., ., .. ·:r· .. ' .I .. . ·I -, . '·.' . )"-. .. .. . . ' ' ', .q ·•·' . . ' ., ,, . . ' AND CARRIZOZO OUTLOOK ' (;. \ '' .., •• , .... .. . . . . - -' ' Offidtl Nll'i'Pr,-l.ept P.U.tioi . VOL'U){E No. Nen, Vol. CUJUZOZO. NliW FRIDAY, SllP.T. 14, 1945 , OuU.,ok Vol. 86-No.l9 ,, . . .- I> Reti):'ed R •. R. Employe . News ,4N.CHO .NEWS (: George R. Hyde American Legion Auxiliary Edgar Poindexter With ;·:;. D·. • d S ptember 6th After bavtng been a Jap priaon- mihtal'J' pohceplatQOq George Hyde,. age 70, CLaepgli'otannAMuxea.tl'a· ·Repair Training Base 1e e · · · 66 er of war four years, Sgt. U. Inf. meritorioua atrvice Molt pTa ... maker of Capitan, and a deaf At an '----::" ..... _ __ 1 , Wettermafk, age D. liberated from the . . ayne Poindex- --=----'lmtmll-f .. u duty of eneRtionally diftle\llt Capitan Sunday niaht, about8:80 gular night meeting at tbe ter, &taman. 'second class, Nogal, tmploye, and manaKer of bit mother, Mrs Frank Arrington taskl over the periorl of Oct-,1 and fatally lnjurea. He ia sur- hall Sept. li, 1945. N. Mex, is serving with this rli• " ' I "" t.bt Southern hotel ,here of El Paso, was notified Sept. lOth 1944 to June 26, I94G peri<>d, dur- vived by hia widow and one son. The. meet1_ng was called to order pair and training base which sup· died in El Paao, Gtb. of his release. U. D. became a ln11 the Ltyte, Philippine Islapd A jury waa called and by um.t .pretndent, plied troopa and landing craft for Ht from aettVe duty in priJoner when Bataan fell in May operation and the Okinawa Itlaad after due deliberation the driver all rec1tmg the Prt>amblo in unl· major invaaiona in the Maraballe April after having been here 1942. Ho bad been wounded in operation John Wilson of Anello of tbe ear was 8bsolvod from son. , tb• Gilberta and at Okinawa. ' contiuuo01!y for ninQteen yean.. tbe JelL leg, but hopes when ht is with this M.P. platoon •nd .Ja blame. Gr_ace being at Cartfings 24-hour, seven-day· Mr. Wetter mark was born 10 reachea tho Statea to have it pro· in the Philippine llhmd• , o . P.rev1ous mf'etmg of the .mstalla· week •chedule, his unit maintain- Swed.en jq 1878. !-Jc bad beeu a p9rly treated. Hia mother and Tommy. Knight Ita this RETURNS TO N. 1\L 1\f. I. tlon of officers, was duly ln?talled ed all types of landing and auault reaidl.ll"t Df tbtl!mted States for Ilia brother will meet him in San week from Boat C!lmp. Tommy Sgt. B111 Fulmer returned to N. M. by one of 0 ?r post equipment and repair .88 yeJra. He waa.kno'lfn to tbe Francisco. · Is a ftne Jooklnjl Ml\rine. · M. I. nt Roswell last Friday to begin Edna Laramie for thef' enGUIDll The base also trafaed railroa4! and local 'hotel Lt. Fred English ifl stationed in lame!! Ara on it home from h1s studies. Dill wor!ted In the sig- ear. lo amphib!ous communieattont, pattonau "Ole • Lho Pb'li ines and ho aeoms 2 nnl d.epartment the Southern A vote of thanks from one r•f minllSwfepang and camouflage B l ed by his widow l PP '. . German7 .on a 8u day fur.ougb. Pacific tJ$ summer at Douglas, our members, Velma Burleaon t' II IUrv v W k aud rather ploa11lld With bas aurroqnd He ba1 been through the thick of Arizona. 01 h . Alb er o'era 1009 Mrt. Mmarct ettermar , ingt Hlo m!lln complaint ia that a b b b h k eon, w o wao ao an uqu • b t , s and five daughters . . . . tho ul t\ .u' came t roug loo - que hospital with n nelv son John TO mr,tAOJIIN ROSWELL 7 1JO aoo . ' amce a1r mMaiona oro out there log fine FAl\DLY REUNION .. all .of whom Jive in tho lllo't any excitement. , o Mrn. Sarah Meall9 and fumily h<.>ld Leonard OloEon, :vos read by aec- Stattl except one daughter, Ill nEEN'IWS IUGJILAND u n family reUlllon last W<.>Clt. Prt>s<.>nt retary Ann • arhog. r. ' {/• ,. . ' r I ' . Wettermtrk Jives . f!.tockton of Phoenix, MJss I1U1cy Loudin left Monday were Robert Ml•nns and family, H<.>n- Also a "thnok you'' from Mr. :·"': io Sweden. . VIJited Mr. QPd Mro. C. A. DO)\' Lwl Veff!l!l where llhe w111 re--enter ry, Kenneth, Donald, Richard, Mrs. and Mra. B. J, Wllliama now of laot week. Hlahlnnd'J University. She WM ac- Sarah Lou Carwile, Marl<.>tta .. Verna Ft. Sumner woo read. Ml!m RtUh Loudin, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John J. Loudin left last Friday morning for Roowell, whert> ah<.> will t<.>ach Biology in the Roswell High School thin year. --- - -- o.----- .• JD:!140BIAI. sEBVIVE SUNDAY Lt. and Pierce Humble c,:omp!lnled by her p:1rcnto and her Mny. Vestal. Joy•Ann, nnd n daugh- All old buRiflese of the evening The Rev. L. S. Mnrk!Jom of Clnunch arli. bore to vh!it Mre. Shirley •. Frunlt, who returned home Means and boing diopoaE:d of, wp then laid Mr. W. J. Balow of Ancbo was .,_, o L Oldhrun of C?nrri u uu '"""'"' tn town on husinesn Wednesday. :!, rerviee 1M; Phll)l).a. · Robert and Henry have Just rt>· plano for a Bridge po• ty to be """-"'""afternoon at 4 o'cloclt at the A new addre1s hao been rcceiv· Mr and M- Roy Oonnlily of tuml'd from overncM. Rolwrt had held in Capitan the evening of a ... ..... ,. b · ••· been wounded While In the PnciCic. b 7 b bople of Mr. and Mrn .. A. J. Divcp!! ed from S.Sgt. Cbarlce Dow, w o Laa Crutes were bwincaa vildton Octo er 1 t , 1 o. at O.euro. In mempry of their young- is overseao. bert laat Wkk. Edna Laramio · waa aal(ed to c:;t san. Hoyt Leon BlveM, who lrot . nmTIIDAY OELEBnATION aerve aa cboirmarl and obli ap· ----o----·-- Ben U!alie, Sr., of Capitan Is very iJJ in • Roawell hoapital. h!!l ntc on the Inland of Oltinawa, Lt. Fletebcr Hall is at home o " The ladlen of the Methodbt Church · June 17, 19-15. when ho :.vD.!l ohot by from long month• He Mn, W. F. Willingham of Ama• hold n birthday party at th!! hom£> pointed Graog Burleson, Grace Hoo. Clinton Anderson ll Jap llnipcr. will report 10 Camp Hood Oct:. rUle, Texaa, bu beea bore Jor of Mrn. GU!l!llc Johreon from 3 to 5 Murphy and Margaret Bigger to with tbo cattlenion in Albuquer- Hoyt wM bom July tnt, 1926, and 2nd. Lt. Ball Ia tbo son of Mayor aeveral daya with fr.lendt and at. p. m. In honor ot the SBtl1 birthday oerve on committee with her to quo laot Monday. 1w1 he Uvcd twenty-three more do.yD P. H H II f C it ' of Mrn. Johru;on'D mother, Mrs. Julia mako and carry out plana fer ttie - ho '1\-'0u!d have nineteen yearn '. a o ap an. tendin8 to bwlneu. H. M1llcr ln!lt Wronecday afternoon. Brirille party. Mra. Wayne A. Walther, who o!d. . , Held Bborrill, M. M. 3 e Ia on· Tho::e pre;t'nt were: Mm£>!l. J. I. Tb f tl bas been In Chlcaao all the sum· nw nrmy ch!lplaln conducted hb route to tbe States. Tho Saratoga Dr. and Mn. n. T. Lucas lort ll!lt Stt>ph<.>M, M. u. Finley, J. R J<'nldM.. 0 purpooe 0 our par en, mer arrived homo Tun""'ay. rwwral ruul ho Wll!l burled on tlw of wbil'h bt Ia 1 crew member, is week for their homD In K on a a o c. E. D£>sncr, J. P. Turner, E. T. Col· ond entertoinmcnta of all ""u .l.!:l1aru1 • · h t th b City, accomsumtcd by Mr. and r.trn. Uer. ChM Hodgin, c. A. Snow, n. k !!indo Is to raise funda to build an + - - · ' Hb clru::mmtm aru1 frlcnd!l chcrl!:th brmgaog omo aomo 0 0 oya A. L. Burltc and con Lcwf!l, who wm Stimmel. C. C.arl, J. Loudin, Elm£>r "Amerienn Legion Home" in Born to Mr. and Mre. Brooka h1J mcmoey, ll!l do hb teo.chcrn, hl!l who were Jap prloonero war. oiJt!nd a month or two In ICaMil!l City Enltcr. Capitan, tbllt our girls and boy 1 a' tho Turner hoapital . Sund:ly School tcachcro and a hOJt L incoo Virgil Hall, aon of Bona· bt!foro colng to Orogon where they Gam£>n w£>re pllayedl nndr the honorw may bovo o gat.hcring place wbon Tuesday, Sl'pt. 11, 1946, a eon. of other o tor and Mrs. Ball of Ancbo \.l on Intend to rruilic their home. JW('ived many ove Y gl tn. they return homo to uo from lbli -.o--- d tb,o air·mednlln Japaa. B" Ia tho -·-- ·- .. Mn. Meda C. Haloy spent tbo "' Shtriff NickS. Vega, appointe hwband of Mra. Mary Ellen Hall, w¥iw Auxiliary and Legion of pa&' weekend with blir brotbtr .Mr. A. M. AJut, q.. jailor, eflec· ugbtet of Mr. nnd Mra. B. W. Capitan are very sincere in tble and eioter, Mr. and Mf•· Joe tirt Sept. 1 at eM Ulan. 4 ways to Build Bank Credit undertaking ond lo planning our West. Mrs. Haloy Ia employed 8 · 8 t. 1940 at tbe We oro In rceelpl of a letter ontertainmonto will atrlvo to plan at tb11 Alamogordo air bUJo pflat to' Mr. ami Mr.. from Pfc. Earl H. Dow, who Ia tbem oo ao not to conflict with ofllco. Miller, a da•gbltr. Her name fa Europo. Bo statu hi dotiD t 1. Confide Jn your bank. Tbo mort wo know about your other organizations dates of en· Loa E!ltber MDicr. Her' motbtr know where nor bela to bt ftnantea, the more we eon bclp you. tertnit,Jmonts and we trust tho1 , J M. l'<:rifat Manire. moved, but.bo ia ready to go any• will aivo uo duo conaldera.tion also. wu Ol'Jilflr y •o _ . where, anytime. 2. Keep your checkbook recorda earefullr 10 that you Our unit preaident G r 1 c c --.o .. -- Mr. Leandro Vera arrived homo last Saturdar from Fort Worth, Texaa, wboro be bad won't write cbacka for n gnater emount you Noti ii'On Wilmer Condor, wbo aerv11d Murphy bllB been enjoying n visit bttn to move the bouatbold gooda """ " have on deposit. Overdraft9 j)amage your credit. ... .., It· y cars oyer i081 Ia nowo home from her daughter Mro. Mari&rlt of Mr. and Mro. Kollor Carmo ..o, N and baa nten honorably 3. Mcot obligations 11 agreed. Pay debo at the bank or Ann Anderoon. wbo baa b11on an eon wbo ban purehued tho I·X Dtar Frftnda:. b' ed from tho Army. Ho Ia tho promptly •• OiJ'eed. army nurae thru the war and wbo Are yoAmu tlirigablo yo ungut aon of Mr. and M1a., W. 4. Pay billa on time. Thia Ia qoite Important to good now hao bor honorable disc barge. ·--o---· -- in the I! £A:g 10 0 E. Lair of Capatao. lrtdl' atandilli· We bad witb us also one of our The Freabman parado was AlD!ficaa Lea10n AUXthary, and . now memboro, Marrietta Bigaer, pul111tl off in grand otyla Wednoa• .... : 11 btalad to eon .. At •ou and Gordon Btgi•r.s 1-e, aoo of Mr. R N "'' ..., " '"' a B f c ita who junt received ber . . day. Somo of the costumes wero .:v 1 o:1 0 n thtll .. ""uaru bl .... kt to and camn 1 gier,o ap n, YOUR BANK IS THE BEST PLACE r H 1 D. •· , .. s-"" " """' b 1 Degrc11 Sept. 2nd rom ot11 1eu fearfully ond wondorfull1 eon• fill Out to Jo 1 n •h""'O .. ..ton&J. who bas len overstal, aorv na TO BORROW ( . 1:!1 1 p T · ,. ,.., "' • ..,,.u t U J B F school o nuraiDg, "' aoo, ono. atneted afYairo. All day Tuea· Now fJ the tim& teat our boya he S S ames • ran• Buuinesa all finished me8tini day tbo fruhmen were weorin1 nHd enry aervice that •• can cCcbs! IO nowC duBty at Pto;Ot LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY adjourned. green p•int on their foreheads. atn them and wo bope thai "we lea go, 8 1 8 apen " Refreabmento or cal.te and coffee •an beofrnl help to them. Wo days at bomem June. CITIZENS STA'{l: BANK OF VAUGHN were nerved by tbe HostiiJio caa do thia only by your Raymond L. Sberri.ll, S P. S·c, Graeo Burleson and Margaret tioL Woa't you help m <known to every one JD Camzozo Carrizozo, N. M. Bigger to mcmbero preoint of by ftinma our organizatiol'ls and u Friday) baa been in Hollywood, Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation botb Legion and Auxilliary. xu worki••for tbia,oodcatue? California for two waeh with 75 --oc--- Weara. bf&inning a r:ew year coast guardsmen, and 76. spaq Mr. and Mi'l. R. A. Walker of and both the Lraion and Auxili· wbo are belni cast in a picture, the Lyric have aono to San Ange. &r7 willwtlaome yo11 and enjoy "Tho Tan and Spars" by the ·- --- ·- -- lo, Texas on account of tho illneu workW. wjth you. WE NEED Columbia Movlni Piature Co. ,. of Mro. Walktr'n mother. y()'Uf The picture which i1 ill ttl:!bnJ. SAVE TIM£ SAVE MONEY Sin,.rely youn, color will be refeued about Nov• . Wm. w. Galf•cber, Poat Com· ember lat. · • ON YOUR Jalia C. Sht!rrill, Preti• ADM J SS J 0 N S ••ntof Ataerieu. Lnion AuzUi· . The Joh.n. Alhby-and. Robert arx; Benjamin I. Berry, Pott No. Ashby famdaes moved to Old Joe, u. Arkansaa thf1 week, wb.ere tbty ·· · ·· ·· · · will live They bad theU' Newa- TO ' Robert Ellis Hemphill,. RM8 c bao arrived in tbe 8tat11, after 2 1earo in the Paoifio.He Ia in a bo&· pital in San l'raneiaco now, but will bo homo shortly to spend 30 daJa. 0 111 .._ .,.._.. ... Oout ot IDeola Outlook ••nt to "ht"'t here. " o..at7 .. " ... Mr. Shelton Taylor of Pic.ubo ), S'rA'l'E OF MEW Mt:XICO .' 0 •• waa a butinesg viaitor bert Wed· '-i ·• . No. 610 Mar1etta Baiger, dugbter of neai!ay• FlUDA Y 1: SATURDAY Red Ryder and Little Boaver in "l'ucson Raiders" plua SUNDAY, MONDAY, rn•DU B!!nny Goodman and bla band, Linda Darnell, Lynn Barl, Jaek Oakie in "Sweet and Lowdown" .) . HOTIC8 OF oF Mr. and Mrs. Bigger of T E F J R Delf*htf•l entertainment boUt '. - 'f ' EXEOQTOR received her diploma, lept:emlberl TA . A Revival at Baptist Church aro11ad Btnny Goodman bd bll \--- To wh,om It mat 2nd from Hotel Dien School of . · On Sunday September the lGth band with particular appeal for f r ldereby (l'Vett, that on tho Nuniog. . OCTOBER 7 T' HRU 14 Wi aro to btgln. two weeks re· jive Cant. •. ·, 'lt .. day tile under· · 0 - · vival. ScryJ'cta each day, 10 a •. Paramount. News •n•,,"Lan4 of 1 was bt order of the Probata . 1 . i. f 10 000 L k ( oourt Gf tmeoln COunty. State of Nsw A tbe annu.•J !"'et Dl 0 Book of 20 Interchan,eable ZSc Adm. Coupen• · m. and 7:45 p. m. Reverend ' 1 ea ' . .\ Kllieo. dut, app()inted of the the Hagbway 54 AUocaatfo,n oaa: Tou lave 20 per tent- You save tinae apent atanding in Eural Lawson pastor of Firat · l•at wntlnd 'l'estatnent ot E!lSio Gntty, btefi called tor September 14th - line ac ticket window&.. Baptist Churc6 WJIDNESDA t a TliUUD.l'f . deie .. •4. .lad ha'finl qu.lifled b (today/ at Meadt, Kani,s. by Coupon• JOOd at Mafn Gate, Auto Day and Night do tbo preaching, and 1\tr. Earl Joel MtCraa, Gall Htt· asiOtit.tion, Ro;yll Grand•S$a!ld. Only •.ooo bOob avatlabte. None sold Clcvtland dfrtctor of bert Marahall, Richard Lyon In trt\7 tlW to tlluamt H. S••t11 of,Tucumt.Arf. . . al'ttr Septembtr 22. Firat Baptist Cbureb Silv•! City "The Unseen" . wlWa Pre•tribed"'bt the taw, · . t , o · ... _ . ORbER YOURS TODAY --lend $4.00 in cash, 7our will haYe eru\rat orthe mus 1 tJae or, with the &lid Nellie Riley, who hu betn ohm, or P. o. order to We aro Jookina forward 1 to 1 A 1enuiot mfl)ateryand t!'Vti'Jbodt l'ttbatt . . ' . th• Tom•t ltbl tea! lor two. tiON HAD MS. M•n•c•r nlJ "lfe· d. h·ou•• .. he •.ndtr lbt bt u. tnee··· o. f •. ltat .tbat wetb; If, M.'ltat• P.o. Boal693 meetln_g •• Go;d preacbi;; ;nd prtvldet their. bome tro• • de- WiLL- ANn · accompatued her. ••U!httr, · ue, H$W. MtJdco 110od ••ntnlg, A rill W• aerttr bo111t door. O"t a-= 1 tt . . home wherb aht waU r,. wail• .JoU t• •net take . part "Popular s•tcn .. •t tn4 4 '1Ja. . w_.att rtom ........ ...,..., ..... , ..... , .... ,._ ..... ,.._ ____ __, and feel Uke at fa :rouunHtlng. Wilinfrl" :HI _., 1 - , o. L. Oldham; Putor. ' . , ' . . ' --: .. -

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Offidtl Nll'i'Pr,-l.ept P.U.tioi . •

====~~====~~~========~· ~·~·==~~===================~-====== VOL'U){E ~X No. 6""':'(Cani~o Nen, Vol. ~9) CUJUZOZO. NliW FRIDAY, SllP.T. 14, 1945 , OuU.,ok Vol. 86-No.l9

,, . . .- I> •

Reti):'ed R •. R. Employe . S~r.vice News ,4N.CHO .NEWS (: George R. Hyde American Legion Auxiliary Edgar Poindexter With ;·:;. D·. • d S ptember 6th After bavtng been a Jap priaon- ~be mihtal'J' pohceplatQOq ~t~ George Hyde,. age 70, 1~hfe. CLaepgli'otannAMuxea.tl'a· ~·~pyt. 8!~ ·Repair Training Base

1e e · · · 66

er of war four years, Sgt. U. Inf. meritorioua atrvice Molt pTa ... maker of Capitan, and a deaf At an Amphibio~u~s~~ '----::"....._ __ 1 , ~.b Mr~ O~e Wettermafk, age • D. liberated from the . . ayne Poindex-

--=----'lmtmll-f .. u duty of eneRtionally diftle\llt Capitan Sunday niaht, about8:80 gular night meeting at tbe cit~ ter, &taman. 'second class, Nogal, tmploye, and form~r manaKer of bit mother, Mrs Frank Arrington taskl over the periorl of Oct-,1 ~1. and fatally lnjurea. He ia sur- hall Wedne~day, Sept. li, 1945. N. Mex, is serving with this rli• •

" '


• •

"" t.bt Southern P~tetfic hotel ,here of El Paso, was notified Sept. lOth 1944 to June 26, I94G peri<>d, dur- vived by hia widow and one son. The. meet1_ng was called to order pair and training base which sup· died in El Paao, Sep~ember Gtb. of his release. U. D. became a ln11 the Ltyte, Philippine Islapd A coro.ne>r'~ jury waa called and by um.t .pretndent, Graee,Murpb~· plied troopa and landing craft for Ht retir~ from aettVe duty in priJoner when Bataan fell in May operation and the Okinawa Itlaad after due deliberation the driver all rec1tmg the Prt>amblo in unl· major invaaiona in the Maraballe April ~945. after having been here 1942. Ho bad been wounded in operation John Wilson of Anello of tbe ear was 8bsolvod from son. , tb• Gilberta and at Okinawa. ' contiuuo01!y for ninQteen yean.. tbe JelL leg, but hopes when ht is with this M.P. platoon •nd .Ja blame. Gr_ace Burle~on being a~aent at Cartfings 24-hour, seven-day·

Mr. Wetter mark was born 10 reachea tho Statea to have it pro· in the Philippine llhmd• , o . P.rev1ous mf'etmg of the .mstalla· week •chedule, his unit maintain-Swed.en jq 1878. !-Jc bad beeu a p9rly treated. Hia mother and Tommy. Knight Ita ~tmt this RETURNS TO N. 1\L 1\f. I. tlon of officers, was duly ln?talled ed all types of landing and auault reaidl.ll"t Df tbtl!mted States for Ilia brother will meet him in San week from Boat C!lmp. Tommy Sgt. B111 Fulmer returned to N. M. by one of 0?r post prestde~ts, equipment and repair supplie~, .88 yeJra. He waa.kno'lfn to tbe Francisco. · Is a ftne Jooklnjl Ml\rine. ~ · M. I. nt Roswell last Friday to begin Edna Laramie for thef' enGUIDll The base also trafaed perso.nn~·· railroa4! employ~a and local 'hotel Lt. Fred English ifl stationed in lame!! Ara on it home from h1s studies. Dill wor!ted In the sig- ear. lo amphib!ous communieattont, pattonau "Ole • Lho Pb'li ines and ho aeoms 2 ~ ~ ~ nnl d.epartment "tor~ the Southern A vote of thanks from one r•f minllSwfepang and camouflage

B • l ed by his widow l PP '. . German7 .on a 8u day fur.ougb. Pacific tJ$ summer at Douglas, our members, Velma Burleaon t' • II IUrv v W k aud rather ploa11lld With bas aurroqnd He ba1 been through the thick of Arizona. 01 h . Alb er o'era 1009•

Mrt. Mmarct ettermar , ingt Hlo m!lln complaint ia that a b b b h k • eon, w o wao ao an uqu • -~o)--b t , s and five daughters . . . . tho ul t\ .u' came t roug loo - que hospital with n nelv son John TO mr,tAOJIIN ROSWELL 7 1JO aoo . ' amce a1r mMaiona oro out there log fine • FAl\DLY REUNION • .. ~ all .of whom Jive in tho ur;;~d lllo't any excitement. , • o Mrn. Sarah Meall9 and fumily h<.>ld Leonard OloEon, :vos read by aec-Stattl except one daughter, Ill • nEEN'IWS IUGJILAND u n family reUlllon last W<.>Clt. Prt>s<.>nt retary Ann • arhog.


' {/•

,. . ' ~.

r • I

' .

Jngof)~rge Wettermtrk who~ Jives . ~t. f!.tockton of Phoenix, ~raz ~ MJss I1U1cy Loudin left Monday f~ were Robert Ml•nns and family, H<.>n- Also a "thnok you'' from Mr. :·"': io Sweden. . VIJited Mr. QPd Mro. C. A. DO)\' Lwl Veff!l!l where llhe w111 re--enter ry, Kenneth, Donald, Richard, Mrs. and Mra. B. J, Wllliama now of

-~o laot week. Hlahlnnd'J University. She WM ac- Sarah Lou Carwile, Marl<.>tta .. Verna Ft. Sumner woo read.

Ml!m RtUh Loudin, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John J. Loudin left last Friday morning for Roowell, whert> ah<.> will t<.>ach Biology in the Roswell High School thin year.

--- --- o.----- .• JD:!140BIAI. sEBVIVE SUNDAY Lt. and Mr~t. Pierce Humble c,:omp!lnled by her p:1rcnto and her Mny. Vestal. Joy•Ann, nnd n daugh- All old buRiflese of the evening The Rev. L. S. Mnrk!Jom of Clnunch arli. bore to vh!it Mre. Shirley bTuro_,~dnycr •. Frunlt, who returned home ~eorn-l~amw'n-~~e.ll.LaVon Means and boing diopoaE:d of, wp then laid Mr. W. J. Balow of Ancbo was

.,_, o L Oldhrun of C?nrri ~ u uu '"""'"' tn town on husinesn Wednesday. •c~ :!, ~~1~""~ ~ortal rerviee 1M; Phll)l).a. · Robert and Henry have Just rt>· plano for a Bridge po• ty to be """-"'""afternoon at 4 o'cloclt at the A new addre1s hao been rcceiv· Mr and M- Roy Oonnlily of tuml'd from overncM. Rolwrt had held in Capitan the evening of a ... .....,. b · ••· been wounded While In the PnciCic. b 7 b 94~ bople of Mr. and Mrn .. A. J. Divcp!! ed from S.Sgt. Cbarlce Dow, w o Laa Crutes were bwincaa vildton Octo er 1 t , 1 o. at O.euro. In mempry of their young- is overseao. bert laat Wkk. Edna Laramio · waa aal(ed to c:;t san. Hoyt Leon BlveM, who lrot . nmTIIDAY OELEBnATION aerve aa cboirmarl and obli ap·


Ben U!alie, Sr., of Capitan Is very iJJ in • Roawell hoapital.

--~--h!!l ntc on the Inland of Oltinawa, Lt. Fletebcr Hall is at home o " The ladlen of the Methodbt Church · June 17, 19-15. when ho :.vD.!l ohot by from long month• overa&~ni. He Mn, W. F. Willingham of Ama• hold n birthday party at th!! hom£> pointed Graog Burleson, Grace Hoo. Clinton Anderson me~ ll Jap llnipcr. will report 10 Camp Hood Oct:. rUle, Texaa, bu beea bore Jor of Mrn. GU!l!llc Johreon from 3 to 5 Murphy and Margaret Bigger to with tbo cattlenion in Albuquer-

Hoyt wM bom July tnt, 1926, and 2nd. Lt. Ball Ia tbo son of Mayor aeveral daya with fr.lendt and at. p. m. In honor ot the SBtl1 birthday oerve on committee with her to quo laot Monday. 1w1 he Uvcd twenty-three more do.yD P. H H II f C it ' of Mrn. Johru;on'D mother, Mrs. Julia mako and carry out plana fer ttie ~~ -~o ~. -ho '1\-'0u!d have ~n nineteen yearn '. • a o ap an. tendin8 to bwlneu. H. M1llcr ln!lt Wronecday afternoon. Brirille party. Mra. Wayne A. Walther, who o!d. . , Held Bborrill, M. M. 3 e Ia on· Tho::e pre;t'nt were: Mm£>!l. J. I. Tb f tl bas been In Chlcaao all the sum·

nw nrmy ch!lplaln conducted hb route to tbe States. Tho Saratoga Dr. and Mn. n. T. Lucas lort ll!lt Stt>ph<.>M, M. u. Finley, J. R J<'nldM.. 0 purpooe 0 our par en, mer arrived homo Tun""'ay. rwwral ruul ho Wll!l burled on tlw of wbil'h bt Ia 1 crew member, is week for their homD In K on a a o c. E. D£>sncr, J. P. Turner, E. T. Col· dance:~ ond entertoinmcnta of all ""u .l.!:l1aru1 • · h t th b City, accomsumtcd by Mr. and r.trn. Uer. ChM Hodgin, c. A. Snow, n. k !!indo Is to raise funda to build an + - -

· ' Hb clru::mmtm aru1 frlcnd!l chcrl!:th brmgaog omo aomo 0 0 oya A. L. Burltc and con Lcwf!l, who wm Stimmel. C. C.arl, J. Loudin, Elm£>r "Amerienn Legion Home" in Born to Mr. and Mre. Brooka h1J mcmoey, ll!l do hb teo.chcrn, hl!l who were Jap prloonero 0~ war. oiJt!nd a month or two In ICaMil!l City Enltcr. Capitan, tbllt our girls and boy1 ~wls a' tho Turner hoapital

. Sund:ly School tcachcro and a hOJt L incoo Virgil Hall, aon of Bona· bt!foro colng to Orogon where they Gam£>n w£>re pllayedl nndr the honorw may bovo o gat.hcring place wbon Tuesday, Sl'pt. 11, 1946, a eon. of other ~· o tor and Mrs. Ball of Ancbo \.l on Intend to rruilic their home. JW('ived many ove Y gl tn. they return homo to uo from lbli -.o---

d tb,o air·mednlln Japaa. B" Ia tho -·-- ·- .. Mn. Meda C. Haloy spent tbo "' Shtriff NickS. Vega, appointe hwband of Mra. Mary Ellen Hall, w¥iw Auxiliary and Legion of pa&' weekend with blir brotbtr

.Mr. A. M. AJut, q.. jailor, eflec· ugbtet of Mr. nnd Mra. B. W. Capitan are very sincere in tble and eioter, Mr. and Mf•· Joe

tirt Sept. 1• at eM Ulan. 4 ways to Build Bank Credit undertaking ond lo planning our West. Mrs. Haloy Ia employed

8 ·8 t. ~ 1940 at tbe We oro In rceelpl of a letter ontertainmonto will atrlvo to plan at tb11 Alamogordo air bUJo pflat T~:b'.:/stal to' Mr. ami Mr.. from Pfc. Earl H. Dow, who Ia ~ tbem oo ao not to conflict with ofllco. Miller, a da•gbltr. Her name fa Europo. Bo statu hi dotiD t 1. Confide Jn your bank. Tbo mort wo know about your other organizations dates of en· Loa E!ltber MDicr. Her' motbtr know where nor w~en bela to bt ftnantea, the more we eon bclp you. tertnit,Jmonts and we trust tho1

, J M.l'<:rifat Manire. moved, but.bo ia ready to go any• will aivo uo duo conaldera.tion also. wu Ol'Jilflr y •o _ . where, anytime. 2. Keep your checkbook recorda earefullr 10 that you Our unit preaident G r 1 c c

--.o .. --Mr. Leandro Vera arrived

homo last Saturdar from Fort Worth, Texaa, wboro be bad won't write cbacka for n gnater emount ~ban you

Notiii'On Wilmer Condor, wbo aerv11d 3~ Murphy bllB been enjoying n visit bttn to move the bouatbold gooda """ " have on deposit. Overdraft9 j)amage your credit . ... .., • It· y cars oyer i081 Ia nowo a~ home from her daughter Mro. Mari&rlt of Mr. and Mro. Kollor Stephc~-

Carmo .. o, N ~J. and baa nten honorably dtll~:barg· 3. Mcot obligations 11 agreed. Pay debo at the bank or Ann Anderoon. wbo baa b11on an eon wbo ban purehued tho I·X Dtar Frftnda:. b' ed from tho Army. Ho Ia tho ela~wb~ro promptly •• OiJ'eed. army nurae thru the war and wbo ran~h.

Are yoAmu tlirigablo ~~~ n:onmb~s t~~ yo ungut aon of Mr. and M1a., W. 4. Pay billa on time. Thia Ia qoite Important to good now hao bor honorable disc barge. ·--o---· --in the I! ~ £A:g10

• 0 E. Lair of Capatao. lrtdl' atandilli· We bad witb us also one of our The Freabman parado was

AlD!ficaa Lea10n AUXthary, and . now memboro, Marrietta Bigaer, pul111tl off in grand otyla Wednoa• ....:11 btalad to eon .. • At •ou and Gordon Btgi•r.s 1-e, aoo of Mr. R N ~ "'' ..., " '"' a B f c ita who junt received ber . . day. Somo of the costumes wero .:v1 o:10 n thtll .. ""uaru bl .... kt to and u~re. camn 1gier,o ap n, YOUR BANK IS THE BEST PLACE r H 1 D.

•· , .. s-"" " """' b 1 Degrc11 Sept. 2nd rom ot11 1eu fearfully ond wondorfull1 eon• fill Out to Jo•1n •h""'O "r·«~an;,.. .. ..ton&J. who bas len overstal, aorv na TO BORROW ( . 1:!1

1 p T ·

,. ,.., "' • ..,,.u t U J B F school o nuraiDg, "' aoo, ono. atneted afYairo. All day Tuea· Now fJ the tim& teat our boya abo~rd he S S ames • ran• Buuinesa all finished me8tini day tbo fruhmen were weorin1

nHd enry aervice that •• can cCcbs! IO nowC ol~fsbo.re duBty at Pto;Ot LINCOLN COUNTY AGENCY adjourned. green p•int on their foreheads. atn them and wo bope thai "we lea go, 8 1 ~rma. 8 apen " Refreabmento or cal.te and coffee •an beofrnl help to them. Wo days at bomem June. CITIZENS STA'{l: BANK OF VAUGHN were nerved by tbe HostiiJio caa do thia only by your ~·CDir&· Raymond L. Sberri.ll, S P. S·c, Graeo Burleson and Margaret tioL Woa't you pi•~• help m <known to every one JD Camzozo Carrizozo, N. M. Bigger to mcmbero preoint of by ftinma our organizatiol'ls and u Friday) baa been in Hollywood, Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation botb Legion and Auxilliary. xu worki••for tbia,oodcatue? California for two waeh with 75 --oc---

Weara. bf&inning a r:ew year coast guardsmen, and 76. spaq Mr. and Mi'l. R. A. Walker of and both the Lraion and Auxili· wbo are belni cast in a picture, the Lyric have aono to San Ange. &r7 willwtlaome yo11 and enjoy "Tho Tan and Spars" by the ·- --- ·- ~ -- lo, Texas on account of tho illneu workW. wjth you. WE NEED Columbia Movlni Piature Co. ,. of Mro. Walktr'n mother. y()'Uf The picture which i1 ill ttl:!bnJ. SAVE TIM£ SAVE MONEY

Sin,.rely youn, color will be refeued about Nov• . Wm. w. Galf•cber, Poat Com· ember lat. · • ON YOUR mancler~ Jalia C. Sht!rrill, Preti• ADM J SS J 0 N S ••ntof Ataerieu. Lnion AuzUi· . The Joh.n. Alhby-and. Robert arx; Benjamin I. Berry, Pott No. Ashby famdaes moved to Old Joe, u. Arkansaa thf1 week, wb.ere tbty

·· · ·· ·· · · will live They bad theU' Newa-




Robert Ellis Hemphill,. RM8 c bao arrived in tbe 8tat11, after 2 1earo in the Paoifio.He Ia in a bo&· pital in San l'raneiaco now, but will bo homo shortly to spend 30 daJa.

0 111 .._ .,.._.. ... Oout ot IDeola Outlook ••nt to "ht"'t here.

" o..at7 .. " ... Mr. Shelton Taylor of Pic.ubo ), S'rA'l'E OF MEW Mt:XICO • .'

0 •• waa a butinesg viaitor bert Wed·


·• . No. 610 Mar1etta Baiger, dugbter of neai!ay •


Red Ryder and Little Boaver in "l'ucson Raiders"


SUNDAY, MONDAY, rn•DU B!!nny Goodman and bla band, Linda Darnell, Lynn Barl, Jaek

Oakie in

"Sweet and Lowdown" .) . HOTIC8 OF ~PM!N'l'MEN'l' oF Mr. and Mrs. s~ Bigger of T E F J R ~ Delf*htf•l entertainment boUt

'. - 'f ' EXEOQTOR received her diploma, lept:emlberl s· TA . A Revival at Baptist Church aro11ad Btnny Goodman bd bll \--- To wh,om It mat eQ!l~m: 2nd from Hotel Dien School of • . · On Sunday September the lGth band with particular appeal for

f r ~otice ldereby (l'Vett, that on tho Nuniog. . OCTOBER 7 T' HRU 14 Wi aro to btgln. two weeks re· jive Cant. ~ •. ·, 'lt .. day or&ptt!'~.191G, tile under· · • 0 - · vival. ScryJ'cta each day, 10 a •. Paramount. News •n•,,"Lan4 of 1 .•i~~Jef, was bt order of the Probata .1 . i. f 10 000 L k ( oourt Gf tmeoln COunty. State of Nsw A e~t fo~ tbe annu.•J !"'et Dl 0 Book of 20 Interchan,eable ZSc Adm. Coupen• · m. and 7:45 p. m. Reverend ' 1 ea

' .

. \ Kllieo. dut, app()inted ~cuter of the the Hagbway 54 AUocaatfo,n oaa: Tou lave 20 per tent- You save tinae apent atanding in Eural Lawson pastor of Firat · l•at wntlnd 'l'estatnent ot E!lSio Gntty, btefi called tor September 14th - line ac ticket window&.. Baptist Churc6 Alamo~ordo, WJIDNESDA t a TliUUD.l'f . deie .. •4. .lad ha'finl qu.lifled b (today/ at Meadt, Kani,s. by Coupon• JOOd at Mafn Gate, Auto ,p,~, Day and Night do tbo preaching, and 1\tr. Earl Joel MtCraa, Gall Rua1ell~ Htt· ·.:.:_•:::;:o;,::~a'!',f:."~~ presid~ntoltbt asiOtit.tion, Ro;yll Grand•S$a!ld. Only •.ooo bOob avatlabte. None sold Clcvtland edt~eatlonal dfrtctor of bert Marahall, Richard Lyon In trt\7 tlW nr:ttle,H·ettu~ted to tlluamt H. S••t11 of,Tucumt.Arf. . . al'ttr Septembtr 22. Firat Baptist Cbureb Silv•! City "The Unseen" . wlWa tflecl.br~ Pre•tribed"'bt the taw, · . t , o · ... _ . ORbER YOURS TODAY --lend $4.00 in cash, 7our will haYe eru\rat orthe mus 1 wi~ tJae ~utoi" or, with the &lid Mr~. Nellie Riley, who hu betn ohm, or P. o. order to We aro Jookina forward

1 to 1 A 1enuiot mfl)ateryand t!'Vti'Jbodt

l'ttbatt Court~ . . ' . th• Tom•t ltbl tea! lor two. tiON a· • HAD MS. M•n•c•r w· nlJ "lfe· d. h·ou•• tbreutwh~>nt .. he •.ndtr lbt bt u. tnee··· o. f •. ltat .tbat ED011'l'O~tt:;:~re~!ST wetb; wauel·~~d~~··a·t~d•Y If, M.'ltat• Fa~: P.o. Boal693 meetln_g •• Go;d preacbi;; ;nd prtvldet their. bome tro• • de-

• WiLL- ANn · accompatued her. ••U!httr, · Alb~~MUtllq~ ue, H$W. MtJdco 110od ••ntnlg, A rill rttiY~tl. W• aerttr bo111t b~t door. O"t ~II» a-=1tt . . home wherb aht waU r,. • ·~ • ~ wail• .JoU t• ~om• •net take . part "Popular s•tcn .. •t tn4 4'1Ja.

. w_.att rtom hlt'~fit. 1 "'-'.,..llliilii..,.~.,... ........ ...,...,.....,.....,....,._.....,.._ ____ __, and feel Uke at fa :rouunHtlng. Wilinfrl"

:HI _., 1- , o. L. Oldham; Putor. ~. ' . , •

~ ' .

• . ' • --:

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"ffiA'T Alit--RIFLe. I 00UGH1' f'Ft'lM 6A6.GY W.5 .SYAilTEO t~ IN WHIO\T P~fS 10 BE A 616 6IJ$1NI5S

v I R G I L


POP-Lucky Break




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TOP OF 1-fiM l

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hnve !l. the bQwl and er~, bere Ia a

way to ~ve pew;d.i~ty. , Add open shelves n~ tb!l·. em1s Wlth a new base and top for the Whole piece, and you bav:e.sJm~rt, Jong lines for a chest_ to 'fill ~ impOr­tant wall space, The· :)helves are added to the ends of tbft ~hm.d arst

~:rith small angle lrl.'\tl$. T~e end '·' . :ill--

-boards come next. lhcn th1J top of plywood with 11 pfnl.!l finlshine piece ~und it. The new base­board lo hen adf}ed lllld the piece is flnishe to match tbo wo()dwork o' the room. · .

The nl<elch 111JO ohowi 11 1r1Ullt4 panel wh!ch help,s to stvo tho ePJem~le qulte­nn nir. lt Ia ani o14 p!cblre f.r&lne wtfb. out o gillen with a bllndJOme nmuant ot' flowered cbirlt: ctrctched OVQ' cNdboutt 1111d then vlll'tll!lhcd to ~ Uko 1m old oU po.lntlng.

• • • rJOTE: This tumlture reiJIP(!elllls !t1ea

11 tram Botlh 10 o! tho lt'rlef of home­mllldn!! booldcl4 clfctcd with thc::o u­Uc!ea. Thin 1!2-paco booklet !s full ot !t1ems ror U!!ln!l thlnas on llnn!l to make attrae· uvo hOmes. and at lho aamo tlmo 1111vo monc)'. To cct o co~ of llcck.lO acnd l.!lo c-lltb name .ond ocldrals dlrcct to:

' IUDS. RVTJJ WY&Tll SPEAKS Dedtora Oll1a • New Vorll

• Drawer 11 · ..

Enw~o 1ll ttnts fo: Cook 10. Nom • ..._ _______ _



L P. OoKrkh llu a-tiwu4 ..... r,., .... tir• ,._., .. _ tlnly tpN!Itl wlap. WM• wlleelt a:re loweretl f!l; ku.­lag. apd•l Ulll Ol' l•fl' Oil tire aav~e It •• rotm, whldl onrco••• ,..,.,. Kttr., ••• tbe1 •••• wll .. ~ h.tt """' W!lf•

A..~rl:c., ldtro.'lsU cr.tl et:ljben ~ c:!;:a~d In tint ye::tn w:Jb ryr.!.~!:rvllf<u~t tt tcdc&MCrly 70 Jr.-l'1 to c~ W.!!l COf',)o rei r.:tw •

lfta "'"' _.IIY ,a... let mta. pfn~l11•• of fflllt trHt va\11 L P. GH41rkll lfnaloJII4 • "sphlar welt" nllltu .,,., lit ......... ,..,....,,


BF.Gooclricl ,


J!ID.II•A·•ItY «*IMP·O)Iw.llv

4 ·- - - - ..

. Ht.:O'tCMf '.iltidetdt• .




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Broadway and . Elsewhere ll,. J.Af:K J.AIT

Whispered- in· Wcuhil&gton

ncy . as


0~ Arnly Ak {OJ,'CCS. • • • Nimitz to set Admu-.1 Ktng's cushy

. Navy pom when Kitls Ia J:eady to re­tire, wb.icb won't be J,ight away •••• Unde~::;~:retacy Sulllvun ls re-o

• gal'ded WI hnvi11g the beat chance to fUl in wh~n SCcretaJ.'y of the Navy Forrestal ste{1S down. • • . Secre. tary of Commerce Wollaco isn't OS $Ul'6 of stlcklng ruJ he and hls "ll!J.. eral" b-lends think he lo. • . • A ln-

. , bot bloc ln tM Senate, prodded by ClO!a 'Sidney Hillman and Rbp. Vito !.JqrcuntQnlo, Is organizing to .de. mand that President Truman veqr 'sharply left or not only face a legfs.. Intfve fight, but poS$lbly n new, thlrd pl.\rty oQ. a nucleus of the American Labor .P!\rty ~d PQlit!Cal AcUon Committees. , • , In thlo group are Senators Vlqgncr, Kilgore, Pepper, HlU, Guffey and MWTay, anll they arc working on Magnuoon, Thomas and Mead, who haven't yet decide~ to go all out.



• Congress will get a battle from the

Army. . • • Tho leglolotoro, fresh from their home coru:ttituenclco,

, wiD whoop It up fpr more and quick· cr -dicchqrueo ..•. The Army will

' · rcslot, • . . The lawmokero wiD claim that on tho pre:;ent (l5.polnt ,Byotcm, only about 1,000,00!1 oro ell· giblo tor telcru::o, nnd they wiD pro­po!;O mWtontly tlmt the baolc mlnl· mum oo r~duced at onco to GO polnto or• ICC!J. • • • Tho auny wiU nrgue that keeping men tn uniform 1!1 tho perfect a!:.!lwer to unemploy. mont during tho rcccnvorolon Inter. im. • •. But, ln Ito occret councllD, tho Army docan't monlmy much with ceonomlc otratcCJY - jWJt v.'Qnto to ls.ccp .a big Army.

East C ~t, W C!lt Cocut-Cluk Gable's reaJ Dllmc Is Wil­

Ham - Willlrun Clnrh Goble. • . . Warncro havo cntUcd on tho mnn b ploy Will Roacro - Joel McCrea. . • • Lt. Heney Fondn, In tho Navy olnco '42, hM won tho Bronr.c Star for herolom in the Morlonnao. Du~ they roy hb dome!'.iUo aficl.ro aro not tAro happy •.•. MGM'o official bl.onropby of Robert Donot onyo, with no Gm{?lifleoUon or footnoteD: .. _Returning to Encllll'ld, he ro­GU!llcd his illtn cnrccr In '30 StQp:J' and ·:t~lsht Without Armot,' 't'litb Marlena Dlotrlch, then too!: a ull: monllio' lcovo of olr.:cnco to roaaln hlo health." ••• Jock Dcmp::ey and lWl two dnughtcrn oro Uving ln a hm.t.:.a rented from E!t;tcllo Tcylor, where Jack and EatcUo opwt their lu!no;mo~n. 'l'hcro lo tolk al.nco abo divorced Paul Small, oho mcy ro­wed tho OH Mauler.


,. -----·---··" ,,._ .. ···,···· • ·,t-,•. ·,·· ~-- --~ •.


' .. ' . ' ~. . .,

' •

·.r.mcow coPNtt ~. • . . ,

"-' .. • . ; .

in_.Velveteen and Plush

THIS year's collego girl fu dolns a lot of "clotheo thinking" 'uot

about now. "This bU the mncy of a cehool-faring mAlden turno to ililtho:1 that are neat anti flatterinG nitb the look of a thorouahbrcd lbou\ them. No ftC(lkloh fndo for Ule autumn 1045 c~mpoo crowd!

Tbe coUeao girl. the ocbool girl, U1a cntcor girl ond tho tccn·aco

group who know their f.ooh!Dnn bnvo ecome definitely cott.on~onncloUD

the.::o doyo. Tho new .. rove" to the elegant looking velvctecn!J In bloclt and adorable cdloro, amo fue voey hnndcomo corduroyo that ore being modo up Into coots and oult.o. Thoro'o a no\'1 wldo-walo cotton plll!lh. t.oo, thpt I!J oottlna a new high ln cophi!JUcoted cottonn.

No doubt the Girl aolng owny to cchool v;m otnr\ her flrut ccmeatcr l.'llth a few cotton caouolo, for lt'o omnrt to woor cotton wwhnblcn. She \7IU be glad oho tooh o ~.l: cln(!hom frot"k and pcrhopa 0 nottt-rlng frcnh chambray, tho con thot lootm jWJt right durlna early worm outunm doyo under o co!or-l.ovcly cordltton. Thoro \'lill be dark cot\cn dlrndlD !n ht'l' tnmlt too, como bnndcd 1n coy LnUn eolorn; aka o very apo­cloJ ano l.'litb tncet oordcr ot t'Jhlto eyelet to bo 't7llm with her d.o.lnty boU!itc droV"ohlr.lldar bWu!Jo •

A raft of oturdy compw coltcM cltuuH oo t.altcn nlcng. In tho n~ Wt'l'o podal-Jru!:}loro of pin--;:rolo cor­duroy tlbt'o wugb und mmhob1o. Tho etrlD ocy they nrc !coo cwnbcr­cnmo than oloclro beeauco of their lllllkcll length. Chooal.ng mbt·and­matcll )oclteb, cklrt!J, pojomll!l and pedAl pWhora .l!l greol fun. Tho llllort b.oxy flnrrc·baclt joclmt >1ltb Ch!nece collor fs o winner, o!l to also tho new lwnhcr)ochot t.hot tlet1 willi drowotrm1 wabt.

When it c:onmn to "dote" dutlrl ~re'swhCN lwrury cottml!l ore mo.J:.. ini! a great oplurco. A brilliant fu. turf~ ts prcdlc~d for ouib and e11ola

,. i

n. ,, '.

• •

modo of dch-iocldng wldc-v;alo cot­tan pltroh. 'An lntrigulnc otyle otoey Is told fa~ the 1040 college girl or tho yo1JIIgoc comlnary daughter by· Emlly WllltcM ln tho brown wldc­woJo cotton pltl!lh cult an oboo;.·m ccn­torcd In tllo Wll!ltrotlnn. lliGh ncel.t, broad ohnuldoro, and tho Uny wal.llt clvo a W!Jh·otylo oltm\ en prt!ccnt-4aY trerub. Tho ohoulderllno. ox· tendtnc ln a wlnn·llho clicet, nddo wtdth and accenl!J tho omoU ..-;nsat­llno by way of. contront. Tho tiny vl!:or cap motchen. This trult wW certainly "ao place:J" thlo foll.

Becoll!lo tho much·bc!ovcd volvct­ccn cnn Uo hnd Gnly tn diba nrnl dab:J th!!l ycor (t'.lh!Cb !!I why ano ohnuld buy early) dcrugncro oro ln· acnlo!Clly worhlng It lnto drt!.O!:C!l U!).

log brlcht \7oolo ror rontrllllt. In tho Sun!.ot "dato'! dt'cC!l, aruwm to th.o left, cottoll pl.oyo duot 'tilth ~:;ool tn mo:Jt chnrmma fonh!o.n. The ohoulder yolto ort!S wide hem oro of bloch velveteen. Tho rc.o\ cl the bodJco o.rut oldrt ore vlolot wool. Red 1:'.1001 blndn o1eoveo on!l t'.labt!ino, oJr;o outllneo thu vclvutcon all around. Here'o a typo drcc:J tbot wW mllko "n picture" ot coUago teO!l and lnformol dMcco.

Pole gold and btltt!o green prove o flo ttQrtn ll co IGr com blno t.lan ln <:tool and C{Jt«m far the dri!.O!l o!wwn to tho right bol01:'1. · Groen corduroy formn 0. e.urcc.tel -.?otr;t frnnt c.rut full cldrt, \'lhi!o gold wool l!l m;cd for otaovco nnll bmllt:o top. IU!ctongu· W.r oha~d oUvcr nallileodn trim tho ohouldcr yoho nnd alcove cuff!~. l~otc th£> clever touch of wool UM. llA:f~ b7 Wo~!om tio~~r Un!:::1. _______ _,__ _ _.:...• --=--~-~--~----·-------

Slim Silhouette

. .

'Curved Contours' New Fashion Dictat(~

A IZG\7 clement hll!l entered iDto tho fli1Ul {jf c:tmtmnc d(ml~Jn. lt'o "curven." TI1i!l otyling tf'dm!que ID t:.ten In the t::nft ro--m~ed nlmuldcrn tbot (J.ive a very difiererat omwucue fr<rnl 1nst yen1'. Tne rommon::ll of f!.t!lhlz:n to "curve y(l"l.lJ' cm~wurn" I!J o1cn tcllectctl in the qny nide fonWn­fnC!l an~ drop..s tcltP on o curved owcep rnther than o !ltmlght or angu­lar rnovcmcnt. Vohes ore rounde<J wo, iruJWod of belna cquar~­tl21'Cd.. llll);l hnve on Cillt-cuwe wlille t7o.i!lto hove on fn-Cwve. ecm: [Zal'o 7-l:Jl' Jru;1 yeor'o !lUll l:'.latb J?(l'tU this ycar'a GU!t. or ploet? yoUl' Jazt aeat:nti'G felt ho.t alcngaldo the fall bat ym1've Jurrt twur)tt. witb ito rounded, hulley, yet Oatterlrtg n~ brim~ an1 YG".J will &eo tww desJgn. ~ts ate obeying fashion's adkt tn "c\:~Ne yam- cxmto<tnl."

Jewtlled Belts Set Off Sophisticated Gowm

Much ado is bclng made aoout bel~ and eonctet ~ffeet5 thla ea· atm. Thl! season htllt! bnve be~ ~orittd into ~al show plecM. In ll()me l.n!tanees the jewel work and metal e'D)btpldery mives a\ almost barbai'ie splendor. Tit. new fad l5 -w wear e ete·thriltmg belt with a black gown o1 trophbUcated sJm.. pliclty and nat another ornrunent ex­cept, perbnp5, a btt.tei!lllt. The now ectl!elet tnlddlf trentrnc.nts em dt~ gowru; nte al!O beautlf'ull7 wbrketl out m. rlcb Jewelry em~ broidery,

, . ·- . -

"" .~ ~~ffCtE; P-P;!.~~ . · •· . Side Button Princess

• • . .


ScaUope!l Princess Dress

HERE ill o charming oldo but· ton princeno drenn to cnrry

)'OU throunh your buoy do.y-lons &chcdl.llc. Soft ocnllop:J make an attractive flnlsh for the closina. Uce a pretty floral prlnt-or for

-----··~ --~

Ov~sizcd Drydock Goes Through Canal Sideways

AlthouGh the lnrncr ftooUnu dry­doclr.D of the U. s. navy oro too wldo to enter tho loclto of \he Ponnmo canal, ·the job of fbwlng one through thlo waterway woo ac­compllohcd rccenUy by flllJng one of Ito boUow oido \70II!l l.'llth \7atcr and t!IUn!I the hugo croft on Ito aide.

flllllnel . or taffeta acc~ted unusual buttons. ··

• • • P•tltm No. ll90'l II dcsl!llled for lllzt!J

U. Jt, lG, 18 and 20. Sll:Q 14, pbort •leaves. teq1,1Jrc;s 3'\ fud& ol ~int;h mattriall l~lo yard• trimming for neck and lllr.lc rtont.

l·ED~uo~~:Eo~n·~~~~~~~lll!rgc demond and moro time II Blew ot the

numbers. Sand ;YOilf order to:

SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 630 Boutb WeDs st. · Chlcaco

Ene.loso cents In coins tor each

Pattern No. ------lSS!Jit~e--

Nom•~----------------Addrcsin_ _______ _

0.i I

BUtch n crocheted motu of fine thread over holes In tablcclothn nnd dresser oonrves. Cut awoy · worn or damuaed fnbric under. 1 neath. Additional moti.fu maltc the ~ crocheted worll: loolt intentional. · _,._

Early digging reduces tho pota­to yield. The crop may be lett ln 1

the ground no long oo n month after maturity provided lruleciB oro not prcnent In great number. -·-One long !ltltcb ond three ae­componytne ahort oUtchca ate ex­cellent ctitchoo to uoo when boot· Inc. -·-If ae!Ulla ln nour bln or au(lar drawer aren't -ttchtly oooted, pour melted paraffin over them and lot lt harden. -·-To brllbtcn overshoes, rub with a cloth molntened with diluted nm· monln, v;onh with coop ana woter, then rlnno. •

t' (!

Bronze foundrymen· Wo ~liquidating tho largest machino shop and non-ferrous founiJ,ryin aouthcm, Colo.ro.do.

This is your chance to buy ·cngino lathes, turrot lathes, mllling mnchinea,aha:!~i grlndera, supplies and tools; funw.~3. crucibles and other foundry ato.rea.

Write for catalcgue



Read the Ada


• • .. . .

\\' ~·~


Drive In Today for a

FREE TIRE INSPECTION M ~ o~~~ 11tl.&mu ... ...m uamtr:e rca t1rt3 cuetn111; !at JCU Jreow wba' ~am, U lltlJ', ....... ~~ &cl &dvtH wb&{l ~c;;ili1 be ~0:::. to keep 'm rolllog, ·

We'll Help You "etermine If You Are

Eligible to Buy the Famous

;trt$10nt 'De4uu CHAMPION

......._and Help You Mak• O&J! all

15 2 0 Application for a Tire Rationing ~J! Certificate

((J,J# I T.h c;r~

•• I .. ..,

, •


' If You Are Not

Eligible for New Tires, We'll Keep Your Car Rolling with

Vitt$font Factory-Method .RECAPPING All matmat• AM •~11111P t.ut·· 7· oVo·· ~ Tcna pt afD J&f..,, utta trAetlo1l, lda•tt D1lellfl · ui ...

lllilftf QlleiHf .,.,_A ttH• ltthr UHI



• ••

\ l I I '

I 1 I • ' ,

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' ~' . ' ~

" :· - A4vertulfn; Rates Furnished on lleque11t · ', .<i "l ' • ' -. , . . - '

,i . ·F,ridcy, September ·l~. 1945.

( : ;·•,.-""' ._.,.... "I' 9 ,., _ . .,_ .. _ ....... _ .. ' .



' '. ;

"'--·--N otic~ Of Hearinlt of.

Final f{Pport antJ Acenunt


In the M.attltr of tho ) Eat-ti ol Crea b. Maret ) No. 696 De~ase(l. ' ) . · j . ' To Bri!Pda Saii!Zilr Mares, WldQ,W' Mtigsle · Mares, O~ughter, SanU•~.o · t.brei, Son, An~nlo M111ea, Son, Gre&O• rita h:f, Lucero, Pausbter, }!;zequll!l lbrea, Son, all of Ce>rimts, N11w ldiiJh:o; and Nick S. Vera, Carrl:wzo, New MeJJ~ leo, Guardian Ad Lltt~m cit Eloy NUne~, a Minor. · Graadacin, eole heir of Roilta lf, Nunez, Dauahter, bc~ased, •nd to all unknown holt~ of the nld decedAnt, ' . . all unknown per•on• ch•lmlng any lien upon, or riK,bt, title, or lnterett.,l~ or to, cbe eat ate of tbe .Pid dtt:edi'Jlt, and to trbom It ryy eon cern: ·

You, and eac:b of you art hereby notltled, and notice I• berebyelven. t~at Brlslda Salaur Marea, Admlnl11tratnx of tbe Eara•e of Cre• Marei, d11ceaeed, 111111 ftled In·. tho above' l'lltltlod · Court hrr ftnal report and acc.ount u 1urb Admin· Jatratrla, and tho Court llaa appolntud Mondav, tho 22nd da)" of October. 1046'; at the hour ol2:00 o'doek P. M .. 1111 tho

It anv thfre be, to tho. approval and • • Httlemtnt of •aid ftnal rt•port and all-count. and • h<~ dl.lcbarp of 11ald Url~tlda 6aluar \1ari'J •• •uch AdmlnburatriJ, llDd llt the hour on tlwt day named. t)l.o J'robalft Court will pro«'4!d to dettJrmlno the bolrthlp of <aid doc:edont, the owner• thlp ''' ,b111 nld ucatt• and ~ho Interest ilt eacb rOJJlrctlve cJalman& thereto and t ou•ln and cbe prtllona entlt!1d to tll&l diJtrlbut Jon tb .. rrof

Tho name and post omee addrelll vi tho •~t~~nt tor tho admlnlatratrlx l• l!:ll'rdo Cbav.-. Carrltn&O, Nnt Mexico

Wltneu tb11 'bonorablo PauiiM Aida~; 1 Judwe of 1 he aald Court, ani! tho feal &htreof, thl• 80 day of Au~ruat, 194G. •

s. £, GreN.ln, (Scan Cfork

A 81·8 21 --· -··- .. -------STATE OF NEW MEXICO, )

) Q,

COUNTY OF LINC• •LN ) IN THE t'l\OflA'fE C'l ·Ull'l'

IN 'l l1l MA'l 'l'FR OF 'J'llh J LA~T Wit I. AND 1'r'fTA~ ) l.lRZ..T OF \V(l,LlAM JEJI JNu. ClH Ff,ftbON A Yf;f(.'J, dOCf'U.Cd ) I

NQ'J'.C}~ OF API'OINTIUENT OF'. E1tl:CV'f!ll X i ,.

Notlc• IJ l!()rehJI alw•n thnt on the, Ulb dll)' 111 Augu.t, 1946 tho •tntl r· lllfnt•l "'fllll a,,,,,,lntttl exl)cutrlx of tho Laat Wrll and Tcrbn 1 nl of WIJII.am Jtlftra•rn Atera dr;rcliM!d ln the ahovo ; aatnt~l Coura, and havlns: qllallll• d ru auch. an)' •n• bavlbJ • claim aaalnat

• · uld ealate 111 hetl'by notified to lllo· the Amt within ah: months trom September 1

. '1. 1UIS, and mako proof •• wqulted by ' law. ..

i I '· ' •

Mlnnla Gertrude Afetl, Executrbt:


. ' • . .

if ' (I ' •

. . . •

' '. \

• •




" Leave Roswell:


Monday,. Wednesday and Ftiday \ Leave CarrizozQ: · · ·

Tuesqay, 'J lj 0

Thursday: and Saturday ..

• • •

~ ~· .i w~e~tgni.SS"~ .. Riinehera Who bavo~ ~fcxtrn ~am ort.en brlnl{ ~~~ croplnt!aB baclcibt:O production

• '


with ~ted whoo.tgl'f.\SS{t~ ~ wnd.uCtild by ~ CQlomclo AgrJcutf;ural ~t ·station, ~ cooj)(lrStioJ?.. with 1'n1lcbcts/'8Dd ~ by · OUnton H, W8S8(!r, 800!1 stnpd,a ofc:iestecl whe,at- .. ~ cstabllahed on abandoned• Cl'Oplt\nds in • ~rtboDs~ni Coloro.d~ hAvo supported a1 much ~¢'acra tm iw() tofouracrC. of~ 7Jaliw sod .

.. ~

. ''mn in tho .&Print and 0011Y wm~. And it tn1okcs ptiBturo two or,t.Juoo'woola; cnrllcrin:tbo

•dsl_)tlng, anc1 ~w.r !ti tho lull wlwn tbo4Jl101s~

-~' fJCKX1.. ' . • 'lim• toll~: Sop~ 'is tt g~ ttme to

• "'~ ~ lDnqs to' ~ltbcr ~or wcstem whetit-• gtMS. Tho job n14y ruso bo dOno in tbo Jato~

~r ~ly spring1 Fot bc:$t results, tty six to clgpt jJ?Ou~ ot seed )?Cr aero drilled .into grain, sudan, f!Orsh·wn, motet or .wood Jltubblo. Iiand b4dly ~wn llP to pcrcnnin1 w~ .maY flrlst ~uito heavy dlsclng or oven plowing bi,!!OI'tJ eeeciing;


• •

- l/1" 0 , ........ __ • -·- I""""~ - "r " ~ ,' 0- ..

viM!nl~, "'"''mu ,tr.tor c>t lle¢eaJed . · . . ; . " £U~1Ct JASP£R, l>.wne~

·' S. B. GOLUSTON, Manager : · PltonelG · , ' . . . .

•• t· r - . . . . . -. . , . 'i ,_ . ' . ' . c •

" -. . ' ,,_ " ~ - - : .. '(( ' . ' . " ... 1:,...-....,.··,t.._ ,,,," ·"',J t.''' .,, ,, . -

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. . •.

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- • ""' ."' c- ' - • . .

CV.LL THE NOr~ .. U~'\'ElRS )'"n' Hens in yolll' 1locks tlplb oro . . •

• • •

' • ' .. . ' .


, .

. . ' . •

" '



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' · Pr~l•••ional· Dir.ect.pry . ••

• ~· .,

• • ·. NJJl$. MAf. ENGLI~H '

. " • •

.. .

• • ; PREN'J.'O~. A~D HALL . .

· AftorneyiJ 11t Law . I

• ~iirlzo~ ' New Mexico ··t ,., • • •

' . ·• "· Phone as· .:,._ ~ '

I , . ~ I'

• o ,·"\ tt. S;' DEPAltTMENT OF THE ~ • 1;, j It.lTEiUOR, · .GENERAIJ LANJ)

, 'i FICE, Dlatrlet. La.tid. Oti!ce, Lu l::ru~. )-, N e w !lexte<l, · Stptember 4, . 1946 • . ~ . ltotfee fJ h•reby riv~ 1bat on Nqvem·

· · ••r 28, .1938, agd P'e~ruarr ;!6, 1942, . '1. i! Jiiiltllfrbt .ot Jf~>awell, New Mex· ' leO. ~l.d ortcloal.. and Jmtn4~il

. ~ aUona 068469, Ullder aectfon $ ilf the r; ·Ta7lor G~c 'Jitt aa. llniendcd, . ~. -.Jo¢t t. h .a SUN~].(; SE}.(NWJl, ¥ NUsEJ,(, aec. 'l21 1'. 12 s., ~18 ~.

' ~ lota~~ t •. 10f lit t2, 18~ SEJ,(NWJ,(t -« Z.USWJ( aec., 7,10ta'Ci, 8 eee.18,·T.12,

· i w,, B. 19 E.,ln exebanre fcfr aU ••e• 21, • T. i ti,, &: 21. ~.. N. :M~ P: M., Now •

" .

' .

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• '# - nt ,. ,. ,.;fl.): ~'\ •. 1 ..,. ' r• •i ~·.,..,~"' .

• ' ' ~ .

' • •

• I '

' ' ~ ' . , (' .

:@.liltips·.~6 liB:sh~s the ~tFu~l of the Futute" · . . · .. · .to y;~~ neig~bOrhood de~er~ .Jlk~· .~

,_ • . . • .. • •• F,!tJ:..f: ..· • . ~ ,. ~'fCWf ~

'tou:ncvef'knew a ~olidc ·could' be like this! ·· · ·• · · . · ···'~~/I ' • )il ~- '

. . . · ! ·_·:.And neith~ did we tll13·~Ctlon1.:pack~·yeats.ofwar-prod1.1c-: •~ .. tip~ b~oughtpewandma.tVelo~ advances m_gasoline tn~ufacturd,

. ,,. " ·Now all the.:' know-pow''. ; ·• the. ~peclit.p.tocesses tb~t w~nt , ~to the ,pQwermg of gt;mt bombers ts yours! · ·• ~i. • p f ~, I

~ ;.N~ver mihd ·the technical !cediS._ just get a Wlkfu1 and see l ~hat it will dol . . . r .. • ' ~ .

• • •

' • f~f~ Se~ if.you don't get.quicker swts! . ' • ~ .. · · · ·

1 • ~~ See if you don't get more power! • · · ~ ;,· · ·

. ·~'f~ •

· . ~ ti~· S~e if you do~t· get m~re~miles .. pet~g.illon!: · .

• •

' ;.,· ~ ... See if your ¢tt doesn't act like i two-year-old ~gain when this 1 r powq:l'a.cking, act!,on-g~g fuel goep to wo.tk in your motor!.

• • • • • Jl ~ .

• 0


• •

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• •

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• • « ' '"' . . { . ·~

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..... ~ • ·<I ''!

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... . . .


_,ex!~ Thf• no tree k lor tb~ pt.lrpofe • J( ~otrtii:& atl pttjollll havtng bon• fide • .' obie¢tlon• to the proposed exchange an · ·

• 'Opport\illlty to 'Ale their obj~ttcins 1n We omcf, to~ther'\lit~h e'Vldence that

" ' 66 s asOline I

• ., 1 ~py.thfi'eof hu been ll&v.ed on.the ap•

. • 1 jtlet.nt.Witbin thtrty ~aya. from,date ol tint .PUblication.

'* Piul A. ~·c~. • • Becl.ater. ~ . 'Ftia' publlea~on September 14. "

• ~· "114-oli • .. •J

~ .. 0 '


" • • ...

' • • •

• •

-• •

Glasses Fitted Dr~~Paul W .. Wypn


' • •

. . " Will J3e Jq c~~rizozo llt Et CIBOLA .HOTE4 ·, . . .. JVBll SUNDAY·iro~ ~ p~·:M,. to-'S P~ )!';,.:· . "



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' '


Wc•tcrn tlowwpaper vmo,. FEDERAL PAYROLLS


THE POPULATION of the United Staten conalotD of junt about 135,000,· 000 men, women and children, rep. , re!lcntinc Dpproltlmate\y 27,000,000 famllles, The government - local, ato tc and federal - cl vlllan em-

. ,. ' '


-• •

MacArthur Forces Landing . ,, . on·. Japan }.l~meland

. . ' .

ployees l_~n)~~fLfciJ'[no~f'tl FiOiic;-to~ta:alffilerrd-ure+ -------;7"'o"~'3 ."'o1!1Joo. - , b'mlllpo they reprenent, and the total In about 110,000,000 people, 22,000,· 000 tnmilJcs, who are aupportlng not only lhl'mselveo, but alao thooe gQV· t>rnrn<'nt employecw and their faml· llt>n,

It ull IJDt>Onn that the head of each overage !llZl'd family - leoo thlln

·live pcupl•· -~ lo providing food, shel· tN, ht·ot, clothina and other needs for morl' than one outDidcr. Provld.­lnu f,rr thai outDidcr repreocnto th" mont l'xpenslvo and moot cJY trnvognnl ltrm In each famlly'o t'VI'r lncr<'llnlnfl coot of llvlnl!·

Of tlw 6,'163,000 (lOvcmmcnt civil· l11n t•rnployeen, 3,51!9,000 arc on fed· l'r ul tt<JVc•rn ment payrolln, and 3,1B3,· OOIJ u r,. on municipal, county and tJtHlo poyrollo. Thc!Oc include all polln• ul1kt•ro and orhool tench· t•rn

Waehlnr.ton burenllll have found tvoyn to circumvent every effort of Senator D:vr<J, and his tom millet•. to reduce tbe feder· ol civilian payrolls. Instead the num hu uf ft'dero.l employees ahotva a atend:v lnoreasp, an In· creaae amounting to Z70,000 be· t~ei!D April of 1914 ana Aprn of J!H6. Tbe number continues to lncreCUie deaplte the rear·bJ· ycor lnc:reaneo In taxe11; denplte the mountlnll' ll'OVcmmcm& In· deblt>dneaa, o.nd !be need for eC:OIUllnY.

Whu\ 1n \o bt> \hl' end? liow many

' ' .~.

Photograph shows part of the llllldlng l!arty which accomp;mled Geuernl MacArthur when be arrived lD .Ja.pan to set up headquarter& In Yokohama tlll Nippon's mnltary ruler and to receive the official sur­m•der of that country. General Mac/htbur landed by air ~ccompanted by a large ,force of paratroopers. Tbelr flrot duty was evacuntlng American prbonera of Wfll from a 1'blaek beiJ hole.

------- -----Nothing Left on Corregidor When U~ S. He'r.oes Fell ' ...

... -~r ... .,.,-., ' '


extro moutho rnuot U1at heavily bur· dt•rll'd hvod of o fniJIIIY feed? Tho <>o~t of burroucrollc govcmmc>nl hall run for beyond any r::cmbiancc of f<'tfllun Tho Amt>rlcon peoplt> oro lonu nullrrlnll and putlrnl, but lhl'rr In n hrl'akln£! Jlmll. That op· plll'o t11 lmU1 foorrol, lol'al and olote rrnplnyrnrnl It to tlmo to reduce, rnlht>r than lncrtl!lt:Q, all aovom· t,., .. '"~-;,c,~-..--i, rnl'nl pnyrnllo Thn:Jo who do tho provldrna do not opprcC'Iato that unmvtt ... d crueot at tho tomtly dinner lobi~

• • • I AP9 WILL Ul\ VE lli\CD


prt't'rd"nlc~ In all hlotory. Tho pUI tho Shinto deity cm~rcr hod to owallow WOJJ t'XCcodlngly blttor, and

WACs al'lll u.' B. ~rlneerll examl.oo a portion of llto rulno of "top!llllu" batradm, Cnner;Ulot, PbiUppln& Islands, ahowlnJ the complete d.cstrucllon tha& rc~~t~U~cl borore lbo aollant Amerletan toreco were defeated b7 the superior lllptulcno arms. TbcrC! wao nathinr: but ra1n tor tbo lnps to take over ana there 1s nothlol len or tbe atrcnr prewar fortllleatlon now tblll the bland l!J badt In tho baD!ls d America.

It t=k llUffill MUfll to QOt It down. • ~-----~~---~ .. ~-« _.,.., -~ ... - ------------------ ··-N m:~ tho t It lo over, no-w thot tho Ban of fJcavcn In merely tho moutb­ploC'c of Ocnoral MacArthur OJl Amorkan commander, t'ihat tho fu· turc remit wm tY-1 \ll onytmdy"s fllJrll:l llr!orc tho J DIP etlll h;ceomo an or<'cptahlo world cl&cn ho mmt chn nao the woyo thol havo bacn brt>d Into him throueh many ccn· turton That wlU toko yoon, YllOH tho I will b11 bo rd for tho J apa, to cf• frd auch a ehllnso. Tho p:!opto of the Allkd notlanD arc not conf'<lmcd wtth thr religion of any ~zoplo, but In lho coso of lho Jop:~, Ghlntolllm munt ao bt>foro tho Jop con bt!come on acct>ptab!o -world elthzcn. Wltb the p:umlna of Ghlntol!;m will pana tho emp<t'ror, eh!l'.Jlll bo CUTmoant other diffieuiUc11.

The OrC!cks, nornarus, Tnrinra, Oolho, Torlul, aru!, at a more recent pedod, Napo!ecn acd his Frenc!l lt!eloa., attezm¢c:l wflAt tb0 OnmiUl.ll, 1tnllnm a1id .Ia~ 11Uemp1~. rcsnlllnl 11\ llle eoD­ruct f:lDt udecL lacb Bocll try !lito lr•t1 lo time, to ll!tilUler. Ld [l!1 he~ tte world, r~ Use ,._ tmo, baa team~ t& curb nd• mallactcre ttfore the1 bect~me aan~rerco• aM set the tt!Ure worll! dime. .... POOU 30utmYJ De t. a liretbn

cl tb death a! the o~:l fat®Y. Dad hna ecmml\Weotc:i Jchr.ny•a hl.ka 1.1 a mcarJ~ of ttar.!pOrtaUnn t!llill a now car can be obtained. It tecalll tho days o! the OOll wheo blkea for tho poor an:! carrlarea tov the rtdl nlp:ros~mte:f transportation. The prtco at a bUte ran M)'Where from tt~ tn $110. 'l<>'J had e eholce be­tween hllb wheela Ol' .. aafeUu." 'l'o cot on a htsb whceJ took anme prao• tlet'l arnt mtltl7 • tumble. The· . "oafoty" was ecnaldorcd a "llhsy." Both hal! soUl! Urea, na alt to eontn the 'at, and ~u l003cne4 )'OUt \ladt teeth when ddlnt over the cnbbl• ston!l p&\'tlmentt of city atreot!. A pul of eeu;~ dally stunt wu peddllng a tike from home. to thtt of. fteo arul ba~k asatn, tn my cue • dl.stallco o1 abr mUt~toC!ech war. Tbat was coresldorcd tho ptea.surablt part nf worldnt.

• • • '

GOS::UP lS 'l'UE DLOC'K buste'll that dcetroys community Wllt)'. • • • ~ENFJRAL MACAn'tlron ehouW

ect an tt\rl;J hour tO't t'e1o-elne IOf Ulroblto. • • •

'J!ttE AMtlUCAN PntVATt m'• 'l'EUPRmE •1attm made wlnritt'tJ the war ~ibltt. Xt IIJllpUtd .fttt . ~ ll\i't ~w 'tfir ~l!tm. but b . ~ ot WI" Alllld. tta · tOOtlnu,. ~ htft will be • bta.eoa U&bt a. thoR l\t\lmit MW, tilm.IIIJ fO .\bit ~\lvtlm thJt .b.IW. ·



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0 , .....

Youth to Spur Drive on Crime Under Sec. of State


' I


' I


First Yank to Bring Jnps to Heel ,

Truman Gets a Hat

' •

• <'


'' ' I ·~ •

' .

fNoi-While Drew Peanpn b OB !!~«­don, Secretary of .4Rriculwt. Clipton P. Ander•on ,:ontrlb~le$ 41 llU'.C column.)

B;rCLJNTON P, ANDERSON Secretary ()f Ag"eulture ..-

·WASHINGTON. - The first Sun· day after V-J Day, n friend came by with tm automobile to take my tamily and his for into the

· to have with another,

pened in years. were aU Ughted at the chance to rlde througl:l couptry lanes, to talk about the height of the com, the possibilities of crops, and the probability that we would enjoy meat tor dinner.

But as we started bnck l.nto Waoh· ington, we could not help but notice that the roads wGre fllllng up. There was a lonG line of traffic· and many follttJ drove by. at speeds which seemed recltless to ua. They were perhapl3 driving .. 40 or 45 miles on hour and we had become accus· wmed to the 35-mile an hour lel.Durc· ly gait.

\Vben one speed!Dg car swirled pas& us, I heard my wife murmur, "l'tly, what I wotlldn't give to have IJil!IOllne raUonlng back." I began to wonder how many of

the thin[lll that war hod brou[lht to ua aa socrlfice,p or. prlvnUono we would coon come to appreciate no blcooingo in dio(lul.Do. I bego.n to wonder how lone It would be before people would cometime::J oi(lh for cumc of the real advanlo(lco of the d.Dyn durln(l tho war when we all Uwd a little e!O!lcr to[:Cther, c little more olmply, and perhap!l a Uttl~ more l.n tho traditional Amcl'i-l can pattern thut bad nlortcd th1o ccuntry on It!! way to bcCDming a wcat noUnn.

neat Values of L.lte. Do ynu rcmorpbor b:.1ch: tn tho

yearn of tho dopre:;!!lon lhGt Rcnry AJ!!Jlcy out In AmorlUo, Taxon, wrote a booii entitled, ''I LU~o tho Dcprcoolon?" Fronhly, I Wlad hla Utllo boo!I, bccoU!:o ho told ot tho btcnolnno thnt bnd como to him with o rcvcrool ln Wn finonclol oituollon. no told o.f tho dl.Deovcrlco thnt ho hod modo oo U1o p2rlod ot wild pro:; pcdty p~cd oll!J tho wna montlln ot doprt!O!llun cot tn. He totd of tho formcrtJ who bnd aono boclt to Uv# inn on their fonnn ln!ltcod of Uvln£1 a!I thclr tomw.

Tb., war han don a a om ethlnr to aU or m. It made 05 apprecbte tJome of the real values of We that mllllJ' of tlll bad len:& e.ltht of. We aU co.,plnmcd a tllMe abotlt the war, dido'& wcf We were a UUlo dlllJappoiDted whm we famul that t!:e etodcs of ccw can wae frozen, tm& we dJ.5. covered t!lat tbt1 ole! car wu a lot beUU ar::l woui:l roo a lot tanrtr 1h:an Wl'l bad thoo&hL

Cu·PoCl Nelib!fon. t remomh::.r my firot czpcricne$

t7ltb a eM swat Wo twd tw-o auto­mohllCD at cur huw:o; G".tt nC%1 d!wt cc!chbnr h!ld tw-o ouiGmcbUc:J at till~ plaeo. i.1o woro not t7CU o!!Quclnt.. eli, mrotly bc~aus.o 1\ -wo.nn'\ l'lc~!l­ao.ry, unW tlll!l wnr como alnng. Then my r:mtt tlnnr ndghOOU' and I on:l tt7o olliaro, whn hm'otn!oro bnd gono to cur offieen by cnpnroto ml!nnn, fauna <nm::olvcn fU!:cd to­gether ln1.9 a cnr E!CtJL We t<aro ir• rov~ably tid to coch other. Wo bod to ri!:o at ttc Qtlme time in tho mommg, lan~e at \!:2 onme h!!Cll' fOr t7cllt, n..-1 itlWlm t;:!lmo wuoUtor in tt9 ove.;una.

I am Glll"C thnl ot flrnt t7U on ro­c:!ntcll a little the foct thot t70 tn::.t. cur frcad:::m cl oclli::1, b..1.t t":O amru o aroa~ !cc:::::2 in ccinbtnt'U· c~ We ~.md cnl tlrot tho p:!sp!e t»l;n lived cent to tt!l mi~t be jrot OD L'1tcrcr;lli:lg tm:l oitro:r:ti~c. jtnt ll5t pleaGant ru::~ ji.Ot 01 oom~Ci1:a.':ltu on tho "C!!l!!o wtk.-m t7n hod alwayn lm1>ml "ltll M~cd ilil~ the <lttt?at cr ocro::::J tho city.

VlctoQ G:u&ts B!e~tortl~"f· H:r.? mony wnmen imp:rovcl thcll'

flUUfc:J w they wclkcd w mtn1:cU An1 think wool Vretoey £tore~ did 1'4l:r the men I

Lilut Drow Pearc<m, I will perhaps h!! away tram Wl:l""clfngtna wtm thb ~lnmn b 1>1in~d, away (In a liliol't vacotilm. W'ni!e I am gzm~, smncnne wiD be mowing my lawn. During the war I bad t<J mow my own town. I t::<>'.l!llll't ttr:l aeyoue lnttlrested m taking eat'b cf my ttat .. t!culor litUc p!t:r:o ct preperty. Arul a strange thlnt h!lllpened: I fmmd. that J ccilld maw it ns wcll a5 any .. <ma ctze, that ! ecmd lfltiw tt quickl:r, arul that I ~d team willi< In a short time exnctly how encb particular !!tt!llon ei~uld be best mowed to dcve!cp tho best crut of grQ!5, . And l filllnd nut 81!0' that whefi 1 rocwed it ~etr. l not cnl)' bnvroved tht~ tawn, t hnproved my own dlg~Unn. ..

l'Jl m~ tha~ now that the will' 15 ov-ex-. beliause rn tell MY!elf. that ltm. too b~ hl. da it whlm t tan. hko someone cl!t'l for the feb. I supl)tse that tnt Wi!~ Will rn~ ~meth!nt. too~ beea~ she u~d to wane to tnt!rket at«t tarry h!!t Jl'lP et:rlcs hi)}c borne: in !l bruiket.

A5 tot tn)Rlf. I tel!e<;t tl~~~ tact thtt an atlt®:lobUe ~·· · · ·· · wei to . be able ·to sen me' a new cu each yeat,. lJu~ •tte-o tlle· war wno t ltattied .that . aut~\':lliikll •m· ett G().OOt ol' too.ooo ~ l!id still be -ptet\;' defithda:bw '" • tneans ot tnnt~nalilm.



• ,, '' -(' . ' ' '

• • .. ~ ' _, c I

A Gerierat i\. , .. "' p. "" P.('o "'('oo,......., p."' i'f'/;1;0 """' r-1\o

Th• Qu~motw' ·· 1;. Docs a~ o$"~ch bury it:~ he~

in the sand. in o~;de:t to cblde) 2. In playing the fl'!t~, . the

velocity of air necessary JS equiv~ ol.ent to that of a hurricane; or at th~ rate of bow many miles an holll'?

3; "God made th~ sea; w~ made the shore" is a proverb belonging t~ what nation?

4, The temperature of the moon drops 400 degrees at suns~t. Why

drop considerably? 6. Fo;r what purpose was the

Leaning Tower of Plna erected?

TheAn1wer• · 1. No. its bill. ,

It grubs for food with

2. Seventy-five 'rnUcs or more. 3. The Dutch. ~ · 4. The earth in blnfll\et!!tl by nlt

which holds the bent' caused bY the rQya of the oun. .

5. It wan erected lUI a b~ll tower for the Cathedral of Pl.Da.

. ··---- ~-- - - ~ .. --~ ....... --


FARM 1\IACDINERY & EgUW. -- ·~-~ ... IDADO nED CllDAll I'O!IT mnkcr Wal)la onlob cad1>.0.d loll!. low p_rlcco.


Ua1 Chhbolm. l!oC<Jon l'llny, ola!le. _,_.,__ -T-- _,..,__ ---- -

PJI..WEUT ALL I'VUI'OI.IE l'a:::rl~f)tllND­EDB. OniV lho J>o•Wcol boo nU the~ to<>­lurco-ltrllli'.E AC.'TION-c<>fJCAVIJ AC­'l'lOtl llbrca romovob!e CWlcavccl-llAM· MI!!R 1\CTIOU-CCJ\El>IJ ACTION. Oun•· nntecd to oucccc'fulb' arl!ld Oll b;>.ndtb 'cca, baled hey, cro.ln and cor ccr.o ro o J.nrao capacllY, onll any cmc to= uoctw wUI oporalo Jl. Aleo tr.o Dn-Weot "'Ill llll .Uo, On!Cr ""'"'· Vcolcrtnquirl.ll:u>rc cll:<> lnvlled. Wq oleo haV<t Ula PtbWcat UY· draullc Aartcullural Lot,o!crc Lo:.<1ll1ill't. monuro, a rave!- o:mc1. hay. l;¢otzs "a" ~d • U.lntJ that nccao to bo l""dcd, II c" a mlnuto. l,'.lndo to Ill me -II & u. JIJ­A 1:1 D and 1/'or~l?crcm:::o. Pro:np\ deU.. cry. l!<:ld by n. V, LEUtn::n COI!U'M'Ir No .. C'liF • • lla!UU. IDctlloro wcntc<) tor U:<r Dz.·\"1oD\ l..tr~l. ·-· ..,.___ ~=--/if- •..

Now Uood Doao ood OrAl# Tllrotbora, llmiiiiC!l' lerona, crroln l:lol'toro. Ill>~, feca nrtnlloro Colorailo tbobiQOf7 , i>D\)~7

~en ~-.. ~'""'.ll'·: _.,.., ••• : ~~·:h

- ·-----~·. ~- - ··-

Advertisements Mean A Saving to You

SORETOHE .... .,..,,,.,ldlh ..... ...,~ 50¢ ucf $1.00

= .G-.4c &~---7

' \\ ' '-··--~·.-~~·~~ ....... ~-......:.----·· .. ,. ------------1 ..•.. , ----------·

. 0'


Page 7: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · ., ., .. ·:r· .. • ' -· . I .. ~· . ·I -, . '·.' . )"-. .. .. . . • • ' • • • •

• ~ .-

• ..



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, .. '

• • . . . ..



' ' .. .

. $'"

., - - -. " ' . .... --- ' .. ,

' .

" •

I J I \ • '

·',l'Qif UOI&'lr TBtll I'UI 'l'b• Aatrl· ~- . U'OIIlll Jlm..t at AtSau, II' •••Jill~ . lit Jia:JJ, wtp. MalOl ~c:Wlt loppolo, lhe .hiiO$ o•cir ID c:urc,. ••rce!Ull LeCIII• W11 JSor~ u K.P,, ._.. 1!1 'I• Ia eJaar~e ., ncmo-. 'fte ~r ••• out llumeOl· ,U.J;F le wbl U1t Mtlldalllp ef &1!.1 c:IU· ...., 11.1!4 le lm)llrOYe tllelr llvllll cod!· ..-.. 'ftllnt CuUet of Ole MaJI!r, an. -.r ~ 1M c:tvll lattract!OIIt, wa1 1!1 ,... o-.& wbl tile clt.tJcu ae~clc4 Ill•

:; .::: W: :"or::!. ~."c:::_: a. ""' 1181~ II Uldr private aucl eble life -ill Ada-. lie ••lerJDIDccJ · te tec:llll a kll 1&\!d&ct.q • Ga tMlll•·

tQm here. Once tbe lntPQrtant peo­ple make us klsa their hand•, and later when the actual kissing be­came too mqcb of a bother, lt ~ came the habit merely to mention the klsslng, ns if ·it bad been done."

Croxi said: "I meant liD offense Mister Major. I am antl-Fasctst.''

Major .Joppolo 1ald: "U appear• that ln tb1s town is anti'-Fascist. we will see

" '

. •

"TW Srall'l All ~~~ Filii'­

... '

8l'Own'- has yarn balr t11at kidl (lrul Jlraid. . .,

. . . . ~

./t. real' Uf~slze playmate - 32 inches taU ln !itdcldnc feetJ Pat­tern 5~ ~ontalna :pattern of doD only; complete directions •

Duo to lUI unusuallY larSC! dculand and currcnt eondltlons, allllhti.Y more time le ~ulred In lllllni: orocrs tor a few of the moat popular pattern numbers .

send your ordcf.. tol

• • 8~11t'lllr Ctrcle Neecnec:ran Dept.

lit w. RaadoJpJI SL Clllcaco ai, m. 111 for Pattern. '

Ham . ._ ____________________ _


Male Birds of Paradise But Eat and Court 'Ladies'

Kcl!nim'• Rico Kritp!CI equal tho whole ri~ &ruin lD neruly .U tho protcctlw rood eJemcnu dec:l!u'ed eJientlal to

, human nutrition.

----~- --------,. ~ -- ·-------

"W• give fMs reel lo oo ooe-lhe produd haJ lo rom II,,., aaya Good Houaokeep1ng Mogoalne regarding thlt famous secL ~lc fer It on every Oobber Girt podcoge.

rt~~~.~ NftGf'lv a Million

Now In Usel ...... , ...... , .. • ltlll---.uc. .. ., .. :r

1•"-....... .., .... ef Nil. .=.-.. ~ ...... .....

llftllelrt::r.:z.-hWI lh ...... .,. .. deM4*-ft.

• a..u,.l8hta.ullfMI ·~ .... • [4., ... - ttW *aft ctlltnL

-Ol"'m?'rilw~~t;..·,•r ~ <."<-""'•·;u.:--,--..1>~ ~'"" "-'c-~"""l'"'-'..,.,__,• .. ------.~H 0 • ·eot :e· r """"'*' ____ "' · :u •-> ,.,_ ,_.__,_,_...., ..


Page 8: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · ., ., .. ·:r· .. • ' -· . I .. ~· . ·I -, . '·.' . )"-. .. .. . . • • ' • • • •

•• ,• ,' -P " - •• ., • '''"'" '' '"' '•-

. • '

• • •

' ..


••• meeting 11p at the 11eighborhood entery '

Neighborhood meeting place I That' o where your q. I., home co

furlough, can get back in touch with thz local going&OD. That's

where the word!! Have a Col{e start new friendohips and c.e:al oW onen. laxold Coca.CO!a i.a the center of attraction.


BAONOLL\ COCA-COLA DOT'lLJNO (lOIIJJl~NJ Cocn-Com Dullcllna. Yandell Blvd. al Dlrcb, I!:l P1110, TOlfiiJ

West's Sanitary Dairy

Sweet Milk & T~ble Cream Delivered Dnil)


---.. ·-~=--· - ----------- -- ~


--' ..

IIJ Mort War Bo••• TtU,



ea ouse FOR



• I • l'

. : ~ '


• . l 88

C.Ovrt'l'Y OF LINCOLN f • fN IJ'B}f M.l'l''l'ER OF TB~) .. ; . . ~S'r:ATE OF PAUL MAYER,) No.607


ADitiNISTRATRIX . N otlce fa hereby given that on the 28th

4•1 of .June, 1946, the undersl~ncd was appomted Adminiatratrix of the e~tate o1 Paul Mayer, daca.,ed, in the above .Jilmld Court, and Bavin" quall1ied as such anyone havin" clah~ apinst' said eatate fa hereby notified to file same within aix mont~ from September 7, 1946, and make proofss required by la.w.

ma G. MGye.r, Admndnratnx •

Oarri'*•New Mexico Attome:v• for Administratrllt


. .




Banta Fo, ~ew MQXiro Notice is ll~ro\!Y ai~n that pu..rounnt

tg tb.p p.r~vlal(llla of the Act of Congreo~ 6Jl(\f.OVed June 20, 1910, the tawo of-.thh itatA! of New Mexico and the rnlea and reaulatlono of the State Land Office, tho Comtnlss!onor of Puhllc Landt will o1Ter 1\t public ~~o to tb~ hl~hcal and beat bidder at 10 o'~(l.tk A.M. Qll November tO~b. l!l4(j, a\ tho f{Ont dOOl' ot tho Oouvt Uou;o ln th Tov.-"11 of Socorro, eounty ICat of Socorro County, New Mexico, tho following dcacribcd Tract C!( land, te-wlt:

BALEN0.274G Tho NW,!! of Sect!Qll lift, To't>-"'lehlp 4 Soutb, R!DICI a Eet, N .M.P.M., cnntatnlnlit 160.CO ncrc:J, moro or It"~, aeeording to tho litovernmmt aurvey thereof. No bid. will be llCctpted aa the 111bove

dc•crlhtJd lands (or lop than T~rce and ~0·1 00 Pollan (3.150) IXlr acre !\nil suctoo!lul bidder will bo roqulrcd t.o pa)' at the time ot ealo flv~ per ooo: (li ptr coat) of tho amount of hll bid, tho valuo of tba improvement. and tho coot of aa!e. The balnneo of tho price offered will bo payabto In thirty yearn, \"lith lokrut on all deferred p:~ymcnt!l at tho rato or four per cent (4 per cent) ~r

I am vactin1 a buildinR on Alam..,gordo Street, Cor the purpose of 1elllog anci •orvlclng Radloa, Wa1hiog Macblnct, Refrigerator• and other App lances.

Tho building wilt not be eomplcted for aomo timP, but I ezpeet to rceeln thcno goods aa 1oon 11 they avo available.

annum In advance, In accordanc;o wltb -------------- thl torm!l of tl:o cuntrae~ \o bo entered

If JIU are In need of these artlelea \ "lll appnclllto 7001 order DOW for 100de to b1 delivered ao IOOD U facttr• 111 can make tlaem.

I will eontlnue Ia tho coal and wood bualnetl for tlto Pl'llfDt.

I thank you for your patronage in tho put and uk for your future patronagP in my new bUJineu.



,_- .,._ __ ------ - --- -~-- ---"=-=---

Our sincert! thanJs to all '!(you who hc~crl

W~too JaJ~:W bmnbcd ~~ Ua.rbm-, &ulhcrn l'o.dflc bcrom:~ poh:lp:l tlw =t rrtnltccrfc ~dIn th:~ United 9tat.c3. &:rving tho Welt C<=t porta c! cml~h.aUon £rom &m Dkgo to l'ortlond, and mnro mllitnry and 11:1val .-!oblbhmontD thon any othcr railro=.d, wo wt:ro called upon to lunillc an CWnDOU!l IO:ld. .

Wo wcro ob!o to h:mlilo thls !m ~ ~u::o or th:! ~t WOJ'k

or rnilro:ul ~ and wo=n up and down thn lln:!, and with tho hclp anll coopaotioo of thn=ruls of pcuplo not odwilly work!na' foz Uw milro:ld.

Now tho wa.r b ~n<"Cr. Tho job fs dono. Dut woof &uilicm PocifUJ m!1 CDVCl' Coi'{Jct tho way poop!o swoo by us whoo Uw tc!!k eo:;:u;Um::.J ECCmod blgi07 thrul our rnllroad.

Wo ~nd our llinccre th:mb-

~to til# Army, Ntw; and G«mmmmt aulhniUt1 for th€i1 sympa~Mfle un:wntandlnJ oJ our poblmu.

- to W thlppnr n·ho cltlnftdly f*l ttl' nilla thlaji1 so thai r:tCTe dtl!l om tmghr could fO IATfHIIh et1 liiiW, 4nd n·lzD coopuatcd In many a.'ll)'~ to COfl!fJR ~tquiJmwrtt. ·

- to OUT txmmfm, /01 fMir ~INrtll MU~tcnu 0/ CTtr-..:ikd tl'tlliU and olhn ~lnu dlscornfortJ.

-to 1M lbOUIISJI!b oJ ~~ a:lao •lfl1tt.l tJI 1M lntlm to mall room for rnt1b fnl1l •nd oJI&n tuntUel "*"lnr.

- to 11111 tmu and rodlo u·Akh ulllfnlltod our opm!Jln& dlJ!iwltle~ and' bpr 11:11 I'Ubllc lnftmltftl. ·

Wo do not know how quiddy &uthem Pacll!c c~n oonvcrt rrOm war t~ pc.1.oo. Soon tl'lltlsporu will bo'landiqthctiaandtofwar-wcary men at We5t Co.ast ports. and anany rooro mun bt broUJht back from Europe. Theso men will want to get homo Ill quicklY u poasible. Wo intend to dll our ~t to carry them ln tho comfort to which they are entitled. '.thl!ljob comes llrst. orcouno. "' •

M:e:mwhUe, wo are &Jlannin.lil&uiioui new.~ u-t\CW ttavel c:om£ote. aud rdlnem.enlttin ~~.and impro\·ementtin ftefght eervlce. Wo intm loti) tllfflatd •mel•lvely with the West.~ our rf&bt to llel'Ve )-au lloWy on .,_it and ~. .

.A. 'r, ~nclE~ ~ent

••·· ····•, •


• 0

. .

nn1tn lzy tbe aucuaful bidd.r, form of I wlllch -NIU bo fum!Jbed on roqUc:Jt

.lU mlcora!J en tho oatd loncb aro renn .. d to the State and Commbahmer rcs~rvta the rliht t.o rojoct any ond 11.11 bldl.

DATED at Santa Fe, New Mcldco, th!s llht da7 of Augu.at, 104(). (S}jAL)

JohnE Ml!u Comm!!l!o!lll' of Publlc 14nda

1lU7-14·21·28 015·12·19-20 N2·0·10


LINOOL..'f OOVNn. lluk D. Sloan )


VJ. ) William E. D~tmlllJ, U Uv.) ina. U l!e::e&Md, c•• unlmown) hW. cf Willi•• E. Drennl!li.) de~ued, unpluderl with tho) ftUowb1 named ddccdanta,) &litakst whmn lltlbotltutcdl IKlrvlco !J hereby IIOlllht to bo) obWI:cd. to wit: WUliam E.) No. Gl82 Dro!lDi.nJ, UUvmg, U dttcat-) ed, tho uoknmrn hcin of WD·) IWn E. Dreonl.nj dncoUC!l;) Yatthaw Dronning. U Uviog.) U dcceaaed. tt:o nolmown) hel.ts o! MatthiW Dmmini,) l!a::.ued. aU onkn01rn clah::J·) ants ctlntmesU In tho prc:::rl-) let advcree to U:n cztaro of) the t~ti!!. )


To ucll af tho abovo naiUlt2 defend· ants aplnu w!:om GUbotitoted tcrvlce II ll.creby· aauibt to bo obtafulld, GREETUZG:

Y<rtllllldeacll of you arehcreb:;notlfl~;d that the ahave named plain til! bu fllC"d hla ~plaint 11affist you !n tho ab&va • num!JUad lllld antltlerl cuaand court.

'l'ha ceneral objeet c% eafd suit Ia to quiet Plain till'• tlela to the rent eatato d•ctlbecl tn the c-omplaint, situate In Uttrola Count)', Hew Mexlw, l.!ld-lleing

all of Stclinn 4 Township 4 SOuUa,Rat~le 10 Eart. N. M.P. M.

~t the adVe1!o claims of you and 1 ea1~ of you, and u~ono cl&imlnr by, unt!etor tbroUJb y.~u; and to fCll'llver bar and es~op you trom havinr or el&ltn· lng tiiY lien upon, or rilht ot t!tl& to nit rial Mtat.. . . . Utd• )'OU. 'entn ~ur lPl!W'ance in

!laid etUH on Ol' bet~ Octobtr lG, · lN$. ,iudfl'!ltril 'Wid~· l'elldin!d in i!l!d d.,_ qaiJilt ;rou and eaeb ot you default. . PWntlfra attoraasa att Bmlton lnd . . . C~, NeW' llbleo. , OMN 'iide~ mtltltid ua· tho s!!al

ot tM Tltnt Jil~dal .. Diatdrt Court State 91 .Mew Mext~ thlJ 1 'ltb d~

lNf. · -

. :'

d. E. Gttiam, ~~tlttk.


• • ' ' ... ' . ,.

.. 4 ' .

• •

We have m stoek ~;loots and Shoes

:Orugs and ,;Medicines Baby Foods Sash and Ogors

~· Stock Salt1i

Pump Leathers Asph~,lt Bale Ties Shovels and Spades Men's Work Clothirig Fruit Jars and Caps _



. I '·

Oils and Greases Paints and Varnishes .

• •

Dry Cells Bone Black

• Chicken& Dairy feeds Lime and Cement Roll Roofing Chicken Wire Animal Trap a

Ladies' Ready-to-W eaf Garments

Our Prices Are Reasonable •

1 swor .... 0., Capitan New Mexico

0( • 0

• •

General Merchandise

' I


The Store of Quality, Price, Senic•.

• Men's Clothing and

Furnishings 0

Suits, Hats, Shirts, Shoe&, Jacket• Sport Coats, Trousers, Socks,·

Ties and Work Cloth•. •

Women's and Children$ . Ready to Wear · ··· ·

Dresses, Co~ts, Shoes,· Slack Suitt Ja~k~ts, Hosiery Blouaa, Scarfa

. .Sweaters and Neckwear. ·. ,,

Blank~ts and ·Comforts · .,


Groceries · Fresh Meats · Feed·

PhoD.e 62 ' ... _ - .

• •


; -~



. .

• I

. '