Violation of frozen shell approximation in dissociative electron capture by halogenated anthraquinones N. L. Asfandiarov 1 *, V. S. Fal’ko 1 , V. G. Lukin 1 , E. P. Nafikova 1 , S. A. Pshenichnyuk 1 , A. I. Fokin 1 , G. S. Lomakin 1 and Yu. V. Chizhov 2 1 Institute of Physics of Molecules and Crystals, Ufa, 450075, Russia 2 St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Received 4 June 2001; Revised 3 August 2001; Accepted 4 August 2001 A series of halogenated anthraquinone AQ) derivatives has been studied by means of electron capture negative ion NI) mass spectrometry ECNI-MS). 1Cl-AQ and 2Br-AQ display dramatically steep positive temperature dependencies of Hal ion abundance in the low electron energy region. Molecular NI intensity decreases rapidly with increasing temperature in the case of 1I-AQ. In the case of 2Br-AQ, a metastable NI peak m/z 22.9) corresponding to the process BrAQ Br AQ 0 was recorded. This means that the characteristic dissociation lifetime of the molecular NI Br-AQ is at least 25 ms at the energy 0.67 eV in the low-temperature spectrum T 80 °C), and at the energy 0.13 eV in the hot spectrum T 290 °C). Together with the observed temperature dependence of the 2Br-AQ curves of effective yield CEY), this proves that this anion dissociates according to Coulson's model. The same halogen anion behavior is observed in the case of 1Cl-AQ. There are three consecutive stages in the process of molecular NI dissociation of Cl- and Br-substituted AQ, namely, electron capture into the empty p-orbital by means of the shape resonance mechanism, followed by a radiationless transition into the ground electronic p-state of the anion, as predicted by Compton in the case of the parabenzoquinone molecule, and, finally, a fluctuative dissociation of the molecular NI accompanied by the transition from the p-term into the s-term, so-called predissociation. Calculations show reasonable agreement with the experimental data. In the case of 1I-AQ, an effect of inversion of empty levels in the process of electron capture by the molecule takes place, a violation of the so-called frozen shell approximation. The phenomenon found may be of significance not only in the case of ECNI-MS, but also in other experimental investigations using low-energy electron- molecule and ion-molecule collisions. Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The problem of symmetry conservation in the processes of negative ion NI) formation has a 35-year-old history. 1 Coulson showed that the symmetry of the molecular NI electron shell defines the pathway of its dissociation. 1 Really, the symmetry conservation law in quantum mechanics corresponds to the law of angular momentum conservation in classical mechanics. However, there are enormous difficulties in the description of molecular NI decay in the case of the ClC 6 H 5 molecule. Thus, a decay with non- radiative transition from the p-term p 7 state in the notation of Coulson 1 ) to the s-term p 6 state) in the neighborhood of the crossing point see Fig. 1) implies both temperature and pressure dependencies of Cl ion abundance. 1 Neither has been reliably observed by experiment. 1±4 There have been some attempts to explain this paradox 5,6 by an out-of-plane vibration of the Cl atom. Unfortunately, these considerations involve only qualitative reasoning without any quantitative estimation of the effect expected. Meanwhile, the probability Figure 1. Schematic terms representation for the chlorobenzene dissociation. 11 A 1 denotes the molecular term, 2 B 1 and 2 A 1 denote the anion terms. I denotes the term of the molecule, II that of the p-term of the anion, and III that of the dissociative s-term of the anion. *Correspondence to : N. L. Asfandiarov, Institute of Physics of Molecules and Crystals, Ufa, 450075, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Contract/grant sponsor: Russian Foundation for Basic Research; Contract/grant number: 00-02-16578. DOI:10.1002/rcm.446 Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 2001; 15: 1869±1878

Violation of frozen shell approximation in dissociative electron capture by halogenated anthraquinones

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N. L. Asfandiarov1*, V. S. Fal’ko1, V. G. Lukin1, E. P. Nafikova1, S. A. Pshenichnyuk1,A. I. Fokin1, G. S. Lomakin1 and Yu. V. Chizhov2

1Institute of Physics of Molecules and Crystals, Ufa, 450075, Russia2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

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denote the anion terms. I denotes the term of the molecule, II thatof the �-term of the anion, and III that of the dissociative �-term ofthe anion.

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Figure 3. NI CEYs for 1F-AQ measured at a series of ion sourcetemperatures.

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Figure 5. NI CEYs for 2Br-AQ measured at a series of ion source temperatures.

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Figure 6. NI CEYs for 1I-AQ measured at a series of ion source temperatures.

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Table 1. ECNI mass spectra of anthraquinone derivatives at the lowest recording temperature. �a means MNI lifetime relative toautodetachment

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Table 2. Spectral properties of the substituted anthraquinones.15 FR means Feshbach resonance

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Table 3. Shape resonance lifetimes calculated in the united anion approximation.14 EA stands for electron affinity, U stands for sphericalpotential well depth, r� denotes the radius of the well, L the orbital momentum of the captured electron, Eexp the experimental energy ofthe resonance, Ecalc the calculated value, and �SR means the calculated lifetime

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Figure 7. Schematic terms representation for the 1Cl-AQ molecule, �- and �-anion states. Short-lived term of the electron-excited shape resonance is notshown.

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Table 4. Evaluation of fluctuative dissociation lifetime �d (�s) ofHal-AQ MNI for different temperatures in the low- and middle-energy resonances. MNI drift time means the time from the ionformation in the ion source to detection at the electron multiplier

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Figure 8. Schematic terms representation for the 2Br-AQmolecule, �- and �-anion states.

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Figure 9. Schematic terms representation for the 1I-AQmolecule, �- and �-anion states.

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