The BRONTE ENTERPRISE Vol. 48 (Old Vol. No. 61) Bronte, Texas, October 20, 1966 Vol. 42 1966 Homecoming Was "Just Perfect” SPECTATORS — Standing in front of The Enterprise office, are. from left, Mrs. Truman Par ker, her daughter, Ida Lee. a student at Angelo State College, Temni.v Hallmark, a meml>er of the li. S. Marine Corps, who Hermleigh Coming Here Friday Night For District Game “ They'll bo tougher than either district game we’ve had,” was Coach Cecil TcLiver’s comment con cerning Friday night's grid battle between his Longhorns and the Hermleigh Cardinals The game will be played here at Stephenson Field, starting at 7:30 p.m. However, the coach said tie and all members of his squad are look ing for another Longhorn win. The Cardinals, like the Long horns. are a little short on boys this year However, they've got some pretty good sized boys in their line up. Three tackles tip the scales at 180. 188 and 230. The Longhorns maintained their No 2 rating in the state this week, with only Bangs classed obc-ve the local team. Playing strength also wvas up slightly from the week be fore*, Toliver said. TEAM ROPING .SCHEDULED OCT. 29 AT LOCAL ARENA Bronte Hoping Club will sponsor a team roping eve>nt at 7 p.m Saturday, Oct. 29, in the arena in west Bronte. A harbecue is plan ned prior to the roping at 5 p.m. an Bronte County Park. The public is invited to both e- vents. Admission to the roping will be fret*, while plates at the barbe cue will be* $1.00 for adults and 50c for children. COKE EXHIBIT DRAWS OVER 100 The Coke County Annual Exhibit held Friday and Saturday was at tended by over 100 persons. The Exhibit was sponsored lay the Coke County Home Demonstration Council. Mrs. Tom Ilivcs was general chairman. The Recreation building in Rob ert Lee was filled with beautiful needlework, «art pieces, crafts. gift items, scrapbooks, canned foods, knitted and crocheted garments and articles, quilts, and decoupoge. Also displayed was a table of Christmas gift and decorations shown by Mrs. T M. Wylie Jr. and Mrs Toby McClure Many historical documents, hooks and pictures were shown as well as a flood sized group of antiques See Photo Page 2 managed to get homr on leave during homecoming, ami Jerry Parker, a member of the Ixmg- hi.in football squad, who was out of the game last week with a cracked I tone in his foot. Bronte Firemen Selling Fire Extinguishers at Cost Bronte firemen are selling small hand fire extinguishers at cost, it w*as announced this week by a fire department spokesman. Tie fire men have been selling the extin guishers for some time, but they have always before tried to make a small p ofit ou them. Fireman C. E. Bruton said. “ We decided to sell them for just what they cost us to encourage people to have them handy if they're need ed.” Not only are they available at cost, he said, but a m w ln ’r of the fire department will install all !he units sold. Fire Chief Horace Grig;’ said. “ Every home and every business house needs one or more of the hand extinguishers, and 1 hoioe ev eryone takes advantage cf this op- portunity to buy them at cost." The extinguishers are available at White Auto Store. SCOUTS TO HAVE SHEET SIIOOT Bronte Explorer Scouts are plan ning a skeet shoot for Nov. 5. Gift certificates donated by Brunt mer chants will be awarded to high shooters. More details wall be pub lished next week. BRENDA SCOTT Homecoming Queen USA MORROW Football Sweetheart “ A good tim ■ was had toy all.” This trite expression is not often <cn in news stories any more, Ixit It well describes the Homecoming activities held in Bronte last week- ( c*nd. Mighty fe*w complaint!; were hea d in connection with any part of the day's ami night s festivities, but hundreds of compliments and expressions of enjuyrm nts were heard The downtown parade, which fea tured a total of 26 entries with 21 Iboats was ideal for getting the ac tion started. The floats were beau tiful anti reflected the hundreds of hours which went into their prepa ration. Bronte Noon and Evening Lions (Tubs' float tt»ok first place anti the $25 prize offered by the Jaycees. Second place went to the senior class and third place to the sophomore class Receiving honor able mention were floats entered by Cent al Baptist Church and the ju nior class. Deanna Arrott took first and $10 in Jaycee money for the best dress ed child and |x*t, Wayne Caulder got $10 for the best decorated bi cycle, and Gary Stroebel took first place in the* old oar division. Pet pie were lined up down High way 277 as well as Main Street to view the parade The pep ruby held after the par- ,'irte was the b.st attended of the year. Perhaps the highlight of this part of the jirogram was when for mer cheerleaders led the crowd in some yells which 1966 students con sider out of date Kenneth McCutchen, 1960 gradu ate and now an instructor in Abi- Linda Cumble, Band Sweetheart, and Escort Edward Broussard Longhorns Slaughter Bulldogs Bronte Longhorns sailed through Satunlay night's Homecoming bill- gome against the Loraine Bulldogs ar.d came up with an impressive 43- 6 victory in .spite of a few' glaring mistakes The victory' gave the I»nghoms tv,v> wins against no losses toward their aim of winning District 4-B. The game was full of fumbles, and jx*naltics, l>ut close examina tion of films showed Lonaine to have a tougher ball club tiian many fans thou^t. However, the* local lads came out smelling like a rose with their 37 jxaint margin over the visitors First Quarter Doug McCutchen started things to rolling with a kickoff to T ’rry Brewer The Longhorns and fans alike were momentarily stunned when the sophomore bock ran the Uili back 80 yards to th ■ Brunt' 12 yard line loefore he was putted down. It was not the Bulldogs' night, however, and on the third play from scrimmage B ewer fum bled the ball and it was recovered by Keith Morris Not to lx* outdone by Brewer's kickoff return, the Longhorns went for a touchdown on their first time to cany the I sill. Quarterback David Glenn hand.d off lo McrfAit- c-hc*n, who traveled the 88 yards needed to cross the doubie stripe Glenn’s pass to Davis Corley was good for 2. tuxl the* score stood at 8-0 with only 1 minute and 23 sec onds of tix* time gone* Tim Hamilton took McCutchen’s kick and was downed on the 22 .Af ter an incomplete pass, Glenn in tercepted Stanley Hackfield s pass on the 30 yard line ¡uod eli ded all the Bulldogs on the field until he crossed tlx* goal line. T. y for points failed, and the score was 14-o with only 1 minute and 43 sec onds of the tinx* gone Ronnie Finley was the receiver for MoCutchens kickoff. He return ed the ball about 30 yards and was downed on the 3) The visitors «didn't go and II uckficld punted to the Bronte 40 A lo«.* of a yard and a penalty set up 2nd and 16 Glenn handed to Ovir’ Masters n wlxi made a- be t 15 yards, only to fumble and have it e.overed by Louis Rose- on has own 45 After 3 tries, the Bulldogs had a 4th and 14. so Hack- fit*,d went back to punt He got a I k! sntip. the loall went ov , his head, he chased it and picked it up, then threw a pass which was a am ple»ed for a good gain The play was called hack, however, an<i the visitors were penalized 15 for hiv ing an illegal received downfieid Hackfield tried again, the punt went fo Glenn on the 40 and he reti.nu*d to Lorairte’is 4tl. a 12 yard runback. Failing to make tFu*ir first down. Glenn jaunted to Hackfield who was jxdUd in on the 29 Brewer ma«H* 8 in two carries, then Frock Gra- Continued on Page 5 lene Christian High School, was thO f.atu: ed speaker at the jorogram which Ix-gan at 4 p m His talk was well received and the many funny stories related j>ut the crowd in the. mood for a "jolly good time.” Hervey Latham of San Angelo, a 1 Brente “ ex ", was master of cere monies. Mrs Normand Mann 1 B«<- ty Jo Glenn’ of .Abilene gave the invocation, which was followed by tlx* jaledge to the flag, led by Jim my Freeman. Janet Lee anil Ben nie Carol Oglesby sang ' Scin*il Days', atxl were accotnpained toy the audience on tlx* chorus Mrs I. M ( finable was pianist Supt C. B Bartx*e weloomed tlx? exes ami other visitors Linda Tay lor, accompanied lay a fellow stu dent from A CC, sang "Dear Henris and Gentle People." ami Mrs Da vid Kuykendall Carolyn Glenn1 of Fo t Worth introduced MeCutchen Following the program Noah Pruitt Jr., president erf Bronte Ex- Students Association, conducted a .-hold business m eting Corley New President Benny Corley was elected presi dent for the coming year, with Ed die AU'xamler named urst vice president: Billy Joe Lucketi. second vice (»resident Mrs. E. G Collins, treasurer. Mrs Marvin Landers, secretary. The dinner in the school lunch room was the next item on the a- geruta A total of 289 persons wertt through the serving line A large number of visitors toured the new budding facilities before and after the dinner The Route Longhorns gave the Homecoming visitors a thrill at the football game by downing the Lo- raine Bulldogs. 434» A colorful halftime pregram wok presented by the Bronte Longhorn Band ami included coronation cere monies in honor of txjmecoming ami school royalty Brenda Scott Queen Miss Brenda Soott, daughter Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Ed Scott, was Homecoming Queen. She was crowned lay Gary Stroebel. presi- dent of the Stud nt Council, lxsu M» rrow was crewixd footbuff sweethea t, escorted by ( «tarns Gary Allen and Wayne »arkon. Linda Oumfak* w*as crowned hand s„ etheart She was escorted by Edward Broussard. loam! lxvuu. Special Recognition Mr ami Mrs .Vilen Douglas of La Grange Park. Ill . were reoog- nized for traveling the great ’ <* dis- tance to the homecoming. Oth»*r visiters from exit cf state included Frances Johnson ( kinu«ie cf San Rafael. Calif ITnky Gentry, Hcr- mosa Beach. Calif; ami Mrs. Frank Sayner from Moriarty, New Mexico Mrs. Mattie Glenn was recognized as the parent having the most i-hiki- ren who attended Bronte Schools. Exes of other years were also re cognized during the jirogram Mi's. Annie Wilkins. who laid attend«! Brumte Schools in 19’Ki. was janrfwb- ly the ex-student who has lx*en out cf school longer tiian anyone else present SHORTHORN'S DOWN IXH.IFS, (U> Bronte Shorthorns won a victory last Thursday rvigfrt over the Rnb- <*rt Lee Dogics. The seen? was Ml in a defensive ball game Joe Bas»ji xv. t*x>k care of all the scoring chores in the first quarter when lx* took the bail ami ran 35 yards for Bronte's 6 points Forvan Tonight Th«' Shorthorns w.Ll travel Thurs day night to Ftorsan for another contest with a Dsidnct 4-B oj^xin- ent. Kickoff time is 7 pin.

The BRONTE ENTERPRISE 1966 "Just Perfect”

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The BRONTE ENTERPRISEVol. 48 (O ld Vol. No. 61) Bronte, Texas, October 20, 1966 Vol. 42

1966 Homecoming Was "Just Perfect”

SPECTATORS — Standing in front of The Enterprise office, are. from left, Mrs. Truman Par­ker, her daughter, Ida Lee. a student at Angelo State College, Temni.v Hallmark, a meml>er of the li. S. Marine Corps, who

Hermleigh Coming Here Friday Night For District Game

“They'll bo tougher than either district game we’ve had,” was Coach Cecil TcLiver’s comment con­cerning Friday night's grid battle between his Longhorns and the Hermleigh Cardinals The game will be played here at Stephenson Field, starting at 7:30 p.m.

However, the coach said tie and all members of his squad are look­ing for another Longhorn win.

The Cardinals, like the Long­horns. are a little short on boys this year However, they've got some pretty good sized boys in their line­up. Three tackles tip the scales at 180. 188 and 230.

The Longhorns maintained their No 2 rating in the state this week, with only Bangs classed obc-ve the local team. Playing strength also wvas up slightly from the week be­fore*, Toliver said.


Bronte Hoping Club will sponsor a team roping eve>nt at 7 p.m Saturday, Oct. 29, in the arena in west Bronte. A harbecue is plan­ned prior to the roping at 5 p.m. an Bronte County Park.

The public is invited to both e- vents. Admission to the roping will be fret*, while plates at the barbe­cue will be* $1.00 for adults and 50c for children.


The Coke County Annual Exhibit held Friday and Saturday was at­tended by over 100 persons. The Exhibit was sponsored lay the Coke County Home Demonstration Council. Mrs. Tom Ilivcs was general chairman.

The Recreation building in Rob­ert Lee was filled with beautiful needlework, «art pieces, crafts. gift items, scrapbooks, canned foods, knitted and crocheted garments and articles, quilts, and decoupoge. Also displayed was a table of Christmas gift and decorations shown by Mrs. T M. Wylie Jr. and Mrs Toby McClure

Many historical documents, hooks and pictures were shown as well as a flood sized group of antiques

See Photo Page 2

managed to get homr on leave during homecoming, ami Jerry Parker, a member of the Ixmg- hi.in football squad, who was out of the game last week with a cracked I tone in his foot.

Bronte Firemen Selling Fire Extinguishers at Cost

Bronte firemen are selling small hand fire extinguishers at cost, it w*as announced this week by a fire department spokesman. Tie fire­men have been selling the extin­guishers for some time, but they have always before tried to make a small p ofit ou them.

Fireman C. E. Bruton said. “ We decided to sell them for just what they cost us to encourage people to have them handy if they're need­ed.” Not only are they available at cost, he said, but a mwln’r of the fire department will install all !he units sold.

Fire Chief Horace Grig;’ said. “ Every home and every business house needs one or more of the hand extinguishers, and 1 hoioe ev­eryone takes advantage cf this op- portunity to buy them at cost."

The extinguishers are available at White Auto Store.


Bronte Explorer Scouts are plan­ning a skeet shoot for Nov. 5. Gift certificates donated by Brunt mer­chants will be awarded to high shooters. More details wall be pub­lished next week.

BRENDA SCOTT Homecoming Queen

USA MORROW Football Sweetheart

“A good tim ■ was had toy all.” This trite expression is not often <cn in news stories any more, Ixit It well describes the Homecoming activities held in Bronte last week- ( c*nd. Mighty fe*w complaint!; were hea d in connection with any part of the day's ami night s festivities, but hundreds of compliments and expressions of enjuyrm nts were heard

The downtown parade, which fea­tured a total of 26 entries with 21 I boats was ideal for getting the ac­tion started. The floats were beau­tiful anti reflected the hundreds of hours which went into their prepa­ration. Bronte Noon and Evening Lions (Tubs' float tt»ok first place anti the $25 prize offered by the Jaycees. Second place went to the senior class and third place to the sophomore class Receiving honor­able mention were floats entered by Cent al Baptist Church and the ju­nior class.

Deanna Arrott took first and $10 in Jaycee money for the best dress­ed child and |x*t, Wayne Caulder got $10 for the best decorated bi­cycle, and Gary Stroebel took first place in the* old oar division.

Pet pie were lined up down High­way 277 as well as Main Street to view the parade

The pep ruby held after the par- ,'irte was the b.st attended of the year. Perhaps the highlight of this part of the jirogram was when for­mer cheerleaders led the crowd in some yells which 1966 students con­sider out of date

Kenneth McCutchen, 1960 gradu­ate and now an instructor in Abi-

Linda Cumble, Band Sweetheart, and Escort Edward Broussard

Longhorns Slaughter BulldogsBronte Longhorns sailed through

Sat unlay night's Homecoming bill- gome against the Loraine Bulldogs ar.d came up with an impressive 43- 6 victory in .spite of a few' glaring mistakes The victory' gave the I»nghoms tv,v> wins against no losses toward their aim of winning District 4-B.

The game was full of fumbles, and jx*naltics, l>ut close examina­tion of films showed Lonaine to have a tougher ball club tiian many fans thou^t. However, the* local lads came out smelling like a rose with their 37 jxaint margin over the visitors

First QuarterDoug McCutchen started things to

rolling with a kickoff to T ’rry Brewer The Longhorns and fans alike were momentarily stunned when the sophomore bock ran the Uili back 80 yards to th ■ Brunt' 12 yard line loefore he was putted down. It was not the Bulldogs' night, however, and on the third

play from scrimmage B ewer fum­bled the ball and it was recovered by Keith Morris

Not to lx* outdone by Brewer's kickoff return, the Longhorns went for a touchdown on their first time to cany the I sill. Quarterback David Glenn hand.d off lo McrfAit- c-hc*n, who traveled the 88 yards needed to cross the doubie stripe Glenn’s pass to Davis Corley was good for 2. tuxl the* score stood at 8-0 with only 1 minute and 23 sec­onds of tix* time gone*

Tim Hamilton took McCutchen’s kick and was downed on the 22 .Af­ter an incomplete pass, Glenn in­tercepted Stanley Hackfield s pass on the 30 yard line ¡uod eli ded all the Bulldogs on the field until he crossed tlx* goal line. T. y for points failed, and the score was 14-o with only 1 minute and 43 sec­onds of the tinx* gone

Ronnie Finley was the receiver for MoCutchens kickoff. He return­ed the ball about 30 yards and was

downed on the 3) The visitors «didn't go and II uckficld punted to the Bronte 40

A lo«.* of a yard and a penalty set up 2nd and 16 Glenn handed to Ovir’ Masters n wlxi made a- be t 15 yards, only to fumble and have it e.overed by Louis Rose- on has own 45 After 3 tries, the Bulldogs had a 4th and 14. so Hack- fit*,d went back to punt He got a I k! sntip. the loall went ov , his head, he chased it and picked it up, then threw a pass which was a am­ple» ed for a good gain The play was called hack, however, an<i the visitors were penalized 15 for hiv­ing an illegal received downfieid Hackfield tried again, the punt went fo Glenn on the 40 and he reti.nu*d to Lorairte’is 4tl. a 12 yard runback.

Failing to make tFu*ir first down. Glenn jaunted to Hackfield who was jxdUd in on the 29 Brewer ma«H* 8 in two carries, then Frock Gra-

Continued on Page 5

lene Christian High School, was thO f.atu: ed speaker at the jorogram which Ix-gan at 4 p m His talk was well received and the many funny stories related j>ut the crowd in the. mood for a "jolly good time.”

Hervey Latham of San Angelo, a 1 Brente “ex ", was master of cere­monies. Mrs Normand Mann 1 B«<- ty Jo Glenn’ of .Abilene gave the invocation, which was followed by tlx* jaledge to the flag, led by Jim­my Freeman. Janet Lee anil Ben­nie Carol Oglesby sang ' Scin*il Days', atxl were accotnpained toy the audience on tlx* chorus Mrs I. M ( finable was pianist

Supt C. B Bartx*e we loomed tlx? exes ami other visitors Linda Tay­lor, accompanied lay a fellow stu­dent from ACC, sang "Dear Henris and Gentle People." ami Mrs Da­vid Kuykendall Carolyn Glenn1 of Fo t Worth introduced MeCutchen

Following the program Noah Pruitt Jr., president erf Bronte Ex- Students Association, conducted a .-hold business m eting

Corley New President Benny Corley was elected presi­

dent for the coming year, with Ed­die AU'xamler named urst vice president: Billy Joe Lucketi. second vice (»resident Mrs. E. G Collins, treasurer. Mrs Marvin Landers, secretary.

The dinner in the school lunch­room was the next item on the a- geruta A total of 289 persons wertt through the serving line A large number of visitors toured the new budding facilities before and after the dinner

The Route Longhorns gave the Homecoming visitors a thrill at the football game by downing the Lo- raine Bulldogs. 434»

A colorful halftime pregram wok presented by the Bronte Longhorn Band ami included coronation cere­monies in honor of txjmecoming ami school royalty

Brenda Scott Queen Miss Brenda Soott, daughter

Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Ed Scott, was Homecoming Queen. She w a s crowned lay Gary Stroebel. presi- dent of the Stud nt Council, lxsu M» rrow w as crewixd foot buff sweethea t, escorted by ( «tarns Gary Allen and Wayne »arkon.

Linda Oumfak* w*as crowned hand s„ etheart She was escorted by Edward Broussard. loam! lxvuu.

Special Recognition Mr ami Mrs .Vilen Douglas of

La Grange Park. Ill . were reoog- nized for traveling the great ’ <* dis- tance to the homecoming. Oth»*r visiters from exit cf state included Frances Johnson ( kinu«ie cf San Rafael. Calif ITnky Gentry, Hcr- mosa Beach. Calif; ami Mrs. Frank Sayner from Moriarty, New Mexico

Mrs. Mattie Glenn was recognized as the parent having the most i-hiki- ren who attended Bronte Schools. Exes of other years were also re­cognized during the jirogram Mi's. Annie Wilkins. who laid attend«! Brumte Schools in 19’Ki. was janrfwb- ly the ex-student who has lx*en out cf school longer tiian anyone else present

SHORTHORN'S DOWN IXH.IFS, (U>Bronte Shorthorns won a victory

last Thursday rvigfrt over the Rnb- <*rt Lee Dogics. The seen? was Ml in a defensive ball game

Joe Bas»ji xv. t*x>k care of all the scoring chores in the first quarter when lx* took the bail ami ran 35 yards for Bronte's 6 points

Forvan TonightTh«' Shorthorns w.Ll travel Thurs­

day night to Ftorsan for another contest with a Dsidnct 4-B oj x̂in- ent. Kickoff time is 7 pin.

The Bronte Enterprise October 20. 1966

PERSONALSMr ami Mrs. Bub Duncan ami

sun of Luhlxxk were haro Monday .uvl Tuesday for a visit with his mother. Mrs Clmt Duncan, and other relatives

( i iw Walker ami two children of FV»rt Worth spent the weekend with hi.x nwther. Mrs Mary Walker Al­so visit mg her were Mr ami Mrs Buikty WailftT of San An ;elo Bad­dy expeirts to be imtuetod into the Arnny next week

NLirla Rees, sophcmiore it Texas Toth in Lubbock, w.is ixne last weekend for a visit with her par­ents. Mr ami Mrs Wad»? I Us - ami her grandmother, Mas Robert Knit run She was acvonn>;:nied by hut friend, Carolyn Dale, of Dallas, who was highly eomptmwntary of K onto ami the honxxurrang acti­vities

MSgt lVtk>> CJark ami children of .Abilene were lie tv last weekend f»>r Homecoming ami to visit their parents, Mrs Willie B Milliktn and the Clifford Clarks.


1. Date of Piling: Oct. 1, 1986

2 The Bronte Enterprise

3. Frequency of issue: Weekly.

4 Location of known office of publication Bronte, Texas 70f*;ct

5 Location of the headquarters or general business offices of the JAkilishors Bronte, Texas.

6. Names and addresses of publisher, »xiitor, and managing editor: Publisher: Ben Oglesby. Bronte. Texas Editor Mrs. Ben Clfkeaby. Bronte. Texas Managing Editor None.

7 Owner • If owned by a corporation, its name ami address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the» names and o<ld.osi*s of Stockholders owrung or holding l percent or inure of total amount of stock If not owned by a corporation, the names ami addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual must be given 1:

Ben Oglesby, Bnonle. Texas.

8. Know bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgage* or other securities:

First National Bank. Bronte, Texas.

9. Paragraphs 7 and 8 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary reiauon. the name of the person or corporation for a horn such trustee is acting. also the statements in the two para­graphs show the affiant s full knowledge amt belief as to the circum- atanccs and condiuons under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the hoiks of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. Names and addresses of individuals who are stockholders of a corporation which iteelf is a stockholder or holder of bonds, mortgagees or other secunties of the publislung corporation have Iwen inclutkyi in paragraphs 7 and 8 when the interests of such individuate are equivalent to 1 percent or more of the total amount of the stock or securities of the publishing conora- tHMl

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ATbtal No Copi«e> I TintedIritxxxling 12 Montlis Filing Date

< V t 1 * n » Rim B Paul t'ircuUiUon

1 Sales through dealers and

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2. Mail SutxxTiptions 715 7U8C TVCal P;ud tlrvulatMm I> Fixr Distnixition mcl xiing

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1 cert.fy :hot th*' statcmcnls mule by me atx>ve are correct and compiete.Ben Oglesby

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r E F F IC IE N T Service On—

—Letter Heads —Envelopes -B ill Heads —Statements —Invoices —Office Forms —Business Cards -S a le Bills --P"' k Work

The Bronte Enterprisef ---------------- -


By Mrs. Hockey Thompson

Womens Missionary Union met at the Baptist Church Thursday, Oct 13

Mrs O T Colvin gave the Bible study "Missions in the* Purpose of His Coming.” Closing prayer was given by Mrs L hus Johnson.

Pr. sent we e Mines A E. Clem. S 1* Smith. ! K Finley. Johnson ami Colvin.

wsts MEETINGThe WSCS met in the Methodist

Church Monday. Mrs. L. W. Sweet w.is hostess Mrs. R. tf Spence presided at the business meeting.

Mrs Sweet gave the program ".Across die Atlantic" She was assisted by Mines W V. McRorey, H. C. Raney. Science. Botìby San­derson. Jusie Hipp a,id Cecil Snath Mrs. R. E. Ration gave the* closing prayer

Pumpkin pie. tea and coffee were

PART OF COUNTY EXHIBIT —Two paintings which were on exhibit last weekend as part of the annual Coke County Exhil»- il. sponsored by the Home Ik'm- unst ratten council, are displayed by Mrs. Fay Koe, county home

demonstration agent, and Mrs. Bryan Yarbrough, Ixith of Robert Lee. and Mrs. J. C. Boatright of Bronte. All sorts of interesting relics and other items were in­cluded in the exhibition, which was held at the Recreation t en ter in Robert Lee.

served to those* named ami Mmes. Joe Ward t Juries Dunnam and T A. Carlisle

Mrs Hockey Thong ***1 went to Brady Saturday to att(*nd fum*ral services for Mrs Abby Lucinda Cagje, 91». of Brady Services were in Brady ami burial was in Lohn She was met there by her sisters ami their families, Mr. ami Mrs Buster Cagle, Cariami: Mr. amiMrs. War en Knn. Mason: MrsClara Cagle and »lau.-dit.rs. Mrs Bill Smith ami Mrs Mink McDow- e.! Fort Worth; ami Mr ;jk1 Mrs Paul Smith. Arlington Mrs Alkiy Cagle was the gramlmothc: of Bus­ter Cagle. They visited » arringhi in the Linn heme

Mrs Artie Walls has been visit­ing friends in Temple, ami with her sister ami brother-in-law, Air. and Mrs. J R Walker in Rube t Lee ami with her daughter. Mrs. Arch Mothers. ami family at Silver

Mr and Mrs Darrell Farmer ami children of Merkel nslted Sun­day with her mother. Mr.,. Vernon Harrist, and family.

M s Faye Cate and Chari»ite spent the weekend in College Sta­tion with Mr ami Mrs Jimmy Cate ami attended the A&M-TCU football game.

tliiH-ga toterie Organized The Ometta Coterie had an or­

ganizational meeting Monday in the Oak Creek homi* ef Mrs Aaron Webs Mrs Jce Ward was elected president

Other new officers are Mrs Wal­ter King, vice president; Mrs. Wells, secretary-treasurer Mrs. Hockey Thompson, repertor, and Mrs (Turk's IXmnam. notification

There arc 12 members at present Cookies, coffee ami puiich w ere j

served to Mmes. R. E Patton. Jairns Ware. Joe Smith, Isaac Pate and those muned above.

WSCS To Meet Monday M mbers of the Woman's Society

of tSiristian Service cf Blackwell Methodist Church will participate next week in one of the rm*st im­portant annual <>t «se nances of Methodist Women threnghout the Uruttxl States

"A Cal. to Prayer and Self-De- mal", first observed In- Methodist j wnmen in 1887 ftx-uses on guide»! mission study, an offe.utg for sp.c- tai mat-ion projects, imi a deepen­ed spinti». life.

Theme of the 114»» j/rogram is "These My Brethren' and empha­sizes brotherhood in missions work Th»- meeting for Blackwell will be held at 10:30 a m Monday, Oct 24 at the church with a salad lunch­eon at noon Mrs Hoiiby Sander­son will be leader. AH wi.men are invited to attend

Mrs A S Hemlry reported that she h;xi g»*xi luck fishing Tuesday, catching two 3li »xxind catfish; ami a 2 and 1 pounder.


By Mrs. Herbert Holland

The community received light rain showers Monday morning A gixxi rain would ht*lp the small grain.

Mr ami Mrs. Herman Brashear of Houston visited Friday and Sat- urday with Mr. ami Mrs. A J. E -ary Other guests were Mr. ami Mrs Ted Brashear. Mr and Mrs. Oran Brashear of San Angelo and T .«ly Brashear id (>klah»*mo The Brashears had a reunion at Sweet­water Sunday.

Mr ami Mrs Willard Caudle anti Mrs Alice Smith visited Mr ami Mrs. Albert Smith and Mr. ami M s E. L. Garvin in Brownwood Friday.

Mr. ami Mrs. Jim TWwnseml ofKentutky arc here visiting her bro­ther. Allx*rt Tucker, ami family

Mr ami Mrs Hebert HolLtnd sp*‘nt Sunday in Big Spring with the James Helium! family. Hebert Hi!land was honored with a birth­day dinner Others present wen* Cap Holland from Sul Ross, Sherry Walraven. Donna Alexander of O- <k'sa ami Mr. and Mrs. Dee Foster

Mrs W. W Fry. Susan ami Sally of Abilene spent Sumiay here with her mother. Mrs Susie Garlington. and Mr and Mrs Carl Florence.

Mr ami Mrs. iTiarlie Brown went to San /Angelo Friday to visit his mother, Mrs. Sudie Brown, and Kathy Brown, who is ill in Clinic Hospital

L. B Horton Sr. of San Angelo visited the first of last week with Mr. ami Mrs Romar Horton.

Mr and Mrs. Herbert Holland vi­sited Roy Lumtnus F iday He is seriously ill in St John's Hospital in San Angelo

Mr. and Mrs A. B Morgan spent the weekend with a daughter ami lamily, Mr and Mrs Robert Kee­ney ami daughter in Stephenville.

Mr. ami Mrs Verlin Oates hono - mind her father. Willard Caudle, with a birthday »(inner Sunday at their home in San Angelo Others present were Mrs Caixil»*, Mrs M. D Stephenson and Meta Kay.

Mr ami Mrs. J. W. Caudle and diiklrvn of Bronte and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keele of Abilene

Mr. and Mrs B V. Hodges spent the weekend with her parents. Mr ami Mrs T. G. Glcghern.

Mrs Susie Garlingt»>n. Mr. amt Mrs Carl Florence ami Jerry lan­ders attended funeral services for Banks Holly. 81. in lampasas. He was Mrs. Garlingtons iirothcr.

Mr. ami Mrs. Charlie Brown re- U:rtx*d Saturday from a few days visit in Lubbock with their daugh­ter. Mrs. Homer Flanagan, and fa­mily. The Flanagans plan to move U> Austin suon.

Mrs C. H. Ray Sr. of Lubbock and C. H. Ray Jr. of San Angelovia.ted her sister. Mrs. Carrie Hol­land. who is in Bronte hospital. Mrs. Ray is staying with her son and family while Mrs. Holland is ill.

Mr. ami Mrs Robert Melvin Brown, Miles and Detibie attended tin* State Fair in Dallas last week­end.

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lee and Ixiys of San .Angelo visited Mr. ami Mrs. James Lee duiing the week­end.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Caudle had a bulhikiy dinner Wednesday for their daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Caudle. (Xht-rs present were J. W. Caudle, Janves Lee ami Luther Nix­on.

Hero for Homecoming activities ami to visit Mr ami Mrs. finest Ma. shall last weekend were Mr. ami Mrs. L. A. Horne of Kalis, Mr.and Mrs Billy Paul Tnomason of Dallas ami Mr. ami Mrs. Will Thomason of Mivlam!

2 BARBERSRonnie Carlton C. M. Howard


Howard Barber Shop


New Funny Books

LIONS SELLING FRUITCAKESBronte Evnung I aims Club is

selling three ixxind fruit c;d;es b.r 13 each Anyone who would like »xx» of the cakes can secure it from any member of the Evening Club


Saturday, Oct. 22FOR A SHORT W EEKEND V A C A T IO N

I lease keep this date in mind and make your pur­chases early, so our closing will not inconvenienceyou.


THE BRONTE ENTERPRISEPublished Every Thursday at Bronte, Coke County, Texao 7tt33

Ben Oglesby .......................................................... PublisherMrs. Ben Oglesby ................................... ..................... Editor

Entered as second class matter at the Pos* Office at Bronte, Texas, March 1, 1918, under the Act of March 3. 1879.

Subscription RatesPer Year in Coke and Adjoining Counties ............................. $3.00Per Year Elsewhere ............................................................ S3.50

Any reflection on the character or standing of any person, firm or corporation is not intended and will be corrected upon notification.


Mrs S J. May of Blackwell is a delegate to tin* 1986 Girl Scout National Convention in Detroit, Michigan. Oct. 23-27.

Mrs. May will officially repre­sent the West Texas Girl Scout Council at the regular .sessions of the General Council. She is the Council Secretary.

TT** 19M>4»7 tritnnium theme is “ Volues to Hold — Worlds to Ex­plore!”

The other three Council delegates are: Mrs. Terry Frank.-., .Abileneand daughter of Mr. and Mrs S. J. May; Mm. Larson Lloyd of Big Spring; and Mrs Glenn Meeks, Abilene.


No. 962, A. F. & A. M. Meets first Monday nlcrht In each month.

Visitors Welcome.NOAH PRUITT JR., Sec.

For Life, hospitalization and

Cancer Insurance, See

B. D. SNEADAt First National Bank


Members of the Zeta Delta Club met in the city h.ill Monday night. Oct. to. Mrs. George Latimer was hostess and also gave the program on "Good Eye Habits."

Coffee and cake were nerved to Minos Bob Ragsdale, Eddie Alex­ander, James Keening, Bob Wrin­kle, Elroy Butler, Wayne Dinnani. Benny Corley, Martin Lev*. Harold Moon, J B Arrott. Wayne Arrott, Elmer Hurley, Janies Lee, Dolan Mackey, W C. Holley and Latimer.


A program on reading was given for Progressive (Tub members when they met Thursday night. Oct. 13, in the home of Mrs. Oova Collier. Mrs. Annie Wilkins and Mrs. L. T. Younj$>lood discussed “What Shall We Bead'” ’ Boll call was answered with each member naming her favorite magazine

A salad plate was served to Mmes Edna Butner, Joe Carter, R. E. Cumbie, W. C. Duncan. Mat- tie Glenn, Obve Keeney, J. 1). Leo- nard, J. W. Labenske. J. Madera. Mable Myers, A. N. Rawlings, M Russell, Emma Sims, L. E. Smith, Wilkins, Youngblood and Collier.

We take pride in the fact that our help. . . as local busi­nessmen . . . is constantly available to our customers.

Whatever your insurance needs . . . on auto, household goods, crops, buildings, and an kinds of ca.«*ialty insurance,

you may feel certain that a carefully planned survey of your insurance coverage would assure you of better protection.

First National Bank Bldg. — Bronte

You Can Count BEST UIAV_ I S T H S

on Your Bank When You Need Financial Help

It is our aim to provide all our customers with every service possible, so long as it is consistent with good business principles. When you have financial prob­lems. come in and talk them over with us. Chances are we can work out a solution together.



By Mrs. Jack Corley

Mrs. J. C. Boatright was given a surprise Inrthday party Thursday when the quilting club met in the home of Mrs. Claude Dili mere. La­dies present for the quilting and party were Mmes Tom Green. E.J Hulamicck ami John, Wallace Montgomery, James Arrolt, Charlie Brown, W L Caudle, Tom Wil­liams, W. H. Fed, J C. Boatright, Leon McCarty, Lance and Nancy: also Mmes Floyd Modeling and j J B. Arrott and Deeanna ami Mrs | Nell Parrish of Austin Men present for lunch were E J Ratal meek, J C. Boatright. Tom Williams and Ditmnre Next quilting will be at Mrs Willard Caudles Oct 27

The Bronte Enterprise October 20, 1966

Visiting over the weekend in the I Mrs F. R OoQins, Elaine and J. W Martin home were Mr and Janie. Benny Lynn Ctierry, and Mrs Gary Martin, Kevin and Eric | Larry Me.Neeley of Kerens were of Fort Worth and Russ Martin of weekend guests in the Elmer Hur- Abilene. | ley home


M E X I C A N S U P P E R Date: Saturday, October 22

Time: Serving Begins at 5:00 P.M. Place: St. James Catholic ChurchPlates: $1.00 for Adults— 75c for Children DELICIOUS— REAL M EXICAN FLAVO R

Mmes. Hamp Thomas. Levis Ba­ker and Ernest Hendnx made a business trip to Goldthwaite Fri-

I dayMrs. W H. Fell and Mrs. Leon

McCarty. Lance ami Nancy visited Wodncsrkiy in San Angelo with Mr anil Mrs B V’ Hedges and Mr. anti Mrs. Mug Stephenson. On Fri­day they visited the W Weumlings at Grape* Creek.

Mr. and Mi's. J D. Hook of San Angelo were Saturday guests of the Robert Fells

Lee Fry cf Colorado City i-p nt the weekend with the L. J Sonnen- bergs Mr. ami Mrs Sonnenberg visited Sunday with Mis. (Tara Sonnenbirg in San .Angelo and Mrs. Mattie Tinkli*r in Bobe*rt Lee.

Danny Parker erf Bronte spent the* weekend with Mrs Katie James and Mrs. Lottie Berry He killed twi> rattle*snaki*s on the* poivh Sat­urday morning. Other guest; there were Mr. and Mrs Melvin James of San Angelo, Mrs J B De*ans ami girls of Big Spring ami Mr. ami Mrs. J P. McClure ami family of Bronte.

Mr. ami Mrs W. H. Fell visited Sunday with Arthur Weumkrvg, who is a patient in a San Angelo hospi­tal.

Jackie Corley of Fort Worth and Larry Corley of De*nton spent the weekend with the* Jaek Corleys. Eel- die Hark erf San .Angelo spent Sat­urday night with the*m.

Mr and Mrs. H. Holla ml went to Fort Worth for a weekend visit with th.- I! I, and Warner Hoi .aid fa­milies The*v all sjient Sunekiy at the State Fair in Dallas. Danna (\immmgs spent the* weekend with Limb Carlton at Maverick.

Mr and Mrs. Joe Davis ami Bil­ly Holiand of Blackwell visited Mr. ami Mrs. Donald Huffakcr Sunekiy

St.nelay dinner guests of Mr. aral Mrs. Tom Green were Mr. ami Mrs. Armstrong of Abilene. All of the group visited Mrs. Sudie Brown in San Angelo Sunday afternoon.


Automatic electric home laundry equip­

ment does away with dull routine You can

wash and dry clothes any time of the day

or night— even while you entertain guests

or relax with the family.

It s fun, fun, fun to let REDDY KILOWATT

do the work while you do something more


See your "W altz Through W ashday"

dealer now. He's the man who will make

it easy to own home laundry equipment.

PERSONALSIn many cases yourold washer makes the

down payment and since electric dryers do

Weekend guests erf Mrs J W La­tham were Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Latham and boys of Midkiff ami Mr. aral Mrs. Hervey bithain ami family of San Angelo. Others hav­ing dinner in her home Sunday were Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Mcitow ami Becky, Lulibock: Peggy Cor­ley, Big Spring; Jackie Corley, Ft. Worth; Dee Arrott, Abilene: Larry Corley, Denton; Mr ami Mrs James Tidwell, Sheleru* anti Jim­my, Mr. and Mrs. James Arrott. Mr. ami Mrs Wayne Arrott ami girls. Mr ami Mrs. J. B. Arrott ami family, Mr. and Mrs Jack Cor­ley and Davis. Mrs Benny Corley ami boys, Mr. and Mrs Bill Tho­mas and girls. Mr. ami Mrs. M L. Corley ami Mrs. Iva Richard;

Mr ami Mrs. E A ¡laugh of Stanton are spending part of this week with Mr ami Mrs J F. Hughes Mr ami Mrs. C W Gil­more of Stanton visited Sunday in the Hmthes heme

Weekend guests in Um* L. F. Mc- (Aitchen home were Mr and Mrs Larry Alkxilt ami family ami Mr ;»mi Mrs Jerry Mc(\itchen of Abi­lene.

not need expensive vents, and WTU cus­

tomers get FREE 220-volt wiring when

they buy from a local dealer or WTU, the

chances are you'll be out very little money

to begin your own waltz through washdayl

See your electric appliance dealer, and

be sure to see all the new electric washers

and dryers by Frigidaire at West Texas


[for F R IQ ID A IR Bopp itene *«

» m i wiu

WfestTexas Utilities Company an investor

< u n r.i c om pe ny I

« Oiurln Mastersou Hay nr Carlton Davis Corley David Glenn l»oug McOutchen

FR ID A Y" A "


Bronte Longhornsv s ,

Hermleigh Cardinals7:30 P. M. - HERE

The thrill of the game — the backing of the boys we all know —

the exhibition of good sportsmanship and of the power of the desire

to win — the halftime shows of our band and pretty girls twirling


1966 Schedule•Oct. 21 llermleigh Here•Oct. 28 Trent There•Nov. 4 Roby Here•Nov. 11 Korean There•Nov. 18 Robert I-ee There

• District 4-B Conference Games

their batons . . . all this is high school football. W e are proud of

the sports program of Bronte High School, and we urge you to at­

tend each game . . . back the team . . . and may the best men win!!

SEASON RECORDBronte 0, Banes 7 Bronte 13. Ozono 0 Bronte 25, Kosroe 6

Bronte 50, Ja.vton 14 Bronte 43. latrai ne 6

This Ad Sponsored in the Interest of Good Sportsmanship by:

Hurley Pharmacy

Cactus Cafe

Hughes Radio & TV

Bronte Motor Co.

Hurlin Lee’s Humble Service

Spencer’s Grocery and Station

Dorothy Kiker’s Beauty Shop

Butler’s Gulf Oil Products & Butane Service

Parker’s Gulf Station

J. D. Luttrell Jr.

Scott Butane Co.

Ditmore Texaco Station & Butane

Ditmore Floral & Laundry

B. D. Snead Insurance

Charles Ragsdale Barber Shop

West Texas Utilities Co.

Lammers Grocery & Station

Williams Funeral Home

McShan Snack Bar

City Cafe

Mr. and Mrs. George Braswell

W . W . Thetford, County Judge

O. B. Jacobs, Tax Assessor-Collector

Coke County Sheriff• Department

Howard Brock, Commissioner, Prec. 2

Bronte Hospital

White Auto Store, Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Bruton

Cumbie & Mackey

Kemp’s Cleaners

Sims Food Store

Caperton Chevrolet Co.

Central Drug

Luckett’s Fina Station & Ice House

Margaret’s Flowers & Gifts

First National Bank

The Bronte Enterprise

Parade Shots

First Place Float— Bronte Noon and Evening Lions Clubs

The Longhorn Marching Band

Second Place Float—Senior Clans

LONGHORNS SLAUGHTER — Continued from Page 1

nntlo went for 6 more and Lo- raine's first lid down of the game on the 43.

A fumble reoovo ed by Keith Morris, and a Bronte fumble recovered by a Loreine lad gave the visitors a 3rd ami 8 to end the quarter.

Second QuarterThe second play of the new quar­

ter gave the ball back to Bronte as Victor Brock intercepted a pass on the 40 ami made 4 yards before he was tackled. McCutchen ran1 25 yards for a 1st on the Lo;aine 31 The next series of downs netted the ljonghorns a loss of 11 yards in 3 plays, so Glenn went back to I pint. Lo a me took ovtr on the 13. |

On the 1st play for the Bulldogs. | their ball carrier fumbled and Gary J Strochel recovered on the1 14. The Longhorns flubbed their 3 plays and McCutchen was called on for a field goal try cn 4th down It w’as in line, but hit the cross bar However luck was with the Maroor. j and White and a penalty was called | against the Bulldogs, as McCutchen , got another try 5 yanls closer in This time it was good and the scoreboard was changed to 17-0.

Granado took McCutchcn's kick on the 21 where he war. nailed. Gaining a yard in three plays, the Bulldogs thought they had to kick, but they didn't, as Brtx*k broke through and blocked the kick to give his team the ball on the 12 yard line. Mastcrson took tin* ball the entire distance on the rirst play, and try for HP failed, so the score was 23-0

After McCutchen's kickcff, Oor- ley recovered a Ur-ainc fumble on the 43. Shturtly thereafter Bronte fumbled and McCollum re­covered for the Bulldogs on the 38 Four plays later a Lorainc punt went to the Bronte 22. Three plays later Bronte fumbled ami Loraine recovered on Bronte's 23. Glenn broke up a pass play, then Master- son intercepted a pass. The play ended the quarter

Third QuarterBronte tix>k the kickoff to start

off the 3rd stanza. Tne locals marched back up the field with a pass from Glenn to Brock good for a 1st on the 13. On 3rd down Glenn connected again, this time with Mo gained a total of 5 yanls on 4 yardage for another Longhorn counter. Try for point; failed and the score was 28-0

Finley was downed on the 34 af­ter taking the kickoff Brewer made 3, then Finley went 14 for a 1st on Bronte's 49. The Bulldogs gained a total of 5 yards and 4 tries, and gave up the hall on the | 44 The Longhorns fail«) to make i their needed 10 yards, and Glenn [ punted into the ned zone. I»raine | had the Ijall on the 20.

After 3 tries with only short yard­age, Hackfield punted out on the Bronte 47. Glenn tossed a beauty j to Corley which totaled 41 yanls for a 1st on the 12. The Longhorns couldn’t make thou- 1st down, even though Glenn threw a nice gainer lo Corley. Measurement showed it to be short of the needed 10, so l»raine took over on the Bronte 3 yard line

Longhorns defenders kept the' Bulldogs bottled up, and liackfield {Hinted to the Bronte 34 McCutchen sailed by Brian Richards, as ho threw the key block, for a 17 yard gainer and a 1st on the 17. Brock made 3. MoCUtchen aelded 1, then an incomplete pass giaimd o The 4th down try was good, how­ever, as GIe*nn tosstxl an aerial to McrtXitchen for a 1st down on the 4 McCutchen went around left end for the counter on the next play. Glenns pass to Randy Barbee was good for two Scot*1 37-0

After the kickoff the Bulldogs used Hackfield. Brewer and Fin­ley on sonw nice {days to make two first downs and move the bsdl to tlie Bronte 36 TTuit was all there was. though, as Gary Don Alien intercepted a pass on the 29, ami Bronte took over The first play of the new series for the IxmghonY; was a beauty, as Glenn k«** the

The Bronte Enterprise October 20, 1966

ball, picked up some good blocks and went 31 yards for a 1st on theLoraine 39 Masterson went for 5 and McCutchen made 4; then Mas te .M n went for the 1st on th** 27 ! Glenn called for a pass and Cor.ey wias the receiver, as he went all the way to the double stripes HP try fail«! and the score was 434)

McCutchcn’s kickoff went to Brewer, who almost got loose be­fore Brock caught him on the Long­horn 37 Passes to Brewer for 7 and Br. v.er for 6 gave the Bulldogs a 1st cn the 24 TVo abortive pass- ing efforts .ater. Hackfield ton-i nected with Brewer for the thril. of the night for the visitors, as Brower went for Loraine s lone counter. Finley tried to kick an ext a point, but it was no good. Score: 434«

A personal foul penalty against the Longhorm. permitted Finley to kickoff from the Bronte 45. Bar­bee took it ami was pulled down on the 23. Keith MoCutdien was quarterbacking the Longhorns, but didn't get much offensive action, as Loraine rocovu ed a fumble and took over on Bronte’s 25. One pass in four was good for 3 yards for the Bulldogs, so the local lads took over with 5 seconds showing on the clock. One play was run and the Homecoming game ended, 43-6


T a x— r t ,,Li i I xemiiuomt

Linde Ma't is the new son of Mr. and M s. Kenneth Hester of Po Hand, Texas. He was bom Oct. 6 and weight'd 8 pounds and 3 ounces. He has a sister. Shelly. 6 years old

Mrs Bonnie Robertson of Robert Lee and Mrs. Syml Lector of Riont? are the grandparents.

SOKOSIS CLl’B NOTICESorosis Club will meet temiÿxt

• Thursday) at 7 30 pm in the home of Mrs. Royce Faucher.

Mrs. Bill G ubb ami Kim and Miss Janet Grubb of Lubbock spent the w.ekend with Mr and Mrs. Claude Beavers.


Texas Parks ami Wildlife Depart - ment announced this week that ant- le: less deer permits will be* Issued for Coke County cn Nov 9, from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. in Robert Lee at the county courthouse.

Landowners or their agents are urged to be present to obtain their permits during the period sche­duled for permit issuance. A map of the county showing compart­ments an drates of issuance will be posted in the courthouse.

II.D. AGENT SCHEDULEThursday. Oct 30 — OfficeFriday, Oct 21 — 9:30 am .

Home demonstration foods leaders training.

Saturday, fXt. 22 — 7 pm , Fu­ture Leaders 4-H dub, recreation hall

Monday, Oct. 24 — 9 30 a m , Bronte Z*rta Delta home demonstra­tion dub; office

Tuesday. Oct 25 — Office.Wednesday, Oct. 26 — 9:30 a m .

refinishing furniture; office.

Mrs. Frances Davis and Shelly have moved took to Bronte They liave been living in Trinidad.


SALEThe Veterans' Land Board

will receive sealed bids at the General Land Office, Austin, Texas, until 10:00 o'clock A.M., November 15, 1966, for the sale of 104 traefs of land. 93 tracts offered to eligible Texas Veterans only in Briscoe, Brown, Caldwell, Cameron, Culberson, Deaf Sm ith , Denton, D im m it, Gaines, Hidalgo, Hart, Jas- per, ICimble, Lamer, Lime­stone, Maverick, McCuloch. M ediae, Montgom ery, N a­cogdoches, Newton, Orange, Parker, Reeves, Runnels, Smith. Ward. Wabb. William- son, Winkler, Uvalde & Za­vala Counties. 11 tracts of­fered to non • veterans and eligible Texas Veterans in Erath, H idalgo, Maverick, Uvalde & Zavala Counties.

Tracts may ba financed through the Veterans' Land Program. For information and,) listing of tracts wrd# toe

JERRY SADLERCommissioner of theGeneral Lend Office

taf <


Only Production Credit Association borrowers say,

“ I D O ! ”Borrowers of the Texas PU A own their own loan company. That’* the reason (he interest costs are low. He is assured of courteous and interested consideration because he can say:

“W e r»et our money from our own ‘outfit’ !”

Texas Production Credit Ass’n.116 So. OakesJ. R. Canning. PresidentR. C. Chandler. Vice PresidentJ. Burney Ligón. Director

Phil H. Lane, Manager

San Angelo, TexasE D Webster, Director

Aubrey De Long, Director Ix'e Russell, Asst. Manager

SIGNS OF THE TIMES -Komembcr when people placed a card in their window to let

the Ire »van know how much ice they wanted” If you do. you’ll probably remember some other signs that have almost disappeared.

Remember the Signs that went up when the rhildren came dow n . . . with diphtheria . . . or scarlet fever . . . or measles?

Thanks to modern pharnuMeiitieals. many common diseases ran lie prevented nr. at least, quickly treated. Complications are rare.

flow did this happen* Because drug makers Invested money and brainpower in research. Today, they're still investing—about XI million every day—for your good health.


Delivery Hack of Sims Food Store

- P E R S O N A L 'S T A T I 0 N E R 4&


PERSONALSMr and Mrs K. C. Soay went to

DM t on Sunday where they visited 1 , slur. Mrs Co a Carlile. Mon­day they went to Sidney to attend

1 f’l i.ral services for Mrs Hula Rtxl- wine. Mrs Redwine was a former

Sat unlay n i grit visiters of Mr anti Mrs Charles Ragsdale were Mr

I and Mrs. Bunny Ragsdale of Buffa­lo Cap. Mr. and Mrs Ray Kerr*» ar. l son of Ft» t Worth and Mrs Cii yce Ragsdale of Tuscola. The Ragsdales went to Buffalo Gap Sun­day where the group met for a fa­mily gathering.

The Bronte Enterprise October 20, 1966

CtoAAifrted/ Adi-Classified advertising rates: 5c

per word first insertion; 3c perword each additional insertion.

F O R SALK — 1950 Ford Pickup, excellent condition, new motor .uul battery good tin's. $150 Wy­lie O ak 42-He

FOR SALK - Three 25 foot loLs. 4 room rock building; north of Srwik Bar. Highway 277 $1.000.Mrs. L. A. While, 408 Nicholson, Del Rio. 41-4tp

REDCO'-K safe, simple ami fast with GoBese tabu ts. Only Httc At y;Hir d. ugstorv 41-Wc

FX>K SALE — l*pnght Jesse French Piano Good Condition. With bench Set' at C. R. Smith A Co or call 473-2861 41tfc

FUR RENT — Furnished house air cundiUoneii Carport. Inquire at Soak Bar tic

P O S T E D N O T IC ENO HUNTING or trespassing on my

place. You will be prosecuted so stay out.Kcttie Hale Rssary 38-dtp

FOR RENT — Fluor cleaner and polisher, $1.00 for 24 hours; rug deaner $2 00 for 24 hours. Hughes Radio and TV. 22tfc


NOTICE—I have purchased the Ixvtuty ship formerly operated by Mrs Bewrly Ragsdale. in the Iht- more Building, ami will appreciate your patronage. FYances Davis.

i'OK FAST efficient developing service, bring your fihn to Cen­tral Drug Store.

Lunchroom MenusMonday. Oct. 24

Saue kraut, German sausage, ov­en friend potatoes, orange Jt'llo with pineapple are! carrots, com- breaii, butterscotch brownie

Tuesday, Oct. 25Shepherd's pie. whole kernel

com, slaw with sweet and sour dressing, rolls, cherry squares

Wednesday, Oct. 26Meat loaf, new potatoes with

cream saute, seasoned Italiangreen leans, cornbreud. pineapple1pudding.

Thursday. Oct. 27Tetrazini. Imtiered asparagus,

iioiled potato in jacket, celery,rolls, cranberry crunch

Friday, Oct. 28Steak, gravy, creamed peas ami

carrots, o v e n f r i e d potatoes, shredded lettuce ami tomato slice with dressing, rolls, cherry nut sa­lad

Bronte School Honor Roll

Honor rolls for the fir-1 rax we ks o' schcol were released this week by school officials They are as follows

Elementary School4th grade A — Jim De.nnnm 4th ¡trade B — Wayne Alexander.

Kim Arrott, .Alan Barbee, Kit Carl­ton. Debra Carper. Louis Martinez, Jim I>an Raughton.

5th grade A — Diana Arrott. Nor­ma Thompson, Jean Ann ltaughton

5th graile B — Tony Mackey. Sue Ann Lee. Dawn (Amble.

6th grad*» A — Sandra Stroebel. Michelle Golson.

6ih grade B — Sharon Moody. NYU Champion, Mark Murtishnw.

7th grade A — Susan A rott 7th grade B — Lynn Lawhon 8th grad»' A — Joe Basq iez, Pau­

la Landers, Melissa Lee, Phyllis Morris.

8th grade B — St eye (lark. Susan Cumbie, Tam Grigg, Nancy Rawi- i n g s. Sallie Richards. Donald Thompson, J*lene Vaughn

High SchoolFreshman A — Randy Barbee.

Limta Carlton, Alary Champion. Tqlon Mastcrson. Norma ITuitt. Mike Stephens

Freshman B — Jim Arrctt. Mary Jam* Henry. Kathy Kiker, Sandy- Lee. Gail Owings, Patty Rawlings. Trula Kiwi's, Gary K*iTy. Cynthia Robinson, Otto Sonnenburg, Janet

11100105. James Vaughn.Sophomore A — Ronald C- .-ope ,

-Bennie Carol OglesbySiphomare B — Steve Williams Junior A — David Glenn.Junior B — Ann Cervcnka. Don

Hagen van. SuLynn Henry. Kreta Ki­ker, Dorothy Ruth MarLln, Keith Morris. Sh rilynn Reilly, Marvin Tbcn^ison

Senior A — None Senior B — Gary Allen, Mary

Ba.squez, Wayne Carlton, Frances Glenn. Iallian Stricklaml. Gary Strcebel.


Members cf Bronte High School s I'll A ami FFA chapte s v.iU gh tc I>al.as Saturday lo attend the State la ir of Texas. The group will be under the sponsorship of Mrs R«yce Fanch r and J. T Henry.

S. hoc! officials announced that j the bus w ill leave at 4 a nv, wi.h I a probable return time of 1:30 a m Sunday.

Doug McCutchen Top Scorer in Area Class B

Doug McCutchen. Bronte Ding- hem star half back, thus week worked his way to the top of Claw B scorers in this area fat the 1906 football season. He has racked up a total of 75 points in the first five games of the season, for an aver­age of 15 jioiiits per game.

Second place among Class B schools is hold by Junior Smith of May who has «6. and third place goes to Trent's Klton Payne with 60.

McCutchen holds second place scoring honors among all area schools, being outdone only by Dub­lin’s Bobby Hickey, who has a grand total of KM The local i>layer has made 11 TDs. 3 IT’s ami kick­ed 2 field goaLs.

Mr. and Mrs Willis Weber and ms of Brownfield were here for

a weekend visit with Mr. and Mrs. R ib Ragsdale.



THURSDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER B ft B James Stewart. Prter F.nch, Dan Duryea, Richard Attenborough

“FLIGHT O F THE PHOENIX” in Color-Also C'artoon

M NDAY : 30 MVI IM F & MONDAY. OCTOBER 23 & 24 Dean Martin. Stella Stevens. 0yd Cha lssc in“THE SILENCERS” in Color M A

_______________________ Also Cartoon

E-2 Jokie Henry son of Mr. and Mrs Jake Henry of Bronte, FnT the! United Stab's by plane Tuo-day for army duty in Vi ■» N.im He will tie sta--iine l at Ankhe. he told his par- j ents in a telephone oenversatiooj before hi* left

Henry congvleted his basic train­ing at Ft Bliss. 13 Paso and has been staii.med at Ft Irwin, Calif. He lias recently been tiunie on leave and repotted hack to Oak­land ('alii CM 14

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