1 Running title: Mousa, A., et al. Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Syndrome Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Diseases Aya Mousa a , Negar Naderpoor a,b , Helena J Teede a,b,c , Maximilian PJ de Courten d , Robert Scragg e , Barbora de Courten a,b a Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, MHRP, 43-51 Kanooka Grove, Clayton VIC 3168 Australia b Diabetes and Vascular Medicine Unit, Monash Health, Locked Bag 29, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia c Robinson Research Institute, Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia d Centre for Chronic Diseases, College of Health and Biomedicine, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia e School of Population Health, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Funding sources: Negar Naderpoor, Helena Teede and Barbora de Courten are supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. Conflicts of Interests The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Diseases

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Running title: Mousa, A., et al. Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Syndrome

Vitamin D and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Diseases

Aya Mousaa, Negar Naderpoor

a,b, Helena J Teede

a,b,c, Maximilian PJ de Courten

d , Robert

Scragge , Barbora de Courten


a Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation, School of Public Health and

Preventive Medicine, Monash University, MHRP, 43-51 Kanooka Grove, Clayton VIC 3168


bDiabetes and Vascular Medicine Unit, Monash Health, Locked Bag 29, Clayton, VIC 3168,


cRobinson Research Institute, Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of

Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia

dCentre for Chronic Diseases, College of Health and Biomedicine, Victoria University,

Melbourne, Australia

eSchool of Population Health, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Funding sources:

Negar Naderpoor, Helena Teede and Barbora de Courten are supported by the Australian

National Health and Medical Research Council.

Conflicts of Interests

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.



Aya Mousa is a recipient of the Australian Postgraduate Award scholarship provided by

Monash University. Negar Naderpoor, Helena Teede and Barbora de Courten are supported

by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.

Corresponding author:

A/Prof. Barbora de Courten, MD PhD MPH FRACP

Monash Centre for Health, Research and Implementation, School of Public health and

Preventive Medicine, Monash University

43-51 Kanooka Grove, Clayton,

Melbourne, VIC 3168, Australia

Telephone: +61 3 9594 7086

Email: [email protected]



Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are the most common preventable

causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Insulin resistance, which is a shared feature in

these conditions, is also strongly linked to the development of polycystic ovary syndrome

(PCOS), which is the most common endocrine disease in women of reproductive age and a

major cause of infertility.

Vitamin D deficiency has reached epidemic proportions worldwide, primarily due to the shift

to sedentary, indoor lifestyles and sun avoidance behaviours to protect against skin cancer. In

recent years, vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes,

PCOS and CVD, and has been shown to be associated with their risk factors including

obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, as well as chronic low-grade inflammation.

Treating vitamin D deficiency may offer a feasible and cost-effective means of reducing

cardiometabolic risk factors at a population level in order to prevent the development of type

2 diabetes and CVD. However, not all intervention studies show that vitamin D

supplementation improves these risk factors. Importantly, there is significant heterogeneity in

existing studies with regards to doses and drug regimens used, populations studied (ie vitamin

D deficient or sufficient), and the lengths of supplementation, and only few studies have

directly studied the effect of vitamin D on insulin secretion and resistance with the use of

clamp methods. Therefore, there is a need for well-designed large scale trials to clarify the

role of vitamin D supplementation in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, PCOS, and CVD.

Keywords: vitamin D, obesity, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome, inflammation,

cardiovascular disease, diabetes.

Word Count: 7,285

Number of figures: 1


1. Background:

From a physiological perspective, the main role of vitamin D has been in regulating calcium

and phosphorus homeostasis to promote healthy mineralization of bone. However, recent

evidence is shifting recognition of the role of vitamin D towards extra-skeletal properties,

particularly in relation to cardiometabolic risk factors and diseases. These potential metabolic

effects have gained much attention over the past decade and vitamin D has been implicated in

the pathophysiology of obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome

(PCOS), and cardiovascular disease (CVD) as well as in modulating chronic low-grade

inflammation, now a well-established risk factor in many chronic diseases.

Type 2 diabetes is a global health problem. At least 366 million people have diabetes, and

this figure is likely to rise to 552 million by 2030, largely due to an increase in the prevalence

of obesity underpinned by changes in lifestyle 1. The greater prevalence of obesity and

diabetes contributes to high morbidity and mortality from diabetes complications including

CVD, which is the primary cause of death in those with diabetes, with considerable

associated healthcare costs 2.

There is increased recognition of the possible role of vitamin D in type 2 diabetes and CVD,

and of its potential contribution to this health burden as vitamin D deficiency is now

prevalent worldwide. This is largly due to sedentary indoor lifestyles, use of sunscreen and

protective clothing to reduce the risk of skin cancer 3. Vitamin D deficiency is defined as

plasma 25(OH)D <50nmol/L, although there is currently no consensus on the optimal levels

of vitamin D to maintain health 4. Nevertheless, it is of concern that 20-60% and 10-40% of

the UK and US populations, respectively, have vitamin D levels <50nmol/L 5. In Australia,

despite the sunny climate, vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in 50% of women and 31% of

men living at latitudes >350south



Adequate levels of vitamin D are primarily achieved via cutaneous synthesis upon exposure

to ultraviolet (UV) B radiation, and can also be derived from diet and supplements in the

form of cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol 7. However, with current restrictions around sun

exposure due to fear of skin cancer, it is difficult to obtain adequate levels of vitamin D

through sun exposure, and few foods are naturally high in vitamin D, or vitamin D-fortified 3.

The use of supplements has thus been advocated as a more practical option for countering the

widespread deficiency, especially since this is in line with current public health measures for

sun avoidance and skin cancer protection 8.

Following ingestion or synthesis, vitamin D is hydroxylated by the liver into 25-hydroxy

vitamin D after which it undergoes a second hydroxylation in the kidney by 25(OH)D-1α-

hydroxylase (CYP27B1) to form 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol), the biologically

active form of vitamin D 9. Calcitriol exerts its biological effects by acting as a steroid

hormone, and by binding to a nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR) in target tissues. It has been

recently found that nearly all tissue cells express the VDR, including pancreatic β-cells and

cardiomyocytes, which supports the notion that vitamin D is likely to exert diverse effects,

outside of the musculoskeletal domain 10


While there is currently no universal consensus on the adequate intake of vitamin D, the

recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults (19-50 years) has been defined as 5μg/day

(200 IU/day) in Australia based on the amount required to maintain 25(OH)D at ≥27.5

nmol/L in circumstances of minimal UV exposure 11

. This increases to 10μg/day in older

people to compensate for reduced vitamin D production in the skin with aging 11

. However,

the US Institute of Medicine has recently increased the RDA for adults aged 19-70 years to

15μg/day (600 IU/day) 12

. While a safe upper limit has not yet been formally established,


there are concerns about toxicity from mega-doses of vitamin D. For example, one trial

administering a single oral dose of 12,500 ug (500,000 IU) annually of vitamin D reported a

significant increase in the rate of falls and fractures over a 5 year period 13

, a risk that may be

avoided by fractionating this dose into more frequent physiological administrations 14


Importantly, 25(OH)D intakes ≤800 IU/day might be sufficient to achieve bone health, but

may not be sufficient to observe cardiometoblic effects of vitamin D. In addition, the balance

between adequate replacement and avoidance of risks is yet to be established 15


2. Vitamin D and Obesity

Observational Studies

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation i.e. body mass

index (BMI) ≥25kg/m2 for overweight and BMI≥30kg/m

2 for obese. The worldwide

prevalence of overweight adults (18 years and older) is 39% while the prevalence of obesity

is 13%, which translates to more than 1.9 billion overweight adults, of which over 600

million are obese 16

. Obesity is preventable through healthy diet and regular exercise, but

once obesity develops, intensive weight loss strategies, exercise programs and medications

are needed for its treatment 16

. Obesity is a common risk factor for many chronic diseases

including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease17

and is associated with chronic low-

grade inflammation 18


Recent studies have suggested that the rising prevalence of vitamin D deficiency may in part

be driven by increasing obesity rates 19

. Large nationally representative observational studies

including the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) have described an

association between overweight and/or obesity and vitamin D deficiency across all age

groups 19

. Recently, a meta-analysis of 34 cross-sectional studies found a significant, albeit

weak, association between serum 25(OH)D levels and BMI, with an observed 4% reduction


in 25(OH)D with every 10% increase in BMI 20

. A bi-directional Mendelian randomization

analysis of 21 prospective studies with 42,024 participants supports this finding, reporting

that higher BMI leads to lower 25(OH)D 21

. This association remained consistent across

gender, age, and ethnicity, and the authors concluded that obesity was a causal factor for

developing vitamin D deficiency. Importantly, the reverse was not found as lower vitamin D

levels did not appear to lead to a higher BMI, thus suggesting that increasing vitamin D levels

is unlikely to promote weight loss or influence weight regulation 21


Intervention Studies

Randomised trials support the observational data that while obesity may influence vitamin D

status, low vitamin D does not prevent obesity. A meta-analysis of 18 trials measuring several

anthropometric outcomes, including fat mass and BMI, found no significant decrease in BMI

following vitamin D supplementation 22

. There was also no change in percentage of body fat,

body weight, or lean fat mass, however several factors may have contributed to the negative

findings. Two-thirds of trials had durations of ≤6 months, with one-third lasting ≤3months,

and only half of all included trials supplemented ≥2,000 IU/ day of vitamin D. Also, of the

seventeen trials, seven included participants who were not vitamin D deficient

(25(OH)D >50nmol/L), 3 trials included participants with borderline deficiency (25(OH)D=

45-50nmol/L) and only 3 trials included participants with 25(OH)D <30nmol/L.

Overall, the review on the impact of vitamin D on BMI is limited by significant heterogeneity

in study design, participant characteristics, and cut-off points defining vitamin D deficiency

as well as inadequate dosages and durations of vitamin D therapy22

. In support of this, a

subsequent RCT combined caloric restriction and exercise with vitamin D supplementation of

2,000IU/day for 1 year, and found that only those who became replete (25(OH)D ≥80nmol/L)

had lost more weight (-8.8kg versus -5.6kg; P = 0.05), and had a reduced waist circumference


(-6.6cm versus -2.5cm; P = 0.02), and percentage body fat (-4.7 versus -2.6, P = 0.04),

compared to the diet and exercise only group 23

. Despite the apparently consistent

relationship between vitamin D and obesity in observational studies, results from randomised

trials remain equivocal, and further trials using higher vitamin D doses and longer follow-up

periods are needed to confirm the extent and direction of this association. Overall,

particularly given the results of the recent Mendelian randomisation study 21

, the evidence

favours obesity being a determinant of vitamin D deficiency, rather than vitamin D status

altering risk of developing obesity.

3. Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes Risk:

Observational Studies

Type 2 diabetes is characterised by an inadequate response to insulin known as insulin

resistance and relative or absolute insulin deficiency. It has reached epidemic proportions due

to the increasing prevalence of obesity and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality

mainly due to diabetes complications including CVD 24

. The prevalence of diabetes in 2013

was 382 million people worldwide with type 2 diabetes accounting for approximately 85% of

cases 25

. Recent studies have linked low vitamin D levels with type 2 diabetes risk factors and

type 2 diabetes itself 26


Cross-sectional studies show that people with type 2 diabetes have on average lower plasma

25(OH)D concentrations compared to healthy people 27

, and low plasma 25(OH)D has been

associated with higher fasting serum glucose 28-30

and higher haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) 31, 32

as well as insulin resistance 30, 33

, and decreased first and second phase insulin secretion 34, 35


In prospective studies, low serum 25(OH)D levels have been associated with the

development of insulin resistance 29

and incident type 2 diabetes 36

. A recent meta-analysis of


21 prospective studies by Song et al.36

reported that decreased plasma 25(OH)D

concentrations were associated with a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes, irrespective of sex,

duration of follow-up, sample size, diabetes diagnostic criteria, or 25(OH)D assay method.

Each 10 nmol/L increment in 25(OH)D levels was linearly associated with a 4% lower risk of

developing type 2 diabetes 36


Mendelian randomisation analyses of the association between vitamin D and type 2 diabetes

risk are not consistent. A study by Ye et al. 37

found that two single nucleotide

polymorphisms (SNPs) responsible for 25(OH)D metabolism were not associated with

fasting or 2 hour glucose, fasting insulin, or HBA1c, but two other SNPs responsible for

25(OH)D synthesis had a significant causal association with fasting insulin; however none

were associated with type 2 diabetes risk. Another Mendelian analysis found that genetic

variation in the DHCR7 gene (responsible for endogenous vitamin D production in the skin)

was significantly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (P=0.04), but variation

in CYP2R1 (responsible for liver conversion of vitamin D to 25(OH)D) was not 38


Conversely, Buijsse et al.39

found that both synthesis and metabolism allele scores were not

related to type 2 diabetes risk. A limitation of these studies is that the SNP effects on

circulating 25(OH)D are relatively small, thus large sample sizes are needed to detect effects

with sufficient accuracy 39

. Overall, observational studies appear to support an association

between vitamin D and diabetes risk, but the results of genetic studies are conflicting.

Intervention Studies

A recent meta-analysis conducted by Seida et al.40

identified 35 randomised trials ranging

between 4 weeks to 7 years duration, 200 IU/day to 450,000 IU/year of vitamin D3

supplementation, and totalling 43,407 study participants including healthy, pre-diabetic, and

type 2 diabetic individuals. The meta-analysis found no effect for vitamin D on HbA1c,


fasting glucose, insulin resistance (homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance:

HOMA-IR), insulin secretion (HOMA of β-cell function), or progression to diabetes.

However, once the studies administering large single doses were omitted, vitamin D

supplementation improved insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes but not in

individuals without diabetes. Importantly, Seida et al.40

also excluded trials that used the

hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp, the gold-standard method for measuring insulin

sensitivity 40

. Additionally, vitamin D levels of participants in the included trials were also

not specified; hence it was not clear if participants were vitamin D deficient at baseline.

Furthermore, 3 trials included in the meta-analysis supplemented only ≤800 IU/day of

vitamin D, which is unlikely to sufficiently raise vitamin D levels 41-43

. As such, the lack of

findings in trials examining vitamin D and type 2 diabetes may be attributable to considerable

heterogeneity between trials, not restricting participant inclusion criteria to vitamin D

deficient individuals, and/or providing vitamin D doses which were insufficient in raising

plasma 25(OH)D to optimal levels to demonstrate any effects. It is clear that good quality

intervention trials with gold standard measures of glucose metabolism are vital to address

these key knowledge gaps.

4. Vitamin D and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

Observational Studies

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of

reproductive age and is underpinned by insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism with key

clinical reproductive and metabolic features 44

. Insulin resistance has an important role in the

aetiology of PCOS as it drives development of other PCOS features including

hyperandrogenism, obesity, glucose intolerance, type 2 diabetes, and it increases


cardiovascular risk factors and diseases 44

. Lower levels of vitamin D have been reported in

women with PCOS compared to controls even after adjustment for BMI and age 45, 46

. In a

study in Scotland, the prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency (25OHD <25 nmol/L) was

44.0% in women with PCOS compared to 11.2% in women without PCOS 47

. However,

observational studies on vitamin D levels in women with PCOS compared with non-PCOS

women have yielded inconsistent results 48

. In a study of 206 women with PCOS, 72.8% had

vitamin D levels below 74.88 nmol/L, and women with combined PCOS and metabolic

syndrome had lower vitamin D levels compared to women with PCOS without metabolic

syndrome (43.2 versus 64.4 nmol/L respectively) 49

. Vitamin D was also associated with

features of metabolic syndrome in PCOS women 49

. Some studies have shown that obese

women with PCOS also have lower vitamin D levels compared with lean women with PCOS

50-52, whereas others found no difference in vitamin D levels between obese versus lean

women with PCOS 53


Similar to findings from general populations, a significant correlation has been demonstrated

between low vitamin D levels and insulin resistance in women with PCOS 47, 49, 50, 52, 54

. The

association between 25(OH)D level and insulin resistance measured by HOMA-IR and

quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) remained significant after adjustment

for BMI and WHR 47, 49, 54, 55

. A recent systematic review which included 18 studies (1,893

women with PCOS and 717 control women) reported a negative association between

25(OH)D levels and HOMA-IR in both women with PCOS and controls with 0.27 and 0.19

lower HOMA-IR in women with PCOS and controls, respectively, for every 10nmol/L higher

serum 25(OH)D 56

. An uncontrolled study evaluating the association of vitamin D deficiency

with insulin sensitivity by the gold-standard hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp and body

composition measured by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 38 women with


PCOS found a positive correlation between 25(OH)D levels and insulin sensitivity but this

was not significant after adjusting for adiposity 51


Another study by Mazloumi et al 45

, involving 103 women with PCOS and 103 controls,

found a positive relationship between vitamin D, calcium, and adiponectin concentrations.

Low levels of adiponectin, previously documented in PCOS 57

, are associated with insulin

resistance 58

. However, the association between PCOS and low adiponectin levels in the

study by Mazloomi et al. 45

was not significant after adjustment for vitamin D level. Authors

proposed that the hypoadiponectinaemia might be secondary to vitamin D deficiency.

Studies investigating the correlation between vitamin D and hyperandrogenism in PCOS have

also reported inconsistent results. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with lower sex

hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and higher free androgen index, testosterone and

dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) levels in women with PCOS 47, 50, 52

. Some studies

however found no association between vitamin D and androgens or gonadotropins 53


Vitamin D levels have also been found to be lower in PCOS associated with hirsutism

compared to PCOS without hirsutism 49


There is also accumulating evidence on the effect of vitamin D on ovarian function and

reproduction. The VDR is found in ovaries, endometrium and placenta, and low vitamin D

has been associated with decreased ovarian reserve 46

. In one study for example, women with

ovulatory dysfunction and PCOS had lower vitamin D levels than women with other causes

of infertility and this was independent of BMI 59


Intervention Studies

Two double-blinded placebo controlled randomised clinical trials (RCTs) have been

conducted to date, and they both showed no change in insulin sensitivity in non-diabetic


women with PCOS following vitamin D supplementation 60, 61

. One of these RCTs

investigated the effect of a large dose of vitamin D (12,000 IU/day) for 12 weeks 60

, and the

other provided 50,000 IU vitamin D every 20 days for 2 months 61

. Most participants in the

former trial and all in the latter had vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D <50nmol/L). There was

no significant change in QUICKI, insulin sensitivity index, HOMA-IR, fasting glucose or

insulin levels 60


Similarly, a single arm open label trial involving overweight women with PCOS and vitamin

D deficiency also demonstrated no change in insulin sensitivity after 3 months of calcium

(530mg/d) and vitamin D (daily dose of 3533 IU for the first five participants, increased to

8533 IU for the other seven participants) 62

. The relatively short duration of these trials could

be the reason for not finding an effect on insulin sensitivity following vitamin D

supplementation. However, one single arm trial with a single oral dose of 300,000 IU vitamin

D resulted in a significant reduction of HOMA-IR in obese women with PCOS after three

weeks 63

. Decrease in fasting and stimulated glucose levels post oral glucose tolerance test

was reported following weekly 20,000 IU of vitamin D for six months in another

uncontrolled study, however HOMA-IR remained unchanged 64


Despite some evidence indicating increased endometrial thickness 65

and improved

menstruation 64, 66

and follicle maturation 66

from vitamin D supplementation, there is no

evidence of improved pregnancy rate spontaneously or after intra uterine insemination

following vitamin D supplementation alone or in combination with calcium in PCOS 65, 66


One uncontrolled study involving 13 women with PCOS and chronic anovulation (nine with

amenorrhea/ oligomenorrhea) reported normal menstruations for 7 out of 9 women within 2

months of calcium and vitamin D replacement, while another 4 women maintained their usual

menstruation 67



Evidence of the effect of vitamin D supplementation on androgen and lipid levels mainly

comes from non-randomised, single arm trials on overweight and obese women with PCOS,

and the few RCTs that have been conducted so far are limited by small sample sizes and short

durations with no RCT lasting longer than 6 months. Findings from one single-arm open

label trial involving 12 overweight and vitamin D deficient women with PCOS showed a

reduction in total testosterone and androstenedione levels after calcium and vitamin D

supplementation for 3 months62

, whereas other studies have found no effect of vitamin D

supplementation on androgen levels in women with PCOS 60, 63, 64

. For example, a high daily

dose of vitamin D supplementation (12,000 IU/day) for 12 weeks in a double blinded

placebo-controlled RCT involving 11 women with PCOS and 11 controls showed no

significant change of total and free testosterone 60


There is some evidence indicating the effect of vitamin D supplementation to reduce

triglycerides (TG)64, 68, 69

and total cholesterol 64, 68, 70

in women with PCOS. One double

blinded placebo-controlled RCT showed a significant reduction of total cholesterol, TG and

very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), but no change of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or

low-density lipoprotein (LDL) following vitamin D supplementation (50000 IU every 20

days) for two months 68

. Another RCT showed no change of lipid levels after high doses of

vitamin D supplementation (12,000 IU daily) for three months 60


Overall, the data across a range of endpoints is inconclusive in this heterogeneous high

metabolic risk group and further research with larger sample sizes and longer durations are

needed to establish the role of vitamin D in PCOS.

5. Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease Risk:


Observational Studies:

Several large nationally representative cross-sectional studies including the NHANES 71


the Tromsø Study72

have examined the relationship between vitamin D levels and blood

pressure (BP) and/or hypertension, and found that vitamin D deficiency was associated with

an increased prevalence of hypertension or pre-hypertension. A recent review conducted by

Carbone et al.73

identified 35 cross-sectional studies, of which only seven found no

association between vitamin D and BP or hypertension. Importantly, five of these seven

studies included participants who were not vitamin D deficient (≥50nmol), and one was

borderline (median =48nmol/L). It has been suggested that cardiovascular risk factors may be

more prominent in vitamin D deficient subjects. This is supported by a cross-sectional study

by Burgaz et al. 74

, which found that men with 25(OH)D levels below 37.5nmol/L had a

three-fold increased prevalence of confirmed hypertension74

, while another study of 381

vitamin D deficient men and women (25(OH)D = 31.0±12.5 nmol/L) found a significant

inverse association between low 25(OH)D values and the prevalence of pre-hypertension 75


Pittas et al.76

performed a meta-analysis on 4 prospective studies ranging between 7 and 10

years follow up, in which one study used self-reported vitamin D intake, while three

measured plasma vitamin D concentrations. All four studies reported hypertension by self-

report. A significant inverse association between low vitamin D levels and incident

hypertension after 7-8 years was reported when comparing the lowest and highest vitamin D

concentrations (<37 to 50nmol/L versus >75-80nmol, respectively) 76

. A more recent meta-

analysis of 11 prospective studies, 4 of which assessed dietary vitamin D intake and the

remaining seven assessed blood 25(OH)D concentrations, found that subjects in higher

vitamin D concentration tertiles had a 30% lower risk of developing hypertension compared

to those in lower tertiles (risk ratio=0.70, P<0.05)77

. A pooled dose–response analysis of five

studies also found that each 32 nmol/L increase in 25(OH)D levels was associated with a


12% lower risk of hypertension77

. These findings are supported by Mendelian randomization

analyses examining genes responsible for 25(OH)D synthesis or substrate availability

(CYP2R1 and DHCR7) in large samples (n >140,000) 78

. These analyses found that each

25(OH)D-increasing allele of the synthesis score was associated with a -0.10 mm Hg and -

0.08 mm Hg in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively (P <0.05), and reduced odds of

hypertension (OR per allele, 0·98; P=0.001) 78


Both cross-sectional and prospective studies investigating the effect of vitamin D on lipid

profiles have had divergent results. While some studies found positive relationships between

vitamin D and HDL75, 79-85

, and an inverse relationship between vitamin D and total

cholesterol and TG 34, 81

, others have not 30, 86-90


Prospective studies investigating vitamin D and overall CVD risk were recently reviewed in a

meta-analysis of 19 studies conducted between 2005 and 2012, with 6,123 CVD cases in

65,994 participants 91

. Low 25(OH)D levels (<60nmol/L) were associated with increased

CVD risk , specifically with increased total and CVD mortality. The increased CVD risk

seemed to plateau when vitamin D levels reached 60nmol/L, thus suggesting that while

vitamin D deficiency may increase CVD risk, higher levels may not further decrease risk.

Collectively, existing observational data suggests that CVD risk is increased only when

25(OH)D levels are low (<60 nmol/L).

Links between vitamin D and CVD risk have also been explored in Mendelian randomisation

studies, with some conflicting results. One study examining genetic variants in DHCR7 and

CYP2R1 found that genetically low 25(OH)D concentrations were not associated with

increased cardiovascular mortality 92

, and another study found that neither genotype score nor

the 4 SNPs examined were related to risk of myocardial infarction or overall CVD risk 93


However, Levin et al. 94

found a SNP within the VDR which significantly altered the


association between low 25(OH)D and CVD outcomes, and thus identified subgroups of

individuals with genotypes that make them more or less susceptible to CVD risk when their

vitamin D levels are low. Current genetic studies are however lacking, and until well-

designed large-scale studies and RCTs are conducted, such associations cannot be confirmed

nor denied.

Intervention Studies:

Few randomised trials have been conducted to investigate the effect of vitamin D

supplementation on cardiovascular risk markers or CVD incidence. However, several large-

scale trials are currently underway which include cardiovascular risk factors and CVD

development or CVD event incidence as primary outcomes, including the VITAL trial in the

United States, FIND trial in Finland, D-Health Study in Australia, and the ViDA trial in New

Zealand 95


A meta-analysis by Pittas et al. 76

of 10 RCTs concluded that there was no effect of vitamin D

supplementation on CVD risk factors including BP or incident hypertension. A more recent

review by Kunutsor et al. 96

found 16 trials comprising 1,879 participants, and ranging from 5

weeks to 12 months duration, with 800-1,870 IU/day of vitamin D supplementation.

Following meta-analysis, the authors found similar results to those of the Pittas group 76

, but

a significant reduction in diastolic BP (-1.3mmHg, P<0.05) was observed in six trials of

participants with pre-existing cardiometabolic disease.

Importantly, a limited number of the reviewed trials investigated BP as a primary outcome,

and only few studies focused on vitamin D-deficient individuals. In one study that did not

initially find significant changes in BP following supplementation of 3,000 IU/day vitamin D

for 20 weeks, subgroup analysis of only the vitamin D-deficient subjects did show decreased

systolic and diastolic BP by 4/3 mm Hg(P=0.05/0.01) in the vitamin D group as compared to


placebo 97

. This is supported by one of the largest RCTs of hypertensive patients (n = 283)

with vitamin D deficiency that supplemented 1000-4000IU/day of vitamin D for 3 months,

and found that for each 2.5nmol/L increase in plasma 25(OH)D, there was a 0.2 mmHg

reduction in systolic BP (P=0.02) 98


With regards to vitamin D supplementation and dyslipidemia, a systematic review conducted

by Jorde and Grimnes identified 10 placebo-controlled randomised trials investigating

vitamin D and lipids, and found that some trials showed positive, while others showed

negative effects of vitamin D supplementation on HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, and TG 99


Only one trial in 165 healthy, overweight and vitamin D deficient participants (mean= 30

nmol/L) showed significant results with an 8% increase in LDL and a 16% decrease in TG in

the vitamin D group (3,320 IU /day for 1yr) compared to placebo 100


Few randomised trials have examined the effect of vitamin D on the incidence of CVD or

CVD-related events. A systematic review conducted by Elamin et al.101

found 51 trials, of

which 30 trials reported effects of vitamin D supplementation on CVD-related mortality, but

only 6 on myocardial infarction, 6 on stroke, and 5 on peripheral vascular disease. Meta-

analyses showed no effect of vitamin D on any of these outcomes, although a non-significant

reduction in mortality was observed in those receiving vitamin D (risk ratio= 0.96, P= 0.08).

Importantly, many of the included trials were not designed to evaluate cardiovascular

outcomes and were thus likely underpowered. Also, 6 of the trials included participants who

were not vitamin D deficient, while another 12 trials did not report or were unclear on

baseline vitamin D status. This is of relevance as participants without vitamin D deficiency

are less likely to benefit from vitamin D supplementation 101


Potential cardiovascular benefits of vitamin D may also be obscured due to confounding

baseline characteristics that were unaccounted for such as diet, exercise and smoking status,


or due to the co-administration of calcium in many of these trials which may have masked

any benefits of vitamin D, and perhaps even had a detrimental cardiovascular effect 102

. This

is supported by a more recent review where Zitterman et al.4 concluded that vitamin D

supplementation is not likely to reduce CVD risk by more than 15%, a level that may not be

detectable in current data. The general consensus reached by these and previous reviews 76, 96

is that existing trials are of poor to moderate quality at best, and although the role of vitamin

D in CVD prevention is promising, higher quality randomised trials are needed to adequately

test its potential 76, 96, 99


6. Proposed Inter-relationships and Mechanisms for Vitamin D in the Pathophysiology

of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors & Disease:

Several hypotheses have been proposed around the inter-relationships between obesity and

vitamin D and the potential mechanisms by which vitamin D may affect the development and

progression of cardiometabolic risk factors and disease [Figure 1].

Vitamin D and Obesity:

A simple explanation for the relationship between vitamin D and obesity can be attributed to

lifestyle and behavioural differences. Low dietary intake of both calcium and vitamin D have

been reported in obese individuals 103

. Obese individuals may also be less likely to engage in

outdoor activities, and those who do spend time outdoors tend to expose less skin to the sun

than non-obese individuals. Both these aspects result in less exposure to sunlight and

decreased vitamin D synthesis in the skin 22

. However, the differences in sun exposure though

difficult to measure do not fully explain the variance in vitamin D concentrations between

obese and non-obese individuals 104

. Another possible mechanism of vitamin D deficiency in

obesity is that sequestration of the fat-soluble vitamin in adipose tissue mass and/or a slower


rate of synthesis of 25(OH)D by the steatotic liver in obese individuals, may result in

decreased bioavailability and thus lower vitamin D levels 104

. Others have also found

impairments in 25(OH)D hydroxylation in obesity 17


A more indirect mechanism by which vitamin D may affect obesity is via its regulation of

parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcium. Low vitamin D levels result in increased PTH,

which in turn stimulates the influx of calcium into adipocytes. Intracellular calcium in these

cells can enhance lipogenesis and thus excess PTH may promote weight gain 104, 105


Consistent with this notion, a positive association between PTH and BMI, and a reduction in

PTH following weight loss have been reported 106, 107


Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes:

In vitro studies have proposed that vitamin D affects both insulin sensitivity and secretion 108-

110. With regards to insulin sensitivity, vitamin D increases transcriptional activation and

expression of the insulin receptor gene, thereby improving insulin sensitivity via facilitating

both basal- and insulin- mediated glucose transport and oxidation 108-110


Vitamin D actions on PTH are also thought to be indirectly involved in the development of

insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. As mentioned, low vitamin D levels

result in high PTH levels, and this excess PTH in some studies has been linked to decreased

insulin sensitivity111

, while Reis et al.90

suggest that clinical investigations have consistently

associated hyperparathyroidism with a two- to four-fold increased risk of diabetes. Proposed

mechanisms suggest that PTH may interfere with both insulin secretion and insulin action.

PTH has been suggested to decrease insulin mediated glucose uptake by liver, muscle, and

adipose cells by reducing the number of glucose transporters (both GLUT1 and GLUT4)

available in cell membranes, while PTH has also been shown to suppress insulin release 112



Collectively, current data suggests that vitamin D deficiency, and the subsequent excess in

PTH may inhibit insulin signalling and exert negative effects on insulin sensitivity, however

more mechanistic studies are needed to further clarify these biological pathways in humans.

Extra and intracellular calcium levels, which are regulated by vitamin D, have been shown to

influence both insulin sensitivity and secretion. Vitamin D enhances insulin action and signal

transduction by regulating extracellular calcium to ensure normal calcium influx through cell

membranes 27

. This in turn prevents interference with normal insulin release, given that

insulin secretion is a calcium-dependent process 27

. Vitamin D also increases β-cell insulin

secretion by elevating intracellular calcium, which is an essential mechanism involved in β-

cell glycolysis and the signalling of circulating glucose 113


The vitamin D binding protein (DBP) and the VDR, which are present in pancreatic islets,

influence the bioavailability and the distribution of vitamin D in tissues 114, 115

. The DBP and

VDR have been suggested to play a role in β-cell function 114, 115

. Genomic effects of vitamin

D via the VDR have been proposed, whereby increased expression of the VDR has been

linked to stimulation of insulin release in pancreatic β-cells, and enhanced insulin

responsiveness for glucose transport 114


Chronic low-grade inflammation is an important risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases,

particularly because cytokine-mediated β-cell apoptosis is a central feature in the

development and progression of type 2 diabetes 116

. Vitamin D influences inflammatory

responses through multiple mechanisms. Vitamin D modulates cytokine secretion by

inhibition of the proliferation and stimulatory abilities of T-cells and monocytes 117

. In fact,

vitamin D has been shown to down-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines, including CRP,

tumor necrosis factor–alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1, and IL-8, and up-regulate anti-


inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 118

. This is supported by a clinical trial where vitamin

D supplementation for one year reduced circulating IL-6 concentrations in obese subjects 119


Interestingly, vitamin D has also been associated with increased circulating adiponectin, a

peptide hormone with favourable effects on chronic low-grade inflammation, and glucose and

lipid metabolism. This action of vitamin D is thought to occur partly via down-regulating IL-

6 since IL-6 has been shown to inhibit adiponectin gene expression 119, 120


In vitro data show that the VDR is present in most inflammatory cells, supporting the role of

vitamin D in inflammatory responses 10

. Absence of the VDR also seems to be associated

with increased nuclear factor- kappa B (NFB) activity, a transcription factor which has a

key role in regulating immune responses to infection and that has been implicated in the

pathophysiology of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes 121

. Conversely, NFB translocation

appears to be arrested, and its activity weakened by vitamin D 121


Vitamin D also up-regulates osteocalcin, a protein secreted by osteoblasts that is important

for bone mineralisation, but has also been implicated in the regulation of glucose metabolism

via effects on both insulin sensitivity and secretion 122, 123

. Osteocalcin stimulates adiponectin

expression and release of adiponectin from adipose tissue 120

, but also has effects on insulin

secretion via increases in GLP-1 122, 123


Advanced glycation end products (AGEs), a key factor in the pathogenesis of diabetes

complications, have been recently implicated in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance 124,

125. Harmful effects of AGEs include increases in inflammation and oxidative stress as well

as direct effects on β-cells, all of which are important risk factors for the development and

progression of diabetes 124-126

. In vitro studies suggest that the addition of vitamin D to

various cells, including endothelial cells, appeared to hamper AGEs-induced NFB activity


121, 127, 128. In addition, vitamin D was also found to exert protective effects by increasing the

circulating soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE), thereby reducing AGEs 129


Vitamin D and PCOS

Obesity, insulin resistance and chronic low-grade inflammation have important roles in the

development of PCOS and progression of its complications. As such, the mechanisms by

which vitamin D impacts on obesity, insulin resistance and chronic inflammation that have

been discussed above, also apply to PCOS.

In addition to these, PCOS is characterised by hyperandrogenism and oligo/anovulation. One

indirect mechanism proposed for the role of vitamin D deficiency in PCOS is by reducing

SHBG and thereby increasing free androgen levels. However, the association between

vitamin D and SHBG is not significant in most studies after adjusting for BMI 130


Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency is linked to hyperandrogenism through increasing PTH

which has been positively associated with testosterone level independent of BMI in women

with PCOS 131

. A role for calcium has also been established in relation to oocyte maturation

and the initial phase of egg development at fertilisation in both animal and human studies.

Abnormalities in calcium homeostasis and PTH levels secondary to vitamin D deficiency

may thus be responsible for arrested follicular development and menstrual dysfunction in

women with PCOS 67


Gene polymorphisms in the VDR are also proposed to have a role in the development of

PCOS with some genotypes being associated with more insulin resistance or

hyperandrogenism 46

. VDR-null mutant mice have been shown to have uterine hypoplasia

and impaired folliculogenesis suggesting a role for VDR in reproduction 132

. In addition,

AGEs and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) are elevated in women with PCOS, the latter

being due to abnormal ovarian folliculogenesis 129, 133

. It has been shown that both AGEs and


AMH levels are higher in anovulatory compared to ovulatory PCOS. As such, they may

interact in the anovulatory mechanisms in women with PCOS 133

. Vitamin D reduces AGEs

129, as has been mentioned earlier, but it has also been shown to normalise serum AMH in

women with PCOS and vitamin D deficiency 134


Despite the above proposed mechanisms, there remains a clear need for further research in

this unique insulin resistant disorder to clearly establish the mechanisms and potential

therapeutic benefit of vitamin D in PCOS.

Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease

Low vitamin D has been implicated as having an important role in development of CVD risk

factors via several mechanisms. Vitamin D has been shown to induce genes that are

protective against atherosclerosis and myocardial damage 135, 136

, and it also appears to

suppress cardiac hypertrophy 137, 138

. Another suggested mechanism is an increased activation

of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Low vitamin D has been associated

with increased circulating angiotensin-II concentrations 137

, and blunted renal plasma flow

response to angiotensin-II infusion in normotensive subjects 73

. Vitamin D is therefore

believed to improve cardiac function and reduce blood pressure, primarily by down-

regulating the RAAS and reducing plasma levels of angiotensin II, which decreases

angiotensin II-induced vasoconstriction, and reduces renin via calcium regulation 139

. This is

supported by randomised trials where improved blood pressure was observed in individuals

following vitamin D supplementation, however this was restricted only to individuals with

baseline vitamin D deficiency 97, 98.

High renin concentrations have also been independently

associated with the progression of thrombosis and left ventricular hypertrophy, along with

having an independent effect on CVD-related morbidity and mortality 140



Additional mechanisms contributing to the protective effects of vitamin D against

atherosclerosis are increased production of a matrix protein which inhibits cellular vascular


, enhances expression of anticoagulant glycoproteins, while down-regulating

expression of critical coagulation factors, and prevents foam cell formation and LDL

cholesterol uptake by macrophages 141

. Vitamin D has also been shown to directly promote

HDL particle formation and regulate serum apolipoprotein A-1 levels, both of which

contribute to increased cholesterol transport and overall improved lipid profiles 81

. In addition,

higher vitamin D and thus higher calcium levels are proposed to reduce hepatic triglyceride

formation and secretion 99

. Calcium acts to form insoluble soaps to prevent absorption of

dietary fat and binds to bile acids, which increases the hepatic conversion of cholesterol to

bile acids, thus reducing overall cholesterol levels 142


Vitamin D deficiency also elevates PTH levels as mentioned earlier, and this has been

associated with low HDL cholesterol as well as impaired endothelial function, arterial

stiffness and hypertension 73,90

. Suggested mechanisms for these actions include increased

aldosterone secretion via direct stimulation of sympathetic activity by PTH, and the indirect

mechanism of PTH whereby it alters calcium transport in various tissues, including vascular

smooth muscle, which may contribute to hypertension, among other CVD risks 73,90


In vitro activation of the VDR has also been shown to stimulate nitric oxide production in

endothelial cells and improve angiogenic features of endothelial progenitor cells, while

regulating the proliferation, migration, mineralization, and thrombogenic protein expression

of vascular smooth muscle cells 73

. Similarly, the VDR also improves lipid metabolism by

reducing acetylated LDL cholesterol uptake 79

. VDR polymorphisms have been associated

with an increased genetic susceptibility to CVD risks including hypertension73



Given the presence of the VDR in inflammatory cells, vitamin D also appears to exert

protective features against CVD via inflammatory and oxidative stress pathways. Chronic

low-grade inflammation and advanced glycation have both been suggested to play important

roles in the pathogenesis of CVD 4, 143

. Vitamin D reduces both chronic low-grade

inflammation and AGEs as discussed earlier. In addition, human in vitro studies have found

that vitamin D reduces the effect of AGEs on endothelial cells, thereby decreasing arterial

stiffness and endothelial dysfunction 128

. Consistent with this, AGEs and NFB activity has

been associated with diastolic pressure and pulse pressure in healthy normotensive adults 126,

143. Collectively, present data show promising explanations of mechanisms involved in the

effects of vitamin D on cardiovascular risk factors, however further research is needed to

clarify the extent by which vitamin D may be a protective agent against CVD risk factors and


7. Limitations of the Current Literature

Current knowledge around the benefits of vitamin D in relation to cardiometabolic health

remains contentious. Equivocal findings from both observational and interventional studies

are affected by several factors including the lack of defined knowledge around appropriate

dosages or optimal concentrations of vitamin D, and the duration of supplementation

necessary to appreciate any cardiometabolic effects. It is also unclear whether vitamin D is

only effective in certain subgroups, and whether a certain threshold exists at which vitamin D

ceases to incur additional benefits. However, it has been postulated that vitamin D

supplementation only exhibits beneficial effects in those who are deficient (25(OH)D <50

nmol/L), and only if supplemented in adequate dosages (>2000 IU /day) and for sufficient

durations for development of the outcome, all of which are factors needing proper

consideration in the design and execution of future trials in this field of research 76, 96, 99



Previous trials have been limited by poor participant compliance, insufficient dosages, and

small sample sizes, many of which included participants who were not vitamin D deficient.

The relatively short durations of these trials have also not allowed sufficient time to observe

development of these chronic diseases. Many trials have also co-administered vitamin D with

calcium, and since high calcium levels are now known to increase CVD risk, this may have

masked any potential benefits of vitamin D 4. Thus while existing research outlines a

potential role for vitamin D in improving cardiometabolic health, more conclusive evidence

is needed to confirm the true effects of vitamin D and to determine the mechanistic pathways

by which it can work as a protective agent against these diseases.

8. Conclusions and Future Directions

Cardiometabolic risk factors and diseases including obesity, PCOS, type 2 diabetes, and CVD

are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, as well as increasing healthcare costs.

Most importantly, they are preventable conditions, but while lifestyle interventions for

treatment of obesity and other cardiometabolic risk factors are an important part of

preventative strategies, they are expensive, difficult to implement, and unlikely to succeed on

their own. Therefore, alongside existing lifestyle interventions, there is an urgent need to

identify and test safe and effective interventions that can be easily implemented at a

population level to prevent these conditions and reduce their complications.

In recent years, vitamin D deficiency has attracted significant attention as a potential

contributing factor to the development of cardiometabolic diseases. Vitamin D deficiency is

now pandemic across most populations, given the shift to sedentary, indoor lifestyles, and sun

safety concerns. However, with the use of supplements, vitamin D deficiency can be easily


treated on a population-wide level. Despite current research suggesting the involvement of

vitamin D in the pathogenesis of obesity, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, and CVD; there remains

unanswered questions and continued debate regarding the potential use of vitamin D

supplementation as a wide-scale prevention strategy. Large, well-designed, and robust

interventional trials in vitamin D deficient individuals with sufficient vitamin D doses are

necessary to clarify the role of vitamin D in mitigating the current burden of chronic disease.

If such trials establish a protective role for vitamin D in cardiometabolic health, treating

vitamin D deficiency via population-wide strategies could be a feasible and cost-effective

means of successfully preventing and treating type 2 diabetes, PCOS, and CVD on a global


9. Author Contributions

AyaMousa, Negar Naderpoor, and Barbora de Courten drafted the manuscript. Helena Teede,

Maximilian de Courten, and Robert Scragg contributed to reviewing and editing the

manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


10. Abbreviations

RCT = Randomised controlled trial

BMI = Body mass index

CVD = Cardiovascular disease

PCOS = Polycystic ovary syndrome

OGTT = Oral glucose tolerance test

IVGTT = Intravenous glucose tolerance test

HOMA-IR = Homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance

QUICKI = Quanititative insulin sensitivity check index

BP = Blood pressure

HDL/ LDL = High- / Low- density lipoprotein cholesterol

TG = Triglycerides

RAAS = Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

VDR = Vitamin D receptor

PTH = Parathyroid hormone

HbA1c = Haemoglobin A1c

IU = International units

CRP = C-reactive protein

MIF = Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

IL = Interleukin

MCP-1 = Monocyte chemotactic protein-1

NFB = Nuclear factor kappa-B

TNF-α = Tumour necrose factor-alpha

AGEs = Advanced glycation end products

AMH = Anti-mullerian hormone

SHBG = Sex hormone binding globulin

DHEAS = Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

25(OH)D = 25-hydroxy vitamin D

NHMRC = National Health and Medical Research Council

SPHPM = School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

MUHREC = Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee


MCHRI = Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation


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Titles of Figures

Figure 1. Proposed mechanisms of vitamin D deficiency in cardiometabolic diseases:

Diagram illustrating the suggested mechanistic pathways by which vitamin D can affect

risk factors associated with the development of cardiometabolic conditions including

PCOS, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.