.

He urged the six GCC states to expel Russian ambassa-dors to protest Russia’s military involvement in the brutalattack on the city, and also called for opening mosques forfundraising campaigns for Aleppo residents. Aleppo hasbeen under heavy bombardment by Russian and Syrianjets, as Iranian-backed militias and Syrian President BasharAl-Assad troops have been advancing on the populatedeastern districts of the city held by the Syrian rebels.

Abdullah Fahhad, another Islamist MP, demanded theexpulsion of the envoys of both Russia and Iran. MP WaleedAl-Tabtabaei said that a protest will be staged today outsidethe Russian embassy at 3:30 pm to condemn the massacresagainst the Syrian people. Several other MPs who spoke atthe rally strongly condemned the massacred being com-mitted against Syrian civilians and called on the govern-ment to rush aid to the residents of the city.

MP Abdulkarim Al-Kandari said several MPs havesigned a petition calling to hold an emergency sessionof the Assembly next Tuesday to discuss the situationand atrocities in Syria. The Islamist-dominated opposi-tion won nearly half of the 50 seats in a snap generalelection last month.

Continued on Page 13

BEIRUT: Syrian pro-government forces have reportedlyexecuted dozens of civilians in Aleppo includingwomen and children, the UN said as the crucial battlefor the city neared its end. UN rights office spokesmanRupert Colville said forces loyal to President Bashar Al-Assad had in some cases entered homes and killedthose inside, and in others “caught and killed on thespot” fleeing civilians. Fears have been growing forthousands of trapped civilians as rebels make a des-perate last stand in their remaining pocket of territoryin the former opposition stronghold of east Aleppo.

After weeks of heavy fighting, regime forces werepoised to take full control of Aleppo, dealing thebiggest blow to Syria’s rebellion in more than fiveyears of civil war. Speaking to reporters in Geneva,Colville said the UN had received credible reports thatat least 82 civilians, including 11 women and 13 chil-dren, had been killed in recent days. Colville said theUN was “filled with the deepest foreboding for thosewho remain in this last hellish corner of opposition-held eastern Aleppo.” Residents in remaining rebel-held territory told AFP they had no hope left.

“Our fate is sealed. Why would we hide, it won’t dous any good. We will either die or be captured,” saidIbrahim Abu Al-Leith, a spokesman for the WhiteHelmets rescue service. Other witnesses describedscenes of carnage in rebel areas, with bodies lyingamid the rubble of city streets, as desperate residents

Continued on Page 13

Civilians ‘killed on spot’ in Aleppo

ALEPPO: Syrian pro-regime fighters gesture in the Fardos neighborhood as they drive past residents fleeingviolence in the restive Bustan Al-Qasr neighborhood yesterday, after regime troops retook the area fromrebel fighters. — AFP

Newsi n b r i e f

Amir thanks state officials, citizens

KUWAIT: HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-JaberAl-Sabah yesterday highly appreciated senior state offi-cials, citizens and residents for their warm sentimentsand sincere prayers for recovery after he caught a cold.

US approves $1.7bn tank sale to Kuwait

WASHINGTON: The US State Department has giv-en its approval for a possible $1.7 billion militarysale to Kuwait for the recapitalization of 218 M1A2tanks and related equipment, services and train-ing, a Pentagon agency said yesterday. TheDefense Security Cooperation Agency said thecontractors involved included General DynamicsCorp, Raytheon Co, Meggitt PLC, NorthropGrumman Corp, Lockheed Martin Corp andHoneywell International Inc, among others.

Qatar flew home 10,000 labor abuse victims in ‘15

DOHA: Qatar flew home 10,000 workers who werevictims of labor abuse during 2015, official govern-ment figures have revealed. The number wasreleased by the Gulf state’s Ministry ofAdministrative Development, Labor and SocialAffairs. All the flights were paid for by the state.

Kuwait to cut crudeproduction from Jan 1

DOHA: Oil companies in Qatar and Kuwait yesterdayannounced that they will reduce production levels fromthe beginning of the year. National oil conglomerateKuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC) said yesterday it hasinformed its clients that their export quantities will bereduced, starting in January. It did not provide anydetails of the quantities to be reduced, but local mediasaid Kuwait’s share is around 130,000 barrels a day out ofits daily output of 3.0 million bpd.

Trump taps Exxon chief as top diplomat

NEW YORK: Singer Kanye West and US President-elect Donald Trump speak withthe press after their meeting at Trump Tower yesterday. (Inset) File photo showsExxonMobil President and CEO Rex Tillerson, who has been tapped by Trump ashis secretary of state. — AFP

WASHINGTON: Americans aghast over theidea of Donald Trump as president are turn-ing to the Electoral College - the somewhatpuzzling, much criticized institution thatwill make it official - as a last-ditch recourseto halt the inevitable. Its 538 members - thegovernment says it is not even a body, real-ly, but rather a process - will vote Dec 19 toformally confirm Trump’s stunning win overDemocrat Hillary Clinton in the November8 election.

Clinton won the popular vote by twopercentage points, but Trump took theonly thing that mattered: A majority ofthe electoral college, and a healthy one atthat: 306 to 232. There are Americans outthere who want the college to declareClinton the winner, anyway, because shetriumphed in the popular vote. In 21states, electors can vote their conscience,regardless of who won the popular votein their state and - thus in theory at least -all that state’s electoral votes.

But it is extremely rare for an elector togo rogue. It has happened just nine timessince World War II, says FairVote, a non-par-tisan group working for electoral reform.For people opposed to Trump - the shoot-from-the-hip property tycoon with noexperience in government, the man whoinsulted women, minorities and Muslimsduring the campaign and has the worldwatching closely as he hints at upendingdecades of US foreign policy with blasts ofpredawn tweets - the nuclear electoral col-

lege option is a godsend.But it is a fool’s errand, to be sure. It

would take 37 Republican electors jump-ing ship and not voting for Trump. If thatwere to happen, in theory at least thechoice of the next president would go tothe House of Representatives. But before itgot there, judicial chaos would almost cer-tainly break out. Listen to filmmakerMichael Moore, one of the anti-Trump peo-ple dreaming of salvation: “54 percent ofthe voters didn’t want Donald Trump. Only46 percent did.”

Indeed, that was Trump’s popular votetally - actually 46.2 percent - compared to48.2 percent for former secretary of stateClinton. The election year has been utterlycrazy, Moore added. “So is it possible - justpossible - that in these next six weeks,something else might happen, somethingcrazy, something we’re not expecting?” headded, speaking last week on “Late Nightwith Seth Meyers”.

Jim Himes, a Democratic congressman,is on board. He told CNN the ElectoralCollege now has an inherent responsibilityto step up and avert disaster. Himes said ofthe college: “If it exists, why would it existbut for any other purpose than what itcould do in one week, which is to say - andsomething that I think the majority ofAmericans I think probably believe today -which is that we’re about to make a presi-dent who is dangerous.”

Continued on Page 13

Last hope for anti-Trump

camp is Electoral College

India arrests 20 for

anthem disrespect


Harden’s 36 sees

Rockets past Nets


KUWAIT: His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh NawafAl-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Seif Palace yes-terday the outgoing Peruvian Ambassador to KuwaitHeli Adelfo Pelaez Castro on the occasion of the end ofhis tenure.

The meeting was attended by head of protocols at HisHighness the Crown Prince Diwan, Sheikh MubarakSabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah. Also yesterday, HisHighness the Crown Prince received His Highness SheikhNasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. — KUNA

KUWAIT: Jordan’s Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Al-Kayed handed His Highness the Prime Minister SheikhJaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah a letter fromJordanian King Abdullah II yesterday. This letter included

an invitation to His Highness the Prime Minister to takepart in the World Economic Forum on the Middle East andNorth Africa (WEF-MENA), which will be held in the DeadSea, Jordan, on May 19-21 of 2017. — KUNA

Crown Prince receivesoutgoing Peruvian envoy

PM receives letterfrom Jordan’s King

KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah receives Jordan’sAmbassador to Kuwait Mohammad Al-Kayed. — KUNA

KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah yesterday received congratulationsfrom the Ministry’s officials on the Amiri decree which reinstated him to his position. The meeting was attended by Deputy Foreign MinistryKhaled Suleiman Al-Jarallah. — KUNA

Rain brings Kuwaitidesert back to life

Photo feature by Ghazi Qafaf

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s thirsty dry soil happily welcomed the rain showers that fedthe growing seasonal plants and colorful flowers, promising a bright springseason. — KUNA

KUWAIT: The International Islamic CharityOrganization (IICO) has launched an urgent reliefcampaign for the residents of the besieged city ofAleppo, Syria, who suffer severely from lack of food,medicine, fuel, and security due to non-stop airstrikes on the city.

Aleppo has been suffering for a while from theescalation of systematic air strikes on hospitals,schools, and besieged residential neighborhoods,which is totally against all humanitarian principlesand charters, international traditions, and reli-gious laws, Dr Abdullah Al-Maatouq, I ICO’sChairman and Amiri Diwan Advisor, said in a pressstatement yesterday.

The continued aggression, hostility, and vio-lence against the city is a blatant violation of thebasics of the international humanitarian law,Maatouq said, adding that such intense violenceis hindering the civil defense teams’ efforts to pickup dead bodies and save lives under the rubblesof destroyed buildings. He stressed the impor-tance of consolidating all efforts to launch morehumanitarian campaigns in order to alleviate thesuffering of the Syrian people, calling philanthro-pists and good people around the world to sup-port and aid the children and women of Aleppo.

He also urged the UN, international organiza-tions, Arab League, and Organization of IslamicCooperation (OIC) to bare their responsibilitiestoward the massacres that are being committedin Aleppo. Earlier yesterday, Kuwait Red CrescentSociety (KRCS) launched yesterday at the society’sheadquarters in Shuwaikh Administrative area acampaign to collect donations for displacedSyrians in Aleppo.

The society aims to ease the suffering of dis-placed Syrians in Aleppo, who are living in disas-trous humanitarian conditions due to the ongoingSyrian war, KRCS’ Deputy Chairman Anwar Al-Hasawi said. He added that donations will bereceived at the headquarters in morning andevening time periods, while a donation booth willbe opened today at 360 Mall. Meanwhile, head ofthe resources development department at KRCSLama Al-Othman noted that people in Aleppo arein desperate need of heaters to face the extremely

cold, as well as food and medicine. She called on humanitarian organizations to

provide immediate aid to Syrians in need.According to statistics, about 60,000 in Aleppo

where forced to flee their homes since last August,Othman said. She also added that about 20,000have fled in the past 72 hours. — KUNA

Kuwait launches relief campaign for Aleppo

KRCS’ Deputy Chairman Anwar Al-Hasawi Head of the resources development depart-ment at KRCS Lama Al-Othman



PARIS/KUWAIT: Kuwait’s press freedomstook a massive hit in 2016 according to thelatest Reporters Without Borders ranking.Kuwait ranked 103 out of 180 countries onthe World Press Freedom Index for 2016,dropping 13 spots from its 2015 position.The international press freedom organiza-tion warned that the world had seen a sharp

increase in the global number of journalistsdetained or ‘disappeared’ and subject to oth-er forms of political censorship or silencing.

Kuwait ranks better than neighbors Qatar(117), United Arab Emirates (119), Bahrain(162), Saudi Arabia (165) and Iran (169). Buthas lost significant ground in the last fewyears. The oil-rich emirate is known as the

most political vibrant in the Gulf and haslong had one of the most active media andpress environment in the region.

But the 103 ranking for 2016 pales incomparison to Kuwait’s 2009 ranking of 60and indicates growing intolerance from theKuwait government for any political criti-cism or commentary.

Freedom of speech and the press areprotected under the Kuwait Constitution inArticles 36 and 37 but the 2006 Press andPublications law, the 2015 Cybercrimes lawand the 2016 E-Media law place limits onpress freedoms. Criticism of the Amir, Islamand the judiciary are punishable crimes as isany harming of Kuwait’s relations with other

countries. In recent years, several journal-ists, bloggers and media activists havefaced jail time. “For the time being, thenumerous UN resolutions on the protectionof journalists [around the globe] and thefight against impunity have not given satis-factory results,” the RWB noted in therelease of this year’s index.

Kuwait’s press freedoms on the decline

KUWAIT: A blaze that erupted at the ChestHospital in Sabah health zone was broughtunder control yesterday. Crews belonging toKuwait’s Fire Service Directorate (KFSD)

responded to the fire that gutted Al-SadriHospital and brought it under control withno casualties reported, KFSD announced.

Kuwait’s new Health Minister Jamal Al-

Harbi along with KFSD Director GeneralLt. Gen. Khalid Al-Mikrad visited the sceneof the fire.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) noted that

the blaze which erupted in a dilapidatedbuilding, was the result of an electrical shortcircuit, adding that the incident was dealtwith in a timely manner which prevented

the fire from spreading out of control.Firemen evacuated the building and isolatedthe ICU to prevent the fire from spreadingand harming patients.

Fire at Chest Hospital guts building, no casualties

By Hanan Al-Saadoun

KUWAIT: A fire broke out in a Salam house, andfiremen freed 17 people trapped due to thicksmoke. Two persons suffered light burns, whilethe rest suffered smoke inhalation. They weresent to hospital for treatment. An investigationwas opened to determine the cause of the fire.

Two booksInterior Ministry Undersecretary Lt Gen

Suleiman Al-Fahd received Lt Col Dr Yousuf Al-Yaqout from Saad Al-Abdullah Security SciencesAcademy, who presented him with two books:“Encyclopedia of Kuwait laws concerned withfighting terrorism” and “Terrorists and killers”.

Airport statisticsInterior Ministry’s Relations and Security

Information Department said the number ofdepartures during Nov 2016 totaled 398,295persons - 118,675 Kuwaitis and 29,016 Gulf

nationals, in addition to 250,604 people of othernationalities. Arrivals in Nov totaled 359,949 -115,825 Kuwaitis, 25,874 Gulf nationals and218,250 of other nationalities.

Statistics also showed that 19,369 visaswere issued at the airport, while deportationf ingerpr ints of f icers busted 64 persons,while 10 people were allowed in after thedeportation ban was lifted. Meanwhile, 124p e r s o n s we re a r re s te d a n d s e n t to co n -cerned authorities.

17 people evacuated

from burning houseBy Meshaal Al-Enezi

KUWAIT: The criminal court yesterday sen-tenced a citizen who killed his friend in afight in the Qashaniya desert to three yearsand four months in jail. The court explainedits verdict by considering the killing as sec-ond degree murder during a fight. Notably,the public prosecution will file an appealand demand a stricter penalty.

Economic planMP Mohammed Al-Dallal announced

that he has collected some of his col-leagues’ signatures for a demand to hold a

special session to discuss the govern-ment’s economic plan on Jan 10. He addedthat the plan needs to be explained.

Hospital toursHealth Minister Dr Jamal Al-Harbi start-

ed touring public hospitals and polyclinicsto inspect the quality of medical servicesprovided there. Harbi stressed that thetour aims at probing citizens’ problemsrelated to medical services, and the maingoal in this period is to regain citizens’ trustin medical services. Harbi also noted thathis motto is ‘Outstanding Healthcare’.

Friend’s killer found guilty

of second degree murder

KUWAIT: Kuwait Airways, the official nationalcarrier of the State of Kuwait, yesterday openedthe doors to its new Boeing 777-300ER, reveal-ing a world-class interior and on-board featuresfor passengers soon to be travelling in its three-class configured, flagship aircraft.

Revealing its dynamic new livery on itsBoeing 777-300ER, in October, at Boeing’s fac-tory in Everett, near Seattle; Kuwait’s officialnational carrier welcomed the first of 10Boeing 777-300ER it has on order, when‘Failaka’ landed at Kuwait International Airport,

on Friday. ‘Failaka’ is the name assigned to theaircraft, so-called after the small island off theEast coast of Kuwait. The aircraft’s maidenlong-haul journey arrived as a non-commer-cial flight, direct from the US West Coast toKuwait, arriving at Gate 26, at 3:20pm localtime, and was greeted with an event to markthe occasion by: Chairperson and CEO of KAC,Rasha Al-Roumi; Kuwaiti Minister of State forHousing Affairs, Yasser Hassan Abul; USAmbassador to Kuwait, Lawrence R Silverman;and President of the DGCA, Sheikh MubarakSalim Al-Sabah, as well as other senior officials.

One of the key features of the aircraft is itsnine-abreast seating configuration, whichmeans only three seats in the center aisle. Withmost airlines and aircraft of this size opting forfour seats in the middle, this ‘passenger-first’policy is already drawing praise from aviationobservers, as it will offer the widest spacing ineconomy class.

Kuwait Airways’ world-class interior is clear-ly an extension of the new rebranding and liv-ery and this has been expertly crafted intoforming a unique interior design experience,with the airline’s new identity and logo subtlyintegrated into all elements of the cabindesigns - in all three classes.

In terms of the design and ergonomics ofthe seating, Kuwait Airways chose to engagethree different companies to cater to its three-class set up; the airline opting to retain a First-Class component with the B777-300ER, whilemany other airlines offering a “3-4-3” set upand only two-classes - Economy and Business.

Having involved some of the world’s topdesigners and aircraft design companies tofit out the aircraft’s interiors, Kuwait Airwayspartnerships included: Stelia, for First-Classseating and suites; B/E Aerospace, for

Business Class seats; and Recaro, forEconomy Class, from which there is also aPremium Economy option.

Among many features, in First Class thereare a total of eight private suites, with full-flatbeds, 26-inch wide seats, a dining facility and a24-inch screen. In Business Class, there are atotal of 36 seats, 22 inches wide with a 68-degree recline, and an 18-inch screen. InEconomy Class, there are also 54 PremiumEconomy seats out of a total of 290, with seatsup to 20.4 inches wide, and an 11-inch screen.

In addition to offering further comfort andgreat features on board, Kuwait Airways hasalso installed the state-of-the-art PanasoniceX3 entertainment system. In terms of moodlighting, this is from Boeing; however, thelighting effects for the Kuwait Airways brand-ing panels were developed so as to meet the

unique specifications of the new livery andbranding guidelines and were created by AIM.

In a world-first for commercial aviation,Kuwait Airways has also announced that it hasincluded a “Do Not Disturb” electronic app, forevery seat on the aircraft. The app will informthe flight crew of a passenger’s desire to sleepand also provide a timer as to how long thepassenger has requested this feature.

“The rebranding and livery design wasinspired by an adaptation of the bluebirdemblem that has been synonymous withKuwait Airways for many years. The bluebird’shead and beak, from the logo, is now promi-nently featured on the tail and aft part of theaircraft, with a bold new font displaying theword “Kuwait” along the side of the aircraft -leaving no doubt as to the fact that it is theofficial national carrier of Kuwait,” a spokesper-

son from the branding agency commented.“The process of creating a new livery and

defining the essence of the airline’s brand wasthe first time it had been done for KuwaitAirways, so the weight of expectation washuge,” they continued. “We wanted to create afresh new look for the airline, yet maintain alink to the proud heritage and legacy ofKuwait Airways as a regional pioneer in theaviation industry.”

According to the branding agency, theproject to deliver a new livery and rebrand-ing from development to the reveal tookapproximately 18 months. “The arrival of theBoeing 777-300ER and the new livery revealwas, of course, timed so as to be the chosen‘vehicle’ by which Kuwait Airways’ new iden-tity and transformation literally came to life,”they concluded.

Kuwait Airways reveals Boeing

777-300ER’s world-class interior

Turning branding inside-out • reflecting new identity



KUWAIT: Kuwait University's Dean of Students' Affairsopened the second Canadian stamps exhibition on Mondayunder the auspices of Kuwait's National Council for Culture,Arts and Letters (NCCAL) at Sheikh Jaber Abdullah Al-JaberTheater in Al Shuwaikh.

In a statement on the sidelines of the inauguration, aCanadian embassy official extolled the university's hostingCanadian stamps exhibition, of the Canadian citizen JosephKhoury, which showcases Canada's history. The officialstressed that the exhibition is distinguished as it shows mod-ern and old stamps, referring to some stamps on Supermanand hockey game.

Meanwhile, KU's dean Students' Affairs Dr Ali Al-Nami in asimilar statement stressed the importance of hosting the exhi-bition for the second year in a row as it sheds light on Canada'shistory through stamps. He added that the KU aims to cooper-ate with various bodies to showcase different cultures.

Khoury told reporters that the exhibition aims to dissemi-nate Canadian culture in Kuwait as the stamps show his coun-try's historic development and its influence by different cul-tures. He said the exhibition contains the first stamp of Canadadating back to 1851, noting that it has all stamps issued sincethat date until 2016. He expressed his gratitude to KuwaitUniversity and NCCAL for sponsoring his exhibition. — KUNA

KU inaugurates Canadian

stamps exhibition

KUWAIT: Minister of Information Sheikh Salman Al-Sabahsaid yesterday that Kuwait "genuinely believes" in impor-tance of theater's role in development and culturalprogress. Sheikh Salman, also Minister of State for YouthAffairs and President of the National Council for Culture,Art and Letters (NCCAL), said Kuwait government has pre-pared an ambitious plan to promote role of theater.

Speaking at the inauguration of Kuwait's 17th TheaterFestival, Sheikh Salman said the government planned tomodernize existing theaters, as well as building new onesin the six governorates. He said the opening of SheikhJaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center, which he described as a

"cultural and artistic icon," would contribute to culturaldevelopment in Kuwait. Sheikh Salman said the govern-ment was eager to promote role of theater, thus formed ahigher committee for theaters aimed at developing themessage conveyed by the theater, coupled with otherefforts to discover new play writers.

He said the Theater Festival would contribute to spread-ing the culture of diversity, tolerance and accepting of theothers. Many play writers, actors, actresses and directorswere honored during the opening ceremony of the festival.The festival, to conclude on December 21, would featureseven plays all vying for the best play award. — KUNA

Kuwait believes in theater's

role in development: Minister

KUWAIT: Minister of Information Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah inaugurates Kuwait’s 17th Theater Festival. — KUNA

A theatrical display held during the festival.

KUWAIT: Hali is an Arabic word meaning fraternityamongst people of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)countries, but on Monday it was associated with cul-tural and national occasions reflecting Gulf identity.

Hali is a joint exhibition by Kuwaiti and Bahrainiartists, Mai Al-Saad and Omar Al-Rashed respective-ly, which conveyed a message of love and fraternityto people of Bahrain who would be celebrating theirnational day on December 16.

The exhibition, displaying 57 paintings, was inau-gurated by former prime minister His Highness

Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Theopening ceremony was attended by Minister ofInformation and Minister of State for Youth AffairsSheikh Salman Al-Sabah. Mohammad Al-Asousi,Assistant Secretary General for Culture at theNational Council for Culture, Art and Letters(NCCAL), said the paintings combined "Kuwaiti andBahraini environments, and their commonalities."

Speaking following the inauguration, Asousi saidthe exhibition was a documentation of Gulf environ-ment and heritage. The exhibition was part of cele-

brations in Kuwait as the 2016 Islamic CulturalCapital. Such exhibitions, he said, contributed toexchange of expertise and strengthen of relationsamong the Gulf people. Mai Al-Saad said she waskeen on displaying the Kuwaiti heritage and nation-al identity. She said the artist "is a mean to conveyheritage and memories that the artist experiencedand memorized." Omar Al-Rashed said his focus onheritage and traditions aimed at raising awarenessamong the public in the importance of "reproducingthe history of human beings." — KUNA

Hali: Kuwaiti-Bahraini artistic

attempt to revive heritage

KUWAIT: His Highness Sheikh Nasser Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah tours the ‘Hali’ exhibition hosted by Kuwaiti and Bahraini artists, Mai Al-Saad and Omar Al-Rashed respectively. — KUNA


By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: The Arab Media Forum held a ceremonyon Monday to honor 19 advertising agencies thatwon creativity awards. The ceremony was underthe patronage of Minister of Information andMinister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Al-Hmoud Al-Sabah. In his opening speech, Madhi Al-Khamees, Arab Media Forum Secretary General,said the awards are spread over seven categories:Creativity, directing, filming, effects, message, idea,and voluntary, charitable and humanitarianthemes. Two new awards were added this year:Public relations and social responsibility.

Khamees noted that advertising market inKuwait is unique because of the quality and diversi-ty of productions. "Advertisements have recentlyhighlighted humanitarian aspects, which offered adifferent quality for the agencies." He thankedSheikh Salman for sponsoring the event, andexpressed appreciation to all those who con-tributed to the success of the event, wishing them

more success. Information Ministry'sUndersecretary Tareq Al-Mezrem described theadvertising market in Kuwait as "huge and mature",and honored Khamees, the winners, the jury andguests of honor.

List of winnersIn the category of public relations, the winners

were: Ooredoo, Ministry of Information and theMinistry of Interior. In the category of socialresponsibility, the winners were: Kuwait FinanceHouse, Zain and the Ministry of Youth. Winners ofthe category of creativity: "We will sing" for Zain byJoy, and "The relation with God" for Ooredoo bySenyar. For directing: "First newspaper" for Al-Jarida by Local Flavor, "Shamel gives you whateveryou want" for Ooredoo by Senyar. For photogra-phy: "Peace be upon you" for Zain by Joy, "Better inKuwaiti" for National Bank of Kuwait by Senyar and"Land Rover" for Ali Alghanim Company by Best.

In the influence category: "Al-Rai No# 1" for Al-Rai newspaper by Local Flavor Production, "We

trusted his word" for Kuwait Financial Centre(Markaz) by Doors, and "Thank you because youare the reason of our success" for Kuwait FinanceHouse by Mindshare and Joy. In the message cat-egory: "Asakom mn awada" for Gulf Bank byImpact and Echo, and "Here is Bayan" forQualityNet by Joy.

In the idea category : "Your family is yourhouse" for Kuwait Finance House by Mindshareand Joy, and "Bella lenses" by Dot Space Group. Involuntary and humanitarian campaigns category:"Sharing is a blessing" for Boubyan Bank bySenyar. In national business category: "Saray Al-ummah" for Majles channel by Senyar, and "Mycountry" for Zain by Joy. In charitable and human-itarian category: "My voice for my country" for thepar ticipation of women for the Ministr y ofInterior. And in the press advertising category:"Toyota" for Al-Sayer by Limits. The Arab MediaForum launched the Advertisement CreativityAward in 2012 to shed light on positive domainsin media and advertising.

Education Minister

says scientific

research linked

to development

KUWAIT: Minister of Education and Minister of HigherEducation Dr. Mohammad Al-Fares highlighted yesterdaythe need to revamp scientific research for increased devel-opment and to reap the rewards of a boom in technology.

In a speech to open the 38th session of the Federationof Arab Scientific Research Councils (FASRC), Fares notedthat the Arab world has long been a pioneer in scientificresearch, citing a golden era where Europe and theWestern world lagged far behind.

Moreover, the Minister of Education underscored theneed to prioritize technological research in the Arab world,where spending on research merely amounts to 0.5 per-cent, adding that the two-day meeting allows representa-tives of Arab nations to exchange views on strategies todevelop scientific research.

Meanwhi le, on Kuwait I nst i tute for Sc ient i f icResearch (KISR), he described it as a bastion of techno-logical research, noting that KISR's inception is a testa-ment to the country's cognizance of the importance ofscientific research.

I n a speech of h is own, Undersecretar y of theMinistry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr.Azhari Abdulbaqi said that scientific research is the cor-nerstone of human knowledge and a major indicator ofglobal development.

Representative of the Arab League Ambassador WaleedOthman pointed out that scientific research is an integralcomponent of development, as he spoke of the dire needto establish concerted efforts to promote research and cre-ativity. Similarly, Secretary General of FASRC Dr. MubarakMajthoub said that research and development are ofteninextricably linked, urging Arab leaders to step up effortsto support research endeavors. — KUNA

KOC: Cost of

'Sedra 500' project

stands at $27 m

KUWAIT: The total cost of Kuwait Oil Company's (KOC)'Sedra 500' solar plant renewable energy project is $27 mil-lion, a prominent KOC engineer said yesterday. In a state-ment to the press on the sidelines of a panel discussionover the project, organized by the public relations depart-ment of the Ministry of Oil, engineer Ammad Safar saidthat the project which was launched in 2013, had onlybegun in earnest last month with a total energy of 10megawatts per day.

Moreover, he noted that the 'Sedra 500' solar plant proj-ect is part of efforts to fulfill His Highness the Amir's plan offull use of renewable energy sources by the year 2030,adding energy generated by the 'Sedra 500' solar plant isused to supply around 27 oil wells.

Through this project, Safar underscored that KOC aimsto illustrate its commitment to environmental conservationand efforts to reduce lethal carbon emissions for the goodof humanity. Meanwhile, KOC energy consultant Dr RaedSharif spoke of the company's propensity to undertakesimilar endeavors, most notably, plans to build a power sta-tion fueled by solar energy.

On Kuwait's readiness to embrace full renewable energyuse, he noted that the country possesses a solar energycapacity of more than 2,000 kilowatts per year, which isconducive to full-fledged use of solar energy. He alsounderscored the feasibility of renewable energy projects inKuwait, adding that the cost of such projects has dimin-ished in recent times. — KUNA

Education Minister Dr Mohammad Al-Fares

KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House won threeremarkable and most distinguished prizes pre-sented by Arab Media Forum in its 4th Session. Thefirst prize represents Creativity in SocialResponsibility, bearing in mind that this prize isawarded for the first time this year. Second prizerepresents the Best Media Message which wasawarded to KFH for its Ramadan advertisementtitled "I'm you Home". The third prize covers KFHmedia success and distinction including publicrelations and marketing activities as per an inte-grated comprehensive vision that places socialservice and KFH customers as the main core offocus. Public relations and marketing unit hasmade high quality social, marketing and mediacontributions in parallel with grand global compa-nies. Such contributions indicate the well-estab-lished ties with society, significant issues and

development opportunities. Prizes are awardedbased on questionnaires and on-line voting inaddition to the refereeing committee consisting of18 referees from inside and outside Kuwait.

Social Responsibility Innovation Prize crownsthe 4 decades journey of sincere contribution dur-ing which KFH has set the best example for finan-cial institutions to bear their social responsibilities.KFH has contributed to all efforts aiming to makethe State's Development Project a success by pro-viding support to public authorities and institu-tions and taking initiatives in several issues includ-ing society development, contribution of societymembers in the fields of health and youth activitiesand environment. Accordingly, KFH has reinforcedits position locally and globally based on this socie-ty support strategy.

KFH wining of the best media message prize for

its advertisement (I'm Your Home) which wasreleased during the month of Ramadan indicatesthe supreme social values and noble human emo-tions that strengthens the relations between socie-ty, KFH and customers.

The most effective advertisement prize coversKFH advertisement titled (KFH is always with you).This prize reiterates the deep recreational thinkingwhich throws light on the significance of support-ing youth in various stages of their lives includingthe building of their careers. The prize highlightsKFH support and service for youth.

The prize awarding ceremony was organizedunder the patronage of the Minister of Informationfor Youth Affairs - Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-SalemAl-Humoud Al-Sabah in presence of grand mediacompanies and establishments in addition to mar-keting experts and media members.

KFH wins three distinguished

prizes from Arab Media Forum

Information Ministry’s Undersecretary Tareq Al-Mezrem honors KFH.

Information Ministry’s Undersecretary Tareq Al-Mezrem (second right) honors actorDawood Hussein (second left). — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat

Arab Media Forum honors ad agencies

KUWAIT: Representatives of advertising agencies honored during the ceremony pose for a group photo with officials. A group is honored during the event.

F r o m t he A r a bic pr e s sWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

CrimeR e p o r t

Taxi drivers’

brawl at airport

Illicit materialJahra police foiled an attempt by a citizen to sell sex-

ual stimulation drugs he had succeeded in bringing intothe country. The arrest was made when a patrolstopped him in Rahaya, searched his car and found theillicit material. He was sent to vice detectives for furtherlegal action.

Drug possessionFarwaniya police arrested a citizen with several

drugs. He was stopped for driving erratically and policefound him in an abnormal condition. He had illicitherbs, chemical and pills. He was also found wanted ona civil case, so he was taken to the police station for fur-ther action.

Living in a whirlpool of wars surrounding my Arabnation everywhere made me dig more into thefiles of some previous wars, a thing which I doubt

any of our war leaders and strategy makers have everdone - to explore the results of such wars and the disas-ters they have brought upon mankind! I chose to readabout Hitler’s siege of Leningrad and focused more onthe social impact of this siege rather than warfare. I didthis by reading a series of articles written by Vira Abnerin Pravda under the title “I Lived in Leningrad under NaziGerman Siege”.

She wrote the following: “Temperatures went below 30 degrees Centigrade

and the ice on the streets was over 10 cm thick. Therewas hardly any house where a man, woman or child hadnot died of cold or starvation. The living used to walkthrough the city like ghosts. Women no longer caredabout their beauty or makeup. They looked more likedry reeds with eyes looking more like black holes ontheir bony faces.

“I had a neighbor called Irina Klobovana who used tobe Miss Leningrad before the blockade. Her love for herhusband was a well-known story throughout Russia. Ipaid her a visit and found her hair shaggy, as if she wasover 60. She was eating the wallpaper off her housewalls. “Why not? Isn’t wallpaper made of tree leaves? Themain thing is to keep my stomach working instead of

leaving it to wither without food,” she told me. “How isyour husband?” I asked, and she told that he had aban-doned her to live with a friend and neighbor of hers.“How come? After all that love?” I asked in shock. “I donot blame him. She has hidden her dead husband andkids’ ration cards. And my husband wants to stay alivewith her. He even took my ration card,” she explained.

“The ration card was a very precious pearl in thosedays. It was the most precious thing a man could own inLeningrad, where the army was fighting the ration cardblack market developing under German bombardment.I once saw a lady who used to be very rich selling herprecious furs for a ration card. The ration card tradeflourished with people who lost family members andburied them secretly in order to keep their cards. Deathwas more like an everyday event for the city’s residents.There were no more undertakers to bury the dead.Corpses were piled in trenches like trash. I once saw aman carrying his wife’s body, and as soon as he threwher into the trench, he fell dead on top of her!”

Writing this article, I could not stop my tears for ourfolks in Syria, Yemen, Libya and other places stricken withdaily carnage. The real disaster is that Hitler was not like abrother to the Russians, while we are killing each otherdespite our fraternity and same religion! The baffling ques-tion, however, remains: How much longer will this go on?!

— Translated by Kuwait Times

Whirlpool of wars


To start with, asking about a Cabinet formation inKuwait is motivated by exploring how the inquir-er’s interests will be handled for a short time

rather than by a wish to achieve any development! He who reads articles 24 and 25 of the civil services

decree law number 15/1979 will find an explanationfor many phenomenal role-shifts and misunderstand-ings of the concept of public service and administra-tive jobs, because these two particular articles havelong been neglected. We have all processed transac-tions at government establishments and experiencedrepeated unwanted mishaps that we have failed toovercome despite spending millions on training andbehavioral courses.

The phenomenon of using office boys in runningadministrative work and tending to transactions is agreat insult to the public. Some office boys havegrown so important and influential that they havebecome responsible for receiving and giving back files

and even finishing transactions quicker with a littlerecommendation, which is a clear violation of article24, clause A, which states that an “employee has to dothe job himself and treat the public properly”.

Another phenomenal change that is becoming adaily routine people with various transactions have torespect is the ritual of massive breakfasts behindclosed doors, during which all transactions are turneddown. There is also the changing of offices’ interiordesigns to match the habits and traditions of theiroccupants, both employees and senior officials. Somehave even been using different paints, colors and dec-orations and allocating special rest or even sleep cor-ners within offices.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is to blame forsuch phenomenal violations because it failed tochange administrative methodology by imposingstricter penalties and activating periodic monitoring atall establishments. We have never heard that a newly-recruited employee receives a list of conditions for acertain job including rights, duties and don’ts. What isactually happening is that any new recruit getsassigned to a certain establishment where he meetshis future colleagues, and together they go on doingwhat we mentioned above. How will we ever achieveany development then?!

Talk about ‘wide gaps’ or ‘there is no use’ that hasbeen used by many officials is only meant to releasethemselves from blame, while in fact it reflects theirincapability and laziness. The main reason behind thedeterioration of any public service is blaming publicservants alone for it, which can be easily seen in manycountries including neighboring ones, if we only learnthe lesson!

— Translated by Kuwait Times

Office boys

become clerks


By Mudaffar Abdullah


KUWAIT: A bedoon roaming taxi driver attempted to pickup a passenger who arrived at Kuwait airport, whichangered official airport taxi drivers, who prevented himfrom leaving with the passenger. The bedoon driverrefused to back down and things escalated to exchangingblows. Policemen attempted to resolve the problem, butmatters went out of hand when the airport taxi driversinsisted the bedoon be punished, which created chaos anddisrupted traffic in front of the arrivals hall. All thoseinvolved were taken to Jleeb Al-Shuyiukh police station forquestioning.

Bootleggers bustedAn attempt by two Indian drivers to flee revealed a deal

to sell 139 bottles of homebrewed liquor in Farwaniya. AFarwaniya patrol suspected two cars in an open area, andwhen they approached them, the men fled on foot, butwere caught. The liquor was found in one of the cars, andboth confessed to a deal to sell them.

By Dr Najem Abdul Kareem


“employee has to do the job himself and treat the public properly”

Attempted rapeAhmadi detectives are looking for a man who abducted

an Ethiopian woman, took her to an isolated area in anattempt to rape her, according to her statements. Sheadded that when she resisted him, he tore off her clothes,leaving her half naked. She managed to walk to a street,and someone took her to the police station. — Al-Rai

Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A hallway built with classic designs. — KUNA

KUWAIT: As part of its leading socialresponsibility program, and its contin-ued moral and f inancial suppor t ofyouth and education focused initiatives,Kuwait International Bank (KIB) recentlysponsored a number of graduation proj-ects developed by students from theCollege of Engineering and Petroleum atKuwait University, who are taking part inthe University ’s annual EngineeringDesign Exhibition.

Commenting on the sponsorship,Nawaf Najia, Manager of the CorporateCommunications Unit at KIB, said:“Supporting engineering students atKuwait University and sponsoring theirgraduation projects every year comes inline with our encompassing program ofinitiatives specifically targeting the youthpopulation. KIB is a keen advocate ofyouth across Kuwait, and we are heavilyinvested in supporting their ideas, foster-ing their creativity and adopting many oftheir projects - as we adamantly believethese ideas and projects are a key ele-ment that will ensure a bigger andbrighter future for our country.”

This year, KIB selected a number ofgraduation projects from the College ofEngineering and Petroleum. One theprojects selected was the “Production ofBenzene” project, spearheaded by engi-neering students Abrar Al-Kandari, FajerAl-Hajri, Mariam Huneidi, Munira Al-Hajri,and Shahad Al-Enezi. The project focuseson the re-manufacturing of gasoline toproduce various products including aro-matic compounds, rubber, plastic, nylonand so on. The second project was the“Eco-Friendly Walking Path”, a projectdeveloped by engineering studentsSarah Al-Jabri , Shouq Al-Sharie,Kolthoum Al-Najdi, Dana Al-Dabassi, andHadeel Al-Azemy. The project aims to

create a pollution free walking area, pro-viding the community with a healthyvenue for them to exercise and get somephysical activity. In an effort to promoteeco-friendly practices, the flooring of thewalking pathway is constructed from anew compound created using solidwaste matter.

KIB’s sponsorship also included the“Self-Erasing Board” project, which wasdeveloped by engineering studentsAhmed Al-Mutairi, Abdelaziz Al-Hassan,Ali Al-Oun, and Mohammed Al-Batny. Theproject focuses on designing a smartboard for classrooms featuring two quickand automated erasing systems - the firstto erase the whole board and the secondto erase select sections of it only. Theproject aims to develop the learningprocess and use modern technologies tohelp educators and ease their burdens.Additionally, “My Zone” was one the proj-ects chosen this year by KIB. Developedby students Hanan Al-Harby, Sarah Al-Khudr, Sheikha Al-Hashash and Nada Al-Eissa, “My Zone” revolves around the ideaof designing smart desk which features awireless charger, a pad for heating andcooling beverages, and a touch screen.All these smart features can easily be con-trolled via a smart phone application. Thesmart desk also contains drawers that areopened and locked using a fingerprint, toensure maximum privacy.

Najia concluded by saying that KIB isalways keen on interacting closely withthe youth in Kuwait, and keeping anongoing open dialogue with them.Additionally, the Bank has developed anumber of products and services specifi-cally designed to suit their modernlifestyles, including the Shabab Al-DawliAccount, which provides saving andinvesting capabilities simultaneously.

Nawaf Najia, Manager of the Corporate Communications Unit is pictured with agroup of students from one of the projects.

KIB supports students at College

of Engineering and Petroleum

KUWAIT: Mnahi Obaid Al-Osaimi, a student atKuwait University’s Commercial Studies College(Law Department), carried out a study on judicialruling implementation, which concluded that theimplementation of a court’s verdict is not to bedone without rules and standards. The Kuwaitilegislator allowed the implementation of a courtverdict, but did not allow malicious action, whichmeans when a ruling goes in a person’s favor in acase in which he is indebted with a small debt,the demand of repayment should not require thesale of a house or any other personal property torepay said debt.

‘Malicious action’

not allowed


Malaysia crowns new youthful kingIndia arrests 20 over failure to stand for anthem

Page 11 Page 12

ALEPPO: Once renowned for its bustling souks, grandcitadel and historic gates, Aleppo’s Old City has been ren-dered virtually unrecognizable by some of the worst vio-lence of Syria’s war. For centuries, Aleppo was Syria’s eco-nomic and cultural powerhouse, attracting tourists fromaround the world to its celebrated heritage sites. But now,only gaunt stray cats roam the rubble-strewn alleyways ofits Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, after years ofsavage conflict. In the famed Al-Hatab Square, recentlyrecaptured by the Syrian army, lawyer and Aleppian histori-an Alaa Al-Sayyed could scarcely believe his eyes.

Al-Hatab was one of the oldest squares in the city, but itnow lay dotted with sand barricades and the charred rem-nants of overturned buses. “I couldn’t even recognize itbecause it was so severely damaged. I told myself, this can’tbe Al-Hatab square,” he said. The Old City became one ofAleppo’s bloodiest front lines after rebel groups overranthe eastern half of the city in mid-2012, a year after the con-flict began with anti-government protests.

For four years, it was caught between opposition fac-tions in the east and government forces in the west.Fighting destroyed the 11th century minaret of Aleppo’sfamed Ummayad mosque and heavily damaged the oldCrusader citadel. Faced with a blistering offensive byforces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, opposition fac-tions withdrew from the Old City on December 7 in ahighly symbolic retreat.

‘Irreplaceable heritage’ Aleppo’s covered market-the largest in the world-

served for centuries as a gathering place for artisans andtraders. They came from across the globe to its 4,000shops and 40 caravanserais, roadside inns for travelers.But now the market’s walls are scarred by years of gunfire,rockets and mortar rounds-attacks that Sayyed called“unjustifiable” because of the area’s historical value. Themarket was “the economic heart of Aleppo and an irre-placeable piece of heritage”, he said. Attacking it “was adecisive blow against Aleppo’s economy, because thou-sands of Aleppian families, whether rich for poor, reliedon the souk for their livelihoods.”

Abu Ahmad, 50, once owned several shops in the oldmarket where he sold vibrant fabrics that he producedelsewhere in the city. Forced to leave his storefronts behindas fighting there intensified, he opened a kiosk selling cof-fee and other hot drinks in the government-held Aleppodistrict of Furqan. “I sold my wife’s jewelry so I could buythis kiosk,” Abu Ahmad said, tears welling in his eyes and hisvoice cracking on a cold December morning. He said hehoped to return and find his old storefront intact, but wasprepared to sell his car to rebuild if necessary. “I’m a trades-men, and I don’t want to leave my trade. I want to pass it onto my son,” he said.

Aleppo’s famed Old City left ‘unrecognizable’ by war

ALEPPO: A general view shows a severely damaged street in Aleppo’s Al-Kalasseh neighborhood in theeastern part of the war torn city. —AFP

Ghost town The war also ravaged the touristic area around Aleppo’s

famed citadel, including the Al-Sultaniyah mosque andthe imposing white-stoned Grand Serail. The luxuriousCarlton Hotel was completely leveled by a massive rebeltunnel bomb in February 2014. In nearby Aqyul district,the rows of demolished residential buildings seemed toextend endlessly towards neighboring Bab Al-Hadid.Broken washing machines, air conditioning units, and oth-er household items lay in heaps outside, while torn piecesof blue canvas fluttered in window frames where the glasshad been blown out by explosions.

One stray cat wandered aimlessly across the mainstreet, pausing to sniff at a decaying body still lying in thestreet. Even the local cemetery did not survive the battleunscathed, with parts of shattered tombstones strewnacross patches of dried grass. In Bab Al-Hadid, home toone of the city’s best-preserved historical gates before thewar, there was a similar silence. Near its square, whichdates back to 1509 AD, storefronts were still painted withthe three-star flag of Syria’s beleaguered opposition.“From Houran (in the south) to Aleppo, the revolutioncontinues,” reads graffiti scrawled on a wall in the desert-ed neighborhood. —AFP

US Republicans want to overhaul

Social SecurityWASHINGTON: A key Republican lawmaker wants to overhaulSocial Security, the decades-old program that provides benefits tosome 60 million retirees and disabled, with a plan to graduallyincrease the retirement age and slow the growth of benefits forhigher-income workers. Rep Sam Johnson of Texas, the chairmanof the House Ways and Means subcommittee on Social Security,introduced legislation just before the end of the congressional ses-sion last week that he said would “permanently save” the program.He said the bill would increase benefits for lower-income workers.

About 168 million people work and pay taxes toward theinevitable monthly Social Security benefits. About 42 million ofthe beneficiaries are retirees and their families. The trustees whooversee Social Security say it has enough money to pay full bene-fits until 2034, and then Social Security will collect only enoughtaxes to pay 79 percent of benefits. Unless Congress acts, millionsof people on fixed incomes would get an automatic 21 percentcut in benefits. “Americans want, need, and deserve for us tofinally come up with a solution to saving this important program,”Johnson said. Next year, with Donald Trump as president, con-gressional Republicans plan to take a wrecking ball to the eightyears of President Barack Obama’s policies, from the health carelaw to environmental regulations. Medicare, a program createdunder another Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson, is in the crosshairsof Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Trump’s pick for Health andHuman Services secretary, Rep Tom Price.

Ryan and Price favor privatizing the program, arguing that avoucher-system is necessary to ensure Medicare’s long-term sol-vency. Conservatives like Johnson, who have pushed their priori-ties for years under divided government, see an opportunity totackle Social Security next year. Johnson’s bill is designed to slowthe growth of Social Security costs while boosting some mini-mum benefits for those who earned lower wages over longercareers. It would also limit the size of benefits for spouses andchildren of high-income earners, among other changes in howthe benefits are calculated.

The retirement age would be gradually increased to 69, start-ing with those who were born in 1968 and would likely retire inthe mid-2030s. Currently, individuals can receive benefits as earlyas age 62. The bill’s summary says the new retirement age wouldbetter reflect Americans’ longer life expectancy. But it’s unclear ifhis proposal - or any others to revise Social Security - will move.Trump, who enjoyed strong support from working-classAmericans, promised during the campaign not to cut SocialSecurity and Medicare. Ryan told CBS’ “60 Minutes” earlier thismonth that he has no plans to change Social Security.

The issue has long been unpopular on Capitol Hill, whereeven some GOP lawmakers are nervous about changing a pro-gram seniors rely on so heavily. President George W Bush pro-posed a partial privatization of the program in his second term,but the effort failed in a Republican-led Congress and may havecontributed to his party’s sweeping losses in the 2006 midtermelections. Neither Ryan nor the Republican chairman of the Waysand Means Committee, Texas Rep Kevin Brady, would endorseJohnson’s bill. AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for Ryan, said thebill “is one of many Republican ideas put forward to strengthenthe program.” Lauren Aronson, a spokeswoman for Brady, said heappreciates Johnson’s commitment to a thoughtful conversationbut also “sees the proposal as one of many ideas” to address theprogram’s challenges. —AP


CAIRO: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi (center) speaks next to Egypt’sCoptic Pope Tawadros II during the funeral of the victims of a bomb explosionthat targeted a Coptic Orthodox Church the previous day in Cairo. —AFP

CAIRO: Egypt’s Interior Ministry has accusedfugitive Muslim Brotherhood leaders who havefled to Qatar of training and financing the per-petrators of the bomb attack on a Cairo churchthat killed 25 people. It said investigationsrevealed the group was led by a suspect whoreceived financial and logistical support andinstructions to carry out the attacks byBrotherhood leaders residing in Qatar. TheMuslim Brotherhood had denied any involve-ment with the explosion at the Saint Peter andSaint Paul Church on Sunday.

The incident was the deadliest attack inrecent memory on the Christian minority, whomake up about 10 percent of Egypt’s popula-tion. In a statement, the interior ministry saidinvestigations showed 22-year-old MahmoudShafik Mohamed Mostafa, the suspected sui-cide bomber, had been arrested in 2014 whilesecuring Muslim Brotherhood convoys whilearmed. He was released in May the same year.President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi had namedMostafa as the suicide bomber earlier onMonday, during a funeral held for the victims.

Mostafa was wanted for two other cases inconnection with fundamentalist groups, theministry said in the statement. DNA testing ofbody parts found at the scene matched with hisfamily, it said. During investigations, authoritiesfound two explosive belts ready to be detonat-ed, as well as other materials used to makeexplosive devices, at a hideout used by Mostafaand his group. The attack occurred duringSunday service at the church adjacent to SaintMark’s Cathedral, the seat of Coptic PopeTawadros II. There has been no claim of respon-sibility for the bombing, but Coptic Christianshave been previously targeted in Egypt.

Suspects namedThe interior ministry also named the four

other people whom Sisi said had been arrested.Rami Mohamed Abdel Hameed Abdel Ghani issuspected to have provided refuge for the sui-cide bomber, preparing him, and hiding theexplosives. The three others are MohamedHamdi Abdel Hamid Abdel Ghani, MohsenMostafa el-Sayed Qassem, and Ola Hussein

Mohamed Ali, a woman. The detainees will bepresented to state security prosecution, whileauthorities are still chasing others, according tothe statement. It said the group was led by sus-pect Mohab Mostafa el-Sayed Qassem, alsoknown as “The Doctor”, who travelled to Qatarin 2015 where he met with some MuslimBrotherhood leaders who had fled Egypt.

Qassem was offered financial and logisticalsupport to carry out attacks in Egypt and uponhis return, he travelled to North Sinai province,where Islamist insurgents trained him in usingweapons and making explosive devices. WhenQassem returned to his home in Cairo, theBrotherhood members residing in Qatarinstructed him to start preparing and planningfor attacks targeting Copts. The attacks were“aiming to foment a large-scale sectarian crisis”without linking the group with these attacks,the interior ministry said.

The interior ministry statement claims agroup named The Egyptian RevolutionaryCouncil, an alleged arm of the Brotherhood, hasissued a statement on December 5 “vowing totarget the heads of the Orthodox Churchbecause of its support for the state.” Sunday’sblast was the worst attack on the CopticChristian community since a 2011 suicidebombing killed more than 20 worshippers out-side a church in the coastal city of Alexandria.Copts have faced persecution and discrimina-tion dating back to the 30-year rule of HosniMubarak, who was toppled by a popular upris-ing in 2011.

After the 2013 ouster of MuslimBrotherhood president Mohamed Morsi, hisIslamist supporters accused the Christian com-munity of supporting his overthrow. They point-ed to the appearance of Tawadros next to Sisi inJuly 2013, when the then army chief-also sur-rounded by Muslim and opposition figures-announced Morsi’s removal on television.Following the deadly dispersal by securityforces of two pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairoin August 2013, at least 42 churches wereattacked, as well as dozens of schools, housesand businesses belonging to Copts, accordingto Human Rights Watch. —AFP

Egypt accuses Brotherhood of

supporting Church attackers

ATHENS: As the battle for Aleppo entersits final phase, Syrians now living inGreece feel utterly consumed by thehuman cost of the four-year rebel fightfor the traumatized city. “For these years,

Aleppo was free,” says Majd Ahmad, a 26-year-old, currently living in a squattersapartment in the bohemian Athens dis-trict of Exarchia. “We fought for the revo-lution and now everything is collapsing.

Every person who wanted more libertyin Syria is either dead or had toflee.”Having arrived in Greece ninemonths ago, like the majority of the62,000 exiles stuck here since the closureof the country ’s northern borders,Ahmad feels helpless.

“What was the purpose of our fight?”asks the former university student, exhal-ing the smoke of one cigarette beforelighting another, while scouring hissmartphone for the latest news updates.“I have lost so many loved ones. I do notwant to lose more.” Syrian PresidentBashar Al-Assad’s forces now hold morethan 90 percent of the onetime opposi-tion stronghold of east Aleppo, andappear on the verge of retaking theentire city. Its fall would deal the rebelstheir worst defeat since the beginning ofSyria’s conflict in 2011, and leave thegovernment in control of the country’sfive major cities.

“I cannot describe my sorrow,” saysanother exile, a 24-year-old former stu-dent now in Athens speaking under thepseudonym of Abu Habib. “My entirecity has been destroyed, so many chil-dren died, and for what?” says Habib,who fled Syria to avoid forced conscrip-tion. The rebels seized control of east

Aleppo in 2012, a year into an uprisingthat began with anti-governmentprotests but spiraled into a civil war aftera regime crackdown.

An estimated 120,000 people havefled rebel-held districts, many headingtowards displacement centres in govern-ment-controlled areas to the west. Inthe three-week assault by the Russian-backed Assad’s forces to retake eastAleppo, the country ’s biggest city,observers described air strikes andregime rocket fire so intense that win-dows in the west ratt led. Manycrushed under rubble have been leftto die because rescue crews cannotreach them.

‘Pray to stay alive’Lodged in squats or flats rented by

the UN refugee agency, the young menin Athens spend most of their time onTwitter and Facebook, trying to stay intouch with loved ones in the city. “Mygrandparents and cousins are still in thecity,” says Habib. “They cannot go out,they are running low on food and medi-cine and each time they hear a plane flyoverhead they pray to stay alive,” headds. Abu Rmosh-another pseudonym-lost his wife and two children, aged one

and three, in the bombardments.After having fled the country to

escape forced military service, the 30-year-old regrets leaving his parents andother relatives behind. “I lost everything.My family, my life,” the blue-eyed Syriansays, adding that there was “no sense” inthe fight for Aleppo, with both sidesguilty of killings and theft of humanitari-an aid. Like many fellow Syrian refugees,Abu Rmosh is also seething at the appar-ent inaction of the international commu-nity.”Why did the United States and oth-er great powers allow a massacre of thisscale to happen,” he asks.

Radoslaw Rzehak, UNICEF’s fieldoffice chief in Aleppo, estimates that halfa million children in Aleppo need somekind of psychological and social sup-port, including 100,000 who need morespecialized assistance. “I have neverseen in my life such a dramatic situation(as) what is happening to children inAleppo,” Rzehak, who has been workingfor UNICEF for the past 15 years said.Some Western observers say the fall ofAleppo will be a pivotal turning pointakin to Stalingrad in World War II, whileothers question whether Assad can stillprevail in a country where he is widelydespised. —AFP

With rebel Aleppo to fall, Syrians abroad ponder cost

JERUSALEM: Israeli lawyers willpetition the Supreme Court yester-day to intervene over the awardingof a defense contract to Germany’sThyssenKrupp amid allegations ofa conflict of interest involvingPrime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu’s own lawyer. The peti-tion, sponsored by Erel Margalit, ahigh-tech entrepreneur and oppo-sition member of Israel’s parlia-

ment, argues that there was a lackof transparency in how a $2 billionorder for three submarines andfour patrol vessels was awarded toThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

The concerns focus on the roleof Netanyahu’s personal lawyer,David Shimron, who is also hiscousin. Shimron represented the

intermediary on the deal, Israelibusinessman Miki Ganor, whoIsraeli media say is set to earn $10million. Shimron has denied anyimpropriety and Netanyahu hassaid he stands fully behind him.The attorney-general has orderedpolice to investigate Shimron, butMargalit says it is too narrow aninquiry and a much broader inves-tigation is required.

“Israel needs to buy arms,planes, ships and missiles,”Margalit, a member of the mainopposition centre -left ZionistUnion party said. “If someone isplaying games with that, then itundermines trust and it needs tobe investigated. “The way thesedeals were handled compromised

our ability to understand what’sgoing on.. . I ’m talk ing about amajor diversion of security armsdeals. These are serious issues.”

The petition is what is known inIsrael as a “show cause” order. If act-ed upon, it would involve theSupreme Court asking the attor-ney-general to explain why hedoes not see fit to widen the scopeof his investigation. The court has

issued many such orders in thepast, including a high-profile onein 2011 when it asked the govern-ment to explain its security policiestowards Israeli Arabs. As well as therelationship between Shimron andGanor, which ThyssenKrupp hassaid it is also investigating, Margalitsaid several other aspects of the

agreement should give the Israelipublic cause for concern.

‘Checks and balances’ First, for decades Israel relied on

a former brigadier general,dubbed the “Submarine King”, tobroker orders with Germany. But in2009 he was unexpectedlyreplaced by Ganor, who has farless experience. Ganor has notspoken about his role. Secondly,since the deal was finalized inOctober, it has emerged that Iran’sforeign investment fund is a majorshareholder in ThyssenKrupp, witha 4.5 percent stake.

With Israel and Iran enemies,Margalit said Israelis deserved reas-surances that Tehran is not benefit-ing from the deal. A further area ofconcern is that Israel’s formerdefense minister originally planneda tender for the patrol vessels, withseveral countries interested in bid-ding. But instead of a tender, the$450 million contract was awardedto ThyssenKrupp. The governmenthas said it followed all appropriateprocedures. “I’ve taken 14 compa-nies public on Nasdaq,” saidMargalit , who star ted one ofIsrael’s most successful venturecapital funds. “ There’s a trans-parency involved.

“When it comes to these con-tracts, we do not know many of theissues... You have to ask yourself ifthere was proper conduct. That’s whywe need a full investigation.” Theright-wing Netanyahu, who has beenin power for 10 years spread overfour terms, has drawn frequent legalscrutiny, including over whether heand his wife have used state funds tosupport what critics say is a lavishlifestyle. There is no indication thesubmarine affair reaches his officedirectly, but Margalit said the publicdeserved clarity. “We need to makesure the attorney-general explainshimself... and that there are checksand balances on a moral and person-al level.” —Reuters

Doubts about submarine deal

trigger Israeli court petition

Questions raised about middleman and Netanyahu’s lawyer

NEVATIM AIR BASE, Israel: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (3rd right) look at one ofthe first two F-35 stealth fighter jets purchased in the United States next to its pilot (2nd right),an Israeli officer, after he landed at the Israeli Nevatim Air force base in the Negev desert, nearthe southern city of Beersheva. —AFP

TEHRAN: Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani yesterdayordered the country’s scientists to start work onnuclear-powered ships in response to the expectedrenewal of sanctions by the United States. In lettersread out on state television, Rouhani criticized the USmove as a breach of last year’s nuclear accord andtold Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization to start workon “planning the design and production of nuclearfuel and reactors for maritime transport.” The presi-dent said he had also ordered the foreign ministry toprepare a legal complaint to the international com-mittee that oversees the nuclear accord.

Under the deal signed in July 2015, world powersagreed to lift international sanctions in exchange forcurbs to Iran’s nuclear program. But US lawmakersrecently voted to renew 10-year-old sanctions legisla-tion against Iran related not just to nuclear issues, butalso ballistic missile-testing and human rights.President Barack Obama is expected to sign themeasure into law in the coming days, saying it makesno difference to last year’s agreement because theWhite House will continue to suspend all the sanc-tions linked to Iran’s nuclear program.

Iranian lawmakers had raised the prospect ofbuilding nuclear-powered ships and submarines backin 2012 at the height of tensions with the internation-al community over the nuclear program.International analysts said the announcement waslikely just a bluff, since it would be an extremely costlyeffort for little strategic gain. Then nuclear chiefFereydoon Abbasi Davani said that Iran had thecapacity to design nuclear reactors for ships but noplans to do so. He also said that nuclear-poweredships did not require the sort of highly enriched ura-nium which could also be used for weapons.

Agreement wording ambiguous Iran has always insisted that its nuclear program

was entirely peaceful, but hoped an end to sanctionswould help revive its battered economy. Although it

has seen a significant boost in oil sales since the dealcame into force in January, its hopes of attractinglarge-scale foreign investment have been thwartedby continuing US sanctions in other areas.

The biggest problem lies with world banks, whichare needed to finance the bigger trade deals butremain wary of returning to Iran, fearing they couldbe fined by Washington. The Iran Sanctions Actpassed the US Senate 99-0 earlier this month aftereasily clearing the House of Representatives inNovember. The language in the nuclear agreementmakes it unclear whether renewing the sanctions-and keeping the nuclear ones suspended-amounts toa violation. At a press conference last week, conserva-

tive parliament speaker Ali Larijani said parts of thedeal were “rushed”.

“Some of the sections of the JCPOA should havebeen written with more precision to stop differinginterpretations,” Larijani said. Rouhani, who is expect-ed to run for a second term in May, has faced a bar-rage of criticism from conservatives who say his teammade too many concessions for minimal economicgain. In a speech last week, he emphasized that histeam had not acted alone and that supreme leaderAyatollah Ali Khamenei was closely involved at everystage of the negotiations. “We took no step on theJCPOA issue without consulting the honorableleader,” Rouhani said. —AFP

Iran eyes nuke-powered ships after US sanctions

TAL SHEER: The body of a Syrian Army soldier lies on the ground afterheavy clashes with government forces at a military academy besiegedby the rebels in Tal Sheer, Syria. —AP

BAMAKO: Some 260 Malians expelled fromAlgeria in a massive swoop against illegal Africanmigrants arrived home Sunday to Mondayaccusing Algerian security forces of brutality andsaying many had been hurt and some killed.There was no independent or official confirma-tion available and Algerian authorities offeredno comment on the operation early this monthwhen asked by AFP.

“We were beaten up and at least threeMalians were killed,” said Ousmane Coulibaly,who was among those gathered at a govern-ment office who had returned to Mali overnight.He said the Algerian forces were “racist”.Rounded up in “a big yard” after their arrest inthe capital, Algiers, some of the Malians hurttheir heads against walls and iron bars when try-ing to escape from being beaten, Coulibaly said.“Others were hurt and one died during the

transfer from Algiers to Tamanrasset and theNiger border,” he said. The oasis city in southernAlgeria, in the Ahaggar Mountains, is the biggestcity before reaching the Niger and Mali borders.

Moussa Kante, who was also deported, con-firmed the allegations and added that the group“lacked water and food.” “When we were beingsent to Niger they gave us one loaf for 40 peo-ple,” he said. Deportees were sent to the NIgerborder by bus and then put on the road to theNiger capital, Niamey, “in trucks generally usedto gather sand,” said 22-year-old Oumar. Somesaid they had been expelled despite havingofficial papers and many claimed their moneyand phones had been seized. “We were arrestedon the first” of December, said YoussoufDoumbia. “We asked people, and the army, whywe were arrested. They told us they were vacci-nating people.” —AFP

Algeria expels 260 Malians;

police accused of brutality

TEHRAN: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (right) greets Secretary General of thePalestinian Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shalah, ahead of their meeting in thecapital Tehran yesterday. —AFP


WASHINGTON: The US governmenthas declassified a new batch of docu-ments shedding light on humanrights abuses under Argentina’s mili-tary dictatorship between 1975 and1984. The White House released about500 newly declassified records, part ofPresident Barack Obama’s pledge toprovide additional documents to helpArgentina hold human rights abusersaccountable. Obama, on his March2016 visit to Argentina, said that moredocuments would be declassified, fol-lowing the 2002 release of more than4,000 records. Those documentsshowed US officials had encouragedthe Argentine junta’s purge of leftists.

For the first time, the US this yearincluded military and intelligencerecords as requested by ArgentinePresident Mauricio Macri and humanrights groups. Secretary of StateJohn Kerry delivered a first batch of1,000 declassified records to Macriin August.

The initial set and the second set of500 records are available to the publicat www.icontherecord.tumblr.com,the White House said in a statement.“The declassification project repre-sents a historic effort by USGovernment agencies and depart-ments to search, identify, review forpublic access, and provide recordsthat shed light on human rights abus-es in Argentina between 1975 and1984,” the Obama administration said.

“These newly declassified recordsrepresent a continued commitmentby the United States to promote jus-tice and reconciliation in Argentina, to

underscore the importance of trans-parency, and to highlight our sharedcommitment to human rights,” it said.“These records represent the secondstep in a lengthy and ambitiousdeclassification process.” Obama’s tripto Argentina last March was the firstbilateral visit by a US president theresince Bill Clinton in 1997. Obamapraised Macri for the economicreforms since he took office inDecember 2015 after 12 years of left-ist rule by the late Nestor Kirchner andhis wife Cristina.

Senate torture reportMeanwhile, Obama will not declas-

sify a comprehensive Senate report onthe CIA’s use of torture but he will pre-serve a copy in his presidential library,according to a White House letterreleased Monday. Obama stipulatedthat the material remain classified for12 years, said the letter from WhiteHouse Counsel Neil Eggleston toSenator Dianne Feinstein, vice chair ofthe Senate Intelligence Committee.

Amid worries the incoming Trumpadministration could move to haveall copies of the report destroyed,Eggleston said that the full 6,700-page study will be preserved underthe Presidential Records Act. “At thistime, we are not pursuing declassifi-cation of the full study,” the lettersaid. The Committee Study of theCentral Intell igence Agency ’sDetention and InterrogationProgram, completed in 2014,detailed brutal torture methods likewaterboarding used by the agency

on detainees following theSeptember 11, 2001 attacks.

It also reportedly deeply ques-tioned the effectiveness of the tech-niques, since banned by the Obamaadministration. Several copies weredistributed to key parts of the USintelligence community, which haskept them under wraps. In 2015,when Republicans took the lead ofthe Intelligence Committee, the newChair Richard Burr sought to collectthem all back. Since then, someDemocrats have pressed for therelease of the full report, fearingRepublicans aim to destroy it.Obama’s move guarantees at leastone copy will survive, if not madepublic before 2029.

Senator Ron Wyden, aDemocratic member of the commit-tee, urged Obama to put the classi-fied study on the public record andto direct that a redacted version bedeclassified, pointing to the possi-bility that President-elect DonaldTrump could revive the use of tor-ture. “President Obama has made hisopposition to torture a central partof his legacy,” Wyden said in a state-ment. “ The American peopledeserve the opportunity to read thishistor y rather than see it lockedaway in a safe for 12 years.

“It is also more critical than everthat the study be made available tocleared personnel throughout the fed-eral government who are responsiblefor authorizing and implementing ourcountry’s detention and interrogationpolicies,” Wyden said. — Agencies

WASHINGTON: US President-electDonald Trump yesterday announcedExxon Mobil Corp’s chairman andCEO Rex Tillerson as his choice for USsecretary of state to serve as thenation’s top diplomat. The followingis a list of Republican Trump’s selec-tions for top jobs in his administra-tion. All the posts but that of nation-al security adviser, the White Housechief of staff, White House director ofthe National Economic Council andWhite House strategist requireSenate confirmation:

Attorney General: Jeff SessionsSessions, 69, was the first US sena-

tor to endorse Trump’s presidentialbid and has been a close ally since.Son of a country-store owner, theAlabama senator and former federalprosecutor has long taken a toughstance on illegal immigration, oppos-ing any path to citizenship for undoc-umented immigrants.

CIA Director: Mike PompeoUS Representative Pompeo, 52, is

a third-term congressman fromKansas who serves on the House ofRepresentatives Intel l igenceCommittee, which oversees the CIA,National Security Agency and cybersecurity. A retired Army officer andHar vard Law School graduate,Pompeo supports the US govern-ment ’s sweeping col lection ofAmericans’ communications dataand wants to scrap the nuclear dealwith Iran.

Commerce Secretary: Wilbur Ross

Ross, 78, heads the private equityfirm WL Ross & Co. His net worth waspegged by Forbes at about $2.9 bil-lion. A staunch supporter of Trumpand an economic adviser, Ross helpedshape the Trump campaign’s views ontrade policy. He blames the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement withCanada and Mexico, which went intoforce in 1994, and the 2001 entry ofChina into the World TradeOrganization for causing massive USfactory job losses.

Defense Secretary: James MattisMattis is a retired Marine general

known for his tough talk, distrust ofIran and battlefield experience in Iraqand Afghanistan. A former leader ofCentral Command, which overseesU.S. military operations in the MiddleEast and South Asia, Mattis, 66, isknown by many U.S. forces by hisnickname “Mad Dog.” He was oncerebuked for saying in 2005: “It’s fun toshoot some people.”

Education Secretary: Betsy Devos

DeVos, 58, is a bil l ionaireRepublican donor, a former chair ofthe Michigan Republican Party andan advocate for the privatization ofeducation. As chair of the AmericanFederation for Children, she haspushed at the state level for vouchersthat families can use to send their

children to private schools and for theexpansion of charter schools.

Environmental Administrator:Scott Pruitt

An ardent opponent of PresidentBarack Obama’s measures to stem cli-mate change, Oklahoma AttorneyGeneral Pruitt, 48, has enraged envi-ronmental activists. But he fits withthe president-elect’s promise to cutthe agency back and eliminate regu-lation that he says is stifling oil andgas drilling. Pruitt became the topstate prosecutor for Oklahoma, whichhas extensive oil reserves, in 2011,and has challenged the EPA multipletimes since.

Health Secretary: Tom PriceUS Representative Price, 62, is an

orthopedic surgeon who heads theHouse Budget Committee. A repre-sentative from Georgia since 2005,Price has criticized Obamacare andhas championed a plan of tax credits,expanded health savings accountsand lawsuit reforms to replace it. He isopposed to abortion.

Homeland Security Secretary:John Kelly

The final leadership role of Kelly’s45-year career was head of the USSouthern Command, responsible forUS military activities and relation-ships in Latin America and theCaribbean. The 66-year-old retiredMarine general differed withDemocratic President Barack Obama

on key issues and has warned of vul-nerabilities along the United States’southern border with Mexico.

Housing Secretary: Ben CarsonCarson, 65, is a retired neurosur-

geon who dropped out of theRepublican presidential nominatingrace in March and threw his supportto Trump. A popular writer and speak-er in conservative circles, Carson pre-viously indicated reluctance to take aposition in the incoming administra-tion because of his lack of experiencein the federal government. Carson isthe first African-American picked for aCabinet spot by Trump.

Interior Secretary: Cathy Mcmorris

McMorris Rodgers, a 47-year-oldUS congresswoman from Washingtonstate, is the fourth most senior mem-ber of the House of Representativesleadership. A member of the HouseEnergy Committee, she has support-ed efforts to expand the US energyindustry such as the recent repeal ofthe decades-old ban on oil exportsand efforts to reject theEnvironmental Protection Agency’sWaters of the United States Act. Shehas also expressed skepticism aboutclimate change. Before joiningCongress in 2004, McMorris Rodgersserved for a decades in theWashington state legislature, eventu-ally becoming the first woman thereto serve as minority leader.

Economic Council Director: Gary Cohn

Cohn, 56, president and chiefoperating officer of investment bankGoldman Sachs, had widely beenconsidered heir apparent to LloydBlankfein, CEO of the Wall Street firm.Trump hammered Goldman andBlankfein during the presidentialcampaign, releasing a television adthat called Blankfein part of a “globalpower structure” that had robbedAmerica’s working class.

Labor Secretary: Andrew PuzderPuzder, chief executive officer of

CKE Restaurants Inc , which runs theCarl ’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-foodchains, has been a vociferous critic ofgovernment regulation of the work-place and the National LaborRelations Board. Puzder, 66, hasargued that higher minimum wageswould hurt workers by forcing restau-rants to close, and praises the bene-fits of automation, so his appoint-ment is likely to antagonize organ-ized labor.

National Security Adviser:Michael Flynn

Retired Lieutenant General Flynn,57, was an early Trump supporter andserves as vice chairman on his transi-tion team. He began his Army careerin 1981 and was deployed inAfghanistan and Iraq. Flynn becamehead of the Defense IntelligenceAgency in 2012 under PresidentBarack Obama but retired a year earli-er than expected, according to mediareports, and became a fierce critic ofObama’s foreign policy.

Secretary Of State: Rex TillersonTillerson, 64, has spent his entire

career at Exxon Mobil Corp, wherehe rose to serve as its chairman andCEO in 2006. A civi l engineer bytraining, the Texan joined the world’slargest energy company in 1975 andled several of its operations in theUnited States as well as in Yemen,Thailand and Russia. As Exxon’s chiefexecutive, he maintained close tieswith Moscow and opposed US sanc-tions against Russia for its incursioninto Crimea.

Small Business Administrator:Linda Mcmahon

McMahon, 68, is a co-founder andformer chief executive of the profes-sional wrestling franchise WWE,which is based in Stamford,Connecticut. She ran unsuccessfullyas a Republican for a US Senate seatin Connecticut in 2010 and 2012, andwas an early supporter of Trump’spresidential campaign.

Transportation Secretary: Elaine Chao

Chao, 63, was labor secretaryunder President George W. Bush foreight years and the first Asian-American woman to hold a Cabinetposition. She is a director at IngersollRand, News Corp and Vulcan MaterialsCompany. She is married to US SenateMajority Leader Mitch McConnell, aRepublican from Kentucky.

Treasury Secretary:Steven Mnuchin

Mnuchin, 53, is a successful privateequity investor, hedge fund managerand Hollywood financier who spent17 years at Goldman Sachs beforeleaving in 2002. He assembled aninvestor group to buy a failedCalifornia mortgage lender in 2009,rebranded it as OneWest Bank andbuilt it into Southern California’slargest bank. Housing advocacygroups criticized the bank for its fore-closure practices, accusing it of beingtoo quick to foreclose on strugglinghomeowners.

UN Ambassador: Nikki HaleyHaley, 44, has been the Republican

governor of South Carolina since2011 and has little experience in for-eign policy or the federal govern-ment. The daughter of Indian immi-grants, she led a successful push lastyear to remove the Confederate bat-tle flag from the grounds of the SouthCarolina state capitol after the killingof nine black churchgoers inCharleston by a white gunman.

Chief of Staff: Reince PriebusRecently re-elected to serve as

Republican National Committeechairman, Priebus will give up hispar t y post to jo in Trump in theWhite House, where the low-keyWashington operative could helpforge ties with Congress to advanceTrump’s agenda. The 44-year-oldwas a steadfast supporter of Trumpduring the presidential campaigneven as the party fractured amidthe choice.

Strategist: Steve BannonThe former head of the conserva-

tive website Breitbart News cameaboard as Trump’s campaign chair-man in August. A rabble-rousingconser vat ive media f igure, hehelped shift Breitbart’s into a forumfor the alt-right, a loose confedera-tion of those who reject mainstreampolit ics and includes neo-Nazis,white supremacists and anti -Semites. His hiring signals Trump’sdedication to operating outside thenorms of Washington. As WhiteHouse chief of staff, Bannon, 63, willserve as Trump’s gatekeeper andagenda-setter. — Reuters

Trump fills top jobs

US ‘declassifies’ documents

on Argentina rights abusesObama to preserve but not declassify torture report

Rex Tillerson

Ben Carson

President Barack Obama


Macedonian opposition rejects election result

SKOPJE: Macedonia’s opposition refused to acknowl-edge yesterday the narrow victory of conservatives inparliamentary elections, denouncing “irregularities” forthe first time. Sunday’s vote was part of a EuropeanUnion-brokered deal between Macedonia’s four mainpolitical parties after a mass wiretapping scandalerupted in February 2015 and sparked street protests.Late Monday, the electoral commission announcedthat the VMRO-DPMNE party of longtime ruler NikolaGruevski would have 51 MPs, two more than the SocialDemocrats (SDSM), having edged the vote 38.06 per-cent to 36.69 percent. But the SDSM, who initiallyclaimed victory, said Tuesday that “power has beendefeated and citizens have chosen life and change,” cit-ing “a number of irregularities in the pre- and post-election period”. These “influenced the final result ofthe vote,” the party said. Official poll monitor the OSCE(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe),which had 340 observers, did not speak of irregularitiesbut said there had been problems before the poll.

Opus Dei leader Bishop Echevarria dies at 84

ROME: Bishop Javier Echevarria, leader of the contro-versial Roman Catholic organization Opus Dei, has diedafter treatment in hospital for a lung infection, accord-ing to an official statement posted on Twitter.Echevarria, who was 84, died in Rome on Monday, itsaid, noting that he had been receiving antibiotics totackle the infection but it had worsened, resulting infatal breathing problems. He was born in Madrid andbecame the third person to lead Opus Dei when in1994 he succeeded Alvaro Del Portillo-who had takenover from the movement’s founder, Josemaria Escriva.Present in many European countries but also in LatinAmerica, Opus Dei is widely considered a secretiveinstitution with politicians and members of the finan-cial world said to be among its members.

Lufthansa flight to Germanydiverted over bomb ‘threat’

SAN FRANCISCO: A Lufthansa flight bound for Germanyfrom Texas was diverted to New York City on Monday due toa bomb threat, but a subsequent search of the aircraft foundno explosive device, officials said. Flight 441 destined forFrankfurt from Houston landed safely at John F. KennedyInternational Airport at about 8:30 pm local time, said SteveColeman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New Yorkand New Jersey. The bomb threat was phoned into the air-line’s headquarters. But a search of the plane was negative,the authority said on Twitter. Calls to the Port Authority andthe New York City Police Department remained unan-swered. All passengers had left the airplane and were put upat hotels, Lufthansa spokesman Joerg Waber said yesterdaymorning in Germany. He neither confirmed nor denied thebomb threat. A passenger who was on the plane, who askedto remain anonymous said the pilot announced two tothree hours after takeoff that the flight had to be cancelledand diverted to New York due to a bomb threat.

Newsi n b r i e f

KIGALI: In a church in Rwanda, sobsring out and candles flicker as refugeesfrom neighboring Burundi mark a yearsince one of the deadliest episodes ofviolence in their crisis-wracked country.Darcy, 32, is one of about 200Burundians who gathered to commem-orate those killed when an attack onmilitary installations by gunmenopposed to President Pierre Nkurunzizalead to a violent crackdown by securityforces against those seen as “enemies” ofthe state. “They entered homes, killinganything that moved inside. They rapedthe women they found inside, eventhough they were state police, soldierswho should have protected the popula-tion,” said Darcy, who fled Burundi twoweeks after the violence of December11 and 12 last year.

In the church, a weeping womanrecounts how her brother was killed inthe crackdown. The rampage of vio-lence in which several witnessesdescribed door-to-door killings in oppo-sition strongholds of the capitalBujumbura, left 87 dead according tothe government. The United Nationsestimates the figure could be as high as200. “When you see someone you knowdead, it is like a nightmare,” said Carmel,19, who fled Burundi with her family inOctober 2015. Burundi was plungedinto crisis in April 2015 when

Nkurunziza decided to run for a thirdterm in office, sparking a failed coupattempt and months of protests that ledto a government crackdown, armed

attacks and assassinations. The UN esti-mates that more than 500 people havebeen killed and some 300,000 have fledsince the crisis began. A September

report by UN rights experts recountedspine-chilling cases of torture and hor-rific sexual violence, mass arrests anddisappearances and warned that “the

crime of genocide also looms large”.Burundi has a long history of violencebetween its Hutu and Tutsi communi-ties, which led to a 12-year civil war thatended in 2006. Bujumbura has reactedto the mounting criticism by cutting tieswith the UN’s main human rights bodyand pulling out of the InternationalCriminal Court (ICC), while slamming a“foreign plot” to destabilize the country.

‘The Forgotten’The latest effort to get peace talks off

the ground ran into trouble on Fridaywhen mediator Benjamin Mkapa-a for-mer Tanzanian president-urged theopposition to focus on 2020 polls andnot those in 2015, which he said hadcome to a “legitimate conclusion”. Themain umbrella opposition movement,the National Council for the Restorationof Arusha Agreement and Rule of Law(CNARED) - which is exiled in Brussels-was furious and asked the UnitedNations to take over as mediator. “It reallyhurts me. I think that the internationalcommunity, the region, has forgottenBurundi,” said former bank employeeSerge Barahinduka, 52.

A Burundian journalist-one of manyforced into exile-told AFP she fears thatdesperation may force some of her coun-trymen “to go and fight instead of dyingof hunger here”. — AFP

Burundi refugees mark anniversary of worst bloodshed

KIGALI: Burundian refugees stand outside Regina Pacis Church in Kigali before a mass to commemorate the victims ofan attack on three military barracks in Bujumbura. — AFP

SKOPJE: Supporters of the ruling conservativeVMRO-DPMNE party celebrate the victory in gener-al elections while driving through a street inSkopje, Macedonia. —AP

Israel officials snub Swedish Foreign Minister after row

JERUSALEM: No Israeli officials will meet Sweden’s ForeignMinister during her trip to the region, a spokesman saidyesterday, after she called for a probe into the killings ofPalestinian assailants. Erik Wikenstrom, spokesman forSwedish foreign minister Margot Wallstrom said she hadwanted to meet both Israeli and Palestinian officials duringher visit from Thursday to Saturday. “This time it was notpossible to visit Israel,” Wikenstrom said. Asked why therewere no meetings planned, he said such questions must be“asked to the Israelis”. Israeli foreign ministry spokesmanEmmanuel Nahshon blamed “schedule problems” anddeclined to provide further details. Earlier, Wallstrom toldSwedish news agency TT: “I would have gladly seen myselftravel to Israel as well, but unfortunately they do not wel-come it.” There is no international airport in the Palestinianterritories. Wikenstrom declined to comment on whetherWallstrom would fly to an Israeli airport and then travel tothe occupied West Bank or go via Jordan.

YAOUNDE: A surge of violence inCameroon’s two English-speaking regions,both longtime opposition bastions, hasspotlighted the simmering anger of theanglophone minority as the nation headsfor a key presidential election. Angry pro-testers torched the national flag and hoist-ed a separatist one in its place in northwestBamenda last week, where “at least two”people were killed in clashes with thepolice, authorities said. The oppositionalleged four people had been killed and apolice station was set ablaze in the secondclash in the city between police and pro-testers in just over two weeks.

A fifth of Cameroon’s population, esti-mated at over 22 million, are anglophone-alegacy of the unification in 1961 of twocolonial-era entities previously run byFrance and Britain. For years, Cameroon’stwo anglophone regions-in the neighbor-ing northwest and southwest regions-havecomplained of discrimination under theregime of 83-year-old President Paul Biya,in power since 1982. The next presidential

vote is due in 2018. Other unrest has beenreported in the southwestern towns ofBuea and Kumba. “The government doesn’twant to listen to the population,” said SDFspokesman Denis Nkemlemo. “They sendthe security forces to repress them.”

Anglos versus Francos An exporter of oil that is rich in timber

and agriculture, the central-west Africancountry is among the most prosperouseconomies of sub-Saharan Africa, meas-ured on a per-capita basis. But the anglo-phone minority has long complained thatwealth has not been shared out fairly, andthat they have suffered discrimination atthe hands of the francophone majority. Thecurrent crisis was triggered by a strike bylawyers demanding that the anglophoneregions use Anglo-Saxon common law astheir judicial benchmark. Teachers thenwent on strike.

On Monday, a consortium of journalistassociations from the southwest con-demned the lack of translated material

from “seminars, workshops and meetings”that they attend and threatened to walkout of government press conferences ifhanded “French documents without anEnglish version”, thus “obscuring the event”.Both French and English are official lan-guages.

‘Unity is our bedrock’ Part of the protest movement has

become radical, with young firebrandsbacking a 22-year-old demand for the cre-ation of an independent state calledSouthern Cameroons. That was the termused for today’s anglophone region whenit became a British mandate territory fol-lowing World War I, when Germany lost itsAfrican possessions, including GermanCameroon. The main part of GermanCameroon became a French-administeredterritory. Moderate anglophones, though,are in favor of federalism, a system thatoperated from 1961 to 1972, when thecountry’s first president Ahmadou Ahidjoproclaimed a united republic.

Biya himself has not taken a stance onthe crisis, but with presidential electionslooming in 2018 and uncertainty over hisintentions, some leading figures in govern-ment have moved quickly to rule out con-cessions. “We are saying loud and clear thatdemands calling for the return to federal-ism are unacceptable,” Prime MinisterPhilemon Yang, himself an anglophone,said last week. “Unity is the bedrock of ourcountry.”

A veteran figure in national politics, thehead of the national assembly CayayeYeguie Djibril, a francophone, took a toughline. “I denounce and condemn with everybreath in my body any wish to partitionCameroon,” he said. The United States hasvoiced concern over the violence in Bueaand Bamenda and called on both sides toexercise restraint. Amnesty Internationalhas said the authorities used “excessiveforce” in Bamenda, while the CatholicChurch in Cameroon has condemned “theuse of excessive force in pursuit of rights orof maintaining peace.”— AFP

A surge of violence in Cameroon’sminority English-speaking regions

Angry protesters hoist separatist flag

WEST PALM BEACH: Prosecutorshave long contended that DaliaDippolito’s own words prove shewanted a hit man to murder her new-lywed husband. Her attorneys haveargued detectives were more interest-ed in starring on the television show“Cops” than they were in pursuingtruth and justice. Neither side strayedfrom their scripts during closing argu-ments at her retrial Monday.Prosecutor Craig Williams spent mostof his closing argument replaying hid-den-camera videos that have beenseen by millions on “Cops,” “20/20” andonline since the department madethem public in 2009.

In one, Dippolito demanded thather former lover MohammedShihadeh find her a hit man, givinghim a $1,200 deposit for his troubleand to buy the killer a gun. In another,she told undercover detective WidyJean, portraying the would-be hitman, she was “5,000 percent sure” shewanted her husband dead. “This caseis based 100 percent on her words,her actions, her intent - all day, everyday,” Williams told the six-memberPalm Beach County jury, pointing atthe expressionless defendant.

When Jean said he would put twobullets in Michael Dippolito’s head

and she agreed, “it’s over,” Williamssaid. When she promised to pay Jean$7,000 and left the house the morn-ing she thought her husband wouldbe murdered without warning him,“it’s over.” Brian Claypool, Dippolito’sattorney, countered by blasting theBoynton Beach Police Department’sinvestigation, calling it “evil, manipula-tive, corrupt, self-serving.” He saidShihadeh first told detectivesDippolito was a domestic abuse vic-tim, and said they could have handledit simply by calling her.

Instead, he said, detectives “esca-lated” the investigation to impress“Cops” producers, who were arrivingin town to film cases with the depart-ment. He slammed detectives for notrecording dozens of phones calls anda key meeting between Shihadeh andDippolito. He said police knew theseconversations would damage their“script” by showing she was beingpressured to meet with the supposedhit man.

Convicting Dippolito, he said,would reward the department’s “lyingand cheating.” “This case is way biggerthan Dalia Dippolito,” Claypool said.“ This case is about holding lawenforcement accountable, not onlyhere but everywhere....You all have a

stake in this.” Dippolito, 34, brieflycried during Claypool’s argument asother defense attorneys rubbed herback. She is being retired on chargesof solicitation to commit first-degreemurder. Her 2011 conviction and 20-year sentence were overturned onappeal because of mistakes duringjury selection by the previous judge. Ifconvicted as before, she faces a maxi-mum 20-year sentence.

Prosecutors didn’t lay out a motiveduring this trial. Previously, they saidthey believe she wanted control of herhusband’s $250,000 savings and their$225,000 town house. Neither didDippolito testify this time. At her pre-vious trial and during court hearings,she said she was only acting, thinkingthey were involved in an ill-plannedvideo project aimed at landing theirown reality TV show. She also saidpreviously that Shihadeh threatenedher with a gun if she didn’t meet Jean.Michael Dippolito and Shihadeh havedenied there was a video project andShihadeh has denied threateningDippolito. Shihadeh did say BoyntonBeach detectives threatened him witharrest if he didn’t stick with the inves-tigation. Such a threat would violatedepartment policy. Jury deliberationsare expected to begin today. — AP

RABAT: Trouble is stirring in the remote sands of disputedWestern Sahara in an area near the Mauritanian borderwhere moves by the pro-independence Polisario Fronthave riled Morocco. The Algiers-backed Polisario has set upa new military post in the Guerguerat district on theAtlantic coast, within a stone’s throw of Moroccan soldiers.In pictures posted online, its leader Brahim Ghali, in mili-tary fatigues and sporting a white moustache, is seenreviewing his troops with all-terrain vehicles parked in thedunes behind.

Ghali’s mission was to supervise the establishment of a“support base” in Guerguerat, in the far south of the territo-ry, according to pro-Polisario websites. War broke out in1975 when Morocco sent troops to the former Spanishcolony and battled Polisario Front fighters, who declared aSahrawi Arab Democratic Republic the following year. AUN peacekeeping force, MINURSO (United Nations Missionfor the Referendum in Western Sahara), was established in1991 when a ceasefire took effect.

Morocco insists Western Sahara is an integral part of thekingdom, despite UN resolutions that task MINURSO withorganizing a referendum on self-determination. Since mid-August, Guerguerat has become a source of tension betweenRabat and the Polisario. In a move it says is designed tocounter trafficking, mostly in drugs and stolen cars, theMoroccan army has started to build a tarmacked roadbeyond the 2,500-kilometre-long (1,600-mile) sand wall thatsurrounds the 90 percent of the territory which it controls.

Polisario elements have since entered the area, bringingthem close to Moroccan military positions, and the twosides have traded accusations of violating the terms of the1991 ceasefire. The United Nations has deployed a numberof unarmed MINURSO blue helmets to the area andwarned of the “regional implications” of any resumption ofhostilities. Rabat has given assurances of “restraint” butstressed it remains determined to complete constructionof the road from Guerguerat to La Guera, a ghost town fur-ther south, just 15 kilometers (nine miles) across the borderfrom Mauritania’s second city Nouadhibou. At the end ofSeptember, less than 3.5 kilometers remained to be built,but there has been no progress report since then.

‘Gesturing’ For Morocco, an advanced Polisario outpost amounts to

“a serious provocation difficult to leave unanswered”, ananalyst of the decades-old dispute said. Rabat has so farwithheld any public comment, but the website Le360,which is close to palace circles, has branded it a “provoca-tion”. It accused MINURSO of failing to act and criticizedMauritania, which allows the Polisario to move freely on itsterritory. For Le360, “a plot hatched by Algiers, to be execut-ed by the Polisario with the complicity of Nouakchott” aimsto snatch control of the Guerguerat area. The Moroccanarmy “continues to show restraint... but Polisario actionswould call for a firm and rigorous response”, it said. KhadijaMohsen-Finan, a specialist on the region and professor atthe University of Paris I, said the move was “gesturing” byGhali, who took over as Polisario leader on the death of hispredecessor Mohamed Abdelaziz in May. “Nobody expectsa military outcome to the conflict any more,” she said. “ThePolisario can’t engage in any confrontation without theagreement of Algiers, which doesn’t want one.” — AFP

Video verses police misconductargued in murder-for-hire trial

FLORIDA: Dalia Dippolito sits between attorneys Greg Rosenfeld (left) and Brian Claypool during her retrial inWest Palm Beach, Fla. Prosecutors have long contended Dippolito’s own words prove she wanted a hit man tomurder her newlywed husband. —VAP

Trouble stirs in sands of

Western Sahara


NEW DELHI: Around 20 people havebeen arrested in India, accused of failingto stand for the national anthem in cine-mas, police said yesterday, two weeksafter the country’s top court made itcompulsory. The Supreme Court ruled onNovember 30 that cinemas should playthe national anthem before everyscreening, and that the audience shouldstand, drawing angry accusations of anassault on civil liberties.

“All the cinema halls in India shall playthe national anthem before the featurefilm starts and all present in the hall areobliged to stand up to show respect tothe national anthem,” the judges said.Twelve people were arrested on Mondayat an international film festival in thesouthern state of Kerala for failing toobserve the order, police said. They said

the film-goers, who have not been iden-tified, had refused to stand after beingasked to do so by organizers and police.“They were formally arrested and laterreleased on bail,” said Sparjan Kumar,police chief of Kerala state capitalThiruvananthapuram.

Kumar said six of the 12 had beenassaulted after refusing to stand, butthat no charges would be broughtagainst the attackers. “We are yet toreceive a complaint over the assault.There is no investigation in (that) inci-dent,” he told AFP by phone. Anothereight people were arrested on Sunday ata cinema in the southern city of Chennaiafter being assaulted by a group of 20men during the interval for allegedlyrefusing to stand. They were reportedlycharged under the Prevention of Insults

to National Honor Act and face up tothree years in jail if found guilty.

The Supreme Court did not specify apenalty for failure to stand. Kumar saidthe 12 cinemagoers arrested in his statehad been charged with various relatedoffences, including contempt of court.Before the latest order, the playing of thenational anthem was only compulsory inthe western state of Maharashtra-hometo the Bollywood film industry-andstanding was optional.

There were however a number ofreports of cinemagoers being attackedfor failing to stand, even before thecourt gave its ruling. In October, awheelchair-user was assaulted in aMumbai cinema by fellow members ofthe audience who apparently failed torealize he was disabled. — AFP

India arrests 20 over failure to stand for anthem

Newsi n b r i e f

Indonesian mob kills man after school knife attack

KUPANG: A man who attacked a group of school childrenwith a knife in eastern Indonesia yesterday has died afteran angry mob beat him to death inside his jail cell, policesaid. Seven children were injured after a man went on astabbing spree inside a primary school on Savu, a smallisland in East Nusa Tenggara province. The 32-year-oldattacker tried to flee but was caught and taken to a policestation, said local officer Silfeston, who like manyIndonesians goes by just one name. But once there hun-dreds of locals, furious at news of the attack, rushed to thestation, forcing their way past police and into the cellwhere the man was being held. “The suspect was torturedby the mob and died,” Silfeston said. Footage aired on localbroadcasters showed dozens of shouting men pushingpast police and climbing over walls at the station.

China warns Trump of ‘crushing his own toes’

BEIJING: China offered its sternest rebuke yet toDonald Trump, saying anyone who challenges Beijing’sinterests in Taiwan will “lift a rock only to crush his owntoes”. “If he tries to sabotage the One China policy orharm China’s core interests, ultimately he will lift a rockonly to crush his own toes,” Chinese foreign ministerWang Yi said Monday in Switzerland according to com-ments posted on the ministry’s web site. China isclosely monitoring developments, he said, issuing awarning against “any person or force in the world”looking to play tough with Beijing on Taiwan. The com-ments come after Trump said he could jettisonWashington’s decades-old “One China policy”-a diplo-matic dodge allowing the US to simultaneously dobusiness with Beijing and Taipei. Yesterday Chinesemedia sent another fusillade toward the “presumptu-ous and ill-guided” president-elect, slamming hisapproach to Taiwan as a recipe for disaster.

BEIJING: A man reads a newspaper with the headlineof ‘US President-elect Donald Trump delivers a mightyshock to America’ at a news stand in Beijing. — AP

2.2 million Yemen children acutely malnourished: UN

SANAA: Nearly 2.2 million Yemeni children are acutelymalnourished, victims of the near-collapse of thehealth care system during two years of escalating con-flict, UN children’s fund UNICEF said yesterday. At least462,000 are suffering from severe acute malnutrition,as food supplies have been disrupted by the devastat-ing war between the Saudi-backed government andShiite rebels, the agency said. Saada province, a rebelbastion in the far north, has the world’s highest stunt-ing rate among children with eight out of 10 childrenaffected in some areas, it added. “Malnutrition inYemen is at an all-time high and increasing,” saidUNICEF’s acting country representative, MeritxellRelano. “The state of health of children in the MiddleEast’s poorest country has never been as catastrophicas it is today.”

ADEN: Soldiers and locals gather by the bodies of sol-diers killed by a suicide bomber, at a base in thesouthern city of Aden, Yemen. —AP

4 kids killed in Middle Tennessee house fire

SPRINGFIELD: Four children under the age of 10 werekilled and another child and an adult were injured when ahome in Middle Tennessee caught fire early Monday, a fireofficial said. Springfield Fire Chief Jimmy Hamill said fire-fighters arrived within four minutes of getting the call at3:34 am to find heavy fire coming from the front of thehouse in Springfield. Crews fought their way into the smallhome to search for survivors and knocked the blaze downquickly, but found four children, ages 4, 7, 8 and 9, deadnear the back of the house. Hamill says the children’s fatherand a female child were taken to Vanderbilt UniversityMedical Center in Nashville. He said the father was in verycritical condition. He didn’t have information on the child’scondition. Hamill said the mother and two other childrenescaped unharmed. A neighbor, Ricardo Morales, told TheTennessean that his wife was woken by screams comingfrom the home. “She looked out the window and saw theflames,” Morales said in an interview translated fromSpanish.

LONDON: Cyber attacks targeting theglobal bank transfer system have succeed-ed in stealing funds since February’s heistof $81 million from the Bangladesh centralbank as hackers have become more sophis-ticated in their tactics, according to a SWIFTofficial and a previously undisclosed letterthe organization sent to banks worldwide.The messaging network in a Nov 2 letterseen by Reuters warned banks of the esca-lating threat to their systems, according tothe SWIFT letter. The attacks and new hack-ing tactics underscore the continuing vul-nerability of the SWIFT messaging network,which handles trillions of dollars in fundtransfers daily.

“The threat is very persistent, adaptiveand sophisticated - and it is here to stay,”SWIFT said in the November letter to clientbanks, seen by Reuters. The disclosures pro-vide fresh evidence that SWIFT remains atrisk of attacks nearly a year after funds werestolen from a Bangladesh Bank account atthe Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Theunprecedented cyber theft prompted regu-lators around the globe to tighten banksecurity requirements, amidst a globalinvestigation by the FBI, Bangladeshauthorities and Interpol.

Banks using the SWIFT network, whichinclude both central banks and commercialbanks, have been hit with a “meaningful”

number of attacks - about a fifth of themresulting in stolen funds, since theBangladesh heist, Stephen Gilderdale, headof SWIFT’s Customer Security Program saidin an interview on Thursday. SWIFT, aBelgium-based co-operative owned by itsuser banks, had previously disclosed hacksof three SWIFT users since February butsaid those did not lead to the loss of funds.

SWIFT’s letter to customers warned thathackers have refined their methods forcompromising local bank systems. Onenew tactic, the letter said, involved usingsoftware that allows technicians to accesscomputers to provide technical support.“We unfortunately continue to see cases inwhich some of our customers’ environ-ments are being compromised” by thieveswho then send fraudulent paymentinstructions through the SWIFT network -the same kind of messages used to stealBangladesh Bank funds, the letter saidwithout elaborating further.

On Monday, a top police investigator inDhaka told Reuters that some Bangladeshcentral bank officials deliberately exposedits computer systems and enabled thetheft. He declined to identify those officialsby name or say how many there were. Thecomments by Mohammad Shah Alam,head of the Forensic Training Institute ofthe Bangladesh police’s criminal investiga-

tion department, are the first sign thatinvestigators have got a firm lead in one ofthe world’s biggest cyber heists. Arrests arelikely soon, he said. Bangladesh Bankspokesman Subhankar Saha declined tocomment on Alam’s comments. A New YorkFed spokeswoman also declined comment.

Information sharingSWIFT’s Gilderdale declined to provide

further details about more recent attacksor to name victims or amounts stolen.Asked how many heists had been attempt-ed, he said only that it was “a meaningfulnumber of cases.” “In all of these casesattackers are suspected of trying to repli-cate the modus operandi of theBangladesh attackers,” he added.

The intrusions had been detected in avariety of ways, Gilderdale said. In some cas-es, clients’ antivirus software had identifiedmalware. In others, a new feature on soft-ware SWIFT provides to clients alerted SWIFTdirectly of an attempted manipulation of aclient’s system. In one case, a financial regu-lator had notified SWIFT of an attemptedattack. Gilderdale said despite the newthefts, SWIFT believed the system wasbecoming more secure. “In 80 percent of thecases that we are aware of and where wehave completed investigations, a fraud hasnot actually ended up taking place,” he said.

“I personally am very pleased with theprogress that we are making,” he added.Successful bank hackings were too rare tosay whether an 80 percent success rate wasgood or bad, Ben Caudill, a cyber securityconsultant with Rhino Security Labs inSeattle, said. SWIFT said in its letter toclients that the cyber threats were evolv-ing. “There are likely to be multiple groupsof cyber attackers attempting to compro-mise customer environments,” it said.“There has been an evolution in the modusoperandi, signifying that attackers are fur-ther adapting their methods,” it added.

Gilderdale said it was impossible to sayfor sure whether the rate of attacks wasincreasing because previously SWIFT didnot track or receive information fromclients about incidents. SWIFT said that inall cases, the infiltrations involved cus-tomers’ SWIFT interfaces and that its owncentral communications network had notbeen compromised. The additional attacksSWIFT disclosed to Reuters do not includeothers that have already come to lightsince the Bangladesh Bank heist. Thievesstole $250,000 from Bangladesh’s Sonalibank in 2013. More than $12 million wasstolen from Ecuador’s Banco del Austro in2015. Vietnam’s Tien Phong Bank said inMay that it foiled an attempt to steal mon-ey via SWIFT. — Reuters

JAMMU: Indian movie goers stand up as national anthem is played at a moviehall before the screening of a movie in Jammu yesterday. A ruling by India’sSupreme Court last month said that the anthem must be played before everyfilm screening in the country and that audiences must stand. The court said therule was aimed at instilling a sense of patriotism. — AP

MANILA: China is ready to give the Philippines weapons tohelp President Rodrigo Duterte wage his controversial waron drugs which has claimed over 5,000 lives, the Chineseambassador to Manila said. Beijing has previously said itsupports Duterte’s bloody crime war, which has beenslammed by the United Nations and human rights watch-dogs over alleged extrajudicial killings. Beijing and Manilahave experienced a rapprochement since Duterte’s elec-tion in May, despite their conflicting territorial claims to theSouth China Sea. Ambassador Zhao Jianhua, in remarkslate Monday, confirmed China was ready to supply thePhilippines with weapons. “We’re exploring the possibili-ties of providing arms, light arms,” Zhao told reporters.“Arms for fighting against terrorism, (for the) anti-drugcampaign.” The ambassador said talks were still in the initialstages, adding there was no agreement on price or thespecific type of weapons, though they would most likelybe rifles. Since he took office the crackdown has claimedover 5,000 lives. — Agencies

SWIFT confirms new cyber

thefts and hacking tactics Hackers becoming more sophisticated

GAZA: A Palestinian youth rides a donkey cart loaded with scrap metal in Gaza City yesterday. — AFP

GAZA: The 26-year-old woman facinga death sentence in Gaza was convict-ed of killing her husband-but her trialwas secret and even her family hasdistanced themselves publicly fromthe case. Her death sentence, the firstfor a Palestinian woman in more than20 years, has raised concerns amongrights activists in the Gaza Strip, thesmall enclave run by Islamist move-ment Hamas. They are trying to pre-vent her death by hanging, while nav-igating traditional values and Hamas’sstrict rule in the territory, hit by threewars with Israel since 2008 and underan Israeli blockade for a decade. Awall of silence has also surroundedthe case.

The family of the woman, identi-fied only as Nahla A., declined to pro-vide her with a lawyer, said Zeinab Al-Ghounimi of the Centre for Women’sLegal Research and Consulting. “Theywere afraid of revenge from the hus-band’s family,” she said, explainingthat her organization had stepped inand helped. Her lawyer, BakrTorkmani, said the woman is themother of a young boy and had beenmarried against her will. She lived incomplete destitution and was repeat-edly beaten by her husband, he said.He hopes “public opinion and mediareports will have an impact on thejudges after the haste they showed inhanding out this death sentence.”

Stabbed in the back? The woman was arrested on

January 31, and Gaza’s attorney gener-al Ismail Jaber has provided an outlineof what is alleged to have happened.Several days before her arrest, she hadasked her husband out for some freshair near their small home in a poor dis-trict of Khan Yunis in the southern GazaStrip, he said. They travelled a short dis-tance by donkey cart before her hus-band “wanted to relieve himself,” Jabertold AFP in his spacious office clutteredwith files. She is then accused ofpulling out the knife she bought sever-al days earlier and “stabbing him in theback several times,” he said.

Authorities say she confessed andthat other testimony showed that thekilling was premeditated. She was con-victed then sentenced on October 5after a trial held behind closed doors.“Once all procedural steps have beencompleted, we will sign off on theimplementation of the sentence,” Jabersaid. She is the first woman to be sen-tenced to death in the Palestinian terri-tories since 1994, said Hamdi Shaquraof the Palestinian Centre for HumanRights. “There is still the possibility of anappeal and we are placing our hopes infuture rulings,” he said.

Nahla’s case has also highlightedrights groups’ concerns over the con-tinued use of the death penalty in thePalestinian territories-and especially

recent developments in the Gaza Strip.In May, Jaber announced that a num-ber of death sentences would soon becarried out in criminal cases. Later thatmonth, three Palestinian men wereexecuted for murder in the strip, draw-ing condemnation from the UN. Jabersaid at the time that the executionswere carried out as a deterrence and toreduce crime. Rights activists say thereis a lack of transparency surroundingsuch cases and point out there is noevidence the death penalty is moreeffective in deterring crime thanprison.

Son’s visit refused Under Palestinian law, death sen-

tences can be handed out for thosecollaborating with Israel, murderersand drug traffickers. But there are starkdifferences between the Gaza Stripand the occupied West Bank, the terri-tory controlled by the PalestinianAuthority, which is dominated by presi-dent Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah party. Noexecution has been carried out in theWest Bank since 2002, while only twowere carried out there between 1994and 2002. In Gaza, 33 people havebeen executed since 1994. SinceHamas took power in the Gaza Strip in2007, 96 death penalties have beenhanded out, mostly by military courtsand often for spying on behalf ofIsrael, said Shaqura. — AFP

DHAKA: Some Bangladesh central bank officials deliber-ately exposed its computer systems and enabled hackersto steal $81 million from its account at the FederalReserve Bank of New York in February, a top police inves-tigator in Dhaka told Reuters on Monday. The commentsby Mohammad Shah Alam, head of the Forensic TrainingInstitute of the Bangladesh police’s criminal investigationdepartment, are the first sign that investigators have gota firm lead in one of the world’s biggest cyber heists,which had prompted months of international finger-pointing. Arrests are soon likely, he said.

On Thursday, the head of a Bangladesh governmentpanel that investigated the heist said five bank officialswere guilty of negligence but that they were only unwit-ting accomplices. Alam told Reuters his investigationshad discovered that some bank officials had knowinglycreated vulnerabilities in the bank’s connection to theSWIFT global messaging and payments system.“Bangladesh Bank’s SWIFT network was made insecure bysome bank employees in connivance with some foreignpeople,” he said. “They knew what they were doing.”

He declined to name the suspects or say how manythere were. Alam said investigators were now trying tofind out how the mid-ranking officials were connected tothe hackers and whether they benefited financially fromthe heist. Asked if the officials would be arrested, he said:“We are very close to it.” The apparent momentum comesafter months of trading blame among Bangladesh Bank,the New York Fed, SWIFT, and a Philippine lender thatreceived much of the stolen funds before they disap-peared. The heist prompted an international probe head-ed by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Separately SWIFT, or the Society for WorldwideInterbank Financial Telecommunication, told Reuters itsmessaging system has been targeted in a “meaningful”number of other attacks this year using a similarapproach as the Bangladesh incident. Bangladesh Bankspokesman Subhankar Saha declined to comment onAlam’s comments. A New York Fed spokeswoman alsodeclined comment. Another investigator in Dhaka, whodeclined to be named, said more than 100 BangladeshBank employees had been interviewed in connectionwith the heist, and some were barred from leaving thecountry. —AFP

Bangladesh bank

officials involved in

heist: Investigator

China offers Philippines

weapons for drug war

Silence and concern surround

Gaza woman’s death sentence


SEOUL: Seven hours may have sealed thefate of South Korea’s beleagueredPresident Park Geun-hye. That was thetime between the first news reports thatthe Sewol ferry carrying hundreds of chil-dren was sinking off the nation’s south-ern coast on April 16, 2014 and her firstTV appearance that day. The tragedy,which claimed the lives of 304 people -many of them kids from one high school -continues to gnaw at the nation’s con-sciousness, especially because a rescueeffort was widely seen as botched. A lackof information on Park’s whereaboutsand actions during that time has fuelledconspiracy theories which have re-emerged during the investigation into aninfluence-peddling scandal that is poisedto bring down her presidency.

The missing seven hours may havemarked a turning point in Park’s relation-ship with the nation’s people, breedingmistrust and anger, and leaving manySouth Koreans, now seething over thecurrent scandal, to question what elsemay have been covered-up. “What wasshe doing while the children were dying?”asked Kim Geum-ja-whose son was killedin the tragedy-and who is among a groupof activists camped-out in Seoul’s mainceremonial plaza since shortly after thedisaster. “What was so urgent that she wasmissing for seven hours?”

Today, a parliamentary panel lookinginto the influence-peddling allegationswill hold a hearing specifically on themissing seven hours and is expected toprobe into exactly what Park was doingduring that time. The seven hours wereincluded by parliament in its motion toimpeach her. Park’s former medical staff,including two personal doctors and twonurses, are scheduled to appear, as is anoutside plastic surgeon who treated ChoiSoon-sil, Park’s friend at the centre of thescandal.

Last month, more than two years afterthe disaster, Park’s office published apage on its website detailing whatreports the president received, and when,on the day of the sinking in a bid to quellthe rumors about what she was doing atthe time. “We’ve repeatedly explained,two years ago and since then, that shehad been receiving reports about theSewol incident all throughout the dayand gave instructions either by phone orwritten reports,” Kim Dong-jo, a BlueHouse spokesman said.

The official timeline details exactlywhen Park received reports or gaveorders, including an early demand-lessthan an hour after the doomed ferrybegan to sink-to make sure that there areno casualties and that no one on board isleft behind. —Reuters

WASHINGTON: Leading senators sup-ported a congressional investigationMonday into US intelligence assess-ments that Russia interfered in the elec-tion, putting top Republicans on a colli-sion course with incoming presidentDonald Trump. The potential showdownbetween Trump and Capitol Hill couldbecome more contentious after the pres-ident-elect announces his pick for thecritical secretary of state post onTuesday, with key Republicans con-cerned over his expected choice,ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson.

The president-elect has dismissed theintelligence reports about Russian inter-ference as “ridiculous,” defying anincreasing number of senators from hisown party, as well as top Democrats, theCentral Intelligence Agency and the out-going White House. US media havereported for days on secret CIA findingsthat Moscow sought to bolster Trump’selection bid, against Democratic formersecretary of state Hillary Clinton, byreleasing hacked Democratic Party docu-ments. A group of 10 electors who willratify the election results next week-allbut one of them Democrats-also calledfor a full briefing on the accusationsbefore the 538-member ElectoralCollege gathers on December 19.

“Can you imagine if the electionresults were the opposite and WE tried toplay the Russia/CIA card. It would becalled conspiracy theory!” Trump tweetedas he began another day of cabinet-

building talks. “Unless you catch ‘hackers’in the act, it is very hard to determinewho was doing the hacking. Why wasn’tthis brought up before election?” Afterthe Kremlin dismissed the US intelligencefindings as “absolutely unfounded,” aTrump transition spokesman dug in fur-ther, saying it was “an attempt to try todelegitimize president-elect Trump’s win.”

‘No doubt’Republican Senators John McCain

and Lindsey Graham, as well asDemocrats Chuck Schumer and JackReed called for a bipartisan investigationwith public hearings to find out whathappened and to stop the threats that“cyberattacks conducted by foreign gov-ernments pose to our national security.”McCain told CBS television that therewas “no doubt” about the hacking. Hesaid the investigation should stretchacross armed services, intelligence andforeign relations committees in Congressto get a full picture of the story. ButMitch McConnell, the powerful Senatemajority leader whose wife Elaine Chaois Trump’s nominee for transportationsecretary, said the issue should be han-dled by the Senate IntelligenceCommittee, whose leader Richard Burrhas been silent on the issue since thereports first appeared on Friday.

“It ’s an important subject and weintend to review it on a bipartisan basis,”McConnell told CNN. Republican SenatorMichael McCaul, chairman of the

Homeland Security Committee, said itmust be “a top priority to investigate anyoutside interference aimed at undermin-ing our democratic process.” The WhiteHouse has also backed a congressionalreview. Trump has long fanned alarmamong some Republicans for calling forcloser ties with Moscow, perhaps at theirworst since the end of the Cold War, incontrast to received wisdom inWashington that Russia remains a globalsecurity threat.

Tillerson questions American intelligence previously

linked Russia to damaging email leaksfrom the Clinton campaign, but saw it asa broad bid to undermine confidence inthe US political process.

On Friday, however, The WashingtonPost reported that the CIA has since con-cluded that the aim of the cyber intru-sions was to help Trump win. The reportcame on the heels of President BarackObama’s order to review all cyberattacksthat took place during the 2016 electioncycle, amid growing calls from Congressfor more information on the extent ofRussian interference. Trump’s rejection ofthe CIA conclusions signals a likely rough

start to relations with the spy agencywhen the president-elect takes office onJanuary 20. “He believes that the CIA is apolitical institution and he’s going tohave to learn that it’s not. It is apolitical,”former deputy CIA director MichaelMorell told CBS.

The hacking scandal raised new ques-tions about whether Trump’s apparentfavored choice for US secretary of statewill be able to pass Senate confirmation.Tillerson’s extensive dealings on behalfof Exxon with Russian leader VladimirPutin have raised conflict of interestquestions.

Putin bestowed Russia’s Order ofFriendship on Tillerson. RepublicanSenator Marco Rubio, a member of theSenate Foreign Affairs Committee whichmust approve the nomination, tweeted:“Being a ‘friend of Vladimir’ is not anattribute I am hoping for from a#SecretaryOfState.”

Separately, Trump is delaying a pressconference originally planned forThursday about his global business deal-ings until January, top advisor KellyanneConway told CNN, as critics point to amyriad of potential conflicts of interest.She attributed the delay to “how convo-luted and complex many of these busi-ness holdings are,” adding that Trumpstill intends to relinquish operationalcontrol of his company while serving aspresident. “He’s just a man who’s beenincredibly successful and has holdings allacross the globe.” — AFP

Congress, at odds with Trump, eyes Russia hack probe

NEW YORK: Singer Kanye West (center) arrives at Trump Tower yesterday as USPresident-elect Donald Trump continues to hold meetings in New York. — AFP

JAKARTA: Jakarta’s Christian governor chokedback tears as he gave an impassioned defenseagainst blasphemy charges yesterday, in a courtcase that has stoked fears of growing intolerancein the Muslim-majority nation. Basuki TjahajaPurnama—the first Christian to govern the capi-tal in more than 50 years—is standing trialaccused of insulting the Quran, an offence thatcarries a five-year jail term.

The governor has apologized for his contro-

versial remarks, which angered Muslims acrossIndonesia and drew hundreds of thousands tothe streets of Jakarta in protests larger than anyseen in nearly two decades. Facing court for thefirst time, the governor gave an emotionallycharged defense against the charges, pausingseveral times to compose himself as he main-tained his innocence. “I know I have to respect

the holy verses of the Quran. I do not under-stand how I can be said to have offended Islam,”Purnama said, occasionally dabbing his eyeswith a handkerchief.

Purnama, better known by his nicknameAhok, ignited a firestorm of criticism inSeptember when he quoted the Islamic holy textwhile campaigning ahead of elections for theJakarta governorship. The governor accused hisopponents of using a Quranic verse, which sug-

gests Muslims should not choose non-Muslimsas leaders, in order to trick people into votingagainst him.

Politics at playProsecutor Ali Mukartono said the governor

had “spoken a lie” and insulted Muslims, addingIndonesia’s top clerical council had declared hisremarks blasphemous. But lawyers for the gover-

nor said their client never intended to commitblasphemy, and expressed concern thatPurnama’s case was being rushed. PresidentJoko Widodo and police, under pressure as pro-testers massed in November, promised toresolve the case quickly. Critics say the contro-versy is as much about politics as religion, as thegovernor’s foes whip up anger to reduce his sup-port ahead of a hotly contested poll in February.

Purnama is running against two Muslim can-didates in elections for city hall. He had longbeen the favorite to win the election owing tothe popularity of his no-nonsense style anddetermination to clean up Jakarta, a crowded,polluted metropolis of 10 million. But the scan-dal has eroded his chances of victory, with hisopponents gaining ground since Purnama wasnamed a suspect for blasphemy in November.Purnama said he was raised a Christian but sur-rounded by Muslims, including family friends,who had played an enormous mentorship role inhis life from when he was a child to adulthood.

The allegations that he had offended their reli-gion hurt him very deeply. “I am very sad,” he said,his voice cracking. “This accusation is the same assaying I have offended my god parents and sib-lings, whom I love and they love me back.” He alsolisted the many services he had provided for hisIslamic constituents, including the construction ofmosques, support for religious schools and dona-tion of sacrificial cows on sacred days. A smallband of his supporters kept vigil outside thecourt as a larger congregation of hardlineIslamists chanted “Jail Ahok” and held signsdepicting Purnama in prison garb behind bars.

“We will continue to fight this, and won’t beprovoked or influenced,” one of Purnama’s sup-porters said. The high-profile case has grippedthe country. The courtroom was surrounded bypolice yesterday, with the proceedings beingbroadcast live on national television. The case hasemboldened hardliners, analysts say, who havelong opposed a Christian as governor and haveused the blasphemy scandal to push their conser-vative agenda. Rights groups want Indonesia’sarchaic blasphemy laws overhauled, arguing theyare exploited to persecute minorities. The casehas adjourned until December 20. — AFP

Jakarta Christian governor

stands trial for blasphemy

Purnama accused of insulting the Quran

JAKARTA: Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, better known by his nickname Ahok,looks at photographers as he sits in the defendant’s chair during his trial at the North JakartaDistrict Court in Jakarta yesterday. — AFP

MOSCOW: Known as the SouthernKurils by Russia and the NorthernTerritories by Japan, a string of des-olate volcanic islands are at theheart of a feud between the twocountries dating back to World WarII. As Russian President VladimirPutin heads for talks with PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe in Japan overthe territorial dispute that has pre-vented the sides signing a formaltreaty to end the war, here aresome key facts on the islands:

LocationThe disputed islands of Iturup

(Etorofu in Japanese), Kunashir(Kunashiri), Shikotan and Habomaiat their closest point lie just a fewkilometers off the north coast ofHokkaido. They are the southern-most territories in a volcanic chainthat separates the Sea of Okhotskand the Pacific Ocean. They arelocated to the southeast of theRussian island of Sakhalin and areadministratively part of the sameregion, although Tokyo considersthem part of its Hokkaido prefectureand “illegally occupied by Russia”.

Torn historyRussian Empress Catherine the

Great in 1786 claimed sovereigntyover the Kuril islands after her gov-ernment declared they were dis-covered by “Russian explorers” and

therefore “undoubtedly mustbelong to Russia”. In the first treatybetween tsarist Russia and Japan in1855 the frontier between the twocountries was drawn just north ofthe four islands closest to Japan.Twenty years later in 1875, a newtreaty handed Tokyo the entirechain, in exchange for Russia gain-ing full control of the island ofSakhalin. Japan also seized backcontrol of the southern half ofSakhalin after its crushing defeat ofMoscow in the 1905 Russo-Japanese War.

Soviet takeoverThe Kuril islands have been back

at the centre of a dispute betweenMoscow and Tokyo since Soviettroops invaded them in the finaldays of World War II. The USSR onlyentered into war with Japan onAugust 9, 1945 just after the UnitedStates had dropped the atomicbomb on Hiroshima. The troopscompleted the takeover of theislands after Japan’s general surren-der later that month. Russia arguesthat US president FranklinRoosevelt promised Stalin he couldtake back the Kurils in exchange forjoining the war against Japan at theYalta conference in February 1945at which the Allied leaders dividedup the post-war world. The Sovietcapture of the islands has since pre-

vented Moscow and Tokyo fromsigning a formal peace treaty toend the war, despite repeatedattempts over the past 70 years toreach a deal. In 1956, Soviet leaderNikita Krushchev first offered togive Japan the two smallest islands,Shikotan and Habomai, inexchange for signing a peacetreaty, but in the face of US opposi-tion those talks went nowhere.

Strategic valueThe islands’ current population

is less than 17,000 people but the

territory is “important from allpoints of view”, said Valery Kistanov,who heads the Centre for JapaneseStudies at the Russian Institute ofthe Far East.

“They are rich in hot springs andminerals and rare metals such asrhenium” which is used in produc-tion of supersonic aircraft, he said.But the “greatest value” of theislands lies in their geographicallocation at the meeting of warmand cool water currents, which isbeneficial both for fisheries and theRussian navy too, he said. — AFP

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia yesterdayinstalled its 15th king, Sultan MuhammadV, a relatively youthful monarch known forhis fondness for four-wheel driving andother extreme sports. In a ceremonysteeped in pomp and centuries of tradition,the 47-year-old Sultan, dressed in gold-col-ored traditional Malay formal wear, tookthe oath of office in the national palace inKuala Lumpur.

The ceremony, marked by honor guardsand Islamic prayers, was televised national-ly and attended by Prime Minister NajibRazak and hundreds of guests decked outin Islamic finery. Sultan Muhammad V, cur-rently the ceremonial ruler of the conserva-tive Islamic northern state of Kelantan,takes the national throne under the rotat-ing monarchy in place since independencefrom Britain in 1957.In a unique arrange-ment, the throne of the Muslim-majoritycountry changes hands every five yearsbetween the rulers of the nine Malaysianstates still headed by Islamic royalty.

Sultan Muhammad V studied at St CrossCollege at Oxford and the Oxford Centre forIslamic Studies, according to official media.

He is known for a relaxed public persona,taking part in walkathons to promotehealth, and has been photographed wear-ing a baseball cap backwards. The Sultan“fills his free time by reading and has aninterest in extreme sports such as four-wheel drive expeditions and endurancechallenges and shooting,” Bernama newsagency said. Despite the merely ceremonialrole, Malaysia’s Islamic royalty commandgreat respect, especially from MuslimMalays, the country’s majority group, andcriticising them is strictly forbidden.

Portraits of the king and queen adorngovernment buildings throughout thecountry. The king is also the symbolic headof Islam in the nation, as well as the nomi-nal chief of the military. Malaysia’s sultanstrace a lineage back to Malay sultanates ofthe 15th century. The king is referred to asYang di-Pertuan Agong, or “He Who IsMade Lord”. Sultan Muhammad V replacesSultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah fromthe northern state of Kedah, now 89, whowas king previously in the 1970s andbecame the first person to hold the posi-tion twice. — AFP

Kuril islands - strategic chain at

the heart of Russia-Japan dispute

KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan Muhammad V (center), the incoming 15th king of Malaysia,inspects a ceremonial guard of honor during the King’s welcoming ceremony at theParliament House in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. — AFP

Malaysia enthrones new

king in lavish ceremony

South Korea MPs to quiz

doctors and nurses about

Park’s ‘missing’ 7 hours

This file photo shows then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev walk-ing near Soviet-era fortifications during his visit to one of the Kurilislands. Russian President Vladimir Putin heads to Japan tomorrow tomeet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the latest bid to reach an elusivedeal on a territorial dispute that has prevented their nations signing aformal treaty to end World War II. — AFP


Continued from Page 1

But Shiite MP Khaled Al-Shatti rejected callsto stage a demo outside the Russian embassy orhold a par liamentary meeting, saying that Syrianpeople should be congratulated instead for the libera-tion of Aleppo from “terrorists”.

Meanwhile, opposition MP Mohammad Al-Dallalsaid he has started collecting signatures of lawmakersto hold a special Assembly session on Jan 10 to dis-cuss the controversial economic reform package. Hesaid many points in the pack age need to beexplained. The package was strongly criticized by amajority of MPs during the election campaign.

In a related development, several pro-governmentMPs, many of whom were members of the previous

house, proposed a draft law to ban the governmentfrom raising the price of services or commoditieswithout the prior approval of the Assembly. Dallalmeanwhile said that a majority of MPs support theamendment of the one-vote election system. Also, MPKhalil Al-Saleh submitted a proposal calling on allexpatriates who come to Kuwait as visitors to havemedical insurance that covers the duration of theirvisit.

Separately, the constitutional court set Dec 25 tolook into the election petitions in the first, second andthird electoral constituencies. It also set Dec 26 and27 to look into similar petitions for the fourth and fifthconstituencies respectively. The court will likely setother dates to either hear arguments or issue its ver-dicts. The process is likely to take several months.

Opposition MPs urge Gulf to act over...

Continued from Page 1

Tillerson “will be a forceful and clear-eyed advocate forAmerica’s vital national interests, and help reverse years ofmisguided foreign policies and actions that have weak-ened America’s security and standing in the world,” Trumpsaid. As ExxonMobil CEO, Tillerson - who has spent hisentire professional life at the company, joining in 1975 -was a vocal opponent of sanctions on Moscow thatthwarted his attempt to strike huge oil deals in theRussian Arctic.

In 2013, Tillerson was awarded Russia’s Order ofFriendship by President Vladimir Putin. A senior Kremlinaide said Putin and other Russians have “good, business-like relations” with Tillerson and praised him as a “very sol-id figure”. As ExxonMobil’s president and chief executive,the 64-year-old Texan oversees the company’s businessactivities in more than 50 countries. Appointed CEO in2006, he was due to retire in March. “Rex knows how tomanage a global enterprise, which is crucial to running asuccessful State Department, and his relationships withleaders all over the world are second to none,” Trump said.

Tillerson - who has no formal foreign policy back-ground - is nevertheless sure to face sharp questions inthe Senate confirmation hearings, including from withinthe Republican party. Senior Republican Senator JohnMcCain has said Tillerson’s ties to Putin are “a matter ofconcern”. “Vladimir Putin is a thug, bully and a murderer,and anybody else who describes him as anything else islying,” McCain said before the nomination was formalized.

Senator Marco Rubio, who fought Trump for theRepublican White House nomination, tweeted: “Being a‘friend of Vladimir’ is not an attribute I am hoping for froma #SecretaryofState”. Leading senators - including McCain- on Monday threw their backing behind a congressionalprobe into US intelligence assessments on Russia electioninterference, putting top Republicans on a collisioncourse with Trump.

The president-elect has dismissed the intelligencereports about Russian interference as “ridiculous”, defyingan increasing number of senators from his own party, aswell as top Democrats, the Central Intelligence Agencyand the outgoing White House. Tillerson bested eight or

nine contenders for the job of secretary of state, includingformer CIA director David Petraeus, former UN ambassa-dor John Bolton, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman BobCorker and erstwhile Trump critic and formerMassachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

Former US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and for-mer defense secretary Bob Gates, who have done consul-tancy work for ExxonMobil, praised the choice. “He willbring to the post remarkable and broad internationalexperience; a deep understanding of the global economy;and a belief in America’s special role in the world,” Ricesaid. Outgoing Secretary of State John Kerry congratulat-ed Tillerson and said the State Department would provide“full support for a smooth transition”.

Trump’s secretary of state will be tasked with oversee-ing international relations for a president intent on trash-ing protocol and upending relationships built on decadesof delicate diplomacy. Beyond thorny ties with Russia,Sino-US relations are strained after a series of moves byTrump that provoked China, the world’s second-largesteconomy. Trump raised eyebrows by taking a congratula-tory call from the president of Taiwan, a self-ruling islandthat Beijing considers to be part of its territory awaitingreunification.

The president-elect is also courting controversy overthe state of his real estate empire. Critics argue that itwould be an unprecedented ethical conflict for Trump tomaintain interest in properties spanning the globe -investments that rely partly on goodwill from foreign gov-ernments and regulators. Trump postponed a press con-ference originally set for Thursday at which he was tounveil his plans for separating himself from his globalbusiness dealings, instead taking to Twitter.

“No new deals will be done during my term(s) in office,”he said late Monday, adding that he would leave his busi-nesses before January 20 and that his two adult sons, Donand Eric, would manage his companies. With Tillerson’snomination, Trump is wrapping up the process of build-ing a cabinet. Multiple reports say he has chosen formerTexas governor Rick Perry to be energy secretary. Hegreeted the usual stream of officials at Trump Tower yes-terday - along with rapper Kanye West. The president-elect said the unusual pair discussed “life”. — AFP

Trump taps Exxon chief as top diplomat

Continued from Page 1

It is lonely out there for these naysayers. But at leastone Republican elector, Chris Suprun of Texas, has saidthat he cannot vote for Trump, arguing among otherthings that the Republican tycoon is not qualified for thejob. Democrats are complaining about the electoral col-lege system but the Republicans are not listening.

Origins The process is enshrined in the US Constitution of

1787. America’s founding fathers saw it as a reasonablecompromise between electing presidents through adirect popular vote - which would favor candidates fromstates with large populations - and having Congress dothe choosing, which was seen as not very democratic.The Constitution lets states decide how to choose theirelectors. In the beginning, state legislatures designatedthem and it would be decades before it became votersthemselves who chose these people.

Reform attempts failReforms have been proposed many times - especially

from the late 1940s through 1979, according to a con-

gressional report, but every time, they failed. Trumphimself called the system a mess in 2012, but after hewon, he said it was “genius”. After Clinton lost, a bill wasproposed - by a female Democratic senator - to simplydo away with the electoral college. It has zero chance ofpassage.

The most solid movement for change circumventsthe daunting task of amending the constitution andwould instead create a coalition of states that agree toallocate their electoral votes to the winner of the nation-wide popular vote. This initiative is called the NationalPopular Vote Interstate Compact. So far, 11 states repre-senting 165 electoral votes have adopted this arrange-ment. They are still far from the 270 needed for thereform to become a reality.

On Monday, 10 electors found another reason to per-haps not vote for Trump: A CIA finding that Russian hack-ing of US institutions and people during the White Houserace was aimed specifically at hurting Clinton and there-fore helping him win. “If there is serious interference inour election from a foreign state that impacted the elec-tion, that is something that the electors should know andon the basis of that information, vote their conscience,”one of them, Clay Pell of Rhode Island, said. — AFP

Last hope for anti-Trump camp is Electoral...

Continued from Page 1

sat on pavements with nowhere to shelter. “There aredozens of bodies in the streets because of the intensebombardment by regime forces,” Rami Abdel Rahman ofthe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP.

Abdel Rahman, whose Britain-based group has foryears monitored the conflict in Syria, said he was unableto confirm the reports of civilians being executed or oth-er alleged massacres. But UN chief Ban Ki-moon had in astatement late Monday expressed alarm “over reports ofatrocities against a large number of civilians, includingwomen and children”. French Foreign Minister Jean-MarcAyrault said there were worrying reports from Aleppo of“cold-blooded killings of entire families”, “summary exe-cutions, including of women and children” and “peopleburned alive in their homes”. “Such atrocities are uncon-scionable. Supporters of the regime, starting with Russia,cannot let this happen.”

Syria’s army has taken more than 90 percent of theterritory once held by rebels in east Aleppo, after launch-ing an all-out offensive last month to seize control of theentire city. Aleppo, a cultural and economic hub innorthern Syria second only to Damascus in importance,had been split between a rebel-controlled east and gov-ernment-held west since 2012. Recapturing all of Aleppowill be a huge victory for Assad and leave his regime incontrol of all five of Syria’s main cities.

As of early yesterday, rebel fighters were reported tobe confined to just a handful of neighborhoods, includ-ing Mashhad and part of Sukkari. “We’re living the finalmoments before victory,” a Syrian military source toldAFP. It was unclear how many civilians remained in rebelterritory, after an estimated 130,000 fled to other partsof Aleppo during the government advance.

Jan Egeland, head of the UN-backed humanitariantaskforce for Syria, told AFP that thousands of civilianswere in need of evacuation and safe passage, includinghundreds of wounded. “Our appeal to Russia and to theSyrian government is very clear: We need a pause in the

fighting but we also need to get the people inside tohelp organize an evacuation,” he said. The InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross said there was only a “lastchance to save lives” in Aleppo. “As the battle reachesnew peaks and the area is plunged into chaos, thou-sands with no part in the violence have literally nowheresafe to run,” it said.

The government assault has been backed by heavyartillery fire and air strikes, with at least 463 civilians,including 62 children, killed in east Aleppo since mid-November, according to the Observatory. Another 130people including 40 children have been killed in westerndistricts by rebel rocket fire. Diplomatic efforts to endthe conflict have repeatedly failed, and weekend talksbetween Russia and the United States on a ceasefire toallow the evacuation of civilians made no breakthrough.Moscow is a key Assad ally and launched an air war insupport of his forces last year, while Washington andother Western nations have backed the opposition.

Turkey, which has also supported rebel forces in Syria,said yesterday it would intensify talks with Russia on aceasefire. “Today, tomorrow, everyday, we will intensifyour talks with Russia and other countries so we can finda solution to this humanitarian tragedy,” Turkish ForeignMinister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. “Our efforts continue inparticular for civilians to be able to leave and for a cease-fire.” More than 310,000 people have been killed sincethe Syrian conflict began in March 2011, and over halfthe population has been displaced, with millionsbecoming refugees.

A rebel official told AFP later yesterday an agreementfor the imminent evacuation of civilians and oppositionfighters from east Aleppo in Syria has been reached. “Anagreement has been reached for the evacuation of theresidents of Aleppo, civilians and fighters with their lightweapons, from the besieged districts of east Aleppo,”said Yasser Al-Youssef from the political office of the keyNurredin Al-Zinki group. He said the deal was “spon-sored by Russia and Turkey” and would be implemented“within hours”. — Agencies

Civilians ‘killed on spot’ in Aleppo

WASHINGTON: It may be a jilted lover looking forpayback after a breakup. Or it could be a hackerreleasing intimate images of a celebrity. So-called“revenge porn” - or the posting of nude or explicitpictures without that person’s consent - affects one in25 Americans, according to a new study. The issuegained public attention in 2014 when nude photos ofcelebrities including actress Jennifer Lawrence andmodel Kate Upton were posted online by a hacker, inthe so-called “Celebgate” scandal.

Lead study author Amanda Lenhart at the Data &Society Research Institute said this was the firstnational sur vey on revenge, or nonconsensualpornography. Two percent have had someone postan explicit photo or video of them online withouttheir permission, and many others faced such athreat. Taken together, four percent were victimizedby posting of images or by threats, which wouldamount to some 10.4 million Americans, according tothe survey.

“Nonconsensual pornography can have a devastatingand lasting impact on victims, so it’s vital that we under-stand how common this is and who is affected,” Lenhartsaid. “Even if images are never actually posted publically,perpetrators may use threats to post such images as amethod of controlling or intimidating victims.”

In some cases of revenge porn, explicit imageswere stolen from private online or cloud servers,while others were secretly or forcibly photographedor taped. Some images come from jilted romanticpartners while others are stolen by amateur or pro-fessional hackers. Public attention on revenge pornincreased after the Celebgate hack of actresses, mod-els, and athletes, many of whom spoke of the emo-tional distress they experience. “Just because I’m a

public figure, just because I’m an actress, does notmean that I asked for this,” Lawrence said in an inter-view after the incident. “It is not a scandal. It is a sexcrime. It is a sexual violation.”

The survey found three percent of Americans havehad someone threaten to post nearly nude or nudephotos or videos of them online to hurt or embarrassthem. Young people - ages 15-29 - are most likely toreport being threatened. More women than men areimpacted, with one in 10 women under the age of 30saying they experienced threats about posting suchcontent. Among internet users who identify as les-bian, gay, or bisexual, 15 percent said someonethreatened to share a nude or nearly nude photo orvideo of them.

“It’s important that we recognize that men are alsovictims of nonconsensual pornography,” Lenhart said.“Male victims are often invisible - but hopefully thisreport will challenge us to think differently.” Victims’advocates have called for laws punishing perpetra-tors of revenge porn, but civil liberties defendershave argued these measures could violate freespeech protection. According to the study, 30 stateshave passed legislation over the past three yearsattempting to define and criminalize “revenge porn.”National legislation has been introduced in Congresswithout passage.

The repor t was based on a sur vey of 3 ,002American internet users ages 15 and older, from May17 to July 31, 2016. The margin of error was estimat-ed at two percentage points. Lenhart said there areno previous comparable studies which show a trend,but noted that revenge porn “has been assisted bythe development of digital cameras, smartphonesand social media” — AFP

‘Revenge porn’ takes

toll on millions: Study

Michael Moritz - chairman ofSequoiaCapital and one of themost successful venture capitalists

in history - says a simple vision led him toinvest hundreds of millions of dollars in on-demand delivery startups. “The movementof goods and services and people, by easi-er, more convenient means,” he said in aninterview. “That’s a huge trend, enabled bysmartphones.”

Led by Sequoia and another blue-chipSilicon Valley firm - Kleiner Perkins Caufield& Byers - venture investors have poured atleast $9 billion into 125 on-demand deliv-ery companies over the past decade,including $2.5 billion this year, according toa Reuters analysis of publicly available data.But that torrent of money has slowed to arelative trickle in the last half of this year,and many VCs have lost faith in a sectorthat once seemed like the obvious exten-sion of the success of ride-services jugger-nauts such as Uber.

The bulk of this year ’s investment -about $1.9 billion - came in the first half ofthe year. Only $50 million has been invest-ed so far in the fourth quarter, the Reutersanalysis found. Several prominent SiliconValley venture capitalists said in interviewsthat they now believe many delivery start-ups could fail, leaving investors with biglosses. “We looked at the entire industryand passed,” said Ben Narasin, of CanvasVentures. “There is more likely to be a big,private equity-style roll up than a venture-style outcome.”

Reuters analyzed investment in on-demand delivery startups using publiclyavailable data from the companies, their

backers and third-party websites includingCrunchbase, PitchBook and MatterMark.The analysis likely missed some investmentsbecause private firms and their investors donot always disclose funding details. Deliverystartups continue to grapple with fiercecompetition, thin margins and a host ofoperating challenges that have defied easysolutions or economies of scale, venturecapitalists told Reuters. Widespread dis-counting and artificially low consumerprices have made on-demand delivery “arace to the bottom,” said Kleiner Perkinspartner Brook Porter in an interview.

That firm has not invested as heavily orbroadly in the sector as Sequoia, but hasbacked US startups DoorDash and Instacartand China-based Meican. This year hasseen high-profile failures, including USmeal delivery firm SpoonRocket, whichwent down in March, and PepperTap, anIndian grocery delivery service backed bySequoia that folded in April. DoorDash,another of Moritz’s investments, was ableto close its latest venture funding roundlast March only by cutting the value of itsshare price by 16 percent, according todata from CB Insights.

The entry of Uber last year into thedelivery business with UberEats, for food,and UberRush, for packages, promises tomake life more difficult for smaller start-ups. Established logistics companiesincluding Amazon and DHL are also explor-ing local on-demand delivery. Sequoia hasbacked at least 14 local delivery firms,among them four in the United States, fivein China and four in India. Sequoia did notrespond to Reuters requests for a response

to rising VC skepticism of delivery firms.Venky Ganesan, of Menlo Ventures, said

the sector has no clear way to cut costs orboost revenue. “You can’t raise prices onconsumers, and you can’t cut labor costs,”he said. “The core unit economics didn’tmake sense.” Dalton Caldwell, a partner at YCombinator - the prestigious tech incuba-tor that birthed a number of delivery start-ups - was also skeptical, though he thoughtcompanies with top-notch operationalcapabilities could succeed. Many deliverystartups, he said, “make the assumptionthat once you get bigger, things will geteasier, and that’s wrong. There is driverchurn, operations people that cost money,more support costs.”

Local Delivery ‘Dashers’DoorDash, founded in 2013 by four stu-

dents in a Stanford University dorm room,has raised nearly $200 million from topventure firms. Focusing on food and alco-hol delivery, DoorDash has agreementswith local restaurants, including franchisedoutlets, in dozens of cities in the US andCanada. But Doordash still has to figure outcomparatively simple challenges - like howto economically deliver pizzas to the fifthfloor of a college dorm with no easy streetaccess. “There is an opportunity to redefinelocal commerce in cities,” says DoorDashco-founder Stanley Tang. “But we have tofigure out, what are the operational chal-lenges, and then how we can scale it up.”

Deliv, a same-day small-package serviceaimed at online shoppers, uses a model simi-lar to Uber’s, with contractor drivers deliver-ing packages. The company has venture

investors and has also lured funds fromUnited Parcel Service and some of the largestUS mall owners and operators, includingTaubman Centers and Simon PropertyGroup. Founder and CEO Daphne Carmelisays that because Deliv does not maintainwarehouses or a vehicle fleet, traditionalcouriers such as FedEx would be “challenged”to match the startup’s low costs.

Uber, however, doesn’t face those samechallenges. The company has not said howmuch it has invested in UberEats orUberRush, or whether either turns a profit,and a spokesman declined to comment onthose businesses. But Uber does turn a profiton rides services in many cities across theglobe and has amassed a war chest of $15billion, providing ample resources to expandinto delivery. Carmeli is sanguine about theUber challenge. “Moving people is funda-mentally different from moving packages,”she said. “Predictability trumps speed.”

Robots to the Rescue?Silicon Valley veterans have long recog-

nized the difficulty in the local delivery busi-ness. The online grocery firm Webvan andthe urban delivery company Kozmo weretwo of the highest-profile flops in the late-1990s dot-com boom. Technology was sup-posed to make things different this time,and smartphone apps that connect cus-tomers with fleets of independent drivershave helped. But the technology that somebelieve could transform the sector - driverlessvehicles and sidewalk robots - remains farfrom a practical reality, leaving many startupswith no clear path to innovate their way toprofitability anytime soon. —Reuters



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Will oil cut have

lasting impact?

It seems like a big deal. But the joint productioncut from OPEC and non-OPEC countries - thefirst in 15 years - might push up the price of oil

less than the nations involved are banking on. Atover $50 a barrel, oil prices remained buoyant andwell above recent norms on Monday, reflecting thecutbacks to production agreed to this weekend -and with reason. Less than two weeks after mem-bers of the Organization of the PetroleumExporting countries agreed to pare 1.2 million bar-rels a day of their production, they were joined bynearly a dozen outsiders Saturday who pledged anaddition daily 558,000-barrel cut.

On Monday, the price of US benchmark cruderose $1.33, or 2.6 percent, to settle at $52.83 perbarrel in New York. The price of Brent crude, theinternational standard, rose $1.36, or 2.5 percent,to finish at $55.69 a barrel in London. The OPECcutback alone would have been noteworthy as thefirst time in eight years the cartel was able to agreeon such a move. That, the additional reduction byother 11 nations, and Saudi Arabia’s pledge to cutits production even further if needed, is leavingeven hardnosed analysts impressed.

Jason Schenker of Prestige Economics callsSaturday’s decision “a historic deal,” and there is lit-tle doubt that in the short term the combined cutwill result in somewhat more pricey oil - and, byextension, car fuel, heating and electricity. But theupward trend might soon peter out, leaving priceswell short of the highs of around $100 a barrel lastseen two years ago. President-elect Donald Trumphas promised to free up more oil drilling in the US,which would increase global supply. More USshale oil, which was unprofitable to produce at theprice lows around $35 a barrel touched earlier thisyear, could become viable again, further increas-ing supply.

And demand is not expected to rise strongly, asthe world economy struggles. China’s economy,with its massive, energy-hungry manufacturingsector, is slowing. And Europe’s economy, a netimporter of oil and gas, is stagnant. Compliance isalso an issue.

CompliancePast OPEC attempts to reduce output and

push prices upward have failed due to memberspumping above their quotas. That contributed tothe worldwide glut that combined with feebleeconomies of consuming countries to bringdown prices to as low as $35 early this year. Andoutside OPEC, some of the cutbacks will be diffi-cult to verify, leaving no choice but to take theword of the country involved that it is fulfillingits pledge.

Noting such big ifs, analysts at German bankCommerzbank, in a research note said “we remainskeptical ... despite talk of this being a ‘historicdemonstration of unity’.” “This is because we areconvinced that the expectations relating to volun-tary production cuts, which have been driven toexcessively high levels in recent weeks by oil pro-ducers, cannot be fulfilled.” The pacing of the cutsalso could dent producers’ hopes that enoughcrude will be withdrawn in real time to push pricessignificantly higher in the long run.

Russia has said it will cut daily output by300,000 barrels. But it plans to dribble out its shareof the reduction over the coming months and JBCEnergy said in a research note that the strategywill translate into a drop of only 80,000 Russianbarrels for the first half of next year. So, whileprices are up, hopes may soon be down for the 22nations involved that their deal will result in areturn to sustained high prices - and some analystsare hedging their bets. “Historic agreement or his-toric bluff?” asked Commerzbank in its noteMonday. — AP

VCs growing wary of on-demand delivery

Rex Tillerson, the ExxonMobil chief picked to head theUS State Department, has built close ties with lead-ers around the globe, but most notably - and contro-

versially - with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Trained as an engi-neer, the silver-haired oilman is 64 and has never worked ingovernment, but his global deal-making experience couldbe an asset in defending US interests. His close relationshipwith Putin likely was key to President-elect Donald Trump’schoice. Trump is keen to improve ties with Russia whichsoured greatly when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

But it also will be a key point of contention whenTillerson comes up for confirmation by the Senate, againstthe backdrop of US intelligence indicating that Russiainterfered to try to sway the US election for Trump. TheExxonMobil chief “has had more interactive time withVladimir Putin than probably any other American with theexception of Henry Kissinger,” said John Hamre of theCenter for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).Tillerson is a CSIS trustee.

And if Trump sees Tillerson as dynamic and able to getresults, critics from Republican John McCain to environ-mentalists have a long list of concerns and doubts, includ-ing putting an oilman in charge of the US role in global cli-mate change accords. McCain has said that Tillerson’s closeties to Putin were “a matter of concern.” “I’d have to exam-ine it,” he said, adding: “Vladimir Putin is a thug, bully and amurderer, and anybody else who describes him as any-thing else is lying.”

Russia’s Order of Friendship Tillerson and Putin met in the 1990s when the oilman

supervised an Exxon project on Sakhalin Island andstrengthened their ties when Putin took power after BorisYeltsin resigned in Dec 1999. Their “friendship” wascrowned by a historic agreement Exxon signed in 2011with Russian public energy giant Rosneft to explore anddrill in the Arctic and Siberia. The deal, at first valued at$3.2 billion, could potentially generate a hefty $500 billiondepending on oil discoveries - but has been put on hold byWestern sanctions against Russia.

Tillerson, who was awarded the Order of Friendship by Putinin 2012, lashed out against the sanctions at a shareholdersmeeting in 2014. “We always encourage the people who aremaking those decisions to consider the very broad collateraldamage of who are they really harming with sanctions,” he said.

Foreign Policy Goals? Born in Wichita Falls, Texas, Rex Tillerson has spent his

entire career at Exxon, which he joined in 1975. AppointedCEO in 2006, he was due to retire in March. His views onforeign policy are little known, aside from the fact he is aproponent of free trade. Among the key issues awaitinghim as secretary of state, he would oversee the Iraniannuclear deal. Trump has said he wants to review the 2015accord struck between Iran and the United States, China,Russia, Germany, France and Britain. He also will handlesanctions against Russia, rows with China and the protract-ed Syrian conflict.

His action on climate change will be closely scruti-nized, after he resisted cutting investment in the searchfor new oil wells. Several US states including New York,supported by environmental activists, are suing the oilgiant for allegedly deceiving the public about the role of

fossil fuels in global warming. His nomination is “unfath-omable,” says environmental group 350.org. “We cannotlet Mr. Trump name the world’s largest oil company incharge of our international climate policy. Mr Tillersonmay be a friend of Mr Putin, but he is not a friend of theplanet,” the NGO argued, offering an online a petitionagainst his confirmation.

Tillerson did come out in favor of a carbon tax in 2009,which his predecessor Lee Raymond fought. His position asa shareholder of Exxon, in which he holds $150 million inshares according to stock exchange documents, couldpose a conflict of interest since his decisions as top USdiplomat could influence the share price. And if sanctionson Russia were dropped, the ExxonMobil share value likelywould soar. — AFP

Rex Tillerson: Oilman with ties to Putin

In this June 15, 2012 file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson shakehands at a signing ceremony of an agreement between state-controlled Russian oil company Rosneft andExxonMobil at the Black Sea port of Tuapse, southern Russia. — AP

LONDON: Spanish international defender Cesar Azpilicueta says he is delighted tohave signed a new three-and-a-half year deal with Premier League leaders Chelsea.The 27-year-old signed from French side Marseille in 2012 and was a pivotal mem-ber of the team that won the 2015 league title. In the current campaign underAntonio Conte he has been an ever present as Chelsea stormed tothe top of the table with a run of nine wins. Azpilicueta’s newdeal, which he signed on Tuesday, will tie him to Chelsea till2020. “I’m really happy to have signed a new contract,” he toldthe club’s official website. “Since I arrived here my target was toprogress as a player and win trophies. “This new contract givesme the chance to continue my relationship with the club, that’swhat I wanted and obviously I’m really happy here. “We’ve hadsome really good moments so far this season. From dayone, we started working very hard. “We have a newmanager with new ideas and I’m really happy to beworking with him. — AFP


LONDON: The Jaguars, Dolphins, Browns and Rams will be the home teamsfor next season’s NFL games in London. The Baltimore Ravens will playJacksonville in either Week 3 or 4 of the 2017 schedule. That game will be atWembley Stadium, as will the New Orleans Saints vs. Miami, again in one ofthose weeks. Cleveland will host the Minnesota Vikings at Twickenham, wherethe NFL first played this year, in Week 7 or 8. The Arizona Cardinals take on LosAngeles at Twickenham in one of those weeks as well. “Having one of themost famous fan groups in the NFL, Cleveland’s Dawg Pound, sharingTwickenham with our UK fans is going to be a lot of fun,” NFL UK managingdirector Alistair Kirkwood said in a statement. It’s the first time the league willplay four games in London. Game times have not been finalized. Arizona,Baltimore and Cleveland will play regular-season games for the first time inLondon, bringing the total to 26 different teams since the NFL started playingin the British capital in 2007. It will be the fourth match there for the Dolphins,second for the Saints and the fifth for the Jaguars, who have played annuallyin London since 2013. — AP

Jaguars, Dolphins, Brownsto host 2017 London games

Azpilicueta signs new Chelsea contract

LONDON: Crystal Palace are conceding too many goals in the PremierLeague and must tighten up the defensive side of their game, managerAlan Pardew said yesterday. Despite scoring an impressive 27 goals in 15league matches, Palace’s efforts have been undermined by a leaky rear-

guard which has kept only one clean sheet and conceded29 goals. “Ten goals in three games but we need to

tighten up, Southampton (a 3-0 win on Dec. 3) wasthe benchmark,” Pardew told reporters.“Defending is a team duty. Everyone has aresponsibility to defend, even the substitutes.

That ’s something we want to improve on.Sometimes our substitutes haven’t shored us up aswell as they should have. “We were pleased with

how we defended set-pieces at the weekend, that’sone little box ticked. Now we need to get back to

Southampton.” — Reuters

Pardew bids to shore up Palace defence

KUWAIT: Kuwait National Women’s Cricket teamis going to participate in the first ever nine-dayUAE International Women’s T20 tournamentfrom today (Dec 14) in Sharjah.

Kuwait, Kenya, Uganda, Malaysia, Qatar,Oman and host UAE are among the participatingteams. The inaugural event where the tourna-ment’s first pool games will be played at theSharjah Cricket Stadium on December 14. Poolgames will then alternate between SharjahCricket Stadium and Ajman Cricket Council’sEden Ground through to the finals. The finals to

be played on December 19 at the Sharjah CricketGround.

This tournament is integral in Kuwait cricket’sefforts to develop and support women’s cricketin the Kuwait, which dovetails into theInternational Cricket Council’s development pro-gram. This tournament will help improve cricket-ing standards among women in the Kuwait andthe GCC countries.

Group A includes: Kenya, Qatar, Malaysiaand the UAE, with Group B showcasing Kuwait,

Oman and Uganda.Kuwait Cricket recently announced the team

that will represent Kuwait at the tournament areas follows.

Maryam Omar (Captain), Amna Sharif, PriyadaMurli, Khadija Khalil, Varshini Suresh, MaryamHayder, Maryam Ashraf, Maria Jasvi, Iqra Ishaq,Madeeha, Kala, Amina, Maryam Rashteen, RidaZanab, Shaikha Al-Khasti.

Reserves: Mahnoor Mahmood, Maryam Khalil.Coach: Tariq Rasool.Manager: Mehboob Khan.

Kuwait National Women’s Cricket team

Kuwait National Women’s Cricket teamto participate in T20 tournament

CAPE TOWN: The future of beleagueredSpringbok coach Allister Coetzee will berevealed in January after he submitted areview of his team’s dismal 2016 season toSouth Africa Rugby’s Springbok SteeringCommittee yesterday. Coetzee and seniorplayers, outgoing captain Adriaan Strauss, PatLambie and Tendai Mtawarira, gave theiranalysis of the worst year in Bok history inwhich the twice World Cup winners lost eightof their 12 tests. The panel included SA Rugby’sHigh Performance Committee, as well as CEOJurie Roux and president Mark Alexander, andthe latter suggested there would be no snapdecisions on Coetzee’s future.

“We know Springbok supporters and ourpartners are looking to us for instant answersand many of them may want to see headsroll,” Alexander said in a statement.

“But building winning teams is not anexact science and we want to make sure thatthe changes we make are the right solutionsto our current problems.

“This was not a witch hunt but a properprocess to interrogate where things went

wrong with a focus on finding answers andensuring that it does not happen again.”Alexander added that the review will contin-ue in the New Year.

“We will act upon whatever interventionsare identified as being necessary by allinvolved,” he said. “I would expect thatprocess to be completed before the end ofJanuary.” There has been an outcry from fansover South Africa’s performances this year,including a first ever loss to Italy, a first homedefeat by Ireland, a maiden loss in Argentinaand a record 57-15 mauling by arch-rivalsNew Zealand. The results have sparked acomprehensive review of the way the game isadministered in the country, with SA Rugbyalso announcing last week that squad selec-tion will no longer be made by committee.

A single selector will work with the coach.The choice of future Bok coaches will also bemade by SA Rugby’s Executive Committee,not the heads of the various unions as hap-pened in the past. South Africa next play in ahome three-test series against France inJune. — Reuters

Coetzee’s future to be decided in January

MOSCOW: The IAAF may reanalyze Russiansamples from the 2014 world indoor track cham-pionships over suspicions that athletes whofailed doping tests were allowed to compete.

Messages between then-Moscow laboratorydirector Grigory Rodchenkov and SportsMinistry official Alexei Velikodny, released onFriday as part of World Anti-Doping Agencyinvestigator Richard McLaren’s report intoRussian doping, show eight athletes gave suspi-cious samples the week before they were totravel to the competition in Sopot, Poland.

The samples collected at the national trainingbase near Moscow included three with unusual-ly high testosterone levels, four containing theanabolic agent ostarine, and one containingboth ostarine and the banned steroid turinabol.

All were given “save” orders by Velikodny - thecommand which meant a suspicious sampleshould be recorded as clean. Rodchenkov, how-ever, responded that some cases would have tobe reported positive.

Rodchenkov asked for one sample with a“big” ostarine reading to be given a “quarantine”

order, typically meaning it would be treated as ausual disciplinary case, though whether thathappened is not documented elsewhere in theMcLaren report files.

The fate of another case with a large ostarinereading is unclear, though the details givenappear to match with Svetlana Biryukova, a longjumper who was removed from the team shortlybefore the championships and later banned fortwo years. Biryukova was the favorite for gold inthe long jump and had set the best indoor resultof the year. The identities of the remaining sixgiven “save” orders are unclear, but the eventslisted for them include some in which Russiawon medals in Sopot. It is not clear whether anyever faced disciplinary action.

“We are going through the names we havebeen given by Prof. McLaren’s team and wherewe have samples from the relevant period wewill reanalyze,” the IAAF said Tuesday in anemailed statement. Russian officials have notdisputed the authenticity of the emails in theMcLaren report. Neither Rodchenkov norVelikodny could be reached for comment. Russia

sent a strong team to the 2014 world indoors,winning three gold and two silver medals toplace second behind the United States in themedals table. The IAAF banned Russia from allinternational competition in November 2015after an earlier WADA-commissioned report intothe Russian track team alleged widespread druguse and extortion. That ban remains in effectand led to Russia being able to field only onetrack athlete at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

However, in recent months, Russian track offi-cials have said the country could send competi-tors to the European indoor championships inBelgrade in March if they apply to the IAAF asindividuals rather than as representatives of thesuspended federation.

“As to competing internationally, the IAAFtaskforce was very clear in its last report thatRussia still has not met the criteria establishedfor their readmission to membership of theIAAF,” the IAAF said yesterday. “There is an exist-ing process whereby athletes can apply ... toparticipate internationally as independent neu-tral athletes.” — AP

IAAF to look into 2014 world indoors for Russian doping

SOPOT: In this Friday, March 7, 2014 file photo athletes run in a Men’s 400m heat during the Athletics World Indoor Championships in Sopot,Poland. The IAAF says it may reanalyze Russian doping samples from the 2014 world indoor track championships. — AP

Allister Coetzee

LONDON: English Premiership side Saleacted honourably in signing Super Leaguerecord try-scorer Denny Solomona theirdirector of rugby claimed yesterday, despiteCastleford Tigers threatening legal action.

The 23-year-old New Zealand-born wingsigned a three year contract with Sale afterthe Samoan international ‘resigned’ withtwo years remaining on his contract atCastleford. Solomona-who last seasonscored 40 tries, breaking Lesley Vainikolo’s12-year-old record for a Super League sea-son-is likely to make his debut in theEuropean Champions Cup pool game withtitle holders Saracens on Sunday. SteveDiamond, Sale’s director of rugby, defendedthe club’s signing of Solomona saying heknew of two other rugby union clubs whohad been offered his services. “We’ve neverwanted to go down the route of gettinginto any legal battles,” said Diamond.

“We just wanted the deal done and I’msure the powers that be are getting on withthat as we speak. “I don’t think we’ve doneanything wrong at all to be perfectly hon-est. “Players have agents and agents putplayers up on the market place. “There weretwo other rugby union clubs that I know ofwho were in the market to sign Denny

Solomona. “We’ve just got to bite our lipand get on with it and be candid. We’ve gotnothing to hide.” Diamond, whose side arepresently third from bottom of the EnglishPremiership after 10 matches, saidCastleford would have lost Solomona what-ever had happened as he was determinedto switch codes.

“He said he wanted to play the game hegrew up with,” said Diamond. “If it wasn’t aclub in England, he was going to go back toAuckland. “In all honesty, the situation hasbeen blown out of proportion.

“These things happen in sport everyweek where players move around. It ’sbehaving professional and getting it done.”Diamond is positively purring at thethought of the impact Solomona will have.

“He is a great player,” said Diamond. “Hehas an eye for scoring tries and has theadded bonus of having played rugby unionin his time at school and college.”

Solomona, who played rugby union forMelbourne Academy but was released byMelbourne Storm prompting his decision totry rugby league, is the second rugbyleague star to join Sale in recent weeks withfellow winger Josh Charnley signing fromSuper League title winners Wigan. — AFP

Solomona completes controversial switch to Sale

Denny Solomona

BALTIMORE: After the Patriots blew most of a20-point lead with two special teams flubs, TomBrady hit a wide-open Chris Hogan with a 79-yard touchdown bomb with 6:18 remaining asNew England escaped with a 30-23 victory overthe Baltimore Ravens on Monday.

Brady’s second touchdown pass of the gamewas also the 450th of his NFL career, making himthe fourth player to hit that mark.

New England led 23-3 in the third quarterbefore rookie Cyrus Jones had a bouncing punthit off his foot for a fumble and Matthew Slaterdropped a kickoff that allowed Joe Flacco tothrow a pair of short touchdown passes.

Baltimore kicker Justin Tucker’s 38-yard fieldgoal then made it 23-20 before Brady camethrough. Flacco took his team to another Tuckerfield goal (Tucker had one blocked in the firsthalf ) with 2:03 left. However, New England’s

Patrick Chung recovered the onside kick and thePatriots (11-2) were able to run out the clock.

The Ravens (7-6) dropped a game behind thePittsburgh Steelers in the AFC North. Brady, 8-1since returning from his ‘Deflategate’ suspension,went 25-of-38 for 406 yards, the 76th time Bradyhas cleared 300 and the ninth time he threw for400 in a game. He had three touchdown passesand his second interception of the season.LeGarrette Blount (72 yards on 18 carries) tiedthe club record with his 14th rushing touchdownand also went over the 1,000-yard rushing markfor the second time in his career. He is thePatriots’ first 1,000-yard rusher since 2012.

New England’s Julian Edelman caught sevenpasses and Hogan five, the latter finishing with129 yards for his second career 100-yard game.

New England outgained Baltimore 496 yardsto 348. Flacco completed a franchise-record 37

passes-many of them less than five yards-in 52attempts for 324 yards. He was picked off once.

The New England special teams provided theearly story, forcing the Ravens into an eventualsafety and blocking a field goal. Ryan Allen’s puntwas kept out of the end zone by Jonathan Jonesand downed by Slater at the one. On the firstplay, Kenneth Dixon was swallowed up byMalcolm Brown for a safety and it was 2-0.

Later in the quarter, the Ravens lined up for a34-yard Tucker field goal but Shea McClellin hur-dled snapper Morgan Cox and easily blockedthe kick. Blount ran for a score and Mitchellcaught his fourth touchdown pass in four gamesto make it 16-0 but Brady’s interception throwinto the end zone kept things from getting total-ly out of hand. It got a bit closer when Tuckernailed a 50-yard field goal with 11 seconds leftin the half. — Reuters


American Football ConferenceAFC East

W L T OTL PF PA PCTNew England 11 2 0 0 349 230 .846Miami 8 5 0 0 281 301 .615Buffalo 6 7 0 0 325 301 .462NY Jets 4 9 0 0 229 324 .308

AFC NorthPittsburgh 8 5 0 0 317 256 .615Baltimore 7 6 0 0 279 237 .538Cincinnati 5 7 1 0 268 269 .423Cleveland 0 13 0 1 207 375 0

AFC SouthHouston 7 6 0 0 229 274 .538Tennessee 7 6 0 0 321 306 .538Indianapolis 6 7 0 1 328 333 .462Jacksonville 2 11 0 0 240 338 .154

AFC WestKansas City 10 3 0 0 302 255 .769Oakland 10 3 0 0 358 320 .769Denver 8 5 0 1 296 242 .615San Diego 5 8 0 1 350 347 .385

National Football ConferenceNFC East

Dallas 11 2 0 0 340 238 .846NY Giants 9 4 0 0 255 244 .692Washington 7 5 1 0 330 317 .577Philadelphia 5 8 0 1 290 272 .385

NFC NorthDetroit 9 4 0 0 295 268 .692Minnesota 7 6 0 1 258 225 .538Green Bay 7 6 0 0 333 312 .538Chicago 3 10 0 0 221 290 .231

NFC SouthAtlanta 8 5 0 1 428 345 .615Tampa Bay 8 5 0 1 293 296 .615New Orleans 5 8 0 0 358 351 .385Carolina 5 8 0 0 311 337 .385

NFC WestSeattle 8 4 1 0 274 232 .654Arizona 5 7 1 0 299 277 .423Los Angeles 4 9 0 0 194 304 .308San Francisco 1 12 0 1 251 393 .077

NFL results/standings

New England 30, Baltimore 23.

FOXBORO: Malcolm Mitchell #19 of the New England Patriots is tackled by Lardarius Webb #21 of the Baltimore Ravens during the first half of their game at Gillette Stadium on Monday in Foxboro, Massachusetts. — AFP

Brady comes through

after Pats blow 20-pt lead

KUWAIT: President of Kuwait DisabledSports Club Shafi Al-Hajiri congratulatedInformation Minister, State Minister for YouthAffairs Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah on his reappointment inthe new cabinet. He said Sheikh Salman fol-lows first hand the Youth and Sports Affairs

through being Chairman of Public Authorityfor Sports and Public Authority for Youth. Healso worked on removing all obstacles thatKuwait athletes face particularly the disabledin cooperation with other bodies in Kuwait.

He said this support and continued carethe Kuwait Disabled Sports receive fromSheikh Salman had a significant influence inmaking distinguished results that con-tributed to hoisting Kuwait flag high inmajor events, most important of which isathletics player Ahmad Nawa Al-Mutairi’swinning the gold medal in Rio Paralympicsin September.

Al-Hajiri hoped that fruitful cooperationcontinues between his club and state min-istr y for youth affairs to make moreachievements in the disabled sports andhave Kuwait flag raised high under ourwise leadership, headed by HH The AmirSheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah,HH The Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and HH thePrime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.

Al-Hajiri congratulates

Sheikh Salman

on reappointment

BERLIN: Germany is against boycotting nextyear’s bobsleigh and skeleton world champi-onships in Sochi in protest against Russian dop-ing but is ready to step in and host the eventshould it be moved.

Latvia pulled out of the Feb. 13-26 champi-onships following the publication last week ofthe second part of the McLaren Report intoRussian doping which revealed an institutionalconspiracy to conceal positive drug tests. SouthKorea, host nation of the 2018 Winter Olympics,and skeleton athletes from the United States arealso considering withdrawing from the champi-onships in protest at Russian doping. “We basi-cally reject a boycott because the biggest loser isalways sport itself,” German bobsleigh federation(BSV ) sports director Thomas Schwab toldReuters yesterday.

“There would be nothing worse than having aworld championship where big nations won’t betaking part,” he added. “But we would be veryunhappy if it took place there (Sochi). We haveoffered the International Bobsleigh SkeletonFederation (IBSF) to jump in and host the event.We would welcome a move of the event toanother location.” The IBSF could switch thechampionships from Sochi, host city of the 2014Winter Olympics, saying last week that it would

“act promptly and decisively following the publi-cation of the final McLaren Report” after readingand digesting it. “The IBSF is having intense talkswith Russian organisers,” Schwab said.

“We are in contact with the IBSF, they have tocheck the legal aspects and must also depend ona bit of understanding from the Russians assomeone in the end will have to pay it,” he added.

“I expect a decision to be made by the end ofthe week.” McLaren’s report said analysis of sam-ples from four Russians who won gold medals inSochi had shown salt readings that were physio-logically impossible. There was also evidence oftampering with the samples of 12 Russian medal-lists at those Games. “We are shocked with whatallegedly happened there at Sochi,” Schwab said.“We were the first federation that demanded thatthe anti-doping should be managed by bodiesoutside Russia.”

Spain is also opposing the boycott. “We areawaiting the IBSF’s decision,” Spanish Ice SportsFederation (FEDH) general secretary XavierCherta told Reuters. “Our intention is for our twoskeleton athletes, Ander Mirambell and MariaMontejano, to compete.” The IBSF declined tocomment when contacted by Reuters, saying anyinformation would be published on the organisa-tion’s own media channels. — Reuters

Germany opposes bobsleigh

world championships boycott

LOS ANGELES: When the Rams confirmedtheir return to Los Angeles in January, itseemed like a match made in heaven. Themost popular sport in the United States wasfinally returning to the city after a two-decadeabsence.

The Rams were ready to rekindle a relation-ship with the city, after abruptly upping sticksand decamping to St. Louis in 1995.

If Rams fans harbored lingering resentmentabout the team’s acrimonious departure, noone was letting on. Season ticket sales for the2016-2017 campaign rapidly went throughthe roof. Excitement built as the team sig-nalled its intent to become a major player bypulling out the stops to land the No. 1 pick inthe draft, quarterback Jared Goff.

In August, a record 89,140 fans crowdedinto Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum to watchthe Rams’ opening pre-season game againstthe Dallas Cowboys. It was the largest crowdever for a pre-season NFL game, and fansbasking in the evening sunshine were lookingahead to the new season with optimism. Fastforward four months, and the euphoria whichaccompanied the Rams’ return has long sinceleft the building.On Sunday, the team crashedto a humiliating 42-14 defeat at home to theAtlanta Falcons.

A comically inept performance left fansheading for the exits well before the end,while those who remained booed loudly andcalled for the dismissal of beleaguered headcoach Jeff Fisher.

‘AN EMBARRASSMENT’ The verdict of Los Angeles Times writer Bill

Plaschke was withering. “Against all odds, in acity that embraced them, with fans who lovedthem, in a stadium that showcases them, theimpossible has happened-the return of theRams has officially become an embarrass-ment,” Plaschke wrote. “A Hollywood reunionthat couldn’t go wrong has blown up in bits ofcarpeted red.” Todd Gurley, the team’s star run-ning back, lambasted what he described asthe franchise’s “middle school offense.”

On Monday, Rams owner Stan Kroenke, thebillionaire businessman whose assets alsoinclude English Premier League side Arsenal,decided enough was enough.

Fisher was fired in a bombshell move aftersix years at the franchise, and only twomonths after signing a contract extension.

“This is the right time to make a change asour performance has not lived up to my or ourfans’ expectations,” Kroenke said.

So what has gone wrong? In a word, every-thing. The warning signs first started flickering

when it became clear that Goff, the rookiequarterback, was nowhere near ready to startas signal caller. Instead, the man expected tolead the franchise into a bold new era startedthe season third in the pecking order.

‘RAMS JUNIOR HIGH’ The reluctance of Fisher to promote him

fuelled the sense that the Rams had pickedunwisely in the draft.

That angst was heightened by the assuredperformances of Carson Wentz, thePhiladelphia Eagles rookie who was over-looked in favour of Goff. A disastrous seasonopener at the San Francisco 49ers ended in a28-0 defeat. The Rams bounced back to beatthe Seattle Seahawks in their home opener,

and grabbed two more wins to advance to 3-1. But the image of a team on the up was illu-sory. They lost eight of their next nine gamesto fall to 4-9.

Along the way Fisher found himself in anembarrassing spat with Rams icon EricDickerson, who claimed he had been bannedfrom home games. Last week, Fisher wasforced to deny reports of a rift with generalmanager Les Snead at the team’s headquar-ters, nicknamed “Rams Junior High.”

It looked as if Fisher might muddle throughto the end of the season. But Sunday’s debacleproved the tipping point, leaving Fisher with a31-45-1 record at the Rams, and with 165career losses, tied with Dan Reevers for themost defeats in history. — AFP

Rams honeymoon over as

team slumps, coach fired

Head coach Jeff Fisher

Sheikh Salman


BRISBANE: Australia batsman Usman Khawajasaid yesterday he holds no grudge againstPakistan coach Mickey Arthur over the so-called “homeworkgate” affair ahead of thisweek’s Test series opener against the tourists.

Khawaja was one of four players who werebanned for one Test for failing to complete awritten task set by Arthur when he was

Australia coach during a disastrous tour ofIndia in 2013. Arthur was subsequently fired byCricket Australia on the eve of the 2013 Ashesafter a run of four defeats and replaced byDarren Lehmann. Khawaja said it was “waterunder the bridge”. “I’m not spiteful or vengefulin that sort of respect. Mickey is a very goodguy,” he told reporters ahead of the day-night

opening Test against Pakistan at the Gabba onThursday. “I’m not the kind of guy who holdson to grudges. If I get into a fight or I get angrywith someone I’m over it (quickly), usually any-way. “I’m sure if I see Mickey there’ll be noissues, it’ll be fine, everything will be good.”

Khawaja, who left Pakistan before he wasfive and is the first Muslim to play for Australia,

said the country of his birth was still “a very bigpart” of his life, but it would not affect him dur-ing the series. “If I broke it down, the way I actand what I do is very Australian, but there’salways parts of me-when I talk to my parents Itry to speak Urdu with them here and there,”he said. “It’s not as good as them but theyunderstand what’s going on so it is a big part

of my life when I’m with my parents andaround my parents.” Khawaja heads into theseries in top form after his man-of-the-matchnear-eight hour epic 145 over three days in thefirst innings of Australia’s win over South Africain Adelaide last month.

He has amassed 314 runs at 52.33 in threeTests so far this Australian Test season. — AFP

No grudges against Arthur over ‘homeworkgate’: Khawaja

PITTSBURG: Arizona Coyotes’ Lawson Crouse (67) can’t get his stick on a rebound off Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Matt Murray (30) in the firstperiod of an NHL hockey game in Pittsburgh, Monday. — AP

PITTSBURGH: Sidney Crosby left briefly aftertaking a stick to the face then returned andpicked up his NHL-leading 21st goal as thePittsburgh Penguins crushed the ArizonaCoyotes 7-0 on Monday night.

Bryan Rust, Scott Wilson, Trevor Daley, PhilKessel, Nick Bonino and Justin Schultz alsoscored for the Penguins, who won their sea-son-high sixth straight by throttling the strug-gl ing Coyotes to celebrate coach MikeSullivan’s first-year on the job in style. MattMurray finished with 32 saves while picking uphis third career shutout.

Arizona’s Mike Smith, the lone bright spot fora team with the fewest victories in the league,stopped 18 of 22 shots before being pulled mid-way through the second period. The Coyotes are1-4-3 in their last eight games.

BRUINS 2, CANADIENS 1, OTRyan Spooner scored in overtime and his goal

withstood a video review, lifting Boston overMontreal. Spooner got his goal 3:20 into OT on apartial breakaway off a nice give-and-go withTorey Krug.

Montreal challenged, claiming Spooner wasoffside, but the goal stood. Austin Czarnik alsoscored for the Bruins, and Tuukka Rask made 30saves while Boston handed Montreal a rarehome loss.

Paul Byron scored late in the third period to

salvage a point for the Canadiens. Carey Pricestopped 27 shots in defeat, just his fifth loss in21 starts this season. David Krejci appeared to

give the Bruins a victory 59 seconds into over-time, but officials determined David Pastrnakhad interfered with Price. — AP

Crosby picks up 21st goal,

Penguins throttle Coyotes

Western ConferenceCentral Division

W L OTL GF GA PTS Chicago 18 8 4 81 70 40St. Louis 16 9 4 79 79 36Minnesota 15 8 4 75 56 34Winnipeg 13 16 3 82 96 29Nashville 12 11 4 78 78 28Dallas 11 13 6 75 96 28Colorado 11 15 1 60 86 23

Pacific DivisionAnaheim 15 9 5 81 75 35Edmonton 15 11 5 93 85 35Calgary 16 13 2 81 86 34San Jose 16 11 1 68 61 33Los Angeles 14 11 2 71 70 30Vancouver 12 15 2 67 86 26Arizona 9 14 5 62 90 23

Eastern ConferenceAtlantic Division

Montreal 19 6 4 92 64 42Ottawa 16 11 2 70 78 34Boston 16 12 2 71 71 34Tampa Bay 14 13 2 81 81 30Florida 13 12 4 70 77 30Detroit 13 12 4 70 77 30Toronto 11 11 5 79 84 27Buffalo 10 11 6 56 72 26

Metropolitan DivisionPittsburgh 19 7 3 104 84 41NY Rangers 20 9 1 105 70 41Philadelphia 18 10 3 101 94 39Columbus 17 5 4 87 56 38Washington 17 7 3 72 59 37New Jersey 12 10 6 69 82 30Carolina 11 11 6 69 76 28NY Islanders 11 11 5 71 81 27

NHL results/standings

Boston 2, Montreal 1 (OT); Pittsburgh 7, Arizona 0.

Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the standings and are notincluded in the loss column (L)

MUMBAI: India batsman CheteshwarPujara could have been forgiven for feelingmore than a little aggrieved when his dis-missal drew hearty cheers from his homecrowd at the Wankhede Stadium onSaturday. Apparently unconcerned thatIndia had lost an important wicket from thesecond ball of the third day of the fourthtest against England, the crowd roared asPujara trudged back to the dressing room.

Then, as a chant of “Koh-liiii! Kohli!”reverberated around the stadium and outacross the Arabian Sea, India’s darlingwalked to the middle to take his guard.

Not since Sachin Tendulkar retired in2013 has an Indian cricketer commandedthe adulation that Virat Kohli is currentlyenjoying, and few would argue that he isnot deserving of it. The atmosphere at theWankhede was reminiscent of the erawhen Tendulkar, a Mumbai native, used towalk out to bat at the same number fourposition.

Kohli, as perhaps he must, dismissescomparison with the batting great but it isclear that they have a similar appetite forruns. During his career-high 235 inMumbai, his third double century of theyear, the Delhi batsman became the firstIndian since Rahul Dravid in 2011 to accu-mulate more than 1,000 test runs in a year.

His rich vein of form has not beenrestricted to the longest form of the game,however, and he is first batsman to averageover 50 in all three formats as well as beingthe highest international run-scorer of2016. Kohli’s single-minded drive for excel-lence also echoes Tendulkar, who assidu-ously refined his craft to accumulate over34,000 runs and 100 centuries in a 24-yearcareer. Like Tendulkar, Kohli has a near-flawless technique which helps him tacklepace and spin with equal ease and Indialook to him every time they hit choppywaters, as they did for two decades withthe “Little Master”. And, like Tendulkar, Kohliis rapidly becoming a darling of corpora-tions keen to associate their brands with aplayer whose expressive nature hastouched a nerve with India’s youth.

ENGLAND SETBACKAll was not quite as rosy couple of years

back, however. Kohli had made his ODI

debut as a 19-year-old and played his firsttest three years later, starting on a path thatwould lead to 15 test hundreds and 26 cen-turies in the 50-over format. Of his 13 testcenturies before the start of the ongoingseries, however, only one had come againstEngland, at Nagpur in 2012.

And in the five-test series in England in2014, Kohli hit a trough, managing only134 runs at an average of 13.4 with a highscore of 39.

“It made me realise what I need toimprove in my game so I am pretty thank-ful to England for that,” Kohli recalled at thestart of the current series against theEnglish. “I have been a really improvedcricketer from then on.” After his returnfrom England, Kohli went knocking onTendulkar’s door.

“The best advice was not to read andlook up things that are written about me,”Kohli told reporters after India took anunassailable 3-0 lead over England onMonday. “I am not joking or being sarcas-tic, and that was the best advice I have got.”

The rewards have come since in a tor-rent of runs, no more so than over the lastfour tests where he has scored 640 of themat an average of 128.

CAPTAINCYOne point of difference with Tendulkar

is Kohli’s success as a captain, a responsibil-ity which hung heavily on the shoulders ofthe game’s most prolific run scorer but hasbrought out the best in the younger bats-man. Before replacing Mahendra SinghDhoni as test captain at the end of 2014,Kohli averaged just a shade above 41 butsince then the number has shot up to 65.5.

Five consecutive test series victories forIndia and a firm grip on the number onetest ranking under his leadership haveintensified his popularity.

For Kohli, however, burying the ghostsof 2014 in a first series win over England infour attempts was clearly something spe-cial. “This series win is probably the sweet-est of all we’ve won in the past 14-15months,” Kohli said.

“It couldn’t get any better, in theWankhede you win 3-0 against a top quali-ty side that has beaten us convincingly. Itfeels really good.” — Reuters

Magnificent Kohli follows

in Tendulkar’s footsteps

BRISBANE: Pace spearhead Mitchell Starcsays Australia plan to inflict a psychologicalblow on vulnerable Pakistan in today’s day-night first Test in Brisbane to set up theirthree-match series.

The left-armer said Australia, who lost Testseries against Sri Lanka and South Africarecently, sense an opportunity to strike withPakistan struggling for form away from home.

The visitors have never won in 11 series inAustralia, dropping their last three series here3-0 and losing their previous nine Tests DownUnder since 1999.

Their recent form in New Zealand on theway to Brisbane does not engender confi-dence that things will be any different. Theywere defeated there by hefty margins in bothTests, including an ignominious collapse ofnine wickets in the final session of the secondTest in Hamilton.

Starc is confident Steve Smith’s new-lookteam, who halted a run of five Test defeats inthe third Test against South Africa last month,can press their home advantage at the Gabbawhere Australia have not lost in 27 Testsstretching back to 1988.

Pakistan have never won in four BrisbaneTests. “They’ve struggled in New Zealand andprobably struggle a little more away fromhome-they’re really comfortable in the UAE(where Pakistan play their home Tests),” Starcsaid.

“So it’s a good opportunity for us in thisTest match to assert our dominance first up,

make an impression in the first Test of theseries, which goes a long way to working outthe final result.”

ADDED SPICE There is added spice to the series with

South African Mickey Arthur now in charge ofPakistan three years after he was sacked asAustralia coach and replaced by DarrenLehmann. Arthur, who still lives in Perth, facesthe huge challenge of not only endingPakistan’s drought in Australia but becomingthe first team from the sub-continent to win aTest series here.

He has past form when it comes to plot-ting series upsets in Australia. In 2008-09 hecoached South Africa to a 2-1 victory-the firsttime any touring team had won a campaignin Australia since the mighty West Indies 16years earlier.

“For these guys to come here and winwould be amazing,” Arthur said. “But we areunder no illusions. Australia are a fantasticcricket team and, in these conditions, it’sgoing to be very tough for us.” Pakistan’s bighopes rest with their pace attack led byWahab Riaz and Mohammad Amir, who isback playing Test cricket after a five-year banfollowing a spot-fixing controversy in 2010.“He’s got great skills, everyone in world crick-et knows that,” Starc said of Amir. “He bowls atgood pace, swings the ball, he’s got a fast-armaction and knows his game really well for ayoung bowler. — AFP

MUMBAI: This file photo taken on December 11, 2016 shows India’s captain ViratKohli greeting the crowd as he walks back towards the pavilion after his dismissal onthe fourth day of the fourth Test cricket match between India and England at theWankhede stadium in Mumbai. India’s Virat Kohli yesterday climbed to a career-bestsecond position in the ICC batting chart after his double-century in Mumbai helpedthe hosts clinch the five-match Test series against England. — AFP

Pakistan face big task

to win in Australia

ADELAIDE: This file photo taken on November 27, 2015 shows the sun setting over the Adelaide Oval during the first day-night cricket Testmatch between Australia and New Zealand in Adelaide. Australia will host England at the Adelaide Oval in the first day-night Ashes Test duringthe 2017-18 series, building on the success of the concept despite lingering concerns. — AFP

SYDNEY: Australia will host England at theAdelaide Oval in the first day-night Ashes Testduring the 2017-18 series, building on the suc-cess of the concept despite lingering concerns.The series between the arch-rivals opens at theGabba in Brisbane from November 23 beforeheading to Adelaide then Perth. Melbournehosts the traditional Boxing Day Test withSydney rounding it off, Cricket Australiaannounced yesterday.

This is followed by five one-day internationalsbetween January 14-28 before a Twenty20 tri-series also involving New Zealand, to be playedon both side of the Tasman.

Adelaide hosted the first-ever Test underlights using a pink ball last year and it was a roar-ing success, with record attendances for theclash against New Zealand. Buoyed by the pub-lic reaction, the same venue was used for a day-

night Test against South Africa last month, whileAustralia face Pakistan under lights in the firstTest at Brisbane this week.

Cricket Australia chief executive JamesSutherland said Adelaide fans loved Test cricketunder the stars and he expected a full housenext year. “I know there are some people whodon’t the view the day-night Test match assomething that’s needed for Ashes cricket,”Sutherland said. “But we think there is going tobe more day-night cricket coming up and thesuccess of Adelaide in the last two matches isthere for all to see.” Australian captain SteveSmith and his England counterpart Alastair Cookboth suggested earlier this year that the Ashesshould remain a traditional red-ball affair.

Smith has since changed his tune after thisyear’s day-night Test against the Proteas. Whilethe Gabba has long been the first Test on the

Australian summer calendar, it lost that right toPerth this year.

Sutherland said Perth had been pushed backto mid-December for the Ashes to give it moretime to complete construction of the new60,000-seat Perth Stadium. If it is not ready, thematch will revert to the WACA Ground. “We’revery comfortable with the traditional order, andlet’s be honest, this venue is a real stronghold forthe Australian team,” he said of the Gabba.Sutherland added that given the slightly later-than-usual start to the series, the scheduleallowed for at least three Sheffield Shield match-es to be played before the Brisbane opener aspreparation. A lack of Shield cricket was one ofthe reasons blamed for Australia suffering a runof five heavy Test defeats this year, before a new-look side ended the slump by beating SouthAfrica last month. — AFP

First day-night Ashes Test set for Adelaide


KUALA LUMPUR: Hong Kong trailblazerChan Yuen-ting, the first woman coach to wina top-flight men’s football title, faces a brutalAFC Champions League initiation after herEastern SC were bracketed yesterday withChinese giants Guangzhou Evergrande. Chanwill face off in Group G against World Cup-winning Brazilian coach Luiz Felipe Scolariand his Guangzhou side, who will be gunningfor their third Champions League title in fiveyears. They are joined in the group by Suwon

Samsung Bluewings of South Korea and ayet-to-be determined Japanese club.

In her debut season, Chan, 28, led EasternSports Club to Hong Kong’s Premier League titlein April for the first time in 21 years. That earnedher a Guinness World Record as the first womancoach to win a men’s championship title in a topnational football league. In a tough Group H,defending Champions League winners JeonbukHyundai Motors were drawn with A-Leaguechampions Adelaide United and Jiangsu FC of

China, according to the group-stage drawannounced at AFC headquarters in KualaLumpur. UAE powerhouse Al Ain, last year’srunners-up, will begin their campaign fromGroup C alongside formidable foes Al Ahli FC ofSaudi Arabia, Iran’s Zobahan FC, and the winnerof a play-off between Qatar’s El Jaish SC and FCBunyodkor from Uzbekistan, the AFC said. Thegroup stage runs from February to May, fol-lowed by the knockout phase, with the final setfor November of next year.

Group A: Al Ahli FC (UAE), PFC Lokomotiv(UZB), Al Taawoun (KSA), Playoff winner Group B: Esteghlal Khouzestan FC (IRN), AlJazira (UAE), Lekhwiya SC (QAT), Playoffwinner Group C: Al Ahli Saudi FC (KSA), Zobahan FC(IRN), Al Ain FC (UAE), Playoff winner Group D: Al Rayyan SC (QAT), Al Hilal SFC(KSA), Persepolis FC (IRN), Playoff winnerGroup E: Kashima Antlers (JPN),

Muangthong United (THA), Playoff winner,Playoff winner.Group F: FC Seoul (KOR), Japan 2nd Club(JPN), Western Sydney Wanderers (AUS),Playoff winner Group G: Guangzhou Evergrande FC (CHN),Suwon Samsung Bluewings (KOR), still-undetermined Japan Club, Eastern SC (HKG)Group H: Adelaide United (AUS), Jiangsu FC(CHN), Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors FC (KOR),Playoff winner. — AFP

Hong Kong minnows drawn with giants Guangzhou

TURIN: In this Dec. 11, 2016 file photo, Juventus’ Gonzalo Higuain celebrates at the end of a Serie A soccer match between Torino and Juventus,in Turin, Italy. — AP

MILAN: Gonzalo Higuain hit back at his ‘fat’ crit-ics in style, racism isn’t a problem for Roma andPalermo are still stuck in the mire. Nikola Kalinicfinally found his scoring boots in Florence butgrumpy Brazilian sensation Gabiol can’t even geta game at Inter.


Gonzalo Higuain has been criticised through-out his career for missing goal chances and fail-ing to keep his weight down. It reached a peakearlier this year when digruntled Argentina fanscreated a smart phone app mocking his appear-ance, and his tendency to fluff the odd shot. ButHiguain is a hard man to keep down. Despite alatest wave of criticism due to a barren spell atJuventus, the Argentina striker was on fire forthe Italian champions twice when it matteredmost in the past week. ‘Pipita’ hit a 52nd minuteopener in a 2-0 Champions League win overDinamo Zagreb that secured top spot in GroupH. In a Turin derby that may well have gone inTorino’s favour, Higuain responded to AndreaBelotti’s 16th minute opener with a levellerbefore the half-hour, and had his third goal in aweek when he hit the winner eight minutesfrom time.


A week after Roma defender Antonio Rudigerwas the subject of racist comments by Laziomidfielder Senad Lulic following a bitterly-con-tested derby, the Giallorossi are laughing theincident off. Lulic was condemned in some quar-

ters for telling a television reporter that Rudiger,“two years ago, was selling socks and belts inStuttgart and now he thinks he’s a phenome-non.” Rudiger, who is black, is a Germany interna-tional and Dutch teammate Kevin Strootmanwas the latest member of the Roma family torespond to Lulic’s comments with irony. “Antoniowasn’t sad, just surprised,” Strootman told theGazzetta dello Sport. “If Lulic thinks like this, Ifeel sorry for him. If Rudiger really was sellingsocks and belts two years ago and now he’s play-ing like this for Roma, winning the derby, all Ican is he must be a a good worker.” Roma wonlast week’s derby 2-0 and beat AC Milan 1-0 onMonday to close to within four points of leadersJuventus.

NEW COACH, SAME PALERMOEugenio Corini is Palermo’s third coach this

season but after two losses in two games hewould be forgiven for reading the smallprint onhis six-month contract. Club president MaurizioZamparini brought the 46-year-old Italian onboard hoping he can stave off relegation for asecond time since the 75-year-old retail tycoontook over the club in 2002. But Corini is alreadyheading in the same direction as predecessorsRoberto De Zerbi and Davide Ballardini, the lat-ter lasting only two weeks into the campaign.Under De Zerbi, sacked for an embarrassing exitto second division La Spezia in the Italian Cup,Palermo sunk to a new club record low of sevenconsecutive defeats. Corini has stretched it tonine after Palermo followed an unlucky, last-gasp defeat to Fiorentina with a 2-0 homereverse to his former club, Chievo.

KALINIC COMES HOME AT LASTNikola Kalinic wowed Fiorentina’s fan last sea-

son with 12 league goals, including a stunninghat-trick in a memorable 4-1 win at Inter Milanthat stunned the San Siro. This season, the Croatiainternational has stood out for scoring all his goalsaway from home-until Monday, when heredressed the balance in style thanks to a stunningfirst-half brace in a 2-1 win over Sassuolo thatmoved Fiorentina up to seventh place. Kalinic,who failed to make an impact at Blackburn Roverswhen he moved to the Premier League club in2009, moved to Fiorentina in 2015 after helpingUkrainian giants Dnipro to the 2015 EuropaLeague final. The 28-year-old Croatia internationalhad hit all six of his goals previous to Monday’sbrace away from the Artemio Franchi stadium.


Bought for 29m euros from FC Santos, Gabriel‘Gabigol’ Barbosa was hailed as the next bigthing when he arrived at Inter Milan from theformer club of Barcelona star Neymar Jr. in thesummer. But the love affair is already over,according to his agent Wagner Ribeiro. Gabigolhas played 16 minutes, against Bologna, for theNerazzurri as they look to overcome a disap-pointing season that has left them in seventh at15 points off the lead of Juventus. Gabigol is nota happy man and has spoken of a possiblereturn to Brazil, according to reports. “He’s notplaying, he’s played 16 minutes in three months,”said Ribeiro. “I will speak with Inter face to face atthe start of the year, they paid 30m and nowthey treat him like this.” — AFP

Higuain hits back at his ‘fat’ critics in style

SUITA: Representing South America at the ClubWorld Cup has added significance following theplane crash that killed most of the Chapecoenseteam, Atletico Nacional defender Felipe Aguilarsaid yesterday. The Colombian club was to playChapecoense in the Copa Sudamericana finalbut the Brazilian team’s plane crashed on Nov.28, killing almost all on board.

The directors of Atletico asked the governingbody of South American soccer to award theCopa Sudamericana title to Chapecoense.

“We felt like brothers to the Brazilian team.”Aguilar said. “And all of us were very happy togive them the Copa Sudamericana title. It’sunfortunate this huge tragedy has occurred. Wewant to honor the victims and their families bywinning this trophy and bringing it home.”

Atletico coach Reinaldo Rueda shared thesentiments of his 23-year-old defender. “Thesepast few weeks have no doubt been difficult,”Rueda said. “Chapecoense are our brothers. Wemust win it for them.”

Nacional qualified for the Club World Cup bywinning the Copa Liberdatores in July. They takeon Japanese champion Kashima Antlers today.

Kashima has already knocked out AucklandCity and Mamelodi Sundowns. “They’re a teamwho play with a lot of intensity,” Rueda said.“They’re well organized, strong on the counter-attack and they’ll give us a very physical game.”

The winner of today’s semifinal match will like-ly face European champion Real Madrid inSunday’s final in Yokohama. Madrid faces Mexicanteam Club America in the other semifinal.European teams have been the most successful in

the tournament, with eight titles, although it isnot considered as high on the priority list forEuropean clubs as it is for the South Americansides. Atletico Nacional features goalkeeperFranco Armani, who did not concede a single goalduring the group stage of the Copa Libertadores,

as well as captain Alexis Henriquez and strikerMiguel Borja. “We are representing all the clubs ofSouth America and it is a huge responsibility onour shoulders,” Rueda said. “Back in Colombia andeven here in Japan many people are supportingus and that give us great energy.” — AP

Atletico’s Aguilar to honor Chapecoense at Club WCup

OSAKA: Colombian football team Atletico Nacional player Felipe Aguilar (R) speaks besidehead coach Reinaldo Rueda (L) during his team’s official press conference for the Club WorldCup at the Suita City Football stadium in Osaka yesterday. — AFP

MADRID: Atletico Madrid is not used tostruggling like this, not under coach DiegoSimeone. After its third loss in five Spanishleague games on Monday, Atleticodropped to sixth place-its worst position atthis point in the season since Simeone tookcharge in 2011.

The 3-0 loss at Villarreal left Atletico 12points behind leader Real Madrid after 15matches. It also trails Barcelona, Sevilla,Villarreal and Real Sociedad. “There havebeen some mistakes,” said Simeone, whowon the title with Atletico in 2014.

“We accept the criticism. When a teamloses two games in a row, things need toimprove.” Atletico also lost 1-0 at BayernMunich in the Champions League, a resultthat snapped the team’s perfect record inthe European competition. It was held to adisappointing 0-0 draw at home againstEspanyol in its previous Spanish leaguegame. One of its recent losses in the leaguewas a demoralizing 3-0 setback againstMadrid at home in the city derby.

“The team is trying its best to get inposition to win,” Simeone said. “But in theselast few games we are not having any luck,especially with the scoring chances, andthat leads to losses. We have to keep work-ing, because it ’s the only way we canimprove.” Atletico has not been worse thanthird in the league since a fifth-place finishin 2011-12. The club was only 10th after 15matches that season, but it improved sig-nificantly after Simeone took over inDecember 2011. Atletico was third at theend of the following season and won theleague in 2013-14 to end a drought ofnearly two decades.

Atletico was third again the last two sea-sons, and now it has some work to do just

to secure a Champions League spot.“Obviously we have to improve if we wantto fight for the spots atop the standings,”Atletico captain Gabi Fernandez said.

The letdown comes as a surprise asAtletico entered the season with highexpectations. Thanks to a significantincrease in income from television rights,Simeone was able to add important piecesto the squad and fans expected Atletico tomove even closer to the perennial power-houses of Barcelona and Madrid.

But Simeone started experimentingwith different formations and the teamstruggled with inconsistency. The squad’soffense got a boost but the usually stoutdefense lost some of its strength. Atleticoconceded 11 goals in its last seven leaguegames, and 14 in 15 games, only four goalsless than the 18 it conceded in all 38 gamesin the league last season.

“We have to improve and stop allowingso many goals,” Fernandez said. To makethings worse for Simeone, he may be with-out goalkeeper Jan Oblak for a long periodbecause he dislocated his left shoulder inthe game against Villarreal, having to besubstituted in the 40th minute at ElMadrigal Stadium. Defensive midfielderTiago Mendes also left the game beforehalftime because of a discomfort in hisright knee.

Atletico’s next game is Saturday against10th-place Las Palmas at the VicenteCalderon Stadium. “There is still a lot ofleague ahead of us,” Atletico defenderStefan Savic said. “It’s not all lost. Last yearBarcelona was 12 points in front and wegot to within two at one stage. We aregoing through a difficult moment but wewill rebound.” —AP

Atletico Madrid hitting low point under coach Simeone

DOHA: FC Barcelona Lionel Messi (L) holds the hands of Afghan boy Murtaza Ahmadion the pitch before the start of a friendly football match against Saudi Arabia’s Al-Ahli FC yesterday in the Qatari capital Doha. — AFP

DOHA: An Afghan boy who became an inter-net sensation after pictures of him wearing animprovised Lionel Messi football shirt wentviral finally got to meet his superstar idol yes-terday. Murtaza Ahmadi met the Barcelonaforward in Doha, where the Spanish leaguechampions are due to play a friendly matchagainst Saudi Arabian side Al-Ahli later.

Six-year-old Murtaza, from the ruralGhazni province southwest of Kabul, is alsodue to walk out onto the pitch with theArgentinian at Doha’s Al-Gharrafa stadium.

“The image the world wanted to see,”tweeted Qatar’s 2022 World Cup organisers,who brought the pair together. “The six yearold boy who dreamed of meeting his hero,#Messi, finally comes true.”

A delighted Murtaza said: “I’m very happyto have met my hero. It is a dream for me,”according to a statement released by Qatar’s

Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy,the committee overseeing organisation of the2022 tournament.

Murtaza became a worldwide online hitearlier this year after he was pictured wearinghis hero’s shirt, made out of a plastic bag,with the name Messi and the famous number10 written on it in marker pen. The shirt wasmade by his teenage brother Homayoun afterhis neighbour threw away grocery bags.

“I love Messi, he plays really well, and I lovethe shirt my brother made for me,” he toldAFP at the time. His family could not afford tobuy him a replica kit. Pictures of Murtazaplaying football in his improvised kit werefirst posted on Facebook. After the pictureswent viral, Murtaza received a real shirt fromhis hero. His father, Mohammad Arif Ahmadi,said at the time: “I want my son to becomethe Messi of Afghanistan.” — AFP

Afghan bag shirt boy meets his idol Messi

MUMBAI: Mumbai FC’s defender Gerson Vieira (C) attempts to head a ball during theIndian Super League (ISL) second leg semi-final football match between Mumbai CityFC and Athletico de Kolkata at The Mumbai Football Arena Stadium in Mumbai yes-terday. — AFP


MIDDLESBROUGH: Jurgen Klopp hasdropped his biggest hint yet he is ready tostrengthen his Liverpool squad in Januarybut on his freescoring attack and not hiserror-prone defence. Liverpool travel toMiddlesbrough aiming for a first victory inthree games to reignite their PremierLeague title hopes in the wake of a 4-3defeat at Bournemouth and a 2-2 draw athome to West Ham, which has seen themlose ground to their rivals.

Klopp has recently played down sug-gestions he wil l l isten to offers forLiverpool’s out of favour England interna-tional Daniel Sturridge.

The German head coach seems more

intent on keeping Sturridge and bolsteringhis attacking options when the wintertransfer window opens next month,though he warned at the difficulties ofbringing in players mid-season.

“The winter transfer market is the mostdifficult. We are always looking,” said Klopp,who will be without the influential Brazilianmidfielder Philippe Coutinho for at leastanother month due to an ankle injury.

“If you look at our bench, we’re veryexperienced in defence, and not offence. Ifthe situation stays like this it is clear wehave open eyes.” Liverpool enter the latestround of Premier League game six pointsoff leaders Chelsea, having dropped five

points in their last two matches, concedingsix goals in the process.

‘WE’RE ON A GOOD RUN’ Klopp is set to keep faith with Loris Karius,

after hitting back at withering criticism of hisgoalkeeper’s displays in those two gamesfrom the television pundits and formerManchester United defenders Gary and PhilNeville. Former Liverpool defender JamieCarragher has also used his position as a TVpundit to hammer Karius, notably after thedefeat to Bournemouth. The Liverpool bosswill refuse to bow to mounting pressure todrop the 23-year-old, who has largely failed toimpress in making 11 appearances since sign-

ing from German side Mainz six months agofor £4.7m. Since beating Watford 6-1 at thestart of November, Klopp’s side have won onlyone of their last four league games to raisequestion marks over their title credentials.

Emre Can is a set to miss out againstMiddlesbrough with a knee problem,although the German midfielder is expectedto be fit for next week’s Merseyside derbyagainst Everton. Defender Dejan Lovren,who was forced off with cramp against WestHam at Anfield, is a doubt for the trip to theNorth-East. Middlesbrough midfielder AdamForshaw urged his team-mates not to dwellon Sunday’s 1-0 defeat at Southampton,which leaves Aitor Karanka’s side three

points above the relegation zone.Boro have won two of their last three

home games as they aim to re-establishthemselves in the top flight after a sevenyear absence and can be encouraged by thefact Liverpool are without a win on their lastseven visits, a run stretching back to 2002.“We’re disappointed with the outcome atSouthampton, but it’s not something we candwell on with the games coming thick andfast at this stage of the season,” said Forshaw.“We’ve been playing some decent stuff, andwe’re on a good run at home. Every game atthis level is massive, and we have anotherexciting opportunity now with Liverpoolnext up at the Riverside.” — AFP

Klopp eyes bolstering attack not porous defence

English Premier LeagueMiddlesbrough v Liverpool 22:45beIN SPORTS 7 HDSunderland v Chelsea 22:45beIN SPORTS 2 HDWest Ham United v Burnley 22:45beIN SPORTS 5 HDManchester City v Watford 23:00beIN SPORTS 1 HDTottenham Hotspur v Hull City 23:00beIN SPORTS 4 HDStoke City v Southampton 23:00beIN SPORTS Crystal Palace v Man United 23:00beIN SPORTS 3 HDW Bromwich Albion v Swansea 23:00beIN SPORTS

Spanish League 2nd DivisionLevante v Rayo Vallecano 22:45beIN SPORTS 7 HD

French CupGirondins de Bordeaux v Nice 20:45beIN SPORTS 9 HDParis Saint v Lille 23:05beIN SPORTS 6 HDMonaco v Stade Rennes 23:05beIN SPORTS Metz v Toulouse 23:05beIN SPORTS Olympique Lyonnais v Guingamp 23:05beIN SPORTS Saint Etienne v Nancy Lorraine 23:05beIN SPORTS

Matches on TV (Local Timings)

LONDON: Diego Costa is beginning to have thesame impact at Chelsea as Didier Drogba oncedid, central defender Gary Cahill believes. Costahas come to symbolise the club’s transformationunder Antonio Conte and ensured the Bluesextended their winning streak to nine PremierLeague games with the winning goal againstWest Bromwich Albion on Sunday.

That goal, Costa’s 12th in 15 league appear-ances this season, moved Conte’s side back threepoints clear at the head of the table ahead of themidweek trip to face bottom club Sunderland atthe Stadium of Light.

And the manner in which the Brazil-bornSpain striker created and scored an excellentindividual goal in the final moments of the gamerecalled memories of the inspirational Drogba.

The former Ivory Coast international spentnine years at Stamford Bridge, delivering a suc-cession of trophies to the club-includingfamously scoring the decisive penalty thatsecured them the Champions League.

Cahill believes there is a comparison to be

made between Costa-who is now in his thirdseason at the club-and the Ivorian.

“Didier was a huge figure goal-scoring wiseand also with his personality on and off thepitch,” said Cahill. “You need strikers like that andDiego has fitted in nicely. Since he’s been at theclub he’s scored goals but this season he’s onfire. “Are the fans starting to love him like theyloved Didier? Yes of course because he is bang-ing goals in every week. He is winning us match-es. “At this moment he is right up there amongthe best in the world. The statistics don’t lie.”

FIERY TEMPERAMENT Costa’s talents have been apparent since he

arrived at the club while the forward has alsodeveloped a reputation for a fiery temperament.

But he has been noticeably more restrainedduring the club’s recent revival, going tenmatches without a caution.

“He is not getting as frustrated as he used to.He is channelling (his energy) in the right direc-tion now and is being patient,” said Cahill.

“I haven’t had to have a word with him about it,I think that’s something he has added to his gamethis season.” Conte has no fresh injuries to contendwith but may opt to start with Willian ahead ofPedro. Sunderland manager David Moyes has con-ceded his side need to embark on another run ofgood form after the 3-0 defeat at Swansea sawthem return to the foot of the Premier Leaguetable. The Black Cats had won three of their fourprevious games, but with the bottom six clubsseparated by only four points, a similar sequenceof victories will boost their bid to pull off a fifthconsecutive successful relegation battle.

Certainly they are in a better place formwisethan when they failed to win any of their first 10games. “As a club, we’ve been in this situationmany times before so it’s not something that’snew to us,” said Moyes.

“Those recent three wins in four put us backin with a fighting chance, when a few weeks agowe weren’t in with one. We probably need to goon a similar run like that another two or threetimes this season.” — AFP

Diego Costa

Costa filling vacuum left by Drogba: Cahill

MANCHESTER: Bacary Sagna confessesManchester City did not give 100 per cent intheir 4-2 defeat at Leicester and must show moredesire to get their season back on course whenthey host Watford today.

Pep Guardiola’s side have not won a homeleague game since the middle of September andthe Spaniard suddenly finds himself strugglingto adapt to life in the Premier League.

Saturday’s setback against spluttering cham-pions Leicester was the latest blow for a teamthat opened the season with 10 consecutivewins in all competitions but now find them-selves seven points behind leaders Chelsea.

French defender Sagna admits the Leicesterembarrassment was unacceptable and he wantsto see a positive response. “I’m very disappoint-ed. Even though we scored two goals I can’t bepleased with the way we played because weshould be performing better,” Sagna said.

“No matter who’s playing, no matter howmany chances we have, we should be able togive 100 per cent and today I don’t have the feel-ing we did. “We have to analyse what happened.I don’t think we stuck together during the firsthalf. We conceded too many chances and gotcaught on the break.

“We will be working on it. It was very difficultto play the way we did but in the end we didn’tdeserve to be ahead.”

City ’s much-criticised defence could bestrengthened by the return of Nicolas Otamendiagainst Watford after a one-match suspension.

But Sergio Aguero and Fernandinho are stillserving four and three-game suspensions,respectively, following the recent defeat byChelsea. And Sagna insisted City’s players needto show better collective spirit if they are toavoid a repeat of the Leicester debacle.

WORRYING RUN “We’re quite lucky to be part of the club.

We’re lucky to be part of the project and weneed to react, we need to be conscious, we needto keep working really hard and we need to sticktogether,” he added.

Meanwhile, despite a worrying run that hasbrought just four victories in their last 15 games

in all competitions, City’s hierarchy insist theywill not spend further in the January transferwindow. Brazilian forward Gabriel Jesus, signedfor £27 million ($34 million, 32.2 million euros)earlier this year, is scheduled to join the club inthe new year and City director of football TxikiBegiristain says he will be the only new arrival.

“We already have done,” he said, when askedif City will strengthen. “We have Jesus coming -he will strengthen our attack, so we are happy.”

Watford’s victory over Everton moved WalterMazzarri’s side up to seventh and the Italianbelieves the display will provide a timely confi-dence boost ahead of the trip to Eastlands.

“I have told my players we can fight againstany of the Premier League teams for the threepoints but we need to be 100 per cent,” he said.

Mazzarri admits he was as surprised as any-one at City’s defeat to Leicester but fears theresult could work against his own side. “It won’thelp us because we will find Man City very angryand very concentrated,” he said.

“We won’t have the luck that they can under-estimate us. They won’t underestimate us.“ These things can happen in the PremierLeague. But Manchester City are a great teamand a great manager like Guardiola can changethe mistakes they made in these couple ofgames from one match to another and not com-mit them any more.”

Roberto Pereyra is available again after serv-ing a one-match a ban and the Watford play-maker is expected to come straight back into thestarting line-up. — AFP

Man City slackers must shape up, admits Sagna

LONDON: England international strikerHarry Kane says teams have workedTottenham Hotspur out and the Londonersneed to adapt if they are to reignite theirPremier League title challenge.

Mauricio Pochettino’s side have stalledin recent weeks with Sunday’s defeat atManchester United extending a sticky runthat has brought just two wins in eightleague games. Spurs lie 10 points adrift ofleaders Chelsea ahead of their midweekhome meeting with struggling Hull Cityand in desperate need of a lift with thepacked holiday programme looming.

Spurs’ title bid ended with them finish-ing third last season and Kane told theEvening Standard: “People didn’t expect usto play so well last year and press so highwith such intensity. “Now teams are maybedropping off a bit more, letting us have theball, and we have to find different solutionsto unlock the door. “Manchester Unitedmade it difficult for us to play out from theback. They made us play more long ballsthan we are used to playing.

“ That was their game plan and itworked.” The visit of Hull to White Hart Laneis followed by a home meeting with anoth-er struggling side Burnley four days laterand anything less than six points from thetwo games will be a major disappointment.

“Last year December and January werethe months when we pushed forward, gotgood results and moved up the table,” said

Kane. “We have to do the same again andwe feel we can beat anyone in this league.

“The two home games coming up aredefinitely winnable and they are veryimportant to ensure we go into the gamesahead with confidence.”

Ryan Mason hopes to return to the Hullside to face his former club, with TomHuddlestone, another member of theTigers’ strong ex-Tottenham contingent,most likely to make way. Mason has strug-gled to establish himself since his £10mmove in August which ended a decade-and-a-half-long association with theLondon club, for whom he made more than50 Premier League appearances.

The 25-year-old has made 11 starts forHull, scoring twice, but was rested for the 3-3 draw with Crystal Palace, a result whichleaves Mike Phelan’s side in the relegationzone, a point adrift of safety with only onevictory in their last 13 league games.

They go in search of their first away winin the Premier League since they emergedvictorious from Swansea almost fourmonths ago. Phelan backed Mason to playa significant role in the second half of theseason. “Like any player Ryan will take timeto find his feet at a new club,” said Phelan.“He’s come out of that comfort zone he hadat Tottenham, where he was surrounded byexcellent players, and has come to a clubthat was always going to be near the bot-tom of the table looking upwards.” — AFP

Spurs need to adapt to revive title hopes: Kane

LONDON: Ivory Coast football great YayaToure has been banned from driving for 18months and fined £54,000 ($68,500, 64,600euros) for drink driving, he said onFacebook yesterday. The 33-year-oldManchester City midfielder insisted thoughhe imbibed the alcohol by accident.

Toure, a four-time African player of theYear and a member of the Ivory Coast sidethat won the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations, isa Muslim. “Over the last two weeks therehas been some confusion as to why I wascharged with drink driving, as it is wellknown that I am a Muslim and do notdrink,” wrote Toure, who was stopped lastmonth while driving in east London andfound to be over the limit.

“I have always refused alcohol. Anyonewho knows me or follows football will haveseen me refuse champagne for Man of theMatch performances because of my com-mitment to my religion.”

Toure, who retired from international

football in September, said the court hadalso accepted he had not intentionallydrunk alcohol but had nevertheless pun-ished him according to the law. Toure didnot disclose how the alcohol got into hissystem.

“The matter has now been resolved incourt on Monday,” wrote Toure, who onlyrecently returned to first team action withManchester City after a stand-off with man-ager Pep Guardiola caused by his agent.

“As I was above the permitted limitwhen tested on the night, I decided not tochallenge the charge. “However, it wasimportant to me that I told the court that Ihad not intentionally consumed alcohol.The judge in his sentencing remarksaccepted that I had not been intentionallydrinking. “Drink driving is a serious crimeand even though I was not intentionallyconsuming alcohol I accept the ban andfine and I would like to apologise for thissituation.” — AFP

Toure banned, fined for drink driving

This file photo shows Manchester City’s Ivorian midfielder Yaya Toure pictured dur-ing the English Premier League football match. Ivory Coast football great Yaya Tourehas been banned from driving for 18 months and fined 54,000 GBP (68,500 USD,64,600 euros) for drink driving, he said on Facebook yesterday. — AFP

KUALA LUMPUR: Two men take pictures of a screen displaying the AFC Cup football 2017 offi-cial draws for playoff and group stages in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. (See Page 18) — AFP

15Kuwait women’scricket team to participate in T20tournament


18Afghan bag shirt boy meets his idol Messi

Rams honeymoon over as team slumps, coach fired Page 16

HOUSTON: Brooklyn Nets guard Isaiah Whitehead (15) drives between Houston Rockets forward Trevor Ariza, left, and Clint Capela (15) in the second half of an NBA basketball game on Monday, in Houston. The Rockets wonthe game 122-118. — AP

HOUSTON: James Harden had 36 points, 11assists and eight rebounds to lead the HoustonRockets to their seventh straight win, 122-118over the Brooklyn Nets on Monday night. EricGordon scored 24 points on 6-for-10 shootingon 3-pointers, and Ryan Anderson added 19.forthe Rockets. Houston shot 17 for 43 on 3s, mak-ing at least 10 for an NBA-record 24th straightgame. Brook Lopez scored 26 points and SeanKilpatrick added 17 for the Nets. Brooklyntrailed for much of the game until Joe Harristied it at 118 with a layup with less than 40 sec-onds remaining. Gordon gave Houston a two-point lead with a free throw with 11.9 secondsleft, and the Rockets came up with a key stealon the ensuing inbound pass. Gordon thenmade two more from the line and the Rocketsheld on for the win.

CLIPPERS 121, TRAIL BLAZERS 120Blake Griffin had 26 points and 12 rebounds,

Chris Paul had 21 points and 14 assists and LosAngeles held off Portland to sweep the seasonseries. J.J. Redick finished with 19 points, hit-ting all eight of his free throws - including threein the closing seconds to push Los Angeles’lead to four points. Portland’s Damian Lillardhit a 3-pointer with 1.7 seconds left for the finalmargin. C.J. McCollum had 25 points and Lillardfinished with 24 points and eight assists for theTrail Blazers, who lost their fourth straight. Thegame got testy in the final minutes. Portlandcenter Mason Plumlee was given a flagrant foulfor elbowing Griffin in the face on layup. With

11 seconds left, Portland forward Evan Turnerand Los Angeles center DeAndre Jordan wereejected after a brief skirmish under theClippers’ basket.

HEAT 112, WIZARDS 101Goran Dragic scored a season-high 34

points, Hassan Whiteside had 17 points and 16rebounds and Miami beat Washington to snapa five-game slide. Dragic scored 13 points inthe fourth for the Heat, who opened a six-game homestand. James Johnson scored 14off the bench for Miami, which won for onlythe third time in 11 games at home. John Wallscored 30 points and Bradley Beal added 29 forWashington, which is 0-2 against Miami thisseason. Dragic made 14 of 23 shots, on his wayto his best scoring night in a Heat uniform.

RAPTORS 122, BUCKS 100DeMar DeRozan scored 30 points, Terrence

Ross added 25 and Toronto beat Milwaukee forthe sixth straight time. Jonas Valanciunas had13 rebounds and 11 points for his team-leadingseventh double-double of the season as theRaptors won for the 12th time in the last 13meetings with the Bucks. GiannisAntetokounmpo had a team-high 30 pointsand Jabari Parker chipped in with 27 asMilwaukee lost its third straight. DeRozan’s freethrow put the Raptors ahead for good with 2:52left in the first quarter and they extended thelead to 26 in the second quarter. The Buckspulled within eight in the final minute of the

third, but that was as close as they got.

PACERS 110, HORNETS 94Paul George and Myles Turner scored 22

points each to lead Indiana past Charlotte. JeffTeague had 16 points, 11 assists and fiverebounds, and Rodney Stuckey added 14points for the Pacers, who have won twostraight since returning home from a five-game road trip. Marco Belinelli scored 14points for the Hornets, Marvin Williams andNicolas Batum each had 13 and Kemba Walkeradded 12. C.J. Miles made the go ahead 3-pointer with 5.6 seconds remaining in the thirdquarter to start an 11-1 run by the Pacers. Itgave Indiana a 76-73 lead and Stuckey’s twofree throws with 8:56 to play put the Pacersahead 84-74.

KINGS 116, LAKERS 92DeMarcus Cousins had 31 points, 16

rebounds and five assists and Sacramentoused a big third quarter to send slumping LosAngeles to a seventh straight defeat in a gamefeaturing seven technical fouls. After fivestraight points by Cousins during onesequence, Darren Collison hit consecutive 3-pointers late in the third as the Kingsoutscored the Lakers 39-13 in the quarter onthe way to just their second victory in sevengames. Collison wound up with 20 points.First-year Lakers coach Luke Walton was eject-ed at the 4:14 mark of the first quarter aftertwo technicals in succession for arguing, andhe had to be held back by his players nearmidcourt as he became enraged after Cousinsknocked over Julius Randle with no foul called.Randle also received a T on the play and asso-ciate head coach Brian Shaw took over.D’Angelo Russell, Shaw, Cousins and LouWilliams also had technicals.

MAVERICKS 112, NUGGETS 92Wesley Matthews scored 25 points and last-

place Dallas enjoyed a rare blowout, beatinglistless Denver. Harrison Barnes had 18 pointsfor the Mavericks, who led 65-43 at the break.They expanded the margin to their biggest ofthe season at 28 points in the third quarter andwon consecutive home games for the first timein an injury-plagued season. The NBA’s worst-shooting team coming in at 41.5 percent,Dallas shot 65 percent in the first half and aseason-high 58 percent for the game. TheMavericks were 12 of 26 from 3-point rangeafter missing six of their first seven. — AP

Harden’s 36 sees Rockets past Nets

Eastern ConferenceAtlantic Division

W L PCT GBToronto 17 7 .708 -NY Knicks 14 10 .583 3Boston 13 11 .542 4Brooklyn 6 17 .261 10.5Philadelphia 6 18 .250 11

Central DivisionCleveland 17 5 .773 -Chicago 13 10 .565 4.5Indiana 13 12 .520 5.5Detroit 13 13 .500 6Milwaukee 11 12 .478 6.5

Southeast DivisionCharlotte 14 11 .560 -Atlanta 12 12 .500 1.5Orlando 10 15 .400 4Washington 9 14 .391 4Miami 8 17 .320 6

Western Conference

Northwest Division

Oklahoma City 15 9 .625 -Utah 15 10 .600 0.5Portland 12 14 .462 4Denver 9 16 .360 6.5Minnesota 6 18 .250 9

Pacific Division

Golden State 21 4 .840 -LA Clippers 18 7 .720 3Sacramento 9 15 .375 11.5LA Lakers 10 17 .370 12Phoenix 7 17 .292 13.5

Southwest Division

San Antonio 19 5 .792 -Houston 18 7 .720 1.5Memphis 17 8 .680 2.5New Orleans 8 17 .320 11.5Dallas 6 18 .250 13

NBA results/standingsSacramento 116, LA Lakers 92; Dallas 112, Denver 92; Houston 122, Brooklyn 118; Toronto 122, Milwaukee100; Miami 112, Washington 101; Indiana 110, Charlotte 94.

DOHA: FC Barcelona’s players celebrate following a friendly football matchbetween FC Barcelona and Saudi Arabia’s Al-Ahli FC yesterday in the Qataricapital Doha. Goals from Luiz Suarez, Lionel Messi and Neymar helpedBarcelona beat Saudi champions Al-Ahli 5-3 in a thrilling friendly in Doha. Thesuperstar trio all scored by the 17th minute, helping the Spanish giants tostroll into an early three-goal lead. — AFP

DOHA: Goals from Luiz Suarez, LionelMessi and Neymar helped Barcelonabeat Saudi champions Al-Ahli 5-3 in athrilling friendly in Doha yesterday.

The superstar trio all scored by the17th minute, helping the Spanishgiants to stroll into an early three-goallead. And perhaps more importantlyfor Barcelona, it also ensured all threecould be substituted by the 32ndminute to allay any injury fears aheadof the Catalan derby against Espanyolon Sunday.

Suarez opened the scoring with aglancing header in the eight minutefrom a Messi cross, before theArgentine quickly added a second justtwo minutes later.

Neymar, who had been strugglingwith a muscle strain since the Clasicoagainst Real Madrid earlier this month,netted a fine third with a curling shotin the 17th minute.

Further goals from Paco Alcacer andRafinha meant the La Liga championswere able to withstand a second-halfcomeback from the Saudi side.

Among the scorers for Al-Alhi wasOmar Abdulrahman, AFC player of theyear for 2016, who plays his football inthe UAE but was allowed to turn outfor the Saudis for the friendly.

He scored with a “Panenka” penaltyin the 51st minute after Barcelonagoalkeeper Jordi Masip gave away thespot-kick.

The keeper may have been the onlyBarca player who did not enjoy therun-out in Qatar as he was also easilybeaten at the near post for Al-Ahli’ssecond, scored by Muhannad Assiri.

The game was being played as partof Barcelona’s sponsorship deal withQatar Airways, which ends next June.Al-Ahli are also sponsored by the Gulfcarrier. The game was billed as the“Match of Champions” and Barcelonawere presented with an 18 carat goldcup afterwards, specially commis-sioned for the game.

Among those watching on in the18,126 sell-out crowd was Barcelonagreat Xavi Hernandez, who now playsfor Qatar’s Al Sadd. — AFP

Barcelona beat Al-Ahli

in eight-goal friendly

BusinessWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

ADB lowers 2016 growth forecast for developing Asia

Page 22

Resilient non-oil economy helps Bahrain beat oil dip

Page 23

Boursa Kuwait unveilsmarket making model

Page 25Burgan Bank wins International Quality Crown Award’

Page 26

CARACAS: A man walking past banners showing Venezuela’s currency, the Bolivar, at the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) in Caracas. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday signed an emergencydecree ordering the country’s largest banknote, the 100 bolivar bill, taken out of circulation to thwart “mafias” he accused of hoarding cash in Colombia. —AFP

PARIS: A pact by leading producers to cut out-put could quickly begin sopping up the gluton the oil market that has weighed on prices,the IEA said yesterday as it also hiked itsdemand forecast.

The agreements, if implemented, would“hasten the market’s return to balance byworking off the inventory overhang,” said theInternational Energy Agency, which analysesenergy markets for major oil consumingnations. The recent deals are the first joint cutsby OPEC and non-OPEC nations since 2001and aim to reduce production by just under1.8 million barrels per day (mbd).

“If OPEC and non-OPEC were to implementstrictly their agreed cuts, global inventoriescould start to draw in the first half of nextyear,” it added. The IEA said it was not making

any forecast, but suggested that implementa-tion of the pact could result in a draw of 0.6mbd into stocks.

Oil stocks in the advanced nations whichfund the IEA hit a record of 3,102 mb in July.While they have since declined, “they remain300 mb above the five-year average, providinga more than ample cushion going into 2017”,said the IEA.

‘Implicit goal’ The IEA also said that “an implicit goal” of

the pact may be “to keep the price of oil fromfalling below $50” per barrel. Crude oil priceshave risen by around $10 per barrel in recentweeks on the deals by the OPEC and non-OPEC nations.

The benchmark international contract,

Brent crude, was trading at around $55.99 perbarrel in late morning yesterday, around 50cents up from its level ahead of the report.

“Clearly, the next few weeks will be crucialin determining if the production cuts arebeing implemented and whether the recentincrease in oil prices will last,” said the IEA. Aprice of $50 per barrel is seen as the level atwhich it becomes profitable for many compa-nies to produce oil. Oil exporting nations havebeen suffering with prices under that level,even dropping below $30 per barrel at thebeginning of this year, as Saudi Arabia ledOPEC nations in stepping up output in ordergain market share and push rivals with higherproduction costs out of business.

The IEA found that production increases byOPEC nations continued into November, ris-

ing by 300,000 bpd to 34.2 mbd. Novemberoutput by OPEC nations was 1.4 mbd abovethat one year ago. The cartel currentlyaccounts for around 40 percent of total out-put. At a meeting last weekend in Vienna, 11non-members of OPEC agreed cut of produc-tion by 558,000 barrels per day, joining anearlier pledge by OPEC nations to cut outputby 1.2 mbd for six months.

The IEA said analysis of the market outlookfor 2017 was complicated by the fact thatOPEC will review in May whether to extendthe output cuts. It said “OPEC also appears tobe signalling that high-cost producers shouldnot take for granted that they will receive afree ride to higher production”.

The IEA noted however that US shale pro-ducers, the higher-cost producers that OPEC

squeezed via low oil prices, appear to bestepping up investment, but made only mar-ginal increases to its forecasts for NorthAmerican output.

Demand growth While supply will be restrained by the pact

between leading oil producers, growth in oildemand has been stronger than forecast.“Global oil demand growth of 1.4 mbd is fore-seen for 2016,” said the IEA, which is anincrease of nearly 10 percent from its previousforecast and due in part to “robust demand” inthe United States. Demand growth in 2017 isnow seen at 1.3 mbd, up from its previousforecast of 1.2 mbd. That is still considerablybelow the five-year high of 1.8 mbd indemand growth registered in 2015. —AFP

Oil pact could sop up market glut: IEA

Agency hikes demand forecast for 2016 and 2017

MILAN/LONDON: Italy’s largest bank, UniCredit, plans to raise 13billion euros ($13.8 billion) in the country’s biggest-ever shareissue to shore up its balance sheet and shield itself from a broad-er banking crisis. The plans announced yesterday, which alsoinclude 14,000 job cuts, come at a turbulent time for Italian banksand the economy - with Monte dei Paschi di Siena at risk of fail-ure, a new government just installed in Rome and early electionsexpected next year.

UniCredit, the only Italian bank deemed important to the sta-bility of the global financial system, has lost about half its marketvalue this year, hit by profitability concerns, bad loans and aweaker balance sheet than major European rivals. Chief ExecutiveJean Pierre Mustier said the bank planned to launch the shareissue in the first quarter of 2017 and use the money to help mopup 17.7 billion euros worth of bad debts from its balance sheet,enabling it to boost its profits and also dividend payouts by 2019.

Drafted in five months ago, the former Societe Generale exec-utive has sought to streamline the bank, selling assets like fundmanager Pioneer and Polish unit Bank Pekao. “We’ve taken somebold actions because self-help is always the best thing to do,” the55-year-old told analysts in a call.

Joseph Oughourlian, CEO at UniCredit shareholder AmberCapital, said he was a firm believer in Mustier and his plan andwould participate in the rights issue. “Sorting out UniCredit ishuge service and a plus for the Italian banking sector. We nowhave the two largest banks in Italy well-capitalised, and we’ll runafter the rights issue,” he said. Italy’s other major bank is IntesaSanpaolo.

The issue would take the bank’s core capital ratio to above12.5 percent in 2019, from about 10.8 percent now, thoughUniCredit envisages deep job cuts. It plans to shed 14,000 jobs, orabout 11 percent of its staff as of end-2015. Including announcedasset sales, the bank will have a third less staff by 2019, comparedwith the end of last year, as a result of its turnaround plan.

Mustier pledged to cut his fixed salary by 40 percent to 1.2 millioneuros with no annual bonus this year or during the plan to 2019.

SHARES LEAPWhile UniCredit expects net profit to increase to 4.7 billion

euros in 2019 from 1.5 billion last year, it projects revenue will risejust 0.6 percent annually, with growth mainly coming from feesand commissions. Shares in the bank jumped 8 percent on newsof its plans, with traders saying its targets seemed realistic. Theturnaround, though, would involve 12.2 billion euros in one-offlosses in the fourth quarter, including loan writedowns andrestructuring costs.

“This is a big 20-billion-euro capital package if we include therecent disposals,” said Zenit fund manager Stefano Fabiani.Mustier said no more asset sales were on the cards and thatUniCredit itself was not in talks for a possible merger. His appoint-ment this year had revived rumours about a possible mergerbetween UniCredit and Societe Generale.

The success of UniCredit’s plan rests on investors believing itwill be a long-term solution. The bank has already raised 14.5 bil-lion euros since the global financial crisis struck in 2008. Mustiertold reporters that the problems of Monte dei Paschi would notupset UniCredit’s plans.

“I am highly confident Monte Paschi will be resolved by year-end and so it will have no impact on our capital increase.” Italy isready to bail out Monte dei Paschi, the country’s third-largestbank, if it fails to get the 5 billion euros it needs to stay in busi-ness from private investors, a Treasury source said. The EuropeanCentral Bank has given it by the end of this month to raise themoney.

For UniCredit, investment banks have signed a pre-under-writing agreement to help it market the issue, includingMorgan Stanley, UBS, BofA Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan andMediobanca. —AFP

UniCredit to raise $13.8bn

in Italy’s biggest share issue

Gulf stocks pull back ahead of US hike

DUBAI: Stock markets in the Gulf pulled back yesterdayas investors turned their attention to an expected USinterest rate hike today and the upcoming Saudi Arabianstate budget for 2017. In Riyadh, the index declined for asecond straight session, falling 0.8 percent. Trading vol-ume shrank by roughly half from Monday’s very largeamount. Investors have been readjusting their portfoliosin anticipation of the 2017 budget announcement, whichis expected late this month. Bankers and analysts in touchwith Saudi economic officials say the 2016 deficit is likelyto have shrunk much more than originally projected, andthis plus higher oil prices should give the governmentroom to spend a little more on economic developmentprojects next year.

But more domestic fuel subsidy cuts still look likely in the2017 budget. Mohammad Al-Shammasi, chief executive ofRiyadh-based Derayah Financial, said the market’s uptrendwas pausing temporarily, though any pullback in the lead-up to the budget announcement would not be major. “Thegovernment had already made it clear in last year’s budgetannouncement that there will be further subsidy cuts, but Idon’t think the impact will be as negative on sentiment as itwas then.” Nevertheless, yesterday petrochemical sharesremained weak, with all 14 listed producers retreating.Saudi Kayan Petrochemical closed 1.7 percent lower. Retailshares were also hit, with apparel retailer and mall operatorFawaz Alhokair slumping 5.5 percent.

But Knowledge Economic City rose 1.5 percent inheavy trade after the company said it had sold land tohospital operator Mouwasat for a capital gain of 32 mil-lion riyals ($8.5 million), which would be reflected in itsfourth-quarter results. Mouwasat fell 0.2 percent.

In Egypt, the index pulled back 0.5 percent in a volatilesession, with selling pressure escalating in the final hour.A little over 80 percent of shares in the index declinedwith Orascom Telecom, the most heavily traded stock,falling 2.6 percent after rising by the same percentage on

Monday. Foreign investors, who have been buyers ofstocks since the central bank floated the Egyptian poundon Nov. 3, remained net buyers, bourse data showed. TheEgyptian pound hit an all-time low against the US dollaron Monday, trading at 18.50 pounds. A weaker currencywill hurt local traders who have seen their purchasingpower erode, but it may encourage international funds tocontinue buying shares at a cheaper exchange rate.

UAE DOWN, QATAR UPDubai’s main index, which rose on Monday to its high-

est level this year and above technical resistance on itsAugust peak of 3,624 points, pulled back 0.9 percent to3,625 points. Trading volume shrunk by roughly a fifthfrom the previous session but held well above this year’saverage, suggesting foreign investors remain interestedin the market. Mobile phone operator du fell 2.8 percentand real estate giant Emaar Properties dropped 1.3 per-cent. But GFH Financial Group jumped 3.2 percent inheavy trade after multilateral development bank ArabPetroleum Investments Corp bought 30 percent of FalconCement Co, Bahrain’s largest cement producer, from GFH.The companies did not disclose a purchase price but GFHhas previously valued Falcon at $120 million.

Abu Dhabi’s index closed down 0.2 percent but wellabove its session low. Trading volume shrank by roughlytwo-thirds from Monday. The main drag came from bluechips with Union National Bank closing 1.1 percent lower.

Qatar’s main index, however, bucked the regionaldowntrend to climb 0.7 percent in modest volume. Theindex is still down 0.5 percent since the start of the yearbut has gained 7.9 percent since Nov. 29. A Reuters surveyof fund managers, published at the end of last month,found more regional funds prepared to return to Qatarbecause of attractive dividend yields. Qatar NationalBank, the largest listed stock, was the top performer yes-terday, rising 2.4 percent. —Reuters



Newsi n b r i e f

Emaar appoints hospitality and leisure unit CEO

DUBAI: Dubai’s Emaar Properties , builder of the world’stallest tower, announced yesterday the appointment ofOlivier Harnisch as the chief executive of its hospitality andleisure business Emaar Hospitality Group. Harnisch joinsfrom Brussels-based Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, wherehe previously served as chief operating officer, the devel-oper said in a statement. He will be responsible for over-seeing Emaar’s three hotel brands: The Address Hotels +Resorts, Vida Hotels and Resorts, and Rove Hotels andleisure assets.

Egypt cancels tender to rent third LNG terminal

CAIRO: Egypt has cancelled its tender to rent a thirdnatural gas import (LNG) regasification terminal as it isno longer needed, Oil Minister Tarek El Molla toldReuters yesterday. “The tender to rent a third regasifica-tion terminal was cancelled due to a lack of need for itand until we reassess the gas production capacity ofEgypt and the consumption levels over the next fewyears,” he said. Once a net energy exporter, Egypt beganimporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) last year and hasleased two floating and storage regasification units(FSRU) already to help avert power shortages caused byfalling energy production and rising consumption.

Qatar November inflation drops to lowest this year

DOHA: Qatar’s Statistics Authority released the follow-ing November consumer price data yesterday, show-ing inflation at its lowest level this year. Housing andutility costs, which account for 22 percent of the con-sumer basket, rose 1.8 percent from a year earlier butfood and beverage costs, which account for nearly 13percent, dropped 3.4 percent.

DUBAI: Dubai is working with HSBC on the financing ofExpo 2020 Dubai, a $7 billion exhibition centre projectexpected to attract 25 million visitors, sources familiarwith the matter said. The site will host Expo Dubai whichwill run from October 2020 to April 2021 and will be thefirst World Expo hosted in the Middle East, according tothe Expo 2020 website.

The project provides more evidence that Dubai is backin expansion mode after running into trouble during the2009 global financial crisis. The expo is a major part ofDubai’s plans to expand its infrastructure and boost itscredentials as a tourist destination. The financing willcome from bank loans and from various export creditagencies, the sources said. HSBC has been appointed tocoordinate the export credit agencies and financing sup-ported by them, the sources said, adding that the splitbetween the commercial loans and the export creditfinancing was yet to be defined.

Export credit-backed financing provides guaranteesthat support the export and supply of domestic goods orcontractors or in some cases direct lending. Expo 2020Dubai was not immediately available to comment. HSBCdeclined to comment.

The exhibition centre project, in the Dubai South dis-trict, situated midway between Abu Dhabi and Dubai, willbe 4 kilometres long and 1.8 kilometres wide, according toits website. The development will include a number ofinfrastructure projects, an exhibition centre, academic andresearch institutions and a technology cluster, the websitesaid. It will possibly also need additional funding on top ofthe $7 billion for projects linked to the event and led bygovernment entities such as Dubai Municipality, the DubaiElectricity and Water Authority, and Dubai’s Roads andTransport Authority, two of the sources said.

The expo site is located near Dubai’s new airport,Al-Maktoum International Airport. There are proposalsfor a $3 billion expansion of the airport and HSBC isalso advising the government on the financing for thisproject. — Reuters


Al-Muzaini Exchange Co.

ASIAN COUNTRIESJapanese Yen 2.697Indian Rupees 4.497Pakistani Rupees 2.919Srilankan Rupees 2.065Nepali Rupees 2.812Singapore Dollar 216.870Hongkong Dollar 39.459Bangladesh Taka 3.846Philippine Peso 6.169Thai Baht 8.626

GCC COUNTRIESSaudi Riyal 81.654Qatari Riyal 84.101ani Riyal 795.218Bahraini Dinar 813.070UAE Dirham 83.356

ARAB COUNTRIESEgyptian Pound - Cash 23.900Egyptian Pound - Transfer 17.399Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.229Tunisian Dinar 133.920Jordanian Dinar 431.200Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.040Syrian Lira 2.182Morocco Dirham 30.909

EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIESUS Dollar Transfer 306.000Euro 324.670Sterling Pound 390.150Canadian dollar 230.150Turkish lira 88.230

Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd


Swiss Franc 302.970Australian Dollar 229.350US Dollar Buying 304.800

GOLD20 Gram 241.0710 Gram 123.465 Gram 62.57

Rate for Transfer Selling RateUS Dollar 305.650Canadian Dolla 230.085Sterling Pound 389.515Euro 324.345Swiss Frank 302.445Bahrain Dinar 810.255UAE Dirhams 83.610Qatari Riyals 84.830Saudi Riyals 82.435Jordanian Dinar 431.775Egyptian Pound 17.593Sri Lankan Rupees 2.064Indian Rupees 4.487Pakistani Rupees 2.916Bangladesh Taka 3.878Philippines Pesso 6.150Cyprus pound 167.850Japanese Yen 3.690Syrian Pound 2.435Nepalese Rupees 3.800Malaysian Ringgit 69.445


British Pound 0.381639 0.391639Czech Korune 0.003927 0.015927Danish Krone 0.039332 0.044332Euro 0. 317427 0.326427Norwegian Krone 0.032031 0.037231Romanian Leu 0.072173 0.072173Slovakia 0.009174 0.01914Swedish Krona 0.028990 0.033990Swiss Franc 0.294522 0.305522Turkish Lira 0.083994 0.094294

AustralasiaAustralian Dollar 0.219571 0.231571New Zealand Dollar 0.211038 0.220538

AmericaCanadian Dollar 0.224135 0.233135Georgina Lari 0.138207 0.138207US Dollars 0.301900 0.306600US Dollars Mint 0.302400 0.306600

AsiaBangladesh Taka 0.003377 0.003961Chinese Yuan 0.042940 0.046440Hong Kong Dollar 0.037368 0.040118Indian Rupee 0.000096 0.004607

Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024Japanese Yen 0.002608 0.002788Kenyan Shilling 0.002996 0.002996Korean Won 0.000250 0.000265Malaysian Ringgit 0.064916 0.070916Nepalese Rupee 0.002840 0.003010Pakistan Rupee 0.002670 0.002960Philippine Peso 0.006074 0.006374Sierra Leone 0.000052 0.000058Singapore Dollar 0.209050 0.219050South African Rand 0.015998 0.024498Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001642 0.002222Taiwan 0.009428 0.009608Thai Baht 0.008255 0.008805

ArabBahraini Dinar 0.805100 0.813600Egyptian Pound 0.015640 0.024893Iranian Riyal 0.000085 0.000086Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241Jordanian Dinar 0.426542 0.435542Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000Lebanese Pound 0.000152 0.000252Moroccan Dirhams 0.020137 0.044137Nigerian Naira 0.000369 0.001004Omani Riyal 0.788384 0.794064Qatar Riyal 0.083239 0.084689Saudi Riyal 0.080513 0.081813Syrian Pound 0.001298 0.001518Tunisian Dinar 0.129939 0.137939Turkish Lira 0.083994 0.094294UAE Dirhams 0.081888 0.083588Yemeni Riyal 0.001013 0.001093

BEIRUT: European planemaker Airbusand Iran Air will finalize a deal to buyaircraft in two weeks, the head of Iran’sflag carrier said yesterday, addingAirbus has agreed to provide financingfor 17 planes. Uncertainty over financ-ing of the deal and political oppositionin the United States against Iran haveslowed down Tehran’s efforts to importaircraft following the lifting of sanc-tions this year.

Iran signed a $16.6 billion deal for80 Boeing passenger jets on Sunday,the biggest package of firm contractswith Western companies since Iran’s1979 revolution. Iran Air ChiefExecutive Farhad Parvaresh said he was

hopeful to finalise the deal with Airbusin two weeks. “There are only few smallremaining issues like financing. Airbushas agreed to provide financing for 17planes,” he was quoted as saying byTasnim news agency.

Iranian officials told Reuters inNovember that they have reached adeal with a foreign leasing company tofinance the first 17 jets from Airbus butdeclined to name the lessor involved.

Parvaresh said Iran Air was trying toget first five Airbus planes beforeMarch 2017. During a visit by PresidentHassan Rouhani to Paris in January2016, Iran provisionally ordered 118Airbus jets worth $27 billion. —Reuters

Iran, Airbus hopeful of

finalizing deal in 2 weeks

Chinese Yuan Renminbi 45.000Thai Bhat 9.575Turkish Lira 87.220

AfDB approves $500m loan payment to Egypt

CAIRO: The African Development Bank’s board approvedyesterday payment of a $500 million loan to Egypt, the sec-ond of three expected disbursals, Minister of InternationalCooperation Sahar Nasr told Reuters. The loan, approvedby the board in light of Egypt’s economic reforms, is sub-ject to parliamentary approval. Nasr did not specify when avote might take place.

MANILA: The Asian Development Bankslightly lowered its 2016 growth forecastfor developing Asia yesterday, reflectingslower-than-expected expansion in India.Developing Asia, which groups 45 coun-tries in the Asia-Pacific region, is nowexpected to expand 5.6 percent this year,rather than 5.7 percent, the ADB said in asupplement to its Asian DevelopmentOutlook 2016.

The ADB trimmed its 2016 growth esti-mate for India to 7.0 percent from 7.4 per-cent due to weak investment, agriculturalslowdown and the government’s recentdemonetization.

But India’s growth forecast for 2017 waskept at 7.8 percent. The Manila-basedlender kept China’s growth forecasts forthis year and next at 6.6 percent and 6.4percent, respectively. “Asian economiescontinue their robust expansion in the faceof global economic uncertainties,” said ADBdeputy chief economist Juzhong Zhuang.“Structural reforms to boost productivity,improve investment climate, and supportdomestic demand can help maintaingrowth momentum,” said Zhuang.

The growth estimate for Southeast Asiawas kept at 4.5 percent for this year and 4.6percent in 2017, supported by stronggrowth in Malaysia and the Philippines.Economies in South Asia are projected toexpand by 6.6 percent in 2016, down fromthe previous estimate of 6.9 percent. Fornext year, growth in that region will bounceback to 7.3 percent, the ADB said. East Asiaas a whole is seen to expand by 5.8 percentthis year and 5.6 percent in 2017 as growthstabilizes in line with earlier forecasts.

The report said growth in the majorSoutheast Asian economies in the thirdquarter met projections and even sur-passed them in Malaysia and thePhilippines. The sub-region is forecast to

expand by 4.5 percent in 2016, and pickingup to 4.6 percent in 2017.

“Asian economies continue their robustexpansion in the face of global economicuncertainties,” said ADB Deputy ChiefEconomist Juzhong Zhuang. “Structuralreforms to boost productivity, improve

investment climate, and support domesticdemand can help maintain growthmomentum.” ADB said the combinedgrowth for the major industrial economiesexceeded expectations, ticking up 0.1 per-centage point to 1.5 percent in 2016. Thegrowth forecast for 2017 is maintained at

1.8 percent, with robust consumer spend-ing supporting the US economy, and mon-etary policy and improved labor marketsfueling growth in the euro area. Japan’sexpansion, meanwhile, will be buoyed bystrong exports, despite a stronger currency,the report said. —Agencies

ADB lowers 2016 growth

forecast for developing AsiaChina 2016, 2017 growth at 6.6%, India growth cut to 7%

BEIJING: Workers rest during lunch break outside a construction site at the Central Business District in Beijing yesterday. TheAsian Development Bank on Tuesday trimmed its economic growth forecast this year for developing Asia to 5.6 percent. —AP

DUBAI: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ hasreceived a license to open a branch inSaudi Arabia, becoming the f i rstJapanese bank to establish a presence inthe kingdom.

The bank, part of Mitsubishi UFJFinancial Group, has played a central role inthe Saudi government’s recent financingactivity, in April helping to arrange a $10billion loan, while Mitsubishi UFJ inOctober helped with its $17.5 billion inter-national bond sale.

The bank also signed an agreement inSeptember with Saudi Aramco to assistand collaborate in the company’s futuredevelopment. The oil giant is targeting2018 for what is expected to be theworld’s biggest initial public offering.Saudi state news agency SPA said the cab-inet licensed the bank to open a branch inthe kingdom and authorized the Ministerof Finance to decide on any subsequent

request to open other branches. SaudiArabia and Japan have strong trading ties,with Japan’s oil and gas procurement fromSaudi Aramco accounting for more than30 percent of Japan’s total imports for thesector, according to a release from thebank in September.

Banking licenses in the kingdom aregranted relatively infrequently. QatarNational Bank was the last foreign bank tobe permitted to open a branch inSeptember 2015. Out of the 13 foreignbanks listed on the central bank’s websiteas being licensed to operate, five are Gulflenders - two from Bahrain and one eachfrom Kuwait, the UAE and Oman. Otherinternational lenders include JP Morgan,Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas.

Other Asian banks with licenses includeIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China,State Bank of India and National Bank ofPakistan. — Reuters

DUBAI: Dubai’s Meydan Group, which spe-cializes in real estate projects in the com-mercial, hospitality and entertainment sec-tors, will close by the end of next week a600 million dirham ($163 million) syndicat-ed loan, sources close to the situation said.

The debt facility, arranged byCommercial Bank of Dubai, will be used tofinance a hotel project. The deal was initial-ly expected to reach completion by the endof November.

The company declined to comment.Meydan, mostly known for the Meydanracecourse facility in Dubai, is the develop-er of Meydan City, a 47 million square footproject including residential, commercial

and mixed-use buildings. It has raisedfinancing from local and regional banksover the year, in a sign that major realestate developments continue in Dubaidespite the regional economic slowdowncaused by low oil prices.

Earlier this year, Meydan obtained a$476 million loan from Qatar National Bankand QNB’s United Arab Emirates affiliateCommercial Bank International. The com-pany also raised 1 billion dirhams of Islamicfinancing in June to strengthen its capitalstructure, diversify its investor base andsupport new projects. That financing com-prised 700 million dirhams of sukuk and a300 million dirham term loan. — Reuters

Dubai working

with HSBC on

$7bn financing

for Expo 2020

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi

to open branch in Saudi

Dubai’s Meydan Group to close

600m dirham syndicated loan

NANTONG: This picture taken on December 10, 2016 shows a woman working in atextile factory in Nantong in China’s eastern Jiangsu province. China filed a dis-pute resolution case with the World Trade Organization on Monday over the so-called ‘surrogate country’ approach used by the United States and the EuropeanUnion to calculate anti-dumping measures applied to Chinese exports. —AFP



LONDON: Passengers queue up for an express train to Gatwick Airport, run-ning a reduced service as a result of a train strike, in Victoria rail stationLondon yesterday. —AP

LONDON: Hundreds of thousands ofBritish commuters faced travel chaos yes-terday as train drivers went on strike inwhat is expected to be the worst rail dis-ruption in decades. Southern Rail, whichruns trains between England’s south coastand London, warned of severe disruptionas it cancelled more than 2,000 servicesafter workers launched three days ofindustrial action.

Up to 1,000 drivers are involved in thestrike which will affect around 300,000passengers, including those travelling toLondon’s Gatwick airport. A 48-hour walk-out began at midnight Monday with a fur-ther 24-hour strike planned for Friday andanother six days of action in January.

The long-running dispute centres onplans for “driver-only operated trains”which mean guards would no longer berequired to open and close train doors.

Union leaders have raised concernsabout safety and possible job losses,although the rail company insists staffinglevels will not be affected. A train workerat London’s Victoria station told AFP oncondit ion of anonymit y that thechanges, which Southern Rail says willfree up guards to help passengers andhandle emergencies, constitute “a realculture shock”.

Passengers at the station gazed at blankdepartures boards early Monday as railwaystaff in fluorescent jackets offered adviceon alternative routes. Furious commuterClarence Quaicoe, running late for work,told AFP: “Of course I’m upset... I will haveto take the underground where there arealso severe delays.”

Passengers on routes from Brighton andother key commuter towns in southernEngland have already faced months of dis-ruption to services in a series of walkoutsthat began in April.

The latest strike comes after the trainoperator ’s owners, Govia ThameslinkRailway, lost a legal bid to halt the action.

The shutdown is expected to cause theworst disruption on Britain’s railways sincea series of strikes by signal workers in 1994.

‘Completely futile’Southern Rail said it was “sincerely sor-

ry” that trains were at a standstill. “Thesestrikes are wholly unjustified and we mustfind a way forward,” a company spokesmansaid, adding that it had invited union boss-es to talks aimed at resolving the dispute.A reduced service between Victoria, a keystation in central London, and Gatwickwas running every half hour, the trainoperator said.

Mick Whelan, general secretary of thetrain drivers’ union Aslef, said the unionwas prepared to negotiate but added:“It’s up to the company, and the govern-ment, to be flexible and end the miseryof commuters.”

The government, which is responsiblefor awarding franchises to train operatingcompanies, is under mounting pressure tointervene in the dispute. “Doing nothing tohelp Southern rail commuters is no longeran option” for the government, saidLondon mayor Sadiq Khan in a post onTwitter. Khan suggested that Transport forLondon, which runs the capital’s Tube,would be better placed to operate thesouthern English rail services.

Britain’s transport minister ChrisGrayling called it a “completely futile,pointless strike” and said his offers to inter-vene had been ignored.

He told BBC’s Radio 4 that he did notagree with the action but: “I don’t have thepower to order people back to work. This isa lawful strike.” In an emotional messageon Facebook, commuter Jenny Lehane toldlawmakers: “I am writing this on a bus withtears streaming down my face at the utterfailure of our MPs and government to doanything to stop this completely intolera-ble failure... to run the service that my faresand taxes are paying for”.

The rail walkout comes after Post Officeworkers also voted Monday to strike in arow over job cuts, closures and pensions.The five days of strikes next week by mem-bers of the Communication Workers Unionwill hit postal services during their busiestperiod in the run up to Christmas. —AFP

British commuters face

worst rail strike in decades

NEW YORK: President-elect DonaldTrump’s threat to slap punitive tariffs onChinese goods is a worry for firms thattrade with the country in the USMidwest, a decisive region in theRepublican’s election triumph. Strongsupport across America’s “Rust Belt,” andfrustration at lost industrial jobs blamedon globalization, carried Trump to victo-ry last month in key battleground states,including Michigan and Ohio.

But some companies in the regionthat benefit from global trade are wor-ried about early signs the president-electplans to take a hardline stance withChina. “We export a lot of products toChina,” said David Shogren, president ofUS International Foods. “My fear is what-ever changes Trump makes ... that Chinawill retaliate in some ways.”

The St. Louis company depends onChina as a key export market for peanut

butter, mustard, nuts, cereals and otheritems. About 50 percent of its revenuesare tied to China, compared with just fivepercent to its home market. “Our cus-tomers may switch from US products toother countries: Europe, Australia, NewZealand or Japan, or other exportingcountries,” Shogren said.

Shogren said his company is trying tobuild markets in Southeast Asia, includ-ing Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.Trump during the campaign threatenedto impose 45 percent tariffs on China,saying the world’s second biggest econ-omy has stiffed the US with currencymanipulation and illegal subsidies.“China will take a tit-for-tat approach,”said an editorial in Global Times, aChinese newspaper that is close to thegovernment.

“A batch of Boeing orders will bereplaced by Airbus. US auto and iPhone

sales in China will suffer a setback, andUS soybean and maize imports will behalted,” it warned. “China can also limitthe number of Chinese students study-ing in the US.”

China also responded sharply toTrump’s decision to accept a phone callfrom Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen andto suggestions he is rethinking thedecades-old US “One China policy.”

The One China policy is the “politicalbedrock” of relations with the US, Chineseforeign ministry spokesman GengShuang said. If it is “compromised or dis-rupted” cooperation in major fields wouldbe “out of the question,” Geng added.

Writing to Trump Ohio-based Progressive Molding

Technologies imports tooling from Chinathat enables it to compete with Chineserivals.“My fear is we will lose access to

China’s cheap tools,” said president LairdDaubenspeck. “At that point, I will antici-pate the our customers will start to slowdown new product launches and we willsee less growth.”

Daubenspeck has written twice toTrump, once after he was elected and asecond time after the Taiwan phone call.“My biggest fear is he doesn’t under-stand the impact his words have.”

Among big manufacturers, Boeing isespecially vulnerable. About one out ofthree Boeing 737 planes delivered in2015 was destined for China. The compa-ny just announced Monday that it willreduce production of its 777 starting inAugust, which will have an impact onemployment.

General Motors also could see itsbusiness disrupted in a trade war. Chinais GM’s biggest market for cars, with 2.38million vehicles sold in the first eight

months of 2016, compared with 1.96million in the US. GM also manufacturesthe Buick Envision in China, which isexported to the US and could sufferunder US tariffs. A GM spokesman saidit was too early to comment on anypotential shifts in trade policy, but not-ed that GM chief executive Mary Barraagreed to participate in Trump’s strate-gic and policy forum, along with othertop chief executives.

The century-old National ForeignTrade Council on Monday said it willwork with the new administration butwill fight protectionism. “And we’re pre-pared to argue against the use of traderestrictions as a way of achieving greatereconomic growth-history has shownthat really isn’t an effective way of doingthat,” Rufus Yerxa, head of the 300-com-pany NFTC, whose members exportabout $3 trillion a year. —AFP

Trump tough talk on China worries US exporters

Bahrain’s economic growth is set tohold steady in 2016, as a resilientnon-oil economy helps weathersome of the on-going weakness inthe oil sector. We foresee growth inreal GDP to hold at around 2.9 per-cent year-on-year (y/y) in 2016,before climbing to around 3.4 per-cent y/y in 2017 on stronger non-oilgrowth. Growth in real oil GDP is setto remain flat in 2016 and 2017amid steady oil production levels.Real non-oil growth is expected toremain broadly stable at a relativelysolid 3.6 percent y/y in 2016 beforeedging up towards 4 percent y/y onhigh levels of investment.

In the first quarter of 2016, realGDP growth recovered relative to4Q15 and accelerated to 4.5 percenty/y. However, the acceleration wasmostly attributed to a one-off jumpin real oil GDP growth. Indeed,growth in real GDP slowed onceagain to 2.5 percent y/y in 2Q16,after real oil activity contracted by1.7 percent y/y.

In contrast, growth in real non-oilactivity climbed from 2.8 percent y/yto 3.6 percent y/y during the sameperiod, helping shore up some of theweakness in oil activity. Non-oil GDPrecorded its highest growth rate in ayear in 2Q16, thanks to faster thanexpected utilization of GCC grants,which helped prop up investment.The GCC pledged $10 billion ininvestment over ten years whichBahrain has vowed to devote to infra-structure and housing developments.

Inflation higher Inflation in the consumer price

index (CPI)rose for the most part of1H16,after subsidy cuts in the foodand housing components led therespective inflation rateshigher(Chart 3). However, the initialimpact of the subsidy cuts appearsto have waned; CPI inflation peakedat 3.8 percent y/y in April and as ofOctober, stood at 1.5 percent y/y onthe back of a slowdown in inflationin the housing component and adecline in food prices.

Despite the ongoing ease in theoverall inflation rate, we expectinflation to still edge up slightly andaverage around 2.5 percent in2016,following the multi-monthhigh readings recorded in 1H16.

Budget deficit Bahrain is forecast to see one of

the largest budget deficits in theGCC region. With the breakeven oilprice estimated at around $120 perbarrel amid a weak oil price environ-ment, the budget deficit is expectedto expand to roughly 17 percent ofGDP in 2016 before narrowing toaround 14 percent of GDP in 2017.

Bahrain remains adamant aboutimposing fiscal reforms in line withthe IMF’s recommendations to helpshore up its public deficit. So far, ithas agreed to cut governmentexpenditures by 30 percent.Spending cuts have been concen-trated on subsidies; public spendinglevels on infrastructure and devel-opment projects have remainedbroadly stable. In August 2015, thegovernment lifted subsidies onmeat products. In December 2015,

the cabinet approved a new pricingsystem for diesel, kerosene and jetfuel to reduce subsidy costs and bet-ter reflect price increases in otherGCC states. In 1H16, it approved theremoval of subsidies on utilities.

However, engaging in further sig-nificant cuts in public spendingremains a challenge, especially sincethe two politically sensitive areas ofspending, namely subsidies andpublic wages, make up two-thirds oftotal government spending.

Given that the budget deficit isexpected to remain high in spite ofsubsidy cuts, Bahrain will continueto turn to both domestic and inter-national bond markets, to helpfinance its deficit. In 2015, Bahrainissued a total of $6 billion in bonds,$1.5 billion of which was ineurobonds. So far in 2016, the gov-ernment of Bahrain has issued $3.4billion in bonds, $2 billion of whichwas issued externally. Subsequently,the debt to GDP ratio is projected toremain at around a high of 60 per-cent of GDP in 2016.

Fiscal deficit and debt concernshave led to a bout of downgrades ofthe nation’s long-term credit rating.In June, Fitch, in line with the othertwo major rating agencies, down-graded Bahrain’s long-term creditrating to below investment gradestatus. The downgrades have nodoubt made it more difficult for thegovernment to negotiate betterbond deals.

Banking sector After remaining mostly steady in

2015, latest data reveal a slowdownin private sector claims growth(Chart 6). Growth slowed from 5.4percent y/y in February to 3.3 per-cent y/y in March. We expect growthin this segment to have eased fur-ther in 2016 amid tighter liquidityconditions.

Total deposit growth has beenweighed down by an ongoingdecline in government deposits(Chart 7). Government depositshave continued to contract on loweroil revenues and high levels of gov-ernment spending. According to thelatest data, government deposits fellby 6.3 percent y/y in March. Growthin private sector deposits alsoremained weak during the samemonth, after it came in unchangedfrom February at 1.9 percent y/y.

Growth in the broad M2 moneysupply remains weak mainly ontepid growth in quasi-money sup-ply. This, in turn, has continued topush interbank rates higher. InMarch2016, M2 money supplygrowth came in at a mere 2.0 per-cent y/y. Bahrain’s one-month andthree-month interbank rates wit-nessed sharp increases in 2016. Asof the end of November they wereup 20 basis points (bps) and 27 bpsyear-to-date, respectively.

Bahrain stock market In tandem with regional markets,

the Bahrain All Share Indexhas beenweighed down by depressed globaloil prices. The weak oil price outlookcontinues to act as a damper oninvestor confidence and therebymarket performance.

Resilient non-oil economy

helps Bahrain beat oil dip


LAGOS: With Christmas just weeks away,Dolapo Beckley was among a throng ofshoppers haggling at a market inNigeria’s commercial capital Lagos,where the prices of some goods havedoubled in the last year. Beckley votedfor President Muhammadu Buhari in theelection that swept him to power lastyear on promises to fix endemic misman-agement and corruption.

But 19 months into his term, public sup-port is crumbling as people like the 34-year-old baker blame Buhari for Nigeria’sfirst recession in 25 years and a rise in infla-tion to an 11-year high of 18.3 percent.

“I do regret voting for Buhari. We wanteda better economy and things are turningupside down, even worse than the way itwas before,” said Beckley, who was at theLagos Island market to buy gifts for her chil-dren. Buhari’s aides say the woes of Africa’sbiggest economy stem from the previousgovernment’s failure to set money aside inthe years when Nigeria’s crude oil fetchedover $100 a barrel, before the price plungedin late 2014. It now stands around $56.

The OPEC member relies on oil sales fortwo-thirds of state revenue, and Buhari hassaid his government is working to diversifythe economy by boosting manufacturingand farming. Today he will submit a recordbudget worth 7.2 trillion naira ($23.6 bil-lion) to lawmakers, drawing partly on for-eign borrowing to pay for a boost in capi-tal spending.

But in a country where the UN esti-mates that 70 percent of the 180 millioninhabitants live on a dollar a day, angerat the state of the economy is tangible.“We are no longer asking PresidentBuhari to develop Nigeria,” states a mes-sage shared widely on social media. “Atthis point, we are only asking him toreturn Nigeria to the state it was beforehe became president.”

Despite a 40 percent devaluation of thenaira currency in June, a shortage of dol-lars persists, and they fetch a premium ofup to 40 percent on the black market. InNigeria’s import-driven economy, this haspushed up the cost of everything from riceto spare machine parts. —Reuters

Nigerians vent frustrations

on Buhari as costs skyrocket


LONDON: Global shares edged up yesterday,helped by gains in banks after Italy’s largestlender unveiled a 13 billion-euro share issue,while the dollar held steady before a FederalReserve meeting expected to deliver higherinterest rates. Wall Street also looked set to rise,with index futures about 0.3 percent higher.UniCredit launched Italy’s biggest share issue toclean up its balance sheet and boost profitabili-ty, the latest move to strengthen the Italianbanking sector, which has been clouding theoutlook for European stocks.

UniCredit shares rose 8.3 percent and anindex of Italian banks added 3 percent as the

pan-European STOXX 600 share index gained 0.8percent. “It’s a hard medicine to swallow, butUniCredit’s move to raise billions of euros and arestructuring program would put the bank in amuch better shape,” said Koen De Leus, chiefeconomist at BNP Paribas Fortis.

Markets were otherwise focused on the two-day Fed meeting, which is almost certain to con-clude with only the second rise in US interestrates since the global financial crisis. While a hikeof 25 basis points in the Fed’s target range of0.25-0.50 percent is priced in, investors will beexamining the Fed’s statement and economicforecasts for any signs of how the central bank

thinks Trump’s election affects the outlook forgrowth and inflation.

“The big question is, what sort of pace canwe expect from the Fed for next year?” saidKaneo Ogino, director at foreign exchangeresearch firm Global-info Co in Tokyo. The dollarwas all but flat against a basket of major curren-cies. The euro fell 0.2 percent to $1.0612 and theyen fell 0.2 percent to 115.24 per dollar.

Forex fluctuatesUS 10-year Treasury yields, which popped

above 2.5 percent on Monday for the first timesince October 2014, fell 3 basis points yesterday

to 2.45 percent. “We think the meetingmay be a catalyst for people to take someprofit on long dollar positions,” Barclaysanalyst Hamish Pepper said.

Sterling bucked the trend, rising 0.3 per-cent to $1.2715, buoyed by commentsfrom finance minister Philip Hammondthat Britain should have a transition periodto smooth its exit from the EuropeanUnion. Data showed UK consumer pricesrose 1.2 percent year-on-year last month,their biggest rise since October 2014.MSCI’s broadest index of Asia-Pacific sharesoutside Japan edged up 0.2 percent, whileJapan’s Nikkei stock index shrugged offlosses as the yen pulled off its highs andended 0.5 percent higher.

Global shares, as measured by MSCI’sall-country world index , rose 0.3 percentbut held below Monday’s 16-month high,touched as crude oil prices surged after theOrganization of the Petroleum ExportingCountries and non-OPEC producersreached their first deal since 2001 toreduce output.

Italy’s efforts to clean up its banks - theTreasury said on Monday it was ready tobail out Monte dei Paschi di Siena if neces-sary - pushed yields on its governmentdebt lower and saw the premium the coun-try pays to borrow, compared withGermany, squeezed to its narrowest inmore than a month.

Italian 10-year yields fell 10 basis pointsto 1.91 percent while German equivalentsfell 5 bps to 0.36 percent. This followed

new Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloniannouncing an almost unchanged cabineton Monday. “The markets appear to be tak-ing the developments in the banking sec-tor quite positively and the cabinet chosenby Gentiloni has reassured investors,” DZBank strategist Christian Lenk said.

Asian markets mostly fell yesterday asattention turns to this week’s much-antici-pated Federal Reserve meeting, while ana-lysts said the recent Trump-fuelled rallymay have been overblown.

“With a rate hike at this week’s (meet-ing) fully priced and given the strong rallyin the dollar, we are likely seeing some par-ing of positions heading into the rate deci-sion,” Khoon Goh, head of regionalresearch at Australia & New ZealandBanking Group in Singapore, toldBloomberg News.

“Market participants are also reassessingwhether the Trump rally has gotten a bitahead of itself.” Hong Kong edged up 0.1percent and Shanghai also ended 0.1 per-cent higher, with gains limited despite abetter-than-expected read on Chinese fac-tory output and retail sales.

“The figures are good but the marketsentiment remains cautious after a bigdrop yesterday,” Linus Yip, a Hong Kong-based strategist at First ShanghaiSecurities, said. Shanghai sank 2.5 per-cent on Monday. Seoul put on 0.4 per-cent but Sydney lost 0.3 percent whileSingapore, Wellington and Manila werealso all down. — Agencies

UniCredit issue lifts banks before Fed meeting



KUWAIT: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Co (AABC), the authorized dealerof Renault vehicles in the State of Kuwait isstill offering its customers an attractiveoffer on the Renault Dokker Van, the mostrobust and reliable light commercial vehi-cle available in its segment.

You can lease the Renault Dokker vanfor 99 KD monthly without any down pay-ment, or purchase it for 2,999 KuwaitiDinars only. The offer includes a 5 year war-ranty or 200,000 km, free registration and3rd party insurance upon the purchase ofthe Renault Dokker Van.

Aimed towards small business owners,the Renault Dokker van is a modern and anefficient transportation solution with aninnate sense of practicality and versatility.It offers a 1.6L engine and the best loadvolume in its category with a carrying pay-load of 750 KG assisted with sliding doorsand two asymmetrical rear doors, a load-ing capacity of 3.3m3 and a loading lengthof 1.9m; swiftly meeting the challenges oftransport and delivery.

The Renault Dokker van is known tomove with times. Its economic engine, lowC02 emissions and respect for both envi-ronment and customers’ budget make it atruly model employee. The body designand proportions reflect generous interiorspace and a range of accessories to matchthe different needs of drivers.

The Renault Dokker exudes aptly the

finesse of Renault’s automotive expertise,proving it to be the partner in businessand progress. You can use this chance andbuy the Dokker from Renault Al-Babtainstore in Al-Rai.

Al-Babtain Group was founded in 1948,to present a model of honesty, integrityand total dedication, gaining a solid repu-tation in the State of Kuwait and theMiddle East area. Today, Al-Babtain Grouphas licensing rights for some of the world’sleading brands stretching the globe fromthe USA to the Far East.

For more than 60 years, Al-BabtainGroup has experienced continued successand a large measure of this success camefrom the Group’s advanced flexible man-agement style and long-term vision. Theseastounding results were achieved due to aversatile strategic formula focusing ongrowth amongst its sphere of activities;including automotive, technology, invest-ment, information technology, industrialand Finance.

The automotive sector is the main activ-ity within Al-Babtain Group’s business,which represents some of the bestsellingbrands in Kuwait, in addition to heavyequipment.The Abdulmohsen AbdulazizAl-Babtain Co (AABC) is proud to be theexclusive agent and distributor of leadingJapanese, European (French) and Chinesevehicles in Kuwait such as Nissan, InfinitiRenault & Citroen.

Renault Al-Babtain introduces

offer on Renault Dokker Van

BEIJING: China’s industrial outputand retail sales growth both acceler-ated in November, government datashowed yesterday, in a sign of stabi-lization for the world’s second-largesteconomy. Industrial output rose 6.2percent in the month, ahead of bothOctober ’s figures and economists’predictions of 6.1 percent in aBloomberg News survey.

Retail sales rose 10.8 percent on-year in nominal terms, up from 10.0percent in October, while fixed-assetinvestment, a gauge of infrastructurespending, rose 8.3 percent in the first11 months of the year, the NationalBureau of Statistics (NBS) said. Chinais a key driver of the world economybut its expansion has slowed signifi-cantly from the double-digit years ofthe past.

Now Beijing is seeking to make adiff icult transition away from itsdependence on exports and heavyindustry towards consumption as the

engine of the economy. After abumpy start to the year it has shownresilience in the last quarter, aided byample credit policies and the weaken-ing of the yuan currency, makingChinese goods cheaper to buy foroverseas customers.

Total retail sales reached 3.1 trillionyuan ($450 bill ion) in the month,boosted by the annual “Singles Day”online sales promotions forNovember 11. Together the datashow that China’s recovery “remainsintact heading into 2017”, JulianEvans-Pritchard of Capital Economicssaid in a note.

But as credit growth has cooledand the red-hot property sector facesa correction, the economy is likely tobegin slowing again next year, headded. And the outlook for China’sperformance is clouded by uncertain-ty over the coming US presidency ofDonald Trump, who has promised todeclare China a currency manipulator

and threatened to slap 45 percentpunitive tariffs on imports from thecountry to protect American jobs.

In an interview broadcast SundayTrump doubled down on tough rhet-oric toward Beijing, saying he did notsee why the US must “be bound by aone China policy unless we make adeal with China having to do withother things, including trade”.

In a statement, NBS analyst MaoShengyong described economicdevelopment as “steady and sound” inNovember, citing factors includingsupply-side structural reform, stimu-lus policies, and improved factoryefficiency.

But he added: “ We should beaware that domestic and externalconditions are still complicated with anumber of unstable and uncertainfactors.” Investors shrugged at thestronger-than-expected results, withChinese stocks edging down by thenoon break. —AFP

China output and retail sales accelerate in Nov

KUWAIT: Boursa Kuwait yesterdayannounced that it has issueddetailed regulations on market mak-ing after the adoption of these regu-lations by the Boursa Kuwait Boardof Directors. Market making is con-sidered as a crucial tool that servesin boosting liquidity of securitieslisted in the stock market, as well asgenerally in enhancing efficiency ofthe market as well as in activatingits tools.

Khaled Al-Khaled, Chief ExecutiveOfficer and Vice Chairman of BoursaKuwait said: “Market making is a cru-cial part of stock exchange opera-tions across the world. It serves asan important tool to boost liquidityof shares by creating specific mar-kets, thereby helping improve theefficiency of markets and assisting ineconomic growth overall. Applyingmarket making principals to BoursaKuwait is a major milestone towardsdeveloping the Kuwaiti capital mar-ket as a major regional trading hub,which will benefit Boursa Kuwaitand the Kuwaiti economy in general.

“I would like to thank the CMA for

their wise counsel, their guidanceon this matter, their conscientiousresponse to the market makingmodel that was produced by BoursaKuwait, and their efforts in amend-ing regulations pertaining to theCMA Laws in a way that are alignedwith this new model.

“I would also like to extend mythanks to Boursa Kuwait team fortheir dedication and efforts in creat-ing the right legal and technical

conditions in order to prepare forthe launch of market making opera-tions in Kuwait. A comparative andthorough case study was prepared

in order to reach to the best modelthat fits international standards aswell as the nature of Kuwaiti mar-ket,” he said.

Market Makers must first belicensed by the Capital MarketsAuthority before practicing theiractivities, then registered and meetcriteria laid down by Boursa Kuwait.Once registration is completeMarket Makers will only trade in thespecific security they are registered

for, earning rebates which arebased on meeting their variousobligations.

Boursa Kuwait is a private entitythat was established in April 2014,with the aim to take over and man-age the Kuwait stock market andprogressively transition its opera-tions, while delivering on three mainfronts; transparency, efficiency andaccessibility.

Officially licensed on 3 October,2016, Boursa Kuwait’s mission is toupgrade the exchange infrastruc-ture and business environment tointernational standards and createa robust, transparent and fair capi-tal market platform that services allrelevant asset classes, whilst focus-ing on clients’ interests. Its missiondriven strategy focuses on develop-ing the overall market status andaddressing market needs throughthe provision of investment tools,restructuring the market toincrease its competitiveness andliquidity, and attracting invest-ments with a view to issue an IPOto Kuwaiti citizens.

Boursa Kuwait unveils

market making modelMarket making tool to boost liquidity of shares

NEW YORK: Gary Cohn, tapped Monday byPresident-elect Donald Trump to head the WhiteHouse’s National Economic Council, is second-in-command at investment banking giant GoldmanSachs, which he once hoped to lead. Cohn, 56, hasworked on Wall Street since the 1990s and is one thefirm’s best known public faces. He makes frequenttelevision appearances to talk about the health offinancial markets and the global economy.

Before joining the Wall Street powerhouse, themarried father of three-who comes from a humblefamily background and struggled with dyslexia inhis youth-started out selling windows and workedin the steel industry. At Goldman, Cohn was incharge of some of the firm’s cash-cow businesses,including the division overseeing fixed income,currency and commodities. As president and chiefoperating officer, he has been heir apparent toCEO Lloyd Blankfein since 2006.

But after it became clear that Blankfein, whoannounced early this year he was “probably cured”of lymphoma, would not hand over the reins anytime soon, senior figures in the bank began toconsider Cohn’s future there, according to a per-son with knowledge of the matter.

A Goldman government? Cohn’s selection for the Trump administration

will require a new line of succession withinGoldman, and the bank could take advantage ofthe opportunity to promote a new generation ofleaders. It doubtless also will fuel criticism thatTrump’s inner circle is packed with Goldman alum-ni, with Cohn being the fourth to join.

Trump already had picked Steven Mnuchin tolead the Treasury Department, and Steve Bannonas chief strategist in the White House, whileAnthony Scaramucci is a member of Trump’s tran-sition team, all former Goldman bankers. Thenominations fly in the face of Trump’s attitudetoward the bank on the campaign trail, when heattacked rival Hillary Clinton’s ties to it.

In the campaign’s closing moments, Trumpwent as far as to use Blankfein’s face in a TV spotaccusing elites of illegitimately holding the “levers

of power,” drawing outraged accusations of anti-Semitism.

But the bank’s shares have soared more than32 percent since Trump’s shock triumph at thepolls last month over Clinton-a $24 billion capitalgain in about a month. Two former Treasury sec-retaries were Goldman alumni: Robert Rubin andHenry Paulson, under the Bill Clinton and GeorgeW. Bush administrations.

Top economic advisorClinton established the National Economic

Council in 1993 to advise the president ondomestic and global economic policy, and namedRubin to head the body. Larry Summers and LarryLindsey were subsequent leaders.

President Barack Obama’s NEC director isJeffrey Zients. Trump has promised tax cuts,boosts to infrastructure spending and the returnof industrial jobs to the United States, all whiledismantling the post-crisis financial reforms ofthe Obama administration and calling US tradeagreements into serious doubt. He said Cohn willbe his key advisor.

“As my top economic advisor, Gary Cohn isgoing to put his talents as a highly successfulbusinessman to work for the American people,”Trump said in a statement. “He will help craft eco-nomic policies that will grow wages for our work-ers, stop the exodus of jobs overseas and createmany great new opportunities for Americans whohave been struggling.”

Cohn, who during the campaign had been asupporter of Florida Senator Marco Rubio, butwho also contributed to Democrats in the past,said he was honored to be chosen.

“I share President-elect Trump’s vision ofmaking sure every American worker has asecure place in a thriving economy, and wewill be completely committed to building anation of strength, growth and prosperity,”Cohn said. —AFP

Gary Cohn: Another Goldman

banker in Trump’s inner circle

HUAXIAN: This picture taken on Monday shows a textile worker at a fac-tory in Huaxian County, in China’s northern Henan Province. China’sindustrial output and retail sales growth both accelerated in November,government data showed yesterday. —AFP

Khaled Al-Khaled

BEIJING: China’s industrial outputand retail sales growth both accel-erated in November, governmentdata showed yesterday, in a sign ofstabilization for the world’s sec-ond-largest economy. Industrialoutput rose 6.2 percent in themonth, ahead of both October’sfigures and economists’ predictionsof 6.1 percent in a BloombergNews survey.

Retail sales rose 10.8 percenton-year in nominal terms, up from10.0 percent in October, whilefixed-asset investment, a gauge ofinfrastructure spending, rose 8.3

percent in the first 11 months ofthe year, the National Bureau ofStatistics (NBS) said. China is a keydriver of the world economy butits expansion has slowed signifi-cantly from the double-digit yearsof the past.

Now Beijing is seeking to make adifficult transition away from itsdependence on exports and heavyindustry towards consumption asthe engine of the economy. After abumpy start to the year it hasshown resilience in the last quarter,aided by ample credit policies andthe weakening of the yuan curren-

cy, making Chinese goods cheaperto buy for overseas customers.

Total retail sales reached 3.1 tril-l ion yuan ($450 bill ion) in themonth, boosted by the annual“Singles Day” online sales promo-tions for November 11. Togetherthe data show that China’s recovery“remains intact heading into 2017”,Julian Evans-Pritchard of CapitalEconomics said in a note.

But as credit growth has cooledand the red-hot property sectorfaces a correction, the economy islikely to begin slowing again nextyear, he added. And the outlook for

China’s performance is clouded byuncertainty over the coming USpresidency of Donald Trump, whohas promised to declare China acurrency manipulator and threat-ened to slap 45 percent punitivetariffs on imports from the countryto protect American jobs.

In an interview broadcastSunday Trump doubled down ontough rhetoric toward Beijing, say-ing he did not see why the US must“be bound by a one China policyunless we make a deal with Chinahaving to do with other things,including trade”. —AFP

DUBAI: Event organizer UBM Plc said it wouldbuy Asian exhibitions company Allworld for$485 million in cash, strengthening its positionin Asia and providing an entry into the MiddleEast. The deal, which will be funded with anew $365 million bridge facility and by part ofthe proceeds from UBM’s sale of PR Newswire,is expected to add to 2017 earnings.

The cash consideration, which valuesAllworld on a debt and cash free basis, lookedlike a “very high price,” Investec analysts wrotein a client note. Allworld, which operatestradeshows in 11 countries, posted revenue of$97.2 million in the 12 months ended June 30.The company complements UBM’s existingportfolio in food and hospitality, and packag-ing and manufacturing, while allowing UBMto enter the oil and gas market.

“Oil and gas is probably nearer the bottomof the cycle than the top, so it’s a good time tobe entering oil and gas,” UBM Chief ExecutiveTim Cobbold told Reuters. Oil closed at $55.7a barrel on Monday, down from highs ofabout $100 a barrel in June 2014.

N+1 Singer analyst Johnathan Barrett saidmajor exhibition operators had switched their

acquisition focus from emerging markets tothe United States. “UBM is doing the oppositeand lifting its exposure to Asia and gaining aMiddle East presence as well. Near term thislooks likely to be questioned but may well payoff in the long term if the Middle East and Asiaregain confidence,” Barrett added.

Peer Informa Plc in September agreed tobuy US-based information services companyPenton for 1.18 billion pounds ($1.50 billion).UBM spent $972 million to buy US trade showorganizer Advanstar in 2014, which analystssaid was dilutive to the company’s Asia expo-sure. “I don’t think we’re moving in the polaropposite direction at all,” Cobbold said, addingthat post the deal emerging markets includ-ing China would account for about 40 percentof group sales, up from 36 percent. UBMunveiled its “events first” strategy in November2014, with a focus on spending resources onits largest and most profitable shows andacquisitions. UBM would continue to makebolt-on acquisitions and keep looking at “big-ger” ones, Cobbold added. JP MorganCazenove provided financial advice to UBM,while BCMS advised Allworld. —Reuters

UBM to buy Allworld in

Asia push, Mideast foray

NEW YORK: This file photo taken onOctober 5, 2016 shows President ofGoldman Sachs, Gary Cohn, and LisaPevaroff attending the Jon Bon Jovi SoulFoundation’s 10 year anniversary at theGarage in New York. President-electDonald Trump on Monday named GaryCohn to lead the White House’s NationalEconomic Council. —AFP

China output and retail sales accelerate in Nov

b u s i n e s sWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

KUWAIT: Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons,one of the Al-Sayer Group HoldingCompanies has announced the bestToyota offer of 2016 with special prizeswith “end the year with a bang” specialpromotion.

Every customer is a winner with Toyotaand Al-Sayer’s special Toyota deals for themonth of December are even more aggres-sive in terms of offering unrivaled valueand benefits.

The December promotion which will bevalid till the end of the month will entitlecustomers purchasing a brand new Toyotafor the best offer in addition to registrationbenefits such as 5 years warranty, T-Connect service for 3 years and Musaadaroadside assistance.

Al-Sayer brings the best

Toyota offer of 2016

KUWAIT: Burgan Bank announced that ithas won the prestigious InternationalQuality Crown award in diamond categoryfrom Business Initiative Directions (BID) , anorganization which recognizes companies

that implement and promote a strong cul-ture of quality, and recognizes progress,achievement, improved productivity andsolutions proposed by organization andbusiness leaders who have reached a level

of success which before had seemedunreachable.

The recent award is a token of appreci-ation to Burgan Bank’s continuous com-mitment to the provision of best interna-

tional practice and quality control whichreach optimal levels to its clients, whileapplying industry best practice methodsthat support the delivery of a trustedbanking service.

Venkat Menon, Burgan Bank GroupChief Operations & Technology Officersaid: “ The prestigious InternationalQuality Crown Award reflects BurganBank’s application of industry leadingquality solutions which supports our cus-tomers’ financial needs. We are proud tobe recognized as a prestigious outstand-ing company in the business world andwe will continue to exert our utmostefforts in securing quality assurance inevery aspect of our operations.”

“ This latest achievement builds onBurgan Bank’s attainment of Internationalawards and marks the Bank as an industryleader in the Banking sector,” he added.

Receiving this award for the third timeis another achievement the bank is proudof, through applying best internationalquality standards and being committed toremain from the influential leaders in thebanking sector.

Established in 1977, Burgan Bank is theyoungest commercial Bank and secondlargest by assets in Kuwait, with a signifi-cant focus on the corporate and financialinstitutions sectors, as well as having a

growing retail, and private bank customerbase. Burgan Bank has majority ownedsubsidiaries in the MENAT region support-ed by one of the largest regional branchnetworks.

The Bank has continuously improved itsperformance over the years through anexpanded revenue structure, diversifiedfunding sources, and a strong capital base.The adoption of state-of-the-art servicesand technology has positioned it as atrendsetter in the domestic market andwithin the MENA region. Burgan Bank’sbrand has been created on a foundation ofreal values - of trust, commitment, excel-lence and progression, to remind us of thehigh standards to which we aspire. ‘Peoplecome first’ is the foundation on which itsproducts and services are developed.

The bank was re-certified with the pres-tigious ISO 9001:2008, making it the firstbank in the GCC, and the only bank inKuwait to receive such accreditation for thethird consecutive year. The Bank also has toits credit the distinction of being the onlyBank in Kuwait to have won the JP MorganChase Quality Recognition Award fortwelve consecutive years.

Burgan Bank, a subsidiary of KIPCO(Kuwait Projects Company), is a strong-l y p o s i t i o n e d re g i o n a l B a n k i n t h eMENA region.

Burgan Bank wins International Quality Crown Award

Diamond category from Business Initiative Directions

KUWAIT: Gulf Bank is pleased to announcethat it has been awarded the ‘Enterprise RiskTechnology Implementation of the Year in theMiddle East’ by The Asian Banker. This is GulfBank’s third recognition for excellence in theMiddle East region in 2016, having previouslywon ‘Best Credit Card Product of the Year inthe Middle East’ and ‘Best Internet and Mobile

Security Technology Implementation of theYear in the Middle East’ from The Asian Banker.Gulf Bank received the award at a ceremonyfollowing the ‘Future of Finance Middle Eastand Africa Dialogue’ at the Ritz Carlton DIFCHotel in Dubai. The Asian Banker is one ofAsia’s leading consulting companies in finan-cial services research, benchmarking andintelligence.

Commenting on this award Peter Roberts,General Manager for Information Technology

at Gulf Bank, said: “Gulf Bank is proud to be therecipient of this prestigious award recognizingthe Bank’s efforts and continuous commitmentto providing innovative solutions to real cus-tomers’ problems. We are proud that Gulf Bankwas selected for this award from all the appli-cants across the Middle East and North Africaregion. We are also extremely pleased that this

is the third award the Bank has received forexcellence in the Middle East region in 2016.”

Roberts emphasized the Bank’s ability indelivering robust projects and integrating itsrisk capabil it ies by saying: “ We created aTransactional Banking Platform which wascapable of solving real customer problems forour corporate clients by automating the end-to-end process of key customer transactions,including complex largely manual risk man-agement components of the process. The

requirements of the project were taken direct-ly from feedback from both our consumers andcorporate customers and have led to signifi-cant improvements in customer service and adramatic reduction in operational risk.”

All banks and non-bank financial institutions(including insurance companies, brokerages,credit companies and finance companies) withoperations in Middle East and Africa were eligi-ble for submission. The entrants for theEnterprise Risk Technology Implementationaward were assessed based on detaileddescriptions and documentations of how thestrength of the institution’s risk managementcore competencies was applied.

Prior to its selection, Gulf Bank was carefullyassessed by a panel of industry experts andjudges across a stringent set of criteria todetermine the Bank’s overall performance andservices compared to other local banking com-petitors. The selection process began inAugust and finished in October, and involved ateam of researchers working in tandem. Theinitial selection is through a survey and deskresearch done by the research team at theAsian Banker. The identified candidates arethen subject to further scrutiny though inter-views and their names are put into a poll thatis distributed to The Asian Banker’s 38,000readers. After the results of the poll and theresearch have been compiled, a short-list ofcandidates is then submitted for review by theinternational board of advisors for a final eval-uation and recommendation to determinewhich candidate should receive the award. Theexemplary implementations are subsequentlydocumented and published as research notedin the Risk and Regulation Working Group, theAsian Banker’s repository of best practices inthe industry.

Gulf Bank awarded ‘Enterprise Risk

Technology Implementation in 2016’

‘Best in Middle East’ award for third time this year

KUWAIT: As part of its aim to offer customers moreopportunity to stay safe and benefit, Yusuf A.Alghanim & Sons Automotive, the exclusive dis-tributor of Chevrolet vehicles in Kuwait, is excitedto extend its free winter checkup promotion on allChevrolet vehicles being serviced at the Chevroletservice centers until December 31st, 2016. The pro-motion has started on October 16th and saw amassive reception from customers ever since.

This special safety checkup entails a detailedinspection performed by a team of professionallytrained service advisors using the latest tools andtechnology available for car inspection and service.The checkup covers the most important mechani-cal and electrical components related to a car’soperation and safety, including disk brakes, tiretreads and pressure, car battery, windshield wipers,front and rear lights, suspension, shock absorbersand controlling sticks.

Once the checkup has been performed, cus-tomers will receive an exhaustive report detailingthe condition of the car, the required maintenanceand pricing. With great savings on maintenance costand professional service, customers can enjoy driv-ing their Chevy safely this winter-a season known toinitiate car malfunctions and other mitigatingeffects due to the extremely low temperatures.

The Yusuf A Alghanim & Sons Service Center inShuwaikh is the biggest and most advanced auto-motive service center in the world, with 73,000 sq m

of built up area, servicing 1,000 vehicles every day.Throughout the facility, advanced technology isused to provide customers with reliable service per-formed by a team of proficiently trained technicians,on-site and ready to offer necessary advice and sup-port as well as cost-effective operations to cus-tomers’ vehicles.

In addition, the service center is furnishedwith spacious and comfortable lounges for cus-tomers whose cars are being attended and serv-iced. With a variety of TV channels, ready-to-useInternet stations, free wireless access, customerscan relax and enjoy a sip of coffee from the cafÈon-site as they utilize their time more effectively.

Chevrolet Alghanim encourages customersto take advantage of this free checkup beforeit’s too late and certainly before their cars getuntimely malfunctioned in the unbearablycold weather.

Customers can benefit from this amazingcheckup offer by visiting either the ShuwaikhService Center, located in Shuwaikh IndustrialArea, Airport Road and opposite KaifanCommunication Center, from Saturday toThursday, 7:00am till 7:00pm, and Friday, 2:00pmtill 7:00 pm, or the Fahaheel Service Center, locat-ed in Al Dabbous Street, right side of SultanCenter, from Saturday to Wednesday, 7.30 am till 1pm and from 2 pm till 6 pm, and Thursday, from7.30 am till 1 pm.

Chevrolet Alghanim extends free

safety checkup offer until year-end

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica-tions company in Kuwait, announced thewinner of the second week of its “PayOnline and Win” draw that will see a weeklypostpaid winner of four valuable prizeswhen paying their bill using Zain’s websiteor app as well as a grand prize at the finaldraw at the end of January.

Zain announced Mohammed NasserAbdullah Al-Kharafi winner of 4 valuableprizes in the second week of the draw,including iPhone 7, Touch Hotspot LTE-Awith free 1.5 TB Prepaid Internet line validfor 3 months, and a PlayStation 4 (1 TB).

The draw, held weekly until the 22nd ofJanuary 2017, will see one weekly winnerof four valuable prizes, including iPhone 7,Touch Hotspot LTE-A with free 1.5 TBPrepaid Internet line valid for 3 months,

and an entertainment device. The grandprize winner, announced at the end of thecampaign, will receive iPhone 7, iPhone 7Plus, Touch Hotspot LTE-A with free 1.5 TBPrepaid Internet line valid for 3 months,and a PlayStation 4 (1 TB).

Postpaid customers will get one chanceto enter the weekly draws as well as thefinal draw for every KD1 paid throughZain’s digital channels, including the com-pany’s website (pay.kw.zain.com) and Zain’sapp available for iOS and Android.

Zain launched this exciting promotionalcampaign to reinforce its leadership posi-tion and its pledge in offering the bestproducts and services to meet its cus-tomers’ personal and professional telecom-munications needs, who are consideredKuwait’s biggest family of subscribers.

Zain announces Mohammed

Al-Kharafi second winner of

4 prizes in ‘Pay Online and Win’

KUWAIT: United Projects for Aviation Services Company (UPAC),a leading commercial real estate and facilities management com-pany, recently acquired the ISO 9001:2008 certification for qualitymanagement systems by SGS Kuwait. The certificate was award-ed following a stringent site audit of all UPAC managed facilities,the first time the company has received this certification.

ISO 9001:2008 is an internationally recognized quality man-agement system standard that provides benefits through contin-ual improvement, consistency in supply and increased marketingpower with focuses on business processes. The certificationreflects the company’s commitment to achieving the higheststandards of quality and environment management.

Nadia Akil, UPAC CEO said, “The certification demonstratesUPAC’s commitment to continually improve its process to pro-vide services that consistently meet customers’ needs andexpectations.”

UPAC manages over 24,000 square meters of commercialspace at the Kuwait International Airport, Sheikh Saad Terminal,and other prominent locations in the country. The Company isalso developing Reem Mall in partnership with NREC, and hascommitted to investing, through its real estate subsidiary, up to$224 million into the project over the next three years. Locatedin Abu Dhabi, Reem Mall will cover an area of 2 million squarefeet and is slated to become a major retail, leisure, and entertain-

ment destination once complete in 2018. UPAC is also creditedwith introducing and managing the first of its kind fully auto-mated and pre-paid parking system in the airport. This system isaimed at improving current operations at the car park andreducing congestion during busy travel seasons. The company’sother services include project management, consultancy andreal estate development. Its customer base includes leadingretailers, financial institutions, and entertainment companies.

Established in 2000, publicly listed on the Kuwait StockExchange, and headquartered in Kuwait, UPAC is a leading com-mercial real estate and facilities management company with aspecialization in Build Operate Transfer (BOT) initiatives. Its serv-

ices cover project management and consultancy, real estatedevelopment as well as property and facilities management.UPAC manages over 24,000 sqm of commercial space at theKuwait International Airport, Sheikh Saad Terminal and otherprominent locations within the country. In 2015, UPAC part-nered with the National Real Estate Company (NREC) for thedevelopment of the Reem Mall in Abu Dhabi. UPAC has commit-ted to investing up to US$224 million in the Reem Mall projectover the next three years through its subsidiary, Al-Arfaj RealEstate Company. Reem Mall is one of the largest projects under-taken by UPAC and will soon be included in the company’s port-folio of successful projects.

UPAC receives ISO 9001:2008 certification in Kuwait

t e c h n o l o g yWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

Canon Middle East, the leader in imagingproducts and solutions, has partneredwith MEED to host the `Frontiers ofInnovation` Forum. The Forum will beheld on December 14, 2016 at the OberoiHotel in Dubai, and will provide an idealplatform for addressing how innovativetechnologies can help strengthen opera-tional efficiency.

The key topics to be covered includethe innovative possibilities of 3D printing,efficient connectivity through managedprint ser vices, and realizing the truepotential through the use of revolution-ary technology.

Canon Middle East speakers includeAnurag Agrawal, Managing Director,Canon Middle East, who will highlightCanon’s unique role within the UAE insuppor ting future business growththrough cutting edge innovation andtechnology, and how company is sup-porting the industry with its up to datesolutions and products.

Anurag Agrawal, said: “The Frontiers ofInnovation Forum is a great opportunityfor industry experts to meet and discussinnovative technologies, advancementsand solutions across the spectrum of imag-ing solutions. We are very enthusiasticabout hosting this Forum through which

we will be highlighting our most up todate products and innovations, while alsodiscussing the latest trends in the industry.”“Working with a highly insightful organiza-tion such as MEED will be a great opportu-nity as we will be collaborating to deliverindustry insights and solutions. This is inline with our corporate philosophy of`Kyosei`, meaning ‘living and workingtogether for the common good,’” he added.

Zabeen Bint Ahmed, Founder & ChiefInnovation Officer, SEVIA added: “We aredelighted to be a part of the conversa-tion on innovation. Innovation is a solu-tion to a problem. It is functional, practi-cal, useful, and accessible and is alsosomething in which there is a need for,whether the market knows it or not. Itdoesn’t have to be sophisticated; some-times the simplest innovations are themost ground breaking.”

Becky Crayman, Program Director,Awards & Managed Events, MEED conclud-ed: “MEED is pleased to announce the‘Frontiers of Innovation Forum, hosted byCanon’. In support of the UAE Vision 2021,we look forward to welcoming innovatorsfrom UAE government departments, whowill learn important insights on innovationto drive efficiency, digitalizing and revolu-tionizing of processes, IoT and wearables,connectivity strategy, 3D printing and dis-ruption in making things.”

For more information on the Frontiersof Innovation Forum, follow us on #fron-tiers16, which will be our social media hubleading up to this exciting event.

Canon Middle East partners

with MEED to host ‘Frontiers

of Innovation’ Forum

By Alastair Paterson, CEO and Co-Founder, Digital Shadows

As we approach the year-endattention of course turns to whatwe can expect to see in 2017 and

what we are security professionals needto be prepared for.

In many ways, 2016 was very muchthe ‘Year of the Ransomware Threat’, andit is very hard to see that changingmuch next year. After all most cyber-crime is driven by hard cash and the factremains that most ransomware andextortion attacks are successful.

Estimates from the FBI suggest ran-somware could be worth $1 billion thisyear but the agency pointed to a jumpin cases where victims reported biggerlosses, and also hinted that the actualransom payment totals may be evenlarger since many choose not to report

the crime. So ransomware and extortionis not going away in 2017, but what elsecan we expect next year?

First, in 2016 there were some veryhigh profile Distributed Denial ofService (DDoS) and we can expect to seeeven more in 2017 with criminals mak-ing more use of techniques like Mirai toleverage IoT and networked devices toamplify their attacks. These sorts ofDDoS attacks powered by cheap, inse-cure IoT devices could become morecommon, but they are also likely tobecome less lethal suppliers hardentheir defenses and device manufactur-ers adopt identity-based security toclose vulnerabilities.

Second, I expect there will be achange in approach by the criminalsusing DDoS extortion attacks. Not onlywill they continue to go after largerdemands for payment, but also they will

utilize malware like Mirai to target net-work enabled devices like routers andremote cameras to amplify the attacksand make them more prolonged andadaptive. We are becoming more usedto the Internet of Things, but what ifcriminals turn this against us to demandmoney via extortion attempts? We havealready seen IoT linked attacks in 2016and this can only increase in 2017.

Third, in all the ‘excitement’ of IoT andDDoS attacks we cannot afford to losesight of the continuing threat caused bydata breaches. Whether deliberate oraccidental, data breaches cost business-es millions of dollars each year in loss ofbusiness; brand damage and reputation.A recent IBM study found that the aver-age cost of a data breach has hit $4 mil-lion-up from $3.8 million in 2015.

But while these three are likely to bethe most common threats faced in

2017, it is important to mention howsome threats are more relevant to someorganisations than others. The mosttargeted sectors include healthcare,financial services, retail, and communi-cations and media.

But in no way can any business orindividual afford to be complacent. It iscritical that you understand your indi-vidual threat model and plan in case theworst does happen. You also need tomonitor inside and outside of your net-work and look at the threats revealedthrough the eyes of an attacker. Onlythen can you begin to ensure you haveenough intelligence and awareness tomanage the risks effectively for whenthe inevitable attack happens.

All in all it’s critical that you makesure 2017 is the year you take controlof your security intel l igence andawareness.

2017 the year of.....

DALLAS: Some big names with bigmoney say they plan to put morethan $1 billion into developing tech-nologies that will reduce green-house-gas emissions and lower theprice of energy.

Bill Gates said the fund plans tomake its first investments next yearand run for 20 years. A year ago, theco-founder of Microsoft Corp. startedthe Breakthrough Energy Coalition,whose members include MarkZuckerberg, George Soros andRichard Branson, with a commitmentto invest in new types of energy.

Monday’s announcement comesless than a week after President-elect Donald Trump announced hewill nominate the attorney generalof Oklahoma, a climate-changeskeptic, to lead the EnvironmentalProtection Agency.

The fund, however, was in theworks long before the election. It isthe investing venture of a coalitionformed in November 2015.

Gates is the chairman of a groupof 20 investors who call their fundBreakthrough Energy Ventures. Theywant to speed innovation in the $6trillion energy market. At the top ofthe investors’ list of criteria: nurturetechnologies with the potential toreduce greenhouse gas emissionsby at least a half gigaton.

Initial investments next year Gates said the fund plans to hire

staff and make initial investmentsnext year. The fund identified severalareas for investment, and Gateshighlighted an even more-targetedapproach aimed at helping startups

that can reduce emissions from elec-tricity generation, transportation,and industrial processes in steel-making, cement production andagriculture. “This fund is to getthings at an early stage, so we’rewilling to take high risk,” Gates saidin an interview.

Given the net worth of the indi-viduals involved, Gates acknowl-edged that $1 billion might notseem like an overwhelming commit-ment. “When you meet these guys,they won’t have sold one of theircars. There is no deep sacrificeinvolved here,” Gates said. He left

open the possibility that the pool ofmoney could grow, either from hisinvestors or partners such as corpo-rations and universities.

The initial $1 billion sum, hesaid, is still much bigger than anyprevious clean-energy fund and isenough to signal the investors’seriousness.

Gates has said that the invest-ments he makes won’t matter asmuch as the choices that govern-ments make. He believes there isbroad support in Washington forenergy research and development.But, he added, “it ’s hard to say”

whether clean energy continues toget government incentives or whatenergy policies a Trump administra-tion might pursue. “I had a phonecall with Trump” a couple weeks ago,Gates said. “It wasn’t some super-long call. I talked a little bit aboutthe innovation in various spacesthat got me excited. He seemed tothink innovation might be a fruitfularea and said that we should talkmore. At some point we’ll get intosome depth.”

Gates said he is absolutely con-vinced that goals for reducing car-bon emissions will be met. “If youtold me there was no innovationand not the kind of private, risk-tak-ing capital we’ve got here, then Iwould be very pessimistic becauseyear after year the problem wouldget worse,” he said. “I see the workgoing on ... we are going to surprisepeople with the kind of innovationthat will come out of theBreakthrough Energy Venturesinvestment pool.”

Separately, a report Monday sug-gested that a growing number ofinvestors are considering dumpingfossil-fuel stocks. Arabella Advisorssaid institutions and individualinvestors with more than $5 trillionin assets are pledging to divestsome of their holdings, double theamount of 15 months ago.

Environmentalists pointed tothe report as evidence that thenotion of divesting oil and coalholdings has spread from a few col-leges to mainstream investors suchas insurance companies and pen-sion funds. —AP

Titans of new industry spring

$1 billion clean energy fund

Initial investments to start next year

BANGKOK: In this Oct 11, 2016, file photo, Jack Ma, founderand chairman of Alibaba, delivers a speech titled “AConversation on Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Globalization”at the Foreign Ministry. —AP

DENVER: Buying things onlinecould get pricier after the USSupreme Court rejected a caseMonday that could ultimately leadto states collecting billions of dol-lars in sales taxes lost to increasing-ly popular internet retailers.

The court would not hear a chal-lenge to a Colorado law requiringonline sellers such as Amazon.com tonotify customers and the state howmuch they owe in taxes. State offi-cials have estimated that Coloradoalone has been missing out on asmuch as $172.7 million a year.

At least three other states -Louisiana, Oklahoma and Vermont -have passed similar laws that couldtake effect given the resolution ofthe Colorado case. Though thecourt didn’t endorse Colorado’s lawand could even weigh in against itif given a different case, otherstates are likely to see Monday’smove as a green light to step upcollection efforts. That comesdespite a 1992 Supreme Court deci-sion saying retailers must have aphysical presence in a state beforeofficials can make them collectsales tax.

A change is comingOnline shoppers always have

owed state sales taxes on their pur-chases, but the rule has been wide-ly ignored. States have spent yearsexamining ways to capture thoselost tax dollars, but their optionsare limited when the retailers arenot based in the state. So-calledAmazon taxes that started in NewYork have not been adequate to fillthe widening gap, said MarkBehlke, director of budget and taxpolicy for the National Conferenceof State Legislatures.

Sales taxes account for about athird of revenue in many states,more in those with no income tax-es, such as Texas and Florida. Andwith online sales going up about 15percent a year, states are increas-

ingly feeling the effects of thosetaxes going unpaid.

The Colorado Legislature founda possible solution in 2010 when itpassed a law requiring online retail-ers to notify customers to pay salestax and report purchases to thestate. That ’s not the same asdemanding tax payments from out-of-state retailers.

The Data and MarketingAssociation sued, and a federaljudge put the law on hold in 2012.A year later, a federal appeals courtsided with Colorado. The associa-tion appealed to the nation’s high-est court, arguing that the lawwould meddle in interstate com-

merce. The marketing group saidthe Supreme Court’s refusal to hearthe case could have far-reachingimplications for online shoppers. “Itwill only encourage other states toadopt similar laws and regulationsthat are designed to put arbitraryburdens on out-of-state sellers,”association spokesman MikeUehlein said in a statement.

Supporters of Colorado’s lawagreed it sends a strong signal thatreporting requirements don’tinfringe on constitutional protec-tions for interstate commerce. “Thissettles the issue, once and for all,that the 2010 law is constitutional,it was not an undue burden on

business,” said Tim Hoover,spokesman for the Colorado FiscalInstitute, which supported the law.

George S. Isaacson, who repre-sented the marketing group andteaches constitutional law atBowdoin College, said the highcourt may simply be waiting to seemore states copy Colorado.“Colorado was the first state topass such a law, and the SupremeCourt may be waiting to see howother state legislatures and lowercourts deal with this type of highlycontroversial state legislationbefore addressing the constitution-al issues,” Isaacson said in a state-ment. —AP

Colorado internet-tax case

could change online shopping

Alastair Paterson

HAVANA: Google and the Cuban govern-ment signed a deal Monday allowing theinternet giant to provide faster access to itsdata by installing servers on the island thatwill store much of the company’s most popu-lar content.

Storing Google data in Cuba eliminatesthe long distances that signals must travelfrom the island through Venezuela to thenearest Google server. More than a half cen-tury after cutting virtually all economic tieswith Cuba, the US has no direct data link tothe island. The deal removes one of themany obstacles to a normal internet inCuba, which suffers from some of theworld’s most limited and expensive access.Home connections remain illegal for mostCubans and the government charges theequivalent of a month’s average salary for 10hours of access to public WiFi spots withspeeds frequently too slow to downloadfiles or watch streaming video.

No effect on public access to the internet The agreement does not affect Cuba’s

antiquated communications infrastructure orbroaden public access to the internet, but itcould make Google websites like YouTube orGmail up to 10 times faster for users insideCuba. Content hosted by other companieswill not be affected.

Neither Google chairman Eric Schmidtnor Cuban officials spoke to the press afterthe signing ceremony in Havana.

In a blog post, Marian Croak, Google’s vicepresident for access strategy and emergingmarkets, and Brett Perlmutter, head of strate-gy and operations for Google Cuba and thelead negotiator of the deal, said, “Cubans

who already have access to the internet andwant to use our services can expect to see animprovement.”

Cuban officials appear to be acceleratingtheir approvals of deals with US companiesin an attempt to build momentum behindUS-Cuba normalization before President-elect Donald Trump takes office next month.The Google pact was announced less than aweek after Cuba gave three US cruise com-panies permission to begin sailing to theisland next year. Officials familiar with thenegotiations say other deals, including onewith General Electric, are in the works.

The US and Cuba have struck a series ofbilateral deals on issues ranging from envi-ronmental protection to direct mail since thedeclaration of detente on Dec. 17, 2014, butbusiness ties have failed to keep pace. TheCuban government has blamed the US tradeembargo on Cuba. Many US businesses sayCuba has been moving on most proposals soslowly that some suspect the governmenthas been deliberately limiting the develop-ment of economic ties.

The Google program could provideammunition for US advocates of closer tieswith Cuba. Both pro-detente forces andthose arguing for a hard line on PresidentRaul Castro’s single-party government havebeen pushing for Cubans to have betteraccess to information.

If the Google deal proves to trulyimprove internet access for a significantnumber of Cubans, it ties information accessto US-Cuban detente in a way that couldprove politically difficult to undo for anti-Castro officials in the incoming Trumpadministration. —AP

HAVANA: Google chairman Eric Schmidt and Mayra Arevich Marin, presi-dent of state telecom monopoly Etecsa, sign an agreement on Monday,Dec 12, 2016. —AP

PHOENIX: In this Dec 2, 2013 file photo, Amazon.com employees organize outbound packagesat an Amazon.com Fulfillment Center on “Cyber Monday” the busiest online shopping day of theholiday season. —AP

Google, Cuba sign allowing

faster access to company’s data


WASHINGTON: In this June 3, 2015 file photo, first lady Michelle Obamatalks with children who participated in events with the “Let’s Move!” cam-paign after preparing and eating food harvested from the White HouseKitchen Garden, in the East Room at the White House. —AP

CHICAGO: A decline in chubby babiesand toddlers is providing a glimmer ofgood news in the nation’s fight againstobesity. The trend was found in a studyof children up to age 2 enrolled in a gov-ernment nutrition assistance programfor low-income women and children.Half of all US infants up to 12 months oldare enrolled in the program.

The rate of youngsters at risk for obe-sity fell during the study, from almost 15percent in 2010 to 12 percent overall in2014, researchers from the federalCenters of Disease Control andPrevention reported Tuesday in the jour-nal Pediatrics.

The rate declined in all ages studied.It was lowest - about 8 percent in 2014 -for the youngest infants, from 3 to 5months, versus almost 15 percentamong toddlers. The results were unex-pected, given rising rates earlier in thedecade, said CDC researcher DavidFreedman, the lead author. “People arethrilled,” he said.

Echoing reportsFreedman said reasons are uncertain

for the decl ine, but it came amidchanges designed to improve nutritionand health in food packages, includingmore whole grains, fruits and vegeta-bles. Also, breastfeeding among partic-ipating women increased in 2009 andthat can protect against obesity.

The results echo a reported declinein older chi ldren in the program,

referred to as WIC for women, infantsand children. Also previous CDC datashowed a s imilar decl ine in al l USyoungsters from 2 to 5 years old, fromabout 14 percent in 2004 to 9 percentin 2014, coinciding with national cam-paigns targeting childhood obesity.Obesity rates tend to be higher in chil-dren from low-income families includ-ing WIC participants.

Dr. David Ludwig, director of obesityprevention at Boston Children’sHospital, called the results encouragingbut said, “It’s too soon to tell whetherthese new data represent a statisticalfluke or evidence of real progress withthe pediatric obesity epidemic. “

The researchers analyzed WIC surveydata from 2000 to 2014 involvingalmost 17 million infants and youngchildren. Rates increased early on, thenremained stable from 2004 to 2010until the decline.

Doctors don’t usually describe babiesas obese, but measure their risk using aweight-for-length ratio. Those with ahigh ratio, generally heavier than 95percent of their peers, face an increasedchance of becoming obese later on.

Whether the decline has continued isuncertain and the study didn’t trackinfants to see if they became over-weight or obese later on. According tothe CDC, US obesity rates total almost18 percent among all 6- to 11-year-oldsand nearly 21 percent among 12- to 19-year-olds. —AP

Hopeful sign in obesity fight? Chubby babies on the decline

PARIS: Seventeen years and more than 10billion Euros ($11 billion) later, Europe’sGalileo satnav system is set to go liveThursday, promising to outperform USand Russian rivals while boosting regionalself-reliance.

Initial services, free to use worldwide, willbe available only on smart phones and navi-gation boxes already fitted with Galileo-compatible microchips.

Some devices may only need a softwareupdate to start using the new technology,

and European Commission spokeswomanMirna Talko said several smartphone giantswere already making chips compatible withit. “It will be the first time that users aroundthe world will be able to be guided byGalileo satellites,” said Lucia Caudet of theCommission, which funds the project.

Somewhat fuzzy at first, the signal will beboosted with help from satellites in the USmilitary-run GPS system, growing strongerover time as orbiters are added to the now18-strong Galileo network circling 23,222kilometers (14,430 miles) above Earth.

According to its proud parents, theCommission and European Space Agency(ESA), Galileo should be fully operational by2020, providing time and positioning dataof unprecedented accuracy. “GPS allows atrain to know which area it is in-Galileo willallow it to identify the track it is on,” accord-ing to Jean-Yves Le Gall, president ofFrance’s CNES space agency, one of ESA’s 22country members.

Such precision would also be invalu-able for safer driverless cars and nuclearpower plants, as well as better telecommu-nications.

Setbacks The civil-controlled service is also of

great strategic importance for Europe,which relies on two military-run services-GPS and Russia’s GLONASS, which provideno guarantee of uninterrupted service.

It will be interoperable with these, butalso completely autonomous. “Having a sys-

tem that is somewhat independent of theUS system that is controlled by the militaryis probably a good thing,” explained GeorgeAbbey, a senior fellow in space policy at RiceUniversity in Houston, Texas.

This would be especially pertinent “ifthere were some conflicts or disagree-ments... that would cause the United Statesto have to limit GPS,” he told AFP. Namedafter Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, theproject was first approved with an initialbudget of around three billion Euros andplans to be operational by 2008. But it hassuffered several technical and budgetarysetbacks, including the launch of two satel-lites into the wrong orbit in 2014. TheEuropean Commission expects the projectwill ultimately be an important commercialventure. Almost 10 percent of Europe’s grossdomestic product is thought to depend onsatellite navigation today-a figure projectedto grow to about 30 percent by 2030.

By 2020, says the commission, the globalsatnav market will be valued at about 244billion euros.

Billionth of a second Galileo itself is expected to add some 90

billion Euros to the EU economy in its first 20years. The system’s groundbreaking accura-cy is the result of best atomic clocks everflown for navigation-one per satellite-accu-rate to one second in three million years. Amere billionth-of-a-second clock error canmean a positioning error of up to 30 cen-

timeters (12 inches). Galileo also has moresatellites than either GPS or GLONASS, andbetter signals which carry more information.

With these features, Galileo’s free OpenService will be able to track positions towithin a meter (3.3 feet), compared to sever-al metres for GPS and GLONASS. Its signalwill eventually reach areas where none ispossible today-inside traffic tunnels and onroads where high buildings shield radiowaves from some satellites. A paying servicewill allow clients to track locations even clos-er, to within centimeters, and governmentswill have access to an encrypted continuedservice for use in times of crisis.

Faster rescue Another key feature is a service allowing

rescuers to locate people lost at sea or in themountains much faster than before.Currently, satnav technology can take up tothree hours to track a person to within a 10-kilometre (six-mile) range.

“With Galileo’s Search and RescueService, the detection time is reduced to 10minutes and the localization is reduced toless than five kilometers,” Caudet told AFP.Satellite navigation works by ultra-preciseclocks in orbit broadcasting their time andposition to Earth via radio waves travellingat the speed of light.

Anyone with a receiver can combinedata from at least three satellites to deter-mine their position, speed and local timeon Earth. —AFP

Europe’s own satnav, Galileo, due to go live

MOSUL, Iraq: A crowd of menrushed through the narrow hallwayof Mosul’s al-Zahra clinic carrying aslight 10-year-old boy. YousefOday’s face was covered in blood.A team of doctors quickly gatheredaround his cot. “What happened toyou?” one of the men asked. “I haveno idea. I was bleeding on oneside,” the boy said. He didn’t makeanother sound, lying motionless asa doctor put an IV into his arm. Hiseyes were wide and pupils dilated.

Oday was hit in the side of hishead with a stray bullet as he waswaiting in line to gather water froma well in eastern Mosul. Two otheryoung men waiting with him werealso shot. Dr. Ahmed Hussammethodically tended to Oday’swounds. “He’s in shock,” heexplained.

While Iraqi forces announcedaily advances, the city’s civilianscontinue to be killed and maimedby indirect fire, clashes and coun-terattacks.

The Mosul front line in the city’s

east is being pushed forward intwo columns: one led by the Iraqiarmy’s 9th Division and the otherby the special forces. In someplaces, Iraqi forces are just overtwo kilometers (1.2 miles) from theTigris River that splits the city. Butalong the main highway that cutsthrough the center of Mosul’s east-ern half, Iraqi forces have madehardly any advances at all.

The jagged edge leaves troopsvulnerable to counterattacks, but

also thousands of civilians exposedto ongoing clashes as the opera-tion slowly grinds forward.

Liberated areas still under attackOday was shot in al-Zahra, a

neighborhood declared liberatednearly a month ago. Since then,Iraqi forces have captured nearlyhalf a dozen other neighborhoodsand districts, but have not man-aged to completely secure al-Zahraso that aid groups and supplytrucks can access the hundreds ofcivilians still living there.

“This is nothing,” whispered oneof the nurses in the emergencyroom where Oday was being treat-ed. “We have people who come inhere without any arms or legs,” shesaid, asking to only be identified byher first name, Malkiya, out of con-cern for her safety.

Doctors in the small clinic ineastern Mosul say that since theoperation to retake the city begannearly two months ago, they’veonly received intermittent deliver-

ies of supplies. Nurses say they’rerunning out of basic items likeclean bandages. In a hallway that’sbeen converted into an emergencyroom, doctors say all they have arebottles of saline solution, gauzeand iodine. Like nearly all of Mosul,the clinic also lacks running water.

Hundreds of other patients alsofilled the dim hallways waiting forantibiotics, cough syrup, allergymedicine or insulin. A woman andher three daughters said theywalked 3 kilometers (1.8 miles)across a front line to reach the clin-

ic to obtain antibiotics. Since theoperation to retake Mosul began,temperatures have dropped and,without electricity or fuel, her chil-dren have all gotten sick.

The women spoke on conditionof anonymity as they were still liv-ing in a Mosul neighborhood con-trolled by IS. “We have no protec-tion,” the mother said, walkinginside the examination room andlifting the black veil she wore totravel to the clinic. He youngestdaughter screamed as the nursegave her an immunization shot.

During the first few battles ofthe Mosul operation, IS fighterslargely fled the villages around thecity, giving Iraqi and coalitioncommanders hope they would dothe same inside the city. But as thebattle reached the city ’s edge,intense resistance has repeatedlystalled advances and at t imesforced Iraqi forces to retreat.

Unlike in past fights where civil-ians were moved out of the way offront-line clashes, in Mosul, IraqiPrime Minister Haider al-Abadi hasasked civil ians to stay in theirhomes. The move prevents massivedisplacement - Mosul is still hometo an estimated one million people- but it also leaves thousands inharm’s way and thousands moreout of reach of aid organizationswary of operating close to thefront.

The clinic inside Mosul esti-mates it has treated at least 800severely wounded civilians sinceIraqi forces first pushed into thecity in early November. “All we cando is work as a stabilization unit,”said Dr. Muhammad Hassan Ali,explaining that without the abilityto perform surgery, most of theemergency cases he receives needto be transferred to a hospital inIrbil more than an hour ’s driveaway across bad roads andthrough half a dozen checkpoints.

Oday, the young boy, lost hisleft eye, but the doctors at the clin-ic were able to bandage his woundand slow the bleeding. As quicklyas he was rushed into the building,he was carried out into an ambu-lance bound for Irbil.

“He’ll live,” said Hussam, thedoctor who treated him. “He’s verylucky.”—AP

Mosul doctors struggle to save civilians on Iraq front line

Liberated areas still under attack

MOSUL, Iraq: In this Wednesday, Dec 7, 2016 file photo, Yousef Oday, 10, who was wounded inthe eye by Islamic State militants, is treated by doctors at the al-Zahra clinic. —AP

ARCTIC: Rising temperatures that melt sea icein the Arctic will probably reduce the polar bearpopulation by a third over the next fewdecades, and the same warming trend is likelyto worsen the decline of wild reindeer, scientistssaid on Monday.

The new findings by university and govern-ment researchers were presented as part of apanel discussion about climate impacts onwildlife during a meeting of the AmericanGeophysical Union in San Francisco. The presen-tation was streamed live on the internet.

The polar bear research is drawn from newsatellite data documenting a loss of Arctic seaice - the animal’s chief habitat - from 1979 to2015, and forming the basis of projections in fur-ther declines of both ice and bears over thecoming decades.

Polar bears currently number about 26,000,but their population is expected to diminish bysome 8,600 animals over the next 35 to 40 years,the scientists said. At the time polar bears were

declared a threatened species in 2008, one studypredicted they could vanish from two-thirds oftheir native range by mid-century.

Large reductionThe latest data better quantifies such an

outcome. “There is the potential for a largereduction in the global population of polarbears over the next three generations if the seaice loss continues at the rate we’ve seen it,”said Kristin Laidre, a marine mammal ecologistat the University of Washington’s Polar ScienceCenter.

Polar bears, standing as tall as 11 feet (3.35meters) and weighing up to 1,400 pounds (635kg), use floating sea ice as platforms for every-thing from mating and rearing their young tohunting their preferred prey of ringed seals.

The study was led by the US Fish andWildlife Service’s Eric Regehr, who told Reutershabitat loss was unequivocal but that effectshave varied among the world’s 19 sub-popula-

tions of polar bears, whose range lies mainlywithin the Arctic Circle. He pointed to a regionnorth of Alaska where the number has droppedsharply amid significant sea ice losses. Anotherpopulation west of Alaska appears to have expe-rienced less impact, but that area may sustainlarger, healthier populations of seals and otherpolar bear prey, Regehr said.

A warmer climate also is thought to be a pri-mary culprit in the rapid decline of wild reindeerand their close cousins, caribou, Andrey Petrov,head of the Arctic Center at the University ofNorthern Iowa, said at Monday’s symposium.

Petrov’s study of wild reindeer in Taimyr innorthern Russia shows that herd’s populationhas fallen to about 600,000 animals, from 1 mil-lion in 2000.

The Taimyr population, accounting forabout 24 percent of all wild reindeer, is chal-lenged by such factors as loss of youngbecause of migration patterns hampered by awarming climate. —Reuters

Polar bear numbers seen declining a third from Arctic sea ice melt

KOUROU, French Guiana: This file photo taken on November 17, 2016shows a handout released on November 17, 2016 by the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), the Center national d’etudes spatiale (CNES, theFrench government space agency) and the Arianespace satellitelaunch company shows the Ariane 5 rocket with a payload of fourGalileo satellites lifting off from ESA’s European Spaceport. —AFP

SEOUL: South Korea said yesterday itwas expanding a major bird flu cull totry and contain a damaging outbreakthat has continued to spread during anall-consuming political crisis.

Since the first case of the highlypathogenic H5N6 virus was confirmedin mid-November, another 43 caseshave been reported and close to 10million chickens and ducks havealready been slaughtered in farmsacross the country.

In a statement, the agriculture min-istry announced plans to cull an addi-tional 2.5 million birds, making it theworst bird flu outbreak since 2014when nearly 14 million were slaugh-tered. The announcement came a day

after health authorities issued a secondnationwide “standstill” order-effectivelyrestricting workers at poultry farmsfrom moving around the country for 48hours in an effort to stop the virus fromspreading.

There have been no cases of humaninfections from H5N6 in South Korea,although the virus killed six people inChina between 2014 and April 2016.The World Health Organization warnedearlier this year that the strain hascaused “severe infection” in humans.

The current outbreak has coincidedwith a deepening political crisis thatsaw the impeachment last week ofPresident Park Geun-Hye and has para-lyzed her administration. —AFP

S Korea expands cull to contain bird flu


AUSTIN: Advocacy groups filed a lawsuit yester-day seeking to prevent Texas from requiring hos-pitals and abortion clinics to bury or cremate fetalremains rather than disposing of them in a sani-tary landfill, as they most often currently do withsuch remains and other biological medical waste.

The lawsuit filed in a federal court in Austinby the Center for Reproductive Rights and othergroups contends that the rules set to take effectnext Monday serve no medical purpose and aremeant to shame women who seek abortionsand make it harder for doctors to provide them.“Texas has failed to provide any credible evi-dence of what health benefit this might servebecause there aren’t any,” Nancy Northup, theCenter for Reproductive Right’s president, saidon a conference call. “Women do not want theselaws. Doctors do not want these laws. And theConstitution does not allow them.”

Carrie Williams, a spokeswoman for Texas’Health and Human Services Commission, saidthe agency is reviewing the lawsuit and willrespond “at the appropriate time.” Louisiana andIndiana have similar requirements, but they areon hold due to court challenges.

Texas officials have denied that their newrequirements are meant to shame women whoget abortions or make things harder on abortionproviders. In response to the more than 35,000public comments it received about the pro-posed rule changes, the health departmentwrote it “believes the methods allowed by therules will protect the public by preventing thespread of disease while also preserving the dig-nity of the unborn in a manner consistent withTexas laws.”

Struck downThe new rules were proposed to the health

commission at the behest of Republican Gov.Greg Abbott in July, just days after the USSupreme Court struck down anti-abortion lawsthat would have left Texas with 10 abortion clin-ics, down from more than 40 in 2012.

They would require fetal remains from mis-carriages and abortions, regardless of the stateof gestation, to be treated like those of adeceased person by having them buried or cre-mated. Cremated remains would still have to beburied or scattered.

Remains are currently most often disposed ofin sanitary landfills, and that cost is included inthe price of getting an abortion or otherwiseundergoing treatment for a terminated preg-nancy. Critics say cremation, and especially bur-ial, would cost more and force women to have tocover the additional expenses.

Mandating burial or cremation “imposes afuneral ritual on women who have a miscarriagemanagement procedure, ectopic pregnancy sur-gery, or an abortion,” the lawsuit argues. “Further,it threatens women’s health and safety by pro-viding no safe harbor for sending tissue topathology or crime labs.”

Amy Hagstrom-Miller, president of WholeWoman’s Health, which operates Texas abortionclinics and is a lead plaintiff in the case, said itwould be absurd to require all fetal tissue to bedisposed of in this way. “For every embryo. Evenat five weeks. Even if you can’t see it,” Hagstrom-Miller said.

Republican state lawmakers also have pre-filed bills that would codify the coming agencyrule into Texas law. The GOP-controlledLegislature convenes Jan 10. —AP

Lawsuit challenges new Texas rules over fetal remains

Against sanitary landfill

AUSTIN: In this July 13, 2013 file photo, abortion rights advocates, left, protest in the State Capitol as anti-abortion rights sup-porters pass them. —AP

Lack of funds threatens malaria progress: WHO

LONDON: Global progress on controllingmalaria risks stalling due to an “urgentneed” for more funding, the World HealthOrganization (WHO) warned in its annualreport Tuesday.

Overall, the number of new cases fellby 21 percent between 2010 and 2015,and mortality rates fell by 29 percent —31 percent in the African region. Butglobally there were still 212 million newcases and 429,000 deaths last year, and43 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa were not protected bytreated nets or indoor spraying.

The WHO warned that “sustained andsufficient funding for malaria control is aserious challenge”, saying that after asteep increase between 2000 and 2010,investment had “flat-lined”. “In 2015,malaria funding totaled $2.9 billion, rep-resenting only 45 percent of the fundingmilestone for 2020 ($6.4 billion),” it said.

The United States provided about 35percent of all malaria funding in 2015,while governments of countries withmalaria provided about 32 percent, andBritain provided 16 percent. “We are defi-nitely seeing progress,” said Dr PedroAlonso, director of the WHO GlobalMalaria Program, ahead of the report’s

launch in London. “But the world is stillstruggling to achieve the high levels ofprogram coverage that are needed tobeat this disease.”

Resistance to anti-malarial drugs isalso a challenge, as is growing mosquitoresistance to insecticides, the report said.The WHO however highlighted improve-ments in sub-Saharan Africa over thepast year in providing help for pregnantwomen and children against malaria.“Malaria-related deaths among childrenunder five in sub-Saharan Africa are attheir lowest point in history,” said RayChambers, the UN Secretary-General’sspecial envoy for malaria. “This is largelyattributable to the nearly 500 millioninsecticide-treated bed nets deliveredover the past three years, the highestever, along with significant expansion ofdiagnosis and treatment.”

Deaths from malaria among the underfives globally have fallen by 69 percentsince 2000 to 303,000 last year.

Sub-Saharan Africa was home to 90percent of global malarial cases and 92percent of deaths. “We must now notgrow complacent, but drive forward toend the epidemic once and for all,” saidChambers. —AFP

CAIRNS, Queensland, Australia: This handout photo from Robert Willemsetaken on December 10, 2016 and received on December 13, 2016 shows apython wrestling with a wallaby in the middle of a fairway on a golfcourse. —AFP

Python eats wallaby on Australian golf course

SYDNEY: A routine round of golf hastaken a uniquely Australian turn withstunned players finding a giant pythonwrestling with a wallaby on a fairway.

Robert Willemse was on the 17thhole at the Paradise Palms course inCairns in north Queensland on Saturdaywhen he heard that a four-meter (13-foot) scrub python was gorging on thenative marsupial nearby. “It had (thewallaby) in a vice-like grip and it wasswallowing it,” Willemse, who regularlyplays at the course, told AFP, havinghalted his game to take a look.

He snapped photos of the encounterbefore heading back to finish his round.“I heard later on... as other golfers andstaff members came out to have a lookat it, that it did actually succeed in swal-lowing it all and then it rolled into a dry

creek nearby and slithered away intothe bush, probably to digest its ratherlarge meal,” he said. “There’s a lot ofwildlife in the tropical north,” Willemseadded, noting that wallabies, whichresemble a smaller version of kanga-roos, were a common sight on the fair-ways, although snakes were not.

Willemse said the scrub python-Australia’s largest snake which can growto 8.5 meters long-was likely to havedropped onto the unsuspecting walla-by from a tree. “The snake would neverhave been able to catch the wallaby inthe open like where it was eating it,” hesaid. “It looked like it might havedropped out of a tree, got a hold of (thewallaby), then there was a bit of a strug-gle and it rolled into the middle of thefairway.” —AFP

PARIS: Most lung cancer patients sur-vived four months longer on animmunotherapy drug than those treatedwith chemotherapy, according to trialresults published Monday.

Importantly, they also experiencedfewer side-effects, researchers reportedin The Lancet medical journal. Patientswith non-small-cell lung cancer-whichrepresents by far the majority-survivedfor 13.8 months on average on the drugcalled atezolizumab, compared to 9.6months for those on chemotherapy, the

study authors said. And the differencewas likely even bigger, as several partici-pants on chemotherapy were givenimmunotherapy after the trial ended,possibly boosting their survival.“Atezolizumab reinvigorates patients’immune systems against cancer,” thestudy’s lead author Achim Rittmeyer ofthe University of Goettingen in Germany,said in a statement.

“Our trial has shown that this has sig-nificant results for their survival.” Lungcancer is the most common cancer,

affecting some 1.8 million people in theworld every year, said Rittmeyer. It is alsothe leading cause of cancer death in theworld. According to the American CancerSociety, 80-85 percent of lung cancers arenon-small-cell types. The trial recruited850 patients without any remainingtreatment options, and compared howlong they survived-half on atezolizumaband the rest on chemotherapy, the stan-dard treatment. Immunotherapy trainspeople’s immune systems to attacktumor cells without killing healthy cells.

Chemotherapy, in contrast, targets allfast-dividing cells in the body, good andbad alike. Unlike viruses or bacteria, can-cer cells are not intruders but our owncells gone haywire, which explains whythey circulate undisturbed by theimmune system. Still in its infancy,immunotherapy-including atezolizum-ab-is being tested on many cancer types.In October, America’s Food and DrugAdministration fast-tracked atezolizumabfor the treatment of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. —AFP

Drug gives lung cancer patients four extra months


The event featured a presentation by the Co-founder of ABC, Dr. Abdullah Al Ali showcasing thecenter's achievements for 2016, followed by an

award ceremony to reward the ABC team for theirstrengths and achievements. "I am proud to say that2016 has been a great year for ABC. In line with our mis-

sion and our vision for Kuwait, our greatest achieve-ment to end 2016 is the integration of 10 children intomainstream education in the past 2 years and a further14 students into special education schooling withoutassistance. We look forward to integrate more childreninto society in 2017, with hopes to work closely with the

Kuwaiti government to increase the number of childrenwe assist. I would like to thank the ABC team for workingday in and day out for the children and families, and thefamilies for trusting us with their children, we are all onefamily here at ABC," stated Dr. Al Ali.

ABC is a center that provides evidence based early

intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD). The children receive individualized programs in aone to one setting, led by a professional team.

The center is committed to its mission to provide everychild with ASD with the tools to unlock their potential andbecome independent children and adults.

The Applied Behavior Center of Kuwait (ABC) recently

held its annual end of year dinner at the C-club

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, Kuwait's idyllicresort, takes home several leading awards this year forexceptional dining, the luxurious Talise Spa, and

Conference & Events in recognition for excellence in the luxuryhotel industry. The luxurious landmark was recently acknowl-edged as the country winner of Best Luxury Hotel in Kuwait forthe 2nd consecutive year at the highly coveted World LuxuryAwards ceremony in Doha, Qatar, on October 29th, 2016.

Attending the ceremony and receiving the award, GeneralManager Hakan Petek, said: "We are extremely proud and hon-ored to have been recently awarded by the "World LuxuryHotel Awards" as the winner of Kuwait's Luxury Beach Resortfor the 2nd consecutive year. This award represents the collec-tive efforts of our hotel team and I would like to extend specialgratitude to our guests and industry peers for making us thebest in the category. The outstanding results will only furtherour commitment to carry on providing guests with memorableand exceptional experiences and inspiring us to strengthenthe momentum of our achievements."

Regarded as the most scenic hotel in Kuwait, the luxuriouslandmark was also named The Luxury Hotel of Kuwait and EcoLuxury Hotel of Kuwait by Luxury Lifestyle Awards.

Judged and voted by the travel and tourism professionalsworldwide, the World Travel Awards selected JumeirahMessilah Beach Hotel & Spa as Kuwait's Leading Business Hotelfor the 3rd consecutive year for its premier space for meetingsand events. In fine-dining, Salt Seafood & InternationalRestaurant was awarded for Eclectic International Cuisine byWorld Luxury Restaurant Awards. Known for its ornate andstriking interior themed around the ocean, Salt Restaurantserves international and contemporary cuisine specializing inthe freshest seafood dishes.

Talise Spa, the award-winning haven for relaxation, was vot-ed by spa guests as the Best Luxury Destination Spa and BestLuxury Resort Spa in Kuwait by World Luxury Spa Awards forthe 3rd consecutive year. The ultimate destination for wellnessand signature spa experiences provides guests with bespoketreatments designed to match their needs and desires.

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa awarded with prestigious

recognitions in celebration of outstanding hospitality

Kala (Art) Kuwait "NIRAM 2016" Children's Day paintingcompetition has concluded with the prize distribu-tion to all winners at a colorful ceremonial function

held at Indian Community School, Khaitan on December 8,2016. The program was witnessed by Indian embassy offi-cials, community leaders, school principals, art teachers andmedia representatives. The painting competition was heldon the occasion of the birthday of late Pandit JawaharlalNehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India.

A K Srivastava, Second Secretar y, Indian EmbassyKuwait, inaugurated the function and appreciated all win-ners for their fabulous painting works, which were dis-played at the entrance. The 12th Anniversary souvenir of"NIRAM" was released by Srivastava by handing over thefirst copy to K Hassan Koya, Convener Public Relation andMukesh V.P, Convener Souvenir.

The welcome speech was addressed by Rakesh P. D.G e n e r a l S e c re t a r y, K a l a (A r t ) Ku w a i t . O rg a n i z a t i o nPresident Jaison Joseph Chaired the function. NIRAM-2016 program repor t ing done by General ConvenerSunil Kumar and Judging Assessment was briefed byArtist Sasikrishnan.

KALA (Art) distributes prizes to winners


Ooredoo, Kuwait's faststest network in 2016, hasrecently received three trophies in the fourth'Creativity Awards' night by the Arab Media Forum.

The ceremony was conducted under the patronage ofSheikh Salman Al-Homoud Al-Sabah, Minister ofInformation and Minister of State for Youth Affairs.

The event held Monday evening in Alraya Ballroom wasattended by the Information Ministry Undersecretary TareqAl Mizrim and the Undersecretary of New Media at theMinistry of Information Youssef Mustafa. The event wasattended by a number of distinguished media personali-ties and celebrities from Kuwait and the region.Representing Ooredoo at the event were Ooredoo Kuwait'sCorporate Communications Senior Director Mijbil Alayoub,Public Relations and Internal Communication SeniorManager Fatima Dashti, and Branding Senior ManagerFatima Al-Mukhaizeem.

Ooredoo won in the cateogires of best Ramadan advert,best products and services advert, and innovative publicrelations team category. The awards shed light onOoredoo's great efforts to engage with the local communi-ty, in creative and innovative ways and in areas and mattersof their interest. Commenting on this, Ooredoo Kuwait'sCorporate Communications Senior Director Mijbil Alayoubsaid: "We are proud to be winning such a distinguishedaward for the third consecutive year, and we dedicate thisto our beloved customers for believing in us. We atOoredoo are always striving to connect better with our

customers, which reflects from our deep-rooted values ofcaring, connecting and challenging. We're honored to seeour efforts awarded here tonight, and we promise to deliv-er and engage even more with our customers."

Closer connectionOoredoo's Ramadan TVC focuses on the true spiritual

essence of Ramadan, and is entitled "Closer Connection" inreference to the connection between man and God.

The star-studded production's lyrics are written byEmirati lyricist Ali Al-Khawar and the music is composed byKuwaiti composer Fahad Al-Nasser. The song is a duet per-formed by Saudi singer Rashed Al-Majed and Egyptian starAngham, and features Tunisian singer Lutfi Boushnaq. Thelyrics focus on the simplicity of making a strong connec-tion with God by asking for His help sincerely and honestly,and it touches on the themes of God's support and uncon-ditional love to all people, regardless of their background.

The video features a number of well-known character,including Turkish actor Burak Ozcivit, Kuwaiti retiredactress Raja Mohammed and the actor couple Fouad Aliand Haya Abdulsalam, in addition to a number of socialmedia influences known for their philanthropist work, suchas Safa Al-Failakawi, an advocate of adoption, in additionto Kuwaiti university students in the USA, Group 228, DrMajeda Al-Yatama, Sundus Al-Qattan, and Oman footballerAli Al-Habsi.

The commercial is produced by Senyar Productions, andis directed by Italian director Marco Bellone. This is the firstjoint production between Ooredoo Group's operatingcompanies in the region.

Creative messagesOoredoo's second TVC, which one the category of best

video for products and services, tracks the history of

mobile phones in Kuwait from the '80s through '90s all theway to the millennium and the present time. Clothing, fur-niture and colors in the TV commercial were inspired by1980s and 1990s. The commercial was performed by therising stars Dhari Abdul-Redha and Ilham Ali, with a cameorole for social media influencer Musaed Al Mutairi.

Central to this TVC is a comedic character, Abu Al Hesh,

whose comical situations reflect the evolution of mobileservices in Kuwait.

The Arab Media Forum awards ceremony is consideredas one of the renowned events that take place in theregion, which brings together representatives from the dif-ferent industries in one place to celebrate their tremen-dous revolutionary efforts in innovation and creativity.

Ooredoo Kuwait Wins 3 'Creativity Award' Trophies

Two TVC awards and an award for innovative public relations

The Indian Community School, Kuwait has once againemerged as an overall champion in the 18th CBSEKuwait Cluster Athletics Meet 15th time in a row

with 366 points. The Athletics meet was held from 3rd to7th December, 2016 at Kheifan Stadium. It's indeed aproud moment for the entire ICSK fraternity as the gloriousachievement of this monumental institution standsunbeatable in athletics with its long history. With thegrowing competition among all CBSE schools in Kuwait,ICSK has kept its point table rising year by year and main-tained the supreme legacy.

The students of ICSK have also stood apart in merit asMs Christa Filo Vincent of Class XII has set two new meetrecords in High Jump and Triple Jump respectively andbagged the individual championship in Under 19 Girls'category. Similarly, Arnold Andrade of class VII for Under14 category, Dinah Stephen of Class IX and Hanan K.Abdulla of Class XII for Under 19 Girls' category havebagged prestigious individual championships. ICSK hasalso grabbed the overall category championships forUnder 14 Boys with 40 points, Under 14 Girls with 37points, Under 17 Boys with 68 points and Under 19 Girls

with 102 points respectively. Out of total 56 individualand 10 relay, ICSK scored 16 and 6 Gold, 17 silver, and 9and 2 bronze medals respectively in these two types ofevents.

The management, principals, staff and students of ICSKfamily congratulated the winning team and appreciatedthe efforts of physical education teachers, who workedpassionately for bringing this laurel to the school. Thequalifying players will now be going India to participate inCBSE National Athletics Tournament, which will be held atVadodara from 27th to 30th Dec. 2016.

ICSK rocks with CBSE Kuwait

cluster athletics win 15th time

06:00 Supa Strikas06:25 Supa Strikas06:50 Counterfeit Cat07:00 Star vs The Forces Of Evil07:15 K.C. Undercover07:40 Atomic Puppet08:10 Lab Rats08:35 Danger Mouse09:00 Lab Rats: You PostedWhat!?!09:50 Kirby Buckets10:20 Kirby Buckets10:45 Gravity Falls11:10 Gamerʼs Guide To Pretty

Much Everything11:35 Gamerʼs Guide To PrettyMuch Everything12:00 Counterfeit Cat12:30 K.C. Undercover12:55 K.C. Undercover13:20 Star Wars FreemakerAdventures13:45 Lab Rats14:10 Disney Mickey Mouse14:15 Lab Rats14:40 Counterfeit Cat14:50 Star vs The Forces Of Evil15:05 K.C. Undercover15:30 Atomic Puppet15:55 Lab Rats16:25 Danger Mouse16:50 Future-Worm!17:15 Lab Rats: Rise Of The SecretSoldiers18:05 Disney Mickey Mouse18:10 Supa Strikas18:35 Supa Strikas19:00 Star Wars FreemakerAdventures19:25 Gamerʼs Guide To PrettyMuch Everything19:55 K.C. Undercover20:20 Counterfeit Cat20:45 Mighty Med21:10 Pickle And Peanut21:20 Pickle And Peanut

00:00 Doc McStuffins00:30 Minnieʼs Bow-Toons00:35 Zou00:50 Loopdidoo01:05 Art Attack01:30 Henry Hugglemonster01:45 Calimero02:00 Zou02:15 Loopdidoo02:30 Art Attack

03:00 Calimero03:15 Zou03:30 Loopdidoo03:45 Art Attack04:10 Henry Hugglemonster04:25 Calimero04:45 Loopdidoo05:00 Art Attack05:25 Henry Hugglemonster05:35 Calimero05:50 Zou06:00 Loopdidoo06:15 Art Attack06:35 Henry Hugglemonster06:50 Calimero07:00 Zou07:20 Loopdidoo07:35 Art Attack08:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse08:30 Sheriff Callieʼs Wild West09:00 Goldie & Bear09:30 Sofia The First10:00 Sofia The First10:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse11:00 Sofia The First11:30 The Lion Guard12:00 Doc McStuffins12:30 Little Mermaid13:00 Sofia The First13:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse14:00 Jake And The Never LandPirates14:30 Doc McStuffins15:00 The Lion Guard15:30 Sofia The First16:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse16:30 Doc McStuffins17:00 The Lion Guard17:30 PJ Masks18:00 The Adventures Of TheDisney Fairies18:30 Goldie & Bear19:00 Jake And The Never LandPirates19:30 Little Mermaid20:00 PJ Masks20:30 Sofia The First21:00 Jakeʼs Never Land Rescue22:00 Doc McStuffins




01:15 Nina03:00 Believe05:00 Dadʼs Army07:00 A Kind Of Murder09:00 Believe11:00 Dadʼs Army12:45 90 Minutes In Heaven15:00 Ricki And The Flash17:00 The Longest Ride19:45 Concussion22:00 I Saw The Light

00:10 Years Of Living Dangerously01:00 Continent 7: Antarctica02:00 Air Crash Investigation02:55 Live Free Or Die03:50 Years Of Living Dangerously04:45 Eat: The Story Of Food05:40 Paranatural06:35 Do Or Die07:00 Do Or Die07:30 Bizarre Dinos08:25 Seconds From Disaster09:20 Eat: The Story Of Food10:15 Science Of Stupid Sports10:40 Science Of Stupid Sports11:10 Years Of Living Dangerously12:05 Mars13:00 Seconds From Disaster14:00 Bigger Than T. Rex15:00 Do Or Die16:00 Science Of Stupid Sports17:00 Years Of Living Dangerously18:00 Mars19:00 Startalk20:00 Science Of Stupid Sports20:50 Years Of Living Dangerously21:40 Mars22:30 Startalk


00:00 Adventures Of A Pizza Guy02:00 Under The Tuscan Sun04:00 All About Christmas Eve06:00 Hot Rod08:00 10 Things I Hate About You10:00 All About Christmas Eve12:00 Under The Tuscan Sun14:00 Norbit16:00 10 Things I Hate About You18:00 What If19:45 The Mexican22:00 Horrible Bosses 2

01:00 Jamie Marks Is Dead02:45 Mood Indigo05:00 Late Bloomers06:45 The Railway Man09:00 Romeo & Juliet11:00 Mood Indigo13:15 Experimenter15:15 The Girl17:00 Romeo & Juliet19:00 Seabiscuit21:30 Nightcrawler23:30 Men, Women & Children

00:50 Gator Boys01:45 Mountain Monsters02:40 Mutant Planet05:15 Wild Animal Repo06:02 Mutant Planet06:49 River Monsters (Best OfSeries 1-5)07:36 Swamp Brothers08:00 Swamp Brothers08:25 Too Cute! Pint-Sized09:15 Life On Earth: A NewPrehistory10:10 Wild Animal Repo11:05 Tanked12:00 Too Cute! Pint-Sized12:55 Bondi Vet13:50 Life On Earth: A NewPrehistory14:45 Gator Boys15:40 Wild Animal Repo16:35 Tanked17:30 My Wild Affair: The ElephantWho Loved Too Much18:25 River Monsters19:20 Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet20:15 Tanked21:10 The Real Lion Queen22:05 Wild Animal Repo23:00 Dr. Dee: Alaska Vet

00:00 Crime Stories01:00 Deadly Wives02:00 Killer Kids03:00 The Jail: 60 Days In04:00 Crime Stories05:00 Deadly Wives06:00 Killer Kids07:00 The First 4808:00 Nightmare In Suburbia09:00 Homicide Hunter10:00 It Takes A Killer10:30 It Takes A Killer11:00 Evil Up Close12:00 Evil Up Close13:00 Evil Up Close14:00 Evil Up Close15:00 The First 4816:00 Hatton Garden Heist: OneLast Job17:00 Crimes That Shook Britain18:00 Deadly Wives19:00 Nightmare In Suburbia20:00 Homicide Hunter21:00 It Takes A Killer21:30 It Takes A Killer22:00 The First 4823:00 My Crazy Ex

00:20 Attack Of The Big Cats01:10 Savage Kingdom02:00 Dark Side Of Crocs02:50 Animals Gone Wild03:45 Raccoon: Backyard Bandit04:40 Savage Kingdom05:35 Dark Side Of Crocs06:30 Animals Gone Wild07:25 Raccoon: Backyard Bandit08:20 Savage Kingdom09:15 Night Stalkers10:10 Worldʼs Deadliest11:05 Maneater Manhunt12:00 Shark Men12:55 Brutal Killers13:50 Animals Gone Wild14:45 Animal Fight Club

00:00 Green Street 3: Never BackDown02:00 Mega Shark vs. MechaShark04:00 The Machine06:00 The Taking Of Pelham 12308:15 Seventh Son10:15 Sword Of Vengeance12:15 Mutant World14:15 The Taking Of Pelham 12316:15 Seventh Son18:30 Sword Of Vengeance20:30 Jupiter Ascending23:00 Twelve Monkeys

00:20 Wheeler Dealers01:10 Still Alive02:00 Kings Of The Wild02:50 Running Wild With BearGrylls03:40 Fat Nʼ Furious: RollingThunder04:30 The Liquidator05:00 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars05:30 How Do They Do It?06:00 Deadliest Catch06:50 Wheeler Dealers07:40 Fat Nʼ Furious: RollingThunder08:30 Diamond River Hunters09:20 The Liquidator09:45 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars10:10 How Do They Do It?10:35 Survive That!11:25 Kings Of The Wild12:15 Running Wild With Bear

00:40 Forbidden: Dying For Love01:30 Paranormal Lockdown02:20 The Haunted03:10 Six Degrees Of Murder04:00 Suspicion04:48 Love The Way You Lie08:00 Iʼd Kill For You08:50 I Almost Got Away With It09:40 Deadline: Crime With TamronHall10:30 Love The Way You Lie11:20 Blood Relatives12:10 I Am Homicide13:00 Iʼd Kill For You13:50 I Almost Got Away With It14:40 Deadline: Crime With TamronHall15:30 Beauty Queen Murders16:20 Blood Relatives17:10 Momsters: When Moms GoBad17:35 Momsters: When Moms GoBad18:00 Iʼd Kill For You18:50 I Almost Got Away With It19:40 Deadline: Crime With TamronHall20:30 Beauty Queen Murders21:20 Blood Relatives22:10 Dead On Arrival23:00 Killer Instinct With Chris

00:10 Hank Zipzer00:35 Binny And The Ghost01:00 Violetta01:45 The Hive01:50 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch02:15 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch02:40 Hank Zipzer03:05 Binny And The Ghost03:30 Violetta04:15 The Hive04:20 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch04:45 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch05:10 Hank Zipzer05:35 Binny And The Ghost06:00 Violetta06:45 The Hive06:50 Mouk07:00 Dog With A Blog07:25 Dog With A Blog07:50 Tsum Tsum Shorts07:55 Miraculous Tales Of LadybugAnd Cat Noir08:20 Elena Of Avalor08:45 Star Darlings08:50 Liv And Maddie09:15 Jessie09:40 Jessie10:05 Jessie10:30 Disneyʼs Descendants12:30 Descendants Wicked World12:35 Austin & Ally13:00 Liv And Maddie13:25 Liv And Maddie13:50 Shake It Up14:15 Shake It Up14:40 Dog With A Blog15:05 Dog With A Blog15:30 Good Luck Charlie15:55 Good Luck Charlie16:20 Girl Meets World16:45 Girl Meets World17:10 Elena Of Avalor17:35 Miraculous Tales Of LadybugAnd Cat Noir18:00 The Next Step18:25 Descendants Wicked World18:30 Liv And Maddie18:55 Star Darlings19:00 Shake It Up19:25 Disney Mickey Mouse19:30 Austin & Ally19:55 Descendants Wicked World20:00 Backstage20:25 Tsum Tsum Shorts20:30 Elena Of Avalor20:55 Best Friends Whenever21:20 Jessie21:45 Jessie22:10 Jessie22:35 H2O: Just Add Water23:00 Binny And The Ghost23:25 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch23:50 Sabrina Secrets Of ATeenage Witch

22:30 Doc McStuffins23:00 The Adventures Of TheDisney Fairies23:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

00:20 Mountain Men01:10 Forged In Fire02:00 Storage Wars02:25 Storage Wars02:50 Alaska Off-Road Warriors03:40 Alaska Off-Road Warriors04:30 Pawn Stars05:00 Ozzy & Jackʼs World Detour06:00 Shipping Wars06:25 Shipping Wars06:50 American Pickers07:40 Pawn Stars

00:35 Food Loverʼs Guide To ThePlanet01:00 Fish Of The Day01:25 Fish Of The Day01:50 Lyndey Milan - Taste OfAustralia02:15 Lyndey Milan - Taste OfAustralia02:40 My Dubai03:05 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes ByThe Sea03:55 A Is For Apple04:20 A Is For Apple04:45 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita05:10 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita05:35 Dream Cruises06:25 Tripping Out With Alie &Georgia06:50 Fish Of The Day07:15 Fish Of The Day07:40 Lyndey Milan - Taste OfAustralia08:05 Lyndey Milan - Taste OfAustralia08:30 My Dubai08:55 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes ByThe Sea09:45 A Is For Apple10:10 A Is For Apple10:35 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita11:00 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita11:25 Dream Cruises12:15 Tripping Out With Alie &Georgia

00:00 Mad Dogs01:00 Pitch02:00 Supergirl03:00 The Strain04:00 Live The Voice06:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show07:00 Drop Dead Diva08:00 Castle09:00 The Voice11:00 Pitch12:00 Shark Tank13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show14:00 Drop Dead Diva15:00 Live Good Morning America17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show18:00 The Voice19:00 The Voice21:00 Marvelʼs Agents OfS.H.I.E.L.D.22:00 Scream Queens23:00 The Strain

00:40 Prototype This01:30 Mythbusters02:20 Joe Rogan QuestionsEverything03:10 How Do They Do It?03:35 Food Factory04:00 You Have Been Warned04:48 Prototype This05:36 Joe Rogan QuestionsEverything06:24 Mythbusters07:12 How Do They Do It?07:36 Food Factory08:00 How Do They Do It?08:26 Prototype This09:14 Mythbusters10:02 You Have Been Warned10:50 How Do They Do It?11:14 Food Factory11:38 Joe Rogan QuestionsEverything12:26 Prototype This13:14 Mythbusters14:02 How Do They Do It?14:26 Food Factory14:50 You Have Been Warned15:38 Joe Rogan QuestionsEverything16:26 Prototype This17:14 Mythbusters18:02 You Have Been Warned18:50 Prototype This19:40 Weird Or What?20:30 Curiosity: How Does LifeBegin?21:20 How Do They Do It?21:45 Food Factory22:10 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie23:00 Curiosity: How Does LifeBegin?

01:15 Blue Elephant 203:00 Bolts And Blip04:30 Dixie And The ZombieRebellion06:00 Rugrats Go Wild07:45 Elf: Buddyʼs MusicalChristmas09:15 Rugrats In Paris: The Movie11:00 Jungle Book: MowgliʼsAdventure12:45 Bolts And Blip14:30 Ghatothkach - Master OfMagic16:15 Moomins And The CometChase18:00 Rugrats In Paris: The Movie20:00 Justice League: Attack OfThe Legion Of Doom22:00 Ghatothkach - Master OfMagic23:45 Moomins And The CometChase

Hansen23:50 Las Vegas Law

00:10 Tonight At The LondonPalladium01:00 Emmerdale01:30 Coronation Street02:30 Catchphrase03:00 More Tales FromNorthumberland With Robson...03:25 5 Star Family Reunion04:20 Doc Martin05:10 The Doctor Blake Mysteries06:10 Tonight At The LondonPalladium07:00 Catchphrase07:35 More Tales FromNorthumberland With Robson...08:00 Broadchurch09:00 Doc Martin09:55 The Doctor Blake Mysteries10:55 Tonight At The LondonPalladium11:45 Catchphrase12:20 More Tales FromNorthumberland With Robson...12:45 Emmerdale13:15 Coronation Street14:15 Tonight At The LondonPalladium15:10 Catchphrase16:00 Jericho16:55 Royal Stories17:50 The Doctor Blake Mysteries18:50 Emmerdale19:15 Coronation Street20:10 Catchphrase21:00 Jericho21:55 Royal Stories22:25 Royal Stories22:50 Emmerdale23:15 Coronation Street

12:40 Fish Of The Day13:35 My Dubai14:00 Places We Go14:30 My Restaurant In India14:55 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes ByThe Sea15:50 A Is For Apple16:45 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita17:15 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita17:40 Eat Street18:35 Tripping Out With Alie &Georgia19:05 Charlie Luxtonʼs Homes ByThe Sea20:00 A Is For Apple20:50 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita21:15 My Sri Lanka With PeterKuruvita21:40 Eat Street22:30 Tripping Out With Alie &Georgia22:55 Fish Of The Day23:45 My Dubai

01:00 Earth To Echo03:00 Snow Day05:00 Dunston Checks In07:00 The Education Of Little Tree09:00 Bark Ranger11:00 Dunston Checks In13:00 House Arrest15:00 Looney Tunes: Rabbitʼs Run17:00 The Last Song19:00 Paranorman21:00 House Arrest23:00 Looney Tunes: Rabbitʼs Run

00:30 What Could Possibly GoWrong?01:20 Playhouse Masters02:10 Incredible Food Race03:00 Destroyed In Seconds03:25 Destroyed In Seconds03:50 Ultimate Survival04:40 How Itʼs Made05:05 How Itʼs Made05:30 Dirty Jobs06:20 Mythbusters07:00 Kenny The Shark07:25 Awesome Adventures07:50 Bad Dog08:40 How Itʼs Made09:05 How Itʼs Made09:30 What Could Possibly GoWrong?

10:20 Mythbusters11:10 Dirty Jobs12:00 Bad Dog12:50 Ultimate Survival13:40 How Itʼs Made14:05 How Itʼs Made14:30 Dirty Jobs15:20 Mythbusters16:10 Kenny The Shark16:35 Awesome Adventures17:00 Dogs: The Untold Story17:50 Wildest Africa18:40 What Could Possibly GoWrong?19:30 How Itʼs Made19:55 How Itʼs Made20:20 Mythbusters21:10 Dogs: The Untold Story22:00 Wildest Africa22:50 Destroyed In Seconds23:15 Destroyed In Seconds23:40 Ultimate Survival

Grylls13:05 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars13:30 Storage Hunters UK13:55 The Liquidator14:20 Edge Of Alaska15:10 Diamond River Hunters16:00 Deadliest Catch16:50 Fat Nʼ Furious: RollingThunder17:40 Wheeler Dealers18:30 How Itʼs Made: Dream Cars18:55 How Do They Do It?19:20 Diamond River Hunters20:10 Storage Hunters UK20:35 The Liquidator21:00 Blue Collar Backers21:50 Incredible EngineeringBlunders: Fixed22:40 Worldʼs Top 5

00:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets01:00 Ancient Aliens02:00 Missing In Alaska03:00 Ancient Impossible03:50 Patton 36004:40 In Search Of Aliens05:30 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets06:20 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets07:10 The Universe08:00 Ancient Aliens09:00 Missing In Alaska10:00 Ancient Impossible11:00 Patton 36012:00 In Search Of Aliens13:00 Americaʼs Book Of Secrets14:00 Ancient Aliens15:00 Missing In Alaska16:00 Ancient Impossible17:00 Patton 36018:00 In Search Of Aliens19:00 Ancient Aliens20:00 Missing In Alaska21:00 Ancient Impossible22:00 Patton 36023:00 Last Days Of The Nazis

15:40 Savage Kingdom16:35 Night Stalkers17:30 Worldʼs Deadliest18:25 Maneater Manhunt19:20 Animal Fight Club20:10 Savage Kingdom21:00 Night Stalkers21:50 Worldʼs Deadliest22:40 Maneater Manhunt23:30 Shark Men

00:30 Cougar Town01:00 Cougar Town01:30 Family Guy02:00 Family Guy02:30 Itʼs Always Sunny InPhiladelphia03:00 Last Man Standing03:30 The Simpsons04:00 Better With You04:30 The Tonight Show StarringJimmy Fallon05:30 10 Items Or Less06:00 The Grinder06:30 Men At Work07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers08:00 Better With You08:30 10 Items Or Less09:00 Last Man Standing09:30 Truth Be Told10:00 Dr. Ken10:30 Men At Work11:00 The Tonight Show StarringJimmy Fallon12:00 The Grinder12:30 Better With You13:00 10 Items Or Less13:30 Men At Work14:00 The Simpsons14:30 Truth Be Told15:00 Dr. Ken15:30 Cougar Town16:00 Cougar Town16:30 The Grinder17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers18:00 Last Man Standing18:30 The Simpsons19:00 Truth Be Told19:30 Young & Hungry20:00 The Tonight Show StarringJimmy Fallon21:00 Cougar Town

08:05 Pawn Stars08:30 Storage Wars Texas08:55 Fifth Gear09:45 Fifth Gear10:35 Shipping Wars11:00 Shipping Wars11:25 Ozzy & Jackʼs World Detour12:15 Shark Wranglers13:05 Ice Road Truckers13:55 Sean Bean On Waterloo14:45 Mountain Men15:35 Pawn Stars16:00 American Pickers16:50 Storage Wars17:15 Storage Wars17:40 Swamp People18:30 Ozzy & Jackʼs World Detour19:20 American Pickers20:10 Pawn Stars20:35 Pawn Stars21:00 Counting Cars21:25 Counting Cars21:50 Fifth Gear22:40 Time Team23:30 Counting Cars23:55 Counting Cars

ClassifiedsWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (www.kuwait-airport.com.kw)






















Arrival Flights on Wednesday 14/12/2016Airlines Flt Route TimeELN 1999 ISU 00:30JZR 539 Cairo 00:40THY 772 Istanbul 00:55KAC 102 London 00:55FDK 803 Damascus 01:00QTR 1086 Doha 01:15THY 764 Istanbul 01:50DLH 635 Doha 01:55PGT 858 Istanbul 02:00ETH 620 Addis Ababa 02:05MSC 405 Sohag 02:30GFA 211 Bahrain 02:30UAE 853 Dubai 02:30OMA 643 Muscat 02:55KKK 6506 Istanbul 02:55FDB 069 Dubai 03:05RJA 644 Amman 03:05ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:10MSR 612 Cairo 03:10CEB 0018 Manila 03:15QTR 1076 Doha 03:30KAC 358 Kochi 03:30KAC 1544 Cairo 03:55KAC 784 Jeddah 03:55KAC 418 Manila 04:25KAC 284 Dhaka 04:55DHX 170 Bahrain 05:20KAC 344 Chennai 05:35KAC 332 Trivandrum 05:45THY 770 Istanbul 05:55KAC 206 Islamabad 06:20KAC 346 Ahmedabad 06:25BAW 157 London 06:40KAC 204 Lahore 07:15FDB 053 Dubai 07:45KAC 302 Mumbai 08:20UAE 855 Dubai 08:40KAC 382 Delhi 08:45ABY 125 Sharjah 09:05ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:05KAC 362 Colombo 09:05KAC 352 Kochi 09:10QTR 1070 Doha 09:30FDB 055 Dubai 09:40IRC 6511 ABD 09:55MSC 415 Sohag 10:15IRA 665 Shiraz 10:40GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40KAC 774 Riyadh 11:05AXB 889 Mangalore/Bahrain 11:10IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:15JZR 165 Dubai 11:30IRC 526 Mashhad 11:40MEA 404 Beirut 11:55IAW 157 Al Najaf 12:00KAC 744 Dammam 12:10JZR 561 Sohag 12:40UAE 871 Dubai 12:50MSR 610 Cairo 13:00CLX 792 Luxembourg 13:15KAC 614 Bahrain 13:30KAC 564 Amman 13:40KAC 788 Jeddah 13:45KNE 231 Riyadh 13:55KAC 514 Tehran 13:55QTR 1078 Doha 14:10SVA 500 Jeddah 14:15FDB 059 Dubai 14:20

KAC 414 Bangkok 14:35GFA 221 Bahrain 14:40IRC 6521 Lamerd 14:40KAC 542 Cairo 14:45KAC 672 Dubai 14:50KNE 529 Jeddah 14:55KNE 683 Madinah 15:05ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 15:15OMA 645 Muscat 15:35UAE 857 Dubai 15:45ABY 127 Sharjah 15:50MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 15:50KAC 154 Istanbul 15:55SAW 705 Damascus 16:00SVA 504 Madinah 16:00QTR 1072 Doha 16:10FDB 051 Dubai 16:25JZR 787 Riyadh 16:25JZR 357 Mashhad 16:25KAC 662 Abu Dhabi 16:35RJA 640 Amman 16:55KAC 118 New York 17:00SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30JZR 777 Jeddah 17:45UAE 875 Dubai 18:00FDB 063 Dubai 18:10JZR 177 Dubai 18:20KAC 502 Beirut 18:20MSR 620 Cairo 18:30JZR 483 Istanbul 18:40QTR 1080 Doha 18:50DHX 172 Bahrain 19:10KAC 512 Mashhad 19:20ABY 123 Sharjah 19:25GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30KAC 778 Riyadh 19:35KAC 674 Dubai 19:45FDB 057 Dubai 19:50KAC 104 London 19:50KAC 620 Doha 19:50KNE 381 Taif 19:55KAC 694 Muscat 20:00OMA 647 Muscat 20:10QTR 1088 Doha 20:35KAC 562 Amman 20:40DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:45MSR 606 Luxor 20:45FDB 5053 Dubai 20:50JAI 572 Mumbai 20:55KAC 172 Frankfurt 21:15KAC 786 Jeddah 21:15ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:20MEA 402 Beirut 21:20ALK 229 Colombo 21:25UAE 859 Dubai 21:40GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45QTR 1082 Doha 22:00JZR 125 Bahrain 22:05ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:15AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:25JZR 241 Amman 22:45JZR 185 Dubai 23:15JZR 555 Alexandria 23:20PIA 239 Sialkot 23:40FDB 071 Dubai 23:45JAI 574 Mumbai 23:50BBC 043 Dhaka 23:55KAC 162 Geneva 23:55

Departure Flights on Wednesday 14/12/2016Airlines Flt Route TimeAIC 988 Hyderabad/Chennai 00:05FDB 072 Dubai 00:40DHX 173 Bahrain 00:40JAI 573 Mumbai 00:50FDK 804 Damascus 01:55KAC 417 Manila 02:00THY 773 Istanbul 02:25DLH 635 Frankfurt 02:55ETH 621 Addis Ababa 03:05MSC 406 Sohag 03:30PGT 859 Istanbul 03:35UAE 854 Dubai 03:45KKK 6505 Istanbul 03:55OMA 644 Muscat 03:55THY 765 Istanbul 04:00MSR 613 Cairo 04:10ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:10QTR 1077 Doha 04:40KAC 103 London 04:45CEB 0019 Manila 05:20QTR 1087 Doha 05:50JZR 560 Sohag 06:05FDB 070 Dubai 06:30KAC 153 Istanbul 06:50THY 771 Istanbul 06:50JZR 164 Dubai 06:55KAC 171 Frankfurt 07:05RJA 645 Amman 07:05GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15KAC 541 Cairo 07:15KAC 773 Riyadh 07:30KAC 787 Jeddah 07:45KAC 563 Amman 08:00BAW 156 London 08:40FDB 054 Dubai 08:55KAC 117 New York 09:00KAC 743 Dammam 09:00KAC 513 Tehran 09:30KAC 101 London 09:35ABY 126 Sharjah 09:45UAE 856 Dubai 09:55KAC 501 Beirut 10:00JZR 482 Istanbul 10:00KAC 671 Dubai 10:05KAC 613 Bahrain 10:10ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:10KAC 161 Geneva 10:10JZR 356 Mashhad 10:25FDB 056 Dubai 10:35QTR 1071 Doha 10:40IRC 6522 Lamerd 11:00MSC 416 Sohag 11:15GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25IRA 664 Shiraz 11:40JZR 776 Jeddah 12:05KAC 661 Abu Dhabi 12:05AXB 890 Mangalore 12:10IRM 1189 Mashhad 12:30IRC 527 Mashhad 12:40MEA 405 Beirut 12:55IAW 158 Al Najaf 13:00JZR 786 Riyadh 13:10KAC 511 Mashhad 13:15JZR 176 Dubai 13:45MSR 611 Cairo 14:00ELN 1999 IQA 14:00UAE 872 Dubai 14:15

CLX 792 Hanoi 14:30KAC 693 Muscat 14:30KNE 382 Taif 14:50KAC 673 Dubai 15:00KAC 561 Amman 15:00FDB 060 Dubai 15:05KAC 785 Jeddah 15:15GFA 222 Bahrain 15:25IRC 6512 ABD 15:30QTR 1079 Doha 15:40SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45KNE 530 Jeddah 15:55KAC 777 Riyadh 16:00KAC 619 Doha 16:00KNE 684 Madinah 16:00JZR 554 Alexandria 16:10KAC 283 Dhaka 16:15ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 16:20ABY 128 Sharjah 16:30OMA 646 Muscat 16:35MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 16:50SAW 706 Damascus 16:55SVA 505 Madinah 17:00JZR 266 Beirut 17:05JZR 240 Amman 17:15FDB 052 Dubai 17:25KAC 363 Colombo 17:40QTR 1073 Doha 17:40JZR 538 Cairo 17:45UAE 858 Dubai 17:45RJA 641 Amman 17:55KAC 331 Trivandrum 18:00SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15KAC 353 BLR 18:15GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20JZR 184 Dubai 18:40FDB 064 Dubai 19:05JZR 124 Bahrain 19:15UAE 876 Dubai 19:30MSR 621 Cairo 19:30QTR 1081 Doha 19:50ABY 124 Sharjah 20:05GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15FDB 058 Dubai 20:35KNE 232 Riyadh 20:55KAC 545 Cairo 21:00OMA 648 Muscat 21:10KAC 205 Islamabad 21:25KAC 345 Ahmedabad 21:30QTR 1089 Doha 21:35DLH 634 Doha 21:35MSR 619 Alexandria 21:45DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50FDB 5054 Dubai 21:50JAI 571 Mumbai 21:55KAC 351 Kochi 22:00KAC 203 Lahore 22:15KAC 413 Bangkok 22:15ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15MEA 403 Beirut 22:20JZR 528 Asyut 22:25ALK 230 Colombo 22:25GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30KAC 301 Mumbai 22:45KAC 381 Delhi 22:45JZR 502 Luxor 22:55UAE 860 Dubai 22:55ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:05QTR 1083 Doha 23:20



For Filipino Bachelor ONLYnear Big Jamiya Farwaniya.Available on December 25,Contact 66826412 or9751278213-12-2016

I, Chejalla Nageshwar Raju(old name) S/o. ChejarlaPedda Chengal Raju, R/o.H.No. 2/150, Bommavaram(V) & (P), Obulavaripalli (M),Y.S.R. Kadapa, Dist., A.P.hereby state that I havechanged my name as CHE-JARLA NAGESWAR RAJU(new name). (C 5247)13-12-2016


You will see that your businesslike abilities are at a high. You could findyourself involved in some in-depth discussions now-you are at your mental best. Now isthe time you will see why it is you had to study that dull class that was required in highschool. The subject just may be the favorite pastime of a very rich customer who willappreciate your input. Sweethearts, children, and other folks or things that you considernear and dear to your heart are emphasized at this time. There may not be a more pow-erful need in your life just now than knowing people admire you for your capabilities andtalents. Someone younger than yourself may look to you for answers to problems thatare of great importance to him or her.

Aries (March 21-April 19)


Professional advice may work in your best interest-whether you give orreceive, it does not really matter. You have a sense of mass psychology about how toorganize sale items or fast sale items and can manipulate sensitive areas of the publicmind. You may find the results of your efforts are quite successful. Work and career maybecome a primary focus during this time. There are opportunities to make good deci-sions. You are at your most practical. Just be careful that you do not become so over-stressed with your work that you neglect home, family and your health. A neighbor mayrequire a bit of your time this afternoon but all is upbeat. This evening you are very pas-sionate and are willing to go all out in an effort to please your lover.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You appreciate the freedom to express your ideas in the workplace-othersare usually listening. You are good at laying out a foundation for yourself

and others to build upon. This could be anything from architectural planning to outlin-ing the outcome of a fictional story. Many people need an instruction book but you seemto intuitively and creatively complete projects, fit things together and create a positiveoutcome to difficult situations. Your ability to understand life in general makes you agood teacher. Your capacity to make good decisions will be respected. Underneath thathardworking person is a very curious person. Now is the time to be expressive and allowthese good qualities to surface. Research is the next project on your list today.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

A new goal in the workplace seems to be a good idea, but you may wonderif you are on the right track. The goal is probably a very good one, so keep

the plan on paper for now and use the next few weeks to firm up your idea. Many peoplewill be out of town just when you want to gain support for your idea-patience. Yourinnate ability to understand and be sensitive to others’ needs places you in the driver’sseat when it comes to communicating regarding groups or society in general. Knowingwhat people really want and need is the main key to your success. You may find yourselfmore involved in getting things and people organized. Managing a team is successful at

this time. Making your own gifts for the holiday is a good idea this year; get busy!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Those in authority know of your ability to manage and direct other people.They could be seeking you out to take responsibility for a particular job requiring yourspecial talents. It is a great time to be with others and to work together. Now is a particu-larly good time for you to use your imagination and creative ability when it comes toideas and thinking. Your talent for being able to put your thoughts into words will allowyou to delight and fascinate those around you. You may find a good book or movie foryour preferred entertainment this evening. You should find no problem in being able toenjoy your own life situation, or feel especially kindhearted toward a friend or loved one.Expect some nice compliments to come your way tonight.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A great deal of interaction with your co-workers may keep you in the samejob position for much too long. If you want to encourage your supervisor to pay attentionto your great potential, you will do well to request work that would put you in a team situ-ation or create an opportunity to lead a group. The most emotional satisfaction at thistime comes from the friends you have made during this last year. This may be a good dayto plan some type of get-together. An exercise routine that you tolerate would work bestif you could move the time you exercise to the early afternoon. Later today you will gentlyencourage a smoker to take up a different habit. At home this evening you become morecomfortable in helping a friend with a homework assignment.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your business expertise is showing this morning as you try to find the code,equation or key to some difficult problem. Figuring out how to organize people or a proj-ect is likely to be a topic of special appeal, as well as a challenge. When you see that thereis practical worth and application in some activity, you push with everything you have tosee the end result. This may be a time of concentrated study and thought. Your mind isvery quick and you seem to understand your emotions and drive. If necessary, you haveno problem in discussing your feelings with great insight and ease. This should be a partic-ularly great time to be with others and to work together. A social engagement thisevening turns out to be a great deal of fun!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You are feeling reenergized. You consider any difficulties you mightencounter as an opportunity to manage and problem-solve. You work to

find the answer that will pull in the best for everyone. You look at life as an adventure andyou carry that expression with you wherever you go. It is no wonder people flock to you-they love that contagious, love of life mindset that you express so easily. Today, an angrychild and a difficult customer give you the opportunity to find the key of comfort.Communication with others is upbeat today as you seek to encourage customers to buyyour product. If you are voted the employee of the month or year, it would only be a sur-prise to you! Everyone wants to celebrate you this evening.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Today you may find yourself lecturing or judging. Your thoughtful appreci-ation for ideas and thoughts should make this an excellent time to study. You may findyourself in the middle of a very enjoyable long conversation, writing a letter, or makingthat special phone call. You have an abundance of beautiful and harmonious relationshipsin your life and may find yourself in a creative-writing class, house-design class, flying les-sons, etc., with one or more of these beautiful people. You require and enjoy your closepersonal relationships, to assure a well-rounded life style. Those around you will have noproblem in knowing just where you are coming from, as you are quite forceful and elo-

quent in your ability to communicate.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Spend some time in thought before making your final decision about animportant work issue. This is a time when it will pay for you to be very care-

ful in making a decision that might involve a change in direction where your professionallife is concerned. There could be a tendency to make choices too quickly. Later today, youhelp a friend to make a wonderful presentation at her school or committee meeting. Youteach young people to choose their friends with the idea that they and their friends inter-act with one another to help each other grow and learn. Someone in your life is learning alot and they want to share new information with you. You have probably heard it allbefore-but listen anyway-this person might soon be doing the same for you.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)


ACROSS1. Interface consisting of a standard portbetween a computer and its peripheralsthat is used in some computers.5. A unit of apothecary weight equal to 20grains.12. An American doctorate usually basedon at least 3 years graduate study and adissertation.15. A human female who does house-work.16. A staff surmounted by a crook or crosscarried by bishops as a symbol of pastoraloffice.17. A river in north central Switzerlandthat runs northeast into the Rhine.18. A rapid series of short loud sounds (asmight be heard with a stethoscope insome types of respiratory disorders).19. The state of being unsure of some-thing.20. The capital and largest city of Ghanawith a deep-water port.22. An anticipated outcome that isintended or that guides your plannedactions.24. A long noosed rope used to catch ani-mals.26. Young sheep.27. A contorted facial expression.30. A member of a North American Indianpeople of southeastern California andnorthwestern Mexico.32. A flat wing-shaped process or wing-like part of an organism.34. The arch of the foot.38. Any plant of the genus Canna havinglarge sheathing leaves and clusters oflarge showy flowers.44. The immaterial part of a person.45. A city in southern Turkey on theSeyhan River.46. A French abbot.48. Sexually transmitted urethritis (usuallycaused by chlamydia).49. Low stingless nettle of Central andSouth America having velvety brownish-green toothed leaves and clusters ofsmall green flowers.50. Realistic Norwegian author who wroteplays on social and political themes(1828-1906).52. A federal agency established to coor-dinate programs aimed at reducing pollu-tion and protecting the environment.55. The basic unit of money inBangladesh.58. Resist or confront with resistance.59. On or toward the lee.60. A river in north central Switzerlandthat runs northeast into the Rhine.62. A mature blood cell that containshemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodilytissues.63. Sour or bitter in taste.68. Tropical starchy tuberous root.72. A high-crowned black cap (usuallymade of felt or sheepskin) worn by menin Turkey and Iran and the Caucasus.74. Small terrestrial lizard of warm regionsof the Old World.76. An associate degree in applied sci-ence.77. Being one more than two.78. A cut of pork ribs with much of themeat trimmed off.80. Government agency created in 1974to license and regulate nuclear powerplants.81. A nucleic acid consisting of large mol-ecules shaped like a double helix.82. A large estate in Spanish-speakingcountries.83. Hormone secreted by the posteriorpituitary gland (trade name Pitressin) and

also by nerve endings in the hypothala-mus.

DOWN1. Lean end of the neck.2. A seat for one person, with a supportfor the back.3. Ragout of game in a rich sauce.4. A strong emotion.5. An honorary degree in science.6. (in Indian English) The number that isrepresented as a one followed by 7 zeros.7. A dissolute man in fashionable society.8. A member of a Turkic people ofUzbekistan and neighboring areas.9. Any bird of the genus Pitta.10. A chronic inflammatory collagen dis-ease affecting connective tissue (skin orjoints).11. A period marked by distinctive charac-ter or reckoned from a fixed point orevent.12. Large burrowing rodent of South andCentral America.13. Any physical damage to the bodycaused by violence or accident or fractureetc..14. Lacking in liveliness or charm or sur-prise.21. People having the same social or eco-nomic status.23. A deep bow.25. Type genus of the Amiidae.28. Hardened sugary exudation of varioustrees.29. A white metallic element that burnswith a brilliant light.31. Not out.33. An amino acid that is found in thecentral nervous system.35. Either of two masses of lymphatic tis-sue one on each side of the oral pharynx.36. Austrian general in the service of theHoly Roman Empire during the War of theSpanish Succession (1663-1736).37. A brief swim in water.39. (Babylonian) A demigod or first man.40. Indian religious leader who foundedSikhism (1469-1538).41. A large indefinite number.42. A logarithmic unit of sound intensity.43. Coffee with the caffeine removed.47. Step on it.51. A support that steadies or strengthenssomething else.53. Periapsis in Earth orbit.54. A polyhedron having a polygonalbase and triangular sides with a commonvertex.56. An association of people to promotethe welfare of senior citizens.57. A radioactive element of the alkali-metal group discovered as a disintegra-tion product of actinium.61. Cause to be embarrassed.64. (Old Testament) Cain and Abel werethe first children of Adam and Eve bornafter the Fall of Man.65. English essayist (1775-1834).66. Cassava with long tuberous edibleroots and soft brittle stems.67. Acquire or gain knowledge or skills.69. (Irish) Mother of the Tuatha DeDanann.70. Any of a group of Indic languagesspoken in Kashmir and easternAfghanistan and northern Pakistan.71. United States writer (born in Poland)who wrote in Yiddish (1880-1957).73. An accountant certified by the state.75. A loose sleeveless outer garmentmade from aba cloth.79. A radioactive element of the actinideseries.

Yesterday’s Solution

Yesterday’s Solution

34s t a r s

Daily SuDoku

Wordsearch Puzzle

Conversations at a meeting may take the road to a misunderstanding-care-ful. Perhaps rephrasing your words or asking another to rephrase his or her words wouldbe helpful toward a better understanding. You have a talent for writing and may be ableto rise above the usually overworked ad department this particular day. You are kind-hearted, understanding and sensitive to the needs of others. This puts you in an excellentposition to communicate with all concerned. You find many ways to broaden your hori-zons this afternoon. You may feel the need to involve yourself in many areas of endeavor,possibly education, politics, religion or law. Travel is also a subject of attraction and youmay decide the travel industry could use your creative mind.

Money matters are on your mind today. It is time to find ways to increase theincome and you know you are worth it. It could also be that you realize a

career change makes sense now. Do not wait for success to come to you-reach for it.Through your words and ideas, you will make a difference in other people’s lives.Psychiatry, poetry or perhaps art may be a part of this. Because of your eloquence inspeech and communication, you should find others being very responsive to what youhave to say. A parent meeting or community get-together will give you an opportunity tocreate some positive input to help increase the safety in a neighborhood. Conditions areperfect for self-expression, wherever you find yourself.

Yesterday’s Solution

inf or m at ionWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016

Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558

Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622

Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638

Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241


Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444

Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222

Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171

Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999

Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700

Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223

Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)

Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510

Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660

Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478

Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996

Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988

Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426

General Practitioners

Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123

Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312

Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920

Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465

Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528

Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781

Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501


Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534

Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955

Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660

Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120

Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427

For labor-related inquiries and complaints:

Call MSAL hotline 128

Sabah Hospital 24812000

Amiri Hospital 22450005

Maternity Hospital 24843100

Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700

Chest Hospital 24849400

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010

Adan Hospital 23940620

Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300

Al-Razi Hospital 24846000

Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9

Kaizen center 25716707

Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144

Khaldiya 24848075

Kaifan 24849807

Shamiya 24848913

Shuwaikh 24814507

Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804

Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764

Qadsiya 22515088

Dasmah 22532265

Bneid Al-Gar 22531908

Shaab 22518752

Qibla 22459381

Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082

Mirqab 22456536

Sharq 22465401

Salmiya 25746401

Jabriya 25316254

Maidan Hawally 25623444

Bayan 25388462

Mishref 25381200

W Hawally 22630786

Sabah 24810221

Jahra 24770319

New Jahra 24575755

West Jahra 24772608

South Jahra 24775066

North Jahra 24775992

North Jleeb 24311795

Ardhiya 24884079

Firdous 24892674

Omariya 24719048

N Khaitan 24710044

Fintas 23900322


Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272

Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700

Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60

Family Doctor

Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581


Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047

Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0

Gynaecologists & Obstetricians

DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581

Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321

Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539

Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406

Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272

Dr. Salem soso 22618787

General Surgeons

Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044

Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148

Internists, Chest & Heart

Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939

Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300

Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004

Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515

Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446

Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3


Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898

Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300

Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444

Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099

Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514

Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100

Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282


Dr. Mohammed Salam Bern University 23845955


Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581

Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2

Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226

Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444

Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557

Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888

Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755

Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111


Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324

Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875


Dr. Sami Aman 22636464

Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030

Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135


Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330

Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888

Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924

Physiotherapists & VD

Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291

Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288


Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060

Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290

Internist, Chest & Heart

DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210

Dr. Mohammad Zubaid MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Assistant Professor Of Medicine Head, Division of Cardiology Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667

Consultant Cardiologist

Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 MD, PH.D, FACC

Inaya German Medical Center Te: 2575077 Fax: 25723123

Soor CenterTel: 2290-1677Fax: 2290 1688

[email protected]



William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677

Kaizen center25716707

Noor Clinic23845955


Afghanistan 0093

Albania 00355

Algeria 00213

Andorra 00376

Angola 00244

Anguilla 001264

Antiga 001268

Argentina 0054

Armenia 00374

Australia 0061

Austria 0043

Azerbaijan 00994

Bahamas 001242

Bahrain 00973

Bangladesh 00880

Barbados 001246

Belarus 00375

Belgium 0032

Belize 00501

Benin 00229

Bermuda 001441

Bhutan 00975

Bolivia 00591

Bosnia 00387

Botswana 00267

Brazil 0055

Brunei 00673

Bulgaria 00359

Burkina 00226

Burundi 00257

Cambodia 00855

Cameroon 00237

Canada 001

Cape Verde 00238

Cayman Islands 001345

Central African 00236

Chad 00235

Chile 0056

China 0086

Colombia 0057

Comoros 00269

Congo 00242

Cook Islands 00682

Costa Rica 00506

Croatia 00385

Cuba 0053

Cyprus 00357

Cyprus (Northern) 0090392

Czech Republic 00420

Denmark 0045

Diego Garcia 00246

Djibouti 00253

Dominica 001767

Dominican Republic 001809

Ecuador 00593

Egypt 0020

El Salvador 00503

England (UK) 0044

Equatorial Guinea 00240

Eritrea 00291

Estonia 00372

Ethiopia 00251

Falkland Islands 00500

Faroe Islands 00298

Fiji 00679

Finland 00358

France 0033

French Guiana 00594

French Polynesia 00689

Gabon 00241

Gambia 00220

Georgia 00995

Germany 0049

Ghana 00233

Gibraltar 00350

Greece 0030

Greenland 00299

Grenada 001473

Guadeloupe 00590

Guam 001671

Guatemala 00502

Guinea 00224

Guyana 00592

Haiti 00509

Holland (Netherlands) 0031

Honduras 00504

Hong Kong 00852

Hungary 0036

Ibiza (Spain) 0034

Iceland 00354

India 0091

Indian Ocean 00873

Indonesia 0062

Iran 0098

Iraq 00964

Ireland 00353

Italy 0039

Ivory Coast 00225

Jamaica 001876

Japan 0081

Jordan 00962

Kazakhstan 007

Kenya 00254

Kiribati 00686

Kuwait 00965

Kyrgyzstan 00996

Laos 00856

Latvia 00371

Lebanon 00961

Liberia 00231

Libya 00218

Lesotho 00266

Lithuania 00370

Luxembourg 00352

Macau 00853

Macedonia 00389

Madagascar 00261

Majorca 0034

Malawi 00265

Malaysia 0060

Maldives 00960

Mali 00223

Malta 00356

Marshall Islands 00692

Martinique 00596

Mauritania 00222

Mauritius 00230

Mayotte 00269

Mexico 0052

Micronesia 00691

Moldova 00373

Monaco 00377

Mongolia 00976

Montserrat 001664

Morocco 00212

Mozambique 00258

Myanmar (Burma) 0095

Namibia 00264

Nepal 00977

Netherlands 0031

Netherlands Antilles 00599

New Caledonia 00687

New Zealand 0064

Nicaragua 00505

Nigar 00227

Nigeria 00234

Niue 00683

Norfolk Island 00672

N. Ireland (UK) 0044

North Korea 00850

Norway 0047

Oman 00968

Pakistan 0092

Palau 00680

Panama 00507

Papua New Guinea 00675

Paraguay 00595

Peru 0051

Philippines 0063

Poland 0048

Portugal 00351

Puerto Rico 001787

Qatar 00974

Romania 0040

Russian Federation 007

Rwanda 00250

Saint Helena 00290

Saint Kitts 001869

Saint Lucia 001758

Saint Pierre 00508

Saint Vincent 001784

Samoa US 00684

Samoa West 00685

San Marino 00378

Sao Tome 00239

Saudi Arabia 00966

Scotland (UK) 0044

Senegal 00221

Seychelles 00284

Sierra Leone 00232

Singapore 0065

Slovakia 00421

Slovenia 00386

Solomon Islands 00677

Somalia 00252

South Africa 0027

South Korea 0082

Spain 0034

Sri Lanka 0094

Sudan 00249

Suriname 00597

Swaziland 00268

Sweden 0046

Switzerland 0041

Syria 00963

Serbia 00381

Taiwan 00886

Tanzania 00255

Thailand 0066

Togo 00228

Tonga 00676

Tokelau 00690

Trinidad 001868

Tunisia 00216

Turkey 0090

Tuvalu 00688

Uganda 00256

Ukraine 00380

United Arab Emirates 00976

United Kingdom 0044

Uruguay 00598

USA 001

Uzbekistan 00998

Vanuatu 00678

Venezuela 00582

Vietnam 0084

Virgin Islands UK 001284

Virgin Islands US 001340

Wales (UK) 0044

Yemen 00967

Yugoslavia 00381

Zambia 00260

Zimbabwe 00263



l if e s t y l e

Ed Sheeran has returned to social media a year after he saidhe was taking a break. The 25-year-old singer made a dra-matic return to both Instagram and Twitter yesterday exactly

one year after he posted a lengthy note on the photo sharingwebsite claiming he was "taking a break from [his] phone". Postingthe same photo on both social media outlets, the 'Sing' hitmakeruploaded a plain light blue background with no caption, beforealso changing his profile picture on each site to the same image.The 'Thinking Out Loud' musician's last post detailed how he wasgoing to "travel the world" before promising his fans he would beback soon to work on his third studio album. He wrote on thephoto: "Hello all. I'm taking a break from my phone, emails and allsocial media for a while, I've had such an amazing ride over thelast 5 years but I find myself seeing the world through a screenand not my eyes so I'm taking this opportunity of me not havingto be anywhere or do anything to travel the world and see every-thing I've missed. "To my family and friends, if you love me you will

understand me buggering off for a bit, to my fans, the 3rd albumis on its way and is the best thing I have made thus far. "See you allnext autumn, and thank you for being amazing. Ed. x (sic)" Theshort letter was simply captioned: "Please read x (sic)" Ed's returnto social media comes after he recently performed his first officialshow of 2016 last month, during a charity gig in support of theNatural History Museum. The 'Lego House' singer took to thestage showing off a scar on his face he had received from royalfamily member Princess Beatrice during a party prank gonewrong. He said on stage: "It's nice to be back. I've had a whole yearoff. I went to Japan for about a month and hung out withJapanese people. Got my face cut open, anyone read about that?"

Ed Sheeran returns to social media a year after he said he was taking a break

Rowan Blanchard finds

photo shoots 'scary'

The 15-year-old actress - who starred in theAmerican Eagle Outfitters campaign last month -has revealed she finds it a lot more nerve wrack-

ing posing for a fashion shoot than she does shootingscenes for a new film in front of the camera crew.Speaking about her shoots, the brunette beauty said:"I'm not sure there's a specific one I can remember, butI remember getting very nervous before. The environ-ment is kind of scary. I like the whole idea of creatingimages, but it gets freaky when there's a bunch of peo-ple constantly reviewing how you look." And the'Invisible Sister' star has admitted when she stars in amovie she detaches herself from the character she hasbeen cast in, which she can't do when she is posing fora brand's new commercial. She explained to i-D: "It'svery different. In a film set or a TV set, you're hidingbehind a character. I don't even consider that I'm oncamera. It's like another person. I can watch some-thing with me in it, and be quite okay with it. I don'teven feel connected to it, because that character that Iembody is so separate from me. "But in a fashionshoot, it's strange because you have to incorporate theclothes and allow yourself to have fun with the clothesrather than feeling rigid, in control. It's not a characterbut you have to channel something." However, the starbelieves actors and actresses can use their skill to helpthem perform on a shoot. She explained: "I feel that'show many actors approach fashion shoots, with theirknowledge of acting, by asking 'What do you want toget across?' I'm not a model but that's what my under-standing of it is: channeling something, which is differ-ent from standing in front of a camera. Channeling theessence of the story."

The 'Love Me Now' hitmaker was disappointed he didn'tget to hear his eight-month-old daughter Luna - who hehas with wife Chrissy Teigen - say 'mama' or 'dada' for

the first time. He told Us Weekly magazine: "She said 'mama'the other day. I missed it. She said 'dada' as well!" His com-ments come after he recently opened up about using IVF tohave a baby. He shared: "A lot of people struggle with fertilityand you shouldn't be ashamed of it. A lot of people want tohave kids and maybe can't do it the natural way so it's anoption that's available to a lot of people and I think peopleshould do it if it's the right thing for them ... We'll do it again,we want to have a few kids, I think like three or four." And Johnpenned a special track dedicated to his little girl for his newalbum. He explained: "I wrote a song specifically dedicated toher [Luna] it's called 'Right By You'. The whole album was influ-enced by the fact I was becoming a new father, I was writing alot of it before she was born but when I knew we were having

a baby so I was thinking a lot about that when I was writingthe songs." Speaking previously about his album, he alsoadded: "I feel good about it. The thing is, you can't believe theartists when they tell you it's their best work, because everyartist thinks their current album is their best album, becausethey just spent all this time working on it. But a lot of myfriends and people around me really feel like we put some-thing really special into this album, and I'm just excited forpeople to finally hear it. "I think [what's different about it is]just growing up. Having been married for a few years, andhaving a baby, and all those other things, I think it just informsyour perspective a bit and it makes you look at the world a lit-tle bit differently. It helped me write songs, and be inspired towrite better music, I think."

John Legend

missed hisdaughter's first words

Lady Gaga has praised Madonna forbeing the role model "us girls need". The'Perfect Illusion' hitmaker gushed about

the 58-year-old singer as she reflected onMadonna's Billboard Woman of the Yearacceptance speech, which was broadcast ontelevision on Monday evening. She wrote onthe microblogging site: "@Madonna yourspeech at the Billboard Music Awards wasinspiring. You're so brave & strong. Thanks forbeing that for us girls we need that. (sic)" Inthe speech, Madonna spoke of the challengesshe faced as a women in the music industryand opened up about being a victim ofabuse, bullying, and sexism in her career. Shesaid: "I stand before you as a doormat. Oh, Imean, as a female entertainer. Thank you foracknowledging my ability to continue mycareer for 34 years in the face of blatant sex-ism and misogyny and constant bullying andrelentless abuse. "If you're a girl, you have to

play the game. You're allowed to be prettyand cute and sexy. But don't act too smart.Don't have an opinion that's out of line withthe status quo. You are allowed to be objecti-fied by men and dress like a slut, but don'town your sluttiness. And do not, I repeat donot, share your own sexual fantasies with theworld. Be what men want you to be, but moreimportantly, be what women feel comfort-able with you being around other men. Andfinally, do not age. Because to age is a sin. "Ithink the most controversial thing I have everdone is to stick around. Michael is gone.Tupac is gone. Prince is gone. Whitney isgone. Amy Winehouse is gone. David Bowie isgone. But I'm still standing. I'm one of thelucky ones and every day I count my bless-ings."

Lady Gaga praises'inspiring' Madonna

Olivia Culpostruggles to find the

'good side' of her face

Olivia Culpo is still trying to find the "good side" ofher face. The 24-year-old actress and model -who was crowned Miss World in the 2012 beau-

ty pageant when she represented Rhode Island - hasadmitted despite starring in a number of campaigns forfashion houses, she's "still" unsure about what her bestangle is for when she poses. She said: "I actually stilldon't know what my good side is." And the brunettebeauty has hinted there isn't one part of her face sheprefers to any other area, which is making it harder forher to have her own signature pose. She explained: "Ihaven't really found one particular pose I like or more orhalf of the face I like more. You guys, can you help mefigure out what is my good side? 'Cause I don't know!"'The Other Woman' star has revealed she even recruitedthe help of her hairdresser to help her come to the deci-sion when she was having her hair plaited. She toldPEOPLE: "This morning I was talking to the hairdressertrying to figure out what side to put this braid on.Meanwhile, Olivia has singled out Victoria Beckham andOlivia Palermo as her fashion icons, despite their differ-ing styles. Speaking previously, she said: "I look up to alot of different people, and their styles are so diverse,but a few to name would be Victoria Beckham andOlivia Palermo. I love Victoria's simplicity and the ele-gance of that. I think Olivia is really interesting too, shemixes a lot of high and low items and dresses with a lotof different patterns. Those two are pretty all encom-passing." And the star has revealed she completes heroutfit by making her own accessories out of left overmaterial. She explained: "I am obsessed with chokers - ifyou're ever altering an item of clothing, and there's a lit-tle extra material, you can use it to make a choker - sothat's definitely one of my style tips right now!"

Selma Blair

'embarrassed' by

outburst on plane

Selma Blair was "very embarrassed" by her mid-flight out-burst. The 44-year-old actress was removed from a flight inJune this year after a bizarre outburst, which she later

claimed was caused by mixing her medication with alcohol, butshe insists she has "recovered" now. She told People magazine: "Itwas embarrassing. I can only say that sometimes you just have amoment that you wish you didn't have. And you do whateveryou can to rise above that and get through it and be a better per-son. "I'm looking forward to how everyone can come togetherand make this world better and really see the things that makepeople struggle, and empathy, and helping people, and that wewill all have a better 2017 than 2016. I'm ready to put it behindme." Meanwhile, the 'Cruel Intentions' star previously claimed itwas a "psychotic blackout" that caused her to have her outburst.She said: "I am someone who should never drink, and I rarely do,and I don't drink anymore, but I was going through something. Ihad a glass of wine and someone gave me a pill that I thoughtwas something that I'd taken before ... it was something com-pletely different ... and I had a total psychotic blackout. "I hadempathy for myself because it was so out of character for meespecially now that I'm a mother. I was taken to a clinic to get anIV and get an assessment ... my son was with his father and hehad slept through it ... I knew he was going to sleep so that's whyI took this pill ... [but] bad choice all around - I totally own it."During the incident, which took place on a flight from Mexico toLos Angeles, Selma allegedly screamed, "He burns my privateparts. He won't let me eat or drink ... He's going to kill me" in frontof other passengers on the plane.

The 42-year-old singer contacted the people behind thesegment of James Corden's American late night talkshow 'The Late Late Show with James Corden' - in which

stars go for a ride with the 38-year-old host who interviewsthem in between sing-a-long sessions - but has yet to receivea call back as he's "not famous" in America. He said: "I supposeyou have to be famous in America to do Carpool. I'm notfamous there. I'm yet to tick that box." The 'Party Like aRussian' hitmaker - who was formerly a member of boy bandTake That - dropped off the music scene for a few years butrecently made a comeback with his new album 'The HeavyEntertainment Show' and thinks it would be great for the seg-ment. He told the Daily Star newspaper: "James hasn't gotback to me about doing Carpool Karaoke yet. It does need to

happen." If the 'Let Me Entertain You' singer - who sharesTeddy, four, and Charlton, two, with wife Ayda Field - wasoffered a spot on the show, it might not be for a while as herecently admitted to feeling "burnt out" after going on anextensive promotional tour for his album. He said: "I hope I'vebeen OK. And I hope you've had a good time. I'm a bit burntout, to be honest with you. Listen, I'm having the best time.My job is absolutely amazing ... I'm loving my job, I'm lovingmy life. But I've been mega busy. "I was in Australia two min-utes ago, then Spain then Germany and I've been talkingabout myself and singing at people. And I realise tonightwhen 'Rock DJ' came on I was like 'Oh my God, there's nothingin the tank.'"

Robbie Williamswas snubbed for'Carpool Karaoke'

Scarlet Stallone'probably' won't be allowed

Golden Globes date

Sylvester Stallone's youngest daughter doesn't think herdad will allow her to bring a date to the 2017 GoldenGlobes. The 'Creed' actor's three girls, Sophia, 20, Sistine,

18, and Scarlet, 14, will all share the title and duties of MissGolden Globe at the upcoming awards ceremony, and whilethey haven't yet spoken to their action star dad about havingmale companions on the red carpet with them, the youngestof the trio doesn't think he'd agree. Asked if he'll let her bringa date to the bash, Scarlet said: "Probably not." However,Sistine is hoping to talk to the 70-year-old actor about thepossibility of bringing a male friend along, and she thinks he'llbe "very nice" about it and quipped that he won't be bringingalong the famous bazooka weapon, which he was never with-out in 'Rambo'. She told E! News: "That's a conversation weneed to have now that you just reminded me. "You wouldthink that he's so again it, because he's Rambo and he's goingto show up with a bazooka at the door when they come, butreally he's very nice!" And the eldest of the trio, Sophia, insist-ed their father is usually on great form when they introducetheir boyfriends to him and he even invites them to play golfwith him. She said: "When they show up he goes, 'Alright, doyou want go golfing with me?'" The three girls - whomStallone has with his wife Jennifer Flavin - have collectivelybeen crowned Miss Golden Globe 2017 and their father is"incredibly gracious" to the Hollywood Foreign PressAssociation for giving them the prestigious honor as it is thefirst time three females have been chosen to share the acco-lade.. Sly has told them not to take it "lightly" as it is a first forthe Golden Globes to have a trio of Miss Golden Globes. Hesaid: "I didn't take it lightly because I know that it hadn't beendone before, and I thought it was incredibly gracious of theGolden Globes to present this opportunity." Past holders ofthe title of Miss Golden Globe have included Demi Mooreand Bruce Willis' daughter Rumer Willis, Melanie Griffith -whose mother is 'The Birds' star Tippi Hedren - and herown daughter, Dakota Johnson, and Kevin Bacon andKyra Sedgwick's daughter Sosie. Miss Golden Globe2016 was Jamie Foxx's daughter Corinne. TheGolden Globes 2017 are slated to take place onJanuary 8, 2017 and will be hosted by comedi-an Jimmy Fallon.

Felicity Jones was'rebellious teenager'

Felicity Jones was a "rebellious teenager" growing up.The 'Rogue One: A Star Wars story' actress - who grew upin Bournville, Birmingham - admits she was a bit of a

rebel in her younger years. She told E! News: "When did I gorogue? Probably when I was growing up and I was a teenager.At times I was a bit of a rebellious teenager!" Meanwhile, the33-year-old actress previously admitted she thinks it is "won-derful" that young girls can look up to her character, RebelAlliance fighter Jyn Erso. She said: "I just feel it's a wonderfulmoment that young girls get to celebrate someone like Jynjust as they did with Daisy Ridley's Rey [in 'Star Wars: The ForceAwakens']. She is someone who has great humanity, she hasan independent spirit and lives by her beliefs, and I thinkthere's something wonderful about her for a young girl toadmire." Felicity has had many great moments on the set ofthe science fiction movie and described it as "pure joy" seeingStormtroopers cross the set. She added: "Every single day,you're focused and you're very studious and you're practicingyour lines and then all that reverence goes out the windowwhen you feel the pure joy of seeing the creatures. "Obviouslythere's a person inside, but when you see this creature walk-ing across the set, you just can't do anything but smile." AndFelicity also opened up about how she used "The Force" tosecure her the part of Jyn. She shared: "The first time I metGareth [Edwards; the director] for the film, we had to do thewhole meeting in whispers ... because we were sitting in acafe in Los Angeles and we didn't want anyone to overhear. Ithought there was a real synergy between us. I thought I gotthe part ... I remember being very Zen about the wholeprocess because I desperately wanted to do it. But I thoughtthe disappointment would be so great if I didn't get it that Ikind of used 'The Force' to get me through."



l if e s t y l e

Peter Andre won'tlet son join themusic industry

Peter Andre doesn't want his eldest son "involved"in the music industry yet. The 'Mysterious Girl'hitmaker has weighed into the debate around

David and Victoria Beckham's decision to let their 11-year-old son Cruz release a charity single and whilst heis supporting their choice, Peter admits it isn't some-thing he'd want his 11-year-old son Junior to do. Heshared: "Junior asks me all the time if he can auditionfor shows like 'Britain's Got Talent', but I don't want himinvolved in that world yet." And commenting on Davidand Victoria's decision to let Cruz release the track inhis new! magazine column, he added: "They're greatparents. If both parents agree and they keep a closeeye on him, it's up to them." Meanwhile, Peter - whohas Junior and Princess, nine, with his ex-wife KatiePrice and Amelia, two, and three-week-old Theodore,with his spouse Emily MacDonagh - previously admit-ted he would love to have another son as Junior is his"best mate". Speaking before Emily had given birth totheir second child, he said: "I'm usually the only one inthe house who thinks we're having a boy. I'll be so hap-py if we have a girl but I'll be even more buzzing if it's aboy. Junior is my best mate so it would be nice to haveanother little boy to be pals with, especially as Junior isonly with me half of the week ... "For a two year old,her vocabulary is insane. She tells Emily, 'Don't worrymummy, Millie will stroke your tummy.' And she sayshello to the bump. Here's a weird thing - Amelia keepssaying that she knows the baby is a boy. Imagine if shegets it right."

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley struggles to cut out sweettreats from her diet. The 29-year-old model hasrevealed her eating plan is "all about balance", because

she tries to eat healthy smoothies, which include almondbutter and kale, but she also has days where there is "no way"she can exclude pizzas and caked from her feast. Speaking toElle.com about her healthy eating, the blonde beauty said:"Anything green goes in [my smoothie] ... whether it tastesgood or not. "Banana, almond butter, apples, spinach, kaleand maybe some probiotic powder. "Less is more in mysmoothies. "There's no way I can cut things out and tellmyself I can't have pizza or cake, it's all about balance."

Although the catwalk icon - who has her own lingerie andbeauty range with the longstanding retail house Marks andSpencer, also known as M&S, called Rosie for Autograph - hasrevealed she enjoys a few treats now and again, she doesn'tlike to call them "cheat days" because it stresses her out. Sheexplained: "I don't like to look at them as cheat days. It's justenjoying life. I don't want to be counting calories, or obses-sive about things - it's not relaxing to me. "I don't want peo-ple to sit at the table with me and feel like they're beingjudged for what they're eating." Meanwhile, the 'Mad Max:Fury Road' star has revealed she will be launching a sports-wear range complete with 14 pieces suitable for technical

and high intensity workouts, for M&S in January 2017. Rosieannounced the news via social media last week, which sawher share a picture of her adorning a new pair of black leg-gings and matching crop top from the forthcoming capsule.Rosie - who has been collaborating with the fashion housesince 2013 - captioned the post: "Super duper excited for thenew #RosieForAutograph active collection to launch thisJanuary!! Here's an early peak of whats to come! (sic)."

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley strugglesto cut out sweet treats from her diet

Sara Cox believes she is the fittest she has "ever been".The 42-year-old radio presenter - who has daughtersLola, Renee and son Isaac - has admitted she started

working out more when she turned 30 and became increas-ingly more active after giving birth to her brood. Speakingto OK! magazine about her fitness, the blonde beauty said:"I'd say I'm fitter than I've ever been. I don't think your twen-ties are for fitness, but when I got to my thirties I started toget fit. "I would get fit after having each of my children butit was always slightly tainted with guilt because I would feel

guilty if they were with a nanny or at nursery while I wasworking out." And the star has revealed she attends bodycombat classes to help maintain her toned physique.Speaking about her workout plan, Sara said: "I go to bodycombat classes. There's something very tribal about being ina room with 30 other women punching and kicking! "I alsogo to this place called Frame, which has lots of mini classesthat are high intensity, and sometimes I run home from BBCRadio 2. It's a good five and a half miles. "But I do haveweeks where I'm a bit rubbish." However, the television per-

sonality has revealed a slim body is part of her genetics andruns in her family, and Sara has described her family as "slen-der and lanky". She said: "I did. I'm lucky because, if you lookat the Cox side of my family, we're all quite slender and lanky,so I wasn't battling against. But you're just so knackered run-ning after them all, that's exercise in itself."

Sara Cox is the fittest she has 'ever been'

Teresa Palmer has given

birth to her second son

The 30-year-old actress - who already has two-year-oldBodhi with her husband Mark Webber and is stepmotherto his son Isaac, eight - has taken to social media to

announce her "sweet littlest love", Forest Sage Palmer, wasborn on Monday in Adelaide, Australia, and the pair feel"blessed" with their new arrival. The 'Point Break' star shared apicture of her, with her partner - who also has eight-year-oldson Isaac from a previous relationship - Bodhi and the newaddition to their family on her Instagram account. She cap-tioned the heart-warming photograph: "Our sweet littlest loveis here Forest Sage Palmer was born yesterday in Adelaide on12/12 at 12:18pm weighing 8lb 4oz and 20 inches long! Ourhearts are so full and blessed, he is perfect! Picture by ourgirl@gemma_peanut (sic)." Teresa - who married her actor-and-director partner in 2013 - also shared the same photo-graph on Twitter. She tweeted: "Forest Sage Palmer hasarrived earth side Our hearts are full and blessed. 12/12 at12:18pm in Adelaide. 8lb 4oz (sic)." Meanwhile, Teresa hasrevealed prior to giving birth she has been craving the scentof an air detox spray - which claims to disinfect and purify theair - and ordered 10 bottles of the product because she lovesto cover her pillows in the smell. Speaking previously theAustralian star said: "This is a weird one because it has nothingto do with food! I've been obsessed with smelling Dr Shulze'sAir Detox spray! "I literally have ordered a full box of the spray(10 bottles!). I like to spray all of my pillows with it before bedand just engulf myself in the scent as I fall asleep. It's a mixtureof eucalyptus, lime and lemon! Mark thinks it's hilarious and Ihad the exact same obsession with the same smell first preg-nancy! I'm convinced it'll help me throughout labour (sic)."

Will Smith says his daughter Willow "can handle herself" when it comes to dating.The 'Whip My Hair' singer might have only turned 16 two months ago, but her48-year-old father Will isn't concerned about having to grill her potential suitors

when she brings them to the house, as he says she knows how to "shut it down". He said:"[Willow] can handle herself. They knock on the door and the first couple of questionsthat Willow asks sort of shuts it down." And the 'Suicide Squad' actor attributed hisdaughter's tough edge to her mother Jada Pinkett Smith, with whom he also has 18-year-old son Jaden. He added: "The Smith ladies are a lot." The 'Collateral Beauty' actor -who also has son Trey, 24, from a previously relationship - is "proud" of his daughter forbeing "confident" in herself. Speaking to 'Entertainment Tonight', he said: "She loves self-expression, you know. She's so confident in who she is and what she wants to be andwhere she's going. It's just amazing to see that inner energy come out... I'm very proudof her." And the sense of pride is mutual between father and daughter, as Willow admit-ted earlier this year that her parents had inspired her to want to change the world. Shesaid: "They always give back what people give to them. And sometimes they keep givingand giving and giving. And some people don't feel like they need to give anything backbecause it's like, 'Oh, if you're famous, you can just keep giving, and it doesn't matter.'"The '21st Century Girl' singer continued: "It's not just about money. It's not just about giv-ing people gifts or whatever. What my parents have given to me is not anything that hasto do with money or success or anything that society says people should be focusing on-it's something spiritual that only certain people can grasp and accept. And that's how Iact and move in the world today."— Bang Showbiz

Will Smith: Willow 'can handle herself' when it comes to dating


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The Radio City Rockettes perform ‘Finale’ in the 2016 New York Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall in New York on July 6, 2016. — AFP

Faith No More frontman Mike Patton,who has one of rock's most versatilevoices, said Monday that he was form-

ing a new metal supergroup with Slayerdrummer Dave Lombardo. Patton wrote onFacebook that the supergroup called DeadCross will release an album next year. The48-year-old Patton has a vocal range of sixoctaves-one of the greatest of any livingsinger, even in opera. Faith No More, withits hard-edged rock and elements of funkand hip-hop, was at the vanguard of thealternative music boom starting in the late1980s and returned in 2015 with its firstalbum in nearly two decades.

The Cuban-born Lombardo often fig-ures on lists of metal's top drummers. Heis best known for Slayer, a macabre thrashmetal band, and has also played withSuicidal Tendencies and Misfits. Lombardoand Patton previously joined forces foranother supergroup called Fantomas.They will be joined in Dead Cross by gui-tarist Michael Crain and bassist and vocal-ist Justin Pearson, who have both playedin Retox, a hardcore punk band from SanDiego. — AFP

Faith No More singer tohead metal supergroup

Beckham proud ofson's charity work

Former England soccer captain David Beckham said hewas surprised and proud that his 11-year-old son, Cruz,had taken it upon himself to raise money for charity by

releasing a Christmas single. Cruz Beckham followed in themusical footsteps of his mum, fashion designer and formerSpice Girl Victoria, by releasing "If Everyday Was Christmas"last week, with all proceeds from the single going to Britishchildren's charity, Make Some Noise.

"He's been listening to his dad and his mum and sayinghow important it is to help others," David Beckham, a UnitedNations Children's Fund (UNICEF) ambassador, said in NewYork on Monday at a 70th anniversary celebration for the char-ity. "I was quite amazed by that because he's 11 years old andto realize how important it is to give back at that age is some-thing special." David Beckham was joined at the UNICEF cele-bration, held at the United Nations headquarters, by actorsJackie Chan, Orlando Bloom and Priyanka Chopra. — Reuters

Bill Cosby returns to a Pennsylvaniacourtroom yesterday, where hislawyers are expected to renew their

battle with prosecutors over whether morethan a dozen female accusers can testify athis criminal sexual trial next year. The out-come of the argument is crucial for Cosby,79. If prosecutors are successful, the enter-tainer would face a parade of witnesses por-traying him as a serial predator, rather thana single woman testifying about a decade-old encounter fueled by drugs and alcohol.

Cosby's reputation as a family-friendlycomedian has been shredded by sexualassault accusations from around 50 womengoing back decades. Thus far, thePennsylvania case is the only criminal prose-cution he faces, though he is fighting multi-ple civil lawsuits. Judge Steven O'Neill of theCourt of Common Pleas in MontgomeryCounty, Pennsylvania, has scheduled twofull days to hear arguments on various pre-trial matters.

Andrea Constand, a former basketballcoach at Cosby's alma mater TempleUniversity, has accused him of drugging her

with pills and wine in 2004 at his homebefore sexually assaulting her. Prosecutorshave chosen 13 other women whoseaccounts bear striking similarities toConstand's story, describing Cosby's effortsto establish a rapport first before usingdrugs to incapacitate them. Typically, prose-cutors cannot introduce evidence of unre-lated "prior bad acts," because it could prej-udice jurors against a defendant. But statelaw allows an exception in rare cases if theprevious instances show a longstandingpattern of behavior.

Cosby's lawyers have argued that it isunfair to allow testimony about encountersthat occurred years or decades ago andremain unproven. Last week, O'Neill ruledthat prosecutors can use at trial potentiallydamaging testimony that Cosby gave abouthis sexual history in 2005 during Constand'scivil case. Cosby acknowledged givingwomen Quaaludes as a precursor to engag-ing in what he described as consensual sex-ual acts. — Reuters

Cosby in court as prosecutors

aim to call 13 accusers as witnesses

Bill Cosby arrives for a pretrial hearing in his sexual assault case at the MontgomeryCounty Courthouse in Norristown, Pa yesterday. — AP

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham attendsUNICEF’s 70th anniversary gala at United Nations head-quarters. — AP

This file photo shows Faith No More lead singer Mike Patton performing at theHellfest heavy metal and hard rock music festival Hellfest in Clisson, near Nantes,western France. — AFP

Sony-Marvel's "Spider-Man: Homecoming" dominatedsocial media buzz last week with an impressive612,000 new conversations, according to media-mea-

surement firm comScore and its PreAct service. The figurerepresented a nearly four-fold increase over the previousweek, when "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" led with159,000 conversations. Sony's sixth Spider-Man movie,which sees Tom Holland replacing Andrew Garfield as thelead, released domestic and international trailers and anofficial image on Dec 9, preceded by a trailer announce-ment video. The new conversations number is the highestrecorded by PreAct since the weeks before Disney-Marvel's"Captain America: Civil War" opened in early May. PreActreported 749,129 new conversations in the April 25-May 1week. "Spider-Man: Homecoming" will open on July 7.

"Rogue One," starring Felicity Jones and Diego Luna,also scored impressive numbers with more than 201,000new conversations. The first spinoff of the new Star Warsfranchise, which opens Dec. 16 amid sky-high expecta-tions, has generated more than 2.6 million cumulative con-versations on social media. The plot centers on a group ofunlikely heroes who band together to steal the plans tothe Death Star the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruc-tion. "Rogue One" scored the second-highest day-of first-day sales last week and is expected to take in $130 millionon its opening weekend.

Disney released new international trailers on Dec 6 and

7, and held its red carpet premiere (complete with an X-Wing on Hollywood Blvd) on Dec 10. Universal generatednearly 179,000 new conversations last week for itsromance sequel "Fifty Shades Darker" with a new trailer onDec 7, along with Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik's soundtrackcollaboration "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" two days later."Fifty Shades Darker," which opens Feb 10, brings backDakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan as the leads. The sequelhas already generated more than 720,000 new conversa-tions. The original "Fifty Shades of Grey" was a strong per-former last year with more than $540 million in worldwidegrosses.

Paramount's "Baywatch" saw more than 61,000 newconversations last week in the wake of a trailer on Dec 8,preceded by a trailer announcement video. The studio alsomoved the release date for the Dwayne Johnson action-comedy back a week to May 26, the start of the MemorialDay weekend. Paramount also generated a significantresponse with nearly 60,000 new conversations about itsfifth Transformers movie-"Transformers: The Last Knight"-as director Michael Bay released a teaser trailer on Dec 5."The Last Knight" stars Mark Wahlberg and AnthonyHopkins, who also narrates the first footage, which willscreen in front of holiday releases like "Rogue One" andSony's "Passengers." — Reuters

'Spider-Man: Homecoming' swings to social media heights with first trailer


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Miss Universe criticizedfor whale shark

swim in PhilippinesEnvironmentalists have hit out at organizers of the Miss

Universe beauty pageant in the Philippines, callingthem "irresponsible" for letting contestants swim with

endangered whale sharks. A group of bikini-clad MissUniverse candidates were photographed smiling and wav-ing from boats on their way to swim with the world's largestliving fish in waters off the island of Cebu on Tuesday, aheadof January's contest. Tourists swimming with the creatures isstrongly discouraged by environmental groups, who sayfeeding whale sharks makes them dependent and alsoleaves them vulnerable to poaching or injuries from boatpropellers.

"We are afraid because with Miss Universe going there,the Philippines is promoting a bad tourism practice," VinceCinches of Greenpeace Southeast Asia told AFP. "We aretelling the world it's okay to do this, aggravating this kind ofbehavior." The Philippines is hosting Miss Universe next yearand the tourism department said the trip was part of aninspection of potential competition sites. The whale sharkvisit was coordinated with the help of the local municipality"which promised a well-managed marine interaction experi-ence", tourism undersecretary Kat De Castro told AFP.

Wildlife conservation groups in the Philippines have foryears opposed whale shark tourism in Cebu's Oslob city, butlocal officials say the practice is a source of livelihood for thecommunity. Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines oppos-es this. "It's irresponsible and unsustainable. It's not evenecotourism. You sacrifice the environment just for a selfie,"the group's director AA Yaptinchay told AFP. A veterinarianand aquatic ecologist, Yaptinchay urged the government toenforce guidelines including maintaining a three-meter dis-tance from the whale sharks and prohibiting swimmersfrom touching them. Internet users in the social media-obsessed nation expressed outrage online.

"Miss Universe, please don't be a bitch to the environ-ment", Gabriel Yap wrote on Facebook. Besides environmen-tal issues, security has been a concern for the Miss Universecompetition. In August, authorities said they were lookinginto a "serious" threat by an Islamic State-related group tobomb the pageant. — AP

Even casual dance fans have heard of theChristmastime classic "The Nutcracker,"but what about "The Mutt-cracker?" The

humane society fundraiser features a mis-shapen little mutt named "Pig" as the pirouet-ting pet of the Sugar Plum Fairy. The showhas been performed by the BirminghamBallet for the past five years. This year's ver-sion was staged Friday to a near sellout crowdat the city's main concert hall.

During the show, a black Great Danecavorted with Drosselmeyer, who presentedhis niece Clara with a magical Nutcracker, anda spaniel trotted out on stage with cast mem-bers. A pack of pugs did what pugs normallydo: They sat and snorted. Pig, outfitted in apink tutu, was a featured performer, dancingalone with the Sugar Plum Fairy. Born with acondition called short-spine syndrome, the 3-year-old dog hops somewhat like a frog tostand up and has hunched shoulders thatmake her gait appear somewhat gorilla-like.Owner Kim Dillenbeck said being around so

many people and dogs in the theater wasunnerving for Pig, whose Facebook page hasmore than 100,000 followers.

"She is so easily startled because she can'tmove her head at all; her head is fused at hershoulders," Dillenbeck said. "So for her tocome to a place that has lots of noise andstuff is very difficult." But Pig was a trouper,especially when given an incentive: During arehearsal, ballerina Katherine Free held a treatup in the air to get her to twirl about at theend of a leash. Free marveled at Pig and the28 other dogs cast for the show. Only a few ofthe animals were trained performers, andmany were rescues. "They give so much tothe stage and project to the audience morethan you might think, and it's amazing to seethem grow from even their rehearsals tobeing on the stage," Free said. — AP

Performing as the Sugar Plum Fairy, Katherine Free, dances with Pig, the dog, during the Birmingham’s Ballet Mutt-cracker, a rendition of the famous ballet ‘The Nutcracker,’ inBirmingham, Ala. — AP photos

Paw-rouette: Dog named 'Pig' dances ballet in 'Mutt-cracker'

Piercing the water's surface with its almond-shaped mouth,a giant Bryde's whale opens wide for one, two, three sec-onds, gulping in anchovies as a boatload of awed tourist

look on in the Gulf of Thailand. It's a rare glimpse of marine lifein its natural habitat, in a kingdom overrun with mass touristattractions such as aquariums and dolphin shows. Once a dreamfor scuba divers, many of Thailand's coral reefs have been dulledby pollution, over-fishing and increased boat traffic, as well asover-enthusiastic swimmers.

But going out to spot Bryde's whales is a relatively newconcept. The 15-metre (50-foot) long mammals flock to thenorthern Gulf waters to feed on an abundance of anchoviesduring the September to December rainy season. Manytourists come out to catch a glimpse of their unique feedinghabits-observing the way they keep their mouths agape forseconds at a time. "The way they eat is the greatest biome-chanical event" in the world, said Jirayu Ekkul, who takesgroups out on his converted fishing boat to spot the whalesjust a few hours from the bustling capital Bangkok. The devot-

ed diver and wildlife photographer's company Wild EncounterThailand is among only a handful offering whale watchingexcursions in the Gulf of Thailand.

No regulations Heading out on the waters in search of Bryde's whales is a rit-

ual he relishes, and one he hopes won't be lost if whale-watch-ing goes the way of so many other mass tourism attractions inThailand. "Commercial whale-watching is new in Thailand, thereare no regulations yet," he tells AFP on his boat, which can carryabout 40 people. Ekkul insists he is careful: Last year he took outfewer than 1,000 tourists, he says, and his operation adheres tostrict international guidelines for this kind of venture. Boats areexpected to slow down near the whales, keep a good distance,and to make sure they do not block their paths.

"This boat has the right way to approach them, by slowingdown the engine, slowing down the boat speed," said SurasakThongsukdee, a whale specialist at the Marine and CoastalResearch Center (MCRC). Surasak and other researchers often

join the tourist expeditions, a key opportunity to observe the 50or so Bryde's whales in the Gulf-all of which he knows by name.Whale-watching has become a significant global industry. Thenumber of people taking such trips grew from 4 million in the1990s to 13 million by 2008, according to the International Fundfor Animal Welfare.

But there are concerns about the impact it has. In 2014 con-servationists at the International Marine ConservationCongress warned tourist boats may be causing stress and driv-ing whales from their natural feeding grounds. There is also therisk of death from collision with the vessels. In the Gulf ofThailand, six whales were found dead this year, which is a sharpspike from the average one death per annum. Surasak blamesthis increase on the toxic waters, though local media alsoreported illegal fishing trawlers in the area. "These whalesmight be affected by pollution flowing into the water" he said,adding that many different rivers flow into the Gulf of Thailand.In October, dozens of sting ray and razor clam beds died offdue to pollution from one tributary.

Need for green The junta-ruled kingdom, whose sputtering economy

remains hugely reliant on tourists to keep afloat, has comeunder fire for letting visitors spoil its natural attractions.Precious coral are routinely damaged by throngs of scuba-div-ing tourists, who scrape reefs with their fins or hands in theirhunt to spot tropical fish. Some even pose on the coral to takeunderwater selfies. "The government is struggling to enforcebest practice in terms of tourism," said British marine biologistJames Harvey.

He would like to see Thailand embrace green tourism, anincreasingly attractive industry among eco-minded travellers.In collaboration with the UN, he founded Green Fins, a pro-gram that promotes sustainable diving and snorkeling in Asiato protect coral reefs, and would like to see a more eco-friend-ly ethos applied in Thailand. "It makes economic sense to begreen now," he said. — AFP

Whales in the wild: Rare gem amid Thailand mass tourism

Tourists watching a Bryde’s whale feeding on anchovies in the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of Samut Sakhon province.

This picture shows a mother Bryde’s whale (left) and her calf feeding on anchovies in theGulf of Thailand, off the coast of Samut Sakhon province. — AFP photos

A Bryde's whale feeding on anchovies in the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of SamutSakhon province.

The dorsal fin of a Bryde’s whale in the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of Samut Sakhonprovince.

Tour guide and wildlife photographer Jirayu Ekkul (right) educatingtourists about Bryde’s whales in the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast ofSamut Sakhon province.

A member of the Wild Encounter Thailand boat crew looking for a Bryde’swhale in the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of Samut Sakhon province.


In this file photo, SeaWorld trainer Ryan Faulkner, left, with killer whale Melia, and Michelle Shoemaker, right, with Kayla work on a routine for a show at the Orlando, Fla,theme park. — AP photos

SeaWorld trainer Aubrey Taylor interacts with Bossa the dolphin, inOrlando, Fla.

Whales in the wild: Rare gem amid Thailand

mass tourism

Months after SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment ended itsorca-breeding program amid pressure from animalrights activists, company officials announced yester-

day that they will help develop in Abu Dhabi the first newSeaWorld park without orcas - and the first outside the UnitedStates. SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby told The Associated Pressthat the Abu Dhabi park is an important step for the themepark company's move away from orcas, which long were com-pany icons. The captive orcas have been the focus of blisteringcampaigns against SeaWorld by animal rights activists.

Officials with SeaWorld and Abu Dhabi-government-backed Miral Asset Management said the SeaWorld park willopen in 2022 in Abu Dhabi's Yas Island, a man-made islandthat is fast becoming a tourism and entertainment hub nearthe southeast tip of the Arabian peninsula. The Abu Dhabilocation will have a research, animal rescue and rehabilitationcenter, which will open ahead of the park, and the theme park

will focus on educating visitors about ocean conservation,officials said. The two companies had been in talks since 2011about a park in Abu Dhabi, part of the United Arab Emirates.

Critical documentarySeaWorld ended its innovative orca-breeding program in

March after years of declining attendance and pressure fromactivists following the 2013 release of the critical documen-tary "Blackfish." The documentary chronicled the life ofTilikum, an orca that killed a SeaWorld trainer during a per-formance in Orlando in 2010, and the movie implied thatkiller whales become more aggressive in captivity. "Thisgives us a chance to position the new SeaWorld in a verystrong way, repositioning it from a company that's onlyabout certain species to a company that is focused on oceanhealth," Manby said.

The project is to be built and operated by the Abu Dhabi-

government-backed developer, and SeaWorld will license itsbrand and provide expertise in animal care. The project is inthe early stages of design, and company officials weren'treleasing details about its size, costs or types of attractions.

The Abu Dhabi location will have thrill rides and aquariumsbut it also will use 3-D mapping and virtual-reality technolo-gies that immerse visitors in virtual scientific expeditions ordeep-sea dives, said Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Miral'schairman. "We are going to be investing all the capital but theexpertise and the insight that SeaWorld is putting in this proj-ect from day one is going to be critical," he said.

Miral is betting that visitors from the Middle East, Asiaand eastern Europe will come to Yas Island for the newattraction, said Khalifa Al-Mubarak. The island is alreadyhome to the emirate's Formula 1 track and the Ferrari Worldtheme park. Miral earlier this year agreed to develop aWarner Bros. branded theme park on Yas Island. Abu Dhabi's

pursuit of theme park projects follows efforts by nearbyDubai, the UAE's biggest city and commercial hub, to buildmultiple theme parks of its own in as it prepares to host theWorld Expo in 2020. "Abu Dhabi is going to be a majortourist destination, not just in the Arab world, but theworld," Khalifa Al Mubarak said.

Since the release of "Blackfish," SeaWorld has undergone amanagement shakeup and currently is in the middle of cost-cutting efforts. Last week, the company announced it waseliminating 320 jobs across its 12 parks. Manby said the vastmajority of positions were behind-the-scenes jobs. "It reallypositions SeaWorld for the future in the right way," Manbysaid. "This is the right time to do it as we are pivoting thebrand in a new direction." — AP

1st SeaWorld park without orcas opening in Abu Dhabi in 2022

The giant Slav Epic series by Art Nouveau iconAlfons Mucha is caught in a legal tug-of-warbetween the city of Prague and the Czech

painter's grandson, triggered by plans to send thework on tour to Japan.

Though the late artist seduced early 20th cen-tury Paris with his floral posters of actress SarahBernhardt, Mucha considered his masterpiece tobe the 20 huge paintings that recount the historyof the Slavic people.

But his grandson, John Mucha, has sued thecity, questioning Prague's ownership of the alle-goric cycle inspired in part by mythology, with alocal court scheduled to take up the case inJanuary. The legal wrangling puts a question markon plans to display the canvases ranging between20 and 50 square meters (215 and 540 square feet)-- in Japan next year.

"The Japanese are great admirers of AlfonsMucha," says Magdalena Jurikova, director of thePrague City Gallery in charge of the work. "One ofthe Slav Epic canvases was already on display inJapan and the Japanese side has always sought towelcome the work as a whole." The National ArtCentre in Tokyo wants to exhibit the collection fromMarch to June to coincide with the Year of CzechCulture, marking the 60th anniversary of reneweddiplomatic ties between Japan and the CzechRepublic. But John Mucha has cited concernsraised by certain conservators that the transporta-tion as well as the different climate in Asia pose risksof damaging the artwork.

Moving the collection to Asia would be "a risky

and irresponsible business," says Karel Stretti, headof the restoration department at the Academy ofFine Arts in Prague. The Prague City Gallery begs todiffer. "I have rolled, installed and uninstalled thesecanvases in different galleries across the world andthe Czech Republic and we never had to restorethem after travel," says curator Tomas Berger, whowill accompany the work to Japan. In addition, thecanvases will be flown in air-conditioned boxes andfor security reasons put on three different planes,the gallery director says.

Who's the owner? Jurikova also says she does not believe the

Tokyo exhibition is in jeopardy because of the courtcase. According to a 1913 contract, the work wascommissioned by an American Slavophile. CharlesCrane, with the intention to donate it to Prague.John Mucha, who lives in London, believes the con-tract says Crane donated the work on the conditionthat the city offer a decent building for it.The versa-tile artist, who designed furniture, jewelry, stainedglass, theatre sets, postage stamps and bank notes,even left in his files architectural sketches for thebuilding he desired. However, a century later thepaintings have yet to find a permanent home andare temporarily on display at the national gallery inPrague's Trade Fair Palace.

"Prague has not met this clearly formulatedcondition to the present day," the grandson'slawyer Frantisek Vyskocil said in a letter to city hall.He said the paintings should therefore return tothe family-a claim the city disputes. The contract

"clearly says that the Slav Epic belongs to the cityand the conditions do not include the construc-tion of a new building", said Prague councilor incharge of culture, Jan Wolf.

Turbulent history The row adds another chapter to the work's tur-

bulent history.In the 1930s and 40s, the canvases were placed

in a depository and then hidden under a pile ofcoal from the Nazis, who considered Mucha afreemason and Jewish sympathiser. The post-warcommunist regime in turn denounced Mucha, whodied in 1939, as a decadent bourgeois. It was onlyin the 1960s that the collection was taken out ofobscurity and put on display at the MoravskyKrumlov castle in the Czech countryside. In 2012,the paintings were moved to Prague as castle con-ditions deteriorated.

John Mucha would like the work returned toMoravsky Krumlov, which lies only a dozen kilome-ters from Ivancice, the town where his grandfatherwas born. He believes the castle could host a MuchaCentre. But Jurikova says the castle is "in a sorrystate", adding that because of space issues the "thework can't be displayed as a whole there" butwould need to be spread across floors. She believesthe only solution is to build an ultra-modern pavil-ion for it. "We do have the money and we are will-ing to do that," adds city councilor Wolf. — AFP

Tensions fly as Mucha's epic Slav paintings set for tour

Visitors looking at paintings of the "Slav Epic". — AFP photosThis file photo shows a man looking at the ‘Slav Epic’, a cycle of 20 allegories tracing the history of the Slavic people andinspired in part by mythology, by Art Nouveau Czech artist Alfons Mucha, at the National Gallery in Prague.

A visitor looking at the "Slav Epic".