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EDITOR’S NOTEDeborah P. Moore explains how to make the best use of this comprehen-sive guide of products and suppliers for the education market.


PRODUCTS INDEXStart your search here for educa-tional products and services accord-ing to category.


COOPERATIVE PURCHASINGHow schools are using it to upgrade security. BY APRIL DALTON-NOBLITT


PRODUCTS DIRECTORYA detailed listing of products and services and the companies that supply them.


SUPPLIERS DIRECTORYComplete contact information for the suppliers listed in the Products Directory.


PRODUCT SHOWCASEA detailed look at key suppliers’ specifi c products and services.


ADVERTISER INDEXA handy reference of page numbers and websites for all of our advertising supporters.


GO ONLINE...View these listings and more online at:




This recently released guide provides a host of tools and resources for adminis-trators, teachers and parents concerned with making healthy purchasing deci-sions that are good for students and the school environment.





TO: ©















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Untitled-1 1 8/6/14 10:01 AM


FUNDING FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION is a com-plex and integrated process, with monies coming from a combination of local, state and federal contributions.

On average, state and local dollars account for more than 90 percent of the money available to schools. The good news is that this year’s school budgets refl ect continued improvement in state fi nances as a result of record gains in the stock market and overall improvement in the economy. In August, the Com-

merce Department revised its measure of total growth (GDP) upward and the Con-ference Board’s leading economic index made gains for the sixth straight month.

When it comes to federal dollars, President Obama is requesting $68.6 billion in discretionary appropriations for the Department of Education in 2015, an increase of $1.3 billion, or 1.9 percent more than the 2014 level, and almost $3 billion more than in 2013. While this may sound like a lot, the federal government accounts for only around 8.5 percent of school funding. Outside of long-term funding commit-ments, many of these federal funds are in the form of grants and competitive dollars and represent budget uncertainty. Fortunately, these federal dollars do not represent the lion’s share of monies available to schools.

The picture is much brighter than it has been during the past few years, but the chal-lenge remains the same… deliver high-quality education and make every dollar count!

Our September issue is designed to help districts get the most for their money by helping them evaluate suppliers and examine the wide range of options avail-able to them. School Planning & Management’s Education Marketplace is the most comprehensive directory of products, services and suppliers for education. This year’s directory contains product information from more than 1,800 suppliers to the education market. To make it easier to use, products are sorted by category, then subcategory. For example, under the main category “Safety and Security,” you will fi nd subcategories for access control systems, alarms, surveillance cameras, etc.

The Product Index can be found on page 15. Find the product category you are interest-ed in, and then fl ip to the designated page for a list of companies who provide this product. Full contact information for all suppliers in the directory can be found in the Suppliers Section that begins on page 54. The suppliers with bold or enhanced listings support the publication of this guide through their advertising dollars. The Product Showcase, starting on page 90, will give you more detailed information about the products and services avail-able to you. To round out this information resource, we have included a couple of articles on effective and effi cient purchasing practices. That section begins on page 8.

Our goal with this issue is to make schools better places for learning by help-ing you make the best use of your dollars! To help make that even easier for you, this Buyers’ Guide is available 24/7 on the Education Marketplace website at www.EducationMarketplace.com. SPM


The Education Marketplace

Executive Editor/[email protected]



Untitled-3 1 7/30/14 10:49 AM

WHEN WATCHING almost any newscast, the topic of school safety is sure to come up. This is with good reason, as the threat of in-school violence has reared its ugly head again and again over the past few years. Yet, there is also an aspect of school safety that is rarely mentioned on the news, but is equally important: the environmental health and safety of schools.


While creating a healthy, environmentally sound school environment sounds simple in theory, there can be roadblocks such as a general lack of information, which make the task more diffi cult. Luckily for schools and administrators, Healthy Schools Network, Inc., (HSN) is making the task much easier. HSN is a not-for-profi t group dedicated to being the voice for environ-mental health in schools and a recognized leader in the healthy schools movement.

As a recognized leader in the fi eld of green products, HSN provides tools for parents, teachers and administrators to use when planning for and evaluating the overall health of their schools. The latest resource being offered by HSN is the Healthy Pur-chasing for Healthy Schools, a guidance memo that provides a host of tools and resources for administrators, teachers and parents concerned with making healthy purchasing decisions that are good for students and the school environment.


PRODUCT CHOICESThe guidance memo is broken down

into product categories, each containing a special set of tips and considerations for greener buys. It begins with a broad look at some ways to keep schools cleaner and greener and then moves into specifi cs.

The memo also includes a host of additional resources for shopping and purchasing. Some of the sections are given a closer look below.

“Products used to clean and maintain schools today often contain toxic chemi-cals. Of the 85,000 synthetic chemicals in commercial use today, only a few have been individually tested for toxicity.” This fact, as quoted from the guide, is a great reason to begin researching greener supplies and cleaning alterna-tives. Furthermore, “reducing toxic chemicals in products used in schools benefi ts children, teachers and custodial staff, particularly those with asthma and environmental sensitivities,” notes the introduction of the memo.

While no one will argue the fact that healthier schools are a good thing, there is still a fi nancial question that must be considered. What will all of these non-toxic, healthy products do to my budget? This is normally the fi rst question that is posed by school decision makers. The truth is, that in many cases, going non-toxic can save a school money, as the guidance memo points out: “Purchasing environmentally preferable products, equipment, and services that have a reduced impact on human health and on the environment can help create healthi-er learning environments and may not cost more or may save money.”

ELECTRONICSOnce these fi nancial benefi ts are out-

lined, the memo goes on to take a closer look at simple steps to purchase greener, including how to properly disinfect and update and maintain equipment. One of

the quickest ways to go green, accord-ing to the memo, is to take a closer look at your offi ce and computing supplies. “Computers and other offi ce equipment can contain heavy metals (such as lead and mercury) and toxic fl ame retar-dants, as well as other hazardous chemi-cal ingredients that can expose workers when these products are manufactured or handled at the end of their useful life,” according to the report.

Using the Electronic Products Envi-ronmental Assessment Tool standards is one of the easiest ways to ensure you are purchasing a greener product, points out the memo. “From fewer toxins in manu-facturing to effi cient operation including ENERGY STAR requirements EPEAT-reg-istered products offer reduced environ-mental impacts across their life cycle.”

Some other great ways to keep things healthy and green in regards to technol-ogy is to recycle unused laptops and desktops and to turn off computers to save energy, notes the memo. Comput-ers and other technological tools are an important part of any school setting, and as the guide illustrates, when used effectively they can help to foster a healthy sustainable environment.

The guidance memo also covers one of the most critical areas to any green purchasing plan: walls and ceilings. Every school has them and purchasing green paint and primers for them is a must when trying to create a healthy en-vironment. “Studies by the EPA indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to fi ve times — and occasionally more than 100 times — higher than out-door pollutant levels. The EPA considers indoor air quality to be one of the top fi ve hazards to human health. Paint fumes can be a signifi cant contributor to indoor air pollution,” confi rms the memo.

Among other tips, the memo recom-mends using third-party standards to evaluate paints and to assess whether or


not their containers will be recyclable after use. Many of the same guidelines can be used when evaluating art sup-plies and materials. The memo says to avoid solvents, lead and other products that can turn to dust and be inhaled. It also notes that you should “read labels and follow precautions regarding fumes or ventilation,” in order to ensure you are purchasing a green product.

FURNITUREFurniture is present in almost every

classroom and needs to receive careful attention before any purchase is made. This is because “furniture can contain highly toxic materials such as formal-dehyde, brominated fl ame retardants, fl uorinated stain resistant compounds and other harmful chemicals. Off-gassing (the release of chemicals into the air) from furniture can cause headaches; nausea; burning of the eyes, nose, and throat; skin rashes; wheezing; asthma attacks and chest tightness.”

Some of the ways to mitigate such health concerns include buying furniture made only of whole wood, glass or metal and to always avoid furniture made of vinyl and PVC, says HSN. Also, to ensure student health, aim to purchase tables and chairs that have not been treated with any kind of paint and/or stain. Fol-lowing these, along with the other HSN recommendations in the memo help ensure that you are purchasing only the healthiest classroom furniture available. The memo also includes several other useful health and safety tips when it comes to furniture and facilities.

WORKING TOGETHEROne most important, and often

overlooked aspects covered in the memo is using cooperative purchasing in a way that can help you fi nd non-toxic, healthy products like paint and computers. There are several agencies

included in the memo that can help you to navigate the world of healthy school products. Each organization has their own tools and recommendations when it comes to fi nding products that meet your specifi c needs.

Having a good source of information can be invaluable to the green purchas-ing process, according to the memo. “Most, if not all, states have established cooperative purchasing programs that allow public schools to utilize their price agreements for goods and services. Purchasing on state contracts can save schools a tremendous amount of time and money, eliminating the two most of-ten cited barriers to green purchasing.”

If not working with a state agency to make cooperative purchases, the memo recommends implementing a district wide policy when it comes to healthy purchasing. “Public schools are public agencies and must follow state and local policies regarding how to issue requests for bids for various products, services and equipment. Make sure your specifi cations are objective, verifi -able and consistent,” it notes.

Begin by outlining a needs assess-ment and look at who will be using the product(s) you are thinking about purchasing. Next, move into a more specifi c conversation about environ-mental requirements for the product. “In developing your specifi cations, you will be identifying and prioritiz-ing these requirements into a biddable document,” according to HSN.

Going green and healthy isn’t a process without confusion or speed bumps. But with HSN’s guidance memo, the questions are easier to ask and the process greatly streamlined.

To read through all product catego-ries and for additional information, obtain the full guidance memo at www.healthyschools.org/documents/CHS_healthypurchasinghealthyschools.pdf.


















Understanding the Cooperative Purchasing programCooperative Purchasing is a federal govern-

ment program based on the GSA (General Services Administration) Schedule 84. It allows public school districts, colleges and other institutions of higher learning to take advantage of Federal Supply Schedule contracts to purchase safety and security products and services at affordable prices. The program includes: • Door hardware (locks, exit devices, closers, etc.)• Alarm and access control systems• Security cameras and surveillance systems• Emergency communications equipment• Security consulting services• Security design and support services.



School violence in recent years has heightened the need for increased and comprehensive security measures at schools across the country. Both K-12 and higher education institutions are rethinking security. Many schools lack adequate door hardware or access control systems to safely manage the access and egress of staff , students and visitors on a daily basis — let alone to quickly lock down a facility or campus in an emergency. Most school administrators know their facilities need upgraded door hardware. Yet the task — and the cost — of upgrading can seem daunting. The federal government’s Cooperative Purchasing program, allowable through GSA Schedule 84, provides schools with an effi cient procurement vehicle and cost-eff ective way to upgrade interior and perimeter openings with better security solutions. BY APRIL DALTON-NOBLITT


To use the Cooperative Purchasing program, schools must purchase products or services from an approved GSA vendor or schedule holder. GSA-approved suppliers undergo an extensive vetting process to ensure they offer “best value” products or services. Best value isn’t just about price. It’s also defi ned by technical and customer support, installation and training.

The Cooperative Purchasing Program offers educational institutions the following: • Centralized source for safety and

security solutions • Fair and reasonable negotiated pricing • Direct contractor relationship • Qualifi ed (vetted) dealers/installers.

Benefi ts of Cooperative PurchasingToday’s schools need to do more

with less, so it’s critical to identify ways of saving time, money and effort. By its very design, the Cooperative Purchasing program allows schools to do just that. The program leverages volume to create solutions that meet bid requirements and, ultimately, provide access to a broader number of vetted products, brands, dealers and suppliers.

Doug Otto, manager, GSA Sales and Servic-es at Allegion, advises many education clients to use GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing program to fi nd and acquire the solutions they need.

“There are numerous benefi ts to the Co-operative Purchasing program,” he says. “For starters, it gives schools access to pre-nego-tiated pricing, which is typically 30 percent less than the list price. The program also lets schools prioritize more than just price.”

When GSA is not utilized, Otto says price often becomes the deciding factor for schools. As a result, lower-quality products are selected due to budget constraints. But with GSA, the focus is on overall value, so other considerations — such as life cycle, warranty, installation and training — are part of the decision.

Streamlined public bid processGSA also saves time by streamlining the

public bid process. Schools are required by law to open bids for products or services from any general supplier. That process can be lengthy, laborious and costly.

“The public bid process is often fraught with pain points,” Otto says. “There can be an abundance of submissions, each need-

ing review to ensure it meets the criteria. Afterwards, the school must evaluate all the submissions — often with the assistance of an attorney — to select three for consider-ation. It can be a long, complicated process.”

The Cooperative Purchasing Program — with its built-in list of pre-vetted vendors — practically eliminates all those pain points. Schools still satisfy the three-bid requirement by selecting three GSA schedule holders, but the initial evaluation is already complete. With GSA, schools choose from comparable vendors that meet best value requirements.

Putting GSA into actionThe National Association of Safety

and Law Enforcement Offi cials reports that more schools are taking advantage of GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing program. Examples include:• Alvord Unifi ed School District, River-

side, Calif.: In 2010, the Alvord Unifi ed School District was awarded a $3-million security upgrade project, funded by state bonds. With 12 year-round elementary schools, four traditional middle schools, two comprehensive high schools and one alternative/continuation high school, the district wanted to better secure campus perimeters, control foot traffi c, minimize entry points, integrate electronic key control and give school principals the ability to lock down a campus in an emergency. Alvord Unifi ed School District used the Cooperative Purchasing program to upgrade all mechanical hardware locks and add Schlage wireless technology that, together, provided a centralized access control system. Control of the system was managed at the individual building level, with capabilities to simultaneously lock down all 19 schools via the district admin-istration offi ce. The Cooperative Purchas-ing program allowed the district to select a pre-vetted integrator and door hardware manufacturer — both of which are audited every year under the program.

• Cobb County School District, Kennesaw, Ga.: The Cobb County School District has used the Cooperative Purchasing pro-gram since 2009 to purchase products. With more than 70 schools, budget is a signifi cant consideration, so the volume discounts provided through additional negotiations under the program are criti-cal to being able to implement a

comprehensive security solution. The district solicited bids from three pre-vetted companies through GSA. Since the fi rst contract, they have renewed their contract two additional times as they continue to upgrade hardware and add security enhancements to all of its schools. They’ve used the program to purchase Schlage elec-tronic locks, readers and Von exit devices.• Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Char-

lotte, N.C.: Despite budgetary pressures, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools faced the need for increased security and used the GSA Cooperative Purchasing program to fi nd a reputable wholesalers who could pro-vide quality product at an affordable price. With an access control software system already in place, the district was seeking to upgrade its locks and add credential man-agement. Through the program, they were able to fi nd a cost-effective security solu-tion that included 1,000 electronic locks, 34,000-plus proximity cards and 300-plus intelligent controllers. The program al-lowed them to avoid the time-consuming bid process by selecting a GSA-approved wholesaler who had already been properly vetted for product, service and reliability.

Getting startedThe Cooperative Purchasing program is

available to any school, district or college in the United States. If your school needs to upgrade security with door hardware and access control solutions, the GSA Coop-erative Purchasing Program provides a streamlined bid process that connects you with best value solutions.

You can contact the GSA Cooperative Purchasing program by calling 855/472-7088 or visiting www.gsa.gov/saferschools.

>> April Dalton-Noblitt is director of Vertical Marketing for Allegion.





PRODUCTS DIRECTORYA detailed listing of products and services and the companies that supply them.

18PRODUCTS INDEXStart your search for educational products and services according to category.





















PRODUCTS INDEXADA Accessibility Equipment ..................... 18 ADA-Compliant Equipment ................. 18 ADA-Compliant Products ................... 18 Ramps ............................................... 18 Wheelchair Lifts ................................. 18

Electrical Electrical Supplies ............................. 18 Lighting: Ballasts & Controls .............. 18 Lighting: Emergency .......................... 18 Lighting: Indoor .................................. 18 Lighting: Outdoor ............................... 18 Surge Protectors ................................ 18

Furniture, Equipment & Supplies Bicycle Racks & Storage .................... 18 Bleachers .......................................... 18 Display Cabinets/Cases...................... 18 Draperies & Shades & Blinds ............. 18 Equipment: Classroom ....................... 19 Equipment: Food Service ................... 19 Equipment: Health Services ............... 19 Equipment: Physical Education ......... 19 Files & File Systems .......................... 19 Furniture: Cafeteria ............................ 19 Furniture: Chairs ................................ 19 Furniture: Classroom.......................... 19 Furniture: Computer ........................... 19 Furniture: Desks ................................ 20 Furniture: Lecture Hall ....................... 20 Furniture: Library ............................... 20 Furniture: Lounge .............................. 20 Furniture: Music Room ....................... 20 Furniture: Office ................................. 20 Furniture: Outdoor.............................. 20 Furniture: Residence Hall ................... 22 Furniture: Science .............................. 22 Furniture: Tables ................................ 22 Furniture: Vocational .......................... 22 Laboratory: Casework & Cabinets ...... 22 Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments ... 22 Laboratory: Eyewash Stations ............ 22 Laundry Equipment............................ 22 Lecterns ............................................ 22 Locker Room Benches ....................... 22 Lockers: Corridor ............................... 22 Lockers: Gymnasium ......................... 24 Mailboxes .......................................... 24 Mobile: Carts & Cabinets ................... 24 Mobile: Stool Units ............................. 24 Partitions & Room Dividers ................ 24 Seating: Auditorium ........................... 24 Seating: Stadium ............................... 24 Shelving & Storage ............................ 24 Stages ............................................... 24 Supplies: Classroom .......................... 24 Theatrical Equipment ......................... 24 Vending ............................................. 24 Waste Receptacles: Indoor ................. 24 Waste Receptacles: Outdoor .............. 24

Maintenance & Operation Auto Scrubbers .................................. 24 Bird Control ....................................... 24

Cleaning: Skin Care ........................... 24 Cleaning: Supplies ............................. 24 Cleaning: Tools, Microfiber ................. 22 Coatings: Anti-Graffiti ......................... 24 Coatings: Anti-Microbial ..................... 24 Concrete Products & Repair ............... 24 Drainage & Drain Cleaning ................. 26 Equipment: Maintenance & Repair ..... 26 Floors: Carpet Maintenance Equipment ...................................... 26 Floors: Maintenance Products ............ 26 Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers.... 26 Furniture: Repair ................................ 26 Grounds: Maintenance Equipment ..... 26 Grounds: Mowers & Tractors .............. 26 Material Handling Equipment ............. 26 Paints & Coatings .............................. 26 Pest Control ....................................... 26 Recycling ........................................... 26 Supplies: Maintenance & Repair ........ 26 Sweepers .......................................... 26 Tile Restoration .................................. 26 Vacuums............................................ 26 Vacuums: Industrial ........................... 26 Washroom: Accessories ..................... 28 Washroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies ................... 28 Washroom: Paper Products ................ 28

Mechanical Automated Building Controls .............. 28 Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment ... 28 Drinking Fountains ............................. 28 Elevators ........................................... 28 Fan Guards ........................................ 28 Fans .................................................. 28 Hand Dryers ...................................... 28 HVAC: Air Conditioning ....................... 28 HVAC: Air Filters ................................. 28 HVAC: Controls ................................... 28 HVAC: Dehumidifiers .......................... 28 HVAC: Maintenance............................ 30 HVAC: Pollution Controls .................... 30 HVAC: Systems & Equipment ............. 30 Ice Machines .................................... 30 Plumbing: Equipment ......................... 30 Plumbing: Faucets, Automatic ............ 30 Plumbing: Faucets, Manual ................ 30 Plumbing: Flush Valves, Manual ......... 30 Plumbing: Sinks ................................. 30 Plumbing: Toilets................................ 30 Water Treatment: Equipment & Supplies .. 30

Office Automation Equipment & Supplies Copiers: Equipment & Supplies .......... 30 Laminator: Equipment & Supplies ...... 30 Mailing: Equipment & Supplies .......... 30 Other: Office Equipment & Supplies ... 30 Printers: Equipment & Supplies .......... 32

Physical Education Bleachers .......................................... 32 Covers: Gym & Athletic Field .............. 32 Fitness Equipment ............................. 32

Flooring: Sports ................................. 32 Ice Rinks & Supplies .......................... 32 Locker Room Benches ....................... 32 Lockers: Gymnasium ......................... 32 Mats .................................................. 32 Physical Education Equipment ........... 32 Physical Education Surfaces: Indoor .. 32 Physical Education Surfaces: Outdoor 32 Play Equipment .................................. 32 Playground Surfaces .......................... 34 Scoreboards & Time Clocks ............... 34 Seating: Stadium ............................... 34 Swimming Pool: Equipment ............... 34 Swimming Pool: Maintenance ............ 34 Tennis Courts ..................................... 34 Track: Surfaces & Equipment ............. 34 Wall Padding ...................................... 34

Safety & Security Access Control Systems .................... 34 Alarms: Intrusion................................ 34 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) ........................... 34 Bollards ............................................. 34 Card Access Systems ........................ 34 Card Printers ..................................... 36 CCTV/Surveillance Cameras ............... 36 Emergency Communication ............... 36 Emergency Evacuation ....................... 36 Fire: Alarms & Systems ...................... 36 Fire: Doors ......................................... 36 Fire: Extinguishers ............................. 36 Fire: Sprinkler Systems ...................... 36 Identification Equipment & Supplies ...................................... 36 Lighting: Emergency .......................... 36 Locks................................................. 36 Metal Detectors ................................. 38 Pedestrian Safety ............................... 38 Safes ................................................. 38 Software: Security ............................. 38 Wireguards ........................................ 38

Services Architects .......................................... 38 Asbestos Testing & Abatement ........... 40 Campus Card/One Card Systems ....... 40 Construction/Project Management ..... 40 Consultant: Elevator ........................... 40 Consultant: Landscape....................... 40 Consultant: Security ........................... 40 Consultant: Telecommunications ........ 40 Contractors ........................................ 40 Contract Services: Custodial .............. 42 Contract Services: Food Service......... 42 Contract Services: Maintenance ......... 42 Contract Services: Security ............... 42 Contract Services: Transportation ....... 42 Educational Planner ........................... 42 Energy Audits .................................... 42 Energy Management .......................... 42 Engineers .......................................... 42 Environmental Testing ........................ 42 Facilities Management ....................... 42 Financial ............................................ 42




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Fire Protection Consultants/Designers .. 42 Insurance........................................... 42 Interior Design ................................... 42 Landscape Architect .......................... 42 Merchandising & Promotions ............. 42 Online Procurement ........................... 42 Performance Contracting ................... 42 Privatized Housing ............................. 44 Professional Development.................. 44 Purchasing Co-op .............................. 44 Real Estate Development/ Student Housing ............................. 44 Training: Maintenance ........................ 44 Waste Removal/Recycling .................. 44

Structural Acoustics: Acoustical Panels .............. 44 Acoustics: Soundproofing .................. 44 Air and Vapor Barriers ........................ 44 Bridges .............................................. 44 Canopies/Walkways ........................... 44 Ceiling: Systems ................................ 44 Ceiling: Tiles ...................................... 44 Concrete/Masonry/Precast ................. 44 Doors: Architectural Hardware ........... 44 Doors: Entry Systems......................... 44 Doors: Hardware ................................ 44 Doors: Screens .................................. 44 Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems .. 44 Fences ............................................... 46 Flags & Flagpoles .............................. 46 Flooring: Access................................. 46 Flooring: Carpet ................................. 46 Flooring: Carpet Tile ........................... 46 Flooring: Dance Floors ....................... 46 Flooring: Hard Surface ....................... 46 Flooring: Mats .................................... 48 Flooring: Sports ................................. 48 Flooring: Stair Treads ......................... 48 Flooring: Underlayment ...................... 48 Framing: Metal .................................. 48 Insulation ........................................... 48 Modular Buildings: Permanent ........... 48 Modular Buildings: Portable ............... 48 Operable Walls ................................... 48 Roll-Up Doors .................................... 49 Roofing: Accessories .......................... 49 Roofing: Built-Up................................ 49 Roofing: Deck Systems ...................... 49 Roofing: Green Roof System Roofing: Insulation ............................. 49 Roofing: Metal ................................... 49 Roofing: Modified Bitumen ................. 49 Roofing: PMR ..................................... 49 Roofing: Polyurethane Foam .............. 49 Roofing: Repair Materials ................... 49 Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives ................................... 49 Roofing: Single-Ply ............................ 49 Roofing: Slate & Tile .......................... 50 Signs & Signage: Architectural ........... 50 Signs & Signage: Exit ......................... 50 Skylights ............................................ 50

Storage Buildings .............................. 50 Sunrooms .......................................... 50 Temporary Structures ........................ 50 Turntable Divisible Auditorium ............ 50 Wall: Coverings .................................. 50 Wall: Systems .................................... 50 Washroom Partitions .......................... 50 Windows............................................ 50 Windows: Coatings & Film ................. 50 Windows: Hardware ........................... 50 Windows: Replacement/Repair .......... 50 Windows: Screens ............................. 50

Technology & Communications A/V: Bulletin/Message/ Magnetic Boards ............................ 50 A/V: Chalkboards ............................... 50 A/V: Equipment .................................. 50 A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories ................................. 51 A/V: Projectors ................................... 51 A/V: Whiteboards ............................... 51 A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive ............. 51 Cable/Satellite TV ............................... 51 Cable/Wire Management Systems ..... 51 Classroom Amplification/Acoustics .... 51 Clocks & Bells ................................... 52 Computer: Hardware .......................... 52 Computer: Network Devices ............... 52 Computer: Peripherals ....................... 52 Computer: Printers ............................. 52 Computer: Security ............................ 52 Computer: Supplies ........................... 52 Digital Signage .................................. 52 Distance Learning .............................. 52 Intercoms .......................................... 52 Internet Services................................ 52 Multimedia Equipment ....................... 52 Networks: LANS WANS Wireless ........ 52 Public Address Systems ..................... 52 Radios: Two-Way ............................... 52 Software: Administrative .................... 52 Software: Business ............................ 52 Software: Facilities Management ....... 52 Software: Instructional ....................... 52 Software: Inventory Control ................ 52 Software: Maintenance Software ....... 52 Software: Security ............................. 52 Software: Student Health Management .. 52 Software: Transportation .................... 52 Telephone: Equipment & Supplies ...... 53

Trade Associations Trade Associations ............................. 53

Transportation & Parking Battery Operated Utility Vehicles ........ 53 Buses ................................................ 53 Buses: Communication Equipment ..... 53 Buses: Parts & Repairs ...................... 53 Parking Control Systems .................... 53 Parking Permits ................................. 53 Shelters ............................................. 53


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Untitled-8 1 8/21/14 2:51 PM





s ADAAccessibility Equipment

Amramp, South Boston, MA

EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC, Lake Success, NY

Garaventa Accessibility, Blaine, WA

ADA-Compliant EquipmentAlumiRamp Inc., Quincy, MI

Amramp, South Boston, MA

Aquatic Access Inc., Louisville, KY

Garaventa Accessibility, Blaine, WA

Mallinckrodt Inc., Hazelwood, MO

Mat Factory, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA

Norton Door Controls, Monroe, NC

Playworld Systems, Inc., Lewisburg, PA

World DryerBerkeley, IL, 800/323-0701www.worlddryer.com

ADA-Compliant ProductsACCURATE Partitions Corp., Lyons, IL

AllegionCarmel, IN, 877/840-3621www.allegion.com

Allstate Sign & Plaque, Deer Park, NY

American Specialties, Inc., Yonkers, NY

American Swing Products Inc., Reno, NV

Amramp, South Boston, MA

APCO Signs, Atlanta, GA

ASI Storage Solutions Inc., Memphis, TN

Brita Hydration Station, Sparks, NV

Chicago Faucets, Des Plaines, IL

Computer Comforts, Inc., Kemah, TX

Diskey Architectural Signage, Inc., Fort Wayne, IN

EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC, Lake Success, NY

Garaventa Accessibility, Blaine, WA

Global Partitions, Eastanollee, GA

Haws CorporationSparks, NV, 888/640-7424www.hawsco.com

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.com

Kee Safety, Buffalo, NY

Kroy Sign Systems LLC, Scottsdale, AZ

Lacor/Streetscape, Phoenix, AZ

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Monett, MO

Moen Incorporated - Commercial DivisionNorth Olmsted, OH, 800/289-6636www.moencommercial.com

Pine Hall Brick, Winston-Salem, NC

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Cherokee, IA, 800/762-5002www.pilotrock.com

SARGENT Manufacturing Company, New Haven, CT

Victor Stanley, Dunkirk, MD

Wausau Tile, Inc.Wausau, WI, 800/388-8728www.wausautile.com

RampsAlumiRamp Inc., Quincy, MI

American Incline, Dawsonville, GA

Amramp, South Boston, MA

Wheelchair LiftsAdaptive Wheelchair Lifts, Calgary, AB CA

Garaventa Accessibility, Blaine, WA

Inclinator Co. of America, Harrisburg, PA

ElectricalElectrical Supplies

Cogenra Solar, Mountain View, CA

Electri-Cable Assemblies, Shelton, CT

E-Mon, LLC, Langhorne, PA

Finelite, Inc., Union City, CA

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, San Diego, CA

Hill Phoenix, Conyers, GA

Minuteman Power TechnologiesCarrollton, TX, 800/238-7272www.minutemanups.comPara Systems, Inc./Minuteman Power Technologies is a leading provider of power protection and management products, including single- and three-phase uninterruptible power supplies, power distribution units, surge suppressors and software.

MTU Onsite Energy Corporation, Mankato, MN

PHP Systems/Design, Houston, TX

Staco Energy, Dayton, OH

Lighting: Ballasts & ControlsActiveLED by Ringdale, Georgetown, TX

Alera Lighting, Greenville, SC

Cooper Controls, Peachtree City, GA

Cree, Inc., Durham, NC

Energy Resources Inc., Boulder, CO

Holophane, Granville, OH

Leviton Lighting Control Div., Tualatin, OR

Lightronics, Virginia Beach, VA

Lutron Electronics Co., Inc., Coopersburg, PA

Novitas, Inc., Peachtree City, GA

WattStopper, Santa Clara, CA

Lighting: EmergencyChloride Systems, Burgaw, NC

Controlled Power Company, Troy, MI

Cree, Inc., Durham, NC

Evenlite, Bensalem, PA

EverGlow NA, Inc., Matthews, NC

Exitronix, Phoenix, AZ

Holophane, Granville, OH

LEDtronics, Torrance, CA

LightGuard, Burgaw, NC

Stagecraft Industries Inc, Portland, OR

Lighting: IndoorActiveLED by Ringdale, Georgetown, TX

Adjustable Fixture Co., Mequon, WI

Alera Lighting, Greenville, SC

ALP Lighting & Ceiling Products, Niles, IL

Atlantic Energy Concepts, Reading, PA

Bergen Industries, Las Vegas, NV

BetaLED, Sturtevant, WI

Capri, Day-Brite, McPhilben, Omega, Tupelo, MS

Columbia Lighting, Greenville, SC

Controlled Power Company, Troy, MI

Cree, Inc., Durham, NC

Edison Price Lighting, Long Island City, NY

Finelite, Inc., Union City, CA

Guth Lighting, St. Louis, MO

H.E. Williams, Inc., Carthage, MO

Holophane, Granville, OH

Juno Lighting Group, Des Plaines, IL

Kenall Lighting, Gurnee, IL

Litecontrol, Hanson, MA

Lithonia Lighting, Conyers, GA

North Star Lighting Inc., Broadview, IL

Peerless Lighting, Berkeley, CA

Philips Lighting Co., Somerset, NJ

RelampIt, Bohemia, NY

Sylvania, Danvers, MA

Lighting: OutdoorActiveLED by Ringdale, Georgetown, TX

Antique Street Lamps, Conyers, FL

Architectural Area Lighting, La Mirada, CA

Atlantic Energy Concepts, Reading, PA

Brandon Industries, McKinney, TX

CGF Design Inc., Morton Grove, IL

Cree, Inc., Durham, NC

Eclipse Lighting Inc., Schiller Park, IL

Holophane, Granville, OH

Luraline Lighting, Opa Locka, FL

Petersen Manufacturing Company, Denison, IA

SolarOne Solutions, Inc., Needham, MA

SOL Inc (Solar Outdoor Lighting), Palm City, FL

Spring City Electrical Mfg. Co., Inc., Spring City, PA

Sternberg Lighting, Roselle, IL

TERSEN Lighting, Conyers, GA

Surge ProtectorsControlled Power Company, Troy, MI

Geist Manufacturing Inc., Lincoln, NE

Indus-Tool, Chicago, IL

Minuteman Power TechnologiesCarrollton, TX, 800/238-7272www.minutemanups.com

Furniture, Equipment & Supplies

Bicycle Racks & StorageAmerican Bicycle Security Co., Ventura, CA

CycleSafe, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI

DuMor Inc., Mifflintown, PA

Graber Products, Madison, WI

Handi-Stand, Portland, OR

Kay Park RecreationJanesville, IA, 800/553-2476www.kaypark.com

Lacor/Streetscape, Phoenix, AZ

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Monett, MO

Playworld Systems, Inc., Lewisburg, PA

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Cherokee, IA, 800/762-5002www.pilotrock.com

Victor Stanley, Dunkirk, MD

BleachersAdaptive Wheelchair Lifts, Calgary, AB CA

All Star Bleachers, Inc., Lakeland, FL

BuiltRiteBleachers.com, Southington, CT

Century Industries, Sellersburg, IN

Irwin Telescopic Seating Company, Altamont, IL

Kee Safety, Buffalo, NY

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Monett, MO

Preferred Bleachers and Theater Seating, Indianapolis, IN

Southern Bleacher CompanyGraham, TX, 800/433-0912www.southernbleacher.comSouthern Bleacher has almost seven decades of expertise in the manufacturing of dynamic sports and entertainment venues. Southern Bleacher will work with you and your committee in creating a facility that will stand the test of time to ensure your investment.

Display Cabinets/CasesMultiplex Div., Fenton, MO

Platinum Visual Systems, Corona, CA

Poblocki Sign Company, LLC, Milwaukee, WI

Walker Display, Duluth, MN

Wood Designs, Monroe, NC

Draperies & Shades & BlindsAmerican Louver Company, Skokie, IL

E.S. Dockery, Inc., Gray, TN

Hunter Douglas Contract, Upper Saddle River, NJ

South East Installation Solutions, Piedmont, SC



Furniture, Equipment & SuppliesP


ctsEquipment: Classroom

American Creative Team, Inc., San Gabriel, CA

Artco-Bell Corporation, Temple, TX

Audio Enhancement, Bluffdale, UT

Califone, San Fernando, CA

Cardiac Science, Bothell, WA

Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc., Harrison, AR

Contrax Furniture, Gainsville, FL

Finelite, Inc., Union City, CA

GlassWhiteboard.com, Bensenville, IL

Hufcor Inc., Janesville, WI

Huntar Co., Inc., Union City, CA

Jonti-Craft, Inc.Wabasso, MN, 800/543-4149www.jonti-craft.com

Joy Carpets, Inc., Fort Oglethorpe, GA

Lucasey Mfg., Oakland, CA

Magic-Mounts by Miller Studio, New Philadelphia, OH

Magnatag Visible Systems, Macedon, NY

Magnetic Aids, Inc., Newburgh, NY

Maple Landmark Woodcraft, Middlebury, VT

McCourt Manufacturing, Fort Smith, AR

Outset Media Corp., Victoria, BC CA

Peter Pepper Products, Inc., Compton, CA

Q-Ball Renewal Glides, Vassar, MI

R&R Games, Tampa, FL

School Specialty/Project by Design, Mansfield, OH

Varitronics, Brooklyn Park, MN

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.comVirco serves America’s schools with an array of furniture and equipment — including ZUMA® seating, TEXT® tables and Parameter® desks — for classrooms, offices and other environments. Virco’s complimentary PlanSCAPE® service provides cost-saving, stress-free solutions for large-scale furniture and equipment purchases.

Equipment: Food ServiceAlto-Shaam, Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI

Brass Smith, Denver, CO

Calico Industries, Inc., Annapolis Junction, MD

Carter-Hoffmann Corp., Mundelein, IL

Cres Cor, Mentor, OH

Haynes Mfg. Co., Westlake, OH

Kolpak, Parsons, TN

Kwik-Covers of New York, Webster, NY

Manitowoc Ice, Inc., Manitowoc, WI

McCall Refrigeration, Parsons, TN

Equipment: Health Services

Haws CorporationSparks, NV, 888/640-7424www.hawsco.com

Medical Coaches, Oneonta, NY

Sammons Preston, Bolingbrook, IL

Equipment: Physical EducationADP Lemco Inc., West Jordan, UT

ERC Wiping Products, Inc., Lynn, MA

Fitter International Inc. (Fitterfirst), Calgary, AB CA

Gared Sports Inc., St. Louis, MO

Gopher Sport, Owatonna, MN

Porter Athletic, Inc., Broadview, IL

SturdisteelWaco, TX, 800/433-3116www.sturdisteel.com

Files & File SystemsFoster Keencut, Montgomeryville, PA

Oblique Filing Systems, Irmo, SC

The HON Company, Muscatine, IA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Furniture: CafeteriaArtco-Bell Corporation, Temple, TX

Beaufurn, LLC, Winston Salem, NC

BioFit Engineered Products, Waterville, OH

Brita Hydration Station, Sparks, NV

Charter House Innovations, LLC, Holland, MI

ERG International, Oxnard, CA

Interior Systems, Inc., Milwaukee, WI

KFI Seating, Louisville, KY

Midwest Folding Products, Chicago, IL

Mity-Lite, Inc., Orem, UT

Norix Group, Inc., West Chicago, IL

Palmer Hamilton, LLC, Elkhorn, WI

Sedia Systems, Chicago, IL

Shiffler, Chardon, OH

SICO America Inc., Minneapolis, MN

The HON Company, Muscatine, IA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Furniture: ChairsBeaufurn, LLC, Winston Salem, NC

BioFit Engineered Products, Waterville, OH

Clarin by Hussey Seating, North Berwick, ME

Dauphin, Boonton, NJ

ERG International, Oxnard, CA

EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC, Lake Success, NY

Georgia Chair Company, Gainesville, GA

Infinite Furniture Solutions, Cameron, TX

Jonti-Craft, Inc.Wabasso, MN, 800/543-4149www.jonti-craft.com

KD Seating, Baoding, CN

McCourt Manufacturing, Fort Smith, AR

Mity-Lite, Inc., Orem, UT

MTS Seating, Temperance, MI

National Office FurnitureJasper, IN, 800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.comNational provides high-quality, stylish furniture at an exceptional value to meet the needs of your entire educational facility. Schools and universities across the country have selected National for furnishing their casual student areas and administrative offices.

Q-Ball Renewal Glides, Vassar, MI

Sedia Systems, Chicago, IL

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

VS America, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Furniture: ClassroomAmerican Art Clay Co., Inc., Indianapolis, IN

American Desk Co., Temple, TX

Angeles Group, Pacific, MO

Artco-Bell Corporation, Temple, TX


Balt, Temple, TX

BioFit Engineered Products, Waterville, OH

Bretford, Franklin Park, IL

Chemical Fabrics & Film Assn., Cleveland, OH

Childs Play Early Learning Furniture, Dallas, TX

Clarin by Hussey Seating, North Berwick, ME

Clarus Glassboards, Fort Worth, TX

Columbia Manufacturing, Inc., Westfield, MA

Computer Comforts, Inc., Kemah, TX

Counterpoint Furniture Products, Spring Lake, MI

DEPCO, LLC, Pittsburg, KS

Direct Advantage Corp., Milwaukee, WI

DryEraseBoard.com, Memphis, TN

ERG International, Oxnard, CA

Fleetwood Group, Inc., Holland, MI

Furniture Focus, Lexington, OH

Georgia Chair Company, Gainesville, GA

Grafco Inc., Catasauqua, PA

Hertz Furniture Systems, Mahwah, NJ

Hufcor Inc., Janesville, WI

Infinite Furniture Solutions, Cameron, TX

Jonti-Craft, Inc.Wabasso, MN, 800/543-4149www.jonti-craft.comFor nearly 30 years, Jonti-Craft, Inc.® has been the leading manufacturer of high-quality wood and laminate furniture for the early learning market. All furniture is safe, affordable, functional and even GREENGUARD Gold certified. Visit us today at www.jonti-craft.com.

Keystone Purchasing NetworkMilton, PA, 888/490-3182www.theKPN.org

KI, Green Bay, WI

Kohburg, Pomona, CA

LSI Corporation of America, Minneapolis, MN

Mahar Manufacturing, Van Buren, AR

Manta Ray/Child Brite, West Unity, OH

Marketec, Burbank, CA

Midwest Folding Products, Chicago, IL

Mity-Lite, Inc., Orem, UT

MJ Directions, Elizabeth, CO

Modern School Systems, Inc., Hartford, CT

National Office FurnitureJasper, IN, 800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.com

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Norix Group, Inc., West Chicago, IL

Paragon Furniture, Inc., Arlington, TX

PS Furniture, Inc., Milwaukee, WI

Safco Products Company, New Hope, MN

School Specialty, Inc., Greenville, WI

Shiffler, Chardon, OH

SICO America Inc., Minneapolis, MN

Smith Carrel, Inc.Garland, TX, 877/410-6994www.smithcarrel.com

Smith System, Plano, TX

Sound-Craft Systems, Inc., Morrilton, AR

Southern Aluminum, Magnolia, AR

Spectrum Industries, Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI

The HON Company, Muscatine, IA

Thonet, Newport, TN

VanerumStelter, Grand Rapids, MI

Versteel, Jasper, IN

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

VS America, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Whitney Brothers, Keene, NH

Wood Etc. Corp., Dallas, TX

Worthington Direct, Dallas, TX

Furniture: ComputerAnthro Corporation, Tualatin, OR

Artco-Bell Corporation, Temple, TX

Bretford, Franklin Park, IL

Computer Comforts, Inc., Kemah, TX

Corilam Fabricating, Kernersville, NC

Electronic Classroom Furniture, Story, WY

Infinite Furniture Solutions, Cameron, TX

Interior Concepts, Spring Lake, MI

Invincible Office Furniture, Manitowoc, WI

KI, Green Bay, WI

Mayline Group, Sheboygan, WI

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Paragon Furniture, Inc., Arlington, TX

School Specialty/Project by Design, Mansfield, OH

SMARTdesks, Hibernia, NJ


Smith Carrel, Inc.Garland, TX, 877/410-6994www.smithcarrel.com

Smith System, Plano, TX

Summit Oaks Inc, Schwenksville, PA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

VS America, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Furniture: Desksfluidconcepts, Oakville, ON CA

KI, Green Bay, WI

National Office FurnitureJasper, IN, 800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.com

Safco Products Company, New Hope, MN

Smith System, Plano, TX

Spectrum Industries, Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI

The HON Company, Muscatine, IA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Furniture: Lecture HallClarin by Hussey Seating, North Berwick, ME

Sedia Systems, Chicago, IL

Furniture: LibraryAGATI, Chicago, IL

Alaco Ladder Co., Chino, CA

Blockhouse Contract Furniture, York, PA

Bretford, Franklin Park, IL

Brodart Contract Furniture, McElhattan, PA

Brodart Library Supplies & Furnishings, McElhattan, PA

Community, Jasper, IN

Computer Comforts, Inc., Kemah, TX

Eustis Chair, Ashburnham, MA

Furniture by Thurston, Grass Valley, CA

Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, NY

Georgia Chair Company, Gainesville, GA

Gressco, Ltd., Waunakee, WI

Hale Furniture Manufacturing, Frankfort, NY

Houston Custom Designworks , LLC, Houston, TX

Infinite Furniture Solutions, Cameron, TX

Integra, Walworth, WI

InterMetro Industries, Wilkes-Barre, PA

KI, Green Bay, WI

Kwalu, LLC, Ridgeland, SC

mediatechnologies, Shelby, MI

Museum & Library Furniture LLC, Washington, DC

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Paragon Furniture, Inc., Arlington, TX

School Specialty/Project by Design, Mansfield, OH

Smith Carrel, Inc.Garland, TX, 877/410-6994www.smithcarrel.comManufacturer of a large selection of carrel products as well as computer lab and classroom tables and workstations. Orders of 20 units or less ship within 72 hours. Includes a 10-year limited warranty.

Smith System, Plano, TX

Southern Aluminum, Magnolia, AR

Spectrum Industries, Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI

TEC Educational Furniture, Bastrop, TX

Tesco, Bellville, TX

Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers, Auburn, ME

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

VS America, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Worden Company, Holland, MI

Furniture: LoungeArcadia, La Palma, CA

August Incorporated, Centerville, OH

Beaufurn, LLC, Winston Salem, NC

Charles Alan Inc., Fort Worth, TX

Ecologic Industries LLC, Waukegan, IL

Foliot Furniture Inc., St. Jerome, QC CA

Furniture by Thurston, Grass Valley, CA

Integra, Walworth, WI

KI, Green Bay, WI

KLN Furniture, San Antonio, TX

Kronusa, Pompano Beach, FL

National Office FurnitureJasper, IN, 800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.com

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI

Transformations Furniture, Harlan, IN

Furniture: Music RoomArtco-Bell Corporation, Temple, TX

KI, Green Bay, WI

McCourt Manufacturing, Fort Smith, AR

Norix Group, Inc., West Chicago, IL

SICO America Inc., Minneapolis, MN

Wenger CorporationOwatonna, MN, 800/733-0393www.wengercorp.comFounded in 1946, Wenger serves the world’s finest performance and music education facilities with acoustical, audio and music rooms and stage-related products. Look to Wenger to make better use of your space with less of your budget.

Furniture: OfficeArsco Mfg. Co., Inc., Cincinnati, OH

BioFit Engineered Products, Waterville, OH

Buddy Products, Chicago, IL

Charnstrom Co., Shakopee, MN

CORT, Fairfax, VA

Cramer, Inc., North Kansas City, MO

Dates Weiser, New York, NY

Encore, Cerritos, CA

Hamilton Sorter Co., Inc., Fairfield, OH

Haworth, Inc., Holland, MI

High Point Furniture Industries, Inc., High Point, NC

KI, Green Bay, WI

Kimball Office, Jasper, IN

National Office FurnitureJasper, IN, 800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.com

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Omni Intl. Inc., Vernon, AL

Patrician Furniture, High Point, NC

Q-Ball Renewal Glides, Vassar, MI

Safco Products Company, New Hope, MN

School Specialty/Project by Design, Mansfield, OH

Smith Carrel, Inc.Garland, TX, 877/410-6994www.smithcarrel.com

The HON Company, Muscatine, IA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Furniture: OutdoorAll Star Bleachers, Inc., Lakeland, FL

Beaufurn, LLC, Winston Salem, NC

Bright Idea Shops, LLC, Akron, OH

Country Casual, Gaithersburg, MD

DuMor Inc., Mifflintown, PA

Kay Park RecreationJanesville, IA, 800/553-2476www.kaypark.com

KI, Green Bay, WI

Lacor/Streetscape, Phoenix, AZ

Otterbine Barebo, Inc., Emmaus, PA

Petersen Manufacturing Company, Denison, IA

Furniture, Equipment & SuppliesP






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R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Cherokee, IA, 800/762-5002www.pilotrock.comOutdoor furniture: picnic tables, accessible picnic tables, benches, trash and recycling receptacles and lids, bike racks, car stops, traffic barriers and more. Many school colors available. Custom plaques and signage for benches and tables. Custom signs and banners.

SiteScapes Inc., Lincoln, NE

Southern Aluminum, Magnolia, AR

SturdisteelWaco, TX, 800/433-3116www.sturdisteel.com

Victor Stanley, Dunkirk, MD

Wausau Tile, Inc.Wausau, WI, 800/388-8728www.wausautile.comWausau Tile, established 1953, is a manufacturer of concrete, metal and plastic site furnishings, concrete pavers, custom precast concrete, precast terrazzo and terrazzo tile. Recycled glass and porcelain are used as aggregate replacements and products can qualify toward LEED credits.

Furniture: Residence HallAmerican Atelier, Allentown, PA

August Incorporated, Centerville, OH

August Mattresses, Chandler, AZ

DCI, Lisbon, NH

Dwyer Products, Woodridge, IL

Ecologic Industries LLC, Waukegan, IL

Foliot Furniture Inc., St. Jerome, QC CA

John Savoy & Son, Inc., Montoursville, PA

Kimball Lodging Group, Jasper, IN

KLN Furniture, San Antonio, TX

Leeder Furniture LLC, Lake Forest, IL

New England Woodcraft, Inc., Forest Dale, VT

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Savoy Contract Furniture, Montoursville, PA

Tall Paul’s Tall Mall, Montpelier, VT

University Sleep Products, Inc., Cicero, IN

Furniture: ScienceBlair Company, Elk Grove Village, IL

Diversified Woodcrafts, Inc., Suring, WI

KI, Green Bay, WI

Laboratory Tops, Inc., Taylor, TX

Misonix, Inc., Farmingdale, NY

Norco Products, Missoula, MT

Paragon Furniture, Inc., Arlington, TX

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Furniture: TablesAWP Butcher Block, Inc., Horse Cave, KY

Beaufurn, LLC, Winston Salem, NC

Bretford, Franklin Park, IL

ERG International, Oxnard, CA

Integra, Walworth, WI

Jonti-Craft, Inc.Wabasso, MN, 800/543-4149www.jonti-craft.com

KI, Green Bay, WI

McCourt Manufacturing, Fort Smith, AR

Mity-Lite, Inc., Orem, UT

MTS Seating, Temperance, MI

Nevins, Cat Spring, TX

Paragon Furniture, Inc., Arlington, TX

Petersen Manufacturing Company, Denison, IA

Sedia Systems, Chicago, IL

SICO America Inc., Minneapolis, MN

SMARTdesks, Hibernia, NJ

Smith Carrel, Inc.Garland, TX, 877/410-6994www.smithcarrel.com

Sol-O-Matic, Houston, TX

Southern Aluminum, Magnolia, AR

Spectrum Industries, Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, MI

Victor Stanley, Dunkirk, MD

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

VS America, Inc., Charlotte, NC

Whitney Brothers, Keene, NH

Furniture: VocationalShain Solutions, Suring, WI

Laboratory: Casework & CabinetsArpa USA, Jacksonville, FL

Dwyer Products, Woodridge, IL

Fisher Hamilton L.L.C., Two Rivers, WI

Georgia Chair Company, Gainesville, GA

Justrite Mfg. Co., Des Plaines, IL

Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, Statesville, NC

Mott Manufacturing, Brantford, ON CA

Laboratory: Equipment & InstrumentsBel-Art Products, Pequannock, NJ

BOC Gases, The Linde Group, Murray Hill, NJ

Conney Safety Products, Madison, WI

Dickson Co., Addison, IL

Erlab, Inc, Rowley, MA

Estes Industries, Penrose, CO

HEMCO Corporation, Independence, MO

Labconco Corp., Kansas City, MO

Lab Safety Supply, Janesville, WI

LaMotte Co., Chestertown, MD

National Optical & Scientific Instruments Inc.,

–San Antonio, TX

NewAge Industries Inc., Southampton, PA

Ohaus Corp., Pine Brook, NJ

World DryerBerkeley, IL, 800/323-0701www.worlddryer.com

Laboratory: Eyewash StationsBrita Hydration Station, Sparks, NV

Guardian Equipment, Chicago, IL

Laundry EquipmentCaldwell & Gregory, Manakin-Sabot, VA

CHUTES International, White Plains, MD

Dexter Co., The, Fairfield, IA

Huebsch Sales, Ripon, WI

Mac-Gray Campus Solutions, Waltham, MA

Maytag Commercial Laundry, St. Joseph, MI

Milnor Laundry Systems, Kenner, LA

Pellerin Milnor Corp., Kenner, LA

Whirlpool Commercial Laundry, St. Joseph, MI

LecternsA-V Furniture Plus! Inc., Minooka, IL

Computer Comforts, Inc., Kemah, TX

Du Quaine Mfg., Kewaunee, WI

SMARTdesks, Hibernia, NJ

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Locker Room BenchesASI Storage Solutions Inc., Memphis, TN

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Cherokee, IA, 800/762-5002www.pilotrock.com

Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com, Los Angeles, CA

Lockers: CorridorASI Storage Solutions Inc., Memphis, TN

DeBourgh Mfg. Co., La Junta, CO

Hollman Inc., Irving, TX

Precision Locker Company, Jamestown, NY

Furniture, Equipment & SuppliesP





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Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com, Los Angeles, CA

Shiffler, Chardon, OH

Lockers: GymnasiumASI Storage Solutions Inc., Memphis, TN

DeBourgh Mfg. Co., La Junta, CO

Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com, Los Angeles, CA

MailboxesMTC Media Trade Corp., Bonita Springs, FL

Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com, Los Angeles, CA

Mobile: Carts & CabinetsArmstrong Medical Industries Inc., Lincolnshire, IL

BioFit Engineered Products, Waterville, OH

Bretford, Franklin Park, IL

Exact Furniture, Woodbridge, ON CA

Harloff Co., The, Colorado Springs, CO

Lista International Corporation, Holliston, MA

LUXOR, Waukegan, IL

Spectrum Industries, Inc., Chippewa Falls, WI

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Mobile: Stool UnitsKI, Green Bay, WI

Midwest Folding Products, Chicago, IL

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Partitions & Room DividersGlideWall Partition Systems by Singer Safety Co., Chicago, IL

Hufcor Inc., Janesville, WI

Mity-Lite, Inc., Orem, UT

Panel Systems Mfg. Inc., Plum City, WI

Screenflex Portable PartitionsLake Zurich, IL, 800/553-0110www.screenflex.comScreenflex Portable Room Dividers are the world’s most versatile room dividers. The truly multipurpose divider for multipurpose use in your school. Well over 1,400,000 panels are helping educators solve time, space and budget problems today. To learn more, call 800/553-0110 or visit www.screenflex.com.

Space Plus LLC, Westlake Village, CA

Spec-Rite Designs, St. Louis, MO

Woodfold Manufacturing, Forest Grove, OR

Seating: AuditoriumHussey Seating Co., North Berwick, ME

Infinite Furniture Solutions, Cameron, TX

Irwin Seating Company, Grand Rapids, MI

KI, Green Bay, WI

Sedia Systems, Chicago, IL

Theatre Solutions, Inc., Quakertown, PA

Wenger CorporationOwatonna, MN, 800/733-0393www.wengercorp.com

Seating: StadiumAll Star Bleachers, Inc., Lakeland, FL

Clarin by Hussey Seating, North Berwick, ME

Irwin Seating Company, Grand Rapids, MI

Southern Bleacher CompanyGraham, TX, 800/433-0912www.southernbleacher.com

SturdisteelWaco, TX, 800/433-3116www.sturdisteel.com

Shelving & StorageBorroughs Corporation, Kalamazoo, MI

Hiebing Group, Fort Atkinson, WI

Jonti-Craft, Inc.Wabasso, MN, 800/543-4149www.jonti-craft.com

Kee Safety, Buffalo, NY

KI, Green Bay, WI

SMARTdesks, Hibernia, NJ

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Whitney Brothers, Keene, NH

StagesAdaptive Wheelchair Lifts, Calgary, AB CA

American Harlequin Dance FloorsMoorestown, NJ, 800/642-6440www.harlequinfloors.com

Midwest Folding Products, Chicago, IL

SICO America Inc., Minneapolis, MN

Southern Aluminum, Magnolia, AR

Stagecraft Industries Inc, Portland, OR

StageRight Corporation, Clare, MI

Staging Concepts, Minneapolis, MN

Wenger CorporationOwatonna, MN, 800/733-0393www.wengercorp.com

Supplies: ClassroomDowling Magnets, Sonoma, CA

EverWhite, Menomonee Falls, WI

Kaplan Early Learning Co., Lewisville, NC

Learning Resources, Vernon Hills, IL

Teacher Created Resources, Westminster, CA

Theatrical EquipmentEarl Girls Inc, Egg Harbor City, NJ

I. Weiss & Sons, Inc., Fairview, NJ

J.R. Clancy, Inc., Syracuse, NY

Kee Safety, Buffalo, NY

Peter Albrecht Co. Inc., Greendale, WI

Philadelphia Theatrical Supply, Philadelphia, PA

SECOA-The Stage Equipment Co., Champlin, MN

Stagecraft Industries Inc, Portland, OR

Wenger CorporationOwatonna, MN, 800/733-0393www.wengercorp.com

VendingDixie-Narco, Inc., Williston, SC

International Vending, Indianapolis, IN

Waste Receptacles: IndoorBennett Mfg. Co. Inc., Alden, NY

KI, Green Bay, WI

Magnuson Group Inc., Woodridge, IL

Max-R, Sussex, WI

RPI, Marlette, MI

Safco Products Company, New Hope, MN

Witt Industries, Mason, OH

Waste Receptacles: OutdoorBest Litter Receptacles, Inc., Carolina Shores, NC

Doty & Sons Concrete Products, Inc., Sycamore, IL

DuMor Inc., Mifflintown, PA

EPAX Systems, Inc., Van Nuys, CA

EX-CELL Metal Products, Franklin Park, IL

Kay Park RecreationJanesville, IA, 800/553-2476www.kaypark.com

KI, Green Bay, WI

Kornegay Design, LLC, Phoenix, AZ

Lacor/Streetscape, Phoenix, AZ

Landscape Forms Inc., Kalamazoo, MI

Petersen Manufacturing Company, Denison, IA

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Cherokee, IA, 800/762-5002www.pilotrock.com

Victor Stanley, Dunkirk, MD

Wausau Tile, Inc.Wausau, WI, 800/388-8728www.wausautile.com

Maintenance & OperationAuto Scrubbers

Clarke, Plymouth, MN

Karcher Commercial, Camas, WA

NSS Enterprises, Inc., Toledo, OH

Bird ControlAvian Flyaway Inc., Rockwall, TX

Bird-B-Gone, Inc. Bird Control, Mission Viejo, CA

Bird Guard, Erie, PA

Bird-X, Inc., Chicago, IL

Nixalite of America Inc., East Moline, IL

No Fly Zone, Inc., Tinton Falls, NJ

Cleaning: Skin CareGOJO Industries, Inc., Akron, OH

ITW Dymon, Olathe, KS

STOKO Skin Care, Greensboro, NC

Cleaning: SuppliesAmano Pioneer Eclipse Corp., Sparta, NC

Arkema Inc., King of Prussia, PA

Bio Chem Systems, Wichita, KS

Building and Commercial Services, St. Paul, MN

Clorox, Oakland, CA

CR Brands, Westchester, OH

Diversey, Inc, Sturtevant, WI

Dynamic Research Company, Inc., Lake Oswego, OR

EnvirOx, Danville, IL

Essential Industries, Inc., Merton, WI

Finney Company, Inc., Lakeville, MN

Fresh Products, Toledo, OH

General Pencil Co., Inc., Redwood City, CA

GMS Surface Tech, Antigonish, NS CA

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, San Diego, CA

HOST/Racine Industries, Inc., Racine, WI

Jenny Products, Inc., Somerset, PA

National Chemical Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Neutron Industries, Phoenix, AZ

PortionPac Chemical Corp., Chicago, IL

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc., Maumee, OH

Tersano Incorporated, Oldcastle, ON CA

Zep Inc., Atlanta, GA

Zogics, LLC, Richmond, MA

Cleaning: Tools, MicrofiberACUI Procure, Bloomington, IN

Advanced Vapor Technologies, Everett, WA

Diversey, Inc, Sturtevant, WI

Tersano Incorporated, Oldcastle, ON CA

Coatings: Anti-GraffitiAmerican Polymer Corp., Sandy, UT

Andek Corporation, Moorestown, NJ

Coatings: Anti-MicrobialEnvirOx, Danville, IL

Fiberlock Technologies, Inc., Andover, MA

Concrete Products & RepairBison Deck Supports, Denver, CO

Maintenance & OperationP






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Untitled-7 1 8/27/14 2:34 PM


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Metal Products:• Metal Roofi ng

• Metal Wall Panels• Soffi t Systems

•Perimeter Systems•Column Covers•Snow Guards

L&M Construction ChemicalsOmaha, NE, 800/362-3331www.lmcc.comL&M is the exclusive source for the FGS PermaShine Dry Concrete Polishing System. GreenSpec listed, FGS delivers a performance-based system that surpasses all other flooring choices in life-cycle costing evaluations and performance. Unsurpassed for use in schools/colleges.

Nawkaw Midwest, Inc., Hanover Park, IL

Nawkaw Toronto, Mississagua, ON CA

Drainage & Drain CleaningACO Polymer Products, Inc., Chardon, OH

BRAE Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Oakboro, NC

General Wire Spring Co., McKees Rocks, PA

Equipment: Maintenance & RepairMilwaukee Electric Tool Corporation, Brookfield, WI

ProTeam, The Vacuum CompanyBoise, ID, 866/888-2168www.pro-team.com

Stagecraft Industries Inc, Portland, OR

The Remi Group, Charlotte, NC

Unger Enterprises, Inc., Bridgeport, CT

Floors: Carpet Maintenance EquipmentAntron® carpet fiber, Kennesaw, GA

Cleanmaster, Mukilteo, WA

Euroclean, Plymouth, MN

HOST/Racine Industries, Inc., Racine, WI

Kent, Plymouth, MN

National Chemical Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Floors: Maintenance ProductsAdvance, Plymouth, MN

Clarke, Plymouth, MN

Diversey, Inc, Sturtevant, WI

Essential Industries, Inc., Merton, WI

HOST/Racine Industries, Inc., Racine, WI

National Chemical Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Pacific Floor Care, Muskegon, MI

Q-Ball Renewal Glides, Vassar, MI

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc., Maumee, OH

Staples Facility Solutions, Framingham, MA

StonhardMaple Shade, NJ, 800/257-7953www.stonhard.com

Tersano Incorporated, Oldcastle, ON CA

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersAdvanced Vapor Technologies, Everett, WA

Betco Corp., Toledo, OH

Buckeye International, Inc., Maryland Heights, MO

Centaur Maintenance Supplies, Santa Barbara, CA

Clarke, Plymouth, MN

Diversey, Inc, Sturtevant, WI

Eagle Solutions, Adairsville, GA

Ecolab Inc., St. Paul, MN

Essential Industries, Inc., Merton, WI

Mastercraft Industries, Inc., Newburgh, NY

Multi-Clean, Shoreview, MN

Q-Ball Renewal Glides, Vassar, MI

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc., Maumee, OH

Furniture: RepairAmerican Office Services Inc., Westlake, OH

Jacob Holtz Company, Lester, PA

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc., Bogota, NJ

Grounds: Maintenance EquipmentAerWay, Norwich, ON CA

Billy Goat Indus., Lee’s Summit, MO

Cub Cadet Commercial, Valley City, OH

E-Z-Go Textron, Augusta, GA

Gravely, Brillion, WI

HeatTrak, LLC, Paterson, NJ

Permaloc Corporation, Holland, MI

Grounds: Mowers & TractorsAlamo Industrial, Sequin, TX

Cub Cadet Commercial, Valley City, OH

Exmark Mfg. Co. Inc., Beatrice, NE

Mill Supply, Inc., Cleveland, OH

MTD Products Inc., Cleveland, OH

Material Handling EquipmentGenie Industries, Redmond, WA

Hydro Systems Company, Cincinnati, OH

United Air Specialists, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Paints & CoatingsBasic Coatings, Inc., Toledo, OH

CeRam-Kote Coatings Incorporated, Big Spring, TX

Crawford Laboratories, Inc./FLOROCK, Chicago, IL

Handy Art, Milton, WI

Nawkaw, Bogart, GA

PPG Architectural Coatings, Pittsburgh, PA

Zinsser Brands, Rust-Oleum Corporation, Vernon Hills, IL

Pest ControlBird-X, Inc., Chicago, IL

Gilbert Professional Flytraps Div., Jonesboro, AR

Mars Air Systems, Gardena, CA

Orkin, Inc., Atlanta, GA

RecyclingAir Cycle Corp., Lisle, IL

Call2Recycle, Atlanta, GA

Forms + Surfaces, Pittsburgh, PA

Orwak USA LLC, Shelton, CT

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair1800ceiling.com, Copiague, NY

Airgas, Inc., Radnor, PA

Aremco Products Inc., Valley Cottage, NY

DecoShield Systems, Deerfield Beach, FL

DTZ, Auburndale, MA

EnvirOx, Danville, IL

EPD Technology Corp., Elmsford, NY

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc., Maumee, OH

Stagecraft Industries Inc, Portland, OR

Wooster Products Inc., Wooster, OH

Youngs, Souderton, PA

SweepersElgee Manufacturing Company, Inc., Warren, NJ

Masco Sweepers, Inc., San Jose, CA

Tile RestorationMiracle Method Surface Refinishing, Colorado Springs, CO

VacuumsAntron carpet fiber, Kennesaw, GA

Clarke, Plymouth, MN

HOST/Racine Industries, Inc., Racine, WI

Minuteman Intl., Inc., Addison, IL

ProTeam, The Vacuum CompanyBoise, ID, 866/888-2168www.pro-team.comProTeam® became a global phenomenon in the commercial cleaning world in 1987 after introducing a game-changing design innovation — the lightweight backpack vacuum. ProTeam now offers a complete line of ergonomic, high-performance, high-filtration vacuums designed to tackle every cleaning situation.

Spencer Turbine Company, The, Windsor, CT

Vacuums: IndustrialAntron carpet fiber, Kennesaw, GA

Nilfisk CFM, Malvern, PA

Maintenance & OperationP





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ProTeam, The Vacuum CompanyBoise, ID, 866/888-2168www.pro-team.com

Spencer Turbine Company, The, Windsor, CT

Washroom: AccessoriesAmerican Specialties, Inc., Yonkers, NY

Excel Dryer Inc., East Longmeadow, MA

World DryerBerkeley, IL, 800/323-0701www.worlddryer.com

Washroom: Cleaning Equipment & SuppliesAdvanced Vapor Technologies, Everett, WA

Clarke, Plymouth, MN

Diversey, Inc, Sturtevant, WI

EnvirOx, Danville, IL

Essential Industries, Inc., Merton, WI

Excel Dryer Inc., East Longmeadow, MA

Tersano Incorporated, Oldcastle, ON CA

World DryerBerkeley, IL, 800/323-0701www.worlddryer.com

Washroom: Paper ProductsExcel Dryer Inc., East Longmeadow, MA

SCA TORK, Philadelphia, PA

MechanicalAutomated Building Controls

Alerton, Redmond, WA

Automated Logic, Kennesaw, GA

Delta Controls, Surrey, BC CA

Distech Controls, Brossard, QC CA

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division,

Buffalo Grove, IL

Trane Rental Services, Charlotte, NC

Boilers, Burners & Related EquipmentClearwater Enviro Technologies, Clearwater, FL

Columbia Boiler, Pottstown, PA

Fuel Efficiency LLC, Clyde, NY

Goodway Technologies Corp., Stamford, CT

Green Boiler Technologies, Inc, Danville, KY

John Zink Co., LLC Gordon-Piatt, Tulsa, OK

Patterson-Kelley, East Stroudsburg, PA

Rinnai America Corporation, Peachtree City, GA

Drinking FountainsBrita Hydration Station, Sparks, NV

Cool-Rite Cooler Co. Inc., New Orleans, LA

Elkay Commercial Products, Oak Brook, IL

Halsey Taylor, Oak Brook, IL

Haws CorporationSparks, NV, 888/640-7424www.hawsco.comHydration Stations and Emergency Equipment

Most Dependable Fountains, Inc., Arlington, TN

ElevatorsFlorida Certified Elevator Inspections, Inc., Hollywood, FL

Lerch Bates Inc., Littleton, CO

Modular Elevator Manufacturing, Inc., Chatsworth, CA

Motion Control Engineering, Inc., Rancho Cordova, CA

Vertical Transportation Excellence, Camp Hill, PA

Fan GuardsPurifan Clean Air Systems, Wichita, KS

FansBig Ass Fans, Lexington, KY

N.R. Murphy Ltd., Cambridge, ON CA

Purifan Clean Air Systems, Wichita, KS

Hand DryersAmerican Dryer, Inc., Livonia, MI

American Specialties, Inc., Yonkers, NY

Dyson Airblade hand dryer, Chicago, IL

Excel Dryer Inc., East Longmeadow, MA

Pinnacle Dryer Corporation, Aberdeen, NC

Stiebel Eltron, Inc., West Hatfield, MA

World DryerBerkeley, IL, 800/323-0701www.worlddryer.comWorld Dryer, the global leading manufacturer of hand dryers for over 50 years, is the only manufacturer that offers you a full portfolio of high-speed, energy efficient, competitively priced hand dryers designed to fit the individual needs of any facility.

HVAC: Air ConditioningAtlas Sales & Rentals, Inc., Fremont, CA

Baltimore Aircoil Co., Baltimore, MD

Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc., Bryan, OH

Berner International, New Castle, PA

Big Ass Fans, Lexington, KY

Carrier, Indianapolis, IN

Data Aire Inc., Orange, CA

Delta Cooling Towers, Rockaway, NJ

Friedrich Air Conditioning Co., San Antonio, TX

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, San Diego, CA

Islandaire, Inc., East Setauket, NY

Lennox Industries Inc, Richardson, TX

Mammoth, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN

Marvair, Cordele, GA

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating, Suwanee, GA

MovinCool, Long Beach, CA

Paul Mueller Co., Springfield, MO

Purifan Clean Air Systems, Wichita, KS

TEMP-AIR, Inc., Burnsville, MN

Trane Rental Services, Charlotte, NC

UVResources, Santa Clarita, CA

Yazaki Energy Systems, Inc., Plano, TX

HVAC: Air FiltersAAF International, Louisville, KY

Advanced Environment Imaging, LLC, Cornelius, NC

Airguard Industries, Louisville, KY

Air Quality Engineering, Minneapolis, MN

Airsonett, Inc., Fort Mill, SC

Blueair, Inc., Chicago, IL

Camfil Farr, Riverdale, NJ

CosaTron Air Contamination Removal, Tampa, FL

Glasfloss Industries, Dallas, TX

Huntair, Inc., Tualatin, OR

Kimberly-Clark Professional Filtration, Roswell, GA

Lennox Industries Inc, Richardson, TX

Nederman Inc., Westland, MI

Purifan Clean Air Systems, Wichita, KS

HVAC: ControlsAutomated Logic, Kennesaw, GA

Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc., Bryan, OH

Carrier, Indianapolis, IN

Genesis International Inc., Armold, MO

Greenheck, Schofield, WI

Lennox Industries Inc, Richardson, TX

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating, Suwanee, GA

PECO, Inc, Portland, OR

Telkonet, Germantown, MD

Trane Rental Services, Charlotte, NC

HVAC: DehumidifiersCarrier Rental Systems, Houston, TX

Desert Aire Corp., Germantown, WI

Lennox Industries Inc, Richardson, TX

Munters Corporation, Selma, TX






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Untitled-6 1 8/8/14 11:38 AM





ProGen™ 15

HVAC: MaintenanceAftermarket Specialties, Inc., Kennesaw, GA

Barnes & Jones, Inc., Randolph, MA

PHP Systems/Design, Houston, TX

HVAC: Pollution ControlsAdvanced Vapor Technologies, Everett, WA

Aget Manufacturing Company, Adrian, MI

Donaldson Torit, Minneapolis, MN

Greenheck, Schofield, WI

HVAC: Systems & EquipmentAcutherm, Hayward, CA

Airius, LLCLongmont, CO, 303/772-2633www.theairpear.comAirius manufacturers the Air Pear and Designer Series destratification fan systems that will reduce HVAC energy costs while increasing both employee and customer comfort.

AirRover+ Portable Air Conditioning, Tyler, TX

AKCoatings, Middletown, OH

Allied Refrigeration Inc, Signal Hill, CA

ARES, Gardena, CA

Automated Logic, Kennesaw, GA

Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc., Bryan, OH

Berner International, New Castle, PA

Carrier, Indianapolis, IN

Domestic Pump, Morton Grove, IL

EHG Duct, Portsmouth, VA

Espar Heater Systems, Novi, MI

Fab-Tech, Inc., Colchester, VT

Geary Pacific Supply, Orange, CA

Global Controls, Inc., Seattle, WA

Governair, LLC, Oklahoma City, OK

Greenheck, Schofield, WI

International Environmental Corp., Oklahoma City, OK

Krueger, Richardson, TX

Lennox Industries Inc, Richardson, TX

Lightstat, Barkhamsted, CT

Lindab, Inc., Portsmouth, VA

McGill AirFlow LLC, Groveport, OH

McQuay International, Minneapolis, MN

Mechanical Room Supplies, LLC, Columbia, SC

Mee Industries Inc., Monrovia, CA

Mitsubishi Electric Cooling & Heating, Suwanee, GA

Munters Corporation, Amesbury, MA

Nicholson Steam Trap, Walden, NY

Nortec Industries Inc., Ogdensburg, NY

NuClimate Air Quality Systems, Inc., East Syracuse, NY

Pelican Wireless Sytems, Livermore, CA

Portable Rental Solutions, Hewitt, TX

Regin HVAC Products, Inc., Oxford, CT

Roberts Gordon, Buffalo, NY

Ross Mechanical Group, Huntingdon Valley, PA

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division,

Buffalo Grove, IL

Space-Ray, Charlotte, NC

Spirotherm, Inc., Glendale Heights, IL

Temtrol, LLC, Okarche, OK

Trane Rental Services, Charlotte, NC

TROX USA, Inc., Cumming, GA

Unico, Inc., St. Louis, MO

Venmar CES, Inc., Saskatoon, SK CA

Ventrol Air Handling Systems, Inc., Montreal, QC CA

Ice MachinesEasy Ice, LLC, Gwinn, MI

Plumbing: EquipmentBradley Corp., Menomonee Falls, WI

Brita Hydration Station, Sparks, NV

Chicago Faucets, Des Plaines, IL

Corzan Piping Systems, Cleveland, OH

EMCO Flow Systems, Longmont, CO

FlowGuard Gold Pipe and Fittings, Cleveland, OH

Intersan Mfg., Phoenix, AZ

Leonard Valve Co., Cranston, RI

Moen Incorporated - Commercial DivisionNorth Olmsted, OH, 800/289-6636www.moencommercial.com

Sloan, Franklin Park, IL

Supply Hero, Overland Park, KS

Zurn Industries, LLC, Erie, PA

Plumbing: Faucets, AutomaticChicago Faucets, Des Plaines, IL

Moen Incorporated - Commercial DivisionNorth Olmsted, OH, 800/289-6636www.moencommercial.comWhen you specify Moen Commercial, you can be sure that you’re getting products that meet your needs for durability, safety and conservation. Moen offers vandal-resistant, ADA-compliant products that work in high-use environments. In addition, all Moen Commercial products are backed by a five-year limited warranty and exceed LEED requirements in real-world applications.

Sloan, Franklin Park, IL

Plumbing: Faucets, ManualChicago Faucets, Des Plaines, IL

Delta Faucet Co., Indianapolis, IN

Elkay Commercial Products, Oak Brook, IL

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, San Diego, CA

Moen Incorporated - Commercial DivisionNorth Olmsted, OH, 800/289-6636www.moencommercial.com

Plumbing: Flush Valves, ManualDelany Flush Valves, Charlottesville, VA

Moen Incorporated - Commercial DivisionNorth Olmsted, OH, 800/289-6636www.moencommercial.com

Sloan, Franklin Park, IL

Plumbing: SinksElkay Commercial Products, Oak Brook, IL

Sloan, Franklin Park, IL

Plumbing: ToiletsSloan, Franklin Park, IL

Waterless No-Flush Urinals, Vista, CA

Water Treatment: Equipment & SuppliesAce Duraflo, Santa Ana, CA

Culligan International, Rosemont, IL

Leslie Controls, Tampa, FL

Nalco Company, Naperville, IL

Office Automation Equipment & Supplies

Copiers: Equipment & SuppliesCopico, Walpole, MA

Océ North America, Inc., Itasca, IL

RISO, Inc., Danvers, MA

The UPS Store, San Diego, CA

Veritiv, Loveland, OH

Laminator: Equipment & SuppliesDry-Lam LLC, Shawnee, KS

The UPS Store, San Diego, CA

Mailing: Equipment & SuppliesStaplex Electric Stapler Division, Brooklyn, NY

The UPS Store, San Diego, CA

Other: Office Equipment & SuppliesACCO Brands, Inc., Lincolnshire, IL

Accountor Systems, Naperville, IL

Office Automation Equipment & SuppliesP






Untitled-1 1 8/29/14 12:03 PM


schoolspiritfrom the



J+J/Invision’s newest modular

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J+J/Invision’s newest modular

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from the

Alliance Rubber Company, Hot Springs, AR

Block and Company, Inc., Wheeling, IL

Ellison, Lake Forest, CA

Four Point Products, Pittsburgh, PA

Fox Laminating Co., Inc., West Hartford, CT

General Box Co., Waycross, GA

Hammermill Papers, Memphis, TN

Miller Studio, New Philadelphia, OH

Neopost, Milford, CT

Office Depot, Inc., Delray Beach, FL

Officemate International Corp., Edison, NJ

Plustek Technology Inc., Cerritos, CA

The Pencil Grip, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

The UPS Store, San Diego, CA

U.S. Marketing Media, Joplin, MO

Printers: Equipment & SuppliesDigital Identification Solutions, Piedmont, SC

Duplo USA Corp., Santa Ana, CA

OKI Data Americas, Inc., Mt. Laurel, NJ

The UPS Store, San Diego, CA

Physical EducationBleachers

Acumen Entry Solutions, LLC, Lacey, WA

Adaptive Wheelchair Lifts, Calgary, AB CA

All Star Bleachers, Inc., Lakeland, FL

Belson Outdoors, Inc., North Aurora, IL

Bleacherman, Corinth, NY

BSN Sports Collegiate Pacific, Dallas, TX

E.T. Paddock Enterprises, Inc., Lockport, IL

Irwin Telescopic Seating Company, Altamont, IL

Kay Park RecreationJanesville, IA, 800/553-2476www.kaypark.comKay Park-Recreation Corporation has been manufacturing “America’s Finest” park equipment since 1954. Their high-quality, commercial-use product line includes site furnishings, a full line of concrete site amenities and athletic field equipment such as bleachers, players’ benches and bicycle racks.

Outdoor Aluminum, Inc., Geneva, AL

Premier Bleacher Repair, Inc, Crystal Lake, IL

Sheridan Seating Inc., Orillia, ON CA

Southern Bleacher CompanyGraham, TX, 800/433-0912www.southernbleacher.com

SturdisteelWaco, TX, 800/433-3116www.sturdisteel.comSturdisteel is a leading manufacturer of outdoor stadium seating products. All Sturdisteel products are designed to provide years of service with comfort and ease of use in mind. Whether it’s 50 or 50,000, let Sturdisteel assist you with your seating needs.

Covers: Gym & Athletic FieldAction Floor Systems, LLC, Mercer, WI

Covermaster Inc., Rexdale, ON CA

CoverSports, Philadelphia, PA

Floor Guardian, Seattle, WA

Griffolyn, Houston, TX

Fitness EquipmentAtlantic Fitness Products, Crofton, MD

Body Cycle/Millenium Fitness Intl., Laval, QC CA

BodyMasters, Rayne, LA

Country Technology, Inc., Gays Mills, WI

Cybex International, Medway, MA

Discount Online Fitness, LLC, Flower Mound, TX

Global Fitness Inc., Gardena, CA

McArthur Towel & Sports, Baraboo, WI

MicroFit, Inc., Mountain View, CA

Playworld Systems, Inc., Lewisburg, PA

Rogers Athletic, Farwell, MI

Flooring: SportsAbacus Sports Installations, Ltd., Lancaster, PA

Action Floor Systems, LLC, Mercer, WI

Connor Sports Flooring, Arlington Heights, IL

Covermaster Inc., Rexdale, ON CA

Gerflor, Arlington Heights, IL

Horner Flooring Co., Dollar Bay, MI

Mateflex, Utica, NY

Mitchell Rubber Products, Mira Loma, CA

ProGrass, LLC, Pittsburgh, PA

R C Musson Rubber Co., Akron, OH

Regupol America, Lebanon, PA

Robbins Sports Surfaces, Cincinnati, OH

Stagestep, Philadelphia, PA

Synthetic Surfaces Inc., Scotch Plains, NJ

UBU Sports, Dalton, GA

Ice Rinks & SuppliesCovermaster Inc., Rexdale, ON CA

Locker Room BenchesMcCourt Manufacturing, Fort Smith, AR

Lockers: GymnasiumASI Storage Solutions Inc., Memphis, TN

DeBourgh Mfg. Co., La Junta, CO

MatsPawling Corporation, Wassaic, NY

SafeSpace Concepts, Inc., Houston, TX

Physical Education EquipmentBison Inc., Lincoln, NE

First Team Inc., Hutchinson, KS

Fitter International Inc. (Fitterfirst), Calgary, AB CA

FlagHouse Inc., Hasbrouck Heights, NJ

Future Pro, Inman, KS

Gared Sports Inc., St. Louis, MO

Gopher Sport, Owatonna, MN

M.R. Nyren Company, Northbrook, IL

Palos Sports, Alsip, IL

Playworld Systems, Inc., Lewisburg, PA

Polar Electro Inc., Lake Success, NY

Porter Athletic, Inc., Broadview, IL

Real Sports Fan Stuff, Norcross, GA

Physical Education Surfaces: IndoorAction Floor Systems, LLC, Mercer, WI

Gerflor, Arlington Heights, IL

MONDO, Conshohocken, PA

Regupol America, Lebanon, PA

Physical Education Surfaces: OutdoorAstroTurf, Dalton, GA

A-Turf, Williamsville, NY

Keystone Purchasing NetworkMilton, PA, 888/490-3182www.theKPN.org

Pioneer Manufacturing, Cleveland, OH

Regupol America, Lebanon, PA

Play EquipmentAmerican Swing Products Inc., Carson City, NV

American Swing Products Inc., Reno, NV

Columbia Cascade Co., Portland, OR

GameTime, Fort Payne, AL

Grounds For Play, Inc., Mansfield, TX

Kidstruction Commercial Playgrounds, Hutto, TX

Landscape Structures Inc., Delano, MN

Little Tikes Commercial, Farmington, MO

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Monett, MO

Mueller Recreational Products, Lincoln, NE

Playworld Systems, Inc., Lewisburg, PA

Physical EducationP






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World Dryer’s automatic high-speed hand dryers, SMARTdri and SMARTdri Plus, combine all the advanced features

port or multi-port nozzle. Consuming only 1200 Watts, SMARTdri Series are

energy consumption.

competitive high-speed dryers

competitive high speed hand dryers

Call us at 800-323-0701 or visit us at SMARTdri Series are the perfect choice for your campus environment.

SMARTdri Series

World Dryer raises

Snider & Associates, North Royalton, OH

Wolverine Sports, Ann Arbor, MI

Playground SurfacesFibar Systems, Armonk, NY

GameTime, Fort Payne, AL

JoGo Equipment, Vallejo, CA

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, Monett, MO

PlayGuard PlayGround Safety Surfacing, Lancaster, PA

Surface America, Williamsville, NY

Zeager Bros. Inc., Middletown, PA

Scoreboards & Time ClocksColorado Display Systems, Loveland, CO

Daktronics, Inc., Brookings, SD

Electro-Numerics, Inc., Temecula, CA

Naden Scoreboards, Webster City, IA

Seating: StadiumClarin by Hussey Seating, North Berwick, ME

Hussey Seating Co., North Berwick, ME

Irwin Seating Company, Grand Rapids, MI

Southern Bleacher CompanyGraham, TX, 800/433-0912www.southernbleacher.com

SturdisteelWaco, TX, 800/433-3116www.sturdisteel.com

Swimming Pool: EquipmentAqua Vac Systems, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL

Bel-Aqua Pool Supply Inc., New Rochelle, NY

Filtrex, Inc., Wayne, NJ

Neptune-Benson, Inc., Coventry, RI

Swimming Pool: MaintenanceCelite Corp., Santa Barbara, CA

Natare Corp., Indianapolis, IN

Tennis CourtsAction Floor Systems, LLC, Mercer, WI

Gerflor, Arlington Heights, IL

MONDO, Conshohocken, PA

Track: Surfaces & EquipmentAAE (Aluminum Athletic Equipment), Royersford, PA

Gerflor, Arlington Heights, IL

MONDO, Conshohocken, PA

Plexipave Sports Surfacing, Andover, MA

Regupol America, Lebanon, PA

Wall PaddingCovermaster Inc., Rexdale, ON CA

Safety & SecurityAccess Control Systems

ADT Security Services, Boca Raton, FL

AllegionCarmel, IN, 877/840-3621www.allegion.comA leading provider of security solutions, Allegion offers products under 23 global brands. Allegion specializes in security around the doorway and beyond: locks, door closers and exit devices, steel doors and frames to access control and workforce productivity systems.

Alvarado Mfg. Co., Chino, CA

AMAG Technology, Inc., Torrance, CA

Amano Cincinnati, Inc., Roseland, NJ

Ameristar Fence ProductsTulsa, OK, 800/321-8724www.ameristarfence.comAmeristar, the world’s largest manufacturer of architectural metal fence systems, inventories a wide range of affordable fence sizes, materials, styles and colors. Our fence systems offer strength, maintenance-free finish and comes with a warranty.

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions, New Haven, CT

Best Access Systems, Indianapolis, IN

Corbin Russwin, Berlin, CT

Corby Industries, Allentown, PA

CyberLock by Videx, Corvallis, OR

Cypress Computer Systems, Inc., Lapeer, MI

Detex Corp., New Braunfels, TX

DSX Access Systems, Dallas, TX

DynaLock Corp., Bristol, CT

FST21, Southborough, NY

Gallagher Security, North Kansas City, MO

Garrett Metal DetectorsGarland, TX, 800/234-6151www.garrett.com

Heartland Campus Solutions, Colorado Springs, CO

HID Global, Irvine, CA

InstaKey Security Systems, Lakewood, CO

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.comKaba Access & Data Systems Americas offers comprehensive security solutions for access points into buildings and containers, as well as for recording personal and enterprise data. Our brands include Kaba®, LA GARD, Simplex®, PowerPlex, E-Plex®, Saflok™, Ilco™ and Oracode.

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, Madison Heights, MI

Keri Systems, Inc, San Jose, CA

Key Tracer Systems Inc., Port Coquitlam, BC CA

KeyTrak, Inc., College Station, TX

Locknetics Security Engineering, Forestville, CT

Onity, Duluth, GA

OSI Security Devices Inc., Chula Vista, CA

PCSC, Torrance, CA

Raptor Technologies, LLC, Houston, TX

SARGENT Manufacturing Company, New Haven, CT

Schlage, Carmel, IN

Securitech Group, Inc, Maspeth, NY

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division,

Buffalo Grove, IL

SimplexGrinnell, Westminster, MA

Tutis Technologies Ltd., Mumbai, IN

Urbaco Americas, Medley, FL

Video Insight, Houston, TX

Alarms: Intrusion3M Library Systems, St. Paul, MN

ADT Security Services, Boca Raton, FL

CALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems, Winston-Salem, NC

Elk Products, Hildebran, NC

Hirsch Electronics, Santa Ana, CA

Napco Security Systems, Inc., Amityville, NY

Perimeter Products, Fremont, CA

Tapeswitch Corporation, Farmingdale, NY

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI), Waterford, MI

BollardsCalpipe Security Bollards, Rancho Dominguez, CA

Petersen Manufacturing Company, Denison, IA

Wausau Tile, Inc.Wausau, WI, 800/388-8728www.wausautile.com

Card Access SystemsAmano Cincinnati, Inc., Roseland, NJ

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions, New Haven, CT

CBORD Group, Inc., The, Ithaca, NY

Clipeze, Inc., Titusville, FL

CorKey Control Systems, Burlingame, CA

Safety & SecurityP





Can a Restroom Save Your School Resources and Money?

Every educational institution today looks for ways to cut operational costs and save money. However, chances are your school’s restroom may not be at the top of the list for consideration. What if by making one simple change you could reduce material costs, maintenance and waste by as much as 95%—not to mention reduce your school’s carbon footprint?

Let’s look at the facts:We all know paper towels are expensive and students often use way more than they need. In a typical K-12 school with 600 students research shows:

On average, most people use 2.5 sheets of paper towels each time they dry their hands. With an average of 39,600 visits to school restrooms each month, this is an expense of $3,387 a year in paper towels! And that doesn’t even consider the hidden costs of managing the supply chain and waste stream.

World Dryer’s SMARTdri, SLIMdri and its recently introduced SMARTdri Plus fast-drying hand dryers all feature heat controls for user comfort and dry times up to 3 times faster than traditional dryers. Moreover, the cost savings this new technology delivers is impressive. Take another look:

With World Dryer’s hand dryers it will cost only $15.84 a month to handle the average of 39,600 visits. Compared to the cost of using paper towels, that is a signifi cant savings. An average school can save as much as $4,000 per year over paper towel costs by installing automatic hand dryers. Over fi ve years that’s a savings of $20,000— money that can be used for important things like books, computers, extra-curricular programs and more.

The bottom line: World Dryer is the only manufacturer that offers you a full portfolio of fast, state-of-the-art dryers designed to fi t the individual needs of any facility. We offer more choices in fast hand dryer options created specifi cally to adapt to your needs and requirements–guaranteed.

Competitively priced, every World Dryer product is designed, engineered and manufactured to help you realize long-term economic and environmental savings. Your school will do its part not only saving the environment by conserving energy consumption and keeping waste out of landfi lls, but also reducing maintenance costs by eliminating germ-fi lled waste on the fl oors, overfl owing trash cans or toilets clogged by paper towels.

The result?You’ll have peace of mind as well as a cleaner, more sanitary facility for both your students and your employees. And you really can’t put a price on that.

Call us today at 800-323-0701 for a free analysis of how World Dryer’s high effi ciency hand dryers can help your school reduce costs signifi cantly.


restroom visits per month paper towel cost

per month

= 1.06¢ = $419.76x 39,600


restroom visits per month hand dryer cost

per month

= .04¢ = $15.84x 39,600


Untitled-3 1 2/19/14 1:37 PM



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Detex Corp., New Braunfels, TX

HID Global, Irvine, CA

Impro Technologies, Dunedin, FL

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.com

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, Madison Heights, MI

Onity, Duluth, GA

OSI Security Devices Inc., Chula Vista, CA

SARGENT Manufacturing Company, New Haven, CT

Special-Lite, Inc., Decatur, MI

Card PrintersDigital Identification Solutions, Piedmont, SC

HID Global, Irvine, CA

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, Madison Heights, MI

Team NiSCA, Somerset, NJ

CCTV/Surveillance CamerasADT Security Services, Boca Raton, FL

Bosch Security Systems, Inc., Fairport, NY

Dedicated Micros, Inc., Chantilly, VA

Direct Low Voltage Supply, St. Matthews, KY

Honeywell Video Systems, Louisville, KY

IBT Video Systems, Schererville, IN

IQinVision, San Juan Capistrano, CA

LENSEC, Houston, TX

March Networks, Ottawa, ON CA

Panasonic Security Systems, Secaucus, NJ

PlanetCCTV Digital Video Systems, San Diego, CA

Radio Engineering Industries, Inc. (REI), Omaha, NE

Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI), Waterford, MI

Salient Systems, Austin, TX

Video Insight, Houston, TX

Wren, Jefferson City, MO

Emergency CommunicationADT Security Services, Boca Raton, FL

AES-IntelliNet, Peabody, MA

Amcon, Eden Prairie, MN

AtHoc, Inc., San Mateo, CA

CALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems, Winston-Salem, NC

CEECO, Okeechobee, FL

Class Connection, Roanoke, VA

Extron ElectronicsAnaheim, CA, 800/633-9876www.extronclassroom.com

GAI-Tronics Corp., Mohnton, PA

Housing Devices, Inc., Medford, MA

HYT America Incorporated, Miramar, FL

LRAD Corporation, San Diego, CA

Prepared Response, Inc., Tacoma, WA

Sielox LLC, Runnemede, NJ

Siemens Fire Safety, Florham Park, NJ

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division,

Buffalo Grove, IL

Sprint, Reston, VA

Talk-A-Phone Co., Niles, IL

Emergency EvacuationAdaptive Wheelchair Lifts, Calgary, AB CA

B4 Disaster Management and Consulting Services,

Bakersfield, CA

Controlled Power Company, Troy, MI

EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC, Lake Success, NY

Garaventa Accessibility, Blaine, WA

Lancer 1 Inc, North Andover, MA

Med Sled, Des Peres, MO

Siemens Fire Safety, Florham Park, NJ

StayWell Safety Solutions, Yardley, PA

Fire: Alarms & SystemsBlazeMaster Fire Sprinkler Systems, Cleveland, OH

Cease Fire LLC, Vancouver, WA

Digitize Inc., Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Fike Corporation, Blue Springs, MO

Fire-Lite Alarms, Northford, CT

Gamewell-FCI, Northford, CT

Gentex Corp., Zeeland, MI

Hochiki America Corporation, Buena Park, CA

Keltron Corporation, Waltham, MA

Kinetix, Boothwyn, PA

Knox Company, Phoenix, AZ

Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI), Waterford, MI

Siemens Fire Safety, Florham Park, NJ

Siemens Industry USA, Building Technologies Division,

Florham Park, NJ

Silent Knight, Maple Grove, MN

System Sensor, St. Charles, IL

Fire: DoorsAdams Rite Manufacturing Co., Pomona, CA

Glassopolis, Vineland, NJ

Karpen Steel Custom Doors & Frames, Weaverville, NC

Special-Lite, Inc., Decatur, MI

Fire: ExtinguishersFireXonline,LLC, Clawson, MI

JL Industries, Bloomington, MN

Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI), Waterford, MI

Fire: Sprinkler SystemsFlexHead Industries, Holliston, MA

K & E Fire Protection Corporation, Manalapan, NJ

Identification Equipment & SuppliesAble Card Corp., Duarte, CA

Allison Systems, Inc., Waukesha, WI

BadgingSolutions, Roswell, GA

CI Solutions, Los Alamitos, CA

CPI Card Group, Littleton, CO

Datacard Group, Minnetonka, MN

Digital Identification Solutions, Piedmont, SC

HID Global, Irvine, CA

Identatronics, Inc., Elk Grove Village, IL

ID Shop, Inc., Greenwood, SC

ImageWare Systems, Inc., San Diego, CA

Jet Lithocolor, Downers Grove, IL

K-Sun Corporation, Somerset, WI

Laboratory Design & Supply, Buford, GA

Laminex, Inc., Fort Mill, SC

Marvel Photo Inc., Tulsa, OK

Plasco, Inc., Miami, FL

Raptor Technologies, LLC, Houston, TX

TransTech Systems, Inc, Aurora, OR

Visitor Pass Solutions by Data Management, Inc,

Farmington, CT

Lighting: EmergencyAddLight, Charlotte, NC

Controlled Power Company, Troy, MI

Evenlite, Bensalem, PA

Exitronix, Phoenix, AZ

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, Madison Heights, MI

LEDtronics, Torrance, CA

Sternberg Lighting, Roselle, IL

LocksAdams Rite Manufacturing Co., Pomona, CA

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions, New Haven, CT

Corbin Russwin, Berlin, CT

D&D Technologies, Huntington Beach, CA

Detex Corp., New Braunfels, TX

Dortronics Systems, Inc., Sag Harbor, NY

Dudley Locks, Mooers, NY

Fried Brothers Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.com

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional, Madison Heights, MI

Onity, Duluth, GA

OSI Security Devices Inc., Chula Vista, CA

Safety & SecurityP





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Untitled-8 1 8/19/14 4:09 PM


Extron PlenumVault® Systems are

complete, easy-to-use AV switching

and control systems designed

for classrooms with a suspended


Blends Right InPlenumVault Systems include a

secure housing for mounting and

concealing system components

in the plenum space above a

suspended ceiling.

Saves on SpaceThere are no messy cables on the

floor and you won’t need a rack,

expensive furniture or cabinetry for

system components.

PlenumVault Systems

AV Systems That Complement Your

Classroom Environment


PDQ Manufacturing, Leola, PA

Quick Panic Release, Terre Haute, IN

SARGENT Manufacturing Company, New Haven, CT

Schlage, Carmel, IN

Securitech Group, Inc., Maspeth, NY

The Bilco CompanyNew Haven, CT, 203/934-6363www.bilco.com

Yale Commercial Locks and Hardware, Monroe, NC

Metal DetectorsCEIA USA, Twinsburg, OH

Garrett Metal DetectorsGarland, TX, 800/234-6151www.garrett.comGarrett is the global leader of security metal detectors and checkpoint screening.

Pedestrian SafetyImpact Recovery Systems, Inc., San Antonio, TX

Lawrence Metal Products, Inc., Bay Shore, NY

Universal Safety Response, Inc., Franklin, TN

Urbaco Americas, Medley, FL

Visiontron Corp., Hauppauge, NY

SafesGardall Safe Corp., Syracuse, NY

Onity, Duluth, GA

Perma-Vault Safe Co., Warminster, PA

Software: SecurityAccess411, York, PA

Digital Identification Solutions, Piedmont, SC

Fortres Grand Corporation, Plymouth, IN

Gallagher Security, North Kansas City, MO

PPM 2000 Inc., Edmonton, AB CA

Prepared Response, Inc., Tacoma, WA

Raptor Technologies, LLC, Houston, TX


American Time & SignalDassel, MN, 800/328-8996www.atsclock.com

Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI), Waterford, MI

S.E.C. Wire Guards, Plymouth, MI


ACI Frangkiser Hutchens, Inc., Kansas City, MO

Adams Group Architects, Charlotte, NC

Alan Ford Architects, Denver, CO

Alleguez Architecture, Inc., Coral Gables, FL

America’s Schoolhouse Council, Austin, TX

Anderson Mason Dale Architects, Denver, CO

Arcari + Iovino Architects, P.C., Little Ferry, NJ

Architectural Resource Corp., Frankfort, IL


ArcTec Associates Inc., Bellaire, TX

ATS&R Planners/Architects/Engineers, Minneapolis, MN

Ayers Saint Gross, Tempe, AZ

Ayers Saint Gross, Baltimore, MD

Becker Morgan Group, Inc., Salisbury, MD

Bernier, Carr & Associates, PC, Watertown, NY

Bezek Durst Seiser, Anchorage, AK

Bison Deck Supports, Denver, CO

BLDD Architects, Inc., Decatur, IL

BLDD Architects, Inc., Champaign, IL

BLDD Architects, Inc., Bloomington, IL

BLDD Architects, Inc., Chicago, IL

BLRB Architects, PS, Tacoma, WA

Blue Ridge Architects, Harrisonburg, VA

BOORA Architects, Portland, OR

Bray Associates Architects, Sheboygan, WI

Bruner/Cott & Associates Inc., Cambridge, MA

BSA LifeStructures, Indianapolis, IN

Burkavage Design Associates, Clark Summit, PA

Butler Rogers Baskett Architects, P.C., New York, NY

Butler Rosenbury & Partners, Inc., Springfield, MO

Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA

CannonDesign, Grand Island, NY

Cannon Moss Brygger Architects, Sioux City, IA

CDH Partners, Inc., Marietta, GA

Christner Inc., St. Louis, MO

Cini•Little International, Inc. Higher ED, Germantown, MD

Citadel Archtectural Products, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Clark Patterson Associates, Rochester, NY

CO Architects, Los Angeles, CA

Cole + Russell Architects dba CR architecture + design,

Cincinnati, OH

Collaborative Inc., The, Toledo, OH

Collaborative-TMP Architects, Toledo, OH

Cooper Carry, Atlanta, GA

Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc., Aurora, IL

Craycroft McElroy Hendryx, Dallas, TX

CSArch Architecture|Engineering|Construction Management,

Albany, NY

Darden Architects, Fresno, CA

DCC Architects, Las Vegas, NV

Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, Albuquerque, NM

DES Architects + Engineers, Redwood City, CA

designcollective, inc., Baltimore, MD

Design Organization, Inc., Valparaiso, IN

Design Partnership of Cambridge, Charlestown, MA

Design Resources Group, Piscataway, NJ

Deutsch Associates, Phoenix, AZ

Di Cara | Rubino Architects, Wayne, NJ

DiNisco Design Partnership, Ltd., Boston, MA

DLA Architects, Ltd., Itasca, IL

DLR Group, Denver, CO

DLR Group, Lincoln, NE

Domingo Cambeiro Corp.-Architects, Las Vegas, NV

Dull Olson Weekes Architects Inc., Portland, OR

Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn, New York, NY

EI Associates, Cedar Knolls, NJ

EMG, Hunt Valley, MD

ERO Architects, McAllen, TX

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Cary), Cary, NC

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Celina), Celina, OH

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Corporate), Celina, OH

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Dublin), Dublin, OH

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Indianapolis),

Indianapolis, IN

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (New Orleans),

New Orleans, LA

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Novi), Novi, MI

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Park Ridge), Park Ridge, IL

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (South Bend),

South Bend, IN

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Washington, D.C.),

Alexandria, VA

Farnsworth Group, Inc., Peoria, IL

Finegold Alexander + Associates, Boston, MA

Finfrock, Apopka, FL


Flansburgh Associates, Inc., Boston, MA

Ford, Powell & Carson Architects & Planners, Inc.,

San Antonio, TX

French Associates, Inc., Rochester, MI

Frye Gillian Molinaro, Chicago, IL

GF55 Architects, LLP, New York, NY

Glover Smith Bode, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK

Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood, Montgomery, AL

Goody, Clancy & Associates, Boston, MA

Gould Evans, Kansas City, MO

GPD Group, Akron, OH

Greenspace Studio, Charlottesville, VA

Grimm & Parker, Calverton, MD

Gruzen Samton LLP, New York, NY






GlobalViewer Campus Communication SuiteNetwork Management of Bells, PA, and Intercom Systems

Extron GlobalViewer® Campus Communication Suite is a complete solution for unifying all campus audio systems

under an easy-to-use interface. The suite leverages the power of your existing network to provide bells, public address

announcements, and intercom communications throughout campus.

Flexible Bell SchedulingCreate and manage recurring bell schedules locally or at the

district level. For special events, such as rallies or holiday

closure, the bell schedule can be modified or disabled.

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pre-recorded messages with the push of a button. Zone

capability allows announcements to be routed to all

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Flexible setup options allow users to be connected with

the office or help desk.

Simplified ControlThe intuitive web-based graphical user interface allows

office personnel to administer the bell schedule, make

announcements, or have two-way communication with

classrooms from any computer on the network.

Make live or pre-recordedpublic address announcements

Flexible scheduling and management of bell system

Classroom AV Design GuideReference for AV technology

and solutions available atwww.extronclassroom.com

Grants AvailableRegister your project for an Extron Classroom AV Grant

www.extronclassroom.com/grant 800.633.9876 • www.extronclassroom.com

Two-way intercomconnects teachers withthe office or help desk

Untitled-12 1 8/7/14 1:43 PM


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Habeeb & Associates Architects, Norwell, MA

HADP Architecture, Inc., Atlanta, GA

Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Co., Norfolk, VA

Harriman Associates, Auburn, ME

Harriman Associates, Portland, ME

Harrison Planning Group, Powell, OH

Hastings+Chivetta Architects, Inc., St. Louis, MO

Hayes Large Architects, Altoona, PA

Hebard & Hebard Architects, Inc., South Bend, IN

Heery International, Atlanta, GA

HHSDR Architects / Engineers, Sharon, PA

Highland Associates, Clarks Summit, PA

HKS, Inc., Dallas, TX

HMC Architects, Los Angeles, CA

HMFH Architects, Inc., Cambridge, MA

Hudson + Associates Architects, Hampton, VA

Innovative Design, Inc., Raleigh, NC

Integrated Design Solutions, Troy, MI

JMA Architecture Studios, Las Vegas, NV

Joiner Partnership, Inc., Kingwood, TX

Kevin Hom & Andrew Goldman Architects, PC, New York, NY

KG&D Architects & Engineers, PC, Mount Kisco, NY

Kingscott Associates, Inc., Kalamazoo, MI

Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd., Minneapolis, MN

KPS Group, Inc., Birmingham, AL

Kromm, Rikimaru & Johnansen, St. Louis, MO

LAN Associates, Engineering, Planning, Architecture,

Surveying, Inc., Midland Park, NJ

Livermore Edwards & Associates, Waltham, MA

LMN, Seattle, WA

LSW Architects, P.C., Vancouver, WA

LSW Architects, P.C., Portland, OR

LWPB Architecture, Oklahoma City, OK

Mancini Duffy Architecture Design, New York, NY

Martin Riley architects-engineers, Fort Wayne, IN

MHTN Architects, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT

Miller Dyer Spears Inc., Boston, MA

MKC Associates, Inc., Mansfield, OH

MOMA Architecture, Inc., Marietta, GA

Moody Nolan, Inc., Columbus, OH

Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, PA, Greensboro, NC

Mount Vernon Group Architects, Inc., Woburn, MA

MSKTD Architects Engineers Interiors, Fort Wayne, IN

MVE Institutional, Irvine, CA

NAC|Architecture, Seattle, WA

Newman Architecture, Naperville, IL

Newport Collaborative Architects, Inc., Newport, RI

Niles Bolton Associates, Atlanta, GA

Online Land Planning, LLC, Redondo Beach, CA

Orcutt | Winslow, Phoenix, AZ

Parette Somjen Architects, LLC., Rockaway, NJ

Perkins+Will, Chicago, IL

Perkins+Will, Atlanta, GA

Peter Gisolfi Associates, Hasting-on-Hudson, NY

PHN Architects, Wheaton, IL

Port City Architecture, Portland, ME

RATIO Architects, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

RSC Architects, Cliffside Park, NJ

Samsel Architects, P.A., Asheville, NC

Sasaki Associates, Watertown, MA

SaylorGregg Architects, Philadelphia, PA

SchenkelShultz Architecture, Orlando, FL

Shepley Bulfinch Richardson & Abbott, Boston, MA

Shive-Hattery Architecture-Engineering, Cedar Rapids, IA

SHP Leading Design, Cincinnati, OH

SHW Group, Plano, TX

SHW Group, LLC, Berkley, MI

Song + Associates, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL

Spiezle Architectural Group, Trenton, NJ

Svigals + Partners, LLP, New Haven, CT

SWBR Architects, Rochester, NY

The Collaborative Inc, Toledo, OH

The Stacy Group, Owasso, OK

TMP Architecture, Inc., Bloomfield Hills, MI

Trautman Associates, Buffalo, NY

TRIAD Architects, Columbus, OH

USA Architects Planners + Interior Designers, P.A.,

Somerville, NJ

VCBO Architecture, Salt Lake City, UT

Voith & Mactavish Architects LLP, Philadelphia, PA

VPS Architecture, Evansville, IN

Wakely Associates, Inc., Warren, MI

Woollen, Molzan and Partners, Indianapolis, IN

Yost Grube Hall Architecture, Portland, OR

Asbestos Testing & AbatementDixon Information Inc., South Salt Lake, UT

EMS Laboratories, Pasadena, CA

Jennings Environmental Management, Inc., Binghamton, NY

Pentek, Inc., Coraopolis, PA

Campus Card/One Card SystemsCardSmith, Doylestown, NJ

Digital Identification Solutions, Piedmont, SC

Graphic Art Productions, Inc., Nashville, TN

ITC Systems USA, Inc., St. Louis, MO

NuVision Networks, Corp., Napa, CA

The ProCard Group LLC, Nashville, TN

Construction/Project ManagementARCADIS, Tempe, AZ

Austin AECOM, Chicago, IL

Batson-Cook Construction, West Point, GA

Bouma Construction, Grand Rapids, MI

Brailsford & Dunlavey, Washington, DC

CBC Steel Buildings, Lathrop, CA

Consolidated Engineers, Leesport, PA

Construction Specialty Services, LLC, Raleigh, NC

Construction Tech. Laboratories (CTL), Skokie, IL

Construct Two Group, Orlando, FL

CPMI, Inc., Des Moines, IA

Cutler Associates, Inc., Worcester, MA

Donley’s Inc., Cleveland, OH

EDC, Midlothian, VA

Endicott Tile LLC, Fairbury, NE

Erland Construction, Inc., Burlington, MA

Frank Schipper Construction Co., Santa Barbara, CA

Gilbane Building Company, Providence, RI

Heery International, Atlanta, GA

Horst Construction, Lancaster, PA

Interface Engineering, Portland, OR

Juneau Construction Company, Atlanta, GA

KBE Building Corporation, Farmington, CT

KBR, Arlington, VA

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc., St. Louis, MO

McDonough Boylard Peck, Fairfax, VA

MLB Construction Services, LLC, Malta, NY

Moore Iacofano Goltsman (MIG Berkeley - Headquarters),

Berkeley, CA

N C Monroe Construction Company, Greensboro, NC

Owner Services Group, Inc., Oakbrook Terrace, IL

PC Associates, Tustin, CA

School Construction Consultants, Inc., Bohemia, NY

School Specialty/Project by Design, Mansfield, OH

SGI Construction Management, Pasadena, CA

The Skillman Corporation, Indianapolis, IN

VISUAL Communications, St. Paul, MN

Warrior Group, DeSoto, TX

Wrenn Construction Services, Inc., Windham, NH

Consultant: ElevatorLerch Bates Inc., Littleton, CO

Vertical Transportation Excellence, Camp Hill, PA

Consultant: LandscapeDavey Tree, Kent, OH

Kifco/AG-Rain Irrigation, Havana, IL

Consultant: SecurityADT Security Services, Boca Raton, FL

CPI-Crisis Prevention Institute, Brookfield, WI

HTM, Portsmouth, NH

iXP Corporation, Cranbury, NJ






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J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., Neenah, WI

RETA Security, Inc., Lemont, IL

West, a Thomson Reuters Business, Eagan, MN

Consultant: TelecommunicationsAxiom Group, Shelton, CT

D L Adams Associates, Inc., Denver, CO

JaffeHolden, Norwalk, CT

Polycom, Inc., Pleasanton, CA

Silverback Consulting Group, LLC, Indianapolis, IN

ContractorsAdams-Bickel Associates, Inc., Collegeville, PA

Contract Services: CustodialARAMARK Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA

CampusClean, New York, NY

DTZ, Auburndale, MA

HHA Services, St. Clair Shores, MI

Kaivac, Hamilton, OH

Olympus Campus Services, New Hope, PA

Contract Services: Food ServiceARAMARK Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA

Bakergroup, Grand Rapids, MI

Domino’s Pizza, LLC, Ann Arbor, MI

Contract Services: MaintenanceKBR, Arlington, VA

Lerch Bates Inc., Littleton, CO

Tremco Roofing, Beachwood, OH

Contract Services: SecurityNational Student Services, Inc., Stillwater, OK

Contract Services: TransportationDelphi Corporation, Troy, MI

Educational PlannerWHPacific, Inc., Mesa, AZ

Energy AuditsARCADIS, Tempe, AZ

Atlantic Energy Concepts, Reading, PA

Constellation NewEnergy, Baltimore, MD

Heath Consultants Inc., Houston, TX

Heery International, Atlanta, GA

Energy ManagementAmeresco, Inc., Framingham, MA

ARAMARK Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA

Atlantic Energy Concepts, Reading, PA

Automated Logic, Kennesaw, GA

Carrier, Indianapolis, IN

Cisco, San Jose, CA

Constellation NewEnergy, Baltimore, MD

Cummins Power Generation, Minneapolis, MN

DENT Instruments, Bend, OR

DERBIGUM Energies, Kansas City, MO

DTZ, Auburndale, MA

E-Mon, LLC, Langhorne, PA

FirstEnergy Solutions, Akron, OH

Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc., Tallahassee, FL

Horizon Engineering Associates, LLP, New York, NY

Johnson Controls, Inc., Milwaukee, WI

National Association of Energy Service Companies,

Washington, DC

New Horizon Technologies, Butte, MT

NUDURA Corporation, Barrie, ON CA

Onicon, Inc., Clearwater, FL

Onity, Duluth, GA

Optimum Energy, Seattle, WA

Responsive Energy Group, LLC, Schaumburg, IL

Standard Solar, Inc., Rockville, MD

Verve Living Systems, Winston Salem, NC

EngineersAcoustics By Design, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI

Brinjac Engineering Inc., Harrisburg, PA

Inspec, Inc., Chicago, IL

Michaels Engineering & Michaels Energy, La Crosse, WI

Professional Service Industries, Oak Brook Ter., IL

Thorburn Associates, Castro Valley, CA

Vertical Transportation Excellence, Camp Hill, PA

Walker Restoration Consultants, New York, NY

Weigand Associates, Inc. (WAI), Germantown, MD

Environmental TestingAirflow Systems, Inc., Dallas, TX

Apex Environmental, Inc., Rockville, MD

Clean Harbors, Norwell, MA

Medimpex United Inc., Bensalem, PA

Facilities ManagementApplied Management Engineering, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA

ARAMARK Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA

Dematic Corp., Grand Rapids, MI

DTZ, Auburndale, MA

E-Mon, LLC, Langhorne, PA

Entech Engineering, Reading, PA

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, San Diego, CA

Heery International, Atlanta, GA

ISES, Stone Mountain, GA

KBR, Arlington, VA

O,R&L Corp., Branford, CT

RAM USA, Brunswick, OH

Raptor Technologies, LLC, Houston, TX

Roesel Kent & Associates, Roswell, GA

Vertical Transportation Excellence, Camp Hill, PA

Vinmas Contracting Corp., Ridgefield, CT

FinancialGE Capital Public Finance, Minneapolis, MN

Fire Protection Consultants/DesignersA/D Fire Protection Systems, Scarborough, ON CA

Ansul Inc., Marinette, WI

Grice Engineering, Inc., Janesville, WI

Fleet ManagementMerchants Fleet Management, Hooksett, NH

Insurance American Appraisal Associates, Milwaukee, WI

American Fidelity Assurance Company, Oklahoma City, OK

Interior DesignGrace Your Space Interiors, Mansfield, TX

River Bluff Architects, St. Joseph, MO

Landscape ArchitectBehnke Associates Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc.,

Cleveland, OH

Bison Deck Supports, Denver, CO

Derck & Edson Associates, LLP, Lititz, PA

H. Keith Wagner Partnership, Burlington, VT

LRSLA Studio, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

Stantec, Boston, MA

Mailing ServicesDTZ, Auburndale, MA

Merchandising & PromotionsSchool Art Materials, Seattle, WA

Online Procurement

E&I Cooperative ServicesJericho, NY, 800/283-2634www.eandi.org

ESM Solutions, Warrington, PA

KS Booktique, Inc, Landing, NJ






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Untitled-3 1 7/2/14 10:31 AM


National Association of Educational Procurement,

Baltimore, MD

TheCampusHub.com, Lincoln, NE

Performance ContractingARCADIS, Tempe, AZ

Chevron Energy Solutions, Overland Park, KS

Chevron Energy Solutions, San Francisco, CA

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division,

Buffalo Grove, IL

TAC by Schneider Electric, Carrollton, TX

Trane Rental Services, Charlotte, NC

Privatized HousingGilbane Building Company, Providence, RI

JPI Campus Quarters, Irving, TX

Professional DevelopmentEducators Money, Greenwood Village, CO

Future Industrial Technologies, Santa Barbara, CA

Gilbane Building Company, Providence, RI

LearningSpan, Inc., Wood Ridge, NJ

PD 360, Sandy, UT

RMCOEH, Salt Lake City, UT

Purchasing Co-op

E&I Cooperative ServicesJericho, NY, 800/283-2634www.eandi.orgWith E&I, you’ll save thousands of dollars on technology, scientific, furniture, office supplies, maintenance items and much more. As the member-owned sourcing cooperative focused on education, we connect members with cost-saving competitively awarded contracts, electronic procurement platforms and consulting services.

Horizon Resource Group, Brentwood, TN

Keystone Purchasing NetworkMilton, PA, 888/490-3182www.theKPN.orgThe Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN), a national nonprofit cooperative purchasing program, serves K-12, higher education, local government and other tax-exempt, nonprofit markets. Membership is cost- and obligation-FREE for these agencies. KPN establishes contracts through sealed public bid processes, awarding contracts to the most responsive, responsible vendors.

National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (National IPA),

Franklin, TN

NJPAStaples, MN, 888/896-3947www.njpacoop.orgThe National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) is a government agency that serves all units of education, government and non-profit entities with competitively awarded contract purchasing solutions through industry-leading vendors. NJPA responds to its Members’ purchasing needs by facilitating and awarding competitively bid, nationally leveraged contracts.

PEPPM Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program,

Milton, PA

Real Estate Development/Student HousingCollegiate Development Construction Services, LLC, Irving, TX

E-Mon, LLC, Langhorne, PA

Gilbane Building Company, Providence, RI

NewSchools, San Diego, CA

Remington Village Apartments, Gillette, WY

The Public Private Development Collaborative, San Diego, CA

Vanguard Modular Building Systems, LLC, Malvern, PA

Training: MaintenanceHOST/Racine Industries, Inc., Racine, WI

ProTeam, The Vacuum CompanyBoise, ID, 866/888-2168www.pro-team.com

Waste Removal/Recycling

Waste ManagementHouston, TX, 866/746-2182www.wm.com/schooldistrictWaste Management is North America’s leading environmental services provider, serving nearly 20 million industrial customers in the U.S. and Canada. We operate the largest network of landfills, recycling facilities and transfer stations, and its largest natural gas truck fleet.

StructuralAcoustics: Acoustical Panels

Acoustic Panels Manufacturer, Guangzhou, CN

Acoustics First, Richmond, VA

Ceco Door Products, Milan, TN

Eckel Industries, Inc., Acoustic Division, Cambridge, MA

FABRICMATE Systems, Ventura, CA

International Cellulose Corp., Houston, TX

Kinetics Noise Control, Dublin, OH

MDCElk Grove Village, IL, 800/621-4006www.mdcwall.com

Netwell Noise Control, Minneapolis, MN

Perdue Acoustics, Amarillo, TX

Wenger CorporationOwatonna, MN, 800/733-0393www.wengercorp.com

Woodfold Manufacturing, Forest Grove, OR

Acoustics: SoundproofingAcoustiblok Inc, Tampa, FL

Acoustical Solutions, Inc, Richmond, VA

Acoustical Solutions, Inc., Irving, TX

Maxxon Corporation, Hamel, MN

Noisemaster Corporation, The, Monroe, CT

Air and Vapor BarriersCarlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, Wylie, TX

Brick/Facebrick/PaversPine Hall Brick, Winston-Salem, NC

BridgesArmortec, West Chester, OH

CON/SPAN Bridge Systems, West Chester, OH

Canopies/Walkway Covers Birdair, Inc., Amherst, NY

CPI Daylighting Inc., Lake Forest, IL

Major Industries Inc., Wausau, WI

Mapes Industries Inc., Lincoln, NE

Ceiling: SystemsAcoustic Enterprises Inc., Frederick, CO

ACP - Acoustic Ceiling Products, Appleton, WI

Armstrong Ceiling Systems, Lancaster, PA

CertainTeed Ceiling, Valley Forge, PA

Coustic-Glo International, Minneapolis, MN

Croton Products, Piscataway, NJ

EuroStone Sustainable Ceiling Panels, Chicago, IL

Gordon, Inc., Bossier City, LA

Hunter Douglas Contract, Upper Saddle River, NJ

OMNOVA Solutions Inc., Fairlawn, OH

Parkland Plastics, Inc., Middlebury, IN


Sefar Architecture, Depew, NY

Tecna North America, Scarborough, ON CA

USG Corporation, Chicago, IL

Ceiling: TilesArmstrong Ceiling Systems, Lancaster, PA

Hunter Douglas Contract, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Parkland Plastics, Inc., Middlebury, IN

Concrete/Masonry/PrecastAnchor Retaining Wall Systems, Minnetonka, MN

Bison Deck Supports, Denver, CO

Cast Stone Institute, Lebanon, PA

CavClear/Archovations, Inc., Hudson, WI

Easi-Set Industries, Midland, VA

International Masonry Institute, Annapolis, MD

Kay Park RecreationJanesville, IA, 800/553-2476www.kaypark.com

L&M Construction ChemicalsOmaha, NE, 800/362-3331www.lmcc.com

Mortar Net USA Ltd., Gary, IN

PCI, Chicago, IL

Pine Hall Brick, Winston-Salem, NC

Doors: Architectural HardwareAdams Rite Manufacturing Co., Pomona, CA

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions, New Haven, CT

Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, PA

Detex Corp., New Braunfels, TX

Hafele America, Archdale, NC

Hiawatha, Inc., Bloomington, MN

Doors: Entry SystemsAlgoma Hardwoods, Inc., Algoma, WI

Benchmark Commercial Door Systems, Fredericksburg, VA

Cline Aluminum Doors, Inc., Bradenton, FL

Door Aid, Kalamazoo, MI

Door Components, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Ellison Bronze, Falconer, NY

Horton Automatics, Corpus Christi, TX

Hufcor Inc., Janesville, WI

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.com

Maiman Company, The, Springfield, MO

Marathon High Speed, High Performance Doors,

Milwaukee, WI

Markar Architectural Products, Inc., Pomona, CA

Marshfield Door Systems, Inc., Marshfield, WI

Marvin Windows and Doors, Warroad, MN

Oldcastle Building Envelope, Santa Monica, CA

Overly Door Company, Greensburg, PA

Rite-Hite, Milwaukee, WI

Schlage, Carmel, IN

Special-Lite, Inc., Decatur, MI

The Bilco CompanyNew Haven, CT, 203/934-6363www.bilco.comManufacturer of roof hatches and hatch railing systems; automatic fire vents; and floor, vault and sidewalk doors.

Tiger Door FRP, Greensburg, PA

TUBELITE Inc, Walker, MI

Woodfold Manufacturing, Forest Grove, OR

Doors: HardwareAdams Rite Manufacturing Co., Pomona, CA

Anemostat Products, Carson, CA

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions, New Haven, CT

Detex Corp., New Braunfels, TX

DORMA Architectural Hardware, Reamstown, PA

ITT Industries, Roanoke, VA

Kaba ADS AmericasWinston-Salem, NC, 800/849-8324www.kaba-adsamericas.com

Kryptonite, Canton, MA

Larco, Brainerd, MN

McKinney Products, New Haven, CT






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Medeco High Security Locks, Salem, VA

PDQ Manufacturing, Leola, PA

Pemko Manufacturing Company, Ventura, CA

SARGENT Manufacturing Company, New Haven, CT

Schlage, Carmel, IN

Special-Lite, Inc., Decatur, MI

Doors: ScreensKane Screens, Kane, PA

Keystone Industries, New Castle, PA

Exterior Insulation & Finish SystemsDow Building Solutions, Midland, MI

Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI

Dryvit Systems, Inc., West Warwick, RI

General Glass Intl. Corp., Secaucus, NJ

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Atlanta, GA

Hunter Douglas Contract, Upper Saddle River, NJ

Linetec, Wausau, WI

Parex Inc., Redan, GA


Ameristar Fence ProductsTulsa, OK, 800/321-8724www.ameristarfence.com

Behlen Mfg. Co., Columbus, NE


Int’l Security Products, Minneapolis, MN

L.B. Plastics, Inc., Mooresville, NC

Flags & FlagpolesAmerican Flagpole, Abingdon, VA

Hennessy House Wooden Flag Poles, Sierra City, CA

Flooring: AccessBettinger West Interiors, Inc., Elkridge, MD

DINOFLEX Recycled Rubber Surfaces, Salmon Arm, BC CA

KinetexDalton, GA, 800/241-4586www.jj-kinetex.com

Flooring: CarpetAntron carpet fiber, Kennesaw, GA

Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, PA

Forbo Flooring SystemsHazleton, PA, 800/842-7839www.forboflooringna.com

Invision, Dalton, GA

INVISTA, Kennesaw, GA

J+J Flooring GroupDalton, GA, 800/241-4586www.jj-invision.comJ+J Flooring Group manufactures the most innovative broadloom and modular carpet available in the commercial market, uniting design vision with performance and budget. We stand behind our products with the best lifetime warranties in the industry, providing customers a rewarding experience.

Keystone Purchasing NetworkMilton, PA, 888/490-3182www.theKPN.org

Mannington Commercial, Calhoun, GA

Masland Contract, Mobile, AL

Mohawk GroupCalhoun, GA, 800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.comMohawk Group offers innovative flooring for every space in your facility, on time and in budget. Our easy-care solutions include broadloom, modular and woven carpet; LVT; rubber tile; and PVC-free composite tile. Choose Mohawk flooring for advanced durability and sustainability.

Patcraft, Dalton, GA

Tandus CentivaDalton, GA, 800/248-2878www.tandus.comTandus Centiva’s unique line of Powerbond®, FreeForm®, Modular, Broadloom, Woven and LVT flooring products offer a true fit-for-purpose approach to enhance spaces for learning, working, healing and living. With industry-leading product design, unrivaled service and a commitment to environmental and social stewardship, Tandus Centiva provides the ultimate flooring experience for our customers.

Flooring: Carpet TileAntron carpet fiber, Kennesaw, GA

Carpetile, Inc., LaGrange, GA

Forbo Flooring SystemsHazleton, PA, 800/842-7839www.forboflooringna.com

InterfaceFLOR, LaGrange, GA

J+J Flooring GroupDalton, GA, 800/241-4586www.jj-invision.com

KinetexDalton, GA, 800/241-4586www.jj-kinetex.comKinetex® is an advanced textile composite flooring that combines key attributes of soft-surface floor covering with the long-wearing performance characteristics of hard-surface flooring.

Mannington Commercial, Calhoun, GA

Mohawk GroupCalhoun, GA, 800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.com

R C Musson Rubber Co., Akron, OH

Tandus CentivaDalton, GA, 800/248-2878www.tandus.com

Flooring: Dance Floors

American Harlequin Dance FloorsMoorestown, NJ, 800/642-6440www.harlequinfloors.comHarlequin Floors provides vinyl (marley) and sprung flooring for stage and studio. The subfloor division features stage and studio sprung floor panels, a premanufactured modular floor with interlocking panels; the basketweave floor; and a permanent floating floor. Along with flooring solutions, Harlequin Floors provides an extensive line of ballet barres and maintenance/storing solutions including cleaners, roll carts, tapes, straps and roll bags.

Flooring: Hard SurfaceAllstate Rubber, Ozone Park, NY

Altro Floors, Mississauga, ON CA

American Biltrite, Sherbrooke, QC CA

Armstrong Commercial Flooring, Lancaster, PA

Azrock by Tarkett, Houston, TX

Bona US, Aurora, CO

Burke Mercer Flooring Products, San Jose, CA

Centiva, Florence, AL

Congoleum Corporation, Mercerville, NJ

Crossfield Products, Rancho Dominguez, CA

Dex-o-Tex, Rancho Dominquez, CA

Dri-Dek/Kendall Products, Naples, FL

ECOsurfaces Commercial Flooring, Lancaster, PA

FlexcoTuscumbia, AL, 800/633-3151www.flexcofloors.comFlexco manufactures rubber and vinyl floor products. We have cove base, tile, treads and accessories to complement any school project with easy maintenance and options to appeal to any budget.

Florock Institutional Flooring, Chicago, IL

Forbo Flooring SystemsHazleton, PA, 800/842-7839www.forboflooringna.comCreating better environments... this statement reflects the mission and values of Forbo Flooring. From the indoor environment to the natural environment, Forbo’s products and services combine design and functionality in world-class flooring solutions.

Gerstung/Gym-Thing, Inc., Baltimore, MD






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Lighting Services

Furniture & Equipment

INVISTA, Kennesaw, GA

J & J Commercial, Dalton, GA

Johnsonite, Chagrin Falls, OH

KinetexDalton, GA, 800/241-4586www.jj-kinetex.com

L&M Construction ChemicalsOmaha, NE, 800/362-3331www.lmcc.com

Lyptus, Federal Way, WA

Mannington Commercial, Calhoun, GA

Mercer Products, Umatilla, FL

Metropolitan Ceramics, Canton, OH

Mohawk GroupCalhoun, GA, 800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.com

MONDO, Conshohocken, PA

Neogard, Dallas, TX

nora systems, Inc.Salem, NH, 800/332-6672www.nora.com/usBy collaborating with you, nora® is able to provide flooring solutions for the many applications in the education market. nora rubber flooring offers colorful, durable and sustainable solutions with flooring that does not contain PVC, and has fewer maintenance requirements.

Oscoda Plastics, Inc., Oscoda, MI

PROSOCO Incorporated, Lawrence, KS

R.C.A. Rubber Company, The, Akron, OH

Roppe Corporation, Fostoria, OH

SaniGLAZE International, Jacksonville, FL

Stagestep, Philadelphia, PA

StonhardMaple Shade, NJ, 800/257-7953www.stonhard.comStonhard has been manufacturing and installing seamless floors for school corridors, classrooms, laboratories and cafeterias for more than 90 years. Seamless, easy to clean, stain resistant, sustainable floor solutions keep planners, students, faculty and maintenance staffs happy.

Tandus CentivaDalton, GA, 800/248-2878www.tandus.com

TechDesign Floors, Solon, OH

TOLI International, Commack, NY

Flooring: MatsArden Architectural Specialties, Inc., Brooklyn Park, MN

Cactus Mat Mfg., Azusa, CA

Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, PA

Forbo Flooring SystemsHazleton, PA, 800/842-7839www.forboflooringna.com

FS Matting, Chattanooga, TN

Heronrib Wet Area Safety Matting, Valley Head, AL

JCH International, Inc. - Mats & Floors, Rome, GA

Martinson-Nicholls, Inc., Willoughby, OH

Mats Inc., Stoughton, MA

Mohawk GroupCalhoun, GA, 800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.com

Pawling Corporation, Wassaic, NY

R C Musson Rubber Co., Akron, OH

Stagestep, Philadelphia, PA

Flooring: SportsAction Floor Systems, LLC, Mercer, WI

Aeson Flooring Systems, Philadelphia, PA

Centaur Floor Systems, Santa Barbara, CA

Connor Sports Flooring, Arlington Heights, IL

Connors Sport Court International, Salt Lake City, UT

Covermaster Inc., Rexdale, ON CA

Diamond Safety Concepts, Olivenhain, CA

Everlast Sports Surfacing, Lancaster, PA

FlexcoTuscumbia, AL, 800/633-3151www.flexcofloors.com

Forbo Flooring SystemsHazleton, PA, 800/842-7839www.forboflooringna.com

Freudenberg Building Systems, Inc., Lawrence, MA

Gerflor, Arlington Heights, IL

Gerflor USA, Bensenville, IL

Horner Flooring Co., Dollar Bay, MI

Humane Manufacturing Company, Baraboo, WI

Johnsonite, Chagrin Falls, OH

Mitchell Rubber Products, Mira Loma, CA

Mohawk GroupCalhoun, GA, 800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.com

MONDO, Conshohocken, PA

Regupol America, Lebanon, PA

Roppe Corporation, Fostoria, OH

Stagestep, Philadelphia, PA

Flooring: Stair TreadsAllstate Rubber, Ozone Park, NY

Amstep Products, Bristol, CT

Johnsonite, Chagrin Falls, OH

Mannington Commercial, Calhoun, GA

R C Musson Rubber Co., Akron, OH

Roppe Corporation, Fostoria, OH

Wooster Products Inc., Wooster, OH

Flooring: UnderlaymentCertainTeed Gypsum, Tampa, FL

L&M Construction ChemicalsOmaha, NE, 800/362-3331www.lmcc.com

Maxxon Corporation, Hamel, MN

Roppe Corporation, Fostoria, OH

Framing: MetalAegis Metal Framing, LLC, Chesterfield, MO

GreenhousesGrowers Supply, Dyersville, IA

InsulationArmacell, LLC, Mebane, NC

Dow Building Solutions, Midland, MI

Evonik Degussa Corporation, Parsippany, NJ

Gilsulate International, Inc., Santa Clarita, CA

K-FLEX USA, LLC, Youngsville, NC

Noisemaster Corporation, The, Monroe, CT

Owens Corning, Toledo, OH

Modular Buildings: PermanentAmerican Buildings Co., Eufaula, AL

Amramp, South Boston, MA

Genesis Modular Buildings, Inc., Jacksonville, FL

Genesis Modular Buildings, Inc., Atlanta, GA

Genesis Modular Buildings, Inc., Richmond Hill, GA

Gulf States Manufacturers, Starkville, MS

Innovative Modular Solutions, Bolingbrook, IL

Meehleis Modular Buildings, Lodi, CA

Mid-Atlantic Precast Association, Hockessin, DE

Miller Building Systems, Inc., Elkhart, IN

Mobile Structures Inc., Elkhart, IN

Modular Building Institute, Charlottesville, VA

National Partitions, Knoxville, TN

Pac-Van, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Palomar Modular Buildings, DeSoto, TX

Parkline, Inc., Winfield, WV

Porta-King Building Systems, Earth City, MO

Modular Buildings: PortableComark Building Systems, Desoto, TX

Inoviapods, Spring Valley, ME







Keystone Purchasing NetworkMilton, PA, 888/490-3182www.theKPN.org

Mobile Modular Management Corp, Pasadena, TX

Pac-Van, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Ramtech Building Systems, Mansfield, TX

Vanguard Modular Building Systems, LLC, Malvern, PA

Operable WallsHufcor Inc., Janesville, WI

Modernfold Inc., Greenfield, IN

Woodfold Manufacturing, Forest Grove, OR

Roll-Up DoorsWoodfold Manufacturing, Forest Grove, OR

Roofing: AccessoriesBison Deck Supports, Denver, CO

Carlisle SynTec, Carlisle, PA

CommDeck, Eau Claire, WI

Digital Facilities Corporation, North Chelmsford, MA

Eternabond, Mundelein, IL

Firestone Building Products, Indianapolis, IN

Kee Safety, Buffalo, NY

Marathon Roofing Products, Buffalo, NY

Metal-Era Inc., Waukesha, WI

PHP Systems/Design, Houston, TX

Pipe Prop, Fort Worth, TX

Plasteco, Inc., Houston, TX

The Bilco CompanyNew Haven, CT, 203/934-6363www.bilco.com

Roofing: Built-UpARMM Associates Inc., Cherry Hill, NJ

Garland Company, Inc., The, Cleveland, OH

Koppers Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

Siplast, Irving, TX

Tremco Roofing, Beachwood, OH

Roofing: Deck SystemsElastizell Corp., Ann Arbor, MI

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Atlanta, GA

IB Roof Systems, Eugene, OR

Wausau Tile, Inc.Wausau, WI, 800/388-8728www.wausautile.com

Roofing: Green Roof SystemLiveRoof LLC, Spring Lake, MI

Roofing: InsulationAtlas Roofing Corporation, Atlanta, GA

Carlisle SynTec, Carlisle, PA

Dow Building Solutions, Midland, MI

Firestone Building Products, Indianapolis, IN

Roofing: MetalBerridge Manufacturing, San Antonio, TX

Classic Products Inc., Piqua, OH

DECRA Roofing Systems, Inc., Corona, CA

Duro-Last Roofing, Inc., Saginaw, MI

Firestone Building Products, Indianapolis, IN

Garland Company, Inc., The, Cleveland, OH

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Atlanta, GA

MBCI, Houston, TX

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation, Louisville, KY

Nucor Corp., Alpharetta, GA

Petersen Aluminum CorporationElk Grove Village, IL, 800/722-2523www.pacclad.comPAC manufactures architectural and structural metal roofing, as well as soffit panels, composite and corrugated metal wall panels. PAC manufactures a full line of perimeter wall systems from coping to gravel stops. We also do custom fabrication.

Tremco Roofing, Beachwood, OH

Roofing: Modified BitumenCertainTeed Commercial Roofing, Valley Forge, PA

DERBIGUM, Kansas City, MO

Firestone Building Products, Indianapolis, IN

Garland Company, Inc., The, Cleveland, OH

Polyglass U.S.A., Inc., Fernley, NV

TAMKO Building Products, Inc., Joplin, MO

Tremco Roofing, Beachwood, OH

Roofing: PMRDow Building Solutions, Midland, MI

Roofing: Polyurethane FoamNCFI Polyurethanes, Mount Airy, NC

Roofing: Repair MaterialsCarlisle SynTec, Carlisle, PA

Garland Company, Inc., The, Cleveland, OH

Hanover Architectural Products, Hanover, PA

Holland Roofing Group, The, Florence, KY

Kingstree Building Prod/Mule Hide Prod, Beloit, WI

MFM Building Products, Coshocton, OH

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & AdhesivesAcrymax Technologies, Media, PA

Chem Link Inc., Schoolcraft, MI

Dow Building Solutions, Midland, MI

ERSystems, Rockford, MN

Flexible Products Co., Marietta, GA

Gaco Western, Inc., Seattle, WA





Garland Company, Inc., The, Cleveland, OH

National Coatings Corp., Camarillo, CA

Republic Powdered Metals, Inc., Medina, OH

TAMKO Building Products, Inc., Joplin, MO

Thermo Manufacturing Systems LLC, Lindale, TX

Uniroof International Inc., Altamonte Springs, FL

Roofing: Single-PlyCarlisle SynTec, Carlisle, PA

Centimark, Canonsburg, PA

Duro-Last Roofing, Inc., Saginaw, MI

FiberTite Roofing Systems, Wooster, OH

Firestone Building Products, Indianapolis, IN

Flex Membrane International, Leesport, PA

GAF Building Materials, Wayne, NJ

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Atlanta, GA

Mule-Hide Products, Beloit, WI

TAMKO Building Products, Inc., Joplin, MO

Tremco Roofing, Beachwood, OH

Roofing: Slate & TileEcoStar, Carlisle, PA

Evergreen Slate Co. LLC, Granville, NY

Ludowici Roof Tile, New Lexington, OH

TAMKO Building Products, Inc., Joplin, MO

Signs & Signage: Architectural2/90 Sign Systems, Grand Rapids, MI

AGS, Exton, PA

APCO Signs, Atlanta, GA

ASI | Signage Innovations, Dallas, TX

Best Sign Systems, Inc., Montrose, CO

Charleston Industries, Elk Grove Village, IL

Creative Sign Solutions, Memphis, TN

Directional Systems, Erie, PA

Hall Signs, Inc., Bloomington, IN

InPro Corporation, Muskego, WI

Mainstreet Schoolzone, Brookfield, WI

Michele/Thomas/Hutchins Design, Waunakee, WI

Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com, Los Angeles, CA

Sign Resource Management, Inc., Georgetown, TX

Signs Plus School Signs, Sarasota, FL

Stewart School Signs, Sarasota, FL

Stonehouse Signs, Inc., Arvada, CO

Vista System, Sarasota, FL

W & E Baum Bronze Tablet, Freehold, NJ

Signs & Signage: ExitAmano Cincinnati, Inc., Roseland, NJ

American PERMALIGHT, Inc., Torrance, CA

Isolite Corp., Berwyn, PA

SkylightsCarlisle SynTec, Carlisle, PA

CPI Daylighting Inc., Lake Forest, IL

Duo-Gard Industries Inc., Canton, MI

Major Industries Inc., Wausau, WI

Natural Lighting Co., Inc., Glendale, AZ

Oldcastle Building Envelope, Santa Monica, CA

OpenAire Inc., Cedarburg, WI

Storage BuildingsAreo-Power Unitized Fueler, Smithtown, NY

Haz-Stor Co., Charleston, IL

Pac-Van, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Safety Storage, Inc., Charleston, IL

Vanguard Modular Building Systems, LLC, Malvern, PA

SunroomsFour Seasons Sunrooms Michigan, Novi, MI

Patio Enclosures Inc., Macedonia, OH

Temporary StructuresClassic Tents, Torrance, CA

Pac-Van, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Turntable Divisible AuditoriumMacton Corporation, Oxford, CT

Wall: CoveringsCarnegie, Rockville Centre, NY

Chelsea Decorative Metal Co., Houston, TX

Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, PA

Design Materials Sisals, Inc., Kansas City, KS

Eurotex, Philadelphia, PA

FABRICMATE Systems, Ventura, CA

Flexi-Wall Systems, Liberty, SC

InPro Door and Wall Protection Systems, Muskego, WI

Koroseal School Collection by RJF Intl., Fairlawn, OH

MDCElk Grove Village, IL, 800/621-4006www.mdcwall.comMDC is a leading global source for contract wallcoverings, coatings and specialty wall products. With a team of professionals committed to consulting with customers and their clients, MDC Wallcoverings provides superior solutions that work. Our relationships are built on trust and confidence that we are the finishing touch for every design scheme.

Noisemaster Corporation, The, Monroe, CT

Parkland Plastics, Inc., Middlebury, IN

Pawling Corporation, Wassaic, NY

R C Musson Rubber Co., Akron, OH

Wallguard.com, Dover Plains, NY

Wall: SystemsAlpro, Bossier City, LA

Cambridge Architectural, Cambridge, MD

CertainTeed Gypsum, Tampa, FL

Composite Technologies Corp., Boone, IA

Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, PA

CPI Daylighting Inc., Lake Forest, IL

FABRICMATE Systems, Ventura, CA

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC, Atlanta, GA

Globe Amerada Architectural Glass Co., Selma, AL

Gravity Lock Systems, Inc., Houston, TX

James Hardie Building Products, Mission Viejo, CA

Kirby Building Systems, Portland, TN

Major Industries Inc., Wausau, WI


Mortar Net USA Ltd., Gary, IN

National Gypsum, Charlotte, NC

Pawling Corporation, Wassaic, NY

Petersen Aluminum CorporationElk Grove Village, IL, 800/722-2523www.pacclad.com

SCHOTT North America, Inc., Elmsford, NY

SYNTHEON Inc., Leetsdale, PA

Viracon, Owatonna, MN

Washroom: PartitionsACCURATE Partitions Corp., Lyons, IL

Ampco Products Inc., Miami, FL

Arpa USA, Jacksonville, FL

Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc., N. Hollywood, CA

General Partitions Mfg. Corp., Erie, PA

Global Partitions, Eastanollee, GA

InPro Decorative Surfaces, Muskego, WI

Jacknob, Hauppauge, NY

Manning Materials, Inc., Nashville, TN

Metpar Corp., Westbury, NY

Modular Hardware, Cortaro, AZ

Partition Systems Incorporated of South Carolina,

Columbia, SC

Shiffler, Chardon, OH

Special-Lite, Inc., Decatur, MI

WindowsAllied Window, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Alpha Windows, Siding, Roofing, Massapequa, NY

Andersen Windows, Bayport, MN

Bendheim, New York, NY

EFCO Corp., Monett, MO

Ettore Products, Alameda, CA

Guardian Industries Corp., Auburn Hills, MI

Hunter Douglas Contract, Upper Saddle River, NJ

H Window Co., Ashland, WI

JELD-WEN, Klamath Falls, OR

Kalwall Corporation, Manchester, NH

Kolbe & Kolbe Millwork Co., Inc., Wausau, WI

Maine Glass, Park Ridge, IL

Major Industries Inc., Wausau, WI

Marvin Windows and Doors, Warroad, MN

Mon-Ray, Inc., Minneapolis, MN

Oldcastle Building Envelope, Santa Monica, CA

Peerless Products Inc., Fort Scott, KS

Pella Corporation, Pella, IA

PGT, N. Venice, FL

Sheffield Plastics, Sheffield, MA

TRACO, Cranberry Township, PA

Trident Window Systems Inc, Walterboro, SC

Wausau Window and Wall Systems, Wausau, WI

Windows: Coatings & FilmAllied Window, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Film Technologies International, St. Petersburg, FL

Windows: HardwareHope’s Windows, Inc., Jamestown, NY

Marvin Windows and Doors, Warroad, MN

PGT, N. Venice, FL

Windows: Replacement/RepairAllied Window, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Window Repair Systems, Inc., Piedmont, SC

Windows: ScreensAllied Window, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

CPI-Protech Screens Inc., Pearland, TX

Kane Screens, Kane, PA

Keystone Industries, New Castle, PA

Technology & CommunicationsA/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic Boards

ADM Intl., Inc., Chicago, IL

Advantus Corp., Jacksonville, FL

APCO Signs, Atlanta, GA

Aristocrat Industries, Inc., Mt. Vernon, OH

Display Systems International, Saskatoon, SK CA

FABRICMATE Systems, Ventura, CA

StrandVision Digital Signage, Menomonie, WI

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

A/V: ChalkboardsAmerican Chalkboard, Wetumpka, AL

Blackboard Resurfacing, Bangor, PA

Everase Corporation, Ivyland, PA

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

A/V: EquipmentAudio Enhancement, Bluffdale, UT

Aves Audio Visual Systems, Inc., Sugar Land, TX

AVI-SPL, Tampa, FL

CAM Audio, Garland, TX

Centronics, Inc., Stevensville, MD

Technology & CommunicationsP






Chief Mfg. Inc., Savage, MN

Contemporary Research Corp., Dallas, TX

Drapes 4 Show Inc., Sylmar, CA

Emtech Electronics, Inc., Orem, UT

ETR, Holbrook, NY

Extron ElectronicsAnaheim, CA, 800/633-9876www.extronclassroom.comExtron Electronics is the leading manufacturer of classroom audio and video solutions for the K-12 market, including PoleVault® Digital Classroom AV Systems, VoiceLift® Microphone Systems and GlobalViewer® software for network based AV resource management and campus communications.

Frostline, Inc., Elk Grove Village, IL

Intelix, Middleton, WI

Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co., Inc., Kansas City, MO

Kramer Electronics, Hampton, NJ

National AV Supply, Grafton, VT

Panasonic, Newark, NJ

Philips Business Display Solutions, Atlanta, GA

Premier Mounts, Fullerton, CA

Promethean Inc., Alpharetta, GA


Sony Electronics Inc., Park Ridge, NJ

Video Mount Products, Stevensville, MD

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories3M Company/Projection Systems, Austin, TX

ACP Direct, Dallas, TX

AVI-SPL, Tampa, FL

Draper, Inc., Spiceland, IN

Extron ElectronicsAnaheim, CA, 800/633-9876www.extronclassroom.com

Philips Consumer Electronics North America, Atlanta, GA

RelampIt, Bohemia, NY

SMARTdesks, Hibernia, NJ

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

A/V: ProjectorsAudio Enhancement, Bluffdale, UT

AVI-SPL, Tampa, FL

Canon, Lake Success, NY

Ileed Audio Visual Co.,Ltd., Shenzhen, CN

Navitar, Inc., Rochester, NY

NEC Display Solutions, Itasca, IL

Panasonic, Newark, NJ

Sanyo, Chatsworth, CA

Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX

Troxell Communications, Phoenix, AZ

A/V: WhiteboardsBarker Creek, Poulsbo, WA

Educational Equipment Corporation, Kent, OH

Everase Corporation, Ivyland, PA

EverWhite, Menomonee Falls, WI

Magnatag Visible Systems, Macedon, NY

MDCElk Grove Village, IL, 800/621-4006www.mdcwall.com

PolyVision Corporation, Suwanee, GA

Shiffler, Chardon, OH

Virco Inc.Torrance, CA, 800/813-4150www.virco.com

Walltalkers, Fairlawn, OH

A/V: Whiteboards, InteractiveAVI-SPL, Tampa, FL

DYMO/Mimio, Cambridge, MA

eInstruction, Denton, TX

Marsh Industries, Inc., New Philadelphia, OH

Panasonic, Newark, NJ

Promethean Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Samsung, Ridgefield, NJ

Shenzhen Syslab Electronics Co.,Ltd., Shenzhen, CN

SMART Technologies, Calgary, AB CA

Turning Technologies LLC, Youngstown, OH

Cable/Satellite TVDMISI/Continental Digital Communications, Champaign, IL

Integra Systems Corp., Phoenix, AZ

SnapStream Media, Houston, TX

Video Mount Products, Stevensville, MD

Cable/Wire Management SystemsAnixter Inc., Glenview, IL

Carlon, Cleveland, OH

Connectrac, Dallas, TX

Graybar, St. Louis, MO

Leviton Voice & Data Division, Bothell, WA

Classroom Amplification / AcousticsAtlas Sound, Phoenix, AZ

Audio Enhancement, Bluffdale, UT

CALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems, Winston-Salem, NC

Cetacea Sound Corp., Plymouth, MN

D. L. Adams Associates, Inc., Denver, CO

Technology & CommunicationsP




Extron ElectronicsAnaheim, CA, 800/633-9876www.extronclassroom.com

FABRICMATE Systems, Ventura, CA

LANcom Technologies, Louisville, LA

Lightpointe, San Diego, CA

Promethean Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Clocks & Bells

American TimeDassel, MN, 800/328-8996www.atsclock.comThe clock experts supply integrated timekeeping solutions to meet your budget. We manufacture hybrid wired and wireless clock systems, Power over Ethernet clocks, replacement wired clocks (including Simplex) & battery clocks. We specialize in fast clock repair and hard-to-find clock parts.

Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind, Chicago, IL

Electric Time Company, Inc., Medfield, MA

Innovation Wireless, Culver City, CA

The Sapling Company, Inc., Huntingdon Valley, PA

Computer: HardwareAcer America Corp., San Jose, CA

CDW•G, Vernon Hills, IL

Dell, Round Rock, TX

Hewlett-Packard Company, Houston, TX

LaptopsAnytime, San Bruno, CA

Laurus Technologies, Itasca, IL

Minuteman Power TechnologiesCarrollton, TX, 800/238-7272www.minutemanups.com

Ncomputing, Redwood City, CA

Panasonic, Newark, NJ

Toshiba, Irvine, CA

Computer: Network DevicesAxiom Group, Shelton, CT

Cisco, San Jose, CA

Education Networks of America, Inc., Nashville, TN

EthoStream, Milwaukee, WI

Fujitsu, Sunnyvale, CA

Novell Inc., Waltham, MA

Waters Network Systems, LLC, Rochester, MN

Computer: PeripheralsAxis Communications, Inc., Chelmsford, MA

Brother International Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ

CDW•G, Vernon Hills, IL

Communications Specialties, Inc., Hauppauge, NY

GS Metals Corp., Pinckneyville, IL

Gyration, a Movea Brand, Milpitas, CA

Mitsubishi Digital Electronics, Irvine, CA

Pexagon Technology, Inc., Guilford, CT

Promethean Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Computer: PrintersAcquireX, Long Beach, CA

AMT Datasouth Corp., Camarillo, CA

Epson America, Long Beach, CA

Computer: SecurityAnchorPad International, Inc., Cypress, CA

Business Machine Security, Brea, CA

KSL Security, Waltham, MA

Computer: SuppliesMedia Management & Magnetics, Menomonee Falls, WI

Digital SignageAdaptive Micro Systems, Milwaukee, WI

ConnectedSign, Lancaster, PA

Daktronics, Inc., Brookings, SD

Display Systems International, Saskatoon, SK CA

IDS Menus, Holbrook, NY

Panasonic, Newark, NJ

Rise Display, Inc., Shawnee, KS

Video Mount Products, Stevensville, MD

Distance LearningAPEX Learning, Seattle, WA

AVI-SPL, Tampa, FL

Canter & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

Engineered Lighting Products, El Monte, CA

SMART Technologies, Calgary, AB CA

IntercomsAiphone Corp., Bellevue, WA

Bogen Communications, Inc., Ramsey, NJ

GAI-Tronics Corp., Mohnton, PA

TekTone® Sound & Signal Mfg., Inc., Franklin, NC

Internet ServicesCharter Business, Englewood, CO

Cybersource, Mountain View, CA

Portsmith, Boise, ID

Sprint, Reston, VA

Multimedia EquipmentAudio Enhancement, Bluffdale, UT

Auerbach Pollock Friedlander, San Francisco, CA

Axonix Corp., Salt Lake City, UT

Cisco, San Jose, CA

Classroom Direct.com, Appleton, WI

Networks: LANs WANs WirelessAxcess Inc., Addison, TX

Unite Private Networks, Kearney, MO

Public Address SystemsClarity, Roanoke, VA

Soundsphere, Stratford, CT

Radios: Two-WayDiscount Two Way Radios, Harbor City, CA

Midland, Kansas City, MO

Sprint, Reston, VA

Software: AdministrativeAcroVista Software, Austin, TX

Blackbaud, Inc., Charleston, SC

Book Systems, Inc., Huntsville, AL

Cimarron, Houston, TX

Competitive Edge Software, Inc, Franklin, WI

Computing Options, Frederick, MD

DecisionEd, Coppell, TX

Design Science, Inc., Long Beach, CA

EDmin.com, San Diego, CA

Follett Software Co., McHenry, IL

Gateway Software Corporation, Fromberg, MT

Lunch Cashier System, Dassel, MN

OnCourse Systems for Education, Gibbstown, NJ

ParentLink, Provo, UT

Qqest Employer Services, Sandy, UT

Scantron Corporation, Irvine, CA

Tetrad Computer Applications Inc., Ferndale, WA

Tyler Technologies, Dallas, TX

Software: BusinessBlue Bear Software, San Diego, CA

DataTeam Systems, Inc., Lawrence, KS

Kofax Image Products, Irvine, CA

Microsoft, Redmond, CA

Qqest Employer Services, Sandy, UT

SchoolDude.com, Cary, NC

Tyler Technologies, Dallas, TX

Software: Facilities ManagementAmano Cincinnati, Inc., Roseland, NJ

Asset Systems, Inc., Naperville, IL

Bigfoot CMMS, Center Harbor, NH

Breeze Software, Alpharetta, GA

Cisco, San Jose, CA

Colbi Technologies, Inc., Tustin, CA

Dean Evans & Associates, Inc., Greenwood Village, CO

Eagle Technology, Inc., Mequon, WI

Education Logistics, Inc., Missoula, MT

E-Mon, LLC, Langhorne, PA

Environmental Support Solutions, Tempe, AZ

Equipsoft Eagle LLC, Mequon, WI

eSight Energy Inc., Schaumburg, IL

Event Software, Gilbert, AZ

Expesite, LLC, Columbus, OH

Extron ElectronicsAnaheim, CA, 800/633-9876www.extronclassroom.com

FAMIS, Austin, TX

FieldServer Technologies, Milpitas, CA

InfoQuesT Technologies, L.L.C., Wethersfield, CT

Jen/Mar Systems Corp., Green Bay, WI

MicroMain Corporation, Austin, TX

OFMS, Inc. dba INSITE, Peabody, MA

PenBay Solutions, Brunswick, ME

RoofManager, Matthews, NC

SchoolDude.com, Cary, NC

Schoolwires, State College, PA

Vertical Transportation Excellence, Camp Hill, PA

Software: InstructionalALEKS Corporation, Irvine, CA

APTE Inc., Evanston, IL

COMPanion Corp., Salt Lake City, UT

CrossTec Corporation, Boca Raton, FL

Doron Precision Systems, Inc., Binghamton, NY

Gallopade International, Peachtree City, GA

Globalscholar, Greeley, CO

impatica.com, Ottawa, ON CA

Individual Software, Inc., Pleasanton, CA

MathResources, Inc., Halifax, NS CA

MathXpert, Aptos, CA

McWiz Games, Trois-Rivieres, QC CA

Methods & Solutions, Inc., Tucson, AZ

NetSupport, Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Nordic Software, Lincoln, NE

PLATO Learning, Inc., Bloomington, MN

Promethean Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Sleek Software Corp., Austin, TX

SMART Technologies, Calgary, AB CA

SoftChalk, LLC, Richmond, VA

Software: Inventory ControlBoost Software, Slidell, LA

CAM Commerce Solutions, Fountain Valley, CA

MicroMain Corporation, Austin, TX

SchoolDude.com, Cary, NC

Software: Maintenance SoftwareAzzier Web Work, Port Coquitlam, BC CA

DPSI, Greensboro, NC

DPSI Solution Inc, Greensboro, NC

Faronics, San Ramon, CA

Ivara Corp., Burlington, ON CA

MicroMain Corporation, Austin, TX

MPulse Maintenance Software, Eugene, OR

Qqest Employer Services, Sandy, UT

Que Centre, Rochester, NY

SchoolDude.com, Cary, NC

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc., Maumee, OH

Thinkage Ltd., Kitchener, ON CA

TMA Systems, Tulsa, OK

Software: SecurityBerkeley Varitronics Systems, Metuchen, NJ

Centurion Technologies, Inc., Fenton, MO

Cisco, San Jose, CA

Raptor Technologies, LLC, Houston, TX

Tangent, Inc, Burlingame, CA

Technology & CommunicationsP






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Software: Student Health ManagementNuesoft Xpress, Marietta, GA

Software: TransportationEveryday Solutions, Inc., Acton, MA

MicroAnalytics, Ltd., Toronto, ON CA

Planware Systems, LLC, Morgan Hill, CA

SchoolDude.com, Cary, NC

T2 Systems, Indianapolis, IN

Tyler Technologies, Dallas, TX

Telephone: Equipment & SuppliesCALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems, Winston-Salem, NC

Fortec, Milwaukee, WI

Inter-Tel, Chandler, AZ

NEC Unified Solutions, Inc., Irving, TX

Sprint, Reston, VA

Trade AssociationsTrade Associations

American Architectural Manufacturers Association,

Schaumburg, IL

American Association of School Administrators, Alexandria, VA

American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC

American Society for Industrial Security, Alexandria, VA

Association of School Business Officials International,

Reston, VA

Carpet and Rug Institute, The, Dalton, GA

Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI),

Scottsdale, AZ

GREENGUARD Environmental Institute, Atlanta, GA

Indoor Air Quality Assn., Inc., Rockville, MD

League for Innovation, Phoenix, AZ

Metal Building Manufacturers Association, Cleveland, OH

National Association of Educational Procurement,

Baltimore, MD

National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement

Officers, Milwaukee, WI

National Coalition for Technology in Education & Training,

Alexandria, VA

National Concrete Masonry Association, Herndon, VA

National Educational Computing Conference (NECC),

Eugene, OR

National Electrical Contractors Association, Bethesda, MD

National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA

National School Boards Association, Alexandria, VA

National School Plant Management Association,

Lexington, KY

National School Supply & Equipment Association,

Silver Spring, MD

New England Concrete Masonry Assoc., Manchaug, MA

New Jersey SmartStart Buildings, Woodbridge, NJ

Parents for Public Schools, Inc., Jackson, MS

Plumbing Manufacturers International, Rolling Meadows, IL

U.S. Green Building Council, Washington, DC

Transportation & ParkingBattery Operated Utility Vehicle

GEM-Global Electric Motorcars, Medina, MN

BusesAmTran, Conway, AR

Blue Bird Corporation, Ft. Valley, GA

Champion Bus, Inc., Imlay City, MI

First Student Inc., Cincinnati, OH

Transit Sales International, Riverside, CA

Buses: Communications EquipmentSprint, Reston, VA

Buses: Parts & RepairsEasy Way Safety Services, Cincinnati, OH

Espar Products, Inc., Mississauga, ON CA

Motor Coach Industries, Schaumburg, IL

Parking Control SystemsAmano Cincinnati, Inc., Roseland, NJ

CALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems, Winston-Salem, NC

Geneva Scientific Inc., Batavia, IL

K-10 Mirrors, Mission, TX

Urbaco Americas, Medley, FL

Parking PermitsWeldon, Williams & Lick, Inc., Fort Smith, AR

SheltersCPI Daylighting Inc., Lake Forest, IL

Lacor/Streetscape, Phoenix, AZ

Transportation & ParkingP





SUPPLIERS DIRECTORYComplete contact information for the suppliers listed in the Products Directory.
















liersAlaco Ladder Co.

11800ceiling.com175 Liberty St. Ste. BCopiague, NY 11726800/234-5464631/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

22/90 Sign Systems5350 Corporate Grove Blvd. S.E.Grand Rapids, MI 49512800/777-4310616/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

33M Company/Projection Systems6801 River Place Blvd.Austin, TX 78726877/515-1470www.3m.com/[email protected]

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories

3M Library Systems3M Ctr., Bldg. 225-4N-14St. Paul, MN 55144888/364-3577www.3m.com/us/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

AAAE (Aluminum Athletic Equipment)1000 Enterprise Dr.Royersford, PA 19468800/523-5471610/[email protected]

Track: Surfaces & Equipment

AAF International9920 Corporate Campus Dr.,Ste. 200Louisville, KY 40223888/223-2003502/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Abacus Sports Installations, Ltd.836 Flory Mill Rd.Lancaster, PA 17601800/821-4557717/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Able Card Corp.1720 Flower Ave.Duarte, CA 91010626/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Access411190 Canal Rd. Extd.York, PA 17406800/574-0236717/[email protected]

Software: Security

ACCO Brands, Inc.300 Tower Pkwy.Lincolnshire, IL 60069800/222-6462847/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Accountor Systems1200 Iroquois Ave.Ste.12Naperville, IL 60563800/229-8765630/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

ACCURATE Partitions Corp.Box 287Lyons, IL 60534708/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsWashroom: Partitions

Ace Duraflo3122 W. Alpine St.Santa Ana, CA 92704800/359-6369714/[email protected]

Water Treatment: Equipment & Supplies

Acer America Corp.333 W. San Carlos St., Ste. 1500San Jose, CA 95110800/733-2237408/533-7700www.acer.com/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

ACI FrangkiserHutchens, Inc.1421 E. 104th St.Kansas City, MO 64131816/[email protected]


ACO Polymer Products, Inc.Box 245Chardon, OH 44024800/543-4764440/[email protected]

Drainage & Drain Cleaning

Acoustiblok Inc6900 Interbay Blvd.Tampa, FL 33616813/[email protected]

Acoustics: Soundproofing

Acoustical Solutions, Inc2420 Grenoble Rd.Richmond, VA 23294800/782-5742804/[email protected]

Acoustics: Soundproofing

Acoustical Solutions, Inc.400 E. Royal Ln. Bldg. 3, Ste. 290Irving, TX 75039800/782-9752972/[email protected]

Acoustics: Soundproofing

Acoustic Enterprises Inc.8006 Sunrise Cir.Frederick, CO 80516888/287-4183303/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

Acoustic Panels ManufacturerBaogang Rd. 279Haizhu DistrictGuangzhou, 510240 CN135/330-5975www.acousticmanufacturer.comsales@acousticmanufacturer.com

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

Acoustics By Design, Inc.124 Fulton St. E.Grand Rapids, MI 49503616/[email protected]


Acoustics First2247 Tomlyn St.Richmond, VA 23230888/765-2900804/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

ACP - Acoustic Ceiling ProductsBox 1581Appleton, WI 54912800/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

ACP DirectBox 703168Dallas, TX 75370800/232-2979972/383-3000www.acpdirect.com

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories

AcquireX1000 N. Studebaker Rd.Ste. 4Long Beach, CA 90815800/552-5950562/[email protected]

Computer: Printers

AcroVista Software12016 Sky West Dr.Austin, TX 78758800/823-2789512/873-2214www.acrovista.com/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Acrymax Technologies221 Brooke St.Media, PA 19063800/553-0523610/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Action Floor Systems, LLC4781 N. U.S. Hwy. 51Mercer, WI 54547800/746-3512715/[email protected]

Covers: Gym & Athletic FieldFlooring: SportsPhysical Education Surfaces: IndoorTennis Courts

ActiveLED by Ringdale101 Halmar Cv.Georgetown, TX 78628888/288-9080512/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & ControlsLighting: IndoorLighting: Outdoor

ACUI Procure1 City Centre, Ste. 104120 W. 7th St.Bloomington, IN 47404812/245-8070www.acui.org/[email protected]

Cleaning: Tools, Microfiber

Acumen EntrySolutions, LLC2825 Marvin Rd. N.E. 2-PLacey, WA 98516360/[email protected]


Acutherm1766 Sabre St.Hayward, CA 94545510/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Adams-Bickel Associates, Inc.3770 Ridge PikeCollegeville, PA 19426800/767-4204610/[email protected]


Adams Group Architects10020 Park Cedar Dr.Charlotte, NC 28210704/[email protected]


Adams Rite Manufacturing Co.260 Santa Fe St.Pomona, CA 91767800/872-3267909/[email protected]

Doors: Architectural HardwareDoors: HardwareFire: DoorsLocks

Adaptive Micro Systems7840 N. 86th St.Milwaukee, WI 53224800/558-7022414/[email protected]

Digital Signage

Adaptive Wheelchair Lifts419 34th Ave., S.E.Calgary, AB T2G 1V1 CA800/448-4652403/[email protected]

BleachersEmergency EvacuationStagesWheelchair Lifts

AddLight5034 Providence Rd.Charlotte, NC 28226888/367-1010704/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

A/D Fire Protection Systems420 Tapscott Rd., Unit 5Scarborough, ON M1B 1Y4 CA800/263-4087416/[email protected]

Fire Protection Consultants/Designers

Adjustable Fixture Co.Box 162Mequon, WI 53092262/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

ADM Intl., Inc.5565 N. Elston Ave.Chicago, IL 60630-1314773/[email protected]

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic Boards

ADP Lemco Inc.5970 W. Dannon WayWest Jordan, UT 84088800/575-3626801/[email protected]

Equipment: Physical Education

ADT Security Services1501 Yamato Rd.Boca Raton, FL 33431800/335-5238561/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsAlarms: IntrusionCCTV/Surveillance CamerasConsultant: SecurityEmergency Communication

Advance14600 21st Ave.Plymouth, MN 55447800/[email protected]

Floors: Maintenance Products

Advanced Environment Imaging, LLC19706 One Norman Blvd.Ste. 220Cornelius, NC 28031704/896-7825www.airbarriertestservices.cominfo@airbarriertestservices.com

HVAC: Air Filters

Advanced Vapor Technologies5901 23rd Dr. W., Ste. 103Everett, WA 98203800/997-6584425/[email protected]

Cleaning: Tools, MicrofiberFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersHVAC: Pollution ControlsWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

Advantus Corp.12276 San Jose Blvd.Bldg. 618Jacksonville, FL 32223800/771-0529904/[email protected]

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic Boards

Aegis Metal Framing, LLC14515 N. Outer 40 Dr., Ste. 110Chesterfield, MO 63017866/902-3447314/[email protected]

Framing: Metal

AerWay20 Phebe St.Norwich, ON N0J 1P0 CA800/457-8310519/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

AES-IntelliNet285 Peabody St.Peabody, MA 01960800/237-6387978/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Aeson Flooring Systems4701 Bath St., #46BPhiladelphia, PA 19137800/523-0960215/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

AftermarketSpecialties, Inc.980 Cobb Place Blvd. N.W.Ste. 100Kennesaw, GA 30144800/438-5931678/[email protected]

HVAC: Maintenance

AGATI1219 W. Lake St.Chicago, IL 60607312/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Aget Manufacturing Company1408 E. Church St., Box 248Adrian, MI 49221800/832-2438517/[email protected]

HVAC: Pollution Controls

AGS302 Commerce Dr.Exton, PA 19341610/363-8150agsinfo.com

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Aiphone Corp.1700 130th Ave. N.E.Bellevue, WA 98005800/[email protected]


Air Cycle Corp.2200 Ogden Ave.Ste. 100Lisle, IL 60532800/[email protected]


Airflow Systems, Inc.11221 Pagemill Rd.Dallas, TX 75243800/818-6185214/[email protected]

Environmental Testing

Airgas, Inc.259 N. Radnor-Chester Rd.Ste. 100Radnor, PA 19087-5283810/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

Airguard IndustriesBox 32578Louisville, KY 40232866/247-4827502/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Airius LLC811 S. Sherman St.Longmont, CO 80501303/[email protected] ad on page 83HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Air Quality Engineering7140 Northland Dr. N.Minneapolis, MN 55428800/823-3273763/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

AirRover+ Portable Air ConditioningBox 4850Tyler, TX 75712800/858-6287903/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Airsonett, Inc.1171 Market St., Ste. 113Fort Mill, SC 29708803/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

AKCoatings705 Curtis St.Middletown, OH 45043866/456-3712513/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Alaco Ladder Co.5167 G St.Chino, CA 91710888/310-7040909/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Alamo IndustrialS



ers Alamo Industrial

1502 E. Walnut St.Sequin, TX 78155800/[email protected]

Grounds: Mowers & Tractors

Alan Ford Architects3457 Ringsby Ct., #217Denver, CO 80216303/[email protected]


ALEKS Corporation15460 Laguna Canyon Rd.Irvine, CA 92618714/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Alera Lighting701 Millennium Blvd.Greenville, SC 29607864/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & ControlsLighting: Indoor

Alerton6670 185th Ave. N.E.Redmond, WA 98052425/[email protected]

Automated Building Controls

Algoma Hardwoods, Inc.1001 Perry St.Algoma, WI 54201800/678-8920414/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Allegion11819 N. Pennsylvania St.Carmel, IN 46032877/840-3621317/810-3791www.allegion.comSee ad on page 100

Access Control SystemsADA-Compliant Products

Alleguez Architecture, Inc.901 Ponce de Leon Blvd.Ste. 202Coral Gables, FL 33134305/[email protected]


Alliance Rubber CompanyBox 20950Hot Springs, AR 71901800/626-5940501/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Allied Refrigeration Inc2300 E. 28th St.Signal Hill, CA 90755562/595-5301www.alliedrefrigeration.comjc.andrade@alliedrefrigeration.com

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Allied Window, Inc.11111 Canal Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45241800/445-5411513/559-1212www.alliedwindow.com/[email protected]

WindowsWindows: Coatings & FilmWindows: Replacement/RepairWindows: Screens

Allison Systems, Inc.W226 N781 Eastmound Dr.Waukesha, WI 53186-1655800/536-9077262/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

All Star Bleachers, Inc.6550 New Tampa Hwy.Lakeland, FL 33815800/875-3141863/[email protected]

BleachersFurniture: OutdoorSeating: Stadium

Allstate Rubber105-12 101 Ave.Ozone Park, NY 11416718/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: Stair Treads

Allstate Sign & Plaque70 Burt Dr.Deer Park, NY 11729800/645-6330631/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant Products

Alpha Windows, Siding, Roofing4350 Sunrise Hwy.Massapequa, NY 11758877/925-7420516/[email protected]


ALP Lighting & Ceiling Products6333 Gross Point Rd.Niles, IL 60714800/633-7732773/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Alpro5023 Hazel Jones Rd.Bossier City, LA 71111888/733-3836www.alproacoustics.com;[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Alto-Shaam, Inc.Box 450Menomonee Falls, WI 53052800/558-8744262/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Altro Floors6390 Kestrel Rd.Mississauga, ON L5T 1Z3 CA800/565-4658905/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

AlumiRamp Inc.855 E. Chicago Rd.Quincy, MI 49082800/800-3864517/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant EquipmentRamps

Alvarado Mfg. Co.12660 Colony St.Chino, CA 91710800/423-4143909/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

AMAG Technology, Inc.20701 Manhattan Pl.Torrance, CA 90501800/889-9138310/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Amano Cincinnati, Inc.140 Harrison Ave.Roseland, NJ 07068800/526-2559973/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsParking Control SystemsSigns & Signage: ExitSoftware: Facilities Management

Amano Pioneer Eclipse Corp.Box 9091 Eclipse Rd.Sparta, NC 28675800/367-3550336/372-8080www.pioneer-eclipse.com

Cleaning: Supplies

Amcon10400 Yellow Circle Dr.Eden Prairie, MN 55343800/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Ameresco, Inc.111 Speen St., Ste. 410Framingham, MA 01701866/263-7372508/[email protected]

Energy Management

American Appraisal Associates411 E. Wisconsin Ave.Ste. 1900Milwaukee, WI 53202800/558-8650414/271-7240www.american-appraisal.commoreinfo@american-appraisal.com


American Architectural Manufacturers Association1827 Walden Office Sq.Ste. 550Schaumburg, IL 60173847/[email protected]

Trade Associations

American Art Clay Co., Inc.6060 Guion Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46254800/374-1600317/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

American Association of School Administrators1615 Duke St.Alexandria, VA 22314703/[email protected]

Trade Associations

American Atelier301 N. Front St.Allentown, PA 18102610/439-4040www.americanatelierinc.comclientservices@americanatelierinc.com

Furniture: Residence Hall

American BicycleSecurity Co.Box 7359Ventura, CA 93006800/245-3723805/[email protected]

Bicycle Racks & Storage

American Biltrite200 Bank St.Sherbrooke, QC J1H 4K3 CA800/479-0190819/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

American Buildings Co.1150 State Docks Rd.Eufaula, AL 36027888/307-4338334/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

American Chalkboard100 Barrett Industrial Blvd.Wetumpka, AL 36092334/567-0291www.americanchalkboard.comcstever@mail.americanchalkboard.com

A/V: Chalkboards

American CreativeTeam, Inc.210 W. Clary Ave.San Gabriel, CA 91776800/747-5689626/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

American Desk Co.1302 Industrial Blvd.Temple, TX 76504800/433-3142254/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

American Dryer, Inc.33067 Industrial Rd.Livonia, MI 48150800/485-7003734/[email protected]

Hand Dryers

American Fidelity Assurance Company2000 Classen Blvd. (73106)Box 25523Oklahoma City, OK 73125800/654-8489405/[email protected]


American Flagpole26252 Hillman Hwy.Abingdon, VA 24212800/368-7171276/[email protected]

Flags & Flagpoles

American Harlequin Dance Floors1531 Glen Ave.Moorestown, NJ 08057800/642-6440856/[email protected] ad on page 49

Flooring: Dance FloorsStages

American Incline40 Joseph Ln.Dawsonville, GA 30534706/[email protected]


American Institute of Architects1735 New York Ave., N.W.Washington, DC 20006800/242-3837202/626-7300www.aia.org

Trade Associations

American Louver Company7700 N. AustinSkokie, IL 60077800/323-4250847/[email protected]

Draperies & Shades & Blinds

American OfficeServices Inc.30257 Clemens Rd., Unit CWestlake, OH 44145800/789-1766440/[email protected]

Furniture: Repair

AmericanPERMALIGHT, Inc.2531 W. 237th St. #113Photoluminescent Safety Dept.Torrance, CA 90505888/737-6254310/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Exit

American Polymer Corp.9176 S. 300 W., Ste. 4Sandy, UT 84070800/676-5963801/[email protected]

Coatings: Anti-Graffiti

American Society for Industrial Security1625 Prince St.Alexandria, VA 22314703/519-6200www.asisonline.org

Trade Associations

American Specialties, Inc.441 Saw Mill River Rd.Yonkers, NY 10701914/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsHand DryersWashroom: Accessories

American SwingProducts Inc.2533 N. Carson St., Ste. 1062Carson City, NV 89706800/[email protected]

Play Equipment

American SwingProducts Inc.9120 Double Diamond Pkwy.Ste. 1062Reno, NV 89521800/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsPlay Equipment

American Time140 3rd St. S.Box 707Dassel, MN 55325800/328-8996320/[email protected] ad on page 87

Clocks & BellsWireguards

America’sSchoolhouse Council12010 Carmel Park Ln.Austin, TX 78727512/[email protected]


Ameristar Fence ProductsBox 581000Tulsa, OK 74158800/[email protected] ad on page 61

Access Control SystemsFences

Ampco Products Inc.11400 N.W. 36th Ave.Miami, FL 33167305/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

Amramp202 W. First St.South Boston, MA 02127800/[email protected]

Accessibility EquipmentADA-Compliant EquipmentADA-Compliant ProductsModular Buildings: PermanentRamps

Amstep Products190 Century Dr.Bristol, CT 06010800/457-0869860/[email protected]

Flooring: Stair Treads

AMT Datasouth Corp.803 Camarillo Springs Rd.Ste. DCamarillo, CA 93012805/[email protected]

Computer: Printers

AmTranHwy. 65 S.Conway, AR 72033501/327-7761


AnchorPa International, Inc.5576 Corporate Ave.Cypress, CA 90630800/626-2467714/[email protected]

Computer: Security

Anchor Retaining Wall Systems5959 Baker Rd.Ste. 390Minnetonka, MN 55345877/295-5415952/[email protected]


Andek Corporation850 Glen Ave.Box 392Moorestown, NJ 08057800/800-2844856/[email protected]

Coatings: Anti-Graffiti

Andersen Windows100 Fourth Ave. N.Bayport, MN 55003800/426-7691612/264-5150www.andersenwindows.comcommercialgrap@andersenwindows.com


Anderson Mason Dale Architects3198 Speer Blvd.Denver, CO 80211303/[email protected]


Anemostat Products1220 Watsoncenter Rd.Carson, CA 90745310/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

Angeles Group9 Capper Dr.Pacific, MO 63069800/346-6313636/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom





liersArmstrong Commercial Flooring

Anixter Inc.2301 Patriot Blvd.Glenview, IL 60026800/323-8166224/[email protected]

Cable/Wire Management Systems

Ansul Inc.1 Stanton St.Marinette, WI 54143800/862-6785715/[email protected]

Fire Protection Consultants/Designers

Anthro Corporation10450 S.W. Manhasset Dr.Tualatin, OR 97062800/325-3841503/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

Antique Street Lamps1400 Lester Rd.Conyers, FL 30012800/410-8899770/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Antron® carpet fiber175 Town Park Dr.Suite 200Kennesaw, GA 30144877/[email protected]

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet TileFloors: Carpet Maintenance EquipmentVacuumsVacuums: Industrial

APCO Signs388 Grant St., S.E.Atlanta, GA 30312877/988-2726404/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsA/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic BoardsSigns & Signage: Architectural

Apex Environmental, Inc.15850 Crabbs Branch WaySte. 200Rockville, MD 20855800/733-2739301/[email protected]

Environmental Testing

APEX Learning315 Fifth Ave. S., Ste. 600Seattle, WA 98104800/453-1454206/[email protected]

Distance Learning

Applied Management Engineering, Inc.200 Golden Oak Ct., Ste. 300Virginia Beach, VA 23452800/[email protected]

Facilities Management

APTE Inc.820 Church St., Ste. 300Evanston, IL 60201847/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Aquatic Access Inc.1921 Production Dr.Louisville, KY 40299800/325-5438502/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant Equipment

Aqua Vac Systems, Inc.1711 Longwood Rd.West Palm Beach, FL 33409800/327-0141561/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Equipment

ARAMARK Higher Education1101 Market St.Philadelphia, PA 19107800/272-6275215/[email protected]

Contract Services: CustodialContract Services: Food ServiceEnergy ManagementFacilities Management

Arcadia5692 Fresca Dr.La Palma, CA 90623800/585-5957714/[email protected]

Furniture: Lounge

ARCADIS950 W. Elliot Rd., Ste. 220Tempe, AZ 85284800/229-9050480/[email protected]

Construction/Project ManagementEnergy AuditsPerformance Contracting

Arcari + IovinoArchitects, P.C.1 Katherine St.Little Ferry, NJ 07643201/[email protected]


Architectural Area Lighting14249 Artesia Blvd.La Mirada, CA 90638714/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

ArchitecturalResource Corp.10075 W. Lincoln Hwy.Frankfort, IL 60423866/427-2234708/[email protected]


ARCHITECTURE+297 River St.Troy, NY 12180518/[email protected]


ArcTec Associates Inc.6575 W. Loop S., Ste. 200Bellaire, TX 77401713/[email protected]


Arden Architectural Specialties, Inc.9300 73rd Ave. N.Brooklyn Park, MN 55428888/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

Aremco Products Inc.707-B Executive Blvd.Box 517Valley Cottage, NY 10989845/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

Areo-Power Unitized Fueler103 Smithtown Blvd.Smithtown, NY 11787800/242-2736631/[email protected]

Storage Buildings

ARES14716 S. Broadway St.Gardena, CA 90248-1814800/421-1266310/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Aristocrat Industries, Inc.7555 Sharp Rd., Box 1117Mt. Vernon, OH 43050800/221-7875740/[email protected]

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic Boards

Arkema Inc.900 First Ave.King of Prussia, PA 19406800/225-7788610/205-7000www.arkema-inc.com

Cleaning: Supplies

Armacell, LLC7600 Oakwood St. Ext.Mebane, NC 27302800/866-5638919/[email protected]


ARMM Associates Inc.725 Kenilworth Ave.Cherry Hill, NJ 08002800/257-5261856/[email protected]

Roofing: Built-Up

Armortec9025 Centre Pointe Dr.Ste. 400West Chester, OH 45069800/328-1122513/[email protected]


Armstrong Ceiling SystemsBox 3001Lancaster, PA 17604877/276-7876717/397-0611www.armstrong.com/[email protected]

Ceiling: SystemsCeiling: Tiles

Armstrong Commercial Flooring2500 Columbia Ave., Box 3001Lancaster, PA 17604877/276-7876www.armstrong.com/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface


Armstrong Medical Industries Inc.S



ers Armstrong Medical

Industries Inc.575 Knightsbridge Pkwy.Box 700Lincolnshire, IL 60069800/323-4220847/[email protected]

Mobile: Carts & Cabinets

Arpa USA13300 Vantage WayJacksonville, FL 32218877/277-2669904/[email protected]

Laboratory: Casework & CabinetsWashroom: Partitions

Arsco Mfg. Co., Inc.3330 E. Kemper Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45247800/543-7040513/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Artco-Bell Corporation1302 Industrial Blvd.Temple, TX 76504877/778-1811254/[email protected]

Equipment: ClassroomFurniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: Music Room

ASI | Signage Innovations3860 W. Northwest Hwy., Ste. 350Dallas, TX 75220800/274-7732214/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

ASI Storage Solutions Inc.4444 Delp St.Memphis, TN 38118901/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsLocker Room BenchesLockers: CorridorLockers: Gymnasium

ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions110 Sargent Dr.New Haven, CT 06511800/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsDoors: Architectural HardwareDoors: HardwareLocks

Asset Systems, Inc.24W500 Maple Ave.Naperville, IL 60540877/955-4321630/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Association of School Business Officials International11401 N. Shore Dr.Reston, VA 20190866/682-2729www.asbointl.org

Trade Associations

AstroTurf2680 Abutment Rd.Dalton, GA 30721800/723-8873706/[email protected]

Physical Education Surfaces: Outdoor

ATD-AMERICAN CO.135 Greenwood Ave.Attn: Howard MarchWyncote, PA 19095888/283-7246215/576-1000www.atdamerican.com/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

AtHoc, Inc.2215 Bridgepointe Pkwy.Ste. 150San Mateo, CA 94404888/462-8462650/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Atlantic Energy ConceptsBox 14745Reading, PA 19612877/234-1134610/916-5013www.atlanticenergyconcepts.comspenkunas@atlanticenergyconcepts.com

Energy AuditsEnergy ManagementLighting: IndoorLighting: Outdoor

Atlantic Fitness ProductsBox 4764Crofton, MD 21111800/445-1855410/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

Atlas Roofing Corporation2000 RiverEdge Pkwy., Ste. 800Atlanta, GA 30328800/[email protected]

Roofing: Insulation

Atlas Sales & Rentals, Inc.Box 15100Fremont, CA 94539800/972-6600510/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Atlas Sound4545 E. Baseline Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85042800/876-3333602/[email protected]

Classroom Amplification / Acoustics

ATS&R Planners/Architects/Engineers8501 Golden Valley Rd., Ste. 300Minneapolis, MN 55427800/545-3731763/[email protected]


A-TurfBox 157Williamsville, NY 14231888/777-6910716/[email protected]

Physical Education Surfaces: Outdoor

Audio Enhancement14241 S. Redwood Rd.Bluffdale, UT 84065800/[email protected]

A/V: EquipmentA/V: ProjectorsClassroom Amplification / AcousticsEquipment: ClassroomMultimedia Equipment

Auerbach Pollock Friedlander225 Green St.San Francisco, CA 94111415/[email protected]

Multimedia Equipment

August Incorporated354 Congress Park Dr.Centerville, OH 45459800/318-5242937/[email protected]

Furniture: LoungeFurniture: Residence Hall

August MattressesBox 11114Chandler, AZ 85249855/284-8786805/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

Austin AECOM303 E. Wacker Dr., Ste. 900Chicago, IL 60601312/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Automated Logic1150 Roberts Blvd.Kennesaw, GA 30144770/[email protected]

Automated Building ControlsEnergy ManagementHVAC: ControlsHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Avanti Products10880 N.W. 30th St.Miami, FL 33172800/[email protected]


Aves Audio VisualSystems, Inc.Box 500Sugar Land, TX 77487800/365-2837281/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

A-V Furniture Plus! Inc.Box 25Minooka, IL 60447877/795-3876815/[email protected]


Avian Flyaway Inc.500 Turtle Cv., Ste. 109Rockwall, TX 75087800/888-0165972/[email protected]

Bird Control

AVI-SPL6301 Benjamin Rd., Ste. 101Tampa, FL 33634800/282-6733813/[email protected]

A/V: EquipmentA/V: Projection Screens & AccessoriesA/V: ProjectorsA/V: Whiteboards, InteractiveDistance Learning

AWP Butcher Block, Inc.320 Cherry St.Horse Cave, KY 42749800/764-7840270/[email protected]

Furniture: Tables

Axcess Inc.4950 Keller Spgs., Ste. 130Addison, TX 75001800/588-6080972/[email protected]

Networks: LANs WANs Wireless

Axiom GroupOne Reservoir Corporate Center4 Research Dr.Shelton, CT 06484203/[email protected]

Computer: Network DevicesConsultant: Telecommunications

Axis Communications, Inc.100 Apollo Dr.Chelmsford, MA 01824800/444-2947978/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

Axonix Corp.3785 S. 700 E.Salt Lake City, UT 84106800/866-9797801/[email protected]

Multimedia Equipment

Ayers Saint Gross60 E. Rio Salado Pkwy.Ste. 701Tempe, AZ 85281480/[email protected]


Ayers Saint Gross1040 Hull St., Ste. 100Baltimore, MD 21230410/[email protected]


Azrock by Tarkett2728 Summer St.Houston, TX 77253800/366-2689713/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Azzier Web Work#331833 Coast Meridian Rd.Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6G5 CA866/818-8376604/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

BB4 Disaster Management and Consulting Services14608 Harvest Crest Ave.Bakersfield, CA 93314866/354-0333661/[email protected]

Emergency Evacuation

BadgingSolutions295 W. Crossville Rd., Ste. 510Roswell, GA 30075800/831-2995770/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Bakergroup2220 E. Paris Ave., S.E.Grand Rapids, MI 49546800/968-4011616/[email protected]

Contract Services: Food Service

Balt2885 LorraineTemple, TX 76513800/749-2258moorecoinc.com

Furniture: Classroom

Baltimore Aircoil Co.Box 7322Baltimore, MD 21227410/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Bard Manufacturing Company, Inc.1914 Randolph Dr.Bryan, OH 43506419/[email protected]

HVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: ControlsHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Barker CreekBox 2610Poulsbo, WA 98370800/692-5833360/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards

Barnes & Jones, Inc.91 Pacella Park Dr.Randolph, MA 02368781/[email protected]

HVAC: Maintenance

Basic Coatings, Inc.Box 31261001 Brown Ave.Toledo, OH 43607800/247-5471800/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

Batson-Cook Construction817 Fourth Ave., Box 151West Point, GA 31833706/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Beaufurn, LLC3929-D Westpoint Blvd.Winston Salem, NC 27103888/766-7706336/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: LoungeFurniture: OutdoorFurniture: Tables

Becker Morgan Group, Inc.Port Exchange, Ste. 300312 W. Main St.Salisbury, MD 21801410/[email protected]


Behlen Mfg. Co.Box 5694025 E. 23rd St.Columbus, NE 68602800/553-5520402/[email protected]


Behnke Associates Landscape Architects & Planners, Inc.1215-B W. 10th St.Cleveland, OH 44113216/[email protected]

Landscape Architect

Bel-Aqua Pool Supply Inc.20 Commerce Dr.New Rochelle, NY 10801800/344-7946914/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Equipment

Bel-Art Products6 Industrial Rd.Pequannock, NJ 07440800/423-5278973/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Belson Outdoors, Inc.111 N. River Rd., Box 207North Aurora, IL 60542800/323-5664630/[email protected]


Benchmark Commercial Door Systems3000 Mile Rd.Fredericksburg, VA 22408800/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Bendheim122 Hudson St.New York, NY 10013800/606-7621212/[email protected]


Bennett Mfg. Co. Inc.13315 Railroad St.Alden, NY 14004800/345-2142716/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Indoor

Bergen Industries4060 W. Hacienda Ave.Ste. 120Las Vegas, NV 89118800/875-1846702/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Berkeley Varitronics Systems255 Liberty St.Metuchen, NJ 08840888/737-4287732/[email protected]

Software: Security

Berner International111 Progress Ave.New Castle, PA 16101800/245-4455724/[email protected]

HVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Bernier, Carr &Associates, PC372 Mullin St.Watertown, NY 13601315/[email protected]


Berridge Manufacturing6515 Fratt Rd.San Antonio, TX 78218800/669-0009210/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

Best Access Systems6161 E. 75th St.Indianapolis, IN 46250317/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Best LitterReceptacles, Inc.221 Carolina Farms Blvd.Carolina Shores, NC 28467800/526-1322910/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

Best Sign Systems, Inc.1202 N. Park Ave.Montrose, CO 81401800/235-2378970/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural



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liersBobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.

BetaLED1200 92nd St.Sturtevant, WI 53177800/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Betco Corp.1001 Brown Ave.Toledo, OH 43607888/462-3826419/[email protected]

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Bettinger WestInteriors, Inc.7079 Brookdale Dr.Elkridge, MD 21075410/[email protected]

Flooring: Access

Bezek Durst Seiser3330 C St., Ste. 200Anchorage, AK 99503907/[email protected]


Big Ass Fans800 Winchester Rd.Lexington, KY 40505877/[email protected]

FansHVAC: Air Conditioning

Bigfoot CMMSBox 188Center Harbor, NH 03226866/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Billy Goat Indus.Box 308Lee’s Summit, MO 64063816/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

Bio Chem Systems3511 N. OhioWichita, KS 67219800/777-7870316/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

BioFit Engineered ProductsBox 109Waterville, OH 43566800/597-0246419/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: OfficeMobile: Carts & Cabinets

Birdair, Inc.65 Lawrence Bell Dr., Ste. 100Amherst, NY 14221800/622-2246716/[email protected]

Canopies/Walkway Covers

Bird-B-Gone, Inc. Bird Control23918 SkylineMission Viejo, CA 92692800/392-6915949/[email protected]

Bird Control

Bird Guard100 State St., Ste. 312Erie, PA 16507800/331-2973814/[email protected]

Bird Control

Bird-X, Inc.300 N. Oakley Blvd., Dept. SPMChicago, IL 60612800/662-5021312/[email protected]

Bird ControlPest Control

Bison Deck Supports1975 W. 13th Ave.Denver, CO 80204800/333-4234303/[email protected]

ArchitectsConcrete/Masonry/PrecastConcrete Products & RepairLandscape ArchitectRoofing: Accessories

Bison Inc.603 L St.Lincoln, NE 68508800/247-7668402/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

Blackbaud, Inc.2000 Daniel Island Dr.Charleston, SC 29492-7541800/443-9441843/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Blackboard Resurfacing50 N. Seventh St.Bangor, PA 18013800/360-5555610/[email protected]

A/V: Chalkboards

Blair Company225 N. Arlington Hts. Rd.Ste. 103Elk Grove Village, IL 60007847/[email protected]

Furniture: Science

BlazeMaster FireSprinkler Systems9911 Brecksville Rd.Cleveland, OH 44141888/234-2436216/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

BLDD Architects, Inc.100 Merchant St.Decatur, IL 62523217/[email protected]


BLDD Architects, Inc.17 E. Taylor St.Champaign, IL 61820217/[email protected]


BLDD Architects, Inc.201 E. Grove St., Ste. 300Bloomington, IL 61701309/[email protected]


BLDD Architects, Inc.769 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL 60607312/[email protected]


Bleacherman105 Mill St.Corinth, NY 12822800/628-1332518/[email protected]


Block and Company, Inc.1111 Wheeling Rd.Wheeling, IL 60090800/323-7556847/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Blockhouse Contract Furniture3285 Farmtrail Rd.York, PA 17406800/346-1126717/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

BLRB Architects, PS1250 Pacific Ave., Ste. 700Tacoma, WA 98402253/[email protected]


Blueair, Inc.17 N. State St., Ste. 1830Chicago, IL 60602888/258-3247312/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Blue Bear Software13240 Evening Creek Dr. S.Ste. 305San Diego, CA 92128800/954-2583858/[email protected]

Software: Business

Blue Bird Corporation402 Blue Bird Blvd.Box 937Ft. Valley, GA 31030800/486-7122478/[email protected]


Blue Ridge Architects61 S. Main St.Ste. 200Harrisonburg, VA 22801540/437-1228www.blueridgearchitects.comkparmer@blueridgearchitects.com


Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.11611 Hart St.N. Hollywood, CA 91605818/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions


BOC Gases, The Linde GroupS



ers BOC Gases,

The Linde Group575 Mountain Ave.Murray Hill, NJ 07974800/262-4273908/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Body Cycle/Millenium Fitness Intl.63 Pointe LangloisLaval, QC H7L 3J4 CA888/258-2496450/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

BodyMasters700 E. Texas Ave.Rayne, LA 70578800/325-8964337/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

BogenCommunications, Inc.50 Spring St.Ramsey, NJ 07446201/[email protected]


Bona US2550 S. Parker Rd., Ste. 600Aurora, CO 80014800/872-5515303/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Book Systems, Inc.4901 University Sq., Ste. 3Huntsville, AL 35816800/219-6571256/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

BOORA Architects720 S.W. Washington St.Ste. 800Portland, OR 97205503/[email protected]


Boost SoftwareBox 252Slidell, LA 70459800/226-6780985/[email protected]

Software: Inventory Control

Borroughs Corporation3002 N. Burdick St.Kalamazoo, MI 49004800/748-0227269/[email protected]

Shelving & Storage

Bosch SecuritySystems, Inc.130 Perinton Pkwy.Fairport, NY 14450800/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Bouma Construction4101 Roger B. Chaffee Mem. Blvd. S.E.Grand Rapids, MI 49548616/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Bradley Corp.W142 N9101 Fountain Blvd.Box 309Menomonee Falls, WI 53052800/272-3539262/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

BRAE Rainwater Harvesting Systems550 E. 5th St.Oakboro, NC 28129800/772-1958704/485-8031www.braewater.com

Drainage & Drain Cleaning

Brailsford & Dunlavey1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W.Ste. 400Washington, DC 20036202/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Brandon Industries1601 WilmethMcKinney, TX 75069800/247-1274972/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Brass Smith3880 Holly St.Denver, CO 80207800/662-9595303/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Bray Associates ArchitectsBox 9551202A N. Eighth St.Sheboygan, WI 53082920/[email protected]


Breeze Software1503 Camberly Cv.Alpharetta, GA 30022866/879-4740770/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Bretford11000 Seymour Ave.Franklin Park, IL 60131800/521-9614847/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: TablesMobile: Carts & Cabinets

Bright Idea Shops, LLC540 S. Main St., Ste. 714Akron, OH 44311330/[email protected]

Furniture: Outdoor

Brinjac Engineering Inc.Box 1290114 N. 2nd St.Harrisburg, PA 17108717/[email protected]


Brita Hydration Station1455 Kleppe Ln.Sparks, NV 89431888/640-4297775/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsDrinking FountainsFurniture: CafeteriaLaboratory: Eyewash StationsPlumbing: Equipment

Brodart Contract Furniture280 North Rd.McElhattan, PA 17748888/521-1884570/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Brodart LibrarySupplies & Furnishings100 North Rd., Box 300Clinton County Industrial ParkMcElhattan, PA 17748888/820-4377570/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Brother International Corporation100 Somerset Corporation Blvd.Bridgewater, NJ 08807773/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

Bruner/Cott &Associates Inc.130 Prospect St.Cambridge, MA 02139617/[email protected]


BSA LifeStructures9365 Counselors Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46240317/[email protected]


BSN SportsCollegiate PacificBox 7726Dallas, TX 75209800/527-7510972/[email protected]


Buckeye International, Inc.2700 Wagner Pl.Maryland Heights, MO 63043800/321-2583314/291-1900www.buckeyeinternational.comkklein@buckeyeinternational.com

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Buddy Products1350 S. Leavitt St.Chicago, IL 60608312/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Building andCommercial Services3M Center, 220-2N-20St. Paul, MN 55144800/852-9722www.3M.com/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

BuiltRiteBleachers.com67 Canterbury Ln.Southington, CT 06489860/[email protected]


Burkavage Design Associates200 Abington Executive ParkClark Summit, PA 18411570/[email protected]


Burke MercerFlooring Products2250 S. 10th St.San Jose, CA 95112800/669-7010408/297-3500www.burkemercer.com

Flooring: Hard Surface

Business Machine Security520-A W. Central Ave.Brea, CA 92821800/872-9562714/[email protected]

Computer: Security

Butler Rogers Baskett Architects, P.C.220 Fifth Ave.15th Fl., Between 26th and 27thNew York, NY 10001212/[email protected]


Butler Rosenbury & Partners, Inc.319 N. Main, Ste. 200Springfield, MO 65806417/[email protected]


CCactus Mat Mfg.930 W. Tenth St.Azusa, CA 91702877/827-3416626/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

Caldwell & Gregory129 Broad Street Rd.Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103800/927-9274www.caldwellandgregory.comkristang@caldwellandgregory.com

Laundry Equipment

Calico Industries, Inc.9045 Junction Dr.Annapolis Junction, MD 20701800/638-0828301/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Califone1145 Arroyo Ave., #ASan Fernando, CA 91340800/722-0500818/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

CALL24 Wireless Callbox Systems800 Megahertz Dr.Winston-Salem, NC 27107800/441-9191336/[email protected]

Alarms: IntrusionClassroom Amplification / AcousticsEmergency CommunicationParking Control SystemsTelephone: Equipment & Supplies

Call2Recycle1000 Parkwood Cir., Ste. 450Atlanta, GA 30339877/723-1297678/[email protected]


Calpipe Security Bollards19440 S. Dominguez Hills Dr.Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220877/283-8518310/[email protected]


CAM Audio2210 Executive Dr.Garland, TX 75041866/364-1317972/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Cambridge Architectural105 Goodwill Rd.Cambridge, MD 21613866/806-2385www.cambridgearchitectural.comsales@cambridgearchitectural.com

Wall: Systems

Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc.1050 Massachusetts Ave.Cambridge, MA 02138617/[email protected]


CAM Commerce Solutions17075 Newhope St., Ste. AFountain Valley, CA 92708866/840-4443714/[email protected]

Software: Inventory Control

Camfil Farr1 N. Corporate Dr.Riverdale, NJ 07457866/422-6345973/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

CampusClean570 Seventh Ave.New York, NY 10018888/730-0001212/[email protected]

Contract Services: Custodial

CannonDesign2170 Whitehaven Rd.Grand Island, NY 14072716/773-6800www.cannondesign.com


Cannon Moss Brygger Architects302 Jones St., Ste. 200Sioux City, IA 51101712/[email protected]


CanonOne Canon Plz.Lake Success, NY 11042516/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

Canter & Associates, Inc.12975 Coral Tree Pl.Los Angeles, CA 90066800/669-9011310/[email protected]

Distance Learning

Capri, Day-Brite, McPhilben, Omega776 S. Green St.Tupelo, MS 38804800/234-1890601/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Cardiac Science3303 Monte Villa Pkwy.Bothell, WA 98021800/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

CardSmith200 S. Clinton St., 2nd Fl.Doylestown, NJ 18901877/273-7684908/[email protected]

Campus Card/One Card Systems

Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing900 Hensley Ln.Wylie, TX 75098800/[email protected]

Air and Vapor Barriers

Carlisle SynTec1285 Ritner Hwy., Box 7000Carlisle, PA 17013800/479-6832717/[email protected]

Roofing: AccessoriesRoofing: InsulationRoofing: Repair MaterialsRoofing: Single-PlySkylights

Carlon25701 Science Park Dr.Cleveland, OH 44122877/422-7566216/[email protected]

Cable/Wire Management Systems

Carnegie110 N. Centre Ave.Rockville Centre, NY 11570800/727-6770516/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Carpet and RugInstitute, TheBox 2048Dalton, GA 30722706/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Carpetile, Inc.209 New Hutchinson Mill Rd.LaGrange, GA 30240800/443-7888706/[email protected]

Flooring: Carpet Tile

Carrier7310 W. Morris St.Indianapolis, IN 46231800/946-2930315/[email protected]

Energy ManagementHVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: ControlsHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Carrier Rental Systems40 Southbelt Industrial Dr.Houston, TX 77047800/[email protected]

HVAC: Dehumidifiers

Carter-Hoffmann Corp.1551 McCormick Ave.Mundelein, IL 60060800/323-9793847/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Cast Stone Institute813 Chestnut St., Box 68Lebanon, PA 17042717/272-3744www.caststone.orgstaff@castone,org


CavClear/Archovations, Inc.Box 241Hudson, WI 54016888/436-2620715/[email protected]


CBC Steel Buildings1700 E. Louise Ave.Lathrop, CA 95330209/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

CBORD Group, Inc., The61 Brown Rd.Ithaca, NY 14850607/[email protected]

Card Access Systems








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liersChicago Faucets

CDH Partners, Inc.675 Tower Rd.Marietta, GA 30060770/[email protected]


CDW•GOne CDW Way230 N. Milwaukee Ave.Vernon Hills, IL 60061800/[email protected]

Computer: HardwareComputer: Peripherals

Cease Fire LLC811 N.E. 112th Ave., Ste. 104Vancouver, WA 98684888/232-7334360/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Ceco Door Products9159 Telecom Dr.Milan, TN 38358888/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical PanelsArchitects

CEECO 519 W. S. Park St.Okeechobee, FL 34972888/357-0798863/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

CEIA USA9155 Dutton Dr.Twinsburg, OH 44087888/532-2342330/[email protected]

Metal Detectors

Celite Corp.130 Castilian Dr.Santa Barbara, CA 93117800/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Maintenance

Centaur Floor Systems135 Chalpala St.Santa Barbara, CA 93101800/536-9007805/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Centaur Maintenance Supplies135 Chapala St.Santa Barbara, CA 93101800/536-9007805/957-0182www.centaurmaintenancesupplies.comcarla@centaurfloors.com

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Centimark12 Grandview Cir.Canonsburg, PA 15317800/558-4100724/[email protected]

Roofing: Single-Ply

Centiva1701 Mars Hill Rd.Florence, AL 35630800/633-3380256/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Centronics, Inc.325 Log Canoe Cir.Stevensville, MD 21666800/638-0741410/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

CenturionTechnologies, Inc.512 Rudder Rd.Fenton, MO 63026800/224-7977636/[email protected]

Software: Security

Century IndustriesBox CSellersburg, IN 47172800/248-3371812/[email protected]


CeRam-Kote Coatings IncorporatedBox 21191800 Industrial Dr.Big Spring, TX 79721800/346-4299432/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

CertainTeed Ceiling750 E. Swedesford Rd.Box 860Valley Forge, PA 19482800/223-8990www.certainteed.comCeiling: Systems

CertainTeedCommercial Roofing750 E. Swedesford Rd., Box 860Valley Forge, PA 19482800/223-8990www.certainteed.com

Roofing: Modified Bitumen

CertainTeed Gypsum4300 W. Cypress St., Ste. 500Tampa, FL 33607800/233-8990813/[email protected]

Flooring: UnderlaymentWall: Systems

Cetacea Sound Corp.2003 E Center Cir.Plymouth, MN 55441800/556-1922763/[email protected]

Classroom Amplification / Acoustics

CGF Design Inc.Box 911Morton Grove, IL 60053847/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Champion Bus, Inc.Box 158331 Graham Rd.Imlay City, MI 48444800/776-4943810/[email protected]


Charles Alan Inc.2901 Stanley Ave.Fort Worth, TX 76110817/[email protected]

Furniture: Lounge

Charleston Industries1005 Tonne Rd.Elk Grove Village, IL 60007800/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Charnstrom Co.5391 12th Ave. E.Shakopee, MN 55379800/328-2962612/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Charter Business6399 Fiddlers Green Cir.Englewood, CO 80111888/692-8635www.charterbusiness.com/[email protected]

Internet Services

Charter House Innovations, LLC500 E. 8th St., Ste. 1000Holland, MI 49423800/314-7659562/[email protected]

Furniture: Cafeteria

Chelsea Decorative Metal Co.8212 Braewick Dr.Houston, TX 77074713/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Chemical Fabrics & Film Assn.1300 Sumner Ave.Cleveland, OH 44115-2851216/241-7333www.chemicalfabricsandfilm.comcffa@chemicalfabricsandfilm.com

Furniture: Classroom

Chem Link Inc.353 E. Lyon St.Schoolcraft, MI 49087800/826-1681269/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Chevron Energy Solutions12980 Foster Dr., Ste. 400Overland Park, KS 66213800/475-3500913/[email protected]

Performance Contracting

Chevron Energy Solutions345 California St., 18th Fl.San Francisco, CA 94104800/[email protected]

Performance Contracting

Chicago Faucets2100 S. Clearwater Dr.Des Plaines, IL 60018800/323-5060847/803-5000www.chicagofaucets.compete.christofferson@chicago-faucets.com

ADA-Compliant ProductsPlumbing: EquipmentPlumbing: Faucets, AutomaticPlumbing: Faucets, Manual


Chicago Lighthouse for the BlindS



ers Chicago Lighthouse

for the Blind1850 W. Roosevelt Rd.Chicago, IL 60608800/842-8624312/[email protected]

Clocks & Bells

Chief Mfg. Inc.8401 Eagle Creek Pkwy.Ste. 700Savage, MN 55378800/582-6480952/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Childs Play Early Learning Furniture131 YorktownDallas, TX 75208800/447-8375214/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Chloride Systems272 W. Stag Park Service Rd.Burgaw, NC 28425910/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Christner Inc.7711 Bonhomme Ave., Ste. 100St. Louis, MO 63105314/[email protected]


CHUTES International4400 Austin Ln.White Plains, MD 20695800/882-4883301/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

Cimarron1115 GeminiHouston, TX 77058281/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Cini•Little International, Inc. Higher ED20251 Century Blvd., Ste. 375Germantown, MD 20874301/[email protected]


Cisco170 W. Tasman Dr.San Jose, CA 95134866/899-0184www.cisco.com/go/[email protected]

Computer: Network DevicesEnergy ManagementMultimedia EquipmentSoftware: Facilities ManagementSoftware: Security

CI Solutions3625 Serpentine Dr.Los Alamitos, CA 90720800/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Citadel Archtectural Products, Inc.3131-A N. Franklin Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46226800/446-8828317/[email protected]


Claridge Products and Equipment, Inc.Box 910Harrison, AR 72602800/434-4610870/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Clarin by Hussey Seating38 Dyer St.North Berwick, ME 03906800/341-0401207/[email protected]

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: Lecture HallSeating: Stadium

Clarity5614 Hollins Rd.Roanoke, VA 24019540/[email protected]

Public Address Systems

Clarke14600 21st Ave. N.Plymouth, MN 55447800/253-0367763/[email protected]

Auto ScrubbersFloors: Maintenance ProductsFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersVacuumsWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

Clark Patterson Associates186 N. Water St.Rochester, NY 14604800/274-9000585/[email protected]


Clarus Glassboards7646 Pebble Dr., Bldg. 27Fort Worth, TX 76118888/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Class Connection5614 Hollins Rd.Roanoke, VA 24019877/427-2166540/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Classic Products Inc.8510 Industry Park Dr., Box 701Piqua, OH 45356800/543-8938513/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

Classic Tents540 Hawaii Ave.Torrance, CA 90503917/[email protected]

Temporary Structures

Classroom Direct.comBox 1639Appleton, WI 54912800/[email protected]

Multimedia Equipment

Clean Harbors42 Longwater Dr.Norwell, MA 02061800/282-0058781/[email protected]

Environmental Testing

Cleanmaster11015 47th Ave. W.Mukilteo, WA 98275800/426-8972425/[email protected]

Floors: Carpet Maintenance Equipment

Clearwater Enviro Technologies1166 Kapp Dr.Clearwater, FL 33765800/756-7946727/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Cline Aluminum Doors, Inc.112 32nd Ave. W.Bradenton, FL 34205800/648-6736941/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Clipeze, Inc.1300 Armstrong Dr., Ste. 104Titusville, FL 32780800/385-0014321/[email protected]

Card Access Systems

Clorox1221 BroadwayOakland, CA 94612510/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

CO Architects5055 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Fl.Los Angeles, CA 90036323/[email protected]


Cogenra Solar365 E. Middlefield Rd.Mountain View, CA 94043650/[email protected]

Electrical Supplies

Colbi Technologies, Inc.17792 Orange Tree Ln.Tustin, CA 92780714/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Cole + Russell Architects dba CR architecture + design600 Vine St., Ste. 2210Cincinnati, OH 45202800/469-4949513/[email protected]


Collaborative Inc., The500 Madison Ave.Toledo, OH 43604419/242-7405www.thecollaborativeinc.comsmalnar@thecollaborativeinc.com


Collaborative-TMP Architects500 Madison Ave.Toledo, OH 43604419/[email protected]


Collegiate Development Construction Services, LLC6363 N. State Hwy. 161, Ste. 500Irving, TX 75038972/759-1600www.collegiatecompanies.comjbatchelder@collegiatecompanies.com

Real Estate Development/Student Housing

Colorado Display Systems1551 E. 11th St.Loveland, CO 80537800/279-0111970/[email protected]

Scoreboards & Time Clocks

Columbia BoilerBox 1070Pottstown, PA 19464610/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Columbia Cascade Co.1300 S.W. Sixth Ave., Ste. 310Portland, OR 97201800/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Columbia Lighting701 Millennium Blvd.Greenville, SC 29607864/678-1000www.columbialighting.comcolumbiamarketing@columbia-lighting.com

Lighting: Indoor

ColumbiaManufacturing, Inc.One Cycle St.Westfield, MA 01085413/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Comark Building Systems505 N. BeckleyDesoto, TX 75115800/760-3784972/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Portable

CommDeck2219 Heimstead Rd.Eau Claire, WI 54703866/367-7782715/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories

Communications Specialties, Inc.55 Cabot Ct.Hauppauge, NY 11788631/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

CommunityBox 231, 225 S. Clay St.Jasper, IN 47547800/622-5661812/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

COMPanion Corp.1831 Fort Union Blvd.Salt Lake City, UT 84121800/347-6439801/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Competitive Edge Software, Inc9850 S. 54th St.Franklin, WI 53132866/421-2374414/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

CompositeTechnologies Corp.1000 Technology Dr.Boone, IA 50036800/232-1748515/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Computer Comforts, Inc.367 Columbia Memorial Pkwy.Kemah, TX 77565281/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryLecterns

Computing Options47 E. South St., Ste. 201Frederick, MD 21701800/639-0927301/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Congoleum CorporationBox 3127, Dept. CMercerville, NJ 08619800/274-3266609/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

ConnectedSign480 New Holland Ave.,Ste. 8204Lancaster, PA 17602866/[email protected]

Digital Signage

Connectrac1350 Manufacturing St., Ste. 203Dallas, TX 75207877/480-5637214/[email protected]

Cable/Wire Management Systems

Conney Safety Products3202 Latham Dr.Madison, WI 53713888/356-9100608/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Connor Sports Flooring545 E. Algonquin Rd., Ste. LArlington Heights, IL 60005800/283-9522847/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Connors SportCourt International939 S. 700 W.Salt Lake City, UT 84104800/421-8112801/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Consolidated Engineers1022 James Dr.Leesport, PA 19533610/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

CON/SPAN Bridge Systems9025 Centre Pointe Dr., Ste. 400West Chester, OH 45069800/328-1122513/[email protected]


Constellation NewEnergy750 E. Pratt St.Baltimore, MD 21202866/[email protected]

Energy AuditsEnergy Management

Construction Specialties Inc.6696 Rte. 405 Hwy.Muncy, PA 17756800/233-8493570/[email protected]

Doors: Architectural HardwareFlooring: CarpetFlooring: MatsWall: CoveringsWall: Systems

Construction Specialty Services, LLC9660 Falls of Neuse Rd.Ste. 138, Box 162Raleigh, NC 27615888/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Construction Tech. Laboratories (CTL)5400 Old Orchard Rd.Skokie, IL 60077800/522-2285847/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Construct Two Group30 S. Ivey Ln.Orlando, FL 32811407/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Contemporary Research Corp.17630 Davenport Rd., Ste. 113Dallas, TX 75252888/972-2728972/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Contrax Furniture690 N.E. 23rd Ave.Gainsville, FL 32609800/699-7516352/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Controlled Power Company1955 Stephenson Hwy.Troy, MI 48083800/521-4792248/[email protected]

Emergency EvacuationLighting: EmergencyLighting: IndoorSurge Protectors

Cool-Rite Cooler Co. Inc.3316 Conti St.New Orleans, LA 70119866/754-2738504/[email protected]

Drinking Fountains

Cooper Carry3520 Piedmont Rd., N.E.Ste. 200Atlanta, GA 30305404/[email protected]


Cooper Controls203 Cooper Cir.Peachtree City, GA 30296770/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

Copico10 Walpole Park S.Walpole, MA 02081800/[email protected]

Copiers: Equipment & Supplies

Corbin Russwin225 Episcopal Rd.Berlin, CT 06037888/607-5703860/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsLocks



Minuteman’s Enterprise UPS line has protected communications systems, network equipment, & security devices for years. The newest edition, the EnterprisePlus LCD, carries on the name with a new LCD display, a multitude of configuration options, and additional outlets to increase versatility dramatically. EnterprisePlus LCD features Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) for efficient backup, an SNMP communications slot to give you complete

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liersCutler Associates, Inc.

Corby Industries1501 E. Pennsylvania St.Allentown, PA 18109800/652-6729610/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc.960 Ridgeway Ave.Aurora, IL 60506630/[email protected]


Corilam FabricatingBox 361Kernersville, NC 27285877/267-4526336/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

CorKey Control Systems1535 Bayshore Hwy.Burlingame, CA 94010800/622-2239650/[email protected]

Card Access Systems

CORT11250 Waples Mill Rd.Ste. 500Fairfax, VA 22030888/304-2112703/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Corzan Piping Systems9911 Brecksville Rd.Cleveland, OH 44141855/735-1431216/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

CosaTron Air Contamination Removal5249-B Tampa W. Blvd.Tampa, FL 33634813/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI)11445 E. Via Linda, Ste. 2-440Scottsdale, AZ 85259480/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Counterpoint Furniture Products17237 Van Wagoner Rd.Spring Lake, MI 49456866/499-9968616/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Country Casual7601 Rickenbacker Dr.Gaithersburg, MD 20879800/284-8325301/[email protected]

Furniture: Outdoor

Country Technology, Inc.Box 87Gays Mills, WI 54631608/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

Coustic-Glo International7111 Ohms Ln.Minneapolis, MN 55439800/333-8523952/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

Covermaster Inc.100 Westmore Dr., 11-DRexdale, ON M9V 5C3 CA800/387-5808416/[email protected]

Covers: Gym & Athletic FieldFlooring: SportsIce Rinks & SuppliesWall Padding

CoverSports5000 Paschall Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19143800/445-6680215/[email protected]

Covers: Gym & Athletic Field

CPI Card Group10368 W. Centennial Rd.Littleton, CO 80127800/446-5036303/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

CPI-Crisis Prevention Institute3315-H N. 124th St.Brookfield, WI 53005800/558-8976262/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

CPI Daylighting Inc.28662 N. Ballard Dr.Lake Forest, IL 60045800/759-6985847/[email protected]

Canopies/Walkway Covers SheltersSkylightsWall: Systems

CPI-Protech Screens Inc.Box 3336Pearland, TX 77581800/255-6374281/[email protected]

Windows: Screens

CPMI, Inc.300 E. Locust, Ste. 300Des Moines, IA 50309515/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Cramer, Inc.1222 Quebec St.North Kansas City, MO 64116800/366-6700913/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Crawford Laboratories, Inc./FLOROCK4350 S. HalstedChicago, IL 60609800/356-7625773/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

Craycroft McElroy Hendryx4131 N. Central Expy.#750Dallas, TX 75204214/[email protected]


CR Brands9100 Centre Point Dr., Ste. 200Westchester, OH 45069866/447-3369513/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Creative Sign Solutions2117 Hillshire Cir., Ste. 101Memphis, TN 38133901/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Cree, Inc.4600 Silicon Dr.Durham, NC 27703800/236-6800www.cree.com/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & ControlsLighting: EmergencyLighting: IndoorLighting: Outdoor

Cres Cor5925 Heisley Rd.Mentor, OH 44060877/273-7267440/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Crossfield Products3000 E. Harcourt St.Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221800/833-9683310/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

CrossTec Corporation500 N.E. Spanish River Blvd.Ste. 201Boca Raton, FL 33483800/675-0729561/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Croton Products1308 Centennial Ave.Piscataway, NJ 08854732/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

CSArch Architecture|Engineering|Construction Management40 Beaver St.Albany, NY 12207518/[email protected]


Cub Cadet Commercial5903 Grafton Rd.Valley City, OH 44280866/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance EquipmentGrounds: Mowers & Tractors

Culligan International9399 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 1100Rosemont, IL 60018800/285-5442847/205-6000www.culligan.com/[email protected]

Water Treatment: Equipment & Supplies

Cummins Power Generation1400 73rd Ave., N.E.Minneapolis, MN 55432877/769-7669763/[email protected]

Energy Management

Cutler Associates, Inc.43 Harvard St.Worcester, MA 01609508/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management


CyberLock by VidexS



ers CyberLock by Videx

1105 N.E. Circle Blvd.Corvallis, OR 97330541/738-5500www.videx.com/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Cybersource1295 Charleston Rd.Mountain View, CA 94043888/330-2300650/[email protected]

Internet Services

Cybex International10 Trotter Dr.Medway, MA 02053888/462-9239774/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

CycleSafe, Inc.947 Forest Hill Ave. S.E.Ste. CGrand Rapids, MI 49546888/950-6531616/[email protected]

Bicycle Racks & Storage

Cypress Computer Systems, Inc.1778 Imlay City Rd.Lapeer, MI 45446810/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

DDaktronics, Inc.331 32nd Ave.Brookings, SD 57006800/325-8766605/[email protected]

Digital SignageScoreboards & Time Clocks

Darden Architects6790 N. West Ave.Fresno, CA 93711559/[email protected]


Data Aire Inc.230 W. Blueridge Ave.Orange, CA 92865800/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Datacard Group11111 Bren Rd. W.Minnetonka, MN 55343800/621-6972952/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

DataTeam Systems, Inc.4911 Legends Dr.Lawrence, KS 66049877/843-8150785/[email protected]

Software: Business

Dates Weiser45 W. 21st St., 2nd Fl.New York, NY 10010212/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Dauphin300 Myrtle Ave.Boonton, NJ 07005800/631-1186973/[email protected]

Furniture: Chairs

Davey Tree1500 N. Matua St., Box 5193Kent, OH 44240800/445-8733330/[email protected]

Consultant: Landscape

DCC Architects3555 Pecos McLeodLas Vegas, NV 89121702/[email protected]


DCI265 S. Main St.Lisbon, NH 03585800/552-8286603/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

D&D Technologies7731 Woodwind Dr.Huntington Beach, CA 92647800/716-0888714/[email protected]


Dean Evans & Associates, Inc.5613 DTC Pkwy., Ste. 1250Greenwood Village, CO 80111800/440-3994303/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

DeBourgh Mfg. Co.Box 981La Junta, CO 81050800/328-8829719/[email protected]

Lockers: CorridorLockers: Gymnasium

DecisionEd870 S. Denton Tap Rd., Ste. 150Coppell, TX 75019972/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

DecoShield Systems270 S.W. 12th Ave.Deerfield Beach, FL 33442800/873-0894954/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

DECRA RoofingSystems, Inc.1230 Railroad St.Corona, CA 92882877/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

Dedicated Micros, Inc.14434 Albermarle Point Pl.Ste. 100Chantilly, VA 20151800/864-9539703/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Dekker/Perich/Sabatini7601 Jefferson N.E., Ste. 100Albuquerque, NM 87109505/[email protected]


Delany Flush ValvesBox 411Charlottesville, VA 22902434/[email protected]

Plumbing: Flush Valves, Manual

DellOne Dell WayRound Rock, TX 78682512/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

Delphi Corporation5725 Delphi Dr.Troy, MI 48098248/813-2000www.delphi.com

Contract Services: Transportation

Delta Controls17850 56th Ave.Surrey, BC V3S 1C7 CA800/335-8221604/[email protected]

Automated Building Controls

Delta Cooling TowersBox 315Rockaway, NJ 07866800/289-3358973/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Delta Faucet Co.55 E. 111th St.Box 40980Indianapolis, IN 46280800/345-3358317/[email protected]

Plumbing: Faucets, Manual

Dematic Corp.507 Plymouth Ave., N.E.Grand Rapids, MI 49505877/725-7500616/[email protected]

Facilities Management

DENT Instruments64 N.W. Franklin Ave.Bend, OR 97701800/388-0770541/[email protected]

Energy Management

DEPCO, LLC3305 Airport Dr., Box 178Pittsburg, KS 66762800/767-1062620/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

DERBIGUM4800 Blue Pkwy.Kansas City, MO 64130800/727-9872816/[email protected]

Roofing: Modified Bitumen

DERBIGUM Energies4800 Blue Pkwy.Kansas City, MO 64130800/727-9872816/[email protected]

Energy Management

Derck & EdsonAssociates, LLP33 S. Broad St.Lititz, PA 17543877/626-2054717/[email protected]

Landscape Architect

DES Architects + Engineers399 Bradford St.Redwood City, CA 94063650/[email protected]


Desert Aire Corp.N120 W18485 Freistadt Rd.Germantown, WI 53022262/[email protected]

HVAC: Dehumidifiers

designcollective, inc.601 E. Pratt St., Ste. 300Baltimore, MD 21202410/685-6655www.designcollective.combusinessdevelopment_info@designcollective.com


DESIGNMASTER FENCEAv. Lazaro Cardenas 2333 Col. Valle OrienteGarza Garcia, 66269 MX800/[email protected]


Design Materials Sisals, Inc.241 S. 55th St.Kansas City, KS 66106800/654-6451913/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Design Organization, Inc.57 Franklin St., Ste. 201Valparaiso, IN 46383219/[email protected]


Design Partnership of Cambridge500 Rutherford Ave.Charlestown, MA 02129617/[email protected]


Design Resources Group371 Hoes Ln., Ste. 301Piscataway, NJ 08854732/[email protected]


Design Science, Inc.140 Pine Ave., 4th Fl.Long Beach, CA 90802800/827-0685562/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Detex Corp.302 Detex Dr.New Braunfels, TX 78130800/729-3839830/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsDoors: Architectural HardwareDoors: HardwareLocks

Deutsch Associates4600 E. Indian School Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85018602/[email protected]


Dex-o-Tex3000 E. Harcourt St.Rancho Dominquez, CA 90221310/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Dexter Co., The2211 W. Grimes Ave.Fairfield, IA 52556641/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

Diamond Safety Concepts1138 Larksong Ln.Olivenhain, CA 92024800/842-2914760/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Di Cara | Rubino Architects30 Galesi Dr.Wayne, NJ 07470973/[email protected]


Dickson Co.930 S. Westwood Ave.Addison, IL 60101800/757-3747630/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Digital Facilities Corporation55 Middlesex St.Ste. 227North Chelmsford, MA 01863978/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories

Digital Identification Solutions111 Kiowa Ln.Piedmont, SC 29673888/347-8721864/272-1199www.dis-usa.com/[email protected]

Campus Card/One Card SystemsCard PrintersIdentification Equipment & SuppliesPrinters: Equipment & SuppliesSoftware: Security

Digitize Inc.158 Edison Rd.Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849973/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

DiNisco Design Partnership, Ltd.87 Summer St.Boston, MA 02110617/[email protected]


DINOFLEX Recycled Rubber SurfacesBox 33095590 - 46 Ave. S.E.Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4S1 CA877/713-1899250/[email protected]

Flooring: Access

Direct Advantage Corp.520 W. Oklahoma Ave.Milwaukee, WI 53207800/669-7766414/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Directional Systems1419 W. 26th St.Erie, PA 16508877/827-8296814/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Direct Low Voltage SupplyBox 7429St. Matthews, KY 40257800/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Discount Online Fitness, LLC6101 Long Prairie Rd., Ste. 744-108Flower Mound, TX 75028888/417-5306www.discountonlinefitness.cominfo@discountonlinefitness.com

Fitness Equipment

Discount Two Way Radios1430 240th St.Harbor City, CA 90710310/[email protected]

Radios: Two-Way

Diskey Architectural Signage, Inc.450 E. Brackenridge St.Fort Wayne, IN 46802800/669-4472260/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant Products

Display Systems International2214 Hanselman Ave.Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A4 CA877/934-6884306/[email protected]

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic BoardsDigital Signage

Distech Controls4205 Place de JavaBrossard, QC J4Y0C4 CA800/404-0043450/[email protected]

Automated Building Controls

Diversey, Inc8310-16 St.Sturtevant, WI 53177262/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesCleaning: Tools, MicrofiberFloors: Maintenance ProductsFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

Diversified Woodcrafts, Inc.300 S. Krueger St.Suring, WI 54174877/348-9663920/842-2136www.diversifiedwoodcrafts.comjryno@diversifiedwoodcrafts.com

Furniture: Science

Dixie-Narco, Inc.3330 Dixie Narco Blvd.Williston, SC 29853803/[email protected]


Dixon Information Inc.78 W. 2400 S.South Salt Lake, UT 84115801/486-0800www.dixoninformation.comenvironmentalsolutions2001@yahoo.com

Asbestos Testing & Abatement

DLA Architects, Ltd.2 Pierce Pl., Ste. 1300Itasca, IL 60143847/[email protected]


D L Adams Associates, Inc.1701 Boulder St.Denver, CO 80211303/[email protected]

Consultant: Telecommunications

D. L. AdamsAssociates, Inc.1701 Boulder St.Denver, CO 80211303/[email protected]

Classroom Amplification/ Acoustics

DLR Group1600 Wynkoop St., Ste. 100Denver, CO 80202720/[email protected]


DLR Group1111 Lincoln Mall, Ste. 201Lincoln, NE 68508402/[email protected]






liersDwyer Products

DMISI/Continental Digital CommunicationsBox 25Champaign, IL 61824866/239-3647217/[email protected]

Cable/Satellite TV

Domestic Pump8200 N. Austin Ave.Morton Grove, IL 60053847/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Domingo Cambeiro Corp.-Architects3555 Pecos McLeodLas Vegas, NV 89121702/[email protected]


Domino’s Pizza, LLC30 Frank Lloyd Wright Dr.Ann Arbor, MI 48106800/810-6633734/[email protected]

Contract Services: Food Service

Donaldson ToritBox 1299Minneapolis, MN 55440800/365-1331952/[email protected]

HVAC: Pollution Controls

Donley’s Inc.5430 Warner Rd.Cleveland, OH 44125216/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Door Aid5100 Old E. Michigan Ave.Kalamazoo, MI 49048800/493-8377269/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Door Components, Inc.9271 Arrow Rte.Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730866/989-3667909/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

DORMA Architectural HardwareDorma Dr., Drawer ACReamstown, PA 17567800/523-8483717/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

Doron PrecisionSystems, Inc.Box 400Binghamton, NY 13902607/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Dortronics Systems, Inc.1668 Sag Harbor Tpke.Sag Harbor, NY 11963800/906-0137631/[email protected]


Doty & Sons Concrete Products, Inc.1275 E. State St.Sycamore, IL 60178800/233-3907815/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

Dow Building Solutions200 Larkin Ctr.Midland, MI 48674989/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish SystemsInsulationRoofing: InsulationRoofing: PMRRoofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Dow Corning Corp.Box 994Midland, MI 48686989/496-4400www.dowcorning.com/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems

Dowling MagnetsBox 1829Sonoma, CA 95476800/624-6381707/[email protected]

Supplies: Classroom

DPSI1801 Stanley Rd., Ste. 301Greensboro, NC 27407800/897-7233336/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

DPSI Solution Inc1801 Stanley Rd.Greensboro, NC 27407800/897-7233709/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

Draper, Inc.411 S. Pearl St.Spiceland, IN 47385800/238-7999765/[email protected]

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories

Drapes 4 Show Inc.12811 Foothill Blvd.Sylmar, CA 91342800/525-7469818/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Dri-Dek/Kendall ProductsBox 8656Naples, FL 34101800/348-2398941/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

DryEraseBoard.comBox 171213Memphis, TN 38187800/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Dry-Lam LLC23220 W. 84th St.Shawnee, KS 66227888/[email protected]

Laminator: Equipment & Supplies

Dryvit Systems, Inc.1 Energy WayWest Warwick, RI 02893800/556-7752401/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems

DSX Access Systems10731 Rockwall Rd.Dallas, TX 75238-1219888/419-8353214/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

DTZ275 Grove St., Ste. 3-200Auburndale, MA 02466888/751-9100617/[email protected]

Contract Services: CustodialEnergy ManagementFacilities ManagementMailing ServicesSupplies: Maintenance & Repair

Dudley Locks2330 Rte. 11Trimex Bldg.Mooers, NY 12958800/363-1499450/[email protected]


Dull Olson Weekes Architects Inc.319 S.W. Washington St.Ste. 200Portland, OR 97204503/[email protected]


DuMor Inc.Box 142Mifflintown, PA 17059800/598-4018717/[email protected]

Bicycle Racks & StorageFurniture: OutdoorWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Duo-Gard Industries Inc.40442 Koppernick Rd.Canton, MI 48187734/[email protected]


Duplo USA Corp.3050 Daimler St.Santa Ana, CA 92705800/255-1933949/[email protected]

Printers: Equipment & Supplies

Du Quaine Mfg.Box 56Kewaunee, WI 54216800/610-1970920/[email protected]


Duro-Last Roofing, Inc.525 Morley Dr.Saginaw, MI 48601800/248-0280989/[email protected]

Roofing: MetalRoofing: Single-Ply

Dwyer Products1000 Davey Rd., Ste. 100Woodridge, IL 60517800/822-0092630/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence HallLaboratory: Casework & Cabinets





ers DYMO/Mimio

One Charles Park, 3rd Fl.Cambridge, MA 02142877/696-4646617/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

DynaLock Corp.705 Emmett St., Box 2728Bristol, CT 06011877/396-2562860/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Dynamic Research Company, Inc.4800 Meadows, Ste. 300Lake Oswego, OR 97035800/876-2232503/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Dyson Airblade™hand dryer600 W. Chicago Ave., Ste. 275Chicago, IL 60654888/[email protected]

Hand Dryers

EEagle SolutionsBox 350100 Eagle Pkwy.Adairsville, GA 30103800/633-0519770/773-3875eaglefloorsolutions.comcustomerservice@eaglefloorsolutions.com

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Eagle Technology, Inc.11019 N. Towne Square Rd.Mequon, WI 53092800/388-3268262/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Earl Girls Inc1648 White Horse PikeEgg Harbor City, NJ 08215800/276-2275609/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

Easi-Set Industries5119 Catlett Rd.Box 400Midland, VA 22728800/547-4045540/[email protected]


Easy Ice, LLC232 Ave. GGwinn, MI 49841866/[email protected]

Ice Machines

Easy Way Safety Services10939 Reed Hartman Hwy.Cincinnati, OH 45242800/543-0575513/[email protected]

Buses: Parts & Repairs

Eckel Industries, Inc., Acoustic Division155 Fawcett St.Cambridge, MA 02138617/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

Eclipse Lighting Inc.9245 W. IvanhoeSchiller Park, IL 60176847/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Ecolab Inc.370 N. Wabasha St.St. Paul, MN 55102800/[email protected]

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Ecologic Industries LLC3250 Oak Grove Ave.Waukegan, IL 60087800/899-8004847/234-5855www.ecologicindustriesllc.cominfo@ecologicindustriesllc.com

Furniture: LoungeFurniture: Residence Hall

EcoStarBox 7000Carlisle, PA 17013800/[email protected]

Roofing: Slate & Tile

ECOsurfacesCommercial Flooring715 Fountain Ave.Lancaster, PA 17601877/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

EDC1660 Huguenot Rd.Midlothian, VA 23113804/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Edison Price Lighting41-50 22nd St.Long Island City, NY 11101781/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

EDmin.com5471 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste. 310San Diego, CA 92123800/748-6696858/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Educational Equipment Corporation845 Overholt Rd., Box 154Kent, OH 44240330/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards

Education Logistics, Inc.3000 Palmer St.Missoula, MT 59808406/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Education Networks of America, Inc.1101 McGavock St., Ste. 301Nashville, TN 37203866/615-1101615/312-6000www.ena.com

Computer: Network Devices

Educators Money8515 E. Orchard Rd., Ste. 8T2Greenwood Village, CO 80111877/[email protected]

Professional Development

EFCO Corp.1000 County Rd.Monett, MO 65708800/221-4169417/[email protected]


EHG Duct2600 Airline Blvd.Portsmouth, VA 23701877/482-2344757/488-1144www.ehgduct.com

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Ehrenkrantz Eckstut & Kuhn115 Fifth Ave.New York, NY 10003212/[email protected]


EI Associates8 Ridgedale Ave.Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927973/[email protected]


E&I Cooperative Services2 Jericho Plaza, Ste. 309Jericho, NY 11753800/[email protected] ad on page 7

Online ProcurementPurchasing Co-op

eInstruction1330 Teasley Ln.Denton, TX 76205888/707-6819940/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

Elastizell Corp.Box 1462Ann Arbor, MI 48106734/[email protected]

Roofing: Deck Systems

Electri-Cable Assemblies10 Mountain View Dr.Shelton, CT 06484800/521-3175203/[email protected]

Electrical Supplies

Electric TimeCompany, Inc.97 West St.Medfield, MA 02052800/531-2562508/[email protected]

Clocks & Bells

Electronic Classroom FurnitureBox 645Story, WY 82842307/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

Electro-Numerics, Inc.42213 Sarah WayTemecula, CA 92590800/854-8530951/[email protected]

Scoreboards & Time Clocks

Elgee Manufacturing Company, Inc.225 Stirling Rd.Warren, NJ 07206800/742-0400908/[email protected]


Elkay Commercial Products2222 Camden Ct.Oak Brook, IL 60523630/[email protected]

Drinking FountainsPlumbing: Faucets, ManualPlumbing: Sinks

Elk ProductsBox 100Hildebran, NC 28637800/797-9355828/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

Ellison25862 Commercentre Dr.Lake Forest, CA 92630800/253-2238949/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Ellison Bronze125 W. Main St.Falconer, NY 14733800/665-6445716/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

EMCO Flow Systems2150 Miller Dr.Longmont, CO 80501800/356-9362303/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

EMG11011 McCormick Rd.Hunt Valley, MD 21031888/364-8258410/[email protected]


E-Mon, LLC850 Town Center Dr.Langhorne, PA 19047800/[email protected]

Electrical SuppliesEnergy ManagementFacilities ManagementReal Estate Development/Student HousingSoftware: Facilities Management

EMS Laboratories117 W. Bellevue Dr.Pasadena, CA 91105800/675-5777626/[email protected]

Asbestos Testing & Abatement

Emtech Electronics, Inc.1126 No. 1200 W.Orem, UT 84057866/200-2878801/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Encore13747 Midway St.Cerritos, CA 90703800/985-8090562/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Endicott Tile LLCBox 645Fairbury, NE 68352402/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Energy Resources Inc.Box 19966Boulder, CO 80308303/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

EngineeredLighting Products10768 Lower Azusa Rd.El Monte, CA 91731626/[email protected]

Distance Learning

Entech EngineeringBox 324 S. Fourth St.Reading, PA 19603800/825-1372610/[email protected]

Facilities Management

EnvironmentalSupport Solutions1620 W. Fountainhead Pkwy.Ste. 100Tempe, AZ 85282800/289-6116480/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

EnvirOxBox 2327Danville, IL 61834800/281-9604217/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesCoatings: Anti-MicrobialSupplies: Maintenance & RepairWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

EPAX Systems, Inc.7767 Lemona Ave.Van Nuys, CA 91405800/220-6776818/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

EPD Technology Corp.14 Hayes St.Elmsford, NY 10523800/892-8926914/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

Epson America3840 Kilroy Airport WayLong Beach, CA 90806562/290-4000www.epson.com/[email protected]

Computer: Printers

Equipsoft Eagle LLC11019 N. Towne Square Rd.Mequon, WI 53092800/388-3268262/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

ERC Wiping Products, Inc.19 Bennett St.Lynn, MA 01905800/225-9473781/[email protected]

Equipment: Physical Education

ERG International361 N. Bernoulli Cir.Oxnard, CA 93030800/446-1186805/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: LoungeFurniture: Tables

Erlab, Inc388 Newburyport Tpke.Rowley, MA 01969800/964-4434978/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Erland Construction, Inc.83 Second Ave.Burlington, MA 01803781/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

ERO Architects300 S. 8th St.McAllen, TX 78501956/[email protected]


ERSystems6900 Bleck Dr.Rockford, MN 55373800/403-7747763/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

E.S. Dockery, Inc.254 Christian Church Rd.Gray, TN 37615423/[email protected]

Draperies & Shades & Blinds

eSight Energy Inc.1931 N. Meacham Rd., Ste. 345Schaumburg, IL 60173847/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

ESM Solutions2700 Kelly Rd., Ste. 100Warrington, PA 18976877/969-7246215/[email protected]

Online Procurement

Espar Heater Systems29101 Haggerty Rd.Novi, MI 48377800/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Espar Products, Inc.6099A Vipond Dr.Mississauga, ON L5T 2B2 CA800/387-4800905/[email protected]

Buses: Parts & Repairs

Essential Industries, Inc.Box 12, 28391 Essential Rd.Merton, WI 53056800/551-9679262/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesFloors: Maintenance ProductsFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

Estes Industries1295 H St.Penrose, CO 81240800/820-0202719/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Eternabond175 N. ArcherMundelein, IL 60060888/336-2663847/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories



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liersFanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Cary)

EthoStream10200 Innovation Dr., Ste. 300Milwaukee, WI 53226877/536-2984414/[email protected]

Computer: Network Devices

E.T. PaddockEnterprises, Inc.Box 175, 1475 Canal St.Lockport, IL 60441815/[email protected]


ETR1742 Church St.Holbrook, NY 11741631/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Ettore Products2100 N. Loop Rd.Alameda, CA 94502800/438-8673510/[email protected]


Euroclean14600 21st Ave. N.Plymouth, MN 55447800/[email protected]

Floors: Carpet Maintenance Equipment

EuroStone Sustainable Ceiling Panels4849 S. Austin Ave.Chicago, IL 60638800/323-7164www.chicagometallic.com/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

Eurotex165 W. Ontario St.Philadelphia, PA 19140800/523-0731215/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Eustis ChairBox 842Ashburnham, MA 01430978/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

EVAC+CHAIR North America, LLC3000 Marcus Ave., Ste. 3ELake Success, NY 11042516/[email protected]

Accessibility EquipmentADA-Compliant ProductsEmergency EvacuationFurniture: Chairs

Evenlite3161 State Rd.Bensalem, PA 19020215/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Event Software625 N. Gilbert Rd., Ste. 104Gilbert, AZ 85234480/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Everase Corporation90 Industrial Dr.Ivyland, PA 18974800/494-5677215/[email protected]

A/V: ChalkboardsA/V: Whiteboards

EverGlow NA, Inc.1122 Industrial Dr., Box 830Matthews, NC 28106866/744-4706704/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Evergreen Slate Co. LLC68 E. Potter Ave., Box 248Granville, NY 12832866/872-7528518/[email protected]

Roofing: Slate & Tile

Everlast Sports Surfacing715 Fountain Ave.Lancaster, PA 17601888/383-7655717/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

EverWhiteW158N9332 Nor-X-Way Ave.Menomonee Falls, WI 53051800/824-1482262/[email protected]

A/V: WhiteboardsSupplies: Classroom

Everyday Solutions, Inc.100 Discovery WayActon, MA 01720888/884-4000978/202-8604www.everyday-solutions.combill.westerman@everyday-solutions.com

Software: Transportation

Evonik Degussa Corporation299 Jefferson Rd.Parsippany, NJ 07054973/[email protected]


Exact Furniture33 Alex Ave.Woodbridge, ON L4L5X2 CA905/[email protected]

Mobile: Carts & Cabinets

Excel Dryer Inc.357 Chestnut St.East Longmeadow, MA 01028800/255-9235413/[email protected]

Hand DryersWashroom: AccessoriesWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & SuppliesWashroom: Paper Products

EX-CELL Metal Products11240 Melrose Ave.Franklin Park, IL 60131800/392-3557847/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

Exitronix1911 W. Parkside Ln.Phoenix, AZ 85027800/533-3948623/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Exmark Mfg. Co. Inc.Box 808Industrial Park N.W.Beatrice, NE 68310402/[email protected]

Grounds: Mowers & Tractors

Expesite, LLC278 N. 5th St.Columbus, OH 43215877/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Extron Electronics1025 E. Ball Rd.Anaheim, CA 92805800/633-9876714/[email protected] ad on page 39

A/V: EquipmentA/V: Projection Screens & AccessoriesClassroom Amplification / AcousticsEmergency CommunicationSoftware: Facilities Management

E-Z-Go Textron1451 Marvin Griffin Rd.Augusta, GA 30906800/241-5855706/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

FFABRICMATE Systems4350 Transport St., Ste. 101Ventura, CA 93003866/622-2996805/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical PanelsA/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic BoardsClassroom Amplification / AcousticsWall: CoveringsWall: Systems

Fab-Tech, Inc.480 Hercules Dr.Colchester, VT 05446802/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Facility Group, The2233 Lake Park Dr.Smyrna, GA 30080800/525-2463770/[email protected]


FAMIS10801-2 N. Mo-Pac Expy, Ste. 400Austin, TX 78759800/774-7622512/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Cary)5001 Weston Pkwy., Ste. 201Cary, NC 27513919/[email protected]@fhai.com



Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Celina)S



ers Fanning/Howey Associates,

Inc. (Celina)540 E. Market St.Celina, OH 45822800/526-2934419/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Corporate)1200 Irmscher Blvd.Celina, OH 45822888/499-2292419/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Dublin)4930 Bradenton Ave.Dublin, OH 43017800/452-3576614/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Indianapolis)9025 N. River Rd., Ste. 200Indianapolis, IN 46240800/452-3573317/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (New Orleans)320 N. Carrollton Ave.New Orleans, LA 70119419/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Novi)28001 Cabot Dr., Ste. 110Novi, MI 48377866/477-8211248/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Park Ridge)32 Main St., Ste. CPark Ridge, IL 60068847/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (South Bend)130 S. Main St., Ste. 300South Bend, IN 46601800/635-1911574/[email protected]


Fanning/Howey Associates, Inc. (Washington, D.C.)210 N. Lee St., Ste. 208Alexandria, VA 22314866/506-1677703/[email protected]


Farnsworth Group, Inc.7707 N. Knoxville Ave., Ste. 200Peoria, IL 61614309/[email protected]


Faronics2411 Old Crow Canyon Rd.Ste. 170San Ramon, CA 94583800/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

Fibar Systems80 Business Park Dr., Ste. 300Armonk, NY 10504800/342-2721914/[email protected]

Playground Surfaces

FiberlockTechnologies, Inc.150 Dascomb Rd.Andover, MA 01810800/342-3755978/[email protected]

Coatings: Anti-Microbial

FiberTite Roofing Systems1000 Venture Blvd.Wooster, OH 44691800/927-8578330/[email protected]

Roofing: Single-Ply

FieldServer Technologies1991 Tarob Ct.Milpitas, CA 95035888/509-1970408/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Fike Corporation704 S.W. 10th St.Blue Springs, MO 64015816/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Film Technologies International2630 Fairfield Ave. S.St. Petersburg, FL 33712727/[email protected]

Windows: Coatings & Film

Filtrex, Inc.Box 2273450 Hamburg Tpke.Wayne, NJ 07474973/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Equipment

Finegold Alexander + Associates77 N. Washington St.Boston, MA 02114617/227-9272www.faainc.com


Finelite, Inc.30500 Whipple Rd.Union City, CA 94587510/[email protected]

Electrical SuppliesEquipment: ClassroomLighting: Indoor

Finfrock2400 Apopka Blvd.Apopka, FL 32703407/[email protected]


Finney Company, Inc.8075 215th St., W.Lakeville, MN 55044800/846-7027952/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Fire-Lite Alarms12 Clintonville Rd.Northford, CT 06472203/484-7161www.firelite.com

Fire: Alarms & Systems

FirestoneBuilding Products250 W. 96th St.Indianapolis, IN 46260800/428-4442317/[email protected]

Roofing: AccessoriesRoofing: InsulationRoofing: MetalRoofing: Modified BitumenRoofing: Single-Ply

FireXonline,LLCBox 242Clawson, MI 48017800/338-9010248/[email protected]

Fire: Extinguishers

FirstEnergy Solutions241 White Pond Dr.Akron, OH 44320800/[email protected]

Energy Management

First Student Inc.600 Vine St., Ste. 1400Cincinnati, OH 45202866/960-6274513/[email protected]


First Team Inc.902 Corey Rd.Hutchinson, KS 67501800/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

Fisher Hamilton L.L.C.1316 18th St.Two Rivers, WI 54241920/[email protected]

Laboratory: Casework & Cabinets

Fitter International Inc. (Fitterfirst)3050-2600 Portland St. S.E.Calgary, AB T2G 4M6 CA800/348-8371403/[email protected]

Equipment: Physical EducationPhysical Education Equipment

FKA ARCHITECTS306 Ramapo Valley Rd.Ste. 1Oakland, NJ 07436201/[email protected]


FlagHouse Inc.601 FlagHouse Dr.Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604800/793-7900201/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

Flansburgh Associates, Inc.77 N. Washington St.Boston, MA 02114617/303-1445617/[email protected]


Fleetwood Group, Inc.11832 James St.Holland, MI 49424800/257-6390616/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Flexco1401 E. 6th St.Tuscumbia, AL 35674800/633-3151256/[email protected] ad on page 29

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: Sports

FlexHead Industries56 Lowland St.Holliston, MA 01746508/[email protected]

Fire: Sprinkler Systems

Flexible Products Co.1881 W. Oak Pkwy.Marietta, GA 30062800/800-3626770/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Flexi-Wall SystemsBox 89, 208 Carolina Dr.Liberty, SC 29657-0089800/843-5394864/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Flex Membrane International2670 Leiscz’s Bridge Rd.Ste. 400Leesport, PA 19533800/969-0108610/[email protected]

Roofing: Single-Ply

Floor Guardian4841 California Ave. S.W.Seattle, WA 98116888/[email protected]

Covers: Gym & Athletic Field

Florida Certified Elevator Inspections, Inc.3389 Sheridan St., Ste. 508Hollywood, FL 33021954/[email protected]


Florock Institutional Flooring4165 S. Emerald Ave.Chicago, IL 60609800/356-7625773/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

FlowGuard Gold Pipeand Fittings9911 Brecksville Rd.Cleveland, OH 44141855/735-1431216/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

fluidconcepts2400 Winston Park Dr.Oakville, ON L6H 0G7 CA866/933-5258905/[email protected]

Furniture: Desks

Foamex Intl.1000 Columbia Ave.Linwood, PA 19061800/[email protected]

Mattresses & Bedding

Foliot Furniture Inc.721 boul. Roland-GodardSt. Jerome, QC J7Y 4C1 CA800/545-5575450/[email protected]

Furniture: LoungeFurniture: Residence Hall

Follett Software Co.1391 Corporate Dr.McHenry, IL 60050800/323-3397815/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Forbo Flooring SystemsHumboldt Indl. Park, Box 667Hazleton, PA 18202800/842-7839570/[email protected] ad on page 43

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet TileFlooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: MatsFlooring: Sports

Ford, Powell & Carson Architects & Planners, Inc.1138 E. Commerce St.San Antonio, TX 78205210/[email protected]


Forms + Surfaces30 Pine St.Pittsburgh, PA 15223800/451-0410412/[email protected]


Fortec3831 W. Wells St.Milwaukee, WI 53208800/327-0203414/[email protected]

Telephone: Equipment & Supplies

Fortres Grand CorporationBox 888900 Lincolnway E.Plymouth, IN 46563800/331-0372547/[email protected]

Software: Security

Foster Keencut204 B Progress Dr.Montgomeryville, PA 18936800/523-4855267/[email protected]

Files & File Systems

Four Point Products106 Gamma Dr.Pittsburgh, PA 15238800/456-6603412/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Four Seasons Sunrooms Michigan45031 Grand River Ave.Novi, MI 48375248/[email protected]


Fox Laminating Co., Inc.84 Custer St.West Hartford, CT 06110800/433-2468860/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Frank Schipper Construction Co.Box 246Santa Barbara, CA 93102805/963-4359www.schipperconstruction.cominfo@schipperconstruction.com

Construction/Project Management

French Associates, Inc.1600 Parkdale Rd.Rochester, MI 48307248/[email protected]


Fresh Products4010 South Ave.Toledo, OH 43615800/331-1657419/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Freudenberg Building Systems, Inc.94 Glenn St.Lawrence, MA 01843800/332-6672978/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Fried Brothers Inc.467 N. 7 St.Philadelphia, PA 19123800/523-2924215/[email protected]


Friedrich Air Conditioning Co.Box 15404200 N. Pan Am Expy.San Antonio, TX 78295800/541-6645210/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Frostline, Inc.80 S. Lively Blvd.Elk Grove Village, IL 60007877/376-7856847/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Frye Gillian Molinaro308 W. Erie St., Ste. 600Chicago, IL 60610312/[email protected]


FS MattingBox 4490Chattanooga, TN 37405866/648-6287423/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

FST2130 Turnpike Rd.Suite 12ASouthborough, NY 01772201/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Fuel Efficiency LLCBox 271 - Dept. BDavis Industrial ParkClyde, NY 14433800/448-9794315/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Fuelmaster/Syn-Tech Systems, Inc.Box 5258Tallahassee, FL 32314800/888-9136850/[email protected]

Energy Management

Fujitsu1250 E. Arques Ave., M/S 122Sunnyvale, CA 94085408/[email protected]

Computer: Network Devices

Furniture by Thurston12250 Charles Dr.Grass Valley, CA 95945530/[email protected]

Furniture: LibraryFurniture: Lounge




®[email protected]



liersGenesis Modular Buildings, Inc.

Furniture Focus355 W. Main St.Lexington, OH 44904800/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Future Industrial Technologies4930 Cervato WaySanta Barbara, CA 93111800/775-2225805/[email protected]

Professional Development

Future Pro200 N. MainInman, KS 67546800/328-4625620/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

GGaco Western, Inc.Box 88698Seattle, WA 98138-2698800/456-4226206/575-0450www.gaco.comCindy Burke

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

GAF Building Materials1361 Alps Rd.Wayne, NJ 07470800/766-3411973/628-3000www.traditional-building.cominfo@traditional-building.com

Roofing: Single-Ply

GAI-Tronics Corp.400 E. WyomissingMohnton, PA 19540800/492-1212610/[email protected]

Emergency CommunicationIntercoms

Gallagher Security130 W. 23rd Ave.North Kansas City, MO 64116812/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsSoftware: Security

Gallopade InternationalBox 2779Peachtree City, GA 30269800/536-2438770/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

GameTime150 PlayCore Dr. S.E.Fort Payne, AL 35967800/235-2440256/[email protected]

Play EquipmentPlayground Surfaces

Gamewell-FCI12 Clintonville Rd.Northford, CT 06472203/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Garaventa AccessibilityBox 1769Blaine, WA 98231800/663-6556604/[email protected]

Accessibility EquipmentADA-Compliant EquipmentADA-Compliant ProductsEmergency EvacuationWheelchair Lifts

Gardall Safe Corp.219 Lamson St.Syracuse, NY 13206800/722-7233315/[email protected]


Gared Sports Inc.707 N. 2nd St., Ste. 220St. Louis, MO 63102800/325-2682314/[email protected]

Equipment: Physical EducationPhysical Education Equipment

Garland Company, Inc., The3800 E. 91st St.Cleveland, OH 44105800/741-3157216/[email protected]

Roofing: Built-UpRoofing: MetalRoofing: Modified BitumenRoofing: Repair MaterialsRoofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Garrett Metal Detectors1881 W. State St.Garland, TX 75042800/234-6151972/[email protected] ad on page 77

Access Control SystemsMetal Detectors

Gateway Software Corporation10 S. Montana, Box 367Fromberg, MT 59029800/735-3637406/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Gaylord Bros.Box 4901Syracuse, NY 13221800/962-9580315/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Geary Pacific Supply1908 N. Enterprise St.Orange, CA 92865800/444-3279714/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

GE Capital Public Finance8400 Normandale Lake Blvd.Ste. 470Minneapolis, MN 55437800/346-3164952/[email protected]


Geist Manufacturing Inc.1821 Yolande Ave.Lincoln, NE 68521800/432-3219402/[email protected]

Surge Protectors

GEM-Global Electric Motorcars2100 Hwy. 55Medina, MN 55340763/[email protected]

Battery Operated Utility Vehicle

General Box Co.710 Haines Ave.Waycross, GA 31501866/881-3446912/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

General Glass Intl. Corp.101 Venture WaySecaucus, NJ 07094201/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems

General Partitions Mfg. Corp.Box 83701702 Peninsula Dr.Erie, PA 16505814/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

General Pencil Co., Inc.Box 5311, 3168 Bay Rd.Redwood City, CA 94063800/537-0734650/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

General Wire Spring Co.1101 Thompson Ave.McKees Rocks, PA 15136800/245-6200412/[email protected]

Drainage & Drain Cleaning

Genesis International Inc.1040 Fox Chase Industrial Dr.Armold, MO 63010888/282-0011636/282-0011www.genesis-international.commail@genesis-international.com

HVAC: Controls

Genesis ModularBuildings, Inc.10135 Gate Pkwy. N., Ste. 502Jacksonville, FL 32246877/861-9745904/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Genesis ModularBuildings, Inc.1136 Briarcliff Rd., # 3Atlanta, GA 30306877/861-9745770/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent


Genesis Modular Buildings, Inc.S



ers Genesis Modular

Buildings, Inc.53 Moreton Dr.Richmond Hill, GA 31324912/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Geneva Scientific Inc.11 N. Batavia Ave.Batavia, IL 60510800/338-2697630/[email protected]

Parking Control Systems

Genie IndustriesBox 97030Redmond, WA 98073800/536-1810425/[email protected]

Material Handling Equipment

Gentex Corp.10985 Chicago Dr.Zeeland, MI 49464800/436-8391616/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Georgia Chair Company456 Industrial Blvd.Gainesville, GA 30503800/833-4158770/[email protected]

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: LibraryLaboratory: Casework & Cabinets

Georgia-PacificGypsum LLC133 Peachtree St. N.E.Atlanta, GA 30303800/225-6119404/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish SystemsRoofing: Deck SystemsRoofing: MetalRoofing: Single-PlyWall: Systems

Gerflor206 W. Campus Dr.Arlington Heights, IL 60004800/323-6792847/[email protected]

Flooring: SportsPhysical Education Surfaces: IndoorTennis CourtsTrack: Surfaces & Equipment

Gerflor USA595 Supreme Dr.Bensenville, IL 60106877/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Gerstung/Gym-Thing, Inc.1400 Coppermine Ter.Baltimore, MD 21209800/922-3575410/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

GF55 Architects, LLP19 W. 21st St., #1201New York, NY 10010212/[email protected]


Gilbane Building Company7 Jackson WalkwayProvidence, RI 02903800/[email protected]

Construction/Project ManagementPrivatized HousingProfessional DevelopmentReal Estate Development/Student Housing

Gilbert Professional Flytraps Div.5611 Krueger Dr.Jonesboro, AR 72401800/643-0400870/[email protected]

Pest Control

Gilsulate International, Inc.Box 802650Santa Clarita, CA 91380800/[email protected]


Glasfloss IndustriesBox 150469Dallas, TX 75226214/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Glassopolis237 S. Delsea, Unit 350Vineland, NJ 08360800/[email protected]

Fire: Doors

GlassWhiteboard.com1200 W. Irving Park Rd.Bensenville, IL 60106877/793-1011630/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

GlideWall Partition Systems by SingerSafety Co.2300 N. Kilborn Ave.Chicago, IL 60639800/621-0089773/[email protected]

Partitions & Room Dividers

Global Controls, Inc.3008-B 16th Ave. W.Seattle, WA 98119800/821-4863206/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Global Fitness Inc.16602 S. Figueroa St.Gardena, CA 90248888/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

Global Partitions2171 Liberty Hill Rd.Eastanollee, GA 30538706/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsWashroom: Partitions

Globalscholar960 37th Ave. Ct.Greeley, CO 80634800/473-4572970/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Globe Amerada Architectural Glass Co.616 Selfield Rd.Selma, AL 36703800/633-2513334/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Glover Smith Bode, Inc.1140 N.W. 63rd St., Ste. 500Oklahoma City, OK 73116405/[email protected]


GMS Surface Tech47 Ponderosa Dr., Unit 1Antigonish, NS B2G 2R4 CA866/205-7556902/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

GOJO Industries, Inc.Box 991Akron, OH 44309-0991800/321-9647www.gojo.com/[email protected]

Cleaning: Skin Care

GoodwayTechnologies Corp.420 West Ave.Stamford, CT 06902800/333-7467203/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Goodwyn, Millsand Cawood2660 E. Chase Ln., Ste. 200Montgomery, AL 36117334/[email protected]


Goody, Clancy & Associates334 Boylston St.Boston, MA 02116617/[email protected]


Gopher Sport220 24th Ave. N.W.Owatonna, MN 55060800/533-0446507/[email protected]

Equipment: Physical EducationPhysical Education Equipment

Gordon, Inc.5023 Hazel Jones Rd.Bossier City, LA 71111800/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

Gould Evans4041 Mill St.Kansas City, MO 64111800/[email protected]


Governair, LLC4841 N. SewellOklahoma City, OK 73118405/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

GPD Group520 S. Main St., Ste. 2531Akron, OH 44311800/955-4731330/[email protected]


Graber Products5253 Verona Rd.Madison, WI 53711800/783-7257608/[email protected]

Bicycle Racks & Storage

Grace Your Space Interiors1315 Vistawood Dr.Mansfield, TX 76063817/[email protected]

Interior Design

Grafco Inc.Box 71Catasauqua, PA 18032800/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Graphic Art Productions, Inc.2951 Sidco Dr.Nashville, TN 37204800/234-3970615/254-8122www.graphicartproductions.comben@graphicartproductions.com

Campus Card/One Card Systems

Gravely655 W. Rayn St.Brillion, WI 54110800/472-8359920/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

Gravity Lock Systems, Inc.11160 Westpark, Ste. BHouston, TX 77042800/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Graybar34 N. Meramec Ave.St. Louis, MO 63105800/472-9227314/[email protected]

Cable/Wire Management Systems

Green BoilerTechnologies, Inc918 W. WalnutDanville, KY 40422859/236-3181www.greenboilertechnologies.comJohn@greenboilertechnologies.com

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

GREENGUARD Environmental Institute2211 Newmarket Pkwy.Ste. 110Atlanta, GA 30067800/[email protected]

Trade Associations

GreenheckBox 410Schofield, WI 54476715/[email protected]

HVAC: ControlsHVAC: Pollution ControlsHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Greenspace StudioBox 1073Charlottesville, VA 22902434/[email protected]


Gressco, Ltd.328 Moravian Valley Rd.Waunakee, WI 53597800/345-3480608/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Grice Engineering, Inc.Box 8037121 E. Burbank Ave.Janesville, WI 53547800/800-3213608/[email protected]

Fire Protection Consultants/Designers

Griffolyn9209 Almeda GenoaHouston, TX 77075800/231-6074713/[email protected]

Covers: Gym & Athletic Field

Grimm & Parker11720 Beltsville Dr., Ste. 600Calverton, MD 20705301/[email protected]


Grounds For Play, Inc.1401 E. Dallas St.Mansfield, TX 76063800/552-7529817/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Growers Supply1440 Field of Dreams WayDyersville, IA 52040800/476-9715www.GrowersSupply.com/[email protected]


Gruzen Samton LLP320 W. 13th St.New York, NY 10014212/[email protected]


GS Metals Corp.3764 Longspur Rd.Pinckneyville, IL 62274800/851-9341618/357-5353www.gsmetals.comBelinda Zollar

Computer: Peripherals

Guardian Equipment1140 N. North Branch St.Chicago, IL 60642800/690-7700312/[email protected]

Laboratory: Eyewash Stations

Guardian Industries Corp.2300 Harmon Rd.Auburn Hills, MI 48326866/482-7374248/[email protected]


Gulf States ManufacturersBox 1128Starkville, MS 39760662/323-8021www.gulfstatesmanufacturers.comsales@gulfstatesmanufacturers.com

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Guth LightingBox 70791324 Washington Ave., Ste. 200St. Louis, MO 63177314/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Gyration, a Movea Brand680 N. McCarthy Blvd., Ste. 120Milpitas, CA 95035888/340-0033408/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

HHabeeb & Associates Architects150 Longwater Dr.Norwell, MA 02061781/[email protected]


HADP Architecture, Inc.2720 Piedmont Rd., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30305404/[email protected]


Hafele America3901 Cheyenne Dr.Archdale, NC 27263800/423-3531336/434-2322www.hafele.com/[email protected]

Doors: Architectural Hardware

Hale Furniture Manufacturing120 Benson Pl.PO Box 186Frankfort, NY 13440800/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Hall Signs, Inc.4495 W. Vernal Pike, Box 515Bloomington, IN 47404800/284-7446812/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Halsey Taylor2222 Camden Ct.Oak Brook, IL 60523630/[email protected]

Drinking Fountains

Hamilton Sorter Co., Inc.3158 Production Dr.Fairfield, OH 45014800/503-9966513/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Hammermill Papers6400 Poplar Ave.Memphis, TN 38197800/242-2148901/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Co.120 Atlantic St.Norfolk, VA 23510757/[email protected]


Handi-StandBox 82189Portland, OR 97282503/[email protected]

Bicycle Racks & Storage

Handy ArtBox 482365 Sunnyside Dr.Milton, WI 53563800/236-6873608/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

Hanover Architectural Products240 Bender Rd.Hanover, PA 17331800/426-4242717/[email protected]

Roofing: Repair Materials

Harloff Co., The650 Ford St.Colorado Springs, CO 80915800/433-4064719/[email protected]

Mobile: Carts & Cabinets

Harriman Associates1 Auburn Business ParkAuburn, ME 04210207/[email protected]




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liersHMC Architects

Harriman Associates66 Pearl St., Ste. 301Portland, ME 04101207/[email protected]


Harrison Planning Group10488 Churchill Dr., Ste. 200Powell, OH 43065614/579-3963www.harrisonplanninggroup.comkevin@harrisonplanninggroup.com


Hastings+Chivetta Architects, Inc.700 Corporate Park Dr.Ste. 400St. Louis, MO 63105888/659-2724314/[email protected]


Haworth, Inc.One Haworth Ctr.Holland, MI 49423800/344-2600616/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Haws Corporation1455 Kleppe Ln.Sparks, NV 89431888/640-7424775/[email protected] ad on page 23

ADA-Compliant ProductsDrinking FountainsEquipment: Health Services

Hayes Large ArchitectsLogan Blvd. & 5th Ave.Altoona, PA 16602814/[email protected]


Haynes Mfg. Co.24142 Detroit Rd.Westlake, OH 44145800/992-2166440/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Haz-Stor Co.855 N. Fifth St.Charleston, IL 61920800/727-2067847/[email protected]

Storage Buildings

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance10641 Scripps Summit Ct.San Diego, CA 92131877/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesElectrical SuppliesFacilities ManagementHVAC: Air ConditioningPlumbing: Faucets, Manual

Heartland Campus Solutions2375 Telstar Dr.Colorado Springs, CO 80920800/486-4462719/522-9222www.HeartlandCampusSolutions.comCampusSolutions@e-hps.com

Access Control Systems

Heath Consultants Inc.9030 Monroe Rd.Houston, TX 77061800/432-8487713/[email protected]

Energy Audits

HeatTrak, LLC85-99 Hazel St.Paterson, NJ 07503866/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

Hebard & Hebard Architects, Inc.107 N. Eddy St.South Bend, IN 46617574/[email protected]


Heery International999 Peachtree St., N.E.Atlanta, GA 30309800/524-3379404/[email protected]

ArchitectsConstruction/Project ManagementEnergy AuditsFacilities Management

HEMCO Corporation711 South Powell Rd.Independence, MO 64056800/779-4362816/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Hennessy House Wooden Flag PolesBox 57, 20 Spring St.Sierra City, CA 96125800/[email protected]

Flags & Flagpoles

Heronrib Wet AreaSafety MattingBox 270Valley Head, AL 35989256/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

Hertz Furniture Systems95 McKee Dr.Mahwah, NJ 07430800/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

H.E. Williams, Inc.831 W. Fairview Ave.Carthage, MO 64836417/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Hewlett-Packard Company11445 Compaq Center Dr.Houston, TX 77070800/752-0900516/305-5228www.hp.com/go/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

HHA Services22622 Harper Ave.St. Clair Shores, MI 48080800/442-1140586/[email protected]

Contract Services: Custodial

HHSDR Architects / Engineers40 Shenango Ave.Sharon, PA 16146800/447-3799724/[email protected]


Hiawatha, Inc.4450 W. 78th St. Cir.Bloomington, MN 55435800/777-1686952/[email protected]

Doors: Architectural Hardware

HID Global15370 Barranca Pkwy.Irvine, CA 92618949/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsCard PrintersIdentification Equipment & Supplies

Hiebing Group1450 Janesville Ave.Fort Atkinson, WI 53538800/492-3434920/[email protected]

Shelving & Storage

Highland Associates102 Highland Ave.Clarks Summit, PA 18411570/[email protected]


High Point Furniture Industries, Inc.1104 Bedford St.High Point, NC 27263800/447-3462336/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Hill Phoenix2050 E. Park Dr.Conyers, GA 30013770/[email protected]

Electrical Supplies

Hirsch Electronics1900-B Carnegie Ave.Santa Ana, CA 92705888/809-8880949/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

H. Keith Wagner Partnership7 Marble Ave.Burlington, VT 05401802/864-0010www.hkw-p.com

Landscape Architect

HKS, Inc.1919 McKinney Ave.Dallas, TX 75201214/969-5599www.hksinc.com


HMC Architects633 W. Fifth St., Third Fl.Los Angeles, CA 90071213/[email protected]



HMFH Architects, Inc.S



ers HMFH Architects, Inc.

130 Bishop Allen Dr.Cambridge, MA 02139617/[email protected]


Hochiki America Corporation7051 Village Dr.Buena Park, CA 90621800/845-6692714/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Holland Roofing Group, The7450 Industrial Rd.Florence, KY 41042877/455-7663859/[email protected]

Roofing: Repair Materials

Hollman Inc.1825 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 110Irving, TX 75038800/433-3630972/[email protected]

Lockers: Corridor

Holophane3825 Columbus Rd. S.W.Granville, OH 43023866/759-1577740/345-9631www.holophane.com

Lighting: Ballasts & ControlsLighting: EmergencyLighting: IndoorLighting: Outdoor

Honeywell Video Systems2700 Blankenbaker Pkwy.Ste. 150Louisville, KY 40299800/796-2288502/297-5700www.honeywellvideo.com

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Hope’s Windows, Inc.Box 580, 84 Hopkins Ave.Jamestown, NY 14702716/[email protected]

Windows: Hardware

Horizon Engineering Associates, LLP30 Broad St., 15th Fl.New York, NY 10004212/[email protected]

Energy Management

Horizon Resource Group1600 Westgate Cir., Ste. 275Brentwood, TN 37027866/531-3053615/[email protected]

Purchasing Co-op

Horner Flooring Co.Box 380, 23400 Hellman Dr.Dollar Bay, MI 49922800/380-0119906/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Horst ConstructionBox 3310320 Granite Run Dr.Lancaster, PA 17604866/467-7848717/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Horton Automatics4242 Baldwin Blvd.Corpus Christi, TX 78405800/531-3111361/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

HOST/RacineIndustries, Inc.1405 16th St., Box 1648Racine, WI 53401800/558-9439262/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesFloors: Carpet Maintenance EquipmentFloors: Maintenance ProductsTraining: MaintenanceVacuums

Housing Devices, Inc.407 Rear Mystic Ave., #32Medford, MA 02155800/392-5200781/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Houston Custom Designworks, LLC8003 Woodway Dr., Ste. 63Houston, TX 77063800/423-1947713/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

HTM1 New Hampshire Ave., Ste. 125Portsmouth, NH 03801508/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

Hudson + Associates Architects120 W. Queensway, Ste. 201Hampton, VA 23669757/[email protected]


Huebsch SalesBox 990, Shepard St.Ripon, WI 54971800/553-5120920/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

Hufcor Inc.2101 Kennedy Rd., Box 591Janesville, WI 53547800/356-6968608/[email protected]

Doors: Entry SystemsEquipment: ClassroomFurniture: ClassroomOperable WallsPartitions & Room Dividers

HumaneManufacturing Company805 Moore St.Baraboo, WI 53913800/369-6263608/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Huntair, Inc.11555 S.W. Myslony St.Tualatin, OR 97062503/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Huntar Co., Inc.32408 Central Ave.Union City, CA 94587800/566-8686510/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Hunter Douglas Contract2 Park WayUpper Saddle River, NJ 07458800/727-8953www.hunterdouglascontract.com

Ceiling: SystemsCeiling: TilesDraperies & Shades & BlindsExterior Insulation & Finish SystemsWindows

Hussey Seating Co.38 Dyer St.North Berwick, ME 03906800/341-0401207/[email protected]

Seating: AuditoriumSeating: Stadium

H Window Co.401 17th Ave. W.Ashland, WI 54806800/843-4929715/[email protected]


Hydro Systems Company3798 Round Bottom Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45244800/543-7184513/[email protected]

Material Handling Equipment

HYT America Incorporated3315 Commerce Pkwy.Miramar, FL 33025800/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

IIB Roof Systems2877 Chad Dr., Ste. BEugene, OR 97408800/426-1626541/[email protected]

Roofing: Deck Systems

IBT Video Systems2204 U.S. 41Schererville, IN 46375219/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Identatronics, Inc.165 N. Lively Blvd.Elk Grove Village, IL 60007800/323-5403847/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

ID Shop, Inc.1219 Montague Ave.Greenwood, SC 29649800/228-6522864/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

IDS Menus5008 Veterans Memorial Hwy.Holbrook, NY 11741800/542-9779631/[email protected]

Digital Signage

Ileed Audio Visual Co.,Ltd.11F, Lijing Bldg.Nanshan DistrictShenzhen, 518055 CN755/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

ImageWare Systems, Inc.10883 Thornmint Rd.San Diego, CA 92127858/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Impact RecoverySystems, Inc.4955 Stout Dr.San Antonio, TX 78219800/736-5256210/[email protected]

Pedestrian Safety

impatica.com2430 Don Reid Dr., Ste. 200Ottawa, ON K1H 1E1 CA800/548-3475613/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Impro Technologies1177 Main Rd., Ste. ADunedin, FL 34698727/[email protected]

Card Access Systems

Inclinator Co. of America601 Gibson Blvd., Box 1557Harrisburg, PA 17105800/343-9007717/[email protected]

Wheelchair Lifts

Individual Software, Inc.4255 Hopyard Rd., Ste. 2Pleasanton, CA 94588800/822-3522925/734-6767www.individualsoftware.comcustomercare@individualsoftware.com

Software: Instructional

Indoor Air QualityAssn., Inc.12339 Carroll Ave.Rockville, MD 20852301/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Indus-Tool300 N. Elizabeth St.Chicago, IL 60607800/662-5021312/[email protected]

Surge Protectors

Infinite Furniture Solutions1205 Industrial Blvd.Cameron, TX 76520877/437-8880254/605-5500www.infinitefurnituresolutions.comrick@infinitefurnituresolutions.com

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibrarySeating: Auditorium

InfoQuesTTechnologies, L.L.C.1077 Silas Deane Hwy., Ste. 321Wethersfield, CT 06109800/478-4347860/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Innovation Wireless11869 Teale St.Culver City, CA 90230888/559-5565310/[email protected]

Clocks & Bells

Innovative Design, Inc.850 W. Morgan St.Raleigh, NC 27603919/[email protected]


InnovativeModular Solutions297 E. S. Frontage Rd., Unit BBolingbrook, IL 60440800/357-4699630/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Inoviapods9269 Campo Rd., Ste. 2Spring Valley, ME 91977619/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Portable

InPro CorporationBox 406Muskego, WI 53150877/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

InPro Decorative SurfacesBox 406Muskego, WI 53150877/780-0034262/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

InPro Door and Wall Protection SystemsBox 406Muskego, WI 53150877/780-0034262/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Inspec, Inc.8618 W. CatalpaSte. 1109-1110Chicago, IL 60656773/[email protected]


InstaKey Security Systems7456 W. 5th Ave.Lakewood, CO 80226800/316-5397303/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Integra807 Wisconsin St., Box MWalworth, WI 53184800/235-0234262/[email protected]

Furniture: LibraryFurniture: LoungeFurniture: Tables

Integra Systems Corp.3922 E. University Dr.Ste. E-5Phoenix, AZ 85034800/821-0862602/[email protected]

Cable/Satellite TV

Integrated Design Solutions1441 W. Long Lake Rd.Ste. 200Troy, MI 48098248/[email protected]


Intelix2222 Pleasant View Rd., Ste. 1Middleton, WI 53562866/462-8649608/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Interface Engineering708 S.W. 3rd Ave., Ste. 400Portland, OR 97204503/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

InterfaceFLOR1503 Orchard Hill Rd.LaGrange, GA 30240800/336-0225706/[email protected]

Flooring: Carpet Tile

Interior Concepts18525 Trimble Ct.Spring Lake, MI 49456800/678-5550616/842-5550www.interiorconcepts.com/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

Interior Systems, Inc.241 N. Broadway, Ste. 600Milwaukee, WI 53202800/837-8373414/[email protected]

Furniture: Cafeteria

InterMetro Industries651 N. Washington St.Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705800/433-2232570/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

InternationalCellulose Corp.12315 Robin Blvd.Houston, TX 77045800/979-4914713/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

International Environmental Corp.Box 2598Oklahoma City, OK 73101405/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

International Masonry Institute42 East St.Annapolis, MD 21401800/803-0295410/[email protected]


International Vending9901 E. 30th St.Indianapolis, IN 46229800/676-8432317/899-6787www.internationalvending.comcustomersupport@internationalvending.com


Intersan Mfg.1748 W. Fillmore St.Phoenix, AZ 85007800/999-3101602/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

Inter-Tel7300 W. BostonChandler, AZ 85226480/[email protected]

Telephone: Equipment & Supplies

Int’l Security Products8511 Xylon Ave. N.Minneapolis, MN 55445800/733-7422763/[email protected]


Invincible Office Furniture842 S. 26th St.Manitowoc, WI 54220800/558-4417920/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

Invision818 J&J Dr.Box 1287Dalton, GA 30722800/241-4585706/[email protected]

Flooring: Carpet



Portable Room Dividers

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liersJoiner Partnership, Inc.

INVISTA175 Town Park Dr., Ste. 200Kennesaw, GA 30144877/[email protected]

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Hard Surface

IQinVision33122 Valle Rd.San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675877/850-0805949/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Irwin Seating CompanyBox 2429Grand Rapids, MI 49501866/464-7946616/[email protected]

Seating: AuditoriumSeating: Stadium

Irwin TelescopicSeating CompanyBox 320Altamont, IL 62411877/597-1122618/483-6157www.irwintelescopicseating.comsales@irwintelescopicseating.com


ISES2165 W. Park Ct., Ste. NStone Mountain, GA 30087770/[email protected]

Facilities Management

Islandaire, Inc.22 Research WayEast Setauket, NY 11733800/886-2759631/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Isolite Corp.31 Waterloo Ave.Berwyn, PA 19312800/888-5483610/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Exit

ITC Systems USA, Inc.800 Fee Fee Rd.St. Louis, MO 63043800/650-7772314/[email protected]

Campus Card/One Card Systems

ITT Industries7635 Plantation Rd.Roanoke, VA 24019800/448-8678540/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

ITW Dymon805 E. Old 56 Hwy.Olathe, KS 66061800/[email protected]

Cleaning: Skin Care

Ivara Corp.5046 MainwayBurlington, ON L7L 5Z1 CA877/746-3787905/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

I. Weiss & Sons, Inc.815 Fairview Ave., Unit #10Fairview, NJ 07022888/325-7192201/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

iXP Corporation1249 S. River Rd.Cranbury, NJ 08512609/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

JJacknobBox 18032, 290 Oser Ave.Hauppauge, NY 11788866/452-3672631/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

Jacob Holtz Company10 Industrial Hwy.Airport Business Complex “B”Lester, PA 10929215/[email protected]

Furniture: Repair

JaffeHolden114-A Washington St.Norwalk, CT 06854203/[email protected]

Consultant: Telecommunications

James Hardie Building Products26300 La AlamedaSte. 250Mission Viejo, CA 92691888/542-7343949/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

JCH International, Inc. - Mats & Floors978 Hermitage Rd. N.E.Rome, GA 30161800/328-9203706/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

JELD-WEN3737 Lakeport Blvd.Klamath Falls, OR 97601541/[email protected]


Jen/Mar Systems Corp.Box 8726Green Bay, WI 54308866/567-1991920/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Jennings Environmental Management, Inc.63 Carroll St.Binghamton, NY 13901607/[email protected]

Asbestos Testing & Abatement

Jenny Products, Inc.850 N. Pleasant Ave.Somerset, PA 15501814/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Jet Lithocolor1500 Centre Cir.Downers Grove, IL 60515800/932-1538630/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

J & J CommercialBox 1287, 818 J & J Dr.Dalton, GA 30722800/241-4585706/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

J+J Flooring GroupBox 1287Dalton, GA 30722800/241-4586706/[email protected] ad on page 33

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet Tile

J. J. Keller &Associates, Inc.3003 W. Breezewood Ln., Box 368Neenah, WI 54957877/564-2333920/722-2848www.jjkeller.com/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

JL Industries4450 W. 78th St. Cir.Bloomington, MN 55435800/554-6077952/[email protected]

Fire: Extinguishers

JMA Architecture Studios10150 Covington Cross Dr.Las Vegas, NV 89144702/[email protected]


JoGo EquipmentBox 45239Vallejo, CA 94591707/[email protected]

Playground Surfaces

John Savoy & Son, Inc.Box 248, 300 Howard St.Montoursville, PA 17754800/233-8953570/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

Johnson Controls, Inc.507 E. Michigan St.Milwaukee, WI 53202414/[email protected]

Energy Management

Johnsonite16910 Munn Rd.Chagrin Falls, OH 44023800/899-8916440/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: SportsFlooring: Stair Treads

John Zink Co., LLC Gordon-Piatt11920 E. ApacheTulsa, OK 74116800/421-9242918/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Joiner Partnership, Inc.700 Rockmead Dr., #265Kingwood, TX 77339281/[email protected]



Jonti-Craft, Inc.S




Jonti-Craft, Inc.171 Hwy. 68, Box 30Wabasso, MN 56293800/543-4149507/[email protected] ad on page 79

Equipment: ClassroomFurniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: TablesShelving & Storage

Joy Carpets, Inc.104 W. Forrest Rd., Box 5379Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742800/645-2787706/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

JPI Campus Quarters600 E. Las Colinas Blvd.Ste. 1800Irving, TX 75039972/[email protected]

Privatized Housing

J.R. Clancy, Inc.7041 Interstate Island Rd.Syracuse, NY 13209800/836-1885315/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

Juneau Construction Company3715 Northside Pkwy.Bldg. 300, Ste. 750Atlanta, GA 30327404/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Juno Lighting Group1300 S. Wolf Rd.Des Plaines, IL 60017800/323-5068847/827-9880www.junolightinggroup.com

Lighting: Indoor

Justrite Mfg. Co.2454 Dempster St.Des Plaines, IL 60016800/798-9250847/[email protected]

Laboratory: Casework & Cabinets

KK-10 Mirrors1013 Business Park Dr.Box 1170Mission, TX 78573800/531-7496956/[email protected]

Parking Control Systems

Kaba ADS Americas2941 Indiana Ave.Winston-Salem, NC 27105800/849-8324336/[email protected] ad on page 59

Access Control SystemsADA-Compliant ProductsCard Access SystemsDoors: Entry SystemsDoors: HardwareLocks

Kaba Multihousing & Institutional31750 Sherman Ave.Madison Heights, MI 48071877/272-3565248/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsCard PrintersLighting: EmergencyLocks

Kaivac401 S. Third St.Hamilton, OH 45011800/[email protected]

Contract Services: Custodial

Kalwall Corporation1111 Candia Rd.Manchester, NH 03104800/[email protected]


Kane Screens515 N. Fraley St.Kane, PA 16735800/952-6399814/[email protected]

Doors: ScreensWindows: Screens

Kaplan Early Learning Co.1310 Lewisville-Clemmons Rd.Box 609Lewisville, NC 27023800/334-2014336/[email protected]

Supplies: Classroom

Karcher Commercial4275 N.W. Pacific Rim Blvd.Camas, WA 98607888/[email protected]

Auto Scrubbers

Karpen Steel Custom Doors & Frames181 Reems Creek Rd.Weaverville, NC 28787828/[email protected]

Fire: Doors

Kay Park Recreation1301 Pine St.Janesville, IA 50647800/553-2476319/[email protected] ad on page 82

Bicycle Racks & StorageBleachersConcrete/Masonry/PrecastFurniture: OutdoorWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

KBE Building Corporation30 Batterson Park Rd.Farmington, CT 06032800/798-9909860/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

KBR2451 Crystal Dr.Arlington, VA 22202703/[email protected]

Construction/Project ManagementContract Services: MaintenanceFacilities Management

KD SeatingWenchang St.Xiong CountyBaoding, 071800 CN312/[email protected]

Furniture: Chairs

Kee Safety100 Stradtman St.Buffalo, NY 14206800/851-5181716/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsBleachersRoofing: AccessoriesShelving & StorageTheatrical Equipment

K & E FireProtection Corporation14 Plz. NineManalapan, NJ 07726732/[email protected]

Fire: Sprinkler Systems

Keltron Corporation101A First Ave.Waltham, MA 02451800/966-6123781/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Kenall Lighting1020 Lakeside Dr.Gurnee, IL 60031800/453-6255847/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co., Inc.5615 Raytown Rd.Kansas City, MO 64133800/627-1953816/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Kent14600 21st Ave. N.Plymouth, MN 55447800/[email protected]

Floors: Carpet Maintenance Equipment

Keri Systems, Inc2305 Bering Dr.San Jose, CA 95131800/260-5265408/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Kevin Hom & Andrew Goldman Architects, PC45 E. 20th St., 7th Fl.New York, NY 10003212/[email protected]


Kewaunee Scientific CorporationBox 18422700 W. Front St. 28677Statesville, NC 28687704/[email protected]

Laboratory: Casework & Cabinets

Keystone Industries105 Mahoning Ave.New Castle, PA 16102800/648-8341724/658-0500www.keystone-industries.comcustomerservice@keystone-industries.com

Doors: ScreensWindows: Screens

Keystone Purchasing Network90 Lawton Ln.Milton, PA 17847888/490-3182570/[email protected] ad on page 71

Flooring: CarpetFurniture: ClassroomModular Buildings: PortablePhysical Education Surfaces: OutdoorPurchasing Co-op

Key Tracer Systems Inc.16 - 1833 Coast MeridianPort Coquitlam, BC V3C 6G5 CA800/331-2882604/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

KeyTrak, Inc.200 Quality Cir.College Station, TX 77845888/539-8725979/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

KFI Seating1533 Bank St.Louisville, KY 40201800/[email protected]

Furniture: Cafeteria

K-FLEX USA, LLC100 Nomaco Dr.Youngsville, NC 27596800/765-6475919/[email protected]


KG&D Architects & Engineers, PC285 Main St.Mount Kisco, NY 10549914/[email protected]


KI1330 Bellevue St., Box 8100Green Bay, WI 54302800/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: DesksFurniture: LibraryFurniture: LoungeFurniture: Music RoomFurniture: OfficeFurniture: OutdoorFurniture: ScienceFurniture: TablesMobile: Stool UnitsSeating: AuditoriumShelving & StorageWaste Receptacles: IndoorWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Kidstruction Commercial Playgrounds505 Tradesmen Park Dr.Hutto, TX 78634800/245-8449512/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Kifco/AG-Rain IrrigationBox 290, 707 S. Schrader Ave.Havana, IL 62644800/452-7017309/543-4425www.kifco.com

Consultant: Landscape

Kimball Lodging Group1180 E. 16th St.Jasper, IN 47549800/634-9510812/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

Kimball Office1600 Royal St.Jasper, IN 47549800/482-1818812/[email protected]

Furniture: Office

Kimberly-Clark Professional Filtration1400 Holcomb Bridge Rd.Roswell, GA 30076770/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Kinetex818 J&J Dr.P.O. Box 1287Dalton, GA 30722800/241-4586706/[email protected] ad on page 47

Flooring: AccessFlooring: Carpet TileFlooring: Hard Surface

Kinetics Noise Control6300 Irelan Pl.Dublin, OH 43017877/457-2695614/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

Kinetix12 Creek Pkwy.Boothwyn, PA 19061877/223-3000610/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Kingscott Associates, Inc.229 E. Michigan Ave., Ste. 335Kalamazoo, MI 49007800/632-7815269/[email protected]


Kingstree Building Prod/Mule Hide Prod1195 Prince Hall Dr.Beloit, WI 53511800/786-1492608/[email protected]

Roofing: Repair Materials

Kirby Building Systems124 Kirby Dr.Portland, TN 37148615/325-4165www.kirbybuildingsystems.cominformation@kirbybuildingsystems.com

Wall: Systems

KLN FurnitureBox 34690San Antonio, TX 78265800/624-9101210/[email protected]

Furniture: LoungeFurniture: Residence Hall

Knox Company1601 W. Deer Valley Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85027800/552-5669623/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Kodet ArchitecturalGroup, Ltd.15 Groveland Ter.Minneapolis, MN 55403612/[email protected]


Kofax Image Products16245 Laguna Canyon Rd.Irvine, CA 92618949/[email protected]

Software: Business

Kohburg1928 W. Holt Ave.Pomona, CA 91768909/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Kolbe & Kolbe Millwork Co., Inc.1323 S. 11th Ave.Wausau, WI 54401-5998800/477-8656715/[email protected]


Kolpak2915 Tennessee Ave. N.Parsons, TN 38363800/826-7036715/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Koppers Inc.436 7th Ave., Ste. 1650Pittsburgh, PA 15219800/558-2706412/[email protected]

Roofing: Built-Up

Kornegay Design, LLC212 S. 18th St.Phoenix, AZ 85034877/252-6323602/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

Koroseal SchoolCollection by RJF Intl.3875 Embassy Pkwy.Fairlawn, OH 44333800/628-0449330/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

KPS Group, Inc.2101 First Ave. N.Birmingham, AL 35203205/[email protected]


Kramer Electronics96 Rte. 173 W., Ste. 1Hampton, NJ 08827888/275-6311908/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Kromm, Rikimaru & Johnansen9374 Olive Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63132314/[email protected]


Kronusa1631 S. Dixie Hwy.Pompano Beach, FL 33060800/566-5766954/[email protected]

Furniture: Lounge

Kroy Sign Systems LLC7575 E. Redfield Rd., Ste. 113Scottsdale, AZ 85260800/950-5769480/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant Products

Krueger1401 N. Plano Rd.Richardson, TX 75081972/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment





liersLeviton Lighting Control Div.

Kryptonite437 Turnpike St.Canton, MA 02021800/729-5625781/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

KS Booktique, IncBox 8514Landing, NJ 07874908/[email protected]

Online Procurement

KSL Security309 Moody St., 2nd Fl.Waltham, MA 02453866/575-1988781/[email protected]

Computer: Security

K-Sun Corporation370 SMC Dr., Box 309Somerset, WI 54025800/622-6312715/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Kwalu, LLC316 E. Woodlawn St.Box 1870Ridgeland, SC 29936877/695-9258843/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Kwik-Covers of New York811 Ridge Rd., Ste. 100Webster, NY 14580866/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

LLabconco Corp.8811 Prospect Ave.Kansas City, MO 64132800/821-5525816/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Laboratory Design & SupplyBox 16305018 Bristol Industrial WayBuford, GA 30515888/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Laboratory Tops, Inc.206 Allison Dr.Taylor, TX 76475512/[email protected]

Furniture: Science

Lab Safety Supply401 S. Wright Rd.Janesville, WI 53546800/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

Lacor/Streetscape8837 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85020888/371-3110602/371-3110www.lacorss.com

ADA-Compliant ProductsBicycle Racks & StorageFurniture: OutdoorSheltersWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Laminex, Inc.4211 Pleasant Rd.Fort Mill, SC 29708800/438-8850704/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

LaMotte Co.Box 329, 802 Washington Ave.Chestertown, MD 21620800/344-3100410/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

LAN Associates, Engineering, Planning, Architecture,Surveying, Inc.445 Godwin Ave.Midland Park, NJ 07432201/[email protected]


Lancer 1 Inc12 Water St.North Andover, MA 01845800/984-6488978/[email protected]

Emergency Evacuation

LANcom Technologies9701 Taylorsville Rd.Louisville, LA 40299502/[email protected]

Classroom Amplification / Acoustics

Landscape Forms Inc.431 Lawndale Ave.Kalamazoo, MI 49048800/430-6209269/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Outdoor

LandscapeStructures Inc.601 7th St. S.Delano, MN 55328888/438-6574763/[email protected]

Play Equipment

LaptopsAnytime1001 Bayhill Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066877/836-3727

Computer: Hardware

LarcoBox 55471902 13th St. S.E.Brainerd, MN 56401800/523-6996218/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

Laurus Technologies1015 Hawthorn Dr.Itasca, IL 60143877/528-7871630/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

Lawrence Metal Products, Inc.Box 400260 Spur Dr. S.Bay Shore, NY 11706800/441-0019631/[email protected]

Pedestrian Safety

L.B. Plastics, Inc.Box 907482 E. Plaza Dr.Mooresville, NC 28115800/752-7739704/[email protected]


League for Innovation4505 E. Chandler Blvd.Ste. 250Phoenix, AZ 85048480/705-8200www.league.org/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Learning Resources380 N. Fairway Dr.Vernon Hills, IL 60061800/333-8281847/[email protected]

Supplies: Classroom

LearningSpan, Inc.306C Hackensack St.Wood Ridge, NJ 07075201/[email protected]

Professional Development

LEDtronics23105 Kashiwa Ct.Torrance, CA 90505800/579-4875310/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Leeder Furniture LLCBox 705Lake Forest, IL 60045847/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

Lennox Industries Inc2100 Lake Park Blvd.Richardson, TX 75080800/[email protected]

HVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: Air FiltersHVAC: ControlsHVAC: DehumidifiersHVAC: Systems & Equipment

LENSEC1800 Bering Dr., Ste. 751Houston, TX 77057800/348-4234713/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Leonard Valve Co.1360 Elmwood Ave.Cranston, RI 02910800/222-1208401/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

Lerch Bates Inc.8089 S. Lincoln St., Ste. 300Littleton, CO 80122800/409-5471303/[email protected]

Consultant: ElevatorContract Services: MaintenanceElevators

Leslie Controls12501 Telecom Dr.Tampa, FL 33637800/253-7543813/[email protected]

Water Treatment: Equipment & Supplies

Leviton LightingControl Div.20497 S.W. Teton Ave.Tualatin, OR 97062800/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls


Leviton Voice & Data DivisionS



ers Leviton Voice &

Data Division2222 222nd St. S.E.Bothell, WA 98021800/722-2082425/[email protected]

Cable/Wire Management Systems

LightGuard272 W. Stag Park Service Rd.Burgaw, NC 28425910/[email protected]

Lighting: Emergency

Lightpointe10140 Barnes Canyon Rd., Ste. BSan Diego, CA 92121858/[email protected]

Classroom Amplification / Acoustics

Lightronics509 Central Dr.Virginia Beach, VA 23454800/472-8541757/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

Lightstat22-W W. Hill Rd.Barkhamsted, CT 06063800/292-2444860/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Lindab, Inc.2600 Airline Blvd.Portsmouth, VA 23701800/797-7476757/488-1144www.lindabusa.com

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Linetec7500 Stewart Ave.Wausau, WI 54401888/717-1472715/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems

Lista International Corporation106 Lowland St.Holliston, MA 01746800/722-3020508/[email protected]

Mobile: Carts & Cabinets

Litecontrol100 Hawks Ave.Hanson, MA 02341781/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Lithonia LightingBox AConyers, GA 30012800/442-6745770/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Little Tikes CommercialBox 897Farmington, MO 63640800/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Livermore Edwards & Associates223 Crescent St.Waltham, MA 02453781/[email protected]


LiveRoof LLCBox 533Spring Lake, MI 49456800/875-1392616/[email protected]

Roofing: Green Roof System

L&M Construction Chemicals14851 Calhoun Rd.Omaha, NE 68152800/362-3331402/[email protected] ad on page 65

Concrete/Masonry/PrecastConcrete Products & RepairFlooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: Underlayment

LMN801 Second Ave., Ste. 501Seattle, WA 98104206/[email protected]


Locknetics Security Engineering575 Birch St.Forestville, CT 06010866/322-1237860/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

LRAD Corporation16990 Goldentop Rd., Ste. ASan Diego, CA 92127858/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

LRSLA Studio, Inc.230 S. Broad St., Ste. 604Philadelphia, PA 19102215/[email protected]

Landscape Architect

LSI Corporation of America2100 Xenium Ln.Minneapolis, MN 55441763/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

LSW Architects, P.C.2300 Main St.Vancouver, WA 98660360/[email protected]


LSW Architects, P.C.1953 N.W. Kearney St.Portland, OR 97209503/[email protected]


Lucasey Mfg.Box 140232744 E. 11th St.Oakland, CA 94614800/582-2739510/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Ludowici Roof Tile4757 Tile Plant Rd.New Lexington, OH 43764800/945-8453740/[email protected]

Roofing: Slate & Tile

Lunch Cashier System26616 CSAH Hwy. 24Dassel, MN 55325800/955-2649320/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Luraline Lighting2388 N.W. 150th St.Opa Locka, FL 33054800/940-6588305/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.7200 Suter Rd.Coopersburg, PA 18036888/588-7661610/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

LUXOR2245 Delany Rd.Waukegan, IL 60087800/323-4656847/[email protected]

Mobile: Carts & Cabinets

LWPB Architecture5909 N.W. Expy. #600Oklahoma City, OK 73132405/[email protected]


Lyptus33663 Weyerhaeuser Way S.Federal Way, WA 98003800/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

MMac-Gray Campus Solutions404 Wyman St., Ste. 400Waltham, MA 02451888/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

Macton Corporation116 Willenbrock Rd.Oxford, CT 06478800/334-8876203/[email protected]

Turntable Divisible Auditorium

Magic-Mountsby Miller Studio734 Fair Ave., N.W., Box 997New Philadelphia, OH 44663800/332-0050330/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Magnatag Visible Systems2031 O’Neil Rd.Macedon, NY 14502800/[email protected]

A/V: WhiteboardsEquipment: Classroom

Magnetic Aids, Inc.201 Ann St.Newburgh, NY 12550800/426-9624845/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Magnuson Group Inc.1400 Internationale Pkwy.Ste. 100Woodridge, IL 60517800/342-5725630/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Indoor

Mahar ManufacturingBox 6010Van Buren, AR 72956800/224-8268479/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Maiman Company, The3839 E. Mustard WaySpringfield, MO 65803417/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Maine GlassBox 1119Park Ridge, IL 60068888/825-6975847/[email protected]


Mainstreet Schoolzone1375 N. Barker Rd.Brookfield, WI 53045800/782-6222262/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Major Industries Inc.7120 Stewart Ave.Wausau, WI 54401888/759-2678715/[email protected]

Canopies/Walkway Covers SkylightsWall: SystemsWindows

Mallinckrodt Inc.675 McDonnell Blvd.Hazelwood, MO 63042314/654-2000

ADA-Compliant Equipment

Mammoth, Inc.13200 Pioneer Trl., Ste. 150Eden Prairie, MN 55347-4125952/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Mancini DuffyArchitecture Design39 W. 13th St.New York, NY 10011646/[email protected]


Manitowoc Ice, Inc.2110 S. 26th St.Manitowoc, WI 54221800/545-5720920/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

Manning Materials, Inc.509 Ligon Dr.Nashville, TN 37204877/431-7078615/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

Mannington Commercial1844 U.S. Hwy. 41 S.E.Calhoun, GA 30701800/[email protected]

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet TileFlooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: Stair Treads

Manta Ray/Child Brite502 E. North Pkwy.West Unity, OH 43570800/252-0276419/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Mapes Industries Inc.2929 Cornhusker Hwy.Lincoln, NE 68504800/228-2391402/[email protected]

Canopies/Walkway Covers

Maple Landmark Woodcraft1297 Exchange St.Middlebury, VT 05753800/421-4223802/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Marathon High Speed, High Performance Doors5848 N. 95th Ct.Milwaukee, WI 53225800/558-7068414/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Marathon Roofing Products367 Nagel Dr.Buffalo, NY 14225800/828-8424716/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories

March Networks555 Legget Dr., Tower BOttawa, ON K2K 2X3 CA613/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Markar Architectural Products, Inc.260 Santa Fe St.Pomona, CA 91767800/872-3267909/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Marketec928 No. San Fernando Blvd., Ste. J-15Burbank, CA 91504800/557-8861818/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Mars Air Systems14716 S. BroadwayGardena, CA 90248310/[email protected]

Pest Control

Marshfield DoorSystems, Inc.1401 E. Fourth St.Marshfield, WI 54449800/869-3667715/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Marsh Industries, Inc.2301 E. High Ave., Box 1000New Philadelphia, OH 44663800/426-4244330/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

Martin Rileyarchitects-engineers221 W. Baker St.Fort Wayne, IN 46802800/234-7994260/[email protected]


Martinson-Nicholls, Inc.4910 E. 345th St.Willoughby, OH 44094800/876-1312440/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

Marvair156 Seedling Dr.Cordele, GA 31015888/726-2734229/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Marvel Photo Inc.Box 2464Tulsa, OK 74101800/806-3616918/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Marvin Windowsand DoorsBox 100Warroad, MN 56763888/[email protected]

Doors: Entry SystemsWindowsWindows: Hardware

Masco Sweepers, Inc.Box 6312San Jose, CA 95150800/345-1246408/[email protected]


Masland Contract716 Bill Myles Dr.Box 11467Mobile, AL 36671888/[email protected], [email protected]

Flooring: Carpet

Mastercraft Industries, Inc.777 South St.Newburgh, NY 12550800/835-7812845/565-8850www.mastercraftusa.com

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Mateflex2007 Beechgrove Pl.Utica, NY 13501800/926-3539315/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Mat Factory, Inc.760 W. 16th St., Bldg. E.Costa Mesa, CA 92627800/628-7626949/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant Equipment

MathResources, Inc.5516 Spring Garden Rd., Ste. 310Halifax, NS B3J 1G6 CA800/720-1323902/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

MathXpert185 View Ct.Aptos, CA 95003408/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Mats Inc.37 Shuman Ave.Stoughton, MA 02072800/628-7462781/[email protected]

Flooring: Mats

Max-RW248N5499 Executive Dr.Sussex, WI 53089888/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Indoor

Maxxon Corporation920 Hamel Rd., Box 253Hamel, MN 55340800/356-7887763/[email protected]

Acoustics: SoundproofingFlooring: Underlayment



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liersMilnor Laundry Systems

Mayline Group619 N. Commerce St.Sheboygan, WI 53082800/822-8037920/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

MaytagCommercial Laundry2901 Lakeshore Dr., MD 8600St. Joseph, MI 49085800/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

MBCIBox 38217Houston, TX 77238877/713-6224281/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

McArthur Towel & SportsBox 448, 700 Moore St.Baraboo, WI 53913800/356-9168608/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

McCall Refrigeration81 W. Holly St.Parsons, TN 38363888/732-2446731/[email protected]

Equipment: Food Service

McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.1341 N. Rock Hill Rd.St. Louis, MO 63124314/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

McCourt Manufacturing1001 N. 3rd St.Fort Smith, AR 72901800/333-2687479/[email protected]

Equipment: ClassroomFurniture: ChairsFurniture: Music RoomFurniture: TablesLocker Room Benches

McDonough Boylard Peck8315 Lee Hwy., Ste. 400Fairfax, VA 22031800/898-9088703/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

McGill AirFlow LLCOne Mission ParkGroveport, OH 43125614/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

McKinney Products110 Sargent Dr.New Haven, CT 06511203/[email protected]

Doors: Hardware

McQuay International13600 Industrial Park Blvd.Minneapolis, MN 55441800/432-1342763/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

McWiz Games76 Ste-Madeleine Blvd.Trois-Rivieres, QC G8T 3K6 CA888/691-2849819/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

MDC1200 Arthur Ave.Elk Grove Village, IL 60007800/621-4006847/[email protected] ad on page 41

Acoustics: Acoustical PanelsA/V: WhiteboardsWall: Coverings

Mechanical Room Supplies, LLC932 Brookwood Dr.Columbia, SC 29201866/267-1379803/343-0710www.mechanicalroomsupplies.commechanicalrooms@bellsouth.net

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Medeco HighSecurity LocksBox 30753625 Allegheny Dr.Salem, VA 24153800/839-3157www.medeco.com

Doors: Hardware

Media Management& MagneticsN93 W14636 Whittaker WayMenomonee Falls, WI 53051800/242-2090262/251-5511www.computersupplypeople.commedmgt@computersupplypeople.com

Computer: Supplies

mediatechnologies892 Industrial Park Dr.Shelby, MI 49455231/861-2194www.ssimediatechnologies.comsales@ssimediatechnologies.com

Furniture: Library

Medical Coaches399 Country Hwy. 58, Box 129Oneonta, NY 13820607/432-1333www.medcoach.com

Equipment: Health Services

Medimpex United Inc.984 Bristol PikeBensalem, PA 19020866/848-8378215/[email protected]

Environmental Testing

Med Sled12025 Manchester Rd., Ste. 61GDes Peres, MO 63131866/207-5993314/[email protected]

Emergency Evacuation

Meehleis Modular Buildings1303 E. Lodi Ave.Lodi, CA 95240209/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Mee Industries Inc.204 W. Pomona Ave.Monrovia, CA 91016800/732-5364626/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Mercer Products37235 St. Rd. 19Umatilla, FL 32784800/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Merchants Fleet Management1278 Hooksett Rd.Hooksett, NH 03106866/653-2737603/669-4100www.merchantsfleetmanagement.comleasecontact@merchantsfleet.com

Fleet Management

Metal Building Manufacturers Association1300 Sumner Ave.Cleveland, OH 44115216/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Metal-Era Inc.1600 Airport Rd.Waukesha, WI 53188800/558-2162262/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation545 S. 3rd St., Ste. 200Louisville, KY 40202800/406-7387502/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

Methods & Solutions, Inc.440 S. Williams Blvd., #206Tucson, AZ 85711800/221-7911520/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Metpar Corp.95 State St.Westbury, NY 11590888/333-5030516/[email protected]

Washroom: Partitions

METROBRICK1201 Millerton St. S.E.Box 9240Canton, OH 44707888/325-3945330/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Metropolitan Ceramics1201 Millerton St. S.E.,Box 9240Canton, OH 44707800/325-3945330/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

MFM Building ProductsBox 340, 525 Orange St.Coshocton, OH 43812800/882-7663740/622-2645www.mfmbp.com

Roofing: Repair Materials

MHTN Architects, Inc.420 E. S. Temple, Ste. 100Salt Lake City, UT 84111800/342-8991801/[email protected]


Michaels Engineering & Michaels Energy400 Main St., Ste. 200La Crosse, WI 54601608/[email protected]


Michele/Thomas/Hutchins Design104 South St., Ste. 206Waunakee, WI 53597608/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

MicroAnalytics, Ltd.1986 Queen St. E., Ste. 200Toronto, ON M4L 1J2 CA416/[email protected]

Software: Transportation

MicroFit, Inc.1077-B Independence Ave.Mountain View, CA 94043800/822-0405650/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

MicroMain Corporation5100 Bee Caves Rd.Austin, TX 78746888/888-1600512/[email protected]

Software: Facilities ManagementSoftware: Inventory ControlSoftware: Maintenance Software

MicrosoftOne Microsoft WayRedmond, CA 98052425/705-8728www.microsoft.com/[email protected]

Software: Business

Mid-AtlanticPrecast AssociationBox 831Hockessin, DE 19707800/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Midland5900 Parretta Dr.Kansas City, MO 64120816/[email protected]

Radios: Two-Way

Midwest Folding Products1414 S. Western Ave.Chicago, IL 60608800/354-4716312/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomMobile: Stool UnitsStages

Miller BuildingSystems, Inc.58120 CR 3 S.Elkhart, IN 46517800/423-2559574/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Miller Dyer Spears Inc.99 Chauncy St., 8th Fl.Boston, MA 02111617/[email protected]


Miller StudioBox 997, 734 Fair Ave. N.W.New Philadelphia, OH 44663800/332-0050330/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Mill Supply, Inc.19801 Miles Rd.Cleveland, OH 44128800/888-5072216/[email protected]

Grounds: Mowers & Tractors

Milnor Laundry SystemsBox 400Kenner, LA 70063800/469-8780504/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment


Milwaukee Electric Tool CorporationS



ers Milwaukee Electric

Tool Corporation13135 W. Lisbon Rd.Brookfield, WI 53005800/729-3878262/781-3600www.milwaukeetool.com

Equipment: Maintenance & Repair

Minuteman Intl., Inc.111 S. Rohlwing Rd.Addison, IL 60101800/323-9420630/627-6900www.minutemanintl.com


Minuteman Power Technologies1455 LeMay Dr.Carrollton, TX 75007800/238-7272972/[email protected] ad on page 63

Computer: HardwareElectrical SuppliesSurge Protectors

Miracle Method Surface Refinishing5020 Mark Dabling Blvd.Colorado Springs, CO 80918800/444-8827719/[email protected]

Tile Restoration

Miracle Recreation Equipment Company878 Hwy. 60Monett, MO 65708800/523-4202417/235-6917www.miracle-recreation.com

ADA-Compliant ProductsBicycle Racks & StorageBleachersPlay EquipmentPlayground Surfaces

Misonix, Inc.1938 New Hwy.Farmingdale, NY 11735800/694-9612631/694-9555www.misonix.com

Furniture: Science

Mitchell Rubber Products10220 San Sevaine WayMira Loma, CA 91752-1100800/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Mitsubishi Digital Electronics9351 Jeronimo Rd.Irvine, CA 92618949/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

Mitsubishi ElectricCooling & Heating3400 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd.Suwanee, GA 30024800/687-1966678/[email protected]

HVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: ControlsHVAC: Systems & Equipment

Mity-Lite, Inc.1301 W. 400 N.Orem, UT 84057800/909-8034801/224-0589www.mitylite.com

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: TablesPartitions & Room Dividers

MJ DirectionsBox 100, 32358 Pineview Dr.Elizabeth, CO 80107303/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

MKC Associates, Inc.40 W. Fourth St.Mansfield, OH 44902877/652-1102419/[email protected]


MLB Construction Services, LLCOne Stone Break Rd.Malta, NY 12020518/289-1371www.mlbind.com

Construction/Project Management

Mobile Modular Management Corp4445 E. Sam Houston Pkwy. S.Pasadena, TX 77505800/944-3442281/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Portable

Mobile Structures Inc.Box 1405, 2405 Cassopolis St.Elkhart, IN 46514800/348-8541574/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Modernfold Inc.215 W. New Rd.Greenfield, IN 46140800/869-9685317/[email protected]

Operable Walls

Modern SchoolSystems, Inc.Box 958Hartford, CT 06143800/243-2329860/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Modular Building Institute944 Glenwood Station Ln.Ste. 204Charlottesville, VA 22901888/811-3288434/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Modular Elevator Manufacturing, Inc.Box 3998Chatsworth, CA 91313818/[email protected]


Modular HardwareBox 1889Cortaro, AZ 85652800/533-0042520/744-4424www.modularhardware.com

Washroom: Partitions

Moen Incorporated - Commercial Division25300 Al Moen Dr.North Olmsted, OH 44070800/289-6636440/[email protected] ad on page 67

ADA-Compliant ProductsPlumbing: EquipmentPlumbing: Faucets, AutomaticPlumbing: Faucets, ManualPlumbing: Flush Valves, Manual

Mohawk Group160 S. Industrial BlvdCalhoun, GA 30701800/554-6637www.mohawkgroup.com

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet TileFlooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: MatsFlooring: Sports

MOMA Architecture, Inc.123 Church St., Ste. 350Marietta, GA 30060770/422-9040www.momausa.com


MONDO1100 E. Hector St., Ste. 160Conshohocken, PA 19428800/361-3747610/834-3835www.mondoworldwide.com

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: SportsPhysical Education Surfaces: IndoorTennis CourtsTrack: Surfaces & Equipment

Mon-Ray, Inc.801 Boone Ave. N.Minneapolis, MN 55427800/[email protected]


Moody Nolan, Inc.300 Spruce St., Ste. 300Columbus, OH 43215877/530-4984614/461-4664www.moodynolan.com


Moore Iacofano Goltsman (MIG Berkeley - Headquarters)800 Hearst Ave.Berkeley, CA 94710510/845-7549www.migcom.com

Construction/Project Management

Mortar Net USA Ltd.541 S. Lake St.Gary, IN 46403800/[email protected]

Concrete/Masonry/PrecastWall: Systems

Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates, PA328 E. Market St., Ste. 200Greensboro, NC 27401336/[email protected]


Most Dependable Fountains, Inc.5705 Commander Dr.Arlington, TN 38002800/552-6331901/[email protected]

Drinking Fountains

Motion Control Engineering, Inc.11380 White Rock Rd.Rancho Cordova, CA 95742800/444-7442916/[email protected]


Motor Coach Industries1700 E. Golf Rd.Schaumburg, IL 60173866/624-2622847/285-2000www.mcicoach.com

Buses: Parts & Repairs

Mott Manufacturing452 Hardy Rd.Brantford, ON N3T 5L8 CA519/[email protected]

Laboratory: Casework & Cabinets

Mount Vernon Group Architects, Inc.20 Cabot Rd.Woburn, MA 01801781/[email protected]


MovinCool3900 Via Oro Ave.Long Beach, CA 90810800/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

MPulse Maintenance SoftwareBox 22906, 555 Conger Ave.Eugene, OR 97402800/944-1796541/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

M.R. Nyren Company600 Academy Dr., Ste. 110Northbrook, IL 60062800/323-8066847/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

MSKTD Architects Engineers Interiors1715 Magnavox WayFort Wayne, IN 46804260/[email protected]


MTC Media Trade Corp.11820 Red Hibiscus Dr.Bonita Springs, FL 34135239/[email protected]


MTD Products Inc.Box 368022Cleveland, OH 44136330/225-2600www.mtdproducts.com

Grounds: Mowers & Tractors

MTS Seating7100 Industrial Dr.Temperance, MI 48182734/[email protected]

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: Tables

MTU Onsite Energy Corporation100 Power Dr.Mankato, MN 56001800/325-5450507/[email protected]

Electrical Supplies

Mueller Recreational Products4825 S. 16th St.Lincoln, NE 68512800/925-7665402/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Mule-Hide Products1195 Prince Hall Dr.Beloit, WI 53511800/786-1492608/[email protected]

Roofing: Single-Ply

Multi-Clean600 Cardigan Rd.Shoreview, MN 55126651/[email protected]

Floors: Strippers, Waxers, Polishers

Multiplex Div.1555 Larkin Williams Rd.Fenton, MO 63026800/325-5242696/[email protected]

Display Cabinets/Cases

Munters Corporation16900 Jordan Rd.Selma, TX 78154800/843-5360210/[email protected]

HVAC: Dehumidifiers

Munters CorporationBox 640, 79 Monroe St.Amesbury, MA 01913800/843-5360978/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Museum & Library Furniture LLC5655 Moreland St. N.W.Washington, DC 20015202/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

MVE Institutional1900 Main St., Ste. 800Irvine, CA 92614949/[email protected]


NNAC|Architecture2201 Sixth Ave., Ste. 1405Seattle, WA 98121206/[email protected]


Naden Scoreboards1013 Cedar St.Webster City, IA 50595515/[email protected]

Scoreboards & Time Clocks

Nalco Company1601 W. Diehl Rd.Naperville, IL 60563630/305-2900630/305-1000www.nalco.com

Water Treatment: Equipment & Supplies

Napco SecuritySystems, Inc.333 Bayview Ave.Amityville, NY 11701631/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

Natare Corp.5905 W. 74th St.Indianapolis, IN 46278800/336-8828317/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Maintenance

National Association of Educational Procurement5523 Research Park Dr.Ste. 340Baltimore, MD 21228443/[email protected]

Online ProcurementTrade Associations

National Association of Energy Service Companies1615 M St. N.W., Ste. 800Washington, DC 20036202/[email protected]

Energy Management

National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement OfficersBox 210079Milwaukee, WI 53221315/529-4858www.nassleo.org

Trade Associations

National AV SupplyBox 116Grafton, VT 05146800/686-0109802/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

National Chemical Laboratories, Inc.401 N. 10th St.Philadelphia, PA 19123800/628-2436215/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesFloors: Carpet Maintenance EquipmentFloors: Maintenance Products

National Coalition for Technology in Education & Training2724 Kenwood Ave.Alexandria, VA 22302703/[email protected]

Trade Associations

National Coatings Corp.1201 Calle SuerteCamarillo, CA 93012800/423-9557805/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

National ConcreteMasonry Association13750 Sunrise Valley Dr.Herndon, VA 20171703/[email protected]

Trade Associations

National Educational Computing Conference (NECC)1277 University of OregonEugene, OR 97403800/280-6218541/346-3537www.center.uoregon.edu

Trade Associations

National Electrical Contractors Association3 Bethesda Metro Ctr.Ste. 1100Bethesda, MD 20814301/657-3110www.necanet.org

Trade Associations

National FireProtection Association1 Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02169800/344-3555617/770-3000www.nfpa.org

Trade Associations

National Gypsum2001 Rexford Rd.Charlotte, NC 28211704/365-7329nationalgypsum.com

Wall: Systems

National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (National IPA)725 Cool Springs Blvd., Ste. 100Franklin, TN 37067866/408-3077615/[email protected]

Purchasing Co-op



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liersNorton Door Controls

National Office Furniture1205 Kimball Blvd.Jasper, IN 47549800/482-1717www.NationalOfficeFurniture.comlisa.schmidt@nationalofficefurniture.comSee ad on page 57

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: DesksFurniture: LoungeFurniture: Office

National Optical & Scientific Instruments Inc.11113 Landmark 35 Dr.San Antonio, TX 78233800/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

National Partitions10300 Goldenfern Ln.Knoxville, TN 37931888/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

National SchoolBoards Association1680 Duke St.Alexandria, VA 22314703/838-6722www.nsba.org

Trade Associations

National School Plant Management Association3213 Marston Pl.Lexington, KY 40503405/309-6248www.nspma.com

Trade Associations

National School Supply & Equipment Association8380 Colesville Rd., Ste. 250Silver Spring, MD 20910800/395-5550301/495-0240www.nssea.org

Trade Associations

National StudentServices, Inc.Box 2137Stillwater, OK 74076800/[email protected]

Contract Services: Security

Natural Lighting Co., Inc.5636 N. 53rd Ave.Glendale, AZ 85301623/[email protected]


Navitar, Inc.200 Commerce Dr.Rochester, NY 14623800/828-6778585/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

Nawkaw370 Commerce Blvd.Bogart, GA 30622866/462-9529706/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

Nawkaw Midwest, Inc.4N352 84th Ct.Hanover Park, IL 60133630/[email protected]

Concrete Products & Repair

Nawkaw Toronto2283 Argentia Rd.Mississagua, ON L5N 5Z2 CA905/[email protected]

Concrete Products & Repair

NCFI PolyurethanesBox 1528Mount Airy, NC 27030800/346-8229336/[email protected]

Roofing: Polyurethane Foam

N C MonroeConstruction CompanyBox 20008Greensboro, NC 27420336/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Ncomputing1 Lagoon Dr., Ste. 110Redwood City, CA 94065888/365-1210650/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

NEC Display Solutions500 Park Blvd., Ste. 1100Itasca, IL 60143866/632-6673www.necdisplay.com

A/V: Projectors

NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.6535 N. State Hwy. 161Irving, TX 75039800/240-0632www.necunified.com

Telephone: Equipment & Supplies

Nederman Inc.39115 Warren Rd.Westland, MI 48185800/575-0609734/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Filters

Neogard6700 Maple Ave.Dallas, TX 75235214/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Neopost478 Wheelers Farms Rd.Milford, CT 06461800/636-7678www.neopostinc.com

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Neptune-Benson, Inc.6 Jefferson Dr.Coventry, RI 02816800/[email protected]

Swimming Pool: Equipment

NetSupport, Inc.6815 Shiloh Rd., E., A-7Alpharetta, GA 30005888/665-0808770/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Netwell Noise Control18525 37th Ave. N.Minneapolis, MN 55446800/638-9355www.controlnoise.com

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

Neutron Industries7107 N. Black Canyon Hwy.Phoenix, AZ 85021888/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

NevinsBox 108Cat Spring, TX 78933800/231-2744713/[email protected]

Furniture: Tables

NewAge Industries Inc.145 James WaySouthampton, PA 18966800/506-3924215/526-2300www.newageindustries.com

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

New England Concrete Masonry Assoc.Box 448Manchaug, MA 01526508/[email protected]

Trade Associations

New EnglandWoodcraft, Inc.Box 165, 481 North St.Forest Dale, VT 05745802/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

New Horizon TechnologiesBox 5000, 3040 Continental Dr.Butte, MT 59702888/[email protected]

Energy Management

New JerseySmartStart Buildings900 Rt. 9 N., Ste. 104Woodbridge, NJ 07095866/433-4479www.njsmartstartbuildings.com

Trade Associations

Newman Architecture1730 Park St., Ste. 115Naperville, IL 60563630/[email protected]


Newport Collaborative Architects, Inc.The Exchange Bldg.38 Washington Sq.Newport, RI 02840401/[email protected]


NewSchools2752 Arnoldson Ave.San Diego, CA 92122888/838-1997602/[email protected]

Real Estate Development/Student Housing

Nicholson Steam Trap150 Coldenham Rd.Walden, NY 12586800/210-1300845/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Niles Bolton Associates3060 Peachtree Rd. N.W., Ste. 600Atlanta, GA 30305404/[email protected]


Nilfisk CFM300 Technology Dr.Malvern, PA 19355800/645-3475610/[email protected]

Vacuums: Industrial

Nixalite of America Inc.1025 16th Ave.East Moline, IL 61244888/[email protected]

Bird Control

NJPA202 12th St. N.E.Staples, MN 56479888/896-3947218/[email protected] ad on page 99

Purchasing Co-op

No Fly Zone, Inc.1 Steven Ave.Tinton Falls, NJ 07724866/663-5999732/[email protected]

Bird Control

Noisemaster Corporation, TheBox 276Monroe, CT 06468800/445-0034203/[email protected]

Acoustics: SoundproofingInsulationWall: Coverings

nora systems, Inc.9 Northeastern Blvd.Salem, NH 03079800/332-6672603/894-1021www.nora.com/[email protected] ad on page 37

Flooring: Hard Surface

Norco ProductsBox 4227Missoula, MT 59806800/662-2300406/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: OfficeFurniture: Residence HallFurniture: Science

Nordic SoftwareBox 5403Lincoln, NE 68505800/306-6502402/489-1557www.nordicsoftware.com

Software: Instructional

Norix Group, Inc.1000 Atlantic Dr.West Chicago, IL 60185800/234-4900630/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: Music Room

Nortec Industries Inc.Box 698, 826 Proctor Ave.Ogdensburg, NY 13669866/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

North Star Lighting Inc.2150 Parkes Dr.Broadview, IL 60155708/681-4330www.nslights.com

Lighting: Indoor

Norton Door Controls1902 Airport Rd.Monroe, NC 28110800/438-1951www.nortondoorcontrols.com

ADA-Compliant Equipment

Novell Inc.404 Wyman St.Waltham, MA 02451888/529-3400801/[email protected]

Computer: Network Devices

Novitas, Inc.203 Cooper Cir.Peachtree City, GA 30269800/553-3879770/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

N.R. Murphy Ltd.430 Franklin Blvd.Cambridge, ON N1R 8G6 CA519/[email protected]


NSS Enterprises, Inc.3115 Frenchmens Rd.Toledo, OH 43607419/531-2121www.nss.com

Auto Scrubbers

NuClimate Air Quality Systems, Inc.6295 E. Molloy Rd.East Syracuse, NY 13057315/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Nucor Corp.6230 Shiloh Rd., Ste. 140Alpharetta, GA 30005678/[email protected]

Roofing: Metal

NUDURA Corporation27 Hooper Rd., Unit #10Barrie, ON L4N 9S3 CA866/468-6299705/[email protected]

Energy Management

Nuesoft Xpress1685 Terrell Mill Rd.Marietta, GA 30067800/401-7422678/[email protected]

Software: Student Health Management

NuVision Networks, Corp.895 Jackson St., Ste. 340Napa, CA 94559800/[email protected]

Campus Card/One Card Systems

OOblique Filing SystemsBox 987, 411 Western Ln.Irmo, SC 29063800/845-7068803/749-6900www.obliquefilingsystems.com

Files & File Systems

Océ North America, Inc.1800 Burning Dr. W.Itasca, IL 60143888/503-2235800/323-4827www.oceusa.com

Copiers: Equipment & Supplies

Office Depot, Inc.2200 Old Germantown Rd.Delray Beach, FL 33445888/463-3768www.officedepot.com

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

OfficemateInternational Corp.90 Newfield Ave.Edison, NJ 08837732/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

OFMS, Inc. dba INSITE100 Corporate Pl., Ste. 200Peabody, MA 01960978/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Ohaus Corp.Box 2033, 19A Chapin Rd.Pine Brook, NJ 07058973/[email protected]

Laboratory: Equipment & Instruments

OKI Data Americas, Inc.2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054800/654-3282www.okidata.com

Printers: Equipment & Supplies

Oldcastle Building Envelope2425 Olympic Blvd.Ste. 525-ESanta Monica, CA 90404866/[email protected]

Doors: Entry SystemsSkylightsWindows

Olympus Campus ServicesUnion Square Dr., Ste. 110New Hope, PA 18938215/[email protected]

Contract Services: Custodial

Omni Intl. Inc.Box 1409Vernon, AL 35592800/844-6664205/695-9173www.omniinternational.comCustomer Service at [email protected]

Furniture: Office

OMNOVA Solutions Inc.175 Ghent Rd.Fairlawn, OH 44333330/869-4200www.omnova.com

Ceiling: Systems

OnCourse Systems for Education333 Swedesboro Ave.Gibbstown, NJ 08027800/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Onicon, Inc.1500 N. Belcher Rd.Clearwater, FL 33765727/[email protected]

Energy Management

Onity2232 Northmont Pkwy.Ste. 100Duluth, GA 30096866/866-6489770/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsEnergy ManagementLocksSafes

Online Land Planning, LLCBox 3793Redondo Beach, CA 90277877/752-6750310/[email protected]


OpenAire Inc.Box 376Cedarburg, WI 53012800/267-4877262/[email protected]


Optimum Energy411 First Ave. S., Ste. 620Seattle, WA 98104888/211-0918206/[email protected]

Energy Management

Orcutt | Winslow3003 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85012602/[email protected]


Orkin, Inc.2170 Piedmont Rd.Atlanta, GA 30324866/518-8268www.orkin.com

Pest Control

O,R&L Corp.2 Summit Pl.Branford, CT 06405800/238-0867203/643-1000www.orlcommercial.com

Facilities Management

Orwak USA LLCOne Corporate Dr.Ste. 710Shelton, CT 06484800/747-0449203/[email protected]


Oscoda Plastics, Inc.5585 N. Huron Ave., Box 189Oscoda, MI 48750800/544-9538989/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

OSI Security Devices Inc.1580 Jayken WayChula Vista, CA 91911619/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCard Access SystemsLocks

Otterbine Barebo, Inc.3840 Main Rd. E.Emmaus, PA 18049800/237-8837610/[email protected]

Furniture: Outdoor

Outdoor Aluminum, Inc.Box 118Geneva, AL 36340800/[email protected]


Outset Media Corp.#106-4226 Commerce Cir.Victoria, BC V8Z 6N6 CA250/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Outwater Plastics Industries, Inc.Box 50024 River Rd.Bogota, NJ 07603800/631-8375www.outwater.com

Furniture: Repair

Overly Door Company574 W. Otterman St.Greensburg, PA 15601800/979-7300724/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Owens CorningOne Owens Corning Pkwy.Toledo, OH 43659800/438-7465www.owenscorning.com


Owner Services Group, Inc.1815 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 200Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181800/443-8607630/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

PPacific Floor Care2259 S. SheridanMuskegon, MI 49442800/968-1332231/[email protected]

Floors: Maintenance Products

Pac-Van, Inc.9155 Harrison Park Ct.Indianapolis, IN 46216800/587-1784317/791-2020www.pacvan.com/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: PermanentModular Buildings: PortableStorage BuildingsTemporary Structures

Palmer Hamilton, LLC143 S. Jackson St., Ste. 1Elkhorn, WI 53121800/788-1028262/723-8200www.palmerhamilton.com

Furniture: Cafeteria

Palomar Modular Buildings505 North I-35 EastDeSoto, TX 75115866/312-4032469/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Palos Sports11711 S. Austin Ave.Alsip, IL 60803800/233-5484708/396-2555www.palossports.com

Physical Education Equipment

Panasonic2 Riverfront PlazaNewark, NJ 07102-5490877/655-2357panasonic.com/[email protected]

A/V: EquipmentA/V: ProjectorsA/V: Whiteboards, InteractiveComputer: HardwareDigital Signage

Panasonic Security SystemsOne Panasonic WaySecaucus, NJ 07094800/211-7262201/348-7000www.panasonic.com/security

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Panel Systems Mfg. Inc.110 Hwy. 10Plum City, WI 54761800/257-1190715/647-3139www.roomdividers.org

Partitions & Room Dividers

Paragon Furniture, Inc.2224 E. Randol Mill Rd.Arlington, TX 76011800/451-8546817/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: ScienceFurniture: Tables

ParentLink180 E. University Ave., Ste. 500Provo, UT 84601800/735-2930801/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Parents forPublic Schools, Inc.200 N. Congress St., Ste. 500Jackson, MS 39201800/880-1222601/969-6936www.parents4publicschools.orginfo@parents4publicschools.org

Trade Associations

Parette SomjenArchitects, LLC.439 Rt. 46 E.Rockaway, NJ 07866973/[email protected]




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Parex Inc.Box 1891870 Stone Mountain-Lithonia Rd.Redan, GA 30074800/[email protected]

Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems

Parkland Plastics, Inc.Box 339, 104 Yoder Dr.Middlebury, IN 46540800/835-4110574/825-4336www.waterproofpanels.com

Ceiling: SystemsCeiling: TilesWall: Coverings

Parkline, Inc.Box 65Winfield, WV 25213800/786-4855304/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Partition Systems Incorporated of South CarolinaBox 181Columbia, SC 29202866/337-7286803/252-3020www.psisc.com

Washroom: Partitions

PatcraftBox 2128Dalton, GA 30722-2128800/241-4014770/[email protected]

Flooring: Carpet

Patio Enclosures Inc.720 E. Highland Rd.Macedonia, OH 44056800/468-0720330/468-0700www.patioenclosuresinc.com


Patrician Furniture1107 W. Market Ctr. Dr.High Point, NC 27261800/334-9309www.patrician.com

Furniture: Office

Patterson-KelleyBox 458, 100 Burson St.East Stroudsburg, PA 18301877/728-5351570/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Paul Mueller Co.1600 W. PhelpsSpringfield, MO 65801800/683-5537417/831-3000www.muel.com

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Pawling Corporation32 Nelson Hill Rd.Wassaic, NY 12592800/431-3456845/373-9300www.pawling.com

Flooring: MatsMatsWall: CoveringsWall: Systems

PC Associates145 W. Main St., Ste. 200Tustin, CA 92780714/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

PCI209 W. Jackson Blvd., #500Chicago, IL 60606312/786-0300www.pci.org


PCSC3541 Challenger St.Torrance, CA 90503800/899-7272310/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

PD 3608686 S. 1300 E.Sandy, UT 84094800/572-1153801/[email protected]

Professional Development

PDQ Manufacturing2754 Creek Hill Rd.Leola, PA 17540800/441-9692717/[email protected]

Doors: HardwareLocks

PECO, Inc4707 S.E. 17th Ave.Box 82189Portland, OR 97282800/874-8547503/[email protected]

HVAC: Controls

Peerless LightingAttn: Marketing2246 5th St.Berkeley, CA 94710510/845-2760www.peerless-lighting.comcindy.foster-warthen@acuitybrands.com

Lighting: Indoor

Peerless Products Inc.2403 S. Main St., Box 431Fort Scott, KS 66701866/420-4000620/223-4610www.peerlessproducts.com


Pelican Wireless Sytems486 Lindbergh Ave.Livermore, CA 94551866/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Pella Corporation102 Main St.Pella, IA 50219800/847-3552641/[email protected]


Pellerin Milnor Corp.Box 400Kenner, LA 70063800/469-8780504/[email protected]

Laundry Equipment

Pemko Manufacturing Company4226 Transport St.Ventura, CA 93003800/283-9988www.pemko.com

Doors: Hardware

PenBay Solutions14 Maine St., Ste. 100Brunswick, ME 04011207/230-0182penbaysolutions.com/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Pentek, Inc.1026 Fourth Ave.Coraopolis, PA 15108412/[email protected]

Asbestos Testing & Abatement

PEPPM Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program90 Lawton Ln.Milton, PA 17847855/654-5290570/[email protected]

Purchasing Co-op

Perdue Acoustics4210 Hester Dr.Amarillo, TX 79124800/729-9402806/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical Panels

Perimeter Products43180 Osgood Rd.Fremont, CA 94539800/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

Perkins+Will330 N. Wabash, Ste. 3600Chicago, IL 60611312/755-0770www.perkinswill.com


Perkins+Will1382 Peachtree St. N.E.Atlanta, GA 30309404/873-2300www.perkinswill.com


Permaloc Corporation13505 Barry St.Holland, MI 49424800/356-9660616/[email protected]

Grounds: Maintenance Equipment

Perma-Vault Safe Co.72 Ash Cir.Warminster, PA 18974800/662-3360215/[email protected]


Peter Albrecht Co. Inc.6250 Industrial Ct.Greendale, WI 53129800/878-6630414/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

Peter Gisolfi Associates566 Warburton Ave.Hasting-on-Hudson, NY 10706914/478-3677www.petergisolfiassociates.commkrellkydd@petergisolfiassociates.com


Peter Pepper Products, Inc.Box 576917929 S. Susana Rd.Compton, CA 90224800/496-0204310/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

Petersen Aluminum Corporation1005 Tonne Rd.Elk Grove Village, IL 60007800/722-2523www.pacclad.comSee ad on page 27

Roofing: MetalWall: Systems

Petersen Manufacturing CompanyBox 664Denison, IA 51442800/832-7383712/[email protected]

BollardsFurniture: OutdoorFurniture: TablesLighting: OutdoorWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Pexagon Technology, Inc.20 Carter Dr.Guilford, CT 06437203/[email protected]

Computer: Peripherals

PGT1070 Technology Dr.N. Venice, FL 34275877/550-6006941/480-1600www.pgtindustries.com/Products/MultiStory/[email protected]

WindowsWindows: Hardware

PhiladelphiaTheatrical Supply229 N. 12th St.Philadelphia, PA 19107215/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

Philips BusinessDisplay Solutions64 Perimeter Ctr. E.Atlanta, GA 30346770/821-3417www.bds.philips.com

A/V: Equipment

Philips Consumer Electronics North America64 Perimeter Ctr. E.Atlanta, GA 30346770/821-2400www.consumer.philips.com

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories

Philips Lighting Co.200 Franklin Square Dr.Somerset, NJ 08875908/563-3000www.philips.com

Lighting: Indoor

PHN Architects199 Town Sq., Ste. DWheaton, IL 60187630/665-8400www.phnarchitects.com


PHP Systems/Design5534 Harvey Wilson Dr.Houston, TX 77020-8017800/797-6585713/[email protected]

Electrical SuppliesHVAC: MaintenanceRoofing: Accessories

Pine Hall Brick2701 Shorefair Dr.Winston-Salem, NC 27105800/334-8689336/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsBrick/Facebrick/PaversConcrete/Masonry/Precast

Pinnacle Dryer Corporation307 Fields Dr.Aberdeen, NC 28315800/943-7937910/[email protected]

Hand Dryers

Pioneer Manufacturing4529 Industrial Pkwy.Cleveland, OH 44135800/877-1500216/671-5500www.pioneerathletics.comcustomerservice@pioneerathletics.com

Physical Education Surfaces: Outdoor

Pipe Prop6340 Baker Blvd.Fort Worth, TX 76118888/590-0120817/[email protected]

Roofing: Accessories

PlanetCCTV DigitalVideo Systems11440 W. Bernardo Ct.Ste. 300San Diego, CA 92127858/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Planware Systems, LLC15850 Concord Cir., Ste. CMorgan Hill, CA 95037888/532-4424408/[email protected]

Software: Transportation

Plasco, Inc.1501 N.W. 163rd St.Miami, FL 33169888/457-5272305/625-4222www.plascoid.com

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Plasteco, Inc.Box 24158Houston, TX 77229800/231-6117713/453-8696www.plasteco.com

Roofing: Accessories


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liersPlasteco, Inc.


Platinum Visual Systems1451 E. Sixth St.Corona, CA 92879800/498-2990951/[email protected]

Display Cabinets/Cases

PLATO Learning, Inc.10801 Nesbitt Ave. S.Bloomington, MN 55437800/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

PlayGuard PlayGround Safety Surfacing715 Fountain Ave.Lancaster, PA 17601800/851-4746717/[email protected]

Playground Surfaces

Playworld Systems, Inc.1000 Buffalo Rd.Lewisburg, PA 17837-9795800/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant EquipmentBicycle Racks & StorageFitness EquipmentPhysical Education EquipmentPlay Equipment

Plexipave Sports Surfacing150 Dascomb Rd.Andover, MA 01810800/225-1141978/[email protected]

Track: Surfaces & Equipment

Plumbing Manufacturers International1921 Rohlwing Rd., Unit GRolling Meadows, IL 60008847/[email protected]

Trade Associations

Plustek Technology Inc.17517 Fabrica Way, Ste. BCerritos, CA 90703714/670-7713www.plustek.com/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

Poblocki SignCompany, LLC922 S. 70th St.Milwaukee, WI 53214800/776-7064414/[email protected]

Display Cabinets/Cases

Polar Electro Inc.1111 Marcus Ave., Ste. M15Lake Success, NY 11042800/290-6330516/364-0400www.polarusa.com/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

Polycom, Inc.4750 Willow Rd.Pleasanton, CA 94588800/765-9266www.polycom.com

Consultant: Telecommunications

Polyglass U.S.A., Inc.150 Lyon Dr.Fernley, NV 89408800/222-9782775/575-6007www.polyglass.com

Roofing: Modified Bitumen

PolyVision Corporation3970 Johns Creek Ct., Ste. 325Suwanee, GA 30024800/620-7659678/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards

Portable Rental SolutionsBox 340Hewitt, TX 76643800/699-8998210/444-0984www.portablerentalsolutions.comsales@portablerentalsolutions.com

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Porta-King Building Systems4133 Shoreline Dr.Earth City, MO 63045800/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Permanent

Port City Architecture65 Newbury St.Portland, ME 04101207/[email protected]


Porter Athletic, Inc.2500 S. 25th Ave.Broadview, IL 60155888/277-7778708/338-2000www.porter-ath.com

Equipment: Physical EducationPhysical Education Equipment

PortionPac Chemical Corp.400 N. Ashland Ave.Chicago, IL 60622312/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Portsmith199 Shoreline Ln., Ste. 301Boise, ID 83702208/[email protected]

Internet Services

PPG Architectural CoatingsOne PPG Pl.Pittsburgh, PA 15272866/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

PPM 2000 Inc.10088 - 102 Ave., #1307Edmonton, AB T5J 2Z1 CA888/776-9776780/[email protected]

Software: Security

Precision Locker Company181 Blackstone Ave.Jamestown, NY 14701877/[email protected]

Lockers: Corridor

Preferred Bleachers and Theater SeatingBox 17622Indianapolis, IN 46217866/922-0226317/[email protected]


Premier BleacherRepair, IncBox 1501Crystal Lake, IL 60039815/[email protected]


Premier Mounts1321 S. State College Blvd.Fullerton, CA 92831800/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Prepared Response, Inc.3518 6th Ave., Ste. 200BTacoma, WA 98406866/862-7741206/[email protected]

Emergency CommunicationSoftware: Security

Professional Service Industries1901 S. Meyers Rd., Ste. 400Oak Brook Ter., IL 60181800/548-7901630/[email protected]


ProGrass, LLC960 Penn Ave., 8th Fl.Pittsburgh, PA 15222866/270-6003412/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Promethean Inc.1165 Sanctuary Pkwy., Ste. 400Alpharetta, GA 30004888/652-2848678/[email protected]

A/V: EquipmentA/V: Whiteboards, InteractiveClassroom Amplification / AcousticsComputer: PeripheralsSoftware: Instructional

PROSOCO Incorporated3741 Greenway Cir.Lawrence, KS 66046800/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

ProTeam, The Vacuum Company12438 W. Bridger St., #100Boise, ID 83713866/888-2168208/[email protected] ad on page 31

Equipment: Maintenance & RepairTraining: MaintenanceVacuumsVacuums: Industrial

PS Furniture, Inc.223 N. Water St., Ste. 350Milwaukee, WI 53202414/224-3045www.psfurniture.com

Furniture: Classroom

Purifan Clean Air Systems625 N. Carriage Pkwy., Ste. 105Wichita, KS 67208800/686-6131316/[email protected]

Fan GuardsFansHVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: Air Filters

QQ-Ball Renewal Glides215 Sherman St.Vassar, MI 48768877/[email protected]

Equipment: ClassroomFloors: Maintenance ProductsFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersFurniture: ChairsFurniture: Office

Qqest Employer Services9350 S. 150 E.Ste. 300Sandy, UT 84070800/733-8839801/[email protected]

Software: AdministrativeSoftware: BusinessSoftware: Maintenance Software

QUARTZ MATRIXB-dul Carol I, nr. 5Iasi, 700506 RO072/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Que Centre150 State St., Ste. 120Rochester, NY 14614888/934-6594585/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

Quick Panic Release2040 Boston Ave.Terre Haute, IN 47805812/[email protected]


RRadio Engineering Industries, Inc. (REI)6534 L St.Omaha, NE 68117800/228-9275402/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Ramtech Building Systems1400 U.S. Hwy. 287 S.Mansfield, TX 76063800/568-9376817/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: Portable

RAM USA1680 Industrial Pkwy. SouthBrunswick, OH 44212877/726-4949216/[email protected]

Facilities Management

Raptor Technologies, LLC631 W. 22nd St.Houston, TX 77008877/772-7867713/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsFacilities ManagementIdentification Equipment & SuppliesSoftware: Security

RATIO Architects, Inc.107 S. Pennsylvania St., Ste. 100Indianapolis, IN 46204317/[email protected]


R.C.A. RubberCompany, TheBox 9240Akron, OH 44305800/321-2340330/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

R C Musson Rubber Co.1320 E. Archwood Ave.Akron, OH 44306800/321-2381330/[email protected]

Flooring: Carpet TileFlooring: MatsFlooring: SportsFlooring: Stair TreadsWall: Coverings

Real Sports Fan Stuff6520 Chestnut Bend Dr.Norcross, GA 30071770/[email protected]

Physical Education Equipment

Regin HVAC Products, Inc.315 Riggs St., Unit 1Oxford, CT 06478800/394-2739203/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Regupol America33 Keystone Dr.Lebanon, PA 17042800/537-8737717/[email protected]

Flooring: SportsPhysical Education Surfaces: IndoorPhysical Education Surfaces: OutdoorTrack: Surfaces & Equipment

RelampIt50 Orville Dr., Ste. 3Bohemia, NY 11716631/[email protected]

A/V: Projection Screens & Accessories

RelampIt50 Orville Dr., Ste. 3Bohemia, NY 11716631/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

Platinum Visual SystemsS






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Remington Village Apartments711 Express Dr.Gillette, WY 82718307/687-8000www.apartmentsgillettewy.com/[email protected]

Real Estate Development/Student Housing

Republic PowderedMetals, Inc.2628 Pearl Rd.Medina, OH 44256800/551-7081330/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

Responsive EnergyGroup, LLC1821 Walden Office Sq.Ste. 400Schaumburg, IL 60173866/574-5999224/[email protected]

Energy Management

RETA Security, Inc.Box 189Lemont, IL 60439630/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

Rinnai America Corporation103 International Dr.Peachtree City, GA 30269800/621-9419678/[email protected]

Boilers, Burners & Related Equipment

Rise Display, Inc.22109 W. 83rd St.Shawnee, KS 66227866/[email protected]

Digital Signage

RISO, Inc.300 Rosewood Dr.Danvers, MA 01923800/876-7476978/[email protected]

Copiers: Equipment & Supplies

Rite-Hite8900 N. Arbon Dr.Milwaukee, WI 53223800/456-0600414/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

River Bluff Architects1214 Frederick Ave.St. Joseph, MO 64501816/[email protected]

Interior Design

R.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc.Box 946, 5648 Hwy. 59 S.Cherokee, IA 51012800/762-5002712/[email protected] ad on page 51

ADA-Compliant ProductsBicycle Racks & StorageFurniture: OutdoorLocker Room BenchesWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

RMCOEH391 Chipeta Way, Ste. CSalt Lake City, UT 84108801/[email protected]

Professional Development

Robbins Sports Surfaces4777 Eastern Ave.Cincinnati, OH 45226800/543-1913513/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Roberts Gordon1250 William St., Box 1117Buffalo, NY 14240800/828-7450716/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

ROCKFON LLC4849 S. Austin Ave.Chicago, IL 60638800/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

Roesel Kent & Associates3887 Andrews XingRoswell, GA 30075770/[email protected]

Facilities Management

Rogers Athletic3760 W. Ludingtion Dr.Farwell, MI 48622800/457-5337989/[email protected]

Fitness Equipment

RoofManager13663 Providence Rd., #340Matthews, NC 28104888/508-4353704/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

Roppe CorporationBox 11581602 N. Union St.Fostoria, OH 44830800/537-9527419/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: SportsFlooring: Stair TreadsFlooring: Underlayment

Ross Mechanical Group814 Welsh Rd.Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006800/572-1705215/914-0305Rossmechanicalgroup,[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

RPI7079 Peck Rd.Marlette, MI 48453989/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Indoor

R&R GamesBox 130195Tampa, FL 33681888/874-3353813/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

RSC Architects596 Anderson Ave., Ste. 202Cliffside Park, NJ 07010201/[email protected]


SSafco Products Company9300 W. Research Center Rd.New Hope, MN 55428800/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: DesksFurniture: OfficeWaste Receptacles: Indoor

SafeSpace Concepts, Inc.1424 N. Post OakHouston, TX 77055800/622-4289713/[email protected]


Safety Storage, Inc.855 N. 5th St.Charleston, IL 61920800/344-6539217/[email protected]

Storage Buildings

Safety Technology International, Inc. (STI)2306 Airport Rd.Waterford, MI 48327800/888-4784248/[email protected]

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)CCTV/Surveillance CamerasFire: Alarms & SystemsFire: ExtinguishersWireguards

Salient Systems10801 N. MoPac Expy.Bldg. 3, Ste. 700Austin, TX 78759512/[email protected]

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Salsbury Industries - Lockers.com1010 E. 62nd St.Los Angeles, CA 90001800/624-5269323/[email protected]

Locker Room BenchesLockers: CorridorLockers: GymnasiumMailboxesSigns & Signage: Architectural

Sammons PrestonBox 50711000 Remington Blvd., Ste. 210Bolingbrook, IL 60440800/323-5547630/378-6000www.sammonspreston.comcustomersupport@patterson-medical.com

Equipment: Health Services

Samsel Architects, P.A.60 Biltmore Ave.Asheville, NC 28801828/[email protected]


Samsung105 Challenger Rd.Ridgefield, NJ 07660201/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

SaniGLAZE International4526 Lenox Ave.Jacksonville, FL 32205800/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Sanyo21605 Plummer St.Chatsworth, CA 91311818/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

SARGENT Manufacturing Company100 Sargent Dr.New Haven, CT 06511800/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsADA-Compliant ProductsCard Access SystemsDoors: HardwareLocks

Sasaki Associates64 Pleasant St.Watertown, MA 02472617/[email protected]


Savoy Contract FurnitureP.O. Box 248300 Howard St.Montoursville, PA 17754800/233-8953570/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

SaylorGregg Architects1100 Land Title Building100 S. Broad St.Philadelphia, PA 19110215/[email protected]


Scantron Corporation34 ParkerIrvine, CA 92618800/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

SCA TORKCira Center2929 Arch St., 26th Fl.Philadelphia, PA 19104866/[email protected]

Washroom: Paper Products

SchenkelShultz Architecture200 E. Robinson St., Ste. 300Orlando, FL 32801407/[email protected]


Schlage11819 N. Pennsylvania St.Carmel, IN 46032800/847-1864317/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsDoors: Entry SystemsDoors: HardwareLocks

School Art MaterialsBox 51141Seattle, WA 98115800/752-4359206/526-0775www.companycasuals.com/[email protected]

Merchandising & Promotions

School Construction Consultants, Inc.50 Carlough Rd., Ste. CBohemia, NY 11716631/567-0200www.schoolconstruction.com

Construction/Project Management

SchoolDude.com11000 Regency Pkwy., Ste. 200Cary, NC 27518877/868-3833919/[email protected]

Software: BusinessSoftware: Facilities ManagementSoftware: Inventory ControlSoftware: Maintenance SoftwareSoftware: Transportation

School Specialty, Inc.W6316 Design Dr.Greenville, WI 54942888/388-3224www.schoolspecialty.com

Furniture: Classroom

School Specialty/Project by Design100 Paragon Pkwy.Mansfield, OH 44903888/388-3224www.projectsbydesign.com/[email protected]

Construction/Project ManagementEquipment: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: Office

Schoolwires320 Rolling Ridge Dr.State College, PA 16801877/427-9413814/[email protected]

Software: Facilities Management

SCHOTT NorthAmerica, Inc.555 Taxter Rd.Elmsford, NY 10523914/831-2200www.us.schott.com/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Screenflex Portable Partitions585 Capital Dr.Lake Zurich, IL 60047800/553-0110847/[email protected] ad on page 73

Partitions & Room Dividers



liersScreenflex Portable Partitions


P.O. Box One, Graham, TX 76450www.southernbleacher.com


68 years of college and high school stadiums,speedways, arenas and more

Columbus, Indiana2,613 seat grandstand.

Welded decking system. Bold use

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observation/videodeck. Customized press boxes are our specialty.

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SECOA-The Stage Equipment Co.8650 109th Ave. N.Champlin, MN 55316800/328-5519763/[email protected]

Theatrical Equipment

Securitech® Group, Inc.5460 46th StreetMaspeth, NY 11378800/622-5625718/[email protected]


S.E.C. Wire Guards406 N. Main St.Plymouth, MI 48170734/[email protected]


Sedia Systems1820 W. Hubbard St., Ste. 300Chicago, IL 60622866/892-6130312/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: Lecture HallFurniture: TablesSeating: Auditorium

Sefar Architecture111 Calumet St.Depew, NY 14043727/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

SGI Construction Management199 S. Hudson Ave.Pasadena, CA 91101626/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Shain Solutions300 S. Krueger St.Suring, WI 54174877/348-9663920/[email protected]

Furniture: Vocational

Sheffield Plastics119 Salisbury Rd.Sheffield, MA 01257800/628-5084413/[email protected]


Shenzhen Syslab Electronics Co.,Ltd.3/F, Wearnes Technology Building, Kefa Rd., High-tech Industrial Park, Nanshan DistrictShenzhen, 518057 CN755/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

Shepley Bulfinch2 Seaport Ln.Boston, MA 02210617/[email protected]


Sheridan Seating Inc.290 West St. S.Orillia, ON L3V 5G8 CA705/[email protected]


Shiffler745 South St., Box 232Chardon, OH 44024800/547-1539440/[email protected]

A/V: WhiteboardsFurniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomLockers: CorridorWashroom: Partitions

Shive-Hattery Architecture-Engineering316 2nd St. S.E., Ste. 500Cedar Rapids, IA 52401800/798-0313319/[email protected]


SHP Leading Design4805 Montgomery Rd., Ste. 400Cincinnati, OH 45212513/[email protected]


SHW Group5717 Legacy Dr., Ste. 250Plano, TX 75024214/[email protected]


SHW Group, LLC2338 Coolidge, Ste. 100Berkley, MI 48072248/[email protected]


SICO America Inc.7525 Cahill Rd.Minneapolis, MN 55439800/328-6138952/[email protected]

Furniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: Music RoomFurniture: TablesStages

Sielox LLC170 East 9th Ave.Runnemede, NJ 08078856/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Siemens Fire Safety8 Fernwood Rd.Florham Park, NJ 07932800/222-0108973/593-2600www.usa.siemens.com/fire

Emergency CommunicationEmergency EvacuationFire: Alarms & Systems

Siemens Industry Inc., Building Technologies Division1000 Deerfield Pkwy.Buffalo Grove, IL 60089800/877-7545847/215-1000www.usa.siemens.com/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsAutomated Building ControlsEmergency CommunicationHVAC: Systems & EquipmentPerformance Contracting

Siemens Industry USA, Building Technologies Division8 Fernwood Rd.Florham Park, NJ 07932973/593-2600www.usa.siemens.com/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Sign Resource Management, Inc.3613 Williams Dr.Ste. 802Georgetown, TX 78628512/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Signs Plus School Signs4242 McIntosh Ln.Sarasota, FL 34232800/848-4262941/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Silent Knight7550 Meridian Cir., N., Ste. 100Maple Grove, MN 55369800/328-0103763/493-6400www.farenhyt.com

Fire: Alarms & Systems

Silverback Consulting Group, LLC120 E. Market St., 6th Fl.Indianapolis, IN 46204877/497-2279317/[email protected]

Consultant: Telecommunications

SimplexGrinnell50 Simplex Dr.Westminster, MA 01441800/746-7539978/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Siplast1000 E. Rochelle Blvd.Irving, TX 75062800/922-8800972/[email protected]

Roofing: Built-Up

SiteScapes Inc.Box 22326Lincoln, NE 68542888/331-9464402/[email protected]

Furniture: Outdoor

Sleek Software Corp.12325 Hymeadow Bldg.1-102Austin, TX 78750800/337-5335512/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

Sloan10500 Seymour Ave.Franklin Park, IL 60131800/982-5839847/[email protected]

Plumbing: EquipmentPlumbing: Faucets, AutomaticPlumbing: Flush Valves, ManualPlumbing: SinksPlumbing: Toilets

SMARTdesksBox 391Hibernia, NJ 07842800/[email protected]

A/V: Projection Screens & AccessoriesFurniture: ComputerFurniture: TablesLecternsShelving & Storage

SMART Technologies3636 Research Rd. N.W.Calgary, AB T2L 1Y1 CA888/427-6278403/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, InteractiveDistance LearningSoftware: Instructional

Smith Carrel, Inc.3727 Marquis Dr., Ste. 101Garland, TX 75042877/410-6994972/[email protected] ad on page 75

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: OfficeFurniture: Tables

Smith System1714 E. 14th St.Plano, TX 75074800/328-1061972/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: DesksFurniture: Library

SnapStream Media6730 Long Dr.Houston, TX 77087877/762-7787713/554-4583www.snapstream.com/[email protected]

Cable/Satellite TV

Snider & Associates10139 Royalton Rd., Ste. HNorth Royalton, OH 44133800/[email protected]

Play Equipment

SoftChalk, LLC22 S. Auburn Ave.Richmond, VA 23221877/[email protected]

Software: Instructional

SolarOne Solutions, Inc.330 Reservoir St.Needham, MA 02494877/527-6461339/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

SOL Inc (SolarOutdoor Lighting)3210 S.W. 42nd Ave.Palm City, FL 34990800/959-1329772/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Sol-O-Matic5816 Heiser St.Houston, TX 77087800/633-6718713/[email protected]

Furniture: Tables

Song + Associates, Inc.400 Australian Ave. S., 6th Fl.West Palm Beach, FL 33401561/[email protected]


Sony Electronics Inc.1 Sony Dr.Park Ridge, NJ 07656201/930-1000www.sony.com/[email protected]

A/V: Equipment

Sound-Craft Systems, Inc.1584 Petit Jean Mtn. Rd.Morrilton, AR 72110800/643-8747501/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Soundsphere10 Research Dr.Stratford, CT 06615203/[email protected]

Public Address Systems

South EastInstallation Solutions1 Pine Needle Rd.Piedmont, SC 29673864/[email protected]

Draperies & Shades & Blinds

Southern Aluminum5 Hwy. 82 W.Box 884Magnolia, AR 71754800/221-0408870/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: LibraryFurniture: OutdoorFurniture: TablesStages

Southern Bleacher CompanyBox One, 801 Fifth St.Graham, TX 76450800/433-0912940/[email protected] ad on page 84

BleachersSeating: Stadium

Space Plus LLC2820 Townsgate Rd. #101Westlake Village, CA 91361888/383-8381805/[email protected]

Partitions & Room Dividers

SECOA-The Stage Equipment Co.S






Lockdown is at your fi ngertips.

Added protection for students — reassurance for parents.The Schlage CO-220 standalone lock provides instant lockdown from anywhere in the classroom with the simple touch of a button. Teachers and staff have immediate, local control through a fob they can wear around their neck or wrist. When lockdown is initiated, a fl ashing red light reassures teachers and students that the door is secure.

The cost effective CO-220 provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are ready to respond - immediately.

Illuminated visual indicator provides instant verifi cation that the door is secured Remote fob is convenient and easy to use Available with a variety of options to meet specifi c needs Tested to the highest standards to ensure quality and reliability

Get a free school security education kit at: http://ity.vc/allegion-safeschools or call 877-648-9298.

Space-Ray305 Doggett St., Box 36485Charlotte, NC 28236800/438-4936704/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.1110 Spartan Dr.Maumee, OH 43537800/537-8990419/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesFloors: Maintenance ProductsFloors: Strippers, Waxers, PolishersSoftware: Maintenance SoftwareSupplies: Maintenance & Repair

Special-Lite, Inc.P.O. Box 6860 S. Williams St.Decatur, MI 49045800/[email protected]

Card Access SystemsDoors: Entry SystemsDoors: HardwareFire: DoorsWashroom: Partitions

Spec-Rite Designs1054 Central Industrial Dr.St. Louis, MO 63110877/249-6864314/[email protected]

Partitions & Room Dividers

Spectrum Industries, Inc.Box 400, 925 First Ave.Chippewa Falls, WI 54729-0400800/235-1262715/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: DesksFurniture: LibraryFurniture: TablesMobile: Carts & Cabinets

Spencer TurbineCompany, The600 Day Hill Rd.Windsor, CT 06095800/232-4321860/[email protected]

VacuumsVacuums: Industrial

Spiezle Architectural Group120 Sanhican Dr.Trenton, NJ 08618609/[email protected]


Spirotherm, Inc.25 N. Brandon Dr.Glendale Heights, IL 60139800/323-5264630/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Spring City ElectricalMfg. Co., Inc.1 S. Main StSpring City, PA 19475610/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Sprint2003 Edmund Halley Dr.Reston, VA 20191800/639-8354www.sprint.com/k12

Buses: Communications EquipmentEmergency CommunicationInternet ServicesRadios: Two-WayTelephone: Equipment & Supplies

Staco Energy301 Gaddis Blvd.Dayton, OH 45403866/261-1191937/[email protected]

Electrical Supplies

Stagecraft Industries Inc5051 N. LagoonPortland, OR 97217800/727-2673503/286-1600www.stagecraftindustries.comkevins@stagecraftindustries.com

Equipment: Maintenance & RepairLighting: EmergencyStagesSupplies: Maintenance & RepairTheatrical Equipment

StageRight Corporation495 Pioneer Pkwy.Clare, MI 48617800/438-4499989/[email protected]


Stagestep4701 Bath St., Bldg. 46-BPhiladelphia, PA 19137800/523-0960215/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFlooring: MatsFlooring: Sports

Staging Concepts7008 Northland Dr., Ste. 150Minneapolis, MN 55428800/337-5339763/533-2094www.stagingconcepts.com


Standard Solar, Inc.11355 Picard Dr., Ste. 300Rockville, MD 20850888/[email protected]

Energy Management

Stantec141 Portland St.Boston, MA 02114617/[email protected]

Landscape Architect

Staples Facility Solutions500 Staples Dr.Framingham, MA 01701877/826-7755www.StaplesAdvantage.com/Facility

Floors: Maintenance Products

Staplex ElectricStapler Division777 Fifth Ave.Brooklyn, NY 11232800/221-0822718/[email protected]

Mailing: Equipment & Supplies

StayWell Safety Solutions780 Township Line Rd.Yardley, PA 19067800/667-2968www.staywellsafetysolutions.cominfo@staywellsafetysolutions.com

Emergency Evacuation

SteelcaseBox 1967Grand Rapids, MI 49501800/333-9939www.steelcase.com/[email protected]

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: LibraryFurniture: LoungeFurniture: Tables

Sternberg Lighting555 LawrenceRoselle, IL 60172800/621-3376847/[email protected]

Lighting: EmergencyLighting: Outdoor

Stewart School Signs2201 Cantu Ct., Ste. 215Sarasota, FL 34232800/237-3928941/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Stiebel Eltron, Inc.17 West St.West Hatfield, MA 01088800/582-8423413/[email protected]

Hand Dryers

STOKO Skin Care2401 Doyle St.Greensboro, NC 27406800/[email protected]

Cleaning: Skin Care

Stonehouse Signs, Inc.Box 546Arvada, CO 80001800/525-0456303/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

Stonhard1000 E. Park Ave.Maple Shade, NJ 08052800/257-7953856/[email protected] ad on page 21

Flooring: Hard SurfaceFloors: Maintenance Products

StrandVision Digital SignageN5926 203rd St.Menomonie, WI 54751715/[email protected]

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic Boards

SturdisteelBox 2655Waco, TX 76702800/433-3116254/[email protected] ad on page 80

BleachersEquipment: Physical EducationFurniture: OutdoorSeating: Stadium

Summit Oaks Inc3510 Krause Rd.Schwenksville, PA 19473610/[email protected]

Furniture: Computer

Supply Hero8853 Lenexa Dr.Overland Park, KS 66214877/894-4884913/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment

Surface AmericaBox 157Williamsville, NY 14231800/999-0555716/[email protected]

Playground Surfaces

Svigals + Partners, LLP84 Orange St.New Haven, CT 06510203/[email protected]


SWBR Architects387 E. Main St.Rochester, NY 14604585/[email protected]


Sylvania100 Endicott St.Danvers, MA 01923978/[email protected]

Lighting: Indoor

SYNTHEON Inc.25 Ave. ALeetsdale, PA 15056-4076888/922-2353412/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Synthetic Surfaces Inc.Box 241Scotch Plains, NJ 07076908/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

System Sensor3825 Ohio Ave.St. Charles, IL 60174800/736-7672630/[email protected]

Fire: Alarms & Systems

TT2 Systems8900 Keystone Xing, Ste. 700Indianapolis, IN 46240800/434-1502317/[email protected]

Software: Transportation

TAC by Schneider Electric1650 W. Crosby Rd.Carrollton, TX 75006866/822-4636972/323-1111www.tac.com/[email protected]

Performance Contracting

Talk-A-Phone Co.7530 N. Natchez Ave.Niles, IL 60714773/[email protected]

Emergency Communication

Tall Paul’s Tall Mall36 Liberty St.Montpelier, VT 05602866/350-7886802/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

TAMKO BuildingProducts, Inc.Box 1404220 W. Fourth St.Joplin, MO 64801800/641-4691417/[email protected]

Roofing: Modified BitumenRoofing: Sealants, Coatings & AdhesivesRoofing: Single-PlyRoofing: Slate & Tile

Tandus Centiva311 Smith Industrial Blvd.Dalton, GA 30721800/[email protected] ad on page 25

Flooring: CarpetFlooring: Carpet TileFlooring: Hard Surface

Tangent, Inc191 Airport Blvd.Burlingame, CA 94010800/[email protected]

Software: Security

Tapeswitch Corporation100 Schmitt Blvd.Farmingdale, NY 11735800/234-8273631/[email protected]

Alarms: Intrusion

Teacher Created Resources6421 Industry WayWestminster, CA 92683888/343-4335714/[email protected]

Supplies: Classroom

Team NiSCA100 Randolph Rd.Somerset, NJ 08873800/359-7300732/[email protected]

Card Printers



liersTeam NiSCA


TEC Educational Furniture136 Lake Point WayBastrop, TX 78602888/771-5069512/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

TechDesign Floors6655 Parkland Blvd.Solon, OH 44139440/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Tecna North America3640-B McNicoll Ave.Scarborough, ON M1X 1G5 CA416/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

TekTone® Sound &Signal Mfg., Inc.277 Industrial Park Rd.Franklin, NC 28734800/327-8466828/[email protected]


Telkonet20374 Seneca Meadows Pkwy.Germantown, MD 20876866/375-6276240/[email protected]

HVAC: Controls

TEMP-AIR, Inc.3700 W. Preserve Blvd.Burnsville, MN 55337800/836-7432952/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Temtrol, LLC106 N. Industrial Blvd.Okarche, OK 73762405/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Tersano Incorporated5000 Regal Dr.Oldcastle, ON N0R 1L0 CA800/808-1723519/[email protected]

Cleaning: SuppliesCleaning: Tools, MicrofiberFloors: Maintenance ProductsWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

TERSEN Lighting1400 Lester Rd.Conyers, GA 30012770/[email protected]

Lighting: Outdoor

Tesco1035 E. HaciendaBellville, TX 77418800/699-5824979/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Tetrad Computer Applications Inc.1465 Slater Rd.Box 5007Ferndale, WA 98248800/663-1334360/[email protected]

Software: Administrative

Texas InstrumentsBox 650311, M/S 3919Dallas, TX 75265800/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

Theatre Solutions, Inc.121 Park Ave.Quakertown, PA 18951215/[email protected]

Seating: Auditorium

The Bilco CompanyBox 1203New Haven, CT 06505203/[email protected] ad on page 53

Doors: Entry SystemsLocksRoofing: Accessories

TheCampusHub.comBox 805294700 S. 19th St.Lincoln, NE 68501800/[email protected]

Online Procurement

The Collaborative Inc500 Madison Ave.Toledo, OH 43604419/242-7405www.thecollaborativeinc.comsmalnar@thecollaborativeinc.com


The HON Company200 Oak St.Muscatine, IA 52761800/272-2380563/[email protected]

Files & File SystemsFurniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: DesksFurniture: Office

The Pencil Grip, Inc.Box 67096Los Angeles, CA 90067888/736-4747310/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

The ProCard Group LLC470 Metroplex Dr.Ste. 205-208Nashville, TN 37211615/[email protected]

Campus Card/One Card Systems

The Public Private Development Collaborative2752 Arnoldson Ave.San Diego, CA 92122888/838-1997602/[email protected]

Real Estate Development/Student Housing

The Remi Group11325 N. Community House Rd.Ste. 300Charlotte, NC 28277888/[email protected]

Equipment: Maintenance & Repair

Thermo Manufacturing Systems LLCBox 218Lindale, TX 75771800/882-7007903/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

The Sapling Company, Inc.1633 Republic Rd.Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006888/809-6063215/[email protected]

Clocks & Bells

The Skillman Corporation3834 S. Emerson Ave.Indianapolis, IN 46203317/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

The Stacy Group10229 E. 97th St. N., #101Owasso, OK 74055918/[email protected]


The UPS Store6060 Cornerstone Ct. W.San Diego, CA 92121800/789-4623www.theupsstore.com/[email protected]

Copiers: Equipment & SuppliesLaminator: Equipment & SuppliesMailing: Equipment & SuppliesOther: Office Equipment & SuppliesPrinters: Equipment & Supplies

Thinkage Ltd.85 McIntyre Dr.Kitchener, ON N2R 1H6 CA800/563-0894519/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

Thonet810 W. Hwy. 25/70Newport, TN 37821800/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Thorburn Associates20880 Baker St.Castro Valley, CA 94546510/[email protected]


Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers72 Wright’s Lndg.Auburn, ME 04210800/708-9045207/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

Tiger Door FRP574 W. Otterman St.Greensburg, PA 15601800/979-7300724/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

TMA Systems5100 E. Skelly Dr.Ste. 900Tulsa, OK 74135800/862-1130918/[email protected]

Software: Maintenance Software

TMP Architecture, Inc.1191 W. Square Lake Rd.Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302248/[email protected]


TOLI International55 Mall Dr.Commack, NY 11725800/[email protected]

Flooring: Hard Surface

Toshiba9740 Irvine Blvd.Irvine, CA 92618949/[email protected]

Computer: Hardware

TRACO71 Progress Ave.Cranberry Township, PA 16066800/837-7001724/[email protected]


Trane Rental Services4500 Morris Field DriveCharlotte, NC 28208800/755-5115www.trane.com/[email protected]

Automated Building ControlsHVAC: Air ConditioningHVAC: ControlsHVAC: Systems & EquipmentPerformance Contracting

Transformations FurnitureBox 308Harlan, IN 46743800/440-9337260/[email protected]

Furniture: Lounge

TEC Education FurnitureS




• During the 2009-10 school year, a higher percentage of schools with 1,000 or more students involved students in resolving student conduct problems as a component of violence prevention programs (60 per-cent) than did schools with lower enrollments (39 to 49 percent).

• A higher percentage of suburban schools drilled students on a written plan describing procedures to be performed during a shooting (58 percent) than did city schools or rural schools (49 and 48 percent, respec-tively). The percentage of town schools (53 percent) that drilled students on this type of plan was not measurably different from the percentage of suburban schools.

• Among the factors that were reported to limit schools’ efforts to reduce or prevent crime “in a major way,” three were more likely to be reported than others: inadequate funds (25 percent); a lack of, or inad-

equate, alternative placements or programs for disruptive students (21 percent); and federal, state, or district policies on disciplining special education students (16 percent.)

• For students involved in the use or possession of a weapon other than a fi rearm or explosive device at school, 40 percent of students received out-of-school suspensions lasting 5 or more days, 36 percent of stu-dents received other disciplinary actions (e.g., suspensions for less than 5 days, detention, etc.), 19 percent of students received transfers to specialized schools, and 6 percent of students received removals with no continuing services for at least the remainder of the school year.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education. (2011). “Crime, Violence, Disci-pline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools: Findings From the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2009–10 First Look” (NCES 2011-320).



Transit Sales International1863 Service Ct.Riverside, CA 92507800/287-7253951/682-2557www.transitsales.com


TransTech Systems, Inc12142 N.E. Sky Ln., Ste. 130Aurora, OR 97002888/843-3643503/[email protected]

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Trautman Associates470 Franklin St.Buffalo, NY 14202877/223-2734716/[email protected]


Tremco Roofing3735 Green Rd.Beachwood, OH 44122-8069800/562-2728216/[email protected]

Contract Services: MaintenanceRoofing: Built-UpRoofing: MetalRoofing: Modified BitumenRoofing: Single-Ply

TRIAD Architects936 Eastwind Dr., Ste. 202Columbus, OH 43081614/[email protected]


Trident WindowSystems Inc.384 Beacon Dr.Walterboro, SC 29488843/[email protected]


Troxell Communications4830 S. 38th St.Phoenix, AZ 85040800/[email protected]

A/V: Projectors

TROX USA, Inc.4305 Settingdown Cir.Cumming, GA 30028770/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

TUBELITE Inc3056 Walker Ridge Dr. N.W., Ste. GWalker, MI 49544616/[email protected]

Doors: Entry Systems

Turning Technologies LLC255 W. Federal St.Youngstown, OH 44503330/884-6229330/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards, Interactive

Tutis Technologies Ltd.c-409, Solaris 1, Saki Vihar Rd., Andheri (E.)Mumbai, 400072 IN222/[email protected]

Access Control Systems

Tyler Technologies5949 Sherry Ln., Ste. 1400Dallas, TX 75225800/[email protected]

Software: AdministrativeSoftware: BusinessSoftware: Transportation

UUBU Sports3525 Old Dixie Hwy.Dalton, GA 30721800/[email protected]

Flooring: Sports

Unger Enterprises, Inc.425 Asylum St.Bridgeport, CT 06610800/[email protected]

Equipment: Maintenance & Repair

Unico, Inc.7401 Alabama Ave.St. Louis, MO 63111800/527-0896314/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Uniroof International Inc.Box 160003Altamonte Springs, FL 32716407/[email protected]

Roofing: Sealants, Coatings & Adhesives

United Air Specialists, Inc.4440 Creek Rd.Cincinnati, OH 45242800/252-4647513/[email protected]

Material Handling Equipment

Unite Private Networks950 W. 92 Hwy., Ste. 203Kearney, MO 64060866/963-4237913/[email protected]

Networks: LANs WANs Wireless

Universal SafetyResponse, Inc.277 Mallory Station Rd., Ste. 112Franklin, TN 37067866/504-4722615/224-0400www.usrgrab.com

Pedestrian Safety

University SleepProducts, Inc.1520 Bayswater Ln.Cicero, IN 46034800/548-2072317/[email protected]

Furniture: Residence Hall

Urbaco Americas11345 N.W. 122nd St.Medley, FL 33178305/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsParking Control SystemsPedestrian Safety

USA Architects Planners + Interior Designers, P.A.20 N. Doughty Ave.Somerville, NJ 08876908/[email protected]


USG Corporation550 W. Adams St.Chicago, IL 60661800/[email protected]

Ceiling: Systems

U.S. Green Building Council1800 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.Ste. 300Washington, DC 20036202/[email protected]

Trade Associations

U.S. Marketing Media3757 Spring HillJoplin, MO 64804800/556-7229417/[email protected]

Other: Office Equipment & Supplies

UVResourcesBox 800370Santa Clarita, CA 91380-0370877/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

VVanerumStelter549 Ionia Ave., S.W.Grand Rapids, MI 49503616/451-7800www.vanerumstelter.com

Furniture: Classroom

Vanguard Modular Building Systems, LLC3 Great Valley Pkwy., Ste. 170Malvern, PA 19355800/448-6772877/[email protected]

Modular Buildings: PortableReal Estate Development/Student HousingStorage Buildings

Varitronics6835 Winnetka Cir.Brooklyn Park, MN 55428800/328-0585763/[email protected]

Equipment: Classroom

VCBO Architecture524 S. 600 E.Salt Lake City, UT 84102801/[email protected]


Venmar CES, Inc.1502 D Quebec Ave.Saskatoon, SK S7K 1V7 CA866/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Ventrol Air Handling Systems, Inc.9100, rue du ParcoursMontreal, QC H1J 2Z1 CA514/[email protected]

HVAC: Systems & Equipment

Veritiv6285 Tri-Ridge Blvd.Loveland, OH 45140888/[email protected]

Copiers: Equipment & Supplies

Versteel2332 Cathy Ln.Jasper, IN 47546800/876-2120812/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Vertical Transportation Excellence209 Senate Ave.Camp Hill, PA 17011717/[email protected]

Consultant: ElevatorElevatorsEngineersFacilities ManagementSoftware: Facilities Management

Verve Living Systems140 Business Park Dr.Winston Salem, NC 27107877/874-8774336/837-9631www.vervelivingsystems.comrschaefer@vervelivingsystems.com

Energy Management

Victor Stanley2103 Brickhouse Rd.Dunkirk, MD 20754800/368-2573301/[email protected]

ADA-Compliant ProductsBicycle Racks & StorageFurniture: OutdoorFurniture: TablesWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Video Insight3 RiverwaySte. 700Houston, TX 77056800/513-5417713/[email protected]

Access Control SystemsCCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Video Mount Products345 Log Canoe Cir.Stevensville, MD 21666877/281-2169410/[email protected]

A/V: EquipmentCable/Satellite TVDigital Signage

Vinmas Contracting Corp.54 Danbury Rd. #421Ridgefield, CT 06877203/[email protected]

Facilities Management

Viracon800 Park Dr.Owatonna, MN 55060507/[email protected]

Wall: Systems

Virco Inc.2027 Harpers WayTorrance, CA 90501800/813-4150310/[email protected] ad on page 5

A/V: Bulletin/Message/Magnetic BoardsA/V: ChalkboardsA/V: EquipmentA/V: Projection Screens & AccessoriesA/V: WhiteboardsEquipment: ClassroomFiles & File SystemsFurniture: CafeteriaFurniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: DesksFurniture: LibraryFurniture: OfficeFurniture: ScienceFurniture: TablesLecternsMobile: Carts & CabinetsMobile: Stool UnitsShelving & Storage

Visiontron Corp.720 Old Willets PathHauppauge, NY 11788800/585-7750631/[email protected]

Pedestrian Safety

Visitor Pass Solutions by Data Management, Inc537 New Britain Ave.Farmington, CT 06034800/243-1969860/677-8586www.visitorpasssolutions.cominfo@visitorpasssolutions.com

Identification Equipment & Supplies

Vista System1800N East Ave., Unit 102Sarasota, FL 34234800/468-4782941/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

VISUAL Communications475 Cleveland Ave. N., Ste. 223St. Paul, MN 55104651/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Voith & Mactavish Architects LLP1616 Walnut St., 24th Fl.Philadelphia, PA 19103215/[email protected]



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liersVoith & Mactavish Architects LLP


THE NUMBERS• 53 — Percent of Public Schools need repair, renovations and or modernizations

• $197 billion — Cost to restore the country’s school buildings to good overall condition.

• $4.5 million —Average dollar amount to repair each school.

The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics’Condition of America’s Public School Facilities: 2012-13

THE REALITYStudent Achievement is linked to building quality.

High student achievement is affected by newer buildings, updated and properly maintained buildings, improved lighting, thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

90 percent of school leaders see a direct link between quality school facilities and student achievement.

Substandard environmental conditions in schools, such as insuffi cient cleaning and inadequate ventilation cause serious health problems for children

and affects academic performance.

Environments that produce positive emotional states facilitate learning.The physical characteristics of learning environments affect students emotionally,

and can have behavioral consequences.

Physical environmental attributes of school facilities play an important role in students’ academic performance and attitudes.

Proper, security-focused school design can lead to the reduction of fear and incidence of crime, improving students’ quality of life.

WAYS TO ADDRESS THE PROBLEMSThe products and services in this Buyer’s Guide

help create schools that make a difference for students and staff.

Please support these businesses and organizations.

The American Society of Civil Engineer’s “2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure”

gave U.S. public schools a grade of D



We keep your securityin focus.

L Series locks – the largest visual indicator available.

Visual indicators are an essential part of every school’s security plan. Our L Series locks offer the largest visual display of any indicator on the market. 180° visibility with text and symbolic messages in high-contrast colors provides easy recognition. With the L Series you can clearly see the security Schlage brings to your entire school, so that you can focus on the important things inside the classroom.

180° visual allows it to be seen from multiple angles Status is displayed in contrasting shades of red and white

for the visually impaired Positioned above the cylinder or thumbturn, so the

locked/unlocked status is always visible

Get a free school security education kit at: http://ity.vc/allegion-safeschools or call 877-440-0077 to learn more.

VPS Architecture528 Main St., Ste. 400Evansville, IN 47708812/[email protected]


VS America, Inc.1940 Abbott St., Ste. 501Charlotte, NC 28203704/[email protected]

Furniture: ChairsFurniture: ClassroomFurniture: ComputerFurniture: LibraryFurniture: Tables

WWakely Associates, Inc.Ste. M-7, 30500 Van Dyke Ave.Warren, MI 48093586/[email protected]


Walker DisplayBox 16955Duluth, MN 55816800/234-7614218/[email protected]

Display Cabinets/Cases

Walker Restoration Consultants50 W. 23rd St., Ste. 704New York, NY 10010866/972-2640212/288-2501www.walkerrestoration.comleon.geoxavier@walkerparking.com


Wallguard.comBox 1109Dover Plains, NY 12522877/[email protected]

Wall: Coverings

Walltalkers3875 Embassy Pkwy.Ste. 110Fairlawn, OH 44333800/820-9255330/[email protected]

A/V: Whiteboards

Warrior Group1624 Falcon Dr.DeSoto, TX 75115866/927-4787972/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

Waste Management1001 Fannin, Ste. 4000Houston, TX 77002866/746-2182www.wm.com/[email protected] ad on page 2

Waste Removal/Recycling

Waterless No-Flush Urinals1050 Joshua WayVista, CA 92081800/244-6364760/[email protected]

Plumbing: Toilets

Waters NetworkSystems, LLC945 37th Ave. N.W.Rochester, MN 55901800/328-2275507/[email protected]

Computer: Network Devices

WattStopper2800 De La Cruz Blvd.Santa Clara, CA 95050800/879-8585408/[email protected]

Lighting: Ballasts & Controls

Wausau Tile, Inc.Box 1520Wausau, WI 54402800/388-8728715/[email protected] ad on page 69

ADA-Compliant ProductsBollardsFurniture: OutdoorRoofing: Deck SystemsWaste Receptacles: Outdoor

Wausau Window and Wall Systems7800 International Dr.Wausau, WI 54401877/678-2983715/[email protected]


W & E Baum Bronze Tablet89 Bannard St.Freehold, NJ 07728800/922-7377732/[email protected]

Signs & Signage: Architectural

WeigandAssociates, Inc. (WAI)20270 Goldenrod Ln., Ste. 200Germantown, MD 20876301/[email protected]


Weldon, Williams& Lick, Inc.Box 168Fort Smith, AR 72902800/242-4995479/[email protected]

Parking Permits

Wenger Corporation555 Park Dr.Owatonna, MN 55060800/733-0393507/[email protected] ad on page 17

Acoustics: Acoustical PanelsFurniture: Music RoomSeating: AuditoriumStagesTheatrical Equipment

West, a Thomson Reuters Business610 Opperman Dr.Eagan, MN 55123800/[email protected]

Consultant: Security

Whirlpool Commercial Laundry2901 Lakeshore Dr., MD 8600St. Joseph, MI 49085800/662-3587www.whirlpoolcommerciallaundry.comrex_d_braden@whirlpool.com

Laundry Equipment

Whitney BrothersPO Box 64493 Railroad St.Keene, NH 03431800/225-5381603/[email protected]

Furniture: ClassroomFurniture: TablesShelving & Storage

WHPacific, Inc.49 W. First St., Ste. 100Mesa, AZ 85201907/[email protected]

Educational Planner

Window RepairSystems, Inc.834 Piedmont Hwy.Piedmont, SC 29673800/842-0974864/[email protected]

Windows: Replacement/Repair

Witt Industries4600 N. Mason-Montgomery Rd.Mason, OH 45040800/[email protected]

Waste Receptacles: Indoor

Wolverine Sports745 State Cir., Box 1941Ann Arbor, MI 48106800/521-2832734/[email protected]

Play Equipment

Wood DesignsBox 1308Monroe, NC 28111800/247-8465704/[email protected]

Display Cabinets/Cases

Wood Etc. Corp.131 YorktownDallas, TX 75208800/733-5755214/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Woodfold Manufacturing1811 18th Ave., Box 346Forest Grove, OR 97116503/[email protected]

Acoustics: Acoustical PanelsDoors: Entry SystemsOperable WallsPartitions & Room DividersRoll-Up Doors

Woollen, Molzanand Partners600 Kentucky Ave., Ste. 101Indianapolis, IN 46225317/[email protected]


Wooster Products Inc.1000 Spruce St., Box 6005Wooster, OH 44691800/321-4936330/[email protected]

Flooring: Stair TreadsSupplies: Maintenance & Repair

Worden Company199 E. 17th St.Holland, MI 49423800/748-0561616/[email protected]

Furniture: Library

World Dryer5700 McDermott DriveBerkeley, IL 60163800/323-0701708/[email protected] ad on page 35

ADA-Compliant EquipmentHand DryersLaboratory: Equipment & InstrumentsWashroom: AccessoriesWashroom: Cleaning Equipment & Supplies

Worthington Direct6301 Gaston Ave., Ste. 670Dallas, TX 75214800/599-6636214/[email protected]

Furniture: Classroom

Wren124 Wren Pkwy.Jefferson City, MO 65109800/881-2249573/893-2249www.wrensolutions.com

CCTV/Surveillance Cameras

Wrenn Construction Services, Inc.39 Hawthorne Rd.Windham, NH 03087603/[email protected]

Construction/Project Management

YYale Commercial Locks and Hardware1902 Airport Rd.Monroe, NC 28110800/[email protected]


Yazaki EnergySystems, Inc.701 E. Plano Pkwy., Ste. 305Plano, TX 75074469/[email protected]

HVAC: Air Conditioning

Yost Grube Hall Architecture1211 S.W. 5th Ave., Ste. 2700Portland, OR 97204503/[email protected]


Youngs55 E. Cherry Ln.Souderton, PA 18964800/523-5454215/[email protected]

Supplies: Maintenance & Repair

ZZeager Bros. Inc.4000 E. Harrisburg Pk.Middletown, PA 17057800/346-8524717/[email protected]

Playground Surfaces

Zep Inc.1310 Seaboard Ind. Blvd.Atlanta, GA 30318877/428-9937404/352-1680www.zep.com

Cleaning: Supplies

Zinsser Brands, Rust-Oleum Corporation11 Hawthorn Pkwy.Vernon Hills, IL 60061847/[email protected]

Paints & Coatings

Zogics, LLCBox 50Richmond, MA 01254888/[email protected]

Cleaning: Supplies

Zurn Industries, LLC1801 Pittsburgh Ave.Erie, PA 16502877/875-1404814/[email protected]

Plumbing: Equipment



liersZurn Industries, LLC


Lockdown from Anywhere with Schlage CO 220Allegion — The Schlage CO 220 is an affordable, standalone lockdown solution that lets teachers press a button on a remote fob to initiate immediate lockdown in time of crisis from anywhere in their classroom.

Liberty LatchLoc™ SprungPanel Dance Floor System American Harlequin Dance Floors — Harlequin Liberty LatchLoc™ is a modular fl oor manufactured from engineered boards with closed cell elastomer blocks on the underside. This gives uniform and consistent shock damping. The panels are installed in a brickwork fashion on the sub-fl oor so that cross joints do not coincide. They are linked to each other by a radiussed pivot joint. LatchLoc panels connect to each other using a hook and lock system on the underside of the panels and are secured through a small hole in the top of the panel using a simple easy to use tool provided by Harlequin. The pivot joint extends along the panel edges to within 13/16 inches of the corners ensuring the corners are protected from fl exion under load. Elastomer blocks also carefully support the edges.

Lower Cost for Higher Ed and K-12Ameristar Fence Products — As the world’s largest producer of ornamental fencing, Ameristar provides security, strength, aesthetics, and no-maintenance for various applications. Our product range includes Impasse® — a diffi cult to penetrate perimeter security barrier, Aegis® — Ameristar’s PermaCoat® galvanized steel ornamental fence with a 10-year warranty, Echelon® — an ornamental fence for corrosive environments, and Montage® — a fully welded rakeable steel fence system with a 20-year warranty. Products are available at over 200 locations nationwide. Ameristar’s staff of professionals provides landscape architects with technical assistance, downloadable specifi cations, shop drawings and submittals.

Lower Cost for Higher Ed and K-12E&I Cooperative Services — E&I Cooperative Services is the member-owned, not-for-profi t sourcing cooperative delivering expertise, solutions and services to higher education and related institutions. Members have access to a diverse portfolio of competitively awarded contracts, electronic procurement platforms and consulting services. By leveraging the knowledge and expertise of more than 3,000 member institutions, E&I helps members reduce costs and optimize supply chain effi ciencies. The cooperative’s member-driven competitive solicitation process meets generally accepted procurement standards across the nation.

GlobalViewer Campus Communication SuiteExtron Electronics — The GlobalViewer Campus Communication Suite is a complete solution for unifying all campus audio systems under an easy-to-use interface. The suite leverages the power of your existing network to provide bells, public address announcements and intercom communications throughout campus. The user interface is web-based and allows offi ce personnel to easily manage bell schedules, broadcast announcements to various zones, or have two-way conversations with classrooms. Manage bells, public address announcements and intercom over your existing network with an intuitive graphical user interface accessible from a web browser with fl exible bell scheduling. Create live and pre-recorded public address announcements with an integrated intercom system.

Evolving Styles® Rubber Tile & SheetFlexco — Evolving Styles® Rubber Tile and Sheet offers so much selection, as well as a quiet, durable and extremely comfortable walking surface that requires no waxing and little maintenance. Choose from two gauges, various tile sizes and textures, and sheet rubber fl ooring to open up your opportunities for gymnasiums, all-purpose rooms and other active facilities. For gyms and sports facilities, gameline kits are available in coordinating colors. You also have the option of using FLEXCO® Rubber Welding Beads to create a seamless installation for areas that have strict requirements for added hygiene.

www.allegion.com www.harlequinfl oors.com www.ameristarfence.com

www.eandi.org www.extron.com www.fl excofl oors.com



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Touch-Free Hydration StationHaws Corporation — The Brita® Hydration Station® is a touch-free, hygienic, water dispenser allowing users to enjoy the benefi ts of healthier, great-tasting water. The Brita® Hydration Station® is certifi ed as a drinking fountain. Advanced water fi ltration system assures healthier, great-tasting water.

Student Union Collection for SchoolsJ+J Flooring Group/J&J Industries — The Student Union Collection was designed to refl ect your school’s heritage and reinforce your established school brand. Our four modular pattern options allow you to be as loud or as simply stated as your space desires. Select from our four pattern options — Scholar, Tradition, Champion and Legend — then choose from our color bank of the top 15 university colors to custom create your school’s branded interiors.

E-Plex Enterprise Access Control System with Wireless OptionKaba ADS Americas/ The Kaba Group — Kaba’s E-Plex® Enterprise Access Control Solution with Wireless Option offers school districts a way to control who has access into buildings and classrooms. Simple programming lets administrators assign access rights to suit schedules without compromising campus safety — while providing a welcoming atmosphere for visitors. The system is modular and fl exible, allowing schools to add locks when needs develop and the budget permits. If necessary, the system’s lockdown feature secures openings and exits to comply with district policy. But, more importantly, the system can serve as a target hardening measure, making it more diffi cult to commit crimes against people or property.

Easy, Affordable Purchasing)Keystone Purchasing Network — Easy and affordable purchasing with publicly and competitively bid quality products. The Keystone Purchasing Network (KPN), a national nonprofi t cooperative purchasing program, serves K-12, higher education, local government and other tax-exempt, nonprofi t markets. Membership is cost- and obligation-free for these agencies. KPN establishes contracts through sealed public bid processes, awarding contracts to the most responsive, responsible vendors. This has resulted in strong member discounts for quality furniture, fl ooring, factory-built buildings, athletic surfaces, lighting, equipment, supply catalogs and a growing base of products and services.

Acousti-Seal EncoreKinetex J+J Flooring Group — Kinetex® is an advanced textile composite fl ooring that combines key attributes of soft-surface fl oor covering with the long-wearing performance characteristics of hard-surface fl ooring. The new collection, Counterbalance’s timeless heathered structures work together to build distinctive fl ooring designs for academic spaces and works well as building blocks to create fl ooring installations ranging from subdued backdrops to splashes of vivid accents. Pop’s range of colors run from deep, saturated hues to vibrant fl ashes of color. Propel’s, sophisticated tweed-like visual is achieved with Moresque colored yarns. Flash has a neutral tweed-like background with Pop colored pinstripe accents.

www.hawsco.com www.jjfl ooringgroup.com

www.kaba.com www.thekpn.org www.jj-kinetex.com

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M• Power Line of Sensor-Operated FaucetsMoen Incorporated — Combining additional style options with optimal hygiene protection, Moen Commercial’s M•Power line of sensor-operated faucets has expanded to include new modern and transitional-styled models, with looks that fi t with any design preference. These hands-free faucets are suitable for any high-traffi c commercial spaces, especially healthcare and education buildings where prevention of disease transmission is of heightened importance. The sensor-operation of M•Power faucets deliver fl awless reliability to start and stop the fl ow of water, which translates to water savings when compared to manual lavatory faucets. Plus, its heavy-duty, all-metal construction, vandal-resistant features and chrome fi nish is backed by a best-in-class fi ve-year warranty.



FGS PermaShine Dry Concrete Polishing SystemL&M Construction Chemicals — The FGS PermaShine Dry Concrete Polishing System is a patented means for polishing, and if desired, dyeing, the existing or new concrete in your educational facility. FGS, available exclusively through L&M Construction Chemicals, delivers the highest performing, lowest lifecycle cost fl ooring option available, and maintenance is only dry sweeping and a wet mop or auto scrubber. FGS is GreenSpec LISTED and helps you qualify for LEED and CHPS projects.

FUZE High-Performance, Dry-Erase PaintMDC EPKO Industries Inc. — FUZE is a high performance, low VOC, low odor dry erase coating that converts any surface into a center for creativity and collaboration. Available in white and clear, FUZE is easy to install and stain resistant. Clear FUZE can be painted over any color latex-based paint. FUZE fi nishes have a four-hour pot life (the longest in the industry) and a 12-month shelf life, and they can be roller or spray applied. Isocyanate free and LEED NC 2009 Compliant, FUZE is backed by MDC and the most experienced and dedicated sales and support teams in the industry.

EnterprisePlus LCD UPSMinuteman UPS/Para Systems — The latest in Minuteman’s popular Enterprise Series, the EnterprisePlus LCD offers users more of what has made the series one of our best selling lines. New features include lower cost standard runtime models, an informative LCD display and additional outlets vs. previous models.

Lounge Seating for Any SpaceNational Offi ce Furniture — Create spaces to collaborate, learn, interact, and focus with Reno lounge seating by National Offi ce Furniture. Reno’s smooth curves and plush appeal provide a comfortable seating experience. Smart options like tablet arms, mobility, power grommets and cup holders, make Reno the ideal solution for any space. National provides high quality, stylish furniture at an exceptional value. We pride ourselves on offering personal attention and customer-focused thinking. National can furnish your entire facility from private offi ces and conference rooms to open fl oor plan areas and lobby spaces.

National Contract Purchasing AgencyNJPA — The National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) is a government agency that serves all units of education, government and non-profi t entities with competitively awarded contract purchasing solutions through industry-leading vendors. NJPA responds to its members’ purchasing needs by facilitating and awarding competitively bid, nationally leveraged contracts. NJPA currently holds nearly 200 competitively bid “choices” that satisfy your bid process saving you time and money. Contract categories range from offi ce supplies, technology and communication solutions to construction, fl eet, healthcare, logistics, food service and heavy equipment. Join NJPA today for no cost, no obligation or liability.

www.lmcc.com www.epko.com www.minutemanups.com

www.nationaloffi cefurniture.com www.njpacoop.org



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New Marmoleum Modular Forbo Flooring Systems — Forbo Flooring Systems is excited to introduce Marmoleum Modular, a naturally sustainable tile collection comprised of 44 beautiful colors and three coordinated sizes designed to mix and match for endless design possibilities. Available in three sizes, Marmoleum Modular makes it easy to cre-ate inspiring designs ranging from timeless chevron, herringbone and checkerboard patterns to modern mosaics. Bring your fl oor to life with a full, balanced color palette that includes neutral earth tones, cool concrete shades, engaging pops of color and stunning multi-color Vivace designs. Forbo makes it easy to have fun and explore the possibilities of Marmoleum Modular with an online design tool. Marmoleum Modular is currently the only fl oor tile that is USDA Bio-Preferred Certifi ed 100 percent biobased.

www.forbo-fl ooring.com




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Lighten Up Your Environment With 16 All-New Colors From noraplan® eco.nora systems, Inc. — nora systems is pleased to announce a newly refreshed noraplan eco color palette to bring bolder, brighter fl ooring solutions to your facility. The eco-friendly, economical fl oor covering features a smooth tone-in-tone granular design. For ultimate convenience, each of the new colors coordinates with other fl oor coverings in the noraplan product offering. Highly ergonomic for walking and standing, noraplan eco features exceptional footfall sound absorption properties and an extended life cycle, which reduces the need for frequent removal and disposal.

Tite-Loc Plus Metal Roofi ng PanelsPetersen Aluminum Corporation — Sustainability was a driving directive for the design of Eblen Intermediate School in Asheville, N.C. The project is slated for LEED Silver status. “Metal was the natural choice to use on the roof of the buildings,” says ADS Principal Mike Cox. “School construction has been my primary focus for many years and my emphasis has always been durability. Metal gives us more durability and longer life than other materials.” The school utilizes a colorful variety of PAC-CLAD profi les including Tite-Loc Plus metal roofi ng panels, 7.2 Panels, M-36 Panels, 7/8-inches Corrugated Panels, and PAC 850 Soffi t Panels, all available in 38 colors on steel and 37 on aluminum.

Cordless Cleaning forHealth from ProTeam®ProTeam, The Vacuum Company Emerson — Meet ProTeam’s Next Generation of backpack vacuums: the Super Coach Pro™ 6/10 and the battery-powered GoFree™ Pro. The GoFree Pro sets the user free from the tether of a cord and improves productivity by eliminating cord-management tasks. Lithium polymer battery offers 55 minutes of continuous runtime. Four Level® Filtration w/HEPA captures 99.97 percent of particulates 0.3 microns or larger for healthier indoor air. The FlexFit™ articulating harness improves range of motion and reduces user fatigue. The GoFree Pro includes a one-year warranty on battery and charger, three-year warranty on parts, labor and motor, lifetime on molded body parts.

Outdoor Bench with Custom SignageR.J. Thomas Mfg. Co. Inc. — Promote your school. Recognize an achievement, a donor or a memorial. Advertise an event. Generate revenue by selling the sign space on the back of this bench. Do it all with the new Sign Bench from Pilot Rock. The all steel bench is thermoplastic coated in your color choice. The backrest includes a lockable frame for your custom sign. Change the sign as often as you want. Three bench and sign sizes are available – four-six- or eight-feet long.

The World’s Most Versatile Room Dividers!Screenfl ex Portable Partitions — Quickly and easily set up instant tackable, sound absorbing room dividers with Screenfl ex — the world’s most versatile room dividers!

Kiosk with Printer Shelf and CPU HolderSmith Carrel, Inc. — Designed by Request Since the inception of the Hi-Lo Carrel in 2008, Smith Carrel has had numerous requests for a standing unit with space for a printer. This adjustable height Kiosk offers a totally complete stand-alone work station with privacy. The model #02385 is 32.5”W x 30”D, and with a standing work surface height of 39 inches, adjustable to a low of 27 inches in one-inch increments. The printer/CPU holder shelf has 15.75 inches height clearance and is 22.75 inches deep and 30.5 inches wide. Wiring grommets are standard. Available for shipment October 1st.

www.nora.com www.pac-clad.com www.proteamnextgen.com

www.pilotrock.com www.screenfl ex.com www.smithcarrel.com

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Trusted Performance Features with Classic Design StyleStonhard RPM — Stonhard has been manufacturing and installing seamless fl oors for school corridors, classrooms, laboratories and cafeterias for more than 90 years. Seamless, easy to clean, stain resistant, sustainable fl oor solutions keep planners, students, faculty and maintenance staffs happy. Stonhard, brand of The Stonhard Group combines form with function to create design worthy, high performance fl oors for front of the house and back of the house applications. Designer color palettes fuse great design with longevity. Ask about our Fritztile brand too – FloorScore certifi ed, fl exible terrazzo fl oors require little maintenance and available with custom water jet school logos. See all our brands, thestonhardgroup.com.

Barracuda™ Intruder Defense SystemThe Bilco Company — The Bilco Company, a manufacturer of specialty access products, has teamed up with Troy Lowe, decorated military veteran, fi refi ghter and SWAT team member, to manufacture and distribute the Barracuda™ intruder defense system, a door security device designed to protect occupants against building trespassers. The Barracuda is a free-standing device designed to lock down virtually any commercial door in an emergency situation in a matter of seconds. The product is available in different models to protect inward and outward swinging doors, and is adjustable to accommodate varying door widths. This American made product features heavy-duty steel construction and a durable powder coat fi nish. Since it is free standing, no installation costs are incurred and it can be easily transferred between access points.

Furniture for Healthy Movement!Virco Inc. — Virco’s dynamic furniture line has dozens of models that promote Healthy Movement in the classroom, including popular ZUMA® rocking chairs, task chairs and lab stools. As America’s leading supplier of K-12 schools, Virco has partnered with experts in child development, sensory integration and environmental adaptions to enhance classroom furniture designs for the benefi t of all children. For more on these ergonomically supportive furniture items — and to review customer testimonials for Virco products — visit our new Healthy Movement website at www.healthymovement.com. Or give us a call to request our new brochure — Move: Healthy Movement in the Classroom at 800/813-4150.

Reduce Waste and Save on Energy CostsWaste Management — As a leading provider of comprehensive environmental services, Waste Management works with educational institutions to reduce waste, save on energy costs and support their current and expanding environmental goals. Sustainability on campus has grown to become a full-fl edged movement as educators, students and their parents become advocates for better ways to manage and minimize waste. Every institution has its unique needs, and Waste Management can create customized solutions that include everything from starting recycling initiatives, waste reduction and organics programs to devising plans for achieving zero-waste. Our systematic approach engages the entire community while producing measureable results.

Basketball Standard: Play it Safe!Wausau Tile, Inc. — The ultimate in basketball equipment combines the durability of precast concrete with this unique design. To avoid unnecessary injuries, the shape of the post keeps the playing action six feet away. Choose from white or clear, rectangular or fan-shaped, graffi ti and rust resistant backboards, manufactured to Wausau Tile’s specifi cations by Bison, Inc.

www.stonhard.com www.bilco-barracuda.com

www.virco.com www.wm.com www.wausautile.com



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SLIMdri® High Speed Hand DryerWorld Dryer — SLIMdri is the fastest and most energy effi cient surface-mounted ADA compliant hand dryer. SLIMdri provides the best drying performance in its class. The ON/OFF heating control, stylish low-profi le design with fl exible cover options and universal voltage features fi ts any décor or washroom environment. Up to 40 percent faster dry time than leading competitive surface-mounted hand dryers • Uses up to 70 percent less energy than competitive dryers • Universal Voltage (110-240 Volts) - Adapts to all electrical supplies • Hygienic. Incorporates SteriTouch® antimicrobial technology inhibiting the growth of bacteria, mold and fungus, extending the dryer’s service life. Offers fl exible ON/OFF heat options, easy installation and is durable and vandal resistant.




Best of NeoCon GoldTandus Flooring — Tandus Flooring won Best of NeoCon Gold in the resilient category for our Urban Nature collection available in Powerbond — which means it’s more than just beautiful soft surface! Urban Nature is a beautiful design that captures historic art and architecture; it looks like carpet but has the durability of hard surface.


New Full-Stage Acoustical ShellWenger Corporation — Continuing its tradition of innovative acoustical shells for any application, Wenger introduces the new Forte™ Full-Stage Acoustical Shell. Intended for small- to medium-sized performance venues, this shell provides the acoustical and aesthetic benefi ts of a full-stage shell in a cost-effective, user-friendly solution. Acoustically, the side and rear towers combine with ceiling panels to create an effective enclosure that refl ects and diffuses sound. This improves onstage communication between musicians and sound projection to the audience. Aesthetically, a wide color selection and attractive laminate fi nish options complement and enhance any interior décor.


There is more than 30 years of research that shows facilities, and the learning environ-ment has a defi nite impact on a student’s ability to learn and an instructor’s ability to teach. And there is constantly more research being released on this subject. Following are a sample of just a few of those resources. While most of the research is focused more toward K-12 education facilities, the results would apply to higher educational facilities as well.

Performance — An online survey of 800 district administrators or school board members reveal that almost 90 percent of school leaders see a direct link between the quality and performance of school facilities, and student achievement. (Honeywell and Education Week Research, 2010 School Energy and Environment Survey 2010; Data & Analysis.)

Indoor Air Quality — Children are inherently more vulnerable to environmental hazards because their bodies are still developing. Substandard environmental conditions in schools, such as insuffi cient cleaning or inadequate ventilation, can cause serious health problems for children. Evidence continues to mount demonstrating that indoor air quality, or IAQ, directly impacts student academic performance and health. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2010, How Does Indoor Air Quality Impact Student Health and Academic Performance?)

Achievement — The research is unequivocal: Poor school building conditions are a serious threat to the health and academic performance of students. Achievement is signifi cantly lower in schools with poor conditions. (Building Minds, Minding Buildings, American Federation of Teachers, 2006.)

Teachers — While clearly important, teacher salaries are not all that matter. Teacher prefer-ences across a range of job and school conditions may be just as important as salary in the retention decision. According to this study, “teachers might be willing to take lower salaries in exchange for better working conditions.” (Buckley, Schneider, Shang, 2004. The Effects of School Facility Quality on Teacher Retention in Urban School Districts.)

Health — Overall evidence strongly suggests that poor environments in schools, primarily due to effects of indoor pollutants, adversely affect the health, performance and attendance of students. (U.S. Department of Education, 2004. A Summary of Scientifi c Findings on Adverse Effects of Indoor Environments on Students’ Health, Academic Performance and Attendance.)

Acoustics — Research indicates that high levels of background noise, much of it from heating and cooling systems, adversely affect learning environments, particularly for young children who require optimal conditions for hearing and comprehension. (U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and the Acoustical Society of America, 2002.)

Daylighting — Students with the most daylighting in their classrooms performed 15 to 20 percent better on math tests and 19 to 26 percent better on reading tests than those with the least daylighting. (Hershong Mahone Group, 1999. Daylighting in Schools: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Daylighting and Human Performance.)

Achievement — Student achievement was as much as 11 percentile points lower in sub-standard buildings, as compared to above-standard buildings. (Hines, 1996. Building Condition and student achievement and behavior.)

Safety and Security — Crime sprouts from a disorderly environment plagued by broken windows, graffi ti and similar disruptions because criminals get the message that “no one cares what happens here.” (Wilson, 1982. Broken Windows.)




For more information on products and services for educational facilities featured in this issue, you may contact the companies using the following information.

Airpear ................................................. p. 8 3www.theairpear.com, 888/247-7327

Allegion ...................... p. 81, 85, 89, 90, 100allegion.com/us, 888/425-9409

Ameristar Fence Products ............... p. 61, 90www.ameristarfence.com, 888/333-3422

American Time & Signal ........................ p. 87www.atsclock.com, 800/789-1882

E&I Cooperative Purchasing .......... p. 6, 7, 90www.eandi.org, 800/283-2634, ext. 228

Extron Electronics ......................p. 38, 39, 90www.extron.com

Flexco .......................................p. 28, 29, 90www.fl excofl oors.com, 800/633-3151

Forbo Flooring Systems ..............p. 42, 43, 92www.forbofl ooringNA.com

Garrett Metal Detectors ........................ p. 77www.garrett.com

Harlequin Corp. .............................. p. 49, 90www.harlequinfl oors.com, 800/642-6440

Haws Corporation ......................p. 22, 23, 91www.BritaHydrationStation.com, 888/909-4297

Invision Commercial Carpet ........p. 32, 33, 91jj-invision.com, 800/241-4586

Jonti-Craft, Inc. .................................... p. 79www.jonti-craft.com, 800/543-4149

Kaba Access & Data Systems Americas ...p. 59, 91www.kaba-adsamericas.com, 800/849-8324

Kay Park Recreation Corp. ..................... p. 82www.kaypark.com, 800/553-2476

Keystone Purchasing Network ...........p. 71, 91www.theKPN.org

Kinetex Textile Composite Flooring ...p. 46, 47, 91jj-kinetex.com, 800/241-4586

L&M Construction Chemicals .......... p. 65, 92www.lmcc.com, 800/362-3331

MDC-Wallcoverings ....................p. 40, 41, 92Mdcwall.com, 800/621-4006

Minuteman/Para Systems, Inc. ....... p. 63, 92www.minutemanups.com, 800/238-7272

Moen Commercial ............................p. 67, 91www.moencommercial.com

The National Joint Power Alliance .....p. 48, 99, 92www.njpacoop.org, 888/894-1930

National Offi ce Furniture ..................p. 57, 92www.nationaloffi cefurniture.com

nora Systems, Inc. ......................p.36, 37, 93www.nora.com/us/maintenance16, 800/322-6672

Advertiser Page # Advertiser Page # Advertiser Page #



More than 53 million children and almost 3 mil-lion adults spend a signifi cant portion of their days in approximately 112,000 public and private school buildings, many of which are old and inadequately maintained, and which often contain environ-mental conditions that inhibit learning and pose increased risks to the health of children and staff.

The Healthy School Environments Web page is intended to serve as a portal to on-line resources to help facility managers, school administrators, architects, design engineers, school nurses, parents, teachers and staff ad-dress environmental health issues in schools.

While the information is primarily intended to help improve the environment of school facilities, educational resources for students and teachers can also be found through the Healthy School Environments portal — epa.gov/schools.

The resources identifi ed have been developed by EPA, other federal agencies, states, local governments and non-governmental organiza-tions. Visitors can browse resources by topic or by geographic area, or search all resources by entering specifi c keywords into the search box at the top of each page.

The EPA webpage also provides access to outreach materials including: voluntary guidelines on school siting and a soon-to-be-released document on school environmental health; Sensible Steps to Healthier schools: Cost-Effective, Affordable Mea-sures to Protect the Health of Students and Staff; Idel Free Schools Toolkit and Updated EPA guidance on PCBs in fl uorescent light ballasts.

To access these materials, visit www2.epa.gov/region8/healthy-school-environments.

— Reprinted in part with permission of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)



For more information on products and services for educational facilities featured in this issue, you may contact the companies using the following information.

Advertiser Page # Advertiser Page # Advertiser Page #

Petersen Aluminum Corporation ... p. 26, 27, 93www.pac-clad.com, 800/PAC-CLAD

Proteam, The Vacuum Company ... p. 30, 31, 93proteamnextgen.com, 866/888-2168

RJ Thomas Mfg. Co., Inc. ................. p. 51, 93www.pilotrock.com, 800/762-5002

Screenfl ex Portable Partitions ......... p. 73, 93screenfl ex.com, 800/553-0110

Smith Carrell, Inc. ........................... p. 75, 93www.smithcarrell.com, 877/410-6994

Southern Bleacher ................................ p. 84www.southernbleacher.com, 800/433-0912

Stonhard ...................................p. 20, 21, 94www.stonhard.com, 800/257-7953

Sturdisteel ........................................... p. 80www.sturdisteel.com, 800/433-3116

Tandus Centiva ............................... p. 25, 95www.tandus-centiva.com

The Bilco Company .......................... p. 53, 94www.bilco-barricuda.com

Virco, Inc. ......................................p. 4, 5, 94www.virco.com, 800/813-4150

Waste Management .......................... p. 2, 94www.wastemanagement.com

Wausau Tile, Inc. ............................ p. 69, 94wausautile.com, 800/388-8728

Wenger Corporation ................... p. 16, 17, 95www.wengercorp.com, 800/493-6437

World Dryer ...............................p. 34, 35, 94www.worlddryer.com, 800/323-0701


Did you know… Environmental factors have signifi cant effects on pupil and teacher well-being. Poor quality lighting, ventilation, acoustics and furniture all have a negative effect on student achievement and health.In recent years, there have been a number of research studies published on the impact of lighting, air quality and acoustics on learning.

• Lighting — Studies by Alberta Education (1991), Kuller and Lindsten (1992) and Heschong Mahone Group (1999) demonstrate a correlation between lighting and student achievement.

• Air Quality — Studies by the EPA show a connection between IAQ improvements, such as increasing fresh air and removing pollutants, and improved academic performance. Controlled studies show that students perform school work faster as ventilation rates increase.

• Acoustics — Much of the education that takes place in classrooms hinges on oral communication. When we miss or mis-hear, we automati-cally “fi ll in the blanks.” While adults can perceive information that is only 50 percent intelligible, a child will not understand most of what is said.

Unfortunately, school furniture is an environmental factor that is too often overlooked, especially considering the fact that students spend 15,000+ hours sitting down during their school years. Too often, ‘one size-fi ts all’ has been our mantra — the same furniture selected for all classrooms

and learning spaces across multiple campuses. While a simple purchas-ing policy, the result is furnishings that are not task-oriented, fi t for the purpose, or fi t for the changing size of today’s students. School furniture and equipment should...• safeguard the physical well-being of students through appropriate ergo-

nomics and the ability to adjust to individual student’s physical needs.

• be fl exible both within the subject area and within the individual lesson and promote creative teaching and learning experiences.

• be designed to minimize time spent on setting up and arranging spaces, freeing teaching staff for curriculum delivery.

• encourage excellence by facilitating the widest possible range of teach-ing and learning strategies.

• refl ect the move from teacher-focused to learner-focused education.

• help contribute to the institutional message about the value placed on staff, students and the processes of teaching and learning.

Furniture that meets the needs of children, teachers and schools and is well designed will benefi t all — from better classroom environments, to improved student comfort, behavior and health.

— Sources include the Furniture Industry Research Association.


March 2014 / webSPM.comMarch 2014 / webSPM.com


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CPTEDA Basic Security Approach That Looks Like Natural Surveillance

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