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Page 1: ekrishiblog.files.wordpress.com€¦ · Web viewEnergy rich drinks like bournvita, boost, Horlicks are from barley malt
Page 2: ekrishiblog.files.wordpress.com€¦ · Web viewEnergy rich drinks like bournvita, boost, Horlicks are from barley malt

Economic importance-:

In India 90% as human food Used for malt, beer, whisky and industrial alcohol, vinegar Energy rich drinks like bournvita, boost, Horlicks are from barley malt Medicinal value Reduce cholesterol level in liver It also stimulates fatty acid synthesis in liver In USA as cattle feed and horse feed Biscuit making Great demand to malting industry

Classification -:

Alberg and Wiebe(1946) classified all the cultivated barley varieties into three distinct species based on the number of rows of grain and their arrangement

Hordeum vulgare - In this species all the three spikelets at each node of the spike are fertile. The spikeletes are in six distinct rows and arranged at a uniform distance around the tough rachis. It is called six- row barley .

Hordeum distichon - In this species only the medium spikelet are fertile and set grain. Although lateral spikelets are infertile .It is called two -row barley.

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Six row barley Two row barley

Hordeum irregulare -In this species central spikelets are fertile flowers and set grains.

In lndia, both 2-rowed and 6-rowed barleys are cultivated. Two-rowed barley is more suitable for malting purpose than six-rowed.

Climatic requirements-:

Barley require cool weather during earley growth and warm and dry weather at maturity. It grows fairly well in temperate as well as in subtropical region of the earth.

Soil -:

Barley thrives best on well drained,fertile deep loam soils. Being a salt tolerant crop, it can do well even in salt affected


Field preparation-:

four to five ploughings with local plough or three to four harrowing followed by planking are sufficient to prepare a good seed bed.

In areas where crop is attacked by termites, mix 2% Methyl parathion dust in soil at the rate of 25 kg per hectare at the time of last ploughing

Improved varieties-:

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Table 1. Barley varieties recommended for different agro-climatic conditions

Variety Zone Production conditionsK-508 U.P. Irrigated timely sownK-551 NEPZ Irrigated timely sownK-560 NEPZ Rainfedtimely sownK 603 NEPZ Rainfedtimely sownHUB 113 NEPZ Irrigated timely sownJB 58 M.P. Rainfed timely sownPL 751 CZ Irrigated timely sownJawahar Barley1 MP Irrigated timely sownRD 271 5 CZ Irrigated timely sown(Dual

purpose)RD 2786 CZ Irrigated timely sown

Table 2. Hullless barley Variety

Variety Production conditionsGeetanjali (K 1149) Timely sown, irrigatedNDB 943 Timely sown, irrigatedDolma Northern hillsKaran 16 Timely sown, irrigated

Table 3 Barley varieties for cultivation under saline- alkaline soils

Variety Zone Production ConditionsN Barley-1(NDB 209) U.P. Irrigated timely sown N Barley-3 (NDB 1020) U.P. Irrigated timely sown & Late

sownNDB 1173 NEPZ & NWPZ Irrigated timely sown RD 2794 NEPZ & NWPZ Irrigated timely sown RD 2786 CZ Irrigated timely sown

SEED AND SOWINGSeedTreatment-:

Seed treatment is very essential to control the seed born diseases in barley.

For control of loose smut, seed should be treated with vitavax or bavistin @ 2g/kg seed.

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Untreated seed Treated seed

The covered smut can be controlled by seed treatment with 'l:1 mixture of thiram +vitavax or bavistin @ 2.5g/kg or'19 of raxil/kg seed

lf termite problem is observed in the fields, treat the seed with 150 ml chloropyriphos (2oEC) or 250m1 formathion(25EC) in 5 litres water for 100ks seeds.Seed rate and Spacing-:

Irrigated - 75 kg/hectareRainfed - 80-100 kg/ hectaresaline soils- 100 kg/ hectare.

spacing of 22.5 cm between row and depth of 4-5 cm.

Method of sowing-:

In rainfed condition seed should be dropped with the healp of ‘Pora or Nai’ attached to a local plough or with the help of seed drill to ensure uniform distribution of seed at the optimum depth. In irrigated areas seed may be sown by ‘Kera’ method where seed is dropped by hand into the furrow.

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Time of sowing-:

October 15 to November 15.

Manures and Fertilizer-: In irrigated crop, about 10-15 tonnes of compost or farm yard manure could be

applied about a month before sowing.

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The quanty of fertilizer to be applied varies according to the fertility status of soil However soil data is not available,applyferlilizer as below;

Irrigated-80 kg N,50 kg P2O5 and 50 kg K2O per hectare. Rainfed- 50 kg N,30 kg P2O5 and 30 kg K2O per hectare. Late sowing- 40 kg N,30 kg P2O5 and 20 kgK2O per hectare.

Half of nitogen and total amount of phosphorus,potash should be applied at the time of sowing.The remaining half quantity of nitrogen should be top-dressed at the time of first irrigation.

Water management-:

No of irrigation Critical stage for irrigation

First Active tillering (30-35 DAS)

Second Milking stages (80-85 DAS).

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Weed management-:

Anagalis arvenses Chenopodium album Melilotusindica

(Krishna neel) (Bathua) (Senji)


Broad leaves weed can be controlled by an application of 2,4-D sodium salt or 2,4-D amine salt at 0.75 kg a.i. per hectare in 700-800 litres of water per hec.

Phalaris minor (Canary grass) Avena fatua(Wild oat)

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Control of Phalaris minor and wild oat spray Isoproturon 75 WP at the rate of 1 kg/hac or Pendimethalin 30 EC @ of 3.3 litres in 600-700 litres of water 2-3 days after sowing.


Barley is attacked by loose and covered smut.

(1) Loose smut: Loose smut replaces grain heads with smut, or masses of spores which

infect the open flowers of healthy plants and grow into the seed.

(2)Covered smut:

Kernels of infected plants are replaced by masses of dark brown smut spores. Smutted heads are hard and compact. Infected plants may be stunted.

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Treat the seed with systemic fungicide such as Vitavax or Benlate at the rate of 2.5 g per kg of seed.

Grow resistant varieties. Pick the diseased earheads before rupture of the membrance in the paper

bages and burn them.

Powdery mildew

This disease is caused by a fungus Erysiphegraminis.It develops as a powdery growth over the surface of leaf ,leaf sheath and floral bracts.


Spray dusting at the rate of 15-20 kg per hectare offer an effective check. Three spray of karathane (0.2%) at interval of 15 days control the disease. Cultivation of resistant varieties.


a) Yellow rustb) Brown rustc) Black rust

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Yellow rust Brown rust Black rust


Cultivation of rust resistant varieties like RD-2503,RD-2508,RD-2552,DL-88,Alfa-93 .

Four sprays of Zeneb at the rate of 2 kg per hectare in 700-800 litres of water at fortnightly intervals offer an effective control.


a) White antsb) Termitesc) Gujhia weevild) Cutworms

Control- Use 2 percent Methyl parathion or Malathion dust at the rate of 20-25 kg per hectare and mix it well in the soil at the time of last ploughing before sowing.



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The crop should be harvested immediately after it ripens otherwise it might lodge and shatter grains.Harvesting of crop is done with sickle and harvester.


30-35 quintals of grain and 40-50 quintals of straw per hectare.

Created & Uploaded by: - RISHI RAJ (13121)