:- ' . ii4TN I S O F IE / . . a n 0 W ar G o d o f i n gI a e h e h a 1 - 15 " Wi n g V o L43 o . O Hi c A F orc B e , a J 1 F l , 19 9 ? F rom our l g ce C o an d er: " S o , w h a t' s th e pa t mon th b een lik e ? " W e h ave re c i ve d our Al er t O r d er f or t h e T P ° f A ugust C om b a t E mp l oymen t R ea di ness g th e d il ypep a t o th e ORI an d 'b us i nes E xerc i se (CERE) . All un i ts were i ssue d t h e as usu a di iti es ' , our w i ng h os td an db os td our d ocumen t ye t er d y an d are b usy prepar i ng f or m i i cp bl iti es d ur g a j m - a d t d mo o f our f irs t PACAF IG i nspec t i on i n f ive year . t ours , DV s , US F 50 A nn i esr y , J uy 4 even t s , PACAF Ch nge o fC a man d an dG e era L or b er ' s Ih e i nspec t i on b eg i ns on Th urs d ay , 710400 t H ere ' s are ap: A ugus t an d con t i nues th roug hM on d ay , R oo ev lt C omp l ex C areer G u id ance I ns tit ue: HIANG 11A ugus t . Fi ve Wi ng un i t sw ill d ep l oy t o Al as k aa n dK orea f or our eva l uat i on . Th e 204 mss i on , HRO , an d re it i ng t x i e f ings ; F - 15 s t a ti ; eng i ne Ai r lif t S qua d ron w i t h t h e C - 130 ma i n t a i ners M t a k ao W a d a umn i Lt C o lN or b er t K . u k e an d S 9 w ill d e li ver Ci v il E ng i nee , S er v i ces Fli g h t mem b ers , a n d Mili t a P ersonne l t eams to H awa Ed ua ti ona l C oun al : HANG m i ss i on , HRO , an d C amp M a d B u ll a t El men d or f AFB , Al as k a . iti ng e t ngs; F - 15 s t a ti c; eng i ne s h op; an d 293 CBCS Th e 154 Ai r C on t r o lS qua d ron d epa r t f or O sn A , K orea enrou t e t o t h e f ie ld a t C am p c e F o e: F - 15 st t n d 169 ACWS H ump h r i es . B o t hd ep l ayment camps w ill prov id e t h e b ac kd rops t o t h e 154 u Wi ng . F ran kB a k er , H awa n E a er i es , I nc: F - 15 Ci vc i nspec t i on gra d e i n v ar i ous com b a t s kill s . Th e f li g ht w /C ap t . B r dSk a i rest o f us w ill rema i n to contr ib ute to t h e wr . Ji m Sh u l er , h uer H omes , I nc: F - 15 Ci v iL e d er e f or t s i mu l ate df or t h e i nspec t i on . Th i sw ill b e ht w /C ap St an H ong a t oug hi nspec t i on . G ovemor C aye t ano , M ao G ee lRi h d on a dl oa l T e B o t om Li ne i s t h a t we h ave b een ve t e ans: KG 135 t o W s hi g t o D . C . f or a memo nl tra i n i ng h a r d over t h e past ye prepar i ng f or d e di t on a tA r ng t on C eme t er y an d F - 15 a - re f ue li g com b a t . Thi s i nspec ti on w ill va lid a t e our Ai r F or ' s 50 n ers r y 'Ai r T a t oo ' : F - 15 f our - s h a bili t i es an d t e ll us an d t h e wor ld h ow goo d we f or na t i on over Hi mwa t r t ov are . Th at ' s l ot o f pressure an d we w ill r i se to Hi k m O pen H ouse : G 13 , F - 15 an d KG 135 s tt i t h e acca i on if we d o our b es t EAM e f or t . d sp l ay w ith i r an d ma i n t enan ew ; 203d ARS an d S evera l o f our p s t exerc i ses s h ow t h a t we h ave 1991h FS t - s hi r t an d memo bi a sa l e b oo h s; 1541h t remen d ous s t rengt h s . W e h ave d emons t ra t e d mg f oo dt oo t , n d 'b usy sa e , a l wy sm ili g , t h a t we d e li ver w h en we engage t h e tou h est y i n on t r o l" , Chi e f Uh r i g t a k s . W ea l so l earne d t h at some peop l e h ave a PAC Ch ange o fC mman d : F - 15 f l y b y di icu l tt i me ge t i ng ser i ous a b ou t our com b a t a lL o b es 'i n i" Fli g ht : F - 15 f our - s hi p ( l e dG en t r i n i ng . Th a t a tt i t u d e cou ld b e t h e dif erence L r , g G e K e kh w /LtC o G ar y P e t es , C ap t b e t ween success an df a il ure . Ik now t h at you B dS a k a i , an dC ap t Gl n N a k amura ) w ill em b race t h e opportun i ty to prove t h a t we I n t egr it y f i r t . S erv i e tf ore se tf E xc e ll nc e i na ll we are an ou t stan di ng un i t . d o . T e mwo k synergy . d most o i a ll , l o h a . E veryone G oo dL uc k t oa ll o f you ! i nvo ve d are ou t s t an di ng di nsp i ra t ona l exampes o f our - C o l one lW a l ter K K a e a , J r . va l ues an d w h a t it means r ot i n th e H awa ii A r N a ona G uar d . O r V i on: H wa ii ' s Militi a ... AT ea o fM o t at e d en an dW omen P rov idi ng Q a li ty Ai r F orces; T o t y C omm i tte d an dA ccess ibl e to o C om un i ty , S t a t e , a dN a ti on ... W en er C a ll e d THIS PAGE DECLASSIFIED IAW E0 12958


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:-' . i i4TN IS O FI E • • /

. .a n0War God of ing I a eh eha 1 - 15 " Wing

VoL 4 3 o . O Hic A Forc B e , a J 1F l , 19 9 ?

From our l g ce Co ander: "So,what'sthepa tmonthbeenlike?"We have rec ived our Alert Order for the T P ° f

August Combat Employment Readiness g the d ily p ep ato the ORI and 'businesExerc ise (CERE). All units were issued th e

as usu adi ities', our wing host d and bo st d ourdocument ye terd y and are busy preparing for mi i c p blities dur g a j m- adt d mo of

our first PACAF IG inspection in five year .tours, DVs, US F 50 Anni e s ry , Juy 4

events,PACAFCh ngeofCa mandandGe era Lorber'sI he inspection begins on Thursday, 710400 t Here's a re ap:

August and continues through Monday, Roo ev lt Complex Career Guidance Institu e: HIANG11August.Five Wing units will deploy to

Alaska an d Korea for our evaluation. The 204mssion, HRO, and re iti ng txiefings;F-15 stati ; engine

Airlift Squadron with the C- 130 maintainers M t akaoWadaumni Lt Col Norbert K. uke and

S9will deliver C ivil Enginee ,

Serv ices Flightmembers, an d Mil

ita Personne l teams toHawa Edu ationalCouna l: HANGmission, HRO, and

Camp Mad Bull at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.iting etngs; F-15 static; engine shop; and 293

CBCSThe 154 Air Contr ol Squadron depart for Os nA ,

Korea enroute to the fie ld at Campce Fo e: F-15 st t nd 169

ACWSHumphries . Both

deplayment camps willprovide the backdrops to th e 154u Wing . Frank Baker, Hawa n Ea eries, Inc: F-15 Civcinspection grade in var ious combat skills.

Thefl ightw/ Capt. Br d S kai

rest of us will remain to contr ibute to the w r . Jim Shuler, huer Homes, Inc: F-15 Civi Le dereff ort simulated for the inspection. This will be

htw/ Cap Stan Hong

a tough inspection. Govemor Cayetano,Mao Ge e lRi h d on a d lo alT e Bott om Line is th at we have been vete ans: KG 135 to Wshi gto D.C. for a memon l

training har d over the past ye preparing for dedi ton atAr ngtonCemetery and F-15a -refueli g

combat . This inspection will va lidate our Air For 's 50 n ers ry 'Air Tat oo' : F-15 four-shabilities and te ll us and the world how good we fornationoverHi mwat rtovare . That ' s lot o

f pressure and we will rise to Hi k m Open House: G13 , F-15 and KG135 st tithe acca ion if we do our best EAM eff ort. dsplay with ir and maintenan ew ; 203d ARS andSevera l of our p st exercises show that we have 1991h FS t-shirt and memo b ia sale boohs; 1541htremendous strengths. We

have demonstrated mg food t oot , nd 'busy s a e , alw y smili g,that we de liver when we engage the tou hest y in ontro l", ChiefUhrigta ks. We a lso

learned that some people have a PAC Change ofC mmand: F-15 fl y bydi icult t ime gett ing serious about our combat al Lo be s ' ini" Flight: F-15 four-ship (le d Gentr ining. T

hat attitude could be the diff erence L r , g Ge Ke kh w/ Lt Co Gary Pete s, Captbetween success and fa ilure. I know that you B d Sakai, and Capt Gl nNakamura)

will embrace the opportunity to prove that we Integrity fi r t. Servi e tfore setf Exce ll nce in all we

are an outstanding unit. do. Te mwo k synergy. dmost oi all, loha. EveryoneGood Luck to all of you ! invoved are outstanding d inspiratonal exampes of our

- Colone l Wa lter K K a e a,J r .

values and what it means ro t in the Hawaii Ar Na onaGuard.

O r V ion : H wa ii 's Militia ... ATea of Mot ated en and Women Providing Q ality A ir Forces; Tot y

Committed and Access ible to o Com un ity ,State, a

d Nation ...W en er Called




_. ;] uty 12, 199 ) I ' l timoku Page 2

, and later periods ar e eligible for 154th Win MailHI NG SEA Ne s g6 C

.' t. e lbert Dan urant.

h om e loan bene tits fr om they Veterans Administr tion.Roo Hours

HIANG Senior Enlis ted dvrs orTh e Air National Guaz d will (D iff erent periods require 90 e 154 th W in g i 11

be conducting its own First a s,180 days or two year s '? oom pe rs o n e l w o t o

Sergean t Academy cou e at qualify ing service.) an adj u t e d 5 4 -9 w day

Maxwell AFB,AL.

he cour e PERS[AN GULF CONFLICTse hed l e to a l w , t 0

w ill be two weeks long and isBasically , reserv ists an d

mandatory for all personnel National Guardsmen who were p ro v ide yo u fiv e - y s - -

ass i ned to the Fir t Sergean t activated on or aft er Augu t 2,w e e k cov e ra ge .

position. All First Sergeants 1990, serv ed at least 90 daysMonday hrou Friday :

who have not completed this d were honorably dischar ed 0600- 1530course should et it done as e eligible.g UTA s : 0600- 1600soon as possible. Unfortunately,


this does not include additional Members of the SelectedH IANG M a il R u n

duty Fir t Sergean ts .Reserve, clud ing the Na i na l D ep a rt s 154 th W in g at

Th e we ing of the First Guard, who are not otherwise 14 4 5 D a i l}' ( e x c ep t 5 - - 9

Sergeant Diamond is authorized eligible : M o n d y ounder the follow ing conditions: a. who have comp leted s ix VeS HIA N G a t 153 0Before October l , 19


years o f serv ice and have been

-Assigned to a First Sergean thonorably discharged or

D a i ly (Or 05 30 h e nex t

slot b. have completed s ix years du ty d y )

-E-7 or above of serv ice and who are still Retu s 154th W ing at

-W ile att endi g the serv ing. 0600 D ly (the next dutyAcademy T e expan ded eligibility for

ft er October l,1998

, the Reserv ists nd National

da y )

Diamond will only be Guardsmen is approved throughM s a ge R u n

authorized aft er completing the October 28, 1999

.P ie k ed u p d ai ly a t 0 6 0 0

First Sergean t Academy.HOW AND WHERE CAN [ ( d as r e q u ire d )

It is tim e a ain to plan our GET MY STATEMENT OF C la s s if ie S p e c i a l

SNCO Conference, wh ich is SERVICE? C o u r ie rschedu led for February , 1998.

Membe rs who need aIf you have ny su gestions,

statement o f satisfactory serv iceA s Req u ire d .

S eh ed l e

ideas for speaker or topics,for the VA should go to the T S g t .

M eC u l loc h a t

please e-mail me.Also.

1 would Customer Serv ice sect ion f th e 44 9 -8 32 11383 9 .like to start organ iz ing the Milit ry Pcrsonne l light .comm ittees, so

if you wish to Serv ice is verified fromhelp, noti y me.

documentation in the UnitP e t s t o b e ID C

Personne l Records Group Ma datory microch ipp ing of

(UPRG). A points cred it dogs an d cats on H ickam AFB isP e r s o n n e l N e w s summary , along wit a now in ef ect ! As of May l

,6y S 'g t. Sun

dra DuBre t, statement of service will be 1997, all dogs d cats leaving

. ilita ' Pers onnel Flight given to you to hand carry or yu ran tine to live on Hick m reV A H o m e L o a n s mail to the local VA off ce . required to have microch ip

" e r t if iea t e o fYour cer ificate of eligibility identification .

As o f October 1,

E lig l b ll lt yw ill then be issued to you.

1997, all dogs and cats res iding

NOTE : Add it ional questions on Hickam must be(Reference : VA Pamphlet 26- hould be directed to the local microchipped.

For more9 l - l ,

dated March 199 ) VA office at 566- 1000 .info mation and prices , ea

ll theW h o Is E l ig ib le ? Hickam Veterin ary Clin ic atACTIVE DUTY 449-648 1.Veteranswho served on active

dut , who were honorablydisch ged during orld War II




• )u y 12, 1997 K ka'il oko Pa e 3

PromotionsThe ommande of the 154th Wing,Bri g.Gen.Mic aelHTice,wouldlikeyoutojoinhimincongratu

lati ngthenewestmemt otourSNCO/NCO rps;promotedaf ermee ngtheHIANGand154thWingpromotionboans,n3spectvely,onJune8, 1997.SM t Geor eGaneko 154thAircra GeneraionSquadronMSgt RussellDucosin 15 thAircraftGeneratonSquadronTSgt. r Adams 1 4th aintenanc SquadronTSgt EricBecera 1 4thMaintenanceSquadronT gt KenDoi 15 thAin;ra tGenerationSquadronT gt. LaniJulian 15 thMaintenance quadronTSgt Ce leyMahauu HQ, 1 h ingTS t.ErwinRamos 1 4th Mainen nce qu donTSgt.RoyYamane

1 t Maintenance qu dronSSgt.ClaytonAwa 15 th Maintenan eSquadronSSgt. B ndonDaniel 1 thAir raft Genera onSquadronSSgt Isidro Tabion 154thAi aft Genera on quadronSSgt MichaelYanagihaa 154th Ain aft Generation quadronGeneralTi esays,°Welldone ...andmayyouallenjoycontinuedsuc essesinyour utureendeavor !"

Hawaii Nationa l Guard ( IN G) BEE L eOperation Kokua R bbon (OKR) sg. M ,B n Engby SSg . Agc o

li. NQ lIANG he ca y Exposed Wor ers At The Jobsi e[n order of precedence, the HI GOKRwill follow o k d be overly e posed to i tr l

the H NG Att endance Badge in the category of g ident, s h as a a dousH1NG serv ice medals and tr aining ribbo . Th is p . K owing somet i g about the e c em lsinformation will be included in the HI GR 2 as it is p vide k owledge in fi t aid, establishes g ea ercurrently being amended. To recap, this is the order resp t hen ing es che i a s, a d to h ndleof state decoratio s ribbons: tl m safely.1. St te of Hawaii Awards:Medal of Valor o ( ), a olo le , highly i t ti g s,

Distinguished Serv ice Order u d dely. It is eit er co ve ted to otber2. H G Mi tary D cor tions: c mica fertil zers or appli ed directly as a fert i r.Medal forMerit It as al o been u d in the m factu e of plasticsCommendationMedal and e plosives.

3. HI G Serv ic Meda and Tr iniag Ribbons: . tpo r to low con e t ations an q ic ly p du eServ ice Medal eye, t ose and t

hro at irri tion as well as a cough.State Active Dury R bbon Mos sig i cant e posure s m y be airway swe ing1968 Federal Service ibbon a obstru tion. c ul tion o f fl uid in the luActive Dury Basic Training ibbon develop due to lo g e o u e to ammonia.A tendance Bad e rompt remova fr om t e our e d irrig tioa of t eOperation Kokua Ribbon ey s , muco membranes and involved sl n should be

The OKR is a one-time H G servi e ribbon engaged. If i ge ted ,large quant ties of w ter to

awar ded to H NG members who served the State of d ut h a oni ould be t en.Hawaii in the planning , execut

ion, and c losure phases Given these po ible de yed effects , co s ider

of Operation Kokua,2 1-30 Nov 96, on

Oahu, hospita i i g ersons who have h d significantHawaii. If you have an y questions regarding this in a ant e po u e for up to 72 hour .matt er, p

lea e call S ndy Mur yama or myself,SSgt. Ne mo th: Cffi A R E

Agcaoili, at733 4231.




]uly 12, t 997 Kuka'ilimoku Page 4

c tT h e l 5 4 L SF W a n ts Y ou .by laj .

B l! Pe tti,Comma nder,

1S- Lag istics Supp ort Flig hrThe 154 Logist ics Support Flight (LSF) is seeking qualified individua ls to i ll key vacant slots in its

organiz tion. ' he 154LSF is one of the most diverse units in th e HIANG being comprised of six +,

6)distinet functions: the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC), t

he Plans,Scheduling ::nd

Documentation Section (PS&D), the Engine Tracking Section, the Ma

intenance Analysis Off ice, ePlans, Programs an

d Mobilit Office, and the Tra ining Management Off ce .

The 154LSF is a progressive organization which thrives on diversity . It has one of the hignestpercentages of females in the IANG at 25.0%. Moreover,

it brings toget er people with a v riety of

skills - qualified cre v chiefs, budget analysts,logistics spec ia lists,

j ob contro llers, maintenan ce

schedulers, engine trackers,database managers, an

d training managers, which results in great synergy

with in and outside of the organization.The 154LSF has as its ision the Hawaiian term,

Kina 'ole, which means mist ke-free, ec or


One of the reasons why we adhere to this vision are the special people needed to fill

positions in the LSF. All of the vacant posit ions be low require individuals who are at least 5-level

qua lificd. •Ihey are cha llenging, but rewarding.

Vacanc DAFSC Gr ade S ec ial Rea uirement

Engine Trac ing 2A671A Aerospc Prop Jet CMAN E-6 Must be 5-leve l qua li ed(Engine Tracker) in specif ic AFSC

Plans, Programs2G051 Log Pl ns JMAN E-5 5-leve l in 2X AFSC

and Mobilit

Training Office 3S251 Education Trn g JMAN E-5 5-level in AFSC okay(Tra ining Manager)

MOC 2A37 1 Av Sys CMAN E-6 Must be 5- lcve l qua lified( ob Contro ller) in specific AFSC

MOC 2A35 1C Av Sys Nav Aid JMAN E-5 Must 6e 5- leve l qua lified(Job Controller) in spec ific AFSC

MOC 2A3 3A Tac Acft Maint JMAN E-5 Must be 5- leve l qualified(Job Contro ller) in spec ific AFSC

MOC A353A Tac Acft Maint JMAN E-5 Must be -leve l qualified(Job Contro ller) in spccific AFSC

MOC 2W071 Munitions Sys CNAN E-6 Must be 5-level qualified(Job Controller) in specif ic AFSC

MOC ?A3 iB Av Sys Flt Ctl JMAN E-5 Must bc 5-level qua lified(Job Controller) in specific AFSC

If you are qualified and interested in one f the positions above, ple se ca ll me (Maj . Pett

i) at 449-7845. We

hope ou can jo in us in the wonderf l wor ld of the LSF!




' • ul 12, 1997 K a'ili ok P S

Quality Newsy Capt Tracey J.

Saial Advisr, 154

' Wi gKeep ing You On "Q"1l,

Captur ing an "A a !"hen our creat ive brain is not exe ised, we stop as

king questions, we stop expanding our awa eness, a


we gradua lly lose our creative skill . C a tiv ty i the abi ty to break throag to a new under tandiag.It is a shift into a new way of seeing and t inking bout thing . It's the ab ity to solve problem inunique, innovat e, and imaginat ve ways and mak something ordinary into something eztraord ry .Creativity help you m age stress, so

lve problems more eff ect ively,increase your energy leve l, an


communicate with c l ity . Thefollowing is an excerpt om "Menta! Arts - Bridg g Your Brain Gap " by

Hubert Kimura on " illum inating creativity" .Creativity is essenti lly a our step process: in ormation, incu

bation, illumination, a

d inquis ition.In

order to ignite the spar of creativity , y ou need to f irst acquire knowledge, t

hen get you brain in the rightmode - t e crea ive right brain mode to incubate the p roblem.

Once y our creat e bro is activated, y oucan more readily search f or the lluminating ide and discover the "a a " solution .T e Inf or tio p hase - this initial p h se, yo need to get a clear at re of the problem a»d investigateit in as m ny directio s as p ossible. Every e ort m st be made to de e the bou daries and limits o thep roblem.

Your mind must be wellp rep ared so that numerous ideas can be generated.T is consc ious

p rep ratio» or in or tion saturation p ase is a necess ry f irst step n the creat ve p rocess.T e Incubativn phase - allow y our subconsc ious mind to s earc f or ideas.

To get y our creat ve 'j uices "

owing, y ou need to f irst get very loose, p

l yf u and relaxed so y our log ical mind and body can accep t and

app rec ate the imp ort ce o "u iqueness " a d "craz ness ". A rel xed but attentive mind is essential to lay

the f oundation f or creativi y spa to y .Slow, soot

h ng mu ic ca act as r nquil er or y our ind.Massag ing y o r own hands nd shoulders not only aid your blood circul tion but also help s you to relax.Slow rhy thmic breathing is also an excellent w y to retieve tension and stress.

Of tentimes, a color ul

environment encourages creat e thinking. The key is to avoid th nk ng about the p roble and o11ow y our

subconsc ious mind to get the j ob done.T e IU n tion phase - once you 're in the creative s ate of p layf ulness, un queness a

d craziness, y ou 'reready to "tu on the lights "f or innovation, invent veness an

d novelty . In this phase, creat e i

de s be aveli racquetballs bouncing of other ideas - ricoc eting until it hits "p ay d irt ".The I nqu sitio p hase - the f i al step in evaluating, scrutin ing, an

d selecting o worthy ideas. Yourcreativity can generate a number oj seem ngly attractive ideas to solve p roblems.

hen y ou eel t at thesu cient illuminating ideas ha ve been cap tured, y ou can start t

he search f or ident ing the best idea orsolution .....

"ahc! ".

s t a . . a e . . .c c a s.




uly 12 , 1997 Kuka' ilimoku Page 6

MM 3 Nov 97 14 Nov 97P a y 5 Nov 97 19 Nov 97

It has been requested by severa l individuals 7 Nov 97 2 1Nov 97

that the M ilitary Pay Schedule be published in 13 Nov 97 26 Nov 97the Kuka'ilimoku, so per your request,

here is EOM l 7 Nov 97 1 Dec 9?the schedule through the 2nd of December 20 Nov 97 5 Dec 971997: 26 Nov 97 l 0 Dec 97

Pay Doc. Rcvd. 1 Dec 97 12 Dec 97Check Date MM 3 Dec 97 15 Dec 97

MM 1Jul 97 15 Ju197 8 Dec 97 19 Dec 977 Jul 97 18 Ju197 11 Dec 97 24 Dec 9710 Jul 97 23 Ju197 EOM 15 Dec 97 31 Dec 9714 Jul 97 25 Jul 97 22 Dec 97 7 Jan 98

12- ]3 UL UTA l4 Jul 97 30 Jul 97 Members on active duty tours of 30 days orl 7 Jul 97 30 Jul 97 more will continue to receive mid-month (MM)

EOM 21 ul 97 1Aug 97 and end-of-month (EOM) paychecks .24 Jul 97 6 Aug 978 u197 8 Aug 97 w31 Jul 97 13 Aug 97

MM 4 Aug 97 l5 Aug 97Did you know that the Hea lth an d

7 Aug 97 20 Aug 97We llness Cente r,

here at Hickam , s open to

1 Aug 97 22 Aug 97 every one st tioned here ,inc lud ing f mily

9- 10 AUG UTA l 1 Aug 97 27 Aug 97 members? Check it out! Here are some of

14 Aug 97 7 Aug 97 the ongoing c las ses an d ac tivit ies scheduled

EOM 18 Aug 97 29 Aug 97 at Hickam ' s Hea lth and W ellness Center:21Aug 97 3 Sep97 "Back C las s"25 Aug 97 Sep 97 Cho lestero l Reduction27 Aug 97 10 Sep 97 Diabetes29 Aug 97 l2 Sep 97 Fitnes s Improvement

MM 3 Sep 97 15 Sep 97 ne-On-One Counseling8 Sep 97 19 Sep 976-7 SEP UTA 8 Sep 97 4 Sep 97

Smoking Cessation

1l Sep 97 '4 Sep 97" Sport Spec ific S tr etchi g"

15 Sep 97 26 Sep 97 Weight Management

EO l 7 Sep 97 1Oct 97 Walk-In Services include :Z Sep 97 3 Oct 97 Blood Pressure25 Sep 97 8 Oct 97 Body Fat Ana y sis29 Sep 97 10 Oct 97 Choleste ro l

M 2 Oct 97 l5 Oct 97 Other services inc lude:6 Oct 97 l7 Oct 97 C ycle Ergom etry Assessm ent8 Oct 97 22 Uct 97 F itness Equipment10 Oct 97 ?4 Oct 97 M icroF it Ana lYSis16 Oct 97 ?9 Oct 97 '

EOM 0 Oct 97 31Oct 9723 Oct 97 Nov 97 C

, The deadline for the August editioa of the, Uct 97 lov 9730 Oct 97 12 Nov 97 Kuka 'ilimoku is F day, August l st.




uty 12, 1997 i ka'ttln okn Pa 7

S h o t L in e 14 hours prior to the blood test.No alcohol for

154 th M edical Squadron72 hours. A er completing the blood draw,

A Sund y Hours of Operation for Y re rn to the wa ting room and th e PE

1997Coordinator will direct you to the various

I m za o ssections or re lease you to your unit.

The following schedule applies to I54th Wing4. Return at your scheduled appointment time

UTAs only (GSUs - as previously coordinated):the 154 MDS reception desk to continue the

0900 - 1400 - Te anus, Typhoid, etc.PEp ocess.

1230 - 1330 - Yellow Fever vaccine (the vialsare good for only one (1) hour aft er being Re n lite Round•upopened, there fore , ple e call at least e day by K e, fs Rea obefore (the UTA before would be even bett er) to Recruiters Est bli h Ptancoordinate requirements. By the ti me this hits the pre ss, the re tu ng f eIn order to receive immunizations, you willhave disseminatedto HIANGcommander opiehave your shot record. of theirRe ui ng and RetentionS ategic plan rFYShot-Line Direct during UTAs: 449-9855. '97

.The plan inciudes our vis ion s emeni, our

O er Medica Pr gra s m son statement, our guiding p c les (values ,

Call for appointments or cance llations 449- our go /s , s tegies and obje ti es for Y '97 and9855 or 448-7808. ot er informati on that af ects t e w y we doDrivers License Visual Acuity (Eye Test): bustne .

Fee l fr e to peruse the conti nuiy book and1230 - 1330 familiari ze yours elf with the goals and objec ves yourDrug Abuse/Soc ial Actions and Medical e uiti fo e is tt vi for a d the pl ns and

Evaluations: 1230 - 1330 pro rams that will get us .Our ef or are aimed at

Medic l Evaluations or Medical Evaluation getti ng the Hawaii Air Nat nal Guan manned 100 0Boards: 1230 - 1330 the •Optometry Needs (Gas Mask Insert Safety rNGB, ourAir

Na n lGuan assigneds e gGlasses orother follow-up): 1230 - 1330 s of September 30, 1996 w s 1

10,474, a d ou

Physical Fitnes edical Evaluations: 1230 - on9re sional end-s ngth for FY '97 is 109,178.1330 Perthe same, "looks likeaneasytar ettohi ' heyPhysical Ex inations: 0830 - 1330 ar pro je ng 12,000 l es in Y '97, whchme nsRequirements: that nation-wide we need to bri ng 10,000 newo cer1. Priority for VIPs, Commanders, Aircre w

an enlistedfolks onboa d.nd GSUs.

To bring all this to a "lo al' leve l, ourobjec ve is to

Reporc to the 154 MDS reception desk atin 320 new ac e sions , a

hieve a 2 lo increase in

your scheduled appoin ment time, orduring Lab

fem e strength , and maintain our iosses t l ss than

Testing times,if a blood draw is required. You

$° B ed on no mal loss nd downwa d e rufi g

will be directed to the various sections ords ,we

have set an ambttous goal.released to your unit by the Physical Ex m

To avery lar e extent, oursuccess depends onthe

Coordinator.support fro m the peope ro und us. Referais

2. Bring your sho record (PHS 731) an d unt for a very lar e portion of last yea s

other pertinent medical documents.ons.

People in the HIANG selling the HIANG

3. Lab Testing: Sunday morning, 0800 -

a e the best adverti sing out ther .If you k ow

1000.ne that would be good for the HIANG, please

Report to the 154 MDS reception desk forke a moment and pass th eir name aong to a

the proper lab forms. Do not godirectly to the

iter.lab. You w

ill be directed to the Lab section byHIANG Re ruiting and Retentl on Miss ion

the PE Coordinator. Unless adv ised otherwise,

Statement: "Pro mote awan ess a d communi

do not eat or drink a ything, except water,for

suppo t to sust n the strength of the Hawa iArNati onalGuard.




] u 12, 1997 Kuka' ilimoku Page 8

depend i g on which portion of that a peacetime emergency isthe body they at ck. The tenm imminent or has occurred .Le al Lineg "bio log ica l o rgan ism s" re fe r to W h en th i h a p pe n s ,

li ten to th eby 1aj . l s T (ta ura, ta /udge e u se o f pe rs is ten t liv in g rad io or pu b li c ad d r es s s s temAd acute, 154t

1 i gD isa t e r Pr e p a e dn es s

organ ism s to cau se il n ess ove r a fo r fu t he r n u c o .A th r e -

ll A ir G u a rd m em be rs mu s tlon g p e r iod of tim e , o r

d ea t h . to- five- in u te w av e r n g ton e o n

be acq u a in ted w ith th e D isas te r s is no t a v ia b le m ean s of th e ba se s ir en is th e "a t ck

Pre p a r ed n es s Pro ra m , w h ich offens ive w a rfa a t th is t m e . w a r n g" sign a l an d m eans to

p rov id e s p lan n in g , tr a ii g , an

d M ajor Acci d en t s ta ke sh e lte r a t on ce .Mem ber s

e xe rc is in g in th e even t o f en em yA m ajo r acc id en t is a th ir d sh ou ld imm ed ia te ly re port to an

a t ck , a m ili ry accid en t, o r ae lem en t o f the D sa ste r a i ed sh e lte r an d fo ll ow th e

na tu ra l d is a s te r .The p rogr am

Pre pa r ed n ess P ro am an d can d ir ec ti ons o f th e sh e lte r

a o p ro tects peo p le a ndd efin ed as an n o r o ff-ba e su pe rv iso r .

equ ipmen t, as well as thelamity involv g milita ry Know the location of you

conta inmen t and restoration of personnel and equipment. Such assigned shelter .

m ilit r t• o pe r a tions so th a t the an acc d en t cou ld in c lu d e a *Pro tec t y ou r e f .Imm ed ia te ly

pn m ary m iss ion ca n beh ' a ir c ra ft cra sh w ith procee d in g to th e n ea res t sh e lte r

con tin u ed .con ven tio na l o r nu clea r is yo u r bes t p ro tec ti on .

Th e fou r bas c e lem en ts o f th ew ea po n s aboa rd . a m ilita ry ro te t ba re s k in .

If rad ia ti on

Disas te r Prep a red nes s Pro ra m con vo y acc id en t, o r a fue l e lem en ts su rr ou n d y ou , w ea r

a re n u c lea r ra d ia ti on , chem ica l s to r age fir e .

In th e even t o f a boo ts ,lon g p an ts , a

lon g-s leeve

ge n t a n d b io lo g ica l o rgan is m s ,m ta r accid en t, a spec ia li ed sh irt o r jacke t, a n

d cap .Tape

n a jo r acc id en t s , and na tu ra ltea m ca lle a "d is a s ter re spo nse w r sts an d p an ts le gs , an

d kee p

d isa s te rs .fo r ce" p roceed s to th e acc id en t v eh ic le in d ow s an d cano p ies

N u cle Ra d i a ti ons ite to con ta in ord e r a n d r es to re c lo sed , an

d a v o id uru t if

N u c lea r ra d ia tion is on e e s itu a ti o n to n o rm a l.A Majo r po ss ib le .

If ch em ica a re

e lem en t o f d is a s te rAcc id e n t Resp on e Eva lua tion pr ese n t, p ro tecti ve me th od s

p rep a r ed n es s . ' h e th e r in theARE) is a tr a in in g exe rcise fo r inc lu d e gas m as k u t iz a tion ,

fo rm o f fa llo u t fr om a n ud ea r su ch a n accid en t. s eve ra l ch an ges o f p ro tec tive

e xp los io n or rad ioac tiveN a tu r a l D isa st e rs c lo th in g, c

hem i ca l d etecti on , nd

pa rt ic les re lea sed fr om a nu c lea re fin l e lemen t o f th e an ti d o te u ti li z ti on .

a cc id en t, rad a h on poses aD isas te r P rep red nes s Pro am T e U it d Sta tes ha s been

hea lth h a rd th a t ca n r au seis n a tu ral d is a s te rs . in v o lved in cou n tle ss d isa s te r

il n es s o r d ea ch .Rad ia tio n is

Ea h q ua kes ,fl ood s , to rn a

d oes s it a tions , su ch as Hu r rican e

d iv id ed in to th r ee ba s ic ty p es : an d fir es a re a ll in c lud ed in th is In ik i, th e Los : n ge les

G amm a P av s,lph a p a r ic le s ,

im p or ta t ca tegory . Su ch ea r th q u a ke , a n d I hr ee M le

and e ta p a rticle s . a mm ad isa s te rs in vo lv in g m ilita rv [s l d

. each of th es e

rad ia io n ca n pa ss th r ou gh the a e ts hav e ofte n b e n s itu a taons , an ad eq ua te p ro gr am

bod v as x-ra vs d o an d ca n ca useexp e r ie nced in ou r l et m e .

fo r p ro tectio n , co n ta inm e n t, and

ce ll an d tis su e d ama ge .lp h a

Mo s t n a tu r a l d is a ste r s itu a tions re s to ra ti on resu lted in fe w er

pa r t c les in ges ted ir to th e bod vill in v o lve th e civ ilian li ves los t an d les s d a a ge .

ca n ca u se ce ll d a ma ge , and Be ta

p op u la tio n , s te o r fed e ra l D isa s te rs can occu r an yw h ere a t

pa r tic le s o n the s kin ca n ca u se a u th or tie s , a s w e ll as th e an y tim e .Be pr ep a red to

um ili ta r . .

G ua rd mem ber 's i p ro ve vou r cha n ces fo r

Ch e mi ca l A en t s an d res p ons ib ilitie s and ro le in su rv iva l.Biolo cal rganisms

Di aster Preparedness areh em ica l a gen ts d nd c lea r l d efin ed in th e fo ow in g N e x t U T A s

b io lo g ica l o rg n i m s com p se a p° m '

secon d p o rtion o f th e D isa s te r*Gc t in v o lv ed ! Don 't w a it fo r

Pre pa r ed ness Pro gr am .Th e re e o th e r pe rson to act a nd to

A U g .9 & 1 0

a re ove r 70 kn ow n h az a rd ou s give d irec ions .Becom e fam ilia r S e p .

6 &

chem ica l ag en ts , •h ich if " it th e D isa ste r Prepa red nes s-

in ges ted ,b r ea th ed o r exp osed to

Pro am .. .. a l T r a in ing

th e s k in , ca n ca use imm ed ia te ow th e emergen cv s ign a l : D a t e S

il n es s , nca p acita ti on , o rd ea th .

to -fi ve-m in u te stead y

l h ese a en ts a re c l si ed as tone o n th e base s iren is th e g'

.Au 7 & 8, 11-13''h loo d ," "b liste r ,

" o r "n rv e ,""a tten ti on " signa l a nd ind ica te s




' )u 12, 1997 K ka'ilimo u Pa e 9

Na K oa K u Ma kan i cu entUSTArues. Allma hes KUKA'ILIMOKUThe Hawaii National wl)be best of thn tSwtth No

Ad s ori If there are erousf d Air Fo e

Guard's second annual Na • newsp pe is an uthoriz dKo Ku Mak ni, "Warrior

ints (i.e .,

indela or a ve I e m

Publicacion for the membe s ofStaRding Aga n t tbe ind",

Y ) r the US military vice .a HING Drug Awareness (>32 teams), all matches will be ntents of theEvent,

is heduled for e -game pro set En fees KUKA'ILIMOKU are notSaturday, Au ust 16, 199?

erplayer. necess ly the off icial views of,from 11: 0 a.m. to

3:30 p.m.is ear, t e toumame t will or endorsed by, t e US

at Bellows Air Force Station.ope to both Ar nd Amy Gover ent, the Depart ent of

There wi11 be f Gu mbers . Ide ly, If e epa nent of t e

woud like the best of the Ai Air Fo ce or the Hawaii Airhamburgers, hot dogs, cott on National Guar d.andy, shaved ice, sod s andGu d ver us the best of the

entert inment with spec ialy Guan in the ina .

Wt1 This publication is prepa d,appearances by Brickwood

th is in mind, all doubles teams e ited and provided by thc

Galuteri , Kimo ahoano,must have both rnembers f om blic Aff airs Off icc of t ethe same br nch of t e Sen Ce.

t54t Wing, Hawaii Airsportsca ter Shawn Ching Iwill make the d aw as fai y as National Gu rd, Hick m Airand Forte ; plus others to be ss ibe with this as a go l.

The Force Ba e, Hawaii 96853-announced... nner of the toumament will be

5517. Telephone: (808) 449-This event is sponsored 7745

b Counte dn Drunized for both squ d and

y g SeN ce afl liatlon On @ e punctuation of the nameDemand Reduction, the of this newsletter wasGener lsTrophY(perpetual}._ Hawaii Housing Aut ority re earched by the Indo- PacificThe deadline for team ent esand Police Activities League .

L ngu ges D pt. at t eand waiver/r lease forms will be Unive i of Hawaii.Just Say No To August 22, 19 . If you havety

D ggl any questions, eel fne t0 callCommander

me at 655-7211ore-mail me atBri g. Gen.Michael HTice

FFERIA D0 169ACWS. Public Aff irs O icer: Capt.1997 Island Hawaii Nat onal Guard r yJs il̀ iDefense Tennis Airand Arm

Editor: SSgt_Stephen Ly homasTour ament Athle tic Eve nts for FY Assistan t Editor: Sg JamesySSgt. Fel D. Feia, 169ACWS

'9 YoungThe 1997 Island efense HANGSo all Toumament ter: gt. Angie FleenorTennis Toumament will be hed oate: 24-26October 1997at the Wentwo TennisCenter ocotion: Eofi rt viltage

on Pear Harbor Nava Station. Field, Hick mAFB t6Thedatesof the toumamentwll Choir ersons:

199 FSbe August 30-31 from 0830- TSgt. RobynMontera; 154LS, C hange o f C ommand1600. Satur ay, August 30, will

Phone 449-3846be the main toumament draw,

SM gt. Larry Kaule inomoku;HIANGmembers ar e invited to

and Sunda ,Au USt 31,

II be54LG. Phone 449-2513 attend the change of command

Y 9 ceremony on Sunday, 13 July atthe sem nals and fi na s (time HIARNG Baske ba ll 1130 in Hangar 3400. LcColpermittng).The e will be no Toumome nt Geof rey S. Avery will ot c

iallrain out dates scheduled for the Dote : 21 - 23 November 1997 relinquish command of the 199toumament.

locotion: 22nd Ave nue Gym, Fighter Squadron to Lt ColGaryThe format of the toumament Fort Ruger L. Peter .

will be doubles play using Choir. Copt.Corpuz




July 12, 1997 Kuka`ilimoku Page 10

E x c h a n g e E x c h a n g e Flyovers a re not automatic ; they must be

AAFES Heads f r the Border with Taco requested by the next of kin.For specifi c information aboutBel l coordinating r estc nr f vovers, un

its shoufdDau (A S) -- A y d Air Force Exchange contact the Headqua rt e rs AFRC Directo ate of

Serv ice customers w ith crav i gs for "south-of-the- S e rv ie e s ' p rog ram s d iv is ion a t DS N 497 -2 1C3border" fl avors can celebrate.

Las t month ,AAFES ( rn me re ia l 9 12 -327-2 103) during duty hou rs o r

signed a license agreement with the Taco Bell DS N 497 06 80 (e omme rcia l 912 -327-06 80 ) a fte rCor oration. duty hou rs .

(Co urte sy of AFRC News S e ic e )Fort Irw in ,

Californ ia, wiil be the site of the f rst

direct-operated Taco Bell E press in an AAFES food

cover the next few ye rs, AAFES plans to open 20

Loca l " G i ds" a n d C ot ton C a n dyy C I Sg t Doug Abe,

Sen ior Enli ted Advisor,154th Wing

to 30 T aco Be ll Ex pres s un its o n m ilit ry insta lla t io n s

around the world.In add ition to the upcoming Taco Ove r 200 " Hawa iian " nood le p la te lunche s

Bell restaurant , AAFES will be off ering Taco Bell nd cott on c dy w so ld du ring the H ic k

burr itos in Department of Defense dependent schoo l O pen House on Sunday ,l u ly 6th .

The food w aslunches, beg

inning w ith the 97/98 schoo l year . de f tn ite ly a c row d p lea ser and by 1230 we wereaco Bell j oins approximately 250 brand na e so ld o ut ! Over e ighty pounds o f veget b le s ,

fast-food restaurants . AFES currently operates . chow me in nood le s, char s iu . an

d fifty poundsBurger King,

Popeye' s and B kin Robbins ar e j ust o f c h ic ken were p repared the even ing p r io r .A ll

some of the tastes of home AAFES se es to militaryfamilies no matt er where in the world they're morn ing long, t

he "ono" oma of the fried

stationed_chicken and noodles lured hungry ppetites.The excitement of cotton candy and ear -to-earsm iles from the kids kept the co on can dy

A ir Fo rc e Ex p a n d s F u n e ra l F ly o v e r machine going unt il it "took a rest" in the ear ly

E Itg ib ili y aft ernoon.ROl 1NS AIR FORCE BASE, GA (AFNS) -

All the pl nning and preparation for thisAir Force Reserve Command rated and nonrated ndraiser was chaired by gt Anthony Silva,aviators a re now eligibte for funera l yove r 154th CES and Mrs.

loyce Silva, board member

honors they were previous ly denied. of the Hawaii N t ional Gu d State F milyUnder expanded fune ral fl yover eligibility Support team . I would also like to than k the

crite ria announced in J une alt ra ted and following for their help in mak ing thisnonrated career aviators, regardless of dutysta tus at the time of death, a re e ligible

for fune ra lfundraiser a success:

fl yovers This includes a ir ba t le management Lt Col Melvin '̀the candy man" Asa i,HQ, 1


office rs , e nlisted fl ight e ngineers ,

loadmaste rs WG, MSgt l eff Camar a,

154 SVF,TSgt Kath ie

and boom ope rators in traditional res e rvist Fritz. 154 SVF, TSgtSteven Morita, 154 A

GS,st tus . TSgt Steven Morita,

1r.,154 MXS,

MSgt andThe expanded e ligibility a lso includes Mrs.

Kath ie [ loriyama, 154 AGS, Capt

Traceynon-career aviators, such as nurses, medicaltechnicians and inte lligence o ce rs , but only

Sa iki,HQ 154 WG,

TSgt Ronald Lee, HQ 154

when they die in the line of duty while performingWG, M

Sgt Eddie Hee, l4 LS,

SSgt LeAnn

aviation duties .In the past, the only rese r

ists Tran 'Voung,154 UG, an

d my wife, Kathie Abe .

eligible for fl yove rs were rated office rs on active - Over $ 1,000 was raised, and w

ill be ded icatedduty sta tus at the time of the ir dea th. to uture I 4 Wing f mily gatherings such asThis change in fl yover e ligibility does not the upcom ing Christma party and uture fa ilyaff ect a reservist's entitlement to mortuarybenefits or milita ry honors, say A ir Force p icn ics.services officials.




]u 12, 1997 Ku c ' ilimoku Pag 11

r uirementa iestoalcat 'es missons/ ontn enaes/miliVeter ns p °n gReem lo ment Ri ht of training or ervice. Notice snot n uirement isalsoexempt.p y 9 requin if precluded by military Can an employ e be requind tobr Ro Ven o NG d or, it is othervvise u=e amed v at on while

impossible. per onningmil t ry ae i ?Since 194 , therehast ena Is an empoyer ent tlad to p pe yknown as Veterans Reemployment No, a r on ma not beRights (VRR). n C tober 13,

th milit ty duty for whi h an forcedtouseeamedvacation.199 , Pnside t CGnton sgned t e

mp y wa granted a leave of How much time off is anUniomed Servic s Employment absenc wa ac ual yperformed? employ e entitled to prior toand Reempoyment Rghts Act Yes, USERRA provides that repo ngformilit ry ser i ?

(USERRA), and it is contained inbwng periods of militar service nex t amountof tim isnot

itle 38, United Stat SCode at of 31 d s or mor , ihe retuming spea ied,however, employee, al

Chapterd3.p e must, upon the a minimum, needs to be given

Who ia eligible for raemploy ent pl°ye s ue t Prov>de uffia nt time to t v to the plaoe

rights under USERRA following doc mentation ihat est ii hes and to be properly rested and fit t

military serv ice? l ngth and c ara ter of the servic pe o •Theservi member mustmeet etimelinessof the application Af er tha completion of military

6veconditionsoreigib ity teri a: o reemployment. TheS etary of ice, what is the time fram1 - He must hold or have

Labor has determined that t e within which a per on has to

appliedforaavilianjob.b n do mentation a be report back to work or apply for

2 - He must have givenw tten u ed for proof of etgibi for r employment?

or verbal notice to his ci ilian reemployme t: di harge papers ,1- Upto30conse uiveda -

employer p or toleaving his job for lea e and eamings stat ments,he empoyee must report b dcto

military t aining or service, exceptI completion c t te, wo c for the fi t u regula y

when preduded by military order , or a letter froma s h dufed wor pe i d on the rstproper milt ry aut o ty. USERRA • f lendar day fol wing the

' ne essity.3• Hemustnotha eexceeded not address documentationof pe onoftheperiodofse i e.the fi ve-year cumula6ve limit on hort er periodsofmilitary servi ; if 2 - 31 to 180 days - the

periodsofservice.d ubt exists, n empoyer could pioyee must sub t a w tten or

4 - He must have b en eemployee's ommand.b application for reemp yment

released from servi e under How is the frv year limt th t e employer not later than 14

conditionsother t and honorable.m ? days after the completon of the

5 - He must report badcto hisin the uniformed -

avilian job in a timely manner or except thetypesofservice 3 - 181 days or moe the

submit a tim y application for describedbelow, c unts tow d the employee must submit an

reempbyment.muiative five-year timit of milit r appli ation for reemployme t not

Ar there re mploym nt right ce a b later t an 90 days fter ompl tionfollowing voluntary miltary retaining ghts under USERRA. of t eperi of servic .serv ice? a ersonstartsanewjob ith Does eemploy ehaveri ghtsto

Yes. USERRA applies to anewempoyer,herece ivesafreshbene from th e c ilian

voluntary as wetl as involunt ry five year entllement, wilh the ployer during a perlod of

military service , in peac time asfollo ing ex eption m t ry training orserv i ?

well as in warti rne. However, like1- Un ble (thoughno faut of Yes, he has the ri ght to ele

t e VRR law, USERRA does note individual) to obt in release o tinued health insu n

applytostate lupsof the National fi omservice or ser ice inex ssof ce 9e•Guard for disaster relief, nots, etc.

five years to uffi ll initial pe d of Wha is an employer required toMy prote on for su h duty must obligatedser ice.

provide to a reumingbeprovidedbythe lawsof the state 2 - Required dri lls, annual se icemember upon

orterritory involved.training and other aining duty reamployment?

When is pri or notice to the ce rt ed by t e military to be - PromPt reinstatement

civilian employer required? How ne s ary for professional 2- senio ty

issuchnoticetobegiven? develo mentorskill t aining.3 - Trainingorretraining

The servic member must give 3 - ce P duri ng 4 - Spe al prote tion against

advance writ en or verbal noti to time of war or nationa emergency dis h rge (cont.onp ge12 )

his employer. e noti e or for other iti al




]uly 12 , 1997 Kuka' iiimoku Page 12

things f rs t; thinking(Veterans ' Reemployment Righ s 'w /w ; seeking rst to + nack L ine+

cont.from page 11) unders u , then to be C hi li D o g

Is the retuming employee always understood; sy ergizing ; and Hot Roa_st ee f w ith

entitled to have the same job s arp enirrg the s w.It is iv hed Potatoes & Gravy

back holistic, integrated approach Freneh F es

No. to personal and interpersonal Sweet P ickl esDiscri minationByEmployer effectiveness open to all'Ape onwho is a memt rof, HI ANG personne l.S u n d aapplies to be a member of,


perf orms, has perf o med, applies to T e workshop originally *Main L ine *

pe orm, orhas an obligation to scheduled for 25-27 June ha Meat Loaf

perf orm serv i e in the unifo med been changed to 23-ZS J uly . B k ed Fishservices shall not be denied initial Scheduled course dates:employment, reemployment,

Ma hed Potatoes

retention in employment promotion,26 Septe ber d Mushroom Gravy

or an benefi t of em lo ment b an 22-24 Octobery P y Y Steamed R ceemployer on t e basis of t at 17- 18 De ember Herbed reen Bean smembership, application for Interested HIANGmembership. perf o mance of

Butt ered Sweet C rotsmembers outside the 154 pot to C rea ed Souservi , applicat

ion for serv ce, orP

obligation."Logistics Group are advised S lad Bar

An employer may not to contact Capt. TraceySaiki Bread utt er

disc minate employment or take at 449-6008. LG members y ellow C keny adverse employment action may contact the LG Trainingagainst any person Off icc at 449-7840. Seating

Haupia ToppingThe above material are is limited .

Wh te M ilk

ex erpts from the new USERRA Choco late M ilkfactsheet. Juice

tf you have any rt herquestions or concems, please ca

What's for luneh? + nack L ine+MSgt. RoseVendio

laat 449-2574. 154th W i Aeros ccg P Gri lled Ruben S d ichDining Facility 3LT San dwich

- e n u - Assorted Chips• • S a tu rd ay Dill Pickles

S e v e n H a b its o f*Main Line *

, nu items are suhj ect toSweet Sour Pork substitutio b ed uponHig h ly Effee tiv e ive Spice 'hicken arlabili .

P e Op e w ith G raw ll personnel w ill present a

W o r c h o p S te am ed R ic e milit r ' 1D card in order to eatin the dining facility .hy . lai. il

l ett .Cnmmander, B u e re d COrI l B ee t S

l Logtsttcs Support F7i , rTrad it ional Guardsmen will s ign

The Seven Hab its oh ic ke n Lo n g R ic e S o u p in on the AF Form 1339 .

H i h ly Effec tive Peo p leSa lad B a Officers and AG will sign in

Ste hen .B re a d u tt e r on the AF Fo 79 and pay

W'o rksho p by p 2 .75 or the meal.Cuvey is an in-depthChocolate C k c

experience nd everlast in th Dobash Topp ing Dining Hoursunderstanding of: b ing h ite M ilk 10 :30 a.m . -

12:30 p .m .proaclive: beg inn n ith the Choco late Milk Bon Apetite !nd in rind; putt n f rrst Juice