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Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898): 1904-04-01

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—VOL. XVI. NO. V.h






Well Known Man Madly Hurt

ty a itace Horse Today.

His Jaw

out end


.lurk Burke, an Mn^lm,. of tbe J.

K Boudorant Ooiumh-sion 001111*117,

formal 1 j a member of the Ore de

waa seriooaly If not foully

njiM., 1 (hit morning at Charlie

Clerk '• stable on Jefferson street be-

tween Second nail Tair.l timet*, by a

1. m horse, wbi. h kioked blui tu the

month, an.l breaking off a piece of the

jaw bone. The blow Mil tMMon. of great violence, nn<l cerate near

braking the unfortunate man'* neck.

Mark? wa- until recontlv 1 mployed

ai a driver for tbe J K Horn! 1 rant

wholisttle grocery , ami when MrI' n l oc rant sold out anil went into

the commission ho»io< si, Borke went

to work for him fhei. Mr Bondorant kr« p« bli borne* iu Mr Clerk's

stables, art') this morning larly Borke

was busy with th.tuwhcn a n.gro

bad taken to water.

Without warning, anil when Mr.

Ilurke -lid not have Ms hande martbe animal, it suddenly khM MaIn the face. rendering bim unco

• loui and injuring biui an dotal lwl


Burk. wik taken to Dr. P II

mo.-, and while I. In injo

very «erionf, and will <'Ik-

flgum h.:n for life.th.y are not nrc

cssanly fatal. Ilurke 1 ir.a on Broad

•frrot. and ii a popolar man with

all who knew blm Toe owner of

rat liven .n the county




Thousands of People are Home-

less iu Ohio.

in Ohio.


(Mine, O. , April 1 — l*uke Mercer

Is now an imniucse bedy of water, til-

ing rapidly in Mat* of the immense

tolmin flowing o?er tbe we-teway

the Bearer rirer. Many pooi'le

neeuig from ibetr I10111. - If tlio

voir br.ako ontcld damage will

result Hand red 1* of men nr. at work

along *h. hanks in an effort to prevent

Suit! to l>e at the Head of New

Candy Factory iu Cairo.

Will Employ Between I AO and 200

Mm, When it OCNMmM.


terday wboreby promoters of a oandy

factory in Cairo will pro. ure a lea»e

on tbe second and third stories of the

Winter Bro«. Ion faotory at tbe corner

of Eighth and Ohio Levee etreets.says

tbe Cairo Citisen.

I'1 ft Tie for tbe adding of the third

story .to the building have already

lieeu submitted and work will probe

hly begin at oqee. The third atory •planned will be only 7 A fret long.

It la laid tbat Mr. A. I*. Ens and

Mr Ira Lntei of this city ar. tbe prin

otpal itooliholders in the company bnt

1'adn ah 1 apttaltstK are reported to be

interested in the new faotory.

It it oxpeotcd tliut the faotory will

employ 100 to 160 ,«ople an.l all kinds

of oandy will be manufactured.

.Tint how 100n the new companywill begin operation! 11 impossible to

state, bnt tbe work of building tbe

third atory for toe faotory will be

I an rapidly im lmeskble.



Bedding, Qal., April 1.—The Ore

gon Express, of the Southern Pitoiflo

railroad wai held up hut night m ar

Hawick by tbre. masked men. Express messenger O'Neill waa killed af-

ter n fut-ing to opon tbe aafe.

Dynamite was used ami tbe car was

destroyed. It In not knowii how moon

IRON BUS1NK88 GOOD.Pittsburg. Pa., April 1.—Man h

business i» steel and iron was the besi

in tii monhts with a tendenoy to lin-

ger output! and advRDcai In prices.


Trinidad, Co!.. April 1.— There

will be wholesale eviction! of the

vnkersat Oray 1 'reek to begin imme-

diately. This moans that hundreds of

families will b» thrown oat of horn-.

The military will nlu-c their permii-

!ion to aettle in any other part of the

country. Tbe miuers have little 11100

ev. and k-reat suffering eaHOci.


Fort Worth, Tex , April 1 -De•i rot 1 v.' prarle fires are raging in the

southwestern count ie«. and hundreds

of loetiou! of land havo been !w*id

cl.an in one ooonty. Several hundred

brad of . attle M ere cremated.


Toledo, Ohio. April I —Northern

Ohio waa visited by the heavlc-t ralm

early today ever known hore. All

Mreanii are out of their banks and

hundred! of families


Mammoth Spring!, Ark.. April ).—

A ovclon. lest mgl't nnroofed several

t.oildinge. oausing a heavy paaparftj

NO lOln Of life I! r. polte.l.

8EVKBAI. Tt»WN8 DAMAGED.Delplioa, Apr 1 I.— Kenton, on tbe

upper Saudit-kv and other towni have





Prank Greif.a well known boy whowaa for a time n bootblack in Patio-

cab, and who also worked for the Wet-

MM Dnion .ompaay ai m.saenger

boy, i.. in Chi' ago holding down a po-

sition aa operator iu the general We*

tern Union Company 'h oftJoo!.

Grief left here some time ago aa a

naval reornit bnt aoon gave thin Ufa

up. He Nnally left for Chicago,

where be learned talegrnphy and ii

now doing well.

He was aeen by Mr. Gny Randall,

th< I. C. baleksuiith, thla week, und

want! bii friend*, here to know that

he is doing well.



The new time oar. Is for the I. C.

have not nirivod h -e and tho official!

and otnployea her* are aniiona to

know the oliargoa to ho made.

There will be aeveral ohangei made,

effective tbe third, but there may be

otben of importance whtob ha ve nev-

er been given oot to the public. Theonly rbange so far whn h will affe. t

Pad u. ah will l>e in the noon train

which will during the worl.'.'e fair

leave MemphU one and a half faouri

later. arriviug in Padoanh at 1 o'clock

p. m. , where it now urrives at 11:30

in the


The rainfall last night waa. SO of

an inch. Tbe lower temperature waa

47 lait night, and tbe higliext yester-

day was 81.



Grand Jury at St. Louis Indicts

Police Officers.

Ala* fritieUea the



St. I.ouin April 1—The grand jnry

pal • t to Inveitigatn the atsaults per-

|ietrated opon voters during tbe Dem-

orratic ptlmarlei en March it. re-

turned liwlb tmeuts againn leventeeu

I.< 1 1 c> men and John Legvin. central

committeeman from tbe Twenty-

eighth ward, chirging them with fail-

ing to quell th.- duturban. ei. This

report alao ioverely critieiie! Gov.

Dockery for "allowing the St. L00I1

police department to be uitd ai a

T,he member! of the grand jury as-

iert in thrit report that what they say

ia not actuated by i«riitanihip, as

tbey call attention to the foot that

eleven of their nnmbjr are Democrats

and one in a Republican. The State

adminiitraiion ia Democratic

The grand juty'a report saya that it

found that some of the most promi-

nent men in st Looia were alugged or

b«aten by "Indians " in the prcienoe

of police who did nothing to protect

them. Tha re].ort s»js that the po-

IkM in Home pre. mote woro in ronni

vnnco with the ruffians

The graud jury a- 'p. a'.- |to Gov.

Dockery to take the polioe oot of poll

tu-!, and in effect, recommend! that

tbe governor deinind the resignation

of the present poli'-e cominin-loners,

by soggisting that a non parlUan

boatd bt appointed.

BIG RAILROAD CHANGESNew York, April 1.—Ti e Roek la-

laud railway announced the following

change! to take effect on April 5.

B. L Wincliell, president, in plaee

of W. B. Leads, reeign.-d; Roliert

Mather, flrst vioe-preflident, in 1lace

oft'. H. Warren, rengned: J. F. Ste-

veni, aecond vice- president, in plaoc

of Robert Mather.

Tbe following . bangos are alio an-

noonccdin the 8t. Looia & San Fran-

oisco exeoutive official-


B. F. Ycaknm, obairman of tbe

board ; A. J. Davidson, preaident, in

plaoe of B. F. Yoaknni; Rober Ma-

ther, flrat vice-preiident, in place of

L. L. Wincholl, who waa made preai-

dent of tbe Cbioago, Ho. k Iiland &Pacific railway


Cbioago. Aptil 1—Seemingly a bad

bungle in tbe sentence of the car barn

bandite confront - the State's attorney.

Tbe Illinois itatutes provide that the

dates for hanging mast not be earlier

than the tenth day of the next term of

the State Supreme Conrt. not later

than the twenty fifth. April M, the

date on whiob, according to aentence,

tbe l.andita were to be hanged, will be

tbe twenty-seventh day of the Su-

preme Court term.

Application bai been made for writ-

Of habeas .orpin, in b,- tin It of the ban-

dit! The writs were isaoed by Jodg.

Chy trans and were made retornable




Madrid, April 1—Senor Carvajal,

of Saragoaia, has invented two liquid

motors whioh he claima come nearer

aolving tbe problem of l»orpetonl mo-

tion than anything yet diaoovered.


Mr. 8. A. Sosong, the well knownrural route inspector, watt In the oity

today en route to Calloway and Mar-

nntiea to star of tbo rural

Those in Marahall begin to-

day. Mr. Soaong'a headquartera are

in Cincinnati, and he ii quite well

known in Padncab.



Ru ssia to Soon Bcgfci Operations

in Korea.



The Rise Here is Quite Rapid-

Ohio Rising: Above.

Boat Sunk Near Port Ar-

thur-Several Btartling


New York, April 1—That the Rua-

liana are about to tnke the aggresiive

and met the JH]*ncM> in Korea, is ar-

gued in St. Pet.rbmrg from the

prompt departore of Gen. Kurokpat-

kin from Mnkden for Lino Yang,

which is regarded ai the mo-t likely

point from wbi -h such an advance

would be made.

All son h of rnmors are prevalent

in the Roisi*n capital, one of them

being that a hundred tbou»and Jaj>-

aneie have arrivad at Yin Kow.

Tho Port Arthur fleet ii by nom. .ins liottled op. as ia ibown by

tbeir linking of a Japaneae newapa-

per iteamcr at Tab nin liland, one of

an group well oot from tbe

•tter wbkh tbey pot on fall

Hnd rotorned to l'ort Arthur.

China's ittrn.tr ii Hill causing

anxiety iu Bt. Petersburg, while

Tokio baa been oelebrating the fiftieth

auniveraary of tbe visit of Commo-dore Perry, by which Japaneae Jiorti

were opened to the world.


St. Peterbiburg, April l.-Thc

prompt departure of Geo. Koropatkin

for Liao Yang ia interpreted here ai

confirm to if th© f>pioiou of Ibwi*** wbobeli-ved that, inrtead of waiting for

the Japaneae to advanoe, as popularly

imagined, he will at once prooeed to

tackle tbe enemy in Korea.

It ii reported tbat tbe mikado ia go-

ing to Seoul to head his staff. An-

other atory tall a of tbe ducov. ry of a

plot to overthrow the Korean dynas-

ty, while a third report! the arrival

of 100.000 Japanese at Inkan.

Oapt. Joe Fowler Thinks There

be at Least 47 Feet in




London, April 1.—Tbe Times gorres

pon.leut in a wirelesi .b -patch from

Kona Bay to Wei Hat Wei. saya that

Admiral Togo 1 lateit attack on Port

Arthur only failed to block tbe chan-

nel entrance becanae there we(e no

more than foor veisels to be souk,

Nevertheleis^ it ia probable the chan-

warshipi and eicept for one small

channel the Rosaian fleet ii inocess-

folly shot in.


St. Peteraborg. April 1.—General

KuroiHitkin. oommander-in ohief of

th. Russian forcoe, who arrived in

Haibin a few days ago, is traniferring

hie hcadqoartrctt to Liao Yang, where

he will be in a bettor poeitioo to eith-

er oonduct the campaign in Korea or

give battle in event of tbe Japaneie

troops landing at Nicuchwang.


Tokio, April 1.—Sixteen 11. wipaper

men left here today for Moji where

tbey will board Japaneae transport!

for a deitination which is kept locret.

Tji'-o are the ftrst war oorreapond


ents to leave here and are mostly

Americans and EngliHh.


London, April 1.—The Toaio corres-

pondent of the Central News wirea

tbat Admiral Toog ataoked Port Atthor Wedoeiday night, bat no details

have 1 1. ,11 received.

WORLD'S FATTEST WOMAN DEADNew York, Apiil 1—Mra. Ohaun-

oey Morlan, known aa tbefatteat wom-an in tne world, died of diHbetea in

her room with in a museum, whereshe was on exhibition with her hni-

band, was born in St. Lou a and was

a normal child nntil she was 7. Thenihe began to take on flesh at a great

rate. Her parents were of ordinary

lis.- and her brother! and sisteri were

average children. When Mn. Morlan

was 13 years old ibe began her career

ai "Anna Bell, the fat wonder."* a— I awi _

Subscribe for The Sua.

Tho tiver report whioh came in to-

day is not very reasauring. It showa

the Obio riaing again quite rapidly at

pointa above. It [cannot bo told what

tbe Wabash is doing, aa the

from there ia missing.

One of tbo older river men, after

reading the report, stated:

"Thera ia water enough in night

now.lf there in no more rain, to make

a stage of 47 feet in Padncab. If there

is more rain, therekis no telling how

bigh it will go.

The following is the government

river report for today


Cairo, 47.8—0.8 riaing.

Chattanooga, 0—1.8 falling.

Cincinnati. 4.8—1.0. rising.

Evanaville, 39.3—0.0 standing.

Florenoe, musing.

Johnsonville, missing.

Mt. Carmel, missing.

Ixioiaville. >. 1—1.8, riaing.

Nashville. 31.9—S falling

Pittsborg, 10—1.4, rising.

Davis Island Dam. 11—21.1. rising.

St. Louie., 85—0.0 falling.

Paducah. 49.«— 1.3 riling.

Captain Joe Fowler stated this

morning that he did not expect more

than 45 feet of water here.

"The rile here bai been the biggest

in 24, hoora at thii st age that I have

ever seen ' lie declared this morning.

"Tbe river generally riles slowly

when it reaches the 40 foot Htage, and

I am more than surprised to oee a riie

of over one foot at this stage."

Captain Fowler ii a minute obeer-

ver of the river and hn progno-ti. a-

tioni < oont much among the river

meo. He thinks that the rains are

about over but if any more come, will

cause tbe river to go higher than 46

feet. When a forty foot stage is reach-

ed, the river bad gone over the banks

of the channel and ipreadi through

the lowlands and in Illinois the water

haa spread over a large expanse. This

of course cnte down the faai riie.

Other river men do not ex'pect

48 feet^



Oapt. John W. Oatei, a prominent

resident of Jackson, Ten n., aged 83,

.lb-. . there yeatvrday after a long ill-

ness He was at one time editor of

tbe Jackson Whig, and waa a couiin

to Mr. Robert Gates, formerly editor

of tbe Paducah News for a year or


Oapt. Gatea Is lurvived by a wife,

two daughter!. Miss Georgia and Mn.Morton B. Gainei, of Bowling Green,

Ky., and three ioni, John W. Gates,

Jr., of Mempbia, city saleiman for

Day & Bailey. Harry B. , manager of

the Postal Telegraph oonipHOy, Jack-

son, and I. B. Gates, operator for the

New York American.



Henry Williami attempted inioidc

yesterday afternoon late by taking

laudanum and arienio at a taloon at

SeVcnth and Trimble itre. ta. Dr. J.

D * Hob. rtsoTi and Dr. Adrian Hoyer,

w.re summoned and suocceded in get-

ting tb* poison out of his system and

be is now out of danger.

He ha. I been drinking heavily for

the i«st few dayi.

—Bggiare not considered very high

for Eastertide. They are today sell

ingat 18it centi wholesale and IS

oents retail.



Convicted in Circuit Court of

' Manslaughter.

The Special Terra Bn.li After Judge

Reed Had Cleared the


George Day, oolored, waa late yes-

terday aftetnoon 'given eight years in

oircoit court for killing Calvin Gray,

oolored. The killing took place on low

er Kentucky street, where the two

had trouble over a baseball whioh one

olaimed the. other threw under a

horeeH feet. Day met the other manooming towards him and drawing a

pistol hot him.

This case ended tbe special criminal

term called by Judge W. M. Roed to

clear the docket. It haa been a most

successful session, and the following

prisoners were convioted avd sentenc-

ed by Judge Reed 1

Lewis Gardner, four yean for house

breaking; Charles Harris, Ave years

for attempting to burn the city lockup

by setting fire to the woodwork ; Thos.

Keller, two years for falie swearing.

Oeorge Edwards, one year for stealing

some brasses from the iron furnace:

Arthur Crawford, two years for steal-

ing a watoh ; Gcorgo Wyatt, five years

for stealing tbe pay check of John

Rhodes, a colored I. C. employe ;Gabe

Fletcher, one year for assaulting a

white man near Ninth and Trimble

streets, with intention of robbing

him ; Charles Sanders, two and one-

half years for breaking into Friedman

Keller A Company's wholesale whii-

key4»oose; Lillie Gray, one year for

ootting Myrtle Small during a fight;

Susie'Jones for obtaining money un-

der false pretenses ; John Mann, two

years for robbing James Rogers.

Lonnie Fuqua, sent up for life for

plicity in the murder of Geo.

made a motion for a new trial, and

the same being overruled, appealed

sentence against him was suspended

for sixty days, His lawyers were

then given ontil the IStb day of the

April term of court in which to file

their billsof evidenoe and exceptions.


George Meadow-, oharged with

stealing floor, was acqoitted.

Bruce Gillam, of the ooonty, whodrove his horse most^anywhere yester-

day afternoon, wei fined $30 and ooate

and recognized in tbe som of $500 for

hii good behavior when he comes to

town hereafter.

Win. Gowlich and Charles Myerswere fined $3 and costs each for being

ina boxcar.

Tbe oase against Dan Watson,white,

and Ellis McClelland and Frank Wardwhite, was continued until Monday.

Charlei Groaihart was fined $S andcoats on an old breach of the peace


Amos Willett was fined $5 and costs

and John Griffin $1 and costs, for


Charles Wilson, oolored, was fined

$ 1 and ocsts for drunkenness.

Two white sows, one black sow,

seven shoats.were oonvioted of breach

of ordinanoe and will be sold Mondaymorning at 10 o'clock by Marshal Col-

lins. -

THE BANKRUPTCY COURT.A distribution of about $1,000 among

the creditors has been made by Trus-

tee iu Bankruptcy A. Y. Martin In

the Elijah Ogilvie case. Referee Bagby now has under advisement thebankruptcy case of Albeit Jones, of

Murray,whioh oase was transferred to




1 KLEBRATINO LABOR DAT.Pineville. Ky., April 1.—Labor day

is being celebrated here today in anenjoyable manner by four hundredminers from the diffcroot minee of the


Mr. J. H. Coleman, of Murray, re

turned home this morning after a vii-

it to his brother, Dr. 3. R. Ooli

of the oity.

Nearly Two flti

Made During

Forty-four Deatln

Thirty Building Permits



The work of tbe police department)

the past month has been excellent aadj

shows 183 arrests, as follows:*

Home break icg, 3 ; obtaining maajey by false pretenses, 3 ; malicious aa>

aault, intent to kill, 3; malicious oat-

ting, 1 ; feloniously breaking into bag

oar, 4 ; shop lifting 1 ; petty larceny,

10; suspects, 8; drunk and disorderly,

18; breach of the peace, 43; druak,

88; detaining females, 8; breach of

ordinanoe, 11; concealed weapons, I;

presenting a pistol, 3; vagrancy, 6;

fugitive from Jnitioe, 1; gaming, 1;

disorderly oonduct. 10; violating sab-

bath, U immorality, 4 ; peace warrant,

1; disorderly houses, 10; reels

White males, 105;oolored males, Kgwhite females, 1 'J; oolored females, lt\j

The patrol wagon during the mont

»S runs, covering many routes.

The postofflce receipts for the past -1

month in Paduoah show an incresM '


over th. preceding month, and MBa same month last year, tt is b$TaM

ed, but the total amount!

yet been added up. Yesterday tha'j

cal office broke tho record for i

orders, 17S being issued du*

The number of deaths in i-a<is

according to the records of1

in the oity olerk's office,

four, less than last month. Tbe de-

crease has been qnite noticeable, and

doctors report that the health of tha

city was much better in March that)


quite a number ef

building permits issued during

past month, but none was for alarge amount. The total was 80 ]

miU and the largest was for a I



Attorneys in State Bank


of Commerce Suit 1

Till* to Doci4e Others.'

l.ouisvtlU, Ky., April l.-Am _

mem has been reached between Frank

Locus, of Padncab, the agent wbo

sued the banks for more tbaa $1,000,- s000 back taxes and Judge Alex P.

Humphrey, of the counsel for the ban E

kers, to make a tost case of the suit

filed against the bank of Commerce,'


In order to try oot the questions in-

volve.! as -expeditiously as posMhte

the hearing before Jndog Gregory in,

Lonisville.wiU be dookited at th. ear-'

liest praotieabla dale.




Springfield, 111., April l.-Ther

will b. no strike of lbs Illinois

miners. An •gweaaen8«»s

last night, wben the aiaara

to withdraw tb.ir ds»M«*Mnorthern field waisfl^Hcontent ion.

WAS Tilt

Buffalo, N. Yj

White, the old

suioids to. ! ay by1

ica falls at N tags

he was tired lit



High Grades all Turned in for

the Averages.

On the Remit Will B<> Itsacvl tbo

OrwlaatlnK Olasi


Bj tomorrow it will be known whoWill have the graduating class hon-

•N, all grade* of High school pupils

having b*en (riven thia morning: to the

superintendent anil principal whowill ran them up ami maku a general

average for the entire three y. srs

coorw. In tbo High «ohool.

There are sov.ml pupils in tlie Highachool, an previously at >t> . who ar>-

running neck and nock in hi»h praties

rid It will not be tin uninteresting

between the few whosj praties

o high.

In regard to all pupils in the grndu

ting olaiH participating in the cotn-

menoonicntexeroiHoi.Supt Leib ita*cd

thia morning that all pupilt would

sot hake an active part any more than

siDglbg. It will be impotsible for ev-

ery pupil to liuve something to do us

Mils would stretch the ent •rtainment

out too long, and duett, quartette* andanon musioal numbers will N arranged

•o that every pupil will have some-

thing to do. u






Annual Eketion of the Elks

\\ as Held Last Evenin_.

Mr. H. O Johnson Wat Ohoaen Kx

alte.1 Holer—Red Men Instal-

lation Tonight. y \


The Elks last night held a large

meeting and ofti< an were elnoted for

the ensuing year. The following is

the list:

Hern- (i. .I'>bn>on, exalted ruler;

Richard D Clements, esteemed lead-

ing knight; ('harles Weille, esteemed

loyal km«bt, a. W. Qreif, t steamed

Uotayiag knight ; Richar.l Rudy treas-

urer; Al Foreman, tyler; Thomas

Baird, secretary ; O. R. Davis, trus


Messrs. H. O. Johnston for exalt-

ed ruler and Mr. T. W. Baird, for

Secretary, had no op{<osition. Exalt

'ed Ruler Thomaa B. Harrison, by vir-

tue of being paat exulted ruler, la the

lodges representative to the grand

lodges in Cincinnati in July.

The lodge was notified that Mm big

excursion steamer Island Queen \vjll

leav« for Iheee waters shortly, and

will arrive in Paducah to run an ex-

cursion for the Elks April Kith.

Victoria, B.C. April 1.—Tien Tain

by Oriental steamer Chronicle


0" "<

reeted against, foreigners, has taken

place near tfud Tuck Fu, In ShanTing, and also in the vioinity of LoAn Fu. in Bhang Si.

Twenty-sovono foreigners, Europe-' Americans, are believed to

ardered by tbe out-throat

inoluding a Frenchman

named Peaiot, and a young American

engineer named Bolton, of

An Italian railway expert

shockingly maltreated. Troops liad

boon diapatcbed on the li th to sup-

press the uprising.

Throughout the whole of the bor-

der country war ia being made an ex-

cuse for more or leis daring bandit

operations, while in some localities

(near Kinohow )tbe helpless ]x ople are

between two flroa. Tbe Russians are

also looting indiscriminately.

Thia and the Oriental diplomatic

methods adopted by the Japanese in-

fluencing the governor- of Chiuoea

provinces are turning the population

to the Ja

la Cliili and two other provinces or-

ders have been promulgated forbld-

"dhng the export of rioe, wheat, oxen,

horaea, etc., on the plea of preventing

a local dearth of foodstuffs, but actu-

ally to hamper the Ruaaian army pur-





LoniHTille, By., April 1.—The . on

ferenee of miners and ooal operators

having resulted in a failure to reaeb

an agreement on a scale of wages to

prevail in the southwest- rn Kentucky

ooal field, it was loft open, and it is

thought that John Mitchell will be on

hand and sougg. st an amicable nettle

meat of the differences.


Attorney Dare Otose, of Paducah.

who hae hie eye on one of our Llvipg

»ton oounty belles, ,]>e*aed throtigli

lows en route home from a country

vielt, thenratof the week.—Smith




Gloves* V"

Rudy, Phillips .& Co.

The regular meeting of the Red Menwill take /.oes tonight and the ofnoers

elected last week will be installed.

The elective officers are as follows,

with several to be appointed tonight:

A. M. Foreman, sauhem; J. H.

Weimer, prophet; Oeo. O. Ingram,

senior su«amore; Dr. R. H. Reed,

junior sagamore; O. F. Wilstaoh,

ohief of records ; W. B. Smith, keeper

of wampum; W. T. McDowell, ool

lector of warnanm; H. O. Rhodes,

captain of degree team; II. O. Rnodes,

representative to great oouncil; J. B.

Flascli, trustee; Dr.W. J. Rasa, medicine man; Henry Leonard, custodian.

The membership oontsst which has

been on this month will end tonight,

and it is expected that between eighty

and ono hundred new members wijl

be added. A great deal of interest

has been taken in it.aud a large atteD .

dance is expected al tonight's meet




Plans have been drawn for an addi-

tion to the Y M. O. A. building at

Mounds, 1U.. and If it is approved by

the second vice president of the Illi-

nois Central the work will be started

at onoe. The addition proposed ia to

be built on the north of the building,

and will be 30 feet in length and twostories high. It will provide room

for an emergenoy hospital, a library

and additional sleeping rooms. The

membership of the association is




Skin, Scalp and Blood


From Pimples to Scrofula, from

Infancy to Age

Cured bt Ctitlcin

All Elsi Fills.

The agonizing Itching and burning

of the skin, aa In eczema; the fright-

ful scsJIng, as in psoriasis; the loss of

hair Binl crusting of the scalp, aa In

scalled head ; the facial dlsdguremeata,

aa in acne and ringworm ; the awful

aufTcrlng of infants and anxiety of

worn-out parcnta, as in mllk cruat, tet-

ter and salt-rheum— all demand a rem-

edy of almost superhuman virtues tosuccessfully cope with them. ThatCutleura Soap, Ointment and Resolv-ent are such stands proven beyond all

doubt. No statement is made regard-ing them that is not Justified by thestrongest evidence. Tbe parity andsweetness, tbe power to afford Immedi-ate relief, the certainty of speedy andpermanent cure, the absolute safety

and great economy, have made themthe standard skin cares, blood partnersand humour remedies of the civilized

world.Bathe the affected parts with hot

water and Cnticura Soap, to cleansethe surface of crusta and scales andaoften the thickened cuticle. Dry,without hard rubbing, and apply < utl-

cura Ointment freely, to allay itching,

irritation and inflammat'on. and sootboand heal, and. lastly, take Cutleura Re-solvent, to cool and cleanse the Mood.This complete local and constitutionaltreatment affords Instant relief, per-

mits rest snd sleep In the severestforma of eczema and other lichlng.

burning and scaly humours of the skin,

ecalp and blood, and points to a speedy,permeall elae

Sold SmC'il th. world, rimram RmoItmL SW.

imam. Ma_ Soar. SM IMpou. U>a<l..a. « ChwMr-boaaa , tola. I Rut 4. U Pail; Hoatoo.. IVCnlaMtMa»a. rettot Drill Cham < <~p . (to* Craoi alula.

aar.4 kS Tla* fci Cur.tw, Uu»m..-


Reappointed Chief Wood ami

Raised His Salary Last Night


Fired One Foreman and He>-api>ointe<l

All the ' it hers— No Police

In thia stronnous age, one some

times feels tbe need, not exactly of a

medicine, but of 'a good common sense

revitalizer and tonic. Walther's Pep-

tonized Port is just suoh a tonic

The pott wine Is a strengthener in

itself, and the iiepain, by aiding diges-

tion, enables one to get the maximumamount of strength from one's food.

It strengthens in a nntural way—not by whipping the organs into a

foroed aotivity. not by creating a false

feeling of strength through nerve

stimulation, but by actually giving

real strength.

Small size. 60 cents, large size $1.

Sold by W. li. MoPherson, Cor.

Fourth and Broadway.

TO HAVE COLORED CANDIDATEEast St. Louis, 111., April 1—W.

T. Scott, |a negro hai.anaouneed that

preparations have been oompleted for

a national convention for the 'nomina-

tion <>f a negro candidate for presi-

dent. The convention will be held In

St. Louis Jn!y «, the date set for the

national Democratic ojnvrn ion. Thename of the new party ia "The Na-tional Civil Liberal Party."



For Infants ard Children.

fte Kind You Havi Always Bought

Bears the

ajtgnat.ua. of

'The police and Fire Commissioners

held a meeting last night and fixed

the salary of Fire Ohief Woods at

300 a year instead of t«00.

Tho'ebief was re appointed, and the

•tatioumen und ouptains r.- appointed

by the board, with the exoaption of

day Loftin, who got drunk and pur-

suant to orders of tbe board was fired.

Moss Council wus appointed in hie

plaoe. The captains re-appointed are

Oapt. John Slaughter, at Central Sta

tion and Captain Jake Elliott, at tbo

South Side Station. The -tatioumen

are: Hafey .Collins, Harvey, Evitta,

Luoas, Husbands, Hollowell and Coun-

cil for the Central Department, andUlenn, Oothran, Qreen and Allen for

the youth Side Department.

There were no vacancies on the po-

lice force to oonsider, us Offloar Clark

to become lioense in-




Services in commemoration of Ooal

Friday were held today at Crm o Epis

coi>al, Si. Frances de Sales Catholic


At Oruoe church thero was a three

hours servioe from 12 to 3 o'clock this

afternoon. At St. Frances de Sales,

thero was early muss at 7 :80 and vespers

will be held at 7 30 this evening. At

the Lutheran ohurch there was Ger-

man preaching at 10 o'clock this

morning by the pastor, Rev. J. H.

Rupnreoht. There will be English

preaching this evening.


Olarksvillo, Tenn., April 1 —Thedeliveries of loose tobacco on the local

market continue to inoreuse and as a

oonseqnem e local buainea interests are

picking up deoidedly. Good prices

are boiitg piaM for the weed at the

warehouses and large saloi are nowbeing hold daily.

Calcutta—In the course of the bad-

get discussion Wednesday the viceroy,

Lord Ourzon of Kedleston, declared it

was hit express Intention to return to




One Pembroke Murderer Qetl

New Trial at Hoptown.

Gov. Beckham Rack at Frankfort-

Tramp Kill. . I lty •



Hopkinsville.Ky., April 1.—CharlesFinch, one of the four ntgrocs condetuned to death for the murder of the

unknown man at Pembroke, has beengranted a new trial, and the ease wascontinued until the June term. E.l I

Moseley.the only negro yet to bo tried

for the murder, waa granted bail in'

the sum of 11.000.


OwingaTlJle, Ky , April 1—Beoau-eher former hesband married again,Snsan Emmons drank i arbolie sct.l.

and is dying. Some time ago ajkd

Clay Whitney wore married After. »

ahort period of ruartted life they sepa-

rated and a divorce was secured last

week. Whitney and Mis* Mary 8parks. ame here snd wero married last nightSusan Emmous learned of it, and. re

tiring to her room, drank the Hiatus,

"JRURAL ROUTE IN TRIOOCadiz. Ky , April 1.— Mr. H. Mon«

gomery, of Toronto. (V, has been here

this week looking over the proposedrural free delivery mail mute in the

northern part of tbe county leading

out from Cadi/ an. I it is probabl. that

the first rural route will soon ba open

ed up in Trigg connty. There is ai«c

another proposed route leading out

west from Cadiz.

PROMINENT MAR DEAD.Elkton. Ky.. April 1 —John W

Santn. of this oity, d!ed here ag. .1

fifty one yeara Mr. Smith had been

South with a c ar load of hors.» andcame home suffering with heart dia

ease. He was senior member of tbe

Urery tlrm oi Smith and Son. and a

member ..f the Oily Oouncil. He is

survived br a wife, three sons and twodnugbters.

ALLEGED HORSE THIEF 8HCTNewport, Ky., April 1.—An alleged

horse thief, William Johnson, w.nshot by Policeman John Tocher while

attempting to escape arreat. Ho wasruling a horse that answered the de

soription of au animal -tolen at Fosters, Ky

DEAD IN A BOX OAKCovington. Ky.. April 1—A man

believed lob. Herman Duiing, well

jknown here, was found dead in a box

carat Hamilton, O. He had shot

himself in tbe temple. Dosing left

home yesterday noon.


Hopkinsvllle. Ky . April 1—Thewife of Dr. J. W. McOord, of Clardy.

Is suffering from blood |>olson that,

had its beginning from a slight burn

on her hand, and her death Is momentartly expected.

A TRAMP "KILLED.Carlisle, Ky ,

April 1.—An L. andN passenger train struok and lnstaut-

ly killed Jack Harney, n vagrant, near

this ( ity. He sat down on the track

and fell asleep,

GOV. BECKHAM BACKFrankfort, Ky . April 1.—Gov.

Beckham hat returned from Hards-

town where lie bad been visiting lev

oral days at bis old home.


The Paducah Daily Suo issued Sat

nnlay an illustrated edition of thirty

two pages in honor of the installation

in its office of a fine Duplex press.

Between 10,000 snd 30,000 copies of

the pa|">r were printed anil sent bread

oakt over the land to advertise the ad-

vantages of Pndncah as a business

point and a residence town. Tbe Sunis a tine pnper and grows better with

naob issue. The Monitor congratulates

it on ill woll-d.served success. -May-field Monitor.

Mrs. B W. Evans, Charwater, Kan.,

writes: "My husband lay sick f.r

three months. Tbe doctors said he

had quick consumption. Woprooured

a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrnp

and it cored him. That was six years

ago and since then we have always

kept a bottle in the bouse. We can

not do without it. For coughs and

colds It has no equal." 25o, 60c and

$1.00. Sold by Du Bois Kolb & Co.,

Paducah, Ky.

EASTER OFFERINGSIn High Grade Men's Apparel -Nobby

Suits for Boys and Children...


$10.00 SPECIALWc arc offering as a tpeiial leader fifteen

styles to select from nicely made up Men's

suits at $1().IH>. The? will easily compare

with some of the $15.00 suits.

High grade hend-Uilored Men's suits con*

sistmjr of ftAC* Worsteds, Cheviots and

Scotch mixtures from $15. (X) to $20.00

SHIRTS.No house in the chy will show you a greater

line. Wc have them from the very betl

makers from low and popular price to the

very hest.

EASTER TIES.A bitf lot of them and a heap of prettier

things. Come in and take a peep at the

many styles.

Just Received a Big Line of Fancy and White Vests


WhenYou Come

Across This


Marklr. retl and white on each en4 of a

package containing Uaetttt, dera or wafers, you can rrst audited

that the contents are of the v>iv

highest order—freab, cle.m, pine

and perfectly baked

The trade mark identities the pro-

ducts of the National Biscuit Com-

pany and ever stands for the high, -t

quality bakingFor example try packages of

Graham Crackers and

Cheese Sandwiches.



1Do You Value Your Eyesight?"

I Fit ( MassesTo relieve eye strain, headache and ner

vous trouhles, caused hy had eyes. I

have relieved hundreds of others and

can relieve you. Examination FREE.

DR.. M. STEINFELDOptical Parlors 222 Broadway

Opposite American-German National Bank

.—-— —0OOV<XKK>00OOOO0O0 Q<><><>00<><>000<>000<><> oo<x>oo<><c>ooooooooo


she |u Been Bffrtially Fading

Away for Weeks.

to Be \U.m. Wh.n

MHfe Bcok*



Wh. n Ponum. K W..Q.1 wrnt.< tho

ton— iini it>miinre. t tmi «»ve lur » :

wl'le reputation in tho lurtury Arid, 1

Iw n«f»r thooKht for MMl that,

she h«aaJf woohl nam* ,1ay t* th. h»-j

mine of a llltl« Willi, th.. e< ( aal tf

those born in h*r own ffvM iMgtlj

tton, i*y> thtj/ViTltigioa Pint Hut

a* i. tin. cau>. itn.l Oo»ln«ton • the

Mp for at IHM one Hot in llii. little

<li>un> Mf roil I if.

M.n Wood I* the well known Scotchj

writer mm author of "Tne OataM

pared Winj;" "The Ha.1,1. n Ha' "

atel other noflea. A few fMN ago

•.h. wr,.:e t ehort ttonr w'ith the jw

< nliar title, "The Heart of Oo«t."[

which ' *|)tarp<l the |M0 prim offeredj

by the l ies* Oat After th.it h. r

name w»- n r* miliar one in American|

nagainn.- , an<l iorne H ti • I < 1 » <• ri


tive nrllrlea of Scotch life wi rj moet


Home yearn ago ehe roiaof d with

h. r fainiW to f.natla. There nn.v

tarhtnrtit -jnnng op hn won thej

ti t

ty wtio r ami a yountr <'^ina.li:in U«jar name.1 Oollier. Thta feeling of

attachment ri| . pe<l into geatn- lo*e

mi Mwaj |>lighl. .1 their troth anil the

wore hie ring

Collier «h« itmbtticna to >-ur. t<-<t in

liU< ho«en ptcfeMiou. anil now una

the title of Judge befor. hi. niune. al<

thangh at til a yoong man Tnpn lie

tttal Mu. Wooi to ra.r-y him nl

onoe. Hot the conetaot etrain of lit-

erary ei. rtloti had proTwl too much

for Miea Woorl e oonetltntion ami her

health U gaa to decline rapidly. H. r

aiixion* lover nrtred her to «|Ult all lit

eiary work and heek a change of ch

Wood hat a broth, r in Oinnn

nati. A I w mnnthi a#o the CHM to

OlDCtntiati in wretched b. alth II. r

brother waa euddenly rallnl to NawYork M-veral nxMith" ago on important

baiinece nrnt hi |>lac< d hi* lintrr ia

the oare of Hm Paw I K». » 0>1

lngtoii. who Bfag an old fneud of MlHot Mine Wood did not im|>rovr.

Iiwrn.1 ehe h. gao to grow worn.., an I

now »ln "offi r» etrange lap*' of mefti-

ore. forgetting the pact, the naruea of

fi. ii for rtaja at a time

ibrr nothing and eiti

•taring.lor hoora at the wall, -trivuig

P»th. Mrallr to recall l>e*t eventi that

MAN -Up|» I Ml mlii'l

Her lover, way off in Canada. Unrn

ing of her -*H0Ui I Hence.- ha til. .d

to her bed.i.tc He mil in Covington

a few clnyi ago, and wa* greatly wot-

ned over her condition. Ha-iueai

matter- oalled him back home, but he

k»e|H in con-tant telegrapluo corumn-

nioation will, hnr. A treiti"d BMW l*

uith Miu Wood day ntid night, and

it I* thought with |*o|M'i tieiitment

and reet .he will aoon como iiroond

all right IM ei|ieoti to remiiin in

( \ | ingtcii until June


thk wlUOM ftOOn fahu;BOlW UP A(JAIN.

Washington, A)»ril 1— Repnsenti

ti\' Dixon, of Motitami. ha* NMiVt4a letter from a man who olalinc that

W*l|fc« Hooth WM nev r kill, d n ir

Waehlngtoo. Mr. Dixon recently in

trodored a bill In the home grauitug

a pension to Judge K J. Conger, ofj

Dillon, Mont . who. it U a.iio I

commended tho detaehment of , avalry,

that overtook Hooth and killed him.

Mr King K oorresponrtent re]»»at« en l

of mi pobliHliod story tbet Bo ith ee

oepe 1 end lived in th<' west on'il ,!*n

uary 4, 1U03, whep he committed »ui

t-\ la et Km I Okie The writer wente

to#ppjur before the pention* oommit

tee end give hi* etory. Ha propoie- e

eoiumittee to take teitimonr to

wheth#r John Wilkos Bmith was kill

ed or e>oeped. Tho writer claim- to

have amnio proof that Booth /use*M killed end Mfi he will produce


Lincoln, Neb., Jiiiion Lobbitis, a

negro, has confeised that he killed

White, e white reiideat of Oi

Ie . Feptember 83, H»0 !i.


EASTERDon't wait until the last moment and get wedged in with the Faster buying crowds. Come at once and pick out your

New Spring Suit, your Easter I [at and Tie. Come while our stocks are at their best. You can then take the proper

amount of time to make your selections. Everything is blooming with spring freshness and the early buyers have first

choice. B. WEILLE k SON are the acknowledged Clothiefl and Shoers of Paducah. Their business has increased so

'much that it has compelled them to have more floor space to accommodate their patrons. The reason of this is easily ex-

plained. They're progressive; there's no place where you are so sure of the lowest price and no place where you arc so

sure of absolute reliability in style and fabric. It's easily understood why the "ready-to-wear" Clothing Business of Padu-

cah, Ky., centers at this store. King Fashion has issued his mandate for this season and as usual the first complete shy-ing of new styles in Clothing, Hats ami Toggery for Men, Boys and Children is on display here.


Men's Suits Easter Ties Manhattan and Emery Shirts

For Higb Class Dressers


An Batter tie you must

have. Wear the old winter

ovctcoat, suit and hat, if you

will, hnt an Kavter Tie is an


So man escapes. Om F.aster

Neckwear Is hloomini; fresh

New silks, exclusive iancies

not to be found elsewhere.

wh'vh the NIXKWKAK WOKt.D


Uon't fall to come here for

your Kaster Tie. We have

such lines asj. R Kt-iser &Co., W O Aorn & Co . ot

New York, and Carter &Holmes, of Chicago. Welead in Haberdashery.

We are exclusive

agents for these two

celebrated lines.

Have you seen the

new patterns of this

season's make. Its here you can find the up-to-

dttc effects in Shirts. We have them with cuffs

attached or detached, dark or light colors.

They're on display in our window. Complete

your outfit for Easter Sunday with a Manhattan

or Emcy Shirt.

$100, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50

Men's Shoes Did You E/ver See


Have YouGiven

A thought about your

boy's Baattr Suit? If not,

we have.


have everything you will

want yoor boy to wear this

spring. If you're unde-

cided let us talk it over.

Come, let us help you solve

the gtowing boy problem,

for we know its a bard

proposition at best Wehave the largest Children's

Clothing Department in

Paducah. Every suit is

new and in goad taste or it

would not be here.

$2.50. $3.50 up to


Attubcry Tailored System

Do you admire high class cloth-

ing? If so COfPC to us. How ahout

four Easter Suit.' We have an

elegant assortment on display in

our window. Try one. Notice

that hroads houlder effect. It will

please you.




You'll w.int to turn up ymir

trousers if you put on a pair of the

new Spring So\. HtadfOOletl

\\c ever had.

15c up to $1.50 per pair

How about your Dress

Shoes for Kaster? Our Full

Dress Patent Vici Kid. Oxfotd, Russia Call and Vici

Kid Oxford; M.my new styles

to select from.

$1.50 up to $4.00

Anything as stun-

ning as these Suits?

^T^i The lirm who makes

them calls (hem1

Buster Brown


They're on display at B. WEILLE & SON'S,the only store in Paducah where you can get

them. Try a Suit for Easter.

Men's Hats

Young Men's


Men's Glove DepartmentHow ahout you Dress (ilovcs for Easter? We

have I'owne's and Adler's Dress and Walking

Gloves. :-: :-: :-: :-: :*: :-:

^ 8pS'iue

All new blocks in Pearl.

Smoke, Hrjwn and Black.

Hawes $3.00

Youngs $3.50

Stetsons $4.50

Get your Kaster Hat here.

We are doing an immense

business ip Young Meu's

Clothes. The new Spring

Suits are ready f and there's

many a new idea in the cut

and style of our suits. Youngmen, come see,

$5.00 up to $20.00


•••SEE our window for correct dress for Easter Sun-

day. Everything that's swell in Men's Toggery

can he found at B. W l M.l.K & Son's. Just received an-

other shipment of fine Neckwear. Come see.3

Fancy Vests

For Dressy


We are showing a new

line ot White and Fancy

Vests, and the patterns arc-

exceedingly handsome.

Suit any

Trunks and Suit

CasesYou'll certainly need a new Trunk,

Suit Case or Grip on your trip.

We can supply you as to size,

quality and price. Good assort-

mens here. Come see.

$1.50 up to $4.00

Best for the MoneyMai brig Ran, Lisle, Mercer-

ized Cotton, Dr. Deimel's

Linen Mesh, Ot Bon Bon &Co.'s imported Lisle, Dr.

Jaeger's Super Weight Wool

Wool Underwear.


We Have Received

A new shipment of hooks in our Ameri-

can Boys' Library. Now is your chance

to get something goon to to read.

Biggest Retail Clothiers andShoers in West Kentucky f_4>


- , pm







M Fishsr President and Kdltor.

Kuwis J V. v .. .

SUBSCRIPTION BATES:(Entered at the j < '.rat Paducah. Ky.. *»

ecomt i . i— 'i iter.


THE DAILY SUNBy carrier, per week.Hy nail, per month. In t mreBy mall, per year, in advance

THE WEEKLY BUMOne year, by mall P m;ikc paid '

Address Tin. SCN P;ulucah. Ky.


Orri' s ll» Sou!!

Chleut-0 Office. I.


Third I Tblsmokb. No.

8. Osborne In charge. BBs

THF. SUN CAB B« i i M AT III. i.


*.. PI.SC km:

R n. Clements A Co.

Van Culln BrosI' ..ii or House.

^NiCA!ss?lTi a !.LV






.March I »4.u March |S »H7March* tAi' March iq Jl-T

March 3 l4qi M trch 21 .

March 4 2446 March 2:

March 5 2I41 Mar. It 23

March 7 2456 Mar h 2.! 2 56

March S 2437 M.-uch 2S

March 9 2553 M*rch J*

M.irchio 1596 March 2S 2475

March it 2ss~> March 29 »473

March 12 . »44T Msr. h ;o ..247ft

March 14 2417 March ,1 .249°

March 15 7420 —

March 16. 2522 66769

March 17 2426

Daily averageMarch average. —

Personally appeared before me•day H.J. Pa*ton, general manager

The San,





who affirms that the above

• of the circulation of The

aetnonth of Msrch, 1904, iatine

fo the beat of bis knowledge and belief.

Pktkr Ptoykar,Notary Public.

My commission expires Jan. at, 190?.

March 31, 1904.


There 'a aom.thing subtle in the air

That through my ease in • nt

Away with cumbrous t bwi).'- to

Cap- mitts and overcoats!

Why, B'eB the oar horse fecls.l

His monthly dose of oat*

I know the ground is spetigy wet .

I iBlfl the trea h rout bieoie;

W.th Grippe- each printed i>v


\ hoc A choo" I sneeze:

1 1. <it indoors; I'm forty, yet—3traage longings on me seise.

\ In a n the street trips pert a mudWtih roguish, dewy eye.

Mi l in. , r emotion* ma persuade

To watch ber—y s, and eigh.

An : till, with carelessness array. 1.

I oft nave passed her by

Why is it that things far and Bl MSay, "Leave vonr offioe stool"?

What beaut ies in that maid apr< HI once did ridicule?

Why is it? Why? Alan, I fear

lhat I'm an April fool!

—Edwin L. Sabin, in April Lippin

ott 's Muga/lne.




Little Liver Pills.


*e« FaoSlanllc Wrapper I

I Vary aa»U am* as M«yto take smear.

' sacim h


ake pollMOBl capital The depart-

rni in ha- he»n investigated Bore thor

onghly than a congressional commit

toe ooald do it, and those guilty of ir-

regularities have been indicted and

me of them convicted This i>

enough to satisfy anyone except the

fmoornti, who are getting desperate

for something to raise a little cam

paign thunder.









FOR THE COMPLEXIONvtsrss wnVefrtaM*.




Rudy, Phillips & Co.*President Koosevelt will no doubt

got th>- largest majority ever given a

Republican nominee for President I


He has no opposition for the nomina-]


for the office, for the Democrats do MRS. HICKS BETTER.not stand a ghost of a show no matter

DAILY THOUGHTLife it a l. af of paper white,

Whereon earn one of us may write

His word or two—and then


Though thou hast time

But for a line, be that sublime:

Not failure, but low aim, it

—J. B. Lowell.

THE WEATHER.Fair and colder tonight preceded

by rain in eastern portion. Satnrday

fair weather.

II It is trne tbat any member of

the local boards is selling the city

gravid, it ought to be etopi>ed. It it

against the law, and moreover does

not look nioe.

Louisville, beginning today, will be

operated under the "Ripper Bill.1 '

This bill gives the mayor the power

to "Are" anyone who does not do ai

the mayor wills Tbey don't need any

ripper bill in Padnoab. They all work

together like clockwork.


Somebody seems to have punctured

Mr. Hearst's trom for the Democrat!.-' semination, and blown instead a pic

turesquo bubble tor Judge Parker.

There is plenty of time for the dash-

ing yonng Oroeiut to start another

boom, how. ver, if h- will turn loose

the cash fast enough.

Colombia failed to get any sympa-

thy from the French • ourts. It must

have be. n a rath, r unusual and un-

ruly audacity that prompted it to

ask the French people to refuse to

ell their own proi« rty to the Unit-

ed State* when the money was

ready, and tbey needed it so badly.

St. Lonis is getting ready for the

' World's Fair, which will be opened

this month. The press work of the

gigtintie show has be< n effective, and

the orowda already, before the exposi-

tion has opened, run up to th. f.0,000

mark nearly every duy. People are

willing to pay fifty cents merely to

walk around and wat.-h preparations.

The city has done nothing y. t to-

WBrda employing sanitary inspectors.

Uaoally the inspector- are put to work

April l.bnt nothing has yet been lone

towards sending any out ic Paducab.

Last year the police were required to

make sanitary inspections, bat the

plan was not a nuocets. It' is to be

boi>ed that the boards will not let a

matter involving the health of J5.000

people drug along in statu .iuo for

weeks and perhaps months, aa it has

done so many other matters involving

the pnblio welfare.

The to-ceiled effort of some of tb<

Democrats to have a congressional

committee Investigate tb- national

post offlco department it nothing more

than a campaign

who may be nominated by them. Pres-

ident Roosevelt is a gn at and popular

man. H. should t>e loved for the en

etnies he has made, if not for his own

sterling qualities. He is a broad, fear

lest man vjith a winning personality

and a great intellect, and th. Republl I

can party is justly proud of him ami

bit administration.

Mr. Bryan becomes more unpopn

lar every day. The national specta-

cle he has roano of himself tn his

effort to get 160,000 from a widow. has

thown his true calibre, and has dem

onttrated, furthermore, that whatev-

er Mr. Bryan has said in the past

about the "grasping , avaricious

mouey shark 1 "and their greed, is equal-

ly ts true of himself, if not more to.

Hit ( hate after the dollar, either li-

ver or gold, is as persistent and shame

less us that of the woret money shirk

io America. And he is the man who

was for eight years the idol of Democ-

racy, and still bas a strong hold on a

large chunk of the party!

Tho longer the city goes without

anything being done towards issuing

the honds voted by the poople last No-

vember for publio improvements, th-

more . vident docs it become that

there is "something rotten In D-n

mark. " The excuse that a decision of

the appellate court mutt oe awaited,

it sheer tommyrot. There are millions

of dollars of bonds in thi> ttate alone,

and thousands of dollars of them is

sued by Padu. ah. that have never

been 'tuestioned. never been passed on

by a court, and never will be. Every

question raised in the makeshift bond

suit filed at the expanse of the tax-

payers, has already be en passcii on

hy the appellate court, and even if

it hadn't been, there was no oov-a

sion for wanting it pissed on nowBond purchasers have expert counsel

who investigate the validi'y of every

bond before it is bought, anl if the

hondt voted by the people of Padn-

cah were not valid, it would be

found out sooner that way than by

waiting for the apellate court to

pats on the suit.

aW «« THK >10KMrs. L. F. Andrew > is quite ill

with 1m grippe at the home of ber

daughcr. Ufa. Toh. Bteger on South

1'ifth Kir*, t.

Mrs. Carrie Johnson, of North

Fifth, it on the sick list.



Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Hi ks arrived

from Chicago this morning, with tho

remain- .if tn. ir littl. taBghtet Mar

garet. who died in Chicago Tuessday

night. It was feaml that Mrt Hicks

would not he able to return, since she

has been verv ill from the effects of

an o)ier:ttion. in the Str. et. r inflrma

ry in Chicago, where her little .laugh

ter died.'

She stood the trip very well, how

ever, and 11 111 a better condition

than hor physi. -ians believod that the

would be.

The funeral of th. . l ild took place

from the Hicks retidence on West

Broadway at 10 a'cleoh this mornin.-.

Rev. John W. Sykes of Orace IptstB

pal church OBBBBfltad the service and.

the burial was at Oak Grove.




Local florists rc]x>rt that tho sale of

Em -ter Flowers thit year promises to

exceed that of any other year. Tiler

is a good supply on haad, and prices

are considered reaionablo couriering

the season.

American Beauties are selling from

|A to S!0 a dozen; calu lilliee at *3 a

tiont at T.'.o a dosen.



jUudy, Phillips & Co|


Good spirits don't all come from

Kentucky. Their main source i* the

liver—and all th. fine spirits ever

made in the Hlue Grass state cool l

not remedy a bad liver or the hcudre.l

and one ill effects it produces. You

can't have good spirits and a bad liver

at tho same time. Your liver must

be in floe condition if you would feel

buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright

of eye, light of step, vigorous and suc-

cessful in your pursuits Yon can

put your liver in fine coudition by us

ing Oreen's August Flower— the great

est of all medicines for the liver and

stomach and a certain enre for dyspep-

sia or indigestion. It naa been a fa

vorite household remedy for over 35

years. August Flower will make

your liver healthy and active and thus

insure you a libera supply of "goon

spirits." Trial ti*e, 25o; regular bot-

tles. 76o. For sale by DuBois, Kolb

* 00


The school census began toduy.

Uessri. W. A. Wickliffe, .7. M. Hart

and S. Mitchell are taking it.and will

complete it sometime before the end

of the month. On tbe mimber of

school children found will be listed

tho amount of money received ftcm

tb« state by the city.

TRYPatau Brewery Co.'s

In Kegs and Bottles


...ON SALE...



Mr. D. P. Stephen Hies Froa

Fall From Car.

His Ankle Wat Crushod, Necessitat-

ing Amputation and 0 tth


Mr. D. I' St. ]ihens,who wa- injur-

ed by falling from a ear of the PadB-

cab City Railway company, on W.st

Broadway. Monday night, died tail

morning, 1h tween II and 1 1 o'clock

at the I. O. hospital

The young man wai attemptLag to

swing from the oar, whtoh was in motioo, in front of his boarding hoMM at

I3K2 Broadway, when his hand slip

ped. and he fell beneath the who 1-

The oar passed over hit right ankle,

whioh was amputated the next day.

It was not thought that he wii 11

ously hurt, but yesterday afternoon

late, he began .to sink and died tkti

morning. His mother, Mr-. Mary Ste-

phens, of Nashville. Tenn., arrived

yesterday afternoon and was with him

when lie died

Mr. St. ph. nt was 33 years of age,

and came here last Jannary from

Nashville. He was employed at tbe '

car shi-d, of the Padueah Oily Rail-

way company on West Broads ay. Hewas an iBBBsBtWfBBa an I ]>opnlar

yonng manTbe remains ate n-.w at tho under

taking establishment ol Mattil AEitinger. and will U MffcaB to Nash

vflle tomorrow morning for burial

Ho left a molh. r and fath. r and -< v

era! brothers and sisters, r. -Ming in




SALE.NO. 3...

NOAH'S ARK| Saturday

319 Broadway 1

APR-2 > 19°4

At nrney John K Hendricke vest, r

day sat as -jveial judg. tu Marshal

colrcuit court in Judge W. A. Berry's

offtVe here and tried the case of John

Ptitman and others against Joseph

Jones and others.

The suit wae brought to < t a-ido a

dee! to ICO acres or laud in Marshall

county, and Ju.lgu HeBdtli k Ret

the casein favor ef the tefeadaat.

Attorney W A. Berry represented the







Shirt Waists

Rudy, Phillips & Co.

Willie Jonet, a oolored boy, was ar-

leaUi this afternoon; on a charge of

breaking one of the show window* at

Harbor s several evenings ago for th.

put pose of stealiug from the window.

Thomas Wilkius, white, was arrest-

ed fur breaking into a box car and

treating some flour belonging to Giv-

en. Clark and company.

Rob rt Palmer, a colored boy, was

arrested for vagrauoy.

11 All SOt QUAXJIUO.Dr Oarbcr, the newly elected milk

and meat ins|» . tor, has pot yet nuali-

fled. or filed a ceit ifl. ute that he can

do the inspecting r.tiuirrd . He is

•apaeted to take charge tomorrow.


A Utkc manufacturer of Chi-

cago decided to discontinue

making several brands. Wcbought a <iuantity and offer for

this sale 25c values at 5c p.-r

cake: 15c per box.

You can find tbe same soap

oh sale in other slotea at 75c.

r.ircou* Chamois skin soap,

per box 1 *c

C.-:iinlpa'.H Wonder soap, per

cake 4c

Tatioline Buttermilk soap,*

per box—

GLASSWAREA four-piece table v*t—sugar,

cream, butter and spoon

holder, worth 40c, Satnr-

day price 24c

A clear glass table lumbler,

fluted !>ottom, worth ,toc

m t , for 1 He


Only one item- these cups

and "Queers, French china,

any shape, worth o«c set.

to a customer f>oc

Wc invite your inspection ol our line of fleitnan-niad.- enameled

waic, blue outside and white inside. This line is the lust that's

made. Wears longer and looks better and the cost is very little il

any higher than the gray-coated ware.


Bring This Ad. and Get a Souvenir

The B\iffet107 Soulh Fourlh

W. C. GRAY, . Proprietor.

Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the City.

Subscribe For THE SUN.

3/ersDo you know what Ayer's

Sarsaparilla will do for you ?

It will invigorate, refresh,

strengthen. Just what you

need if overworked. ST^mUf*4« i « J C. Ar*r Co . Lav

AIM Maiiufsveturar* i




-Ital^l Hiruw M Kami. U„rV

— Xor I)r Pendl, y riDK Ml— KimWlti r • lnjrh grs,l.> "Ho<|Ui't"

— I»lci yon m Olttrk'sadon psge


-S|»oi«I ml. in K»4|. r hats •!

rol/s. Ill liroadway.

-Nolle Clark's «p«o<*l ad on p»«.


— Ka-t. r tint* ( your <>«ti prio at

FoilV 111 Hroadway

—Look for Clark's ml— «d ou

I*** tlvtv

—Don't fail f« s«a lb* d< w East, r

hata at Kola'-, 1:1 Hroadway

— Clark's «d In lliia paper U>ok at

Ina prices On Pfl Uvs

—Bud Mfpbrn-on, > olorrd, axe l :I0

years, dl. d ),»|.rday at the . ootiiy

poor farm.

flour Ik hiving Ita doe cjnnliti.-

wli»r>v r used in barrel* or sa, is

lftV^yl-aJM Ka- . r gat.

an 1 Shut wallt.. Ro to Vohn, 113

Croaa umoaroni .* onei

•• • ran .

parktg< s for I V at Kanileitr-r's.

—The oily hull clock H baiim re

paired, an, I tt la • Mf* ted to have tt in

good cr.liT t>y tomorrow.

-«« n>-all of lively bright col

<>n attil lat<»t designs ai Kutult'ltsr'*

—Mr Ctorge Moor, wool Id loin

thia morning to g. t oat timber for the

1'adooah Furniture oouipany.

— t'al. rtnporato.1 rx ii, lies, nic,' »iw

an.l good Muality. 3 lb». for JOo at

Kami, Iter's.

— Mraara. U<orge Katterjoba and

ttonrgo Wrikad hai-»« d > -*s<>l vc.l par t n< r

ahip io th<- . ..ntrac ling buMn»Ni.

— A I tie broom. Mai. hi.-* In mat r.u.atil making oar price for Sat -

unlay 3<>c. Kmilt'iiar'H.

—No meeting oft hi- public libraiy

board haa tet U*n call.-d by Prsni-

dt-nt K. W. Itnuby It may b. ImUnest week.

— April nit, grn ngugis or egg

ploiin all California good, in I It,.

MM a, lOo i. n at Kiimlelt. r'a.



Hand Brushes ( hit dol-

lar leader .nivertises

better than words that

ui: si l.l. CHEAPEST.Tooth Brushes— 1,000 to

pick from, -.' itl) a UKvalue for 25c

H ind HrttshcsBar-Bath Brushes

Face BrushesgainsCloth Brushes

Nail Brushes ALLOther Btushcs


DRICGlSIS I ifth and Broadwa*

—lb.. local Pot. T. P. A., will

elect ofhVars tomorrow night,an I also

i hoom. itrtuftai to the xtate con veil

tion in Louisville, iii May.

—Thi- KssstM -p. cial of 10c a pnek-

HK- on Malta Vita. MapL Flak, or

Fore will prove a nic.« offering KamlelterV

—The new * h«dnl«> of fft a clay for

bricklayer- wont into offset today. Then. w o«r|.. ni. rs' scale ia not to be ris-

•Mad ontil some timo t* fore May I,

—Doling this time of muddy water

UfwMf ffajaiValtni offer* you "ft MMthing" in Champion one night waP r

asttli r—even body praiHos it,

— Hi. yi lit re|tairmg.euameling, vnl

iin/.iiig t.rn/mg. All work guaran-

teed. Price* right Williiirnw itioyrle

Co.. corm r Jefferson and North Fifth


— Your order please tn time for Eas-

fer—since we b.iv. arranged our xtcck

of good thing* to oat and make your

tot >•».

OVULE sri'Pl.lKS— For rubber

tires, pn.nn» »x lis and cyi la supplies

a' ii , i. .west prlcoi see Williams tJiaj

'. ro ArVr Jrlfmotl'' And Noith

Flflh itreeti

—An extention of tears of al.Hi>uo

will probably ht granted At-i.tunt

I 'opt ma t. r Jonn I'luh. r, who Im- tin u

off for hi- In altb. and hn* not im-

XoUs andAbout FtopU.

FASTER ENTKRTAINMKNT.Ths Junior Kpworth League will

have an Kaster entertainment at the

Kmadway Methodist i hun h tonight.

Mr. George Bory. of Clinton, who

formerly resided in this olty, wa*( k

hero tnl ay.

Dr Johns, n Bais wai callod to Lone

Oak. lait night to hss • patient. Hereturned this morning.

Mr*. Cecil Reed, wife of the Ma* r

rominiHHiouer of Mi Cracken roonty,

went to Benton this morning to vnit.

Mr. Julian Oreer

City. Tonn.. this n

m II.

Mr. ami Mrs. J. P. (;,irretion will

leave n. jt week foi a viiit to St. Louis

and Dallai, Tel.

Miss Nellie Weeks, of Rowlandtownwill leave neit Thursday for Detroit.

Mich., on u viilt and for her hralth.

Ml- Haiti.- l!art..n. of St f/mis, is

viiitingMr-. .1 K Walk, r, of North

Kighth it rest.

Mr. Wallafo Weil rcturne.1 yester-

da> from a visit in the louth.

Minn Nell Palmer, of Benton, re-

lumed home seiter.Iay after visiting

Miu Lain Ri . I

Miis Hallle Met 'one has returned

from visiting in Lawtavilla,

MV. Arthur Martin went »o Orsen-

ville this morning for a leveral ilnv'i


] Mm Carrie Rankin and .laughter,

of Marion, returned home yeitarday

iitt 'r viiiling here.

Mr Collin P. MoOincii return..!

from Hot Hprini.'i, Ark.

Mrin tin city yisterdav . u route from

Marion. III. to their home in Jack


•on. Tenn

Mr II. Jostioe returned from May-

fli l.l today at noon aft r a business

trip to that city.

Mr. D. L. Adann returned from

Ma-f"n 1 1 to lay at noon.

Mr R D, Happy arrived from MayMl today at noon

Mrs Alb. rt I.ik. ni, of Csrrsville,

l.ivipgiton connt.v, n a gne-t . .f Mn.Leonard Janei, on North Filth .



Work on the Y. M. O. A. t. nnii

courts on Kentucky avenue, between

Kh. 'iith and Eighth it reels, will begin

tomorrow, an i one or two of themill bi iu oondition by early ncik

With the foundation of last year

the courts will be unusually fine this

year. Tiiey will have a clay iurfaoe.

vt ry lut r. 1 and smooth. There will be

•rir. . iii-t mi rt two cou. ta this year.

Both g. iitlene n and ladies, mem-bers au.l non member-, of t ho associa-

tion u ill b. admit tn.I to the tonnis

i lnh. witn the privilege of using the

grounds ., n the same terms as last

year. It is eipected that the groundswill b iTSB more popular this season

than they pan last and with the

spring weather which will eome in

the next few weeks the -port will loon

be fully inaugurated.

|Mnch inter. -* is felt in the inter

sobolastie athletic meet, which is lin-

ing arranged by Phyiirnl Director H.

E. rJt.ele, of the Y. M. 0. .V. in

which boys of the kC hooli of the city'

will take |>art, cn Apiil a.1, at tho oHfair grounds. A penMat "ill be giv-

en to the w inning team, and .-ach ta

eager to get the t.ophy.

Tho woman's committee of the YM. C. A. will hav. a lals of - akes,

ami horn, made candy at It, H. Ogil

vieV dry gocls it,,re, at Fourth and

Broadway tomorrow.


London, Ky., Ajiril 1—Susan Marcam was brought here by Deputy

United States Mar-hul (i. C. Thomp-son and delivered tn Unit. 1 -tatei

F. P. Glasgow ami b.i.le, wore0)mmUii(>ner j. c rlarli sh„



Bicycles' The "Onent," "Rambler" and "Monarch."Cyolt-t easy payni. nts. Williams Bi-

. yele i ompauy, corn, r Jefferson and

North Fifth nr.. t

—The little obi Id of Dr. Ernsst

Stevens, formerly of Pado. ah but now• prominent dentin in Parn. Ky . fell

ft a buggy in whiob It

tlrlren, ami broke an arm.

—Tonight the carnival

toM a mee ing at Hon I I -agoraarslno.

Thev report preparations progressing

rapidly and latiifaclorily. Special pa>

lin tn. n are rx|*eted to N> named tor

the we. k at tonight's meeting.

— Kaon io Anderson, colored, ug. it*'.,

.l.e.t in l.ittleville yesterday afternoon

late of pneumonia after a several dayslllmaa ,<lie leaves a husband andth. children, and the remains will

be taken to Maylleld for burial this mt

t. rnoon.

—The curfew will liegin tonight to

sound at 0 p. m. i intend of s, thus

gil ng "the kiili" an extra hour. Thecorf. w is merely an ornament in Pa-

.In. ah, however, ax no one pays anyattention t« it ami the boys stay out

as late aa they choose.

—There is to bo a lively raoe for

theJIVnutoratic nomination for county

clerk here next year and alriady asn.

do i.res are coming forth. Mes-rs. Hi-

ram Smedley, John Hughes ami JamesHughes have already announced andMr. U. W. Morrison will probably be

a eantti tat

charged, in a warrant iworn out by

Postoftico Inspector J. F. Old field, of

obtaining a letter from the post master at Tyner, Jackson county, Ky., by

d. oeit and fahely r, pttn utiog herself

to be one Margaret Hums Mr- Mat -

ciim was required to give -a bond of

1200 to answer toe charge in the

t'nttel Statei curt at Covington

Wednesday. April B.

—ItJ is surpn-iug how interesting

a trip »h-ou«| an up t,, date store in.

The writer %«s frrcihly Impn -seit

with tins fact today |,y .i v i - , 1 to tin-

SccTt Harilwufsuo. For ^nltllace ,

they are selling the famous Bias. 11

Carivt SweepoT for |S.BCk Bread,

eako and paring knives at 16o a set,

and offering to sharpen your soisicrs

free. This store .s one of the best ap-

pointed hardware stores to be f.,un l

any when, TLftJj »»«»t 19 " I* pleaianl

and profitable It is easily found by

the sign of the big hatchet.


News has keen n oeived by relatives

Robertson canghttwo negroes in a oa- '«> »* city of a painful injury to Mr.

boose several dsss ago. an.l one got ' Oltff Burnett, ft.rmerly of Paducah, at

away. H. is one legged an.l the off!- Bourne, Ter. Mr. Burnett is travel

oer had agoo.1 d, senption of bim. It «ng for • Chicago lighting rod bou-

ts tbooght there is no mistake in the ou two story house suit in

' tending some work when he skipped

and fel' off. He had four ribs brok, B

end was painfully bruisel, but bis iu


Spe.-ial officer Leamler Roberior., of

Fulton, passetl through the oity today

at noon en route to Princeton where a

negro has been caught, the Princeton

officers thinking it n Kd Harris, the

negro whoi

Officer Robeison wants

for breaking into a caboose. OtH er

A GooD H A R< JAIN. —Grocery

and saloon for sale. 800 South Fifth


—Whittemore Real Estate Freo

Price List. Insurance. Notary Publio. Fraternity Buildings. 'Phones


FOR RENT-Two story building

on Third between liroadway and Kentu. ky avenue. Apply Pl.luoah Bank-

ing Co.

WANTED —Colored girls and wo-

men to pick peanuts, good VJNkfM

Southern Peanut Co., 205 207 Jeffor-

WANTED—Side line salesmen.

Good commission. Sell from photo

graphs. American Chewing Gnm Co.,

St. Lonis. Mo.

THE DRY cleaning prooess iwed

by H. M. Dalton. 20S Broadway, is

-on., thing that appeals to the l.vdit I

who havo dresses to be cleaned.


mouth Rock, ilrown Leghorn eggs

from tnorongbbi e.l stock #1 per set-

ting of I S eggs. O. R. Noble, old

phone 886 white.


Sexton Sign Works makes • special-

ty of carriage painting, the work lie

ing done by first class workmen only.

Both phones, 401, Sixteenth and Madison.

mac raptured at Princeton


Dea Moines, Ia.—An amendment to

Iowa's extraditiou laws oovering MMea similar to that of tho recent Beonepoison candy case, passed the senate.



Rudy, Phillips & Co.


William W. Lvonbas filed a snit

again-1 the City of I'adorah asking

for judgment for #310 alleged to be

due as balance on an asseisor's map!*>ok he made for the city in the year

of 11)01. Rt alleges that h. contracted

with the city to make the map fcr a

total of |1,.o.M) and that all was paid

except the above balance which h, has

demanded several times and been re-



Olarksville. Tenn . April l-Tholocal management has received a numher of applications bam ne n who de-

sire to don the Ototevillt uniform in

the Kittv Baseball league for the -en-

son of 1904. The signing cf players

will be gin at once, so as to sooute a

good team and get the men here to

in May.


A jevivul meeting will begin at tl e

Rroadway Metholist church April 10.

It will be conducted by Rot. J. P.

Low.ry, D. D.. of I.ittlo Rook. Ark.,

who is a miuister of much ability,

lie will be assistod by the pastor.Rev.

T. J. New. 11.

juries are not


Cincinnati. O.. April 1— Dreading

recommitment to tho military prison

at at Ft. Thomas, from which he re

Matlf escaped, John F. Fitzgerald,

aged years, a deserter, hung him

self in a cell at the Hammond street

st ition after his arrest for threatening

the life of his wife





C WCEIi MEMOVBD.A cancer was removed from the

breast of "Aunt" Maltha Mcrton, an

aged and well known negro woman of

«04 Tennessea street, yesterCny after-

noon by Drs. P. H Stewart. Frank

, Johnson Ban, and Heatn. She

the operation very well.

Attorney Charles K. Wheeler has

to Chicago on bosinesr.


Dubois, Kolb «v Co



Rudy, Phillips & Co.


Saturday, April 2.

Camcihert cheese .' 25c

Fancy sweet crauges per doz. 25c

Fancy Maseno lemons, 2 doz.

for 25c

Fancy Ringer snaps, 2 lbs for . 15c

Fancy evaporated peaches, 3

lbs for 25c

Fancy (Jueen Olives, per bot-

tle 25c

Home grown pecans, per lb. . 5c

Baker's chocolate, half poundcakes, per cake roc

2 doz. fiesh eggs for 25c

No one person allowed over 4


2 cans Littlefellow peas for. . . 25*

3 cans Mutton Chop tomatoes

for 25c

Asparagus tips, per can 15c

Force, per package 10c

Mapl Flake, per package. . . . 10c

t8 lbs. granulated sugar for. .$1.00

Fresh oysters, per quart 50c

I bars Star soap for 25c

6 bars Ivory soap for 25c

LOUIS CLARK,131 South Second at.


Has a Good Thing He is Bound

to Tell it or Evaporate


Are the floodesl of Them All

RConstructed of golden oaK wi h panels

matched and clamped together.

All walls are covered with Bird's

charcoal waterproof sheathing, forming .in

absolute air tight air chamber that will not absorb mois-

ture, making it perfectly water proof, air tight, odcrless

and a positive non conductor of heat.

We have them with galvanized or enamel lining,

no wood exposed inside.




theKentuckytUk I I

theKentuckyJ IS I I


MONDAY, APR. 4Special I't gigfinent


THE FLINTSIntroducing the Litt'e

Hypnotic Sunbeam,


In • Jolly. F.rjoysl.le Programof Hy, nolic Novelties.

Sinking snd IUncingMngnitirect Costpmes

Klectric Cslcium Effects

PRICES 10c, 20C, 30cBoJr Sests on Sale Satunlsv 10 a. m.

LADIESKm Montlay niKR usual

conditions if ticket purchased liefote

5 p. tn.


GLICK & BOWMANNATIONAL STOCK CO-Iu a Repertoire of Successful Plays


The Village Blacksmith


The Verge of RuinHigh Class Specialties Between

the Acts.







R. D. Clements d Co.«3I Broadway

The best talking maobine on the

maiket. Call and hear it.

All latest records always on

hand. Music department open all

the time.

Jules Murry's Buutiful Melodrama


A PASTORAL LOVE STORYdirect From Its Phenomenal Run in

Ntw York.

Large and Splendid Cast !

MiRnificent Scenery, ThoroughbredHorses, Bicycle Race, Uld Toll Gate, e.c.

One of the best, the sweetest, purest

and most wholsome cf rurtl dramas, de-

picting life in Indiana without • mort-

gage on the farm, an erring son or •rninrol daughter.

nttcin 25< ton 00


OLD PLATESWe buy OU Plates when new oues

Have you a plate that doesn't fit? Weguarantee to give you a parfect fit.

The New York Dental ParlorsOffice over the German-American Bank.

GAS ADMINISTEREDTake elevator. U<,lh Phoues.

DR. E. 0. STAMPER, Manager

SATINOLA is a new discovery, guv*?anteed, and money refunded in e.erjr

case if it fails to remove freckles, pim-ples, black-heads, liver spots, lan andall discolorationa ami diangnriiig eiup-tions (except birth maiks); ur'iuarycases in ten days; the worrt in 1510 20days: leaves the skin soft, clear andbeautiful. To any address on receipt of

price, .'ioc.

GuTHRiR, O. T., Dec. il, 190J.National Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn.:Gentlemen:—Plea 'e find cnclotrd !'.

O. rrder for SATINOLA and KGYP-TIAN CREAM. Satincla hss done somuch for me when everything rlss

fai'ed that I cannot say enough iu its

praise. Very respectful I v.

Miss A 11a SriUK.

H4TI0HAL TUILETCO., Paris.Tcn!?.

For sale by leading dealers in

each city.

•MMBicyclesThe only exclusive bicycle

store in the city, presents to

the riding public the famous

high grade and popular 1901


"The Orient"

"The Rambler"

"The Monarch"

E4CH ONE A GEM!If in the market lor a wheel it

will pay you to in ject this hand-

some line. We can SAVK YOU.MONKY. Jvisv reckly pajmeataV

Old .wheels taken in exchange.

Full line of tius. pumps, repairs,

etc., at very low puces. Complete

repair shop in charge of an expert

machinist. Cu e us a c ill.

Williams Bicycle Co.

Cor. Jefferson aid N. Rftft Sis.

EASTEREGG DYEion ln.'Jirent Shades t >r

5 CENTS ATDubois, Kolb* Co.


Open till JO

p. m.V- •> •



Hats and

CapsOp:n till 10

p. m.

SPECIALSpring Stock isNow


To induce early

buying we are mak-

ing a special drive

in our up to date

line of Shoes for

ladies, men, boys

and children at very low prices.

The most up to date line of

Fancy Dress Shirts, regular

$1.CO and $1.50 values at»

,../ 5c...

Up to Date



Open till 10

p. m.

Fancy Gent's Hosiery

Regular 25c values at





Open till 10

p m.


People's Independent Telephone Co.

First Class Uo-to- Date Service. AI^Lon* Distance Instruments


Business Phones . . $2.50 Per Month

Residence Phones . . . $1.56 Per Month

Your patronage and good will appreciated

James CaldwellFraternity Building

FIRE INSURANCERepresenting the Strongest Line of

Fire Insurance Companies. 0 0

Paducah Wagon Works Co.IMCOKPOKATKD

General Blacksmithing andWagon Worhs 00000


Cor. 2nd and" Washington Sts. j» Telephone 439.




OmCB—alw front. «>«tw*en Court and Washington stre*ts. Telephone N-

4«g. All ordaro. Urge or mill, wll rtrtirr nvntrt attention



Kvi ft 'oval citizen of Padtienh is

imm. n«. !v pleast-d when they de-

monstrate the 100001 of any home NNterpriso.

The S H Wmstead Med. Co hsl

been to crowded with order* duting

the pssttsro months that thsy are

forced to 1 nlurge tbeir pelant or move

ioto h lsrgvr building.

Thu om|iany ts composed of soine

or the vt ry wett and moxt Influential

on,/. Hi of Paduoab. They are to

Mated ovtf thl increase in business

that »t the hut meeting of the board

they unanimously jwisaed a resolution


that no more stock would bo sold.


Nearly . very one of their customers


begsn with a tiBsjM down of I-ax Kos

then laoraoosd their orders to three,

six ami twelve dozons at a time and

some retailers are now buying it in

five and ten gross lota. One retail

Arm ktaasta. (ialliher A Prutzman.

of Muncie, Intl., bjgan by ordering

one dozen and it took so well with

tisir trade that a few days at o

they bought a thousand dollars worth

of I nx Fox and the goods weio all

-hipped at one time.

At Indianapolis Henry J. Under*

first order wan ftr one bottle. His

last order amounts to 11.040, and he

is a retailer. This shown that the

business of the 8. H. W instead Med.

Oo. is built on a solid foundation and

no article with a small beginning could

climb to soch proitortioos and gain so

mu( h favor as 1jix Fos has without

merit in every drop. Dr. Winttead

011 being asked to what he attributed

the phunominal MOOtM of the (Compa-

ny replied that "there ate several rea-

sons." Avery important one is t be

fact that Lai Fos is made of the very

bent in! purest of drugs that money

<ao buy. Other laxative* weaken

those who take them while Lax Fos

contains a general systematic torn,

and that is what gives yon so muchstrength to those who take it. It also

contains the best known and roost ,>ov

ular drug nsed by th- medical profes

sion to strengthen the kidneys and it

•imply oureH every one who takes It.

Then again wo sell every buttle on the

money hack plan. That gives people

confidence to try it The time has

come when to succeed in any business

you must give the consumer even more

than you promise him and that ex

aotly why Lax Fos is having such a

tremendous salu because it is even bet-

ter than anybody thinks it is until he

trios it. If yon nave ever used It, yon.

yourself, know how true this is. It

Is especially alopted to the best class

of trade—It's gooJ enough for the

millionaire s.nd at the same time Its

popular price, 60 cents, puts it in tbe

reach of all. Magatioes and newspa-

pers publish articles on prominent

men who now use I.ax Kos. It is

destined . o be as widely popular as its

merits ate great That means that

the name of Lax Foa will sometime

be a household word in every civilised

nation in tho world. Many lieople

who. suffer from constipation woold

give hundreds and even thousands of

dollars to be curei and yet that is what

Lax Fori will do. Only a few bottles

will pnt you in soch good condition

that yon will not find it naces ary to

take any niedioino at nil. How many

iwoplc have indigestion and howmuch they would give to be cured?

And yet they oonld eat anything they

•it* if they take Lax Fos It ouros.

How many good citizens have from

Kidney Trouble been hurried into an

early grave I And yet 1 .si Foa will

positively and perfectly regulate the

action of the kidneys in men. womenand children. Parents who give Lax

Fes to their children will find that it

will give the little one absolute con

trol over their kidneys during the

night and it Is the only known reme

dy tnat can boast of this achieve-

ment. Expectant mothers will find

that Lax Fos will give them painless

I b.idbirth. Parents of healthiest chil

dren are those who use Lax ros. It is

any wonder that Lax Foa is having

soch enormous sales? Tho people are

just beginning to find out what it will

do. It is predicted that Lax Fos will

bring both fame and fortune to the S.

H. Winstuad Medicine Comiwny and

that company is destined to become

possibly ono of the largest concerns of

its kind in tb



Louisville. Ry.. April 1—Thetees of Berca -ollege have received

and accepted a gift of lUO.OOO fromAndrew Carn-gie. The Utter s gift ia

prompted, it is thought, bv the action

of the Kentuoky legislature in passing

a bill prohibiting the coeducation of

whites and blacks.

Berea is not only the only coeduca-

tional institution la Kentuoky, and,

therefore, the object of tbe hill, but

Is the largest in the south. It is sup-

ported largely by easterners and MissHelen Oould has been the largest con

tiibutorto the endowment fund.


WILL TEST KENTUCKY LAW.Cincinnati. O.. April 1—Thei

a full attendance hero of the S4 trus

tees of Berea college of Kentucky to

consider the Day law, reoently enaot-

ed by the Kentucky legislature. wh.chprohibits tho coeducation of whites

and negroes, as is done Ht Borea. Thecollege is oondooted for the poor

whites as well as for the oolored peo-

ple of Kentuoky. There are proposl

lions ponding to remove it to Ironton.

Portsmouth, or some other point ontho Ohio side of the river, owing to

the Day law. It was decided to enter

soil in the United States court an.',

test the constitutionslity of the Daylaw.




St. Lonls.Mo.. April l.-Jo A. Par-

ker, chairman of tbe Allied Peoph '

inrty before tho fusion of the two

wings at the meeting of the commit

ten held in St. Louis several weeks

ago.was in tho city yesterday on husi

ness. Mr. Parker declared that pros-

pects indicated an unusually large at-

tendance at the Springfield conven-

tion ou Jnly 4. "Many Democrats

are disgusted with tbe manner of con

ducting party affairs, and will refuse

to align themselves with the Democrats this v.ar.bot will identify them

selveii with the People's party. I amthoroughly pleased with the pros-

pects," he said.


The storm i« Hod which wascetiltal

with the foil moon at the ;dose of

March will extend into the 1st and Mof April. Storms of rain, wind, low

barometer an. I hl»:h tempeiatnte will

have given place to snow, rising bar

onieter and much colder in all western

sections a- April comes In.

Cold, northerly winds with frost

and freezing northward, will follow

about the l-t to th. S.I, progressively

from srestto '.ast If frost reacV-

far into con'ral to sonthorn section-

al this time, our readers should not

be taken wholly by surprise Oare-

ful an I impartial observers must have

dlsoovered that the Eastor full moon

is almost invariably attended and fol-

lowed by severe and disagreeable

squalls and boreal weather. The rres

ent case, we believe, will prove no ex-

ception to the rnle. Plants and ten

der vegetation should be protected

against the probability of killing frost

ilunng the first three or four days in


About the 4th to the fith falls a re

actionary «torm jienod, during which

time fulling baromste*, change to

warmer, w ith mote rain and stornii-

ne.s will be probable. Hail storms

will be most natural at ail the Apnl

disturbances and sudden drops of tern

I>eratuTe should not surpise anyone

after all well defined storm


A practice shoot was held by the

Paducah Oun Olnb yesterday after

noon at Wallace Park, and several live

birds left over from Monday's mat oh

were shot at. In addition the follow

ing is the result of the |« bird


Kennedy got 18. Mercer 10,

6 and Starr IS.

In tb. N target event Kennedy got

31, Davis 28. Mercer 211, Kennsdy Hand Davis 19.

In list ten bird matches Kennedy got

8, Davis 8, Nosall «. Mercor «, Davis

10, Mercer 8.

The olnb is now sending ntit the

programs for Its big tournsuieut.


Herbine is a boon fov sufferers from

anaemia. By its ate tbe blood is

tiuickly regenerated and the color be-

comes normal. The drooping strength

is revived. The languor is dimin-

ished. Health, vigor and tone predom

inate. New life and happy activity

results. Mrs. Belle H. Shirel, Mid

dlesboroogh. Ills., write*: "1 have

been troubled with liver complaint

and poor blood and have found noth

ing to benefit me like Herbine. I hope

never to bo without it. I have wished

that I had known of it in my hus-

band's lifetime. " 50o. Sold by Du-

bois Kolb& Co.. Paducah. Ky.


HEALTHThe great remedy for n«

orracs of either sex. sue

iBBPOteocy. NUUilv brie

of Tobacoo or Opium *)

AND VITALITYnn. asroirx"*ifimvumivu jpxxjZjSB

l it 1 .OO per bSS).Amu '

For Sal; "By DuBois, Koib & Company. Paducah, Ky.



The Vulcan storm period, central

on the 10th. will bring a seriss of

pronoun, en storms The culmination

of thes. -torms will fsll about Sun

day. the 10th, to Wednesday, tbe IStb.

Look for high ternpetatnre, low lia-

rone t. r. w ith rain, hull and thunder

progressively from west to east, on th.

llth. 19th and 13th. Rapid rise of

barometer and change to unite cool

will follow behind these storm con

dltions but a reaction to st.irm I ondl

tiMM will suddenly return, and from

the loth to the 17th it will again be

ccnie very warm, pr»vre»-tvelr. the

barometer will again fall M low read-

ings and decided storm- of rain, hsll

and thunder will occur along paths of

low barometric pressure. Tbe siis

den revulsion* of Venus from hot to

cold will Is- felt at this time and at

each disturbance during the rest of

the month. Tornado disturbances

should be apprehended, if very low

taromet- r, high temperature and ab-

normal humidity prevail at this


A regular Vulcan Venus petturba

tions will l<e central on the 3 1 it ex-

tending from the MM to 23d. Tbe

barometer will .Imp low and the tern

per at nre lise very high a* this period

progr. sjes, resulting in many vn

thunder and hail storms on and touch

ing the 31st. aid and 22rd The nor

mel Uiidenoy to April thocdor .haw

ors will grow into decided and far

reaching tuinstorms with stMsJMVMwln.lt and possible tomatoes during

the progress of these .Imurhanoes

The inevitable change to much cooler,

with froids general over oeutral ami

northern sections will follow up the

western flanks of these storms Ijite

snow afMtM need surpns. no one, as

tbe high barometer follows low areas

at these April period-.

One of the most decided, and per-

haps violont. storm periods of the

mouth, extends front about tbe a«tb

to avtb. This period is nearer the < en

ir. of the Venne ditturbanor, I- in a

Mercury peituarbalion.. with moon on

the celestial equator, in perigee and

full. We warn our rcadeis to wat h

the barometric conditions aun storm

developments at this timo. Very gen

eral and severe storms are tnoro than

probable. This is a time when de

strcutive hail and storms are almost 11

oertainty In very msny sections. Ab-

normal downjiours of rain will alxo

visit central to southern rogions. The

month will go out with high baromo.

tor, cold winds and frosty nights


l c. getTahother.



We are buying full sized bottles of

Dr. Carlstedt's German Liver Powder

and giving them away to sufferers

from Liver and Kidney troubles

Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,Dyspepsia, Malaria, Nervous and SickHeadache, Diarrhcaa and Dysentery.

There is really no limit lo Mm expense this lattsmjxsUhlr/f>tto tsfMf

mav amount to lmt w»- will |«y any price to com mt c Mill. r< rs that

htWB is a sure anil certain euro.

When seekine; rwll f from nny bodily nilment, what is the ono

central throujiht to l>e stop* in vi< w ? It M this: De .part not MMiota frOM MatOfe'a gtsutdartM of rfftM Md wTOMfi A>-k your phveMian

to assist, not obstruct, the natural Jaw ni your boinn. When you

have nude this just and reasonable demand, you must pi ptjMMi

neject the ipreut mass of ao-ialkd |»at< nt remedies, and with the

utmost prudence accept the one that m a wtruinht to Natutu <ot its

tettnuUi W'. v M ' Btl many nn hour to slake our imputation

upou uuy tc uu dy ol less iiitiinsn; wortli than

Dr. Carlstedt's

German Liver Powderuur claims in o^jeis h xhf wi) i)bmluXf (Wt for !{v , t


trouble jnd their accompanyino disrrrrters. 1* tkia a bfxw4 claim, think

you? To be consistent we mu t j.fove this e laim to l>c tnte. You

may ho troubled with an inactive? Uv< r at the time of reading this

adw rtisem. nt. You have only to fill out tin Ix low coniHin, mail to

US and wo will s-nd you bv return mail an ord«-r on the In low HniK-

gist lor a lull sir. d bottle lor which we will pay him and which will

pot cost you one ei-nt. Vou may have 1 1 .< d many so-called reme-dievt

in t!ic past, but this one rample do. s I t y. u what nothinK e lse- ever

did. Thus (ar in the proceeding* wo h.iv< both met the i> .ue with a

mutual f.11 rn< M tal spirit. You arc rrlie v«-d ol that iMfassiaf MM ol

constipation or habitual dizziness and loss ol appetite. You are

hopelul lor the first time in years, and not without a just cause.

Won't you be lair with yourse lf Jf vou need this help will youm re! v send us this coupon to learn what this product is? II vou

don't need it will you tell us a hi n I sTcMj dms? Theft: '» no gr< at. 1

service that vnu ran do a sick friend than t<

v t Dr. Carlslotit's German liver Ponder.

CUT OUT THIS COUPONFor thi< offer m.iv M appear aaaln hill out the btauk% and mail b> Tbeim.-rl,.in l>h.rm^,l Cj, I MM, lib*. Iltd.Co., I

My disease ij.

I have nt-' T t r < I Dr. CarUladt'sme a i'jc bottle fire t «dl tike it.


but if yo# wilj r*u| ]Ay

IIOlHllll •ss*assflstsss*ssis«s(St*sassas

testes*** aess***e*s*.a*aas***ss*e*



For furthor

For Sale By l)ul!Ul>. rvtll.H .v t'O., Pa.lo.ah. Ky.

Mar* and^tHeMachine

Mr . -Alexander' T.^ Brown,inventor of the Smith Premier

Typewriter," ii unquestionably

the foremost writing machine ' expert of the

world. Besides, he is a practical and successful

business man. m He built the first/

Smith PremierTypewriter *

not only fnr hsndtome snd ipecdy work, hut to en.lurr under

the srverrtt dcmsn:b of s<-ual huiincu. The Smith Premier

is fire from the weskneuct cf eccentric, imprscticsl con-

atraction, and to-day embodies the Istest demanstratsi

tmprorements of this typewriter expert. Mr. Brown, aa

Vice-President of thit Company, will continue to devote his

entire time s-.d Hvemivc genius to malntaiu the Smith Premier

i It now standi at the

World'sSrni t.wliT for «"»

^Ihhsins UMtl/ why thm i

Thu SmlfK .ler

ST821 Pine St


OUI5. -' - MO

Attorney J. R. Urotcan went to

Bandana today at noon on business.

P 1. L. I. 1. 1. 1.1 .J. IS I V l.i





New Tork, Aiwil I J. P. Mcr,<an

haves next Monaely for Lnndon,

whera he will probably remain the

rest of his life. His son is to

fall oharge of tbe father's

bis affairs having; been so arranged

that bo is now ready to give np tbe

nareH of business. Many ceinferences

were held in the offloes of J. P. Mor

gan & Co., this afternoon. The new*

that Mr. Morgan was to have NewYork .jniokly spread through Wall

atree t, but ton late to have any effect

Motile, Ala., April I.—It in report

ed Mm that the Illinois Oeptral rail-

road people have seoored control oMheMobile, .Taekson and Ksnsas Olty

road, which operates between here and

Laurel. Miss , and is building toward

Jackson, Tenn. It is al«o reported

that the Illinois Osntral is building

tho branch




Long distance* lines and telephones of

this Company enable you to talk almostanywhere In Southern Indiana, SouthernIllinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippiand Louisiana. -We can put you In quickand satisfactory communication with thepoople of this groat section of tho country.Wo solicit your patronage. Rates reason-able. Equipments and faclllUoa unsur-passed.



LAX'FOS Cur^.iniiTt!!Ji1a



troubles bv removing the


lasses c. cat,dwell,Prr.1.1. . 1 A 1 . 1 «t

J. W.SWy A T


Paducah Transfer Co.Incorporated

Light and Heavy HaulingPhones I


P. D. Fitzpatrick, Supt.

000000000000000 >o

scrofula;Rcrofula appeared on the head of myMM In grandchLjd whnn only IS month*

old, ami •proud rapidly over her body,'leeaia nest attached the eyes >nd

i faared aha would loaa har sight,nit physlclana ware consulted, but


WE INHERIT.Scrofula manrttsta itself in many ways' Swelling <>f the glanda of the

Beck an 1 tllfOtvt, Catarrh, weak cyee, white flwelling.ufTenMve Korea and ab-

IMKt, | !,in eruptiona, loss of strasrirthafld MtklMVil muscles nnd joints.

It is a niacrable disease an'd traceable in almost every instance to somefamily blood taint.

S< t. .(ill. i is bred in the

bone, is transmittedfrom parent to clnld.

the seeds ai e pl.mtt d in

infancy and unless the

blued is pureed and purifled 1 1 1 cry atom of

th<- taint twuanA ft Mlula is sine to develop nt

otue|KMiiMlin your fife.

.V. remedy email S. S. S. as a cure lor Scrofula. It cleanses and builds

Op the blood, in dees it rfen and pure, and under the tonic effects of this

great IH.mkI Keincdy. the general health improves, the digestive organs arestrengthened, and there is a gradual but sure returnto health The deposit of tubercular matter in thejoints and glands is t arried off as soon ns the bloods restored t, 1 .1 normal condition, anil tlvr sores, erup-tions, and other symptom of Scrofula disappear.

S. 8. S. is guaranteed purely vegetal and harmless; an ideal Moodfenfiller and tonic thai removes all blood taint ami build' up weal* > onstitu-

UonM. ( >ur phvaicians will advise without i harKc, all who write us about

ISO South ftth Btreet.

Em-, but

Id do nothing to relieve the littla io-nooant. It wna than that we decided totry H. b. B. That medlolna at onoe mailaa speedy and complete cure. She la Dowa young lady, and haa never had aof the disease, t.. return.



their case, book rubied free

r,t7'ft CCttfS.

remoThe £

Only 5c Cigar

So Good That AMillion Men Smoke

It Every Day

Largest Seller in the World

The "Band is the*i>S!

How About Your New Suit

for Spring?

I he so pretty tiays surest spr in 14 and now clothes

time. I Ml showing I hi", line of handsome suitings

and troutering and you should see it at once.

W. J. DickeRemember I have moved to 516 Broadway,

Columbia builtfing.

"As mad as

a wet hen"I* eterv man' a'lowauce when his latin

ilry work doesn't please him. The umrwoik doesu't please everybody—all of ui

bars whims of our own. Doesn't matter-

we won't quarrel. We will please you

I .. 1 us humor your whims, but pleiae give

us au inkling of the little things you like

attended to.

Star LaundryBoth Phones KM. • HO N. 4th St.

N»HHmmHH^WHIe1 1 1 • *+ » lilllllHillillli t.


j; Did You Ever See a Horse Groomedj|

With a Machine?We have just put in operation one of the latest improved

Klectric Oroomcrs. Call and ore it work, and, you will say

X that a horse cannot be cleamed by hand.

Horjc. Cleaned and Clipped for $1 50 Each.

The Tully Livery Co.Fourth and Court Streets

iM im i iH n i t M 1 1 1


1 1m 1 1


1 1 1 1




1m »*«.

Subscribe for THE SUN and get the news

while it is news.

^. - . .. ...^v..^. ..,.*> , . . .... .

Observations tukan at 7 a. m. Hirer

49. h on the gauge, a riae of 1.6 tn the

last ti hours. Weather partially

. loudv and cooler Temperature 40

with southwest winds.

t A. FOWLER, Local Obsarrer.

A Cincinnati disr»tch says: Thojtow-

lioat Joe Walton, with a fleet of load-

ed eoalhoata anil barges ran into the

buuk at the foot of Stsfo arenoe this

uiornlng, sinking font barges and two

boathand scattering the balance of

the tow ihmg the river as far downart Riverside The steamer Twilight

wits near by and went to tbe resrn • of

the Walton, as did the Hercales Car-

rel. The loss will be from 170,00 to

|IO,()00. It In tbooght that the Peer-

ing gear of the Walton was oat of or-

iter, its her engines were backing water from the time she left the sooth-

em bridge uoiil she straca the hank

The extent of the lows in tbe disae-

tor to the Alioe Brown and W. W.

O'Neil in the recent .mm near Lui-

ore. aboTe Memphis, run In better

appreciated when it ll known that the

ordinary Inn I of one coalboat la aboot

90,000 bnsbels, or, In round numbers,

1,000 toon In the two wreoks there

were lost 42 boats. Each boat coat

alout 1760 ant tbe average citizen

can figure oat well enough what loss

then- li In 42,000 tons of conl.

The Chatt.tiooga is doe from Ten-

nessee river ia a few days. She left

that city yesterday and makes but

few s'ep-en roate down Mr. Frank

Brown, the newly elected wharfmas-

i. r. will come off the boat hen- to ac-

oept bis new offlce.ond it is not knownwho will ruccoed him on tbe boat.

Captain H Baker, mnnager of the

local Ayer A Lord office, in oat to-

day aftor a several day*' illness of

rhenmatlHm, Captain Baker's manyfriends will ho plfiued to leitrn of his

recovery and will welcome him on

Monkey Wrench corner again

Tbe Lyda arrived tbis morning

from Cumberland river and hail it

broken baigu tn tow. Her tiller rope

broke and sent tlx barge against it

tiee Tbe barge is not very badly

damaged with bat will be taken oat

nil the dooks tomorrow.

There is a movement on foot in

Cincinnati to build a large new

wbarfboat that will cost betweeu

5O.C0O and InO.000, and whiob iM to

be osed Jointly by the Pittsburg Paok

•t oompaiiy and the Memphis Paoket


A large port loo of the Big Sandy

wharfboet, carried awny by ice from

Cincinnati a week or M ago, has been

caoght at Ctlca, lad . and tied to the


Tbe Henrietta if laying h. re with a

tow waiting for tbe barges at JopiKt to

be unloaded so that ibe can get in aud

discharge her tow.

The Tennessee in due out of Ten-

neaaee river and will leave a

. >e, ,

. >•, ,

. >e,




. t

. >*>. .

>•< ,

< >e. ,

. .•, .

. ••. .

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X5he GentleFrom Indiana

-By -Booth Ta>-rkis<gto»;


ISt'J. by T>oubU4*y /3& McClurt Co.

Comyright. 1702. by MtClar*. Thilllp, (3L Co.

< >e< .

« >•< i

, ,

i ,

. e.

trip Saturday night at 0 o'

Mr. Lather Brown,

steamer Chattanooga,

by tbe illneaa of bis daughter.

The MempbiH will leave St Louis

today and will paee Padooah • n route

to TenneiHee river Sunday.

The Charleston in still at Jopi*

and will be up today probably to go

into T. iinescoe liver.

Tbe KiiKMdl Lord if bete aud will

go into Wblte river today after tiea.

The Dick Fowler left on timethht

morning for Cairo with a good ttlp.

Oaptnia John Oeigermann bought

the Sal.noa at Evanevillo Toeeday.

J The Hook and Wilfortt are due to

morrow ont of Cumberland river.

The Savannah is doe out of Tennee

aee river about Sunday uight.

The Koyal arrived antl departed oa

time today for (Jolconda.

The Buttortf in due Scnday from




Rudy, Phillips & Co.

HiH.' i l Hllil t tt tKimt t

! "Red Raven Splits"



"CenUeuen. it seema to me (tint Mr.Smith and Mr Uibabaw," nodding tothe man with the ruwhide whip, "nrel*ith riju-tit. Wh.it are wa Aohkjhere? Whnt we want to know Is whnt't)hap|M'ned to Mr Wartlew It lmiks

J tint now like the ihell Dl D 1. ludit h;ive

done It. Let's find nut what they done.Scatter and hunt for Mm. Soon as any-thing'* known for certain milliard'smill whlHtle will blow tbr.-e times.

Keep on looting till It doea; thin." befliilnlietl. with a barely peiwejtHllascornful Fmlle ut the n 1 1

• .rri v thenwe can ilecld-' on what I id i.ii.-lit Im-

don"."Six Crimsromlii lay dark and steam

Ing In the sun that morning The force

wan allent. tlx- saliKin I<h ked up, the

roiiilway de«erte<l rVM liv tbe pigs

Tin' broken old baggy sUkhI rotting In

tlie mud without a single lean little old

man or woman sueh wen- the chil-

dren of the Cro*«rr*ids to play altoiit

It. < iiiee, when the d't»ut y sheriff rode

through alone, a tattered Idaek hound,more wolf than dog. half emerged,growling, from beneath one of the

tumbledown barns anil was jerked

buck into the darkness by his tall, witha snarl fiercer than his own. while a

gun bnerel shone for a second as It

swung for n ntroke on tin' brute's beadThe bound did not yelp or whine whenthe blow fell. He shut hU even twice

and tdmik sullenly brick to hlsphuv.The shanties might have reeoivesl n

volley or two from some of the mount-ed bands, e\as|M'r:ited by futile search-

ing, bad net the escape of Horner's

prtonners made the guilt of the Cross-

mods appear doutitful In tbe minds of

uiany As the morning wanetl the advocates of the theory that the namIdem bad made away with llarkless

grew In number. There cuine a tele-

gnuii from the Itntien chief of |n>llee

!hnt Ire bad n clew to tlietr whereabouts.He thought they lud BWBeMW In

PaBCwtaf Houen. and It beam to 1h»

ren.-rnlly i»elleved thst they had es-

i c ipisl by the 1 o'clock; freight train,

which bud stopls'd to take on someempty cars at u side truck a mile north-

west of town. ueriMH the Uclds fromthe ItrlstxM' house. Toward noon a

u-iiU wont out to «v/ik|ku V<>' .*>IJ

road eiiilMinkment. t/

Men Ix-gati to come hack Into the vll-

< Inge for breakfast by twoa and thre.'s,

but many kept ou seatvliInK the wisxls.

not fis-lliig the mssl of fuiMl or caring


If they did. Every grove and clilinp

of underbrush, every ttuVkct, was ran

, sacked. The waters of the creek, sbal-

I low for tbe luoKt part, but swollen

Iovernight, wen> drnggtd nt every |hs>1.

Nothing was found Tilers- was not a


The bar of tbe hotel was thronged


all morning as the returning citizens

rapidly made their way thither, andtli<»«» who had breakfasted and weregoing out again pnirscd for Internal uswell IIS eMillial re .iifori i im nt The


lan.lloril, himself returned from u longhunt, net out his whisky with u lavish


"He was the la-st man We bad, boys,"

IBM lentil* us he poured tbe little

glasses full. "We'd ort of sent him to

il.' legislative halls of Washingtonlong ago. He'd of done us honor there.

Cut we never Iho'.ivht of dolu' any-thing for Lit lit. .lest set tvuud and left

him build up tbe town nud give himempty thaiikyes. lirlnk heurty. gentiemeu," be tlulshcd gloomily. "I duu'tgriHlge no llipiur tuduy except to I.lge


"He was a good man," said youngWilliam Todd, whose nortc was nil. notfrom the whisky. "I've about glv%up."

"It's golti' to oeem mighty ein;ity

around here," said ltoss flrbpili M"Whafs goln' to become o' the Heraldmid tbe party In this district? When s

tbe man to run either of 'em now?Like ns not," lie continued desperately,"It'll go against us In the fall."

I >lbb Zune choked over his four lin-

gers. "We might's well bust up thedab dust<<l ole town af he's gone."

"I ilou't know what's ctuue over thatCynthy Tlpworthy," said tlie landlonj."She's waltisl table on bltu lust twoyears, ami Imt brother Hud works uttbe Herald olllce. She tlMn't s.,y a

word, only Itxikcd ami looked andlooked, like a cnuy woman; then herand Hud went off together to bunt In

the Wttods They Jest tuck hold ofeach other's hands like"—

"I reckon there ain't muiiy craxler

than them two Bowkfefft, father andson." Interrupted a patmn. wiping thedrops from his U-urd ua lie set bis

glrisii on tls> bur. "They rid Into townlike a couple of wild Indians, the old

man tieutln' that gray mare o' lln imtill sbe was one big wait, and lit* ain't

imtcberly no cruel man either I ex-

pect I.lge Wllletts better keep out of

Hurt ley's way.""I keep out of no man's way:" cried

a volte btUoJ him. Turning, they aawLlge standing on the threshold of the

door tbut led to the strtvt. In bis bandbe held tbe bridle of the horse he badridden uenwa the sidewalk and Unit

now stood punting, with lowered beadhalf through the doorway, beakle ids

master. I.lge was hatless. splashedwith mud from head to lout; his jawwin set, his teeth ground together. Ills

eyee burmsi under red lids, and his

half hiy toosed aud dump ,011 his brow.

"I keep out of no mail's, way." he re-

pented hoarsily. "I beard you. Mr.

Tilths, but I've got too much to do,

while you louf uml ga and drlnlv over

Luadla' Imr. I've got other business

than kevpln' ont of Hurt Itowlibt


way. I'm listkin' for John Hnrtiless.

He was tlie ls-st man we hail In llils

ornery hole, and be wa* tist good fo.-

in. and so we've maybe let him get

killed, and maybe I'm to blame. Hut

I'm goln' to llnd Man, nnd If he's hurt

I'm goln' to have a hand on the rope

that hits ihc men that did It If I huve

to fo to ltoileu to put It there. After

that PU answer for my fault, not bo-


Ho threw himself on hie horse and

was gone. Soon the room emptied, ua

the patrons of the bar returned to the

seireb. and only Mr. Wllkerson nnd

tl, landlord rvmaliK-d. the bar ts-lng

lb. professional office, so to apeak, of


At 11 o'clock Judge Briscoe dropped

wearily from his horse at hie own gate

and said to a wun girl who came run-

ning down the walk to oust blm:

There Is nothing yet. I sent the tuV

agran to your mother -to Mrs. Slier





Mr. Stuyevsant Fish, president of

the Illinois Central railroad haa writ-

ten a letter to Kentucky in which the

latter expresses hie regrets that the

Army Post Bill haa been reoommeaded

to the exolnsion of Went Point. Mr.

FiKh save that he WM not advised of

MM hill's consideration, or he would

have made it a point to appear before

the committee in it* interest. Tbe

road bos given constant co-operation

to the State of Kentucky in the effort

to secure the site, and Mr. Fish will

be ia Waihiugton Monday, at which

time be will make any effort that is

practicable to



Iron Mo intain Ronto operates Pull

man tourist sleepperi, St. Loirs to

California, leaving 8.30 a. m. ditily

via Little Ra k, Tsxarkana, Dallas,

Fort Worth and El Pa*o. The Ideal

Route to California. Past schedule.

Cheap colonist rates in effect daily

during Mar. b itod April, 1U04 to Cal-

ifornia and the northwest. Pullman

tourist sleepers ria Missouri Pacific

railway. Leave St Louis erery Thurs-

day 8 a. m. ; from Kansas City Wed-

nesdays, Thursdays and Friday s 0: 30

p. m., going via Pneblo, D. and R. O.

system through Qlonwood Springs.

Salt Lake City to Ogdon, etc. Home-

seeker and colonist rates to various

points in the west and southwest er-

ery first and third Tuesdays each

month. For map folders, descriptive

literature, rates, etc.. consalt nearest

ticket agent, or address,

R. T. O. MATTHEWS, T. P. A.,

Room 301 Norton Building, Louis-

ville, Ky.

•leading" a'ttornets.

Jos. R. Orogan. Attorney at law.

room 408 Fraternity building. Phone


203-306Taylor &Fraternity baitding. Both phonei ttuo

T. B. Harrison, 13 and 14

bia building. Old phone lot).

& MartTn7Na MlFourth street, up stairs.

W. V. Eitton, 817-819 Fraternity

INVALUABLE FOR RHEUMATISMI have boen suffering for the past

few years with a severe attack of

rheumatism and fouud that Ballard's

Snow Liniment waa the only thing

that gave me satisfaction and tended

to alleviate my pains. March 24th,

1U02, John 0. Deguan, Kinsman, Ilia.

8fic, 60c and «1.00. Sold by DuBois

Kolb and & Co., Padncah, Ky.

Lax-Fos For tb Klney's.



"Red Raven Splits"





Several Players of the K. I. T.

Club are Now in the City.

Others Are Coming in a few Daya-I.

C. Shop* to Hare a T^am

This Year.


King base ball will soon reign su

pri me again and oeerybody is out

looking for the new players.

"Have all the men come, « here

are they stopping at ; what sort of

looking fellow* are they, and do they

look like fast men, and when will

they go not tn work?" is tbe general

run of questions bred at a reporter aa

bo makes Ins regular rounds.

Everyone seema to want to know all

elxiut the team aud when the toys be-

gin hitrd work they will huve quite

an aggregaiion of fans ont to scetbem.

Those who buve arrived ao far are

F. Sweeney, Louisville, catoher; Rob-

ert Barlow, Ironton, O. , oatcher;Oro-

rer Land, Frankfort, catcher ; Charles

Doyle, pitcher; Ernest Vlrgils, Tole-

do, O., ihort itop; O. L Keeling,

Indiana, fielder; M. K Hudacn, Ten-

nessee, pitcher.

The other players will arrive daily

and Potts, of Nashville, tbe craok lit-

tle innelder, will arrive on tbe «th.

Ray is looking after tbe

grounds and is getting the boys in on

a little preliminary work. Diok Bra

hie, the local pitoher, is in good form

and Manager Ray tbioke ha will make


The I. C. shops will bare a base-

ball team this season, and Mr. Virgil

Berry, the well known wood worker,

will have oherge of it. Mr. Berry

played -e-ond base for the team laat

year. There are several new men em-

plovrd in tbe shops who are said to be

fait ball players and if Mr. Berry haa

tbe material he thinks he will be able

to secure , will give Padncah a oraok

team tbis seenon.

Mr. Henry Dicke. tbe pitoher, will

likely he given a trial in professional

company tbis season, Dioke Is a fast

pitoher. He bas good curves, and ex-

celh nt speed. Hia many frienda here

will wish him success if be goea in for

professional balL


I. C. Blat'ksnritha Hay Nothing

Was Done of FHVM Interest.

Engine Foreman Haa Eye Painfully

Injured By a

Mr. Guy Randall, the I. O. black-

smith, and Mr. Leonard Block, the

hr l;>er. have returned from Chicago

where they attended a meeting of

blacksmiths and blacknulths' belpera

beld in that city Monday.

Nothing of importance to tbe pub

lio ia reported to hare been done, and

.11 representatlres bare returned

home Mr. Randall states that noth-

ing towards arranging a new scale ,

but it is reported among the employee

of the -imps that an inoreaeo of half a

dollar wus given tbe helpers.

Hi .• rs now reoeivu 91.65 and it ia

said tbe new scale whiob will be asked

for and which has been promised the

helpers, will be from f3 90 to »2 95.

This was not corroborated, however,

by the local blaokfinithi.

Mr. W. A. Mundy. engine foreman

in tbe employ of the local 1 C. is

laying off suffering from a bmlly in-

jured eye. A large oindor flew In the

eye yeaterduy and the railroad phytl-

cians had a hard time removing it.

He will be able to resume his duties

in n few daya, it is thought.

Tbe local I. C. wrecker arivod tbis

morning at 7 o'clock from Oakland

where it bas bejn working on a small



S. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ot-

tawa Co. , Kansas, writes: "This is

to say that I hare us. d Ballard 'a

Horehound Syrup for yoars and that

I do not hesitate to recommend it aa

tbe best rough syrup I hare ever used

9Sc. 60c, 91.00. Sold by DuBois Kolh

ft Co., Padncah, Ky.

— -

My Breath.Shortness of BreathIs One of the Com-monest Signs ofHeart Disease.

Notwithstanding what many physlo-luns any. heart disease enn be cured.

Dr. Miles' New Heart Cum haa per-manently ri-sttired ' to health manytti.tummus who had found no relief Inthe medicines (allnpnthlc or homoeo-pathic) of raajMhu practicing physicians.

It has provnd Its. If unluuu In the his-tory of medicine, by being so uniformly•ucecssful in curing those dl.srtnics.

Nearly always, one of the rirst signsof trouble Is shortness of br.-atl Wh. tit-

er It comes as a result of wauur* orrunning up stairs, or of oth.-r ex, MaeaIf tlie heart Is unable to BMst this extrademand upon Its pumping imams llissn

la something wrong with it.

Toe very beat thing you ran do, la totake Dr. M.I :•' N w II it

Will go to the foundation of t),t trou-

ble, and make a permanent euro bystrengthening and renewing the onrvea.

"1 know that I>r. Mllcs'_ New IteortCure Is u gr»-;tt r«-mcdy. For .1 nuiof year* I euffrr»nl from shortness t»r

breath, smothering- spells, uml ikiIhh Inmy left Hlilo For months tit a time I

would be unable to lia on my lift, side,nnd if I lay H it on my buck would nearlysmother. A friend advised using Dr.Miles New Heart Cure, whli-h I didwith good result*. I l>'-gan to Improveat once, tind after taking several l-.ttl-a

of the Heart Cure the pain* in my sideand other symptoms vanish.,]. 1 limnow entirely well. All tin- - dreadfulFmotherlng spells- nrw a thing of thepant."—K. 1\ IdtAKK. Itiddlelowa, O.

If the first bottlo does not help you.the druggist Will refund, your ni, .tn.y.

UOPP Write To us for Kreu trialX XVXjCj l'nekak-e of Dr. Miles' Anti-Paln P'Ms, the N"W Seientlila Remedyfor I'xln. Also flymptom Iilank. OurBpeclnllat will dlagtMMM t il

you what Is wrong, and h"W to nt;!it It,

Free. 1>U MII.10S MKI'K'AI. CO.,LAliOKATUlUfc.jf UUUiAKT, UiU.

Cultured and ruetio Indiana tyis'S

to the nnniber of orer 30, mingle and

afford virid oo«traeta io Joseph Ar-

thur's big scenio melodrama "Lost

Rirer. " The scenery of Sontb. rn In-

diana is represented aa full of oolor

and beauty aa are some of the Hoosier

-hariu tera. Apples, pumpkins, mel-

ons, sheop, toligate, horses, a larld

storm effect and some oddly apparell d

characters are only half the Inlerest

ingand remarkable effects. "Lost

River" will be the attraction at Tbe

Kentucky tonight. Prices 96c to $1

Beats now on sale.

The Flints are to come here for a

week noxt week. Ladies free Mond.ty




Lax-Fos SAT

A prominent druggist tell< anamua

ing instance of the inability of bia

porter to nrercome his natural tenden-

cies, which axe to take in good liquor

when it oomef along.

Tho other day tha porter found

bottle partially filled with whiskey in

tin alley near hia place of busine**,

and taking it to the boss, asked Uaabnot the adr inability of drinking it

It looked all right and sinelled all

right, but the drngglst said it might

be dragged o' poisoned, and advised

tbe darkey to throw it away.

Tbe porter hesitated and finally

jhlaj , d it in hie pocket, and after oar

rying it about for several hours and

conscientiously debating in his mind

whether or not to drink it he turned

up the bottle and surround? 1 it.

In half au bonr ha returned tn the

store with a glitssy look out of his

oy. s. The boss noticed it and ask.d

if he hai drunk that whisker" Ysii« lues " he replied, "I the

drunk it, but it wa' dis way. I oomse

tow do in lnaion dat good whisl.ey is

mighty soase.an' niggitfas ia plentiful,

ao I runs de risk an' gobbled (1st li

qnoh down." He aoou recovered fiom

the effects.





Tho roar door to Fred Roniaiuc's sa-

rar Fourth and Broad streets

was found o»»n early tbis morning

nnd the cash drawer, ujion investiga-

tion, was found to bare brea robbed

of four or fire dollrare. Nothiag else

of conaeqnence was missed and the

thieves left no clue.

Hurley and Crois »t an ear-

ly hour tbis morning found the front

door to the peanut factory on lower

Jefforsou si reel open, but so far as

could be ascertained nothing waa sto-

Thc ( sstalut has returned from

Mississippi rirer where she audited

the Ruisell Lord with her wrecked


ii i

WE INVITE YOU £ff&&JSLl?S&&g STSWe Carry Many

Handsome Styles...

In Misses' a id Children's

Ox'ords ami Sandals.

Ask to see the new tan

Oxfords. Tliiy are swell.

1% *-uv Our Line of


Shoes and Slippers [is a

revelation to artistic shoebuyers. Ask to see


GEO. ROCK,321 Broadway


LUCKY DAYIf you bought anything last Wed-nesday at the Grand Leaderbring your ticket and get bacRyour money.


American-German National BankPADUCAH, KENTUCKY

Capital and Surplus $326,000.00

Geo, c. Thompson Prut

. T J. Atkins, Vies Ftei

ltd. L. Atkin*. Casslei

Husbands. AMI Cash,

Accounts'of individuals, firms'and ..or

porations a- e respectfully invited.\* J*

This bank is centrally , located, completely equipped and will re-

ceive new business on most favorable terms.

Have some choice offices to rent. Lighted, heated and all sant

f#fcfcir? Droy em en t s




city eiuplojeo.

Iiattie Clark

Frank Moore

Henry Bailey

Will LydonFred Aibton


Prank Harlan

Ed Clark

Cbas. i. rim

Joiin Austin

OhM. Holliday

Motl popular

O. OEd

W. WHarry Filler

John O. ReavisI no Saundors

Will Gregorv.

Resident of

federal, oonaty or










ember oi local onion.







the county

W. K. Paxton, Pres. R. Rl'DV, Caihiei P. Pibvkar. Asit. Cashier


I Citizen's Savings BankThird and Broadway


Jaraes'A. RudyGeo. O. Hart

H. Kauileiter


K *P. Gilson

E. Parley

Geo. C. Wallace

W. H. Paxton

R. Rudy

Invites the accounts of all persons iu need of bank


Open Saturday Nights

Interest Paid on Time Deposits

I vole for

As the nio»l popular federal, city or

Nut good after April 4, 1904.

I vole far

Ai the most popular

local union.

of a

N .t good after April. 4, ivU.

As llic moat popular clerk.

Not good after April. 4, 1904.

I vote for

As the must


of the

Not good after April. 4.


LUCKY DAYIf you bought anything last Wed-nesday at the Grand Leaderbring your ticket and get bachyour money.




At the most popular

Not good after April. 4 I9°4-

Coal Lime and CementISewer Pipe <3 Wall Coping

| H. M. CU1NN11NOHAM| Phone 960-a 13th and Clark


1 Henry Temple.

Henry Honaer

C. K I. ami. n 1

Richard Boll

J. W. Harris

0. M Thornhill

Ed Willis

J. V McQueen

Tboo Hovecamp

Retail or wholesale

Harry Hinkle

Miss Rath Oremeens

Mr. Fred Smith

Un. Ollie Elliott

Hannah Fetter

Miss Maggie Williams

Miss Mamie uaynham

Miss Augusta List

School teacher.

Minis Jessie Byrd

Miss Jessie Rooks

William Lawrenc*

VlUri Lizzie Singleton

Misa Mabel Roberts

Mis* Ellen Willis

Prof. A. M.

Miss Etta Ware

W. B. Mason

Prof. J. T.

Sue At

















8411, 6U0













Nashville anil a Destroyer to

Leave at Once for St. Louis.

No Definite Stop. Yet Taki n to ft

earn Vim From 1

It has been ileflnltely derided hp the

navy department to send the gunbout Nashville and torpado boat de

strojer, I-avwcno, to e3 1 . Lonis to 1

present during tho world's fair, andthe officers of these vessel* have been

notified to prepare for the trip. Bothvessels tire being pin. cd in good con-

dition for the trip and the tOsaMlnni.il


long vnit lo Si. Louis.

The Lawrence, which wan th. v. a.

sel recently rammed at Key Wast by a

steamer, has just been launched from

the dock at Ptnsacola. Fla.mar Mbile. Ala., afler being overhauled amipainted, and the Nashvill. is now ont

on the Spanish do< k being plur. I in

condition. Both the vtsgels will leave

Mobile early next week for the loug

trip up the Mississippi to St Louis.

| No definite stepi have v t l» en ta-

ken to have the government allow the

vessels to cjma to l'tidn. ab Th.n is

an effort on part of a number of I .m

gressmen. however, to g, t the vcseela

op the Ohio, the people at Evaosville,

Ind., being working to that i ml. It

is not improbable that th* desired per

mission will Im< granted if lb« rivef

remains high enough.



Spring MillineryTo start the season we put on display Fri-

day and Saturday a most charming assem-

blage of new hats. Our assortment far sur-

passes that of any house in the city, Every-

thing in millinery that is smart and up to-

date from the simplest to the most elaborate

models designed lot Master wear. Amongthe new"piing hats that are the most at

tractive is a great variety of Topics. Turbans,Flare Shapes, etc . designed and trimmed by

skilled aitists, from *2 50 to lio 00.

Saturday's Attractive Values.

ijoNew York pattern hats, no two alike, regular

£4 M values, great Raster ssle CO P.f]

price "U#^

175 New York pattern lists, no Iwo alike, regular

|6 00 value*, great Kaster saleQQ

jflo imported models, each an individual style that wcall not be duplicated, tegular lia.oo and #15 00

v.luc,.great Raster.aleJ7 gfl Jjfl flfl

SKirts! Spring Suits! SRirts!

color novelties <

In order to make room for our immenseHock ol mid summer goods we will close out

our complete stock of fiue Spring Tailor

Suits at oue-thi'd oil regular prices.

New Iilamine skirti, new Voile skirts, new Cheviot

skirts, endless variety of style, color and workman


i»5 fine sample I'eau de Soie silk skirts and silk

cots for esrly spring wear.

1 ?s fine sample I'eau de Soie ailk akirti, regular

.,.«,„.«,.,JIQ QQ J,,,, J,2 50

fu jo t.ue cloth and Voile dre

great Kaster sale price

fs 00 line eloth res. skirts and line Ktamlne JC QQ

The beat f 10.00 suit in At»erica, satiu lined *C QQJacket, Cheviot in blue and black tor W w0

The best #12.50 Mil in Ameiica in llglM fjQ

Cheviots for


to 5-



m .kin.,qq



Thi> Ch 1 to sa

Grand showing of women's waists in Japantse andChina Silks, Lutawa, I.awna and all weav«s of

H«l>nea raugmg in price Irom |i w to |a 00.

All our fs 00 B(M 1 irneh hair braid* in light snddark shades go lor f J.Jo.



Rev. John W. Sye* todav filed -all

here against the N 0, A St L K

R. and 1 luoago. Rock hlatalsM rV

eiflo rood -for 9388 Aaawsfafe fH the

loss of valuable books.

The petition states that tho books

were shipped with n lot of boos, hold

effects from Topeka, K»> . to IMu ah

snd ll.nt the b<K>k- sftsppati lu reparato

Itoiies. were never delivered. He val

ties the books very high), si lie y ar.

hard to replace and asks for $831 .lam-

age- for th. IOKI of same.

Often a |wr»on pull off taking need-

ed tonic bernase of the disagreeable

ta«te of most tonic preparations.

Therefore, the Ideal tOMI should be

pleasant to the jialale. Walther's Hep-

tonized Fort mayjostly claim the ti-

tle rf the ideal ionic, tor in addition

to being highly agreeable to the tun to,

il is a strengtliener of gnat, it vsloe,

combining port wine, itself a tonic of

noted efficacy, with pepsin win. b is

nature's own digestive agent.

This preparation resorts lost fi all

ty and cure* nervous prostration, in-

digtition and all kindreit of ailments.

Small size 50 cents, large size 11.

Sold by W. B. Mcl'herion. Cor.

Fourth and fiioadway.

THE BAZAAR'.2') Broadway.



Bj Hm Hoods 1;* t » n K>.t!is

viiie ami Cairo!

Hundreds of 'I'hooiat ds of An. • of

Wheat DSaM Wat. r Al




Rudy, Phillips & Co.


SKINROUGHNESSThis is the time of the year

when the wind plays havoc

with sensitive skins makingrou^h faces and hands and

chapped lips.

f HENRY'S ASEPTIC CREAMis a delightfully perfumed pre-

paration, is s'Kdhing and heal-

ing and prevents and cures skin

irritations and roughness, caused

by exposure to March winds

and dust. 2.5c bottle.


Sixth and Broadway


Telephones: Office. 369; Residence, 726


Krunsville.lod , April 1—The Ohio

river is on 11 -tsii.i 1st re registering

8t».:i feet. The rains from above, how-

ever. are es|»<eted to bring another rise

The losses to farm, rt U twn n this

eity and Cairo will Ixt enormous. It

is elected the lows on tte wb< -sat crop

alone will reach a «|uarter of a mil-

lion dollars, as hundndi of thousands

of aci> - along the < >hio river are tin

der water, and the crop will be entire-

ly killed. Lumber men will also lose

h. ,-ivily.as many logs have been swept

away. The Wahwh iiv. r is M miles

wide where it empties into the Ohio,

several mile 1 below here, and ninny

peopln are hoaiehsu Evansville Itself

is floodproof. being el>ove ttr high

w*ter mark.

UNEASINKSS AT COLUB4BU8.Colombus, Ky. , April I—The river

rose a foot last night and the water is

against the entire liM of levee on th--

sooth and west. Weak plaoe^ are be-

ing str. nghtened arm the ilpsj almost

eheokeil. The Colombus Stave 00m-

pany and Cowlea Heading company

are in the flooded district and sur-

rounded. Oreat uneasiness is fell 0 t. r

tb. weak condition of the levee.

revenubViLlections.Stamp Deputy Loois Ih bout has

oompletod his report for the psst

mouth and has done un excelleut busi

neas for the mouth of .Mar, h.

Collections amounting to a total of

#1 1,059. .14 were made and whiskey 1

-•am, - wero issued for a total of 1014

barrels of wbiikey.

Richmond, Va.— Fourteen negro

wagon drivers of the Riohmond Bag

gage Trai r cS\ notified tbc compa-

ny that they would not work with a

white mail whe had been employed as

a dnvor. The company discharged ths

whole negro force and sobstituted

white drivers.

Kansas City, Mo — Li s Overstreet.a

striking member of the track drivers'

onion, was convicted of interfering

with non-union men and sentenced to

sixty days in jail.


WE'VE GOT EGGS!The bi>JKcst . freshest, nicest, most carefully in-

spected stock of high -class groceries in tfic state of


The prices are the lowest in the state.

Large sweet juicy oranges, per dc/en |g»

Fancy Mcsina lemons, per dozen |Qe

Bananas, nice large fat ones, p;r do/cu|2j

Ginger snaps, per pound, only fje,

Mixed nuts, and they are nice, pet pound

Arbucklc coffee, per package



Fresh egps, per do/cn(^q

Codfish, regular 10c kind, per package only gj

Fancy full Cream Cheese, per pound |Cq

3 thrce-tKjuud cans White- l'.iwn Tom itoes : 25fJ

8 bars Star soap for

We have just a few more of those nice pickled

pijjs' feet left at 20c per dozen.

A limited sale of ten cases '1 lh. can tomatoes onsale at each of our stores at only 5c per can as longas they last.

We arc overstocked on the following goods andif low prices will sell them, here they arc:

Farina, per pound

Green Peas, per poundJJfJ

Harafat Peas, per pound^fj

White Fish, per dozen20c

Labrador Herring, per do/en25c

Aunt Jamiina Pancake Flour, per package

Pop corn|per peck f |Qg

Hot biscuits at all our stores, per dozen fjg

Tom Hoy soap, as long as it lasts, 25 bars lor 2")C

The advance in flour hasn't raised our price onbread. We are still selling at 3c per loaf,

Ask for rebate checks at Biederman's groceries.

Biederman's Biederman's

14 Stores


PIRST OLABS HOHSB bHOuiNWBest quality of rubber tires. 11 ign grade spr ng wagons. Will sell aprln,

wagons on Installment payments.

No. 319 Court St. /'. V. GREIF, Manager.
