Ce document a été élaboré par le Medicine Quality Research Group, Centre of Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford Rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux COVID-19 Numéro 12. Données de juin et juillet 2021 Partie A: Vaccins COVID-19 Partie B : Autres produits médicaux COVID-19 : Outils de diagnostic Equipements de Protection Individuelle Désinfectants Médicaments Equipements et consommables pour ventilation et oxygénothérapie

Rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux

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Ce document a été élaboré par le Medicine Quality Research Group, Centre of Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

Rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux COVID-19

Numéro 12. Données de juin et juillet 2021

Partie A: Vaccins COVID-19

Partie B : Autres produits médicaux COVID-19 :

Outils de diagnostic

Equipements de Protection Individuelle



Equipements et consommables pour ventilation et oxygénothérapie

Ce rapport a été préparé par Kerlijn Van Assche, Céline Caillet et Paul Newton du Medicine Quality Research Group, qui fait partie de l'Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO) et du MORU Tropical Health Network, Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Université d'Oxford, Royaume-Uni.

Le Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe system a été développé par Clark Freifeld


(HealthMap, Boston Children's Hospital, Northeastern University), Andrew Payne (IDDO), Alberto Olliaro (IDDO) et Gareth Blower (ex-IDDO). L’identification des rapports a été effectuée par Kitignavong Inthaphavanh et Konnie Bellingham, liés à l'unité de recherche Lao-Oxford-Mahosot Hospital-Wellcome Trust (LOMWRU), Laboratoire de microbiologie, Mahosot Hospital, Vientiane, RDP Lao et par Thi Ngan Do, Jingying Xu et Ana Rosado Olmo (membres du groupe de recherche sur la qualité des médicaments).

La version française de ce document a été réalisée par Cécile Macé, consultante de l’Institut de Médecine Tropicale d'Anvers (Belgique), avec Sophie Pillon, et finalisée le 29 novembre 2021.

Ce document est en accès libre mais nous vous serions reconnaissants de le citer comme suit :

Medicine Quality Research Group, Université d'Oxford. Rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux - COVID-19. Numéro 12, juin et juillet 2021.

Ce rapport et les travaux sous-jacents sont aimablement soutenus par la Fondation Bill&Melinda Gates, l'Université d'Oxford et le Wellcome Trust. La version française a été réalisée grâce au support de la Direction-Générale Coopération au Développement et Aide humanitaire Belge (DGD) et de l’Institut de Médecine Tropicale d'Anvers (Belgique).

Toute remarque ou ajout au contenu est fortement apprécié (veuillez écrire à [email protected]).

8 octobre 2021

Table des matières

Résumé des observations 4

Introduction 5


.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................1. Terminologie clé 6

........................... .................................................................

.......................................................................... ...........................



2. Méthodologie pour faire un rapport sur la presse non spécialisée 92.1. Base de données du ʺMQM Globeʺ 92.2. Six rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ 92.3. Enregistrement d’un numéro d’identification (ID) de rapport 102.4. Définition des articles et des incidents 112.5. Rapports sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée. 112.6. Changements de méthodologie depuis le premier rapport 12




3. Avertissement et mises en garde 12

Partie A. Vaccins contre la COVID-19 13A.1. Introduction 13A.2. Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée 13















A.2.1. Incidents depuis le début de la pandémie 14A.2.2. Incidents publiés en juin et juillet 2021 32

A.3. Rapports de la littérature scientifique 37A.4. Rapports des organisations internationales 38A.5. Rapports des autorités de réglementation 39A.6. Divers 39

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 41B.1. Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée 41

B.1.1. Vue d'ensemble de toutes les catégories 41B.1.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19 44B.1.3. Équipements de protection individuelle 45B.1.4. Désinfectants 47B.1.5. Médicaments pour la COVID-19 49B.1.6. Équipement et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation 56

B.2. Rapports de la littérature scientifique 58B.3. Rapports des organisations internationales 61B.4. Divers 61

Annexes 63Annexe A. Changement de méthodologie pour les recherches dans la presse non spécialisée. 63Annexe B. Tableau - Articles dans la presse non spécialisée sur les incidents de qualité avec les vaccins COVID-19 publiés en 2020 65Annexe C. Graphe - Incidents trouvés par semaine dans la presse non spécialisée sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 68Annexe D. Informations sur le numéro d’identification (ID) des rapports et les articles sources 69

Annexe D.1. VaccinsAnnexe D.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19Annexe D.3. Equipements de Protection IndividuelleAnnexe D.4. DésinfectantsAnnexe D.5. Médicaments pour la COVID-19Annexe D.6. Équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation

Résumé des observationsDepuis le début de la pandémie, nous avons identifié 845 articles pertinents sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 dans la presse non spécialisée anglaise. Dans ce numéro, nous rapportons 104 incidents signalés au cours des mois de juin et juillet 2021. Tous concernent des incidents avec des produits signalés comme étant de qualité inférieure, falsifiés, détournés, non

enregistrés ou de qualité incertaine qui sont présents dans le ʺMedecine Quality Monitoring Globe (MQM Globe)ʺ.

La partie A du rapport couvre les incidents liés aux vaccins contre la COVID-19. Entre le 12 mars 2020 et le 31 juillet 2021, nous avons trouvé, en excluant les doublons, 150 rapports d'incidents sur des problèmes de qualité des vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans 41 pays différents et/ou en ligne. En juin et juillet 2021, 27 nouveaux incidents ont été signalés. Le nombre d'incidents rapportés par mois reste stable par rapport à avril et mai. Pour la première fois, des problèmes de qualité ont été signalés en Iran, au Liban, en Russie, en Thaïlande, en Ouganda et au Canada. Dix incidents concernaient des vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés, notamment des produits étiquetés comme fabriqués par Pfizer/BioNTech (3), Covishield (3), Oxford-AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinopharm et Sinovac. Sept incidents étaient liés au détournement de vaccins contre la COVID-19 de la chaîne d'approvisionnement officielle. Enfin, 5 incidents concernaient des vaccins de qualité inférieure et pour 5 incidents, le type de problème de qualité n'était pas clair.

La partie B du rapport couvre les incidents liés à d'autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19, notamment les outils de diagnostic, les équipements de protection individuelle, les désinfectants, les médicaments et les équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. Le nombre total d'incidents a diminué en mai et juin. Cette diminution est liée à une baisse des signalements de remdésivir détourné, de qualité inférieure ou falsifié en Inde et, dans une moindre mesure, à une baisse des signalements d'équipements et de consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. À la mi-mai, l'opération Pangea XIV, à laquelle 92 pays ont participé, a donné lieu à 277 arrestations et à la saisie d'importants volumes de produits médicaux. Cette opération internationale menée par Interpol vise à interrompre la vente illégale en ligne de médicaments et de produits médicaux. Comme celle de l'année dernière, cette opération a montré que les criminels continuent de tirer profit de la demande de kits de test, de produits de protection personnelle et d'hygiène générée par la pandémie de COVID-19. Les kits de test COVID-19 falsifiés et non autorisés représentaient plus de la moitié des dispositifs médicaux saisis.

Nous restons très préoccupés par le risque mondial de produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 de qualité inférieure ou falsifiés, en particulier les vaccins et les médicaments. Nous continuons à partager les données du ʺMQM Globeʺ, qui peuvent servir de système d'alerte précoce pour les problèmes potentiels de produits médicaux de qualité inférieure et falsifiés (QIF).



Au cours de la pandémie de COVID-19, la demande en équipements médicaux pour la COVID-19 a inévitablement explosé avec un besoin accru d'équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), d’outils de diagnostic et de produits pharmaceutiques préventifs et curatifs. La forte demande et les pénuries de produits authentiques qui en découlent contribuent à accroître le risque mondial de produits médicaux détournés, de qualité inférieure et falsifiés (QIF), pour la COVID-19 et pour de nombreux autres médicaments essentiels. Les médias ont rapporté divers exemples de produits de qualité inférieure et falsifiés inondant le marché.

Ce rapport vise à rassembler les informations et les rapports du domaine public sur la qualité des produits médicaux qui sont actuellement utilisés, ou qui font l'objet d'essais pour la prévention ou le traitement de la COVID-19. Nous incluons également des rapports sur des sujets clés tels que l'accès, le caractère abordable ou l'utilisation hors AMM (Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché) pour la COVID-19 s'ils mentionnent des préoccupations relatives à la qualité des produits. Nous ne cherchons pas à inclure les discussions sur les multiples allégations frauduleuses et le charlatanisme.

Le présent rapport se compose de deux parties. La partie A contient les informations relatives aux vaccins contre la COVID-19. La partie B contient des informations relatives aux autres catégories de produits médicaux pour la COVID-19, notamment les outils de diagnostic, les équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), les désinfectants, les médicaments et les équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. Le rapport a pour but d'aider les autorités nationales de réglementation des médicaments, les organisations internationales, les fabricants et les distributeurs, ainsi que la société civile, en résumant la littérature actuelle dans le domaine public, afin d'orienter les interventions et les choix politiques.

Les rapports présentés ici ont été pour la plupart extraits du ʺMedecine Quality Monitoring Globe (MQM Globe)ʺ (le MQM Globe est accessible sur le site IDDO1),

un système qui scrute les journaux en ligne (référencés dans Google News) pour détecter les alertes précoces de produits médicaux de qualité inférieure et falsifiés. Ce rapport inclut également la littérature scientifique et les documents politiques relatifs à la qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 identifiés par des recherches manuelles dans PubMed (Central) et Google Scholar. En outre, les alertes et les rapports des organisations nationales et internationales sont inclus lorsqu'ils ont été saisis par les membres de l'équipe ou partagés par des collègues.

Ce douzième numéro du ʺRapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux - COVID-19ʺ couvre les informations publiées au cours des mois de juin et

1Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed July 22, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe

juillet 2021. Les numéros précédents couvraient les publications à partir du 1er janvier 2020 et sont disponibles sur les sites internet IDDO2 et MORU3.

Nous avons récemment mis en place un système permettant d'accéder facilement aux sites internet des autorités de réglementation et des organisations internationales pour les alertes – voir la section ʺRegulatory & alert webpagesʺ sur notre site internet MQM Globe. Toute remarque ou ajout au contenu est fortement


apprécié (veuillez écrire à [email protected]).

1. Terminologie clé Dans ce rapport, nous nous référons à la terminologie pour les différents types de produits médicaux de mauvaise qualité tels que définis par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS, 2017)4. Lorsque nous identifions des problèmes de qualité dans la presse non spécialisée, nous essayons d'abord de catégoriser les produits comme étant "falsifiés", "de qualité inférieure" et "non enregistrés/non homologués". Cependant, lorsqu'il s'agit d'articles de presse non spécialisée, il est parfois difficile de juger et de classer les problèmes de qualité des produits mentionnés dans les différents articles, très souvent parce que les détails ne sont pas suffisamment connus ou décrits dans le rapport. Par conséquent, lorsqu'un produit n'appartient pas clairement à l'un des groupes ci-dessus, nous utilisons les concepts de produit "de qualité inférieure ou falsifié" (QIF), "détourné" ou "de qualité incertaine". Veuillez consulter le tableau 1 pour nos définitions de travail.

Nous mettons l’accent sur la différence entre l'utilisation des termes "falsifié" et "contrefait" pour les produits médicaux. Le terme "falsifié" est un terme large qui inclut tous les types de modification délibérée d'un produit médical dans une perspective de santé publique. Le terme "contrefaçon" est spécifiquement lié aux droits de propriété intellectuelle, aux "produits de marques contrefaits" (‘trademark counterfeit goods’5) et aux "produits piratant des droits d’auteur" (‘pirated copyright goods’6) tels qu'ils sont utilisés dans l'accord sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce (ADPIC).

2Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medical Product Quality Reports. Medical Product Quality Reports. Published 2020. Accessed July 22, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/mq/research/medical-product-quality-reports 3 MORU Tropical Health Network. Medical Product Quality Report - Covid-19 issues. Medicine Quality. Published 2020. Accessed July 22, 2021. https://www.tropmedres.ac/research-areas/medicine-quality/covid-19-pandemic4Source: World Health Organisation. Appendix 3 WHO MEMBER STATE MECHANISM ON SUBSTANDARD/SPURIOUS/FALSELY-LABELLED/FALSIFIED/COUNTERFEIT (SSFFC) MEDICAL PRODUCTS WORKING DEFINITIONS. In: Seventieth World Health Assembly. ; 2017. Accessed March 2, 2021. https://www.who.int/medicines/regulation/ssffc/A70_23-en1.pdf?ua=1 5Trademark counterfeit goods: any goods, including packaging, bearing without authorization a trademark which is identical to the trademark validly registered in respect of such goods, or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such a trademark, and which thereby infringes the rights of the owner of the trademark in question under the law of the country of importation. Source: World Trade Organization. Part III — Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. Accessed March 2, 2021. https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/27-trips_05_e.htm#fnt-14 6Pirated copyright goods: any goods that are copies made without the consent of the right holder or person duly authorized by the right holder in the country of production, and which are made directly or indirectly from an article where the making of that copy would have constituted an infringement of a copyright or a related right under the law of the country of importation. Source: World Trade Organization. Part III — Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. Accessed July 22, 2021. https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/27-trips_05_e.htm#fnt-14

Lorsque le concept de "marché illicite" est utilisé dans des articles de presse non spécialisés, nous constatons que son utilisation dépend de l'interprétation personnelle de l'auteur : il peut s'agir de produits qui sont illégaux en soi, de personnes qui tentent d'échapper aux taxes ou aux contrôles des prix par le gouvernement. Les produits concernés peuvent être de bonne qualité, de qualité inférieure, falsifiés ou de qualité incertaine. Nous en parlons néanmoins. Nous réaffirmons que les produits vendus sur le marché illicite constituent un problème pour les raisons suivantes. Premièrement, ils feront défaut aux personnes qui sont censées recevoir le produit. Deuxièmement, les produits vendus sur les marchés illicites, tels que les vaccins et les médicaments, risquent de se dégrader en raison de conditions de manipulation et de stockage inappropriés. À l'heure actuelle, les articles ne fournissent pas de preuves de la dégradation des produits sur le marché illicite, car ce n'est pas un sujet d'investigation pour le moment. Dans ce rapport, nous classerons les produits sur les marchés illicites comme des produits dont la qualité n'est pas certaine lorsqu'il n'est pas précisé dans l'article ou le rapport qu'il s'agit de produits falsifiés, de qualité inférieure ou authentiques.


Tableau 1. Terminologie pour les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux utilisés dans ce rapport


Falsifiés ‘Falsifiés’ désigne les produits qui "présentent de façon trompeuse délibérément/frauduleusement leur identité, leur composition ou leur source" (OMS, 2017). Dans ce rapport, les médicaments "faux", "contrefaits", et "faussement étiquetés" sont considérés comme des synonymes ou faisant partie du groupe des produits falsifiés.

Qualité Inférieure

‘Qualité inférieure’ également appelés "hors spécifications", sont des produits médicaux autorisés qui "ne répondent pas aux normes de qualité ou à leurs spécifications, ou aux deux" (OMS, 2017). Cela peut résulter d'une négligence ou d'une erreur au cours du processus de fabrication par les fabricants autorisés, ou d'une dégradation par détérioration en raison d'un stockage/transport inapproprié dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Les informations sont généralement insuffisantes pour distinguer les erreurs au sein des usines de celles dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement, ce qui constitue un manque de preuves important car les solutions pour les deux diffèrent.

Non enregistrés ou non homologués

‘Non enregistrés/non homologués’ sont des produits médicaux commercialisés/distribués ou utilisés sur un marché qui n'ont pas fait l'objet d'une évaluation et/ou d'une autorisation par une autorité de réglementation nationale ou régionale, suivant les conditions autorisées par la réglementation et la législation nationale ou régionale (OMS, 2017).

Lorsque les concepts ci-dessus ne sont pas applicables

Qualité Inférieure ou Falsifiés

‘Qualité Inférieure ou Falsifié’ (QIF) a été suggéré par Saraswati et coll. en 20197 car il n'est pas possible de classer de manière fiable un médicament comme étant de qualité inférieure ou falsifié sans analyse du conditionnement. Il est utilisé pour les produits ayant échoué à au moins un test de qualité sans information sur l'authenticité du conditionnement, et se situant en dehors des limites des spécifications choisies comme référence par les auteurs (soit monographie spécifique d’une pharmacopée, soit spécifications internes). Dans les articles de presse non spécialisée, les concepts de produits de qualité inférieure et de produits falsifiés peuvent être utilisés à tort. Par prudence, QIF est utilisé lorsque les informations ne sont pas suffisantes pour faire la distinction.

Détournés Dans ce rapport, les produits médicaux "détournés" sont considérés comme des produits légitimes qui ont été détournés hors de la chaîne d'approvisionnement officielle/contrôlée. Le vol n'est qu'un exemple de détournement. En raison de l’absence de responsabilité pharmaceutique, les produits détournés sont généralement considérés comme des produits médicaux de mauvaise qualité car, outre le fait qu'ils risquent de nuire aux destinataires prévus, les produits risquent de se dégrader en raison de stockage et de transport inappropriés.

Incertaine La qualité "incertaine" des produits médicaux est un concept utilisé dans ce rapport lorsqu'il n'y a pas suffisamment d'informations disponibles pour juger dans quelle catégorie positionner le produit. Ces produits médicaux peuvent être de bonne qualité, de qualité inférieure, falsifiés ou de qualité inconnue. Par exemple, certains rapports traitent d'offres en ligne suspectes sur internet ou le dark web. Souvent, la qualité des produits n'est pas connue et l'article ne permet pas de savoir si le produit est par exemple détourné ou contrefait, bien que l'origine et l'intention criminelle de ces produits diffèrent légèrement.

7 Saraswati K, Sichanh C, Newton PN, Caillet C. Quality of medical products for diabetes management: a

systematic review. BMJ Glob Heal. 2019;4(5):1-14. doi:10.1136/BMJGH-2019-001636


2. Méthodologie pour faire un rapport sur la presse non spécialisée Les rapports présentés dans les sections "Articles sur les incidents dans la presse

non spécialisée" ont été extraits du ʺMedecine Quality Monitoring Globe8 (MQM

Globe)ʺ. Le ʺMQM Globeʺ contient des informations accessibles au public sur la

qualité des produits médicaux provenant de la presse non spécialisée non évaluée par des pairs et sert de système d'alerte précoce. Tout article décrivant des rappels, des saisies, des dégradations, des falsifications ou des contaminations de produits médicaux pour la COVID-19, des cas de patients souffrant d'effets indésirables/de manque d'efficacité après avoir utilisé un produit medical contre la COVID-19 suspecté d'être de qualité inférieure et falsifié (QIF) sera inclus. Pour la catégorie des vaccins contre la COVID-19, nous incluons également les escroqueries et les détournements (y compris le vol).

2.1. Base de données du ʺMQM Globeʺ

La base de données du ʺMQM Globeʺ utilise un système de recherche pour recueillir les données à partir des sources d'information en ligne. Les articles correspondant aux termes de recherche sont enregistrés dans une base de données et classés par des analystes qualifiés. Étant donné que le système Globe extrait principalement les articles de presse des journaux référencés dans Google News, les articles qui ne sont pas référencés dans Google News ne seront pas prise en compte. Veuillez consulter le site internet IDDO pour la méthodologie complète9. Le 20 mars 2020, les

termes de recherche ont été adaptés pour recueillir davantage de rapports sur les équipements médicaux QIF pour la COVID-19 à partir de Google News. En outre, le système Globe recueille certaines alertes de produits médicaux de l’agence du médicament américaine, ʺFood and Drug Administration (FDA)ʺ. À l'avenir, nous étendrons cette fonctionnalité à la FDA américaine et à d'autres autorités réglementaires.

2.2. Six rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ

Depuis la pandémie COVID-19, le ʺMQM Globeʺ permet un accès rapide aux rapports du ʺMQM-Globeʺ créés automatiquement, regroupant les articles par catégories de produits liés à la COVID-19. Les six rapports résumés du ʺMQM Globeʺ sont générés à partir de termes de recherche prédéfinis et couvrent les catégories de produits suivantes : (a) vaccins contre la COVID, (b) outils de diagnostic de la COVID, (c) équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), (d) désinfectants, (e) médicaments contre la COVID, et (f) équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. Au début de chaque rapport du ʺMQM Globeʺ, les termes de recherche prédéfinis sont affichés. Seuls les articles pertinents inclus dans le résumé des rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ sont sélectionnés pour le rapport COVID-19 actuel. Lors de la discussion d'un article, le numéro d'identification du rapport (ID code à six ou sept chiffres) est mentionné. L'article source original peut être trouvé en utilisant l'ID du rapport dans les résumés des

8Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed October 1, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe 9Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe methodology. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed September 15, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe-methodology

rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ dans les annexes de ce rapport, ou sur le ʺMQM Globeʺ en ligne.

2.3. Enregistrement d’un numéro d’identification (ID) de rapport

Dans ce rapport, nous partageons les détails des articles recueillis par le ʺGlobe MQMʺ qui sont liés à des produits médicaux potentiellement utilisés dans le contexte de la COVID-19 ou qui sont testés pour le traitement et/ou la prévention contre la COVID-19. En théorie, il y a une distinction entre (a) les incidents de QIF qui sont dus ou augmentés par l'épidémie de la COVID-19 ; et (b) les incidents qui se seraient produits de toute façon. Il peut être difficile de faire la distinction entre ces deux types d'incidents et certains articles cités dans ce rapport ne sont pas directement liés à la prévention ou au traitement de la COVID-19. Nous les avons néanmoins inclus car ils représentent des risques croisés et aident à évaluer l'évolution des alertes sur ces produits médicaux au fil du temps.

Bien que l'oxycodone soit à l'essai pour le traitement de la COVID-1910, nous n'incluons pas les questions liées à l'oxycodone, car le système serait submergé par les rapports sur son utilisation inappropriée et les cas de comprimés mélangés à du fentanyl, en raison de leur large présence sur le marché illicite.


Avec les informations fournies dans les articles, il n'est pas toujours possible de faire la distinction entre les cas d'escroquerie financière, de produits détournés, de qualité inférieure ou falsifiés. Nous nous efforçons d'inclure les incidents dans lesquels il est probable qu'un produit réel soit impliqué. Lorsque l'article indique clairement que les offres sont de pures escroqueries financières (sans produit réel supposé), nous ne l'incluons pas : par exemple, des criminels proposant des vaccins contre la COVID-19 via un faux site web11 ou les vaccins contre la COVID-19 vendus par téléphone12

pour lesquels il est clairement établi qu'il s'agit d'une escroquerie dans laquelle les criminels cherchent à obtenir des données personnelles et de l'argent. En cas de doute et de la possibilité d'un produit réel derrière l'offre, nous incluons l'article : par

exemple, des vaccins sont offerts en ligne ou par téléphone mais nous ne pouvons pas exclure qu'il y ait un produit réel derrière l'offre parce qu'il n'est pas mentionné dans l'article ou qu'aucune enquête n'a été faite.

Pour ce rapport, nous n'avons inclus que les numéros d’identification (ID) des rapports publiés en anglais. Pour les articles en français, espagnol, mandarin et vietnamien, veuillez consulter le ʺMQM Globeʺ en ligne. Ce n'est que dans la partie A consacrée aux vaccins contre la COVID-19 que nous incluons les incidents signalés dans d'autres langues si l'incident n'a pas été signalé en anglais.

10Hashemian SRM. Evaluation the effects of Oxycodone administration on pain control in patients with COVID-19. Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials. Published June 8, 2020. Accessed September 15, 2020. https://en.irct.ir/trial/48534 11 Par exemple: CBS Baltimore. 3 Maryland Men Charged With Creating Fraudulent Website To Sell COVID-19 Vaccines . CBS Baltimore. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2021/02/11/3-maryland-men-face-federal-charges-for-fraud-scheme-to-sell-covid-19-vaccine/. Published February 11, 2021. Accessed March 11, 2021.12 Par exemple: Lenahan I. COVID-19 vaccine phone scam: Rye police alert residents of bogus calls. Seacoastonline. https://eu.seacoastonline.com/story/news/local/2021/02/15/covid-19-vaccine-phone-scam-rye-police-alert-residents-bogus-calls/4488304001/. Published February 15, 2021. Accessed March 11, 2021.

2.4. Définition des articles et des incidents

Dans ce rapport, nous définissons les "articles" comme le nombre d'identification de rapport uniques, correspondant à des articles uniques, qui apparaissent dans notre base de données. Un même article (même numéro d’identification de rapport ID) peut traiter d'incidents de différentes catégories de produits. Par conséquent, le même article peut être abordé dans différentes sections du rapport.

Un incident est un événement unique, avec un lieu et un moment précis, et un produit spécifique impliqué. Parfois, un article décrit plusieurs incidents. Lorsque nous résumons l'article, nous citons les différents incidents dans le texte. Cependant, pour le nombre total d'incidents survenus au cours d'une période donnée, nous ne comptons pas le nombre d'incidents distincts décrits dans un


article. Dans le cadre de ce rapport, nous définissons les "incidents" comme le nombre de numéros d'identification (ID) uniques de rapport par catégorie de produit (c'est-à-dire vaccins, outils de diagnostic, EPI, désinfectants, médicaments, ventilation et oxygénation).

2.5. Rapports sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée

Le présent rapport se compose de deux parties. La partie A contient les informations relatives aux vaccins contre la COVID-19. La partie B contient des informations relatives aux autres catégories de produits médicaux pour la COVID-19, notamment les outils de diagnostic, les équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), les désinfectants, les médicaments, les équipements de ventilation et d'oxygénation et les consommables. Dans la partie B, la littérature de la presse non spécialisée est examinée par catégorie de produits. Cependant, certains articles résument ou décrivent plusieurs catégories de produits utilisés pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19. Lorsqu'un article traite de plus de deux catégories de produits, nous décrivons le contenu de ces articles dans la section "Vue d'ensemble de toutes les catégories" et ne les mentionnons pas dans les sections consacrées aux différentes catégories de produits.

Dans la section de chaque catégorie de produits, nous essayons de regrouper les informations dans des sous-titres par produit (par exemple, par principe actif) concerné et par problème de qualité (voir le tableau 1 avec la terminologie clé des problèmes de qualité). Certains articles traitent de plusieurs produits ou de plusieurs types de problèmes de qualité et ne sont donc pas faciles à classer ; la subdivision peut donc être arbitraire. Nous n'abordons les articles qu'une seule fois, même s'ils pourraient être classés dans différentes sous-rubriques.

Le ʺMQM Globeʺ affiche un article par incident, l'article principal. Si de nombreux autres articles décrivent le même incident, ils sont considérés comme des articles en double et ne sont pas affichés sur le ʺMQM Globeʺ, à moins qu'ils ne fournissent des informations complémentaires pertinentes sur la portée de l'incident (par exemple, des quantités supplémentaires, des numéros de lot supplémentaires, etc.). Les informations disponibles dans les articles de la presse non spécialisée ne sont souvent pas très détaillées, ce qui rend parfois difficile de distinguer les incidents sur lesquels nous avons (articles en double) ou n'avons pas (articles principaux)

rapportés précédemment. Dans la mesure de nos connaissances, nous nous efforçons de n'aborder que les articles principaux, c'est-à-dire les articles traitant de nouveaux incidents sur lesquels nous n'avons pas fait de rapport auparavant.

2.6. Changements de méthodologie depuis le premier rapport

Quelques changements mineurs ont été apportés à la méthodologie depuis le dernier rapport ʺMedical Product Quality Report – COVID-19 issuesʺ13 avec des données d'avril et mai 2021. Pour le résumé du rapport du ʺMQM Globeʺ sur les "équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation", le terme de recherche "oxymètre de pouls" a été remplacé par "oxymètre" afin de garantir l'inclusion de tous les articles pertinents.

Pour en savoir plus sur les changements de méthodologie depuis le premier rapport publié en juillet 2020, veuillez consulter l'annexe A.


3. Avertissement et mises en garde Nous incluons des résumés et des extraits de rapports et d'articles qui sont soumis à une politique de retrait. Si nous sommes contactés par un titulaire potentiel de droits qui s'oppose à la présence de matériel, nous retirerons le matériel en question du rapport et du Globe jusqu'à ce que nous ayons pu évaluer le cas. Lorsque le matériel est retiré pour des raisons valables de droits d'auteur, son retrait sera considéré comme durable jusqu'à l'expiration des droits d'auteur sur le matériel, ou jusqu'à ce que le titulaire des droits accepte que le matériel soit réintégré.

Pour les publications scientifiques, nous incluons des versions avant publication des articles. Veuillez noter que les versions avant publication doivent être considérées avec une prudence supplémentaire car elles n'ont pas été examinées par des pairs. Ils ne doivent pas être utilisés pour guider la pratique clinique ou les comportements liés à la santé et ne doivent pas être rapportés dans les médias comme des informations établies.

En ce qui concerne les articles de la presse non spécialisée, nous rapportons les informations telles qu'elles sont présentées dans les articles et peuvent donc être biaisées par le point de vue de l'auteur. Elles ne reflètent pas nécessairement notre vision ou notre jugement sur la question. De plus, ces informations n'ont généralement pas de confirmation scientifique. Par conséquent, les informations doivent être interprétées avec la plus grande prudence. Nous considérons les rapports comme des avertissements précoces de problèmes potentiels. L'absence ou le peu d'articles provenant d'une région ne signifie pas que la qualité des produits médicaux y est bonne, mais reflète probablement un manque d'informations accessibles. L'avertissement et les mises en garde complets se trouvent à l'adresse suivante MQM Globe disclaimer and caveats14.

13Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medical Product Quality Reports. Medical Product Quality Reports. Published 2020. Accessed October 1, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/mq/research/medical-product-quality-reports 14 Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe disclaimer and caveats. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed October 1, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe-disclaimer-and-caveats

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 13

Partie A.

Vaccins contre la COVID-19

A.1. Introduction On espère que le déploiement des vaccins contre la COVID-19, associé à d'autres interventions de santé publique, permettra de réduire davantage l'incidence des infections COVID-19 et contribuera à mettre fin à la pandémie. Le stockage et la distribution de ces vaccins constituent un défi logistique majeur. Les vaccins contre la COVID-19 de qualité inférieure, falsifiés et détournés, qui représentent un risque élevé à l'échelle mondiale, constituent un problème supplémentaire mais toujours négligé.

Au cours des deux dernières décennies, de nombreux rapports ont fait état de falsifications de vaccins, par exemple ceux contre la rage, le choléra, la méningite, la fièvre jaune et l'hépatite B, et de dégradations dues au stockage et au transport à des températures inappropriées. Ces phénomènes risquent de nuire à l'efficacité des programmes de vaccination, d'accroître la mortalité, la morbidité et les préjudices économiques, d'engendrer d'autres virus mutants, de semer la confusion et d'alarmer les communautés, et d'endommager la confiance du public dans les programmes de vaccination, réduisant ainsi l'acceptation du vaccin. Les principaux risques actuels pour la mise en œuvre des vaccins contre la COVID-19 sont la falsification et le détournement, alimentés par l'accès difficile et le besoin vital de ces vaccins au niveau mondial, notamment face à une distribution inéquitable. La dégradation des vaccins (incluse dans le terme de qualité inférieure de l’OMS15) constitue également un risque majeur en l'absence de chaînes d'approvisionnement solides et réglementées.

Les données contenues dans ce rapport et dans les précédents suggèrent que nous avons besoin d'une discussion globale et concertée avec les nombreuses parties prenantes sur la façon dont nous pouvons réduire le risque que ces problèmes négligés nuisent, en particulier dans les communautés vulnérables, à l'incroyable promesse que le développement, la fabrication et la mise en œuvre des vaccins ont apportée pour nous tous.

A.2. Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée Nous résumons ici les articles du domaine public sur les vaccins contre la COVID-19 de qualité inférieure, falsifiés ou non enregistrés, depuis le début de la pandémie. Nous incluons également les rapports de détournement (y compris le vol) de vaccins

contre la COVID-19 des chaînes d'approvisionnement officielle. Il est fort probable

15 World Health Organisation. Appendix 3 WHO member state mechanism on substandard/spurious/falsely-labelled/falsified/counterfeit (SSFFC) medical products working definitions. In: Seventieth World Health Assembly. 2017. Accessed April 8, 2021. https://www.who.int/medicines/regulation/ssffc/A70_23-en1.pdf?ua=1

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

que les vaccins détournés ne seront pas stockés de manière appropriée et que leur utilisation fera que des personnes ne seront pas protégées alors qu'elles pensent l'être. Les incidents mis en évidence dans ce rapport ne sont pas exhaustifs, mais ils servent de système d'alerte précoce des problèmes de qualité des vaccins contre la COVID-19.


A.2.1. Incidents depuis le début de la pandémie

Entre le 12 mars 2020 et le 31 juillet 2021, nous avons trouvé, en excluant les doublons, 150 rapports d'incidents sur des problèmes de qualité des vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans 41 pays différents et/ou en ligne (voir Figure 2). Parmi ces rapports, 22 rapports ont été publiés en 2020, 128 rapports ont été publiés en 2021 (voir Figure 1)

Figure 1. Nombre d’articles dans le ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring Globeʺ concernant des problèmes de qualité avec des vaccins COVID-19. Les rapports datent du 12 mars 2020 au 31 juillet 2021. Nous ne comptons ici qu'un article par incident - il existe de nombreux autres articles décrivant les mêmes incidents. À partir de 2021, nous rendons

compte non seulement des incidents couverts par la presse non spécialisée anglaise, mais aussi par la presse chinoise, française, espagnole et vietnamienne.

Le tableau 2 donne plus de détails sur les 101 rapports qui ont été publiés entre janvier et mai 2021 et qui ont été examinés dans les rapports précédents Medical Product Quality Reports on COVID-19 vaccines publié par ʺMedicine Quality Research Groupʺ. Pour plus de détails sur les incidents signalés en 2020, veuillez consulter l'annexe B.

Dans ce numéro, nous examinons plus en détail les 27 incidents qui ont été signalés au cours des mois de juin (14) et juillet (13) 2021 (voir tableau 3). Nous rapportons pour la première fois des incidents survenus en Iran, au Liban, en Russie, en Thaïlande, en Ouganda et au Canada. Dix incidents concernaient des vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés, notamment ceux étiquetés comme étant fabriqués par Pfizer/BioNTech (3), Covishield (3), Oxford-AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinopharm et

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Sinovac. Sept incidents étaient liés au détournement de vaccins contre la COVID-19 de la chaîne d'approvisionnement régulière. Enfin, 5 incidents concernaient des vaccins de qualité inférieure et pour 5 incidents, le problème de qualité n'était pas clair. Après un pic des incidents signalés au cours des mois de janvier, février et mars, un nombre plus faible d'incidents a été rapporté au cours des derniers mois. Une analyse plus approfondie est nécessaire pour déterminer s'il y a eu moins d'incidents ou si d'autres raisons expliquent la baisse du nombre d'incidents signalés, comme le phénomène de fatigue médiatique.




igure 2. Pays avec des rapports publics sur les problèmes de qualité du vaccin COVID-19 sur le ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring Globeʺ.es pays avec des incidents sont indiqués en orange. Si un rapport public mentionne un nom de produit ou une entreprise, ces détails sont indiqués sur la carte, avec en

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 16

ouge les informations qui ont été ajoutées depuis le dernier numéro. Ox-Az : Oxford-AstraZeneca, et J&J : Johnson & Johnson.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Tableau 1. Les problèmes de qualité de vaccins COVID-19 signalés dans des articles publiés de janvier à mai 2021. Chaque article est disponible dans le ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring (MQM) Globeʺ lié à un numéro d’identification (ID) de rapport. Les rapports datent du 1er janvier 2021 au 31 mai 2021. Dans le prochain rapport, nous prévoyons de classer rétrospectivement les rapports antérieurs de la même manière que dans le tableau 3 avec les rapports de juin et

juillet 2021. Nous avons inclus des articles de la presse espagnole, française, chinoise et/ou vietnamienne si l'incident n'a pas été rapporté dans la presse anglophone. Nous ne répertorions ici qu'un seul rapport par incident - il existe de nombreux autres rapports décrivant ces problèmes, mais nous ne les avons pas inclus, à moins qu'ils ne fournissent des informations pertinentes supplémentaires. Dans le tableau, nous ne faisons référence qu'aux incidents principaux décrits dans le rapport. Si un rapport répète des informations

sur des incidents dont nous avons déjà parlé, nous ne le citons pas à nouveau.



Data de publication

Localisation Produit/ Organisation

Information additionnelle

Titre MQM Globe rapport ID



05 janvier 2021

Vente en ligne

* Wuhan Institute of Science * Moderna * Pfizer/BioNTech* Oxford-AstraZeneca

- A COVID-19 shot for $150? Online scams surge as slow vaccine rollout frustrates Une injection de COVID-19 pour 150 dollars ? Les escroqueries en ligne se multiplient en raison de la lenteur dans la mise à disposition des vaccins.

877299 https://in.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccine-scams/a-covid-19-shot-for-150-online-scams-surge-as-slow-vaccine-rollout-frustrates-idINKBN29A19Z

05 janvier 2021

Argentine Sputnik V dégradé Coronavirus: en Olavarria tuvieron que tirar 400 vacunas que perdieron la cadena de frio En raison d'une rupture de la chaîne du froid, 400 doses ont dû être jetées

877565 https://www.rosario3.com/informaciongeneral/Coronavirus-en-Olavarria-tuvieron-que-tirar-400-vacunas-que-perdieron-la-cadena-de-frio-20210105-0001.html

07 janvier 2021

Royaume Uni

- - Elderly woman, 92, tricked into paying £160 to get fake Covid jab in her own home Une femme âgée de 92 ans s'est fait piéger et a dû payer 160 £ pour un faux vaccin Covid à son domicile.

881071 https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/elderly-woman-92-tricked-paying-23282075

13 janvier 2021

Vente en ligne, Australie

* Moderna * Pfizer/BioNTech

- The dark net is being flooded with fraudulent COVID-19 vaccines Le dark net est inondé de vaccins COVID-19 frauduleux.

890850 https://www.crikey.com.au/2021/01/14/dark-web-covid-19-vaccine-black-market/

16 Avec le temps, il se peut que certains liens URL ne fonctionnent plus. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez trouver un résumé/extrait de l'article sur le ʺMQM Globeʺ en ligne en utilisant "reportID:XXXXXX" dans le champ de recherche.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

14 janvier 2021

Mexique, vente en ligne

Pfizer/BioNTech - Organized crime in Mexico selling fake Covid-19 vaccines Le crime organisé au Mexique vend de faux vaccins Covid-19

892039 https://www.laprensalatina.com/organized-crime-in-mexico-selling-fake-covid-19-vaccines/ Original message:



14 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis Moderna détourné Two vials of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine stolen from Florida State Hospital in Chattahoochee Deux flacons de vaccin Moderna COVID-19 volés à l'hôpital d'État de Floride à Chattahoochee.

936933 https://eu.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2021/01/14/two-vials-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-stolen-florida-state-hospital-chattahoochee/4156644001/

15 janvier 2021

Royaume Uni

- - Shameless fraudster tries to sell 61-year-old woman fake Covid-19 vaccine for £170 in Worksop area Un fraudeur sans scrupules tente de vendre à une femme de 61 ans un faux vaccin Covid-19 pour 170 £ dans la région de Worksop.

893684 https://www.worksopguardian.co.uk/news/crime/shameless-fraudster-tries-sell-61-year-old-woman-fake-covid-19-vaccine-ps170-worksop-area-3102846

15 janvier 2021

Nigeria - - Fake COVID-19 vaccines in circulation, NAFDAC warns La NAFDAC met en garde que de faux vaccins COVID-19 sont en circulation

892876 https://www.vanguardngr.com/2021/01/updated-fake-covid-19-vaccines-in-circulation-nafdac-warns/

18 janvier 2021

Costa Rica - - Fake Black market COVID-19 Vaccines in Costa Rica Faux vaccins COVID-19 sur le marché illicite au Costa Rica

922769 https://news.co.cr/fake-blackmarket-covid-19-vaccines-in-costa-rica/82725/

18 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis Moderna étiologie incertaine

Coronavirus: California calls for pause, investigation after allergic reactions to Moderna vaccine batch Coronavirus : La Californie demande une pause et une enquête après des réactions allergiques à un lot de vaccins Moderna

897789 https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/01/18/coronavirus-california-calls-for-pause-investigation-after-allergic-reactions-to-moderna-vaccine-batch

18 janvier 2021

Mexique - - Liquid Gold - False COVID-19 Vaccines Emerge in Latin America Liquid Gold - Des faux vaccins COVID-19 font leur apparition en Amérique latine

897295 https://www.insightcrime.org/news/analysis/false-covid-vaccines-emerge/

19 janvier 2021

Mexique Pfizer/BioNTech détourné 4 vaccine doses stolen in Mexico, oxygen tanks spark appeal 4 doses de vaccin volées au Mexique, un appel est lancé pour les bouteilles vides d'oxygène

943497 https://kstp.com/news/4-vaccine-doses-stolen-in-mexico-oxygen-tanks-spark-appeal/5983681/

20 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis Moderna dégradé Thousands of Moderna Covid vaccine doses spoil in Maine & Michigan due to temperature control issues Des milliers de doses de vaccin Moderna Covid sont perdues dans le Maine et le Michigan en raison de problèmes de contrôle de la température de stockage

900582 https://www.rt.com/usa/513082-michigan-maine-moderna-vaccine-ruined/

21 janvier 2021

Vente en ligne, Etats-Unis

CoronaVac, (Sinovac)

- Leading Indicators Foreshadow COVID-19 Vaccine Scams Certains indicateurs clés laissent présager d’escroqueries au vaccin COVID-19

902346 https://securityboulevard.com/2021/01/leading-indicators-foreshadow-covid-19-vaccine-scams/

21 janvier 2021

Vente en ligne

- - Sale of Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Grew 400% on the Dark Web La vente de faux vaccins COVID-19 a augmenté de 400 % sur le Dark Web

902237 https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/363880

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 19

22 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis - - Seller of fake vaccine arrested in Seattle Un vendeur de faux vaccins arrêté à Seattle

904241 https://www.myclallamcounty.com/2021/01/22/seller-of-fake-vaccine-arrested-in-seattle/

22 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis Moderna détourné Texas doctor fired, charged with stealing COVID-19 vaccine to give to his friends, family Un médecin texan est licencié, accusé d'avoir volé des vaccins COVID-19 pour les donner à ses amis et à sa famille

903988 https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-doctor-charged-coronavirus-vaccine-theft-case Articles bringing other elements to the event were published in February:*) Doctors says he was wrongly fired for giving expiring Covid vaccine to his wife : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/covid-vaccine-expiring-houston-texas-b1801122.html *) Texas doctor fired for giving away expiring vaccines: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210214/texas-doctor-fired-for-giving-expiring-vaccines

25 janvier 2021

Mexique, vente en ligne

Moderna - Mexico Warns Citizens of Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Le Mexique met en garde les citoyens contre les faux vaccins COVID-19

907667 https://www.occrp.org/en/27-ccwatch/cc-watch-briefs/13715-mexico-warns-citizens-of-fake-covid-19-vaccines Original message:https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/608294/Comunicado_Vacuna_Covid_Moderna_220121.pdf

26 janvier 2021

Royaume Uni

- - Sick fraudsters inject Scots with fake Covid vaccine for cash in cruel scam Des fraudeurs malades injectent à des Écossais un faux vaccin Covid contre de l'argent dans une arnaque cruelle.

909286 https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/sick-fraudsters-inject-scots-fake-23389274

26 janvier 2021

Etats-Unis Moderna détourné Polk County ‘Paramedic of the Year’ arrested in theft of COVID vaccines Le "Paramedical de l'année" du comté de Polk arrêté pour vol de vaccins COVID

936949 https://www.wfla.com/news/polk-county/judd-polk-county-paramedic-arrested-for-stealing-coronavirus-vaccines/

27 janvier 2021

Equateur - - Ecuador Health Centre ‘Gives Fake Covid Jab to 70,000 People’ Un centre de santé équatorien donne un faux vaccin Covid à 70 000 personnes.

910241 https://www.euroweeklynews.com/2021/01/27/ecuador-health-centre-gave-fake-covid-jab-to-70000-people/

29 janvier 2021

Vente en ligne

- - Covid-19 medicines, PPE, tests and vaccines are being sold on the dark web Des médicaments, EPI, tests et vaccins Covid-19 sont vendus sur le dark web

913513 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9198535/Covid-19-medicines-PPE-tests-vaccines-sold-dark-web.html

31 janvier 2021

Finlande - - Woman suspected of peddling fake vaccine in southeast Finland Une femme soupçonnée d'avoir vendu un faux vaccin dans le sud-est de la Finlande

917132 https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/woman_suspected_of_peddling_fake_vaccine_in_southeast_finland/11765320


01 février 2021

Chine - - 80 held in China over fake Covid-19 vaccines 80 personnes détenues en Chine pour de faux vaccins Covid-19

918486 https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3120083/chinese-police-detain-80-selling-fake-covid-19-vaccines

04 février 2021

Mexique, vente en ligne


- Cofepris alerts about the illicit sale of the AstraZeneca vaccine Alertes de Cofepris sur la vente illicite du vaccin d'AstraZeneca

924171 https://www.explica.co/cofepris-alerts-about-the-illicit-sale-of-the-astrazeneca-vaccine/ Original message:https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/613986/COFEPRIS03022021.pdf

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

04 février 2021

Etats-Unis - détourné COVID-19 vaccine doses stolen in Florida after car keys left in ignition Des doses de vaccin COVID-19 volées en Floride après avoir laissé les clés de la voiture sur le contact

936924 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/02/04/video-shows-person-of-interest-in-stolen-covid-19-vaccine-investigation-police-say/


04 février 2021

Etats-Unis - détourné St. Pete City Council left in the dark on theft of COVID-19 vaccine vials, investigation into fire department employee Le conseil municipal de St. Pete n'a pas été informé du vol de flacons de vaccin COVID-19 et de l'enquête sur un employé du service des incendies.

936941 https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-pinellas/st-pete-city-council-left-in-the-dark-on-theft-of-covid-19-vaccine-vials-investigation-into-fire-department-employee

08 février 2021

Philippines - - Avoid COVID-19 vaccines from black market, doctors warn Les médecins mettent en garde contre les vaccins COVID-19 dans le marché illicite

930157 https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1393684/avoid-vaccines-from-black-market-doctors-warn

08 février 2021

Vente en ligne

- - Bogus COVID-19 Vaccine Offers Flooding The ‘Dark Web’ De fausses offres de vaccins COVID-19 inondent le "Dark Web".

929197 https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2021/02/07/dark-web-covid-vaccine-scams/

10 février 2021

Chine - - Over 58,000 Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Busted in China, 600 Doses Sent Overseas Plus de 58 000 fausses doses de vaccin COVID-19 découvertes en Chine, 600 doses envoyées à l'étranger

932609 https://www.urdupoint.com/en/world/over-58000-fake-covid-19-vaccine-doses-buste-1164592.html

10 février 2021

Royaume Uni, Italie, Japon

Sinopharm (au Japon)

détourné & autres problèmes


Les vaccins du marché illicite, pourquoi persistent-ils? --> rapports sur plusieurs incidents

932480 https://www.yicai.com/news/100947924.html

11 février 2021

Grèce Pfizer/BioNTech détourné Greek Police Probe Theft of COVID-19 Vaccine Vial Holding Six Doses La police grecque enquête sur le vol d’un flacon de six doses de vaccin COVID-19

948981 https://www.thenationalherald.com/archive_general_news_greece/arthro/greek_police_probe_theft_of_covid_19_vaccine_vial_holding_six_doses-1776428/

11 février 2021

Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech dégradé About 6,000 COVID Vaccine Doses Potentially Spoiled In OC Due To Refrigerator Malfunction Environ 6 000 doses de vaccin COVID potentiellement perdues en raison d'un dysfonctionnement de réfrigérateur

933403 https://news.yahoo.com/6-000-covid-vaccine-doses-003325113.html

14 février 2021

Inde - - Woman injects fake COVID-19 vaccine to elderly couple, flees with 8 tola jewellery Une femme injecte un faux vaccin COVID-19 à un couple de personnes âgées et s'enfuit avec l’ensemble des bijoux

940683 https://www.timesnownews.com/hyderabad/article/woman-injects-fake-covid-19-vaccine-to-elderly-couple-flees-with-8-tola-jewellery-hyderabad/720332

14 février 2021

Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech détourné 1,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Stolen From Under Nose of Mayor Kane 1 000 doses de vaccin COVID-19 volées sous le nez du maire Kane

943453 https://bleedingcool.com/tv/1000-covid-19-vaccine-doses-stolen-from-under-nose-of-mayor-kane/

14 février 2021

Philippines Moderna - Rumoured Moderna vaccine shipment likely fake, says FDA 939722 https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1885882/Manila/Local-News/Rumored-Moderna-vaccine-shipment-likely-fake-says-FDA

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

La FDA estime que la livraison présumée de vaccins Moderna est probablement fausse.


15 février 2021

Europe - - EU's anti-fraud agency warns against fake COVID vaccines L'agence antifraude de l'UE met en garde contre les faux vaccins COVID

941124 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/eu-s-anti-fraud-agency-warns-against-fake-covid-vaccines/46371790

16 février 2021

Belgique - - Belgium warns against fake Russian vaccines La Belgique met en garde contre les faux vaccins russes

942342 https://www.brusselstimes.com/news/belgium-all-news/155115/belgium-warns-against-fake-russian-vaccines-vaccination-taskforce-info-campaign-herd-immunity/

17 février 2021

Afrique du Sud

- - Fake Covid-19 vaccines discovered in Gauteng Découverte de faux vaccins Covid-19 à Gauteng

945211 https://www.jacarandafm.com/news/news/fake-covid-19-vaccines-discovered-gauteng/ (This incident might be related to the one described in report ID 865724 on 28 December 2020, but not clear if this article mentions an additional warehouse or if it is refering to the same event)

17 février 2021

Brésil - coups d’air 'Shots of air': Brazilian health workers accused of giving fake COVID vaccinations with empty syringes Des "coups d'air" : Des agents de santé brésiliens accusés d'avoir administré de faux vaccins COVID avec des seringues vides

944701 https://nationalpost.com/news/world/brazil-police-probe-reports-of-coronavirus-vaccine-shots-of-air

17 février 2021

Mexique Pfizer/BioNTech - Mexico Arrests 6 for Trafficking False Coronavirus Vaccines Le Mexique arrête 6 personnes pour trafic de faux vaccins contre le coronavirus

944948 https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/mexico-arrests-6-for-trafficking-false-coronavirus-vaccines/2555781/

19 février 2021

Colombie Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Vero Cell)

- COVID-19 vaccine counterfeits set off alarms across the globe Les contrefaçons de vaccin COVID-19 déclenchent l'alarme dans le monde entier

947830 https://www.bioworld.com/articles/503830-covid-19-vaccine-counterfeits-set-off-alarms-across-the-globe

19 février 2021

Italie, vente en ligne

* Pfizer/BioNTech* Oxford-AstraZeneca

- Italy probes vaccine scams even as officials court offers L'Italie enquête sur les escroqueries aux vaccins, alors que les responsables cherchent des offres.

947669 https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/news/article/Italy-probes-vaccine-scams-even-as-officials-15963865.php

21 février 2021

Ukraine Pfizer/BioNTech - Covid-19 vaccines hit the black market Les vaccins Covid-19 sur le marché illicite

950068 https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/covid-19-vaccines-hit-the-black-market/

22 février 2021

Trinidad et Tobago

- - Fake COVID vaccines being offered to Trinidad De faux vaccins COVID sont proposés à Trinidad

951551 https://www.stabroeknews.com/2021/02/22/news/regional/trinidad/fake-covid-vaccines-being-offered-to-trinidad-pm/

23 février 2021

France - - Il se fait passer pour un infirmier et administre un faux vaccin 951944 https://www.alouette.fr/news/bretagne-il-se-fait-passer-pour-un-infirmier-et-administre-un-faux-vaccin-10676

25 février 2021

Etats-Unis - dégradé COVID-19 vaccine doses tossed around state, low amounts in Pima County Des doses de vaccin contre le COVID-19 ont été distribuées dans tout l'Etat, mais seules de faibles quantités sont arrivée dans le comté de Pima

956586 https://www.kold.com/2021/02/26/covid-vaccine-doses-tossed-around-state-low-amounts-pima-county/

25 février 2021

Europe Oxford-AstraZeneca

- Fraudsters offer 400 million 'ghost' COVID vaccines in EU: officials

955619 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-eu-vaccines/fraudsters-offer-400-million-ghost-covid-vaccines-in-eu-officials-idUSKBN2AP1GN

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Des fraudeurs proposent 400 millions de vaccins COVID "fantômes" dans l'UE : des fonctionnaires


26 février 2021

Etats-Unis - - Vaccine doses may have been stolen at Pipkin Building in early February, Tennessee health department says Des doses de vaccin pourraient avoir été volées au Pipkin Building début février, selon le département de la santé du Tennessee.

957718 https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/coronavirus/2021/02/26/covid-19-vaccines-stolen-in-memphis-shelby-county-health-department/6822867002/


01 mars 2021

Europe Oxford-AstraZeneca

- Europe Probes Attempted Vaccine Scams of More Than $15 Billion L'Europe enquête sur une tentative d'escroquerie aux vaccins de plus de 15 milliards de dollars

961495 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-01/europe-probes-attempted-vaccine-scams-of-more-than-15-billion

02 mars 2021

Sud-Sudan - - Thai Army doctor sold fake Covid-19 vaccines to UN peacekeepers Un médecin de l'armée thaïlandaise a vendu de faux vaccins Covid-19 aux soldats de la paix de l'ONU

962520 https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/thai-army-doctor-sold-fake-covid-19-vaccines-to-un-peacekeepers

02 mars 2021

Etats-Unis - - National Consumer Protection Week: FDA Is Vigilant in Protecting Consumers Against COVID-19 Vaccine Scams - 2021-03-02 Semaine nationale de protection des consommateurs : La FDA est vigilante pour protéger les consommateurs contre les escroqueries liées au vaccin COVID-19 – 02-03-2021

962956 http://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices/national-consumer-protection-week-fda-vigilant-protecting-consumers-against-covid-19-vaccine-scams

03 mars 2021

Israel Pfizer/BioNTech flacons vides: détourné

2 Israelis detained on suspicion of selling used COVID vaccine vials Deux Israéliens détenus pour avoir vendu des flacons de vaccin COVID déjà entamés

975656 https://www.timesofisrael.com/2-israelis-detained-on-suspicion-of-selling-used-covid-vaccine-vials/

03 mars 2021

Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech détourné Decatur pharmacist fired after taking COVID-19 vaccines home to family Un pharmacien de Decatur a été licencié après avoir emporté des vaccins COVID-19 chez lui.

992152 https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/vaccine/ct-coronavirus-vaccine-decatur-hospital-pharmacist-20210303-t6nnwtc2vvad5jr4dmtlxyf7mq-story.html

04 mars 2021

Malaisie, Vente en ligne

Pfizer/BioNTech - Police Investigate Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Sold Online, Losses Amounting Up To RM285,499 La police enquête sur de faux vaccins COVID-19 vendus en ligne, les pertes s'élevant à 285 499 Ruppies Malaisiennes

966743 https://worldofbuzz.com/police-investigate-fake-covid-19-vaccines-sold-online-losses-amounting-up-to-rm285499/ Additional information: https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2437445.html

04 mars 2021

Vente en ligne, France, Allemagne, Royaume

- - Scammers are Selling Fake COVID-19 Vaccines for up to $1,200 Des escrocs vendent de faux vaccins COVID-19 pour un montant pouvant aller jusqu'à 1200 $.

965729 https://www.itnewsafrica.com/2021/03/scammers-are-selling-fake-covid-19-vaccines-for-up-to-1200/

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 23

Uni, Etats-Unis

09 mars 2021

Vente en ligne

- - Some people turning to black market to get COVID-19 vaccine Certaines personnes se tournent vers les marchés illicites pour obtenir le vaccin COVID-19

973480 https://www.azfamily.com/news/continuing_coverage/coronavirus_coverage/vaccine_headquarters/some-people-turning-to-black-market-to-get-covid-19-vaccine/article_af7de3d2-8144-11eb-bf11-a7a9c31ca1c6.html

10 mars 2021

Mexique, vente en ligne

* Cansino Biologics * Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd * Sinovac

- Alerta por falsificación de vacunas contra el covid-19 en México que estarían en venta Alerte sur des vaccins covid-19 contrefaits qui seraient en vente au Mexique

976281 https://www.larepublica.co/globoeconomia/alerta-por-falsificacion-de-vacunas-contra-el-covid-19-en-mexico-que-estarian-en-venta-3137336 Original message:https://www.gob.mx/cms/uploads/attachment/file/619020/Alerta_Sanitaria_Cansino_Sinopharm_Sinovac.pdf

13 mars 2021

Inde - - Woman administers fake COVID-19 vaccine to aunt, her family & escapes with gold Une femme administre un faux vaccin COVID-19 à sa tante et à sa famille et s'enfuit avec de l'or.

978169 https://www.timesnownews.com/chennai/article/woman-administers-fake-covid-19-vaccine-to-aunt-her-family-escapes-with-gold/732152

15 mars 2021

Colombie Sinovac Vaccins d’air El video del engaño: enfermera vacuna contra el Covid-19 con una jeringa vacía Vidéo canular : une infirmière vaccine contre le Covid-19 avec une seringue vide

987387 https://www.clarin.com/internacional/video-engano-enfermera-vacuna-covid-19-jeringa-vacia_0_5bJ7mXUTK.html

16 mars 2021

Etats-Unis - détourné Nurse arrested for allegedly stealing COVID-19 vaccine at TCF Center in Detroit Une infirmière arrêtée pour avoir prétendument volé le vaccin COVID-19 au centre TCF de Détroit

981668 https://www.wxyz.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/nurse-arrested-for-allegedly-stealing-covid-19-vaccine-at-tcf-center-in-detroit

16 mars 2021

Jamaique Oxford-AstraZeneca

détourné (en cours d’investigation)

Ten doses of COVID vaccine missing from Cornwall Regional Hospital Dix doses de vaccin COVID manquantes à l'Hôpital régional de Cornwall

1003286 https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/lead-stories/20210316/ten-doses-covid-vaccine-missing-cornwall-regional-hospital

18 mars 2021

Mexique Sputnik V - Mexico authorities seize fake batch of Russian Sputnik V vaccine: RDIF Les autorités mexicaines saisissent un faux lot de vaccin russe Sputnik V : RDIF

984176 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-russia-vaccine-mex-idUSKBN2BA1RD Original message:https://www.gob.mx/cofepris/es/articulos/nota-informativa-sobre-vacunacion-ilegal-en-campeche?idiom=es

22 mars 2021

Ghana Oxford-AstraZeneca ‘Covidshield’ [sic]

détourné Ghana Health Service start dey investigate 3 health officials who 'dey sell Covid-19 vaccines' Le ‘Service de santé du Ghana’ commence à enquêter sur 3 responsables de la santé qui "vendent des vaccins Covid-19".

988608 https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/tori-56481793 Additional information:'4 accused of stealing and selling Covid-19 vaccines granted bail': https://www.myjoyonline.com/4-accused-of-stealing-and-selling-covid-19-vaccines-granted-bail/

23 mars 2021

Vente en ligne

* Johnson & Johnson * Oxford- AstraZeneca

- Covid-19 vaccines and counterfeit vaccine cards are for sale on the dark web Des vaccins Covid-19 et des cartes de vaccination contrefaits sont en vente sur le dark web

989053 https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/23/tech/covid-vaccines-dark-web/index.html

23 mars 2021

Royaume Uni

- détourné Man charged after Covid vial stolen from Edinburgh vaccination centre

990549 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-56505041

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 24

Un homme inculpé après le vol d'un flacon de Covid dans un centre de vaccination d'Édimbourg

24 mars 2021

Mexique Sputnik V - México investiga supuesta aplicación de vacuna anticovid "falsa" a un millar de personas Le Mexique enquête sur un prétendu "faux" vaccin contre la COVID administré à 1 000 personnes

990553 https://www.clarin.com/agencias/afp-mexico-investiga-supuesta-aplicacion-vacuna-anticovid-falsa-millar-personas_0_klvqCFjVO.html Original message: https://www.gob.mx/cofepris/es/articulos/cofepris-informa-sobre-la-vacuna-falsa-presuntamente-aplicada-en-campeche-y-las-acciones-en-curso?idiom=es

24 mars 2021

Kenya Sputnik V détourné Kenya: Distributors 'Sneaked' Russian Vaccine Into Kenya for Sale at Sh11,000 Per Jab Kenya : Des distributeurs ont introduit clandestinement un vaccin russe au Kenya pour le vendre à 11 000 shillings par flacon

990984 https://allafrica.com/stories/202103240210.html

24 mars 2021

Macao - Chine

BioNTech - Hong Kong, Macau suspend Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine over packaging flaw Hong Kong et Macao suspendent le vaccin COVID-19 de Pfizer en raison d'un défaut de conditionnement

1021092 https://www.arabnews.com/node/1830936/world

26 mars 2021

Mexique Pfizer/BioNTech - Medical Product Alert N°2/2021: Falsified COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 Alerte Produit Médical N°2/2021 : Vaccin COVID-19 falsifié BNT162b2

994973 https://www.who.int/news/item/26-03-2021-medical-product-alert-n-2-2021-falsified-covid-19-vaccine-bnt162b2

30 mars 2021

Philippines - - Galvez says gov't probing 3 firms offering fake COVID-19 vaccines Galvez dit que le gouvernement enquête sur 3 entreprises proposant de faux vaccins COVID-19

998393 https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1413018/galvez-says-govt-probing-3-companies-offering-fake-covid-19-vaccines

31 mars 2021

Etats-Unis Johnson & Johnson

- Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine batch fails quality check Le lot de vaccins COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson échoue au contrôle de qualité

1000915 https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/Johnson-Johnson-COVID-19-vaccine-batch-fails-16068073.php

31 mars 2021

Pakistan - dégradé & détourné

Corona vaccine stolen in Services, wasted in Mozang hospital Un vaccin Corona volé dans les services, perdu pour l'hôpital de Mozang

1001109 https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/813092-corona-vaccine-stolen-in-services-wasted-in-mozang-hospital


04 avril 2021

Europe - - Descubren contenedores de vacunas falsificadas que iban a distribuir en Europa Découverte de conteneurs de vaccins contrefaits destinés à être distribués en Europe

1005914 https://espanadiario.net/salud/descubren-contenedores-vacunas-falsas-distribucion-europa

07 avril 2021

Etats-Unis Johnson & Johnson

- Another 62million Covid vaccines 'contaminated' at scandal-hit factory 62 millions de vaccins Covid supplémentaires "contaminés" dans une usine touchée par un scandale

1011051 https://metro.co.uk/2021/04/07/another-62million-covid-vaccines-contaminated-at-scandal-hit-factory-14373004/

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

07 avril 2021

Brésil - - Au Brésil, une fausse infirmière s’est fait plus de 5000 euros en administrant de faux vaccins à plus de 50 hommes d’affaires

1010975 https://www.sudinfo.be/id385891/article/2021-04-07/au-bresil-une-fausse-infirmiere-sest-fait-plus-de-5000-euros-en-administrant-de


08 avril 2021

Etats-Unis Johnson & Johnson

détourné Capel Coral Police investigating stolen vials of Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine La police de Capel Coral enquête sur le vol de flacons du vaccin Covid-19 de Johnson & Johnson.

1013423 https://www.fox4now.com/news/local-news/capel-coral-police-investigating-stolen-vials-of-johnson-johnson-covid-19-vaccine

13 Avril 2021

Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech dégradé Thousands need to be revaccinated after state finds substandard vaccine storage, handling at El Paso County clinic Des milliers de personnes doivent être revaccinées après constatation par l’Etat que le stockage et la manipulation des vaccins n'étaient pas conformes aux normes dans une clinique du comté d'El Paso.

1021500 https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/thousands-need-to-be-revaccinated-after-state-finds-substandard-vaccine-storage-handling-at-el-paso-county-clinic/ar-BB1fCWLL Additional information:3,000 vaccine doses seized from Colorado Springs medical spa due to storage problems: https://coloradosun.com/2021/04/12/moma-health-and-wellness-coronavirus-vaccine-seized/

14 Avril 2021

Inde Covaxin détourné Rajasthan: 320 doses of COVID-19 vaccine stolen from Jaipur hospital, FIR filed Rajasthan : 320 doses de vaccin COVID-19 volées dans un hôpital de Jaipur, une plainte a été déposée.

1020922 https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/rajasthan-320-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-stolen-from-jaipur-hospital-fir-filed/745043 Additional information:Over 300 Covaxin Covid-19 doses go missing from Rajasthan govt hospital https://www.livemint.com/news/india/over-300-mn-covaxin-covid-19-doses-go-missing-from-rajasthan-govt-hospital-11618395901531.html

15 avril 2021

Vente en ligne, Venezuela

- - Venezuela : arrestation de vendeurs de vaccins au noir 1023308 https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/2021/04/15/venezuela-arrestation-de-vendeurs-de-vaccins-au-noir

16 avril 2021

République de Corée

- seringues: de qualité inférieure

Korea gives 500,000 AstraZeneca shots with potentially faulty syringes La Corée fait 500 000 injections d'AstraZeneca avec des seringues potentiellement défectueuses

1025296 http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210416000870

21 avril 2021

Pologne Pfizer/BioNTech - Pfizer Identifies Fake Covid-19 Shots Abroad as Criminals Exploit Vaccine Demand Pfizer identifie de fausses injections de Covid-19 à l'étranger alors que des criminels exploitent la demande de vaccins

1030129 https://www.wsj.com/articles/pfizer-identifies-fake-covid-19-shots-abroad-as-criminals-exploit-vaccine-demand-11619006403

21 avril 2021

Vente en ligne, Argentine (Brésil, Mexique)

- - PAHO warns of fake Covid-19 vaccines in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico L'OPS met en garde contre les faux vaccins Covid-19 en Argentine, au Brésil et au Mexique

1030705 https://batimes.com.ar/news/latin-america/paho-warns-of-fake-covid-19-vaccines-in-argentina-brazil-and-mexico.phtml

22 avril 2021

Inde * Covishield * Covaxin

détourné 1,710 doses of Covid-19 vaccine stolen from civil hospital in Haryana 1 710 doses de vaccin Covid-19 volées dans un hôpital civil de l'Haryana

1031435 https://www.livemint.com/news/india/1710-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-stolen-from-civil-hospital-in-haryana-11619069095866.html

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 26

23 avril 2021

Bolivie (Mexique, Colombie)

- - PAHO warns against acquiring vaccines from unofficial sources L'OPS met en garde contre l'acquisition de vaccins auprès de sources non officielles

1034582 https://www.nycaribnews.com/articles/paho-warns-latin-america-about-counterfeit-unauthorized-vaccines/

27 avril 2021

Allemagne Pfizer/BioNTech - Nurse 'gave people fake Covid vaccines to cover up for dropping vial' Une infirmière a donné à des personnes de faux vaccins Covid pour cacher l'oubli d'un flacon.

1038395 https://metro.co.uk/2021/04/27/nurse-gave-people-fake-covid-vaccines-to-cover-up-for-dropping-vial-14478894/

30 avril 2021

Etats-Unis, vente en ligne

* Moderna * Pfizer/BioNTech

ampoules vides

CBS 2 Investigators Go Undercover And Find Pharmacist Selling ‘Empty’ COVID Vaccine Vials Online: ‘I Did Not Think It Was A Big Deal’ Les enquêteurs de CBS 2 découvrent facilement un pharmacien qui vend des flacons de vaccins COVID " vides " en ligne : " Je ne pensais pas que c'était un gros problème ".

1043609 https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2021/04/30/pharmacist-selling-empty-covid-vaccine-vials-online-cbs-2-investigators-dorothy-tucker/


01 mai 2021 Etats-Unis Johnson & Johnson

détourné COVID-19 vaccines, medical equipment stolen from Purdy dentist’s office Vaccins COVID-19 et matériel médical volés chez le dentiste de Purdy

1043734 https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/covid-19-vaccines-medical-equipment-stolen-purdy-dentists-office/VHTYI6WRHFETBDPQEAMYCE46HA/

05 mai 2021 Vente en ligne

* Sputnik V * Pfizer/BioNTech

- Dubious Covid-19 Shots, Fake Vaccination Certificates Proliferate on Dark Web Des injections douteuses de vaccins Covid-19 et de faux certificats de vaccination prolifèrent sur le Dark Web

1048306 https://www.wsj.com/articles/dubious-covid-19-shots-fake-vaccination-certificates-proliferate-on-dark-web-11620207001

10 mai 2021 Vente en ligne

Pfizer/BioNTech - Surgical masks, vaccines among counterfeit goods on the rise online Masques chirurgicaux, vaccins parmi les produits de contrefaçon en hausse sur Internet

1095520 https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/surgical-masks-vaccines-among-counterfeit-goods-rise-online

11 mai 2021 Inde * Covishield * Covaxin

détourné Exclusive: Black marketing of vaccine in Silchar Civil, unauthorised centre running inside a chamber Exclusif : Vente illicite de vaccins à Silchar Civil, centre non autorisé fonctionnant dans une chambre

1086365 https://www.barakbulletin.com/en_US/exclusive-black-marketing-of-vaccine-in-silchar-civil-unauthorised-centre-running-inside-a-chamber/

12 mai 2021 Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech détourné Police Investigating Man Suspected Of Stealing COVID-19 Vaccines La police enquête sur un homme soupçonné d'avoir volé des vaccins COVID-19

1057163 http://ktoe.com/2021/05/12/police-investigating-man-suspected-of-stealing-covid-19-vaccines/

17 mai 2021 Inde Covishield détourné 40 doses of Covid-19 vaccine missing; Andhra police files case 40 doses de vaccin Covid-19 manquantes ; la police d'Andhra dépose une plainte

1063860 https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/andhra-pradesh/2021/may/18/40-doses-of-covid-19vaccine-missing-andhra-police-filescase-2303946.html

18 mai 2021 Etats-Unis Pfizer/BioNTech preparation de qualité inférieure

Exclusive: Whistleblower Alleges Queens Company Ordered Health Clinic Workers To Over Dilute Doses Of COVID Vaccine

1067060 https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2021/05/18/whistleblower-lawsuit-over-diluted-covid-vaccine-new-york-city/

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 27

Exclusif : Un dénonciateur affirme qu'une société du Queens a ordonné aux travailleurs d'une clinique de santé de surdiluer les doses du vaccin COVID.

19 mai 2021 Etats-Unis Johnson & Johnson

- 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson's vaccine need to be checked for contamination and may need to be thrown out 100 millions de doses du vaccin de Johnson & Johnson doivent faire l'objet d’une recherche de contamination et devront peut-être être jetées.

1071640 https://www.yahoo.com/news/100-million-doses-johnson-johnsons-200345343.html

20 mai 2021 Inde - détourné Three Bengaluru doctors held for blackmarketing of COVID-19 vaccines and drugs Trois médecins de Bengaluru détenus pour avoir commercialisé illégalement des vaccins et des médicaments COVID-19

1068658 https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/three-bengaluru-doctors-held-blackmarketing-covid-19-vaccines-and-drugs-149243

21 mai 2021 Vente en ligne

* Moderna * Pfizer/BioNTech

- COVID-19 vaccine scam warning Mise en garde contre l'escroquerie au vaccin COVID-19

1069276 https://mybroadband.co.za/news/trending/398181-covid-19-vaccine-scam-warning.html

25 mai 2021 Inde - Doses non injectées

UP govt order probe after 29 syringes filled with Covid vaccine was found in dustbin in Aligarh Le gouvernement de l'UP ordonne une enquête après la découverte de 29 seringues remplies de vaccin Covid dans une poubelle à Aligarh.

1074206 http://www.uniindia.com/~/up-govt-order-probe-after-29-syringes-filled-with-covid-vaccine-was-found-in-dustbin-in-aligarh/States/news/2404840.html

28 mai 2021 Inde - - Thieves steal 300 vials of children's vaccines thinking they were Covid doses in Maharashtra's Ulhasnagar Des voleurs dérobent 300 flacons de vaccins pour enfants, pensant qu'il s'agit de vaccins Covid, à Ulhasnagar, dans le Maharashtra.

1078285 https://www.indiatoday.in/coronavirus-outbreak/story/thieves-steal-300-vials-children-vaccines-thinking-they-were-covid-doses-maharashtra-ulhasnagar-1808077-2021-05-28

28 mai 2021 Afrique du Sud

(Vaccin chinois COVID-19)

- ……国外竟有人收高价,骗人接种假的“国产疫苗” 中国驻南


Des personnes à l'étranger pratiquent des prix élevés pour .....inciter les gens à se procurer de faux "vaccins nationaux" .

L'ambassade de Chine en Afrique du Sud publie un avis important !

1077654 https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1700952799193001379&wfr=spider&for=pc

28 mai 2021 Inde - détourné/non-enregistré

Dr Reddy's takes action against bogus entities offering Sputnik V Covid vaccine Dr Reddy's prend des mesures contre les fausses entreprises proposant le vaccin Covid Sputnik V

1078624 https://www.livemint.com/news/india/dr-reddy-s-takes-action-against-bogus-entities-offering-sputnik-v-covid-vaccine-11622211977442.html

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Tableau 2. Problèmes de qualité avec des vaccins COVID-19 dans les articles publiés en juin et juillet 2021. Chaque article est disponible dans le ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring (MQM) Globeʺ lié à un numéro d’identification (ID) de rapport. Les rapports datent du 1er juin 2021 au 31 juillet 2021. Chaque type de problème de qualité a une couleur attribuée dans ce tableau. Pour la définition des différents termes décrivant les problèmes de qualité, veuillez consulter le tableau 1. Dans le prochain rapport, nous prévoyons de catégoriser rétrospectivement les rapports antérieurs. Nous avons inclus des articles de la presse espagnole, française, chinoise et/ou vietnamienne si l'incident n'a pas été rapporté dans la presse anglophone. Nous ne mentionnons ici qu'un seul rapport par incident - il existe de nombreux autres rapports décrivant les mêmes incidents. Dans le tableau, nous ne faisons référence qu'aux incidents principaux décrits dans le rapport, si un rapport répète des informations sur des incidents dont nous avons déjà parlé, nous ne le nommons pas à nouveau.


Date de publication

Problème de qualité probable

Localisation Produit/Organisation Titre MQM Globe rapport ID17

Quantité impliquée


03 juin 2021 Incertain Kenya - DCI probes facilities illegally giving Covid jabs at a fee L'ICD enquête sur des établissements qui administrent illégalement les vaccins Covid en se faisant payer

1086161 - Inconnue

04 juin 2021 Détourné Inde Bharat Biotech (Covaxin), Serum Institute

Will inquire matter myself: Punjab Health Minister on allegations of vaccine diversion to private hospitals Le ministre de la santé du Pendjab va enquêter lui-même sur les accusations de détournement de vaccins vers des hôpitaux privés.

1086967 40 000 doses -

11 juin 2021 Qualité inférieure

Etats Unis, Europe

Johnson&Johnson EU regulator flags contamination in some J&J COVID-19 vaccines L’autorité réglementaire de l'UE signale une contamination de certains vaccins COVID-19 J&J

1095771 Inconnue -

11 juin 2021 Qualité inférieure

Etats Unis, Canada

Johnson&Johnson First batch of J&J COVID vaccines won't be released in Canada Le premier lot de vaccins COVID J&J ne sera pas distribué au Canada

1096549 300 000 doses -

12 juin 2021 Qualité inférieure

Etats Unis, South-Africa

Johnson&Johnson 2 million doses of J&J vaccine in South Africa possibly contaminated | Citypress 2 millions de doses de vaccin J&J en Afrique du Sud possiblement contaminées | Citypress

1097627 2 millions de doses


14 juin 2021 Détourné Ouganda Oxford-AstraZeneca Police names suspects arrested over stolen Covid-19 vaccines La police donne les noms des suspects arrêtés pour le vol de vaccins Covid-19

1129380 Inconnue -

17 Chaque numéro d’identification (ID) de rapport contient le lien vers l'article original. Au fil du temps, il se peut que certaines URL ne fonctionnent plus. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez trouver un résumé/extrait de l'article sur le ʺMQM Globeʺ en ligne en utilisant "reportID:XXXXXXX" dans le champ de recherche.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 29

15 juin 2021 Falsifié Equateur Pfizer/BioNTech Five fraudsters are arrested in Ecuador for selling fake Pfizer vaccines Cinq fraudeurs sont arrêtés en Équateur pour avoir vendu de faux vaccins Pfizer

1100787 43 seringues saisies

Inconnue, eau de mer?

16 juin 2021 Falsifié Inde Covishield Mumbai Society Residents Allege Vaccination Scam, Suspect They Received Fake COVID-19 Vaccine; Probe Des résidents de la Société Mumbai dénoncent une escroquerie à la vaccination, soupçonnant qu'ils ont reçu un faux vaccin COVID-19 ; enquête

1101158 environ 390 personnes vaccinées


23 juin 2021 Falsifié Inde Covishield TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls for fake Covid-19 vaccination drive, gets accused arrested Mimi Chakraborty, députée de la TMC, a été victime d'une fausse campagne de vaccination contre le virus Covid-19 et a fait arrêter les accusés

1110971 200-250 personnes vaccinées


24 juin 2021 Qualité inférieure

Russie Sputnik V WHO uncovers problems at Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine at Russia's Ufa plant L'OMS découvre des problèmes avec le vaccin Covid-19 Sputnik V à l'usine russe d'Ufa

1131615 Inconnue -

25 juin 2021 Falsifié Inde - Escroquerie aux faux vaccins en Inde : 2500 personnes vaccinées avec une solution saline

1114048 2,000 personnes

solution saline

29 juin 2021 Qualité inférieure

Thailande Sinovac Gel-like substance found in 110 bottles of Sinovac’s COVID-19 vaccine Une substance ressemblant à du gel a été trouvée dans 110 flacons de vaccin COVID-19 de Sinovac

1173183 110 flacons -

30 juin 2021 Falsifié Ouganda Oxford-AstraZeneca - Serum Institute of India

Uganda: State House Says Over 800 People Vaccinated With Fake COVID-19 Jabs Ouganda : Selon la Maison Blanche, plus de 800 personnes ont été vaccinées avec de faux vaccins COVID-19.

1119681 > 800 personnes vaccinées

eau (en bouteille)

30 juin 2021 Falsifié – 1er

incident Qualité inférieure (après détournement) – 2ème incident

Venezuela, vente en ligne

- Venezuela's Thriving Black Market for COVID-19 Vaccines Le marché illicite florissant des vaccins COVID-19 au Venezuela

1120499 > 2,000 personnes concernées (1er incident)

eau bouillie, antalgiques et antibiotiques (1er incident)

01 juillet 2021

Incertain Vente en ligne

Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Sputnik V

Fake Covid Certificates, Stolen Vaccines Sold on Darkweb for Bitcoin De faux certificats Covid et des vaccins volés vendus sur le Darkweb contre des bitcoins

1122035 - -

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 30

03 juillet 2021

Incertain Vente en ligne, Italie

- Website accepting cryptocurrency for selling fake coronavirus vaccines and certificates in Italy Un site Web accepte des crypto-monnaies pour vendre de faux vaccins et certificats contre le coronavirus en Italie

1123690 - -

07 juillet 2021

Falsifié, Incertain Iran Sinopharm, Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech

Iran Cracks Fake COVID Vaccine Ring, Seizing Large Shipment L'Iran démantèle un réseau de faux vaccins COVID et en saisit une importante cargaison

1216975 Inconnue Inconnue

07 juillet 2021

Incertain Philippines Oxford-AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech, Sinovac

Pasay City police arrest fake nurse, cohort for illegal sale of COVID vaccines La police de Pasay City arrête une fausse infirmière pour vente illégale de vaccins COVID

1129126 Inconnue -

08 juillet 2021

Détourné Philippines Sinovac Biotech Sinovac shots confiscated in QC ‘unsafe,’ had dirty packaging – FDA Les doses de Sinovac confisquées au contrôle ne sont pas sûres et leur emballage est sale - FDA

1130843 300 doses Inconnue

13 juillet 2021

Falsifié Liban - Scandale à l’Hôpital de Batroun, un employé accusé d’avoir falsifié les vaccins Pfizer

1135850 - Inconnue

13 juillet 2021

Incertain Mexique - Alertan por hallazgo de vacunas falsas contra Covid-19 en Ciudad Juárez Alerte à la recherche de faux vaccins Covid-19 à Ciudad Juárez

1157058 Inconnue Inconnue

14 juillet 2021

Falsifié Thailande Moderna Thai clinic shut down for selling fake Moderna vaccine: cops Une clinique thaïlandaise fermée pour avoir vendu un faux vaccin Moderna : les flics

1136434 Inconnue Inconnue

15 juillet 2021

Détourné Afrique du Sud

- 'Covid-19 vaccines and scheduled medicines now in the hands of looters' Les vaccins Covid-19 et les médicaments prévus sont maintenant entre les mains de pillards

1138581 Inconnue -

18 juillet 2021

Détourné Inde Covishield COVID-19 in Chhattisgarh: 70 doses of Covishield vaccine stolen in Durg's Ahirwara COVID-19 au Chhattisgarh : 70 doses de vaccin Covishield volées à Ahirwara, dans le district de Durg.

1143378 70 doses -

24 juillet 2021

Détourné Inde Covishield Covid: Pharmacist held for vaccine fraud in Diamond Harbour Covid : un pharmacien détenu pour fraude aux vaccins à Diamond Harbour

1151752 au moins 40 personnes vaccinées


26 juillet 2021

Détourné Pakistan - Man held, former army officer booked on charges of ‘illegal’ Covid vaccination in Karachi

1153392 Inconnue -

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19 31

Un homme détenu et un ancien officier de l'armée inculpés de vaccination "illégale" contre le Covid à Karachi.

26 juillet 2021

Falsifié Mexique - Police arrest man for administering fake Covid vaccine for 1,000 pesos La police arrête un homme pour avoir administré un faux vaccin Covid pour 1 000 pesos

1153776 Inconnue Inconnue, chlorure de sodium?

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

A.2.2. Incidents publiés en juin et juillet 2021

A.2.2.1. Vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés Lors d'une opération visant à saisir une importante cargaison de vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés et passés en contrebande, le ministère iranien du Renseignement ʺMinistry of Intelligenceʺ (VAJA) a arrêté plusieurs personnes (rapport ID 1216975). Les produits confisqués comprenaient des vaccins étiquetés comme provenant de Sinopharm, AstraZeneca et Pfizer. Le rapport du VAJA ne précise pas combien de vaccins étaient des produits falsifiés.


Le 30 juin, le premier article de presse non spécialisée relatant l'affaire des vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés en Ouganda a été enregistré dans notre base de données (rapport ID 1119681). Ce rapport a été suivi par près de 50 autres articles liés à cet incident, veuillez vous reporter dans nos annexes pour consulter les histoires associées. La ʺState House Health Monitoring Unitʺ en Ouganda a révélé que plus de 800 personnes ont reçu des vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés en mai et juin. Plusieurs entreprises privées qui avaient pris des dispositions pour faire vacciner leur personnel à titre privé en ont été victimes, payant des prix élevés pour les produits falsifiés. Les vaccins ont été vendus sous le nom de vaccins contre la COVID-19 "AstraZeneca" (rapport d'information complémentaire ID 1155700)18. Les résultats d'analyse du laboratoire d'analyse gouvernemental ʺGovernment Analytical Laboratoryʺ et de l’Autorité Nationale de Réglementation ʺNational Drug Authorityʺ ont montré que les flacons étaient remplis très probablement d’eau en bouteille. Serum Institute of India a déclaré qu'il n'avait pas produit le numéro de lot concerné et que les flacons ne provenaient pas d’eux. L'article mentionne que les étiquettes sur les flacons semblaient imprimées localement. Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées et inculpées pour les vaccins falsifiés, dont deux infirmières.


Deux articles font état d'incidents liés à des vaccins Covishield falsifiés en Inde. Dans le premier incident, des résidents de la Hiranandani Estate Society à Mumbai, dans l'État indien du Maharashtra, soupçonnent qu'on leur a administré des vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés (rapport ID 1101158). Le 30 mai, une campagne de vaccination a été organisée au cours de laquelle environ 390 personnes ont reçu leur prétendue première dose de vaccin Covishield, en payant 1 260 roupies pour une dose (environ 17 USD). L'organisateur de la campagne de vaccination a affirmé être un représentant de l'hôpital Kokilaben Ambani. Les habitants ne présentaient aucun symptôme ni effet secondaire et ont eu des doutes lorsqu'ils n'ont pas reçu de certificats de vaccination pendant près de deux semaines. À la réception des certificats, ceux-ci mentionnaient un lieu et une date de vaccination incorrects. Dans le second incident, un homme a été arrêté pour s'être fait passer pour un agent du ʺIndian Administrative Serviceʺ et avoir organisé une campagne de vaccination contre la Covid-19 au nom de Kolkata Municipal Corporation (rapport ID 1110971).


18 Source: The Independent. 800 fake Covid-19 vaccine doses were 99% water. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.ug/800-fake-covid-19-vaccine-doses-were-99-water-monitoring-unit/. Published July 20, 2021. Accessed September 6, 2021.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Un membre du parlement (MP) du Congrès Trinamool était présent et a été vacciné avec 200 à 250 personnes avec le prétendu vaccin Covishield. Le député a eu des doutes car l'enregistrement ne s'est pas fait comme d'habitude, aucun SMS n'a été envoyé et personne n'a reçu de certificat de vaccination. Un article publié quelques jours plus tard suggère que les personnes ont reçu des injections d’amikacine, car un grand nombre de flacons d'amikacine et des étiquettes falsifiées de Covishield ont été retrouvés dans le bureau des suspects (rapport ID 1112828)19. Un autre article, qui fait notamment état des deux affaires précédentes, résume le fait qu'au moins 2 500 personnes ont été victimes d’arnaques avec des faux vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans deux grandes villes indiennes, Mumbai et Kolkata (rapport français ID 1114048). Selon la police de Mumbai, environ 2 000 personnes ont reçu une solution saline au lieu d'une dose de vaccin COVID-19 authentique.


En Thaïlande, dans la province de Prachinburi, une clinique a reçu l'ordre de fermer après avoir prétendument vendu des vaccins Moderna falsifiés (rapport ID 1136434). Les patients devaient payer 46 USD par dose, on ne leur montrait pas l'emballage du vaccin, et ils n'ont prétendument souffert d'aucun des effets secondaires attendus. Le vaccin Moderna COVID-19 n'était pas officiellement disponible en Thaïlande et lors d'une perquisition dans la clinique, aucun vaccin Moderna n'a été trouvé.


Les autorités équatoriennes ont arrêté cinq personnes qui auraient vendu des flacons remplis d'eau de mer qu'ils prétendaient être des vaccins Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 pour 25 USD par injection (rapport ID 1100787). Les autorités n'ont pas précisé si des résidents de Manta avaient reçu des injections de ce produit. Les personnes ont été inculpées pour "production, fabrication, commercialisation et distribution présumées de médicaments frelatés". Un total de 43 seringues remplies de liquide ainsi qu'un nombre inconnu de petits flacons en verre contenant de l'eau de mer ont été saisis. Au Liban, un employé de l'hôpital public de Batroun a été licencié pour avoir donné de fausses doses de vaccins Pfizer (rapport français ID 1135850). Aucun autre détail n'a été donné dans l'article.

‘Vaccins COVID-19’ inconnus

Un homme se faisant passer pour un médecin a été arrêté à Tapachula, au Mexique, pour avoir vendu des vaccins contre la Covid-19 falsifiés pour 1 000 à 1 500 pesos par dose (environ 50 à 75 USD ; rapport ID 1153776). La police a trouvé un sac en plastique contenant des étuis de seringues vides, deux bouteilles vides de chlorure de sodium, de faux certificats de vaccination et une liste de personnes ayant reçu les injections.

Un article fait état de 2 cas distincts au Venezuela (rapport ID 1120499). Le premier incident concerne la vente de vaccins contre la COVID-19 falsifiés. Le 26 juin, les


19 Hindustan Times Correspondent. People may have got antibiotics at fake jab camp in Kolkata: Cops. Hindustan Times. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/people-may-have-got-antibiotics-at-fake-jab-camp-in-kolkata-cops-101624561190596-amp.html. Published June 25, 2021. Accessed September 6, 2021.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

autorités ont arrêté un employé du département de la santé dans l'ouest de l'État de Lara pour avoir prétendument rempli des flacons d'eau bouillie, d'analgésiques et d'antibiotiques et les avoir vendus comme des vaccins contre la COVID-19. Au total, quatre personnes ont été accusées d'avoir escroqué près de 2 000 personnes, qui payaient de 50 à 150 USD par dose. Le deuxième incident concerne le détournement de vaccins contre la COVID-19. En avril, les autorités ont démantelé un gang qui vendait des vaccins via WhatsApp pour 280 USD. L'article rapporte que les doses avaient été volées dans un centre de santé de Caracas et étaient périmées après n'avoir pas respecté les conditions de stockage appropriées.

A.2.2.2. Vaccins contre la COVID-19 de qualité inférieure

Johnson & Johnson

Dans des rapports précédents, nous avons fait état des problèmes de qualité découverts dans l'usine de fabrication Emergent BioSolutions, un sous-traitant produisant à la fois le vaccin contre la COVID-19 de Johnson & Johnson (J&J) et d'Oxford-AstraZeneca à Baltimore, aux États-Unis. L’agence du médicament américaine (FDA) a procédé à un examen approfondi afin de décider de la libération ou de la destruction des lots potentiellement concernés, dont la quantité est estimée à 100 millions de doses. Des informations complémentaires ont été communiquées dans un article publié le 11 juin20 mentionnant que la FDA américaine aurait décidé de libérer 10 millions de doses et de jeter au moins 60 millions de doses de vaccins J&J fabriqués dans l'usine Emergent BioSolutions. Le régulateur de l'Union européenne a déclaré que certains des lots concernés en cours d'examen ne seront pas utilisés en Europe (rapport ID 1095771). L'article ne mentionne aucune quantité. Par ailleurs, 300 000 doses du vaccin contre la COVID-19 de J&J ne seront pas autorisées à être utilisées au Canada (rapport ID 1096549). Les vaccins ont été mis en quarantaine en avril avant d'être distribués aux provinces car Santé Canada a été informé que ces vaccins avaient été produits dans l'usine d'Emergent BioSolutions. De même, en Afrique du Sud, deux millions de doses du vaccin J&J, qui attendaient d'être distribuées par l'usine Aspen Pharma de Gqeberha, ne seront pas utilisées car on soupçonne qu'un composant essentiel du vaccin a été contaminé dans l'usine américaine (rapport ID 1097627).


Dans un site de vaccination thaïlandais, il a été constaté que 110 flacons du vaccin Sinovac COVID-19 contenaient un morceau de gel transparent (rapport ID 1173183). La FDA thaïlandaise a demandé la suspension de l'administration de tout flacon de vaccin CoronaVac de Sinovac contenant des grumeaux et la notification de ces découvertes. En outre, elle a communiqué le numéro du lot concerné (vaccin Sinovac, lot C202105079, date de fabrication 10 mai, date de péremption 9 novembre). Ils pensent que le gel s'est probablement formé parce que le vaccin a


20 Information additionnelle sur le rapport ID 1095788. Source: McGinley L, Rowland C, Stanley-Becker I. FDA

has decided at least 60 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine must be discarded; 10 million can be released. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/06/11/fda-releases-

johnson-johnson-vaccine-from-emergent-plant/. Published June 11, 2021. Accessed September 8, 2021.

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

été stocké à une température trop basse et/ou que son pH a changé. Le vaccin ne serait pas dangereux mais son efficacité serait réduite.

Sputnik V

Un article rapporte que l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a inspecté plusieurs sites de fabrication de Sputnik V en Russie et qu'elle a constaté le non-respect des bonnes pratiques de fabrication à l'usine Pharmstandard Ufa Vitamin (rapport ID 1131615). Dans le rapport de synthèse contenant les conclusions préliminaires, les inspecteurs de l'OMS auraient mis en évidence six problèmes constatés. Ils ont identifié des problèmes de traçabilité et d'identification des lots de vaccins. Les lignes de remplissage, l'assurance de la stérilité, la validation de la filtration stérile et les risques de contamination croisée suscitent également des inquiétudes. Le gouvernement russe a déclaré que les lacunes identifiées par les inspecteurs de l'OMS avaient été corrigées.

A.2.2.3. Vaccins contre la COVID-19 détournés Le gouvernement du Pendjab, en Inde, a été accusé d'acheter des vaccins contre la COVID-19 aux sociétés de production Bharat Biotech (Covaxin) et Serum Institute au prix de 400 roupies (environ 5,5 USD) et de réaliser des bénéfices en les vendant à des hôpitaux privés au prix de 1060 roupies (environ 14,5 USD ; rapport ID 1086967). Selon les allégations, les hôpitaux privés facturent en outre aux gens 1 560 roupies pour chaque dose. Un fonctionnaire du gouvernement a répondu qu'un total de 40 000 doses avaient été données aux hôpitaux privés et qu'il s'agissait d'une mesure ponctuelle.


En Ouganda, des vaccins contre la COVID-19 ont été volés dans l’entrepôt du ministère de la Santé ʺMinistry of Health storeʺ et vendus au public sur le marché illicite (rapport ID 1129380). La police a arrêté douze suspects dans deux pharmacies de la ville dans le cadre des vaccins contre la COVID-19 volés. Au cours des perquisitions, plus de 600 doses de vaccin contre le coronavirus d'AstraZeneca ont été récupérées. L'article indique que les enquêtes et les opérations sont toujours en cours.


Deux articles font état d'incidents concernant des vaccins Covishield détournés en Inde. Dans le premier incident, à Ahirwara, dans l'état de Chhattisgarh, 70 flacons de vaccin Covishield ont été volés dans un centre de vaccination COVID (rapport ID 1143378). Selon l'article, le préposé était venu avec 150 flacons de Covishield en deux colis. Lorsque le premier colis contenant 80 flacons a été épuisé, le second colis a été ouvert mais est apparu vide. La police a déposé une plainte contre des hommes non identifiés pour vol. Dans le second incident, la police a arrêté un homme, qui serait un pharmacien rattaché à un centre de santé primaire, pour s'être procuré des vaccins et avoir organisé de petites campagnes de vaccination chez des particuliers à Sonarpur, dans l'État du Bengale occidental (rapport ID 1151752). La police a saisi chez lui deux flacons avec des étiquettes Covishield. Un échantillon a été envoyé pour une analyse par la police scientifique afin de déterminer la composition du liquide. La


Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

police soupçonne l'accusé d'avoir volé des flacons dans les stocks officiels qu'il a reçus pour la vaccination au centre de santé primaire. Le numéro de série sur les flacons pourrait être utilisé pour vérifier s'il correspond aux flacons en stock. Le suspect aurait vacciné au moins 40 personnes et facturait 300 ou 400 roupies par dose (environ 4 à 5,5 USD).


À Quezon City, aux Philippines, 300 doses de vaccin contre la COVID-19, censées être fabriquées par la société chinoise Sinovac Biotech, ont été confisquées (rapport ID 1130843). Selon l'article, les vaccins semblent authentiques et ont été vendus sur le marché illicite à un prix très élevé. Les flacons de vaccins étaient légèrement ouverts et l'emballage était légèrement sale. Le chef de la FDA a déclaré que les enquêteurs sont en train de retracer l'origine des vaccins confisqués. Il a également déclaré : "Une fois que les vaccins sortent du système, pour nous, ils ne sont pas sûrs car il n'y a aucun moyen de savoir comment ils ont été gérés et ceux-ci ne sont probablement pas passés par les chaines du froid appropriées".

Vaccins contre la COVID-19 pour lesquels le nom commercial n'était pas précisé

En Afrique du Sud, une vague de pillage et de vandalisme a débuté sous forme de protestations contre l'emprisonnement de l'ancien président Jacob Zuma pour outrage à la justice (rapport ID 1138581). Plus de 90 pharmacies, entre autres établissements, dans le KwaZulu-Natal et le Gauteng ont été visées. Parmi les articles pillés figuraient des vaccins contre la COVID-19. Le ʺSouth African Pharmacy Councilʺ a mis en garde les habitants contre l'achat de médicaments qui pourraient être volés. Il a souligné le danger d'utiliser des produits médicaux qui n'ont pas été stockés correctement. Au Pakistan, la police a arrêté un suspect accusé d'avoir administré illégalement des vaccins contre la COVID-19 contre rémunération dans des foyers de Karachi (rapport 1153392). Le suspect aurait volé des doses de vaccin dans un centre de vaccination du gouvernement de Sindh. Lors du piége, le suspect s'est présenté avec une boîte de seringues, trois flacons usagés et deux cartes de vaccination vides portant l'inscription du gouvernement du Sindh et du département de la santé. La police a enregistré un rapport de première information contre le suspect détenu, son employeur présumé et d'autres personnes qui pourraient être impliquées dans cette activité.

A.2.2.4. Vaccins contre la COVID-19 dont la qualité n’est pas claire Au Kenya, la Direction des enquêtes criminelles ʺDirectorate of Criminal Investigationsʺ a ouvert une enquête sur certains établissements qui ont illégalement vacciné des personnes contre le Covid-19 et leur ont facturé cette vaccination (rapport ID 1086161). Le ministère n'a pas révélé quels établissements sont dans le collimateur, afin de ne pas compromettre les opérations en cours. Le ministère de la Santé a déclaré : "Il y a de fortes chances que vous ne soyez même pas vaccinés avec les vaccins appropriés. Il est tout à fait possible que vous soyez vaccinés avec de l'eau et que vous payiez pour cela. C'est pourquoi je tiens à mettre en garde le pays et les Kenyans en général : la vaccination au Kenya est gratuite, personne ne devrait vous faire payer pour cela".


Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Les autorités ont découvert un établissement à Juárez, au Mexique, où des vaccins contre la COVID-19 auraient été administrés (rapport espagnol ID 1157058). Au cours de l'opération, des seringues usagées et des flacons vides ont été trouvés. On ignore si le contenu des flacons était authentique, dégradé ou falsifié. Le lieu où les vaccins ont été administrés ne remplissait pas les conditions requises pour la chaîne du froid, le stockage, la distribution et l'administration.

En ligne

Selon un rapport de la société d'analyse blockchain Coinfirm, des vendeurs ont vendu des vaccins (et des certificats) en échange de diverses cryptomonnaies sur le dark web (rapport ID 1122035). Un vendeur particulier, connu sous le nom de "COVID-19 Vaccine Shop", semble vendre des vaccins en vrac, déclarés comme provenant d'AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna et Sputnik V. La police italienne a démantelé un réseau qui vendait en ligne des flacons de vaccin contre la COVID-19 (et des certificats de vaccination européens falsifiés), où les achats et les ventes pouvaient être effectués en crypto-monnaie (rapport ID 1123690). Ils ont identifié dix comptes et canaux sur Telegram, renvoyant les utilisateurs vers des comptes anonymes du "dark web", où ils peuvent être obtenus. L'article rapporte en outre que "malgré les prix exorbitants et les risques sanitaires extrêmement exorbitants", la police note des milliers de personnes inscrites sur des canaux illégaux à la recherche de vaccins et de certificats. Aux Philippines, deux personnes, dont l'une se faisait passer pour une infirmière, ont été arrêtées lors d'un piége tendu, pour avoir vendu des vaccins contre la COVID-19 par le biais des médias sociaux (rapport ID 1129126). Ils se seraient approvisionnés en vaccins auprès d'un hôpital privé de Makati City et d'un hôpital public de Quezon City et proposaient des vaccins Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford-AstraZeneca et Sinovac. Le piège tendu était une transaction de 50 flacons de vaccin contre la COVID-19 pour un montant de P 120 000 (pesos philippins, environ 2400 USD) mais les agents n'ont pas réussi à récupérer les flacons de vaccin auprès des suspects.

A.3. Rapports de la littérature scientifique Ramakanth D, Singh S, Maji PK, Lee YS, Gaikwad KK. Advanced packaging for distribution and storage of COVID-19 vaccines: a review. Environ Chem Lett. Published online June 3, 2021:12. doi:10.1007/s10311-021-01256-1 “Conditionnements innovants pour la distribution et le stockage des vaccins COVID-19 : une étude.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "The pharmaceutical industry is more vulnerable to

counterfeit medical products. A survey conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC) in June 2020 revealed that approximately 70% of manufacturers agreed on the vulnerability of

their supply chain, if COVID-19 continued for a couple of months and approximately 75% of companies agreed to an increase in theft, diversion, or counterfeiting of vaccines, test kits,

and antivirals (Forcinio 2021). Vaccine manufacturers should be aware of the fake COVID-19 vaccines entering the market. A study conducted by the Authentication Solution Providers Association of India revealed that counterfeiters do not produce vaccines, they just fool

people by duplicating the vaccine packaging while putting harmful or inactive contents inside. A recent Interpol global alert to law enforcement agencies in 194 member countries against

organized networks targeting COVID-19 vaccines provides evidence of the severity of the situation (Outlook 2021). […] In order to curb counterfeiting, laws, and regulations have been formulated by various agencies such as the European Union’s Falsified Medicine Directive


Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

and the US’s Drug Supply Chain Security Act (Forcinio 2021). The WHO also constituted a task force unit in 2006, The International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce

(IMPACT), to fight against the multi-million-dollar illegal trade of counterfeit drugs and vaccines (WHO 2020e).”

Schneider M, Ho Tu Nam N. How pharmaceutical companies can prevent falsified medicine and vaccines from entering African markets. J Intellect Prop Law Pract. Published online July 30, 2021. doi:10.1093/JIPLP/JPAB112 “Comment les entreprises pharmaceutiques peuvent-elles empêcher les médicaments et les vaccins falsifiés de pénétrer sur les marchés africains.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. “As the result of an increase in demand, the value of the

African pharmaceutical market is projected to rise to an estimated USD 56–70 billion by 2030. This increase will occur in a context where Africa is already the continent the most at risk of

an influx of counterfeit drugs. With a prevalence of 18.7 per cent of falsified and substandard medicine—the highest worldwide— counterfeiters and traffickers will be looking closely at this growing demand. The COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about counterfeit vaccines,

medical supplies, and PPE is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by the continent’s population when demand is high but supply low.”

Sharma M, Sikka G. Blockchain based Approaches For Preventing Drug Counterfeit: A Survey. Int J Eng Res Techonology. 2021;7(9):1-6. Accessed September 24, 2021. https://www.ijert.org/blockchain-based-approaches-for-


preventing-drug-counterfeit-a-survey“Approches basées sur la ‘blockchain’ pour prévenir la contrefaçon de médicaments : une enquête”

Résumé original de l’article en anglais. "During the current spread of COVID-19 tons of

people have suffered critical health issues, which in many cases also lead to death. The death rate in the past few months has been on a spike. News channels are flooded with information regarding fake doses of drugs been injected into people, ultimately leading to the

death of many. There has been duplication of the antiviral drug Remdesivir and also the important Pfizers vaccine. The lives of people are at stake with the counterfeit drugs been

sold in the market. This generates a sudden need to look upon the matter and define the methods for preventing the counterfeit of drugs to save the lives of people. Through this paper, we review various blockchain-based approaches which can help in preventing drug


A.4. Rapports des organisations internationales OECD/EUIPO. Illicit Trade: Global Trade in Fakes. A Worrying Threat; 2021. doi:10.1787/74c81154-en “Commerce illicite : le commerce mondial des faux produits. Une menace inquiétante.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "Last but not least, the counterfeiting of pharmaceuticals products is a reality. Even though they are not the most infringed products, their trade is a real

threat to public health and was documented by the OECD and EUIPO in (OECD/EUIPO, 2020). The findings show that both common medicines as well as more complex drugs (i.e. for cancer or heart disease) are counterfeited. These challenges have become even greater

with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created new opportunities for profits for criminal networks. Supply chains broken by border closures, a strong demand for medicines,

protective equipment and tests, and the limited capacity of law enforcement officials all shape the illicit trade in fake pharmaceuticals. Criminals are clearly taking advantage of the global pandemic, and enforcement authorities are reporting a sharp increase in seizures of fake and

substandard medicines, test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE), as well as other medical products. In addition, the first instances of counterfeit COVID-19 vaccine have been

reported, posing a vital threat to vaccination programmes."

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

Unicef. Development of a Global Trust Repository – Solution, Implementation and Operation Services. United Nations Global Marketplace - Term of reference. Published June 2021. Accessed June 16, 2021. https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/131648 “Développement d'un référentiel approuvé mondialement - Solution, mise en œuvre et organismes d'exploitation.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "As COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed, there has been an upsurge in the production and distribution of falsified and sub-standard vaccines and

related COVID-19 supplies, particularly those reported in the media as potential therapies for COVID-19. This trend is expected to continue as COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics

become more available. The development of one of the most valuable vaccines in history has driven the proliferation of falsified COVID-19 vaccines, diversions and theft to degrees not seen before. The highest risk is in low- and middle-income countries national supply chains,

where governance structures and traceability systems are non-existent or not fully mature, and tools and technical capacity to ensure good practices in manufacturing, quality control

and monitoring of distribution chains is limited. To this end, a solution that provides countries with mechanisms to monitor national supply chains of COVID-19 vaccine is imperative to ensure equitable access, safety, and security – and build the foundation for end-to-end

traceability for vaccines and medicines."

A.5. Rapports des autorités de réglementation U.S. Food & Drug Administration. FDA Takes Steps to Increase Availability of COVID-19 Vaccine. Press Announcements. Published June 11, 2021. Accessed June 21, 2021. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-


steps-increase-availability-covid-19-vaccine“La FDA prend des mesures pour augmenter la disponibilité du vaccin COVID-19.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. “The agency is announcing today that it is authorizing for use, under the emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine,

two batches of vaccine drug substance manufactured at the Emergent BioSolutions facility in Baltimore. Before making this decision, the FDA conducted a thorough review of facility records and the results of quality testing performed by the manufacturer. Based on this review

and considering the current COVID-19 public health emergency, the FDA concluded these batches are suitable for use. While the FDA is not yet ready to include the Emergent

BioSolutions plant in the Janssen EUA as an authorized manufacturing facility, the agency continues to work through issues there with Janssen and Emergent BioSolutions management.”

A.6. Divers Dans cette section, nous signalons les organisations, associations ou auteurs indépendants qui ont mis en évidence le risque ou la menace des vaccins contre la COVID-19 QIF mais qui ne sont pas nécessairement couverts par les articles généraux de la base de données MQM Globe.

Okunola A. How Can I Spot A Fake COVID-19 Vaccine? – Fight the Fakes. Fight the Fakes. Published June 24, 2021. Accessed September 28, 2021. https://fightthefakes.org/how-can-i-spot-a-fake-covid-19-vaccine/“Comment reconnaître un faux vaccin COVID-19 ? - Combattez les faux. Combattez les faux.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "In the climate of COVID-19, where some place an even

higher significance on the vaccine, international authorities are working even harder to ensure doses are verified. […] “Furthermore, it can take a while to realize a fake vaccine has been administered, which can increase the risk of someone with asymptomatic COVID spreading

Partie A. Vaccins Covid-19

the virus. Fake vaccines also erode trust in legitimate vaccines and vaccination programmes, and place an additional burden on health systems which are already stretched by the

pandemic.[…] Education is the first action towards tackling counterfeit medicines that anyone anywhere in the world can take. When you know what to look out for and how to spot fake

medical products, you can teach other people and so on. A good start is the “six Ps” of identifying fake medicine, according to Interpol."


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 41

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la


B.1. Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée

B.1.1. Vue d'ensemble de toutes les catégories

Depuis le début de la pandémie, nous avons identifié 845 articles pertinents sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 : (a) vaccins, (b) outils de diagnostic, (c) équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), (d) désinfectants, (e) médicaments, et (f) équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. Dans ce numéro, nous faisons le point sur 96 articles pertinents : 60 articles pour juin 2021 et 35 articles pour juillet 2021 (voir figure 3), y compris les vaccins. Nous présentons également un article qui a été publié en mai mais qui n'a pas été inclus dans le numéro précédent. Le nombre total d'articles publiés en mai est donc de 74 au lieu de 73. Le pic d'articles en mai est principalement lié au nombre élevé d'articles relatifs aux médicaments COVID-19, plus particulièrement aux problèmes de qualité du remdésivir, et, dans une certaine mesure, à l'augmentation du nombre d'articles relatifs aux incidents liés aux équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. La baisse du nombre d'articles en juillet par rapport à juin est principalement liée à la diminution du nombre d'articles sur les médicaments COVID-19.

Figure 3. Nombre d’articles par mois sur les problèmes de qualité avec les produits COVID-19 fournis dans ʺMedicines Quality Monitoring Globeʺ. Comme certains articles décrivent plus d'une catégorie de produits, la somme des incidents par mois, telle qu'indiquée dans la figure 4, peut dépasser la somme des articles par mois de la figure 3. Note (i)

depuis novembre 20, les médicaments non-COVID-19 contenant des principes actifs dissimulés qui sont utilisés ou testés pour la COVID-19 ne sont plus inclus. Seuls les médicaments pour lesquels le principe actif mentionné est utilisé ou testé pour le traitement de la COVID-19 sont inclus dans ce

rapport. La diminution observée du nombre d'articles peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement. Note (ii) : des termes de recherche pour le vol et le détournement de vaccins contre la

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 42

COVID-19 ont été ajoutés, l'augmentation observée du nombre d'articles à partir de janvier 21 peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement.

Les articles dont nous discutons pour les mois de juin et juillet comprennent 104 incidents : 35 (28 ; 7) sur les médicaments liés à la COVID-19, 24 (13 ; 11) sur les vaccins, 16 (10 ; 6) sur les EPI, 12 (8 ; 4) sur les désinfectants, 12 (6 ; 6) sur les outils de diagnostic, et 5 (3, 2) sur les équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation. La figure 4 montre le nombre d'incidents pour chaque catégorie par mois depuis le début de la pandémie. Pour voir le nombre d'incidents pour chaque catégorie par semaine depuis le début de la pandémie, veuillez consulter l'annexe C.

Certains articles résument ou décrivent plusieurs catégories de produits utilisés pendant la pandémie COVID-19. Lorsqu'un article traite de plus de deux catégories de produits, nous décrivons le contenu de ces articles dans cette section et ne les mentionnons pas dans les sections consacrées aux différentes catégories de produits.

À la mi-mai 2021, l'opération Pangea XIV a été menée, impliquant les autorités réglementaires de 92 pays et aboutissant à 277 arrestations (rapport ID 1091825 et voir Interpol news21). Chaque année, Interpol prend la tête de cette action

internationale visant à mettre un terme à la vente illégale de médicaments et de produits médicaux en ligne. Cette année, un nombre record de fausses pharmacies en ligne ont été fermées. Dans l'ensemble, l'opération a permis la saisie d'environ 9 millions de dispositifs médicaux (kits de test COVID-19, masques, etc.) et de médicamentss illicites (comprimés contre les troubles de l'érection, analgésiques/antalgiques, antiseptiques et germicides, vitamines, etc.). L'opération a montré que les criminels continuent à tirer profit de la demande de produits de protection et d'hygiène personnelle générée par la pandémie de la COVID-19. Les kits de dépistage COVID-19 falsifiés et non autorisés représentaient plus de la moitié de tous les dispositifs médicaux saisis. En Italie, les autorités ont récupéré plus de 500 000 masques chirurgicaux falsifiés ainsi que 35 machines industrielles utilisées pour la production et le conditionnement. Dans le cadre de l'opération Pangea XIV, la police chypriote a confisqué 600 000 tests rapides COVID-19 non autorisés ou falsifiés et a suspendu leur utilisation (rapport ID 1095542).

Un article fait état de produits QIF dans l'État indien du Karnataka. Entre mars 2020 et le 6 mai 2021, la police de Bengaluru a saisi 17 312 bouteilles de désinfectants falsifiés, 18 750 masques falsifiés et 270 thermomètres falsifiés (rapport ID 1097480). En outre, l'article rapporte que depuis l'année dernière, le service de contrôle des médicaments du Karnataka a signalé au moins 89 produits désinfectants pour les mains de mauvaise qualité, dont certains ont été vendus à des hôpitaux publics.

21 Interpol. Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut down in INTERPOL operation. News. Published June 8, 2021. Accessed June 9, 2021. https://www.interpol.int/en/News-and-Events/News/2021/Thousands-of-fake-online-pharmacies-shut-down-in-INTERPOL-operation

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19


Figure 4. Nombre d’incidents de qualité par mois avec les produits médicaux dans le ʺMedicines Quality Monitoring Globeʺ La flèche indique la fin du mois de septembre 2020, date à laquelle la catégorie "Équipements de protection individuelle, y compris les désinfectants" a été scindée en deux catégories distinctes : (A) Désinfectants, et (B) Équipements de protection individuelle. Comme certains articles décrivent plus d'une catégorie de produits, la somme des incidents par mois peut dépasser la somme des articles par mois indiquée dans la figure 3.

Note (i) depuis novembre 20, les médicaments non-COVID-19 contenant des principes actifs dissimulés qui sont utilisés ou testés pour COVID-19 ne sont plus

inclus. Seuls les médicaments pour lesquels le principe actif mentionné est utilisé ou testé pour le traitement de la COVID-19 sont inclus dans ce rapport. La diminution observée du nombre d'articles peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement. Note (ii) : des termes de recherche pour le vol et le

détournement de vaccins contre la COVID-19 ont été ajoutés, l'augmentation observée du nombre d'articles à partir de janvier 21 peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement.

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 44

B.1.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19

B.1.2.1. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19 de qualité inférieure L'Agence nationale nigériane pour l'administration et le contrôle des aliments et des médicaments, ʺNigerian National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Controlʺ (NAFDAC), a mis en garde contre l'importation, la distribution et la vente de kits de test COVID-19 en provenance du Pérou, plus précisément du "kit de test combiné Coronavirus Disease 2019 Antibody (IgM/IgG)", produit par Chinese Medical System Biotechnology Co. Ltd (rapport ID 1119145). L'analyse de pharmacovigilance effectuée par la NAFDAC a montré que les kits sont défectueux, car ils ne répondent pas aux normes de spécificité IgG et de sensibilité IgM requises. Un rappel aurait été ordonné par la Direction péruvienne des médicaments, des approvisionnements et des drogues, ʺPeruvian Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugsʺ (DIGIMED). Aux États-Unis, Quidel a rappelé le Lyra SARS-CoV-2 Assay (M120), un test de réaction en chaîne par polymérase en temps réel, en raison d'un risque de résultats faussement négatifs (rapport ID 1128626). La FDA américaine l'a identifié comme un rappel de classe I, l'utilisation du dispositif pouvant entraîner des blessures graves ou la mort.

B.1.2.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19 non autorisés La FDA américaine a publié plusieurs lettres d'avertissement concernant des outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19 dont la vente n'était pas ou plus autorisée aux États-Unis. L'inspection de la société Innova Medical Group Inc par la FDA américaine a révélé que son test qualitatif rapide de l'antigène du SRAS-CoV-2 avait été distribué aux États-Unis sans autorisation de mise sur le marché, sans approbation ou autorisation de la FDA américaine (rapport ID 1094616). La FDA américaine a demandé à Innova Medical Group Inc de prendre des mesures immédiates pour cesser la vente et la distribution du produit et a conseillé aux consommateurs de ne plus acheter ni utiliser ces produits.

La FDA américaine a publié un communiqué pour avertir les consommateurs de ne plus utiliser les tests COVID-19 non autorisés produits par Lepu Medical Technology (rapport ID 1084734, rapport d'informations complémentaires ID 1172682). Cette société basée en Chine propose à la vente des kits de test COVID-19 sans autorisation de mise sur le marché, ni approbation, ni autorisation de la FDA : un kit de test d'anticorps de neutralisation, un kit de test rapide de l'antigène du SRAS-CoV-2 et un test rapide salivaire de l'antigène.

La FDA américaine a envoyé quatre lettres d'avertissement à trois sociétés américaines différentes concernant des kits de test COVID-19 vendus en ligne sans autorisation de mise sur le marché, ni approbation, ni autorisation de la FDA. Deux lettres ont été envoyées à Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. en Californie (ID de rapport 1172680 pour les produits COVx et 1172681 pour les produits vivera) et une lettre a été envoyée à Biopolygen en Californie (ID de rapport 1207458 pour les produits 'Covigen' et 'Covidex') et à USH Diagnostics Inc dans le Missouri (ID de rapport 1207459 pour les produits 'Covidinstanttest').


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 45

B.1.2.3. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19 détournés À Imphal, dans l'État indien de Manipur, certaines pharmacies vendraient illégalement le "Standard Q COVID-19 AG Test Kit" (rapport ID 1134624). Ces tests ont été approuvés pour un usage professionnel dans le cadre de soins de santé mais pas pour un usage personnel à domicile et ne devraient donc pas être vendus en pharmacie. On craint que les résultats des autotests aient une forte probabilité d'être des faux négatifs.

B.1.3. Équipements de protection individuelle

B.1.3.1. Masques et gants falsifiés

Masques et gants

À Agra, dans l'État indien de l'Uttar Pradesh, une usine aurait fabriqué des produits médicaux falsifiés, notamment des gants et des masques (rapport ID 1121782). Lors d'une perquisition début juillet, le propriétaire a été arrêté et plusieurs matières premières et produits finis ont été saisis : 100 000 gants, 50 000 masques chirurgicaux, 26 000 serviettes hygiéniques, 2 000 cathéters urinaires, 1 000 masques de nébulisation et des seringues.


La police de Delhi, en Inde, a mené plusieurs enquêtes (rapport ID 1086629). Une affaire a été liée à six personnes soupçonnées d'avoir lavé, reconditionné et vendu plusieurs tonnes de gants chirurgicaux usagés provenant d'hôpitaux. Shijiazhuang Hongray Group, une société chinoise, a déposé une demande de procès devant un jury visant deux sociétés américaines, World Trading 23 Inc et World Tech Toys (rapport ID 1093443). La plainte est liée à la vente présumée de gants en nitrile Hongray falsifiés et comporte des éléments relatifs à la concurrence déloyale et à la publicité mensongère.


Deux articles traitent des masques falsifiés aux États-Unis. Le premier incident concerne une entreprise du Kentucky, qui aurait vendu des masques respiratoires 3M N95 falsifiés, dont certains sont parvenus aux travailleurs de première ligne du Minnesota (rapport ID 1094690). La filiale de 3M basée dans le Minnesota, aux États-Unis, affirme avoir contribué à stopper la vente de plus d'un million de masques N95 falsifiés. Après avoir été alertée par la hotline anti-fraudes de 3M, la société a collaboré avec ʺU.S. Marshals Serviceʺ, ce qui a permis de saisir un million de masques N95 falsifiés dans l'entreprise du Kentucky. Le deuxième incident concerne la ville de Houston, qui a dépensé plus d'un million de dollars pour des masques falsifiés (rapport ID 1110592). La ville aurait payé à la société "Med Tech Resource" environ 1,7 million de dollars pour quelque 900 000 masques 3M N95. Ce n'est qu'après la livraison qu'il est apparu que les masques, destinés aux employés de première ligne, étaient falsifiés.

À Mumbai, dans l'État du Maharashtra, une ONG indienne (Friends of Wadala East) a déposé une pétition contre Amazon Retail India pour la vente de masques de qualité médicale falsifiés (rapport ID 1086265). En mai, l'ONG avait passé une


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 46

commande de 400 masques destinés à des professionnels de santé sur Amazon, mais les produits qu'elle a reçus étaient "de qualité médiocre et inférieure, mal emballés et ne correspondaient en rien à la description qui en était faite sur le portail". Dans le même temps, l'ONG a critiqué ʺUnion Ministry of Health & Family Welfareʺ et ʺUnion Ministry of Consumers Affairsʺ pour ne pas avoir contrôlé la vente de masques falsifiés. Le département de contrôle des médicaments de l'État du Kerala a saisi des masques N95 (et des désinfectants pour les mains) d'une valeur de 3 lakh (environ 4 095 USD) auprès d'une entreprise non agréée à Thiruvananthapuram, en Inde (rapport ID 1130689). Le même article fait état de saisies de désinfectants pour les mains et de masques falsifiés à Malappuram, Thrissur, Alappuzha, Palakkad, Ernakulam et Kannur.

En Arabie saoudite, deux personnes ont été arrêtées pour avoir enfreint la loi sur la lutte contre la fraude commerciale et la loi sur la lutte contre la dissimulation. Le duo produisait et stockait des produits falsifiés et lors d'une perquisition dans leur entrepôt, 4 430 000 masques ont été saisis, ainsi que des machines et des outils utilisés pour leurs activités illégales. En Malaisie, le ministère du commerce intérieur et de la consommation de Johor a saisi 112 350 pièces de masques "Neutrovis" soupçonnés d'être falsifiés dans trois lieux différents. On pense que les trois locaux étaient utilisés comme lieux de stockage pour gérer les activités de distribution de différents types de masques. L'opération a été planifiée à la suite de plaintes déposées par le propriétaire de la marque "Neutrovis".

B.1.3.2. Masques et gants de qualité inférieure et falsifiés


À la fin du mois de mai, l'Autorité de la Santé et des Sciences de Singapour a fermé une installation illégale de fabrication et de reconditionnement de masques chirurgicaux (rapport ID 1095146). Au total, 82 500 masques chirurgicaux "Vision Empire Healthcare" ont été saisis. Vision Empire International aurait fabriqué les masques dans des conditions non hygiéniques et est également soupçonné d'avoir importé des masques chirurgicaux de l'étranger pour les reconditionner et les renommer sans licence.

Un article fait état d'une étude publiée par Plana et coll. dans BMC Infectious Diseases 22 (report ID 1160268). L'étude suggère que les hôpitaux américains disposent encore de masques de qualité inférieure ou falsifiés (QIouF) en stock. L'étude a révélé que plus de 100 masques et respirateurs différents étaient disponibles dans les hôpitaux universitaires américains interrogés. Alors qu'avant la pandémie, la plupart des grands hôpitaux disposaient de 2 à 5 modèles. En raison de l'absence d'informations publiques sur les fournisseurs de masques et d'un étiquetage incohérent, il est difficile de distinguer les produits authentiques des produits falsifiés. De nombreux masques étudiés provenaient de fabricants


22 Plana D, Tian E, Cramer AK, et al. Assessing the filtration efficiency and regulatory status of N95s and

nontraditional filtering face-piece respirators available during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Infect Dis.

2021;21(1):1-13. doi:10.1186/S12879-021-06008-8

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 47

inconnus, n'étaient pas correctement étiquetés et/ou ne répondaient pas aux normes acceptées. L'étude conclut que de nombreux masques étaient probablement falsifiés.

Masques et gants

Une centaine d'échantillons individuels de masques et de gants disponibles sur le marché chypriote ont été analysés (rapport ID 1125574). Les résultats des tests de laboratoire ont été publiés au début du mois de juillet. Il s'est avéré qu'un grand nombre de produits n'étaient pas conformes aux normes relatives aux équipements de protection individuelle, notamment en raison de l'absence d'étiquetage approprié, de certifications disponibles et de qualités de protection inférieures aux normes. Presque tous les masques KN95 ne répondaient pas aux critères de test. Plus de 50 % des gants testés n'étaient pas conformes aux critères désignés.

B.1.3.3. Masques non enregistrés La FDA américaine a envoyé des lettres d'avertissement à certaines entreprises concernant des masques vendus en ligne à des consommateurs aux États-Unis sans autorisation de mise sur le marché, ni approbation, ni autorisation de la FDA. Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co. Ltd., basée en Chine, a proposé les produits "FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask", "Medical Face Mask" et "Sterile Surgical Mask", pour lesquels le site internet contient un certain nombre de représentations fausses ou trompeuses (rapport ID 1207454). Captain's Cloth LLC, basée aux États-Unis, a proposé des masques KN95, déclarés comme étant fabriqués par "Lianyungang Manai Protective Equipment Co. Ltd.", dont la marque est erronée (rapport ID 1207457).

B.1.4. Désinfectants

B.1.4.1. Désinfectants pour les mains falsifiés Dans le rapport COVID-19 sur les produits médicaux couvrant les mois d'avril et mai, nous avons fait état de plusieurs rappels de désinfectants pour les mains par Santé Canada. L'un des articles publiés en juin mentionne que la liste des rappels a été mise à jour (rapport ID 1111814). Les produits ont été rappelés en raison de risques pour la santé tels que la présence d'ingrédients non autorisés, un conditionnement avec des défauts ou défectueux, des impuretés non déclarées, un étiquetage inadéquat, l'absence de tests suffisants sur le produit, une vente non autorisée au Canada et des produits falsifiés. Pour obtenir la liste la plus récente, veuillez consulter le site internet de Santé Canada23.

Dans l'État indien du Maharashtra, la FDA de Pune a découvert des désinfectants pour les mains falsifiés sous des noms commerciaux existants et faux, lors d'une perquisition dans des pharmacies, des centres de bien-être et des magasins (rapport ID 1155514). À la suite d’un signalement et d’une plainte, une perquisition a été effectuée dans les locaux d'"Atma Agencies". On a découvert que le propriétaire


23 Government of Canada - Health Canada. Recall of certain hand sanitizers that may pose health risks (Part 2 – March 31, 2021 to present) - Recalls and safety alerts. Recalls and safety alerts. Published August 24, 2021. Accessed August 31, 2021. https://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2021/75267a-eng.php

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 48

était impliqué dans la fabrication et la commercialisation de divers désinfectants falsifiés et qu'il les vendait depuis cinq mois dans différentes régions : Chandan Nagar, Vadgaonsheri, Kharadi, Hadapsar, Viman Nagar, Wagholi, Yerwada et plus encore. Dans les locaux de Chandan Nagar, un stock de désinfectants sans étiquettes et plus de 1 000 étiquettes autocollantes d'une valeur de 17 000 Rs (environ 233 USD) ont été saisis. Les produits étaient vendus sous les noms de "Happy Hand Advanced Hand Sanitiser", un produit original existant fabriqué par DDN SFA Ltd, et "Jolly Hand Sanitisers", selon l'étiquette fabriquée par Microgen Hygiene Pvt Ltd. Les produits saisis ont été envoyés à un laboratoire pour être testés.

En Inde, le Département de Contrôle des Médicaments de l'État du Kerala, ʺKerala State Drugs Control Departmentʺ (KSDCD), a saisi des désinfectants pour les mains (et des masques N95) d'une valeur de 3 lakh (environ 4 095 USD) auprès d'une entreprise non autorisée à Thiruvananthapuram (rapport ID 1130689). Les désinfectants pour les mains provenaient d'une usine de l'État du Tamil Nadu et le produit aurait causé des brûlures sur la peau. Le même article mentionne que 50 cas de vente de produits de désinfection essentiels Covid de mauvaise qualité ont été signalés dans l'État du Kerala, notamment des saisies de désinfectants pour les mains et de masques falsifiés à Malappuram, Thrissur, Alappuzha, Palakkad, Ernakulam et Kannur.

B.1.4.2. Désinfectants pour les mains de qualité inférieure En Floride (États-Unis), "MPL Laboratories" a lancé un rappel volontaire de 26 lots de désinfectants antimicrobiens pour les mains, fabriqués de février à juin 2020, en raison de problèmes de contamination microbienne causés par le complexe Burkholderia cepacia et Ralstonia pickettii (rapport ID 1093504).

B.1.4.3. Désinfectants pour les mains de qualité inférieure ou falsifiés L’organisation ʺCentral Drugs Standard Control Organizationʺ (CDSCO) indienne a publié ses résultats pour avril, pour les tests mensuels de qualité aléatoires sur une série de produits pharmaceutiques (rapport ID 1083074). Un désinfectant pour les mains, l'Isopropyl Alcohol Hand Rub 'Icandy' de Cosmetics Pvt Ltd, a été déclaré "de qualité non standard" après avoir échoué au test d'identification.

B.1.4.4. Désinfectants non enregistrés ou non homologués Lors d'une perquisition à Rajarhat, dans l'État indien du Bengale occidental, le directeur d'une unité de fabrication de produits chimiques a été arrêté et 500 litres de liquide bleu ont été saisis (rapport ID 1100774). L'unité aurait produit des désinfectants pour les mains sans autorisation.

La FDA américaine a adressé des lettres d'avertissement à des entreprises concernant la qualité de leurs désinfectants pour les mains. Ces entreprises auraient tenté d'importer aux États-Unis des produits frelatés et/ou portant un nom commercial erroné et/ou non approuvés. Ce paragraphe décrit quatre de ces lettres d'avertissement. En juin, la société mexicaine "DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V." a reçu une lettre d'avertissement (rapport n° 1091500). La FDA américaine avait précédemment recommandé de retirer tous ses désinfectants pour les mains du marché américain.


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 49

Suite à une tentative d'importation de désinfectant pour les mains DMM aux États-Unis, les produits ont été arrêtés et leur entrée a été refusée à la frontière. Deux de leurs désinfectants pour les mains étaient étiquetés à tort comme contenant 70% v/v d’éthanol, mais la teneur en éthanol était inférieure et contenait en plus des traces de méthanol. Les tests en laboratoire de la FDA ont révélé une teneur moyenne de 31 % d'éthanol et de 2,3 % de méthanol v/v pour le gel alcoolique "Syp Health Hand Sanitizer Alcohol Gel", et une teneur moyenne de 22 % d'éthanol et de 10 % de méthanol v/v pour le gel alcoolique "By Cristalware Hand Sanitizer". La société américaine PurePurge Inc. a reçu une lettre d'avertissement concernant sa gamme de produits "Medpure Hand Sanitizer" (rapport n° 1095799). Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un produit non approuvé et portant un faux nom commercial, le produit était commercialisé en ligne. En juillet, la société turque "Sck Zeta Dis Ticaret, Pazarlama Ltd" a reçu une lettre d'avertissement (rapport ID 1154811). Après avoir tenté d'importer le "Neutrevo Instant Hand Sanitizer" aux États-Unis, elle a été arrêtée et s'est vu refuser l'accès à la frontière et n'a pas été autorisée à entrer dans le pays. Bien que le produit soit étiqueté comme contenant 70% v/v d'éthanol, les tests en laboratoire ont révélé qu'il contenait en moyenne 63% v/v d'éthanol et une moyenne de 6% v/v de méthanol. La société turque "Delta Kozmetik Sanayi Ve Ticaret" a également reçu une lettre d'avertissement (rapport ID 1146050). À la suite d'une tentative d'importation d'un désinfectant pour les mains répertorié comme étant fabriqué dans ses installations, elle a été arrêtée et s'est vu refuser l'entrée à la frontière. La FDA américaine a constaté que le produit ne contenait en moyenne que 59% v/v d'éthanol. Cette teneur en éthanol est inférieure à celle qui est déclarée sur l'étiquette du produit et inférieure aux recommandations des CDC.

B.1.5. Médicaments pour la COVID-19

Nous avons essayé de classer les incidents par médicament concerné, puis par problème de qualité décrit. Certains articles traitent de plusieurs médicaments ou de plusieurs incidents, et certains incidents ne sont pas simples à classer ; la subdivision peut donc être arbitraire. Nous n'abordons les articles qu'une seule fois, même s'ils pourraient être classés dans différentes sous-rubriques.

Dans cette section, 35 articles relatifs aux problèmes de qualité des médicaments COVID-19 sont examinés : 28 articles ont été publiés en juin et 7 en juillet. La baisse du nombre d'articles sur les produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 va de pair avec la baisse des incidents signalés en Inde. Vingt-sept articles (77%) sont liés à des incidents en Inde, dont 24 ont été signalés en juin et seulement 3 en juillet. Lorsque des problèmes de qualité ont été signalés, le remdésivir a été le plus souvent rapporté (13 articles sur 35), mais la proportion est plus faible qu'en avril et mai (53 articles sur 60). D'autres principes actifs pour lesquels des problèmes de qualité ont été signalés sont le favipiravir (6), l'amphotéricine (4) et le tocilizumab (3).


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 50

B.1.5.1. Remdésivir


Les articles abordent un cas de remdésivir falsifié au Mexique, les quatre autres articles traitent de cas en Inde. Les autorités mexicaines ont découvert du remdésivir falsifié proposé à la vente sur Internet et dans un hôpital privé situé près de la frontière américaine dans l'État de Tamaulipas (rapport ID 1164000). L'apparence et les numéros de lot sur l'emballage ne correspondaient pas à l'original et Gilead Sciences a confirmé la falsification.

Dans le numéro précédent, nous avons rapporté des flacons de remdésivir falsifiés qui ont été retrouvés jetés dans le canal Bhakra près de Ropar en Inde.24 Cet incident a donné lieu à des enquêtes dans différentes entreprises et différents États. La police du Punjab a arrêté six personnes appartenant à un gang interétatique qui vendait du remdésivir falsifié et a récupéré des modèles et des matériaux de conditionnement utilisés pour fabriquer les flacons (rapport ID 1105491). Dans l'État du Rajasthan, des analyses de laboratoire ont confirmé que les flacons de remdésivir saisis à Jaipur étaient falsifiés (rapport ID 1104076). La police soupçonne qu'au moins 900 flacons ont été vendus dans la ville de Jaipur. Deux articles font état d'incidents de remdésivir falsifiés dans le territoire de la capitale nationale de Delhi. Le premier article rend compte de plusieurs enquêtes menées par la police de Delhi (rapport ID 1086629). L'un des cas décrits est l'arrestation d'un gang qui aurait fabriqué et vendu du remdésivir falsifié jusqu'à 40 fois le prix du marché. L'autre article porte sur un ancien employé d'hôpital qui a été arrêté le 30 avril pour avoir vendu du remdésivir falsifié, en collant des autocollants de remdésivir sur des injections de l'antibiotique Monocef (ceftriaxone ; rapport ID 1098779). Deux injections ont été saisies lors de la perquisition. Un co-accusé a été arrêté après que 70 autocollants d'injections de remdésivir aient été récupérés en sa possession.

Qualité inférieure ou falsifiés (QIouF)

Dans l'état de Maharastra, le laboratoire de la FDA de Mumbai a découvert que 6 échantillons de remdésivir étaient QIouF, y compris des produits étiquetés comme Jubi R, Covifor et Remdac (rapport ID 1156719). Certains échantillons contenaient une solution incolore claire ou un liquide de couleur jaune à la place du remdésivir. De plus, d'autres médicaments utilisés pour traiter les patients atteints de la COVID-19 auraient été retrouvés sous forme de QIouF.

Non enregistrés

En juin, un article rapportait qu'au cours des derniers mois, les autorités fédérales américaines avaient saisi plus d'une centaine d'envois de remdésivir non autorisés à destination du Mexique (rapport ID 1111214). Les marchandises ont été saisies par le service américain des douanes et de la protection des frontières, ʺCustoms and Border Protectionʺ (CBP), dans différents aéroports après leur arrivée par avion du


24 Rapport ID 1050572 discuté dans le rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux COVID-19

Article source: Tribune News Service. 621 fake Remdesivir vials found in Bhakra. The Tribune India. Published May 6, 2021. Accessed September 2, 2021. https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/621-fake-remdesivir-vials-found-in-bhakra-249186

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 51

Bangladesh et de l'Inde. Des enquêtes ont été ouvertes pour déterminer si les produits étaient falsifiés ou authentiques.

B.1.5.2. Amphotéricine B


Dans l'État indien du Gujarat, un homme de 24 ans originaire de Surendranagar a été arrêté pour avoir prétendument vendu 42 flacons falsifiés d'injections d'amphotéricine B (ID de rapport 1093374). L'affaire a été révélée lorsque l'état de santé d'un patient s'est détérioré après l'administration des 20 premiers flacons. En Inde, la police de Delhi a saisi 3 293 flacons d'injections d'amphotéricine B liposomale falsifiée (rapport ID 1107417). Elle a arrêté 7 personnes impliquées, dont 2 médecins, pour avoir fabriqué et vendu le produit.


Un article décrit comment, en Inde, la police traque les vendeurs au noir de produits utilisés dans la COVID-19 (rapport ID 1083769). La police de Rachakonda (État de Telangana) aurait découvert huit cas de vente illégale d'amphotéricine B et une cinquantaine de cas de remdésivir. La police a lancé une vaste enquête et, dans certains cas, elle a arrêté des médecins, des infirmières et des représentants médicaux. L'article donne en outre plusieurs exemples de cas d'injections d'amphotéricine B commercialisées au noir et de personnes qui ont été arrêtées par la suite. L'article précise que l'amphotéricine B ne coûte normalement pas plus de 7 858 roupies (environ 108 USD), mais que les vendeurs au noir la vendent entre 50 000 et 70 000 roupies par injection (environ 685-960 USD). À Hyderabad, dans l'État indien du Telangana, la police a saisi 35 flacons d'amphotéricine B injectable et a arrêté trois pharmaciens, chacun propriétaire d'une pharmacie différente, pour leur rôle dans la vente illégale du produit (rapport ID 1109134). Les suspects auraient acheté les flacons à une personne dont le parent n'a utilisé qu'une partie des injections qu'il avait acheté pour son traitement. Ils ont ensuite essayé de vendre les flacons pour 35 000 à 50 000 roupies (environ 480 à 685 USD) chacun. L'article rapporte également que la police d'Hyderabad a arrêté 136 personnes pour leur implication dans la vente illégale de flacons de remdésivir et d'amphotéricine B et a enregistré 58 affaires contre elles. Tous les contrevenants auraient été liés à des hôpitaux et des entrepôts médicaux.

B.1.5.3. Tocilizumab


Début juin, un article rapportait que la police du Gujarat avait repéré plusieurs cas de commercialisation au noir, de stockage et de vente de médicaments et d'injections COVID-19 falsifiés au cours des deux ou trois mois précédents (rapport ID 1086529). Les opérations ont permis de révéler des dizaines de cas de commercialisation au noir et de vente de flacons de remdésivir et de tocilizumab falsifiés. En mai, la police de l'Umra de Surat (État indien du Gujarat) a arrêté huit personnes, dont un médecin, pour commercialisation au noir de flacons de tocilizumab. Une personne serait décédée après avoir reçu une injection du produit suspect. Le laboratoire de la police scientifique de Gandhinagar a analysé deux des flacons saisis et a découvert qu'ils contenaient des stéroïdes au lieu du tocilizumab.


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 52

À la mi-juin, un article fait état du dosage de flacons falsifiés de tocilizumab et de remdésivir qui ont été saisies dans l'État du Gujarat, en Inde (rapport ID 1100945). Certains de ces cas ont été abordés dans le numéro précédent de ce rapport. Des sources de la Direction de la police scientifique, ʺDirectorate of Forensic Sciencesʺ (DFS), de l'État ont déclaré avoir reçu six échantillons jusqu'à présent. Dans l'une des flacons falsifiés de tocilizumab, de la dexaméthasone et de la théophylline ont été retrouvé25. Un autre flacon contenait des antibiotiques mais l'étiquette avait été modifiée pour être vendue comme un authentique flacon de tocilizumab.


Début juin, un article a été publié indiquant qu'aucune mesure n'avait encore été prise à l'encontre du médecin qui aurait été impliqué dans une affaire survenue au Medical College Hospital de Kolkata, dans l'État indien du Bengale occidental, où 26 flacons de tocilizumab ont été volés (rapport ID 1089047). Aucun autre détail sur l'incident n'a été mentionné dans l'article.

B.1.5.4. Favipiravir


À Haridwar, dans l'État indien de l'Uttarakhand, le propriétaire de ʺLife Max Cancer Laboratoriesʺ a déposé une plainte pour la vente de favipiravir falsifié, vendu sous le logo et le nom commercial de l'entreprise (rapport ID 1100164). Le numéro de lot et les emballages du médicament ont été altérés. La police a ouvert une enquête contre des personnes non identifiées.

Deux articles font état d'incidents à Cuttack, dans l'État indien d'Odisha, impliquant du favipiravir falsifié. Tout d'abord, la police a saisi dans une pharmacie au moins 170 boîtes contenant 17 000 comprimés de favipiravir falsifié (rapport ID 1095707). Les médicaments ont été interceptés avant leur mise sur le marché d'Odisha et ont été envoyés à un laboratoire pour être testés. Deuxièmement, il a été découvert qu'un revendeur aurait été impliqué dans le commerce de 40 600 comprimés de favipiravir falsifiés (rapport ID 1096845). Les comprimés auraient été transportés de Noida (Uttar Pradesh) à Cuttack (Odisha), puis expédiés à Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). Selon l'emballage, le médicament a été fabriqué par un fabricant inexistant à Solan, dans l'État de Himachal Pradesh.

B.1.5.5. Divers principes actifs


Azithromycine & favipiravir. À Noida, dans l'Uttar Pradesh, une unité de fabrication illégale de médicaments a été découverte (rapport ID 1091779). La police aurait déclaré que l'unité était reliée à un réseau plus large de médicaments falsifiés, avec des liens à Meerut et une chaîne d'approvisionnement à Mumbai. Au cours de la perquisition, des médicaments falsifiés à base d'azithromycine et de favipiravir, emballés et en vrac, d'une valeur de 25 lakh (environ 34 200 USD) ont été découverts, ainsi que des emballages et des équipements utilisés pour fabriquer et emballer les médicaments.


25 L'échantillon contenant de la dexaméthasone et de la théophylline pourrait être le même que celui mentionné dans le rapport ID 1086529 publié début juin, qui était censé contenir des stéroïdes.

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 53

Hydroxychloroquine & Favipiravir. Un article publié en mai et abordé dans le onzième numéro de ce rapport faisait état de favipiravir falsifié vendu sous les noms de "Favimax-400" et "Favimax-200" par la société propriétaire de 'Max Relief Healthcare'26. Au début du mois de juin, de nouvelles informations ont été révélées. Des analyses de laboratoire ont montré que des échantillons de comprimés de sulfate d'hydroxychloroquine prétendument fabriqués par "Max Relief Healthcare" étaient également falsifiés (rapport ID 1086758). Selon l'article, des médicaments falsifiés à base de favipiravir et d'hydroxychloroquine, commercialisés par "Covalent Healthcare", ont été saisis par la FDA du Maharashtra dans trois locaux de Mumbai qui les vendaient en ligne. Les médicaments étaient distribués dans les principales villes des états du Maharashtra, du Karnatka et du Gujarat. Les produits portaient l'étiquette "Max Relief Healthcare, Village Anji, Solan, Himachal Pradesh", bien qu'aucune licence n'ait été délivrée par l’autorité de réglementation à ce nom. La FDA a ordonné d'arrêter la vente et a lancé un rappel de tous les stocks invendus, mais des milliers de personnes auraient déjà consommé les médicaments. À la suite de l'affaire susmentionnée, la police de Mumbai a arrêté le propriétaire d'une usine de fabrication de médicaments à Meerut, dans l'Uttar Pradesh, et a saisi plusieurs échantillons de médicaments (rapport ID 1089601). L'article ne mentionne pas quels produits ont été saisis et s'ils étaient falsifiés ou non.

Pipéracilline/tazobactam. Suite à un signalement, les autorités pakistanaises ont saisi des médicaments falsifiés d'une valeur d'un million de roupies (environ 6000 USD) lors d'une perquisition dans une maison privée de Multan (rapport ID 1137809). Les médicaments falsifiés comprenaient du "Tanzon" falsifié, des injections de pipéracilline/tazobactam, utilisées pour le traitement des patients atteints de la COVID-19.

Qualité inférieure

Atorvastatine. En mai, la société Dr Reddy's Laboratories Inc., basée aux États-Unis, a lancé un rappel national de 2 980 flacons de comprimés d'atorvastatine calcium (500 comprimés ; numéro de rapport 1090519). Les produits ont été fabriqués dans l'usine indienne de Dr Reddy's à Bachupally, dans l'État de Telangana. Le rappel volontaire a été lancé après la détection de problèmes de qualité liés à des "spécifications de dégradation des impuretés non respectées". Auparavant, en mars, Dr Reddy avait rappelé 10 440 bouteilles (de 90 unités) et 2 24 710 bouteilles (de 500 unités) de comprimés d'atorvastatine calcium sur le marché américain.

Ivermectine. En Malaisie, une coalition de médecins et de groupes de professionnels de la santé a appelé à une action contre l'utilisation hors AMM (Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché) et le marché noir de l'ivermectine (rapport ID 1146006). ʺMalaysian Health Coalitionʺ a déclaré que l'ivermectine provenant d’approvisionnements vétérinaires et de sources inconnues est vendue à des prix très élevés avec des


26 Rapport ID 1082548 discuté dans le rapport sur les problems de qualité des produits médicaux COVID-19. Numéro 11. Article source: The Times of India. India’s first spurious favipiravir racket busted. The Times of India - Ahmedabad News. Published May 31, 2021. Accessed September 3, 2021. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/countrys-first-spurious-favipiravir-racket-busted/articleshow/83127677.cms

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 54

déclarations fausses ou trompeuses pour le traitement des patients atteints de la COVID-19.

Losartan & valsartan. À Aruba, il y a eu un rappel de certains lots de losartan et de valsartan (et d'ibésartan) de la société Menafn en raison d'une contamination par l'azidométhyl-biphényl-tétrazole (AZBT), qui peut augmenter le risque de développer un cancer (rapport ID 1145242). Metformine. Aux États-Unis, Viona Pharmaceuticals Inc a volontairement rappelé 21 240 bouteilles de comprimés à libération prolongée de chlorhydrate de metformine (rapport ID 1131542). Les produits ont été fabriqués dans une usine de Cadila Healthcare à Ahmedabad, en Inde. La FDA américaine avait détecté des taux de n-nitrosodiméthylamine supérieurs à la limite de la dose journalière acceptable.

Non enregistrés

Sildenafil. Les services américains des douanes et de la protection des frontières, ʺCustoms and Border Protectionʺ (CBP), ont saisi près de 24 000 comprimés de sildénafil illégal à Cincinnati (rapport ID 1160270). On ne sait pas encore si les blisters portant le nom "Signaforce" étaient des produits falsifiés ou authentiques. La cargaison provenait d'un appartement en Inde et était destinée à un appartement en Géorgie, aux États-Unis.

Qualité inférieure ou falsifiés

Deux articles ont décrit les résultats des tests de qualité aléatoires mensuels effectués par l’organisation ʺCentral Drugs Standard Control Organizationʺ (CDSCO) indienne. Nous ne mettons en évidence que les médicaments déclarés "de qualité non standard" qui sont utilisés ou testés dans le traitement de la COVID-19. Pour le mois d'avril (rapport ID 1083074), la liste contenait 22 médicaments qui n'étaient pas conforme aux standards de qualité, dont la metformine (Glucorid de Ridley Life Science Pvt Ltd), le telmisartan (TLM-80 de Shine Pharmaceuticals Ltd, et Telmisartan Tablets IP 40mg par Caremax Formulations), l'atorvastatine (Orvastin-20 de Morepen Laboratories Ltd), le paracétamol (Mepicar 650 Tablets de Sotac Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd) et le zinc (Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tablets IP 20mg de Hindustan Laboratories). Les raisons pour lesquelles les échantillons ont été définis comme n'étant pas conformes aux standards de qualité comprenaient des anomalies dans les tests de dissolution, d'uniformité du poids et de désintégration.

Pour le mois de juin (rapport ID 1159752), la liste contenait 39 médicaments définis comme n'étant pas conformes aux standards de qualité, dont le remdésivir (Covipri injection 100mg/flacon), l'ivermectine (Iverpil-12 de Psychotropics India Ltd, et Ivermectin Tablets USP 6mg de Maan Pharmaceuticals Ltd), la dexaméthasone (Sandexa injection 30ml de Jpee Drugs), le sirop Coldbest-PC (contenant du paracétamol, de la phényléphrine, du chlorhydrate et de la chlorphénamine, et fabriqué par Mis. Digital Vision), l’acide acétylsalicylique (Dilsprin 75 de Jackson Laboratories Pvt), l’atorvastatine (Atorvastatin Tablets IP 20mg de Unicure India Ltd), l’ibuprofène et le paracétamol en comprimés (de Tulip Formulations Pvt Ltd). Les raisons pour lesquelles les échantillons ont été définis comme n'étant pas conforme aux standards de qualité comprenaient des anomalies dans l'identification ou la teneur du principe actif, le nombre total de bactéries aérobies, la description, le


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 55

dosage et la contamination particulaire, et la dissolution. Le sirop Coldbest-PC a échoué le dosage du chlorhydrate de phényléphrine et a montré la présence de diéthylène glycol à 1,27 % p/p et 7,71 % p/p.

B.1.5.6. Médicaments non spécifiés "COVID-19"


À Jharsuguda, dans l'État indien d'Odisha, des médicaments COVID-19 prétendument falsifiés ont été saisis chez Amit Medical Agency (rapport ID 1097696). Au cours de la perquisition, trois types de médicaments ont été saisis et envoyés pour des tests de laboratoire, mais le rapport ne mentionne pas lesquels.

La décoction à base de plantes d'Anandaiah est un médicament à base de plantes qui est censé guérir le COVID-19. Un article rapporte que des versions falsifiées du produit d'Anandaiah inondent le marché dans l'état d'Andra Pradesh en Inde (rapport ID 1106884). Jusqu'à présent, huit affaires ont été enregistrées en relation avec la vente de concoctions à base de plantes falsifiées. À la mi-juin, la police a arrêté une personne qui vendait le "médicament Covid d'Anandiaiah" et a saisi 150 sachets du prétendu médicament. L'accusé aurait vendu 750 sachets de la décoction pour 200 Rs chacun (environ 2,75 USD).

Dans l'État indien d'Uttar Pradesh, un énorme trafic de fabrication et de conditionnement de médicaments falsifiés, principalement des analgésiques et des antibiotiques de marque, a été découvert (rapport ID 1117967). Le "business" a débuté au plus fort de la deuxième vague de la pandémie de COVID-19 en Inde. Les médicaments étaient fabriqués à Muzaffarnagar et emballés à Baghpat. Ils étaient ensuite vendus dans des entrepôts médicaux ruraux et sub-ruraux de Meerut, Baghpat, Shamli, Muzaffar, Agar et d'autres districts. Le cerveau présumé du trafic a été arrêté lors d'une perquisition dans les locaux de fabrication. Lors d'une perquisition dans l'unité de conditionnement à Baghpat, des médicaments falsifiés, des machines de conditionnement et des emballages imprimés ont été saisis et le propriétaire de la maison a été arrêté.

Non enregistrés

Un article rapporte qu'en Irlande, en 2020, plus de 1,6 million de médicaments illégaux ont été arrêtés, dont 56 876 doses de médicaments COVID-19 (rapport ID 1091505). L'article ne précise pas quels principes actifs étaient concernés.

À Surajpur, dans l'État indien de l'Himachal Pradesh, les autorités sanitaires ont effectué une perquisition dans une unité pharmaceutique pour avoir fabriqué et vendu des médicaments sans autorisation sous le nom commercial "Tulip" (rapport ID 1104799). Elles ont saisi 171 000 comprimés d'analgésique fabriqué illégalement, une association d'ibuprofène et de paracétamol qui était très demandée lors du pic des cas de COVID-19 en Inde. Des tests de laboratoire ont été demandés pour vérifier si le produit contenait les principes actifs et s'il était falsifié. L'incident actuel est lié à une enquête en cours concernant un incident survenu en avril dans le Madhya Pradesh27, dans laquelle une personne a été arrêtée pour avoir vendu des


27 L'incident pourrait être lié à un article dont l'ID rapporté est 1066516 et qui a été discuté dans le précédent rapport sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux (numéro 11). Article source: Outlook. 85 pc seized

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 56

flacons de remdésivir falsifiés et 400 flacons de remdésivir ont été saisis. Les flacons auraient été obtenus par l'accusé dans l'unité pharmaceutique basée à Surajpur.

B.1.6. Équipement et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation

B.1.6.1. Bouteilles d'oxygène falsifiées À Jakarta, en Indonésie, il y a eu un cas de bouteilles d'oxygène soupçonnées d'être falsifiées (rapport ID 1154953). Les bouteilles ont été saisies et les accusés ont été arrêtés. Auparavant, la police avait découvert la contrebande de bouteilles d'oxygène importées et confisqué 166 bouteilles d'un mètre cube contenant des produits falsifiés. Après avoir été examinées par le ministère de la Santé, environ 138 bouteilles d'oxygène ont été jugées utilisables.

B.1.6.2. Oxymètres falsifiés À Katmandou, au Népal, la police a arrêté un groupe de personnes prétendument impliquées dans la vente d'oxymètres falsifiés 28. La police a saisi 738 oxymètres falsifiés. L'article rapportant cette affaire a été publié en mai. Il n'a pas été repris dans le onzième numéro de ce rapport, c'est pourquoi nous en rendons compte dans ce numéro. Toutefois, dans les figures 3 et 4 qui traitent du nombre d'articles et d'incidents signalés par mois, l'article est inclus dans les chiffres du mois de mai.

Un article publié en juillet fait état d'un cas à Taiwan, où la police a enquêté sur six personnes pour la vente présumée d'oxymètres falsifiés (rapport ID 1132521). Les suspects auraient importé les oxymètres de Chine en utilisant de faux papiers. Ils ont ensuite vendu plus de 7 000 pièces à un distributeur qui les a revendues à des cliniques et des pharmacies. La police a effectué une perquisition dans neuf sites à Taipei, Taoyuan et Kaohsiung et a confisqué 856 oxymètres falsifiés.

B.1.6.3. Equipement de ventilation de qualité inférieure Philips Respironics a lancé un rappel pour des milliers de ses produits vendus aux États-Unis (numéro de rapport 1120503). Les produits rappelés concernent des appareils à pression positive des voies aériennes à deux niveaux (PAP à deux niveaux), à ventilation spontanée en pression positive continue (VSPPC ou ‘CPAP’) et des ventilateurs mécaniques. Le problème découle des risques potentiels pour la santé liée à la mousse d'insonorisation en polyuréthane à base de polyester contenue dans ces appareils.


Remdesivir injections suspected to be fake: Cops. Outlook India. Published May 19, 2021. Accessed September 2, 2021. https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/85-pc-seized-remdesivir-injections-suspected-to-be-fake-cops/208618928 Report ID 1055649 published in May. Source article: Republica. Police bust racket selling fake Oximeter in

Kathmandu. myRepublica. https://myrepublica.nagariknetwork.com/news/police-bust-racket-selling-fake-

oximeter-in-kathmandu/. Published May 11, 2021. Accessed September 6, 2021. Dans la section principale de ce rapport, le rapport ID 1086685 est discuté car il résume les interventions menées par la police au Népal impliquant plusieurs catégories de produits, certains des chiffres inclus dans ce résumé peuvent être liés au rapport ID 1055649.

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 57

B.1.6.4. Bouteilles d’oxygène de qualité inférieure Au Pakistan, à l'hôpital universitaire de Khyber, l'un des médecins a écrit une lettre à l'administration de l'hôpital concernant des patients infectés par la mucormycose (rapport ID 1085977). Des champignons ont été trouvés "au fond des bouteilles d'oxygène" en raison d'un manque de propreté. La mucormycose se serait propagée parmi plusieurs patients du COVID-19 car ils utilisaient des bouteilles d'oxygène de qualité inférieure et anciennes.


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 58

B.2. Rapports de la littérature scientifique

B.2.1. Général

Amanyi-Enegela JA, Burn N, Dirisu O, et al. Lessons from the field: delivering trachoma mass drug administration safely in a COVID-19 context. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2021;0:1-4. doi:10.1093/TRSTMH/TRAB102 “Leçons du terrain : administrer en toute sécurité des médicaments contre le trachome en masse dans un contexte COVID-19.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "A number of factors contributed to low compliance

during the MDA. Discomfort with the masks was one factor, as it was during the training. While it is possible to be completely compliant with a poor-quality mask, compliance might be

more difficult to achieve if the masks are uncomfortable to wear and pointless if the masks do not adequately filter. This needs to be considered when procuring training supplies."

Assefa D, Melaku T. Commercial Hand Sanitizers use amid COVID-19 Pandemic: the Concerns of Antimicrobial Resistance. Infect Drug Resist. 2021;14:2183-2185. doi:10.2147/IDR.S317767 “Utilisation de désinfectants commerciaux pour les mains au cours de la pandémie de COVID-19 : les préoccupations liées à la résistance aux antimicrobiens.”

Résumé original de l’article en anglais. “Following the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease,

the rising concerns about the prevalence of alcohol-based hand sanitizers’ inappropriate use and substandard products in the market create an ongoing safety concern. They can cause frequent exposure of microorganisms to below the alcohol concentrations to the range

recommended for infection prevention and development of mutations. Thus, it is invaluable to sensitize the scientific community for further researches to provide additional evidence.

Additionally, regulation of quality and proper use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers should be effectively promoted. This commentary justifies the impact of COVID-19 on the current and future use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers."

Banerjee A, Paul B, Dasgupta A, Bhattacharyya M, Bandyopadhyay L, Ghosh P. Anxiety Levels of Doctors Working in Kolkata during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study. J Compr Heal. 2021;9(1):23-31. doi:10.53553/JCH.V09I01.006 “Niveaux d'anxiété des médecins travaillant à Kolkata pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude transversale.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "PPE forms a vital component of doctors as it serves as

a protective shield for our ‘COVID-19 warriors’. Participants who perceived that the PPE available to them was of poor quality had significantly higher odds of high anxiety levels than

those having access to good quality PPE. Although a significant association of perceived inadequate PPE availability with higher anxiety levels was noted in the univariate logistic

regression model, no such significant association was noted in the final multivariable model. Therefore, the supply of good quality and adequate quantity of PPE should be given prime importance by the administrative authorities. Lack of proper protection will in turn lead to

mental stress thus compromising the working capacity of an individual."

Dutta R, Kucchal T. India’s pain: beyond COVID-19 case numbers and mortality rates. Lancet. 2021;397(10293):2463. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01248-4 “La douleur de l'Inde : au-delà du nombre de cas et des taux de mortalité du COVID-19.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "The scarcity of resources has created a market that exploits suffering. COVID-related cyber scams have risen by 86%. Medical resources being

sold on the black market have increased the cost of oxygen cylinders by 15 times and counterfeit medications circulate at 17 times the official genuine price cap. Well-intentioned


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 59

but poorly executed government attempts to regulate this price increase by controlling the release of these resources only aggravates the scarcity. Ambulances now charge an

exorbitant INR 30 000 (US$400) to travel to the nearest hospital, and crematoriums demand service fees 53 times the base price, just to observe the last rights of a loved one."

Miller R, Wafula F, Onoka CA, et al. When technology precedes regulation: the challenges and opportunities of e-pharmacy in low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Glob Heal. 2021;6(5):5405. doi:10.1136/BMJGH-2021-005405 “Quand la technologie précède la réglementation : les défis et les opportunités de la pharmacie en ligne dans les pays à faibles et moyens revenus.”

Résumé original de l’article en anglais. "The recent growth of medicine sales online

represents a major disruption to pharmacy markets, with COVID-19 encouraging this trend further. While e-pharmacy businesses were initially the preserve of high-income countries, in

the past decade they have been growing rapidly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Public health concerns associated with e-pharmacy include the sale of prescription-only medicines without a prescription and the sale of substandard and falsified medicines. [...]

Key regulatory challenges included the lack of consensus on regulatory models, lack of regulatory capacity, regulating sales across borders and risks of over-regulation. However, e-

pharmacy also presents opportunities to enhance medicine regulation—through consolidation in the sector, and the traceability and transparency that online records offer. The regulatory process needs to be adapted to keep pace with this dynamic landscape and exploit these

possibilities. This will require exploration of a range of innovative regulatory options, collaboration with larger, more compliant businesses, and engagement with global regulatory

bodies. A key first step must be ensuring that national regulators are equipped with the necessary awareness and technical expertise to actively oversee this e-pharmacy activity."

Najmi, Kaore S, Sadasivam B, Ray A. Letter to editor: Role of materiovigilance in COVID era: An update. J Fam Med Prim Care. 2021;10(7):2723. doi:10.4103/JFMPC.JFMPC_2499_20 “Lettre à l'éditeur : Le rôle de la matériovigilance dans l'ère COVID : une mise à jour.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, various medical devices are being used for prevention or treatment of the disease. These include masks,

respirators, ventilators, personal protective equipment (PPE) kits, in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) kits, sanitizers and many more. As per various media reports, counterfeit and substandard quality

medical devices are freely available in the Indian market which can lead to serious risk to the health of both the patients and the healthcare providers. Hence, strict vigilance of medical

devices is required to eliminate the use of such medical devices which do not meet the minimum quality requirements. Batches of such medical devices can also be recalled from market by the manufacturers or authorised agents, if needed. Recall means any action taken

by its manufacturer or supplier to remove or withdraw the medical device from the market or to retrieve the medical device from any person to whom it has been supplied, because the

device is hazardous to health."

Osuagwu UL, Nwaeze O, Ovenseri-Ogbomo G, et al. Opinion and uptake of chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 during the mandatory lockdown in the sub-Saharan African region. African J Prim Heal Care Fam Med. 2021;13(1):1-8. doi:10.4102/PHCFM.V13I1.2795 “Avis et utilisation de la chloroquine pour le traitement de la COVID-19 pendant le confinement obligatoire dans la région de l'Afrique sub-saharienne.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "The indiscriminate promotion of this medication by those in authority and widespread use of CQ [chloroquine] in Africa have led to extensive shortages, self-treatment and fatal overdoses. The shortages and increased market prices of

this medication left the already weak health systems in Africa vulnerable to substandard and falsified medical products. Governments in sub-Saharan African countries are ‘strongly


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 60

considering’ putting prescription monitoring programs in place to ensure that off-label use of CQ and HCQ [hydroxychloroquine] is appropriate and beneficial for COVID-19 patients."

Ritchie CS, Gallopyn N, Sheehan OC, et al. COVID Challenges and Adaptations Among Home-Based Primary Care Practices: Lessons for an Ongoing Pandemic from a National Survey. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021;22(7):1344. doi:10.1016/J.JAMDA.2021.05.016 “Défis du COVID et adaptations parmi les pratiques de soins primaires à domicile : leçons tirées d'une enquête nationale sur une pandémie en cours.”

L'un des défis mentionnés pour la chaîne d'approvisionnement est la crainte de fournitures

falsifiées ou de mauvaise qualité. Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "Providers reported difficulty accessing supplies of all kinds, including PPE and sanitation products, because of

supply chain issues. One practice reported: “We had to put all home visits on hold due to lack of proper PPE and training. For now, we have all the PPE we need, but are starting to save N95's again for potential re-use. We are also likely to have to start making our own wipes.

The face shields we first got were awful—fell apart and were cloudy—what we have now is better. It has and continues to be a learning curve."

B.2.2. Saisies/enquêtes/rapports de cas/analyses

[Preprint] Matatiele, Southon B, Dabula B, Marageni T, Poongavanum P, Kgarebe B. Monitoring Quality of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Used in Johannesburg Area During the Covid‐19 Pandemic. Res Sq. Published online June 18, 2021:1-10. doi:10.21203/RS.3.RS-612413/V1 “Suivi de la qualité des désinfectants pour les mains à base d'alcool utilisés dans la région de Johannesburg pendant la pandémie de Covid-19.”

Résumé original de l’article en anglais. "Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019, the World Health Organization has recommended that, in the absence of soap and water, alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used to prevent the transmission of coronaviruses.

Unfortunately, many media reports indicate that majority of current alcohol-based hand sanitizers are substandard and some contain potentially toxic ingredients. The study aimed to

identify sanitizers used in the Johannesburg area that do not contain the WHO-recommended alcohol concentration of at least 70% propanol or 60% ethanol, and contain traces of toxic

ingredients. Hand sanitizers were randomly collected from various traders around Johannesburg. The samples were analyzed using Agilent Auto sampler coupled to a gas chromatograph utilizing flame ionisation detection. Of the 94 different hand sanitizers

collected, three preparations were found to contain no alcohol, whereas the rest contained either ethanol or 2-propanol or a combination of the two. Of the alcohol-containing sanitizers,

37 (41%) contained less than 60% v/v alcohol. Ethyl acetate, isobutanol and other non-recommended alcohols (methanol, 1-propanol and 3-methyl-butanol) were also identified. Consumers are therefore warned that among the many brands of hand sanitizer found around

Johannesburg, there are some substandard preparations and some that contain traces of toxic ingredients."

Plana D, Tian E, Cramer AK, et al. Assessing the filtration efficiency and regulatory status of N95s and nontraditional filtering face-piece respirators available during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Infect Dis. 2021;21(1):1-13. doi:10.1186/S12879-021-06008-8 “Évaluation de l'efficacité de filtration et du statut réglementaire des masques N95 et des masques filtrants non traditionnels disponibles pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. “Results: Over 100 different makes and models of

traditional and non-traditional filtering facepiece respirators (N95-type masks) were in the inventory of surveyed U.S. teaching hospitals as opposed to 2–5 models under normal

circumstances. A substantial number of unfamiliar masks are from unknown manufacturers.


Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 61

Many are not correctly labelled and do not perform to accepted standards and a subset are obviously dangerous; many of these masks are likely to be counterfeit. Due to the absence of

publicly available information on mask suppliers and inconsistent labeling of KN95 masks, it is difficult to distinguish between legitimate and counterfeit products.”

B.3. Rapports des organisations internationales European Anti-Fraud Office. OLAF in 2020: stopping fraud, keeping Europeans safe. Press Release No 12/2021. Published June 10, 2021. Accessed June 11, 2021. https://ec.europa.eu/anti-fraud/media-corner/news/10-06-2021/olaf-2020-stopping-fraud-keeping-europeans-safe_en “L'OLAF en 2020 : mettre fin à la fraude, assurer la sécurité des Européens. Communiqué de presse n° 12/2021.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "Counterfeiters saw major business opportunities as the COVID-19 pandemic led to a sudden and massive increase in demand for personal protective

equipment. OLAF has been on their trail since March 2020, and so far has identified over 1,000 suspicious operators and helped seize millions of substandard or counterfeit items

related to the pandemic – in particular face masks but also hand sanitisers and testing kits."

Interpol. Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut down in INTERPOL operation. News. Published June 8, 2021. Accessed June 9, 2021. https://www.interpol.int/en/News-and-Events/News/2021/Thousands-of-fake-online-


pharmacies-shut-down-in-INTERPOL-operation“Des milliers de fausses pharmacies en ligne sont fermées lors d'une opération d'INTERPOL. Nouvelles.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. " A record number of fake online pharmacies have been shut down under Operation Pangea XIV targeting the sale of counterfeit and illicit medicines

and medical products. The operation coordinated by INTERPOL involved police, customs and health regulatory authorities from 92 countries. It resulted in 113,020 web links including websites and online marketplaces being closed down or removed, the highest number since

the first Operation Pangea in 2008.[...] Operation Pangea XIV also showed that criminals are continuing to cash in on the demand for personal protection and hygiene products generated

by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fake and unauthorized COVID-19 testing kits accounted for more than half of all medical devices seized during the week of action (18 – 25 May) which resulted in 277 arrests worldwide and the seizure of potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals

worth more than USD 23 million. In Italy, authorities recovered more than 500,000 fake surgical masks as well as 35 industrial machines used for production and packaging.

Operation Pangea XIV also showed that criminals are continuing to cash in on the demand for personal protection and hygiene products generated by the COVID-19 pandemic."

B.4. Divers Dans cette section, nous signalons les organisations, associations ou auteurs indépendants qui ont mis en évidence le risque ou la menace des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 QIF mais qui ne sont pas nécessairement traités dans les articles généraux de la base de données ʺMQM Globeʺ.

Bown CP. How COVID-19 Medical Supply Shortages Led to Extraordinary Trade and Industrial Policy.; 2021. Accessed September 24, 2021. https://www.piie.com/sites/default/files/documents/wp21-11.pdf“Comment les pénuries de fournitures médicales de la COVID-19 ont conduit à une politique commerciale et industrielle extraordinaire.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] scarcity and exploding prices generated a separate problem: counterfeit products. On April 10 the Chinese

government responded by establishing a new system of quality controls for exports of various medical supplies, including nine PPE products.10 One governmental concern was that a few

Partie B. Autres produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 62

bad actors could create large, negative reputational spillovers impacting the important Chinese PPE exporting industry."

Den Boer H, Nash K. Regional Responses to COVID-19: The Role of Intergovernmental Organisations in Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East.; 2021. Accessed September 27, 2021. https://www.politicalsettlements.org/wp-


content/uploads/2021/07/Covid-Report-DIGITAL.pdf“Réponses régionales au COVID-19 : Le rôle des organisations intergouvernementales en Amérique latine, en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient ; 2021.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. " The ‘Integrated Response of the OAS [Organisation of

American States] General Secretary to COVID-19 in Support of Member States, Based on its Four Pillars’ was released in April 2020. [...] The Multidimensional Security Pillar unites the

Department of Public Security (DPS), the Department against Transnational Organised Crime (DTOC), and the InterAmerican Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) to develop guides and tools to address risks as a result of the pandemic in the context of criminality and public

health emergencies. Topics addressed include COVID-19-related internet fraud; counterfeit masks and substandard disinfectants; corruption in the management of health emergency

funds; and care for people with substance use disorder. The DSP furthermore facilitated the creation of a virtual community for the security and emergency systems of member states

which will enable access to information on emergency response tools."

Fight the Fakes. Watch our WHA74 event: Old Problem, New Foes – Time to act against falsified medicines and vaccines for COVID-19. Fight the Fakes. Published June 1, 2021. Accessed September 28, 2021. “Regardez notre événement AMS74 : Vieux problème, nouveaux adversaires - Il est temps d'agir contre les médicaments et vaccins falsifiés pour la COVID-19.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "The World Health Organisation is celebrating the 74th World Health Assembly this week (24 May – 1 June) which will have a decisive impact on the global health agenda ahead of us. Fight The Fakes used this important occasion to put the

spotlight on the dangers that the proliferation of substandard and falsified Covid-19 medicines and treatments is causing all over the globe."

Forcinio HB. Countering Counterfeiters and Diverters. Pharm Technol. Published online February 2, 2021:43-45. Accessed August 13, 2021. https://www.pharmtech.com/view/countering-counterfeiters-and-diverters“Contrer les contrefacteurs et les détourneurs.”

Extrait original de l’article en anglais. "Anticounterfeiting laws and regulations, such as the

European Union’s Falsified Medicine Directive and the US’s Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), safeguard prescription drugs available from pharmacies. “However, pharmaceutical manufacturers should be aware that these measures alone will not guarantee a product’s

integrity and authenticity,” says Gene Dul, president of Schreiner MediPharm US. He says, “Only additional counterfeit-proof authenticity features can provide a comprehensive approach

against fraud, misuse, and tampering.” Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has increased the opportunities for counterfeiting. “In a survey issued by IDC in June 2020, 70%

of companies agreed that their supply chain is ‘very vulnerable’ to suffering more problems if the COVID-19 crisis lasted more than a couple of months longer, and 75% of companies agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic has ‘greatly increased/will greatly increase’ problems

with diversion, theft, and counterfeiting of critical products such as test kits, vaccines, and antivirals,” reports Aimee Genzler, vice-president, Corporate & Brand Communications at

TraceLink, the study sponsor."


Annexe A. Changement de méthodologie pour les recherches dans la presse non spécialisée. Nous mentionnons des incidents qui ont été rapportés dans la presse non spécialisée. Dans l'introduction (2. Méthodologie pour rapporter la presse non spécialisée), nous décrivons brièvement la méthodologie que nous appliquons pour recueillir les articles de la presse non spécialisée. Les modifications apportées à la méthodologie depuis le premier " Rapport sur la qualité des produits médicaux - Questions relatives au Covid-19 " qui a été publié en juillet 2020 sont énumérées ci-dessous. 29

Depuis le numéro d’Octobre 2020

Équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), et désinfectants : les alertes de janvier à septembre 2020 dans la catégorie EPI comprenaient les désinfectants. À partir d'octobre 2020, nous avons créé deux catégories

distinctes : désinfectants et autres EPI. Termes de recherche utilisés pour générer le résumé des rapports du ʺMQM

Globeʺ : les termes clés appliqués à la recherche dans la base de données du Globe pour compiler les rapports ont été révisés en octobre et novembre 2020. Il faut donc être prudent lors de l'interprétation du nombre d'incidents ou d'articles dans le temps.

Depuis le numéro de Novembre 2020

Médicaments pour la COVID-19 : Les médicaments n’étant pas nécessaire pour la COVID-19, mais contenant un ou plusieurs principes actifs dissimulés qui sont utilisés ou testés pour le COVID-19, ne sont plus inclus dans les rapports COVID-19 (par exemple, le sildénafil dissimulé dans les compléments alimentaires à visée sexuelle). Seuls les médicaments pour lesquels le principe actif indiqué est utilisé ou testé pour la COVID-19 sont inclus dans le rapport COVID-19 (par exemple, le "Viagra" falsifié). La diminution observée du nombre d'articles/d’alertes au fil du temps peut, au moins partiellement, être due à ce changement.

Depuis le numéro de Janvier 2021

Vaccins contre la COVID-19:


o Termes de recherche utilisés pour la recherche de Google News : Il est fort probable que les vaccins détournés ne soient pas stockés de manière appropriée et que leur utilisation ait pour conséquence que des personnes ne soient pas protégées alors qu'elles pensent l'être. Pour s'assurer que le système inclut les articles liés au détournement et au vol de vaccins contre la COVID-19 dans les chaînes

29Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medical Product Quality Reports. Medical Product Quality Reports. Published 2020. Accessed March 2, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/mq/research/medical-product-quality-reports


d'approvisionnement légales, nous avons adapté les termes de recherche pour les recherches Google News liées aux vaccins contre la COVID-19.

o Inclusion des rapports : Les escroqueries et les fausses déclarations sont incluses dans le rapport si elles impliquent l'offre directe d'un vaccin COVID-19. Pour toutes les autres catégories de produits, notre politique de rapport reste la même, et nous n'avons pas l'intention d'inclure les discussions sur les fausses déclarations d'efficacité.

Équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation : Nous incluons les incidents liés aux équipements de ventilation dans la totalité des articles. Dans le premier rapport sur la qualité des produits médicaux, nous avons fait état de deux incidents liés à des ventilateurs (un en mai et un en juin 2020), mais ils n'ont pas été inclus dans le total des rapports suivants. À partir du numéro de janvier 2021, les chiffres relatifs aux équipements de ventilation sont inclus, y compris les incidents de mai et juin 2020.

Depuis le numéro de Mars 2021

EPI : "L’écran facial" a été ajouté aux termes de recherche utilisés pour générer le résumé des rapports de ʺMQM Globeʺ pour les EPI. Il faut donc être prudent dans l'interprétation du nombre d'incidents ou d'articles dans le temps.

Médicaments COVID-19 : L'amphotéricine a été ajoutée aux termes de recherche utilisés pour générer le résumé des rapports de ʺMQM Globeʺ pour les médicaments pour la COVID-19. Bien que ce produit ne soit pas utilisé comme traitement direct de la COVID-19, il a été inclus dans les termes de recherche. L'amphotéricine est utilisée pour traiter la mucormycose, une infection fongique de plus en plus souvent signalée chez les patients ayant eu la COVID-19. L'ajout de l'amphotéricine aux termes de recherche ne génère pas de biais dans les rapports précédents puisque la base de données Globe ne contenait aucun incident lié à l'amphotéricine entre le 1er janvier 2020 et le 31 mars 2021.

Depuis le numéro de Avril-Mai 2021

Équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation : Dans les termes de recherche utilisés pour générer le résumé des rapports ʺMQM Globeʺ, "oxymètre de pouls" a été remplacé par "oxymètre" afin de s'assurer que tous les articles pertinents soient inclus.

Annexe B. Tableau - Articles dans la presse non spécialisée sur les incidents de qualité avec les vaccins COVID-19 publiés en 2020

Entre le 12 mars 2020 et le 31 décembre 2020, nous avons trouvé, en excluant les doublons, 22 rapports d'incidents de qualité avec les vaccins contre la COVID-19. Nous ne faisons état que des articles publiés dans la presse non spécialisée anglaise et disponibles en ligne dans le Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe (ʺMQM Globeʺ) et excluons les articles qui traitent du même


incident (c'est-à-dire les " doublons ").

Tableau 3. Articles de 2020 sur les problèmes de qualité des vaccins COVID-19 disponibles dans le ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring (MQM) Globeʺ par ordre chronologique. Les rapports datent du 12 mars 2020 au 31 décembre 2020. Nous ne répertorions ici qu'un seul rapport par incident - il existe de nombreux autres rapports décrivant ces problèmes, mais nous ne les avons pas inclus, à moins qu'ils ne fournissent des informations pertinentes supplémentaires. Nous n'avons inclus dans ce tableau que les articles

de la presse non spécialisée anglaise.


Date de publication

Localisation Produit/ organisation

Titre MQM Globe rapport ID


12 mars 2020 Inde - Maharashtra: Three held for administering fake coronavirus vaccines Maharashtra : Trois personnes détenues pour avoir administré de faux vaccins contre le coronavirus

487568 https://www.deccanherald.com/national/west/maharashtra-three-held-for-administering-fake-coronavirus-vaccines-812962.html

23 mars 2020 Etats-Unis - US Court Blocks Website Selling Fake #COVID19 Vaccine Un tribunal américain bloque un site web vendant un faux vaccin COVID19

497263 https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/us-court-blocks-fake-covid-19/

30 avril 2020 Etats-Unis - Man busted for selling fake coronavirus vaccine in Washington Un homme arrêté pour avoir vendu un faux vaccin contre le coronavirus à Washington

549794 https://mynorthwest.com/1847021/coronavirus-vaccine-scam-washington/

01 mai 2020 Vente en ligne - Blood of coronavirus survivors sold on the dark web as ‘makeshift vaccine’

550753 https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/5550884/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-dark-web/

30 Avec le temps, il se peut que certains URL ne fonctionnent plus. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez trouver un résumé/extrait de l'article sur le MQM Globe en ligne en utilisant "reportID:XXXXXX" dans le champ de recherche.

Le sang des survivants du coronavirus vendu sur le dark web comme "vaccin de fortune"


23 mai 2020 Etats-Unis - US FDA issues warning letters to two groups for selling fake COVID-19 vaccines La FDA américaine envoie des lettres d'avertissement à deux groupes pour avoir vendu de faux vaccins COVID-19

578176 https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/us-news/us-fda-issues-warning-to-two-groups-for-selling-fake-covid-19-vaccines.html

27 mai 2020 Equateur Migal, The Galilee Research Inst.

Fake Israeli coronavirus vaccine being sold in South America Un faux vaccin israélien contre le coronavirus est vendu en Amérique du Sud

582392 https://www.jpost.com/health-science/fake-coronavirus-vaccine-with-hebrew-label-being-sold-in-south-america-629416

13 juillet 2020 Etats-Unis - US attorney shuts down Louisville man's website advertising fake coronavirus vaccine Un procureur américain fait fermer le site Web d'un homme de Louisville faisant la promotion d'un faux vaccin contre le coronavirus.

646267 https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2020/07/13/louisville-man-advertised-fake-coronavirus-vaccine/5431942002/

13 août 2020 Vente en ligne, Chine

* Sinovac * Wuhan Inst. of Biological Products

Fake pre-orders for coronavirus vaccines found in China De fausses précommandes de vaccins contre le coronavirus découvertes en Chine

688388 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3987217

21 août 2020 Vente en ligne, Chine

* Sinopharm * Sinovac

Authorities warn against illegal COVID-19 vaccines and medication sold online Les autorités mettent en garde contre les vaccins et médicaments COVID-19 illégaux vendus en ligne

723320 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-22/border-force-warn-against-importing-coronavirus-vaccines/12581996

11 septembre 2020

Vente en ligne - Darknet Dealers are Selling COVID-19 Test Kits for Thousands of Dollars Les dealers du Darknet vendent des kits de test COVID-19 pour des milliers de dollars

723812 https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/akzpv5/covid-19-rapid-test-kits-for-sale-dark-web

26 septembre 2020

Inde - Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturing Unit Busted in Bargarh Une unité de fabrication de faux vaccins COVID-19 démantelée à Bargarh

742841 https://odishatv.in/odisha-news/fake-covid-19-vaccine-manufacturing-unit-busted-in-bargarh-478473

02 octobre 2020

Birmanie - Myanmar Health Chiefs Warn Against Fake COVID-19 Vaccines Les responsables de la santé au Myanmar mettent en garde contre les faux vaccins COVID-19

750450 https://www.irrawaddy.com/specials/myanmar-covid-19/myanmar-health-chiefs-warn-fake-covid-19-vaccines.html

13 octobre 2020

Brésil Oxford- AstraZeneca

Sales of fake Covid-19 vaccine in Brazil reported Vente de faux vaccins Covid-19 signalée au Brésil

764662 https://www.plenglish.com/index.php?o=rn&id=60698&SEO=sales-of-fake-covid-19-vaccine-in-brazil-reported Accessible duplicate articlehttps://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/miscellaneous/covid-19/fake-covid-19-vaccine-sold-in-brazils-city-of-niteroi-regulatory-body-alerts/

30 octobre 2020

Vente en ligne - FDA Warns Of Bogus Coronavirus Vaccines And Treatments Being Sold Online La FDA met en garde contre la vente en ligne de faux vaccins et traitements contre le coronavirus

787356 https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/10/30/fda-warns-of-bogus-coronavirus-vaccines-and-treatments-being-sold-online/


11 novembre 2020

Vente en ligne - Dark Web Has Become a Market place for 'Vaccines' and Other Pandemic Scams Le Dark Web est devenu un marché pour les "vaccins" et autres arnaques à la pandémie

835199 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-11/dark-web-has-become-a-marketplace-for-vaccines-and-other-pandemic-scams?sref=Pqfp0AgC

13 novembre 2020

Vente en ligne, Australie

* Sinopharm * Sinovac

COVID-19 vaccines selling for $24k on black market Les vaccins COVID-19 se vendent 24 000 $ sur le marché illicite

803482 https://www.noosanews.com.au/news/covid-19-vaccines-selling-for-24k-on-black-market/4139565/

04 décembre 2020

Vente en ligne Pfizer/BioNTech Darknet Drug Dealers Are Now Selling ‘Pfizer COVID Vaccines’ Les dealers du Darknet vendent maintenant des "vaccins COVID Pfizer".

830853 https://www.vice.com/en/article/akdkkg/darknet-drug-dealers-are-now-selling-pfizer-covid-vaccines

11 décembre 2020

Vente en ligne Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine: Scammers are flogging fake coronavirus jabs on the dark web for £230 Vaccin Covid : Des escrocs vendent de faux vaccins contre le coronavirus sur le dark web pour 230 £.

841777 https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/covid-vaccine-scammers-flogging-fake-23151276

21 décembre 2020

Philippines Sinopharm Locsin says reported COVID-19 vaccine in Binondo could be fake, just 'dextrose' Locsin affirme que le vaccin COVID-19 signalé à Binondo pourrait être un faux, juste du "dextrose".

855225 https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/768836/locsin-says-reported-covid-19-vaccine-in-binondo-could-be-fake-just-dextrose/story/

23 décembre 2020

Brésil Vero Cell, Beijing Institute of Biological Products

Creative Professional Says He Saw Street Vendor Selling a False Vaccine in Rio for $R50 Un professionnel de la création dit avoir vu un vendeur de rue vendre un faux vaccin à Rio pour 50 dollars.

890939 https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/internacional/en/scienceandhealth/2020/12/street-vendors-sell-fake-vaccine-against-covid-19-for-r-50-in-rio.shtml

28 décembre 2020

Afrique du Sud - Interpol notes fake Covid-19 vaccine bust in SA Interpol constate une saisie d'un faux vaccin Covid-19 en Afrique du Sud

865724 https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/crime/2413293/interpol-notes-fake-covid-19-vaccine-bust-in-sa/

31 décembre 2020

Etats-Unis Moderna Pharmacist Arrested, Accused Of Destroying More Than 500 Moderna Vaccine Doses Un pharmacien arrêté, accusé d'avoir détruit plus de 500 doses du vaccin Moderna

895651 https://www.npr.org/2020/12/31/952536531/pharmacist-arrested-accused-of-destroying-more-than-500-moderna-vaccine-doses?t=1614099235033

Annexe C. Graphe - Incidents trouvés par semaine dans la presse non spécialisée sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19

Figure 5. Incidents répertoriés par semaine sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux pour la COVID-19 depuis le début de la pandémie. Le graphe commence à la semaine 4, le lundi 20 janvier 2020, et se termine à la semaine 30, le samedi 31 juillet 2021. Les semaines avec un astérisque (*) se chevauchent sur 2

mois, chaque fois que la semaine est attribuée au mois le plus proche. La flèche indique la fin du mois de septembre 2020, lorsque la catégorie "Équipements de protection individuelle, y compris les désinfectants" a été divisée en deux catégories distinctes : (A) Désinfectants, et (B) Équipements de protection individuelle. Comme certains articles

décrivent plus d'une catégorie de produits, la somme des incidents par mois peut dépasser la somme des articles par mois indiquée dans la figure 3.

Note (i) depuis novembre 2020, les médicaments non-COVID-19 contenant des principes actifs dissimulés qui sont utilisés ou testés pour la COVID-19 ne sont plus inclus. Seuls les médicaments pour lesquels le principe actif mentionné est utilisé ou testé pour le traitement de la COVID-19 sont inclus dans ce rapport. La diminution observée du nombre d'articles

peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement. Note (ii) : des termes de recherche pour le vol et le détournement de vaccins contre la COVID-19 ont été ajoutés, l'augmentation observée du nombre d'articles à partir de janvier 2021 peut être au moins partiellement due à ce changement.


Annexe D. Informations sur le numéro d’identification (ID) des rapports et les articles sources

Cette annexe contient les rapports générés par ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring Globe (MQM Globe)ʺ en utilisant des termes de recherche prédéfinis pour chacune des six catégories de produits. Au début de chaque rapport du ʺMQM Globeʺ, les termes de recherche prédéfinis utilisés pour générer le rapport sont affichés.

Seuls les articles pertinents des rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ ont été sélectionnés pour le présent rapport COVID-19. Pour chacun des numéros d’identification (ID) de rapport (code à six ou sept chiffres) abordés dans les sections "Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée", des informations supplémentaires (y compris l'article source) peuvent être trouvées dans les rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ dans les annexes D.1 à D.6 ou disponibles en ligne MQM Globe31, en introduisant


"reportID:XXXXXXX" dans le champ de recherche.

Comme la taille des annexes D.1 à D.6 est trop importante pour être incluse dans ce fichier, veuillez consulter la page du rapport sur la qualité des produits médicaux sur la page web de l'IDDO ou du MORU pour accéder aux rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ par catégorie de produits.

Annexe D.1. Vaccins

Annexe D.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19

Annexe D.3. Equipements de Protection Individuelle

Annexe D.4. Désinfectants

Annexe D.5. Médicaments pour la COVID-19

Annexe D.6. Équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation

31Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed October 1, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe


Ce document a été élaboré par le Medicine Quality Research Group, Centre of Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Université de Oxford

Rapports sur les problèmes de qualité des produits médicaux COVID-19

Numéro 12. Données de juin et juillet 2021

ANNEXE D: Informations sur le numéro d’ identification (ID) des rapports et les articles sources

Annexe D. Informations sur le numéro d’identification (ID) des rapports et les articles sources

Cette annexe contient les rapports générés par ʺMedicine Quality Monitoring Globe (MQM Globe)ʺ en utilisant des termes de recherche prédéfinis pour chacune des six catégories de produits. Au début de chaque rapport du ʺMQM Globeʺ, les termes de recherche prédéfinis utilisés pour générer le rapport sont affichés.

Seuls les articles pertinents des rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ ont été sélectionnés pour le présent rapport COVID-19. Pour chacun des numéros d’identification (ID) de rapport (code à six ou sept chiffres) abordés dans les sections "Articles sur les incidents dans la presse non spécialisée", des informations supplémentaires (y compris l'article source) peuvent être trouvées dans les rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ dans les annexes D.1 à D.6 ou disponibles en ligne MQM Globe1, en introduisant "reportID:XXXXXXX" dans le champ de recherche.

Comme la taille des annexes D.1 à D.6 est trop importante pour être incluse dans ce fichier, veuillez consulter la page du rapport sur la qualité des produits médicaux sur la page web de l'IDDO ou du MORU pour accéder aux rapports du ʺMQM Globeʺ par catégorie de produits.

Les articles dans le MQM Globe sont en anglais et ils contiennent les liens vers les articles de journaux originaux en anglais. En utilisant le numéro d’identification (ID) l'utilisateur peut rechercher le document en cliquant sur "article original". En utilisant Google Chrome, l'utilisateur peut générer une traduction de la page web anglaise en français.

Annexe D.1. Vaccins

Annexe D.2. Outils de diagnostic de la COVID-19

Annexe D.3. Equipements de Protection Individuelle

Annexe D.4. Désinfectants

Annexe D.5. Médicaments pour la COVID-19

Annexe D.6. Équipements et consommables de ventilation et d'oxygénation

1Infectious Diseases Data Observatory. Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe. Web Page. Published 2020. Accessed October 1, 2021. https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality-monitoring-globe

Annexe D

D.1. Vaccins

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 20, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch ((”AZD1222” OR ”Tế bào Vero” OR ”BNT162b2”

OR ”BBIBP-CorV” OR ”Sputnik V” OR ”Ad26.COV2.S” OR ”mRNA-1273” OR ”Coron-aVac” OR ”EpiVacCorona” OR ”Covishield” OR ”Ad5-nCoV” OR ”Covaxin”) OR ((”vắc-xin” OR ”vaccine”) AND (”BioNTech” OR ”Johnson & Johnson” OR ”Pfizer” OR ”Ox-ford/AstraZeneca” OR ”Sinopharm” OR ”Sinovac” OR ”Gamaleya” OR ”Moderna” OR”Pfizer/BioNTech” OR ”CanSino” OR ”AstraZeneca” OR ”Viện huyết thanh Ấn Độ” OR”Oxford”)) OR ((”vắc-xin” OR ”vaccine”) AND (”COVID-19” OR ”SARS-CoV-2” OR”Coronavirus” OR ”SARS” OR ”CoV-2” OR ”vi rút corona”))) OR ((”BNT162b2” OR”BBIBP-CorV” OR ”Ad26.COV2.S” OR ”CoronaVac” OR ”Covishield” OR ”Ad5-nCoV”OR ”AZD1222” OR ”FBRI” OR ”Sputnik V” OR ”mRNA-1273” OR ”EpiVacCorona”OR ”Vero Cells” OR ”Covaxin”) OR ((”vaccine”) AND (”Barat Biotech” OR ”BioN-Tech” OR ”Johnson & Johnson” OR ”Pfizer” OR ”Oxford/AstraZeneca” OR ”SerumInstitute of India” OR ”Sinopharm” OR ”Sinovac” OR ”Gamaleya” OR ”Moderna” OR”Pfizer/BioNTech” OR ”CanSino” OR ”AstraZeneca” OR ”Oxford”)) OR ((”vaccine”)AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR ”SARS-CoV-2” OR ”Coronavirus” OR ”CV19” OR”CV-19” OR ”SARS” OR ”CoV-2”))) OR ((”AZD1222” OR ”BNT162b2” OR ”BBIBP-CorV” OR ”Ad26.COV2.S” OR ”mRNA-1273” OR ”Spoutnik V” OR ”CoronaVac” OR


”EpiVacCorona” OR ”Covishield” OR ”Ad5-nCoV” OR ”Covaxin” OR ”Cellules Vero”)OR ((”Vaccin”) AND (”Gamaleïa” OR ”BioNTech” OR ”Johnson & Johnson” OR ”Pfizer”OR ”Oxford/AstraZeneca” OR ”Bharat Biotech” OR ”Sinopharm” OR ”Sinovac” OR”Gamaleya” OR ”Moderna” OR ”Pfizer/BioNTech” OR ”CanSino” OR ”AstraZeneca”OR ”Oxford”)) OR ((”Vaccin”) AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR ”SARS-CoV-2”OR ”Coronavirus” OR ”SRAS” OR ”CoV-2”))) OR ((”AZD1222” OR ”BNT162b2” OR”FBRI” OR ”BBIBP-CorV” OR ”sputnik v” OR ”Células Vero” OR ”Ad26.COV2.S”OR ”mRNA-1273” OR ”CoronaVac” OR ”EpiVacCorona” OR ”Covishield” OR ”Cov-axin”) OR ((”vacuna”) AND (”Barat Biotech” OR ”BioNTech” OR ”Johnson & Johnson”OR ”Pfizer” OR ”Oxford/AstraZeneca” OR ”Sinopharm” OR ”Sinovac” OR ”Gamaleya”OR ”Moderna” OR ”Pfizer/BioNTech” OR ”CanSino” OR ”AstraZeneca” OR ”Oxford”OR ”Instituto Suero de India”)) OR ((”vacuna”) AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR”SARS-CoV-2” OR ”Coronavirus” OR ”CV19” OR ”CV-19” OR ”SRAS” OR ”CoV-2”)))OR ({("BNT162b2" OR "BBIBP-CorV" OR "Ad26.COV2.S" OR "克尔来福" OR "重组新型冠状病毒疫苗" OR "Covishield" OR "vero 细胞" OR "AZD1222" OR "FBRI" OR "卫星-V"OR "mRNA-1273" OR "非洲绿猴肾细胞" OR "Covaxin") OR (("疫苗") AND ("牛津/阿斯利康" OR "Barat Biotech" OR "辉瑞" OR "牛津" OR "拜恩泰科" OR "阿斯利康" OR "北京科兴生物制品有限公司" OR "科兴生物" OR "强生" OR "中国医药集团" OR "辉瑞/拜恩泰科" OR "印度血清研究所" OR "Gamaleya" OR "Moderna" OR "国药" OR "康希诺生物")) OR (("疫苗") AND ("新冠病毒" OR "武汉新型冠状病毒" OR "非典" OR "SARS" OR"CoV-2" OR "武汉肺炎" OR "新冠疫情" OR "COVID" OR "COVID-19" OR "新型冠状病毒肺炎" OR "SARS-CoV-2" OR "新型冠状病毒" OR "新冠"))})

Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31


Report type incident

Curation status validated

Number of Reports 49

2021-09-20 2

1 Fake Covid Certificates, Stolen Vaccines Sold on Darkwebfor Bitcoin

Publication date 2021-07-01

Create date 2021-07-07

Score 323.26

Report id 1122035

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake Covid Certificates, Stolen Vaccines Sold on Darkweb for Bitcoin Yahoo Finance

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Places for report 1122035

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEarth 0 0

Table 2: Drugs for report 1122035

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 3: Other Stories

ID Title Link1122443 Fake Covid Certificates, Stolen Vaccines Sold on Dark-

web for Bitcoin - CoinDeskLink

1122729 Fake Covid Certificates, Stolen Vaccines Sold on DarkWeb for Bitcoin


1129376 Blockchain company uncovers incredible details of on-line vaccine black market


1129501 Italian police bust fake EU Covid-19 pass schemes Link

2021-09-20 3

Notes: Fake COVID-19 vaccination certificates, stolen vaccines and falsified doctors’ signaturesare being sold on the dark web for bitcoin.According to a report on Thursday from blockchain analytics company Coinfirm, vendors havebeen selling the certificates and vaccines in exchange for a range of cryptos, including bitcoin,ether, dash, litecoin, tron, monero and zcash. [...] One particular dark web vendor, knownas the ”COVID-19 Vaccine Shop,” appears to be selling vaccines in bulk from AstraZeneca,Pfizer-BionTech, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Sputnik V, Coinfirm reported. [...]

2021-09-20 4

2 Pasay City police arrest fake nurse, cohort for illegal sale ofCOVID vaccines

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-07-09

Score 169.67

Report id 1129126

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Pasay City police arrest fake nurse, cohort for illegal sale of COVID vaccines ManilaBulletin

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 4: Places for report 1129126

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Philippines City of Pasay 14.55 121

Table 5: Drugs for report 1129126

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 6: Other Stories

ID Title Link1129375 Palace orders probe on COVID-19 vaccine sale Link1129387 Fake nurse caught selling COVID-19 vaccines in Pasay

| Philippines Lifestyle NewsLink

1129873 Fake nurse nabbed for offering COVID-19 vax for sale Link

Notes: Two persons, one posing as a nurse, were arrested in an entrapment operation for selling

2021-09-20 5

coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccines through social media at a very low price. [...] Este-ban told police that Parejas was selling COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac,through social media using her identity.Esteban, after learning that Parajes was using her name in selling COVID-19 vaccines, imme-diately transacted with the suspect for 50 vials of COVID vaccines amounting to P120,000. [...]Estaban also told the police that Parajes claimed she was getting the supply of vaccines from aprivate hospital in Makati City and a government hospital in Quezon City. [...]

2021-09-20 6

3 EU regulator flags contamination in some J&J COVID-19vaccines

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 165.44

Report id 1095771

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: EU regulator flags contamination in some J&J COVID-19 vaccines Reuters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 7: Places for report 1095771

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope 48.69096 9.14062

Americas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219

Table 8: Drugs for report 1095771

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 9: Other Stories

ID Title Link1095788 FDA expected to release 10 million doses of Johnson

& Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine from long-troubledEmergent plant


1095789 BRIEF-EMA Aware Of Contamination In Batch OfActive Substance For COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen


1095870 EU won’t use J&J COVID shots from time of U.S.contamination issue


1095904 FDA clears 10 million J&J vaccine doses from contam-inated Baltimore plant


2021-09-20 7

Table 9: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1095907 AP source: J&J doses to be released, but many will

be tossedLink

1095911 Source: Millions of J&J doses to be released, but manymore must be thrown out


1095914 AP Source: J & J doses will be released, but manywill be thrown


1095926 US regulators order 60 millions Johnson & Johnsonvaccines to be destroyed


1095973 Johnson & Johnson vaccine from problem factory re-leased for use


1095982 U.S. FDA asks J&J to discard 60 million vaccine dosesmade at Baltimore plant: NYT


1095988 FDA has decided at least 60 million doses of Johnson& Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine must be be discarded;10 million can be released


1095989 J&J vaccine doses to be released, but many will betossed


1096018 Coronavirus: EU rejects some Johnson & JohnsonCOVID vaccines over contamination


1096058 F.D.A. Tells J.&J. to Throw Out 60 Million DosesMade at Troubled Plant


1096064 J&J Can’t Use 60 Million Covid Doses Because of Pos-sible Contamination: FDA


1096073 FDA: Some J&J vaccine is good to go but some isn’t Link1096084 EU won’t use J&J COVID-19 shots from time of U.S.

contamination issueLink

1096134 Millions of J&J Doses Cleared for Use, But Many Re-main in Limbo


1096159 Some J&J vaccine doses can be used, but many mustbe tossed


1096478 Contamination fears for millions of US vaccine doses Link1096595 US tells J&J millions of vaccine doses can’t be used

due to possible contaminationLink

1096653 EU Rejects Johnson and Johnson Vaccine batchesOver Contamination


1096696 EU Regulators Recommend Not Releasing Batches ofJanssen COVID-19 Vaccine


1096701 EMA orders ’millions’ of Johnson & Johnson vaccinesdestroyed


1097008 J&J doses to be released, but many will be tossed, APreports


1097048 J&J vaccine contamination ‘takes roll out backwards’– Acting health minister


1097524 UPDATE 1-EU won’t use J&J COVID shots fromtime of U.S. contamination issue


2021-09-20 8

Table 9: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1097777 Germany demands that J&J make up Covid-19 vac-

cine gap in JulyLink

1097867 US FDA clears J&J Covid-19 vaccine doses aftermonths-long delay


1097869 Coronavirus: Germany demands Johnson & Johnsonreplace spoiled COVID vaccine doses


1098603 Millions of ‘possibly contaminated’ J&J vaccines to bediscarded: four things you need to know


1098663 Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine: one regulator blocks use,another promotes it


1098726 Covid-19 roundup: Germany puts J&J on the hotseatfor vaccine backorder; Top EMA official suggests for-going AstraZeneca shot


1098775 FDA: J&J Contaminated COVID-19 Vaccine DosesMust Be Discarded


1098977 Germany demands replacement of 60 million contam-inated J&J vaccine doses


1099331 AP source: J&J doses to be released, but many willbe tossed - Local 5


1099476 FDA will release doses of J&J vaccine from Baltimoreplant


1100222 EMA officials are proposing to abandon AstraZeneca’sjabs


1101526 Millions of J&J doses unusable due to contamination Link1104023 EU officials ‘expecting vaccine shortage for 3 months’

� but still lash out at J&JLink

1104028 Problematic vaccine plant still lacks approval aftersome doses cleared


1110121 US FDA asks J&J to discard millions of COVID-19vaccine doses


1111170 The FDA’s weak drug manufacturing oversight is apotentially deadly problem


1111339 The FDA’s Weak Drug Manufacturing Oversight a Po-tentially Deadly Problem


1112436 FDA’s weak drug manufacturing oversight is a poten-tially deadly problem


1116907 FDA’s drug manufacturing oversight a potentiallydeadly problem


1118475 EMA approves additional J&J vaccine manufacturingsite


1118494 How did 75M J&J vaccines get ruined? FDA detailsthe manufacturing woes at Emergent’s beleagueredsite


1120433 J&J to scrap about 60 million doses of its coronavirusvaccine


2021-09-20 9

Table 9: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1124108 F.D.A. Tells Johnson & Johnson That 60 Million Vac-

cine Doses Cannot Be UsedLink

1132838 J&J Can’t Use 60 Million Covid Doses Because of Pos-sible Contamination, FDA Rules


1144991 The FDA’s weak drug manufacturing oversight is apotentially deadly problem


Notes: Europe’s drug regulator said on Friday batches of Johnson & Johnson’s (JNJ.N) COVID-19 vaccine made for the region around the time when contamination issues were revealed at aU.S. manufacturing site would, as a precaution, not be used. The European Medicines Agency(EMA) did not say how many shots were affected, but Reuters has reported it involves millionsof doses, making it harder for J&J to meet a target of delivering 55 million to Europe by endof June. [...] Additional information report ID: 1095788 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/06/11/fda-releases-johnson-johnson-vaccine-from-emergent-plant/): The Food andDrug Administration has decided at least 60 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirusvaccine made at the problem-plagued Emergent BioSolutions plant must be discarded, accordingto an individual familiar with the situation. [...]

2021-09-20 10

4 Iran Cracks Fake COVID Vaccine Ring, Seizing Large Ship-ment

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-09-15

Score 147.55

Report id 1216975

Category Other, Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unspecified outlet

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: The Ministry of Intelligence of Iran (VAJA) arrested multiple individuals during anoperation to seize a large shipment of fake and smuggled coronavirus vaccines.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 10: Places for report 1216975

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Iran Iran 32 53

Table 11: Drugs for report 1216975

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: The official IRNA news agency said in a report Wednesday, citing a VAJA statement,that the rings had been active in trafficking and counterfeiting vaccines which are in highdemand throughout Iran. [...] The report said that the vaccines confiscated included majorforeign brands like the Chinese Sinopharm or the British AstraZeneca as well as the US-madePfizer, which is banned in Iran. The report, however, did not elaborate how much of the haulwere fakes. [...] Iranian health ministry officials have repeatedly warned that vaccines offered inthe black market for exorbitant prices are indeed fake. The VAJA statement explaiend it hadalso seized counterfeit COVID-19 drugs from the ringleaders’ hideout places.VAJA revealed that those arrested used ads on the social media to deceive ”a significant numberof people” to buy both the drugs and the vaccines. [...]

2021-09-20 11

5 Le Canada ne distribuera pas les vaccins de Johnson & John-son reçus

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-18

Score 144.46

Report id 1096275

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Le Canada ne distribuera pas les vaccins de Johnson & Johnson reçus Le Journal deQuébec

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 12: Places for report 1096275

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Canada Canada 60.10867 -113.64258Americas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219

Table 13: Drugs for report 1096275

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 14: Other Stories

ID Title Link1096276 Government of Canada : Mise à jour sur le vaccin con-

tre la COVID-19 Janssen mis au point avec une sub-stance médicamenteuse provenant d’Emergent BioSo-lutions


1096299 Le Canada ne distribuera pas les doses reçues du vac-cin de Johnson & Johnson | Coronavirus


1097016 Vaccin Johnson & Johnson | Le Canada ne distribuerapas les vaccins reçus des États-Unis


2021-09-20 12

Table 14: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1097093 Les doses de Johnson & Johnson ne seront pas dis-

tribuées, dit Santé CanadaLink

1097349 Vaccin Johnson & Johnson: le Canada ne distribuerapas les vaccins reçus des États-Unis - Le Quotidien


1099846 Le Canada ne distribuera pas les vaccins de Johnson& Johnson fabriqués à Baltimore


1100239 Les doses de vaccin de Johnson & Johnson ne serontpas distribuées, dit Santé Canada


1100297 Mise à jour sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19 Janssenmis au point avec une substance médicamenteuseprovenant d’Emergent BioSolutions


1115334 Vaccin Johnson & Johnson: le Canada ne distribuerapas les vaccins reçus des États-Unis - Le Nouvelliste


1122299 Vaccin Johnson & Johnson: le Canada ne distribuerapas les vaccins reçus des États-Unis - Le Soleil


Notes: Santé Canada ne distribuera pas les plus de 300 000 doses du vaccin contre la COVID-19de Johnson & Johnson fabriquées dans une usine de Baltimore, au Maryland, en raison de préoc-cupations liées à une substance médicamenteuse mise au point dans l’installation d’EmergentBioSolutions. [...]

2021-09-20 13

6 Gel-like substance found in 110 bottles of Sinovac’s COVID-19 vaccine

Publication date 2021-06-29

Create date 2021-08-18

Score 131.71

Report id 1173183

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: As many as 110 bottles of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine have been found to contain alump of transparent gel, which did not go away after being shaken. It is believed to be caused bythe vaccine being stored at a temperature too low that recommended, according to Thailand’sFood and Drug Administration (TFDA).

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 15: Places for report 1173183

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Thailand Thailand 15.5 101

Table 16: Drugs for report 1173183

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: As many as 110 bottles of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine have been found to contain a lumpof transparent gel, which did not go away after being shaken. It is believed to be caused by thevaccine being stored at a temperature too low that recommended, according to Thailand’s Foodand Drug Administration (TFDA). [...] The TFDA has sent a letter, dated yesterday, informingall provincial health offices and hospitals across the country, administering Sinovac vaccine, tobeware of the C202105079 batch, produced on May 10th and which expires on November 9th,and that it may contain a gel-like substance. [...]

2021-09-20 14

7 First batch of J&J COVID vaccines won’t be released inCanada

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 128.71

Report id 1096549

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: First batch of J&J COVID vaccines won’t be released in Canada Toronto Sun

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 17: Places for report 1096549

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219Americas Canada Toronto 43.70011 -79.4163

Table 18: Drugs for report 1096549

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 19: Other Stories

ID Title Link1096564 Health Canada not releasing Johnson & Johnson

COVID vaccineLink

1096606 First batch of Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccineswon’t be released in Canada


1099089 Canada Rejects 300,000 Doses of J&J Vaccine Madein U.S.


1099276 J&J will have to make up for tossed doses followingquality control issue: gov’t official


2021-09-20 15

Notes: More than 300,000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson single-shot COVID-19 vaccine willnot be released for use in Canada.The vaccines were quarantined in April before they were distributed to provinces because HealthCanada was informed the drug substance in them was manufactured at the Emergent BioSolu-tions facility in Baltimore, Md., where there have been quality control issues. [...]

2021-09-20 16

8 Police names suspects arrested over stolen Covid-19 vaccines

Publication date 2021-06-14

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 128.37

Report id 1129380

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Police names suspects arrested over stolen Covid-19 vaccines Independent

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 20: Places for report 1129380

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Ntinda 0.35529 32.6142

Table 21: Drugs for report 1129380

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 22: Other Stories

ID Title Link1129697 10 arrested over theft of COVID-19 vaccines Link1136292 Covid vaccines seized in private health units Link

Notes: Uganda Police Force has named the twelve suspects picked up from two city pharmaciesin connection to stolen COVID-19 vaccines. During the raids conducted by Crime Intelligence,more than 600 doses of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine were recovered at First PharmacyMulago-Wandegeya and Victoria Pharmacy in Ntinda. Police also picked up twelve suspects.[...]

2021-09-20 17

9 Uganda: State House Says Over 800 People Vaccinated WithFake COVID-19 Jabs � Kenya News

Publication date 2021-06-30

Create date 2021-07-02

Score 128.03

Report id 1119681

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Uganda: State House Says Over 800 People Vaccinated With Fake COVID-19 Jabs �Kenya News Tuko.co.ke

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 23: Places for report 1119681

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Republic of Uganda 1.25 32.5

Table 24: Drugs for report 1119681

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 25: Other Stories

ID Title Link1119867 Over 800 vaccinated with fake Covid jab - State House Link1120279 800 in Uganda received fake COVID jabs: Officials |

Daily SabahLink

1120812 Fake Vaccine Injectors Arrested In Uganda Link1120937 Over 800 people in Uganda get fake COVID-19 vaccine

shots - Reports - Goa ChronicleLink

1120960 800 people in Uganda vaccinated with fake COVIDjab


2021-09-20 18

Table 25: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1121115 Ugandan police hunt phoney doctor, arrest two nurses

in COVID vaccine scamLink

1121231 Uganda: Over 800 Vaccinated With Fake Covid Jab -State House - AllAfrica


1121232 Hundreds of people in Uganda vaccinated with fakeCOVID jab


1121662 How 800 people were injected with water Link1122082 Alarm as 800 Ugandans get fake Covid-19 jab Link1122490 MPs Task Gov’t to Investigate, Track Fake Covid-19


1123007 Phoney doctor administers fake COVID-19 vaccines inUganda


1123588 Alarm as 800 Ugandans get fake Covid-19 jab -MyJoyOnline.com


1127364 Ugandan-made COVID-19 drug now on black market| Daily Sabah


1133959 ROGERS WADADA: Fake Covid-19 jabs, is this notan indictment to Uganda’s entire vaccination cam-paign


1137105 Experts Worry Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Scam CouldHinder Uptake :: Uganda Radionetwork


1144235 800 Ugandans Injected With Fake Covid-19 Vaccine Link1146563 Experts confirm Ugandan fake COVID-19 vaccine

doses were 99% waterLink

1147055 Ugandan State House confirms hundreds of Ugandansgot water for COVID-19 vaccine


1147303 Uganda: Experts Confirm Ugandans Got Water forCovid Vaccine


1147523 Govt confirms 800 people received fake COVID-19vaccine


1147582 Experts confirm Ugandans got water for Covid vaccine Link1147649 Uganda: Experts Confirm Ugandans Got Water for

Covid Vaccine - AllAfricaLink

1147920 Hundreds of Ugandans given fake Covid jabs: healthofficials


1147922 Fake vaccination: At least 800 people jabbed withWATER after buying ‘Covid vaccine’ from scammersin Uganda


1147998 People paid for fake vaccines Link1147999 Hundreds of people in Uganda injected with water in-

stead of Covid vaccineLink

1148214 Ugandan medical workers accused of giving at least800 people fake COVID-19 vaccines


1148257 Hundreds of Ugandans given fake COVID jabs: healthofficials


2021-09-20 19

Table 25: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1148356 Ugandans injected with water instead of Covid-19 vac-


1148723 Hundreds of Ugandans given fake COVID-19 jabs:health officials


1148919 Ugandan scandal: more than 800 people received fakecoronavirus vaccines


1150016 COVID-19 Vaccine Scam In Uganda Results In About800 People Being Injected With Water


1150130 Hundreds in Uganda given fake Covid shots Link1150391 Hundreds of Ugandans duped into paying for fake

Covid-19 shotsLink

1150523 Ugandan workers injected with water instead of coro-navirus vaccine: Report


1150524 Hundreds of Ugandans injected with fake Covid-19vaccines


1150809 Hundreds of Ugandans given fake COVID-19 jabs –health officials


1151497 Hundreds of Ugandans ‘paid for fake coronavirus jabsin vaccination scam’


1151746 How top city firms paid for fake Covid vaccines Link1155700 800 fake Covid-19 vaccine doses were 99% water -

Monitoring UnitLink

1160303 Fraudsters Injected 800 in Uganda With Water In-stead of Covid Vaccines


1166178 Three charged with administering fake Covid-19 vac-cine


1166281 Five charged over administering fake Covid-19 vac-cines


1167008 Five charged over fake Covid-19 jabs Link1186606 Hundreds of Ugandans given fake Covid jabs: health


Notes: The fight against the dreaded coronavirus disease in Uganda has been dealt a blowafter it emerged that some fake COVID-19 vaccines had found themselves on the counter. AsUgandans rush to take COVID-19 jabs, unscrupulous people are taking advantage of theirdesperate situation to administer fake vaccines at a fee. [...]

2021-09-20 20

10 Ordenan a Johnson & Johnson tirar 60 millones de dosis

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-07-22

Score 126.79

Report id 1095951

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Ordenan a Johnson & Johnson tirar 60 millones de dosis El Diario

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 26: Places for report 1095951

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Americas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219

Table 27: Drugs for report 1095951

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 28: Other Stories

ID Title Link1096045 Coronavirus.- El Gobierno de EEUU descarta 60 mil-

lones de dosis de vacunas Janssen por riesgo de con-taminación


1096243 EE.UU. ordena tirar millones de vacunas de Johnson& Johnson de una fábrica que tuvo problemas


1096586 Estados Unidos ordenó descartar 60 millones de dosisde la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson. Estas son lasrazones


2021-09-20 21

Table 28: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1097026 Llegarán hoy más de 800 mil vacunas de AstraZeneca;

Estados Unidos desechará millones de vacunas; Re-ducen v...


1098284 FDA detalla fallas en planta de Baltimore por las quese produjeron 75 millones de vacunas J&J inutilizables


1098655 Retira 2 millones de vacunas Link1100125 Johnson & Johnson desecha millones de dosis de su

vacuna por contaminación – EscambrayLink

1100876 Johnson & Johnson ha tenido que desechar 75 millonesde dosis de su vacuna anticovid por contaminación –CMKW Radio Mambí


1101695 Vacunas anticovid de de Johnson & Johnson sondesechadas por contaminación


1116705 Intiman a Johnson & Johnson a que tire 60 millonesde dosis de vacunas


Notes: Después de semanas de revisión de una fábrica de Baltimore en problemas, los reguladoresfederales han decidido que alrededor de 60 millones de dosis de la vacuna contra el coronavirusde Johnson & Johnson producidas allí deben descartarse debido a una posible contaminación

2021-09-20 22

11 Thai clinic shut down for selling fake Moderna vaccine: cops

Publication date 2021-07-14

Create date 2021-07-20

Score 122.36

Report id 1136434

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Thai clinic shut down for selling fake Moderna vaccine: cops Coconuts

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 29: Places for report 1136434

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Thailand Prachin Buri 14.04992 101.36864

Table 30: Drugs for report 1136434

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 31: Other Stories

ID Title Link1155821 Fake Vaccines In Thailand - Food, Drugs, Healthcare,

Life Sciences - ThailandLink

Notes: The owner of a Prachinburi province clinic was being dragged in for questioning todayafter patients said he was selling bogus Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. [...] A woman said she hadtransferred up to THB6,000 to vaccinate her family of four, but on the date of their scheduledinoculation, she said clinic staff never showed her the vaccine’s packaging. She said she and herfamily members did not suffer any of the expected side effects, either. [...]

2021-09-20 23

12 COVID-19 in Chhattisgarh: 70 doses of Covishield vaccinestolen in Durg’s Ahirwara

Publication date 2021-07-18

Create date 2021-07-22

Score 122.14

Report id 1143378

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Unknown

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: COVID-19 in Chhattisgarh: 70 doses of Covishield vaccine stolen in Durg’s AhirwaraFree Press Journal

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 32: Places for report 1143378

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Ahirwāra 26.96502 81.20554

Table 33: Drugs for report 1143378

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: As the number of cases of delta variant started increasing in Chhattisgarh, the statewitnessed another shocking incident, when 70 doses of Covishield vaccine were stolen from aCOVID vaccination centre in Ahirwara in Durg district. [...]

2021-09-20 24

13 WHO uncovers problems at Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine atRussia’s Ufa plant

Publication date 2021-06-24

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 117.19

Report id 1131615

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WHO uncovers problems at Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine at Russia’s Ufa plant Mint

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 34: Places for report 1131615

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeWestern Asia Russian Federa-

tionUfa 54.74306 55.96779

Table 35: Drugs for report 1131615

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: The World Health Organization said Wednesday it had uncovered problems at a Sput-nik V Covid-19 vaccine production site which Moscow insisted had been resolved. [...] Theinspectors had concerns with the data integrity and testing results from monitoring duringmanufacturing and quality control, and with the monitoring and control of aseptic operationand filling.The inspection identified issues with the traceability and identification of vaccine batches.There were also concerns over the filling lines, sterility assurance, sterile filtration validationand the risks of cross-contamination. [...]

2021-09-20 25

14 Sinovac shots confiscated in QC ‘unsafe,’ had dirty packag-ing – FDA

Publication date 2021-07-08

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 117.18

Report id 1130843

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Sinovac shots confiscated in QC ‘unsafe,’ had dirty packaging – FDA INQUIRER.net

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 36: Places for report 1130843

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Philippines Republic of the Philip-pines

13 122

Table 37: Drugs for report 1130843

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: The 300 doses of COVID-19 vaccine supposedly manufactured by China’s SinovacBiotech that were confiscated by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in Quezon Cityhad soiled packaging and are not safe to use, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) saidFriday.FDA director Eric Domingo said the vaccines ”definitely” were being sold at the black market.He added that they are checking vaccine records and are coordinating with the Bureau ofCustoms to check if there were vaccine deliveries aside from those initiated by the governmentin the previous weeks. [...]

2021-09-20 26

15 La FDA dit que les doses de vaccin J&J de 60 millionsdoivent être jetées: Dernières mises à jour COVID

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-18

Score 116.89

Report id 1096003

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: La FDA dit que les doses de vaccin J&J de 60 millions doivent être jetées: Dernièresmises à jour COVID News 24

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 38: Places for report 1096003

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Europe 48.69096 9.14062Americas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219

Table 39: Drugs for report 1096003

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 40: Other Stories

ID Title Link1095936 J&J: incident de contamination d’un lot de vaccins

aux USALink

1096226 États-Unis - Soixante millions de doses inutilisables Link1096489 Johnson & johnson : Incident de contamination d’un

lot de vaccins aux USALink

2021-09-20 27

Table 40: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1096490 J&J : incident de contamination d’un lot de vaccins

aux USALink

1096775 Covid-19: 60 millions de doses du vaccin J&J gâchéespar une usine américaine


1097163 Covid-19 - Des millions de vaccins Johnson&Johnsonseront détruits en Europe suite à un problème de con-taminat


1097216 Des millions de jabs COVID-19 de J&J à jeter: États-Unis


1119186 L’Agence européenne des médicaments ordonne la de-struction de millions de vaccins Johnson&Johnson,suite à une contamination croisée


1119558 Covid: la destruction de millions de vaccins J&J or-donnée par l’Agence européenne des Médicaments


1125082 Johnson & Johnson : des millions de doses du vaccinvont être jetées


Notes: [...] Le New York Times a rapporté que la FDA a décidé que 60 millions de doses duvaccin Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 produites dans une usine de Baltimore doivent être jetéesen raison d’une éventuelle contamination. L’Associated Press a rapporté qu’environ 10 millionsde doses seraient autorisées à être distribuées, mais, selon le Times, elles doivent inclure unavertissement que la FDA ne peut garantir que la société exploitant l’usine a suivi de bonnespratiques de fabrication. [...]

2021-09-20 28

16 Five fraudsters are arrested in Ecuador for selling fake Pfizervaccines

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-22

Score 106.36

Report id 1100787

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Five fraudsters are arrested in Ecuador for selling fake Pfizer vaccines Daily Mail

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 41: Places for report 1100787

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Ecuador Republic of Ecuador -1.25 -78.25

Table 42: Drugs for report 1100787

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: Ecuadorian authorities arrested five people for allegedly selling jars filled with sea waterthat they claimed were Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for $25. [...] Authorities confiscated a totalof 43 syringes that were each filled with liquid as well as unknown number of small glass jarsthat contained ocean water. [...]

2021-09-20 29

17 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls for fake Covid-19 vacci-nation drive, gets accused arrested

Publication date 2021-06-23

Create date 2021-06-28

Score 106.10

Report id 1110971

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls for fake Covid-19 vaccination drive, gets accusedarrested India Today

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 43: Places for report 1110971

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Kolkata 22.56263 88.36304

Table 44: Drugs for report 1110971

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 45: Other Stories

ID Title Link1110904 Lok Sabha MP Mimi Chakraborty busts fake Covid-19

vaccination driveLink

1111158 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty gets vaccinated fromfake vaccination centre; racket busted


1111228 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty gets COVID-19 jab atfake vaccination camp in Kolkata, informs police


1111466 After TMC MP Mimi raises alarm, man arrested forrunning fake vaccination camp


2021-09-20 30

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1111656 Fake vaccine centre in Kolkata busted after MP raises


1111657 Police trying to unmask the man behind many vacci-nation camps in city, suburbs


1111940 ’Fake’ IAS man held after TMC MP MimiChakraborty duped into attending Covid-19 vaccina-tion drive, getting jabbed


1111942 Seized vials to be sent for testing, says Kolkata Policeon fake COVID vaccination drive


1112037 India: Police seize vials from alleged fake Covid vac-cination drive


1112083 Kolkata fake COVID-19 vaccination drive: Seizedvials to be sent for testing, says Police


1112144 Fake vaccination camp in Kolkata: Medical experts,vaccine recipients wonder what went into their bodies


1112194 MP-actress Mimi Chakraborty takes COVID jab atfake vaccination camp in Kolkata, imposter arrested


1112261 ’Fake’ Vaccine Probe After MP Mimi ChakrabortyGets Jab At Suspect Event


1112270 Kolkata’s Fake Vaccination Camp - People Are Won-dering What Was Injected Into Them


1112390 Mimi Chakraborty gets fake Covid-19 jab in Kolkataby a man named Debanjan Dev| TMC


1112428 Vaccine fraud? Actor-MP Mimi Chakraborty al-legedly duped; ’IAS impostor’ held


1112430 TMC leader claims she was jabbed at fake vaccinationdrive, man arrested


1112614 At ’fake’ COVID vaccination camp in Kolkata, recip-ients wonder what they were injected with


1112618 Kolkata cops seize ‘dust and liquid’ vials from fakevaccination site where TMC MP Mimi Chakrabortytook jab


1112701 Vaccines administered did not contain anything harm-ful: TMC leader Mimi Chakraborty on fake vaccineracket


1112719 Medicines found in office of fake officer who held campsnot Covid vaccines


1112720 Fake Covid Vaccination Drive, How Were 100s DupedWithout Authorities Knowing? I The Urban Debate


1112828 People may have got antibiotics at fake jab camp inKolkata: Cops


1112866 West Bengal: Fake vaccination camp busted inKolkata, anti-bacterial jabs given in the name ofCOVID-19 vaccine


2021-09-20 31

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1112868 Amikacin may have been used at fake Covid-19 vacci-

nation camp in KolkataLink

1112870 People weren t jabbed with Covid vaccine at fake camp| Kolkata NYOOOZ


1112956 Covid vaccination scam: Claims of lack of knowledgeby CMC and police raise concerns among citizens


1113003 Kolkata’s Fake Vaccination Camp; Indians SkippingMasks + More Top News


1113054 Kolkata: Fake vaccination camp participants may’vegot antibiotic shots


1113199 Video: MP Mimi Chakraborty takes COVID jab atfake vaccination camp in Kolkata


1113363 West Bengal MP Mimi duped in fake vaccinationracket, one arrested


1113447 Amikacin may have been administered in fake vacci-nation camps in Kolkata


1113528 Fake vaccine racket mastermind’s photos with TMCbrass go viral, BJP attacks party


1113601 ’People weren’t jabbed with Covid vaccine at fakecamp’


1113696 We Demand a Central Bureau of Investigation Inquiryin a Fake #COVID Vaccination ... - Latest Tweet byANI


1113798 Fake vaccination camp: What did we get, ask worried‘vaccine’ recipients across Kolkata


1113907 Man Arrested for Fake Vaccine Drive After TMCLeader Mimi Chakraborty Duped into


1114077 Act of ’distorted mind’, says Kolkata police chief onfake vaccination case


1114167 Trinamul leaders deny links with organiser of fake jabcamps


1114245 Portrait Of An Ace Kolkata Conman Held For FakeCovid-19 Vaccination


1114257 In Fake Vaccine Case, a Special Investigation TeamHas Been Constituted Under Deputy ... - Latest Tweetby


1114330 Kolkata fake vaccine camp: TMC MP clarifies as hisphotos with mastermind go viral


1114332 BJP attacks TMC over fake Covid vaccination, de-mands probe by central agency


1114433 Antibiotic jabbed instead of COVID-19 vaccine at fakecentres in Kolkata


1114447 Kolkata Police forms SIT to probe fake vaccinationdrive in city


2021-09-20 32

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1114591 ’Fake’ Vaccine Drive: Kolkata Man Arrested, SIT

Formed After TMC Leader Mimi Chakraborty Dupedinto Getting


1114594 KMC dismantles plaque bearing name of fake IAS of-ficer along with TMC leaders


1114707 BJP wants CBI probe into fake vaccine scam Link1114753 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty claims alleged fake

Covid vaccination drive in KolkataLink

1114906 Fake Covid Vaccination Drive, How Were HundredsDuped Without Authorities Knowing? I The UrbanDebate


1114950 Kolkata vaccine scam: Accused posed as IAS officerfor years, KMC dismantles plaque bearing his name


1115013 Central agencies must probe Kolkata vaccine fraudcase, says BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari; writes to HarshVardhan


1115073 BJP, TMC trade charges over fake Covid-19 jab drive,police form SIT


1115114 Kolkata vaccine fraud: BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari de-mands immediate probe


1115161 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls ill, days after takingjab at ’fake’ Covid-19 vaccine camp in Kolkata


1115230 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls sick days after tak-ing ’fake’ COVID-19 vaccine


1115234 Kolkata Police Arrests UPSC Aspirant For Imperson-ating As IAS And Organising Fake Covid-19 VaccineCamps


1115237 Kolkata ”Fake” Vaccine Drive Accused May BeCharged With Attempt To Murder


1115257 Main Accused in Kolkata Fake Vaccine Drive Likelyto be Charged With Attempt to Murder


1115266 Kolkata Man, Accused Of Fake Vaccine Camps, WasInvited To A Police Event


1115291 Mimi Chakraborty down with dehydration, low BPafter taking fake COVID vaccine


1115294 Days after taking fake COVID vaccine, TMC MPMimi Chakraborty falls ill


1115322 Trinamool MP Mimi Chakraborty, Who Got FakeCovid Vaccine, Falls Ill


1115323 Mimi Chakraborty falls ill days after taking fake Covidjab


1115330 Fake vaccination: Bengal BJP leader writes to Unionhealth ministry, demands probe by central agencies


1115331 Three more arrested in Kolkata vaccination scam; WBgovt sets up expert committee


2021-09-20 33

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1115360 BJP’s Amit Malviya slams TMC over fake vaccine


1115361 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls ill days after takingfake COVID vaccine


1115427 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty falls ill days after takingf́akeĆOVID-19 vaccine


1115429 MP Mimi Chakraborty falls ill days after fake vacci-nation


1115430 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty Unwell with Dehydra-tion, Low Blood Pressure After Fake Vaccine Shot


1115499 Fake vaccination camps: Suvendu Adhikari writes toUnion Health minister for central probe


1115623 West Bengal: CM Mamata Banerjee demands strongaction against organiser of fake vaccination camp


1115726 Fake vaccine drive accused charged with attempt tomurder; 3 others held


1115759 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty busts fake vaccinationdrive in Kolkata; police arrest one in connection


1115809 Vaccine fraud: Three arrested, ‘attempt to murder’charge added


1115858 VAX LAX: BENGAL IN A TIZZY, CM STEPS IN Link1115868 Kolkata fake jab drive: Accused charged with attempt

to murderLink

1115869 Covid: Bengal govt issues guidelines for off-site vacci-nation camps


1115900 Fake vaccines Link1115934 Kolkata cops send vaccine vials for testing after TMC

MP busts fake inoculation driveLink

1115962 Coronavirus News Updates Live: Kolkata fake vac-cine scam’s perpetrator to be charged with attemptto murder


1115964 Fake vaccination: Suvendu Adhikari writes to Centreseeking probe


1115967 Bengal: Suvendu Adhikari writes to Centre seekingCBI probe into fake COVID vaccination drive | Indi-ablooms - First Portal on Digital News Management


1116014 COVID-19 Vaccination: How to save yourself from afake inoculation drive? Read here


1116197 States asked to probe fake vaccination camps, takestrict action against those responsible: Centre tellsSC


1116205 Days after taking fake COVID vaccine, actor MimiChakraborty falls ill


1116352 Vaccination camps: TMC leaders deny links with ac-cused


2021-09-20 34

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1116520 New vaccination SOP in place in Bengal after fraud


1116585 The saga of a conman who spent his own money torun fake vaccination camps


1116595 COVID-19 in West Bengal: Govt releases new SOPsfor vaccination at private CVCs after Kolkata jab scam


1116715 The Saga of a Conman: Debanjan Deb Spent His OwnMoney to Run Fake Vaccination Camps in Bengal


1116735 Covid: Private hospitals seek SOP approval for off-sitevaccination drive


1116776 TMC running fake govt: Dilip Ghosh on illegal vaccinecamps


1116849 West Bengal: Pause on off-site vaccination camps; newrules to be discussed in meeting today


1116940 Bengal fake vaccination racket: Accused says ‘wroteto firm for vaccine’, cops to verify claims


1117053 Kolkata vaccine fraud: Accused organised two vacci-nation camps; sent mail to SII for doses


1117096 Mimi Chakraborty fell ill few days after taking thefake Covid vaccine, now stable


1117107 Kolkata vaccine fraud: Police raids accused Deban-jan’s residence


1117113 Kolkata fake Covid-19 jab drive accused admitted toorganising two camps: Police


1117141 Days after Kolkata fake vaccination camps, panic at-tack remains main ‘health worry’


1117239 Mimi Chakraborty Falls Ill After Receiving FAKEDose Of COVID-19 Vaccine, Doctors Say Her Con-dition Is Stable


1117256 Covid-19 Vaccine Racket: Bengal Temporarily Sus-pends Private Vaccination Camps


1117429 Bengal’s fake vaccination drive has its roots in politicsof patronage


1117437 Kolkata: ‘Family pressure and hunger for fame droveconman to hold fake vaccination drives’


1117524 Bengal tightens rules for private firms organising vac-cination camps


1117572 Saga of a conman who spent his own money to runfake vaccination camps


1117573 India News | The Saga of a Conman Who Spent HisOwn Money to Run Fake Vaccination Camps


1117642 Fake COVID-19 vaccination camp: How West Bengalrea.. inoculation drives and why TMC and BJP aresquabbling


2021-09-20 35

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1117755 Kolkata fake jab scam: Off-site vaccination camps

halted, SOP to be issuedLink

1117771 Actor-Turned-MP Mimi Chakraborty Falls Ill, DaysAfter Taking Jab At ’Fake’ Covid-19 Vaccine Camp -


1117787 Left protests fake COVID vaccine camps Link1117840 Kolkata vaccine scam: Mamata Banerjee says TMC

govt has no role, calls accused ”more dreadful thanterrorist”


1117935 Ongoing off-site Covid vaccination camps by privatehospitals to continue


1118204 Fake vaccination camps: Suvendu Adhikari writes toHarsh Vardhan for CBI probe


1118207 2 More Arrested in Dubious Covid Vaccine CampsCase in Kolkata


1118301 Fake vaccine case: 2 more, including fake IAS officer’scousin, held in Kolkata


1118302 2 more arrested in dubious COVID vaccine camps casein Kolkata


1118307 Two more arrested in fake vaccination racket inKolkata


1118340 Two more arrested in fake Covid vaccine camps casein Kolkata


1118379 Fake COVID-19 vaccination camp in Kolkata: Twomore people arrested after raids on main accused


1118495 Calcutta High Court Accepts PIL Demanding CBI In-vestigation into the Fake Vaccine Case. ... - LatestTweet


1118568 Impersonator posing as joint commissioner of KolkataMunicipal Corporation writes to Serum Institute forCovishield, held - 2021-06-29


1118581 Fake Vaccine Scam: Mamata Calls Accused ’MoreDreadful than a Terrorist’


1118654 Vaccination lowest in Bengal, fake inoculation goingon: J P Nadda


1118807 Vaccination in Bengal at lowest, alleges Nadda Link1118953 Kolkata fake vaccine scam: Calcutta HC accepts PIL

demanding CBI probe, hearing on June 30Link

1118993 BJP chief Nadda claims Covid-19 vaccination lowestin Bengal; TMC hits back


1119004 Vaccination scam: Accused’s cousin, another staff held Link1119016 JP Nadda claims Covid-19 vaccination lowest in Ben-

gal; TMC hits backLink

1119096 Covid: Private hospitals defer vaccination camps forinspection


2021-09-20 36

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1119153 Kolkata vaccination scam: Accused Debanjan Deb

sent to police custody till July 5Link

1119172 Fake IAS officer behind Kolkata Covid vaccine ‘scam’under lens for fake raids, tenders too


1119178 Fake vaccination camps: Kolkata Police’s SIT findsman faking as Union Home Ministry official


1119222 Fraudster chose amikacin since vials looked similar Link1119674 What is Amikacin, the fake ’Covid vaccine’ used in

Kolkata scamLink

1119765 Centres Asks West Bengal Government To Probe FakeCovid-19 Vaccination Camps


1119766 Centre seeks report from West Bengal government onfake COVID-19 vaccination camps


1119774 Health Ministry takes note of Kolkata fake vaccinationdrive; seeks ‘factual report’ in two days


1120014 Centre seeks report from Bengal govt over alleged fakecovid-19 vaccination


1120015 ‘This is a planted game’: Mamata on criticism of Ben-gal govt over fake vaccine drives


1120233 Fake COVID vaccine camps: HC directs West Bengalgovernment to file report on probe progress


1120278 Fake Covid vaccination camps in Bengal: Centre seeksreport; Mamata hits back


1120284 Centre seeks report from West Bengal govt on dubiousCovid vaccination camps


1120341 Centre directs Bengal to submit report on fake vaccinedrive


1120393 Kolkata vaccine fraud: Accused organised two Covid-19 vaccination camps


1120431 Centre seeks report on fake vaccination racket bustedin Bengal


1120434 Fake jab camps: Centre asks Bengal for report Link1120623 HC questions Bengal govt on vaccine scam kingpin

Debanjan Deb, seeks affidavit on steps takenLink

1120882 Seventh man arrested in fake vaccination racket inKolkata


1121539 Trinamool alleges Governor link to Kolkata fake vac-cine scam, questions his silence


1121591 Video | Actor-MP Mimi Chakraborty Gets Covid JabAt ”Fake” Drive, Man Arrested


1121621 Bengal fake vaccination row: TMC ups the ante onGovernor, says ‘very bad if he has any relation withaccused’


1122092 TMC claims Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar involved inKolkata fake vaccination drive


2021-09-20 37

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1122432 Faux IAS, Fake Vax Link1122487 Security Guard Arrested In Fake COVID-19 Vaccine

Camps Case: PoliceLink

1122596 TMC releases Guv’s photo with man held in connec-tion with fake vaccine racket


1122856 TMC suppressing charges against Kolkata vaccinescam accused, alleges BJP’s Dilip Ghosh


1122949 Kolkata fake vaccine scam: West Bengal Govt filesaffidavit before Calcutta High Court


1122974 West Bengal: Fake vaccination scam’s kingpin Deban-jan Deb’s security personnel nabbed by Kolkata Police


1123014 Kolkata fake vaccine camp: Security guard arrested Link1123260 Debanjan Deb: Saga of conman who spent his money

to run fake vaccination campsLink

1123294 One Indrajit Shaw Has Been Arrested in Connectionwith Fake Vaccine Scam Case. The Accused ... - Lat-est


1123485 Kolkata vaccination scam: Police records MimiChakraborty’s statement, sends notice to Serum In-stitute


1123633 Kolkata Police Apprehends Another Fake Vaccine Ac-complice


1123674 TMC leader allegedly administers Covid-19 vaccine,draws flak


1123815 Fake vaccine scam case: Kolkata police arrests accusedDebanjan Deb’s employee Indrajit


1123816 West Bengal: Controversy erupts after TMC leaderTabassum Ara administers COVID-19 vaccine atAsansol camp; watch video


1123866 One more arrested in vaccination scam inKolkata;samples of fluids in vials sent for exami-nation


1123911 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty recovering now afterfalling prey to fake vaccine camp


1123966 Fake Covid-19 vaccination camps emerging in India,South Asia News & Top Stories


1123976 ‘Accomplice’ of Debanjan Deb arrested in fake jabcamp case


1124007 Fake vax recipients don’t show antibody Link1124081 BJP protests in Kol over fake vax camps Link1124500 BJP stir to expose nexus between TMC leaders and

vaccine scam mastermind: Dilip GhoshLink

1124676 Kolkata Police denies BJP permission for protestingagainst fake vaccination scam


1124807 Vax scam probe: Over 50 statements recorded Link

2021-09-20 38

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1124816 Fake camp complaints from southern fringes Link1125352 BJP’s Kolkata protest rally against fake vaccination

racket may trigger clashesLink

1125360 West Bengal Link1125374 The conman who spent his own money to run a fake

vaccination campLink

1125425 Bengal: BJP workers stage protest over fake COVIDvaccination drive; Dilip Ghosh says law & order ruined


1125427 Fake vaccine racket: BJP workers clash with policeduring march to Kolkata municipal corporation


1125504 Fake Vaccine Racket: BJP Workers Clash with PoliceDuring March to KMC Office


1125644 BJP protests against fake vaccine racket in Kolkata Link1125932 BJP Workers Clash With Police During March

Against Fake Vaccine In KolkataLink

1126220 Days after taking fake Covid vaccine, Trinamool MPMimi Chakraborty falls ill


1126265 Kolkata vaccine scam: Trinamool asks MLAs to checkdetails before attending events


1126326 BJP rally against fake vaccine camps chokes centralKolkata


1126897 Kasba vaccine fraud: Suvendu Adhikari seeks probeby central investigating agencies


1127150 Uddhav Thackeray calls COVID vaccine scam in Maha’matter of concern’; assures action


1127299 Kolkata fake vaccination racket: Accused may faceattempt to murder charge, 3 aides held


1127475 Fraudulent & illegitimate process of COVID-19 vacci-nation in West Bengal: BJP MP Locket Chatterjee


1127537 Dubious vaccination camps: Centre asks state govtfor report on fake jabs, Mamata calls it attempt to‘defame Bengal’


1127623 TMC MP Mimi Chakraborty Unwell, Days After Tak-ing ’Fake’ Vaccine Shot in Kolkata


1127969 Fake vaccines, fake camp, fake IAS officer — Kolkata‘scam’ that didn’t spare even Trinamool MP


1128844 Fake vaccination camps:Suvendu Adhikari writes toUnion Health minister for central probe


1128910 Vaccine scam: Another fake govt official arrested inKolkata


1129478 Kolkata vaccine fraud: Accused organised two COVIDvaccination camps


1130357 Covid-19: Indian MP falls sick after getting fake vac-cine


2021-09-20 39

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1131119 ED to probe Kolkata’s fake Covid vaccination camps

for alleged money launderingLink

1131137 No CBI probe needed in Kolkata fake vaccinationscam, won’t interfere in state matter: Calcutta HighCourt


1131253 ED files case against Debanjan Deb, others in Kolkatafake Covid vaccination drive case


1131372 Kolkata fake COVID vaccine scam: HC dismisses PILsseeking CBI probe, refuses intervention


1131601 Calcutta HC turns down PIL seeking CBI probe infake vaccination scam


1131644 No CBI Probe, For Now: Calcutta High Court Refusesto Interfere in Fake Vaccine Case


1131823 HC no to CBI probe into fake vaccination case Link1132291 debanjan deb: Fake IAS officer who pulled off a real

vaccine scamLink

1133537 Fake vaccination camp: Antibiotic vials, Covishieldlabels found at accused’s home


1133742 ED to probe fake Covid vaccination camps in Calcutta Link1136155 MP Mimi Chakraborty among hundreds duped as fake

Kolkata vaccination camp bustedLink

1137095 Protests Against Fake Vaccine in Kolkata Link1137272 Bengal: BJP protests against fake vaccination drive Link1137601 Fake IAS officer case: Cops raid Debanjan Debs office Link1137958 Vaccination scam: CID searches office of fake IAS of-


1138104 Kolkata vaccine scam: CBI searches office of fake IASofficer Debanjan Deb


1138834 Kolkata fake vaccine scam: BJP stages massiveprotest against TMC’s ’anti-people policies’


1139760 ED registers case to probe fake vaccine camps inKolkata


1140774 Vaccine scam accused fake IAS officer quizzed in 2020over job cheating complaint: Police


1141436 State vaccinates 95 fake shot recipients Link1141484 The vaccine scamster of Kolkata Link1142381 Petitioner in ’Kolkata fake vaccine case’ moves SC

challenging HC’s order refusing CBI probeLink

1142984 Health Ministry seeks immediate report on ‘fake’ vac-cination camps in Kolkata


1143233 No need for CBI probe into fake vaccination racket:Calcutta High Court


1143329 Fake Vaccination Camp Case: Plea In Supreme CourtFiled Against Calcutta High Court Order DismissingCBI... - Live Law


2021-09-20 40

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1143598 Fake-vax victims double-check info before real jab Link1143867 Plea in Supreme Court on Kolkata fake vaccine drive Link1144707 Debanjan Deb, organiser of Kolkata’s fake vaccine

camps, posed as IAS officer for years, moved aroundin blue-beacon SUV


1146348 Cuffs on two more of Debanjan’s aides in vaccine scam Link1146630 Bengal sleuths use 3D scanner in fake vaccination

racket probeLink

1147179 Fake vaccination racket: Cousin of prime accusedamong 2 more arrested in Kolkata


1148209 COVID-19 Vaccine Scam: Victims in India AwaitGov’t Aid, Fresh Doses


1148529 Vaccination scam: Accuseds cousin, another staff held Link1148531 Kolkata fake COVID vaccine scam: Calcutta HC dis-

misses PILs seeking CBI probeLink

1149981 Jabs fraud explodes: Fake vaccinations in Mumbai andKolkata


1150891 Enforcement Directorate to probe fake COVID vacci-nation camps in Kolkata


1151659 Health Worker Arrested In West Bengal Over FakeCOVID-19 Vaccine Camps


1151999 Kolkata vaccination scam: Cops confirm TMC MP’sclaim of busting fake COVID camp


1152075 How an impostor set up fake COVID vaccine camp,fooling Kolkata MP, MLA


1153459 Kolkata: Vaccine coordinator steals vials from healthfacility, holds paid inoculation camps


1153874 Kolkata fake jab drive: Accused charged with attemptto murder


1158079 ‘Vials at fake vax centres not Covishield’ Link1164297 Cases Of Fake IAS, IPS Officers Spurt In Bengal Link1166074 Bengal MLA seeks police probe into unauthorised vac-

cination camp at TMC officeLink

1193005 Police file charges against 8 in Kolkata fake vaccineracket


1193194 Kolkata fake Covid vaccination case: Chargesheetfiled against Debanjan Deb, 7 others


1193477 Fake vaccines case chargesheet drawn up against De-banjan Deb


1194078 Kolkata: Vaccine conman charged with attempt tomurder | Kolkata News - Times of India


1194079 Kolkata: Conman poses as IAS officer, arranges fakevaccination camps; charged with attempt to murder


1194865 Fake vaccines case: Debanjan Deb produced in court Link

2021-09-20 41

Table 45: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1199795 News updates from HT: ED raids in Kolkata in con-

nection with fake Covid vaccine racket and all the lat-est news


1199933 Fake vaccine jabs, black marketing of remdesivir: EDconducts raids in Kolkata


1200634 ED conducts raids across 10 locations in fake vaccinescam case in Kolkata


1200635 Fake vaccine case: ED raids 10 locations in Kolkata Link1200636 ED raids 10 locations across Kolkata in connection

with fake vaccine caseLink

1200746 Kolkata: ED conducts raids at 10 locations in connec-tion with fake vaccine case


Notes: [...] The vaccination camp was organised in the name of Kolkata Municipal Corpora-tion (KMC) at its office in South Kolkata on Tuesday. Chakraborty took her first dose of theCovishield vaccine during the camp where she was also invited as a chief guest. The TMCMP was called in to encourage people from the transgender community and physically hand-icapped. Along with Chakraborty, 200-250 people were administered the Covishield vaccineon Tuesday. [...] According to sources, Ghosh discussed the matter with the Special Com-missioner of KMC and found out that no such event was organised by the corporation in thisarea. After that, the police were informed. [...] Additional Information ID: 1112828 (https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/people-may-have-got-antibiotics-at-fake-jab-camp-in-kolkata-cops-101624561190596-amp.html): [...] People who went to take Covid-19 vaccine at the fakevaccination camp, organised by the man who was impersonating an IAS officer, in south Kolkatamight have been injected with Amikacin, an antibiotic, police said on Thursday. Sleuths ofthe Kolkata Police’s detective department, who raided accused Debanjan Deb’s office in southKolkata on Thursday, found a large number of Amikacin vials. Fake labels of Covishield werealso recovered, police said. [...]

2021-09-20 42

18 Venezuela: Casi 2.000 incautos cayeron con vacunas hechascon analgésicos y agua

Publication date 2021-06-28

Create date 2021-08-17

Score 105.89

Report id 1117847

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Venezuela: Casi 2.000 incautos cayeron con vacunas hechas con analgésicos y aguaPortal Extra

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 46: Places for report 1117847

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of

Venezuela8 -66

Americas Venezuela Barquisimeto 10.0647 -69.35703

Table 47: Drugs for report 1117847

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeampicillin Penicillins with

extended spec-trum

beta-lactam antibacte-rials, penicillins


ampicillin Antibiotics antiinfectives S01AA19N02

amikacin Other antibioticsfor topical use

antibiotics for topicaluse


amikacin Other aminogly-cosides

aminoglycoside antibac-terials


amikacin Antibiotics antiinfectives S01AA21J07

Antibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AA

2021-09-20 43

Table 47: Drugs for report 1117847(continued)

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics agents for treatment of

hemorrhoids and analfissures for topical use


Antibiotics antifungals for topicaluse


Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Antibiotics drugs for treatment oftuberculosis


Antibiotics throat preparations R02ABAntibiotics antiinfectives S01AA

Notes: víctimas de un grupo de estafadores preparaba las supuestas fórmulas con una mezcla deagua hervida, antibióticos y analgésicos, entre otros componentes, para ocasionar reacciones enlas personas [...] La Dirección de Inteligencia y Estrategias Preventivas (DIEP) de la policía delestado Lara desmanteló una banda dedicada a la comercialización de preparados falsos contrael covid-19. El grupo operaba en Barquisimeto [...] Las investigaciones apuntan a que casi 2.000larenses pagaron entre 100 y 450 dólares por la aplicación de dos y hasta tres dosis de falsasvacunas que eran comercializadas como Sputnik V y Sinopharm [...]

2021-09-20 44

19 Mumbai Society Residents Allege Vaccination Scam, Sus-pect They Received Fake COVID-19 Vaccine; Probe

Publication date 2021-06-16

Create date 2021-06-22

Score 97.45

Report id 1101158

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mumbai Society Residents Allege Vaccination Scam, Suspect They Received FakeCOVID-19 Vaccine; Probe LatestLY

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 48: Places for report 1101158

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Mumbai 19.07283 72.88261

Table 49: Other Stories

ID Title Link1100549 Fraud vaccine dealer: Housing society in Kandivali

which held COVID-19 vaccination camp for memberssuspects it was taken for ride


1100623 Mumbai housing society residents raise doubts overCovid-19 vaccination camp


1100800 Residents of Mumbai housing society allege ‘vaccina-tion scam’, suspect they were given fake Covid shots


1101084 Residents of Mumbai’s Hiranandani Society of Kandi-vali claim they were given fake vaccination


1101153 Vaccination scam in Mumbai‘s plush housing society? Link1101195 Residents of Mumbai society allege they were given

fake Covid shotsLink

1101268 Vaccination scam: Residents of Mumbai housing soci-ety allege they were given fake Covid shots


2021-09-20 45

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1101271 Frauds organise fake vaccination camp at Mumbai so-

ciety, pocket Rs 5 lakhLink

1101284 Residents of Mumbai’s Hiranandani Society claimthey were given fake vaccination


1101317 390 People at Mumbai Society say that they weregiven ”Fake Vaccine”


1101370 ’Vaccine could be spurious’: Mumbai housing soci-ety residents raise doubts over COVID-19 vaccinationcamp


1101378 Mumbai housing society residents allege vaccinationscam, suspect they were given fake Covid jab


1101379 Mumbai: Residents of Hiranandani Estate Society al-lege they were given fake ’Covishield’ vaccine


1101444 Mumbai housing society vaccine scam: 2 held as resi-dents suspect ’fake’ shots


1101543 Housing Society In Mumbai’s Kandivali Claims TheyWere Administered Fake Covid Vaccines


1101585 ’Taken for ride’: Mumbai housing society residents al-lege vaccination scam


1101598 Covid vaccination scam: ’Spurious’ vaccine jabs givenat �1,260 per dose in Mumbai’s plush housing society


1101665 Vaccination scam in Mumbai housing society; copsprobe fake drive in Kokilaben Hospital’s name


1101854 Fake Covid-19 vaccination drive conducted in Mumbai Link1101859 India News | �Mumbai Society Residents Allege Vacci-

nation Scam, Suspect They Received Fake COVID-19Vaccine


1101958 Residents of Mumbai Housing Society allege ’vaccina-tion scam’


1102021 Mumbai Hospital employee behind Kandivali societyvaccination scam, BMC orders probe


1102097 3 detained in Mumbai fake vaccination racket; housingsociety, production house among targets | Details


1102124 Mumbai Housing Society Alleges It Was Given FakeShots As No One Got Side Effect After Vaccine


1102229 Mumbai Police begins probe into alleged vaccinationfraud in Kandivli


1102269 BMC seeks probe into fears of ‘fake’ vaccination camp Link1102436 Mumbai: 390 Hiranandani Society residents allege re-

ceiving fake COVID-19 vaccinesLink

1103183 Vaccination ‘fraud‘ in Mumbai: BMC orders probe,seeks report within 48 hours


1103283 Mumbai: Three detained in COVID-19 vaccine fraudin Kandivali’s Hiranandani Heritage


2021-09-20 46

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1103347 Ramesh Taurani says Tips duped in Mumbai fake vac-

cine scam: Still waiting for certificateLink

1103408 Mumbai Housing Society Says It Was Scammed IntoA Fake Vaccine Drive


1103409 Mumbai Film Crew, Housing Society Allege VaccineScam by Racket Disguising as Na


1103526 COVID-19 vaccine fraud at Kandivali society: Organ-iser quizzed, no FIR yet


1103530 Ramesh Taurani hit by the fake vaccination scam;Producer says, Mumbai Police is investigating thematter


1103598 Mumbai housing society residents allege being givenfake Covid vaccination shots


1103600 356 employees of Tips industries duped in fakeCOVID-19 vaccination scam


1103602 Residents of Hiranandani Society in Mumbai allegereceiving fake Covid vaccination; 3 detained


1103750 Covishield or Any Saline Water? Ramesh TauraniSays Tips Industries Duped by Fake COVID-19 Vac-cination


1103890 Mumbai housing society vaccination fraud? Police,BMC begin probe


1103948 Mumbai vaccination scam: Maharashtra govt asksBMC to probe matter and file report within 15 days


1104584 Now, Bollywood duped in fake vaccine scam Link1104652 Ramesh Taurani duped by fake COVID vaccination

camp? Producer worried about employees vaccine jabsLink

1104798 Mumbai police arrest four in fake COVID vaccinationcamp


1104806 ’Fake’ Vaccination Drive Held in Mumbai’s Kandivli,Allege Housing Society Residents; 4 Arrested


1104810 Covid-19 vaccination fraud rocks Bollywood: THISevent management company conducted fake vaccina-tion drive-...


1104904 Mumbai COVID-19 Vaccination Scam: Police NabFive People For Coronavirus Vaccine Fraud at Hous-ing Society


1104905 Mumbai vaccination scam: 4 arrested, 1 detained and2 absconding


1104978 Mumbai vaccination scam: None of the victim regis-tered on CoWin app, says Mumbai police sources


1104989 Fake COVID-19 vaccination racket busted in Mumbai,five arrested


1105043 Mumbai Police Arrest 4, Detain 1 in Fake Covid-19Vaccination Drive in Housing S


2021-09-20 47

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1105052 Mumbai: 4 held in fake vaccination drive at Kandivali

housing societyLink

1105053 Mumbai: Fraud in the name of COVID-19 vaccine inHiranandani Estate Society


1105130 4 Arrested In Mumbai ’Fake Vaccine Camp’ Case.Producer Too Suspects Scam


1105132 Mumbai Police lodges FIR in housing society Covidjab scam case


1105298 Mumbai fake vaccine scam: Bollywood music producerRamesh Taurani’s 356 employees given ’saline water’?


1105386 Mumbai Fake Vaccine Scam Case: All 4 Accused, WhoWere Arrested, Have Been Sent to Police ... - Latest


1105457 Mumbai fake vaccination racket: How can we stopvaccine scams?


1105461 Mumbai Police lodges FIR in housing society Covidjab scam case, 4 people held


1105511 How fraudsters duped Mumbai flat residents by hold-ing fake vaccination camps


1105559 DNA: Did you also get the dose of fake COVID-19vaccine?


1105928 Mumbai vaccine scam: 4 arrested for organizing fakeCOVID-19 vaccination camp at housing society


1106189 Mumbai vaccination fraud: No permission was takenfrom BMC, jabs procured from unauthorised source,say police


1106250 Mumbai: Cops looking for doctor fraudsters tied upwith to source vaccines


1106431 Mumbai COVID-19 Vaccination Scam: Aditya Col-lege in Borivali Complains of Fake Coronavirus Vac-cine Drive


1106432 India News | �Mumbai: Aditya College in BorivaliComplains of Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Drive


1106499 Mumbai vaccine scam: ’Housing societies should takeNOCs from BMC to ensure vaccination drive are...


1106538 ’Centre should make provision of life sentence’: Ra-jasthan CM on fake vaccination racket


1106879 BMC report doesn’t say anything about genuinenessof the vaccine which were given in Kandivali society


1106882 BMC probe report: Vax drive in hsg society fake inMumbai


1106944 Fake vax racket: CM seeks life term for criminals Link1107167 Mumbai: Fake vaccinations camp were conducted

without permission of BMCLink

1107227 Second FIR in Mumbai vaccine scam, 150 employeesof production house get fake jab and no certificate


2021-09-20 48

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1107331 Mumbai police files second FIR in fake vaccination


1107376 Mumbai police files second FIR in fake vaccinationscam


1107415 Mumbai: Four held for fraudulent Covid-19 vaccina-tion camp at Kandivli housing society


1107585 Vaccine scam: BMC asks Serum to verify batch ofCovishield vials used in housing society


1107642 Five men arrested in Kandivali for running unautho-rised vaccination camp


1107867 Mumbai: Kandivli doctor is key accused in Covid-19vaccine scam


1107931 ’Concerned if vaccines were genuine or fake’ Link1108216 Mumbai vaccine fraud: Second FIR accessed reveal

more detailsLink

1108381 Second FIR in vaccination scam; vials fake, boughtfrom outside Mumbai?


1108818 Bollywood Music Producer’s Firm Goes To Cops Over”Fake Vaccine Camp”


1108819 Mumbai’s Fake Vaccine Fraud: Tanvi Shukla on slowpace of investigation | The Urban Debate


1108856 Mumbai vaccine scam: Police look out for doctor whosupplied vials for camp at housing society


1108860 Covid vaccine fraud: Third FIR filed in Mumbai, ac-cused booked for selling adulterated drugs


1108878 Fake vaccine drive: Mumbai Police arrested five people Link1108879 Mumbai Police files second FIR in fake vaccination


1108910 Mumbai Fake Vaccination Scam: Khar Police RegisterFIR Against 6 Accused; Know Details


1108911 Six more booked for fake vaccination camp Link1108952 Mumbai: Cops to probe role of trainee nurses in fake

COVID-19 vaccination driveLink

1109238 Fake vaccine scam across Mumbai: Third FIR filed oncomplaint from Tips


1109297 Third FIR in vaccination scam; Kandivli doctor maybe kingpin, say police


1109439 Fake Covid shots given at unauthorised vaccinationcamps in Mumbai: Police


1109530 Covid-19: Bombay HC asks Maharashtra governmentto form policy against fake vaccination drives


1109584 Fake vaccination drives unfortunate, says Bombay HC;asks BMC, Maharashtra govt to form policy


2021-09-20 49

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1109644 FPJ Legal | Vaccination Fraud: HC expresses disgust,

asks state and BMC to formulate policy urgently toprevent frauds


1109658 Mumbai Jab fraud: Health Minister says, ’Not theirjob to find if the vaccines were fake’


1109734 Coronavirus: Bombay HC asks Maharashtra govern-ment to frame policy against fake vaccination drives


1109787 Humanity is suffering, yet people being defrauded:Bombay High Court asks State, BMC to take actionagainst fake COVID-19 vaccination drives - Bar &Bench


1109861 COVID-19 Vaccination Scam: Unearth Fake Coron-avirus Vaccination Racket, Bombay HC to Maharash-tra Govt


1109904 [Exclusive] Fake vaccination scam: ’Some vaccineswere genuine and some were fake’, says Mumbai Police


1109910 Mumbai: Doctor accused in Kandivali society fakevaccine drive seeks pre-arrest bail


1110100 Mumbai Covid vax scam: Beneficiaries got fake Covidshots, say cops


1110114 Filmmaker Ramesh Taurani’s TIPS films and othersget duped in fake vaccine scam


1110178 Unearth fake COVID-19 vaccination racket: BombayHC orders Maharashtra govt


1110982 [Exclusive] Mumbai Police files 4th FIR in fake vacci-nation scam case


1111012 4th fake camp in the Mumbai COVID vaccine frauddiscovered & charged; 9 under scanner


1111269 Mumbai: Doctor seeks pre-arrest bail in Kandivli’sfake vax drive case


1111355 ’Fake’ vaccination drive at college: Fourth FIR madein Borivali, arrest count goes to 6


1111766 Mumbai: Fourth FIR in unauthorised vaccinationdrive case after camp in Borivali college


1111939 Mumbai fake COVID-19 vaccine camp: Woman heldfor providing false certificates


1112018 NESCO centre data entry official held for fake vacci-nation scam at Mumbai college


1112145 Mumbai vaccination fraud: More than 2,000 peoplevaccinated in such fake camps, says Maha govt to HC


1112146 Coronavirus India Live Updates: ‘2,053 people givenfake vaccines, 4 FIRs registered,’ Mumbai police tellsBombay HC


1112198 Mumbai: Fourth FIR in vaccination scam at Borivalicollege, sixth accused arrested


2021-09-20 50

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1112254 Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: Over 2,000 people

given fake COVID-19 vaccines in Mumbai, Maharash-tra govt...


1112255 Over 2,000 people in Mumbai fell victim to fakeCOVID-19 vaccination drives: Maharashtra govt toBombay HC


1112256 FPJ Legal | Vaccination Fraud: Bombay HC voicesconcern for 2,053 citizens who received fake vaccines


1112257 Vaccination Fraud: Podar Education Centre registersfifth FIR at Bhoiwada police station


1112280 Fake vaccination scam: Mumbai Police files 5th FIRin the matter


1112343 Do victims of Covid vaccine fraud in Mumbai haveantibodies? Bombay HC asks BMC


1112375 Fake Vaccine scam: 5th F.I.R linked to Mumbai’s Po-dar Institute; More than 2000 jabs administered


1112503 Over 2000 people administered fake vaccines, MumbaiPolice tells High Court


1112504 Over 2000 People Fell Victim for Fake COVID-19 Vac-cine: Live India News 24 June 2021


1112521 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Staffer arrested forstealing Nesco’s CoWIN ID password


1112522 More Than 2,000 Fell Victim To Fake VaccinationDrives In Mumbai; 5 FIRs Registered


1112623 Over 2,000 People in Mumbai Fell Victim to FakeCovid-19 Vaccination Drives: Mah


1112647 Fake vaccination scam: Two more FIRs filed, Mumbaipolice lodges 8 FIRs so far


1112700 Mumbai: SIT to probe fake vaccination racket sus-pected of using distilled water in vials


1112780 Vaccination Fraud: Mumbai police register three moreFIRs against 6 accused, doctor couple being ques-tioned


1112835 Mumbai vax scam: Seven FIRs registered; 6 whoposed as doctors booked


1112867 India: 2,000 people fall prey to fake COVID-19 vacci-nation drives in Mumbai


1113139 Covid-19 vaccine scam in Mumbai: Victims given par-tial doses from leftover and expired shots


1113148 Vaccination Fraud in Mumbai raises alarm; How didthe fraudsters dupe hundreds? | The Urban Debate


1113197 Over 2,000 in Mumbai duped in fake vaccine drives,says govt


1113366 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Founder-owner ofShivam hospital arrested


2021-09-20 51

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1113374 Coronavirus news - live: Over 2,000 people get fake

vaccines in Indian city as third wave loomsLink

1113604 Did you get saline water or vaccine? Here‘s what ex-perts have to say about the recent fake jab busts


1113699 COVID-19 Fake Vaccination Scam: Bombay HC AsksState, BMC to Probe, Track Scamsters


1113806 Fake vaccination scam: Two more vaccination drivesunder police scanner now


1114042 Over 2000 scammed in Mumbai’s fake vaccinationcamps, 8 arrested


1114151 Aapki Khabar Aapka Fayda: 2053 people receivedfake COVID-19 vaccine in Maharashtra - BMC


1114258 Vaccination fraud | Mumbai police form special teamto probe vaccination camp fraud


1114344 Fake Covid vaccination drive busted in Mumbai Link1114423 Fake COVID-19 vaccine camp comes to light in Thane,

several bookedLink

1114496 Shivam Hospital under scanner for unauthorised vac-cination drives across Mumbai


1114601 Fake Covid-19 vaccine camp comes to light in Thane,several booked


1114706 2,000 Given Fake Vaccines In Mumbai, 10 People Ar-rested


1114708 Find out the effects of fake vaccine on people: BombayHC to BMC


1114709 Beware of fake vaccine camp; thousands duped inMumbai, ten arrested [details]


1114711 Covid: Over 2,000 people get fake vaccines in Mumbai Link1114716 COVID-19 Live updates: Over 2,000 people in Mum-

bai fell victim to fake COVID-19 vaccination drives,HC told


1114751 Mumbai: BMC may re-vaccinate victims of fraud ifjabs are found bogus


1114849 Mumbai vaccination camp fraud: SIT formed; doseshad saline water


1114856 Mumbai vaccination scam: SIT formed, stringent IPCsections added to nail culprits


1115012 Mumbai doctor couple held for fake vax scam Link1115072 More than just vaccine scammers: Hospital was de-

stroying proof, say Mumbai residentsLink

1115115 Doctor couple from Charkop arrested in vax campfraud


1115116 Mumbai fake vaccination drive: 10 arrested, policesays saline may been administered to some


2021-09-20 52

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1115238 3 more FIRs lodged into vaccination drives held in

April & May; 2 arrestedLink

1115267 India arrests those involved in fake COVID-19 vaccineschemes


1115363 Mumbai: Got jab in April but no certificate issued tilltoday by Shivam Hospital, claims local resident


1115507 Mumbai: Doctor couple who ran Shivam hospital ar-rested for vaccination fraud


1115561 54 year old Khandivali resident fears she was injectedwith fake vaccine by Shivam hospital


1115612 Five booked in connection with fake COVID vaccina-tion camp held in Maharashtra’s Thane


1115670 Mumbai: Taking cognisance of fake vaccination drive,BMC directs private vaccine centres to provide uniqueidentification, registration number


1115671 54 year old Kandivali resident fears she was injectedwith fake vaccine by Shivam hospital


1115672 Mumbai vaccination fraud: Bombay HC directs Mahagovt & BMC to create policy on ‘SOS’ basis to avoidincidents


1115761 Kandivali Vaccination Fraud: BMC Says Camp HeldIllegally; Mumbai Police Arrest 4


1115911 Mumbai: ‘Travel agents got firm to trust fake vaxproviders’


1115936 Mumbai: Role of two jobless travel agents emerges infake vax drive


1115963 Mumbai fake vaccination drive: Everything you needto know


1116011 After Mumbai, fake COVID-19 vaccine camp found inneighbouring Thane; five booked


1116012 Suvendu for CBI probe into Kasba vaccine fraud Link1116013 Five booked in connection with fake COVID vaccina-

tion camp held in MaharashtraLink

1116054 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Some targets receivedvaccination certificates on hospital letterheads


1116101 Vaccination camp fraud: SIT formed; doses had salinewater


1116198 Mumbai Vaccine Fraud: Kandivali Case Accused AlsoCheated Versova Man


1116206 BMC expected to revise doorstep vax policy, findsmultiple certificates in fake drive


1116356 Vaccination scam in Mumbai: Here’s all you need toknow


1116395 Mumbai: ’Fake’ vaccination drive conducted in Kan-divali


2021-09-20 53

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1116437 [Exclusive] Fake vaccination scam: No authority prob-

ing the drive which was conducted in ThaneLink

1116481 Four held for fraudulent Covid-19 vaccination camp atMumbai housing society


1116777 Covid vaccination fraud: Is the government draggingits feet on the probe? | The Urban Debate


1117106 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: 2 weeks into investi-gation, supplying sources of vials still unknown


1117199 Duped At Fake COVID-19 Vaccination Camp, AllegesMumbai Society


1117412 Mumbai: Sessions court rejects pre-arrest bail plea bydoctor in fake Covid jabs case


1117490 Maha: Doctor couple arrested in connection with fakevaccination scam


1117523 Mumbai court rejects pre-arrest bail of an accused inKandivli fake vaccination case


1117633 Mumbai fake vaccination drive: Everything you needto know - mid-day.com


1117700 Mumbai Court Rejects Pre-arrest Bail of AccusedDoctor in Kandivali Fake Vaccination Case


1118020 Mumbai: Doc’s pre-arrest bail rejected in fake vaxcase, to surrender


1118081 Mumbai: No pre-arrest bail for dentist wanted in 9illegal Covid vaccination drives


1118107 Mumbai: College and private firm that organised vac-cination drives also booked


1118208 Mumbai fake vaccination case: Court rejects pre-arrest bail of an accused


1118422 Mumbai fake COVID-19 vaccine camp case: Dr Man-ish Tripathi surrenders to Kandivali Police


1118423 Don’t spare ’big fish’ in fake vaccination cases: HC toMumbai police


1118470 ‘Fake’ Covid shots to 2,000 people: Check what theywere given, vaccinate them, HC tells BMC


1118496 Don’t spare ’big fish’ in fake vaccination cases: Bom-bay HC to Mumbai police


1118520 Identify, dont spare big fish in fake vaccine scam, checkon health of those who received jab: Bombay HC


1118532 Don’t Spare ”Big Fish” In Fake Vaccination Cases:High Court To Mumbai Cops


1118585 Doctor Linked To Fake Vaccine Drive At MumbaiHousing Society Surrenders


1118634 Coronavirus: HC rejects bail plea of accused in allegedfake vaccination drive in Mumbai


2021-09-20 54

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1118690 Mumbai Covid vaccine scam: Probe says victims given

saline water, all to undergo antibody testsLink

1118748 Fake vaccination cases: HC asks Mumbai police toidentify big fish


1118749 Mumbai fake vaccine scam: 2,040 people given salinewater, all to undergo antibody tests, says Maharashtraminister Rajesh Tope


1118750 Fake vaccination scam: Shivam Hospital, which is al-legedly involved, doesn’t have an occupancy certificate


1119017 FPJ Legal: Arrest everyone involved in fake vaccina-tion scam, Bombay HC orders Mumbai police


1119044 Mumbai: Arrest everyone involved in fake vax drive,HC orders cops


1119045 Mumbai court rejects pre-arrest bail of an accused inKandivali fake vaccination case


1119078 Mumbai: Dentist accused in nine ‘bogus’ Covid vac-cination drives arrested


1119175 Mumbai: Antibody test to be carried out in July forfake vax drive victims: Tope


1119177 Mumbai: Doctor surrenders; 9th FIR likely in fakevax drive case


1119475 [Exclusive] Fake vaccination scam: No FIR in Kwanvaccine drive, police cites no complainant as the reason


1119578 [EXCLUSIVE] Mumbai vaccination scam: Maharash-tra govt unclear on how to establish if vaccines werefake or not


1119579 Coronavirus: Four arrested for fake vaccination campin Mumbai apartment complex


1119775 Four held for fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination campat Mumbai housing society


1119876 Fake vaccination scam: Another FIR in the scam, 618people were given the unauthorised jab in Samta Na-gar


1119898 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Mumbai Police re-ceives one more complaint


1120089 Fake vaccination scam: Two more drives under scan-ner, number of victims can reach 4,000 mark


1120096 Maharashtra: Doctor surrenders; 9th FIR likely infake vaccine drive case


1120097 Mumbai Police Registers Tenth FIR in Connectionwith Fake Vaccine Cases in the City. - Latest Tweetby ANI


1120164 Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: Mumbai Police reg-isters 10th FIR in connection with fake vaccine cases


2021-09-20 55

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1120214 Fake vaccination scam: Accused Dr Manish Tripathi

sent to police custody till 4th JulyLink

1120232 Mumbai vaccination scam: Police registers 9th FIR inSamta Nagar fake vaccine case


1120312 Mumbai vaccination fraud: Borivali college emergespossible victim, files complaint


1120336 Fake Vaccination Case: Mumbai court rejects pre-arrest bail of accused doctor


1120349 Mumbai vaccination scam: 8th FIR registered, twodoctors booked


1120518 Mumbai: No pre-arrest bail as doctor played vital rolein fraudulent vax drive scam, says Court


1120569 Mumbai Vaccination Camp Fraud: Music-film FirmApproaches Cops in Khar


1120642 Mumbai fake vaccination case: Ninth FIR filed Link1120883 Mumbai Fake vaccination: Mastermind arrested in

Baramati; SIT probing ’vaccine’ vialsLink

1120933 ‘Covishield’ labels, cash payment, no photos — insideMumbai’s ‘fake’ vaccination camps


1120934 An Accused in Mumbai Fake Vaccine Case Has BeenArrested from Baramati. This is the 12th ... - LatestTweet


1121059 COVID vaccination fraud: Distribution of fake vac-cines and certificates exposed from Manipur


1121060 Mumbai fake vaccination: Key accused arrested, twomore firms fall prey to scam


1121064 Two more FIRs filed in fake vaccine scam; Andheritrading unit submits complaint


1121136 Mumbai: Former Kokilaben Hospital employee ar-rested in fake vaccination case


1121196 Mumbai police arrest key accused Rajesh Pandey infake vaccination scam


1121280 Mumbai News LIVE Updates: 13 held so far in fakevaccination camp case


1121392 ‘Fake’ vaccines administered in all nine drives acrossMumbai: Police


1121431 Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: Maharashtra re-ports 9,195 cases; FIR registered against 13 people inMumbai fak


1121717 Mumbai vaccination scam: Ninth FIR registered; 218from Andheri firm given saline


1121773 Behind Mumbai fake vaccine scam: a medical associ-ation clerk, a hospital picked as centre


1121774 Mumbai: BMC issues new guidelines for vaccinationin housing societies, workplaces


2021-09-20 56

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1121819 Mumbai Link1121870 Mumbai: Month after fake vax drive, municipal body

yet to decide on re-vaccinationLink

1121871 Beneficiaries must insist on digital cert after dose inMumbai: BMC


1121877 Mumbai vaccination fraud: Two, including key ac-cused Rajesh Pandey, arrested


1121969 Mumbai fake vaccine case: FIR registered against 13people with connection to scam


1122200 Draft guidelines prepared to prevent fake vaccinationdrives: BMC tells HC


1122598 Mumbai: Draft guidelines prepared to prevent fakevaccination drives


1122748 Over 2000 people in Mumbai fell victim to fakeCOVID-19 vaccination drives: Maha to HC


1122788 BMC cancels licence and seals Shivam Hospital overfake vaccination scam


1122905 Mumbai vax scam: 10th FIR filed; 1,055 of Andherifirm given fake vaccine; 13 booked


1122950 Pune police arrest suspect in connection with fake vac-cination drive at Kandivali


1122969 Mumbai: BMC to conduct health check-up for fakeCOVID-19 vaccination drive victims


1123099 Four held for fake vaccination camps in Mumbai Link1123197 Bogus vaccine drives: BMC seals Shivam hospital, li-

cense revoked permanentlyLink

1123262 Draft guidelines prepared to prevent fake vaccinationdrives: BMC tells Bombay high court


1123264 BMC releases list of private vaccination centres ad-ministering Covishield in Mumbai today


1123303 Mumbai: BMC seals Shivam Hospital in connectionwith fake vaccination scam


1123337 Mumbai: First year dropout went around giving fakeCovid-19 vaccine shots at camps


1123659 Draft guidelines framed to prevent fake vaccinationdrives: BMC to HC


1123662 Mumbai Fake COVID Vaccination: Police Arrest 6,Register FIR Against 8 As Another Dubious DriveSurfaces


1123663 After Mumbai, case registered against Dr Manish Tri-pathi for conducting fake vaccination camp in NaviMumbai’s Nerul


1123965 Fake vaccination camp: first case registered in NaviMumbai


1124023 Web posts offering shots can be bogus Link

2021-09-20 57

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1124024 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Day after court rejects

pre-arrest bail, doctor surrenders before copsLink

1124042 Mumbai: BMC draws plan for fresh shots for fakedrive victims


1124043 Mumbai: Citizen groups cautious in wake of fake vac-cine camps


1124176 Kandivli doctor named in 1st fake vaccination FIRfiled in Navi Mumbai too


1124220 Fake Vaccines May Have Been Given to Thousands inIndia, Police Say


1124257 352 employees at Navi Mumbai office received fakevaccines


1124291 Thousands of people in India may have been scammedinto getting fake COVID-19 vaccines made of saltwater


1124321 Thousands of people in India may have been scammedinto getting fake Covid-19 vaccines made of saltwater


1124609 Maharashtra vaccine scam: Key accused Dr. ManishTripathi in jab fraud arrested by Mumbai police


1124747 Mumbai jab scam Link1124776 Mumbai: No relief for wholesalers who sold fake

Covid-19 medicineLink

1124899 Vaccination scam in Mumbai housing society, resi-dents claim fake vaccines given


1124978 Mumbai: Hospital’s lack of funds to buy shots led tofake vax scam


1125161 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Police lodges 11thFIR; first case filed in Navi Mumbai


1125645 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: 11 FIRs filed so far,first in Navi Mumbai


1126417 Vaccination scam feared in Mumbai apartment com-plex


1127298 Don’t Spare ’Big Fish’ in Fake Vaccination Cases: HCto Mumbai Police


1127474 Police form team to probe fake vaccination camps inMumbai


1127616 Mumbai: Police trace e-sale of fake Covid meds toBihar, nab 6


1127735 Mumbai Fake Vaccination Scam: People who weregiven fake jabs will be inoculated once again, said Ud-dhav...


1127934 Maha Kumbh fake COVID-19 test scam: Action willbe taken against private labs found guilty, says Ut-tarakhan...


1128173 Mumbai Police busts illegal call centre in Bihar sellingRemdesivir


2021-09-20 58

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1128756 Residents of Mumbai’s Hiranandani Estate Society Al-

lege ’Vaccination Scam’, 2 ArrestedLink

1128793 [Fake COVID-19 vaccination scams] Conduct mean-ingful investigation: Bombay High Court to State -Bar & Bench


1129055 Don’t spare ’big fish’ in fake vaccination cases: Bom-bay High Court to Mumbai police


1129475 Maharashtra govt to urge Centre to cancel vaccine cer-tificates of fake jab scam victims


1130358 Mumbai: Doctor Tripathi played vital role in fake vac-cine drive: Court


1130563 BMC orders inquiry into alleged fake vaccination driveat Mumbai’s residential society


1130941 Find and don‘t spare ‘big fish‘ in fake vaccinationscam: HC to Mumbai police


1130985 Mumbai: Three more FIRs in a day in vaccinationdrive fraud; 514 had got jabs in Borivali


1131824 Kandivali fake vaccine scam: Dr Manish Tripathiplayed vital role in fake vaccine drive, observes court


1131898 Mumbai Vaccine Scam: Police arrests owner couple ofShivam Hospital


1132108 Fake vaccination scam: Accused Dr Manish Tripathisaid some shots were genuine but rest were saline water


1133548 ALERT: Fake Vaccines Given To People In Mumbai’sHiranandani Society


1133570 How vaccination scam unfolded in Mumbai Link1133783 Mumbai: 4 arrested, 1 detained in ’fraud’ COVID-19

vaccination drive at Kandivali’s Hiranandani HeritageLink

1134424 Mumbai: Don’t spare ’big fish’ in fake COVID-19 vac-cination cases, HC tells Mumbai police


1134914 STF in Mumbai to probe fake drugs case Link1134974 Mumbai: Fake vaccine recipient tests +ve, hospital-


1135303 Mumbai: Recipient of Kandivli’s Fake Vaccine ScamTests Covid Positive


1135723 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: BMC writes to Centreto cancel certificates of fake jab scam victims


1135978 Watch: Fake vaccination drive in Navi Mumbai firmon April 23


1136188 Mumbai: ‘+ve antibodies result if fake vax victimshad got infected before’


1136190 Mumbai: ‘Doctor’s wife was to get chunk of B’vli fakevax earnings’


1138379 Maharashtra: Fake vaccine certificates not yet can-celled


2021-09-20 59

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1138653 ”No further adjournments”: Bombay HC warns Govt

seeking its reply in fake vaccination scamLink

1139515 Fake vaccination scam: Still no clarity on what wasadministered to the victims


1139761 4 arrested in Hiranandani society fake vaccine scam,Tips Films, another production house were duped too:Reports


1139857 Draft Guidelines Prepared Against Fake VaccinationDrives: Mumbai Civic Body Tells Court


1141393 Mumbai: Police may file chargesheet in fake vax scamin two weeks


1141783 Mumbai fake vax scam: Some received vaccinationcerts on hospital letterheads


1142513 Mumbai vaccination scam: BMC confirms 4 suspectsarrested in ’fake vaccine camp’


1142537 Fake vaccination scam at Mumbai college: NESCOcentre data entry official held


1142645 Mumbai: First year dropout went around giving fakevaccine shots at camps


1142807 ’Fake’ vaccination drive in Mumbai: Two more FIRslodged at Samta Nagar and Amboli police station


1143859 Mumbai: Fake vaccination scam doctor tests positivefor Covid-19


1144626 Fake Vaccination Scam In Mumbai: Main AccusedDoctor Tests Positive For COVID-19


1145345 BMC and health officials meet over the fake vaccinein Mumbai


1145787 [Exclusive] Mumbai fake vaccination scam: BMC tovaccinate victims in one week


1146731 Mumbai vaccination camp fraud: Music-film firm ap-proaches cops in Khar


1147304 Mumbai Vaccination Scam: Police Asks BMC to Can-cel Shivam Hospital’s License


1150836 390 victims of Kandivli fake vaccination scam to bevaccinated on Saturday


1151553 Mumbai fake vaccine drive: BMC to revaccinate 390residents of Kandivali society


1151662 Mumbai: 155 people duped at fake inoculation campfinally get Covid-19 vaccine jabs


1151740 Mumbai vax scam: Seven FIRs registered; 6 whoposed as doctors booked


1151966 Mumbai fake vaccination scam: Relieved to get realjab, say Kandivli residents


1157584 [Exclusive] Fake vaccination scam: Maharashtra govtstill doesn’t have a concrete plan of action for victims


2021-09-20 60

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1158442 COVID-19: HC asks Centre to approve BMC’s plan

to re-vaccinate victims of fake inoculation campsLink

1158507 COVID-19: Bombay HC asks Centre to approveBMC’s plan to re-vaccinate victims of fake inocula-tion camps


1158508 Coronavirus News LIVE Updates: Bombay HC AsksCentre to Revaccinate Victims of Fake Shots Scam;AP’s 10pm-6


1158513 High Court asks Centre to approve BMC’s plan to re-vaccinate victims of fake inoculation camps


1158514 Bombay HC asks Centre to approve BMC’s plan tore-vaccinate victims of fake inoculation camps


1158558 Approve BMC‘s plan to re-vaccinate victims of fakeinoculation: HC to Centre


1159138 Decide on BMC proposal to enable genuine shots tothose duped in fake vaccination camps: HC to Centre


1159336 Fake Covid vax: HC gives Centre 1 week to decide inMumbai


1161081 COVID-19: Bombay HC Directs Centre To PermitCoWin Re-Registration of Fake Vaccination Scam Vic-tims


1164050 Fake Vaccines May Have Been Given to Thousands inIndia, Police Say


1165559 Mumbai: BMC to inoculate 390 Kandivali residentswho were administered fake COVID-19 vaccines


1167627 Thousands in India injected with fake vaccine; at least14 arrested in connection with scam


1167846 Madhya Pradesh: Gang selling fake remdesivir injec-tions in Jabalpur busted, 11 alleged accused identified


1169678 ‘Covid-19 vaccine scam may have resulted in unuseddoses’


1169809 Covid-19 vaccine scam may have resulted in unuseddoses: Civic sources


1176701 Mumbai fake vaccination drive: Hospital ownersamong 11 chargesheeted


1180552 BMC to vaccinate 390 citizens from Kandivali whowere adminstered fake vaccines


1183991 Mumbai: Statements of nursing students used as‘guinea pigs’ form crux of chargesheet in fake vaccinedrive case


1185130 Mumbai: 2 doctors, 9 others chargesheeted in Kandi-vli society fake vaccine case


1190443 Mumbai: Fake vax scam mastermind may have tar-geted Malad pharma company too


2021-09-20 61

Table 49: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1197931 Mumbai Fake vaccination drive: Nursing students

lured with 150 marksLink

Notes: Residents of a housing society in Mumbai suspect they were administered fake COVID-19 vaccines as part of an alleged ”vaccination scam”. The allegation has been made by residentsof Hiranandani Estate Society in Kandivali. A COVID-19 vaccination camp was organised inthe society on May 30 and around 390 people received their first dose of Covishield vaccine.[...]

2021-09-20 62

20 Coronavirus.- Al menos 800 personas reciben vacunas con-tra la COVID-19 falsas en Uganda

Publication date 2021-06-30

Create date 2021-08-17

Score 87.85

Report id 1120116

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard or Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Coronavirus.- Al menos 800 personas reciben vacunas contra la COVID-19 falsas enUganda www.notimerica.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 50: Places for report 1120116

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Republic of Uganda 1.25 32.5Eastern Africa Uganda Kampala 0.31628 32.58219

Table 51: Drugs for report 1120116

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: Al menos 800 personas recibieron vacunas contra la COVID-19 falsas entre el 15 de mayoy el 17 de junio en la zona metropolitana de Kampala, la capital de Uganda [...] Coronavirus.-Al menos 800 personas reciben vacunas contra la COVID-19 falsas en Ugandaentre los que se incluye un médico –actualmente huido– engañaron a las personas y les inocularonun fármaco falso. Algunos de los receptores han fallecido en el marco de la segunda ola decontagios de COVID-19 en el país africano[...]

2021-09-20 63

21 Covid: Pharmacist held for vaccine fraud in Diamond Har-bour

Publication date 2021-07-24

Create date 2021-07-27

Score 72.20

Report id 1151752

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Covid: Pharmacist held for vaccine fraud in Diamond Harbour Telegraph India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 52: Places for report 1151752

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Sonārpur 22.44259 88.43044Southern Asia India Diamond Harbour 22.19101 88.19047

Table 53: Drugs for report 1151752

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: A man who police said was a pharmacist attached with a primary health centre inDiamond Harbour has been arrested for allegedly procuring vaccines and organising small campsin people’s homes in Sonarpur to administer the liquid he claimed was Covishield vaccine. [...]The police said two vials with ”Covishield” labels were seized from him. ”A sample will be sentfor forensic examination to ascertain the composition of the liquid,” said a senior officer of theBaruipur police district. [...]

2021-09-20 64

22 Estafan con supuesta vacuna Covid-19

Publication date 2021-07-05

Create date 2021-08-17

Score 71.80

Report id 1126340

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard or Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Estafan con supuesta vacuna Covid-19 El Diario de Chihuahua

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 54: Places for report 1126340

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Table 55: Drugs for report 1126340

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: En India al menos 2,500 personas fueron estafadas con campañas de vacunación falsascontra Covid-19.El modus operandi de los estafadores era cobrar a sus victimas por una supuesta vacuna contrael Covid-19, sin embargo, les inyectaban solución salina. [...] Entre los detenidos se encuentranmédicos y personal sanitario, quienes han declarado que con la estafa de la supuesta vacunacontra Covid-19 ganaban más de 500 mil pesos.Además declararon utilizar la fachada de un hospital que producía los certificados, viales yjeringuillas falsas para la aplicación de la vacuna.

2021-09-20 65

23 Venezuela’s Thriving Black Market for COVID-19 Vaccines

Publication date 2021-06-30

Create date 2021-07-02

Score 70.75

Report id 1120499

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Venezuela’s Thriving Black Market for COVID-19 Vaccines Insightcrime.org

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 56: Places for report 1120499

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Venezuela Lara 10.16667 -69.83333

Table 57: Drugs for report 1120499

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: In the absence of an adequate COVID-19 vaccination plan, criminal networks in Venezuelahave seized upon ongoing mismanagement to steal and resell doses or sell fake vaccines on theblack market.Authorities detained an employee of the health department in western Lara state on June 26 forallegedly filling vials with boiling water, painkillers and antibiotics only to later market them asCOVID-19 vaccines. A total of four individuals are accused of scamming nearly 2,000 people,who paid between $50 and $150 per dose, El Pitazo reported. [...]

2021-09-20 66

24 Detienen a presunto médico por aplicar vacunas falsas con-tra el COVID-19

Publication date 2021-07-25

Create date 2021-08-29

Score 70.03

Report id 1152693

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Detienen a presunto médico por aplicar vacunas falsas contra el COVID-19 Politico.mx

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 58: Places for report 1152693

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Estado de Chiapas 16.5 -92.5

Table 59: Drugs for report 1152693

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 60: Other Stories

ID Title Link1152776 Detienen en Chiapas a sujeto que aplicaba falsas vac-

unas contra el Covid-19Link

1152801 Detienen a falso médico que aplicaba suero como vac-unas COVID-19 en Chiapas


1153598 México Detienen a supuesto médico que vendía y apli-caba vacunas falsas anticovid en Chiapas


1153862 Detienen a falso médico que aplicaba suero por vacu-nas Covid


1155205 Detienen a hombre acusado de poner vacunas contraCovid falsas - Canal 44


2021-09-20 67

Table 60: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1155432 Detiene a supuesto médico que aplicaba suero por va-

cunas Covid-19 en ChiapasLink

1155528 Alerta Coahuila por venta de medicamento falso anticovid


1166438 Detienen en Chiapas a supuesto médico que aplicabavacunas falsas antiCOVID


1175918 Detienen a médico que aplicaba vacunas falsas contraCOVID


1190453 Médico de Chiapas inyectaba suero y decía que eravacuna COVID. Lo detienen


1191044 Detienen a presunto médico que aplicaba vacunas fal-sas de COVID-19


Notes: n supuesto médico fue detenido en Chiapas, acusado de haber aplicado vacunas falsascontra el COVID-19 en Tapachula [...] responsable de haber aplicado por lonlenos 300 vacunasfalsas [...] el acusado citaba a las personas en un hotel de la ciudad para aplicarles la vacuna[...]

2021-09-20 68

25 ’Covid-19 vaccines and scheduled medicines now in thehands of looters’

Publication date 2021-07-15

Create date 2021-07-21

Score 68.44

Report id 1138581

Category Other, Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: ’Covid-19 vaccines and scheduled medicines now in the hands of looters’ IOL

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 61: Places for report 1138581

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Africa South Africa Province of KwaZulu-

Natal-29 30

Southern Africa South Africa Gauteng -26.08333 28.25

Table 62: Drugs for report 1138581

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 63: Other Stories

ID Title Link1138656 #UnrestSA: Vaccines stolen and over 90 pharmacies

destroyed as violence continuesLink

1142125 Public urged not to use COVID-19 vaccines lootedfrom pharmacies


1145715 Civil unrest: Warning against using, selling stolenmedication


2021-09-20 69

Notes: The South African Pharmacy Council has slammed looting sprees that have targetedpharmacies, amongst other establishments, in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, warning residentsagainst buying medicine which could be stolen. [...] ”Among the looted items are Covid-19vaccines and scheduled medicines, which when used without proper pharmacist counselling onstorage and dosage may result in harm to one’s health,” he said. [...]

2021-09-20 70

26 Indignante: Médicos y enfermeras aplican falsas vacunascontra COVID-19 a cientos en Uganda - Radio Fórmula

Publication date 2021-07-22

Create date 2021-08-29

Score 65.15

Report id 1149348

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Indignante: Médicos y enfermeras aplican falsas vacunas contra COVID-19 a cientosen Uganda - Radio Fórmula Radio Fórmula

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 64: Places for report 1149348

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Republic of Uganda 1.25 32.5

Table 65: Drugs for report 1149348

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: Detalló que los estafadores cobraban un equivalente de entre 25 y 120 dólares por cadauna de las ”vacunas” que, por fortuna, no contenían ningún producto peligroso y ”solo habíaagua en algunas de ellas” [...] En Nuevo León, 80 recibieron vacuna contra COVID falsa; cadauna costó mil dólares:

2021-09-20 71

27 2 million doses of J&J vaccine in South Africa possiblycontaminated | Citypress

Publication date 2021-06-12

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 64.55

Report id 1097627

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 2 million doses of J&J vaccine in South Africa possibly contaminated | CitypressNews24

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 66: Places for report 1097627

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219Southern Africa South Africa Republic of South

Africa-29 24

Table 67: Drugs for report 1097627

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 68: Other Stories

ID Title Link1089333 Africa’s vaccine dumping challenge – about 1.5 million

Covid-19 vaccine doses destroyedLink

1097670 S. Africa pulls millions of doses of J&J vaccine due tocontamination


1097771 South Africa pulls two million doses of J&J vaccine Link1097860 Kubayi-Ngubane assures South Africans that contam-

inated COVID-19 vaccines will not be releasedLink

2021-09-20 72

Table 68: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1097866 South Africa pulls two million doses of Johnson &

Johnson vaccineLink

1097868 South Africa Pulls 2 Million Johnson & Johnson CovidVaccine Doses


1097872 Third wave surge: J&J vaccines mixed with contami-nated substances won’t be released, rules SAHPRA


1097899 South Africa to Dispose of 2 Million ContaminatedJ&J Vaccines


1097935 South African health inspectors will not release un-suitable J&J vaccines


1098137 Cyril Ramaphosa says output of vaccines to be rampedup after loss of millions to contamination


1098260 South Africa pulls 2 million doses of JJ vaccine aftercontamination concerns


1098433 J&J vaccine contamination will cost us time and somelives - Prof Mosa Moshabela


1098468 S.Africa pulls two million doses of J&J vaccine Link1098512 ‘Contaminated is not something you want to hear after

vaccination’ - SA reacts to J&J vaccine concernsLink

1098614 ’Destroying contaminated vaccines should give thepublic greater confidence’


1098782 Contaminated J&J vaccines will not be released: Sah-pra


1098853 Aspen outlays plans post disposal of contaminatedJ&J vaccines


1099053 Flash Briefing: SA destroys 2m ‘contaminated’ J&JCovid vaccines; Musk takes on Wierzycka afterBizNews interview


1099091 Western Cape to slow down vaccine rollout after con-taminated J&J doses ditched


1099229 Yet another vaccine setback hits South Africa Link1099910 J&J will deliver 2 million new jabs to SA within 2

weeks, says AspenLink

1100622 S. Africa inoculates 2 million J & J vaccines Link1101315 OPINION | Government should explain plans in wake

of J&J setbackLink

1108640 South Africa pulls millions of doses of J&J vaccine Link1109699 South Africa: 2million doses of J&J vaccine reportedly


1124813 COVID-19 vaccine | FDA orders J&J jabs be dis-carded - report


Notes: Two million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine awaiting distribution fromthe Aspen Pharma plant in Gqeberha, Eastern Cape, will not be used due to suspicions that

2021-09-20 73

a core component of the vaccine was contaminated in a US factory. Acting Health MinisterMmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane confirmed yesterday that the vaccines would not be used. Shewas speaking during the first leg of her national tour at Chris Hani Baragwanath AcademicHospital in Soweto, Johannesburg. [...]

2021-09-20 74

28 Médico del Área de la Bahía tras las rejas por vender vac-unas y tarjetas de vacunación falsas

Publication date 2021-07-15

Create date 2021-08-28

Score 64.05

Report id 1139241

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Médico del Área de la Bahía tras las rejas por vender vacunas y tarjetas de vacunaciónfalsas Telemundo Area de la Bahia

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 69: Places for report 1139241

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Napa 38.29714 -122.28553

Table 70: Drugs for report 1139241

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: Una médico homeópata del Área de la Bahía es arrestada y enfrenta cargos federales porvender vacunas falsas de covid-19 y tarjetas de vacunación [...] residente de Napa fue acusada porfraude electrónico y declaraciones falsas relacionadas con asuntos de atención médica.[...]vendióinformación médica falsa y provocó escepticismo en un momento critico en el que funcionariosde salud le pedían a la población vacunarse contra el covid-19[...]vendió bolitas de inmunizaciónafirmando que proporcionarían inmunidad de por vida contra el covid-19. Según ella, estasbolitas contenían pequeñas cantidades del virus y crearían una respuesta de anticuerpos, dijeronlos fiscales.

2021-09-20 75

29 Will inquire matter myself: Punjab Health Minister onallegations of vaccine diversion to private hospitals

Publication date 2021-06-04

Create date 2021-06-08

Score 63.34

Report id 1086967

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Will inquire matter myself: Punjab Health Minister on allegations of vaccine diversionto private hospitals India Today

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 71: Places for report 1086967

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Punjab 30.91667 75.41667

Table 72: Drugs for report 1086967

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 73: Other Stories

ID Title Link1087070 ’Will order an inquiry’: Punjab health minister on

charges of vaccine diversion to private hospitalsLink

1087499 ‘Artificial shortage’: SAD alleges vaccine scam in Pun-jab, alleges diversion to private hospitals at hefty mar-gins


1089281 AAP gheraoes Health Minister Balbir Sidhu’s resi-dence to protest against vaccine scam


1089359 AAP gheraoes Punjab Health Minister’s residence Link

2021-09-20 76

Table 73: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1089425 AAP holds protest against Punjab govt, accuses it of

’diverting’ Covid vaccines to private hospitalsLink

1090809 Punjab: SAD holds sit-in near Health Minister Sidhu’sresidence, demands his removal from cabinet


Notes: [...] Punjab’s opposition party SAD on Thursday accused the state’s Congress govern-ment of ”diverting” Covid vaccines to private hospitals at ”hefty margins”. Shiromani Akali Dalchief Sukhbir Singh Badal, in a statement here, alleged that vaccine doses were not available inthe state, but they were being sold to private institutions instead of being given free of cost tothe common man. He claimed that a Covaxin dose costing Rs 400 to the state was being soldto private institutions at Rs 1,060. He said the private hospitals are further charging people Rs1,560 for each dose.Badal alleged that in Mohali alone, 35,000 doses were sold to private institutions to ”earn aprofit” of nearly Rs two crore in a single day. [...]

2021-09-20 77

30 Así venderían ilegalmente vacunas de COVID-19 en Medel-lín

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-08-28

Score 63.25

Report id 1128468

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard or Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Así venderían ilegalmente vacunas de COVID-19 en Medellín Caracol Radio

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 74: Places for report 1128468

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Colombia Medellín 6.25184 -75.56359

Table 75: Drugs for report 1128468

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codesilver Silver compounds antiseptics and disinfec-



Notes: vacuna Jansen

2021-09-20 78

31 DCI probes facilities illegally giving Covid jabs at a fee

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 63.19

Report id 1086161

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: DCI probes facilities illegally giving Covid jabs at a fee The Star, Kenya

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 76: Places for report 1086161

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Kenya Republic of Kenya 1 38

Table 77: Drugs for report 1086161

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has moved in to investigate some facilitiesclaimed to be illegally offering Covid-19 vaccines across the country.This is after reports emerged that some facilities are now cashing in on Kenyans desperate forthe vaccine to charge them for the dose, with some even advertising and claiming they offerCovid certificates for travel once vaccinated. [...]

2021-09-20 79

32 Man held, former army officer booked on charges of ‘illegal’Covid vaccination in Karachi

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 62.66

Report id 1153392

Category Vaccine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Man held, former army officer booked on charges of ‘illegal’ Covid vaccination inKarachi DAWN.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 78: Places for report 1153392

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Pakistan Karachi 24.8608 67.0104

Table 79: Drugs for report 1153392

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 80: Other Stories

ID Title Link1160442 Court seeks charge sheet in Pfizer vaccine theft case Link1160641 Court seeks charge sheet against suspects selling

‘stolen Pfizer vaccineLink

Notes: [...] According to the first information report (FIR), reviewed by Dawn.com, the com-plainant, provincial drug inspector for South district Ghulam Ali, said he had received informa-tion from ”reliable sources” that certain persons had stolen Covid-19 vaccines from a vaccination

2021-09-20 80

centre established by the Sindh government and were allegedly administering the jabs to resi-dents at their homes in return for a payment. [...] The complainant said he, along with Covid-19focal person Dr Sohail Raza Sher, Dr Dilawar Jiskani and a police party, reached the agreedspot where the suspect Mohammed Ali was taken into custody. The suspect possessed a boxof syringes and also had two empty vaccination cards with inscription of Government of Sindhand the health department. The box also contained three used vials and 14 specimen collectionswabs. [...]

2021-09-20 81

33 Escroquerie aux faux vaccins en Inde: 2500 personnes vac-cinées avec de l’eau saline

Publication date 2021-06-25

Create date 2021-06-30

Score 62.12

Report id 1114048

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Escroquerie aux faux vaccins en Inde: 2500 personnes vaccinées avec de l’eau salineRMC

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 81: Places for report 1114048

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Republic of India 22 79Southern Asia India Kolkata 22.56263 88.36304Southern Asia India Mumbai 19.07283 72.88261

Table 82: Drugs for report 1114048

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 83: Other Stories

ID Title Link1114054 Covid-19 - Des escrocs ont administré de faux vaccins

en IndeLink

1114148 C’est une dose d’eau distillée ? Mumbai et Kolkatafrappés par de faux rackets de vaccins contre Covid ;plusieurs arrêtés – Marseille News


2021-09-20 82

Table 83: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1115126 Faux vaccin contre le Covid : ces 5 précautions de base

peuvent vous sauver des fraudeurs de faux vaccins –Marseille News


1115523 Coronavirus: plus de 2.000 personnes ont reçu un fauxvaccin à Bombay


1116535 Inde: plus de 2.000 personnes ont reçu un faux vaccinà Bombay


1121360 Trinamool allègue que le gouverneur est lié à une ar-naque au faux vaccin de Kolkata et remet en questionson silence – Marseille News


1124602 Un hôpital indien fermé à cause d’une arnaque auFAKE COVID VACCINE, car on craint que plus de 2500 personnes n’aient reçu une solution saline et desantibiotiques à la place


1127301 Inde: des milliers de personnes victimes d’une arnaqueau faux vaccin


1127926 Covid-19 : des milliers d’Indiens vaccinés avec un fauxvaccin


1128123 Faux vaccins en Inde : des milliers de personnes vic-times de cette arnaque


1128331 Inde : Plus de 2.000 personnes victimes d’une arnaqueau faux vaccin contre le Covid-19


1129669 En Inde, des milliers de personnes victimes d’un fauxvaccin contre le Covid-19


1130808 Des milliers de personnes vaccinées avec de l’eau saléepar des médecins escrocs


1134171 2 500 personnes victimes d’une arnaque au faux vaccincontre la Covid-19


Notes: Au moins 2.500 personnes ont été victimes d’escroqueries aux faux vaccins contre leCovid-19 dans deux grandes villes indiennes, Bombay et Calcutta, a annoncé vendredi la policequi a procédé à plusieurs arrestations. Selon la police de Bombay, une dose de solution saline aété administrée à environ 2.000 personnes qui croyaient recevoir une injection de vaccin contre lecoronavirus. Dix personnes ont été arrêtées, dont deux médecins d’un hôpital privé de Bombay,capitale financière de l’Inde, a expliqué la police vendredi lors d’une conférence de presse. [...]

2021-09-20 83

34 Alertan por hallazgo de vacunas falsas contra Covid-19 enCiudad Juárez

Publication date 2021-07-13

Create date 2021-08-28

Score 61.78

Report id 1157058

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Public and private outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Alertan por hallazgo de vacunas falsas contra Covid-19 en Ciudad Juárez PeriódicoExcélsior

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 84: Places for report 1157058

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Ciudad Juárez 31.73333 -106.48333

Table 85: Drugs for report 1157058

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 86: Other Stories

ID Title Link1141073 Polémicas de Johnson & Johnson: Desde la vacuna

COVID-19 que causa reacciones, hasta bloqueadoresy talcos con cancerígenos


1146461 Detectaron posible aplicación falsa de vacunas contraCOVID-19 en Ciudad Juárez


1164752 Cofepris emite alerta por venta de falsa vacuna contraCOVID-19 en Chetumal


2021-09-20 84

Notes: la dependencia ubicó jeringas usadas y frascos vacíos que presumiblemente conteníanel biológico, los cuales fueron asegurados en el lugar, y el local donde se aplicaban no reuníalas condiciones para hacerlo, como la cadena de frío, almacenamiento, manejo, distribucióny aplicación de la vacuna [...] evitar ser víctima de estafa, cualquier supuesta vacuna contraCOVID-19 que esté a la venta a través de páginas de internet, redes sociales, vía telefónica,farmacias, hospitales y puntos de venta, constituye un fraude y un riesgo a la salud por ser dedudosa procedencia [...]

2021-09-20 85

35 La députée de TMC Mimi Chakraborty se fait piquer dansun faux camp de vaccination contre le COVID-19 ; un hommese faisant passer pour un officier de l’IAS arrêté après le FIR– Marseille News

Publication date 2021-06-24

Create date 2021-06-28

Score 61.42

Report id 1112216

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: La députée de TMC Mimi Chakraborty se fait piquer dans un faux camp de vaccinationcontre le COVID-19 ; un homme se faisant passer pour un officier de l’IAS arrêté après le FIR– Marseille News Marseille News .net

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 87: Places for report 1112216

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Kolkata 22.56263 88.36304

Table 88: Drugs for report 1112216

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: [...] La députée du Congrès de Trinamool, Mimi Chakraborty, a révélé un faux racketde vaccination contre le Covid-19 dirigé par un imitateur à Kolkata. Chakraborty a affirméqu’elle avait été approchée par un homme qui s’était présenté comme un agent de l’IAS etl’avait informée que la Kolkata Municipal Corporation organisait une campagne spéciale pourles transgenres et les personnes handicapées. Le député de TMC a été invité à l’événement entant qu’invité d’honneur. [...] La possibilité effrayante de faux vaccins donnés à des centainesde personnes a conduit à une enquête plus vaste de la police de Kolkata. L’affaire concernant lafausse campagne de vaccination contre le COVID a maintenant été transférée au département

2021-09-20 86

des détectives de la police de Kolkata. [...]

2021-09-20 87

36 Afrique du Sud: doutes sur deux millions de vaccins John-son & Jo

Publication date 2021-06-12

Create date 2021-06-18

Score 60.81

Report id 1097186

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Afrique du Sud: doutes sur deux millions de vaccins Johnson & Jo M6info by MSN

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 89: Places for report 1097186

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Americas United States Baltimore 39.29038 -76.61219Southern Africa South Africa Republic of South

Africa-29 24

Table 90: Drugs for report 1097186

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 91: Other Stories

ID Title Link1098019 L’Afrique du Sud retire deux millions de vaccins John-

son & Johnson pour un problème de ”non-conformité”Link

1098117 Coronavirus en direct - L’Afrique du Sud retire 2 mil-lions de doses Johnson & Johnson


1098575 L’Afrique retire 2 millions de vaccins Johnson & John-son


2021-09-20 88

Table 91: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1107280 Afrique du Sud: doutes sur deux millions de vaccins

Johnson & JohnsonLink

1119010 Afrique du Sud | Deux millions de vaccins Johnson &Johnson seraient contaminés


1130918 Covid-19: la campagne de vaccination sud-africaineretardée après la contamination de 2 millions de dosesdu vaccin J&J


Notes: L’Afrique du Sud doit mettre de côté 2 millions de doses du vaccin Johnson&Johnson.Plusieurs millions de doses de ce vaccin ont été contaminées par les composants d’autres vaccinsdans une usine de Baltimore aux États-Unis. Au moins 60 millions de doses doivent être jetées,selon les autorités américaines. [...]

2021-09-20 89

37 Police arrest man for administering fake Covid vaccine for1,000 pesos

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 59.08

Report id 1153776

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Police arrest man for administering fake Covid vaccine for 1,000 pesos Mexico NewsDaily

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 92: Places for report 1153776

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Tapachula 14.90385 -92.25749

Table 93: Drugs for report 1153776

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 94: Other Stories

ID Title Link1155073 Saline solution vaccines in Chiapas – The Yucatan


Notes: A man posing as a doctor was arrested in Tapachula, Chiapas, on Saturday for sellingfake shots of Covid-19 vaccines for 1,000 to 1,500 pesos.Gerardo ”N,” 40, was found in a hotel — where he allegedly administered the vaccines —wearing a doctor’s uniform with state Health Ministry logos and in possession of a plastic bag

2021-09-20 90

with empty syringe cases, two empty bottles of sodium chloride, fake vaccination certificatesand a list of people who had received the shots. [...]

2021-09-20 91

38 Media report alleging vaccine wastage in Rajasthan ’false’:State govt to Centre

Publication date 2021-06-01

Create date 2021-06-08

Score 59.00

Report id 1089276

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Media report alleging vaccine wastage in Rajasthan ’false’: State govt to CentreHindustan Times

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 95: Places for report 1089276

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Rājasthān 26.58333 73.83333

Table 96: Drugs for report 1089276

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 97: Other Stories

ID Title Link1103353 Media report alleging vaccine wastage in Raj false:

State govt tells CentreLink

1115871 Media report alleging vaccine wastage in Rajasthan’false’: State govt tells Centre


Notes: [...] In the letter to Sharma on Monday, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said amedia report has highlighted that more than 500 vials of Covid-19 vaccines were found dumped

2021-09-20 92

in the waste bins at 35 vaccination centres in the state, which is ”not acceptable” and must beinvestigated. [...]

2021-09-20 93

39 Falsas vacunas eran comercializadas en redes sociales y ven-didas a USD 25

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-08-16

Score 57.32

Report id 1107242

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Falsas vacunas eran comercializadas en redes sociales y vendidas a USD 25 Teleama-zonas

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 98: Places for report 1107242

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Ecuador Portoviejo -1.05458 -80.45445Americas Ecuador Manta -0.96212 -80.71271

Table 99: Drugs for report 1107242

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: vacunas adulteradas contra el covid-19, que contenían solución salina o agua de mar.[...]Según las primeras investigaciones, unas 400 personas habrían sido estafadas, entre ellaspersonal de algunas empresas de Portoviejo y Manta.

2021-09-20 94

40 800 en Ouganda ont reçu de faux jabs COVID: Fonction-naires

Publication date 2021-06-30

Create date 2021-07-08

Score 56.81

Report id 1120402

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 800 en Ouganda ont reçu de faux jabs COVID: Fonctionnaires laminute.info

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 100: Places for report 1120402

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Republic of Uganda 1.25 32.5

Table 101: Drugs for report 1120402

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 102: Other Stories

ID Title Link1121259 Ouganda-Arrestation des infirmières pour usage de

faux vaccins Covid-19Link

1147918 Covid-19 : des centaines d’Ougandais ont reçu desinjections de faux vaccins


1147989 Ouganda : des centaines de personnes ont reçu de fauxvaccins contre le Covid


1148143 Fausse vaccination: au moins 800 personnes ont reçude l’EAU après avoir acheté un vaccin Covid à desescrocs en Ouganda


2021-09-20 95

Table 102: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1148787 Covid: des centaines d’Ougandais ont reçu des injec-

tions de faux vaccinsLink

1148795 Coronavirus - BILAN MONDIAL: des médecins in-jectent des faux vaccins en Ouganda, le variant Deltatoujours prédominant


1149421 Covid-19: en Ouganda, des centaines de personnes vic-times d’une escroquerie au faux vaccin


1149596 Covid-19: des centaines d’Ougandais ont reçu des in-jections de faux vaccins


1150101 Covid- 19 : des centaines d’Ougandais ont reçu desinjections de faux vaccins


1150392 Covid-19 : de faux vaccins administrés à des centainesd’Ougandais


1150598 Coronavirus : des centaines d’Ougandais ont reçu desinjections de faux vaccins


1155098 Ouganda : plusieurs centaines de personnes ont reçudes doses de vaccins contrefaits


1185420 Ouganda : De faux vaccins ont été injectés à des cen-taines de personnes


Notes: Au moins 800 personnes en Ouganda ont reçu des vaccins contrefaits contre le COVID-19, ont révélé mercredi des responsables. La police, des responsables du ministère de la Santéet l’Unité de surveillance de la santé de la State House ont arrêté deux infirmières pour avoirinjecté de faux vaccins à des personnes et délivré de faux certificats. Le médecin qui dirigeaitl’opération est cependant en fuite. [...]

2021-09-20 96

41 Detectan algunos lotes de Janssen contaminados en unasustancia activa

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-07-22

Score 52.76

Report id 1095875

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Detectan algunos lotes de Janssen contaminados en una sustancia activa Diari Més

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 103: Places for report 1095875

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope 48.69096 9.14062

Table 104: Drugs for report 1095875

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 105: Other Stories

ID Title Link1096196 Rechazados en la UE lotes de vacunas de Janssen por

posible contaminaciónLink

1096441 EU solicita a Johnson & Johnson desechar 60 millonesde vacunas contra COVID-19


1096532 Contaminadas millones de vacunas Janssen por unasustancia activa


1096579 Unión Europea rechaza lotes de vacunas de Johnson& Johnson por posible contaminación


1097152 Rechazan millones de vacunas de Janssen en la UEpor estar contaminadas con una sustancia activa


2021-09-20 97

Table 105: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1099528 La Unión Europea rechaza varios lotes de vacunas de

Janssen por posible contaminaciónLink

1106799 La UE rechaza lotes de Janssen por posible contami-nación


1133680 Rechazados en la UE lotes de vacunas de Janssen porposible contaminación


Notes: La Agencia Europea de Medicamento (EMA, por sus siglas en inglés) recomienda evitarsuministrar por precaución algunos lotes de la vacuna de Janssen contra la covid-19 después deque se haya detectado que un lote de la sustancia activa estaba contaminado por el material deotra vacuna fabricada en el mismo lugar.El regulador europeo dice en un comunicado ser consciente de este hecho, pero apunta queninguno de los lotes que han llegado a la Unión Europea tiene esta sustancia activa contaminada.Con todo, recomienda no suministrar los lotes de vacunas que se han hecho con una sustanciaactiva más o menos al mismo tiempo en que se estaba produciendo la contaminada.

2021-09-20 98

42 Scandale à l’Hôpital de Batroun, un employé accusé d’avoirfalsifié les vaccins Pfizer

Publication date 2021-07-13

Create date 2021-07-21

Score 47.29

Report id 1135850

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Scandale à l’Hôpital de Batroun, un employé accusé d’avoir falsifié les vaccins PfizerLibnanews

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 106: Places for report 1135850

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeWestern Asia Lebanon Lebanon 33.83333 35.83333

Table 107: Drugs for report 1135850

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Notes: La chaine de télévision MTV Lebanon indique qu’un employé de l’hôpital gouvernementalde Batroun aurait été renvoyé pour avoir donné de fausses doses de vaccins Pfizer. Pour l’heure,on ignore si son frère et sa mère, également employés au sein de l’établissement hospitalierseraient impliqués dans le même dossier.Si l’information se révèle être exacte, il s’agira de déterminer le nombre de personnes ayant reçuun faux vaccins et procéder à une nouvelle campagne à leur bénéfice.

2021-09-20 99

43 Vaccin Spoutnik V: l’OMS trouve des problèmes sur un site,le Kremlin dit que c’est réglé

Publication date 2021-06-23

Create date 2021-06-28

Score 40.93

Report id 1111772

Category Vaccine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Vaccin Spoutnik V: l’OMS trouve des problèmes sur un site, le Kremlin dit que c’estréglé Sciences et Avenir

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 108: Places for report 1111772

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeWestern Asia Russian Federa-

tionUfa 54.74306 55.96779

Table 109: Drugs for report 1111772

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 110: Other Stories

ID Title Link1112841 Vaccin Spoutnik V : L’OMS trouve des problèmes sur

un site, la Russie dit que c’est régléLink

Notes: Le Kremlin a assuré mercredi que des problèmes découverts sur un des sites de productiondu vaccin anti-Covid russe Spoutnik V par des inspecteurs de l’OMS ont depuis été résolus.Le service de pré-qualification de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé a publié une note mercredi

2021-09-20 100

qui fait la liste d’un certain nombre de problèmes découverts lors d’une inspection entre le 31mai et le 4 juin sur un site de production de Pharmstandard - Ufa Vitamin dans la ville d’Oufa,au sud-ouest de la Russie. [...] Les inspecteurs avaient notamment constaté des problèmes dansles données de surveillance du processus de fabrication et de contrôle qualité. [...]

2021-09-20 101

44 Website accepting cryptocurrency for selling fake coron-avirus vaccines and certificates in Italy

Publication date 2021-07-03

Create date 2021-07-07

Score 36.11

Report id 1123690

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Website accepting cryptocurrency for selling fake coronavirus vaccines and certificatesin Italy BOB fm

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 111: Places for report 1123690

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Italy Repubblica Italiana 42.83333 12.83333

Earth 0 0

Table 112: Drugs for report 1123690

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 113: Other Stories

ID Title Link1124002 Italian police bust fake coronavirus passport network Link1125216 Italian police crack black market for corona-papers Link1125287 Italian police bust fake Covid certificate schemes using


1126179 Italy Fights Crypto Trade in Fake Covid Passports Link1130188 Fake COVID vaccine certificates sold on dark web for


2021-09-20 102

Table 113: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1130449 VIDEO : Fake COVID vaccine certificates sold on dark

web for 150Link

1134508 Italy tackles crypto criminals selling fake Covid-19passports


1137094 Italy breaks up fake EU Covid vaccine pass schemes Link

Notes: Italian police have broken up a network that was selling fake European vaccination cer-tificates and vaccine vials online, where purchases and sales can be completed in cryptocurrency,Efe reported today. [...] The financial affairs and anti-fraud and cybercrime officers of the Pub-lic Prosecutor’s Office of Milan (North) identified and blocked ten accounts and channels on”Telegram”, referring users to anonymous ”dark web” accounts, where they can be obtained.Fake testimonials and vaccines, local media reporting. [...] ”Despite the exorbitant prices andextremely exorbitant health risks,” the police notes, thousands of people registered on illegalchannels in search of vaccines and certificates, attracted by the opportunity to purchase ”all-in-one” packages, priced at between 110 and 130 euros, with the guarantee of anonymity , andtrack and trace the shipment. [...]

2021-09-20 103

45 El mayor problema de Pfizer no es la vacuna sino la viagrafalsificada

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-08-28

Score 35.36

Report id 1131564

Category Other

Quality Falsified

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: El mayor problema de Pfizer no es la vacuna sino la viagra falsificada El Confidencial

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 114: Places for report 1131564

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Spain Kingdom of Spain 40 -4

Earth 0 0

Table 115: Drugs for report 1131564

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codesildenafil Drugs used in

erectile dysfunc-tion

urologicals G04BE03


Table 116: Other Stories

ID Title Link1170625 El mayor problema de Pfizer no es la vacuna sino la

viagra falsificadaLink

Notes: Alrededor de 9 millones de productos farmacéuticos incautados, 277 personas detenidas

2021-09-20 104

y 113.020 webs cerradas. Estas son las cifras de la Operación Pangea XIV, la última macrointervención mundial contra el tráfico de medicamentos y productos médicos falsificados coordi-nada en mayo por la Interpol, en colaboración con las autoridades policiales de 92 países, entreellos España. Hurgando entre todo el material decomisado es fácil encontrar pastillas contrala disfunción eréctil o supuestos medicamentos contra el cáncer, un clásico en este tipo de in-tervenciones, aunque este año, con motivo de la pandemia, también se ha confiscado una grancantidad de test falsos para detectar el covid y mascarillas de dudosa efectividad. [...] Además,decomisaron 313 tipos de anabolizantes, 13 productos adelgazantes y solo cinco tipos de otrassustancias, de acuerdo con los datos de la Memoria 2020 elaborada por la Agencia Española deMedicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS). [...] Más de 100 millones de dosis de Johnson& Johnson y al menos 70 millones de dosis de AstraZeneca quedaron en suspenso después deque Emergent descubriera en marzo que sus trabajadores habían contaminado un lote de vac-una de Johnson & Johnson con un ingrediente clave utilizado para producir la de AstraZeneca.Luego, los funcionarios federales ordenaron a la planta que detuviera la producción, despojarona Emergent de su responsabilidad de producir la vacuna de AstraZeneca e instruyeron a Johnson& Johnson para que hiciera valer el control directo sobre la fabricación de su vacuna allí.

2021-09-20 105

46 挨針卻無法抗病毒!無良醫「裝自來水」冒充新冠疫苗…800多人受


Publication date 2021-07-03

Create date 2021-07-19

Score 35.03

Report id 1123483

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 挨針卻無法抗病毒!無良醫「裝自來水」冒充新冠疫苗…800多人受害氣瘋 中天快點TV

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 117: Places for report 1123483

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Africa Uganda Republic of Uganda 1.25 32.5

Table 118: Other Stories

ID Title Link1148587 非洲国家乌干达曝出<em>假疫苗</em>丑闻事件,800

名接受疫苗注射者事后得知... - 2021-07-21Link

1169587 800人接种<em>假疫苗</em>? - 2021-08-08 Link

Notes: 新冠疫情肆虐各地,當今唯有施打疫苗可讓百姓有抗體對抗病毒。怎料,在烏干達竟有無良醫護將自來水注入玻璃瓶中,冒充新冠疫苗,替民眾注射水疫苗,且有一間非法的製造工廠隱匿於鄉間,協助當地醫護人員製造、包裝假的疫苗瓶罐。消息曝光後,也讓百姓相當不滿和傻眼。

2021-09-20 106

47 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on webMexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital

Publication date 2021-07-20

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 32.18

Report id 1164000

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on web Mexico detects fake remde-sivir at hospital New York Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 119: Places for report 1164000

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Tampico 22.28519 -97.87777Americas Mexico Mexico 23 -102

Table 120: Other Stories

ID Title Link1145994 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on


1146001 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onweb :: WRAL.com


1146500 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onthe web


Notes: MEXICO CITY — Authorities in Mexico say they have found fake doses of the COVID-19 drug remdesivir offered for sale on the internet and at a private hospital near the US border.The federal medical safety commission said late Monday that the fake antiviral drug, which itcalled ”a health risk,” was found at a hospital in the Gulf coast city of Tampico, in the borderstate of Tamaulipas.

2021-09-20 107

The commission said the doses had been purchased in an ”irregular manner” on the internet,but did not say whether the medication had been used there.The drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, confirmed the falsification. The appearance and lotnumbers on the packaging did not match the original.In February, police in northern Mexico arrested six people in the border state of Nuevo Leónfor allegedly trafficking in fake coronavirus vaccines, but did not say what kind of fake shotswere involved. The suspects allegedly offered the vaccines for sale for the equivalent of around$2,000 per dose.Analysts have long worried that criminal gangs in Mexico could seek to steal, hijack or coun-terfeit much-desired vaccines or medications during the pandemic. There have been hijackingsor thefts of medicines and oxygen in Mexico.Mexico is currently experiencing a third wave of coronavirus in which case numbers have nowexceeded the first wave of 2020. The country has suffered about 236,000 test-confirmed deaths,but because so little testing is done, the real toll is closer to 360,000.

2021-09-20 108

48 孟买数百居民怀疑自己接种假新冠<em>疫苗</em>,警方介入调查 -


Publication date 2021-06-16

Create date 2021-06-30

Score 21.54

Report id 1101511

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 【环球网报道】据"今日印度"16日报道,印度孟买一住宅区的约390名居民表示他们中了一场精心策划的" 疫苗 骗局",称自己被接种了假的新冠 疫苗 。目前,孟买警方已经介入调查。据报道,这些居民于5月30日接种了印度的"新冠盾牌" 疫苗 。

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 121: Places for report 1101511

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Republic of India 22 79Southern Asia India Mumbai 19.07283 72.88261

Table 122: Other Stories

ID Title Link1101512 警方成立专案组,打掉生产销售<em>假药</em>犯罪团

伙 - 2021-06-15Link

1101567 孟买数百居民怀疑自己接种假新冠疫苗,警方介入调查


1102076 孟买数百居民怀疑自己接种假新冠<em>疫苗</em>,警方介入调查 - 2021-06-15


1102314 孟买数百居民怀疑自己接种假新冠疫苗警方介入调查 Link1102943 印度孟买<em>疫苗</em>骗局:2 人因居民怀疑"假"注

射而被拘留 - 2021-06-16Link

1104152 花高价打个寂寞?孟买数百居民称遭遇假新冠<em>疫苗</em>,注射后毫无反应 - 2021-06-17


1104201 花高价打个寂寞?孟买数百居民称遭遇假新冠疫苗,注射后毫无反应


2021-09-20 109

Table 122: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1104310 印度被曝10万份新冠检测造假,还有人接种了<em>假

疫苗</em>! - 2021-06-16Link

1106104 印度被曝10万份新冠检测造假,还有人接种了<em>假疫苗</em>! - 2021-06-17


1106426 印媒:印度390名居民疑被接种"<em>假疫苗</em>" -2021-06-19


1106535 印度上百人打了<em>假疫苗</em>?|印度|疫苗_新浪新闻 - 2021-06-19


1108434 "我们接种了<em>假疫苗</em>!"数百居民联合声讨,警方紧急介入调查 - 2021-06-21


1108737 印媒:印度390名居民疑被接种"<em>假疫苗</em>" -2021-06-21


1109195 "我们接种了<em>假疫苗</em>!"数百居民联合声讨,警方紧急介入调查 - 2021-06-20


1111735 "我们接种了<em>假疫苗</em>!"孟买数百居民声讨,警方紧急介入调查 - 2021-06-20


1113359 印度孟买超2000人接种<em>假疫苗</em>法官和网友都怒了! - 2021-06-25


1113875 印度孟买超2000人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,法官和印度人都怒了。 - 2021-06-25


1114323 印度孟买超2000人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,法官和网友都怒了! - 2021-06-24


1116837 印度孟买超2000人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,法官和印度人都怒了。 - 2021-06-27


1117692 印度孟买超2000人接种<em>假疫苗</em>法官和网友都怒了! - 2021-06-24


1126562 印度:生理盐水冒充疫苗警方已逮捕14人 Link1127615 孟买医院用生理盐水冒充新冠疫苗,<em>假疫苗</em>

事件冲撞印度"防疫盾牌" - 2021-07-06Link

1127670 震惊!印度孟买现<em>假疫苗</em>事件 超2000人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-06


1127726 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥,印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-04


1129118 孟买医院用生理盐水冒充新冠疫苗,<em>假疫苗</em>事件冲撞印度"防疫盾牌" - 2021-07-07


1131020 <em>假疫苗</em>谋财害命!孟买医院用生理盐水代替印度产阿斯利康疫苗 - 2021-07-09


1131021 再曝"丑闻"!大批民众接种了<em>假疫苗</em>,印度警方展开紧急调查 - 2021-07-09


1132952 <em>假疫苗</em>谋财害命!孟买医院用生理盐水代替印度产阿斯利康疫苗 - 2021-07-08


1133023 震惊!印度孟买现<em>假疫苗</em>事件 超2000人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-07


1135421 印度孟买现<em>假疫苗</em>事件,超2000人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-07


2021-09-20 110

Table 122: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1136501 孟买数千人打到假疫苗印度警捕14人 Link1142013 不肖人士賺黑心財 孟買爆上千人打到食鹽水假疫苗


1154266 印度抢接种孟买爆上千人打到食盐水假疫苗 Link1165479 印度搶接種 孟買爆上千人打到食鹽水假疫苗 Link

Notes: 据"今日印度"16日报道,印度孟买一住宅区的约390名居民表示他们中了一场精心策划的"疫苗骗局",称自己被接种了假的新冠疫苗。目前,孟买警方已经介入调查。

2021-09-20 111

49 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点 数百人被打不明物质 -


Publication date 2021-06-24

Create date 2021-07-14

Score 19.45

Report id 1112555

Category Vaccine

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 海外网6月24日电据印度媒体报道,印度城市加尔各答的警方近期破获了一起假新冠 疫苗 接种点的案件,数百名民众在这些"接种点"被打了不明物质,包括一名印度议会议员。《印度时报》《印度教徒报》24日消息称,印度议会议员、知名演员米米...

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 123: Places for report 1112555

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Kolkata 22.56263 88.36304Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Table 124: Other Stories

ID Title Link1112610 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人被打不明物质 Link1113042 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点 数百人被

打不明物质 - 2021-06-23Link

1113173 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人上当受骗-中新网


1113183 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点 数百人上当受骗 - 2021-06-24


1113245 印度出现假新冠疫苗接种点一议员被注射不明物质|欧盟|印第安|加拿大


1113251 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,数百人被注射"不明物质" - 2021-06-24


1113252 印度现<em>假疫苗</em>接种点 数百人被打不明物质- 2021-06-24


2021-09-20 112

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1113671 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点?可以说真的很印


1113686 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人被打入不明物质原因待查明


1113839 知名演员接种假疫苗?!|疫苗|新冠肺炎_新浪科技_新浪网


1113876 印度超2000人注射<em>假疫苗</em>,法官要求做抗体测试,网友呼吁公开绞刑 - 2021-06-25


1113877 印度出现多个新冠<em>疫苗假</em>接种点 数百人被注射不明物质 - 2021-06-25


1114038 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点 数百人上当受骗 - 2021-06-25


1114136 知名演员接种<em>假疫苗</em>?! - 2021-06-25 Link1114217 印度接种<em>假疫苗</em>事件频发:孟买2000多人、

加尔各答500多人 - 2021-06-25Link

1114304 两大城2500人接种假疫苗印度警方调查 Link1114305 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人被打不明物质

国际新闻| 新西兰中文先驱网Link

1114309 印度两千多人接种假新冠疫苗 Link1114320 2名醫生也涉案!印度兩大城約2500人接種到「假疫

苗」 | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站Link

1114399 印度超2000人注射<em>假疫苗</em>,法官要求做抗体测试,网友呼吁... - 2021-06-24


1114400 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,数百人被注射"不明... - 2021-06-24


1114633 印度兩城現假疫苗案醫師注射生理鹽水與抗生素 Link1114936 印度两大城发生2000多人接种假疫苗事件 Link1115001 印度<em>假疫苗</em>泛滥,数千人不幸中招,民众声

讨莫迪:丢尽印度脸 - 2021-06-25Link

1115002 印度两大城2500人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,嫌犯包括2名医生 - 2021-06-25


1115054 印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,数百人被注射"不明... - 2021-06-25


1115152 印度两千多人接种到假新冠疫苗 Link1115154 印度再曝"<em>疫苗</em>骗局" 孟买超2000人接种

<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-06-25Link

1115194 印度约2500人上当:被接种假新冠<em>疫苗</em>-2021-06-26


1115220 印度两千多人接种假新冠疫苗警方逮捕多名涉案嫌疑人-中新网视频


1115224 印度2000多人被接种假新冠疫苗警方逮捕多名涉案嫌疑人


1115227 印度约2500人接种假新冠<em>疫苗</em>- 2021-06-25 Link1115249 扯!新冠疫苗變尿道炎抗生素 印度2千多人遭施打假


2021-09-20 113

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1115251 印度2000多人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,民众愤怒声讨莫

迪:我们已沦为国际笑料 - 2021-06-26Link

1115252 知名女演员接种<em>假疫苗</em>?!还有更可怕的...- 2021-06-26


1115281 2500人打到假疫苗!亂打生理食鹽水詐財 印度2醫師涉案


1115284 扯!新冠疫苗變尿道炎抗生素 印度2千多人遭施打假疫苗│TVBS新聞網


1115288 2名医生也涉案!印度两大城约2500人接种到"<em>假疫苗</em>" - 2021-06-25


1115315 印度2城2500人遭打假疫苗逮捕11人包括2医生 Link1115319 印度2000多人接种假新冠疫苗!_国际_新闻 Link1115418 印度超2000人注射<em>假疫苗</em>,法官要求做抗体

测试,网友呼吁... - 2021-06-25Link

1115544 2500人打到假疫苗!亂打生理食鹽水詐財 印度2醫師涉案│TVBS新聞網


1115599 印度2000多人接种假新冠疫苗! Link1115668 印度2000多人接种<em>假疫苗</em>,民众愤怒声讨莫

迪:我们已沦为国际笑料 - 2021-06-25Link

1115919 印度接种假疫苗事件频发:孟买2000多人、加尔各答500多人_疫情


1115930 印度<em>假疫苗</em>,2千多人中招,包括美女议员演员 - 2021-06-26


1115951 女星打到假疫苗报警揭发数百人人受骗- 无忧资讯手机版


1115955 印度女演员被打假<em>疫苗</em>报警后警方逮捕嫌疑人 - 2021-06-26


1115956 [北京您早]记者连线:印度多地出现<em>假疫苗</em>骗局 - 2021-06-26


1116008 密切关注!"德尔塔+"首现死亡病例!还有2500人打了<em>假疫苗</em>… - 2021-06-26


1116038 連疫苗都有假的200人上當 印度女星誤接種盜版身體冒2異狀


1116233 知名演员接种<em>假疫苗</em>?! - 2021-06-26 Link1116292 新冠疫苗|印度女星受騙誤打假疫苗一個原因揭穿騙

局逾200人中招- 晴報- 健康- 生活健康Link

1116345 32歲女星接種假疫苗!幾天後驚傳病倒 已超過200人遭殃


1116347 32歲女星接種假疫苗!幾天後驚傳病倒已超過200人遭殃-社會新聞


1116435 <em>假疫苗</em>横行印度,知名女星接种后出现不适症状 - 2021-06-27


1116619 32岁女星被打假<em>疫苗</em>,接种后出现不适症状住院,嫌犯已被逮捕 - 2021-06-26


2021-09-20 114

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1116733 防不胜防!躲过"毒<em>疫苗</em>"还有<em>假疫苗</

em>,印度超2500人接种不明物质 - 2021-06-27Link

1116768 印度出现假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,两千多人被打不明物质,民众... - 2021-06-27


1116795 印度出现假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,两千多人被打不明物质,民众愤怒质问 - 2021-06-27


1116981 被注射假冠病<em>疫苗</em>印度女演员报警 - 2021-06-27


1117045 印度女演员被打假<em>疫苗</em>报警后警方逮捕嫌疑人 - 2021-06-27


1117409 变异病毒出现后,大量印度人被接种<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-06-28


1117625 印度知名女星打到<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-06-28 Link1117825 印度2500人打到<em>假疫苗</em>,2名医师涉案 -


1117919 印度阿三打"<em>假疫苗</em>"?民众施打治疗尿道炎的抗生素 - 2021-06-28


1118005 数千人被注射不明物质,印度<em>假疫苗</em>点燃怒火,民众:脸面丢尽 - 2021-06-28


1118056 视频丨印度出现假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点,数百人被打不明物质 - 2021-06-28


1118247 印度女星獲邀打疫苗竟是「不明液體」!機靈找疑點報警,踢爆上千人受騙


1118299 防不胜防!躲过"毒<em>疫苗</em>"还有<em>假疫苗</em>,印度超2500人接种不明物质 - 2021-06-26


1118468 密切关注!"德尔塔+"首现死亡病例!还有2500人打了<em>假疫苗</em>… - 2021-06-28


1118740 【医伴旅】印度出现多个假新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种点?可以说真的很印度…… - 2021-06-29


1119072 印度被爆大规模<em>假疫苗</em>泛滥,印度美女女星议员也中招! - 2021-06-29


1119073 印度接种<em>假疫苗</em>事件频发:孟买2000多人、加尔各答500多人 - 2021-06-24


1119474 印度又闹出大乌龙,"冒牌<em>疫苗</em>"在孟买炸锅,2000多人已接种 - 2021-06-29


1119524 印度2000多人被打假<em>疫苗</em>!<em>疫苗</em>瓶里装的是生理盐水 - 2021-06-30


1119525 印度2500多人接种假新冠疫苗警方已逮捕多名涉案嫌疑人


1120611 印度出现假疫苗接种点 数百人被打不明物质 Link1121176 女星为<em>假疫苗</em>助阵?大批印度人涌入接种

点,接种的却是不明液体 - 2021-07-01Link

1121767 印度2000多人接种假新冠疫苗!|加尔各答|新冠疫苗|孟买


2021-09-20 115

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1121965 数千人被注射不明物质,印度<em>假疫苗</em>点燃怒

火,民众:脸面... - 2021-06-28Link

1122185 数千人被注射不明物质,印度<em>假疫苗</em>点燃怒火,民众:脸面丢尽 - 2021-06-29


1122329 印度2000多人被接种假新冠疫苗警方逮捕多名涉案嫌疑人- IT 与健康


1122336 "<em>假疫苗</em>"突然炸锅!2000多人已接种,我方明确表态 - 2021-07-01


1122485 乱套了!印度假官员光明正大售卖<em>假疫苗</em>,还请到知名明星前来助阵 - 2021-07-02


1122538 外媒:印度新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种速度缓慢,<em>疫苗</em>制假售假集团滋生 - 2021-07-02


1122591 外媒:印度新冠疫苗接种速度缓慢,疫苗制假售假集团滋生|新冠疫苗|印度|德国之声


1122723 印度新冠疫苗接种速度缓慢,疫苗制假售假集团滋生_国际_新闻


1122770 外媒:印度新冠疫苗接种速度缓慢疫苗制假售假集团滋生


1122774 "什么钱都敢挣"!印度乌干达新冠<em>疫苗</em>造假,生理盐水成救命水? - 2021-07-01


1123221 外媒:印度新冠<em>疫苗</em>接种速度缓慢,<em>疫苗</em>制假售假集团滋生 - 2021-07-01


1123452 外媒:印度疫苗制假售假集团滋生,有人伪装公务员给2000人接种| 国际新闻| 新西兰中文先驱网


1123797 "<em>假疫苗</em>"突然炸锅!2000多人已接种,我方明确表态 - 2021-07-02


1124041 印度约2500人上当:被接种假新冠<em>疫苗</em>-2021-06-25


1124136 比中美施打的都快?印度政府被当头一棒,2000民众被注射<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-07-03


1124242 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人上当受骗_新闻中心


1124726 印度爆2500人接种假疫苗女星国会议员中招|光华网 Link1125018 印度一医院涉嫌<em>假疫苗</em>案被查封:2000多人

被注射生理盐水 - 2021-07-04Link

1125019 印度一医院涉嫌<em>假疫苗</em>案被查封,2000多人被注射生理... - 2021-07-04


1125072 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥 印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-05


1125073 印度乱套了!假官员光明正大售卖<em>假疫苗</em>,还请到知名明星前来助阵 - 2021-07-04


1125132 印度搶接種 孟買爆上千人打到食鹽水假疫苗 Link1125143 印度新增近4萬宗確診 孟買懷疑數千人被注射假疫苗 Link1125149 印度新增近4万宗确诊孟买怀疑数千人被注射假疫苗-


2021-09-20 116

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1125150 印度新增近4萬宗確診孟買懷疑數千人被注射假疫苗-


1125188 厂商拿生理食盐水冒充印度数千人打到假疫苗 Link1125189 接種後沒收到證明…印度女星報警打到假疫苗 Link1125210 印度抢接种 孟买爆上千人打到食盐水<em>假疫苗</

em>- 2021-07-05Link

1125265 印度一医院涉嫌假疫苗案被查封:2000多人被注射生理盐水


1125282 女星打到假疫苗已200人上当|光华网 Link1125285 印度又一地出现<em>假疫苗</em>,数千人受影响!政

府此前要求扩大疫苗接种 - 2021-07-05Link

1125347 果然是仿制药大国!印度出现大量<em>假疫苗</em>接种点,连议员都... - 2021-07-04


1125488 【新冠肺炎】孟买数千人打到假疫苗印度警捕14人|国际


1125493 大发国难财?2500人接种<em>假疫苗</em>后,印度一医院被吊销执照 - 2021-07-05


1125495 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥 印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗" - 上游新闻... - 2021-07-04


1125554 大发国难财?2500人接种假疫苗后,印度一医院被吊销执照


1125693 印度搶接種孟買爆上千人打到食鹽水假疫苗| 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站


1125721 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥 印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗"|... - 2021-07-04


1125857 印度发生三件事,接种<em>假疫苗</em>超过2600人,现在还有人发国难财 - 2021-07-05


1126320 印度发生三件事,接种<em>假疫苗</em>超过2600人,现在还有人发国... - 2021-07-04


1126575 印度假官员,光明正大售卖<em>假疫苗</em>,居然还请知名明星来助阵。 - 2021-07-06


1126616 印度奸商让数以千计民众注射<em>假疫苗</em>!疫苗瓶里装的竟然是... - 2021-07-06


1126645 推廣疫苗接種 女星竟被注射「不明液體」:全身燥熱難耐


1126724 2600人注射<em>假疫苗</em>!印度疫情诱发疫苗危机,医护人员铤而走险造假 - 2021-07-06


1126859 假新冠检测后,部分印度人又打了假疫苗 Link1126875 假新冠检测后,部分印度人又打了<em>假疫苗</em>-


1126932 印度<em>疫苗</em>被曝惊天造假:生理盐水灌注空瓶,从证书到注射器全是假的 - 2021-07-06


1127248 2600人注射<em>假疫苗</em>!印度疫情诱发疫苗危机,医护人员铤而走险造假 - 2021-07-05


2021-09-20 117

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1127359 印度发现至少12起<em>假疫苗</em>接种案件 - 2021-


1127403 印度发现至少12起假疫苗接种案件-中新网 Link1127664 印度逾2千人疑被注射假疫苗 警拘14人包括醫護 - 國

際 - 即時新聞 - 頭條日報 Headline DailyLink

1127824 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥 印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-04


1127963 印度<em>疫苗</em>被曝惊天造假:生理盐水灌注空瓶,从证书到注射器全做假 - 2021-07-06


1128003 印度:生理盐水冒充疫苗警方已逮捕14人_国际_新闻频道


1128356 印度现假的<em>疫苗</em>接种站,打盐水当<em>疫苗</em>,2600人受骗 - 2021-07-07


1128423 "接种后没任何副作用!"印度民众刚炫耀,美媒:接种的是<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-07-07


1128585 印度2000多人接种假新冠疫苗!__中国医疗 Link1128687 印度:盐水充数! 数千人被骗接种<em>假疫苗</em>-


1128834 <em>假疫苗</em>屡禁不绝,学者怒斥这是草菅人命发国难财,印度防疫面临全... - 2021-07-07


1129042 印度现假的<em>疫苗</em>接种站,打盐水当<em>疫苗</em>,2600人受骗 - 2021-07-06


1129119 印度发现至少12起<em>假疫苗</em>接种案件 - 2021-07-07


1129120 假新冠检测后,部分印度人又打了<em>假疫苗</em>-2021-07-07


1129122 印度假官员,光明正大售卖<em>假疫苗</em>,居然还请知名明星来助阵。 - 2021-07-07


1129278 印度曝出<em>假疫苗</em>接种案 - 2021-07-08 Link1129365 印度逾2千人疑被注射假疫苗警拘14人包括醫護 Link1130164 推廣疫苗接種 女星竟被注射不明液體 Link1130551 印度出现<em>假疫苗</em>里面是生理盐水 - 2021-


1130612 用生理盐水冒充!<em>假疫苗</em>事件冲撞印度"防疫盾牌" - 2021-07-06


1131181 一波未平一波又起!印度<em>假疫苗</em>当道,大量民众被接种不明物质 - 2021-07-09


1131240 印度新增近4萬宗確診孟買懷疑數千人被注射假疫苗 Link1131300 印度搶接種孟買爆上千人打到食鹽水假疫苗 Link1131478 <em>假疫苗</em>屡禁不绝,学者怒斥这是草菅人命发

国难财,印度防疫面临全... - 2021-07-08Link

1131537 一波未平一波又起!印度<em>假疫苗</em>当道,大量民众被接种不明物质 - 2021-07-08


1132066 印媒爆料<em>假疫苗</em>乱象,超2600人打了"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-10


2021-09-20 118

Table 124: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1132095 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人被打不明物

质- 原创Link

1132289 印度出现多个假新冠疫苗接种点数百人上当受骗 Link1133603 印度数千人打"盐水<em>假疫苗</em>"医生涉案赚黑

心钱 - 2021-07-11Link

1134001 以为打了<em>疫苗</em>,其实没打!印度曝光"<em>疫苗</em>骗局",令人心惊 - 2021-07-11


1134855 印度发现至少12起假疫苗接种案件_新闻中心_中国网 Link1136431 印度数千人打"盐水<em>假疫苗</em>"医生涉案赚黑

心钱 - 2021-07-12Link

1137369 震惊!<em>假疫苗</em>事件泛滥 印度超2600人接种"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-14


1138554 印度一医院注射<em>假疫苗</em>被查封,2000多人被注射生理盐水 - 2021-07-15


1142477 印媒爆料<em>假疫苗</em>乱象,超2600人打了"盐水疫苗" - 2021-07-09


1145052 印度出现<em>假疫苗</em>诈骗事件,上千人接种"盐水"疫苗 - 2021-07-19


1145127 在印度,有超过千人接种了"盐水"疫苗的<em>假疫苗</em>- 2021-07-19


1147102 印度出现<em>假疫苗</em>诈骗事件,上千人接种"盐水"疫苗 - 2021-07-20


1156059 印度2000多人被打假<em>疫苗</em>!<em>疫苗</em>瓶里装的是生理盐水 - 2021-07-27


1161128 印度医院赚黑心钱!上千人注射<em>假疫苗</em>,网友:沾着人血的钱拿得安心吗? - 2021-07-08


1166453 "盐水<em>疫苗</em>"冲撞印度"防疫盾牌" - 2021-07-12


Notes: 据印度媒体报道,印度城市加尔各答的警方近期破获了一起假新冠疫苗接种点的案件,数百名民众在这些"接种点"被打了不明物质,包括一名印度议会议员。

2021-09-20 119

Annexe D

D.2. Outils de diagnostic COVID-19

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 16, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch (”Thermometer” OR ((”coronavirus kit” OR ”RDT” OR ”covid test”

OR ”lateral flow assay” OR ”test kit” OR ”LFA” OR ”COVID kit” OR ”Medical devicefor screening/diagnosis/monitoring” OR ”rapid diagnostic test” OR ”coronavirus test”OR ”antigen test” OR ”COVID-19 test” OR ”test cassette” OR ”In-vitro-diagnostic” OR”cassette test” OR ”RT-PCR” OR ”IVD” OR ”testing kit” OR ”qPCR” OR ”antibodytest” OR ”COVID-19 kit” OR ”PCR” OR ”polymerase chain reaction” OR ”ELISA”)AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR ”SARS-CoV-2” OR ”Coronavirus” OR ”CV19”OR ”CV-19” OR ”SARS” OR ”CoV-2”)))

Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31

Language en

Report type incident

Curation status validated


Number of Reports 13

2021-09-16 2

1 FDA recalls unauthorized at-home coronavirus rapid testover false results concerns

Publication date 2021-06-02

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 89.42

Report id 1084734

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: FDA recalls unauthorized at-home coronavirus rapid test over false results concernsFOX 5 NY

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Places for report 1084734

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 2: Other Stories

ID Title Link1086258 Lepu recalls 8M COVID-19 tests due to risk for false


1172682 Lepu Medical Technology -Beijing- Co., Ltd. - Adul-terated and Misbranded Products Related to Coron-avirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Beijing Shi - 2021-07-29


Notes: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned consumers to stop using anunauthorized COVID-19 at-home rapid test and antibody test over concerns that the kits mayproduce false results.The kits, produced by Lepu Medical Technology, were distributed to pharmacies to be sold toconsumers for at-home testing and made available through direct sales despite not having FDAauthorization. [...]

2021-09-16 3

2 USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net - Adulterated andMisbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) - Missouri - 2021-07-09

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 84.61

Report id 1207459

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net MARCS-CMS 612084— July 09, 2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Re-cipient Name Mr. Chris Ormiston USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net 3456 E. 155th St.Kansas City , MO 64147 United States [email protected] [email protected]@covidinstanttest.net Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiological Health UnitedStates WARNING LETTER Date: July 9, 2021 TO: covidinstanttest.net 205 E. Osborn Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85012 [email protected] [email protected]: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed yourwebsites at the Internet addresses https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/on March 30, 2021, and April 9, 2021. We also reviewed your social media websites athttps://facebook.com/covid19instanttest, https://twitter.com/covidathometest, and https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest, where you direct consumers to your website, https://covidinstanttest.net, to purchase your products. The FDA has observed that your websiteshttps://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ offer for sale a ”Rapid DualAntibody Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”COVID-19 Instant Test,” ”Dual An-tibody Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Dual Antibody Test,” ”Rapid 15 Minute Antibody,” ”DualIgG/IgM Screening Test for COVID-19,” ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test,” ”COVID-19IgM/IgG Rapid Test Device,” ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit,” and ”Dual Antibody Test”)(hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit”), a ”Rapid 10 Minute AntigenTest” (which your website also refers to as the ”Antigen Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Antigen TestKit,” ”Access Bio COVID-19 Antigen Test,” and ”COVID-19 Instant Antigen Test”) (hereafterreferred to as the ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test”), and a ”Saliva Test Kit” (all hereafter re-ferred to as ”COVID-19 Test Kits”) in the United States. Based on our review, the COVID-19Test Kits are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 1 in people, and thus, they are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVID-19 Test Kits are offeredfor sale in the United States to consumers for at-home testing without marketing approval,

2021-09-16 4

clearance, or authorization from FDA. 2,3 Accordingly, your products are adulterated undersection 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not haveapproved applications for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for an investigational device exemption(IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). Your products are also misbrandedunder section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agencyof its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k)of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of these productsinto interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a).In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to doany act with respect to a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstatecommerce and results in the device being misbranded. There is currently a global outbreak ofrespiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that has been named ”severe acute respira-tory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The disease caused by the virus has been named”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January 31, 2020, the Department of Health andHuman Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a public health emergency related to COVID-19and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 4 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the Presidentdeclared a national emergency in response to COVID-19. 5 Therefore, FDA is taking urgentmeasures to protect consumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or au-thorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people.As described above, you sell products that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediateaction to cease the sale of any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use inthe mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. We also note that dif-ferent and potentially serious public health risks are presented with specimen collection andtesting in the home versus using a test in a healthcare setting. Risks may include, but are notlimited to, whether a lay person has the ability to collect their specimen, run the test, andinterpret the test result accurately. Your websites, https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/, as well as social media websites, indicate that your firm’s COVID-19Test Kits may be purchased by consumers and are intended to be used for at-home testing forCOVID-19, including: • ”THE MOST RAPID COVID-19 TESTS ON THE INTERNET. PE-RIOD… The Fastest Home Tests on the Market Receive Your Test Next Day, Results Availablein Minutes!” [https://covidinstanttest.net/] • ”COVID-19 INSTANT ANTIGEN TEST Thisdiagnostic test is used to get into sporting events, board flights, and meeting other mandatorytesting requirements FDA EUA AUTHORIZED LOWER NASAL COVID 10 MIN RAPIDTEST Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid Test with Telehealth Consultation. The test is admin-istered over a video appointment from the comfort of your home with results in 10 minutes.[https://covidinstanttest.net/antigen] • ”COVID-19 At Home Instant Test #COVID19…Howdoes our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid At Home Test work? Learn more: covidinstanttest.net#CoronaVirus #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDInstantTest #COVIDRapidTest#COVIDAtHome #RapidTesting #InstantTest” [Pinned Tweet from November 24, 2020, athttps://twitter.com/covidathometest] • ”COVID-19 At Home Instant Test Our #COVID19Rapid Tests have received an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. covidinstanttest.net”[https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest/] • ”Saliva Test Kit FDA Submitted/EUAApproved Results in 24-48 hours Approved for In-Home Use! o 100% Accuracy with zero falsenegatives o ZERO false positives with 100% Overall Accuracy o Determines if the patient is cur-rently infected.” [https://ushealthdiagnostics.com] • ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test Selfcontained test can be administered at home or business under the supervision of a Telehealthprofessional with results in 15 minutes” [https://covidinstanttest.net/dual-antibody-test/] Your

2021-09-16 5

products are also misbranded under section 502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), because yourwebsites represent that the COVID-19 Test Kits are ”FDA Submitted/EUA Approved,” ”FDAEUA Authorized,” or ”EUA/FDA Certified.” These representations create a false impressionthat your products have been approved or authorized for emergency use by FDA and are mis-leading. As discussed above, your COVID-19 Test Kits have not been approved or authorized foremergency use by FDA. In addition, your website, https://ushealthdiagnostics.com, displays theFDA logo positioned near images of and information about the COVID-19 Antibody Test Kitand Saliva Test Kit. The FDA logo is for the official use of the FDA and not for use on privatesector materials. 6 Such use may send a misleading message that the FDA favors or endorsesyour products. Unauthorized use of the FDA logo may violate federal law and subject thoseresponsible to civil and/or criminal liability. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices. In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 7 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection withyour products or operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsites, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you arenot misleadingly representing your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-relateduse for which they have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do notmake claims that adulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours,please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific stepsyou have taken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken toprevent the recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failureto adequately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation,seizure and injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain productsthat are not in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented assafe and/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19.Your firm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that havereceived warning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 relatedproducts in violation of the FD&amp;C Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Onceyou have taken actions to address the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorizedproducts for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and anyappropriate corrective actions have been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be up-dated to indicate that your firm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you ofour concerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take ac-tion to address this matter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and thetime within which you will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of theFD&amp;C Act, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration.Please direct any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Timothy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radi-ological Health Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and RadiologicalHealth __________________________________1 As explained below, there iscurrently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19).

2021-09-16 6

2 The ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit” offered for sale on your website appears to be the Right-Sign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette manufactured by Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co.,Ltd. On December 21, 2020, FDA reissued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) pursuantto section 564 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3, to permit emergency use of Hangzhou BiotestBiotech Co., Ltd.’s RightSign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette. The test is indicated foruse by laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988(CLIA), 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform moderate and high complexity tests for the qualitative de-tection and differentiation of IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in human venous wholeblood (sodium heparin, potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate), serum, and plasma (sodiumheparin, potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate), and, by laboratories certified under CLIA, 42U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high, moderate, or waived complexity tests, for the qualitative detec-tion and differentiation of IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in fingerstick whole bloodspecimens. Testing of fingerstick whole blood specimens is authorized for use at the Point ofCare (POC), i.e., in patient care settings operating under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver, Cer-tificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation.The test is intended for use as an aid inidentifying individuals with an adaptive immune response toSARS-CoV-2, indicating recent orprior infection. However, this EUA does not authorize the sale of the Hangzhou Biotest BiotechCo., Ltd., RightSign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette to consumers for at-home test-ing. 3 The ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test” offered for sale on your website appears to be theCareStart COVID-19 Antigen test manufactured by Access Bio, Inc. On April 12, 2021, FDAreissued an EUA pursuant to section 564 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3, to permit emergencyuse of Access Bio, Inc.’s CareStart COVID-19 Antigen test. The test is indicated for for useby laboratories certified under CLIA, 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high, moderate, or waivedcomplexity tests and in patient care settings operating under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver,Certificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation, for the qualitative detection of thenucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal or anterior nasal swab spec-imens directly collected from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare providerwithin five days of symptom onset, or from individuals without symptoms or other epidemio-logical reasons to suspect COVID-19 when tested twice over two or three days with at least 24hours and no more than 48 hours between tests. However, this EUA does not authorize thesale of the Access Bio, Inc. CareStart COVID-19 Antigen test to consumers for at-home test-ing. 4 Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II, Determination that a PublicHealth Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020 and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 5 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/. 6 FDA Logo Policy (available at: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/website-policies/fda-logo-policy ). 7 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current asof: 08/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning LettersAbout Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 3: Places for report 1207459

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Kansas City 39.09973 -94.57857

2021-09-16 7

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)reviewed your websites at the Internet addresses https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ on March 30, 2021, and April 9, 2021. We also reviewed your socialmedia websites at https://facebook.com/covid19instanttest, https://twitter.com/covidathometest,and https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest, where you direct consumers to your web-site, https://covidinstanttest.net, to purchase your products. The FDA has observed thatyour websites https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ offer for salea ”Rapid Dual Antibody Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”COVID-19 InstantTest,” ”Dual Antibody Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Dual Antibody Test,” ”Rapid 15 Minute Anti-body,” ”Dual IgG/IgM Screening Test for COVID-19,” ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test,””COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test Device,” ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit,” and ”Dual Anti-body Test”) (hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit”), a ”Rapid 10 MinuteAntigen Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”Antigen Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19Antigen Test Kit,” ”Access Bio COVID-19 Antigen Test,” and ”COVID-19 Instant AntigenTest”) (hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test”), and a ”Saliva Test Kit”(all hereafter referred to as ”COVID-19 Test Kits”) in the United States. [...] The COVID-19Test Kits are offered for sale in the United States to consumers for at-home testing withoutmarketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 8

3 COVID-19: NAFDAC cautions importers, distributors oth-ers against Peruvian test kits

Publication date 2021-06-29

Create date 2021-07-02

Score 72.01

Report id 1119145

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Substandard

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: COVID-19: NAFDAC cautions importers, distributors others against Peruvian testkits The Nation Newspaper

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 4: Places for report 1119145

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Peru Republic of Peru -10 -75.25Western Africa Nigeria Federal Republic of

Nigeria10 8

Notes: The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) hascautioned importers, distributors, healthcare professionals against the importation, distributionand sale of COVID-19 test kits from Peru.The Director-General of the agency, Prof. Mojisola Adeyeye, gave the caution in a statementin Abuja on Tuesday.Adeyeye said that the product was considered to be defective by the pharmacovigilance analysisof the agency.The director-general stressed that the test kits did not meet the required IgG specificity andIgM sensitivity standards.She said that the Peruvian Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs (DIGIMED), hadordered the recall of the defective COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test kit. [...]

2021-09-16 9

4 Quidel Recalls Lyra SARS-CoV-2 Assay (M120) Due to Riskof False Negative Results - 2021-07-07

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-07-09

Score 67.89

Report id 1128626

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Quidel is recalling the Lyra SARS-CoV-2 Assay (M120) due to a significant risk offalse negative results for patients with high virus amounts

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 5: Places for report 1128626

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Notes: [...] Quidel is recalling the Lyra SARS-CoV-2 Assay (M120) due to a significant risk offalse negative results for patients with relatively high amounts of SARS‐CoV‐2 virus potentiallycausing the PCR amplification to occur before a cycle‐threshold (Ct) value �5 when using thefollowing thermocyclers:ThermoFisher QuantStudio 7 Pro, Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast Dx, Applied Biosystems 7500,Bio-Rad CFX96 Touch, Roche LightCycler 480, or Qiagen RotorGene MDx. [...]

2021-09-16 10

5 Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Adulterated and MisbrandedProducts Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)- California - 2021-07-26

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-19

Score 59.37

Report id 1172680

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MARCS-CMS 614412 — July 26,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient NamePaul Edalat Recipient Title Chief Executive Officer Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 26021 PalaDrive - St A Mission Viejo , CA 92691 United States [email protected] IssuingOffice: Center for Devices and Radiological Health United States WARNING LETTER Date:July 26, 2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)has reviewed your websites at the Internet addresses https://viveracovid19.com/covx-rda/ andhttps://viverapharmaceuticals.com/products/ on January 13, 2021, on March 3, 2021, and onApril 1, 2021, and observed that your websites offered a ”COVxRDA Saliva Antigen Test”and a ”COVx-RDA Nasal Antigen Test” (herafter collectively referred to as ”COVxRDA Anti-gen Test Kits”) for sale in the United States. Based on our review, the COVxRDA AntigenTest Kits are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 1 in people, and thus, are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug,and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits wereoffered for sale in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have approved ap-plications for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for an investigational device exemption (IDE) un-der section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits arealso misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm didnot notify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, asrequired by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery forintroduction of these products into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held forsale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. There

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is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that hasbeen named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The diseasecaused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a pub-lic health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 2In addition, on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a national emergencyin response to COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumersfrom certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim tomitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described above, you soldproducts that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate corrective action to prevent the saleof any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to prevent future violations. This letter is notmeant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with your products oroperations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell are in compliance withthe Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review your websites, productlabels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you are not misleadinglyrepresenting your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which theyhave not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims thatadulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please send anemail to [email protected] describing the specific steps you have takento prevent future violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent therecurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failure to prevent fu-ture violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation, seizure, and injunction.FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that are not in compliancewith FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or effective for themitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Your firm will be addedto a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have received warning lettersfrom FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products in violation ofthe FD&amp;C Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toprevent the sale of unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation, pre-vention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate corrective actionshave been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that yourfirm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concerns and providesyou with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take action to address this mat-ter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within whichyou will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of the FD&amp;CAct, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration. Pleasedirect any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Tim-othy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and RadiologicalHealth Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health

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CC: [email protected] Blackbirdgroupllc 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield, Califor-nia 93308 ______________________________1 As explained in the next para-graph, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a PublicHealth Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 3 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaringnational-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current asof: 08/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning LettersAbout Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 6: Places for report 1172680

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Mission Viejo 33.60002 -117.672

Notes: [...] The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits were offered for sale in the United States withoutmarketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxRDA AntigenTest Kits are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B),because your firm does not have approved applications for premarket approval (PMA) in effectpursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for aninvestigational device exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g).The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits are also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce thedevices into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. §360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of these products into interstate commerceis prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibitedact under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a devicewhile the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the devicebeing misbranded. [...]

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6 Innova Medical Group, Inc. - Unapproved and MisbrandedProducts Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)- California - 2021-06-10

Publication date 2021-06-10

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 54.69

Report id 1094616

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Innova Medical Group, Inc. MARCS-CMS 614819 — June 10,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Delivery Method: VIA Electronic Mail Product: Med-ical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name Daniel J. Elliot Recipient Title Chief Executive OfficerInnova Medical Group, Inc. 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 288 Pasadena , CA 91101 UnitedStates [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiologi-cal Health United States WARNING LETTER CMS # 614819 June 10, 2021 Dear Mr. Elliot:The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an inspection of your firm’smedical device operations, Innova Medical Group, Inc., located at 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite288, Pasadena, CA from March 15 through April 9, 2021. In addition, your other manufacturingfacilities at 495 N. Berry Street, Brea, CA, and MPS Medical, Inc. at 785 Challenger Street,Brea, CA, were also inspected from March 15 through April 8, 2021. During these inspections,the FDA investigators determined that your firm is a medical device manufacturer and ini-tial distributor/importer of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test (also distributedunder the names INNOVA COVID-19 Self-Test Kit (3T Configuration), INNOVA SARS-CoV-2-Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test (7T Configuration), and INNOVA SARS-CoV-2-Antigen RapidQualitative Test (25T Configuration)). Based on our review, your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen RapidQualitative Test is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cureof COVID-19 1 in people, and thus, it is a device under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug,and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). Our inspection revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test has been distributed in the United States without marketingapproval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the product is adulterated undersection 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have anapproved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational device exemptionunder section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g), for the device as described and marketed.The product is also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), becauseyour firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the device into commercial dis-tribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or

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delivery for introduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibited under section301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held forsale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. There iscurrently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that has beennamed ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The disease causedby the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January 31, 2020,the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a public healthemergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 2 In addition,on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a national emergency in responseto COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from certainproducts that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, pre-vent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described herein, you have distributed aproduct that is intended for use in mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale and distribution ofsuch unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. Our inspections also revealed that the 25T Configuration and 7T Configuration ofthe SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test are misbranded within the meaning of section502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), in that the devices’ respective labeling was false or mis-leading. More specifically, the labeling distributed for your 25T Configuration devices includeda ”Clinical Performance” section, which claimed a Relative Sensitivity of 96% (88.75-99.17%CI); a Relative Specificity of 100% (98.34-100% CI); and an Accuracy of 98.98% (97.06-99.79%CI). This level of clinical performance for the 25T Configuration devices appears unsupportedby any clinical data including both clinical performance data submitted to FDA in your Emer-gency Use Authorization (EUA) request for the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Testand in published reports of clinical studies of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test.5 Similarly, the labeling distributed for your 7T Configuration devices included a ”Performanceof Prospective Clinical Study” section based on a prospective clinical study conducted by ”third-party investigators in UK in September and October 2020” which claimed a Positive PercentAgreement of 81.4% (74.3-88.4% CI). This PPA for the 7T Configuration devices does not ap-pear to align with the PPA observed in the phase 3b prospective clinical study conducted inthe United Kingdom. 6 Accordingly, the clinical performance estimates reported in the label-ing of the 25T Configuration and 7T Configurations devices are false or misleading as they donot accurately reflect the performance estimates observed during the clinical studies of yourdevices. Separate and apart from the foregoing issues, FDA further notes that the clinicalstudy data you submitted in your EUA request for the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest was identical to data previously provided by other manufacturers in their separate EUArequests. The data reliability and accuracy issues noted herein raise significant concerns thatthe performance of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test has not been adequatelyestablished, and that the products distributed by Innova without FDA approval, clearance, orauthorization could present a serious risk to the public health. The inspections also revealedthat the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test is adulterated with the meaning of sec-

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tion 501(h) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(h), in that the methods used in, or the facilities orcontrols used for, is manufacture, packing, storage, or installation are not in conformity withthe current good manufacturing practice requirements of the Quality System regulation foundat Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 820. We received your response datedApril 30, 2021, from Eric Grubel, Chief Operating Officer, and the following update dated May28, 2021, from Janet L. Michener Whipple, Interim Vice President of Quality, which respondedto the Form FDA 483, List of Inspectional Observations issued to your firm on April 9, 2021.We address your responses below. These violations include, but are not limited to, the following:1. Failure to establish procedures for control and distribution of finished devices, as requiredby 21 CFR § 820.160(a). Specifically, your firm has not established and maintained proceduresfor the control and distribution of your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test system toensure only devices approved for release are distributed, and that purchase orders are reviewedto ensure that ambiguities and errors are resolved before devices are released for distribution.For example: Our investigators observed your firm has executed contractual agreements withat least (b)(4) distributors for the commercial promotion and sale of the SARS-CoV-2 Anti-gen Rapid Qualitative Tests in the United States and has distributed more than (b)(4) testkits to US customers. According to your firm, these Tests have been shipped to several cus-tomers to Indiana, New York, Vermont, and Oregon during January and February of 2021.No records were maintained to demonstrate that these devices were approved for release. Wereviewed your firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at thistime. We acknowledge you have opened CAPA #2021-002 and created new standard operatingprocedures to address Purchase Management and Control and Distribution of your products,in addition to completing personnel training on the new procedures and processes. You did notprovide evidence of implementation of your new SOPs, or evidence demonstrating that yourCAPA is effective in preventing noted violations from recurring. As your corrective actionsremain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your response. 2. Failure toestablish procedures for acceptance activities, as required by 21 CFR § 820.80(a). Specifically,your firm has not established procedures for incoming product and finished device acceptanceactivities. There are no acceptance records of your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest system to ensure that specified requirements for your devices are met and meets the ac-ceptance criteria. For example, Your firm distributed SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTests. These test kits were not inspected, tested, or otherwise verified after receiving it fromyour contract manufacturer in China or prior to shipment to the end users. Consequently, the7T and 3T boxes were shipped to customers with the incorrect Instructions for Use (IFU). Wereviewed your firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at thistime. We acknowledge you opened CAPA #2021-003 and created a new acceptance activitywork instruction for incoming and finished devices, and completed personnel training on the newprocedures and work instructions. You did not provide evidence of implementation of your newwork instruction and evidence demonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing notedviolations from recurring. We also acknowledge that your firm initiated a voluntary recall ofcertain lots of 3T and 7T test kits distributed for non-investigational use only. It is unclear howyou plan to address incorrectly labeled products distributed for investigational use. As yourcorrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your re-sponse. 3. Failure to establish procedures to control product that does not conform to specifiedrequirements, as required by 21 CFR § 820.90(a). Specifically, your firm has not establishedand maintained procedures to ensure that nonconforming product is identified, documented,evaluated, segregated, and dispositioned. During the inspection, the investigators observed 13cartons of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Tests co-mingled in a storage room withmultiple cartons of returned nonconforming test kits, samples used for product evaluation, and

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damaged controls, all of which was slated for destruction. The 13 cartons of test kits were notidentified as nonconforming and no records were maintained to demonstrate if an investigationwas needed or the disposition of nonconforming products. We reviewed your firm’s responseand conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowledge that youopened CAPA #2021-004, and created an SOP 9.0, Control of Nonconformances, and completedpersonnel training on the new procedures. You did not provide adequate evidence of implemen-tation of your new procedure or evidence demonstrating the CAPA is effective in preventingthe noted violations from recurring. For example, in your May 28 response you provided theNonconforming Incident Report, NCR #2021-002, for (b)(4) tests that were destroyed duringthe inspection. According to your incident report, an investigation to determine the root causeof the nonconforming product was not required because the ”root cause is known as identifiedduring FDA inspection” while your SOP 9.0 requires all product nonconformances to be in-vestigated unless otherwise justified and documented. It is not clear how an FDA inspectionjustifies not investigating the root cause of the (b)(4) nonconforming tests. As your correctiveactions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your response. 4.Failure to establish procedures for corrective and preventative action, as required by 21 CFR§ 820.100(a). Specifically, Your firm has not established procedures for implementing and doc-umenting corrective and preventive action, including requirements for: analyzing quality datasources; investigating the cause of nonconformities; identifying the action(s) needed to correctand prevent occurrence or recurrence of nonconformities; verifying or validating the CAPA toensure the actions implemented are effective; documenting the changes in methods and proce-dures; disseminating information related to quality problems to appropriate individuals; andsubmitting relevant information on quality problems for management review. We reviewed yourfirm’s response and conclude the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowl-edge your firm has created SOP 10.0, Corrective and Preventive Action, and opened CAPA#2021-001 in accordance with your new procedure, and completed training personnel on thenew procedures. However, you did not provide evidence of the effectiveness of your new CAPAprocedure as the corrective actions remain in progress, and therefore we are unable to fully as-sess the adequacy of your response. 5. Failure to establish procedures for receiving, reviewing,and evaluating complaints by a formally designated unit, as required by 21 CFR § 820.198(a).Specifically, your firm has not established procedures for complaint handling to ensure thatcomplaints are processed in a uniform and timely manner, oral complaints are documentedupon receipt, and complaints are evaluated to determine if the reported event is required tobe submitted to the FDA as a Medical Device Report. We reviewed your firm’s response andconclude the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowledge that you openedCAPA #2021-006 and created SOP 14.0, Complaint Handling and Failure Investigation, andcompleted personnel training on the new procedures. However, your response does not indicatewhether your firm will conduct a retrospective review of any complaints your firm previouslyreceived. While your response states your firm ”has not received any complaints regarding itsSARVS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test”, our investigators noted your storage room washolding damaged product returned from your customers, which appears to fall under section 5.6of your new complaint procedure. You did not provide evidence of implementation of your newprocedure or evidence demonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing noted violationsfrom recurring. As your corrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess theadequacy of your response. 6. Failure to establish procedures to ensure that all purchasedor otherwise received product and services conform to specified requirements, as required by21 CFR § 820.50. Specifically, your firm has not established procedures for the evaluation ofsuppliers, including the quality requirements that must be met by suppliers, to ensure thatreceived products and services conform to specified requirements. You did not evaluate your

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only contract manufacturer of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test system basedon their ability to meet specified requirements, including quality requirements. We reviewedyour firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We ac-knowledge your firm opened CAPA #2021-005 and created new standard operating proceduresfor purchase management and supplier controls, and completed personnel training on the newprocedures. You did not provide evidence of the implementation of your new SOPs, or evidencedemonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing noted violations from recurring. Asyour corrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of yourresponse. Our inspection also revealed that your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Testis misbranded under Section 502(t)(2) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(t)(2), in that your firm failedor refused to furnish material or information regarding the device that is required by or underSection 519 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360i, and 21 CFR Part 803 – Medical Device Reporting.Violation include, but is not limited to: 7. Failure to develop, maintain, and implement writ-ten Medical Device Reporting (MDR) procedures, as required by 21 CFR 803.17. Specifically,your firm has not established procedures for timely and effective identification, communication,and evaluation of reportable events; a standardized review process for determining when anevent meets reportability criteria; timely submission of MDRs to the FDA; or for compliancewith the applicable documentation and recordkeeping requirements. We reviewed your firm’sresponse and conclude that your firm’s response dated April 30, 2021 is not adequate. In theresponse, your firm noted that it developed a written MDR procedure, scheduled staff trainingand planned to assess the effectiveness of corrective actions by July 1. Your response includeda copy of your firm’s MDR procedure titled ”Medical Device Reporting (MDR and eMDR)”,Document Number: 7.0, Revision 1.0, Effective Date: 4/29/2021. After reviewing your firm’sMDR procedure, we noted that the procedure does not reference a process for identifying andevaluating events involving similar devices to those marketed in the United States (U.S.) aspotentially reportable to FDA. Specifically, the procedure notes under the Scope section thatit ”applies to devices marketed in the United States”. If an event involves a similar deviceto one legally marketed in the U.S., it may be reportable under the MDR regulation. By notconsidering events involving similar legally marketed devices, potentially reportable MDRs maynot be identified and evaluated for MDR decision making and submission to FDA as requiredby 21 CFR 803.50 and 21 CFR 803.53. Additionally, your firm did not provide documenta-tion or evidence of implementation of a systematic corrective action to include a retrospectivereview of its adverse events in accordance with its MDR procedure. Your firm should takeprompt action to address the violations cited in this letter. Also, federal agencies may be ad-vised of the issuance of Warning Letters about devices and may take your compliance withAct and its implementing regulations into account when considering the award of contracts.Additionally, should FDA determine that you have Quality System regulation violations thatare reasonably related to premarket approval applications for Class III devices such devices willnot be approved until the violations have been corrected. Also, should FDA determine thatyour devices do not meet the requirements of the Act, requests for Certificates to Foreign Gov-ernments (CFG) may not be granted. More information on processes for persons denied a CFGcan be found at: https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/process-request-review-fdas-decision-not-issue-certain-export-certificates-devices . Note, thereare two response time frames specified. You should take immediate action to address the viola-tions relating to your firm’s sale or distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest. We advise you to review your websites, product labels, and other labeling and promo-tional materials to ensure that you are not misleadingly representing your products as safeand/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which they have not been approved, cleared,or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims that adulterate or misbrand the prod-

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ucts in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific steps you have taken to address these violations.Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of any violations,as well as copies of related documentation. If you cannot take action to address this mattercompletely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within which you willdo so. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that are not incompliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or ef-fective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Your firmwill be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products inviolation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulentcoronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toaddress the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate actions have beenconfirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that your firm has takensuch corrective actions. Please also notify FDA in writing within fifteen business days fromthe date you receive this letter of the specific steps your firm has taken to correct the notedQuality Systems and MDR reporting violations, as well as an explanation of how your firmplans to prevent these violations, or similar violations, from occurring again. Include docu-mentation of the corrections and/or corrective actions (which must address systemic problems)that your firm has taken. If your firm’s planned corrections and/or corrective actions will oc-cur over time, please include a timetable for implementation of those activities. If correctionsand/or corrective actions cannot be completed within fifteen business days, state the reasonfor the delay and the time within which these activities will be completed. Your firm’s re-sponse should be comprehensive and address all violations included in this Warning Letter.This response should be sent to: US Food and Drug Administration, Division 3/West, Officeof Medical Device and Radiological Health Operations at [email protected] identify your response with CMS Case #614819. If you have questions about the con-tents of this letter, please contact Compliance Officers, Charles J. Chacko at 214-253-4939, orvia email at [email protected] or Jamie M. Bumpas at 214-253-5336, or via emailat [email protected]. Finally, you should know that this letter is not intended tobe an all-inclusive list of the violations at your firm’s facility. This letter notifies you of ourconcerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you believe that your prod-ucts are not in violation of the FD&amp;C Act, please provide us with your reasoning andany supporting information for our consideration. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure thatthe products you sell are in compliance with the FD&amp;C Act and FDA’s implementingregulations. Failure to adequately address any violations may result in legal action, includingwithout limitation, seizure and injunction. The specific violations noted in this letter and inthe Inspectional Observations, FDA 483, issued at the close of the inspection may be symp-tomatic of serious problems in your firm’s manufacturing and quality management systems.Your firm should investigate and determine the causes of any violations and take prompt ac-tions to correct the violations and bring your products into compliance. Sincerely, /S/ TimothyT. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological HealthOffice of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health /S/ ShariJ. Shambaugh Program Division Director Office of Medical Device and Radiological HealthDivision 3 Cc: Mr. Eric E. Grubel, COO 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 288 Pasadena, CA [email protected] __________________________1 As explainedbelow, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a Public

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Health Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 3 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . 5 See ”Prelim-inary report from the Joint PHE Porton Down &amp; University of Oxford SARS-CoV-2 testdevelopment and validation cell: Rapid evaluation of Lateral Flow Viral Antigen detection de-vices (LFDs) for mass community testing:” published November 8, 2020 available at https://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/media_wysiwyg/UK%20evaluation_PHE%20Porton%20Down%20%20University%20of%20Oxford_final.pdf.6 Id. Content current as of: 06/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More WarningLetters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 7: Places for report 1094616

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Pasadena 34.14778 -118.14452

Table 8: Other Stories

ID Title Link1094824 FDA accuses firm of distributing an unapproved

Covid-19 test - STATLink

1094830 FDA accuses firm of distributing an unapprovedCovid-19 test – Boston, Massachusetts


1095770 Unapproved Covid Test Kits Recalled By FDA Link1095961 US FDA urges users to throw Innova rapid Covid test

in trash, or return it to companyLink

Notes: [...]Our inspection revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test hasbeen distributed in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the product is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have an approved application for premarketapproval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or anapproved application for an investigational device exemption under section 520(g) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 360j(g), for the device as described and marketed. The product is also misbrandedunder section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agencyof its intent to introduce the device into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k)of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of this productinto interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). Inaddition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any actwith respect to a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerceand results in the device being misbranded. [...]

2021-09-16 20

7 Biopolygen Corp. - Adulterated and Misbranded ProductsRelated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - California- 2021-07-09

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 42.74

Report id 1207458

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Biopolygen Corp. MARCS-CMS 613137 — July 09, 2021Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name BrianNguyen Biopolygen Corp. 2207 East Carson St Carson , CA 90810 United States [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiological Health UnitedStates WARNING LETTER Date: July 9, 2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded ProductsRelated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United StatesFood and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed your website at the Internet address https://www.biopolygen.com on January 7, 2021, February 26, 2021, and June 30, 2021. The FDAhas observed that your website offers the ”COVIGEN AG-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” the”COVIDEX AB-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” and the ”COVID-19 Antigen and AntibodyCombo Set” (hereafter referred to collectively as ”COVID-19 Self Detection Test Kits”) for salein the United States. Based on our review, these products are intended for use in the mitiga-tion, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 [1] in people, and thus, are devicesunder section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. §321(h). The Covid-19 Self Detection Test Kits are offered for sale and distributed to consumersin the United States for self-testing without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the products are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have approved applications for premarketapproval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approvedapplications for an investigational device exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 360j(g). Your products are also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C.§ 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices intocommercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). Theintroduction or delivery for introduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibitedunder section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act undersection 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device whilethe device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device beingmisbranded. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coron-avirus that has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2).

2021-09-16 21

The disease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). OnJanuary 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declarationof a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions ofHHS. [2] In addition, on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a nationalemergency in response to COVID-19. [3] Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protectconsumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA,claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described below,you offer for sale products that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment,diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to ceasethe sale of any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. We also note that different and poten-tially serious public health risks are presented with specimen collection and testing in the homeversus a healthcare setting. Risks may include, but are not limited to, whether a lay personhas the ability to collect their specimen, run the test, and interpret the test result accurately.Your website (noted above), includes statements indicating that the COVID-19 Self DetectionTest Kits may be purchased directly by consumers and are intended to be used for self-testingfor COVID-19, including: ”ACCURACY BUT FAST, EFFICIENT; ANYTIME, ANYWHEREAT YOUR PRIVACY AND CONVENIENCE.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen/c-p778] ”INSTANT AND EASY ACCESS TO SCREENING CAN BE LIFE OF[sic]DEATH. SCREENING FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TODAY AND REPEATTHE ROUTINE SCREENINGS TO PROTECT YOURSELF.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen/c-p778] A photograph of the ”COVID-19 Antigen and Antibody ComboSet” includes the following language: ”SELF-SCREENING METHOD FOR EALRY PREVEN-TION AND EARLY TREATMENT.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen-antibodycombination/c-p783] For more information about FDA’s regulation of devices usedto mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked questions; andother helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medicaldevices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition, the guidancetitled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emergency (Re-vised)” [4] provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testing capacityby facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public health emergency.You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter. This letter isnot meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with your productsor operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell are in compliancewith the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review your websites, productlabels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you are not misleadinglyrepresenting your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which theyhave not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims thatadulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please sendan email to [email protected] describing the specific steps you havetaken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to preventthe recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failure to ade-quately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation, seizureand injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that arenot in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Yourfirm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related productsin violation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-

2021-09-16 22

fraud-scams/fraudulentcoronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken ac-tions to address the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for themitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate cor-rective actions have been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indi-cate that your firm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concernsand provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take action to ad-dress this matter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the timewithin which you will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of theAct, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration. Pleasedirect any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Tim-othy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and RadiologicalHealth Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health__________________________[1] As explained below, there is currently an out-break of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). [2] Secretary ofHealth and Human Services, Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists (originallyissued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . [3] Proclamation on Declaring a National Emer-gency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020),available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . [4] Accessible athttps://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current as of: 08/10/2021 RegulatedProduct(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 9: Places for report 1207458

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States California 37.25022 -119.75126Americas United States Carson 33.83141 -118.28202

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)reviewed your website at the Internet address https://www.biopolygen.com on January 7, 2021,February 26, 2021, and June 30, 2021. The FDA has observed that your website offers the”COVIGEN AG-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” the ”COVIDEX AB-1 Covid-19 Self DetectionKit,” and the ”COVID-19 Antigen and Antibody Combo Set” (hereafter referred to collectivelyas ”COVID-19 Self Detection Test Kits”) for sale in the United States. [...] The Covid-19 SelfDetection Test Kits are offered for sale and distributed to consumers in the United States forself-testing without marketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 23

8 Ome Care - Adulterated and Misbranded Products Relatedto Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - California - 2021-07-26

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-19

Score 39.59

Report id 1172681

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Ome Care MARCS-CMS 614382 — July 26, 2021 Share TweetLinkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name Paul Edalat Recip-ient Title Chief Executive Officer Ome Care 26021 Pala Drive - St A Mission Viejo , CA 92691United States [email protected] [email protected] Issuing Office:Center for Devices and Radiological Health United States WARNING LETTER Date: July 26,2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewedyour website at the Internet address hometestbox.com on March 3, 2021 and again on April 1,2021. The FDA has observed that hometestbox.com offers for sale a VIVERA + OMECAREHome Specimen Collection Kit (also referred to as ”COVx-HT” and ”RT-PCR Test”) (here-inafter referred to as ”COVxHT Kit”), for sale in the United States directly to consumers. Basedon our review, your COVxHT Kit is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment,diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 1 in people, and thus, it is a device under section 201(h) of theFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVxHT Kit is of-fered for sale directly to consumers in the United States without marketing approval, clearance,or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxHT Kit is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have an approved appli-cation for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C.§ 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational device exemption (IDE) under sec-tion 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxHT Kit is also misbranded under section502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intentto introduce the device into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of this product into interstatecommerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is aprohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respectto a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results inthe device being misbranded. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease causedby a novel coronavirus that has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”

2021-09-16 24

(SARS-CoV-2). The disease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019”(COVID-19). On January 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)issued a declaration of a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Op-erating Divisions of HHS. 2 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the President declared a nationalemergency in response to COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protectconsumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA,claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described herein,you sell a product that is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis,or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale ofsuch unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection withyour products or operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsites, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you arenot misleadingly representing your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-relateduse for which they have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do notmake claims that adulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours,please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific stepsyou have taken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken toprevent the recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failureto adequately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation,seizure and injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products thatare not in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safeand/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Yourfirm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products inviolation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toaddress the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate actions have beenconfirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that your firm has takensuch corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concerns and provides you with an op-portunity to address them. If you cannot take action to address this matter completely within48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within which you will do so. If you be-lieve that your product is not in violation of the Act, include your reasoning and any supportinginformation for our consideration. Please direct any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Timothy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office ofIn Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Centerfor Devices and Radiological Health CC: [email protected] Michael Nova MD Ph.D.Chief Innovation Officer and Founder Ome Ventures Inc. 6777 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego,CA 92121 CC: [email protected] Blackbirdgroupllc 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield,

2021-09-16 25

California 93308 _____________________________1 As explained below, thereis currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a Public Health Emer-gency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020 and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx ). 3 Proclamation onDeclaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Out-break (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/. 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current as of: 08/10/2021Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warningand Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 10: Places for report 1172681

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Mission Viejo 33.60002 -117.672

Notes: [...] The COVxHT Kit is offered for sale directly to consumers in the United Stateswithout marketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxHTKit is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because yourfirm does not have an approved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant tosection 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigationaldevice exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxHTKit is also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firmdid not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the device into commercial distribution, asrequired by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery forintroduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held for sale aftershipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. [...]

2021-09-16 26

9 Lup alleges illegal sale of RAT kits : 10th jul21

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-07-14

Score 35.59

Report id 1134624

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Lup alleges illegal sale of RAT kits : 10th jul21 E-Pao.net

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 11: Places for report 1134624

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Imphal 24.80805 93.9442

Notes: While expressing concern over the fact that the number of Covid-19 deaths in the statehas crossed 1241 and around 75,180 infected cases, All Club Organisation Association and MeiraPaibi Lup (ACOAM-Lup) has accused pharmacies and stockists of illegally retailing ’Only ForProfessional and Health Care Users’ kit also known as Standard Q Covid-19 AG Test Kit, whichis not approved by ICMR for personal use, in the black market. [...]

2021-09-16 27

10 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-led crack-down - 2021-06-08

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 26.58

Report id 1091825

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring,Analgesic, Antidepressant, Medical devices for disease prevention, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: $23m of illicit products were seized, up from $14m last year, with fake drugs and testkits for COVID-19 once again prominent.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 12: Places for report 1091825

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope United Kingdom United Kingdom of

Great Britain andNorthern Ireland

54.75844 -2.69531

Europe United Kingdom Northern Ireland 54.5 -6.5Europe Italy Repubblica Italiana 42.83333 12.83333

Table 13: Drugs for report 1091825

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeantidepressants N06Aanabolic steroids A14A

Table 14: Other Stories

ID Title Link1092436 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut in global

sting: InterpolLink

2021-09-16 28

Table 14: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1092602 Over 1 lakh web links removed in global crackdown on

illegal medical tradeLink

1092778 £3m worth of illegally sold meds and devices seized inUK


1093121 Consumers Face More Risk Than Ever Due to FakeProducts


1093206 Over £9m worth of illegal medicines and devices seized- Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazine


1093310 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut down Link1094010 A campaign manages to close thousands of fake online

pharmacies – Explica .coLink

1094165 Interpol Shutters Thousands Of Fake Online Pharma-cies Amid Demand For COVID-Related Products


1095588 Thousands of Fake Online Pharmacies Shut Down inInterpol Operation


1097825 Interpol shuts down thousands of fake online pharma-cies


1098672 Millions Of Fake Covid Tests Seized Link1099398 Dozens of fake online pharmacies shut down - Here are

the red flagsLink

1101527 Fake Online Pharmacies And Sales Of Illegal COVIDTests Boom During Pandemic


1101588 Thousands of fake online pharmacies are closed world-wide: International Criminal Police Organization


1102328 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-ledcrackdown


1110025 Fake vaccines are undermining the world’s fightagainst Covid-19


1114752 ’Global effort’ needed to fight fake goods amid Covid-19 pandemic


1156598 Thousands of illegal pharmacies shut down in interna-tional operation


Notes: [...] Pangea XIV, which involved authorities from 92 countries and resulted in 277arrests, also resulted in the takedown of 113,020 web links peddling fake medicines. [...] TheUK was a focal point for the operation this year, with more than three million medicines andmedical devices valued at over £9m (almost $13m) seized and seven people arrested in NorthernIreland.Checks of some 710,000 packages led to the discovery of fake and illicit drugs hidden amongstlegitimate products including clothes, jewellery, toys, food and baby products. Among the illegalmedicines confiscated by enforcement officers were antidepressants, erectile dysfunction tablets,painkillers, anabolic steroids and slimming pills. More than half of all medical devices seizedduring the operation were fake and unauthorised COVID-19 tests. UK authorities also removedmore than 3,100 advertising links for the illegal sale and supply of unlicensed medicines, and

2021-09-16 29

shut down 43 websites.Meanwhile, in Venezuela a man was arrested after he developed an e-commerce platform onWhatsApp to sell illicit medicines, while in Italy authorities recovered more than 500,000 fakesurgical masks as well as 35 industrial machines used for production and packaging. [...]

2021-09-16 30

11 COVID-19: Police investigate six people over sale of fakeoximeters

Publication date 2021-07-10

Create date 2021-09-06

Score 18.13

Report id 1132521

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: COVID-19: Police investigate six people over sale of fake oximeters ����

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 15: Places for report 1132521

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia Taiwan Taipei 25.04776 121.53185Eastern Asia China People’s Republic of

China35 105

Notes: Taipei police said they are investigating six people in connection with the alleged saleof fake oximeters illegally imported from China.The suspects allegedly imported the oximeters using forged paperwork, claiming that the deviceswere pedometers, and then sold more than 7,000 of them to a distributor that resold them toclinics and pharmacies, police said on Wednesday.An investigator who initiated the case said they were alerted to the situation after reading areport that a member of the public had tested an oximeter purchased from a pharmacy on adoll, and it reportedly gave a reading.Investigators lead by the Shilin District Prosecutors’ Office on Tuesday raided nine sites inTaipei, Taoyuan and Kaohsiung, and confiscated 856 fake oximeters illegally imported fromChina, the office said. [...] [pulse oximeter]

2021-09-16 31

12 Coronavirus: 600000 dodgy rapid tests seized in Cyprus

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 17.88

Report id 1095542

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Anaesthetic, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring, Antipsychotic

Quality Falsified

Source Unspecified outlet

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Coronavirus: 600000 dodgy rapid tests seized in Cyprus Cyprus Mail

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 16: Places for report 1095542

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Cyprus Republic of Cyprus 35 33

Table 17: Drugs for report 1095542

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeantipsychotics N05A

Notes: Police said on Friday they had confiscated 600,000 unauthorised or fake Covid rapidtests and suspended their use, as part of a worldwide Interpol-led operation targeting the sale ofcounterfeit and illicit medicines and medical products. [...] In Cyprus, some 700,000 counterfeitor unlicensed products were confiscated, with the majority being, apart from the rapid tests,local anaesthetics, antipsychotics, drugs for treating erectile dysfunction, police said. [...]

2021-09-16 32

13 Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89 sanitisers

Publication date 2021-06-13

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 6.94

Report id 1097480

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89sanitisers Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 18: Places for report 1097480

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Karnataka 14.66667 75.83333Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Notes: Since last year, Karnataka’s drugs control department (DCD) has redflagged at least595 substandard products, including 89 hand sanitisers, information accessed from the govern-ment shows. Officials confirmed the poor-quality sanitisers included those sold to governmentagencies, including hospitals and other establishments. [...] Bengaluru police, between March2020 and May 6, 2021, seized 17,312 bottles of fake sanitisers, 18,750 fake masks and 270 fakethermometers

2021-09-16 33

Annexe D

D.3. Equipement de Protection Individuelle

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 16, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch ((”Personal protective equipment” OR ”PPE” OR ”protective

glasses” OR ”apron” OR ”n95” OR ”gowns” OR ”facemask” OR ”visor” OR ”gloves”OR ”goggles” OR ”respirator” OR ”KN95” OR ”face shield” OR ”mask”) OR ((”Medicaldevices for disease prevention”) AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR ”SARS-CoV-2”OR ”Coronavirus” OR ”CV19” OR ”CV-19” OR ”SARS” OR ”CoV-2”)))

Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31

Language en

Report type incident

Curation status validated

Number of Reports 16


1 Coronavirus: Substandard masks and gloves on sale in Cyprus

Publication date 2021-07-05

Create date 2021-07-08

Score 47.55

Report id 1125574

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Substandard

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Coronavirus: Substandard masks and gloves on sale in Cyprus Cyprus Mail

Click here to see the Original Article

Notes: A large number of masks and gloves on sale in Cyprus have been found to be noncom-pliant with personal protective equipment standards, results of lab tests released on Mondayshowed.The PPE monitoring exercise was part of a Europe wide project in which the ministry of labourpartook and which was funded by the European Commission.A hundred individual samples of masks and gloves were examined in total, with the tests beingconducted by labs who specialise in testing such equipment.Reasons for the non-compliance included lack of proper labelling, which would instruct the useron the proper usage and what certifications the product may have, as well as subpar protectivequalities.Nearly all KN95 masks, which are traditionally designed to prevent the exposure to largedroplets and extremely small particles, did not meet the testing criteria.Moreover, more than 50 per cent of the gloves tested were also found to be noncompliant withthe designated criteria.Authorities have moved to have the products withdrawn from sale.

2021-09-16 2

2 Study suggests fraudulent masks are in US hospital stores -2021-07-31

Publication date 2021-07-31

Create date 2021-08-06

Score 41.17

Report id 1160268

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: A large number of KN95 models failed filtration testing and one unmarked mask wasa potential health hazard.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Places for report 1160268

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 2: Other Stories

ID Title Link1160870 Study suggests fraudulent masks are in US hospital


Notes: Reports of counterfeit or substandard facemasks have been widespread during the pan-demic, but a new study suggests US hospitals may still have fraudulent products in storage.The study – published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases – looked at samples from the100 or so different makes and models of N95-type facemasks in the inventory of US hospitalsduring COVID-19 – approved for emergency use during the COVID-19 crisis. [...]

2021-09-16 3

3 Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - Investiga-tional Device Exemptions (IDE)/Premarket Approval Appli-cation (PMA) - Zhejiang Sheng - 2021-06-04

Publication date 2021-06-04

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 32.32

Report id 1207454

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. MARCS-CMS612946 — June 04, 2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Re-cipient: Recipient Name Yinlong Dong Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 2ndFloor, 3 Building, No. 6, Lvyuan Zhong Road Quzhou Shi Zhejiang Sheng , 324000 [email protected] [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiolog-ical Health United States WARNING LETTER DATE: June 4, 2021 Re: ”FFP2 NR 5-LayerKN95 Face Mask,” ”Medical Face Mask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” Dear Yinlong Dong: Thisis to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed yourwebsite at the internet address https://www.xichen-med.com/ on March 23, 2021. The FDAhas observed that your website offers the ”FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask,” ”Medical FaceMask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” for sale in the United States. Based on our review, theseproducts are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure,mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or any function of thebody, and thus, are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act(the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). We also note that the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Maskis intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 1in people. FDA’s review of your website revealed the following statements that establish thatthe products are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure,mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or any function of thebody, including but not limited to: • Representing the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask asa ”COVID-19 Respirator” with ”effective antibacterial” properties for use to ”prevent…bacteria,droplets and other harmful particles,” ”filter germs,” and provide ”protection for your family”[https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/ffp2-nr-5-layer-kn95-face-mask.html] • Representing theMedical Face Mask for use to ”prevent infection,” ”protect patients and other persons from thetransmission of pathogenic microorganisms, body fluids, particulate matter, etc., especially inthe event of an epidemic or pandemic,” and provide ”protection for your family” as well as offer-ing a ”bacterial filtration efficiency [of] &gt; 98%” and ”microbial cleanliness [of] &lt;30CFY/g”[https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/disposable-mask.html] • Representing the Sterile Surgi-cal Mask as a ”Medical Surgical Mask” that is ”antibacterial” and provides a ”BFE above 95%”

2021-09-16 4

for use to ”prevent the spread of body fluids and body splash content and isolate dust, par-ticle [sic], alcohol, blood, bacteria, and virus invading.” [https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/sterile-surgical-mask.html] The FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask, Medical Face Mask, andSterile Surgical Mask (each of which your website indicates is manufactured by Zhejiang Xi-chen Medical Technology Co. Ltd) are offered for sale in the United States without marketingapproval, clearance, or authorization from the FDA. Accordingly, the products are adulter-ated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm doesnot have an approved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational deviceexemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). These products are alsomisbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did notnotify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, as requiredby section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). In addition, the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 FaceMask is misbranded under section 502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), because its labeling isfalse or misleading. FDA registration of a device establishment or assignment of a registrationnumber does not denote FDA approval of the establishment or the device. Thus, references toa firm’s establishment registration and registration number that create an impression of officialFDA approval, clearance, authorization, certification, endorsement or other evaluation of theestablishment or the devices are misleading and constitute misbranding. 21 CFR 807.39. Yourwebsite contains a number of false or misleading representations, including but not limited to:• Displaying a ”FDA REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” also referred to as the ”kn95-FDACertificate” issued by ”J &amp; F Technology Services LLC” (Certificate) under the ”About Us”tab on your website. The Certificate certifies that ”Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd…has completed the FDA Establishment Registration (as manufacturer, foreign exporter,contract manufacturer) and Device Listing with the US Food &amp; Drug Administration.”The Certificate has the look of an official government document, incorporating unauthorizeduse of the FDA logo 2 and an illustration of an eagle and a U.S. flag (or a similar flag). [https://www.xichen-med.com/our-certificate] • Displaying a screenshot titled ”kn-95-Registration in-formation is available on the FDA website” of what appears to be Zhejiang Xichen MedicalTechnology Co., Ltd.’s previous entry in FDA’s Establishment Registration &amp; Device List-ing Database. [https://www.xichen-med.com/our-certificate] Taken together, display of theCertificate, bearing the FDA logo, and a screenshot from FDA’s Establishment Registration&amp; Device Listing Database positioned near images of and information about the FFP2 NR5-Layer KN95 Face Mask are misleading because they imply FDA approval, clearance, autho-rization, certification, endorsement, or other evaluation of the product and/or establishmentbased on the representations that Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is or wasregistered with the FDA and that the firm is or was in possession of a registration number.Although the Certificate appears to be intended to function as a disclaimer, the small fontsize and overall placement of such language could be easily overlooked and does not limit orotherwise mitigate the misleading impression created by the use of the Certificate. We alsonote that you seem to reference the Certificate or some other certificate on the Sterile SurgicalMask’s webpage [https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/sterilesurgical-mask.html], indicating theproduct has a ”Certificate CE, FDA.” These representations are especially concerning from apublic health perspective because consumers rely on information provided by sellers to deter-mine whether to purchase a device and your presentation conveys the misimpression that theproducts have been reviewed and approved by FDA. We remind you that FDA’s Center for De-vices and Radiological Health (CDRH) does not issue device registration certificates to medicaldevice establishments, including to sellers and manufacturers. When an establishment registersand lists its devices, the resulting entry in FDA’s Establishment Registration &amp; Device

2021-09-16 5

Listing Database merely denotes that the establishment has provided certain information toFDA. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirusthat has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). Thedisease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID -19). OnJanuary 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declarationof a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions ofHHS. 3 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the President declared a national emergency in responseto COVID-19. 4 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from certainproducts that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, pre-vent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described above, you sell a product thatis intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 inpeople. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale of any adulterated andmisbranded products for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with theproducts or your operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsite, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you do notmake representations that misbrand the product(s) in violation of the Act. This letter notifiesyou of our concerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. Please notify thisoffice in writing within fifteen (15) business days from the date you receive this letter of the spe-cific steps your firm has taken to address the noted violations, as well as an explanation of howyour firm plans to prevent these violations, or similar violations, from occurring again. Includedocumentation of any actions your firm has taken. If your firm’s planned actions will occurover time, please include a timetable for implementation of those activities. Your firm’s re-sponse should be comprehensive and address all violations included in this letter. If you believethat the products are not in violation of the Act, include your reasoning and any supportinginformation for our consideration. If you are not located in the United States, please note thatproducts that appear to be adulterated or misbranded may be detained or refused admission ifthey are offered for importation into the United States. We may advise the appropriate regu-latory officials in the country from which you operate that FDA considers your products listedabove to be adulterated and misbranded products that cannot be legally sold to consumersin the United States. Your firm’s response should be sent via email to [email protected] or by mail to: Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices andRadiological Health Office of Regulatory Programs Division of Regulatory Programs 2: Estab-lishment Support Regulatory Inspections and Audits Team White Oak Building 66 10903 NewHampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20993 Refer to the Document number CMS Case# 612946 orCTS Number CPT2001023 when replying. We remind you that only written communication isconsidered as official. If you have any questions about the contents of this letter, please contact:Assistant Director, Paola Barnett at 301-796-5462 or [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Donna Engleman, MS, BSN Director Division of Market Intelligence Office of RegulatoryPrograms Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological HealthCc: US Agent: Fanny Zhao J &amp; F Technology Services LLC 2424 Morris Ave 818 Union,New Jersey 07083 Email Address: [email protected] Contact: Yucai.qiu XICEN InternationalGmb Global Office Center, Beethovenstr. 5 DE-60325 Frankfurt/M,Germany Email Address:[email protected] XICEN International Corporation 245 E. Main Street, Suite 107Alhambra, California, 91801 _________________________________1 As ex-plained below, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”CoronavirusDisease 2019” (COVID-19). 2 The FDA logo is for official use by FDA and not for privateuse on labeling of FDA-regulated products. See FDA Logo Policy (available at: https://

2021-09-16 6

www.fda.gov/about-fda/website-policies/fda-logo-policy ). 3 Secretary of Health and HumanServices, Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020,and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 4 Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerningthe Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . Content current as of: 07/06/2021 RegulatedProduct(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 3: Places for report 1207454

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia China quzhou shi 28.94273 118.87185Americas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)has reviewed your website at the internet address https://www.xichen-med.com/ on March 23,2021. The FDA has observed that your website offers the ”FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask,””Medical Face Mask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” for sale in the United States. [...] The FFP2NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask, Medical Face Mask, and Sterile Surgical Mask (each of whichyour website indicates is manufactured by Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co. Ltd) areoffered for sale in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom the FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 7

4 Foley & Lardner Slaps Manufacturer With Suit Over Reportsof Counterfeit Nitrile Gloves Amid COVID-19 Pandemic |The Recorder

Publication date 2021-06-09

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 26.71

Report id 1093443

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unknown

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Foley & Lardner Slaps Manufacturer With Suit Over Reports of Counterfeit NitrileGloves Amid COVID-19 Pandemic | The Recorder Law.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 4: Places for report 1093443

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States California 37.25022 -119.75126

Notes: (Need to subscribe) – Foley & Lardner filed a trademark lawsuit Wednesday in Califor-nia Central District Court on behalf of Shijiazhuang Hongray Group over the alleged sale ofcounterfeit Hongray-brand Nitrile gloves amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021-09-16 8

5 Non-profit Takes Amazon India To Court Over Fake Medical-grade Masks

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 19.96

Report id 1086265

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Non-profit Takes Amazon India To Court Over Fake Medical-grade Masks tntri-bune.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 5: Places for report 1086265

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Mumbai 19.07283 72.88261

Table 6: Other Stories

ID Title Link1112622 Decide NGO’s plea on fake masks: Bombay HC to

consumer rights bodyLink

Notes: While India was dealing with mass destruction amid the deadly second wave of Covid-19, an Indian non-profit organization filed a petition in the country’s financial center, Mumbai,against Amazon Retail India over the sale of fake medical-grade face masks. [...] The NGO hadplaced a bulk order of 400 masks for healthcare workers on Amazon in May. But the productswere ”shoddy and substandard in quality, were poorly packaged and nowhere close to what theywere described as on the portal”, the PIL states. [...]

2021-09-16 9

6 Fake Remdesivir, Rs 10-Lakh Hospital Bed: How Covid Pa-tients Were Fleeced

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 15.77

Report id 1086629

Category Antiviral others, Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake Remdesivir, Rs 10-Lakh Hospital Bed: How Covid Patients Were Fleeced NDTV

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 7: Places for report 1086629

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India New Delhi 28.63576 77.22445

Table 8: Other Stories

ID Title Link1086797 How desperate covid patients in India were defrauded

online by scamstersLink

1087117 Fake medicines, recycled PPE: Scammers worsen IndiaCOVID misery


1087429 Fake medicines, recovered personal protective equip-ment: crooks exacerbate the suffering of COVID inIndia | Coronavirus pandemic news


1088174 Covid-19: India’s scammers benefit from fakemedicines, recycled PPEs during pandemic


1089013 COVID vaccine, beds, oxygen, and other online scamsin India


Notes: [...] His Crime Branch teams have already arrested many scammers, including a gangthat made and sold counterfeit doses of the antiviral drug Remdesivir for up to 40 times the

2021-09-16 10

market price.”These people were producing fake vials which cost them about 20 rupees and (they) sold itin the market for anything above 10,000 rupees,” Singh said. [...] This week, six men werereportedly arrested on suspicion of washing, repackaging and selling several tonnes of usedsurgical gloves from hospitals. [...]

2021-09-16 11

7 Fake hand sanitisers come under scanner again

Publication date 2021-07-08

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 15.32

Report id 1130689

Category Antiseptic, Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake hand sanitisers come under scanner again The New Indian Express

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 9: Places for report 1130689

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Ernakulam 10 76.5Southern Asia India Thiruvananthapuram 8.4855 76.94924Southern Asia India Malappuram 11.04199 76.08154Southern Asia India Alappuzha 9.49004 76.3264Southern Asia India Palakkad 10.77319 76.65366Southern Asia India Thrissur 10.51667 76.21667

Table 10: Drugs for report 1130689

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: (Cannot access)

2021-09-16 12

8 Captain&#039;s Cloth LLC - Investigational Device Exemp-tions (IDE)/Premarket Approval Application (PMA) - Cali-fornia - 2021-07-02

Publication date 2021-07-02

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 13.66

Report id 1207457

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Captain&#039;s Cloth LLC MARCS-CMS 613965 — July 02,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient NameBrian Eckert Captain&#039;s Cloth LLC 28871 El Apajo Laguna Niguel , CA 92677 UnitedStates [email protected] [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices andRadiological Health United States WARNING LETTER DATE: July 2, 2021 Re: ”KN95 FaceMask” Dear Brian Eckert: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Adminis-tration (FDA) reviewed your website at the Internet address https://captainscloth.com/ on June10, 2021, where you offer the ”KN95 Face Mask” for sale in the United States. We also reviewedyour social media page at https://www.facebook.com/Captains-Cloth-140013110203384/ whereyou direct consumers to your website to purchase the KN95 Face Mask. Based on our review,these products are devices because they are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease orother conditions or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affectthe structure or any function of the body, and thus, are devices under section 201(h) of theFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). FDA’s review of yourwebsite revealed the following statements that establish that the KN95 face masks are intendedfor use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure, mitigation, treatment,or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or any function of the body, including butnot limited to: Statements alongside an image of the KN95 Face Masks that they ”filter out95% of particles” and that your firm is ”working primarily with medical distribution companies… to support those on the front lines” [https://captainscloth.com/products/kn95-face-masks-5-pack] Statements made on the KN95 Face Mask packaging that ”This product can filterair particulates, dust, smoke, mist, microorganisms, block droplets, body fluids, secretions…”and ”Prevent Virus” [https://captainscloth.com/products/kn95-face-masks-5-pack] The KN95Face Mask, which your website represents is manufactured by ”Lianyungang Manai ProtectiveEquipment Co. Ltd.” (Lianyungang) is offered for sale in the United States without marketingapproval, clearance, or authorization from the FDA. Accordingly, this product is adulteratedunder section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not havean approved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of

2021-09-16 13

the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational device exemption(IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). This product is also misbrandedunder section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agencyof its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k)of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). In addition, the KN95 Face Mask is also misbranded undersection 502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), because its labeling is false or misleading. Specif-ically, your websites contain false or misleading representations, including but not limited to:Representations that the KN95 Face Masks ”have an active status with the FDA…” [https://captainscloth.com/products/kn95-face-masks-5-pack] Unauthorized display of what appears tobe FDA’s logo 1 on the front and back of the product’s labeling [https://captainscloth.com/products/kn95-face-masks-5-pack] Display of the FDA logo on packaging and near images ofand information about the respective products, combined with statements about having activestatus with the FDA, is misleading because such information implies FDA approval, clearance,authorization, certification, endorsement, or other evaluation of the products and/or establish-ments. Such representations are especially concerning from a public health perspective becauseconsumers rely on information provided by sellers to determine whether to purchase a deviceand your presentation conveys the misimpression that the products have been reviewed andapproved by FDA. This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist inconnection with the products or your operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that theproducts you sell are in compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We adviseyou to review your website, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials toensure that you do not make representations that misbrand the product(s) in violation of theAct. This letter notifies you of our concerns and provides you with an opportunity to addressthem. Please notify this office in writing within fifteen (15) business days from the date youreceive this letter of the specific steps your firm has taken to address the noted violations, aswell as an explanation of how your firm plans to prevent these violations, or similar violations,from occurring again. Include documentation of any actions your firm has taken. If your firm’splanned actions will occur over time, please include a timetable for implementation of thoseactivities. Your firm’s response should be comprehensive and address all violations includedin letter. If you believe that the products are not in violation of the Act, include your rea-soning and any supporting information for our consideration. Your firm’s response should besent via email to [email protected] or by mail to: Food and DrugAdministration Center for Devices and Radiological Health Office of Regulatory Programs Di-vision of Regulatory Programs 2: Establishment Support Regulatory Inspections and AuditsTeam White Oak Building 66 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20993 Refer tothe Document number CMS Case# 611829 or CTS Number CPT2001007 when replying. Weremind you that only written communication is considered as official. If you have any ques-tions about the contents of this letter, please contact: Assistant Director, Paola Barnett at301-796-5462 or [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Donna Engleman, MS, BSN Direc-tor Division of Market Intelligence Office of Regulatory Programs Office of Product Evaluationand Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health Cc: Youbiao Wei Lianyungang ManaiProtective Equipment Co., Ltd. Jinshan Town Industrial Park, Ganyu District Lianyangang,Jiangsu CN 222002 US Agent: Hong 38 South 18th Avenue, Suite A Brighton, CO 80601Email: [email protected] Lianyungang Manai Protective Equipment Co., Ltd. No.6 Building, 1-8 North Street, Sanyuanli Yaochi, Yuexiu District Guangzhou, Guangdong CN510030 Official Correspondent: Shuo Wang Lianyungang Manai Protective Equipment Co.,Ltd. Kuangquan Street Yaochi North Street Community Guangzhou, Guangdong CN 510030___________________________________1 The FDA logo is for official useby FDA and not for private use on labeling of FDA-regulated products. See FDA Logo Policy

2021-09-16 14

(available at: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/website-policies/fda-logo-policy ). Content cur-rent as of: 08/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters WarningLetters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 11: Places for report 1207457

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Laguna Niguel 33.52253 -117.70755

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)reviewed your website at the Internet address https://captainscloth.com/ on June 10, 2021,where you offer the ”KN95 Face Mask” for sale in the United States. [...] The KN95 Face Mask,which your website represents is manufactured by ”Lianyungang Manai Protective EquipmentCo. Ltd.” (Lianyungang) is offered for sale in the United States without marketing approval,clearance, or authorization from the FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 15

9 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-led crack-down - 2021-06-08

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 13.41

Report id 1091825

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring,Analgesic, Antidepressant, Medical devices for disease prevention, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: $23m of illicit products were seized, up from $14m last year, with fake drugs and testkits for COVID-19 once again prominent.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 12: Places for report 1091825

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope United Kingdom United Kingdom of

Great Britain andNorthern Ireland

54.75844 -2.69531

Europe United Kingdom Northern Ireland 54.5 -6.5Europe Italy Repubblica Italiana 42.83333 12.83333

Table 13: Drugs for report 1091825

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeantidepressants N06Aanabolic steroids A14A

Table 14: Other Stories

ID Title Link1092436 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut in global

sting: InterpolLink

2021-09-16 16

Table 14: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1092602 Over 1 lakh web links removed in global crackdown on

illegal medical tradeLink

1092778 £3m worth of illegally sold meds and devices seized inUK


1093121 Consumers Face More Risk Than Ever Due to FakeProducts


1093206 Over £9m worth of illegal medicines and devices seized- Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazine


1093310 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut down Link1094010 A campaign manages to close thousands of fake online

pharmacies – Explica .coLink

1094165 Interpol Shutters Thousands Of Fake Online Pharma-cies Amid Demand For COVID-Related Products


1095588 Thousands of Fake Online Pharmacies Shut Down inInterpol Operation


1097825 Interpol shuts down thousands of fake online pharma-cies


1098672 Millions Of Fake Covid Tests Seized Link1099398 Dozens of fake online pharmacies shut down - Here are

the red flagsLink

1101527 Fake Online Pharmacies And Sales Of Illegal COVIDTests Boom During Pandemic


1101588 Thousands of fake online pharmacies are closed world-wide: International Criminal Police Organization


1102328 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-ledcrackdown


1110025 Fake vaccines are undermining the world’s fightagainst Covid-19


1114752 ’Global effort’ needed to fight fake goods amid Covid-19 pandemic


1156598 Thousands of illegal pharmacies shut down in interna-tional operation


Notes: [...] Pangea XIV, which involved authorities from 92 countries and resulted in 277arrests, also resulted in the takedown of 113,020 web links peddling fake medicines. [...] TheUK was a focal point for the operation this year, with more than three million medicines andmedical devices valued at over £9m (almost $13m) seized and seven people arrested in NorthernIreland.Checks of some 710,000 packages led to the discovery of fake and illicit drugs hidden amongstlegitimate products including clothes, jewellery, toys, food and baby products. Among the illegalmedicines confiscated by enforcement officers were antidepressants, erectile dysfunction tablets,painkillers, anabolic steroids and slimming pills. More than half of all medical devices seizedduring the operation were fake and unauthorised COVID-19 tests. UK authorities also removedmore than 3,100 advertising links for the illegal sale and supply of unlicensed medicines, and

2021-09-16 17

shut down 43 websites.Meanwhile, in Venezuela a man was arrested after he developed an e-commerce platform onWhatsApp to sell illicit medicines, while in Italy authorities recovered more than 500,000 fakesurgical masks as well as 35 industrial machines used for production and packaging. [...]

2021-09-16 18

10 Houston paid $1.7M in counterfeit N95 masks, accordingto court records

Publication date 2021-06-22

Create date 2021-06-25

Score 12.46

Report id 1110592

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Distributor/Wholesaler

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Houston paid $1.7M in counterfeit N95 masks, according to court records KPRCClick2Houston

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 15: Places for report 1110592

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Houston 29.76328 -95.36327

Table 16: Other Stories

ID Title Link1110225 Houston paid $1.7M for counterfeit N95 masks earlier

this yearLink

Notes: The city of Houston spent more than a million dollars on counterfeit masks, accordingto court documents.The court records said the city paid a company called Med-Tech Resource roughly $1.7 millionfor around 900,000 3M-N95 masks. The masks were intended for frontline employees.After the masks were delivered, 3M and the city determined they were counterfeit, the docu-ments said. [...]

2021-09-16 19

11 Fake medical equipment manufacturing factory busted inAgra, 1 arrested

Publication date 2021-07-01

Create date 2021-07-07

Score 11.75

Report id 1121782

Category Medical devices for disease prevention, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake medical equipment manufacturing factory busted in Agra, 1 arrested India Today

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 17: Places for report 1121782

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Agra 27.18333 78.01667

Notes: Afake medical equipment manufacturing factory was busted in Agra on Thursday, policesaid.A number of medical devices, syringes, gloves, sanitary pads, and other surgical equipmentwere seized during the raid. [...] ”The team has confiscated 1 lakh gloves, 26,000 sanitarynapkins, 2,000 urine catheters, 1,000 Nebulizer masks, 50,000 surgical masks, syringes, and alarge quantity of raw material worth Rs 2 crores,” he said. [...]

2021-09-16 20

12 Marshals raid Lexington company for one million counter-feit 3M masks - ABC 36 News

Publication date 2021-06-10

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 9.81

Report id 1094690

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Distributor/Wholesaler

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Marshals raid Lexington company for one million counterfeit 3M masks - ABC 36News WTVQ

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 18: Places for report 1094690

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Lexington 37.98869 -84.47772

Table 19: Other Stories

ID Title Link1094831 Company accuses Lexington’s Old World Timber of

selling fake N95 masksLink

1095138 3M Helps Thwart Sale of 1M Suspected Fake Respira-tors from Kentucky Warehouse


1095363 3M and U.S. marshals confiscate more than 1M coun-terfeit N95 masks


1114657 Injunction sought to stop Minnesota man, businessfrom selling counterfeit N95 masks


1128647 1 Million Fake 3M N95 Masks Seized From KentuckyCompany


1130112 3M accuses Lexington company of selling fake N95respirators


2021-09-16 21

Notes: [...] The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky granted 3M a tem-porary restraining order stopping defendant Old World Timber, located on Versailles Road inLexington, from selling counterfeit products. 3M then worked with the U.S. Marshals Serviceto seize more than one million respirators from the company, according to 3M and federal courtrecords. [...]

2021-09-16 22

13 Counterfeit face masks worth over RM60,000 seized in JB

Publication date 2021-07-25

Create date 2021-07-28

Score 5.62

Report id 1152233

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unspecified outlet

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Counterfeit face masks worth over RM60,000 seized in JB Daily Express

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 20: Places for report 1152233

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Malaysia Taman Sentosa 5.3598 100.29845


Malaysia Johor Bahru 1.4655 103.7578


Malaysia Kampung KangkarTeberau

1.532 103.7549

Table 21: Other Stories

ID Title Link1160329 Ministry officials seize over 100000 face masks, knock-

offs of known brandLink

1168113 KPDNHEP seizes counterfeit face masks worth overRM60,000 in JB


1168781 Domestic Trade Ministry seizes counterfeit face masksworth over RM60,000 in Johor Baru


Notes: The Johor Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) has seized112,350 units of suspected counterfeit face masks worth RM60,669 around Taman Sentosa andTebrau here, Saturday. Its director Mohd Hairul Anuar Bohro said the fake Neutrovis maskswere confiscated in a special operation on three premises selling various types of face masks,

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following complaints from the trademark owner. [...]

2021-09-16 24

14 HSA busts Vision Empire illegal mask manufacturing facil-ity

Publication date 2021-06-10

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 5.60

Report id 1095146

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Substandard

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: HSA busts Vision Empire illegal mask manufacturing facility Yahoo News

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 22: Places for report 1095146

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Singapore Republic of Singapore 1.36667 103.8

Table 23: Other Stories

ID Title Link1095147 S’pore firm being investigated for illegal mask manu-

facturing, repackagingLink

1095853 Singapore’s HSA finds illegal mask-making, repackag-ing facility in Ubi; more than 80,000 masks seized


1098916 Singapore HSA finds illegal mask-making, repackagingfacility in Ubi; more than 80,000 masks seized


1102039 HSA finds illegal mask-making, repackaging facility inUbi; more than 80000 masks seized


Notes: [...] The masks sold by Vision Empire International and branded under Vision EmpireHealthcare were observed by enforcement officers to be manufactured in an unhygienic andmakeshift environment and placed in carton boxes left out in the open, said HSA in a pressrelease on Friday (11 June).A total of 82,500 masks in 33 cartons were seized. [...]

2021-09-16 25

15 2 expats arrested with huge quantities of counterfeit deter-gents and masks

Publication date 2021-06-26

Create date 2021-06-30

Score 5.47

Report id 1115857

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 2 expats arrested with huge quantities of counterfeit detergents and masks SaudiGazette

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 24: Places for report 1115857

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeWestern Asia Saudi Arabia Riyadh 24.68773 46.72185

Table 25: Other Stories

ID Title Link1117479 2 expats arrested with huge quantities of counterfeit

detergents and masks in Saudi ArabiaLink

Notes: Inspection teams from the Ministry of Commerce and police arrested two foreign na-tionals after seizing huge quantities of counterfeit detergents and low-quality masks. The seizeditems include more than 2,000,000 packages of adulterated detergents and 4,430,000 masks.The ministry had closed the warehouse, which was run by a Syrian and an Egyptian nationalfor stocking their counterfeit products. [...]

2021-09-16 26

16 Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89 sanitisers

Publication date 2021-06-13

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 3.32

Report id 1097480

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89sanitisers Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 26: Places for report 1097480

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Karnataka 14.66667 75.83333Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Notes: Since last year, Karnataka’s drugs control department (DCD) has redflagged at least595 substandard products, including 89 hand sanitisers, information accessed from the govern-ment shows. Officials confirmed the poor-quality sanitisers included those sold to governmentagencies, including hospitals and other establishments. [...] Bengaluru police, between March2020 and May 6, 2021, seized 17,312 bottles of fake sanitisers, 18,750 fake masks and 270 fakethermometers

2021-09-16 27

Annexe D

D.4. Désinfectants

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 24, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch (”wipes” OR ”disinfectant” OR ”sanitizer” OR ”sanitizing” OR ”iodoform” OR


Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31

Language en

Report type incident

Curation status validated

Number of Reports 13


1 DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. - Finished Pharmaceuticals/Unapproved New Drug/Misbranded/Adulterated - Estado deMéxico - 2021-06-03

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-10

Score 15.84

Report id 1091500

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. MARCS-CMS 609797 — June 03,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Delivery Method: VIA UPS Product: Drugs Recipient:Recipient Name Ma. de la Luz Escorza Recipient Title CEO DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. CalleLago Guija 234 Col. Agua Azul 57500 Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl , Méx. Mexico Issuing Office:Center for Drug Evaluation and Research United States Warning Letter 320-21-48 June 03, 2021Dear Ms. Escorza: Your firm was registered as a human drug manufacturer. The U.S. Food andDrug Administration (FDA) conducted testing of consumer antiseptic hand rub drug products(also referred to as consumer hand sanitizers) labeled as SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL and Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel. SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL was labeled as manufactured at your facility,and Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel was declared to be manu-factured at your facility, DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V., FEI 3016833130, at Calle Lago Guija 234,Col. Agua Azul, Cuidad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico. Following an attempt to import DMM HandSanitizer drug products into the United States, these products were detained and refused ad-mission at the border. The results of FDA laboratory testing of batches of these drug productsdetained at the border demonstrate that these drug products, labeled or declared to be manu-factured at your facility, are adulterated within the meaning of section 501(d)(2) of the FederalFood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&amp;C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(d)(2), in that a substance wassubstituted wholly or in part therefor. In addition, these products are adulterated within themeaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)), in that thesubstitution demonstrates that the quality assurance within your facility is not functioning inaccordance with Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) requirements. In addition,your Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL drug products are unapproved new drugs in violation of section505(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(a), and are misbranded under sections 502(j), (a),(e), (f)(2), (x) and (ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352 (j), (a), (e), (f)(2), (x) and (ee).Lastly, SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER is also misbranded under 502 (i) of the FD&amp;CAct, 21 U.S.C 352(i). Introduction or delivery for introduction of such products into interstate

2021-09-24 2

commerce is prohibited under sections 301(d) and (a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(d)and (a). Adulteration Violations SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, labeledas manufactured at your facility, is labeled to contain 70% of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol(ethanol). However, FDA laboratory testing of a batch of SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL product detained at the border found that the product contained an averageof 31% ethanol and an average of 2.3% methanol volume/volume (v/v). Additionally, CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel, declared to be manufactured at yourfacility, is labeled to contain 70% v/v of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol). How-ever, FDA laboratory testing of a batch of Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZERalcohol gel product detained at the border found that the product contained an average of 22%ethanol and an average of 10% methanol v/v. Therefore, these hand sanitizer drug productsare adulterated under section 501(d)(2) of the FD&amp;C Act in that the active ingredient ofethanol was substituted wholly or in part with methanol, a dangerous chemical when in contactwith human skin or ingested. Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand sanitizers andshould not be used due to its toxic effects. Skin exposure to methanol can cause dermatitis,as well as transdermal absorption with systemic toxicity. Substantial methanol exposure canresult in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, per-manent damage to the nervous system, or death. Although all persons using these products ontheir hands are at risk, young children who accidentally ingest these products and adolescentsand adults who drink these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute are most at risk formethanol poisoning. On August 21, 2020, FDA held a teleconference with you and RegistrarCorp, your registered U.S. agent. We recommended you consider removing all of your firm’shand sanitizer drug products currently in distribution from the U.S. market. On August 21,2020, FDA notified the public of methanol contamination of your hand sanitizer at the followingwebsite: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-updates-hand-sanitizers-consumers-should-not-use . On September 8, 2020, you announced a voluntary nationwide recallfor five lots of Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel 500ml and 1200mlbottles due to potential presence of undeclared methanol (Wood Alcohol), as noted on the follow-ing FDA webpage: https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/dmm-vission-sa-de-cv-issues-voluntary-nationwide-recall-cleaner-hand-sanitizer-500-ml-and-1200-ml?utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=govdelivery. Additionally, the FDA contacted your firm’s consignees to recall. On September 24, 2020,one of your firm’s consignees, AA Products Inc., recalled one lot of SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL 500ml bottles. In response to this letter, provide the following:• A detailed investigation into how the drug products described above, which were declared orlabeled as manufactured at your facility, and which were labeled as containing ethanol, weresubstituted in part or in whole with methanol. • A list of all raw materials used to manufac-ture all of your hand sanitizer drug products, including the suppliers’ names, addresses, andcontact information. • A list of all batches of any hand sanitizer drug products shipped tothe United States by your firm, and a full reconciliation of all material you distributed. •Copies of the complete batch records for all batches distributed to the U.S. The substitutionand methanol contamination in a drug product declared or labeled as manufactured in yourfacility demonstrates that the quality assurance within your facility is not functioning in accor-dance with CGMP requirements under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C.351(a)(2)(B). 1 Unapproved New Drug and Misbranding Violations Cleaner BY CRYSTAL-WARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOLGEL are ”drugs” as defined by section 201(g)(1)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)(B), because they are intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or preven-tion of disease and/or under section 201(g)(1)(C) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)(C), because they are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. Specifically,

2021-09-24 3

Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SAN-ITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are intended for use as consumer topical antiseptics. Examples ofclaims observed on the Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL labeling that provide evidence of the intendeduse (as defined in 21 CFR 201.128) of the products include, but may not be limited to, thefollowing: Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel: ” Drug Facts . . .Purpose . . . Antimicrobial Use : To help reduce bacteria on the skin. . . Directions: Wethands thoroughly with product, gently rub into skin and allow to dry without wiping. SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL: DRUG FACTS: . . . USES: hand sanitizerto help decrease bacteria on the skin. . . DIRECTIONS: pump as needed into your palmsthoroughly spread on both hands, rub into skin until dry. These topical antiseptic productsare ”new drugs” within the meaning of section 201(p) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(p),because they are not generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) for use under theconditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in their labeling. New drugs may not beintroduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce without prior approval fromFDA, as described in section 505(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(a), unless they arelawfully marketed under section 505G of the Act (which is not the case for these products,as further described below) or under other exceptions not applicable here. No FDA-approvedapplication pursuant to section 505 of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355, is in effect forthese drug products, nor are we aware of any adequate and well-controlled clinical studies inthe published literature that support a determination that your Cleaner BY CRYSTALWAREHAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL drugproducts are GRASE for use under the conditions suggested, recommended, or prescribed intheir labeling. Accordingly, these products are unapproved new drugs marketed in violationof sections 505(a) and 301(d) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C 355(a) and 331(d). We notethat over-the-counter (OTC) topical antiseptic products had been the subject of rulemakingunder FDA’s OTC Drug Review. In particular, such products were addressed in a tentativefinal monograph (TFM) entitled ”Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-CounterHuman Use; Tentative Final Monograph for Health-Care Antiseptic Drug Products,” ProposedRule, 59 FR 31402 (June 17, 1994) (1994 TFM), as further amended by ”Safety and Effec-tiveness of Consumer Antiseptics; Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-CounterHuman Use; Proposed Amendment of the Tentative Final Monograph; Reopening of Admin-istrative Record,” Proposed Rule, 81 FR 42912 (June 30, 2016) (Consumer Antiseptic RubsProposed Rule). Over the course of these rulemakings three active ingredients (benzalkoniumchloride, ethyl alcohol (ethanol), and isopropyl alcohol) were classified in Category III for usein consumer antiseptic rub products, meaning that additional safety and effectiveness data areneeded to support a determination that a drug product containing one of these active ingredi-ents would be GRASE for use as a consumer rub. Section 505G of the FD&amp;C Act addressesnonprescription drugs marketed without an approved application. Under section 505G(a)(3) ofthe FD&amp;C Act, drugs that were classified as Category III for safety or effectiveness in aTFM that is the most recently applicable proposal or determination for such drug issued under21 CFR Part 330 – and that were not classified as Category II for safety or effectiveness – arenot required to have an approved application under section 505 in order to be marketed, aslong as they are in conformity with the relevant conditions of use outlined in the applicableTFM, including the active ingredient, and comply with all other applicable requirements. How-ever, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL do not conform to the 1994 TFM, as further amended by the2016 Consumer Antiseptic Rubs Proposed Rue, nor any other TFM, proposed rule, or final rule,and do not meet the conditions under section 505G(a)(3) of the FD&amp;C Act for marketing

2021-09-24 4

without an approved application under section 505. According to the product labels, CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL purportedly contain the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 70%. How-ever, as previously discussed, FDA laboratory analyses of batches of these products detained atthe border demonstrated that Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol geland SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in aconcentration that is less than the 70% stated on its product labels and less than the amountof ethyl alcohol (ethanol) described in the 1994 TFM. 2 Such products do not conform withthe TFM or applicable requirements nor are they consistent with the formulations described inthe guidances setting forth FDA’s temporary policies for hand sanitizers during the COVID-19public health emergency. 3 FDA laboratory analyses also demonstrated that batches of CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL contain significant concentrations of the undeclared ingredient methyl alcohol(methanol). Use of methanol as an active ingredient is not in conformance with the 1994 TFM,nor is methanol included in the formulations described in FDA’s Temporary Policy for Prepa-ration of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public Health Emergency(COVID-19) Guidance for Industry. Furthermore, methanol is not acceptable as an inactiveingredient in hand sanitizers. As previously discussed, methanol has significant and sometimesfatal toxic effects and, therefore, does not meet the requirements under 21 CFR 330.1(e) thatits inactive ingredients be safe and suitable. 4 Additionally, these methanol-containing drugproducts, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTHHAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, are misbranded under sections 502(j), (a), (e), (f)(2), (x)and (ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(j), (a), (e), (x) and (ee). SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL is also misbranded under section 502(i) of the FD&amp;C Act,21 U.S.C 352(i). These products are misbranded under section 502(j) of the FD&amp;C Act,21 U.S.C. 352(j), because they are dangerous to health when used according to their labelingas hand sanitizers. As previously stated, skin exposure to methanol could lead to systemicabsorption, and substantial methanol exposure can potentially result in, among other things,blindness, permanent nervous system damage, and even death. These hand sanitizers are mis-branded under section 502(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C 352(a), because their labelingis false or misleading. As noted above, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZERalcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are labeled to containethyl alcohol (ethanol) 70%. However, FDA laboratory analyses of batches of these productsdemonstrate that the products contain a concentration of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is lessthan what is stated on the product labels and contain a significant concentration of methylalcohol (methanol), an ingredient that is not declared on the product labels. Section 201(n) ofthe FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(n), provides that ”in determining whether the labeling oradvertising is misleading there shall be taken into account . . . not only representations madeor suggested . . . but also the extent to which the labeling or advertising fails to reveal factsmaterial in the light of such representations or material with respect to consequences which mayresult. . ..” Thus, the misleading representation of the concentration of the active ingredientethyl alcohol (ethanol), and the failure of the product labels to disclose the presence of methylalcohol (methanol) in the products, causes these products to be misbranded under section 502(a)of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(a). The failure of these products to list methyl alcohol(methanol) as an ingredient on their labels causes them to be misbranded under section 502(e)(1)(A) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(e)(1)(A). Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HANDSANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER GEL are also misbrandedunder section 502(f)(2) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(f)(2) because the product labelsdo not include all of the applicable warnings as required under 21 CFR 330.1(g). Specifically,

2021-09-24 5

the labels do not include the warning statement that reads, ”If swallowed, get medical helpor contact a Poison Control Center right away.” Furthermore, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWAREHAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL aremisbranded under section 502(x) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(x) because the prod-uct labels fail to disclose a complete domestic address or domestic telephone number throughwhich the responsible person may receive a report of a serious adverse event with such drug. Inaddition, SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL is packaged in a container thatresembles a drinking water bottle customarily purchased by U.S. consumers. Section 502(i)(1)of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(i)(1), provides that a drug is misbranded if ”its containeris so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading …”As such, your clear, colorless hand sanitizerthat fills a 33.8 fl oz container resembling a plastic water bottle ordinarily used to packagedrinking water is misbranded under section 502(i)(1) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(i)(1). Lastly, these products are misbranded under section 502(ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21U.S.C. 352(ee) because Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are nonprescription drugs subject to section505G of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355h, but do not comply with the requirements formarketing under that section and are not the subject of an application approved under section505 of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355. The introduction or delivery for introduction of amisbranded drug into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the FD&amp;CAct, 21 U.S.C. 331(a). CGMP Consultant Recommended Based upon the nature of the vio-lations we identified at your firm, we strongly recommend engaging a consultant qualified asset forth in 21 CFR 211.34 to evaluate your operations and to assist your firm in meetingCGMP requirements if your firm intends to resume manufacturing drugs for the U.S. market.We also recommend that the qualified consultant perform a comprehensive audit of your entireoperation for CGMP compliance and that the consultant evaluates the completion and efficacyof your corrective actions and preventive actions before you pursue resolution of your firm’scompliance status with FDA. Your use of a consultant does not relieve your firm’s obligationto comply with CGMP. Your firm’s executive management remains responsible for resolvingall deficiencies and systemic flaws to ensure ongoing CGMP compliance. Conclusion The viola-tions cited in this letter are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of violations associated withyour drug products. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of anyviolations and for preventing their recurrence or the occurrence of other violations. Note thatFDA placed all drugs and drug products manufactured by your firm on Import Alert 66-78 onSeptember 02, 2020, as the methods used in and controls used for the manufacture, processing,packing, or holding of these products do not appear to conform to current good manufacturingpractices within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act. Drugs and drugproducts that appear to be adulterated or misbranded may be detained or refused admissionwithout physical examination. All drugs and drug products manufactured by your firm mayremain listed on this import alert, until there is evidence establishing that the conditions thatgave rise to the appearance of the violation have been resolved, and the Agency has confidencethat future entries will be in compliance with the FD&amp;C Act. This may include an in-spection prior to the agency considering the appearance of adulteration to be addressed. If youdecide you want to manufacture drugs for the United States in the future, request a RegulatoryMeeting to discuss corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our findings and provides youan opportunity to address the above deficiencies. After you receive this letter, respond to thisoffice in writing within 15 working days. Specify what you have done to address any viola-tions and to prevent their recurrence. In response to this letter, you may provide additionalinformation for our consideration as we continue to assess your activities and practices. If youcannot do so within 15 working days, state your reasons for delay and your schedule for com-

2021-09-24 6

pletion. Send your electronic reply to [email protected] Identifyyour response with FEI 3016833130 and ATTN: Towanda Terrell. Sincerely, /S/ Francis God-win Director Office of Manufacturing Quality Office of Compliance Center for Drug Evaluationand Research CC: Registered US Agent: Registrar Corp David Lennarz 144 Research DriveHampton, VA 23666 Firm’s External Attorney: Teresa Arellano [email protected]________________________________1 Due to an increased demand for alcohol-based hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemic, FDA published the Guidance for Indus-try: Temporary Policy for Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products Dur-ing the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19) on March 19, 2020, and subsequently updatedthe guidance several times, most recently on February 10, 2021. This guidance communicatesthe Agency’s temporary policy that we do not intend to take action against firms for CGMPviolations under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act if such firms prepare alcohol-basedhand sanitizers for consumer use (or for use as health care personnel hand rubs) during thepublic health emergency, provided certain circumstances described in the guidance are present.These circumstances include preparation of hand sanitizer products using only the ingredientsand formulas set forth in the guidance. In addition to the violative sample results detailed abovethat demonstrate the substitution of hand sanitizer products declared or labeled as manufac-tured at your facility, a review of the purported formulations on the drug products’ labelingfurther indicates that these products are not prepared consistent with FDA’s temporary policyset forth in the guidance. Therefore, these products do not fall within the Agency’s temporarypolicy not to take action against firms manufacturing hand sanitizer products for violationsof section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act. 2 The 1994 TFM, which does not distinguishbetween antiseptic hand washes and rubs, proposed for antiseptic handwashes and healthcarepersonnel handwashes an alcohol concentration of 60 to 95% by volume in an aqueous solu-tion: 59 FR at 31442. Later amendments to the 1994 TFM distinguished between antiseptichand washes and rubs, and between consumer and healthcare personnel antiseptics, but didnot change the alcohol concentration originally proposed in 1994. 3 See, e.g., Temporary Policyfor Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public HealthEmergency (COVID-19) . Because Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alco-hol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are not consistent with theformulations described in these guidances, they do not fall within any temporary Agency pol-icy not to take action against firms manufacturing hand sanitizer products for violations ofsection 505 of the FD&amp;C Act. 4 An inactive ingredient used in over-the-counter (OTC)monograph drugs must meet the requirements of 21 CFR 330.1(e), which requires, among otherthings, that inactive ingredients must be safe in the amount administered. Content currentas of: 06/08/2021 Regulated Product(s) Drugs More Warning Letters Warning Letters AboutWarning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Places for report 1091500

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Americas Mexico Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl 19.40061 -99.01483

2021-09-24 7

Table 2: Drugs for report 1091500

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntiseptics throat preparations R02AA

ethanol Other antisepticsand disinfectants

antiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: [...] SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, labeled as manufactured atyour facility, is labeled to contain 70% of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol). However,FDA laboratory testing of a batch of SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GELproduct detained at the border found that the product contained an average of 31% ethanoland an average of 2.3% methanol volume/volume (v/v). [...]

2021-09-24 8

2 Sck Zeta Dis Ticaret, Pazarlama Ltd. - 610432 - 07/15/2021- 2021-07-27

Publication date 2021-07-27

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 15.68

Report id 1154811

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Finished Pharmaceuticals/Unapproved New Drug/Misbranded/Adulterated

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 3: Places for report 1154811

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Western Asia Turkey İstanbul 41.01384 28.94966

Table 4: Drugs for report 1154811

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: [...] NEUTREVO Instant Hand Sanitizer, declared as being manufactured at yourfacility, is labeled to contain 70% volume/volume (v/v) of the active ingredient alcohol (ethanol).However, FDA laboratory testing of a batch of this product detained at the border found thatthe drug product contained on average 63% v/v ethanol and an average of 6% methanol v/v.Therefore, this hand sanitizer drug product is adulterated under section 501(d)(2) of the FD&CAct in that the active ingredient, ethanol, was substituted wholly or in part with methanol, a

2021-09-24 9

dangerous chemical when in contact with human skin or ingested. [...]

2021-09-24 10

3 Health Canada recalls nearly 20 more hand sanitzers

Publication date 2021-06-23

Create date 2021-06-25

Score 13.91

Report id 1111814

Category Antiseptic

Quality Falsified

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Health Canada recalls nearly 20 more hand sanitzers insauga.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 5: Places for report 1111814

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Canada Brampton 43.68341 -79.76633Americas Canada Mississauga 43.5789 -79.6583

Table 6: Drugs for report 1111814

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: Hand saniters have become a necessity for residents of Mississauga and Brampton duringthe COVID-19 pandemic, but Health Canada has recalled another 18 disinfectants due to healthrisks. The federal agency on Wednesday listed a number of reasons for taking the products off ofthe market. Those include containing (or possibly containing) ingredients that are not permittedby Health Canada; defective or faulty packaging; undeclared impurities; improper labelling; alack of sufficient product testing; being unauthorized for sale in Canada; and, being counterfeit.[...]

2021-09-24 11

4 Delta Kozmetik Sanayi Ve Ticaret-Selim Yesil - 614402 -07/08/2021 - 2021-07-20

Publication date 2021-07-20

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 13.70

Report id 1146050

Category Antiseptic

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Land point of entry

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: CGMP/Finished Pharmaceuticals/Adulterated

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 7: Places for report 1146050

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeWestern Asia Turkey İstanbul 41.01384 28.94966

Table 8: Drugs for report 1146050

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntiseptics throat preparations R02AA

ethanol Other antisepticsand disinfectants

antiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: Your firm is registered as a human drug manufacturer. The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-ministration (FDA) conducted testing of a consumer antiseptic hand rub drug product (alsoreferred to as a consumer hand sanitizer), labeled as (b)(4). This drug product was listed to bemanufactured at your facility, Delta Kozmetik Sanayi Ve Ticaret-Selim Yesil, FEI 3010166780,at N.12 Istanbul Endustri Ve Ticaret Serbest, Bolgesi Aydinli Sb Mahallesi, 6. Sokak, Tuzla,Istanbul. Following an attempt to import (b)(4) into the United States, it was detained and

2021-09-24 12

refused admission at the border.The results of the FDA laboratory testing of a batch of this product detained at the borderdemonstrate that this drug product listed to be manufactured at your facility is adulteratedwithin the meaning of section 501(c) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act orAct), 21 U.S.C. 351(c), in that its strength, purity, or quality falls below that which it purports oris represented to possess. In addition, this product is adulterated within the meaning of section501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)), in that the subpotency demonstratesthat the quality assurance within your facility is not functioning in accordance with CurrentGood Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) requirements.Adulteration Violations(b)(4), listed to be manufactured at your facility, is labeled to contain (b)(4)% volume/volume(v/v) of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol). However, FDA laboratory testing of abatch of this product detained at the border found that the drug product contained an averageof only 59% v/v ethanol. This hand sanitizer drug product is adulterated under section 501(c)of the FD&C Act in that the active ingredient of ethanol is present at levels in the productlower than that which is declared on its labeling.

2021-09-24 13

5 FDA Finds More Faulty Hand Sanitizers - HAPPI

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 13.42

Report id 1095799

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: FDA Finds More Faulty Hand Sanitizers - HAPPI happi.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 9: Places for report 1095799

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States California 37.25022 -119.75126

Notes: [...] On June 2, the CEO of PurePurge Inc., Rancho Dominguez, CA, was sent a letterrelated to its Medpure Hand Sanitizer product line after the agency reviewed its website onFeb. 11, 2021. Based on FDA’s review, Medpure Hand Sanitizer are unapproved new drugsintroduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce in violation of section 505(a)of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). [...]

2021-09-24 14

6 Hand Sanitizer Recalled Due to Microbial ContaminationConcerns

Publication date 2021-06-09

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 12.84

Report id 1093504

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Hand Sanitizer Recalled Due to Microbial Contamination Concerns WebWire

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Table 10: Places for report 1093504

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Florida 28.75054 -82.5001

Notes: A company based in Florida recently announced the voluntary recall of 26 lots of antimi-crobial hand sanitizers manufactured from February through June of last year. The productwas packaged in multiple sizes and distributed to select retailers nationwide. The recall is dueto microbial contamination concerns caused by Burkholderia cepacia complex and Ralstoniapickettii. [...]

2021-09-24 15

7 Fake hand sanitisers come under scanner again

Publication date 2021-07-08

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 12.34

Report id 1130689

Category Antiseptic, Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake hand sanitisers come under scanner again The New Indian Express

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Table 11: Places for report 1130689

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Thiruvananthapuram 8.4855 76.94924Southern Asia India Palakkad 10.77319 76.65366Southern Asia India Ernakulam 10 76.5Southern Asia India Thrissur 10.51667 76.21667Southern Asia India Malappuram 11.04199 76.08154Southern Asia India Alappuzha 9.49004 76.3264

Table 12: Drugs for report 1130689

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: (Cannot access)

2021-09-24 16

8 37 caught for black marketing in essentials

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 11.90

Report id 1086685

Category Antiseptic, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring, Antiviral others,Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 37 caught for black marketing in essentials The Kathmandu Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 13: Places for report 1086685

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Nepal Federal Democratic Re-

public of Nepal28 84

Table 14: Drugs for report 1086685

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


J07oxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


Notes: [...] In the last six weeks, a total of 37 persons were arrested from across the countryfor their alleged involvement in black marketing of oxygen, remedevisir, and oximeters, andproducing fake hand sanitisers, according to the Nepal Police. [...]

2021-09-24 17

9 Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89 sanitisers

Publication date 2021-06-13

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 8.06

Report id 1097480

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Karnataka’s drugs control department identifies 595 low-grade items, including 89sanitisers Times of India

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Table 15: Places for report 1097480

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India India 22 79Southern Asia India State of Karnataka 14.66667 75.83333

Notes: Since last year, Karnataka’s drugs control department (DCD) has redflagged at least595 substandard products, including 89 hand sanitisers, information accessed from the govern-ment shows. Officials confirmed the poor-quality sanitisers included those sold to governmentagencies, including hospitals and other establishments. [...]

2021-09-24 18

10 Mum FDA lab finds 6 Rem samples in Maha spurious

Publication date 2021-07-28

Create date 2021-08-05

Score 8.06

Report id 1156719

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mum FDA lab finds 6 Rem samples in Maha spurious Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 16: Places for report 1156719

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Nagpur 21.14631 79.08491Southern Asia India Delhi 28.65195 77.23149

Table 17: Other Stories

ID Title Link1159097 Samples of four Remdesivir brands fail in analytical


Notes: Even as the country prepares to face the projected third wave of Covid-19 pandemic,a government laboratory in Mumbai finding half a dozen samples of Remdesivir, used to treatcritically ill Covid patients, spurious or substandard has sent the authorities in a tizzy. Notonly the much sought after Remdesivir, but several samples of hand sanitizers, anti-bacterialhand rubs and other medicines used to treat Covid-19 patients have also been found spuriousand substandard during sample testing this month. [...]

2021-09-24 19

11 Covid: Arrest over manufacturing sanitiser without validpapers

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-21

Score 7.37

Report id 1100774

Category Antiseptic

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Covid: Arrest over manufacturing sanitiser without valid papers Telegraph India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 18: Places for report 1100774

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India North 24 Parganas 22.71 88.7108

Notes: The manager of a Rajarhat unit that manufactures chemicals was arrested and 500 litresof liquid seized in a raid on Monday.The Bidhannagar commissionerate raided the unit based on information that the factory wasproducing ”hand sanitiser” without valid papers. [...]

2021-09-24 20

12 Fake sanitisers flood city

Publication date 2021-07-27

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 7.35

Report id 1155514

Category Antiseptic

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake sanitisers flood city Pune Mirror

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 19: Places for report 1155514

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Pune 18.51957 73.85535

Notes: [...] Acting on a tip-off and complaint, Dinesh Khivansara, assistant commissioner ofFDA (drug) and his team had conducted the raid at the premises of Atma Agencies in ChandanNagar. Agency owner Prakash Atmaram Gurnani was found to be involved in manufacturingand marketing of various sanitisers — but upon detailed investigation it was found they aremanufacturing sanitisers in the name of other companies by affixing labels he printed and sellingspurious products under other brand names. Allegedly, Gurnani has been selling such productsfor the last five months in areas like Chandan Nagar, Vadgaonsheri, Kharadi, Hadapsar, VimanNagar, Wagholi, Yerwada and more. [...]

2021-09-24 21

13 CDSCO flags 22 drugs as not of standard quality - 2021-06-06

Publication date 2021-06-06

Create date 2021-06-04

Score 4.92

Report id 1083074

Category Antiseptic, Antidiabetic, Antiepileptic, Analgesic, Other, Antipyretic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: New Delhi: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, CentralDrugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 22 samples including drugs anda medical device as Not of Standard Quality for failing to qualify for a random sample testfor the month of April-2021.These drugs samples which are declared Not of Standard Qualityinclude Aksum’s PANTOWEL-40, Synokem’s L-CETAM 500, Unimark Healthcare’s MISO-PROSTOL Tablets I.P. 200 mcg, Bharat Parenteral’s OLANZAPINE Tablets I.P. 5 mg. Inaddition, other popular drug samples that are declared Not of Standard Quality include Parac-etamol Tablets IP 650 manufactured by Sotac Pharmaceuticals, GLUCORID (Metformin Hy-drochloride Sustained-Release Tablets I.P. 500 mg) manufactured by Ridley Life Science, ZINCSULPHATE DISPERSIBLE TABLETS IP 20 mg manufactured by Hindustan Laboratories andothers.Apart from drugs, a medical device manufactured by Ramaraju Surgical Cotton Mills,an instant sterile mopping pad (Absorbent Gauze-BP Type 13 with X-Ray Detectable Thread)has been declared non-standard quality.Also Read: Drug Alert: CDSCO Flags 19 formulationsAs Not Of Standard QualityThis came after analysis and tests were conducted by the CDSCO,Drugs Control Departments on 931 samples. Out of this, 908 samples were found of standardquality while 22 (legal) +1 (survey) of them were declared as Not of Standard Quality (NSQ).Afew of the reasons why the drug samples tested failed were the failure of the assay, failure of thedissolution test, failure of the Vitamin D3 assay, failure of Serratiopeptidase assay.The sam-ples collected were tested in four laboratories, namely CDL Kolkata, CDTL Mumbai, RDTLChandigarh and RDTL Guwahati.List of Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics declared asNot of Standard Quality/Spurious/Adulterated/Misbranded, for the Month of April -2021 To-tal number of samples tested 931 Total number of samples declared as of Standard Quality908 Total number of samples declared as Not of Standard Quality 22(Legal)+01(Survey) Totalnumber of samples declared as Spurious 0 Total number of samples declared as Misbranded0 S.No. Name of Drugs/medical device/cosmetic s Batch No./Date of Manufacture/Date ofExpiry/Manufactured By Reason for failure Drawn By From 1. INSTANT STERILE MOP-PING PAD (Absorbent Gauze- BP Type 13 with X-Ray Detectable Thread) B. No.:1017/20Mfg dt: 03/2020 Exp dt: 02/2023 Mfd by: M/s.The Ramaraju Surgical Cotton Mills Ltd.,2/318 - 2/321, Sankarankovil Road, Perumalpatti - 627 753 Tamil Nadu. Threads per statedlength CDSCO, South Zone, Chennai CDL, Kolkata 2. RUTIN (RutosideTrihydra te 95%)

2021-09-24 22

(as per F.M) B. No.:20181126 (as per F.M) Mfg dt: 11/2018 (as per F.M) Exp dt: 11/2021(as per F.M) Mfd by: M/s.Ningbo Hi- Tech Biochemicals Co., Ltd, China (as per F.M). Wa-ter, Related Substances and Assay CDSCO, Sub Zone Baddi CDL, Kolkata 3. REALHIM-10(Tadalafil Tablets I.P. 10 mg) B. No.:LC9L225 Mfg dt: 12/2019 Exp dt: 11/2021 Mfd by: M/s.LifecareNeuro Products Limited, 70/1, Dharampur, Nr. EPIP Phase-II, Baddi-173 205, Hi-machal Pradesh. Dissolution CDSCO, East Zone, Kolkata CDL, Kolkata 4. SPINOBAK-10(Baclofen Tablets I.P. 10 mg) B. No.:K3ALT001 Mfg dt: 06/2020 Exp dt: 05/2022 Mfd by:M/s. Sirmour Remedies (P) Ltd., Village - Layarda, P.O. Assay CDSCO, East Zone, KolkataCDL, Kolkata Missarwala, Paonta Sahib, Distt . Sirmour (HP) -173 205. 5. PANTOWEL- 40 (Pantoprazole Sodium Tablets B. No.:OBYA01 Mfg dt: 02/2020 Exp dt: 07/2022 Mfdby: M/s. Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., 19, 20, 21 Sector-6A, I.I.E, SIDCUL, Ra-nipur, Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand. Dissolution CDSCO East Zone Kolkata CDL, KolkataI.P. 40 mg) 6. L-CETAM 500 (Levetiracetam Tablets I.P. 500 mg) B. No.:20S1GTA508 Mfg dt:11/2020 Exp dt: 10/2022 Mfd by: M/s.Synokem Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Plot No: 35-36, Sector-6A, I.I.E. (SIDCUL). Ranipur (BHEL), Haridwar -249403 Uttarakhand. Dissolution CDSCOEast Zone Kolkata CDL, Kolkata 7. MISOPROSTOL Tablets I.P. 200 mcg B....

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 20: Drugs for report 1083074

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeolanzapine Diazepines,

oxazepines, thi-azepines andoxepines

antipsychotics N05AH03

metformin Biguanides blood glucose loweringdrugs, excl. insulins


Zinc other mineral supple-ments


Antiseptics throat preparations R02AAlevetiracetam Other antiepilep-

ticsantiepileptics N03AX14

pantoprazole Proton pump in-hibitors

drugs for peptic ulcerand gastro-oesophagealreflux disease (gord)


misoprostol Prostaglandins drugs for peptic ulcerand gastro-oesophagealreflux disease (gord)


misoprostol Prostaglandins uterotonics G02AD06paracetamol Anilides other analgesics and an-


Table 21: Other Stories

ID Title Link1084554 CDSCO flags 22 drugs as not of standard quality Link

2021-09-24 23

Table 21: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1124284 22 drug samples including Sun Pharma Rosuvas fail

to qualify CDSCO test - 2021-07-04Link

Notes: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, Central Drugs StandardControl Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 22 samples including drugs and a medical deviceas Not of Standard Quality for failing to qualify for a random sample test for the month ofApril-2021. [...]

2021-09-24 24

Annexe D

D.5. Médicaments COVID-19

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 16, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch ((”tranilast” OR ”interleukin-2” OR ”INC424” OR ”TNKase” OR

”nitazoxanide” OR ”LY3832479” OR ”baloxavir” OR ”interleukin-7” OR ”Kineret” OR”ritonavir” OR ”Crizanlizumab” OR ”Apixaban” OR ”cyclosporin” OR ”losartan” OR”ATI-450” OR ”nitrogen monoxide” OR ”tirofiban” OR ”Ebselen” OR ”corbistadine” OR”atorvastatin” OR ”Eicosapentaenoic” OR ”nitrite” OR ”Riamilovir” OR ”black cumin”OR ”NK-1R” OR ”Pemziviptadil” OR ”colchicine” OR ”Lithium” OR ”Vancomycin”OR ”Broncho-Vaxom” OR ”ramipril” OR ”Teicoplanin” OR ”tofacitinib” OR ”budes-onide” OR ”Paracetamol” OR ”dipyridamole” OR ”levamisole” OR ”atovaquone” OR”Senicapoc” OR ”covid drug” OR ”enoxaparin” OR ”Brequinar” OR ”povidone-iodine”OR ”levilimab” OR ”degarelix” OR ”LY3819253” OR ”Sofusbovir” OR ”masitinib” OR”Omega-3” OR ”INM005” OR ”RBT-9” OR ”deferoxamine” OR ”canakinumab” OR”Ramelteon” OR ”chlorpromazine” OR ”selinexor” OR ”Piclidenoson” OR ”DAS181”OR ”M5049” OR ”Ibudilast” OR ”CM4620-IE” OR ”GNS561” OR ”zanubrutinib” OR”Cenicriviroc” OR ”sofosbovir” OR ”Trimethoprim” OR ”vadadustat” OR ”AVM0703”OR ”Rabeprazole” OR ”Moxifloxacin” OR ”cobicistat” OR ”BAT2020” OR ”ABX464”OR ”XAV-19” OR ”thalidomide” OR ”bamlanivimab” OR ”GX-19” OR ”corticosteroid”


OR ”Tradipitant” OR ”cotrimoxazole” OR ”HuMax-Inflam” OR ”Apilimod” OR ”DUR-928” OR ”escin” OR ”PF-06650833” OR ”octagam” OR ”Antroquinonol” OR ”pacri-tinib” OR ”Imatinib” OR ”ribavirin” OR ”ambrisentan” OR ”baricitinib” OR ”ima-tinib” OR ”CD24Fc” OR ”Sulodexide” OR ”AlloStim” OR ”DFV890” OR ”Emapalumab”OR ”sitagliptin” OR ”Metformin” OR ”prednisone” OR ”ulinastatin” OR ”naltrexone”OR ”abidor” OR ”niclosamide” OR ”BIO101” OR ”GS-441524” OR ”argatroban” OR”Leukine” OR ”xiyanping” OR ”peginterferon” OR ”pembrolizumab” OR ”HuMax” OR”Lambda” OR ”dornase” OR ”Itraconazole” OR ”telemedicine” OR ”Adenosine” OR”Curosurf” OR ”clarithromycin” OR ”bromhexine” OR ”Xpovio” OR ”ebastine” OR”amoxicillin/clavulanate” OR ”PD-1 mAb” OR ”EPA” OR ”oseltamivir” OR ”Betametha-sone” OR ”favipiravir” OR ”mefloquine” OR ”bismuth” OR ”CM4620” OR ”ifenprodil”OR ”Levofloxacin” OR ”REGN10987” OR ”Candesartan” OR ”secukinumab” OR ”Tri-hexyphenidyl” OR ”Daclatasvir” OR ”pinavir” OR ”tocilizumab” OR ”co-amoxiclav” OR”EG-HPCP-03a” OR ”hydroxychloroquine” OR ”Polyoxidonium” OR ”STI-5656” OR”Artesunate” OR ”triazavirine” OR ”Disulfiram” OR ”cholecalciferol” OR ”INO-4800”OR ”PG1” OR ”zinc” OR ”oxytocin” OR ”gimsilumab” OR ”suramin” OR ”rhG-CSF” OR”desferoxamine” OR ”TD-0903” OR ”OM-85” OR ”Bucillamine” OR ”pirfenidone” OR”Acetaminophen” OR ”adamumab” OR ”sulfamethoxazole” OR ”BI 764198” OR ”RPH-104” OR ”COVID-19 drug” OR ”alpha lipoic” OR ”almitrine” OR ”melphalan” OR ”da-pagliflozin” OR ”NBT-NM108” OR ”TMJ2” OR ”Icosapent” OR ”Ceftriaxone” OR ”iso-prinosine” OR ”IMU-838” OR ”tridecactide” OR ”chloroquine” OR ”CSL324” OR ”LianHua Qing Weng” OR ”Kevzara” OR ”valsartan” OR ”meplazumab” OR ”Namilumab” OR”Prednisolone” OR ”sargramostim” OR ”estradiol” OR ”cyclosporine” OR ”Aprepitant”OR ”silymarin” OR ”linagliptin” OR ”Noscapine” OR ”Gemtuzumab” OR ”methylpred-nisolone” OR ”fluvoxamine” OR ”Coroquard” OR ”mavrilimumab” OR ”anakinra” OR”ozanimod” OR ”mepolizumab” OR ”acetylsalicylic” OR ”darunavir” OR ”novaferon”OR ”YinHu QingWen” OR ”OM85” OR ”camrelizumab” OR ”Cosentyx” OR ”estro-gen” OR ”dexmedetomidine” OR ”LL-37” OR ”Dantonic” OR ”rivaroxaban” OR ”adal-imumab” OR ”apremilast” OR ”polyinosinic-polycytidylic” OR ”farpiravir” OR ”mon-telukast” OR ”Ibuprofen” OR ”IFX-1” OR ”Iodine” OR ”Molnupiravir” OR ”Piogli-tazone” OR ”verapamil” OR ”Rapamycin” OR ”Brexanolone” OR ”Eltrombopag” OR”ravulizumab” OR ”hydrocortisone” OR ”auxora” OR ”tinzaparin” OR ”Vascepa” OR”omalizumab” OR ”Tybost” OR ”Actemra” OR ”dociparastat” OR ”NA-831” OR ”ascor-bic acid” OR ”MAS825” OR ”C21” OR ”RoActemra” OR ”eculizumab” OR ”Bivalirudin”OR ”povidon-iodine” OR ”ivermectin” OR ”Pamrevlumab” OR ”danoprevir” OR ”Neu-rokinin” OR ”sirolimus” OR ”Fostamatinib” OR ”resveratrol” OR ”Icatibant” OR ”brome-lain” OR ”dexamethasone” OR ”TJ003234” OR ”iloprost” OR ”tacrolimus” OR ”aste-golimab” OR ”interferon” OR ”plitidepsin” OR ”metenkefalin” OR ”azoximer” OR ”lopinavir”OR ”Tazobactam” OR ”carrimycin” OR ”CM-4620” OR ”CYT107” OR ”Heparin” OR”Pyronaridine-Artesunate” OR ”Itolizumab” OR ”zilucoplan” OR ”oxpentifylline” OR”AT-001” OR ”Abivertinib” OR ”doxycycline” OR ”Nigella Sativa” OR ”AZD1222” OR”leronlimab” OR ”Enalapril” OR ”nangibotide” OR ”Piperacillin” OR ”bevacizumab” OR”lactoferrin” OR ”UTTR1147A” OR ”Caesalpinia spinosa” OR ”mometasone” OR ”hy-droxychloroquin” OR ”Febuxostat” OR ”lanadelumab” OR ”Thymalfasin” OR ”huaier ex-tract” OR ”Levoflozacin” OR ”Pentoxifylline” OR ”tozumab” OR ”NP-120” OR ”Alvele-stat” OR ”captopril” OR ”merimepodib” OR ”Iota-Carrageenan” OR ”Lianhua Qingwen”OR ”GLS-1200” OR ”aescinate” OR ”tranexamic” OR ”Ledipasvir” OR ”ISIS 721744”OR ”procalcitonin” OR ”SNDX-6352” OR ”sirukumab” OR ”Enzalutamide” OR ”car-riomycin” OR ”amphotericin” OR ”bemiparin” OR ”T89” OR ”Spironolactone” OR ”fin-

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golimod” OR ”aspirin” OR ”Remdesivir” OR ”TJM2” OR ”pyridostigmine” OR ”Pro-lastin” OR ”EC-18” OR ”poractant” OR ”isotretinoin” OR ”telmisartan” OR ”lenzilumab”OR ”avdoralimab” OR ”duvelisib” OR ”BIO 300” OR ”bicalutamide” OR ”Ilaris” OR”atlizumab” OR ”desferrioxamine” OR ”LB1148” OR ”vitamin D3” OR ”Clopidogrel”OR ”CD24” OR ”tetrandrine” OR ”Lansoprazole” OR ”Ruconest” OR ”amoxicillin” OR”Trifluoperazine” OR ”Ganovo” OR ”nitric Oxide” OR ”chlorine dioxide” OR ”olok-izumab” OR ”lucinactant” OR ”galidesivir” OR ”TXA127” OR ”Maraviroc” OR ”con-estat” OR ”CA S001” OR ”vazegepant” OR ”REGN10933” OR ”Propranolol” OR ”Vi-agra” OR ”Fisetin” OR ”Previfenon” OR ”omega 3” OR ”thymosin” OR ”Prasugrel”OR ”retinoic acid” OR ”Ceftaroline” OR ”sevoflurane” OR ”amoxicillin/clavulanic acid”OR ”oestrogen” OR ”leflunomide” OR ”virazole” OR ”PLN-74809” OR ”ATYR1923”OR ”Olumiant” OR ”dalargin” OR ”Alinia” OR ”methotrexate” OR ”dapansutrile” OR”artemisinin” OR ”ibrutinib” OR ”aescin” OR ”CERC-002” OR ”fludase” OR ”isoflu-rane” OR ”XPro1595” OR ”LY-CoV555” OR ”CAS0001” OR ”immunoglobulin” OR”nafamostat” OR ”Crocetinate” OR ”Diphenhydramine” OR ”BIO 101” OR ”AZD1656”OR ”PTC299” OR ”amodiaquine” OR ”casirivimab” OR ”BGB-DXP593” OR ”opa-ganib” OR ”melatonin” OR ”huaier granule” OR ”HuMax-IL8” OR ”famotidine” OR”GLS-1027” OR ”Trimodulin” OR ”tenofovir” OR ”Primaquine” OR ”AMY-101” OR”covid medicine” OR ”umifenovir” OR ”EDP1815” OR ”Vitamin B12” OR ”Gamunex-C” OR ”Bardoxolone” OR ”AstroStem-V” OR ”LAU-7b” OR ”Vitamin E” OR ”Vita-min B” OR ”RTB101” OR ”COVID-19 medicine” OR ”curcumin” OR ”fondaparinux”OR ”Edoxaban” OR ”L-Citrulline” OR ”ciclesonide” OR ”azithromycin” OR ”remde-sivir” OR ”Diltiazem” OR ”Methylene blue” OR ”clazakizumab” OR ”BCX4430” OR”Pyronaridine” OR ”Quercetin” OR ”Toremifene” OR ”COVI-AMG” OR ”etoposide”OR ”DWJ1248” OR ”defibrotide” OR ”AT-527” OR ”prazosin” OR ”triazavirin” OR”BIO300” OR ”Ensifentrine” OR ”coronavirus medicine” OR ”Anti-IL-8” OR ”dihy-droartemisinin” OR ”vitamin c” OR ”25-hydroxyvitamin D3” OR ”coronavirus drug” OR”formoterol” OR ”indomethacin” OR ”Rayaldee” OR ”ciclosporin” OR ”naproxen” OR”fluoxetine” OR ”Infliximab” OR ”Tenecteplase” OR ”ruxolitinib” OR ”Molgramostim”OR ”vitamin D” OR ”simvastatin” OR ”alteplase” OR ”sildenafil” OR ”isoquercetin” OR”GC4419” OR ”ketamine” OR ”Razuprotafib” OR ”camostat” OR ”Arbidol” OR ”Mont-morrillonite” OR ”acalabrutinib” OR ”nivolumab” OR ”aviptadil” OR ”PUL-042” OR”diammonium” OR ”Clevudine” OR ”nitrogen oxide” OR ”BMS-986253” OR ”siltuximab”OR ”interleukin 2” OR ”jakotinib” OR ”nintedanib” OR ”Axatilimab” OR ”garadacimab”OR ”Treamid” OR ”ASC09” OR ”emtricitabine” OR ”LY-CoV016” OR ”Pulmozyme”OR ”Prostaglandin” OR ”ciclosporine” OR ”hydrogen peroxide” OR ”sarilumab” OR”Losmapimod” OR ”azvudine” OR ”BLD-2660” OR ”EIDD-2801” OR ”MSTT1041A”OR ”Desidustat” OR ”abidole” OR ”omeprazole” OR ”progesterone” OR ”Decitabine”OR ”tocopherol” OR ”berberine” OR ”APL-9” OR ”colomycin” OR ”XC221” OR ”amio-darone” OR ”lenalidomide” OR ”imdevimab” OR ”ixekizumab” OR ”VentaProst” OR”acetylcysteine” OR ”LY3127804” OR ”Atazanavir” OR ”TL-895” OR ”dalteparin” OR”Thimerosal” OR ”Xue-Bi-Jing” OR ”GC376” OR ”Angiotensin” OR ”gs-441542” OR”Risankizumab” OR ”co-trimoxazole”) OR ((”Medicine” OR ”Plasma” OR ”Treatment”OR ”Medication” OR ”Monoclonal antibodies” OR ”Antibody therapy” OR ”Antibodycocktail”) AND (”COVID-19” OR ”COVID” OR ”SARS-CoV-2” OR ”Coronavirus” OR”CV19” OR ”CV-19” OR ”SARS” OR ”CoV-2”)))

Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31

2021-09-16 3

Language en

Report type incident

Curation status validated

Number of Reports 60

2021-09-16 4

1 Rising problem: Viagra and other ED drugs disguised asvitamin C, bromelain supplements to enter South Korea

Publication date 2021-07-27

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 50.97

Report id 1155471

Category Vaccine, Nutritional supplement

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Rising problem: Viagra and other ED drugs disguised as vitamin C, bromelain sup-plements to enter South Korea FoodNavigator-Asia.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Drugs for report 1155471

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeascorbic acid Organic acids antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


ascorbic acid Other ophthalmo-logicals

other ophthalmologicals S01XA15

Notes: [...] Out of the 2,133 products inspected, 31.9 per cent of them (681 products which wereequivalent to 1,860 bottles/units) were found to contain pharmaceutical ingredients or othersubstances illegal for use in dietary supplements. [...] In one particular case, the product Kam-agra oral jelly was reported as vitamin C when test results showed that it contained sildenafil,a drug for ED treatment, and dapoxetin, a medicine for premature ejaculation. [...]

2021-09-16 5

2 Innova Medical Group, Inc. - Unapproved and MisbrandedProducts Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)- California - 2021-06-10

Publication date 2021-06-10

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 46.21

Report id 1094616

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Innova Medical Group, Inc. MARCS-CMS 614819 — June 10,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Delivery Method: VIA Electronic Mail Product: Med-ical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name Daniel J. Elliot Recipient Title Chief Executive OfficerInnova Medical Group, Inc. 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 288 Pasadena , CA 91101 UnitedStates [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiologi-cal Health United States WARNING LETTER CMS # 614819 June 10, 2021 Dear Mr. Elliot:The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an inspection of your firm’smedical device operations, Innova Medical Group, Inc., located at 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite288, Pasadena, CA from March 15 through April 9, 2021. In addition, your other manufacturingfacilities at 495 N. Berry Street, Brea, CA, and MPS Medical, Inc. at 785 Challenger Street,Brea, CA, were also inspected from March 15 through April 8, 2021. During these inspections,the FDA investigators determined that your firm is a medical device manufacturer and ini-tial distributor/importer of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test (also distributedunder the names INNOVA COVID-19 Self-Test Kit (3T Configuration), INNOVA SARS-CoV-2-Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test (7T Configuration), and INNOVA SARS-CoV-2-Antigen RapidQualitative Test (25T Configuration)). Based on our review, your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen RapidQualitative Test is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cureof COVID-19 1 in people, and thus, it is a device under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug,and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). Our inspection revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test has been distributed in the United States without marketingapproval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the product is adulterated undersection 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have anapproved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational device exemptionunder section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g), for the device as described and marketed.The product is also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), becauseyour firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the device into commercial dis-tribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or

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delivery for introduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibited under section301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held forsale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. There iscurrently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that has beennamed ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The disease causedby the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January 31, 2020,the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a public healthemergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 2 In addition,on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a national emergency in responseto COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from certainproducts that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, pre-vent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described herein, you have distributed aproduct that is intended for use in mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale and distribution ofsuch unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. Our inspections also revealed that the 25T Configuration and 7T Configuration ofthe SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test are misbranded within the meaning of section502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), in that the devices’ respective labeling was false or mis-leading. More specifically, the labeling distributed for your 25T Configuration devices includeda ”Clinical Performance” section, which claimed a Relative Sensitivity of 96% (88.75-99.17%CI); a Relative Specificity of 100% (98.34-100% CI); and an Accuracy of 98.98% (97.06-99.79%CI). This level of clinical performance for the 25T Configuration devices appears unsupportedby any clinical data including both clinical performance data submitted to FDA in your Emer-gency Use Authorization (EUA) request for the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Testand in published reports of clinical studies of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test.5 Similarly, the labeling distributed for your 7T Configuration devices included a ”Performanceof Prospective Clinical Study” section based on a prospective clinical study conducted by ”third-party investigators in UK in September and October 2020” which claimed a Positive PercentAgreement of 81.4% (74.3-88.4% CI). This PPA for the 7T Configuration devices does not ap-pear to align with the PPA observed in the phase 3b prospective clinical study conducted inthe United Kingdom. 6 Accordingly, the clinical performance estimates reported in the label-ing of the 25T Configuration and 7T Configurations devices are false or misleading as they donot accurately reflect the performance estimates observed during the clinical studies of yourdevices. Separate and apart from the foregoing issues, FDA further notes that the clinicalstudy data you submitted in your EUA request for the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest was identical to data previously provided by other manufacturers in their separate EUArequests. The data reliability and accuracy issues noted herein raise significant concerns thatthe performance of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test has not been adequatelyestablished, and that the products distributed by Innova without FDA approval, clearance, orauthorization could present a serious risk to the public health. The inspections also revealedthat the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test is adulterated with the meaning of sec-

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tion 501(h) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(h), in that the methods used in, or the facilities orcontrols used for, is manufacture, packing, storage, or installation are not in conformity withthe current good manufacturing practice requirements of the Quality System regulation foundat Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 820. We received your response datedApril 30, 2021, from Eric Grubel, Chief Operating Officer, and the following update dated May28, 2021, from Janet L. Michener Whipple, Interim Vice President of Quality, which respondedto the Form FDA 483, List of Inspectional Observations issued to your firm on April 9, 2021.We address your responses below. These violations include, but are not limited to, the following:1. Failure to establish procedures for control and distribution of finished devices, as requiredby 21 CFR § 820.160(a). Specifically, your firm has not established and maintained proceduresfor the control and distribution of your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test system toensure only devices approved for release are distributed, and that purchase orders are reviewedto ensure that ambiguities and errors are resolved before devices are released for distribution.For example: Our investigators observed your firm has executed contractual agreements withat least (b)(4) distributors for the commercial promotion and sale of the SARS-CoV-2 Anti-gen Rapid Qualitative Tests in the United States and has distributed more than (b)(4) testkits to US customers. According to your firm, these Tests have been shipped to several cus-tomers to Indiana, New York, Vermont, and Oregon during January and February of 2021.No records were maintained to demonstrate that these devices were approved for release. Wereviewed your firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at thistime. We acknowledge you have opened CAPA #2021-002 and created new standard operatingprocedures to address Purchase Management and Control and Distribution of your products,in addition to completing personnel training on the new procedures and processes. You did notprovide evidence of implementation of your new SOPs, or evidence demonstrating that yourCAPA is effective in preventing noted violations from recurring. As your corrective actionsremain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your response. 2. Failure toestablish procedures for acceptance activities, as required by 21 CFR § 820.80(a). Specifically,your firm has not established procedures for incoming product and finished device acceptanceactivities. There are no acceptance records of your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest system to ensure that specified requirements for your devices are met and meets the ac-ceptance criteria. For example, Your firm distributed SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTests. These test kits were not inspected, tested, or otherwise verified after receiving it fromyour contract manufacturer in China or prior to shipment to the end users. Consequently, the7T and 3T boxes were shipped to customers with the incorrect Instructions for Use (IFU). Wereviewed your firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at thistime. We acknowledge you opened CAPA #2021-003 and created a new acceptance activitywork instruction for incoming and finished devices, and completed personnel training on the newprocedures and work instructions. You did not provide evidence of implementation of your newwork instruction and evidence demonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing notedviolations from recurring. We also acknowledge that your firm initiated a voluntary recall ofcertain lots of 3T and 7T test kits distributed for non-investigational use only. It is unclear howyou plan to address incorrectly labeled products distributed for investigational use. As yourcorrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your re-sponse. 3. Failure to establish procedures to control product that does not conform to specifiedrequirements, as required by 21 CFR § 820.90(a). Specifically, your firm has not establishedand maintained procedures to ensure that nonconforming product is identified, documented,evaluated, segregated, and dispositioned. During the inspection, the investigators observed 13cartons of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Tests co-mingled in a storage room withmultiple cartons of returned nonconforming test kits, samples used for product evaluation, and

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damaged controls, all of which was slated for destruction. The 13 cartons of test kits were notidentified as nonconforming and no records were maintained to demonstrate if an investigationwas needed or the disposition of nonconforming products. We reviewed your firm’s responseand conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowledge that youopened CAPA #2021-004, and created an SOP 9.0, Control of Nonconformances, and completedpersonnel training on the new procedures. You did not provide adequate evidence of implemen-tation of your new procedure or evidence demonstrating the CAPA is effective in preventingthe noted violations from recurring. For example, in your May 28 response you provided theNonconforming Incident Report, NCR #2021-002, for (b)(4) tests that were destroyed duringthe inspection. According to your incident report, an investigation to determine the root causeof the nonconforming product was not required because the ”root cause is known as identifiedduring FDA inspection” while your SOP 9.0 requires all product nonconformances to be in-vestigated unless otherwise justified and documented. It is not clear how an FDA inspectionjustifies not investigating the root cause of the (b)(4) nonconforming tests. As your correctiveactions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of your response. 4.Failure to establish procedures for corrective and preventative action, as required by 21 CFR§ 820.100(a). Specifically, Your firm has not established procedures for implementing and doc-umenting corrective and preventive action, including requirements for: analyzing quality datasources; investigating the cause of nonconformities; identifying the action(s) needed to correctand prevent occurrence or recurrence of nonconformities; verifying or validating the CAPA toensure the actions implemented are effective; documenting the changes in methods and proce-dures; disseminating information related to quality problems to appropriate individuals; andsubmitting relevant information on quality problems for management review. We reviewed yourfirm’s response and conclude the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowl-edge your firm has created SOP 10.0, Corrective and Preventive Action, and opened CAPA#2021-001 in accordance with your new procedure, and completed training personnel on thenew procedures. However, you did not provide evidence of the effectiveness of your new CAPAprocedure as the corrective actions remain in progress, and therefore we are unable to fully as-sess the adequacy of your response. 5. Failure to establish procedures for receiving, reviewing,and evaluating complaints by a formally designated unit, as required by 21 CFR § 820.198(a).Specifically, your firm has not established procedures for complaint handling to ensure thatcomplaints are processed in a uniform and timely manner, oral complaints are documentedupon receipt, and complaints are evaluated to determine if the reported event is required tobe submitted to the FDA as a Medical Device Report. We reviewed your firm’s response andconclude the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We acknowledge that you openedCAPA #2021-006 and created SOP 14.0, Complaint Handling and Failure Investigation, andcompleted personnel training on the new procedures. However, your response does not indicatewhether your firm will conduct a retrospective review of any complaints your firm previouslyreceived. While your response states your firm ”has not received any complaints regarding itsSARVS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test”, our investigators noted your storage room washolding damaged product returned from your customers, which appears to fall under section 5.6of your new complaint procedure. You did not provide evidence of implementation of your newprocedure or evidence demonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing noted violationsfrom recurring. As your corrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess theadequacy of your response. 6. Failure to establish procedures to ensure that all purchasedor otherwise received product and services conform to specified requirements, as required by21 CFR § 820.50. Specifically, your firm has not established procedures for the evaluation ofsuppliers, including the quality requirements that must be met by suppliers, to ensure thatreceived products and services conform to specified requirements. You did not evaluate your

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only contract manufacturer of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test system basedon their ability to meet specified requirements, including quality requirements. We reviewedyour firm’s response and conclude that the adequacy cannot be determined at this time. We ac-knowledge your firm opened CAPA #2021-005 and created new standard operating proceduresfor purchase management and supplier controls, and completed personnel training on the newprocedures. You did not provide evidence of the implementation of your new SOPs, or evidencedemonstrating that your CAPA is effective in preventing noted violations from recurring. Asyour corrective actions remain in progress, we are unable to fully assess the adequacy of yourresponse. Our inspection also revealed that your SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Testis misbranded under Section 502(t)(2) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(t)(2), in that your firm failedor refused to furnish material or information regarding the device that is required by or underSection 519 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360i, and 21 CFR Part 803 – Medical Device Reporting.Violation include, but is not limited to: 7. Failure to develop, maintain, and implement writ-ten Medical Device Reporting (MDR) procedures, as required by 21 CFR 803.17. Specifically,your firm has not established procedures for timely and effective identification, communication,and evaluation of reportable events; a standardized review process for determining when anevent meets reportability criteria; timely submission of MDRs to the FDA; or for compliancewith the applicable documentation and recordkeeping requirements. We reviewed your firm’sresponse and conclude that your firm’s response dated April 30, 2021 is not adequate. In theresponse, your firm noted that it developed a written MDR procedure, scheduled staff trainingand planned to assess the effectiveness of corrective actions by July 1. Your response includeda copy of your firm’s MDR procedure titled ”Medical Device Reporting (MDR and eMDR)”,Document Number: 7.0, Revision 1.0, Effective Date: 4/29/2021. After reviewing your firm’sMDR procedure, we noted that the procedure does not reference a process for identifying andevaluating events involving similar devices to those marketed in the United States (U.S.) aspotentially reportable to FDA. Specifically, the procedure notes under the Scope section thatit ”applies to devices marketed in the United States”. If an event involves a similar deviceto one legally marketed in the U.S., it may be reportable under the MDR regulation. By notconsidering events involving similar legally marketed devices, potentially reportable MDRs maynot be identified and evaluated for MDR decision making and submission to FDA as requiredby 21 CFR 803.50 and 21 CFR 803.53. Additionally, your firm did not provide documenta-tion or evidence of implementation of a systematic corrective action to include a retrospectivereview of its adverse events in accordance with its MDR procedure. Your firm should takeprompt action to address the violations cited in this letter. Also, federal agencies may be ad-vised of the issuance of Warning Letters about devices and may take your compliance withAct and its implementing regulations into account when considering the award of contracts.Additionally, should FDA determine that you have Quality System regulation violations thatare reasonably related to premarket approval applications for Class III devices such devices willnot be approved until the violations have been corrected. Also, should FDA determine thatyour devices do not meet the requirements of the Act, requests for Certificates to Foreign Gov-ernments (CFG) may not be granted. More information on processes for persons denied a CFGcan be found at: https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/process-request-review-fdas-decision-not-issue-certain-export-certificates-devices . Note, thereare two response time frames specified. You should take immediate action to address the viola-tions relating to your firm’s sale or distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid QualitativeTest. We advise you to review your websites, product labels, and other labeling and promo-tional materials to ensure that you are not misleadingly representing your products as safeand/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which they have not been approved, cleared,or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims that adulterate or misbrand the prod-

2021-09-16 10

ucts in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific steps you have taken to address these violations.Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of any violations,as well as copies of related documentation. If you cannot take action to address this mattercompletely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within which you willdo so. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that are not incompliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or ef-fective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Your firmwill be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products inviolation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulentcoronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toaddress the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate actions have beenconfirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that your firm has takensuch corrective actions. Please also notify FDA in writing within fifteen business days fromthe date you receive this letter of the specific steps your firm has taken to correct the notedQuality Systems and MDR reporting violations, as well as an explanation of how your firmplans to prevent these violations, or similar violations, from occurring again. Include docu-mentation of the corrections and/or corrective actions (which must address systemic problems)that your firm has taken. If your firm’s planned corrections and/or corrective actions will oc-cur over time, please include a timetable for implementation of those activities. If correctionsand/or corrective actions cannot be completed within fifteen business days, state the reasonfor the delay and the time within which these activities will be completed. Your firm’s re-sponse should be comprehensive and address all violations included in this Warning Letter.This response should be sent to: US Food and Drug Administration, Division 3/West, Officeof Medical Device and Radiological Health Operations at [email protected] identify your response with CMS Case #614819. If you have questions about the con-tents of this letter, please contact Compliance Officers, Charles J. Chacko at 214-253-4939, orvia email at [email protected] or Jamie M. Bumpas at 214-253-5336, or via emailat [email protected]. Finally, you should know that this letter is not intended tobe an all-inclusive list of the violations at your firm’s facility. This letter notifies you of ourconcerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you believe that your prod-ucts are not in violation of the FD&amp;C Act, please provide us with your reasoning andany supporting information for our consideration. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure thatthe products you sell are in compliance with the FD&amp;C Act and FDA’s implementingregulations. Failure to adequately address any violations may result in legal action, includingwithout limitation, seizure and injunction. The specific violations noted in this letter and inthe Inspectional Observations, FDA 483, issued at the close of the inspection may be symp-tomatic of serious problems in your firm’s manufacturing and quality management systems.Your firm should investigate and determine the causes of any violations and take prompt ac-tions to correct the violations and bring your products into compliance. Sincerely, /S/ TimothyT. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological HealthOffice of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health /S/ ShariJ. Shambaugh Program Division Director Office of Medical Device and Radiological HealthDivision 3 Cc: Mr. Eric E. Grubel, COO 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 288 Pasadena, CA [email protected] __________________________1 As explainedbelow, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a Public

2021-09-16 11

Health Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 3 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . 5 See ”Prelim-inary report from the Joint PHE Porton Down &amp; University of Oxford SARS-CoV-2 testdevelopment and validation cell: Rapid evaluation of Lateral Flow Viral Antigen detection de-vices (LFDs) for mass community testing:” published November 8, 2020 available at https://www.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxford/media_wysiwyg/UK%20evaluation_PHE%20Porton%20Down%20%20University%20of%20Oxford_final.pdf.6 Id. Content current as of: 06/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More WarningLetters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 2: Places for report 1094616

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Pasadena 34.14778 -118.14452

Table 3: Other Stories

ID Title Link1094824 FDA accuses firm of distributing an unapproved

Covid-19 test - STATLink

1094830 FDA accuses firm of distributing an unapprovedCovid-19 test – Boston, Massachusetts


1095770 Unapproved Covid Test Kits Recalled By FDA Link1095961 US FDA urges users to throw Innova rapid Covid test

in trash, or return it to companyLink

Notes: [...]Our inspection revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test hasbeen distributed in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the product is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have an approved application for premarketapproval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or anapproved application for an investigational device exemption under section 520(g) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 360j(g), for the device as described and marketed. The product is also misbrandedunder section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agencyof its intent to introduce the device into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k)of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of this productinto interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). Inaddition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any actwith respect to a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerceand results in the device being misbranded. [...]

2021-09-16 12

3 USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net - Adulterated andMisbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) - Missouri - 2021-07-09

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 37.05

Report id 1207459

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net MARCS-CMS 612084— July 09, 2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Re-cipient Name Mr. Chris Ormiston USH Diagnostics, Inc./covidinstanttest.net 3456 E. 155th St.Kansas City , MO 64147 United States [email protected] [email protected]@covidinstanttest.net Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiological Health UnitedStates WARNING LETTER Date: July 9, 2021 TO: covidinstanttest.net 205 E. Osborn Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85012 [email protected] [email protected]: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed yourwebsites at the Internet addresses https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/on March 30, 2021, and April 9, 2021. We also reviewed your social media websites athttps://facebook.com/covid19instanttest, https://twitter.com/covidathometest, and https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest, where you direct consumers to your website, https://covidinstanttest.net, to purchase your products. The FDA has observed that your websiteshttps://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ offer for sale a ”Rapid DualAntibody Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”COVID-19 Instant Test,” ”Dual An-tibody Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Dual Antibody Test,” ”Rapid 15 Minute Antibody,” ”DualIgG/IgM Screening Test for COVID-19,” ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test,” ”COVID-19IgM/IgG Rapid Test Device,” ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit,” and ”Dual Antibody Test”)(hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit”), a ”Rapid 10 Minute AntigenTest” (which your website also refers to as the ”Antigen Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Antigen TestKit,” ”Access Bio COVID-19 Antigen Test,” and ”COVID-19 Instant Antigen Test”) (hereafterreferred to as the ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test”), and a ”Saliva Test Kit” (all hereafter re-ferred to as ”COVID-19 Test Kits”) in the United States. Based on our review, the COVID-19Test Kits are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 1 in people, and thus, they are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVID-19 Test Kits are offeredfor sale in the United States to consumers for at-home testing without marketing approval,

2021-09-16 13

clearance, or authorization from FDA. 2,3 Accordingly, your products are adulterated undersection 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not haveapproved applications for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for an investigational device exemption(IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). Your products are also misbrandedunder section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agencyof its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k)of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of these productsinto interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a).In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to doany act with respect to a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstatecommerce and results in the device being misbranded. There is currently a global outbreak ofrespiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that has been named ”severe acute respira-tory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The disease caused by the virus has been named”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January 31, 2020, the Department of Health andHuman Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a public health emergency related to COVID-19and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 4 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the Presidentdeclared a national emergency in response to COVID-19. 5 Therefore, FDA is taking urgentmeasures to protect consumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or au-thorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people.As described above, you sell products that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediateaction to cease the sale of any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use inthe mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. We also note that dif-ferent and potentially serious public health risks are presented with specimen collection andtesting in the home versus using a test in a healthcare setting. Risks may include, but are notlimited to, whether a lay person has the ability to collect their specimen, run the test, andinterpret the test result accurately. Your websites, https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/, as well as social media websites, indicate that your firm’s COVID-19Test Kits may be purchased by consumers and are intended to be used for at-home testing forCOVID-19, including: • ”THE MOST RAPID COVID-19 TESTS ON THE INTERNET. PE-RIOD… The Fastest Home Tests on the Market Receive Your Test Next Day, Results Availablein Minutes!” [https://covidinstanttest.net/] • ”COVID-19 INSTANT ANTIGEN TEST Thisdiagnostic test is used to get into sporting events, board flights, and meeting other mandatorytesting requirements FDA EUA AUTHORIZED LOWER NASAL COVID 10 MIN RAPIDTEST Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid Test with Telehealth Consultation. The test is admin-istered over a video appointment from the comfort of your home with results in 10 minutes.[https://covidinstanttest.net/antigen] • ”COVID-19 At Home Instant Test #COVID19…Howdoes our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rapid At Home Test work? Learn more: covidinstanttest.net#CoronaVirus #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDInstantTest #COVIDRapidTest#COVIDAtHome #RapidTesting #InstantTest” [Pinned Tweet from November 24, 2020, athttps://twitter.com/covidathometest] • ”COVID-19 At Home Instant Test Our #COVID19Rapid Tests have received an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA. covidinstanttest.net”[https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest/] • ”Saliva Test Kit FDA Submitted/EUAApproved Results in 24-48 hours Approved for In-Home Use! o 100% Accuracy with zero falsenegatives o ZERO false positives with 100% Overall Accuracy o Determines if the patient is cur-rently infected.” [https://ushealthdiagnostics.com] • ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test Selfcontained test can be administered at home or business under the supervision of a Telehealthprofessional with results in 15 minutes” [https://covidinstanttest.net/dual-antibody-test/] Your

2021-09-16 14

products are also misbranded under section 502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), because yourwebsites represent that the COVID-19 Test Kits are ”FDA Submitted/EUA Approved,” ”FDAEUA Authorized,” or ”EUA/FDA Certified.” These representations create a false impressionthat your products have been approved or authorized for emergency use by FDA and are mis-leading. As discussed above, your COVID-19 Test Kits have not been approved or authorized foremergency use by FDA. In addition, your website, https://ushealthdiagnostics.com, displays theFDA logo positioned near images of and information about the COVID-19 Antibody Test Kitand Saliva Test Kit. The FDA logo is for the official use of the FDA and not for use on privatesector materials. 6 Such use may send a misleading message that the FDA favors or endorsesyour products. Unauthorized use of the FDA logo may violate federal law and subject thoseresponsible to civil and/or criminal liability. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices. In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 7 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection withyour products or operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsites, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you arenot misleadingly representing your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-relateduse for which they have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do notmake claims that adulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours,please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific stepsyou have taken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken toprevent the recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failureto adequately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation,seizure and injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain productsthat are not in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented assafe and/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19.Your firm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that havereceived warning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 relatedproducts in violation of the FD&amp;C Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Onceyou have taken actions to address the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorizedproducts for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and anyappropriate corrective actions have been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be up-dated to indicate that your firm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you ofour concerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take ac-tion to address this matter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and thetime within which you will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of theFD&amp;C Act, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration.Please direct any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Timothy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radi-ological Health Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and RadiologicalHealth __________________________________1 As explained below, there iscurrently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19).

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2 The ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit” offered for sale on your website appears to be the Right-Sign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette manufactured by Hangzhou Biotest Biotech Co.,Ltd. On December 21, 2020, FDA reissued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) pursuantto section 564 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3, to permit emergency use of Hangzhou BiotestBiotech Co., Ltd.’s RightSign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette. The test is indicated foruse by laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988(CLIA), 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform moderate and high complexity tests for the qualitative de-tection and differentiation of IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in human venous wholeblood (sodium heparin, potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate), serum, and plasma (sodiumheparin, potassium EDTA, and sodium citrate), and, by laboratories certified under CLIA, 42U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high, moderate, or waived complexity tests, for the qualitative detec-tion and differentiation of IgM and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in fingerstick whole bloodspecimens. Testing of fingerstick whole blood specimens is authorized for use at the Point ofCare (POC), i.e., in patient care settings operating under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver, Cer-tificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation.The test is intended for use as an aid inidentifying individuals with an adaptive immune response toSARS-CoV-2, indicating recent orprior infection. However, this EUA does not authorize the sale of the Hangzhou Biotest BiotechCo., Ltd., RightSign COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassette to consumers for at-home test-ing. 3 The ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test” offered for sale on your website appears to be theCareStart COVID-19 Antigen test manufactured by Access Bio, Inc. On April 12, 2021, FDAreissued an EUA pursuant to section 564 of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3, to permit emergencyuse of Access Bio, Inc.’s CareStart COVID-19 Antigen test. The test is indicated for for useby laboratories certified under CLIA, 42 U.S.C. § 263a, to perform high, moderate, or waivedcomplexity tests and in patient care settings operating under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver,Certificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation, for the qualitative detection of thenucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal or anterior nasal swab spec-imens directly collected from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare providerwithin five days of symptom onset, or from individuals without symptoms or other epidemio-logical reasons to suspect COVID-19 when tested twice over two or three days with at least 24hours and no more than 48 hours between tests. However, this EUA does not authorize thesale of the Access Bio, Inc. CareStart COVID-19 Antigen test to consumers for at-home test-ing. 4 Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II, Determination that a PublicHealth Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020 and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 5 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/. 6 FDA Logo Policy (available at: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/website-policies/fda-logo-policy ). 7 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current asof: 08/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning LettersAbout Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 4: Places for report 1207459

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Kansas City 39.09973 -94.57857

2021-09-16 16

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)reviewed your websites at the Internet addresses https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ on March 30, 2021, and April 9, 2021. We also reviewed your socialmedia websites at https://facebook.com/covid19instanttest, https://twitter.com/covidathometest,and https://www.instagram.com/covid19instanttest, where you direct consumers to your web-site, https://covidinstanttest.net, to purchase your products. The FDA has observed thatyour websites https://covidinstanttest.net and https://ushealthdiagnostics.com/ offer for salea ”Rapid Dual Antibody Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”COVID-19 InstantTest,” ”Dual Antibody Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19 Dual Antibody Test,” ”Rapid 15 Minute Anti-body,” ”Dual IgG/IgM Screening Test for COVID-19,” ”15-Minute COVID-19 Screening Test,””COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test Device,” ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit,” and ”Dual Anti-body Test”) (hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Antibody Test Kit”), a ”Rapid 10 MinuteAntigen Test” (which your website also refers to as the ”Antigen Rapid Test,” ”COVID-19Antigen Test Kit,” ”Access Bio COVID-19 Antigen Test,” and ”COVID-19 Instant AntigenTest”) (hereafter referred to as the ”COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test”), and a ”Saliva Test Kit”(all hereafter referred to as ”COVID-19 Test Kits”) in the United States. [...] The COVID-19Test Kits are offered for sale in the United States to consumers for at-home testing withoutmarketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 17

4 CDSCO flags 39 drug samples including Aspirin, Remdesiviras not of standard quality - 2021-07-31

Publication date 2021-07-31

Create date 2021-08-06

Score 35.41

Report id 1159752

Category Veterinary medicines, Antibiotic, Antipyretic, Antiviral others, Antacid, Vitamin,Anti-inflammatory medicine, Antifungal, Other, Medicine for allergy

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: New Delhi: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, the CentralDrugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 39 medicine batches as ’Not ofStandard Quality’ after the samples failed to qualify a random drug sample test for the monthof June, 2021.These drug samples which have been declared as not of standard quality includeSkymap Pharmaceutical’s Omeprazole Gastro-Resistant Capsules, Bharat Parenteral’s Folicacid tablets, and Jackson Laboratorie’s Aspirin tablets.In addition to this , the list also includessome popular medicines such as Diclofenac Sodium manufactured by Hindustan Antibiotics,Goodvit (Folic Acid Tablets I.P) manufactured by Overseas Health Care, Amikef-500-2 ml(Amikacin Sulphate Injection I.P.) manufactured by Lupin, lverpil-12 (lvermectin DispersibleTablets 12 mg manufactured by Psychotropics India Ltd., Coldbest- PC SYRUP (Paracetamol,Phenylephrine Hydrochloride & Chlorpheniramine Maleate Syrup, 60 ml) manufactured byDigital Vision.Remdesivir for Injection 100 mg/vial (COVIPRI INJECTION), a popular covidmedication manufactured by Pristine Life Sciences, is also on the list of ’Not of StandardQuality’ drugs..Further, two veterinary medications, Cypermethrin Dip Concentrate Liquid IPVet. manufactured by Saibliss Drugs & Pharmaceuticals and Amitraz Dip Concentrate Liquidmanufactured by Ambrosia Pharma, are on the list of ’Not of Standard Quality.’This came afteranalysis and testing were conducted by the CDSCO, Drugs Control Department, on 681 drugsamples. Out of these, 642 samples were found to be of standard quality while 39 of them weredeclared as Not of Standard Quality (NSQ).A few of the reasons why the drug samples testedfailed were the failure of the assay, failure of the dissolution test, failure of the Vitamin D3 assay,failure of Phenylephrine Hydrochloride assay, and the Assay of Methylcobalamine & Dissolutionof Pregabalin.The samples collected were tested in four laboratories, namely CDL Kolkata,CDTL Mumbai, RDTL Chandigarh, and RDTL Guwahati.List of Drugs, Medical Devices andCosmetics declared as Not of Standard Quality/Spurious/Adulterated/Misbranded , for theMonth of June - 2021 Total number of samples tested 681 Total number of samples declared asof Standard Quality 642 Total number of samples declared as Not of Standard Quality 39 Totalnumber of samples declared as Spurious Nil Total number of samples declared as MisbrandedNil S. No Name of Drugs/medical devices/cosmetics Batch No./Date of Manufacture/Dateof Expiry/Manufactured by Reason for failure Drawn By From 1 SESTIL –AD (Loperamide

2021-09-16 18

Hydrochloride Dispersible Tablets) B. No: CST-75 Mfg dt: 07/2020 Exp dt: 06/2023 Mfd by:M/s Coastal Medicare Pvt Ltd. RS No. 9/2,5,Ramachandrapuram, Surampalli, Krisha Dist,Andhra Pradesh Assay CDSCO Hyderabad CDL, Kolkata 2 Alusil (Aliuminium, Magnesiumand Simethicone Chewable Tablet I.P.) B. No.: AC80 Mfg dt: 08/2020 Exp dt: 07/2022 Mfdby: Mls. Unicure India Ltd., C-21, 22 & 23,Sector-3, Noida - 201 301, Distt. Gautam BudhNagar, Uttar Pradesh. Assay of Polydimethylsiloxane (Simethicone) CDSCO Hyderabad CDL,Kolkata 3 Belitra - 200 (Itraconazole Capsules 200 mg) B. No.. AC20084 Mfg dt: 08/2020 Expdt. 07/2022 Mfd by: Mls. Cian Healthcare Ltd., Khasra No. 248 Vill Sisona, Bhagwan pur,Roorkee, Uttarakhand Dissolution CDSCO Hyderabad CDL, Kolkata 4 Dicloenac Sodium lnj.I.P. 75 mg / 3ml B. No.. DSIX-109 Mfg dt: 12/2020 Exp dt: 11/2022 Mfd by Mls. HindustanAntibiotics Ltd., At: 11, W.E.A. F aridabad -121001 Haryana. Particulate Matter CDSCOSouth Zone CDL, Kolkata 5 Bupivacaine Hydrochloride in Dextrose lnjection USP 4 ml. GBNo : TBD-2003 Mfg dt: 07/2020 Exp dt: 06/2022 Mfd by: Mls. Systochem Laboratories Ltd.,B-75, Roop Nagar, Indl. Area Loni 201102, Uttar Pradesh. pH CDSCO South Zone CDL,Kolkata 6 FEN PIL – 120 (Fexofenadine Hydrochloride Tablets I.P 120 mg B. No.: AWX29002Mfg dt: 10/2019 Exp dt: 09/2021 Mfd by: Mls. Psychotropics India Limited, Plot No. 46 & 49,Sector - 6A, I IE, SIDC UL, Ranipur, Haridwar - 249 403 Uttarakhand. Dissolution CDSCOEast Zone Kolkata CDL, Kolkata 7 Asonac-100 (Aceclofenac Tablets I.P.) ...

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 5: Drugs for report 1159752

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codechlorphenamine Substituted alky-

laminesantihistamines for sys-temic use


amikacin Other antibioticsfor topical use

antibiotics for topicaluse


amikacin Other aminogly-cosides

aminoglycoside antibac-terials


amikacin Antibiotics antiinfectives S01AA21folic acid Folic acid and

derivativesvitamin b12 and folicacid


cypermethrin Pyrethrines insecticides and repel-lents


diclofenac Other dermato-logicals

other dermatologicalpreparations


diclofenac Acetic acidderivatives andrelated sub-stances

antiinflammatory andantirheumatic prod-ucts, non-steroids


diclofenac Antiinflammatorypreparations,non-steroids fortopical use

topical products forjoint and muscular pain


diclofenac Antiinflammatoryagents, non-steroids



2021-09-16 19

Table 5: Drugs for report 1159752(continued)

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeparacetamol Anilides other analgesics and an-


ivermectin Other dermato-logicals

other dermatologicalpreparations


ivermectin Avermectines antinematodal agents P02CF01phenylephrine Adrenergic and


cardiac stimulants excl.cardiac glycosides


phenylephrine Sympathomimetics,plain

decongestants and othernasal preparations fortopical use


phenylephrine Sympathomimetics,combinationsexcl. corticos-teroids

decongestants and othernasal preparations fortopical use


phenylephrine Sympathomimetics nasal decongestants forsystemic use


phenylephrine Sympathomimeticsexcl. antiglau-coma prepara-tions

mydriatics and cyclo-plegics


phenylephrine Sympathomimeticsused as deconges-tants

decongestants and an-tiallergics


omeprazole Proton pump in-hibitors

drugs for peptic ulcerand gastro-oesophagealreflux disease (gord)


Notes: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, the Central Drugs StandardControl Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 39 medicine batches as ’Not of Standard Quality’after the samples failed to qualify a random drug sample test for the month of June, 2021. [...]

2021-09-16 20

5 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on webMexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital

Publication date 2021-07-20

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 30.05

Report id 1164000

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Hospital pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on web Mexico detects fake remde-sivir at hospital New York Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 6: Places for report 1164000

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Mexico 23 -102Americas Mexico Tampico 22.28519 -97.87777

Table 7: Other Stories

ID Title Link1145994 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on


1146001 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onweb :: WRAL.com


1146500 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onthe web


Notes: MEXICO CITY — Authorities in Mexico say they have found fake doses of the COVID-19 drug remdesivir offered for sale on the internet and at a private hospital near the US border.The federal medical safety commission said late Monday that the fake antiviral drug, which itcalled ”a health risk,” was found at a hospital in the Gulf coast city of Tampico, in the borderstate of Tamaulipas.

2021-09-16 21

The commission said the doses had been purchased in an ”irregular manner” on the internet,but did not say whether the medication had been used there.The drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, confirmed the falsification. The appearance and lotnumbers on the packaging did not match the original.In February, police in northern Mexico arrested six people in the border state of Nuevo Leónfor allegedly trafficking in fake coronavirus vaccines, but did not say what kind of fake shotswere involved. The suspects allegedly offered the vaccines for sale for the equivalent of around$2,000 per dose.Analysts have long worried that criminal gangs in Mexico could seek to steal, hijack or coun-terfeit much-desired vaccines or medications during the pandemic. There have been hijackingsor thefts of medicines and oxygen in Mexico.Mexico is currently experiencing a third wave of coronavirus in which case numbers have nowexceeded the first wave of 2020. The country has suffered about 236,000 test-confirmed deaths,but because so little testing is done, the real toll is closer to 360,000.

2021-09-16 22

6 Kangra-based pharma unit shut for making medicines with-out approval

Publication date 2021-06-18

Create date 2021-06-23

Score 29.19

Report id 1104799

Category Antiviral others, Anti-inflammatory medicine

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Kangra-based pharma unit shut for making medicines without approval HindustanTimes

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 8: Places for report 1104799

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Kangra 32.16667 76.25

Table 9: Drugs for report 1104799

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeparacetamol Anilides other analgesics and an-


ibuprofen Other cardiacpreparations

other cardiac prepara-tions


ibuprofen Antiinflammatoryproducts for vagi-nal administra-tion

other gynecologicals G02CC01

ibuprofen Propionic acidderivatives

antiinflammatory andantirheumatic prod-ucts, non-steroids


ibuprofen Antiinflammatorypreparations,non-steroids fortopical use

topical products forjoint and muscular pain


2021-09-16 23

Table 9: Drugs for report 1104799(continued)

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeibuprofen Other throat

preparationsthroat preparations R02AX02

Notes: The state health safety and regulation authorities raided a pharmaceutical company atSurajpur in Indora sub-division of Kangra district for manufacturing and selling medicines with-out approval from the drug regulator, police said on Friday. Nurpur drug inspector Piar Chandled the raid and seized 1.71 lakh tablets of an anti-inflammatory medicine that had been madeillegally. The company is already facing probe for manufacturing fake Remdesivir injectionsand selling it in black. [...] ”The medicine is a combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol usedas a painkiller,” said Chand, adding the medicine was in demand during the spike in Covid-19cases recently. [...]

2021-09-16 24

7 Gujarat: Anything from salt to steroids used to ’make’ an-tiviral drugs

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-22

Score 26.14

Report id 1100945

Category Immunosuppressant, Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Gujarat: Anything from salt to steroids used to ’make’ antiviral drugs Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 10: Places for report 1100945

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Gujarāt 23 71.75

Table 11: Drugs for report 1100945

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codetocilizumab Interleukin in-

hibitorsimmunosuppressants L04AC07

Table 12: Other Stories

ID Title Link1139986 Gujarat: Anything from salt to steroids used to ’make’

antiviral drugsLink

Notes: What did the spurious injection vials of tocilizumab and remdesivir contain which weresold for thousands of rupees to desperate kin of Covid patients at the peak of the pandemicin April and May in Gujarat ? State police investigators and forensic sciences experts say thedrugs contained anything from steroids to salt - giving no respite to the patients and posing a

2021-09-16 25

grave health hazard. [...]

2021-09-16 26

8 Ome Care - Adulterated and Misbranded Products Relatedto Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - California - 2021-07-26

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-19

Score 25.42

Report id 1172681

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Ome Care MARCS-CMS 614382 — July 26, 2021 Share TweetLinkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name Paul Edalat Recip-ient Title Chief Executive Officer Ome Care 26021 Pala Drive - St A Mission Viejo , CA 92691United States [email protected] [email protected] Issuing Office:Center for Devices and Radiological Health United States WARNING LETTER Date: July 26,2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewedyour website at the Internet address hometestbox.com on March 3, 2021 and again on April 1,2021. The FDA has observed that hometestbox.com offers for sale a VIVERA + OMECAREHome Specimen Collection Kit (also referred to as ”COVx-HT” and ”RT-PCR Test”) (here-inafter referred to as ”COVxHT Kit”), for sale in the United States directly to consumers. Basedon our review, your COVxHT Kit is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment,diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 1 in people, and thus, it is a device under section 201(h) of theFederal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVxHT Kit is of-fered for sale directly to consumers in the United States without marketing approval, clearance,or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxHT Kit is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have an approved appli-cation for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C.§ 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational device exemption (IDE) under sec-tion 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxHT Kit is also misbranded under section502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intentto introduce the device into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of this product into interstatecommerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is aprohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respectto a device while the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results inthe device being misbranded. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease causedby a novel coronavirus that has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2”

2021-09-16 27

(SARS-CoV-2). The disease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019”(COVID-19). On January 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)issued a declaration of a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Op-erating Divisions of HHS. 2 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the President declared a nationalemergency in response to COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protectconsumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA,claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described herein,you sell a product that is intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis,or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale ofsuch unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection withyour products or operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsites, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you arenot misleadingly representing your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-relateduse for which they have not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do notmake claims that adulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours,please send an email to [email protected] describing the specific stepsyou have taken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken toprevent the recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failureto adequately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation,seizure and injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products thatare not in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safeand/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Yourfirm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products inviolation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toaddress the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate actions have beenconfirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that your firm has takensuch corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concerns and provides you with an op-portunity to address them. If you cannot take action to address this matter completely within48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within which you will do so. If you be-lieve that your product is not in violation of the Act, include your reasoning and any supportinginformation for our consideration. Please direct any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Timothy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office ofIn Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Centerfor Devices and Radiological Health CC: [email protected] Michael Nova MD Ph.D.Chief Innovation Officer and Founder Ome Ventures Inc. 6777 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego,CA 92121 CC: [email protected] Blackbirdgroupllc 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield,

2021-09-16 28

California 93308 _____________________________1 As explained below, thereis currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a Public Health Emer-gency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020 and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx ). 3 Proclamation onDeclaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Out-break (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/. 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current as of: 08/10/2021Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warningand Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 13: Places for report 1172681

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Mission Viejo 33.60002 -117.672

Notes: [...] The COVxHT Kit is offered for sale directly to consumers in the United Stateswithout marketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxHTKit is adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because yourfirm does not have an approved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant tosection 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigationaldevice exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxHTKit is also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firmdid not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the device into commercial distribution, asrequired by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery forintroduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held for sale aftershipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. [...]

2021-09-16 29

9 Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Adulterated and MisbrandedProducts Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)- California - 2021-07-26

Publication date 2021-07-26

Create date 2021-08-19

Score 25.42

Report id 1172680

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MARCS-CMS 614412 — July 26,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient NamePaul Edalat Recipient Title Chief Executive Officer Vivera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 26021 PalaDrive - St A Mission Viejo , CA 92691 United States [email protected] IssuingOffice: Center for Devices and Radiological Health United States WARNING LETTER Date:July 26, 2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)has reviewed your websites at the Internet addresses https://viveracovid19.com/covx-rda/ andhttps://viverapharmaceuticals.com/products/ on January 13, 2021, on March 3, 2021, and onApril 1, 2021, and observed that your websites offered a ”COVxRDA Saliva Antigen Test”and a ”COVx-RDA Nasal Antigen Test” (herafter collectively referred to as ”COVxRDA Anti-gen Test Kits”) for sale in the United States. Based on our review, the COVxRDA AntigenTest Kits are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 1 in people, and thus, are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug,and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits wereoffered for sale in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have approved ap-plications for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for an investigational device exemption (IDE) un-der section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits arealso misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm didnot notify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, asrequired by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). The introduction or delivery forintroduction of these products into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) ofthe Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act under section 301(k) of theAct, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device while the device is held forsale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device being misbranded. There

2021-09-16 30

is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus that hasbeen named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). The diseasecaused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). On January31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declaration of a pub-lic health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions of HHS. 2In addition, on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a national emergencyin response to COVID-19. 3 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumersfrom certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim tomitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described above, you soldproducts that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure ofCOVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate corrective action to prevent the saleof any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation, prevention,treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. For more information about FDA’s regulation ofdevices used to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked ques-tions; and other helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition,the guidance titled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emer-gency (Revised)” 4 provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testingcapacity by facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public healthemergency. You should take immediate action to prevent future violations. This letter is notmeant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with your products oroperations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell are in compliance withthe Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review your websites, productlabels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you are not misleadinglyrepresenting your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which theyhave not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims thatadulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please send anemail to [email protected] describing the specific steps you have takento prevent future violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent therecurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failure to prevent fu-ture violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation, seizure, and injunction.FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that are not in compliancewith FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or effective for themitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Your firm will be addedto a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have received warning lettersfrom FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related products in violation ofthe FD&amp;C Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken actions toprevent the sale of unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for the mitigation, pre-vention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate corrective actionshave been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indicate that yourfirm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concerns and providesyou with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take action to address this mat-ter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the time within whichyou will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of the FD&amp;CAct, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration. Pleasedirect any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Tim-othy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and RadiologicalHealth Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health

2021-09-16 31

CC: [email protected] Blackbirdgroupllc 3121 Standard Street Bakersfield, Califor-nia 93308 ______________________________1 As explained in the next para-graph, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease2019” (COVID-19). 2 Secretary of Health and Human Services, Determination that a PublicHealth Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), availableat https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 3 Proclama-tion on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-declaringnational-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . 4 Accessible at https://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current asof: 08/10/2021 Regulated Product(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning LettersAbout Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 14: Places for report 1172680

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Mission Viejo 33.60002 -117.672

Notes: [...] The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits were offered for sale in the United States withoutmarketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. Accordingly, the COVxRDA AntigenTest Kits are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B),because your firm does not have approved applications for premarket approval (PMA) in effectpursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approved applications for aninvestigational device exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g).The COVxRDA Antigen Test Kits are also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce thedevices into commercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. §360(k). The introduction or delivery for introduction of these products into interstate commerceis prohibited under section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibitedact under section 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a devicewhile the device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the devicebeing misbranded. [...]

2021-09-16 32

10 Seizure of contraband and unauthorized items at DorchesterPenitentiary - Medium-security unit 19 June

Publication date 2021-06-18

Create date 2021-06-23

Score 25.15

Report id 1105576

Category Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment, Vitamin, Opioid

Quality Falsified

Source Not applicable

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Seizure of contraband and unauthorized items at Dorchester Penitentiary - Medium-security unit 19 June Mirage News

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 15: Places for report 1105576

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Canada New Brunswick/

Nouveau-Brunswick46.5001 -65.99878

Table 16: Drugs for report 1105576

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeascorbic acid Organic acids antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


ascorbic acid Other ophthalmo-logicals

other ophthalmologicals S01XA15

Notes: [...] The contraband and unauthorized items seized included 10 bales of tobacco, 10packages of rolling papers, 4 hypodermic syringe kits, 10 ascorbic acid sachets, and 60 counterfeitDilaudid pills that contained the presence of Protonitazene. The total estimated institutionalvalue of this seizure is $15,000. [...]

2021-09-16 33

11 Biopolygen Corp. - Adulterated and Misbranded ProductsRelated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Califor-nia - 2021-07-09

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 25.15

Report id 1207458

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Biopolygen Corp. MARCS-CMS 613137 — July 09, 2021Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Recipient: Recipient Name BrianNguyen Biopolygen Corp. 2207 East Carson St Carson , CA 90810 United States [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiological Health UnitedStates WARNING LETTER Date: July 9, 2021 RE: Adulterated and Misbranded ProductsRelated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) This is to advise you that the United StatesFood and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed your website at the Internet address https://www.biopolygen.com on January 7, 2021, February 26, 2021, and June 30, 2021. The FDAhas observed that your website offers the ”COVIGEN AG-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” the”COVIDEX AB-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” and the ”COVID-19 Antigen and AntibodyCombo Set” (hereafter referred to collectively as ”COVID-19 Self Detection Test Kits”) for salein the United States. Based on our review, these products are intended for use in the mitiga-tion, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 [1] in people, and thus, are devicesunder section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. §321(h). The Covid-19 Self Detection Test Kits are offered for sale and distributed to consumersin the United States for self-testing without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom FDA. Accordingly, the products are adulterated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act,21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm does not have approved applications for premarketapproval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section 515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or approvedapplications for an investigational device exemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21U.S.C. § 360j(g). Your products are also misbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C.§ 352(o), because your firm did not notify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices intocommercial distribution, as required by section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). Theintroduction or delivery for introduction of this product into interstate commerce is prohibitedunder section 301(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a). In addition, it is a prohibited act undersection 301(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), to do any act with respect to a device whilethe device is held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce and results in the device beingmisbranded. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coron-avirus that has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2).

2021-09-16 34

The disease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). OnJanuary 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declarationof a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions ofHHS. [2] In addition, on March 13, 2020, there was a Presidential declaration of a nationalemergency in response to COVID-19. [3] Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protectconsumers from certain products that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA,claim to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described below,you offer for sale products that are intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment,diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 in people. We request that you take immediate action to ceasethe sale of any unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for use in the mitigation,prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. We also note that different and poten-tially serious public health risks are presented with specimen collection and testing in the homeversus a healthcare setting. Risks may include, but are not limited to, whether a lay personhas the ability to collect their specimen, run the test, and interpret the test result accurately.Your website (noted above), includes statements indicating that the COVID-19 Self DetectionTest Kits may be purchased directly by consumers and are intended to be used for self-testingfor COVID-19, including: ”ACCURACY BUT FAST, EFFICIENT; ANYTIME, ANYWHEREAT YOUR PRIVACY AND CONVENIENCE.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen/c-p778] ”INSTANT AND EASY ACCESS TO SCREENING CAN BE LIFE OF[sic]DEATH. SCREENING FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY TODAY AND REPEATTHE ROUTINE SCREENINGS TO PROTECT YOURSELF.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen/c-p778] A photograph of the ”COVID-19 Antigen and Antibody ComboSet” includes the following language: ”SELF-SCREENING METHOD FOR EALRY PREVEN-TION AND EARLY TREATMENT.” [https://www.biopolygen.com/shop/-Covid-19-antigen-antibodycombination/c-p783] For more information about FDA’s regulation of devices usedto mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19; frequently asked questions; andother helpful resources, visit our website at https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/emergency-situations-medicaldevices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices . In addition, the guidancetitled ”Policy for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Tests During the Public Health Emergency (Re-vised)” [4] provides information about FDA’s policies intended to help expand testing capacityby facilitating the development and use of COVID-19 tests during the public health emergency.You should take immediate action to address the violations cited in this letter. This letter isnot meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with your productsor operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell are in compliancewith the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review your websites, productlabels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you are not misleadinglyrepresenting your products as safe and/or effective for a COVID-19-related use for which theyhave not been approved, cleared, or authorized by FDA and that you do not make claims thatadulterate or misbrand the products in violation of the Act. Within 48 hours, please sendan email to [email protected] describing the specific steps you havetaken to address these violations. Include an explanation of each step being taken to preventthe recurrence of any violations, as well as copies of related documentation. Failure to ade-quately correct any violations may result in legal action, including, without limitation, seizureand injunction. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase or use certain products that arenot in compliance with FDA requirements and are being misleadingly represented as safe and/or effective for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19. Yourfirm will be added to a published list on FDA’s website of firms and websites that have receivedwarning letters from FDA concerning the sale or distribution of COVID-19 related productsin violation of the Act. This list can be found at https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-

2021-09-16 35

fraud-scams/fraudulentcoronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products . Once you have taken ac-tions to address the sale of your unapproved, uncleared, and unauthorized products for themitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19, and any appropriate cor-rective actions have been confirmed by the FDA, the published list will be updated to indi-cate that your firm has taken such corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our concernsand provides you with an opportunity to address them. If you cannot take action to ad-dress this matter completely within 48 hours, state the reason for the delay and the timewithin which you will do so. If you believe that your products are not in violation of theAct, include your reasoning and any supporting information for our consideration. Pleasedirect any inquiries to FDA at [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Tim-othy T. Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D. Director OHT7: Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and RadiologicalHealth Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological Health__________________________[1] As explained below, there is currently an out-break of a respiratory disease named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). [2] Secretary ofHealth and Human Services, Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists (originallyissued Jan. 31, 2020, and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . [3] Proclamation on Declaring a National Emer-gency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020),available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . [4] Accessible athttps://www.fda.gov/media/135659/download . Content current as of: 08/10/2021 RegulatedProduct(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 17: Places for report 1207458

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States California 37.25022 -119.75126Americas United States Carson 33.83141 -118.28202

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)reviewed your website at the Internet address https://www.biopolygen.com on January 7, 2021,February 26, 2021, and June 30, 2021. The FDA has observed that your website offers the”COVIGEN AG-1 Covid-19 Self Detection Kit,” the ”COVIDEX AB-1 Covid-19 Self DetectionKit,” and the ”COVID-19 Antigen and Antibody Combo Set” (hereafter referred to collectivelyas ”COVID-19 Self Detection Test Kits”) for sale in the United States. [...] The Covid-19 SelfDetection Test Kits are offered for sale and distributed to consumers in the United States forself-testing without marketing approval, clearance, or authorization from FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 36

12 Fungus drug: Cops swoop down on black marketers

Publication date 2021-06-01

Create date 2021-06-04

Score 24.21

Report id 1083769

Category Antiviral others, Antifungal

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fungus drug: Cops swoop down on black marketers Deccan Chronicle

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 18: Places for report 1083769

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Hyderabad 17.38405 78.45636

Table 19: Drugs for report 1083769

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeamphotericin B Antiinfectives

and antisepticsfor local oraltreatment

stomatological prepara-tions


amphotericin B Antibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AA07amphotericin B Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


amphotericin B Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Notes: Special Operations Team (SOT) of the Rachakonda police cracked around eight cases ofillegally selling amphotericin B injection vials and around 50 cases of remdesivir. [...]

2021-09-16 37

13 CDSCO flags 22 drugs as not of standard quality - 2021-06-06

Publication date 2021-06-06

Create date 2021-06-04

Score 22.98

Report id 1083074

Category Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiepileptic, Antidiabetic, Other

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: New Delhi: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, CentralDrugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 22 samples including drugs anda medical device as Not of Standard Quality for failing to qualify for a random sample testfor the month of April-2021.These drugs samples which are declared Not of Standard Qualityinclude Aksum’s PANTOWEL-40, Synokem’s L-CETAM 500, Unimark Healthcare’s MISO-PROSTOL Tablets I.P. 200 mcg, Bharat Parenteral’s OLANZAPINE Tablets I.P. 5 mg. Inaddition, other popular drug samples that are declared Not of Standard Quality include Parac-etamol Tablets IP 650 manufactured by Sotac Pharmaceuticals, GLUCORID (Metformin Hy-drochloride Sustained-Release Tablets I.P. 500 mg) manufactured by Ridley Life Science, ZINCSULPHATE DISPERSIBLE TABLETS IP 20 mg manufactured by Hindustan Laboratories andothers.Apart from drugs, a medical device manufactured by Ramaraju Surgical Cotton Mills,an instant sterile mopping pad (Absorbent Gauze-BP Type 13 with X-Ray Detectable Thread)has been declared non-standard quality.Also Read: Drug Alert: CDSCO Flags 19 formulationsAs Not Of Standard QualityThis came after analysis and tests were conducted by the CDSCO,Drugs Control Departments on 931 samples. Out of this, 908 samples were found of standardquality while 22 (legal) +1 (survey) of them were declared as Not of Standard Quality (NSQ).Afew of the reasons why the drug samples tested failed were the failure of the assay, failure of thedissolution test, failure of the Vitamin D3 assay, failure of Serratiopeptidase assay.The sam-ples collected were tested in four laboratories, namely CDL Kolkata, CDTL Mumbai, RDTLChandigarh and RDTL Guwahati.List of Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics declared asNot of Standard Quality/Spurious/Adulterated/Misbranded, for the Month of April -2021 To-tal number of samples tested 931 Total number of samples declared as of Standard Quality908 Total number of samples declared as Not of Standard Quality 22(Legal)+01(Survey) Totalnumber of samples declared as Spurious 0 Total number of samples declared as Misbranded0 S.No. Name of Drugs/medical device/cosmetic s Batch No./Date of Manufacture/Date ofExpiry/Manufactured By Reason for failure Drawn By From 1. INSTANT STERILE MOP-PING PAD (Absorbent Gauze- BP Type 13 with X-Ray Detectable Thread) B. No.:1017/20Mfg dt: 03/2020 Exp dt: 02/2023 Mfd by: M/s.The Ramaraju Surgical Cotton Mills Ltd.,2/318 - 2/321, Sankarankovil Road, Perumalpatti - 627 753 Tamil Nadu. Threads per statedlength CDSCO, South Zone, Chennai CDL, Kolkata 2. RUTIN (RutosideTrihydra te 95%)

2021-09-16 38

(as per F.M) B. No.:20181126 (as per F.M) Mfg dt: 11/2018 (as per F.M) Exp dt: 11/2021(as per F.M) Mfd by: M/s.Ningbo Hi- Tech Biochemicals Co., Ltd, China (as per F.M). Wa-ter, Related Substances and Assay CDSCO, Sub Zone Baddi CDL, Kolkata 3. REALHIM-10(Tadalafil Tablets I.P. 10 mg) B. No.:LC9L225 Mfg dt: 12/2019 Exp dt: 11/2021 Mfd by: M/s.LifecareNeuro Products Limited, 70/1, Dharampur, Nr. EPIP Phase-II, Baddi-173 205, Hi-machal Pradesh. Dissolution CDSCO, East Zone, Kolkata CDL, Kolkata 4. SPINOBAK-10(Baclofen Tablets I.P. 10 mg) B. No.:K3ALT001 Mfg dt: 06/2020 Exp dt: 05/2022 Mfd by:M/s. Sirmour Remedies (P) Ltd., Village - Layarda, P.O. Assay CDSCO, East Zone, KolkataCDL, Kolkata Missarwala, Paonta Sahib, Distt . Sirmour (HP) -173 205. 5. PANTOWEL- 40 (Pantoprazole Sodium Tablets B. No.:OBYA01 Mfg dt: 02/2020 Exp dt: 07/2022 Mfdby: M/s. Akums Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., 19, 20, 21 Sector-6A, I.I.E, SIDCUL, Ra-nipur, Haridwar-249403 Uttarakhand. Dissolution CDSCO East Zone Kolkata CDL, KolkataI.P. 40 mg) 6. L-CETAM 500 (Levetiracetam Tablets I.P. 500 mg) B. No.:20S1GTA508 Mfg dt:11/2020 Exp dt: 10/2022 Mfd by: M/s.Synokem Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Plot No: 35-36, Sector-6A, I.I.E. (SIDCUL). Ranipur (BHEL), Haridwar -249403 Uttarakhand. Dissolution CDSCOEast Zone Kolkata CDL, Kolkata 7. MISOPROSTOL Tablets I.P. 200 mcg B....

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 20: Drugs for report 1083074

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codepantoprazole Proton pump in-

hibitorsdrugs for peptic ulcerand gastro-oesophagealreflux disease (gord)


olanzapine Diazepines,oxazepines, thi-azepines andoxepines

antipsychotics N05AH03

misoprostol Prostaglandins drugs for peptic ulcerand gastro-oesophagealreflux disease (gord)


misoprostol Prostaglandins uterotonics G02AD06paracetamol Anilides other analgesics and an-


Zinc other mineral supple-ments


metformin Biguanides blood glucose loweringdrugs, excl. insulins


levetiracetam Other antiepilep-tics

antiepileptics N03AX14

Table 21: Other Stories

ID Title Link1084554 CDSCO flags 22 drugs as not of standard quality Link

2021-09-16 39

Table 21: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1124284 22 drug samples including Sun Pharma Rosuvas fail

to qualify CDSCO test - 2021-07-04Link

Notes: In its latest drug safety alert, the apex drug regulatory body, Central Drugs StandardControl Organization (CDSCO) has flagged 22 samples including drugs and a medical deviceas Not of Standard Quality for failing to qualify for a random sample test for the month ofApril-2021. [...]

2021-09-16 40

14 Steroids found in Tocilizumab sold by Surat black marketers

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 22.40

Report id 1086529

Category Immunosuppressant, Antiviral others, Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Steroids found in Tocilizumab sold by Surat black marketers Ahmedabad Mirror

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 22: Places for report 1086529

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Sūrat 21.19594 72.83023

Table 23: Drugs for report 1086529

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


tocilizumab Interleukin in-hibitors

immunosuppressants L04AC07

Notes: The corona pandemic has been an eye-opener of sorts. Though it has been painful formost, there have been those who have cashed in on the situation to make some quick buckseven at the cost of someone else’s health. Eight people, including a doctor, were arrestedlast month in a black-marketing case of Tocilizumab injection by Surat’s Umra police on atip-off. According to Surat police sources, two of the injections seized from the accused weresent for laboratory tests at FSL Gandhinagar, investigations of which found that the injectionscontained a deadly steroid. So, now the Surat police are toying with the possibility of addingmore sections to the case. [...]

2021-09-16 41

15 Case filed in Haridwar over sale of fake favipiravir medicine

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-21

Score 22.37

Report id 1100164

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Case filed in Haridwar over sale of fake favipiravir medicine Hindustan Times

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 24: Places for report 1100164

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Haridwar 29.94791 78.16025

Notes: [...] Police in Haridwar have registered a case against unnamed people for the allegedsale of fake antiviral drug favipiravir, which is used to treat Covid-19 patients.Ads byLife Max Cancer Laboratories owner Ashwini Garg has filed a complaint in this regard sayingfake favipiravir was being sold under the company’s logo and brand name. [...]

2021-09-16 42

16 Authorities seize unauthorized COVID-19 treatments boundfor Mexico | TheHill

Publication date 2021-06-23

Create date 2021-06-25

Score 22.32

Report id 1111214

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Airport

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Authorities seize unauthorized COVID-19 treatments bound for Mexico | TheHill TheHill

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 25: Places for report 1111214

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Mexico 23 -102Americas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Southern Asia Bangladesh Bangladesh 24 90Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Table 26: Other Stories

ID Title Link1110905 Illicit Covid-19 Drugs Bound for Mexico Seized by

U.S. AuthoritiesLink

1111338 Customs Officers Seize Illicit Remdesivir TreatmentsBound for Mexico


1111400 US officials reportedly seize illegal COVID-19 drugsen route to Mexico


1111416 Feds seize illegal COVID-19 drugs en route to Mexico:report – The Madison Leader Gazette


1111461 Feds seize illegal COVID-19 drugs en route to Mexico:report


2021-09-16 43

Table 26: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1112698 Covid-19 manufacturing roundup: Smuggled remde-

sivir seized en route to Mexico; As Sputnik awaitsWHO approval, a Russian plant raises concerns


1114043 Illegal remdesivir seized in US en route to Mexico Link1114122 Illegal remdesivir seized in US en route to Mexico -


1117095 Illicit covid-19 drugs bound for Mexico seized by USauthorities


1128640 U.S. Authorities Seize Shipments of Illicit Covid-19Drugs Smuggled Into Mexico


Notes: Federal authorities have reportedly seized more than a hundred shipments of unautho-rized versions of the COVID-19 treatment remdesivir bound for Mexico in recent months.The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that people familiar with the investigation saidthe shipments were seized by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at various U.S.airports after they arrived by plane from Bangladesh and India. [...]

2021-09-16 44

17 BJP to mount pressure over Covid drug scam

Publication date 2021-06-06

Create date 2021-06-08

Score 22.23

Report id 1089047

Category Immunosuppressant

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: BJP to mount pressure over Covid drug scam The Statesman

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 27: Places for report 1089047

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Kolkata 22.56263 88.36304

Table 28: Drugs for report 1089047

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codetocilizumab Interleukin in-

hibitorsimmunosuppressants L04AC07

Notes: Bengal BJP vice-president Jay Prakash Majumdar on Saturday said that his partywill organise a bigger movement demanding exemplary punishment to accused TMC MLA ofUluberia Dr Nirmal Majhi in an alleged scam of missing 26 vials of Tocilizumab from theMedical College Hospital in Kolkata. [...] Around 26 vials of Tocilizumab were stolen throughsome fake prescription from Medical College and Hospital. In a cell phone conversation thatwent viral, a female doctor is asking a nurse to give her 26 vials of the injection through someforged prescription. [...]

2021-09-16 45

18 UP: Fake medicines used in Covid cure seized in large quan-tity from illegal manufacturing unit

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-10

Score 21.92

Report id 1091779

Category Antibiotic, Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: UP: Fake medicines used in Covid cure seized in large quantity from illegal manufac-turing unit Outlook India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 29: Places for report 1091779

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Greater Noida 28.49615 77.53601

Table 30: Drugs for report 1091779

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeazithromycin Macrolides macrolides, lin-

cosamides and strep-togramins


azithromycin Antibiotics antiinfectives S01AA26

Table 31: Other Stories

ID Title Link1092544 Fake medicines used in Covid treatment seized in

Greater NoidaLink

1093016 Noida Factory Of Fake COVID Treatment Drugs WithLinks To Racket In Mumbai & Meerut, Busted


1096654 Fake Covid medicines recovered in Noida: FIR againstfirm owner


2021-09-16 46

Notes: Counterfeit Azithromycin and Favipiravir medicines, which are used in treatment ofCovid patients, with a face value worth Rs 25 lakh were seized from an illegal drug-manufacturingunit in Uttar Pradesh”s Greater Noida on Tuesday, officials said. [...]

2021-09-16 47

19 Maharashtra FDA seizes stock of spurious Favimax worthRs 1.54 cr

Publication date 2021-06-04

Create date 2021-09-03

Score 21.54

Report id 1086758

Category Antibiotic, Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Maharashtra FDA seizes stock of spurious Favimax worth Rs 1.54 cr The Hitavada

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 32: Places for report 1086758

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Aurangabad 19.87757 75.34226Southern Asia India State of Karnataka 14.66667 75.83333Southern Asia India State of Mahārāshtra 19.5 76Southern Asia India State of Gujarāt 23 71.75Southern Asia India Mumbai 19.07283 72.88261

Table 33: Drugs for report 1086758

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codehydroxychloroquine Aminoquinolines antimalarials P01BA02

Table 34: Other Stories

ID Title Link1132839 Mumbai: ‘Pharma unit owner’ held in second case of

fake medsLink

Notes: Maharashtra FDA seized a stock of Rs 1.54 crore of spurious Favimax 400 and 200

2021-09-16 48

mg from the stock points. Meanwhile, the analytical report of samples of HydroxychloroquineSulphate tablets (M HCQ 200) manufactured by Max Relief Healthcare too has confirmed itas spurious. D R Gahane, Joint Commissioner, FDA Maharashtra (HQ Mumbai) told ‘TheHitavada’, ”The Mumbai Police had arrested the alleged kingpin identified as Sudip Mukherjiwho ran Max Relief Healthcare. FDA found the name of company fake and no licence wasissued by the Drug Controller in the name of Max Relief Healthcare on its address mentionedon the label as ‘Max Relief Healthcare, Village Anji, Solan, Himachal Pradesh.” ”Both the drugsFavipiravir and Hydroxychloroquine Sulphate tablets were marketed by Covalent Healthcare,Kolkata.FDA officials led by Ganesh Rokade, Assistant Commissioner (Intelligence Branch FDA) seizedthe medicines from three premises named Shivsrushti Surgimed, Mumbai-63; Nirav Trade Link,Mumbai-20 and Meditab Worldwide, Kandivali east, Mumbai, suspected to be spurious. Thesefirms were operating from Mumbai and pushing fake drugs through a website for on-line sales,”he added. ”These firms had distributed the drugs to all major cities in Maharashtra, Karnataka,Gujarat. Thousands of strips of Favimax have been sold from major stockists in Aurangabadcity in Maharashtra as well as district. Though FDA had issued an order to stop sale of thesefake brands to all its divisions, thousands of persons had already consumed the medicine duringCOVID treatment. These persons may have lost their lives due to the consumption of Favimax,”expressed a drug activist. When asked about the same, Gahane said, ”It may be possible. Now,Sudip Mukherji is in police custody.FDA officials are trying to unearth the number of strips being sold in the State. All divisionshave issued the orders to stop sale and recall the unsold stock. Each strip of 10 tablets costsRs 1,290 and on the basis of this value, FDA seized a stock of Rs 1.54 crore. The fake anti-viral drug were sold as Favimax-400 and Favimax-200, and M Hcq 200. FDA officials are nowconcerned if these tablets have already made their way to patients.” ”Mukherji’s firm was shownto be fictitiously registered in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. He even claimed that he marketed hisfake anti-viral concoction through a Kolkata-based firm, Covalent Healthcare. We found thismarketing firm to be fake,” he added.

2021-09-16 49

20 Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. - Investiga-tional Device Exemptions (IDE)/Premarket Approval Ap-plication (PMA) - Zhejiang Sheng - 2021-06-04

Publication date 2021-06-04

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 19.23

Report id 1207454

Category Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. MARCS-CMS612946 — June 04, 2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Product: Medical Devices Re-cipient: Recipient Name Yinlong Dong Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 2ndFloor, 3 Building, No. 6, Lvyuan Zhong Road Quzhou Shi Zhejiang Sheng , 324000 [email protected] [email protected] Issuing Office: Center for Devices and Radiolog-ical Health United States WARNING LETTER DATE: June 4, 2021 Re: ”FFP2 NR 5-LayerKN95 Face Mask,” ”Medical Face Mask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” Dear Yinlong Dong: Thisis to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed yourwebsite at the internet address https://www.xichen-med.com/ on March 23, 2021. The FDAhas observed that your website offers the ”FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask,” ”Medical FaceMask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” for sale in the United States. Based on our review, theseproducts are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure,mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or any function of thebody, and thus, are devices under section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act(the ”Act”), 21 U.S.C. § 321(h). We also note that the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Maskis intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 1in people. FDA’s review of your website revealed the following statements that establish thatthe products are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or in the cure,mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or any function of thebody, including but not limited to: • Representing the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask asa ”COVID-19 Respirator” with ”effective antibacterial” properties for use to ”prevent…bacteria,droplets and other harmful particles,” ”filter germs,” and provide ”protection for your family”[https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/ffp2-nr-5-layer-kn95-face-mask.html] • Representing theMedical Face Mask for use to ”prevent infection,” ”protect patients and other persons from thetransmission of pathogenic microorganisms, body fluids, particulate matter, etc., especially inthe event of an epidemic or pandemic,” and provide ”protection for your family” as well as offer-ing a ”bacterial filtration efficiency [of] &gt; 98%” and ”microbial cleanliness [of] &lt;30CFY/g”[https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/disposable-mask.html] • Representing the Sterile Surgi-cal Mask as a ”Medical Surgical Mask” that is ”antibacterial” and provides a ”BFE above 95%”

2021-09-16 50

for use to ”prevent the spread of body fluids and body splash content and isolate dust, par-ticle [sic], alcohol, blood, bacteria, and virus invading.” [https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/sterile-surgical-mask.html] The FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask, Medical Face Mask, andSterile Surgical Mask (each of which your website indicates is manufactured by Zhejiang Xi-chen Medical Technology Co. Ltd) are offered for sale in the United States without marketingapproval, clearance, or authorization from the FDA. Accordingly, the products are adulter-ated under section 501(f)(1)(B) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 351(f)(1)(B), because your firm doesnot have an approved application for premarket approval (PMA) in effect pursuant to section515(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360e(a), or an approved application for an investigational deviceexemption (IDE) under section 520(g) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360j(g). These products are alsomisbranded under section 502(o) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(o), because your firm did notnotify the agency of its intent to introduce the devices into commercial distribution, as requiredby section 510(k) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360(k). In addition, the FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 FaceMask is misbranded under section 502(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 352(a), because its labeling isfalse or misleading. FDA registration of a device establishment or assignment of a registrationnumber does not denote FDA approval of the establishment or the device. Thus, references toa firm’s establishment registration and registration number that create an impression of officialFDA approval, clearance, authorization, certification, endorsement or other evaluation of theestablishment or the devices are misleading and constitute misbranding. 21 CFR 807.39. Yourwebsite contains a number of false or misleading representations, including but not limited to:• Displaying a ”FDA REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE” also referred to as the ”kn95-FDACertificate” issued by ”J &amp; F Technology Services LLC” (Certificate) under the ”About Us”tab on your website. The Certificate certifies that ”Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd…has completed the FDA Establishment Registration (as manufacturer, foreign exporter,contract manufacturer) and Device Listing with the US Food &amp; Drug Administration.”The Certificate has the look of an official government document, incorporating unauthorizeduse of the FDA logo 2 and an illustration of an eagle and a U.S. flag (or a similar flag). [https://www.xichen-med.com/our-certificate] • Displaying a screenshot titled ”kn-95-Registration in-formation is available on the FDA website” of what appears to be Zhejiang Xichen MedicalTechnology Co., Ltd.’s previous entry in FDA’s Establishment Registration &amp; Device List-ing Database. [https://www.xichen-med.com/our-certificate] Taken together, display of theCertificate, bearing the FDA logo, and a screenshot from FDA’s Establishment Registration&amp; Device Listing Database positioned near images of and information about the FFP2 NR5-Layer KN95 Face Mask are misleading because they imply FDA approval, clearance, autho-rization, certification, endorsement, or other evaluation of the product and/or establishmentbased on the representations that Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is or wasregistered with the FDA and that the firm is or was in possession of a registration number.Although the Certificate appears to be intended to function as a disclaimer, the small fontsize and overall placement of such language could be easily overlooked and does not limit orotherwise mitigate the misleading impression created by the use of the Certificate. We alsonote that you seem to reference the Certificate or some other certificate on the Sterile SurgicalMask’s webpage [https://www.xichen-med.com/mask/sterilesurgical-mask.html], indicating theproduct has a ”Certificate CE, FDA.” These representations are especially concerning from apublic health perspective because consumers rely on information provided by sellers to deter-mine whether to purchase a device and your presentation conveys the misimpression that theproducts have been reviewed and approved by FDA. We remind you that FDA’s Center for De-vices and Radiological Health (CDRH) does not issue device registration certificates to medicaldevice establishments, including to sellers and manufacturers. When an establishment registersand lists its devices, the resulting entry in FDA’s Establishment Registration &amp; Device

2021-09-16 51

Listing Database merely denotes that the establishment has provided certain information toFDA. There is currently a global outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirusthat has been named ”severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2). Thedisease caused by the virus has been named ”Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID -19). OnJanuary 31, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a declarationof a public health emergency related to COVID-19 and mobilized the Operating Divisions ofHHS. 3 In addition, on March 13, 2020, the President declared a national emergency in responseto COVID-19. 4 Therefore, FDA is taking urgent measures to protect consumers from certainproducts that, without approval, clearance, or authorization by FDA, claim to mitigate, pre-vent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19 in people. As described above, you sell a product thatis intended for use in the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19 inpeople. We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale of any adulterated andmisbranded products for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19.This letter is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of violations that exist in connection with theproducts or your operations. It is your responsibility to ensure that the products you sell arein compliance with the Act and its implementing regulations. We advise you to review yourwebsite, product labels, and other labeling and promotional materials to ensure that you do notmake representations that misbrand the product(s) in violation of the Act. This letter notifiesyou of our concerns and provides you with an opportunity to address them. Please notify thisoffice in writing within fifteen (15) business days from the date you receive this letter of the spe-cific steps your firm has taken to address the noted violations, as well as an explanation of howyour firm plans to prevent these violations, or similar violations, from occurring again. Includedocumentation of any actions your firm has taken. If your firm’s planned actions will occurover time, please include a timetable for implementation of those activities. Your firm’s re-sponse should be comprehensive and address all violations included in this letter. If you believethat the products are not in violation of the Act, include your reasoning and any supportinginformation for our consideration. If you are not located in the United States, please note thatproducts that appear to be adulterated or misbranded may be detained or refused admission ifthey are offered for importation into the United States. We may advise the appropriate regu-latory officials in the country from which you operate that FDA considers your products listedabove to be adulterated and misbranded products that cannot be legally sold to consumersin the United States. Your firm’s response should be sent via email to [email protected] or by mail to: Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices andRadiological Health Office of Regulatory Programs Division of Regulatory Programs 2: Estab-lishment Support Regulatory Inspections and Audits Team White Oak Building 66 10903 NewHampshire Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20993 Refer to the Document number CMS Case# 612946 orCTS Number CPT2001023 when replying. We remind you that only written communication isconsidered as official. If you have any questions about the contents of this letter, please contact:Assistant Director, Paola Barnett at 301-796-5462 or [email protected]. Sincerely, /S/ Donna Engleman, MS, BSN Director Division of Market Intelligence Office of RegulatoryPrograms Office of Product Evaluation and Quality Center for Devices and Radiological HealthCc: US Agent: Fanny Zhao J &amp; F Technology Services LLC 2424 Morris Ave 818 Union,New Jersey 07083 Email Address: [email protected] Contact: Yucai.qiu XICEN InternationalGmb Global Office Center, Beethovenstr. 5 DE-60325 Frankfurt/M,Germany Email Address:[email protected] XICEN International Corporation 245 E. Main Street, Suite 107Alhambra, California, 91801 _________________________________1 As ex-plained below, there is currently an outbreak of a respiratory disease named ”CoronavirusDisease 2019” (COVID-19). 2 The FDA logo is for official use by FDA and not for privateuse on labeling of FDA-regulated products. See FDA Logo Policy (available at: https://

2021-09-16 52

www.fda.gov/about-fda/website-policies/fda-logo-policy ). 3 Secretary of Health and HumanServices, Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists (originally issued Jan. 31, 2020,and subsequently renewed), available at https://www.phe.gov/emergency/news/healthactions/phe/Pages/default.aspx . 4 Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerningthe Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2020), available at https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/proclamationdeclaring-national-emergency-concerning-novel-coronavirus-disease-covid-19-outbreak/ . Content current as of: 07/06/2021 RegulatedProduct(s) Medical Devices More Warning Letters Warning Letters About Warning and Close-Out Letters

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Table 35: Places for report 1207454

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia China quzhou shi 28.94273 118.87185Americas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Notes: This is to advise you that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)has reviewed your website at the internet address https://www.xichen-med.com/ on March 23,2021. The FDA has observed that your website offers the ”FFP2 NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask,””Medical Face Mask,” and ”Sterile Surgical Mask” for sale in the United States. [...] The FFP2NR 5-Layer KN95 Face Mask, Medical Face Mask, and Sterile Surgical Mask (each of whichyour website indicates is manufactured by Zhejiang Xichen Medical Technology Co. Ltd) areoffered for sale in the United States without marketing approval, clearance, or authorizationfrom the FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 53

21 Some batches of high blood pressure medicine were recalledi...

Publication date 2021-07-20

Create date 2021-07-23

Score 18.84

Report id 1145242

Category Cardiovascular medicine

Quality Substandard

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Some batches of high blood pressure medicine were recalled i... MENAFN.COM

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 36: Drugs for report 1145242

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codelosartan Angiotensin II

receptor blockers(ARBs), plain

angiotensin ii receptorblockers (arbs), plain


irbesartan Angiotensin IIreceptor blockers(ARBs), plain

angiotensin ii receptorblockers (arbs), plain


valsartan Angiotensin IIreceptor blockers(ARBs), plain

angiotensin ii receptorblockers (arbs), plain


Notes: A drug importer notified the Health Inspectorate of Aruba that some batches of the drugsLosartankalium, Valsartan, and Irbesartan were recalled. These batches were recalled from thepharmacies in Aruba because of contamination with the AZBT. One of the local importersin Aruba confirmed the import of the contaminated batch. This importer took the necessaryaction of informing all pharmacies. Consequently, the pharmacies removed these batches andare contacting the patients that received these medicines. [...]

2021-09-16 54

22 UP factory owner arrested by Mumbai police for manufac-turing ‘fake’ drugs

Publication date 2021-06-06

Create date 2021-06-09

Score 17.86

Report id 1089601

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: UP factory owner arrested by Mumbai police for manufacturing ‘fake’ drugs Times ofIndia

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 37: Places for report 1089601

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Meerut 28.98002 77.70636

Table 38: Other Stories

ID Title Link1090478 Man arrested for making fake Covid drugs in Meerut


1090672 Pharma wholesalers in Mumbai suburbs raided, fakeCovid drug scam busted


1090969 Mumbai: Man manufactures fake COVID drug’Favipiravir’ in private lab in Meerut, arrested


1091076 Mumbai: Man held for making fake Covid drugs atprivate lab in UP’s Meerut


1091138 Mumbai: Fake Favipiravir racket busted, two includ-ing ’healthcare company’ owner arrested


1092395 Greater Noida: Illegal factory manufacturing and sell-ing fake COVID medicines busted, no arrest yet


2021-09-16 55

Notes: [...] The Mumbai team led by inspector Appa Sahib Sampat Rai Sirsath probing thecase had earlier arrested Sudeep Mukherjee, a resident of Ghaziabad, who was caught sendingfake medicines. An FIR under relevant sections was registered at Samtanagar police station inMumbai. [...] ”Additional information report ID: 1090478 (https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/man-arrested-for-making-fake-covid-drugs-in-meerut-lab-7348474/): A man hasbeen arrested for allegedly manufacturing fake Favipiravir tablets, used in Covid-19 treatment,at a private lab in Meerut. The police are now interrogating the accused, Sandeep Mishra, tofind out for how long he has been making the fake drugs. [...]

2021-09-16 56

23 Letters and medicine recalls sent to healthcare professionalsin June 2021

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 17.84

Report id 1131318

Category Cardiovascular medicine, Analgesic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Letters and medicine recalls sent to healthcare professionals in June 2021 GOV.UK

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 39: Places for report 1131318

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope United Kingdom United Kingdom of

Great Britain andNorthern Ireland

54.75844 -2.69531

Table 40: Drugs for report 1131318

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codelosartan Angiotensin II

receptor blockers(ARBs), plain

angiotensin ii receptorblockers (arbs), plain


irbesartan Angiotensin IIreceptor blockers(ARBs), plain

angiotensin ii receptorblockers (arbs), plain


codeine and paracetamol Opioids in combi-nation with non-opioid analgesics

opioids N02AJ06

2021-09-16 57

Table 41: Other Stories

ID Title Link1132103 Blood pressure pills recalled over cancer risk Link1170461 Health chiefs recall another 25 batches of blood pres-

sure pills over cancer fearsLink

1170462 Common blood pressure drug may contain cancer-causing chemical - batches recalled


1186840 Batches of high blood pressure drug recalled due to‘contamination’


1188991 MHRA recalls contaminated Irbesartan- batches asprecautionary measure


1205708 25 batches of blood pressure pills recalled by healthchiefs ’because they contain an impurity that maycause cancer’


Notes: [...] A batch of Noidecs T20/C4 Indica Cannabis Flower, and a batch of sativa cannabisflower are being recalled due to potential contamination with mould. [...] A batch of Co-codamol 30/500 Effervescent Tablets is being recalled due to varying levels of active ingredientspresent in the tablets. [...] Batches of the following medicines are being recalled by multiplemanufacturers: irbesartan 75mg, 150mg and 300mg film coated tablets; losartan potassium50mg and 100mg film coated tablets; irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide 150mg/12.5mg, 300mg/12.5mg and 300mg/25mg film coated tablets. [...]

2021-09-16 58

24 Spurious COVID-19 Drugs Seized From Cuttack ChemistShop

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 15.53

Report id 1095707

Category Antifungal

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Spurious COVID-19 Drugs Seized From Cuttack Chemist Shop Pragativadi

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 42: Places for report 1095707

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Cuttack 20.46497 85.87927

Table 43: Other Stories

ID Title Link1095708 Spurious Favipiravir Tablets Seized In Cuttack; Uttar

Pradesh Link Under ScannerLink

1095984 Fake Favipiravir now in Cuttack Link1096028 17000 Fake Tablets Of Covid-19 Drug Seized In Cut-


1096356 Fake Covid medicine worth Rs 69 lakh seized inOdisha’s Cuttack


1096474 Fake Favipiravir tablets seized from Cuttack Link1096657 Spurious COVID-19 drugs seized in Odisha Link1096765 Odisha Govt Orders Probe Into Fake Anti-Covid

Drugs ’Favipiravir’ Trade In CuttackLink

1097112 Odisha govt orders probe into ”fake” COVID-19medicine circulation


1097259 Odisha govt orders probe into ’fake’ COVID-19medicine circulation


2021-09-16 59

Table 43: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1097292 Spurious Medicines Seized During Raid In Rourkela Link1097394 Odisha government orders probe against ’fake’

COVID-19 medicine circulationLink

1097525 Fake testing racket busted, one arrested Link1097528 Odisha government orders probe as fake Covid drugs

seized from more districtsLink

1097638 Unscrupulous Traders Selling Fake Covid Drugs ToFace Strict Action: Health Minister


1097736 Raids across Odisha on spurious Favipiravir Link1097789 Spurious Drugs Scare: Authorities Raid Pharmaceu-

ticals In BolangirLink

1098339 Fake COVID testing racket busted in Bhubaneswar,one arrested


1121400 PIL Filed At Orissa HC Demanding CBI Probe OverFake Medicine Racket


1126486 17,000 fake Favipiravir tablets seized in Odisha’s Cut-tack


1152000 Odisha Police arrest drug company MD for sellingfake, overpriced Covid medicine


Notes: In a huge haul, officials of the Drug Control Squad seized at least 170 boxes containing17,000 spurious Favipiravir tablets from a chemist shop in Cuttack’s Kanika square on Friday.[...]

2021-09-16 60

25 Fake remdesivir case: Gang sold 900 vials in city

Publication date 2021-06-17

Create date 2021-06-22

Score 15.44

Report id 1104076

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake remdesivir case: Gang sold 900 vials in city Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 44: Places for report 1104076

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Jaipur 26.91962 75.78781

Notes: A day after a lab report revealed that remdesivirs seized from a gang were spurious;the police suspect that at least 900 such drugs were sold by the racketeers in the city. DeputyCommissioner of Police (North), Paris Deshmukh said that teams have been sent to UttarPradesh, Bihar, and other cities to track down manufacturers and suppliers of fake remdesivirs.[...]

2021-09-16 61

26 Black Fungus: 3,293 vials of fake Amphotericin-B injectionsfound at Delhi doctor’s house; 7 arrested

Publication date 2021-06-20

Create date 2021-06-23

Score 15.12

Report id 1107417

Category Antifungal

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Black Fungus: 3,293 vials of fake Amphotericin-B injections found at Delhi doctor’shouse; 7 arrested Free Press Journal

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 45: Places for report 1107417

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Delhi 28.65195 77.23149

Table 46: Drugs for report 1107417

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeamphotericin B Antiinfectives

and antisepticsfor local oraltreatment

stomatological prepara-tions


amphotericin B Antibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AA07amphotericin B Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


amphotericin B Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


2021-09-16 62

Table 47: Other Stories

ID Title Link1107449 Gang selling fake Black Fungus medication busted in

Delhi, 3500 injections recoveredLink

1107487 Over 3,000 vials of fake COVID injections recoveredin big crackdown by Delhi Police; 2 doctors arrested


1107531 Unit manufacturing fake drugs meant for Covid, blackfungus patients busted, 2 doctors among 10 held


1107574 Delhi: 2 doctors among 10 held for manufacture, saleof fake amphotericin-B injections


1107616 Delhi Police Arrests 2 Doctors for Black-marketingFake Drugs Meant for Covid, B


1107651 Unit manufacturing fake drugs meant for Covid, blackfungus patients busted in Delhi, 2 doctors among 10


1107696 Fake Covid, Black Fungus Drugs Manufacturing UnitBusted in Delhi, 2 Doctors Among 10 Held


1107697 Ten, including 2 doctors, held for manufacturing,black marketing Covid, black fungus injections


1107698 Delhi Police recovers 3,000 fake Amphotericin-B injec-tions used for treating black fungus, arrests 10


1107741 Crime Branch busts unit manufacturing fake drugs Link1107799 Fake drug unit busted in Delhi Link1108102 10, including two doctors, arrested for selling fake

Covid-19 and mucormycosis medicinesLink

1108687 Delhi police bust fake COVID drug-making racket, 10arrested


1108762 Delhi Police bust racket involved in black-marketingof fake injections of COVID


1114424 Delhi: Unit manufacturing fake COVID-19 drugsbusted, 2 doctors among 10 held


1116987 Two Doctors, 8 Others Held In Delhi For Manufac-turing Fake Drugs Meant For Covid, Black FungusPatients


1117968 Delhi: Two doctors held for making, selling fake mu-cormycosis drug


1122546 Delhi Police Recovers Over 3000 Fake Amphotericin-B Injections Used For Treating Black Fungus; 10 Ar-rested


Notes: Delhi Police Crime Branch on Sunday arrested 7 persons, including 2 doctors, for manu-facturing and selling fake Liposomal Amphotericin-B injections, used in the treatment of BlackFungus.3,293 vials of fake injections have also been recovered from the house of one of the doctors, DrAltamas Hussain, in southeast Delhi’s Nizamuddin area.Delhi Police Commissioner S. N. Shrivastava took to Twitter and wrote: ”Delhi Police CrimeBranch arrested 7 persons including 2 doctors for manufacturing and selling fake Black Fungus

2021-09-16 63

Liposomal Amphotericin-B injections and recovered.” ”3293 vials of fake ‘Injections’ etc fromresidence of Dr. Altamas Hussain in Nizamuddin,” he added. [...]

2021-09-16 64

27 3 pharmacists arrested for illegal sale of mucor drug

Publication date 2021-06-21

Create date 2021-06-24

Score 15.10

Report id 1109134

Category Antifungal

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 3 pharmacists arrested for illegal sale of mucor drug Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 48: Places for report 1109134

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Hyderabad 17.38405 78.45636

Table 49: Drugs for report 1109134

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeamphotericin B Antiinfectives

and antisepticsfor local oraltreatment

stomatological prepara-tions


amphotericin B Antibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AA07amphotericin B Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


amphotericin B Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Notes: Task force police arrested three pharmacists for indulging in illegal sale of Amphotericin-B injection used to treat mucormycosis and seized 35 vials from them. Acting on specificinformation, central zone team of task force laid a trap to nab three members of the gang atNecklace Road. [...]

2021-09-16 65

28 Man arrested for ‘selling’ 42 fake vials of mucormycosis drug

Publication date 2021-06-09

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 14.91

Report id 1093374

Category Antifungal

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Man arrested for ‘selling’ 42 fake vials of mucormycosis drug The Indian Express

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 50: Places for report 1093374

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Surendranagar 22.72706 71.64856

Table 51: Drugs for report 1093374

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeamphotericin B Antiinfectives

and antisepticsfor local oraltreatment

stomatological prepara-tions


amphotericin B Antibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AA07amphotericin B Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-

septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


amphotericin B Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


2021-09-16 66

Table 52: Other Stories

ID Title Link1131819 Man arrested for ‘selling’ 42 fake vials of mucormycosis


Notes: A 24-year-old man from Surendranagar was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly selling42 fake vials of amphotericin B injections, needed for treatment of mucormycosis, to a patient.[...]

2021-09-16 67

29 Punjab Police Bust Fake Remdesivir Manufacturing Racket| India | indiawest.com

Publication date 2021-06-18

Create date 2021-06-23

Score 14.83

Report id 1105491

Category Antifungal

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Punjab Police Bust Fake Remdesivir Manufacturing Racket | India | indiawest.comIndia West

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 53: Places for report 1105491

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Punjab 30.91667 75.41667

Table 54: Other Stories

ID Title Link1105619 Punjab Police bust fake remdesivir manufacturing


1106022 6 arrested in fake Remdesivir racket Link1112084 Punjab: Six arrested in fake Remdesivir racket in

Ropar districtLink

Notes: Punjab Police June 18 cracked a multi-crore rupee interstate fake Remdesivir manufac-turing racket with the arrest of six people, including the kingpin, who used to black market fakereplicas of the life-saving anti-viral drug used to treat critical Covid-19 patients. [...]

2021-09-16 68

30 40,000 fake favipiravir shipped from Cuttack to Gwalior

Publication date 2021-06-12

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 14.57

Report id 1096845

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 40,000 fake favipiravir shipped from Cuttack to Gwalior Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 55: Places for report 1096845

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Gwalior 26.22983 78.17337Southern Asia India Cuttack 20.46497 85.87927

Table 56: Other Stories

ID Title Link1099973 Naveen directs CB to probe fake drugs case Link1103010 Spurious Favimax tablets used in COVID treatment

seized in MP - 2021-06-17Link

1103030 Spurious Favimax tablets used in COVID treatmentseized in MP


1105809 40,000 fake Favipiravir tablets sent from Cuttack toGwalior


1107457 Gwalior: ’Fake’ Favimax tablets seized from whole-saler, thousands may be in circulation, says official


1109299 MP: ”Fake” Favimax tablets seized from Gwaliorwholesaler; thousands may be in circulation, says offi-cial


Notes: Around 40,600 spurious Covid drug favipiravir tablets were shipped from Odisha toGwalior in Madhya Pradesh after these were brought from Noida in Uttar Pradesh to Cuttack

2021-09-16 69

, authorities here said on Saturday. [...]

2021-09-16 70

31 Delhi court denies bail to ex-GTB hospital employee ac-cused of selling fake Remdesivir injections

Publication date 2021-06-14

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 14.53

Report id 1098779

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Delhi court denies bail to ex-GTB hospital employee accused of selling fake Remdesivirinjections Devdiscourse

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 57: Places for report 1098779

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Delhi 28.65195 77.23149

Notes: [...] During a police raid on April 30, accused Amit was found to be in possession oftwo injections of low-cost antibiotic Monocef over which he had allegedly pasted stickers of’Remdesivir’. He has been in judicial custody since May 1. Rejecting his bail plea, AdditionalSessions Judge Sanjeev Kumar Malhotra said, allegations against the accused are grave. [...]

2021-09-16 71

32 Fake Remdesivir, Rs 10-Lakh Hospital Bed: How CovidPatients Were Fleeced

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 13.84

Report id 1086629

Category Antiviral others, Medical devices for disease prevention

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake Remdesivir, Rs 10-Lakh Hospital Bed: How Covid Patients Were Fleeced NDTV

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 58: Places for report 1086629

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India New Delhi 28.63576 77.22445

Table 59: Other Stories

ID Title Link1086797 How desperate covid patients in India were defrauded

online by scamstersLink

1087117 Fake medicines, recycled PPE: Scammers worsen IndiaCOVID misery


1087429 Fake medicines, recovered personal protective equip-ment: crooks exacerbate the suffering of COVID inIndia | Coronavirus pandemic news


1088174 Covid-19: India’s scammers benefit from fakemedicines, recycled PPEs during pandemic


1089013 COVID vaccine, beds, oxygen, and other online scamsin India


Notes: [...] His Crime Branch teams have already arrested many scammers, including a gangthat made and sold counterfeit doses of the antiviral drug Remdesivir for up to 40 times the

2021-09-16 72

market price.”These people were producing fake vials which cost them about 20 rupees and (they) sold itin the market for anything above 10,000 rupees,” Singh said. [...] This week, six men werereportedly arrested on suspicion of washing, repackaging and selling several tonnes of usedsurgical gloves from hospitals. [...]

2021-09-16 73

33 Fake Medicines Seized From Medical Agency In Jharsug-uda’s Sarbahal

Publication date 2021-06-13

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 13.68

Report id 1097696

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unknown

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake Medicines Seized From Medical Agency In Jharsuguda’s Sarbahal Pragativadi

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 60: Places for report 1097696

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Jharsuguda 21.85531 84.00698

Table 61: Other Stories

ID Title Link1097773 2 brands of fake medicines seized in Jharsuguda of


Notes: Jharsuguda Drug Inspector Jyoti Ranjan Panda today informed that fake COVID-19medicine has seized from Amit Medical Agency in Sarbahal area.The Department of Drugs Control took up an investigation after fake medicines were seizedfrom a Cuttack-based medical warehouse.After learning that the spurious drug had come to Amit Medical Agency here, the JharsugudaDrug Inspector raided the Medical Agency and seized three types of drugs. The drug sampleshave been reportedly sent to Bhubaneswar for laboratory tests.

2021-09-16 74

34 Fake versions of herbal drug flood market

Publication date 2021-06-19

Create date 2021-06-23

Score 13.35

Report id 1106884

Category Herbal medicine

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake versions of herbal drug flood market Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 62: Places for report 1106884

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Andhra

Pradesh15.83333 79.75

Table 63: Other Stories

ID Title Link1110973 Andhra Pradesh: One held for selling fake ‘Krishnap-

atnam medicine’Link

Notes: With rising demand for Bonigi Anandaiah’s herbal concoction that purportedly curesCovid-19, some miscreants are trying to capitalise on the situation by selling fake versions acrossthe state. [...] Police have already busted eight such centres in the state. On May 28, policearrested a Yedavalli Venkatesh, a resident of Varakavipudi village of Nellore district, for sellinga homemade concoction in the name of ’Krishnapatnam medicine’. On June 13, police arrestedanother person in Guntur district’s Tadikonda for selling ’Anandaiah’s Covid medicine’ andseized 150 packets of the said medicine along with Rs 1.5 lakh cash. Investigation revealed thatthe accused, A Kantha Rao, had sold 750 packets of the concoction for Rs 200 each. [...]

2021-09-16 75

35 37 caught for black marketing in essentials

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-09-06

Score 13.06

Report id 1086685

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring, Antiviral others, Antiseptic,Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 37 caught for black marketing in essentials The Kathmandu Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 64: Places for report 1086685

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Nepal Federal Democratic Re-

public of Nepal28 84

Table 65: Drugs for report 1086685

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


J07ethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: [...] In the last six weeks, a total of 37 persons were arrested from across the countryfor their alleged involvement in black marketing of oxygen, remedevisir, and oximeters, andproducing fake hand sanitisers, according to the Nepal Police. [...] In the course of raids,police confiscated 13,756 litres of sanitiser, 25,000 litre of fake sanitiser, 55 oximeters, 765

2021-09-16 76

fake oximeters, 6 vials of remdesivir injection, 1 vial of fake remdesivir injection, 2,000 litremethanol, 3,600 liters of ethanol, 2 fake receipt pads and 46 boxes of several medicines. [...][pulse oximeters]

2021-09-16 77

36 Mum FDA lab finds 6 Rem samples in Maha spurious

Publication date 2021-07-28

Create date 2021-08-05

Score 12.66

Report id 1156719

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mum FDA lab finds 6 Rem samples in Maha spurious Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 66: Places for report 1156719

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Delhi 28.65195 77.23149Southern Asia India Nagpur 21.14631 79.08491

Table 67: Other Stories

ID Title Link1159097 Samples of four Remdesivir brands fail in analytical


Notes: Even as the country prepares to face the projected third wave of Covid-19 pandemic,a government laboratory in Mumbai finding half a dozen samples of Remdesivir, used to treatcritically ill Covid patients, spurious or substandard has sent the authorities in a tizzy. Notonly the much sought after Remdesivir, but several samples of hand sanitizers, anti-bacterialhand rubs and other medicines used to treat Covid-19 patients have also been found spuriousand substandard during sample testing this month. [...]

2021-09-16 78

37 CBP seizes sildenafil tablets worth more than $700000

Publication date 2021-07-31

Create date 2021-08-06

Score 12.16

Report id 1160270

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: CBP seizes sildenafil tablets worth more than $700000 SecuringIndustry.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 68: Places for report 1160270

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Cincinnati 39.12711 -84.51439Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Table 69: Drugs for report 1160270

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codesildenafil Drugs used in

erectile dysfunc-tion

urologicals G04BE03

Table 70: Other Stories

ID Title Link1160292 CBP seizes sildenafil tablets worth more than $700,000

- 2021-07-31Link

1162291 Customs and Border Protection Seizes 44 Pounds ofSildenafil Pills Worth $712,756


Notes: US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Cincinnati have seized almost

2021-09-16 79

24,000 pills of sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in the prescription erectile dysfunctiondrug Viagra. [...]

2021-09-16 80

38 Advisory - Be informed: know the potential risks of buyinghealth products online

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-10

Score 11.75

Report id 1091721

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Antibiotic, Analgesic, Nutritional supplement

Quality Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Advisory - Be informed: know the potential risks of buying health products onlineCanada NewsWire

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 71: Places for report 1091721

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Canada Ottawa 45.41117 -75.69812

Notes: [...] During Operation Pangea XIV’s week of action, which took place May 18 to 25,2021, Health Canada inspected 2,076 packages, refused 867 packages from entering the country,and seized 228 packages at the border containing suspected counterfeit or unauthorized healthproducts. The majority of products seized (238 of 244, or 97.5%) were sexual enhancementproducts (primarily erectile dysfunction medications). Other products included antibiotics,painkillers, and bodybuilding supplements. Although Health Canada did not seize productsrelated to COVID-19 during this week of action, the Department remains alert to the heightenedrisk, takes action when illegal products related to COVID-19 are identified, and continues toremind Canadians to be vigilant. [...]

2021-09-16 81

39 Fake drugs racket busted: Meds made in M’ngr, packed inBaghpat

Publication date 2021-06-28

Create date 2021-07-02

Score 11.66

Report id 1117967

Category Antibiotic, Analgesic

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake drugs racket busted: Meds made in M’ngr, packed in Baghpat Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 72: Places for report 1117967

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Baghpat 28.95 77.2167

Table 73: Drugs for report 1117967

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AAAntibiotics agents for treatment of

hemorrhoids and analfissures for topical use


Antibiotics antifungals for topicaluse


Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Antibiotics drugs for treatment oftuberculosis


Antibiotics throat preparations R02ABAntibiotics antiinfectives S01AA

2021-09-16 82

Table 74: Other Stories

ID Title Link1118473 Fake medicine factory busted in UP Link1118814 Fake medicine factory busted in Uttar Pradesh Link1119166 Racket which made fake painkillers & antibiotics with

chalk busted, machines worth Rs 50L seizedLink

Notes: A joint team of Baghpat police and officials of the food safety and drug administra-tion department (FSDA) busted a huge racket of manufacturing and packaging of fake drugs,mostly painkillers and antibiotics of branded companies, during a late night raid in Baghpat’sSinghawali Aheer region. The team seized packaging machines, printed wrappers and a smallconsignment of fake drugs. [...] ”Gaffar is one such associate of Balraj who had started this’business’ on a trial basis during the peak of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Werecovered 300 tablets of a painkiller and a few antibiotics which have been sent for testing toan Agra lab.” [...]

2021-09-16 83

40 8 held for illegal e-sales of pregnancy termination kits

Publication date 2021-06-12

Create date 2021-06-17

Score 11.44

Report id 1097183

Category Other

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 8 held for illegal e-sales of pregnancy termination kits Times of India

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 75: Places for report 1097183

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Gujarāt 23 71.75

Table 76: Drugs for report 1097183

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxytocin Oxytocin and

analoguesposterior pituitary lobehormones


Notes: [...] On Saturday, Gujarat Food and Drugs Control Administration (FDCA) bookedeight persons who had allegedly been selling pregnancy termination kits and psychotropic drugsonline for the past two years. A police case has been registered against three in Deesa townfor selling psychotropic drugs. The state FDCA seized 24,366 kits worth Rs 1.5 crore and 800oxytocin injections worth Rs 3 lakh. [...]

2021-09-16 84

41 Dr Reddy’s recalls 2,980 bottles of cholesterol lowering drugin US

Publication date 2021-06-07

Create date 2021-06-09

Score 11.38

Report id 1090519

Category Cardiovascular medicine

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Dr Reddy’s recalls 2,980 bottles of cholesterol lowering drug in US Kashmir Reader

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 77: Places for report 1090519

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Southern Asia India Telangana 17.83333 79.08333Southern Asia India Republic of India 22 79

Table 78: Drugs for report 1090519

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeatorvastatin HMG CoA reduc-

tase inhibitorslipid modifying agents,plain


Table 79: Other Stories

ID Title Link1093318 Dr Reddy’s recalls 2,980 bottles of cholesterol lowering

drug in USLink

1115908 Dr Reddyś recalls 2,980 cholesterol lowering drug bot-tles in US


2021-09-16 85

Notes: Drug major Dr Reddy’s Laboratories is recalling 2,980 bottles of Atorvastatin Calciumtablets in the US due to quality issues. Atorvastatin is indicated to lower cholesterol in theblood for adults and children over ten years of age. [...]

2021-09-16 86

42 Erectile dysfunction meds and sedatives among 1.6m illegalmedicines seized last year

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-10

Score 11.25

Report id 1091505

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Analgesic, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Erectile dysfunction meds and sedatives among 1.6m illegal medicines seized last yearIrish Examiner

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 80: Places for report 1091505

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Ireland Dublin 53.33306 -6.24889

Table 81: Drugs for report 1091505

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeN02

anabolic steroids A14A

Table 82: Other Stories

ID Title Link1091663 Sedatives and erectile dysfunction pills: One million

doses of illegal medicines seized last yearLink

1091983 Seizure of illegal medicines up 58% in past year, saysregulator


1092043 Ireland ’well above’ EU average for sale of counterfeitgoods


2021-09-16 87

Notes: More than 1.6m units of illegal medicines like sedatives and erectile dysfunction med-ications were detained in 2020, a sharp increase on previous figures, which the State said is”very concerning”. [...] Some 583,805 units of sedative medication and 484,846 doses of erectiledysfunction drugs were seized, with 370,000 tablets of the latter detained in one seizure alone,the HPRA said.Other examples of illegal medications seized included anabolic steroids, analgesic medicines,and 56,876 doses of Covid-19 medicines. [...]

2021-09-16 88

43 Sex shop fined for selling herbal viagra

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 11.25

Report id 1096390

Category Nutritional supplement

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Sex shop fined for selling herbal viagra Connacht Tribune Group

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 83: Places for report 1096390

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Ireland Galway City 53.2877 -9.05004

Notes: The owners of a city centre sex shop were left with a stiff fine of 3,000 at Galway DistrictCourt for selling ‘herbal Viagra’ containing prescription-only drugs. [...] The charges includedsupplying a medicine without prescription, supplying a medicine without marketing authorisa-tion and supplying a falsified medicine. The medicine in question contained prescription-onlymedicinal substances, Sildenafil (commonly known as Viagra) and Tadalafil (otherwise knownas Cialis), which are both used to treat erectile dysfunction. [...]

2021-09-16 89

44 Doctors call for crackdown on Ivermectin black market

Publication date 2021-06-26

Create date 2021-07-23

Score 11.09

Report id 1146006

Category Veterinary medicines, Antiparasitic

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Unknown

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Doctors call for crackdown on Ivermectin black market Free Malaysia Today

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 84: Drugs for report 1146006

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeivermectin Other dermato-

logicalsother dermatologicalpreparations


ivermectin Avermectines antinematodal agents P02CF01

Notes: A coalition of doctors and medical professional groups has urged Putrajaya to crackdown on the illegal sale of anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin in the wake of what the coalition saidwas an active black market for the drug.The Malaysian Health Coalition said Ivermectin was sold at very high prices from veterinarysupplies and other ”unknown” sources, adding that false or misleading claims online had led todemand for the drug. [...]

2021-09-16 90

45 ’Covid-19 vaccines and scheduled medicines now in thehands of looters’

Publication date 2021-07-15

Create date 2021-07-21

Score 10.94

Report id 1138581

Category Vaccine, Other

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: ’Covid-19 vaccines and scheduled medicines now in the hands of looters’ IOL

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 85: Places for report 1138581

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Africa South Africa Province of KwaZulu-

Natal-29 30

Southern Africa South Africa Gauteng -26.08333 28.25

Table 86: Drugs for report 1138581

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeJ07

Table 87: Other Stories

ID Title Link1138656 #UnrestSA: Vaccines stolen and over 90 pharmacies

destroyed as violence continuesLink

1142125 Public urged not to use COVID-19 vaccines lootedfrom pharmacies


1145715 Civil unrest: Warning against using, selling stolenmedication


2021-09-16 91

Notes: The South African Pharmacy Council has slammed looting sprees that have targetedpharmacies, amongst other establishments, in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, warning residentsagainst buying medicine which could be stolen. [...] ”Among the looted items are Covid-19vaccines and scheduled medicines, which when used without proper pharmacist counselling onstorage and dosage may result in harm to one’s health,” he said. [...]

2021-09-16 92

46 Public Notification: Premier maxxzen Platinum 12000 con-tains hidden drug ingredients - 2021-06-15

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-21

Score 10.03

Report id 1100458

Category Nutritional supplement

Quality Substandard

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers not to purchase or Premiermaxxzen Platinum 12000, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on variouswebsites, including eBay.com, and possibly in some retail stores.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 88: Places for report 1100458

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Notes: [...] FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that Premier maxxzen Platinum 12000 purchasedfrom eBay.com contains sildenafil and tadalafil, the active ingredients in the FDA-approvedprescription drugs Viagra and Cialis, respectively, used to treat erectile dysfunction. FDA ap-provals of Viagra and Cialis are restricted to use under the supervision of a licensed health careprofessional. These undeclared ingredients may interact with nitrates found in some prescrip-tion drugs, such as nitroglycerin, and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. Peoplewith diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates. [...]

2021-09-16 93

47 Public Notification: Poseidon Platinum 3500 contains hid-den drug ingredients - 2021-06-15

Publication date 2021-06-15

Create date 2021-06-21

Score 10.03

Report id 1100588

Category Nutritional supplement

Quality Substandard

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: The Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers not to purchase or usePoseidon Platinum 3500, a product promoted and sold for sexual enhancement on variouswebsites, including eBay.com, and possibly in some retail stores.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 89: Places for report 1100588

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 90: Other Stories

ID Title Link1100589 Public Notification: Poseidon Platinum 10000 con-

tains hidden drug ingredient - 2021-06-15Link

Notes: [...] FDA laboratory analysis confirmed that Poseidon Platinum 3500 purchased fromeBay.com contains sildenafil and tadalafil, the active ingredients in the FDA-approved prescrip-tion drugs Viagra and Cialis, respectively, used to treat erectile dysfunction. FDA approvalsof Viagra and Cialis are restricted to use under the supervision of a licensed health care pro-fessional. These undeclared ingredients may interact with nitrates found in some prescriptiondrugs, such as nitroglycerin, and may lower blood pressure to dangerous levels. People withdiabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease often take nitrates. [...]

2021-09-16 94

48 Counterfeit medicines worth millions seized

Publication date 2021-07-14

Create date 2021-07-21

Score 9.49

Report id 1137809

Category Antibiotic

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Counterfeit medicines worth millions seized Pakistan Observer

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 91: Places for report 1137809

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Pakistan Multan 30.19679 71.47824Southern Asia Pakistan Islamic Republic of

Pakistan30 70

Table 92: Other Stories

ID Title Link1137973 Fake medicines worth millions of rupees seized Link

Notes: The Multan District Administration and Health Department, in a joint operation recov-ered counterfeit medicines worth millions of rupees on Wednesday. The raid was carried outon a private house in Double Phatak area following a tip-off. [...] The recovered counterfeitmedicines included fake antibiotic injection” Tanzon” used for treatment of Covid-19 patients.[...]

2021-09-16 95

49 Cadila Healthcare arm recalls 21,240 bottles of diabetesdrug in US

Publication date 2021-07-04

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 7.76

Report id 1131542

Category Antidiabetic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Cadila Healthcare arm recalls 21,240 bottles of diabetes drug in US ETHealth-world.com

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 93: Places for report 1131542

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 94: Drugs for report 1131542

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codemetformin Biguanides blood glucose lowering

drugs, excl. insulinsA10BA02

Notes: [...] Viona Pharmaceuticals Inc is recalling 21,240 bottles of metformin hydrochlorideextended-release tablets, USP 750 mg, on account of ”CGMP Deviations: FDA analysis detectedn-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) levels in excess of the acceptable daily intake limit”, the reportby the US health regulator said. [...]

2021-09-16 96

50 Black fungus spreading in coronavirus patients through sub-standard oxygen cylinders: health expert

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 7.46

Report id 1085977

Category Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Substandard

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Black fungus spreading in coronavirus patients through substandard oxygen cylinders:health expert Geo News

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 95: Places for report 1085977

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Pakistan Peshawar 34.008 71.57849

Table 96: Drugs for report 1085977

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


Table 97: Other Stories

ID Title Link1086088 Medic warns of black fungus spread among COVID-19

patients via substandard oxygen cylindersLink

1087073 Doctor warns of black fungus inside poorly cleanedoxygen cylinders


1087793 Doctor warns of black fungus inside oxygen cylinders Link

2021-09-16 97

Notes: Khyber Teaching Hospital’s ENT chief Dr Arif Raza has said mucormycosis, also knownas ”black fungus”, is spreading among several coronavirus patients as they were using substan-dard and used old oxygen cylinders. [...] The letter said the fungus was found at the bottom ofthe oxygen cylinders due to lack of cleanliness. [...]

2021-09-16 98

51 Fake viagra sent to Clare were bound for Lithuanian sexshop

Publication date 2021-07-29

Create date 2021-08-06

Score 7.10

Report id 1158348

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine

Quality Falsified

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake viagra sent to Clare were bound for Lithuanian sex shop Clare Champion

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 98: Places for report 1158348

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia China People’s Republic of

China35 105

Europe Ireland Shannon 52.70389 -8.86417

Notes: COUNTERFEIT viagra tablets estimated to be worth 65,000, posted to an address inEnnistymon were ultimately destined for a sex shop in Lithuania, a court has heard. EnnisDistrict Court heard that 13,160 tablets, falsely branded Pfizer viagra, were intercepted bycustoms officers at the DHL facility in Shannon on April 17, 2018. [...] A report by Pfizer alsofound that the illegal tablets contained the falsified medical product, Sildnafil, which made thecounterfeit viagra, the court heard, ”twice as strong” as certain legal viagra products. [...]

2021-09-16 99

52 Coronavirus: 600000 dodgy rapid tests seized in Cyprus

Publication date 2021-06-11

Create date 2021-06-15

Score 6.92

Report id 1095542

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Anaesthetic, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring, Antipsychotic

Quality Falsified

Source Unspecified outlet

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Coronavirus: 600000 dodgy rapid tests seized in Cyprus Cyprus Mail

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 99: Places for report 1095542

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope Cyprus Republic of Cyprus 35 33

Table 100: Drugs for report 1095542

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeantipsychotics N05A

Notes: Police said on Friday they had confiscated 600,000 unauthorised or fake Covid rapidtests and suspended their use, as part of a worldwide Interpol-led operation targeting the sale ofcounterfeit and illicit medicines and medical products. [...] In Cyprus, some 700,000 counterfeitor unlicensed products were confiscated, with the majority being, apart from the rapid tests,local anaesthetics, antipsychotics, drugs for treating erectile dysfunction, police said. [...]

2021-09-16 100

53 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-led crack-down - 2021-06-08

Publication date 2021-06-08

Create date 2021-06-14

Score 6.88

Report id 1091825

Category Erectile dysfunction medicine, Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring,Analgesic, Antidepressant, Medical devices for disease prevention, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: $23m of illicit products were seized, up from $14m last year, with fake drugs and testkits for COVID-19 once again prominent.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 101: Places for report 1091825

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEurope United Kingdom United Kingdom of

Great Britain andNorthern Ireland

54.75844 -2.69531

Europe United Kingdom Northern Ireland 54.5 -6.5Europe Italy Repubblica Italiana 42.83333 12.83333

Table 102: Drugs for report 1091825

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeantidepressants N06Aanabolic steroids A14A

Table 103: Other Stories

ID Title Link1092436 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut in global

sting: InterpolLink

2021-09-16 101

Table 103: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1092602 Over 1 lakh web links removed in global crackdown on

illegal medical tradeLink

1092778 £3m worth of illegally sold meds and devices seized inUK


1093121 Consumers Face More Risk Than Ever Due to FakeProducts


1093206 Over £9m worth of illegal medicines and devices seized- Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazine


1093310 Thousands of fake online pharmacies shut down Link1094010 A campaign manages to close thousands of fake online

pharmacies – Explica .coLink

1094165 Interpol Shutters Thousands Of Fake Online Pharma-cies Amid Demand For COVID-Related Products


1095588 Thousands of Fake Online Pharmacies Shut Down inInterpol Operation


1097825 Interpol shuts down thousands of fake online pharma-cies


1098672 Millions Of Fake Covid Tests Seized Link1099398 Dozens of fake online pharmacies shut down - Here are

the red flagsLink

1101527 Fake Online Pharmacies And Sales Of Illegal COVIDTests Boom During Pandemic


1101588 Thousands of fake online pharmacies are closed world-wide: International Criminal Police Organization


1102328 Falsified medicines worth $23m seized in Interpol-ledcrackdown


1110025 Fake vaccines are undermining the world’s fightagainst Covid-19


1114752 ’Global effort’ needed to fight fake goods amid Covid-19 pandemic


1156598 Thousands of illegal pharmacies shut down in interna-tional operation


Notes: [...] Pangea XIV, which involved authorities from 92 countries and resulted in 277arrests, also resulted in the takedown of 113,020 web links peddling fake medicines. [...] TheUK was a focal point for the operation this year, with more than three million medicines andmedical devices valued at over £9m (almost $13m) seized and seven people arrested in NorthernIreland.Checks of some 710,000 packages led to the discovery of fake and illicit drugs hidden amongstlegitimate products including clothes, jewellery, toys, food and baby products. Among the illegalmedicines confiscated by enforcement officers were antidepressants, erectile dysfunction tablets,painkillers, anabolic steroids and slimming pills. More than half of all medical devices seizedduring the operation were fake and unauthorised COVID-19 tests. UK authorities also removedmore than 3,100 advertising links for the illegal sale and supply of unlicensed medicines, and

2021-09-16 102

shut down 43 websites.Meanwhile, in Venezuela a man was arrested after he developed an e-commerce platform onWhatsApp to sell illicit medicines, while in Italy authorities recovered more than 500,000 fakesurgical masks as well as 35 industrial machines used for production and packaging. [...]

2021-09-16 103

54 Woman dies of possible Fentanyl overdose potentially causedby fake pills flooding region

Publication date 2021-07-27

Create date 2021-08-24

Score 6.02

Report id 1181572

Category Opioid

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Woman dies of possible Fentanyl overdose potentially caused by fake pills floodingregion Valley News Live

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 104: Places for report 1181572

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States Florida 28.75054 -82.5001

Table 105: Drugs for report 1181572

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxycodone and paracetamol Opioids in combi-

nation with non-opioid analgesics

opioids N02AJ17

Notes: [...] Piatkoff was later arrested along with 43-year-old Laschon Metcalf of Crookston.Both are currently facing pending charges.Authorities say about 16 M30 pills, which are considered to be fake Percocet, were recovered.It is suspected these pills were laced with Fentanyl. [...]

2021-09-16 104

55 DR Congo study shows ’strong’ signal for fake malaria drugs- 2021-07-19

Publication date 2021-07-19

Create date 2021-07-22

Score 5.99

Report id 1144323

Category Anti-malarial

Quality Falsified

Source Private pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: A third of quinine sulfate samples had no active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) atall, while 8 per cent had a different API.

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 106: Places for report 1144323

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeCentral Africa Democratic Re-

public of theCongo

Bukavu -2.49077 28.84281

Table 107: Drugs for report 1144323

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codequinine Methanolquinolines antimalarials P01BC01

antimalarials P01Bartemether Artemisinin and

derivatives, plainantimalarials P01BE02

Table 108: Other Stories

ID Title Link1144693 DR Congo study shows ’strong’ signal for fake malaria


2021-09-16 105

Notes: The study was carried out in Bukavu, one of the larger cities in DRC over a five monthsperiod in 2019, and involved samples of quinine sulfate (QS) and artemether/lumefantrine(AL)products obtained from community pharmacies and street vendors. [...] While most (93 percent) of AL samples met quality standards, a third of the QS tablets contained no activeingredient at all suggesting they were falsified rather than simply substandard. Another 8 percent had a different active ingredient, which also points to falsification. [...]

2021-09-16 106

56 Man Convicted of Conspiracy to Import and DistributeFentanyl

Publication date 2021-07-09

Create date 2021-07-13

Score 5.78

Report id 1131752

Category Opioid

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Man Convicted of Conspiracy to Import and Distribute Fentanyl Department of Justice

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 109: Places for report 1131752

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 110: Drugs for report 1131752

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxycodone and paracetamol Opioids in combi-

nation with non-opioid analgesics

opioids N02AJ17

Table 111: Other Stories

ID Title Link1139495 Rhode Island Man Indicted for Producing Counterfeit

Percocet Pills -Link

Notes: [...] According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Steven BarrosPinto, 40, of Pawtucket, conspired to import kilogram-quantities of fentanyl from China anduse the fentanyl to manufacture counterfeit Percocet pills. Pinto personally distributed tens

2021-09-16 107

of thousands of the fentanyl-laced pills. Pinto acquired the fentanyl with the assistance of co-conspirators Daniel Vivas Ceron, of Colombia, who pleaded guilty in July 2019, and AnthonyGomes, of Rhode Island, who pleaded guilty in April 2018. Pinto also engaged in a series ofobstructive acts intended to silence witnesses and tamper with evidence. [...]

2021-09-16 108

57 FDA to Amazon: Stop shipping products that containundisclosed drugs

Publication date 2021-07-29

Create date 2021-08-05

Score 4.08

Report id 1158023

Category Nutritional supplement

Quality Substandard or Falsified

Source Website(s)

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: FDA to Amazon: Stop shipping products that contain undisclosed drugs RegulatoryFocus

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 112: Places for report 1158023

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5

Table 113: Other Stories

ID Title Link1158187 FDA: Amazon selling nearly 30 weight loss, sexual en-

hancement products with harmful ingredientsLink

1158223 FDA to Amazon: Stop shipping products that containundisclosed drugs


Notes: [...] FDA purchased samples of 26 sexual enhancement products through the company’swebsite between December 2019 and February 2020 and confirmed through laboratory analysesthat all products sampled contained one of more of the active pharmaceutical drug ingredientssildenafil, tadalafil or vardenafil, yet none of these ingredients were declared on the product’slabeling. [...] In March 2021, FDA yet again purchased samples of two additional sexual en-hancement products and one weight loss product through the Amazon website. FDA confirmedthrough laboratory analyses that the sexual enhancement products it purchased and sampledin this time frame contained tadalafil. The weight loss product contained sibutramine, a weight

2021-09-16 109

loss drug that has been withdrawn from the market in the US and many other countries oversafety concerns, including an increased risk of cardiovascular events. None of these drug ingre-dients were declared in the products’ labeling, observed FDA. [...]

2021-09-16 110

58 DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. - Finished Pharmaceuticals/Unapproved New Drug/Misbranded/Adulterated - Estadode México - 2021-06-03

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-10

Score 3.48

Report id 1091500

Category Antiseptic

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: WARNING LETTER DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. MARCS-CMS 609797 — June 03,2021 Share Tweet Linkedin Email Print Delivery Method: VIA UPS Product: Drugs Recipient:Recipient Name Ma. de la Luz Escorza Recipient Title CEO DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V. CalleLago Guija 234 Col. Agua Azul 57500 Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl , Méx. Mexico Issuing Office:Center for Drug Evaluation and Research United States Warning Letter 320-21-48 June 03, 2021Dear Ms. Escorza: Your firm was registered as a human drug manufacturer. The U.S. Food andDrug Administration (FDA) conducted testing of consumer antiseptic hand rub drug products(also referred to as consumer hand sanitizers) labeled as SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL and Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel. SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL was labeled as manufactured at your facility,and Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel was declared to be manu-factured at your facility, DMM Vission, S.A. de C.V., FEI 3016833130, at Calle Lago Guija 234,Col. Agua Azul, Cuidad Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico. Following an attempt to import DMM HandSanitizer drug products into the United States, these products were detained and refused ad-mission at the border. The results of FDA laboratory testing of batches of these drug productsdetained at the border demonstrate that these drug products, labeled or declared to be manu-factured at your facility, are adulterated within the meaning of section 501(d)(2) of the FederalFood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&amp;C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(d)(2), in that a substance wassubstituted wholly or in part therefor. In addition, these products are adulterated within themeaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)), in that thesubstitution demonstrates that the quality assurance within your facility is not functioning inaccordance with Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) requirements. In addition,your Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL drug products are unapproved new drugs in violation of section505(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(a), and are misbranded under sections 502(j), (a),(e), (f)(2), (x) and (ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352 (j), (a), (e), (f)(2), (x) and (ee).Lastly, SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER is also misbranded under 502 (i) of the FD&amp;CAct, 21 U.S.C 352(i). Introduction or delivery for introduction of such products into interstate

2021-09-16 111

commerce is prohibited under sections 301(d) and (a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 331(d)and (a). Adulteration Violations SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, labeledas manufactured at your facility, is labeled to contain 70% of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol(ethanol). However, FDA laboratory testing of a batch of SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL product detained at the border found that the product contained an averageof 31% ethanol and an average of 2.3% methanol volume/volume (v/v). Additionally, CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel, declared to be manufactured at yourfacility, is labeled to contain 70% v/v of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol). How-ever, FDA laboratory testing of a batch of Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZERalcohol gel product detained at the border found that the product contained an average of 22%ethanol and an average of 10% methanol v/v. Therefore, these hand sanitizer drug productsare adulterated under section 501(d)(2) of the FD&amp;C Act in that the active ingredient ofethanol was substituted wholly or in part with methanol, a dangerous chemical when in contactwith human skin or ingested. Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand sanitizers andshould not be used due to its toxic effects. Skin exposure to methanol can cause dermatitis,as well as transdermal absorption with systemic toxicity. Substantial methanol exposure canresult in nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, per-manent damage to the nervous system, or death. Although all persons using these products ontheir hands are at risk, young children who accidentally ingest these products and adolescentsand adults who drink these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute are most at risk formethanol poisoning. On August 21, 2020, FDA held a teleconference with you and RegistrarCorp, your registered U.S. agent. We recommended you consider removing all of your firm’shand sanitizer drug products currently in distribution from the U.S. market. On August 21,2020, FDA notified the public of methanol contamination of your hand sanitizer at the followingwebsite: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-updates-hand-sanitizers-consumers-should-not-use . On September 8, 2020, you announced a voluntary nationwide recallfor five lots of Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel 500ml and 1200mlbottles due to potential presence of undeclared methanol (Wood Alcohol), as noted on the follow-ing FDA webpage: https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/dmm-vission-sa-de-cv-issues-voluntary-nationwide-recall-cleaner-hand-sanitizer-500-ml-and-1200-ml?utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=govdelivery. Additionally, the FDA contacted your firm’s consignees to recall. On September 24, 2020,one of your firm’s consignees, AA Products Inc., recalled one lot of SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL 500ml bottles. In response to this letter, provide the following:• A detailed investigation into how the drug products described above, which were declared orlabeled as manufactured at your facility, and which were labeled as containing ethanol, weresubstituted in part or in whole with methanol. • A list of all raw materials used to manufac-ture all of your hand sanitizer drug products, including the suppliers’ names, addresses, andcontact information. • A list of all batches of any hand sanitizer drug products shipped tothe United States by your firm, and a full reconciliation of all material you distributed. •Copies of the complete batch records for all batches distributed to the U.S. The substitutionand methanol contamination in a drug product declared or labeled as manufactured in yourfacility demonstrates that the quality assurance within your facility is not functioning in accor-dance with CGMP requirements under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C.351(a)(2)(B). 1 Unapproved New Drug and Misbranding Violations Cleaner BY CRYSTAL-WARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOLGEL are ”drugs” as defined by section 201(g)(1)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)(B), because they are intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or preven-tion of disease and/or under section 201(g)(1)(C) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1)(C), because they are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. Specifically,

2021-09-16 112

Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SAN-ITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are intended for use as consumer topical antiseptics. Examples ofclaims observed on the Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL labeling that provide evidence of the intendeduse (as defined in 21 CFR 201.128) of the products include, but may not be limited to, thefollowing: Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel: ” Drug Facts . . .Purpose . . . Antimicrobial Use : To help reduce bacteria on the skin. . . Directions: Wethands thoroughly with product, gently rub into skin and allow to dry without wiping. SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL: DRUG FACTS: . . . USES: hand sanitizerto help decrease bacteria on the skin. . . DIRECTIONS: pump as needed into your palmsthoroughly spread on both hands, rub into skin until dry. These topical antiseptic productsare ”new drugs” within the meaning of section 201(p) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(p),because they are not generally recognized as safe and effective (GRASE) for use under theconditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in their labeling. New drugs may not beintroduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce without prior approval fromFDA, as described in section 505(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355(a), unless they arelawfully marketed under section 505G of the Act (which is not the case for these products,as further described below) or under other exceptions not applicable here. No FDA-approvedapplication pursuant to section 505 of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355, is in effect forthese drug products, nor are we aware of any adequate and well-controlled clinical studies inthe published literature that support a determination that your Cleaner BY CRYSTALWAREHAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL drugproducts are GRASE for use under the conditions suggested, recommended, or prescribed intheir labeling. Accordingly, these products are unapproved new drugs marketed in violationof sections 505(a) and 301(d) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C 355(a) and 331(d). We notethat over-the-counter (OTC) topical antiseptic products had been the subject of rulemakingunder FDA’s OTC Drug Review. In particular, such products were addressed in a tentativefinal monograph (TFM) entitled ”Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-CounterHuman Use; Tentative Final Monograph for Health-Care Antiseptic Drug Products,” ProposedRule, 59 FR 31402 (June 17, 1994) (1994 TFM), as further amended by ”Safety and Effec-tiveness of Consumer Antiseptics; Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-CounterHuman Use; Proposed Amendment of the Tentative Final Monograph; Reopening of Admin-istrative Record,” Proposed Rule, 81 FR 42912 (June 30, 2016) (Consumer Antiseptic RubsProposed Rule). Over the course of these rulemakings three active ingredients (benzalkoniumchloride, ethyl alcohol (ethanol), and isopropyl alcohol) were classified in Category III for usein consumer antiseptic rub products, meaning that additional safety and effectiveness data areneeded to support a determination that a drug product containing one of these active ingredi-ents would be GRASE for use as a consumer rub. Section 505G of the FD&amp;C Act addressesnonprescription drugs marketed without an approved application. Under section 505G(a)(3) ofthe FD&amp;C Act, drugs that were classified as Category III for safety or effectiveness in aTFM that is the most recently applicable proposal or determination for such drug issued under21 CFR Part 330 – and that were not classified as Category II for safety or effectiveness – arenot required to have an approved application under section 505 in order to be marketed, aslong as they are in conformity with the relevant conditions of use outlined in the applicableTFM, including the active ingredient, and comply with all other applicable requirements. How-ever, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL do not conform to the 1994 TFM, as further amended by the2016 Consumer Antiseptic Rubs Proposed Rue, nor any other TFM, proposed rule, or final rule,and do not meet the conditions under section 505G(a)(3) of the FD&amp;C Act for marketing

2021-09-16 113

without an approved application under section 505. According to the product labels, CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL purportedly contain the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 70%. How-ever, as previously discussed, FDA laboratory analyses of batches of these products detained atthe border demonstrated that Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol geland SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol) in aconcentration that is less than the 70% stated on its product labels and less than the amountof ethyl alcohol (ethanol) described in the 1994 TFM. 2 Such products do not conform withthe TFM or applicable requirements nor are they consistent with the formulations described inthe guidances setting forth FDA’s temporary policies for hand sanitizers during the COVID-19public health emergency. 3 FDA laboratory analyses also demonstrated that batches of CleanerBY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZERALCOHOL GEL contain significant concentrations of the undeclared ingredient methyl alcohol(methanol). Use of methanol as an active ingredient is not in conformance with the 1994 TFM,nor is methanol included in the formulations described in FDA’s Temporary Policy for Prepa-ration of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public Health Emergency(COVID-19) Guidance for Industry. Furthermore, methanol is not acceptable as an inactiveingredient in hand sanitizers. As previously discussed, methanol has significant and sometimesfatal toxic effects and, therefore, does not meet the requirements under 21 CFR 330.1(e) thatits inactive ingredients be safe and suitable. 4 Additionally, these methanol-containing drugproducts, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTHHAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, are misbranded under sections 502(j), (a), (e), (f)(2), (x)and (ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(j), (a), (e), (x) and (ee). SYP HEALTH HANDSANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL is also misbranded under section 502(i) of the FD&amp;C Act,21 U.S.C 352(i). These products are misbranded under section 502(j) of the FD&amp;C Act,21 U.S.C. 352(j), because they are dangerous to health when used according to their labelingas hand sanitizers. As previously stated, skin exposure to methanol could lead to systemicabsorption, and substantial methanol exposure can potentially result in, among other things,blindness, permanent nervous system damage, and even death. These hand sanitizers are mis-branded under section 502(a) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C 352(a), because their labelingis false or misleading. As noted above, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZERalcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are labeled to containethyl alcohol (ethanol) 70%. However, FDA laboratory analyses of batches of these productsdemonstrate that the products contain a concentration of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) that is lessthan what is stated on the product labels and contain a significant concentration of methylalcohol (methanol), an ingredient that is not declared on the product labels. Section 201(n) ofthe FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 321(n), provides that ”in determining whether the labeling oradvertising is misleading there shall be taken into account . . . not only representations madeor suggested . . . but also the extent to which the labeling or advertising fails to reveal factsmaterial in the light of such representations or material with respect to consequences which mayresult. . ..” Thus, the misleading representation of the concentration of the active ingredientethyl alcohol (ethanol), and the failure of the product labels to disclose the presence of methylalcohol (methanol) in the products, causes these products to be misbranded under section 502(a)of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(a). The failure of these products to list methyl alcohol(methanol) as an ingredient on their labels causes them to be misbranded under section 502(e)(1)(A) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(e)(1)(A). Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HANDSANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER GEL are also misbrandedunder section 502(f)(2) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(f)(2) because the product labelsdo not include all of the applicable warnings as required under 21 CFR 330.1(g). Specifically,

2021-09-16 114

the labels do not include the warning statement that reads, ”If swallowed, get medical helpor contact a Poison Control Center right away.” Furthermore, Cleaner BY CRYSTALWAREHAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL aremisbranded under section 502(x) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(x) because the prod-uct labels fail to disclose a complete domestic address or domestic telephone number throughwhich the responsible person may receive a report of a serious adverse event with such drug. Inaddition, SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL is packaged in a container thatresembles a drinking water bottle customarily purchased by U.S. consumers. Section 502(i)(1)of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(i)(1), provides that a drug is misbranded if ”its containeris so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading …”As such, your clear, colorless hand sanitizerthat fills a 33.8 fl oz container resembling a plastic water bottle ordinarily used to packagedrinking water is misbranded under section 502(i)(1) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 352(i)(1). Lastly, these products are misbranded under section 502(ee) of the FD&amp;C Act, 21U.S.C. 352(ee) because Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alcohol gel and SYPHEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are nonprescription drugs subject to section505G of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355h, but do not comply with the requirements formarketing under that section and are not the subject of an application approved under section505 of the FD&amp;C Act, 21 U.S.C. 355. The introduction or delivery for introduction of amisbranded drug into interstate commerce is prohibited under section 301(a) of the FD&amp;CAct, 21 U.S.C. 331(a). CGMP Consultant Recommended Based upon the nature of the vio-lations we identified at your firm, we strongly recommend engaging a consultant qualified asset forth in 21 CFR 211.34 to evaluate your operations and to assist your firm in meetingCGMP requirements if your firm intends to resume manufacturing drugs for the U.S. market.We also recommend that the qualified consultant perform a comprehensive audit of your entireoperation for CGMP compliance and that the consultant evaluates the completion and efficacyof your corrective actions and preventive actions before you pursue resolution of your firm’scompliance status with FDA. Your use of a consultant does not relieve your firm’s obligationto comply with CGMP. Your firm’s executive management remains responsible for resolvingall deficiencies and systemic flaws to ensure ongoing CGMP compliance. Conclusion The viola-tions cited in this letter are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of violations associated withyour drug products. You are responsible for investigating and determining the causes of anyviolations and for preventing their recurrence or the occurrence of other violations. Note thatFDA placed all drugs and drug products manufactured by your firm on Import Alert 66-78 onSeptember 02, 2020, as the methods used in and controls used for the manufacture, processing,packing, or holding of these products do not appear to conform to current good manufacturingpractices within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act. Drugs and drugproducts that appear to be adulterated or misbranded may be detained or refused admissionwithout physical examination. All drugs and drug products manufactured by your firm mayremain listed on this import alert, until there is evidence establishing that the conditions thatgave rise to the appearance of the violation have been resolved, and the Agency has confidencethat future entries will be in compliance with the FD&amp;C Act. This may include an in-spection prior to the agency considering the appearance of adulteration to be addressed. If youdecide you want to manufacture drugs for the United States in the future, request a RegulatoryMeeting to discuss corrective actions. This letter notifies you of our findings and provides youan opportunity to address the above deficiencies. After you receive this letter, respond to thisoffice in writing within 15 working days. Specify what you have done to address any viola-tions and to prevent their recurrence. In response to this letter, you may provide additionalinformation for our consideration as we continue to assess your activities and practices. If youcannot do so within 15 working days, state your reasons for delay and your schedule for com-

2021-09-16 115

pletion. Send your electronic reply to [email protected] Identifyyour response with FEI 3016833130 and ATTN: Towanda Terrell. Sincerely, /S/ Francis God-win Director Office of Manufacturing Quality Office of Compliance Center for Drug Evaluationand Research CC: Registered US Agent: Registrar Corp David Lennarz 144 Research DriveHampton, VA 23666 Firm’s External Attorney: Teresa Arellano [email protected]________________________________1 Due to an increased demand for alcohol-based hand sanitizers during the COVID-19 pandemic, FDA published the Guidance for Indus-try: Temporary Policy for Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products Dur-ing the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19) on March 19, 2020, and subsequently updatedthe guidance several times, most recently on February 10, 2021. This guidance communicatesthe Agency’s temporary policy that we do not intend to take action against firms for CGMPviolations under section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act if such firms prepare alcohol-basedhand sanitizers for consumer use (or for use as health care personnel hand rubs) during thepublic health emergency, provided certain circumstances described in the guidance are present.These circumstances include preparation of hand sanitizer products using only the ingredientsand formulas set forth in the guidance. In addition to the violative sample results detailed abovethat demonstrate the substitution of hand sanitizer products declared or labeled as manufac-tured at your facility, a review of the purported formulations on the drug products’ labelingfurther indicates that these products are not prepared consistent with FDA’s temporary policyset forth in the guidance. Therefore, these products do not fall within the Agency’s temporarypolicy not to take action against firms manufacturing hand sanitizer products for violationsof section 501(a)(2)(B) of the FD&amp;C Act. 2 The 1994 TFM, which does not distinguishbetween antiseptic hand washes and rubs, proposed for antiseptic handwashes and healthcarepersonnel handwashes an alcohol concentration of 60 to 95% by volume in an aqueous solu-tion: 59 FR at 31442. Later amendments to the 1994 TFM distinguished between antiseptichand washes and rubs, and between consumer and healthcare personnel antiseptics, but didnot change the alcohol concentration originally proposed in 1994. 3 See, e.g., Temporary Policyfor Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public HealthEmergency (COVID-19) . Because Cleaner BY CRYSTALWARE HAND SANITIZER alco-hol gel and SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL are not consistent with theformulations described in these guidances, they do not fall within any temporary Agency pol-icy not to take action against firms manufacturing hand sanitizer products for violations ofsection 505 of the FD&amp;C Act. 4 An inactive ingredient used in over-the-counter (OTC)monograph drugs must meet the requirements of 21 CFR 330.1(e), which requires, among otherthings, that inactive ingredients must be safe in the amount administered. Content currentas of: 06/08/2021 Regulated Product(s) Drugs More Warning Letters Warning Letters AboutWarning and Close-Out Letters

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 114: Places for report 1091500

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Americas Mexico Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl 19.40061 -99.01483

2021-09-16 116

Table 115: Drugs for report 1091500

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntiseptics throat preparations R02AA

ethanol Other antisepticsand disinfectants

antiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: [...] SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GEL, labeled as manufactured atyour facility, is labeled to contain 70% of the active ingredient ethyl alcohol (ethanol). However,FDA laboratory testing of a batch of SYP HEALTH HAND SANITIZER ALCOHOL GELproduct detained at the border found that the product contained an average of 31% ethanoland an average of 2.3% methanol volume/volume (v/v). [...]

2021-09-16 117

59 Advisory - Unauthorized drugs seized from Tokyo Beautyin Burnaby, BC, may pose serious health risks

Publication date 2021-07-07

Create date 2021-07-09

Score 3.37

Report id 1128429

Category Ophthalmic medicines, Antibiotic, Dermatological medicine

Quality Substandard

Source Distributor/Wholesaler

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Advisory - Unauthorized drugs seized from Tokyo Beauty in Burnaby, BC, may poseserious health risks Canada NewsWire

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 116: Places for report 1128429

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia Japan Tokyo 35.6895 139.69171Americas Canada Burnaby 49.26636 -122.95263

Table 117: Drugs for report 1128429

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AAAntibiotics agents for treatment of

hemorrhoids and analfissures for topical use


Antibiotics antifungals for topicaluse


Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Antibiotics drugs for treatment oftuberculosis


2021-09-16 118

Table 117: Drugs for report 1128429(continued)

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics throat preparations R02ABAntibiotics antiinfectives S01AA

Table 118: Other Stories

ID Title Link1128487 Advisory - Unauthorized drugs seized from Tokyo

Beauty in Burnaby, B.C., may pose serious healthrisks


Notes: Health Canada has seized several health products—including an acne gel, an antibioticcream, eye drops and eyewashes—from Tokyo Beauty in the Metropolis at Metrotown mall,Burnaby, B.C., because they are unauthorized drugs and may pose serious health risks. [...]

2021-09-16 119

60 DRAP recovers huge quantity of medicines stolen fromNICVD, CHK

Publication date 2021-06-28

Create date 2021-07-07

Score 2.87

Report id 1118072

Category Anaesthetic, Antibiotic, Other

Quality Diverted/Unregistered

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: DRAP recovers huge quantity of medicines stolen from NICVD, CHK The NewsInternational

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 119: Places for report 1118072

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Pakistan Karachi 24.8608 67.0104

Table 120: Drugs for report 1118072

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics intestinal antiinfectives A07AAAntibiotics agents for treatment of

hemorrhoids and analfissures for topical use


Antibiotics antifungals for topicaluse


Antibiotics antiinfectives and anti-septics, excl. combi-nations with corticos-teroids


Antibiotics antimycotics for sys-temic use


Antibiotics drugs for treatment oftuberculosis


Antibiotics throat preparations R02AB

2021-09-16 120

Table 120: Drugs for report 1118072(continued)

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC CodeAntibiotics antiinfectives S01AA

Table 121: Other Stories

ID Title Link1118117 Costly medicines stolen from NICVD, CHK recovered

in raidsLink

Notes: A huge quantity of medicines stolen from the National Institute of Cardiovascular Dis-eases (NICVD) and Dr Ruth KM Pfao Civil Hospital were seized when the National Task Forceagainst Spurious Drugs raided various shops and a warehouse in the Katchi Gali and Hus-sainabad areas of Karachi on Monday. [...] DRAP officials disclosed that they had recoveredmedicines stolen from the NICVD and CHK, which included costly injections to give anesthesiato patients, as well as antibiotics, steroids and other categories of medicines. They added thatdrugs stolen from other healthcare facilities were also stolen during the raids. [...]

2021-09-16 121

Annexe D

D.6. Equipements et consommables de ventilation et d’oxygénation

Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe

September 16, 2021

This is a summary of the information available in the Medicine Quality Monitoring Globe forthe search terms selected between the dates selected. For more information on the terminologyused, caveats and the work of the medicine quality group please see the information at: https://www.iddo.org/medicine-quality

Non-Curated reports are those that have been automatically flagged as relevant by the systembut have not been manually curated by the curators.

We would be grateful for any feedback on this summary and for the details of any reports thatwe may have missed.

Filters applied for this reportSearch (”Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” OR ”Oxygen” OR

”nasal catheter ” OR ”CPAP” OR ”oximeter” OR ”positive end-expiratory pressure” OR”PEEP” OR ”positive end expiratory pressure” OR ”bag-valve-mask” OR ”self-inflatingbag” OR ”oropharyngeal catheter” OR ”BMV” OR ”nebulizer” OR ”tracheostomy tube”OR ”tracheal tube” OR ”ambu bag” OR ”ventilator” OR ”bag valve” OR ”nasal cannula”OR ”manual resuscitator” OR ”HEPA filter” OR ”endotracheal tube” OR ”air purifier”OR ”intubation kit”)

Start date 2021-06-01

End date 2021-07-31

Language en

Report type incident

Curation status validated

Number of Reports 9


1 CPAP machines and ventilators recalled over potentiallydangerous foam

Publication date 2021-06-25

Create date 2021-09-08

Score 47.66

Report id 1120503

Category Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Substandard

Source Manufacturer

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: CPAP machines and ventilators recalled over potentially dangerous foam KGET 17

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 1: Places for report 1120503

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas United States United States 39.76 -98.5Americas Canada Canada 60.10867 -113.64258

Earth 0 0

Table 2: Other Stories

ID Title Link1124396 Recall on Philips CPAP Devices - LVHN News Link1125649 Safety concerns about your Philips Ventilator, CPAP

and BiPAP devices? - What you need to knowLink

1126801 TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration : Philips re-call action for CPAP, Bi-Level PAP devices and me-chanical ventilators


1159253 Wrestling With a Recall Link1159598 Company recalls CPAP, BiLevel PAP machines and

ventilators due to possible health risksLink

1162597 Sleep apnoea machine recall leads to uncertainty forvulnerable consumers


1175291 Certain Philips Respironics ventilators, BiPAP, CPAPmachines recalled due to potential health risks


2021-09-16 2

Table 2: Other Stories(continued)

ID Title Link1201228 Recall: Philips Respironics CPAP, BiPAP, and Ven-


1206696 Tamil Nadu govt asks company to rectify or replace600 ventilators


1211856 JPML to Hear Arguments on Philips CPAP MDL Endof September


Notes: Philips Respironics has issued a recall on thousands of ventilators and CPAP machines.The recall only affects units sold in the United States. The units affected include specificPhilips Bi-Level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-Level PAP), Continuous Positive Airway Pres-sure (CPAP), and mechanical ventilators. The issue stems from potential health risks related tothe polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) sound abatement foam component in these devices.[...] Additional Information: ID 1159598 (https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/company-recalls-cpap-bilevel-pap-machines-and-ventilators-due-to-possible-health-risks-1.5529874): Health Canada an-nounced the recall on Friday, saying that Philips Respironics is recalling these devices due toreports of the sound-reducing foam breaking down. This poses potential health risks as thefoam can break down into particles, which could be inhaled or swallowed, or release volatileorganic compounds. [...] Additional Information: ID 1162597 (https://www.miragenews.com/sleep-apnoea-machine-recall-leads-to-606695/): Philips recently issued a world-wide recall for arange of their sleep apnoea machines after finding the polyurethane foam within the machinehad the potential to degrade and cause the consumer to inhale and ingest its particles, whichis feared may cause cancer. [...]

2021-09-16 3

2 37 caught for black marketing in essentials

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-09-06

Score 18.82

Report id 1086685

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring, Antiviral others, Antiseptic,Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 37 caught for black marketing in essentials The Kathmandu Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 3: Places for report 1086685

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Nepal Federal Democratic Re-

public of Nepal28 84

Table 4: Drugs for report 1086685

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


J07ethanol Other antiseptics

and disinfectantsantiseptics and disinfec-tants


ethanol Antidotes all other therapeuticproducts


ethanol Nerve depressants all other therapeuticproducts


Notes: [...] In the last six weeks, a total of 37 persons were arrested from across the countryfor their alleged involvement in black marketing of oxygen, remedevisir, and oximeters, andproducing fake hand sanitisers, according to the Nepal Police. [...] In the course of raids,police confiscated 13,756 litres of sanitiser, 25,000 litre of fake sanitiser, 55 oximeters, 765

2021-09-16 4

fake oximeters, 6 vials of remdesivir injection, 1 vial of fake remdesivir injection, 2,000 litremethanol, 3,600 liters of ethanol, 2 fake receipt pads and 46 boxes of several medicines. [...][pulse oximeters]

2021-09-16 5

3 COVID-19: Police investigate six people over sale of fakeoximeters

Publication date 2021-07-10

Create date 2021-09-06

Score 12.15

Report id 1132521

Category Medical device for screening/diagnosis/monitoring

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: COVID-19: Police investigate six people over sale of fake oximeters ����

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 5: Places for report 1132521

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeEastern Asia Taiwan Taipei 25.04776 121.53185Eastern Asia China People’s Republic of

China35 105

Notes: Taipei police said they are investigating six people in connection with the alleged saleof fake oximeters illegally imported from China.The suspects allegedly imported the oximeters using forged paperwork, claiming that the deviceswere pedometers, and then sold more than 7,000 of them to a distributor that resold them toclinics and pharmacies, police said on Wednesday.An investigator who initiated the case said they were alerted to the situation after reading areport that a member of the public had tested an oximeter purchased from a pharmacy on adoll, and it reportedly gave a reading.Investigators lead by the Shilin District Prosecutors’ Office on Tuesday raided nine sites inTaipei, Taoyuan and Kaohsiung, and confiscated 856 fake oximeters illegally imported fromChina, the office said. [...] [pulse oximeter]

2021-09-16 6

4 Sale of fake oxygen cylinders deplorable: Jakarta governor

Publication date 2021-07-27

Create date 2021-08-02

Score 9.30

Report id 1154953

Category Other

Quality Falsified

Source Unspecified outlet

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Sale of fake oxygen cylinders deplorable: Jakarta governor ANTARA English

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 6: Places for report 1154953

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouth-EasternAsia

Indonesia Jakarta -6.21462 106.84513

Table 7: Drugs for report 1154953

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


Notes: Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on Tuesday described the sale of fake oxygen cylin-ders by certain elements to profit from scarcity of oxygen in local markets as a ”deplorable act”.[...] Earlier, Central Jakarta regional police uncovered the smuggling of imported oxygen cylin-ders and confiscated 166 one-meter cubic sized cylinders with falsified goods. After they wereexamined by the Health Ministry, around 138 oxygen cylinders were found to be in a usablecondition. [...]

2021-09-16 7

5 Black fungus spreading in coronavirus patients through sub-standard oxygen cylinders: health expert

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 8.93

Report id 1085977

Category Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Substandard

Source Other

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Black fungus spreading in coronavirus patients through substandard oxygen cylinders:health expert Geo News

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 8: Places for report 1085977

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia Pakistan Peshawar 34.008 71.57849

Table 9: Drugs for report 1085977

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


Table 10: Other Stories

ID Title Link1086088 Medic warns of black fungus spread among COVID-19

patients via substandard oxygen cylindersLink

1087073 Doctor warns of black fungus inside poorly cleanedoxygen cylinders


1087793 Doctor warns of black fungus inside oxygen cylinders Link

2021-09-16 8

Notes: Khyber Teaching Hospital’s ENT chief Dr Arif Raza has said mucormycosis, also knownas ”black fungus”, is spreading among several coronavirus patients as they were using substan-dard and used old oxygen cylinders. [...] The letter said the fungus was found at the bottom ofthe oxygen cylinders due to lack of cleanliness. [...]

2021-09-16 9

6 Fake medical equipment manufacturing factory busted inAgra, 1 arrested

Publication date 2021-07-01

Create date 2021-07-07

Score 8.93

Report id 1121782

Category Medical devices for disease prevention, Other

Quality Falsified

Source Clandestine laboratory

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Fake medical equipment manufacturing factory busted in Agra, 1 arrested India Today

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 11: Places for report 1121782

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Agra 27.18333 78.01667

Notes: Afake medical equipment manufacturing factory was busted in Agra on Thursday, policesaid.A number of medical devices, syringes, gloves, sanitary pads, and other surgical equipmentwere seized during the raid. [...] ”The team has confiscated 1 lakh gloves, 26,000 sanitarynapkins, 2,000 urine catheters, 1,000 Nebulizer masks, 50,000 surgical masks, syringes, and alarge quantity of raw material worth Rs 2 crores,” he said. [...]

2021-09-16 10

7 3 dead after ingesting poison disguised as Covid cure pills inErode; 2 arrested

Publication date 2021-06-28

Create date 2021-07-02

Score 7.22

Report id 1117058

Category Not applicable

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: 3 dead after ingesting poison disguised as Covid cure pills in Erode; 2 arrested IndiaToday

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 12: Places for report 1117058

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India State of Tamil Nādu 11 78.33333

Table 13: Other Stories

ID Title Link1117181 Erode: Three die of ’Covid drug’ turn out to be mur-


1117197 Three members of a family poisoned to death by ad-ministering fake Covid-19 pills


Notes: In a shocking incident, three members of a family died in Tamil Nadu’s Erode afterthey were given poison in the guise of Covid-19 cure pills. Police have arrested two people inconnection with the case. [...] Armed with the accoutrements of a healthcare worker, includinga temperature gun and pulse oximeter, Sabari visited Karuppanakounder’s house on June 26.He enquired whether Karuppanakounder and his family had fever or cough, then gave themsome pills by saying they would boost immunity against Covid-19. [...]

2021-09-16 11

8 Steroids found in Tocilizumab sold by Surat black marketers

Publication date 2021-06-03

Create date 2021-06-07

Score 5.53

Report id 1086529

Category Immunosuppressant, Antiviral others, Medical device used for cure/mitigation/treatment

Quality Falsified

Source Unlicensed outlets

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Steroids found in Tocilizumab sold by Surat black marketers Ahmedabad Mirror

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 14: Places for report 1086529

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeSouthern Asia India Sūrat 21.19594 72.83023

Table 15: Drugs for report 1086529

Medicine Name Medicine Class Action ATC Codeoxygen Medical gases all other therapeutic


tocilizumab Interleukin in-hibitors

immunosuppressants L04AC07

Notes: The corona pandemic has been an eye-opener of sorts. Though it has been painful formost, there have been those who have cashed in on the situation to make some quick buckseven at the cost of someone else’s health. Eight people, including a doctor, were arrestedlast month in a black-marketing case of Tocilizumab injection by Surat’s Umra police on atip-off. According to Surat police sources, two of the injections seized from the accused weresent for laboratory tests at FSL Gandhinagar, investigations of which found that the injectionscontained a deadly steroid. So, now the Surat police are toying with the possibility of addingmore sections to the case. [...]

2021-09-16 12

9 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on webMexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital

Publication date 2021-07-20

Create date 2021-09-01

Score 4.21

Report id 1164000

Category Antiviral others

Quality Falsified

Source Hospital pharmacy

Curation Manually curated

Incident or General Incident

Snippet: Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on web Mexico detects fake remde-sivir at hospital New York Post

Click here to see the Original Article

Table 16: Places for report 1164000

Region Name Country Location Latitude LongitudeAmericas Mexico Mexico 23 -102Americas Mexico Tampico 22.28519 -97.87777

Table 17: Other Stories

ID Title Link1145994 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale on


1146001 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onweb :: WRAL.com


1146500 Mexico detects fake remdesivir at hospital, for sale onthe web


Notes: MEXICO CITY — Authorities in Mexico say they have found fake doses of the COVID-19 drug remdesivir offered for sale on the internet and at a private hospital near the US border.The federal medical safety commission said late Monday that the fake antiviral drug, which itcalled ”a health risk,” was found at a hospital in the Gulf coast city of Tampico, in the borderstate of Tamaulipas.

2021-09-16 13

The commission said the doses had been purchased in an ”irregular manner” on the internet,but did not say whether the medication had been used there.The drug’s manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, confirmed the falsification. The appearance and lotnumbers on the packaging did not match the original.In February, police in northern Mexico arrested six people in the border state of Nuevo Leónfor allegedly trafficking in fake coronavirus vaccines, but did not say what kind of fake shotswere involved. The suspects allegedly offered the vaccines for sale for the equivalent of around$2,000 per dose.Analysts have long worried that criminal gangs in Mexico could seek to steal, hijack or coun-terfeit much-desired vaccines or medications during the pandemic. There have been hijackingsor thefts of medicines and oxygen in Mexico.Mexico is currently experiencing a third wave of coronavirus in which case numbers have nowexceeded the first wave of 2020. The country has suffered about 236,000 test-confirmed deaths,but because so little testing is done, the real toll is closer to 360,000.

2021-09-16 14