The Assessment of Bioequivalence - A Statistical Overview Thomas Mathew Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Baltimore, Maryland 21250 [email protected]

The Assessment of Bioequivalence - A Statistical Overview

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The Assessment of Bioequivalence - AStatistical Overview

Thomas Mathew

Department of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)

Baltimore, Maryland 21250

[email protected]


I Background

I History

I Data for bioequivalence testing

I Experimental designs

I Bioequivalence criteria

I Biosimilars

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In an equivalence trial, the aim is to show that two treatments arenot too different in characteristics

Not too different is defined in a clinical manner.

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New drug: approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Complicated approval process

Company has exclusive rights to sell the brand name drug for anumber of years (patent period)

Brand name drug could be expensive

Once the patent runs out, others can copy the brand name drug

Generic drug: a copy of the brand name drug

Approval process is simple for generic drugs

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Enough to show that a generic drug is equivalent to a brand namedrug

Show that the concentration of the active ingredient that entersthe blood is similar for the generic drug and the brand name drug

Called bioequivalence testing

Generic drugs: much cheaper

Bioequivalence testing can also be used to compare different formsof the same drug: tablet, capsule, solution, powder, intra-vascularetc.

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Lipitor: Cholesterol lowering medication by Pfizer.

Sales for 2009: $11.4 billion

Canadian and Spanish patents expired in 2010

Sales for 2010: $10.7 billion

Was the top selling drug, worldwide

U.S patent expired on November 30, 2011

Generic versions by several companies

Sales of lipitor plummeted in 2012


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Abilify: Drug for treating schizophrenia, from OtzukaPharmaceuticals

Approved by the FDA on November 15, 2002

Approved by the European Medicines Agency on June 4, 2004

Approved by the FDA to treat irritability in children with autismon November 20, 2009.

In 2013, Abilify was the top selling drug in USA, generating$6.3 billion

Patent will expire on April 20, 2015

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Biological availability, or bioavailability of a drug: the rate andextent to which the active drug ingredient is absorbed into theblood, and becomes available at the site of drug action.

Two drug products are bioequivalent if they have similar rate andextent of absorption into the blood.

Two drug products are therapeutically equivalent if they providesimilar therapeutic effects.

Fundamental bioequivalence assumption: If two drug productsare bioequivalent, they are also therapeutically equivalent.

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During the early 1970’s, the U.S. Congress passed the Drug PriceCompetition and Patent Term Restoration Act that authorized theFDA to approve generic drug products.

“The Hatch-Waxman Act” (1984)

The American Statistical Association then formed a BioavailabilityCommittee to establish statistical procedures for establishingbioequivalence.

Under the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term RestorationAct, the FDA was authorized to approve generic drug products in1984.

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A Bioequivalence Task Force was formed in 1986 to examine theFDA’s procedures for approving generic drug products.

The Task Force released their report in January 1988, and severalstatistical issues were pointed out.

In 1992, the FDA issued the guidance on statistical procedures forestablishing bioequivalence.

A revised guidance document was issued in 2001.

New Drug Application (NDA)

Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)

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Generic drug applications are termed abbreviated because theyare generally not required to include preclinical (animal) andclinical (human) data to establish safety and effectiveness.

Instead, generic applicants must scientifically demonstrate thattheir product is bioequivalent (i.e., performs in a similar manner asthe original drug).

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Data for bioequivalence testing

Mysoline: a brand name drug used for treating epilepsy

Primidone: the active ingredient in Mysoline


A subject receives 250-mg tablet of primidone

Measure the concentration of primidone (micrograms/ml) in theblood several times, over a 32 hour period

Plot the data against time

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Primidone concentration in blood for one subject:

Blood Sample Time Concentration

1 0.0 0.02 0.5 0.03 1.0 2.84 1.5 4.45 2.0 4.46 3.0 4.77 4.0 4.18 6.0 4.09 8.0 3.610 12.0 3.011 16.0 2.512 24.0 2.013 32.0 1.6

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Data obtained from healthy volunteers (male and female)

18-55 years old, BMI = 18-25 kg/m2

Non-smokers/without a history of alcohol or drug abuse

Medical history/Clinical Lab test values must be within normalranges

Other criteria .....

If two drug products perform the same in healthy volunteers, theassumption is made that they will perform the same in patientswith the disease

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Data obtained on three variables:

Area under the curve (AUC)

Maximum blood concentration (Cmax)

Time to reach the maximum concentration (Tmax)

AUC: extent of bioavailability

Cmax: rate of bioavailability

Statistical analysis of the data is done to determine if the twodrugs are equivalent.

AUC and Cmax: lognormally distributed.

Is it enough to reduce the data to just three measures?


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Experimental designs

Mysoline: reference drug (R)

Generic drug: test drug (T )

Each subject receives both R and T , separated by a washoutperiod

Crossover designs are used

A two sequence−two period crossover design:


Sequence I II

1 R T2 T R

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A two sequence−four period crossover design:


Sequence I II III IV

1 T T R R2 R R T T

A four sequence−four period crossover design:


Sequence I II III IV

1 T T R R2 R R T T3 T R R T4 R T T R

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Univariate bioequivalence testing: Based on the separatemodeling and analysis of the univariate responses AUC, Cmax andTmax.

Multivariate bioequivalence testing: Based on the jointmodeling and analysis of all the three responses AUC, Cmax andTmax, or any two of them (typically, AUC and Cmax).

Usually log-transformed data are analyzed

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Bioequivalence criteria

Average bioequivalence

µT , µR : average responses among the population of patients whowill take the test drug, and the reference drug, respectively.

The response is usually AUC, after log-transformation (could beCmax or Tmax).

Average bioequivalence holds if µT and µR are equivalent, i.e.,they are “close”

Equivalence is not the same as equality.

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µT and µR are considered equivalent if |µT − µR | < ln(1.25).

After obtaining data from a crossover design, perform a statisticaltest to decide if |µT − µR | ≥ ln(1.25) or if |µT − µR | < ln(1.25)

Hypothesis to be tested

H0 : |µT − µR | ≥ ln(1.25) versus H1 : |µT − µR | < ln(1.25)

Conclude average bioequivalence if H0 is rejected after a statisticaltest based on the log-transformed AUC data.

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A canonical form

Under an appropriate model for the log-transformed data, acanonical form is

D ∼ N(µT − µR , c2σ2)


σ2∼ χ2


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Testing average bioequivalence

D ∼ N(µT − µR , c2σ2), v


σ2∼ χ2


H0 : |µT − µR | ≥ ln(1.25), vs H1 : |µT − µR | < ln(1.25).

Rewrite as

H01 : µT − µR ≤ − ln(1.25) vs. H11 : µT − µR > − ln(1.25),

H02 : µT − µR ≥ ln(1.25) vs. H12 : µT − µR < ln(1.25).

Average bioequivalence is concluded if both H01 and H02 arerejected.

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Carry out t-tests: conclude average bioequivalence at significancelevel α if

D + ln(1.25)

cS> tv (α) and

D − ln(1.25)

cS< −tv (α)

Equivalently, if

|D| − ln(1.25)

cS< −tv (α)

Two one-sided t-test (TOST)

Schuirmann (1981), Biometrics

Schuirmann (1987), Journal of Pharmacokinetics andBiopharmaceutics.

The TOST is equivalent to computing a 90% confidence intervalfor µT − µR , and verifying if the interval is contained in(− ln(1.25), ln(1.25)).

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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4







The type I error probability of the TOST



I er


The TOST can be quite conservative as σ gets large

Improved tests due to:

Anderson and Hauck (1983), Communications in Statistics

Munk (1993), Biometrics

Berger and Hsu (1996), Statistical Science

Brown, Hwang and Munk (1997), Annals of Statistics

Munk, Brown and Hwang (2000), Biometrical Journal

Cao and Mathew (2008), Biometrical Journal

Very often, the σ value is not that large.

In cases where it is large, the usual average bioequivalencecriterion, and the TOST are not used.

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Highly variable drug products

If the variability is too large, the usual average bioequivalencecriterion is not used in practice

Highly variable drug products: Within subject coefficient ofvariation is at least 0.3

Within subject variance is at least 0.3

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Variability among a few highly variable drugs reviewed by FDA’sOffice of Generic Drugs during 20032005

Drug Therapeutic Class RMSE Range

ACE inhibitor 0.30-0.40Antiarrhythmic 0.30-0.40

Antineoplastic agent 0.40-0.50Antiplatelet agent 0.30-0.40Bisphosphonate 0.40-0.50

Calcium channel blocker 0.30-0.40HIV-1 protease inhibitor 0.30-0.40

Platelet aggregation inhibitor 0.30-0.40Skeletal muscle relaxant 0.30-0.40

Table taken fromDavit, B. M. et al. (2008). Highly variable drugs: observationsfrom bioequivalence data submitted to the FDA for new genericdrug applications. The AAPS Journal, 10, 148-156.

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For highly variable drug products, use a Scaled AverageBioequivalence criterion

Instead of the parameter µT − µR , considerµT−µRσWR

Instead of ± ln(1.25), use the limits ± ln(1.25) σ̂WRσW 0

σWR : Within subject variance among those who take the referencedrug

σW 0: a specified constant (σW 0 = 0.25 is a standard choice).

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Other concepts of bioequivalance:

Variance bioequivalence (Test if a ratio of variances is around one)

Subject-by-formulation interaction

Population bioequivalence (Drug prescribability)

Individual bioequivalence (Drug switchability)

Probability based criteria

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Chow, S. C. and Liu, J. P. (2010). Design and Analysis ofBioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies, Third Edition,Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Hauschke, H., Steinijans, V. and Pigeot, I. (2007). BioequivalenceStudies in Drug Development: Methods and Applications. Wiley,New York.

Patterson, S. D. and Jones, B. (2006). Bioequivalence and Statisticsin Clinical Pharmacology, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Wellek, S. (2010). Testing Statistical Hypotheses of Equivalence,Second Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

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Jones, B. and Kenward, M. G. (2003). Design and Analysis ofCross-Over Trials, Second Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press.

Senn, S. (2002). Cross-Over Trials in Clinical Research, SecondEdition, John Wiley.

Journal of Bioequivalence and Bioavailability (online open accessjournal)

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FDA guidance documents: www.fda.gov/cder/guidance

FDA Guidance (2001). Guidance for Industry: StatisticalApproaches to Establishing Bioequivalence(www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/3616fnl.htm)

FDA Guidance (2003a). Guidance for Industry: Bioavailability andBioequivalence Studies for Orally Administered Drug Products:General Considerations (www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/5356fnl.htm)

FDA Guidance (2003b). Guidance for Industry: Bioavailability andBioequivalence Studies for Nasal Aerosols and Nasal Sprays forLocal Action (www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/5383DFT.htm)

Data and examples: www.fda.gov/cder/bioequivdata

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A new area of research

Unlike chemical drugs, biological products or medicines(biotechnology drugs or biologics) are therapeutic agents that areproduced using a living system or organism.

Generic drugs are manufactured by chemical synthesis. Biologicsare made of living cells or organisms

Biosimilar: A generic version of a biotechnology drug.

Challenging to establish equivalence or similarity

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Unlike the more common chemical drugs, biotechnology drugsgenerally exhibit high molecular complexity.

May be very sensitive to small changes during the manufacturingprocess, which will have an impact on the clinical outcome

The manufacturer of a generic copy does not have access to theoriginator’s molecular clone and original cell bank, nor to the exactfermentation and purification process, nor to the active drugsubstance.

They do have access to the commercialized brand name product.

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Differences in impurities and/or breakdown products can haveserious health implications.

Because no two cell lines, developed independently, can beconsidered identical, biotech medicines cannot be fully copied

This has created a concern that copies might perform differentlythan the original branded version of the product.

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The first biosimilar product approved by the FDA was the humangrowth hormone Omnitrope

Approval was granted to Sandoz in 2006

Based on an ad hoc review under the Hatch-Waxman Act

FDA stressed that Omnitrope is similar, but not equivalent, toPfizer’s Genotropin

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Different terms are used:

European Medicines Agency: Biosimilar

US FDA: Folow-on biologic (FOB)

WHO: Similar biotherapeutic product (SBP)

Health Canada: Subsequent-entered biologics (SEB)

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The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009(BPCI Act) was originally sponsored and introduced in 2007 bySenator Kennedy

It was formally passed under the Patient Protection and AffordableCare Act, signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010.

The BPCI act is similar to the Hatch-Waxman act, and it createsan abbreviated approval pathway for biosimilars.

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The BPCI Act defines a biosimilar product as a biological productthat is highly similar to the reference drug product.

BPCI Act does not explain what is meant by highly similar

The Act does not provide any criteria for assessing biosimilarity

Check similarity of means and similarity of variances?

Separately, or jointly?

Can think of different criteria

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The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) has approved biosimilarversions of several drugs

The EMEA has reached the conclusion that there is no standardprocedure that can be applied in order to approve a biosimilar

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EMEA Guidelines

The guidelines are product-specific, and stop short of providingprecise equivalence margins

Meeting the standard of clinical similarity to the innovator biologicproduct requires clinical studies that include on the order of 200 to500 subjects, depending on the product in question.

The original product is normally studied in several thousandsubjects in order to secure their range of clinical indications.

There is a considerable reduction in the clinical testing requiredbefore approval of a biosimilar.

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Biosimilars should be subject to an approval process which requiressubstantial additional data compared to that required for chemicalgenerics, although not as comprehensive as for the original biotechmedicine.

If comparison is made based on the concept of averagebioequivalence only, the criterion does not take into considerationthe variability, which is known to have a significant impact onclinical performance of biosimilars.

“...... biosimilars have individual characteristics that will needspecific regulatory requirements” (Janet Woodcock, head of FDA’sCenter for Drug Evaluation and Research, May 9, 2011)

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The U.S. FDA released three draft guidances on February 9, 2012,related to the establishment of biosimilarity

(1) Scientific considerations in demonstrating biosimilarity to areference product

(2) Quality considerations in demonstrating biosimilarity to areference protein product

(3) Biosimilars: questions and answeres regarding implementationof the BPCI Act of 2009

The guidance documents provide guidelines to sponsors interestedin developing biosimilar products

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The documents do not mention any criteria for assessingbiosimilarity

A statistical scientific advisory board (SSAB) was established andsponsored by Amgen in 2009, to look into statistical issues for theassessment of biosimilarity

SSAB members are

Shein-Chung Chow (Duke University School of Medicine)

Laszlo Endrenyi (University of Toronto)

Peter A. Lachenbruch (Oregon State University)

Moment based and probability based criteria

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The worldwide market for copies of biotech medicines will grow to$3.7 billion by 2015 from just $243 million in 2010, according to arecent report from market analysis firm Datamonitor

New problems and challenges in the development of criteria, andthe statistical analysis of the data.

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References on biosimilars

Chow, S.-C. (2014). Biosimilars: Design and Analysis of Follow-onBiologics, Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.

Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, January 2010, Specialissue on biosimilars

Statistics in Medicine, February 2013, Special issue on biosimilars

Biosimilars, open access journal devoted to research on biosimilars(since 2011).

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European Medicines Agency. (2005). Guideline on SimilarBiological Medicinal Products (CHMP/437/04). EMEA, London,30 October.

European Medicines Agency. (2006). Guideline on SimilarBiological Medicinal Products Containing Biotechnology-DerivedProteins as Active Substance: Non-Clinical and Clinical Issues

European Medicines Agency. (2009). Guideline on non-clinical andclinical development of similar biological medicinal productscontaining low-molecular-weight-heparins.EMEA/CHMP/BMWP/118264/2007. London, 19 March.

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FDA Guidance (2012) guidance documents (www.fda.gov)

(1) Scientific considerations in demonstrating biosimilarity to areference product

(2) Quality considerations in demonstrating biosimilarity to areference protein product

(3) Biosimilars: questions and answers regarding implementation ofthe BPCI Act of 2009

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www.biosimilars.com: Site with substantive information aboutbiosimilars

Biotechnology Information Institute (www.bioinfo.com)

Generics and Biosimilars Initiative Online (www.gabionline.net)

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Senegal to host new company for Generic Drugs in Africa

Sub Saharan Generics (s2generics.com)

To manufacture high-quality generic drugs locally to treat the fivemost common complaints: diabetes, tuberculosis, pain, malariaand hypertension and sell them at ethical prices

Generic drugs exist for all of these ailments and they can bemanufactured cheaply

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Sub Saharan Generics was registered as a limited company inSenegal in July 2013

Enjoys the support of Senegal’s Sovereign Wealth Fund and theSenegalese government

The company is in the process of raising capital fromwould-be investors

Drug production is expected to begin in 2015

Article in the magazine Pan African Visions (January 28, 2014).


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